1 00:00:02,170 --> 00:00:07,740 Loss of Suzumiya Haruhi 2 00:00:07,740 --> 00:00:10,800 16 December. 3 00:00:10,800 --> 00:00:17,490 I thought if you accidentally dropped an ice chisel on the earth, there might be a crack. 4 00:00:17,490 --> 00:00:19,670 That kind of atmosphere I feel this morning. 5 00:00:23,330 --> 00:00:24,520 Cold! 6 00:00:33,830 --> 00:00:34,800 Noisy! 7 00:00:35,860 --> 00:00:37,950 Cold! Cold, cold, cold! 8 00:00:58,830 --> 00:01:01,260 Kyon-kun! 9 00:01:01,260 --> 00:01:04,040 Wake up! 10 00:01:04,920 --> 00:01:08,290 Mother says don't forget to have breakfast. 11 00:01:08,290 --> 00:01:10,480 Shami also has breakfast, yes! 12 00:01:10,480 --> 00:01:15,950 Shami! Shami! Shami breakfast, let's! 13 00:01:17,670 --> 00:01:20,760 Cold... Cold! 14 00:01:28,540 --> 00:01:29,640 Stand up! 15 00:01:31,890 --> 00:01:33,040 Greetings! 16 00:01:33,040 --> 00:01:35,230 Thank you very much! 17 00:01:35,230 --> 00:01:36,920 Good, until tomorrow. 18 00:01:40,480 --> 00:01:44,130 Until the cultural festival last month, the weather is still hot. 19 00:01:44,130 --> 00:01:49,540 But since the december the weather has cooled down like Dewi Sri forgetfulness. 20 00:01:49,540 --> 00:01:52,880 Bahkan aku merasa haqulyakin Jepang kehilangan musim gugurnya tahun ini. 21 00:01:52,880 --> 00:01:59,760 I hope this is not a side effect of someone's hope that the business will move forward by shifting the season. 22 00:01:59,760 --> 00:02:04,350 Dry winter like Siberia is better where to move, right? 23 00:02:04,350 --> 00:02:07,200 Don't bother bother to visit us once a year like this, right? 24 00:02:07,200 --> 00:02:10,440 Either the earth revolutionary wheel has been damaged or something. 25 00:02:10,440 --> 00:02:12,850 But I'm still worried about Dewi Sri. 26 00:02:12,850 --> 00:02:18,980 Even though I said worry, as much as I think, I can't do anything. 27 00:02:20,570 --> 00:02:22,290 Oh, is there Koizumi? 28 00:02:22,290 --> 00:02:23,350 Ah, noon. 29 00:02:23,350 --> 00:02:24,650 There is a meeting? 30 00:02:24,650 --> 00:02:25,380 Yes. 31 00:02:29,080 --> 00:02:31,030 I see, your face is emitting an aura of difficult people. 32 00:02:31,420 --> 00:02:32,750 Is there a problem? 33 00:02:34,750 --> 00:02:37,030 Since morning, Haruhi is already cheerful. 34 00:02:39,130 --> 00:02:40,260 That question, huh? 35 00:02:40,260 --> 00:02:41,260 Yes, that. 36 00:02:41,260 --> 00:02:43,430 Koizumi-kun, hurry up! 37 00:02:43,430 --> 00:02:44,760 Ah, well. 38 00:02:44,760 --> 00:02:46,060 So I'm excusing me... 39 00:02:46,060 --> 00:02:46,930 Ya. 40 00:02:49,130 --> 00:02:50,630 That, huh? 41 00:02:52,070 --> 00:02:53,500 Yes, never mind. 42 00:02:58,780 --> 00:02:59,970 Every day is cold, huh? 43 00:02:59,970 --> 00:03:00,900 Yes... 44 00:03:00,900 --> 00:03:04,180 After every day we go up and down the hill like this... 45 00:03:04,180 --> 00:03:07,560 And we still get sports lessons? 46 00:03:07,560 --> 00:03:08,580 That's right, yeah. 47 00:03:08,580 --> 00:03:11,020 Why are you guys chatting like parents is that so? 48 00:03:11,020 --> 00:03:13,730 Look at me, here! Not wearing a sweater at all. 49 00:03:13,730 --> 00:03:17,360 Summer has troubled me, this season is better! 50 00:03:17,360 --> 00:03:19,780 Where is your enthusiasm? 51 00:03:19,780 --> 00:03:21,820 Share a little with me! 52 00:03:24,580 --> 00:03:26,960 What date do you know today? 53 00:03:26,960 --> 00:03:28,500 16 December. 54 00:03:28,920 --> 00:03:30,130 What's wrong with it? 55 00:03:30,130 --> 00:03:32,090 What's the matter? 56 00:03:32,090 --> 00:03:35,130 Just a week left until my heart can dance! 57 00:03:35,130 --> 00:03:37,090 When you don't know? 58 00:03:37,090 --> 00:03:38,470 Ceremony at the end of the semester? 59 00:03:38,470 --> 00:03:41,600 If you mean winter vacation, I agree. 60 00:03:41,600 --> 00:03:42,980 That's not what I meant. 61 00:03:42,980 --> 00:03:45,310 There are more important events! 62 00:03:45,310 --> 00:03:48,480 Think about it, something in 8 days. 63 00:03:48,480 --> 00:03:49,690 8 days, you know! 64 00:03:49,690 --> 00:03:53,340 Ordinary people should know right away the answer. 65 00:03:53,990 --> 00:03:55,320 I understand what you mean. 66 00:03:58,150 --> 00:03:59,780 Kyon-kun! 67 00:03:59,780 --> 00:04:01,280 Good afternoon. 68 00:04:01,280 --> 00:04:02,950 Asahina-san, Tsuruya-san. 69 00:04:02,950 --> 00:04:03,580 How are you? 70 00:04:03,580 --> 00:04:06,950 What's wrong? You look so sluggish? 71 00:04:06,950 --> 00:04:10,420 Little enthusiasm, young man! 72 00:04:11,160 --> 00:04:12,330 Come on, Kyon-kun! 73 00:04:12,330 --> 00:04:13,660 Okay, see you later. 74 00:04:14,040 --> 00:04:17,440 Kyon -Kun, I still have a duty, excuse me too. See you later? 75 00:04:17,440 --> 00:04:18,960 Sure! 76 00:04:23,170 --> 00:04:28,970 I started to be able to see someone who had plans until next week. 77 00:04:28,970 --> 00:04:34,100 He who knew this before me was the one who sitting behind me. 78 00:04:34,100 --> 00:04:42,650 Since April, he has been threatening my life repeatedly, and has also caused a bunch of problems. 79 00:04:42,900 --> 00:04:43,520 Right... 80 00:04:44,480 --> 00:04:45,820 He... 81 00:04:58,710 --> 00:05:01,290 Oh, yeah. Asahina-san was past... 82 00:05:17,430 --> 00:05:18,930 Only Nagato herself? 83 00:05:44,960 --> 00:05:46,040 Waiting, huh? 84 00:05:48,380 --> 00:05:49,750 Nobody waits, you know. 85 00:05:56,890 --> 00:06:02,900 Kotae wa itsumo watashi no mune ni... 86 00:05:56,890 --> 00:06:02,900 答 え は い つ も 私 の 胸 に... 87 00:05:56,890 --> 00:06:02,900 The answer is always my heart... 88 00:06:04,170 --> 00:06:10,770 The disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi 89 00:06:04,500 --> 00:06:10,770 Se ~ No !! Fansubs 90 00:06:04,500 --> 00:06:10,770 91 00:06:11,780 --> 00:06:18,120 Nande daro anata wo eranda watashi desu 92 00:06:11,780 --> 00:06:18,120 な ん で だ ろ あ な た を 選 ん だ 私 で す 93 00:06:11,780 --> 00:06:18,120 Somehow, who chose you is me 94 00:06:18,120 --> 00:06:24,050 Mou tomaranai is the same as kara kimerareta kedo 95 00:06:18,120 --> 00:06:24,050 も う と ま ら な い 運 命 様 か ら 決 め ら れ た け ど 96 00:06:18,120 --> 00:06:24,050 It's too late, it's Mr. Nasi's decision, but 97 00:06:24,050 --> 00:06:26,210 I believe 98 00:06:24,050 --> 00:06:26,210 I still believe 99 00:06:27,140 --> 00:06:30,340 p> 100 00:06:27,140 --> 00:06:30,340 Mane dake ja tsumaranai no 101 00:06:27,140 --> 00:06:30,340 真 似 だ け じ ゃ つ ま ら な い の 102 00:06:30,390 --> 00:06:33,010 Imitating is boring 103 00:06:30,390 --> 00:06:33,010 You & apos; ll be right! 104 00:06:33,010 --> 00:06:38,940 You're right! 105 00:06:33,010 --> 00:06:38,940 Kanjiru mama kanjiru koto dake wo suru yo 106 00:06:33,010 --> 00:06:38,940 感 じ ま ま ま 感 じ る こ と だ け を す る よ 107 00:06:38,940 --> 00:06:45,690 If you want, if do you want to do it 108 00:06:38,940 --> 00:06:45,690 冒 険 で し ょ で し ょ !?ホ ン ト が 嘘 に 変 わ る 世界 で 109 00:06:38,940 --> 00:06:45,690 Our adventure! We!! In this fake world like the real one 110 00:06:45,690 --> 00:06:52,950 Yume is not kara Tsuyoku Naru no yo dare no tame janai 111 00:06:45,690 --> 00:06:52,950 夢 が あ る か ら 強 く な る の 112 00:06:45,690 --> 00:06:52,950 There is still a dream, then it exceeds and manifests itself. 113 00:06:52,950 --> 00:06:56,200 Issho ni kite kudasai 114 00:06:52,950 --> 00:06:56,200 115 00:06:52,950 --> 00:06:56,200 Doko made mo jiyuu na 116 00:06:56,200 --> 00:06:59,370 ど こ ま で も 自由 な 117 00:06:56,200 --> 00:06:59,370 Free to go anywhere 118 00:06:56,200 --> 00:06:59,370 Watashi wo mite yo ne 119 00:06:59,370 --> 00:07:01,580 Watashi wo mite yo ne 120 00:06:59,370 --> 00:07:01,580 私 を 見 て よ ね 121 00:06:59,370 --> 00:07:01,580 Just watch me 122 00:07:01,580 --> 00:07:07,230 Ashita kako ni natta kyou no ima ga kiseki 123 00:07:01,580 --> 00:07:07,230 明日 過去 に な っ た 今日 の い ま が奇跡 124 00:07:01,580 --> 00:07:07,230 Tomorrow it became today and now is magical 125 00:07:07,230 --> 00:07:10,380 Tsukamou 126 00:07:07,230 --> 00:07:10,380 つ か も う 127 00:07:07,230 --> 00:07:10,380 Let's catch 128 00:07:10,380 --> 00:07:13,810 Mirai wo 129 00:07:10,380 --> 00:07:13,810 未来 を 130 00:07:10,380 --> 00:07:13,810 The future 131 00:07:13,810 --> 00:07:19,060 I believe you... 132 00:07:13,810 --> 00:07:19,060 Believe me for you... 133 00:07:31,220 --> 00:07:33,520 Does anyone have a plan for Christmas? 134 00:07:33,520 --> 00:07:35,020 As expected. 135 00:07:35,020 --> 00:07:38,060 Kyon, it's obvious you don't have one, right? 136 00:07:38,060 --> 00:07:42,860 But I'm not good if I don't ask, so what do you do? 137 00:07:39,060 --> 00:07:40,440 What the hell?! 138 00:07:42,860 --> 00:07:44,940 What do you do? 139 00:07:44,940 --> 00:07:46,490 Let me ask you that first! 140 00:07:46,490 --> 00:07:48,110 Means it's not there, right? 141 00:07:48,110 --> 00:07:49,360 If it's Koizumi-kun? 142 00:07:49,360 --> 00:07:51,410 Want to date with her boyfriend maybe? 143 00:07:53,370 --> 00:07:56,040 If I'm asked about my plan... 144 00:07:56,040 --> 00:08:01,250 For good or bad, my schedule for Christmas is still empty. 145 00:08:01,250 --> 00:08:05,220 I haven't thought about how I spend my time. 146 00:08:05,220 --> 00:08:06,810 I mean it, huh?! 147 00:08:06,810 --> 00:08:08,640 Even your smell smells from the edge of the world. 148 00:08:08,640 --> 00:08:10,100 Don't have a plan, huh. 149 00:08:10,100 --> 00:08:12,560 I guarantee you'll be happy ! 150 00:08:12,560 --> 00:08:13,860 How is Mikuru-chan? 151 00:08:13,860 --> 00:08:19,250 Did anyone invite to see the snowfall from the midnight train? 152 00:08:19,250 --> 00:08:20,610 You were born in the Showa year or what? 153 00:08:20,910 --> 00:08:23,950 For now, I have no plans. 154 00:08:24,580 --> 00:08:25,450 Midnight? 155 00:08:25,450 --> 00:08:28,000 Do you want to do that with me, Asahina-san? 156 00:08:28,000 --> 00:08:28,540 Yuki? 157 00:08:28,540 --> 00:08:29,000 Blank. 158 00:08:29,000 --> 00:08:29,500 Right? 159 00:08:29,500 --> 00:08:30,210 Jump! 160 00:08:30,580 --> 00:08:32,580 Thus... 161 00:08:41,180 --> 00:08:46,180 Christmas Party \ h \ h \ h \ h \ h \ h \ h \ h \ h \ h \ hSOC Unit 162 00:08:41,640 --> 00:08:47,020 Christmas party The first SOS unit has been decided! 163 00:08:47,020 --> 00:08:50,900 If there are suggestions or complaints, please write a report after the party. 164 00:08:50,900 --> 00:08:52,650 If I want, will I read. 165 00:08:52,650 --> 00:08:55,650 As usual, he likes to just decide on the program as he pleases. 166 00:08:55,650 --> 00:08:59,950 Come to think of it, he invited other people to get more. 167 00:09:00,860 --> 00:09:02,950 Time for our party what do you do? 168 00:09:02,950 --> 00:09:05,370 That's what we're going to talk about now! 169 00:09:05,370 --> 00:09:11,170 If it's 16 December, it means that until the 24th there is still one week + 1 more day. 170 00:09:11,170 --> 00:09:14,550 -By the way, I already brought the items, try to see. 171 00:09:14,550 --> 00:09:19,430 If you want to hold an event, we must first create the atmosphere first. 172 00:09:19,430 --> 00:09:21,350 He brings more wreckage to hoard... 173 00:09:21,350 --> 00:09:23,480 Where did you get it? 174 00:09:23,480 --> 00:09:27,940 We are improving this room as interesting as possible! 175 00:09:27,940 --> 00:09:31,150 Kyon, have you done this when you were a child? 176 00:09:31,150 --> 00:09:37,280 I want or not my sister always forced me to decorate her room for Christmas. 177 00:09:37,280 --> 00:09:42,540 This year she is the 11th birthday but she still believes in Santa. 178 00:09:42,540 --> 00:09:46,170 Learn a little from your sister's innocent heart. 179 00:09:46,170 --> 00:09:49,590 The place of dream starts is trust. 180 00:09:49,590 --> 00:09:52,840 If you don't believe, even easy dreams will be far away. 181 00:10:01,430 --> 00:10:03,550 You start using it now? 182 00:10:03,550 --> 00:10:05,350 If we are in Rome , we become Romans. 183 00:10:05,350 --> 00:10:06,930 If we are in the village, we join in a sigh. 184 00:10:06,930 --> 00:10:09,940 For Christmas, we follow the rules of the game. 185 00:10:09,940 --> 00:10:14,690 Not many people don't enjoy birthdays them. 186 00:10:14,690 --> 00:10:20,820 Mr. Christ will also be happy to see us having fun! 187 00:10:32,040 --> 00:10:34,130 Who will clean it up? 188 00:10:35,670 --> 00:10:37,300 Aku, ya? 189 00:10:37,860 --> 00:10:39,170 Certainly. 190 00:10:48,580 --> 00:10:49,450 Good! 191 00:10:49,450 --> 00:10:52,690 However, it will be read upside down from the outside. 192 00:10:52,690 --> 00:10:54,080 I remember! 193 00:10:54,080 --> 00:10:57,710 For Mikuru -chan, I have an initial prize. 194 00:10:57,710 --> 00:10:59,060 Right? 195 00:10:58,380 --> 00:11:00,210 Jreng, jreng! 196 00:11:01,590 --> 00:11:04,170 Suzumiya-san, wait a minute! 197 00:11:04,170 --> 00:11:06,800 Come on, get it all off! 198 00:11:06,800 --> 00:11:08,720 Don't! It will be broken... 199 00:11:10,440 --> 00:11:12,690 It must be hard for Asahina-san, huh? 200 00:11:13,360 --> 00:11:18,610 But such a happy Suzumiya-san gave me peace. 201 00:11:19,910 --> 00:11:23,070 Questions of Exile and Refinement 202 00:11:23,070 --> 00:11:23,990 Exactly. 203 00:11:23,990 --> 00:11:29,040 My comrade and I prioritize it. 204 00:11:29,040 --> 00:11:33,710 It should be grateful that its appearance has declined since spring. 205 00:11:33,710 --> 00:11:36,000 But still appears too? 206 00:11:36,000 --> 00:11:37,630 Sometimes. 207 00:11:37,630 --> 00:11:42,050 Later this only appeared at midnight and at dawn when he was still asleep. 208 00:11:42,770 --> 00:11:48,320 Maybe the Exile was created from his nightmare. 209 00:11:48,320 --> 00:11:51,990 Conscious or not, he is still troublesome, huh. 210 00:11:51,990 --> 00:11:53,280 Not so! 211 00:11:53,280 --> 00:11:57,870 Since when we started our supervision, before Suzumiya-san entered high school... 212 00:11:57,870 --> 00:12:03,000 At that time we still couldn't imagine her laughing happily like now. 213 00:12:03,000 --> 00:12:09,180 When she met you, her emotional level was surprisingly far 214 00:12:09,180 --> 00:12:10,410 Starting again... 215 00:12:13,180 --> 00:12:16,100 Suzumiya-san starts changing... 216 00:12:16,100 --> 00:12:18,310 And that's for good things. 217 00:12:18,310 --> 00:12:22,020 Humans other than Suzumiya-san also began to change. 218 00:12:22,020 --> 00:12:24,480 Me and you and Asahina-san. 219 00:12:25,680 --> 00:12:28,510 And maybe, Nagato-san too. 220 00:12:28,510 --> 00:12:30,140 Amazing. 221 00:12:30,140 --> 00:12:34,480 Nagato who is changing little by little? 222 00:12:35,470 --> 00:12:36,350 Now you can enter! 223 00:12:39,830 --> 00:12:40,620 Oi, Kyon! 224 00:12:40,620 --> 00:12:41,350 Don't peek! 225 00:12:41,350 --> 00:12:45,830 This Santa who appeared before me miraculously is far above the original - 226 00:12:46,580 --> 00:12:47,920 Kyon is dirty! 227 00:12:47,920 --> 00:12:51,840 You're still 2,600,600 years to peek at Mikuru-chan's underwear! 228 00:12:51,840 --> 00:12:52,900 You're intentional, right?! 229 00:12:52,900 --> 00:12:54,420 Must be intentional, right?! 230 00:12:54,420 --> 00:12:55,800 Who is that too?! 231 00:12:55,800 --> 00:12:56,930 There was an accident. 232 00:12:56,930 --> 00:12:58,110 Just an accident. 233 00:12:58,110 --> 00:12:59,680 Yeah. 234 00:12:59,680 --> 00:13:01,600 I'm sorry too. 235 00:13:01,600 --> 00:13:03,600 Wow, wow! 236 00:13:03,600 --> 00:13:07,150 Sorry before, but I don't think this will appear. 237 00:13:07,150 --> 00:13:09,560 Viewed from anywhere, it is very suitable. 238 00:13:09,560 --> 00:13:10,610 Yes, right? 239 00:13:10,610 --> 00:13:13,300 Mikuru-chan is very cute, right? 240 00:13:13,300 --> 00:13:15,530 Try PD a little! 241 00:13:15,530 --> 00:13:21,370 From now until Christmas is over, you are the "Santa Claus" of the SOS Unit. 242 00:13:21,370 --> 00:13:24,080 How about it, Mikuru-chan? You're proud, right? 243 00:13:24,080 --> 00:13:26,120 Sangat! 244 00:13:26,120 --> 00:13:29,290 You can continue to wear the costume until it's finished, 245 00:13:30,150 --> 00:13:34,860 That's the way we spend our December 16th. 246 00:13:40,740 --> 00:13:43,360 Fajar, 17 December. 247 00:13:51,290 --> 00:13:53,580 Christmas party, eh?! 248 00:13:53,580 --> 00:13:56,290 It is certainly something Suzumiya must do, huh. 249 00:13:56,290 --> 00:13:58,000 In that club room? 250 00:13:58,000 --> 00:14:01,260 I order not to get caught by the teacher supervisor, yeah. 251 00:14:01,260 --> 00:14:03,510 It could be a problem again. 252 00:14:05,820 --> 00:14:07,690 Do you want to come? 253 00:14:07,690 --> 00:14:10,860 Duh! Sorry, Kyon! 254 00:14:10,860 --> 00:14:15,870 On that day, I didn't have time for a veggie party. 255 00:14:15,870 --> 00:14:18,160 What's wrong with your laugh that sounds lewd? 256 00:14:18,160 --> 00:14:20,550 I have a plan to 257 00:14:20,550 --> 00:14:26,880 Just an ordinary person who spends his Christmas night partying with his strange friends partying at school. 258 00:14:26,880 --> 00:14:30,700 And unfortunately, I'm not that kind of person anymore. 259 00:14:30,700 --> 00:14:32,190 Don't tell - 260 00:14:32,190 --> 00:14:34,910 Don't tell me you're not wrong! 261 00:14:34,910 --> 00:14:41,660 My calendar for December 24, Christmas Eve, I've marked it with a red heart. 262 00:14:42,880 --> 00:14:46,090 Congregation! Sorry, I'm really sorry! 263 00:14:46,090 --> 00:14:47,720 I'm really sorry, really! 264 00:14:48,560 --> 00:14:50,180 Who is "Him"?! 265 00:14:50,180 --> 00:14:52,470 First year student at Kouyouen College . 266 00:14:52,470 --> 00:14:56,600 Where are you going and what should I think about right now? Here! 267 00:14:58,370 --> 00:15:00,440 Difficult, huh! 268 00:15:02,260 --> 00:15:03,210 Kyon! 269 00:15:05,710 --> 00:15:12,260 The day ended without us can do anything in the club room. 270 00:15:12,840 --> 00:15:14,430 The Meaning of Pure Life A Student 271 00:15:15,210 --> 00:15:21,220 This year I didn't think of it, but next year we will hold a party for Shakyamuni and Muhammad too, huh. 272 00:15:21,220 --> 00:15:23,510 The problem becomes unfair. 273 00:15:23,510 --> 00:15:28,350 Seeing that we, who are not his people, celebrating will only make the people laugh, know. 274 00:15:28,350 --> 00:15:30,560 What do you want food for? 275 00:15:30,560 --> 00:15:32,020 Nabe? Sukiyaki? 276 00:15:32,020 --> 00:15:33,810 Don't ask for crabs, huh. 277 00:15:33,810 --> 00:15:36,810 It's hard to suddenly pry the meat from inside the shell first. 278 00:15:36,810 --> 00:15:40,490 Why don't crabs want their shells eaten? 279 00:15:40,490 --> 00:15:44,280 I want to know why they didn't think of it during the evolutionary process? 280 00:15:44,280 --> 00:15:48,490 That's why they evolved to develop shells. 281 00:15:48,490 --> 00:15:53,160 They have no purpose to be eaten by you after being tired of evolving far below the sea. / p> 282 00:15:55,450 --> 00:15:57,840 Haruhi, the paper flashes out. 283 00:15:57,840 --> 00:15:59,290 Then, when you come home, don't forget to buy it, huh. 284 00:15:59,290 --> 00:15:59,950 Me? 285 00:15:59,950 --> 00:16:01,120 Yes, you ! 286 00:16:02,120 --> 00:16:06,500 Whatever the activity will be, we should immediately place a order. 287 00:16:06,500 --> 00:16:09,260 Otherwise, it can run out of space. 288 00:16:09,260 --> 00:16:12,270 Don't worry about that, because we party here. 289 00:16:13,130 --> 00:16:14,460 Here? 290 00:16:14,460 --> 00:16:15,420 The address? 291 00:16:15,420 --> 00:16:17,170 The tools are ready. 292 00:16:17,170 --> 00:16:18,710 Just the ingredients. 293 00:16:18,710 --> 00:16:20,260 But don't take sake, huh. 294 00:16:20,260 --> 00:16:23,590 I swear I don't drink again for life. 295 00:16:23,590 --> 00:16:25,180 Wait a minute. 296 00:16:25,180 --> 00:16:27,260 There should be no events related to fire in this building, right?! 297 00:16:27,260 --> 00:16:30,480 So it's more fun if we are secretly. 298 00:16:31,230 --> 00:16:37,270 If it's discovered by the Student Council or teacher superintendent, I just have to show my patriarch and my grandfather. 299 00:16:37,270 --> 00:16:44,590 Until they shed tears because they are delicious and allow us to continue the event. 300 00:16:44,590 --> 00:16:46,530 There are no complaints anymore. 301 00:16:46,530 --> 00:16:48,500 Everything is perfect! 302 00:16:48,890 --> 00:16:50,930 Fine, everything works! 303 00:16:50,930 --> 00:16:53,560 Make this room much more fun! 304 00:16:53,560 --> 00:16:55,730 We succeed this party! 305 00:17:11,870 --> 00:17:13,040 So... 306 00:17:13,040 --> 00:17:15,290 As a prologue, it's too long... 307 00:17:15,290 --> 00:17:19,420 But, all of that is just a prologue. 308 00:17:19,420 --> 00:17:20,380 What, Kyon?! 309 00:17:19,590 --> 00:17:21,630 And the problem is, it starts now. 310 00:17:20,380 --> 00:17:22,920 Which one am I in the store, do you want? 311 00:17:21,630 --> 00:17:23,670 Exactly tomorrow. 312 00:17:22,920 --> 00:17:23,670 Is there? 313 00:17:23,960 --> 00:17:29,390 It might be more appropriate to start tonight, ah, whatever. 314 00:17:26,080 --> 00:17:28,850 Everything will be ¥ 300. 315 00:17:29,390 --> 00:17:37,020 The next day is the day when the mountain wind seems to be subdued in the winter, 18 December 316 00:17:37,020 --> 00:17:39,860 The day I drowned in the black sea of despair. 317 00:17:39,860 --> 00:17:43,570 When I woke up and realized that I had arrived in hell. 318 00:17:44,480 --> 00:17:45,940 I told you before... 319 00:17:47,070 --> 00:17:50,900 Those are not things I can laugh at. 320 00:18:04,580 --> 00:18:06,460 Kyon-kun! 321 00:18:06,460 --> 00:18:08,630 Wake up! 322 00:18:09,130 --> 00:18:12,010 Shami, Shami, have breakfast first! 323 00:18:21,780 --> 00:18:23,450 Press the 324 00:18:45,100 --> 00:18:46,890 Ossu, Taniguchi. 325 00:18:48,860 --> 00:18:50,020 Kyon? 326 00:18:52,570 --> 00:18:54,490 What's wrong? Fever? 327 00:18:54,490 --> 00:18:55,490 Yes. 328 00:18:55,490 --> 00:18:58,910 Sebenarnya aku mau istirahat, tapi ayahku yang berisik itu. 329 00:18:58,910 --> 00:19:02,120 Even though yesterday you were still so happy, so suddenly... 330 00:19:02,120 --> 00:19:03,830 What are you talking about? 331 00:19:03,830 --> 00:19:06,250 Yesterday I was like this, you know. 332 00:19:08,720 --> 00:19:12,260 Not you 333 00:19:12,260 --> 00:19:14,720 Until the day of your date, fix your health first, huh. 334 00:19:14,720 --> 00:19:17,200 Opportunities for dating like this rarely go out - 335 00:19:16,470 --> 00:19:18,600 Dating ?! What are you talking about?! 336 00:19:20,790 --> 00:19:22,910 I have no plans for Christmas Eve, you know. 337 00:19:23,580 --> 00:19:26,250 What's with the Kouyouen student? 338 00:19:26,250 --> 00:19:28,710 Don't tell me you were decided last night, huh? 339 00:19:28,710 --> 00:19:29,880 Ha?! 340 00:19:29,880 --> 00:19:32,760 Kyon, seriously, what are you talking about?! 341 00:19:32,760 --> 00:19:35,300 I don't know at all. 342 00:19:38,350 --> 00:19:39,600 It turns out like that. 343 00:19:39,600 --> 00:19:42,810 The plan for the date has been blown off. 344 00:19:43,310 --> 00:19:48,440 After what he had revealed to me yesterday, it must be hard for him to see my face today. 345 00:19:48,440 --> 00:19:50,030 understand, understand... 346 00:19:52,070 --> 00:19:53,490 Don't be sad. 347 00:19:54,110 --> 00:19:56,860 So you want to join our club party? 348 00:19:56,860 --> 00:19:58,950 Now there's still a chance, really. 349 00:19:58,950 --> 00:20:00,030 Club? 350 00:20:00,030 --> 00:20:01,080 Party? 351 00:20:01,080 --> 00:20:02,540 Just found out to me. 352 00:20:02,540 --> 00:20:04,290 Ah, yeah. 353 00:20:04,290 --> 00:20:09,250 That's how, the shock was so deep that my words pierced his ears. 354 00:20:09,250 --> 00:20:10,710 Then, I give up. 355 00:20:10,710 --> 00:20:14,970 The only most effective medicine is time. 356 00:20:23,780 --> 00:20:25,320 Besides that, the other surprising thing is... 357 00:20:25,320 --> 00:20:29,700 In class 1 -5, fever has become an epidemic that is endemic. 358 00:20:29,700 --> 00:20:35,250 Taniguchi was immediately thrown into UKS, and did not take lessons all day long. 359 00:20:35,250 --> 00:20:43,090 And to his surprise, the bench behind me was empty since the first hour. 360 00:20:43,090 --> 00:20:44,380 Incredible... 361 00:20:44,380 --> 00:20:46,430 Haruhi has also been hospitalized?! 362 00:20:46,430 --> 00:20:49,510 How dangerous is this fever this year?! 363 00:20:49,510 --> 00:20:53,470 It's hard to believe there is a virus that dare to colonize Haruhi's body. 364 00:20:53,470 --> 00:20:59,750 And again, it didn't occur to me at all that Haruhi could lose to him. 365 00:21:11,910 --> 00:21:15,120 I haven't touched the pool yet. 366 00:21:15,120 --> 00:21:18,120 All there is is weight training. 367 00:21:18,790 --> 00:21:20,680 It can't be helped, huh. 368 00:21:29,810 --> 00:21:32,980 It seems that the one that doesn't come in, so I can sit down, right? 369 00:21:32,980 --> 00:21:33,980 Yes. 370 00:21:44,330 --> 00:21:47,790 Suddenly the fever becomes epidemic, huh? 371 00:21:49,120 --> 00:21:53,500 It's been a lot from last week, really. 372 00:21:53,500 --> 00:21:55,000 Last week? 373 00:21:55,000 --> 00:21:57,170 It looks like it's not normal influenza. 374 00:21:57,170 --> 00:22:02,300 Even though it's more 375 00:22:02,300 --> 00:22:05,970 So this universal fever event has been started since last week? 376 00:22:07,060 --> 00:22:09,850 Many people also take a break at home. 377 00:22:12,210 --> 00:22:14,040 Kyon doesn't know? 378 00:22:14,040 --> 00:22:16,500 Absolutely not. 379 00:22:16,500 --> 00:22:19,210 It has deteriorated since the beginning of the week. 380 00:22:19,210 --> 00:22:21,260 The effect can be severe with hours of study. 381 00:22:21,260 --> 00:22:24,510 It might be able to cut our winter vacation. 382 00:22:25,970 --> 00:22:29,180 Taniguchi has also worsened lately. 383 00:22:30,220 --> 00:22:34,770 Because of his father's order to cure illness by fighting him. 384 00:22:36,020 --> 00:22:38,820 So to rest, you should have a fever of at least 40 degrees. 385 00:22:42,520 --> 00:22:43,560 Kunikida... 386 00:22:43,560 --> 00:22:48,610 Sorry if I am wrong, but I think Taniguchi is starting to get sick today... 387 00:22:48,610 --> 00:22:50,300 388 00:22:51,320 --> 00:22:54,030 He was like that since the beginning of the week. 389 00:22:54,030 --> 00:22:56,390 Yesterday's sports lesson also didn't come. 390 00:23:03,540 --> 00:23:04,660 What's wrong, Kyon? 391 00:23:04,660 --> 00:23:06,250 You don't eat? 392 00:23:06,890 --> 00:23:09,600 What is this? 393 00:23:10,260 --> 00:23:16,730 Don't say this is a sign that a disaster for humanity besides Haruhi will begin soon, right? 394 00:23:20,020 --> 00:23:21,320 It may be true. 395 00:23:21,320 --> 00:23:23,490 My instincts are difficult to be unreliable. 396 00:23:23,490 --> 00:23:25,570 Tidak diragukan lagi, ini adalah pertanda. 397 00:23:25,570 --> 00:23:29,200 What my instincts don't know is, who will be the victim? 398 00:23:29,200 --> 00:23:31,870 What is certain is not Haruhi. 399 00:23:31,870 --> 00:23:37,420 All of the burden of this event is nothing but not just going to bother one person. 400 00:23:37,420 --> 00:23:38,630 No need to tell. 401 00:23:38,630 --> 00:23:39,670 I. 402 00:23:40,790 --> 00:23:47,880 Only I am left alone while the whole world is in front. 403 00:23:51,250 --> 00:23:52,420 Good morning! 404 00:23:53,250 --> 00:23:54,420 Has your fever improved? 405 00:23:54,420 --> 00:23:56,140 Did you say you took a break? 406 00:23:56,140 --> 00:23:56,840 You didn't push yourself, right? 407 00:23:56,840 --> 00:23:57,760 You're well? 408 00:23:57,760 --> 00:23:59,450 Your face isn't as pale as yesterday, 409 00:24:00,470 --> 00:24:04,390 After getting treatment at the hospital this morning, I have improved. 410 00:24:04,390 --> 00:24:09,140 Rather than being unemployed at home, it's better to take classes in the afternoon. 411 00:24:09,140 --> 00:24:11,940 Wait a minute, yeah, I'll come back later. 412 00:24:11,940 --> 00:24:13,520 Ah, I have to move. 413 00:24:43,260 --> 00:24:45,890 Why is your face weird? 414 00:24:45,890 --> 00:24:48,970 Is there something on my face? 415 00:24:48,970 --> 00:24:50,760 Sorry, now I'm clearing it. 416 00:24:50,760 --> 00:24:53,520 Calm down, I just want to put the bag. 417 00:24:53,520 --> 00:24:55,230 Oh, thanks. 418 00:24:55,230 --> 00:24:56,980 Yes, happy to eat, huh. 419 00:24:59,860 --> 00:25:00,320 Oi! 420 00:25:02,070 --> 00:25:03,110 What? 421 00:25:03,610 --> 00:25:05,470 Why are you here? 422 00:25:05,990 --> 00:25:07,240 What do you mean? 423 00:25:07,240 --> 00:25:09,580 Is there something strange if I'm here? 424 00:25:09,580 --> 00:25:13,620 Or do you mean it's better if I get sick and stay home? 425 00:25:15,370 --> 00:25:17,250 Fever or whatever, whatever! 426 00:25:17,250 --> 00:25:19,000 That's not what I meant! 427 00:25:19,000 --> 00:25:19,460 Kyon... 428 00:25:20,000 --> 00:25:21,500 You're really weird. 429 00:25:21,500 --> 00:25:24,050 Our conversation was strange too. 430 00:25:24,050 --> 00:25:25,280 Better you - 431 00:25:25,050 --> 00:25:25,970 Kunikida! 432 00:25:26,310 --> 00:25:28,600 Didn't you think about seeing this person? 433 00:25:29,310 --> 00:25:31,980 You know who he is, right? 434 00:25:31,980 --> 00:25:34,020 He is not the person who should be here! 435 00:25:34,360 --> 00:25:36,400 What do you mean by "Not supposed to be here"? 436 00:25:36,400 --> 00:25:38,100 He always has one class with us. 437 00:25:38,100 --> 00:25:42,160 How rude you don't remember our friend's face after missing a few days. 438 00:25:42,870 --> 00:25:44,160 I didn't forget at all. 439 00:25:44,830 --> 00:25:47,000 < 440 00:25:47,000 --> 00:25:48,660 441 00:25:48,660 --> 00:25:51,460 I know! 442 00:25:51,460 --> 00:25:53,540 After eating you must overslept. 443 00:25:53,540 --> 00:25:54,960 You must be a nightmare. 444 00:25:54,960 --> 00:25:56,440 Wash it. 445 00:25:57,090 --> 00:25:58,130 Here I loan my handkerchief... 446 00:25:58,630 --> 00:25:59,630 No need! 447 00:25:59,630 --> 00:26:03,180 Alright... 448 00:26:03,180 --> 00:26:06,010 Besides the handkerchief, whatever can come out of it. 449 00:26:06,010 --> 00:26:08,850 And again, what do you mean ?! Tell me! 450 00:26:09,780 --> 00:26:11,900 Why did you put your bag on Haruhi's bench? 451 00:26:11,900 --> 00:26:12,780 This isn't your desk! 452 00:26:13,360 --> 00:26:14,530 But Haruhi! 453 00:26:16,990 --> 00:26:19,530 Haruhi? 454 00:26:23,250 --> 00:26:25,120 Who is "Haruhi"? 455 00:26:25,120 --> 00:26:26,790 Kunikida-kun knows? 456 00:26:30,380 --> 00:26:31,250 "Haruhi", yes... 457 00:26:31,250 --> 00:26:33,000 Oi... 458 00:26:38,510 --> 00:26:40,560 Haruhi ya Haruhi... 459 00:26:42,390 --> 00:26:47,350 You don't remember who Suzumiya Haruhi is? 460 00:26:47,350 --> 00:26:51,690 How can you forget that person? 461 00:26:51,690 --> 00:26:52,730 Kyon... 462 00:26:54,490 --> 00:26:57,570 There is no name in our class. 463 00:26:57,570 --> 00:27:01,790 And this bench has been Asakura-san's place since the last arrangement. 464 00:27:01,790 --> 00:27:05,920 Maybe you were the wrong person with another class. 465 00:27:03,620 --> 00:27:05,920 That can't be... 466 00:27:06,030 --> 00:27:07,780 It can't be that! 467 00:27:08,360 --> 00:27:10,910 It's impossible... I see! 468 00:27:10,910 --> 00:27:13,990 Kunikida-kun, can you see the section under my desk? 469 00:27:13,990 --> 00:27:16,040 Please give class attendance. 470 00:27:16,040 --> 00:27:17,460 Good. 471 00:27:28,550 --> 00:27:29,800 Kunikida... 472 00:27:29,800 --> 00:27:30,680 What? 473 00:27:30,680 --> 00:27:32,510 Pinch my cheek. 474 00:27:32,510 --> 00:27:34,180 I want to wake up. 475 00:27:34,680 --> 00:27:35,390 Sure? 476 00:27:35,390 --> 00:27:36,970 Yeah, fast! 477 00:28:01,580 --> 00:28:04,380 Oi, you know Suzumiya Haruhi, right ?! 478 00:28:04,380 --> 00:28:05,710 Don't know. 479 00:28:05,710 --> 00:28:07,300 Never heard of it. 480 00:28:08,920 --> 00:28:10,630 Asakura should have moved to school! 481 00:28:10,630 --> 00:28:11,640 Do you know?! 482 00:28:11,640 --> 00:28:13,010 What do you talk about? 483 00:28:13,010 --> 00:28:13,930 Keep on going here. 484 00:28:14,810 --> 00:28:16,310 You know Haruhi, right?! 485 00:28:16,310 --> 00:28:17,890 Don't know. 486 00:28:17,890 --> 00:28:20,690 The bench is Suzumiya Haruhi's place, right?! 487 00:28:20,690 --> 00:28:22,900 That's Asakura's seat. 488 00:28:28,800 --> 00:28:30,530 What are you looking at?! 489 00:28:31,030 --> 00:28:32,110 Stop... 490 00:28:32,570 --> 00:28:33,620 Stop. 491 00:28:34,120 --> 00:28:35,420 Stop! 492 00:28:37,540 --> 00:28:39,370 Let's go to UKS. 493 00:28:39,370 --> 00:28:41,620 Maybe this is the first sign of fever. 494 00:28:48,300 --> 00:28:50,010 Haruhi isn't there? 495 00:28:50,010 --> 00:28:51,590 Nobody remembers it? 496 00:28:51,590 --> 00:28:53,050 How is that possible? 497 00:28:53,050 --> 00:28:56,850 Doesn't this world have a axis on it? 498 00:28:56,850 --> 00:29:00,890 The cause of all problems on a universe scale, isn't that it?! 499 00:29:04,480 --> 00:29:05,560 Nagato... 500 00:29:08,780 --> 00:29:09,780 Nagato. 501 00:29:13,550 --> 00:29:14,560 Nagato! 502 00:29:19,060 --> 00:29:20,100 No there is... 503 00:29:20,100 --> 00:29:22,490 Right now, he must be in the clubroom! 504 00:29:23,650 --> 00:29:25,070 Right! Koizumi! 505 00:29:31,950 --> 00:29:33,410 Class 1-9... 506 00:29:34,370 --> 00:29:36,490 Kemana perginya kelas 1-9? 507 00:29:41,460 --> 00:29:43,140 Koizumi's place... 508 00:29:43,140 --> 00:29:46,800 Does this mean the entire class is also destroyed? 509 00:29:47,630 --> 00:29:48,840 What does that mean? 510 00:29:50,470 --> 00:29:52,300 What really happened?! 511 00:29:57,680 --> 00:29:59,020 Oi, you. 512 00:30:00,100 --> 00:30:02,560 The lesson hours have started. 513 00:30:16,470 --> 00:30:17,600 Damn! 514 00:30:23,140 --> 00:30:25,310 People who shouldn't be there... 515 00:30:25,310 --> 00:30:27,610 And what should be there isn't. 516 00:30:28,610 --> 00:30:30,740 If it's not me who is crazy... 517 00:30:30,740 --> 00:30:32,860 That means the world is crazy! 518 00:30:34,410 --> 00:30:35,570 Who is the cause? 519 00:30:36,070 --> 00:30:38,280 What are you, Haruhi? 520 00:31:03,750 --> 00:31:07,010 Nobody entered since noon lessons. 521 00:31:07,800 --> 00:31:09,930 I'm scared. 522 00:31:09,930 --> 00:31:12,370 It's not about Asakura Ryouko's whereabouts. 523 00:31:12,370 --> 00:31:16,270 But the absence of Haruhi and Koizumi from this school. 524 00:31:27,570 --> 00:31:30,310 Before I realize, it's time to go home from school. 525 00:31:30,910 --> 00:31:33,680 Sentences of Kunikida and Asakura's worries... 526 00:31:33,680 --> 00:31:36,080 Keep flashing in my head. 527 00:31:36,080 --> 00:31:38,540 Aku tidak ingat dengan jawabanku. 528 00:31:46,820 --> 00:31:50,380 Then, what does Maki say? 529 00:31:50,380 --> 00:31:51,870 Not yet. 530 00:31:51,870 --> 00:31:54,180 I haven't asked yet. 531 00:31:54,660 --> 00:31:58,370 Then, how about me? 532 00:31:59,370 --> 00:32:00,750 No need. 533 00:32:00,750 --> 00:32:03,120 Let me think about how good it is. 534 00:32:02,750 --> 00:32:04,090 Asahina-san! 535 00:32:08,510 --> 00:32:09,470 Asahina-san! 536 00:32:09,470 --> 00:32:11,300 Haruhi isn't there! 537 00:32:11,300 --> 00:32:14,180 Koizumi and the whole class are not there either! 538 00:32:14,180 --> 00:32:16,100 I haven't seen Nagato. 539 00:32:16,100 --> 00:32:19,310 But Asakura appeared and the whole school became weird! 540 00:32:19,310 --> 00:32:21,730 You're the Asahina-san I know, right?! 541 00:32:21,730 --> 00:32:23,310 Yeah, right ?! Right, right?! 542 00:32:23,310 --> 00:32:26,540 You're the Asahina-san from the future, right?! 543 00:32:26,540 --> 00:32:26,960 Sorry... 544 00:32:27,990 --> 00:32:30,610 I don't know about the future... . 545 00:32:32,460 --> 00:32:34,240 Please let go... 546 00:32:41,830 --> 00:32:43,290 Calm yourself, young man! 547 00:32:43,290 --> 00:32:44,920 Don't play like that right away, huh. 548 00:32:44,920 --> 00:32:47,420 Mikuru be scared, bro. 549 00:32:47,420 --> 00:32:48,260 It hurts! 550 00:32:48,260 --> 00:32:49,710 It hurts, Tsuruya-san! 551 00:32:49,710 --> 00:32:51,800 Do you know me? 552 00:32:52,970 --> 00:32:53,920 Not too... 553 00:32:53,920 --> 00:32:55,130 It's impossible! 554 00:32:55,760 --> 00:32:57,760 Who, huh? 555 00:32:57,760 --> 00:32:59,850 Where do we meet? 556 00:32:59,850 --> 00:33:01,520 Mikuru's acquaintance? 557 00:33:02,690 --> 00:33:04,850 I don't know! 558 00:33:15,870 --> 00:33:17,700 Maybe someone's wrong... 559 00:33:24,710 --> 00:33:26,550 Mikuru is okay? 560 00:33:26,380 --> 00:33:28,210 It's okay. 561 00:33:26,550 --> 00:33:29,750 Please stop, Asahina-san... 562 00:33:28,210 --> 00:33:29,750 Good luck 563 00:33:30,340 --> 00:33:34,430 Indeed Mikuru is famous, 564 00:33:31,210 --> 00:33:34,130 Asahina-san said I was wrong people felt... 565 00:33:34,430 --> 00:33:37,010 How can that be?! 566 00:33:34,820 --> 00:33:38,410 It's hard to be a sweet person. 567 00:33:39,900 --> 00:33:43,100 The problem means that you have a lot of fans, right? 568 00:33:40,810 --> 00:33:42,100 Wait! 569 00:33:42,100 --> 00:33:47,400 There is a way to find out what he is or not ! 570 00:33:45,080 --> 00:33:47,690 What am I as sweet as that? 571 00:33:47,690 --> 00:33:49,230 Asahina-san! 572 00:33:49,530 --> 00:33:50,120 Yes? 573 00:33:50,120 --> 00:33:54,250 Around your chest, there should be a birthmark around here! 574 00:33:54,250 --> 00:33:56,330 Can you please show it? 575 00:34:14,920 --> 00:34:16,390 Mikuru! 576 00:34:19,200 --> 00:34:22,910 Boy, don't immediately tell sensitive information so, yeah. 577 00:34:22,910 --> 00:34:25,160 Mikuru is a shy child. 578 00:34:25,160 --> 00:34:27,540 If you try again... 579 00:34:28,000 --> 00:34:30,290 You feel my anger! 580 00:34:31,620 --> 00:34:33,890 Wait, Mikuru! 581 00:34:46,260 --> 00:34:48,300 It's done... 582 00:34:48,640 --> 00:34:50,060 In many scenarios... 583 00:34:58,860 --> 00:35:01,570 I'm starting to run out of choices. 584 00:35:02,860 --> 00:35:05,360 I'm not have a phone number. 585 00:35:05,360 --> 00:35:09,780 The address also doesn't know, and it's impossible to find. 586 00:35:09,780 --> 00:35:15,870 I want to see him, but after I think again, I don't know his house either. 587 00:35:18,160 --> 00:35:20,830 My helper is just one more person. 588 00:35:21,030 --> 00:35:22,570 My last ally. 589 00:35:22,570 --> 00:35:24,200 The deadline for my mental protection. 590 00:35:24,910 --> 00:35:27,460 If this fails, it's all done! 591 00:35:27,460 --> 00:35:29,210 Berakhir secara absurd. 592 00:35:37,470 --> 00:35:38,720 Please... 593 00:35:50,690 --> 00:35:52,190 Does he really exist? 594 00:35:58,350 --> 00:35:59,980 Why is he wearing glasses? 595 00:36:00,690 --> 00:36:02,440 Why does he put that expression on his face? 596 00:36:07,070 --> 00:36:08,110 Nagato... 597 00:36:10,200 --> 00:36:11,580 Why? 598 00:36:11,580 --> 00:36:12,870 Tell me... 599 00:36:13,950 --> 00:36:15,500 What are you and me... 600 00:36:16,890 --> 00:36:17,980 Get to know each other? 601 00:36:23,810 --> 00:36:25,150 Yes. 602 00:36:31,110 --> 00:36:34,860 Actually, I also know something about you. 603 00:36:37,660 --> 00:36:39,200 May I say? 604 00:36:41,330 --> 00:36:46,640 You're not human , but android is made by aliens. 605 00:36:49,170 --> 00:36:53,210 You also have a kind of magic that has saved us repeatedly. 606 00:36:53,300 --> 00:36:57,180 Like the SP homerun hitter, or kamadouma plain for example. 607 00:37:01,020 --> 00:37:03,850 That's what I know. 608 00:37:05,350 --> 00:37:06,520 Am I wrong? 609 00:37:11,280 --> 00:37:12,530 Sorry. 610 00:37:13,700 --> 00:37:15,450 Why apologize? 611 00:37:15,450 --> 00:37:17,910 Why did Nagato talk like that? 612 00:37:19,780 --> 00:37:23,200 I know you are a student in grades 1-5. 613 00:37:23,200 --> 00:37:25,620 I often see you. 614 00:37:25,620 --> 00:37:29,130 But besides that, I don't know anymore. 615 00:37:29,790 --> 00:37:34,050 For me, this is the first time I'm talking to you here. 616 00:37:34,050 --> 00:37:37,840 In short, you're not an alien? 617 00:37:38,640 --> 00:37:40,560 Alien? 618 00:37:41,010 --> 00:37:43,510 What if I call the name "Suzumiya Haruhi"... 619 00:37:43,510 --> 00:37:45,050 Whatever it is! 620 00:37:45,050 --> 00:37:46,810 It doesn't mean anything to you? 621 00:37:50,980 --> 00:37:51,770 Nothing. 622 00:37:52,480 --> 00:37:54,240 Wait a minute! 623 00:37:54,240 --> 00:37:55,900 It can't be that! 624 00:38:00,710 --> 00:38:02,480 Come on... 625 00:38:02,480 --> 00:38:07,060 Don't you remember how we repeat summer vacation 15,000 times?! 626 00:38:07,060 --> 00:38:08,320 Remember. 627 00:38:08,320 --> 00:38:11,610 The world has changed since yesterday until now. 628 00:38:11,610 --> 00:38:14,110 Haruhi isn't there, but Asakura appeared! 629 00:38:14,110 --> 00:38:17,070 Who is responsible for this exchange? 630 00:38:17,070 --> 00:38:20,040 What is the leader of the Soul Data Set? 631 00:38:20,040 --> 00:38:24,370 Since Asakura is back, you should know something! 632 00:38:24,370 --> 00:38:26,580 Asakura dan kau itu satu pimpinan, kan? 633 00:38:26,580 --> 00:38:28,090 What is the plan? 634 00:38:28,090 --> 00:38:30,380 You should have an explanation! 635 00:38:30,380 --> 00:38:32,800 That's what you usually do! 636 00:38:35,050 --> 00:38:36,220 Stop... 637 00:38:50,940 --> 00:38:52,320 Sorry.... 638 00:38:53,430 --> 00:38:56,050 I don't mean to hurt you. 639 00:38:56,050 --> 00:38:58,930 I just want to make sure something... 640 00:39:09,030 --> 00:39:10,530 Damn... 641 00:39:13,950 --> 00:39:15,450 Game over already.... 642 00:39:16,200 --> 00:39:21,910 If this is an inner attack, this is a very deadly attack. 643 00:39:21,910 --> 00:39:23,330 Incredible. 644 00:39:26,930 --> 00:39:29,510 Then, whose fault is this? 645 00:39:30,510 --> 00:39:31,510 Haruhi? 646 00:39:31,510 --> 00:39:33,640 Soulful Data Set? 647 00:39:33,640 --> 00:39:36,310 A new enemy of the world that has never appeared? 648 00:39:52,540 --> 00:39:53,620 Sorry. 649 00:40:10,310 --> 00:40:13,310 This is just a literary club 650 00:40:13,310 --> 00:40:17,100 It's still like a day in May when Haruhi dragged me. 651 00:40:17,100 --> 00:40:20,990 And when I met Nagato for the first time. 652 00:40:23,990 --> 00:40:25,650 No, I'm wrong! 653 00:40:26,530 --> 00:40:30,870 This computer, only this is different from the blank of this room at that time. 654 00:40:30,870 --> 00:40:34,990 This belongs to a real literary club, not Haruhi's booty. 655 00:40:39,870 --> 00:40:43,420 He really isn't the Nagato I know. 656 00:40:43,420 --> 00:40:45,440 He's not the mysterious girl I know. 657 00:40:46,590 --> 00:40:47,970 Nagato... 658 00:40:47,970 --> 00:40:51,010 Can I borrow it for a while? 659 00:40:58,310 --> 00:40:59,480 Wait. 660 00:41:28,530 --> 00:41:32,580 He may be hiding or deleting some files. 661 00:41:32,580 --> 00:41:35,870 There must be some things he doesn't want others to know. 662 00:41:35,870 --> 00:41:37,410 I understand his feelings. 663 00:41:37,410 --> 00:41:41,420 I also have an Asahina-san file that I don't want others to see. 664 00:41:47,880 --> 00:41:48,880 Please. 665 00:41:51,550 --> 00:41:52,760 Sorry, yeah. 666 00:42:09,100 --> 00:42:12,570 I didn't find the file about the SOS Unit. 667 00:42:12,570 --> 00:42:16,190 Or the file Asahina-san that I hid. 668 00:42:16,190 --> 00:42:19,490 Also unable to access the SOS Unit website. 669 00:42:19,490 --> 00:42:22,700 There is absolutely no evidence of Haruhi's whereabouts here. 670 00:42:24,420 --> 00:42:28,370 Seperti saat aku dan Haruhi terperangkap dalam pengasingan. 671 00:42:28,370 --> 00:42:31,720 Wasn't there a message from Nagato at that time? 672 00:42:31,720 --> 00:42:33,450 At least that's what I was hoping for. 673 00:42:36,140 --> 00:42:37,140 Sorry I bothered you. 674 00:42:37,140 --> 00:42:38,390 It's finished? 675 00:42:38,460 --> 00:42:39,680 Yes. 676 00:42:39,680 --> 00:42:42,520 I didn't find what I was looking for. 677 00:42:50,030 --> 00:42:51,070 Wait. 678 00:43:00,210 --> 00:43:02,670 I'll thank you if you accept this... 679 00:43:07,390 --> 00:43:09,390 Club Participation Form 680 00:43:13,680 --> 00:43:21,010 After all this time, I experienced some unreasonable events, you could say I enjoyed it. 681 00:43:21,010 --> 00:43:26,260 If not, I should have run away counseling now. 682 00:43:30,650 --> 00:43:33,350 Swear, where did he go? 683 00:43:35,560 --> 00:43:41,730 Where can a fool enjoy his life without me? 684 00:43:47,570 --> 00:43:48,870 Damn... 685 00:43:48,870 --> 00:43:52,080 Why should I bother looking for it? 686 00:43:56,820 --> 00:43:59,240 Welcome, Kyon-kun! 687 00:43:59,950 --> 00:44:02,290 Dinner soon. 688 00:44:02,290 --> 00:44:04,790 Dinner, bro, Shami? 689 00:44:04,790 --> 00:44:08,660 Eat, eat, dinner, meow... 690 00:44:08,660 --> 00:44:10,500 Dinner, then - 691 00:44:12,840 --> 00:44:14,720 Why, anyway? 692 00:44:16,220 --> 00:44:18,100 Remember Haruhi? 693 00:44:18,100 --> 00:44:21,140 Or Asahina-san or Nagato or Koizumi, it's up to anyone. 694 00:44:21,140 --> 00:44:25,600 When we play baseball together, go to the island together, and make films together, what do you remember? 695 00:44:26,100 --> 00:44:27,400 What? 696 00:44:27,400 --> 00:44:28,980 Don't know. 697 00:44:32,310 --> 00:44:34,850 This cat since when did you live here? 698 00:44:34,850 --> 00:44:36,330 Who brought it? 699 00:44:37,690 --> 00:44:40,190 Kyon-kun who brought it last month. 700 00:44:40,190 --> 00:44:43,650 Said from a friend who moved, right? 701 00:44:43,650 --> 00:44:46,050 Yes, right, Shami? 702 00:44:47,700 --> 00:44:49,790 Shami here! 703 00:44:49,790 --> 00:44:51,790 I have to talk to him. 704 00:44:52,190 --> 00:44:53,730 Four eyes. 705 00:44:54,430 --> 00:44:57,280 So now it's out, fast. 706 00:44:57,280 --> 00:44:59,960 Can Shami talk? 707 00:45:00,530 --> 00:45:02,240 Cold! 708 00:45:06,620 --> 00:45:08,200 Mother! 709 00:45:08,200 --> 00:45:11,800 Kyon-kun's head starts weird... 710 00:45:11,120 --> 00:45:12,920 Please, Shamisen. 711 00:45:13,380 --> 00:45:16,710 I used to tell you not to talk again. 712 00:45:16,710 --> 00:45:18,630 But now please. 713 00:45:18,630 --> 00:45:22,590 Even better, if you talk now, I can calm down. 714 00:45:22,590 --> 00:45:24,970 So, Shamisen, say something. 715 00:45:24,970 --> 00:45:26,510 Whatever only. 716 00:45:26,510 --> 00:45:29,720 Philosophy or science is also permissible. 717 00:45:29,720 --> 00:45:32,390 Anything even though I don't understand. 718 00:45:32,390 --> 00:45:34,210 Speak. 719 00:45:36,850 --> 00:45:39,140 Do you understand what I say? 720 00:45:39,140 --> 00:45:42,980 Suppose you can't talk but understand me. 721 00:45:42,980 --> 00:45:49,150 Then, put your right claw for "Yes" and your left claw for "No". 722 00:45:55,830 --> 00:45:57,660 Right, right? 723 00:45:58,240 --> 00:45:59,790 Only one thing I understand. 724 00:45:59,790 --> 00:46:02,640 This is not a world where cats can talk. 725 00:46:03,070 --> 00:46:06,790 It's strange that Shamisen made words from his mouth. 726 00:46:06,790 --> 00:46:08,620 This means it's not strange. 727 00:46:08,620 --> 00:46:11,500 A normal world. 728 00:46:14,170 --> 00:46:15,920 Is that right? 729 00:46:21,720 --> 00:46:24,140 December 19. 730 00:46:24,140 --> 00:46:26,600 Mulai hari ini, jam belajar dipotong. 731 00:46:29,310 --> 00:46:31,980 Fever has spread in school. 732 00:46:40,160 --> 00:46:41,200 Morning. 733 00:46:41,200 --> 00:46:43,040 Today is awake? 734 00:46:43,040 --> 00:46:43,790 Maybe. 735 00:46:44,250 --> 00:46:49,130 But even though your eyes are open , that doesn't mean you're awake. 736 00:46:49,130 --> 00:46:54,220 First open your eyes, try to absorb what's around you. 737 00:46:54,970 --> 00:46:56,300 How about you? 738 00:46:56,300 --> 00:46:58,350 Have you done it? 739 00:46:58,350 --> 00:46:59,470 Asakura. 740 00:47:04,060 --> 00:47:07,810 Whether you really pretended not to know or anything, but I'll ask again. 741 00:47:07,810 --> 00:47:10,730 Have you ever tried to kill me? 742 00:47:13,240 --> 00:47:16,450 Indeed you should hurry to the hospital. 743 00:47:18,120 --> 00:47:20,380 Before it's too late. 744 00:47:24,860 --> 00:47:26,940 Difficult Burning Trash 745 00:47:25,490 --> 00:47:27,340 What if I compare it like this... 746 00:47:27,340 --> 00:47:30,840 If there is someone who is very unlucky. 747 00:47:30,840 --> 00:47:34,930 And when he wakes up, the world has changed completely. 748 00:47:36,340 --> 00:47:41,800 For example the world has become a very beautiful heavenly utopia. 749 00:47:41,800 --> 00:47:45,290 And there he didn't experience any bad luck. 750 00:47:45,290 --> 00:47:49,560 In one night, he was lifted from hell to heaven. 751 00:47:50,640 --> 00:47:53,940 But this person didn't want that to happen. 752 00:47:53,940 --> 00:48:00,650 The one who raised him was someone he did not know, someone who did not have his form. 753 00:48:00,650 --> 00:48:06,670 He never knew the reason, and other people also did not know. 754 00:48:06,670 --> 00:48:10,790 Then in his case, could he happy? 755 00:48:11,660 --> 00:48:16,910 Until now, I felt hopeful that Haruhi would drag me into a terrible situation again. 756 00:48:16,910 --> 00:48:21,900 But, the curse was lifted from me. 757 00:48:21,920 --> 00:48:27,710 This world contains empty places for Haruhi and Koizumi, where Nagato and Asahina-san are ordinary humans. 758 00:48:27,710 --> 00:48:31,220 The aliens, time travelers and espers don't exist. 759 00:48:31,220 --> 00:48:33,640 Moreover, cats can't talk. 760 00:48:33,640 --> 00:48:35,760 Just completely ordinary world. 761 00:48:43,580 --> 00:48:44,830 Why? 762 00:48:45,830 --> 00:48:52,130 What was the time when Haruhi was there or when Haruhi wasn't there to make me more happy? 763 00:48:56,340 --> 00:48:59,180 Am I happy now? 764 00:49:10,190 --> 00:49:14,650 I went home from school, aimlessly headed for the club room literature. 765 00:49:14,650 --> 00:49:18,620 Because usually after the lesson is over, I always gather at the SOS Unit. 766 00:49:18,620 --> 00:49:25,960 Drink tea from Asahina-san, play games with Koizumi and redden my ears with Haruhi's babble. 767 00:49:26,810 --> 00:49:32,740 If it's a bad habit, it's difficult to stop now or yesterday. 768 00:49:32,740 --> 00:49:36,120 But now, things are different. 769 00:49:38,790 --> 00:49:40,540 What should I do with this? 770 00:49:41,330 --> 00:49:46,580 Nagato might expect me to join the literary club by giving me this paper yesterday, right? 771 00:49:46,580 --> 00:49:50,550 In this world too, there are a few enthusiastic club enthusiasts. 772 00:49:50,550 --> 00:49:52,760 Or does he really want to be familiar? 773 00:49:51,480 --> 00:49:52,760 I go first, yes. 774 00:49:56,050 --> 00:49:57,100 Ma - 775 00:50:00,470 --> 00:50:01,680 Mikuru! 776 00:50:10,490 --> 00:50:15,490 Hurry up, return the times when I can drink tea from Asahina-san again. 777 00:50:15,490 --> 00:50:17,240 Literary club 778 00:50:20,200 --> 00:50:21,160 Enter. 779 00:50:23,430 --> 00:50:24,710 Yo. 780 00:50:24,710 --> 00:50:26,330 What am I here? 781 00:50:28,130 --> 00:50:28,880 Good luck. 782 00:50:33,460 --> 00:50:37,720 Even though I'm here, it doesn't mean I know what to do next. 783 00:50:52,650 --> 00:50:55,070 All those books are yours? 784 00:50:57,070 --> 00:50:59,530 It's been around since I came. 785 00:50:59,530 --> 00:51:00,740 Ooh. 786 00:51:05,080 --> 00:51:06,160 And this... 787 00:51:07,250 --> 00:51:09,290 This is a loan... 788 00:51:12,050 --> 00:51:13,720 From a public library. 789 00:51:16,100 --> 00:51:17,070 Oh. 790 00:52:07,660 --> 00:52:11,580 Don't you have your own writing story? 791 00:52:17,500 --> 00:52:18,920 I just like to read. 792 00:52:20,250 --> 00:52:25,240 Maybe the data he hid yesterday is the story he wrote. 793 00:52:25,240 --> 00:52:27,050 I want to read. 794 00:52:27,050 --> 00:52:28,220 What is a science-fiction story? 795 00:52:28,220 --> 00:52:30,430 Which is definitely not romance, right? 796 00:53:18,340 --> 00:53:19,250 Requirements to run the program: Collect keys Deadline: Two days 797 00:53:30,090 --> 00:53:32,170 Did you write this? 798 00:53:32,470 --> 00:53:35,200 "Requirements to run the program: Collect keys" 799 00:53:35,200 --> 00:53:37,100 "Deadline: Two days" 800 00:53:37,100 --> 00:53:38,900 Have you written it ? 801 00:53:40,110 --> 00:53:43,570 It's like my writing, but I don't know. 802 00:53:43,570 --> 00:53:45,190 I don't remember writing it. 803 00:53:45,900 --> 00:53:47,030 I see, huh? 804 00:53:47,450 --> 00:53:49,950 No, 805 00:53:49,950 --> 00:53:50,950 Good, right? 806 00:53:50,950 --> 00:53:53,540 If so, it's not good for me. 807 00:53:54,050 --> 00:53:57,250 No, I'm talking to myself. 808 00:54:14,410 --> 00:54:15,620 Nagato! 809 00:54:18,790 --> 00:54:21,380 Apparently you left me a message, right? 810 00:54:21,840 --> 00:54:25,130 May I consider this a present from you? 811 00:54:25,130 --> 00:54:27,720 The instructions to solve this problem from you. 812 00:54:27,720 --> 00:54:29,300 You can, right? 813 00:54:35,060 --> 00:54:36,350 Program... 814 00:54:36,350 --> 00:54:37,480 Terms... 815 00:54:38,060 --> 00:54:39,150 Key... 816 00:54:39,150 --> 00:54:40,360 Deadline... 817 00:54:40,360 --> 00:54:41,520 Only two days? 818 00:54:42,610 --> 00:54:44,610 Today is the 19th. 819 00:54:44,610 --> 00:54:47,410 Can I consider starting now? 820 00:54:47,410 --> 00:54:51,430 Or since the world became strange yesterday? 821 00:54:51,430 --> 00:54:55,480 For the worst possible, the deadline is tomorrow. 822 00:54:59,030 --> 00:55:04,950 I don't understand overall, but it seems that to be able to run a program, I have to collect the key. 823 00:55:05,910 --> 00:55:07,950 But what does it mean by "Key"? 824 00:55:07,950 --> 00:55:12,000 Then when you meet, where can I exchange it for my prize? 825 00:55:12,000 --> 00:55:17,210 Then when the program is running, does the world return to its original form? 826 00:55:17,210 --> 00:55:20,460 The outline is only "Key" which is too unclear. 827 00:55:20,460 --> 00:55:25,890 Maybe not the key entered into the hole , but "Keyword" or "Key interpreter" for example. 828 00:55:25,890 --> 00:55:28,260 But again, the possibilities are too broad. 829 00:55:28,260 --> 00:55:30,220 What are ordinary nouns or words? 830 00:55:30,220 --> 00:55:32,680 What objects can you carry or not? 831 00:55:32,680 --> 00:55:37,730 Please allow me to choose one of them if I run out of choices, Nagato. 832 00:55:51,220 --> 00:55:54,390 Keys, keys, keys, keys... 833 00:55:54,390 --> 00:55:55,100 Cannot. 834 00:55:55,100 --> 00:55:56,720 There is absolutely no clue. 835 00:56:02,860 --> 00:56:06,440 Is this Nagato really shy? 836 00:56:06,440 --> 00:56:10,400 Or is it really unusual for others to look at? 837 00:56:25,140 --> 00:56:31,560 Maybe it would be better if I joined a literary club and continued to live in a world without Haruhi. {There are double meaning sentences, here} 838 00:56:36,360 --> 00:56:37,900 What do I think... 839 00:56:37,900 --> 00:56:40,320 I still can't stop now. 840 00:56:40,860 --> 00:56:43,740 I still haven't tasted Haruhi's nabe. 841 00:56:43,740 --> 00:56:47,200 Besides, I'm not satisfied to see Asahina-san-ta. 842 00:56:48,160 --> 00:56:49,370 I'm going home, huh. 843 00:56:49,370 --> 00:56:50,440 Alright. 844 00:56:54,300 --> 00:56:57,760 You were waiting for me before? {Iii!} 845 00:57:13,440 --> 00:57:15,820 Walking together with Nagato... 846 00:57:15,820 --> 00:57:18,860 It feels like I've never been this long. 847 00:57:20,740 --> 00:57:22,280 Nagato... 848 00:57:22,830 --> 00:57:23,580 Why? 849 00:57:23,580 --> 00:57:26,200 Yes... Do you live alone? 850 00:57:27,300 --> 00:57:28,010 Yes. 851 00:57:28,840 --> 00:57:32,090 He must be wondering where I know. 852 00:57:32,090 --> 00:57:35,890 Actually I have come to your house many times, right? 853 00:57:36,390 --> 00:57:41,270 If I talk about it, you must be completely confused. 854 00:57:42,730 --> 00:57:46,070 What if you live alone, how about maintaining a cat? 855 00:57:46,070 --> 00:57:47,820 What do you do? 856 00:57:47,820 --> 00:57:52,240 Sometimes it feels like they understand us. 857 00:57:52,240 --> 00:57:53,910 Animals are forbidden. 858 00:57:54,620 --> 00:57:55,660 Ooh. 859 00:58:04,540 --> 00:58:05,250 Sorry... 860 00:58:08,250 --> 00:58:09,210 Want to come? 861 00:58:09,710 --> 00:58:10,530 Where? 862 00:58:12,760 --> 00:58:14,470 My house... 863 00:58:21,770 --> 00:58:22,560 Please. 864 00:58:22,560 --> 00:58:24,270 Excuse me. 865 00:58:48,890 --> 00:58:49,720 Why? 866 00:58:49,720 --> 00:58:51,430 Ah, no... 867 00:58:51,430 --> 00:58:54,600 He is shy, timid, or fast-paced? 868 00:58:54,600 --> 00:58:56,140 I don't know. 869 00:58:57,270 --> 00:59:00,360 The layout of the house has also changed slightly. 870 00:59:01,860 --> 00:59:02,860 Nagato? 871 00:59:03,400 --> 00:59:05,650 May I see this room? 872 00:59:06,780 --> 00:59:07,990 Please. 873 00:59:07,990 --> 00:59:09,320 Sorry, yeah. 874 00:59:27,810 --> 00:59:28,810 Thanks. 875 00:59:39,900 --> 00:59:40,950 I... 876 00:59:45,410 --> 00:59:48,950 I've met you. 877 00:59:48,950 --> 00:59:51,000 Out of school. 878 00:59:52,870 --> 00:59:53,920 Where? 879 00:59:53,920 --> 00:59:55,040 Do you remember? 880 00:59:55,040 --> 00:59:56,090 What? 881 00:59:58,410 --> 01:00:00,040 Library. 882 01:00:00,920 --> 01:00:02,930 May of this year. 883 01:00:03,430 --> 01:00:06,490 The card you made. 884 01:00:09,900 --> 01:00:11,360 What I remember... 885 01:00:11,360 --> 01:00:14,900 The mystery search for the initial SOS Unit. 886 01:00:14,900 --> 01:00:19,530 Otherwise, you won't move from the pile of books, right? 887 01:00:19,530 --> 01:00:22,750 But for this Nagato, that's the beginning. 888 01:00:25,080 --> 01:00:26,880 Nagato... 889 01:00:26,880 --> 01:00:28,960 Can you please tell me more fully? 890 01:00:33,100 --> 01:00:36,430 If I'm not mistaken, around the end of May... 891 01:00:36,430 --> 01:00:40,190 I also came first to the city library. 892 01:00:40,190 --> 01:00:43,440 I don't know how to get a library card. 893 01:00:43,820 --> 01:00:51,570 But that day all the library guards looked busy, I couldn't ask... 894 01:00:51,570 --> 01:00:56,750 Besides, I'm not used to talking to people I don't know... 895 01:00:57,580 --> 01:01:02,000 While I'm confused myself, someone called me... 896 01:01:02,000 --> 01:01:06,590 And he made it for me... 897 01:01:06,590 --> 01:01:12,550 After I got the card, I forgot to thank... 898 01:01:12,550 --> 01:01:13,830 That is. 899 01:01:13,830 --> 01:01:14,640 You. 900 01:01:19,190 --> 01:01:23,530 I'm sorry I didn't have time to thank you. 901 01:01:23,530 --> 01:01:27,830 That's why I was surprised when I saw you at school. 902 01:01:32,710 --> 01:01:33,750 Thank you. 903 01:01:41,020 --> 01:01:44,230 "I remember", just say that and finish. 904 01:01:44,230 --> 01:01:46,900 But there are differences there. 905 01:01:46,900 --> 01:01:52,230 We go to the library because we don't know what to do with the search program the mystery of Haruhi. 906 01:01:52,230 --> 01:01:57,410 But from your story, Haruhi is completely destroyed. 907 01:01:57,410 --> 01:02:00,780 Where did the Nagato I know go? 908 01:02:17,600 --> 01:02:18,560 Yes? 909 01:02:20,190 --> 01:02:22,230 Now it's kinda... 910 01:02:23,400 --> 01:02:25,150 Alright. 911 01:02:27,740 --> 01:02:28,860 Wait, yeah. 912 01:02:43,290 --> 01:02:46,000 Wow, why are you there? 913 01:02:46,000 --> 01:02:48,510 Same, why are you here? 914 01:02:48,510 --> 01:02:51,680 I'm about to become a volunteer. 915 01:02:51,680 --> 01:02:54,600 It's even more surprising that you are here. 916 01:03:01,510 --> 01:03:03,720 This is what you made? 917 01:03:03,720 --> 01:03:08,230 Yes, I used to cook a lot and I gave it to Nagato-san 918 01:03:08,230 --> 01:03:12,440 The problem is that if left alone, he often doesn't eat. 919 01:03:12,440 --> 01:03:14,020 You're best friends, huh. > His name is also one roof. 920 01:03:15,570 --> 01:03:18,700 So why are you here? 921 01:03:18,700 --> 01:03:21,590 Just coming home with Nagato... 922 01:03:24,910 --> 01:03:28,870 I'm also considering joining a literary club... 923 01:03:28,870 --> 01:03:33,490 And I want to ask something... 924 01:03:33,490 --> 01:03:38,200 So I came here. 925 01:03:38,200 --> 01:03:40,170 Wrong, huh? 926 01:03:40,170 --> 01:03:41,880 You entered literary club? 927 01:03:42,790 --> 01:03:44,500 Sorry, I didn't say anything... 928 01:03:45,340 --> 01:03:48,010 Maaf, daripada aku tidak bilang apa-apa... 929 01:03:48,010 --> 01:03:49,620 Like to read a book? 930 01:03:49,620 --> 01:03:51,640 Or write a story? 931 01:03:51,640 --> 01:03:54,620 It doesn't matter if it's just that, right? 932 01:04:00,780 --> 01:04:02,490 Don't take part in eating? 933 01:04:02,490 --> 01:04:05,490 Honey, even though I already believe you want to come. 934 01:04:14,380 --> 01:04:15,630 I go home first, sorry, yeah. 935 01:04:32,530 --> 01:04:34,930 After I think about it, eat first, bro. 936 01:04:35,860 --> 01:04:37,820 I'm starving until it's almost dead. 937 01:04:37,820 --> 01:04:41,370 If I don't eat, maybe I faint on the road. 938 01:04:48,420 --> 01:04:53,210 Well, if I go home like this, I can not sleep well later. 939 01:04:53,760 --> 01:04:57,640 Nagato who frankly asked for something that happened once in a lifetime. 940 01:04:57,640 --> 01:04:59,890 Welcome back. 941 01:04:59,890 --> 01:05:02,470 It's better to eat together. 942 01:05:02,470 --> 01:05:03,220 Yes , right? 943 01:05:04,350 --> 01:05:10,190 Oh, yeah. After school, I looked at the clothes shop with my classmates. 944 01:05:10,190 --> 01:05:13,360 There is a scarf that fits Nagato-san very well. 945 01:05:13,360 --> 01:05:17,200 Tadinya aku mau hadiahkan untuk Natal. 946 01:05:17,200 --> 01:05:23,290 But if you don't know what you like or not. Instead of me going back and forth, want to see you together? 947 01:05:23,290 --> 01:05:26,080 If you like, I also want to buy. 948 01:05:26,710 --> 01:05:28,210 I think about it. 949 01:05:28,210 --> 01:05:29,710 By the way , the bathroom... 950 01:05:30,110 --> 01:05:34,030 This Asakura seems very close to Nagato. 951 01:05:34,030 --> 01:05:36,740 Up close it looks like his aunt. 952 01:05:38,370 --> 01:05:39,910 Tasty? 953 01:05:40,830 --> 01:05:42,790 Yes... 954 01:05:45,250 --> 01:05:49,420 Even though it's like feeling at the hell gate front desk... 955 01:05:49,420 --> 01:05:54,220 Don't waste the rest, just put it in the fridge. 956 01:05:54,220 --> 01:05:57,340 The pan I'll take it tomorrow, yeah. 957 01:06:04,100 --> 01:06:05,190 By the way... 958 01:06:05,810 --> 01:06:08,520 Can I come to the clubroom tomorrow? 959 01:06:08,520 --> 01:06:11,190 I have no other purpose after school . 960 01:06:25,260 --> 01:06:26,010 Hey... 961 01:06:27,700 --> 01:06:28,700 Hey! 962 01:06:29,860 --> 01:06:31,070 What's the matter? 963 01:06:31,070 --> 01:06:32,900 About our conversation. 964 01:06:33,820 --> 01:06:37,280 965 01:06:37,280 --> 01:06:40,040 Aliens, really, not infrequently anymore. 966 01:06:40,040 --> 01:06:42,870 I've seen worse. 967 01:06:41,980 --> 01:06:42,870 He? 968 01:06:42,870 --> 01:06:44,250 It's nothing. 969 01:06:44,250 --> 01:06:46,130 So, what was that? 970 01:06:46,130 --> 01:06:51,210 I said, "Do you like Nagato-san"? 971 01:06:53,340 --> 01:06:55,390 What do you want to hate? 972 01:06:56,140 --> 01:07:01,180 Nagato is the protector who has saved me from your knife. 973 01:07:01,180 --> 01:07:02,600 But I can't say that. 974 01:07:03,940 --> 01:07:05,450 I mostly think, yeah. 975 01:07:05,450 --> 01:07:10,450 You, right, like a strange girl, so Nagato-san isn't coming in. 976 01:07:10,870 --> 01:07:13,580 How do you know my type? 977 01:07:13,580 --> 01:07:15,870 I heard from Kunikida-kun. 978 01:07:15,870 --> 01:07:18,250 Said you were in middle school. 979 01:07:18,250 --> 01:07:19,380 That damn kid... 980 01:07:19,380 --> 01:07:22,000 Speaking of where the sound is... 981 01:07:23,170 --> 01:07:28,340 But if you really like Nagato-san, think seriously first, huh. 982 01:07:29,270 --> 01:07:30,270 Otherwise... 983 01:07:33,610 --> 01:07:35,660 Nanti aku marah, loh. 984 01:07:36,070 --> 01:07:38,940 Why do you care so much about Nagato? 985 01:07:38,940 --> 01:07:40,610 "Why?"... 986 01:07:41,410 --> 01:07:44,410 Maybe it's because we're neighbors. 987 01:07:44,410 --> 01:07:48,410 You've seen, right? He is the type of girl who is difficult to leave alone. 988 01:07:54,170 --> 01:07:55,210 Already, yes. 989 01:08:08,850 --> 01:08:12,140 The sooner I get home and sleep... 990 01:08:12,140 --> 01:08:14,150 Enough if this is just a dream . 991 01:08:14,150 --> 01:08:20,150 He can easily break people's dreams without thinking. 992 01:08:24,120 --> 01:08:24,960 Basic... 993 01:08:25,460 --> 01:08:30,880 Whether or not there is a problem continues. Why doesn't it appear at this important time? 994 01:08:30,880 --> 01:08:35,090 Can't hear what I want, is that so? 995 01:09:00,630 --> 01:09:02,540 What am I doing? 996 01:09:03,300 --> 01:09:06,470 I miss Haruhi... {I also understand the original dialogue reads "I want to meet Haruhi", just dramatize it: matanakal:} 997 01:09:29,200 --> 01:09:31,350 December, the 20th. 998 01:09:29,370 --> 01:09:30,870 Kyon-kun! 999 01:09:30,870 --> 01:09:31,920 It's morning! 1000 01:09:31,920 --> 01:09:33,630 I wake up from sleep without dreams. 1001 01:09:33,630 --> 01:09:34,960 It's morning! 1002 01:09:35,710 --> 01:09:37,590 Today's deadline. 1003 01:09:38,130 --> 01:09:40,940 But I still haven't found a single key. 1004 01:09:41,420 --> 01:09:45,350 If I just stay quiet until the end of the day, the world might stay like this forever. 1005 01:09:45,350 --> 01:09:47,430 It's possible to get worse. 1006 01:09:49,810 --> 01:09:51,060 Nagato... 1007 01:09:51,060 --> 01:09:53,230 Why are you using all time limits? 1008 01:09:53,980 --> 01:09:57,770 Has your strength peaked even for this deadline? 1009 01:10:02,860 --> 01:10:04,450 Yo, Kyon! 1010 01:10:06,280 --> 01:10:08,370 Next, right, lesson chemical, huh. 1011 01:10:08,370 --> 01:10:11,500 And my line will be fired at the question. 1012 01:10:11,500 --> 01:10:13,120 So help me a little. 1013 01:10:22,260 --> 01:10:23,880 Oi, Kunikida. 1014 01:10:24,840 --> 01:10:27,800 Explain this person about sodium mixed with water. 1015 01:10:28,260 --> 01:10:31,640 Especially in relation to hydrochloric acid. 1016 01:10:31,640 --> 01:10:33,940 Allow. 1017 01:10:33,940 --> 01:10:36,490 Later it will be neutral, right. 1018 01:10:36,490 --> 01:10:37,280 Which one ? 1019 01:10:42,040 --> 01:10:43,790 This one. 1020 01:10:43,790 --> 01:10:45,290 That one. 1021 01:10:45,290 --> 01:10:46,540 Even though it's easy, 1022 01:10:48,630 --> 01:10:50,800 First count the load of the molecule first... 1023 01:10:53,170 --> 01:10:54,950 By the way, Kyon... 1024 01:10:55,380 --> 01:10:58,840 I heard you made a fuss class the day after tomorrow, huh? 1025 01:10:58,840 --> 01:11:01,180 Not the day after yesterday, did you leave? 1026 01:11:02,060 --> 01:11:04,270 Since morning I slept in UKS, you know. 1027 01:11:04,890 --> 01:11:07,770 And yesterday I was absent. 1028 01:11:07,770 --> 01:11:08,900 What is the problem? 1029 01:11:08,900 --> 01:11:13,480 The Asakura problem is there or not, it says you are like a dazed person. 1030 01:11:13,480 --> 01:11:14,940 Abstain, huh. 1031 01:11:14,940 --> 01:11:19,320 Said someone has been replaced Asakura-san. Strange, right? 1032 01:11:19,320 --> 01:11:21,030 Haruhi-san, huh? 1033 01:11:21,030 --> 01:11:23,240 Who, is that? 1034 01:11:26,120 --> 01:11:28,040 Already, don't discuss it again. 1035 01:11:28,040 --> 01:11:29,290 Haruhi? 1036 01:11:29,290 --> 01:11:31,790 Haruhi means Suzumiya Haruhi? 1037 01:11:31,790 --> 01:11:33,800 Taniguchi knows? 1038 01:11:33,800 --> 01:11:34,760 Yes. 1039 01:11:34,760 --> 01:11:36,220 Ah, this one too. 1040 01:11:36,450 --> 01:11:39,360 Think for yourself, anyway... 1041 01:11:39,320 --> 01:11:40,320 What? 1042 01:11:39,810 --> 01:11:42,140 I swear, I don't understand really! 1043 01:11:43,170 --> 01:11:44,760 What did you say? 1044 01:11:44,760 --> 01:11:46,140 Ha? 1045 01:11:46,140 --> 01:11:48,360 I don't understand about i - 1046 01:11:46,900 --> 01:11:48,360 Before that. 1047 01:11:49,860 --> 01:11:52,650 Oh, Suzumiya Haruhi? 1048 01:11:52,650 --> 01:11:55,400 The rada-rada girl from Higashi Middle School. 1049 01:11:55,400 --> 01:11:58,200 Middle school time, three times I'm in her class. 1050 01:11:58,200 --> 01:12:00,280 By the way why can you know him- < 1051 01:12:00,280 --> 01:12:02,280 1052 01:12:03,370 --> 01:12:04,540 Ha? 1053 01:12:05,790 --> 01:12:07,620 Who do you call squid?! 1054 01:12:05,790 --> 01:12:07,620 Takai> 01:12:10,540 If I'm squid, then you are cuttlefish - 1056 01:12:12,300 --> 01:12:14,690 Do you know Haruhi?! 1057 01:12:16,230 --> 01:12:17,600 How can it not?! 1058 01:12:17,600 --> 01:12:20,820 I can't forget it for the next 50 years! 1059 01:12:20,820 --> 01:12:24,190 Everyone at Higashi Middle School can't possibly know him! 1060 01:12:24,190 --> 01:12:25,570 And this is off first! 1061 01:12:25,570 --> 01:12:26,440 Nothing - 1062 01:12:26,070 --> 01:12:27,160 Where? ! 1063 01:12:27,160 --> 01:12:28,990 Where is Haruhi now?! 1064 01:12:28,990 --> 01:12:30,370 Calm down a little. 1065 01:12:30,370 --> 01:12:31,620 Nagging! 1066 01:12:31,620 --> 01:12:34,080 "Where ?!", "Where ?!" What, drummer?! 1067 01:12:34,500 --> 01:12:37,290 Did you fall in love when you saw him somewhere? 1068 01:12:37,290 --> 01:12:39,040 Stop, I said! 1069 01:12:39,040 --> 01:12:43,000 I admit he is cute, but his character run away! 1070 01:12:43,000 --> 01:12:46,300 Like first class time at night he goes to school and draws my symbol - 1071 01:12:46,300 --> 01:12:48,220 That question I know! 1072 01:12:48,720 --> 01:12:49,590 It's stupid! 1073 01:12:49,590 --> 01:12:52,350 I'm asking, where is Suzumiya Haruhi now?! 1074 01:12:53,640 --> 01:12:55,520 In Kouyouen College! 1075 01:12:55,520 --> 01:12:58,440 He went to that elite school! 1076 01:12:58,440 --> 01:13:00,270 Kouyouen College? 1077 01:13:00,270 --> 01:13:02,980 The school is indeed the top school! 1078 01:13:03,280 --> 01:13:04,530 But the school is a noble girl, right?! 1079 01:13:04,530 --> 01:13:05,620 Kyon! 1080 01:13:06,490 --> 01:13:08,450 That school was always a school for kids mixed elite! 1081 01:13:08,450 --> 01:13:10,160 Right! 1082 01:13:10,160 --> 01:13:13,880 The NEM standard is high in this province! 1083 01:13:13,880 --> 01:13:15,090 Are you OK? 1084 01:13:15,090 --> 01:13:17,280 You must be hit fever - 1085 01:13:23,090 --> 01:13:24,550 Wait, Kyon... 1086 01:13:24,930 --> 01:13:26,510 I want to go home! 1087 01:13:26,510 --> 01:13:31,890 Say Okabe I'm dying of spleen, dysentery, and typus at once! 1088 01:13:32,560 --> 01:13:34,110 For you, Taniguchi... 1089 01:13:36,320 --> 01:13:37,690 Thank you! 1090 01:14:19,730 --> 01:14:21,440 Bad... 1091 01:14:21,440 --> 01:14:23,030 I'm making a fuss again. 1092 01:14:24,030 --> 01:14:28,280 I think the school environment is really quiet, it turns out it's still study time. 1093 01:14:29,200 --> 01:14:34,000 At the end of the year like this, the study hours are cut to half a day. 1094 01:14:34,000 --> 01:14:37,080 But even so, it's still one hour before school breaks down. 1095 01:14:38,000 --> 01:14:40,460 Should I break in? 1096 01:14:42,170 --> 01:14:44,180 Sounds like Haruhi. 1097 01:14:44,180 --> 01:14:46,430 And maybe it could be... 1098 01:14:47,220 --> 01:14:49,810 Unfortunately, I'm not that reliable. 1099 01:14:50,560 --> 01:14:54,850 I'm not Haruhi, when the situation is out of control, I can control myself. 1100 01:15:13,460 --> 01:15:17,930 Isn't she a girl from class 1-9 with Koizumi? 1101 01:15:17,930 --> 01:15:21,510 I thought they were also destroyed, it turns out they were just moved to this school? 1102 01:15:22,180 --> 01:15:25,430 At this rate, the possibility is wide for Haruhi to appear. 1103 01:15:25,430 --> 01:15:27,680 Maybe 50:50. 1104 01:15:27,680 --> 01:15:35,150 1105 01:15:35,990 --> 01:15:37,200 If he had an activity after school, I could only be a little here. 1106 01:15:37,200 --> 01:15:43,960 That's right... 1107 01:15:45,500 --> 01:15:49,010 What if he formed a new SOS Unit in Kouyouen and he formed it with other people ?! 1108 01:15:49,010 --> 01:15:53,840 Damn, it feels like I'm being thrown away. 1109 01:15:53,840 --> 01:15:56,390 Me, Asahina-san, Nagato and Koizumi are no longer important?! 1110 01:15:56,390 --> 01:15:58,890 If so, I'm not even a character supporters. 1111 01:16:00,070 --> 01:16:01,480 But it is completely extras! 1112 01:16:01,480 --> 01:16:02,860 I don't want that. 1113 01:16:03,440 --> 01:16:04,450 What sin am I?! 1114 01:16:04,450 --> 01:16:06,070 Damn! 1115 01:16:06,070 --> 01:16:07,570 To whom should I pray?! 1116 01:16:07,570 --> 01:16:08,450 What should I believe?! 1117 01:16:08,450 --> 01:16:09,240 Christ? 1118 01:16:09,240 --> 01:16:10,200 Shakyamuni? 1119 01:16:10,200 --> 01:16:11,200 Muhammad ? 1120 01:16:11,200 --> 01:16:12,540 Lovecraft? 1121 01:16:12,950 --> 01:16:14,120 Whatever! 1122 01:16:14,120 --> 01:16:17,210 What if this doesn't end, what should I do?! 1123 01:16:37,690 --> 01:16:39,060 Meet... 1124 01:16:39,360 --> 01:16:41,400 Finally I found... 1125 01:16:42,980 --> 01:16:45,320 Suzumiya Haruhi. 1126 01:16:49,040 --> 01:16:52,130 Even she is with Koizumi! 1127 01:16:52,130 --> 01:16:56,960 In this world, even they can be as familiar as that and walk home together... 1128 01:16:57,470 --> 01:16:59,550 No, I don't need to think about that. 1129 01:17:00,220 --> 01:17:03,640 And Haruhi, isn't that the face you've been throwing away for a long time?! 1130 01:17:03,640 --> 01:17:08,940 The face you brought when you entered high school, before setting up the SOS Unit. 1131 01:17:08,940 --> 01:17:11,730 Sharp eyes like archers. 1132 01:17:12,520 --> 01:17:15,400 This is not the time for me to remember those brief moments! 1133 01:17:22,000 --> 01:17:23,250 What the hell?! 1134 01:17:23,250 --> 01:17:26,630 Oi, oi. Why am I being this timid? 1135 01:17:27,250 --> 01:17:28,670 Road! 1136 01:17:31,220 --> 01:17:32,720 Road! 1137 01:17:35,050 --> 01:17:35,930 Oi! 1138 01:17:40,220 --> 01:17:41,230 What? 1139 01:17:44,060 --> 01:17:45,440 What's wrong? 1140 01:17:45,440 --> 01:17:47,480 Terlebih, siapa kau?! 1141 01:17:47,480 --> 01:17:52,740 I don't remember the man who called me "Oi" before. 1142 01:17:52,740 --> 01:17:55,160 If you just want to seduce, please step aside. 1143 01:17:57,070 --> 01:17:59,910 Is this your first meeting for you? 1144 01:17:59,910 --> 01:18:01,870 p> 1145 01:18:01,870 --> 01:18:03,960 Looks like, yeah. 1146 01:18:03,960 --> 01:18:06,330 And you are... 1147 01:18:07,630 --> 01:18:11,340 Are you here too, a transfer student? 1148 01:18:11,340 --> 01:18:14,720 I was moved around spring, where you know... 1149 01:18:14,720 --> 01:18:16,530 Do you remember something about "Organization". 1150 01:18:17,090 --> 01:18:19,300 "Organization"? 1151 01:18:21,680 --> 01:18:22,640 How was the writing? 1152 01:18:24,180 --> 01:18:27,860 Haruhi 1153 01:18:27,860 --> 01:18:29,360 Who said you may call me by my real name?! 1154 01:18:29,360 --> 01:18:31,730 What the heck, are you this? 1155 01:18:33,070 --> 01:18:34,240 Move aside, don't disturb me. 1156 01:18:35,650 --> 01:18:36,490 Suzumiya! 1157 01:18:36,490 --> 01:18:38,660 Wait - 1158 01:18:38,660 --> 01:18:41,540 Don't call me by my family name! 1159 01:18:41,540 --> 01:18:43,950 What's more, where do you know my name?! 1160 01:18:43,950 --> 01:18:46,170 What are you doing here? 1161 01:18:46,170 --> 01:18:48,460 Come on, Koizumi-kun. 1162 01:18:48,460 --> 01:18:49,330 Fine. 1163 01:18:49,330 --> 01:18:50,290 Tung - 1164 01:18:50,290 --> 01:18:51,340 Haruhi! 1165 01:18:51,920 --> 01:18:53,880 Ngeselin, yes! 1166 01:18:55,970 --> 01:18:57,680 Suzumiya-san! 1167 01:18:57,680 --> 01:18:59,470 Come on, Koizumi-kun. 1168 01:18:59,930 --> 01:19:00,720 Good... 1169 01:19:01,850 --> 01:19:03,690 Wait! 1170 01:19:02,930 --> 01:19:03,720 Hey! 1171 01:19:04,470 --> 01:19:05,980 What are you doing? 1172 01:19:05,980 --> 01:19:07,640 Which school? 1173 01:19:07,640 --> 01:19:09,470 Our High School? 1174 01:19:09,470 --> 01:19:10,310 No... 1175 01:19:11,690 --> 01:19:13,000 Damn! 1176 01:19:14,230 --> 01:19:16,110 Wait! 1177 01:19:16,530 --> 01:19:17,670 Haruhi! 1178 01:19:18,030 --> 01:19:19,820 Tell me one thing! 1179 01:19:19,820 --> 01:19:22,370 What do you remember Tanabata 3 years ago? 1180 01:19:26,750 --> 01:19:30,710 The day you made a picture on the field! 1181 01:19:32,250 --> 01:19:34,380 Why did you bring that problem? 1182 01:19:34,380 --> 01:19:36,590 Everyone knows that. 1183 01:19:36,590 --> 01:19:41,340 The one who goes to school that night is not just you! 1184 01:19:41,340 --> 01:19:43,140 At that time, Asahina - 1185 01:19:43,860 --> 01:19:46,610 There was a guy holding a girl on his back, right?! 1186 01:19:46,940 --> 01:19:49,650 And he drew it! 1187 01:19:49,650 --> 01:19:51,200 And the meaning of the image... 1188 01:19:51,200 --> 01:19:53,780 "I'm here"! 1189 01:19:58,410 --> 01:20:00,440 Come on, come on. 1190 01:19:59,830 --> 01:20:00,910 Tung - 1191 01:20:00,910 --> 01:20:02,590 Don't fight ! 1192 01:20:02,590 --> 01:20:04,040 Suzumiya-san? 1193 01:20:05,750 --> 01:20:06,630 Haru - 1194 01:20:10,340 --> 01:20:12,180 It hurts to know! 1195 01:20:12,180 --> 01:20:12,850 How about that? 1196 01:20:13,430 --> 01:20:15,440 How do you know ? 1197 01:20:15,440 --> 01:20:16,850 Who told you - 1198 01:20:17,730 --> 01:20:18,940 No... 1199 01:20:18,940 --> 01:20:21,780 I've never told anyone about it. 1200 01:20:21,780 --> 01:20:22,780 At that time... 1201 01:20:23,740 --> 01:20:24,990 Our High School... 1202 01:20:25,740 --> 01:20:27,150 Your name! 1203 01:20:28,740 --> 01:20:30,410 John Smith. 1204 01:20:37,080 --> 01:20:39,040 John Smith... 1205 01:20:40,000 --> 01:20:41,750 You... 1206 01:20:41,750 --> 01:20:44,760 John who was then... 1207 01:20:44,760 --> 01:20:49,390 A strange high school student who helped me at that time... 1208 01:20:49,390 --> 01:20:50,520 Suzumiya-san! 1209 01:20:51,430 --> 01:20:54,350 Call the teacher! 1210 01:20:56,590 --> 01:20:57,440 Are you okay? 1211 01:20:57,050 --> 01:20:58,600 Connect! 1212 01:20:58,600 --> 01:20:59,740 Right... 1213 01:20:59,740 --> 01:21:03,240 I managed to find clue. 1214 01:21:03,240 --> 01:21:05,460 In this destroyed world... 1215 01:21:05,460 --> 01:21:07,240 Only one... 1216 01:21:07,240 --> 01:21:10,370 Humans who have memories with me... 1217 01:21:33,360 --> 01:21:36,020 I met John Smith twice. 1218 01:21:36,020 --> 01:21:36,980 Twice? 1219 01:21:39,110 --> 01:21:44,240 After writing the message, he called me in my return trip. 1220 01:21:44,240 --> 01:21:48,620 "I entrust greetings to John Smith who will save the world." 1221 01:21:49,960 --> 01:21:53,920 It's different from what I remember. 1222 01:21:53,920 --> 01:21:57,000 After I thought I found a connection, it turned out break up again. 1223 01:21:57,000 --> 01:21:59,920 And for this I have to say that... 1224 01:21:59,920 --> 01:22:01,830 Use "John Smith"... 1225 01:22:01,830 --> 01:22:05,890 Isn't that for Haruhi the most sensitive thing? 1226 01:22:05,890 --> 01:22:08,400 Sorry... 1227 01:22:08,400 --> 01:22:10,980 I want to straighten out some things... 1228 01:22:12,400 --> 01:22:13,320 Please. 1229 01:22:13,860 --> 01:22:18,950 You live in another world, and the world 1230 01:22:18,950 --> 01:22:19,870 Yes. 1231 01:22:19,870 --> 01:22:26,790 And in that world, Suzumiya-san and I are our High School students, and members of the SOS Unit? 1232 01:22:26,790 --> 01:22:28,000 Benar. 1233 01:22:28,000 --> 01:22:34,170 And the others are Asahina Mikuru-san the time traveler, and Nagato Yuki-san the alien. 1234 01:22:34,170 --> 01:22:40,390 And me too, as an esper with all three of you, participated in watching over Suzumiya-san. 1235 01:22:40,390 --> 01:22:42,020 Right as you said. 1236 01:22:44,800 --> 01:22:46,050 Forgive my words. 1237 01:22:46,050 --> 01:22:48,760 If it's true, then this is a shocking conversation. 1238 01:22:48,760 --> 01:22:50,850 And even to believe- 1239 01:22:49,010 --> 01:22:50,850 When I'm moody... 1240 01:22:50,850 --> 01:22:53,020 An "Exile" is created? 1241 01:22:54,690 --> 01:22:56,770 Yes... 1242 01:22:57,310 --> 01:23:00,610 Therefore, the whole universe almost destroyed, you say? 1243 01:23:00,610 --> 01:23:01,280 Indeed... 1244 01:23:01,280 --> 01:23:04,360 But the "I" there doesn't know that? 1245 01:23:02,030 --> 01:23:04,360 Suzumiya-san... 1246 01:23:05,000 --> 01:23:06,080 I'm just one? 1247 01:23:06,080 --> 01:23:08,000 Right. 1248 01:23:08,000 --> 01:23:10,290 You live happily without knowing how. 1249 01:23:10,290 --> 01:23:12,860 And there is an odd occurrence? 1250 01:23:13,460 --> 01:23:14,460 Yes... 1251 01:23:18,930 --> 01:23:19,940 Sorry... 1252 01:23:19,430 --> 01:23:20,430 Fun? 1253 01:23:22,260 --> 01:23:24,060 Do you believe? 1254 01:23:22,260 --> 01:23:24,060 Suzumiya-san... 1255 01:23:25,560 --> 01:23:29,690 You there never believed in me. 1256 01:23:29,690 --> 01:23:32,690 Means that I was a fool. 1257 01:23:32,690 --> 01:23:34,190 I will believe it. 1258 01:23:34,690 --> 01:23:35,990 Because... 1259 01:23:35,990 --> 01:23:37,450 Then... 1260 01:23:37,450 --> 01:23:38,670 Absolute... 1261 01:23:38,670 --> 01:23:40,620 It's more fun! 1262 01:23:41,530 --> 01:23:45,290 Since I met John Smith, I looked for him in our high school. 1263 01:23:45,290 --> 01:23:46,830 I watched him. 1264 01:23:46,830 --> 01:23:49,340 But nobody I saw was similar to John 1265 01:23:49,340 --> 01:23:54,220 But apparently because 3 years ago you haven't become our high school student! 1266 01:23:54,220 --> 01:23:55,970 What are you laughing at? 1267 01:23:56,710 --> 01:23:58,420 Nothing. 1268 01:23:58,420 --> 01:24:02,760 And for that, I want to ask why are you in this world not in our High School? 1269 01:24:03,800 --> 01:24:05,310 There is absolutely no reason. 1270 01:24:05,720 --> 01:24:09,230 When I entered high school, John must have graduated. 1271 01:24:09,230 --> 01:24:11,230 And before that I never met him. 1272 01:24:11,730 --> 01:24:16,860 And my teacher is always big about the value of the Kouyouen College. 1273 01:24:16,860 --> 01:24:18,240 Apparently, anyway... 1274 01:24:18,240 --> 01:24:20,150 And you? 1275 01:24:22,360 --> 01:24:24,490 Just like Suzumiya-san . 1276 01:24:24,490 --> 01:24:28,620 I took an education path that suited my ability. 1277 01:24:28,620 --> 01:24:30,580 SOS Unit, huh? 1278 01:24:31,290 --> 01:24:32,790 Sounds fun, huh. 1279 01:24:32,790 --> 01:24:36,130 Who is happy without suffering it's just you. 1280 01:24:36,750 --> 01:24:38,960 I wish I believed... 1281 01:24:39,500 --> 01:24:44,290 There are two possibilities for the incident you experienced. 1282 01:24:45,050 --> 01:24:51,090 The first is that you have entered the world parallel. 1283 01:24:51,090 --> 01:24:52,510 Like this. 1284 01:24:53,140 --> 01:24:57,600 And the other, is the world you live in... 1285 01:24:57,600 --> 01:24:58,930 Thanks. 1286 01:24:58,930 --> 01:25:01,730 It has changed completely. 1287 01:25:02,550 --> 01:25:04,680 Without yourself. 1288 01:25:05,470 --> 01:25:08,480 But any one has a disadvantage in the form of an unanswered question. 1289 01:25:08,890 --> 01:25:13,860 For the first possibility, where do the rest of the world go? 1290 01:25:14,440 --> 01:25:19,360 For the second possibility, why are you only not affected by that change? 1291 01:25:20,660 --> 01:25:26,290 If you have entered the parallel world, then you have to find the same path when you enter to exit. 1292 01:25:27,330 --> 01:25:32,380 If the world has changed, you have to find a way to restore it to its original form. 1293 01:25:34,170 --> 01:25:42,010 For this case, I'm a little worried about the possibility of Suzumiya-san and me being destroyed... 1294 01:25:43,290 --> 01:25:49,300 Back to the case, the fastest way to find an answer is to find the person who changed the world. 1295 01:25:50,720 --> 01:25:53,760 Besides Haruhi, who else? 1296 01:25:56,720 --> 01:26:00,600 Maybe parallel world invaders. 1297 01:26:00,600 --> 01:26:04,020 Maybe they send people to colonize your world. 1298 01:26:04,020 --> 01:26:06,070 Cluttered! 1299 01:26:07,560 --> 01:26:09,730 I'm just talking about possibilities. 1300 01:26:10,610 --> 01:26:12,430 Previously, yes... 1301 01:26:12,860 --> 01:26:17,610 There is also a message from Nagato Yuki-san whose contents told you to look for "Key", right? 1302 01:26:18,400 --> 01:26:21,990 I want to go to the club room that you are telling me about. 1303 01:26:21,990 --> 01:26:25,060 I also want to meet Nagato-san and Asahina-san. 1304 01:26:25,060 --> 01:26:29,420 If I'm the only actor that causes the world to change, maybe I will remember something. 1305 01:26:29,420 --> 01:26:30,810 What, John? 1306 01:26:30,810 --> 01:26:32,810 Do you think that's a good idea, right? 1307 01:26:32,810 --> 01:26:35,210 The call "John" is what I mean? 1308 01:26:35,210 --> 01:26:37,810 Between "Kyon" and "John" is better "John" right? 1309 01:26:37,810 --> 01:26:40,010 It's not only because it's a common name in the west. 1310 01:26:40,010 --> 01:26:43,810 "Kyon" is a childish name, who 1311 01:26:43,810 --> 01:26:46,470 Where to go? 1312 01:26:48,420 --> 01:26:49,420 Where? 1313 01:26:50,130 --> 01:26:51,910 Our high school, of course! 1314 01:26:52,420 --> 01:26:54,550 I want to call taxi! 1315 01:27:01,430 --> 01:27:03,520 Still like he is ordinary. 1316 01:27:03,520 --> 01:27:05,810 I was calm there was someone like that. 1317 01:27:05,810 --> 01:27:09,520 I only paid for Suzumiya-san, huh. 1318 01:27:10,810 --> 01:27:13,690 By the way, are you close to Haruhi? 1319 01:27:15,860 --> 01:27:17,280 That's how it is. 1320 01:27:17,280 --> 01:27:19,660 I like Suzumiya-san. 1321 01:27:21,920 --> 01:27:23,130 Right? 1322 01:27:23,130 --> 01:27:24,210 Sure. 1323 01:27:24,210 --> 01:27:26,460 I see it as a charming person. 1324 01:27:26,460 --> 01:27:28,470 I've ever heard, here. 1325 01:27:28,470 --> 01:27:32,760 But it looks like Suzumiya-san just likes me because I'm someone 1326 01:27:33,430 --> 01:27:37,560 Just because I'm a transfer student, then he talks to me. 1327 01:27:38,020 --> 01:27:41,690 Even though I've seen lately he looks bored with that. 1328 01:27:44,110 --> 01:27:49,190 In the world where you come from , he doesn't look at you at all from any side, huh? 1329 01:27:49,700 --> 01:27:55,370 From now until now, he always drags me into strange situations without caring about me. 1330 01:27:55,870 --> 01:27:56,830 I understand. 1331 01:27:57,460 --> 01:28:04,970 That means, Suzumiya-san in your world likes you without thinking about you. 1332 01:28:05,800 --> 01:28:11,430 Which means if Suzumiya-san in your world and Suzumiya-san I know is the same person... 1333 01:28:17,360 --> 01:28:18,570 {Mening}... leave you. {I also understand! WE ARE GA SHABETTA} 1334 01:28:27,620 --> 01:28:29,570 What are you two, what are you doing there?! 1335 01:28:29,570 --> 01:28:30,660 Come on, hurry up! 1336 01:28:31,820 --> 01:28:32,700 Come on. 1337 01:28:32,700 --> 01:28:34,320 Yes... 1338 01:28:36,070 --> 01:28:38,410 Oi, hurry here! 1339 01:28:40,540 --> 01:28:41,750 It's bad! 1340 01:28:41,750 --> 01:28:43,750 Now it's time to go home from school! 1341 01:28:43,750 --> 01:28:46,750 I promised Nagato to come to the club room.... 1342 01:28:46,750 --> 01:28:49,250 Please wait a little longer! 1343 01:29:01,840 --> 01:29:04,020 What now? 1344 01:29:04,020 --> 01:29:08,860 Actually I didn't forbid you to break into my school, but your uniform... 1345 01:29:08,860 --> 01:29:12,240 If you get caught by the teacher, it can be a problem. 1346 01:29:12,240 --> 01:29:14,500 That's right, yeah... 1347 01:29:15,610 --> 01:29:17,280 Let me explain my plan. 1348 01:29:17,280 --> 01:29:18,410 Borrow the ear. 1349 01:29:20,670 --> 01:29:21,540 ... Tuh. 1350 01:29:23,170 --> 01:29:24,670 You base. 1351 01:29:29,550 --> 01:29:31,970 This has been washed out right? 1352 01:29:31,970 --> 01:29:34,970 A week ago... 1353 01:29:34,970 --> 01:29:37,520 So where can we change clothes? 1354 01:29:37,520 --> 01:29:39,020 What's wrong here too? 1355 01:29:39,560 --> 01:29:42,480 I don't think your feet are long, huh. 1356 01:29:50,820 --> 01:29:53,400 John, please protect 1357 01:29:54,530 --> 01:29:56,650 Tung-no! 1358 01:29:58,160 --> 01:30:00,960 Calm down, I'm wearing a t-shirt, really. 1359 01:30:01,990 --> 01:30:03,530 Yes. 1360 01:30:05,250 --> 01:30:06,910 Ready ! 1361 01:30:06,910 --> 01:30:08,620 Not cold? 1362 01:30:08,620 --> 01:30:09,670 Not too. 1363 01:30:12,550 --> 01:30:15,260 Why don't you try installing a ponytail? 1364 01:30:15,260 --> 01:30:16,720 Why? 1365 01:30:16,720 --> 01:30:18,680 I don't know, just fun. 1366 01:30:20,270 --> 01:30:21,850 It's OK... 1367 01:30:21,850 --> 01:30:26,280 It's easy to imagine, when it's made, why is it difficult? 1368 01:30:26,280 --> 01:30:30,030 But if it's like this, I'm like a member gymnastics club. 1369 01:30:31,610 --> 01:30:32,450 What is this? 1370 01:30:32,450 --> 01:30:33,620 Great! 1371 01:30:33,620 --> 01:30:37,140 In my eyes, now you look 36% more interesting. 1372 01:30:38,160 --> 01:30:38,910 Bodo. 1373 01:30:40,370 --> 01:30:42,540 Koizumi-kun, it's done? 1374 01:30:42,540 --> 01:30:44,960 Yes, about... 1375 01:30:44,960 --> 01:30:46,340 Cold, huh? 1376 01:30:46,340 --> 01:30:48,560 Yes, roughly... 1377 01:30:48,560 --> 01:30:53,060 Suzumiya-san, if the shirt isn't worn, I may... 1378 01:30:53,060 --> 01:30:54,060 Don't. 1379 01:30:54,060 --> 01:30:56,480 Can be used for hide bag. 1380 01:30:57,730 --> 01:30:59,690 Bring it, yes, John. 1381 01:31:01,150 --> 01:31:05,450 Now we put on a look as if we were just returning to the marathon. 1382 01:31:05,450 --> 01:31:06,620 Can you? 1383 01:31:10,660 --> 01:31:16,870 stop the running Haruhi, whatever the circumstances, the answer is impossible. 1384 01:31:17,670 --> 01:31:22,040 And I also feel that I know that Koizumi in this world also knows that. 1385 01:31:23,010 --> 01:31:29,150 And if you think about including 2 students High School We have had to go through suffering like this. 1386 01:31:29,150 --> 01:31:32,460 You 3 days ago are still normal students here. 1387 01:31:40,030 --> 01:31:41,660 The place is similar to under a bridge, huh. 1388 01:31:41,660 --> 01:31:42,990 Appreciate a little , why? 1389 01:31:43,580 --> 01:31:47,160 Nagato-san is now waiting for you in the club room, right? 1390 01:31:47,160 --> 01:31:48,710 Yes, that's fast. 1391 01:31:48,710 --> 01:31:50,130 Wait a minute! 1392 01:31:50,130 --> 01:31:51,330 Apa lagi? 1393 01:31:51,330 --> 01:31:54,210 First let's pick Asahina-san first. 1394 01:31:54,710 --> 01:31:55,640 But... 1395 01:31:55,170 --> 01:31:58,170 Nagato-san can wait a little longer. 1396 01:31:58,170 --> 01:32:00,640 Calm down, we it won't be late. 1397 01:32:02,850 --> 01:32:04,660 Okay, we're going to the calligraphy club! 1398 01:32:04,660 --> 01:32:07,230 Sorry, Nagato! Please wait a little longer! 1399 01:32:08,280 --> 01:32:09,570 Asahina-san is there? 1400 01:32:10,860 --> 01:32:11,990 Yes... 1401 01:32:13,110 --> 01:32:15,330 I told you not to be noisy. 1402 01:32:15,330 --> 01:32:17,240 That's right that, right? 1403 01:32:17,240 --> 01:32:19,410 Is he really from class 2? 1404 01:32:19,410 --> 01:32:21,830 There's no mistaking it, it's true he is. 1405 01:32:24,880 --> 01:32:25,880 Thank you. 1406 01:32:25,880 --> 01:32:28,950 I'm from the Student Council information division, Suzumiya. 1407 01:32:28,950 --> 01:32:32,220 Asahina Mikuru-san, there are a few questions I want you to answer. 1408 01:32:32,220 --> 01:32:33,920 I ask for a moment. 1409 01:32:33,920 --> 01:32:38,990 Student Council, what? 1410 01:32:38,430 --> 01:32:40,600 Asahina-san... sorry! 1411 01:32:38,990 --> 01:32:40,180 Never mind! 1412 01:32:44,850 --> 01:32:45,940 Nagato! 1413 01:32:47,770 --> 01:32:49,170 Sorry, I - 1414 01:32:48,610 --> 01:32:50,900 Excuse me! 1415 01:32:51,320 --> 01:32:53,230 Sorry to interrupt! 1416 01:32:53,230 --> 01:32:54,260 Excuse me, huh. 1417 01:32:59,290 --> 01:33:00,540 Good afternoon. 1418 01:33:03,170 --> 01:33:04,800 This is where? 1419 01:33:04,800 --> 01:33:06,470 Why me - 1420 01:33:06,470 --> 01:33:08,640 Kk-go-why's the door locked? 1421 01:33:08,640 --> 01:33:09,790 Actually ap - 1422 01:33:09,260 --> 01:33:10,600 Please be quiet. 1423 01:33:11,400 --> 01:33:14,780 His words are the same as they were before, really moving. 1424 01:33:14,780 --> 01:33:15,900 It seems to arouse memories. 1425 01:33:15,900 --> 01:33:17,990 And that is Nagato Yuki-san? 1426 01:33:17,990 --> 01:33:18,700 Greetings! 1427 01:33:18,700 --> 01:33:20,490 I'm Suzumiya Haruhi. 1428 01:33:20,780 --> 01:33:23,670 And the girl with this big chest Asahina -san. 1429 01:33:24,660 --> 01:33:27,330 And the guy there is Koizumi-kun. 1430 01:33:27,790 --> 01:33:28,790 How are you? 1431 01:33:29,370 --> 01:33:31,500 It's very clear, he looks at you like a suspicious person. 1432 01:33:32,460 --> 01:33:34,090 And that must be familiar, right? 1433 01:33:34,090 --> 01:33:35,170 He is John Smith. 1434 01:33:35,170 --> 01:33:36,550 John Smith? 1435 01:33:36,550 --> 01:33:38,670 Just follow first. 1436 01:33:40,050 --> 01:33:42,930 So this is the room SOS Unit, huh? 1437 01:33:42,930 --> 01:33:45,100 Even though it's empty, but the room is good. 1438 01:33:45,100 --> 01:33:48,020 Kalau mau diisi pasti repot, nih. 1439 01:33:52,310 --> 01:33:54,110 So what now? 1440 01:33:55,490 --> 01:33:58,830 You're so far without thinking about that? 1441 01:33:58,830 --> 01:34:01,460 Really Haruhi. 1442 01:34:02,080 --> 01:34:05,250 Isn't it difficult to get to the room? 1443 01:34:05,830 --> 01:34:06,920 Meaning? 1444 01:34:07,670 --> 01:34:14,010 I don't mind if this space becomes our headquarters, but if every time here it should be like that? 1445 01:34:14,010 --> 01:34:15,090 Ah, right! 1446 01:34:15,090 --> 01:34:19,260 What if every meeting was held in a cafe near the station? 1447 01:34:19,260 --> 01:34:20,470 Wait, wait! 1448 01:34:20,770 --> 01:34:26,570 So in this world you want to set up an SOS Unit too, is that so? 1449 01:34:26,570 --> 01:34:28,950 also sounds good. 1450 01:34:28,950 --> 01:34:32,200 And the goal... 1451 01:34:32,200 --> 01:34:37,750 If you are a dimension piercer, it means returning you to the world of your origin. 1452 01:34:37,750 --> 01:34:38,970 After that - 1453 01:34:38,330 --> 01:34:40,250 Wait, I said... 1454 01:34:52,140 --> 01:34:53,640 Shocked me... 1455 01:34:53,640 --> 01:34:55,180 Computer, anyway. 1456 01:34:55,180 --> 01:34:57,190 Suddenly it lights up. 1457 01:34:58,900 --> 01:35:00,900 Nagato-san, don't turn it on? 1458 01:35:02,240 --> 01:35:06,040 Is it not set to turn on now? 1459 01:35:08,120 --> 01:35:09,330 Sorry, excuse me! 1460 01:35:10,290 --> 01:35:12,290 What? What's up now? 1461 01:35:12,290 --> 01:35:13,750 Wait a minute! 1462 01:35:28,640 --> 01:35:29,730 John... 1463 01:35:35,650 --> 01:35:36,730 What's wrong? 1464 01:35:36,730 --> 01:35:38,820 Your head is broken, huh? 1465 01:35:38,820 --> 01:35:41,200 No, I'm still sane. 1466 01:35:42,420 --> 01:35:46,510 When you read this, maybe I already not me anymore. 1467 01:35:48,760 --> 01:35:49,590 Yes. 1468 01:35:50,150 --> 01:35:52,440 It's like that, Nagato. 1469 01:35:51,890 --> 01:36:02,620 When you read this, maybe I already not me anymore. 1470 01:35:53,350 --> 01:36:02,620 When this message appears, it means you, me, Suzumiya Haruhi , Asahina Mikuru, and Koizumi Itsuki has gathered. 1471 01:36:02,920 --> 01:36:04,080 That's how it is. 1472 01:36:04,080 --> 01:36:06,540 Everything is here. 1473 01:36:05,860 --> 01:36:10,200 When this message appears, it means You, me, Suzumiya Haruhi, Asahina Mikuru, and Koizumi Itsuki have gathered. 1474 01:36:06,400 --> 01:36:10,200 Itulah "Kunci". Jawabannya sudah kau temukan. 1475 01:36:11,090 --> 01:36:13,590 I'm not looking for it. 1476 01:36:13,590 --> 01:36:17,760 Together with Koizumi, I'm just being dragged by Haruhi. 1477 01:36:17,760 --> 01:36:20,640 And speaking out of circumstances, Nagato, it's been a long time, huh? 1478 01:36:20,670 --> 01:36:23,210 That's "Key". You have found the answer. 1479 01:36:23,210 --> 01:36:24,880 That's "Key". You have found the answer. 1480 01:36:23,630 --> 01:36:25,420 This is an emergency closure program. 1481 01:36:24,880 --> 01:36:25,420 That's the "Key". You have found the answer. 1482 01:36:27,920 --> 01:36:33,930 That's "Key". You have found the answer. 1483 01:36:27,920 --> 01:36:33,930 This is an emergency closing program 1484 01:36:27,980 --> 01:36:33,930 To activate it press "ENTER", if you do not press the other button. 1485 01:36:33,930 --> 01:36:41,690 To activate it press "ENTER", If you don't press the other button. 1486 01:36:34,970 --> 01:36:39,540 once the program is running and active, you have a chance to improve the time path. 1487 01:36:39,640 --> 01:36:41,690 But there is no guarantee to succeed. 1488 01:36:41,690 --> 01:36:44,980 Also there is no guarantee that you will return safely. 1489 01:36:46,440 --> 01:36:48,440 Also there is no guarantee that you will return safely. 1490 01:36:46,610 --> 01:36:48,440 This program can only be run 1491 01:36:48,440 --> 01:36:50,200 Once 1492 01:36:50,200 --> 01:36:52,450 Also there is no guarantee that you will return safely. 1493 01:36:50,200 --> 01:36:52,450 This program can only be run once. After the login command, it will be deleted. 1494 01:36:52,450 --> 01:36:56,830 Also there is no guarantee that you will return safely. 1495 01:36:52,450 --> 01:36:56,830 This program can only run once. After the login command, it will be deleted. 1496 01:36:52,860 --> 01:36:56,830 If you do not choose to activate this program, this program will also be deleted. 1497 01:36:56,830 --> 01:36:59,950 This program can only be run once. After the entry command, it will be deleted. 1498 01:36:56,830 --> 01:36:59,950 If you do not choose to activate this program, this program will also be deleted. 1499 01:36:59,950 --> 01:37:01,460 If you do not choose to activate this program, this program will also be deleted. 1500 01:37:08,310 --> 01:37:10,150 What does this mean? 1501 01:37:10,150 --> 01:37:12,230 What was that toy? 1502 01:37:12,230 --> 01:37:14,030 John, please explain! 1503 01:37:14,780 --> 01:37:15,780 Nagato. 1504 01:37:16,410 --> 01:37:18,320 Do you know anything about this? 1505 01:37:18,780 --> 01:37:19,660 No. 1506 01:37:19,660 --> 01:37:21,160 Are you sure? 1507 01:37:22,920 --> 01:37:23,670 Why? 1508 01:37:26,970 --> 01:37:28,930 The message that Nagato left for me. 1509 01:37:29,630 --> 01:37:32,970 I don't know what that meant by the emergency closure program. 1510 01:37:32,970 --> 01:37:36,980 But it's hard to imagine if this isn't the message he left behind. 1511 01:37:36,980 --> 01:37:41,610 If I doubt this message, it means there is a problem with me. 1512 01:37:41,610 --> 01:37:43,690 John, what's wrong? 1513 01:37:43,690 --> 01:37:49,400 Your face was strange, and until now I continue to expect an explanation from you. 1514 01:37:49,400 --> 01:37:51,030 Actually what - 1515 01:37:49,780 --> 01:37:51,480 Just shut up for a moment! 1516 01:37:53,530 --> 01:37:57,200 Sorry, I'm thinking hard. 1517 01:37:57,200 --> 01:37:58,500 Ooh. 1518 01:38:04,930 --> 01:38:06,140 What's wrong ? 1519 01:38:06,970 --> 01:38:08,180 Nothing... 1520 01:38:33,790 --> 01:38:34,670 It's okay. 1521 01:38:37,380 --> 01:38:38,380 Nagato. 1522 01:38:39,170 --> 01:38:41,760 Take it, sorry. 1523 01:38:47,430 --> 01:38:48,390 Alright. 1524 01:38:59,800 --> 01:39:01,330 But, Nagato... 1525 01:39:01,680 --> 01:39:04,640 Sejak awal, tempatku memang disini. 1526 01:39:05,810 --> 01:39:09,480 So I don't need to join. 1527 01:39:10,520 --> 01:39:11,950 Because... 1528 01:39:14,400 --> 01:39:19,070 Because I'm a member of the SOS Unit number 1. 1529 01:39:22,150 --> 01:39:24,620 Okay, I answer "OK" , of course. 1530 01:39:45,300 --> 01:39:46,850 I will not forgive you. 1531 01:39:49,480 --> 01:39:50,830 I am sorry... 1532 01:40:06,720 --> 01:40:07,890 Here... 1533 01:40:09,060 --> 01:40:10,730 Literary club room? < /p> 1534 01:40:11,600 --> 01:40:12,730 Tapi... 1535 01:40:12,730 --> 01:40:15,770 Looks like I still haven't returned to my original world. 1536 01:40:16,590 --> 01:40:19,090 It's still the same as the literary club room that was. 1537 01:40:19,850 --> 01:40:24,140 Because there are no items belonging to Haruhi & inventory belonging to the SOS Unit. 1538 01:40:25,270 --> 01:40:26,560 Heat... 1539 01:40:27,020 --> 01:40:27,640 Damn... 1540 01:40:27,640 --> 01:40:29,560 Is this summer?! 1541 01:40:31,940 --> 01:40:33,940 Now when? 1542 01:40:38,930 --> 01:40:42,350 In my closet, my shoes aren't there. 1543 01:40:42,350 --> 01:40:45,350 And now, no doubt, it's summer. 1544 01:40:45,350 --> 01:40:48,360 I think I've thrown into another world. 1545 01:40:48,940 --> 01:40:55,070 Means now, my mission is to know the year, month, day, hour, minute and second. 1546 01:40:55,490 --> 01:40:58,030 Because between the past and the future, the time span is unlimited, right. 1547 01:41:14,050 --> 01:41:15,430 Welcome! 1548 01:41:17,260 --> 01:41:19,970 So this is what you want to say, Nagato? 1549 01:41:21,140 --> 01:41:23,100 Tanabata national day. 1550 01:41:23,570 --> 01:41:26,370 Today is July 7, three years ago. 1551 01:41:26,690 --> 01:41:28,360 That's how... 1552 01:41:32,030 --> 01:41:33,200 Right... 1553 01:41:33,200 --> 01:41:38,930 On the same day, after writing Tanzaku in the club room, I went exploring with Asahina-san. 1554 01:41:38,930 --> 01:41:41,630 And meet again with the adult version of Asahina-san. 1555 01:41:42,140 --> 01:41:47,880 And I helped Haruhi while still in grade 1 of junior high school drawing on the field. 1556 01:41:48,380 --> 01:41:55,100 After that the time explorer belongs Asahina is gone, and we head to Nagato's apartment to ask for help. 1557 01:41:55,100 --> 01:41:57,980 Singkatnya, disini mereka juga ada! 1558 01:41:58,850 --> 01:42:02,150 The person who can save my life is two! 1559 01:42:03,110 --> 01:42:09,240 At Tanabata, after wading through time, we arrived here at 9:00 p.m. 1560 01:42:09,240 --> 01:42:12,950 After that, Asahina-san lost consciousness. 1561 01:42:12,950 --> 01:42:17,910 And it was replaced, from the future, by the adult Asahina-san who gave me a clue. 1562 01:42:20,360 --> 01:42:27,240 I was able to see Nagato's apartment, but I couldn't appear before him before our first meeting. 1563 01:42:51,420 --> 01:42:52,080 Yes! 1564 01:42:55,210 --> 01:43:00,050 Why, huh? Why do I feel jealous of myself now? 1565 01:43:00,050 --> 01:43:03,300 I want to change it. 1566 01:43:03,970 --> 01:43:09,220 But I don't know if I'm the other one here. 1567 01:43:09,220 --> 01:43:13,730 If I break it, I can overtake the time. {Spell check pass, the writing is really "overlapping"} 1568 01:43:15,100 --> 01:43:19,770 Sorry, I don't want to overload this time. 1569 01:43:24,360 --> 01:43:25,700 Asahina-san? 1570 01:43:26,610 --> 01:43:27,360 Appears. 1571 01:43:28,030 --> 01:43:31,080 If I'm not mistaken, that's when... 1572 01:43:31,870 --> 01:43:33,120 Bingo! 1573 01:43:33,120 --> 01:43:35,580 Adult version of Asahina-san, SAH! 1574 01:43:35,110 --> 01:43:37,310 Kyon-kun, good night ! 1575 01:43:36,080 --> 01:43:38,250 Everything is exactly what I remember. 1576 01:43:37,310 --> 01:43:38,290 Asahina-san? 1577 01:43:38,290 --> 01:43:42,130 And after this, I will meet Haruhi while still in grade 1 of middle school. 1578 01:43:42,130 --> 01:43:44,860 But now it's not my business with him. 1579 01:43:54,210 --> 01:43:55,460 Asahina-san! 1580 01:43:59,920 --> 01:44:00,880 Sorry... 1581 01:44:01,420 --> 01:44:02,010 I... 1582 01:44:02,010 --> 01:44:03,720 Good night, Kyon-kun. 1583 01:44:05,680 --> 01:44:07,950 For you it must have been very long. 1584 01:44:12,100 --> 01:44:14,690 Thank God we met. 1585 01:44:14,690 --> 01:44:18,610 I began to worry whether I had made a mistake. 1586 01:44:18,610 --> 01:44:22,070 Asahina-san, what is my arrival... 1587 01:44:22,070 --> 01:44:26,240 Right now, is your encounter with me known? 1588 01:44:26,240 --> 01:44:29,610 Yes, but that's just the basis. 1589 01:44:30,990 --> 01:44:36,330 That day, little Asahina-san took me to Tanabata three years before. 1590 01:44:36,330 --> 01:44:40,880 Which means, those who have arranged everything today are you, right? 1591 01:44:42,680 --> 01:44:43,720 Yes. 1592 01:44:43,720 --> 01:44:49,600 This has happened, otherwise you won't be here, right? < /p> 1593 01:44:53,270 --> 01:44:54,280 Lalu... 1594 01:44:54,280 --> 01:44:59,530 What Haruhi heard when returning home from John Smith was... 1595 01:44:59,530 --> 01:45:01,160 Yes, correct. 1596 01:45:01,700 --> 01:45:04,490 That is you, Kyon-kun. 1597 01:45:04,490 --> 01:45:06,040 You are now. 1598 01:45:08,920 --> 01:45:12,010 Guiding you from here is my duty. 1599 01:45:12,010 --> 01:45:16,060 But all the choices depend on you. 1600 01:45:16,930 --> 01:45:19,120 I'm not just guiding you. 1601 01:45:25,860 --> 01:45:28,440 What has happened to the time line? 1602 01:45:28,440 --> 01:45:31,610 It feels to be tangled and complicated. {な/ p> 1603 01:45:31,610 --> 01:45:34,240 I can't say the details. 1604 01:45:34,240 --> 01:45:36,080 Information is limited, huh? 1605 01:45:36,080 --> 01:45:37,830 No, not that. 1606 01:45:38,450 --> 01:45:41,540 I can't explain it in a form that you can understand. 1607 01:45:41,540 --> 01:45:47,420 When I first explained my identity, it looks like you don't understand either. 1608 01:45:47,420 --> 01:45:49,510 I just made you confused. 1609 01:45:50,630 --> 01:45:51,760 Aah... 1610 01:45:53,520 --> 01:45:55,890 Later you will understand it yourself. 1611 01:45:56,690 --> 01:46:00,190 I don't know when Nagato ever said the same thing. 1612 01:46:00,190 --> 01:46:04,240 The future of the computer is not the same as today's computers, or whatever. 1613 01:46:04,240 --> 01:46:05,400 Yes. 1614 01:46:05,400 --> 01:46:15,000 this is still network dependent but in my time has become part of our head. 1615 01:46:15,000 --> 01:46:16,790 Likewise with TPDD. 1616 01:46:16,790 --> 01:46:18,670 Time machine, huh? 1617 01:46:19,250 --> 01:46:23,300 Destroid Time Plane Device. 1618 01:46:24,210 --> 01:46:26,010 Isn't that limited information? 1619 01:46:26,970 --> 01:46:30,550 For me now, the rules are a little loose. 1620 01:46:30,550 --> 01:46:33,560 Aku sudah kerja keras untuk ini. 1621 01:46:40,400 --> 01:46:42,860 Actually, what happened? 1622 01:46:42,860 --> 01:46:46,110 What I know, my future has changed. 1623 01:46:46,110 --> 01:46:48,950 But why and since when did that change occur? 1624 01:46:48,950 --> 01:46:53,150 Such details should you ask Nagato-san. 1625 01:46:54,190 --> 01:46:55,730 But one more... 1626 01:46:56,230 --> 01:47:03,860 The space where you came before coming here is 18 December three years. 1627 01:47:06,700 --> 01:47:11,620 It means that I don't enter the parallel world, right? 1628 01:47:11,620 --> 01:47:13,830 But the world changes. 1629 01:47:14,500 --> 01:47:16,120 If that is what you think. 1630 01:47:20,060 --> 01:47:20,730 This. 1631 01:47:21,690 --> 01:47:24,320 This is a normal time line. 1632 01:47:24,320 --> 01:47:31,160 But on December 18 morning in the next three years, the time changes like this. 1633 01:47:31,160 --> 01:47:33,530 In one night, the STC data... 1634 01:47:33,530 --> 01:47:37,200 I mean, the whole world is changing. 1635 01:47:38,450 --> 01:47:42,830 It is known in the future, to be one of the biggest masatonic earthquakes. {making up!} 1636 01:47:43,250 --> 01:47:46,710 Untuk meperbaikinya, dibutuhkan bantuan dari Nagato-san. 1637 01:47:46,710 --> 01:47:50,340 And Kyon-kun, do you also want to come along? 1638 01:47:51,220 --> 01:47:53,050 Who is responsible? 1639 01:47:53,050 --> 01:47:56,970 All I can think of is Haruhi. 1640 01:47:56,970 --> 01:47:58,100 No. 1641 01:47:58,930 --> 01:48:01,440 The culprit is not Suzumiya-san. 1642 01:48:03,480 --> 01:48:06,650 But a good friend of yours. 1643 01:48:08,000 --> 01:48:09,250 Not Haruhi? 1644 01:48:10,210 --> 01:48:11,800 But, that... 1645 01:48:11,800 --> 01:48:13,970 There's still time. 1646 01:48:14,760 --> 01:48:17,180 Let's talk to others. 1647 01:48:20,010 --> 01:48:26,100 At that time, whether from left or right, Suzumiya-san suddenly dragged me. 1648 01:48:27,350 --> 01:48:30,150 Lots of clothes that I wear. 1649 01:48:30,150 --> 01:48:30,820 Yes... 1650 01:48:31,480 --> 01:48:35,700 It's a lot of problems, but it's all pleasant memories. 1651 01:48:37,320 --> 01:48:39,450 Kyon-kun... 1652 01:48:39,450 --> 01:48:40,490 Yes? 1653 01:48:40,490 --> 01:48:46,210 Later someday, you will also recall all of our high school moments. 1654 01:48:47,430 --> 01:48:51,100 When you finish, you consider everything too fast. 1655 01:48:51,770 --> 01:48:54,060 Like a dream. 1656 01:48:55,110 --> 01:48:57,270 When thinking about that... 1657 01:49:05,820 --> 01:49:07,120 Asahina-san? 1658 01:49:17,210 --> 01:49:19,210 Did you say something? 1659 01:49:22,510 --> 01:49:24,390 It's time. 1660 01:49:24,390 --> 01:49:25,720 Come on. 1661 01:49:27,150 --> 01:49:28,950 To Nagato's apartment? 1662 01:49:28,950 --> 01:49:33,660 Previously, there were other things You have to do it, right? 1663 01:49:41,840 --> 01:49:43,170 Ooi! 1664 01:49:43,750 --> 01:49:48,260 I entrust greetings to John Smith who will save the world. 1665 01:49:53,220 --> 01:49:54,970 Remember carefully, Haruhi. 1666 01:49:55,520 --> 01:49:57,100 And also John Smith. 1667 01:49:58,600 --> 01:50:00,550 Don't forget. 1668 01:50:00,550 --> 01:50:02,440 Our presence is here! 1669 01:50:21,210 --> 01:50:23,290 Kyon-kun, help... 1670 01:50:24,310 --> 01:50:28,110 I'm still not used to Nagato-san until now... 1671 01:50:31,030 --> 01:50:33,830 Yes, I understand at least. 1672 01:50:41,450 --> 01:50:42,500 Nagato? 1673 01:50:42,500 --> 01:50:43,370 This is me. 1674 01:50:45,040 --> 01:50:50,040 Sorry, I'm having a hard time explaining it, I just returned from the future again. 1675 01:50:50,040 --> 01:50:52,010 Asahina-san is also with me. 1676 01:50:53,170 --> 01:50:54,880 We need your help. 1677 01:50:54,880 --> 01:50:58,510 More precisely, the one who sent us here is you. 1678 01:50:59,400 --> 01:51:02,450 There is me and Asahina-san, right? 1679 01:51:02,450 --> 01:51:05,490 The time that was stopped and we slept in it... 1680 01:51:09,040 --> 01:51:12,120 Once again, I waited for room 708. 1681 01:51:12,120 --> 01:51:14,090 Nagato can definitely do something. 1682 01:51:14,090 --> 01:51:16,500 Under circumstances this, he can certainly do something. 1683 01:51:16,500 --> 01:51:18,050 If not, it means bad. 1684 01:51:30,620 --> 01:51:31,700 May we enter? 1685 01:51:36,290 --> 01:51:37,370 Let's. 1686 01:51:38,880 --> 01:51:41,300 Yes, well... 1687 01:51:41,300 --> 01:51:42,710 Nothing will happen. 1688 01:51:51,430 --> 01:51:55,290 There's no mistaking it, this is Nagato I know. 1689 01:51:55,430 --> 01:51:57,690 There's no need for an introduction for me, right? 1690 01:51:58,040 --> 01:52:01,320 And this, the adult version of Asahina Mikuru-san. 1691 01:52:01,460 --> 01:52:02,290 Understood. 1692 01:52:06,340 --> 01:52:07,960 May I look inside? 1693 01:52:09,460 --> 01:52:10,470 It can't be opened. 1694 01:52:10,470 --> 01:52:13,800 The physical arrangement of the space has been frozen in time. 1695 01:52:19,930 --> 01:52:24,390 So difficult I explain, but that's the situation. 1696 01:52:29,280 --> 01:52:33,820 I was sent here by you from the future. 1697 01:52:42,290 --> 01:52:43,620 Sorry... 1698 01:52:43,620 --> 01:52:48,460 I want to fix the mess of this time line. 1699 01:52:48,460 --> 01:52:53,590 And that can restore the order of time just like you were just a person. 1700 01:52:57,070 --> 01:52:58,240 I beg you... 1701 01:53:03,160 --> 01:53:06,160 I also please, the Great Goddess of Nagato! 1702 01:53:06,160 --> 01:53:07,710 I also have similar hopes! 1703 01:53:08,420 --> 01:53:09,620 I will ask permission. 1704 01:53:17,880 --> 01:53:19,170 Denied. 1705 01:53:20,440 --> 01:53:23,570 Personal differences the requested future is inaccessible. 1706 01:53:24,280 --> 01:53:29,660 My request was rejected by a protection system that was intentionally written. 1707 01:53:30,450 --> 01:53:32,330 But I understand the situation. 1708 01:53:32,330 --> 01:53:33,660 Recovery can be done. 1709 01:53:37,670 --> 01:53:44,430 Modifying space-time is done by using Suzumiya Haruhi's ability to create data. 1710 01:53:44,430 --> 01:53:47,850 And it is used to change one part of the world. 1711 01:53:48,350 --> 01:53:53,430 Which has an effect on the loss of Suzumiya Haruhi's ability . 1712 01:53:53,430 --> 01:53:57,000 In the time path in question, the Soul Data Set does not have existence. 1713 01:53:57,690 --> 01:54:01,530 Indirectly, the culprit is Suzumiya Haruhi. 1714 01:54:01,530 --> 01:54:03,700 His ability is stolen to rearrange and change the identity of world data. 1715 01:54:03,700 --> 01:54:08,870 In the current time span until December 18, 3 years 5 months future. 1716 01:54:08,870 --> 01:54:10,790 With a tolerance range of changing 365 days - 1717 01:54:10,790 --> 01:54:11,990 Wait a minute. 1718 01:54:14,140 --> 01:54:18,560 That is, memories outside the range are not affected? 1719 01:54:19,230 --> 01:54:26,480 Means you who are now, July 7, 3 years ago, still being who you really are? 1720 01:54:26,480 --> 01:54:27,280 Exactly. 1721 01:54:29,320 --> 01:54:33,970 The time to restore the world is 18 December. 1722 01:54:33,970 --> 01:54:39,660 Dan right after the changes are made, run the recovery program. 1723 01:54:39,660 --> 01:54:41,710 Are you participating? 1724 01:54:41,710 --> 01:54:42,830 I can't join. 1725 01:54:42,830 --> 01:54:43,830 Why? 1726 01:54:44,590 --> 01:54:46,300 I'm not can leave them. 1727 01:54:46,300 --> 01:54:49,720 Asahina-san and I are frozen in time, huh? 1728 01:54:50,300 --> 01:54:52,260 Emergency mode. 1729 01:54:52,970 --> 01:54:54,970 And what should we do? 1730 01:54:58,770 --> 01:54:59,980 I'll make it. 1731 01:55:20,650 --> 01:55:24,370 Inject the recovery program on the time space modifier. 1732 01:55:26,740 --> 01:55:29,410 Is there no more calm method ? 1733 01:55:29,410 --> 01:55:32,120 If you go wrong, it can be bad, right? 1734 01:55:34,250 --> 01:55:35,130 Good. 1735 01:55:45,930 --> 01:55:48,430 Again dangerous stuff. 1736 01:55:48,430 --> 01:55:54,900 Its ability is able to penetrate fabric , but it's better to shoot directly into the skin. 1737 01:56:01,210 --> 01:56:04,710 What is the injection shot too? 1738 01:56:04,710 --> 01:56:06,170 Single-barreled gun. 1739 01:56:06,170 --> 01:56:08,930 With the recovery program installed in the bullet. 1740 01:56:16,890 --> 01:56:19,390 Who should I shoot? 1741 01:56:21,520 --> 01:56:23,070 Who is the culprit? 1742 01:56:23,820 --> 01:56:28,070 Who changes the world, the Changing Room of Time, who is he? 1743 01:56:29,110 --> 01:56:31,980 If it's not Haruhi, then say who. 1744 01:56:38,540 --> 01:56:39,670 He is - 1745 01:56:56,370 --> 01:56:58,870 Are you sure? 1746 01:56:59,540 --> 01:57:00,580 Yes. 1747 01:57:01,160 --> 01:57:03,460 Are you sure you are as sure as possible? 1748 01:57:04,250 --> 01:57:05,170 Yes. 1749 01:57:08,470 --> 01:57:11,310 I will give the location and time of your destination. 1750 01:57:11,310 --> 01:57:12,640 Good. 1751 01:57:12,640 --> 01:57:13,310 Please. 1752 01:57:19,150 --> 01:57:20,400 Accepted. 1753 01:57:20,400 --> 01:57:24,820 Once there, we just need to shoot him with a recovery program, right? 1754 01:57:25,400 --> 01:57:30,070 If you leave like this, you will be affected by the modification of space-time. 1755 01:57:30,780 --> 01:57:32,740 I'll take precautions. 1756 01:57:36,910 --> 01:57:37,790 Your hand. 1757 01:58:04,190 --> 01:58:10,320 I have installed the rain screen and the field of protection on your body. 1758 01:58:11,450 --> 01:58:12,820 Your turn. 1759 01:58:12,820 --> 01:58:13,830 Good. 1760 01:58:18,500 --> 01:58:21,210 Since the last time this was done , it's been a long time, huh? 1761 01:58:21,210 --> 01:58:23,500 For that moment, I'm sorry. 1762 01:58:23,500 --> 01:58:25,130 For me it's the first time. 1763 01:58:25,380 --> 01:58:27,630 Oh, right... I forgot. 1764 01:58:37,140 --> 01:58:38,270 Kyon-kun... 1765 01:58:39,060 --> 01:58:40,390 Let's go. 1766 01:58:40,390 --> 01:58:41,850 Everything starts getting serious here. 1767 01:58:46,650 --> 01:58:47,820 Thank you. 1768 01:58:47,820 --> 01:58:49,110 It's okay. 1769 01:58:51,560 --> 01:58:53,730 Nagato, what are you... 1770 01:58:56,280 --> 01:58:57,440 Will be waiting for us? 1771 01:58:57,440 --> 01:59:00,070 In that room... 1772 01:59:00,610 --> 01:59:01,780 I'm waiting for you. 1773 01:59:15,340 --> 01:59:17,010 Come on, Kyon-kun. 1774 01:59:34,520 --> 01:59:36,980 I ask to prepare yourself, be careful when you get drunk. 1775 01:59:37,950 --> 01:59:39,540 I will start now. 1776 01:59:47,000 --> 01:59:48,170 We have arrived. 1777 01:59:54,590 --> 01:59:58,300 This is the place & time given by Nagato-san 1778 01:59:58,840 --> 02:00:02,770 It just so happened that this was the place where Haruhi and Koizumi changed their uniforms. 1779 02:00:02,850 --> 02:00:05,180 Is this just a coincidence? 1780 02:00:06,680 --> 02:00:07,850 Cold! 1781 02:00:15,660 --> 02:00:16,950 Thank you. 1782 02:00:16,950 --> 02:00:17,660 Sorry, yeah. 1783 02:00:18,290 --> 02:00:20,250 This is still frivolous. 1784 02:00:21,670 --> 02:00:24,080 Our shoes are lagging. 1785 02:00:25,130 --> 02:00:27,880 Will Nagato-san keep them. ? 1786 02:00:28,420 --> 02:00:30,380 I think it's okay. 1787 02:00:30,380 --> 02:00:31,590 Yes. 1788 02:00:34,640 --> 02:00:36,010 It's time. 1789 02:00:41,270 --> 02:00:45,650 Right now: December 18 at 4:18 am. / p> 1790 02:00:46,060 --> 02:00:48,610 The world has not been changed. 1791 02:00:48,610 --> 02:00:51,150 But it is expected to occur in 5 minutes. 1792 02:00:51,150 --> 02:00:55,410 Right now Haruhi and Koizumi are still high school students. 1793 02:00:55,990 --> 02:01:00,580 If I go home now, I will find myself still sleeping peacefully without knowing anything. 1794 02:01:01,160 --> 02:01:02,160 He came 1795 02:01:13,220 --> 02:01:15,140 The Changing Room of Time. 1796 02:01:15,140 --> 02:01:17,970 As Nagato said. 1797 02:01:17,970 --> 02:01:20,180 We can't enter now. 1798 02:01:21,060 --> 02:01:25,980 We have to wait for him to change the world, and then shoot it with a recovery program. 1799 02:01:58,680 --> 02:02:00,060 Incredible! 1800 02:02:00,060 --> 02:02:01,970 Extraordinary masatonic earthquake. 1801 02:02:01,970 --> 02:02:03,930 Knowing he has this much ability... 1802 02:02:28,960 --> 02:02:31,880 The world conversion program is turned off. 1803 02:02:31,880 --> 02:02:35,340 That child has just been born as a new self. 1804 02:02:35,920 --> 02:02:38,880 Kyon-kun, it's our turn. 1805 02:02:59,860 --> 02:03:00,870 Yo . 1806 02:03:07,420 --> 02:03:08,550 This is me. 1807 02:03:09,170 --> 02:03:10,470 We meet again. 1808 02:03:13,050 --> 02:03:15,010 This is your doing, right? 1809 02:03:15,640 --> 02:03:18,560 Why are you here? {Haaaa, relieve} 1810 02:03:19,310 --> 02:03:22,130 For you too, why are you here? 1811 02:03:29,400 --> 02:03:30,400 Take a walk. 1812 02:03:36,280 --> 02:03:37,910 It's not like that... 1813 02:03:37,910 --> 02:03:40,250 That's not it, Nagato. 1814 02:03:40,540 --> 02:03:42,620 You're tired. 1815 02:03:42,620 --> 02:03:45,040 To always be with Haruhi... 1816 02:03:45,040 --> 02:03:47,290 Protect me... 1817 02:03:47,290 --> 02:03:51,720 And maybe do other tasks without our knowledge. 1818 02:03:51,720 --> 02:03:55,260 From there, you accumulate fatigue. 1819 02:03:57,930 --> 02:04:05,850 Memory storage in my time unit experiences data interruption that triggers deviant actions. 1820 02:04:05,850 --> 02:04:09,190 That's an inevitable event. 1821 02:04:10,080 --> 02:04:15,500 I, positively, in three years on December 18 will reorganize the world. 1822 02:04:15,500 --> 02:04:21,840 There is no purpose, because I don't know the cause of the data disruption. 1823 02:04:22,170 --> 02:04:23,800 But I know. 1824 02:04:24,930 --> 02:04:29,560 The cause of the deviant action that even Nagato did not know. 1825 02:04:29,890 --> 02:04:33,570 The cause of the disruption of the data on its storage. 1826 02:04:33,570 --> 02:04:37,110 That is something that is created from your heart. 1827 02:04:37,110 --> 02:04:45,200 A reason for a program or robot not to move beyond its creator's control... 1828 02:04:45,200 --> 02:04:49,610 Maybe you don't understand, but I know. 1829 02:04:49,610 --> 02:04:51,170 Maybe Haruhi also knows. 1830 02:04:53,420 --> 02:04:55,560 That's, Nagato... 1831 02:04:55,560 --> 02:04:57,590 It's called "Emotion". 1832 02:04:59,130 --> 02:05:03,430 Because you were created in the situation has no emotions, so you don't understand. 1833 02:05:04,050 --> 02:05:09,270 Therefore you can't leave us and shout "I don't care anymore!". 1834 02:05:09,890 --> 02:05:14,810 No, even though you don't think about it, you should 1835 02:05:14,810 --> 02:05:17,030 Because we won't let that happen. 1836 02:05:18,340 --> 02:05:19,890 I also play a role. 1837 02:05:20,140 --> 02:05:22,470 Then try installing a half-jump style! 1838 02:05:22,470 --> 02:05:23,220 Good... 1839 02:05:23,810 --> 02:05:24,310 This is it? 1840 02:05:24,310 --> 02:05:28,850 That is to keep letting Nagato have full hands. 1841 02:05:24,930 --> 02:05:26,270 More. 1842 02:05:26,520 --> 02:05:27,890 Here's how? 1843 02:05:28,230 --> 02:05:29,850 Yak, hold on! 1844 02:05:28,850 --> 02:05:31,870 Nagato can definitely handle everything... 1845 02:05:30,100 --> 02:05:31,870 Now try 1846 02:05:31,870 --> 02:05:34,570 That's why I'm calm. 1847 02:05:32,410 --> 02:05:34,570 Eh, still going on? 1848 02:05:34,570 --> 02:05:37,820 Even when compared to Haruhi, I'm far more stupid. 1849 02:05:37,820 --> 02:05:40,110 I have no right to appoint someone else for this mistake. 1850 02:05:40,360 --> 02:05:47,620 And Nagato, finally he became quite irregular to rearrange the world. 1851 02:05:48,290 --> 02:05:49,830 Bug? 1852 02:05:49,830 --> 02:05:51,080 Error? 1853 02:05:51,080 --> 02:05:51,790 Noisy. 1854 02:05:51,790 --> 02:05:53,210 That's not the answer. 1855 02:05:54,490 --> 02:05:56,570 This is what Nagato wants. 1856 02:05:56,570 --> 02:05:59,990 The desired normal world Nagato. 1857 02:05:59,990 --> 02:06:05,160 For the past few days, an answer that has continued to bother me, I finally found. 1858 02:06:07,170 --> 02:06:10,840 Why am I just an unaffected person? 1859 02:06:10,840 --> 02:06:12,250 The answer is simple. 1860 02:06:12,960 --> 02:06:15,880 He wants me to choose. 1861 02:06:16,840 --> 02:06:20,760 Between this changing world or the old world? 1862 02:06:21,180 --> 02:06:23,060 Scenario to make me choose. 1863 02:06:23,060 --> 02:06:24,270 Is that bad? 1864 02:06:25,890 --> 02:06:28,060 What's on my mind? 1865 02:06:28,850 --> 02:06:33,580 For everything Haruhi caused, and a pile of strange events I've experienced... 1866 02:06:33,580 --> 02:06:35,030 What's on my mind? 1867 02:06:35,360 --> 02:06:36,570 "I'm sick"? 1868 02:06:36,570 --> 02:06:37,650 "Enough to get here!"? 1869 02:06:37,650 --> 02:06:39,160 "Disabled, here."? 1870 02:06:39,160 --> 02:06:41,330 "I can't be with you anymore" ? 1871 02:06:46,210 --> 02:06:50,590 I'm just a normal person who is dragged into a situation I don't want. 1872 02:06:51,180 --> 02:06:55,510 A high school student who always complains on Haruhi's unreasonable orders. 1873 02:06:55,510 --> 02:06:58,730 That's my role. 1874 02:06:58,730 --> 02:07:00,850 Then, for me. 1875 02:07:00,850 --> 02:07:02,810 Yes, you! 1876 02:07:02,810 --> 02:07:04,820 I asked myself! 1877 02:07:07,570 --> 02:07:10,570 This is an important question, so listen well -good. 1878 02:07:10,570 --> 02:07:11,860 And answer. 1879 02:07:12,240 --> 02:07:13,280 Understand? 1880 02:07:13,280 --> 02:07:14,660 I continue. 1881 02:07:15,370 --> 02:07:21,560 Do you think this unusual school life is fun or not? 1882 02:07:15,370 --> 02:07:21,560 Do you think this unusual school life is fun or no? 1883 02:07:21,670 --> 02:07:23,170 Answer, me. 1884 02:07:23,170 --> 02:07:24,250 Think. 1885 02:07:24,710 --> 02:07:26,040 What about that? 1886 02:07:26,040 --> 02:07:27,210 Let's say. 1887 02:07:28,100 --> 02:07:31,600 Dragged dragged by Haruhi, attacked by aliens... 1888 02:07:31,600 --> 02:07:36,310 Listening to strange conversations with time explorers, listening to bizarre conversations with esper. 1889 02:07:36,980 --> 02:07:40,730 Being confused in complicated matters... {そ ん な 非Terlebih な 出来 事 の 数 々 に 出 喰 わ し た り} 1890 02:07:40,730 --> 02:07:46,490 And moreover, you have to hold the rules where all that Haruhi can't know. 1891 02:07:46,990 --> 02:07:50,450 Menyembunyikan identitasnya sebagai sumber masalah. 1892 02:07:51,950 --> 02:07:55,500 Do you think that's fun? 1893 02:07:55,500 --> 02:08:00,460 "I'm sick", "Enough here!", "Defect, here" or "I can't be with you anymore"? 1894 02:08:01,300 --> 02:08:02,590 What right? 1895 02:08:03,430 --> 02:08:06,000 In short, this is what I thought. 1896 02:08:06,000 --> 02:08:10,070 The world is not pleasant. 1897 02:08:06,000 --> 02:08:10,070 The world is not pleasant. 1898 02:08:11,810 --> 02:08:12,980 What about that? 1899 02:08:12,980 --> 02:08:14,860 Can't I say that? 1900 02:08:15,360 --> 02:08:21,620 You believe Haruhi is annoying, and everything she says only makes you stressful. 1901 02:08:21,620 --> 02:08:24,570 Do you think it's fun? 1902 02:08:24,570 --> 02:08:25,860 Don't get me wrong. 1903 02:08:25,860 --> 02:08:27,410 Isn't that clear? 1904 02:08:36,080 --> 02:08:37,460 And at that time. 1905 02:08:38,550 --> 02:08:41,050 You pressed "ENTER". 1906 02:08:41,590 --> 02:08:43,510 Emergency closure program. 1907 02:08:43,510 --> 02:08:46,140 Nagato's inheritance to improve things. 1908 02:08:46,770 --> 02:08:48,060 "Ready?" 1909 02:08:48,060 --> 02:08:51,940 And you answer "Yes" to that question. 1910 02:08:51,940 --> 02:08:52,980 Right? 1911 02:08:53,360 --> 02:08:59,190 With great difficulty Nagato-sama created a normal world for you, and you reject it? 1912 02:08:59,650 --> 02:09:00,950 Why? 1913 02:09:00,950 --> 02:09:04,070 Didn't you just keep on complaining? 1914 02:09:04,070 --> 02:09:07,240 Just lamenting fate 1915 02:09:07,240 --> 02:09:11,920 If so, you should close the closing program. 1916 02:09:12,290 --> 02:09:16,590 In that world, Haruhi is just an ordinary person who likes to rule over other people. 1917 02:09:16,590 --> 02:09:19,510 Asahina-san will be the character of "moe" with the role of an ordinary person. 1918 02:09:20,010 --> 02:09:22,340 Koizumi becomes an ordinary high school student. 1919 02:09:23,010 --> 02:09:26,330 And Nagato became a quiet girl who likes to read books. 1920 02:09:26,510 --> 02:09:33,060 Right, he will still not emotion, but he will laugh with a cruel joke and can feel embarrassed. 1921 02:09:33,060 --> 02:09:36,730 Time after time, his heart will open. 1922 02:09:36,730 --> 02:09:39,860 Maybe that is the character who will become him . 1923 02:09:39,860 --> 02:09:44,110 And you, become a person who rejects life as such. 1924 02:09:44,110 --> 02:09:45,780 For what reason? 1925 02:09:53,520 --> 02:09:55,110 For the last time. 1926 02:09:55,110 --> 02:09:56,440 I'm asking for your answer! 1927 02:09:57,030 --> 02:10:02,200 Am I with Haruhi, even though it's often troubled by the problem, am I happy? 1928 02:10:02,910 --> 02:10:04,410 Say it! 1929 02:10:14,790 --> 02:10:16,160 Obviously I feel it. 1930 02:10:23,840 --> 02:10:26,260 It's nice... 1931 02:10:26,260 --> 02:10:28,350 Isn't that very clear? 1932 02:10:29,760 --> 02:10:33,260 You already know... 1933 02:10:34,100 --> 02:10:36,850 So don't ask! 1934 02:10:46,600 --> 02:10:51,400 If someone says it's unpleasant if asked... 1935 02:10:51,400 --> 02:10:53,570 He is a permanently mentally handicapped person. 1936 02:10:53,570 --> 02:10:55,860 Thirty a more absurd fold than Haruhi. 1937 02:10:55,860 --> 02:10:58,820 We're talking about aliens, time travelers, and esper. 1938 02:10:58,820 --> 02:11:02,280 If one is fun enough, there are three! 1939 02:11:02,280 --> 02:11:06,330 And moreover, there's Haruhi there, you know? {し か も 、 さ ら に 超 強力 な ハ ル ヒ ま で そ こ に い る ん だ ぞ?} 1940 02:11:06,330 --> 02:11:09,870 And there are more mysterious powers there! 1941 02:11:10,290 --> 02:11:13,670 It's impossible for my life to be unpleasant. 1942 02:11:13,670 --> 02:11:17,550 As much as you ask, my answer won't change. 1943 02:11:17,550 --> 02:11:19,010 "Very clear". 1944 02:11:39,500 --> 02:11:41,050 That's how it is. 1945 02:11:42,550 --> 02:11:44,760 I finally chose that world. 1946 02:11:45,470 --> 02:11:48,390 This world doesn't suit me. 1947 02:11:48,390 --> 02:11:49,680 Sorry, Nagato. 1948 02:11:50,260 --> 02:11:54,730 I prefer Nagato who has already I know a long time ago. {If I abstain!} 1949 02:11:54,730 --> 02:11:56,810 Then, I like it if you don't wear glasses. {I said: "ABSTAIN!"} 1950 02:11:56,810 --> 02:11:58,560 What question? 1951 02:11:58,560 --> 02:11:59,650 Nagato. 1952 02:12:00,110 --> 02:12:01,860 Restore. 1953 02:12:01,860 --> 02:12:03,490 Return it to yourself too. 1954 02:12:03,740 --> 02:12:06,360 If you ask, I'll help you. 1955 02:12:06,610 --> 02:12:10,660 You can't use that power if you don't want to. 1956 02:12:10,660 --> 02:12:12,620 Even more 1957 02:12:12,620 --> 02:12:13,700 Kyon-kun... 1958 02:12:14,870 --> 02:12:16,870 Whatever you say is useless. 1959 02:12:16,870 --> 02:12:20,040 This Nagato-san doesn't have any abilities. 1960 02:12:20,340 --> 02:12:20,970 Only... 1961 02:12:23,100 --> 02:12:24,140 Ordinary girl. 1962 02:12:43,870 --> 02:12:44,790 Sorry. 1963 02:12:49,240 --> 02:12:50,450 Kyon-kun! Danger! 1964 02:13:10,240 --> 02:13:13,170 I won't let you hurt Nagato-san. 1965 02:13:13,870 --> 02:13:15,790 What is this... 1966 02:13:15,790 --> 02:13:18,250 What is this?! 1967 02:13:26,380 --> 02:13:27,680 It hurts... 1968 02:13:27,680 --> 02:13:29,200 It hurts! 1969 02:13:32,020 --> 02:13:33,000 It hurts! 1970 02:13:33,180 --> 02:13:33,810 It hurts! 1971 02:13:34,600 --> 02:13:35,600 It hurts... 1972 02:13:35,700 --> 02:13:36,610 Pain ! 1973 02:13:37,770 --> 02:13:39,730 Asakura... san... 1974 02:13:41,860 --> 02:13:43,400 You see, Nagato-san. 1975 02:13:43,400 --> 02:13:45,400 I really came, right? 1976 02:13:48,570 --> 02:13:51,740 I'll get rid of all your barriers. 1977 02:13:52,330 --> 02:13:55,460 That's why I'm here. 1978 02:14:00,920 --> 02:14:02,250 Besides... 1979 02:14:04,550 --> 02:14:07,590 Didn't you ask for that? 1980 02:14:08,930 --> 02:14:10,140 Yeah, right? 1981 02:14:16,840 --> 02:14:18,010 It's impossible... 1982 02:14:18,590 --> 02:14:21,430 There's no way Nagato expected this. 1983 02:14:21,890 --> 02:14:24,430 The distorted Nagato... 1984 02:14:24,430 --> 02:14:28,560 That Nagato must have also created a deviant Asakura too. 1985 02:14:28,560 --> 02:14:29,900 That's the only reason. 1986 02:14:29,900 --> 02:14:32,110 He was only a shadow of Nagato. > 1987 02:14:32,940 --> 02:14:34,400 Let me end. 1988 02:14:34,400 --> 02:14:35,980 Just die. 1989 02:14:36,110 --> 02:14:38,530 You're just troubling Nagato-san. 1990 02:14:39,570 --> 02:14:40,910 Is it hurt? 1991 02:14:40,910 --> 02:14:43,330 Feel a little little by little. 1992 02:14:43,330 --> 02:14:48,250 Because that's the last thing you will feel in life. 1993 02:15:02,540 --> 02:15:05,210 Why are you... 1994 02:15:05,580 --> 02:15:06,920 How about... 1995 02:15:08,840 --> 02:15:12,090 When and where, yes, have I seen this scene? 1996 02:15:13,170 --> 02:15:14,180 I need a doctor... 1997 02:15:14,180 --> 02:15:15,380 My consciousness... 1998 02:15:18,000 --> 02:15:19,630 Kyon-kun don't! 1999 02:15:19,630 --> 02:15:21,170 I'm sorry, Kyon-kun! 2000 02:15:19,840 --> 02:15:21,800 Hang in there, be aware! 2001 02:15:21,170 --> 02:15:24,300 I should know... 2002 02:15:21,800 --> 02:15:23,260 Let's be aware! 2003 02:15:24,300 --> 02:15:27,430 It hurts, all right, Asahina-san. 2004 02:15:27,890 --> 02:15:29,060 "All"? 2005 02:15:29,060 --> 02:15:31,100 Oh, I see. 2006 02:15:31,100 --> 02:15:32,710 This is just the shadow of my past. 2007 02:15:33,480 --> 02:15:34,480 Cold. 2008 02:15:35,980 --> 02:15:37,940 My blood doesn't stop... 2009 02:15:40,650 --> 02:15:42,110 It's bad... 2010 02:15:42,110 --> 02:15:43,450 I'm will die... 2011 02:15:52,750 --> 02:15:56,920 Sorry, yes. I helped you for a long time. 2012 02:15:56,920 --> 02:15:59,750 But you feel it, I'm also sick, really. 2013 02:15:59,750 --> 02:16:01,510 Who are you... 2014 02:16:02,310 --> 02:16:04,100 I can't think anymore... 2015 02:16:04,730 --> 02:16:07,350 Let us take care of it. 2016 02:16:07,350 --> 02:16:08,850 Now go to sleep. 2017 02:16:11,360 --> 02:16:13,780 Ah... It's bad... 2018 02:16:14,740 --> 02:16:17,110 Dragon... to... 2019 02:16:32,540 --> 02:16:37,090 I think I'm just having a beautiful dream. 2020 02:16:44,310 --> 02:16:47,430 Wow, it's awake, huh? 2021 02:16:47,430 --> 02:16:50,370 You sleep very well. 2022 02:16:52,460 --> 02:16:56,460 I was about to say "Good morning", but it's already late. 2023 02:16:57,460 --> 02:16:59,960 I feel better since you wake up. 2024 02:17:00,420 --> 02:17:02,880 Aku terus memikirkan apa yang harus kulakukan. 2025 02:17:04,470 --> 02:17:06,470 You seem confused. 2026 02:17:06,470 --> 02:17:08,600 Do you know who I am? 2027 02:17:08,600 --> 02:17:11,600 You first, do you know me? 2028 02:17:13,250 --> 02:17:15,210 That's a strange question. 2029 02:17:15,210 --> 02:17:16,750 Of course I know. 2030 02:17:16,750 --> 02:17:17,800 Now when? 2031 02:17:19,050 --> 02:17:21,550 Is that your question when you first opened your eyes? 2032 02:17:22,050 --> 02:17:26,760 Because that sentence sounds like you're really aware of what that has happened... 2033 02:17:26,760 --> 02:17:32,270 The answer was December 21 at 4 pm 2034 02:17:33,100 --> 02:17:34,900 Twenty one? 2035 02:17:35,900 --> 02:17:37,780 Where is this? 2036 02:17:37,780 --> 02:17:39,860 Private hospital 2037 02:17:40,440 --> 02:17:42,860 It's really too much of an area for me alone. 2038 02:17:42,860 --> 02:17:49,250 The acquaintance of my uncle's director here, so I'm asking for special treatment. 2039 02:17:49,250 --> 02:17:51,290 That's how it is... . 2040 02:17:51,290 --> 02:17:54,380 I don't think so, right? 2041 02:17:54,380 --> 02:17:55,420 Yes... 2042 02:17:55,420 --> 02:17:58,550 I'm asking for help from the Organization. 2043 02:17:58,550 --> 02:18:01,800 You've lost awareness for three days. 2044 02:18:02,300 --> 02:18:06,390 For what happened to you, I got sap from my boss. 2045 02:18:06,390 --> 02:18:08,100 It's a bit difficult to handle it. 2046 02:18:08,600 --> 02:18:11,430 Why can I be here? 2047 02:18:11,430 --> 02:18:13,310 Just because it's missing awareness? 2048 02:18:13,310 --> 02:18:14,940 You don't remember? 2049 02:18:16,160 --> 02:18:17,490 It should be like that. 2050 02:18:17,490 --> 02:18:19,490 Your head hit hard. 2051 02:18:23,080 --> 02:18:26,790 And strangely, there were no external injuries fatal. 2052 02:18:26,790 --> 02:18:29,920 The function of your brain is still perfect. 2053 02:18:31,790 --> 02:18:33,660 What happened? Say. 2054 02:18:34,410 --> 02:18:37,630 You fell from the stairs at school. 2055 02:18:39,800 --> 02:18:43,010 A spectacular fall too. 2056 02:18:43,470 --> 02:18:46,140 To be honest, we got pale. 2057 02:18:46,590 --> 02:18:51,470 We worried that the sound generated from your fall kept you silent forever. 2058 02:18:52,220 --> 02:18:55,890 On the 18th I fell from the stairs at school... 2059 02:18:56,600 --> 02:18:58,680 A severe accident. 2060 02:18:58,680 --> 02:19:02,930 Since the ambulance was taken get here, there are no signs of awareness of you. 2061 02:19:03,730 --> 02:19:07,150 I also saw Suzumiya-san like that for the first time. 2062 02:19:07,810 --> 02:19:10,360 The first to contact the ambulance was Nagato-san. 2063 02:19:10,900 --> 02:19:13,400 His protective attitude saved you. 2064 02:19:13,400 --> 02:19:16,070 And what about the Asahina-san reaction? 2065 02:19:16,070 --> 02:19:19,280 As per your imagination. 2066 02:19:19,280 --> 02:19:23,730 He cries over your body while continuing to call you. 2067 02:19:24,330 --> 02:19:26,920 What time of the day is 18 hours happened? 2068 02:19:26,920 --> 02:19:29,090 Late evening. 2069 02:19:29,090 --> 02:19:33,220 When the entire SOS Unit will go shopping. 2070 02:19:33,220 --> 02:19:34,760 Shop? 2071 02:19:34,840 --> 02:19:37,090 That also doesn't remember? 2072 02:19:37,590 --> 02:19:41,630 That's Suzumiya-san's order for December 25th. 2073 02:19:41,630 --> 02:19:45,600 To help with the children's party near her house. 2074 02:19:46,710 --> 02:19:49,460 As always, do what she wants . 2075 02:19:49,460 --> 02:19:51,420 Suzumiya-san took part in being Santa. 2076 02:19:51,420 --> 02:19:54,460 And you become a mess... 2077 02:19:54,460 --> 02:19:56,300 According to the lottery. 2078 02:19:56,300 --> 02:20:00,600 After that, we will make costumes for deer and get ready to buy the ingredients... 2079 02:20:00,600 --> 02:20:04,900 Right after leaving the club room and going down the stairs... 2080 02:20:04,900 --> 02:20:08,650 You are walking behind 2081 02:20:08,650 --> 02:20:10,070 If told, it feels like I'm stupid. 2082 02:20:10,570 --> 02:20:15,530 Suzumiya-san felt someone was on the stairs. 2083 02:20:15,530 --> 02:20:19,330 He saw a skirt flashed there 2084 02:20:19,990 --> 02:20:24,170 But at that time, there was only us. 2085 02:20:24,170 --> 02:20:25,880 A girl is enigmatic. {This will be usefull} 2086 02:20:26,500 --> 02:20:29,150 With the possibility of being pushed down... 2087 02:20:29,150 --> 02:20:31,510 We are waiting for you to wake up to tell us what happened. 2088 02:20:32,530 --> 02:20:33,820 I don't remember at all. 2089 02:20:34,870 --> 02:20:38,080 So now I'm pushed down by an enigmatic girl. 2090 02:20:38,080 --> 02:20:39,410 Yes. 2091 02:20:39,410 --> 02:20:42,330 That sounds consistent anyway. 2092 02:20:45,590 --> 02:20:46,590 You're just alone? 2093 02:20:47,050 --> 02:20:49,840 Since then, may I know why you continue to scan this room? 2094 02:20:49,840 --> 02:20:51,760 Exactly who are you looking for? 2095 02:20:54,550 --> 02:20:57,970 We take turns looking after you. 2096 02:20:57,970 --> 02:21:01,770 So if you wake up, 2097 02:21:02,060 --> 02:21:06,480 Why did your eyes go? 2098 02:21:10,190 --> 02:21:12,200 I'm just feeling jealous of you. 2099 02:21:13,360 --> 02:21:16,620 Well 2100 02:21:16,620 --> 02:21:18,790 Seeing my situation, why are you saying that? 2101 02:21:21,770 --> 02:21:24,570 As unit members, we take turns guarding you. 2102 02:21:25,070 --> 02:21:27,680 But as a unit commander he said he had to keep an eye on his subordinates. 2103 02:21:27,680 --> 02:21:32,410 He continued here since three days ago. 2104 02:21:44,880 --> 02:21:48,670 We've worried about you. 2105 02:21:48,920 --> 02:21:50,880 Me and him. 2106 02:21:50,880 --> 02:21:53,140 Seeing Suzumiya-san's depressed face... 2107 02:21:53,760 --> 02:21:57,140 Melihat wajah tertekan Suzumiya-san itu... 2108 02:21:57,140 --> 02:22:01,190 Tidak jadi, belum saatnya aku bicarakan ini denganmu. 2109 02:22:02,350 --> 02:22:06,460 What's important, isn't there something you have to do now? 2110 02:22:06,570 --> 02:22:08,650 Drawing in the face? 2111 02:22:09,530 --> 02:22:11,490 I don't think of getting there. 2112 02:22:12,810 --> 02:22:13,850 Want to try? 2113 02:22:46,260 --> 02:22:47,090 Yo. 2114 02:22:51,120 --> 02:22:52,620 Kyon, you are it! 2115 02:23:08,970 --> 02:23:12,060 If you want to wake up, send a letter first, why? 2116 02:23:12,060 --> 02:23:14,680 Let me be ready- ready first! 2117 02:23:14,680 --> 02:23:15,600 Haruhi. 2118 02:23:15,600 --> 02:23:16,520 What? 2119 02:23:16,520 --> 02:23:17,520 Lap your science first. 2120 02:23:23,820 --> 02:23:26,450 You didn't draw something on my face, right? 2121 02:23:26,450 --> 02:23:28,320 The intention is... 2122 02:23:29,620 --> 02:23:31,740 So, there's nothing you want to say again? 2123 02:23:33,000 --> 02:23:35,000 I've worried you, huh? 2124 02:23:36,170 --> 02:23:36,880 Sorry. 2125 02:23:39,510 --> 02:23:42,010 Good if you understand. 2126 02:23:42,510 --> 02:23:47,730 This is indeed the task of the unit commander to worry about his subordinates. 2127 02:24:04,160 --> 02:24:06,410 Asahina-san, how are you? 2128 02:24:09,210 --> 02:24:10,790 Excessive, ah. 2129 02:24:11,210 --> 02:24:14,090 He only has a small impact. 2130 02:24:14,090 --> 02:24:16,090 Aku saja mengerti. 2131 02:24:16,090 --> 02:24:19,010 There's no way this Kyon won't wake up. 2132 02:24:19,010 --> 02:24:21,760 The SOS unit is always active throughout the year. 2133 02:24:21,760 --> 02:24:23,970 That's why everyone must always be present. 2134 02:24:24,690 --> 02:24:29,690 If you just hit or coma , that's not the reason. 2135 02:24:30,110 --> 02:24:31,240 Understand? 2136 02:24:31,240 --> 02:24:33,740 You have to make up for your three-day absence! 2137 02:24:33,740 --> 02:24:35,360 Punishment! Punishment! 2138 02:24:35,360 --> 02:24:36,910 Also a late fine! 2139 02:24:36,910 --> 02:24:38,410 Understood, bro. 2140 02:24:38,950 --> 02:24:41,250 How good is the late fee? 2141 02:24:46,630 --> 02:24:50,050 Three full days of sale for all unit members . 2142 02:24:50,050 --> 02:24:51,170 And again... 2143 02:24:51,170 --> 02:24:52,380 "And again" what? 2144 02:24:52,380 --> 02:24:57,050 For the Christmas Party, do a good action as a deer. 2145 02:24:57,050 --> 02:25:01,670 A good enough action to hold everyone laughing on the floor. 2146 02:25:01,670 --> 02:25:04,010 If it's boring, I'll send you to another dimension! 2147 02:25:04,420 --> 02:25:07,130 All for the kids there too. 2148 02:25:07,130 --> 02:25:08,510 Agree? 2149 02:25:16,980 --> 02:25:20,480 I'm glad I got up, but I can't leave now. 2150 02:25:20,480 --> 02:25:24,650 For inspection purposes, I have to stay in the hospital for another night. 2151 02:25:25,310 --> 02:25:29,860 My mother and sister immediately visited me when they got word I'm awake, and now they're home. 2152 02:25:30,770 --> 02:25:36,280 As soon as I have my own time, I think deeply about what happened. 2153 02:25:47,620 --> 02:25:51,460 If the world still doesn't change like that, where am I now ? 2154 02:25:51,460 --> 02:25:56,050 Nagato, Asahina-san and Koizumi are just normal humans. 2155 02:25:56,050 --> 02:26:00,260 Haruhi is an eccentric high school student. 2156 02:26:02,970 --> 02:26:05,600 But I gave my answer. 2157 02:26:05,600 --> 02:26:08,650 I'm happier in this world. 2158 02:26:08,650 --> 02:26:14,440 If not, everything I've done with my life will be in vain, right? 2159 02:26:18,890 --> 02:26:20,100 "Sorry, yes." 2160 02:26:20,890 --> 02:26:23,980 "I helped you for a long time." 2161 02:26:23,980 --> 02:26:27,230 "But you feel it, I'm also sick, how come." 2162 02:26:27,730 --> 02:26:30,530 "Let us take care of it." 2163 02:26:30,530 --> 02:26:32,190 "Now go to sleep." 2164 02:26:34,520 --> 02:26:36,060 That's what he said. 2165 02:26:57,590 --> 02:26:58,380 Yo. 2166 02:26:58,380 --> 02:27:00,250 2167 02:27:01,170 --> 02:27:04,340 Sorry, you're looking for me, huh? 2168 02:27:07,440 --> 02:27:09,650 There's no way, huh? 2169 02:27:14,240 --> 02:27:16,650 Everything that happened is my fault. 2170 02:27:16,650 --> 02:27:21,330 You know what happened ? 2171 02:27:21,950 --> 02:27:23,410 About December 18 where you changed the world. 2172 02:27:23,410 --> 02:27:26,660 Since April... 2173 02:27:27,330 --> 02:27:28,620 No, three years ago until now... 2174 02:27:30,840 --> 02:27:33,500 I know. 2175 02:27:33,500 --> 02:27:37,090 Then why not say? 2176 02:27:37,090 --> 02:27:40,180 Whenever it doesn't matter, isn't it better? 2177 02:27:40,180 --> 02:27:50,560 Even I can do something. 2178 02:27:50,560 --> 02:27:54,230 Even though I told you, once I deviated, I would erase your memories first and keep changing the world. 2179 02:27:54,230 --> 02:28:03,400 All I can do is guarantee your initial state on December 18th. 2180 02:28:03,400 --> 02:28:06,370 You have prepared the emergency closure program, right? 2181 02:28:06,370 --> 02:28:07,120 That's enough. 2182 02:28:11,870 --> 02:28:12,870 Nagato... 2183 02:28:17,080 --> 02:28:18,250 Sorry, yes. 2184 02:28:24,170 --> 02:28:25,090 Yuki... {Try calling again.} 2185 02:28:24,170 --> 02:28:25,090 Yuki = Snow 2186 02:29:11,050 --> 02:29:13,560 My law is on considered. 2187 02:29:14,560 --> 02:29:16,810 Who considered it? 2188 02:29:17,520 --> 02:29:19,520 All Soulful Data Sets. 2189 02:29:21,190 --> 02:29:24,980 There is no certainty that I will not deviate in the future. 2190 02:29:25,740 --> 02:29:31,410 As long as I continue to be here, my internal interference will continue to grow. 2191 02:29:32,420 --> 02:29:34,960 That is a dangerous thing. 2192 02:29:34,960 --> 02:29:36,380 Tell me it's just bullshit! 2193 02:29:41,130 --> 02:29:43,140 Say this to 2194 02:29:43,140 --> 02:29:47,810 If you disappear or leave us, know... 2195 02:29:47,810 --> 02:29:49,140 I will be angry. 2196 02:29:54,730 --> 02:29:57,610 Apapun taruhannya, akan kubawa kau kembali. 2197 02:29:57,610 --> 02:30:02,030 I might not be able to do anything, but I can heat Haruhi. 2198 02:30:02,360 --> 02:30:05,070 That's what I keep. 2199 02:30:06,410 --> 02:30:10,000 I only have to tell him that I'm "John Smith". 2200 02:30:10,000 --> 02:30:11,290 That's exactly what it is. 2201 02:30:11,290 --> 02:30:17,130 I might be helpless like a sea cucumber, but Haruhi has insane strength. 2202 02:30:17,130 --> 02:30:22,880 If Nagato disappears, I'll reveal everything and make her believe. 2203 02:30:22,880 --> 02:30:26,390 And from there, we began our journey to pick up Nagato. 2204 02:30:26,390 --> 02:30:31,640 Although the Soul Data Set hiding Nagato somewhere, Haruhi would be able to do something. 2205 02:30:31,640 --> 02:30:35,900 I'll make her do something, of course assisted with Asahina-san and Koizumi as well. 2206 02:30:37,050 --> 02:30:39,300 Nagato is our best friend. 2207 02:30:39,300 --> 02:30:44,140 If a friend disappears somewhere, it's not Haruhi if she leaves it. 2208 02:30:44,140 --> 02:30:46,970 That's a Suzumiya Haruhi. 2209 02:30:46,970 --> 02:30:50,730 Serakah dan egois dan tidak pikir panjang. 2210 02:30:50,730 --> 02:30:53,730 The complexity of our commander. 2211 02:30:56,690 --> 02:31:01,360 I don't know how strong and how much this Soul Data Set is. 2212 02:31:01,360 --> 02:31:05,040 Maybe they are creatures with a high level of intelligence. 2213 02:31:06,040 --> 02:31:09,660 I don't know what ability 2214 02:31:10,250 --> 02:31:12,420 That's why I say. 2215 02:31:13,690 --> 02:31:18,530 Surely they can make Nagato more character. 2216 02:31:21,530 --> 02:31:26,230 Like Asakura who before becoming a crazy killer, became a popular girl in class... 2217 02:31:26,230 --> 02:31:31,210 Cheerful, sociable, and also go out on holiday shopping with friends to the mall. 2218 02:31:31,210 --> 02:31:33,630 They can definitely make it like that. 2219 02:31:34,800 --> 02:31:40,840 Why they made him a moody, solitary girl in the room and only read books in it? 2220 02:31:42,260 --> 02:31:44,810 Is it because he must look like a member of the literary club? 2221 02:31:45,520 --> 02:31:48,190 So he doesn't even dare to look into Haruhi's eyes? / p> 2222 02:31:48,190 --> 02:31:49,980 Who thought about that? 2223 02:31:54,990 --> 02:31:59,700 If they refuse, I and Haruhi will rebuild the world. 2224 02:32:00,000 --> 02:32:03,880 The world with you without a Soul Data Set. 2225 02:32:03,880 --> 02:32:05,750 He must be able to. 2226 02:32:07,300 --> 02:32:11,420 If we must damage the whole universe, we will still do as long as you come back. 2227 02:32:11,970 --> 02:32:14,220 Tell all that to your leader. 2228 02:32:19,310 --> 02:32:20,430 I'll do it. 2229 02:32:33,780 --> 02:32:34,910 Thank you. 2230 02:32:54,720 --> 02:32:58,180 Kyon-kun, it's morning, wake up! 2231 02:32:58,180 --> 02:33:01,140 Wake up! 2232 02:33:01,140 --> 02:33:02,270 The next day... 2233 02:33:02,270 --> 02:33:06,480 I've been discharged from the hospital, and now it's the 24th December. 2234 02:33:06,480 --> 02:33:08,270 Morning for the final ceremony of the semester. 2235 02:33:13,740 --> 02:33:18,870 The Kouyouen College private school has returned to being a women's school. 2236 02:33:19,200 --> 02:33:21,830 Taniguchi is himself immune from fever. 2237 02:33:21,830 --> 02:33:25,540 Asahina-san and Tsuruya-san came to know me again. 2238 02:33:26,250 --> 02:33:29,130 The world returned to its original state. 2239 02:33:32,510 --> 02:33:36,260 But there was still a choice I had to take. 2240 02:33:36,720 --> 02:33:42,600 If I don't return to the past once again with Nagato and Asahina-san, the world won't return to normal. 2241 02:33:43,710 --> 02:33:46,750 But I haven't decided when I will return. 2242 02:33:46,750 --> 02:33:51,800 Hurry or slow, that's the choice I have to take to solve this problem. 2243 02:33:54,220 --> 02:33:56,430 I don't doubt myself anymore. 2244 02:33:56,430 --> 02:33:58,890 This is my place. 2245 02:34:00,180 --> 02:34:04,190 I'm not like Haruhi who likes to take 2246 02:34:04,560 --> 02:34:09,730 I chose this world with full desires, so that I could run on it like people would. 2247 02:34:16,490 --> 02:34:19,740 So until the end, this is my responsibility. 2248 02:34:21,870 --> 02:34:23,370 Halah... 2249 02:34:24,500 --> 02:34:27,710 I put myself in a mess again. 2250 02:34:29,550 --> 02:34:33,430 I used to just want to see it, but that was the past. 2251 02:34:33,430 --> 02:34:40,200 Seperti petinggi Satuan SOS lainnya, aku adalah orang yang kebetulan ikut menjaga dunia. 2252 02:34:41,020 --> 02:34:45,610 Now I'm going to attend the Christmas Nabe Party that Haruhi planned. 2253 02:34:45,610 --> 02:34:49,990 The ones responsible for the ingredients are Haruhi and Asahina-san together. 2254 02:34:50,530 --> 02:34:56,580 I should be the one who is her, but I replaced when I was still being treated. 2255 02:34:57,710 --> 02:35:00,330 As desired by Haruhi... 2256 02:35:00,330 --> 02:35:06,490 Until the time the menu is kept secret, the last one will surprise everyone. 2257 02:35:06,490 --> 02:35:08,540 At least that's how 2258 02:35:10,650 --> 02:35:13,620 What is he starting now? 2259 02:35:13,620 --> 02:35:16,960 Talking about Haruhi, rather than making a surprise yourself... 2260 02:35:16,960 --> 02:35:22,840 Maybe he will make something outside of human history, the nabe never existed before in the dictionary of human culinary. 2261 02:35:28,300 --> 02:35:29,470 Basics. 2262 02:35:33,390 --> 02:35:35,770 From inside the club room there was a sweet smell. 2263 02:35:35,770 --> 02:35:38,480 That means they have started cooking. 2264 02:35:38,810 --> 02:35:41,400 What's with this feeling of satisfaction? 2265 02:35:41,400 --> 02:35:44,280 Soon, new problems will appear. 2266 02:35:44,740 --> 02:35:48,950 I have to go back to the past once again and restore the world. 2267 02:35:49,660 --> 02:35:50,870 But, yeah... 2268 02:35:52,460 --> 02:35:54,270 There's still time. 2269 02:35:55,210 --> 02:35:59,630 Even so, I know I can't leave it too long or too fast. 2270 02:36:01,010 --> 02:36:02,600 To the world... 2271 02:36:02,600 --> 02:36:04,680 Still can wait, right? 2272 02:36:04,680 --> 02:36:09,850 It's okay if you wait for me patiently until I recover you, right? 2273 02:36:09,850 --> 02:36:10,600 At least... 2274 02:36:13,270 --> 02:36:17,440 Until I finish eating special Nabe made by Haruhi first. 2275 02:36:20,450 --> 02:36:28,280 {\ an3} Nozomu koto wa nani? 2276 02:36:20,450 --> 02:36:28,280 {\ an3} 望 む こ と は 何? 2277 02:36:20,450 --> 02:36:28,280 {\ an9} "What do you expect?" 2278 02:36:28,820 --> 02:36:36,130 {\ an3} Watashi ga toikakeru 2279 02:36:28,820 --> 02:36:36,130 {\ an3} 私 が 問 い 掛 け る 2280 02:36:28,820 --> 02:36:36,130 {\ an9} I ask yourself 2281 02:36:37,300 --> 02:36:44,650 {\ an3} Nani mo iranai 2282 02:36:37,300 --> 02:36:44,650 {\ an3} 何 も い ら な い 2283 02:36:37,300 --> 02:36:44,650 {\ an9} "There's nothing I want" 2284 02:36:44,840 --> 02:36:50,900 {\ an3} Uso de wa nakatta 2285 02:36:44,840 --> 02:36:50,900 { an3} 嘘 で は な か っ た 2286 02:36:44,840 --> 02:36:50,900 {\ an9} That's just a lie 2287 02:36:57,700 --> 02:37:05,520 {\ an3} Kieru sekai mo 2288 02:36:57,700 --> 02:37:05,520 {\ an3} 消 え る 世界 にも 2289 02:36:57,700 --> 02:37:05,520 {\ an9} In this fading world 2290 02:37:06,070 --> 02:37:13,380 {\ an3} Watashi no basho ga aru 2291 02:37:06,070 --> 02:37:13,380 {\ an3} 私 の 場所 が あ る 2292 02:37:06,070 --> 02:37:13,380 {\ an9} There is still a place for me 2293 02:37:14,090 --> 02:37:21,670 {\ an3} Afternoon wo shiranai 2294 02:37:14,090 --> 02:37:21,670 {\ an3} そ れ を 知 ら な い 2295 02:37:14,090 --> 02:37:21,670 {\ an9} Nobody knows 2296 02:37:21,810 --> 02:37:27,940 {\ an3} Jibun de sae mo 2297 02:37:21,810 --> 02:37:27,940 {\ an3} 自 分 で さ え も 2298 02:37:21,810 --> 02:37:27,940 {\ an9} Even myself 2299 02:37:31,720 --> 02:37:38,550 {\ an3} Tojikometa ishiki wa 2300 02:37:31,720 --> 02:37:38,550 {\ an3}閉 じ 込 め た 意識 は 2301 02:37:31,720 --> 02:37:38,550 {\ an9} My consciousness is closed 2302 02:37:39,150 --> 02:37:45,060 {\ an3} Toki wo musubi 2303 02:37:39,150 --> 02:37:45,060 {\ an3} 時 を 結 び 2304 02:37:39,150 --> 02:37:45,060 {\ an9} Unite with time 2305 02:37:48,110 --> 02:37:55,300 {\ an3} Negai wo kurikaesu 2306 02:37:48,110 --> 02:37:55,300 {\ an3} 願 い を 繰 り 返 す 2307 02:37:48,110 --> 02:37:55,300 {\ an9} Will then I hope 2308 02:37:56,510 --> 02:38:01,470 {\ an3} Eyes au made 2309 02:37:56,510 --> 02:38:01,470 {\ an3} ま た 会 う ま で 2310 02:37:56,510 --> 02:38:01,470 {\ an9} Until we meet again 2311 02:38:04,970 --> 02:38:10,110 {\ an3} Wasurenaide 2312 02:38:04,970 --> 02:38:10,110 {\ an3} 忘 れ な い で 2313 02:38:04,970 --> 02:38:10,110 {\ an9} Don't forget me 2314 02:38:16,700 --> 02:38:24,390 {\ an3} Meguru hibi no naka 2315 02:38:16,700 --> 02:38:24,390 {\ an3} 巡 る 日 々 の 中 2316 02:38:16,700 --> 02:38:24,390 {\ an9 } In the days gone by 2317 02:38:24,800 --> 02:38:32,420 {\ an3} Watashi ni nokoru no wa 2318 02:38:24,800 --> 02:38:32,420 {\ an3} 私 に 残 る の は 2319 02:38:24,800 --> 02:38:32,420 {\ an9 } What is left for me is only 2320 02:38:33,000 --> 02:38:40,320 {\ an3} Tomo afternoon afternoon 2321 02:38:33,000 --> 02:38:40,320 {\ an3} 記憶 そ れ と も 2322 02:38:33,000 --> 02:38:40,320 {\ an9} Memories 2323 02:38:40,590 --> 02:38:46,680 {\ an3} Boukyaku darou ka 2324 02:38:40,590 --> 02:38:46,680 {\ an3} 忘却 だ ろ う か? 2325 02:38:40,590 --> 02:38:46,680 {\ an9} Have I been forgotten? 2326 02:38:49,690 --> 02:38:57,400 {\ an3 } Yagate now wa 2327 02:38:49,690 --> 02:38:57,400 {\ an3} や が て 世界 に は 2328 02:38:49,690 --> 02:38:57,400 {\ an9} In this short world 2329 02:38:57,890 --> 02:39:05,420 {\ an3} Move to AutoHouseete 2330 02:38:57,890 --> 02:39:05,420 {\ an3} 眠 り が 訪 れ て 2331 02:38:57,890 --> 02:39:05,420 {\ an9} Sleepiness comes to me 2332 02:39:06,130 --> 02:39:13,570 {\ an3} Hitori hitori no 2333 02:39:06,130 --> 02:39:13,570 {\ an3} 一 人 一 人 の 2334 02:39:06,130 --> 02:39:13,570 {\ an9} For everyone 2335 02:39:13,760 --> 02:39:19,560 {\ an3} Ashita ni kaeru 2336 02:39:13,760 --> 02:39:19,560 {\ an3} 明日 に 帰 る 2337 02:39:13,760 --> 02:39:19,560 {\ an9} Who will return tomorrow 2338 02:39:23,350 --> 02:39:30,460 {\ an3} Erabareta mirai wo 2339 02:39:23,350 --> 02:39:30,460 {\ an3} 選 ば れた 未来 を 2340 02:39:23,350 --> 02:39:30,460 {\ an9} A definite future 2341 02:39:31,770 --> 02:39:37,410 {\ an3} Miokuru tobira 2342 02:39:31,770 --> 02:39:37,410 {\ an3} 見 送 る 扉 2343 02:39:31,770 --> 02:39:37,410 {\ an9} Is the door I passed 2344 02:39:40,160 --> 02:39:47,190 {\ an3} Negai not kanatte mo 2345 02:39:40,160 --> 02:39:47,190 {\ an3} 願 い が 叶 っ て も 2346 02:39:40,160 --> 02:39:47,190 {\ an9} If my hopes come true 2347 02:39:48,170 --> 02:39:53,220 {\ an3} Wasurenaide 2348 02:39:48,170 --> 02:39:53,220 {\ an3} 忘 れな い で 2349 02:39:48,170 --> 02:39:53,220 {\ an9} Don't forget me 2350 02:39:56,640 --> 02:40:03,560 {\ an3} Wasurenaide 2351 02:39:56,640 --> 02:40:03,560 {\ an3} 忘 れ な い で 2352 02:39:56,640 --> 02:40:03,560 { \ an9} Don't forget me 2353 02:40:06,100 --> 02:40:13,760 {\ an3} Kieru sekai mo 2354 02:40:06,100 --> 02:40:13,760 {\ an3} 消 え る 世界 に も 2355 02:40:06,100 --> 02:40:13,760 {\ an9} In a world that this fade 2356 02:40:14,390 --> 02:40:21,880 {\ an3} Watashi no basho ga aru 2357 02:40:14,390 --> 02:40:21,880 {\ an3} 私 の 場所 が あ る 2358 02:40:14,390 --> 02:40:21,880 {\ an9} There is still a place for me 2359 02:40:22,620 --> 02:40:29,910 {\ an3} Afternoon wo shiranai 2360 02:40:22,620 --> 02:40:29,910 {\ an3} そ れ を 知 ら な い 2361 02:40:22,620 --> 02:40:29,910 {\ an9} Nobody knows 2362 02:40:30,130 --> 02:40:36,130 {\ an3} Jibun de sae mo 2363 02:40:30,130 --> 02:40:36,130 {\ an3} 自 分 で さ え も 2364 02:40:30,130 --> 02:40:36,130 {\ an9} Even myself 2365 02:40:38,390 --> 02:40:48,480 {\ an3} Omoidasu made wa 2366 02:40:38,390 --> 02:40:48,480 {\ an3} 思 い 出 す ま で は 2367 02:40:38,390 --> 02:40:48,480 {\ an9} Until I remember later 2368 02:40:41,980 --> 02:40:53,700 2369 02:41:11,080 --> 02:41:12,290 This is already done. 2370 02:41:12,290 --> 02:41:13,750 Thank you! 2371 02:41:18,090 --> 02:41:18,970 This. 2372 02:41:21,710 --> 02:41:22,420 Come on! 2373 02:41:22,420 --> 02:41:23,710 Yes.