1 00:05:36,818 --> 00:05:38,234 Get them out! 2 00:05:38,901 --> 00:05:40,276 All Tamils get out! 3 00:05:43,609 --> 00:05:46,109 Leave me! Leave us! No! I won't go! 4 00:06:42,609 --> 00:06:44,276 Breaking news. 5 00:06:44,359 --> 00:06:46,818 Sri Lankan president has been assassinated. 6 00:06:47,109 --> 00:06:49,318 The killing was carried out using a human bomb. 7 00:06:50,609 --> 00:06:53,193 According to the local police this incident took place.. 8 00:06:53,276 --> 00:06:56,943 ..when he was coming out of Colombo's Army Headquarters. 9 00:06:57,359 --> 00:07:00,818 It is being alleged that the LTF could be behind this. 10 00:07:01,484 --> 00:07:07,193 After this incident it is possible that peace attempts will get deferred. 11 00:07:07,359 --> 00:07:09,901 And the situation there could get tense again. 12 00:08:08,651 --> 00:08:09,693 Ru by! 13 00:08:12,026 --> 00:08:13,818 I want to say everything. 14 00:08:16,234 --> 00:08:17,526 The truth.. 15 00:08:20,526 --> 00:08:21,859 I cannot carry.. 16 00:08:24,234 --> 00:08:26,234 ...this burden anymore. 17 00:08:26,984 --> 00:08:28,693 You've been drinking again. 18 00:08:29,068 --> 00:08:30,109 I've told you. 19 00:08:30,359 --> 00:08:33,484 Whatever is bothering you, share it. 20 00:08:33,901 --> 00:08:35,234 You will feel lighter. 21 00:08:35,818 --> 00:08:37,859 Otherwise, go home. 22 00:08:39,401 --> 00:08:40,818 Betrayal.. 23 00:08:40,984 --> 00:08:41,984 Power.. 24 00:08:42,984 --> 00:08:43,984 Greed.. 25 00:08:47,443 --> 00:08:50,276 Can I talk about such things before your God? 26 00:08:50,818 --> 00:08:51,943 Yes, You can. 27 00:08:52,609 --> 00:08:54,234 The last witness.. 28 00:08:56,359 --> 00:08:58,276 They killed him as well. 29 00:09:00,568 --> 00:09:01,901 It was a game. 30 00:09:03,651 --> 00:09:04,818 A conspiracy. 31 00:09:06,609 --> 00:09:07,734 Who are you? 32 00:09:08,568 --> 00:09:10,688 It's been three years since you've been coming here... 33 00:09:11,943 --> 00:09:14,276 And What's this conspiracy that you are talking of? 34 00:09:15,193 --> 00:09:17,401 What wrong did our Prime Minister do? 35 00:09:19,526 --> 00:09:21,484 Why did we let him die? 36 00:09:21,901 --> 00:09:22,901 What? 37 00:09:24,109 --> 00:09:26,568 We could've saved our prime minister. 38 00:09:27,901 --> 00:09:29,359 What do you know? 39 00:09:35,484 --> 00:09:37,026 I was there, Father. 40 00:09:37,943 --> 00:09:40,776 It was the darkest phase in the history of Sri Lanka. 41 00:09:45,109 --> 00:09:47,818 The clashes between the largest ethic group Sinhalese.. 42 00:09:48,609 --> 00:09:51,943 ..and the minority Tamils.. 43 00:09:52,776 --> 00:09:54,901 ...had was going through its worst crisis. 44 00:09:55,526 --> 00:09:59,484 This ethic violence claimed thousands of Tamilian civilian lives... 45 00:10:04,068 --> 00:10:05,776 Abuses.. 46 00:10:11,359 --> 00:10:14,776 The supply of basic necessities like food.. 47 00:10:15,776 --> 00:10:16,776 Water.. 48 00:10:17,026 --> 00:10:18,234 Everything was stopped. 49 00:10:20,276 --> 00:10:22,734 A lot of families were destroyed. 50 00:10:30,984 --> 00:10:33,901 And thus thousands of Tamilian youth turned rebellious.. 51 00:10:34,443 --> 00:10:37,151 And joined the LTF leader Anna. 52 00:10:37,234 --> 00:10:38,526 Long Live Eelam. 53 00:10:38,651 --> 00:10:39,901 Long Live Eelam. 54 00:10:46,234 --> 00:10:49,943 Anna refused to surrender before the Sri Lankan forces. 55 00:10:50,776 --> 00:10:53,901 And raised the demand for a separate Tamil state. 56 00:10:54,943 --> 00:10:58,359 And thus began, the endless killings. 57 00:11:03,901 --> 00:11:07,109 These bloodbath made many Tamils lose their homes. 58 00:11:08,651 --> 00:11:10,734 And they sought refuge in India. 59 00:11:13,901 --> 00:11:16,901 Indian government expressed its concern.. 60 00:11:17,734 --> 00:11:19,359 ...and decided to intervene. 61 00:11:23,776 --> 00:11:26,318 Peace Accord is an important political decision. 62 00:11:26,651 --> 00:11:28,026 I will be going ahead with it. 63 00:11:28,443 --> 00:11:30,776 We will be signing the Peace Accord tomorrow. 64 00:11:31,193 --> 00:11:33,818 To make sure that no inhumane activity takes place.. 65 00:11:34,068 --> 00:11:36,193 ...during the Provincial Council Elections.. 66 00:11:36,526 --> 00:11:40,318 ...I've decided to send a peace force to the island. 67 00:11:40,776 --> 00:11:43,109 Prime Minister signed the historical Peace Accord.. 68 00:11:43,193 --> 00:11:44,859 ...with the Sri Lankan President today. 69 00:11:44,901 --> 00:11:47,318 He also declared the Provincial Council Elections.. 70 00:11:47,734 --> 00:11:50,214 So that once again there is peace and normalcy in the island. 71 00:11:50,484 --> 00:11:52,734 The first group of the peace force.. ' 72 00:11:53,276 --> 00:11:56,568 ..reached there with an intention of making the rebels surrender arms. 73 00:11:57,818 --> 00:12:01,859 In the hope that peace and normalcy returns. 74 00:12:02,734 --> 00:12:06,401 But Anna rejected the Peace Accord. 75 00:12:08,859 --> 00:12:12,193 19 LTF cadres committed suicide in Sri Lankan custody. 76 00:12:13,443 --> 00:12:15,568 And Anna blamed lndia.. 77 00:12:16,151 --> 00:12:17,526 ...and Sri Lanka for it. 78 00:12:18,318 --> 00:12:22,276 He said that this peace accord is not in the favor of the Tamils. 79 00:12:23,443 --> 00:12:26,901 He feared that if they surrendered arms.. 80 00:12:27,651 --> 00:12:29,859 ..then once the peace force leaves.. 81 00:12:30,693 --> 00:12:33,151 ..all the Tamils in the island will be killed. 82 00:12:34,318 --> 00:12:36,859 Hence.. 'He was not ready to negotiate. 83 00:12:36,943 --> 00:12:38,484 This is going to be a long war. 84 00:12:39,818 --> 00:12:44,068 Indian Army launched an operation to capture Anna. 85 00:13:00,693 --> 00:13:03,818 But our soldiers got killed . 86 00:13:04,193 --> 00:13:06,776 since Anna was already in the know of.. 87 00:13:07,026 --> 00:13:09,943 ...our operational details and intels 88 00:13:13,609 --> 00:13:17,609 And from here on, began a gruesome guerilla war.. 89 00:13:17,901 --> 00:13:19,901 ..between Anna and the peace force. 90 00:13:47,943 --> 00:13:49,859 Our soldiers are getting killed. 91 00:13:50,109 --> 00:13:51,818 Operation details are getting leaked. 92 00:13:51,901 --> 00:13:54,859 RD, I hope you are aware of what your boys are up to. 93 00:13:54,901 --> 00:13:58,151 But we had warned you, not to send the forces. 94 00:13:58,651 --> 00:14:00,943 But it was your General who assured the PM.. 95 00:14:01,026 --> 00:14:03,526 ...that we'll disarm them in 72 hours. 96 00:14:04,193 --> 00:14:06,276 And here we are, after one year. 97 00:14:06,609 --> 00:14:09,776 If this continues, we're sure to get embarrassed. 98 00:14:10,151 --> 00:14:11,631 PM needs is answerable to the people. 99 00:14:11,651 --> 00:14:15,568 Mr. Cabinet Secretary, we are not fighting with a traditional army. 100 00:14:16,193 --> 00:14:19,568 This is a locally entrenched guerilla force. 101 00:14:19,901 --> 00:14:22,693 We just can't make out who's a militant and who's a civilian! 102 00:14:22,901 --> 00:14:24,859 We don't even have proper maps! 103 00:14:24,984 --> 00:14:29,693 But yes, if they attack us, we will retaliate. 104 00:14:29,776 --> 00:14:32,151 This shouldn't become another Vietnam for us. 105 00:14:32,693 --> 00:14:34,359 How much more can we embarrass the PM? 106 00:14:34,943 --> 00:14:35,651 RD? 107 00:14:35,734 --> 00:14:36,901 The fact is, 108 00:14:37,859 --> 00:14:39,359 Anna doesn't trust us anymore. 109 00:14:39,651 --> 00:14:42,568 And Perhaps we ourselves are responsible for creating this situation. 110 00:14:42,734 --> 00:14:44,651 If we loosen the grip any further.. 111 00:14:44,984 --> 00:14:49,109 ...It will be a golden opportunity for the west to get inside the island. 112 00:14:49,193 --> 00:14:50,984 And this is already happening. 113 00:14:51,151 --> 00:14:53,401 Guruji all of a sudden going to Singapore.. 114 00:14:53,484 --> 00:14:55,693 ...with Murthy for a spiritual tour.. 115 00:14:55,984 --> 00:14:57,234 Is it a coincidence? 116 00:14:57,318 --> 00:14:58,734 So, Mr. Murthy, 117 00:14:59,151 --> 00:15:01,984 ...you wish to be the lord of the largest democracy? 118 00:15:02,609 --> 00:15:03,984 I've always been saying.. 119 00:15:04,068 --> 00:15:06,818 ...that there's a conspiracy to overthrow the government. 120 00:15:07,234 --> 00:15:08,568 One thing is clear now. 121 00:15:08,818 --> 00:15:11,276 Only military action won't suffice. 122 00:15:11,943 --> 00:15:13,359 All these are clear cut signs. 123 00:15:13,651 --> 00:15:15,443 Overt operations won't be enough now. 124 00:15:15,943 --> 00:15:17,901 RD, get all the covert ops ready. 125 00:15:18,526 --> 00:15:21,734 This Peace Accord needs to succeed, at any cost. 126 00:15:22,193 --> 00:15:23,568 That's all. Good luck. 127 00:15:27,193 --> 00:15:28,151 RD.. 128 00:15:28,234 --> 00:15:28,901 Stay. 129 00:15:28,943 --> 00:15:31,693 Enough of these discussions. 130 00:15:32,109 --> 00:15:33,984 Media is asking a lot of questions. 131 00:15:34,234 --> 00:15:36,151 You'll have to intervene. 132 00:15:36,318 --> 00:15:37,651 I'm ready.. 133 00:15:37,943 --> 00:15:40,234 ...to use all the intelligence at my disposal. 134 00:15:40,318 --> 00:15:42,068 But who are we really fighting? 135 00:15:42,818 --> 00:15:43,859 You, too, need to understand. 136 00:15:43,943 --> 00:15:46,109 The situation is very sensitive. 137 00:15:48,484 --> 00:15:50,984 Anna won't surrender arms. 138 00:15:51,484 --> 00:15:52,984 He is adamant. 139 00:15:53,109 --> 00:15:56,276 And others are waiting to jump in to win his trust. 140 00:15:56,484 --> 00:15:58,234 We will lose the island. 141 00:15:58,859 --> 00:16:01,818 And that will be a serious national threat for us. 142 00:16:02,318 --> 00:16:04,734 Now is not the time to go by the book. 143 00:16:04,859 --> 00:16:06,984 The time to question.. 144 00:16:07,234 --> 00:16:09,484 ...what is legitimate and what is not, is over. 145 00:16:09,651 --> 00:16:13,401 You know very well what needs to be done with Anna. 146 00:16:13,901 --> 00:16:15,276 Send in your best men. 147 00:16:15,651 --> 00:16:19,026 We need to form a Provincial Council there, before Diwali. 148 00:16:21,693 --> 00:16:23,901 Swarup, get me Major Vikram. 149 00:16:23,943 --> 00:16:26,859 I want him in Delhi in the next 24 hours. 150 00:16:27,109 --> 00:16:28,109 Urgent. 151 00:16:38,609 --> 00:16:39,776 Ruby, I need to go. 152 00:16:39,859 --> 00:16:41,318 - Otherwise, you know.. - Look, 153 00:16:41,984 --> 00:16:43,609 I know, I am an army wife. 154 00:16:44,776 --> 00:16:47,109 And I need to hold my head high and all that. 155 00:16:48,943 --> 00:16:49,943 And I will. 156 00:16:50,568 --> 00:16:51,984 But it's been four years. 157 00:16:52,943 --> 00:16:54,443 And I just keep missing you. 158 00:16:56,609 --> 00:16:57,901 How do I stay normal? 159 00:17:01,359 --> 00:17:02,359 Don't worry. 160 00:17:02,443 --> 00:17:04,151 Everything will be normal soon. 161 00:17:04,943 --> 00:17:07,151 Oh yes, and avoid all these news. 162 00:17:07,609 --> 00:17:08,984 And take care of yourself. 163 00:17:09,109 --> 00:17:11,901 If you are so concerned about me then don't go. 164 00:17:17,068 --> 00:17:18,526 Six months, at least.. 165 00:17:19,151 --> 00:17:21,026 Till I hold you again, like this. 166 00:17:59,109 --> 00:18:00,026 So, what's happening? 167 00:18:00,109 --> 00:18:01,651 Bala has been informed. 168 00:18:02,234 --> 00:18:04,984 Jaffna safe house has been activated. 169 00:18:05,234 --> 00:18:06,234 Vikram.. 170 00:18:07,068 --> 00:18:08,526 Still as restless as ever? 171 00:18:08,901 --> 00:18:10,109 Old habits die hard, sir. 172 00:18:10,193 --> 00:18:10,901 Relax. 173 00:18:10,943 --> 00:18:11,943 Swarup. 174 00:18:12,568 --> 00:18:13,484 Additional director. 175 00:18:13,568 --> 00:18:14,901 Of course, I remember, sir. 176 00:18:15,068 --> 00:18:17,193 I had met you briefly during the Mizoram operation. 177 00:18:17,401 --> 00:18:18,693 Good memory. 178 00:18:18,859 --> 00:18:19,484 Sir. 179 00:18:19,568 --> 00:18:20,818 Anyway, talking about work.. 180 00:18:20,901 --> 00:18:23,318 Do you know anything about lndo-Lankan situation? 181 00:18:23,401 --> 00:18:24,984 I've done my homework, sir. 182 00:18:25,693 --> 00:18:26,984 You know nothing. 183 00:18:27,068 --> 00:18:31,276 You'll be solely responsible for all covert operations of RAW in Jaffna. 184 00:18:31,443 --> 00:18:31,943 Sir. 185 00:18:31,984 --> 00:18:34,234 PM is concerned about the situation there. 186 00:18:34,318 --> 00:18:38,776 His clear agenda is to execute Provincial Elections successfully. 187 00:18:38,943 --> 00:18:41,818 The Small militant groups there have surrendered. 188 00:18:41,901 --> 00:18:46,234 But The most powerful group, the most ferocious one, LTF.. 189 00:18:46,734 --> 00:18:47,943 Is still resistant. 190 00:18:47,984 --> 00:18:49,484 Do we have a strategy, sir? 191 00:18:49,651 --> 00:18:52,401 Step one: Break LTF. 192 00:18:52,484 --> 00:18:54,943 The most likely candidate for that: Mallaya. 193 00:18:55,068 --> 00:18:56,734 He's Anna's Man Friday. 194 00:18:56,818 --> 00:18:58,068 Very loyal. 195 00:18:58,318 --> 00:18:59,734 Impossible to reach. 196 00:18:59,943 --> 00:19:01,693 Step Two: Shri. 197 00:19:01,901 --> 00:19:05,901 He's the only man in the island who can stand against Anna. 198 00:19:06,151 --> 00:19:08,026 Get him on our side. 199 00:19:08,151 --> 00:19:12,234 For official matters you'll report to the Madras Desk Head, Bala. 200 00:19:12,568 --> 00:19:15,484 He's tough but knows a lot about Jaffna. 201 00:19:15,734 --> 00:19:20,151 But you'll report to me personally, about everything. 202 00:19:20,734 --> 00:19:22,568 - Keep me in the loop. - Yes, sir. 203 00:19:22,693 --> 00:19:24,359 - Any questions? - No, sir. 204 00:19:24,943 --> 00:19:26,068 Welcome aboard. 205 00:19:26,234 --> 00:19:27,318 Come, Swaroop. 206 00:19:38,109 --> 00:19:39,109 Jaffna? 207 00:19:39,609 --> 00:19:41,443 But isn't a civil war going on there, Vi? 208 00:19:41,651 --> 00:19:42,734 Don't worry. 209 00:19:42,943 --> 00:19:45,026 - I'm leaving behind a contact. - Swarup's. 210 00:19:45,193 --> 00:19:46,901 Call him in case of any emergency. 211 00:19:49,943 --> 00:19:53,151 Indian Prime Minister today has categorically.. 212 00:19:53,234 --> 00:19:56,068 ...stated that the peace forces.. 213 00:19:56,151 --> 00:19:59,859 ..will not be withdrawn until the elections are successfully held. 214 00:20:00,193 --> 00:20:03,151 And that India won't allow any foreign powers.. 215 00:20:03,234 --> 00:20:06,401 ...to interfere in her regional matters. 216 00:20:28,318 --> 00:20:29,318 Hi. 217 00:20:30,193 --> 00:20:31,234 Vikram. 218 00:20:31,693 --> 00:20:32,818 Jaya. 219 00:20:33,151 --> 00:20:34,359 Pleasure meeting you. 220 00:20:37,068 --> 00:20:38,401 Is this Your normal route? 221 00:20:38,484 --> 00:20:40,443 I'm writing a piece on the refugees. 222 00:20:41,359 --> 00:20:42,109 You? 223 00:20:42,193 --> 00:20:43,401 Chibber route. 224 00:20:44,318 --> 00:20:46,401 Do you still operate out of London? 225 00:20:46,651 --> 00:20:49,193 No, here for some time now. 226 00:20:49,609 --> 00:20:51,401 I've read your articles. 227 00:20:52,359 --> 00:20:53,818 You are quite critical. 228 00:20:54,109 --> 00:20:56,068 Criticizing our national policies.. 229 00:20:56,776 --> 00:20:58,401 ...doesn't make me anti national. 230 00:20:59,401 --> 00:21:00,609 Not at all. 231 00:21:00,859 --> 00:21:02,734 It's the birth right of all you journalists. 232 00:21:03,234 --> 00:21:06,318 Whatever you print, it becomes a bestseller. 233 00:21:06,943 --> 00:21:08,484 You think you're more patriotic? 234 00:21:08,568 --> 00:21:09,568 Of course. 235 00:21:30,276 --> 00:21:32,609 Those with passports, proceed to the passport division. 236 00:21:33,401 --> 00:21:35,642 Those without passport, please register at the army camp. 237 00:21:35,943 --> 00:21:37,276 Men, stay at the back. 238 00:21:37,359 --> 00:21:39,818 No matter between whom the conflict is.. 239 00:21:40,359 --> 00:21:42,234 No matter what the reason is.. 240 00:21:42,901 --> 00:21:46,318 The first casualties are always the Innocent civilians. 241 00:21:47,568 --> 00:21:49,776 And This was happening in Sri Lanka as well. 242 00:21:50,193 --> 00:21:53,526 There was devastation everywhere. 243 00:22:02,151 --> 00:22:05,234 - I've an authorized visa. - Sorry, ma'am. 244 00:22:05,318 --> 00:22:07,109 - I'm allowed to pass through. - I'm sorry. 245 00:22:07,609 --> 00:22:08,952 What are you saying? I'm here. I'm a journalist. 246 00:22:08,965 --> 00:22:10,318 Sorry, ma'am. 247 00:22:10,568 --> 00:22:12,568 What do you mean? I have to get through. 248 00:22:13,943 --> 00:22:15,359 Welcome to the land of Buddha, sir. 249 00:22:15,734 --> 00:22:16,943 KT. Kamal Tyagi. 250 00:22:17,234 --> 00:22:19,401 Jaffna safe house is 118kms away. 251 00:22:26,568 --> 00:22:28,068 Passport? ID? 252 00:22:47,526 --> 00:22:49,776 How could humanity ever survive in all of this? 253 00:22:50,193 --> 00:22:51,651 In this small island.. 254 00:22:52,068 --> 00:22:54,068 Civilization was dying. 255 00:23:19,901 --> 00:23:20,901 This way sir. 256 00:23:23,818 --> 00:23:25,068 This is our safe house. 257 00:23:25,776 --> 00:23:27,484 - Inform the high commission. - Yes. 258 00:23:27,693 --> 00:23:29,234 Myself Sushil Pandey. SP. 259 00:23:29,318 --> 00:23:30,318 Hi, SP. 260 00:23:30,484 --> 00:23:31,693 - Intercepts? - Yes, sir. 261 00:23:31,859 --> 00:23:34,901 Call records for the past two days and intercepts. 262 00:23:38,901 --> 00:23:40,443 - Sir. - Hello, boys. 263 00:23:40,609 --> 00:23:42,276 - Sir! - Sir, Major Vikram reporting. 264 00:23:42,568 --> 00:23:44,026 I've heard about you. 265 00:23:44,859 --> 00:23:45,859 Try this. 266 00:23:46,068 --> 00:23:47,859 - A local drink. - Sir. 267 00:23:48,234 --> 00:23:49,234 LTF. 268 00:23:49,693 --> 00:23:51,818 Most dedicated and disciplined. 269 00:23:52,401 --> 00:23:56,943 They operate from deep within the jungle, from bunkers.. 270 00:23:57,151 --> 00:23:58,318 ...40 feet underground. 271 00:23:58,734 --> 00:24:00,026 Hence, this map. 272 00:24:00,776 --> 00:24:02,026 Memorize it. 273 00:24:02,193 --> 00:24:03,193 Relax. 274 00:24:03,484 --> 00:24:07,318 We'll be running our phase two covert operations. 275 00:24:07,484 --> 00:24:09,651 We need to weaken LTF's top leaders. 276 00:24:09,776 --> 00:24:11,151 Dead or alive. 277 00:24:11,568 --> 00:24:15,693 LFT. Liberations of Tamils Front, also known as Tigers. 278 00:24:15,859 --> 00:24:18,609 The top leader: Pandyan, Intel chief. 279 00:24:18,818 --> 00:24:22,068 Mallaya, deputy leader and army commander. 280 00:24:22,318 --> 00:24:24,776 Rajsekharan, their spokesperson, an arms dealer. 281 00:24:24,943 --> 00:24:28,109 But our hero, Anna Baskaran. 282 00:24:28,443 --> 00:24:29,901 He doesn't need an intro. 283 00:24:30,193 --> 00:24:32,151 On the other hand, TPA. 284 00:24:32,318 --> 00:24:33,359 Chief, Shri. 285 00:24:33,443 --> 00:24:35,776 Once upon a time he was Anna's partner. 286 00:24:35,943 --> 00:24:38,276 He's soft. Wants to get into politics. 287 00:24:38,359 --> 00:24:40,984 Prime Minister wants that Anna should surrender arms.. 288 00:24:41,068 --> 00:24:43,568 ...and join the elections before Diwali. 289 00:24:44,568 --> 00:24:46,359 Make Shri powerful. 290 00:24:46,859 --> 00:24:48,234 Make them fight each other. 291 00:24:48,609 --> 00:24:49,943 Do we this all by ourselves? 292 00:24:50,193 --> 00:24:51,193 Obviously. 293 00:24:51,776 --> 00:24:53,056 You are not in the army anymore. 294 00:24:53,109 --> 00:24:53,943 You are an agent of R&AW. 295 00:24:53,984 --> 00:24:57,443 Hence use less brawn and more brains. 296 00:24:57,818 --> 00:24:59,276 You'll report everything to me. 297 00:24:59,443 --> 00:25:03,026 I'll find out what I need to through my own means. 298 00:25:03,109 --> 00:25:05,151 I cannot afford mistakes. 299 00:25:05,734 --> 00:25:06,734 Sir. 300 00:25:07,609 --> 00:25:10,984 And most importantly, you are a team leader. 301 00:25:11,401 --> 00:25:13,734 So don't get caught. Never get caught. 302 00:25:22,568 --> 00:25:25,109 My primary task for the next few days.. 303 00:25:25,193 --> 00:25:25,943 Turn left. 304 00:25:26,026 --> 00:25:27,318 ..Was to find Shree. 305 00:25:28,443 --> 00:25:31,359 We identified a few important links. 306 00:25:32,068 --> 00:25:36,484 We got a breakthrough when Narayanan agreed to meet us. 307 00:25:37,776 --> 00:25:38,776 Hello, sir. 308 00:25:38,901 --> 00:25:40,234 I got through Narayanan. 309 00:25:40,443 --> 00:25:41,776 He's agreed to meet. 310 00:25:42,109 --> 00:25:43,151 "Tomorrow, 7 " Imam. 311 00:25:43,359 --> 00:25:44,984 7kms from safe house. 312 00:25:50,568 --> 00:25:52,651 Sir, the one in white shirt. 313 00:25:53,359 --> 00:25:54,818 - This basket. - How much does it weigh? - 30 kgs. 314 00:25:54,901 --> 00:25:56,443 - And This is for? - Local market.. 315 00:26:01,609 --> 00:26:03,943 70% of the earth is covered with water. 316 00:26:04,443 --> 00:26:06,568 It's not so difficult to catch fish. 317 00:26:06,984 --> 00:26:08,026 Oh really? 318 00:26:08,401 --> 00:26:12,068 That really depends on the fish. 319 00:26:12,401 --> 00:26:15,651 The deeper you go the better fish you catch. 320 00:26:15,734 --> 00:26:16,859 Tell me, which one do you want? 321 00:26:16,943 --> 00:26:19,109 My bosses love the fish you catch for them. 322 00:26:19,193 --> 00:26:20,943 Which one do you want? 323 00:26:20,984 --> 00:26:24,359 I told you this one belongs to the local market.. 324 00:26:24,984 --> 00:26:29,026 Tell me which one do you want? CIA, KGB, Tigers. 325 00:26:29,193 --> 00:26:30,693 They're All the same for me. 326 00:26:30,943 --> 00:26:32,401 I don't have time to waste. 327 00:26:32,568 --> 00:26:33,818 Don't even try to negotiate. 328 00:26:33,901 --> 00:26:34,901 Shri. 329 00:26:37,068 --> 00:26:38,068 You an agent? 330 00:26:38,359 --> 00:26:39,901 Everyone is the same in a war zone. 331 00:26:40,068 --> 00:26:41,068 Maybe. 332 00:26:42,234 --> 00:26:45,193 But for me, no satisfaction means no fish. 333 00:26:48,193 --> 00:26:51,318 You see this Information business has become too risky... 334 00:26:52,276 --> 00:26:55,401 I'll have to give information about you if anyone enquires. 335 00:26:55,859 --> 00:26:58,026 I need to store that. 336 00:27:00,234 --> 00:27:01,401 Now you may Leave. 337 00:27:11,401 --> 00:27:12,401 SIOP 338 00:27:15,943 --> 00:27:16,943 Go. 339 00:27:21,359 --> 00:27:23,693 How will you and your government support me? 340 00:27:24,651 --> 00:27:25,818 The situation out here.. 341 00:27:25,901 --> 00:27:29,401 How will people sitting in New Delhi control it? 342 00:27:29,526 --> 00:27:32,026 New Delhi recognizes your TPA. 343 00:27:32,443 --> 00:27:34,609 And our PM's agenda is exactly to settle that. 344 00:27:34,693 --> 00:27:36,401 Election and peace. 345 00:27:36,818 --> 00:27:37,901 Peace? 346 00:27:38,609 --> 00:27:40,776 Anna has made me his archrival. 347 00:27:40,859 --> 00:27:42,776 We were like brothers. 348 00:27:43,318 --> 00:27:45,026 He's being brutal to our people. 349 00:27:45,109 --> 00:27:47,151 He wants total control over Jaffna. 350 00:27:47,318 --> 00:27:48,859 People want to see one leader. 351 00:27:48,943 --> 00:27:50,151 Come to the point. 352 00:27:51,651 --> 00:27:52,693 Sir, 353 00:27:53,651 --> 00:27:56,193 we want you to counter LTF. 354 00:28:00,609 --> 00:28:03,568 We need loads of arms to counter Anna. 355 00:28:04,318 --> 00:28:06,109 Loads of them. 356 00:28:08,943 --> 00:28:11,859 Can your bosses provide me with arms? 357 00:28:12,193 --> 00:28:13,318 Will they promise? 358 00:28:14,026 --> 00:28:15,026 Can you? 359 00:28:19,193 --> 00:28:21,193 Sir, we'll support you in this war. 360 00:28:21,568 --> 00:28:22,901 We're with you. 361 00:28:25,318 --> 00:28:27,026 Wait, Mr. Vikram. 362 00:28:29,568 --> 00:28:31,818 I hate liars. 363 00:28:32,318 --> 00:28:33,984 You won't get a second chance. 364 00:28:34,068 --> 00:28:35,359 Remember that. 365 00:28:37,193 --> 00:28:38,693 You need to relax, boss. 366 00:28:38,901 --> 00:28:40,609 Shri neither trusts me, nor you. 367 00:28:40,693 --> 00:28:42,133 I'm just waiting for the right time. 368 00:28:42,193 --> 00:28:45,526 He won't agree on anything until he gets the arms. 369 00:28:45,609 --> 00:28:46,693 Please understand, boss. 370 00:28:46,776 --> 00:28:48,318 Who are you working for? 371 00:28:48,401 --> 00:28:49,568 For Shri? Or for me? 372 00:28:49,651 --> 00:28:51,943 Sir, I'll handle this my way. Trust me. 373 00:28:52,109 --> 00:28:53,109 Please, sir. 374 00:28:54,734 --> 00:28:55,901 Keep me informed. 375 00:29:06,818 --> 00:29:07,818 Down.. down.. 376 00:29:20,568 --> 00:29:22,193 Welcome, madam. This way. 377 00:30:26,776 --> 00:30:27,901 So, 378 00:30:28,901 --> 00:30:30,776 you did meet with the Prime Minister. 379 00:30:31,026 --> 00:30:33,359 He offered you the support what you were seeking. 380 00:30:33,568 --> 00:30:34,943 But then you backed off. 381 00:30:34,984 --> 00:30:37,151 My soldiers surrendered their arms. 382 00:30:37,568 --> 00:30:38,734 They were killed. 383 00:30:38,901 --> 00:30:40,276 I was backstabbed. 384 00:30:40,776 --> 00:30:42,693 I want safety for my people. 385 00:30:42,943 --> 00:30:44,943 What happens when the peace forces leave? 386 00:30:45,193 --> 00:30:47,568 Look, it's a clear order for the peace forces.. 387 00:30:47,651 --> 00:30:49,734 ...to ensure that the elections go peacefully. 388 00:30:50,068 --> 00:30:52,526 But you're also hell bent on boycotting these elections. 389 00:30:52,609 --> 00:30:54,151 By teaming up with Shri? 390 00:30:54,484 --> 00:30:55,568 Double standard. 391 00:30:55,901 --> 00:30:57,568 I'm already an elected leader. 392 00:30:58,026 --> 00:30:59,693 I've a legitimate army. 393 00:30:59,776 --> 00:31:00,901 Attention! 394 00:31:00,943 --> 00:31:03,026 So this bloodbath, there's no end to it? 395 00:31:04,234 --> 00:31:05,276 I did not start it. 396 00:31:05,776 --> 00:31:06,776 Salute! 397 00:31:07,068 --> 00:31:09,693 Then if you don't agree for a political solution.. 398 00:31:09,776 --> 00:31:11,609 ...you'll have to find a new partner. 399 00:31:13,609 --> 00:31:15,234 Is there a new alliance? 400 00:31:16,984 --> 00:31:18,401 This is my land. 401 00:31:18,609 --> 00:31:20,734 ELAM is my final destination. 402 00:31:21,568 --> 00:31:25,443 For that if I need to seek help from the west.. 403 00:31:26,193 --> 00:31:27,484 ...then I will. 404 00:31:28,193 --> 00:31:32,276 LTF's leader Anna has once again rejected.. 405 00:31:32,359 --> 00:31:34,693 ...lndia's offer for peace elections. 406 00:31:34,901 --> 00:31:37,443 And has further stated that.. 407 00:31:37,568 --> 00:31:40,609 ...he will not hesitate to seek help from the west. 408 00:31:41,151 --> 00:31:44,276 How does New Delhi react to this? 409 00:31:44,568 --> 00:31:47,734 How will this affect the peace process in the island? 410 00:31:47,901 --> 00:31:50,026 Only time will tell. 411 00:31:57,234 --> 00:31:58,484 Rajsekharan, 412 00:31:58,984 --> 00:32:01,901 you source funds and arms from outside. 413 00:32:02,151 --> 00:32:04,818 Go and meet our new foreign friend. 414 00:32:13,734 --> 00:32:14,818 We need.. 415 00:32:15,859 --> 00:32:18,026 ...your help in our fight, 416 00:32:18,484 --> 00:32:19,734 in our war. 417 00:32:20,068 --> 00:32:21,859 So you need our support? 418 00:32:23,818 --> 00:32:27,193 We need to be assured of your support in the future. 419 00:32:29,818 --> 00:32:30,739 I have to pass through. 420 00:32:30,818 --> 00:32:32,734 There could be An ambush ma'am. Rounds are being fired inside. 421 00:32:32,859 --> 00:32:33,984 I can't allow you to go in. 422 00:32:34,068 --> 00:32:35,859 Look, I've the colonel's permission. 423 00:32:35,984 --> 00:32:37,651 - I've received no such orders. - Ma'am.. 424 00:32:37,734 --> 00:32:41,318 - I have to pass through. - Captain. I know her. 425 00:32:43,234 --> 00:32:45,234 Not bad. Thank you. 426 00:32:45,859 --> 00:32:47,318 I read your interview. 427 00:32:48,443 --> 00:32:49,526 How's Anna? 428 00:32:49,693 --> 00:32:52,234 Hey, listen, he's not my friend. 429 00:32:52,651 --> 00:32:54,109 But I will say this. 430 00:32:54,234 --> 00:32:57,526 I've never met anyone with so much clarity and purpose. 431 00:32:57,901 --> 00:32:58,984 You can't buy him. 432 00:33:00,401 --> 00:33:03,068 Then Anna must've also told you about his new partner. 433 00:33:03,734 --> 00:33:05,026 You're asking me? 434 00:33:05,276 --> 00:33:07,943 Until last year LTF was favored by New Delhi. 435 00:33:08,151 --> 00:33:11,609 But now, their rival TPA Shri seems to have taken their place. 436 00:33:11,693 --> 00:33:12,984 I don't know what you're talking about. 437 00:33:13,068 --> 00:33:15,026 Somebody has got to be helping them. 438 00:33:15,276 --> 00:33:16,443 Why tell me? 439 00:33:16,609 --> 00:33:17,943 It's your job, isn't it? 440 00:33:24,693 --> 00:33:28,734 "The date for arms deal was decided as 6th July." 441 00:33:29,359 --> 00:33:33,318 It was important that the arms consignment reached Shri. 442 00:33:36,276 --> 00:33:38,068 Hello. Capt. Murli. 443 00:33:38,609 --> 00:33:39,984 Delivery will be made from Singapore. 444 00:33:40,068 --> 00:33:40,943 From here. 445 00:33:40,984 --> 00:33:43,651 By using fishing boats, we'll make the exchange. 446 00:33:43,943 --> 00:33:45,943 And this here, is the dropping point. 447 00:33:45,984 --> 00:33:47,109 Point Pedro. 448 00:33:47,276 --> 00:33:49,359 Delivery at 4:00pm. - 'But I didn't know that.. 449 00:33:49,443 --> 00:33:53,151 This small arms deal will change both the local politics.. 450 00:33:53,359 --> 00:33:56,443 ..and my life forever. 451 00:34:00,359 --> 00:34:02,609 Gifts are on the way from Singapore. 452 00:34:03,943 --> 00:34:05,651 Be sure they reach our new friends. 453 00:34:05,734 --> 00:34:06,943 Don't worry, Reed. 454 00:34:07,484 --> 00:34:10,776 My man will be there with our new friends. 455 00:34:22,984 --> 00:34:25,943 Vikram, you will get a safe passage from the old ship yard. 456 00:34:26,609 --> 00:34:29,859 Sri Lankan army's Capt. Ratnayake will be waiting for you. 457 00:34:30,193 --> 00:34:31,443 Just pay him the money. 458 00:34:31,526 --> 00:34:33,859 Landing will happen at: Point Pedro. 459 00:34:44,068 --> 00:34:46,776 Indians are on their way. Leave now. 460 00:34:46,859 --> 00:34:48,193 Okay. Over and out. 461 00:34:48,276 --> 00:34:49,484 Let's go. Let's go. 462 00:34:49,651 --> 00:34:50,859 Common hurry. 463 00:35:04,734 --> 00:35:05,818 Let's move. 464 00:35:12,776 --> 00:35:13,776 Move move, Fast. 465 00:35:13,901 --> 00:35:15,526 What are LTF rebels doing here, sir? 466 00:35:15,609 --> 00:35:17,776 - KT, something is wrong. - Let me check. 467 00:35:28,151 --> 00:35:29,151 KT! 468 00:35:31,484 --> 00:35:32,484 Take position. 469 00:35:53,568 --> 00:35:54,568 KT! 470 00:36:11,943 --> 00:36:13,859 SP! SP, KT is hit! 471 00:36:15,443 --> 00:36:16,526 Send backup! 472 00:36:21,609 --> 00:36:23,776 Lets go, lets go. 473 00:36:30,526 --> 00:36:32,359 Get up, KT! Get up! 474 00:36:51,859 --> 00:36:53,359 Attention! 475 00:36:55,359 --> 00:36:57,068 Anna these are rocket launchers, 476 00:36:59,026 --> 00:37:00,859 and these are AK-47 & AK-56. 477 00:37:07,193 --> 00:37:07,943 Hello? 478 00:37:08,026 --> 00:37:09,901 I'm KT's senior calling from Jaffna. 479 00:37:12,651 --> 00:37:13,693 KT is.. 480 00:37:16,568 --> 00:37:17,651 Please, ma'am. 481 00:37:18,859 --> 00:37:20,276 We did all we could do. 482 00:37:29,026 --> 00:37:30,068 Sir. 483 00:37:31,318 --> 00:37:32,318 Happy? 484 00:37:32,734 --> 00:37:34,609 We lost an important man. 485 00:37:34,943 --> 00:37:36,068 Out! Get out! 486 00:37:37,693 --> 00:37:39,318 What had I asked you? 487 00:37:39,734 --> 00:37:42,443 "If you can't handle it by yourself I can help.." 488 00:37:42,901 --> 00:37:44,234 Did I or did I not say that? 489 00:37:44,901 --> 00:37:45,901 What now? 490 00:37:46,026 --> 00:37:47,276 A marching party? 491 00:37:47,818 --> 00:37:49,234 Sir, someone double-crossed us. 492 00:37:49,318 --> 00:37:51,068 Don't give me that bullshit! 493 00:37:51,443 --> 00:37:54,484 Vikram, you know what your problem is, you think you're too smart! 494 00:37:54,651 --> 00:37:57,109 Sir. Trust me, sir. LTF was not supposed to be there. 495 00:37:57,359 --> 00:37:58,818 I don't know from where the random firing started. 496 00:37:58,901 --> 00:38:00,234 Do you know what be the result of this? 497 00:38:00,318 --> 00:38:01,943 Anna and Shri, both of them will hunt us down. 498 00:38:02,026 --> 00:38:03,359 Hello? Sir.. 499 00:38:03,943 --> 00:38:04,943 What! 500 00:38:05,068 --> 00:38:06,359 RD sir is on the line. 501 00:38:13,234 --> 00:38:14,901 Sure, sir. 502 00:38:15,151 --> 00:38:17,318 I will take control. 503 00:38:18,359 --> 00:38:19,359 Yes. 504 00:38:21,193 --> 00:38:22,609 Now you get out of Jaffna. 505 00:38:22,859 --> 00:38:24,401 Go straight to the Colombo safe house. 506 00:38:24,609 --> 00:38:25,609 And stay there. 507 00:38:42,984 --> 00:38:44,526 Delhi still hasn't altered its ways. 508 00:38:44,609 --> 00:38:46,276 The same old strategy. 509 00:38:46,359 --> 00:38:49,359 It's not so. We want to support you. 510 00:38:49,443 --> 00:38:51,943 You gave such a big arms consignment to LTF. 511 00:38:52,026 --> 00:38:53,609 This is how you'll support us! 512 00:38:53,693 --> 00:38:55,401 There was an ambush. 513 00:38:55,734 --> 00:38:57,234 I too lost a man. 514 00:38:57,318 --> 00:39:00,234 The other guy, Vikram, he came here and made big promises. 515 00:39:01,276 --> 00:39:03,234 Do you know why he is still alive? 516 00:39:03,734 --> 00:39:06,026 I told my men that he's your man. 517 00:39:06,193 --> 00:39:07,609 It was a mistake. 518 00:39:07,693 --> 00:39:10,943 Bullshit, This is how I'll counter Anna? 519 00:39:10,984 --> 00:39:13,818 I'll handle him personally. 520 00:39:13,984 --> 00:39:14,984 24 hours. 521 00:39:16,859 --> 00:39:18,151 Deal with him. 522 00:39:18,359 --> 00:39:21,943 If you don't then I will. 523 00:39:38,943 --> 00:39:40,776 He's gone to Capt. Mum's shop. 524 00:39:42,401 --> 00:39:43,734 What happened at the jetty? 525 00:39:43,859 --> 00:39:45,318 I don't know. 526 00:39:45,401 --> 00:39:46,776 Who informed LTF? 527 00:39:47,193 --> 00:39:48,943 I don't know. I really don't know. 528 00:39:48,984 --> 00:39:50,859 No one knew about the arms deal. 529 00:39:50,943 --> 00:39:52,359 How did they find out about it? 530 00:39:52,443 --> 00:39:54,693 I don't know, please, sir. For God's sake. 531 00:39:56,026 --> 00:39:57,443 I don't know, sir. 532 00:40:04,859 --> 00:40:05,901 Right, sir. 533 00:40:25,734 --> 00:40:27,651 Keep him alive.. don't kill him. 534 00:40:45,026 --> 00:40:46,526 Jaya, the journalist's room number please. 535 00:40:46,609 --> 00:40:47,693 403. 536 00:40:49,151 --> 00:40:50,151 Jaya. 537 00:40:52,068 --> 00:40:53,276 Jaya, it's me. 538 00:40:58,526 --> 00:40:59,651 I need to talk to you. 539 00:41:00,609 --> 00:41:01,943 Anna would get the arms. 540 00:41:02,276 --> 00:41:03,484 You knew about it, didn't you? 541 00:41:03,568 --> 00:41:05,526 Is this an official interrogation, Mr. RAW? 542 00:41:06,276 --> 00:41:08,318 Because if it is, my answer is no. 543 00:41:08,984 --> 00:41:10,193 How did you know? 544 00:41:10,443 --> 00:41:11,859 I need to know. 545 00:41:12,151 --> 00:41:13,151 Excuse me? 546 00:41:13,401 --> 00:41:15,026 Why are you asking me this? 547 00:41:15,109 --> 00:41:16,734 I have my networks. 548 00:41:17,359 --> 00:41:18,484 That's my job. 549 00:41:19,693 --> 00:41:20,859 You should know how it works. 550 00:41:20,943 --> 00:41:21,943 Jaya, please. 551 00:41:22,109 --> 00:41:25,568 If Anna is being made more powerful There will be repercussions. 552 00:41:26,109 --> 00:41:27,609 The entire peace process will fail. 553 00:41:27,693 --> 00:41:30,374 There will be a whole new civil war. Goddamn it. This is not a game. 554 00:41:31,026 --> 00:41:32,651 Vikram, look around. 555 00:41:32,943 --> 00:41:34,776 The peace process has already failed. 556 00:41:35,026 --> 00:41:36,943 And I'm not playing games either. 557 00:41:36,984 --> 00:41:39,109 I'm here because there human lives are at stake. 558 00:41:40,568 --> 00:41:41,734 Jaya, please. 559 00:41:42,901 --> 00:41:44,068 What do you know? 560 00:41:48,443 --> 00:41:52,234 Look, before I came here I got a call from my source. 561 00:41:52,734 --> 00:41:55,234 A foreign agency guy met with an Indian official. 562 00:41:55,443 --> 00:41:57,151 And the leak happened in Bangkok. 563 00:42:00,568 --> 00:42:02,943 Was that Indian official from RAW? 564 00:42:03,068 --> 00:42:04,109 I don't know. 565 00:42:04,568 --> 00:42:05,734 Look, if he was Raw then you know.. 566 00:42:05,818 --> 00:42:06,818 Let me tell you, 567 00:42:07,193 --> 00:42:10,901 they know your next move much before you even implement it. 568 00:42:11,901 --> 00:42:13,984 So you should know about it, not me. 569 00:42:19,234 --> 00:42:20,234 Vikram, 570 00:42:21,734 --> 00:42:23,568 this conversation never happened. 571 00:42:39,901 --> 00:42:41,818 Assets can't call be called back. 572 00:42:42,401 --> 00:42:43,901 Specially considering.. 573 00:42:47,901 --> 00:42:49,818 Sir, there's some urgent news. 574 00:42:49,901 --> 00:42:51,234 Please have a look at it. 575 00:42:52,734 --> 00:42:55,651 Latest news has just come in from Sri Lanka that an Indian national.. 576 00:42:56,276 --> 00:42:58,517 ..Vikram Singh has been abducted by the LTF militants.. 577 00:42:58,568 --> 00:42:59,776 ..in the Jaffna area. 578 00:43:01,109 --> 00:43:03,068 Stay down, stay down.. 579 00:43:03,401 --> 00:43:05,651 The Indian High Commission in Colombo has stated.. 580 00:43:05,734 --> 00:43:07,359 ..they are not aware of the whereabouts of Vikram. 581 00:43:07,443 --> 00:43:10,109 This kidnapping is assumed to be a political kidnapping. 582 00:43:10,234 --> 00:43:11,943 How unstable will the conditions be? 583 00:43:12,026 --> 00:43:13,066 Or Will the Indian High... 584 00:43:15,776 --> 00:43:17,151 Get me Bala now. 585 00:43:17,943 --> 00:43:20,276 Ma'am, we understand this is not easy for you. 586 00:43:20,609 --> 00:43:22,526 But this is a political kidnapping. 587 00:43:23,151 --> 00:43:24,526 We are negotiating. 588 00:43:26,901 --> 00:43:29,318 But we can approach the Indian High Commission, right? 589 00:43:29,651 --> 00:43:31,109 They can send in the army. 590 00:43:31,859 --> 00:43:33,568 After all the army is responsible, right? 591 00:43:34,276 --> 00:43:35,901 Vikram was on official duty. 592 00:43:36,609 --> 00:43:38,068 He was on official posting. 593 00:43:42,359 --> 00:43:44,693 Ma'am, we need to understand whom we are dealing with. 594 00:43:45,026 --> 00:43:47,484 A dangerous and brutal terrorist outfit, LTF. 595 00:43:47,568 --> 00:43:49,068 Perhaps even you know about them. 596 00:43:58,818 --> 00:44:01,734 So you mean I should keep mum.. 597 00:44:02,234 --> 00:44:04,984 ...and my husband's life hangs in the bargain. Right? 598 00:44:05,276 --> 00:44:07,068 Ma'am, we understand your emotions. 599 00:44:07,276 --> 00:44:09,526 But Vikram belongs to us. 600 00:44:09,818 --> 00:44:12,693 We will try our best and bring him back safely. 601 00:44:16,568 --> 00:44:18,568 - Hello. - What the hell is happening, Bala? 602 00:44:18,818 --> 00:44:22,193 I don't know, sir. I just returned to Madras this morning. 603 00:44:22,359 --> 00:44:26,068 Our best boy gets kidnapped right from under your nose.. 604 00:44:26,151 --> 00:44:28,068 And you're say that you don't know! 605 00:44:28,151 --> 00:44:29,401 I understand, sir. 606 00:44:29,484 --> 00:44:32,318 You are responsible for whatever happens there. 607 00:44:32,401 --> 00:44:34,193 I had warned Vikram. 608 00:44:34,276 --> 00:44:36,776 I told him to be careful. 609 00:44:43,359 --> 00:44:44,568 And now LTF is angry.. 610 00:44:44,651 --> 00:44:46,693 If LTF is responsible then talk to them. 611 00:44:46,776 --> 00:44:48,943 Deploy the army if you have to. 612 00:44:49,151 --> 00:44:53,526 Do what you have to but we want our boy back safely. 613 00:44:53,609 --> 00:44:56,443 Sir, I spoke to the High Commission in Colombo. 614 00:44:56,526 --> 00:44:59,484 You know they won't negotiate. 615 00:44:59,693 --> 00:45:01,318 Fine, sir. I'll leave right away. 616 00:45:01,484 --> 00:45:04,359 I'll leave for the army base camp right away. 617 00:45:05,109 --> 00:45:06,943 Soldier's name: Vikram Singh. 618 00:45:06,984 --> 00:45:08,734 Suspected location: Pallai town. 619 00:45:08,901 --> 00:45:10,526 48kms east from Jaffna. 620 00:45:10,901 --> 00:45:12,109 Bravo one. 621 00:45:12,484 --> 00:45:14,193 Around 50 LTF holding up there. 622 00:45:14,443 --> 00:45:15,859 Ask LTF to leave right now.. 623 00:45:16,109 --> 00:45:17,859 I have deployed the army. 624 00:45:21,151 --> 00:45:24,068 Target visible. 60 degrees north. 625 00:45:45,943 --> 00:45:46,901 Sir, He's alive. 626 00:45:46,943 --> 00:45:48,443 Bravo one to base camp. 627 00:45:48,526 --> 00:45:51,151 Location is empty. Repeat. Location is empty. 628 00:45:52,484 --> 00:45:54,151 Status: Injured but alive. 629 00:46:08,859 --> 00:46:11,193 Here have this you'll feel better. 630 00:46:12,651 --> 00:46:13,901 How do you feel? 631 00:46:15,109 --> 00:46:16,443 Look at your self. 632 00:46:17,068 --> 00:46:19,859 Your New Delhi thinks that it can sit there.. 633 00:46:20,109 --> 00:46:22,609 ...and manage everything through a remote control. 634 00:46:23,068 --> 00:46:23,984 Nonsense! 635 00:46:24,068 --> 00:46:25,943 In the field, in the jungle.. 636 00:46:27,193 --> 00:46:28,901 I'm in control here. 637 00:46:29,443 --> 00:46:30,901 Jaffna is my territory. 638 00:46:32,526 --> 00:46:34,318 You wouldn't have survived. I saved you. 639 00:46:34,693 --> 00:46:35,693 What next? 640 00:46:35,859 --> 00:46:38,276 Oh, your work is done. 641 00:46:38,609 --> 00:46:40,234 Your assignment's finished. 642 00:46:40,693 --> 00:46:42,109 Your cover is blown. 643 00:46:42,193 --> 00:46:44,651 You are on the hit-list of both the camps. 644 00:46:44,984 --> 00:46:47,568 You'll put the agency in risk if you stay here. 645 00:46:47,651 --> 00:46:49,193 So, you should leave. 646 00:46:50,109 --> 00:46:52,193 Enjoy with your wife. 647 00:46:52,276 --> 00:46:53,609 Go on a holiday. 648 00:46:54,734 --> 00:46:58,318 And one more thing, your journalist friend she should leave too. 649 00:46:58,401 --> 00:46:59,943 It's not safe for her here. 650 00:47:10,526 --> 00:47:11,526 SP. Here. 651 00:47:12,026 --> 00:47:13,359 Will you help me? 652 00:47:13,526 --> 00:47:14,526 Yes, boss? 653 00:47:14,734 --> 00:47:19,943 Henceforth I want all the information of Bala's movements and call records. 654 00:47:20,359 --> 00:47:21,401 Okay, boss. 655 00:47:34,193 --> 00:47:35,276 How are you? 656 00:47:36,026 --> 00:47:37,109 I'm fine. 657 00:47:38,609 --> 00:47:39,901 And your injury? 658 00:47:40,859 --> 00:47:45,443 Ruby. The one whom I always left back alone. 659 00:47:46,359 --> 00:47:48,651 She just had only this one hope. 660 00:47:49,234 --> 00:47:51,276 That everything will be fine. 661 00:47:51,859 --> 00:47:56,276 I might have been the one at war, but she too was fighting a battle. 662 00:47:57,026 --> 00:47:58,151 With herself. 663 00:47:58,776 --> 00:48:00,109 With her fears. 664 00:48:00,651 --> 00:48:02,734 I had the entire army with me. 665 00:48:03,443 --> 00:48:06,568 But all she had was her belief.. 666 00:48:06,818 --> 00:48:08,401 That I will come back. 667 00:48:08,609 --> 00:48:09,609 Alive. 668 00:48:28,859 --> 00:48:29,859 How are you? 669 00:48:30,818 --> 00:48:32,276 Alive, for now. 670 00:48:32,901 --> 00:48:35,359 You wouldn't have survived this time. 671 00:48:36,026 --> 00:48:38,693 LTF was very rigid. 672 00:48:39,401 --> 00:48:40,401 And New Delhi, 673 00:48:41,193 --> 00:48:42,359 you know them well. 674 00:48:43,401 --> 00:48:45,526 Somehow we managed. 675 00:48:47,943 --> 00:48:49,401 But, sir, I got framed. 676 00:48:49,859 --> 00:48:50,943 Twice. 677 00:48:51,609 --> 00:48:52,693 Somehow survived. 678 00:48:52,859 --> 00:48:53,859 So, 679 00:48:55,068 --> 00:48:56,318 what went wrong? 680 00:48:57,193 --> 00:48:58,193 What do you think? 681 00:48:58,443 --> 00:49:00,443 Sir, I was not wrong about the arms deal. 682 00:49:02,484 --> 00:49:03,943 There is a leak amongst us. 683 00:49:07,609 --> 00:49:08,776 So what's your plan? 684 00:49:09,943 --> 00:49:10,943 Thank you, sir. 685 00:49:11,276 --> 00:49:12,984 That I need to figure out. 686 00:49:14,484 --> 00:49:16,276 But before that, I'll get you Mallaya. 687 00:49:17,526 --> 00:49:18,901 You were right. 688 00:49:20,068 --> 00:49:23,234 To pin down Anna, we need to crack Mallaya. 689 00:49:23,609 --> 00:49:24,818 How? 690 00:49:25,443 --> 00:49:26,984 You can't go back in the jungle. 691 00:49:27,276 --> 00:49:28,693 They'll kill you. 692 00:49:30,109 --> 00:49:31,484 Sir, with your permission, 693 00:49:33,068 --> 00:49:34,276 let me do it. 694 00:49:36,276 --> 00:49:37,526 Off the record. 695 00:49:38,651 --> 00:49:40,859 You mean no vacation? 696 00:49:48,693 --> 00:49:49,818 I want Mallaya. 697 00:49:49,943 --> 00:49:51,943 Mallaya is the most dangerous shark. 698 00:49:52,026 --> 00:49:53,484 You're taking a big risk. 699 00:49:54,693 --> 00:49:56,568 You'll get both of us killed. 700 00:50:01,068 --> 00:50:02,318 Fine, I'll see what I can do. 701 00:50:02,651 --> 00:50:03,818 Double money. 702 00:50:06,401 --> 00:50:09,443 Mallaya was Anna's second in command. 703 00:50:10,484 --> 00:50:12,484 Who controlled the entire east region. 704 00:50:13,401 --> 00:50:15,609 And getting him onto our side for the elections... 705 00:50:15,693 --> 00:50:18,818 ...meant breking the lTF into 2 706 00:50:21,776 --> 00:50:22,943 I want to meet Mallaya. 707 00:50:23,026 --> 00:50:24,026 Who are you? 708 00:50:24,318 --> 00:50:25,109 Where are you from? 709 00:50:25,193 --> 00:50:26,651 I'm a reporter. 710 00:50:27,151 --> 00:50:28,431 Why do you want to meet Mallaya? 711 00:50:28,443 --> 00:50:29,901 I'm reporting on the war. 712 00:51:29,026 --> 00:51:30,193 Myself Vikram, sir. 713 00:51:34,359 --> 00:51:36,818 So you.. 714 00:51:38,359 --> 00:51:40,026 ...want to interview me? 715 00:51:40,234 --> 00:51:41,359 Yes. 716 00:51:41,734 --> 00:51:43,651 I was waiting for you. 717 00:51:44,859 --> 00:51:45,943 You know why? 718 00:51:50,026 --> 00:51:51,818 For what purpose would a RAW's journalist.. 719 00:51:52,568 --> 00:51:55,984 ...out his life at risk and come here? 720 00:51:56,526 --> 00:51:58,693 Mr. Mallaya, let me get straight to the point. 721 00:51:59,068 --> 00:52:01,068 My senior wants to meet you. 722 00:52:01,901 --> 00:52:02,901 In Colombo. 723 00:52:03,109 --> 00:52:04,901 RD is coming to Colombo? 724 00:52:06,776 --> 00:52:08,443 You know Anna will be very angry. 725 00:52:09,151 --> 00:52:10,943 He wants to meet you, alone. 726 00:52:19,651 --> 00:52:21,359 First you spoke about breaking the LTF. 727 00:52:21,609 --> 00:52:23,401 Then you prepared TPA against them. 728 00:52:23,609 --> 00:52:25,526 Now you want us to support the LTF again? 729 00:52:25,651 --> 00:52:28,234 I think we should go ahead with the Provincial Council Elections. 730 00:52:28,526 --> 00:52:30,401 Pick any three representatives. 731 00:52:30,651 --> 00:52:32,484 Go ahead with the elections and end this. 732 00:52:32,818 --> 00:52:34,109 "Any" meaning? 733 00:52:34,193 --> 00:52:35,609 The ones no one knows about? 734 00:52:35,901 --> 00:52:36,984 No one recognizes? 735 00:52:37,234 --> 00:52:39,068 If we want peace... 736 00:52:39,734 --> 00:52:41,901 we need the people with us. 737 00:52:42,651 --> 00:52:46,359 And we all know that people support LTF. 738 00:52:46,526 --> 00:52:48,609 We will have to partner LTF. 739 00:52:49,026 --> 00:52:50,484 And I don't mean Anna. 740 00:52:50,609 --> 00:52:53,234 We partner LTF without Anna. 741 00:52:53,443 --> 00:52:58,068 We have been able to penetrate to his second in command, Mallaya. 742 00:52:58,984 --> 00:53:03,151 He has enough backing of LTF that he can stand on his own. 743 00:53:03,443 --> 00:53:05,609 - As a leader. - Now who the hell is Mallaya, RD? 744 00:53:05,859 --> 00:53:06,859 Hold on. 745 00:53:07,193 --> 00:53:10,401 If we can still have the elections then.. 746 00:53:10,901 --> 00:53:13,151 ...we might find a face saving exit. 747 00:53:13,526 --> 00:53:16,818 Otherwise, in the next 48 hours the PM will have to resign. 748 00:53:21,609 --> 00:53:22,609 Sir. 749 00:53:27,068 --> 00:53:28,068 Try. 750 00:53:32,193 --> 00:53:34,109 So... You went passed me? 751 00:53:35,526 --> 00:53:36,526 Good. 752 00:53:37,026 --> 00:53:39,401 You met Mallaya. 753 00:53:40,609 --> 00:53:41,859 How did you manage that? 754 00:53:42,151 --> 00:53:44,109 I was just following orders, sir. 755 00:53:44,443 --> 00:53:45,943 Oh, come on! 756 00:53:46,276 --> 00:53:48,693 Don't give me that bullshit. 757 00:53:49,526 --> 00:53:53,151 Conspiring with New Delhi, that's what you are doing. 758 00:53:53,401 --> 00:53:55,776 There is a leak in my team.. 759 00:53:57,734 --> 00:53:58,734 You. 760 00:53:58,984 --> 00:54:01,318 We both are working for the same government. 761 00:54:01,984 --> 00:54:03,943 You cannot keep implicating me. 762 00:54:04,443 --> 00:54:05,651 If you do that again, 763 00:54:05,984 --> 00:54:07,234 I will not hold back. 764 00:54:09,734 --> 00:54:12,568 And you know, no one is innocent here. 765 00:54:34,818 --> 00:54:35,818 Hi, Jaya. 766 00:54:36,318 --> 00:54:37,318 Hi. 767 00:54:37,693 --> 00:54:38,693 So you're leaving? 768 00:54:39,151 --> 00:54:40,151 Obviously. 769 00:54:44,151 --> 00:54:45,693 They think I work for you now. 770 00:54:48,318 --> 00:54:49,818 But thanks for saving my life. 771 00:54:50,234 --> 00:54:52,114 - Look, I'm sorry that because of me.. - Please. 772 00:54:52,651 --> 00:54:54,609 Don't drag me into this any further. 773 00:54:55,693 --> 00:54:59,943 As a war correspondent it's important that I'd be seen as unbiased. 774 00:55:00,401 --> 00:55:02,276 It could ruin everything that I stand for. 775 00:55:02,526 --> 00:55:04,859 I just wanted you to know that you are not safe here. 776 00:55:05,818 --> 00:55:07,318 Yeah, I know. 777 00:55:09,151 --> 00:55:10,318 These threats. 778 00:55:11,651 --> 00:55:13,151 Anyway, don't worry. 779 00:55:13,484 --> 00:55:15,443 I promise to remain anti-national. 780 00:55:18,651 --> 00:55:21,359 My office numbers and my London's personal number. 781 00:55:23,651 --> 00:55:25,818 And, Vikram, be safe. 782 00:55:26,443 --> 00:55:27,443 You too. 783 00:55:58,776 --> 00:56:00,151 Please have your tea. 784 00:56:00,484 --> 00:56:02,401 I don't enjoy such things. 785 00:56:02,901 --> 00:56:04,026 I stay in the jungle. 786 00:56:04,109 --> 00:56:07,151 That's why Anna operates like a tyrant? 787 00:56:08,359 --> 00:56:10,068 He's openly into brutality. 788 00:56:10,568 --> 00:56:12,109 But it won't last for long. 789 00:56:12,443 --> 00:56:17,026 No matter where Anna is hiding in this island, we will find him. 790 00:56:17,526 --> 00:56:19,901 And the elections will be held peacefully. 791 00:56:20,609 --> 00:56:21,901 But what after that? 792 00:56:23,068 --> 00:56:25,901 Who will be the new leader? Have you ever given that a thought? 793 00:56:27,026 --> 00:56:29,276 It was a mistake coming here. 794 00:56:29,651 --> 00:56:33,234 The mistake is that you guys are addicted to war. 795 00:56:33,526 --> 00:56:36,776 Hanging cyanide capsules around the neck of small children, 796 00:56:36,859 --> 00:56:38,276 making them into turn militants... 797 00:56:38,859 --> 00:56:40,193 Is this your war? 798 00:56:41,318 --> 00:56:43,859 You are snatching away their future. 799 00:56:44,443 --> 00:56:48,193 The Tamilians can get their rights back.. 800 00:56:48,526 --> 00:56:51,026 ...only through a political solution. 801 00:56:52,068 --> 00:56:53,859 And you can do so, by being their leader. 802 00:56:54,776 --> 00:56:56,068 Not through war. 803 00:56:58,026 --> 00:56:59,193 Our offer is clear. 804 00:57:02,026 --> 00:57:04,901 And what if I refuse? 805 00:57:05,859 --> 00:57:07,193 You have no option. 806 00:57:08,026 --> 00:57:09,359 Enjoy your tea. 807 00:57:12,318 --> 00:57:13,734 Vikram, phase three. 808 00:57:14,026 --> 00:57:15,318 - Get Anna. - Sir. 809 00:57:15,401 --> 00:57:17,276 Mallaya will give you Anna's location. 810 00:57:18,026 --> 00:57:19,818 Brief the army special forces. 811 00:57:19,901 --> 00:57:21,943 We want Anna at any cost. 812 00:57:22,068 --> 00:57:23,026 Right, sir. 813 00:57:23,109 --> 00:57:24,526 Mission Extract Anna. 814 00:57:24,818 --> 00:57:25,859 Two platoons. 815 00:57:26,068 --> 00:57:28,651 One will land in the east and the other in north. 816 00:57:28,776 --> 00:57:29,776 Vikram.. 817 00:57:29,901 --> 00:57:31,901 This is the position of the LTF camp. 818 00:57:32,151 --> 00:57:33,651 500 meters in diameter. 819 00:57:33,776 --> 00:57:35,609 The whole region is covered with landmines. 820 00:57:35,776 --> 00:57:37,651 This will be our dropping point. Pottai lake. 821 00:57:37,859 --> 00:57:39,901 Remember, we have only eight minutes. 822 00:57:43,401 --> 00:57:47,568 Vikram, your job in Jaffna is over for the time being. 823 00:57:48,234 --> 00:57:50,526 Immediately station yourself in Kerala. 824 00:57:50,943 --> 00:57:54,401 Wait for further orders. Leave now. 825 00:58:06,401 --> 00:58:07,693 He's not here.. its empty. 826 00:58:28,526 --> 00:58:29,526 Target locked. 827 00:58:54,651 --> 00:58:56,651 Cover up! Cover up! 828 00:58:59,526 --> 00:59:00,526 Come on! 829 00:59:00,776 --> 00:59:01,984 Fast... 830 00:59:14,484 --> 00:59:17,276 Anna.. southern side.. In the bunker.. this way. 831 00:59:59,859 --> 01:00:01,109 I survived. 832 01:00:01,443 --> 01:00:03,026 I came back to India. 833 01:00:03,151 --> 01:00:06,026 But my job was still incomplete. 834 01:00:06,693 --> 01:00:09,276 Bala. I knew he was the leak. 835 01:00:10,109 --> 01:00:12,776 But I needed concrete evidence. 836 01:00:19,568 --> 01:00:21,151 What happened, Vikram? 837 01:00:25,984 --> 01:00:27,068 Those faces, 838 01:00:28,609 --> 01:00:29,901 those killings.. 839 01:00:30,984 --> 01:00:32,901 Something doesn't seem right, Ruby. 840 01:00:34,818 --> 01:00:35,901 Just let go. 841 01:00:50,443 --> 01:00:54,859 As per the latest news received LTF leader Anna is dead. 842 01:01:03,568 --> 01:01:06,234 The news of Anna's death spread like wild fire. 843 01:01:06,859 --> 01:01:08,484 The whole island was in shock. 844 01:01:09,359 --> 01:01:10,568 The whole world believed us. 845 01:01:11,526 --> 01:01:13,651 And we too, believed that our job was done. 846 01:01:13,734 --> 01:01:17,359 Long live Mallaya! Our leader Mallaya. 847 01:01:18,026 --> 01:01:21,693 Mallaya declared himself as the new leader of LTF. 848 01:01:23,734 --> 01:01:24,734 But.. 849 01:01:24,818 --> 01:01:25,943 Anna was alive. 850 01:01:39,193 --> 01:01:40,651 Why did you do this? 851 01:01:41,526 --> 01:01:43,984 No one can betray our ELAM. 852 01:01:50,859 --> 01:01:53,901 And now, it was impossible to stop Anna. 853 01:01:59,568 --> 01:02:02,943 He became the undisputed leader of North-East Sri Lanka. 854 01:02:03,234 --> 01:02:06,401 And now much more ferocious. 855 01:02:10,651 --> 01:02:12,943 Prime Minister has resigned today. 856 01:02:13,276 --> 01:02:15,609 Due to an unexpected development this morning.. 857 01:02:15,693 --> 01:02:18,193 ..he took this step under political pressure. 858 01:02:18,276 --> 01:02:20,943 Because of the change in the political scenario... 859 01:02:21,651 --> 01:02:23,776 ...in Delhi, PM resigned. 860 01:02:24,193 --> 01:02:26,859 A week after the new government came into power.. 861 01:02:27,818 --> 01:02:31,401 ..our army was called back from Lanka. 862 01:02:32,734 --> 01:02:34,609 This was a victory for Anna, 863 01:02:35,526 --> 01:02:38,026 against the world's fourth largest military force. 864 01:02:41,776 --> 01:02:44,484 From here on began the grand conspiracy. 865 01:02:45,318 --> 01:02:47,859 The final assassination plot. 866 01:02:49,193 --> 01:02:51,901 So, is this the reason why we lost our Prime Minister? 867 01:02:53,234 --> 01:02:58,359 Fresh elections were announced a year after his resignation. 868 01:03:00,151 --> 01:03:02,276 During the election campaign, 869 01:03:02,526 --> 01:03:03,651 at a press conference.. 870 01:03:03,734 --> 01:03:05,151 ..ex-prime minister... 871 01:03:05,568 --> 01:03:07,901 ..announced his political agenda for the next elections. 872 01:03:07,984 --> 01:03:09,776 Tamil 'cause be an important issue for you this time as well? 873 01:03:09,943 --> 01:03:13,443 If we do come into power, apart from economic growth.. 874 01:03:13,776 --> 01:03:15,696 ...Tamil 'cause will be an important issue for me. 875 01:03:16,026 --> 01:03:17,234 That there is Peace in the island. 876 01:03:17,318 --> 01:03:19,318 That the Tamilians should get their rights. 877 01:03:19,568 --> 01:03:21,026 This is what we will aim for. 878 01:03:21,943 --> 01:03:23,026 Peace in the island. 879 01:03:23,109 --> 01:03:25,234 Tamilians should get their rights. 880 01:03:25,734 --> 01:03:27,401 This is what we will aim for. 881 01:03:27,651 --> 01:03:32,068 My stand is clear. I want a peaceful political solution. 882 01:03:33,859 --> 01:03:36,568 A month after this speech, 883 01:03:37,609 --> 01:03:40,734 our Madras Desk and South-East Naval force.. 884 01:03:41,276 --> 01:03:43,359 ..intercepted some coded messages. 885 01:04:03,734 --> 01:04:05,693 Reed, the meeting is fixed. 886 01:04:06,109 --> 01:04:10,734 And perhaps from here on that the grand conspiracy began took shape. 887 01:04:20,526 --> 01:04:21,526 Guruji... 888 01:04:21,693 --> 01:04:23,901 We need to act and this is the perfect time. 889 01:04:24,359 --> 01:04:25,526 You fix up the meeting. 890 01:05:04,943 --> 01:05:07,401 You just wait there. I'll tell you what. Okay. 891 01:05:07,693 --> 01:05:08,693 Speak! a... 892 01:05:09,109 --> 01:05:10,109 What is it? 893 01:05:10,609 --> 01:05:13,193 Sir, these are the Intercepts of last few days. 894 01:05:13,526 --> 01:05:16,734 I've collected some from the Naval intelligence. 895 01:05:16,943 --> 01:05:18,776 Sir, since From the past few days this the wireless chatter.. 896 01:05:18,859 --> 01:05:21,739 ...between London, Jaffna and Singapore has seems to have increased, sir. 897 01:05:25,818 --> 01:05:28,276 Yes, it's okay. It's routine. You may leave. 898 01:05:28,359 --> 01:05:30,859 No, sir. One of the speakers voices is that of Anna's. 899 01:05:30,943 --> 01:05:35,818 Look, I'll see look into what's important or what's not, in it. 900 01:05:36,734 --> 01:05:38,151 But doesn't this sound seem quite serious? 901 01:05:38,234 --> 01:05:39,609 Go. Leave. 902 01:05:42,234 --> 01:05:45,526 Listen, you're doing a good job. 903 01:05:46,526 --> 01:05:48,818 Keep me in the loop. 904 01:05:49,359 --> 01:05:50,359 Okay, sir. 905 01:06:59,568 --> 01:07:01,068 Hello? Hello? 906 01:07:01,151 --> 01:07:02,359 Vikram's residence, sir. 907 01:07:11,068 --> 01:07:12,068 The file is missing. 908 01:07:12,234 --> 01:07:13,484 Sir, spool.. 909 01:07:15,901 --> 01:07:17,651 Bloody hell.. 910 01:07:38,943 --> 01:07:40,401 They are both in Cochin. 911 01:07:40,818 --> 01:07:42,401 Send your men there. 912 01:07:55,818 --> 01:07:56,943 Hello? 913 01:07:58,234 --> 01:07:59,234 Hello? 914 01:08:35,359 --> 01:08:36,359 Hello? 915 01:08:36,609 --> 01:08:37,693 Hello, Ruby? 916 01:08:37,943 --> 01:08:39,526 Where are you, Vikram? 917 01:08:39,776 --> 01:08:42,109 - Why? - These pictures and articles.. 918 01:08:43,234 --> 01:08:44,818 Something is just not right. 919 01:08:45,234 --> 01:08:46,651 Whom do you work for? 920 01:08:48,568 --> 01:08:49,859 Listen, don't worry. I'm coming home. 921 01:08:49,943 --> 01:08:51,026 Don't open the door for anyone. 922 01:08:51,109 --> 01:08:52,109 Okay? 923 01:08:56,609 --> 01:08:57,651 Ruby! 924 01:08:59,943 --> 01:09:00,943 Ruby... 925 01:09:06,401 --> 01:09:07,734 Whom do you work for? 926 01:09:08,401 --> 01:09:09,484 We aren't safe here. 927 01:09:09,568 --> 01:09:11,776 In your absence our house is under surveillance in your absence. 928 01:09:11,859 --> 01:09:14,026 - We're shifting to Delhi. - I'm being shadowed. 929 01:09:14,109 --> 01:09:15,269 Trust me, we have to move on. 930 01:09:15,276 --> 01:09:16,859 That's not the answer, Vikram. 931 01:09:17,901 --> 01:09:21,776 These pictures, these killings, these articles, the foreign journalist.. 932 01:09:21,859 --> 01:09:23,443 This is not army. 933 01:09:24,359 --> 01:09:25,859 You killed civilians? 934 01:09:28,401 --> 01:09:30,193 These killings are political killings. 935 01:09:30,693 --> 01:09:32,359 Jaya, she is a foreign journalist. 936 01:09:32,443 --> 01:09:33,631 Trust me, this is a setup. I can explain this.. 937 01:09:33,644 --> 01:09:34,843 You jerk. 938 01:09:35,359 --> 01:09:37,651 All these days, you lied to me. 939 01:09:38,693 --> 01:09:40,734 Ruby, I do covert operations. 940 01:09:41,276 --> 01:09:44,276 I monitor political and military developments of different countries. 941 01:09:44,901 --> 01:09:47,276 This country's security is my responsibility. 942 01:09:47,734 --> 01:09:50,151 We have been married for three years. I know there is a responsibility. 943 01:09:50,234 --> 01:09:51,359 But there is a protocol. But I am not a.. 944 01:09:51,443 --> 01:09:53,568 I don't care about your protocol, alright! 945 01:09:53,901 --> 01:09:55,359 I'm your wife, damn it! 946 01:09:55,901 --> 01:09:57,068 I have a right to know. 947 01:09:58,568 --> 01:09:59,568 What about me.. 948 01:10:01,359 --> 01:10:02,734 How do I deal with all this? 949 01:10:04,776 --> 01:10:05,776 Sri Lanka.. 950 01:10:06,818 --> 01:10:10,526 Your life was constantly under threat there. 951 01:10:11,276 --> 01:10:15,026 Do you have any idea how I survived? 952 01:10:16,984 --> 01:10:19,026 - And today I got petrified, Vikram. - Sweetheart.. 953 01:10:20,943 --> 01:10:22,068 Just leave me alone. 954 01:10:24,109 --> 01:10:25,109 Ru.. 955 01:10:25,943 --> 01:10:26,943 Ruby... 956 01:10:35,068 --> 01:10:36,776 - Hello? - Boss, SP. 957 01:10:37,401 --> 01:10:38,401 I'm in Cochin. 958 01:10:38,609 --> 01:10:40,068 We should need to meet. It's urgent. 959 01:10:40,151 --> 01:10:41,859 - Right away? - Sorry, sir. 960 01:10:42,901 --> 01:10:44,859 I don't have much time. We'll talk when we meet. 961 01:10:44,943 --> 01:10:46,818 At seven. Beach cafe. 962 01:10:47,026 --> 01:10:48,026 Okay. 963 01:10:48,276 --> 01:10:51,193 - Ruby.. - I know you have to go. Just go. 964 01:11:08,234 --> 01:11:09,234 Hello, boss. 965 01:11:11,193 --> 01:11:13,484 Something really seems to be out of order in Madras. 966 01:11:13,901 --> 01:11:17,026 A lot of intercepts and wireless messages are being exchanged. 967 01:11:17,359 --> 01:11:18,693 From Jaffna to London. 968 01:11:18,901 --> 01:11:20,526 Madras, Singapore. 969 01:11:20,943 --> 01:11:23,026 And One of the voices is that of speakers is Anna's. 970 01:11:31,859 --> 01:11:33,651 I've decoded some keywords. 971 01:11:34,151 --> 01:11:37,068 - Like. - Foreign friend. Negotiate. Middle-east. 972 01:11:37,151 --> 01:11:38,276 Does Bala know? 973 01:11:38,359 --> 01:11:40,318 Yes, I've shared them with him. 974 01:11:40,901 --> 01:11:43,526 But he asked me not to file or decode them. 975 01:11:48,526 --> 01:11:50,901 And His behavior has really scared me, boss. 976 01:11:51,984 --> 01:11:54,068 I feel you are not safe here either. 977 01:11:56,234 --> 01:11:58,068 What should I do next? 978 01:11:59,609 --> 01:12:00,651 Just stay safe. 979 01:12:01,359 --> 01:12:02,526 I'll see what I can do. 980 01:12:30,943 --> 01:12:31,943 Ruby... 981 01:12:35,318 --> 01:12:36,609 Ruby! Ruby! 982 01:12:38,901 --> 01:12:39,901 Ruby! 983 01:12:42,568 --> 01:12:43,568 Ruby! 984 01:15:22,776 --> 01:15:23,776 Why her? 985 01:15:25,734 --> 01:15:26,734 Why? 986 01:15:49,943 --> 01:15:50,943 Vikram.. 987 01:15:51,859 --> 01:15:52,859 I'm sorry. 988 01:15:53,734 --> 01:15:54,859 Your loss.. 989 01:15:57,109 --> 01:15:58,151 What should I say? 990 01:15:58,734 --> 01:15:59,734 Tough times. 991 01:16:00,359 --> 01:16:05,693 You know my wife and my children keep asking me: 992 01:16:06,068 --> 01:16:07,568 "Why do you do this?" 993 01:16:08,526 --> 01:16:13,318 "There's a lot of danger. Your Life's always at risk." 994 01:16:13,901 --> 01:16:19,318 How do I explain to them that our country is surrounded by vultures? 995 01:16:19,901 --> 01:16:21,193 We need to protect it... 996 01:16:21,318 --> 01:16:22,818 How much will they understand? 997 01:16:23,693 --> 01:16:24,973 That's why I don't say anything. 998 01:16:26,359 --> 01:16:29,901 Vikram, you need to bounce back. 999 01:16:31,443 --> 01:16:33,443 Anyway, you are not safe here. 1000 01:16:33,901 --> 01:16:35,776 I'm not safe anywhere, sir. 1001 01:16:35,984 --> 01:16:37,859 You cannot give up on the system so soon! 1002 01:16:39,693 --> 01:16:40,693 System! 1003 01:16:41,068 --> 01:16:42,526 We Which we know it inside out! 1004 01:16:43,109 --> 01:16:44,443 I need you. 1005 01:16:45,734 --> 01:16:47,693 We've got your intercepts. 1006 01:16:48,318 --> 01:16:49,609 They are being decoded. 1007 01:16:50,943 --> 01:16:53,276 And what you've said about Bala 1008 01:16:53,776 --> 01:16:55,068 I hope you are right about Bala. 1009 01:16:55,401 --> 01:16:57,651 God forbid if you are wrong, 1010 01:16:58,234 --> 01:17:00,693 you'll be in great risk. 1011 01:17:01,193 --> 01:17:02,693 It's a big accusation. 1012 01:17:06,193 --> 01:17:09,401 I know, sir. I need to sort this out. 1013 01:17:10,568 --> 01:17:13,401 If you don't start begin surveillance in the next 24 hours.. 1014 01:17:14,818 --> 01:17:16,484 ...then I'll get the evidence myself. 1015 01:17:18,693 --> 01:17:19,984 And I'll do it my way. 1016 01:17:28,484 --> 01:17:29,276 Sir. 1017 01:17:29,359 --> 01:17:31,026 We've got a fix on Vasu's location. 1018 01:17:31,151 --> 01:17:33,234 He's constantly shifting his base. 1019 01:17:33,318 --> 01:17:35,901 And But his last call was traced to old Delhi. 1020 01:18:04,943 --> 01:18:06,484 Stop! Stop! Stop! 1021 01:18:07,318 --> 01:18:09,484 - Get down! Get down! - Get down! 1022 01:18:19,026 --> 01:18:22,526 Bala recruited you for the agency from the Jammu district jail. 1023 01:18:28,651 --> 01:18:30,609 Information was leaked from our system. 1024 01:18:32,818 --> 01:18:35,776 They knew our operational details. 1025 01:18:38,901 --> 01:18:40,109 What do you know? 1026 01:18:42,151 --> 01:18:43,651 You'll have to speak up, Vasu. 1027 01:18:45,318 --> 01:18:46,651 You know the consequences. 1028 01:18:48,068 --> 01:18:49,943 I just photocopied the files. 1029 01:18:50,734 --> 01:18:51,693 For whom? 1030 01:18:51,776 --> 01:18:52,901 I don't know. 1031 01:18:54,318 --> 01:18:56,651 My job was to drop them to at the airport. 1032 01:18:58,776 --> 01:19:00,109 Bala sir's instructions. 1033 01:19:00,984 --> 01:19:02,359 And Shree's Shri's arms deal? 1034 01:19:02,693 --> 01:19:04,193 We lost a our man. 1035 01:19:04,526 --> 01:19:05,568 You were there as well. 1036 01:19:06,359 --> 01:19:07,401 Reverse the car. 1037 01:19:08,401 --> 01:19:10,026 Who informed the LTF? 1038 01:19:12,943 --> 01:19:14,151 - You? - I've told you. 1039 01:19:15,609 --> 01:19:17,359 I just followed instructions. 1040 01:19:18,776 --> 01:19:20,109 What happened that night? 1041 01:19:23,443 --> 01:19:25,776 What happened on the night SP brought the intercepts, Vasu? 1042 01:19:27,859 --> 01:19:30,318 That was the first time I saw Bala sir getting panicked. 1043 01:19:30,984 --> 01:19:32,609 The file is missing! 1044 01:19:34,276 --> 01:19:36,443 He held me by my collar. 1045 01:19:38,234 --> 01:19:39,776 He was very nervous. 1046 01:19:40,359 --> 01:19:41,276 Why? 1047 01:19:41,359 --> 01:19:43,734 Don't worry. Those intercepts are with me. 1048 01:19:43,901 --> 01:19:46,318 Your department is moving along.. 1049 01:19:48,859 --> 01:19:50,568 A few of his intercepts were stolen. 1050 01:19:50,984 --> 01:19:52,318 He doubted suspected SP. 1051 01:19:53,276 --> 01:19:55,151 So he asked me to tail SP. 1052 01:19:56,401 --> 01:19:57,401 And? 1053 01:19:58,151 --> 01:19:59,609 He got a call from Singapore. 1054 01:19:59,901 --> 01:20:01,776 - From? - Some Reed. 1055 01:20:01,984 --> 01:20:06,818 You just make sure those intercepts do not reach anyone. 1056 01:20:06,984 --> 01:20:08,401 I've never seen him. 1057 01:20:09,318 --> 01:20:10,443 He used to call. 1058 01:20:11,234 --> 01:20:13,901 A foreign agency guy met with an Indian official. 1059 01:20:15,609 --> 01:20:18,609 Did Bala know what did those intercepts contain? 1060 01:20:18,693 --> 01:20:19,609 No. 1061 01:20:19,693 --> 01:20:21,609 Those intercepts weren't decoded. 1062 01:20:24,318 --> 01:20:25,484 Where is SP now? 1063 01:20:25,609 --> 01:20:26,776 I don't know. 1064 01:20:27,818 --> 01:20:29,401 Who sent you to Delhi? 1065 01:20:30,443 --> 01:20:32,318 Bala sir asked me to... 1066 01:20:34,276 --> 01:20:37,401 ...disappear from Madras safe house after your incident. 1067 01:20:38,526 --> 01:20:40,401 And Who gave the orders... 1068 01:20:42,068 --> 01:20:43,318 ...to kill me and SP? 1069 01:20:56,276 --> 01:20:57,318 Vasu.. 1070 01:20:57,901 --> 01:21:01,568 While following orders from Bala did you ever realize.. 1071 01:21:02,318 --> 01:21:04,238 ...that you'll be such a disgrace for the system? 1072 01:21:06,193 --> 01:21:07,359 Such a shame. 1073 01:21:11,401 --> 01:21:13,193 Hello? Yes, you want to speak to? 1074 01:21:13,276 --> 01:21:14,193 Jaya Sahni, please. 1075 01:21:14,276 --> 01:21:16,901 - Jaya Sahni? And you're calling from? - India. 1076 01:21:17,193 --> 01:21:18,609 One moment please. 1077 01:21:20,193 --> 01:21:22,901 I understand, ma. Don't worry. I'm fine. 1078 01:21:24,109 --> 01:21:25,109 I'll call you back. 1079 01:21:25,443 --> 01:21:26,651 Call from India. 1080 01:21:27,318 --> 01:21:29,068 - Hello? - Hi, Jaya. 1081 01:21:32,401 --> 01:21:33,401 Hi. 1082 01:21:34,693 --> 01:21:35,818 How are you? 1083 01:21:36,526 --> 01:21:37,984 Jaya, I need your help. 1084 01:21:42,901 --> 01:21:44,068 I told you, Vikram. 1085 01:21:45,026 --> 01:21:46,443 I won't be able to help you. 1086 01:21:47,818 --> 01:21:49,318 I can't give you my sources. 1087 01:21:49,609 --> 01:21:51,818 All our intels have been leaked.. 1088 01:21:52,734 --> 01:21:53,984 To this guy called Reed. 1089 01:21:54,943 --> 01:21:57,776 - So, it was one of your guys. - Yes. 1090 01:21:58,943 --> 01:22:00,693 And he is a national threat. 1091 01:22:02,484 --> 01:22:03,901 So what do you want from me? 1092 01:22:04,526 --> 01:22:05,943 I need evidence. 1093 01:22:07,151 --> 01:22:08,734 That's why, I need your sources. 1094 01:22:14,068 --> 01:22:15,068 Okay. 1095 01:22:15,526 --> 01:22:16,609 I'll call you back. 1096 01:22:17,234 --> 01:22:18,359 Thanks, Jaya. 1097 01:22:19,193 --> 01:22:22,484 And, Vikram, I'm really, really sorry about your wife. 1098 01:22:24,526 --> 01:22:25,526 Thank you. 1099 01:22:31,943 --> 01:22:36,651 Reed, you your man Bala is a risk for us. 1100 01:22:39,568 --> 01:22:42,776 His cover is blown and he's being tracked. 1101 01:22:43,193 --> 01:22:45,318 - You want me to lose him? - Yes. 1102 01:22:45,651 --> 01:22:46,651 Right. 1103 01:22:55,443 --> 01:22:57,859 Okay, Vikram. Reach Bangkok. 1104 01:22:58,734 --> 01:23:00,776 Take Taxi No. 5892. 1105 01:23:02,401 --> 01:23:05,526 He will take you to Happyland fish market. 1106 01:23:09,151 --> 01:23:10,901 Ask for Shop No. 29. 1107 01:23:11,318 --> 01:23:12,598 My source will meet you there. 1108 01:23:13,193 --> 01:23:16,109 This way to shop no. 29 - That way. 1109 01:23:31,401 --> 01:23:32,818 So you are Vikram? 1110 01:23:33,109 --> 01:23:34,734 And You need evidence? 1111 01:23:35,401 --> 01:23:36,401 Yes. 1112 01:23:36,943 --> 01:23:38,568 You are in the right direction. 1113 01:23:38,734 --> 01:23:43,401 According to my source there is a tape and we'll get it by five. 1114 01:23:43,734 --> 01:23:45,318 Since when have you been tracking Bala? 1115 01:23:45,526 --> 01:23:47,767 Before and after I retired a lot of activity took place.. 1116 01:23:48,151 --> 01:23:51,693 ...between Madras, Jaffna and Singapore. 1117 01:23:51,943 --> 01:23:54,318 I did some surveillance. I reported it as well. 1118 01:23:54,693 --> 01:23:56,568 But I didn't have concrete evidence. 1119 01:23:57,193 --> 01:24:00,026 When I found out that you're investigating the case, 1120 01:24:00,943 --> 01:24:02,359 I agreed to meet you. 1121 01:24:02,859 --> 01:24:05,484 Vikram, you are very close to reality. 1122 01:24:07,984 --> 01:24:09,484 - Who is Reed? - I don't know. 1123 01:24:09,984 --> 01:24:11,151 It could be anyone. 1124 01:24:11,276 --> 01:24:12,901 Maybe a faceless handler. 1125 01:24:12,943 --> 01:24:14,609 Apart from there this... 1126 01:24:14,693 --> 01:24:17,533 ...a lot of other activities took place that too raise arouse suspicion. 1127 01:24:17,568 --> 01:24:18,568 Look at this. 1128 01:24:21,651 --> 01:24:23,276 Rajsekharan at Madras Café! 1129 01:24:24,109 --> 01:24:26,193 Yes. The meeting took place in Singapore. 1130 01:24:26,943 --> 01:24:28,318 Two meetings took place there. 1131 01:24:28,776 --> 01:24:30,318 In the second meeting Rajsekharan was introduced. 1132 01:24:30,401 --> 01:24:32,109 He was representing Anna. 1133 01:24:32,443 --> 01:24:33,943 So you need our support? 1134 01:24:35,401 --> 01:24:37,693 It means that developments of... 1135 01:24:38,193 --> 01:24:39,913 ...that meeting changed the whole politics. 1136 01:24:39,984 --> 01:24:41,609 Yes. Do you remember the date of arms deal? 1137 01:24:41,693 --> 01:24:43,109 6th July. I was there. 1138 01:24:43,651 --> 01:24:45,318 This meeting took place on the 2nd July. 1139 01:24:45,484 --> 01:24:47,318 Exactly four days before the arms deal. 1140 01:24:47,859 --> 01:24:49,859 Gifts are on the way from Singapore. 1141 01:24:50,068 --> 01:24:51,901 Be sure they reach our new friends. 1142 01:24:52,318 --> 01:24:55,443 Don't worry, Reed. My man will be there. 1143 01:24:55,734 --> 01:24:58,193 That's why the arms which were meant to go to Shree.. 1144 01:24:58,484 --> 01:25:01,151 ...and after those instructions, went to Anna. 1145 01:25:01,651 --> 01:25:02,651 Right. 1146 01:25:03,526 --> 01:25:06,318 Hey hurry up, common.. 1147 01:25:07,443 --> 01:25:09,818 And perhaps Anna found a new partner. 1148 01:25:10,026 --> 01:25:11,109 Who are these people? 1149 01:25:11,234 --> 01:25:14,443 Corporations, big countries, big organizations. 1150 01:25:14,526 --> 01:25:16,234 Who seek They need economic control, 1151 01:25:16,318 --> 01:25:18,901 business deals, large arms contracts.. 1152 01:25:19,109 --> 01:25:21,693 And Their executors are ex-agency employees. 1153 01:25:21,818 --> 01:25:23,901 They are called economic hitmen. 1154 01:25:23,943 --> 01:25:25,734 Who are these people? Where do they meet? 1155 01:25:25,818 --> 01:25:26,818 No one knows. 1156 01:25:26,901 --> 01:25:30,151 Remember, Vikram, India is the fastest growing market. 1157 01:25:30,568 --> 01:25:31,901 India is the future. 1158 01:25:31,984 --> 01:25:33,151 That's why an attempt there is to... 1159 01:25:33,234 --> 01:25:34,776 ...pressure pressurize her from everywhere all corners. 1160 01:25:34,984 --> 01:25:36,984 This is the modern day warfare. 1161 01:25:37,484 --> 01:25:39,276 That's why Trincomalee dock. 1162 01:25:39,526 --> 01:25:41,734 This Lankan coastline is so strategic for everyone. 1163 01:25:41,859 --> 01:25:44,734 Yes. And that's why they are supporting Anna... 1164 01:25:44,943 --> 01:25:46,526 ...if Anna comes to power... 1165 01:25:46,609 --> 01:25:48,359 ...then they will gain control... 1166 01:25:48,609 --> 01:25:51,609 ...over entire South East Asia via Trincomalee Dock 1167 01:25:52,026 --> 01:25:54,943 ...and that would a national threat for India. 1168 01:25:55,484 --> 01:25:58,068 That's the reason why ex-PM is not so popular with them. 1169 01:25:58,818 --> 01:25:59,901 He doesn't want war. 1170 01:26:00,318 --> 01:26:03,026 He wants a peaceful political solution. 1171 01:26:03,318 --> 01:26:04,484 And that's why Anna. 1172 01:26:04,568 --> 01:26:05,734 Anna is an idealist. 1173 01:26:05,943 --> 01:26:08,693 And He'll he will continue the war till he doesn't get freedom. 1174 01:26:08,901 --> 01:26:10,734 And they will exploit this. 1175 01:26:11,901 --> 01:26:13,026 - Wait here. - Okay. 1176 01:26:18,526 --> 01:26:19,776 Package please. 1177 01:26:26,484 --> 01:26:28,276 Your evidence. Let's go. 1178 01:26:47,109 --> 01:26:48,776 - Nasal. - Nasal. 1179 01:26:49,068 --> 01:26:50,609 - Ilpa. - Pal. 1180 01:26:56,151 --> 01:26:57,151 Ant. 1181 01:26:59,026 --> 01:27:00,068 What have we got? 1182 01:27:01,818 --> 01:27:04,734 They are possibly discussing an assassination of a national leader. 1183 01:27:10,901 --> 01:27:13,651 Sir, the intercepts. Two of them have been decoded. 1184 01:27:16,901 --> 01:27:18,026 Have you informed RD? 1185 01:27:18,651 --> 01:27:20,484 Not yet, sir. I was waiting for you. 1186 01:27:30,234 --> 01:27:31,234 Bala? 1187 01:27:39,151 --> 01:27:40,609 So they trapped him. 1188 01:27:40,734 --> 01:27:41,734 Honeytrap. 1189 01:27:42,276 --> 01:27:44,234 Oldest trick of the intel world. 1190 01:27:44,984 --> 01:27:47,026 I, too, doubted Had my doubts about him but this.. 1191 01:27:47,776 --> 01:27:49,609 So they exposed Bala. 1192 01:27:50,443 --> 01:27:52,484 Perhaps Bala had become useless for them. 1193 01:27:52,818 --> 01:27:57,776 The And they either eliminate or expose the useless. 1194 01:27:58,026 --> 01:27:59,568 This is how our world works. 1195 01:28:07,734 --> 01:28:08,776 This better be good. 1196 01:28:08,859 --> 01:28:10,193 This is serious, sir. 1197 01:28:10,943 --> 01:28:14,609 The intercepts we got from Vikram have been decoded. 1198 01:28:15,109 --> 01:28:16,109 You better see it. 1199 01:28:18,484 --> 01:28:19,734 Sir, that's Anna's voice. 1200 01:28:19,818 --> 01:28:21,359 It originated from his camp. 1201 01:28:22,193 --> 01:28:23,193 The words, sir. 1202 01:28:23,401 --> 01:28:25,901 Garland. Important. Leader. 1203 01:28:27,609 --> 01:28:29,318 They are going for the ex-prime minister. 1204 01:28:30,901 --> 01:28:32,359 Get me Vikram. ASAP. 1205 01:28:32,943 --> 01:28:35,318 Sir, there's one more thing. 1206 01:28:35,734 --> 01:28:37,609 Bala's surveillance report. 1207 01:28:38,234 --> 01:28:39,401 Bank accounts. 1208 01:28:39,609 --> 01:28:42,234 Income worth thousands of dollars from unknown accounts. 1209 01:28:42,734 --> 01:28:46,068 Five fake passports. Eight tickets to Singapore. 1210 01:28:47,859 --> 01:28:49,609 Everyone perceives the truth differently. 1211 01:28:50,234 --> 01:28:51,994 It depends on where you are choose to stand. 1212 01:28:52,109 --> 01:28:54,609 Remember, my friend. This meeting never happened. 1213 01:28:58,943 --> 01:29:01,609 Bala, your tape has been released, you must leave now.. 1214 01:29:09,443 --> 01:29:10,943 Sir, I have evidence. 1215 01:29:12,318 --> 01:29:13,526 He was honey-trapped. 1216 01:29:13,609 --> 01:29:15,234 He compromised everything. 1217 01:29:16,193 --> 01:29:17,901 I believe they blackmailed him. 1218 01:29:18,151 --> 01:29:19,109 Yes, Vikram. 1219 01:29:19,193 --> 01:29:21,234 We, too, know about his secret bank accounts.. 1220 01:29:21,318 --> 01:29:23,859 ...fake passports and travel details. 1221 01:29:25,318 --> 01:29:28,068 He didn't just sell us out. He sold out the entire country. 1222 01:29:29,484 --> 01:29:31,859 Now you let the department handle him. 1223 01:29:32,359 --> 01:29:35,109 But you Come back here immediately. 1224 01:29:36,068 --> 01:29:39,609 The intercepts between Jaffna and Madras have been decoded. 1225 01:29:39,901 --> 01:29:42,318 There's There is a plot to assassinate the ex-PM. 1226 01:29:42,568 --> 01:29:45,484 This is a serious threat and we need to move fast. 1227 01:29:54,526 --> 01:29:56,484 You are drinking too much. 1228 01:29:56,943 --> 01:29:59,109 Are you okay? 1229 01:30:00,401 --> 01:30:01,859 You Go to sleep. 1230 01:30:02,734 --> 01:30:04,193 Don't worry about me. 1231 01:30:23,776 --> 01:30:24,776 Bala. 1232 01:30:25,734 --> 01:30:26,943 Why did you do this? 1233 01:30:28,234 --> 01:30:29,234 Why? 1234 01:30:30,151 --> 01:30:31,276 And my wife? 1235 01:30:32,026 --> 01:30:33,401 What was her fault? 1236 01:30:35,526 --> 01:30:37,359 It wasn't her fault. 1237 01:30:38,568 --> 01:30:40,026 That was a mistake. 1238 01:30:41,568 --> 01:30:42,943 You were the target, 1239 01:30:43,651 --> 01:30:45,443 but you survived. 1240 01:30:47,984 --> 01:30:49,776 You're lucky. 1241 01:30:51,901 --> 01:30:53,776 And the second arms deal? 1242 01:30:54,609 --> 01:30:55,693 My kidnapping? 1243 01:30:56,151 --> 01:30:57,443 You were behind it, Bala? 1244 01:31:19,443 --> 01:31:22,443 I have information that two meetings took place in Singapore. 1245 01:31:23,151 --> 01:31:25,318 Where Rajsekharan represented Anna. 1246 01:31:25,484 --> 01:31:27,318 It's obviously a well-designed plan. 1247 01:31:28,109 --> 01:31:30,026 Here's a copy of decoded intercepts for you. 1248 01:31:30,234 --> 01:31:31,401 We've very little time. 1249 01:31:32,234 --> 01:31:33,526 Brief your best team. 1250 01:31:34,109 --> 01:31:36,234 Find out, where is it this going to take place, 1251 01:31:36,318 --> 01:31:37,526 who all are involved? 1252 01:31:37,609 --> 01:31:40,026 Who? How? What? When? Where? 1253 01:31:40,484 --> 01:31:42,151 I need all the information. 1254 01:31:42,526 --> 01:31:43,776 - And Vikram.. - Sir. 1255 01:31:44,359 --> 01:31:46,068 He is no longer the prime minister. 1256 01:31:46,193 --> 01:31:47,484 He's out of power. 1257 01:31:47,859 --> 01:31:49,443 It won't be so easy to operate. 1258 01:31:50,068 --> 01:31:51,276 Keep that in mind. 1259 01:31:51,359 --> 01:31:53,484 We need solid evidence. 1260 01:31:56,026 --> 01:31:57,068 Okay! Guys 1261 01:31:58,693 --> 01:32:00,151 Ghosh, first code. 1262 01:32:00,526 --> 01:32:01,901 Between Jaffna and London. 1263 01:32:01,943 --> 01:32:04,109 Anna is instructing Rajsekharan. 1264 01:32:06,984 --> 01:32:08,193 It has no meaning. 1265 01:32:08,359 --> 01:32:09,318 Gibberish, right? 1266 01:32:09,401 --> 01:32:11,859 But if we reverse these words.. 1267 01:32:11,901 --> 01:32:13,443 Tamil words, sir. 1268 01:32:16,234 --> 01:32:17,901 And Their English translation: 1269 01:32:18,234 --> 01:32:19,443 Tooth. 1270 01:32:19,609 --> 01:32:21,068 Ant. 1271 01:32:21,234 --> 01:32:22,484 Lizard. 1272 01:32:22,568 --> 01:32:24,026 Kangaroo. 1273 01:32:24,234 --> 01:32:28,318 First letter of each word, TALK, talk. 1274 01:32:28,901 --> 01:32:32,026 This is how we decoded all the intercepts and we got.. 1275 01:32:32,859 --> 01:32:36,984 Talk foreign friend, mutually beneficial deal. 1276 01:32:37,151 --> 01:32:38,193 From where was this generated? 1277 01:32:38,276 --> 01:32:40,443 Jaffna to London. Anna and Rajsekharan. 1278 01:32:40,526 --> 01:32:41,943 - Second code, quick. - Right. 1279 01:32:42,026 --> 01:32:43,526 Don't leave home. 1280 01:32:43,609 --> 01:32:46,234 We need to garland an important prince. 1281 01:32:46,526 --> 01:32:48,109 Here, home means Madras. 1282 01:32:48,276 --> 01:32:52,734 And important prince, what we guess, is our ex-prime minister. 1283 01:32:53,109 --> 01:32:54,693 From Jaffna to Madras. 1284 01:32:54,901 --> 01:32:56,651 - In Jaffna we can hear. - Anna and Pandyan. 1285 01:32:56,901 --> 01:32:58,941 - In Madras. - The call was made to a PCO in Madras. 1286 01:32:59,193 --> 01:33:00,901 We still haven't been able to track the receiver. 1287 01:33:00,984 --> 01:33:02,234 But we're on it. 1288 01:33:02,318 --> 01:33:03,734 Activate Saba in Jaffna. 1289 01:33:03,943 --> 01:33:06,026 - Rishi, you take charge of the South. - Right, sir. 1290 01:33:12,401 --> 01:33:13,693 Saba here, sir. 1291 01:33:14,484 --> 01:33:15,859 I've found an important link. 1292 01:33:16,109 --> 01:33:18,068 You sure about the link? Will he provide us with information? 1293 01:33:18,359 --> 01:33:19,776 What if like last time... 1294 01:33:19,901 --> 01:33:21,484 No, sir. He's agreed to talk. 1295 01:33:21,734 --> 01:33:22,943 Okay. Where? 1296 01:33:23,651 --> 01:33:26,401 Sir, you'll have to come to Jaffna. 1297 01:33:27,151 --> 01:33:28,151 Jaffna? 1298 01:33:29,401 --> 01:33:30,609 Okay. Keep him on surveillance 1299 01:33:31,068 --> 01:33:32,108 I'll be there by tomorrow. 1300 01:33:41,401 --> 01:33:43,068 His name is Selvam... 1301 01:33:43,943 --> 01:33:46,276 - Go on. - He's scared, sir. 1302 01:33:46,734 --> 01:33:48,484 He hasn't left his home since 15 days. 1303 01:33:48,776 --> 01:33:50,109 LTF is looking for him. 1304 01:33:51,484 --> 01:33:53,276 He was a part of the hit squad. 1305 01:33:53,609 --> 01:33:55,234 But he doesn't wish to die. 1306 01:33:55,943 --> 01:33:57,504 He said he doesn't want to be a martyr. 1307 01:34:11,068 --> 01:34:13,901 - Come. Sir. - You promised me you will save me. 1308 01:34:13,943 --> 01:34:14,943 Come on. 1309 01:34:18,276 --> 01:34:19,943 Speak up. What do you know? 1310 01:34:20,068 --> 01:34:22,943 I don't want to die. 1311 01:34:23,234 --> 01:34:26,026 Sir, I want to get out of Jaffna. 1312 01:34:26,318 --> 01:34:28,151 Sir, you promised me you will save me. 1313 01:34:28,234 --> 01:34:29,651 Listen to what he is saying. 1314 01:34:30,401 --> 01:34:33,443 What happened? Why did you run away? 1315 01:34:34,068 --> 01:34:36,318 They said we will attack. 1316 01:34:37,068 --> 01:34:39,526 I didn't join the movement for that. 1317 01:34:39,901 --> 01:34:40,901 Then? 1318 01:34:41,109 --> 01:34:44,901 People were selected and trained. 1319 01:34:53,776 --> 01:34:55,234 How many? 1320 01:34:55,568 --> 01:34:59,943 Six different teams for different cities. 1321 01:35:00,151 --> 01:35:03,068 Each team consisted of five people. 1322 01:35:06,234 --> 01:35:07,234 Where are they? 1323 01:35:07,401 --> 01:35:08,734 I don't know. 1324 01:35:09,193 --> 01:35:10,401 They Left from the camp. 1325 01:35:26,318 --> 01:35:27,943 Did they tell you who the target is? 1326 01:35:28,401 --> 01:35:29,443 I don't know, sir. 1327 01:35:29,526 --> 01:35:31,859 - Sir! - You are lying. 1328 01:35:32,276 --> 01:35:37,568 They will kill me. You said you would save me. 1329 01:35:37,651 --> 01:35:38,943 He says LTF will kill him. 1330 01:35:38,984 --> 01:35:41,234 Sir, save me sir.. 1331 01:35:44,359 --> 01:35:45,443 How many people does each hit squad contain? 1332 01:35:45,609 --> 01:35:49,693 Each contains 4 or 5 people. 6-7 different teams. 1333 01:35:50,276 --> 01:35:51,818 They left Jaffna a week back. 1334 01:35:52,151 --> 01:35:53,068 Where to? 1335 01:35:53,151 --> 01:35:54,401 We don't know. 1336 01:35:55,359 --> 01:35:56,443 Multiple cities. 1337 01:35:56,651 --> 01:35:58,984 But one team has definitely landed in Tamil Nadu. 1338 01:35:59,609 --> 01:36:02,984 Okay, sir. - 'He has started south election campaign for South from today. 1339 01:36:03,234 --> 01:36:05,943 And he said that Tamil 'cause will be his priority. 1340 01:36:06,276 --> 01:36:08,276 And he assured the people that..' - It's code red. 1341 01:36:09,109 --> 01:36:10,193 Issue high alert. 1342 01:36:10,609 --> 01:36:12,068 Ask them to seal the coastline. 1343 01:36:12,609 --> 01:36:15,234 Inform the naval intel and the coastguards. 1344 01:36:15,818 --> 01:36:18,859 Ask them to hit any suspicious activity in the sea. 1345 01:36:19,234 --> 01:36:20,776 Green light to tower one. 1346 01:36:20,859 --> 01:36:22,193 Confirm location. 1347 01:36:22,276 --> 01:36:24,234 Four knots enemy suspect. 1348 01:36:24,443 --> 01:36:25,734 Three fishermen boats. 1349 01:36:25,818 --> 01:36:27,359 Investigate. Over. 1350 01:36:29,276 --> 01:36:30,443 And crack down. 1351 01:36:30,526 --> 01:36:32,764 Let's go. 1352 01:36:32,777 --> 01:36:35,026 Capture every known LTF person, sympathizer. 1353 01:36:35,193 --> 01:36:37,609 Those who have surrendered. Everyone. 1354 01:36:37,693 --> 01:36:39,859 Get on to each damn one of them. 1355 01:36:40,318 --> 01:36:41,318 Now. 1356 01:36:47,943 --> 01:36:50,276 Today morning, in different parts of South lndia.. 1357 01:36:50,484 --> 01:36:51,484 Get them in the car. 1358 01:36:51,568 --> 01:36:54,193 Elhelocalpofice and security agencies... 1359 01:36:54,276 --> 01:36:59,568 ..took around 50 suspected LTF rebels into custody. 1360 01:36:59,818 --> 01:37:01,609 It's believed that... 1361 01:37:01,693 --> 01:37:05,734 ...the reason behind this is the forthcoming elections. 1362 01:37:26,818 --> 01:37:28,193 - Come on, backseat. - Get in! 1363 01:37:28,359 --> 01:37:30,734 - Sir, did you get the photographs? - Yes. 1364 01:37:30,818 --> 01:37:33,068 He's This is Kanda. LTF's sympathizers. 1365 01:37:33,151 --> 01:37:36,401 He's He is the one who received Anna's second code from Jaffna. 1366 01:37:37,401 --> 01:37:38,651 But He's missing as of now. 1367 01:37:38,734 --> 01:37:39,484 And about the other one? 1368 01:37:39,568 --> 01:37:41,484 The one in on the right is Kanankanan. 1369 01:37:41,734 --> 01:37:43,984 We caught him during the crackdown. He's in Madurai jail. 1370 01:37:44,109 --> 01:37:45,818 We can get some information from him. 1371 01:38:08,484 --> 01:38:09,734 When did you come to India? 1372 01:38:10,734 --> 01:38:12,151 Six months back. 1373 01:38:12,609 --> 01:38:13,776 He's Kanda. 1374 01:38:13,943 --> 01:38:15,234 How do you know him? 1375 01:38:15,526 --> 01:38:19,026 Sir, He's he is LTF's local contact here. 1376 01:38:19,734 --> 01:38:21,609 He provides legal help to refugees. 1377 01:38:22,443 --> 01:38:24,359 Passport, ration card. 1378 01:38:25,109 --> 01:38:26,443 He gave helped me one too. 1379 01:38:26,943 --> 01:38:28,423 I've been working for him since then. 1380 01:38:28,609 --> 01:38:29,818 Where is Kanda now? 1381 01:38:29,943 --> 01:38:31,983 I don't know, sir. Since I'm I have been in prison. 1382 01:38:32,068 --> 01:38:33,943 - Lying? - No, sir. 1383 01:38:34,401 --> 01:38:36,484 One of LTF's seniors came here some time ago. 1384 01:38:36,651 --> 01:38:38,359 Yes, Rajsekharan. 1385 01:38:38,859 --> 01:38:40,609 He came by a boat? From Jaffna? 1386 01:38:40,693 --> 01:38:44,234 No, sir. I and Kanda sir and I picked him up from the airport. 1387 01:38:44,609 --> 01:38:45,901 Where was he coming from? 1388 01:38:46,234 --> 01:38:47,359 London. 1389 01:38:47,609 --> 01:38:48,859 Then what happened? 1390 01:38:50,776 --> 01:38:52,276 I'll set you up here for the lifetime make... 1391 01:38:52,359 --> 01:38:54,109 ...this your permanent residence. Got it? 1392 01:38:57,984 --> 01:39:02,484 After he came here they had a discussion at the farmhouse. 1393 01:39:02,943 --> 01:39:04,463 A discussion about some assassination. 1394 01:39:04,484 --> 01:39:05,818 Whose assassination? 1395 01:39:05,943 --> 01:39:07,109 I don't know. 1396 01:39:07,276 --> 01:39:10,443 But Rajsekharan was very angry that night. 1397 01:39:10,609 --> 01:39:13,651 Kanda sir asked me to leave after that. 1398 01:39:18,151 --> 01:39:22,151 Then you know about the LTF groups that came here a few days ago. 1399 01:39:22,984 --> 01:39:24,068 What do you know about it? 1400 01:39:24,193 --> 01:39:27,443 I was instructed to pick up the refugees. 1401 01:39:40,109 --> 01:39:42,359 I thought they are regular refugees. 1402 01:39:42,609 --> 01:39:46,776 But this time Kanda sir personally received them. 1403 01:39:59,026 --> 01:40:00,484 Do you know them? 1404 01:40:00,943 --> 01:40:02,484 They weren't refugees. 1405 01:40:02,609 --> 01:40:04,484 They looked different. 1406 01:40:04,734 --> 01:40:06,026 Where did you drop them? 1407 01:40:06,818 --> 01:40:07,859 Beach road. 1408 01:40:08,484 --> 01:40:09,776 House No. 33. 1409 01:40:09,943 --> 01:40:10,984 Where are they now? 1410 01:40:11,151 --> 01:40:12,401 I don't know. 1411 01:40:16,901 --> 01:40:18,109 Hello, Vikram? It's Jaya. 1412 01:40:18,359 --> 01:40:21,109 Rajsekharan was traced in London. 1413 01:40:21,609 --> 01:40:24,359 He holds four to five passports under different names. 1414 01:40:24,776 --> 01:40:27,818 So in London, he did have a crucial meeting in Madras café. 1415 01:40:28,151 --> 01:40:30,943 - And there were others with him. - Who all? 1416 01:40:31,068 --> 01:40:32,151 No idea. 1417 01:40:32,276 --> 01:40:34,318 But I actually called for something else. 1418 01:40:34,401 --> 01:40:37,609 It's really, really important and you need to know this. 1419 01:40:37,859 --> 01:40:39,693 But I can't tell you over the phone. 1420 01:40:39,776 --> 01:40:41,109 - Fax? - No. 1421 01:40:41,193 --> 01:40:42,901 I need to see you in person. 1422 01:40:42,943 --> 01:40:45,151 I'm coming to New Delhi, day after. 1423 01:40:45,234 --> 01:40:46,651 We'll meet day after tomorrow. 1424 01:40:46,734 --> 01:40:48,484 Hotel Imperial, at 9:00pm. 1425 01:41:19,734 --> 01:41:21,134 - Good evening, sir. - Good evening. 1426 01:41:21,151 --> 01:41:22,943 A few people came here some days ago. 1427 01:41:23,109 --> 01:41:24,859 - How many? - 2-3 people. 1428 01:41:24,943 --> 01:41:26,943 They bought a lot of industrial chemicals. 1429 01:41:26,984 --> 01:41:28,859 Something normal people usually don't buy. 1430 01:41:28,984 --> 01:41:30,901 - From where had they come? - I don't know. 1431 01:41:31,109 --> 01:41:32,318 But they weren't locals. 1432 01:41:32,734 --> 01:41:34,526 Let me know if you find anything else. 1433 01:41:34,818 --> 01:41:36,109 Okay, sir. 1434 01:41:37,276 --> 01:41:40,443 Exile Rama coming home, lets celebrate Deepavali. 1435 01:41:40,526 --> 01:41:41,943 Sorry, sir, for calling this late. 1436 01:41:42,026 --> 01:41:43,943 But we've intercepted another wireless. 1437 01:41:44,026 --> 01:41:45,568 Between Jaffna and Madras. 1438 01:41:45,734 --> 01:41:46,734 What is it? 1439 01:41:47,068 --> 01:41:48,609 Sir, it goes something like this. 1440 01:41:48,693 --> 01:41:50,443 Celebrate Diwali Ex-PM.. 1441 01:41:50,609 --> 01:41:52,026 Diwali.. Ex-PM.. 1442 01:41:52,734 --> 01:41:53,984 EX-PM.. 1443 01:41:54,776 --> 01:41:56,337 - Anything unusual? - I don't know, sir. 1444 01:41:56,401 --> 01:41:59,109 Perhaps they are reconfirming the target. 1445 01:41:59,193 --> 01:42:01,234 - Okay. Find out. Keep me informed. - Right, sir. 1446 01:42:01,526 --> 01:42:03,484 When do you think we can have the delivery. 1447 01:42:03,901 --> 01:42:05,818 My contact will get in touch with you. 1448 01:42:06,026 --> 01:42:08,276 - What did you find, Arjun? - Sir, check this. 1449 01:42:09,901 --> 01:42:12,234 - Whose call is it? - Vijayan. Vijayan Joseph. 1450 01:42:15,776 --> 01:42:17,401 - Hello, sir. - Yes, Rishi? 1451 01:42:17,984 --> 01:42:19,568 Sir, we've traced Vijayan's call. 1452 01:42:19,776 --> 01:42:21,443 - From where? - What's the source? 1453 01:42:21,609 --> 01:42:22,818 Street one. Maduria. Mylapore. 1454 01:42:22,984 --> 01:42:24,068 MWapore. 1455 01:42:24,151 --> 01:42:25,401 - Connect to Delhi. - Yeah. 1456 01:42:25,568 --> 01:42:27,234 - Connect Madras. - Right, sir. 1457 01:42:28,651 --> 01:42:29,651 Delhi connected, sir. 1458 01:42:29,734 --> 01:42:30,776 Sir, Delhi connected. 1459 01:42:30,859 --> 01:42:31,526 Give me the details. 1460 01:42:31,609 --> 01:42:32,776 Sir, Madras connected. 1461 01:42:32,859 --> 01:42:34,109 Sir, picking up and delivery. 1462 01:42:34,193 --> 01:42:35,873 Sir, they are talking about some delivery. 1463 01:42:35,901 --> 01:42:37,421 - Call has been traced to? - Jaffna, sir. 1464 01:42:37,443 --> 01:42:38,776 Call has been traced to Jaffna, sir. 1465 01:42:38,859 --> 01:42:40,818 Sir, Vijayan is the one who came from Germany. 1466 01:42:40,901 --> 01:42:42,318 He's a bombmaker. 1467 01:42:44,359 --> 01:42:45,776 Number tracked, sir. 1468 01:42:46,568 --> 01:42:48,409 - Fine. I'll be there by tomorrow. - Okay, sir. 1469 01:43:09,818 --> 01:43:12,943 That's Rajsekharan, at Madras Café, London. 1470 01:43:15,109 --> 01:43:16,193 Look at this. 1471 01:43:16,651 --> 01:43:18,734 I couldn't share this with you over the phone. 1472 01:43:20,859 --> 01:43:22,276 I don't think there's much time. 1473 01:43:23,776 --> 01:43:27,234 Four days back, this amount was transferred into the LTF account. 1474 01:43:27,609 --> 01:43:29,651 This means this is the final confirmation? 1475 01:43:30,068 --> 01:43:31,151 For any job, 1476 01:43:32,026 --> 01:43:33,776 money is the final confirmation. 1477 01:43:33,984 --> 01:43:35,318 Where did you get this from? 1478 01:43:35,943 --> 01:43:37,609 I was investigating these banks. 1479 01:43:37,818 --> 01:43:41,318 And realized such banks only exist on paper. 1480 01:43:41,776 --> 01:43:45,068 They remain for a few days, months and then, 1481 01:43:45,526 --> 01:43:46,943 they just disappear. 1482 01:43:47,443 --> 01:43:49,859 So, first the speech by the ex-PM. 1483 01:43:51,318 --> 01:43:53,901 Then Rajsekharan goes to Madras Café, London. 1484 01:43:54,943 --> 01:43:56,651 And that's where possibly things happened. 1485 01:43:57,276 --> 01:43:59,734 Anna, he's coming back to power. 1486 01:44:00,818 --> 01:44:02,859 He will not let us do what we want. 1487 01:44:03,526 --> 01:44:05,151 He'll demand a political solution. 1488 01:44:05,359 --> 01:44:06,776 Now we will only have to act. 1489 01:44:08,026 --> 01:44:09,776 Does anyone else know that you are here? 1490 01:44:11,609 --> 01:44:12,609 No. 1491 01:44:18,818 --> 01:44:21,526 - Abuda. - Does the jacket fit well? 1492 01:44:21,901 --> 01:44:22,822 Hope its not too tight? 1493 01:44:22,901 --> 01:44:24,068 No, its fine. 1494 01:44:24,276 --> 01:44:25,318 Okay. Okay. 1495 01:44:25,526 --> 01:44:27,484 Then we'll do the rehearsal tonight. 1496 01:44:27,734 --> 01:44:28,901 - Okay? - Okay. 1497 01:44:39,109 --> 01:44:40,276 Okay, Jaya. 1498 01:44:41,609 --> 01:44:44,151 So, what'll you do now, Vikram? 1499 01:44:44,651 --> 01:44:45,818 I don't know. 1500 01:44:46,859 --> 01:44:48,151 Be careful, Vikram. 1501 01:44:48,818 --> 01:44:51,193 Please proceed to Gate No. 3. 1502 01:44:51,276 --> 01:44:53,693 Security check begins in ten minutes. 1503 01:44:55,193 --> 01:44:57,609 This is the final boarding call for passengers of... 1504 01:44:57,734 --> 01:45:00,401 Flight No. 3728 to Kansas City. 1505 01:45:00,609 --> 01:45:02,943 Please proceed to Gate No. 3 immediately. 1506 01:45:03,026 --> 01:45:05,401 Security check will begin in a while. 1507 01:45:35,318 --> 01:45:36,901 Hands up! Don't move. 1508 01:45:38,568 --> 01:45:39,943 Catch him! 1509 01:45:44,109 --> 01:45:46,359 Hands up! Don't move! Stay : Stay down. 1510 01:45:46,443 --> 01:45:47,734 - Sir, please! - Relax! 1511 01:45:47,818 --> 01:45:49,734 Sir, I'm not involved. 1512 01:45:54,734 --> 01:45:56,214 - Go and check everywhere. - Yes, sir. 1513 01:45:56,234 --> 01:45:57,443 - Check outside. - Come on. 1514 01:45:57,526 --> 01:45:58,901 - Go! - Come on! 1515 01:46:02,276 --> 01:46:03,526 What were you thinking? 1516 01:46:03,943 --> 01:46:07,359 You'll make bombs here and your family will stay safe in Germany? 1517 01:46:08,609 --> 01:46:10,401 This is your wife and daughter, right? 1518 01:46:11,734 --> 01:46:13,109 Do you wish to see them alive? 1519 01:46:13,359 --> 01:46:16,026 Please, sir, do them no harm. 1520 01:46:16,568 --> 01:46:18,193 They are innocent. 1521 01:46:18,401 --> 01:46:20,068 What about the people who live here? 1522 01:46:21,151 --> 01:46:22,234 What about them? 1523 01:46:22,484 --> 01:46:24,151 Whom did you supply the explosives to? 1524 01:46:24,526 --> 01:46:26,859 I was hired. 1525 01:46:27,443 --> 01:46:29,568 I was told I'll be paid well, sir. 1526 01:46:29,943 --> 01:46:31,193 I'm not a terrorist, sir. 1527 01:46:31,484 --> 01:46:32,943 I'm a chemical engineer. 1528 01:46:33,401 --> 01:46:35,443 I used to work in Germany. 1529 01:46:35,943 --> 01:46:38,984 I tested the explosives in Germany. 1530 01:46:40,651 --> 01:46:42,526 I came to India three months ago. 1531 01:46:42,901 --> 01:46:45,151 They supplied me with the raw materials. 1532 01:46:45,484 --> 01:46:47,651 I just assembled it. That's all, sir. 1533 01:46:47,818 --> 01:46:49,068 What did you assemble? 1534 01:46:50,901 --> 01:46:52,234 Plastic explosives. 1535 01:46:53,318 --> 01:46:54,901 First time in the world. 1536 01:46:55,276 --> 01:46:56,734 High quality explosives. 1537 01:46:57,234 --> 01:46:58,901 Rubber like material. 1538 01:46:59,026 --> 01:47:03,943 Advantage is that the metal detectives can't detect it. 1539 01:47:16,984 --> 01:47:22,526 And kills it can kill everyone anyone in the radius of 20-30 feet. 1540 01:47:23,401 --> 01:47:25,151 Where are they taking it? 1541 01:47:25,693 --> 01:47:27,734 - How will they use it? - I don't know, sir. 1542 01:47:28,443 --> 01:47:30,234 It can happen anywhere 1543 01:47:30,568 --> 01:47:34,609 Delhi, Bombay, Madras. Anywhere. 1544 01:47:34,901 --> 01:47:35,984 When will they hit? 1545 01:47:36,318 --> 01:47:37,401 I don't know, sir. 1546 01:47:37,943 --> 01:47:39,484 While we are speaking, sir.. 1547 01:47:44,651 --> 01:47:46,984 Can it be deactivated from here? Somehow.. 1548 01:47:47,526 --> 01:47:49,109 All the bombs? No. Not possible. 1549 01:47:49,984 --> 01:47:51,651 But my family, sir.. 1550 01:48:17,484 --> 01:48:19,859 - Ghosh, the third intercept? - Deepti? 1551 01:48:19,943 --> 01:48:22,651 Celebrate Diwali, Exile Rama, coming home. 1552 01:48:22,943 --> 01:48:24,609 Get ex-PM's rally schedule. Quick. 1553 01:48:24,818 --> 01:48:26,068 Right here, sir. 1554 01:48:39,943 --> 01:48:41,068 Excuse me, sir. 1555 01:48:41,443 --> 01:48:43,123 There's a technical problem in the flight. 1556 01:48:43,151 --> 01:48:44,276 It'll take a bit longer. 1557 01:48:44,359 --> 01:48:46,526 - How long? - About an hour. 1558 01:48:46,818 --> 01:48:47,818 Okay. 1559 01:48:48,734 --> 01:48:52,026 Sir, this last intercept is between Jaffna and Madras. 1560 01:48:52,443 --> 01:48:56,193 Celebrate Diwali, Exile Rama, coming home. 1561 01:48:56,609 --> 01:48:58,443 Sir, it has been decoded. 1562 01:48:58,984 --> 01:49:00,484 - Exile. - Ex. 1563 01:49:00,651 --> 01:49:02,026 Rama... PM. 1564 01:49:02,193 --> 01:49:03,234 EX-PM. 1565 01:49:03,609 --> 01:49:06,484 His today's rally schedule. 1566 01:49:06,859 --> 01:49:08,068 - 10am. - Warrangal. 1567 01:49:08,234 --> 01:49:09,901 1:30pm. - Vijaywada. 1568 01:49:10,151 --> 01:49:11,484 4:00pm. - Hyderabad. 1569 01:49:11,651 --> 01:49:14,068 And 10:00pm Poothiyaddur. 1570 01:49:19,068 --> 01:49:21,734 What I want to say is, ex-PM. 1571 01:49:22,026 --> 01:49:26,234 X in roman is ten. 1572 01:49:26,984 --> 01:49:28,693 10:00pm. 1573 01:49:29,359 --> 01:49:31,818 Ex-PM. 10:00pm. 1574 01:49:32,609 --> 01:49:34,443 Poothiyaddur, 10:00pm. 1575 01:49:34,651 --> 01:49:38,151 You mean they are striking tonight? 1576 01:49:38,568 --> 01:49:39,526 I think so, sir. 1577 01:49:39,609 --> 01:49:42,401 - Where is he right now? - Hyderabad airport lounge, sir. 1578 01:50:04,526 --> 01:50:05,526 Oh God! 1579 01:50:06,776 --> 01:50:08,109 We can't take a chance. 1580 01:50:08,401 --> 01:50:09,818 We're already late. 1581 01:50:16,109 --> 01:50:17,651 - We'll have to stop him. - Sir. 1582 01:50:17,943 --> 01:50:20,359 - Get me Hyderabad airport. - Sir. 1583 01:50:32,151 --> 01:50:37,401 All our intels are clearing stating that LTF will target the ex-PM. 1584 01:50:37,776 --> 01:50:39,193 We've strong evidence. 1585 01:50:39,276 --> 01:50:41,651 First back switch, then front switch. 1586 01:50:45,984 --> 01:50:47,776 First back switch, 1587 01:50:48,526 --> 01:50:49,943 then front switch. 1588 01:50:49,984 --> 01:50:51,109 Once more. 1589 01:50:51,651 --> 01:50:55,734 State governor went against protocol and warned him. 1590 01:50:55,818 --> 01:50:57,276 That he shouldn't tour south. 1591 01:50:57,359 --> 01:51:02,943 No, I don't think LTF will plan something this big. No. 1592 01:51:06,943 --> 01:51:08,818 First back switch, 1593 01:51:09,901 --> 01:51:11,526 then front switch. 1594 01:51:15,776 --> 01:51:20,109 We'll have to provide him with full protection, at all cost. 1595 01:51:20,193 --> 01:51:24,734 Ex-PM or ex-minister, we cannot provide NSG to anyone. 1596 01:51:24,818 --> 01:51:27,068 It is against the rules! We cannot do it! 1597 01:51:27,151 --> 01:51:31,443 But if you insist, keeping in mind the threat.. 1598 01:51:31,526 --> 01:51:34,568 ...we'll inform the state police. They will look after it. 1599 01:51:34,734 --> 01:51:37,068 Fine. Whatever you deem fit. 1600 01:51:52,359 --> 01:51:53,026 - Ghosh.. - Sir. 1601 01:51:53,109 --> 01:51:55,068 Get me special access. I'm about to reach the airport. 1602 01:51:55,151 --> 01:51:56,359 - Now. - Okay, sir. 1603 01:52:06,901 --> 01:52:08,859 Good afternoon, sir. Robin Dutt. 1604 01:52:09,193 --> 01:52:10,651 I've a request to make, sir. 1605 01:52:10,984 --> 01:52:15,901 Kindly cancel your rallies for today and for the next 2-3 days. 1606 01:52:16,693 --> 01:52:19,401 There's a threat. It will be better if you avoid them. 1607 01:52:19,484 --> 01:52:23,401 You know I want to be with the people for these elections. 1608 01:52:23,776 --> 01:52:25,234 There is security over there. 1609 01:52:25,318 --> 01:52:28,026 Yes, sir. It's there. But it could be dangerous. 1610 01:52:28,276 --> 01:52:30,484 It's a request. Please don't go there. 1611 01:52:31,026 --> 01:52:32,151 Sir, excuse me. 1612 01:52:32,859 --> 01:52:35,219 - Pilot just informed. Flight is ready for take off. - Okay. 1613 01:52:36,901 --> 01:52:40,901 Robin, please don't worry. I'll be fine. Okay? 1614 01:53:14,234 --> 01:53:16,068 He will be reaching in ten minutes... 1615 01:53:24,234 --> 01:53:26,651 Everyone please co-operate for the security check... 1616 01:53:26,734 --> 01:53:29,943 Please move behind from the stage... 1617 01:53:30,234 --> 01:53:33,609 Ladies who will be garlanding, please move to the front row. 1618 01:53:38,609 --> 01:53:40,193 Please maintain discipline... 1619 01:53:40,276 --> 01:53:43,276 ...our leader will be reaching in the next minutes. 1620 01:53:47,276 --> 01:53:49,734 Sir, here's the route map. Rishi is already there. 1621 01:53:49,943 --> 01:53:50,943 Okay. 1622 01:53:57,651 --> 01:54:00,484 Vikram has reached. He's on his way to the rally. 1623 01:54:00,859 --> 01:54:02,276 All units informed. 1624 01:54:02,943 --> 01:54:04,401 Routine scanning is complete, sir. 1625 01:54:04,526 --> 01:54:06,193 Around 3000-3500 people. 1626 01:54:06,401 --> 01:54:07,568 He'll be here soon. 1627 01:54:07,651 --> 01:54:09,443 - Keep checking, I'm coming. - Yes, sir. 1628 01:54:47,193 --> 01:54:49,318 Ex-PM has reached. 1629 01:56:15,776 --> 01:56:17,818 You're not allowed to go ahead! 1630 01:58:13,984 --> 01:58:18,568 We're sorry to inform you that earlier tonight.. 1631 01:58:18,818 --> 01:58:22,484 ..lndia's former Prime Minister was assassinated. 1632 01:58:24,151 --> 01:58:27,068 This dreadful blast took place at 10:10pm. 1633 01:58:27,526 --> 01:58:29,651 He was in Poothiyaddur district in South India, 1634 01:58:29,734 --> 01:58:32,026 to address an election rally. 1635 01:58:32,234 --> 01:58:35,901 In the south of India, this sudden and tragic death.. 1636 01:58:35,984 --> 01:58:38,443 ..has left the whole nation in a state of shock. 1637 01:58:38,943 --> 01:58:43,359 This is the first time a human bomb has been used... 1638 01:58:43,693 --> 01:58:47,859 His unfortunate death has left people in a state of shock. 1639 01:58:47,984 --> 01:58:50,193 The whole nation is mourning. 1640 01:58:50,568 --> 01:58:53,609 So far this blast has claimed 25 people's lives, 1641 01:58:53,693 --> 01:58:55,568 and injured more than 100 people. 1642 01:58:55,943 --> 01:58:58,484 A horrific blast took place at 10:10pm. 1643 01:58:58,568 --> 01:59:02,193 This shocking incident has sent shock waves across the entire nation. 1644 01:59:02,359 --> 01:59:04,239 Bringing the country to a complete standstill. 1645 01:59:04,276 --> 01:59:06,484 The special investigation squad has revealed.. 1646 01:59:06,693 --> 01:59:09,068 ..the use of plastic explosives and RDX. 1647 01:59:09,359 --> 01:59:12,193 So far this blast has claimed 25 people's lives, 1648 01:59:12,359 --> 01:59:14,109 and injured more than 100 people. 1649 01:59:14,484 --> 01:59:17,068 They were those who came to the rally... 1650 01:59:17,151 --> 01:59:18,901 ...to support our former prime minister. 1651 01:59:19,818 --> 01:59:20,901 Just like that. 1652 01:59:22,068 --> 01:59:23,693 What was his fault? 1653 01:59:24,901 --> 01:59:26,526 He was so young. 1654 01:59:26,943 --> 01:59:27,943 We tried. 1655 01:59:29,068 --> 01:59:30,931 But we lost. 1656 01:59:30,944 --> 01:59:32,818 President has requested people to stay calm. 1657 01:59:32,943 --> 01:59:36,068 Leaders all across the world have expressed their condolences. 1658 01:59:45,234 --> 01:59:48,401 After some time..' - Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! 1659 01:59:49,151 --> 01:59:52,318 The investigation team arrested a few suspects. 1660 01:59:53,568 --> 01:59:56,901 And a few suspects committed suicide before they could be arrested. 1661 02:00:11,234 --> 02:00:14,693 And I submitted my report to the special investigation team. 1662 02:00:20,651 --> 02:00:23,401 This commission appreciates your investigations. 1663 02:00:23,776 --> 02:00:25,443 And yes, we will consider them. 1664 02:00:25,526 --> 02:00:29,026 But, Mr. Vikram, we need solid evidence. 1665 02:00:29,859 --> 02:00:31,234 I'd never realized that... 1666 02:00:31,318 --> 02:00:33,776 ...the world is so threatened by our Prime Minister. 1667 02:00:36,651 --> 02:00:39,026 RD sir resigned after a few days. 1668 02:00:42,943 --> 02:00:45,318 I hope you've given this decision of yours a thought. 1669 02:00:47,568 --> 02:00:48,568 Yes. 1670 02:00:55,609 --> 02:01:00,193 And I took a voluntary retirement and came here. 1671 02:01:00,693 --> 02:01:04,943 Whatever you just said could also be just a coincidence. 1672 02:01:05,818 --> 02:01:07,068 No, Father. 1673 02:01:07,276 --> 02:01:12,859 This conspiracy was played out just as it was planned. 1674 02:01:13,984 --> 02:01:15,109 And I was late. 1675 02:01:17,901 --> 02:01:19,776 But I couldn't compete with him. 1676 02:01:21,026 --> 02:01:22,651 They were powerful. 1677 02:01:24,109 --> 02:01:26,734 And In this game we lost our Prime Minister. 1678 02:01:27,943 --> 02:01:30,193 - And the Lankan Tamils. - Their future. 1679 02:01:31,818 --> 02:01:32,818 Then who won? 1680 02:01:33,318 --> 02:01:34,484 I don't know. 1681 02:01:35,859 --> 02:01:37,318 Perhaps it was everyone's loss. 1682 02:01:38,943 --> 02:01:39,943 And Anna? 1683 02:01:41,859 --> 02:01:45,151 One man's revolutionary is another man's terrorist. 1684 02:01:46,484 --> 02:01:49,026 Anna is revolutionary for his people. 1685 02:01:51,234 --> 02:01:52,943 But I lost my Prime Minister. 1686 02:01:53,901 --> 02:01:55,193 What will you do now? 1687 02:01:59,151 --> 02:02:01,068 Ruby's father gave this to me... 1688 02:02:02,693 --> 02:02:04,443 ...on our wedding day. 1689 02:02:04,943 --> 02:02:06,234 A wedding gift. 1690 02:02:09,859 --> 02:02:14,568 Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high.. 1691 02:02:15,734 --> 02:02:17,359 Where knowledge is free.. 1692 02:02:19,359 --> 02:02:23,651 Where the world has not been broken up into fragments.. 1693 02:02:24,568 --> 02:02:26,651 By narrow domestic walls.. 1694 02:02:27,901 --> 02:02:30,443 Where words come out from the depth of truth.. 1695 02:02:31,734 --> 02:02:35,234 Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection.. 1696 02:02:36,859 --> 02:02:39,734 Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way.. 1697 02:02:40,859 --> 02:02:43,151 Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit.. 1698 02:02:43,901 --> 02:02:46,234 Where the mind is led forward by thee.. 1699 02:02:46,734 --> 02:02:49,026 Into every-widening thought and action.. 1700 02:02:50,401 --> 02:02:52,943 Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, 1701 02:02:53,901 --> 02:02:55,234 let my country awake.. 1702 02:02:55,318 --> 02:02:56,318 Thank you.