1 00:00:45,694 --> 00:00:50,457 Project Connection: A planetary operation to build two machines in our planet's orbit. 2 00:00:50,567 --> 00:00:53,232 Known simple as Machine I and Machine II. 3 00:00:56,772 --> 00:01:01,822 Objective: To form a link with the nearest planet believed to have intelligent life. 4 00:01:07,790 --> 00:01:08,979 The mission: 5 00:01:09,089 --> 00:01:13,670 60 years ago Machine II was sent across our galaxy towards the chosen planet. 6 00:01:18,985 --> 00:01:23,390 The unmanned voyage across 20 light years of space was completely autonomous. 7 00:01:27,375 --> 00:01:31,240 Once Machine II arrives in orbit the machines will connect... 8 00:01:31,350 --> 00:01:34,739 ...enabling instant transport between the two planets. 9 00:01:37,443 --> 00:01:39,973 Today is connection day. 10 00:01:42,698 --> 00:01:47,887 Flight A: An unmanned probe successfully tested the connection and gathered basic data. 11 00:01:53,221 --> 00:01:54,340 Flight B: 12 00:01:54,450 --> 00:01:59,406 Next a manned mission will orbit the planet twice and reconnoiter before returning. 13 00:02:24,305 --> 00:02:26,628 We are just checking the last data packet. 14 00:02:30,495 --> 00:02:34,693 We've confirmed those trajectories, we just have one more maneuver to issue. 15 00:02:39,909 --> 00:02:46,380 Recommending one more correction of 24.0 and 3.5 degrees. 16 00:02:47,648 --> 00:02:49,219 Confirmed. 17 00:02:50,396 --> 00:02:55,269 Twenty-four degrees positive pitch plus red 3.5. 18 00:02:58,312 --> 00:02:59,942 Correct. 19 00:03:02,402 --> 00:03:04,885 Okay, begin burn on my count. 20 00:03:06,164 --> 00:03:09,954 On five, four, ignition ready... 21 00:03:10,064 --> 00:03:13,160 ...two, one, begin. 22 00:03:13,270 --> 00:03:14,874 Burning. 23 00:03:15,233 --> 00:03:17,258 Eighty-six... 24 00:03:18,149 --> 00:03:19,822 ...87... 25 00:03:21,577 --> 00:03:23,458 ...89... 26 00:03:24,985 --> 00:03:26,932 ...93... 27 00:03:27,881 --> 00:03:29,855 ...97... 28 00:03:30,915 --> 00:03:32,863 ...101... 29 00:03:34,225 --> 00:03:35,823 ...105... 30 00:03:36,870 --> 00:03:38,754 ...107... 31 00:03:39,943 --> 00:03:41,839 ...109... 32 00:03:51,672 --> 00:03:55,856 Great, we can confirm you have a lock with entrance. 33 00:03:59,517 --> 00:04:03,777 Ten second countdown to machine engagement on my mark. 34 00:04:04,123 --> 00:04:05,601 Mark. 35 00:04:06,312 --> 00:04:09,308 Eight, seven... 36 00:04:09,418 --> 00:04:12,352 ...six, five... 37 00:04:12,462 --> 00:04:15,223 ...four, three... 38 00:04:15,786 --> 00:04:18,779 ...two, one. 39 00:04:28,213 --> 00:04:30,377 What's happening, is there a problem? 40 00:04:32,431 --> 00:04:34,504 Is there a problem? 41 00:04:34,614 --> 00:04:39,237 Negative, the link is being confirmed, and we are clear for transit. 42 00:04:41,412 --> 00:04:45,402 Okay, we have received your final package and cleared you for control. 43 00:04:45,512 --> 00:04:47,488 Launch when ready. 44 00:18:34,305 --> 00:18:36,230 Captain James to Com 1. 45 00:18:36,340 --> 00:18:39,737 First transmission from E581. 46 00:18:39,847 --> 00:18:44,042 There was a problem on arrival and I've crash-landed on the planet. 47 00:18:44,152 --> 00:18:48,137 From what I've seen so far, it isn't what we expected... 48 00:18:48,408 --> 00:18:51,989 ...it's barren and there's no sign of intelligent life. 49 00:18:52,281 --> 00:18:56,889 I have enough food and water to last me five days. 50 00:18:56,999 --> 00:19:02,703 With the communications delay, I expect to hear from you within three hours. 51 00:20:06,990 --> 00:20:08,594 Shit! 52 00:20:18,065 --> 00:20:19,962 Fucking hell! 53 00:20:23,317 --> 00:20:24,800 For... 54 00:21:24,712 --> 00:21:27,303 Come on, where are you? 55 00:21:57,258 --> 00:21:59,751 Captain James to Com 1. 56 00:21:59,861 --> 00:22:03,218 I've been on E581 now for almost 24 hours... 57 00:22:03,740 --> 00:22:06,973 ...and I've still had no communications from you. 58 00:22:08,337 --> 00:22:10,870 Hopefully, it's a problem with my equipment... 59 00:22:10,980 --> 00:22:13,512 ...and you've already got a rescue on the way. 60 00:22:14,952 --> 00:22:17,346 I have lost my water supply... 61 00:22:17,456 --> 00:22:19,919 ...so today I have to find another source... 62 00:22:20,029 --> 00:22:22,552 ...or there will be no one to rescue. 63 00:22:22,969 --> 00:22:25,804 I will continue to send my reports. 64 00:22:40,519 --> 00:22:41,995 Water. 65 00:27:06,811 --> 00:27:08,711 They're hunting. 66 00:27:23,814 --> 00:27:25,348 Shit. 67 00:31:06,894 --> 00:31:09,050 No one's coming for me. 68 00:31:28,206 --> 00:31:30,173 James to Com 1. 69 00:31:31,242 --> 00:31:33,920 Things are looking a bit desperate down here. 70 00:31:34,796 --> 00:31:38,145 I've had no contact from you, and I'm down to three rations. 71 00:31:38,771 --> 00:31:41,401 I've had to start thinking about a backup plan. 72 00:31:41,511 --> 00:31:44,369 I have seen that there is intelligent life here... 73 00:31:44,479 --> 00:31:46,245 ...and they have machines. 74 00:31:46,355 --> 00:31:51,165 And if they have machines, then maybe they can get me back into orbit. 75 00:31:51,582 --> 00:31:55,353 Right now they're my only hope of getting home. 76 00:43:03,277 --> 00:43:05,813 I get it, you want this. 77 00:45:15,960 --> 00:45:18,267 Captain James to Com 1. 78 00:45:20,876 --> 00:45:25,051 I've found something, some kind of a container. 79 00:45:25,886 --> 00:45:29,851 The entire thing is covered in alien language. 80 00:50:22,169 --> 00:50:24,342 They moved underground. 81 00:52:34,609 --> 00:52:36,710 We need to find your owners. 82 00:53:19,100 --> 00:53:21,036 Where the fuck are you going? 83 00:53:26,176 --> 00:53:28,099 He's going home. 84 00:54:12,823 --> 00:54:15,190 Captain James to Com 1. 85 00:54:15,816 --> 00:54:20,297 The surface of this planet has suffered from a devastating war. 86 00:54:20,818 --> 00:54:24,350 I believe the machines are serving their creators... 87 00:54:24,460 --> 00:54:27,250 ...who are sheltering beneath the surface. 88 00:54:28,661 --> 00:54:31,351 I hope soon to make contact... 89 00:54:31,461 --> 00:54:33,376 ...and with a little luck... 90 00:54:33,486 --> 00:54:38,374 ...make use of them and their technology to get me home. 91 00:55:32,691 --> 00:55:35,058 Let's see where you're going to take me. 92 00:56:45,186 --> 00:56:47,102 Why have we stopped? 93 00:56:47,212 --> 00:56:49,114 Are we here? 94 00:56:52,338 --> 00:56:54,235 Nah, this ain't it. 95 00:58:10,670 --> 00:58:14,300 Get in here! Get in here now! 96 00:58:21,661 --> 00:58:23,223 Fuck! 97 00:58:39,638 --> 00:58:41,495 Damn it! 98 00:58:48,701 --> 00:58:50,630 Come on! 99 01:00:51,901 --> 01:00:53,627 Trapped. 100 01:11:19,241 --> 01:11:21,530 Com 1 to Captain James. 101 01:11:21,640 --> 01:11:23,820 We have received your transmissions... 102 01:11:23,930 --> 01:11:26,151 ...but we are having communication issues... 103 01:11:26,261 --> 01:11:30,680 ...it appears the Machine insertion orbit is highly irregular... 104 01:11:30,790 --> 01:11:33,523 ...and we are having trouble locking on. 105 01:11:33,633 --> 01:11:37,083 We would like to get you back up there as soon as possible. 106 01:11:38,289 --> 01:11:40,453 Is your situation still the same? 107 01:11:43,263 --> 01:11:44,957 We are not able to send a rescue party... 108 01:11:45,067 --> 01:11:47,866 ...until we can determine the cause of the problems. 109 01:11:49,210 --> 01:11:51,172 Hang in there. 110 01:12:30,300 --> 01:12:31,808 Attention. 111 01:12:31,918 --> 01:12:35,049 Automatic systems override. 112 01:12:41,455 --> 01:12:45,390 Warning. Chemical weapon detected. 113 01:12:48,579 --> 01:12:50,216 Attention. 114 01:12:50,326 --> 01:12:53,337 Automatic systems override. 115 01:13:12,762 --> 01:13:14,667 They're all dead. 116 01:13:22,545 --> 01:13:24,709 How do I get home now? 117 01:13:25,987 --> 01:13:27,801 What did you do? 118 01:13:28,562 --> 01:13:30,692 What did you do? 119 01:13:56,954 --> 01:13:58,536 Why? 120 01:13:59,013 --> 01:14:00,589 Why? 121 01:14:01,455 --> 01:14:03,393 Why did you do it? 122 01:14:12,688 --> 01:14:14,631 Com 1 to Captain James. 123 01:14:15,257 --> 01:14:19,084 One other thing, it seems that there was a big calculation error... 124 01:14:19,194 --> 01:14:23,278 ...at our end which means the machine arrived much too early. 125 01:14:26,083 --> 01:14:29,093 It's been there for five solar orbits. 126 01:14:45,972 --> 01:14:47,508 No. 127 01:14:48,719 --> 01:14:50,634 You had it all wrong. 128 01:16:19,455 --> 01:16:23,033 It can't be, you're kidding me. 129 01:17:33,786 --> 01:17:35,929 I've just got to get on. 130 01:17:41,444 --> 01:17:43,533 There's no going back now.