1 00:00:32,407 --> 00:00:37,407 Change language: NerdIan 2 00:00:37,891 --> 00:00:41,555 Mother, Father, what's wrong? 3 00:00:41,639 --> 00:00:44,515 Only Possum. Black soot. 4 00:00:44,599 --> 00:00:47,307 Mother, Father, where do you go? 5 00:00:47,391 --> 00:00:50,515 Far from Possum and his head. 6 00:00:51,807 --> 00:00:55,555 This is a bag, what's in it? 7 00:00:55,639 --> 00:00:58,223 Is he looking for or hiding? 8 00:00:59,267 --> 00:01:01,891 Can you see the contents? 9 00:01:03,223 --> 00:01:06,307 Small Possum, is as black as sin. 10 00:03:30,183 --> 00:03:33,431 Have you heard about that? / I know the place. 11 00:03:33,515 --> 00:03:34,515 Where? 12 00:03:34,599 --> 00:03:36,683 He doesn't know. / OK. 13 00:03:36,767 --> 00:03:38,975 Then where? / Fallmarsh Forest. 14 00:03:39,055 --> 00:03:40,975 Liar. They don't even say who they are. 15 00:03:41,055 --> 00:03:44,307 After all, it's an old military barracks. / Where? 16 00:03:44,391 --> 00:03:46,599 Fallmarsh Forest, said the police. 17 00:03:46,683 --> 00:03:47,683 Liar. 18 00:03:47,767 --> 00:03:50,515 My uncle said. And my neighbor is a police officer. 19 00:03:50,599 --> 00:03:51,599 He is stupid. 20 00:03:51,683 --> 00:03:53,847 He knows all about you. 21 00:03:53,931 --> 00:03:57,015 Stop! Why did you hit me? Stop. 22 00:03:57,099 --> 00:04:01,307 Stop it, you guys. / Next Fallmarsh. 23 00:04:14,975 --> 00:04:16,431 What are you drawing? 24 00:07:56,599 --> 00:07:57,807 Maurice? 25 00:10:19,015 --> 00:10:21,807 Open bag, wider. 26 00:10:21,891 --> 00:10:25,639 What's in it, man or spider? 27 00:10:25,723 --> 00:10:28,475 Small children, don't get lost. 28 00:10:28,555 --> 00:10:30,723 Possum wants to play. 29 00:11:53,347 --> 00:11:55,099 Want to enter? 30 00:12:10,639 --> 00:12:11,639 No. 31 00:12:26,475 --> 00:12:28,767 You are? 32 00:12:41,055 --> 00:12:43,099 The legs are good. 33 00:12:45,267 --> 00:12:48,099 What is that? / This is a doll. 34 00:12:51,683 --> 00:12:53,555 Do you show it to children? 35 00:12:53,639 --> 00:12:56,267 I want to destroy it. 36 00:13:00,099 --> 00:13:01,139 Including the head? 37 00:13:10,975 --> 00:13:13,807 I've heard your action. 38 00:13:16,223 --> 00:13:19,515 My old teaching colleague sent me a letter. 39 00:13:20,139 --> 00:13:22,723 A scandal. 40 00:13:22,807 --> 00:13:25,099 I will be pulled back, after the scenarios are dimmed. 41 00:13:28,723 --> 00:13:31,683 You won't get anything from that jar. 42 00:13:34,307 --> 00:13:36,475 Can I do a demonstration? 43 00:13:38,015 --> 00:13:40,683 I want to see how are the legs. 44 00:13:43,931 --> 00:13:45,015 Before you kill him. 45 00:13:46,223 --> 00:13:47,975 You can't kill him. That's a doll. 46 00:13:52,515 --> 00:13:54,683 Do you want to burn, & apos; right? 47 00:14:03,475 --> 00:14:05,683 This place is disgusting, Maurice. 48 00:14:14,055 --> 00:14:16,307 King of the castle. 49 00:14:20,267 --> 00:14:23,683 Remember, demonstration. 50 00:16:29,267 --> 00:16:32,515 Look at Possum, he lied. 51 00:16:32,723 --> 00:16:35,683 Children, look at her eyes that are lifeless. 52 00:16:37,055 --> 00:16:39,475 Look at the evil legs and tongue. 53 00:16:40,223 --> 00:16:43,099 When he wakes up, watch him run. 54 00:16:44,099 --> 00:16:45,307 Philip! 55 00:17:31,639 --> 00:17:32,891 Please enter. 56 00:17:36,347 --> 00:17:38,099 I want to borrow a tool. 57 00:17:42,767 --> 00:17:44,307 Please? 58 00:18:10,767 --> 00:18:12,807 Hungry? / Not. 59 00:18:13,515 --> 00:18:15,099 Grilled Fox. 60 00:18:16,307 --> 00:18:17,767 Funny. 61 00:18:21,599 --> 00:18:23,431 Want to disassemble? 62 00:18:24,975 --> 00:18:27,475 In my free time. / Poor. 63 00:18:28,099 --> 00:18:30,891 You are a puppet expert. 64 00:18:32,183 --> 00:18:33,683 You stay overnight, right? 65 00:18:34,723 --> 00:18:37,891 For a while. This is my home. 66 00:18:48,807 --> 00:18:50,099 Remember this one? 67 00:18:52,391 --> 00:18:53,847 Well made. 68 00:18:54,475 --> 00:18:56,515 My father taught me. 69 00:18:57,099 --> 00:19:00,391 Decreased in the family. / You're not my father, Maurice. 70 00:19:07,891 --> 00:19:09,891 Restore. 71 00:19:34,599 --> 00:19:37,847 The police are investigating the loss of a 14-year-old child near Fullmarsh, Norfolk. 72 00:19:37,931 --> 00:19:39,723 Officers combing the forest and local waste land 73 00:19:39,807 --> 00:19:42,475 in an effort to find the child. 74 00:19:42,555 --> 00:19:44,267 The last one was seen coming home from SMP Marshwood 75 00:19:44,347 --> 00:19:47,683 in the full area-- 76 00:19:47,767 --> 00:19:50,683 Is that you, pervert? 77 00:20:18,515 --> 00:20:20,307 Come on. 78 00:20:32,683 --> 00:20:33,683 Can you ask what you did? 79 00:20:56,639 --> 00:20:58,307 None. 80 00:20:59,847 --> 00:21:01,183 Why wait there? 81 00:21:02,139 --> 00:21:03,639 It used to be my school. 82 00:21:05,931 --> 00:21:07,683 Can you leave? 83 00:21:10,055 --> 00:21:11,223 Yes, sir. Sorry, Sir. 84 00:21:14,723 --> 00:21:17,639 Philip! 85 00:22:48,723 --> 00:22:50,891 Wait a minute, son. The one playing must die. 86 00:26:29,931 --> 00:26:35,723 Possums are black, will eat you in bed. 87 00:26:35,807 --> 00:26:41,099 Already awake? 88 00:28:48,183 --> 00:28:49,891 Want to get out? 89 00:28:50,931 --> 00:28:52,223 Something from a jar? 90 00:29:16,847 --> 00:29:18,891 What's in it? 91 00:29:34,599 --> 00:29:36,055 As usual. 92 00:29:36,555 --> 00:29:38,723 Then it's not. 93 00:29:39,807 --> 00:29:41,099 Is it grown, huh? 94 00:29:43,139 --> 00:29:44,767 95 00:30:15,599 --> 00:30:17,891 Tell me again about the fox. 96 00:30:22,055 --> 00:30:23,223 Why? 97 00:30:24,599 --> 00:30:25,847 Why not? 98 00:30:29,055 --> 00:30:30,055 No. 99 00:30:31,099 --> 00:30:32,515 Tell me. 100 00:30:38,267 --> 00:30:41,891 We are in swamps. Me and other children. 101 00:30:42,767 --> 00:30:44,931 I made a nest there. 102 00:30:45,015 --> 00:30:47,099 It's on the bridge there. 103 00:30:49,391 --> 00:30:51,055 I want to show that to them. 104 00:30:53,183 --> 00:30:56,267 When we get there, we find the fox. 105 00:30:56,975 --> 00:31:00,099 We think it swallowed something. Because he is panting. 106 00:31:00,891 --> 00:31:03,515 His body trembles as if he is dying. 107 00:31:07,015 --> 00:31:08,683 They kicked him. 108 00:31:09,847 --> 00:31:11,683 Everything. 109 00:31:14,639 --> 00:31:17,099 Kicking it like a ball. 110 00:31:23,475 --> 00:31:25,599 What he eats is stuck until the fox dies. 111 00:31:27,891 --> 00:31:29,099 Then what? 112 00:31:30,847 --> 00:31:32,683 They want me to take it. 113 00:31:34,347 --> 00:31:35,683 Forcing me. 114 00:31:37,599 --> 00:31:42,683 My head is held and pushed to it. 115 00:31:49,807 --> 00:31:51,683 I started crying. 116 00:31:53,599 --> 00:31:54,891 They laugh. 117 00:31:55,807 --> 00:31:57,475 Run away and leave me. 118 00:32:02,099 --> 00:32:03,683 After a while... 119 00:32:07,015 --> 00:32:08,307 ... Change it... 120 00:32:09,555 --> 00:32:12,099 opens his eyes and looks at me. 121 00:32:15,055 --> 00:32:17,099 Stand up and walk away. 122 00:32:27,767 --> 00:32:28,767 Done. 123 00:32:39,767 --> 00:32:41,307 Stupid. 124 00:32:42,223 --> 00:32:43,683 I'm just kidding. 125 00:32:51,099 --> 00:32:53,475 This must be yours. 126 00:32:57,807 --> 00:32:59,431 Like this house, Maurice. 127 00:33:11,807 --> 00:33:14,267 They destroyed the old barracks. 128 00:33:16,391 --> 00:33:18,099 It's time. 129 00:33:19,391 --> 00:33:21,475 As black as sin. 130 00:33:48,099 --> 00:33:49,807 Want to enter? 131 00:34:20,099 --> 00:34:30,807 132 00:41:19,391 --> 00:41:20,391 Maurice? 133 00:42:12,015 --> 00:42:18,183 "Possum. How did he come to the world. 1978." 134 00:42:19,055 --> 00:42:21,099 "By Philip Connell." 135 00:42:25,767 --> 00:42:28,807 "After the fire. Possum." 136 00:42:30,307 --> 00:42:34,183 "Who has blackened the sun over our city?" 137 00:42:36,055 --> 00:42:41,183 "Possum. His gaze is similar the face of death that wakes up." 138 00:42:43,055 --> 00:42:46,599 "Look at how he came to the world." 139 00:42:49,475 --> 00:42:56,099 "Mother, Father, what's wrong? Only Possum, as black as soot." 140 00:42:57,807 --> 00:43:00,807 "Mother, Father, where do you have to go?" 141 00:43:02,223 --> 00:43:04,975 "Far from Possum and his head." 142 00:43:07,975 --> 00:43:14,183 "Wait a minute, son. The one playing must be dead." 143 00:43:14,267 --> 00:43:19,975 "Possum, black-colored, will eat you in bed." 144 00:43:21,807 --> 00:43:24,599 "Look at Possum, lie." 145 00:43:26,347 --> 00:43:29,807 "Children, look at his eyes that are lifeless." 146 00:43:31,807 --> 00:43:38,599 "Look at his bad legs and tongue. When he wakes up, watch him run." 147 00:43:40,391 --> 00:43:43,599 "This is a bag, what's in it?" 148 00:43:44,975 --> 00:43:47,975 "He is looking for, or is hiding?" 149 00:43:49,015 --> 00:43:52,183 "Can you see the contents?" 150 00:43:52,267 --> 00:43:55,599 "Small Possum, as black as sin." 151 00:43:58,975 --> 00:44:01,099 "Open bag, wider." 152 00:44:02,391 --> 00:44:06,807 "What's in it? Humans or spiders?" 153 00:44:08,055 --> 00:44:10,931 "Little child, don't get lost." 154 00:44:11,015 --> 00:44:14,183 "Possum wants to play." 155 00:44:22,391 --> 00:44:26,639 Where did that come from? / Fall down. From there. 156 00:44:26,723 --> 00:44:28,475 Liar. 157 00:45:09,475 --> 00:45:12,015 I don't know you can draw too. 158 00:45:13,055 --> 00:45:14,391 This is a personal item. 159 00:45:15,475 --> 00:45:17,639 Is it dead? 160 00:45:19,723 --> 00:45:21,847 Take care of your own business. 161 00:45:21,931 --> 00:45:23,975 Maybe it's still playing. 162 00:45:28,475 --> 00:45:32,599 You won't see me again, Maurice. / Is it true? 163 00:45:32,723 --> 00:45:34,807 The train line is broken. 164 00:45:34,891 --> 00:45:37,183 You're home for vacation. 165 00:45:38,139 --> 00:45:41,055 But I will see where I will, son. 166 00:45:41,139 --> 00:45:44,723 People talk. / Talk about what? 167 00:45:44,807 --> 00:45:47,347 Didn't you read the paper? 168 00:45:57,975 --> 00:46:00,267 Why aren't you burning, Maurice? 169 00:46:01,807 --> 00:46:02,975 170 00:46:04,807 --> 00:46:07,055 Why not? 171 00:51:13,931 --> 00:51:15,307 Maurice? 172 00:51:32,267 --> 00:51:33,683 Maurice? 173 00:52:07,931 --> 00:52:14,099 Valley of Joy, in black paint. All children in sacks. 174 00:52:14,183 --> 00:52:17,639 Say goodbye to the sun and moon. 175 00:52:17,723 --> 00:52:20,099 Say hello to the black balloon. 176 00:55:00,307 --> 00:55:03,015 As I recall this happened before. 177 00:55:03,099 --> 00:55:06,891 When you were little. After fire. 178 00:55:12,139 --> 00:55:13,847 Your school, & apos; right? 179 00:55:20,183 --> 00:55:23,015 I've taught you there, you remember? 180 00:55:24,267 --> 00:55:28,099 I remember. / Problem with that fox. 181 00:55:29,307 --> 00:55:32,891 A colleague asked me to teach them. 182 00:55:33,931 --> 00:55:36,099 Remember their faces? 183 00:55:37,223 --> 00:55:38,847 We show, right? 184 00:55:40,267 --> 00:55:42,307 They are scared. 185 00:56:56,847 --> 00:56:58,931 You put them in the bag, right? 186 00:57:00,139 --> 00:57:03,307 You put on a mask so they don't see it. 187 00:57:05,223 --> 00:57:06,683 Calm down, kid. 188 00:57:06,767 --> 00:57:08,475 I don't know. 189 00:57:13,723 --> 00:57:16,807 Sorry. This. 190 00:57:31,099 --> 00:57:34,099 I don't know. 191 00:57:44,099 --> 00:57:54,099 192 01:03:05,683 --> 01:03:07,347 Maurice? 193 01:03:38,347 --> 01:03:42,139 Police expand the missing Michael Browning search 194 01:03:42,223 --> 01:03:45,599 on the way home from school Tuesday afternoon. 195 01:03:45,683 --> 01:03:49,015 Officer investigates report suspicious man 196 01:03:49,099 --> 01:03:52,475 near the forest and land near the former military barracks 197 01:03:52,555 --> 01:03:54,639 in the Fullmarsh area. 198 01:03:55,139 --> 01:03:57,807 Suspects wearing cream raincoats, 199 01:03:57,891 --> 01:04:02,099 seen several times with a child like Michael. 200 01:04:02,183 --> 01:04:05,515 Police warn residents not to approach the man. 201 01:04:05,599 --> 01:04:09,639 And who has the info so that contacts the police in this number-- 202 01:05:46,807 --> 01:05:48,807 What are you looking for? 203 01:05:57,515 --> 01:05:59,683 I want to talk. 204 01:06:12,807 --> 01:06:14,975 Come here. 205 01:06:22,015 --> 01:06:24,183 Someone is looking for you. 206 01:06:26,015 --> 01:06:27,015 Who? 207 01:06:27,639 --> 01:06:29,347 Policy, I think. 208 01:06:29,847 --> 01:06:33,347 What do they want? / None of my business. 209 01:06:33,431 --> 01:06:35,015 I said you came out. 210 01:06:37,055 --> 01:06:38,847 Did you find it? 211 01:06:39,807 --> 01:06:42,975 Who? / What you're looking for. 212 01:06:45,723 --> 01:06:50,347 No. / He will appear. They always are. 213 01:06:51,723 --> 01:06:53,015 We burn it. 214 01:06:53,975 --> 01:06:56,599 We burn the doll. 215 01:06:56,683 --> 01:06:58,391 You look confused, kid. 216 01:06:59,391 --> 01:07:00,767 You don't look healthy. 217 01:07:01,723 --> 01:07:02,975 Your face. 218 01:07:04,683 --> 01:07:07,683 It's best not to go around for a while. 219 01:07:12,391 --> 01:07:13,891 I want to go far. 220 01:07:16,183 --> 01:07:17,931 Where? 221 01:07:18,015 --> 01:07:19,807 My business. 222 01:07:21,847 --> 01:07:24,183 This house will be yours. 223 01:07:25,307 --> 01:07:26,767 Don't bring problems to the house. 224 01:07:30,391 --> 01:07:32,307 Basic children. 225 01:08:37,099 --> 01:08:38,599 Wait there. 226 01:08:41,639 --> 01:08:45,183 Can I see Mr. Grant? 227 01:08:45,267 --> 01:08:47,139 He was a teacher. 228 01:08:47,223 --> 01:08:49,347 He knows all about it. He knows what happened. 229 01:08:49,431 --> 01:08:51,099 He said he'd go with me. 230 01:08:51,975 --> 01:08:55,347 Where? / to the police station. 231 01:08:56,347 --> 01:08:57,807 Please wait there. 232 01:09:32,139 --> 01:09:36,099 Can you contact the police? I hold him here. 233 01:09:40,139 --> 01:09:50,299 234 01:15:42,723 --> 01:15:45,244 The package is open. 235 01:15:45,269 --> 01:15:49,831 Male Possum legged black jump. 236 01:15:49,891 --> 01:15:55,183 Children, run away! He will eat a child without a mother. 237 01:15:57,015 --> 01:15:58,599 Maurice! 238 01:16:00,723 --> 01:16:01,767 Maurice! 239 01:16:05,639 --> 01:16:07,515 Maurice! 240 01:16:15,807 --> 01:16:18,391 No! 241 01:16:18,475 --> 01:16:19,475 No! 242 01:16:28,475 --> 01:16:39,475 243 01:19:44,555 --> 01:19:48,055 Want to meet your father and mother? / Not. 244 01:19:48,139 --> 01:19:50,555 No. / Dirty child. 245 01:19:50,639 --> 01:19:53,267 No. / Play with dead people. 246 01:19:53,891 --> 01:19:55,931 No. 247 01:19:56,015 --> 01:19:59,555 No. / Poor child. 248 01:19:59,639 --> 01:20:01,475 Poor orphans. 249 01:20:01,555 --> 01:20:06,139 Your father and mother died? / Not. 250 01:20:06,223 --> 01:20:11,515 Uncle is here, son. With his fingers. 251 01:20:11,599 --> 01:20:13,391 No. 252 01:20:16,347 --> 01:20:17,475 No! 253 01:20:18,891 --> 01:20:21,391 No. 254 01:20:21,475 --> 01:20:23,723 Do you like my fingers, kid? / Not. 255 01:20:24,555 --> 01:20:25,975 Do you miss him? 256 01:20:26,391 --> 01:20:31,223 Please, Uncle Maurice. Don't! 257 01:20:31,307 --> 01:20:34,223 Do you want my finger, dirty kid? 258 01:20:34,307 --> 01:20:35,639 No! 259 01:20:35,723 --> 01:20:36,975 Then open it! 260 01:20:40,223 --> 01:20:41,975 Open, I say! 261 01:20:47,891 --> 01:20:50,139 Dirty child. 262 01:20:50,223 --> 01:20:51,807 You don't want to leave this house? 263 01:20:51,891 --> 01:20:54,931 Don't disturb your evil uncle? 264 01:20:55,515 --> 01:21:00,307 No, please. / Philip poor. 265 01:21:00,931 --> 01:21:02,767 Philip is poor and broken. 266 01:21:03,347 --> 01:21:05,099 Already growing up. 267 01:21:05,847 --> 01:21:07,639 No! Not. 268 01:21:07,723 --> 01:21:09,975 To go home to hide. / Not. 269 01:21:11,683 --> 01:21:14,475 Turn around. / No, Maurice. 270 01:21:14,555 --> 01:21:18,807 Drop your pants. / Not! 271 01:21:21,139 --> 01:21:25,347 You know that me, & apos; right? In the barracks. 272 01:21:25,431 --> 01:21:28,183 You know I'm the culprit, right? 273 01:21:28,267 --> 01:21:31,347 Yes. / That's where I do it. 274 01:21:31,431 --> 01:21:33,599 Anywhere. 275 01:21:33,683 --> 01:21:36,975 But you just keep quiet. Boy is ridiculous. 276 01:21:38,599 --> 01:21:40,515 Now the police are hunting you. 277 01:21:40,599 --> 01:21:43,183 Now you will be blamed. 278 01:21:44,015 --> 01:21:46,391 At least six years. / Not! 279 01:21:50,475 --> 01:21:53,599 If you cry, I will start again. 280 01:21:55,183 --> 01:21:59,807 If you cry, I will start again. 281 01:22:01,639 --> 01:22:02,807 One! 282 01:22:03,891 --> 01:22:05,975 Two! 283 01:22:06,055 --> 01:22:07,975 Three! 284 01:22:09,223 --> 01:22:11,391 Four! 285 01:22:11,475 --> 01:22:13,139 Five! 286 01:22:13,223 --> 01:22:15,599 Six! 287 01:22:21,347 --> 01:22:22,931 You can fight, huh? 288 01:22:23,599 --> 01:22:26,723 Can you fight, kid? 289 01:22:26,807 --> 01:22:28,723 You can't fight me. 290 01:22:32,267 --> 01:22:34,807 Do you feel that, son?