1 00:00:06,528 --> 00:00:09,356 Visit www.Fastbet99.club Trusted Trusted Online Gambling Agent 2 00:00:12,615 --> 00:00:17,483 Submitted by: www.subtitlecinema.com 3 00:00:24,457 --> 00:00:28,963 In 1903, the Wright brothers found an airplane. 4 00:00:29,576 --> 00:00:32,822 It's hard to imagine that today, there will be 5 00:00:33,112 --> 00:00:39,247 more than 500,000 people travel in the air at any time. 6 00:00:42,148 --> 00:00:48,321 In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto discovered bitcoin and blockchain. 7 00:00:49,106 --> 00:00:52,658 For the first time in history, his invention allowed 8 00:00:52,658 --> 00:00:55,652 to send money around the world without a bank, 9 00:00:55,652 --> 00:00:59,478 government, or other intermediaries. 10 00:01:01,078 --> 00:01:04,832 Satoshi is a mystery character and the same as the Wright brothers 11 00:01:05,388 --> 00:01:07,703 he solves an unsolved problem. 12 00:01:08,302 --> 00:01:11,980 Every time this happens, it inspires extraordinary innovation. 13 00:01:13,981 --> 00:01:17,194 The blockchain concept isn't too intuitive but still, many believers are gamechanger. 14 00:01:17,691 --> 00:01:21,856 15 00:01:22,489 --> 00:01:24,618 Despite a mysterious start, 16 00:01:24,885 --> 00:01:29,399 blockchain might be our time plane. 17 00:01:33,697 --> 00:01:36,581 Chapter 1: First Contact with Blockchain 18 00:01:37,331 --> 00:01:39,614 I found out about the first blockchain 19 00:01:40,269 --> 00:01:42,841 because most people at that time used bitcoin. 20 00:01:44,253 --> 00:01:47,959 Personally, at first I thought bitcoin was a bad idea. 21 00:01:48,390 --> 00:01:50,439 I taught at Stanford in 2010 22 00:01:50,439 --> 00:01:53,399 and the teaching assistant for the class sent me an article. 23 00:01:54,197 --> 00:01:57,727 He said "There is something very cool, this is an open source." 24 00:01:58,340 --> 00:02:00,545 I remember thinking "Open source money, isn't that cool 25 00:02:00,546 --> 00:02:02,816 but it might never work." 26 00:02:03,061 --> 00:02:06,996 I do what most people do at the first time 27 00:02:07,123 --> 00:02:09,445 they are exposed to bitcoin. I ignore it. 28 00:02:09,445 --> 00:02:11,114 I think this is ridiculous Internet money 29 00:02:11,114 --> 00:02:14,703 You can mine it, it's like a golden goose. 30 00:02:16,060 --> 00:02:20,199 It takes about a year to really explore technology again. 31 00:02:20,848 --> 00:02:25,913 In 2012 I did what I told most people to do today: 32 00:02:25,913 --> 00:02:28,927 Turn off your phone, lock your door, and learn this technology for a day. 33 00:02:28,927 --> 00:02:30,623 That's the best advice I can give. 34 00:02:30,623 --> 00:02:33,377 I am on leave from work. 35 00:02:33,377 --> 00:02:36,192 I decide to take a year off, live on 36 00:02:36,193 --> 00:02:38,309 savings and find out what I want to do. 37 00:02:38,308 --> 00:02:42,366 That's where I found this little orange icon with B in the middle 38 00:02:42,769 --> 00:02:45,036 and say, "What's this weird?" 39 00:02:45,437 --> 00:02:49,764 I started looking... Bitcoin... interesting. 40 00:02:50,068 --> 00:02:53,608 That's around 2012/2013 41 00:02:53,608 --> 00:02:55,407 and I have not left this space since. 42 00:02:55,407 --> 00:02:59,912 I go down the blockchain rabbit hole if you want 43 00:03:00,198 --> 00:03:02,331 and I was very surprised 44 00:03:02,330 --> 00:03:05,234 and have no reason to crawl back 45 00:03:05,235 --> 00:03:07,631 and find other technologies. 46 00:03:07,669 --> 00:03:10,591 There is a point where you can barely stop. 47 00:03:10,865 --> 00:03:13,671 It becomes very interesting and you are so fascinated by it 48 00:03:13,671 --> 00:03:16,423 and you just want to learn more. 49 00:03:16,423 --> 00:03:20,062 Even today, there are new developments 50 00:03:20,460 --> 00:03:22,990 and new ways to solve problems, new approaches 51 00:03:22,990 --> 00:03:25,651 and very pleasant to be in this world. 52 00:03:26,009 --> 00:03:29,151 It feels very interesting to be involved in blockchain. 53 00:03:29,633 --> 00:03:31,821 It feels like we are at the forefront of something 54 00:03:32,337 --> 00:03:36,425 which at least has the potential to change 55 00:03:37,171 --> 00:03:39,698 our interactions between each other 56 00:03:40,054 --> 00:03:43,792 between companies, the underlying infrastructure 57 00:03:43,875 --> 00:03:47,293 from both the private sector but also from the government. 58 00:03:47,293 --> 00:03:49,663 For me part of the appeal is that 59 00:03:49,663 --> 00:03:52,424 we don't know exactly what this thing is 60 00:03:52,866 --> 00:03:57,038 however, there are still many people gathered around it. 61 00:03:57,038 --> 00:04:00,808 I consider it to be a space rock that falls on earth. 62 00:04:01,100 --> 00:04:03,103 You will have lots of people gathered 63 00:04:03,103 --> 00:04:05,313 and they all point and ask, "What is this thing?" 64 00:04:05,693 --> 00:04:08,231 You don't really know but it's still very interesting. 65 00:04:22,723 --> 00:04:26,036 Chapter 2: Blockchain Technology 66 00:04:32,000 --> 00:04:38,346 For me, blockchain has two main technical ingredients. 67 00:04:38,670 --> 00:04:41,807 One of the ingredients is cryptography. 68 00:04:42,473 --> 00:04:47,471 When I say cryptography, I really mean asymmetric cryptography. 69 00:04:49,266 --> 00:04:53,117 Other materials are what are called distributed systems. 70 00:04:53,399 --> 00:04:55,238 These are two main things. 71 00:04:55,346 --> 00:04:57,768 If you understand them, you understand all that technical details of blockchain or bitcoin. 72 00:04:58,245 --> 00:05:00,810 You have the ability to make indelible notes. 73 00:05:00,810 --> 00:05:04,923 You have the ability to transfer the value of 74 00:05:05,571 --> 00:05:08,583 by making an update on that note. 75 00:05:08,583 --> 00:05:10,376 76 00:05:10,738 --> 00:05:14,948 And you have the ability to automate updates to recordings 77 00:05:14,949 --> 00:05:17,302 through things called smart contracts. 78 00:05:17,461 --> 00:05:20,638 That means the potential that you can change 79 00:05:20,829 --> 00:05:22,663 financial service structure. 80 00:05:22,663 --> 00:05:25,223 Today there are various institutions 81 00:05:25,223 --> 00:05:29,480 that exists to maintain the record set. 82 00:05:29,930 --> 00:05:33,427 To be a "trusted third party" in industrial terms. 83 00:05:33,427 --> 00:05:36,810 The role has the potential to be reshaped fundamentally. 84 00:05:36,834 --> 00:05:38,500 Blockchain is a network. 85 00:05:38,500 --> 00:05:42,742 The network we see today 86 00:05:43,072 --> 00:05:46,706 Alibaba, AirBnB, Uber... 87 00:05:47,072 --> 00:05:49,016 they are interesting networks but they are centralized. 88 00:05:49,713 --> 00:05:52,894 Here, you will have a decentralized network 89 00:05:53,081 --> 00:05:56,670 who works more as a cooperative. 90 00:05:57,223 --> 00:05:58,419 I think some challenges will occur 91 00:05:58,617 --> 00:06:00,254 what is the economy of the network, 92 00:06:00,512 --> 00:06:02,908 what is the economy of a particular blockchain 93 00:06:03,242 --> 00:06:05,457 versus discussion today which is all about technology. 94 00:06:05,458 --> 00:06:07,849 I think tomorrow's discussion will be around 95 00:06:07,848 --> 00:06:10,262 how you build network effects from this new rail. 96 00:06:10,764 --> 00:06:12,689 What really interests me is that 97 00:06:13,228 --> 00:06:16,000 it is a grassroots movement from the technology sector. 98 00:06:16,000 --> 00:06:22,378 Not an established business movement 99 00:06:22,379 --> 00:06:27,914 try to find a new selling point. 100 00:06:28,545 --> 00:06:32,126 This is really a bottom-up movement from us geeks. 101 00:06:33,204 --> 00:06:36,264 That's one of the most amazing things in science 102 00:06:36,408 --> 00:06:38,247 that happened in the last 100 years 103 00:06:38,247 --> 00:06:39,884 that this is actually possible. 104 00:06:39,884 --> 00:06:46,475 You can digitally sign transactions or other types of information 105 00:06:46,475 --> 00:06:50,785 so you can prove that you actually signed this. 106 00:06:51,553 --> 00:06:54,134 Much safer than this 107 00:06:54,134 --> 00:06:58,290 curved and stretched signatures that we use every day. 108 00:06:58,290 --> 00:07:01,279 That might replace those things immediately. 109 00:07:26,971 --> 00:07:31,598 Chapter 3: Effect of Blockchain 110 00:07:32,100 --> 00:07:35,358 We spent two years trying to understand this space 111 00:07:35,740 --> 00:07:38,276 and what that means. 112 00:07:39,259 --> 00:07:42,030 We found that meant more than just 113 00:07:42,223 --> 00:07:44,319 other digital currencies. 114 00:07:45,259 --> 00:07:50,538 Because blockchain becomes more influential in our thinking 115 00:07:50,901 --> 00:07:54,710 we began to realize that it was a big change 116 00:07:54,709 --> 00:07:58,932 how the internet can be used 117 00:07:59,350 --> 00:08:02,281 to create a new value form 118 00:08:02,281 --> 00:08:06,495 and how it can be used to give voting rights 119 00:08:06,826 --> 00:08:09,829 and including people in global finance. 120 00:08:10,089 --> 00:08:12,016 We have had the Internet for years now and on the Internet, still no one knows 121 00:08:12,016 --> 00:08:14,144 whether you are a dog or not. 122 00:08:14,257 --> 00:08:16,730 Identity fraud is completely out of control. 123 00:08:17,048 --> 00:08:19,233 It is an area where we need new thinking 124 00:08:19,482 --> 00:08:23,657 is in the identity space. 125 00:08:23,697 --> 00:08:26,079 126 00:08:26,079 --> 00:08:29,216 Maybe technology brings something new into that space. 127 00:08:29,689 --> 00:08:31,939 And we need it quickly because 128 00:08:31,939 --> 00:08:35,076 we haven't fixed the identity problem for people 129 00:08:35,076 --> 00:08:38,250 but we will enter ten billion, trillion, gazillion 130 00:08:38,250 --> 00:08:40,211 things on the Internet. 131 00:08:40,456 --> 00:08:43,716 We can have a trust relationship 132 00:08:44,091 --> 00:08:46,014 without actually ever meeting each other 133 00:08:46,253 --> 00:08:48,681 or have done business at all with each other. 134 00:08:48,888 --> 00:08:51,514 I think it's fundamental. 135 00:08:51,644 --> 00:08:53,818 Security is another thing. 136 00:08:54,591 --> 00:08:57,927 Blockchain is a military level cryptology 137 00:08:57,927 --> 00:09:00,364 and they have never cracked. 138 00:09:01,065 --> 00:09:04,955 When you hear about hackers stealing bitcoin 139 00:09:05,326 --> 00:09:08,416 they don't steal from the blockchain itself. 140 00:09:08,647 --> 00:09:10,453 They steal at the entry point 141 00:09:10,452 --> 00:09:12,701 on wallet or browser level 142 00:09:12,701 --> 00:09:14,994 where they intercept messages. 143 00:09:14,994 --> 00:09:18,125 But blockchain itself is very safe. 144 00:09:18,481 --> 00:09:20,338 Internet of Things might become 145 00:09:20,339 --> 00:09:23,100 the best test case for many blockchain technologies. 146 00:09:23,451 --> 00:09:26,061 Because if we will have millions or billions or trillions 147 00:09:26,327 --> 00:09:28,723 devices that support the Internet do everything 148 00:09:28,724 --> 00:09:30,929 from taking us around to manage our affairs 149 00:09:31,296 --> 00:09:35,806 to monitor our health, they need a way 150 00:09:35,806 --> 00:09:38,196 move and save and manage values and 151 00:09:38,196 --> 00:09:41,286 data that has value in a safe and personal way. 152 00:09:41,604 --> 00:09:43,052 At the moment we don't have it. 153 00:09:43,303 --> 00:09:46,629 I am concerned about the existence of data and how to 154 00:09:46,933 --> 00:09:50,525 flows in and through devices connected to the Internet. 155 00:09:51,163 --> 00:09:54,323 I think with value platforms like blockchain 156 00:09:54,323 --> 00:09:56,192 we can at least overcome some of these problems and 157 00:09:56,192 --> 00:09:58,767 maybe even create new opportunities. 158 00:10:09,594 --> 00:10:13,708 Chapter 4: New Business Opportunities 159 00:10:14,085 --> 00:10:17,264 We can't sit in the office and study 160 00:10:17,365 --> 00:10:19,346 of course we do that too 161 00:10:19,346 --> 00:10:22,197 but we have to go out and participate 162 00:10:22,197 --> 00:10:26,532 throughout this blockchain community. 163 00:10:27,393 --> 00:10:32,355 Honestly, what's new for me especially regarding younger people in my team 164 00:10:32,355 --> 00:10:35,542 is how enthusiastic they are about that. 165 00:10:35,542 --> 00:10:38,105 If there is a hackathon, for example 166 00:10:38,105 --> 00:10:41,578 they never came to me and asked if 167 00:10:41,578 --> 00:10:43,767 they can go there and get money for that 168 00:10:43,768 --> 00:10:47,100 they just leave. They are very interested. 169 00:10:47,331 --> 00:10:50,576 They just go and participate and share 170 00:10:50,576 --> 00:10:53,224 what they learned, and we discussed further. 171 00:10:53,224 --> 00:10:56,062 This is really a new way, also for us 172 00:10:56,347 --> 00:10:59,549 to deal with new technology. 173 00:10:59,549 --> 00:11:03,418 We are in the middle, no one tells us what to do. 174 00:11:03,418 --> 00:11:06,659 175 00:11:07,006 --> 00:11:15,351 This is really what we together shape what we stand for in the end for blockchain. 176 00:11:15,351 --> 00:11:16,842 We need more technology. 177 00:11:16,842 --> 00:11:19,548 We need to have awareness 178 00:11:19,871 --> 00:11:21,342 how something is programmed 179 00:11:21,342 --> 00:11:23,597 so we can check whether the program is correct. 180 00:11:23,597 --> 00:11:26,783 This might be the ability we have 181 00:11:27,436 --> 00:11:31,533 but not as needed in the future. 182 00:11:31,533 --> 00:11:34,574 In the future, you must always have it 183 00:11:34,573 --> 00:11:36,524 technology links to various things so you can understand them. 184 00:11:36,544 --> 00:11:43,129 Otherwise, you always need your IT person sitting next to you 185 00:11:44,514 --> 00:11:48,620 helps you understand the problem. 186 00:11:48,942 --> 00:11:51,927 This is not something that will have an impact on one of the two industries 187 00:11:52,163 --> 00:11:54,557 it will affect every industry 188 00:11:54,557 --> 00:11:56,548 the same way internal combustion engines 189 00:11:56,548 --> 00:11:59,572 affects almost every industry 190 00:11:59,572 --> 00:12:00,985 191 00:12:00,985 --> 00:12:03,264 or the internet affects almost every industry 192 00:12:03,264 --> 00:12:06,255 or steam engine creates a new industry. 193 00:12:06,255 --> 00:12:10,688 This is one of the big generation technology shifts which requires an integrated and focused response. 194 00:12:10,688 --> 00:12:16,406 If not, you will miss the boat. 195 00:12:16,407 --> 00:12:18,022 We are all, also in the financial services industry 196 00:12:18,022 --> 00:12:21,238 try to recognize that we don't have to be defensive but we prefer to embrace not only this technology 197 00:12:21,375 --> 00:12:24,366 but this enabler brings us to access 198 00:12:25,111 --> 00:12:29,807 a market that is very underutilized or undiscovered 199 00:12:29,807 --> 00:12:35,049 that we must do business with the eye-to-eye level. 200 00:12:35,049 --> 00:12:40,838 We speak with all senior executives in financial services 201 00:12:41,105 --> 00:12:44,693 and often say "We see bitcoin, 202 00:12:44,847 --> 00:12:49,408 we have smart people who come and explain 203 00:12:49,408 --> 00:12:56,274 how blockchain works 204 00:12:56,274 --> 00:12:58,315 205 00:12:58,315 --> 00:13:00,088 206 00:13:00,087 --> 00:13:02,552 but I still really don't understand 207 00:13:02,552 --> 00:13:05,381 what that means for my business. " 208 00:13:05,381 --> 00:13:08,639 I think that makes sense because 209 00:13:08,639 --> 00:13:11,909 if you think about the iPhone, for example: 210 00:13:11,909 --> 00:13:15,668 What really matters, when the new iPhone comes out? 211 00:13:15,946 --> 00:13:20,365 Is it a new chipset or a new way 212 00:13:20,365 --> 00:13:23,014 compressing frequency? 213 00:13:23,014 --> 00:13:26,217 I'm not an engineer and don't know how it works. 214 00:13:26,217 --> 00:13:31,020 What is important for people is what they can do with technology. 215 00:13:31,115 --> 00:13:33,558 Of course, success is now guaranteed. 216 00:13:33,919 --> 00:13:35,714 One day we might see come back to this and say 217 00:13:35,715 --> 00:13:38,066 "Oh, that's not good..." But: 218 00:13:38,066 --> 00:13:41,153 If you ask me, there's no doubt 219 00:13:41,457 --> 00:13:43,870 a large amount of progress has been made. 220 00:13:43,870 --> 00:13:45,221 There's something here. 221 00:13:45,221 --> 00:13:47,082 = = I find it hard to believe that I will look back 222 00:13:47,082 --> 00:13:48,533 in ten or twenty years and say 223 00:13:48,533 --> 00:13:50,654 "None of this ends with happiness." 224 00:13:50,654 --> 00:13:53,952 Because we really saw a new way 225 00:13:54,307 --> 00:13:55,923 transaction value on the Internet. 226 00:14:17,845 --> 00:14:21,735 Chapter 5: Blockchain and Bank 227 00:14:22,206 --> 00:14:24,236 I know how much financial institutions work. 228 00:14:24,236 --> 00:14:28,211 They will not do something that is reckless with technology. 229 00:14:28,211 --> 00:14:31,636 This is the money and livelihood of the people who work with them. 230 00:14:31,674 --> 00:14:34,419 This is a slow increase process. 231 00:14:34,419 --> 00:14:36,477 This system, after implemented, 232 00:14:36,477 --> 00:14:38,786 will run in parallel with the old system for a while 233 00:14:39,080 --> 00:14:41,210 before you switch to a new one. 234 00:14:41,210 --> 00:14:43,142 That's a standard in technology improvement. 235 00:14:43,142 --> 00:14:45,683 I know this will take time. 236 00:14:45,682 --> 00:14:52,220 But there are antagonists, players who are threatened. 237 00:14:52,220 --> 00:14:55,288 It's an AT & T / Verizon / Kodak analogy again. 238 00:14:55,288 --> 00:14:57,206 Their business model is threatened by this 239 00:14:57,206 --> 00:15:00,649 and they will do things to slow down 240 00:15:00,649 --> 00:15:05,789 and simplify transformational networks. 241 00:15:06,274 --> 00:15:09,971 There is a game theory approach about how technology 242 00:15:09,971 --> 00:15:12,370 being launched on the market, for sure. 243 00:15:12,753 --> 00:15:15,533 We made a different round table here at Zug 244 00:15:15,929 --> 00:15:20,215 after the start of our bitcoin experiment. 245 00:15:20,177 --> 00:15:29,155 For example, we invite banks and bankers from Zug 246 00:15:28,597 --> 00:15:32,996 and try to connect them with other people 247 00:15:32,996 --> 00:15:35,681 from "Zug cryptovalley". 248 00:15:35,682 --> 00:15:43,616 They speak, but bankers are not very happy. 249 00:15:44,049 --> 00:15:47,735 They say there are things that are different from the law 250 00:15:47,735 --> 00:15:50,865 and "Not easy for us." 251 00:15:50,865 --> 00:15:54,544 But this is also an attitude problem. 252 00:15:54,544 --> 00:15:59,546 This is the same as our city, for our administration: 253 00:15:59,562 --> 00:16:02,179 the bank must get ready. 254 00:16:02,179 --> 00:16:06,787 I know that they are defensive 255 00:16:06,788 --> 00:16:11,677 but on the other hand there are researches and teams who face these questions. 256 00:16:11,677 --> 00:16:14,927 Maybe they are waiting a little now 257 00:16:14,927 --> 00:16:17,863 but they can't deny it, I'm sure. 258 00:16:17,863 --> 00:16:20,159 I think there will be a lot of interference 259 00:16:20,585 --> 00:16:21,908 lots of revolutions regarding blockchain based technology. 260 00:16:21,908 --> 00:16:25,914 That will encourage not necessarily 261 00:16:26,493 --> 00:16:31,262 banks are worried about other banks that are competitors. 262 00:16:31,628 --> 00:16:34,636 What worries the bank is "bank one" the next generation of banking networks 263 00:16:35,471 --> 00:16:40,106 resident on the phone, it's decentralized, distributed 264 00:16:40,106 --> 00:16:43,478 and it's based on digital tokens, digital assets 265 00:16:43,479 --> 00:16:47,658 it is not issued by the bank or the government. 266 00:16:48,474 --> 00:16:52,148 This creates all the different permutations and opportunities 267 00:16:52,148 --> 00:16:56,456 not only for companies and governments 268 00:16:56,456 --> 00:16:59,518 but also for the community. 269 00:16:59,518 --> 00:17:02,532 270 00:17:02,532 --> 00:17:04,699 271 00:17:04,699 --> 00:17:08,210 We see many examples of banks and consulting companies 272 00:17:08,210 --> 00:17:12,278 and other Big Four audit companies talk about 273 00:17:12,278 --> 00:17:14,731 how they can remove costs from business 274 00:17:14,731 --> 00:17:18,720 than - I don't know - trading in the public market 275 00:17:19,387 --> 00:17:21,180 or whatever it is. 276 00:17:22,009 --> 00:17:24,427 But if you take the example of a public market: 277 00:17:24,428 --> 00:17:28,271 How can you cut costs from markets that don't exist in the future? 278 00:17:28,270 --> 00:17:31,485 What if securities trading occurs peer-to-peer 279 00:17:32,452 --> 00:17:35,441 in a market that does not have traditional intermediaries 280 00:17:35,441 --> 00:17:38,981 exchanges, brokers, agents, escrow agents, clearing houses 281 00:17:38,981 --> 00:17:41,616 and all other parties that we rely on? 282 00:17:41,616 --> 00:17:42,917 That's the cost you spend but 283 00:17:42,917 --> 00:17:44,825 what if the market can function without them? 284 00:17:44,826 --> 00:17:49,057 What is important for leaders of large companies 285 00:17:49,057 --> 00:17:53,543 not just thinking about the cost of 286 00:17:53,542 --> 00:17:56,543 but also to think strategically. 287 00:17:56,544 --> 00:17:58,782 What can this technology allow me to do 288 00:17:58,781 --> 00:18:01,889 I can't do in the past? 289 00:18:01,890 --> 00:18:04,022 I think this will take a long time 290 00:18:04,021 --> 00:18:07,348 for that to weave the way into the system. 291 00:18:07,348 --> 00:18:10,817 It may need a normal technology improvement cycle for that 292 00:18:10,817 --> 00:18:13,686 to fully weave the way into the system. 293 00:18:13,686 --> 00:18:15,775 I have said publicly that I think in twenty years 294 00:18:15,776 --> 00:18:18,817 financial services will only be software 295 00:18:18,817 --> 00:18:20,987 and smart contract technology especially 296 00:18:20,987 --> 00:18:23,170 will automate many things 297 00:18:23,170 --> 00:18:26,513 that institution and people handle today. 298 00:18:47,395 --> 00:18:51,405 Chapter 6: Blockchain and Financial Inclusion 299 00:18:52,221 --> 00:18:54,275 Seventy four percent of the world's population 300 00:18:54,275 --> 00:18:55,699 according to the World Bank 301 00:18:55,699 --> 00:18:58,538 do not have access to basic financial services. 302 00:18:58,538 --> 00:19:01,277 In my home country, in the United States, 303 00:19:01,277 --> 00:19:03,441 which is one of the richest countries in the world, 304 00:19:03,441 --> 00:19:06,659 about fifty percent of the population 305 00:19:06,659 --> 00:19:09,168 do not have access to basic financial services 306 00:19:09,167 --> 00:19:11,122 including bank accounts. 307 00:19:11,123 --> 00:19:13,593 There are a large number of people around the world 308 00:19:13,593 --> 00:19:17,219 who do not experience and become part of the global economy 309 00:19:17,219 --> 00:19:20,657 because they do not have access to the financial system 310 00:19:20,656 --> 00:19:22,814 for various reasons. 311 00:19:22,815 --> 00:19:24,713 I think this technology will be uplifted 312 00:19:24,713 --> 00:19:27,489 many people get out of poverty 313 00:19:27,489 --> 00:19:29,810 but it will also be inclusive technology 314 00:19:29,810 --> 00:19:32,890 which allows more people to be involved in global trade. 315 00:19:33,281 --> 00:19:35,861 I don't like to think that we are creating 316 00:19:35,862 --> 00:19:40,190 so much prosperity for less than one percent. 317 00:19:40,190 --> 00:19:43,376 I like to think of a business that is geared towards goals. 318 00:19:43,376 --> 00:19:45,201 By the way, that's the trick I think 319 00:19:45,201 --> 00:19:47,951 for large companies: to understand 320 00:19:47,951 --> 00:19:50,357 that cost efficiency embraces this new technology 321 00:19:50,357 --> 00:19:54,204 has the potential to expand their accessible market 322 00:19:55,123 --> 00:19:57,720 with reasonable fees. 323 00:19:57,720 --> 00:20:01,293 That alone will create prosperity in various fields. 324 00:20:01,292 --> 00:20:04,029 Something we have to think about. 325 00:20:04,029 --> 00:20:07,307 Soon, when a smartphone can have to 326 00:20:07,307 --> 00:20:11,229 each less than five dollars, right in the corner 327 00:20:11,229 --> 00:20:14,614 almost everyone lives in poverty on earth 328 00:20:14,614 --> 00:20:16,607 will have access to smartphones 329 00:20:16,607 --> 00:20:18,697 and connected to the network. 330 00:20:18,698 --> 00:20:23,325 That is a game that changes itself. 331 00:20:23,996 --> 00:20:26,495 When you have a digital wallet on this phone 332 00:20:26,881 --> 00:20:29,398 and the ability to trade assets 333 00:20:29,397 --> 00:20:32,628 we will answer that question 334 00:20:32,628 --> 00:20:34,644 "What happens when everyone has money?" 335 00:20:35,257 --> 00:20:40,932 Capitalism itself has developed in several regions 336 00:20:40,932 --> 00:20:44,560 by natural exceptions of others from the market. 337 00:20:45,180 --> 00:20:48,060 This really uses the scarcity principle 338 00:20:48,059 --> 00:20:51,413 as the driving base. 339 00:20:51,413 --> 00:20:53,439 So what happens when money is not rare? 340 00:20:53,439 --> 00:20:55,304 We will see people and say: 341 00:20:55,304 --> 00:20:59,198 "What things can't I do 342 00:20:59,198 --> 00:21:03,238 and where can we join?" 343 00:21:04,190 --> 00:21:07,528 More than today, where we say 344 00:21:07,528 --> 00:21:09,653 "How big is your car and how much money 345 00:21:09,653 --> 00:21:12,063 what do you have in your bank account?" 346 00:21:12,063 --> 00:21:15,120 So, I believe the future will be even more 347 00:21:15,171 --> 00:21:19,357 human, or human - not... human 348 00:21:19,705 --> 00:21:24,715 of the last hundred years we have seen. 349 00:21:43,602 --> 00:21:48,292 Chapter 7: Real Revolution 350 00:21:48,999 --> 00:21:50,903 I don't think blockchain is a revolution. 351 00:21:50,903 --> 00:21:54,748 That has been done forever, for forty years, 352 00:21:55,086 --> 00:21:58,952 which is truly forever in computer science. 353 00:21:58,952 --> 00:22:04,116 Both materials from the blockchain - security and distributed systems 354 00:22:04,116 --> 00:22:08,645 has been around since the early seventies. 355 00:22:09,631 --> 00:22:12,522 This is not a revolution. 356 00:22:12,521 --> 00:22:16,925 Revolution, or evolution 357 00:22:17,278 --> 00:22:19,599 jobs will change. 358 00:22:19,642 --> 00:22:22,103 That is something I believe in. 359 00:22:22,103 --> 00:22:25,489 The work will be digitized in a certain sense. 360 00:22:25,489 --> 00:22:28,537 The computer will do a lot of manual work 361 00:22:28,537 --> 00:22:30,986 which we still see in the service domain today. 362 00:22:31,488 --> 00:22:34,532 This is called the "fourth technology revolution" and I think we are at the beginning 363 00:22:34,531 --> 00:22:37,657 like a revolution now. 364 00:22:37,657 --> 00:22:40,244 That's why we don't close our eyes. 365 00:22:40,244 --> 00:22:45,407 Some people say, "There will be many problems 366 00:22:46,424 --> 00:22:49,848 people will lose their jobs," and so on. 367 00:22:49,848 --> 00:22:54,480 I'm sure it will happen 368 00:22:54,480 --> 00:22:57,265 but we better deal with it than deny it. 369 00:22:57,265 --> 00:23:00,737 Offshore work, automation, robots 370 00:23:00,737 --> 00:23:04,769 371 00:23:04,769 --> 00:23:07,862 Do they threaten our work? 372 00:23:07,862 --> 00:23:10,285 This is a real question when your own child 373 00:23:10,285 --> 00:23:13,903 who are ready to continue further education 374 00:23:13,903 --> 00:23:17,006 ask that question. 375 00:23:17,006 --> 00:23:21,290 I conclude that I have a sincere answer: 376 00:23:21,289 --> 00:23:23,667 It's not threatening. 377 00:23:23,667 --> 00:23:26,490 This forces us to think a little differently but if we do it smartly, we really give 378 00:23:26,490 --> 00:23:29,751 Next generation is a great new opportunity to rediscover why they wake up every morning 379 00:23:29,751 --> 00:23:33,176 and why they go to work 380 00:23:33,176 --> 00:23:36,714 and make sure they really make the best use of 381 00:23:36,714 --> 00:23:38,591 the degree they studied 382 00:23:38,592 --> 00:23:41,359 and the things they really want in life. 383 00:23:41,358 --> 00:23:43,096 I want to make the world better. 384 00:23:43,096 --> 00:23:45,146 It's better. 385 00:23:45,146 --> 00:23:47,832 Whatever my size is better, or yours 386 00:23:47,833 --> 00:23:49,412 387 00:23:49,454 --> 00:23:52,505 388 00:23:52,506 --> 00:23:55,574 is what the community might appreciate. 389 00:23:55,574 --> 00:23:58,573 Another thing is this extraordinary opportunity 390 00:23:58,573 --> 00:24:01,940 to create a little prosperity. 391 00:24:01,940 --> 00:24:05,375 Because what your prosperity offers is independence. 392 00:24:05,801 --> 00:24:09,334 We don't have to have people who live in poverty 393 00:24:09,335 --> 00:24:15,232 just fighting for a handful of rice every day. 394 00:24:17,315 --> 00:24:19,465 There are too many in the world 395 00:24:19,464 --> 00:24:21,731 live like that again. 396 00:24:21,731 --> 00:24:25,706 I think certain countries and even companies 397 00:24:25,707 --> 00:24:27,309 begin to understand that. 398 00:24:27,353 --> 00:24:30,237 Surely this movement, this blockchain movement 399 00:24:30,237 --> 00:24:33,644 is the foundation of technology 400 00:24:33,644 --> 00:24:37,925 technology part of that mindset 401 00:24:37,925 --> 00:24:39,917 who is offline too. 402 00:24:39,917 --> 00:24:41,385 The idea has come out. 403 00:24:41,385 --> 00:24:44,824 If you don't realize it here, maybe you realize there or even on the Internet, uncontrolled. 404 00:24:44,824 --> 00:24:48,005 Bitcoin is here, here to stay 405 00:24:48,005 --> 00:24:52,209 406 00:24:52,548 --> 00:24:54,778 and will become bigger and bigger. 407 00:24:54,778 --> 00:24:58,644 As a blockchain, as cryptocurrency 408 00:24:58,644 --> 00:25:03,339 as the possibility of connecting to blockchain and cryptocurrency. 409 00:25:03,339 --> 00:25:06,515 It's out of the box. 410 00:25:06,516 --> 00:25:11,032 And the whole system does not need government. 411 00:25:11,031 --> 00:25:14,578 It exists. Successful. 412 00:25:14,578 --> 00:25:18,443 It's like a computer network that surrounds the world. 413 00:25:18,443 --> 00:25:21,500 You can say "We don't want to be part of it." 414 00:25:21,500 --> 00:25:23,346 So, alright. 415 00:25:23,346 --> 00:25:25,795 It's here. And it won't disappear. 416 00:25:37,047 --> 00:25:41,593 Chapter 8: Blockchain and Us 417 00:25:41,891 --> 00:25:44,214 I feel this is a generation opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors. 418 00:25:44,213 --> 00:25:46,721 To be honest, I haven't seen anything 419 00:25:46,721 --> 00:25:48,599 equally interesting in my investment career. 420 00:25:48,599 --> 00:25:50,781 Let's try to build a new system 421 00:25:50,781 --> 00:25:53,323 which has better trade-offs and features 422 00:25:53,324 --> 00:25:56,990 and reduce losses. 423 00:25:56,990 --> 00:25:59,488 And let's make it work. 424 00:25:59,488 --> 00:26:01,575 425 00:26:01,654 --> 00:26:03,712 Now the pendulum will swing back. 426 00:26:03,712 --> 00:26:05,500 What will be done is frankly 427 00:26:05,500 --> 00:26:08,045 makes trust in the capital market higher. 428 00:26:08,045 --> 00:26:11,255 Blockchain has enormous potential implications 429 00:26:11,255 --> 00:26:13,355 outside financial services. 430 00:26:13,355 --> 00:26:18,269 We might even see full-scale implementation 431 00:26:18,269 --> 00:26:22,046 from some other real world applications 432 00:26:22,046 --> 00:26:23,846 leapfrog financial services. 433 00:26:23,846 --> 00:26:27,846 This discovery, when it appeared in the seventies 434 00:26:27,846 --> 00:26:32,060 really one innovative idea. 435 00:26:32,060 --> 00:26:35,894 This will change society definitely in many domains. 436 00:26:35,894 --> 00:26:38,481 Already changing society in that sense 437 00:26:38,481 --> 00:26:41,817 The internet is a safe place 438 00:26:41,817 --> 00:26:44,096 You can make transactions on the Internet. 439 00:26:44,096 --> 00:26:47,317 Potential to create trust 440 00:26:47,317 --> 00:26:49,375 or even trust without permission 441 00:26:49,375 --> 00:26:52,623 on the internet 442 00:26:52,623 --> 00:26:54,873 that is something we have never had before. 443 00:26:54,873 --> 00:26:59,341 The impact on society, on business, on the government 444 00:26:59,340 --> 00:27:01,394 can be very deep. 445 00:27:01,394 --> 00:27:03,757 Blockchain is fair almost ten years. 446 00:27:03,757 --> 00:27:06,189 I think it has another ten years to run before 447 00:27:06,189 --> 00:27:09,567 we really see what the long-term impact is. 448 00:27:09,567 --> 00:27:12,562 I think this will be a long journey, far more steady 449 00:27:12,563 --> 00:27:14,992 we go down and you will see 450 00:27:14,991 --> 00:27:17,104 some technologies that are inspired by this. 451 00:27:17,104 --> 00:27:21,029 Blockchain technology is not a solution for 452 00:27:21,029 --> 00:27:24,075 all problems under the sun. 453 00:27:24,075 --> 00:27:29,961 When it's ripe we will begin to see its potential benefits 454 00:27:29,961 --> 00:27:31,171 but also the limitations. 455 00:27:31,171 --> 00:27:34,699 You can deny it or you can deal with it. 456 00:27:34,699 --> 00:27:37,971 We always say that we have to deal with it 457 00:27:37,971 --> 00:27:40,389 because these things come 458 00:27:40,390 --> 00:27:42,975 if we want or not. 459 00:27:42,974 --> 00:27:48,428 I have seen old partners 460 00:27:48,429 --> 00:27:51,077 when they see an opportunity, to change 461 00:27:51,077 --> 00:27:54,264 and say, "I don't understand everything 462 00:27:54,265 --> 00:27:57,030 but I understand there is something behind this 463 00:27:57,029 --> 00:27:59,691 so we have to go forward." Really great. 464 00:27:59,691 --> 00:28:02,739 People often say need is the mother of the invention but I want to say the needs are also adoption mothers. 465 00:28:02,739 --> 00:28:06,169 If there are real use cases 466 00:28:06,169 --> 00:28:08,200 that people need technology for 467 00:28:08,200 --> 00:28:10,827 they start using it. 468 00:28:10,827 --> 00:28:12,338 I started with Commodore, we have Atari, Apple 469 00:28:12,338 --> 00:28:15,829 but at some point in time, Windows comes. 470 00:28:15,829 --> 00:28:18,929 Everyone just started using Windows 471 00:28:18,930 --> 00:28:21,032 without asking "What is the code behind it? 472 00:28:21,031 --> 00:28:25,451 What is the code behind moving the mouse?" 473 00:28:25,451 --> 00:28:28,141 We have many possibilities. 474 00:28:28,141 --> 00:28:30,486 Everything will change. 475 00:28:30,486 --> 00:28:31,831 In my opinion, the possibilities are unlimited. 476 00:28:31,830 --> 00:28:36,538 477 00:28:36,538 --> 00:28:40,980 This reminds me of a situation where all of a sudden 478 00:28:40,980 --> 00:28:44,692 we have two or three major discoveries 479 00:28:44,692 --> 00:28:47,293 occurs in one moment. 480 00:28:47,292 --> 00:28:52,500 We live in a window of very interesting opportunities. 481 00:28:52,500 --> 00:28:56,415 I am definitely very excited to fully embrace it. 482 00:28:56,415 --> 00:29:02,139 Even a small step can be a big step for humanity. 483 00:29:02,140 --> 00:29:05,928 I think we are out of the industrial age 484 00:29:05,928 --> 00:29:09,781 and enter the age we still have to name. 485 00:29:09,780 --> 00:29:14,704 Where that will bring us is very difficult to say. 486 00:29:14,704 --> 00:29:17,692 My suspicion means a kind of 487 00:29:17,692 --> 00:29:21,367 revival of community ideas. 488 00:29:21,367 --> 00:29:24,943 This really feels like a new paradigm 489 00:29:24,943 --> 00:29:26,365 to change the world. 490 00:29:26,365 --> 00:29:29,316 We are at a crossroads here. 491 00:29:29,316 --> 00:29:31,824 We have the tools now to create technology which will help all humanity. 492 00:29:31,824 --> 00:29:34,409 493 00:29:34,409 --> 00:29:36,594 The question is: Will we do it? 494 00:29:36,594 --> 00:29:38,459 But we can do it now. 495 00:29:38,459 --> 00:29:40,836 There are so many innovations 496 00:29:40,836 --> 00:29:43,261 blockchain technology has spurred 497 00:29:43,261 --> 00:29:45,577 around the world. 498 00:29:45,577 --> 00:29:49,634 I have no doubt in my mind 499 00:29:49,634 --> 00:29:52,883 that this technology will affect everyone. 500 00:29:52,883 --> 00:29:57,432 I would say in ten to twenty years 501 00:29:57,432 --> 00:29:59,978 there will be no humans 502 00:29:59,978 --> 00:30:03,663 Submitted by: www.subtitlecinema.com