1 00:00:32,520 --> 00:00:38,510 THE HIGH SUN 2 00:01:19,510 --> 00:01:21,500 Why did you stop ? 3 00:01:22,500 --> 00:01:23,500 That was enough. 4 00:01:24,500 --> 00:01:25,500 Go on, play. 5 00:01:26,510 --> 00:01:28,500 - Go on. - No. 6 00:01:28,500 --> 00:01:30,500 - What do you mean, no ? - Pay me. 7 00:01:30,510 --> 00:01:33,510 Stop kicking me, I'll throw you into the sea. 8 00:01:47,500 --> 00:01:48,510 You won't play ? 9 00:01:49,520 --> 00:01:51,500 Will you play ? 10 00:01:52,510 --> 00:01:54,510 How about now ? 11 00:01:55,500 --> 00:01:57,520 - Someone will see you, you crazy ? - There's no one. 12 00:01:58,500 --> 00:01:59,500 Go on. 13 00:02:00,500 --> 00:02:02,510 - Will you play ? - You're totally crazy ! 14 00:02:07,510 --> 00:02:08,520 You're tickling me ! 15 00:02:10,500 --> 00:02:11,510 Let me go ! 16 00:02:22,510 --> 00:02:24,510 I can't believe we're going. 17 00:02:24,520 --> 00:02:26,500 You can't, huh ? 18 00:02:27,500 --> 00:02:30,500 - What did I tell you ? - What did I tell you ? 19 00:02:31,510 --> 00:02:33,500 What did I tell you ? 20 00:03:07,510 --> 00:03:09,500 Let's go swimming. 21 00:03:09,510 --> 00:03:11,510 - That's for little girls. - Come on... 22 00:03:12,500 --> 00:03:13,520 I'll roll one with Božo. 23 00:03:13,520 --> 00:03:15,510 Look how beautiful it is. 24 00:03:17,510 --> 00:03:18,510 Come, let's go ! 25 00:03:20,500 --> 00:03:21,500 You lazy ass. 26 00:03:22,500 --> 00:03:23,510 Lazy ass ! 27 00:03:39,520 --> 00:03:43,500 - Making out, eh ? - Guilty as charged... One has to. 28 00:03:45,500 --> 00:03:47,500 Just keep on doing it. 29 00:03:48,500 --> 00:03:49,510 Traitors. 30 00:03:50,500 --> 00:03:51,500 What ? 31 00:03:51,500 --> 00:03:55,500 - Do it where you plan to elope. - We will, don't you worry. 32 00:03:55,510 --> 00:03:57,510 - You arranged everything ? - I have. 33 00:03:57,510 --> 00:04:00,500 - Waiting tables from Friday on. - You ?! 34 00:04:00,500 --> 00:04:01,510 Sure. 35 00:04:01,510 --> 00:04:03,510 Screw the café that takes you. 36 00:04:03,510 --> 00:04:06,500 - Like you're gonna teach me ? - My life's too short for that. 37 00:04:06,510 --> 00:04:08,510 A born head waiter you are... 38 00:04:08,510 --> 00:04:11,520 - I plan to play a bit too. - Better stick to waiting. 39 00:04:12,500 --> 00:04:13,510 Less damage that way. 40 00:04:16,510 --> 00:04:17,520 When are we leaving ? 41 00:04:18,500 --> 00:04:21,520 - Tomorrow, after the gig. - I'll be waiting on the side. 42 00:04:23,500 --> 00:04:24,520 You're a real... 43 00:04:36,510 --> 00:04:38,500 Why not take me too ? 44 00:04:39,500 --> 00:04:40,520 I can be your ace in the hole. 45 00:04:41,510 --> 00:04:44,500 We're not emigrating, it's just Zagreb ! 46 00:04:44,500 --> 00:04:47,500 What am I gonna do here, smoke with the sheep ? 47 00:04:47,510 --> 00:04:50,500 - I'll send for you, relax. - You'd better. 48 00:04:51,510 --> 00:04:52,510 Damn... 49 00:04:56,520 --> 00:04:58,510 It's kind of beautiful. 50 00:04:59,510 --> 00:05:02,520 You will see, you're gonna miss it. 51 00:05:08,510 --> 00:05:10,500 Screw a summer like this. 52 00:05:11,500 --> 00:05:12,510 Take it easy, Božo. 53 00:05:44,500 --> 00:05:45,500 Fuckers... 54 00:06:07,510 --> 00:06:10,520 JELENA AND IVAN, 1991 55 00:06:18,510 --> 00:06:20,520 Gotta go, my folks will kill me. 56 00:07:25,510 --> 00:07:28,520 - Hey, kid, come drink with us. - Let's grab a beer. 57 00:07:45,510 --> 00:07:47,510 - Where have you been ? - At the beach. 58 00:07:48,510 --> 00:07:50,510 - All this time ? - Mom... 59 00:08:05,500 --> 00:08:07,510 Well, what's going on down there ? 60 00:08:10,510 --> 00:08:11,510 Nothing. 61 00:08:22,500 --> 00:08:23,500 Stop it. 62 00:08:29,510 --> 00:08:31,500 - Stop doing that now ! - Saša ! 63 00:08:39,510 --> 00:08:41,510 What did I say ? Not to go down there ! 64 00:08:41,510 --> 00:08:42,510 Get off of me ! 65 00:08:42,520 --> 00:08:45,500 - Want to die before your time ?! - What do you care ?! 66 00:08:45,510 --> 00:08:47,510 - Stop it you two ! - You cork it ! 67 00:08:51,510 --> 00:08:54,510 Can't you see what's been cooking ? You dumb fool. 68 00:09:03,510 --> 00:09:05,500 All because the likes of you. 69 00:09:08,520 --> 00:09:10,500 The likes of me... 70 00:09:14,520 --> 00:09:16,510 You fucking... Damn you ! 71 00:09:18,500 --> 00:09:19,500 Leave her ! 72 00:09:19,500 --> 00:09:21,510 She's fucking that oaf from their side ! 73 00:09:21,520 --> 00:09:23,520 I'm the laughing stock of the village. 74 00:09:27,520 --> 00:09:31,500 - Get away from me ! - Stop it, you two ! 75 00:09:34,510 --> 00:09:37,520 You'd both get yours if only Dad were alive ! 76 00:09:37,520 --> 00:09:40,510 - Jelena ! Go to your room ! - Mom ! 77 00:09:40,510 --> 00:09:43,500 - Go to your room ! - Listen to your mother ! 78 00:09:49,500 --> 00:09:50,500 Go on, eat. 79 00:10:08,500 --> 00:10:09,510 Have you seen him ? No ? 80 00:10:13,500 --> 00:10:14,500 Have you seen him ? 81 00:10:22,520 --> 00:10:24,510 Where are you off to, granny ? 82 00:10:36,500 --> 00:10:37,510 Oh, fuck... 83 00:10:40,510 --> 00:10:43,500 - It's show time, folks ! - Shut up, you... 84 00:10:44,510 --> 00:10:46,520 - Where have you been ? - Why are you outside ? 85 00:10:46,520 --> 00:10:48,520 You didn't come to school yesterday. 86 00:10:48,520 --> 00:10:51,510 - I was alone in the bench. - Pipe it down a bit, huh ? 87 00:10:51,510 --> 00:10:53,520 They're recruiting all the young ones. 88 00:10:54,500 --> 00:10:57,500 - Got scared they'd drafted you. - You can see they didn't. 89 00:10:57,510 --> 00:11:01,500 They say, Hitler is moving his army again. There may be another war. 90 00:11:01,510 --> 00:11:03,520 - What do you mean Hitler ?! - He sure is ! 91 00:11:04,500 --> 00:11:06,520 - Evil is here ! - Listen to your granny, Ivan. 92 00:11:07,510 --> 00:11:10,500 - She's way more wiser than you. - You keep out of it. 93 00:11:10,500 --> 00:11:14,500 I was alone at school. It's different than when you're with me. 94 00:11:14,500 --> 00:11:17,520 Do tell him, granny. He got too close to that lot yonder. 95 00:11:18,500 --> 00:11:20,500 Mane ! Cool it ! 96 00:11:22,500 --> 00:11:24,520 - Will you stop it ? - You want me to stop ? 97 00:11:25,500 --> 00:11:27,500 They're blocking roads, planting mines 98 00:11:27,510 --> 00:11:29,510 while you're fucking in their houses. 99 00:11:31,520 --> 00:11:32,520 Let it go. 100 00:11:40,500 --> 00:11:41,520 Let's go home, Granny. 101 00:11:43,520 --> 00:11:45,520 What, am I wrong ? 102 00:11:54,500 --> 00:11:57,500 If those devils come, you run for the mountains. 103 00:11:57,510 --> 00:12:00,510 - No one's coming, Granny. - They are. Hush you. 104 00:12:00,510 --> 00:12:04,510 You just take it to the mountains and go as deep as you can. 105 00:12:04,520 --> 00:12:07,500 And I'll find you there. 106 00:12:07,510 --> 00:12:10,520 Them devils won't stop us from dancing. 107 00:12:11,500 --> 00:12:12,500 And don't you worry, 108 00:12:12,510 --> 00:12:16,510 I won't let anyone sit in the bench with me at school. 109 00:12:16,510 --> 00:12:19,500 - I'll keep it for you. - Way to go, Granny. 110 00:12:20,520 --> 00:12:23,500 Mother asked me about us today. 111 00:12:23,520 --> 00:12:25,510 I told her nothing ! 112 00:12:28,500 --> 00:12:29,520 Sleep now, Granny. 113 00:12:39,510 --> 00:12:41,500 Be very careful, Ivan. 114 00:12:43,500 --> 00:12:45,510 Promise Granny you will be. 115 00:12:47,500 --> 00:12:51,500 - I promise, Granny. - Good... 116 00:12:56,500 --> 00:12:57,510 Sleep now. 117 00:13:05,510 --> 00:13:07,500 This too... 118 00:13:08,510 --> 00:13:10,510 Saša will go nuts when he finds out. 119 00:13:10,510 --> 00:13:13,520 - We will be in the city by then. - Don't be mad with him, he's lost. 120 00:13:14,500 --> 00:13:16,500 Who asked that from him ? You ? 121 00:13:16,500 --> 00:13:18,500 - No. - I know you didn't. 122 00:13:18,510 --> 00:13:19,520 He got drafted. 123 00:13:23,500 --> 00:13:25,510 Him in the army. Damn, he's always hated it. 124 00:13:25,520 --> 00:13:29,500 They're drafting everybody, why avoid him ? He has to. 125 00:13:29,520 --> 00:13:33,510 You don't have to do anything. Jut like I don't have to stay here. 126 00:13:33,510 --> 00:13:36,520 - Don't be mad at him. - I'm not. 127 00:13:37,500 --> 00:13:40,510 - I'm sorry for him. - Talk too him. He's your brother. 128 00:13:46,520 --> 00:13:49,500 - Take that jacket. - It's summer, Mom. 129 00:13:49,510 --> 00:13:50,520 That means nothing. 130 00:13:54,500 --> 00:13:55,510 This is clean. 131 00:13:58,510 --> 00:14:00,510 Couldn't you make it thinner ? 132 00:14:08,510 --> 00:14:10,500 So you've decided, right ? 133 00:14:11,510 --> 00:14:13,500 I called Aunty, too. 134 00:14:17,500 --> 00:14:18,500 Did she disapprove ? 135 00:14:18,500 --> 00:14:21,500 Disapprove ? She invited me in the first place. 136 00:14:21,510 --> 00:14:25,500 I'll be giving her money, Jelena will find a job. 137 00:14:30,500 --> 00:14:33,500 I swear, this isn't lacking salt either. 138 00:14:50,520 --> 00:14:55,510 Do you know what I promised your mother on her death bed ? 139 00:14:56,500 --> 00:14:59,510 I promised her I'd be looking after you and Granny. 140 00:15:00,510 --> 00:15:02,500 Yes, I know. 141 00:15:02,500 --> 00:15:04,520 - So very nice of you. - Nice my ass. 142 00:15:05,510 --> 00:15:08,520 Who could look after you ? You're leaving with that girl, 143 00:15:08,520 --> 00:15:11,510 Granny's getting nuttier with every day 144 00:15:12,500 --> 00:15:15,510 and I can't tie up all the loose ends. 145 00:15:15,510 --> 00:15:17,500 Yeah, you just laugh. 146 00:15:18,510 --> 00:15:21,520 If your late mother knew you're tied up with one of theirs, 147 00:15:21,520 --> 00:15:23,510 she'd be turning in her grave. 148 00:15:24,500 --> 00:15:25,500 She'd be happy ! 149 00:15:25,500 --> 00:15:27,520 Can't you see what's been going on, you oaf ? 150 00:15:28,500 --> 00:15:30,510 That's why we're running away. To be left alone. 151 00:15:30,510 --> 00:15:32,500 Yeah, and fuck me ! 152 00:15:33,500 --> 00:15:36,500 - Not for long, till it calms down. - It will my ass ! 153 00:15:36,500 --> 00:15:38,500 Everybody's gone crazy ! 154 00:15:56,500 --> 00:15:57,510 Do you need money ? 155 00:16:02,520 --> 00:16:05,500 It wouldn't do any harm for the first day. 156 00:16:18,500 --> 00:16:20,510 Dad, hey... don't worry. 157 00:18:48,500 --> 00:18:50,500 I'll be back soon, Mom. 158 00:20:16,520 --> 00:20:17,520 Homemade wine. 159 00:20:19,500 --> 00:20:21,510 - Hey ! Ready ? - I sure am. 160 00:20:22,510 --> 00:20:24,500 - How about a beer ? - Give me one. 161 00:20:25,500 --> 00:20:26,510 Listen... 162 00:20:26,510 --> 00:20:29,520 You could put in a good word for me to the girls in the city. 163 00:20:29,520 --> 00:20:32,510 Oh, I'll tell them the best fuck on earth lives here. 164 00:20:32,520 --> 00:20:35,520 I keep saying you're a clever one. 165 00:20:37,520 --> 00:20:39,500 - I'm gonna miss this. - Miss me ? 166 00:20:39,510 --> 00:20:42,520 - You fool ! This, here. - You can still change your mind. 167 00:20:43,500 --> 00:20:46,500 - It's going to be great in the city. - Of course. 168 00:20:47,500 --> 00:20:49,520 - OK, I'm gonna miss you too a bit. - You little pig, you. 169 00:20:50,500 --> 00:20:51,510 You oaf. 170 00:20:53,500 --> 00:20:55,510 Will you look at that moron... 171 00:20:55,510 --> 00:20:57,510 - Why ? - Look for yourself. 172 00:20:59,510 --> 00:21:02,510 Don't tell anyone in the city he's your boyfriend. 173 00:23:17,510 --> 00:23:19,500 Hey, leave her alone ! 174 00:23:27,510 --> 00:23:29,500 Ivan, stop ! Ivan ! 175 00:23:30,500 --> 00:23:31,510 - I won't go back ! - Yes, you are ! 176 00:23:31,520 --> 00:23:33,500 Dad would be ashamed of you ! 177 00:23:35,510 --> 00:23:36,520 Stop fucking around ! 178 00:24:59,500 --> 00:25:00,510 Jelena ! 179 00:25:01,510 --> 00:25:02,510 Jelena ! 180 00:25:02,520 --> 00:25:04,500 Hey, Jele... 181 00:25:12,500 --> 00:25:13,500 Get up. 182 00:25:14,510 --> 00:25:15,510 Get up ! 183 00:25:48,500 --> 00:25:49,500 Get out ! 184 00:25:52,500 --> 00:25:53,500 Get out ! 185 00:26:10,500 --> 00:26:13,510 Three minutes after we came into the house, she was done. Lied down... 186 00:26:13,520 --> 00:26:15,500 You understand... 187 00:26:16,510 --> 00:26:17,510 Look at that fool. 188 00:26:19,510 --> 00:26:21,510 - Who's that ? - A lunatic. 189 00:26:25,500 --> 00:26:27,500 Whoa, dear friend. 190 00:26:28,510 --> 00:26:30,520 - I have to pass through. - You only have to die. 191 00:26:31,500 --> 00:26:32,510 You won't pass here. 192 00:26:33,520 --> 00:26:36,500 My girlfriend passed through here. 193 00:26:38,500 --> 00:26:39,500 Beat it. 194 00:26:40,520 --> 00:26:42,500 Let me through, dammit ! 195 00:26:43,500 --> 00:26:45,510 Did you hear what I said ? Beat it. 196 00:26:47,510 --> 00:26:49,500 Beat it, motherfucker. 197 00:26:50,500 --> 00:26:51,500 Scram ! 198 00:27:30,520 --> 00:27:33,500 Let me go, I've had enough ! 199 00:27:33,500 --> 00:27:35,510 Calm down. Hold her. 200 00:27:41,500 --> 00:27:42,500 I'll settle this. 201 00:27:48,510 --> 00:27:49,510 Go. 202 00:27:54,520 --> 00:27:56,500 Go on. 203 00:28:05,520 --> 00:28:06,520 Drive ! 204 00:28:31,500 --> 00:28:32,510 A free concert. 205 00:28:34,500 --> 00:28:35,510 The fool won't stop playing. 206 00:28:36,500 --> 00:28:37,500 Get lost ! 207 00:28:39,520 --> 00:28:41,510 Get lost, I'm telling you ! 208 00:28:41,520 --> 00:28:43,510 Be a man and let her go ! 209 00:28:45,500 --> 00:28:46,520 Scram ! Go home ! 210 00:28:49,500 --> 00:28:50,510 Please go home. 211 00:28:54,500 --> 00:28:55,520 Fucking go ! 212 00:28:57,500 --> 00:28:58,500 To your own kind ! 213 00:29:01,520 --> 00:29:03,500 Fucking... 214 00:29:24,510 --> 00:29:27,500 Fucking fool ! Killed a man for no reason ! 215 00:29:27,500 --> 00:29:29,510 - Ivan ! - No ! No ! 216 00:29:29,510 --> 00:29:31,510 Let me go ! 217 00:29:31,520 --> 00:29:34,500 Fuck off ! 218 00:29:37,500 --> 00:29:38,510 Let me go ! 219 00:29:47,500 --> 00:29:48,500 Ivan... 220 00:33:09,520 --> 00:33:12,510 NATAŠA AND ANTE, 2001 221 00:33:38,520 --> 00:33:41,500 - Motherfuckers. - Stop swearing. 222 00:33:41,500 --> 00:33:44,500 What ? Bastards did this for kicks. 223 00:34:27,510 --> 00:34:29,510 Will you stop crying ? 224 00:34:36,500 --> 00:34:39,520 - What the hell got into you ? - Dražen wouldn't want you to cry. 225 00:34:41,500 --> 00:34:42,510 - Why are you so cold ? - I'm not. 226 00:34:42,510 --> 00:34:46,500 - He wouldn't like you lamenting. - You are, Nata. 227 00:34:46,510 --> 00:34:50,500 Why do you think I'm here ? Why do you think I came with you ? 228 00:34:50,510 --> 00:34:52,510 - Where else would you go ? - I'd have managed. 229 00:34:52,520 --> 00:34:56,500 - Where else would you go ? - Someplace abroad, dammit. 230 00:34:57,510 --> 00:34:58,510 Don't talk rubbish. 231 00:35:11,500 --> 00:35:12,520 We'll refurbish this. 232 00:35:17,500 --> 00:35:18,510 Why that look ? 233 00:35:20,500 --> 00:35:22,500 Everything's better than where we were. 234 00:35:24,500 --> 00:35:25,500 It is. 235 00:35:28,500 --> 00:35:30,510 And quit telling me I'm cold. 236 00:37:01,520 --> 00:37:04,510 - Maybe we shouldn't have called. - There she goes again... 237 00:37:04,510 --> 00:37:06,500 'Cause of Dražen. 238 00:37:06,500 --> 00:37:09,500 If he were alive, this would be fixed in a month. 239 00:37:09,500 --> 00:37:11,520 Don't want one of them to mess around here. I'm cancelling it. 240 00:37:11,520 --> 00:37:14,520 - What's the matter with you ? - I don't know. 241 00:37:15,500 --> 00:37:17,520 Can't you see we can't do it ourselves ? 242 00:37:18,500 --> 00:37:20,500 Someone else needs to fix it. 243 00:37:20,510 --> 00:37:22,500 Go on, from above. 244 00:37:29,500 --> 00:37:31,510 Go on. Open the gate. 245 00:37:31,520 --> 00:37:34,500 Go on, there's no turning back. 246 00:37:34,510 --> 00:37:36,500 Do you hear ? Go on. 247 00:37:52,520 --> 00:37:55,510 Hello. Did you call ? 248 00:37:56,510 --> 00:37:57,520 Yeah. Inside ! 249 00:38:16,510 --> 00:38:19,510 You were right. There's a lot to do here. 250 00:38:28,500 --> 00:38:30,500 It will take time. 251 00:38:30,510 --> 00:38:33,500 - But it can be done. - When can you start ? 252 00:38:33,510 --> 00:38:35,510 - Well, here... - Then start. 253 00:38:37,500 --> 00:38:38,520 - Hello. - Hello. 254 00:38:39,500 --> 00:38:41,500 - Ante, pleased to meet you. - Zorka. 255 00:38:42,520 --> 00:38:45,510 - Where are you off to ? - Dražen's grave. 256 00:38:47,520 --> 00:38:50,520 - Shall I start ? - Sure thing. 257 00:39:50,500 --> 00:39:54,500 He also fixed the entrance and I was paying in installments. 258 00:39:54,500 --> 00:39:58,520 Then he asked additional money for the material. And I paid. 259 00:39:58,520 --> 00:40:01,510 And I never saw him or the money again. 260 00:40:01,520 --> 00:40:04,510 And you won't, the likes of him never come back. 261 00:40:04,510 --> 00:40:08,500 They'd trick their own mother. That's repairmen for you. 262 00:40:08,510 --> 00:40:12,520 Don't talk like that, Ante. You're one of them too. 263 00:40:12,520 --> 00:40:16,500 - Sure, but I'm not like that. - I can see that, yeah. 264 00:40:16,510 --> 00:40:19,510 - So have you got enough work ? - Not much. 265 00:40:20,500 --> 00:40:23,500 We're almost done with the inn on the shore. 266 00:40:23,520 --> 00:40:26,500 - Do you remember it ? - Of course I do. 267 00:40:27,520 --> 00:40:32,500 We knocked off a good month of work. 268 00:40:32,510 --> 00:40:33,510 But it's OK. 269 00:40:33,520 --> 00:40:35,520 - Let people have fun. - Sure. 270 00:40:36,520 --> 00:40:40,510 - People started to swim down there ? - Yeah... 271 00:40:40,510 --> 00:40:43,510 More and more. Lots of kiddies. 272 00:40:44,510 --> 00:40:47,500 I hanged down there as a kid day and night. 273 00:40:47,520 --> 00:40:50,500 Not only as a kid, when I was young too. 274 00:40:50,500 --> 00:40:52,510 Sneakers on, high heeled shoes in my bag, 275 00:40:52,520 --> 00:40:55,520 put them on and I'd sway away like... 276 00:40:56,510 --> 00:40:57,510 Dancing, right. 277 00:40:57,510 --> 00:41:00,500 - We'd call it swaying. - Dancing, right. 278 00:41:00,510 --> 00:41:04,510 The best thing was finding a shade at the sunset down there. 279 00:41:04,520 --> 00:41:06,500 Yes, yes... 280 00:41:10,500 --> 00:41:11,500 Excuse me... 281 00:41:27,510 --> 00:41:30,500 You should have invited him for lunch. 282 00:41:36,500 --> 00:41:38,500 He hasn't stopped since morning. 283 00:41:39,500 --> 00:41:40,510 Eats only sandwiches. 284 00:41:42,500 --> 00:41:43,500 Forget it. 285 00:42:31,500 --> 00:42:33,500 - Hello. - Hey, Ante. 286 00:42:34,510 --> 00:42:36,500 How you doin' ? 287 00:42:38,500 --> 00:42:40,520 - Gettin' along. - Right. Way to go. 288 00:42:43,500 --> 00:42:45,500 I could use a hand today. 289 00:42:45,520 --> 00:42:47,510 Holding stuff and such. 290 00:42:48,500 --> 00:42:50,520 Nataša's here, so whatever you need. 291 00:42:51,500 --> 00:42:52,510 Terrific. Thanks. 292 00:42:57,500 --> 00:43:00,500 Got a thousand things on my mind. I have to go shopping. 293 00:43:26,510 --> 00:43:28,500 See you. Be good. 294 00:45:16,500 --> 00:45:17,520 I'm sorry. 295 00:45:19,500 --> 00:45:21,500 Can you give me a hand over here ? 296 00:45:35,510 --> 00:45:37,520 Just hand me those boards. 297 00:46:43,510 --> 00:46:46,500 - Need anything else ? - Not now, thanks. 298 00:46:55,500 --> 00:46:57,500 Look what I bought for you. 299 00:46:58,510 --> 00:47:00,500 Where are you off to ? 300 00:47:52,510 --> 00:47:54,510 So you quit school ? 301 00:47:54,510 --> 00:47:57,510 Someone has to work. And look after my mom. 302 00:47:57,510 --> 00:47:59,510 Come on, it's getting cold. 303 00:48:04,500 --> 00:48:06,510 Ante sealed the window for us. 304 00:48:09,500 --> 00:48:11,500 There will be no draft anymore. 305 00:48:12,510 --> 00:48:14,520 - Where were we ? - My mom. 306 00:48:16,500 --> 00:48:18,510 It's a long time since Dad got killed. 307 00:48:18,520 --> 00:48:21,510 She can't get rid of the damned pills. 308 00:48:21,510 --> 00:48:24,510 And you've taken it all upon yourself. 309 00:48:24,510 --> 00:48:27,520 - I manage. - I know, it's hard. 310 00:48:28,500 --> 00:48:30,510 When I started refurbishing three months ago, 311 00:48:30,510 --> 00:48:34,510 I wanted to sort out the papers, so I went to the land-registry. 312 00:48:34,520 --> 00:48:39,500 I came, and not a soul around. What are their working hours ? 313 00:48:39,500 --> 00:48:41,510 In the mornings, if they have time. 314 00:48:41,510 --> 00:48:44,500 You put it well, that's how it is. 315 00:48:52,500 --> 00:48:55,500 How come you decided to come back ? 316 00:48:55,510 --> 00:49:00,500 There was no life for us where we were. But what can you do... 317 00:49:00,520 --> 00:49:04,520 This way we're on our own land. Whatever life brings. 318 00:49:05,500 --> 00:49:08,510 You are going to enjoy it here. Once this is done... 319 00:49:13,510 --> 00:49:16,500 And the girls ? Have any ? 320 00:49:16,520 --> 00:49:18,510 There aren't many women here. 321 00:49:40,510 --> 00:49:41,520 Thank you very much. 322 00:49:42,500 --> 00:49:44,500 - See you. - Bye. 323 00:49:59,520 --> 00:50:02,500 What the hell is wrong with you ? Do you hear ?! 324 00:50:02,520 --> 00:50:08,500 The man is OK, he's working here, and you behave like a lunatic ! 325 00:50:08,500 --> 00:50:12,500 Any girl would chase him, but you're so hard to deal with ! 326 00:50:12,510 --> 00:50:16,500 The likes of him killed Dražen ! Everything's OK with him ! 327 00:50:16,500 --> 00:50:19,510 You should be ashamed of yourself ! You cook for him. What's next ?! 328 00:50:19,510 --> 00:50:21,500 - Invite him overnight ? - Hush ! 329 00:50:21,500 --> 00:50:24,510 They killed your son down there, and you're in cahoots with them ! 330 00:50:25,500 --> 00:50:27,510 You ungrateful little swine. 331 00:50:28,500 --> 00:50:31,500 Is this why I slave and toil day and night ? 332 00:50:31,510 --> 00:50:33,500 Is this how you thank me ? 333 00:50:39,510 --> 00:50:40,510 What am I ?! 334 00:50:42,520 --> 00:50:44,520 Is there a spot for me ?! 335 00:50:45,500 --> 00:50:49,500 Have you ever asked me, "How are you ?!" 336 00:50:49,510 --> 00:50:52,510 "Are you OK ?! Can you cope ?!" 337 00:50:57,500 --> 00:51:00,510 I'm not a mother. I'm more like cattle ! 338 00:51:15,520 --> 00:51:19,510 Pick up your stuff and leave... wherever's better for you. 339 00:51:57,520 --> 00:51:59,500 I'm sorry. 340 00:52:30,500 --> 00:52:31,510 Good morning. 341 00:52:31,510 --> 00:52:33,500 Hey, Ante. 342 00:53:05,500 --> 00:53:06,510 Mom ! 343 00:53:06,520 --> 00:53:08,500 It slipped. 344 00:53:09,510 --> 00:53:12,510 Let me look at it. You bring some brandy. You sit down. 345 00:53:14,510 --> 00:53:16,500 Go on ! And a piece of cloth. 346 00:53:17,510 --> 00:53:19,520 - Is it deep ? - Let me see. 347 00:53:21,500 --> 00:53:23,500 No, it's not. It's gonna be OK. 348 00:53:24,510 --> 00:53:25,520 God damn... 349 00:53:27,500 --> 00:53:28,510 We'll take care of it now. 350 00:56:26,500 --> 00:56:27,510 Hey... 351 00:56:30,510 --> 00:56:32,510 - Good morning. - Hey. 352 00:56:46,510 --> 00:56:48,500 Let me finish it. 353 00:56:49,500 --> 00:56:52,500 Lower the heat in five minutes and add some black pepper. 354 00:57:53,500 --> 00:57:55,510 - You're really fast with it. - Yeah. 355 00:57:57,520 --> 00:58:00,500 I thought it would take longer. 356 00:58:10,500 --> 00:58:11,520 Are you sure you won't eat ? 357 00:58:12,500 --> 00:58:13,510 I am. 358 00:58:20,510 --> 00:58:21,510 Too bad, it's good. 359 00:58:24,520 --> 00:58:26,510 - It's OK. - Better than a sandwich. 360 00:58:40,500 --> 00:58:42,500 Don't you have anything better to do ? 361 00:58:44,520 --> 00:58:46,500 Watch over lunch. 362 00:59:01,500 --> 00:59:02,510 It might get burned. 363 00:59:51,500 --> 00:59:52,500 Hey. 364 00:59:55,500 --> 00:59:57,500 - Do you have time ? - Why ? 365 01:00:02,500 --> 01:00:04,510 Thought you might take me to the shore. 366 01:00:09,500 --> 01:00:10,510 To take a look at the inn. 367 01:00:13,500 --> 01:00:14,510 You want to see the inn ? 368 01:00:16,500 --> 01:00:18,510 I was hanging there as a kid, too. 369 01:00:21,500 --> 01:00:22,510 I should be going. 370 01:00:38,510 --> 01:00:40,500 Come. 371 01:00:57,510 --> 01:00:58,510 Where are you going ? 372 01:00:59,520 --> 01:01:01,500 Going for a swim. 373 01:01:33,500 --> 01:01:34,510 You did a good job here. 374 01:01:35,510 --> 01:01:37,510 It wasn't just me, I had help. 375 01:01:38,510 --> 01:01:41,510 - It looks good. - It's not bad. 376 01:01:51,500 --> 01:01:52,510 Let's go for a swim. 377 01:01:53,510 --> 01:01:56,510 - Still have errands to run. - Oh, come on. 378 01:03:07,500 --> 01:03:08,510 I missed this. 379 01:03:11,520 --> 01:03:13,500 This is the best time. 380 01:03:17,500 --> 01:03:18,500 Need a towel ? 381 01:03:19,520 --> 01:03:21,510 - Yours ? - So what ? 382 01:03:22,500 --> 01:03:23,510 You shy or something ? 383 01:03:35,520 --> 01:03:37,510 So there are really no girls around ? 384 01:03:39,500 --> 01:03:42,520 Where would they be ? Everyone fled to the city. 385 01:03:43,500 --> 01:03:45,510 A few of us guys have stayed, and that's that. 386 01:03:47,520 --> 01:03:49,500 Why don't you leave ? 387 01:03:51,510 --> 01:03:53,510 What would I do with my mom ? 388 01:03:54,510 --> 01:03:56,510 She needs to be looked after. 389 01:04:01,510 --> 01:04:04,500 Dražen would hang around here all the time. 390 01:04:06,510 --> 01:04:08,500 Your brother ? 391 01:04:10,510 --> 01:04:12,510 He was never home. 392 01:04:12,510 --> 01:04:14,510 He'd fish and swim all the time. 393 01:04:17,500 --> 01:04:18,500 He loved this. 394 01:04:19,510 --> 01:04:20,520 You miss him ? 395 01:04:23,510 --> 01:04:25,510 He taught me everything. 396 01:04:27,500 --> 01:04:28,510 How to dive... 397 01:04:29,500 --> 01:04:31,510 He was in charge of the music all the time. 398 01:04:31,520 --> 01:04:33,500 What kind did he like ? 399 01:04:39,500 --> 01:04:41,500 They killed him like a dog. 400 01:04:44,520 --> 01:04:46,500 Was it my fault ? 401 01:04:55,500 --> 01:04:56,500 Huh ? 402 01:04:59,500 --> 01:05:01,500 I asked you something. 403 01:05:05,500 --> 01:05:09,500 Your people killed my dad. But I'm not blaming you for it. 404 01:05:09,500 --> 01:05:11,510 - I didn't mean it like that. - What did you mean ? 405 01:05:11,520 --> 01:05:14,500 Does anyone ask me what I think about it ?! 406 01:05:14,500 --> 01:05:17,510 Think I enjoy slaving every day ? 407 01:05:17,510 --> 01:05:20,520 Making sure my mom won't take too many pills ?! 408 01:05:22,520 --> 01:05:24,520 No one cares what I think. 409 01:05:26,510 --> 01:05:27,510 Don't worry. 410 01:05:27,510 --> 01:05:30,520 I'm done tomorrow anyway, so I won't bother you anymore. 411 01:05:30,520 --> 01:05:33,510 Pick up your stuff, we're leaving. 412 01:06:35,510 --> 01:06:37,500 Why the dress-up ? 413 01:06:37,520 --> 01:06:39,520 I'm going to sort out the papers. 414 01:06:42,500 --> 01:06:45,500 - How will you go ? - I'll catch a bus down there. 415 01:06:47,500 --> 01:06:49,500 I'll be back while Ante's still here. 416 01:06:49,500 --> 01:06:52,510 - He has to finish today anyway. - I know. 417 01:06:54,500 --> 01:06:56,500 I have to get the money for him. 418 01:06:59,500 --> 01:07:00,510 See you. 419 01:08:30,520 --> 01:08:31,520 So that's that. 420 01:11:48,520 --> 01:11:50,500 So that's that. 421 01:12:24,510 --> 01:12:26,510 Everything's settled. 422 01:12:29,510 --> 01:12:31,500 Do you hear me ? 423 01:12:34,520 --> 01:12:36,500 I settled it. 424 01:12:38,500 --> 01:12:39,510 What happened ? 425 01:12:40,500 --> 01:12:41,510 Nothing. 426 01:12:43,500 --> 01:12:44,510 Ante ? 427 01:12:55,510 --> 01:12:56,520 And this is for a beer. 428 01:13:05,500 --> 01:13:08,510 What's up ? Is there something wrong ? 429 01:13:13,500 --> 01:13:15,500 Everything's fine. Don't worry. 430 01:13:15,500 --> 01:13:17,510 Drop by for a cup of coffee if you work nearby. 431 01:13:17,510 --> 01:13:19,500 I got a job in the city. 432 01:13:19,510 --> 01:13:22,510 At least three months worth. I'll be there more than here. 433 01:13:22,510 --> 01:13:25,510 - OK, sit down and I'll make... - I think Ante has to go. 434 01:13:30,520 --> 01:13:31,520 That's true. 435 01:13:50,500 --> 01:13:52,500 You know, what ? You just came back. 436 01:13:54,510 --> 01:13:56,510 You're gonna need this money. 437 01:13:58,500 --> 01:13:59,510 Please, don't. 438 01:14:00,510 --> 01:14:04,510 - You worked your butt off... - Forget that, you'll need it. 439 01:14:08,500 --> 01:14:09,510 What can I tell you ? 440 01:14:11,500 --> 01:14:12,510 Thank you. 441 01:14:16,510 --> 01:14:17,520 Everything's OK. 442 01:17:19,510 --> 01:17:21,500 Eh, that's it. 443 01:17:30,510 --> 01:17:32,510 I'm really fucking gullible. 444 01:17:32,510 --> 01:17:35,520 Cut the crap. One night. We're leaving in the morning. 445 01:17:36,500 --> 01:17:39,510 - Why not go directly to Split ? - You don't have to go to them. 446 01:17:41,510 --> 01:17:44,520 Yeah, I'll go down there, then hide like a fool. 447 01:17:45,510 --> 01:17:47,500 They'll be glad to see you. 448 01:17:50,500 --> 01:17:51,510 Will I be glad ? 449 01:17:52,510 --> 01:17:54,520 Dino wants an amp. I should have told him to fuck off ? 450 01:17:55,500 --> 01:17:57,510 - Yes. - Yes ? Wow, hot damn ! 451 01:18:05,510 --> 01:18:07,510 - Drive on ! - Are you crazy ? 452 01:18:07,510 --> 01:18:09,500 I'll makeyougo on foot. 453 01:18:13,510 --> 01:18:14,520 - Hello, guys. - Where to ? 454 01:18:15,500 --> 01:18:17,520 - Well, down there. - That's fate. Get in ! 455 01:18:23,510 --> 01:18:24,520 No, no, let me... 456 01:18:31,520 --> 01:18:34,500 MARIJA AND LUKA, 2011 457 01:18:46,500 --> 01:18:47,510 What is your plan, girls ? 458 01:18:47,510 --> 01:18:51,500 First Trogir, my folks, then catch some party. 459 01:18:51,500 --> 01:18:53,500 We're going to one ourselves. 460 01:18:53,500 --> 01:18:55,500 - Which one ? - Sunshine. 461 01:18:55,510 --> 01:18:57,510 - The first year. - It's a new thing ? 462 01:18:57,510 --> 01:18:59,510 A friend is putting it together. 463 01:18:59,520 --> 01:19:02,500 - So it should be good. - He says it will be packed. 464 01:19:02,500 --> 01:19:04,510 - Shall we go ? - We have to back him up. 465 01:19:06,520 --> 01:19:08,510 - You coming with us ? - Where ? 466 01:19:08,510 --> 01:19:10,500 To the party. Admission sorted out, 467 01:19:10,500 --> 01:19:12,510 drinks too, and we're leaving for Split tomorrow. 468 01:19:12,520 --> 01:19:13,520 I knew it... 469 01:19:13,520 --> 01:19:16,500 Trogir is just in and out. Not much to do there. 470 01:19:16,510 --> 01:19:18,510 We said we'd pick up Sanja. 471 01:19:19,500 --> 01:19:21,520 - Can Sanja come too ? - Can she ? Of course ! 472 01:19:22,500 --> 01:19:23,520 Sanja's coming too, Luka ! 473 01:19:24,500 --> 01:19:26,500 Luka, Sanja is coming too. 474 01:19:26,500 --> 01:19:27,510 Guys... 475 01:19:27,520 --> 01:19:29,510 Can you get some shit there ? 476 01:19:30,500 --> 01:19:32,520 Oh, can we ? We have a buddy there. 477 01:19:33,500 --> 01:19:35,510 Now you're talking. They have a man there. 478 01:19:35,520 --> 01:19:37,510 We're gonna get lucky, Luka. 479 01:19:39,500 --> 01:19:41,500 So, girls, are you coming ? 480 01:19:42,510 --> 01:19:44,510 - Drive on ! - You're coming too ? 481 01:19:44,520 --> 01:19:48,520 - Yes ! You're girls of action. - Well, it is summer, right ? 482 01:19:48,520 --> 01:19:51,500 Exactly ! Luka, it's summer ! 483 01:20:31,510 --> 01:20:33,500 Come out, pussies ! 484 01:20:36,500 --> 01:20:38,520 How you been, Dino ? Motherfucker ! 485 01:20:38,520 --> 01:20:41,510 Hello, sunshine. Throwing up some weight, huh ? 486 01:20:41,510 --> 01:20:43,520 Just a bit. But look at yourself, you fat pig ! 487 01:20:44,500 --> 01:20:46,500 - Cut the crap. - This place is packed ! 488 01:20:46,500 --> 01:20:47,510 It's gonna be a bedlam. 489 01:20:48,510 --> 01:20:50,510 - Wow, it's been so long. - Hey, Dino. 490 01:20:50,520 --> 01:20:53,510 - High spirits as always, huh ? - Right. 491 01:20:53,510 --> 01:20:54,510 So good to see you. 492 01:20:54,520 --> 01:20:56,500 Girls, this is Dino. 493 01:20:56,500 --> 01:20:58,500 - Pleased to meet you. - Petra, hi. 494 01:20:58,500 --> 01:21:00,500 - Dinka. - There's a pretty name. 495 01:21:00,500 --> 01:21:02,510 Told them you're going to be the best host ever. 496 01:21:02,520 --> 01:21:04,500 Let's get ourselves a drink. 497 01:21:04,500 --> 01:21:06,510 - The amp is in the car. - I almost forgot. 498 01:21:07,500 --> 01:21:10,520 Dara ! Give these people a drink. Forget the tourists. 499 01:21:10,520 --> 01:21:12,500 - What will you have ? - A beer. 500 01:21:12,500 --> 01:21:14,500 - You ? - A beer. 501 01:21:14,500 --> 01:21:15,520 - A beer too. - Bring five beers. 502 01:21:15,520 --> 01:21:17,510 Dara, have yourself one, too. 503 01:21:18,510 --> 01:21:21,520 - Wow, Dara looks all worn out. - Cause she gave it to everybody. 504 01:21:22,510 --> 01:21:24,520 A free Dara for everybody. 505 01:21:28,510 --> 01:21:30,510 - So, everything set ? - Right. 506 01:21:30,510 --> 01:21:31,520 - Seen the website ? - Sure. 507 01:21:32,500 --> 01:21:34,500 You've grown all active on me lately. 508 01:21:34,500 --> 01:21:38,510 No need for university in the city. Just watch people and harvest. 509 01:21:38,510 --> 01:21:40,520 Right you are. Way to go, Colombo. 510 01:21:42,500 --> 01:21:43,500 You're OK, girls ? 511 01:21:43,500 --> 01:21:45,520 - I'm happy to see you. - That was his fault. 512 01:21:47,510 --> 01:21:50,500 - You're going to see your folks ? - I'll have to. 513 01:21:50,510 --> 01:21:53,500 Sure. It's been a while. 514 01:21:55,510 --> 01:21:57,520 - Your mom rarely comes out. - Really ? 515 01:21:58,510 --> 01:22:02,500 - And Dad ? - Your Dad is OK, They are both fine. 516 01:22:03,500 --> 01:22:07,500 - You could have paid a visit. - And you could have jerked off less. 517 01:22:10,510 --> 01:22:13,510 - A toast ! - To the first year of Sunshine ! 518 01:22:14,500 --> 01:22:15,520 Let's have at least two more. 519 01:22:18,500 --> 01:22:20,500 - Is this settled ? - Will put it on the tab. 520 01:22:20,510 --> 01:22:22,510 - Then do it now. - Fuck off, not now. 521 01:22:22,510 --> 01:22:25,510 - Tell me, where have you meet ? - A twist of fate. 522 01:22:25,510 --> 01:22:28,510 - We picked them up on the road. - You were hitchhiking ? 523 01:22:29,500 --> 01:22:31,520 You shouldn't do that. There are all kinds of morons. 524 01:22:31,520 --> 01:22:34,500 - My mom told me that. - You should listen to her. 525 01:22:34,510 --> 01:22:37,520 - And now that you've said it... - Forget me, listen to your mother. 526 01:22:38,520 --> 01:22:40,510 What a heartbreaker, huh ? 527 01:22:40,510 --> 01:22:42,510 There's no one like me in the city, huh ? 528 01:22:43,500 --> 01:22:44,510 - Where to ? - The house. 529 01:22:44,510 --> 01:22:46,520 - Really ? - Fuck, what can I do now ? 530 01:22:47,500 --> 01:22:49,510 - We're gonna be here. - OK. 531 01:22:50,500 --> 01:22:52,520 - No need to hurry. - Say hello to your mom ! 532 01:22:53,520 --> 01:22:55,500 - How about a shot ? - Sure. 533 01:22:55,510 --> 01:22:58,500 - A shot, or a line ? - A shot, then a line. 534 01:23:29,510 --> 01:23:30,510 Dad. 535 01:23:38,500 --> 01:23:40,500 Why didn't you let us know ? 536 01:23:44,510 --> 01:23:46,520 - How have you been ? - Gettin' along. 537 01:23:47,510 --> 01:23:50,500 - You've stooped a bit. - Probably. 538 01:23:52,500 --> 01:23:53,510 Let's go upstairs. 539 01:23:55,500 --> 01:23:56,520 Come, there's food. 540 01:24:14,500 --> 01:24:15,520 Who were you talking to ? 541 01:24:18,500 --> 01:24:19,510 You can see for yourself. 542 01:24:22,520 --> 01:24:24,500 Luka... 543 01:24:26,510 --> 01:24:27,510 How come ? 544 01:24:28,510 --> 01:24:30,520 Well... passing by. 545 01:24:38,500 --> 01:24:43,510 Go on, sit down. You're all skinny. Eating anything up there ? 546 01:24:43,510 --> 01:24:45,500 - I'm OK. - Sit down. 547 01:25:02,510 --> 01:25:04,500 How's university going ? 548 01:25:05,510 --> 01:25:08,500 Not bad. I just passed two exams. 549 01:25:09,500 --> 01:25:11,520 - You have to eat more. Here... - There's no need. 550 01:25:12,500 --> 01:25:13,520 Give him. You have to eat. 551 01:25:17,520 --> 01:25:19,510 What's got into you, wife ? 552 01:25:37,520 --> 01:25:39,520 You've come for the party, right ? 553 01:25:40,510 --> 01:25:43,510 - I saw it. A lot of young people. - Yeah, me too. 554 01:25:53,510 --> 01:25:56,510 - Will you stay the night here ? - We're leaving right after. 555 01:25:58,500 --> 01:25:59,500 Ivno too ? 556 01:26:06,500 --> 01:26:08,510 - Where are you going ? - Split. 557 01:26:08,520 --> 01:26:11,520 We're staying at a colleague's from the university. 558 01:26:18,520 --> 01:26:20,510 You should come here more often. 559 01:26:26,510 --> 01:26:28,500 Don't blame yourself so much. 560 01:26:38,520 --> 01:26:39,520 Do you hear me ? 561 01:26:42,520 --> 01:26:44,510 It was best for you. 562 01:26:49,500 --> 01:26:51,510 You were born for the city, nothing to do here. 563 01:26:51,510 --> 01:26:53,510 - Fuck the city, Dad. - Stop swearing. 564 01:26:55,500 --> 01:26:56,510 Time will be the judge. 565 01:26:56,520 --> 01:26:59,500 Well, time is passing, Mother. 566 01:27:00,510 --> 01:27:02,500 And it's getting worse. 567 01:27:06,520 --> 01:27:08,510 You liked what he did. 568 01:27:09,510 --> 01:27:11,510 - It's not true. - You're turning it around. 569 01:27:11,510 --> 01:27:13,510 - Don't... - It's true. 570 01:27:13,510 --> 01:27:15,520 You know well it is. 571 01:27:17,500 --> 01:27:19,510 That's why I don't like coming here. 572 01:27:24,510 --> 01:27:28,510 You have to... visit your Dad and Mom. 573 01:27:40,520 --> 01:27:43,500 - I have to go. - Already ? 574 01:27:43,510 --> 01:27:45,500 That's Ivno. I'm off. 575 01:27:45,500 --> 01:27:48,500 Are you sure you won't stay the night ? 576 01:27:48,510 --> 01:27:49,510 Take care. 577 01:27:50,500 --> 01:27:51,520 When will we see you again ? 578 01:27:52,520 --> 01:27:54,510 I have no idea. 579 01:28:12,500 --> 01:28:13,510 Here he comes... 580 01:28:46,510 --> 01:28:48,500 - Hey. - Where have you been ? 581 01:28:48,500 --> 01:28:49,510 - I'm here now. - Get in. 582 01:28:49,510 --> 01:28:52,510 - Go, I'll walk there. - Cut the crap ! 583 01:28:52,510 --> 01:28:55,500 We have the honor of going with the coordinator. 584 01:28:56,510 --> 01:28:58,520 - I'll stay with my folks a bit. - Everything OK ? 585 01:28:58,520 --> 01:29:00,500 - You sure ? - Yes. 586 01:29:00,500 --> 01:29:03,500 When you come there, just use my name as reference. 587 01:29:05,510 --> 01:29:07,500 Go on, see you later. 588 01:29:07,500 --> 01:29:08,500 Bye ! 589 01:31:38,500 --> 01:31:39,510 Can I come in ? 590 01:32:10,500 --> 01:32:12,500 You've set it up nicely. 591 01:32:15,500 --> 01:32:17,520 My brother sends some money every now and then. 592 01:32:20,510 --> 01:32:22,500 How come you're here ? 593 01:32:24,520 --> 01:32:26,500 I don't know. 594 01:32:29,500 --> 01:32:30,510 Am I bothering you ? 595 01:32:33,500 --> 01:32:34,500 Sit down. 596 01:32:39,510 --> 01:32:41,500 - Will you have a drink ? - No. 597 01:33:12,510 --> 01:33:13,520 How have you been ? 598 01:33:18,510 --> 01:33:19,510 Fine. 599 01:33:23,500 --> 01:33:24,500 How's the city ? 600 01:33:28,500 --> 01:33:29,500 Not bad. 601 01:33:29,510 --> 01:33:30,510 Not bad, right. 602 01:33:31,510 --> 01:33:33,510 Only the weather is always bad. 603 01:33:34,510 --> 01:33:37,510 It's been raining for three days just now. 604 01:33:39,510 --> 01:33:41,510 - Rain... - But otherwise... 605 01:33:44,520 --> 01:33:47,510 I've been studying hard at the university. 606 01:33:48,500 --> 01:33:50,510 - Soon I'll be done. - Great. 607 01:33:51,510 --> 01:33:54,520 - Two more exams. - Two exams... that's not much. 608 01:33:56,500 --> 01:33:59,500 Perhaps I'll find a job, God give. 609 01:33:59,510 --> 01:34:01,510 Some kind of an assistant. 610 01:34:02,520 --> 01:34:05,500 And when did you come ? 611 01:34:05,520 --> 01:34:07,520 - Today. By car. - Today, by car... 612 01:34:09,500 --> 01:34:11,500 - Ivno was driving ? - Yes. 613 01:34:12,500 --> 01:34:15,520 And then you certainly visited your folks. 614 01:34:16,500 --> 01:34:17,510 - I did. - How is your mom ? 615 01:34:21,500 --> 01:34:23,510 - Mom is ok. - What are you doing here ? 616 01:34:25,510 --> 01:34:27,510 - I came to... - What the fuck are you doing here ? 617 01:34:27,510 --> 01:34:29,510 - I want to tell you I'm sorry. - You're sorry ? 618 01:34:29,520 --> 01:34:32,500 You ran like a pussy, now you're sorry. 619 01:34:32,500 --> 01:34:36,500 - Your mom knows you're here ? - She doesn't need to know. 620 01:34:36,500 --> 01:34:38,500 She doesn't care you're in a Serbian house ? 621 01:34:38,500 --> 01:34:40,510 - I don't give a fuck ! - Stop yelling ! 622 01:34:57,510 --> 01:34:58,510 Mare, here I am. 623 01:35:03,510 --> 01:35:05,500 I'm here, only that matters. 624 01:35:20,510 --> 01:35:21,520 Are you listening to me ? 625 01:35:23,520 --> 01:35:26,500 Do you understand what I'm telling you ? 626 01:35:28,500 --> 01:35:30,500 I don't care what anybody thinks ! 627 01:35:31,510 --> 01:35:33,510 I'm here because I want to be here ! 628 01:35:35,500 --> 01:35:36,520 I won't leave here. 629 01:35:38,520 --> 01:35:40,510 I want to be here with you. 630 01:35:42,510 --> 01:35:43,510 Both of you. 631 01:35:52,500 --> 01:35:53,520 It's over now. 632 01:36:17,510 --> 01:36:18,510 May I see him ? 633 01:36:25,500 --> 01:36:26,510 Mare, please. 634 01:37:52,510 --> 01:37:54,500 Forgive me. 635 01:37:57,510 --> 01:37:58,520 Go away. 636 01:38:01,510 --> 01:38:03,500 Please forgive me. 637 01:38:03,500 --> 01:38:05,510 - Get away from me. Go ! - Please, Mare. 638 01:38:05,520 --> 01:38:08,500 - Go on, get lost. - Don't send me away. 639 01:38:08,520 --> 01:38:12,500 - If you need anything... - Get out. It's over now. 640 01:38:13,500 --> 01:38:15,500 - Leave us. we're OK. Get lost ! - I am sorry ! 641 01:38:16,520 --> 01:38:17,520 I'm sorry. 642 01:54:39,510 --> 01:54:43,500 Written and directed by: 643 01:54:52,520 --> 01:54:55,520 Producer: 644 01:54:56,500 --> 01:54:58,520 Co-producers: 645 01:54:59,500 --> 01:55:02,500 Director of Photography: 646 01:55:02,500 --> 01:55:05,500 Film Editor: 647 01:55:05,510 --> 01:55:08,510 Music: 648 01:55:08,510 --> 01:55:11,510 Sound Designer: 649 01:55:11,510 --> 01:55:14,510 Art Director: 650 01:55:14,520 --> 01:55:17,520 Costume Designer: 651 01:55:17,520 --> 01:55:21,500 Make-up Artists: 652 01:55:21,500 --> 01:55:24,500 Sound Engineer: 653 01:55:24,500 --> 01:55:27,510 1st Assistant Director: