1 00:02:33,070 --> 00:02:35,072 The path to Paradise... 2 00:02:35,197 --> 00:02:37,450 is full of obstacles. 3 00:03:34,506 --> 00:03:37,443 Amazing discovery made by the Stanford Research Institute 4 00:03:37,467 --> 00:03:38,719 in the Plain of Giza. 5 00:03:39,261 --> 00:03:42,731 The big pyramid and the Sphynx are connected by a secret passage. 6 00:03:50,897 --> 00:03:55,378 "Upuaut Vll" the micro-robot created by the German engineer Rudolf Gantenbrink 7 00:03:55,402 --> 00:03:59,657 has discovered some subterranean caves connecting these two huge structures. 8 00:04:04,035 --> 00:04:07,414 Hieroglyphic fragments suggest that the subterranean structures 9 00:04:07,539 --> 00:04:09,792 were created by the "Shemsu Hor": 10 00:04:10,167 --> 00:04:13,512 The followers of a cult devoted to the legendary Horus. 11 00:04:13,628 --> 00:04:16,802 We are about to discover the mythical "Way of Horus". 12 00:04:17,507 --> 00:04:19,680 Here are the images, shown for the first time. 13 00:04:37,652 --> 00:04:41,828 The ancient Egyptians were already using an instrument like this one 14 00:04:42,699 --> 00:04:46,203 to orient themselves in the desert by following the stars. 15 00:04:48,330 --> 00:04:51,960 It was rediscovered thanks to an old scroll... 16 00:04:52,083 --> 00:04:57,315 Remember: Every single thing around you is part of the whole picture... 17 00:04:57,339 --> 00:04:59,967 Everything is connected by an invisible thread... 18 00:05:01,051 --> 00:05:03,850 You just need to be able to see the connections. 19 00:05:12,062 --> 00:05:18,195 We'll find right here the relics of the Egyptian ships coasting Italy. 20 00:05:18,985 --> 00:05:23,206 Phaeton will no longer be a myth. We can prove it! 21 00:05:23,490 --> 00:05:26,835 Abif, here we are. 22 00:06:03,154 --> 00:06:05,132 Hello? 23 00:06:05,156 --> 00:06:07,284 I found it. Here's almost dawn. 24 00:06:08,285 --> 00:06:12,040 I'll send it to you via pneumatic tube... 25 00:06:15,292 --> 00:06:16,384 Hello! 26 00:06:22,883 --> 00:06:24,110 What's happening? 27 00:06:24,134 --> 00:06:26,307 Someone's here. I have to go. 28 00:07:51,346 --> 00:07:55,476 Assistant director, someone is asking for you on the phone. 29 00:07:55,600 --> 00:07:59,901 Fine. The four canopic jars of Horus from New York 30 00:08:00,021 --> 00:08:03,150 need to be placed in the showcase number 33. 31 00:08:03,400 --> 00:08:05,402 All right, Dr. Tule. 32 00:08:09,364 --> 00:08:10,616 Hello? 33 00:08:12,492 --> 00:08:13,539 Yes, I'm coming. 34 00:08:14,536 --> 00:08:16,347 Something unexpected! 35 00:08:16,371 --> 00:08:20,296 Please, tell Professor Al Kamar I need to go. 36 00:08:20,542 --> 00:08:22,920 Don't worry, Doctor. I'll tell him. 37 00:08:34,055 --> 00:08:36,774 Welcome to the eternal life. 38 00:08:36,933 --> 00:08:41,029 The borders of existence will be definitely overcome. 39 00:08:47,527 --> 00:08:50,076 Your precious signature, please. 40 00:08:56,286 --> 00:08:57,458 Bye. 41 00:09:24,564 --> 00:09:28,819 Death and Nature will be astounded, 42 00:09:30,445 --> 00:09:33,049 when every creature will revive 43 00:09:33,073 --> 00:09:36,748 to answer the Judgement. 44 00:09:38,119 --> 00:09:40,247 The soul longing for eternity, 45 00:09:42,373 --> 00:09:46,128 needs to overcome the invincible triumph of death 46 00:09:48,505 --> 00:09:50,223 in order to be saved. 47 00:09:52,092 --> 00:09:54,361 The borders of existence 48 00:09:54,385 --> 00:09:57,730 will be definitely overcome. 49 00:10:02,268 --> 00:10:05,772 Go beyond the threshold of hope. 50 00:10:10,110 --> 00:10:11,532 Experience it! 51 00:10:14,405 --> 00:10:18,126 Resurrection Day is coming, 52 00:10:20,411 --> 00:10:22,914 when the half-living of the Moratorium 53 00:10:23,039 --> 00:10:25,292 will live again. 54 00:10:27,669 --> 00:10:29,671 We are waiting for you. 55 00:10:31,923 --> 00:10:35,302 Resurrection Day is coming. 56 00:10:39,139 --> 00:10:41,283 Offers are subject to the availability, 57 00:10:41,307 --> 00:10:43,869 terms and conditions of every single structure. 58 00:10:43,893 --> 00:10:46,914 Facilitations cannot be discussed outside estimates phase. 59 00:10:46,938 --> 00:10:49,566 Payments are not commutable in foreign bonds. 60 00:10:50,316 --> 00:10:52,159 Lot 514! 61 00:10:52,819 --> 00:10:56,790 The starting bid is of 10.000 post-credits, non-commutable into bonds. 62 00:11:02,954 --> 00:11:04,171 Other offers? 63 00:11:11,713 --> 00:11:14,091 Lot 515, now. 64 00:11:14,215 --> 00:11:18,946 Some rare fragments of an Egyptian scroll: The date is uncertain. 65 00:11:18,970 --> 00:11:23,100 They come from a private collection, but are certified by our experts. 66 00:11:23,850 --> 00:11:27,104 Bid starts from 50.000 post-credits, non-commutable into bonds. 67 00:11:27,604 --> 00:11:30,858 Bids must be of 10.000 post-credits for the exposed code. 68 00:11:31,191 --> 00:11:33,614 Ladies and gentlemen, we can start. 69 00:11:35,695 --> 00:11:36,867 Who offers more? 70 00:11:37,739 --> 00:11:40,242 60.000 post-credits for the gentleman with paddle number 3. 71 00:11:40,366 --> 00:11:43,721 70.000 post-credits for the lady with paddle number 5. 72 00:11:43,745 --> 00:11:47,375 80.000 post-credits for the gentleman, with paddle number 8. 73 00:11:48,750 --> 00:11:49,751 More? 74 00:11:50,001 --> 00:11:53,756 90.000 post-credits for the gentleman, with paddle number 15. 75 00:11:55,965 --> 00:12:00,015 100.000 post-credits to the gentleman, with paddle number 3. 76 00:12:00,845 --> 00:12:02,392 No more bids? 77 00:12:04,349 --> 00:12:05,826 100.000 and one. 78 00:12:05,850 --> 00:12:08,023 100.000 and two. 79 00:12:09,270 --> 00:12:10,613 100.000 and three! 80 00:12:11,022 --> 00:12:13,901 The item is awarded to the gentleman, with paddle number 3. 81 00:12:14,484 --> 00:12:16,907 Thank you and congratulations, sir. It's an excellent choice! 82 00:12:22,408 --> 00:12:25,378 We carry on, with lot 516. 83 00:12:31,042 --> 00:12:35,673 The third canto of the Divine Comedy of the great poet Dante Alighieri! 84 00:12:36,506 --> 00:12:38,429 A volume dated the end of the nineteenth century. 85 00:12:39,759 --> 00:12:42,888 The starting bid to experience Dante's Paradise is... 86 00:12:47,517 --> 00:12:48,814 Scan the pictures. 87 00:12:49,894 --> 00:12:54,166 Make two encrypted copies: One for me and one for the institute, 88 00:12:54,190 --> 00:12:55,668 and then... 89 00:12:55,692 --> 00:12:59,196 you can remove a tiny fragment for DNA 90 00:13:00,697 --> 00:13:02,290 and radiocarbon testing. 91 00:13:02,949 --> 00:13:04,802 I want to know where this came from. 92 00:13:04,826 --> 00:13:08,547 Well, it looks like Cyperus Papyrus, Professor. 93 00:13:09,330 --> 00:13:11,833 But the test will take a least a week. 94 00:13:12,292 --> 00:13:13,669 We can wait. 95 00:13:14,168 --> 00:13:15,841 You can do these scans. 96 00:13:16,337 --> 00:13:18,715 I'm going to make a few phone calls and... 97 00:13:19,590 --> 00:13:22,343 I want to visit one of my true colleagues. 98 00:13:31,728 --> 00:13:33,981 We got the results today. 99 00:13:35,606 --> 00:13:39,327 This is part of the Turin Canon. 100 00:13:39,861 --> 00:13:43,206 Unfortunately, the most important part is missing. 101 00:13:43,740 --> 00:13:46,368 That could be a connection to the Seven Sages. 102 00:13:47,952 --> 00:13:49,499 The Book of the Foundation. 103 00:13:50,121 --> 00:13:51,748 The followers of Horus. 104 00:13:52,123 --> 00:13:54,342 The builders of the sacred cities. 105 00:13:56,377 --> 00:13:58,004 That's just amazing. 106 00:13:58,129 --> 00:13:59,255 Yeah. 107 00:14:10,892 --> 00:14:13,361 You must have paid a fortune for these“. 108 00:14:14,645 --> 00:14:16,898 You even got them past the Shuster Control. 109 00:14:18,649 --> 00:14:20,367 It's damn fantastic! 110 00:14:22,779 --> 00:14:28,761 Dante, these days everything is just a flow of digital data 111 00:14:28,785 --> 00:14:30,662 one click away. 112 00:14:30,912 --> 00:14:34,542 Not even Oligarchs could afford these relics of the past. 113 00:14:35,666 --> 00:14:37,919 It's just a partial fortune, sadly. Let's sit. 114 00:14:46,052 --> 00:14:47,679 I used to smoke. 115 00:14:53,017 --> 00:14:55,190 That's the only thing my Father left me. 116 00:14:58,022 --> 00:15:00,400 It's the only real thing beside all these memories. 117 00:15:01,651 --> 00:15:04,530 Funny, isn't it? Today it's a totally useless object. 118 00:15:06,823 --> 00:15:08,200 Another vanish utopia. 119 00:15:09,450 --> 00:15:10,576 Yes. 120 00:15:12,286 --> 00:15:14,789 I want to get to that missing piece. 121 00:15:16,290 --> 00:15:19,214 Maybe was misfiled in some different document. 122 00:15:19,710 --> 00:15:21,303 You could go to Turin. 123 00:15:21,796 --> 00:15:23,469 To check the catalogues! 124 00:15:25,091 --> 00:15:26,468 I can't leave my mother. 125 00:15:27,969 --> 00:15:29,721 Yes, I know she needs you. 126 00:15:31,472 --> 00:15:32,598 I love her, too. 127 00:15:33,307 --> 00:15:34,729 She's not getting better. 128 00:15:35,309 --> 00:15:37,983 We can wait, don't be long. 129 00:15:40,356 --> 00:15:41,542 All right? 130 00:15:41,566 --> 00:15:42,613 Okay. 131 00:15:46,237 --> 00:15:47,705 You may need help. 132 00:15:48,114 --> 00:15:50,583 No, I prefer to dive alone. You know me. 133 00:16:05,631 --> 00:16:08,384 Here, this is the point. Yes, I see. 134 00:16:16,517 --> 00:16:18,269 Look, this is your father. 135 00:16:36,245 --> 00:16:38,794 What's happening? 136 00:16:43,002 --> 00:16:44,675 Shit... What? 137 00:16:45,296 --> 00:16:47,390 He's coming up too fast. 138 00:17:31,217 --> 00:17:32,685 Are you okay? 139 00:17:42,979 --> 00:17:44,856 Follow your heart... 140 00:17:46,607 --> 00:17:51,113 The light of your most brilliant star... 141 00:17:51,237 --> 00:17:54,591 will lead you to the roots... 142 00:17:54,615 --> 00:17:56,617 to the Truth... 143 00:17:58,369 --> 00:18:01,589 There lies the secret... 144 00:18:46,042 --> 00:18:48,478 She never wanted to end up in a Moratorium, 145 00:18:48,502 --> 00:18:51,756 bound to a thermic decay-suspension machine. 146 00:18:52,798 --> 00:18:54,516 Hanging between life and death. 147 00:18:55,551 --> 00:18:58,430 Lingering in that bubble, just to be able to talk to her 148 00:18:58,554 --> 00:19:00,431 for a couple of minutes a year. 149 00:19:05,269 --> 00:19:07,692 And death... 150 00:19:08,939 --> 00:19:10,532 shall have no dominion. 151 00:19:13,569 --> 00:19:16,038 Dead man naked they shall be one 152 00:19:17,823 --> 00:19:21,261 with the man in the wind and the west moon. 153 00:19:21,285 --> 00:19:24,181 When their bones are picked clean 154 00:19:24,205 --> 00:19:26,207 and the clean bones gone, 155 00:19:26,707 --> 00:19:29,335 they shall have stars at elbow and foot. 156 00:19:31,712 --> 00:19:35,433 Though they sink through the sea they shall rise again. 157 00:19:37,343 --> 00:19:39,571 Though lovers be lost 158 00:19:39,595 --> 00:19:42,064 love shall not. 159 00:19:43,474 --> 00:19:44,701 And death... 160 00:19:44,725 --> 00:19:46,978 shall have no dominion. 161 00:19:55,736 --> 00:19:58,489 Welcome to the eternal life. 162 00:20:04,620 --> 00:20:08,215 Resurrection Day is coming. 163 00:20:09,625 --> 00:20:15,598 When every creature will revive to answer the Judgement. 164 00:20:16,757 --> 00:20:19,135 It's time to wake up. 165 00:20:19,844 --> 00:20:22,142 I'm Mr. Adams. I'm looking for Mr. Shu. 166 00:20:25,224 --> 00:20:28,478 The references from Prof. Moonlight grants you the necessary authorization. 167 00:20:28,978 --> 00:20:32,733 You are now a "root user" of our system. A big privilege, no doubt. 168 00:20:33,774 --> 00:20:34,866 But... 169 00:20:35,359 --> 00:20:38,659 Actually, we've not been informed about the object of your research. 170 00:20:39,029 --> 00:20:42,408 I'm looking for information about the movements of 171 00:20:42,533 --> 00:20:46,754 some fragments of an ancient scroll... connected to the Turin Canon. 172 00:20:47,496 --> 00:20:49,641 You can find the coordinates in my badge. 173 00:20:49,665 --> 00:20:51,351 Good, Professor Adams, 174 00:20:51,375 --> 00:20:54,354 I'm going to make a quick research in the digital archives. 175 00:20:54,378 --> 00:20:56,881 In the meantime, could you please... Sure. 176 00:21:01,635 --> 00:21:03,433 Excellent! Thank you sir. 177 00:21:04,430 --> 00:21:05,556 Thank you. 178 00:21:06,932 --> 00:21:08,434 Let me see... 179 00:21:13,564 --> 00:21:16,192 No, that's really strange though. 180 00:21:18,068 --> 00:21:20,696 Maybe the notification is missing. 181 00:21:22,948 --> 00:21:26,077 Okay don't worry, no problem. 182 00:21:26,827 --> 00:21:29,296 We could try some information in the paper archives. 183 00:21:29,705 --> 00:21:32,208 Could you please wait here? For sure, no problem. 184 00:21:34,710 --> 00:21:36,897 According to the Shuster law, in order to... 185 00:21:36,921 --> 00:21:40,846 to get access to the archive, you need an authorization from the Ministry. 186 00:21:43,344 --> 00:21:45,597 Your references are not enough. You understand? 187 00:21:46,430 --> 00:21:50,202 You could try talking to the former director, 188 00:21:50,226 --> 00:21:52,729 Professor Fahrid Al Kamar... 189 00:21:52,853 --> 00:21:55,606 he knew the content of the museum piece by piece. 190 00:21:55,856 --> 00:21:58,484 He spent his life among papers and papers. 191 00:21:58,609 --> 00:22:01,738 I know he lives in a small village not far from here. 192 00:22:02,446 --> 00:22:03,493 Good morning, 193 00:22:03,614 --> 00:22:05,616 I'm looking for Professor Al Kamar. 194 00:22:06,492 --> 00:22:07,960 Do you know him? 195 00:22:08,494 --> 00:22:09,871 I am a researcher. 196 00:22:11,622 --> 00:22:14,000 The Egyptian Museum of Turin sent me here. 197 00:22:14,625 --> 00:22:16,343 You are a colleague, then... 198 00:22:17,127 --> 00:22:20,757 You go out of the shop and turn right into the small alley. 199 00:22:21,507 --> 00:22:24,260 After fifty meters you'll find an arch. 200 00:22:24,885 --> 00:22:27,855 The professor's house gate is right there. 201 00:22:28,264 --> 00:22:29,641 Thank you, sir. 202 00:22:56,542 --> 00:22:59,229 You're not going to find him there though now. 203 00:22:59,253 --> 00:23:02,678 He spends all his time inside a cave in the woods. 204 00:23:03,257 --> 00:23:04,634 It's not far from here. 205 00:25:07,047 --> 00:25:08,139 No. 206 00:25:11,802 --> 00:25:13,363 It's impossible... 207 00:25:13,387 --> 00:25:16,391 No, father wake up. 208 00:25:19,184 --> 00:25:20,912 Wake up! Father! 209 00:25:20,936 --> 00:25:23,689 No, do not leave me alone... 210 00:25:30,029 --> 00:25:31,827 Let me stay here... Father! 211 00:25:33,699 --> 00:25:34,884 Father! 212 00:25:34,908 --> 00:25:36,080 No! 213 00:25:38,328 --> 00:25:39,705 Father! 214 00:25:42,291 --> 00:25:44,965 I want to see my father! 215 00:25:53,302 --> 00:25:54,428 Father! 216 00:25:55,804 --> 00:25:57,351 Father! 217 00:26:18,619 --> 00:26:21,623 Rest in peace, my friend. 218 00:27:41,827 --> 00:27:42,919 Ehi! 219 00:27:43,453 --> 00:27:44,579 Who are you? 220 00:27:45,455 --> 00:27:47,457 Don't worry, Professor. I'm Arthur Adams. 221 00:27:47,708 --> 00:27:49,210 I am an archeologist from York. 222 00:27:50,043 --> 00:27:51,396 What do you want? 223 00:27:51,420 --> 00:27:54,315 I'm Professor Moonlight's assistant. You should know him. 224 00:27:54,339 --> 00:27:55,556 Moonlight? 225 00:27:56,466 --> 00:27:57,819 Professor Al Kamar? 226 00:27:57,843 --> 00:27:58,935 Yes... 227 00:28:00,095 --> 00:28:01,563 so they say. 228 00:28:02,097 --> 00:28:04,284 I'm doing some researches on an ancient document. 229 00:28:04,308 --> 00:28:06,731 You are the only one who can help me. 230 00:28:10,063 --> 00:28:11,565 Which document? 231 00:28:12,191 --> 00:28:14,364 The missing fragment of the Turin Canon! 232 00:28:19,448 --> 00:28:20,870 It's not so easy. 233 00:28:21,241 --> 00:28:23,460 Not here... not now. 234 00:28:24,870 --> 00:28:28,500 Meet me at San Lorenzo's church. At sunset. 235 00:28:30,209 --> 00:28:31,631 You must go now, boy. 236 00:28:32,002 --> 00:28:33,094 Go! 237 00:29:27,933 --> 00:29:29,744 Ah, you're here, already! 238 00:29:29,768 --> 00:29:31,315 What's going on? 239 00:29:31,812 --> 00:29:34,123 Listen to me, boy. This is very important: 240 00:29:34,147 --> 00:29:38,698 The place where we met is the tomb of an ancient Egyptian queen. 241 00:29:39,569 --> 00:29:40,880 These walls... 242 00:29:40,904 --> 00:29:43,828 gives us clues for understanding the scroll you're looking for. 243 00:29:44,574 --> 00:29:46,952 Look over there, do you see those roses? 244 00:29:48,161 --> 00:29:51,961 The corn, Hermes... even the Pelican, too. 245 00:29:52,916 --> 00:29:56,716 These stones tell us that this place was once an ancient Egyptian site, 246 00:29:57,462 --> 00:29:59,430 linked to the cult of Horus. 247 00:29:59,965 --> 00:30:01,842 Yes... but what about the scroll? 248 00:30:03,218 --> 00:30:04,720 Another time. 249 00:30:22,487 --> 00:30:23,864 Professor Al Kamar? 250 00:30:25,198 --> 00:30:28,247 It's Arthur Adams, It's midnight! Our meeting... 251 00:30:29,494 --> 00:30:30,620 Professor? 252 00:30:46,636 --> 00:30:47,888 Who did this? 253 00:30:48,889 --> 00:30:50,857 The women knows why. 254 00:30:52,351 --> 00:30:53,603 Go find her! 255 00:30:54,394 --> 00:30:55,520 Your car. 256 00:30:56,897 --> 00:30:58,023 Wait. 257 00:30:59,399 --> 00:31:00,616 See this! 258 00:31:01,860 --> 00:31:03,254 I took it away from the Museum... 259 00:31:03,278 --> 00:31:05,497 to keep it safe... 260 00:31:06,281 --> 00:31:07,658 It is... 261 00:31:08,116 --> 00:31:10,164 the fragment you are looking for. 262 00:31:11,119 --> 00:31:13,222 The Egyptian queen came here 263 00:31:13,246 --> 00:31:16,017 to found the new the city of the Sun, 264 00:31:16,041 --> 00:31:18,260 for her father Akhenaton. 265 00:31:18,919 --> 00:31:21,923 This's the new sacred land of the Egyptians... 266 00:31:24,383 --> 00:31:26,431 Put me down. Yes. 267 00:31:30,305 --> 00:31:33,618 Be careful! 268 00:31:33,642 --> 00:31:35,269 Shemsu Hor... 269 00:31:37,813 --> 00:31:38,939 Who are you? 270 00:31:43,068 --> 00:31:44,285 SALIGIA. 271 00:32:35,579 --> 00:32:36,956 I hope you well. 272 00:32:37,831 --> 00:32:40,505 It's the first murder I have seen in this area. 273 00:32:41,209 --> 00:32:42,882 The killer has no identity. 274 00:32:43,003 --> 00:32:44,255 Unrecognizable. 275 00:32:45,255 --> 00:32:46,381 No badge, 276 00:32:47,215 --> 00:32:49,843 and the fingerprints have been removed with acid. 277 00:32:50,510 --> 00:32:51,887 It's terrible! 278 00:32:56,224 --> 00:32:58,898 We'll need a couple of hours for the retina recognition. 279 00:32:59,019 --> 00:33:01,272 And the people at Moratorium... 280 00:33:01,396 --> 00:33:04,366 I hope they will get something out of that brain. It's a mess. 281 00:33:05,984 --> 00:33:08,004 What are you doing in this area? 282 00:33:08,028 --> 00:33:09,530 I am a University assistant, 283 00:33:09,654 --> 00:33:11,873 specialized in Egyptology. 284 00:33:12,157 --> 00:33:14,034 Well, then you were a colleague of the director? 285 00:33:14,159 --> 00:33:17,163 You could say so, just met him today for the first time. 286 00:33:17,287 --> 00:33:20,641 Please, do not leave the area for the time being. 287 00:33:20,665 --> 00:33:22,894 I will probably need to talk to you again. 288 00:33:22,918 --> 00:33:25,171 I have a room at the Sun Hotel. 289 00:33:26,171 --> 00:33:27,514 You can find me there. 290 00:33:50,278 --> 00:33:51,951 Destination set. 291 00:34:17,973 --> 00:34:20,351 Can I come in... please... can I? 292 00:34:21,226 --> 00:34:22,944 It's you... again? 293 00:34:23,436 --> 00:34:26,541 What do you want from me? I don't want to see you anymore! 294 00:34:26,565 --> 00:34:29,489 I'm sorry... I just wanted to... 295 00:34:30,443 --> 00:34:32,571 Oh... I'm sorry, I thought you were... 296 00:34:33,071 --> 00:34:34,869 No, don't worry, it's my fault... 297 00:34:35,615 --> 00:34:38,459 I'm not used to get inside peoples houses like this, trust me. 298 00:34:39,202 --> 00:34:40,875 I got your address from professor Al Kamar. 299 00:34:40,996 --> 00:34:42,623 Are you Miss Sarah Eve? 300 00:34:42,747 --> 00:34:44,215 Yes, it's me... 301 00:34:44,624 --> 00:34:48,128 ls the professor all right? I haven't seen him for a long time. 302 00:34:50,130 --> 00:34:52,883 I'm sorry the Professor was killed last night. 303 00:34:59,389 --> 00:35:00,390 How did it happen? 304 00:35:00,515 --> 00:35:02,267 I was there... I tried to help him... 305 00:35:02,392 --> 00:35:03,518 too late... 306 00:35:04,269 --> 00:35:05,896 I'm sorry. Do you want me to pass by later? 307 00:35:06,021 --> 00:35:07,364 Yes, thank you... 308 00:35:08,273 --> 00:35:10,275 Maybe it's better if I stay alone. 309 00:35:13,278 --> 00:35:14,279 Wait! 310 00:35:15,530 --> 00:35:17,258 There's something else you wanted to tell me, right? 311 00:35:17,282 --> 00:35:18,625 Well... ah... 312 00:35:19,743 --> 00:35:22,792 The professor left me a last message... Or so I believe... 313 00:35:23,413 --> 00:35:26,007 He told me to contact you in case something happened to him. 314 00:35:26,166 --> 00:35:27,393 I'm Arthur... 315 00:35:27,417 --> 00:35:30,479 Arthur Adams, I am an archaeological researcher... 316 00:35:30,503 --> 00:35:33,177 I came here to get some informations on an ancient scroll. 317 00:35:34,424 --> 00:35:36,652 The Professor was the only one who could help me... 318 00:35:36,676 --> 00:35:39,179 I think the murder is connected to this ancient document. 319 00:35:39,429 --> 00:35:41,490 Did you know anything about his researches? 320 00:35:41,514 --> 00:35:42,640 No... 321 00:35:43,308 --> 00:35:45,561 I just gave him some artistic counseling... 322 00:35:46,311 --> 00:35:47,622 I am a painter. 323 00:35:47,646 --> 00:35:50,149 I've been working on the restoration of some sarcophagi. 324 00:35:51,399 --> 00:35:52,446 But... 325 00:35:52,817 --> 00:35:54,569 Why was he killed? 326 00:35:57,572 --> 00:36:00,041 This was lying on the Professor's face. 327 00:36:02,827 --> 00:36:05,922 I think it's a copy... but it looks very ancient, indeed. 328 00:36:17,467 --> 00:36:19,278 If it's a copy... 329 00:36:19,302 --> 00:36:21,430 a master might have done it. 330 00:36:23,556 --> 00:36:25,934 I'll give you the contact of a top forensic consultant. 331 00:36:26,351 --> 00:36:27,728 He's a good friend of mine. 332 00:36:27,852 --> 00:36:29,570 Tell him I'm sending you. 333 00:36:30,438 --> 00:36:33,668 I don't know anybody in this town. Could you please come with me? 334 00:36:33,692 --> 00:36:36,241 I would be glad... plus is your friend. 335 00:36:36,486 --> 00:36:39,740 I am too busy working... I really can't... I'm sorry. 336 00:36:43,493 --> 00:36:45,621 My office could pay you well... 337 00:36:48,998 --> 00:36:50,966 I'm so happy to see you... 338 00:36:51,376 --> 00:36:52,878 But you never call... 339 00:36:56,881 --> 00:36:58,317 This is Professor Arthur Adams. 340 00:36:58,341 --> 00:36:59,763 Arthur is fine. 341 00:37:01,094 --> 00:37:02,641 A mistake of my youth. 342 00:37:06,850 --> 00:37:08,523 Here's a small present for you... 343 00:37:09,227 --> 00:37:10,604 A real mystery. 344 00:37:13,648 --> 00:37:15,366 What do you think it is? 345 00:37:15,775 --> 00:37:16,901 Just a moment. 346 00:37:21,614 --> 00:37:23,537 Do you think is gonna find connections? 347 00:37:25,034 --> 00:37:27,638 Connections seem invisible, 348 00:37:27,662 --> 00:37:30,632 but they are just hidden behind the surface. 349 00:37:32,125 --> 00:37:33,352 You simply scratch... 350 00:37:33,376 --> 00:37:36,004 and they burst out, like fireworks. 351 00:37:37,172 --> 00:37:39,925 Only those who have eyes to see... 352 00:37:41,009 --> 00:37:43,637 can spot them... of course. 353 00:37:44,304 --> 00:37:45,430 You know... 354 00:37:46,890 --> 00:37:48,437 he's a strange guy... 355 00:37:50,143 --> 00:37:51,565 a man of science... 356 00:37:53,688 --> 00:37:55,541 He knows a lot about religion, 357 00:37:55,565 --> 00:37:57,818 Kabala, even metaphysics. 358 00:37:59,778 --> 00:38:02,406 He's a pure researcher... with no prejudices. 359 00:38:03,531 --> 00:38:05,659 He puts no limit to knowledge... No... 360 00:38:06,701 --> 00:38:08,429 It's not just a replica, 361 00:38:08,453 --> 00:38:11,423 not a recent one, at least... 362 00:38:12,415 --> 00:38:15,339 It must be dating back to the XVI century. 363 00:38:16,669 --> 00:38:18,171 The brushstrokes... 364 00:38:18,963 --> 00:38:20,340 they seem... 365 00:38:21,216 --> 00:38:23,184 Hieronymus Bosch's! 366 00:38:23,718 --> 00:38:27,973 Let's call a friend of mine... An enlightened mind, a real expert. 367 00:38:29,933 --> 00:38:31,059 Just a moment. 368 00:38:32,352 --> 00:38:33,854 What did I tell you? 369 00:38:34,687 --> 00:38:36,234 He's just a bit weird. 370 00:38:41,486 --> 00:38:43,614 It's me, how are you doing? 371 00:38:44,197 --> 00:38:45,995 I need to talk to you. 372 00:38:50,954 --> 00:38:54,629 ...I would like to end my speech with this book, 373 00:38:56,125 --> 00:39:01,507 In it... you'll find the analysis of the relationships between two groups. 374 00:39:01,965 --> 00:39:04,485 One had been: The Faithful of Love, 375 00:39:04,509 --> 00:39:07,513 which Dante was undoubtedly a member. 376 00:39:08,346 --> 00:39:12,101 The other had been: The Brotherhood of the Free Spirit, 377 00:39:13,226 --> 00:39:15,775 which no doubt Bosch was an attendant. 378 00:39:16,396 --> 00:39:20,401 Both groups were aware of the Egyptian philosophy 379 00:39:21,109 --> 00:39:24,113 and the ideas of the Followers of Horus. 380 00:39:25,029 --> 00:39:29,260 Curiously, both men were interested 381 00:39:29,284 --> 00:39:31,787 in the seven deadly sins... 382 00:39:32,912 --> 00:39:35,891 It been said that both men 383 00:39:35,915 --> 00:39:39,920 were particularly sparing. 384 00:39:42,505 --> 00:39:43,802 I'm myself... 385 00:39:45,550 --> 00:39:47,769 guilty of that vice. 386 00:39:50,388 --> 00:39:55,019 This text is... extremely expensive. 387 00:39:57,395 --> 00:40:02,151 In conclusion, I like to read you something... 388 00:40:02,901 --> 00:40:05,575 I think you may understand. 389 00:40:06,946 --> 00:40:08,539 This tercet from the Paradise, 390 00:40:09,949 --> 00:40:13,328 where Dante talks about the mystical Rose. 391 00:40:15,079 --> 00:40:20,561 "The Love, beneath Whose Warmth this flower has grown in eternal 392 00:40:20,585 --> 00:40:23,555 peace, flamed once again in your womb”. 393 00:40:33,306 --> 00:40:36,327 Listen Tully... we've found a piece of canvas, 394 00:40:36,351 --> 00:40:39,330 it looks like Bosch's, it's Pride... 395 00:40:39,354 --> 00:40:42,324 I've heard that story as a rumor, a legend. 396 00:40:43,733 --> 00:40:46,486 Bosch created a series of drawings, 397 00:40:46,611 --> 00:40:48,797 before settling them into one. 398 00:40:48,821 --> 00:40:50,494 A guy came to see me, 399 00:40:51,824 --> 00:40:54,703 and he was asking me a lot of questions... 400 00:40:55,244 --> 00:40:56,962 about the drawings. 401 00:40:58,623 --> 00:41:03,504 He was mentioning some kind of plot... 402 00:41:04,587 --> 00:41:05,634 You see! 403 00:41:06,005 --> 00:41:08,474 So, I think he was nuts... mad. 404 00:41:09,133 --> 00:41:10,225 A crazy man. 405 00:41:11,386 --> 00:41:15,516 So, I send him off I told him to go away. 406 00:41:16,849 --> 00:41:19,523 But I remember his name: 407 00:41:21,896 --> 00:41:23,239 Frank Mam. 408 00:41:24,524 --> 00:41:27,378 As a poet Virgil surname. 409 00:41:27,402 --> 00:41:29,996 Thank you very much, Taron. Okay, see you later. 410 00:41:35,493 --> 00:41:37,746 He found this guy, Frank Mara. 411 00:41:38,037 --> 00:41:41,917 He's been busted a few times for violence and intimidation. 412 00:41:42,792 --> 00:41:47,047 He's now living in an underground area of the town... slums. 413 00:41:47,672 --> 00:41:49,925 A shelter for thieves and invisible people. 414 00:41:50,299 --> 00:41:51,642 So, let's go. 415 00:41:58,933 --> 00:42:00,025 Look! 416 00:42:00,309 --> 00:42:02,186 People call it the Gate of Hell... 417 00:42:02,895 --> 00:42:04,272 a mysterious place. 418 00:42:39,599 --> 00:42:43,570 Attention, don't come in. It's dangerous for you! 419 00:42:57,450 --> 00:42:59,578 We're looking for a man called Frank Maro. 420 00:43:00,244 --> 00:43:03,123 Can you help us? What do you want? Go away! 421 00:43:06,000 --> 00:43:07,377 Come on! 422 00:43:25,394 --> 00:43:26,395 No. 423 00:43:28,272 --> 00:43:31,276 He will be good to you if you don't challenge him... 424 00:43:32,276 --> 00:43:34,028 He's Gengis... 425 00:43:34,779 --> 00:43:37,407 I know where to find the man you are looking for... 426 00:43:37,740 --> 00:43:38,787 I can help you. 427 00:43:38,908 --> 00:43:41,161 But, he's the one who set the price. 428 00:44:04,642 --> 00:44:06,644 I know where you can find him... 429 00:44:07,812 --> 00:44:09,498 I can bring you to him... 430 00:44:09,522 --> 00:44:12,321 It will be expensive though... 431 00:44:12,692 --> 00:44:13,909 How much? 432 00:44:14,694 --> 00:44:17,948 Let's say a 50 post-credits pass gallery. 433 00:44:19,073 --> 00:44:21,201 A 30 post-credits pass is enough! 434 00:44:27,790 --> 00:44:29,463 Okay, let's go. 435 00:44:30,710 --> 00:44:32,428 The pass, first! 436 00:45:15,880 --> 00:45:16,972 Arthur. 437 00:45:17,381 --> 00:45:19,509 Arthur, let's go. Sure. 438 00:46:33,666 --> 00:46:35,714 Follow your heart... 439 00:46:36,669 --> 00:46:40,148 The light of your most brilliant star... 440 00:46:40,172 --> 00:46:42,567 will lead you to the roots... 441 00:46:42,591 --> 00:46:45,310 to the Truth... 442 00:46:57,857 --> 00:46:59,359 Here we are, it's him. 443 00:47:02,862 --> 00:47:04,455 Who the hell are you? 444 00:47:06,198 --> 00:47:08,246 You've come here to kill me, right? 445 00:47:09,744 --> 00:47:11,179 I know nothing, 446 00:47:11,203 --> 00:47:13,080 I've seen nothing. 447 00:47:14,373 --> 00:47:16,601 Get away... leave me alone! 448 00:47:16,625 --> 00:47:18,687 Don't worry, we don't mean to hurt you. 449 00:47:18,711 --> 00:47:21,009 Don't be scared, we only want informations. 450 00:47:25,468 --> 00:47:26,845 What? 451 00:47:27,219 --> 00:47:28,391 James, are you okay? 452 00:47:28,512 --> 00:47:30,014 Get him out of here. 453 00:47:30,514 --> 00:47:31,640 Take him away! 454 00:47:31,974 --> 00:47:33,146 I'll be after you. 455 00:47:33,267 --> 00:47:34,393 Let's go away! 456 00:47:35,519 --> 00:47:37,331 They're looking for me. 457 00:47:37,355 --> 00:47:39,107 I'm coming... 458 00:47:39,648 --> 00:47:40,900 I'm coming with you... 459 00:47:41,484 --> 00:47:42,656 Wait for me, please. 460 00:47:43,361 --> 00:47:45,113 I'm coming with you! 461 00:48:24,318 --> 00:48:25,754 You must help us... 462 00:48:25,778 --> 00:48:29,049 You must tell us everything you know about Bosch's paintings OK'? 463 00:48:29,073 --> 00:48:31,576 We will protect you, don't be scared. 464 00:48:33,202 --> 00:48:34,704 You don't know 465 00:48:34,829 --> 00:48:36,581 who these guys are. 466 00:48:38,707 --> 00:48:42,646 You can't imagine. They can reach everywhere... 467 00:48:42,670 --> 00:48:44,968 Nothing can stop them. 468 00:48:45,464 --> 00:48:46,566 Nobody can! 469 00:48:46,590 --> 00:48:48,443 They... they... Who are "they"? 470 00:48:48,467 --> 00:48:50,310 Frank, please, listen to me. 471 00:48:51,595 --> 00:48:53,848 You must help us, now! 472 00:48:54,348 --> 00:48:55,474 Please... 473 00:48:55,975 --> 00:48:57,318 It's too dangerous... 474 00:48:57,852 --> 00:48:59,946 For me, for you Miss... 475 00:49:01,689 --> 00:49:03,111 and for everybody. 476 00:49:04,316 --> 00:49:05,568 Believe me! 477 00:49:06,861 --> 00:49:10,240 It's for your own good. 478 00:49:11,740 --> 00:49:12,957 For everybody's good. 479 00:49:14,118 --> 00:49:15,620 Who knows about this story? 480 00:49:16,871 --> 00:49:18,123 There's a writer... 481 00:49:19,373 --> 00:49:23,094 He's living in a small village in the mountains... 482 00:49:25,379 --> 00:49:26,631 He's a Count... 483 00:49:27,756 --> 00:49:29,099 Rosebud... 484 00:49:30,384 --> 00:49:34,264 He's been living and working there all his life. 485 00:49:34,889 --> 00:49:36,266 The name, damn it! 486 00:49:37,266 --> 00:49:39,143 His name is Francis Rosebud. 487 00:49:40,519 --> 00:49:42,146 I know nothing else about him. 488 00:49:42,521 --> 00:49:48,153 He's the heir of the Count who built the village. 489 00:49:50,988 --> 00:49:53,241 I hope you're not trying to trick us! 490 00:49:53,782 --> 00:49:58,037 I'm not cheating. 491 00:49:59,788 --> 00:50:01,665 I know very little about all this. 492 00:50:04,668 --> 00:50:07,512 The other ones know... 493 00:50:09,048 --> 00:50:10,925 I have nothing to do with it. 494 00:50:11,050 --> 00:50:12,927 Nothing! Nothing! 495 00:50:13,761 --> 00:50:16,059 Why did they want to hide the truth? 496 00:50:16,764 --> 00:50:18,061 I don't know. 497 00:50:18,807 --> 00:50:20,400 I don't know! 498 00:50:22,019 --> 00:50:23,942 They're very dangerous people. 499 00:50:25,147 --> 00:50:27,650 But Rosebud... 500 00:50:28,442 --> 00:50:29,694 I know... 501 00:50:30,444 --> 00:50:32,321 He wanted to talk. 502 00:50:33,405 --> 00:50:36,705 Yes, he has written things that... 503 00:50:38,702 --> 00:50:40,329 That's enough for me. 504 00:50:42,289 --> 00:50:44,291 I don't know anything else. 505 00:50:45,209 --> 00:50:46,711 Leave me alone... 506 00:50:47,670 --> 00:50:51,675 Leave me alone! 507 00:50:59,723 --> 00:51:01,851 That's all we can get from this man... 508 00:51:02,935 --> 00:51:04,937 using this white-glove treatment, at least 509 00:51:06,105 --> 00:51:08,449 Look... Look what they say about the Count. 510 00:51:09,984 --> 00:51:12,112 He's a scientist, a mathematician... 511 00:51:13,237 --> 00:51:15,956 He's discovered some links between the works of Nicolas Tesla 512 00:51:16,740 --> 00:51:20,595 and a mysterious structure hidden inside the Pyramid of Cheops, 513 00:51:20,619 --> 00:51:21,996 the Zed! 514 00:51:22,871 --> 00:51:25,465 He's been expelled by the University on a charge of molesting. 515 00:51:26,333 --> 00:51:30,133 Here, at an essay's presentation, he's with a model... 516 00:51:31,005 --> 00:51:33,849 They look very intimate. Can we trace her down? 517 00:51:34,258 --> 00:51:35,735 No... no she's not a model... 518 00:51:35,759 --> 00:51:39,197 She's an agent of a para-governmental organization 519 00:51:39,221 --> 00:51:40,393 of the big "Z". 520 00:51:40,514 --> 00:51:43,243 It's an escort service for the oligarchs. 521 00:51:43,267 --> 00:51:44,744 They're called "Priss" 522 00:51:44,768 --> 00:51:46,246 "High pleasure models". 523 00:51:46,270 --> 00:51:48,648 I've questioned her for an ongoing investigation, 524 00:51:48,772 --> 00:51:50,649 but she's not involved. 525 00:51:50,774 --> 00:51:52,367 Well, I can contact the girl... 526 00:51:52,985 --> 00:51:55,363 Then I can arrange a meeting if you want... 527 00:51:55,529 --> 00:51:57,382 We're making a TV show 528 00:51:57,406 --> 00:51:59,875 about magic towns and we need a presenter. 529 00:52:00,117 --> 00:52:02,540 We've saw you in an article about the Count of Rosebud. 530 00:52:02,661 --> 00:52:05,380 Our show is starting precisely over there. 531 00:52:05,789 --> 00:52:07,291 A strange coincidence, isn't it? 532 00:52:08,000 --> 00:52:10,173 Yes, I love coincidences... 533 00:52:10,544 --> 00:52:13,172 They attract me and scare me all the same. 534 00:52:13,547 --> 00:52:14,858 Do you personally know the Count? 535 00:52:14,882 --> 00:52:16,526 We'd like to talk to him and meet him... 536 00:52:16,550 --> 00:52:18,678 to gather informations for our TV show. 537 00:52:18,802 --> 00:52:23,148 The Count is an excellent customer, very gentle and kind. 538 00:52:23,807 --> 00:52:25,309 Yesterday, I was with him. 539 00:52:26,393 --> 00:52:30,569 Sometimes he invites me to his place. A really ghostly place. 540 00:52:31,398 --> 00:52:33,821 If you go there... you could have your arm healed. 541 00:52:34,818 --> 00:52:37,005 There is a mysterious woman, Althea, 542 00:52:37,029 --> 00:52:40,078 living next to the village church. 543 00:52:40,199 --> 00:52:44,054 She's a real healer and you can ask her for information, too... 544 00:52:44,078 --> 00:52:46,706 Shes spent her entire life in the village. 545 00:52:47,831 --> 00:52:49,959 Where she was born. 546 00:53:05,474 --> 00:53:06,942 I was waiting for you... 547 00:53:16,985 --> 00:53:18,838 I've a constant pain in my arm. 548 00:53:18,862 --> 00:53:20,489 It's there, since I was badly wounded... 549 00:53:20,614 --> 00:53:22,082 Let me see... 550 00:53:25,494 --> 00:53:26,620 Yes... 551 00:53:28,747 --> 00:53:31,967 Yes, I can do something... Wait for me here. 552 00:53:53,021 --> 00:53:55,399 How do you heal the sick people who come to see you? 553 00:53:55,858 --> 00:53:59,283 All my ancestors had a gift and were healers... 554 00:53:59,403 --> 00:54:01,214 My mother before me, 555 00:54:01,238 --> 00:54:03,115 her mother before her... 556 00:54:03,782 --> 00:54:05,125 and so on, 557 00:54:05,617 --> 00:54:09,542 from immemorial time... the touch of the “Masca” 558 00:54:09,663 --> 00:54:12,917 is a gift, not a job... 559 00:54:14,126 --> 00:54:15,423 It's a mission. 560 00:54:16,879 --> 00:54:19,733 My ancestors got their "Art" directly from Thoth, 561 00:54:19,757 --> 00:54:22,010 the ancient god of Medicine. 562 00:54:32,811 --> 00:54:34,414 Can I ask you something? 563 00:54:34,438 --> 00:54:37,317 Of course, my dear, tell me. 564 00:54:38,692 --> 00:54:42,071 We've come here to find a man: The Count Rosebud. 565 00:54:44,448 --> 00:54:46,542 I guessed it, of course. 566 00:54:46,950 --> 00:54:48,293 Can you help us? 567 00:54:49,161 --> 00:54:50,708 Francis was born here. 568 00:54:52,289 --> 00:54:54,462 He bears the same name of his ancestor, 569 00:54:54,583 --> 00:54:58,963 the nobleman who built the village. But he's very different. 570 00:54:59,463 --> 00:55:02,091 He has wasted all his money in some unclear business. 571 00:55:02,216 --> 00:55:04,059 He lives with his sister, 572 00:55:05,552 --> 00:55:06,724 a strange woman... 573 00:55:07,596 --> 00:55:10,816 She never comes to the village, she spends all her time in the cemetery. 574 00:55:11,350 --> 00:55:13,912 Her son died immediately after birth, 575 00:55:13,936 --> 00:55:17,361 no chance to put him in the Moratorium, too young. 576 00:55:19,983 --> 00:55:21,610 A fatherless son. 577 00:55:23,487 --> 00:55:25,489 Francis never comes to the village either. 578 00:55:28,492 --> 00:55:31,245 They live in the castle above the village. 579 00:56:07,656 --> 00:56:08,908 It's her, I guess. 580 00:56:09,867 --> 00:56:11,414 Let's go and talk to her. 581 00:56:14,788 --> 00:56:16,381 Sorry to bother you, Madam. 582 00:56:16,874 --> 00:56:18,977 We're looking for the Countess Rosebud. 583 00:56:19,001 --> 00:56:20,674 Can you help us? 584 00:56:21,295 --> 00:56:23,548 Young Countess... The young Countess... 585 00:56:24,381 --> 00:56:25,428 Yes. 586 00:56:30,679 --> 00:56:33,182 Yes, it's me. What do you want? 587 00:56:34,057 --> 00:56:37,027 We're looking for your brother, the Count Francis. 588 00:56:37,811 --> 00:56:39,688 And what do you want from him? 589 00:56:40,397 --> 00:56:43,071 Miss Nora Segni told us we could find him here. 590 00:56:43,525 --> 00:56:47,530 We wanted to talk to him about the origins of Rosebud. 591 00:56:48,447 --> 00:56:51,542 He's in town for some business. He will be back tonight. 592 00:56:52,034 --> 00:56:53,707 You can find him at the village inn. 593 00:56:53,827 --> 00:56:56,956 He spends his dinner time there, with his friends. 594 00:56:59,458 --> 00:57:00,926 I have to go now. 595 00:57:11,219 --> 00:57:13,347 I will tell him about your visit. 596 00:57:15,182 --> 00:57:16,479 Don't worry! 597 00:57:30,614 --> 00:57:32,332 I'm glad you come with me. 598 00:57:35,243 --> 00:57:37,211 My arm... ls not aching anymore... 599 00:57:38,497 --> 00:57:40,683 Did you know, everywhere we look, 600 00:57:40,707 --> 00:57:42,709 there his some traces of Egypt. 601 00:57:44,127 --> 00:57:45,980 Maybe, we are on the right track... 602 00:57:46,004 --> 00:57:47,381 or maybe... 603 00:57:49,591 --> 00:57:51,389 It's just your imagination. 604 00:57:52,010 --> 00:57:53,387 Yeah. 605 00:57:56,890 --> 00:58:02,021 The Countess has just called... The Count is inviting you to his castle. 606 00:58:05,273 --> 00:58:06,900 They live in the castle. 607 00:58:08,360 --> 00:58:10,129 Follow those alleys, 608 00:58:10,153 --> 00:58:13,874 pass under... our magic door... 609 00:58:15,033 --> 00:58:17,035 reach the fountain of live... 610 00:58:17,160 --> 00:58:20,630 go straight... and there you are. 611 00:58:34,678 --> 00:58:36,180 Please, come in. 612 00:58:36,888 --> 00:58:39,311 Thank you. 613 00:58:49,443 --> 00:58:51,286 My brother is waiting for you. 614 00:59:02,164 --> 00:59:06,840 Welcome... thank you for accepting my suddenly invitation. 615 00:59:07,461 --> 00:59:09,338 I hope I can help you. 616 00:59:17,471 --> 00:59:18,563 Please. 617 00:59:23,060 --> 00:59:25,188 My dear "friend", Nora... 618 00:59:26,480 --> 00:59:30,235 told me you are interested in making a TV show about Rosebud. 619 00:59:30,358 --> 00:59:33,588 Yes, we are preparing a series about the magic towns of Piedmont. 620 00:59:33,612 --> 00:59:37,242 I've been studying the same subject for many years. 621 00:59:37,991 --> 00:59:41,370 It looks like the whole area of Piedmont 622 00:59:42,329 --> 00:59:45,629 has the shape of a huge town... 623 00:59:45,749 --> 00:59:48,468 with precise mathematical proportions. 624 00:59:48,627 --> 00:59:50,721 An open-sky sanctuary. 625 00:59:52,005 --> 00:59:54,007 A heritage from the Egyptian models. 626 00:59:55,509 --> 00:59:57,111 Far more than this, 627 00:59:57,135 --> 00:59:59,888 every architectural model... 628 01:00:01,515 --> 01:00:04,769 is in perfect harmony with the human proportions. 629 01:00:06,520 --> 01:00:10,991 I've been searching for perfection through the body my whole life. 630 01:00:11,775 --> 01:00:16,030 I'm especially interested in the female shape... 631 01:00:17,781 --> 01:00:21,411 As my master Tesla, I consider the female body 632 01:00:21,535 --> 01:00:25,915 as the symbol of the primordial energy. 633 01:00:26,540 --> 01:00:29,760 The human body as an energy transmitter... 634 01:00:32,129 --> 01:00:35,633 Wait a minute. I want to show you something. 635 01:00:49,563 --> 01:00:52,282 Don't worry about the Shuster Law, my friends... 636 01:00:55,694 --> 01:01:01,952 Now, have a close look: The Tesla's Tower has the same structure of the Zed. 637 01:01:04,077 --> 01:01:07,832 Here the Zed is inserted in the Ankh key... 638 01:01:09,166 --> 01:01:12,090 Tesla was prevented from ending his work... 639 01:01:12,544 --> 01:01:13,716 so bad. 640 01:01:17,215 --> 01:01:20,469 Let's go back to Rosebud, now... 641 01:01:20,594 --> 01:01:22,847 That's the reason of your visit, right? 642 01:01:23,180 --> 01:01:24,227 Yes. 643 01:01:24,806 --> 01:01:28,661 This area has been breeding many Master Masons, 644 01:01:28,685 --> 01:01:33,316 skillful about alchemical and hermetic symbols. 645 01:01:34,065 --> 01:01:37,086 Nicolao, the famous stone-cutter, 646 01:01:37,110 --> 01:01:41,206 was working in the nearby Abbey of St. Michael. 647 01:01:42,365 --> 01:01:44,242 The Abbey of St. Michael... 648 01:01:46,995 --> 01:01:48,622 The Abbey of St. Michael... 649 01:01:49,831 --> 01:01:51,959 is one of the Gates of Heaven. 650 01:01:52,876 --> 01:01:55,004 As Rosebud: A sacred place. 651 01:01:55,629 --> 01:01:58,382 My ancestor was a very influent man... 652 01:01:58,882 --> 01:02:03,137 in this hall, many important figures of the XIX century 653 01:02:03,637 --> 01:02:06,231 have gathered from all over Europe. 654 01:02:07,224 --> 01:02:10,603 Look at the Starry Sky... 655 01:02:13,355 --> 01:02:16,484 It's the last relic of those bright times. 656 01:03:40,734 --> 01:03:43,203 Sorry to bother you, Count. It's for you. 657 01:03:43,611 --> 01:03:44,703 Thank you. 658 01:03:45,864 --> 01:03:47,332 Excuse me. 659 01:03:53,621 --> 01:03:54,713 Hello? 660 01:03:55,957 --> 01:03:57,004 Thank you. 661 01:04:01,504 --> 01:04:03,848 Sorry, a friends in trouble. 662 01:04:04,632 --> 01:04:08,011 But we can talk again tomorrow, right? 663 01:04:38,416 --> 01:04:40,919 Ehi, who are you? 664 01:05:53,074 --> 01:05:55,873 This is the Police, are you Arthur Adams? 665 01:05:55,994 --> 01:05:57,179 Yeah. 666 01:05:57,203 --> 01:05:59,682 Sorry, but Mr. Moonlight has been killed. 667 01:05:59,706 --> 01:06:00,753 What? 668 01:06:00,999 --> 01:06:02,501 How did happen? 669 01:06:02,625 --> 01:06:06,380 We can't give you information, you've to come here immediately. 670 01:06:10,008 --> 01:06:12,511 Of course, no informations. 671 01:06:13,094 --> 01:06:16,974 We don't have a clue, we've only an ancient painting. 672 01:06:18,516 --> 01:06:20,393 What, a painting? 673 01:06:20,643 --> 01:06:22,270 Yeah, I've to come here tomorrow. 674 01:06:22,854 --> 01:06:25,778 No, I'm coming right now, immediately. 675 01:06:27,734 --> 01:06:29,657 There is no reason for this murder. 676 01:06:30,028 --> 01:06:33,123 You know Agent, when I was in Italy for my researches. 677 01:06:33,740 --> 01:06:36,414 A similar murder happened there, same patterns... 678 01:06:39,787 --> 01:06:41,223 I think they're connected. 679 01:06:41,247 --> 01:06:44,501 You can ask for information from the agent Taron Irons in Turin... 680 01:06:45,668 --> 01:06:47,136 Just a second. 681 01:06:59,432 --> 01:07:02,686 York's agent here, Detective McGuire. Are you the agent Iron? 682 01:07:02,894 --> 01:07:03,996 Yes, it's me. 683 01:07:04,020 --> 01:07:05,567 Do you know Mr. Adams? 684 01:07:05,688 --> 01:07:08,532 Yes, I know him, he's a very good guy. 685 01:07:09,817 --> 01:07:11,160 I guarantee for him. 686 01:07:12,153 --> 01:07:13,951 He's not involved in this murder. 687 01:07:17,784 --> 01:07:19,053 You were right. 688 01:07:19,077 --> 01:07:21,330 The Italian agent witnessed for you... 689 01:07:21,454 --> 01:07:24,207 But, please, remain at our disposal. 690 01:07:27,919 --> 01:07:30,147 Professor Ludwig Adrian Moonlight 691 01:07:30,171 --> 01:07:32,344 has made you his universal heir. 692 01:07:32,465 --> 01:07:35,469 He left a small part of his fortune to the Foundation. 693 01:07:37,470 --> 01:07:39,723 He must have loved you very much. 694 01:07:41,307 --> 01:07:43,105 He was like a father to me... 695 01:07:44,686 --> 01:07:45,733 My mentor. 696 01:07:45,979 --> 01:07:48,232 This was included in Moonlight's... 697 01:07:48,356 --> 01:07:50,324 last will. 698 01:07:54,571 --> 01:07:56,118 I leave you here. 699 01:08:11,504 --> 01:08:12,690 Arthur... 700 01:08:12,714 --> 01:08:15,263 you were like a son to me. 701 01:08:17,010 --> 01:08:20,605 So I decided to make you my heir in every sense. 702 01:08:22,724 --> 01:08:25,728 I trust you will find the Way to follow your destiny... 703 01:08:26,477 --> 01:08:28,980 and continue our search without me. 704 01:08:29,897 --> 01:08:31,149 Remember." 705 01:08:31,649 --> 01:08:34,903 the true nature of things is always hidden. 706 01:08:35,778 --> 01:08:37,405 This is your journey. 707 01:08:38,239 --> 01:08:39,536 Be strong! 708 01:08:40,158 --> 01:08:41,535 Be yourself... 709 01:08:42,160 --> 01:08:44,128 and be goddamn genius! 710 01:08:45,288 --> 01:08:47,382 Good Luck, my boy. 711 01:09:00,428 --> 01:09:02,806 ...and then the notary gave me a postal package, 712 01:09:02,930 --> 01:09:05,399 a confidential box... and a letter. 713 01:09:07,143 --> 01:09:09,316 Inside, there was the missing scroll. 714 01:09:09,437 --> 01:09:10,563 And the letter? 715 01:09:10,688 --> 01:09:12,440 It was totally in the Professor's style. 716 01:09:12,774 --> 01:09:15,573 He wrote me about a task I've to accomplish. 717 01:09:16,194 --> 01:09:18,047 We've to go back to the Egyptian Museum. 718 01:09:18,071 --> 01:09:19,823 Everything started over there. 719 01:09:21,324 --> 01:09:22,951 There must be something I'm missing. 720 01:09:25,411 --> 01:09:28,164 We've to dig inside the paper archives. No, it's crazy. 721 01:09:28,456 --> 01:09:30,584 It's a major violation of the Shuster's law. 722 01:09:31,084 --> 01:09:32,645 We'll end up in jail! 723 01:09:32,669 --> 01:09:34,842 No one can enter in the archives, okay? 724 01:09:35,963 --> 01:09:37,340 It's too dangerous. 725 01:09:37,840 --> 01:09:39,308 Nothing is impossible. 726 01:09:39,592 --> 01:09:42,471 A dear friend of mine is working in the archives. 727 01:09:44,555 --> 01:09:46,603 What are you doing? Go back to your bed! 728 01:09:46,974 --> 01:09:48,726 No time to rest. I'm fine. 729 01:09:55,692 --> 01:09:57,740 Esther, it's nice to see you. 730 01:09:58,194 --> 01:10:01,824 It's a long time. Can we go? Yeah. 731 01:10:02,615 --> 01:10:03,616 It's done. 732 01:10:04,742 --> 01:10:07,086 Esther will let us get inside the archives. 733 01:10:07,704 --> 01:10:10,127 But you have to be very careful. 734 01:10:10,623 --> 01:10:12,250 Just the two of them... 735 01:10:12,375 --> 01:10:14,469 You stay here with me. 736 01:10:16,003 --> 01:10:18,506 There are so many things you have to tell me. 737 01:10:19,757 --> 01:10:21,134 Okay, then. 738 01:10:22,009 --> 01:10:23,320 Pay attention, 739 01:10:23,344 --> 01:10:25,972 and look at every detail that can help us. 740 01:10:30,518 --> 01:10:31,735 Thank you. 741 01:10:33,020 --> 01:10:34,021 So... 742 01:11:12,143 --> 01:11:15,022 I go this way, you can go the other. Okay. 743 01:11:36,834 --> 01:11:38,177 Sarah, are you okay? 744 01:11:42,548 --> 01:11:44,221 Sarah, where are you? 745 01:11:44,592 --> 01:11:45,935 Are you all right? 746 01:12:52,159 --> 01:12:53,411 Are you okay? 747 01:12:54,036 --> 01:12:56,130 Why didn't you answer me? 748 01:12:56,539 --> 01:12:59,292 I heard you... but I didn't want to scream. 749 01:13:00,251 --> 01:13:02,674 I was far from you, trying to find the light switch. 750 01:13:03,921 --> 01:13:05,639 It switched off automatically. 751 01:13:07,508 --> 01:13:08,930 Are you okay? 752 01:13:09,302 --> 01:13:12,181 I feel better now. What did you find? 753 01:13:12,930 --> 01:13:14,273 I just had a look. 754 01:13:14,557 --> 01:13:17,811 Inside this folder there's a document mentioning our scroll... 755 01:13:17,935 --> 01:13:19,663 and the followers of Horus 756 01:13:19,687 --> 01:13:22,190 connected with the seven deadly sins. 757 01:13:23,024 --> 01:13:24,501 They mention the god Thot 758 01:13:24,525 --> 01:13:27,950 and strange links with Dante, Egypt and Bosch. 759 01:13:29,155 --> 01:13:31,829 The author of the document is a woman: Sandra Tule. 760 01:13:33,451 --> 01:13:36,955 Here, she talks about something kept in the Abbey of St. Michael. 761 01:13:37,914 --> 01:13:39,962 We've to show this document immediately to James, 762 01:13:40,082 --> 01:13:42,460 maybe he can find other connections. Okay. 763 01:13:57,308 --> 01:13:58,730 We've found something. 764 01:14:04,315 --> 01:14:07,114 St. Michael... St. Michael Abbey. 765 01:14:34,387 --> 01:14:36,765 My friends... Welcome to Paradise. 766 01:14:37,640 --> 01:14:38,857 I'm father Hugo. 767 01:14:39,600 --> 01:14:42,103 I assume, you're here to see the Abbey? Yes. 768 01:14:43,354 --> 01:14:44,456 As you can see, 769 01:14:44,480 --> 01:14:47,654 Paradise is difficult to reach! 770 01:14:49,860 --> 01:14:53,410 Your friend seems like is not in condition for such a difficult walk. 771 01:14:55,366 --> 01:14:57,010 Perhaps I can get in the car with you, 772 01:14:57,034 --> 01:14:59,662 we go to the main gate and then we can walk from there. 773 01:14:59,787 --> 01:15:01,039 Thank you. 774 01:15:01,288 --> 01:15:02,756 Lovely. 775 01:15:08,045 --> 01:15:10,673 ...sooner or later this road is going to kill me. 776 01:15:12,925 --> 01:15:16,680 If not that, the beer and the sandwiches will... 777 01:15:20,266 --> 01:15:21,313 Anyway, 778 01:15:21,767 --> 01:15:24,065 it's better to go with a full stomach, yes? 779 01:15:24,437 --> 01:15:28,291 And surely, the air of this sacred place 780 01:15:28,315 --> 01:15:30,443 will have me go as a happy man! 781 01:15:32,069 --> 01:15:33,537 Thank you for you company. 782 01:15:34,822 --> 01:15:37,200 Enjoy the Abbey. Thank you. 783 01:15:37,908 --> 01:15:39,080 I'm going to the dining hall, 784 01:15:39,201 --> 01:15:43,456 after such a rigorous walk, one should've something of substance. 785 01:15:44,915 --> 01:15:45,962 Enjoy- 786 01:16:23,496 --> 01:16:25,965 It was carved by Nicolao. 787 01:16:45,142 --> 01:16:47,144 My friends are still here. 788 01:16:48,479 --> 01:16:49,651 Excellent! 789 01:16:53,484 --> 01:16:56,033 How about I take you for a behind-the-scenes tour? 790 01:17:01,534 --> 01:17:03,127 And how about you? 791 01:17:04,161 --> 01:17:05,413 Are you coming? 792 01:17:06,914 --> 01:17:08,416 Yes, I'm coming... 793 01:17:09,166 --> 01:17:10,769 Maybe that man wants to come, too... 794 01:17:10,793 --> 01:17:12,170 What man? 795 01:17:14,630 --> 01:17:16,257 No, he's not there anymore. 796 01:17:25,641 --> 01:17:26,868 ...as I was saying before, 797 01:17:26,892 --> 01:17:29,190 the Abbey is dedicated to the Archangel Michael... 798 01:17:29,311 --> 01:17:31,498 Here, he's crushing the tempting devil. As you know... 799 01:17:31,522 --> 01:17:34,417 The temptations of Satan can be intense... 800 01:17:34,441 --> 01:17:36,753 and only the Saints can resist them. 801 01:17:36,777 --> 01:17:38,922 One temptation I can't resist is: Gluttony. 802 01:17:38,946 --> 01:17:41,508 Why everybody always blames the gluttons? 803 01:17:41,532 --> 01:17:45,387 Dante puts them in Hell. Bosch paints them eating like pigs. 804 01:17:45,411 --> 01:17:47,539 Everybody has to eat, right? 805 01:17:49,790 --> 01:17:51,963 Ah, I have a real treasure for you. 806 01:17:53,294 --> 01:17:55,217 It's my favourite... come! 807 01:20:13,350 --> 01:20:16,854 The chapel down below was built in the 5th Century. 808 01:20:17,938 --> 01:20:19,110 Incredible, ah!? 809 01:20:22,192 --> 01:20:25,492 Come up here, I get something very special for you. Please. 810 01:20:32,870 --> 01:20:34,247 The Susa Valley. 811 01:21:14,536 --> 01:21:15,788 Arthur! 812 01:21:16,747 --> 01:21:19,726 Don't worry, he must be inside the Abbey, 813 01:21:19,750 --> 01:21:21,502 we'll find him later. 814 01:21:23,545 --> 01:21:26,139 He can't get lost... there's only one way down. 815 01:21:29,301 --> 01:21:33,807 The Susa Valley which provided a passage for the Longobards in the 6th Century. 816 01:21:36,392 --> 01:21:38,941 You're looking straight across the mountain to France. 817 01:21:40,062 --> 01:21:41,655 Paradise. 818 01:21:46,568 --> 01:21:50,698 Don't scream! A sudden awakening could make him fall. 819 01:21:51,156 --> 01:21:52,453 Oh my... Stay here. 820 01:22:44,460 --> 01:22:45,507 Arthur. 821 01:22:47,379 --> 01:22:49,723 Wake up... 822 01:22:51,758 --> 01:22:53,010 St. Michael... 823 01:22:54,595 --> 01:22:56,268 Head of the heavenly army... 824 01:22:57,764 --> 01:23:00,142 Please, help this man... 825 01:23:00,893 --> 01:23:03,521 Save this man... Spare this man... 826 01:23:05,147 --> 01:23:07,024 Archangel of the Heavens. 827 01:23:09,735 --> 01:23:12,784 You have the power. Please, give him the power. 828 01:23:14,031 --> 01:23:15,408 Give him the strength! 829 01:23:15,908 --> 01:23:17,034 Heal him! 830 01:23:17,868 --> 01:23:19,290 Please, St. Michael. 831 01:24:17,803 --> 01:24:19,225 What happened?! 832 01:24:19,596 --> 01:24:23,159 I was flying in the void... An angel with a bird's face 833 01:24:23,183 --> 01:24:26,187 slow down my fall. Was it a dream?! 834 01:24:26,603 --> 01:24:28,605 No. You really fell. 835 01:24:29,439 --> 01:24:30,611 Impossible, it was real? 836 01:24:30,732 --> 01:24:31,984 I go to call an ambulance. 837 01:24:32,109 --> 01:24:34,328 I was a child, I was fine. My father... 838 01:24:35,821 --> 01:24:38,119 Did you see him? The angel used his sword... 839 01:24:38,740 --> 01:24:40,492 Don't worry, be quiet. 840 01:24:42,119 --> 01:24:44,372 He used his sword to hit the dragon. 841 01:24:45,122 --> 01:24:46,499 The dragon disappeared. 842 01:24:47,124 --> 01:24:49,092 On the top of the sword it was a key... 843 01:24:49,626 --> 01:24:50,752 A broken key! 844 01:24:51,378 --> 01:24:52,755 What a strange dream... 845 01:24:54,256 --> 01:24:55,348 Maybe... 846 01:25:30,167 --> 01:25:31,669 I got it! 847 01:25:36,923 --> 01:25:38,550 It was all true. 848 01:25:39,301 --> 01:25:40,302 But... 849 01:25:40,886 --> 01:25:42,684 Where is that man gone? 850 01:26:20,342 --> 01:26:22,970 Is he your friend? Can we trust him? 851 01:26:23,470 --> 01:26:26,064 Those who look for the truth are more than friends. 852 01:26:26,556 --> 01:26:28,058 They're brothers. 853 01:26:30,477 --> 01:26:31,603 Hello. 854 01:26:35,982 --> 01:26:37,609 Good to see you. 855 01:26:38,610 --> 01:26:39,862 You are welcome. 856 01:26:40,487 --> 01:26:42,239 Let's go to the next room. 857 01:26:42,948 --> 01:26:45,371 It's quieter... and no one will bother us. 858 01:26:46,368 --> 01:26:47,961 The broken key... 859 01:26:50,205 --> 01:26:55,006 both an ancient symbol of wisdom and our circle, 860 01:26:55,711 --> 01:26:58,134 but the Ankh... 861 01:26:59,131 --> 01:27:01,943 There are some connections to the Egyptian Tradition 862 01:27:01,967 --> 01:27:04,641 of Horus and Thot... 863 01:27:04,845 --> 01:27:06,823 There're many, many interpretations. 864 01:27:06,847 --> 01:27:08,474 Interpretations... such as? 865 01:27:10,225 --> 01:27:12,398 Certain things cannot be shared. 866 01:27:12,894 --> 01:27:13,996 Always secrets. 867 01:27:14,020 --> 01:27:18,366 But of course, dear boy... Life is full of secrets. 868 01:27:19,151 --> 01:27:21,904 And we cannot digest them all at once. 869 01:27:22,487 --> 01:27:24,990 It takes time and patience. 870 01:27:26,491 --> 01:27:29,620 We must reach deep and find our own understanding. 871 01:27:30,162 --> 01:27:33,766 The broken key represents the impossibility 872 01:27:33,790 --> 01:27:37,545 to discovered a secret even if it's in front of our eyes, 873 01:27:37,669 --> 01:27:39,171 under our nose.! 874 01:27:40,547 --> 01:27:43,484 The broken key comes to us in many ways... 875 01:27:43,508 --> 01:27:45,385 Yes but, what's its meaning? 876 01:27:46,303 --> 01:27:47,864 Explaining a symbol, 877 01:27:47,888 --> 01:27:50,992 is like telling someone how to feel in front of the first love 878 01:27:51,016 --> 01:27:53,895 or in front of a work of Art... 879 01:27:54,644 --> 01:27:58,319 There're as many feelings... as people in the world. 880 01:27:58,940 --> 01:28:00,032 Clear? 881 01:28:02,068 --> 01:28:03,160 No... 882 01:28:03,695 --> 01:28:06,539 Well, so much for explanations. 883 01:28:07,199 --> 01:28:09,702 But if you truly want to discover the secret 884 01:28:10,202 --> 01:28:12,671 you have to dive into the symbol itself 885 01:28:13,580 --> 01:28:17,460 by entering into your soul. The path of the perfect man... 886 01:28:18,084 --> 01:28:21,463 like the Androgyne in Beach's painting. 887 01:28:22,422 --> 01:28:24,345 James, give me some water, please... 888 01:28:24,466 --> 01:28:25,592 Yeah, sure. 889 01:28:35,560 --> 01:28:37,858 You must embody the broken key... 890 01:28:37,979 --> 01:28:40,458 become one with it... 891 01:28:40,482 --> 01:28:42,668 in order to find... 892 01:28:42,692 --> 01:28:46,117 where the Truth is concealed. 893 01:28:48,198 --> 01:28:50,496 Symbols, secrets, metaphors... 894 01:28:51,952 --> 01:28:53,971 They are all paths 895 01:28:53,995 --> 01:28:56,714 to help us realize 896 01:28:57,249 --> 01:29:01,379 what would be incomprehensible. 897 01:29:01,753 --> 01:29:05,608 Then, like the Pelican with its little ones, 898 01:29:05,632 --> 01:29:10,763 we will feed our children with what we have understood. 899 01:29:13,139 --> 01:29:14,265 Remember... 900 01:29:15,350 --> 01:29:18,900 this city is protected by angels. 901 01:29:23,149 --> 01:29:27,245 And the Pelican is the symbol of the Angels. 902 01:29:29,239 --> 01:29:31,384 From Egypt, through Saliceto, 903 01:29:31,408 --> 01:29:32,660 the Ankh key. 904 01:29:32,784 --> 01:29:34,345 Queen Ankese-pa-Aton 905 01:29:34,369 --> 01:29:36,347 and finally the Abbey of St. Michael. 906 01:29:36,371 --> 01:29:38,874 Here we find the Ankh key, but ifs broken... 907 01:29:41,418 --> 01:29:42,920 Arthur! 908 01:29:43,545 --> 01:29:44,797 Stay quiet! 909 01:29:45,422 --> 01:29:46,524 Stay quiet! 910 01:29:46,548 --> 01:29:47,925 There's nothing, here. 911 01:29:48,633 --> 01:29:49,885 Where's the key? 912 01:29:51,511 --> 01:29:53,013 Far from people like you! 913 01:29:53,430 --> 01:29:54,782 What do you want? Leave Sarah alone. 914 01:29:54,806 --> 01:29:56,808 She has nothing to do with it. Tomorrow, 915 01:29:58,184 --> 01:29:59,686 at midnight, 916 01:30:01,062 --> 01:30:02,814 at the fountain of Solferino Square... 917 01:30:03,440 --> 01:30:05,784 Be just a minute late, and... 918 01:30:10,071 --> 01:30:12,073 I see you got it. 919 01:30:14,409 --> 01:30:15,535 The truth... 920 01:30:16,328 --> 01:30:18,547 is just in front of your eyes. 921 01:30:29,174 --> 01:30:31,552 That man in black! 922 01:30:34,179 --> 01:30:35,726 Who? What man? 923 01:30:36,181 --> 01:30:37,700 That man in black... he took Sarah... 924 01:30:37,724 --> 01:30:39,601 Sarah? Where is she? 925 01:30:39,726 --> 01:30:41,103 We've to give him what he wants. 926 01:30:41,227 --> 01:30:43,039 We've to give up... We've to him the key. 927 01:30:43,063 --> 01:30:47,364 The forces ruling the world are far more powerful than us all. 928 01:30:48,234 --> 01:30:50,987 What I know is when the storm is coming, 929 01:30:51,112 --> 01:30:54,491 every man must act according to his true nature. 930 01:30:55,492 --> 01:30:57,620 Some are stuck in terror, 931 01:30:57,744 --> 01:30:59,805 some others run away or try to hide, 932 01:30:59,829 --> 01:31:01,126 some others... 933 01:31:01,247 --> 01:31:03,841 spread their wings and start to fly... 934 01:31:07,212 --> 01:31:08,509 You're right, James. 935 01:31:09,464 --> 01:31:10,511 War can't be eliminated 936 01:31:10,632 --> 01:31:13,476 but just postponed to our enemy's advantage. 937 01:31:16,096 --> 01:31:17,393 I'm calling Taron. 938 01:32:44,350 --> 01:32:45,818 The Pelican... 939 01:32:46,352 --> 01:32:48,821 feeds its sons with its own flesh. 940 01:32:52,859 --> 01:32:54,295 The Truth... 941 01:32:54,319 --> 01:32:57,994 can be seen only through the eyes of death. 942 01:32:59,741 --> 01:33:03,996 But it must be illuminated by the sun at its highest peak. 943 01:33:20,762 --> 01:33:22,014 The Truth 944 01:33:24,140 --> 01:33:25,858 is just in front of your eyes. 945 01:33:29,020 --> 01:33:30,748 21st June 2033 946 01:33:30,772 --> 01:33:33,616 Summer Solstice - 11.59 P.M. Midnight. 947 01:33:34,526 --> 01:33:36,879 Regulus, the diamond of the sky, 948 01:33:36,903 --> 01:33:41,217 shines with the brightest splendor at the Summer Solstice.. 949 01:33:41,241 --> 01:33:44,996 The constellation of the Lion... The facade of the Church... 950 01:33:45,537 --> 01:33:47,665 The path of the Worthy. 951 01:33:47,914 --> 01:33:50,142 Special places in the city. 952 01:33:50,166 --> 01:33:52,919 The masters of the XIX century have shaped Turin 953 01:33:53,044 --> 01:33:56,173 with some important monuments linked to the symbols of magic. 954 01:33:56,673 --> 01:33:58,550 Like in the Book of the Fondazione of Edfu. 955 01:33:58,675 --> 01:34:00,018 The Seven Sages... 956 01:34:00,677 --> 01:34:01,904 I must look for these places, 957 01:34:01,928 --> 01:34:04,681 as if the entire town was a great philosophical abode... 958 01:34:06,182 --> 01:34:09,527 Angels replace the Egyptian gods... 959 01:34:16,442 --> 01:34:18,444 I told you to come alone! 960 01:34:20,822 --> 01:34:23,075 What are your friends doing over there? 961 01:34:23,908 --> 01:34:26,286 Now everything will be worse for you. 962 01:34:30,081 --> 01:34:31,809 No one can cover your back! 963 01:34:31,833 --> 01:34:33,710 Go, go, go! Hurry up... 964 01:34:33,835 --> 01:34:35,896 or your friend is going to die before sunrise! 965 01:34:35,920 --> 01:34:37,022 Where should I go? 966 01:34:37,046 --> 01:34:39,094 You must find Bosch's pelican! 967 01:34:39,966 --> 01:34:45,281 Only when you are as innocent as a dove and as wise as a snake, 968 01:34:45,305 --> 01:34:47,979 can you hope to find the Truth. 969 01:34:49,058 --> 01:34:51,036 But the painting is in Berlin, not here... 970 01:34:51,060 --> 01:34:53,080 Where can I find a pelican in Turin? 971 01:34:53,104 --> 01:34:55,857 Maybe, he mean something else... 972 01:34:56,566 --> 01:34:57,613 Yeah. 973 01:35:05,867 --> 01:35:08,837 This city is protected by the angels. 974 01:35:09,329 --> 01:35:11,878 I've already been to the Angelic Fountain... Nothing! Nothing! 975 01:35:11,998 --> 01:35:13,434 An ancient legend... 976 01:35:13,458 --> 01:35:17,759 talks about an angel flying above Europe through Turin... 977 01:35:20,506 --> 01:35:22,693 SALIGIA. Remember this clearly: 978 01:35:22,717 --> 01:35:25,196 The Latin acronym of the seven deadly sins! 979 01:35:25,220 --> 01:35:28,394 Every titan Wants to go back to his original state 980 01:35:28,514 --> 01:35:30,868 to the divine creature he once Was. 981 01:35:30,892 --> 01:35:34,396 Here the Zed is inserted in the Ankh key... 982 01:35:35,271 --> 01:35:38,241 Someone is using Art to spread his wisdom... 983 01:35:39,150 --> 01:35:42,905 and Art is like a breath of wind bringing change. 984 01:35:43,780 --> 01:35:48,502 The Truth can't be revealed all at once. 985 01:35:49,619 --> 01:35:52,668 Statuto Square! Yes! I must reach Statuto Square. 986 01:35:54,415 --> 01:35:56,133 There is another angel, over there! 987 01:35:57,168 --> 01:35:59,011 A dove and a snake, together. 988 01:36:02,131 --> 01:36:05,761 Dove and snake, together. The angel of the metamorphosis: 989 01:36:06,261 --> 01:36:09,310 The snake becoming a dove and flying away. 990 01:36:10,181 --> 01:36:13,936 It's Lucifer, the Angel bearer of the light... The star. 991 01:36:14,560 --> 01:36:18,249 The Angel with his feet on the rocks and his head in the sky... 992 01:36:18,273 --> 01:36:19,320 Yes! 993 01:36:20,066 --> 01:36:22,319 Damn it, I can't find the pelican here! 994 01:36:25,571 --> 01:36:27,790 No, it's not the pelican! 995 01:36:29,200 --> 01:36:31,077 What is he looking at? 996 01:36:33,288 --> 01:36:35,962 Yes, the Great Mother. 997 01:36:43,298 --> 01:36:46,302 On the right, a man is holding the Tables of the Law, 998 01:36:46,801 --> 01:36:50,197 on the left there is Charity, with an angel looking at the chalice, 999 01:36:50,221 --> 01:36:54,827 the Sacred Grail, the Christ, the Pelican... 1000 01:36:54,851 --> 01:36:57,445 who feeds his sons with his own flesh. 1001 01:37:22,253 --> 01:37:23,846 No! 1002 01:37:32,263 --> 01:37:33,765 It's impossible! Nicholas... 1003 01:37:34,015 --> 01:37:36,609 Another angel is flying away... 1004 01:37:44,108 --> 01:37:46,156 Sarah, where are you? 1005 01:37:50,615 --> 01:37:53,594 Some are stuck in terror, 1006 01:37:53,618 --> 01:37:56,221 some others run away or try to hide, 1007 01:37:56,245 --> 01:37:57,639 some others... 1008 01:37:57,663 --> 01:38:00,507 spread their wings and start to fly. 1009 01:38:07,799 --> 01:38:08,925 Sarah! 1010 01:39:56,157 --> 01:39:57,374 Father! 1011 01:40:00,870 --> 01:40:05,376 I am Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow... 1012 01:40:07,043 --> 01:40:11,924 I have the Power to give life back. 1013 01:40:13,007 --> 01:40:16,807 Father, I understand... finally. 1014 01:40:17,428 --> 01:40:18,680 What's happening? 1015 01:40:21,307 --> 01:40:25,778 The the flying angel is the Angel of the Tower. 1016 01:40:26,562 --> 01:40:30,157 There was once an angel of the tower... on top of it. 1017 01:40:30,816 --> 01:40:32,568 He fell because of a storm... 1018 01:40:35,905 --> 01:40:40,427 The angelic fountain, Lucifer, the Grail, the Pelican, 1019 01:40:40,451 --> 01:40:43,931 the Angel looking at the Grail held by a dreaming woman. 1020 01:40:43,955 --> 01:40:47,550 No... No, she's looking at the Angel on the Tower! 1021 01:40:48,960 --> 01:40:50,428 I'm Lucifer, 1022 01:40:51,587 --> 01:40:53,815 I am Osiris and Horus 1023 01:40:53,839 --> 01:40:55,817 searching for the Light. 1024 01:40:55,841 --> 01:40:57,343 I can't believe it! 1025 01:40:57,718 --> 01:40:59,095 It's like the old cathedrals. 1026 01:41:00,972 --> 01:41:04,076 This city is a great open-sky sanctuary! 1027 01:41:04,100 --> 01:41:07,195 The Antonelliana Tower, it's a portal to the Light! 1028 01:41:07,603 --> 01:41:09,831 It's like the Sphinx in the Plain of Giza! 1029 01:41:09,855 --> 01:41:11,823 The Angel! The Angel was over there! 1030 01:41:23,494 --> 01:41:24,846 Finally... 1031 01:41:24,870 --> 01:41:28,591 the way to Paradise. 1032 01:41:30,209 --> 01:41:31,381 Let's go! 1033 01:42:27,933 --> 01:42:31,813 It's a star. It stands for knowledge. 1034 01:42:35,066 --> 01:42:38,320 Once, there was a winged genius, up there... 1035 01:42:39,195 --> 01:42:40,788 an angel of fire. 1036 01:42:43,658 --> 01:42:45,831 He was a protector of secrets. 1037 01:42:46,911 --> 01:42:49,585 Those secrets that could not be revealed. 1038 01:42:59,590 --> 01:43:02,935 It has been hidden at the base of the genius. 1039 01:43:04,595 --> 01:43:06,948 They didn't want it to be found. 1040 01:43:06,972 --> 01:43:08,700 Because if revealed, 1041 01:43:08,724 --> 01:43:11,227 that knowledge ill use... could... 1042 01:43:13,688 --> 01:43:17,542 it could crush the world... the world as we know it. 1043 01:43:17,566 --> 01:43:20,240 But should the Knowledge belong to everybody. 1044 01:43:22,863 --> 01:43:24,490 Some people don't think so. 1045 01:43:25,116 --> 01:43:28,871 They had the angel struck down by thunder. 1046 01:43:29,870 --> 01:43:31,998 So the secret was concealed... 1047 01:43:32,998 --> 01:43:34,500 I don't understand. 1048 01:43:37,253 --> 01:43:39,472 Two different forces are working together. 1049 01:43:40,381 --> 01:43:42,224 They have concealed the secret... 1050 01:43:44,510 --> 01:43:47,104 in the tower, once more. 1051 01:43:47,638 --> 01:43:49,515 The star of Knowledge. 1052 01:43:50,766 --> 01:43:52,894 The highest point in town. 1053 01:43:54,729 --> 01:43:56,026 It's still there! 1054 01:43:59,024 --> 01:44:00,401 It's still there... 1055 01:44:02,528 --> 01:44:04,589 waiting for someone to find it... 1056 01:44:04,613 --> 01:44:06,536 and to decide... 1057 01:44:07,658 --> 01:44:10,036 if to keep it or to show it to the world... 1058 01:44:10,161 --> 01:44:11,287 Hey! 1059 01:44:13,998 --> 01:44:15,124 Don't do it! 1060 01:44:15,624 --> 01:44:17,171 No! Don't do it! 1061 01:44:28,763 --> 01:44:30,185 You, bastard! 1062 01:44:34,435 --> 01:44:35,687 Why? 1063 01:44:53,204 --> 01:44:54,672 Are you okay? 1064 01:44:54,955 --> 01:44:56,183 Are you feeling all right? 1065 01:44:56,207 --> 01:44:57,584 Are you hurt? 1066 01:44:58,167 --> 01:45:00,465 It's okay. I've just slipped. Thank you. 1067 01:45:01,712 --> 01:45:02,804 Lucy. 1068 01:45:04,465 --> 01:45:05,557 Let's go. 1069 01:45:06,467 --> 01:45:07,684 It's time. 1070 01:45:10,554 --> 01:45:11,851 I've to go. 1071 01:46:02,982 --> 01:46:05,155 Do you know how to use the key? 1072 01:46:05,401 --> 01:46:06,903 What does it open? 1073 01:46:07,778 --> 01:46:10,031 If you don't know what to do, just leave the key here. 1074 01:46:11,156 --> 01:46:13,784 Someone more deserving than you will continue the quest. 1075 01:46:17,413 --> 01:46:20,792 You must to learn to ask the right questions. 1076 01:46:23,294 --> 01:46:26,548 Only then, you will really receive an answer. 1077 01:46:29,049 --> 01:46:30,986 Must the key be reconstituted 1078 01:46:31,010 --> 01:46:32,557 or should it be left broken? 1079 01:46:38,392 --> 01:46:42,147 Is man ready to reconstitute it? 1080 01:46:42,897 --> 01:46:44,570 This is the right question. 1081 01:46:47,151 --> 01:46:48,628 A whole key could... 1082 01:46:48,652 --> 01:46:51,201 reveal some... 1083 01:46:51,322 --> 01:46:54,326 ill-timed surprises! 1084 01:46:55,075 --> 01:46:56,702 If man is not ready... 1085 01:46:57,161 --> 01:46:58,583 Who is the guardian? 1086 01:47:02,416 --> 01:47:03,963 You are the guardian. 1087 01:47:06,712 --> 01:47:08,589 Your heart is pure now. 1088 01:47:10,674 --> 01:47:11,971 We're here. 1089 01:47:14,428 --> 01:47:15,850 You may pass. 1090 01:48:15,406 --> 01:48:16,623 Arthur! 1091 01:48:19,243 --> 01:48:20,665 Let's go. 1092 01:49:02,286 --> 01:49:04,835 Give me the key. It's my turn to go ahead. 1093 01:49:05,581 --> 01:49:07,333 No, we must go all together. 1094 01:49:07,958 --> 01:49:09,960 I told you to give me the key. 1095 01:49:10,586 --> 01:49:12,588 Taron, what are you doing? 1096 01:49:12,713 --> 01:49:14,340 Shut up, old man! 1097 01:49:15,799 --> 01:49:17,301 The key! 1098 01:49:18,302 --> 01:49:19,349 The key! 1099 01:49:21,722 --> 01:49:22,848 The key! 1100 01:49:25,559 --> 01:49:27,857 Bastard, now I understand! 1101 01:49:28,729 --> 01:49:30,857 War can't be eliminated, 1102 01:49:31,732 --> 01:49:35,111 but just postponed to our enemy's advantage. 1103 01:49:35,986 --> 01:49:37,363 Houzzai! 1104 01:49:37,821 --> 01:49:39,118 Houzzai! 1105 01:49:39,740 --> 01:49:40,992 Houzzai! 1106 01:50:12,022 --> 01:50:13,865 James, are you okay? 1107 01:50:16,276 --> 01:50:18,119 Don't worry about me. 1108 01:50:18,904 --> 01:50:21,498 Go on, I will join you later. 1109 01:50:21,657 --> 01:50:25,503 We must go on, it's vital! Go, what are you waiting for? 1110 01:50:26,662 --> 01:50:28,915 I am fine... don't worry. Okay, let's go. 1111 01:51:07,536 --> 01:51:08,958 No! 1112 01:51:19,464 --> 01:51:23,185 You can't win, you have to give up. 1113 01:51:25,179 --> 01:51:27,323 Maybe... 1114 01:51:27,347 --> 01:51:29,975 you'll have some hope. 1115 01:51:31,476 --> 01:51:32,693 Then? 1116 01:51:42,863 --> 01:51:44,490 Only if you give up... 1117 01:51:44,615 --> 01:51:47,368 can still have hope. 1118 01:51:55,000 --> 01:51:56,627 You are not real. 1119 01:51:57,252 --> 01:51:58,720 You can't hurt me. 1120 01:52:32,871 --> 01:52:33,918 Arthur! 1121 01:52:35,165 --> 01:52:36,542 Arthur! 1122 01:52:45,133 --> 01:52:46,305 Sarah. 1123 01:53:14,454 --> 01:53:15,706 Are you okay? 1124 01:53:16,957 --> 01:53:18,083 Yes it's fine! 1125 01:53:18,709 --> 01:53:19,835 Could you give me the light? 1126 01:53:19,960 --> 01:53:22,088 Sure, here you are. 1127 01:54:47,798 --> 01:54:49,550 The Gate of the Duat. 1128 01:54:50,300 --> 01:54:52,928 The Gate of Heaven for the pure of head. 1129 01:54:53,428 --> 01:54:54,896 The key of the Gods. 1130 01:54:55,305 --> 01:54:58,400 Those who hold it, are the masters of life and death. 1131 01:56:17,762 --> 01:56:19,115 Man... 1132 01:56:19,139 --> 01:56:22,484 know yourself and become God. 1133 01:56:42,537 --> 01:56:46,007 Keep it with you, until the right time comes. 1134 01:56:55,675 --> 01:56:57,111 It's yours. 1135 01:56:57,135 --> 01:56:59,183 Your time. 1136 01:57:21,910 --> 01:57:24,208 The way of Horus is still operating. 1137 01:57:25,789 --> 01:57:28,643 Traces have been found in the Italian branch 1138 01:57:28,667 --> 01:57:31,466 of the most important Egyptian Museum, after Cairo...