1 00:01:05,400 --> 00:01:07,800 - Is this the right road? - I guess. 2 00:01:07,900 --> 00:01:12,050 - The guy said it was. - He said there was a turn, yeah? There. Left. 3 00:01:12,150 --> 00:01:14,467 Any good? 4 00:01:14,567 --> 00:01:18,259 - You do realise how big this story is? - Standing by. 5 00:01:18,359 --> 00:01:20,800 Are you on with Jan? Let me talk to him. 6 00:01:20,900 --> 00:01:23,634 Jan, it's Terri. Are you going to cut in for us, yes? 7 00:01:23,734 --> 00:01:25,650 Don't give me that. This is huge. 8 00:01:28,609 --> 00:01:31,134 Look, my source is good. It's happening. 9 00:01:31,234 --> 00:01:32,942 Thank you. 10 00:01:34,567 --> 00:01:35,567 They are cutting us in. 11 00:01:37,734 --> 00:01:38,842 Are you ready? 12 00:01:38,942 --> 00:01:42,884 Beyond the horizon is the world-famous Rezort, 13 00:01:42,984 --> 00:01:45,509 where, if our sources are to be believed, 14 00:01:45,609 --> 00:01:48,759 there was a serious security breach late last night. 15 00:01:48,859 --> 00:01:52,925 As a result, reports are coming through, not yet denied, 16 00:01:53,025 --> 00:01:55,884 that a Brimstone protocol has been activated. 17 00:02:00,359 --> 00:02:03,842 The second-known use of the Brimstone protocol in the last ten years. 18 00:02:03,942 --> 00:02:05,175 That's right, John. 19 00:02:05,275 --> 00:02:09,509 It is only considered if there is a genuine risk of another outbreak. 20 00:02:12,025 --> 00:02:14,509 The chromosyn-A outbreak ten years ago 21 00:02:14,609 --> 00:02:18,134 was the deadliest pandemic the world has ever known. 22 00:02:18,234 --> 00:02:20,775 A virus that kills people and brings them back to life. 23 00:02:21,442 --> 00:02:24,942 A virus that creates wars between the living and the dead. 24 00:02:26,817 --> 00:02:30,550 The most brutal and vicious war that humanity has ever waged. 25 00:02:30,650 --> 00:02:33,509 A virus that annihilates two billion people. 26 00:02:33,609 --> 00:02:35,800 Two billion people. 27 00:02:39,734 --> 00:02:42,134 The Brimstone protocol was the cure. 28 00:02:42,234 --> 00:02:45,759 So, why the need to use it again after seven years of rebuilding 29 00:02:45,859 --> 00:02:47,217 free from infection? 30 00:02:47,317 --> 00:02:49,800 The last place on Earth where they can be found, 31 00:02:49,900 --> 00:02:52,425 the Rezort is a sun-drenched island 32 00:02:52,525 --> 00:02:56,050 where guests can pay to shoot the undead. 33 00:02:56,150 --> 00:02:58,692 Vengeance, baby! Vengeance! 34 00:03:00,692 --> 00:03:02,842 Still no comment from the Rezort's parent company. 35 00:03:02,942 --> 00:03:04,175 No questions! 36 00:03:04,275 --> 00:03:06,800 An outbreak at the Rezort would be utterly catastrophic, wouldn't it? 37 00:03:06,900 --> 00:03:10,842 If true, yes, but look, what can't be overstated 38 00:03:10,942 --> 00:03:14,842 is the pioneering vision of Rezort CEO Valerie Wilton. 39 00:03:16,525 --> 00:03:19,884 Who is Valerie Wilton? She has been described as many things. 40 00:03:25,234 --> 00:03:28,759 She used the undead left roaming her island when the rest had been destroyed 41 00:03:28,859 --> 00:03:31,925 to create jobs, to stimulate the economy... 42 00:03:32,025 --> 00:03:34,300 We are now hearing rumours that the army has been called in 43 00:03:34,400 --> 00:03:38,800 to evacuate this airport and the refugee camp surrounding it. 44 00:03:38,900 --> 00:03:42,134 The camp, which is run by Hope 4 U, 45 00:03:42,234 --> 00:03:46,259 is one of dozens set up by the charity around the world 46 00:03:46,359 --> 00:03:50,550 to help cope with the humanitarian disaster that the outbreak sparked. 47 00:03:50,650 --> 00:03:52,217 And if the protocol fails, what then? 48 00:03:52,317 --> 00:03:54,759 Well, we will do exactly what we did last time. 49 00:03:54,859 --> 00:03:57,384 Dropping bombs on hundreds of innocent people? 50 00:03:57,484 --> 00:03:59,300 Young lady, you get gangrene in your foot, 51 00:03:59,400 --> 00:04:01,384 you sacrifice your whole leg to save the rest. 52 00:04:01,484 --> 00:04:03,467 You lost this argument a long time ago. 53 00:04:03,567 --> 00:04:06,259 That's why the people are behind us because the people understand 54 00:04:06,359 --> 00:04:07,675 that a sharp knife cuts quick. 55 00:04:10,650 --> 00:04:15,259 The question that remains is, in this age of relative optimism, 56 00:04:15,359 --> 00:04:18,092 with humanity almost back on our feet, 57 00:04:18,192 --> 00:04:22,634 if an exclusive island paradise with a billion-dollar security 58 00:04:22,734 --> 00:04:24,634 can be overrun, then what hope-- 59 00:04:30,275 --> 00:04:32,467 There, confirmation, if more were needed, 60 00:04:32,567 --> 00:04:35,192 that something has gone very seriously wrong at... 61 00:05:17,192 --> 00:05:21,634 You're not still hear from the outbreak survivor's support group thing, are you? 62 00:05:21,734 --> 00:05:25,050 It's just I've got to lock up now. Didn't you see the guy turn off the lights? 63 00:05:25,150 --> 00:05:28,817 No, I didn't. Thanks, though. 64 00:05:49,317 --> 00:05:52,467 You at the Rezort, seriously? 65 00:05:52,567 --> 00:05:57,134 Yeah. Someone shared at the group who'd been and it really helped them. 66 00:05:57,234 --> 00:06:00,942 And for the first time, I am thinking it might be right for me too because... 67 00:06:01,400 --> 00:06:06,150 If I can't get over this, then... I am just going to fade away. 68 00:06:06,942 --> 00:06:11,800 Alone, because you will have left me for someone who isn't completely mental. 69 00:06:11,900 --> 00:06:16,717 Hey. Won't happen. I am with you. 70 00:06:16,817 --> 00:06:21,442 100 per cent. You won't have to anything or go anywhere. 71 00:06:22,192 --> 00:06:25,525 It was the war, Mel. It affected us all. 72 00:06:31,942 --> 00:06:36,109 - You'd love something like this. - I'd fucking smash it! 73 00:07:00,442 --> 00:07:01,859 I'm sorry. 74 00:07:07,359 --> 00:07:09,025 I don't know how you got through it. 75 00:07:14,900 --> 00:07:16,609 I just looked forward. 76 00:07:18,150 --> 00:07:20,567 Kept my eye on what's important: the future. 77 00:07:24,734 --> 00:07:26,109 And what's it like? 78 00:07:27,150 --> 00:07:28,734 Killing them? 79 00:07:31,609 --> 00:07:32,859 Depends. 80 00:07:35,609 --> 00:07:37,609 Mostly, it just feels right. 81 00:07:44,484 --> 00:07:45,984 Go back to sleep. 82 00:07:48,859 --> 00:07:49,900 I'm OK. 83 00:07:59,650 --> 00:08:03,134 Melanie, honey. I know you're angry with me. 84 00:08:03,234 --> 00:08:05,759 Honestly, I never wanted to leave you. 85 00:08:05,859 --> 00:08:10,817 If you're watching this, you're safe. That's all that matters to me. 86 00:08:12,067 --> 00:08:16,317 You're such a good person, kind, caring, always have been. 87 00:08:18,109 --> 00:08:21,675 I am going to tell you some things and I need you to listen to me, OK? 88 00:08:21,775 --> 00:08:25,550 The world I raised you to live in, it's gone. 89 00:08:25,650 --> 00:08:28,925 When we talked about right and wrong, it doesn't matter any more. 90 00:08:29,025 --> 00:08:32,217 People have changed, and I need you to change too. 91 00:08:32,317 --> 00:08:35,217 Fit in or they will pick you out as weak, 92 00:08:35,317 --> 00:08:38,384 and I need you to stay strong, I need you to fight, 93 00:08:38,484 --> 00:08:41,467 and keep on fighting long after this war is over. 94 00:08:42,692 --> 00:08:45,317 I know this is going to be hard for you. 95 00:08:46,109 --> 00:08:50,259 But you have to promise me, baby, promise me that you will stay strong. 96 00:09:14,984 --> 00:09:16,317 Passports, please. 97 00:09:23,275 --> 00:09:26,009 We have a nice lounge area. 98 00:09:26,109 --> 00:09:30,800 And the boat to the Rezort is scheduled to start soon, so please relax. 99 00:09:30,900 --> 00:09:32,192 Enjoy yourself. 100 00:09:34,067 --> 00:09:36,800 You've got to let me give you something towards this. 101 00:09:36,900 --> 00:09:39,800 It's OK. I can afford it. Kind of. 102 00:09:39,900 --> 00:09:42,342 You're doing this for me anyway. 103 00:09:42,442 --> 00:09:44,775 No, you're right. It is a real chore. 104 00:09:51,192 --> 00:09:54,025 Relax. Enjoy yourselves. 105 00:09:55,442 --> 00:09:58,175 So, the island was totally overrun? 106 00:09:58,275 --> 00:10:02,425 Oh, yeah, recon unit found it after the war teeming with shufflers. 107 00:10:02,525 --> 00:10:05,800 Wilton's group bid for clean-up relief, 108 00:10:05,900 --> 00:10:10,300 built the Rezort instead. Now, that is spotting a market and exploiting it. 109 00:10:10,400 --> 00:10:13,217 Zero outlay. Millions in mark-up. 110 00:10:13,317 --> 00:10:17,192 I am all about making sure that you are on the ground level for the next Rezort. 111 00:10:17,775 --> 00:10:20,134 People be proper old! 112 00:10:20,234 --> 00:10:25,384 Yeah, but... Fuck me. I would tap that until it fell off. 113 00:10:25,484 --> 00:10:27,050 Dude! 114 00:10:27,150 --> 00:10:29,425 Yo, I meant my dick not her arse. 115 00:10:29,525 --> 00:10:30,859 Either way, man! 116 00:10:33,442 --> 00:10:35,175 Travelling alone? 117 00:10:35,275 --> 00:10:36,900 Yep, afraid so. 118 00:10:37,775 --> 00:10:42,592 Wedding present. Tickets arrived on time. Pity the fiancé didn't. 119 00:10:42,692 --> 00:10:45,134 Non-refundable, so... 120 00:10:45,234 --> 00:10:48,217 Well, you came to exactly the right place to be working out any anger. 121 00:10:48,317 --> 00:10:53,400 Oh, yeah, let's hope that they all look just like him. 122 00:11:09,317 --> 00:11:10,900 Hello. 123 00:11:28,275 --> 00:11:31,234 I can't believe it's still such a problem. 124 00:11:32,109 --> 00:11:34,525 Well, at least they are getting some sort of help these days. 125 00:11:37,400 --> 00:11:40,025 If you could all follow me, thank you! 126 00:11:41,984 --> 00:11:43,400 We're up. 127 00:13:08,942 --> 00:13:11,567 Welcome to the Rezort. Would you like some champagne? 128 00:13:57,109 --> 00:13:59,692 Yes, yes, yes, go! 129 00:14:49,692 --> 00:14:51,884 Lewis and Melanie? My name is Isabel. 130 00:14:51,984 --> 00:14:53,967 Welcome to the Rezort. 131 00:14:54,067 --> 00:14:55,675 How was your flight? 132 00:15:19,150 --> 00:15:21,192 And this is your living room. 133 00:15:23,109 --> 00:15:24,734 And the bedroom. 134 00:15:34,650 --> 00:15:37,800 - Anything you need, call our concierge. - Thank you. 135 00:15:37,900 --> 00:15:40,859 There will be cocktails by our pool for new guests at six. 136 00:15:42,775 --> 00:15:45,259 - Very nice. - Is everything satisfactory? 137 00:15:45,359 --> 00:15:47,609 Yes, thank you. 138 00:15:48,650 --> 00:15:51,025 Don't forget. Your orientation starts shortly. 139 00:15:52,817 --> 00:15:54,217 Orientation? 140 00:16:07,567 --> 00:16:10,109 Sprayed it like a total newb! 141 00:16:11,067 --> 00:16:12,692 Check it, bruv! 142 00:16:15,525 --> 00:16:17,300 Cease fire! 143 00:16:17,400 --> 00:16:19,550 Weapons down. 144 00:16:20,817 --> 00:16:25,217 Safety glasses off, ear defenders off. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. 145 00:16:25,317 --> 00:16:28,900 Please make your way out of the firing range. 146 00:16:32,109 --> 00:16:34,592 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the firing range. 147 00:16:34,692 --> 00:16:39,775 Please take a booth each. Safety glasses on, ear defenders on. 148 00:16:40,817 --> 00:16:42,984 They got nothing like this in Hong Kong. 149 00:16:48,900 --> 00:16:51,150 Need some assistance with your weapon, ma'am? 150 00:16:52,859 --> 00:16:54,467 We're good, thanks. 151 00:16:54,567 --> 00:16:55,925 Do you have weapons experience, sir? 152 00:16:56,025 --> 00:16:57,550 Yes, in the war. 153 00:16:57,650 --> 00:17:02,425 OK, well, you're still here, so that's good enough for me. 154 00:17:02,525 --> 00:17:03,900 You OK? 155 00:17:04,692 --> 00:17:06,759 - Shall we do this together? - Yeah. 156 00:17:06,859 --> 00:17:12,175 Take it by the grip. It's just about breathing. 157 00:17:12,275 --> 00:17:13,692 And concentrating. 158 00:17:15,275 --> 00:17:16,484 OK. 159 00:17:18,275 --> 00:17:23,275 Breathe in. And out. And squeeze. 160 00:17:28,109 --> 00:17:29,817 - And again. - OK. 161 00:17:38,734 --> 00:17:40,359 It's actually pretty cool. 162 00:17:41,484 --> 00:17:43,359 Warrior princess. 163 00:18:29,650 --> 00:18:30,650 What? 164 00:18:32,317 --> 00:18:33,484 Nothing. 165 00:18:34,484 --> 00:18:35,900 You look happy. 166 00:18:38,025 --> 00:18:39,759 Maybe I am. 167 00:18:39,859 --> 00:18:43,967 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world-famous Rezort. 168 00:18:44,067 --> 00:18:47,550 As our new guests, we'd like to extend a very personal welcome to you. 169 00:18:47,650 --> 00:18:52,384 So, please show your appreciation for the visionary mind behind our island paradise. 170 00:18:52,484 --> 00:18:53,759 Valerie Wilton! 171 00:19:07,442 --> 00:19:09,467 Two billion dead. 172 00:19:09,567 --> 00:19:11,717 The world in ruin. 173 00:19:11,817 --> 00:19:15,092 The chromosyn pandemic gave each of us a story. 174 00:19:15,192 --> 00:19:18,025 Those stories led us all to this island. 175 00:19:19,942 --> 00:19:22,775 In a world rebuilt, a world reborn... 176 00:19:23,984 --> 00:19:27,525 ...I created the Rezort to make your fantasies come true. 177 00:19:29,900 --> 00:19:33,092 We are here to offer you a holiday like no other... 178 00:19:33,192 --> 00:19:38,192 A killer. Sand, sun, sea and slaughter... 179 00:19:50,650 --> 00:19:53,650 So, why are you here? 180 00:19:55,109 --> 00:19:59,092 - Vengeance, baby, vengeance! - To kill those fucks! Come on! 181 00:20:04,692 --> 00:20:06,359 We know exactly why you are here. 182 00:20:17,984 --> 00:20:19,675 Huh? Feel good? 183 00:20:19,775 --> 00:20:21,150 Now you're talking my language. 184 00:20:34,567 --> 00:20:38,009 Ladies and gentlemen, the undead have had their fun, now it's your turn. 185 00:20:38,109 --> 00:20:43,400 At the Rezort, we firmly believe that every apocalypse deserves an after party. 186 00:21:47,609 --> 00:21:50,259 I fucking love this place! 187 00:22:30,859 --> 00:22:33,234 For a quirky, fun time, please enjoy our... 188 00:22:41,109 --> 00:22:43,509 It's unacceptable. I am not paying those sort of prices. 189 00:22:43,609 --> 00:22:47,925 - Try again. - I am not sure this is going to work. 190 00:22:48,025 --> 00:22:50,925 - It's probably nothing. - We don't know. 191 00:22:51,025 --> 00:22:55,467 Maybe we should tell her... or you should tell her. 192 00:22:55,567 --> 00:22:57,800 - She likes you. - You found it. 193 00:22:57,900 --> 00:23:02,592 And you would too, hours ago, if you had done your systems, which you never do. 194 00:23:02,692 --> 00:23:07,384 OK, OK, let's just get through today. I'll clean the system overnight. 195 00:23:07,484 --> 00:23:08,984 She'll never know. OK? 196 00:23:12,859 --> 00:23:14,717 Just keep going through, people. 197 00:23:14,817 --> 00:23:16,484 Keep going all the way through, please. 198 00:23:19,567 --> 00:23:22,550 Thank you very much. Just keep coming. Straight through. 199 00:23:22,650 --> 00:23:24,567 Yeah! 200 00:23:39,025 --> 00:23:40,800 Mikey, who you got today? 201 00:23:40,900 --> 00:23:43,342 A bunch of dick-swinging investment types. 202 00:23:43,442 --> 00:23:45,675 Maybe I'll get lucky and they'll shoot themselves, huh? 203 00:23:51,734 --> 00:23:54,384 Your pre-selected weapons are waiting for you. 204 00:23:54,484 --> 00:23:56,567 Your appointed guide will take you to your vehicles. 205 00:24:01,150 --> 00:24:04,092 Easy there, tiny. This is reserved for grown-ups. 206 00:24:04,192 --> 00:24:06,884 Reserved for fucktards, more like! 207 00:24:06,984 --> 00:24:08,442 Step this way. 208 00:24:20,150 --> 00:24:21,234 'Sup? 209 00:24:39,317 --> 00:24:40,900 Fuck, yeah. 210 00:24:42,984 --> 00:24:44,859 - Archer. - Yeah. 211 00:24:48,775 --> 00:24:50,342 Actually, you sit... 212 00:24:50,442 --> 00:24:51,734 Hey, wherever you like. 213 00:24:55,692 --> 00:25:00,884 OK, so, my name is Tom Nevins. I'll be your guide this weekend. 214 00:25:00,984 --> 00:25:02,634 We are good to go. So if everyone has visited 215 00:25:02,734 --> 00:25:04,842 their respective little girls' or little boys' room, 216 00:25:04,942 --> 00:25:06,567 let's go have some fun, yeah? 217 00:25:14,525 --> 00:25:16,692 Right, let's begin. 218 00:25:17,317 --> 00:25:21,592 Ladies and gentlemen, your adventure starts in five... 219 00:25:21,692 --> 00:25:23,734 four.. three... 220 00:25:24,817 --> 00:25:29,067 Gates opening. Park is live. 221 00:25:35,692 --> 00:25:39,900 - It's all for show. - Oh, it's fucking on, boy! 222 00:26:21,192 --> 00:26:22,609 All guest vehicles away. 223 00:26:25,775 --> 00:26:27,609 Locked and secured. 224 00:26:45,650 --> 00:26:47,484 All good. 225 00:26:48,317 --> 00:26:50,067 Locked and secure. 226 00:27:00,692 --> 00:27:02,217 What's causing that? 227 00:27:02,317 --> 00:27:04,634 System's been laggy this morning. 228 00:27:04,734 --> 00:27:06,342 I think it's OK now. 229 00:27:06,442 --> 00:27:10,984 I don't pay you to think, Salva. I pay you to know. Fix it. 230 00:27:20,359 --> 00:27:23,384 You'll have seen fences that divide areas of the park. 231 00:27:23,484 --> 00:27:26,175 That's just to keep them from herding too much. 232 00:27:26,275 --> 00:27:29,300 Once we are inside those boundaries, then we are on our own. 233 00:27:29,400 --> 00:27:30,817 Awesome! 234 00:27:46,692 --> 00:27:49,342 OK, we really should go over some health and safety. 235 00:27:49,442 --> 00:27:52,342 So, rule number one, bites not blood. 236 00:27:52,442 --> 00:27:54,467 Remember the time you went to school, yeah? 237 00:27:54,567 --> 00:27:58,192 Chromosyndrome-A is passed through saliva so beware of teeth. 238 00:28:06,109 --> 00:28:10,134 - You know rule number two? - Fresher they are, the faster they are. 239 00:28:10,234 --> 00:28:12,509 Yes, but since all of our shufflers date back to the war, 240 00:28:12,609 --> 00:28:14,050 that doesn't really matter out here. 241 00:28:14,150 --> 00:28:15,925 - Rule number three-- - Three. 242 00:28:16,025 --> 00:28:18,467 If you don't shoot them in the head, you are pretty much dead. 243 00:28:18,567 --> 00:28:20,384 What do you think we are? Newbs? 244 00:28:20,484 --> 00:28:23,259 On the left, you can see some of our other guests at their shooting spot. 245 00:29:02,317 --> 00:29:04,259 Yeah! 246 00:29:04,359 --> 00:29:05,609 Not bad shooting. 247 00:29:08,150 --> 00:29:09,925 Don't want to make you look bad, guys. 248 00:29:10,025 --> 00:29:11,259 Let me show you how it's done. 249 00:29:11,359 --> 00:29:12,759 All right, all right. 250 00:29:18,984 --> 00:29:20,925 Finger on the trigger. 251 00:29:22,192 --> 00:29:23,442 You're up. 252 00:29:46,359 --> 00:29:47,775 Let them have it! 253 00:29:52,525 --> 00:29:54,800 Fucking die! 254 00:29:54,900 --> 00:29:58,275 Yup... You show 'em, boys... 255 00:30:13,859 --> 00:30:15,234 Hey, man. Yeah. 256 00:30:15,984 --> 00:30:20,050 OK, take your time, relax. 257 00:30:20,150 --> 00:30:22,692 Just remember everything you were shown on the range. 258 00:30:27,984 --> 00:30:29,984 All right, easy, boys. 259 00:30:36,359 --> 00:30:37,984 I didn't realise there would be so many. 260 00:30:47,900 --> 00:30:49,550 Yeah, buddy. 261 00:30:49,650 --> 00:30:52,050 Enjoy. Rifle, miss? 262 00:30:52,150 --> 00:30:55,234 - Um, no, I am good for now, thanks. - All right. 263 00:31:10,442 --> 00:31:13,234 That's shameful. Allow me, yeah? 264 00:31:20,900 --> 00:31:22,109 What? 265 00:31:28,650 --> 00:31:29,984 You ready? 266 00:31:31,150 --> 00:31:32,525 You go first. 267 00:32:04,692 --> 00:32:05,734 Got one? 268 00:32:09,942 --> 00:32:12,067 - Yep. - OK, now remember. 269 00:32:13,525 --> 00:32:16,775 Breathe in... And when you're ready... 270 00:32:19,775 --> 00:32:21,150 ...squeeze and fire. 271 00:32:25,192 --> 00:32:26,859 I know you can do it, Mel. 272 00:32:27,484 --> 00:32:30,609 Yeah, just... give me a sec. 273 00:32:32,275 --> 00:32:35,150 - Just squeeze the trigger. You can do it. - Yeah. 274 00:32:48,192 --> 00:32:49,234 Mel? 275 00:32:51,025 --> 00:32:52,942 She looked at me. 276 00:32:56,650 --> 00:32:59,400 - Sorry. - No, no, don't be sorry. 277 00:33:16,734 --> 00:33:18,150 Yo! 278 00:33:26,150 --> 00:33:29,109 All it takes is a little TLC. 279 00:33:30,900 --> 00:33:33,134 Gentle touch always does the trick. 280 00:33:33,234 --> 00:33:35,800 Is it the same problem as before? 281 00:33:35,900 --> 00:33:37,275 We don't know yet. 282 00:33:38,067 --> 00:33:41,192 This might take a while. What are you doing tonight? 283 00:33:42,442 --> 00:33:45,217 Tate, run full diagnostics. 284 00:33:45,317 --> 00:33:47,525 I'll get on to it right away. 285 00:34:05,025 --> 00:34:09,109 This is us, folks. Your room for a night under the stars. 286 00:34:12,484 --> 00:34:14,025 Then his head was like, boom! 287 00:34:14,734 --> 00:34:18,192 Seriously, I want to marry this place and have its beautiful babies. 288 00:34:30,192 --> 00:34:32,425 I think this is a bad idea. 289 00:34:32,525 --> 00:34:34,609 Coming all this way and spending that money. 290 00:34:38,775 --> 00:34:41,942 I couldn't do it. She looked at me. 291 00:34:46,525 --> 00:34:48,217 Let's give it a chance. 292 00:34:48,317 --> 00:34:50,109 It'll be good, I promise. 293 00:34:55,650 --> 00:34:58,134 Are you enjoying yourself? 294 00:34:58,234 --> 00:34:59,550 Yep. 295 00:34:59,650 --> 00:35:02,092 You didn't feel like shooting. 296 00:35:02,192 --> 00:35:06,859 Well, my fiancé... well, my ex-fiancé, it was more his kind of thing. 297 00:35:11,775 --> 00:35:13,775 It really is beautiful here, though, right? 298 00:35:16,150 --> 00:35:17,317 Sure. 299 00:35:27,692 --> 00:35:29,300 Sorry about your fiancé. 300 00:35:29,400 --> 00:35:31,025 Yeah, sucks to be him. 301 00:35:32,942 --> 00:35:37,134 We won a tournament, me and Alfie. 302 00:35:37,234 --> 00:35:38,967 The prize was to come here. 303 00:35:39,067 --> 00:35:41,425 We play Genocide. It's an online shooter. 304 00:35:41,525 --> 00:35:44,175 I mean, there's a campaign, but it sucks, so... 305 00:35:44,275 --> 00:35:46,050 You've heard of it. 306 00:35:46,150 --> 00:35:47,592 No. 307 00:35:47,692 --> 00:35:49,342 Huh? Really? 308 00:35:49,442 --> 00:35:53,259 It's kind of a big deal. Our team name is Smashed Up. 309 00:35:53,359 --> 00:35:54,717 - Boom! - Wow... 310 00:35:54,817 --> 00:35:57,175 - Great name. - Yeah, I came up with it. 311 00:35:57,275 --> 00:35:59,425 - No, you didn't. - Sorry, how old are you? 312 00:35:59,525 --> 00:36:00,925 16. 313 00:36:04,275 --> 00:36:06,442 That went pretty well! 314 00:36:22,359 --> 00:36:24,175 - What is it? - I traced the lags. 315 00:36:24,275 --> 00:36:26,967 There was an unauthorised access of the system late last night. 316 00:36:27,067 --> 00:36:29,467 Why am I just hearing about this now, Salva? 317 00:36:29,567 --> 00:36:30,800 Who was it? 318 00:36:30,900 --> 00:36:34,759 Somebody swiped through reception five minutes before but with no ID attached. 319 00:36:34,859 --> 00:36:38,550 - No idea how they did that. - They downloaded a ton of data. 320 00:36:38,650 --> 00:36:42,592 - But they left something behind. - Get Security in here right now. 321 00:36:45,525 --> 00:36:48,425 - I lost readings everywhere. - Are the fences done? 322 00:36:48,525 --> 00:36:50,050 - I'll take over. - I don't know. 323 00:36:50,150 --> 00:36:52,759 - Salva? - The system is not responding. 324 00:36:52,859 --> 00:36:55,550 - Not letting me override. - Warn the cars. 325 00:36:58,400 --> 00:37:00,567 And that is how we take care of business. 326 00:37:06,525 --> 00:37:08,067 I gotta take a piss. 327 00:37:09,692 --> 00:37:11,567 Hold it, princess. Excuse me, will you? 328 00:37:18,817 --> 00:37:21,275 It's no good, it's jammed. It's not working. Look. 329 00:37:26,650 --> 00:37:28,509 Whoa, he's angry. 330 00:37:30,484 --> 00:37:31,484 Done. 331 00:37:32,442 --> 00:37:34,384 - Fuck. - Done? What do you mean it's done? 332 00:37:34,484 --> 00:37:36,067 Are we clear? 333 00:37:45,275 --> 00:37:46,400 Fuck... 334 00:38:01,567 --> 00:38:03,109 Me love you long time. 335 00:38:32,400 --> 00:38:35,425 The fucking alarm! Give me options. 336 00:38:35,525 --> 00:38:40,550 If it's a virus skull-fucking the system, then probably trying to reboot itself. 337 00:38:40,650 --> 00:38:42,275 We start clean. 338 00:38:43,442 --> 00:38:44,592 No. 339 00:38:44,692 --> 00:38:46,275 Guys, I pissed all over him. 340 00:38:49,109 --> 00:38:50,817 Could you get in the car for me, please? 341 00:38:55,484 --> 00:38:57,967 You were lucky, man. 342 00:38:58,067 --> 00:39:01,650 I wasn't scared at all, not for a minute. 343 00:39:10,734 --> 00:39:12,009 Go, go, go! 344 00:39:12,109 --> 00:39:13,942 How much of the Rezort's breached? 345 00:39:15,484 --> 00:39:16,634 Go! 346 00:39:16,734 --> 00:39:18,067 Teams on every entrance now. 347 00:39:55,942 --> 00:39:58,425 - Listen, we have to reboot this now. - It's not going to work. 348 00:39:58,525 --> 00:39:59,609 Keep trying! 349 00:40:01,275 --> 00:40:02,984 This is fucked. I am out of here. 350 00:40:40,817 --> 00:40:42,150 Valerie! 351 00:40:54,067 --> 00:40:55,609 Brimstone protocol activated. 352 00:41:21,359 --> 00:41:23,650 You've still got another hour till it's your turn. 353 00:41:24,900 --> 00:41:27,442 Can't sleep. 354 00:41:30,442 --> 00:41:31,859 Really is beautiful here. 355 00:41:32,984 --> 00:41:35,150 If you can ignore the slaughter, that is. 356 00:41:42,400 --> 00:41:45,859 You're not one of those psych cases sent here by a doctor to... 357 00:41:48,234 --> 00:41:50,525 Oh, I've read about it. That's all. 358 00:41:53,609 --> 00:41:54,942 Something like that. 359 00:41:56,984 --> 00:41:58,634 No one forced me, though. 360 00:41:58,734 --> 00:42:02,775 - Chose to be here. - Kill to get well. 361 00:42:07,192 --> 00:42:08,484 Sure. 362 00:42:17,609 --> 00:42:18,609 Thanks. 363 00:42:22,025 --> 00:42:24,234 They are just us, you know? 364 00:42:27,609 --> 00:42:30,050 Still, I hate them. 365 00:42:35,650 --> 00:42:37,734 My dad was... 366 00:42:39,400 --> 00:42:43,634 Just like a normal dad, you know? He was a good man. 367 00:42:43,734 --> 00:42:45,442 He was a kind man. 368 00:42:47,609 --> 00:42:49,150 I watched him turn. 369 00:42:54,400 --> 00:42:56,067 Where do you think it goes? 370 00:42:57,192 --> 00:43:01,150 When they come back... That goodness in people. 371 00:43:02,900 --> 00:43:04,150 What do you think happens to it? 372 00:43:08,109 --> 00:43:09,942 Maybe it doesn't go anywhere. 373 00:43:12,150 --> 00:43:14,259 Or maybe... I don't know... 374 00:43:14,359 --> 00:43:16,150 ...it lives on in you. 375 00:43:19,817 --> 00:43:22,384 Do you know where they word "zombie" comes from? 376 00:43:22,484 --> 00:43:23,467 No. 377 00:43:23,567 --> 00:43:27,134 African tribes once called their soul "nzambi". 378 00:43:27,234 --> 00:43:29,925 But when they were transported to Haiti as slaves, 379 00:43:30,025 --> 00:43:32,092 their soul became "zombi". 380 00:43:32,192 --> 00:43:35,317 Meaning "all free will gone". 381 00:43:36,400 --> 00:43:38,234 Unthinking, uncaring. 382 00:43:40,567 --> 00:43:42,942 Right now, does that sound more like them or us? 383 00:43:48,192 --> 00:43:53,175 Do you ever find yourself thinking that... we won the war but... 384 00:43:53,275 --> 00:43:55,025 we forgot why? 385 00:43:56,484 --> 00:43:57,817 Every day. 386 00:43:59,900 --> 00:44:04,342 We have all these ethics about how we are treated before we are born 387 00:44:04,442 --> 00:44:06,842 and after we die, but we get bit, we are just fair game. 388 00:44:06,942 --> 00:44:08,317 Literally. 389 00:44:10,942 --> 00:44:12,342 Jesus. 390 00:44:12,442 --> 00:44:16,775 If we can treat the dead like meat, then who is to say the living won't be next? 391 00:44:26,650 --> 00:44:28,150 Sadie, where's your gun? 392 00:44:36,817 --> 00:44:40,359 Help... Get up... Get up! Get up! 393 00:44:44,567 --> 00:44:45,942 - Sadie! - Jack, wake up! 394 00:44:49,525 --> 00:44:51,092 Sadie, shoot it. 395 00:44:51,192 --> 00:44:52,275 Sadie! 396 00:44:53,442 --> 00:44:54,442 Shoot. 397 00:44:55,775 --> 00:44:59,134 Sadie, shoot it! Sadie! Sadie, shoot it! 398 00:44:59,234 --> 00:45:02,009 - Shoot it, Sadie! - No. 399 00:45:02,109 --> 00:45:03,775 Sadie! 400 00:45:17,400 --> 00:45:21,650 Yeah, buddy. Hakuna matata, motherfucker. 401 00:45:25,025 --> 00:45:26,550 They shouldn't get this close. 402 00:45:26,650 --> 00:45:28,859 Isn't this why we take turns to keep guard? 403 00:45:29,900 --> 00:45:32,050 - Do they not roam free in these parts? - Are you kidding? 404 00:45:32,150 --> 00:45:35,009 There are hidden fences everywhere. How long would we stay in business 405 00:45:35,109 --> 00:45:36,442 if guests got bit? 406 00:45:37,525 --> 00:45:39,067 So, what the fuck's going on? 407 00:45:42,400 --> 00:45:44,067 Shit! 408 00:45:47,525 --> 00:45:50,275 Stay down! Don't move! 409 00:45:56,400 --> 00:45:57,384 Look. 410 00:45:58,734 --> 00:46:00,484 Go, go, go! 411 00:46:14,734 --> 00:46:17,509 Red, red, red! Red, red, red! 412 00:46:17,609 --> 00:46:20,400 Brimstone protocol activated. 413 00:46:23,192 --> 00:46:24,192 Jack! 414 00:46:25,775 --> 00:46:26,800 Jack! 415 00:46:35,442 --> 00:46:36,609 Magazine. 416 00:46:55,025 --> 00:46:56,400 Quick, get up! 417 00:46:59,734 --> 00:47:01,442 OK. We need to get to the truck. 418 00:47:02,109 --> 00:47:03,650 Everybody to the truck! 419 00:47:15,567 --> 00:47:16,567 Quick! 420 00:47:22,734 --> 00:47:24,025 Lewis! 421 00:47:30,025 --> 00:47:31,467 Just fucking die! 422 00:47:31,567 --> 00:47:32,567 Alfie! 423 00:48:01,192 --> 00:48:04,400 Hold your fire. Hold your fire. 424 00:49:25,109 --> 00:49:26,192 Fuck! 425 00:49:28,025 --> 00:49:29,009 All clear. 426 00:49:29,109 --> 00:49:31,400 How is everyone's ammo? 427 00:49:32,192 --> 00:49:33,675 - Four rounds. - Nothing. 428 00:49:33,775 --> 00:49:35,759 I've still got this. 429 00:49:35,859 --> 00:49:38,592 Listen, it won't be long until they discover something's wrong 430 00:49:38,692 --> 00:49:39,967 and they'll come for us. 431 00:49:40,067 --> 00:49:42,067 - Yeah, we'll be OK. - They're not coming. 432 00:49:42,984 --> 00:49:45,009 - What? - The whole park is down. 433 00:49:45,109 --> 00:49:46,109 Brimstone? 434 00:49:47,025 --> 00:49:49,734 - How long? - Just a few hours. 435 00:49:52,150 --> 00:49:54,692 - They level the island. - Jesus Christ. 436 00:49:55,609 --> 00:49:57,425 It prevents the spread of infection. 437 00:49:57,525 --> 00:49:59,717 And we are just collateral damage. 438 00:49:59,817 --> 00:50:01,425 What about the rest of the staff? 439 00:50:01,525 --> 00:50:04,942 We were told to rally at the dock 30 minutes before the strike. 440 00:50:06,692 --> 00:50:08,259 Where are you going? 441 00:50:08,359 --> 00:50:11,800 You heard the man. To catch a boat. 442 00:50:11,900 --> 00:50:14,134 It's too far. He's wasting his time. 443 00:50:14,234 --> 00:50:18,175 - There's no way without a truck. - We just wait around for the inevitable? 444 00:50:18,275 --> 00:50:21,692 OK, look, we didn't come in a straight line. There must be a quicker way back. 445 00:50:23,025 --> 00:50:24,025 Hold on. 446 00:50:29,984 --> 00:50:34,134 OK....Maybe... Yeah, right. 447 00:50:34,234 --> 00:50:37,384 If we cut across here, that just leaves this fence and town to cross. 448 00:50:37,484 --> 00:50:39,275 Then we are at the communications relay. 449 00:50:40,942 --> 00:50:42,842 It has underground access back to the dock. 450 00:50:42,942 --> 00:50:45,234 If it's clear, we could make it in time. 451 00:50:46,775 --> 00:50:47,984 OK. 452 00:50:50,275 --> 00:50:51,775 Still here? 453 00:51:29,692 --> 00:51:31,400 Brimstone protocol activated. 454 00:51:53,609 --> 00:51:54,900 You OK? 455 00:51:55,692 --> 00:51:56,734 Yeah. 456 00:51:59,025 --> 00:52:00,859 It's just bringing it all back. 457 00:52:01,484 --> 00:52:03,025 Like muscle memory. 458 00:52:12,025 --> 00:52:13,342 Look at him. 459 00:52:13,442 --> 00:52:14,609 He's loving it. 460 00:52:19,025 --> 00:52:21,609 Hey. It'll be OK. 461 00:52:23,859 --> 00:52:27,525 - I'm sorry about your friend. - His name was Alfie. 462 00:52:28,900 --> 00:52:30,525 Sorry. 463 00:52:31,650 --> 00:52:33,734 He was so excited about coming here. 464 00:52:34,692 --> 00:52:37,442 He just wanted us to have a ridiculously awesome time, you know? 465 00:52:38,400 --> 00:52:39,692 I was such a dick to him. 466 00:52:42,817 --> 00:52:46,525 We didn't get off to the best start, did we? 467 00:52:47,400 --> 00:52:48,900 I'm Sadie. 468 00:52:50,150 --> 00:52:52,317 You seriously want to do this? 469 00:52:53,650 --> 00:52:54,650 OK. 470 00:53:12,609 --> 00:53:13,900 Excuse me. 471 00:53:15,775 --> 00:53:17,025 Can I ask you a question? 472 00:53:18,150 --> 00:53:19,567 Who the fuck made you the man? 473 00:53:21,359 --> 00:53:22,484 You. 474 00:53:22,900 --> 00:53:24,525 When you decided to follow me. 475 00:53:37,400 --> 00:53:38,900 The fence is just up ahead. 476 00:54:00,109 --> 00:54:01,109 Fuck! 477 00:54:04,109 --> 00:54:05,109 Thanks, bruv. 478 00:54:11,317 --> 00:54:13,067 Jesus, Mike. 479 00:54:14,775 --> 00:54:16,317 All of you, move. 480 00:54:16,775 --> 00:54:17,775 Now. 481 00:54:23,359 --> 00:54:24,467 Nevins. 482 00:54:24,567 --> 00:54:25,650 Nevins. 483 00:54:30,025 --> 00:54:33,550 Jesus. How did things turn to shit so fast? 484 00:54:33,650 --> 00:54:36,384 The systems in this place, the security, is watertight. 485 00:54:36,484 --> 00:54:39,842 This ain't your fault, bruv. This is some virus thing, swear down. 486 00:54:39,942 --> 00:54:41,842 Some next-level hacker shit. 487 00:54:41,942 --> 00:54:43,342 How would somebody do that? 488 00:54:43,442 --> 00:54:46,717 I don't know. From anywhere. Internet, innit? 489 00:54:46,817 --> 00:54:48,942 Inside job would be easier. 490 00:55:11,942 --> 00:55:14,217 - Gate safe? - Yeah, gate's fine. Go. 491 00:55:14,317 --> 00:55:15,650 Go on. One at a time. 492 00:55:16,650 --> 00:55:17,775 - Let's go. Come on. - Archer. 493 00:55:19,484 --> 00:55:22,275 - Women and children first, man. - Sure. 494 00:55:55,025 --> 00:55:56,425 Go, go. 495 00:55:56,525 --> 00:55:57,567 Go, go! 496 00:56:32,484 --> 00:56:34,759 No... No... 497 00:56:34,859 --> 00:56:37,400 It's OK. It's gonna be OK. 498 00:57:02,150 --> 00:57:03,525 Fuck me, man. 499 00:57:10,484 --> 00:57:11,650 Melanie. 500 00:57:12,609 --> 00:57:13,609 Melanie. 501 00:57:44,484 --> 00:57:46,134 Hey. 502 00:57:46,234 --> 00:57:48,259 Don't worry about wasting that guy. 503 00:57:48,359 --> 00:57:50,675 Seriously, I met him. He was a prick. 504 00:57:50,775 --> 00:57:52,442 The world's a better place. 505 00:57:57,567 --> 00:57:59,442 Are we not talking to each other now? 506 00:58:01,942 --> 00:58:04,317 So this was you, was it, during the war? 507 00:58:11,275 --> 00:58:13,442 Don't worry about it. Happens. 508 00:58:14,150 --> 00:58:15,775 That doesn't make it OK. 509 00:58:16,275 --> 00:58:19,092 Listen, I liked Nevins but he was gonna turn. 510 00:58:19,192 --> 00:58:22,942 Your boyfriend. He came here for you. 511 00:58:25,192 --> 00:58:27,067 And what are you doing here? 512 00:58:28,317 --> 00:58:29,609 The only thing I was ever good at. 513 00:58:32,942 --> 00:58:34,592 You act tough. 514 00:58:34,692 --> 00:58:37,484 But you had the chance to leave and you came back. 515 00:58:38,567 --> 00:58:40,109 You had the map. 516 00:58:45,900 --> 00:58:47,317 I think I found it. 517 00:58:54,192 --> 00:58:55,525 There it is. 518 00:59:01,609 --> 00:59:03,050 No turning back when we get there. 519 00:59:03,150 --> 00:59:05,717 And you, keep your head in the game. 520 00:59:05,817 --> 00:59:07,067 Or we're leaving you behind. 521 00:59:07,567 --> 00:59:08,734 Fuck off! 522 00:59:09,609 --> 00:59:10,967 You don't even know her, kid. 523 00:59:11,067 --> 00:59:12,800 And what you do? 524 00:59:12,900 --> 00:59:13,925 Fucking apologise. 525 00:59:14,025 --> 00:59:15,759 Just leave it, Jack. 526 00:59:15,859 --> 00:59:19,984 The other night, sneaking around, avoiding Security. 527 00:59:21,359 --> 00:59:23,467 - What does he mean? - So what? 528 00:59:23,567 --> 00:59:25,150 Last I checked, it was still a free world. 529 00:59:25,859 --> 00:59:28,384 You're gonna tell them, why you're here? 530 00:59:32,775 --> 00:59:33,859 Sadie? 531 00:59:38,150 --> 00:59:40,384 Look, I just downloaded some files. That's all. 532 00:59:40,484 --> 00:59:42,025 What files? 533 00:59:42,984 --> 00:59:45,800 Whatever we could use to get this place closed down. 534 00:59:45,900 --> 00:59:47,192 Who is "we"? 535 00:59:50,109 --> 00:59:52,942 - Living 2. - The undead-rights activists. 536 00:59:56,567 --> 00:59:59,592 What did you do to get in the system? 537 00:59:59,692 --> 01:00:01,817 I just typed some codes that they gave me. 538 01:00:02,859 --> 01:00:04,317 And I used this. 539 01:00:06,609 --> 01:00:09,592 Look, I don't even know what's on it. It's encrypted. 540 01:00:09,692 --> 01:00:12,925 Are you fucking kidding me? You've been played. 541 01:00:13,025 --> 01:00:16,192 While you were downloading whatever, they uploaded some shit. 542 01:00:25,025 --> 01:00:27,192 So all these people are dead because of you? 543 01:00:29,900 --> 01:00:30,925 Oh, come on. 544 01:00:31,025 --> 01:00:35,092 Do you honestly think I would be here with you if I knew this was gonna happen? 545 01:00:35,192 --> 01:00:37,425 Jack! I didn't know. 546 01:00:37,525 --> 01:00:39,275 Yeah, tell it to Alfie, yeah? 547 01:00:44,400 --> 01:00:45,967 I'm so sorry. 548 01:00:46,067 --> 01:00:50,859 Yeah... Well, we are not gonna leave you behind. 549 01:03:45,192 --> 01:03:47,234 Jack. Jack. 550 01:04:16,650 --> 01:04:18,525 OK, Jack... 551 01:04:19,650 --> 01:04:20,800 Jack... 552 01:04:20,900 --> 01:04:22,925 OK, come on, quick... 553 01:04:23,025 --> 01:04:24,192 Come on... 554 01:04:34,609 --> 01:04:35,942 Jack, come on... 555 01:04:44,192 --> 01:04:45,800 Wait, wait, wait! 556 01:04:45,900 --> 01:04:47,275 Jack and Sadie. 557 01:04:51,275 --> 01:04:53,442 OK... OK... 558 01:04:56,734 --> 01:04:58,550 OK... OK... 559 01:04:58,650 --> 01:05:00,150 Come on... 560 01:05:08,859 --> 01:05:11,400 Jack! Jack! Fuck! 561 01:05:12,275 --> 01:05:13,692 Jack, come on! 562 01:05:16,900 --> 01:05:18,192 Fuck! 563 01:05:23,817 --> 01:05:25,567 Jack, quick! 564 01:05:27,567 --> 01:05:29,192 Jack, in here! 565 01:05:37,234 --> 01:05:38,734 Oh, fuck... 566 01:05:46,484 --> 01:05:47,525 Jack! Jack! 567 01:06:03,984 --> 01:06:05,359 Sadie! 568 01:06:07,775 --> 01:06:09,234 Jack... 569 01:06:10,400 --> 01:06:12,775 Jack... Jack... 570 01:06:16,150 --> 01:06:17,942 I'm so sorry. 571 01:06:18,775 --> 01:06:19,942 Sorry. 572 01:06:21,109 --> 01:06:23,109 Go! Go! 573 01:06:41,275 --> 01:06:43,025 Go! Go! 574 01:07:00,484 --> 01:07:01,609 Let's go! Let's go! 575 01:07:14,942 --> 01:07:16,484 Jack, where's Sadie? 576 01:07:20,817 --> 01:07:22,509 Hey, we need to go. 577 01:07:22,609 --> 01:07:23,817 Now. 578 01:07:44,984 --> 01:07:46,442 It's along here somewhere. 579 01:07:48,900 --> 01:07:50,067 Fuck. 580 01:08:02,234 --> 01:08:03,442 Next? 581 01:08:07,275 --> 01:08:08,650 This way. 582 01:08:42,317 --> 01:08:47,217 Wait, we are willingly going into the dark place? 583 01:08:52,650 --> 01:08:53,942 Fuck! 584 01:09:34,900 --> 01:09:37,192 What is it? 585 01:09:38,567 --> 01:09:41,025 Nothing. Keep going. 586 01:10:16,442 --> 01:10:18,067 What the hell were they doing in here? 587 01:10:41,484 --> 01:10:42,650 Shit! 588 01:10:43,359 --> 01:10:45,525 Move! Go! Go! 589 01:10:47,359 --> 01:10:48,817 Move! Move! 590 01:11:09,025 --> 01:11:10,734 Fucker! 591 01:11:16,150 --> 01:11:17,734 Move, move, move! 592 01:11:18,609 --> 01:11:19,900 Go on, move! 593 01:11:21,817 --> 01:11:24,150 Go, go, go, fucking move! Go, go! 594 01:11:27,275 --> 01:11:28,800 Fucking move! Go! 595 01:11:41,192 --> 01:11:45,734 What is happening here? Cattle runs? Ovens? 596 01:11:47,067 --> 01:11:49,650 Seriously, fuck this island. 597 01:11:57,650 --> 01:12:00,609 No, no, no... 598 01:12:14,734 --> 01:12:15,984 Jack... 599 01:12:18,817 --> 01:12:20,692 Walk away. 600 01:12:24,900 --> 01:12:26,734 Walk away. 601 01:13:59,984 --> 01:14:03,925 Hope 4 U. From the airport. 602 01:14:04,025 --> 01:14:07,067 It's a hell of a way to solve the refugee crisis. 603 01:14:08,359 --> 01:14:10,609 Who's to say the living won't be next? 604 01:14:12,942 --> 01:14:14,609 Something that Sadie said. 605 01:14:16,817 --> 01:14:18,650 They are making more to keep the island running. 606 01:14:20,150 --> 01:14:22,067 But they'd all be fresh. 607 01:14:23,317 --> 01:14:26,317 The heaters are for ageing them. 608 01:14:28,067 --> 01:14:29,967 They could never get away with it. 609 01:14:30,067 --> 01:14:34,234 They did. Because nobody cares. 610 01:15:21,359 --> 01:15:22,400 Fuck! 611 01:15:23,484 --> 01:15:25,050 Lewis! 612 01:15:25,150 --> 01:15:26,692 Lewis! 613 01:15:30,775 --> 01:15:32,359 Lewis! 614 01:15:37,275 --> 01:15:39,675 You go first. You go first. 615 01:15:39,775 --> 01:15:41,342 I'll hold them back. 616 01:15:41,442 --> 01:15:43,717 - No. - Go on, go. 617 01:15:43,817 --> 01:15:46,800 I'll be right behind you. Come on. Go. 618 01:15:46,900 --> 01:15:48,734 Go, go, go! 619 01:16:01,400 --> 01:16:02,942 Archer, come on. 620 01:16:05,317 --> 01:16:06,734 You got Sadie's stuff. 621 01:16:07,900 --> 01:16:10,300 Just make sure it gets out. 622 01:16:10,400 --> 01:16:11,650 No. 623 01:16:16,609 --> 01:16:17,759 Archer! 624 01:17:19,859 --> 01:17:23,400 Come relax at our spa with our hot-stone massage... 625 01:18:12,109 --> 01:18:13,525 I'm sorry. 626 01:18:18,150 --> 01:18:20,525 - You left me. - I'm sorry. 627 01:18:22,359 --> 01:18:24,650 When you run, everybody runs. 628 01:18:30,984 --> 01:18:31,984 Lewis. 629 01:20:54,609 --> 01:20:56,692 No, no, no, I am not one of them. 630 01:20:57,942 --> 01:20:59,692 Are you alone? 631 01:21:00,692 --> 01:21:02,609 - Yeah. - Oh, Christ. 632 01:21:06,150 --> 01:21:09,384 Come on, the emergency exit is our only option. The problem is getting to it. 633 01:21:09,484 --> 01:21:12,859 There is a crawlspace under the terminal. We can get to it through there. 634 01:21:13,775 --> 01:21:15,817 They're holding a study group by the door. 635 01:21:16,692 --> 01:21:21,592 They never leave, and we've got about five minutes until the island is incinerated. 636 01:21:21,692 --> 01:21:23,692 We need a distraction. 637 01:21:26,525 --> 01:21:29,467 - You're an animal. - What? 638 01:21:29,567 --> 01:21:31,842 You killed all those people. 639 01:21:31,942 --> 01:21:35,259 - The refugees. - Now is not the time to talk about-- 640 01:21:35,359 --> 01:21:37,484 You are worse than they are. 641 01:21:39,900 --> 01:21:43,967 I'm a businesswoman in a world with new priorities, and you pay for it. 642 01:21:44,067 --> 01:21:45,484 Give me the gun. 643 01:21:46,609 --> 01:21:48,734 Do you want to live or not? 644 01:21:50,984 --> 01:21:52,525 Go fuck yourself. 645 01:24:35,942 --> 01:24:40,175 It's been three weeks since the terrible incident which claimed the lives 646 01:24:40,275 --> 01:24:42,884 of 250 people. 647 01:24:42,984 --> 01:24:47,217 Investigators are still no closer to figuring out what caused... 648 01:24:57,942 --> 01:25:01,967 ...made nigh on impossible by the drone strike which levelled the island 649 01:25:02,067 --> 01:25:04,634 and incinerated the resort. 650 01:25:04,734 --> 01:25:09,025 To date, only one survivor has been named, Melanie Gibbs. 651 01:25:10,109 --> 01:25:11,925 But authorities suspect she may not have been 652 01:25:12,025 --> 01:25:14,317 the only one to make it off the island alive. 653 01:25:15,484 --> 01:25:17,759 Her release of a cache of top-secret files 654 01:25:17,859 --> 01:25:20,467 downloaded from the Rezort's computers before disaster struck 655 01:25:20,567 --> 01:25:23,592 continues to make waves. 656 01:25:23,692 --> 01:25:26,759 A public enquiry has been announced to investigate the allegations 657 01:25:26,859 --> 01:25:30,925 of a link between the Rezort and the Hope 4 U charity, 658 01:25:31,025 --> 01:25:34,259 implicating them both in a conspiracy to profiteer from the death 659 01:25:34,359 --> 01:25:36,259 of thousands of innocent refugees. 660 01:25:36,359 --> 01:25:38,717 On the contrary, we welcome the enquiry 661 01:25:38,817 --> 01:25:42,342 and look forward to refuting once and for all these terrible allegations. 662 01:25:42,442 --> 01:25:43,425 They are lies. 663 01:25:43,525 --> 01:25:47,217 Miss Gibbs hasn't spoken publicly since handing the files to the media 664 01:25:47,317 --> 01:25:50,759 but broke her silence to talk to us about the proposed enquiry. 665 01:25:50,859 --> 01:25:52,967 Any investigation is a start. 666 01:25:53,067 --> 01:25:54,775 But it won't fix the problem. 667 01:25:55,442 --> 01:25:59,025 What happened at the Rezort, it's on all of us. 668 01:26:00,192 --> 01:26:05,192 Because we won a war but somehow... we lost ourselves. 669 01:26:07,067 --> 01:26:09,800 I went there to try and fix myself and then I realised 670 01:26:09,900 --> 01:26:11,967 I am not the one who needed fixing. 671 01:26:12,067 --> 01:26:14,592 I know what's coming next. I think we all do. 672 01:26:14,692 --> 01:26:18,234 How you deal with it this time, that's up to you. 673 01:26:19,900 --> 01:26:23,425 Amidst this talk of enquiries, that could drag on for years, 674 01:26:23,525 --> 01:26:26,967 let us not forget the immediate plight of the refugees 675 01:26:27,067 --> 01:26:28,592 at the Hope 4 U camp near here. 676 01:26:28,692 --> 01:26:32,717 They now face the terrible prospect of the charity going bust-- 677 01:26:34,317 --> 01:26:35,942 Jesus, what is going on?