1 00:00:11,000 --> 00:00:20,000 Visit www.Fastbet99.club Trusted Secure Online Gambling Agents 1 00: 00: 06,567 -> 00: 00: 08,672 Ta Hao, in this world. 2 00:00:08,700 --> 00:00:12,477 Not because your words are correct, they can change. 3 00:00:12,600 --> 00:00:16,380 Now in front of you has passed 30. Do you know what I mean? 4 00:00:17,467 --> 00:00:19,606 All directions are your enemy. 5 00:00:19,633 --> 00:00:21,604 Why did you say his words were messed up? 6 00:00:21,700 --> 00:00:24,476 You're really great, who do you want to support? 7 00:00:24,500 --> 00:00:28,471 That's me. / Mr. Supervisor, because of me, can get a lot of applause. 8 00:00:28,500 --> 00:00:31,609 Do you like this now? / Because it's clear. 9 00:00:31,700 --> 00:00:35,648 Why is that rancid kid, you think don't have a mother, orphan. / Geez. 10 00:00:37,533 --> 00:00:41,347 The scary is still worried about our family name. 11 00:00:41,433 --> 00:00:43,709 All see his eyes, really fierce. 12 00:00:45,500 --> 00:00:48,438 It does not want to live. 13 00:00:48,533 --> 00:00:50,444 Hey Ta Hao, 14 00:00:50,467 --> 00:00:53,539 Do you think the kidnappers were correctly written by reporters? 15 00:00:53,567 --> 00:00:55,478 You also understand. 16 00:00:57,433 --> 00:00:59,572 Sorry sir, supervisor, you also understand my style. 17 00:00:59,600 --> 00:01:01,502 Ta Hao... 18 00:01:01,600 --> 00:01:04,444 Now we report 19 00:01:04,467 --> 00:01:06,538 regarding further examination. 20 00:01:07,500 --> 00:01:09,502 Now the reporter Ta Hao has arrived. 21 00:01:09,533 --> 00:01:11,410 Father. 22 00:01:14,400 --> 00:01:17,609 Is that true? / I'm not sure yet. 23 00:01:17,633 --> 00:01:21,445 But sorry 24 00:01:21,467 --> 00:01:23,540 this is the truth of Koreans 25 00:01:23,633 --> 00:01:25,535 instead of being a journalist's job? 26 00:01:39,467 --> 00:01:43,438 Don't move, your face will be black. 27 00:01:43,467 --> 00:01:46,280 It feels very itchy. 28 00:01:46,367 --> 00:01:48,608 Don't you go to the playground? 29 00:01:48,633 --> 00:01:53,378 Today Ming Yi plays with father, next time aunt will come along. 30 00:01:54,467 --> 00:01:56,244 Ming Yi! / Father! 31 00:01:56,333 --> 00:01:58,506 Father... 32 00:01:58,533 --> 00:02:00,435 Ouch my child. 33 00:02:00,533 --> 00:02:04,279 Oversight. 34 00:02:04,367 --> 00:02:06,506 Have you eaten? 35 00:02:06,533 --> 00:02:08,513 Daddy grows his beard. / Yes. 36 00:02:08,533 --> 00:02:11,537 Daddy grows a beard, Ming Yi can. 37 00:02:11,567 --> 00:02:14,548 I don't want a long beard. 38 00:02:15,367 --> 00:02:17,369 Is the matter right? 39 00:02:17,400 --> 00:02:21,248 Why, why is it wrong? 40 00:02:21,333 --> 00:02:23,506 Our Ming Yi is more important. 41 00:02:23,533 --> 00:02:25,470 This father. 42 00:02:25,567 --> 00:02:29,515 What is this? / He said he wanted to give his father's bread. 43 00:02:29,533 --> 00:02:32,514 This is my good son. 44 00:02:36,333 --> 00:02:37,334 What is this? 45 00:02:37,533 --> 00:02:39,308 Ha? 46 00:02:39,500 --> 00:02:41,437 Yesterday playing in the playground then fell. 47 00:02:41,533 --> 00:02:44,412 That's fine, look. / Look, 48 00:02:45,567 --> 00:02:48,548 Didn't I tell you to be careful? Don't let the child get hurt? 49 00:02:52,500 --> 00:02:54,480 So I said, 50 00:02:56,467 --> 00:03:00,279 be more careful. / Come on dad 51 00:03:00,300 --> 00:03:04,339 Let's go to the playground. / Come get ready. 52 00:03:07,500 --> 00:03:10,276 Are you angry? 53 00:03:10,300 --> 00:03:13,181 Because I fell. 54 00:03:13,267 --> 00:03:15,474 Who says dad is angry with Ming Yi? 55 00:03:16,300 --> 00:03:18,507 It's not like that. 56 00:03:23,500 --> 00:03:27,414 ♪ 57 00:03:27,433 --> 00:03:30,405 ♪♪ 58 00:03:30,500 --> 00:03:33,313 How, great daddy & apos? / Yes. / Of course. 59 00:03:33,400 --> 00:03:37,439 Really like, great dad! / Use the glasses. 60 00:03:40,267 --> 00:03:41,507 Chui Ming Yi, 61 00:03:42,433 --> 00:03:45,371 ready to play today? / Yes. 62 00:03:45,467 --> 00:03:49,210 Ready! / Ready! Depart! 63 00:03:50,534 --> 00:04:08,034 Visit www.Fastbet99.club Trusted Trusted Online Gambling Agent 64 00:04:35,233 --> 00:04:38,171 What are you just now? / Sorry. 65 00:04:38,267 --> 00:04:40,372 I am a photographer of a playground. 66 00:04:40,400 --> 00:04:43,438 Children and fathers are very familiar. 67 00:04:49,267 --> 00:04:52,214 But like this, don't take another picture. 68 00:04:52,233 --> 00:04:55,080 Because of that I beg for approval, just another photo. 69 00:04:55,167 --> 00:04:58,341 Love me one sheet, I will give you a photo. 70 00:05:01,200 --> 00:05:03,339 Are you okay? 71 00:05:07,300 --> 00:05:09,371 Hey. 72 00:05:32,200 --> 00:05:35,047 Mothers. 73 00:05:35,133 --> 00:05:37,238 Mothers. 74 00:05:39,167 --> 00:05:43,115 Do you really go to work in America? 75 00:05:43,367 --> 00:05:45,108 Of course. 76 00:05:47,167 --> 00:05:49,340 Every time Ming Yi birthday _ there are letters & apos; right? 77 00:05:50,200 --> 00:05:54,239 But why isn't there a stamp? 78 00:05:54,267 --> 00:05:57,373 Really? No. 79 00:06:04,300 --> 00:06:08,305 Ming Yi, miss mother? 80 00:06:13,233 --> 00:06:17,113 Do you not go to America? 81 00:06:22,200 --> 00:06:25,340 Of course, father 82 00:06:27,167 --> 00:06:30,171 will be forever beside Ming Yi. / Promise! 83 00:06:31,333 --> 00:06:36,078 If an unruly father promises will become an animal. 84 00:06:37,267 --> 00:06:40,080 My father wants to ride a piggyback. 85 00:06:40,167 --> 00:06:43,307 Horses? Let's go up. 86 00:06:49,233 --> 00:06:52,137 Beard daddy! 87 00:06:52,233 --> 00:06:55,237 Father! / Handle Ming Yi! 88 00:06:56,233 --> 00:06:58,270 Grip. 89 00:07:34,167 --> 00:07:37,046 Hey. 90 00:07:37,067 --> 00:07:39,069 Are you okay? 91 00:08:01,593 --> 00:08:31,593 Visit www.Fastbet99.club Trusted Trusted Online Gambling Agent 92 00:08:33,593 --> 00:08:39,593 LUCID DREAM (READY DREAM) 93 00:08:55,067 --> 00:08:59,040 Kimjun Hao. 94 00:08:59,133 --> 00:09:01,170 Kimjun Hao. 95 00:09:01,200 --> 00:09:04,047 Who are you? Where's my / Ming Yi? 96 00:09:04,133 --> 00:09:06,912 You take my Ming Yi away. 97 00:09:07,000 --> 00:09:10,174 Ah... 98 00:09:12,967 --> 00:09:15,174 Hey don't move! 99 00:09:16,033 --> 00:09:18,104 You damn it! 100 00:09:44,000 --> 00:09:46,039 Basics. 101 00:09:46,133 --> 00:09:49,910 Calm down. 102 00:09:55,067 --> 00:09:58,039 The head supervisor carries Ming Yi's case to be settled. 103 00:09:58,133 --> 00:10:00,775 Give a final check. 104 00:10:00,867 --> 00:10:04,940 From Kung Su do not accept? / Already, it should be done. 105 00:10:08,867 --> 00:10:11,006 Then you check. 106 00:10:21,100 --> 00:10:22,980 Chair, 107 00:10:23,067 --> 00:10:26,981 representatives of DPR members too. 108 00:10:28,933 --> 00:10:31,072 You don't have to 109 00:10:31,100 --> 00:10:33,879 overreacting to society & apos; right? 110 00:10:33,967 --> 00:10:38,006 Children are kidnapped, there isn't even anyone calling. 111 00:10:40,067 --> 00:10:42,980 No matter how my cash attitude 112 00:10:44,067 --> 00:10:46,846 just want to ask. 113 00:10:46,933 --> 00:10:48,844 Even so but 114 00:10:49,833 --> 00:10:51,039 because you wear people. 115 00:10:52,800 --> 00:10:53,972 What do you want? 116 00:10:54,967 --> 00:10:57,880 Chui reporter I understand your feelings. 117 00:10:58,067 --> 00:11:01,981 I also tried. / 3 years. 118 00:11:02,867 --> 00:11:04,972 I want to do this 119 00:11:05,800 --> 00:11:06,938 Try? 120 00:11:07,900 --> 00:11:10,779 If there are results, new names try 121 00:11:17,067 --> 00:11:19,013 My Ming Yi is alive. 122 00:11:22,067 --> 00:11:24,775 Please don't give up. 123 00:11:52,000 --> 00:11:55,948 Your father didn't go to America? 124 00:11:55,967 --> 00:11:59,713 Of course dad doesn't go, 125 00:11:59,800 --> 00:12:04,010 Always accompany Ming Yi. / Promise! 126 00:12:04,967 --> 00:12:09,916 If the father doesn't keep the promise will become an ugly animal. 127 00:12:21,467 --> 00:12:23,469 Dream Lucid 128 00:12:31,667 --> 00:12:35,547 Criminals caught. 129 00:12:47,071 --> 00:12:49,371 BRAIN-SLEEP RESEARCH CENTER 130 00:12:49,400 --> 00:12:54,543 This test results make it clean, just love me. / Yes professor. 131 00:12:57,467 --> 00:12:59,438 I ask for help, Su Sien. 132 00:12:59,533 --> 00:13:02,446 Use this, there will be instructions. 133 00:13:02,600 --> 00:13:06,471 See this report outside already used for inspection. 134 00:13:06,567 --> 00:13:08,604 The perpetrator is also caught. 135 00:13:13,467 --> 00:13:18,610 I'm a doctor, now it's still hasn't been tried. / This time try it. 136 00:13:19,600 --> 00:13:24,572 This is important to you. / Regarding procedures the data is still not completed. 137 00:13:24,600 --> 00:13:29,447 If you do that, surely will be a problem. 138 00:13:29,467 --> 00:13:31,640 I will keep this a secret, don't worry Su Sien. 139 00:13:33,400 --> 00:13:35,437 Sorry Ta Hao. 140 00:13:36,433 --> 00:13:39,471 Even though I understand your feelings... 141 00:13:42,567 --> 00:13:45,377 You said you understood? 142 00:13:46,367 --> 00:13:47,437 No. 143 00:13:49,467 --> 00:13:50,605 You won't understand. 144 00:13:52,533 --> 00:13:56,379 Every day every second of the pain. 145 00:14:00,533 --> 00:14:02,570 Please help Su Sien. 146 00:14:04,300 --> 00:14:07,509 Want to get into reality dreams, must check their nature. 147 00:14:08,500 --> 00:14:13,372 In medicine called RC, each person can make sure that they are alone. 148 00:14:13,467 --> 00:14:17,472 How to make sure? / You use this hour to make sure. 149 00:14:18,433 --> 00:14:23,348 Every time you enter a dream no matter what, make sure, make sure every hour is round. 150 00:14:23,367 --> 00:14:25,438 This minute will run. 151 00:14:26,467 --> 00:14:30,279 The second hand will not work. 152 00:14:30,533 --> 00:14:35,178 So want to be aware of dreams 153 00:14:35,267 --> 00:14:38,441 will give a blow to the brain big, then you realize from a dream. 154 00:14:38,467 --> 00:14:43,314 Because the device runs out in 10 minutes, it will be realized. 155 00:14:45,433 --> 00:14:49,313 If it's longer it will be dangerous. 156 00:15:04,333 --> 00:15:07,507 Think about what you want to think about, what memories do you remember 157 00:15:09,300 --> 00:15:13,305 Then, don't stop thinking in dreams you will realize yourself. 158 00:15:16,300 --> 00:15:19,406 Don't strain, relax a little. 159 00:15:21,467 --> 00:15:25,472 Only this is how your memory can return. 160 00:15:32,496 --> 00:15:34,496 LAB LUCID - INDICATION OF BRAIN WAVES 161 00:15:34,976 --> 00:15:36,976 LAB LUCID - MONITORING PATIENTS CONNECTED TO LUCID 162 00:16:16,567 --> 00:16:18,569 First it will feel very chaotic. 163 00:16:19,400 --> 00:16:21,471 So also see the shadow 164 00:16:22,433 --> 00:16:25,380 Time is not long, make sure the clock is 165 00:16:25,400 --> 00:16:29,405 If the silent clock proves that it is in the "Lucid Dream" Father. 166 00:16:36,533 --> 00:16:39,346 In a dream the brain will work 30 times 167 00:16:45,467 --> 00:16:49,372 So you can see things you don't remember 168 00:16:49,467 --> 00:16:52,607 Your burgers are finished 169 00:16:59,500 --> 00:17:01,502 Hey. 170 00:17:37,500 --> 00:17:40,310 Hey. 171 00:17:40,400 --> 00:17:43,313 Hey! / Sorry. 172 00:17:53,537 --> 00:17:55,537 Who are you? 173 00:18:09,500 --> 00:18:12,310 See suspicious people. 174 00:18:22,467 --> 00:18:24,438 So that person I am chasing in a dream. 175 00:18:24,533 --> 00:18:28,276 There may be many movements 176 00:18:28,300 --> 00:18:32,339 Even though it changes everything but there's no impression. 177 00:18:34,367 --> 00:18:37,305 But changing memories 178 00:18:37,400 --> 00:18:39,311 dreams will be destroyed, so shadows match dreams. 179 00:18:39,333 --> 00:18:43,281 If you want to make sure the instructions, must remember carefully. 180 00:18:44,333 --> 00:18:48,509 But. 181 00:18:48,533 --> 00:18:51,175 I never saw that person. 182 00:18:51,267 --> 00:18:54,148 All is not in my memory. 183 00:18:54,233 --> 00:18:58,238 He watches me. 184 00:18:59,333 --> 00:19:02,246 Then suddenly disappears. 185 00:19:02,467 --> 00:19:05,277 186 00:19:15,533 --> 00:19:22,578 Is this right? / Yes, he is the person. 187 00:19:27,333 --> 00:19:32,248 In dreams, other people will say that they dream of this person. 188 00:19:33,333 --> 00:19:37,304 Anyway this person doesn't appear. 189 00:19:37,333 --> 00:19:41,304 As long as you don't get hit by him, this man won't disturb your dream. 190 00:19:41,333 --> 00:19:44,337 Like in a second hour 191 00:19:44,367 --> 00:19:47,246 See this man, knowing that this is in a dream. 192 00:19:48,233 --> 00:19:51,214 Su Sien, the last test once again. 193 00:19:54,367 --> 00:19:57,280 Your Hamburg is ready. / Dad. 194 00:20:00,200 --> 00:20:02,339 Hey. 195 00:20:43,400 --> 00:20:45,277 No. 196 00:20:48,267 --> 00:20:50,269 Yes sir, have you checked? 197 00:20:50,300 --> 00:20:53,372 The person who makes it possible, the Chui reporter we have checked it doesn't get anything. 198 00:20:53,400 --> 00:20:57,314 This is a report 5 years ago. / This is a report the reporter Chui wrote himself? 199 00:20:57,333 --> 00:21:00,077 Yes 200 00:21:00,167 --> 00:21:03,341 But this is a report delivered. 201 00:21:05,200 --> 00:21:07,339 Others also want. 202 00:21:08,100 --> 00:21:13,106 But the point is 203 00:21:13,133 --> 00:21:16,105 regarding this kidnapping 204 00:21:16,200 --> 00:21:19,204 Ming Yi, there seems to be a way to find it. 205 00:21:20,233 --> 00:21:22,270 This time I'm very sure. 206 00:21:23,233 --> 00:21:26,012 Can be found. Can be found. 207 00:21:33,267 --> 00:21:36,248 Seeing this second needle is reality. 208 00:21:43,133 --> 00:21:45,170 What do you see? 209 00:21:45,200 --> 00:21:49,342 How this is done in two people. 210 00:21:53,233 --> 00:21:57,204 what is this? / This person, who took Ming Yi away. 211 00:21:58,167 --> 00:22:01,273 I have a belief that I can definitely look for clues. 212 00:22:01,300 --> 00:22:05,146 If this is the case we cannot give up. 213 00:22:12,133 --> 00:22:14,204 Of course you can't give up. 214 00:22:15,300 --> 00:22:17,280 Try it. 215 00:22:17,300 --> 00:22:20,179 If possible, it must be tried. 216 00:22:21,200 --> 00:22:24,272 So understand this still is there another clue about him? 217 00:22:26,100 --> 00:22:28,011 Now look at the situation. 218 00:22:28,033 --> 00:22:30,274 The tattooed man takes Ming Yi away. 219 00:22:32,000 --> 00:22:35,040 There are still Chui reporters injured one other person there is just right. 220 00:22:35,133 --> 00:22:39,081 When you hurt me there is no fingerprint & apos; right? 221 00:22:40,100 --> 00:22:44,048 Yes. / If you say the hand of the handler is wearing gloves. 222 00:22:47,233 --> 00:22:50,271 Father. 223 00:23:19,033 --> 00:23:22,014 Ah 224 00:23:22,033 --> 00:23:25,972 Hey. 225 00:23:26,067 --> 00:23:29,071 Do you hear me talking? 226 00:23:44,967 --> 00:23:47,948 All this is searched. 227 00:25:24,100 --> 00:25:28,048 Yes, have you eaten? 228 00:25:28,067 --> 00:25:30,877 Today's father has finished going there. 229 00:25:30,900 --> 00:25:32,971 Nobody wants to eat? 230 00:25:34,867 --> 00:25:36,747 Kambugi? 231 00:25:36,833 --> 00:25:38,813 Have you ever eaten that? 232 00:25:41,867 --> 00:25:42,937 Good... 233 00:25:44,033 --> 00:25:46,013 Daddy will call you again. 234 00:25:50,934 --> 00:25:52,936 His daughter? / Yes. 235 00:25:55,067 --> 00:25:56,944 Are you still sleepy? 236 00:25:57,833 --> 00:26:00,006 It seems like 1 day is not sleeping. / How old are you? 237 00:26:00,967 --> 00:26:03,811 8 years, this year. 238 00:26:05,033 --> 00:26:08,776 Have seen the photo, it's very beautiful. 239 00:26:12,967 --> 00:26:18,041 Are you not hungry? Come ahead to eat soup. 240 00:26:21,000 --> 00:26:24,677 I want to go somewhere. / Where? 241 00:26:24,767 --> 00:26:28,806 I want to ask for your help. 242 00:26:31,867 --> 00:26:37,010 Is this the one who brought a small child? / The police also searched for it. 243 00:26:38,834 --> 00:26:42,682 But it's not easy. / This morning it should be here. 244 00:26:42,767 --> 00:26:44,940 I don't understand. 245 00:26:45,033 --> 00:26:48,947 But how do you know this child? 246 00:26:49,833 --> 00:26:53,007 It's in Lucid's Dream. / Yes I know. 247 00:26:53,033 --> 00:26:56,881 You said on the cave road 248 00:26:56,967 --> 00:27:00,713 It says there are many items. 249 00:27:00,800 --> 00:27:02,711 Anyway. 250 00:27:02,734 --> 00:27:03,840 Hey 251 00:27:03,933 --> 00:27:05,970 You came here for a while. 252 00:27:08,867 --> 00:27:11,814 Hei Lao Yen. / Yes. 253 00:27:13,967 --> 00:27:16,814 You hear he needs help. 254 00:27:16,900 --> 00:27:20,871 Sorry brother. / It's quick to take care of a moment. 255 00:27:22,733 --> 00:27:25,614 Thank you boss. / Basic. 256 00:27:25,700 --> 00:27:29,810 If not you, I will continue to be in prison. 257 00:27:29,900 --> 00:27:33,780 We have no relationship, you could say that this will hurt feelings. 258 00:27:34,800 --> 00:27:39,874 These people look for problems to 40 years. 259 00:27:40,867 --> 00:27:44,713 Small friends must be searched. 260 00:28:04,933 --> 00:28:08,779 If forced, there will be bleeding. 261 00:29:32,800 --> 00:29:35,576 If you want, prepare the instructions first. 262 00:29:35,600 --> 00:29:38,706 How hard is the effort to make a moving memory. 263 00:29:45,800 --> 00:29:47,737 Boss. 264 00:29:47,834 --> 00:29:52,581 Don't you remember me? / 3 years ago here is a missing child. 265 00:29:52,667 --> 00:29:54,738 Ah... 266 00:29:54,767 --> 00:29:57,680 The reporter, what's the problem? / Boss. 267 00:29:57,700 --> 00:30:00,806 Boss, I want to ask you for help. 268 00:30:56,534 --> 00:30:59,515 Sorry. 269 00:31:06,733 --> 00:31:12,513 What do you see? / Yes, look. 270 00:31:13,500 --> 00:31:17,471 First strapping look. 271 00:31:17,700 --> 00:31:20,544 Black face. 272 00:31:22,700 --> 00:31:26,671 Use a round hat. 273 00:31:28,667 --> 00:31:31,739 Other than that is... 274 00:31:33,500 --> 00:31:35,605 Wait a minute. 275 00:31:36,467 --> 00:31:38,708 Core. 276 00:31:38,733 --> 00:31:42,476 Master Card Core. 277 00:31:44,467 --> 00:31:48,472 The person, obviously using credit card. 278 00:31:52,534 --> 00:31:55,538 This is the credit card company. / Yes how many people appeared. 279 00:31:55,567 --> 00:32:00,516 Yun Cun Cho, Che Kyong Han, Kim Yong Hao. / Wait a minute. 280 00:32:00,534 --> 00:32:03,515 Yun Sung Cho. 281 00:32:05,434 --> 00:32:09,541 Che Kyong Han. 282 00:32:10,700 --> 00:32:14,648 Wait a minute, Che Kyong Wan. 283 00:32:16,467 --> 00:32:20,438 This is the tattoo. / Lucky, come on. 284 00:32:20,467 --> 00:32:22,640 Send me an SMS. / Hey sir. 285 00:32:22,667 --> 00:32:25,648 Why? / There is a problem. 286 00:32:27,467 --> 00:32:30,641 2 years ago the accident now is the situation of the person. 287 00:32:31,633 --> 00:32:36,539 Very sorry this condition can't be aware. 288 00:32:36,633 --> 00:32:40,581 Now the situation doesn't know when to stop breathing. 289 00:33:14,667 --> 00:33:17,375 Seeing the condition, that's how it is. 290 00:33:17,567 --> 00:33:20,411 This seems like this. 291 00:33:20,500 --> 00:33:25,609 Feeling able, finally all is empty. 292 00:33:28,434 --> 00:33:29,506 Very difficult. 293 00:33:29,600 --> 00:33:31,477 It's okay. 294 00:33:31,500 --> 00:33:34,572 If it's difficult, just say it. 295 00:33:40,500 --> 00:33:42,346 I used to see a picture of my daughter. 296 00:33:42,433 --> 00:33:46,609 My daughter will say I love you. 297 00:33:49,334 --> 00:33:50,574 I love you father. 298 00:33:53,333 --> 00:33:57,372 But, the words don't finish slowly. 299 00:33:59,600 --> 00:34:03,548 I love you father. 300 00:34:04,567 --> 00:34:08,413 I love you, father. 301 00:34:09,467 --> 00:34:14,416 This is like a pause, very difficult. 302 00:34:16,333 --> 00:34:18,438 Why is that? 303 00:34:25,467 --> 00:34:27,378 Pain, very severe. 304 00:34:28,500 --> 00:34:31,538 From the start it continues... 305 00:34:33,367 --> 00:34:35,404 Because the heart is not good. 306 00:34:37,567 --> 00:34:41,538 I can reduce drinking soju. 307 00:34:41,567 --> 00:34:45,310 Can stop smoking early. 308 00:34:47,367 --> 00:34:49,506 My daughter won't get sick. 309 00:34:50,400 --> 00:34:53,438 Born healthy. 310 00:34:54,400 --> 00:34:56,402 As a father you are wrong. 311 00:34:59,333 --> 00:35:00,505 He will be healthy. 312 00:35:02,267 --> 00:35:04,508 Me too. / I mean this. 313 00:35:07,333 --> 00:35:09,438 Ming Yi. 314 00:35:10,267 --> 00:35:14,340 Immediately found, don't feel guilty. 315 00:35:17,234 --> 00:35:19,271 Excitement. 316 00:35:19,500 --> 00:35:22,447 Even though my daughter is too 317 00:35:23,467 --> 00:35:25,413 Obviously. 318 00:35:27,267 --> 00:35:28,573 Will not give up on Ming Yi. 319 00:35:49,400 --> 00:35:55,316 Father, when am I drawing dad again? 320 00:36:02,300 --> 00:36:04,405 This is right boy. 321 00:36:05,234 --> 00:36:09,239 He's called Yu Siang Fang, this is definitely a famous person. 322 00:36:10,200 --> 00:36:12,373 Tapo people have heard of this person. 323 00:36:14,267 --> 00:36:19,182 Airport Kim pu, 12 o'clock, fast moving. 324 00:36:20,234 --> 00:36:23,306 Sir, found. / Where are you? 325 00:36:24,167 --> 00:36:28,343 I am at Kim Pu airport. / Fine, I will go there, don't be careless. 326 00:37:45,300 --> 00:37:47,280 Move aside. 327 00:38:11,333 --> 00:38:13,313 Where is Kim Yi? Quickly say! 328 00:38:14,134 --> 00:38:17,106 Quickly say, damn it! What are you really talking about? 329 00:38:17,200 --> 00:38:19,137 Chui Cin Huan. 330 00:38:19,233 --> 00:38:22,305 Chui Cin Huan who acts on the child. / Where is he? What do you do? 331 00:38:22,334 --> 00:38:25,076 Chui Cin Huan. 332 00:38:25,200 --> 00:38:30,081 Quickly say he did what? / Chui Cin Huan. 333 00:38:31,334 --> 00:38:35,077 Kill his son, I don't do anything. 334 00:38:37,067 --> 00:38:39,308 Already killed? 335 00:38:41,300 --> 00:38:44,110 Has been killed? 336 00:38:44,234 --> 00:38:48,046 Kill my Ming Yi. 337 00:38:57,034 --> 00:39:00,038 My Ming Yi is dead or not? 338 00:39:00,067 --> 00:39:02,971 Release me. 339 00:39:03,067 --> 00:39:05,174 That person is lying, right & apos; right? 340 00:39:05,267 --> 00:39:08,009 Why is my Ming Yi dead? 341 00:39:11,234 --> 00:39:15,273 Release. This dream must be a dream. 342 00:39:51,967 --> 00:39:55,141 My Ming Yi doesn't die, how can I die. 343 00:39:56,967 --> 00:39:59,208 My Ming Yi doesn't die. 344 00:40:51,134 --> 00:40:54,013 Yesterday night was raining, this body appeared. 345 00:41:00,000 --> 00:41:04,949 Here you can't enter. 346 00:41:05,034 --> 00:41:06,980 Sir not him & apos; right? 347 00:41:07,000 --> 00:41:08,980 Not my Ming Yi & apos; right? 348 00:41:09,967 --> 00:41:12,140 Quickly say. 349 00:41:18,900 --> 00:41:23,110 Sir, let go! 350 00:41:49,534 --> 00:41:53,177 CCTV recording, starting with Yu Shang Fan. 351 00:41:53,267 --> 00:41:56,271 Obviously he has a movement, yesterday the list of names was taken. 352 00:42:14,333 --> 00:42:17,246 Isn't it now in the office to kill yourself, isn't this too much? 353 00:42:17,467 --> 00:42:21,415 Yu Sang Wan, Cui Cin Huan I didn't meet the person. 354 00:42:23,400 --> 00:42:25,211 Even though it's still early, of course, 355 00:42:25,300 --> 00:42:27,177 there seems to be a mastermind. 356 00:42:27,200 --> 00:42:29,407 Yu Siang Wan, Chui Cin Huan. 357 00:42:29,434 --> 00:42:32,278 Gets a new command then moves. 358 00:42:32,300 --> 00:42:34,180 And the other 2 people. 359 00:42:34,267 --> 00:42:36,406 And this person. 360 00:42:36,434 --> 00:42:39,144 Who told Lu Siang Wan to commit suicide. 361 00:42:39,234 --> 00:42:40,406 There's still something scary. 362 00:42:44,434 --> 00:42:46,277 First. 363 00:42:46,300 --> 00:42:49,474 Wait for the corpse examination, sorry. 364 00:42:52,434 --> 00:42:56,180 No, I will find. 365 00:42:56,267 --> 00:42:59,305 Now I still can't find the body. 366 00:42:59,333 --> 00:43:01,438 My Ming Yi. 367 00:43:02,267 --> 00:43:04,440 It must be healthy. 368 00:43:06,267 --> 00:43:08,269 Somewhere waiting for me. 369 00:43:18,433 --> 00:43:21,414 Why? 370 00:43:48,200 --> 00:43:51,374 I see side effects from Lucid dreams. 371 00:43:54,134 --> 00:43:58,378 Even though there is no big problem but if it continues to be forced, there is certainly a danger. 372 00:43:59,334 --> 00:44:03,305 Eat medicine first, rest a few days. 373 00:44:05,267 --> 00:44:10,182 I am with Chao Ming Ce is there a relationship? / Is the Han Kuan group boss Chao? 374 00:44:10,334 --> 00:44:13,213 It's in the healing of the heart. 375 00:44:13,234 --> 00:44:17,082 Lucid's dream is the biggest project. 376 00:44:17,167 --> 00:44:22,139 That person wants to receive treatment. 377 00:44:24,200 --> 00:44:27,204 Boss child because of an accident then died. 378 00:44:27,233 --> 00:44:30,237 He was hit by so I told me to treat 379 00:44:31,134 --> 00:44:35,173 Like you, in passing the Lucid Dream, meet with his dead child. 380 00:44:37,267 --> 00:44:42,182 Why ask this? / There are revenge relationships with me have been examined. 381 00:44:42,200 --> 00:44:44,180 Well this person. 382 00:44:47,100 --> 00:44:49,171 What do you mean? 383 00:44:50,200 --> 00:44:53,113 Nothing special, this was 10 years ago. 384 00:44:53,134 --> 00:44:56,208 Regarding the grocery store report. Still remember? 385 00:44:56,300 --> 00:45:01,079 Because you can't get a big punch, be a senior check the list of names. 386 00:45:01,134 --> 00:45:06,074 You know this person, he is Chao Min Ying. 387 00:45:06,167 --> 00:45:13,107 In the past, seniors reported on this matter this person was also among them. 388 00:45:13,334 --> 00:45:18,113 Because this can be a big blow to these people. 389 00:45:18,134 --> 00:45:23,049 3 years he said dead. 390 00:45:24,067 --> 00:45:27,139 He has MKMK type of blood. 391 00:45:27,167 --> 00:45:30,014 Is there really a type of blood? 392 00:45:30,100 --> 00:45:33,104 In our country there are 20 people. 393 00:45:33,134 --> 00:45:37,014 This is why? / Yesterday in the park fell. 394 00:45:37,034 --> 00:45:38,174 You are this 395 00:45:38,267 --> 00:45:41,148 I told you to be careful don't let the child get hurt. 396 00:45:41,234 --> 00:45:44,010 Why is there something strange? 397 00:45:46,200 --> 00:45:50,239 Ming Yi has that type of blood. 398 00:47:33,934 --> 00:47:36,141 Hey. 399 00:47:43,067 --> 00:47:45,047 Who are you? 400 00:47:47,167 --> 00:47:48,842 Do you know this? 401 00:47:48,934 --> 00:47:52,973 It says people dream of Lucid have suction strength. 402 00:47:53,100 --> 00:47:57,014 After all we met, there was a mate. / Never mind. 403 00:47:57,034 --> 00:47:59,071 There is still something I want to hear. 404 00:48:00,034 --> 00:48:01,911 What is this like? 405 00:48:03,000 --> 00:48:05,981 Dream, reality? 406 00:48:10,000 --> 00:48:14,847 I know, I explained you, just let it go. 407 00:48:17,067 --> 00:48:20,071 This person is so angry. 408 00:48:37,967 --> 00:48:40,971 I entered sister's dream. 409 00:48:41,000 --> 00:48:43,105 So we meet in a dream. 410 00:48:47,834 --> 00:48:49,939 In a dream ever heard? 411 00:48:49,967 --> 00:48:52,971 Enter into a dream attack. 412 00:48:55,000 --> 00:48:57,947 What you see is that I have a small time losing my eyesight. 413 00:48:58,867 --> 00:49:02,940 During this time, everything said linging. 414 00:49:02,967 --> 00:49:06,881 At that moment realize that his name is conscious of a dream. 415 00:49:10,800 --> 00:49:11,835 But. 416 00:49:13,034 --> 00:49:18,006 There I am in the flying sky, go to the place I like. 417 00:49:18,034 --> 00:49:20,844 It's really fun. 418 00:49:22,067 --> 00:49:27,039 But this becomes boring. 419 00:49:28,967 --> 00:49:32,915 At that time I knew it was in a dream. 420 00:49:33,934 --> 00:49:36,972 One word, enter someone else's dream. 421 00:49:43,900 --> 00:49:47,746 So when dreaming, the brain has this. 422 00:49:47,767 --> 00:49:50,910 Make connections with each other. 423 00:49:51,000 --> 00:49:53,947 So it enters into the dream world of others. 424 00:49:54,934 --> 00:49:59,815 A perfect perfect world. If used properly. 425 00:50:01,867 --> 00:50:04,905 Where is the password? / ltu? 426 00:50:06,000 --> 00:50:08,879 Looks at the report of Professor Po Su Sien. 427 00:50:08,900 --> 00:50:10,780 Still in his research said it was Lucid's dream. 428 00:50:10,867 --> 00:50:12,847 So 429 00:50:12,867 --> 00:50:16,838 That's a little 430 00:50:17,834 --> 00:50:21,782 Right, because the test has no meaning... 431 00:50:22,800 --> 00:50:25,747 This is not playing games. 432 00:50:34,834 --> 00:50:37,974 Then I can still dream of others? 433 00:50:42,734 --> 00:50:45,977 Lucid's dream is not the same. 434 00:50:46,000 --> 00:50:48,981 There is no research, could be lost. 435 00:50:49,767 --> 00:50:51,804 Stand up 436 00:50:51,934 --> 00:50:56,713 Ouch, our beautiful doctor, very smart. 437 00:50:56,733 --> 00:50:58,735 Please, you are serious. 438 00:51:02,867 --> 00:51:05,746 Why suddenly use polite words. 439 00:51:06,734 --> 00:51:07,772 I said brother. 440 00:51:07,867 --> 00:51:13,715 Dream of Lucid, called Dream itself, because of personal dreams 441 00:51:13,734 --> 00:51:16,738 So it's very easy to get out but dreams in others. 442 00:51:16,900 --> 00:51:21,781 So you can't just get out of the way. 443 00:51:22,900 --> 00:51:26,973 Maybe it will continue about this person. 444 00:51:27,834 --> 00:51:32,783 If I don't go through training. 445 00:51:32,800 --> 00:51:34,780 That is also impossible. 446 00:51:35,800 --> 00:51:38,781 I can. / I don't understand too. 447 00:51:39,867 --> 00:51:43,747 Water isn't in one stage you're with me 448 00:51:47,767 --> 00:51:48,905 But. 449 00:51:49,734 --> 00:51:52,874 Who do you want to enter his dream? / Who kidnapped my child. 450 00:51:52,900 --> 00:51:55,779 The state of that person. 451 00:51:57,700 --> 00:51:59,839 How to meet that person. 452 00:52:00,933 --> 00:52:03,880 In a dream. 453 00:52:04,800 --> 00:52:07,838 Ouch your uncle isn't wrong? 454 00:52:09,700 --> 00:52:11,737 What is the dream, how do you die? 455 00:52:12,700 --> 00:52:14,773 Sir, you're dead too. 456 00:52:14,867 --> 00:52:17,848 I want to find my son. 457 00:52:19,767 --> 00:52:21,769 I'm not afraid to die at all. 458 00:52:21,900 --> 00:52:25,814 Please, please help me. 459 00:52:31,700 --> 00:52:34,840 Ouch for me, yeah... 460 00:52:36,867 --> 00:52:40,679 Money problems are clearly calculated. 461 00:52:42,600 --> 00:52:44,739 Okay connected. 462 00:52:46,633 --> 00:52:50,740 Now set Chui Cin Huan in a dream. 463 00:52:51,834 --> 00:52:54,544 How strong it is once again. 464 00:52:54,634 --> 00:52:57,615 If the dream of Chui Cin Huan dies 465 00:52:57,634 --> 00:52:59,773 Then it can't go out. 466 00:53:02,600 --> 00:53:06,639 It is forever in someone else's dream. 467 00:53:16,600 --> 00:53:22,744 This is the time, it must be in strong awareness of changing the brain. 468 00:53:28,767 --> 00:53:34,649 And again conditions in dreams can change, don't feel shocked. 469 00:53:35,567 --> 00:53:36,773 Understand? 470 00:53:37,800 --> 00:53:41,646 Oh yes there is still something important. 471 00:53:42,767 --> 00:53:46,738 I am not responsible, I have signed. 472 00:53:49,600 --> 00:53:50,704 Then 473 00:53:51,667 --> 00:53:54,511 Calm yourself. 474 00:53:54,800 --> 00:53:57,681 Relax. 475 00:53:57,767 --> 00:54:00,543 Relax. 476 00:54:01,667 --> 00:54:03,704 Come on. 477 00:54:03,734 --> 00:54:08,547 Now enter the door. 478 00:54:09,767 --> 00:54:13,772 Open the door, slowly enter. 479 00:56:11,400 --> 00:56:13,507 513458 480 00:56:30,467 --> 00:56:32,540 We work as ordered. 481 00:56:32,634 --> 00:56:37,481 That also can't be so, for the child to die. If you know killing a child I won't want to. 482 00:56:37,600 --> 00:56:41,605 Does the child die or doesn't you care? 483 00:56:41,634 --> 00:56:46,447 Soon my wife miscarried. 484 00:56:47,434 --> 00:56:51,373 No matter what I do, please don't consider us wild animals. 485 00:56:51,467 --> 00:56:53,438 Then you want to go as a driver? 486 00:56:53,534 --> 00:56:56,538 We only accept money, do what you are told 487 00:56:56,567 --> 00:57:02,518 You and me, even your wife don't know this, understand? 488 00:57:03,367 --> 00:57:06,473 You're useless. 489 00:57:14,533 --> 00:57:17,480 Release rancid boy. 490 00:57:42,334 --> 00:57:45,543 Chui Ming Yi 95 percent. 491 00:57:46,533 --> 00:57:51,539 Chao Min Ying? 492 00:58:21,300 --> 00:58:24,281 This is why? / Something seems to be happening. 493 00:58:58,367 --> 00:59:01,314 Damn what are you doing? 494 00:59:06,467 --> 00:59:09,143 Why can you find this place? 495 00:59:09,234 --> 00:59:11,373 Answer me damn it. 496 00:59:18,267 --> 00:59:23,376 Hello. 497 00:59:25,234 --> 00:59:27,271 Yes. 498 00:59:30,300 --> 00:59:32,280 I know. 499 00:59:35,267 --> 00:59:39,409 Hey, how, boss told me to kill you. 500 00:59:41,300 --> 00:59:43,246 Hey actually. 501 00:59:43,267 --> 00:59:45,338 We are getting ready tomorrow to kidnap your child. 502 00:59:45,367 --> 00:59:49,406 But really magical, you yourself come here. 503 00:59:50,234 --> 00:59:53,138 How do you want to die? 504 00:59:53,234 --> 00:59:54,372 Right? 505 00:59:56,300 --> 00:59:59,372 Brother, really want to kill him? 506 00:59:59,400 --> 01:00:03,339 You're useless. 507 01:00:03,434 --> 01:00:06,415 Go die. 508 01:00:06,434 --> 01:00:09,415 Basics. 509 01:00:10,434 --> 01:00:13,315 Damn, I know it will be like this. 510 01:00:13,400 --> 01:00:16,279 Quickly think about the way. 511 01:00:18,267 --> 01:00:21,373 Goodbye your child too immediately follow you. 512 01:00:34,300 --> 01:00:36,337 What is this, damn it! 513 01:00:45,300 --> 01:00:49,248 It's okay. / If you don't exist I'm dead. 514 01:00:49,267 --> 01:00:52,248 Also don't tell me in dreams or not. 515 01:01:02,134 --> 01:01:05,138 List of names of MKMK blood types. 516 01:01:05,167 --> 01:01:09,015 3 years ago, Chao Min Ying collided. 517 01:01:09,100 --> 01:01:13,073 Chao Min Yin? At Chui reporter you report there was this person because of surgery 518 01:01:13,167 --> 01:01:18,276 Need blood, boss Chow makes this name list. 519 01:01:18,300 --> 01:01:23,079 Search for some people. / So this is because it takes blood, then kidnap people 520 01:01:23,100 --> 01:01:25,239 Obviously there is this possibility. / Where do you get this list of names? 521 01:01:27,300 --> 01:01:29,246 From a dream. 522 01:01:33,167 --> 01:01:34,237 Dream? 523 01:01:36,500 --> 01:01:39,538 Use the brain, enter other people's dreams. 524 01:01:41,334 --> 01:01:43,371 Makes me meet other people's dreams. 525 01:01:44,367 --> 01:01:46,438 So it goes into Chui Cin Huan's dream. 526 01:01:46,467 --> 01:01:49,414 Enter Chui Cin Huan's dream? 527 01:01:50,334 --> 01:01:52,245 Be in a dream. 528 01:01:52,467 --> 01:01:54,447 Meet Chui Cin Huan? 529 01:02:04,267 --> 01:02:08,477 It's true this situation too you know my style. / What? 530 01:02:09,300 --> 01:02:12,181 One must also work. 531 01:02:12,267 --> 01:02:14,508 Chui reporter. / First Chui Ming Ce in the car. 532 01:02:16,434 --> 01:02:20,348 There is movement. 533 01:02:20,367 --> 01:02:23,373 Behind him there is a bodyguard following. 534 01:02:23,467 --> 01:02:28,212 This see 535 01:02:28,234 --> 01:02:30,239 There are 4-5 bodyguards following him. 536 01:02:30,334 --> 01:02:34,248 One word. 537 01:02:34,267 --> 01:02:36,306 Besides eating time, there is no one person. 538 01:02:36,400 --> 01:02:40,348 What is unthinkable? 539 01:02:40,433 --> 01:02:42,210 Maybe this person is opposite afraid to reveal. 540 01:02:42,300 --> 01:02:45,338 Anyway there is something. 541 01:02:46,300 --> 01:02:48,439 Help me check this car 542 01:02:51,434 --> 01:02:55,439 513458. / Yes 543 01:02:55,467 --> 01:02:59,281 544 01:02:59,367 --> 01:03:01,338 This is about checking details. 545 01:03:01,434 --> 01:03:05,180 Okay, no problem. 546 01:03:05,267 --> 01:03:07,247 Don't be too sad. 547 01:03:07,267 --> 01:03:10,271 Boss Chao must also have when he was alone. 548 01:03:34,300 --> 01:03:38,339 Sorry. / 5 minutes he will be aware, be careful. 549 01:03:55,167 --> 01:03:57,240 Why, what happened? 550 01:03:57,334 --> 01:04:01,248 Boss! 551 01:04:05,367 --> 01:04:09,110 Bastard, hey! 552 01:04:48,367 --> 01:04:51,177 Quickly immediately go to the library 553 01:04:54,300 --> 01:04:58,046 Ouch every day is very difficult. 554 01:04:58,134 --> 01:05:02,207 Good, everyone drinks. 555 01:05:03,234 --> 01:05:06,113 Because the car is here 556 01:05:06,134 --> 01:05:11,140 513468 557 01:05:14,200 --> 01:05:18,071 Then what do you want old farts? 558 01:05:18,167 --> 01:05:24,015 Prepare a drink 559 01:05:24,034 --> 01:05:28,244 What are you! / Be careful you're young. 560 01:05:32,167 --> 01:05:35,046 This is clearly my car. 561 01:05:35,067 --> 01:05:38,173 But this car has been sold. 562 01:05:38,234 --> 01:05:41,010 Understand what I say? 563 01:05:43,100 --> 01:05:46,138 Where is my Ming Yi? 564 01:05:46,167 --> 01:05:49,048 You know this name. / Do not know. 565 01:05:49,134 --> 01:05:52,206 I don't know / Quickly say, if not... 566 01:05:53,067 --> 01:05:56,938 I don't know what to do with you. 567 01:05:57,034 --> 01:06:02,279 My guard must find me. 568 01:06:02,300 --> 01:06:05,281 Get here. 569 01:06:13,000 --> 01:06:16,948 Son, you're crazy. / Again I ask. 570 01:06:17,267 --> 01:06:19,943 Where is my Ming Yi? 571 01:06:20,034 --> 01:06:25,143 One, two, three... / I will say. 572 01:06:26,234 --> 01:06:28,045 A few years ago. 573 01:06:28,134 --> 01:06:31,240 Our Ming Yin, has an accident. 574 01:06:31,267 --> 01:06:34,043 Requires blood. 575 01:06:35,000 --> 01:06:36,138 Very fitting. 576 01:06:36,167 --> 01:06:39,048 Find that type of blood. 577 01:06:39,134 --> 01:06:42,015 So from there spend money to name a few. 578 01:06:42,100 --> 01:06:45,104 That's all. / Do not lie! 579 01:06:45,133 --> 01:06:48,879 For the sake of my child 580 01:06:48,967 --> 01:06:50,947 Sir. / Damn. 581 01:06:52,100 --> 01:06:55,004 Boss. 582 01:07:17,067 --> 01:07:21,914 Where is my Ming Yi? / I told you, I don't know the child's problem. 583 01:07:21,934 --> 01:07:26,078 Your child was kidnapped on 21 on April 2011 584 01:07:26,167 --> 01:07:30,081 My son Ming Yin died in February. 585 01:07:30,967 --> 01:07:33,106 Know what this means? 586 01:07:33,133 --> 01:07:35,909 I've checked. 587 01:07:35,934 --> 01:07:40,041 Want to become a famous journalist? 588 01:07:40,067 --> 01:07:44,072 Make my child dance too. 589 01:07:46,000 --> 01:07:51,973 Only small children, rancid children, do I need to bite people not released? 590 01:07:54,934 --> 01:07:56,871 You also know. 591 01:07:56,967 --> 01:08:00,974 If you lose a child, what will you become? 592 01:08:01,067 --> 01:08:03,811 That data. 593 01:08:03,900 --> 01:08:06,073 Who is the data that still keeps it? 594 01:08:07,934 --> 01:08:09,072 me. 595 01:08:09,967 --> 01:08:11,878 Because you say 596 01:08:12,100 --> 01:08:14,011 want to kill my person. 597 01:08:19,900 --> 01:08:21,004 I'm wrong sir. 598 01:08:25,900 --> 01:08:28,904 Not comparable to wild animals. 599 01:08:28,934 --> 01:08:32,108 Please forgive me. / What are you doing? 600 01:08:33,034 --> 01:08:34,877 Now it's been 3 years. 601 01:08:37,133 --> 01:08:39,909 I live in trouble every day. 602 01:08:40,100 --> 01:08:41,977 Although alive. 603 01:08:43,867 --> 01:08:45,107 Also want to die. 604 01:08:48,967 --> 01:08:52,005 Please help me once. 605 01:08:53,934 --> 01:08:55,936 You can also order. 606 01:08:56,867 --> 01:08:59,040 If I die it's fine. 607 01:08:59,901 --> 01:09:01,847 Please forgive me this once 608 01:09:04,967 --> 01:09:08,107 Sir please tell me about the data to me. 609 01:09:09,034 --> 01:09:10,035 you. 610 01:09:10,067 --> 01:09:13,048 Does it say it's too relaxed 611 01:09:13,067 --> 01:09:15,843 Let me jump. 612 01:09:15,867 --> 01:09:17,747 If you are still alive. 613 01:09:17,834 --> 01:09:19,973 I will tell you. 614 01:09:24,834 --> 01:09:26,905 Hey afraid yeah? 615 01:09:26,934 --> 01:09:30,782 Don't know how high it is. 616 01:09:53,000 --> 01:09:55,810 Hey crazy. 617 01:10:00,934 --> 01:10:02,939 This is a list of names. 618 01:10:03,034 --> 01:10:05,810 I saved. 619 01:10:05,834 --> 01:10:07,836 But not long afterwards 620 01:10:07,867 --> 01:10:09,838 Ming Ying starts to die. 621 01:10:09,934 --> 01:10:11,745 Min Ying is dead, there are people who enter my office. 622 01:10:11,834 --> 01:10:13,771 Enter the office 623 01:10:13,867 --> 01:10:15,938 Grab all names on the computer. 624 01:10:18,800 --> 01:10:22,009 Surely the person who took the list that name is very happy. 625 01:10:24,834 --> 01:10:26,907 Maybe I still want from me just like this person? 626 01:10:27,000 --> 01:10:30,777 No, but this. 627 01:10:30,801 --> 01:10:32,838 Need a weapon space too. 628 01:10:34,867 --> 01:10:36,904 What's up? 629 01:10:37,967 --> 01:10:42,814 No matter where 630 01:10:42,834 --> 01:10:44,814 The criminal must have a list of names. 631 01:10:44,901 --> 01:10:47,882 Min Ce Ying, Yong Se Si 632 01:10:50,967 --> 01:10:53,848 She An 633 01:10:53,934 --> 01:10:55,936 Hospital She An 634 01:11:24,867 --> 01:11:26,869 Hospital This child 635 01:11:27,734 --> 01:11:30,615 Su Cen? / Yes. 636 01:11:30,700 --> 01:11:32,771 But who are you? 637 01:11:39,934 --> 01:11:42,815 Hello. / Where are you Chui Reporters? 638 01:11:42,901 --> 01:11:45,814 Insane basis. 639 01:11:45,834 --> 01:11:48,747 Now you hear, don't take risks. 640 01:11:48,901 --> 01:11:52,872 You think there are small instructions that appear. 641 01:11:52,901 --> 01:11:56,849 Yu Sang Wan, the child is indeed crazy, get ready to leave the kindergarten. 642 01:11:57,667 --> 01:12:01,706 And again, why lie in the police? 643 01:12:03,734 --> 01:12:07,910 Sui Cen, where is the hospital? 644 01:12:16,634 --> 01:12:18,636 Dead due to illness. 645 01:12:20,667 --> 01:12:21,907 From birth continues. 646 01:12:25,801 --> 01:12:27,872 See children 647 01:12:28,800 --> 01:12:29,870 Me too. 648 01:12:29,900 --> 01:12:32,644 Will not. 649 01:12:32,734 --> 01:12:33,838 Release Ming Yi. 650 01:12:33,867 --> 01:12:35,847 Will not. 651 01:12:35,867 --> 01:12:39,579 Dung Fang Su, this car is his. 652 01:12:39,667 --> 01:12:43,843 It's also on Pu Sang Wang. 653 01:12:43,867 --> 01:12:48,580 2 these people must have caught new people. 654 01:12:48,667 --> 01:12:52,515 So this child deliberately set you to another case. 655 01:12:52,600 --> 01:12:55,706 Because he is a criminal / Please calm down in the office. 656 01:12:59,634 --> 01:13:01,514 Hello... 657 01:13:01,601 --> 01:13:02,773 Chui reporter. 658 01:13:26,801 --> 01:13:28,542 Feel crazy? 659 01:13:29,534 --> 01:13:31,536 How come you can... / Why? 660 01:13:32,767 --> 01:13:34,644 I just want to help my daughter. 661 01:13:35,734 --> 01:13:38,647 So compared to others 662 01:13:39,700 --> 01:13:41,702 surely understand my feelings. 663 01:13:45,600 --> 01:13:47,072 Want to tell you a secret. 664 01:13:49,601 --> 01:13:50,671 Still alive. 665 01:13:51,600 --> 01:13:52,704 Your child. 666 01:13:56,734 --> 01:13:58,680 Where is my Ming Yi? 667 01:14:01,801 --> 01:14:03,542 Don't be tense. 668 01:14:03,767 --> 01:14:05,713 I also don't know where the child is. 669 01:14:13,501 --> 01:14:14,741 Where your child is. 670 01:14:16,501 --> 01:14:18,606 Only Chui Cin Wan and that bastard knows. 671 01:14:19,567 --> 01:14:22,741 Abducted tonight, Su Yang Wan calls me. 672 01:14:23,700 --> 01:14:26,510 Where is that bastard? / Said Chui Cin Huan, Ming Yi ran away. 673 01:14:26,534 --> 01:14:30,573 All the plans I have prepared for Chui Min Hui are messy. 674 01:14:31,634 --> 01:14:33,636 So I look for Hui Cin Huan. 675 01:14:34,567 --> 01:14:38,506 Search all places in Korea. Then 2 years ago. 676 01:14:38,600 --> 01:14:40,705 Meet the child again. 677 01:15:12,500 --> 01:15:15,674 This time the person, because of an accident became a corpse. 678 01:15:17,534 --> 01:15:19,536 So Chui Cin Huan there at that time. 679 01:15:21,534 --> 01:15:24,515 I can't do anything 680 01:15:25,534 --> 01:15:28,447 Find a heart that is suitable for children. 681 01:15:29,567 --> 01:15:31,672 Also can't find your child. 682 01:15:34,467 --> 01:15:35,537 But 683 01:15:36,701 --> 01:15:38,544 I know where it is now. 684 01:15:38,700 --> 01:15:41,579 Want to tell you all this. 685 01:15:43,534 --> 01:15:45,639 Because of your hockey. 686 01:15:46,501 --> 01:15:48,447 I also found. 687 01:15:49,467 --> 01:15:51,674 Can know how to find Chui Cin Wan and that bastard. 688 01:15:55,501 --> 01:15:56,605 With dreams. 689 01:15:58,501 --> 01:16:00,674 You gave me the last hope. 690 01:16:02,634 --> 01:16:05,410 One thing I promised you. 691 01:16:05,667 --> 01:16:07,613 Meet Ming Yi. 692 01:16:08,434 --> 01:16:10,539 I will make his father know, he loves her very much. 693 01:16:11,667 --> 01:16:14,648 Tell him / Can't. 694 01:16:15,634 --> 01:16:18,410 Interview him well. / No. 695 01:16:18,434 --> 01:16:20,471 No... 696 01:16:39,401 --> 01:16:40,471 Sister. 697 01:16:41,534 --> 01:16:43,536 The signal here doesn't move. 698 01:16:43,567 --> 01:16:45,444 What is this? 699 01:16:45,601 --> 01:16:47,410 What is found? 700 01:16:49,500 --> 01:16:51,380 Ouch, must act separately. / Yes. 701 01:16:51,467 --> 01:16:54,505 Continue. / Yes brother. 702 01:17:04,334 --> 01:17:05,472 What is that? 703 01:17:07,434 --> 01:17:10,313 A Cui, come here! 704 01:17:11,467 --> 01:17:14,471 How about this? 705 01:17:23,500 --> 01:17:26,276 Hey 706 01:17:41,301 --> 01:17:42,473 Bastard! 707 01:17:51,434 --> 01:17:53,414 Don't know who you are against, ha? 708 01:17:59,467 --> 01:18:01,276 Sister. 709 01:18:01,300 --> 01:18:02,235 Sister. / Brother. 710 01:18:02,334 --> 01:18:03,304 Sister. 711 01:18:03,400 --> 01:18:05,177 Sister. 712 01:18:05,267 --> 01:18:06,439 Are you okay? 713 01:18:06,467 --> 01:18:08,447 That. 714 01:18:08,467 --> 01:18:09,468 That... 715 01:18:10,301 --> 01:18:12,281 Su Cen's circumstances. 716 01:18:12,300 --> 01:18:14,302 Very bad. 717 01:18:14,534 --> 01:18:16,309 Some days there is no awareness. 718 01:18:20,400 --> 01:18:22,539 It's best to have self-preparation... 719 01:18:28,367 --> 01:18:30,278 Sui Cen. 720 01:18:32,400 --> 01:18:34,380 Immediately find the child. 721 01:18:38,267 --> 01:18:39,302 Our Sui Cen. 722 01:18:42,334 --> 01:18:44,280 Wait a little longer. 723 01:18:46,300 --> 01:18:47,370 Wait for the operation to finish. 724 01:18:49,500 --> 01:18:52,379 Together with my father go to the playground. 725 01:18:56,334 --> 01:18:58,371 We just went to meet Sui Cen. 726 01:18:59,434 --> 01:19:01,345 Most liked items. 727 01:19:05,334 --> 01:19:08,338 Eat a lot. 728 01:19:12,267 --> 01:19:13,337 Sui Cen. 729 01:19:16,400 --> 01:19:18,311 You can & apos, right? 730 01:19:37,334 --> 01:19:39,371 This is fine. 731 01:19:40,301 --> 01:19:42,212 Don't worry. 732 01:19:42,234 --> 01:19:43,340 Ouch 733 01:19:43,434 --> 01:19:46,210 Your Chui reporter is getting hurt like this. 734 01:19:48,367 --> 01:19:51,246 Boss. 735 01:19:52,200 --> 01:19:54,137 Ming Yi we are still alive. 736 01:19:54,234 --> 01:19:57,181 See what you say? 737 01:19:57,300 --> 01:19:59,371 Instead of saying find that little child. 738 01:20:01,434 --> 01:20:05,248 Chui reporter don't worry about me. 739 01:20:05,334 --> 01:20:08,213 Hey. / Yes Sis 740 01:20:08,234 --> 01:20:11,138 Give the Chui reporter a car key. / Yes. 741 01:20:11,234 --> 01:20:16,206 Quickly leave. 742 01:20:32,234 --> 01:20:34,180 He said he could hold control in his dreams. 743 01:20:35,267 --> 01:20:37,304 Su Sien is me. 744 01:20:38,200 --> 01:20:40,271 Where are you not calling? 745 01:20:40,301 --> 01:20:42,078 Su Sien. 746 01:20:42,167 --> 01:20:44,172 My Ming Yi is alive. 747 01:20:44,267 --> 01:20:47,339 What? / Sung Fang Sie is the person behind this. 748 01:20:48,267 --> 01:20:50,204 Chui Cin Huan seems knows where Min Yi is. 749 01:20:50,301 --> 01:20:52,281 Now immediately go to Long Sian there. 750 01:20:52,300 --> 01:20:54,177 He said he wanted to enter his dream Chui Cin Wan. 751 01:20:54,200 --> 01:20:57,374 Just now Mr. Sung came to me said that Long Sien's address was there. 752 01:20:58,300 --> 01:21:03,079 You now how, in danger? / Go first to Long Sien before Mr. Sung. 753 01:21:04,367 --> 01:21:06,278 I will try. 754 01:21:07,134 --> 01:21:10,277 I know the brain waves Chui Cin Huan, shortly explained to Long Sien. 755 01:21:10,367 --> 01:21:12,247 Even though I don't try often. 756 01:21:12,334 --> 01:21:14,280 But it can be tried. 757 01:21:26,200 --> 01:21:28,043 Are you Long Sien? 758 01:21:29,067 --> 01:21:30,139 Yes, why? 759 01:21:30,234 --> 01:21:32,978 I need to enter Chui Cin Wan's dream. 760 01:21:33,067 --> 01:21:35,138 What do you say? 761 01:21:35,167 --> 01:21:37,206 Look, I'm just... 762 01:21:37,300 --> 01:21:41,248 What? / Silent quickly prepare! 763 01:21:42,234 --> 01:21:46,114 How many beds? / 704. 764 01:21:48,167 --> 01:21:50,272 Keep moving. 765 01:22:05,596 --> 01:22:07,596 NOT SUITABLE You can. 766 01:22:12,067 --> 01:22:13,171 150 again. 767 01:23:17,967 --> 01:23:20,208 Don't want to die, don't mess. 768 01:23:48,001 --> 01:23:49,981 Where is the child? 769 01:23:50,967 --> 01:23:52,139 Quickly say! 770 01:23:53,000 --> 01:23:55,105 Where is the child? 771 01:23:55,134 --> 01:23:57,171 Where? 772 01:23:59,000 --> 01:24:01,002 I know every day I pray. 773 01:24:04,067 --> 01:24:06,172 For the sake of meeting you. 774 01:24:06,200 --> 01:24:08,908 Meet the child directly. 775 01:24:10,967 --> 01:24:13,072 Can't kill him. 776 01:24:14,934 --> 01:24:16,174 The child doesn't die. 777 01:24:18,167 --> 01:24:21,011 Sui Cen we can't die. 778 01:24:22,034 --> 01:24:23,172 This way 779 01:24:46,867 --> 01:24:48,107 can you find your child? 780 01:24:48,134 --> 01:24:50,011 Really won't let you succeed. 781 01:25:19,900 --> 01:25:22,904 Chui Cin Huan. 782 01:26:25,800 --> 01:26:27,871 How? 783 01:27:08,734 --> 01:27:09,906 I see dangerous Chui Cin Huan disease. 784 01:27:09,967 --> 01:27:11,847 The brain seems unstable. 785 01:27:11,934 --> 01:27:14,744 So it's very dangerous? 786 01:27:14,867 --> 01:27:17,746 No, it's okay, at most dead Damn. 787 01:27:18,700 --> 01:27:20,907 788 01:27:20,934 --> 01:27:23,713 789 01:27:23,800 --> 01:27:25,780 Try acting. 790 01:27:25,801 --> 01:27:28,873 That person will forever be in a dream. 791 01:27:37,734 --> 01:27:38,704 Be tough 792 01:27:38,801 --> 01:27:40,712 Chui Cin Huan. 793 01:27:43,767 --> 01:27:45,647 Where is my Ming Yi? 794 01:27:45,734 --> 01:27:48,874 Even though I can't believe it, now I am in your dream. 795 01:27:49,701 --> 01:27:52,910 2 years ago you were due to an accident then unconsciousness. 796 01:27:52,934 --> 01:27:55,644 So I entered your dream. 797 01:27:55,734 --> 01:27:57,839 That is Mr. Sung, how? 798 01:27:57,867 --> 01:28:01,679 Why is there 2 of them? 799 01:28:01,934 --> 01:28:03,936 That goes into your dream. 800 01:28:03,967 --> 01:28:07,679 And one more in dreams 801 01:28:07,767 --> 01:28:09,906 Pak Sung is from reality. 802 01:28:17,901 --> 01:28:20,711 There is no time, I beg you. 803 01:28:22,867 --> 01:28:24,813 If you die. 804 01:28:25,767 --> 01:28:27,747 Cannot find my Ming Yi. 805 01:28:31,200 --> 01:28:34,272 I... don't want to do that. 806 01:28:36,234 --> 01:28:38,339 Also don't want them to kill the child. 807 01:28:39,167 --> 01:28:41,408 Really. / I'm not mad at you. 808 01:28:42,234 --> 01:28:44,111 So please. 809 01:28:44,134 --> 01:28:46,205 Please help me find my Ming Yi again. 810 01:28:46,234 --> 01:28:50,182 That night I ran away. 811 01:28:50,334 --> 01:28:55,374 Then on the island in the church, only said he didn't have a mother. 812 01:28:57,167 --> 01:29:00,207 I take it there. 813 01:29:00,301 --> 01:29:03,339 Ming Yi knows, his father will look for him. 814 01:29:38,134 --> 01:29:39,238 Sorry. 815 01:29:47,562 --> 01:29:49,562 CHURCH 816 01:30:14,267 --> 01:30:16,178 Sorry. 817 01:30:17,234 --> 01:30:19,043 me. 818 01:30:20,034 --> 01:30:21,172 Must. 819 01:30:24,100 --> 01:30:25,272 Helping our Sui Cen. 820 01:31:49,234 --> 01:31:51,180 Sui Cen. 821 01:31:52,200 --> 01:31:56,046 I'm sorry, dad, I'm... 822 01:32:09,034 --> 01:32:11,139 Ming Yi. 823 01:32:11,200 --> 01:32:13,942 Daddy won't give up. 824 01:32:25,200 --> 01:32:27,180 When pressing this. 825 01:32:28,034 --> 01:32:30,173 Must be in a fresh mind. 826 01:33:19,000 --> 01:33:21,037 You're Ming Yi's father? / Yes. 827 01:33:48,034 --> 01:33:49,880 Pedro. 828 01:33:49,967 --> 01:33:52,038 Do you remember your father's face? 829 01:34:26,901 --> 01:34:29,006 Daddy how are you? 830 01:34:32,800 --> 01:34:34,802 How are you? 831 01:34:34,934 --> 01:34:35,935 kid. 832 01:35:05,867 --> 01:35:08,780 Sorry Ming Yi. 833 01:35:08,934 --> 01:35:10,914 Daddy comes late. 834 01:35:15,034 --> 01:35:18,015 The father of his beard changed. 835 01:35:35,539 --> 01:36:05,539 Visit www.Fastbet99.club Trusted Trusted Online Gambling Agent 836 01:35:36,563 --> 01:35:41,563 BBM: 2C0968F9 / 2BEB89DD LINE: FASTBET99 837 01:35:41,587 --> 01:35:46,587 Wechat: CS_FASTBET99 Whatsapp: +66875579082 838 01:35:46,611 --> 01:35:51,611 New Member Bonus 500 Thousand 10 Million Cashback Parlay 839 01:35:51,635 --> 01:36:05,535 Submitted by: www.subtitlecinema.com