0000 00:00:05,000 --> 00:00:10,000 YoubetCash.net Agen Judi Online Aman & Terpercaya 000 00:00:11,000 --> 00:00:15,000 Bonus Cashback Bola 6% Bonus Rollingan 0,80% 00 00:00:16,000 --> 00:00:20,000 Welcome Bonus Rp 25.000 Extra Bonus Tambahan Withdraw Rp 2.000.000 0 00:00:21,000 --> 00:00:25,000 CashBack Mix Parlay 100% Bonus Ajak teman 45,2% 1 00:00:24,775 --> 00:00:28,946 THE DOCKS OF NEW YORK 2 00:01:19,079 --> 00:01:23,417 The waterfront of New York - the end of many journeys, the beginning of many adventures. 3 00:01:32,551 --> 00:01:37,598 Miles of docks wait day and night for strange cargo - and stranger men. 4 00:01:41,977 --> 00:01:51,153 Ships come in from the sea - tarrying a day or two in the endless journey from port to port. 5 00:02:10,339 --> 00:02:13,884 These were the days before oil fuel made stoking a lady's job - 6 00:02:13,884 --> 00:02:17,221 when stokers earned their pay in sweat and coal-dust. 7 00:02:45,791 --> 00:02:49,962 "Well, Bill! We brought the ol' barge in right on time!" 8 00:03:22,911 --> 00:03:27,875 "Pick up that waste! Nobody goes ashore till this hole is cleaned up!" 9 00:03:45,434 --> 00:03:49,396 "This packet sails tomorrow morning." 10 00:03:52,107 --> 00:03:58,989 "You've got one night ashore. If any o' you muckers come back drunk, you'll do double shift!" 11 00:04:12,336 --> 00:04:16,924 "He's the most even- tempered guy I ever knew - always sore!" 12 00:04:39,446 --> 00:04:42,574 "He thinks we're goin' ashore to play marbles!" 13 00:05:52,436 --> 00:05:59,526 The Sandbar, a cable's length from the wharf, has vanished now - wiped out by commerce and reform. 14 00:05:59,526 --> 00:06:03,697 But that night it was wide awake and roaring. 15 00:07:10,430 --> 00:07:12,933 Save his soul and money comes to Hymn-Book Harry 16 00:08:21,668 --> 00:08:22,794 "Meet my husband!" 17 00:08:38,435 --> 00:08:44,066 "Well, Andy! I guess you never expected to run across me here!" 18 00:09:17,015 --> 00:09:20,769 Night and fog met the stokers coming ashore. 19 00:10:36,053 --> 00:10:38,931 "Hey, Bill! That's no place to take a lady!" 20 00:11:39,199 --> 00:11:41,034 "Come on, Bill. They'll take care of her!" 21 00:12:18,238 --> 00:12:21,950 "Okay, Bill! Be a hero an' leave your pal!" 22 00:12:26,538 --> 00:12:29,374 "But just remember Singapore - - an' recollect Shanghai!" 23 00:12:48,060 --> 00:12:54,149 "Well, you gave me the air. It's been three years - what did you expect me to do?" 24 00:13:17,714 --> 00:13:21,260 "Take that out o' here - before you draw the police!" 25 00:15:15,249 --> 00:15:16,291 "Get her a hot drink!" 26 00:17:07,194 --> 00:17:08,946 "One hot toddy!" 27 00:17:20,290 --> 00:17:26,004 "You're not goin' in there! That's the only rag she had to her back!" 28 00:20:16,341 --> 00:20:19,386 "So you're the guy that saved my life?" 29 00:20:36,945 --> 00:20:41,033 "You could have saved yourself the trouble, an' let me die." 30 00:20:53,003 --> 00:20:58,008 "All right! Make believe you died - make believe you're startin' all over again!" 31 00:21:08,560 --> 00:21:13,982 "You left all that slush in the river, Baby. All you need is a good time!" 32 00:21:17,903 --> 00:21:19,530 "I've had too many good times." 33 00:21:28,997 --> 00:21:31,834 "You ain't never been out with Bill Roberts." 34 00:21:38,882 --> 00:21:40,676 "Dry up before you catch cold!" 35 00:21:50,602 --> 00:21:51,311 "Would you care?" 36 00:22:02,155 --> 00:22:03,407 "Well, I might..." 37 00:22:11,707 --> 00:22:19,756 "After a month in the stoke-hole, I got no sympathy for anybody that wants to quit a swell world like this!" 38 00:22:35,939 --> 00:22:39,693 "Throw yourself into them new rags an' give me a chance!" 39 00:22:45,991 --> 00:22:48,744 "All right, Bill Roberts, I'll give you a chance." 40 00:22:52,414 --> 00:22:55,834 "Anyway, I can always make a hole in the water." 41 00:23:53,559 --> 00:24:02,359 "Are you goin' to let me have a good time in my own quiet way - or must I take this place apart?" 42 00:25:11,512 --> 00:25:13,096 "Thought you might want your tie - Bill." 43 00:25:43,544 --> 00:25:44,628 "Pretty, ain't she?" 44 00:26:06,608 --> 00:26:11,446 "You better take my tip - an' stay away from that dame!" 45 00:26:31,383 --> 00:26:35,429 "Shove off, my lad! I want to talk with your lady friend." 46 00:26:49,526 --> 00:26:55,199 "You may be big game aboard ship, but you're only an animal-cracker here." 47 00:28:54,276 --> 00:28:56,111 "Gee, but you're strong!" 48 00:30:09,852 --> 00:30:12,020 "I guess you've known a lot o' girls." 49 00:30:15,983 --> 00:30:18,360 "I ain't braggin' about my love-affairs." 50 00:30:23,490 --> 00:30:25,242 "I'm not braggin', either." 51 00:30:47,139 --> 00:30:48,599 "Ever been married, Bill?" 52 00:30:53,312 --> 00:30:55,522 "Say, who'd marry a guy like me?" 53 00:30:59,443 --> 00:31:02,154 "Oh, I don't know. A lot o' girls might." 54 00:31:37,231 --> 00:31:38,815 "You ever been married, Baby?" 55 00:31:43,111 --> 00:31:45,113 "Say, who'd marry a girl like me?" 56 00:31:56,583 --> 00:32:02,506 "I've sailed the seven seas, but I never saw a craft as trim as you." 57 00:32:11,098 --> 00:32:14,268 "I don't think it's fair of you to kid me." 58 00:32:22,442 --> 00:32:25,279 "Say! What makes you think I'm kiddin'?" 59 00:32:33,036 --> 00:32:39,751 "What did you ever do that makes you worse than me? I'd marry you in a minute!" 60 00:32:46,133 --> 00:32:50,304 "An' come to think of it, I'll marry you right now!" 61 00:32:59,062 --> 00:33:02,316 "You don't know Bill Roberts! I'll try anything once!" 62 00:33:17,831 --> 00:33:23,045 "Get me a parson - I'm goin' to get spliced to my girl friend!" 63 00:33:25,756 --> 00:33:29,468 "Come back here, Bill - don't make a fool o' yourself!" 64 00:33:52,533 --> 00:33:53,283 "Meet the bride!" 65 00:33:56,870 --> 00:34:00,791 "I better get Hymn-Book Harry - before he wrecks the place!" 66 00:34:25,190 --> 00:34:30,362 "I'm goin' to do right by our Nell! I'm goin' to marry her - here an' now!" 67 00:34:41,248 --> 00:34:45,669 "Do you think he can make you decent by marryin' you?" 68 00:34:49,089 --> 00:34:51,216 "I don't know what to think, any more." 69 00:35:02,102 --> 00:35:04,897 "Until I got married, I was decent!" 70 00:35:17,701 --> 00:35:20,954 "We'll give you a marriage you'll never forget!" 71 00:36:48,333 --> 00:36:49,168 "Where's your license?" 72 00:37:19,239 --> 00:37:26,455 "Are you goin' to queer our fun just because you got to have a little piece o' paper?" 73 00:37:31,668 --> 00:37:36,673 "If you got to have a license, Bill will get one first thing in the morning." 74 00:37:41,261 --> 00:37:42,012 "Won't you, Bill?" 75 00:37:46,266 --> 00:37:49,061 "Word of honor, Parson. First thing in the morning!" 76 00:38:01,448 --> 00:38:03,951 "Let the old fusser go! I'll marry you." 77 00:38:14,169 --> 00:38:21,385 "If any of you eggs know why these heels shouldn't get hitched, speak now or forever after hold your trap!" 79 00:38:52,291 --> 00:38:54,585 "Does it mean that much to you?" 80 00:39:26,241 --> 00:39:32,623 "Dearly beloved, we are gathered together in the sight of God and in the face of this company -" 81 00:39:36,460 --> 00:39:39,463 "- to join this Man, and this Woman, in Holy Matrimony." 82 00:39:51,350 --> 00:39:56,730 "Matrimony is an honorable estate .... and is not to be entered into lightly -" 83 00:40:05,113 --> 00:40:08,450 "Do you take this woman to be your wedded wife?" 84 00:40:17,584 --> 00:40:27,135 "Will you love her, comfort her, honor her, and keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others -- as long as you both shall live?" 85 00:40:29,221 --> 00:40:30,097 "Sure, I will!" 86 00:41:09,845 --> 00:41:10,596 "I will." 87 00:41:17,519 --> 00:41:18,979 "Give me the ring." 88 00:41:33,994 --> 00:41:37,915 "Here's mine - I hope it does you more good than it did me!" 89 00:42:56,285 --> 00:42:58,495 "Here's your wages, Parson. Easy come, easy go!" 90 00:43:07,379 --> 00:43:12,759 "I expect you to bring me the license in the morning. Pay me then." 91 00:44:08,106 --> 00:44:09,942 "What's the meanin' of this jamboree?" 92 00:44:13,070 --> 00:44:16,114 "Oh, I thought I'd get married, and settle down." 93 00:44:20,994 --> 00:44:24,748 "But how are you goin' to get rid of her?" 94 00:44:28,502 --> 00:44:32,172 "Who says I want to get rid of her?" 95 00:44:49,773 --> 00:44:54,945 "I know you, Bill Roberts! You might fool her, but you can't fool me!" 96 00:45:47,748 --> 00:45:49,458 "What lady threw that shoe?" 97 00:46:30,707 --> 00:46:33,585 "You don't know what this means to me, Bill!" 98 00:46:36,964 --> 00:46:38,757 "I'll be a good wife, Bill." 99 00:46:47,182 --> 00:46:49,101 Morning. 100 00:48:38,335 --> 00:48:39,461 "Got a match, Chief?" 101 00:48:52,933 --> 00:48:55,435 "I s'pose you've forgot all about last night?" 102 00:49:04,736 --> 00:49:08,991 "Wasn't you never young, Chief? I was just havin' a good time!" 103 00:49:13,579 --> 00:49:16,707 "I s'pose you've forgot about gettin' married, too." 104 00:49:25,174 --> 00:49:27,342 "Chief, last night's over. Today's another day!" 105 00:49:33,265 --> 00:49:40,481 "Mebbe for you, but not for me. That sock in the jaw will cost you your job!" 106 00:49:49,239 --> 00:49:53,785 "One ship's as good as another, Chief. Any port in a storm!" 107 00:50:44,503 --> 00:50:47,798 "Get out o' here - or my husband will kill you!" 108 00:50:52,845 --> 00:50:53,554 "Don't kid me!" 109 00:51:33,093 --> 00:51:38,182 "Don't let Bill Roberts stand between you an' me - you know he ain't comin' back!" 110 00:51:41,643 --> 00:51:44,438 "You're a dirty liar! He is comin' back!" 111 00:53:40,971 --> 00:53:44,099 "Rustle that stretcher - this guy's in bad shape!" 112 00:53:53,025 --> 00:53:55,819 "You won't get nowhere keepin' your mouth shut!" 113 00:53:58,238 --> 00:54:01,366 "I warned you! Now beat it - while you got time!" 114 00:54:19,510 --> 00:54:20,469 "I'm her husband." 115 00:54:35,776 --> 00:54:39,112 "She didn't shoot him. The kid wouldn't hurt a fly!" 116 00:55:06,014 --> 00:55:10,853 "I shot him, an' nobody else is goin' to get the credit for it." 117 00:55:16,233 --> 00:55:20,612 "I'm his wife. He gave me the air once too often!" 118 00:55:26,660 --> 00:55:28,495 "Why didn't you say so before?" 119 00:55:30,831 --> 00:55:31,790 "I didn't care - before." 120 00:55:52,102 --> 00:55:56,690 "I hope you have better luck than me - - but I doubt it." 121 00:56:23,800 --> 00:56:26,595 "I didn't figure on your comin' back to help me." 122 00:56:31,934 --> 00:56:34,228 "You didn't need my help, Baby." 123 00:56:45,489 --> 00:56:46,323 "Goin' away - Bill?" 124 00:56:48,826 --> 00:56:53,831 "Sorry, Baby. Sailin' in an hour - - I never missed a ship in my life." 125 00:57:02,589 --> 00:57:07,886 "Could you give me a minute to - to get used to it, Bill?" 126 00:57:31,785 --> 00:57:36,665 "I never even thanked you for pullin' me out o' the water." 127 00:57:39,710 --> 00:57:40,836 "That's all right!" 128 00:57:52,222 --> 00:57:57,060 "An' I never thanked you for them swell clothes you bought me." 129 00:58:06,403 --> 00:58:08,322 "That's all right, too." 130 00:58:30,594 --> 00:58:36,725 "An' I guess you expect me to thank you for bein' decent enough to make me your wife." 131 00:58:47,277 --> 00:58:53,575 "Now listen, kid - you can't get me sore! I never did a decent thing in my life." 132 00:59:08,340 --> 00:59:12,511 "I've always been like this. There ain't no power on earth that could ever keep me ashore!" 133 00:59:23,147 --> 00:59:31,238 "Why get serious about it, anyway? You knew all I had was one night ashore - you knew I was just a dirty stoker!" 134 00:59:34,408 --> 00:59:36,076 "You ain't so bad, Bill Roberts!" 135 00:59:45,043 --> 00:59:53,302 "But it would have been kind o' funny if this had been on the level - even for a couple o' months." 136 01:00:07,566 --> 01:00:14,114 "Maybe if I ever stayed ashore for as long as a couple o' months I'd get to like it." 137 01:00:43,644 --> 01:00:45,604 "Get a move on, Bill. Time's up!" 138 01:00:48,649 --> 01:00:49,650 "So long, Baby." 139 01:01:08,669 --> 01:01:10,045 "Well - goodbye - Bill." 140 01:01:24,935 --> 01:01:28,772 "Come on out o' this - before you get into another mess!" 141 01:02:16,653 --> 01:02:21,617 "I'll fix it for you, Bill. You can't go to sea like this." 142 01:04:33,874 --> 01:04:38,003 "What are you tryin' to do - bring me more bad luck?" 143 01:04:44,301 --> 01:04:44,927 "Superstitious, are you?" 144 01:06:29,823 --> 01:06:34,828 "The nerve of that dame - bawling me out after all I done for her!" 145 01:06:37,122 --> 01:06:41,752 "I could of told you before that she was no good - like all females!" 146 01:08:23,270 --> 01:08:28,775 "Lucky for you I happened along! If I hadn't pried you loose, she'd of stuck like a barnacle!" 147 01:08:57,471 --> 01:09:00,724 "Buck into it, you two! I want steam, not talk!" 148 01:09:19,159 --> 01:09:21,870 "I'll have you put in irons for this!" 149 01:10:47,998 --> 01:10:49,333 "Where's my wife?" 150 01:10:53,837 --> 01:10:55,714 "In jail, where she belongs." 151 01:11:04,681 --> 01:11:06,141 "What's she in jail for?" 152 01:11:08,852 --> 01:11:13,023 "Why don't you go to the Night Court an' find out?" 153 01:11:40,968 --> 01:11:42,594 "Thirty days. Next case!" 154 01:12:07,244 --> 01:12:12,791 "You are charged with having in your possession clothes stolen from the Harbor Pawn Shop." 155 01:12:20,799 --> 01:12:22,259 "How did you get them?" 156 01:12:28,932 --> 01:12:31,768 "My husband gave them to me." 157 01:12:34,354 --> 01:12:36,064 "Where is your husband?" 158 01:12:40,194 --> 01:12:42,070 "He left me this morning." 159 01:12:46,658 --> 01:12:49,453 "How long have you been married?" 160 01:12:55,209 --> 01:12:57,461 "I was married last night." 161 01:13:03,550 --> 01:13:05,260 "Thirty days. Next case!" 162 01:13:20,234 --> 01:13:25,155 "Just a minute, Captain! I'm her husband. I pinched them duds myself!" 163 01:13:34,832 --> 01:13:40,170 "Break in anywhere - take anything you want - - that's your idea, I suppose?" 164 01:13:44,842 --> 01:13:50,180 "No, sir, I rung the bell! But there wasn't no answer, so I helped myself." 165 01:13:54,017 --> 01:13:59,398 "I see - man of importance - no time to waste. Just what was your hurry?" 166 01:14:03,193 --> 01:14:10,200 "Well sir, I'm a stoker. I only had one night ashore, an' I wanted to have a good time." 167 01:14:15,706 --> 01:14:19,835 "Sixty days will slow you down. Release the woman. Next case!" 168 01:14:37,811 --> 01:14:44,651 "Sixty days ain't a long cruise, Baby - an' it'll be my last one, if you'll wait. 169 01:14:57,414 --> 01:14:59,875 "I guess I'd wait forever, Bill."