1 00:05:59,792 --> 00:06:01,553 Yes? 2 00:06:02,720 --> 00:06:07,260 - Nothing. - Is there some words to follow that look? 3 00:06:07,360 --> 00:06:09,110 - No? - No. 4 00:06:14,080 --> 00:06:15,760 - It's not that short. - It's short. 5 00:06:15,860 --> 00:06:18,140 It's not that short. 6 00:06:18,440 --> 00:06:21,486 This is how short it was when we met each other. 7 00:06:23,080 --> 00:06:25,241 - Yeah, you loved that guy, didn't you? - It was not. 8 00:06:25,341 --> 00:06:28,580 - Yes, it was. It was actually exactly like this. - 'Cause I would have... 9 00:06:28,680 --> 00:06:31,420 I would have thought that you had looked like a criminal if, if... 10 00:06:31,520 --> 00:06:33,980 - I don't look like a criminal. - ...if you had it that short when we met. 11 00:06:34,080 --> 00:06:39,550 I would've stayed... I would've avoided you on the street with that haircut. Sorry. 12 00:06:43,360 --> 00:06:46,060 You're mad. I'm just trying to make a... what, 13 00:06:46,160 --> 00:06:49,585 a smidge of an effort for our little getaway. 14 00:06:50,520 --> 00:06:52,620 - Oh, yeah? - Yeah. 15 00:06:52,720 --> 00:06:54,540 Why? 16 00:06:55,400 --> 00:06:58,060 Why are you making such an effort? It's like... that's like, that's like something someone 17 00:06:58,160 --> 00:07:01,380 would do if they were, I don't know, going to propose or something. 18 00:07:01,480 --> 00:07:02,900 - Going to propose? - Yeah. 19 00:07:03,000 --> 00:07:07,940 People can get their hair cut without it leading to marriage. 20 00:07:08,040 --> 00:07:10,620 You mental-head. Come here, okay, while we're on the topic, 21 00:07:10,720 --> 00:07:11,940 - just answer this question. - Okay. 22 00:07:12,040 --> 00:07:14,911 Marriage: why? 23 00:07:17,520 --> 00:07:20,060 Seriously, that's the question? 24 00:07:20,360 --> 00:07:22,580 "Marriage: why?" Because it shows that two people love each other, 25 00:07:22,680 --> 00:07:24,260 - and care about each other and... - No, it doesn't. No, it doesn't. 26 00:07:24,360 --> 00:07:27,940 - ...They want to spend the rest of... - No! Incorrect. It does not. 27 00:07:28,040 --> 00:07:31,520 Okay, so tell me, what... what does marriage mean to you, Mark? 28 00:07:31,640 --> 00:07:35,740 It means slavery, is what it means. It means shackles, is what it means. 29 00:07:35,840 --> 00:07:41,200 It means going back to the bloody, I don't know, 1800s. That's what it means. 30 00:07:41,300 --> 00:07:42,700 - Really? - Yeah. 31 00:07:42,800 --> 00:07:46,140 Think about it, right? Waking up every day and choosing to be with somebody. 32 00:07:46,240 --> 00:07:49,380 That is a commitment, a commitment that you can choose every day. 33 00:07:49,480 --> 00:07:54,460 Being... being legally bound to. Yeah? Legally bound to. 34 00:07:54,560 --> 00:07:57,749 That is slavery. 35 00:07:58,800 --> 00:07:59,980 Yeah. Correct. 36 00:08:00,080 --> 00:08:02,900 So, what, are you saying that you never want to get married? 37 00:08:03,000 --> 00:08:05,860 Well, I don't know. I don't want to say never. Well, I mean... 38 00:08:05,960 --> 00:08:08,661 No. Probably not. 39 00:08:19,500 --> 00:08:23,750 You need to follow this road until you come to a T-junction. Yeah. 40 00:08:25,780 --> 00:08:27,540 Aw, yeah... 41 00:08:27,640 --> 00:08:29,620 What was that? What was that? 42 00:08:29,720 --> 00:08:33,940 I'm giving the man The Guns. "Hello, good to see you." I'm waving. 43 00:08:34,040 --> 00:08:35,380 That's not how you wave. 44 00:08:35,480 --> 00:08:36,740 - That's not how you wave? - No. 45 00:08:36,840 --> 00:08:38,620 - You're going to tell me how to wave? - Yeah. 46 00:08:38,720 --> 00:08:41,140 There's, like, a technique to it. It's, like, a country wave. 47 00:08:41,240 --> 00:08:42,980 - The Country Wave! - The Country Wave, yes. 48 00:08:43,080 --> 00:08:44,700 - That's a thing? - You're going right here. 49 00:08:44,800 --> 00:08:46,460 - Is there really a Country Wave? - It's a Country Wave. 50 00:08:46,560 --> 00:08:49,020 Yeah, it's like how people in the country wave to each other. 51 00:08:49,120 --> 00:08:52,344 Yeah, right. You're off your face. 52 00:08:54,480 --> 00:08:58,820 Okay, so you're... Basically your hand is on the steering wheel... 53 00:08:58,920 --> 00:09:01,458 and it should never leave. It's just one finger. 54 00:09:01,558 --> 00:09:03,580 - Just one finger, yeah. By itself. - Just one finger? By itself? 55 00:09:03,680 --> 00:09:05,340 - Like that? One finger? - Yes. 56 00:09:05,440 --> 00:09:06,860 Okay, try these people. 57 00:09:06,960 --> 00:09:09,820 - Index finger? - Index finger. 58 00:09:09,920 --> 00:09:11,140 - Hey! - See? 59 00:09:11,240 --> 00:09:13,860 It does actually work! Let's do these fellas there. 60 00:09:13,960 --> 00:09:16,700 Hey! I'm on fire right now. 61 00:09:16,800 --> 00:09:17,820 Congratulations. 62 00:09:17,920 --> 00:09:22,920 I'm gettin' it! I'm blending in. They're accepting me as one of their own. 63 00:09:23,880 --> 00:09:26,660 Let's get this fella here, now. Watch. You ready? 64 00:09:26,760 --> 00:09:28,354 Alright, hold on. 65 00:09:28,654 --> 00:09:30,020 You fuckin'... 66 00:09:30,120 --> 00:09:32,540 Do you know what, actually? Do you know what? I've another one finger wave for you... 67 00:09:32,640 --> 00:09:34,500 Mark, don't! 68 00:09:34,600 --> 00:09:36,770 I'm joking. 69 00:09:53,520 --> 00:09:55,709 Recalculating... 70 00:09:59,720 --> 00:10:01,829 Mark, this isn't the road. 71 00:10:01,929 --> 00:10:04,340 - It is the road. - Well, this is saying that it's not the road. 72 00:10:04,440 --> 00:10:07,140 I know, but... it is the road. I'm telling you now. 73 00:10:07,240 --> 00:10:09,502 Look, I know exactly where I'm going. 74 00:10:12,200 --> 00:10:15,060 - Recalculating... - "Recalculating, recal..." 75 00:10:15,160 --> 00:10:17,420 - I know where it is. Don't worry. - Okay. 76 00:10:17,520 --> 00:10:19,740 It's basically straight. 77 00:10:19,840 --> 00:10:21,549 Straight... 78 00:10:23,800 --> 00:10:26,537 - Recalculating... - Recalculating again. 79 00:10:26,637 --> 00:10:29,348 Just... put that thing in the bin. 80 00:11:12,440 --> 00:11:14,700 Okay, this isn't... Turn around. 81 00:11:14,800 --> 00:11:16,504 Give me a minute. 82 00:11:19,640 --> 00:11:20,663 Oh, fu...! 83 00:11:26,848 --> 00:11:30,644 For fuck's sake. 84 00:11:39,480 --> 00:11:43,060 Mark, it's properly stuck. There's, like, it's... spinning around. 85 00:11:43,160 --> 00:11:45,660 Mark, stop! You can't! You're going to wreck the car. 86 00:11:45,760 --> 00:11:48,888 - Fine. - There's a massive hole there. 87 00:11:49,640 --> 00:11:51,660 Okay, look... 88 00:11:52,360 --> 00:11:56,000 I'm going to get out and push, yeah? You reverse just a little bit. Okay? 89 00:11:56,100 --> 00:11:57,865 Yep, okay. 90 00:12:00,520 --> 00:12:03,356 Geez, this fuckin'... 91 00:12:03,760 --> 00:12:07,860 It's a massive fucking puddle... I think we should just stay here. 92 00:12:07,960 --> 00:12:10,681 - This is a lovely spot. - Oh, you're hilarious! 93 00:12:13,440 --> 00:12:15,269 - You ready? - Yeah. 94 00:12:20,520 --> 00:12:22,784 - You ready? - I'm ready. 95 00:12:23,040 --> 00:12:24,346 Go! 96 00:12:31,820 --> 00:12:33,487 Mark... 97 00:12:38,480 --> 00:12:40,302 Shit. 98 00:12:45,480 --> 00:12:48,320 Here, hand me up my phone, will you? 99 00:12:48,720 --> 00:12:49,900 I'll just ring my dad. 100 00:12:50,000 --> 00:12:53,140 - You're not ringing your dad! - It's fine. He'll know what to do. 101 00:12:53,240 --> 00:12:56,842 You're not ringing your dad. Call AA, if you're calling anybody. 102 00:13:01,720 --> 00:13:04,063 - Have you a signal on that? - No. 103 00:13:05,880 --> 00:13:08,650 Okay... New plan. 104 00:13:11,600 --> 00:13:13,428 What's the plan? 105 00:13:14,000 --> 00:13:15,500 I'm going to go find a house. 106 00:13:15,600 --> 00:13:17,280 - Okay, I'll go with you... - No, no, no, no. 107 00:13:17,580 --> 00:13:20,500 I'm going to go find a house. 108 00:13:20,600 --> 00:13:22,180 You stay with the car. 109 00:13:22,280 --> 00:13:26,230 If, like, a car comes, see if you can get, like, a tow rope or whatever. 110 00:13:26,560 --> 00:13:28,086 Okay? 111 00:13:28,560 --> 00:13:30,091 Okay? 112 00:13:32,480 --> 00:13:35,351 - So, just stay with the car? - Stay with the car. 113 00:13:39,040 --> 00:13:41,383 Stay with the car... 114 00:18:42,360 --> 00:18:43,905 Hello? 115 00:18:52,680 --> 00:18:54,264 Hello? 116 00:19:35,800 --> 00:19:37,384 Hello? 117 00:19:44,240 --> 00:19:47,584 Hey, is there anybody... Is there anybody home here? 118 00:19:52,240 --> 00:19:53,962 Hello? 119 00:19:54,600 --> 00:19:58,264 I just have a car stuck up the road there. Is there anybody here? 120 00:20:07,960 --> 00:20:09,740 Hello? 121 00:20:10,040 --> 00:20:12,229 Is there anybody here? 122 00:20:43,720 --> 00:20:45,590 Hello? 123 00:20:58,240 --> 00:21:00,852 Hey, hey, sorry... 124 00:21:01,400 --> 00:21:04,709 My car is just stuck in mud up the road there. 125 00:21:06,120 --> 00:21:08,188 Whoa, are you...? 126 00:21:10,000 --> 00:21:11,540 Come here. 127 00:21:13,280 --> 00:21:14,820 Sit down. 128 00:21:16,960 --> 00:21:20,250 Hey, sorry, listen. Hey, are you... 129 00:21:20,840 --> 00:21:23,269 What happened to your neck? 130 00:21:23,760 --> 00:21:25,830 Okay, here, hold on... 131 00:21:34,480 --> 00:21:37,504 Here, look. Hey... 132 00:21:39,352 --> 00:21:41,140 Here... 133 00:21:41,240 --> 00:21:43,783 Look... Hold that there, okay? 134 00:22:59,000 --> 00:23:02,380 - Sarah... - Jesus Christ! You scared the shit out of me. 135 00:23:02,480 --> 00:23:04,700 There's an old farmhouse not too far down that way. 136 00:23:04,800 --> 00:23:08,380 - Did you find someone? - Well, I did but he needs our help. 137 00:23:08,480 --> 00:23:11,384 What? What do you mean he needs our help? 138 00:23:12,240 --> 00:23:13,400 Mark, what do you mean he needs our help? 139 00:23:13,500 --> 00:23:16,665 I found someone who needs our help. Will you come on? 140 00:23:19,200 --> 00:23:21,340 I'm just confused. What do you mean he needs our help? 141 00:23:21,440 --> 00:23:23,124 Come on, will you? 142 00:23:24,000 --> 00:23:26,940 - Just explain what happened. - Okay. The guy in the house, yeah? 143 00:23:27,040 --> 00:23:29,980 He has, like, a big cut on his neck. 144 00:23:30,080 --> 00:23:34,166 - What happened to him? - I don't know. He looked... freaked out. 145 00:23:39,880 --> 00:23:43,540 - So what exactly did he say? - Well, he wasn't really saying much. 146 00:23:43,640 --> 00:23:46,260 He was mostly mumbling. I couldn't really make out anything he was saying, you know? 147 00:23:46,360 --> 00:23:48,740 Do you suppose he was in shock or something? 148 00:23:48,840 --> 00:23:50,710 I don't know. 149 00:23:54,960 --> 00:23:56,540 Shit... 150 00:23:56,640 --> 00:24:00,689 You're such a dick! You're such a... You fucking asshole... 151 00:24:09,340 --> 00:24:10,300 Come on. 152 00:24:10,400 --> 00:24:12,384 - Yep? - Yep. 153 00:24:24,320 --> 00:24:26,019 What? 154 00:24:26,119 --> 00:24:28,460 The lights were on earlier. 155 00:24:28,560 --> 00:24:30,424 It's like... 156 00:24:33,000 --> 00:24:35,309 The door's a bit stiff. 157 00:25:47,920 --> 00:25:49,504 Hello? 158 00:25:58,320 --> 00:25:59,885 Hello? 159 00:26:04,120 --> 00:26:05,665 Hello? 160 00:26:09,720 --> 00:26:11,020 Mark, what are you doing? Mark! 161 00:26:11,120 --> 00:26:12,860 - Just hold on. - You can't... 162 00:26:12,960 --> 00:26:14,585 Hello? 163 00:26:16,920 --> 00:26:20,300 - Mark! - He's hurt, Sarah. His neck is bleeding. 164 00:26:20,400 --> 00:26:22,164 Hello? 165 00:26:36,960 --> 00:26:39,601 Hello? It's me, Mark. 166 00:26:43,400 --> 00:26:45,229 Come on. 167 00:26:53,640 --> 00:26:54,500 Mark... 168 00:26:54,600 --> 00:26:58,643 Sarah, he needs to go to a fucking hospital. 169 00:27:13,280 --> 00:27:17,743 What are you doing? Come on. Mark, what are you doing? 170 00:27:23,880 --> 00:27:26,060 - What are you doing? - Sarah, he was just right there. 171 00:27:26,160 --> 00:27:29,180 - Come on, let's go. Please, let's go. - I'm serious, he was just right here. 172 00:27:29,280 --> 00:27:30,380 - Will you just wait one second? - Come on, please, let's go! 173 00:27:30,480 --> 00:27:32,460 - Hello? Just wait a second. - Let's just... Let's go! 174 00:27:32,560 --> 00:27:34,230 Hello? 175 00:27:55,440 --> 00:27:58,265 Get him off! Get him off! 176 00:27:58,960 --> 00:28:00,742 - Sarah! - Mark! 177 00:28:27,040 --> 00:28:28,790 Sarah, will you come on! 178 00:28:31,040 --> 00:28:32,605 Come on. 179 00:28:46,680 --> 00:28:50,785 Mark, this is crazy. Can we just go? Mark! 180 00:28:51,800 --> 00:28:54,346 Okay, come on. Let's just get back to the car. 181 00:28:59,000 --> 00:29:00,620 - This isn't the way. - It is the way. 182 00:29:00,720 --> 00:29:02,420 I said it about ten minutes ago. It still isn't the way. 183 00:29:02,520 --> 00:29:04,580 This is the way, now will you shut up? 184 00:29:04,680 --> 00:29:06,160 - You know we're lost! - We're not lost. 185 00:29:06,260 --> 00:29:08,420 - This isn't the way we came! - Sarah, it's a straight line, okay? 186 00:29:08,520 --> 00:29:10,620 What, the same straight line we've been walking in for the last twenty minutes? 187 00:29:10,720 --> 00:29:12,500 - Will you keep walking? - Just admit that we're lost, Mark! 188 00:29:12,600 --> 00:29:14,220 We're not lost! 189 00:29:14,320 --> 00:29:17,100 - Oh, my God... - Sarah, I want to get back to the car. 190 00:29:17,200 --> 00:29:19,120 Yeah, well, you're not going to get back there any time soon 191 00:29:19,220 --> 00:29:21,640 - 'cause you're not going in the right direction. - I am going in the right fucking direction! 192 00:29:21,740 --> 00:29:24,400 What are you now, what, the fucking king of the bloody bogs? 193 00:29:24,500 --> 00:29:27,160 - You know where you're bloody going? - Yes, I know where I'm going! 194 00:29:27,260 --> 00:29:29,280 - It's a straight fucking line! - And what? And where? 195 00:29:29,380 --> 00:29:32,320 - We walked here earlier on! - We didn't come this way! 196 00:29:32,420 --> 00:29:34,000 - You know this? You know this? - I know we didn't walk this way! 197 00:29:34,100 --> 00:29:36,928 Oh, this is your fucking back garden? Now will you get over the ridge? 198 00:29:37,028 --> 00:29:39,360 - What? - Will you walk over the fucking ridge? 199 00:29:39,460 --> 00:29:43,280 Sarah, it's a direct line to the car. It's directly that way. 200 00:29:43,380 --> 00:29:46,340 What the fuck are you doing? Why are you taking... What are you doing? 201 00:29:46,440 --> 00:29:48,240 - Why are you doing that? - Is that fun? Yeah? 202 00:29:48,340 --> 00:29:50,280 - What is wrong with you? - Point it at the shagging ground 203 00:29:50,380 --> 00:29:52,144 - so I can see where I'm going! - I was! 204 00:29:56,220 --> 00:29:57,424 Mark? 205 00:29:58,620 --> 00:30:01,667 Mark? Mark? 206 00:30:03,020 --> 00:30:04,645 Mark? 207 00:30:07,460 --> 00:30:08,971 Mark? 208 00:30:09,820 --> 00:30:11,251 Mark! 209 00:30:26,446 --> 00:30:28,880 Let's get out of here, Sarah. Something just grabbed me, 210 00:30:28,980 --> 00:30:31,680 something pulled me. We need to go, Sarah, we need to go. 211 00:30:31,780 --> 00:30:33,514 We... 212 00:30:33,614 --> 00:30:37,800 We need to go. Come on, we need to go. Sarah, get up, we need to go! 213 00:30:37,900 --> 00:30:39,570 Just run! 214 00:30:56,140 --> 00:30:57,885 Fuck! 215 00:31:02,380 --> 00:31:04,450 What's that thing? 216 00:31:10,460 --> 00:31:14,120 There's something... There's something out there, Mark. 217 00:31:14,220 --> 00:31:18,920 - Sarah, we need to get out of here. - Get down, get down. 218 00:31:19,020 --> 00:31:20,822 It's on the fucking bank. 219 00:31:23,620 --> 00:31:26,321 Mark, let's just get back to the farmhouse. 220 00:31:29,220 --> 00:31:30,990 You ready? 221 00:31:31,540 --> 00:31:33,120 1... 222 00:31:33,620 --> 00:31:35,180 2... 223 00:31:35,780 --> 00:31:37,320 3! 224 00:31:56,100 --> 00:31:59,000 Okay, Mark, look, there! There's the house! 225 00:31:59,100 --> 00:32:00,729 Okay... 226 00:32:12,980 --> 00:32:15,000 What the hell was that thing? 227 00:32:15,100 --> 00:32:17,364 Watch you head, watch your head. 228 00:32:19,780 --> 00:32:22,444 - Okay, which way? - This way. Come on. 229 00:32:26,740 --> 00:32:28,330 Come on. 230 00:32:28,900 --> 00:32:30,990 Okay, let go. 231 00:32:40,680 --> 00:32:42,775 What the fuck? 232 00:32:47,600 --> 00:32:49,231 Fuck! 233 00:32:57,560 --> 00:32:59,544 Sarah, the door! 234 00:33:01,060 --> 00:33:02,685 Lock it! 235 00:33:11,300 --> 00:33:13,289 Mark, he's scared of the... 236 00:33:17,900 --> 00:33:21,004 Mark, run! Run, Mark! 237 00:33:23,980 --> 00:33:26,081 - Mark? - Sarah! 238 00:33:26,300 --> 00:33:28,250 Sarah! 239 00:33:44,420 --> 00:33:46,306 Shit! 240 00:34:16,320 --> 00:34:17,806 Mark... 241 00:34:26,900 --> 00:34:30,200 Mark? Mark, use your light on your phone! 242 00:34:30,300 --> 00:34:33,731 Mark, use your light! Mark! 243 00:35:02,900 --> 00:35:04,809 Sarah! 244 00:35:20,580 --> 00:35:22,220 Quick! 245 00:35:24,420 --> 00:35:26,331 Go, go, go! 246 00:35:26,460 --> 00:35:27,800 Go, go, go! 247 00:35:27,900 --> 00:35:30,429 We'll get to the light upstairs! Come on! 248 00:35:31,780 --> 00:35:34,000 Sarah, I can't, I can't... 249 00:35:34,100 --> 00:35:36,441 Okay, in here, in here! 250 00:35:37,100 --> 00:35:39,423 Oh, fuck... 251 00:35:55,620 --> 00:35:57,514 Oh, fu... 252 00:36:11,720 --> 00:36:12,720 Come on, Mark... 253 00:36:12,820 --> 00:36:16,760 My leg, Sarah, my leg, my leg, my fuckin' leg... 254 00:36:16,860 --> 00:36:19,185 My leg! My fuckin'... 255 00:36:21,840 --> 00:36:23,651 Oh, shit. 256 00:36:31,900 --> 00:36:34,887 Okay. Okay. 257 00:36:35,220 --> 00:36:37,846 Okay. Okay. 258 00:36:58,500 --> 00:36:59,886 Okay. 259 00:37:00,900 --> 00:37:02,968 It's okay. 260 00:37:06,700 --> 00:37:11,640 Come on, Mark, come on. Okay, listen to me, Mark. 261 00:37:24,940 --> 00:37:28,845 You'll be okay, yeah? Okay? 262 00:38:41,500 --> 00:38:45,567 He's gonna go through. Okay? Let's go upstairs. Go upstairs. 263 00:38:48,460 --> 00:38:52,200 - Keep going. - Okay? Up the stairs. Upstairs. Okay... 264 00:38:52,556 --> 00:38:54,080 - Shit! - Sorry. 265 00:38:54,180 --> 00:38:56,070 Come on. 266 00:39:00,031 --> 00:39:01,751 Fuck! 267 00:39:04,060 --> 00:39:05,966 Okay... 268 00:39:06,500 --> 00:39:10,249 Go, go! Get the light, get the light. 269 00:39:11,420 --> 00:39:13,649 Point it outward. 270 00:39:37,960 --> 00:39:40,044 What the fuck was that? 271 00:40:35,820 --> 00:40:38,163 Oh, shit, do you smell that? 272 00:40:39,140 --> 00:40:41,530 Sarah, the place is full of smoke! 273 00:40:41,940 --> 00:40:44,134 Sarah, he's trying to burn us out! 274 00:40:47,020 --> 00:40:50,044 - Sarah, what are you doing? - Wait there. I'm going to go see. 275 00:40:50,900 --> 00:40:54,080 Sarah! Sarah, get back up here now! 276 00:40:54,180 --> 00:40:56,320 Sarah, what are you doing?! 277 00:40:56,420 --> 00:40:58,800 There's a stove, Mark! 278 00:40:58,900 --> 00:40:59,960 There's what? 279 00:41:00,060 --> 00:41:03,270 There's a stove. It's smoking. It's not fire. 280 00:41:05,960 --> 00:41:07,400 Well, he must've blocked the chimney. 281 00:41:07,500 --> 00:41:11,000 I mean, the stove, it's smoking, he's going to smoke us out. 282 00:41:11,100 --> 00:41:13,400 Okay, I can't see. Hand me your phone. 283 00:41:13,500 --> 00:41:15,648 Come on, hand me your phone! 284 00:41:20,740 --> 00:41:22,243 Okay. 285 00:41:23,300 --> 00:41:24,886 Okay. 286 00:41:49,860 --> 00:41:51,725 Sarah? 287 00:42:00,880 --> 00:42:02,930 Sarah, are you okay? 288 00:42:17,220 --> 00:42:18,959 Sarah? 289 00:42:19,340 --> 00:42:20,926 Mark! 290 00:42:25,980 --> 00:42:29,234 Sarah? Sarah, I can't hear you. 291 00:42:29,334 --> 00:42:31,211 Mark! 292 00:42:31,311 --> 00:42:34,141 - Sarah! - I can't see! Mark? 293 00:46:44,160 --> 00:46:45,986 Mark? 294 00:46:47,700 --> 00:46:49,411 Mark... 295 00:46:50,300 --> 00:46:52,320 Mark, wake up. 296 00:46:52,420 --> 00:46:55,424 Wake up, wake up. Wake up, please, wake up! 297 00:47:11,220 --> 00:47:13,231 How are you feeling? 298 00:47:16,980 --> 00:47:18,711 Babe? 299 00:47:19,060 --> 00:47:21,089 Fucked. 300 00:47:23,020 --> 00:47:26,472 Okay... Okay... 301 00:47:27,620 --> 00:47:30,120 We need to get out of here. 302 00:47:30,620 --> 00:47:35,880 No, Sarah, look, the best thing to do is we just stay here. As soon... 303 00:47:35,980 --> 00:47:41,366 As soon as the sun comes up, we run, okay? 304 00:47:54,980 --> 00:47:57,480 No, we can't stay here. 305 00:47:57,780 --> 00:48:01,000 There has to be something that we can use, like a car or... 306 00:48:01,100 --> 00:48:03,370 There has to be something like... 307 00:48:12,780 --> 00:48:17,285 - Sarah, what's going on? - He's out there. 308 00:48:20,900 --> 00:48:23,050 What's he doing? 309 00:48:25,860 --> 00:48:29,203 - I need a light. - I gave it to you, Sarah. 310 00:48:39,660 --> 00:48:41,580 Okay... 311 00:48:41,980 --> 00:48:45,990 You're going to help me out. Okay? 312 00:48:49,980 --> 00:48:51,809 You ready? 313 00:48:54,900 --> 00:48:56,800 Mark, are you ready? 314 00:48:56,900 --> 00:48:58,604 Go. 315 00:49:00,460 --> 00:49:02,187 1... 316 00:49:03,380 --> 00:49:05,109 2... 317 00:49:05,420 --> 00:49:06,851 3! 318 00:49:32,020 --> 00:49:33,680 Fuck... 319 00:49:33,780 --> 00:49:35,611 Okay... 320 00:49:46,600 --> 00:49:48,643 Mark, there's a tractor. 321 00:49:51,220 --> 00:49:53,279 It's not that far. 322 00:49:54,020 --> 00:49:56,680 Okay, come on. It's not that far. 323 00:49:56,780 --> 00:49:58,584 Come over. 324 00:49:59,860 --> 00:50:02,040 Okay? Okay. 325 00:50:02,140 --> 00:50:04,451 Okay. Come on. 326 00:50:06,040 --> 00:50:07,726 Okay. 327 00:50:21,700 --> 00:50:24,415 Okay. You ready? 328 00:50:26,340 --> 00:50:28,680 Are you okay? You okay? Yeah? 329 00:50:28,780 --> 00:50:30,427 Okay. 330 00:50:36,340 --> 00:50:38,200 See it there? 331 00:50:40,180 --> 00:50:41,925 Okay... 332 00:50:42,500 --> 00:50:46,000 Look, you're going to shine it on me. 333 00:50:46,300 --> 00:50:49,160 I'm going to run to the tractor and you're going to shine it on me. 334 00:50:49,260 --> 00:50:51,849 Okay? And I'm going to be right back. 335 00:50:52,340 --> 00:50:53,880 - Just hold it there. - Yeah. 336 00:50:53,980 --> 00:50:56,920 Yeah? Hear me? 337 00:50:57,020 --> 00:50:59,282 Okay. Okay. 338 00:51:02,300 --> 00:51:03,800 Good. 339 00:51:03,900 --> 00:51:05,689 Ready? 340 00:51:31,120 --> 00:51:32,885 Fuck... 341 00:51:37,040 --> 00:51:39,488 Okay, I'm at the back door! 342 00:51:44,100 --> 00:51:46,489 Okay, just keep it on me, yeah? 343 00:52:47,420 --> 00:52:50,409 Mark! Mark, turn it back on! 344 00:52:51,060 --> 00:52:53,800 Mark, the light! Turn it back on! 345 00:52:53,900 --> 00:52:55,645 Mark! 346 00:53:11,980 --> 00:53:13,770 Fuck... 347 00:53:28,120 --> 00:53:29,680 Oh, my God! 348 00:55:02,360 --> 00:55:04,240 Come on, Mark. 349 00:55:04,540 --> 00:55:07,160 Okay, I got the tractor. We need to go now. 350 00:55:07,260 --> 00:55:08,880 Come on, give me your hand. 351 00:55:08,980 --> 00:55:10,960 Come on. Stand up. 352 00:55:11,060 --> 00:55:13,428 - Sarah... - Come on, let's go. 353 00:55:19,400 --> 00:55:21,265 That's it. 354 00:55:24,320 --> 00:55:26,909 Just a few more steps... 355 00:55:27,300 --> 00:55:29,106 Come on. 356 00:55:31,300 --> 00:55:32,931 Okay. 357 00:57:05,000 --> 00:57:07,011 Oh, shit. 358 00:57:38,620 --> 00:57:41,982 Oh, fuck. Shit. 359 00:58:04,580 --> 00:58:06,466 Candles! 360 00:58:42,220 --> 00:58:44,010 Mark? 361 00:59:06,100 --> 00:59:07,890 Mark? 362 00:59:20,540 --> 00:59:22,244 Mark? 363 01:01:21,580 --> 01:01:24,151 Okay, Mark. Nearly there. 364 01:01:35,260 --> 01:01:36,800 Okay. 365 01:03:41,820 --> 01:03:45,151 Sarah, leave the fucking room now! 366 01:04:18,240 --> 01:04:20,101 Fuck! 367 01:04:22,420 --> 01:04:24,060 Fuck! 368 01:04:54,220 --> 01:04:55,905 Fuck. 369 01:05:40,020 --> 01:05:41,810 Fuck. 370 01:05:47,240 --> 01:05:49,330 Fucking door! 371 01:06:29,060 --> 01:06:30,663 No. 372 01:07:01,740 --> 01:07:03,363 Mark, stop, please. 373 01:07:18,220 --> 01:07:21,085 Stop, please. Mark, stop. 374 01:11:01,220 --> 01:11:03,063 Fuck. 375 01:11:33,629 --> 01:11:35,503 Fuck! 376 01:16:28,460 --> 01:16:30,525 Get away! 377 01:20:25,018 --> 01:20:26,835 Fuck! 378 01:20:53,240 --> 01:20:55,940 Fuck! Oh, my God. 379 01:20:56,420 --> 01:20:59,168 Fuck... Okay. 380 01:22:12,880 --> 01:22:14,925 Oh, fuck.