0000 00:00:05,000 --> 00:00:10,000 YoubetCash.net Agen Judi Online Aman & Terpercaya 000 00:00:11,000 --> 00:00:15,000 Bonus Cashback Bola 6% Bonus Rollingan 0,80% 00 00:00:16,000 --> 00:00:20,000 Welcome Bonus Rp 25.000 Extra Bonus Tambahan Withdraw Rp 2.000.000 0 00:00:21,000 --> 00:00:25,000 CashBack Mix Parlay 100% Bonus Ajak teman 45,2% 1 00:00:19,502 --> 00:00:24,502 2 00:02:59,391 --> 00:03:00,683 Evenin', Mrs Peters. 3 00:03:00,766 --> 00:03:02,891 - Evenin', Martin. - Lovely day. 4 00:03:03,058 --> 00:03:05,641 Yeah, lovely. Feel like autumn's comin', don't it? 5 00:03:05,725 --> 00:03:07,683 Should have a fish or two for you in the mornin'. 6 00:03:07,766 --> 00:03:09,058 Proper job. 7 00:06:05,183 --> 00:06:06,183 See you later, Dad. 8 00:06:29,183 --> 00:06:30,641 How was the drive? 9 00:06:31,433 --> 00:06:33,641 Awful. Seven hours. 10 00:06:34,516 --> 00:06:35,475 Same. 11 00:06:36,016 --> 00:06:38,350 Never mind. We're here now. 12 00:06:38,475 --> 00:06:39,391 Yeah. 13 00:07:51,558 --> 00:07:52,516 Oi! 14 00:07:53,475 --> 00:07:55,308 - Can I borrow it? - No! 15 00:07:55,975 --> 00:07:57,683 - Can I hire it? - No! 16 00:07:59,350 --> 00:08:00,600 I'll buy one. 17 00:08:01,725 --> 00:08:03,141 - You're not using them. - Give it 'ere. 18 00:08:11,558 --> 00:08:13,266 Go play on the beach. 19 00:08:23,683 --> 00:08:24,725 Alright? 20 00:08:25,225 --> 00:08:26,100 Hi. 21 00:08:27,516 --> 00:08:28,933 When'd you get down? 22 00:08:29,600 --> 00:08:30,641 Just now. 23 00:08:31,641 --> 00:08:32,766 You out tonight? 24 00:08:33,808 --> 00:08:34,850 Maybe. 25 00:08:39,391 --> 00:08:40,600 See you later, then. 26 00:09:30,683 --> 00:09:31,850 Yew. 27 00:09:32,058 --> 00:09:33,350 Yew, wasson? 28 00:09:33,600 --> 00:09:34,850 Nothin' much. 29 00:09:34,933 --> 00:09:36,016 Gettin' many? 30 00:09:36,266 --> 00:09:37,433 Not enough. 31 00:09:48,683 --> 00:09:50,725 It's a very difficult industry 32 00:09:50,808 --> 00:09:53,308 and remember the margins here are... 33 00:10:03,100 --> 00:10:05,266 ...are because of the supermarkets... 34 00:10:19,933 --> 00:10:20,808 Yew. 35 00:10:22,100 --> 00:10:22,975 Right bud? 36 00:10:23,266 --> 00:10:24,266 Need any help? 37 00:10:25,266 --> 00:10:26,683 - Nothin' doin'. - No? 38 00:10:28,808 --> 00:10:29,725 Soon. 39 00:10:31,558 --> 00:10:33,891 Ain't you got better things to be doing on a Friday night? 40 00:10:34,850 --> 00:10:35,975 Skint. 41 00:10:50,016 --> 00:10:50,975 Alright, boy? 42 00:10:51,100 --> 00:10:52,641 - Alright, Dad? - Wasson? 43 00:10:52,808 --> 00:10:53,683 Nothin'. 44 00:10:53,808 --> 00:10:56,391 D'you wanna come out with me tomorrow? Could do with the help. 45 00:10:56,516 --> 00:10:57,641 Nah, you're alright. 46 00:10:58,391 --> 00:11:00,850 - Need the money, don't you? - Not that much, he don't. 47 00:11:01,933 --> 00:11:03,391 You got something to say, Martin? 48 00:11:04,391 --> 00:11:05,558 Just said it, brother. 49 00:11:07,225 --> 00:11:08,558 What about you? 50 00:11:09,975 --> 00:11:11,100 I'm fishing. 51 00:11:11,516 --> 00:11:14,183 Offer's always open. You come back whenever you want. 52 00:11:14,891 --> 00:11:15,891 No thanks. 53 00:11:18,808 --> 00:11:19,850 See you later, then. 54 00:11:22,558 --> 00:11:23,766 Back for tea? 55 00:11:24,183 --> 00:11:25,183 Maybe. 56 00:11:25,933 --> 00:11:27,391 - Neil. - Yeah? 57 00:11:28,100 --> 00:11:29,391 Wanna haul the net with me 'morra? 58 00:11:30,475 --> 00:11:31,391 Yeah. 59 00:11:31,975 --> 00:11:34,308 - I'll give you a knock about six. - Cool. 60 00:11:49,141 --> 00:11:50,516 Just the man! 61 00:11:52,266 --> 00:11:56,266 I'm going to have to ask you again not to leave your truck outside. 62 00:11:56,600 --> 00:11:58,183 It is private parking. 63 00:11:58,308 --> 00:11:59,808 And people might bump it. 64 00:11:59,975 --> 00:12:02,266 Don't worry 'bout that, she's pretty sturdy. 65 00:12:06,683 --> 00:12:08,141 Can I stay in the net loft? 66 00:12:12,350 --> 00:12:13,266 Can I? 67 00:12:13,725 --> 00:12:14,808 It's booked. 68 00:12:15,141 --> 00:12:16,391 Not until tomorrow. 69 00:12:17,308 --> 00:12:18,516 The cleaner's been. 70 00:12:19,558 --> 00:12:21,558 - So? - Yeah, I'll move it. 71 00:12:21,891 --> 00:12:23,391 I'm going home now, anyways. 72 00:12:24,100 --> 00:12:25,058 Hi. 73 00:12:27,766 --> 00:12:29,641 - Where are you off? - Out. 74 00:12:33,266 --> 00:12:34,225 Thanks. 75 00:12:36,016 --> 00:12:36,975 Katie? 76 00:12:37,308 --> 00:12:39,475 - Yeah? - Don't be back too late. 77 00:12:39,808 --> 00:12:40,683 Okay! 78 00:12:45,350 --> 00:12:47,100 Buddin' fisherman, y'got 'ere. 79 00:12:47,475 --> 00:12:50,058 And the pound going up would benefit farmers. 80 00:12:51,058 --> 00:12:53,975 One person said to me, "I don't think it'll make that much... 81 00:12:54,100 --> 00:12:55,308 They're probably mine. 82 00:12:56,725 --> 00:12:58,975 ...I do my shopping and pay my bills every week 83 00:12:59,058 --> 00:13:00,850 - so it doesn't make much difference. - I doubt it. 84 00:13:00,933 --> 00:13:02,391 I've lost enough of 'em. 85 00:13:02,641 --> 00:13:04,058 I bought them online. 86 00:13:05,516 --> 00:13:07,183 A question I put to a man... 87 00:13:07,475 --> 00:13:09,100 Didn't like the pantry, then? 88 00:13:12,725 --> 00:13:14,225 Needed modernising. 89 00:13:15,850 --> 00:13:17,433 Nice porthole, though. 90 00:13:17,933 --> 00:13:19,725 It was the response from the director 91 00:13:19,808 --> 00:13:21,891 of the Food and Drink Federation, who represents some of... 92 00:13:22,016 --> 00:13:23,350 Very nautical. 93 00:13:28,308 --> 00:13:30,683 You didn't have to sell us this house. 94 00:13:30,975 --> 00:13:31,933 Didn't we? 95 00:13:45,141 --> 00:13:47,891 Cheers. 96 00:13:49,600 --> 00:13:51,808 - When'd you get down? - Last week. 97 00:14:00,808 --> 00:14:01,933 Any parties? 98 00:14:03,016 --> 00:14:04,100 Yeah, a few. 99 00:15:24,766 --> 00:15:25,808 Mornin'. 100 00:15:27,308 --> 00:15:28,475 Alright, Mar? 101 00:15:29,100 --> 00:15:30,141 Good night? 102 00:15:30,600 --> 00:15:31,725 Yeah. 103 00:15:51,725 --> 00:15:52,683 Yew. 104 00:15:54,391 --> 00:15:55,516 Wasson? 105 00:15:56,350 --> 00:15:57,433 Boy 'ere? 106 00:15:59,725 --> 00:16:00,891 Didn't come home. 107 00:16:04,266 --> 00:16:05,600 I went in the house. 108 00:16:05,933 --> 00:16:07,975 - What house? - The old house. 109 00:16:12,058 --> 00:16:13,266 What's it like? 110 00:16:14,058 --> 00:16:15,850 Been modernised. 111 00:16:17,350 --> 00:16:20,433 All bleddy ropes and chains, though, y'know? 112 00:16:20,516 --> 00:16:22,225 Look a bit like a sex dungeon. 113 00:16:22,558 --> 00:16:23,475 Hm. 114 00:16:23,683 --> 00:16:25,933 ...people are estimated by the government to be victims 115 00:16:25,975 --> 00:16:28,058 - of forced labour... - They got a porthole. 116 00:17:32,558 --> 00:17:34,891 Wakey, wakey! Hands off snakey! 117 00:17:36,850 --> 00:17:37,725 Fuck off! 118 00:17:41,600 --> 00:17:42,516 Fuck off! 119 00:17:47,141 --> 00:17:48,600 See you on the beach. 120 00:19:52,558 --> 00:19:55,558 So, then what I understand from you is that Dr Fox's... 121 00:19:59,391 --> 00:20:03,141 ...effectively grant ministers the power to write law behind parliament's back. 122 00:20:03,475 --> 00:20:05,183 Isn't that just a coded way of saying... 123 00:20:05,475 --> 00:20:06,766 Piss off, Hugo. 124 00:20:10,766 --> 00:20:14,808 Well, the bill was published just 24 hours after the deadline... 125 00:20:17,433 --> 00:20:20,891 Don't forget that Dr Fox wasn't interested in what businesses 126 00:20:21,016 --> 00:20:24,141 trade unions and other affected parties had to say on the subject. 127 00:20:24,266 --> 00:20:26,100 Here she is. 128 00:20:26,308 --> 00:20:27,683 Dirty stop out! 129 00:20:28,766 --> 00:20:32,433 So, a wide-ranging market access agreement with the US 130 00:20:32,516 --> 00:20:34,266 requires a bonfire of those... 131 00:20:34,391 --> 00:20:37,308 You do need to let us know if you're not coming home, darling. 132 00:20:39,308 --> 00:20:40,350 Sorry. 133 00:20:40,600 --> 00:20:43,391 ...does not want to give parliament any means of obstruction. 134 00:20:43,516 --> 00:20:45,766 Exactly, negotiations will be tough 135 00:20:45,850 --> 00:20:50,016 and Britain, as the junior party, will be forced into some ugly compromises. 136 00:20:50,725 --> 00:20:54,016 Arguments in Westminster about the desirability of importing 137 00:20:54,100 --> 00:20:57,766 chlorine-washed American chicken is that it's an early sign of things to come. 138 00:20:58,475 --> 00:21:00,058 If we think back to the referendum 139 00:21:00,141 --> 00:21:03,350 we remember the economists saying there will be clear-cut advantages 140 00:21:03,433 --> 00:21:05,058 to leaving the EU. 141 00:21:05,141 --> 00:21:07,975 We would regain control over fishing rights around our coasts... 142 00:21:12,808 --> 00:21:13,766 Bass? 143 00:21:14,141 --> 00:21:15,558 How many you got? 144 00:21:16,433 --> 00:21:18,725 - Four. - Could do with more. 145 00:21:19,475 --> 00:21:20,725 All I got. 146 00:21:22,725 --> 00:21:23,808 How much? 147 00:21:24,600 --> 00:21:25,641 Thirty quid. 148 00:21:59,350 --> 00:22:00,350 Cheers. 149 00:22:02,141 --> 00:22:03,391 Got yourself a helper, then? 150 00:22:05,391 --> 00:22:06,391 Crew. 151 00:22:07,350 --> 00:22:09,058 You haven't got a boat, Martin. 152 00:22:09,308 --> 00:22:12,100 - Will have soon. - Yeah, at your prices! 153 00:22:12,725 --> 00:22:14,016 See you dreckly, Liz. 154 00:22:22,308 --> 00:22:23,225 This way. 155 00:22:23,600 --> 00:22:25,725 Sorry about the parking. 156 00:22:25,808 --> 00:22:26,683 That's okay. 157 00:22:26,766 --> 00:22:29,391 But if you park in the car park for now, we'll reimburse you. 158 00:22:29,475 --> 00:22:30,350 Thank you. 159 00:22:37,391 --> 00:22:38,600 Here we are! 160 00:22:40,808 --> 00:22:42,641 It's an old fisherman's net loft. 161 00:22:42,766 --> 00:22:43,933 This looks lovely! 162 00:22:44,016 --> 00:22:46,433 It was totally derelict when we bought it. 163 00:22:46,683 --> 00:22:47,600 Really? 164 00:22:49,141 --> 00:22:50,391 Oh, wow! 165 00:22:52,933 --> 00:22:58,433 There's some milk, some local cheese and a bottle of fizz in there for you. 166 00:22:59,100 --> 00:23:00,350 And a homemade cream tea. 167 00:23:01,141 --> 00:23:02,183 Thank you. 168 00:23:17,725 --> 00:23:18,933 Shall I leave these here? 169 00:23:21,058 --> 00:23:22,891 - Yeah, they're yours now. - Yeah? 170 00:23:23,308 --> 00:23:26,058 Yeah, you might wanna wear 'em in the pub, pull more posh birds. 171 00:23:26,141 --> 00:23:27,058 Shut up! 172 00:23:30,141 --> 00:23:31,141 Mornin', Jacques! 173 00:23:41,600 --> 00:23:42,600 Am I done? 174 00:23:42,808 --> 00:23:43,683 Yeah. 175 00:23:54,183 --> 00:23:55,141 Cool. 176 00:25:54,600 --> 00:25:56,600 Two sea bass? 177 00:25:58,766 --> 00:25:59,766 Thank you. 178 00:25:59,891 --> 00:26:00,933 Bon appétit. 179 00:26:05,058 --> 00:26:06,558 How's Wenna gettin' on, then? 180 00:26:17,058 --> 00:26:18,308 Alright, Mar? 181 00:26:19,266 --> 00:26:20,641 Behavin' yerself, bird? 182 00:26:20,891 --> 00:26:21,850 Yeah, man. 183 00:26:22,391 --> 00:26:23,600 Stayin' out of trouble? 184 00:26:23,891 --> 00:26:24,891 Yeah, man. 185 00:26:26,350 --> 00:26:27,266 Check that out. 186 00:26:28,058 --> 00:26:29,058 Ell up. 187 00:26:29,475 --> 00:26:31,350 - Know who that is? - Yeah. 188 00:26:31,808 --> 00:26:33,725 He's wasting his time with her. 189 00:26:34,016 --> 00:26:35,475 - Yeah? - Yeah. 190 00:26:36,308 --> 00:26:38,975 Ow's she gonna suck his dick with that plum in 'er mouth? 191 00:26:40,391 --> 00:26:41,391 Wenna! 192 00:26:42,641 --> 00:26:45,850 Can't understand a bleddy word she says, neither. 193 00:26:46,141 --> 00:26:48,641 There's one over there, right, who's so fuckin' posh 194 00:26:48,891 --> 00:26:50,975 I honestly thought he was speaking German. 195 00:26:51,516 --> 00:26:53,516 Scuse me, are you serving? 196 00:26:54,891 --> 00:26:55,975 Glasses. 197 00:26:59,558 --> 00:27:01,558 Ya, ya, ya, ya! 198 00:27:05,266 --> 00:27:07,100 Shit pub anyways, innit? 199 00:27:08,766 --> 00:27:09,808 Wenna! 200 00:27:10,725 --> 00:27:12,558 Can't even get on the pool table. 201 00:27:12,891 --> 00:27:14,183 I'm warning you! 202 00:28:30,933 --> 00:28:33,058 If only we had something to cook on the fire. 203 00:28:36,183 --> 00:28:37,225 Hey, Hugo? 204 00:28:37,558 --> 00:28:38,558 Piss off. 205 00:29:13,933 --> 00:29:14,891 I'm gonna go. 206 00:29:15,891 --> 00:29:16,850 Kay. 207 00:32:03,850 --> 00:32:05,058 Wasson? 208 00:32:06,100 --> 00:32:07,350 Nothin' much. 209 00:32:07,891 --> 00:32:08,808 New net? 210 00:32:09,683 --> 00:32:11,058 Another net. 211 00:32:12,391 --> 00:32:13,558 More money in lobsters. 212 00:32:14,308 --> 00:32:15,433 With what boat? 213 00:32:15,600 --> 00:32:17,141 Shoot a pot in the old ring bolt. 214 00:34:08,141 --> 00:34:09,016 Alright, Mar? 215 00:34:09,766 --> 00:34:11,225 Boss lady around, is she? 216 00:34:11,808 --> 00:34:12,808 Upstairs. 217 00:34:18,975 --> 00:34:19,975 Liz? 218 00:34:21,600 --> 00:34:22,933 Down in a sec! 219 00:34:53,891 --> 00:34:55,183 I'll have a shot. 220 00:34:56,725 --> 00:34:59,391 - No. - Go on, I'm playing next anyway. 221 00:34:59,475 --> 00:35:00,975 There's money down, squirt. 222 00:35:01,100 --> 00:35:02,850 Don't matter, it's winner stays on. 223 00:35:02,933 --> 00:35:04,350 - No it isn't. - Tis. 224 00:35:05,141 --> 00:35:06,600 - Pot anything? - No. 225 00:35:08,058 --> 00:35:09,016 Go away. 226 00:35:18,766 --> 00:35:19,725 Alright? 227 00:35:21,600 --> 00:35:22,808 Want some lobster? 228 00:35:23,516 --> 00:35:25,641 Maybe. How many you got? 229 00:35:27,058 --> 00:35:28,808 None yet. Couple of days, though. 230 00:35:29,100 --> 00:35:30,766 You got yourself a boat? 231 00:35:31,683 --> 00:35:32,558 Nope. 232 00:35:33,141 --> 00:35:34,933 Shootin' a pot down the gully. 233 00:35:35,183 --> 00:35:36,350 One pot? 234 00:35:38,225 --> 00:35:39,308 Tis a start. 235 00:35:40,350 --> 00:35:41,933 Oh, Martin. 236 00:35:50,183 --> 00:35:51,183 Oi, what you doin'? 237 00:35:51,308 --> 00:35:53,433 Why don't you just go back working with Steven for a bit? 238 00:35:54,016 --> 00:35:54,891 No way. 239 00:35:55,391 --> 00:35:56,975 - Oi. - Earn a bit of proper money. 240 00:35:57,183 --> 00:35:58,141 Oi! 241 00:35:58,933 --> 00:36:00,725 - What? - I got bleddy principles. 242 00:36:01,100 --> 00:36:02,016 I'm playin' you now. 243 00:36:02,100 --> 00:36:03,975 No, I'm going to give him one more chance. 244 00:36:04,058 --> 00:36:05,433 Oh, come on, Martin. 245 00:36:05,516 --> 00:36:06,641 Nah, it's winner stays on. 246 00:36:06,725 --> 00:36:09,016 - Usin' father's boat to take anglers out? - Look. 247 00:36:09,058 --> 00:36:10,891 'Ee'd be spinnin' in his grave and you know it. 248 00:36:11,141 --> 00:36:13,516 - Shut up. - You could be a bit more supportive, Martin. 249 00:36:13,641 --> 00:36:15,433 - Supportive? - You can play in a minute. 250 00:36:15,475 --> 00:36:16,600 - Yeah. - Supportive of 'im? 251 00:36:16,683 --> 00:36:19,058 - Come on, play fair. Winner stays on. - It's not your turn. 252 00:36:19,141 --> 00:36:20,683 He lost his wife, for God's sake! 253 00:36:20,725 --> 00:36:22,350 - You've been on here ages. - Yeah. 254 00:36:22,391 --> 00:36:24,433 Because we had money down. 255 00:36:24,475 --> 00:36:25,850 - Don't work like that. - Yes it does. 256 00:36:25,933 --> 00:36:28,225 - He's got a boy to bring up on his own. - I'm playing you. 257 00:36:28,266 --> 00:36:30,100 - He idn' doin' that very well either, is he? - You're not! 258 00:36:30,141 --> 00:36:31,516 - I am! - D'you think 'e gives a shit 259 00:36:31,558 --> 00:36:32,558 how he earns his money?! 260 00:36:32,641 --> 00:36:34,933 - Well, he fuckin' should do. - I'm warning you. 261 00:36:35,016 --> 00:36:35,891 Fuck off, dickhead. 262 00:36:35,975 --> 00:36:37,683 Will you lot shut the fuck up? 263 00:37:20,266 --> 00:37:21,600 Now you do it! 264 00:38:12,141 --> 00:38:13,308 Take it off, now. 265 00:38:14,058 --> 00:38:15,183 We can't. 266 00:38:15,933 --> 00:38:18,350 - It's the parking company. - You own the street! 267 00:38:18,433 --> 00:38:21,183 - You have to phone the clamping company. - I'll get the number for you. 268 00:38:21,308 --> 00:38:22,891 I don't want the fuckin' number. 269 00:38:23,766 --> 00:38:25,058 D'you want me to bust it off? 270 00:38:25,600 --> 00:38:26,641 If you want to. 271 00:38:26,725 --> 00:38:27,725 No! 272 00:38:28,058 --> 00:38:29,850 It's not something we can get involved with. 273 00:38:29,933 --> 00:38:31,808 You own the bleddy street. 274 00:38:31,975 --> 00:38:34,225 You can't just park there all day. 275 00:38:34,266 --> 00:38:35,933 It's fine you picking stuff up and dropping stuff off... 276 00:38:35,975 --> 00:38:37,933 I work at the harbour. I'm a bleddy fisherman! 277 00:38:38,016 --> 00:38:39,933 Are you? Where's your boat? 278 00:38:40,850 --> 00:38:43,100 Parking needs to be controlled. 279 00:38:43,183 --> 00:38:46,516 - There's usually room in the car park. - Why can't they park in the car park? 280 00:38:46,600 --> 00:38:49,725 Because they pay to be able to park outside. 281 00:38:49,808 --> 00:38:51,891 Never been no issue til you party come along. 282 00:38:51,975 --> 00:38:53,016 Now all of a sudden... 283 00:38:53,058 --> 00:38:55,141 - Not really sudden... - It is all of a sudden. 284 00:38:55,225 --> 00:38:57,350 - Y'only been 'ere five minutes. - Martin. 285 00:38:57,641 --> 00:38:59,975 I'm going to end this conversation now. 286 00:39:02,641 --> 00:39:07,225 We're sorry, Martin, but losing your temper isn't going to help. 287 00:39:07,350 --> 00:39:08,975 I haven't lost me temper yet. 288 00:39:09,016 --> 00:39:10,183 Okay, Martin. 289 00:39:21,558 --> 00:39:22,475 Keep it. 290 00:39:22,933 --> 00:39:23,850 Sorry? 291 00:39:24,641 --> 00:39:26,600 Bugger idn' hardly worth anything anyhow. 292 00:39:27,933 --> 00:39:29,475 Okay. It's up to you. 293 00:39:37,350 --> 00:39:39,100 I'm just tryin' to earn a living, you know? 294 00:39:39,183 --> 00:39:40,475 So are we. 295 00:39:41,808 --> 00:39:42,766 Scuse me. 296 00:40:46,308 --> 00:40:47,808 - What you doing, Mar? - Nothin'. 297 00:40:49,225 --> 00:40:50,391 You been clamped? 298 00:40:50,600 --> 00:40:51,891 I think so, yeah. 299 00:40:52,391 --> 00:40:53,350 Who done that? 300 00:40:53,475 --> 00:40:54,475 Who do you think? 301 00:40:56,433 --> 00:40:57,475 Pricks. 302 00:40:59,808 --> 00:41:00,850 What you doing? 303 00:41:01,016 --> 00:41:02,308 Kicked out the pub. 304 00:41:02,391 --> 00:41:03,641 - What for? - Dunno. 305 00:41:03,725 --> 00:41:05,141 - You work there. - I know. 306 00:41:05,225 --> 00:41:07,641 - Put up a fight, did yer? - Nah, shit pub, anyways. 307 00:41:08,933 --> 00:41:10,766 I got the last laugh, anyhow. 308 00:41:16,016 --> 00:41:17,391 What are you doing, Martin? 309 00:41:18,141 --> 00:41:20,266 It's between me and the clamping company. 310 00:41:20,391 --> 00:41:21,725 Why don't you just fuck off? 311 00:41:22,100 --> 00:41:23,100 Wenna. 312 00:41:24,016 --> 00:41:26,225 Wouldn't it be more sensible if you just paid the fine? 313 00:41:26,308 --> 00:41:28,266 And wouldn't it be better if you just fucked off? 314 00:41:28,350 --> 00:41:30,808 Wenna, shut up! - Do you want me to call the police? 315 00:41:30,891 --> 00:41:32,433 Do you want me to get you a medal? 316 00:41:32,516 --> 00:41:34,391 That's enough. Leave it, Tim. 317 00:41:34,725 --> 00:41:36,183 It's alright, Tim, we're going. 318 00:41:36,433 --> 00:41:38,725 - We don't have to go, Mar. - I know, love. 319 00:41:38,808 --> 00:41:39,683 But we are. 320 00:42:07,808 --> 00:42:08,975 For God's sake! 321 00:42:10,183 --> 00:42:11,725 Come here. 322 00:42:12,391 --> 00:42:13,516 Get in! Oh! 323 00:42:19,225 --> 00:42:20,266 I'm fine. 324 00:42:48,891 --> 00:42:49,850 Wenna! 325 00:43:52,391 --> 00:43:53,350 Excuse me! 326 00:43:56,683 --> 00:43:57,850 Scuse me! 327 00:44:01,141 --> 00:44:02,725 Do you know what time it is? 328 00:44:04,058 --> 00:44:05,475 It's not even seven o'clock! 329 00:44:07,850 --> 00:44:09,058 You've just woken us up! 330 00:44:12,808 --> 00:44:15,183 This is supposed to be a relaxing break! 331 00:44:18,016 --> 00:44:19,475 What's going on? 332 00:44:19,516 --> 00:44:20,558 Look! 333 00:44:22,850 --> 00:44:25,266 Scuse me! 334 00:44:26,391 --> 00:44:28,558 E's gotta go to work, what do you want him to do? 335 00:44:28,641 --> 00:44:29,641 Well, do it later! 336 00:44:29,975 --> 00:44:32,850 Shouldn't be making this kind of noise til at least eight o'clock. 337 00:44:32,933 --> 00:44:34,225 I think it's actually illegal. 338 00:44:34,391 --> 00:44:36,183 You gonna change the tides for 'im? 339 00:44:38,766 --> 00:44:40,225 What? 340 00:44:50,308 --> 00:44:52,058 Do they really have to do that now? 341 00:44:52,141 --> 00:44:55,308 I'm afraid they do. They're fishermen. It's a fishing village. 342 00:44:58,225 --> 00:45:00,558 You're actually making more noise than they are. 343 00:46:43,850 --> 00:46:46,641 Make sure you leave some fish for the rest of us. 344 00:47:25,100 --> 00:47:26,058 Cheers. 345 00:47:26,183 --> 00:47:27,475 What about these lobsters? 346 00:47:29,725 --> 00:47:30,725 Morra. 347 00:47:40,141 --> 00:47:41,475 We'll haul the pot tonight. 348 00:48:56,391 --> 00:48:57,600 Back in a minute. 349 00:48:59,808 --> 00:49:00,683 Yew! 350 00:49:02,225 --> 00:49:03,183 Alright, Mar? 351 00:49:03,225 --> 00:49:04,558 Let you out then, did they? 352 00:49:05,183 --> 00:49:06,058 Yeah. 353 00:49:06,600 --> 00:49:07,683 Charge yer? 354 00:49:08,100 --> 00:49:09,391 Nope, not yet. 355 00:49:09,725 --> 00:49:12,391 Right, well, keep your bleddy head down from now on. 356 00:49:13,100 --> 00:49:14,100 Yeah, man. 357 00:49:15,600 --> 00:49:17,308 You got any money, Mar? 358 00:49:50,891 --> 00:49:53,516 - Wardy y'tuss? - Alright, Brian, wasson? 359 00:49:53,850 --> 00:49:55,058 Ah, not much. 360 00:49:55,391 --> 00:49:57,850 - Still fishin'? - Nah, do this now. 361 00:49:58,183 --> 00:49:59,850 - Full-time? - Yeah. 362 00:50:00,475 --> 00:50:01,475 Bleddy hell. 363 00:50:03,100 --> 00:50:05,225 - Alright, is it? - Spot on, bud. 364 00:50:05,308 --> 00:50:06,391 Ideal. 365 00:50:07,475 --> 00:50:10,391 You still fishin' the Buccaneer with your brother? 366 00:50:10,475 --> 00:50:12,266 Nah, he takes trippers out now. 367 00:50:12,350 --> 00:50:13,433 Ah, pretty. 368 00:50:13,766 --> 00:50:15,766 Fleece 'em for all them worth, I say. 369 00:50:16,308 --> 00:50:17,350 Yeah. 370 00:50:17,641 --> 00:50:19,266 What's 'e doin' in winter? 371 00:50:19,391 --> 00:50:20,308 Dunno. 372 00:50:20,641 --> 00:50:21,808 Soon find out. 373 00:50:21,850 --> 00:50:23,933 - You got a boat, though. - Eh? 374 00:50:24,141 --> 00:50:25,308 You got a boat. 375 00:50:25,350 --> 00:50:27,308 Yeah. How much do I owe? 376 00:50:27,391 --> 00:50:28,891 Hundred. On the nose. 377 00:50:29,225 --> 00:50:30,850 - 'Ow much? - Hundred. 378 00:50:32,725 --> 00:50:35,308 You get a cab all the way back from Cambourne? 379 00:50:35,391 --> 00:50:36,350 Yeah, man. 380 00:50:49,100 --> 00:50:50,891 No wonder you stopped fishing, Bri. 381 00:50:51,100 --> 00:50:52,100 Pretty. 382 00:50:53,141 --> 00:50:54,516 See y'gen, Wardy. 383 00:50:54,641 --> 00:50:55,600 Hope not. 384 00:51:26,350 --> 00:51:27,558 Keep comin', boy. 385 00:51:29,975 --> 00:51:31,058 Keep haulin'. 386 00:51:41,516 --> 00:51:42,891 We've been had, 'ere. 387 00:52:05,808 --> 00:52:06,891 Fuck it! 388 00:52:07,600 --> 00:52:08,516 Chill out, mate! 389 00:52:09,100 --> 00:52:10,225 Fuck off, prick! 390 00:52:10,391 --> 00:52:11,308 Oi! 391 00:52:12,391 --> 00:52:13,433 Calm down. 392 00:52:13,600 --> 00:52:14,850 Get changed. 393 00:52:15,933 --> 00:52:17,641 - Right? - We not shooting the net? 394 00:52:17,850 --> 00:52:18,766 No. 395 00:52:21,308 --> 00:52:22,516 Get on with it. 396 00:52:23,683 --> 00:52:24,891 Wasson? 397 00:52:25,850 --> 00:52:26,808 Nothin'. 398 00:53:13,100 --> 00:53:14,058 Martin! 399 00:53:17,600 --> 00:53:18,475 Martin! 400 00:53:21,100 --> 00:53:22,100 Martin! 401 00:53:25,516 --> 00:53:26,683 Martin! 402 00:53:30,058 --> 00:53:30,975 Martin! 403 00:53:34,058 --> 00:53:34,975 Martin! 404 00:53:37,016 --> 00:53:39,433 ? Paul and Silas thought they were lost ? 405 00:53:39,558 --> 00:53:42,308 ? Dungeon shook and the chains come off ? 406 00:53:42,558 --> 00:53:46,600 ? Keep your eyes on the prize and you roll right on ? 407 00:53:48,475 --> 00:53:51,016 ? Hold on ? 408 00:53:51,475 --> 00:53:53,808 ? Hold on ? 409 00:53:54,516 --> 00:53:58,433 ? Keep your eyes on the prize, and you roll right on ? 410 00:53:59,975 --> 00:54:03,183 ? Well, the only chain this girl can stand? 411 00:54:04,183 --> 00:54:05,058 Alright? 412 00:54:06,141 --> 00:54:09,016 ? Keep your eyes on the prize ? 413 00:54:09,308 --> 00:54:10,225 Good. 414 00:54:12,266 --> 00:54:15,100 ? I'm gonna board that big greyhound ? 415 00:54:15,183 --> 00:54:17,850 ? Carry this love from town to town ? 416 00:54:18,433 --> 00:54:20,225 ? Keep your eyes on the prize ? 417 00:54:20,350 --> 00:54:22,433 Martin. A word, please. 418 00:54:24,100 --> 00:54:26,391 ? Hold on ? 419 00:54:27,058 --> 00:54:28,350 ? Hold on... ? 420 00:54:28,433 --> 00:54:31,141 I just wanted to check in about your truck. 421 00:54:32,975 --> 00:54:34,725 You lot gotta be in charge of everything, ent yer? 422 00:54:36,183 --> 00:54:37,391 How's yer head? 423 00:54:39,391 --> 00:54:40,266 Fine. 424 00:54:40,350 --> 00:54:42,975 Not been knocked out by any more teenage girls, then? 425 00:54:49,016 --> 00:54:51,308 You can't just park where you like, 426 00:54:51,433 --> 00:54:53,975 you live in this community. 427 00:54:54,183 --> 00:54:56,225 Oh. "The community". 428 00:54:56,641 --> 00:54:58,975 Yeah. The community. 429 00:54:59,350 --> 00:55:01,100 "Your" community. 430 00:55:01,350 --> 00:55:02,850 Our community! 431 00:55:02,975 --> 00:55:05,933 - Do you wanna take this outside, gentlemen? - I can't speak for everyone... 432 00:55:06,016 --> 00:55:07,516 You give it a bloody good go, though, dun't 'e? 433 00:55:07,600 --> 00:55:10,475 I don't speak for everyone, but as a resident... 434 00:55:10,558 --> 00:55:12,225 - Tourist. - As a homeowner... 435 00:55:12,308 --> 00:55:14,225 - As a tourist. - As a business owner... 436 00:55:14,308 --> 00:55:15,350 - And a tourist. - As someone... 437 00:55:15,391 --> 00:55:17,433 A tourist. Chairman of the pretty committee. 438 00:55:17,641 --> 00:55:20,183 - As someone who spends a lot of time... - About two months. 439 00:55:20,266 --> 00:55:22,808 - Investing a great deal of money... - In yer tourist business. 440 00:55:22,891 --> 00:55:26,308 - In supporting local industry! - What fuckin' industry?! 441 00:55:26,391 --> 00:55:28,225 - Oi, oi, oi! - The tourism industry! 442 00:55:28,391 --> 00:55:30,100 What? 443 00:55:30,391 --> 00:55:32,266 - Where's the industry? - All around! 444 00:55:32,350 --> 00:55:34,600 There in't no industry. We don't see a penny. 445 00:55:34,683 --> 00:55:35,850 What are you talking about? 446 00:55:35,933 --> 00:55:38,933 You fuckers bring everything down with yer and take it home again! 447 00:55:39,016 --> 00:55:41,475 - What about the people who come in here? - She pay slave wages 448 00:55:41,516 --> 00:55:43,141 and spend the profit in the Maldives! 449 00:55:43,225 --> 00:55:44,475 I buy fish off you, Martin! 450 00:55:44,558 --> 00:55:47,725 For a few weeks in the summer, then you piss off the other side of the world! 451 00:55:48,475 --> 00:55:51,516 Your old man wouldna shut the pub in the winter. 452 00:55:51,725 --> 00:55:53,141 Bleddy disgrace, you are! 453 00:55:53,266 --> 00:55:54,558 - Sell-out! - Get out! 454 00:55:54,725 --> 00:55:56,058 Why don't you go home? 455 00:55:58,308 --> 00:56:01,266 Was gonna say the same to you, you prancin' 456 00:56:01,766 --> 00:56:03,850 Lycra cunt! 457 00:56:05,225 --> 00:56:06,225 Out! 458 00:56:08,100 --> 00:56:09,058 I'm gone. 459 00:56:10,808 --> 00:56:13,308 ? Hold on ? 460 00:56:13,600 --> 00:56:14,725 ? Hold on... ? 461 00:56:14,808 --> 00:56:16,141 Shit pub, anyways. 462 00:56:16,475 --> 00:56:18,808 Don't even play "Winner Stays On" no more. 463 00:56:22,558 --> 00:56:24,766 ? Hold on ? 464 00:56:25,225 --> 00:56:27,933 ? Hold on ? 465 00:56:46,475 --> 00:56:47,933 I'm not happy about this. 466 00:56:49,308 --> 00:56:52,225 The boy's finally used some initiative. 467 00:56:55,725 --> 00:56:58,558 What we gonna do? Put it back in the sea? 468 00:57:00,558 --> 00:57:02,141 Put it in, woman. 469 00:57:09,683 --> 00:57:11,141 Done. 470 00:57:43,141 --> 00:57:46,100 Hugo, I saw your sister with that kid again earlier? 471 00:57:49,475 --> 00:57:50,975 No, you didn't. 472 00:57:51,266 --> 00:57:52,308 In Spar? 473 00:57:56,016 --> 00:57:57,016 Fuck off. 474 00:57:57,766 --> 00:57:59,475 I did as well, actually. 475 00:58:01,891 --> 00:58:03,391 He better not have touched her. 476 00:58:07,475 --> 00:58:08,766 Course he has. 477 00:58:09,516 --> 00:58:10,433 Shut up. 478 00:58:11,933 --> 00:58:12,933 Pub? 479 00:58:13,516 --> 00:58:14,475 Yeah. 480 00:59:47,808 --> 00:59:48,808 Martin. 481 01:00:18,350 --> 01:00:19,350 What is it? 482 01:03:12,808 --> 01:03:13,766 Thank you. 483 01:05:10,266 --> 01:05:11,266 Scuse me? 484 01:05:12,516 --> 01:05:14,641 Which one is Martin Ward's house? 485 01:05:15,308 --> 01:05:17,016 One on the end, my love. 486 01:05:17,350 --> 01:05:18,683 Go round the back. 487 01:05:19,350 --> 01:05:20,433 Thank you. 488 01:05:48,183 --> 01:05:49,183 Hello? 489 01:05:53,558 --> 01:05:54,683 Martin? 490 01:05:56,600 --> 01:05:58,558 Hello? 491 01:06:02,975 --> 01:06:03,975 Martin? 492 01:06:37,725 --> 01:06:41,475 You wanna be shooting strings at tens, not singles. 493 01:06:42,433 --> 01:06:43,308 How? 494 01:06:44,350 --> 01:06:45,475 Buy the boat. 495 01:06:46,016 --> 01:06:46,975 Ain't got the money. 496 01:06:50,058 --> 01:06:51,600 Yes you have. 497 01:07:11,516 --> 01:07:12,558 Alright, Mar? 498 01:07:15,725 --> 01:07:17,266 Where are you off to now? 499 01:07:18,391 --> 01:07:20,058 - For a walk. - Wear a condom. 500 01:07:20,350 --> 01:07:21,225 Oh... 501 01:07:22,516 --> 01:07:23,641 Alright, my love? 502 01:07:25,808 --> 01:07:27,266 I'm buying a boat of me own. 503 01:07:27,808 --> 01:07:28,683 Yeah? 504 01:07:28,766 --> 01:07:30,641 Just a punt, but 'tis a start. 505 01:07:31,350 --> 01:07:32,516 Fuckin' 'ell. 506 01:07:33,350 --> 01:07:34,433 Alright with you? 507 01:07:34,891 --> 01:07:36,183 What, so I'm on the crew? 508 01:07:36,475 --> 01:07:38,141 You are the fuckin' crew. 509 01:07:40,058 --> 01:07:43,058 I want you on the quay first thing, start sorting pots. 510 01:07:43,850 --> 01:07:44,808 Eight-ish? 511 01:07:44,975 --> 01:07:46,350 First light, you prick. 512 01:08:14,725 --> 01:08:15,933 Chill out, mate. 513 01:08:24,850 --> 01:08:27,975 If he could see you now, he'd be spinning in his grave. 514 01:08:28,975 --> 01:08:29,891 Yeah? 515 01:08:31,391 --> 01:08:32,850 Yeah, you know it. 516 01:08:33,600 --> 01:08:34,600 Do I? 517 01:08:36,475 --> 01:08:37,725 In there somewhere. 518 01:08:39,266 --> 01:08:40,475 Is that right? 519 01:08:41,391 --> 01:08:42,558 Yeah. 520 01:08:47,141 --> 01:08:48,641 D'you know what he'd say, don't ye? 521 01:08:53,100 --> 01:08:56,183 What the fuck do you really know about anything, Martin? 522 01:08:56,516 --> 01:08:58,225 I know he'd still be fishin'. 523 01:08:58,308 --> 01:08:59,350 Yeah, yeah. 524 01:09:00,308 --> 01:09:01,683 I'm getting a new boat. 525 01:09:02,725 --> 01:09:03,725 Are ya? 526 01:09:04,891 --> 01:09:07,225 Cause we ain't gonna work this one no more, are we? 527 01:09:08,600 --> 01:09:12,350 Like I said, offer's open. You come back whenever you want. 528 01:09:12,683 --> 01:09:15,600 I'm talking about fishin', not fuckin' hospitality. 529 01:09:17,808 --> 01:09:19,183 I'm takin' Neil on, too. 530 01:09:19,808 --> 01:09:22,308 - Don't talk daft. - It's what he wants to do. 531 01:09:22,558 --> 01:09:24,891 How does he know what he wants to do? 532 01:09:25,350 --> 01:09:26,641 And you do know? 533 01:09:27,975 --> 01:09:29,141 Open your eyes. 534 01:11:31,600 --> 01:11:32,766 What you doing? 535 01:11:37,266 --> 01:11:38,225 Hugo? 536 01:11:40,433 --> 01:11:41,558 What are you doing? 537 01:11:42,141 --> 01:11:43,350 What are you doing? 538 01:11:45,850 --> 01:11:47,683 I'm telling Mum you're hanging around with him. 539 01:11:48,141 --> 01:11:49,975 Don't be such a baby, Hugo. 540 01:11:51,266 --> 01:11:52,641 You go home now. 541 01:11:53,225 --> 01:11:54,266 No. 542 01:11:56,766 --> 01:11:58,183 You're disgusting. 543 01:12:21,058 --> 01:12:21,933 Stop! 544 01:16:43,641 --> 01:16:45,016 - Mornin'. - Yew. 545 01:20:07,308 --> 01:20:08,183 Steven? 546 01:20:26,766 --> 01:20:28,850 They knocked Mother's pantry down. 547 01:24:36,887 --> 01:24:41,887 Subtitles by explosiveskull www.OpenSubtitles.org