1 00: 00: 35,209 -> 00: 00: 38,631 1 00: 00: 43,209 -> 00: 00: 49,631 September 2, 1945 The war is over. 50 lives became victims. 2 00: 00: 49,674 -> 00: 00: 52,134 Including six million Jews who were slaughtered. 3 00: 00: 53,136 -> 00: 00: 55,429 When Nazi officials were arrested 4 00: 00: 55,472 -> 00: 00: 59,641 one name slowly appears become the most wanted person - 5 00: 00: 59,809 -> 00: 01: 02,019 Adolf Eichmann 6 00: 01: 02,062 -> 00: 01: 04,772 SS officials accused planning Final Solution 7 00: 01: 04,814 -> 00: 01: 07,399 against the Jewish Problem. 8 00: 01: 07,442 -> 00: 01: 10,069 It takes up to 15 years for Israeli secret agents 9 00: 01: 10,111 -> 00: 01: 14,323 to track her whereabouts hiding in Argentina. 10 00: 01: 14,365 -> 00: 01: 19,286 On May 11, 1960, someone who claimed to be Ricardo Klement 11 00: 01: 19,329 -> 00: 01: 22,956 kidnapped and taken to halfway house in Buenos Aires 12 00: 01: 22,999 -> 00: 01: 24,875 to be interrogated. 13 00: 01: 24,918 -> 00: 01: 29,838 What is your name? Your name. What is your SS number? 14 00: 01: 30,757 -> 00: 01: 32,466 - Your name. - Eichmann. 15 00: 01: 32,509 -> 00: 01: 37,513 - Say it. - Eichmann. Eichmann. 16 00: 01: 39,349 -> 00: 01: 43,685 My name is Adolf Eichmann. 17 00: 01: 52,612 -> 00: 01: 57,699 In capturing this person - he is in charge of ... 18 00: 01: 57,742 -> 00: 02: 00,828 execution of the Last Solution against the problem of the Jews 19 00: 02: 00,870 -> 00: 02: 02,788 you've done something beyond the limits. 20 00: 02: 02,831 -> 00: 02: 05,332 Eichmann will be tried in Israel. 21 00: 02: 05,375 -> 00: 02: 09,670 Tell the world - no, show the world, show the world what the Nazis did 22 00: 02: 09,712 -> 00: 02: 12,548 to show what is done Nazis against Jews. 23 00: 02: 13,007 -> 00: 02: 17,177 Let's use TV to do it. Let's use TV to do it. 24 00: 02: 17,220 -> 00: 02: 18,887 Only TV can do it. 25 00: 02: 19,848 -> 00: 02: 23,851 In ... in granting permission to the Capital Cities 26 00: 02: 23,893 -> 00: 02: 27,729 to make films from Eichmann's trial in Israel 27 00: 02: 29,566 -> 00: 02: 33,861 you will be a part of the most important TV show in history 28 00: 02: 33,903 -> 00: 02: 41,034 past, present, and ... yeah, why not? Future. 29 00: 02: 41,619 -> 00: 02: 43,745 The Prime Minister wants to meet you now. 30 00: 02: 47,125 -> 00: 02: 49,042 Prime Minister. 31 00: 02: 50,461 -> 00: 02: 52,296 Mr. Hurwitz? - I myself 32 00: 02: 52,338 -> 00: 02: 55,132 I'm Milton Fruchtman. I want to discuss work. 33 00: 02: 55,383 -> 00: 02: 59,761 Do you know that nobody hired me now? - Yeah, but I want to change that. 34 00: 02: 59,804 -> 00: 03: 02,973 Adolf Eichmann, will be a trial the greatest of this century. 35 00: 03: 03,016 -> 00: 03: 04,216 How will you make it into a film? 36 00: 03: 04,934 -> 00: 03: 06,894 Newspapers refer to it as a monster. 37 00: 03: 08,229 -> 00: 03: 11,815 Certain. Because of the 'monster' making this newspaper selling well. 38 00: 03: 12,358 -> 00: 03: 16,028 He said you were officially crossed out from blacklist. 39 00: 03: 16,154 -> 00: 03: 19,948 Yeah, it's just an unofficial one you have to worry about. 40 00: 03: 37,508 -> 00: 03: 40,052 Do you want to cover this trial? - yes. 41 00: 03: 40,637 -> 00: 03: 44,264 We have to shoot his head in Buenos Aires and left him there. 42 00: 03: 46,059 -> 00: 03: 49,519 Welcome to Israel. - Thank you. 43 00: 03: 54,776 -> 00: 03: 56,068 Leo Hurwitz? 44 00: 03: 57,487 -> 00: 04: 00,822 You hold a sign that says 'Leo Hurwitz,' so I think so. 45 00: 04: 01,115 -> 00: 04: 03,408 Nice to meet you, Mr. Hurwitz. - Leo. 46 00: 04: 03,451 -> 00: 04: 06,620 I'm Perry, like in Como. - Nice to meet you, Perry. 47 00: 04: 06,663 -> 00: 04: 07,579 How is the flight? 48 00: 04: 07,622 -> 00: 04: 09,988 I arranged for work to be completed. - How lucky you are. 49 00: 04: 10,083 -> 00: 04: 12,000 Here is the first plane for me. 50 00: 04: 12,043 -> 00: 04: 15,087 Too much vomiting until they are lock me in the toilet until we land. 51 00: 04: 15,213 -> 00: 04: 16,797 Incredible, Perry. 52 00: 04: 17,006 -> 00: 04: 20,968 Without a camera we can't make a film. We have to find another way. 53 00: 04: 21,010 -> 00: 04: 22,719 Of course I will tell him. 54 00: 04: 23,263 -> 00: 04: 26,515 We work for time to be able to ensure that- 55 00: 04: 27,183 -> 00: 04: 28,350 He came. 56 00: 04: 28,393 -> 00: 04: 31,311 Yeah, I've offered myself to him to shake my hand. 57 00: 04: 31,854 -> 00: 04: 34,189 We will talk later. Leo. 58 00: 04: 34,232 -> 00: 04: 35,023 Milton. 59 00: 04: 35,066 -> 00: 04: 38,944 Leo Hurwitz, I don't know how to express the pleasure of being able to meet you here! 60 00: 04: 38,987 -> 00: 04: 41,154 Do you have a suitcase? - It's in the car 61 00: 04: 41,197 -> 00: 04: 43,031 Can you drop it at the hotel, Perry? 62 00: 04: 43,057 -> 00: 04: 43,490 - Certain. 63 00: 04: 43,533 -> 00: 04: 45,742 I say 'hotel', this is not a hotel which we can know 64 00: 04: 45,785 -> 00: 04: 48,704 but clean, there are rooms, provide food. 65 00: 04: 49,831 -> 00: 04: 52,457 Recommend Judy, my secretary. - Hi. 66 00: 04: 52,500 -> 00: 04: 54,835 And Alan, production assistant. 67 00: 04: 54,919 -> 00: 04: 58,547 You joined us from Kibbutz, right, when you do ... 68 00: 04: 58,589 -> 00: 05: 02,009 small documentary. And, if I may be honest 69 00: 05: 02,468 -> 00: 05: 04,344 about a beautiful girl. 70 00: 05: 06,472 -> 00: 05: 08,390 But yeah, especially documentaries. 71 00: 05: 09,017 -> 00: 05: 10,684 Nice to meet you, Alan. 72 00: 05: 11,477 -> 00: 05: 13,770 Alan, have the whole team meet in the courtroom in 10 minutes, 73 00: 05: 13,813 -> 00: 05: 14,521 Well. 74 00: 05: 15,148 -> 00: 05: 16,315 How? 75 00: 05: 16,357 -> 00: 05: 19,144 Very good. We have to talk about it. 76 00: 05: 19,170 -> 00: 05: 20,469 Let's meet David. 77 00: 05: 22,488 -> 00: 05: 25,939 Leo, introduce our lawyer, David Arad. 78 00: 05: 25,965 -> 00: 05: 28,493 David, we finally have a director. 79 00: 05: 28,536 -> 00: 05: 30,579 Mr. Hurwitz. - Leo. 80 00: 05: 30,955 -> 00: 05: 32,372 Nice to finally be able to meet you. 81 00: 05: 32,498 -> 00: 05: 35,459 You have a problem, David will take care of it. In five different ways. 82 00: 05: 35,501 -> 00: 05: 38,170 One of them can use gun or not. 83 00: 05: 38,338 -> 00: 05: 42,215 Most problems can be general cleared by understanding each other's position. 84 00: 05: 42,383 -> 00: 05: 44,551 The problem with the judge ... 85 00: 05: 44,594 -> 00: 05: 46,970 There is a problem? 86 00: 05: 47,722 -> 00: 05: 50,474 Milton, is there a problem with the judge? 87 00: 05: 51,392 -> 00: 05: 55,771 As we know, we have a contract with the Israeli government to film this trial. 88 00: 05: 56,105 -> 00: 05: 57,898 But there are a prerequisite. 89 00: 05: 57,982 -> 00: 06: 00,817 Three judges must give permission. 90 00: 06: 00,860 -> 00: 06: 02,069 And we haven't got permission yet? 91 00: 06: 02,236 -> 00: 06: 04,905 Yesterday they checked the camera. 92 00: 06: 05,031 -> 00: 06: 05,947 And? 93 00: 06: 05,990 -> 00: 06: 09,618 And according to them too loud and too flashy. 94 00: 06: 09,660 -> 00: 06: 12,788 I flew 5.5 thousand miles and you don't have permission to make this film? 95 00: 06: 12,830 -> 00: 06: 17,167 Not yet. - 'Not yet.' I think that's quite a relief. 96 00: 06: 17,210 -> 00: 06: 21,713 Look, I know this is shocking, but now we have to keep pressing. 97 00: 06: 23,132 -> 00: 06: 24,424 Let. 98 00: 06: 26,677 -> 00: 06: 30,347 Leo, this is Ron and Roy, our great Marconi engineer from England. 99 00: 06: 30,390 -> 00: 06: 32,310 Great maybe too much, but ... 100 00: 06: 32,683 -> 00: 06: 35,602 We are trained and as you want, Mr. Hurwitz. 101 00: 06: 35,645 -> 00: 06: 36,478 Leo, please. 102 00: 06: 37,021 -> 00: 06: 39,606 We have a little problem with contrast. 103 00: 06: 39,690 -> 00: 06: 43,151 That won't be a big problem if we use an invisible camera. 104 00: 06: 44,445 -> 00: 06: 47,447 Come on, I want to show the courtroom. Thank you, gentlemen, please. 105 00: 06: 47,490 -> 00: 06: 48,907 thanks. 106 00: 06: 52,745 -> 00: 06: 55,372 The courtroom will be connected with control room via cable 107 00: 06: 55,540 -> 00: 06: 58,291 installed between him this roof. 108 00: 06: 59,460 -> 00: 07: 03,255 So in addition, this trial will be broadcast live on the streets in Israel. 109 00: 07: 03,339 -> 00: 07: 07,634 Later there will be direct broadcasting every day via radio. 110 00: 07: 08,052 -> 00: 07: 09,678 How about TV, Milton? 111 00: 07: 10,138 -> 00: 07: 12,305 We don't even know what we are can make films. 112 00: 07: 12,390 -> 00: 07: 13,723 What alternatives do we have? 113 00: 07: 13,766 -> 00: 07: 17,352 I'm glad you keep thinking positively. - Can I do it anyway? 114 00: 07: 21,232 -> 00: 07: 24,276 Press room. Telephone, telex, typewriter 115 00: 07: 24,318 -> 00: 07: 27,279 connected directly to the courtroom which can make hundreds of people 116 00: 07: 27,321 -> 00: 07: 30,365 ranging from reporters to philosophers, researching, studying 117 00: 07: 30,408 -> 00: 07: 33,452 and judge everything you broadcast. 118 00: 07: 33,494 -> 00: 07: 34,536 If there is a broadcast. 119 00: 07: 34,579 -> 00: 07: 37,706 There must be a broadcast, and there will definitely be. Come on, we meet the cameraman. 120 00: 07: 37,790 -> 00: 07: 39,291 Cameraman? - This is it. 121 00: 07: 39,709 -> 00: 07: 43,920 Milton, I choose my own team. God, this is a theater. 122 00: 07: 44,130 -> 00: 07: 44,921 Ah. 123 00: 07: 47,758 -> 00: 07: 50,010 Mr. Hurwitz is here, so I'll take him here. 124 00: 07: 50,052 -> 00: 07: 51,052 Leo. 125 00: 07: 52,597 -> 00: 07: 55,724 I want to introduce you on the camera operator. 126 00: 07: 55,766 -> 00: 07: 59,311 This is Rolf, Yaakov, Millek, and Fred. 127 00: 08: 01,105 -> 00: 08: 04,357 On behalf of my colleague, I want to welcome you in our country. 128 00: 08: 04,400 -> 00: 08: 07,410 An honor for us can work with 129 00: 08: 07,436 -> 00: 08: 10,489 extraordinary documentary director 130 00: 08: 10,531 -> 00: 08: 16,703 like 'Native Land' and 'Strange Victory' masterpiece the one about anti-fascists. 131 00: 08: 17,997 -> 00: 08: 19,915 Nice to meet you ... 132 00: 08: 19,957 -> 00: 08: 23,126 Embarrassing when an artist quality and humane like you 133 00: 08: 23,211 -> 00: 08: 27,339 must be blacklisted by the Non-American Representative Activities Committee. 134 00: 08: 27,507 -> 00: 08: 28,965 Scary what these people know. 135 00: 08: 29,008 -> 00: 08: 30,967 They even know me ever in collaboration with Rita Hayworth. 136 00: 08: 31,052 -> 00: 08: 34,846 These people are Crème de la Crème for the Israeli film industry. 137 00: 08: 34,889 -> 00: 08: 35,847 Yeah, they really need it. 138 00: 08: 35,890 -> 00: 08: 39,351 Milton, your taxi has arrived. - Thank you. Excuse me. 139 00: 08: 40,895 -> 00: 08: 42,646 Nice to meet you guys. 140 00: 08: 46,943 -> 00: 08: 51,571 You will like the Israeli press attaché. He's like a sphinx, but a Jew. 141 00: 08: 51,614 -> 00: 08: 52,489 Thank you, Judy. 142 00: 08: 52,532 -> 00: 08: 55,158 We don't have time for homework, Milton. - This is not homework. 143 00: 08: 55,201 -> 00: 08: 57,160 We have a contract with the Israeli government. 144 00: 08: 57,203 -> 00: 08: 59,996 They know the judge will never give us permission to make films. 145 00: 09: 00,081 -> 00: 09: 01,831 And what if they don't? 146 00: 09: 01,874 -> 00: 09: 03,788 If not, Capital Cities will lose half 147 00: 09: 03,814 -> 00: 09: 05,877 million dollars they already have spend on this production cost 148 00: 09: 05,920 -> 00: 09: 08,380 in the 37 countries that we promised to be covered 149 00: 09: 08,422 -> 00: 09: 09,881 we won't see Eichmann's trial 150 00: 09: 09,924 -> 00: 09: 12,092 and our name will be the highlight 151 00: 09: 12,134 -> 00: 09: 15,428 jokes in the film industry during years ahead. 152 00: 09: 31,821 -> 00: 09: 34,823 Why do we meet the Israeli press secretary in an Arab cafe? 153 00: 09: 35,116 -> 00: 09: 38,076 Because coffee is very popular in this world. 154 00: 09: 38,119 -> 00: 09: 41,079 The newspaper called this a trial the greatest of this century 155 00: 09: 41,122 -> 00: 09: 45,000 but my boss saw something which is far more important. 156 00: 09: 45,042 -> 00: 09: 49,045 They see this trial as an opportunity for Jews in Nuremberg. 157 00: 09: 49,672 -> 00: 09: 53,758 Survivors of genocide which is often looked down on in Israel here 158 00: 09: 53,801 -> 00: 09: 58,972 as if they were involved the crime that befell them. 159 00: 09: 59,849 -> 00: 10: 05,437 Israel and the world must hear what happened to them 160 00: 10: 05,605 -> 00: 10: 08,148 from the mouth of the survivors. 161 00: 10: 09,358 -> 00: 10: 13,445 So we will broadcast it directly via radio in Israel 162 00: 10: 13,571 -> 00: 10: 17,083 but it's important too that the world must witness 163 00: 10: 17,109 -> 00: 10: 20,477 in their homes via television broadcasts. 164 00: 10: 20,828 -> 00: 10: 23,038 You said you could cover this trial. 165 00: 10: 23,080 -> 00: 10: 25,665 So the judge must give permission. 166 00: 10: 26,334 -> 00: 10: 30,712 Your boss can't secretly force the judge to give permission? 167 00: 10: 30,755 -> 00: 10: 34,132 Unlike Nazi Germany, Israel did not interfere 168 00: 10: 34,175 -> 00: 10: 37,010 or compromise with independence from the court. 169 00: 10: 37,511 -> 00: 10: 39,631 We have done everything to convince the judge. 170 00: 10: 39,847 -> 00: 10: 41,973 Obviously not. - We will work on it. 171 00: 10: 42,099 -> 00: 10: 46,895 Meanwhile, you make us in a very difficult position. 172 00: 10: 46,937 -> 00: 10: 49,731 The decision to broadcast via TV so one amazing bet. 173 00: 10: 50,691 -> 00: 10: 53,193 Now it must succeed. There's a lot at stake. 174 00: 10: 53,235 -> 00: 10: 56,071 Are you talking to another company to take over this production? 175 00: 10: 56,113 -> 00: 10: 59,741 It's not wise if we don't pull back, right? 176 00: 10: 59,784 -> 00: 11: 04,120 No matter how you do it, this trial must be broadcast. Your time is three days. 177 00: 11: 04,664 -> 00: 11: 05,455 Three? 178 00: 11: 06,082 -> 00: 11: 08,208 You say five days. - Three days, gentlemen. 179 00: 11: 11,003 -> 00: 11: 14,297 You have to try the honey cake, this is the best in Jerusalem. 180 00: 11: 20,471 -> 00: 11: 24,307 He's the control room, you say ... what What are you saying? 181 00: 11: 24,475 -> 00: 11: 26,535 Milton, I'm so tired I can't remember what i am 182 00: 11: 26,561 -> 00: 11: 28,687 say 20 seconds ago even an hour ago. 183 00: 11: 28,729 -> 00: 11: 32,482 No, you said something about ... camera that is not visible ... 184 00: 11: 33,317 -> 00: 11: 34,734 Leo, there he is. 185 00: 11: 36,445 -> 00: 11: 38,780 There he is. We - we hide the camera. 186 00: 11: 38,823 -> 00: 11: 40,615 We will make it be part of the courtroom. 187 00: 11: 40,658 -> 00: 11: 42,325 Put it in the window? 188 00: 11: 42,368 -> 00: 11: 44,728 Yeah, put a window on the wall so they can see it. 189 00: 11: 45,705 -> 00: 11: 47,872 Biaklah. - You know, this can work. 190 00: 11: 47,915 -> 00: 11: 50,959 But the camera must be able to move. - Okay, okay. 191 00: 11: 51,460 -> 00: 11: 54,796 Gosh, we will need a handyman in every Jerusalem to do it. 192 00: 11: 54,839 -> 00: 11: 58,633 And we only have three days to do it. - Please here on the left. 193 00: 12: 03,347 -> 00: 12: 05,432 Leo. Go to sleep 194 00: 12: 05,558 -> 00: 12: 08,101 I'm still strong enough to be able to take the first plane to return to New York. 195 00: 12: 08,853 -> 00: 12: 10,103 See you tomorrow. 196 00: 12: 47,516 -> 00: 12: 49,184 Yes? - Hurwitz. 197 00: 12: 49,643 -> 00: 12: 51,686 Ah yes, Mr. Horowitz. 198 00: 12: 53,063 -> 00: 12: 54,189 'Hurwitz'. 199 00: 12: 55,483 -> 00: 12: 56,566 Like what I said. 200 00: 12: 57,026 -> 00: 12: 59,611 You're tired, right? - very much. 201 00: 12: 59,653 -> 00: 13: 05,074 Are you jew? All Jews can sleep well in Jerusalem, Mr. Horowitz. 202 00: 13: 08,788 -> 00: 13: 10,288 'Hurwitz'. 203 00: 14: 27,199 -> 00: 14: 31,744 Gentlemen, as we know, the judge will return in two days 204 00: 14: 31,829 -> 00: 14: 35,039 and when they come here, we have to work as a team. 205 00: 14: 35,374 -> 00: 14: 39,669 Because if we fail to get permission, we will all go home. 206 00: 14: 39,712 -> 00: 14: 41,838 I am sure in my absence 207 00: 14: 41,881 -> 00: 14: 45,925 you're familiar with the technical aspects from our TV camera. 208 00: 14: 46,385 -> 00: 14: 52,640 The camera must now be extension of your eyes. 209 00: 14: 52,683 -> 00: 14: 56,436 in other words You can be an extension of me. 210 00: 14: 56,937 -> 00: 14: 58,146 Right, right. OK, stop. Stop. 211 00: 14: 58,188 -> 00: 15: 00,982 And we have three days to become a team. 212 00: 15: 01,150 -> 00: 15: 03,693 Acting, acting, acting as unity. 213 00: 15: 03,819 -> 00: 15: 06,112 Alright, gentlemen, let's work? 214 00: 15: 06,155 -> 00: 15: 10,283 When you record it, I will edit it directly. 215 00: 15: 10,326 -> 00: 15: 12,452 I want you to continue 100 percent concentration. 216 00: 15: 12,494 -> 00: 15: 13,786 Ready, camera two. 217 00: 15: 13,829 -> 00: 15: 16,664 This will be very challenging both mentally and physically. 218 00: 15: 16,707 -> 00: 15: 19,834 And maybe the most interesting one you've ever done. 219 00: 15: 19,877 -> 00: 15: 21,210 Understand. 220 00: 15: 21,253 -> 00: 15: 22,629 Camera two. 221 00: 15: 23,464 -> 00: 15: 29,010 Our goal is to use images in order to uncover events that occur in the courtroom. 222 00: 15: 29,094 -> 00: 15: 35,808 Ready in the auditorium. thanks. Camera two. Camera three. Nice. 223 00: 15: 35,851 -> 00: 15: 37,936 Camera distance. 224 00: 15: 37,978 -> 00: 15: 39,354 Better. Maintain the rhythm. 225 00: 15: 39,396 -> 00: 15: 41,314 This will show the details. - Four cameras. 226 00: 15: 41,357 -> 00: 15: 43,983 Eichmann's face. His hand - Camera one. 227 00: 15: 44,026 -> 00: 15: 46,945 Expression of the panel of judges, advisors. 228 00: 15: 46,987 -> 00: 15: 49,155 The one camera leads to the judge's desk. 229 00: 15: 49,198 -> 00: 15: 54,285 Thank you, nice and smooth. Camera two. Camera two. 230 00: 15: 54,328 -> 00: 15: 59,707 Camera two! OK, stop. Stop. Stop. I want you to move quickly. 231 00: 16: 00,334 -> 00: 16: 02,246 I want to highlight Eichmann when he talks and 232 00: 16: 02,272 -> 00: 16: 04,295 react to what is said and happened in the courtroom. 233 00: 16: 04,338 -> 00: 16: 08,424 Come on again, gentlemen. Up to us can do it as smoothly as water flow. 234 00: 16: 08,634 -> 00: 16: 13,596 Maybe he will be covered up 235 00: 16: 13,639 -> 00: 16: 16,182 so that he does not get physical oppression. 236 00: 16: 16,308 -> 00: 16: 19,227 You want us to climb into the glass which contains Eichmann and asks: 237 00: 16: 20,104 -> 00: 16: 22,105 'What kind of person are you?' - Precisely. 238 00: 16: 22,147 -> 00: 16: 24,941 Gentlemen, I don't believe there are monsters 239 00: 16: 24,984 -> 00: 16: 29,821 but I believe that humans are responsible for the behavior of those who are like monsters. 240 00: 16: 29,863 -> 00: 16: 33,866 What changed this ordinary human be someone who can do it 241 00: 16: 33,909 -> 00: 16: 36,744 send hundreds or even thousands children meet their death 242 00: 16: 36,787 -> 00: 16: 40,456 when he returns home every night and put his children to sleep? 243 00: 16: 40,499 -> 00: 16: 44,252 A human is like one of us. - He is not like us. 244 00: 16: 48,173 -> 00: 16: 52,385 I'm not Eichmann, Mr. Hurwitz. 245 00: 16: 52,428 -> 00: 16: 56,556 Under certain conditions, everyone can become fascist. 246 00: 16: 56,598 -> 00: 16: 59,851 But I do not. 247 00: 16: 59,893 -> 00:17: 04,939 Yaakov, everyone can. - I do not. 248 00: 17: 13,824 -> 00: 17: 17,201 Fruchtman. - Mr. Fruchtman, please listen carefully. 249 00: 17: 17,244 -> 00: 17: 20,455 You will close this production and leave Israel as soon as possible. 250 00: 17: 21,206 -> 00: 17: 22,915 Who is this? 251 00: 17: 22,958 -> 00: 17: 26,419 Obersturmbannführer Eichmann's Court will not be held. 252 00: 17: 26,462 -> 00: 17: 31,382 If you don't leave immediately, Mr. Fruchtman, your wife, your child, I will kill them all. 253 00: 17: 59,369 -> 00: 18: 00,286 Hello? 254 00: 18: 00,329 -> 00: 18: 03,790 Honey ... I'm not going home tonight 255 00: 18: 03,832 -> 00: 18: 06,209 I still have work unfinished here. - OK 256 00: 18: 06,251 -> 00: 18: 09,462 How are children. - Children? Well. 257 00: 18: 09,505 -> 00: 18: 11,255 What are the conditions there? How about Leo? 258 00: 18: 11,298 -> 00: 18: 13,466 He is nice. 259 00: 18: 13,509 -> 00: 18: 16,844 How are you? - Well. We are good. 260 00: 18: 16,887 -> 00: 18: 19,555 Children? - Yeah, kids are fine. 261 00: 18: 19,598 -> 00: 18: 23,226 How is the apartment? - Apartment? What do you mean? 262 00: 18: 24,228 -> 00: 18: 25,728 Generally. 263 00: 18: 26,355 -> 00: 18: 29,982 I think the apartment is fine, Milton. Do you want to ask? 264 00: 18: 31,485 -> 00: 18: 36,489 Did you get a call before this? - There are some from New York 265 00: 18: 36,532 -> 00: 18: 39,033 when announced I will produce this event. 266 00: 18: 39,076 -> 00: 18: 43,037 Several letters for the Capital Cities office. 267 00: 18: 43,080 -> 00: 18: 46,582 Nazi bullshit. Should I warn people? 268 00: 18: 47,793 -> 00: 18: 49,836 No need, it will make them worry. 269 00: 18: 51,004 -> 00: 18: 54,048 I will add a security guard in your building. 270 00: 18: 54,091 -> 00: 18: 55,716 And my family? 271 00: 18: 55,759 -> 00: 18: 58,052 I will take care of it. - How? 272 00: 18: 58,095 -> 00: 19: 00,179 By taking care of it. 273 00: 19: 01,140 -> 00:19: 04,934 I want to talk about your cameraman, Millek. 274 00: 19: 06,436 -> 00: 19: 11,023 Okay, gentlemen, and ladies sssh - thank you. 275 00: 19: 11,066 -> 00: 19: 12,525 As some of you know, 276 00: 19: 12,568 -> 00:19: 16,737 this afternoon we just found out that Israeli authorities has revoked their permission 277 00: 19: 16,780 -> 00:19: 19,407 to Millek to operate the courtroom. 278 00: 19: 19,449 -> 00: 19: 20,867 Why? 279 00: 19: 21,535 -> 00: 19: 23,817 I am a member of the Israeli Communist Party 280 00: 19: 23,843 -> 00: 19: 25,913 maybe, in their minds, want to attack Eichmann. 281 00: 19: 25,956 -> 00: 19: 28,916 Who do they think they don't want? attack this bastard? Not that they want to. 282 00: 19: 28,959 -> 00: 19: 31,127 I might jump from box with a knife between my teeth. 283 00: 19: 31,170 -> 00: 19: 34,005 Okay thank you, thank you, thank you. 284 00: 19: 34,047 -> 00: 19: 36,961 I have explained at length 285 00: 19: 36,987 -> 00: 19: 39,552 that Milek has no intention to attack Eichmann 286 00: 19: 39,595 -> 00: 19: 42,346 and every desire for saw him convicted of his crime. 287 00: 19: 42,389 -> 00: 19: 44,348 But it's no use. 288 00: 19: 44,391 -> 00:19: 47,685 So tomorrow morning I will start looking new replacement cameraman 289 00: 19: 47,728 -> 00: 19: 49,896 and hopefully you can find it that person tomorrow afternoon. 290 00: 19: 49,938 -> 00: 19: 56,485 Meanwhile, Milek will work with Leo in the control room. Excuse me. 291 00: 19: 57,988 -> 00:19: 59,780 Did he say control room? 292 00: 20: 04,661 -> 00: 20: 06,037 Leo? 293 00: 20: 09,166 -> 00:20: 11,959 You can't just like that accept this stupid decision about Millek. 294 00: 20: 12,002 -> 00: 20: 14,086 Their fear is excessive, as we know 295 00: 20: 12,129 -> 00: 20: 17,924 so you and me, we bring some bullets and do what is here. 296 00: 20: 17,966 -> 00: 20: 19,393 Want to know what I feel when 297 00: 20: 19,419 -> 00: 20: 21,052 blacklisted for 10 years under McCarthy, Milton? 298 00: 20: 21,094 -> 00: 20: 22,553 Oh, please. 299 00: 20: 22,596 -> 00: 20: 25,806 I will say how hard it is to work with you when everyone forbids 300 00: 20: 25,849 -> 00: 20: 29,268 because you are blacklisted. Gosh, are you kidding me? 301 00: 20: 35,567 -> 00: 20: 41,030 Look, I know there is an easier name that you can invite. 302 00: 20: 42,032 -> 00: 20: 45,326 Good name. - Mhmm. But not the best. 303 00: 20: 45,369 -> 00: 20: 47,119 We will talk to them about Millek 304 00: 20: 47,162 -> 00: 20: 51,082 but now our focus is the trial, the main one. 305 00: 20: 51,124 -> 00: 20: 53,125 Without it, we will be confused. 306 00: 20: 55,045 -> 00: 20: 56,963 I want to go back in. 307 00: 20: 57,464 -> 00: 21: 02,385 Milton. When the judge comes tomorrow, immediately invited them to the courtroom. 308 00: 21: 02,427 -> 00: 21: 06,138 Don't discuss the camera. We will sell it. 309 00: 22: 17,336 -> 00: 22: 20,046 These are the judges. They will be here in two minutes. 310 00: 22: 24,551 -> 00: 22: 29,055 They are already on the road. Ready? - Always ready as usual. 311 00: 22: 48,742 -> 00: 22: 52,578 Alright, gentlemen, as we know, the scale of this operation has never happened. 312 00: 22: 52,621 -> 00: 22: 56,540 But as I told the Prime Minister, this trial is a unique global event. 313 00: 22: 56,583 -> 00: 23: 00,252 The job is ready. We're here to re-check the camera. 314 00: 23: 00,295 -> 00: 23: 03,339 But you don't appear to have prepared for us. 315 00: 23: 03,382 -> 00: 23: 05,466 The camera is not there. 316 00: 23: 05,509 -> 00: 23: 08,344 Gentlemen, please follow me. 317 00: 23: 18,021 -> 00: 23: 20,731 Alan, please turn on VT. - Of course. 318 00: 23: 21,942 -> 00: 23: 24,026 Gentlemen, as some of you already know ... 319 00: 23: 24,069 -> 00: 23: 28,155 we will send a video package every night to more than 30 countries. 320 00: 23: 28,198 -> 00: 23: 30,324 The scale of this operation ... 321 00: 23: 30,867 -> 00: 23: 34,912 Did you record us? From where? I do not understand. 322 00: 23: 34,955 -> 00: 23: 37,873 We got rid of the camera from the courtroom and hid it. 323 00: 23: 38,875 -> 00: 23: 41,210 But how will they see it? 324 00: 23: 42,003 -> 00: 23: 46,090 We rebuilt the walls of the courtroom so that provide space to hide the camera. 325 00: 23: 47,134 -> 00: 23: 50,428 We have installed a rope inside the wall which camera can move 326 00: 23: 50,470 -> 00: 23: 53,139 giving a distance from the position of the film. 327 00: 23: 56,852 -> 00: 24: 00,312 This gap is closed with a rope to reflect the courtroom light. 328 00: 24: 00,355 -> 00: 24: 03,941 This allows the camera can highlight the courtroom 329 00: 24: 03,984 -> 00: 24: 06,527 although it will not be seen by sight. 330 00: 24: 07,904 -> 00: 24: 11,490 We hope this has been answered what are you worried about. 331 00: 24: 18,415 -> 00: 24: 21,709 If the judge has said there is no camera for the second time? 332 00: 24: 21,751 -> 00: 24: 23,836 Then there won't be a third time. 333 00: 24: 24,337 -> 00: 24: 26,630 Until this far - 334 00: 24: 26,673 -> 00: 24: 28,883 No, no price to cheer yourself up, Eva. 335 00: 24: 28,925 -> 00: 24: 31,343 I will be the one to broadcast the Eichmann program. 336 00: 24: 31,887 -> 00: 24: 33,929 They will replace me. 337 00: 24: 35,140 -> 00: 24: 38,684 I will make you get down to work on the streets to support us. 338 00: 24: 44,483 -> 00: 24: 46,817 Change clothes. Really with children. 339 00: 24: 46,860 -> 00: 24: 48,736 What? - Just do it. 340 00: 24: 52,240 -> 00: 24: 53,824 Who is this? 341 00: 24: 55,702 -> 00: 24: 58,287 Milton, what happened? 342 00: 24: 58,330 -> 00: 25: 01,332 Who is there? - David Landor. 343 00: 25: 11,218 -> 00: 25: 13,260 I hope I don't bother you. 344 00: 25: 14,679 -> 00: 25: 15,721 Please... 345 00: 25: 29,819 -> 00: 25: 34,490 Leo? If you sleep - wake up, Leo! 346 00: 25: 35,492 -> 00: 25: 37,993 What is wrong? - read. 347 00: 25: 42,123 -> 00: 25: 44,375 'When there is no publicity, there is no justice.' 348 00: 25: 45,210 -> 00: 25: 49,296 'This actually makes the judge secretly try. ' 349 00: 25: 49,339 -> 00: 25: 52,675 'Security from security is publicity.' 350 00: 25: 52,717 -> 00: 25: 56,720 We did it. We will show the trial Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann 351 00: 25: 56,763 -> 00: 26: 01,058 Nazi Party member number 889895. SS number 45326. 352 00: 26: 01,101 -> 00: 26: 04,311 Gosh, Leo, this really happened. 353 00: 26: 05,146 -> 00: 26: 06,230 Extraordinary. 354 00: 26: 09,359 -> 00: 26: 11,110 I leave Eva in the bathroom. 355 00: 26: 11,903 -> 00: 26: 13,320 Yes. 356 00: 26: 14,489 -> 00: 26: 16,699 See you again. - Dadaah. 357 00: 26: 38,430 -> 00: 26: 39,763 I stand in front of the building where 358 00: 26: 39,806 -> 00: 26: 41,473 in just a few hours 359 00: 26: 41,516 -> 00: 26: 45,019 what was mentioned as the greatest trial of the century will begin. 360 00: 26: 45,061 -> 00: 26: 49,982 And the eyes of the world will all see Adolf Eichmann 361 00: 26: 50,025 -> 00: 26: 56,322 Nazi members who are responsible for planning mass murder of 6 million Jews in Europe. 362 00: 26: 56,364 -> 00: 27: 00,868 Not only will Eichmann undergo it trial for the next few days and weeks 363 00: 27: 00,910 -> 00: 27: 04,496 Israel will also be under close supervision 364 00: 27: 04,539 -> 00: 27: 07,454 because they have held a trial against 365 00: 27: 07,480 -> 00: 27: 10,502 the person assigned to eliminate the Jews. 366 00: 27: 10,545 -> 00: 27: 13,785 This city, this country, all the world 367 00: 27: 13,811 -> 00: 27: 17,201 enhance anticipation. 368 00: 27: 18,094 -> 00: 27: 20,137 The bet cannot be higher. 369 00: 27: 22,766 -> 00: 27: 24,933 In broadcasting through TV this trial 370 00: 27: 24,976 -> 00: 27: 29,188 Israel hopes to show to the whole world 371 00: 27: 29,230 -> 00: 27: 32,700 how scary what happened to people 372 00: 27: 32,726 -> 00: 27: 36,345 who had lived in Europe during the Nazi era in power. 373 00: 27: 37,572 -> 00: 27: 40,324 Israel hopes to be able to provide to the new generation 374 00: 27: 40,367 -> 00: 27: 45,079 an understanding of cunning and cruelty carried out by the Nazis 375 00: 27: 45,121 -> 00: 27: 47,581 to lure people to death 376 00: 27: 47,624 -> 00: 27: 51,418 through a lie as he said they will be sent to work camps. 377 00: 27: 51,461 -> 00: 27: 56,131 And this can also knock humanity awareness 378 00: 27: 56,174 -> 00: 28: 01,970 that this crime, which never happened in human history before 379 00: 28: 02,013 -> 00: 28: 07,059 carried out during enlightenment - to Jews this time - 380 00: 28: 07,102 -> 00: 28: 10,062 but it can happen to others in the future. 381 00: 28: 10,105 -> 00: 28: 16,026 To show to the world, in the end this is a crime that affects us all. 382 00: 28: 23,034 -> 00: 28: 28,706 Okay, gentlemen. This is it. The long-awaited moment. 383 00: 28: 33,920 -> 00: 28: 36,380 What are you thinking right now? 384 00: 28: 36,423 -> 00: 28: 38,841 Everything can be wrong. 385 00: 28: 54,733 -> 00: 28: 57,609 Okay, gentlemen. Training is complete. 386 00: 29: 00,530 -> 00: 29: 06,285 Camera three, ready. Take three. Camera four, ready. 387 00: 29: 14,252 -> 00: 29: 17,171 Keep highlighting the jury bench. 388 00: 29: 27,766 -> 00: 29: 31,393 Camera four, ready. To Eichmann. Camera four. 389 00: 29: 31,436 -> 00: 29: 33,729 Adolf Eichmann, stand up. 390 00: 29: 34,898 -> 00: 29: 37,441 You were charged in this court 391 00: 29: 37,484 -> 00: 29: 41,320 based on accusations including 15 ... 392 00: 29: 41,362 -> 00: 29: 42,988 Highlight the auditorium. 393 00: 29: 43,031 -> 00: 29: 48,494 Adolf, son of Adolf Karl Eichmann accused here at this trial. 394 00: 29: 48,536 -> 00: 29: 53,040 Crime against Jews. 395 00: 29: 53,082 -> 00: 29: 55,250 Especially for attacks: 396 00: 29: 55,293 -> 00: 30: 00,130 done with others during the period 1936 ... 397 00: 30: 00,173 -> 00: 30: 02,716 - Camera two. - ... until 1945 398 00: 30: 02,759 -> 00: 30: 05,177 which causes loss of harmony millions of Jews 399 00: 30: 05,220 -> 00: 30: 10,015 in his capacity as a responsible person responsible for the execution plan of the Nazis 400 00: 30: 10,058 -> 00: 30: 13,310 to annihilate the Jews 401 00: 30: 13,353 -> 00: 30: 15,938 which is known as the Final Solution from Jewish Issues. 402 00: 30: 16,648 -> 00: 30: 20,359 This is the first charge that was alleged to you. 403 00: 30: 21,444 -> 00: 30: 23,904 Focus on Eichmann. 404 00: 30: 27,033 -> 00: 30: 33,038 Adolf Eichmann, are you wrong or not on the charges? 405 00: 30: 34,999 -> 00: 30: 38,293 Against these charges, he is innocent. 406 00: 30: 39,754 -> 00: 30: 43,340 And now the most important trial in the 21st century began. 407 00: 30: 48,388 -> 00: 30: 52,015 At the indictment, I am innocent. 408 00: 30: 52,058 -> 00: 30: 54,101 Crime against humanity. 409 00: 30: 54,143 -> 00: 31: 02,143 At the indictment, I am innocent. 410 00: 31: 06,948 -> 00: 31: 10,325 Camera four. Camera two. 411 00: 31: 10,368 -> 00: 31: 15,956 Do you plead guilty or not for these 15 charges? 412 00: 31: 18,877 -> 00: 31: 22,421 At the indictment, I am innocent. 413 00: 31: 28,261 -> 00: 31: 31,972 At the conclusion of this afternoon's session, important work just started 414 00: 31: 32,015 -> 00: 31: 36,101 in terms of spreading recordings this trial all over the world. 415 00: 31: 36,144 -> 00: 31: 39,791 A copy of this recording is requested by the media 416 00: 31: 39,817 -> 00: 31: 43,066 in New York, London, Paris, Berlin, Sydney. 417 00: 31: 43,109 -> 00: 31: 47,863 Then delivery, of course not using a ship, but a plane. 418 00: 31: 47,906 -> 00: 31: 52,242 A copy was sent by one the most flying planes from Lodz Airport 419 00: 31: 52,285 -> 00: 31: 55,078 90 minutes faster than Jerusalem. 420 00: 31: 56,789 -> 00: 31: 59,708 Then directly broadcast through the glass screen to the whole house 421 00: 31: 59,751 -> 00: 32: 03,086 as a sign of the entry of a new era of mass media. 422 00: 32: 08,468 -> 00: 32: 10,769 When I first arrived I had doubts 423 00: 32: 10,795 -> 00: 32: 12,930 on the first day, even the last day too. 424 00: 32: 12,972 -> 00: 32: 16,725 But thank you for your hard work we do this. 425 00: 32: 17,310 -> 00: 32: 20,646 And I really appreciate this. 426 00: 32: 21,773 -> 00: 32: 25,150 How tired and tired you feel now 427 00: 32: 25,193 -> 00: 32: 28,403 as a sign of how big this work is. 428 00: 32: 28,446 -> 00: 32: 30,989 We have a big responsibility. 429 00: 32: 31,032 -> 00: 32: 33,283 In broadcasting this trial to the world 430 00: 32: 33,326 -> 00: 32: 39,331 we invite them to see not only how did Eichmann do it, but why. 431 00: 32: 43,461 -> 00: 32: 45,879 Good work today and salute for this good work. 432 00: 32: 45,922 -> 00: 32: 49,007 Yeah, for good work. - Good job. 435 00: 33: 17,495 -> 00: 33: 21,456 When I see you outside the control room You always look around you. 436 00: 33: 22,458 -> 00: 33: 24,209 What are you looking for, Leo? 437 00: 33: 27,296 -> 00: 33: 30,215 I just want to be able to understand this place. 438 00: 33: 30,258 -> 00: 33: 32,884 1.5 million people try to survive. 439 00: 33: 36,681 -> 00: 33: 39,766 Don't you think this is ironic that if not for Eichmann and the Nazis 440 00: 33: 39,809 -> 00: 33: 41,852 we will not discuss this conversation? 441 00: 33: 43,312 -> 00: 33: 46,565 The idea of ​​the existence of Israel already exists long before Eichmann and his friend. 442 00: 33: 46,607 -> 00: 33: 48,942 Only ideas but not reality. 443 00: 33: 50,653 -> 00: 33: 53,071 I'm not writing history, Leo. 444 00: 33: 54,365 -> 00: 33: 56,450 Before I came here 445 00: 33: 56,492 -> 00: 33: 59,536 I met a friend in Brooklyn, he was editor at the Jerusalem Post 446 00: 33: 59,579 -> 00: 34: 04,916 and I talked to him about writing weekly editorial about the Eichmann trial 447 00: 34: 04,959 -> 00: 34: 12,132 to try and raise the conversation between Israel about fascism. 448 00: 34: 13,885 -> 00: 34: 17,304 Ideas that are worth watching out for, right? 449 00: 34: 18,514 -> 00: 34: 21,767 And did your friend accept the offer? 450 00: 34: 23,895 -> 00: 34: 27,939 She shy. - Are you really very surprised? 451 00: 34: 29,358 -> 00: 34: 32,402 Too much if discuss the past at a time like this. 452 00: 34: 32,445 -> 00: 34: 36,490 But I mean fascism will not die even though Hitler had shot his own head. 453 00: 34: 37,575 -> 00: 34: 41,203 Wherever people live, fascism can exist. 454 00: 34: 42,455 -> 00: 34: 46,541 Israel is a newborn country, Leo. Still having trouble standing alone. 455 00: 34: 46,584 -> 00: 34: 48,752 Everything has its time. 456 00: 34: 51,506 -> 00: 34: 53,632 You have been to Auschwitz, right? 457 00: 34: 56,094 -> 00: 34: 57,552 Yes. 458 00: 34: 59,639 -> 00: 35: 02,933 As a survivor, what did you think when you saw Eichmann? 459 00: 35: 09,816 -> 00: 35: 14,569 I want to go inside. The wind is very cold. 460 00: 35: 24,872 -> 00: 35: 26,540 One two three four, five, six, seven, eight - - 461 00: 35: 26,582 -> 00: 35: 28,542 One more for the boss! 463 00: 35: 32,463 -> 00: 35: 36,341 464 00: 35: 42,890 -> 00: 35: 44,224 Good morning friends. 465 00: 35: 46,102 -> 00: 35: 48,019 Oh, aren't you fierce? 466 00: 36: 05,913 -> 00: 36: 08,165 They know where we live. 467 00: 36: 08,875 -> 00: 36: 12,335 Okay. You two, play in the room. 468 00: 36: 12,378 -> 00: 36: 14,421 Come on 469 00: 36: 15,256 -> 00: 36: 16,882 thanks. 470 00: 36: 19,594 -> 00: 36: 23,013 Eva, the police have security details ... 471 00: 36: 23,055 -> 00: 36: 24,723 How great they are if it can't stop this? 472 00: 36: 26,225 -> 00: 36: 30,312 What if there is a bomb? This is not the first time, Milton. 473 00: 36: 30,354 -> 00: 36: 32,689 They just scared me so as not to produce this. 474 00: 36: 32,732 -> 00: 36: 34,983 How can you be so sure this is just to bully you 475 00: 36: 35,026 -> 00: 36: 36,651 and not a warning for a worse event? 476 00: 36: 36,694 -> 00: 36: 39,988 I can not. If you ask me to stop, I will stop. 477 00: 36: 41,949 -> 00: 36: 44,117 And give satisfaction to this bastard? 478 00: 36: 51,209 -> 00: 36: 53,335 See you again. 479 00: 37: 01,010 -> 00: 37: 02,761 I love you. 480 00: 37: 04,388 -> 00: 37: 06,056 Work. 481 00: 37: 46,222 -> 00: 37: 49,557 On behalf of all of us, Attorney General, don't screw this up. 482 00: 37: 49,600 -> 00: 37: 52,686 I'm nervous. Does he look nervous? 483 00: 37: 52,728 -> 00: 37: 54,896 He is aware of all eyes in the whole world looking at it. 484 00: 37: 58,609 -> 00: 38: 01,987 Highlight widened at Hausner, camera three. 485 00: 38: 05,199 -> 00: 38: 07,409 Zoom in as soon as he starts. 486 00: 38: 08,577 -> 00: 38: 11,079 - When I stand before you ... - Four cameras ready. 487 00: 38: 11,122 -> 00: 38: 16,668 Israeli judge, in the courtroom to indict Adolf Eichmann ... 488 00: 38: 16,711 -> 00: 38: 17,836 Camera one. 489 00: 38: 17,878 -> 00: 38: 19,671 I do not stand alone ... 490 00: 38: 20,339 -> 00: 38: 22,215 Isn't it better to be closer to Hausner? 491 00: 38: 22,258 -> 00: 38: 23,883 We must build him as a major player. 492 00: 38: 23,926 -> 00: 38: 27,887 I didn't direct the soap opera, Milton. This is proof that he is the main player. 493 00: 38: 29,390 -> 00: 38: 36,855 Here with me now there are 6 million claimants. 494 00: 38: 36,897 -> 00: 38: 44,897 But, they can't go up to the level of accusation 495 00: 38: 45,740 -> 00: 38: 49,827 aimed at the glass box and shouting 496 00: 38: 49,853 -> 00: 38: 53,765 I give an indictment, towards the person sitting there. 497 00: 38: 56,083 -> 00: 39: 02,172 Because their ash has become a pile at Auschwitz 498 00: 39: 02,214 -> 00: 39: 04,424 and in the Treblinka area 499 00: 39: 04,467 -> 00: 39: 07,802 or spread on Polish rivers. 500 00: 39: 08,679 -> 00: 39: 13,224 Their graves are scattered throughout Europe. 501 00: 39: 14,602 -> 00: 39: 21,649 Their blood reaches heaven, but their voices were never heard. 502 00: 39: 25,237 -> 00: 39: 29,532 And I became their representative 503 00: 39: 30,451 -> 00: 39: 37,332 and submit criminal charges that happened to them. 504 00: 39: 46,092 -> 00: 39: 48,885 Early this morning, Adolf Eichmann - 505 00: 39: 49,762 -> 00: 39: 52,972 Whoever you are, wherever you live, whatever your job, 506 00: 39: 53,015 -> 00: 39: 55,683 remember April 1961. 507 00: 39: 55,726 -> 00: 39: 58,144 The month when the Cold War heats up in Cuba 508 00: 39: 58,187 -> 00: 40: 02,399 humans can finally challenge gravity and go into space. 509 00: 40: 02,441 -> 00: 40: 04,943 The Solar System is getting closer, 510 00: 40: 04,985 -> 00: 40: 08,738 but the chance of peace still far away. 511 00: 40: 11,575 -> 00: 40: 15,703 Contrary to what you believe, we see real and broad interests. 512 00: 40: 15,746 -> 00: 40: 17,163 Thank you, bro, thank you. 513 00: 40: 17,206 -> 00: 40: 21,000 How can Eichmann be compared to, say, Gagarin? 514 00: 40: 21,043 -> 00: 40: 23,211 People can get bored very quickly. 515 00: 40: 23,254 -> 00: 40: 25,088 It's ridiculous to compare these two people. - Really? 516 00: 40: 25,131 -> 00: 40: 29,134 But, it's not your problem if people will choose to watch one of them. 517 00: 40: 29,176 -> 00: 40: 30,802 Why? They are not interconnected. 518 00: 40: 30,845 -> 00: 40: 35,265 You don't feel that one represents a dark past and one bright future? 519 00: 40: 35,307 -> 00: 40: 37,183 My wife is right. 520 00: 40: 37,226 -> 00: 40: 41,980 Very few can fight the first person to go into space. 521 00: 40: 42,022 -> 00: 40: 47,152 Although this is inseparable to indict people for the deaths of 6 million people? 522 00: 40: 47,194 -> 00: 40: 50,530 I agree with that. - Then why do people have to watch it? 523 00: 40: 50,573 -> 00: 40: 52,615 Order to learn. 524 00: 40: 54,201 -> 00: 40: 55,994 Sorry. 525 00: 40: 58,497 -> 00: 41: 00,081 Really a minute. 526 00: 41: 00,875 -> 00: 41: 03,251 Good night, Leo. - Good night. 527 00: 41: 03,294 -> 00: 41: 05,378 Don't stay up too late. See you tomorrow. 528 00: 41: 06,589 -> 00: 41: 08,626 You will not let them rule you, right? 529 00: 41: 08,652 -> 00: 41: 10,300 I don't want any interference. 530 00: 41: 10,342 -> 00: 41: 11,968 - Nonsense. - Maybe. 531 00: 41: 12,011 -> 00: 41: 13,970 Do you think they are right? 532 00: 41: 14,013 -> 00: 41: 15,972 We only have power about how we broadcast the hearing 533 00: 41: 16,015 -> 00: 41: 17,515 not how to sell it to the public. 534 00: 41: 17,558 -> 00: 41: 21,102 One pleasure to see Nazi members at the trial disappeared 535 00: 41: 21,145 -> 00: 41: 23,104 who said we would not lose the audience? Um? 536 00: 41: 24,273 -> 00: 41: 27,275 - See you tomorrow morning. - Yeah. 537 00: 41: 30,446 -> 00: 41: 33,031 Er, scotch, only. 538 00: 41: 34,200 -> 00: 41: 36,451 Will not be used in the West. 539 00: 41: 38,787 -> 00: 41: 44,083 And accompanied by Bandi Grosz at the behest of Eichmann ... 540 00: 41: 50,341 -> 00: 41: 51,799 David. 541 00: 41: 52,551 -> 00: 41: 57,305 - They can't see Gagarin constantly. - Not. he doesn't, and neither does he. 542 00: 41: 57,348 -> 00: 42: 00,934 Most are called to cover Gagarin who hasn't returned. 543 00: 42: 00,976 -> 00: 42: 04,687 And those who follow developments in Cuba. 544 00: 42: 04,730 -> 00: 42: 07,607 Gosh. My children get longer attention. 545 00: 42: 07,650 -> 00: 42: 11,277 Journalist. They are like crows, Mr. Fruchtman. 546 00: 42: 11,320 -> 00: 42: 15,406 They are quickly attracted to objects the most shiny in their view. 547 00: 42: 17,326 -> 00: 42: 20,912 You promised the Prime Minister a large audience 548 00: 42: 21,872 -> 00: 42: 24,207 Hausner has spent three days 549 00: 42: 24,250 -> 00: 42: 28,920 giving lectures on Israeli rights to try Eichmann. 550 00: 42: 28,963 -> 00: 42: 31,631 He bores me. Are you surprised people will leave? 551 00: 42: 31,674 -> 00: 42: 35,760 There is nothing we can do to make the speech more interesting? 552 00: 42: 35,803 -> 00: 42: 39,097 Yeah, there's only one in my head - tell him to stop. 553 00: 42: 41,976 -> 00: 42: 48,815 Raise 1,200 Jews to the deportation train and send them. 554 00: 42: 50,109 -> 00: 42: 53,361 Whatever you planned for that day, cancel and think of something better. 555 00: 42: 53,404 -> 00: 42: 56,155 Highlight from close range, cut faster, whatever you do, faster. 556 00: 42: 56,198 -> 00: 42: 56,732 Milton - 557 00: 42: 56,758 -> 00: 42: 58,866 - Gagarin and Bay of Pigs kill us! 558 00: 42: 58,909 -> 00: 43: 01,578 - We have to respond. - We respond, by maintaining courage. 559 00: 43: 01,620 -> 00: 43: 05,081 We can die defending this, Leo. No one is watching. 560 00: 43: 05,124 -> 00: 43: 07,225 Listen, you hired me because of my experience. 561 00: 43: 07,251 -> 00: 43: 08,835 That's what I want to give you. 562 00: 43: 08,877 -> 00: 43: 11,754 That is enough in this perfect world. But this is not perfect, Leo. 563 00: 43: 11,797 -> 00: 43: 13,715 The world with Russia in space 564 00: 43: 13,757 -> 00: 43: 16,718 and counter-revolutionaries acting on the coast of Cuba. 565 00: 43: 16,760 -> 00: 43: 19,596 - We have to compete with that. - We can not. 566 00: 43: 19,638 -> 00: 43: 21,681 Not until the witness is brought to the courtroom. 567 00: 43: 21,724 -> 00: 43: 23,349 What if we have lost the audience before that? 568 00: 43: 26,812 -> 00: 43: 30,023 Milton, I want my producer to calm down. 569 00: 43: 30,065 -> 00: 43: 32,275 We all know you're worried, and none of us have to. 570 00: 43: 32,318 -> 00: 43: 33,985 We are on your side, believe me. 571 00: 43: 34,737 -> 00: 43: 37,655 When a hearing holds a witness-bringing agenda, the audience will definitely be back. 572 00: 43: 37,698 -> 00: 43: 39,907 And what if not? 573 00: 43: 39,950 -> 00: 43: 41,993 Then you have hired the wrong person. 574 00: 43: 42,036 -> 00: 43: 45,622 In the building where Eichmann was tried 575 00: 43: 46,165 -> 00: 43: 51,044 Israel tries to tell the world 576 00: 43: 51,086 -> 00: 43: 55,340 the fact that Nazis and Germans 577 00: 43: 55,382 -> 00: 44: 00,928 try to destroy millions of Jews in Europe. 579 00: 44: 13,942 -> 00: 44: 19,113 We hear people ordered to go to the bath ... 580 00: 44: 19,156 -> 00: 44: 20,490 Camera one. 581 00: 44: 20,532 -> 00: 44: 23,534 They are all through the door and into a long corridor. 582 00: 44: 23,577 -> 00: 44: 25,870 We don't know exactly what happened. 583 00: 44: 25,913 -> 00: 44: 28,706 We are in the basement, in the warehouse. 584 00: 44: 29,583 -> 00: 44: 32,669 But there were SS troops carrying large sticks 585 00: 44: 32,711 -> 00: 44: 37,256 and they hit people and forced them into the truck. 586 00: 44: 37,299 -> 00: 44: 40,551 But do you know what truck it is? 587 00: 44: 40,594 -> 00: 44: 43,805 Yes, now I know what the truck is. 588 00: 44: 43,847 -> 00: 44: 49,602 That truck is the place for locking people inside 589 00: 44: 49,645 -> 00: 44: 54,190 then the gas is sprayed into the truck. 590 00: 44: 54,775 -> 00: 44: 58,111 Gas is sprayed into the truck. 591 00: 45: 00,072 -> 00: 45: 01,489 Continue to highlight Eichmann. 592 00: 45: 01,990 -> 00: 45: 03,324 Ready. 593 00: 45: 03,617 -> 00: 45: 07,120 What happened to you? 594 00: 45: 08,080 -> 00: 45: 15,044 We, there are five, taken from the warehouse, more people are put in trucks. 595 00: 45: 15,087 -> 00: 45: 18,297 We heard shouts from inside the truck 596 00: 45: 18,549 -> 00: 45: 22,593 and the engine starts and gas gushes. 597 00: 45: 22,761 -> 00:45: 24,929 Then the scream disappeared. 598 00: 45: 25,848 -> 00: 45: 27,056 Camera three. 599 00: 45: 27,099 -> 00: 45: 30,226 And the next day you go back to work 600 00: 45: 30,269 -> 00: 45: 34,897 in the forest and see what happens with your own eyes. 601 00: 45: 36,900 -> 00: 45: 40,945 There are 25 people there and they all dig holes. 602 00: 45: 41,113 -> 00: 45: 45,616 - Ever seen something like this? - Never. 603 00: 45: 50,956 -> 00: 45: 58,087 You dig graves and trucks - trucks come, one of all trucks. 604 00: 46: 01,550 -> 00: 46: 05,803 When the truck comes and we still can't approach it. 605 00: 46: 05,971 -> 00: 46: 09,849 We have to wait until the truck stop for a while 606 00: 46: 09,933 -> 00: 46: 11,350 about two or three minutes. 607 00: 46: 11,393 -> 00: 46: 17,648 And smoke burst from inside the truck and we have to wait. 608 00: 46: 17,691 -> 00: 46: 22,361 And then five or six people open the door and ... 609 00: 46: 24,031 -> 00: 46: 29,452 take the body and place them near the hole, close to the ditch. 610 00: 46: 32,039 -> 00: 46: 34,165 Are they dead? 611 00: 46: 35,250 -> 00: 46: 39,045 Everything is dead. No one is still alive. 612 00: 46: 39,421 -> 00: 46: 45,051 And in the third truck there is a body that you know? 613 00: 46: 47,805 -> 00: 46: 51,682 This happened after I worked there a few days 614 00: 46: 51,850 -> 00: 46: 55,895 when everyone from my city comes. 615 00: 46: 56,188 -> 00: 46: 58,731 And who is among them? 616 00: 47: 00,275 -> 00: 47: 08,275 My wife and two children. 617 00: 47: 09,993 -> 00: 47: 15,373 And you see them temporarily they were moved from the truck? 618 00: 47: 20,295 -> 00: 47: 27,426 I lay near my wife and two children and I want them to shoot me. 619 00: 47: 53,787 -> 00: 47: 55,913 Have you ever heard anything like this? 620 00: 47: 59,710 -> 00: 48: 01,168 We must eat. 621 00: 48: 20,272 -> 00: 48: 21,731 Still silent? 622 00: 49: 00,103 -> 00: 49: 02,772 No, this is awesome because it has a big influence. 623 00: 49: 04,358 -> 00: 49: 06,438 That will help Servatius will not cross check. 624 00: 49: 09,363 -> 00: 49: 12,365 Sorry, no. Not. What is that? I do not know.... 625 00: 49: 18,622 -> 00: 49: 20,414 Idiot. 626 00: 49: 23,085 -> 00: 49: 24,585 I am not sure I have the power to do it. 627 00: 49: 24,711 -> 00: 49: 27,588 Hey, identify yourself. 628 00: 49: 29,257 -> 00: 49: 30,132 Hey! 629 00: 49: 34,513 -> 00: 49: 36,597 He graduated. 630 00: 49: 47,109 -> 00: 49: 48,484 I'll call you again. 631 00: 49: 53,281 -> 00: 49: 56,409 - You spread lies all over the world. - God! 632 00: 49: 58,870 -> 00: 50: 01,247 Back inside! Close the door and hide under the table! 633 00: 50: 01,289 -> 00: 50: 03,207 - Did you receive my letter? - back inside! 634 00: 50: 03,667 -> 00: 50: 07,253 - You are Jewish, you have no rights - - You call this protection? 635 00: 50: 07,504 -> 00: 50: 09,547 We can die, everyone. 636 00: 50: 09,589 -> 00: 50: 14,385 - You let him in? Gosh. - There will be others who chase me. 637 00: 50: 31,403 -> 00: 50: 33,029 Heil Hitler. 638 00: 50: 37,576 -> 00: 50: 39,076 Gentlemen. 639 00: 50: 41,747 -> 00: 50: 45,374 Thank you for surviving on this long day 640 00: 50: 45,417 -> 00: 50: 48,627 when bars and restaurants and the bed is waiting. 641 00: 50: 48,754 -> 00: 50: 51,589 I want all of us here say two things. 642 00: 50: 51,673 -> 00: 50: 57,011 Our audience research says that Our broadcasts are watched every night by ... 643 00: 50: 57,054 -> 00: 51: 03,184 many people. In the US, Latin America, Europe, Australia 644 00: 51: 03,602 -> 00: 51: 06,187 people feel moved and surprised 645 00: 51: 06,229 -> 00: 51: 09,565 for what they see and hear because of our broadcast. 646 00: 51: 10,567 -> 00: 51: 15,946 What is unknown, good intentionally or not began to unfold. 647 00: 51: 16,323 -> 00: 51: 20,868 What is not said becomes the subject of discussion and questions. 648 00: 51: 21,119 -> 00: 51: 26,791 Which brings me to the second point, that won't surprise you all. 649 00: 51: 27,751 -> 00: 51: 32,004 Personal security. Don't take it lightly. 650 00: 51: 32,255 -> 00: 51: 38,260 As we see today, there are people who want to stop this court ... 651 00: 51: 38,595 -> 00: 51: 40,262 Stop us. 652 00: 51: 41,348 -> 00: 51: 45,142 Keep alert. Check under the car, when you turn it on in the morning. 653 00: 51: 45,268 -> 00: 51: 46,894 Make sure you are not followed. 654 00: 51: 47,896 -> 00: 51: 53,400 If you have a problem, whatever it is, directly contact the security chief. 655 00: 51: 54,778 -> 00: 51: 59,031 Please remain vigilant. Okay, the sermon is over. 656 00: 51: 59,199 -> 00: 52: 01,119 Please enjoy this remaining night. thanks. 657 00: 52: 12,129 -> 00: 52: 14,380 Why don't you say you get a threat? 658 00: 52: 14,798 -> 00: 52: 18,759 - You have enough work. - We work in the same field, Milton. 659 00: 52: 19,553 -> 00: 52: 23,347 - If it happens again, tell me. - Certain. 660 00: 52: 29,020 -> 00: 52: 31,063 There will be others who will chase after me. 661 00: 52: 31,815 -> 00: 52: 36,694 - hey. Hey, it's time to sleep? Sleep well. - Good night, Father. 662 00: 52: 37,654 -> 00: 52: 39,947 - Good night, Father. - Sleep well. 663 00: 52: 40,115 -> 00: 52: 42,366 - Sleep on the bed. - Sorry I overslept. 664 00: 52: 42,409 -> 00: 52: 43,909 Do not worry. 665 00: 52: 44,161 -> 00: 52: 45,786 - ok? - Yeah, are you okay? 666 00: 52: 46,997 -> 00: 52: 48,956 I think so. 667 00: 52: 51,960 -> 00: 52: 54,086 - Come on to the bed. - Yeah, I ... 668 00: 53: 19,821 -> 00: 53: 21,280 Mrs. Landau? 669 00: 53: 24,492 -> 00: 53: 26,118 I want to ask one question. 670 00: 53: 27,329 -> 00: 53: 30,497 - My legs are too tired to answer questions. - Or just like that. 671 00: 53: 31,041 -> 00: 53: 35,127 - What? - Are you refugees after the war? 672 00: 53: 36,087 -> 00: 53: 40,341 - from Czechoslovakia. Why? - Do you like it here? 673 00: 53: 41,551 -> 00: 53: 43,928 I prefer King David. 674 00: 53: 44,262 -> 00: 53: 48,933 I mean not this hotel. But I mean in Israel. 675 00: 53: 50,477 -> 00: 53: 56,482 I fought in the war for independence - against England and then Arabia. 676 00: 53: 56,900 -> 00: 54: 00,694 Right, Arabic, But this is their country first. 677 00: 54: 01,947 -> 00: 54: 03,948 We want more. 678 00: 54: 05,659 -> 00: 54: 07,576 So Israel is your home? 679 00: 54: 08,370 -> 00: 54: 12,289 The world gives this to us. This is my country now. 680 00: 54: 14,834 -> 00: 54: 18,212 Why do you love this country so much? 681 00: 54: 18,755 -> 00: 54: 25,261 Here we can breathe fresh air. You're Jewish, you must feel that. 682 00: 54: 28,640 -> 00: 54: 32,643 - done? - Yeah. thanks. 683 00: 54: 48,535 -> 00: 54: 51,620 Some young people try to run away 684 00: 54: 52,789 -> 00: 54: 57,376 but they were shot. They were shot right there. 685 00: 55: 00,714 -> 00: 55: 03,966 How can you survive? 686 00: 55: 05,719 -> 00: 55: 12,266 We ... We are encouraged. We are all naked. 687 00: 55: 12,434 -> 00: 55: 18,939 Stripped clothes, taken. Our father doesn't want to take off his clothes. 688 00: 55: 18,982 -> 00: 55: 24,778 He still wears underwear. We were pushed to ... 689 00: 55: 26,740 -> 00: 55: 30,451 Milton ... stop it. 690 00: 55: 31,411 -> 00: 55: 34,747 - Yaakov, are you okay? - I can't breathe. 691 00: 55: 34,831 -> 00: 55: 40,252 Yaakov? Yaakov? Leo, Yaakov is in trouble. I want him to be helped soon. 692 00: 55: 46,134 -> 00: 55: 49,303 Yaakov, keep the camera. Milton on the way. 693 00: 55: 49,346 -> 00: 55: 52,181 I'm not healthy, Leo. 694 00: 55: 56,686 -> 00: 56: 00,773 Four cameras ready. Highlight close to Eichmann. 695 00: 56: 01,399 -> 00: 56: 04,526 No, not the witness, but Eichmann. 696 00: 56: 04,611 -> 00: 56: 12,611 We are already dealing with a cemetery. I feel he took the child from my hand. 697 00: 56: 12,869 -> 00: 56: 16,872 The boy cried loudly and was immediately shot. 698 00: 56: 18,625 -> 00: 56: 19,708 His eyes. 699 00: 56: 20,126 -> 00: 56: 21,842 And he held me up. 700 00: 56: 21,868 -> 00: 56: 25,155 How can you sit there and see this? 701 00: 56: 25,507 -> 00: 56: 29,551 He grabbed my hair and turn my head. 702 00: 56: 30,553 -> 00: 56: 32,596 Do something. 703 00: 56: 34,849 -> 00: 56: 39,603 Focus on his eyes. Focus on his eyes. 704 00: 56: 40,271 -> 00: 56: 45,442 And he pointed the gun at me. And rule that I see 705 00: 56: 45,735 -> 00: 56: 49,571 and reversing the head and shoot me. 706 00: 56: 49,656 -> 00: 56: 57,656 Then I fell down. I tried to move and feel that I'm still alive and I can get up. 707 00: 57: 01,626 -> 00: 57: 03,293 I hear gunshots 708 00: 57: 04,087 -> 00: 57: 10.008 and I pray for one bullet end my suffering. 709 00: 57: 10,969 -> 00: 57: 14,344 But I choked, I climbed 710 00: 57: 14,370 -> 00: 57: 18,250 to the top of the grave above the corpse. 711 00: 57: 18,435 -> 00: 57: 26,066 I stood up, and I felt there that pulled me with their hands 712 00: 57: 26,109 -> 00: 57: 30,028 - biting my leg, pulling me down. - How can you survive three days there ... 713 00: 57: 30,071 -> 00: 57: 31,363 and listen to this? 714 00: 57: 31,656 -> 00: 57: 38,996 With my last strength, I came out of the grave. 715 00: 57: 39,164 -> 00: 57: 44,084 So many bodies. I want to see the end of this corpse 716 00: 57: 44,127 -> 00: 57: 45,961 but, I can not. 717 00: 57: 49,799 -> 00: 57: 51,175 Yaakov? 718 00: 57: 53,511 -> 00: 58: 01,511 The camp where I am employ slaves for the Messerschmitt factory. 719 00: 58: 09,569 -> 00: 58: 15,115 How can they hire us - our comparison, I - I don't know. 720 00: 58: 18,578 -> 00: 58: 22,247 We only have skin wrapped bones and ... 721 00: 58: 22,999 -> 00: 58: 29,296 with scars from blows we received for a small mistake. 722 00: 58: 33,885 -> 00: 58: 41,725 When I clean myself, I can't anymore recognize my body by touching it. 723 00: 58: 45,438 -> 00: 58: 48,649 My ribs are like a piano button. 724 00: 58: 49,567 -> 00: 58: 53,153 I - I'm not sure if he can continue working. 725 00: 58: 53,488 -> 00: 58: 56,949 No, this, this is important. I want to do it. 726 00: 58: 57,534 -> 00: 59: 00,327 But not if you sacrifice your health. 727 00: 59: 01,996 -> 00: 59: 07,459 For the first time the person there they feel they have the opportunity to talk. 728 00: 59: 09,379 -> 00: 59: 14,007 We see these witnesses in the place we call the place of witness 729 00: 59: 14,050 -> 00: 59: 17,219 and for the first time 730 00: 59: 17,637 -> 00: 59: 24,059 they look at the audience and they saw people come forward 731 00: 59: 24,310 -> 00: 59: 29,940 listen to what they have to say. Instead of turning away. 732 00: 59: 34,487 -> 00: 59: 37,823 Yaakov, in the control room we all ... 733 00: 59: 37,949 -> 00: 59: 43,161 very affected by what is we are moved with and we are. 734 00: 59: 44,581 -> 00: 59: 47,124 You don't have to do this to yourself. 735 00: 59: 47,333 -> 00: 59: 49,418 I will not let you do this to yourself. 736 00: 59: 49,460 -> 00: 59: 55,132 - I feel you've let you down. - We were the ones who disappointed you. 737 01: 00: 12,025 -> 01: 00: 18,155 Mr. Hausner showed stripes to witnesses 738 01: 00: 18,698 -> 01: 00: 22,242 Like this you used at Auschwitz? 739 01: 00: 25,455 -> 01: 00: 33,455 Yes, this clothes is given to those who live in an area called Auschwitz. 740 01: 00: 35,340 -> 01: 00: 43,340 If I can stand here in this courtroom in front of you, and we tell a story - 741 01: 00: 44,432 -> 01: 00: 48,560 we will tell the story of this place. 742 01: 00: 49,228 -> 01: 00: 57,228 If I, get out of that place, I can be here now - 743 01: 01: 00,865 -> 01: 01: 04,785 - She is fine? - He is a poet. 744 01: 01: 04,827 -> 01: 01: 12,000 I am very sure that this is because the oath I have taken for them 745 01: 01: 12,085 -> 01: 01: 18,548 the oath I told them. They gave me strength. 746 01: 01: 18,841 -> 01: 01: 21,426 They gave me strength. 747 01: 01: 23,054 -> 01: 01: 24,971 What did Eichmann do? 748 01: 01: 33,731 -> 01: 01: 37,818 I may ask Mr. Dinur a few question? 749 01: 01: 38,569 -> 01: 01: 40,362 Keep highlighting to Eichmann. 750 01: 01: 40,738 -> 01: 01: 43,198 Please listen to Mr. Hausner and see ... 751 01: 01: 48,871 -> 01: 01: 51,581 - Do we get it? - No, we focused on Eichmann. 752 01: 02: 09,058 -> 01: 02: 13,186 Your Honor, I have to stop s esi unless the witness has been recovered. 753 01: 02: 13,229 -> 01: 02: 16,629 Mr. Hausner, I didn't expect this to happen and I don't think we can continue ... 754 01: 02: 16,983 -> 01: 02: 18,024 Did you get it? 755 01: 02: 19,610 -> 01: 02: 22,821 We almost got everything, but I think we missed the incident that happened to the witness. 756 01: 02: 22,864 -> 01: 02: 24,823 Did you miss the incident? Gosh, Leo. 757 01: 02: 24,866 -> 01: 02: 26,643 We might get a few seconds, but 758 01: 02: 26,669 -> 01: 02: 28,493 impossible to anticipate events like that. 759 01: 02: 28,536 -> 01: 02: 31,246 - I have to put money there. - Your bastard, Alan. Exit. 760 01: 02: 31,289 -> 01: 02: 32,164 Hey. 761 01: 02: 36,002 -> 01: 02: 37,922 Gentlemen, can I ask for a moment? 762 01: 02: 38,629 -> 01: 02: 41,423 thanks. 763 01: 02: 44,510 -> 01: 02: 46,386 Close the door, Millek. 764 01: 02: 49,640 -> 01: 02: 54,060 That's an amazing moment, Leo. Like someone crying in the auditorium. 765 01: 02: 54,103 -> 01: 02: 58,273 - Talking points, human drama. - There is a broken life there, this 766 01: 02: 58,399 -> 01: 03: 02,778 - not a TV show, - and TV shows. And. And. 767 01: 03: 05,281 -> 01: 03: 07,741 Sorry if it can't satisfy your artistic side 768 01: 03: 07,784 -> 01: 03: 10,577 but we are here in Israel that actually happened, right? 769 01: 03: 10,620 -> 01: 03: 14,164 God, you should record this court overall. 770 01: 03: 14,207 -> 01: 03: 17,042 - But you're obsessed with Eichmann. - I don't understand why you don't. 771 01: 03: 17,084 -> 01: 03: 20,378 Don't humble me. This is your job. This is your job 772 01: 03: 20,421 -> 01: 03: 22,297 to record what happened in the courtroom 773 01: 03: 22,340 -> 01: 03: 26,092 not to carry out personal investigations against crime. 774 01: 03: 26,177 -> 01: 03: 29,262 - Why can't both? - Because you have to finish one first. 775 01: 03: 29,305 -> 01: 03: 31,385 And that won't happen, not in my production. 776 01: 03: 31,390 -> 01: 03: 35,060 - I want this to be different. - I don't care what you ask. 777 01: 03: 35,102 -> 01: 03: 39,689 I pay you, Mr. Hurwitz. Do something different next time. 778 01: 04: 04,590 -> 01: 04: 08,718 In Paris they were all expelled in mid-August 779 01: 04: 08,761 -> 01: 04: 12,264 and in early September, in just two weeks, 780 01: 04: 12,557 -> 01: 04: 15,693 in a convoy containing one thousand children 781 01: 04: 15,719 -> 01: 04: 18,562 and 500 adults were brought from Drancy. 782 01: 04: 18,604 -> 01: 04: 23,984 I see it. They come with four transports each containing a thousand children. 783 01: 04: 24,193 -> 01: 04: 27,907 This live cargo will be released from 784 01: 04: 27,933 -> 01: 04: 32,218 trucks quickly to make room for others. 785 01: 04: 34,996 -> 01: 04: 40,709 This is done quickly and children who are not happy and scared 786 01: 04: 41,586 -> 01: 04: 44,004 enter into this group in silence. 787 01: 04: 44,839 -> 01: 04: 48,661 There are small children aged two, three, or 788 01: 04: 48,687 -> 01: 04: 52,864 four years who don't know their names 789 01: 04: 55,349 -> 01: 04: 58,685 and it's impossible to do it identify them. 790 01: 05: 05,067 -> 01: 05: 09,446 We see a girl carrying it plate with a male name 791 01: 05: 09,739 -> 01: 05: 13,658 and the man carrying the plate is called a woman. 792 01: 05: 14,619 -> 01: 05: 17,162 Let me ask you, Mr. Wellers. 793 01: 05: 17,371 -> 01: 05: 20,874 In 1944 when you arrived at Auschwitz 794 01: 05: 23,127 -> 01: 05: 27,756 did you see any in between this child who lives? 795 01: 05: 31,761 -> 01: 05: 39,761 No, I don't see it. There are four shuttles that come several days 796 01: 05: 43,147 -> 01: 05: 47,734 one thousand people on each transport, one thousand children 797 01: 05: 47,860 -> 01: 05: 52,864 200 adults on each transport, and all of them have four transports 798 01: 05: 53,074 -> 01: 05: 55,033 400 children. 799 01: 05: 57,745 -> 01: 06: 01,998 There are more dead, some on the road ... 800 01: 06: 04,835 -> 01: 06: 09,506 I estimate the number of suicides is around one hundred. 801 01: 06: 0948 -> 01: 06: 11,508 Do I want to exchange? Stay with Eichmann. 802 01: 06: 11,550 -> 01: 06: 13,134 - Leo. - Keep highlighting him. 803 01: 06: 13,177 -> 01: 06: 15,011 Alan, move it to witnesses. 804 01: 06: 36,450 -> 01: 06: 38,493 Come on, do something. 805 01: 06: 40,705 -> 01: 06: 41,579 Leo. 806 01: 06: 43,874 -> 01: 06: 48,086 - Leo, someone wants to meet. - I have no appointment. Say I'm busy. 807 01: 06: 48,879 -> 01: 06: 52,340 - They want to meet you. - Say I'm busy. 808 01: 06: 52,383 -> 01: 06: 55,802 - They also said you would say that. - Leo, just go away. Let me take care of it. 809 01: 07: 18,909 -> 01: 07: 20,702 We want to surprise you. 810 01: 07: 25,166 -> 01: 07: 30,462 - Right. Right. How's the trip? - good. 811 01: 07: 30,921 -> 01: 07: 33,423 - The flight is comfortable? - Of course. 812 01: 07: 36,010 -> 01: 07: 38,470 - What? - You look old. 813 01: 07: 41,182 -> 01: 07: 43,058 I am indeed old. 814 01: 07: 43,976 -> 01: 07: 49,606 We work there with Rollenwagen which we climbed. 815 01: 07: 50,733 -> 01: 07: 55,403 - Did you go into the cremation room? - Yeah, I went into the cremation room. 816 01: 07: 55,529 -> 01: 07: 58,490 We have to go there to get the wood ... 817 01: 07: 59,533 -> 01: 08: 03,495 - Point to witnesses. Camera one. - ... used to burn. 818 01: 08: 03,537 -> 01: 08: 07,165 - We have to take ... - Camera four, ready. 819 01: 08: 07,208 -> 01: 08: 13,088 Some wood to the camp from the cremation room, when there is still time ... 820 01: 08: 13,130 -> 01: 08: 15,048 and when the weather is so cold. 821 01: 08: 15,091 -> 01: 08: 19,177 Kapo from Sonderkommando pity us and say, 822 01: 08: 19,845 -> 01: 08: 24,070 'Children, very cold outside, maybe you can 823 01: 08: 24,096 -> 01: 08: 27,870 warm yourself in the gas chamber. ' 824 01: 08: 30,564 -> 01: 08: 33,316 Gas chambers were not operating at that time. 825 01: 08: 33,442 -> 01: 08: 38,196 And you want to go to the cremation room to warm yourself up? 826 01: 08: 38,239 -> 01: 08: 39,531 - So sometimes ... - Tommy? 827 01: 08: 39,573 -> 01: 08: 41,449 - We will go to ... - I am fine. 828 01: 08: 41,492 -> 01: 08: 44,327 Cremation, or even gas chambers much warmer ... 829 01: 08: 44,370 -> 01: 08: 46,037 Is this all right? 830 01: 08: 46,080 -> 01: 08: 49,958 Sometimes this will happen when we get into the cremation room ... 831 01: 08: 50,000 -> 01: 08: 51,280 He is the same age as you. 832 01: 08: 51,293 -> 01: 08: 54,963 They said, 'You might be able to enter because there is someone inside. ' 833 01: 08: 55,714 -> 01: 08: 57,549 And Eichmann just sat down. 834 1: 9: 00,719 -> 01: 09: 02,679 And Eichmann just sat down. 835 01: 09: 05,641 -> 01: 09: 07,392 Camera two, ready. 836 01: 09: 08,060 -> 01: 09: 13,690 Are you using human ash to spread it on the highway? 837 01: 09: 14,024 -> 01: 09: 16,025 - yes. - What for? 838 01: 09: 17,653 -> 01: 09: 21,406 So that people can walk and not slip. 839 01: 09: 21,448 -> 01: 09: 27,829 - So they don't slip in the camp? - Yes, in the camp. 840 01: 10: 19,924 -> 01: 10: 23,927 I want one spotlight directly to Eichmann 841 01: 10: 23,969 -> 01: 10: 25,803 when he watched footage in the camp. 842 01: 10: 26,055 -> 01: 10: 28,723 The whole auditorium was pitch black. 843 01: 10: 28,766 -> 01: 10: 31,267 Make the audience able pay attention to Eichmann 844 01: 10: 31,518 -> 01: 10: 34,020 - when he reacted to what he witnessed. - Audience or you? 845 01: 10: 34,313 -> 01: 10: 35,104 Leo - 846 01: 10: 35,147 -> 01: 10: 38,733 Make him face to face visually the result of his actions 847 01: 10: 38,776 -> 01: 10: 41,569 - will shake him. Must be like that. - Leo. 848 01: 10: 41,779 -> 01: 10: 45,573 Eichmann attended mass shootings by SS officials to show 849 01: 10: 45,616 -> 01: 10: 48,326 that you can stand when you see brutal bloodshed. 850 01: 10: 48,369 -> 01: 10: 51,079 It became a sign of the ideology of superiority. 851 01: 10: 51,163 -> 01: 10: 54,082 How could he show weakness now 852 01: 10: 54,124 -> 01: 10: 56,459 - before the Jews arrested him? - Sit alone in that chair 853 01: 10: 56,710 -> 01: 10: 59,128 witness the worst atrocities that has ever happened in human history 854 01: 10: 59,505 -> 01: 11: 03,049 impossible for him to refuse his involvement. 855 01: 11: 05,761 -> 01: 11: 10,807 - Leo? Leo! - What? 856 01: 11: 11,517 -> 01: 11: 13,184 I will take Tommy to Greece. 857 01: 11: 14,311 -> 01: 11: 17,230 - Why? - I don't want him here. 858 01: 11: 18,315 -> 01: 11: 23,194 Don't you think he should see this? - I don't want him to see this 8 hours a day 859 01: 11: 23,320 -> 01: 11: 26,698 day after day, whether until when else this will end. 860 01: 11: 27,032 -> 01: 11: 30,451 This is what we will do, because that's what you do. 861 01: 11: 49,494 -> 01: 11: 36,124 Am I doing the right thing? Do you think you can do it? 862 01: 11: 46,969 -> 01: 11: 49,053 - Take care of him, okay? - Uh-huh. 863 01: 12: 05,112 -> 01: 12: 07,405 I want to be honest with you, Leo. 864 01: 12: 07,614 -> 01: 12: 11,784 I asked Milton not to talk about Eichmann on the way. 865 01: 12: 12,453 -> 01: 12: 15,705 - This will give you a break from the hearing. - Yeah, I get it. 866 01: 12: 24,248 -> 01: 12: 20,084 - Give you a break from Eichmann. - I understand. 867 01: 12: 21,670 -> 01: 12: 24,839 - What do you think? - About Eichmann. 868 01: 12: 34,141 -> 01: 12: 37,101 - Where did these people come from? - Where they want to be. 869 01: 12: 37,686 -> 01: 12: 40,521 Bedouin knows no borders or government. 870 01: 12: 40,981 -> 01: 12: 46,819 They don't side with anyone, not threatening anyone. And they live freely. 871 01: 12: 47,404 -> 01: 12: 48,946 Where can I register? 872 01: 12: 53,035 -> 01: 12: 56,412 When you see it, Millek, what do you think about him? 873 01: 12: 58,332 -> 01: 13: 01,000 A dog that refuses to betray his master. 874 01: 13: 02,336 -> 01:13: 07,215 Until people see him react to them for this testimony 875 01:13: 08,342 -> 01: 13: 13,513 they will not fully understand this person, not monsters, making fascists. 876 01: 13: 15,307 -> 01: 13: 17,141 Why do people have to watch this? 877 01: 13: 17,518 -> 01: 13: 21,432 So that they understand that we can all do this too. 878 01:13: 21,458 -> 01: 13: 23,631 And to prevent this from happening again. 879 01: 13: 23,982 -> 01: 13: 28,194 If the witness statement does not make Eichmann shaken, maybe he won't be able to. 880 01:13: 28,278 -> 01: 13: 32,990 When the prosecutor seated him and forced him to watch a movie - 881 01: 13: 35,244 -> 01: 13: 38,496 Auschwitz, Birkenau, Belsen 882 01: 13: 38,956 -> 01: 13: 44,836 original documentary footage from cruelty, shooting, and gas to 883 01: 13: 44,878 -> 01: 13: 50,049 mass murder, this will not be possible for him to subvert his consciousness. 884 01: 13: 51,718 -> 01: 13: 54,571 This is the unique strength of the film, right? 885 01: 13: 54,597 -> 01: 13: 56,347 - This is what you believe. 886 01: 13: 56,390 -> 01: 14: 01,060 This is what I have learned for years as a filmmaker. 887 01: 14: 04,231 -> 01: 14: 12,231 When he sees, we will see it. After that we will see the real Eichmann. 888 01: 14: 50,694 -> 01: 14: 52,069 Get close to Eichmann. 889 01: 15: 40,869 -> 01:15: 46,040 - Is that a smile? - I do not think so. 890 01: 16: 13,902 -> 01: 16: 16,779 I am worried... I have to leave this room. 891 01: 16: 22,911 -> 01: 16: 26,872 If anyone wants to go out, no permission needed. 892 01: 17: 19,593 -> 01: 17: 21,552 Why are you sitting there? 893 01: 17: 25,766 -> 01: 17: 33,766 How can you not turn away, not even flinch. Where is your conscience? Where is your conscience? 894 01: 18: 20,696 -> 01: 18: 26,784 They have a problem with the cable in the press room. What is wrong? 895 01: 18: 30,080 -> 01: 18: 31,872 I intend to stop. 896 01: 18: 34,376 -> 01: 18: 39,880 - Continue. What are you talking about? - I intend to stop. 897 01: 18: 40,006 -> 01: 18: 42,258 Hausner just wants to start cross examination. 898 01: 18: 42,384 -> 01: 18: 43,968 Not important, Hausner will not be able to influence him. 899 01: 18: 44,010 -> 01: 18: 48,347 - Then Eichmann's film won't work. - You can do it. Or Millek. 900 01: 18: 48,432 -> 01: 18: 52,143 This is Milton Fruchtman's production, directed by Leo Hurwitz. 901 01: 18: 52,185 -> 01: 18: 53,394 This is the production of the Capital Cities. 902 01: 18: 53,437 -> 01: 18: 56,480 And without me they won't millions of miles from this trial 903 01: 18: 56,523 -> 01: 18: 59,608 and without you they won't have a tenth of the audience they have. 904 01: 18: 59,735 -> 01: 19: 05,114 You don't want to end what did you start? You think you failed, right? 905 01: 19: 05,157 -> 01: 19: 09,034 Yes, with my standard, I think I've failed. 906 01: 19: 09,161 -> 01: 19: 12,413 Why? Because you can't find Is there a sense of humanity in Adolf Eichmann? 907 01: 19: 12,789 -> 01: 19: 15,673 Gosh, Leo, what if it's not there? How about you 908 01: 19: 15,699 -> 01: 19: 18,402 can't find it because he doesn't have it? 909 01: 19: 18,462 -> 01: 19: 21,255 - Sorry, I'm not sure of that. - Too bad. 910 01: 19: 21,757 -> 01: 19: 24,341 If Eichmann wants the world judge him as dust grains 911 01: 19: 24,384 -> 01: 19: 26,552 - from the big death machine, just leave it. - Milton - 912 01: 19: 26,595 -> 01: 19: 31,390 In proving it, he will let Hausner dissected and opened the machine 913 1: 19: 31,433 -> 01: 19: 35,311 and inheritance, and we will record everything. 914 01: 19: 39,900 -> 01: 19: 42,902 I really feel that we will be able to uncover him today. 915 01: 19: 43,195 -> 01: 19: 47,156 I really feel that there is nothing else, we will see a gap in the uniform 916 01: 19: 47,199 -> 01: 19: 49,992 we will see a bit of humanity to this person. 917 01: 19: 50,035 -> 01: 19: 51,660 Leo, it's not important. 918 01: 19: 51,703 -> 01: 19: 56,957 Because from this point to forever, whenever anyone wants to deny 919 01: 19: 57,000 -> 01: 20: 00,920 what happened to Jews in Europe under Nazi rule, they could be seated 920 01: 20: 00,962 -> 01: 20: 03,047 and invited to witness Obersturmbannführer Eichmann 921 01: 20: 03,089 -> 01:20: 06,801 explain in detail how it happened. 922 01: 20: 06,885 -> 01:20: 12,056 Now, this is nothing. In fact, this could be something. 923 01: 20: 14,309 -> 01: 20: 19,814 Think about it. You survive, Leo. Let's walk with me. 924 01: 20: 27,739 -> 01: 20: 29,073 Where are we going? 925 01: 20: 29,199 -> 01:20: 31,826 They put the cable through Eichmann's cell. 926 01: 20: 32,536 -> 01:20: 35,913 - They allow that? - They have to, or no program. 927 01: 20: 45,131 -> 01:20: 47,925 - Thank you. - Thank you. 928 01: 20: 53,890 -> 01: 20: 56,684 - Mr. Fruchtman? - Oh, wait a minute. 929 01: 20: 58,937 -> 01: 21: 00,354 Milton ... 930 01: 21: 04,943 -> 01: 21: 08,487 I never got a chance to be accepted love for hiring me. 931 01: 21: 10,365 -> 01: 21: 14,660 - You don't need to do that. - In fact, I'm glad you succeeded. 932 01: 21: 15,203 -> 01: 21: 19,039 Me too, Leo. Yeah, me too. 933 01: 21: 28,550 -> 01: 21: 29,675 Can you continue? 934 01: 21: 36,850 -> 01: 21: 39,018 Sebentar, Leo. 935 01: 22: 05,670 -> 01: 22: 07,212 Continue 936 01: 22: 49,631 -> 01: 22: 50,881 Tasty? 937 01: 22: 54,344 -> 01: 22: 55,469 thanks. 938 01: 22: 59,808 -> 01: 23: 03,227 We listen all day long, on the radio. 939 01: 23: 08,525 -> 01: 23: 12,653 - When we first arrived, Mr. Horowitz - 'Hurwitz. ' 940 01: 23: 13,446 -> 01: 23: 17,157 we don't discuss what happened. 941 01: 23: 17,826 -> 01: 23: 23,122 But people ask us, 'Who are you, What happened to you?' And we say that. 942 01: 23: 24,207 -> 01: 23: 29,753 And they said, 'It can't be true. You fabricated this story. 943 01: 23: 30,463 -> 01: 23: 32,798 Nothing like this is possible. ' 944 01: 23: 37,512 -> 01: 23: 41,265 I replied, 'If I can make it like that, I must be in Hollywood 945 01: 23: 42,434 -> 01: 23: 45,894 rather than taking care of cheap hotels in Jerusalem. ' 946 01: 23: 47,981 -> 01: 23: 53,360 But they still don't believe, and we stop talking about what happened. 947 01: 23: 54,195 -> 01: 23: 56,196 Except when delirious while sleeping. 948 01: 23: 59,200 -> 01: 24: 04,329 Since the trial began, I saw them listening now. 949 01: 24: 06,124 -> 01: 24: 10,544 On the bus, in the shop, in the cafe, they listen. 950 01: 24: 10,587 -> 01: 24: 15,549 I went to the market this morning and the young girl asked for my number. 951 01: 24: 16,634 -> 01: 24: 20,137 And they see it, huh? The whole world. 952 01: 24: 24,225 -> 01: 24: 25,642 So I was told. 953 01: 24: 27,562 -> 01: 24: 29,146 Because of you. 954 01: 24: 30,565 -> 01: 24: 36,695 - Oh, no, I ... - Because of you. Because of you. 955 01: 25: 00,845 -> 01: 25: 03,305 Mrs. Landau, I can't, really. 956 01: 25: 05,600 -> 01: 25: 08,852 - please. - Thank you. 957 01: 25: 43,096 -> 01: 25: 48,684 Good morning. Finally Hausner managed to do it. 958 01: 25: 53,439 -> 01: 25: 56,384 Eichmann conducted a cross examination by Jews 959 01: 25: 56,410 -> 01: 25: 58,969 in the center of the Jewish state. This is a great day. 960 01: 26: 00,029 -> 01: 26: 03,157 And we must be on this best day, Gentlemen. 961 01: 26: 06,411 -> 01: 26: 10,289 I will read what you say. Try hearing this. 962 01: 26: 11,541 -> 01: 26: 12,791 Camera three is ready. 963 01: 26: 12,834 -> 01: 26: 15,294 "And this is what happened to the Jewish people. 964 01: 26: 16,004 -> 01: 26: 17,296 Camera three, get close to Hausner. 965 01: 26: 17,338 -> 01: 26: 19,548 "which is like a newborn baby, not ready. 966 01: 26: 20,258 -> 01: 26: 23,177 I received an order to take action from 'guests'. 967 01: 26: 23,928 -> 01: 26: 28,140 I thought about the question and when I feel it becomes very important 968 01: 26: 28,266 -> 01: 26: 31,560 I carry out the order fanatically in one ideal 969 01: 26: 31,603 -> 01: 26: 34,396 from someone who is old become a National Socialist 970 01: 26: 34,439 -> 01: 26: 38,734 and also someone who has been assigned to finish this job. "You say that? 971 01: 26: 39,194 -> 01: 26: 43,405 - I said I don't know. - Did you say that? Yes or no? 972 01: 26: 43,990 -> 01: 26: 47,826 I don't know. Maybe I'm drunk. Maybe I didn't say it. 973 01: 26: 47,869 -> 01: 26: 49,620 Maybe it's a plus. 974 01: 26: 50,163 -> 01: 26: 51,955 Maybe you are full of bullshit. 975 01: 26: 53,166 -> 01: 26: 58,086 Camera one, ready. Camera one. 976 01: 27: 00,548 -> 01:27: 06,386 Yes, because I judge oath violators are the worst crime 977 01: 27: 06,429 -> 01:27: 09,139 and attacking someone can also be guilty. 978 01: 27: 09,474 -> 01: 27: 12,684 Greater crime than murder six people too 979 01: 27: 12,727 -> 01:27: 14,519 including 1.5 million children? 980 01: 27: 14,562 -> 01: 27: 18,690 No, of course not. But I have nothing to do with that. 981 01: 27: 18,775 -> 01:27: 20,817 I did not take care of the destruction. 982 01: 27: 21,527 -> 01: 27: 23,679 Do you think someone is involved 983 01: 27: 23,705 -> 01: 27: 26,031 in Jewish extermination is a criminal? 984 01: 27: 26,074 -> 01: 27: 28,784 Such people are not happy people. 985 01: 27: 28,868 -> 01:27: 31,578 - Camera two is ready. - Is he someone? Yes or no? 986 01: 27: 31,621 -> 01: 27: 32,454 Focus on Hausner. 987 01: 27: 32,705 -> 01: 27: 35,718 I don't want to risk answering this question, 988 01: 27: 35,744 -> 01: 27: 38,669 because I was never in a situation like that. 989 01: 27: 38,711 -> 01: 27: 40,879 You saw what Hoess did at Auschwitz. 990 01: 27: 40,922 -> 01:27: 43,048 - At that time did you consider him a criminal? - Camera one. 991 01: 27: 43,091 -> 01:27: 46,551 - A murderer? - I told him what he did 992 01: 27: 46,594 -> 01: 27: 48,053 I can never do it. 993 01: 27: 48,096 -> 01: 27: 49,638 But that is not my question. 994 01: 27: 49,681 -> 01: 27: 52,349 What question do you consider is he a murderer? 995 01: 27: 52,475 -> 01:27: 55,352 If he answers yes, he will burden himself. 996 01: 27: 55,395 -> 01: 27: 59,314 I didn't answer this before, I have no intention of answering it today. 997 01: 27: 59,357 -> 01: 28: 03,735 Because in my heart said there was something I brought. 998 01: 28: 04,445 -> 01: 28: 06,613 Whatever it is, he is not a fool. 999 01: 28: 06,656 -> 01: 28: 09,449 - Ready for two cameras. - How do you see Hoess ... 1000 01: 28: 09,492 -> 01: 28: 14,621 when you watched him kill Jews? How do you rate it? A criminal or not? 1001 01: 28: 14,664 -> 01: 28: 18,542 - answer. - I feel sorry for him. 1002 01: 28: 18,584 -> 01: 28: 21,503 Do you consider him a criminal or not? 1003 01: 28: 21,629 -> 01: 28: 26,133 - Yes or no, this is an easy question. - I will not answer it. 1004 01: 28: 26,217 -> 01: 28: 30,679 In other words, Hoess is a criminal in your eyes. 1005 01: 28: 38,313 -> 01: 28: 42,190 I did not say you ordered to line up. 1006 01: 28: 42,233 -> 01: 28: 46,987 I know the Chief of Police Security who did it, but I said this was your initiative. 1007 01: 28: 52,660 -> 01: 28: 57,581 No, it's impossible, because when it happened I was in Berlin. 1008 01: 28: 57,623 -> 01: 29: 00,292 Alright, alright. That's good enough. 1009 01: 29: 03,588 -> 01: 29: 10,552 Now look at page 62 of your statement. Please read it aloud. 1010 01: 29: 10,720 -> 01: 29: 13,805 "In order to speak to show my iron hand 1011 01: 29: 13,931 -> 01: 29: 17,392 to the Allies and also say at the same time 1012 01: 29: 17,435 -> 01: 29: 22,731 this won't change anything even if you destroy the communication line 1013 01: 29: 22,774 -> 01: 29: 27,194 to the Reich and bomb them to shreds, we will still march. 1014 01: 29: 27,236 -> 01: 29: 31,281 I have ten thousand Jews from the East or the other. 1015 01: 29: 31,324 -> 01: 29: 34,335 Based on the proposal I submitted, and because I don't already 1016 01: 29: 34,361 -> 01: 29: 37,287 take care of the train trip from there 1017 01: 29: 37,330 -> 01: 29: 42,459 I have to line them up from Budapest to the Austrian border on foot. 1018 01: 29: 42,502 -> 01: 29: 45,287 I got orders from the Chief of Security 1019 01: 29: 45,313 -> 01: 29: 48,131 Police and Secret Agents for this effect. 1020 01: 29: 48,174 -> 01: 29: 54,346 It's true that I can't break the order. I offer it. " 1021 01: 29: 56,724 -> 01: 30: 00,268 You said this, correct? 1022 01: 30: 00,895 -> 01: 30: 02,145 Focus on Eichmann. 1023 01: 30: 03,022 -> 01: 30: 05,649 I admit that, yeah. 1024 01: 30: 11,572 -> 01: 30: 17,828 - Hausner defeated him. - He lost. He lost. 1025 01: 30: 17,870 -> 01: 30: 20,247 Congratulations, everyone. 1026 01: 30: 24,085 -> 01: 30: 25,877 Good work. 1027 01: 30: 42,937 -> 01: 30: 45,129 In the courtroom in Jerusalem, almost four 1028 01: 30: 45,155 -> 01: 30: 47,549 the month has passed since the jury resigned ... 1029 01: 30: 47,608 -> 01: 30: 51,820 Even if the defendant does it's because of excessive obedience 1030 01: 30: 51,946 -> 01: 30: 56,199 someone involved in crime big like for years 1031 01: 30: 56,409 -> 01: 31: 00,495 must receive punishment the biggest in the eyes of the law. 1032 01: 31: 00,913 -> 01: 31: 04,749 This court sentenced Adolf Eichmann's death sentence. 1033 01: 32: 17,406 -> 01: 32: 18,615 We did it. 1034 01: 32: 28,501 -> 01: 32: 31,561 For all of us who feel God 1035 01: 32: 31,587 -> 01: 32: 34,839 create us better than other humans 1036 01: 32: 34,882 -> 01: 32: 38,426 standing at the position limit once stepped on by Eichmann. 1037 01: 32: 38,886 -> 01: 32: 42,889 Our Dam accepts the form another human nose. 1038 01: 32: 42,932 -> 01: 32: 48,103 or their skin color, or attitude from the way they worship God 1039 01: 32: 48,312 -> 01: 32: 51,022 to poison our feelings towards them 1040 01: 32: 51,107 -> 01: 32: 55,527 already lost reason which made Eichmann go crazy. 1041 01: 32: 55,653 -> 01: 33: 00,448 That's how it started, with those who do it all. 1042 01: 33: 03,653 -> 01: 33: 06,448