0 00:00:11,000 --> 00:00:20,000 Visit www.Hokibet99.cc Trusted Trusted Online Gambling Agent 1 00: 00: 00.00 -> 00: 00: 05,000 500 Thousand New Member Bonus 10 Million Parlay Cashback 2 00:00:05,002 --> 00:00:10,000 Say the name of our true Lord every day: Yahweh Elohim, Yeshua HaMashiach. 3 00:00:10,002 --> 00:00:15,000 We are foolish because of HaMashiach, but you are wise in HaMashiach; we are weak, but we are weak, 4 00:00:15,002 --> 00:00:17,198 but you are strong; you are honored, but we are worthless. (1 Qorintah 4: 10) 5 00:00:17,200 --> 00:00:20,033 In the fifth year after death Yeshua HaMashiach, 6 00:00:20,067 --> 00:00:23,071 Shaul: Travel to Dammeseq City 7 00:00:20,067 --> 00:00:23,071 Council of the High Priests in the city Yerushalayim still struggling 8 00:00:23,100 --> 00:00:26,102 to eradicate all the memories of Yeshua the Nazareth. 9 00:00:26,103 --> 00:00:29,081 The teaching of the Lord Yeshua was spread throughout the city of Judea, 10 00:00:29,133 --> 00:00:33,007 thanks to the clandestine efforts of the Apostles who traveled overland, 11 00:00:33,008 --> 00:00:37,961 to spread the New Testament and appoint Deacons to help organize His followers. 12 00:00:38,000 --> 00:00:41,072 Deacons in Yerushalayim city are an outspoken young man 13 00:00:41,100 --> 00:00:46,232 - named Stefanos. - Faith is the basis of things that are expected, proof of things that are not visible. (Ivrim 11: 1) 14 00:00:46,233 --> 00:00:48,998 Faith humbles ourselves. 15 00:00:49,033 --> 00:00:52,037 Faith helps us receive what we can never explain. 16 00:00:52,067 --> 00:00:58,996 But what is the use of faith if around we are clear and strong to touch? 17 00:01:05,067 --> 00:01:07,195 The Prophet Moses had told the Yisrael people: 18 00:01:07,233 --> 00:01:10,207 "God will raise up a prophet like me for you 19 00:01:10,208 --> 00:01:12,066 of your own people. " 20 00:01:12,067 --> 00:01:15,162 But our ancestors have refused to obey Him. 21 00:01:15,200 --> 00:01:17,965 In fact, they reject Him instead, 22 00:01:18,000 --> 00:01:21,129 and in their hearts, they instead return to the Misrayim people. 23 00:01:22,000 --> 00:01:25,937 Nothing has changed since /> The Prophet Moses, 24 00:01:25,967 --> 00:01:29,210 for those in the Temple we have very little faith today. 25 00:01:31,167 --> 00:01:35,912 They reject the Prophet who was raised by Yahweh Elohim from their own nation. 26 00:01:35,933 --> 00:01:40,928 They instead ignored the Prophet who displayed miracles and signs. 27 00:01:40,933 --> 00:01:44,028 They crucified the Son of God! 28 00:01:44,067 --> 00:01:46,138 Catch him. 29 00:01:48,000 --> 00:01:51,914 Leave him alone! Stefanos! Stefanos! 30 00:01:51,933 --> 00:01:53,162 Stefanos! 31 00:01:55,200 --> 00:01:57,146 Stefanos! 32 00:02:02,033 --> 00:02:05,105 No! Stefanos! 33 00:02:21,967 --> 00:02:25,005 I was told there was an field near the gate of Yerushalayim city 34 00:02:25,006 --> 00:02:29,096 who has the best nectarines. (Nectarines = fruits that have kinship with peaches so the shape is the same, the difference between nectarines has no fine hair on the surface) 35 00:02:30,900 --> 00:02:34,063 My nectarines are really good. 36 00:02:34,067 --> 00:02:36,946 You is Nathaniel? 37 00:02:44,933 --> 00:02:48,995 I am Levi and this is my daughter, Yohanna. 38 00:02:49,033 --> 00:02:53,004 We have traveled for four days from Dammeseq. 39 00:02:59,900 --> 00:03:04,804 Addai, go get them some nectarines. 40 00:03:15,900 --> 00:03:18,813 Peace be with you. 41 00:03:19,067 --> 00:03:21,980 He is not in peace but he is a good man. 42 00:03:22,000 --> 00:03:26,832 I'm too old to handle this garden alone. He really helped me. 43 00:03:26,833 --> 00:03:28,995 - How can I help you, brother? - We are looking for a man. 44 00:03:29,033 --> 00:03:33,778 Maybe you know him. His name is Stefanos. 45 00:03:33,800 --> 00:03:36,872 Many people who come forward to testify against your blasphemy, 46 00:03:36,900 --> 00:03:40,780 that you believe that Yeshua of Nazareth is the Son of God, 47 00:03:40,800 --> 00:03:43,895 who is able forgive sins. 48 00:03:45,067 --> 00:03:47,966 High Priest Qayyapa, 49 00:03:47,967 --> 00:03:51,813 who among the Prophets, who your ancestors did not persecute him? 50 00:03:51,833 --> 00:03:55,895 Even they killed people people who tell the words of the Holy Spirit. 51 00:03:55,933 --> 00:03:58,812 about the coming of the Righteous, which about you now 52 00:03:58,833 --> 00:04:00,995 has made yourself a traitor and killer. (Maaseh Schlihim 7: 52) 53 00:04:01,033 --> 00:04:03,832 [Muttering] 54 00:04:05,967 --> 00:04:09,972 - What should I do to him? - Let me have a moment to be alone. 55 00:04:24,833 --> 00:04:26,995 Why do you want to do this? 56 00:04:27,967 --> 00:04:30,846 Why do you want to ruin your own faith? 57 00:04:30,867 --> 00:04:32,813 Your previous faith keeps us staying together as a community. 58 00:04:32,833 --> 00:04:34,807 That faith was what united us to fight the Romans 59 00:04:34,808 --> 00:04:37,895 and help us to fight their injustice and injustice. 60 00:04:37,933 --> 00:04:41,732 Why do you want to take this conflict from us? 61 00:04:41,733 --> 00:04:44,828 Forgiveness is strength not weakness. 62 00:04:44,867 --> 00:04:46,767 When you speak of forgiveness, 63 00:04:46,833 --> 00:04:49,746 do you mean that we will forgive all our enemies 64 00:04:49,747 --> 00:04:51,895 including the Romans themselves? 65 00:04:52,933 --> 00:04:54,924 > 66 00:04:54,967 --> 00:04:57,004 He said, "Love your neighbor like yourself yourself." (Mattay 22: 39) 67 00:04:57,733 --> 00:05:01,875 Including the Romans? 68 00:05:05,733 --> 00:05:07,929 - Love your neighbor as yourself. "(Mattay 22: 39). - [Mocking] 69 00:05:07,967 --> 00:05:11,881 But you believe the Person the Nazareth can forgive sins. 70 00:05:12,933 --> 00:05:16,813 He still forgives sins and will always be so until the end of time. 71 00:05:16,833 --> 00:05:21,794 His forgiveness is His blessing to us, because He is God. 72 00:05:21,800 --> 00:05:24,781 Why are you blaspheming like this? 73 00:05:24,833 --> 00:05:28,929 I've tried to understand you but you keep insulting me. 74 00:05:28,933 --> 00:05:30,924 Why do you force to spread Haberiyt fake Hachadasah (New Testament) 75 00:05:30,967 --> 00:05:35,905 to incite people to refuse what for us is... 76 00:05:35,933 --> 00:05:39,799 For us is holy? 77 00:05:39,800 --> 00:05:42,781 You are a traitor for your own people. 78 00:05:44,733 --> 00:05:46,895 Get rid of him from before me. 79 00:05:59,900 --> 00:06:01,800 You are from the north? 80 00:06:01,833 --> 00:06:04,869 We have a garden right outside the city gate of Dammeseq. 81 00:06:04,870 --> 00:06:07,746 You came from the city of Dammeseq to find this man? 82 00:06:07,747 --> 00:06:10,896 - Yes. - This Stefanos, he... 83 00:06:11,800 --> 00:06:15,680 - Your husband? - I'm not married yet. 84 00:06:15,700 --> 00:06:17,771 - Engaged, then? - No. 85 00:06:17,800 --> 00:06:20,679 I live with my father. 86 00:06:22,800 --> 00:06:26,646 Come on, get out of there. Move, move. Come on. 87 00:06:26,867 --> 00:06:28,767 Come on! 88 00:06:29,700 --> 00:06:31,805 - That's Stefanos! - Yahweh Elohim, forgive him. 89 00:06:31,833 --> 00:06:33,631 Why? Why do they do this to him? 90 00:06:33,633 --> 00:06:35,670 Is this Stefanos you mean? He is a traitor. 91 00:06:35,700 --> 00:06:37,737 How can you get to know him? 92 00:06:43,867 --> 00:06:46,780 [LIGHTNING LIGHT] 93 00:06:55,733 --> 00:06:57,713 Stefanos! 94 00:06:58,833 --> 00:07:00,665 Stefanos! 95 00:07:00,700 --> 00:07:02,691 [LIGHTNING LIGHT] 96 00:07:02,900 --> 00:07:05,665 [CRYING] 97 00:07:08,867 --> 00:07:11,700 [CHEERING] 98 00:07:29,700 --> 00:07:32,613 One stone. 99 00:07:32,633 --> 00:07:36,729 That's all I hold. One stone that is lifeless. 100 00:07:37,567 --> 00:07:41,777 But the kingdom is already
starting with one stone. 101 00:07:42,633 --> 00:07:44,738 Palaces and monuments, streets and temples, 102 00:07:44,767 --> 00:07:49,614 are all built in the beginning only with one stone. 103 00:07:49,633 --> 00:07:52,762 Likewise, one stone can < br /> subvert everything that is holy. 104 00:07:52,767 --> 00:07:56,613 We have seen one stone, A carpenter from Nazareth, 105 00:07:56,633 --> 00:07:59,703 who chose to destroy rather than build it , 106 00:07:59,704 --> 00:08:03,637 who wants to demolish our Temple rather than strengthen it, 107 00:08:03,638 --> 00:08:07,661 blaspheme our law rather than respect it. 108 00:08:11,733 --> 00:08:14,532 Before you hold the stone the second, 109 00:08:14,567 --> 00:08:17,514 and if we don't destroy it today, it will be duplicated 110 00:08:17,533 --> 00:08:19,604 and multiplied by three until sweeps all of us 111 00:08:19,633 --> 00:08:22,796 - like an epidemic! - [CHEERING] 112 00:08:33,567 --> 00:08:34,637 - Yohanna! - Yohanna! 113 00:08:34,667 --> 00:08:37,500 Stop him! Stop! 114 00:08:38,533 --> 00:08:39,728 Forgive him! 115 00:08:40,700 --> 00:08:43,579 Ampuni dia, kumohon, Rabbi! 116 00:08:44,533 --> 00:08:47,605 - Who is this man for you? - Oh, he's nobody! 117 00:08:47,633 --> 00:08:49,499 He's just a forgiving woman. 118 00:08:49,533 --> 00:08:53,595 Then tell him to hold back /> his tongue because I'm not a forgiving man. 119 00:08:54,567 --> 00:08:58,481 [CHEERING] 120 00:09:18,533 --> 00:09:23,733 "Look, I see an open heaven and the Son of Man who is standing on the right side of God!" . (Maaseh Schlihim 7: 56) 121 00:09:27,533 --> 00:09:29,570 No! 122 00:09:37,500 --> 00:09:40,538 "Yes, Lord Yeshua, accept my spirit!" (Maaseh Schlihim 7: 59). 123 00:09:46,633 --> 00:09:50,638 - Now! - I forgive you. 124 00:09:52,700 --> 00:09:55,499 [TERRORIZING THE TRY] 125 00:09:57,500 --> 00:09:59,571 No! 126 00:10:06,533 --> 00:10:08,638 Have mercy! Have mercy! 127 00:10:08,700 --> 00:10:11,613 Have mercy! 128 00:10:11,633 --> 00:10:15,547 Yes YAHWEH, do not bear this sin to them! "(Maaseh Schlihim 7: 60) 129 00:10:27,433 --> 00:10:29,424 No. .. 130 00:10:40,467 --> 00:10:42,663 No! 131 00:10:43,400 --> 00:10:45,505 [CHEERFUL LIGHT] 132 00:11:15,567 --> 00:11:19,572 Father! Father! 133 00:11:20,467 --> 00:11:23,539 Why? 134 00:11:24,500 --> 00:11:27,504 Why? 135 00:11:50,533 --> 00:11:52,479 They won't be resting with Stefanos. 136 00:11:52,500 --> 00:11:54,566 - We have to go. - Yes, I know. 137 00:11:54,567 --> 00:11:57,400 Just collect what you need and join us but you have to be fast. 138 00:11:57,433 --> 00:11:59,561 - And where will you go? - Dammeseq city. 139 00:11:59,600 --> 00:12:01,574 City Dammeseq is under Roman law not the law of the Temple. 140 00:12:01,575 --> 00:12:05,299 The Sanhedrin have no authority there. They will not hurt us there. 141 00:12:05,367 --> 00:12:08,403 It was four trips day. It's too hard for me. 142 00:12:08,404 --> 00:12:11,347 - You can't stay here. - I'm an old man. 143 00:12:11,367 --> 00:12:14,576 - They won't care about me. > - No, Nathaniel, you're wrong. 144 00:12:21,533 --> 00:12:25,265 If I come with you, I'll slow you down, and you have to hurry. 145 00:12:25,300 --> 00:12:29,510 You should have left. Now leave. I will take care of myself. 146 00:12:31,533 --> 00:12:34,264 Ayo, pergi. 147 00:12:51,367 --> 00:12:54,314 Isn't a measure of mercy already a wise way? 148 00:12:54,333 --> 00:12:55,471 Compassion for whom? 149 00:12:55,500 --> 00:13:00,529 We have cursed the followers of the Nazarethites who crucified a few years ago. 150 00:13:01,233 --> 00:13:03,269 The two of them before death had issued words of forgiveness, 151 00:13:03,270 --> 00:13:06,305 to divert our laws, to teach other teachings besides eye teaching for eyes and teeth for teeth. 152 00:13:06,333 --> 00:13:08,279 I forgive you. 153 00:13:08,300 --> 00:13:14,501 By legally executing Stefanos, we have made the first martyr in the name of the Nazareth. 154 00:13:15,233 --> 00:13:17,395 Yes, what do you want we do, Gammeliyel? 155 00:13:17,433 --> 00:13:20,380 Do we have to let these blasphemers walk freely in our streets? 156 00:13:20,381 --> 00:13:23,246 Do we have to break the law of Moses? 157 00:13:23,267 --> 00:13:25,027 My advice is to let the followers, 158 00:13:25,200 --> 00:13:29,376 Stay away from these people, and leave them, because if that intention or action comes from humans, will certainly disappear (KPR 5: 38) 159 00:13:29,400 --> 00:13:37,400 However if it comes from God, you cannot eliminate it, even if you are not found as an opponent of God. (KPR 5: 39) 160 00:13:38,233 --> 00:13:41,328 What the Consul (Council) said Gammeliyel was wise. 161 00:13:41,367 --> 00:13:45,281 I knew because I had been a student since I was a child . 162 00:13:45,300 --> 00:13:48,463 We owe respect for his age and wisdom. 163 00:13:49,300 --> 00:13:50,472 He is right. 164 00:13:51,300 --> 00:13:56,238 If this movement his followers are from God then no human can stop it. 165 00:13:56,267 --> 00:13:58,338 But what if it doesn't? 166 00:13:58,367 --> 00:14:03,396 Will a shepherd just keep quiet when the wolf attacks his cattle and calls him God's will? 167 00:14:05,233 --> 00:14:11,377 Does a physician leave and let his patient die and call him God's desire? 168 00:14:12,233 --> 00:14:13,371 No. 169 00:14:13,400 --> 00:14:17,337 I want to tell you, our belief is in attack by someone who opposes the law 170 00:14:17,367 --> 00:14:20,314 God for his own sake who calls him elected! 171 00:14:20,333 --> 00:14:26,204 Chosen for what? To destroy the Temple the Holy of our God, in his own words! 172 00:14:26,233 --> 00:14:30,261 Let God punish if our actions are wrong. 173 00:14:32,267 --> 00:14:38,138 We must attack this poison and take it out before making an infection of the body of our people in our country. 174 00:14:38,167 --> 00:14:43,230 I have also been sworn. I will not see our belief in death and call it God's will. 175 00:14:43,267 --> 00:14:47,295 Aku akan ada di ujung pedangnya. Aku tidak akan diam begitu saja! 176 00:14:47,367 --> 00:14:53,169 - You've played a dangerous game. - The preservation of our beliefs is not a game. 177 00:14:53,170 --> 00:14:56,296 - We have to decide which side to do. - Parties? 178 00:14:56,333 --> 00:15:00,213 - This is not a matter of the party! - Enough, Gammeliyel! 179 00:15:04,300 --> 00:15:08,305 Shaul, you know what you have to do. 180 00:15:08,400 --> 00:15:11,381 You have the blessing of the Council. 181 00:15:12,267 --> 00:15:14,372 God with you. 182 00:15:19,400 --> 00:15:21,175 Walk! 183 00:15:26,167 --> 00:15:27,271 Nathaniel! 184 00:15:28,133 --> 00:15:32,377 Leave him alone! Leave him alone! Nathaniel! 185 00:15:34,167 --> 00:15:37,262 - Who are you? - My name is Addai. I'm with your regiment. 186 00:15:37,300 --> 00:15:40,281 Then I'll assume this is a misunderstanding. Stand up. Go. 187 00:15:40,300 --> 00:15:43,274 Why do you want to catch this man? I work for him. 188 00:15:43,275 --> 00:15:45,304 He is a follower of the Nazareth People, a blasphemer. 189 00:15:45,333 --> 00:15:48,132 We have an order to bring it to the Temple of God for trial. 190 00:15:48,133 --> 00:15:49,203 Tidak, dia orang baik. 191 00:15:49,267 --> 00:15:52,339 That will be determined by others, not by you or me. 192 00:15:52,340 --> 00:15:56,065 What about you? Are you a Nazareth follower? 193 00:15:58,233 --> 00:16:01,271 Are you a follower of People Nazareth? 194 00:16:03,333 --> 00:16:05,131 No. 195 00:16:12,067 --> 00:16:13,067 Nathaniel! 196 00:16:13,100 --> 00:16:14,238 Addai, come back! 197 00:16:14,267 --> 00:16:18,033 Go home! [ISAK-ISAK] 198 00:16:28,233 --> 00:16:36,004 What we face is not one of men and women but a threat to the survival of the Jews, 199 00:16:36,033 --> 00:16:38,024 the people of God. 200 00:16:40,267 --> 00:16:44,238 They make you believe that the Nazareth are a Prophet. 201 00:16:45,100 --> 00:16:47,091 But I ask you, 202 00:16:47,233 --> 00:16:51,079 - Are we free? - No! 203 00:16:51,100 --> 00:16:58,177 We are still submitting to idol worshipers, we are still fighting against foreign tyranny! 204 00:16:59,100 --> 00:17:04,163 Deciding Yeshua from Nazareth as an HaMashiach is a betrayal, 205 00:17:04,200 --> 00:17:07,079 for them it is better to subdue their heads in submission 206 00:17:07,100 --> 00:17:10,263 than together with their own people to fight for their freedom! 207 00:17:11,000 --> 00:17:13,196 [CHEERING ] 208 00:17:18,133 --> 00:17:21,114 Guess Him as the predicted HaMashiach. 209 00:17:22,133 --> 00:17:24,966 No, I can't. 210 00:17:25,000 --> 00:17:29,995 Perhaps this Nazareth Man, He is the Son of God and night this you will sleep in your own bed. 211 00:17:30,033 --> 00:17:33,066 I have nothing else left still left. 212 00:17:33,067 --> 00:17:37,004 The words of the Nazareth people is my only hope . 213 00:17:42,033 --> 00:17:45,128 We offer them forgiveness, and they instead reject it! 214 00:17:45,167 --> 00:17:47,238 [CHEERING] 215 00:17:51,200 --> 00:17:55,205 You are faced in front of this Council on blasphemy charges. 216 00:17:55,933 --> 00:18:01,076 You will remain in the chain and in law until you realize it. 217 00:18:01,967 --> 00:18:05,096 [Cheering] 218 00:18:13,967 --> 00:18:15,958 [Bersorak] 219 00:18:24,033 --> 00:18:25,979 What will we be, Shaul? 220 00:18:26,067 --> 00:18:29,014 I don't recognize ourselves anymore. 221 00:18:30,200 --> 00:18:32,100 I forgive you. 222 00:18:44,100 --> 00:18:47,132 - Dammeseq City! - City of Dammeseq! 223 00:18:47,133 --> 00:18:49,124 City of Dammeseq. 224 00:18:58,000 --> 00:19:01,129 - Mireyam! Mireyam Magdala! - Achnane Yah. 225 00:19:01,167 --> 00:19:04,933 Yoseph saw you enter Dammeseq and ran right away to tell me. 226 00:19:04,967 --> 00:19:08,039 - I was happy to meet you.
- Four days trip from Yerushalayim city. 227 00:19:08,040 --> 00:19:12,095 Come on. Come on to my house, you have to rest. Please, all of you. Come on. 228 00:19:28,900 --> 00:19:31,005 We fear when we hear. 229 00:19:31,133 --> 00:19:33,099 I'm sorry, Esther. 230 00:19:33,100 --> 00:19:36,912 The slaughter of Judea caught anyone who was considered a follower of the Nazareth people 231 00:19:36,933 --> 00:19:39,880 The slaughter of Judea? Is that person who called Shaul? 232 00:19:39,900 --> 00:19:41,937 That person made a lot of suffering in the city of Yerushalayim. 233 00:19:41,938 --> 00:19:45,005 But we are not afraid of anything, right? 234 00:19:46,000 --> 00:19:48,981 God will protect us all. 235 00:19:54,067 --> 00:19:58,070 I came straight here when I heard news that you came to Dammeseq. 236 00:19:58,071 --> 00:19:59,933 I'm so glad you're here. 237 00:20:00,000 --> 00:20:02,947 Yohanna, nice to see you again. What is your father's condition? 238 00:20:02,948 --> 00:20:04,799 He's fine. 239 00:20:06,067 --> 00:20:09,999 p> 240 00:20:10,000 --> 00:20:11,070 Do you know a man who worked for Nathaniel? 241 00:20:11,800 --> 00:20:14,872 He walked limping. 242 00:20:15,067 --> 00:20:18,799 Is he with you when... 243 00:20:18,800 --> 00:20:22,942 Why did you stop? Continue. 244 00:20:22,967 --> 00:20:26,938 When my husband Stefanos was pelted with stones to death, killed, 245 00:20:26,967 --> 00:20:31,962 and no one helped. Let him die like a criminal. 246 00:20:32,000 --> 00:20:33,980 Will we be like that? Dead like a criminal, stoned or crossed? 247 00:20:34,967 --> 00:20:39,029 - That's not our destiny. - Then why do we have to run away? 248 00:20:44,967 --> 00:20:46,958 I have to go calm him down. 249 00:20:53,833 --> 00:20:56,996 We have closed this whole area from here to here. 250 00:20:57,833 --> 00:21:01,747 First of all, it's easy no one knows we will come and people to tell them, 251 00:21:01,767 --> 00:21:06,762 especially if it saves themselves or to take over the land of their neighbors. 252 00:21:06,967 --> 00:21:09,038 But the news has already spread. 253 00:21:09,800 --> 00:21:13,896 Many followers of Nazareth went north to the city of Dammeseq where they believed they could living under Roman law. 254 00:21:13,933 --> 00:21:20,009 I doubt very much that the Rowvians would allow our troops to enter their cities. 255 00:21:20,733 --> 00:21:24,795 I have a Roman lineage > and I am a Roman citizen. 256 00:21:24,833 --> 00:21:28,732 Nothing can stop me enter Dammeseq. 257 00:21:28,733 --> 00:21:29,905 As long as the guard tower is notified, 258 00:21:29,933 --> 00:21:33,745 I need an official request from you so ask the governor to allow us 259 00:21:33,767 --> 00:21:37,795 to enter the city to eliminate threats for Rome's security. 260 00:21:37,833 --> 00:21:39,005 Be it. 261 00:22:10,767 --> 00:22:12,929 You work too much. 262 00:22:13,867 --> 00:22:14,971 Jordan! 263 00:22:17,733 --> 00:22:18,905 [LAUGH] 264 00:22:20,800 --> 00:22:24,732 - Qayyapa will send you. - Ready to serve you. 265 00:22:24,733 --> 00:22:26,724 My men are eager to serve you. 266 00:22:26,767 --> 00:22:31,699 I, another thing, do not want to take orders from someone I like to disturb at school. 267 00:22:31,700 --> 00:22:33,646 I can't believe they've appointed you to become Captain. 268 00:22:33,667 --> 00:22:36,830 - It's strange to overtake you a Pharisee? - God smiles to both of us. 269 00:22:36,867 --> 00:22:42,704 Yes, alright, I'll prepare my hand in near my sword just in case he is careless. 270 00:22:42,767 --> 00:22:46,795 Now, what news have I heard about rebels in the city of Dammeseq? 271 00:22:46,833 --> 00:22:48,870 The Association of the Nazarethites. 272 00:22:48,900 --> 00:22:51,665 I have never seen something like this. 273 00:22:51,700 --> 00:22:54,829 Yes, they always have some medics who are ready to preach to the weak. 274 00:22:54,867 --> 00:22:56,807 Stay strong, that's what you can do. 275 00:22:56,808 --> 00:22:59,804 No, that's not what you can do. You can fight back . 276 00:22:59,833 --> 00:23:02,837 Search for the root and destroy this messenger before it makes us all infected. 277 00:23:02,867 --> 00:23:05,848 Nothing is shaky, no doubt. 278 00:23:07,700 --> 00:23:09,771 Yes , you know you can count on me. 279 00:23:09,800 --> 00:23:15,751 Yes, as a friend. But I want to know if I can count on you as my commander. 280 00:23:15,752 --> 00:23:17,838 I'm a soldier, Shaul. 281 00:23:17,867 --> 00:23:22,737 I know how to give orders, and know how to run it. 282 00:23:25,733 --> 00:23:28,771 It's already night and lots that must be prepared. 283 00:23:28,867 --> 00:23:30,813 I will return to my men. 284 00:23:33,800 --> 00:23:35,666 Captain. 285 00:23:36,767 --> 00:23:39,646 We do the work of God. 286 00:23:39,767 --> 00:23:42,839 That is a news above my rank. 287 00:23:46,833 --> 00:23:48,824 I forgive you. 288 00:23:49,800 --> 00:23:51,780 What did you just say? 289 00:23:52,867 --> 00:23:54,608 Say what? 290 00:23:54,700 --> 00:24:00,605 Just now, when you left, you said... you < br>> I forgive you. Forgive me from what? 291 00:24:00,767 --> 00:24:03,805 - I didn't say anything. - I heard you very clearly! 292 00:24:03,806 --> 00:24:06,838 Shaul, I didn't say anything. 293 00:24:08,633 --> 00:24:09,703 Good night. 294 00:24:14,600 --> 00:24:15,795 I forgive you. 295 00:24:17,700 --> 00:24:19,566 Who is there? 296 00:24:21,800 --> 00:24:23,632 Who is there? 297 00:24:26,667 --> 00:24:28,567 Show yourself! 298 00:24:31,567 --> 00:24:34,639 Show yourself! Show yourself! 299 00:24:46,733 --> 00:24:48,531 My God... 300 00:24:50,700 --> 00:24:53,738 Give me the power that I need to serve You. 301 00:24:57,600 --> 00:25:01,628 Lindungi aku dari penyakit iblis. 302 00:25:04,800 --> 00:25:07,713 I surrender to Your will, my God. 303 00:25:12,700 --> 00:25:14,737 I surrender to Your will. 304 00:25:45,467 --> 00:25:47,595 We have heard of Nathaniel. 305 00:26:03,467 --> 00:26:06,448 I want to ask your daughter so want to marry me. 306 00:26:22,500 --> 00:26:25,447 - Sorry, I don't have time to lecture. - And I won't lecture you either. 307 00:26:25,467 --> 00:26:28,827 - I'll leave soon to Dammeseq. - Just talk briefly with your teacher, Shaul. 308 00:26:32,433 --> 00:26:35,466 Remember that the people you are looking for are our brothers. 309 00:26:35,467 --> 00:26:38,537 They are people Jews, like you and me. They don't carry any weapons. 310 00:26:38,538 --> 00:26:42,539 - It's not that they don't respect, Rabbi, but I can't let my troops wait. - Your troops? 311 00:26:42,567 --> 00:26:45,569 In the past, the Sanhedrin was < 312 00:26:45,570 --> 00:26:48,696 Now, it looks like they are a personal bodyguard from Shaul from Tarsus. 313 00:26:48,700 --> 00:26:53,547 I act on behalf of this Elohim Temple. I only have the power given to me by the High Priest. 314 00:26:53,567 --> 00:26:55,399 I accept all their advice. 315 00:26:55,400 --> 00:26:59,542 Then maybe you should seek more lots of guidance from God compared to humans. 316 00:26:59,567 --> 00:27:02,499 And where does that sound come from? Coming from you? 317 00:27:02,500 --> 00:27:05,538 I never said if I spoke for God. 318 00:27:05,634 --> 00:27:08,547 You also don't make such mistakes. 319 00:27:17,500 --> 00:27:19,400 Hey, walk. 320 00:27:44,400 --> 00:27:45,572 Please sit down. 321 00:27:56,500 --> 00:27:58,298 Please. 322 00:27:58,334 --> 00:27:59,563 - No. - Come here. 323 00:28:15,467 --> 00:28:18,503 The goat isn't mine. I took it... 324 00:28:18,504 --> 00:28:23,347 - From Nathaniel's house, because I uh... - That's what he might want. 325 00:28:26,433 --> 00:28:28,561 I don't have anything again for me to give. 326 00:28:30,367 --> 00:28:32,529 But I promise to take care of you. 327 00:28:34,567 --> 00:28:36,467 You have done enough. 328 00:28:48,400 --> 00:28:50,391 Uh, I want to... 329 00:28:51,433 --> 00:28:55,495 I wish I could find out more about what Nathaniel and Stefanos talked about because... 330 00:28:57,367 --> 00:29:00,314 I thought... I thought that them. 331 00:29:00,400 --> 00:29:03,279 "Choose to die rather than live." 332 00:29:05,367 --> 00:29:08,487 And someone can only do that if they know the truth. 333 00:29:11,467 --> 00:29:13,447 Will you teach me ? 334 00:29:16,400 --> 00:29:18,346 I'm glad you came. 335 00:29:34,534 --> 00:29:36,514 He is a good man. 336 00:29:37,367 --> 00:29:38,437 Right. 337 00:29:39,500 --> 00:29:42,379 He is also a guardian of the Sanhedrin. 338 00:29:45,233 --> 00:29:48,396 We all have a past, Yohanna. We can't change that. 339 00:29:48,400 --> 00:29:51,313 The most important thing is the future. 340 00:29:52,467 --> 00:29:54,458 He said that he loved me. 341 00:29:55,467 --> 00:29:57,413 Do you feel the same way? > 342 00:29:57,467 --> 00:30:00,346 We just got to know each other. 343 00:30:00,500 --> 00:30:04,198 That would be the shortest period of introduction to I ever knew. 344 00:30:04,467 --> 00:30:07,380 My father agrees with his marriage. 345 00:30:09,367 --> 00:30:11,267 How do you feel? 346 00:30:14,267 --> 00:30:16,258 I feel safe with him. 347 00:30:17,367 --> 00:30:19,472 Have you ever loved a man like that? 348 00:30:21,267 --> 00:30:22,405 Yes, I was married. 349 00:30:24,467 --> 00:30:26,447 But you never married? 350 00:30:30,467 --> 00:30:33,198 Mireyam, is something wrong? 351 00:30:34,467 --> 00:30:38,404 Why are we talking About me, If you are going to get married? 352 00:30:59,167 --> 00:31:03,195 May God bless your life's journey together. 353 00:31:03,233 --> 00:31:06,442 [Clap] 354 00:31:07,167 --> 00:31:14,381 [ Chat] 355 00:31:57,267 --> 00:32:01,204 Congratulations. Hopefully you can live long and full of blessings. 356 00:32:02,333 --> 00:32:04,370 This money is for the bride. 357 00:32:12,233 --> 00:32:14,179 Thank you, Rabbi. 358 00:32:16,100 --> 00:32:17,238 Do I know you? 359 00:32:19,334 --> 00:32:23,066 Many travelers come to Dammeseq. 360 00:32:27,267 --> 00:32:29,304 And you always give them water? 361 00:32:30,167 --> 00:32:32,158 If they need it. 362 00:32:35,234 --> 00:32:38,033 Because you are a generous woman. 363 00:32:38,300 --> 00:32:41,031 You must be generous. 364 00:32:41,067 --> 00:32:44,048 Like your father who is also generous. 365 00:32:46,234 --> 00:32:49,067 You are there in Stefanos cradle. 366 00:32:56,200 --> 00:32:58,066 So do you. 367 00:32:59,300 --> 00:33:01,132 And you. 368 00:33:03,067 --> 00:33:05,138 You, old man, what's your name? 369 00:33:06,300 --> 00:33:09,166 Levi Ben Shemuel from the city of Dammeseq. 370 00:33:09,167 --> 00:33:12,114 And what makes you stay in the city of Yerushalayim on that day? 371 00:33:20,034 --> 00:33:22,105 Are you a Nazareth follower? 372 00:33:27,133 --> 00:33:29,261 Let me hear all of you deny him now. 373 00:33:36,000 --> 00:33:39,129 All you need is to deny him. That's what everyone should do. 374 00:33:44,100 --> 00:33:47,195 We are all sons and daughters of of the Prophet Avraham just like you. 375 00:33:47,267 --> 00:33:50,066 So we are all brothers. 376 00:33:50,134 --> 00:33:54,162 We all worship Elohim who is the same, the Elohim you are praying for your prayer. 377 00:33:54,233 --> 00:33:56,065 And you. 378 00:33:56,133 --> 00:33:58,033 What is your name? 379 00:34:00,034 --> 00:34:03,129 Mireyam from Magdala. 380 00:34:03,200 --> 00:34:07,012 People who claim to have seen the Carpenter come back from the dead. 381 00:34:07,067 --> 00:34:10,139 Right, I look at him. 382 00:34:11,100 --> 00:34:14,195 Let me hear you and all of you deny this nonsense. 383 00:34:14,200 --> 00:34:17,147 Let me hear it and I will leave. 384 00:34:19,200 --> 00:34:23,171 Levi Ben Shemuel, are you a follower of him? 385 00:34:25,200 --> 00:34:30,946 Yes, I am a follower of HaMashiach that has been promised. 386 00:34:31,133 --> 00:34:32,999 Lord Yeshua. 387 00:34:34,067 --> 00:34:35,239 And you... 388 00:34:35,967 --> 00:34:39,096 Are you the same stupid person like your father on your wedding day? 389 00:34:47,000 --> 00:34:50,163 Yes, I'm a followers of Lord Yeshua. 390 00:34:54,100 --> 00:34:55,932 And you. 391 00:34:56,100 --> 00:34:58,137 You have not been baptized. 392 00:34:58,200 --> 00:35:00,180 Save yourself. 393 00:35:10,167 --> 00:35:11,942 I am also a follower of Lord Yeshua .. 394 00:35:13,134 --> 00:35:18,070 God won't forgive someone like you who just throws away your life. 395 00:35:18,071 --> 00:35:22,004 What have we done to you? We didn't hurt anyone. 396 00:35:22,034 --> 00:35:24,940 I am nothing but a tool for God. 397 00:35:24,941 --> 00:35:26,924 It is not me who causes your suffering. 398 00:35:26,967 --> 00:35:30,995 You condemn yourself yourself. Catch them. 399 00:35:32,067 --> 00:35:37,062 Catch them all. [Crowd] 400 00:35:43,934 --> 00:35:45,106 Walk! 401 00:35:45,900 --> 00:35:47,038 No! 402 00:35:47,934 --> 00:35:49,004 Wait! 403 00:35:52,867 --> 00:35:53,971 No! 404 00:35:54,134 --> 00:35:56,034 - No! < br /> - No! Yohana! 405 00:35:57,000 --> 00:35:58,966 No! No! 406 00:35:58,967 --> 00:35:59,967 Yohanna! 407 00:36:00,000 --> 00:36:02,037 [SCREAMING] 408 00:36:02,067 --> 00:36:05,071 No! 409 00:36:08,900 --> 00:36:11,972 [CRYING] 410 00:36:16,867 --> 00:36:18,972 Yohanna! 411 00:36:31,900 --> 00:36:34,904 Kalitefl, what is that? 412 00:36:38,034 --> 00:36:41,015 [HORSES LEFT] 413 00:37:18,000 --> 00:37:20,071 Ah! 414 00:37:23,000 --> 00:37:24,000 Shaul! 415 00:37:29,000 --> 00:37:30,000 Shaul! 416 00:37:30,967 --> 00:37:31,900 Shaul! 417 00:37:32,000 --> 00:37:33,000 Shaul! 418 00:37:34,034 --> 00:37:35,999 Shaul! 419 00:37:36,000 --> 00:37:37,798 Shaul. 420 00:37:40,000 --> 00:37:41,000 Shaul. 421 00:37:41,001 --> 00:37:42,000 Who are you, sir? 422 00:37:42,967 --> 00:37:45,000 Why are you persecuting me? (Maaseh Schlihim 9: 4) 423 00:37:45,001 --> 00:37:46,971 Who are you, sir? 424 00:37:46,972 --> 00:37:54,519 I am the YESHUA that you are persecuting, it's hard for you to kick into a pointed object (it's hard for you to oppose the more authoritative)! (Maaseh Schlihim 9: 5) 425 00:38:10,934 --> 00:38:13,881 [LIMITED] 426 00:38:14,867 --> 00:38:18,713 Shaul! Shaul! 427 00:38:19,800 --> 00:38:24,928 - Shaul... - Yes, God, what do you want me to do? (Maaseh Schlihim 9: 6) 428 00:38:25,867 --> 00:38:29,748 Do you want me to do what? 429 00:38:38,000 --> 00:38:40,879 We will continue to Dammeseq. 430 00:38:44,967 --> 00:38:48,699 You go first, you give it
this document to the Roman Guard, 431 00:38:48,734 --> 00:38:51,715 you tell him that this gives us an invisible part of the city. 432 00:38:51,716 --> 00:38:55,728 Carilah seorang dokter dan sebuah hotel. Pergilah, sekarang! 433 00:38:58,667 --> 00:39:00,738 Can you stand up? 434 00:39:32,800 --> 00:39:35,747 [moaning] 435 00:39:40,733 --> 00:39:42,861 Put it on the bed. 436 00:39:50,867 --> 00:39:53,780 I bring the Doctor, Captain. 437 00:39:53,800 --> 00:39:54,824 Come here. 438 00:39:54,867 --> 00:39:57,632 - What's your name? - Luqa, my lord. 439 00:39:57,634 --> 00:39:59,671 His eyes. 440 00:40:02,734 --> 00:40:04,805 We are all affected by the same sandstorm, 441 00:40:04,806 --> 00:40:07,679 but only he is injured. 442 00:40:09,800 --> 00:40:12,679 [Shaul whispers] 443 00:40:12,700 --> 00:40:14,691 What is the condition? 444 00:40:14,700 --> 00:40:16,862 I can't say the disease. 445 00:40:17,633 --> 00:40:19,704 > 446 00:40:19,734 --> 00:40:21,633 Yes, is there a cure for it? 447 00:40:21,634 --> 00:40:24,615 If I don't know the cause, I really can't. 448 00:40:24,767 --> 00:40:28,613 He is blinded! What else do you need to know? 449 00:40:28,833 --> 00:40:30,866 There is no cure for blindness, my lord. 450 00:40:30,867 --> 00:40:33,598 There must be a cure for it. 451 00:40:51,834 --> 00:40:53,825 Find the medicine! 452 00:40:53,834 --> 00:40:56,565 Hi, Achnaneyah! 453 00:40:56,600 --> 00:40:57,772 Hi, Achnaneyah. 454 00:40:57,800 --> 00:41:00,781 After waking up, go to the narrow street called the Straight Path, 455 00:41:00,800 --> 00:41:04,633 and look for Yiyh's house, which is already an with the name Shaul, the Tarsus. (Maaseh Schlihim 9: 11) 456 00:41:04,634 --> 00:41:06,671 Do you want me to do what? 457 00:41:06,700 --> 00:41:09,766 Why do you persecute me? 458 00:41:09,767 --> 00:41:12,646 I cannot see you! 459 00:41:12,667 --> 00:41:14,641 Put your hand on him, 460 00:41:14,642 --> 00:41:18,730 so that he can receive his sight and watch my salvation. 461 00:41:18,767 --> 00:41:23,705 [Shouting] 462 00:41:36,534 --> 00:41:39,572 [Knocking] Achnaneyah ! 463 00:41:44,800 --> 00:41:46,575 Achnaneyah, 464 00:41:46,600 --> 00:41:48,636 Shaul of Tarsus has been in the city of Dammeseq. 465 00:41:48,637 --> 00:41:52,480 They have captured Mireyam Magdala and the others . 466 00:42:10,567 --> 00:42:12,638 Addai. 467 00:42:13,600 --> 00:42:15,591 Yohanna! 468 00:42:18,500 --> 00:42:21,481 - Yohanna. - My father. 469 00:42:21,567 --> 00:42:23,695 My father. 470 00:42:27,634 --> 00:42:29,625 Yohanna, 471 00:42:29,700 --> 00:42:32,666 Your father is not with us anymore. 472 00:42:32,667 --> 00:42:34,658 Where is he? 473 00:42:35,734 --> 00:42:38,567 Yohanna. 474 00:42:39,734 --> 00:42:41,714 Has she died? 475 00:42:44,534 --> 00:42:46,571 She was with Yahweh Elohim. 476 00:42:50,500 --> 00:42:52,537 Elohim? 477 00:42:52,667 --> 00:42:56,566 Especially the relationship of God with all this? 478 00:42:56,567 --> 00:43:00,595 He has left us here with this shackles to die. 479 00:43:02,634 --> 00:43:05,466 Why has he left us? 480 00:43:05,467 --> 00:43:08,676 This is because of fear and the anger that made us bound, not because of God. 481 00:43:08,700 --> 00:43:12,499 I was convinced of him. I trusted Him. 482 00:43:12,500 --> 00:43:16,433 And because of faith and my trust in him so this is how I am, become fettered like this! 483 00:43:16,434 --> 00:43:19,438 There will be no shackles anywhere if all men and women learn how to love one another. 484 00:43:19,439 --> 00:43:23,530 Listen to yourself! All men and women? 485 00:43:23,567 --> 00:43:26,507 Including the blind killer who was in the room? 486 00:43:26,508 --> 00:43:30,471 We all must be fools! This bad situation will never happen! 487 00:43:30,500 --> 00:43:33,504 - No. - Yohanna, take a rest, don't talk. 488 00:43:33,505 --> 00:43:35,366 Esther. 489 00:43:35,400 --> 00:43:38,438 You can't think like that. 490 00:43:38,667 --> 00:43:42,433 You don't hesitate about Him now. 491 00:43:43,467 --> 00:43:45,595 I can't do it. I can't do it. 492 00:43:45,600 --> 00:43:48,479 I will not sacrifice my child. 493 00:43:48,500 --> 00:43:50,571 I am not Avraham. 494 00:43:50,600 --> 00:43:53,399 Esther, come on we pray together. 495 00:43:53,400 --> 00:43:56,433 Pray? He left us! 496 00:43:56,434 --> 00:43:58,596 What's the point of praying? 497 00:44:02,400 --> 00:44:04,380 Guard! 498 00:44:05,634 --> 00:44:07,534 Guard! 499 00:44:07,567 --> 00:44:11,447 What's wrong? What is happening here? 500 00:44:17,533 --> 00:44:20,412 I leave Him. 501 00:44:22,500 --> 00:44:24,571 I deny Him. 502 00:44:26,467 --> 00:44:29,505 I want to go home. 503 00:44:30,567 --> 00:44:32,533 Finally, 504 00:44:32,534 --> 00:44:35,447 terjadi suatu pengertian. 505 00:45:03,534 --> 00:45:07,300 He was in an extraordinary pain. 506 00:45:08,534 --> 00:45:11,299 Aren't we all like that? 507 00:45:11,334 --> 00:45:14,543 - He will return. - Why will he return ? 508 00:45:17,367 --> 00:45:19,404 Yohanna. 509 00:45:19,434 --> 00:45:22,506 I'm not as strong as you are. 510 00:45:23,400 --> 00:45:26,529 I'm like him. 511 00:45:27,467 --> 00:45:33,372 I can't forgive this wild animal for what has he done to you, against Levi. 512 00:45:35,400 --> 00:45:37,391 Against Nathaniel. 513 00:45:37,434 --> 00:45:42,372 Addai... look at me. 514 00:45:44,500 --> 00:45:47,566 I have forgiven him. 515 00:45:47,567 --> 00:45:49,547 I have forgiven him. p> 516 00:45:52,400 --> 00:45:58,237 No. 517 00:46:02,267 --> 00:46:06,295 Addai, Addai, that is the only way... That is the only way. 518 00:46:06,300 --> 00:46:08,246 As this seems so difficult 519 00:46:08,247 --> 00:46:10,225 - I can't do it. - You have to trust me. 520 00:46:10,267 --> 00:46:12,338 I can't do it. 521 00:46:12,339 --> 00:46:16,271 because God needed that I do what you ask me. 522 00:46:17,234 --> 00:46:19,362 [Cough] 523 00:46:35,434 --> 00:46:38,347 What did the Doctor say? 524 00:46:39,500 --> 00:46:42,265 I'm here, Shaul. I'm here. 525 00:46:45,267 --> 00:46:47,463 They don't know what has happened to you. 526 00:46:48,400 --> 00:46:53,247 I dream of someone who will come and put his hand on me and heal me. 527 00:46:54,234 --> 00:46:56,225 This person is afraid. 528 00:46:56,234 --> 00:46:58,305 Afraid of what? 529 00:46:58,367 --> 00:47:00,438 Against me. 530 00:47:01,300 --> 00:47:03,462 Against me. 531 00:47:09,334 --> 00:47:12,429 That woman... the woman, which fell right under my horse, 532 00:47:12,467 --> 00:47:17,246 - what about her? - She won't survive. 533 00:47:19,467 --> 00:47:22,232 Ah! 534 00:47:22,400 --> 00:47:24,391 Shaul, what's wrong? 535 00:47:24,400 --> 00:47:28,246 Everything is wrong. 536 00:47:31,200 --> 00:47:33,191 I will call the Doctor. 537 00:47:34,400 --> 00:47:36,175 No. 538 00:47:36,200 --> 00:47:40,228 That is not needed. I know what causes my blindness. 539 00:47:40,234 --> 00:47:42,134 Apakah itu? 540 00:47:44,200 --> 00:47:46,305 I am the reason. 541 00:47:48,234 --> 00:47:51,181 I'm being punished. 542 00:47:52,200 --> 00:47:55,363 [Coughing] 543 00:47:59,267 --> 00:48:02,214 [DEFENDING BREATH] 544 00:48:09,334 --> 00:48:11,405 You shouldn't be in here! 545 00:48:11,406 --> 00:48:15,246 - I just... - Move! 546 00:48:17,134 --> 00:48:20,206 Please... I have to talk to Shaul! Shaul! - Move! 547 00:48:20,234 --> 00:48:25,297 Go from here! Come on! Go! 548 00:48:25,334 --> 00:48:29,299 Go! Go from here! 549 00:48:29,300 --> 00:48:31,291 - I have to talk to him! - What is this noise? 550 00:48:31,334 --> 00:48:34,370 - We found this person hanging around. - I have to talk to Shaul! 551 00:48:34,371 --> 00:48:38,338 - Throw him into the street. - Please, you don't understand! 552 00:48:38,367 --> 00:48:42,372 - What's wrong? - A homeless person. 553 00:48:43,100 --> 00:48:44,295 Who is the name? 554 00:48:44,334 --> 00:48:46,234 - What's the use of that? - Ask him. 555 00:48:46,267 --> 00:48:51,330 I have to talk to Shaul! Shaul! 556 00:48:51,367 --> 00:48:55,333 - Siapa namanya? - AchnaneYah. 557 00:48:55,334 --> 00:48:59,339 - Achnane Yeah. - Wait. 558 00:49:00,300 --> 00:49:04,066 He says his name is Achnane Yeah. 559 00:49:04,100 --> 00:49:07,104 - Tell him to come. - Why? 560 00:49:07,134 --> 00:49:10,297 Tell him to come. I want to talk to him. 561 00:49:15,300 --> 00:49:18,247 Take him up. 562 00:49:25,234 --> 00:49:28,181 No. 563 00:49:38,200 --> 00:49:43,138 - You are Achnane Yeah? - Right. 564 00:49:45,167 --> 00:49:46,237 Call the physician. 565 00:49:46,267 --> 00:49:49,180 Jordan, I don't need a physician. Have him take care of his young woman. 566 00:49:49,200 --> 00:49:54,070 - You're not healthy, Shaul. - I want him to take care of his young woman. Right now. 567 00:49:54,100 --> 00:49:56,091 Go. 568 00:49:56,134 --> 00:49:59,172 Please. 569 00:50:05,200 --> 00:50:08,181 Do you know who I am? 570 00:50:08,200 --> 00:50:11,147 I know. 571 00:50:13,133 --> 00:50:17,104 > You won't be hurt. 572 00:50:19,034 --> 00:50:22,038 Thank you, Rabbi. 573 00:50:23,067 --> 00:50:26,014 Don't be afraid. 574 00:50:30,200 --> 00:50:34,046 No, I'm the one who should thank you. p> 575 00:50:41,200 --> 00:50:44,999 You were ordered to come here, right? 576 00:50:45,000 --> 00:50:46,138 Right. 577 00:50:46,167 --> 00:50:52,118 The same voice that tells you to come here says to me if you will return my sight. 578 00:50:52,133 --> 00:50:56,066 If that is His will, it will happen. 579 00:50:56,067 --> 00:51:01,210 Why am I given so much forgiveness after causing so much suffering? 580 00:51:01,234 --> 00:51:04,181 You... 581 00:51:04,200 --> 00:51:09,161 You have been chosen to bear His name. 582 00:51:13,034 --> 00:51:16,948 [SOCIED] He has forgiven me. 583 00:51:16,967 --> 00:51:21,109 Before he dies, he sees into my eyes and forgives me. 584 00:51:21,134 --> 00:51:24,980 You talked about Stefanos. 585 00:51:26,167 --> 00:51:32,118 I will never be able to be forgiven. No to death 586 00:51:32,134 --> 00:51:36,913 Yes. 587 00:51:36,933 --> 00:51:39,971 - [COUGH] - Mireyam. 588 00:51:40,000 --> 00:51:42,981 Hi, brother Shaul, 589 00:51:43,000 --> 00:51:46,038 Ya. 590 00:51:48,900 --> 00:51:51,972 Ya. 591 00:52:16,034 --> 00:52:19,106 - [BATUK] - Mireyam. 592 00:52:33,000 --> 00:52:34,991 Hai, saudara Shaul, 593 00:52:35,034 --> 00:52:38,880 God, that is Yeshua who has appeared to you, in the path that you are taking, 594 00:52:38,900 --> 00:52:40,891 has sent me, 595 00:52:40,900 --> 00:52:44,837 so that you can look back and be fulfilled > Holy Spirit. (Maaseh Schlihim 9: 17) 596 00:52:52,100 --> 00:52:55,866 Look at His light. 597 00:52:55,867 --> 00:53:02,011 Don't you see Him? Do you not feel Him? 598 00:53:02,034 --> 00:53:06,005 It is very beautiful. 599 00:53:08,900 --> 00:53:14,896 Shaul from Tarsus, I baptize you in the name of Lord Yeshua, 600 00:53:14,934 --> 00:53:18,962 so that you can be forgiven of all your sins. 601 00:53:20,100 --> 00:53:25,903 In the name of Lord Yeshua. Amen. 602 00:53:42,000 --> 00:53:45,846 [LOOKING] 603 00:53:55,800 --> 00:53:59,828 No, I beg you! 604 00:54:02,934 --> 00:54:06,871 [DRAWING] 605 00:54:22,000 --> 00:54:25,846 [SEPED] 606 00:55:03,934 --> 00:55:05,966 Shaul! 607 00:55:05,967 --> 00:55:08,914 Shaul! 608 00:55:26,900 --> 00:55:29,932 Shaul! 609 00:55:29,933 --> 00:55:32,812 Shaul... 610 00:55:34,767 --> 00:55:37,839 You are cured, my brother! 611 00:55:38,800 --> 00:55:40,791 > You can see! 612 00:55:40,800 --> 00:55:43,872 Yes, I can see. 613 00:55:50,867 --> 00:55:54,713 Tidak mungkin. 614 00:55:56,734 --> 00:55:58,896 You are with me in his street. 615 00:55:58,900 --> 00:56:01,833 You don't hear him. 616 00:56:01,834 --> 00:56:04,838 I only hear his wind. 617 00:56:05,800 --> 00:56:10,647 He spoke with a voice clear, real voice. 618 00:56:10,867 --> 00:56:15,805 Who is speaking? Mention His name. 619 00:56:17,734 --> 00:56:20,806 The Nazareth. 620 00:56:24,634 --> 00:56:27,672 That is the old man. 621 00:56:27,700 --> 00:56:29,862 He returned your vision, but he gave you a curse. 622 00:56:29,900 --> 00:56:33,666 - I will hold it back. - Stop, Jordan, stop. 623 00:56:33,700 --> 00:56:35,828 - There is no curse. - You're not the same person 624 00:56:35,867 --> 00:56:39,599 that I met a week ago in Yerushalayim city! 625 00:56:39,634 --> 00:56:40,772 People it's dead. 626 00:56:40,800 --> 00:56:43,804 And who are you? With who am I talking to? 627 00:56:43,834 --> 00:56:45,905 Who did I see in front of me? 628 00:56:45,906 --> 00:56:48,733 Yesterday I was blind. 629 00:56:48,767 --> 00:56:49,905 Can't you see what happened? 630 00:56:50,600 --> 00:56:52,671 - No, I can't see it! - Jordan... 631 00:56:52,700 --> 00:56:55,579 Captain! 632 00:56:56,733 --> 00:57:00,613 Call me my rank, not my name. 633 00:57:00,667 --> 00:57:02,699 Captain. 634 00:57:02,700 --> 00:57:05,681 You and I have an mission to complete. 635 00:57:05,682 --> 00:57:08,830 Tomorrow, we will continue our work. 636 00:57:11,867 --> 00:57:15,747 Good evening , Rabbi. 637 00:57:39,833 --> 00:57:42,632 Give me the key. 638 00:57:42,667 --> 00:57:45,648 Give me the key! 639 00:57:51,767 --> 00:57:55,647 - What are you doing? - These people are innocent. 640 00:57:55,667 --> 00:57:58,796 Make sure they have whatever supplies they need and let them go back to their homes. 641 00:57:58,833 --> 00:58:02,747 - Are you crazy? - I was crazy. 642 00:58:03,634 --> 00:58:06,638 I've hurt you a lot. I don't know how to reply to you. 643 00:58:06,667 --> 00:58:10,809 - This is just the beginning. - Shaul, stop! 644 00:58:12,767 --> 00:58:16,579 I've been guilty of you more than other people. 645 00:58:16,767 --> 00:58:19,566 I can't expect you to understand it but allow me to... 646 00:58:19,600 --> 00:58:21,796 [SURPRISE] 647 00:58:22,500 --> 00:58:24,628 Capture him. 648 00:58:24,667 --> 00:58:27,500 Catch him! 649 00:58:28,600 --> 00:58:32,696 I set you free from your duty and hold you back. 650 00:58:32,733 --> 00:58:34,531 Jordan, you are in the city of Dammeseq. 651 00:58:34,567 --> 00:58:36,763 Jordan, you are in the city of Dammeseq! 652 00:58:37,500 --> 00:58:39,480 > 653 00:58:39,500 --> 00:58:43,528 You have no authority over me. You can't hold me back. 654 00:58:44,500 --> 00:58:47,538 I'm a resident of Rome. Let go of me. 655 00:58:54,567 --> 00:58:59,562 Let me go. 656 00:58:59,567 --> 00:59:03,481 They, on the other side, aren't residents of Rome. They are criminals, 657 00:59:03,500 --> 00:59:08,609 and I am under orders from Yerushalayim to bring them back. 658 00:59:08,610 --> 00:59:10,705 I will do that, no matter what should done, with or without you. 659 00:59:10,767 --> 00:59:13,466 Now their chain is back! 660 00:59:13,467 --> 00:59:15,504 Wake up! Everyone wakes up! 661 00:59:15,534 --> 00:59:20,529 We will leave for the city soon Yerushalayim! Take them out! 662 00:59:20,567 --> 00:59:23,605 [PEOPLE SPEAK] 663 00:59:24,600 --> 00:59:27,695 Move! Move! 664 00:59:39,533 --> 00:59:43,595 I curse the day I thought you were a friend. 665 00:59:50,700 --> 00:59:53,533 Walk! 666 01:00:04,634 --> 01:00:06,625 Move. 667 01:00:13,467 --> 01:00:15,399 Hey, fast. 668 01:00:15,400 --> 01:00:19,542 - Faster. - Come on. 669 01:00:29,534 --> 01:00:31,525 Everything moves. 670 01:00:50,467 --> 01:00:52,629 We are sent by High Priest Qayyapa from Yerushalayim city . 671 01:00:52,634 --> 01:00:56,571 We are here to prevent incitement to both our laws and Roman law. 672 01:00:56,600 --> 01:01:01,345 That is commendable and the Romans appreciate your efforts. 673 01:01:01,367 --> 01:01:04,371 Even though I'm afraid you don't be in your jurisdiction. 674 01:01:04,600 --> 01:01:08,537 We present a letter when we first reach the city of Dammeseq. 675 01:01:08,538 --> 01:01:11,367 Let me see it. 676 01:01:12,367 --> 01:01:15,348 Let me see it. p> 677 01:01:15,600 --> 01:01:18,581 - So you don't have the document? - No. 678 01:01:18,600 --> 01:01:22,366 But if you find it, I'm sure he will be happy to show it to you. 679 01:01:22,367 --> 01:01:26,338 Right . Well, who is this guy and where can we look for it? 680 01:01:26,367 --> 01:01:28,438 I am here. 681 01:01:30,500 --> 01:01:33,333 This document is given to me and only me, 682 01:01:33,367 --> 01:01:37,543 the authority to arrest a number of people in the city of Dammeseq who allegedly incited. 683 01:01:37,567 --> 01:01:42,380 We arrested these people and found charges against them were baseless. 684 01:01:50,300 --> 01:01:53,281 Why are they still held up? 685 01:01:53,334 --> 01:01:56,497 Nothing but wrong understand, no, Captain? 686 01:01:59,400 --> 01:02:03,314 No, this is not a misunderstanding. 687 01:02:08,534 --> 01:02:12,266 Release them! 688 01:02:14,334 --> 01:02:16,405 [PLEASED PEOPLE] 689 01:02:28,367 --> 01:02:33,305 Hope this will be the first and last misunderstanding . 690 01:02:35,267 --> 01:02:37,299 This will be the last one. 691 01:02:37,300 --> 01:02:40,463 Take them away from here as fast as you can. Make sure they stay in Dammeseq for a moment. 692 01:02:40,467 --> 01:02:42,447 Shaul! 693 01:02:43,334 --> 01:02:45,462 I know you did this. 694 01:02:46,300 --> 01:02:49,395 Pray that we will never see each other again. 695 01:03:32,267 --> 01:03:36,329 They don't trust me. I don't blame them. 696 01:03:36,367 --> 01:03:39,307 You've released the chain from their feet. 697 01:03:39,308 --> 01:03:43,305 They want to make sure you release the chain that is in your heart. 698 01:03:43,334 --> 01:03:45,366 How can I do that? 699 01:03:45,367 --> 01:03:49,179 You have got lots of guidance. 700 01:03:49,200 --> 01:03:52,238 Now it's time to choose. 701 01:03:52,434 --> 01:03:55,438 We will wait for you when you are ready. 702 01:04:19,300 --> 01:04:21,291 You can see? 703 01:04:21,300 --> 01:04:23,166 Yes I was healed. 704 01:04:23,200 --> 01:04:26,409 I denied him. I don't follow the Nazareth anymore. 705 01:04:26,433 --> 01:04:29,164 No, no, no, wait, you don't understand... 706 01:04:29,200 --> 01:04:35,310 No, no, no, you don't understand! Let me explain to you! 707 01:04:40,200 --> 01:04:42,328 Please, wait! Please! 708 01:04:46,234 --> 01:04:51,138 - Leave me alone! - Wait! Wait, please! 709 01:04:51,167 --> 01:04:52,305 [CENTRAL] 710 01:04:53,234 --> 01:04:56,181 Please, stop! Please! 711 01:04:59,167 --> 01:05:01,363 Come on! Come on! 712 01:05:03,133 --> 01:05:05,204 Esther! 713 01:05:10,100 --> 01:05:12,296 You're hurt. 714 01:05:12,334 --> 01:05:15,315 It's nothing, I will be fine. 715 01:05:19,267 --> 01:05:21,338 Addai... 716 01:05:22,133 --> 01:05:25,342 - Addai, I need to ask you... - Don't ask me. 717 01:05:26,200 --> 01:05:29,147 Don't ask me to forgive you. 718 01:05:29,200 --> 01:05:35,151 Because if you ask me to forgive you, I am bound and I can't. I won't. 719 01:05:35,367 --> 01:05:38,299 - I understand. - You don't understand. 720 01:05:38,300 --> 01:05:41,179 You can't understand me! 721 01:05:46,233 --> 01:05:49,237 Then help me. 722 01:05:50,200 --> 01:05:53,204 Help me to understand. 723 01:05:56,234 --> 01:05:59,232 What really happened? 724 01:05:59,233 --> 01:06:04,080 We enter the storm. He becomes blind... and crazy. 725 01:06:04,100 --> 01:06:06,091 Why is he? 726 01:06:06,134 --> 01:06:10,139 - Why only him? - I don't know, my lord. 727 01:06:10,167 --> 01:06:12,158 There is something more than caught by the eye. 728 01:06:12,234 --> 01:06:15,199 I will see the problem myself. 729 01:06:15,200 --> 01:06:18,181 I will see it for myself, prepare your soldiers to be ready to go dawn tomorrow. 730 01:06:18,200 --> 01:06:20,191 Yes, High Priest Qayyapa. 731 01:06:27,234 --> 01:06:30,113 Why not send soldiers to arrest him? 732 01:06:30,134 --> 01:06:33,172 The Romans would approve it, if you propose it. 733 01:06:33,200 --> 01:06:37,228 Because of Gammeliyelku, dear, if he becomes a traitor, 734 01:06:37,267 --> 01:06:40,248 that is what he hopes I do. 735 01:06:40,267 --> 01:06:42,213 He will try to beheaded me. 736 01:06:42,267 --> 01:06:47,080 Using people's connections His romance to fire me 737 01:06:47,100 --> 01:06:49,080 and be appointed to my position. 738 01:06:49,100 --> 01:06:53,014 So this is nothing but plays politics, right? 739 01:06:53,067 --> 01:06:57,095 All men and women he killed found that persuading the Roman Governor of to do anything was not easy. 740 01:06:57,134 --> 01:07:00,206 I am an old man, Qayyapa. 741 01:07:00,207 --> 01:07:08,119 I have seen a wave of change for the sake of change over us 742 01:07:08,134 --> 01:07:11,206 leave everything intact as before 743 01:07:12,067 --> 01:07:15,230 but I'm afraid this wave is different. 744 01:07:15,267 --> 01:07:17,213 It's stronger, more powerful. 745 01:07:17,234 --> 01:07:20,238 This time, we can't stop it rolling over us again 746 01:07:20,267 --> 01:07:24,113 than we can stop the waves. 747 01:07:24,167 --> 01:07:28,041 Maybe the best is to make sure the waves don't greet you into the sea. 748 01:07:28,042 --> 01:07:30,071 Are you sure this is safe? 749 01:07:30,100 --> 01:07:37,177 Mungkin yang terbaik adalah untuk memastikan ombaknya tidak menyapumu ke dalam laut. 750 01:07:54,000 --> 01:07:56,066 Apa kamu yakin ini aman? 751 01:07:56,067 --> 01:08:00,163 He did not know where we were and we were not followed, I confirmed that. 752 01:08:00,200 --> 01:08:03,147 - Welcome. - You Shook from Tarsus. 753 01:08:03,167 --> 01:08:07,081 - Right. - Guardian of the city of Judea. 754 01:08:07,100 --> 01:08:09,091 I am the person. 755 01:08:23,134 --> 01:08:27,139 What I remember most is what I felt when I was in front 756 01:08:27,140 --> 01:08:30,980 There is peace, comfort and tears of happiness. 757 01:08:31,034 --> 01:08:36,937 Whatever our difficulties, our despair, all just melts when we look into His eyes . 758 01:08:36,938 --> 01:08:41,076 And when He looks back at to you, He looks into your soul. 759 01:08:41,100 --> 01:08:46,061 Sweeps all the suffering and replaces it with hope 760 01:08:46,134 --> 01:08:52,039 and the power to believe that you are safe, never forgotten. 761 01:08:52,067 --> 01:08:55,139 That I am valuable to Him. 762 01:09:08,100 --> 01:09:10,046 Shaul! 763 01:09:10,067 --> 01:09:12,047 Shaul! 764 01:09:15,067 --> 01:09:17,946 p> 765 01:09:27,067 --> 01:09:30,048 He is here. 766 01:09:33,067 --> 01:09:38,028 You have traveled a great distance far. You respect me, dear Qayyapa. 767 01:09:38,867 --> 01:09:42,929 And you confuse me, my dear friend. 768 01:09:46,867 --> 01:09:50,895 You ask permission to do God's work in Dammeseq, you come, 769 01:09:50,933 --> 01:09:57,100 you find the blasphemer, you capture their then you release them. 770 01:09:58,000 --> 01:10:00,981 Now, what should I think of that? 771 01:10:01,067 --> 01:10:05,812 Everything you say is right.
Think about what you have to think about. 772 01:10:06,001 --> 01:10:14,001 There is a story that spreads that, when a storm, you and only you hear the Voice. 773 01:10:16,834 --> 01:10:18,905 That is the voice of God. 774 01:10:18,967 --> 01:10:21,914 That is the voice of God. 775 01:10:21,967 --> 01:10:25,039 You hear the voice of God? 776 01:10:26,900 --> 01:10:31,042 Tell me, what does the voice of God say? 777 01:10:31,067 --> 01:10:34,048 is the voice of the Nazareth. 778 01:10:35,067 --> 01:10:38,879 You mean the one who was crucified, carpenter Yeshua of Nazareth? 779 01:10:38,901 --> 01:10:40,847 Yes. 780 01:10:41,800 --> 01:10:49,800 Shaul, did we say that Yeshua is God? 781 01:10:51,800 --> 01:10:55,737 And I killed the innocent servant Stefanos. 782 01:11:01,000 --> 01:11:05,813 I took Stefanos's life. I have to replace it. 783 01:11:06,767 --> 01:11:09,805 - I'm Stefanos. - Enough! 784 01:11:16,834 --> 01:11:23,934 Listen, if you defend that Yeshua is Elohim, 785 01:11:23,967 --> 01:11:27,847 you don't give me a choice but destroy all Nazareth! 786 01:11:27,848 --> 01:11:29,905 Do you understand that? 787 01:11:31,867 --> 01:11:32,891 This is what will happen 788 01:11:32,934 --> 01:11:36,962 You, Shaul will go to the synagogue 789 01:11:37,001 --> 01:11:40,005 and acknowledge the faith of your ancestors, 790 01:11:40,700 --> 01:11:43,977 the faith of the Yisrael people and you will advise the followers of the Nazareth people 791 01:11:44,001 --> 01:11:46,732 to return to trust from their ancestors. 792 01:11:46,834 --> 01:11:49,781 Errors have occurred to both sides. 793 01:11:49,801 --> 01:11:54,796 You will tell them that the land those taken will be returned. 794 01:11:54,834 --> 01:11:58,930 If their house is destroyed, it will be returned. 795 01:11:58,967 --> 01:12:02,813 They must return to our beliefs, 796 01:12:02,900 --> 01:12:05,938 and mistakes they will be forgiven. 797 01:12:06,934 --> 01:12:08,800 So, Shaul..Shaul... 798 01:12:10,834 --> 01:12:13,906 the responsibility for what will happen next, 799 01:12:14,867 --> 01:12:16,813 is in your hands, my friend. 800 01:12:24,667 --> 01:12:26,647 Don't disappoint me, Shaul. 801 01:12:27,667 --> 01:12:28,805 Don't turn yourself away 802 01:12:29,834 --> 01:12:30,994 against your followers, 803 01:12:31,900 --> 01:12:32,900 against your beliefs. 804 01:12:34,700 --> 01:12:35,700 > 805 01:13:21,701 --> 01:13:24,141 And against your God. 806 01:13:24,667 --> 01:13:26,704 The story says that you will speak in His Synagogue. 807 01:13:28,634 --> 01:13:29,834 - I have been called. - Will you go ? 808 01:13:37,800 --> 01:13:39,791 I pray for His guidance. 809 01:14:11,667 --> 01:14:13,795 Before he dies, he has forgiven you. 810 01:14:13,834 --> 01:14:15,666 Governor Marcus Quintus, 811 01:14:15,667 --> 01:14:18,580 You are very kind, allowing me to meet you even if suddenly. 812 01:14:18,634 --> 01:14:20,915 - Yes, yes, what can we do for you? /> - Governor, 813 01:14:21,734 --> 01:14:22,814 as you know... 814 01:14:23,767 --> 01:14:27,681 the Sanhedrin who are responsible answer to uphold civil peace. 815 01:14:28,634 --> 01:14:30,566 Related to that, 816 01:14:30,567 --> 01:14:34,572 I want to come here to ask for your help. 817 01:14:34,701 --> 01:14:37,682 Say. How can I help? 818 01:14:37,834 --> 01:14:41,600 Soon, someone will give a message to the people of Dammeseq. 819 01:14:41,667 --> 01:14:42,667 He is both, 820 01:14:42,700 --> 01:14:46,546 - "A Pharisee and also a Roman citizen" - Shaul of Tarsus, 821 01:14:46,600 --> 01:14:50,571 also known as a butcher from the city of Judea, isn't that ? For unknown reasons, 822 01:14:50,600 --> 01:14:53,638 dia menjadi sadar dan berhenti membantai para petani tanpa senjata. 823 01:14:53,667 --> 01:14:56,648 "The ungodly liar and the Roman enemy" 824 01:14:56,700 --> 01:14:58,691 is a description for him that is more suitable. 825 01:14:58,700 --> 01:15:02,580 The enemies of the Romans? Isn't that really actually their identity, the followers of the Nazareth people. 826 01:15:03,600 --> 01:15:06,513 He who claimed that He was the Son of God. He was crucified because of it. 827 01:15:06,767 --> 01:15:10,579 If we do that like in Rome, we might be able to crucify a dozen fools every day. 828 01:15:10,734 --> 01:15:14,566 Nazareth's followers have defied
and threaten us. 829 01:15:14,567 --> 01:15:17,730 That means that he has threatened and defied the Roman empire as well. 830 01:15:17,801 --> 01:15:19,633 Stop the High Priest Qayyapa. 831 01:15:21,534 --> 01:15:25,596 Clearly the Nazareth was more troublesome when He died than when He lived. 832 01:15:27,700 --> 01:15:30,613 Aku senang, masa menetapku di kota Yudea akhirnya akan berakhir. 833 01:15:30,700 --> 01:15:33,140 Trust me, I've been waiting for now. 834 01:15:33,567 --> 01:15:37,663 Soon, I will return to civilization, after two years in this puddle. 835 01:15:38,634 --> 01:15:39,658 The task we are doing here is just... 836 01:15:39,734 --> 01:15:41,599 to ensure all of you to pay your taxes 837 01:15:41,600 --> 01:15:45,560 and serve the Roman empire according to > the procedures requested and expected of you. 838 01:15:46,567 --> 01:15:50,663 Apart from that, we don't care about your stupid disputes, your beliefs and traditions. 839 01:15:51,701 --> 01:15:55,729 Rest assured, that a place that is not should be said to be this country 840 01:15:55,734 --> 01:16:01,537 is useless and does not mean for the Kingdom or Rome. 841 01:16:01,567 --> 01:16:06,967 If you serve both of them well. We will let you destroy each other. We don't care. 842 01:16:07,534 --> 01:16:09,525 But rest assured, High Priest Qayyapa, 843 01:16:09,700 --> 01:16:14,638 Don't mistake it, until you think that one of you can be a threat to the Roman Empire. 844 01:16:15,467 --> 01:16:18,448 You are just like something that is annoying like a small mosquito, 845 01:16:18,534 --> 01:16:21,014 which can be easily eliminated with just a simple slap. 846 01:16:28,434 --> 01:16:29,538 Governor Marcus Quintus, 847 01:16:30,501 --> 01:16:33,664 Shaul of Tarsus, a Jewish and Roman, 848 01:16:33,701 --> 01:16:37,433 will soon speak with the Dammeseq people. 849 01:16:37,601 --> 01:16:40,480 I believe he will incite people to start the rebellion. 850 01:16:41,500 --> 01:16:47,451 If this is true he did that. I ask the right to arrest him and bring him to court. 851 01:16:47,500 --> 01:16:49,491 If he violates Roman law, 852 01:16:49,634 --> 01:16:51,500 he will face the consequences. 853 01:16:51,600 --> 01:16:54,672 Terima kasih. Hanya itulah yang aku butuhkan. 854 01:16:55,701 --> 01:17:00,141 Listen to me carefully, High Priest Qayyapa. What had happened five years ago was a mistake. 855 01:17:00,434 --> 01:17:02,414 Phonetiyyos Phiylatos allowed you to do it as you wish, 856 01:17:02,434 --> 01:17:06,496 and now you betray your own person and sulk they were only because they lamented the dead Rabbi. 857 01:17:06,667 --> 01:17:10,638 That had caused a lot of riots and that was not the desire of the Romans. all over Judea. You understand me? 858 01:17:11,400 --> 01:17:14,438 It's very clear. 859 01:17:16,434 --> 01:17:17,434 I hold your words, Rabbi. 860 01:17:17,600 --> 01:17:19,546 Remember, we who have appointed you with the grace of the King 861 01:17:19,667 --> 01:17:24,514 and with the mercy of the King too, we can easily remove your position. 862 01:17:25,567 --> 01:17:29,481 Dammeseq residents, maybe you don't know me. 863 01:18:03,567 --> 01:18:08,499 Penduduk Dammeseq, mungkin kalian tidak mengenalku. 864 01:18:08,500 --> 01:18:14,337 I am Shaul. Shaul from Tarsus, the slaughterer from the city of Judea. 865 01:18:17,500 --> 01:18:19,537 I have dedicated my life to the work of God 866 01:18:19,567 --> 01:18:24,471 and against the men of who threatened His rules. 867 01:18:25,334 --> 01:18:26,506 Today there is an movement in our country, 868 01:18:26,534 --> 01:18:31,313 a movement from A a carpenter named Yeshua. 869 01:18:31,534 --> 01:18:35,505 Although this person was on the cross almost five years ago , he was still considered a threat. 870 01:18:35,567 --> 01:18:39,433 Why? He doesn't speak anymore, 871 01:18:39,434 --> 01:18:43,371 there are no people who gather to see Him do His miracles. 872 01:18:43,401 --> 01:18:47,315 These are things from the past but /> we still fear Him. Why? 873 01:18:47,334 --> 01:18:50,281 - He is a fake prophet! - A fake prophet. 874 01:18:50,300 --> 01:18:54,510 A specter in the midst of we must be eradicated mercilessly. 875 01:18:58,267 --> 01:19:00,497 Yeshua, 876 01:19:00,534 --> 01:19:02,332 This fake HaMashiach, 877 01:19:02,367 --> 01:19:05,405 preaches about a simple, not deep 878 01:19:05,434 --> 01:19:08,506 word that requires educated people to interpret or explain it. 879 01:19:08,534 --> 01:19:12,505 Everything he talks about can be said in one simple word, 880 01:19:12,534 --> 01:19:18,337 only one: Love. 881 01:19:18,367 --> 01:19:22,395 The simplest but most dangerous word,
because that love paralyzes the fighting person, 882 01:19:22,434 --> 01:19:26,280 that love defeats the army, that is the most perverted sedition! 883 01:19:26,301 --> 01:19:29,282 Love is very dangerous, that love can < > spread throughout our country 884 01:19:29,283 --> 01:19:31,429 like an epidemic in Misrayim. 885 01:19:31,467 --> 01:19:35,233 So, today I stand before you as Shaul of Tarsus, 886 01:19:35,267 --> 01:19:38,305 trusted by the elders of from the Elohim Temple in Yerushalayim city, 887 01:19:38,334 --> 01:19:42,248 to come here and cleanse your city from this plague. 888 01:19:48,434 --> 01:19:50,266 On my way to this fair city, 889 01:19:50,300 --> 01:19:53,505 I run over a young woman in her wedding day using my horse. 890 01:19:53,506 --> 01:19:55,400 On the same day , I killed his father 891 01:19:55,434 --> 01:19:58,433 and arrested his wedding guests. 892 01:19:58,434 --> 01:20:02,348 They were all followers of from this fake HaMashiach. 893 01:20:02,367 --> 01:20:05,348 I'm ready to take them back to Yerushalayim city to stand trial. 894 01:20:05,367 --> 01:20:07,495 I'm ready to attend at their craft, 895 01:20:07,501 --> 01:20:11,347 like I was at the Stefanos craft, 896 01:20:11,367 --> 01:20:14,348 Other followers of the Nazareth. 897 01:20:14,367 --> 01:20:17,280 I remember that day very clearly 898 01:20:17,301 --> 01:20:21,443 because when he died, he turned back to me and forgive me. 899 01:20:22,300 --> 01:20:26,305 Just like the bride woman before she died. 900 01:20:27,467 --> 01:20:31,199 I was forgiven, 901 01:20:31,234 --> 01:20:33,300 not because of them obey the holy law, 902 01:20:33,301 --> 01:20:36,339 not because they fear the consequences but because they appreciate the word 903 01:20:36,367 --> 01:20:40,395 of this false Prophet more than they value life itself. 904 01:20:41,267 --> 01:20:43,429 this plague, specter which I, Shaul from Tarsus, 905 01:20:43,467 --> 01:20:47,404 have dedicated my life to destroy it? 906 01:20:50,267 --> 01:20:53,271 I am blind, 907 01:20:53,300 --> 01:20:57,214 then here in the city of Dammeseq, my sight is returned and I can see 908 01:20:57,234 --> 01:21:00,181 every cruelty, every crime, every murder I cause, 909 01:21:00,201 --> 01:21:02,363 is nothing what is an action to oppose God alone 910 01:21:02,400 --> 01:21:05,347 which I promised to worship! 911 01:21:07,334 --> 01:21:11,174 How can God repay against those who are innocent? 912 01:21:11,175 --> 01:21:13,204 p> 913 01:21:13,234 --> 01:21:16,397 for those who have fallen and need help to rise again? 914 01:21:19,434 --> 01:21:22,165 Because of this fake Prophet, 915 01:21:22,200 --> 01:21:26,376 this bride offered me a favor for come out of this hell of hatred. 916 01:21:30,167 --> 01:21:33,239 As the Nazareth who had suffered on the cross, 917 01:21:33,267 --> 01:21:35,338 for keeping His words, He shouted, 918 01:21:35,367 --> 01:21:39,304 Yes , Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they did. "(Luqa 23:34) 919 01:21:41,167 --> 01:21:43,363 By dying on the cross , He showed us 920 01:21:43,367 --> 01:21:46,098 that our path to God is not by using swords, 921 01:21:46,134 --> 01:21:48,203 not by law, not by dogma, 922 01:21:48,204 --> 01:21:51,148 but with one simple thing > that, one simple word, 923 01:21:51,167 --> 01:21:54,133 strong, and beautiful, "LOVE". 924 01:21:54,134 --> 01:21:57,229 [SPEAKING] 925 01:21:57,234 --> 01:22:01,205 Shaul of Tarsus has shed the blood of the innocent people but Shaul of Tarsus is gone. 926 01:22:01,267 --> 01:22:04,214 Starting from today onwards, I will be known as Paul ( Maaseh Schlihim 13: 9), 927 01:22:04,215 --> 01:22:07,296 followers of Lord Yeshua, Son of God! 928 01:22:07,334 --> 01:22:10,199 [MESSAGE] 929 01:22:10,200 --> 01:22:12,191 Blasphemy! 930 01:22:12,200 --> 01:22:16,262 Blasphemy! Catch him! Catch him! 931 01:22:18,267 --> 01:22:21,248 [Shout] 932 01:22:32,167 --> 01:22:34,099 - Come here, hurry up! - No! 933 01:22:34,100 --> 01:22:36,171 This is the price that I have to pay. Let me atone for my sins. 934 01:22:36,172 --> 01:22:40,138 You have asked for His forgiveness. and you have been forgiven. 935 01:22:40,300 --> 01:22:43,304 You must testify. That's why you are called 936 01:22:43,334 --> 01:22:47,066 that's why you were chosen. Not to die here. 937 01:22:47,100 --> 01:22:48,295 [Shouting] 938 01:22:48,334 --> 01:22:51,065 Bring him away. 939 01:22:52,067 --> 01:22:54,104 Shaul! 940 01:23:03,234 --> 01:23:05,271 - Go! - Addai! 941 01:23:10,200 --> 01:23:13,233 - Go! Go! - Addai! 942 01:23:13,234 --> 01:23:15,099 Go! 943 01:23:15,100 --> 01:23:17,137 Addai! 944 01:23:58,200 --> 01:24:00,191 Close the gate! 945 01:24:01,234 --> 01:24:06,138 By order of Governor Marcus Quintus , no anyone came out of this city without permission! 946 01:24:12,067 --> 01:24:14,013 There must be another way to get out of the city. 947 01:24:14,014 --> 01:24:17,072 Rabbi, I can help you. 948 01:24:18,234 --> 01:24:21,033 My name is Luqa. 949 01:24:23,000 --> 01:24:25,037 I have to find people who are standing around. 950 01:24:25,067 --> 01:24:26,967 There are still many things I have to learn. 951 01:24:27,000 --> 01:24:29,128 They will doubt and will still fear you, 952 01:24:29,134 --> 01:24:31,125 but I will speak on your behalf 953 01:24:31,167 --> 01:24:34,046 and I will take you to them when it's safe. 954 01:24:34,067 --> 01:24:36,047 I'll meet you in Yerushalayim city. 955 01:24:36,048 --> 01:24:38,105 In the city of Yerushalayim. 956 01:25:01,134 --> 01:25:04,074 The Apostle Paul went to spread his teachings to Turkey 957 01:25:04,075 --> 01:25:07,139 and Greece and Rome. He wrote a lot of about the New Testament 958 01:25:07,167 --> 01:25:10,899 and became the greatest spokesman for in the history of Christianity, 959 01:25:10,900 --> 01:25:13,938 the greatest after the Lord Yeshua himself. 960 01:25:13,940 --> 01:25:18,000 And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but do not have the power to kill the soul. 961 01:25:18,002 --> 01:25:23,000 But moreover, fear that the One who is able to destroy both the soul and the body in hell. (Mattay 10: 28) 962 01:25:28,002 --> 01:25:32,000 I agree to everything in HaMashiach which strengthens me. (Pylypsiah 4: 13) 963 01:25:32,002 --> 01:25:37,000 For, just as the body without the spirit is dead, 964 01:25:37,002 --> 01:25:42,000 as well as faith without works is dead. (Yaaqov 2: 26) 965 01:25:42,002 --> 01:25:47,000 as written, "Look, I put in Zion a stumbling block 966 01:25:47,002 --> 01:25:52,000 and the barrier reef and everyone who believes in Him, will not be humiliated. (RomiYah 9: 33) 967 01:25:52,002 --> 01:25:57,000 For if you confess the Lord YESHUA with > your mouth and believe in your heart that 968 01:25:57,002 --> 01:26:02,000 God has raised Him from who died, then you will be saved. 969 01:26:02,002 --> 01:26:07,000 For justification, is believed by heart and for safety, acknowledged by mouth. (RomiYah 10: 9-10) 970 01:26:07,002 --> 01:26:16,000 Submitted by: www.subtitlecinema.com