1 00:00:00,503 --> 00:00:02,703 AceSubs Team Your best bet on captions! 2 00:00:03,716 --> 00:00:06,776 Ben! Katie! Two minutes! - Did you brush your teeth? - Yes. 3 00:00:07,406 --> 00:00:09,606 Jo? Could you bring a towel? 4 00:00:12,633 --> 00:00:14,978 You'll be late, dear. 5 00:00:14,979 --> 00:00:16,727 Bring a towel! You're so mean. 6 00:00:17,485 --> 00:00:21,034 Okay, I'll get it myself. 7 00:00:22,313 --> 00:00:24,534 8 00:00:25,523 --> 00:00:27,610 9 00:00:27,611 --> 00:00:29,341 10 00:00:29,808 --> 00:00:31,108 11 00:00:32,170 --> 00:00:34,772 the ways. - I asked for a towel. 12 00:00:35,463 --> 00:00:38,180 You know Sally and Shaun will come tonight. 13 00:00:38,181 --> 00:00:40,594 - Yeah. - O No, it's that he and Des being friends, it's a little... 14 00:00:40,595 --> 00:00:43,894 - They barely see each other. - It's all well. 15 00:00:43,895 --> 00:00:46,764 And Sally told me that Sean likes you. 16 00:00:47,275 --> 00:00:49,976 E Sally me disse que Sean gosta de você. 17 00:00:49,977 --> 00:00:51,960 - Todo mundo gosta de você? - Gosta? 18 00:00:51,961 --> 00:00:53,660 I like you. 19 00:00:55,083 --> 00:00:56,483 A lot. 20 00:00:58,659 --> 00:01:00,283 FRIDAY 21 00:01:00,284 --> 00:01:03,565 Bring your kit, right? I need to wash 22 00:01:04,666 --> 00:01:08,462 23 00:01:12,674 --> 00:01:14,473 24 00:01:24,981 --> 00:01:26,331 25 00:01:26,332 --> 00:01:30,159 26 00:01:30,160 --> 00:01:34,049 27 00:01:34,050 --> 00:01:36,992 28 00:01:36,993 --> 00:01:39,919 Danny will take care of them until I come back on Wednesday. 29 00:01:39,920 --> 00:01:43,240 If I stay with them, I can take them to school... 30 00:01:43,241 --> 00:01:46,680 p> 31 00:01:46,681 --> 00:01:51,449 I need you to come back, Des. It's his first time with them. 32 00:01:51,450 --> 00:01:54,036 You know what it's hard for me to see, Jo. 33 00:01:54,037 --> 00:01:58,163 Yes, I know, I'm sorry. I'll reward you. I promise. 34 00:01:58,467 --> 00:02:01,468 Okay. Kids, I'll see you guys later. 35 00:02:06,131 --> 00:02:09,763 Tell Jake he can come by next Tuesday. 36 00:02:09,764 --> 00:02:11,187 p> And you can go to Gabriella's birthday . 37 00:02:11,188 --> 00:02:13,325 - Ask Jake's mother to call me. - I will ask. 38 00:02:13,326 --> 00:02:15,724 And have a great weekend I see you on Monday. 39 00:02:15,725 --> 00:02:18,531 I love you. - I love you. 40 00:02:18,532 --> 00:02:19,984 Katie... 41 00:02:21,785 --> 00:02:23,085 Hi Megan, it's me, Jo. 42 00:02:31,436 --> 00:02:33,407 I can not remember my train schedule on Monday. 43 00:02:33,408 --> 00:02:36,480 Can you call me or send me a text message? / p> 44 00:02:36,481 --> 00:02:38,517 I'll be home all day long. Thank you, my dear. Bye. 45 00:02:38,518 --> 00:02:41,118 Estarei em casa o dia todo. Obrigada, querida. Tchau. 46 00:02:41,896 --> 00:02:44,713 - Olá. - Olá! Tudo certo para hoje? 47 00:02:44,714 --> 00:02:47,270 - Yes, of course. - Red or white? 48 00:02:47,719 --> 00:02:49,839 - Both. - You're on a mission. 49 00:02:49,840 --> 00:02:53,451 Danny will be 50 00:02:53,452 --> 00:02:56,371 51 00:02:56,372 --> 00:02:58,573 52 00:02:58,574 --> 00:03:00,715 53 00:03:13,355 --> 00:03:18,337 54 00:03:20,368 --> 00:03:23,468 55 00:03:45,166 --> 00:03:47,095 56 00:03:53,287 --> 00:03:56,176 57 00:04:05,419 --> 00:04:06,919

58 00:04:06,920 --> 00:04:08,420 59 00:04:08,421 --> 00:04:09,921 60 00:04:09,922 --> 00:04:11,422

00:04:13,423 Legend: Monk 62 00:04:13,424 --> 00:04:14,924 63 00:04:14,925 --> 00:04:16,925

174 00:16:19,037 --> 00:16:20,412 175 00:16:23,355 --> 00:16:27,703 176 00:17:10,037 --> 00:17:11,436 177 00:17:11,740 --> 00:17:13,040 178 00:17:14,317 --> 00:17:16,930 179 00:17:16,931 --> 00:17:19,358 180 00:17:19,359 --> 00:17:20,819 181 00:17:20,820 --> 00:17:23,208 He's a little excited. 182 00:17:24,745 --> 00:17:27,582 Listen, I do not know what happened but Katie is very quiet. 183 00:17:27,583 --> 00:17:31,226 something happened at home? You quarreled? 184 00:17:31,227 --> 00:17:34,120 No. I mean I do not know. 185 00:17:34,121 --> 00:17:37,527 Katie, your mother 186 00:17:37,528 --> 00:17:39,874 I want to talk to her? with you. 187 00:17:40,339 --> 00:17:43,097 Hi, honey. received my messages? 188 00:17:46,112 --> 00:17:48,868 Yes. 189 00:17:48,869 --> 00:17:50,389 He did not return to me. It has Is there any problem? 190 00:17:50,390 --> 00:17:54,390 I'm going to talk to her later. 191 00:17:54,391 --> 00:17:56,610 - Do not do this, Des. 192 00:17:57,016 --> 00:17:59,508 - Minha comida chegou. - Aqui. 193 00:18:00,327 --> 00:18:03,342 - Vou falar com ela depois. - Não faça isso, Des. 194 00:18:03,343 --> 00:18:06,531 - Por quê? - Não faça virar um caso. 195 00:18:07,701 --> 00:18:11,335 196 00:18:11,336 --> 00:18:13,088 I thought it might have happened something at school or with friends. 197 00:18:14,168 --> 00:18:16,397 I do not think you should press it. 00:18:20,141 I need to eat. I see you on Sunday, 199 00:18:20,142 --> 00:18:21,938 - at

200 00:18:32,439 --> 00:18:34,926 201 00:18:38,990 --> 00:18:40,607 202 00:18:41,068 --> 00:18:42,442 203 00:18:43,328 --> 00:18:45,541 204 00:18:46,323 --> 00:18:47,972 205 00:18:49,678 --> 00:18:51,053 206 00:18:58,432 --> 00:19:01,437 207 00:19:01,438 --> 00:19:03,695 The smell is good. 208 00:19:03,696 --> 00:19:05,340 You're smelling. 209 00:19:05,341 --> 00:19:08,113 210 00:19:08,427 --> 00:19:09,727 - What time will Sean and Sally come? - They are already coming. 211 00:19:14,327 --> 00:19:17,980 - Are they really? - I have a lot to do. 212 00:19:18,722 --> 00:19:20,989 One day... 213 00:20:00,841 --> 00:20:04,204 MESSAGE FROM KATIE CLICK TO SEE MORE 214 00:20:05,302 --> 00:20:08,782 Jo, think I should use the Pink T-shirt or the Navy T-shirt? 215 00:20:21,388 --> 00:20:22,862 Hi. 216 00:20:23,788 --> 00:20:26,014 What do you think? 217 00:20:27,086 --> 00:20:29,046 218 00:20:29,735 --> 00:20:32,716 Are you sure? 219 00:20:34,752 --> 00:20:37,041 220 00:20:39,673 --> 00:20:40,973 221 00:20:42,798 --> 00:20:45,398 She thinks Katie will be around me. 222 00:20:47,120 --> 00:20:49,117 223 00:20:49,118 --> 00:20:51,096 I'm worried about Katie. 224 00:20:51,097 --> 00:20:53,017 Posso pegar um táxi, está tudo bem. 225 00:20:53,365 --> 00:20:55,174 - Tem certeza? - Tenho. 226 00:20:55,777 --> 00:20:57,681 Disse ao Kerry que precisa de mim 227 00:20:57,682 --> 00:20:59,297 para trabalhos domésticos. 228 00:20:59,298 --> 00:21:01,761 Ela acha que Katie vai ficar na minha volta. 229 00:21:05,068 --> 00:21:06,895 Estou preocupada com a Katie. 230 00:21:08,654 --> 00:21:10,034 Why? 231 00:21:10,815 --> 00:21:13,496 I think there's something upsetting. 232 00:21:17,114 --> 00:21:20,010 - Type what? - I do not know. There was nothing between you, did you? 233 00:21:24,830 --> 00:21:27,805 Did she say anything? 234 00:21:33,357 --> 00:21:34,937 No. 235 00:21:36,263 --> 00:21:37,603 Jo, if something had happened, I would have said, would not I? 236 00:21:39,084 --> 00:21:42,353 Yes, of course. I'm just imagining what it might be. 237 00:21:45,866 --> 00:21:49,384 Well, she's at that age. 238 00:21:49,385 --> 00:21:51,985 Remember, we talk about it. She's not a child. 239 00:21:52,584 --> 00:21:56,284 Not an adult. 240 00:21:56,688 --> 00:21:58,188 She is 11 years old. 241 00:21:59,317 --> 00:22:00,738 Yes. 11 years looking like 15 years. 242 00:22:01,135 --> 00:22:03,995 You can see this, of course. 243 00:22:04,610 --> 00:22:06,461 Do you want me to do this? > We stayed in this place, it was in... 244 00:22:14,684 --> 00:22:16,404 - Was it in Portugal? - Yes. 245 00:22:26,640 --> 00:22:28,898 We had diarrhea that... 246 00:22:28,899 --> 00:22:30,413 - Era em Portugal? - Sim. 247 00:22:30,414 --> 00:22:33,855 Tivemos uma diarreia que... 248 00:22:33,856 --> 00:22:35,996 - It lasted a long time... - It was terrible. 249 00:22:35,997 --> 00:22:40,628 Of the 10 days we were there, I think we had 3 days. > that we really went out into the sun. 250 00:22:40,629 --> 00:22:42,869 It was... No, it was a complete... 251 00:22:42,870 --> 00:22:45,300 - A disaster o... 252 00:22:45,301 --> 00:22:47,420 You know, this one has a water park 5 minutes away. 253 00:22:48,304 --> 00:22:52,304 Jesus, look at this picture. 254 00:22:53,124 --> 00:22:54,913 I do not care which one we will go to. 255 00:22:55,427 --> 00:22:57,096 p> Okay, then D & apos; El Rey Beach. 256 00:22:58,031 --> 00:22:59,523 I'm glad we caught this deal. Cool, is not it? 257 00:23:00,572 --> 00:23:02,393 Yes. First holiday with the new family, Danny. 258 00:23:03,643 --> 00:23:05,928 - Yes. That's right. - How's it going? 259 00:23:05,929 --> 00:23:08,369 Certo, então, Praia D'El Rey. 260 00:23:09,200 --> 00:23:11,599 Estou feliz que pegamos esse acordo. Legal, não? 261 00:23:11,600 --> 00:23:14,757 Sim. Primeiro feriado com a família nova, Danny. 262 00:23:14,758 --> 00:23:18,357 - Sim. Isso mesmo. - Como vão as coisas? 263 00:23:18,358 --> 00:23:20,553 Sim. Vão bem. Eu acho. 264 00:23:21,744 --> 00:23:24,563 Yes, we are living one day at a time. 265 00:23:24,564 --> 00:23:26,101 How much time do you already have? 266 00:23:26,799 --> 00:23:29,431 267 00:23:30,423 --> 00:23:32,204 It was in March, then... 4 months ago. 268 00:23:33,343 --> 00:23:36,433 It looks so much more than that. In a good way! 269 00:23:36,809 --> 00:23:39,619 - Danny, take my hat, man. - Sean! 270 00:23:39,620 --> 00:23:42,363 The face of nowhere is caring of 2 children. It's a lot. 271 00:23:42,364 --> 00:23:45,758 - Ben is easy. - Of course, it's a boy. 272 00:23:45,759 --> 00:23:49,276 273 00:23:49,277 --> 00:23:50,881 274 00:23:51,271 --> 00:23:53,834 275 00:23:54,746 --> 00:23:58,154 276 00:23:58,155 --> 00:23:59,932 - Sim. - Ela é um pouco mais velha. 277 00:23:59,933 --> 00:24:01,833 - Isso é verdade. - Sim, 278 00:24:01,834 --> 00:24:04,135 Surely there's more to it happening to it. 279 00:24:05,009 --> 00:24:06,708 Less direct. 280 00:24:06,709 --> 00:24:09,026 I think she's starting to trust me. 281 00:24:09,027 --> 00:24:11,018 282 00:24:11,851 --> 00:24:14,844 She asked me to take her to see Baywatch that day! 283 00:24:14,845 --> 00:24:16,965 - Censorship 15 years 284 00:24:17,617 --> 00:24:20,480 285 00:24:21,405 --> 00:24:23,306 Now you're in trouble, my friend. 286 00:24:25,343 --> 00:24:27,307 Children are very smart. Especially girls. 287 00:24:27,308 --> 00:24:30,236 288 00:24:30,237 --> 00:24:31,657 What are you talking about? 289 00:24:35,061 --> 00:24:37,691 What are you talking about? 290 00:24:52,338 --> 00:24:55,118 Então, como é ter um fã clube de mães? 291 00:24:55,792 --> 00:24:59,062 O quê, além dessa? Do que está falando? 292 00:24:59,063 --> 00:25:00,638 Qual é! 293 00:25:00,939 --> 00:25:02,701 De quem está falando? 294 00:25:03,076 --> 00:25:05,607 I can not say names, mothers' union. 295 00:25:05,608 --> 00:25:09,597 - Yes. Now I'm interested. - As I said, I can not tell. 296 00:25:09,598 --> 00:25:12,326 297 00:25:12,327 --> 00:25:15,917 298 00:25:16,297 --> 00:25:17,597 299 00:25:18,854 --> 00:25:20,835 300 00:25:20,836 --> 00:25:23,421 301 00:25:24,195 --> 00:25:26,951 302 00:25:26,952 --> 00:25:29,087 303 00:25:29,587 --> 00:25:30,887 304 00:25:30,888 --> 00:25:34,168 305 00:25:35,453 --> 00:25:37,812 306 00:25:40,552 --> 00:25:44,092 < If you have someone gossiping, I want to know who is and what has been said. 307 00:25:45,049 --> 00:25:47,214 Are you serious? 308 00:25:58,682 --> 00:26:00,271

309 00:26:06,617 --> 00:26:10,315 YOUR BOYFRIEND AND KATIE, THERE IS SOMETHING ROLLING AND IS NOT SURE 310 00:26:10,316 --> 00:26:12,366 - WHO IS? - I CAN NOT TALK. 311 00:26:12,367 --> 00:26:15,059 312 00:26:16,169 --> 00:26:19,662 Someone sent it this morning after I saw you on the ride. 313 00:26:21,661 --> 00:26:22,971 Who? 314 00:26:23,670 --> 00:26:25,964 - Who 315 00:26:26,319 --> 00:26:28,777 I've been thinking about it all day. 316 00:26:29,399 --> 00:26:33,242 Another parent? Someone from Danny's past 317 00:26:33,243 --> 00:26:34,757 Someone who knows Katie? 318 00:26:35,924 --> 00:26:38,725 I even wondered if it's someone who lives around here. 319 00:26:39,382 --> 00:26:41,502 I feel disgusted when I looked at that. 320 00:26:42,199 --> 00:26:43,890 What did Danny say? 321 00:26:45,373 --> 00:26:46,802 I did not tell him. 322 00:26:47,296 --> 00:26:49,136 I tried, sure to come back? 323 00:26:54,826 --> 00:26:56,414 We were just talking about dessert. 324 00:26:58,239 --> 00:27:00,597 Want a hand? 325 00:27:00,598 --> 00:27:02,404 Quer uma mão? 326 00:27:02,784 --> 00:27:05,146 - It will not be long. - Yes, do not worry. 327 00:27:16,031 --> 00:27:17,457 Are you okay? 328 00:27:19,250 --> 00:27:21,111 I wanted to tell him. What do you mean, you wanted to? 329 00:27:21,582 --> 00:27:23,310 Think about what it is, what it means. 330 00:27:24,267 --> 00:27:26,698 If he thinks I believe 331 00:27:28,374 --> 00:27:30,909 that he would be able to do something like this... 332 00:27:30,910 --> 00:27:33,393 With Katie... 333 00:27:34,929 --> 00:27:36,452 But what if... 334 00:27:40,390 --> 00:27:41,779 you do not believe... 335 00:27:43,678 --> 00:27:47,078 I do not know, Sally. I do not know what I believe in. 336 00:27:47,597 --> 00:27:50,905 My God. Come here. 337 00:27:52,734 --> 00:27:54,825 It's all right, dear. 338 00:27:56,694 --> 00:27:58,619 You can not keep this with you, you know, do not you? / p> 339 00:28:01,960 --> 00:28:04,881 Those mothers, 340 00:28:19,491 --> 00:28:21,128 know that they are jealous, is not? Of us. 341 00:28:22,214 --> 00:28:24,069 Aquelas mães, 342 00:28:24,440 --> 00:28:27,605 sabe que elas estão com ciúmes, não é? De nós. 343 00:28:28,082 --> 00:28:29,740 Por isso elas fazem isso. 344 00:28:31,018 --> 00:28:33,639 They'll talk about someone else next week. 345 00:28:34,600 --> 00:28:37,081 It's sad when you think about it. 346 00:28:37,082 --> 00:28:39,019 bored, 347 00:28:39,020 --> 00:28:41,551 348 00:28:45,976 --> 00:28:47,560 They have to get into other people's lives. 349 00:28:49,331 --> 00:28:50,748 What are you doing there? 350 00:29:07,948 --> 00:29:11,557 Already coming to bed 351 00:29:39,440 --> 00:29:42,854 352 00:30:00,645 --> 00:30:03,040 SATURDAY 353 00:30:03,040 --> 00:30:04,408 WHAT TO DO IS SUSPECTED ABUSE 354 00:30:09,040 --> 00:30:11,140 - Did you sleep well? - p> 355 00:30:11,807 --> 00:30:14,338 Yes. 356 00:30:15,000 --> 00:30:16,961 I was thinking about Katie. 357 00:30:16,962 --> 00:30:19,502 If you're worried, I could talk to her. 358 00:30:21,126 --> 00:30:22,587 359 00:30:25,284 --> 00:30:26,611 360 00:30:27,696 --> 00:30:30,205 361 00:30:40,383 --> 00:30:42,416 Bye! 362 00:30:42,886 --> 00:30:44,288 I'm sorry, I just wanted to help you PROTECT YOURS DAUGHTER. 363 00:30:48,677 --> 00:30:51,958 I do not want to speak my name. Okay, right? 364 00:32:07,915 --> 00:32:10,533 Yes. At this stage, that's fine. 365 00:32:11,126 --> 00:32:13,389 I do not know how to get started. 366 00:32:18,136 --> 00:32:19,809 Do not rush. I can say it's hard. 367 00:32:20,622 --> 00:32:24,193 368 00:32:27,693 --> 00:32:29,185 369 00:32:29,186 --> 00:32:31,954 - How old is your daughter? - She is almost 12. 370 00:32:33,396 --> 00:32:38,187 When you say "inappropriate", what do you mean? 00:32:41,604 I got a message yesterday, from someone I do not know. 372 00:32:42,375 --> 00:32:45,520 Quando diz "inapropriado", o que você quer dizer? 373 00:32:47,880 --> 00:32:49,972 Algo aconteceu? 374 00:32:52,441 --> 00:32:56,400 Recebi uma mensagem ontem, de alguém que não conheço. 375 00:32:57,614 --> 00:33:00,111 She says that something is happening between my boyfriend and my daughter. 376 00:33:00,112 --> 00:33:02,090 - Did you say something else? 377 00:33:02,487 --> 00:33:05,113 378 00:33:06,227 --> 00:33:09,525 Did you notice anything different in your daughter's behavior? 379 00:33:13,720 --> 00:33:15,220 Well, she's quiet. I do not know what to do. 380 00:33:17,440 --> 00:33:18,925 Is she with you? 381 00:33:20,222 --> 00:33:21,720 No, she's with her father. My children... 382 00:33:22,120 --> 00:33:25,077 They go home with my ex-husband on the weekends. 383 00:33:26,448 --> 00:33:29,320 They come home tomorrow. 384 00:33:29,320 --> 00:33:30,877 And your boyfriend will be in the house when they come back? 385 00:33:31,242 --> 00:33:34,689 Yes. He lives with us. 386 00:33:35,360 --> 00:33:37,726 He's going to take care of my kids next week. 387 00:33:40,440 --> 00:33:44,640 Ever worried about his behavior before? 388 00:33:46,412 --> 00:33:50,186 No, never. 389 00:33:50,187 --> 00:33:51,782 Não, nunca. 390 00:33:51,783 --> 00:33:55,094 I'm pretty worried about what you told me. 391 00:33:55,095 --> 00:33:57,234 But I do not see how that can be true. 392 00:33:57,235 --> 00:34:00,445 My boyfriend is nurse, he works in a hospital. 393 00:34:01,649 --> 00:34:04,840 That means he could have contact with other children. 394 00:34:05,279 --> 00:34:07,319 395 00:34:07,320 --> 00:34:09,233 But we need to protect your daughter 396 00:34:09,234 --> 00:34:11,892 and any other children who may be at risk. 397 00:34:11,893 --> 00:34:14,273 p> - Hey, I'm back! 398 00:34:18,693 --> 00:34:20,067 399 00:34:20,536 --> 00:34:22,486 It's lovely out there. Let's enjoy it. 400 00:34:23,063 --> 00:34:25,063 I saw you talking to her on the street. 401 00:34:25,064 --> 00:34:27,480 - She sucks. - It was arguing with her? 402 00:34:27,919 --> 00:34:30,400 - Ela é um saco. - Estava discutindo com ela? 403 00:34:30,400 --> 00:34:34,280 No, it was about the vigilance of the neighborhood. She wants volunteers. 404 00:34:34,861 --> 00:34:37,461 Some kids have caused problems or something. 405 00:34:41,120 --> 00:34:42,758 I have to talk to you. 406 00:34:43,398 --> 00:34:45,678 But I... 407 00:34:46,591 --> 00:34:50,691 I received these messages, I do not know who they are. 408 00:34:58,826 --> 00:35:00,343 What? 409 00:35:02,036 --> 00:35:03,474 What is this? 410 00:35:03,950 --> 00:35:05,314 411 00:35:12,379 --> 00:35:13,689 412 00:35:16,734 --> 00:35:18,382 413 00:35:19,662 --> 00:35:21,116 414 00:35:22,085 --> 00:35:23,449 415 00:35:24,659 --> 00:35:26,468 416 00:35:27,994 --> 00:35:30,012 p> I do not know. 417 00:35:30,013 --> 00:35:32,215 I do not know who sent them. 418 00:35:33,360 --> 00:35:34,787 The first came yesterday after I left - children at school. 419 00:35:35,760 --> 00:35:38,818 Yesterday? 420 00:35:39,803 --> 00:35:41,494 - Why did not you say anything? - Well, I tried. with anyone about it? 421 00:35:41,495 --> 00:35:44,257 - No, of course not. - Do not talk to anyone, Jo. 422 00:35:53,416 --> 00:35:55,906 - Should we go to the police? - What? p> - Before anyone else goes. - Police? 423 00:35:56,424 --> 00:35:59,288 Why? Why would we go to the police? They'll arrest me. 424 00:35:59,289 --> 00:36:02,715 I'm going to lose my job, they'll log me in. 425 00:36:02,716 --> 00:36:05,893 No. No, we're not going to the police. > 426 00:36:06,214 --> 00:36:08,428 I do not understand... 427 00:36:12,980 --> 00:36:14,510 How do you... 428 00:36:15,361 --> 00:36:16,733 Have you ever tried to call for the number? . Your connection can not be made right now. 429 00:36:17,510 --> 00:36:19,236 Please leave a message after the sign. 430 00:36:20,980 --> 00:36:24,187 Hi. My name is Danny. 431 00:36:24,188 --> 00:36:26,802 Por favor, deixe uma mensagem após o sinal. 432 00:36:27,427 --> 00:36:29,301 Oi. Meu nome é Danny. 433 00:36:29,302 --> 00:36:31,573 Você tem enviado mensagens para este celular. 434 00:36:31,574 --> 00:36:34,288 Messages to my girlfriend, about her daughter and me. 435 00:36:34,289 --> 00:36:35,823 Very sick messages. 436 00:36:35,824 --> 00:36:39,386 I do not know what you think you know about 437 00:36:39,387 --> 00:36:42,190 You can not send messages like that. 438 00:36:42,588 --> 00:36:44,975 > 439 00:36:45,671 --> 00:36:48,560 I do not know what you're trying, but... 440 00:36:48,561 --> 00:36:50,781 Who are you? 441 00:36:50,782 --> 00:36:52,475 You chose the wrong guy, Because I'm going to find out who you are and I'll break up with you. 442 00:36:52,476 --> 00:36:55,106 And you do not know what awaits you. 443 00:36:55,107 --> 00:36:57,278 You think you can send these messages to me and my girlfriend about her daughter... 444 00:36:57,279 --> 00:36:59,821 Jo, it's okay It's okay. 445 00:36:59,822 --> 00:37:02,747 It's okay. Let's settle this, okay? 446 00:37:16,521 --> 00:37:20,020 Jo, está tudo bem. Está tudo bem. 447 00:37:20,398 --> 00:37:22,606 Está tudo bem. Vamos resolver isso, está bem? 448 00:37:22,607 --> 00:37:25,332 Look at me. 449 00:37:26,019 --> 00:37:28,257 I told someone. I told Sally. 450 00:37:33,151 --> 00:37:36,046 Why did you do this? 451 00:37:36,811 --> 00:37:38,696 > 452 00:37:46,044 --> 00:37:47,618 I had to talk to someone. 453 00:37:54,573 --> 00:37:56,227 Did you touch her? 454 00:37:59,874 --> 00:38:01,774 What are you doing? 455 00:38:37,265 --> 00:38:40,512 You do not understand .. 456 00:38:40,831 --> 00:38:43,650 - Hi. What are you doing here? - I need to talk to Katie. 457 00:38:43,651 --> 00:38:45,371 Why can not you wait until tomorrow when I take it? I need to see it now, Des. 458 00:38:45,858 --> 00:38:47,398 Is there a problem? 459 00:38:48,169 --> 00:38:51,912 I'll explain, just need to talk to She's up there. 460 00:38:52,311 --> 00:38:54,033 She's been there all morning. I'll come up with you. 461 00:38:54,765 --> 00:38:58,220 Let me go alone 462 00:38:58,221 --> 00:39:00,100 Katie 463 00:39:02,195 --> 00:39:04,252 464 00:39:07,451 --> 00:39:08,751 465 00:39:33,408 --> 00:39:35,588 I used to do that when you were little. 466 00:39:38,369 --> 00:39:40,180 I heated your room, 467 00:39:41,765 --> 00:39:43,300 I bathed you, 468 00:39:45,805 --> 00:39:48,834 and I sang for you to sleep on. 469 00:39:53,297 --> 00:39:55,700 I'm sorry, Katie! 470 00:40:00,174 --> 00:40:01,674 It's not you, Mom. 471 00:40:04,548 --> 00:40:06,277 It's my dad. 472 00:40:08,060 --> 00:40:09,360 473 00:40:10,041 --> 00:40:12,374 He's wondering about me and Danny. 474 00:40:13,012 --> 00:40:15,029 What do you mean, Danny? 475 00:40:17,121 --> 00:40:19,481 Danny is giving you money? " 476 00:40:21,718 --> 00:40:23,735 " Has he bought something for you? " 477 00:40:24,036 --> 00:40:26,233 478 00:40:26,234 --> 00:40:27,739 - Can I join you? 479 00:40:30,210 --> 00:40:32,836 480 00:40:32,837 --> 00:40:35,393 i> - Just a minute. 481 00:40:35,717 --> 00:40:38,040 Do not say anything, Mom. Please. 482 00:40:38,664 --> 00:40:40,997 It's very important to tell me the truth. 483 00:40:42,036 --> 00:40:45,012 And whatever you say, It's not your fault. 484 00:40:46,052 --> 00:40:49,085 Do you understand? 485 00:40:49,683 --> 00:40:51,166 Baby, we need to talk as family. 486 00:40:54,640 --> 00:40:57,038 - Katie! > - Katie, come back! 487 00:40:57,039 --> 00:41:00,048 Right. I want to know what's going on. 488 00:41:04,112 --> 00:41:06,937 I do not know, Des. 489 00:41:07,560 --> 00:41:09,109 What were you talking about? I heard her mentioning Danny. It's something... 490 00:41:09,110 --> 00:41:10,910 She said that you keep asking about him. 491 00:41:11,944 --> 00:41:13,748 p> Yes. I did not know him and suddenly he went there. 492 00:41:13,749 --> 00:41:16,001 She said something? 493 00:41:17,068 --> 00:41:18,695 Yes, she said many things. p> I'm worried, Jo. I'm her father. 494 00:41:19,625 --> 00:41:23,074 Sim. Eu não o conheço e de repente ele foi para lá. 495 00:41:23,075 --> 00:41:24,519 Ela disse algo? 496 00:41:25,980 --> 00:41:28,324 Sim, ela disse muitas coisas. 497 00:41:30,198 --> 00:41:33,177 Estou preocupado, Jo. Eu sou o pai dela. 498 00:41:33,536 --> 00:41:36,951 She suddenly lives with a complete stranger. 499 00:41:36,952 --> 00:41:38,252 A guy. 500 00:41:38,253 --> 00:41:40,937 She had no choice, none of us had. 501 00:41:41,304 --> 00:41:44,596 We do not... Who lives with my children? 502 00:41:46,663 --> 00:41:49,178 Who is he? What do you know about him? 503 00:41:51,008 --> 00:41:53,130

00:41:54,983 505 00:41:55,316 --> 00:41:57,812 What have you been thinking Jo? 506 00:41:58,358 --> 00:42:00,300 Only God knows what people are thinking. 507 00:42:02,006 --> 00:42:04,308 A guy I do not know 508 00:42:05,506 --> 00:42:07,643 It's in the same house as my 11 year old daughter. 509 00:42:07,644 --> 00:42:10,664 I'm just trying to protect my daughter. 510 00:42:11,622 --> 00:42:13,786 Who's calling? It was you! 511 00:42:29,000 --> 00:42:30,587 It was you! 512 00:42:57,034 --> 00:42:59,902 It was you! 513 00:43:00,611 --> 00:43:04,656 Foi você! 514 00:43:06,305 --> 00:43:08,256 Não foi eu! 515 00:43:08,257 --> 00:43:11,688 It was not me who caused it! It was not me! 516 00:43:13,803 --> 00:43:17,279 Who gave you the right to decide what happens to me? 517 00:43:17,764 --> 00:43:19,083 What? 518 00:43:19,561 --> 00:43:22,814 519 00:43:22,815 --> 00:43:24,935 < Look at me. Look at me, Jo. I want you to look at what you've done. 520 00:43:25,967 --> 00:43:27,267 I'm 44, I live here by myself. 00:43:31,078 Do not take this away from me. 522 00:43:31,756 --> 00:43:34,857 All that I have left are the children! 523 00:43:35,390 --> 00:43:39,697 DOMINGO 524 00:43:39,698 --> 00:43:42,441 Good evening. 525 00:43:42,442 --> 00:43:44,622 I I love you. 526 00:43:56,733 --> 00:44:00,530 Good night, dear. 527 00:44:37,191 --> 00:44:38,611 Sleep well. Do not delay. 528 00:44:39,785 --> 00:44:41,085 Legend with us: acesubslegendas @ gmail. com 529 00:44:46,028 --> 00:44:47,378 Boa noite, querida. 530 00:44:47,888 --> 00:44:49,739 Durma bem. Não demore. 531 00:45:46,582 --> 00:45:50,082 Legende conosco: acesubslegendas@gmail.com