2 00:02:00,322 --> 00:02:01,957 What's the containment level? 3 00:02:01,991 --> 00:02:03,492 Containment? There is no containment! 4 00:02:03,525 --> 00:02:05,094 - What about the barracks? - Breached! 5 00:02:05,127 --> 00:02:06,962 - The armory? - Breached! 6 00:02:06,996 --> 00:02:08,930 What about my lab? 7 00:02:08,964 --> 00:02:11,633 Lab? That's how this whole cluster started! You and your experiments! 8 00:02:11,666 --> 00:02:14,036 Damn it, I have to get to the lab! 9 00:02:18,073 --> 00:02:19,708 Now, Captain! 10 00:02:19,741 --> 00:02:20,942 Yes, sir! 11 00:02:41,530 --> 00:02:45,100 Security protocol. Aidan Wexler. 12 00:02:45,134 --> 00:02:47,436 We need a new evacuation plan. 13 00:02:47,469 --> 00:02:49,871 We're not leaving this place. We're fixing it. 14 00:02:49,904 --> 00:02:52,907 This facility was entrusted to me. Everything I have built is here. 15 00:02:52,941 --> 00:02:55,310 I am not going to run away. 16 00:02:55,344 --> 00:02:58,447 You can go down with the ship if you want to, Colonel. 17 00:02:58,480 --> 00:03:01,183 I didn't sign up to be one of your guinea pigs. 18 00:03:01,216 --> 00:03:03,118 Neither did my men. 19 00:03:03,152 --> 00:03:06,988 As far as I'm concerned, you can rot here with the rest of your pets. 20 00:03:07,022 --> 00:03:12,927 But if you ask me nicely, maybe I'll do you a favor, and end you here. 21 00:03:12,961 --> 00:03:14,196 You're pathetic. 22 00:03:14,229 --> 00:03:15,630 If you were any kind of leader, 23 00:03:15,664 --> 00:03:16,865 you and your men would have held this facility. 24 00:03:16,898 --> 00:03:20,135 That was your job. You failed. 25 00:03:27,442 --> 00:03:29,010 Help me! 26 00:04:28,703 --> 00:04:30,705 Air's clean. We're good. 27 00:04:30,739 --> 00:04:34,075 All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're in the green. 28 00:04:34,109 --> 00:04:36,545 LZ is clear. 29 00:04:36,578 --> 00:04:39,381 Just over that ridge, it turns into jungle fast. 30 00:04:39,414 --> 00:04:41,350 Sat imagery didn't pick up any heat signatures, 31 00:04:41,383 --> 00:04:43,285 that doesn't mean the trees aren't crawling 32 00:04:43,318 --> 00:04:44,653 with those skin puppet bastards. 33 00:04:44,686 --> 00:04:46,721 Eyes open all the time. Understood? 34 00:04:46,755 --> 00:04:47,989 Sir! Yes, sir! 35 00:04:48,022 --> 00:04:49,424 Remember mission objectives. 36 00:04:49,458 --> 00:04:52,026 One, find and locate any Alpha Team survivors. 37 00:04:52,060 --> 00:04:53,595 Two, get the hell out alive. 38 00:04:53,628 --> 00:04:56,265 Yeah. And three, kill a ton of deadies. 39 00:04:56,298 --> 00:04:58,967 You think this is a video game, Pugh? 40 00:04:59,000 --> 00:05:02,637 Whatever's on this island took Alpha Team offline in less than an hour. 41 00:05:02,671 --> 00:05:05,207 They were a hell of a lot tougher than you! 42 00:05:08,009 --> 00:05:12,514 Our single advantage is, we have some idea of what we're walking into. 43 00:05:12,547 --> 00:05:14,283 This may be the one day in your life 44 00:05:14,316 --> 00:05:16,785 you get to be smarter than someone, Pugh. 45 00:05:16,818 --> 00:05:18,153 Try not to screw it up. 46 00:05:18,187 --> 00:05:19,288 Understood? 47 00:05:19,321 --> 00:05:20,322 Sir. Yes, sir. 48 00:05:20,355 --> 00:05:21,556 That thing working? 49 00:05:26,495 --> 00:05:27,529 100%. 50 00:05:27,562 --> 00:05:29,864 Good. Set it for 10 hours on my mark. 51 00:05:29,898 --> 00:05:31,400 Ready? Mark. 52 00:05:32,367 --> 00:05:33,602 What's that? 53 00:05:33,635 --> 00:05:34,669 Safety net. 54 00:05:34,703 --> 00:05:35,670 GPS beacon. 55 00:05:35,704 --> 00:05:37,339 Five hundred miles east of here, 56 00:05:37,372 --> 00:05:39,040 there's an Ohio-class sub listening to that box. 57 00:05:39,073 --> 00:05:41,876 We don't hit the snooze on that sucker within 10 hours, 58 00:05:41,910 --> 00:05:43,645 our friends under the sea will surmise 59 00:05:43,678 --> 00:05:45,480 this island is beyond reclamation 60 00:05:45,514 --> 00:05:49,351 and nuke the almighty crap out of it. 61 00:05:49,384 --> 00:05:51,220 So, assuming we get out of here as planned, 62 00:05:51,253 --> 00:05:53,822 one of us needs to remember to turn the lights out before we go. 63 00:05:53,855 --> 00:05:55,290 You hear that, Gibson? 64 00:05:55,324 --> 00:05:56,958 Loud and clear, sir. 65 00:05:56,991 --> 00:05:59,228 This island holds significant scientific importance. 66 00:05:59,261 --> 00:06:00,662 You don't get to just destroy it. 67 00:06:00,695 --> 00:06:02,631 All due respect, mademoiselle, 68 00:06:02,664 --> 00:06:04,766 I don't know how the French government works, 69 00:06:04,799 --> 00:06:06,701 but the US government made this island. 70 00:06:06,735 --> 00:06:09,671 They want to unmake it, that's their call. 71 00:06:09,704 --> 00:06:12,407 We're on this godforsaken island for exactly 10 hours. 72 00:06:12,441 --> 00:06:17,111 When that chopper comes back, I expect every one of you to be on it. 73 00:06:17,145 --> 00:06:18,247 You read me? 74 00:06:18,280 --> 00:06:20,282 Sir! Yes, sir! 75 00:06:20,315 --> 00:06:22,284 Make sure your personal beacons are on. 76 00:06:22,317 --> 00:06:23,552 Don't want anyone getting lost. 77 00:06:24,653 --> 00:06:25,654 Good. 78 00:06:25,687 --> 00:06:27,556 - Duggan, you're on point. - Copy that. 79 00:06:27,589 --> 00:06:29,524 Doc, you're with me and Gibson. 80 00:06:29,558 --> 00:06:33,462 Pugh, try not to trip over your own dick. Jerome, you got rear. 81 00:06:50,312 --> 00:06:51,746 Sir, do you hear that? 82 00:06:51,780 --> 00:06:53,715 I don't hear anything. Exactly. 83 00:06:54,749 --> 00:06:56,718 We've been to 100 of these places. 84 00:06:56,751 --> 00:06:58,887 They always sound like a freaking zoo. 85 00:06:58,920 --> 00:06:59,921 I don't like it. 86 00:06:59,954 --> 00:07:01,723 You and me, both. 87 00:07:01,756 --> 00:07:05,560 Meant what I said, Gibson. We're all getting off this island. 88 00:07:05,594 --> 00:07:08,430 - The facility is that way. - Much obliged. 89 00:07:08,463 --> 00:07:11,366 Sir. Right there. One bogey. 90 00:07:14,536 --> 00:07:16,738 Just as advertised. 91 00:07:19,240 --> 00:07:21,443 Wonder how many more are around. 92 00:07:29,718 --> 00:07:32,754 That thing moves half an inch towards us, it's toast. 93 00:07:51,340 --> 00:07:53,375 There's more of them! 94 00:07:54,175 --> 00:07:55,644 To the left! 95 00:07:57,979 --> 00:07:59,648 Fall in! Fall in! Fall in! 96 00:07:59,681 --> 00:08:01,683 I got the six. Fall in! Fall in! 97 00:08:03,518 --> 00:08:04,886 - Move! Move! Move! - Fall in! 98 00:08:04,919 --> 00:08:06,988 - Fall in! Fall in! - Go! Go! Go! 99 00:08:08,390 --> 00:08:10,525 To the west! To the west! 100 00:08:32,414 --> 00:08:34,115 Did overall just do that? 101 00:08:57,639 --> 00:09:01,075 Pugh, take care of Duggan. 102 00:09:01,109 --> 00:09:03,244 I think that's the last of them for now. 103 00:09:03,277 --> 00:09:04,513 Gibson! Med kit! 104 00:09:04,546 --> 00:09:06,014 What happened? 105 00:09:06,047 --> 00:09:08,282 The whole island's swarming with them! 106 00:09:08,316 --> 00:09:10,619 It's going to be okay. 107 00:09:13,788 --> 00:09:14,989 Sir, you know what you have to do. 108 00:09:15,023 --> 00:09:18,259 Not now, Doc. She's one of my own. 109 00:09:18,292 --> 00:09:19,394 You fix her up best you can. 110 00:09:19,428 --> 00:09:20,729 Yes, sir. 111 00:09:20,762 --> 00:09:22,697 We gotta keep moving. Eyes on the prize. 112 00:09:22,731 --> 00:09:24,466 "Eyes on the prize"? 113 00:09:24,499 --> 00:09:26,334 I don't know what just happened, or what these things are, 114 00:09:26,367 --> 00:09:28,302 but we are not prepared! 115 00:09:28,336 --> 00:09:31,706 You are a Navy SEAL, son. You are prepared for anything and everything. 116 00:09:33,174 --> 00:09:34,543 You hear me? 117 00:09:36,144 --> 00:09:37,278 Good. 118 00:09:38,880 --> 00:09:40,048 Captain! 119 00:09:40,081 --> 00:09:41,215 Jerome. Gibson. Take the west flank. 120 00:09:41,249 --> 00:09:42,651 I got the east. Sir! 121 00:09:46,621 --> 00:09:48,557 I got you, all right? I got you. 122 00:09:50,659 --> 00:09:53,428 You know she's dead, right? 123 00:10:16,250 --> 00:10:18,152 Captain! 124 00:10:18,186 --> 00:10:19,721 Gibson, over here! 125 00:10:20,889 --> 00:10:22,824 I fixed her up the best I could. 126 00:10:23,892 --> 00:10:25,594 Captain! 127 00:10:25,627 --> 00:10:26,995 Where is he, Pugh? 128 00:10:28,196 --> 00:10:29,397 Where is he? 129 00:10:29,430 --> 00:10:30,632 Uh... 130 00:10:31,265 --> 00:10:32,901 That way. 131 00:10:32,934 --> 00:10:33,902 We gotta move. 132 00:10:33,935 --> 00:10:37,105 Let's move! Let's move! Come on! 133 00:10:37,138 --> 00:10:38,439 Let's go! 134 00:10:58,993 --> 00:11:00,795 Yes. 135 00:11:00,829 --> 00:11:03,464 Listen, if you're going to insist on bringing her, 136 00:11:03,498 --> 00:11:05,133 you might want to shut her up. 137 00:11:05,166 --> 00:11:07,101 She's gonna draw attention. 138 00:11:10,572 --> 00:11:12,140 Let her rest. 139 00:11:12,173 --> 00:11:13,174 Here. 140 00:11:15,744 --> 00:11:18,379 Sit her down. 141 00:11:18,412 --> 00:11:20,815 There you go. There you go. 142 00:11:22,450 --> 00:11:25,353 Bite on this for me, okay? 143 00:11:25,386 --> 00:11:28,557 You're going to be okay. You're going to be okay. 144 00:11:28,590 --> 00:11:29,958 It's going to be okay, all right? 145 00:11:29,991 --> 00:11:31,826 It's going to be okay. It's going to be okay. 146 00:11:31,860 --> 00:11:33,194 It's going to be okay. 147 00:11:38,867 --> 00:11:41,502 You know what you have to do, right? 148 00:11:46,875 --> 00:11:49,210 You're going to be okay. You're going to be okay. 149 00:11:49,243 --> 00:11:50,579 Got any morphine? 150 00:11:50,612 --> 00:11:52,313 No. 151 00:11:52,346 --> 00:11:53,982 It's gonna be okay, all right? It's gonna be okay. 152 00:11:58,119 --> 00:12:01,590 The facility is that way, probably a mile or so. 153 00:12:01,623 --> 00:12:04,125 You're okay. 154 00:12:04,158 --> 00:12:06,327 We're going to have to keep moving. 155 00:12:06,360 --> 00:12:09,764 And you cannot bring her with us. 156 00:12:09,798 --> 00:12:11,700 You know that. 157 00:12:11,733 --> 00:12:13,735 Jerome and Pugh can go with you. 158 00:12:13,768 --> 00:12:15,737 I need to stay here and handle this. 159 00:12:15,770 --> 00:12:17,138 What are you doing? 160 00:12:17,171 --> 00:12:19,140 I'm going to stay here and position the GPS, 161 00:12:19,173 --> 00:12:20,675 so I can light a fuse in this dump. 162 00:12:20,709 --> 00:12:21,943 We have to find that research facility. 163 00:12:21,976 --> 00:12:23,111 "We"? 164 00:12:23,144 --> 00:12:25,513 You're not a member of this team, Doctor. 165 00:12:25,546 --> 00:12:27,015 You're a piece of carry-on luggage. 166 00:12:27,048 --> 00:12:29,350 Listen, our primary mission hasn't changed. 167 00:12:29,383 --> 00:12:32,921 Yes, it has. The minute that that freak took our Captain into the jungle, 168 00:12:32,954 --> 00:12:34,756 my mission became keeping my men alive. 169 00:12:34,789 --> 00:12:37,158 No, your mission is to find whatever's left of the Alpha Team. 170 00:12:37,191 --> 00:12:38,993 That mission doesn't get tossed aside 171 00:12:39,027 --> 00:12:41,562 just because you saw something that scared you. 172 00:12:41,596 --> 00:12:43,932 So, what's it gonna be, Lieutenant? 173 00:12:43,965 --> 00:12:48,002 Are you gonna do what you came here to do? Or are you going to run away? 174 00:12:51,339 --> 00:12:53,041 Jerome! Pugh! 175 00:12:54,475 --> 00:12:55,810 Are you ready to finish this? 176 00:12:55,844 --> 00:12:57,578 Sir. Yes, sir. 177 00:12:57,612 --> 00:12:59,247 Lieutenant! 178 00:12:59,280 --> 00:13:00,649 Come on, come on! 179 00:13:00,682 --> 00:13:01,783 It's all right! It's all right! Just look at me. 180 00:13:01,816 --> 00:13:02,917 It's gonna be all right. 181 00:13:02,951 --> 00:13:03,985 Look at me! Look at me! Duggan! 182 00:13:04,018 --> 00:13:06,354 She's turning! She's turning. 183 00:13:06,387 --> 00:13:08,289 Come on. Come on. Look at me. Look at me! 184 00:13:08,322 --> 00:13:09,858 You'll be fine, Duggan. 185 00:13:09,891 --> 00:13:11,292 - She's turning! - It's going to be all right. 186 00:13:11,325 --> 00:13:12,493 Look at me! Look at me! 187 00:13:12,526 --> 00:13:14,495 Look at my eyes. Look at my eyes. 188 00:13:14,528 --> 00:13:16,397 It's all right. 189 00:13:16,430 --> 00:13:19,067 Keep fighting, Duggan. Keep fighting! Keep fighting, Duggan. 190 00:13:19,100 --> 00:13:22,336 It's gonna be all right, Duggan. 191 00:13:22,370 --> 00:13:23,672 What the... 192 00:13:25,774 --> 00:13:28,176 You killed her! What was that? 193 00:13:28,209 --> 00:13:32,013 Dispatching the problem before it gets worse. 194 00:13:33,715 --> 00:13:38,152 She was dead the moment that thing bit her. You all know that. 195 00:13:38,186 --> 00:13:40,354 If anything, you should be thanking me. 196 00:13:40,388 --> 00:13:43,825 That was not your call! You are not the leader of this team! 197 00:13:43,858 --> 00:13:45,960 Neither are you! Or else, you'd act like it. 198 00:13:45,994 --> 00:13:47,428 You know as well as I do, 199 00:13:47,461 --> 00:13:49,297 what was happening to her, what she was becoming. 200 00:13:49,330 --> 00:13:52,233 You should have done what I did the moment you saw it, 201 00:13:52,266 --> 00:13:55,804 but instead, you put all of our lives in danger. 202 00:13:55,837 --> 00:13:57,772 You raise your gun at one of my men again, 203 00:13:59,841 --> 00:14:02,010 and the next bullet's going to go 204 00:14:04,345 --> 00:14:05,780 right there. 205 00:14:07,548 --> 00:14:09,317 Are you done? 206 00:14:17,025 --> 00:14:20,428 Hey, uh, sir? I think you're gonna wanna see this. 207 00:14:22,731 --> 00:14:24,065 What? 208 00:14:30,438 --> 00:14:31,740 Who's Murphy? 209 00:14:33,374 --> 00:14:35,176 The leader of Alpha Team. 210 00:14:35,209 --> 00:14:36,845 There's more over here. 211 00:14:40,181 --> 00:14:42,050 This must be as far as they got. 212 00:14:42,083 --> 00:14:45,019 Dug in and emptied the whole thing out. 213 00:14:45,053 --> 00:14:49,057 It doesn't make any sense. Search the area. 214 00:14:49,090 --> 00:14:51,926 Sir, listen. We're wasting time. 215 00:14:51,960 --> 00:14:53,494 We have to get to that facility. 216 00:14:53,527 --> 00:14:56,564 In this situation, anything we can find right now matters. 217 00:14:56,597 --> 00:14:59,901 Whatever Alpha Team had in that box did not help them. 218 00:14:59,934 --> 00:15:02,871 What makes you think it's going to help us? 219 00:15:04,472 --> 00:15:06,941 I'm an optimist. 220 00:15:10,478 --> 00:15:11,880 Davy Crockett? 221 00:15:14,648 --> 00:15:15,884 Hey, Gibson! 222 00:15:16,818 --> 00:15:18,386 Davy Crockett! 223 00:15:18,419 --> 00:15:19,453 What is that? 224 00:15:19,487 --> 00:15:21,655 Nuke-enabled RPG. 225 00:15:24,793 --> 00:15:26,194 Sounds like an HK416. Yep. 226 00:15:26,227 --> 00:15:28,096 I think it's the facility. All right. 227 00:15:28,129 --> 00:15:29,831 We gotta move. We gotta move, now! 228 00:15:55,723 --> 00:15:57,125 Where is everything? 229 00:15:57,158 --> 00:15:59,894 I mean, I just thought there'd be more, uh... 230 00:15:59,928 --> 00:16:01,495 What? Remains? 231 00:16:01,529 --> 00:16:02,831 Yeah. 232 00:16:02,864 --> 00:16:04,198 Well, it was protocol to keep everything 233 00:16:04,232 --> 00:16:07,335 as barren as possible around the facility. 234 00:16:07,368 --> 00:16:09,237 You know, less chance of 235 00:16:09,270 --> 00:16:11,973 getting something contaminated moving around the island. 236 00:16:12,006 --> 00:16:13,341 Or even worse, 237 00:16:15,543 --> 00:16:17,345 off of it. 238 00:16:18,412 --> 00:16:19,914 So much good that did. 239 00:16:37,899 --> 00:16:40,268 What the hell was that? 240 00:16:47,608 --> 00:16:49,277 Let's keep moving. 241 00:17:09,197 --> 00:17:10,498 Jerome! 242 00:17:16,670 --> 00:17:17,906 It's locked! 243 00:17:35,789 --> 00:17:37,191 Well, how do you get in? 244 00:17:37,225 --> 00:17:40,061 The main entrance is to the north. 245 00:17:40,094 --> 00:17:41,996 You sure know a lot for being a doc. 246 00:17:42,030 --> 00:17:43,297 Hey, guys, I see something. 247 00:17:49,570 --> 00:17:51,439 We got incoming, boys! 248 00:17:53,074 --> 00:17:54,442 We got incoming! 249 00:17:58,479 --> 00:18:00,314 Sir! Help me! 250 00:18:26,540 --> 00:18:31,179 Get inside! Henderson! Kurtis! Inside! Everybody inside! Go! 251 00:18:33,047 --> 00:18:36,417 Get in! Get in! Come on. Come on in! 252 00:18:41,489 --> 00:18:42,490 Come on! Come on! 253 00:18:42,523 --> 00:18:44,092 Thought you guys could use a hand. 254 00:18:44,125 --> 00:18:46,727 I'm Henderson, Alpha Team. That's Kurtis. 255 00:18:46,760 --> 00:18:47,861 Gibson. Bravo Team. 256 00:18:47,895 --> 00:18:49,430 - Nice to meet you. - Likewise. 257 00:18:49,463 --> 00:18:51,732 That hole is the only way in or out of this whole facility. 258 00:18:51,765 --> 00:18:54,935 We've done a full recon. Welcome to the freak show! 259 00:18:54,969 --> 00:18:56,604 We need to get to the lab. 260 00:18:56,637 --> 00:18:58,372 All right, Henderson, Kurtis, you guys cover us, all right? 261 00:18:58,406 --> 00:19:02,876 Pugh, Jerome. Take the six! Go! Let's go! Let's go! 262 00:19:02,910 --> 00:19:05,146 Who the hell put him in charge? 263 00:19:46,087 --> 00:19:47,421 Go! 264 00:19:59,500 --> 00:20:01,435 Everyone all right? Anyone get bit? 265 00:20:02,836 --> 00:20:05,339 All good. 266 00:20:05,373 --> 00:20:08,008 How long do we have before the chopper comes back? 267 00:20:08,042 --> 00:20:10,178 A little over eight hours. 268 00:20:11,579 --> 00:20:13,314 Pugh, ping HQ. 269 00:20:13,347 --> 00:20:15,183 At least we let them know we're still here. 270 00:20:15,216 --> 00:20:16,584 Yes, sir. 271 00:20:18,752 --> 00:20:20,088 We're good. 272 00:20:20,121 --> 00:20:23,057 Let's keep moving. 273 00:20:24,125 --> 00:20:25,759 Who are you, exactly? 274 00:20:25,793 --> 00:20:27,628 Dr. Mikaela Usylvich. 275 00:20:27,661 --> 00:20:31,099 First Lieutenant Phillip Henderson. And your rank is? 276 00:20:31,132 --> 00:20:32,700 CIA, Special Agent. 277 00:20:32,733 --> 00:20:35,569 I deal mostly with virus and bio-weapons. 278 00:20:35,603 --> 00:20:36,604 CIA? 279 00:20:37,338 --> 00:20:39,273 Yeah, I figured as much. 280 00:20:39,307 --> 00:20:41,842 I didn't think a doctor could fight like that without a little training. 281 00:20:41,875 --> 00:20:45,879 Hey Gibson, you're, what, second louie? 282 00:20:45,913 --> 00:20:47,115 First. 283 00:20:47,148 --> 00:20:49,583 Ah! Rescue and retrieval, huh? 284 00:20:49,617 --> 00:20:51,685 That's right. After HQ lost you guys, 285 00:20:51,719 --> 00:20:53,787 they sent us in here to see what the hell happened. 286 00:20:53,821 --> 00:20:56,924 What they failed to tell you, this is basically a suicide mission. 287 00:20:56,957 --> 00:20:59,193 With you guys disappearing, it became clear 288 00:20:59,227 --> 00:21:00,628 that the island was still a hot zone. 289 00:21:00,661 --> 00:21:02,730 So, that's when I came into play. 290 00:21:02,763 --> 00:21:04,198 Well, now you found us. 291 00:21:04,232 --> 00:21:06,600 So, do you think you can get us off this rock? 292 00:21:06,634 --> 00:21:08,336 Negative. 293 00:21:08,369 --> 00:21:12,673 All we can do is ping HQ. We're on our own for the next eight hours. 294 00:21:12,706 --> 00:21:14,808 And we're gonna get nice and comfy. 295 00:21:23,083 --> 00:21:24,252 What the hell happened? 296 00:21:24,285 --> 00:21:26,019 You're looking at it. 297 00:21:26,053 --> 00:21:27,921 Murphy got too cocky, 298 00:21:27,955 --> 00:21:30,023 sent us in unprepared. 299 00:21:30,057 --> 00:21:32,693 We're ready. 300 00:21:32,726 --> 00:21:35,396 Guys, I think we're going to have a problem. 301 00:21:35,429 --> 00:21:36,730 Yeah? What's that? 302 00:21:36,764 --> 00:21:38,966 The GPS tracker. 303 00:21:38,999 --> 00:21:40,434 Look, I think I might have lost it 304 00:21:40,468 --> 00:21:43,637 when that undead bastard tackled me. 305 00:21:43,671 --> 00:21:45,906 I'm pretty sure it's still active. 306 00:21:45,939 --> 00:21:47,775 So, what are you saying? 307 00:21:47,808 --> 00:21:50,778 It means, in eight hours, instead of a rescue chopper, we get... 308 00:21:50,811 --> 00:21:52,213 Nukes. 309 00:21:52,246 --> 00:21:55,048 Can't we ping HQ, let them know we're still here? 310 00:21:55,082 --> 00:21:56,250 Zero tolerance. 311 00:21:56,284 --> 00:21:57,751 If we don't disengage that GPS, 312 00:21:57,785 --> 00:22:00,221 command is going to think we've been compromised. 313 00:22:00,254 --> 00:22:03,791 Government thinks the best way to handle a problem is to incinerate it. 314 00:22:04,958 --> 00:22:07,761 If it's ash, problem solved. 315 00:22:11,265 --> 00:22:12,600 See anything? 316 00:22:15,769 --> 00:22:16,870 Two. 317 00:22:16,904 --> 00:22:18,306 On three. 318 00:22:18,339 --> 00:22:20,808 One, two, three! 319 00:22:26,247 --> 00:22:28,015 Drop the gun! 320 00:22:28,048 --> 00:22:29,783 Drop the weapon right now! 321 00:22:29,817 --> 00:22:31,018 Down! Get down! 322 00:22:31,051 --> 00:22:33,120 I'm Colonel Aidan Wexler! This is my facility! 323 00:22:33,153 --> 00:22:38,326 You are not in a secure location. You need to come with me, now. 324 00:22:41,229 --> 00:22:42,463 My God. 325 00:22:47,067 --> 00:22:48,936 You look just like her. 326 00:22:53,073 --> 00:22:56,244 Doc, what the hell is going on? 327 00:22:58,812 --> 00:23:00,481 He's my dad. 328 00:23:03,050 --> 00:23:04,752 Come with me, now! 329 00:23:35,148 --> 00:23:37,050 Please, sit, sit. 330 00:23:39,319 --> 00:23:44,424 Please. I haven't had visitors in over a decade. Sit. 331 00:23:51,131 --> 00:23:53,600 No, don't... Don't worry. 332 00:23:53,633 --> 00:23:55,335 They are all securely locked up. 333 00:23:55,368 --> 00:23:56,836 There's nothing to worry about. 334 00:23:56,869 --> 00:23:58,238 What are they? 335 00:23:59,272 --> 00:24:00,607 My patients. 336 00:24:03,876 --> 00:24:05,278 I found a cure. 337 00:24:06,879 --> 00:24:08,815 Cure? 338 00:24:08,848 --> 00:24:11,318 Cure. Cure. Yeah, that's what I said, "cure". 339 00:24:11,351 --> 00:24:14,221 You should be eating. Why are you not eating? 340 00:24:14,254 --> 00:24:16,989 Here. Here. You must be hungry. 341 00:24:17,023 --> 00:24:18,791 Here. 342 00:24:30,937 --> 00:24:34,174 She was a brilliant researcher, you know? 343 00:24:36,543 --> 00:24:38,077 Your mother. 344 00:24:39,579 --> 00:24:42,382 The work that we did together at the NIH, it was just... 345 00:24:42,415 --> 00:24:44,451 It was really groundbreaking. 346 00:24:47,920 --> 00:24:49,556 Did she ever talk about me? 347 00:24:50,923 --> 00:24:52,125 Yes. 348 00:24:52,959 --> 00:24:54,661 Yes, at the end. 349 00:24:57,130 --> 00:24:58,431 You know, by then, she assumed that... 350 00:24:58,465 --> 00:25:01,401 Right. Yeah, of course. 351 00:25:01,434 --> 00:25:04,437 I want you to know that I did ask her 352 00:25:04,471 --> 00:25:06,739 to come with me to this facility. I did. 353 00:25:06,773 --> 00:25:10,910 But she said... She just... If I had had her help... 354 00:25:12,679 --> 00:25:14,046 The sequencing... 355 00:25:14,080 --> 00:25:16,716 But that... No... That's... I mean, this is speculation. 356 00:25:16,749 --> 00:25:18,685 Water under the bridge. You know, bridges burn, 357 00:25:18,718 --> 00:25:20,920 and then they fall down and then you can't build them... 358 00:25:20,953 --> 00:25:22,589 Can't put 'em back together. 359 00:25:22,622 --> 00:25:24,291 You're here! 360 00:25:24,624 --> 00:25:25,925 Ha! 361 00:25:25,958 --> 00:25:29,296 You're here! This, uh... 362 00:25:30,530 --> 00:25:32,299 This isn't a coincidence, is it? 363 00:25:34,201 --> 00:25:36,035 It's not. 364 00:25:36,068 --> 00:25:40,740 I thought this might be my only chance to get to know your work. 365 00:25:40,773 --> 00:25:44,177 I've never considered the possibility... 366 00:25:45,144 --> 00:25:47,847 I know. That I was alive. 367 00:25:51,251 --> 00:25:53,553 Mikaela, I'm sorry. 368 00:25:54,787 --> 00:25:57,224 Colonel, why didn't you try to contact HQ? 369 00:25:57,257 --> 00:25:58,925 Let them know you're still alive? 370 00:26:00,493 --> 00:26:03,630 What's the point? I mean... 371 00:26:03,663 --> 00:26:08,235 The estimated mortality rate was total. 372 00:26:09,402 --> 00:26:11,504 I was considered collateral damage 373 00:26:11,538 --> 00:26:14,607 the minute the pathogen escaped the lab. 374 00:26:15,675 --> 00:26:17,610 They weren't coming for me. 375 00:26:19,312 --> 00:26:22,382 They weren't coming for any of us. 376 00:26:22,415 --> 00:26:28,821 But that is the point of a 10-year quarantine. 377 00:26:30,357 --> 00:26:31,724 Isn't it, huh? 378 00:26:32,158 --> 00:26:33,660 Yeah. 379 00:26:33,693 --> 00:26:36,496 You let the epidemic run its course, 380 00:26:36,529 --> 00:26:39,366 and kill any possible host, and just starve it to death. 381 00:26:39,399 --> 00:26:41,401 That's why we picked this island, in fact. 382 00:26:41,434 --> 00:26:45,938 There's a natural limit to how far it can spread. 383 00:26:45,972 --> 00:26:50,977 Yeah, but what about, like, birds and fish? I don't know, other stuff? 384 00:26:51,010 --> 00:26:54,681 Has there been a case of an outbreak on the mainland? 385 00:26:55,248 --> 00:26:56,783 No. 386 00:26:56,816 --> 00:27:00,853 Then I guess that birds fish and stuff, are not a problem. 387 00:27:02,555 --> 00:27:05,091 What exactly went wrong, Colonel? 388 00:27:05,124 --> 00:27:11,531 The order was to create a weaponized strain of the Ebola virus. 389 00:27:14,000 --> 00:27:16,969 And, you know, when the army embarks on such an endeavor, 390 00:27:17,003 --> 00:27:18,971 we split the work into two tracks, all right? 391 00:27:19,005 --> 00:27:22,108 Refining the pathogen to make a bio-weapon, 392 00:27:22,141 --> 00:27:26,546 and synthesizing an anti-serum to defeat it. 393 00:27:26,579 --> 00:27:27,980 Why? 394 00:27:28,014 --> 00:27:30,917 Why do you have the safety on your gun, soldier? 395 00:27:30,950 --> 00:27:34,721 So, you don't kill yourself with it accidentally. 396 00:27:34,754 --> 00:27:38,325 What we saw out there in that jungle, that wasn't Ebola. 397 00:27:38,858 --> 00:27:39,926 No. 398 00:27:39,959 --> 00:27:41,594 No. Not anymore. 399 00:27:41,628 --> 00:27:43,763 The head of my bio-weapons team 400 00:27:43,796 --> 00:27:46,098 is also my second in-command, Captain Marshall. 401 00:27:46,132 --> 00:27:47,900 Marshall, he... 402 00:27:47,934 --> 00:27:52,639 He created some mutated strains of the vir... 403 00:27:52,672 --> 00:27:54,741 See, he was sloppy. Sloppy. 404 00:27:54,774 --> 00:27:58,311 And you know what? He didn't follow protocols. 405 00:27:58,345 --> 00:28:01,714 Why have protocols if you're not going to follow them? 406 00:28:03,716 --> 00:28:07,286 So, one of his strains was very aggressive, 407 00:28:07,320 --> 00:28:10,357 its effects were beyond something that we could control. 408 00:28:10,390 --> 00:28:12,992 And so, when you're infected, it became 409 00:28:13,025 --> 00:28:15,027 what you saw out there in the jungle. 410 00:28:15,061 --> 00:28:19,966 Those dead and rotting, and flesh-hungry animals, 411 00:28:19,999 --> 00:28:22,369 devoid of any human characteristics. 412 00:28:22,402 --> 00:28:25,605 What Marshall created 413 00:28:28,875 --> 00:28:34,381 just wiped the soul out of everyone it infected. 414 00:28:37,116 --> 00:28:40,420 I was overseeing the anti-serum teams, 415 00:28:40,453 --> 00:28:44,023 and we were progressing on a cure. 416 00:28:44,056 --> 00:28:48,461 A virus that would keep it at bay, but it was too slow. 417 00:28:48,495 --> 00:28:50,630 You see, this is why if I had your mother, 418 00:28:50,663 --> 00:28:53,433 this is why it would have been okay because this was her forte. 419 00:28:53,466 --> 00:28:54,734 And the minute it left the lab, 420 00:28:54,767 --> 00:28:56,703 we were all caught flat-footed. 421 00:28:56,736 --> 00:28:59,005 I was lucky to have survived. 422 00:28:59,038 --> 00:29:01,774 Too bad we can't say the same for your men. 423 00:29:01,808 --> 00:29:04,377 How did the pathogen escape? 424 00:29:07,279 --> 00:29:10,817 What are you implying, soldier? 425 00:29:10,850 --> 00:29:16,489 I have been running this facility by myself for 10 years. 426 00:29:16,523 --> 00:29:20,827 I have protocols. I don't need your questions. 427 00:29:20,860 --> 00:29:23,362 Okay. You don't have to answer my questions, 428 00:29:23,396 --> 00:29:27,133 but I don't think HQ is going to be quite so patient. 429 00:29:29,769 --> 00:29:31,938 Oh, you think that... 430 00:29:37,209 --> 00:29:39,078 What's so funny? 431 00:29:44,083 --> 00:29:47,153 I'm not going anywhere. 432 00:29:50,557 --> 00:29:55,628 The work that I've been doing here is far too important to abandon. 433 00:29:58,831 --> 00:30:01,634 Your work ended 10 years ago. 434 00:30:01,668 --> 00:30:05,137 My initial research, yes. 435 00:30:05,171 --> 00:30:08,708 But what I have been working on since the incident, Mikaela, 436 00:30:08,741 --> 00:30:11,243 it is very interesting. 437 00:30:11,277 --> 00:30:13,646 So, you've been continuing your research? 438 00:30:15,247 --> 00:30:18,718 We're scientists. Wouldn't you? 439 00:30:23,389 --> 00:30:26,225 I said I discovered a cure. 440 00:30:26,258 --> 00:30:27,293 For what? 441 00:30:27,326 --> 00:30:28,828 For death. 442 00:30:35,802 --> 00:30:38,370 Do you want to see? 443 00:30:54,521 --> 00:30:58,658 This is patient 9166. 444 00:30:58,691 --> 00:31:02,662 She had been infected nearly seven years by the time I had found her. 445 00:31:02,695 --> 00:31:04,130 With the pathogen having infected 446 00:31:04,163 --> 00:31:06,633 nearly every organism on the island, 447 00:31:06,666 --> 00:31:09,669 coupled with a mortality rate of nearly 100%, 448 00:31:09,702 --> 00:31:14,440 finding a cure for the virus was challenging. 449 00:31:14,473 --> 00:31:18,711 I had to find a way to reverse the effects of the virus, 450 00:31:18,745 --> 00:31:20,813 at least to slow its progression. 451 00:31:20,847 --> 00:31:25,351 And it was during my "lab myopia," I call it. 452 00:31:25,384 --> 00:31:30,923 I discovered it had an amazing effect on human death. 453 00:31:37,229 --> 00:31:41,601 You can see, the effects are just fascinating. 454 00:31:41,634 --> 00:31:43,102 You're experimenting on your own people. 455 00:31:43,135 --> 00:31:46,839 No, no, no. Not people, Lieutenant. They are cadavers. 456 00:31:46,873 --> 00:31:51,578 They're just a little more animated. 457 00:31:51,611 --> 00:31:54,280 So, after all the tests and all the death, 458 00:31:54,313 --> 00:31:57,116 your research hasn't yielded any progress. 459 00:31:57,149 --> 00:32:00,687 There are many ways to gauge progress, Lieutenant. 460 00:32:00,720 --> 00:32:03,890 And, uh, my theory here says 461 00:32:03,923 --> 00:32:06,525 that I have made remarkable strides in modern medicine. 462 00:32:06,559 --> 00:32:10,462 And fortunately, I don't have a shortage of raw material to work with, 463 00:32:10,496 --> 00:32:13,232 sans, of course, healthy subjects. 464 00:32:13,265 --> 00:32:17,103 How do you get away with them not attacking you? 465 00:32:18,504 --> 00:32:20,172 Time. 466 00:32:21,240 --> 00:32:23,009 Lots of time. 467 00:32:23,042 --> 00:32:27,814 I have lived with them, I have worked with them. 468 00:32:29,281 --> 00:32:30,950 And, I understand them. 469 00:32:34,854 --> 00:32:39,358 You can almost say that I've domesticated them. 470 00:32:39,391 --> 00:32:41,327 Oh, my God! 471 00:32:41,360 --> 00:32:43,529 Do not touch it! 472 00:32:43,562 --> 00:32:45,865 They are not toys. 473 00:32:49,401 --> 00:32:53,239 See? This one is nearly healed. 474 00:33:05,217 --> 00:33:08,788 How can you call this medicine? All I see is a horror show. 475 00:33:08,821 --> 00:33:12,659 That's because you're looking at it through laymen's eyes. 476 00:33:12,692 --> 00:33:14,093 What good does this do? 477 00:33:14,126 --> 00:33:18,497 Well, aside from the myriad of gene therapies, 478 00:33:18,530 --> 00:33:21,267 each one of these individuals... 479 00:33:21,300 --> 00:33:22,802 Cadavers. 480 00:33:22,835 --> 00:33:25,705 "Victims," would have suffered an agonizing death, 481 00:33:25,738 --> 00:33:27,239 only to rise up again. 482 00:33:27,273 --> 00:33:28,975 I saved them from that. 483 00:33:29,008 --> 00:33:33,345 I gave them... I gave them a gift. 484 00:33:34,180 --> 00:33:35,381 And what's that? 485 00:33:36,949 --> 00:33:40,186 What we all want. A second chance. 486 00:33:42,321 --> 00:33:45,725 I'd rather be dead than some mindless pet. 487 00:33:45,758 --> 00:33:47,193 They're not mindless. 488 00:33:47,860 --> 00:33:48,861 What? 489 00:33:48,895 --> 00:33:51,330 See? They're interacting. 490 00:33:52,298 --> 00:33:53,332 That's correct. 491 00:33:53,365 --> 00:33:55,201 You're as perceptive as your mother. 492 00:33:55,234 --> 00:33:58,705 They have formed a rudimentary social structure. 493 00:33:58,738 --> 00:34:00,472 They're actually highly trainable. 494 00:34:00,506 --> 00:34:04,410 I realized that if I focused on the cortex thickness, 495 00:34:04,443 --> 00:34:07,279 that I could actually alter... 496 00:34:08,748 --> 00:34:10,817 Would you like to meet a miracle? 497 00:34:16,723 --> 00:34:18,190 Cheryl. 498 00:34:18,224 --> 00:34:20,026 Come here. 499 00:34:21,360 --> 00:34:22,661 Wexler? 500 00:34:23,595 --> 00:34:25,331 Cheryl. 501 00:34:25,364 --> 00:34:28,367 How's my favorite patient today? 502 00:34:29,736 --> 00:34:31,070 Feeling great. 503 00:34:32,304 --> 00:34:33,605 When can I leave? 504 00:34:33,639 --> 00:34:35,708 I want to go home to my family. 505 00:34:35,742 --> 00:34:38,310 I know, I know, and you will. 506 00:34:38,344 --> 00:34:41,147 You need to rest first, but your day will come soon. 507 00:34:43,816 --> 00:34:45,051 Visitors. 508 00:34:50,389 --> 00:34:53,793 Welcome. Good evening. 509 00:34:53,826 --> 00:34:56,829 Good evening. How are you? 510 00:35:01,868 --> 00:35:04,636 Feeling a lot better than yesterday. 511 00:35:04,670 --> 00:35:07,774 Doctor Wexler is a genius. 512 00:35:07,807 --> 00:35:11,143 Yes. Yes, he is. 513 00:35:11,177 --> 00:35:13,012 I'm glad you're feeling better. 514 00:35:25,958 --> 00:35:28,761 Okay, okay, Cheryl? Thank you. 515 00:35:34,033 --> 00:35:36,202 Then why is the jungle full of monsters? 516 00:35:36,235 --> 00:35:38,204 Why not just do that for everybody? 517 00:35:38,237 --> 00:35:41,908 Because you can't cure it. You can only suppress it. 518 00:35:41,941 --> 00:35:43,910 That's it, isn't it? 519 00:35:43,943 --> 00:35:46,512 That's exactly it. 520 00:35:46,545 --> 00:35:49,215 There is no true way to reverse the effects of the virus, 521 00:35:49,248 --> 00:35:51,784 but you can keep it in check. 522 00:35:51,818 --> 00:35:54,821 If you catch it in time, there's an 86.5% chance 523 00:35:54,854 --> 00:35:57,089 of arresting the virus spread. 524 00:35:57,123 --> 00:36:01,193 Of the 13.5% left, most will succumb to the virus, 525 00:36:01,227 --> 00:36:02,829 and then you just dispose of them 526 00:36:02,862 --> 00:36:05,464 by destroying the hypothalamus. 527 00:36:05,497 --> 00:36:06,799 "Most"? 528 00:36:08,300 --> 00:36:09,701 What? 529 00:36:09,735 --> 00:36:11,337 You just said most of the 13 and whatever percent remaining 530 00:36:11,370 --> 00:36:13,672 can be destroyed by ripping out the hypothalamus. 531 00:36:13,705 --> 00:36:17,643 I'm not a scientist, but if most can be killed that way, what's left? 532 00:36:19,578 --> 00:36:23,049 I mean... Irrelevant... 533 00:36:23,082 --> 00:36:24,984 Any population exposed to a virus, 534 00:36:25,017 --> 00:36:27,954 a certain percentage is going to display an anomalous reaction. 535 00:36:27,987 --> 00:36:29,721 This is why some people get the flu 536 00:36:29,755 --> 00:36:32,258 even though they've had their flu shots. It's very simple. 537 00:36:32,291 --> 00:36:35,127 But this isn't the flu, is it, Colonel? 538 00:36:35,161 --> 00:36:37,396 This is a super-mutated weaponized strain of Ebola, 539 00:36:37,429 --> 00:36:39,565 so forgive me if I'm a little curious 540 00:36:39,598 --> 00:36:42,368 as to what that "anomalous reaction" might look like. 541 00:37:27,079 --> 00:37:29,448 The anomalies. 542 00:37:44,897 --> 00:37:49,468 It's much more than I could possibly... But it doesn't... It really... 543 00:37:49,501 --> 00:37:52,071 Um, there are accommodations on the level below, 544 00:37:52,104 --> 00:37:54,440 if you'd like to spend the night. 545 00:37:54,473 --> 00:37:56,508 Uh, the building is 100% secure. 546 00:37:56,542 --> 00:37:57,910 So, you would be safe... 547 00:37:57,944 --> 00:37:59,445 Sure. Right, yeah. 548 00:38:00,980 --> 00:38:02,949 Thank you, Colonel. 549 00:38:02,982 --> 00:38:04,616 We have a slight problem. 550 00:38:04,650 --> 00:38:06,919 We lost our GPS beacon in the melee outside. 551 00:38:06,953 --> 00:38:09,255 Unless we can relocate that beacon and check in, 552 00:38:09,288 --> 00:38:12,424 they're going to be lighting this whole island up like the Fourth of July. 553 00:38:12,458 --> 00:38:16,028 Okay. What's the time frame? 554 00:38:16,062 --> 00:38:17,596 About five hours. 555 00:38:20,066 --> 00:38:21,367 Okay. Uh... 556 00:38:21,400 --> 00:38:23,635 I will help you locate the beacon, 557 00:38:23,669 --> 00:38:26,172 but then I think it's best you all leave. 558 00:38:26,205 --> 00:38:29,976 I will guide you to the beach through a path in the jungle that I use 559 00:38:30,009 --> 00:38:32,611 that is generally clear. 560 00:38:32,644 --> 00:38:34,213 Thank you, Colonel. 561 00:38:34,246 --> 00:38:37,549 In the meantime, Jerome, Pugh, will pack up your things. 562 00:38:37,583 --> 00:38:41,620 No. Uh, as I said, I'm not going anywhere. 563 00:38:42,488 --> 00:38:43,822 Colonel. 564 00:38:43,855 --> 00:38:45,391 You're coming with us. 565 00:38:45,424 --> 00:38:47,226 No, I was very clear about this. 566 00:38:47,259 --> 00:38:49,928 I am not going to leave my research. 567 00:38:49,962 --> 00:38:51,930 We went over this. 568 00:38:51,964 --> 00:38:53,565 My orders from HQ... 569 00:38:53,599 --> 00:38:57,603 I don't care what your orders are! 570 00:38:57,636 --> 00:38:59,138 Dad, please, just don't. 571 00:38:59,171 --> 00:39:02,008 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 572 00:39:02,041 --> 00:39:05,411 No one is going to steal my work and pervert it. 573 00:39:05,444 --> 00:39:09,481 Not you, not the government, especially, not him. 574 00:39:09,515 --> 00:39:12,318 You can either come with us willingly, Colonel, 575 00:39:13,185 --> 00:39:15,988 or we can take you by force. 576 00:39:17,223 --> 00:39:19,758 Come on. It's like birds and fish... 577 00:39:21,660 --> 00:39:24,463 Contain him! Contain him! 578 00:39:28,334 --> 00:39:30,402 He's turning! Shoot him, Gibson! 579 00:39:30,436 --> 00:39:32,704 I'm taking him out! I'm taking him out! Shoot him! 580 00:39:32,738 --> 00:39:34,773 No! Shut up! Shut up! 581 00:39:34,806 --> 00:39:36,342 Shoot him! Gibson, shoot him! 582 00:39:36,375 --> 00:39:37,343 Doc! 583 00:39:37,376 --> 00:39:39,545 Talk to me. What? Come on. What? 584 00:39:39,578 --> 00:39:40,912 Coat... 585 00:39:40,946 --> 00:39:42,848 "Coat? Jacket?" What? 586 00:39:42,881 --> 00:39:44,583 Coat pocket... 587 00:39:44,616 --> 00:39:48,587 Okay, coat pocket. The serum's in his lab coat, just wait! 588 00:39:48,620 --> 00:39:50,522 You got five seconds, Doc! 589 00:39:50,556 --> 00:39:52,558 Doc, whatever you're going to do, do it now! 590 00:39:56,395 --> 00:39:58,764 - Got it! - You got five seconds, Doc! 591 00:39:58,797 --> 00:39:59,931 Five seconds! 592 00:39:59,965 --> 00:40:01,400 Five! 593 00:40:01,433 --> 00:40:02,668 Jesus Christ! He's turning! Just shoot him! 594 00:40:02,701 --> 00:40:04,170 Four! 595 00:40:04,903 --> 00:40:05,937 Three! 596 00:40:05,971 --> 00:40:08,174 - I'm taking the shot! - Two! 597 00:40:08,207 --> 00:40:09,608 - Shoot him! - One! 598 00:40:24,523 --> 00:40:26,558 It's working. It's working. 599 00:40:31,197 --> 00:40:33,332 Well, this is plan 'B'. 600 00:40:43,041 --> 00:40:44,276 Get him up! 601 00:40:54,920 --> 00:40:56,322 What are we waiting for? Let's go! 602 00:40:56,355 --> 00:40:57,989 Let's get out of here, man. 603 00:40:58,023 --> 00:40:59,691 This is the window of opportunity, I say we take it. 604 00:40:59,725 --> 00:41:01,093 We're leaving. Now. 605 00:41:01,127 --> 00:41:03,095 No, no, no! I'm not going anywhere without him! 606 00:41:03,129 --> 00:41:04,896 He is a compromise... He's my father! 607 00:41:04,930 --> 00:41:07,166 He is a compromised asset! We are leaving. 608 00:41:07,199 --> 00:41:09,501 If he so much as twitches, I'm gonna put a bullet in his brain. 609 00:41:09,535 --> 00:41:13,139 You make one move towards him, and I'm cutting those off! 610 00:41:16,642 --> 00:41:18,110 Try me. 611 00:41:21,447 --> 00:41:22,514 Calm down. 612 00:41:27,186 --> 00:41:28,854 Doc, we're leaving. 613 00:41:28,887 --> 00:41:33,325 Listen, with this, I was able to help control it before. 614 00:41:33,359 --> 00:41:36,528 Now that I know what to do, I can do it again. 615 00:41:38,797 --> 00:41:41,633 We take him on a chopper, he compromises everyone. 616 00:41:42,334 --> 00:41:44,102 You're the scientist. 617 00:41:44,136 --> 00:41:46,705 You tell me what happens if we introduce a pathogen like that 618 00:41:46,738 --> 00:41:48,807 to the rest of the civilization. 619 00:41:50,442 --> 00:41:52,211 I just found him. 620 00:41:53,979 --> 00:41:55,181 I'm sorry. 621 00:41:59,151 --> 00:42:01,187 Well, now that that's that, what are we doing? 622 00:42:01,220 --> 00:42:02,488 We're leaving. 623 00:42:02,521 --> 00:42:03,822 We've got five hours before extraction. 624 00:42:03,855 --> 00:42:05,591 We're leaving. 625 00:42:05,624 --> 00:42:07,459 Gibson, 626 00:42:07,493 --> 00:42:12,164 let me get to my father's lab to see if there's any research I can salvage. 627 00:42:25,076 --> 00:42:26,312 You got one sweep. 628 00:42:27,979 --> 00:42:29,815 One. 629 00:42:30,816 --> 00:42:32,784 Jerome, Pugh, come with us. 630 00:42:32,818 --> 00:42:36,722 See if you can find a radio, somehow we can contact command. 631 00:42:36,755 --> 00:42:38,857 Kurtis, Henderson. 632 00:42:41,293 --> 00:42:43,495 Keep an eye on that son of a bitch. 633 00:42:43,529 --> 00:42:45,431 Yep! Roger that. 634 00:42:59,478 --> 00:43:04,216 The main lab is one level down. The stairs should be this way. 635 00:43:07,286 --> 00:43:09,120 Keep your heads down. Watch your six. 636 00:43:09,154 --> 00:43:10,489 We're going to head downstairs. 637 00:43:10,522 --> 00:43:11,790 See if you guys can find a working radio. 638 00:43:11,823 --> 00:43:13,225 You got it, Lieutenant. 639 00:43:26,572 --> 00:43:27,773 Nothing. 640 00:43:34,313 --> 00:43:36,315 One floor down, huh? 641 00:43:36,348 --> 00:43:38,584 Doesn't look like anyone's been down here for years. 642 00:43:47,793 --> 00:43:48,794 We've got company. 643 00:43:53,098 --> 00:43:54,533 I got this. 644 00:44:20,959 --> 00:44:22,294 Ready? 645 00:44:24,996 --> 00:44:26,398 Yeah. 646 00:44:41,046 --> 00:44:42,080 Well? 647 00:44:42,113 --> 00:44:43,315 Give it a shot. 648 00:44:47,853 --> 00:44:48,887 Anything? 649 00:44:48,920 --> 00:44:50,622 Dead. 650 00:44:50,656 --> 00:44:52,724 Like everything else in this place. 651 00:45:05,070 --> 00:45:06,271 I got to 10-1. 652 00:45:06,304 --> 00:45:07,339 Now? 653 00:45:07,373 --> 00:45:08,874 Yeah! Now. 654 00:45:34,032 --> 00:45:35,333 Pugh! 655 00:45:51,983 --> 00:45:53,585 What was that? 656 00:45:54,986 --> 00:45:56,688 Get my six. 657 00:45:58,023 --> 00:45:59,858 - Good? - Yeah. 658 00:46:13,872 --> 00:46:15,607 You think this place can get any weirder? 659 00:46:15,641 --> 00:46:18,309 Honestly? Yeah. 660 00:46:18,343 --> 00:46:20,812 Yeah. Me, too. Let's find Gibson. 661 00:46:42,501 --> 00:46:43,535 Hey. 662 00:46:43,569 --> 00:46:45,604 Hey, hey, hey! 663 00:47:12,297 --> 00:47:13,499 Pst! 664 00:47:22,508 --> 00:47:24,510 Take it easy. Take it easy. 665 00:47:37,923 --> 00:47:39,257 I'll take the main computer. 666 00:47:39,290 --> 00:47:40,492 You take the filing cabinet. 667 00:47:40,526 --> 00:47:41,860 What filing cabinet? 668 00:47:41,893 --> 00:47:43,795 That one. 669 00:47:43,829 --> 00:47:45,296 What the hell am I looking for? 670 00:47:45,330 --> 00:47:47,833 Anything XP 573. 671 00:48:08,386 --> 00:48:09,855 Wait a minute. 672 00:48:13,925 --> 00:48:16,962 Okay. All right, it looks like Wexler conducted his original research 673 00:48:16,995 --> 00:48:19,197 under the official military project name, 674 00:48:19,230 --> 00:48:22,834 but at some point, he started tracking it all under "Katja". 675 00:48:22,868 --> 00:48:25,236 And I can't find any hard copy of anything after that. 676 00:48:25,270 --> 00:48:27,539 Katja was my mother's name. 677 00:48:31,610 --> 00:48:33,411 Here we go. 678 00:48:33,444 --> 00:48:36,915 After the outbreak, my father changed his approach. 679 00:48:36,948 --> 00:48:38,750 Instead of working on the pathogen itself, 680 00:48:38,784 --> 00:48:43,054 he began using the infected to test and refine the anti-serum. 681 00:48:43,088 --> 00:48:45,657 So, the bastard was searching for a cure. 682 00:48:45,691 --> 00:48:49,961 No. He was using the anti-serum, XP 573, to enhance them. 683 00:48:49,995 --> 00:48:51,730 Without the natural limitations 684 00:48:51,763 --> 00:48:54,199 of living tissue to restrict him, 685 00:48:54,232 --> 00:48:57,569 he was actually able to improve their physical attributes. 686 00:48:57,603 --> 00:49:00,205 Depending on their original condition, of course. 687 00:49:00,238 --> 00:49:04,142 So, if you're a zombie, then you kind of get to stay a zombie. 688 00:49:05,677 --> 00:49:07,012 Correct. 689 00:49:07,045 --> 00:49:08,747 But if the infection hasn't spread too far, 690 00:49:08,780 --> 00:49:13,919 he was actually able to increase their size and strength 691 00:49:13,952 --> 00:49:16,722 well beyond the human norm. 692 00:49:19,190 --> 00:49:23,428 Beefed-up super-zombies. What could possibly go wrong? 693 00:49:23,461 --> 00:49:26,431 Well, considering one of the side effects is increased aggression... 694 00:49:26,464 --> 00:49:27,666 Wait a minute. Wait a minute. 695 00:49:27,699 --> 00:49:29,334 You just said that the fresher the victim, 696 00:49:29,367 --> 00:49:31,369 the more effective the serum is, right? 697 00:49:31,402 --> 00:49:34,105 He didn't try to inject this crap into a living person, did he? 698 00:49:34,139 --> 00:49:38,877 There are references to tests on uninfected tissue. 699 00:49:40,278 --> 00:49:42,313 Yes, right here. 700 00:49:42,347 --> 00:49:45,250 Patient 1138 was given the anti-serum first. 701 00:49:45,283 --> 00:49:49,154 Results, near catastrophic collapse of all systems. 702 00:49:51,823 --> 00:49:54,726 They actually had to use the pathogen to balance the impact. 703 00:49:54,760 --> 00:49:56,728 One won't work without the other. 704 00:49:56,762 --> 00:49:58,730 What the hell does that mean? 705 00:49:59,831 --> 00:50:02,267 You gotta be freaking kidding me. 706 00:50:04,736 --> 00:50:06,037 What? 707 00:50:07,372 --> 00:50:09,040 Patient 1138... 708 00:50:11,609 --> 00:50:13,344 I am Colonel Aidan Wexler, Patient 1138. 709 00:50:13,378 --> 00:50:16,447 I have been bitten by patient 1136. 710 00:50:16,481 --> 00:50:20,218 I am going to inject myself with XP 573, 711 00:50:20,251 --> 00:50:23,454 which should halt the virus at its current stage. 712 00:50:23,488 --> 00:50:26,224 And with the increased rate of DNA synthesis, 713 00:50:26,257 --> 00:50:29,294 should completely rebuild my cellular structure. 714 00:50:30,595 --> 00:50:32,063 Injecting now. 715 00:50:57,322 --> 00:50:59,424 He infected himself. 716 00:51:16,742 --> 00:51:18,209 What the hell did you just do? 717 00:51:18,243 --> 00:51:19,244 Nothing. 718 00:51:37,662 --> 00:51:38,997 Somebody tripped the alarm! 719 00:51:39,030 --> 00:51:40,565 Uh, we have to move now. No! Just hold on. 720 00:51:40,598 --> 00:51:41,800 - We have to move now! - Hold on! 721 00:51:41,833 --> 00:51:43,234 We have to move right now! 722 00:51:43,268 --> 00:51:44,569 I'm going to have to bypass security 723 00:51:44,602 --> 00:51:45,837 - if the alarm is... - Now. 724 00:51:49,374 --> 00:51:50,241 - Now! - Wait! Hold on! 725 00:51:50,275 --> 00:51:51,877 - Doc. - Just give me a second! 726 00:51:51,910 --> 00:51:53,578 - We're moving! Let's go! - I have to bypass security. 727 00:51:53,611 --> 00:51:56,848 The alarm has kicked in some kind of lock-down protocol. 728 00:51:59,785 --> 00:52:01,252 We've got to move now. 729 00:52:06,524 --> 00:52:07,959 Come on! 730 00:52:11,162 --> 00:52:12,163 Got it. 731 00:52:13,431 --> 00:52:14,532 Let's go! Come on! 732 00:52:14,565 --> 00:52:16,201 What are you doing? What are you... Hey! 733 00:52:16,234 --> 00:52:17,468 I have to find the pathogen. 734 00:52:17,502 --> 00:52:18,837 You have to find what? 735 00:52:18,870 --> 00:52:20,772 The fridge. Hey! 736 00:52:24,709 --> 00:52:26,377 What are you... 737 00:52:26,411 --> 00:52:29,380 Doc! Hey! 738 00:52:29,414 --> 00:52:31,216 Come on! Wait! 739 00:52:54,439 --> 00:52:55,706 What the hell is that? 740 00:52:55,740 --> 00:52:58,509 It's my dad's serum. XP 573. 741 00:52:58,543 --> 00:53:01,179 So, they sent a virologist. How serious is that shit? 742 00:53:01,212 --> 00:53:04,315 Very. Give me your kit, your med kit. I need it. 743 00:53:10,721 --> 00:53:12,190 You'd better keep it safe. 744 00:53:12,223 --> 00:53:13,825 I... Shit. 745 00:53:18,063 --> 00:53:19,998 We have to go. 746 00:53:28,106 --> 00:53:30,008 Oh, shit. What? 747 00:53:30,041 --> 00:53:32,643 I think I just opened up the whole security system. 748 00:53:32,677 --> 00:53:34,479 Why would you open up the whole security system? 749 00:53:34,512 --> 00:53:36,281 I don't know! I just opened it! I just opened it! 750 00:53:36,314 --> 00:53:37,715 Keep your voice down! We gotta go now! 751 00:53:37,748 --> 00:53:38,950 Wait. 752 00:53:40,751 --> 00:53:42,753 - Come on, Doc! - Got it! 753 00:53:42,787 --> 00:53:44,489 Let's go! 754 00:53:44,522 --> 00:53:45,957 Shit! 755 00:54:11,349 --> 00:54:13,018 Henderson! Kurtis! We gotta move... 756 00:54:25,530 --> 00:54:26,898 Jerome. 757 00:54:33,838 --> 00:54:37,242 Come on. Let's go find them. 758 00:55:46,711 --> 00:55:47,912 Henderson! 759 00:55:47,945 --> 00:55:49,514 Guys? 760 00:55:50,648 --> 00:55:52,050 Kurtis! 761 00:56:04,195 --> 00:56:06,431 Where the hell are we? 762 00:56:06,464 --> 00:56:09,134 Some sort of hellish nightmare, man. 763 00:56:10,668 --> 00:56:14,139 I just wish someone would wake me up. 764 00:56:20,678 --> 00:56:23,214 Let's keep going. 765 00:56:24,549 --> 00:56:25,550 Huh? 766 00:56:47,805 --> 00:56:49,207 Henderson! 767 00:56:50,108 --> 00:56:52,677 Gentlemen. Stand down! 768 00:56:53,844 --> 00:56:56,581 Put 'em down! I said, now! 769 00:57:00,385 --> 00:57:04,655 Tell me, what kind of trouble did you get yourselves into? 770 00:58:11,356 --> 00:58:12,790 Pugh? 771 00:58:14,192 --> 00:58:15,793 Jerome? 772 00:58:24,502 --> 00:58:26,404 Is that Pugh? 773 00:58:28,173 --> 00:58:30,608 Let's move. Move. 774 00:59:34,038 --> 00:59:35,240 Boys. 775 00:59:40,245 --> 00:59:41,679 No, no, no! 776 00:59:45,182 --> 00:59:48,586 Pugh. Hey! What happened? 777 00:59:49,887 --> 00:59:50,888 Pugh? 778 00:59:57,027 --> 00:59:58,128 Found you. 779 00:59:58,162 --> 01:00:00,531 What's going on here, Colonel? 780 01:00:04,835 --> 01:00:09,507 Just an average day on the Isle of the Dead. 781 01:00:13,644 --> 01:00:17,548 You're a disgusting human being, you know that? 782 01:00:18,949 --> 01:00:20,050 Mikaela. 783 01:00:20,084 --> 01:00:21,619 Disgusting. 784 01:00:25,590 --> 01:00:27,692 Mikaela, listen to me. 785 01:00:29,360 --> 01:00:32,630 Do you know why we even named you "Mikaela"? 786 01:00:32,663 --> 01:00:36,367 It's Dutch. It means "like a God". 787 01:00:37,602 --> 01:00:39,337 That's the work of scientists. 788 01:00:39,370 --> 01:00:42,673 It's what we do. It's what your mother and I did together. 789 01:00:42,707 --> 01:00:46,811 It's the work that you and I can do together. 790 01:00:48,212 --> 01:00:50,981 The right to be a god is yours. 791 01:00:51,015 --> 01:00:53,418 If you want to work with me. 792 01:00:53,451 --> 01:00:55,820 Father and daughter. 793 01:00:55,853 --> 01:00:59,990 We're not family. You're not my father. Not anymore. 794 01:01:04,862 --> 01:01:09,600 No, you need time to think about this. 795 01:01:09,634 --> 01:01:13,137 Time is something you don't have, Colonel. 796 01:01:13,170 --> 01:01:16,341 That GPS beacon outside, it's still ticking. 797 01:01:16,374 --> 01:01:18,008 In a little less than two hours, 798 01:01:18,042 --> 01:01:20,177 that's going to become a welcome mat for enough Trident missiles 799 01:01:20,210 --> 01:01:23,914 to turn this whole island into a warm spot at the bottom of the ocean. 800 01:01:27,251 --> 01:01:29,219 Unless you let my men go. 801 01:01:29,253 --> 01:01:31,956 So, we can deactivate it and get to the chopper in time. 802 01:01:33,257 --> 01:01:34,659 So, you can either help us, 803 01:01:37,662 --> 01:01:40,331 or we can all die together. 804 01:01:48,373 --> 01:01:50,074 What's it gonna be, Colonel? 805 01:01:51,709 --> 01:01:54,912 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 806 01:01:54,945 --> 01:01:56,080 Where are the keys? 807 01:01:56,113 --> 01:01:57,515 The keys are on the desk. 808 01:02:02,853 --> 01:02:06,991 Oh! No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait. I wouldn't do that. No. 809 01:02:07,024 --> 01:02:08,025 Why not? 810 01:02:10,595 --> 01:02:12,096 What'd you do? 811 01:02:18,903 --> 01:02:19,937 I'm sorry. 812 01:02:19,970 --> 01:02:21,038 I can't help myself. 813 01:02:21,071 --> 01:02:22,807 You didn't. Please tell me you didn't. 814 01:02:24,475 --> 01:02:25,810 You son of a bitch. 815 01:02:27,344 --> 01:02:28,379 Why? 816 01:02:28,413 --> 01:02:30,381 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 817 01:02:31,048 --> 01:02:32,850 - The others? - No. No. 818 01:02:39,790 --> 01:02:41,058 He's turning. 819 01:02:46,263 --> 01:02:48,198 Do you want me to? 820 01:02:49,667 --> 01:02:50,735 No. 821 01:02:52,102 --> 01:02:53,303 Help the others. 822 01:02:53,337 --> 01:02:55,072 I'll do it. 823 01:03:17,528 --> 01:03:18,996 I'm sorry, Pugh. 824 01:03:21,265 --> 01:03:22,700 Sir. Yes, sir. 825 01:03:24,268 --> 01:03:26,437 Now, let's just finish this, all right? 826 01:03:29,073 --> 01:03:30,575 Please? 827 01:04:28,599 --> 01:04:30,134 Are you okay? 828 01:04:30,167 --> 01:04:31,168 Yeah. 829 01:04:33,571 --> 01:04:35,072 You let them out? 830 01:04:39,443 --> 01:04:40,645 Oh. 831 01:04:41,311 --> 01:04:43,147 That isn't good. 832 01:04:45,382 --> 01:04:47,051 We got company. 833 01:04:51,989 --> 01:04:53,958 Clear! 834 01:04:53,991 --> 01:04:55,960 What are we looking out for? 835 01:04:55,993 --> 01:04:56,827 My mistakes. 836 01:04:56,861 --> 01:04:58,462 What do you mean? 837 01:04:58,495 --> 01:05:01,732 Experiments with inferior DNA that went a little too far. 838 01:05:01,766 --> 01:05:04,835 Realistically, what are we talking about? 839 01:05:04,869 --> 01:05:06,671 Your worst nightmares. 840 01:05:13,978 --> 01:05:15,045 Go! Go! 841 01:05:27,457 --> 01:05:30,094 Go! Go! Go! Move it! 842 01:05:44,174 --> 01:05:46,711 We're surrounded! They're coming! 843 01:05:50,715 --> 01:05:54,885 Go! Go! Up the stairs, and to the left. I'll hold them off. 844 01:05:54,919 --> 01:05:56,053 Come on! Come on! Come on! 845 01:05:56,086 --> 01:05:58,255 - I said, go! - Go! Go! Go! 846 01:06:02,426 --> 01:06:04,094 Wexler. 847 01:06:07,397 --> 01:06:10,200 It's been a long time. 848 01:06:30,921 --> 01:06:32,657 Jerome! Come on! Jerome! 849 01:06:32,690 --> 01:06:36,193 Jerome! Come on! Come on! Look at me! 850 01:06:36,226 --> 01:06:40,931 Easy! Easy! Okay! All right! Come on! Okay, okay. 851 01:06:40,965 --> 01:06:43,400 - Jerome! Don't you do it. - Just shoot! 852 01:06:43,433 --> 01:06:44,969 I'm already dead! 853 01:06:45,002 --> 01:06:47,371 - Come with us! - Put it down! Put it down, man! 854 01:06:47,404 --> 01:06:48,605 Don't do it! 855 01:06:48,639 --> 01:06:51,075 Go! 856 01:06:51,108 --> 01:06:54,011 - Jerome, don't you do it, man! - Don't you do it! No! 857 01:06:56,546 --> 01:06:57,948 Fuck! 858 01:07:01,185 --> 01:07:02,186 Let's go. 859 01:07:04,755 --> 01:07:06,190 Let's go! 860 01:07:26,711 --> 01:07:29,947 Doc, come on! Doc! 861 01:07:32,182 --> 01:07:34,351 Kurtis, find that GPS. Deactivate it. 862 01:07:34,384 --> 01:07:35,585 Yes, sir. 863 01:07:35,619 --> 01:07:37,187 This island deserves to get nuked. 864 01:07:37,221 --> 01:07:41,225 Yeah, but not while we're on it. Here. Take this. 865 01:07:41,258 --> 01:07:43,293 Henderson, take her to the rendezvous point. 866 01:07:43,327 --> 01:07:45,262 Yes, sir. Where are you going? 867 01:07:45,295 --> 01:07:46,797 I'm going to find the little party favor 868 01:07:46,831 --> 01:07:48,432 Henderson and his team left here for us. 869 01:07:48,465 --> 01:07:50,567 The chopper's going to be here in 90 minutes. 870 01:07:50,600 --> 01:07:52,169 I'll see you there! 871 01:08:03,380 --> 01:08:05,282 Stop! 872 01:08:26,703 --> 01:08:28,638 What are you waiting for? 873 01:08:28,672 --> 01:08:31,708 Waiting to kill my master! 874 01:09:15,352 --> 01:09:17,287 Where the hell are you? 875 01:09:42,479 --> 01:09:44,815 There you are. 876 01:10:59,289 --> 01:11:01,892 Keep your eyes open. 877 01:11:03,393 --> 01:11:04,561 Hold. 878 01:11:56,813 --> 01:11:58,382 Henderson? 879 01:11:59,616 --> 01:12:01,018 Do it. 880 01:12:01,986 --> 01:12:03,187 Do it! 881 01:12:03,853 --> 01:12:06,223 Do it! 882 01:12:55,939 --> 01:12:59,176 Mikaela! 883 01:14:26,663 --> 01:14:28,064 Captain! 884 01:14:28,998 --> 01:14:32,001 It's Gibson. 885 01:14:37,474 --> 01:14:40,144 I'm going to have to kill you, Captain. 886 01:17:05,121 --> 01:17:07,491 I stopped the clock. 887 01:17:09,058 --> 01:17:10,294 No one's coming for you. 888 01:17:18,201 --> 01:17:19,569 Attack! 889 01:18:14,924 --> 01:18:17,060 Marshall! 890 01:19:17,754 --> 01:19:20,390 I'm going to kill you! 891 01:19:25,995 --> 01:19:26,996 Go. 892 01:19:28,197 --> 01:19:29,666 Go! 893 01:20:05,769 --> 01:20:06,936 Doc! 894 01:20:09,138 --> 01:20:10,440 Doc! 895 01:20:11,475 --> 01:20:14,210 The chopper's here! Doc! 896 01:20:14,243 --> 01:20:17,113 Come on! We gotta go! Hey. 897 01:20:17,146 --> 01:20:18,715 Are you okay? 898 01:20:27,924 --> 01:20:30,594 You know what you have to do. Please. 899 01:20:32,128 --> 01:20:34,330 Maybe if we can get to the chopper 900 01:20:34,363 --> 01:20:37,133 and inject the serum, it can slow down the process. 901 01:20:39,335 --> 01:20:41,538 Go. 902 01:20:41,571 --> 01:20:45,709 Marshall has activated the GPS. Go! 903 01:20:58,688 --> 01:21:00,724 Come on! We have to go! 904 01:22:28,878 --> 01:22:30,113 Mikaela! 905 01:23:29,438 --> 01:23:30,774 I'm sorry. 906 01:23:36,445 --> 01:23:37,981 I'm sorry. 907 01:23:39,749 --> 01:23:41,250 I'm sorry. 908 01:23:52,729 --> 01:23:54,197 Do it! 909 01:23:54,731 --> 01:23:56,332 Please. 910 01:23:59,402 --> 01:24:01,337 Do it!