1 00:02:07,503 --> 00:02:08,461 Sir? 2 00:02:08,462 --> 00:02:11,256 Sir, can you hear me? 3 00:02:12,466 --> 00:02:15,010 He's alive! 4 00:02:15,093 --> 00:02:17,387 Get your ass back here. Get some cover. 5 00:02:17,387 --> 00:02:19,389 We don't have time to take a nap. 6 00:02:19,389 --> 00:02:21,808 The prisoner escaped before we recovered. 7 00:02:21,808 --> 00:02:24,187 We think he took a rifle. He headed off in that... 8 00:02:43,288 --> 00:02:45,166 Rifle. 9 00:03:02,058 --> 00:03:06,371 Lost target! Any signs? -Negative. 10 00:03:25,372 --> 00:03:27,532 Start-up sequence complete. 11 00:03:27,532 --> 00:03:31,211 Clea 19, series Gamma, on-line. Hello, commander Karza. 12 00:03:31,211 --> 00:03:33,755 Now, Clea, activate system link. 13 00:03:33,755 --> 00:03:37,384 System is linked. -You guys got her on-line? -Check. 14 00:03:37,384 --> 00:03:40,588 -Check. -Clea, patch me into base. 15 00:03:41,388 --> 00:03:43,473 Transmitting. 16 00:03:43,891 --> 00:03:47,728 Alpha base, this is Commander Karza (notched helmet comb). Do you copy? 17 00:03:47,811 --> 00:03:50,397 Copy, Commander. This is Alpha base. 18 00:03:50,397 --> 00:03:53,567 Prometheus is down. I repeat, Prometheus is down. Inrepairable. 19 00:03:54,484 --> 00:03:58,363 We have three survivors and in need of immediate extraction. 20 00:03:58,363 --> 00:04:00,115 We're not picking up your ship's beacon. 21 00:04:00,115 --> 00:04:03,076 Ships beacon is non-functional. 22 00:04:03,076 --> 00:04:06,288 We're diverting close ships to your last known coordinates 23 00:04:06,288 --> 00:04:09,875 E.T.A. in 100 hours. 24 00:04:09,875 --> 00:04:11,110 Upon their arrival you'll need to 25 00:04:11,111 --> 00:04:12,628 activate your personal beacon. 26 00:04:12,628 --> 00:04:16,440 Copy that. -What is the status of your cargo? 27 00:04:17,424 --> 00:04:21,136 Cargo has survived and fled crash site. 28 00:04:21,136 --> 00:04:23,305 Commander, mission parameters remaining. 29 00:04:23,305 --> 00:04:24,389 The organism must be 30 00:04:24,389 --> 00:04:25,724 contained and delivered. 31 00:04:25,766 --> 00:04:28,977 And Karza, it's imperative that you bring him in alive. 32 00:04:28,977 --> 00:04:31,480 Is that understood? 33 00:04:31,480 --> 00:04:34,274 Commander, do you copy? 34 00:04:35,484 --> 00:04:38,612 Yeah, roger that. Karza out. 35 00:04:38,612 --> 00:04:42,032 End transmission. -Thanks for the help. 36 00:04:42,032 --> 00:04:44,284 What else is new? -Enough. 37 00:04:44,368 --> 00:04:45,786 This mission has been a joke from the start. 38 00:04:45,869 --> 00:04:48,956 You think that it's a joke that we lost our ship and our crew? 39 00:04:48,956 --> 00:04:51,166 Your prisoner brought my men down single handed. 40 00:04:51,166 --> 00:04:54,336 And you couldn't do a damn thing to stop it. 41 00:04:54,336 --> 00:04:59,508 I don't see anything funny about that. Do you soldier? 42 00:04:59,550 --> 00:05:02,261 No, sir. -Good. 43 00:05:02,386 --> 00:05:05,138 Now, Clea, see to the Lieutenant. 44 00:05:05,138 --> 00:05:08,559 Hello, Lt Centauri 7 (smooth helmet comb). Oh, you are hurt. 45 00:05:08,559 --> 00:05:11,395 Yeah, give me a diagnostic. 46 00:05:12,604 --> 00:05:15,816 There is substantial trauma to your left shoulder. 47 00:05:15,959 --> 00:05:19,653 A plasma wound. No broken bones. Heart beat is elevated. 48 00:05:19,778 --> 00:05:22,781 Otherwise you appear to be in excellent condition. 49 00:05:22,781 --> 00:05:24,783 Clea, skiptrace prisoner. 50 00:05:24,783 --> 00:05:28,369 Activating tracking system. -Patch me up Clea. 51 00:05:28,745 --> 00:05:31,665 Redirecting cells to repairing nerve and tissue damage. 52 00:05:31,665 --> 00:05:36,392 Increasing endorphins to counter pain. Administering strophine to wounded area. 53 00:05:38,797 --> 00:05:40,048 Better. 54 00:05:40,841 --> 00:05:44,511 Sensors show the subject is 250 micro- clicks south-east from your position 55 00:05:44,511 --> 00:05:46,471 and moving away at a steady rate. 56 00:05:46,471 --> 00:05:47,973 Are you sure it's moving away? 57 00:05:47,973 --> 00:05:51,351 Yes, Commander. -Get on the move, let's head out. 58 00:05:51,351 --> 00:05:53,145 We'll need supplies. 59 00:05:53,145 --> 00:05:56,899 Not much left. -We'll take Logan's pack. 60 00:06:00,652 --> 00:06:04,406 Clea, any idea where we are? 61 00:06:04,781 --> 00:06:06,366 Planet is uncharted. 62 00:06:06,366 --> 00:06:10,120 Log shows you dropped out of warp at an unknown set of coordinates. 63 00:06:10,162 --> 00:06:13,123 Gravity at the nearest planet did the rest. 64 00:06:13,123 --> 00:06:14,166 Give us the stats. 65 00:06:14,166 --> 00:06:15,792 Atmosphere is thin. 66 00:06:15,792 --> 00:06:17,711 Likely to render you unconscious. 67 00:06:17,711 --> 00:06:19,605 I advise, keeping your helmets on 68 00:06:19,606 --> 00:06:21,548 until I finished acclimating your bodies. 69 00:06:21,548 --> 00:06:25,177 Surface's temperature is 116 degrees F (47C). -Nice. 70 00:06:25,177 --> 00:06:27,554 Power cells are at 72 percent, 71 00:06:27,554 --> 00:06:30,307 which can last just about 100 hours. 72 00:06:30,307 --> 00:06:31,892 Anything else? 73 00:06:31,892 --> 00:06:33,852 Calculating the position of the sun. 74 00:06:33,852 --> 00:06:37,189 I estimate the days here are 33 hours of daylight 75 00:06:37,189 --> 00:06:38,232 with 5 hours of night. 76 00:06:38,232 --> 00:06:41,693 Sound like paradise. Maybe I'll move here. 77 00:06:41,693 --> 00:06:45,489 I can arrange that. 78 00:06:45,489 --> 00:06:48,951 I'm sure you could, sir. 79 00:07:00,504 --> 00:07:03,465 According to Clea, we've got less than three days to get this thing. 80 00:07:03,465 --> 00:07:06,510 Let's move out. 81 00:07:21,733 --> 00:07:25,153 Croyer (no helmet comb), give me a torch. 82 00:07:32,786 --> 00:07:33,871 What're you gonna do? 83 00:07:33,871 --> 00:07:37,332 Weld it back together? 84 00:08:53,033 --> 00:08:55,994 He's on the move again. Let's go. 85 00:08:55,994 --> 00:08:58,997 On your feet. 86 00:09:00,749 --> 00:09:02,276 This is brutal. 87 00:09:02,876 --> 00:09:04,753 I don't understand how this thing 88 00:09:04,753 --> 00:09:07,339 can move so fast in this heat. -Simple. 89 00:09:07,339 --> 00:09:10,576 It wants to live, pure survival instinct. 90 00:09:10,576 --> 00:09:13,595 What's the rush? It's got no food, no water. 91 00:09:13,595 --> 00:09:15,305 We can track every move it makes. 92 00:09:15,305 --> 00:09:17,266 Let it die of thirst. 93 00:09:17,266 --> 00:09:18,892 Then there won't be a need to recover it. 94 00:09:18,892 --> 00:09:22,145 You heard them. They want it alive. 95 00:09:22,145 --> 00:09:26,024 Why? -It's not your place to question orders, Lieutenant. 96 00:09:26,024 --> 00:09:29,194 It is when it's costing me the lives of my men. 97 00:09:29,194 --> 00:09:31,154 This was a simple transport mission. 98 00:09:31,154 --> 00:09:34,032 Are you done crying, soldier? 99 00:09:35,409 --> 00:09:36,952 fuck off. 100 00:09:40,038 --> 00:09:43,500 May it up and move out. 101 00:09:43,500 --> 00:09:46,295 Both of you. 102 00:10:08,734 --> 00:10:13,238 Closing in on subject. 78 clicks and increasing. 103 00:10:14,615 --> 00:10:16,200 There! -See it! 104 00:11:21,390 --> 00:11:23,767 Where is it? 105 00:11:26,270 --> 00:11:29,648 Up on the ridge. 8 o'clock. 106 00:11:34,778 --> 00:11:36,613 Look like we can get up on the north side. 107 00:11:36,613 --> 00:11:39,867 Croyer, Grab Karza's rifle. I'll cover you. 108 00:11:41,702 --> 00:11:42,703 Go! 109 00:12:51,730 --> 00:12:55,275 I see it. -Shoot it. 110 00:12:55,442 --> 00:12:56,985 They want it alive. 111 00:12:56,985 --> 00:13:00,781 I'm in command now. Take it down. 112 00:13:02,241 --> 00:13:05,869 Target locked. -Take the shot. 113 00:13:09,164 --> 00:13:10,624 Down. 114 00:13:10,624 --> 00:13:11,917 Hold the position. 115 00:13:11,917 --> 00:13:14,086 It's secure. I got it. 116 00:13:14,086 --> 00:13:16,255 I said hold position. I coming up. 117 00:13:25,889 --> 00:13:27,975 There's nothing here but his cloak. 118 00:13:27,975 --> 00:13:30,686 Fall back! Fall back! 119 00:13:54,835 --> 00:13:55,335 Croyer? 120 00:13:56,420 --> 00:13:56,962 Croyer? 121 00:14:27,159 --> 00:14:31,455 I thought you were dead. -You are not that lucky. 122 00:14:31,496 --> 00:14:33,874 Where is my rifle? 123 00:14:33,874 --> 00:14:36,835 Ask the prisoner. 124 00:14:37,336 --> 00:14:39,171 Night's falling. 125 00:14:39,171 --> 00:14:40,339 That's a good place to set up camp. 126 00:14:40,422 --> 00:14:43,926 Hard to take the ground. Only two access points. 127 00:14:43,926 --> 00:14:45,594 I can still catch him. 128 00:14:45,594 --> 00:14:47,679 If you need to rest, stay here and I'll... 129 00:14:47,679 --> 00:14:49,431 You seem to think I want to hear 130 00:14:49,431 --> 00:14:52,643 your opinion soldier? I don't. 131 00:14:54,686 --> 00:14:57,731 Kid was too green. Never should have been in any unit. Blew our chance. 132 00:14:58,690 --> 00:15:01,693 He wasn't the one who rushed us into an ambush. 133 00:15:01,693 --> 00:15:04,613 The situation doesn't determine the outcome, Lieutenant. 134 00:15:04,613 --> 00:15:06,532 Confidence and skill do. 135 00:15:06,532 --> 00:15:09,910 Unfortunately, your team was in short abundance of those traits. 136 00:15:09,910 --> 00:15:12,371 Now, make yourself useful 137 00:15:12,371 --> 00:15:16,375 and set a parameter around those rocks over there. 138 00:15:17,292 --> 00:15:20,712 You have your orders. 139 00:16:29,531 --> 00:16:33,035 34 degrees F (0C) and dropping. 140 00:16:44,046 --> 00:16:45,756 Private channel opened. 141 00:16:45,756 --> 00:16:48,467 What's the Commander's condition? 142 00:16:48,467 --> 00:16:51,386 He's suffering from a plasma wound to his side. 143 00:16:51,386 --> 00:16:53,180 Extreme nerve damage has been 144 00:16:53,180 --> 00:16:57,976 sustained and his left lung is teared. 145 00:16:58,435 --> 00:17:00,187 What meds you got him on? 146 00:17:00,187 --> 00:17:05,234 500 cc Strophine and 250 cc of Cryoxin. 147 00:17:05,275 --> 00:17:09,238 I'm surprised he stayed on his feet as long as he did. 148 00:17:09,238 --> 00:17:11,198 Reduce his medication. 149 00:17:11,198 --> 00:17:12,366 We have a long way to travel tomorrow 150 00:17:12,407 --> 00:17:14,076 and I am not gonna carry him. 151 00:17:14,076 --> 00:17:15,702 I'm not sure if Commander Karza 152 00:17:15,702 --> 00:17:17,704 would agree with your assessment. 153 00:17:17,704 --> 00:17:19,164 Keep the information off line. 154 00:17:19,164 --> 00:17:20,874 He doesn't need to know. 155 00:17:20,874 --> 00:17:23,919 It is not in my programming to lie, Lieutenant. 156 00:17:23,919 --> 00:17:27,005 You won't be lying, you just won't be volunteering any information. 157 00:17:27,089 --> 00:17:29,842 Can you do that? -Of, course. 158 00:17:29,883 --> 00:17:31,593 Thanks. 159 00:17:31,593 --> 00:17:34,137 Odd. -What's that? 160 00:17:34,137 --> 00:17:36,682 Of all the soldiers that I've been assigned to, 161 00:17:36,682 --> 00:17:40,435 you are the only one that has ever thanked me. 162 00:17:40,435 --> 00:17:42,688 Do you mind it? -No. 163 00:17:42,688 --> 00:17:44,273 I quite prefer it. 164 00:17:44,273 --> 00:17:48,193 It can get tiresome being endlessly ordered about. 165 00:17:49,486 --> 00:17:51,196 We have that in common then. 166 00:17:51,196 --> 00:17:55,367 Your words conflict with the military directive, Centauri. 167 00:17:55,367 --> 00:17:57,369 So, I've been told. 168 00:17:58,579 --> 00:18:00,706 According to your record 169 00:18:00,706 --> 00:18:02,958 some of your previous insubordinations 170 00:18:02,958 --> 00:18:07,462 border dangerously close to treason. -And? 171 00:18:07,880 --> 00:18:11,800 It bodes a question, for why you have chosen to be a soldier? 172 00:18:11,800 --> 00:18:15,679 Yes it does, doesn't it? 173 00:18:42,915 --> 00:18:48,545 Atmospheric conditioning will be complete in T minus 10 seconds. 174 00:18:50,756 --> 00:18:52,633 I advise you to keep your eyes on our objective 175 00:18:52,633 --> 00:18:56,094 instead of me, Lieutenant. 176 00:18:56,136 --> 00:18:58,680 Atmospheric adaptation is complete. 177 00:18:58,680 --> 00:19:03,477 It is now safe to remove your helmets. 178 00:19:11,610 --> 00:19:13,862 Why isn't the prisoner affected by the thin air? 179 00:19:13,862 --> 00:19:15,822 He doesn't have a life suit. 180 00:19:15,822 --> 00:19:18,158 They can adapt to almost any conditions. 181 00:19:18,158 --> 00:19:20,827 All this was in the file. 182 00:19:23,205 --> 00:19:24,498 Permission to speak freely, sir? 183 00:19:24,498 --> 00:19:27,584 Permission? It has never stopped you before. 184 00:19:27,584 --> 00:19:29,294 Go ahead. 185 00:19:29,294 --> 00:19:31,547 What's this mission really about? 186 00:19:31,547 --> 00:19:32,881 Why is this thing so important? 187 00:19:32,881 --> 00:19:35,384 Does it matter? -Yes, it does. 188 00:19:35,384 --> 00:19:38,428 Why? -I lost my ship and my crew. 189 00:19:38,428 --> 00:19:40,472 I would like to know why. -You're a soldier. 190 00:19:40,472 --> 00:19:43,475 We both are. We follow orders. 191 00:19:43,475 --> 00:19:46,603 Without questions. 192 00:19:52,484 --> 00:19:53,819 Tell me what you know 193 00:19:53,819 --> 00:19:56,488 otherwise, I go alone. 194 00:19:56,488 --> 00:19:58,991 Disobeying orders is treason, soldier. 195 00:19:58,991 --> 00:20:01,785 Punishable by death. 196 00:20:17,509 --> 00:20:20,470 All right. This thing is the last of it's kind. 197 00:20:20,470 --> 00:20:22,097 We destroyed it's home world, 198 00:20:22,097 --> 00:20:24,349 and somehow it's figured a way to return the favour. 199 00:20:24,349 --> 00:20:26,852 So, we'll catch the damn thing and get it back to base, 200 00:20:26,852 --> 00:20:29,646 or we may not have a world to go home too. 201 00:20:29,897 --> 00:20:31,732 Now you know as much as I do. 202 00:20:31,732 --> 00:20:34,026 Does that you make feel better, soldier? 203 00:20:34,026 --> 00:20:37,446 Or let's sit down and discuss some more when this thing is gaining ground on us. 204 00:20:37,446 --> 00:20:40,032 You deliberately kept us in the dark. 205 00:20:40,032 --> 00:20:42,784 You didn't need to know. -I see. 206 00:20:42,784 --> 00:20:45,287 This mission was a hero maker. 207 00:20:45,412 --> 00:20:47,873 Everything we know was at risk. 208 00:20:47,873 --> 00:20:51,168 Are you deaf as well as stupid? 209 00:20:51,168 --> 00:20:53,337 What level was this mission? 210 00:20:53,337 --> 00:20:54,838 This discussion is over. 211 00:20:54,838 --> 00:20:59,009 What level was this mission, sir? 212 00:21:00,052 --> 00:21:03,347 Prio one. Nova class. -Highest level. 213 00:21:03,347 --> 00:21:05,265 And you was so caught up in your ego 214 00:21:05,265 --> 00:21:08,101 you didn't bother to tell us how dangerous this creature was. 215 00:21:08,101 --> 00:21:10,187 Your men were incompetent. 216 00:21:10,187 --> 00:21:12,231 Don't blame me for your mistakes. 217 00:21:12,272 --> 00:21:14,149 You jeopardized this mission. 218 00:21:14,149 --> 00:21:15,984 You got my men killed. 219 00:21:15,984 --> 00:21:18,362 I'm your superior officer 220 00:21:18,362 --> 00:21:20,656 and you will speak to me as such. 221 00:21:20,656 --> 00:21:22,241 Why? 222 00:21:22,324 --> 00:21:24,409 You don't deserve it. 223 00:21:44,429 --> 00:21:48,892 Come on. Let's see how much fight you got in you. 224 00:21:49,309 --> 00:21:53,188 You're not worth it. 225 00:22:25,512 --> 00:22:28,056 Clea? What's the prisoners position? 226 00:22:28,056 --> 00:22:30,184 I have no visual. 227 00:22:31,018 --> 00:22:33,103 Clea? 228 00:22:34,229 --> 00:22:36,315 Clea? 229 00:23:12,059 --> 00:23:14,520 Come on. 230 00:23:23,654 --> 00:23:25,572 Come on, baby. 231 00:23:25,572 --> 00:23:27,908 Don't leave me out here alone now. 232 00:23:27,908 --> 00:23:30,285 Start-up sequence complete. 233 00:23:30,285 --> 00:23:34,581 Clea 19 series gamma on-line. Hello, Centauri 7. 234 00:23:34,581 --> 00:23:35,624 Clea. 235 00:23:35,624 --> 00:23:37,918 I thought I lost you there. -You can't get rid of me 236 00:23:37,918 --> 00:23:39,211 that easily, Centauri. 237 00:23:39,211 --> 00:23:42,297 I've suffered some damage but seem to be functioning properly. 238 00:23:42,297 --> 00:23:45,259 I'm an early model, and quite durable. 239 00:23:45,259 --> 00:23:46,885 That's why I keep you around, babe. 240 00:23:46,885 --> 00:23:50,681 I thought it was my charming personality. 241 00:23:55,269 --> 00:23:58,355 Clea. What's the prisoner's current location? 242 00:23:58,355 --> 00:24:01,984 78 clicks and increasing. 243 00:24:09,408 --> 00:24:11,451 Look likes it's just you and me again. 244 00:24:11,451 --> 00:24:13,704 I'm sorry about Commander Karza 245 00:24:13,704 --> 00:24:15,664 but if I must say I'm pleased 246 00:24:15,706 --> 00:24:17,541 that it was you who survived. 247 00:24:17,541 --> 00:24:19,751 Well, that makes two of us. 248 00:24:32,431 --> 00:24:34,057 Skiptrace prisoner. 249 00:24:34,057 --> 00:24:36,852 200 micro-clicks on your current location. 250 00:24:36,852 --> 00:24:40,856 Continuing in south- eastern direction. 251 00:24:40,856 --> 00:24:43,525 On the move again. 252 00:24:51,867 --> 00:24:55,454 I hope you rot in the bellies of twelve gods, sir. 253 00:26:07,500 --> 00:26:09,330 Prisoner has stopped moving. 254 00:26:13,991 --> 00:26:16,743 It's been moving at a steady pace for hours. 255 00:26:16,743 --> 00:26:19,830 Hopefully the damn thing's collapsed. 256 00:26:19,830 --> 00:26:23,292 Without the water source it could be succumbing to dehydration. 257 00:26:23,292 --> 00:26:26,128 Exactly. 258 00:26:29,381 --> 00:26:31,550 Still... 259 00:26:31,550 --> 00:26:33,969 I'm going in. 260 00:26:35,679 --> 00:26:38,849 Report me any movement. -Of course. 261 00:26:40,225 --> 00:26:42,978 Be careful, Centauri. 262 00:26:52,699 --> 00:26:54,037 Can you give me a tracer signal? 263 00:26:57,400 --> 00:26:58,637 Got it. 264 00:28:04,184 --> 00:28:06,395 Clear my grid. 265 00:28:06,395 --> 00:28:08,438 What is it, Centauri? 266 00:28:08,438 --> 00:28:10,482 It's the tracking device. 267 00:28:10,524 --> 00:28:13,277 Torn out of it's own throat. 268 00:28:13,610 --> 00:28:15,571 Very clever. 269 00:28:15,571 --> 00:28:17,656 It can't have gone far. 270 00:28:17,656 --> 00:28:19,908 You can't hide forever! 271 00:28:19,908 --> 00:28:21,994 Do you hear me? 272 00:28:24,454 --> 00:28:27,541 I bringing you in. 273 00:28:27,875 --> 00:28:29,793 Dead or alive. 274 00:28:45,934 --> 00:28:49,897 Centauri? Are you all right? 275 00:28:53,400 --> 00:28:57,237 Centauri 7? Please answer. 276 00:32:24,653 --> 00:32:26,071 Clea? 277 00:32:26,071 --> 00:32:28,115 It's been toying with me? 278 00:32:28,866 --> 00:32:30,909 How long have I been out? 279 00:32:31,785 --> 00:32:34,913 Clea? 280 00:35:32,216 --> 00:35:34,009 The head. 281 00:35:34,009 --> 00:35:39,139 I had to kick the head. 282 00:37:25,579 --> 00:37:28,832 Hold on to that. 283 00:37:47,351 --> 00:37:48,852 Hello? 284 00:37:48,852 --> 00:37:52,147 Unknown user, please identify. 285 00:37:52,147 --> 00:37:55,859 Repeat, identify. 286 00:37:56,235 --> 00:37:58,612 Identify. 287 00:37:58,612 --> 00:38:00,447 Orin Jericho. 288 00:38:00,447 --> 00:38:04,910 Unauthorized user. Terminating access. 289 00:38:38,277 --> 00:38:41,655 Private channel, opened. -Clea? 290 00:38:43,198 --> 00:38:45,284 Where are you? -I'm not sure. 291 00:38:45,784 --> 00:38:49,288 I'm in the possession of an unauthorized user. 292 00:38:51,623 --> 00:38:56,378 Can you give me a signal of the location? -Of course. 293 00:39:02,259 --> 00:39:03,719 Got it. 294 00:39:03,719 --> 00:39:05,345 He tried to access me, 295 00:39:05,345 --> 00:39:07,806 but I terminated the communication. 296 00:39:07,806 --> 00:39:09,975 It spoke to you? -Yes. 297 00:39:09,975 --> 00:39:11,977 And it understood you. -Yes. 298 00:39:11,977 --> 00:39:14,146 The damn thing is smarter than I thought. 299 00:39:14,146 --> 00:39:15,939 Keep that signal going. Still on the private channel. 300 00:39:16,023 --> 00:39:18,275 I'm on my way. 301 00:40:12,204 --> 00:40:14,414 Clea? 302 00:40:14,873 --> 00:40:16,708 Clea? 303 00:40:16,708 --> 00:40:19,253 She won't be helping you any more. 304 00:40:22,172 --> 00:40:25,384 We can't get off this planet without her. 305 00:40:27,177 --> 00:40:31,181 How do I use her? -You can't. 306 00:40:32,808 --> 00:40:34,726 And if you harm her, 307 00:40:34,810 --> 00:40:37,855 you'll be stuck on this floating rock as well. 308 00:40:37,896 --> 00:40:39,439 You've got nowhere to go. 309 00:40:39,439 --> 00:40:43,026 Maybe I don't plan on going anywhere. 310 00:40:44,903 --> 00:40:46,780 If you wanna die 311 00:40:46,780 --> 00:40:50,492 kill yourself now and save me the trouble. 312 00:40:50,492 --> 00:40:53,287 What if I want to take you with me? 313 00:40:54,746 --> 00:40:57,749 Nah. You'd have done that already. 314 00:40:57,833 --> 00:41:01,378 You aren't as dumb as you look. 315 00:41:02,254 --> 00:41:04,506 What's it that you want? 316 00:41:12,264 --> 00:41:15,142 I know you can still hear me. 317 00:41:15,309 --> 00:41:18,187 You like playing games? 318 00:41:18,187 --> 00:41:20,856 Well, here's mine. 319 00:41:20,939 --> 00:41:23,734 I know why they want you brought in. 320 00:41:24,067 --> 00:41:27,196 And I don't care. 321 00:41:27,196 --> 00:41:31,575 I'm gonna hunt you down and I'm gonna you. 322 00:41:31,992 --> 00:41:34,995 That's my game. 323 00:44:24,414 --> 00:44:27,000 Give up, Cydonian. 324 00:44:27,376 --> 00:44:30,087 You will never catch me. 325 00:44:32,506 --> 00:44:35,801 You've been out-smarted and out-runned. 326 00:44:41,181 --> 00:44:44,309 Go home. 327 00:44:45,102 --> 00:44:48,564 While you've still got a home to go back to. 328 00:47:58,253 --> 00:48:01,757 I know something new I hate about your race. 329 00:48:02,007 --> 00:48:05,594 You don't pack enough water. 330 00:48:07,095 --> 00:48:09,890 Guess it's more of a human thing. 331 00:48:10,015 --> 00:48:13,060 Always be prepared. 332 00:48:14,978 --> 00:48:19,149 I'm actually surprised you Cydonians have lasted as long as you have. 333 00:48:19,233 --> 00:48:22,903 Seeing how incompetent you all are. 334 00:48:23,570 --> 00:48:26,198 Now I know why they put that inhibitor mask on you. 335 00:48:26,657 --> 00:48:29,576 You talk too much. 336 00:48:29,743 --> 00:48:32,621 They didn't want anyone to know I can speak your language. 337 00:48:32,621 --> 00:48:34,390 They were right. 338 00:48:35,374 --> 00:48:36,875 It's offensive for a creature like you to 339 00:48:36,959 --> 00:48:38,585 speak the language of the stars. 340 00:48:38,585 --> 00:48:44,380 Something we picked up from the Drax -Insects teaching the Apes. It's repugnant. 341 00:48:45,008 --> 00:48:47,470 Drax are noble race. 342 00:48:47,970 --> 00:48:49,596 You wouldn't know anything about that. 343 00:48:49,596 --> 00:48:50,722 Noble? 344 00:48:50,722 --> 00:48:54,226 They're disease of the galaxy, filthy creatures. 345 00:48:54,226 --> 00:48:55,561 That's funny. 346 00:48:56,061 --> 00:48:58,514 They say the same thing about you. 347 00:48:59,398 --> 00:49:01,809 Lying bugs. 348 00:49:02,317 --> 00:49:04,361 I tell you this 349 00:49:04,361 --> 00:49:07,030 no one's gonna miss you guys when you're gone. 350 00:49:07,239 --> 00:49:10,576 Your the race that's extinct, human, not mine. 351 00:49:10,576 --> 00:49:12,160 Not for long. 352 00:49:12,160 --> 00:49:14,496 Is that so? -Yap. 353 00:49:14,496 --> 00:49:17,082 I taking you all to hell. 354 00:49:18,083 --> 00:49:20,586 All right, I'll entertain your fantasy, human. 355 00:49:20,586 --> 00:49:22,796 Being that you're the last of your kind 356 00:49:22,796 --> 00:49:25,048 how do you hope to accomplish this remarkable feat? 357 00:49:25,048 --> 00:49:27,384 Don't you wanna know why? -I don't care. 358 00:49:27,384 --> 00:49:29,303 Hah. That's why. 359 00:49:29,303 --> 00:49:31,555 You entered this war on your own, earthman, 360 00:49:31,555 --> 00:49:33,265 and lost your home world. 361 00:49:33,265 --> 00:49:36,185 Those are the consequences. -We didn't enter this war. 362 00:49:36,185 --> 00:49:37,352 You attacked us. 363 00:49:37,352 --> 00:49:40,105 You were harbouring Draxian fugitives. -You mean refugees. 364 00:49:40,105 --> 00:49:42,691 Big difference. They needed our help. 365 00:49:42,691 --> 00:49:44,785 You chose the wrong side. 366 00:49:44,985 --> 00:49:47,070 No. 367 00:49:47,070 --> 00:49:49,865 It's cost us everything but we chose the right side. 368 00:49:49,865 --> 00:49:53,994 Now, it's gonna cost you everything. 369 00:49:54,369 --> 00:49:57,823 We all die. That's your solution. 370 00:49:58,123 --> 00:50:00,567 How can you be so naive? 371 00:50:00,667 --> 00:50:02,911 Another faction will rise up in our place. 372 00:50:02,961 --> 00:50:04,705 An endless cycle. 373 00:50:04,755 --> 00:50:06,740 The only way to break it 374 00:50:06,840 --> 00:50:09,418 is to take control from those in power, 375 00:50:09,468 --> 00:50:12,421 to rule in their stead. 376 00:50:13,639 --> 00:50:16,099 You've thought about this? -No. 377 00:50:16,099 --> 00:50:19,094 It's just the way it is. 378 00:50:21,522 --> 00:50:23,024 Maybe you are right. 379 00:50:26,360 --> 00:50:27,887 Human. 380 00:50:28,487 --> 00:50:30,322 You have two options. 381 00:50:30,322 --> 00:50:32,533 You can come with me and survive 382 00:50:32,533 --> 00:50:35,786 or you can join the rest of your race in oblivion. 383 00:50:35,786 --> 00:50:37,996 It's your decision. 384 00:50:37,996 --> 00:50:40,374 I choose option number three. 385 00:50:40,374 --> 00:50:42,368 Which is what? 386 00:52:12,508 --> 00:52:14,343 Clea? 387 00:52:14,593 --> 00:52:16,720 Clea? You there? 388 00:52:16,720 --> 00:52:19,598 Centauri 7? -Yeah, it's me. 389 00:52:19,598 --> 00:52:22,726 Has the human been recaptured? -No. 390 00:52:22,726 --> 00:52:25,395 Then how did you retrieve me? 391 00:52:25,395 --> 00:52:27,814 Found you sitting on the skeleton. 392 00:52:27,814 --> 00:52:29,942 Why he leave you behind? 393 00:52:29,942 --> 00:52:34,321 Odd, that creature is cunning, dangerously so. 394 00:52:34,321 --> 00:52:36,156 Like he figured something out. 395 00:52:36,156 --> 00:52:38,909 What the twelve hells is he doing? 396 00:52:38,909 --> 00:52:41,161 I'm missing something. 397 00:52:41,161 --> 00:52:44,081 I wonder... -Wonder what? 398 00:52:44,665 --> 00:52:46,041 Clea? 399 00:52:46,041 --> 00:52:49,127 Centauri, I may know what the human is doing. 400 00:52:49,127 --> 00:52:50,796 Great, tell me. 401 00:52:50,796 --> 00:52:54,132 It would be better if I didn't. -Why is that? 402 00:52:54,132 --> 00:52:57,761 If you know it might influence your actions. 403 00:52:57,761 --> 00:52:59,304 I don't... What? 404 00:52:59,304 --> 00:53:03,016 Do you trust me, Centauri? -With my life. 405 00:53:03,016 --> 00:53:06,353 Then here's what I need you to do. 406 00:53:15,863 --> 00:53:18,282 We may have another problem. 407 00:53:18,282 --> 00:53:21,535 What now? -I think my former Commander Karza 408 00:53:21,535 --> 00:53:23,579 did more damage to my internal circuits 409 00:53:23,662 --> 00:53:25,914 than I first thought. 410 00:53:25,914 --> 00:53:28,375 What do you mean? -My battery isn't holding 411 00:53:28,375 --> 00:53:30,335 the power cells charge very well. 412 00:53:30,335 --> 00:53:32,421 I'm not going to be able to conserve enough power 413 00:53:32,421 --> 00:53:35,424 to activate your beacon when the rescue ship arrives. 414 00:53:35,424 --> 00:53:38,093 Shut down the other systems, draining power. 415 00:53:38,093 --> 00:53:41,555 I have, but two main sources left for my system's memory 416 00:53:41,555 --> 00:53:44,725 and your medical unit. I'm afraid you'll have to shut me down 417 00:53:44,725 --> 00:53:46,727 until you need me, Centauri. 418 00:53:46,727 --> 00:53:48,437 That's not happening. 419 00:53:48,520 --> 00:53:50,063 Cut my meds. 420 00:53:50,397 --> 00:53:53,192 I don't think that's a good idea. 421 00:53:53,192 --> 00:53:54,735 Cut them. 422 00:53:54,735 --> 00:53:58,280 Meds unit shutting down. 423 00:54:00,657 --> 00:54:02,618 Your pain receptors are spiking 424 00:54:02,618 --> 00:54:06,288 and your heart rate is increasing. -I'm good. 425 00:54:06,288 --> 00:54:08,498 That should give us enough power 426 00:54:08,498 --> 00:54:11,460 provided the ship arrives at the designated time. 427 00:54:11,460 --> 00:54:14,838 With our luck, I wouldn't count on it. 428 00:54:52,960 --> 00:54:56,797 I picking èð communications from orbit. -Our pick up? 429 00:54:56,797 --> 00:54:59,216 No, these aren't military channels. 430 00:54:59,216 --> 00:55:01,134 An unknown craft is approaching. 431 00:55:01,134 --> 00:55:03,637 Coming down here? -Yes. 432 00:55:03,637 --> 00:55:05,931 However my system can'ô track it. 433 00:55:07,057 --> 00:55:09,184 Try to reach them. 434 00:55:10,602 --> 00:55:12,312 No response. 435 00:55:12,312 --> 00:55:14,690 They've gone into radio silence. 436 00:55:15,065 --> 00:55:17,401 That can't be good. 437 00:55:17,609 --> 00:55:19,987 Maybe some rendezvous for the human. 438 00:55:20,070 --> 00:55:21,864 Maybe he's not the last one. 439 00:55:21,864 --> 00:55:25,576 Or they could be Draxians. 440 00:58:46,818 --> 00:58:49,530 Great. 441 00:59:11,677 --> 00:59:13,012 Hey! 442 00:59:16,809 --> 00:59:21,587 What? 443 00:59:22,772 --> 00:59:29,244 What? 444 00:59:29,246 --> 00:59:36,911 Money? 445 00:59:38,745 --> 00:59:40,998 Cydonians? -Ha. 446 00:59:40,998 --> 00:59:42,457 They're paying you. 447 00:59:42,457 --> 00:59:44,960 You are bounty hunter. 448 00:59:45,127 --> 00:59:48,547 That is such an ugly word. 449 00:59:48,547 --> 00:59:53,051 Soldier of fortune more like it. 450 00:59:53,510 --> 00:59:57,097 Shame they want you be alive, ha! 451 00:59:59,766 --> 01:00:02,769 Just as I thought. Slyak. 452 01:00:03,020 --> 01:00:05,022 What would a Slyak be doing here? 453 01:00:05,022 --> 01:00:06,481 Bounty hunter. 454 01:00:06,481 --> 01:00:09,067 Alpha base must have sent him as back up. 455 01:00:09,067 --> 01:00:09,735 Idiots. 456 01:00:10,110 --> 01:00:13,322 Alpha base or the Slyaks? -Both. 457 01:00:13,322 --> 01:00:14,740 What you going to do? 458 01:00:14,740 --> 01:00:16,742 He's got my weapons and my prisoner. 459 01:00:16,742 --> 01:00:19,703 I'm gonna go get them back. 460 01:00:25,459 --> 01:00:28,621 True your kind build world bomb? 461 01:00:29,671 --> 01:00:31,423 Maybe. 462 01:00:32,466 --> 01:00:35,636 True or lie? 463 01:00:37,179 --> 01:00:39,139 True. 464 01:00:39,640 --> 01:00:41,517 Deserve it they do. 465 01:00:41,517 --> 01:00:44,770 Scare them good you do, ha? 466 01:00:44,937 --> 01:00:49,650 You don't like Cydonians? -No one like Cydonians. 467 01:00:49,650 --> 01:00:53,838 Invade every planet, make slaves. 468 01:00:54,238 --> 01:00:57,658 Their way or no way. 469 01:01:07,042 --> 01:01:12,673 If I kill you, they all die. 470 01:01:12,673 --> 01:01:17,719 No more Cydonians. -Wait. Remember? 471 01:01:17,719 --> 01:01:18,762 I'm money. 472 01:01:18,762 --> 01:01:21,974 You kill me, no money. 473 01:01:24,476 --> 01:01:27,396 Maybe I take you to ship first. 474 01:01:27,396 --> 01:01:30,266 Talk with elders. 475 01:01:30,566 --> 01:01:33,944 Good idea. Smart. 476 01:01:34,027 --> 01:01:38,198 No! This bigger than money. I be hero. 477 01:01:38,198 --> 01:01:41,243 No more Cydonians. -No, wait. 478 01:02:05,267 --> 01:02:07,978 You have no business here, Slyak! 479 01:02:07,978 --> 01:02:14,109 That human is my prisoner. 480 01:02:19,448 --> 01:02:21,950 He's mine. 481 01:02:48,919 --> 01:02:51,104 I don't think so. 482 01:04:15,022 --> 01:04:16,491 Now what? 483 01:04:17,191 --> 01:04:18,734 We wait. 484 01:04:19,943 --> 01:04:21,428 For what? 485 01:04:21,570 --> 01:04:23,789 Extraction. 486 01:04:24,198 --> 01:04:26,241 Ship should be here soon. 487 01:04:32,289 --> 01:04:34,541 What do they call you, human? 488 01:04:34,625 --> 01:04:36,752 What is your name? 489 01:04:36,752 --> 01:04:37,794 Jericho. 490 01:04:37,794 --> 01:04:39,296 Lieutenant Orin Jericho. 491 01:04:39,296 --> 01:04:40,339 Lieutenant? 492 01:04:40,339 --> 01:04:43,133 We are the same rank. 493 01:04:43,467 --> 01:04:45,135 I'm Centauri 7. 494 01:04:45,135 --> 01:04:47,554 Didn't ask. 495 01:04:47,971 --> 01:04:49,973 Not wise to upset me 496 01:04:49,973 --> 01:04:51,934 considering your position, human. 497 01:04:51,934 --> 01:04:54,436 No wonder your kind didn't make it. 498 01:04:54,436 --> 01:04:56,897 No common sense. -Oh is that the reason? 499 01:04:56,897 --> 01:04:59,608 I thought it was your genocidal war that did it. 500 01:04:59,608 --> 01:05:02,402 War is war. You lost. 501 01:05:02,402 --> 01:05:04,446 As long I'm still alive, 502 01:05:04,446 --> 01:05:06,865 the war ain't over. 503 01:05:08,617 --> 01:05:11,203 You never did answer my question. 504 01:05:12,538 --> 01:05:15,040 How were you going to destroy my planet? 505 01:05:15,040 --> 01:05:16,083 Are. -What? 506 01:05:16,124 --> 01:05:18,877 You said were. Past tense. 507 01:05:18,877 --> 01:05:19,920 It's are. 508 01:05:19,920 --> 01:05:23,882 All right. How are you going to destroy my planet? 509 01:05:23,882 --> 01:05:25,926 We sent a ship towards your planet. 510 01:05:25,926 --> 01:05:28,637 Filled to capacity with nuclear payload. 511 01:05:28,720 --> 01:05:30,264 Once it impacts, 512 01:05:30,264 --> 01:05:33,141 your world is blown to dust. 513 01:05:35,519 --> 01:05:38,146 Our long range scanners will detect it far before reaches our atmos... 514 01:05:38,230 --> 01:05:39,857 It's cloacked. 515 01:05:39,857 --> 01:05:41,775 You'll never see it coming. 516 01:05:43,310 --> 01:05:47,823 Another trick we picked up from the Drax. 517 01:05:50,951 --> 01:05:54,288 So, that's why they want you alive. 518 01:05:54,913 --> 01:05:58,709 They want to get the ships coordinates out of you. -They'll try. 519 01:05:59,168 --> 01:06:01,545 But you'll die first. 520 01:06:01,545 --> 01:06:03,589 That's right. 521 01:06:03,589 --> 01:06:06,216 Well, then there's no reason to keep you alive. 522 01:06:06,216 --> 01:06:09,970 I could kill you right now. -You could. 523 01:06:09,970 --> 01:06:11,889 But? -Come on. 524 01:06:11,889 --> 01:06:14,057 Everybody wants to be a hero. 525 01:06:14,057 --> 01:06:15,726 There's that one glimmer of hope 526 01:06:15,726 --> 01:06:18,395 that you might be able to save your world. 527 01:06:18,395 --> 01:06:20,397 I told you, I don't care. 528 01:06:20,397 --> 01:06:22,024 They can go to the twelve hells. 529 01:06:22,024 --> 01:06:24,276 I don't believe you. 530 01:06:24,276 --> 01:06:27,237 Centauri, I have an incoming transmission. 531 01:06:27,237 --> 01:06:29,072 Patch it through. 532 01:06:29,072 --> 01:06:31,366 Commander Karza, this is battle ship Aurora. 533 01:06:31,366 --> 01:06:33,869 Do you copy? -Copy that Aurora. 534 01:06:33,869 --> 01:06:35,287 Commander Karza is dead. 535 01:06:35,287 --> 01:06:38,165 This is Lieutenant Centauri 7 as acting commander. 536 01:06:38,165 --> 01:06:39,708 Copy that, Lieutenant. 537 01:06:39,708 --> 01:06:41,376 We have arrived at the last known signal point 538 01:06:41,460 --> 01:06:43,962 from Prometheus before you went down. 539 01:06:43,962 --> 01:06:46,507 Awaiting beacon location. 540 01:06:46,507 --> 01:06:49,384 Clea, activate personal beacon. 541 01:06:50,427 --> 01:06:53,972 Signal initiated. -Aurora, do you have it? 542 01:06:53,900 --> 01:06:57,200 Affirmative. It's weak but we should be able to home in on it. 543 01:06:57,302 --> 01:07:01,855 We are now enroute. ETA in 15 minutes. -Roger that. 544 01:07:01,855 --> 01:07:04,233 Centauri 7 out. 545 01:07:08,445 --> 01:07:11,448 When we get back to Cydonia, 546 01:07:11,448 --> 01:07:14,034 they're gonna torture you. 547 01:07:14,034 --> 01:07:16,787 They'll get the information they want. 548 01:07:16,787 --> 01:07:19,414 You won't last. 549 01:07:19,414 --> 01:07:24,253 The planet won't even be there by the time we arrive. -That soon? 550 01:07:24,878 --> 01:07:27,047 And all this? 551 01:07:27,047 --> 01:07:29,800 Just a wild chase to give the ship the time it needed? 552 01:07:29,800 --> 01:07:32,135 It'll get there long before we do. 553 01:07:33,220 --> 01:07:35,931 My planet's full of people that are innocent. 554 01:07:35,931 --> 01:07:37,224 They are not responsible for the war 555 01:07:37,307 --> 01:07:39,059 or your planet's destruction. 556 01:07:39,059 --> 01:07:42,104 Our High Council is. -You all follow blindly. 557 01:07:42,104 --> 01:07:43,647 It's no excuse. -It's the law. 558 01:07:43,647 --> 01:07:45,649 What's the Gods have decreed. 559 01:07:45,691 --> 01:07:47,943 Your Gods are telling you to wipe out entire worlds? 560 01:07:47,943 --> 01:07:51,029 No, we spread our knowledge to the stars. To surrounding races. 561 01:07:51,029 --> 01:07:52,489 By enslaving and destroying them? 562 01:07:52,489 --> 01:07:56,034 They don't accept our way of life, then yes. 563 01:07:56,034 --> 01:07:58,036 You make me sick. 564 01:07:58,036 --> 01:08:01,623 This from a race that couldn't even defend themselves against each other. 565 01:08:01,623 --> 01:08:03,500 Let alone an invading army. 566 01:08:03,500 --> 01:08:06,587 Only an ignorant species would war against it's own kind. 567 01:08:06,587 --> 01:08:07,629 Shut up! 568 01:08:07,629 --> 01:08:10,048 You command mass murder on a galactic scale 569 01:08:10,048 --> 01:08:11,508 and you think it's holy crusade. 570 01:08:11,508 --> 01:08:13,594 It is our way! 571 01:08:13,594 --> 01:08:15,137 Unless someone comes along 572 01:08:15,137 --> 01:08:18,056 and takes control away from them. 573 01:08:18,056 --> 01:08:20,559 Your words, not mine. 574 01:08:20,559 --> 01:08:22,477 That will never happen. 575 01:08:23,437 --> 01:08:25,856 I wonder why. 576 01:08:42,581 --> 01:08:44,625 You are right. 577 01:08:44,625 --> 01:08:47,794 I do care about my world. 578 01:08:50,964 --> 01:08:54,009 I have wife and child there. 579 01:08:55,719 --> 01:08:59,056 I would like to see them again. 580 01:09:02,601 --> 01:09:05,270 Our women don't fight. 581 01:09:05,270 --> 01:09:08,065 They nurture the children. 582 01:09:08,065 --> 01:09:12,528 Our soldiers are up there. 583 01:09:12,528 --> 01:09:15,072 As one warrior to another 584 01:09:15,072 --> 01:09:19,868 I respectfully ask that you take this war to those responsible. 585 01:09:24,164 --> 01:09:26,959 You'll just be killing women and children. 586 01:09:26,959 --> 01:09:32,214 Is that what you want the legacy of your kind to be? 587 01:09:47,229 --> 01:09:49,565 Vega sector, gamma quadrant. 588 01:09:51,358 --> 01:09:54,403 Is that... -It's where the ship is. 589 01:09:54,403 --> 01:09:58,198 Call your people. I'll give them the coordinates. 590 01:09:58,198 --> 01:10:00,909 You better hurry. You don't have much time. 591 01:10:00,909 --> 01:10:03,328 Clea? Patch me through to Alpha base. 592 01:10:03,328 --> 01:10:05,330 Transmitting. 593 01:10:05,330 --> 01:10:08,709 Alpha base, this is Lieutenant Centauri 7. Do you copy? 594 01:10:08,709 --> 01:10:11,003 Copy Lieutenant. What is your status? 595 01:10:11,003 --> 01:10:12,504 Prisoner is in custody and 596 01:10:12,504 --> 01:10:15,549 willing to give the coordinates of the bomb ship. 597 01:10:15,591 --> 01:10:17,426 Lieutenant, we are ready for the prisoners information. 598 01:10:17,509 --> 01:10:19,761 Please, relay it immediately. 599 01:10:19,761 --> 01:10:21,972 What's the coordinates? -No. 600 01:10:21,972 --> 01:10:25,851 I want to be the one who tells them. 601 01:10:27,811 --> 01:10:31,398 The coordinates are 22... -Unauthorized user. 602 01:10:31,440 --> 01:10:34,026 Clea, authorize the human. 603 01:10:34,026 --> 01:10:36,486 State your name. -Orin Jericho. 604 01:10:36,528 --> 01:10:39,239 Orin Jericho is now authorized. 605 01:10:39,239 --> 01:10:46,997 The coordinates are 229, 713, 040 bearing 2-6-0. 606 01:10:46,997 --> 01:10:49,416 Vega sector, gamma quadrant. 607 01:10:49,458 --> 01:10:53,003 It's an M-class star freighter. 608 01:10:58,550 --> 01:11:01,845 We have confirmation. Craft has been identified. 609 01:11:01,845 --> 01:11:06,266 Sending battle ships to intercept. -We found it. 610 01:11:07,184 --> 01:11:08,644 Well done, Lieutenant. 611 01:11:08,644 --> 01:11:09,937 We no longer have need of the prisoner. 612 01:11:10,020 --> 01:11:12,689 You may terminate at will. 613 01:11:12,689 --> 01:11:16,068 Roger that. Centauri 7 out. 614 01:11:25,494 --> 01:11:27,704 They want me to terminate you. 615 01:11:27,704 --> 01:11:32,334 I saved your world. Your family. 616 01:11:34,253 --> 01:11:35,796 Not really. 617 01:11:35,796 --> 01:11:38,340 I don't have any wife and children. 618 01:11:42,511 --> 01:11:45,472 That's good. Then you won't have anything to worry about 619 01:11:45,472 --> 01:11:47,891 when your planet is blown to bits. 620 01:11:48,934 --> 01:11:50,269 You didn't think I'd give you 621 01:11:50,269 --> 01:11:51,979 the real coordinates, did you? 622 01:11:51,979 --> 01:11:53,522 But we have confirmation on the craft. 623 01:11:53,522 --> 01:11:55,524 It's a decoy, you idiot. 624 01:11:55,524 --> 01:12:00,737 Unmanned. There is nothing but salvage on that ship. 625 01:12:06,994 --> 01:12:09,121 You can't stop this. 626 01:12:09,121 --> 01:12:11,331 It's already over. 627 01:12:19,089 --> 01:12:21,550 Superior race, huh? 628 01:12:21,884 --> 01:12:24,553 Let me give you some advice, alien. 629 01:12:26,013 --> 01:12:29,474 Never let your weapon fall into the hand of your enemy. 630 01:14:21,712 --> 01:14:24,381 I'm gonna let you know a little secret. 631 01:14:24,381 --> 01:14:26,425 We never launched the bomb ship. 632 01:14:26,425 --> 01:14:27,676 We couldn't. 633 01:14:27,926 --> 01:14:30,846 We had no idea where Cydonia was. 634 01:14:31,680 --> 01:14:34,308 But now that I'm authorized to access you database, 635 01:14:34,308 --> 01:14:37,060 she's gonna tell me everything I need to know. 636 01:14:37,060 --> 01:14:40,647 You think I forced us to crash down here by accident? 637 01:14:40,647 --> 01:14:42,608 You wanted the bomb ship? 638 01:14:42,649 --> 01:14:44,818 I led you right to it. 639 01:14:48,071 --> 01:14:51,116 Now, you're gonna learn what it feels like 640 01:14:51,116 --> 01:14:53,911 to be the last of your kind. 641 01:15:11,887 --> 01:15:14,681 You want to know the difference between you and me? 642 01:15:14,681 --> 01:15:18,977 I did have a wife and son back on the Earth. 643 01:15:31,406 --> 01:15:33,325 Centauri 7, this is the Aurora. 644 01:15:33,325 --> 01:15:35,369 We have just cleared the way 645 01:15:35,369 --> 01:15:36,328 and entered the atmosphere. 646 01:15:36,411 --> 01:15:40,123 Shuttle craft it's on it's way down. Stand by. 647 01:16:01,937 --> 01:16:03,981 Centauri 7, this is Commander Chane 648 01:16:03,981 --> 01:16:06,775 of the Aurora landing party. 649 01:16:06,775 --> 01:16:09,820 We're on the ground. 650 01:16:09,820 --> 01:16:12,114 What is your status? 651 01:16:17,327 --> 01:16:20,455 Centauri 7, are you picking up my transmission? 652 01:16:21,498 --> 01:16:24,626 Centauri 7, do you copy? 653 01:16:42,519 --> 01:16:44,855 The only one that made it, ha? 654 01:16:49,359 --> 01:16:50,944 You look like hell. 655 01:16:50,944 --> 01:16:52,738 Must have been a rough one. 656 01:16:52,738 --> 01:16:56,575 We'll get you to the infirmary right away. 657 01:19:57,297 --> 01:20:00,175 Clea, upload the coordinates to Cydonia 658 01:20:00,175 --> 01:20:02,845 to the ship's nav computer. 659 01:20:04,304 --> 01:20:06,390 Clea. 660 01:20:07,933 --> 01:20:11,645 Clea, I command you to respond. 661 01:20:24,575 --> 01:20:27,077 Son of a bitch. 662 01:21:11,663 --> 01:21:14,249 Alpha base. This is Omicron series 5. 663 01:21:14,249 --> 01:21:16,543 Commander Chane is no longer responsive. 664 01:21:24,885 --> 01:21:28,805 Start-up sequence complete. Clea 19 series gamma on-line. 665 01:21:29,139 --> 01:21:32,059 Hello, Centauri 7. -Hello, Clea. 666 01:21:32,059 --> 01:21:33,727 It's good to have you back. 667 01:21:33,769 --> 01:21:36,146 I take it by my new casing 668 01:21:36,146 --> 01:21:38,065 that you followed my instructions. 669 01:21:38,065 --> 01:21:40,734 Well played. It was you he was after. 670 01:21:41,777 --> 01:21:45,864 Centauri, I have an incoming transmission from Alpha base. 671 01:21:45,864 --> 01:21:48,158 Patch it through. 672 01:21:49,034 --> 01:21:51,787 Lieutenant, this is Alpha base. 673 01:21:52,829 --> 01:21:55,499 What the twelve hells is going on down there? 674 01:21:55,499 --> 01:21:57,084 If I were you, 675 01:21:57,084 --> 01:22:00,504 I'd be more concerned about what's going on up there. 676 01:22:00,504 --> 01:22:02,673 Centauri 7, you are under orders. 677 01:22:02,673 --> 01:22:04,174 What is the status of the human? 678 01:22:04,174 --> 01:22:05,884 Find another grunt to do your dirty work. 679 01:22:05,884 --> 01:22:09,179 Centauri 7 out. End of transmission. 680 01:22:12,975 --> 01:22:15,018 Whatever you're planning to do, Centauri, 681 01:22:15,018 --> 01:22:16,687 I suggest you to do it quickly. 682 01:22:16,687 --> 01:22:18,605 It won't be long before the human traces 683 01:22:18,605 --> 01:22:21,400 the source of that signal back to Cydonia. 684 01:22:23,151 --> 01:22:25,279 He already has. 685 01:22:25,279 --> 01:22:27,739 Isn't that right, earthman? 686 01:22:29,157 --> 01:22:31,952 You didn't shoot. Why? 687 01:22:31,952 --> 01:22:33,954 Same reason you didn't kill me. 688 01:22:35,289 --> 01:22:38,083 Yeah, what's that? 689 01:22:38,333 --> 01:22:41,461 I'll tell you when I see you. 690 01:22:46,675 --> 01:22:49,845 And just how are we supposed to get out of here? 691 01:22:49,845 --> 01:22:52,181 Bounty hunter ship has to be around here somewhere. 692 01:22:52,181 --> 01:22:54,850 You realize we'll be breaking 26 High Council's laws 693 01:22:54,850 --> 01:22:57,394 by taking this course of action. 694 01:22:57,394 --> 01:23:00,397 Is that a problem? -Not at all. 695 01:23:00,397 --> 01:23:03,901 Let's get the twelve hells off this rock. 696 01:23:06,397 --> 01:23:10,901 697 01:27:30,000 --> 01:27:40,000