1 00: 00: 38,880 --> 00: 00: 43,680 THE BEATLES: SGT. PEPER 50 YEARS 2 00: 01: 40,800 --> 00: 01: 44,360 AUGUST 1966 BEGINNING ON AN EXCEPTIONAL YEAR 3 00: 01: 45,800 --> 00: 01: 49,320 It's easy to forget, that it was only 22 years after the war. 4 00: 01: 49,480 --> 00: 01: 55,480 You have this in England, as you can see through black and white pictures. 5 00: 01: 55,640 --> 00: 02: 02,320 And then you have the new era of colors, and the Beatles stood in front. 6 00: 02: 16,760 --> 00: 02: 19,840 -Hello John. Are you looking forward to the tour? -Yes. 7 00: 02: 20,000 --> 00: 02: 25,320 Are you concerned about the religious conflict will flare up in the usa? 8 00: 02: 25,480 --> 00: 02: 30,000 Yes, it worries me. But I hope of course, that's probably going to go. 9 00: 02: 30,160 --> 00: 02: 33,680 Do you think it will be controversial? tour like in the Philippines? 10 00: 02: 33,840 --> 00: 02: 36,760 No no. It's going to be good. 11 00: 02: 36,920 --> 00: 02: 40,760 -What makes you say Paul? -Just wait and see. 12 00: 02: 45,040 --> 00: 02: 50,160 The clan will demonstrate to stop this concert. 13 00: 02: 50,320 --> 00: 02: 54,600 Outside of the Colosseum there was only a small group of people- 14 00: 02: 54,760 --> 00: 02: 57,480 -der demonstrated. 15 00: 02: 58,560 --> 00: 03: 02,680 Keep in mind that Beatles was the world's largest. 16 00: 03: 03,880 --> 00: 03: 05,880 Beatles were just as big- 17 00: 03: 06,040 --> 00: 03: 10,120 - if you put seven presidents together in one room. 18 00: 03: 10,280 --> 00: 03: 13,560 How does it feel? You may say hello? 19 00: 03: 13,720 --> 00: 03: 17,360 -Hi. -Flot. 20 00: 03: 18,920 --> 00: 03: 22,800 -John, are you sorry what you said? -Yes I am. 21 00: 03: 22,960 --> 00: 03: 26,520 It is true. The band was much more popular. 22 00: 03: 26,680 --> 00: 03: 29,800 I do not want to say his name. 23 00: 03: 29,960 --> 00: 03: 33,720 But they were more popular than the church of england and religion. 24 00: 03: 33,880 --> 00: 03: 36,000 There is no doubt at all. 25 00: 03: 36,160 --> 00: 03: 41,640 This is where the ballad began. In the little studio Station WAQY- 26 00: 03: 41,800 --> 00: 03: 47,160 -som sends music to the 750,000 residents of Birmingham, Alabama. 27 00: 03: 47,320 --> 00: 03: 53,840 DJ, Tommy Charles, read John Lennon's Comment on Christianity in this magazine. 28 00: 03: 54,000 --> 00: 03: 57,840 The statements were almost not noticed in England. 29 00: 03: 58,000 --> 00: 04: 02,040 Jesus must have been huge in those days- 30 00: 04: 02,200 --> 00: 04: 06,720 -but there were only 300 people, Who did not hear him? 31 00: 04: 06,880 --> 00: 04: 12,520 Even if you transferred to today, what he means to people in Europe- 32 00: 04: 12,680 --> 00: 04: 15,600 -the Beatles would be bigger too. 33 00: 04: 15,760 --> 00: 04: 19,880 But the Americans were obsessed with Jesus, and not by the Beatles. 34 00: 04: 20,040 --> 00: 04: 24,680 I thank Jesus Christ for that we are gathered here- 35 00: 04: 24,840 --> 00: 04: 28,840 Because he saved me 31 years ago. 36 00: 04: 29,000 --> 00: 04: 33,000 And he is popular with all of you here tonight, right? Amen. 37 00: 04: 33,160 --> 00: 04: 36,840 They did not know, What a liter of milk cost- 38 00: 04: 37,000 --> 00: 04: 39,960 -and they had no concept about the world situation. 39 00: 04: 40,120 --> 00: 04: 44,480 They were like mushrooms ... They sucked emotions to themselves- 40 00: 04: 44,640 --> 00: 04: 49,280 so you would think they grew older twice as fast as others. 41 00: 04: 49,440 --> 00: 04: 54,880 I know that Brian was very upset, before they traveled to the United States. 42 00: 04: 56,560 --> 00: 04: 59,760 But it was an innocent statement. 43 00: 04: 59,920 --> 00: 05: 02,560 They were bigger. 44 00: 05: 02,720 --> 00: 05: 07,080 There were more people who would hear Beatles than there were church cemeteries. 45 00: 05: 07,240 --> 00: 05: 11,400 Brian, are you concerned, What will happen when they come? 46 00: 05: 11,560 --> 00: 05: 14,520 -Yes, I'm worried. - What kind of what? 47 00: 05: 14,680 --> 00: 05: 18,440 - Your safety. -What do you do to protect them? 48 00: 05: 18,600 --> 00: 05: 20,840 You can not do that much. 49 00: 05: 21,000 --> 00: 05: 25,600 They have always got the biggest security offerings in this country. 50 00: 05: 25,760 --> 00: 05: 29,320 And the tour is really well organized. 51 00: 05: 30,880 --> 00: 05: 33,120 So we just hope for the best. 52 00: 05: 33,280 --> 00: 05: 38,320 They burned records in Memphis. They walked on stage and feared to be shot. 53 00: 05: 38,480 --> 00: 05: 41,760 It was very strange. We did not really understand that. 54 00: 05: 41,880 --> 00: 05: 45,040 There has been the most criticism from the southern Bible belt. 55 00: 05: 45,200 --> 00: 05: 48,720 Will that mean, that you change the Beatles calendar 56 00: 05: 48,880 --> 00: 05: 53,720 -to avoid cities where radio stations burn their plates and pictures of? 57 00: 05: 53,880 --> 00: 05: 58,920 That is unthinkable. I spoke with the organizers this morning- 58 00: 05: 59,080 --> 00: 06: 03,040 and I have a meeting with some of them a bit later. 59 00: 06: 03,200 --> 00: 06: 09,320 They are not so nervous, that they want to cancel concerts. 60 00: 06: 09,480 --> 00: 06: 16,560 If some of them were nervous and would like to cancel- 61 00: 06: 16,720 --> 00: 06: 19,680 so I will not stand in the way of them. 62 00: 06: 19,840 --> 00: 06: 23,320 In fact, the Memphis concert- 63 00: 06: 23,480 --> 00: 06: 28,880 -this is the place where it all started- 64 00: 06: 29,040 --> 00: 06: 33,600 -sold more tickets yesterday, than they have done in all the days up to. 65 00: 06: 33,760 --> 00: 06: 38,400 It was Tony Barrow who did Datebook noted the interview. 66 00: 06: 38,520 --> 00: 06: 41,400 He contacted the editor, Art Unger, and said: 67 00: 06: 41,560 --> 00: 06: 44,280 "You will love these interviews." 68 00: 06: 44,440 --> 00: 06: 49,560 But Art Unger got the idea to send them to different radio stations. 69 00: 06: 49,720 --> 00: 06: 56,120 He knew it would frighten some, so he sent them to DJ's in Alabama. 70 00: 06: 56,280 --> 00: 07: 00,560 And they became furious. That was actually how it began. 71 00: 07: 09,760 --> 00: 07: 17,360 -Have you seen the statements? -I have read something similar in the newspaper. 72 00: 07: 17,520 --> 00: 07: 21,520 If it makes others happy, make me happy too. 73 00: 07: 21,680 --> 00: 07: 25,680 There were not as many angry people, as I thought. 74 00: 07: 27,800 --> 00: 07: 30,000 And they were not nearly so angry. 75 00: 07: 30,160 --> 00: 07: 32,600 Brian Epstein wanted to cancel the tour. 76 00: 07: 32,760 --> 00: 07: 35,840 But they decided to implement, if John apologized- 77 00: 07: 36,000 --> 00: 07: 39,280 -and he made it urgent. 78 00: 07: 39,440 --> 00: 07: 44,120 I spoke in England about his time. 79 00: 07: 44,280 --> 00: 07: 50,000 That we meant more for children than Jesus or religion did at that time. 80 00: 07: 50,160 --> 00: 07: 54,320 It was not for the sake of religion. I just found it. 81 00: 07: 54,480 --> 00: 07: 58,720 It suits, but more in England than here. 82 00: 07: 58,880 --> 00: 08: 01,720 I'm not saying we're bigger- 83 00: 08: 01,920 --> 00: 08: 07,080 -and it's not for comparing us with Jesus or with God. 84 00: 08: 07,240 --> 00: 08: 10,880 It was wrong to say, and it was misunderstood. 85 00: 08: 11,040 --> 00: 08: 17,040 George did not care. "Now they buy more plates after burning the others. " 86 00: 08: 17,200 --> 00: 08: 20,920 What do you think the group says, what they mean? 87 00: 08: 21,120 --> 00: 08: 24,760 Do you think it's appropriate with the position they have? 88 00: 08: 24,960 --> 00: 08: 30,440 -I never asked them to tie. Did you ask John to apologize? 89 00: 08: 30,600 --> 00: 08: 35,080 We talked about it, and we brought it together. 90 00: 08: 35,240 --> 00: 08: 38,200 I have never dictated anything. 91 00: 08: 38,400 --> 00: 08: 44,600 Neither as to what they might sing or what they should say. 92 00: 08: 45,680 --> 00: 08: 48,680 We decide everyone. 93 00: 08: 48,840 --> 00: 08: 51,520 And I contribute one fifth. 94 00: 08: 51,680 --> 00: 08: 57,440 It was at the end of a very comprehensive world tour- 95 00: 08: 57,600 --> 00: 09: 00,320 -Where were terrible things for the Beatles. 96 00: 09: 00,480 --> 00: 09: 04,960 They suffered death threats in Japan, and there were violent episodes in the Philippines. 97 00: 09: 05,120 --> 00: 09: 10,240 They had obviously offended Imelda Marcos by staying away from a desk. 98 00: 09: 10,400 --> 00: 09: 15,400 This was just the drop. They thought they would be executed. 99 00: 09: 15,560 --> 00: 09: 20,080 That sort of thing was raised in people's heads so early in history. 100 00: 09: 20,240 --> 00: 09: 25,720 -John, where did you go to Manila airport? -We were bullied by some bullets. 101 00: 09: 25,880 --> 00: 09: 28,600 We were very scared. 102 00: 09: 28,760 --> 00: 09: 33,920 How scared were you, George? -I was scared. 103 00: 09: 34,080 --> 00: 09: 36,520 It was really uncomfortable. 104 00: 09: 36,680 --> 00: 09: 43,400 There were five big gorillas with weapons and the whole pipe. 105 00: 09: 43,560 --> 00: 09: 47,360 And they kicked you? -Yes. And it was planned. 106 00: 09: 47,520 --> 00: 09: 53,880 It was clear that they had planned to give us the worst experience of our lives. 107 00: 09: 54,040 --> 00: 10: 00,560 So we hurried through ... I just tried to avoid them. 108 00: 10: 00,720 --> 00: 10: 04,880 -They were those who were out of trouble. -Yes, they were five. 109 00: 10: 05,040 --> 00: 10: 07,840 So you had to carry your equipment yourself? 110 00: 10: 08,000 --> 00: 10: 12,480 Only hand luggage. Our managers make sure the rest. 111 00: 10: 12,600 --> 00: 10: 16,240 They turned off the escalators, so we had to go upstairs. 112 00: 10: 16,400 --> 00: 10: 18,560 -With all the amplifiers. -So smart they were. 113 00: 10: 18,720 --> 00: 10: 24,040 -How many were they? -I think there were 30. 114 00: 10: 24,200 --> 00: 10: 26,960 But now you say five. 115 00: 10: 27,120 --> 00: 10: 30,040 It was only a small army, there were violent- 116 00: 10: 30,200 --> 00: 10: 34,120 and then there were a ten pieces behind and buhede. 117 00: 10: 34,280 --> 00: 10: 38,760 We looked to see who it was, and then there were some smiling children. 118 00: 10: 38,920 --> 00: 10: 44,160 There were some gesture types and buhede behind. 119 00: 10: 44,320 --> 00: 10: 47,680 You just knew, that they were waiting for a fight. 120 00: 10: 48,640 --> 00: 10: 52,600 And they pushed us. If we had done anything ... 121 00: 10: 52,800 --> 00: 10: 56,040 Have you enjoyed the tour except the Philippines? 122 00: 10: 56,200 --> 00: 11: 01,320 -Yes. Great. -In fact, it was only one morning. 123 00: 11: 01,480 --> 00: 11: 05,280 -Japan was amazing. -And Delhi was good. 124 00: 11: 05,440 --> 00: 11: 09,120 Cute people in Japan. Everyone we met ... 125 00: 11: 09,280 --> 00: 11: 12,760 They defeated Manila during the war. 126 00: 11: 12,960 --> 00: 11: 16,440 Do you want to play in the Philippines again? -No. 127 00: 11: 16,600 --> 00: 11: 19,920 I never go to Manila again. I would not even fly over. 128 00: 11: 20,080 --> 00: 11: 26,760 When they came back from Manila, began they talk about setting the tour. 129 00: 11: 26,920 --> 00: 11: 31,080 Brian was nervous. He could see, that they did not need him- 130 00: 11: 31,240 --> 00: 11: 35,400 -If they only recorded in studies. Where would his place be? 131 00: 11: 35,560 --> 00: 11: 41,640 He booked tours and all that. He loved the show business. 132 00: 11: 41,800 --> 00: 11: 45,960 He loved the theater, and he had gone to RADA. 133 00: 11: 46,120 --> 00: 11: 52,160 Beatles came up from the wardrobes to give their second show. 134 00: 11: 52,320 --> 00: 11: 56,520 They were carefully watched by Captain Barney Hicks 82 police officers- 135 00: 11: 56,680 --> 00: 11: 59,280 -som all received overtime payment. 136 00: 11: 59,440 --> 00: 12: 03,040 There was hysteria around the Beatles. 137 00: 12: 03,200 --> 00: 12: 05,840 It is unbelievable that they found themselves in it. 138 00: 12: 06,000 --> 00: 12: 08,320 They did what they expected from them. 139 00: 12: 08,480 --> 00: 12: 13,440 When you think of the keys among even the little rockbands today ... 140 00: 12: 13,600 --> 00: 12: 19,520 What Beatles found out for everyone best and because so did man- 141 00: 12: 19,680 --> 00: 12: 21,800 -That's completely unimaginable. 142 00: 12: 21,960 --> 00: 12: 27,400 When Beatles' plane arrived, it drove off from the hundreds of fans- 143 00: 12: 27,560 --> 00: 12: 31,520 Then to a deserted part of the runway, used only by the military. 144 00: 12: 31,680 --> 00: 12: 35,800 There were only a handful of teenagers, That threatened the security offer. 145 00: 12: 44,760 --> 00: 12: 47,040 Although they were worried for the visit to the south- 146 00: 12: 47,200 --> 00: 12: 50,920 Could they comfort themselves with their success? so far. 147 00: 12: 51,080 --> 00: 12: 55,440 Halfway through the tour they have traded for over half a million dollars- 148 00: 12: 55,600 --> 00: 12: 58,720 and the single "Yellow Submarine" has sold a million copies. 149 00: 12: 58,880 --> 00: 13: 02,840 Is this your first visit to the South? -No, we've also been to Texas. 150 00: 13: 03,000 --> 00: 13: 08,240 -Where are you from here? -Cincinnati. 151 00: 13: 08,400 --> 00: 13: 13,560 And how long will you be in the US? -To weeks more. 152 00: 13: 13,720 --> 00: 13: 15,760 -To weeks more? -Yes. 153 00: 13: 15,920 --> 00: 13: 20,880 -What did you have for lunch? -Not very much. 154 00: 13: 21,040 --> 00: 13: 24,200 -I'm closing now. It will be too hot. -Thanks. 155 00: 13: 26,040 --> 00: 13: 29,800 FIRE FOUR THE RIDED WORLD 156 00: 13: 31,280 --> 00: 13: 36,800 They hung up with the cloud afterwards, and John said: "We should not have done that." 157 00: 13: 36,960 --> 00: 13: 42,000 They had two hits in the meantime, and then they come back to this place ... 158 00: 13: 42,160 --> 00: 13: 45,640 They had promised to play again. And they did. 159 00: 13: 45,800 --> 00: 13: 49,720 There was only one wardrobe. It was the size of a phone book. 160 00: 13: 49,880 --> 00: 13: 54,720 We were in there, the Beatles were there and some more. 161 00: 13: 54,880 --> 00: 13: 58,320 They were not satisfied at all. 162 00: 13: 58,480 --> 00: 14: 02,640 John was dying of grin. They had a piano on the stage that was covered. 163 00: 14: 02,800 --> 00: 14: 06,040 He said, "King Taylor have forgotten their raincoat. " 164 00: 14: 06,200 --> 00: 14: 11,200 Beatles went on stage, the girls screamed, and then the flow went on 165 00: 14: 11,360 --> 00: 14: 14,920 Near a small bulb on the stage. 166 00: 14: 15,080 --> 00: 14: 19,320 No power. Nobody knew what was happening. 167 00: 14: 19,480 --> 00: 14: 24,040 And typically Paul, he runs to the piano and start playing. 168 00: 14: 24,200 --> 00: 14: 27,520 John still played guitar. 169 00: 14: 27,680 --> 00: 14: 31,080 So you could at least still hear a little acoustic guitar. 170 00: 14: 31,240 --> 00: 14: 37,240 For several years, I thought he was playing one of his father's songs from the 20's. 171 00: 14: 37,440 --> 00: 14: 39,520 That was how it sounded. 172 00: 14: 39,680 --> 00: 14: 44,960 And then, "Sgt. Pepper" came out "When I get older ..." 173 00: 14: 45,120 --> 00: 14: 49,360 It was incredible! We had heard that song in 1963. 174 00: 14: 49,520 --> 00: 14: 54,840 It does not matter if people can not like our plates or our looks. 175 00: 14: 55,000 --> 00: 15: 01,600 People are entitled to their own opinion, and we have the right not to take care of them. 176 00: 15: 02,640 --> 00: 15: 05,400 We all have our rights, Harold ... 177 00: 15: 13,600 --> 00: 15: 15,840 It was completely brittle at last. 178 00: 15: 15,960 --> 00: 15: 22,200 Wherever they were in a room. It could be in Wales or Tokyo. 179 00: 15: 22,360 --> 00: 15: 25,000 It was just another hotel room. 180 00: 15: 26,920 --> 00: 15: 32,080 It's hard to imagine, for "Revolver" can easily be listed now- 181 00: 15: 32,240 --> 00: 15: 36,680 But they did not know how they looked played just a little from "Rubber Soul" - 182 00: 15: 36,840 --> 00: 15: 41,360 - and nothing from "Revolver" live, even though it was the latest album. 183 00: 15: 41,520 --> 00: 15: 46,040 They also developed a more melodic side. 184 00: 15: 46,200 --> 00: 15: 51,000 You should hear the finesses in their songs to know it- 185 00: 15: 51,160 --> 00: 15: 54,240 but you could not hear anything. 186 00: 15: 54,360 --> 00: 16: 00,400 I was on a business trip in New York, when Beatles gave a concert there. 187 00: 16: 00,560 --> 00: 16: 04,920 And Brian was there too. I spoke with the organizers. 188 00: 16: 05,080 --> 00: 16: 09,800 Brian and the others would keep the crowd down to 10,000 because of the sound. 189 00: 16: 09,960 --> 00: 16: 14,160 They would be able to play and be heard without being overwhelmed by screaming. 190 00: 16: 14,320 --> 00: 16: 18,720 But the police would not allow it. The knew there would be 100,000 fans- 191 00: 16: 18,880 --> 00: 16: 21,240 if there was only room for 10,000. 192 00: 16: 21,400 --> 00: 16: 25,240 It is dangerous to have 10,000 inside and 90,000 outside. 193 00: 16: 25,400 --> 00: 16: 29,160 So it was not a greedy organizer or Brian Epstein. 194 00: 16: 29,320 --> 00: 16: 31,480 That was the police. 195 00: 16: 31,680 --> 00: 16: 37,320 They were locked up by the tour. The could not escape when they got home. 196 00: 16: 37,480 --> 00: 16: 41,280 They flew around the world, and people screamed at them. 197 00: 16: 41,400 --> 00: 16: 45,800 They could not hear themselves, and they began to doubt it all. 198 00: 16: 45,960 --> 00: 16: 49,560 They had started because it was fun, but it was not fun anymore. 199 00: 16: 49,720 --> 00: 16: 54,640 John told me about it over a dinner in New York. 200 00: 16: 54,800 --> 00: 16: 58,720 He told me that when they played "Twist and Shout" - 201 00: 16: 58,880 --> 00: 17: 02,040 Had he changed the words to "I'm pissed with gout". 202 00: 17: 02,200 --> 00: 17: 04,760 He thought it was so funny. 203 00: 17: 04,920 --> 00: 17: 10,320 A because it was fun, and B, no one could hear the difference. 204 00: 17: 10,480 --> 00: 17: 17,680 On the front row were children in wheelchairs. Especially John flipped out. 205 00: 17: 17,840 --> 00: 17: 21,960 He had a phobia around physical disability. 206 00: 17: 22,120 --> 00: 17: 26,960 And then they became poor children driven into their wardrobe- 207 00: 17: 27,120 --> 00: 17: 30,600 -that they could heal people. 208 00: 17: 30,760 --> 00: 17: 38,040 The worst thing was when other than theirs helpers just drove the children in there. 209 00: 17: 38,200 --> 00: 17: 44,520 It was awful. And amazingly they found themselves in it. 210 00: 17: 44,680 --> 00: 17: 48,360 George talked a lot about that they did not develop musically. 211 00: 17: 48,520 --> 00: 17: 53,960 They had always evolved by play for an audience they could see. 212 00: 17: 54,120 --> 00: 17: 56,880 And now they could not see the audience at all. 213 00: 17: 57,040 --> 00: 18: 00,840 In Candlestick Park they were literally sitting in a cage on stage. 214 00: 18: 01,000 --> 00: 18: 03,320 It was far from The Cavern. 215 00: 18: 03,480 --> 00: 18: 10,440 We used to work on machines, where there was volume, tone, bass. 216 00: 18: 10,600 --> 00: 18: 12,720 Three buttons. 217 00: 18: 12,880 --> 00: 18: 19,240 We did not have all those fathers and computers and flashing lights. 218 00: 18: 19,400 --> 00: 18: 22,160 In Beatles' contract there was 219 00: 18: 22,320 --> 00: 18: 29,360 -that the organizer should set two to three Microphones available and appropriate light. 220 00: 18: 29,520 --> 00: 18: 36,080 Songs like "Eleanor Rigby" wanted That audience does not respond at all. 221 00: 18: 36,240 --> 00: 18: 43,040 A because you could not dance to it, and B because it was a little sad. 222 00: 18: 43,200 --> 00: 18: 48,640 Churches, single women and death ... It did not sound like Beatles. 223 00: 18: 48,800 --> 00: 18: 56,120 Because of Beatles' popularity at the young- 224 00: 18: 56,280 --> 00: 18: 59,600 have they long been able to say, what they want 225 00: 18: 59,760 --> 00: 19: 05,280 - taking into account their own judgment or wisdom. 226 00: 19: 05,440 --> 00: 19: 08,960 -He was not just honest? His answer is so flattered. 227 00: 19: 09,120 --> 00: 19: 14,040 His attitude is so strange that you Do not know if he is honest or not. 228 00: 19: 14,200 --> 00: 19: 20,440 What difference does all the trouble have done for the tour? Paul? 229 00: 19: 20,640 --> 00: 19: 25,120 Not so much... It may have become more hectic. 230 00: 19: 25,280 --> 00: 19: 28,560 Press conferences have become more important. 231 00: 19: 28,720 --> 00: 19: 33,160 People have said, that we were more flattered lately. 232 00: 19: 33,320 --> 00: 19: 37,920 And we are not this time because the questions are a little more serious. 233 00: 19: 38,080 --> 00: 19: 40,840 It has not gone beyond our bookings. 234 00: 19: 41,000 --> 00: 19: 45,400 The audience is the same close to the first concert in Memphis. 235 00: 19: 45,600 --> 00: 19: 48,640 It was a shame, but pissed on it. 236 00: 19: 48,800 --> 00: 19: 53,560 There was an interesting change on the music scene in 1966-67. 237 00: 19: 53,720 --> 00: 19: 57,680 One began to say "rock". It had never been heard before. 238 00: 19: 57,840 --> 00: 20: 02,760 In 1967 this year's biggest event was Monterey Pop Festival. 239 00: 20: 02,920 --> 00: 20: 08,000 Pop was a fashion word. Those who played, were those we call rock stars today. 240 00: 20: 08,160 --> 00: 20: 11,920 But the press began more and more to use the word "rock". 241 00: 20: 12,080 --> 00: 20: 17,360 They used the word about bands, there was no mainstream- 242 00: 20: 17,520 --> 00: 20: 21,360 and who played their own music and did not have studio musicians. 243 00: 20: 21,520 --> 00: 20: 27,960 And most of them stood out by letting the hair grow and look cool. 244 00: 20: 28,120 --> 00: 20: 34,040 The Stones were the archetypes on it. The Who went from the doll to the rock. 245 00: 20: 34,200 --> 00: 20: 36,760 Will you ever play Beatles again? 246 00: 20: 36,920 --> 00: 20: 41,280 It asked Capitol Record, as publishes their albums in the United States, too. 247 00: 20: 41,440 --> 00: 20: 49,120 Brian Epstein wanted to know when we would lift the ban. Everyone waited. 248 00: 20: 49,280 --> 00: 20: 56,560 They wanted to know what it meant, before we did. I do not know... 249 00: 20: 56,720 --> 00: 21: 01,440 I want them to get me to change my mind 250 00: 21: 01,560 --> 00: 21: 06,520 I want to see them become a little grown up, I think. 251 00: 21: 06,680 --> 00: 21: 10,600 DJ Tommy Charles, who started all this has said- 252 00: 21: 10,760 --> 00: 21: 14,400 that he does not want to play your records, before you grow up 253 00: 21: 14,560 --> 00: 21: 17,320 He does not have to play them ever. 254 00: 21: 17,480 --> 00: 21: 22,640 When we say that kind of thing, everyone seems, that we childish 255 00: 21: 22,800 --> 00: 21: 26,120 You can only say that kind of thing, if you are a child 256 00: 21: 26,280 --> 00: 21: 30,240 Do you think the Americans driving witch hunting against you? 257 00: 21: 30,360 --> 00: 21: 34,840 Do you mind being asked to the Vietnam war? 258 00: 21: 35,040 --> 00: 21: 39,720 If one has to think war is bad, and people agree, that's fine. 259 00: 21: 39,880 --> 00: 21: 41,960 You just can not say it too often. 260 00: 21: 42,120 --> 00: 21: 46,320 It seems strange if the Americans pretended that it did not take place. 261 00: 21: 46,480 --> 00: 21: 49,320 But why should they ask you? 262 00: 21: 49,480 --> 00: 21: 56,040 Because Americans always ask their stars about everything. 263 00: 21: 56,200 --> 00: 22: 01,600 You can not keep calm with that happens in the world unless one is a monk. 264 00: 22: 01,760 --> 00: 22: 05,760 Sorry, Munke. I actually meant ... 265 00: 22: 05,920 --> 00: 22: 10,360 They took care of it, That was already happening. 266 00: 22: 10,560 --> 00: 22: 15,440 Teenage Revolution. They would regarded as full-fledged people. 267 00: 22: 15,600 --> 00: 22: 21,000 Swinging London was a huge move, a whole culture in itself- 268 00: 22: 21,160 --> 00: 22: 25,800 where everyone should have long hair and mustache and all- 269 00: 22: 25,960 --> 00: 22: 31,440 -and met in UFO clubs and all that psychedelic around Pink Floyd etc. 270 00: 22: 31,600 --> 00: 22: 38,400 There were fashion, miniatures, shops, and it changed all the time. 271 00: 22: 38,560 --> 00: 22: 42,720 I was a model at Foale and Tuffin, but there was also a store. 272 00: 22: 42,880 --> 00: 22: 46,880 Sometimes I was in the store, when I was not out on model jobs. 273 00: 22: 47,040 --> 00: 22: 51,720 Then came the guys from the other stores in Carnaby Street, and we switched plates. 274 00: 22: 51,880 --> 00: 22: 55,920 It was all about music and about how we looked. 275 00: 22: 56,080 --> 00: 22: 59,720 It began when Paul came out for an accident on motorcycle- 276 00: 22: 59,880 --> 00: 23: 02,920 and broke his tooth and splashed his lip. 277 00: 23: 03,080 --> 00: 23: 08,160 It was the day before he made "Rain and Paperback Writer" videos. 278 00: 23: 08,280 --> 00: 23: 13,160 Then he made mustache to hide the teeth. 279 00: 23: 16,360 --> 00: 23: 21,640 He did not consider going to the dentist. He just put chewing gum over the hole. 280 00: 23: 21,800 --> 00: 23: 27,240 But then he struck mustache to cover his war crimes. 281 00: 23: 27,400 --> 00: 23: 32,360 And the others seemed so nice, so they all made mustaches. 282 00: 23: 32,520 --> 00: 23: 36,960 Suddenly came the beast and all that ... 283 00: 23: 37,080 --> 00: 23: 40,360 The substances and a different view on the outside world. 284 00: 23: 40,520 --> 00: 23: 46,080 No matter what you do as a musician, does it come in a song somewhere. 285 00: 23: 46,240 --> 00: 23: 48,840 You draw on the experience. 286 00: 23: 49,000 --> 00: 23: 53,480 We smoke the pot. And it changes one's view of things. 287 00: 23: 53,640 --> 00: 23: 57,280 I think, it breaks a lot of walls down. 288 00: 23: 57,440 --> 00: 24: 00,760 It was about resistance against the established society- 289 00: 24: 00,960 --> 00: 24: 03,560 - and to reach in its own creativity. 290 00: 24: 03,720 --> 00: 24: 07,920 I think they tried to rebel against people's image of four sweet rams. 291 00: 24: 08,080 --> 00: 24: 13,880 That was one of the reasons. Dress up differently, like an adult. 292 00: 24: 14,040 --> 00: 24: 17,880 -Sleeps the Beatles group? -Absolutely not. 293 00: 24: 18,040 --> 00: 24: 22,760 Fits that they break up in the near future? 294 00: 24: 22,920 --> 00: 24: 28,600 -Not at all. Why do not they hold concerts? 295 00: 24: 28,800 --> 00: 24: 34,200 They have had different events. John Lennon is making a movie. 296 00: 24: 34,360 --> 00: 24: 38,200 Paul has written music to a new Hayley Mills movie. 297 00: 24: 38,400 --> 00: 24: 45,640 They should all be together here in the country at the end of November. 298 00: 24: 45,800 --> 00: 24: 50,280 Then they have to record plates ... 299 00: 24: 50,440 --> 00: 24: 53,000 And then they will work on the next movie. 300 00: 24: 53,160 --> 00: 24: 57,680 Will there be any changes? Will there be fewer concerts next year? 301 00: 24: 59,880 --> 00: 25: 05,560 Maybe. As I said there are no important changes. 302 00: 25: 05,720 --> 00: 25: 10,680 They have always evolved and to do You must also make changes. 303 00: 25: 10,840 --> 00: 25: 14,680 Beatles had good antennas. They caught things fast. 304 00: 25: 14,880 --> 00: 25: 19,000 "We do." It was part of their upbringing. 305 00: 25: 19,160 --> 00: 25: 23,680 And they were... 306 00: 25: 23,840 --> 00: 25: 30,000 With "Penny Lane" and "Strawberry Fields" were they not pseudo-americans anymore. 307 00: 25: 30,160 --> 00: 25: 32,600 They dropped the American accent. 308 00: 25: 32,760 --> 00: 25: 36,840 Paul's father had asked, "Why is the song? I 'yeah, yeah' and not 'yes, yes'? " 309 00: 25: 37,000 --> 00: 25: 41,960 They used their own culture, which is very interesting. 310 00: 25: 42,120 --> 00: 25: 45,280 And they are both amazing songs. 311 00: 25: 45,440 --> 00: 25: 49,960 I think, that it was a shame with "Sgt. Pepper". 312 00: 25: 50,120 --> 00: 25: 54,760 If the two songs had been on, had it been a fantastic album. 313 00: 25: 54,920 --> 00: 25: 59,840 I've always meant, that they should have put them on later. 314 00: 26: 00,000 --> 00: 26: 02,080 "Please, this is the best." 315 00: 26: 02,240 --> 00: 26: 08,200 "Penny Lane" and "Strawberry Fields Forever "is Paul's clear picture of- 316 00: 26: 08,360 --> 00: 26: 12,600 -how the 1950's Liverpool, as they knew so well, looked. 317 00: 26: 12,760 --> 00: 26: 17,280 John's picture was much more surreal. 318 00: 26: 17,440 --> 00: 26: 20,680 But you still get a feeling, that it's a real place- 319 00: 26: 20,840 --> 00: 26: 25,360 and that it's John's picture of a place, He knew as a child. 320 00: 26: 25,520 --> 00: 26: 30,800 When they stopped touring, they could decide. 321 00: 26: 30,960 --> 00: 26: 33,920 They did, as they would with "Sgt. Pepper" - 322 00: 26: 34,080 --> 00: 26: 38,480 and they began to ignore Brian, who no longer had control over them. 323 00: 26: 38,640 --> 00: 26: 41,080 They started to dog with George Martin. 324 00: 26: 41,280 --> 00: 26: 46,600 He gave his input to the technical, but that was the one who decided. 325 00: 26: 46,760 --> 00: 26: 50,200 In ancient times, it was George Martin, that decided. 326 00: 26: 50,360 --> 00: 26: 54,000 When the tour was over, Brian felt redundant. 327 00: 26: 54,160 --> 00: 26: 57,520 He traveled around with them on the tour- 328 00: 26: 57,680 --> 00: 27: 01,440 -but it was the local organizers, that meant it. 329 00: 27: 01,560 --> 00: 27: 04,760 Brian was at least with and felt like part of it. 330 00: 27: 04,920 --> 00: 27: 09,160 When they stopped touring, he had nothing to do. 331 00: 27: 09,320 --> 00: 27: 13,360 He had never been contribute to the songwriting or in the studio. 332 00: 27: 13,520 --> 00: 27: 17,880 So he felt outside without anything to do. 333 00: 27: 18,040 --> 00: 27: 22,200 It took him on. He started with drugs and games. 334 00: 27: 22,360 --> 00: 27: 28,640 He certainly felt, that the relationship between them broke down. 335 00: 27: 28,800 --> 00: 27: 32,360 Brian's role changed. 336 00: 27: 32,520 --> 00: 27: 38,240 But he would always be the right fifth Beatle. 337 00: 27: 38,400 --> 00: 27: 41,640 He brought them from The Cavern to the world stage. 338 00: 27: 41,800 --> 00: 27: 48,720 At the beginning of 1967 they made some music, Only played in The Roundhouse. 339 00: 27: 50,520 --> 00: 27: 54,240 It is shown only Mark Lewisohn, who else has heard it. 340 00: 27: 54,360 --> 00: 28: 02,400 It was only those who jammed and played on cans, tables and everything. 341 00: 28: 02,560 --> 00: 28: 08,400 They could do that for seven minutes. And that was the idea of ​​that. 342 00: 28: 08,560 --> 00: 28: 15,040 The less the rule, the better, and it would become art, but it was not. 343 00: 28: 15,200 --> 00: 28: 17,680 They felt reluctant. 344 00: 28: 17,840 --> 00: 28: 22,240 They had been the biggest tour band and biggest pop band. 345 00: 28: 22,400 --> 00: 28: 26,000 They were number one to five on the American charts. 346 00: 28: 26,160 --> 00: 28: 30,200 Then what do you do? The only option is to create art. 347 00: 28: 30,360 --> 00: 28: 33,280 "We must do something better on a different level. " 348 00: 28: 33,440 --> 00: 28: 39,640 "If we can not become rock musicians, then we have to make fun of beautiful art. " 349 00: 28: 39,800 --> 00: 28: 43,320 I think, That was how they were raining. 350 00: 28: 43,480 --> 00: 28: 46,480 There is no need to publish Another "Revolver". 351 00: 28: 46,640 --> 00: 28: 50,720 We must do something extraordinary. And so they did. 352 00: 28: 50,880 --> 00: 28: 54,520 I was absolutely amazed, when I heard "Strawberry Fields". 353 00: 28: 54,720 --> 00: 28: 59,520 I told my editor, that Beatles still evolved. 354 00: 28: 59,640 --> 00: 29: 04,840 That was incredible. It was a huge step from, for example, "Love Me Do". 355 00: 29: 05,000 --> 00: 29: 09,680 Nobody says high that "Penny Lane" became written to hit "Strawberry Fields" - 356 00: 29: 09,840 --> 00: 29: 15,080 But John had taken the lead and wrote a Liverpool song. 357 00: 29: 15,240 --> 00: 29: 19,240 There was this competition between John and Paul. 358 00: 29: 19,400 --> 00: 29: 23,160 They pushed each other to provide more in a good way. 359 00: 29: 23,320 --> 00: 29: 27,120 "I'm taking the A-side on the next single", and that kind of thing. 360 00: 29: 27,280 --> 00: 29: 32,760 It was quite amazing and without malice. 361 00: 29: 32,920 --> 00: 29: 36,560 The plan was to write an entire album about Liverpool. 362 00: 29: 36,720 --> 00: 29: 43,160 It was discussed to make an album with connection to Liverpool. 363 00: 29: 44,320 --> 00: 29: 49,200 They already had "Penny Lane" and "Strawberry Fields" - 364 00: 29: 49,360 --> 00: 29: 52,840 and "A Day in the Life". 365 00: 29: 53,000 --> 00: 29: 57,720 And then George Martin meant that they had been too quiet for a while. 366 00: 29: 57,880 --> 00: 30: 01,200 So they added him, but insisted, It should be a double A page. 367 00: 30: 01,360 --> 00: 30: 07,240 At double A-sides the sale was split up, so they were only number two. 368 00: 30: 07,400 --> 00: 30: 11,800 Meanwhile, there was a group In Liverpool, called Hillsiders. 369 00: 30: 11,960 --> 00: 30: 15,200 The manager, Spencer Lloyd Mason, noticed- 370 00: 30: 15,360 --> 00: 30: 20,680 that one of the members had found an amazing country plate. 371 00: 30: 20,840 --> 00: 30: 26,960 They took it to their manager, Noel Walker from Merseyside- 372 00: 30: 27,120 --> 00: 30: 31,920 -and asked to be allowed to record it with an orchestra. 373 00: 30: 32,080 --> 00: 30: 34,960 But instead of recording it with the Hillsiders- 374 00: 30: 35,120 --> 00: 30: 39,880 He passed it on to Engelbert Humperdinck Managers. 375 00: 30: 40,040 --> 00: 30: 45,840 And it smelt like number one and held Beatles from there for the first time long. 376 00: 30: 46,000 --> 00: 30: 48,600 And that because of a Liverpool group. 377 00: 30: 48,760 --> 00: 30: 53,440 The Liverpool album ... In a way had they done that already- 378 00: 30: 53,600 --> 00: 30: 57,040 -with "Strawberry Fields" and "Penny Lane". 379 00: 30: 57,200 --> 00: 31: 02,280 They did it on a single. It did those with a magnificent double A-single. 380 00: 31: 04,960 --> 00: 31: 07,400 -Can I ask something? -Yes. 381 00: 31: 07,560 --> 00: 31: 10,200 Should Beatles be divorced in 1967? 382 00: 31: 10,360 --> 00: 31: 15,920 Maybe ... We are always involved in each other, no matter what we do. 383 00: 31: 16,080 --> 00: 31: 19,960 Can you imagine a time, where you are not together? 384 00: 31: 20,120 --> 00: 31: 24,800 Yes, for a while, but we will always meet again. 385 00: 31: 24,960 --> 00: 31: 28,600 You also need other people to get new ideas. 386 00: 31: 28,760 --> 00: 31: 31,280 We're fine together. 387 00: 31: 31,440 --> 00: 31: 34,600 Do you record movies for yourself next year? 388 00: 31: 34,760 --> 00: 31: 39,080 No, it will not be a new career. I did it because I wanted to- 389 00: 31: 39,240 --> 00: 31: 42,520 -and Dick Lester asked me. 390 00: 31: 42,720 --> 00: 31: 47,160 I would not have done that, if the others were against it. 391 00: 31: 47,320 --> 00: 31: 53,360 Do they also have film ambitions? -Now, not too bad. 392 00: 31: 53,520 --> 00: 31: 57,200 -What do you really want to do? -I do not really know. 393 00: 31: 57,360 --> 00: 32: 02,520 -Do you not decided? -No, I will try a little differently. 394 00: 32: 02,680 --> 00: 32: 06,360 Now I have learned a bit about movies. 395 00: 32: 06,520 --> 00: 32: 10,600 But you keep typing songs Together, whatever happens? 396 00: 32: 10,760 --> 00: 32: 15,680 Yes, we'll probably know always writing music. 397 00: 32: 15,840 --> 00: 32: 20,080 We can not help. You do it whether you want it or not. 398 00: 32: 20,240 --> 00: 32: 24,160 Do you think you stop? Touring here and in America? 399 00: 32: 24,320 --> 00: 32: 29,640 It must stop at some point because It does not have anything to do with it- 400 00: 32: 29,800 --> 00: 32: 32,520 -We are doing longer. 401 00: 32: 32,680 --> 00: 32: 39,600 They knew they ran risks in 1966-67. They did not know people would follow them. 402 00: 32: 39,760 --> 00: 32: 45,120 They could have been calculating in relation to market shares. 403 00: 33: 10,080 --> 00: 33: 15,280 Then they decided that it should be called a concept-album- 404 00: 33: 15,440 --> 00: 33: 18,720 Because Frank Zappa had one, called "Freak Out". 405 00: 33: 18,840 --> 00: 33: 21,040 McCartney loved the idea. 406 00: 33: 21,200 --> 00: 33: 24,880 But then Ringo said later, that they made a few numbers- 407 00: 33: 25,040 --> 00: 33: 29,080 and then they forgot about the concept and made several numbers. 408 00: 33: 29,280 --> 00: 33: 33,200 But it was tied together in a strange way. 409 00: 33: 33,360 --> 00: 33: 40,120 Those were adventurous Beatles, At the same time, it was very sentimental. 410 00: 33: 40,280 --> 00: 33: 45,760 It's all on that album and it is funny john joining it 411 00: 33: 45,920 --> 00: 33: 50,880 -with his masterpiece "A Day in the Life". 412 00: 33: 51,040 --> 00: 33: 56,800 But there are also small pieces of sound from "A Day in the Life" - 413 00: 33: 56,960 --> 00: 34: 02,200 and sound pieces from Paul's "Lovely Rita" so it seems like a concept- 414 00: 34: 02,360 --> 00: 34: 05,200 -If they did not believe it. 415 00: 34: 05,360 --> 00: 34: 09,080 Paul? Good evening. Don Edwards, ITN. 416 00: 34: 09,240 --> 00: 34: 13,360 Would it bother you never to tour again? 417 00: 34: 13,520 --> 00: 34: 16,480 I do not think. 418 00: 34: 16,640 --> 00: 34: 21,720 One must understand, that we act because ... 419 00: 34: 21,880 --> 00: 34: 27,680 It's gone downhill, because we can do not develop when nobody can hear us. 420 00: 34: 27,840 --> 00: 34: 31,880 So it's hard for us to act. 421 00: 34: 32,040 --> 00: 34: 34,880 So you will not give concerts? 422 00: 34: 35,040 --> 00: 34: 39,840 Yes, we would like, but if no one hears that and we can not hear ourselves- 423 00: 34: 40,000 --> 00: 34: 43,360 so we can not improve ourselves. We can not get better. 424 00: 34: 43,520 --> 00: 34: 46,320 So we try to get better in the study. 425 00: 34: 46,480 --> 00: 34: 49,840 It took several months and cost a lot of money- 426 00: 34: 50,000 --> 00: 34: 56,960 and it was not only "Sgt. Pepper", but Also other big albums from that time ... 427 00: 34: 57,120 --> 00: 35: 02,560 They turned the market on their heads. The single had been the most important- 428 00: 35: 02,720 --> 00: 35: 06,880 and then you should earn the album enter with the single on- 429 00: 35: 07,040 --> 00: 35: 10,840 and it was called the same as the single, for example, "Please, please me". 430 00: 35: 11,040 --> 00: 35: 14,920 But then the album began to be the key 431 00: 35: 15,080 --> 00: 35: 18,240 -what the different bands made 432 00: 35: 18,400 --> 00: 35: 21,800 The recorded albums, and then the singles came from there. 433 00: 35: 21,960 --> 00: 35: 25,880 -Merry Christmas! -May I ask some questions? 434 00: 35: 26,040 --> 00: 35: 28,680 -Yes. - I'll turn you this way. 435 00: 35: 28,840 --> 00: 35: 33,400 -Hi. You look great. -Yes, I've been in the bathroom too. 436 00: 35: 33,560 --> 00: 35: 37,080 What is it that Beatles will do less together in the new year? 437 00: 35: 38,160 --> 00: 35: 44,800 If we do everything, then stay just the same again and again. 438 00: 35: 44,960 --> 00: 35: 48,720 - And you do not want to? -No, we do not want to repeat ourselves. 439 00: 35: 48,880 --> 00: 35: 55,240 So we still try to get a proper script to the movie ... 440 00: 35: 55,400 --> 00: 35: 59,040 But it does not succeed, then we'll do something separately. 441 00: 35: 59,160 --> 00: 36: 04,640 -Separately? -Yes. It's not like being divorced. 442 00: 36: 04,800 --> 00: 36: 09,680 -Tak, Ringo. Are you going to work? -I just want to see what they're doing. 443 00: 36: 09,840 --> 00: 36: 12,960 With a little luck we shall eat. Goodbye. 444 00: 36: 13,120 --> 00: 36: 16,760 Paul was thinking about it to play as a pseudonym band- 445 00: 36: 16,920 --> 00: 36: 22,560 -to play as another band than Beatles. 446 00: 36: 24,000 --> 00: 36: 26,720 -Hi. Can I just stop you? -Yes. 447 00: 36: 26,880 --> 00: 36: 32,720 I just want to ask if you think that you go every turn in the new year? 448 00: 36: 32,880 --> 00: 36: 36,120 No. Definitely not. 449 00: 36: 36,280 --> 00: 36: 40,800 - May I ask a question? -All will ask more questions! 450 00: 36: 40,960 --> 00: 36: 48,400 They were tired of being "The Beatles", not by the group but by the name. 451 00: 36: 48,560 --> 00: 36: 53,200 It suppressed them. So they thought, that they could make an alter ego. 452 00: 36: 53,360 --> 00: 37: 00,640 It was called "Sgt. Pepper" and should go with military tunes and that kind of thing. 453 00: 37: 00,800 --> 00: 37: 07,000 But if you look, you'll see a picture of Paul's father, Jim- 454 00: 37: 07,200 --> 00: 37: 13,800 -which had a little dance band 1920-30s, where he played piano. 455 00: 37: 13,960 --> 00: 37: 19,840 There was a picture of them from the 1920s, where they stand around a big drum- 456 00: 37: 20,000 --> 00: 37: 26,160 -and looks exactly like some from The "Sgt. Pepper" concept, just without a pot. 457 00: 37: 26,320 --> 00: 37: 32,160 They became predecessors for a rock'n'roll joke. 458 00: 37: 32,320 --> 00: 37: 37,080 How long can you spend in the study, and what will it cost? 459 00: 37: 37,240 --> 00: 37: 41,200 Beatles was in the studio with "Sgt. Pepper". 460 00: 37: 41,360 --> 00: 37: 46,200 And everybody says, that it must have been super fast. 461 00: 37: 46,360 --> 00: 37: 50,920 It was so the most ruddy, one could experience. 462 00: 37: 51,880 --> 00: 37: 57,120 We used to record an album in three days up to a week. 463 00: 37: 57,280 --> 00: 38: 00,160 "Revolver" took a couple of weeks. 464 00: 38: 00,320 --> 00: 38: 05,880 "Sgt. Pepper" just kept on knowing, because they had not written together. 465 00: 38: 06,040 --> 00: 38: 09,840 The only one, who had prepared Paul was 466 00: 38: 10,000 --> 00: 38: 14,920 When they were in the studio, the women were forment access, even the wives. 467 00: 38: 15,080 --> 00: 38: 21,880 Even when they were on tour, only the boys were alone. 468 00: 38: 22,080 --> 00: 38: 27,600 It was only Chris O'Dell who was daring Ask if she had to come to the studio. 469 00: 38: 27,760 --> 00: 38: 32,320 None of us had imagined, that we could watch the recordings. 470 00: 38: 32,480 --> 00: 38: 36,080 Everybody asks, why the groups got longer study time. 471 00: 38: 36,240 --> 00: 38: 41,600 It's not the record company's money. It is the group's advance on royalties. 472 00: 38: 41,760 --> 00: 38: 47,040 If new bands do not get hits, the record companies pay the bill. 473 00: 38: 47,200 --> 00: 38: 52,200 Once the group had some hits, can they have as much study time as they like. 474 00: 38: 52,360 --> 00: 38: 56,640 The groups do not explain, so they think they are using the companies money. 475 00: 38: 56,800 --> 00: 39: 02,280 And by this time they have enough money to buy some drugs and the kind- 476 00: 39: 02,440 --> 00: 39: 07,200 -and it's not conducive to work quickly. 477 00: 39: 07,360 --> 00: 39: 14,120 It was mostly Paul who ruled. Not with Georges and John's numbers- 478 00: 39: 14,280 --> 00: 39: 19,040 -but it was Paul mostly, the whip swung. 479 00: 39: 19,200 --> 00: 39: 23,160 To me it seemed as if they were taking the same takes over and over again- 480 00: 39: 23,320 --> 00: 39: 28,720 -If it was best the first time. I just wanted to pack up and go home. 481 00: 39: 28,880 --> 00: 39: 33,800 Even experienced technicians were amazed over Beatles' demands. 482 00: 39: 33,960 --> 00: 39: 36,800 No one did that kind of thing. 483 00: 39: 37,800 --> 00: 39: 41,240 Abbey Road was a blessing for them. 484 00: 39: 41,400 --> 00: 39: 45,480 They were full of enthusiasm and ideas. 485 00: 39: 45,640 --> 00: 39: 51,560 Tit is the 20th century the best in one's life, and now they could do what they wanted. 486 00: 39: 51,720 --> 00: 39: 56,200 They had the influence to take to Abbey Road and record. 487 00: 39: 56,360 --> 00: 39: 58,800 The first time they came there, they went by the way. 488 00: 39: 58,960 --> 00: 40: 03,280 Now they went to the main entrance and "Just Say What You Want, Paul". 489 00: 40: 03,440 --> 00: 40: 07,720 They created precedence for workflows, as we take for granted today. 490 00: 40: 07,880 --> 00: 40: 11,440 We do not wonder when U2 goes free a year to record an album. 491 00: 40: 11,600 --> 00: 40: 16,600 Beatles were the first, That created ambitious albums- 492 00: 40: 16,760 --> 00: 40: 23,200 That was not just a collection dance numbers, you played in the car. 493 00: 40: 24,160 --> 00: 40: 28,840 I think John was a genius. There is no doubt about that. 494 00: 40: 29,000 --> 00: 40: 32,360 And how many geniuses can you have? in a group of four? 495 00: 40: 32,520 --> 00: 40: 39,000 But without Paul, John would not have accomplished what he did. 496 00: 40: 39,160 --> 00: 40: 41,800 I call them "The Dream Team". 497 00: 40: 41,960 --> 00: 40: 46,600 Paul had lost his mother when he was 14 and was very home with us. 498 00: 40: 46,760 --> 00: 40: 51,400 My mother called him a poor boy, because he had lost his mother. 499 00: 40: 51,560 --> 00: 40: 55,680 And then our mother then went and died- 500 00: 40: 55,800 --> 00: 41: 01,960 - there was a completely natural bond between them. 501 00: 41: 02,120 --> 00: 41: 06,440 I think your relationship was that, Beatles rested on. 502 00: 41: 06,600 --> 00: 41: 10,240 John had a reputation. 503 00: 41: 10,400 --> 00: 41: 15,280 It was him people were attracted to, because he had this biting humor. 504 00: 41: 15,440 --> 00: 41: 21,080 He was a bit of a rebel and seemed worried. 505 00: 41: 21,240 --> 00: 41: 24,680 Paul was very polite. 506 00: 41: 24,840 --> 00: 41: 27,560 People are always attracted to the rebel. 507 00: 41: 27,720 --> 00: 41: 31,520 I also became, when I met him the first time. 508 00: 41: 31,680 --> 00: 41: 34,640 Paul explored the avant-garde. 509 00: 41: 34,800 --> 00: 41: 39,360 There were no ideas, There was too crazy for Paul. 510 00: 41: 39,520 --> 00: 41: 44,640 He read a lot and went on art exhibitions and listened to jazz. 511 00: 41: 44,800 --> 00: 41: 49,440 He developed significantly in that direction. 512 00: 41: 49,600 --> 00: 41: 53,840 John read a lot and wrote many songs- 513 00: 41: 54,000 --> 00: 41: 56,920 -men most at home where he had family responsibilities. 514 00: 41: 57,120 --> 00: 42: 02,200 Paul led the exploration of London and the underground movement. 515 00: 42: 02,360 --> 00: 42: 06,800 John liked it but was not brave enough at that time- 516 00: 42: 06,960 --> 00: 42: 09,160 -to self-explore it 517 00: 42: 09,320 --> 00: 42: 15,240 In November, he meets Yoko Ono at her gallery reception. 518 00: 42: 15,400 --> 00: 42: 18,240 And we all know what led to it. 519 00: 42: 18,400 --> 00: 42: 23,520 One of the big big myths still there Paul is bothering today, is- 520 00: 42: 23,680 --> 00: 42: 26,720 -that John was the avant-garde- 521 00: 42: 26,880 --> 00: 42: 31,480 -this Paul was the sweet one and smiling average person. 522 00: 42: 31,680 --> 00: 42: 36,000 It simply does not fit. As Tony Bramwell said, 523 00: 42: 36,160 --> 00: 42: 40,600 "John was a lazy skiderik, who stayed at the suburb. " 524 00: 42: 40,760 --> 00: 42: 45,160 Paul lived in the middle of London. He would constantly improve himself. 525 00: 42: 45,320 --> 00: 42: 52,320 He bought books about modern art as 13 years old and was engaged in avantgarden- 526 00: 42: 52,480 --> 00: 42: 57,360 and in difficult, very modern music. 527 00: 42: 57,520 --> 00: 43: 01,960 Not pop music, but people like John Cage and Luciano Berio. 528 00: 43: 02,120 --> 00: 43: 06,000 He knew everything about it. Paul led an. 529 00: 43: 06,160 --> 00: 43: 11,040 There was a bookstore called Indica, where Paul had a standing deal- 530 00: 43: 11,160 --> 00: 43: 14,880 -to receive all the new ones. And then he told John about it. 531 00: 43: 15,000 --> 00: 43: 20,720 So Paul told John all about to 'relax and turn the brain off'. 532 00: 43: 20,880 --> 00: 43: 24,880 John read the book and wrote "Tomorrow Never Knows" - 533 00: 43: 25,040 --> 00: 43: 27,720 and then he was suddenly avant-garde. 534 00: 43: 27,880 --> 00: 43: 33,920 They were more involved in modern art, modern classical music- 535 00: 43: 34,080 --> 00: 43: 36,960 and modern design, than they anticipated. 536 00: 43: 37,080 --> 00: 43: 39,960 Do not forget, that they had been in Latin school. 537 00: 43: 40,120 --> 00: 43: 44,640 John had attended art school. 538 00: 43: 44,760 --> 00: 43: 49,640 They were all, in contrast to some of the rock'n'roll stars- 539 00: 43: 49,800 --> 00: 43: 55,280 -there had left school who 15-year-old and barely could read- 540 00: 43: 55,440 --> 00: 43: 59,480 Then Beatles, near Ringo, who never went to school ... 541 00: 43: 59,640 --> 00: 44: 06,000 Beatles had read Shakespeare, novels and poetry in school. 542 00: 44: 06,160 --> 00: 44: 12,040 John and George lived in the countryside. 543 00: 44: 12,200 --> 00: 44: 15,720 Paul lived in the middle of London. 544 00: 44: 15,880 --> 00: 44: 20,000 They were not very much together longer. 545 00: 44: 20,160 --> 00: 44: 24,040 Until 1966 they remained constant. 546 00: 44: 24,200 --> 00: 44: 30,720 They were a four-head immensely; You never saw one without the other. 547 00: 44: 30,840 --> 00: 44: 34,680 Paul was the most musical of them, and taught John a lot. 548 00: 44: 34,840 --> 00: 44: 39,000 So it all was very nuanced. 549 00: 44: 39,160 --> 00: 44: 45,320 The idea that Paul was straight by road and face outside 550 00: 44: 45,480 --> 00: 44: 50,880 -this is partly true but he was also extremely talented. 551 00: 44: 51,040 --> 00: 44: 56,880 There was a lot of talk about some different music. 552 00: 44: 57,040 --> 00: 44: 59,840 It all came back from "Revolver". 553 00: 45: 00,000 --> 00: 45: 05,800 There were more expectations for "Sgt. Pepper "than" Rubber Soul "and" Revolver ". 554 00: 45: 05,960 --> 00: 45: 10,120 It was partly, because they had been in the studio for so long. 555 00: 45: 10,280 --> 00: 45: 14,880 The press wondered constantly over money and time. 556 00: 45: 15,040 --> 00: 45: 18,920 So you thought: "The four geniuses and George Martin- 557 00: 45: 19,080 --> 00: 45: 24,640 have spent so long in the study so it just has to be amazing. " 558 00: 45: 31,040 --> 00: 45: 34,560 We must be back, until it was released. 559 00: 45: 34,720 --> 00: 45: 37,800 People are not aware, how difficult it was. 560 00: 45: 37,960 --> 00: 45: 41,400 It was recorded on a four-track tape recorder 561 00: 45: 41,560 --> 00: 45: 44,320 George Martin said, it was very hard. 562 00: 45: 44,480 --> 00: 45: 48,320 But just look what you can do in the studio now a days. 563 00: 45: 48,480 --> 00: 45: 53,600 And yet is this album completely magical. 564 00: 45: 53,760 --> 00: 45: 58,840 I can remember when they decided to put the letters on the cover. 565 00: 45: 59,040 --> 00: 46: 05,640 At the previous albums had We scolded what was supposed to stand. 566 00: 46: 05,800 --> 00: 46: 10,880 One of the pleasures of the Beatles was, that they still sang with Liverpool accent. 567 00: 46: 11,040 --> 00: 46: 16,160 I have a good story, from when I was in Stafford Street. 568 00: 46: 16,320 --> 00: 46: 22,200 George came one day and said, "Can you write my lyrics?" 569 00: 46: 22,360 --> 00: 46: 24,440 "They are hard to read." 570 00: 46: 24,600 --> 00: 46: 30,880 "I'm reading them high for you, while you write. " 571 00: 46: 31,040 --> 00: 46: 33,760 I did so. 572 00: 46: 33,920 --> 00: 46: 37,560 Whenever he had finished the texts, did he give me them 573 00: 46: 37,720 --> 00: 46: 40,960 and I threw them in the trash. 574 00: 46: 41,120 --> 00: 46: 46,080 Every single song from "Sgt. Pepper" smoke in the trash. 575 00: 46: 46,240 --> 00: 46: 48,160 If only I had known better ... 576 00: 46: 48,320 --> 00: 46: 55,160 EMI was shocked at how much they should use on the record cover. 577 00: 46: 55,320 --> 00: 46: 59,760 They wanted the texts on the cover. 578 00: 46: 59,920 --> 00: 47: 02,880 There was rice for his own ass 579 00: 47: 03,040 --> 00: 47: 09,240 -for as soon as people could read the texts should all be interpreted- 580 00: 47: 09,400 --> 00: 47: 14,880 -and added opinions There had never been there. 581 00: 47: 15,000 --> 00: 47: 21,040 They had a psychedelic design made by a group called The Fool. 582 00: 47: 21,200 --> 00: 47: 26,160 Their counselor, Robert Fraser, owned a gallery. 583 00: 47: 26,320 --> 00: 47: 30,280 He said that very quickly would become obsolete. 584 00: 47: 30,440 --> 00: 47: 35,440 So they decided to listen to Paul's concept. 585 00: 47: 35,600 --> 00: 47: 40,560 He had an idea to write a list over all their heroes. 586 00: 47: 40,720 --> 00: 47: 45,760 "All our heroes and the people, We admire shall be on the cover. " 587 00: 47: 45,920 --> 00: 47: 49,920 Brian Epstein was in New York at the time. 588 00: 47: 50,080 --> 00: 47: 52,240 He was shaken when he heard it. 589 00: 47: 52,400 --> 00: 47: 56,160 He thought that Beatles should be in the center, not everybody else. 590 00: 47: 56,320 --> 00: 48: 00,880 He decided to fly home, but he had dreamed that the plane crashed. 591 00: 48: 01,040 --> 00: 48: 04,600 So he made a message at Nat Reese's lawyer- 592 00: 48: 04,800 --> 00: 48: 10,440 -He sounded: "Brown paper bag as a cover for "Sgt. Pepper". " 593 00: 48: 10,600 --> 00: 48: 13,840 People expected, that they were at the forefront of everything. 594 00: 48: 14,000 --> 00: 48: 17,640 People believed, that everyone followed the heels of the Beatles. 595 00: 48: 17,800 --> 00: 48: 20,560 Then there was the military trend- 596 00: 48: 20,720 --> 00: 48: 25,560 - as "Sgt. Pepper" followed. And then the hippie time came. 597 00: 48: 25,720 --> 00: 48: 31,320 Typical of John Lennon, then he would have Jesus, Hitler ... 598 00: 48: 31,480 --> 00: 48: 35,200 Hitler was actually there, just hidden behind something. 599 00: 48: 35,360 --> 00: 48: 41,760 When Sir Joseph Lockwood from EMI saw one Picture of Gandhi, he became terrified. 600 00: 48: 41,920 --> 00: 48: 45,760 "We can not. We have high sales figures in India! " 601 00: 48: 45,920 --> 00: 48: 54,040 Peter Blake managed to get hold of nine wax figures from Madame Tussaud's. 602 00: 48: 54,200 --> 00: 48: 58,400 Four of Beatles and five others, such as Sonny Liston and Diana Dors. 603 00: 48: 58,560 --> 00: 49: 04,400 I had said, "You have all your heroes, movie stars and musicians. " 604 00: 49: 04,560 --> 00: 49: 11,520 "Why do not you have a football player?" They were not interested in football. 605 00: 49: 11,680 --> 00: 49: 17,400 None of them had gone to matches like teenagers, and were not fans- 606 00: 49: 17,560 --> 00: 49: 21,080 -for they were busy playing guitar in The Quarrymen. 607 00: 49: 21,240 --> 00: 49: 24,560 Paul has said later, that his family were Everton fans. 608 00: 49: 24,720 --> 00: 49: 27,920 He never mentioned that at that time. 609 00: 49: 28,080 --> 00: 49: 31,640 His father never mentioned it. 610 00: 49: 31,800 --> 00: 49: 37,600 But they thought it was a good idea, and they had a football player. 611 00: 49: 37,760 --> 00: 49: 43,480 Albert Stubbins. John chose him, because the name amused him. 612 00: 49: 43,680 --> 00: 49: 47,360 Had it been another year, had Ravi Shankar and Maharishi been on. 613 00: 49: 47,520 --> 00: 49: 54,040 Many of them were Americans, and at that time you did not have email- 614 00: 49: 54,240 --> 00: 49: 58,280 so you should write letters to people and get their permission. 615 00: 49: 58,440 --> 00: 50: 02,760 One should have permission from the family, if they were dead. 616 00: 50: 02,920 --> 00: 50: 10,560 I had such a thick folder with the correspondence from "Sgt. Pepper". 617 00: 50: 10,680 --> 00: 50: 14,640 Chertsey. A gypsy wagon ready to roll to Weybridge. 618 00: 50: 14,800 --> 00: 50: 18,480 A gift for a four-year-old boy, there certainly has everything. 619 00: 50: 18,640 --> 00: 50: 22,600 Julian Lennon, son of John Lennon, who else? 620 00: 50: 22,760 --> 00: 50: 26,680 Here is for 4,000 pounds painted and newly refurbished wheels. 621 00: 50: 26,880 --> 00: 50: 30,960 A big toy for a little boy. They must have a police card. 622 00: 50: 31,120 --> 00: 50: 34,640 But it is not every day, Dad is spending so much money on his lap. 623 00: 50: 34,800 --> 00: 50: 38,640 Maybe 'money can buy love'. 624 00: 50: 38,800 --> 00: 50: 42,120 If he decides moving away from home- 625 00: 50: 42,280 --> 00: 50: 47,040 He remains the most affluent gypsies on the road. 626 00: 50: 47,200 --> 00: 50: 51,160 I visited some friends at King's Road. 627 00: 50: 51,320 --> 00: 50: 59,040 We sat and listened to bold music, smoke pot and did not say much. 628 00: 50: 59,200 --> 00: 51: 05,000 I remember that lay some spiritual books on the table. 629 00: 51: 05,160 --> 00: 51: 09,520 I remember, I took up an issue called: "Karma and rebirth". 630 00: 51: 09,680 --> 00: 51: 12,000 It was written by Christmas Humphreys. 631 00: 51: 12,160 --> 00: 51: 15,600 I just flipped it and fell over this line: 632 00: 51: 15,760 --> 00: 51: 19,240 "Life goes on inside you and without you. " 633 00: 51: 19,400 --> 00: 51: 24,600 I thought that sounded special. I called George immediately. 634 00: 51: 24,760 --> 00: 51: 29,280 Then I read it to him. "Life goes on in you and without you." 635 00: 51: 29,400 --> 00: 51: 33,280 He was lost and it became to the song "Within You Without You". 636 00: 51: 33,440 --> 00: 51: 37,200 After George Harrison died, George Martin told me- 637 00: 51: 37,360 --> 00: 51: 41,120 -for the reason it is first number on page B is 638 00: 51: 41,280 --> 00: 51: 46,320 that you can skip it over and go straight to number two. 639 00: 51: 46,480 --> 00: 51: 48,520 I did not think it worked. 640 00: 51: 48,680 --> 00: 51: 53,760 The singer in rock or psychedelic music ... 641 00: 51: 53,920 --> 00: 51: 57,880 It was big on "Sgt. Pepper". 642 00: 51: 58,080 --> 00: 52: 02,000 You had seen Elvis and Little Richard- 643 00: 52: 02,160 --> 00: 52: 08,240 -but one had not imagined one come with a sitar in a pop band. 644 00: 52: 08,400 --> 00: 52: 13,920 Paul said that when he grew up, the cover was really important. 645 00: 52: 14,080 --> 00: 52: 17,840 The colors on the label, Yes, even the smell of a plate. 646 00: 52: 18,000 --> 00: 52: 23,040 He was very aware of the visual effect and all the details. 647 00: 52: 23,160 --> 00: 52: 28,920 As a child, you take it all in. Even the printer's name is down in the corner. 648 00: 52: 29,080 --> 00: 52: 31,800 So he would have, That should be good. 649 00: 52: 31,960 --> 00: 52: 35,120 There were good illustrations and gifts inside ... 650 00: 52: 35,280 --> 00: 52: 39,800 The fool had colored their inner covers. 651 00: 52: 39,960 --> 00: 52: 43,360 It was quite phenomenal. 652 00: 52: 43,520 --> 00: 52: 47,200 They say so in all their "Sgt. Pepper" gear. 653 00: 52: 47,360 --> 00: 52: 52,520 And then you take the cover out and discover, that you can cut the beard out. 654 00: 52: 52,680 --> 00: 52: 56,200 And there is Sergeant Pepper, which can be cut and set up. 655 00: 52: 56,360 --> 00: 53: 01,040 The dilemma was, if you were leave it as I did- 656 00: 53: 01,200 --> 00: 53: 05,960 Because I did not expect to get much success with a cardboard mustache. 657 00: 53: 06,120 --> 00: 53: 08,840 Especially not like 10 years old. 658 00: 53: 09,000 --> 00: 53: 12,840 But I still have it in the cover. 659 00: 53: 13,000 --> 00: 53: 17,840 You got more like that a relationship with the cover. 660 00: 53: 18,000 --> 00: 53: 23,040 It was all Paul's idea. I could hear their discussions. 661 00: 53: 23,200 --> 00: 53: 27,760 I could hear the discussions about the title, and how it should be arranged. 662 00: 53: 27,920 --> 00: 53: 31,400 One day, when I passed by, he said, that they should have taken the picture. 663 00: 53: 31,560 --> 00: 53: 34,200 So I jumped into his Mini Minor- 664 00: 53: 34,360 --> 00: 53: 40,000 -and we drove to Michael Coopers study in Flood Street. 665 00: 53: 40,160 --> 00: 53: 44,040 As we drove from Paul's house, as he still owns- 666 00: 53: 44,200 --> 00: 53: 47,240 He said: "We need something to embellish with the front. " 667 00: 53: 47,400 --> 00: 53: 53,600 I had seen drawings and costumes that were handed over. 668 00: 53: 53,760 --> 00: 53: 57,120 They had tried them, but was not satisfied. 669 00: 53: 57,240 --> 00: 54: 02,120 He says that I have to get something to put in front of the picture. 670 00: 54: 02,280 --> 00: 54: 06,920 I'm looking around and see a statue on a shelf. 671 00: 54: 07,080 --> 00: 54: 10,760 I did not know what it was. It looked like this ... 672 00: 54: 10,920 --> 00: 54: 14,840 It looked like a spaceship. They had each given a gift. 673 00: 54: 15,000 --> 00: 54: 19,200 John gave away to a fan, That appeared. 674 00: 54: 19,360 --> 00: 54: 22,360 I took it out of its place next to his Magritte. 675 00: 54: 22,520 --> 00: 54: 27,120 He loved Magritte. He had bought a Magritte with an apple- 676 00: 54: 27,280 --> 00: 54: 30,360 -The apple that was used to Apple. 677 00: 54: 30,520 --> 00: 54: 36,840 Linda had bought Magrittes original palette and easel for him. 678 00: 54: 37,000 --> 00: 54: 40,040 He wanted Magritte on the cover. 679 00: 54: 40,200 --> 00: 54: 45,840 But it gave his agent not Robert Fraser allowed. 680 00: 54: 46,000 --> 00: 54: 50,240 It was a bit of a disaster. 681 00: 54: 50,400 --> 00: 54: 55,960 Here you had all the people, which had influenced them. 682 00: 54: 56,120 --> 00: 55: 00,760 That would have been a nice insight in the Beatles, but it was rejected. 683 00: 55: 00,920 --> 00: 55: 07,040 Do not think it's authentic cover, because it is not. 684 00: 55: 07,200 --> 00: 55: 12,240 You sat and wondered, who they had left out. 685 00: 55: 12,400 --> 00: 55: 17,200 Why are they here? But it was all the stars that were up in time. 686 00: 55: 17,360 --> 00: 55: 23,160 You did not know if it was too funny, or if they meant it. 687 00: 55: 23,320 --> 00: 55: 28,760 You did not quite know ... It seemed ironic. 688 00: 55: 28,920 --> 00: 55: 31,920 They have enjoyed it. 689 00: 55: 32,080 --> 00: 55: 37,440 They had put all these people here more in focus than themselves. 690 00: 55: 37,600 --> 00: 55: 42,440 And it welcomed Rolling Stones. 691 00: 55: 42,600 --> 00: 55: 45,840 It was insanely expensive, and the EMI thought they were kidding. 692 00: 55: 46,000 --> 00: 55: 49,200 Why do it all on a pop album? 693 00: 55: 49,360 --> 00: 55: 53,440 -which will be replaced by a new one within six months? 694 00: 55: 53,600 --> 00: 55: 59,360 They did not understand it, But the Beatles had huge ambitions. 695 00: 55: 59,520 --> 00: 56: 04,880 And talent. And ego. They would do something really special. 696 00: 56: 05,040 --> 00: 56: 07,520 This with the medals ... 697 00: 56: 07,680 --> 00: 56: 14,000 Pete Best's father was a boxing promoter in Liverpool at Liverpool Stadium. 698 00: 56: 14,160 --> 00: 56: 21,480 And he had a cup from Liverpool. 699 00: 56: 21,640 --> 00: 56: 25,840 Neil Aspinall brought it, so it could be used on the cover. 700 00: 56: 26,000 --> 00: 56: 32,960 My mother's family was born under Rajahen. An English military family in India. 701 00: 56: 35,080 --> 00: 56: 40,800 My mother's father, my grandfather, was major in The Queen's Lancers. 702 00: 56: 40,960 --> 00: 56: 46,080 And my mother was very proud of his father's medals. 703 00: 56: 46,200 --> 00: 56: 52,280 Tit when the four were visiting, she showed them the medals. 704 00: 56: 52,440 --> 00: 56: 57,120 Brian came past in 1967 while they collected all the things for "Sgt. Pepper". 705 00: 56: 57,280 --> 00: 57: 01,000 And John came to mind the medals. 706 00: 57: 01,160 --> 00: 57: 04,240 He thinks, that they would be fed up with. 707 00: 57: 04,400 --> 00: 57: 08,520 So he asked Neil to ask my mother, Mona, if he could borrow them. 708 00: 57: 08,680 --> 00: 57: 12,280 She said, that he would like his heart 709 00: 57: 12,440 --> 00: 57: 15,440 -but she wanted them back. 710 00: 57: 15,600 --> 00: 57: 19,680 So Neil took them to London. 711 00: 57: 19,800 --> 00: 57: 23,040 Then they looked at all things- 712 00: 57: 23,200 --> 00: 57: 27,120 John decided to to have those medals on. 713 00: 57: 27,280 --> 00: 57: 31,120 You can see them on the cover on "Sgt. Pepper". 714 00: 57: 32,800 --> 00: 57: 36,280 The good thing was that he kept words. 715 00: 57: 37,680 --> 00: 57: 43,360 He sent the medals back to Mona with Neil's help. 716 00: 57: 43,520 --> 00: 57: 47,520 And so the family became involved in "Sgt. Pepper". 717 00: 57: 47,640 --> 00: 57: 51,400 The album became the world's best-selling. 718 00: 57: 51,560 --> 00: 57: 55,800 And there they are ... 719 00: 57: 55,960 --> 00: 57: 59,640 For many years there was none, who knew it. 720 00: 57: 59,800 --> 00: 58: 03,200 Chas and Jimi were my good friends. 721 00: 58: 03,360 --> 00: 58: 08,640 I had a vinyl with "Sgt. Pepper" and gave it to Chas. 722 00: 58: 08,760 --> 00: 58: 10,960 He played it for Jimi. 723 00: 58: 11,120 --> 00: 58: 17,080 He caught it right away and practiced on it. 724 00: 58: 17,280 --> 00: 58: 23,520 I heard him play at The Saville Theater Sundays after the release- 725 00: 58: 23,680 --> 00: 58: 26,440 and he played songs from it. 726 00: 58: 26,600 --> 00: 58: 32,400 McCartney loved it. He took it as a compliment- 727 00: 58: 32,560 --> 00: 58: 36,960 for here it was hard here rock star who played his songs. 728 00: 58: 37,120 --> 00: 58: 40,600 He was a songwriter and he loved, when people played his songs. 729 00: 58: 40,760 --> 00: 58: 46,760 When "Sgt. Pepper" appeared on June 1, 1967, had it been on its way so long- 730 00: 58: 46,920 --> 00: 58: 51,960 -and the expectations were sky high, and you had read about it in the magazines. 731 00: 58: 52,120 --> 00: 58: 55,560 No matter where you walked around King's Road, then it became the game. 732 00: 58: 55,720 --> 00: 59: 01,760 In all shops and shops. It was an event. 733 00: 59: 01,920 --> 00: 59: 07,040 When I saw the cover, it was in itself also an event. 734 00: 59: 07,200 --> 00: 59: 10,760 It was something amazing. 735 00: 59: 10,920 --> 00: 59: 15,760 When we filmed "Strawberry Fields" ... 736 00: 59: 15,920 --> 00: 59: 19,200 We filmed in Sevenoaks in Kent- 737 00: 59: 19,360 --> 00: 59: 23,160 - and we had a small hotel, called the bright's hotel. 738 00: 59: 23,320 --> 00: 59: 28,680 There was an antique dealer side by side and the posters hung. 739 00: 59: 28,840 --> 00: 59: 33,480 It cost well just a pound. 740 00: 59: 34,840 --> 00: 59: 40,400 There stood "In honor of Mr. Kite ..." and then all the numbers got upset- 741 00: 59: 40,560 --> 00: 59: 46,760 -Pablo Fanque's circus, the dancing horse and everything ... 742 00: 59: 46,920 --> 00: 59: 51,600 He put it in glass and frame and hung it in his living room in Weybridge- 743 00: 59: 51,760 --> 00: 59: 58,520 and then he wrote the song based on the poster. 744 00: 59: 59,520 --> 01: 00: 01,920 He made poetry out of it. 745 01: 00: 02,080 --> 01: 00: 07,960 And George Martin made all the beautiful circus effects on- 746 01: 00: 08,120 --> 01: 00: 11,000 and made it a masterpiece. 747 01: 00: 11,160 --> 01: 00: 15,640 He got his inspiration elsewhere from "Sgt. Pepper". 748 01: 00: 15,800 --> 01: 00: 20,600 He read in Daily Mail that his friend Tara Brown died in a car crash. 749 01: 00: 20,760 --> 01: 00: 26,160 And the same was true of Paul. He read in the Daily Mail about Melanie Cole- 750 01: 00: 26,320 --> 01: 00: 29,240 -which had left home to meet a man. 751 01: 00: 29,400 --> 01: 00: 34,080 Paul invented a man from the automotive industry, and everyone thought it was Terry Doran. 752 01: 00: 34,240 --> 01: 00: 38,720 Terry Doran was one of their friends, who had a car dealer. 753 01: 00: 38,880 --> 01: 00: 44,160 Chertsey. It was one of the wheels from John Lennon's Rolls-Royce. 754 01: 00: 44,320 --> 01: 00: 50,400 It is cool. If you are over 80, means That's great. 6,000 for a 1965 Phantom- 755 01: 00: 50,560 --> 01: 00: 52,680 as beautiful inside as outside. 756 01: 00: 52,840 --> 01: 00: 57,320 Or maybe not entirely, now when it has been stuffed with equipment. 757 01: 00: 57,480 --> 01: 01: 01,600 Not even a Beatle could wish for more. 758 01: 01: 01,760 --> 01: 01: 07,880 Paul admitted having taken LSD in Life Magazine. 759 01: 01: 08,040 --> 01: 01: 10,960 I read it on the front page by Daily Mirror. 760 01: 01: 11,120 --> 01: 01: 16,800 It spread in the press and also came to the TV news. 761 01: 01: 16,920 --> 01: 01: 21,720 I think John was struck by it. He and George were the first to take the LSD- 762 01: 01: 21,880 --> 01: 01: 26,400 -and that's Paul, It comes out first. 763 01: 01: 26,560 --> 01: 01: 31,680 They thought it was unfair, because they had been the pioneers. 764 01: 01: 31,840 --> 01: 01: 35,280 How often have you taken LSD? 765 01: 01: 36,400 --> 01: 01: 40,160 -Around four times. -Where did you get it from? 766 01: 01: 40,320 --> 01: 01: 45,720 It would be silly to say where I got it off when it's illegal. 767 01: 01: 45,880 --> 01: 01: 51,400 -So I would rather not say that. -Had it not been better to tie? 768 01: 01: 51,560 --> 01: 01: 56,400 I was asked the question by a journalist from a newspaper- 769 01: 01: 56,560 --> 01: 01: 59,520 and it was a matter of lying- 770 01: 01: 59,680 --> 01: 02: 03,960 -or tell the truth 771 01: 02: 04,120 --> 01: 02: 07,200 And I decided to tell the truth. 772 01: 02: 07,360 --> 01: 02: 13,240 But I did not want to say that. If I could decide- 773 01: 02: 13,440 --> 01: 02: 18,560 -If I have not said anything. I'm not out to bash it. 774 01: 02: 18,720 --> 01: 02: 25,480 But the journalist is from the media. I would keep it secret- 775 01: 02: 25,640 --> 01: 02: 28,320 -If he also tiger with it. 776 01: 02: 28,480 --> 01: 02: 32,960 But he wanted to spread it, so that's his responsibility. 777 01: 02: 34,560 --> 01: 02: 40,520 But you are a public person. You must have known that it became a headline. 778 01: 02: 40,680 --> 01: 02: 43,960 Yes, but to say that's just to tell the truth. 779 01: 02: 44,160 --> 01: 02: 48,440 I say it, as it is. Why do people get angry about it? 780 01: 02: 48,600 --> 01: 02: 52,040 Do you mean that you have called your fans to take drugs? 781 01: 02: 52,200 --> 01: 02: 57,680 That makes no difference. They do not take drugs just because I've done it. 782 01: 02: 57,840 --> 01: 03: 03,040 That's not the point either. I was asked if I had tried it. 783 01: 03: 03,200 --> 01: 03: 09,160 Whether or not it will encourage people or not- 784 01: 03: 09,320 --> 01: 03: 12,320 It is up to the newspapers and the television. 785 01: 03: 12,480 --> 01: 03: 15,360 You spread it at this moment. 786 01: 03: 15,520 --> 01: 03: 18,880 It comes into everyone's living rooms. 787 01: 03: 19,040 --> 01: 03: 24,960 I'd rather not have it, but you ask the questions. 788 01: 03: 25,120 --> 01: 03: 28,560 But as a public person do you have a responsibility? 789 01: 03: 28,720 --> 01: 03: 34,160 No, it's your responsibility not to spread it. 790 01: 03: 34,320 --> 01: 03: 39,440 I'm totally prepared to stay close with that if you do. 791 01: 03: 39,600 --> 01: 03: 41,760 If you tire, I do too. 792 01: 03: 41,920 --> 01: 03: 48,680 One must remember that when it came to light, was it not illegal here in the country. 793 01: 03: 48,840 --> 01: 03: 52,840 There was a place called International Psychedelic Center- 794 01: 03: 53,000 --> 01: 03: 57,440 where you could walk in from the street and try it. 795 01: 03: 57,600 --> 01: 04: 00,160 It was quickly done illegally- 796 01: 04: 00,320 --> 01: 04: 06,560 -but there were plausible reasons for that that it was great to try. 797 01: 04: 06,720 --> 01: 04: 10,080 John said, that "lucy in the sky with diamonds" 798 01: 04: 10,240 --> 01: 04: 14,520 Come from once his son Julian, got home from school with a drawing- 799 01: 04: 14,680 --> 01: 04: 19,840 where there was a girl from school up in a sky full of diamonds. 800 01: 04: 20,000 --> 01: 04: 24,000 John claimed, that nothing had to do with LSD. 801 01: 04: 24,120 --> 01: 04: 27,560 I think now that it had. 802 01: 04: 27,720 --> 01: 04: 34,120 John must have been dyslexic if he could not see that the title was for LSD. 803 01: 04: 34,280 --> 01: 04: 36,640 And we know he was not dyslexic. 804 01: 04: 36,800 --> 01: 04: 43,520 You must have good imagination to believe in John's claim that it was an accident. 805 01: 04: 43,680 --> 01: 04: 47,200 I think now, that it was more than one case. 806 01: 04: 47,360 --> 01: 04: 51,680 It is a coincidence, that it's the initials for LSD. 807 01: 04: 51,840 --> 01: 04: 56,400 I do not believe it was intended. 808 01: 04: 56,560 --> 01: 05: 02,600 For example, people would ask John, what "I am the Walrus" meant. 809 01: 05: 02,760 --> 01: 05: 05,600 "Can you explain what that means?" 810 01: 05: 05,760 --> 01: 05: 10,320 He intentionally wrote something weird. 811 01: 05: 10,480 --> 01: 05: 15,600 I have a quote in my book: "Let them figure it out." 812 01: 05: 15,760 --> 01: 05: 19,520 He did not send messages. He made false marks. 813 01: 05: 19,680 --> 01: 05: 23,760 Beatles had a good story about, why it did not mean LSD. 814 01: 05: 23,920 --> 01: 05: 27,280 But that story was certainly written by Brian Epstein. 815 01: 05: 27,440 --> 01: 05: 32,080 I think it was LSD, but that had been better if it were not. 816 01: 05: 32,240 --> 01: 05: 36,040 The BBC was right in, that it was what it was. 817 01: 05: 36,200 --> 01: 05: 39,080 But it was the culture of the time. 818 01: 05: 39,240 --> 01: 05: 42,880 They knew what they were doing with the little jokes in "Sgt. Pepper". 819 01: 05: 43,040 --> 01: 05: 49,440 There were also jokes earlier, for example in "Penny Lane", "fish and finger pie". 820 01: 05: 49,600 --> 01: 05: 55,200 They wrote it on purpose. It was a little vulgar. A schoolboy-vainness. 821 01: 05: 55,360 --> 01: 06: 01,760 They forbade "A Day in the Life" due 'Too many holes to fill The Albert Hall'. 822 01: 06: 01,920 --> 01: 06: 06,880 It was an article about holes in the road of Blackburn, Lancashire. 823 01: 06: 07,040 --> 01: 06: 10,400 And they thought, It had to do with syringes in the arm. 824 01: 06: 10,560 --> 01: 06: 14,480 So it was banned. Such was the setting at that time. 825 01: 06: 14,640 --> 01: 06: 20,880 There is no doubt they took big chances on that album. 826 01: 06: 21,040 --> 01: 06: 26,160 When they sang: "I love to turn you on" - 827 01: 06: 26,320 --> 01: 06: 31,160 so they knew what they were doing. They had gone away with much. 828 01: 06: 31,320 --> 01: 06: 35,080 They thought, they could get rid of it all. 829 01: 06: 35,240 --> 01: 06: 40,480 They presented the whole world for psychedelic drugs. 830 01: 06: 40,640 --> 01: 06: 46,760 They had the stage. There was a part with drugs in America and Timothy Leary. 831 01: 06: 47,720 --> 01: 06: 51,840 And the one from there "The Tibetan Dead Book": 832 01: 06: 51,960 --> 01: 06: 54,880 "I know, how it is to be dead. " 833 01: 06: 55,040 --> 01: 06: 59,280 It was completely insane. From "She Loves You" and to it. 834 01: 06: 59,440 --> 01: 07: 02,280 It was a dramatic statement. 835 01: 07: 02,440 --> 01: 07: 06,520 It was usually Mike and Keith and their band that got on the puckle- 836 01: 07: 06,680 --> 01: 07: 11,760 -to be badly influenced and Someone your daughter should not go out with. 837 01: 07: 11,920 --> 01: 07: 14,680 But Beatles were not saints. 838 01: 07: 14,880 --> 01: 07: 19,800 That would all four have granted. 839 01: 07: 19,960 --> 01: 07: 25,480 It was not considered as bad as the drugs that scared the English- 840 01: 07: 25,640 --> 01: 07: 29,600 such as cocaine, which had been on the market forever. 841 01: 07: 29,760 --> 01: 07: 34,880 People like Lady Diana Cooper, a great celebrity from the 20's- 842 01: 07: 35,040 --> 01: 07: 38,480 - saw later for different pop stars: 843 01: 07: 38,640 --> 01: 07: 44,080 "In the 20's we sat around the dinner table with silver salt tank full of cocaine. " 844 01: 07: 44,240 --> 01: 07: 45,880 So that was nothing new. 845 01: 07: 46,040 --> 01: 07: 52,320 Lennon read Lewis Carroll and that kind of. And they took it all in. 846 01: 07: 52,440 --> 01: 07: 56,160 Then at that time were drugs somewhat progressive. 847 01: 07: 56,320 --> 01: 08: 00,680 One could find his inner light and that kind of thing. 848 01: 08: 00,840 --> 01: 08: 03,920 Music is a spiritual experience in many ways. 849 01: 08: 04,080 --> 01: 08: 08,200 They used to go to the bathroom; they did not do it in the studio. 850 01: 08: 08,360 --> 01: 08: 13,160 They could appear behind a screen and take a quick blow of a joint. 851 01: 08: 13,320 --> 01: 08: 19,120 But there was once, where John had to go upstairs 852 01: 08: 19,280 --> 01: 08: 25,200 Paul drove him home to himself. Neil Aspinall was there too. 853 01: 08: 25,360 --> 01: 08: 28,800 They looked at John. You could not be alone with LSD. 854 01: 08: 28,960 --> 01: 08: 34,120 When you took drugs, did you only know- 855 01: 08: 34,280 --> 01: 08: 37,960 -at whatever happened on your trip, did you know it was a trip. 856 01: 08: 38,120 --> 01: 08: 43,920 And then you had to live with that knowledge and do not keep taking it. 857 01: 08: 44,080 --> 01: 08: 48,760 That's why it was so easy when Maharishi showed up because everyone was ready. 858 01: 08: 48,960 --> 01: 08: 54,960 The time of Maharishi began with Georges's wife, Patti Boyd. 859 01: 08: 55,120 --> 01: 08: 57,240 She had heard of him. 860 01: 08: 57,400 --> 01: 09: 00,360 Maharishi had often been to London. 861 01: 09: 00,520 --> 01: 09: 03,680 I can remember his photo from the subway 862 01: 09: 03,840 --> 01: 09: 06,680 long before Beatles discovered him. 863 01: 09: 06,840 --> 01: 09: 12,640 They are in a situation where wealth and fame begins to bore them. 864 01: 09: 12,800 --> 01: 09: 16,320 They are looking for something more spiritual. 865 01: 09: 16,480 --> 01: 09: 21,720 And Maharishi had a direct route for peace and enlightenment- 866 01: 09: 21,880 --> 01: 09: 24,320 -and you just have to use half an hour a day- 867 01: 09: 24,480 --> 01: 09: 28,040 and it perfectly suited a rock star's concentration ability. 868 01: 09: 28,200 --> 01: 09: 32,560 I was called up by Michael McCartney who said: 869 01: 09: 32,720 --> 01: 09: 37,080 "There must be a happening." There were always happenings in the 1960s. 870 01: 09: 37,240 --> 01: 09: 42,160 It could just be to eat a burger together; it was a happening. 871 01: 09: 42,320 --> 01: 09: 47,680 He said, "They are going to Bangor tomorrow to visit Maharishi. " 872 01: 09: 47,840 --> 01: 09: 51,160 "And who is he?" "They met him last night." 873 01: 09: 51,360 --> 01: 09: 56,720 They had been to one of his arrangements at the Hilton Hotel. 874 01: 09: 56,880 --> 01: 10: 04,640 George was already busy of Indian spirituality and music. 875 01: 10: 06,640 --> 01: 10: 10,560 I sat on the train in the cabin with the four Beatles. 876 01: 10: 10,720 --> 01: 10: 14,000 This is in 1967. It was a first class coupé. 877 01: 10: 14,160 --> 01: 10: 19,960 Once upon a time there was a closed coupe, where you could pull the curtains for. 878 01: 10: 20,160 --> 01: 10: 24,680 I sat there with the four Beatles, me, Mick Jagger and Marianne Faithful. 879 01: 10: 24,840 --> 01: 10: 27,320 We drove all the way to Bangor. 880 01: 10: 27,480 --> 01: 10: 31,960 Along the way, we stopped in Chester- 881 01: 10: 32,120 --> 01: 10: 36,240 -where were children on the platform and searched for autographs. 882 01: 10: 36,400 --> 01: 10: 41,440 One could open the windows. The children got three autographs, but not j Johns. 883 01: 10: 41,600 --> 01: 10: 44,280 John said, "I'm robbed of it." 884 01: 10: 44,440 --> 01: 10: 47,560 And then they cried, so I wrote Johns autographs. 885 01: 10: 47,720 --> 01: 10: 52,080 Maharishi was on the same train, and we visited him in his cabin- 886 01: 10: 52,240 --> 01: 10: 55,360 where he gave us a secret mantra 887 01: 11: 06,920 --> 01: 11: 10,600 How is it To have Beatles as followers? 888 01: 11: 10,760 --> 01: 11: 14,360 It's great for the younger generation- 889 01: 11: 14,520 --> 01: 11: 18,480 -for whose Beatles begins with transcendental meditation- 890 01: 11: 18,640 --> 01: 11: 22,640 Is it an ideal energy? for the younger generation- 891 01: 11: 22,800 --> 01: 11: 29,160 and it will give the youth a good level of understanding and intelligence. 892 01: 11: 29,320 --> 01: 11: 33,120 I'm glad they came here last night. 893 01: 11: 33,280 --> 01: 11: 36,480 We talked together for an hour after the event. 894 01: 11: 36,640 --> 01: 11: 39,720 They seem very intelligent and open. 895 01: 11: 39,880 --> 01: 11: 44,960 Do you think Beatles can spread your teachings to other young people if they adopt it? 896 01: 11: 45,120 --> 01: 11: 51,480 Not only in England, all over the world, too Beatles is known on all continents- 897 01: 11: 51,640 --> 01: 11: 54,880 and the young people are fascinated by them. 898 01: 11: 55,040 --> 01: 12: 00,360 -What do you mean about Beatles? -They are very intelligent, young boys. 899 01: 12: 00,520 --> 01: 12: 06,040 And what about their music? -I have not heard it. 900 01: 12: 06,200 --> 01: 12: 10,800 But they must have something grateful in their music. 901 01: 12: 18,320 --> 01: 12: 22,800 Cynthia was always left behind, like Candide in the song. 902 01: 12: 22,960 --> 01: 12: 29,160 When they went to Wales to hear Maharishi, she arrived late for the train. 903 01: 12: 29,320 --> 01: 12: 32,880 They all took the train, and she stood on the platform and cried. 904 01: 12: 33,040 --> 01: 12: 37,680 I think that Maharishi was right turning and knew how to get a review. 905 01: 12: 37,840 --> 01: 12: 43,680 There were people from previous generations, who had also settled on the rich- 906 01: 12: 43,840 --> 01: 12: 49,600 -for they knew that if the jetset took their ideas to themselves- 907 01: 12: 49,760 --> 01: 12: 53,920 -well it also spread to the rest of the population. So it was not new. 908 01: 12: 54,080 --> 01: 12: 57,440 Maharishi did the same. Hare Krishna did it. 909 01: 12: 57,600 --> 01: 13: 01,920 They felt something with Apple and ended with a record contract. 910 01: 13: 02,080 --> 01: 13: 04,880 If anyone knows Hare Krishna- 911 01: 13: 05,040 --> 01: 13: 10,680 -would they know that they achieved their popularity through the Beatles. 912 01: 13: 41,600 --> 01: 13: 47,640 I know from my own experience, what they experienced. 913 01: 13: 47,800 --> 01: 13: 55,040 You are experiencing a part in such a band, and you just want to discover more. 914 01: 13: 55,200 --> 01: 14: 00,960 You are playing live on stage, one creates music, you have amazing experiences ... 915 01: 14: 01,120 --> 01: 14: 07,560 It's amazing input, and you should be able to handle it. 916 01: 14: 07,720 --> 01: 14: 12,800 They must have led the spirituality on a higher level. 917 01: 14: 12,960 --> 01: 14: 19,560 Maharishi was clever. An American Woman advertised for him in America. 918 01: 14: 19,720 --> 01: 14: 24,600 It was her son who stayed Bungalow Bill on "The White Album". 919 01: 14: 24,760 --> 01: 14: 29,880 So yes he knew the value very well of the review- 920 01: 14: 30,040 --> 01: 14: 33,200 - in connection with these four most famous guys- 921 01: 14: 33,360 --> 01: 14: 36,200 -in least the most famous singing group. 922 01: 14: 36,360 --> 01: 14: 42,120 He knew nothing about their music, but He knew the value of their propagation. 923 01: 14: 43,400 --> 01: 14: 46,400 Maharishi was a dreaded businessman. 924 01: 14: 46,560 --> 01: 14: 52,480 He had studied physics at the university, so he had a scientific side- 925 01: 14: 52,640 --> 01: 14: 57,880 a PR page, and see this spiritual side. 926 01: 15: 13,600 --> 01: 15: 19,280 We reached Bangor. When it was evening, the roadiers were still not arrived. 927 01: 15: 19,440 --> 01: 15: 25,360 We went to town to eat. We went to Chinese restaurant. 928 01: 15: 25,520 --> 01: 15: 30,040 The bill was ten pounds, and I only had five pounds on me 929 01: 15: 31,360 --> 01: 15: 34,800 I apologized many times. 930 01: 15: 34,960 --> 01: 15: 39,320 There were Chinese waiters there enough had come from Hong Kong the day before. 931 01: 15: 39,480 --> 01: 15: 42,200 They could only hear a Liverpool accent. 932 01: 15: 42,360 --> 01: 15: 47,360 It was quite common that it came roots from Liverpool on Saturday evening. 933 01: 15: 47,520 --> 01: 15: 51,400 They wanted to eat and drink and run from the bill. 934 01: 15: 51,560 --> 01: 15: 54,400 They closed the door, flip the knives ... 935 01: 15: 54,560 --> 01: 15: 58,600 I said, "I am a journalist at the Sunday Times. Here's my card. " 936 01: 15: 58,760 --> 01: 16: 02,760 "I'm coming with the money tomorrow." It was developing- 937 01: 16: 02,920 --> 01: 16: 06,400 George put his foot on the table. 938 01: 16: 06,560 --> 01: 16: 10,000 He had handmade, Indian sandals on. 939 01: 16: 10,160 --> 01: 16: 13,520 He asked for a knife and cut off the top. 940 01: 16: 13,680 --> 01: 16: 17,960 Beatles had been famous for four years. 941 01: 16: 18,120 --> 01: 16: 21,520 Like another royal family they were stopped spending money. 942 01: 16: 21,680 --> 01: 16: 25,040 Roadiers kept the money. 943 01: 16: 25,200 --> 01: 16: 30,000 George gets the sandal up and drew a 20-dollar note forward. 944 01: 16: 30,160 --> 01: 16: 37,120 They were world famous multimillionaires, but had no clear money. 945 01: 16: 37,280 --> 01: 16: 43,200 He had thought he had a wonderful day would need serious cash. 946 01: 16: 43,360 --> 01: 16: 47,040 And it was that evening. 947 01: 16: 48,000 --> 01: 16: 52,800 Brian Epstein arranged a party to celebrate "Sgt. Pepper". 948 01: 16: 52,960 --> 01: 16: 59,720 Beatles would really like have had a special commercial 949 01: 16: 59,880 --> 01: 17: 04,400 -the time collapsed with the release. It did not happen. 950 01: 17: 04,560 --> 01: 17: 10,000 But Brian had started playing- 951 01: 17: 10,160 --> 01: 17: 15,240 and he also took too many pills. He slid farther and farther away. 952 01: 17: 15,400 --> 01: 17: 22,360 Even Cilla Black and her husband went to brian and asked for a new manager. 953 01: 17: 22,560 --> 01: 17: 25,640 He cried and praised her to stay. 954 01: 17: 25,800 --> 01: 17: 30,440 Brian was gay. 955 01: 17: 32,520 --> 01: 17: 35,320 People around him knew it. 956 01: 17: 35,480 --> 01: 17: 39,320 The strange thing was ... 957 01: 17: 39,480 --> 01: 17: 45,440 Everyone thought he was fond of Paul, for Paul was the kind of them. 958 01: 17: 45,600 --> 01: 17: 49,720 But he was fond of John, because he preferred macho guys. 959 01: 17: 49,880 --> 01: 17: 54,320 When he was on a hunt in London- 960 01: 17: 54,480 --> 01: 17: 58,120 did he always go for guys, There were no gays. 961 01: 17: 58,280 --> 01: 18: 03,400 He wanted to drink them in the fence and take them home. 962 01: 18: 04,440 --> 01: 18: 07,960 He would try to bring them to bed, and then they tore him. 963 01: 18: 08,120 --> 01: 18: 12,200 That's what he turned on. He was a masochist and got bored. 964 01: 18: 13,240 --> 01: 18: 18,000 And afterwards they stole his things. 965 01: 18: 18,160 --> 01: 18: 21,600 They often stole tape and sent them to Radio Luxembourg. 966 01: 18: 21,760 --> 01: 18: 24,160 It was horrible. 967 01: 18: 24,320 --> 01: 18: 30,560 Imagine if they stole Beatles ties, which had not been released yet. 968 01: 18: 30,720 --> 01: 18: 33,360 There was not much for Brian to make. 969 01: 18: 33,520 --> 01: 18: 41,080 But his company, NEMS, had become the world largest entertainment company. 970 01: 18: 41,280 --> 01: 18: 43,960 They all represented. 971 01: 18: 44,160 --> 01: 18: 49,000 Beatles, Andy Williams, Bee Gees, Cream, Donovan, Tony Bennett ... 972 01: 18: 49,160 --> 01: 18: 53,280 And that had happened within four years time. 973 01: 18: 53,440 --> 01: 18: 57,840 If Beatles ceased to tour, and they were 974 01: 18: 59,240 --> 01: 19: 04,560 And reaches the record contracts was signed and handed- 975 01: 19: 04,720 --> 01: 19: 11,400 and the publishing contracts were in place, then there was nothing for a manager to do. 976 01: 19: 11,560 --> 01: 19: 14,720 They addressed others to get good advice- 977 01: 19: 14,880 --> 01: 19: 19,280 -how they should live spend their money and their sense 978 01: 19: 19,440 --> 01: 19: 23,120 And Brian felt more and more outside. He took more and more drugs- 979 01: 19: 23,280 --> 01: 19: 28,040 -rended for lovers, and became more promiscuous. 980 01: 19: 28,200 --> 01: 19: 32,920 He distanced himself from them, just as they distanced themselves from him. 981 01: 19: 37,680 --> 01: 19: 41,280 They entered into his transcendental meditation movement. 982 01: 19: 41,440 --> 01: 19: 44,960 And they were going to a course in Bangor in northern Wales. 983 01: 19: 45,120 --> 01: 19: 48,480 It was a big circus, when they sat on the train- 984 01: 19: 48,640 --> 01: 19: 53,360 -to deal with this much different teaching environment. 985 01: 19: 53,520 --> 01: 19: 57,880 And it was there, The news of Brian's death reached them. 986 01: 19: 58,080 --> 01: 20: 02,720 The housekeeper found him in his bedroom just after 14 o'clock. 987 01: 20: 02,880 --> 01: 20: 05,560 She said he was used to habits to sleep long for the weekend- 988 01: 20: 05,760 --> 01: 20: 09,360 -If he had a hard week. 989 01: 20: 09,520 --> 01: 20: 14,400 She said he was at home the whole of the previous day and evening. 990 01: 20: 14,520 --> 01: 20: 17,440 Mr. Epstein had been ill for a few months. 991 01: 20: 17,600 --> 01: 20: 20,920 He has taken sleeping medicine to sleep. 992 01: 20: 21,120 --> 01: 20: 26,680 For only a month ago, experienced he's sudden death of his father. 993 01: 20: 26,880 --> 01: 20: 31,200 Friends had tried to persuade him to holiday. 994 01: 20: 31,360 --> 01: 20: 35,520 But he must have said so late as yesterday he was completely upstairs. 995 01: 20: 35,640 --> 01: 20: 39,920 The friends have come here all afternoon and evening. 996 01: 20: 40,080 --> 01: 20: 43,760 They have spoken to his lawyer, mr. David Jacobs. 997 01: 20: 43,920 --> 01: 20: 48,640 And one of them left the house a little while ago and said it was an accident. 998 01: 20: 48,800 --> 01: 20: 51,560 He was unhappy. 999 01: 20: 51,720 --> 01: 20: 55,600 He never had a regular partner. 1000 01: 20: 55,760 --> 01: 20: 58,920 He had lots of partners, many from apple- 1001 01: 20: 59,080 --> 01: 21: 02,600 But it never became true a proper relationship. 1002 01: 21: 02,760 --> 01: 21: 07,520 When he had these guys here, and it went crazy- 1003 01: 21: 07,680 --> 01: 21: 13,920 He was depressed and took pills and was suicidal. 1004 01: 21: 14,080 --> 01: 21: 20,080 He did not commit suicide, but he had tried to commit suicide earlier. 1005 01: 21: 20,240 --> 01: 21: 23,880 And that made him depressed ... 1006 01: 21: 25,680 --> 01: 21: 28,720 How would you like to pay mr. Epstein? 1007 01: 21: 28,880 --> 01: 21: 33,320 We do not know what to say. We loved him. He was one of us. 1008 01: 21: 33,480 --> 01: 21: 36,880 We can not express it in words. 1009 01: 21: 37,040 --> 01: 21: 38,960 What is your plan now? 1010 01: 21: 39,120 --> 01: 21: 43,480 We are going home to London and help, as good as we can. 1011 01: 21: 43,680 --> 01: 21: 47,560 Can Maharashi comfort you? 1012 01: 21: 47,720 --> 01: 21: 53,320 Meditation can give you strength to stand against something like this. 1013 01: 21: 53,480 --> 01: 21: 56,440 Even the little we have learned so far. 1014 01: 21: 56,600 --> 01: 22: 01,680 Some of it, we have already learned is- 1015 01: 22: 01,840 --> 01: 22: 07,680 -at death is not found Death is found on a physical plane- 1016 01: 22: 07,840 --> 01: 22: 12,320 -but life goes on like before. 1017 01: 22: 12,480 --> 01: 22: 18,520 So that's not bad. It's bad, but not yet. 1018 01: 22: 19,640 --> 01: 22: 24,360 It is a comfort to know, that he's okay. 1019 01: 22: 26,000 --> 01: 22: 30,920 I can understand that Maharishi talked to you this afternoon. 1020 01: 22: 31,080 --> 01: 22: 34,280 May I ask what advice he gave you? 1021 01: 22: 34,440 --> 01: 22: 39,440 He said we should not let the sorrow strike us out 1022 01: 22: 39,600 --> 01: 22: 42,720 -mind happy thoughts about brian- 1023 01: 22: 42,880 --> 01: 22: 47,120 -for our thoughts will reach him, wherever he is. 1024 01: 22: 47,280 --> 01: 22: 52,000 -Had he met mr. Epstein? -No. But he looked forward to meeting him. 1025 01: 22: 52,160 --> 01: 22: 55,240 -Tomorrow? -Yes. 1026 01: 22: 55,400 --> 01: 22: 58,440 One can see that John is completely knocked out. 1027 01: 22: 58,600 --> 01: 23: 04,200 They were very busy with Maharishi. It was not just a new grill. 1028 01: 23: 04,360 --> 01: 23: 06,560 They believed in him. 1029 01: 23: 06,720 --> 01: 23: 11,920 They ended up in pure chaos. Brian died. 1030 01: 23: 12,080 --> 01: 23: 17,320 And it... There are enough periods in everyone's life- 1031 01: 23: 17,480 --> 01: 23: 25,720 where we turn to one or other kind of religious philosophy 1032 01: 23: 25,880 --> 01: 23: 30,120 -in a search for answers. And that's what they did. 1033 01: 23: 31,240 --> 01: 23: 34,480 I got up early early by a friend. 1034 01: 23: 34,640 --> 01: 23: 38,040 And I could not believe it. 1035 01: 23: 38,200 --> 01: 23: 43,680 I remember that I was thinking, how we could continue 1036 01: 23: 43,800 --> 01: 23: 50,280 It was a huge shock for everyone. How would it go? 1037 01: 23: 50,440 --> 01: 23: 54,160 I remember, that Maharishi said to them, 1038 01: 23: 55,280 --> 01: 24: 00,080 "You must not be sad, because he has moved on to the next stage. " 1039 01: 24: 00,240 --> 01: 24: 06,600 "Do not be sad. He has traveled, and he is going to ... " 1040 01: 24: 06,760 --> 01: 24: 14,040 He said everything was messing up, and unfortunately the Beatles interview was immediately after- 1041 01: 24: 14,200 --> 01: 24: 17,680 that Maharishi had said all that nonsense. 1042 01: 24: 17,840 --> 01: 24: 21,120 And they seemed heartless. 1043 01: 24: 22,240 --> 01: 24: 28,560 Brian's mother and Brian's brother were shaken over the way it was manufactured. 1044 01: 24: 28,720 --> 01: 24: 30,800 They did not mean it. 1045 01: 24: 30,960 --> 01: 24: 35,680 Brian should have been in Bangor That week, but he stayed home. 1046 01: 24: 35,840 --> 01: 24: 40,920 This weekend invited Robert Stigwood got me home for drinks. 1047 01: 24: 41,080 --> 01: 24: 48,040 And when I arrived, Brian was there. We sat watching tv and got some drinks. 1048 01: 24: 48,200 --> 01: 24: 52,800 Afterwards we went to Battersea Tivoli, where we went for some hours. 1049 01: 24: 52,920 --> 01: 24: 58,840 We smoke some pot. I can remember we fist and you do when you smoke. 1050 01: 24: 59,000 --> 01: 25: 05,000 And then we went out and ate together. Brian asked if we could not see again. 1051 01: 25: 05,160 --> 01: 25: 07,640 So we agreed to meet the next evening. 1052 01: 25: 07,800 --> 01: 25: 14,040 And the next evening we drove to Islington and ate at Frederick's. 1053 01: 25: 14,200 --> 01: 25: 17,640 We drove home to him afterwards and got some drinks. 1054 01: 25: 17,800 --> 01: 25: 22,640 It became quite obvious that Brian I would like to stay there overnight. 1055 01: 25: 22,800 --> 01: 25: 25,640 And I certainly did not want that. 1056 01: 25: 25,800 --> 01: 25: 30,800 I said I would go, and Brian was moped. 1057 01: 25: 30,960 --> 01: 25: 36,080 And I went. He asked if I did not would come and stay there this weekend? 1058 01: 25: 36,240 --> 01: 25: 42,560 I knew why he asked, I saw answered that we could talk about it later. 1059 01: 25: 42,720 --> 01: 25: 47,920 He called the next day and asked again, and I said I was going to Ireland. 1060 01: 25: 48,080 --> 01: 25: 51,000 What do we know about the end of Brian's life? 1061 01: 25: 51,160 --> 01: 25: 55,800 Nothing. And we never find out. 1062 01: 25: 55,960 --> 01: 26: 01,680 I talked to you the following day, and she... 1063 01: 26: 01,840 --> 01: 26: 06,080 They did not even know, that he was at home. 1064 01: 26: 06,240 --> 01: 26: 08,880 He should have been in the country. 1065 01: 26: 10,720 --> 01: 26: 15,960 She told me that the driver had called and said he could not get the door open. 1066 01: 26: 16,120 --> 01: 26: 21,600 She then went there and found him. 1067 01: 26: 21,760 --> 01: 26: 29,160 I did not understand because he had seemed happy to be in the country. 1068 01: 26: 29,320 --> 01: 26: 34,280 Why did he come home in the middle of the weekend? 1069 01: 26: 35,640 --> 01: 26: 38,400 But we never find out. 1070 01: 26: 41,160 --> 01: 26: 44,640 Will I tell you about me and Brian? -Yes please. 1071 01: 26: 45,640 --> 01: 26: 50,680 While I was in Ireland, I was called up and was told that Brian was dead. 1072 01: 26: 50,880 --> 01: 26: 56,320 I read the newspapers and they wrote that he had been found dead by an overdose. 1073 01: 26: 56,480 --> 01: 27: 00,840 I had one of the first answering machines at home at all. 1074 01: 27: 01,000 --> 01: 27: 06,240 It was made especially for me a company that developed phones. 1075 01: 27: 06,400 --> 01: 27: 12,680 I had a sixth sense that when I got home and pressed it- 1076 01: 27: 12,840 --> 01: 27: 15,320 Well, there's a message from Brian. 1077 01: 27: 15,480 --> 01: 27: 19,480 When I came home, there were several messages from Brian. 1078 01: 27: 19,680 --> 01: 27: 22,760 He had taken the land as planned. 1079 01: 27: 22,920 --> 01: 27: 28,760 He rang while I was in Ireland. He asked me to come down to the country. 1080 01: 27: 28,920 --> 01: 27: 32,360 And then he called and said, that he went home and asked me to come. 1081 01: 27: 32,520 --> 01: 27: 35,400 I did not hear the messages. I was in Ireland. 1082 01: 27: 35,560 --> 01: 27: 38,920 He made several messages, and they became more and more snowy. 1083 01: 27: 39,080 --> 01: 27: 43,560 It was quite clear, that he took sleeping pills or something else. 1084 01: 27: 43,720 --> 01: 27: 48,280 He fell asleep, woke up and forgot, that he had taken one and took one more. 1085 01: 27: 48,480 --> 01: 27: 56,080 The last message was very blurred. He said, "Simon, only you were here." 1086 01: 27: 56,240 --> 01: 28: 00,560 And then he died. So I was a little involved in it. 1087 01: 28: 00,720 --> 01: 28: 05,200 And I did the typical British, correct and deleted tape. 1088 01: 28: 09,120 --> 01: 28: 12,080 I did not even listen again. 1089 01: 28: 12,240 --> 01: 28: 15,200 I did not know what it was worth. 1090 01: 28: 34,200 --> 01: 28: 38,480 Brian Epstein was with all the way. It was a huge shock. 1091 01: 28: 38,640 --> 01: 28: 42,280 Would they be able to continue? What should happen? 1092 01: 28: 44,040 --> 01: 28: 47,760 When you look back on it, it is, as if he had played his role. 1093 01: 28: 47,920 --> 01: 28: 53,760 He had traveled beyond, and they were heading somewhere else. 1094 01: 28: 54,920 --> 01: 28: 59,600 They discovered, that their protector had disappeared. 1095 01: 28: 59,760 --> 01: 29: 02,520 As a protective parent. 1096 01: 29: 02,680 --> 01: 29: 07,800 Brian's agreements were not always the most favorable for the Beatles- 1097 01: 29: 07,960 --> 01: 29: 12,040 because he was based on trades, Previously concluded 1098 01: 29: 12,200 --> 01: 29: 15,000 and it was a whole new territory. 1099 01: 29: 15,160 --> 01: 29: 20,360 But he devoted himself to the task to fully protect them. 1100 01: 29: 20,520 --> 01: 29: 27,520 Take the example of John's opinion about, that they were more popular than Jesus. 1101 01: 29: 27,680 --> 01: 29: 32,560 Brian was so nervous about their safety, that he would cancel the tour in America. 1102 01: 29: 32,720 --> 01: 29: 36,480 He could not, but he would like to. 1103 01: 29: 36,640 --> 01: 29: 40,200 And the impenetrable protection was now gone. 1104 01: 29: 40,360 --> 01: 29: 43,400 He had taken care of that, from the moment he met them. 1105 01: 29: 43,560 --> 01: 29: 46,040 He protected them. 1106 01: 29: 46,200 --> 01: 29: 51,640 Brians ... employee- 1107 01: 29: 51,800 --> 01: 29: 56,560 -Peter Brown and the others at the NEMS office- 1108 01: 29: 56,720 --> 01: 30: 01,160 -The serviced Beatles. They paid all their bills- 1109 01: 30: 01,320 --> 01: 30: 04,920 -The purchased gifts to their girlfriends and wives. 1110 01: 30: 05,080 --> 01: 30: 11,920 It was claimed that Brian was a bad manager, and he could have invested better. 1111 01: 30: 12,080 --> 01: 30: 15,000 But without him they would not have been 1112 01: 30: 15,160 --> 01: 30: 19,840 His devotion and conviction that, that they would be something ... 1113 01: 30: 20,000 --> 01: 30: 23,640 He did otherwise, as expected by a manager- 1114 01: 30: 23,800 --> 01: 30: 28,720 -to keep all the snatches away from them. 1115 01: 30: 28,880 --> 01: 30: 33,520 It's a little messy for it succeeded not Brian to do it for himself. 1116 01: 30: 33,680 --> 01: 30: 39,520 They snatched him and beat him money. But he cherished the Beatles. 1117 01: 30: 39,680 --> 01: 30: 46,120 So without him, and then his cautious deal with money had disappeared- 1118 01: 30: 46,280 --> 01: 30: 49,280 -therefore, the fools were categorized about them. 1119 01: 30: 49,440 --> 01: 30: 55,000 A group needs a referee. The fewest groups agree on everything. 1120 01: 30: 55,160 --> 01: 31: 00,880 We saw in the magazine Help, that they all four lived together 1121 01: 31: 01,040 --> 01: 31: 06,520 But it was only a short time, while they filmed. 1122 01: 31: 06,680 --> 01: 31: 10,760 You develop in a group, and you are not always agreed- 1123 01: 31: 10,920 --> 01: 31: 15,680 -but you make it work- 1124 01: 31: 15,840 --> 01: 31: 21,240 -and reaches to some form for common understanding. 1125 01: 31: 21,400 --> 01: 31: 26,240 But when Brian died, nobody was there to take over as leader. 1126 01: 31: 26,400 --> 01: 31: 31,520 They could not do anything alone. It had always been him. 1127 01: 31: 35,440 --> 01: 31: 39,480 As a band it was him, They held them together. 1128 01: 31: 39,640 --> 01: 31: 45,720 But they came back quickly on the track again and started Apple. 1129 01: 31: 45,880 --> 01: 31: 51,040 Apple was a financial maneuver in the attempt to secure their fortunes- 1130 01: 31: 51,200 --> 01: 31: 54,840 and to avoid paying Too much in income tax. 1131 01: 31: 55,000 --> 01: 31: 58,000 They could avoid that by investing in a company. 1132 01: 31: 58,160 --> 01: 32: 01,680 They made a mistake. 1133 01: 32: 01,840 --> 01: 32: 06,040 It did not protect their musical rights. 1134 01: 32: 06,200 --> 01: 32: 09,800 It was a short-term financial maneuver. 1135 01: 32: 09,960 --> 01: 32: 15,120 It should be a record mark with other support companies. 1136 01: 32: 15,280 --> 01: 32: 19,560 The influence of Beatles stretched out to all other areas, like fashion. 1137 01: 32: 19,720 --> 01: 32: 24,000 They should open a store and everything possible. 1138 01: 32: 24,120 --> 01: 32: 26,800 It should be a counseling- 1139 01: 32: 26,960 --> 01: 32: 33,360 -what creative people could get support and sympathy 1140 01: 32: 33,520 --> 01: 32: 37,480 For Beatles, remember, when they did not get support. 1141 01: 32: 37,640 --> 01: 32: 41,320 But Beatles always got support! It's a myth. 1142 01: 32: 41,480 --> 01: 32: 47,040 They had Brian Epstein, George Martin and Dick James. 1143 01: 32: 47,160 --> 01: 32: 52,120 They had three honest men there only worked for them and supported them. 1144 01: 32: 52,280 --> 01: 32: 58,600 But no, they had a hard time so they would help other distressed people. 1145 01: 32: 58,760 --> 01: 33: 05,120 I interviewed Paul, like had lots of communist ideas. 1146 01: 33: 05,280 --> 01: 33: 10,640 I thought it would never go. But I was a little in doubt ... 1147 01: 33: 10,800 --> 01: 33: 14,760 That sounds interesting, but ... 1148 01: 33: 14,920 --> 01: 33: 20,560 It was Paul, and maybe they were right. It turned out that they did not. 1149 01: 33: 20,720 --> 01: 33: 24,480 How to think Alice Pollock and Ossie Clark, that girls will go dressed in summer. 1150 01: 33: 24,600 --> 01: 33: 26,600 A few of the beatlers were among the audience. 1151 01: 33: 26,760 --> 01: 33: 32,360 George Harrison's wife, Patti Boyd, model, and John Lennon. 1152 01: 33: 36,520 --> 01: 33: 42,240 From curls to dresses, or rather a leather suits to 25 guinea. 1153 01: 33: 43,680 --> 01: 33: 47,960 Patti Boyd in an "African Queen" in crepe for 9.5 guinea. 1154 01: 33: 48,120 --> 01: 33: 52,080 And a bit less formal, a white satin jacket and black pants. 1155 01: 33: 52,240 --> 01: 33: 55,480 I worked at the Apple Store from the beginning. 1156 01: 33: 55,640 --> 01: 34: 00,480 I was there the three months before We traveled to India. 1157 01: 34: 00,640 --> 01: 34: 05,000 And that was so different than anything else. 1158 01: 34: 05,160 --> 01: 34: 08,480 We had beautiful nips items from India- 1159 01: 34: 08,640 --> 01: 34: 13,000 and pictures with Ganesha, gods and goddesses. 1160 01: 34: 13,160 --> 01: 34: 17,280 It was very exiting to work there. 1161 01: 34: 17,400 --> 01: 34: 21,880 But it was also in line with, how we felt in that time. 1162 01: 34: 23,760 --> 01: 34: 29,600 The world can be full of colors. It does not just have to be black and white. 1163 01: 34: 29,760 --> 01: 34: 33,440 -Have they visited you? -Yes yesterday. 1164 01: 34: 33,600 --> 01: 34: 36,760 We greeted you shortly, as soon as they arrived. 1165 01: 34: 38,160 --> 01: 34: 41,840 And now they have been with me since ten o'clock. 1166 01: 34: 42,000 --> 01: 34: 44,800 After they had eaten breakfast. 1167 01: 34: 44,960 --> 01: 34: 49,920 -How long were they with you? -For ten o'clock. About three hours. 1168 01: 34: 50,080 --> 01: 34: 53,400 Did you meditate or talk to you? 1169 01: 34: 53,560 --> 01: 34: 57,280 We meditated and spoke and meditated. They are very intelligent. 1170 01: 34: 58,280 --> 01: 35: 03,880 Are they so educated in meditation? What is their status? 1171 01: 35: 04,040 --> 01: 35: 08,960 -I hope so. -What should they do to achieve that? 1172 01: 35: 09,120 --> 01: 35: 15,360 They must achieve a deep, clear experience of being there. 1173 01: 35: 15,520 --> 01: 35: 20,440 I had mistakenly been told that that I had a throat infection. 1174 01: 35: 20,640 --> 01: 35: 24,480 It was something completely different. But people came to hospital visits. 1175 01: 35: 24,640 --> 01: 35: 30,280 And John and Cynthia came one of the days, and John had drawn a drawing to me. 1176 01: 35: 30,440 --> 01: 35: 35,160 It was a drawing of an inner with turban. 1177 01: 35: 35,320 --> 01: 35: 39,040 He plays the whistle. He is in tailor-made 1178 01: 35: 39,200 --> 01: 35: 42,880 And at the feet he has a basket with a snake on the way up. 1179 01: 35: 43,040 --> 01: 35: 47,680 There stood: "With the inner and outer strength- 1180 01: 35: 47,840 --> 01: 35: 52,440 -I deliver you for your evil almonds. Dear John and Cyn. " 1181 01: 35: 52,600 --> 01: 35: 56,680 George talked a lot about their experiences with LSD. 1182 01: 35: 56,840 --> 01: 36: 02,360 He saw it as climbing a mountain to discover another mountain behind. 1183 01: 36: 02,520 --> 01: 36: 07,440 I think, He would like to experience the whole drug freeze. 1184 01: 36: 07,600 --> 01: 36: 10,960 It gave them a natural break from it all. 1185 01: 36: 11,120 --> 01: 36: 15,720 They got an apology to be together in peace and quiet. 1186 01: 36: 15,880 --> 01: 36: 20,640 I do not know how Maharishi entered their life, but he was not the first one. 1187 01: 36: 20,800 --> 01: 36: 26,480 I was with them all the time and saw them on the Scotch of St. James. 1188 01: 36: 26,640 --> 01: 36: 30,360 And already then they saw another kind of guru. 1189 01: 36: 30,520 --> 01: 36: 35,600 I think Maharishi was number two in the series of Indian mystics. 1190 01: 36: 35,760 --> 01: 36: 39,880 They might discover, that the first was not at the top level. 1191 01: 36: 40,040 --> 01: 36: 42,960 So they went to India with Maharishi. 1192 01: 36: 43,120 --> 01: 36: 47,440 Afterwards we found out, that he was a bit of a scam maker. 1193 01: 36: 47,600 --> 01: 36: 51,120 But he gave them a five-star stay. 1194 01: 36: 51,280 --> 01: 36: 55,760 It is very nice to immerse yourself in the Indian mystical and its aesthetics- 1195 01: 36: 55,920 --> 01: 36: 58,840 -from a five-star hotel room. 1196 01: 36: 59,000 --> 01: 37: 03,080 I have a funny story from their visit to India. 1197 01: 37: 04,240 --> 01: 37: 09,120 Maureen, Ringo's wife, be scared of insects. 1198 01: 37: 09,280 --> 01: 37: 14,760 She went to Harrod's and bought an adult-sized kite suit. 1199 01: 37: 14,920 --> 01: 37: 17,240 So they could not bother her. 1200 01: 37: 18,480 --> 01: 37: 24,320 And Richie, who had a sweet belly, because he had been ill as a child- 1201 01: 37: 24,480 --> 01: 37: 30,120 asked me to buy a litervis Dr. Collis Browne's diarrhea. 1202 01: 37: 30,280 --> 01: 37: 34,240 And I should fill the suitcase with baked beans. 1203 01: 37: 34,400 --> 01: 37: 37,240 Baked Beans and Dr. Collis Browne. 1204 01: 37: 37,400 --> 01: 37: 44,000 I did so. His entire suitcase was full of it. 1205 01: 37: 44,160 --> 01: 37: 47,000 And then they came home after two weeks ... 1206 01: 37: 47,160 --> 01: 37: 53,040 I asked Maureen, if they had finished eating all the beans. 1207 01: 37: 53,200 --> 01: 37: 57,520 The whole Apple concept had been devised, before Brian died. 1208 01: 37: 57,680 --> 01: 38: 02,880 He was worried that it would make him even more redundant. 1209 01: 38: 03,000 --> 01: 38: 08,960 They did not say he could not join, but that was not his initiative. 1210 01: 38: 09,120 --> 01: 38: 12,840 I heard they talked about Apple, several weeks before Brian died. 1211 01: 38: 13,000 --> 01: 38: 17,320 I think it helped to give him the feeling of being outside. 1212 01: 38: 18,520 --> 01: 38: 24,600 When they bought Apple, we used to eat lunch together in the big office. 1213 01: 38: 25,800 --> 01: 38: 29,000 We had a cook who came. 1214 01: 38: 30,440 --> 01: 38: 35,520 One day Paul came ... The lost money, because they almost gave them away. 1215 01: 38: 35,680 --> 01: 38: 38,880 Paul said, "There comes a man- 1216 01: 38: 39,040 --> 01: 38: 45,200 -that should tell us, What we are doing wrong with the business. " 1217 01: 38: 45,360 --> 01: 38: 50,560 It was Beeching. He was invited for lunch. 1218 01: 38: 51,760 --> 01: 38: 56,280 He should figure out, what we did wrong. 1219 01: 38: 56,440 --> 01: 38: 59,360 They ate breakfast. 1220 01: 38: 59,520 --> 01: 39: 03,160 I took notes from the meeting afterwards. 1221 01: 39: 05,520 --> 01: 39: 11,480 He told Paul: "I do not think so, that I want to be the great help- 1222 01: 39: 11,640 --> 01: 39: 16,400 Because I work for much bigger organizations than Apple. " 1223 01: 39: 16,560 --> 01: 39: 20,800 And Paul was absolutely amazed. "My Goodness." 1224 01: 39: 21,760 --> 01: 39: 25,560 And I looked at Paul and said, "Yes, I think so right." 1225 01: 39: 25,720 --> 01: 39: 32,600 They had some good ideas, but also many crazy ideas like opening a publishing house. 1226 01: 39: 32,760 --> 01: 39: 38,440 Big ambitions. And they called people to send their poems and novels in. 1227 01: 39: 38,600 --> 01: 39: 44,240 They did not have time to read it. They were not at all geared to it. 1228 01: 39: 44,400 --> 01: 39: 47,760 Also in that area they were pioneers. 1229 01: 39: 47,920 --> 01: 39: 51,840 They started to get more control over their product 1230 01: 39: 52,000 --> 01: 39: 57,120 control over their record cover, and what expression it got. 1231 01: 39: 57,240 --> 01: 40: 02,920 Eventually they got control of most, but not as much as you would get today. 1232 01: 40: 03,080 --> 01: 40: 08,040 The problem with Apple and all that, that took place in Baker Street, where 1233 01: 40: 08,200 --> 01: 40: 15,120 that they had plenty of money and freedom, and new fashion's Indian ideas ... 1234 01: 40: 15,280 --> 01: 40: 21,240 They had many chilling followers, who knew exactly what they were doing. 1235 01: 40: 21,400 --> 01: 40: 29,000 It was Magic Alex. Who found out to wallpaper the studio with microphones- 1236 01: 40: 29,160 --> 01: 40: 34,080 -to get the world's best sound? Magic Alex. 1237 01: 40: 34,240 --> 01: 40: 40,000 And I think that John especially thought, that he was magic. 1238 01: 40: 40,160 --> 01: 40: 44,200 They were pretty naive. We probably were all together. 1239 01: 40: 44,360 --> 01: 40: 47,640 Everything was so new. 1240 01: 40: 47,800 --> 01: 40: 54,240 But it was quite appealing that they were so generous with their own fame. 1241 01: 40: 54,400 --> 01: 40: 58,200 If one came and said, that they made a delicious vanilla bout- 1242 01: 40: 58,360 --> 01: 41: 01,440 -ville John say, that they should have pudding every day. 1243 01: 41: 01,600 --> 01: 41: 09,520 Anyone could get a job there, saw it abound with sweet talentless people. 1244 01: 41: 09,680 --> 01: 41: 12,320 It was similar to the Apple store. 1245 01: 41: 12,480 --> 01: 41: 17,200 They sold little designer clothes. Interesting, non-commercial stuff. 1246 01: 41: 17,360 --> 01: 41: 22,200 Almost everything they touched was non-commercial. 1247 01: 41: 22,360 --> 01: 41: 26,560 Neil was incredibly conscientious and good man. 1248 01: 41: 28,120 --> 01: 41: 31,400 And Peter worked hard too. 1249 01: 41: 31,560 --> 01: 41: 35,920 So the office was run very efficiently. 1250 01: 41: 37,240 --> 01: 41: 40,440 I had an office in between Neil and Peter. 1251 01: 41: 40,600 --> 01: 41: 46,680 Neil and Mal were in progress "The Long and Winding Road". 1252 01: 41: 47,680 --> 01: 41: 50,680 They recorded on tape. 1253 01: 41: 50,840 --> 01: 41: 57,680 I wrote all the letters to America- 1254 01: 41: 57,840 --> 01: 42: 04,280 -to all the media and asked for to get their TV footage with the Beatles. 1255 01: 42: 04,440 --> 01: 42: 09,160 And so we got it all back from America. They were pretty good. 1256 01: 42: 09,320 --> 01: 42: 15,440 And then one evening I walked past Neil's office. 1257 01: 42: 15,600 --> 01: 42: 19,800 Neil and Mal sat by the fireplace. I'll never forget that. 1258 01: 42: 19,960 --> 01: 42: 26,280 And I had to crawl over, I should not mention this at all ... 1259 01: 42: 26,440 --> 01: 42: 31,440 I had to crawl over Derek Taylor, which lay and knocked on the floor. 1260 01: 42: 31,600 --> 01: 42: 36,840 The cartoon makes fun of Maharishi. Have you finished him now? 1261 01: 42: 37,000 --> 01: 42: 41,880 We are not done with him, but we are over that stage in our lives. 1262 01: 42: 42,040 --> 01: 42: 47,040 He is still a strange man, but we no longer deal with it. 1263 01: 42: 47,160 --> 01: 42: 53,160 I thought he was a scamper right from the start. 1264 01: 42: 53,320 --> 01: 42: 59,520 One of the problems ... John was the worst, because he was hoping for anything. 1265 01: 42: 59,640 --> 01: 43: 03,040 He was easy to seduce. 1266 01: 43: 03,200 --> 01: 43: 09,000 And it was a problem that they were been protected as a group for so long. 1267 01: 43: 09,160 --> 01: 43: 15,320 I was sure that that he was a scam maker. 1268 01: 43: 15,480 --> 01: 43: 21,280 Meditation is certainly very good for those who are such. 1269 01: 43: 21,440 --> 01: 43: 25,080 But I did not believe it. And I still do not. 1270 01: 43: 25,240 --> 01: 43: 29,640 Beatles believed on the spiritual side of life 1271 01: 43: 31,280 --> 01: 43: 33,440 They wanted to spread that message. 1272 01: 43: 33,600 --> 01: 43: 39,920 And for Maharishi's share, then Beatles was the world renowned- 1273 01: 43: 40,080 --> 01: 43: 44,280 and thereby they could spread his message. 1274 01: 43: 44,440 --> 01: 43: 49,640 Originally, it was the thought to stifle a meditation center in London- 1275 01: 43: 49,800 --> 01: 43: 52,720 -that Beatles should take part in. 1276 01: 43: 52,880 --> 01: 43: 58,440 Patti had had some dreams about Maharishi, who showed him in another light. 1277 01: 43: 58,600 --> 01: 44: 06,040 And I think too, It had something to do with Mia Farrow. 1278 01: 44: 06,200 --> 01: 44: 11,720 But we were miles away from everything, and it was another kind of life. 1279 01: 44: 11,880 --> 01: 44: 16,040 And here we were and meditated six to seven hours in stretch- 1280 01: 44: 16,200 --> 01: 44: 18,520 Maybe several days in a row. 1281 01: 44: 18,680 --> 01: 44: 24,200 And it was so different from that, everyone was used to. Especially Beatles. 1282 01: 44: 24,360 --> 01: 44: 27,760 In one way, Maharishi got quite bad press coverage. 1283 01: 44: 27,920 --> 01: 44: 33,440 He was pretty harmless. He looked funny. 1284 01: 44: 33,600 --> 01: 44: 40,120 You would not be able to say that today. They ridiculed him. 1285 01: 44: 40,320 --> 01: 44: 47,160 But he just said ordinary things like 'love each other' and that kind of thing. 1286 01: 44: 47,320 --> 01: 44: 51,840 It was an extension of the hippie philosophy. 1287 01: 44: 51,960 --> 01: 44: 55,880 Poor Maharishi was told that that his prize team would travel. 1288 01: 44: 56,040 --> 01: 45: 01,360 He sat and saw us walking by while one Man held an umbrella over his head. 1289 01: 45: 01,520 --> 01: 45: 05,360 He asked several times, why we traveled He did not know it. 1290 01: 45: 05,520 --> 01: 45: 10,080 There is a quote from John ... I do not remember, but John replied: 1291 01: 45: 10,240 --> 01: 45: 15,520 "If you were so cosmic, should you know that? "And that was it. 1292 01: 45: 18,520 --> 01: 45: 22,840 Closing the Apple Store July 1968 1293 01: 45: 23,000 --> 01: 45: 26,640 Beatles' adventures as shop owners is over. 1294 01: 45: 26,800 --> 01: 45: 29,560 They are tired of this toy. 1295 01: 45: 41,760 --> 01: 45: 47,640 I'm completely shaken. I just pushed the doors. 1296 01: 45: 47,800 --> 01: 45: 53,600 -Shared because of the ballad outside? -I have never experienced anything like that. 1297 01: 45: 53,760 --> 01: 45: 59,320 -What kind of clothes are you looking for? -Anything. Something hips. 1298 01: 45: 59,480 --> 01: 46: 02,800 Why have you come here? Because it's free. 1299 01: 46: 02,960 --> 01: 46: 06,480 -Would you come otherwise? -No, it's too expensive for me. 1300 01: 46: 06,640 --> 01: 46: 10,440 Have you found anything exciting? -I like couture. 1301 01: 46: 10,600 --> 01: 46: 15,000 -A gown or pair of pants. - Would you also pay for it? 1302 01: 46: 15,160 --> 01: 46: 20,440 I have bought several things before. I like the store. 1303 01: 46: 20,600 --> 01: 46: 22,640 You have to ask yourself- 1304 01: 46: 22,800 --> 01: 46: 29,120 how long the relationship between the band and the manager could continue. 1305 01: 46: 29,280 --> 01: 46: 32,480 And then Yoko Ono comes into the picture. 1306 01: 46: 32,640 --> 01: 46: 38,480 She is still gaining influence on john 1307 01: 46: 38,640 --> 01: 46: 44,200 Then you begin to consider Beatles as a business, then Alan Klein will come ... 1308 01: 46: 44,360 --> 01: 46: 50,800 And then everything changes for this excellent pop group. 1309 01: 47: 02,200 --> 01: 47: 08,160 For me to see it is the perfect album. 1310 01: 47: 08,280 --> 01: 47: 15,440 Because that meant so much, and it still lasts after all those years. 1311 01: 47: 15,600 --> 01: 47: 21,480 It is the world's best rock album. 1312 01: 47: 21,640 --> 01: 47: 27,360 There are no bad Beatles albums. They are all phenomenal. 1313 01: 47: 27,480 --> 01: 47: 34,360 But that's my favorite album, because I joined from start to finish. 1314 01: 47: 34,520 --> 01: 47: 41,000 And its cover was revolutionary. It's my favorite plate. 1315 01: 47: 41,160 --> 01: 47: 46,400 It was huge because they could publish it on the order of magnitude 1316 01: 47: 46,560 --> 01: 47: 50,960 and they all had in their hollow hand. Everybody was busy. 1317 01: 47: 51,120 --> 01: 47: 56,440 There was no criticism. Everyone thought, The cover and the songs were brilliant. 1318 01: 47: 56,600 --> 01: 47: 59,840 To me it was a masterpiece. 1319 01: 48: 00,000 --> 01: 48: 05,080 It was a pop symphony with a wonderful continuity. 1320 01: 48: 05,240 --> 01: 48: 09,880 The main theme ... the title number was first, and it was also second to none. 1321 01: 48: 10,040 --> 01: 48: 13,960 It all slipped smoothly in something else. It was a pleasure. 1322 01: 48: 14,120 --> 01: 48: 17,000 There is something for all moods. 1323 01: 48: 17,160 --> 01: 48: 20,640 Posterity mean that it's the best album ever. 1324 01: 48: 20,800 --> 01: 48: 25,600 It is fantastic. Who else do we have, there have been 50 years- 1325 01: 48: 25,760 --> 01: 48: 29,640 and where generations are still listening to the music? 1326 01: 48: 29,800 --> 01: 48: 34,760 Listen to them in mono. Forget the stereo. 1327 01: 48: 34,920 --> 01: 48: 39,840 Beatles were not there when it was mixed. They were in India. 1328 01: 48: 40,000 --> 01: 48: 45,920 They sat together and made decisions based on the mono version. 1329 01: 48: 46,080 --> 01: 48: 49,720 That's my main message around "Sgt. Pepper". 1330 01: 48: 49,920 --> 01: 48: 56,000 You know that when you get an album, then there is one ... So for years back. 1331 01: 48: 56,160 --> 01: 49: 02,160 There is one, maybe three numbers on, as you like. 1332 01: 49: 02,320 --> 01: 49: 06,640 The rest was there only, and they ran over. 1333 01: 49: 08,080 --> 01: 49: 11,160 It was that time, You did it manually. 1334 01: 49: 11,320 --> 01: 49: 13,840 But Beatles was the other way around. 1335 01: 49: 14,000 --> 01: 49: 17,560 There was no more than one number, you did not get lost. 1336 01: 49: 17,760 --> 01: 49: 22,480 They grabbed the moment. It was perfect. 1337 01: 49: 22,640 --> 01: 49: 28,640 And they all pulled everyone else as a locomotive. They pulled forrest. 1338 01: 49: 28,800 --> 01: 49: 35,280 If they had added "Penny Lane" and "Strawberry Fields" on "Sgt. Pepper" - 1339 01: 49: 35,440 --> 01: 49: 40,080 -ville it has been the best album ever. 1340 01: 49: 40,240 --> 01: 49: 44,720 I contradict myself. Sometimes I can not understand that it happened. 1341 01: 49: 44,880 --> 01: 49: 51,360 But I only knew, that the music would last forever. 1342 01: 49: 51,520 --> 01: 49: 55,760 There is a window in in a wonderful, changeable time. 1343 01: 49: 55,920 --> 01: 49: 59,600 If you study Beatles, do you study the 1960s- 1344 01: 49: 59,760 --> 01: 50: 04,240 and the history of the West to some degree. How time changed. 1345 01: 50: 04,400 --> 01: 50: 09,840 It's timeless. People are still reading Shakespeare many years after. 1346 01: 50: 10,000 --> 01: 50: 15,680 There has always been something life-provoking about the Beatles. 1347 01: 50: 15,840 --> 01: 50: 19,640 If you are down, Then put a Beatles plate on. 1348 01: 50: 19,800 --> 01: 50: 25,280 Then you see the world in a new light. They have almost a healing effect. 1349 01: 50: 25,440 --> 01: 50: 30,800 Four guys ... It just worked, and they had the talent. 1350 01: 50: 32,040 --> 01: 50: 37,280 I do not think that ever will come a new Beatles group. 1351 01: 50: 37,440 --> 01: 50: 42,680 It goes back to Liverpool Echo, where There was an article with Brian Epstein. 1352 01: 50: 42,840 --> 01: 50: 46,760 He said, "I think, Beatles get bigger than Elvis. " 1353 01: 50: 46,920 --> 01: 50: 53,080 Everybody laughed. "How can a little Liverpool band from The Cavern stage- 1354 01: 50: 53,240 --> 01: 50: 56,840 "stay bigger than Elvis?" 1355 01: 50: 57,000 --> 01: 51: 01,880 Elvis was in America and the world's biggest star. 1356 01: 51: 02,040 --> 01: 51: 06,040 But he was right. The world's biggest band. 1357 01: 51: 06,240 --> 01: 51: 08,640 He saw something we did not see. 1358 01: 51: 08,800 --> 01: 51: 13,080 I think both Beatles and other bands from Liverpool was embarrasing that statement. 1359 01: 51: 13,240 --> 01: 51: 17,880 Frankly, bigger than Elvis? But Brian was right. 1360 01: 51: 18,040 --> 01: 51: 23,960 Even today, there is a charisma and excitement about the name Beatles. 1361 01: 51: 24,120 --> 01: 51: 27,880 Not only in Liverpool. It is no matter where you are. 1362 01: 51: 28,040 --> 01: 51: 32,280 Mexico, South America, Japan, Germany, all locations. 1363 01: 51: 32,440 --> 01: 51: 38,240 If you mention Beatles on a small island in Samoa, people will be wild. 1364 01: 51: 38,400 --> 01: 51: 41,800 It is the legacy they have left. 1365 01: 51: 41,960 --> 01: 51: 45,960 And the gods must know, if anyone ever hit them. 1366 01: 51: 46,120 --> 01: 51: 48,160 It's something of a legacy. 1367 01: 51: 48,320 --> 01: 51: 53,120 It is wonderful to have been a small part of it. 1368 01: 52: 02,960 --> 01: 52: 05,560 583 days after "Sgt. Pepper" - 1369 01: 52: 05,760 --> 01: 52: 09,640 -the Beatles released a double album with 30 new songs in a completely white cover. 1370 01: 52: 09,800 --> 01: 52: 15,400 It smoked like number one on the charts all over the world. 1371 01: 52: 19,988 --> 01: 52: 24,088 1372 01: 53: 40,911 --> 01: 53: 44,085 1373 01: 53: 44,840 --> 01: 53: 48,240