2 00:00:51,708 --> 00:00:52,643 Can I come in? 3 00:01:10,093 --> 00:01:11,061 I really am sorry. 4 00:01:14,731 --> 00:01:16,601 I made an appointment with a counselor 5 00:01:17,468 --> 00:01:19,436 and we can go when you get back. 6 00:01:25,209 --> 00:01:26,611 You are coming back? 7 00:02:43,887 --> 00:02:44,755 I gotta pee. 8 00:02:46,155 --> 00:02:48,223 Jesus Steve, how long have we been driving? 9 00:02:48,225 --> 00:02:50,695 10 hours and 42 minutes. 10 00:02:51,929 --> 00:02:54,028 What, are we going to the North Pole? 11 00:02:54,030 --> 00:02:57,198 Keep your dick in your pants, we'll be there soon. 12 00:02:57,200 --> 00:02:58,766 Mac keep his dick in his pants? 13 00:02:58,768 --> 00:02:59,634 Yeah right. 14 00:02:59,636 --> 00:03:01,069 Fuck off, Dave. 15 00:03:01,071 --> 00:03:03,137 He's got a point there. 16 00:03:03,139 --> 00:03:04,041 Fuck you, too! 17 00:03:13,183 --> 00:03:16,083 Mm, alright, a man and a woman are having sex 18 00:03:16,085 --> 00:03:17,586 in a really dark forest. 19 00:03:17,588 --> 00:03:19,020 Much like the forest we're in now. 20 00:03:19,022 --> 00:03:21,058 Shut up, Josh, I'm telling a joke here! 21 00:03:22,091 --> 00:03:24,759 Now after 15 minutes, the guy steps up and says, 22 00:03:24,761 --> 00:03:27,228 shit, I wish I had a flashlight! 23 00:03:27,230 --> 00:03:29,931 Then the woman says, Yeah, I wish I had a flashlight, too. 24 00:03:29,933 --> 00:03:32,801 You've been eating grass for 10 minutes. 25 00:03:32,803 --> 00:03:34,939 Wait, why was he eating grass? 26 00:03:38,608 --> 00:03:40,241 Alright, three guys go to this cabin, 27 00:03:40,243 --> 00:03:43,177 but there aren't enough rooms, so they have to share a bed. 28 00:03:43,179 --> 00:03:44,178 Next morning, they wake up. 29 00:03:44,180 --> 00:03:46,213 Guy on the right says, I had this great dream 30 00:03:46,215 --> 00:03:48,116 that I was getting a handjob. 31 00:03:48,118 --> 00:03:50,986 Guy on the left says, crazy, I had the same dream. 32 00:03:50,988 --> 00:03:53,220 I was getting this great handjob. 33 00:03:53,222 --> 00:03:55,790 The guy in the middle wakes up bushy-eyed and says, 34 00:03:55,792 --> 00:03:58,360 guys, I had this great dream that I went skiing last night. 35 00:04:00,130 --> 00:04:02,132 I don't want any of you guys sleeping with me. 36 00:04:04,201 --> 00:04:05,634 Steve, I gotta pee. 37 00:04:05,636 --> 00:04:07,004 What are you, pregnant? 38 00:04:21,118 --> 00:04:22,219 Well howdy. 39 00:04:23,387 --> 00:04:25,589 Hey guys, what can I get for you? 40 00:04:26,423 --> 00:04:27,291 Feels like I... 41 00:04:28,759 --> 00:04:30,127 Stepped into a movie. 42 00:04:32,262 --> 00:04:34,128 Did you come here to decorate or drink? 43 00:04:34,130 --> 00:04:35,029 I vote for drinking. 44 00:04:35,031 --> 00:04:36,330 Oh, good choice. 45 00:04:36,332 --> 00:04:38,799 Jesus, can we get a fucking drink? 46 00:04:38,801 --> 00:04:40,267 Four whiskeys, straight up. 47 00:04:40,269 --> 00:04:41,402 You got it. 48 00:04:41,404 --> 00:04:42,770 I gotta use the bathroom, please. 49 00:04:42,772 --> 00:04:44,107 Shitter's in the back. 50 00:04:50,346 --> 00:04:52,681 So, where you all heading. 51 00:04:52,683 --> 00:04:54,181 Hunting trip. 52 00:04:54,183 --> 00:04:56,885 Two legs or four legs? 53 00:04:58,187 --> 00:04:59,453 What do you guys do around here? 54 00:04:59,455 --> 00:05:00,323 Drink. 55 00:05:01,158 --> 00:05:02,323 Fuck. 56 00:05:02,325 --> 00:05:04,027 Sounds like my kinda town. 57 00:05:37,226 --> 00:05:39,094 Nice song, faggot. 58 00:06:02,219 --> 00:06:05,022 Hm, guess she wasn't kidding. 59 00:06:06,089 --> 00:06:07,488 Couple of beers. 60 00:06:07,490 --> 00:06:08,358 Sure. 61 00:06:19,401 --> 00:06:23,238 Fucking Mac! 62 00:06:23,240 --> 00:06:25,175 I'm gonna go give, um, Maggie a call. 63 00:06:26,877 --> 00:06:28,179 You keep an eye on him, okay? 64 00:06:29,378 --> 00:06:30,714 No problem Steve. 65 00:06:40,457 --> 00:06:43,060 You know the ladies room is right next door? 66 00:06:55,839 --> 00:06:57,371 Hey, it's Maggie, sorry I missed you. 67 00:06:57,373 --> 00:06:59,407 Leave me a message, though, and I'll call you right back. 68 00:07:00,310 --> 00:07:02,379 Hey Maggie, it's me. 69 00:07:03,445 --> 00:07:08,451 I figured you wouldn't answer. 70 00:07:12,022 --> 00:07:13,457 I just wanted to call and say I'm sorry. 71 00:07:16,091 --> 00:07:18,459 So I, um, hear you guys like to drink 72 00:07:18,461 --> 00:07:19,764 and fuck around here? 73 00:07:26,303 --> 00:07:28,335 You talk too much. 74 00:07:29,973 --> 00:07:32,106 What the fuck are you doing with my lady? 75 00:07:32,108 --> 00:07:34,375 Oh Ed, calm down, we're just having some fun. 76 00:07:34,377 --> 00:07:35,375 I'm not talking to you, bitch. 77 00:07:35,377 --> 00:07:39,414 Whoa, who you calling a bitch, bitch? 78 00:07:39,416 --> 00:07:40,317 Well punch him, Ed! 79 00:07:41,450 --> 00:07:43,119 You gotta get in here, Steve! 80 00:07:44,486 --> 00:07:45,455 Right now, Steve! 81 00:07:49,491 --> 00:07:53,361 Hey, nobody's punching anybody, Ed. 82 00:07:53,363 --> 00:07:55,029 Hey hey hey, whoa whoa whoa, wait now. 83 00:07:55,031 --> 00:07:56,330 Just, hey, just, everyone just take it easy. 84 00:07:58,067 --> 00:07:59,900 You fucking assholes! 85 00:07:59,902 --> 00:08:01,469 You take your shit outside 86 00:08:01,471 --> 00:08:04,505 before I fill you full of lead holes! 87 00:08:04,507 --> 00:08:05,910 We just, we're going. 88 00:08:07,476 --> 00:08:09,479 Okay, we're just, we're leaving. 89 00:08:10,447 --> 00:08:12,447 Yeah, you're leaving. 90 00:08:14,017 --> 00:08:16,553 Thank you so much for all of your hospitality. 91 00:08:24,526 --> 00:08:26,895 What the fuck? 92 00:09:16,680 --> 00:09:18,413 Ahhh! 93 00:09:18,415 --> 00:09:19,950 Where the hell are we? 94 00:09:21,251 --> 00:09:22,386 Where nobody can find us. 95 00:09:25,555 --> 00:09:28,358 Beautiful, great spot, Steve. 96 00:09:31,560 --> 00:09:33,363 Our palace for the weekend, boys. 97 00:09:34,730 --> 00:09:36,566 Glad its to your liking, gentlemen. 98 00:09:50,579 --> 00:09:52,746 Do we have to play for real money? 99 00:09:52,748 --> 00:09:54,250 Oh, Jesus Christ, Josh. 100 00:09:55,618 --> 00:09:56,552 Don't be such a pussy. 101 00:09:57,653 --> 00:09:59,587 Well, how much is it? 102 00:09:59,589 --> 00:10:00,457 How much you bring? 103 00:10:03,759 --> 00:10:05,128 $500. 104 00:10:06,563 --> 00:10:07,431 That'll work! 105 00:10:15,604 --> 00:10:16,606 Ante up, ladies. 106 00:10:18,141 --> 00:10:19,774 This is, this is nice. 107 00:10:19,776 --> 00:10:22,443 This is cozy. 108 00:10:22,445 --> 00:10:24,345 Alright, flip 'em over Steve. 109 00:10:24,347 --> 00:10:26,116 Texas Hold 'Em, bitches. 110 00:10:26,749 --> 00:10:30,650 Okay so, this is poker, right? 111 00:10:30,652 --> 00:10:32,020 Yeah, it's poker, Josh. 112 00:10:33,089 --> 00:10:35,188 It's what you haven't done with your wife in years. 113 00:10:36,626 --> 00:10:37,692 Ha ha ha, how would you know what I do with my wife? 114 00:10:37,694 --> 00:10:39,029 He's just fucking with you, Josh. 115 00:10:39,695 --> 00:10:41,395 Alright, $100 ladies. 116 00:10:41,397 --> 00:10:43,297 A hundred dollars? 117 00:10:43,299 --> 00:10:44,168 Just bet. 118 00:10:48,805 --> 00:10:50,507 You're a fucking bluffer, Mac. 119 00:10:51,807 --> 00:10:53,673 It's too rich for my blood. 120 00:10:53,675 --> 00:10:55,345 How chickenshit. 121 00:10:57,213 --> 00:10:58,612 Seven of hearts. 122 00:10:58,614 --> 00:11:01,682 Seven of hearts, alright, another hundred. 123 00:11:01,684 --> 00:11:03,351 You know, there really should be a limit 124 00:11:03,353 --> 00:11:04,555 to how much we can bet. 125 00:11:06,790 --> 00:11:07,658 Alright. 126 00:11:14,263 --> 00:11:17,531 Last card, Jacky Jack. 127 00:11:17,533 --> 00:11:18,698 Pass. 128 00:11:18,700 --> 00:11:20,735 I knew it, you got dick, Matt. 129 00:11:22,272 --> 00:11:24,507 You are looking at the big winner. 130 00:11:25,642 --> 00:11:27,341 200. 131 00:11:27,343 --> 00:11:30,280 What, just a second ago, you said we should have a limit. 132 00:11:32,748 --> 00:11:37,253 Okay, I'll see your two hundred and raise you a hundred. 133 00:11:41,690 --> 00:11:44,324 Two pair, Jacks and sevens. 134 00:11:43,358 --> 00:11:45,193 Josh, what the fuck are you doing? 135 00:11:45,195 --> 00:11:46,760 Dave should throw down first. 136 00:11:46,762 --> 00:11:47,631 Oh, alright. 137 00:11:49,465 --> 00:11:50,334 Go ahead. 138 00:11:51,600 --> 00:11:53,603 Your hard-on moment is over, Josh. 139 00:11:54,570 --> 00:11:57,704 Aces and 10s, gents, come to papa! 140 00:11:57,706 --> 00:11:59,707 Keep the hard on in your pants, Dave. 141 00:11:59,709 --> 00:12:02,709 We're not over yet, because there's one, two, 142 00:12:02,711 --> 00:12:05,746 three little beauties, three threes. 143 00:12:05,748 --> 00:12:06,713 Holy shit! 144 00:12:06,715 --> 00:12:08,749 That's what winning looks like, fellas. 145 00:12:08,751 --> 00:12:10,784 Oh my God, oh my God! 146 00:12:10,786 --> 00:12:12,455 I just lost $500. 147 00:12:16,859 --> 00:12:18,327 Fuck this game! 148 00:12:19,728 --> 00:12:22,163 Welcome to poker! 149 00:12:22,165 --> 00:12:23,698 Oh my God, Oh my God. 150 00:12:23,700 --> 00:12:24,698 Give me your fucking cards. 151 00:12:25,868 --> 00:12:26,737 Oh! 152 00:12:37,479 --> 00:12:38,348 Hey man. 153 00:12:43,752 --> 00:12:45,656 How you doing, Steve? 154 00:12:49,459 --> 00:12:50,526 Not so good at home. 155 00:12:51,794 --> 00:12:52,663 Oh shit. 156 00:12:54,597 --> 00:12:55,566 I'm sorry to hear that. 157 00:12:58,667 --> 00:12:59,769 You ever talk to Maggie? 158 00:13:03,506 --> 00:13:05,805 You got nothing to worry about. 159 00:13:05,807 --> 00:13:06,776 What do you mean? 160 00:13:08,177 --> 00:13:11,714 Well, the girl's crazy about you. 161 00:13:22,224 --> 00:13:23,759 She ever fuck anybody, Mac? 162 00:13:25,961 --> 00:13:27,794 What am I gonna tell Jenny? 163 00:13:27,796 --> 00:13:30,765 Jesus Christ, be a fucking man, Josh. 164 00:13:30,767 --> 00:13:32,732 It's $500. 165 00:13:32,734 --> 00:13:34,367 I don't make your kind of money. 166 00:13:34,369 --> 00:13:38,206 I don't know, just tell her to fuck off or something. 167 00:13:38,208 --> 00:13:39,740 What kind of talk is that? 168 00:13:39,742 --> 00:13:41,842 Okay, I'm just playing with you. 169 00:13:41,844 --> 00:13:43,711 You make your own money, right? 170 00:13:43,713 --> 00:13:44,815 Okay, I get it. 171 00:13:53,823 --> 00:13:55,722 Sounds like a bear. 172 00:13:55,724 --> 00:13:56,692 I don't think so. 173 00:13:57,826 --> 00:13:58,695 Holy shit. 174 00:14:04,901 --> 00:14:06,266 I wonder. 175 00:14:06,268 --> 00:14:07,503 Wonder what? 176 00:14:10,339 --> 00:14:12,608 Let's just get some rest. 177 00:15:29,786 --> 00:15:32,520 What are you laughing at? 178 00:15:32,522 --> 00:15:34,521 Drop your cocks and grab your socks, boys! 179 00:15:34,523 --> 00:15:35,591 We got hunting to do! 180 00:16:15,931 --> 00:16:19,500 The only hunting that I do is when I play video games. 181 00:16:19,502 --> 00:16:20,370 Ha! 182 00:16:21,137 --> 00:16:22,370 Here. 183 00:16:22,372 --> 00:16:23,040 Oh. 184 00:16:25,507 --> 00:16:26,376 Mm. 185 00:16:27,709 --> 00:16:29,876 You ever think about getting married? 186 00:16:29,878 --> 00:16:32,011 You ever think about getting divorced? 187 00:16:32,013 --> 00:16:32,880 No. 188 00:16:32,882 --> 00:16:33,747 Honestly? 189 00:16:33,749 --> 00:16:34,615 No. 190 00:16:34,617 --> 00:16:35,915 Bullshit. 191 00:16:35,917 --> 00:16:37,820 No, my wife is hot. 192 00:16:39,388 --> 00:16:41,121 Okay, but why would I get married when I can do 193 00:16:41,123 --> 00:16:42,892 what I want when I want to do it? 194 00:16:44,960 --> 00:16:45,992 Makes sense. 195 00:16:45,994 --> 00:16:46,961 Yeah. 196 00:16:46,963 --> 00:16:48,832 So here's to Josh and his happy marriage. 197 00:16:50,132 --> 00:16:51,999 Hot wife. 198 00:16:53,136 --> 00:16:55,770 Hot wife. 199 00:16:55,772 --> 00:16:56,703 Mm. 200 00:16:56,705 --> 00:16:58,005 Whoa. 201 00:16:58,007 --> 00:16:59,740 Oh, ha ha, whew! 202 00:16:59,742 --> 00:17:00,673 Let's walk that off. 203 00:17:00,675 --> 00:17:01,875 What's in there? 204 00:17:01,877 --> 00:17:03,512 Is that, uh, Rumpelman's? 205 00:17:13,890 --> 00:17:14,958 This place is dead. 206 00:17:17,026 --> 00:17:17,893 Not even a squirrel. 207 00:17:30,038 --> 00:17:31,907 How are you and Shelly doing? 208 00:17:32,941 --> 00:17:34,009 Good, good. 209 00:17:37,712 --> 00:17:40,448 Maggie and I, we ain't doing so good. 210 00:17:40,450 --> 00:17:42,084 Really, what's going on? 211 00:17:45,054 --> 00:17:45,921 You didn't know? 212 00:17:49,792 --> 00:17:51,057 You see that? 213 00:17:51,059 --> 00:17:51,927 See what? 214 00:17:55,998 --> 00:17:56,866 I don't know. 215 00:17:59,835 --> 00:18:01,067 Looked like people, but. 216 00:18:01,069 --> 00:18:01,937 What? 217 00:18:04,673 --> 00:18:06,475 All this fresh air's getting to me. 218 00:19:00,997 --> 00:19:02,295 What the fuck? 219 00:19:02,297 --> 00:19:04,834 Oh no no, no, no. 220 00:19:10,972 --> 00:19:12,041 Holy shit! 221 00:19:22,151 --> 00:19:25,218 Dudes, we got a fucking psychopath out here! 222 00:19:25,220 --> 00:19:26,088 Guys! 223 00:19:29,758 --> 00:19:30,826 This is not good. 224 00:19:31,861 --> 00:19:33,994 Who would do this? 225 00:19:33,996 --> 00:19:35,228 What are you doing? 226 00:19:35,230 --> 00:19:36,729 I'm gonna butter bread. 227 00:19:36,731 --> 00:19:38,064 What the fuck does it look like I'm gonna do. 228 00:19:38,066 --> 00:19:40,199 Man, you just can't go around killing people. 229 00:19:40,201 --> 00:19:42,169 Does anyone live around here? 230 00:19:42,171 --> 00:19:45,104 Yeah, what if there's like a community of weirdos. 231 00:19:45,106 --> 00:19:48,007 Like that movie with the banjo and the bridge. 232 00:19:48,009 --> 00:19:50,343 Just relax, nobody's gonna fuck you in the ass. 233 00:19:50,345 --> 00:19:52,845 Seriously though, how are we gonna get out of here. 234 00:19:52,847 --> 00:19:55,149 How far back was it to the highway? 235 00:19:55,151 --> 00:19:56,119 A bit. 236 00:19:58,086 --> 00:19:59,221 Come on, let's go. 237 00:20:09,632 --> 00:20:11,230 It's probably just some punk kids. 238 00:20:11,232 --> 00:20:12,101 What kids? 239 00:20:13,335 --> 00:20:15,034 Wait, did you bring your phone? 240 00:20:15,036 --> 00:20:15,902 No. 241 00:20:15,904 --> 00:20:16,603 Fuck! 242 00:20:16,605 --> 00:20:17,839 Well how far is the highway? 243 00:20:17,841 --> 00:20:20,174 What does that matter if we don't have a fucking phone? 244 00:20:20,176 --> 00:20:22,876 Look, I'm gonna go back to the cabin and go grab mine. 245 00:20:22,878 --> 00:20:24,210 Keep your eyes out. 246 00:20:24,212 --> 00:20:25,080 Yeah. 247 00:20:48,237 --> 00:20:49,139 Holy shit! 248 00:20:59,280 --> 00:21:01,116 Have a drink, relax. 249 00:21:03,219 --> 00:21:04,853 Nah, it's too early for that. 250 00:21:07,323 --> 00:21:09,092 How we gonna get out of here. 251 00:21:11,259 --> 00:21:13,127 Here's how its gonna go. 252 00:21:13,129 --> 00:21:15,829 Steve and Dave are gonna walk to the highway. 253 00:21:15,831 --> 00:21:18,966 From the highway, they'll call for help. 254 00:21:18,968 --> 00:21:21,267 From the highway, their cell phones will work. 255 00:21:21,269 --> 00:21:23,203 That's right! 256 00:21:23,205 --> 00:21:26,873 They'll tell the police where we are and the cavalry arrives 257 00:21:26,875 --> 00:21:28,708 to save the day. 258 00:21:28,710 --> 00:21:30,944 That's good, that's good! 259 00:21:30,946 --> 00:21:31,881 It is good. 260 00:21:34,016 --> 00:21:36,719 Alright, thank you. 261 00:21:39,421 --> 00:21:40,954 What are you doing, where's Dave? 262 00:21:40,956 --> 00:21:41,825 Forgot my phone. 263 00:21:45,161 --> 00:21:46,161 I was gonna call you, but. 264 00:21:54,335 --> 00:21:55,704 Steve, wait up. 265 00:21:57,238 --> 00:21:58,107 Where's Dave. 266 00:22:03,045 --> 00:22:04,277 Got a problem. 267 00:22:04,279 --> 00:22:04,978 Did you find who did it? 268 00:22:04,980 --> 00:22:07,346 We got a problem on our hands. 269 00:22:07,348 --> 00:22:08,283 What do you mean? 270 00:22:18,227 --> 00:22:20,263 That is not a bear print. 271 00:22:21,162 --> 00:22:23,362 A big fucking guy or a. 272 00:22:23,364 --> 00:22:26,365 I know what this is. 273 00:22:26,367 --> 00:22:28,904 This is a fucking Sasquatch. 274 00:22:33,209 --> 00:22:35,210 I say we track this fucker down. 275 00:22:37,246 --> 00:22:38,411 Now you're talking. 276 00:22:38,413 --> 00:22:40,380 It fucked up our jeep. 277 00:22:40,382 --> 00:22:42,049 No, no no no no no. 278 00:22:42,051 --> 00:22:44,016 You guys are crazy. 279 00:22:44,018 --> 00:22:47,323 Well boys, looks like we've found our big hunt. 280 00:23:06,508 --> 00:23:08,242 Can't we just get out of here? 281 00:23:08,244 --> 00:23:11,410 First we bag the motherfucker, then we'll get some help. 282 00:23:11,412 --> 00:23:13,380 I'll drink to that. 283 00:23:13,382 --> 00:23:15,515 Is that all you do is drink? 284 00:23:15,517 --> 00:23:17,319 Is that all you do is whine? 285 00:23:18,353 --> 00:23:20,055 Here's to bagging Bigfoot. 286 00:23:36,471 --> 00:23:37,339 Give me one! 287 00:23:39,440 --> 00:23:40,442 Sure. 288 00:24:36,966 --> 00:24:38,334 Did you hear that? 289 00:24:50,345 --> 00:24:52,347 What the fuck is that? 290 00:24:56,352 --> 00:24:57,253 It's a kid. 291 00:24:59,520 --> 00:25:01,354 You killed a kid. 292 00:25:01,356 --> 00:25:02,555 Self-defense. 293 00:25:02,557 --> 00:25:03,492 He's right, Josh. 294 00:25:07,263 --> 00:25:09,496 Shouldn't we call the cops or something? 295 00:25:09,498 --> 00:25:13,432 Yeah, you should call the cops. 296 00:25:13,434 --> 00:25:15,534 Why don't you use your cell phone. 297 00:25:15,536 --> 00:25:17,403 While you're at it, see if the can give us 298 00:25:17,405 --> 00:25:19,406 a ride back into town. 299 00:25:29,384 --> 00:25:30,286 So now what? 300 00:25:31,452 --> 00:25:32,321 It ain't over. 301 00:25:33,488 --> 00:25:34,390 What do you mean? 302 00:25:36,091 --> 00:25:38,190 We killed a kid, now we gotta deal with Daddy. 303 00:25:38,192 --> 00:25:40,427 Alright, just sit down, we'll drink some beers, 304 00:25:40,429 --> 00:25:43,365 play some cards, and we'll deal with it in the morning. 305 00:25:44,533 --> 00:25:46,365 I'm not gonna just sit down and drink beers 306 00:25:46,367 --> 00:25:47,400 and play cards right now. 307 00:25:47,402 --> 00:25:48,371 Are you serious? 308 00:25:51,407 --> 00:25:52,408 He's looking for his kid. 309 00:25:53,508 --> 00:25:54,544 Oh fuck. 310 00:25:56,478 --> 00:25:57,546 We gotta take him out. 311 00:26:07,722 --> 00:26:08,490 Where they going? 312 00:26:10,625 --> 00:26:12,993 Guess they're going to get Daddy. 313 00:26:12,995 --> 00:26:14,998 Well what the fuck are we supposed to do. 314 00:26:16,131 --> 00:26:17,563 I brought some porn. 315 00:26:17,565 --> 00:26:19,401 Oh my God, I don't feel well. 316 00:26:20,436 --> 00:26:21,968 You okay? 317 00:26:21,970 --> 00:26:22,638 No! 318 00:26:38,554 --> 00:26:43,559 Okay, okay. 319 00:27:04,546 --> 00:27:08,151 We are never getting out of this alive, Mac. 320 00:27:09,117 --> 00:27:11,051 Jesus, we've got guns. 321 00:27:11,053 --> 00:27:14,521 We don't have guns, they have got guns. 322 00:27:14,523 --> 00:27:17,224 How does your wife put up with you? 323 00:27:17,226 --> 00:27:20,494 Look, we'll bag the beast. 324 00:27:20,496 --> 00:27:21,531 We'll all go home. 325 00:27:22,698 --> 00:27:24,230 And then we'll wind up on the cover 326 00:27:24,232 --> 00:27:26,632 of fucking National Geographic Magazine. 327 00:27:26,634 --> 00:27:27,502 How's that? 328 00:27:30,671 --> 00:27:35,374 First off, I don't even think they publish that anymore, 329 00:27:35,376 --> 00:27:36,578 and second... 330 00:27:38,646 --> 00:27:40,082 Fuck you, Mac! 331 00:28:07,508 --> 00:28:09,112 You probably think I'm an asshole. 332 00:28:22,591 --> 00:28:24,724 Oh you're an asshole. 333 00:29:00,863 --> 00:29:03,466 You know he's watching us. 334 00:29:18,713 --> 00:29:21,747 You fucking crazy, what's the matter with you? 335 00:29:23,619 --> 00:29:25,088 What the fuck, Steve? 336 00:29:27,655 --> 00:29:29,357 What the fuck are you doing, Steve? 337 00:29:31,759 --> 00:29:33,192 Stop this shit, Steve, or I'll put a bullet 338 00:29:33,194 --> 00:29:34,629 right in your fucking head! 339 00:29:58,386 --> 00:30:01,787 Mac, Mac, Mac, wake up, wake up, Mac! 340 00:30:01,789 --> 00:30:03,689 You motherfucker, wake up! 341 00:30:03,691 --> 00:30:06,595 Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. 342 00:30:07,796 --> 00:30:10,830 Okay, okay, what if, what are they even doing? 343 00:30:10,832 --> 00:30:12,364 What if it got them? 344 00:30:12,366 --> 00:30:14,633 That means he'd be coming back here, Mac, 345 00:30:14,635 --> 00:30:15,735 you motherfucker 346 00:30:15,737 --> 00:30:17,803 He's coming back here, and I don't have any weapons. 347 00:30:17,805 --> 00:30:18,871 I don't have any weapons. 348 00:30:18,873 --> 00:30:20,640 I don't have any weapons. 349 00:30:20,642 --> 00:30:24,744 We, we have a fire, we have a fucking fire, 350 00:30:24,746 --> 00:30:26,780 firewood, ax, ax in the shed, ax in the shed! 351 00:30:26,782 --> 00:30:31,721 You got this, you got this, motherfucker, you got this! 352 00:30:50,439 --> 00:30:54,407 Okay, okay, you can do this, Josh. 353 00:30:54,409 --> 00:30:57,513 You've fucking got this, Josh, okay, okay. 354 00:30:58,713 --> 00:31:00,715 Mac, you drunk motherfucker. 355 00:31:02,284 --> 00:31:06,789 If you can hear me, you tell my wife that I love her. 356 00:31:09,557 --> 00:31:10,425 Mm. 357 00:31:11,759 --> 00:31:14,294 Okay, Josh has got this. 358 00:31:14,296 --> 00:31:16,362 Josh has got this. 359 00:31:16,364 --> 00:31:17,730 Josh has got this shit. 360 00:31:17,732 --> 00:31:19,467 Okay, okay, okay. 361 00:31:20,635 --> 00:31:22,738 Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. 362 00:32:13,488 --> 00:32:14,356 Thank God! 363 00:32:23,899 --> 00:32:24,767 Where's Dave? 364 00:32:25,801 --> 00:32:26,736 What's wrong, Steve? 365 00:32:33,075 --> 00:32:33,942 Where's Dave? 366 00:32:41,783 --> 00:32:43,819 That shit came out of nowhere. 367 00:32:47,555 --> 00:32:49,325 Big ugly motherfucker. 368 00:32:55,029 --> 00:32:58,033 Oh my God, we gotta get out of here. 369 00:33:10,879 --> 00:33:13,912 Steve, we have to get the fuck outta here right now. 370 00:33:13,914 --> 00:33:14,980 My cell phone is gone. 371 00:33:14,982 --> 00:33:15,681 What? 372 00:33:15,683 --> 00:33:18,150 My fucking cell phone is gone! 373 00:33:18,152 --> 00:33:20,120 What are we gonna do, Steve? 374 00:33:20,122 --> 00:33:21,588 We need a plan, we gotta get out of here. 375 00:33:21,590 --> 00:33:22,988 We need to get up to the highway and... 376 00:33:22,990 --> 00:33:25,024 Just calm the fuck down! 377 00:33:29,564 --> 00:33:30,432 We got a firearm. 378 00:33:31,400 --> 00:33:33,835 You got a pitchfork, ax. 379 00:33:35,003 --> 00:33:36,002 Hey hey, hey hey, my phone's in the jeep. 380 00:33:36,004 --> 00:33:36,872 I'm gonna grab it. 381 00:33:40,142 --> 00:33:41,677 What's the point? 382 00:33:43,778 --> 00:33:45,780 Guys, get the fuck out here right now. 383 00:33:55,055 --> 00:33:56,956 You guys, you guys, the body's gone. 384 00:33:56,958 --> 00:33:58,091 It's gone. 385 00:33:58,093 --> 00:33:59,929 Christ, he's been here. 386 00:34:01,962 --> 00:34:04,032 We're gonna kill him, right Steve? 387 00:34:07,035 --> 00:34:07,902 Yeah. 388 00:34:10,739 --> 00:34:12,438 Guys, my fucking cell phone is gone. 389 00:34:12,440 --> 00:34:14,009 Okay, well what do we do now? 390 00:34:16,076 --> 00:34:18,178 We'll let him come to us. 391 00:34:47,975 --> 00:34:50,078 I think this is gonna work. 392 00:34:51,111 --> 00:34:53,014 What if it doesn't? 393 00:34:55,082 --> 00:34:56,684 Then we put you outside as bait. 394 00:34:59,087 --> 00:35:00,422 You got a better idea? 395 00:35:10,866 --> 00:35:11,967 This is weird without Dave. 396 00:35:18,873 --> 00:35:22,645 Yeah, well if this doesn't work, we join him. 397 00:36:05,152 --> 00:36:07,922 How are you and your wife doing? 398 00:36:10,725 --> 00:36:11,393 What? 399 00:36:13,895 --> 00:36:15,864 You and Jenny, how you doing? 400 00:36:19,167 --> 00:36:20,703 We're fine, we're fine. 401 00:36:25,172 --> 00:36:28,141 How do you make it work, you and Jenny. 402 00:36:28,143 --> 00:36:30,109 I don't, I don't know, do we have to talk 403 00:36:30,111 --> 00:36:31,080 about this right now? 404 00:36:35,884 --> 00:36:38,087 My wife and I, Maggie and I. 405 00:36:46,194 --> 00:36:47,529 I didn't know. 406 00:36:50,631 --> 00:36:52,066 You didn't know? 407 00:36:53,234 --> 00:36:54,103 No. 408 00:36:59,607 --> 00:37:01,107 Maggie, she wants me to go to counseling. 409 00:37:01,109 --> 00:37:03,712 You believe that shit? 410 00:37:10,618 --> 00:37:13,886 Jenny and I, we talk a lot. 411 00:37:13,888 --> 00:37:16,955 I mean, I mean, you know me, I never shut up, 412 00:37:16,957 --> 00:37:18,126 I just, I tell her everything. 413 00:37:21,129 --> 00:37:22,096 That seems to work. 414 00:37:24,399 --> 00:37:25,267 Yeah. 415 00:37:27,636 --> 00:37:29,038 I should do more of that. 416 00:38:00,035 --> 00:38:01,270 He wants us to come outside. 417 00:38:02,803 --> 00:38:04,305 No, no! 418 00:38:06,808 --> 00:38:09,044 Let's give him what he wants. 419 00:38:36,471 --> 00:38:38,207 That's his shirt. 420 00:38:40,207 --> 00:38:42,975 That's it, I can't do this. 421 00:38:42,977 --> 00:38:44,143 I can't do this, we gotta go back, 422 00:38:44,145 --> 00:38:46,011 we gotta go back, I can't... 423 00:38:46,013 --> 00:38:48,149 You wanna get the fuck out of here or not? 424 00:38:51,453 --> 00:38:56,659 Yes. 425 00:39:16,210 --> 00:39:19,112 He's losing his fucking mind. 426 00:39:19,114 --> 00:39:22,214 I have to get him back to the cabin. 427 00:39:22,216 --> 00:39:23,151 Be careful. 428 00:39:42,437 --> 00:39:44,105 Where are you, you motherfucker? 429 00:39:48,276 --> 00:39:52,277 These are my kills. 430 00:39:52,279 --> 00:39:53,748 My kills, you understand me? 431 00:39:55,517 --> 00:39:56,719 You bastard! 432 00:40:02,256 --> 00:40:06,091 Josh, I need you to snap out of it. 433 00:40:06,093 --> 00:40:06,961 Here, drink this. 434 00:40:07,895 --> 00:40:08,763 Josh. 435 00:40:11,399 --> 00:40:12,431 Josh! 436 00:40:12,433 --> 00:40:13,302 Snap out of it! 437 00:40:21,375 --> 00:40:22,276 Help me get him to bed. 438 00:40:56,844 --> 00:40:58,344 I'm sorry that I have feelings, 439 00:40:58,346 --> 00:41:00,413 and that you're just this fucking angel, I'm sorry. 440 00:41:00,415 --> 00:41:03,415 I don't want to hear it anymore. 441 00:41:03,417 --> 00:41:04,417 I'm sorry that I failed... 442 00:41:04,419 --> 00:41:06,221 I don't want to hear anymore! 443 00:41:07,355 --> 00:41:08,487 Do you understand me? 444 00:41:08,489 --> 00:41:12,357 I don't want to fucking hear it anymore. 445 00:41:12,359 --> 00:41:15,329 All your little fucking excuses, you little fucking cunt! 446 00:41:17,966 --> 00:41:19,297 Why? 447 00:41:19,299 --> 00:41:20,301 Hands off me, get your hands off! 448 00:41:27,375 --> 00:41:31,643 Oh, this is my kind of party, Mac, drinking and fucking, 449 00:41:31,645 --> 00:41:36,449 drinking and fucking, whew! 450 00:41:36,451 --> 00:41:41,456 Mmm, yahoo! 451 00:42:05,379 --> 00:42:07,348 What is it, what the fuck? 452 00:42:15,522 --> 00:42:17,425 Come on, you bastard! 453 00:42:24,498 --> 00:42:26,535 He's lost his fucking mind. 454 00:42:29,536 --> 00:42:34,343 I'll go get him. 455 00:42:42,482 --> 00:42:43,451 Where are you? 456 00:42:44,551 --> 00:42:45,553 Where are you? 457 00:42:46,587 --> 00:42:49,120 You fucker! 458 00:42:49,122 --> 00:42:50,291 Where are you? 459 00:43:03,103 --> 00:43:04,437 Where are you? 460 00:43:19,453 --> 00:43:20,455 Oh! 461 00:43:27,261 --> 00:43:31,333 What happened? 462 00:43:32,767 --> 00:43:34,169 You don't look so good. 463 00:43:38,473 --> 00:43:40,442 I am your friend. 464 00:43:43,578 --> 00:43:45,147 You are my friend. 465 00:43:48,649 --> 00:43:50,352 I am your friend. 466 00:43:53,353 --> 00:43:55,056 You didn't tell me. 467 00:43:59,493 --> 00:44:01,430 I wanted to tell you. 468 00:44:03,464 --> 00:44:04,596 You didn't tell me! 469 00:44:04,598 --> 00:44:06,531 I wanted to tell you. 470 00:44:06,533 --> 00:44:08,533 I did, I wanted to tell you. 471 00:44:08,535 --> 00:44:11,539 I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do. 472 00:44:14,542 --> 00:44:17,179 It was eating me up, I didn't know what to do. 473 00:44:17,812 --> 00:44:18,680 Get up. 474 00:44:20,681 --> 00:44:23,248 I'm sorry, Steve. 475 00:44:23,250 --> 00:44:24,118 Get up! 476 00:44:26,421 --> 00:44:29,457 You're gonna kill me, aren't you. 477 00:44:31,658 --> 00:44:36,664 I'm sorry, Steve, I don't want. 478 00:44:43,738 --> 00:44:44,605 Run! 479 00:44:47,642 --> 00:44:49,544 Fuck you, just do it! 480 00:44:50,578 --> 00:44:52,210 Fuck you, Steve! 481 00:44:52,212 --> 00:44:55,246 Run! 482 00:45:28,748 --> 00:45:32,154 What the fuck is going on out there? 483 00:46:23,803 --> 00:46:25,773 What the fuck happened? 484 00:46:49,297 --> 00:46:51,864 I couldn't do anything. 485 00:46:51,866 --> 00:46:55,137 First Dave, then Josh. 486 00:46:57,305 --> 00:47:00,741 Mac, I tried everything. 487 00:47:04,245 --> 00:47:06,815 I found this outside, it's mine. 488 00:47:07,681 --> 00:47:09,484 It was fucking here, Steve. 489 00:47:11,785 --> 00:47:12,753 Here, drink this. 490 00:47:14,488 --> 00:47:15,656 We gotta get that arrow out. 491 00:47:18,225 --> 00:47:19,857 Bite down on this. 492 00:47:21,962 --> 00:47:23,330 This is gonna hurt. 493 00:47:41,881 --> 00:47:42,750 Alright. 494 00:47:55,863 --> 00:47:56,730 Alright. 495 00:47:57,732 --> 00:47:58,830 Alright. 496 00:47:58,832 --> 00:48:00,531 Alright. 497 00:48:00,533 --> 00:48:01,402 Alright. 498 00:48:07,875 --> 00:48:09,878 I am not fucking dying out here, Steve. 499 00:48:11,645 --> 00:48:13,681 I am not fucking dying out here. 500 00:48:15,783 --> 00:48:16,685 Yes, you are. 501 00:48:35,935 --> 00:48:37,338 Can I come in? 502 00:48:54,855 --> 00:48:55,890 I really am sorry. 503 00:48:59,826 --> 00:49:02,828 I made an appointment for us for a counselor, 504 00:49:02,830 --> 00:49:06,468 and we can go see her when you get back. 505 00:49:09,937 --> 00:49:11,306 You are coming back? 506 00:50:40,027 --> 00:50:42,697 You had that this whole time. 507 00:50:49,069 --> 00:50:50,939 You fucked my wife. 508 00:50:56,109 --> 00:51:00,047 Big Mac, you always got the chick, didn't you. 509 00:51:02,049 --> 00:51:04,085 I never said anything, I was like, good for Mac. 510 00:51:09,022 --> 00:51:10,959 Until I met Maggie. 511 00:51:13,027 --> 00:51:16,564 But you couldn't let just have one, could you? 512 00:51:19,065 --> 00:51:20,067 Just one. 513 00:51:23,069 --> 00:51:24,972 You've been a shitty husband, Steve. 514 00:51:27,475 --> 00:51:30,975 What the fuck do you know about being a husband? 515 00:51:32,980 --> 00:51:34,582 It's a good thing you never got married, 516 00:51:36,082 --> 00:51:37,851 'cause you'd probably fuck them over, too, huh? 517 00:51:41,955 --> 00:51:43,892 I've been a good friend. 518 00:51:46,960 --> 00:51:49,062 She came to me as a friend. 519 00:51:50,964 --> 00:51:53,934 'Cause you, you were never around. 520 00:51:56,169 --> 00:52:00,541 If it wasn't me, it would've been someone else. 521 00:52:04,111 --> 00:52:07,114 You, a friend? 522 00:52:10,017 --> 00:52:12,083 That's what friends do, they fuck each other now? 523 00:52:12,085 --> 00:52:12,953 Is that it? 524 00:52:18,526 --> 00:52:21,094 I guess so 'cause that's exactly what you did. 525 00:52:24,031 --> 00:52:28,002 My wife, you fucked Maggie. 526 00:52:29,069 --> 00:52:29,938 You fucked me. 527 00:52:32,906 --> 00:52:34,808 Now I'm gonna fuck you. 528 00:52:36,176 --> 00:52:37,045 You're right. 529 00:52:38,011 --> 00:52:39,046 Steve, you're fucking right. 530 00:52:41,281 --> 00:52:42,149 I'm the asshole. 531 00:52:44,018 --> 00:52:45,220 I'm the fucking asshole. 532 00:52:47,053 --> 00:52:48,856 But this, all of this. 533 00:52:57,730 --> 00:52:58,999 You are my friend. 534 00:53:01,701 --> 00:53:03,004 My best friend. 535 00:53:04,103 --> 00:53:05,006 My best man! 536 00:53:09,910 --> 00:53:11,513 I can't take back what I did. 537 00:53:14,181 --> 00:53:18,119 I can't undo what I did. 538 00:53:20,219 --> 00:53:24,221 And for that, I'm sorry. 539 00:53:24,223 --> 00:53:25,792 For that, I'm sorry. 540 00:53:40,140 --> 00:53:41,174 Me too, man. 541 00:53:46,113 --> 00:53:47,181 Me too. 542 00:55:31,984 --> 00:55:34,319 What was I supposed to do? 543 00:55:34,321 --> 00:55:38,323 What was I supposed to do, Steve, huh? 544 00:55:38,325 --> 00:55:39,991 What did you want me to do? 545 00:55:39,993 --> 00:55:41,826 What did you want me to say? 546 00:55:41,828 --> 00:55:46,834 Hey Steve, what do you think about them Seahawks? 547 00:55:48,368 --> 00:55:50,368 You think they're gonna overcome those challenges 548 00:55:50,370 --> 00:55:53,237 with the offensive line? 549 00:55:53,239 --> 00:55:58,346 Oh, by the way, Mac's been fucking your wife? 550 00:56:04,917 --> 00:56:09,790 I have a fucking spear in my chest. 551 00:56:20,234 --> 00:56:21,235 Oh! 552 00:56:56,402 --> 00:56:57,772 Sweaters, right? 553 00:56:59,071 --> 00:57:01,406 How cold do you think it's gonna be? 554 00:57:01,408 --> 00:57:04,275 I don't know, Josh, where you going? 555 00:57:04,277 --> 00:57:06,944 I don't know. 556 00:57:06,946 --> 00:57:09,413 Steve said something about a cabin, 557 00:57:09,415 --> 00:57:14,087 but he also said to bring cash, so I'm hoping it's Reno. 558 00:57:16,924 --> 00:57:18,793 How many sweaters do you think I need? 559 00:57:19,493 --> 00:57:22,294 Reno? 560 00:57:22,296 --> 00:57:25,263 Umm, you really think you should be going to Reno? 561 00:57:25,265 --> 00:57:26,964 I mean it's not like we have money 562 00:57:26,966 --> 00:57:28,235 to be throwing around, huh? 563 00:57:29,937 --> 00:57:34,408 I know, I know, but we go every year. 564 00:57:35,475 --> 00:57:37,310 You know, it's not like I can just say no. 565 00:57:45,986 --> 00:57:46,988 That's nice. 566 00:57:51,457 --> 00:57:53,426 I wanted to go to Reno! 567 00:58:31,531 --> 00:58:34,936 Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, help! 568 00:58:38,906 --> 00:58:42,476 Help, help, help! 569 00:58:44,243 --> 00:58:45,446 Open the door! 570 00:58:46,480 --> 00:58:47,415 Hello, please! 571 00:58:49,515 --> 00:58:50,383 I need help. 572 00:58:51,484 --> 00:58:56,054 My friend, he tried to kill me, and then there was 573 00:58:56,056 --> 00:59:00,461 this Sasquatch spear-throwing monster thing. 574 00:59:03,596 --> 00:59:08,602 There was a very unfortunate hunting accident. 575 00:59:12,406 --> 00:59:15,406 I need help, open the door. 576 00:59:15,408 --> 00:59:20,413 I just need a fucking break. 577 00:59:32,091 --> 00:59:32,959 Hello? 578 00:59:53,413 --> 00:59:54,282 Hello? 579 01:00:56,609 --> 01:00:57,544 Fuck! 580 01:01:07,654 --> 01:01:11,522 I'm in his fucking house. 581 01:01:11,524 --> 01:01:14,327 You gotta be fucking kidding me. 582 01:01:20,332 --> 01:01:25,338 Oh. 583 01:04:56,649 --> 01:04:58,882 Come on, you fucker! 584 01:05:14,801 --> 01:05:15,669 Ah, no! 585 01:08:36,001 --> 01:08:37,133 Stop! 586 01:08:37,135 --> 01:08:38,004 Stop! 587 01:08:38,938 --> 01:08:39,973 Stop, stop, stop! 588 01:08:42,007 --> 01:08:44,141 Stop, stop! 589 01:08:44,143 --> 01:08:45,011 Stop! 590 01:08:48,081 --> 01:08:53,086 Oh, oh! 591 01:08:53,952 --> 01:08:54,888 Thank you, thank you! 592 01:08:56,555 --> 01:08:57,223 Thank you! 593 01:09:04,630 --> 01:09:06,966 I didn't think you were gonna stop. 594 01:09:08,001 --> 01:09:09,470 Thank you for stopping. 595 01:09:13,572 --> 01:09:15,142 Oh, fuck me! 596 01:12:51,224 --> 01:12:52,959 Action! 597 01:12:56,929 --> 01:12:59,933 Honey, we didn't go to Reno. 598 01:13:04,940 --> 01:13:06,180 Subtitles by explosiveskull