1 00:00:24,600 --> 00:00:27,190 See the United States After the massacre in Chicago 2 00:00:27,360 --> 00:00:30,770 A growing threat Indigenous terrorists. 3 00:00:30,870 --> 00:00:32,850 In the whole world The tensions rise. 4 00:00:32,950 --> 00:00:36,100 The biggest fear at the time is that Terror cells of hostile forces 5 00:00:36,200 --> 00:00:39,020 From the Near and Middle East Are supplied with material, 6 00:00:39,200 --> 00:00:41,690 With which a Mass destruction weapon. 7 00:00:41,790 --> 00:00:45,490 The private security company "Norcorp Defense Systems" has become the first contract 8 00:00:45,590 --> 00:00:49,030 with the US military about the deployment of military personnel 9 00:00:49,210 --> 00:00:51,040 For the next ten years. 10 00:00:51,210 --> 00:00:55,460 In addition, there are higher expenses In the amount of several billion dollars ... 11 00:00:55,560 --> 00:00:57,550 I do not want that You look at this 12 00:01:00,720 --> 00:01:04,590 Mom, do not we wanna call Daddy? We always call him on Fridays. 13 00:01:04,690 --> 00:01:06,260 Of course, darling! 14 00:01:07,150 --> 00:01:09,510 Hopefully Daddy Not too busy. 15 00:01:12,610 --> 00:01:14,770 Already a message from Ausöscherteam? 16 00:01:14,870 --> 00:01:16,900 Yes, sir. You have the Target people probably localized. 17 00:01:17,610 --> 00:01:20,320 Very good. Connect me! - Yes, sir, right away. 18 00:01:29,920 --> 00:01:33,830 Target people in sight. One has Material. How many are there, Will? 19 00:01:34,260 --> 00:01:36,750 Six. Heavily armed. 20 00:01:39,550 --> 00:01:40,920 Central is the turn. 21 00:01:42,010 --> 00:01:44,550 RZ-9, 12 and 18 are ready for use. 22 00:01:44,980 --> 00:01:48,140 We have the confirmation by the Drones that it is our people. 23 00:01:48,240 --> 00:01:50,600 I want them untouched, it Unless they defend themselves. 24 00:01:50,770 --> 00:01:53,430 These men might be radioactive Material to another cell 25 00:01:53,530 --> 00:01:55,980 in Los Angeles transport. Patterson! 26 00:01:57,200 --> 00:01:58,530 Patterson! 27 00:01:59,110 --> 00:02:00,570 Yes, sir? 28 00:02:00,740 --> 00:02:02,980 Are our eyes up in position? 29 00:02:12,880 --> 00:02:14,540 There, sir. 30 00:02:14,640 --> 00:02:18,960 Excellent. There are two Guards south of the main square. 31 00:02:19,130 --> 00:02:21,090 Switch off and secure area! 32 00:02:22,800 --> 00:02:25,640 Will, give us cover! And you, Russ, you follow me! 33 00:02:25,930 --> 00:02:27,590 A walk in the park. 34 00:02:28,190 --> 00:02:29,850 Unity on Pre-War. 35 00:02:31,860 --> 00:02:35,100 Patterson! If it We go bombard. 36 00:02:35,200 --> 00:02:36,730 Even if ours are in there? 37 00:02:36,900 --> 00:02:39,860 I can not get any press about Failed operations. 38 00:02:40,030 --> 00:02:42,770 They're already sitting at our necks. It Is better to blur traces. 39 00:02:55,170 --> 00:02:56,460 Still 80! 40 00:02:57,300 --> 00:02:58,660 Still 70 41 00:03:00,300 --> 00:03:02,710 Another 60! Attack! 42 00:03:18,990 --> 00:03:21,150 Four more. - Roger that. 43 00:03:47,430 --> 00:03:48,670 Bring it on! 44 00:03:49,310 --> 00:03:50,550 Drop! 45 00:03:51,480 --> 00:03:52,810 Come on! 46 00:03:55,310 --> 00:03:56,430 Give it to me! 47 00:03:59,110 --> 00:04:03,070 Central, here RZ-9. We have that Material, a suspect in custody. 48 00:04:03,240 --> 00:04:04,400 Area secured. 49 00:04:04,500 --> 00:04:07,110 Clean! Squeeze it out, RZ-9! 50 00:04:16,420 --> 00:04:20,540 Hey, baby! I was quite beautiful Long in the queue. 51 00:04:20,710 --> 00:04:22,500 Yes, have a lot to do at the moment. 52 00:04:37,440 --> 00:04:38,810 Where is she? 53 00:04:39,860 --> 00:04:41,320 Where is she? 54 00:04:41,490 --> 00:04:45,950 Your nation is corrupt. your Have all deviated from the way, 55 00:04:46,110 --> 00:04:48,450 Which the Lord us People. 56 00:04:49,200 --> 00:04:52,620 And he punishes all those, Who rebel against him. 57 00:04:53,290 --> 00:04:58,580 Where is the bomb? Where is she? 58 00:04:59,920 --> 00:05:02,000 What's going on there? - Second, Kelly! 59 00:05:02,170 --> 00:05:03,710 Should I hang up? 60 00:05:09,010 --> 00:05:12,090 You are too late. 61 00:05:12,190 --> 00:05:14,470 Where is the bomb? - You are too late! 62 00:05:29,320 --> 00:05:31,920 Kelly! Kelly! 63 00:05:35,040 --> 00:05:36,280 Yes I'm listening? 64 00:05:41,550 --> 00:05:42,550 OK. 65 00:05:48,590 --> 00:05:53,960 Sir Los Angeles was extinguished. 66 00:05:54,890 --> 00:05:58,430 An atomic attack. 67 00:06:15,950 --> 00:06:19,150 "RED KILL ZONE" 68 00:06:27,630 --> 00:06:29,420 "Three years later" 69 00:06:34,390 --> 00:06:36,130 The tensions continue to rise. 70 00:06:36,230 --> 00:06:38,220 Many people protest Against a new law, 71 00:06:38,320 --> 00:06:40,850 Which today is all parliamentary Hurdles. 72 00:06:41,020 --> 00:06:43,970 It allows the Ministry of Defense of the United States 73 00:06:44,070 --> 00:06:46,850 The complete suspension Of the constitutional rights 74 00:06:46,950 --> 00:06:50,140 In the fight against all Domestic active terrorist groups. 75 00:06:50,240 --> 00:06:52,860 Secretary of Defense Hugh Williams commented this morning 76 00:06:53,030 --> 00:06:54,740 This important decision. 77 00:06:55,080 --> 00:06:58,110 No, you hear! The American People must understand, 78 00:06:58,290 --> 00:07:02,240 That these terrorists try, Our way of life. 79 00:07:02,340 --> 00:07:04,710 By granting our freedoms for A limited time, 80 00:07:04,880 --> 00:07:07,460 We get the chance, Our enemies. 81 00:07:07,630 --> 00:07:08,960 How do you recognize the enemies? 82 00:07:09,170 --> 00:07:12,460 We offer this sacrifice Greater well-being of our great ... 83 00:07:12,560 --> 00:07:14,210 No, I'm done here. - Sir! 84 00:07:14,310 --> 00:07:15,500 Could you please explain this? 85 00:07:15,600 --> 00:07:16,670 We have the right, To be informed. 86 00:07:16,850 --> 00:07:18,680 You can not Just go away, sir. 87 00:07:26,440 --> 00:07:28,770 Little sister. - Hey! 88 00:07:29,190 --> 00:07:31,560 Everything for the school Packed What to eat and what? 89 00:07:31,740 --> 00:07:32,740 Yes! 90 00:07:33,700 --> 00:07:40,240 Good! Good. Sam, I have to To discuss something with you. 91 00:07:41,670 --> 00:07:43,410 You were on the road last night. 92 00:07:43,510 --> 00:07:45,750 I have a message from "NORCORP Security Service". 93 00:07:46,880 --> 00:07:49,540 Sam, you're being summoned again. 94 00:07:49,710 --> 00:07:50,920 You were also on the road. 95 00:07:51,090 --> 00:07:55,500 That's different, Sam. I was working. But, you know what? It does not matter, 96 00:07:55,600 --> 00:07:58,210 If any more fiercely "NORCORP" - bitch bangs you down, 97 00:07:58,310 --> 00:07:59,970 Just because you're not around Ten at home. 98 00:08:00,140 --> 00:08:01,880 You can not care. 99 00:08:02,560 --> 00:08:05,760 Damn it! Your security is More important to me than anything else. 100 00:08:05,860 --> 00:08:08,850 I'm out of town with you Gone to protect you, Sam! 101 00:08:09,190 --> 00:08:12,980 Be at least grateful! Instead You can leave the house here. 102 00:08:13,200 --> 00:08:15,530 You have a cleanliness fancy! 103 00:08:17,490 --> 00:08:20,660 I have no fancy. I Just like it just neat. 104 00:08:20,830 --> 00:08:26,490 Here everything is all around. Sam, at The next summons you get, 105 00:08:26,590 --> 00:08:29,740 There is the danger that the you To a youth penalty. 106 00:08:29,840 --> 00:08:32,000 Sam, you know what that means, yeah? 107 00:08:32,510 --> 00:08:35,090 I do not care. I do not care. 108 00:08:35,590 --> 00:08:38,460 You will get a house remnant and a fine. - You do not understand this. 109 00:08:38,560 --> 00:08:41,550 People always die. That you do not understand. 110 00:08:42,390 --> 00:08:45,350 I do not want to come home and Learn that you were shot 111 00:08:45,520 --> 00:08:48,100 And you only have one Dead body in a sack. 112 00:08:49,650 --> 00:08:51,230 Like mom and dad? 113 00:08:52,650 --> 00:08:57,360 That was not so cool. Sam, So I did not ... Sam! 114 00:09:07,290 --> 00:09:10,910 "Joint command post From US Army and NORCORP " 115 00:09:13,670 --> 00:09:16,380 Their beginning was over Point eight o'clock, Patterson. 116 00:09:16,550 --> 00:09:18,710 Forgive me, sir! I Had trouble at home. 117 00:09:18,890 --> 00:09:22,130 I do not want any excuse. Just come on time! 118 00:09:22,230 --> 00:09:24,270 I'll give you the Sundays To exercise your religion freely, 119 00:09:24,430 --> 00:09:26,550 A privilege that Is not often granted. 120 00:09:26,650 --> 00:09:28,840 Yes, sir. - So, you hear! 121 00:09:28,940 --> 00:09:32,110 In cities with more than two million Residents is considered alarm level one. 122 00:09:32,280 --> 00:09:35,350 The terrorist cell, the bombing Of Los Angeles on the conscience, 123 00:09:35,450 --> 00:09:37,070 Is planning maybe one New terrorist attack. 124 00:09:37,570 --> 00:09:41,160 The defense minister is this morning In Sector 16 and has a speech. 125 00:09:41,330 --> 00:09:43,360 We need to get him out before The things become uglier. 126 00:09:43,870 --> 00:09:47,660 Patterson. Check whether the Drones are in position 16, 127 00:09:47,830 --> 00:09:50,170 After a system check On safety gaps. 128 00:09:51,500 --> 00:09:53,840 "Server security - acts of terrorism - NORCORP 129 00:09:54,460 --> 00:09:56,000 Hazard monitoring - Enlightenment reports " 130 00:10:03,140 --> 00:10:08,010 Back! Go back! Otherwise We make use of compulsory measures 131 00:10:08,190 --> 00:10:11,220 And can be used for your physical Integrity no longer guarantee. 132 00:10:12,150 --> 00:10:13,730 Go apart! 133 00:10:18,490 --> 00:10:22,030 James, how is it with you? out? Have people already identified? 134 00:10:22,450 --> 00:10:26,870 No, sir. Not yet. minister Williams is evacuated. 135 00:10:27,660 --> 00:10:30,080 Mr Minister, reply Please ask us a question. 136 00:10:30,420 --> 00:10:31,390 Up there he is! 137 00:10:31,490 --> 00:10:33,280 Moment, here Just a moment. 138 00:10:33,380 --> 00:10:37,330 I mean you! What you do is clear unpatriotic. They enter the tonne ... 139 00:10:38,260 --> 00:10:39,840 Bring me away! 140 00:10:40,010 --> 00:10:44,880 And we will not stand idly, As you bring us about our liberties. 141 00:10:45,470 --> 00:10:49,050 If you believe, let's go with that Make a mistake. 142 00:10:49,150 --> 00:10:51,140 Jack! Take it from you Before, this asshole! 143 00:10:51,240 --> 00:10:53,680 Moment! Here runs grad was, Here is what grad. Grace, watch out! 144 00:10:53,860 --> 00:10:54,770 Back here! 145 00:10:54,870 --> 00:10:56,720 Grace, watch out! Behind them! - Wait, right? 146 00:10:56,820 --> 00:10:58,360 They are to return! Well, will it soon? 147 00:10:58,530 --> 00:11:00,270 What do you want? - Stand still! 148 00:11:00,370 --> 00:11:02,400 Away from here! Fast! Disappear all! 149 00:11:06,410 --> 00:11:07,490 Take that! 150 00:11:09,370 --> 00:11:12,240 Sir, it looks like a bomb. - Are you beating us the same way? 151 00:11:12,340 --> 00:11:13,530 Get your backpack away from here! 152 00:11:13,710 --> 00:11:16,120 What did he do? This is a civilian! 153 00:11:16,220 --> 00:11:17,700 Go back, then No one will be hurt! 154 00:11:17,800 --> 00:11:19,620 If not, beaten You then like him? 155 00:11:20,680 --> 00:11:21,840 Scum! 156 00:11:25,350 --> 00:11:26,350 No! 157 00:11:32,600 --> 00:11:33,600 No! 158 00:11:34,610 --> 00:11:36,020 No! No! 159 00:11:44,570 --> 00:11:45,570 No! 160 00:11:46,080 --> 00:11:48,440 Sir, it is too numerous Violent outbreaks between our troops 161 00:11:48,540 --> 00:11:50,650 And civilians. It Is no longer visible, 162 00:11:50,750 --> 00:11:53,660 Who is the terrorist and who Rebel. A complete chaos. 163 00:12:08,770 --> 00:12:15,001 Get out with the drones! We need violence Even if there are death sacrifices. 164 00:12:16,520 --> 00:12:18,390 Give our men instructions, 165 00:12:18,570 --> 00:12:20,150 Retreat and the command To wait for counter-attack. 166 00:12:20,320 --> 00:12:22,610 Sir, you mean, you authorize us, 167 00:12:22,780 --> 00:12:25,570 Deadly violence against the Civilian population? 168 00:12:26,320 --> 00:12:28,990 When the mob to attack Is ready on my men, 169 00:12:29,160 --> 00:12:32,450 He has himself . As I see it, 170 00:12:32,620 --> 00:12:35,320 These rebels make a serious one Threat to internal peace 171 00:12:35,420 --> 00:12:38,370 And are thus the enemy. The president Has given me authority to provide for peace, 172 00:12:38,540 --> 00:12:42,710 As I think it is right. I So repeat: Fire into the crowd! 173 00:12:53,140 --> 00:12:54,300 Patterson! 174 00:13:05,780 --> 00:13:08,360 Let's see when the protest stops. 175 00:13:15,330 --> 00:13:18,450 Jessica, you're sure that It goes to the main street? 176 00:13:18,630 --> 00:13:20,960 Stay cool, Sam! I have Which has already been done a thousand times. 177 00:13:21,130 --> 00:13:23,500 You know that I am under House arrest, 178 00:13:23,600 --> 00:13:25,010 If they catch me again. 179 00:13:25,170 --> 00:13:28,170 Oh, it does not come that far. I have Already eight times the exit locks 180 00:13:28,340 --> 00:13:29,590 And was quoted only once. 181 00:13:29,800 --> 00:13:33,090 You! I do not have so much Happiness. Or as much coal as you. 182 00:13:34,850 --> 00:13:37,001 Apart from that, I will Kill my brother, 183 00:13:37,190 --> 00:13:38,600 When I am invited again. 184 00:13:38,810 --> 00:13:41,270 Stop worrying do. I keep an eye on you. 185 00:13:41,480 --> 00:13:44,230 We're going to Erics now Party and let it crack. 186 00:13:44,440 --> 00:13:46,900 And with a bit of luck He asks you to sleep. 187 00:13:47,070 --> 00:13:48,110 Oh, stop it! 188 00:13:49,280 --> 00:13:50,770 Stop! Stop! 189 00:13:52,160 --> 00:13:53,950 Stand up and hands up! 190 00:13:54,700 --> 00:13:59,040 On the ground! Come on the ground! No movement! 191 00:14:05,090 --> 00:14:08,670 According to clause 673 of the Safety Act For the freedom of the citizens 192 00:14:08,840 --> 00:14:11,260 You now stand for exactly 30 days under house arrest, 193 00:14:11,430 --> 00:14:14,670 Because you as minors against The exit lock. 194 00:14:15,730 --> 00:14:18,970 You may be at the class To which you are logged in, 195 00:14:19,190 --> 00:14:22,680 But the "NORCORP Security service "of your residential area 196 00:14:22,780 --> 00:14:25,440 There and back home. 197 00:14:26,360 --> 00:14:29,600 Infringements of house arrest Lead directly to juvenile. 198 00:14:29,780 --> 00:14:32,150 Do you understand and follow the requirements? 199 00:14:38,160 --> 00:14:40,700 Now go home. 200 00:14:58,560 --> 00:15:00,300 Have a nice evening? 201 00:15:03,110 --> 00:15:05,970 Yes. I was with Jessica. 202 00:15:08,400 --> 00:15:10,110 Did something happen? 203 00:15:11,610 --> 00:15:14,810 No. All good. 204 00:15:17,080 --> 00:15:19,070 We all came home well. 205 00:15:33,180 --> 00:15:38,340 I'm glad to see you. I am real Glad you can not do anything. 206 00:15:38,520 --> 00:15:40,800 Yes. That's me, too. 207 00:15:41,440 --> 00:15:42,720 Are you all right? 208 00:15:44,110 --> 00:15:49,900 Yes. All right, I am only tired. From work. 209 00:15:50,490 --> 00:15:53,570 I have not been around for a long time More prayed and prayed, 210 00:15:53,740 --> 00:15:55,200 That nothing happens. 211 00:15:55,990 --> 00:16:01,990 OK. I am writing an important one tomorrow History and must be really fit. 212 00:16:02,170 --> 00:16:06,910 That's why I'm going now Better to go to bed immediately. 213 00:16:10,010 --> 00:16:11,540 Sleep well, Sam! 214 00:16:16,350 --> 00:16:19,550 "Two weeks later" 215 00:16:23,980 --> 00:16:29,020 Moment! Nice slow, so I got it Can be accommodated. It's about your neighbors? 216 00:16:29,190 --> 00:16:32,310 What's his name? If you Please spell it. 217 00:16:33,200 --> 00:16:35,530 Sir, civilian resistance groups Have this morning 218 00:16:35,700 --> 00:16:37,690 Again a "NORCORP" building. 219 00:16:37,870 --> 00:16:40,280 Again? What did they take with them? 220 00:16:40,380 --> 00:16:44,290 Weapons and ammunition, combat suits And supply delivery vehicles. 221 00:16:44,750 --> 00:16:46,790 Let us get signals from the Installed direction finders? 222 00:16:47,710 --> 00:16:49,540 Negative, have been disabled. 223 00:16:51,010 --> 00:16:52,870 They are getting smarter from time to time. 224 00:17:12,030 --> 00:17:13,640 Colonel Smith. 225 00:17:14,490 --> 00:17:15,490 What? 226 00:17:16,950 --> 00:17:19,820 The Server. 227 00:17:20,450 --> 00:17:22,990 Disable the security system. 228 00:17:24,080 --> 00:17:28,420 Yes. Naturally. Authority. 229 00:17:40,850 --> 00:17:42,840 "NORCORP hazard monitoring" 230 00:17:44,980 --> 00:17:46,510 Great God, what is that? 231 00:17:50,570 --> 00:17:52,560 "Potential religious extremist" 232 00:17:54,440 --> 00:17:58,030 "Assessment of the facts: in progress" 233 00:18:03,410 --> 00:18:06,120 "Gatekeeper load ..." "Finished" 234 00:18:14,130 --> 00:18:17,540 Patterson! Are you Finished with the cleansing? 235 00:18:17,720 --> 00:18:18,720 Yes! 236 00:18:21,600 --> 00:18:24,510 If you would allow me, I'd like to Breathe fresh air for a minute. 237 00:18:26,520 --> 00:18:29,930 Check times the system! On All unauthorized activities. 238 00:18:33,270 --> 00:18:37,600 The system responds Not. Total crash. 239 00:18:37,700 --> 00:18:40,490 Someone named Gatekeeper Has blocked everything here. 240 00:18:53,710 --> 00:18:55,120 So what's going on? 241 00:18:55,760 --> 00:18:57,250 Hey! Answer me! 242 00:18:58,800 --> 00:19:02,380 Pack your things quickly! Listen! I Standing on a list of potential threats. 243 00:19:02,550 --> 00:19:04,670 In less than an hour They will search the house. 244 00:19:04,770 --> 00:19:06,760 Find any Religious objects or books, 245 00:19:06,930 --> 00:19:08,970 Bring me with that Resistance. 246 00:19:09,140 --> 00:19:11,550 But you're working But for the government. 247 00:19:11,650 --> 00:19:14,550 Sam, it'll be very soon Great changes. 248 00:19:14,650 --> 00:19:17,570 The people I work for do Terrible things in the name of security. 249 00:19:17,740 --> 00:19:21,020 The decisions they make, Bring the population heavily into rage. 250 00:19:23,620 --> 00:19:26,150 The military suspects everyone, To blame for the violence. 251 00:19:26,330 --> 00:19:27,740 Everyone who is only in the Closest similarity 252 00:19:27,840 --> 00:19:32,030 With the fanatical terror cells. It is getting more and more out of control. 253 00:19:32,130 --> 00:19:34,750 You are trying to counter any evidence To find in their way. 254 00:19:50,350 --> 00:19:52,310 Finished? - Yes. 255 00:19:55,440 --> 00:19:56,980 Sam, go to the pantry! 256 00:19:57,650 --> 00:19:59,810 Sam, Sam, go, go, go, go! 257 00:20:32,980 --> 00:20:34,220 Everything okay? 258 00:20:50,910 --> 00:20:55,080 You're controlling these things. Can You do not somehow get from heaven? 259 00:20:55,250 --> 00:20:56,490 No more cartridge. 260 00:20:59,380 --> 00:21:00,710 It's your turn. 261 00:21:15,640 --> 00:21:16,850 Come on, go! 262 00:21:17,480 --> 00:21:20,770 Connect to "NORCORP"! Search A picture of Patterson 263 00:21:20,940 --> 00:21:23,560 And place it on any holoboard. - Yes, sir. 264 00:21:23,940 --> 00:21:27,110 Join me with RZ-9 And his extinguishers. 265 00:21:27,620 --> 00:21:30,230 The job must be fast and easy Clean. 266 00:21:31,950 --> 00:21:35,700 "Sector 77- Combat Zone Outer territory " 267 00:21:40,170 --> 00:21:44,710 So, guys! It is a Lightning strike. Find and destroy. 268 00:21:45,090 --> 00:21:46,710 What about the girl? 269 00:21:46,810 --> 00:21:51,250 We should only overwhelm them, not kill. As soon as we get there, it is cleared up. 270 00:21:58,520 --> 00:22:00,120 "Load" 271 00:22:00,560 --> 00:22:01,900 "Finished" 272 00:22:05,650 --> 00:22:07,390 and what are we doing now? 273 00:22:07,490 --> 00:22:09,650 I wanted something More time. 274 00:22:25,380 --> 00:22:26,870 We're in the ass! 275 00:22:28,380 --> 00:22:29,970 They have us special forces On the neck. 276 00:22:30,140 --> 00:22:31,140 What? 277 00:22:32,760 --> 00:22:33,920 Down! 278 00:22:36,140 --> 00:22:39,760 Men put down! Aircraft back to base! 279 00:22:48,740 --> 00:22:51,940 Alpha Team takes the aisle to the left, Bravo and I take the aisle to the right. 280 00:22:52,040 --> 00:22:54,830 We swarm to the sides of the warehouse out. If they want to leave the building, 281 00:22:54,990 --> 00:22:57,110 We cut them the Escape route. Roger that? 282 00:22:59,370 --> 00:23:01,530 Excuse me, sir. We Were stopped outside. 283 00:23:01,630 --> 00:23:03,700 But that was time. your Just behind me. 284 00:23:03,800 --> 00:23:05,330 Yes, sir. - Forward! 285 00:23:37,410 --> 00:23:39,990 New model. Nice. 286 00:24:00,060 --> 00:24:01,470 Back back! 287 00:24:02,770 --> 00:24:04,560 Let's go! 288 00:24:15,070 --> 00:24:16,570 Back in front! Back in front! 289 00:24:40,140 --> 00:24:42,100 Do not shoot! Staying still! 290 00:24:46,560 --> 00:24:51,730 Here is my sister. Samantha Endcott is here with me. 291 00:24:53,280 --> 00:24:55,600 She did not do anything. - No. 292 00:24:55,700 --> 00:24:57,440 I forced her to come. 293 00:24:57,540 --> 00:24:58,650 What are you talking about, man? 294 00:24:58,750 --> 00:25:03,660 She had no choice. she comes Now to you. Do not shoot, please! 295 00:25:04,420 --> 00:25:06,200 Then you can arrest me. 296 00:25:10,380 --> 00:25:12,250 Let them go! 297 00:25:13,510 --> 00:25:14,830 You're welcome! I stay with you! I... 298 00:25:14,930 --> 00:25:16,800 Please trust me, okay? Trust me! 299 00:25:30,820 --> 00:25:31,820 Sam! 300 00:25:32,320 --> 00:25:35,060 It's OK. Sam, is okay. 301 00:25:41,870 --> 00:25:45,860 Patterson Endcott, you come Now get out, otherwise we'll kill you. 302 00:25:48,250 --> 00:25:52,620 No. No, I'm not coming out, When I can talk to Commander Smith. 303 00:25:53,260 --> 00:25:55,540 I have something he would like. 304 00:25:55,720 --> 00:25:58,550 We do not make any games. It's over. Come out! 305 00:25:59,470 --> 00:26:03,380 The future of the whole Land is in my hands. 306 00:26:04,480 --> 00:26:07,340 Set one Link to Smith! 307 00:26:07,560 --> 00:26:13,400 If he wants to repair what I want Have done! End of the announcement! 308 00:26:14,400 --> 00:26:16,520 Somebody's getting him out of there. 309 00:27:00,610 --> 00:27:02,280 Patterson, do I accept? 310 00:27:03,080 --> 00:27:05,660 Who are you? - Oh! No manners! 311 00:27:10,460 --> 00:27:12,290 Your new best friend. 312 00:27:16,090 --> 00:27:18,450 Does he have a name? - Call me Jack! 313 00:27:18,550 --> 00:27:19,710 All good? - Yes. 314 00:27:20,510 --> 00:27:22,130 You are the one from the television. 315 00:27:22,850 --> 00:27:25,960 Jack Taylor. leader Of the national resistance. 316 00:27:26,060 --> 00:27:28,720 Belly. - He's a terrorist. 317 00:27:29,430 --> 00:27:32,180 And you're both now, too. 318 00:27:33,730 --> 00:27:36,390 Your terrorist group has Innocent people. 319 00:27:36,490 --> 00:27:39,680 You two weeks ago Fights in sector 16. 320 00:27:42,570 --> 00:27:47,190 Believe that from me! But I Have you saved your life. 321 00:27:50,250 --> 00:27:54,830 If you two come with us, or stay In the dead? OK. We're leaving! 322 00:27:59,510 --> 00:28:02,000 Everything is safe. - Does everyone know where he is going? 323 00:28:02,180 --> 00:28:03,760 Yes, sir. - Good. 324 00:28:05,140 --> 00:28:11,230 You join us? Cunning Your Faces are on all holoboards. 325 00:28:11,730 --> 00:28:14,420 You are more known than I am. - How did you find us? 326 00:28:14,520 --> 00:28:16,470 We also have hackers among us. 327 00:28:20,570 --> 00:28:25,030 Here. I'm not such a scary type. 328 00:28:27,910 --> 00:28:31,200 What you did before in Commander Said, is true, or not? 329 00:28:31,370 --> 00:28:32,700 You have something. 330 00:28:32,920 --> 00:28:37,460 Its possible. But maybe I'm bluffing Also only good when it comes to the whole. 331 00:28:42,420 --> 00:28:45,870 You are a bad poker player. Our sovereign power strikes. 332 00:28:45,970 --> 00:28:47,510 You should stay with us! 333 00:28:49,180 --> 00:28:50,960 How can we trust you? 334 00:28:51,060 --> 00:28:55,730 Does not look as if you have one Other choice. Come on! Enter! 335 00:29:21,920 --> 00:29:25,120 No survivors? - No, I'm sorry, sir. All dead. 336 00:29:25,220 --> 00:29:28,510 Who is the commanding officer? Who is the commanding officer? 337 00:29:28,680 --> 00:29:29,800 That's me, sir. 338 00:29:30,390 --> 00:29:34,510 Your inability has just over 400 Millions of people in danger! 339 00:29:34,610 --> 00:29:38,220 Did you understand? If They have understood me? 340 00:29:40,270 --> 00:29:43,640 If I were entitled to do so, I would shoot you right away. 341 00:29:48,120 --> 00:29:50,270 RZ-9, are there new? 342 00:29:50,370 --> 00:29:54,320 Negative, sir. They are with resistance fighters Who looked like ours. 343 00:29:54,500 --> 00:29:57,410 We have underestimated how effective The small cells have become. 344 00:29:57,580 --> 00:30:00,370 Say what has Endcott in his possession? 345 00:30:00,590 --> 00:30:04,630 This exceeds your competency, RZ-9. They are just to bring the two back. 346 00:30:04,800 --> 00:30:08,000 This does not require that You know what he carries with him. 347 00:30:08,100 --> 00:30:10,090 We just have to Necessarily return. 348 00:30:17,390 --> 00:30:23,110 No GPS, no technology. We Make it grandfather-style. 349 00:30:23,820 --> 00:30:27,480 This is safe area. Our goal is 70 miles from here, 350 00:30:27,580 --> 00:30:30,190 Near the mountain border. If we go there Are, we can with weapons 351 00:30:30,290 --> 00:30:32,980 And ammunition. Then Meet us with the Second Unit, 352 00:30:33,160 --> 00:30:36,320 To take us to the safe area The red zone. 353 00:30:36,420 --> 00:30:37,580 Red zone? 354 00:30:37,750 --> 00:30:40,120 There we have the orphans Murdered people. 355 00:30:40,290 --> 00:30:42,360 Government agencies Do not know about it. 356 00:30:42,460 --> 00:30:45,330 Otherwise they would already have Months of their drones. 357 00:30:45,510 --> 00:30:48,500 They tell a pile of scrap, As far as the government is concerned. 358 00:30:48,600 --> 00:30:50,290 As if you were just around A better one. 359 00:30:50,470 --> 00:30:53,000 Innocent people had to The last few weeks, 360 00:30:53,100 --> 00:30:56,590 Thanks to such guys as you guys. So far I know you've been that. 361 00:30:57,850 --> 00:31:00,810 Give me and Mr. Endcott a second. 362 00:31:10,910 --> 00:31:14,650 Listen! We two have to The wrong foot. 363 00:31:14,870 --> 00:31:17,900 We're not friends, okay? you Is not interested in our safety 364 00:31:18,000 --> 00:31:20,990 Nor our freedom, you are interested Just what I have in my possession. 365 00:31:21,170 --> 00:31:22,410 There is some truth in it. 366 00:31:23,380 --> 00:31:27,210 You want to be a freedom fighter? The only difference between you 367 00:31:27,380 --> 00:31:29,420 And a drone is that You can not fly. 368 00:31:29,590 --> 00:31:35,130 Who saved your life? If You consider us as bad as those, 369 00:31:35,640 --> 00:31:39,180 Be with your sister from. But if you believe, 370 00:31:39,350 --> 00:31:42,890 With our country Something not, if you mean, 371 00:31:43,060 --> 00:31:47,310 We both might be up Same page, you are welcome. 372 00:31:47,900 --> 00:31:49,860 But show me what you have. 373 00:31:53,200 --> 00:31:55,610 If it's up to you Nice tour does not work, okay! 374 00:31:55,780 --> 00:31:58,700 Your sister's with you No chance to survive. 375 00:31:59,500 --> 00:32:02,460 I can not be good conscience Allow you to take them with you. 376 00:32:04,750 --> 00:32:06,790 Now you've been awake, huh? 377 00:32:06,890 --> 00:32:08,250 If you are only close to ... 378 00:32:08,460 --> 00:32:11,300 No one has the intention to hand To your sister. 379 00:32:12,720 --> 00:32:14,380 But you know I'm right. 380 00:32:16,560 --> 00:32:21,520 Listen, I'm here your friend. Probably your only one at the time. 381 00:32:23,310 --> 00:32:25,180 You just have to trust me, man. 382 00:32:25,280 --> 00:32:29,980 Whatever you think of my methods We pursue the same goal. 383 00:32:48,380 --> 00:32:49,960 We want to go to Canada. 384 00:32:52,420 --> 00:32:54,710 Clear! I'll take care of that. 385 00:32:57,550 --> 00:33:01,970 Total failure of the system. No drone Flies more, no more clearing up. 386 00:33:02,560 --> 00:33:03,800 The resistance? 387 00:33:03,900 --> 00:33:08,310 No idea. Smith does not speak about that. Second, here we have something. 388 00:33:09,110 --> 00:33:10,770 "Samantha Endcott - on Probation, track transmitter installed " 389 00:33:10,870 --> 00:33:13,180 She is wearing a direction finder? - Looks like. 390 00:33:13,570 --> 00:33:16,230 Why no one asked on the spot, Before they send us here? 391 00:33:16,700 --> 00:33:19,530 The failure of the central computer has To be blind to us for hours. 392 00:33:19,700 --> 00:33:20,820 Where is it? 393 00:33:20,990 --> 00:33:24,490 She goes to the north-west on the mountains to. They flee to the Red Zone. 394 00:33:24,660 --> 00:33:29,030 Probably to Canada. I would also do. There is a place between them 395 00:33:29,210 --> 00:33:32,700 And the border with the neighboring country. Such a sort of abandoned city. 396 00:33:34,090 --> 00:33:35,670 Go on, guys! 397 00:33:43,930 --> 00:33:47,100 What's wrong, Sam? - I am terribly itching my leg. 398 00:33:51,400 --> 00:33:53,270 Sam, what is that? 399 00:33:55,450 --> 00:33:58,860 I'm so sorry, Pat Tell you last night, 400 00:33:58,960 --> 00:34:01,860 But I totally forgot it. I am so, so, so, so sorry! 401 00:34:01,960 --> 00:34:04,400 What shoud that? - Let me! 402 00:34:04,500 --> 00:34:05,900 Let her go! Jack! 403 00:34:06,000 --> 00:34:07,620 Jack! No! 404 00:34:07,830 --> 00:34:08,760 No! 405 00:34:08,860 --> 00:34:10,530 No! No! 406 00:34:15,840 --> 00:34:18,630 That's exactly what I meant before. 407 00:34:20,260 --> 00:34:24,880 Trust. The chic Now a combat unit. 408 00:34:25,390 --> 00:34:28,090 The long distance drones hab I put out of action. 409 00:34:28,190 --> 00:34:30,930 We need to be safe House. Let's go, boys! 410 00:34:31,110 --> 00:34:33,100 We have a long way to go! Come on! 411 00:34:55,920 --> 00:34:56,920 He. 412 00:34:59,590 --> 00:35:02,210 Do you remember how we are with Dad And Mom always went to church? 413 00:35:04,110 --> 00:35:06,350 Yes. Naturally. 414 00:35:07,520 --> 00:35:09,380 The last time I saw the two 415 00:35:09,560 --> 00:35:12,140 when they took me to the Christian holiday camp. 416 00:35:12,860 --> 00:35:16,850 I wanted to stay at home with mine Friends, but they insisted, 417 00:35:17,030 --> 00:35:18,230 That I drive. 418 00:35:20,950 --> 00:35:23,060 I could not say good-bye. 419 00:35:24,240 --> 00:35:31,210 The next day they went to work. It had already happened. It went so fast. 420 00:35:31,960 --> 00:35:36,830 Your last memory of the encounter With me was that I immediately turned around 421 00:35:37,420 --> 00:35:40,710 And have tried so fast As possible. 422 00:35:42,510 --> 00:35:43,800 Come here! 423 00:35:50,560 --> 00:35:53,020 I do not want to lose you. 424 00:35:56,650 --> 00:36:06,150 You will not. I have trust, That we are going to be able to overcome this. 425 00:36:08,160 --> 00:36:10,620 You can say that, but I am old enough to know, 426 00:36:10,790 --> 00:36:12,370 That it may be different. 427 00:36:15,380 --> 00:36:20,590 He. We're almost there. From Now on it gets quite bumpy. 428 00:36:31,310 --> 00:36:33,520 This is supposed to be a joke, huh? 429 00:36:40,280 --> 00:36:43,820 Here! You will need that. Here! 430 00:36:44,320 --> 00:36:46,810 Are you serious? - Yes. 431 00:36:46,910 --> 00:36:48,820 I do not know how to use such a thing. 432 00:36:49,790 --> 00:36:53,370 Press the lever down, You're already in business. 433 00:36:53,540 --> 00:36:55,580 Tell me how have you made it, 434 00:36:55,750 --> 00:36:58,960 The leader of a successful Resistance group? 435 00:36:59,880 --> 00:37:03,370 I have the lever down and Pushed And was in business. 436 00:37:03,760 --> 00:37:06,050 Where are the orphans, To whom you have spoken? 437 00:37:08,300 --> 00:37:09,800 There are no orphans. 438 00:37:10,560 --> 00:37:14,680 I beg your pardon? What? Why do you tell Me from orphans, if there are none here? 439 00:37:14,850 --> 00:37:16,220 How can I trust you? 440 00:37:18,060 --> 00:37:22,100 I have not said that here ever Which were. Only now are none here. 441 00:37:23,990 --> 00:37:26,570 Here! They fall Like a colorful dog. 442 00:37:28,990 --> 00:37:30,950 Come on, come on! It goes on! 443 00:37:57,440 --> 00:37:59,100 Quick back to the house! 444 00:37:59,270 --> 00:38:02,230 Runs already! Forward, Forward, Forward! Come on! 445 00:38:02,940 --> 00:38:04,930 Run back! - Let's get out of here quickly! 446 00:38:25,090 --> 00:38:28,050 10 to 15 people. Soot, She and Will take the middle. 447 00:38:28,220 --> 00:38:30,630 I follow the target person. - Okay. - Okay. 448 00:38:35,060 --> 00:38:36,390 Get ready to cover! 449 00:38:46,570 --> 00:38:48,280 Stop it! They are three. 450 00:38:56,410 --> 00:38:57,530 Come here! 451 00:38:59,250 --> 00:39:00,540 Gadding! - Gadding! 452 00:39:02,500 --> 00:39:03,500 Down! 453 00:39:03,670 --> 00:39:05,330 The ammunition is ours! 454 00:39:26,190 --> 00:39:28,100 Go on! I get supplies. - Yes. 455 00:39:30,780 --> 00:39:32,990 We need the transporter shoot down. He is their enlightener. 456 00:39:33,160 --> 00:39:35,400 Rocket launchers! Greg, get him down! 457 00:39:40,960 --> 00:39:42,490 Will, take care! To the left! 458 00:39:52,550 --> 00:39:53,550 OK. 459 00:40:05,440 --> 00:40:06,650 Down! 460 00:40:28,710 --> 00:40:30,160 I can distract them. - Do it! 461 00:40:30,260 --> 00:40:31,790 Watch out for Sam! - Come on! 462 00:40:31,890 --> 00:40:33,630 Pat! Pat! 463 00:40:34,930 --> 00:40:38,670 Russ, caution, behind Them! Russ, behind you! 464 00:40:38,770 --> 00:40:41,710 Briggs, you're coming with me! Eklund, take care of her! 465 00:40:41,810 --> 00:40:43,130 Yes, sir! - Come on! 466 00:41:03,670 --> 00:41:05,120 Retreat! 467 00:41:07,000 --> 00:41:07,930 Give it to me! 468 00:41:08,030 --> 00:41:09,710 Back, Russ! Back! 469 00:41:10,710 --> 00:41:12,630 Briggs, give us fire protection! 470 00:41:16,510 --> 00:41:17,510 Soot! 471 00:41:18,930 --> 00:41:20,590 Come back! 472 00:41:22,480 --> 00:41:23,480 Hey! 473 00:41:24,350 --> 00:41:25,350 No! 474 00:41:28,360 --> 00:41:29,360 No! 475 00:41:35,950 --> 00:41:38,060 Back! Want! 476 00:41:39,870 --> 00:41:41,610 Away from here! - Fast fast fast! 477 00:41:41,790 --> 00:41:42,790 Fast fast! 478 00:42:08,440 --> 00:42:10,850 Want! Retreat! 479 00:42:12,820 --> 00:42:15,690 Come! We retreat! 480 00:42:24,790 --> 00:42:28,870 We go towards the mountains. There is still waiting A group in the forest looking at us. Forward! 481 00:43:12,670 --> 00:43:13,950 Check it out! 482 00:43:14,380 --> 00:43:15,740 How much ammo still? 483 00:43:15,920 --> 00:43:17,580 This is the last I do not have more. 484 00:43:17,760 --> 00:43:18,920 I do not have much more. 485 00:43:21,050 --> 00:43:23,260 Here! What about you two? 486 00:43:24,680 --> 00:43:26,300 We can not go so far. 487 00:43:28,850 --> 00:43:32,850 Do you have an alternative? The Will not stop chasing us. 488 00:43:33,610 --> 00:43:36,770 Did not you get it? The Have really spoiled us, the guys. 489 00:43:36,940 --> 00:43:38,860 And of those are still Two remained. 490 00:43:39,030 --> 00:43:41,190 Another attack We can not cope. 491 00:43:48,960 --> 00:43:52,780 They do not attack us again at. They wait until night comes 492 00:43:52,880 --> 00:43:58,000 And take one after the Others. Silently and quietly. 493 00:43:59,420 --> 00:44:04,130 To prevent this, stay We together and are very quiet. 494 00:44:05,560 --> 00:44:10,140 Will be a long night. No sleep for us, boys! 495 00:44:10,890 --> 00:44:12,980 Look for survivors! 496 00:44:44,800 --> 00:44:46,890 I've seen who killed Russ. 497 00:44:47,050 --> 00:44:50,510 Derselbe, who, during the unrest in Sector 16 has shot the soldier. 498 00:44:51,560 --> 00:44:53,890 He belongs to those who L.A. have bombed? 499 00:44:55,310 --> 00:44:56,520 Would be plausible. 500 00:44:56,690 --> 00:44:58,100 How is it going on? 501 00:45:00,030 --> 00:45:04,100 We wait until night Will and beat. 502 00:45:04,200 --> 00:45:06,110 You will reckon with us. 503 00:45:29,600 --> 00:45:32,090 Central, here RZ-9. Ask for clarification. 504 00:45:36,810 --> 00:45:41,560 A second group comes from the north. divide You up and turn it off! 505 00:45:41,980 --> 00:45:43,230 Roger that. 506 00:45:44,900 --> 00:45:48,150 You to the north-east, I follow Northwest. We take them into the tongs. 507 00:45:48,320 --> 00:45:49,320 Roger that. 508 00:45:50,580 --> 00:45:53,070 If you are with the target person in Contact come, do not attack! 509 00:45:53,170 --> 00:45:54,410 Did you understand? 510 00:45:55,830 --> 00:45:58,540 Want! Did you understand me? 511 00:45:59,380 --> 00:46:00,580 Yes, sir. 512 00:46:02,210 --> 00:46:03,210 Come on. 513 00:46:40,040 --> 00:46:42,500 Stay calm! All stay calm! All good. 514 00:46:43,710 --> 00:46:45,330 How far is it? 515 00:46:45,970 --> 00:46:50,960 I say times an hour, at most two. Should be at dawn. 516 00:47:03,730 --> 00:47:05,600 That was probably only one Animal, I suppose. 517 00:47:05,820 --> 00:47:06,820 Go on! 518 00:47:08,900 --> 00:47:09,900 Jack? 519 00:47:11,910 --> 00:47:13,240 Eklund! - Sir! 520 00:47:14,120 --> 00:47:16,240 Where is Webber? - He is gone. 521 00:47:16,620 --> 00:47:17,620 Sir 522 00:47:21,630 --> 00:47:23,040 This is the other group. 523 00:47:29,760 --> 00:47:31,050 Damn it. 524 00:47:31,590 --> 00:47:33,090 Those were the guys. 525 00:47:33,640 --> 00:47:35,590 Do not breathe so loud, Sam! 526 00:47:39,480 --> 00:47:40,480 Will. 527 00:47:43,520 --> 00:47:46,690 Welcome! Over Will! 528 00:47:56,330 --> 00:47:58,570 Eklund, what does it look like? 529 00:47:59,410 --> 00:48:02,370 Eclun ... eyes after Back God damned. 530 00:49:12,110 --> 00:49:15,320 Two are gone, one remains. 531 00:49:17,870 --> 00:49:21,030 Who's out there? - RZ-9. 532 00:49:22,710 --> 00:49:26,290 RZ-9. Our last chance. 533 00:49:29,800 --> 00:49:31,250 Gatekeeper. 534 00:49:32,260 --> 00:49:34,840 The system check has shown, That the Gatekeeper program 535 00:49:35,010 --> 00:49:37,300 Only the speed of the Has slowed down. 536 00:49:37,510 --> 00:49:40,420 That is, Patterson is Much duller than assumed. 537 00:49:40,520 --> 00:49:43,590 No, he is not stupid. He's up to something. 538 00:49:44,310 --> 00:49:47,180 What if they were doubled? 539 00:50:03,000 --> 00:50:04,610 Do you see up there? 540 00:50:05,750 --> 00:50:08,330 The cross is everything From an ancient monument 541 00:50:08,500 --> 00:50:10,210 Is still left for the children. 542 00:50:12,250 --> 00:50:15,710 It is a landmark before the Last miles to the Red Zone. 543 00:50:15,880 --> 00:50:19,250 It is off the road. Is From a distance. 544 00:50:20,890 --> 00:50:24,550 He. The sight means you after the Last night probably more than me. 545 00:50:25,680 --> 00:50:27,300 Jack! Jack! 546 00:50:27,900 --> 00:50:29,560 Where are the others? 547 00:50:29,730 --> 00:50:36,100 Path. Dead. We had spread. The All night long I heard shots, 548 00:50:36,200 --> 00:50:40,570 every few minutes. Bin Probably the only one left. 549 00:50:42,030 --> 00:50:44,320 Jack! Jack, how late is it? 550 00:50:46,620 --> 00:50:48,570 Could be about seven o'clock, why? 551 00:50:48,670 --> 00:50:50,490 The defense system would have to To be intact again. 552 00:50:50,670 --> 00:50:53,210 They send their drones and airships Come on. We can not stay here. 553 00:50:56,550 --> 00:51:00,040 Come on! Only to A short meeting. 554 00:51:02,850 --> 00:51:04,130 Only they. 555 00:51:04,310 --> 00:51:05,800 But Jack! 556 00:51:05,980 --> 00:51:09,590 Sam. Sam. Just a minute. 557 00:51:18,570 --> 00:51:22,910 I would like the situation in which we are stuck, Do not talk beautifully. It looks bad. 558 00:51:24,160 --> 00:51:26,780 The rest of my team is Beyond the mountain pass. 559 00:51:26,950 --> 00:51:30,540 And no one can give us escort protection on this last stretch of our way. 560 00:51:31,710 --> 00:51:35,870 When they find us, we're all in there. Whatever you have in your possession, 561 00:51:36,090 --> 00:51:38,050 Then the game is for us all. 562 00:51:40,220 --> 00:51:43,630 I've been doing it for a couple of hours Thoughts about what we can do. 563 00:51:43,730 --> 00:51:46,800 And it's not perfect, though We have no other choice, 564 00:51:46,900 --> 00:51:48,390 As marching separately. 565 00:51:49,640 --> 00:51:51,640 What? No. 566 00:51:53,860 --> 00:51:57,300 No, Jack! What about Sam? 567 00:51:57,400 --> 00:52:00,980 It is not the main subject. They're looking for you. 568 00:52:01,700 --> 00:52:03,980 I go with her a way, on To which she is not in danger. 569 00:52:04,700 --> 00:52:07,230 You can go with it. We Meet us at the fork, 570 00:52:07,330 --> 00:52:10,110 Go together through the Red Zone and Bump into the rest of my command. 571 00:52:10,210 --> 00:52:13,120 Absolutely no way! I Do not leave Samantha in the lurch. 572 00:52:13,290 --> 00:52:14,450 Be reasonable! 573 00:52:14,630 --> 00:52:17,830 Reasonable? First, That I give you and your people, 574 00:52:17,930 --> 00:52:19,920 What I have, and now Ask me, too, 575 00:52:20,130 --> 00:52:21,840 To sacrifice my sister's life? 576 00:52:22,010 --> 00:52:24,500 The only one near Relatives I still have? 577 00:52:24,600 --> 00:52:28,670 If you give up now what was All worth it? Nothing at all! 578 00:52:28,850 --> 00:52:32,470 You will be next to your sister To die for nothing and nothing. 579 00:52:32,650 --> 00:52:34,930 She is my sister, Jack! 580 00:52:38,940 --> 00:52:41,930 I've seen what your Gatekeeper program. 581 00:52:42,030 --> 00:52:47,230 To complete system failure. I know, You have something big in your possession. 582 00:52:47,660 --> 00:52:49,570 And you know I'm right. 583 00:52:51,080 --> 00:52:55,670 I know you're afraid, but I do Take good care of your sister. 584 00:53:01,840 --> 00:53:07,710 Probably no other choice, what? And when I go on it? 585 00:53:07,810 --> 00:53:12,260 I bring them personally to Canada. Nothing will happen to her. 586 00:53:14,400 --> 00:53:19,390 Nice. She gets the backpack from me. 587 00:53:20,030 --> 00:53:23,140 Smith does not expect that I give it to a teenager. 588 00:53:26,320 --> 00:53:27,320 Sam! 589 00:53:34,580 --> 00:53:36,620 What's happening? Here goes But something. 590 00:53:36,790 --> 00:53:38,450 Nothing is going on here. We just adapt ourselves. 591 00:53:38,630 --> 00:53:40,790 Jack and you, you take another way. 592 00:53:41,840 --> 00:53:43,710 You mean as you? No! 593 00:53:44,260 --> 00:53:45,620 Sam. - No way! No! 594 00:53:45,840 --> 00:53:49,340 If we take separate paths and ourselves Only one extinguisher can follow, 595 00:53:50,720 --> 00:53:53,840 Then he will not follow you, Sam, But to me. This gives you more time. 596 00:53:54,020 --> 00:53:55,930 I do not want that You go on it. 597 00:53:58,610 --> 00:54:02,190 Then at least you have one Chance. I can not admit, 598 00:54:02,360 --> 00:54:08,980 Something happened to you, Sam. I have something here for you. 599 00:54:12,080 --> 00:54:18,670 Mom heard that. It comes from her Teenager's time. When she was as old as you. 600 00:54:18,830 --> 00:54:21,250 You have to take it, okay? 601 00:54:22,500 --> 00:54:24,870 Sam! Sam, Sam! 602 00:54:24,970 --> 00:54:29,420 You have to take it. You're welcome. It's more important than you know. 603 00:54:30,550 --> 00:54:33,670 Mom told me about the chain, When you went to the camp. 604 00:54:34,520 --> 00:54:39,260 She knew it was you heavy. We all knew. 605 00:54:43,150 --> 00:54:47,270 But she knew you were exaggerating. 606 00:54:48,030 --> 00:54:51,690 And understand how much dad and she you Loved how much I love you, 607 00:54:51,790 --> 00:54:54,910 And why we can not allow, That something bad befalls you. 608 00:55:23,610 --> 00:55:26,440 Patterson! Hostile Drone! We have to go! Come on! 609 00:55:29,660 --> 00:55:33,110 Sam! He is for you. You're taking him, okay? 610 00:55:33,330 --> 00:55:34,280 I... 611 00:55:34,380 --> 00:55:37,070 You can do it, Sam. Trust me! - Come on! 612 00:55:39,620 --> 00:55:41,330 Run! Come on! Path! 613 00:55:43,540 --> 00:55:45,660 Stay close to me! Forward! 614 00:56:02,230 --> 00:56:05,060 We must get out of this valley, Otherwise we are easy prey! 615 00:57:09,500 --> 00:57:12,750 If you kill me, you will You never find it in life. 616 00:57:12,930 --> 00:57:16,210 I shall probably still be able, To search your corpse. 617 00:57:17,470 --> 00:57:19,300 Just go, try it! 618 00:57:20,100 --> 00:57:21,760 You do not have it any more, huh? 619 00:57:23,440 --> 00:57:28,310 Where did you get it? Bury Submitted? 620 00:57:29,690 --> 00:57:31,230 Where is it? 621 00:57:32,320 --> 00:57:36,480 James, I always thought, You're much better. 622 00:57:38,780 --> 00:57:44,150 Let it be avoided Collateral damage is more important 623 00:57:44,250 --> 00:57:46,240 Than the fulfillment of your order. 624 00:57:49,960 --> 00:57:52,000 I was wrong already. 625 00:57:57,720 --> 00:58:02,970 There will be more like me. You and your corrupt government, 626 00:58:03,140 --> 00:58:08,640 You are at the end. In some Days there is a hellfire. 627 00:58:10,070 --> 00:58:16,560 It will rain down on you, and You can not do anything about it. 628 00:58:20,580 --> 00:58:22,610 I will prevent that. 629 00:58:37,050 --> 00:58:39,460 Target canceled. - Patterson? 630 00:58:40,680 --> 00:58:42,590 Yes, sir. He is dead. 631 00:58:46,890 --> 00:58:48,600 And what are we looking for? 632 00:58:49,150 --> 00:58:54,020 He passed it on. He spoke of An event that will occur, 633 00:58:54,190 --> 00:58:55,680 And we could do nothing. 634 00:58:55,780 --> 00:58:59,280 Our drones have two people Identified through the forest. 635 00:58:59,450 --> 00:59:02,410 Patterson's sister and Jack Taylor, the leader of the resistance. 636 00:59:02,580 --> 00:59:04,820 James, if we were Jack and that Search object, 637 00:59:05,000 --> 00:59:07,700 This is a devastating one Strike against the enemy. 638 00:59:08,120 --> 00:59:09,330 Yes, sir. 639 00:59:35,730 --> 00:59:40,350 With all due respect, sir, if I do Not even know what I'm looking for ... 640 00:59:40,570 --> 00:59:45,070 What that is is not of Matter You just need to know one thing: 641 00:59:45,240 --> 00:59:48,610 If these terrorists escaped, it was The attack on Los Angeles childbirth, 642 00:59:48,790 --> 00:59:51,530 Compared with what the to plan. Did they understand that? 643 01:00:09,980 --> 01:00:11,060 The little one? 644 01:00:11,600 --> 01:00:12,720 Kill. 645 01:00:12,900 --> 01:00:16,190 Sir She was through Endcott da with. 646 01:00:16,360 --> 01:00:18,270 She is a victim and not a goal, sir. 647 01:00:18,740 --> 01:00:24,150 Your comment has been heard, RZ-9, however Your commands remain the same: extinguish! 648 01:00:25,910 --> 01:00:27,030 Yes, sir. 649 01:00:27,240 --> 01:00:31,240 If we talk again, then Tell me about their elimination. 650 01:00:33,290 --> 01:00:35,120 Yes, sir. 651 01:00:47,930 --> 01:00:53,020 Do you know where we are? This one Was once a missile defense position, 652 01:00:53,520 --> 01:00:55,260 Then in the Cold War. 653 01:01:36,350 --> 01:01:39,810 If you are thinking that you can enjoy the right meal 654 01:01:39,980 --> 01:01:43,270 together with your brother tomorrow. 655 01:01:47,240 --> 01:01:48,820 I do not know. 656 01:01:49,030 --> 01:01:50,740 We will. 657 01:02:02,760 --> 01:02:05,170 You're cold. Here. 658 01:02:06,550 --> 01:02:07,880 Put them on! 659 01:02:09,010 --> 01:02:11,170 Take it! You have to keep yourself warm. 660 01:02:13,140 --> 01:02:14,340 Thank you. 661 01:02:15,440 --> 01:02:20,400 You know your brother and I are Not always and in all an opinion. 662 01:02:21,400 --> 01:02:24,810 But he has the meaning of that Understood what we are doing here. 663 01:02:25,570 --> 01:02:30,940 Sometimes you do what you need to do in the Hope to create a better world. 664 01:02:42,750 --> 01:02:45,290 You mean, you create A better world? 665 01:02:51,600 --> 01:02:52,800 I hope so. 666 01:02:56,180 --> 01:02:57,390 What's this? 667 01:03:23,630 --> 01:03:25,240 Sam, come on, quickly! 668 01:04:04,920 --> 01:04:05,920 Jack! 669 01:04:18,600 --> 01:04:20,140 We should go. 670 01:04:52,010 --> 01:04:56,040 Canada disturbs American signals. We are out of reach soon. 671 01:04:56,140 --> 01:04:57,550 Then we are almost there? 672 01:04:57,720 --> 01:05:03,090 Do not look too early. They are Is currently directed to visual contact. 673 01:05:09,110 --> 01:05:10,520 Troop transport. 674 01:05:11,280 --> 01:05:12,440 Back! 675 01:05:13,530 --> 01:05:14,900 Down, down! 676 01:05:18,990 --> 01:05:20,280 Is he gone? 677 01:05:25,540 --> 01:05:27,340 No. There. 678 01:05:28,380 --> 01:05:29,910 Who is this? 679 01:05:30,001 --> 01:05:34,380 At least no extinguisher. With the Split seems to have worked. 680 01:05:38,560 --> 01:05:39,970 Do not go! 681 01:06:43,160 --> 01:06:44,490 Where is the last one? 682 01:06:49,880 --> 01:06:50,880 Hey! 683 01:06:51,040 --> 01:06:53,950 Enemy fire ahead! Fire return! 684 01:06:54,050 --> 01:06:55,960 In cover! Fire from the left! 685 01:07:00,140 --> 01:07:01,720 Robert, grab them! 686 01:07:06,770 --> 01:07:08,380 Give it fire protection! 687 01:07:08,560 --> 01:07:09,680 Fire protection! 688 01:08:04,080 --> 01:08:07,070 Good. Very nice ballroom, but ... 689 01:08:10,790 --> 01:08:12,330 Everything okay? 690 01:08:13,130 --> 01:08:14,910 Yes, but... 691 01:08:21,090 --> 01:08:23,710 Are you hurt? - All good. 692 01:08:28,470 --> 01:08:29,470 OK. 693 01:08:35,860 --> 01:08:40,730 It is a small detour. I know there is a place, 694 01:08:42,200 --> 01:08:43,980 Where we can stay undisturbed. 695 01:08:45,030 --> 01:08:51,580 Come along! Come along! This way! Come on! 696 01:09:15,230 --> 01:09:19,640 Jack Taylor! What's going on? You here, cursed? 697 01:09:20,490 --> 01:09:22,320 Nice to see you, Beth. 698 01:09:22,490 --> 01:09:27,610 Yes for sure. So you are The reason for the whole air traffic. 699 01:09:28,910 --> 01:09:30,820 Do you like me again raushauen? 700 01:09:31,540 --> 01:09:34,280 You really are Away from no trouble. 701 01:09:36,750 --> 01:09:38,210 Come on in! 702 01:09:41,420 --> 01:09:43,000 Can we trust her? 703 01:09:44,800 --> 01:09:50,140 I do not trust anyone. But you still most likely. 704 01:10:31,140 --> 01:10:32,880 Is not she a bit young for you? 705 01:10:34,810 --> 01:10:36,180 He is good. 706 01:10:39,310 --> 01:10:42,270 I only accompany them to the Red Zone. 707 01:10:43,150 --> 01:10:44,730 What do you have to do with her? 708 01:10:55,370 --> 01:10:58,240 If you do not want to tell me ... - It's not like that. 709 01:11:03,420 --> 01:11:06,330 Her brother was a droning expert For the government, Beth. 710 01:11:07,010 --> 01:11:11,420 Until he was gone. He paralyzed her system. 711 01:11:11,600 --> 01:11:13,590 What? - At least temporarily. 712 01:11:13,690 --> 01:11:16,420 That changes everything, Jack. From this A war can develop. 713 01:11:16,520 --> 01:11:17,680 I know. 714 01:11:18,390 --> 01:11:19,970 How many dead, Jack? 715 01:11:20,070 --> 01:11:21,980 How much blood must be shed Before you finally see ... 716 01:11:22,150 --> 01:11:24,890 As much as is necessary. Including mine. 717 01:11:27,360 --> 01:11:29,320 I will not be there. 718 01:11:30,110 --> 01:11:31,950 Not even to fuck me? 719 01:11:32,740 --> 01:11:35,740 There are many grateful Survivors over there in Canada, 720 01:11:36,330 --> 01:11:38,570 Who would like to see her doctor again. 721 01:11:39,670 --> 01:11:41,830 I'm not a real doctor, Jack. 722 01:11:42,710 --> 01:11:45,370 I am a tablet woman, Which relieves pain. 723 01:11:46,300 --> 01:11:50,670 I do not see it. We Need people like you. 724 01:11:52,850 --> 01:11:56,090 I do not lead the wars Other people, Jack Taylor. 725 01:12:21,040 --> 01:12:22,580 Your first time? 726 01:12:24,380 --> 01:12:25,830 First thing? 727 01:12:26,340 --> 01:12:28,370 That you killed someone. 728 01:12:30,130 --> 01:12:31,330 Oh yeah. 729 01:12:33,510 --> 01:12:35,970 You do not look like A soldier on me. 730 01:12:47,360 --> 01:12:54,320 Killing others is not easy Thing. If you do it often enough, 731 01:12:54,490 --> 01:12:56,950 One will at any time Someone who is not one. 732 01:13:00,370 --> 01:13:03,080 I'm not going so soon Again to kill another. 733 01:13:04,080 --> 01:13:06,750 No idea where you're reingeraten, however You can stay here if you want. 734 01:13:06,920 --> 01:13:08,580 You do not have to go with Jack. 735 01:13:11,720 --> 01:13:13,800 I promised something. 736 01:13:17,510 --> 01:13:21,430 I would have someone to do something Promises to disagree. 737 01:13:26,400 --> 01:13:30,520 You can make it comfortable here Do it whenever you want, Sam. 738 01:14:38,140 --> 01:14:40,880 The second unit is to be built on the Agreed point with us. 739 01:14:41,060 --> 01:14:43,420 Provided the extinguishers Does not come between us. 740 01:14:43,520 --> 01:14:46,720 Possibly, but I have here No "NORCORP" people. 741 01:14:47,560 --> 01:14:49,770 However, no resistance group. 742 01:14:50,770 --> 01:14:54,810 Well. We're not going to First time a risk. 743 01:14:55,990 --> 01:14:58,270 I hold our chance For better than yours. 744 01:14:59,120 --> 01:15:01,020 Do not you think about it differently? 745 01:15:01,120 --> 01:15:04,190 No, I'll stay here. From my Family no one else is left. 746 01:15:04,370 --> 01:15:06,030 I'm not leaving. 747 01:15:14,340 --> 01:15:19,960 Hey, Jack! Take good care of yourself! 748 01:15:55,170 --> 01:15:59,170 This is the ridge. We Are almost in freedom. 749 01:15:59,800 --> 01:16:01,510 Well finally. 750 01:16:02,720 --> 01:16:04,790 Come along! What's happening? 751 01:16:04,890 --> 01:16:07,930 Here is the agreed meeting place been. Here is something lazy. 752 01:16:08,430 --> 01:16:09,430 Stop! 753 01:16:11,310 --> 01:16:14,180 Explain yourself! Point Yourself! Who are you? 754 01:16:14,440 --> 01:16:18,180 Jack Taylor! District four. Number 456778. 755 01:16:19,570 --> 01:16:21,310 And who is she? 756 01:16:21,490 --> 01:16:24,230 Samantha Endcott, district four. 757 01:16:25,200 --> 01:16:26,530 Where is her brother? 758 01:16:28,580 --> 01:16:30,290 Unknown, sir. 759 01:16:35,170 --> 01:16:37,790 Welcome. We are your escort. 760 01:16:38,260 --> 01:16:42,090 We were expecting you, thanks Your Canadian friends. 761 01:16:43,300 --> 01:16:46,460 We were the last piece of A new drone. 762 01:16:46,560 --> 01:16:48,100 Have you seen my people? 763 01:16:48,720 --> 01:16:51,890 None of them. I'm sorry. 764 01:16:55,400 --> 01:16:59,390 But do not worry, man! US drone In Canadian airspace is not allowed. 765 01:16:59,490 --> 01:17:03,030 Behind the ridge is waiting Convoy to you. We remain vigilant. 766 01:17:03,200 --> 01:17:05,150 Follow me and mine Guys! We protect you. 767 01:17:09,200 --> 01:17:10,200 Hey, hey! 768 01:17:10,370 --> 01:17:11,610 Get away from here quickly! 769 01:17:18,840 --> 01:17:20,580 Here, behind the tree! - All in cover! 770 01:17:22,300 --> 01:17:24,290 Oh no, no, no, no! 771 01:17:24,470 --> 01:17:26,130 What a guy is Us on our heels? 772 01:17:26,230 --> 01:17:29,720 An Extinguisher. The last of his Team. I have personally catered for this. 773 01:17:29,890 --> 01:17:31,380 It's our turn! We're off, man! 774 01:17:31,480 --> 01:17:35,880 Hey! The guys are not gods. As Said he is the last of his team. 775 01:17:35,980 --> 01:17:37,300 Do you have a car anywhere? 776 01:17:37,400 --> 01:17:39,190 Yes, just fly in the direction! 777 01:17:39,360 --> 01:17:41,180 Can you do it with the Backpack another mile? 778 01:17:41,280 --> 01:17:42,850 Create it with your Weapon still a mile? 779 01:17:42,950 --> 01:17:45,020 There he is! We have visual contact! 780 01:17:46,160 --> 01:17:47,610 Away quickly! Run! Run! 781 01:17:48,280 --> 01:17:49,280 Attention! 782 01:18:01,840 --> 01:18:03,630 Let's go! Go Go! Come on! Come on! 783 01:18:05,800 --> 01:18:06,920 Take cover! 784 01:18:32,830 --> 01:18:33,830 No! 785 01:18:34,410 --> 01:18:35,450 Oh but! 786 01:18:40,090 --> 01:18:41,330 Come on, go on! 787 01:18:42,090 --> 01:18:44,450 Come on! Make it! He's chasing us! 788 01:18:44,920 --> 01:18:46,290 Stop, Jack! - What's happening? 789 01:18:46,510 --> 01:18:48,370 Stop! I can not anymore. - He's still following us. 790 01:18:48,470 --> 01:18:50,090 No. I can not hear any shots! 791 01:18:50,260 --> 01:18:51,670 That's just he Has already done it. 792 01:18:51,850 --> 01:18:53,260 I can not go any further. - Sam! 793 01:18:54,390 --> 01:18:56,800 You have to go without me, Sam. - What? 794 01:18:56,900 --> 01:18:58,470 Listen carefully, Sam! 795 01:18:59,360 --> 01:19:03,020 If you do not do it for yourself, Sam, then do it for your brother! 796 01:19:03,900 --> 01:19:06,600 Go on! - No, Jack, no. 797 01:19:06,700 --> 01:19:07,700 Run! 798 01:19:18,540 --> 01:19:20,780 Come here! I am here! What are you waiting for? 799 01:19:43,650 --> 01:19:46,860 Okay, my big one! Let's try again. 800 01:20:03,460 --> 01:20:05,670 People like you make me sick. 801 01:20:05,920 --> 01:20:07,290 Here you go! 802 01:20:16,930 --> 01:20:20,420 People like me, yes? The Blinders have torn off, 803 01:20:20,520 --> 01:20:22,430 While men like you carry them on. 804 01:20:29,190 --> 01:20:32,110 People like you who kill in the name of God. 805 01:20:34,910 --> 01:20:37,020 Not in his name. 806 01:20:37,120 --> 01:20:39,690 This God has already before me A long time. 807 01:20:39,790 --> 01:20:44,160 You do not know people like me. And will never know them. 808 01:20:45,170 --> 01:20:46,580 Come on! 809 01:20:57,600 --> 01:20:59,590 Away with it! Away with it! 810 01:20:59,980 --> 01:21:01,890 Stand up! Stand up! 811 01:21:06,940 --> 01:21:08,480 That's it, right? 812 01:21:09,860 --> 01:21:12,440 Stop it! Drop the rucksack! 813 01:21:14,280 --> 01:21:15,570 To empty! 814 01:21:21,910 --> 01:21:23,370 Bring me one! 815 01:21:34,890 --> 01:21:40,880 Did you carry it with you? The 600 miles? Bibles? 816 01:21:44,190 --> 01:21:50,020 No weapons or what? No ammo? Anyway? 817 01:21:50,190 --> 01:21:54,730 My brother said you had Accused him of a crime, 818 01:21:54,830 --> 01:21:56,490 Which he has never committed. 819 01:21:57,990 --> 01:21:59,950 He has been forced to do so. 820 01:22:02,450 --> 01:22:04,370 What has been reproached him? 821 01:22:05,920 --> 01:22:12,000 Only to believe in God, To what is right. 822 01:22:13,920 --> 01:22:15,520 To me. 823 01:22:17,090 --> 01:22:18,800 How old are you? 824 01:22:19,300 --> 01:22:20,300 16. 825 01:22:27,770 --> 01:22:29,180 Pick them up! 826 01:22:30,150 --> 01:22:31,150 No! 827 01:22:31,690 --> 01:22:35,030 Pick them up! Pack them in the backpack! 828 01:22:47,170 --> 01:22:52,250 You escaped. Your Friend stopped me. 829 01:22:54,760 --> 01:22:56,750 You leave this here and go now! 830 01:22:59,140 --> 01:23:00,140 Come on! 831 01:23:52,020 --> 01:23:53,020 RZ-9. 832 01:24:00,530 --> 01:24:07,450 Three years ago I saw how Two million Americans have died. 833 01:24:07,620 --> 01:24:09,700 From now on equal. 834 01:24:13,630 --> 01:24:15,040 My wife. 835 01:24:18,800 --> 01:24:20,460 My daughter. 836 01:24:25,510 --> 01:24:28,001 Killed by religious fanatics. 837 01:24:31,190 --> 01:24:33,100 What was then, you know. 838 01:24:35,360 --> 01:24:37,020 Well, and if. 839 01:24:37,940 --> 01:24:40,400 Also, what this Terrorist said? 840 01:24:41,860 --> 01:24:44,860 That our country of God's way. 841 01:24:45,910 --> 01:24:49,570 And that God for us Sins. 842 01:24:51,870 --> 01:24:55,240 The man was more radical Followers of his religion. 843 01:24:56,090 --> 01:25:00,550 A cookie cutter, suitable for each Other faith community. 844 01:25:01,550 --> 01:25:05,040 For Christianity, the Judaism, the Islam. 845 01:25:06,180 --> 01:25:11,130 I swore to myself, everyone Religious ideas, 846 01:25:11,230 --> 01:25:12,890 So that this country becomes safer. 847 01:25:13,560 --> 01:25:17,850 So no father ever more Watch his child die. 848 01:25:19,940 --> 01:25:27,440 They did not want to tell me what She had, sir. What was she doing now? 849 01:25:28,410 --> 01:25:32,320 I have her brother Cold-blooded. 850 01:25:33,120 --> 01:25:35,360 And I should also murder them, 851 01:25:35,460 --> 01:25:38,250 his sister. She was still a child! 852 01:25:38,420 --> 01:25:41,660 Everything that is around a Uncontrollable God is dangerous. 853 01:25:41,760 --> 01:25:42,750 She was innocent. 854 01:25:42,850 --> 01:25:44,660 Have you forgotten your order? 855 01:25:44,760 --> 01:25:46,680 The vow you put on This country? 856 01:25:46,890 --> 01:25:49,100 Dangers from our nation, 857 01:25:49,260 --> 01:25:51,260 How big or small they may be. 858 01:25:52,890 --> 01:25:54,980 I brought you the Bibles. 859 01:25:55,730 --> 01:25:57,470 They wanted you, did not they? 860 01:25:59,650 --> 01:26:01,810 They wanted at least A few evidence, 861 01:26:02,400 --> 01:26:05,020 That they were religious extremists. 862 01:26:07,410 --> 01:26:11,900 RZ-9. The Bibles were Only one deflection maneuver. 863 01:26:15,500 --> 01:26:18,790 Your brother has ours Special mission command. 864 01:26:18,960 --> 01:26:21,910 He accidentally came across his name On our observation list. 865 01:26:22,010 --> 01:26:26,420 He saw that we were going to be House search and panicked. 866 01:26:27,300 --> 01:26:29,970 And to get to the fast Time to escape, 867 01:26:30,180 --> 01:26:33,920 He set up our system with one Program called Gatekeeper lame. 868 01:26:34,100 --> 01:26:37,010 He cut us from all Security codes for all data systems ... 869 01:26:37,190 --> 01:26:38,640 "White House Security Network" 870 01:26:38,860 --> 01:26:40,140 ... in the United States, 871 01:26:40,320 --> 01:26:43,260 While using Gatekeeper at the same time Another small program run, 872 01:26:43,360 --> 01:26:46,610 Which was on his card. After this We you and your team behind them 873 01:26:46,780 --> 01:26:49,690 And the resistance , It became active. 874 01:26:49,790 --> 01:26:53,030 It's in the necklace. - What happens when the program is running? 875 01:26:55,000 --> 01:26:56,860 Then we hit back. 876 01:26:57,830 --> 01:27:00,920 Though you have Patterson Extinguished, but it was too late. 877 01:27:01,800 --> 01:27:04,540 They still had a second chance, To prevent the maelstrom, 878 01:27:04,720 --> 01:27:10,380 And have failed again! The files For the program went for 48 hours 879 01:27:10,550 --> 01:27:13,970 Online to all civilians and Resistance fighters in all sectors. 880 01:27:14,140 --> 01:27:17,630 We could close the program, but The damage had already occurred. 881 01:27:17,810 --> 01:27:21,050 The resistance groups have Everywhere an insurrection. 882 01:27:22,770 --> 01:27:27,360 We have the sectors 3, 4, 7 and 15 are lost. 883 01:27:27,860 --> 01:27:31,400 In all parts of the world Now total war. 884 01:27:35,040 --> 01:27:37,570 And I do not know when the end will end. 885 01:27:43,750 --> 01:27:45,840 How could we have prevented it? 886 01:27:50,470 --> 01:27:54,510 How could we prevent that? can? Please tell me, sir! 887 01:27:54,610 --> 01:27:55,970 Tell me! 888 01:27:56,140 --> 01:27:59,050 How do we know it is not Nor a Patterson Endcott? 889 01:27:59,270 --> 01:28:02,600 One more thing One and another. 890 01:28:05,480 --> 01:28:07,690 This is no longer important. 891 01:28:17,830 --> 01:28:24,330 And whether it is. And whether it is. Is it more than ever.