1 00:00:45,735 --> 00:00:49,626 Based on the tragedy by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. 2 00:02:34,815 --> 00:02:38,740 You've told us so much about the composition of the human body... 3 00:02:39,778 --> 00:02:41,826 ...but not a word about the soul. 4 00:02:42,031 --> 00:02:43,078 I haven't found it. 5 00:02:44,158 --> 00:02:47,002 Where does one look for the soul? 6 00:02:48,162 --> 00:02:49,368 The skin is thin, perforated... 7 00:02:50,289 --> 00:02:52,337 Large and long... 8 00:02:54,627 --> 00:02:56,595 The soul. And life... 9 00:02:57,547 --> 00:02:59,675 Where are they hidden, then? In the head? 10 00:03:00,717 --> 00:03:01,798 There's only rubbish in there! 11 00:03:04,929 --> 00:03:06,852 Or in the heart? 12 00:03:12,270 --> 00:03:14,272 Sometimes I have the feeling that... 13 00:03:14,439 --> 00:03:17,204 ...both reside in the feet. 14 00:03:17,567 --> 00:03:22,414 - How do you mean? - If one is startled... 15 00:03:27,870 --> 00:03:28,951 Up, up, up, up! 16 00:03:34,085 --> 00:03:36,133 ...then one suddenly feels... 17 00:03:36,337 --> 00:03:38,339 ...so much life in the startled feet. 18 00:03:44,595 --> 00:03:46,518 Nonsense! 19 00:03:46,723 --> 00:03:49,772 You clean up here! The rag is dirty. Look! 20 00:03:50,894 --> 00:03:53,898 - That rag is clean. Smell for yourself! 21 00:03:55,106 --> 00:03:57,074 I made a mistake. 22 00:03:59,110 --> 00:04:00,271 It's the formalin! 23 00:04:01,196 --> 00:04:03,198 Do you think that I'm already dead? 24 00:04:03,365 --> 00:04:06,448 - That was an accident. - Like the berries with carbolic acid... 25 00:04:07,619 --> 00:04:09,462 ...you served me last night? 26 00:04:09,663 --> 00:04:11,631 Carbolic acid dulls the pain. 27 00:04:13,667 --> 00:04:15,795 The pain of the world. And the pain of the soul. 28 00:04:16,754 --> 00:04:17,994 What the soul is and where it resides... 29 00:04:18,964 --> 00:04:21,046 ...only God knows. And the Foe of all mankind. 30 00:04:22,176 --> 00:04:26,022 Quit babbling. Carbolic acid, carbolic acid... 31 00:04:33,438 --> 00:04:35,486 And one of them has finally flown! 32 00:04:36,691 --> 00:04:38,614 So, where will I find... 33 00:04:38,776 --> 00:04:40,904 ...these two gentlemen? - God is everywhere. 34 00:04:41,821 --> 00:04:44,825 - Thus He is nowhere. - And the Devils they say... 35 00:04:44,991 --> 00:04:47,039 ...where there is money, there you find the Devil. 36 00:04:47,244 --> 00:04:51,044 - I have no money. - Then you're not the Devil. 37 00:04:51,331 --> 00:04:53,379 Thank you. That's very reassuring. 38 00:04:55,377 --> 00:04:57,539 - Who is he then? No one knows for sure. 39 00:04:58,547 --> 00:05:01,551 Word has it, the fat guy in the square might be something of the sort. 40 00:05:01,759 --> 00:05:02,840 Really? 41 00:05:05,971 --> 00:05:08,019 - What would you wish for? - From the Devil? 42 00:05:08,974 --> 00:05:12,899 Two things. Firstly, I'd wish to rid myself of the entire world. 43 00:05:14,313 --> 00:05:18,284 Secondly, I'd wish to see you more often. 44 00:05:19,402 --> 00:05:20,563 How could you see me more often... 45 00:05:21,487 --> 00:05:23,455 ...if the world were gone? 46 00:05:23,740 --> 00:05:25,629 Simple. 47 00:05:26,784 --> 00:05:29,754 The world goes away, except for you and me. 48 00:05:29,996 --> 00:05:33,796 Try someone else. I'll stick with humanity. 49 00:05:34,000 --> 00:05:38,005 For the common good. The corpse can go. Be quick... 50 00:05:38,255 --> 00:05:40,257 ...it is starting to stink. - How shall I pay... 51 00:05:40,424 --> 00:05:42,347 ...the gravediggers? 52 00:05:43,427 --> 00:05:46,351 They must wait until tomorrow Then I will pay them. 53 00:05:46,555 --> 00:05:48,523 - Come in. Von can take him. - What about our money? 54 00:05:48,724 --> 00:05:50,726 - Tomorrow. - Always the same. 55 00:05:51,852 --> 00:05:53,854 So cold. That's that. 56 00:05:57,108 --> 00:05:59,031 Excuse me. 57 00:06:01,112 --> 00:06:05,242 Everything comes and goes according to law... 58 00:06:06,325 --> 00:06:10,455 ...only man's life is overcast by faltering fortune. 59 00:06:19,965 --> 00:06:21,933 The God who dwells within my breast... 60 00:06:22,133 --> 00:06:24,056 ...who can shake my soul in its depths... 61 00:06:25,137 --> 00:06:27,185 ...who sits enthroned over all my powers... 62 00:06:28,306 --> 00:06:31,196 ...outside me He is powerless. 63 00:06:32,311 --> 00:06:34,518 Professor, when shall the two of them come by tomorrow? 64 00:06:35,439 --> 00:06:36,645 I don't want to hear about it. 65 00:06:38,692 --> 00:06:40,660 I am starving. 66 00:06:57,462 --> 00:06:59,590 - I'm off! Where to? 67 00:07:00,548 --> 00:07:02,596 Where, where? There! 68 00:07:18,400 --> 00:07:19,447 Hold him tight. 69 00:07:20,444 --> 00:07:23,334 Why are you standing there stock still? 70 00:07:23,530 --> 00:07:25,453 - But he is kicking! Old fool! Why are you kicking?! 71 00:07:25,616 --> 00:07:27,618 Nothing has changed. 72 00:07:29,703 --> 00:07:30,784 Your son, Doctor. 73 00:07:31,831 --> 00:07:33,913 I see. I'll he done shortly. 74 00:07:40,256 --> 00:07:42,179 Why does this place always stink so terribly? 75 00:07:43,426 --> 00:07:46,350 My father. An honorable man, lost in the dark. 76 00:07:46,596 --> 00:07:48,598 What use is all this to him? 77 00:07:52,644 --> 00:07:56,649 What are you up to?! Get out! Thief! 78 00:08:17,753 --> 00:08:20,802 Go and see what the Professor is doing over there! 79 00:08:22,049 --> 00:08:26,896 Tell him people are trying to work over here! 80 00:08:34,520 --> 00:08:36,443 You're wanted. 81 00:08:55,375 --> 00:08:58,299 You are breaking his spine! 82 00:09:01,507 --> 00:09:02,633 What do you want? 83 00:09:03,676 --> 00:09:05,644 Nothing. To see you. 84 00:09:05,803 --> 00:09:08,693 To see what? I'm not a painting. 85 00:09:10,850 --> 00:09:12,852 It's too tight. And you're charging money for this? 86 00:09:13,978 --> 00:09:16,060 And whom exactly would I be charging? 87 00:09:18,149 --> 00:09:19,310 Those people over there. 88 00:09:20,360 --> 00:09:22,362 My patients don't have anything. 89 00:09:24,572 --> 00:09:26,495 Untie him, please. 90 00:09:27,492 --> 00:09:29,574 Good method. Tested on many a patient. 91 00:09:32,747 --> 00:09:35,956 - And haw many have survived? - I've never counted. 92 00:09:37,002 --> 00:09:38,891 As usual. 93 00:09:42,341 --> 00:09:44,343 - Can you walk? - I don't know. 94 00:09:47,304 --> 00:09:49,545 - Steady on your legs? - Yes. 95 00:09:52,768 --> 00:09:55,692 - Then get out of here! - What the heck? 96 00:09:55,896 --> 00:09:58,706 Tomorrow you will be hopping around like a rabbit. 97 00:10:15,708 --> 00:10:17,631 Are you sleeping poorly? 98 00:10:38,565 --> 00:10:40,533 I don't sleep at all. 99 00:10:41,694 --> 00:10:43,662 Someone has survived the rack. 100 00:10:43,821 --> 00:10:45,789 - At last! You love your rack. 101 00:10:45,948 --> 00:10:48,758 One can't work on an empty stomach. 102 00:10:48,993 --> 00:10:50,961 True. 103 00:10:51,120 --> 00:10:53,964 These are Gad's gifts. 104 00:10:55,208 --> 00:10:58,132 Come, brothers. The flesh is calling. 105 00:10:59,420 --> 00:11:01,309 Nothing has been cleaned! 106 00:11:01,464 --> 00:11:04,547 I always have to do everything myself! That George! 107 00:11:05,552 --> 00:11:07,759 - Smells nice! What is it? - Here I am! 108 00:11:08,805 --> 00:11:10,694 Out! 109 00:11:15,979 --> 00:11:17,140 Mine! 110 00:11:19,191 --> 00:11:21,114 It is my due! Who is the meat from? 111 00:11:21,276 --> 00:11:22,402 From Frau Weber, whose appendix you snipped. 112 00:11:23,320 --> 00:11:25,368 - Didn't earn much. - I don't have such huge needs... 113 00:11:25,531 --> 00:11:27,499 ...as our dear professor. - Needs... 114 00:11:27,658 --> 00:11:30,582 ...I don't even have enough money for ink. 115 00:11:31,579 --> 00:11:33,786 I'm willing to forsake everything... the house... 116 00:11:34,707 --> 00:11:36,755 - Sit down. ...food. Anything. 117 00:11:37,877 --> 00:11:40,926 - To do without is good for one. - If only I were certain... 118 00:11:42,006 --> 00:11:45,249 - Of what? - That what I'm doing has meaning. 119 00:11:47,428 --> 00:11:50,432 No. I'm not giving you any. 120 00:11:51,599 --> 00:11:53,488 No! 121 00:11:55,645 --> 00:11:56,806 What? What do you mean? 122 00:11:58,732 --> 00:12:00,814 Surely you want money? 123 00:12:00,984 --> 00:12:02,873 He who limits himself... 124 00:12:05,197 --> 00:12:08,041 ...creates his own small fortune. 125 00:12:09,118 --> 00:12:11,166 His own small fortune. 126 00:12:12,329 --> 00:12:14,377 Heard that a thousand times. 127 00:12:14,540 --> 00:12:16,588 One must work and never beg. 128 00:12:20,629 --> 00:12:23,678 - You again! - I've been waiting for two hours. 129 00:12:23,925 --> 00:12:25,848 I'm sick. 130 00:12:29,055 --> 00:12:31,183 What is it now? Let's have a look. 131 00:12:35,228 --> 00:12:36,434 You are like an onion! 132 00:12:38,523 --> 00:12:40,525 There is no getting close to you! 133 00:12:46,698 --> 00:12:48,826 Lie down! 134 00:12:53,121 --> 00:12:55,044 Help me. 135 00:12:57,292 --> 00:12:59,260 I don't understand... what is this? 136 00:13:00,254 --> 00:13:02,222 Pass me the vaginal speculum. 137 00:13:02,423 --> 00:13:04,425 Hold her legs down. 138 00:13:07,678 --> 00:13:09,646 I work day and night. 139 00:13:10,723 --> 00:13:12,691 I love no one, I have no family... 140 00:13:12,850 --> 00:13:14,818 ...I never sleep. 141 00:13:15,937 --> 00:13:18,941 I find your reproaches unjust. I'm doing my best. 142 00:13:19,190 --> 00:13:23,161 What good is it to me if my soul is empty? I feel no happiness... 143 00:13:24,195 --> 00:13:26,197 ...no anger, no compassion. - The soul... 144 00:13:27,449 --> 00:13:29,497 ...one can do without It. Why complicate things? 145 00:13:31,661 --> 00:13:33,709 Matter. Black. 146 00:13:33,830 --> 00:13:35,753 Hollow. 147 00:13:36,708 --> 00:13:38,949 My hammer strikes the knee and the leg twitches. 148 00:13:39,920 --> 00:13:41,081 That's it. 149 00:13:43,131 --> 00:13:46,055 - That is not enough for me. - Then leave. 150 00:13:47,302 --> 00:13:50,351 I have no money for you. Nor the meaning of life. 151 00:13:52,558 --> 00:13:55,482 Let's look at what we have here. 152 00:13:58,648 --> 00:13:59,774 That's a pity. 153 00:14:14,414 --> 00:14:17,497 Venus. Venus. 154 00:14:19,586 --> 00:14:21,588 What are you doing?! 155 00:14:21,797 --> 00:14:24,607 He is a good man, your father. 156 00:14:30,013 --> 00:14:31,936 A good man. 157 00:14:33,267 --> 00:14:36,077 A good man, in his darkest yearning... 158 00:14:36,312 --> 00:14:40,203 ...still knows the one... 159 00:14:41,400 --> 00:14:42,606 ...true way. 160 00:14:44,570 --> 00:14:46,572 Must do without. You must do without. 161 00:14:49,742 --> 00:14:51,744 That's the eternal song. 162 00:14:51,911 --> 00:14:53,879 The eternal song. 163 00:14:56,124 --> 00:14:58,206 The eternal song. 164 00:15:00,253 --> 00:15:02,255 The eternal song. 165 00:15:04,507 --> 00:15:07,317 - Let me through! Don't be so greedy! 166 00:15:07,552 --> 00:15:08,678 - No! This has been ordered! - Enough! 167 00:15:09,596 --> 00:15:10,757 Shut up! 168 00:15:12,683 --> 00:15:14,731 Would the gentleman have a few pennies to spare? 169 00:15:14,893 --> 00:15:16,861 - No. I'm sorry. - Just a few coins. 170 00:15:17,062 --> 00:15:19,030 - We are starving! - So am I. 171 00:15:19,982 --> 00:15:21,143 Such a line gentleman and no money. 172 00:15:22,151 --> 00:15:23,277 Nothing in the pockets? 173 00:15:24,194 --> 00:15:27,323 Noblemen are so forgetful, aren't they? 174 00:15:28,324 --> 00:15:30,452 - Snotty brat! Me? A brat? I'll smash your face in! 175 00:15:31,452 --> 00:15:32,613 Watch your jewels! 176 00:15:33,579 --> 00:15:34,740 - I'll knock the stuffing out of you! - Swine! 177 00:15:35,706 --> 00:15:37,754 - Bastards! - Dirt bag! 178 00:15:37,917 --> 00:15:39,885 - Cunny! Bonehead! 179 00:15:40,837 --> 00:15:43,841 - Get lost! Let me. I'll show him! 180 00:15:53,433 --> 00:15:55,356 I'll let you fly. 181 00:16:11,076 --> 00:16:12,202 Who is this? 182 00:16:13,162 --> 00:16:15,164 Good day, dear sir. 183 00:16:16,457 --> 00:16:18,505 Who is this? 184 00:16:27,885 --> 00:16:29,808 Black. Like Death himself. 185 00:16:29,971 --> 00:16:31,860 Good day, sir. 186 00:16:34,058 --> 00:16:35,219 Or is Death grey? 187 00:16:36,102 --> 00:16:38,184 Father Philipp. You're here already. 188 00:16:38,355 --> 00:16:40,357 I thought I'd be late. 189 00:16:48,657 --> 00:16:50,659 Debt after debt I have amended! 190 00:16:51,743 --> 00:16:53,950 Yes, the affair is settled as far as you're concerned. 191 00:16:58,208 --> 00:17:01,132 - There is my coach. - A remarkable pair. 192 00:17:02,296 --> 00:17:05,264 Death and a priest. 193 00:17:08,511 --> 00:17:11,435 And I. A starving man. 194 00:17:28,365 --> 00:17:31,335 You're hungry, too? Everybody is starving... 195 00:17:32,577 --> 00:17:34,420 Who is this from? 196 00:17:35,539 --> 00:17:36,665 From Lent, the poet. 197 00:17:37,708 --> 00:17:39,790 A strangely unhappy man... 198 00:17:40,752 --> 00:17:41,958 No need lo return it. 199 00:17:43,046 --> 00:17:45,856 The unhappy are dangerous! 200 00:17:48,177 --> 00:17:49,258 Good day, sir. 201 00:17:51,180 --> 00:17:52,306 My name is Faust, Doctor Faust. 202 00:17:52,431 --> 00:17:54,399 I salute the learned gentleman! 203 00:17:55,351 --> 00:17:57,399 I'm the owner of this firm. 204 00:17:58,521 --> 00:18:01,525 My name is Muller, Mauritius. 205 00:18:02,692 --> 00:18:04,660 I am Mauricius Muller... 206 00:18:04,819 --> 00:18:05,945 Who are you, please? 207 00:18:07,947 --> 00:18:09,870 A part of the power... 208 00:18:09,991 --> 00:18:11,959 ...that always does what's good. 209 00:18:12,118 --> 00:18:14,166 Where does the second voice come from? Does he have two tongues? 210 00:18:15,205 --> 00:18:18,209 Do come in! I'm all ears. 211 00:18:19,459 --> 00:18:21,382 Please be careful. 212 00:18:21,628 --> 00:18:23,517 This is all pawned property? 213 00:18:25,549 --> 00:18:26,789 A pledge of security, as the law calls it. 214 00:18:27,759 --> 00:18:29,807 - This is my midwife’s. - Really? 215 00:18:29,970 --> 00:18:32,940 - I know her. Frau Menzel. - It's a small world. 216 00:18:38,145 --> 00:18:41,308 And with these, you weigh money? 217 00:18:42,316 --> 00:18:43,477 No, souls. 218 00:18:45,403 --> 00:18:47,610 - Are they heavy! - No heavier than a coin. 219 00:18:49,699 --> 00:18:51,667 - I thought so. - Most of them... 220 00:18:53,953 --> 00:18:55,876 ...but not yours. 221 00:18:57,040 --> 00:18:58,929 The man has no sense of humour. 222 00:19:00,168 --> 00:19:02,136 Take a seal. 223 00:19:03,296 --> 00:19:05,264 Thank you. 224 00:19:06,424 --> 00:19:08,426 A starving man never has a sense of humour. 225 00:19:13,557 --> 00:19:16,686 - This here. - If I may. 226 00:19:17,811 --> 00:19:18,937 I'd like to pawn this. 227 00:19:24,151 --> 00:19:25,994 This is no ordinary ring! 228 00:19:27,154 --> 00:19:29,156 The philosopher's stone! 229 00:19:29,365 --> 00:19:31,288 It explains the nature of things. 230 00:19:31,450 --> 00:19:34,294 - Then it must be worth something. - On the contrary. 231 00:19:34,495 --> 00:19:36,418 It's worth nothing. Life has declined in value... 232 00:19:36,622 --> 00:19:38,590 ...not to mention death 233 00:19:38,750 --> 00:19:42,596 I don't understand. What's worth anything then? 234 00:19:44,797 --> 00:19:46,003 Time... Art... 235 00:19:48,093 --> 00:19:51,142 Who is rustling there? Who is creeping around? 236 00:19:52,347 --> 00:19:54,315 I need money. 237 00:19:58,562 --> 00:20:01,486 - Anything else you desire? - I am still ton young... 238 00:20:02,566 --> 00:20:05,570 ...to be without desire. - I have a desire, ton. 239 00:20:07,780 --> 00:20:10,989 I collect autographs. "The Foundations of Human Physiology." 240 00:20:11,951 --> 00:20:14,113 - Did you write this? - Even if I did... 241 00:20:15,079 --> 00:20:18,208 ...I couldn't sign it for you. I have no money for ink. 242 00:20:18,416 --> 00:20:20,339 Soon I'll have to write in blond. 243 00:20:21,377 --> 00:20:23,459 No need. I have ink. 244 00:20:27,633 --> 00:20:29,601 Your knowledge is impressive. 245 00:20:34,891 --> 00:20:37,861 Here you are. This work will outlive you. 246 00:20:44,359 --> 00:20:46,327 The word dies... 247 00:20:46,528 --> 00:20:48,576 ...before it leaves the pen. - Over here, yes... 248 00:20:49,489 --> 00:20:52,572 ...but there is also the world beyond. 249 00:20:52,826 --> 00:20:55,670 I'm so tired. Man's wretched ways exhaust me. 250 00:20:55,913 --> 00:20:57,881 And my heart aches. 251 00:21:03,170 --> 00:21:05,172 - Now, give me the money! - No. 252 00:21:06,132 --> 00:21:07,372 - What would you accept in pawn? - Anything. 253 00:21:08,301 --> 00:21:11,384 - Even rubbish? - It depends. 254 00:21:11,596 --> 00:21:13,439 An old tract about the meaning of life? 255 00:21:13,598 --> 00:21:15,487 - No, no. - A perpetuum mobile? 256 00:21:15,641 --> 00:21:16,767 Spare me! 257 00:21:17,644 --> 00:21:19,772 The relics of Saint Sebastian? 258 00:21:22,982 --> 00:21:26,031 The relics? That's a good one. 259 00:21:28,196 --> 00:21:30,278 - Where would you find those? - Seek and you shall find. 260 00:21:31,283 --> 00:21:34,207 Did this Sebastian ever exist? 261 00:21:34,536 --> 00:21:36,425 Maybe. 262 00:21:37,623 --> 00:21:40,627 - Maybe not. - What are you saying? 263 00:21:41,627 --> 00:21:44,836 I'm saying, there won't be any money. 264 00:21:46,799 --> 00:21:48,005 - Do you see this hole? - Nu. 265 00:21:49,093 --> 00:21:51,141 I wanted to pluck a rose blossom... 266 00:21:52,054 --> 00:21:54,056 ...for a maiden. - You should mend it. 267 00:21:54,223 --> 00:21:56,351 Mend It! Where does one find the right cloth? 268 00:21:58,394 --> 00:22:00,522 And time? And money? 269 00:22:02,482 --> 00:22:04,689 No money! No time! Spent it all! 270 00:22:07,695 --> 00:22:08,856 That's how it is then. 271 00:22:09,781 --> 00:22:11,863 He shall eat dust, and eat eagerly. 272 00:22:14,119 --> 00:22:17,089 I will see what I can do for you. Doctor. 273 00:22:17,289 --> 00:22:19,291 Never mind. 274 00:22:28,675 --> 00:22:30,643 Ferdinand! My registry! 275 00:22:30,803 --> 00:22:32,646 Ferdinando! 276 00:22:33,931 --> 00:22:35,933 It's not under my pillow! 277 00:22:36,892 --> 00:22:38,940 I have hidden it somewhere else. 278 00:22:44,233 --> 00:22:46,361 I'm thirsty! Pour me some wine! 279 00:22:47,361 --> 00:22:49,363 Certainly, madam. 280 00:23:01,001 --> 00:23:02,924 Law, medicine, philosophy... 281 00:23:03,128 --> 00:23:05,176 ...and sadly even theology... 282 00:23:06,173 --> 00:23:09,222 .I've studied with passionate resolution. 283 00:23:10,385 --> 00:23:11,466 And stand here now... 284 00:23:12,512 --> 00:23:14,560 ...a fool for sure, no wiser than I was before. 285 00:23:19,687 --> 00:23:20,688 Excuse me. 286 00:23:20,813 --> 00:23:23,896 [Everything fleeting is only a stench] 287 00:23:25,025 --> 00:23:28,029 - Calm down! We can't get through with the coffin! 288 00:23:29,071 --> 00:23:31,233 Everyone over here! 289 00:23:36,537 --> 00:23:39,507 I'm here! I'm with you! 290 00:23:41,626 --> 00:23:44,755 Patience, patience! Don't move! 291 00:23:45,922 --> 00:23:49,722 Let the pigs through! 292 00:23:50,927 --> 00:23:53,931 There we go. Come on. 293 00:24:05,567 --> 00:24:06,728 Ida. I need hot water. 294 00:24:07,695 --> 00:24:09,584 What's this I need?! I have to cook now. 295 00:24:09,905 --> 00:24:12,795 In the beginning was the Word... 296 00:24:15,035 --> 00:24:17,003 ...the Word... 297 00:24:18,164 --> 00:24:20,246 in the beginning was the Word... 298 00:24:21,334 --> 00:24:23,257 ...the Word... 299 00:24:25,296 --> 00:24:28,425 You again! Come in! 300 00:24:30,593 --> 00:24:32,675 In the beginning was the Word... 301 00:24:33,763 --> 00:24:35,811 And the Word was with God. 302 00:24:35,974 --> 00:24:38,739 Do you understand how this is meant? 303 00:24:39,936 --> 00:24:42,018 - No. - Neither do I. 304 00:24:42,189 --> 00:24:45,159 "in the beginning was the Word..." Already I'm stuck. 305 00:24:45,359 --> 00:24:49,205 Impossible for me to rate the word... 306 00:24:50,405 --> 00:24:53,329 ...so highly. - You must translate it some other way. 307 00:24:54,576 --> 00:24:56,658 Maybe "the thought"? In the beginning was... 308 00:24:57,621 --> 00:24:59,862 in the beginning was the thought that acts... 309 00:25:00,833 --> 00:25:03,996 ...and creates everything. - In the beginning was the I. 310 00:25:04,962 --> 00:25:06,088 - Whose "I"? - Mine. 311 00:25:08,090 --> 00:25:10,218 - Von were in the beginning? - Why not? 312 00:25:11,427 --> 00:25:13,395 - Then we're all doomed. - I don't believe so. 313 00:25:15,390 --> 00:25:17,392 - Ida! That was on purpose! 314 00:25:17,600 --> 00:25:18,681 There you have your water! 315 00:25:21,729 --> 00:25:23,811 Furniture wrecker! Little termite! 316 00:25:24,816 --> 00:25:27,820 - in the beginning was the Word. - Such manners! In our home! 317 00:25:30,197 --> 00:25:32,199 - No, you're mistaken. In the beginning was the thought... 318 00:25:33,283 --> 00:25:35,331 ...that acts and creates everything 319 00:25:36,286 --> 00:25:38,334 in the beginning was an I. Listen lo... 320 00:25:38,539 --> 00:25:41,349 ...wise little Wagner... 321 00:25:43,627 --> 00:25:46,631 ...who nearly bursts with love for his master. 322 00:25:51,927 --> 00:25:53,975 In the beginning was the thought... 323 00:25:56,015 --> 00:25:57,096 ...wise little Wagner... 324 00:25:57,266 --> 00:25:59,109 Yes, wise little Wagner. Or the great... 325 00:25:59,268 --> 00:26:00,235 - What are you doing? 326 00:26:00,353 --> 00:26:02,435 - Nothing. - Slop it. 327 00:26:07,569 --> 00:26:09,537 But It's the latest fashion in France! 328 00:26:09,738 --> 00:26:11,820 I look like a corpse in this colour. 329 00:26:13,825 --> 00:26:15,953 Did you bring what I asked for? 330 00:26:17,037 --> 00:26:18,118 Yes. 331 00:26:19,081 --> 00:26:22,051 Give it to me! There it is. 332 00:26:24,336 --> 00:26:25,383 Thank you. 333 00:26:27,297 --> 00:26:29,345 I hope your brawn liquid is good. 334 00:26:30,467 --> 00:26:33,437 - it all depends on the dose. - As long as it works. 335 00:26:33,679 --> 00:26:34,760 Will you miss me? 336 00:26:35,890 --> 00:26:37,892 Begin the procedure. 337 00:26:39,977 --> 00:26:41,945 Wagner! Will you miss me? 338 00:26:44,065 --> 00:26:45,988 Miss you? 339 00:26:51,322 --> 00:26:53,370 I can't say whether I'll miss you. 340 00:26:53,575 --> 00:26:55,418 Yes or no? 341 00:26:57,787 --> 00:26:59,789 Or would you join me in death? 342 00:27:01,875 --> 00:27:04,765 - What's that! Stinging nettle? - It stimulates the vital organs. 343 00:27:04,961 --> 00:27:08,044 - And spells the appetite. - Nu. I won't miss you. 344 00:27:09,049 --> 00:27:11,097 - Why not! I can tell you... 345 00:27:11,260 --> 00:27:13,262 ...why I won't miss you. - Alright. 346 00:27:13,428 --> 00:27:15,351 What are the gentlemen doing?! 347 00:27:20,686 --> 00:27:23,576 An abominable stench throughout the house! 348 00:27:23,814 --> 00:27:25,782 Like a witches kitchen! 349 00:27:26,859 --> 00:27:28,827 As a consolation I'll drink it, too! 350 00:27:28,986 --> 00:27:31,910 No, you won't. I'll drink it all myself. 351 00:27:33,157 --> 00:27:35,239 - Where is my towel? Don't walk barefoot! 352 00:27:36,202 --> 00:27:39,206 What are you doing here? I'm not receiving today. I have to go. 353 00:27:39,455 --> 00:27:41,378 A decent gentleman! 354 00:27:42,584 --> 00:27:44,507 Extremely decent! 355 00:27:45,503 --> 00:27:46,709 You forgo! Your ring. 356 00:27:48,715 --> 00:27:51,685 As an honest man... 357 00:27:52,886 --> 00:27:55,014 ...I felt obliged to return it. 358 00:27:56,014 --> 00:27:58,142 How did you get in here? Who let you in? 359 00:27:59,184 --> 00:28:01,152 Iduberga! Did you let him in? 360 00:28:01,311 --> 00:28:04,155 - Are you running an open house? - Thank you, Iduberga. 361 00:28:05,524 --> 00:28:08,494 Decent people must keep... 362 00:28:09,528 --> 00:28:11,610 ...each others company, and not mingle with riffraff. 363 00:28:11,822 --> 00:28:13,824 - Thanks, Iduberga. - Wagner. Why are you shivering? 364 00:28:14,825 --> 00:28:15,951 Get out! 365 00:28:19,956 --> 00:28:21,117 Why not money instead? 366 00:28:22,041 --> 00:28:25,090 - I'd prefer money. - The Gospel according to John. 367 00:28:26,254 --> 00:28:28,222 - Do you know Greek? - Nu. 368 00:28:28,381 --> 00:28:30,349 But I'd always recognise the Holy Scripture. 369 00:28:30,508 --> 00:28:31,589 How so? 370 00:28:33,678 --> 00:28:35,726 My faith helps. 371 00:28:37,724 --> 00:28:39,852 You hope to find what you're lacking in this hunk? 372 00:28:40,811 --> 00:28:42,859 - What am I lacking! - I know. A healthy diet. 373 00:28:43,063 --> 00:28:45,031 - For you. - That won't be necessary. 374 00:28:45,190 --> 00:28:47,033 - Trying. - If you say so. 375 00:28:47,192 --> 00:28:50,162 I baked it myself. What is that smell? 376 00:28:53,365 --> 00:28:55,413 - Such a sweet smell! - Where are you going? 377 00:28:56,535 --> 00:28:58,617 Eat! You'll need it. 378 00:29:00,831 --> 00:29:02,799 How do you know what I'll need? 379 00:29:03,793 --> 00:29:04,954 Eat, eat. 380 00:29:10,049 --> 00:29:12,051 Hemlock! 381 00:29:12,218 --> 00:29:14,300 - From the apothecary next door? - None of your business. 382 00:29:25,690 --> 00:29:27,692 That was mine! 383 00:29:39,288 --> 00:29:41,370 This is impossible. 384 00:29:42,333 --> 00:29:45,382 You cannot die here! What is more, I wanted to go. 385 00:29:48,589 --> 00:29:51,593 You are alive? Interesting... 386 00:29:56,973 --> 00:29:58,134 But the poison... How the devil?! 387 00:29:59,016 --> 00:30:01,144 The devil? Stupid wenches call me that... 388 00:30:02,228 --> 00:30:04,356 ...but it's not who I am. - Who are you then? 389 00:30:07,567 --> 00:30:09,535 If I knew... 390 00:30:10,528 --> 00:30:12,451 What use would it be to you? 391 00:30:12,739 --> 00:30:14,707 I have a certain interest. 392 00:30:18,829 --> 00:30:19,990 In what? 393 00:30:24,209 --> 00:30:26,132 The eternal dilemma. 394 00:30:27,171 --> 00:30:28,332 Oh, no, no! 395 00:30:29,340 --> 00:30:31,263 Out of the question... 396 00:30:31,425 --> 00:30:34,395 ...the waiting list is too long. 397 00:30:35,554 --> 00:30:37,602 Too many interested parties... 398 00:30:37,765 --> 00:30:39,688 Who else is on the list? 399 00:30:51,237 --> 00:30:53,319 Tell me. It'll remain between us. 400 00:30:54,407 --> 00:30:56,489 Or are you deceiving me again? 401 00:30:57,452 --> 00:30:59,454 I speak only the naked truth Our theatre director... 402 00:30:59,663 --> 00:31:01,552 I thought so. 403 00:31:01,706 --> 00:31:04,789 - Your rector. An idiot! Who else? 404 00:31:07,838 --> 00:31:09,920 The local coffin maker. 405 00:31:11,049 --> 00:31:12,175 Don't touch! 406 00:31:20,559 --> 00:31:22,527 A monkey! 407 00:31:25,606 --> 00:31:26,767 A monkey! 408 00:31:27,733 --> 00:31:29,656 You're lying! 409 00:31:34,991 --> 00:31:36,117 A monkey on the moon! 410 00:31:37,076 --> 00:31:39,158 Then, the butcher, the music teacher. 411 00:31:39,287 --> 00:31:43,133 - Pfeiffer?! Yes, exactly. A freemason. 412 00:31:43,374 --> 00:31:45,456 - That's plenty. - Exactly. 413 00:31:46,586 --> 00:31:48,429 I told you. 414 00:31:58,891 --> 00:32:00,052 What are you looking for? 415 00:32:05,189 --> 00:32:06,315 You stink like a corpse! 416 00:32:07,274 --> 00:32:09,276 What a stench! 417 00:32:12,696 --> 00:32:15,506 I don't smell anything, but if you say so. 418 00:32:15,700 --> 00:32:18,624 What shall we do? Should we air the room? 419 00:32:18,828 --> 00:32:20,910 - But how exactly shall we go about It? - We'll just walk out. 420 00:32:21,831 --> 00:32:24,994 A stroll with you, Doctor, is an honour and a reward. 421 00:32:25,209 --> 00:32:28,019 By way of saying thanks I'd like to show you something. 422 00:32:28,213 --> 00:32:30,295 I know everything you could show me in this town. 423 00:32:30,423 --> 00:32:33,393 And what we do know is of no use to us. 424 00:32:34,511 --> 00:32:37,560 Ergos what we don't know will be of use to us. 425 00:32:42,811 --> 00:32:44,779 Give me that! Now explain... 426 00:32:45,981 --> 00:32:48,029 ...how It's possible after such a lethal dose... 427 00:32:48,984 --> 00:32:50,145 that you should still be alive? Incredible! 428 00:32:51,236 --> 00:32:53,284 Oh, now it starts! I'm dying! 429 00:32:54,323 --> 00:32:56,371 The spirit of denial will survive this world. 430 00:32:57,493 --> 00:32:59,495 - This is the way out. Not an ounce of sympathy... 431 00:33:00,454 --> 00:33:02,456 - What? ...for your companion! 432 00:33:02,581 --> 00:33:05,585 Your hemlock was too strong for my weak stomach. 433 00:33:08,880 --> 00:33:09,961 Thank you. 434 00:33:10,882 --> 00:33:12,088 Thanks for what? 435 00:33:13,009 --> 00:33:15,011 - When will you be back? - Le! Me do ill. 436 00:33:15,261 --> 00:33:19,152 - Why must we lock it all the time? - I'll take care of it. 437 00:33:23,561 --> 00:33:25,450 - Thank you, Iduberga. - Ida! 438 00:33:26,523 --> 00:33:28,685 Turn the key to the right! 439 00:33:30,819 --> 00:33:32,821 - To the left! - What has got into you? 440 00:33:38,035 --> 00:33:40,083 You seem to cause turmoil. 441 00:33:40,287 --> 00:33:43,211 First Wagner, then Ida. What is going on? 442 00:33:43,415 --> 00:33:45,383 The gate is broken. 443 00:33:46,293 --> 00:33:48,421 Godforsaken corner! Someone is always getting stuck! 444 00:33:49,422 --> 00:33:50,583 - Your timber is here. - Put it there. 445 00:33:51,549 --> 00:33:52,710 - You must pay for It. - How do we get out? 446 00:33:53,634 --> 00:33:55,796 - Patience! God was also patient. - Is the world loo cramped for you? 447 00:33:57,930 --> 00:34:00,012 What are you all doing here? You have no business here! 448 00:34:00,934 --> 00:34:02,140 Where is your compassion? Everyone must live somehow. 449 00:34:03,061 --> 00:34:05,063 And survive. But I'm no saviour. 450 00:34:05,230 --> 00:34:07,119 What do you know how to do? 451 00:34:14,656 --> 00:34:17,500 - Chatter. - A good remedy. 452 00:34:17,701 --> 00:34:19,624 Maybe, but remedies are not my speciality. 453 00:34:19,786 --> 00:34:23,757 But there is one simple remedy. 454 00:34:25,000 --> 00:34:27,128 It helps one to live and to survive. 455 00:34:29,129 --> 00:34:31,257 - That way, damn it! - No, you have to go that way I. 456 00:34:34,385 --> 00:34:35,466 So you know... 457 00:34:36,512 --> 00:34:39,356 a remedy that needs no gold no magic. 458 00:34:39,724 --> 00:34:42,614 - What is it? Work your plot... 459 00:34:42,810 --> 00:34:44,778 - Dig, though... - Rise early! 460 00:34:45,730 --> 00:34:47,937 - Rise early! Milk the cows... - Feed the cattle... 461 00:34:48,900 --> 00:34:50,061 Feed yourself on the purest fare... 462 00:34:50,985 --> 00:34:54,068 Muck out the stables. No fear of dirt, or manure. 463 00:34:55,198 --> 00:34:57,280 My stomach! I have to go to... 464 00:34:59,369 --> 00:35:01,417 So narrow a life would never suit me. 465 00:35:04,750 --> 00:35:06,673 I can't hold it any longer. 466 00:35:06,835 --> 00:35:08,724 Not here! We're not alone! 467 00:35:09,755 --> 00:35:10,836 I can't hold it any longer. 468 00:35:11,006 --> 00:35:13,976 It's your hemlock's fault. Cover me! 469 00:35:18,222 --> 00:35:20,145 Not next to the church! 470 00:35:20,349 --> 00:35:22,272 True. 471 00:35:23,310 --> 00:35:24,436 Better inside the church. 472 00:35:26,480 --> 00:35:28,642 Wait here. I'll be back shortly. 473 00:35:34,864 --> 00:35:36,912 Excuse me, I'm afraid I don't know you. 474 00:35:40,203 --> 00:35:43,093 Soon we will let you in on the deal. 475 00:35:44,249 --> 00:35:45,375 He has such a weak stomach. 476 00:35:46,418 --> 00:35:48,466 What are you doing here? 477 00:35:52,591 --> 00:35:54,593 Tell me, then, what is the matter? 478 00:36:10,234 --> 00:36:12,362 I know him. You have made the right decision. 479 00:36:13,446 --> 00:36:15,335 What do you mean? 480 00:36:16,449 --> 00:36:18,656 Reputable men an reputably... 481 00:36:19,619 --> 00:36:21,781 ...contract, signature, as is proper. 482 00:36:29,003 --> 00:36:32,052 Excuse me, can I be of service? 483 00:36:38,388 --> 00:36:39,594 And... 484 00:36:45,729 --> 00:36:47,697 ...is he really the...? - He is. 485 00:36:52,152 --> 00:36:56,919 And how about you? 486 00:37:02,496 --> 00:37:05,500 I'm number 150 on the waiting list. 487 00:37:07,627 --> 00:37:10,631 Good. What number am I? 488 00:37:10,838 --> 00:37:12,761 I could give you mine. 489 00:37:12,924 --> 00:37:14,892 No, thanks. 490 00:37:15,927 --> 00:37:18,055 - Surely you don't believe in God? - Vanity of vanities, boredom... 491 00:37:18,221 --> 00:37:20,189 ...the entire world is a failure. 492 00:37:23,226 --> 00:37:24,432 But why do you believe... 493 00:37:27,397 --> 00:37:28,603 ...in Satan? 494 00:37:29,650 --> 00:37:31,493 Where is the logic here? 495 00:37:32,736 --> 00:37:34,784 If good doesn't exist... 496 00:37:35,906 --> 00:37:38,750 ...then neither can evil. Right? 497 00:37:38,993 --> 00:37:40,995 No, wrong. Good doesn't exist... 498 00:37:41,161 --> 00:37:43,971 ...but evil does! 499 00:37:46,208 --> 00:37:48,131 - He has answered you. What are you talking about! 500 00:37:48,461 --> 00:37:50,350 Your turn. Professor. 501 00:37:56,636 --> 00:37:58,604 Good does not exist, hut evil does. 502 00:37:58,763 --> 00:38:00,811 - Doctor! - Do you know what you just said? 503 00:38:00,974 --> 00:38:02,976 I'm here! 504 00:38:04,978 --> 00:38:06,901 You're not alone. 505 00:38:08,106 --> 00:38:09,267 Let us leave this place! 506 00:38:10,275 --> 00:38:12,164 In the beginning was the deed! 507 00:38:12,360 --> 00:38:15,284 Let's go home, Agathe! 508 00:38:15,530 --> 00:38:17,453 In the beginning was the deed? 509 00:38:18,533 --> 00:38:20,581 This woman has been following me for years. 510 00:38:20,744 --> 00:38:22,746 She claims lo be my wife. 511 00:38:23,705 --> 00:38:26,709 - in the beginning was the deed. - Yes, the deed! 512 00:38:26,959 --> 00:38:28,961 - The deed! - An interesting solution... 513 00:38:29,128 --> 00:38:32,052 I assumed it was meaning. Or power. 514 00:38:33,048 --> 00:38:35,096 No, meaning results from action... 515 00:38:35,301 --> 00:38:37,349 But... Where are we going? 516 00:38:38,304 --> 00:38:39,430 I just wanted to get rid of that woman. 517 00:38:39,555 --> 00:38:43,401 - What is this here? - I don't know myself. 518 00:38:44,686 --> 00:38:47,690 Seems like a good spot for our philosophical discussion. 519 00:38:47,897 --> 00:38:50,707 This rings a bell. I was here as a child. 520 00:39:01,328 --> 00:39:03,296 This is what I call real human life! 521 00:39:04,414 --> 00:39:06,496 Here I'm a man, here I dare to be a man! 522 00:39:06,667 --> 00:39:08,590 - Looks more like a slave market! - No. 523 00:39:09,545 --> 00:39:11,673 They're made free by work. Industrious folk. 524 00:39:11,880 --> 00:39:13,848 All very good, but I want to leave! 525 00:39:14,800 --> 00:39:16,928 You are free. Sweet young blood! 526 00:39:17,928 --> 00:39:19,930 Who wouldn't fall in love with girls like you? 527 00:39:22,308 --> 00:39:25,073 - Von see these women here? - Yes. 528 00:39:27,522 --> 00:39:30,446 - Only women. And the two of us. - They're busy. 529 00:39:30,650 --> 00:39:32,618 Yes, and satisfied and carefree. 530 00:39:32,735 --> 00:39:35,579 - Completely and utterly busy. - Yes. Perhaps. 531 00:39:35,780 --> 00:39:38,704 - Do you see their fingers? - No. 532 00:39:39,993 --> 00:39:41,961 They're all... 533 00:39:46,249 --> 00:39:48,092 ...crooked like this. 534 00:39:49,336 --> 00:39:53,307 That people everywhere are miserable, I've read in a thousand books. 535 00:39:53,548 --> 00:39:56,392 You've read it! But man wants to be happy. 536 00:39:56,677 --> 00:39:58,566 Day and night. 537 00:40:00,806 --> 00:40:04,777 With such crooked fingers you could never open your vial of poison! 538 00:40:05,895 --> 00:40:07,021 What do you mean by that? 539 00:40:07,104 --> 00:40:09,994 It is you who worries me, not these women. 540 00:40:10,191 --> 00:40:14,082 Although they have nothing, just ice cold water and work. 541 00:40:18,366 --> 00:40:19,492 There you are! 542 00:40:22,620 --> 00:40:23,701 Oh. My hail. 543 00:40:24,747 --> 00:40:26,875 Aren't you bored? Nothing but washing... 544 00:40:31,087 --> 00:40:33,977 - Come over here, Gudrun! - What am I doing here? 545 00:40:35,133 --> 00:40:39,104 Hands off! It's all mine! Go away! 546 00:41:05,331 --> 00:41:07,459 Work, work. While you're still young. 547 00:41:13,631 --> 00:41:15,793 Wade right in! Don't be stupid! 548 00:41:16,801 --> 00:41:18,769 Get busy, Doctor! 549 00:41:19,930 --> 00:41:23,059 He is a madman! A freak! 550 00:41:27,396 --> 00:41:29,285 My God! 551 00:41:31,441 --> 00:41:33,409 What is that? 552 00:41:34,737 --> 00:41:37,661 - Don't look! He has nothing in front! 553 00:41:38,824 --> 00:41:40,713 We must pair him off with old Martha. 554 00:41:40,868 --> 00:41:42,836 She'll be delighted. 555 00:41:44,955 --> 00:41:46,161 Do you like him? 556 00:41:49,168 --> 00:41:50,249 That's me! 557 00:42:36,092 --> 00:42:38,220 What are you staring at? Shameless... 558 00:42:44,517 --> 00:42:46,485 He has nothing in front. 559 00:42:46,644 --> 00:42:49,488 What a tiny little winkle! 560 00:42:51,858 --> 00:42:54,862 When It's that small it doesn't matter whether it's in front or in back. 561 00:43:02,285 --> 00:43:05,175 There she is, my sweet! Come... 562 00:43:14,757 --> 00:43:16,680 ...we'll go for a swim! - Help! 563 00:43:19,887 --> 00:43:21,969 I don't know how to swim! My nightgown is floating there. 564 00:43:22,974 --> 00:43:24,100 Next to Gretchen! 565 00:43:25,226 --> 00:43:28,196 - You must give yourself a proper scrub! - Margarete! Where is your basket? 566 00:43:29,188 --> 00:43:32,271 It's over there. 567 00:43:32,525 --> 00:43:34,527 And these towels? 568 00:43:42,911 --> 00:43:46,836 - Out of the way! What is the matter? 569 00:43:47,082 --> 00:43:49,084 - Baboon! What impudence! 570 00:43:50,210 --> 00:43:53,180 - Doctor! Help me please! - What are you yelling about? 571 00:43:53,380 --> 00:43:55,428 - Can't you be quiet for five minutes? - My waistcoat. 572 00:43:58,552 --> 00:44:00,520 - I'm not your servant. - Yes... 573 00:44:00,679 --> 00:44:02,602 ...not yet. - The waistcoat... 574 00:44:03,599 --> 00:44:06,682 ...is too tight for your flabby belly. 575 00:44:07,978 --> 00:44:09,821 What do you have against my body? You're no Apollo yourself. 576 00:44:09,981 --> 00:44:12,063 As for your body, I have a few questions... 577 00:44:14,151 --> 00:44:16,153 ...but not now. - We have the time. 578 00:44:16,320 --> 00:44:19,244 - I don't. Time is on the wane. My hat! 579 00:44:37,134 --> 00:44:39,136 Excellent linen. 580 00:44:49,688 --> 00:44:52,532 - Could you move a bit faster? - Why? 581 00:44:53,692 --> 00:44:54,853 - I have to find her. - The two ladies have already left. 582 00:44:55,736 --> 00:44:57,818 - I see that. And I want to find them! - Not a chance. 583 00:44:57,989 --> 00:44:59,912 But I will find them! 584 00:45:00,074 --> 00:45:02,076 Professor. What's the hurry? 585 00:45:03,244 --> 00:45:07,090 - He's following you. I like that funny old fart. 586 00:45:07,332 --> 00:45:09,414 - There they are. - I don't. 587 00:45:10,501 --> 00:45:13,391 A professor, and he still dashes around like a little boy! 588 00:45:13,588 --> 00:45:14,714 There she is. 589 00:45:19,970 --> 00:45:22,894 I'm an old man and can't run that fast. 590 00:45:23,932 --> 00:45:25,934 You're free... 591 00:45:29,187 --> 00:45:31,189 - Are you alright? - Yes, yes. 592 00:45:31,356 --> 00:45:33,279 May I presume, my lovely lady... 593 00:45:33,442 --> 00:45:36,286 ...lo offer you my arm and escort? 594 00:45:36,654 --> 00:45:38,656 I'm neither lovely nor a lady... 595 00:45:39,573 --> 00:45:40,734 ...and I can get home by myself. 596 00:45:50,126 --> 00:45:52,174 Margarete! Come on! We must hurry up. 597 00:45:54,172 --> 00:45:56,334 So impudent! This is not a rose garden! 598 00:45:59,594 --> 00:46:02,484 - Let's go that way. Not across the square?... 599 00:46:02,722 --> 00:46:05,532 ...it would be much faster. - Come on. 600 00:46:14,109 --> 00:46:17,158 He's already dead. What are you waiting for? 601 00:46:18,238 --> 00:46:20,320 We need the room. Take him away! 602 00:46:33,963 --> 00:46:35,886 - is he dead? - Yes. 603 00:46:36,048 --> 00:46:38,096 - Why was he screaming like that? - Another one cured to death. 604 00:46:39,051 --> 00:46:40,974 Because the Lord God took His time. 605 00:47:05,287 --> 00:47:08,177 What do we have here? Interesting... 606 00:47:08,415 --> 00:47:11,225 - Where does this wonder come from? - From Schierke. 607 00:47:12,336 --> 00:47:14,418 Schierke. I'm familiar with the place. Near Bracken. 608 00:47:15,506 --> 00:47:17,634 That's that. Poor fellow. 609 00:47:18,676 --> 00:47:20,724 - What's wrong with him? - Nothing. Come on. 610 00:47:26,100 --> 00:47:28,102 I already did everything I could! 611 00:47:29,103 --> 00:47:30,229 You were cured. 612 00:47:31,147 --> 00:47:33,149 There is no cure for leprosy, Father. 613 00:47:34,317 --> 00:47:35,478 Who is this you've dragged here with you? 614 00:47:36,402 --> 00:47:38,450 - We didn't mean to disturb you. Who are you running around with? 615 00:47:38,613 --> 00:47:40,456 Does your father mean me? 616 00:47:41,574 --> 00:47:43,656 - Hey, you! You old goat! - Father, stop it! 617 00:47:43,785 --> 00:47:45,787 Father, father, catch me! 618 00:47:46,997 --> 00:47:48,920 Have you tucked in your tail? 619 00:47:49,916 --> 00:47:50,963 - Stop it! You old goat! 620 00:47:51,084 --> 00:47:52,973 - Where is your tall? - Do you know him. Father? 621 00:47:53,170 --> 00:47:55,093 - I know you! - What has he done to you? 622 00:47:56,215 --> 00:47:58,263 Mauricius! We have to go! Follow me! 623 00:47:58,467 --> 00:48:02,233 - Monkey ass! Son of a bitch! - Again, again... 624 00:48:03,681 --> 00:48:06,525 Mauricius! Come on! 625 00:48:07,727 --> 00:48:09,695 Get out of here! Stinky old goat! 626 00:48:10,813 --> 00:48:12,895 - Likewise! - Piss off! 627 00:48:13,065 --> 00:48:15,909 - Riffraff! You stinky old goat! 628 00:48:16,194 --> 00:48:18,083 Mauricius! 629 00:48:18,279 --> 00:48:20,247 Where is your tail? Stinky old goat... 630 00:48:30,709 --> 00:48:33,679 - What is that? - My wings. 631 00:48:33,920 --> 00:48:35,809 Why are you whining like a wet poodle? 632 00:48:40,177 --> 00:48:42,179 This way. 633 00:48:43,180 --> 00:48:45,308 - People, peace has come! No fighting tonight! 634 00:48:46,308 --> 00:48:47,389 We have won! 635 00:48:48,310 --> 00:48:49,516 Let me show you now a jolly company... 636 00:48:50,437 --> 00:48:52,519 ...so that you see how easy life can be. 637 00:48:55,609 --> 00:48:58,772 Why does everyone wish to be young? No thanks! 638 00:49:00,781 --> 00:49:01,907 Esteemed students! 639 00:49:02,074 --> 00:49:03,997 No more free drinks! 640 00:49:04,160 --> 00:49:07,050 - But the war is over! - Everyone wants to celebrate! 641 00:49:10,166 --> 00:49:11,372 - These fellows will shatter my eardrums! 642 00:49:12,419 --> 00:49:14,387 Splendid! 643 00:49:23,764 --> 00:49:25,766 - A nasty song. Better than your father's shouting. 644 00:49:42,658 --> 00:49:46,583 What a pigsty this Is! Anna! Clean up! 645 00:49:51,959 --> 00:49:53,085 What's the matter? 646 00:49:57,131 --> 00:50:00,135 - First you send everybody away. - What you waiting for. Wench? 647 00:50:00,343 --> 00:50:02,471 - All you're concerned with is courting your trollops! 648 00:50:03,471 --> 00:50:06,520 Such a good and honest woman. Do you have anything decent on offer? 649 00:50:06,725 --> 00:50:09,695 Or are you serving only donkey piss today? 650 00:50:10,687 --> 00:50:13,691 We have fine wine from Burgundy. 651 00:50:13,899 --> 00:50:15,025 There are plenty of donkeys in Burgundy. Loo. 652 00:50:15,943 --> 00:50:18,947 What you call Burgundy is probably in fact Courland. 653 00:50:19,196 --> 00:50:21,198 - Behave yourself! - Look... 654 00:50:22,157 --> 00:50:24,364 ...over there is the Doctor. He has lost the meaning of life. 655 00:50:26,453 --> 00:50:28,455 - He needs some wine! - Yes! Here! 656 00:50:30,499 --> 00:50:32,627 Anna! Two glasses of wine! 657 00:50:35,713 --> 00:50:37,795 Doctor, sorry to bother you. 658 00:50:38,007 --> 00:50:41,978 You're a master of astrology, aren't you? 659 00:50:43,054 --> 00:50:45,056 You're familiar with the stars? 660 00:50:49,310 --> 00:50:52,280 Everybody's talking about... 661 00:50:52,522 --> 00:50:55,492 - Can we order some more wine? - Bugger off! 662 00:50:56,651 --> 00:50:58,779 Everybody's talking about the comet... 663 00:50:59,738 --> 00:51:01,786 - But we'd like to order more wine! - Get lost, student scum! 664 00:51:03,992 --> 00:51:06,074 So, about the comet. What does it mean? 665 00:51:08,038 --> 00:51:09,244 Nothing. 666 00:51:10,332 --> 00:51:12,221 Nothing? 667 00:51:13,294 --> 00:51:14,420 A ball of gas. 668 00:51:15,463 --> 00:51:17,386 A ball of gas? 669 00:51:18,674 --> 00:51:21,598 The comet? 670 00:51:22,595 --> 00:51:23,801 A fart?! 671 00:51:25,765 --> 00:51:27,927 But... of course... it figures... 672 00:51:28,851 --> 00:51:30,899 ...that when the sky farts, a comet appears. 673 00:51:31,187 --> 00:51:33,997 Thank you, Doctor. 674 00:51:34,274 --> 00:51:37,198 Anna! Where are you, silly cow? 675 00:51:44,701 --> 00:51:46,669 Emmerich! Valentin! 676 00:51:47,746 --> 00:51:49,874 I've written a poem for your beautiful sister. 677 00:51:54,920 --> 00:51:57,048 Professor You're leaving? 678 00:51:58,090 --> 00:52:00,218 - Let me out. - And who's paying? 679 00:52:00,384 --> 00:52:02,386 He's paying for me, the man in the hack. 680 00:52:03,304 --> 00:52:06,353 That's what everybody says. 681 00:52:06,599 --> 00:52:09,523 I can bring you the money tomorrow. 682 00:52:09,727 --> 00:52:11,695 - My friend is paying. - Really? 683 00:52:11,854 --> 00:52:14,858 What the hell! 684 00:52:17,902 --> 00:52:18,983 Such impudence! 685 00:52:19,112 --> 00:52:22,002 What so offends the defender of the Fatherland? 686 00:52:22,198 --> 00:52:24,166 This swill? 687 00:52:24,325 --> 00:52:26,327 Or my presence here? 688 00:52:27,329 --> 00:52:29,457 He didn't mean to offend you. 689 00:52:30,457 --> 00:52:32,380 Then he must apologise. 690 00:52:35,754 --> 00:52:37,643 Alright, enough! 691 00:52:37,798 --> 00:52:39,846 If he is so tender. Then... 692 00:52:40,884 --> 00:52:42,966 ...excuse me. 693 00:52:44,138 --> 00:52:46,186 Although there is no reason to apologise. 694 00:52:48,183 --> 00:52:50,265 You must admit this is donkey piss. 695 00:52:50,436 --> 00:52:52,404 - Enough! - Pure donkey piss. 696 00:52:53,314 --> 00:52:55,521 - He is drunk. And a soldier! - A drunken soldier. 697 00:52:56,484 --> 00:52:58,532 He should apologise properly! 698 00:53:00,822 --> 00:53:02,790 Then he'd better keep silent. 699 00:53:02,949 --> 00:53:05,873 Wine is the blood of the earth. 700 00:53:06,995 --> 00:53:09,043 I'll show him what this blond looks like. 701 00:53:09,205 --> 00:53:11,094 I'm going to see Margarete. 702 00:53:11,249 --> 00:53:13,217 Let's have one more drink then we'll go. 703 00:53:16,379 --> 00:53:18,302 Be quiet, friendly element. 704 00:53:21,676 --> 00:53:23,519 How did he do that? 705 00:53:24,638 --> 00:53:26,766 It's all a hoax all tricks, all lies. 706 00:53:26,932 --> 00:53:28,855 Here is a miracle, so just believe. 707 00:53:29,935 --> 00:53:32,017 That's wine? Holy Mary! 708 00:53:52,750 --> 00:53:55,799 We drink to your sister, to beautiful Margarete! 709 00:54:02,177 --> 00:54:03,224 Swill! 710 00:54:08,433 --> 00:54:10,401 Someone said something interesting there. 711 00:54:11,728 --> 00:54:13,776 Donkey piss! 712 00:54:14,773 --> 00:54:18,744 The young man is again offended! So fussy! 713 00:54:19,903 --> 00:54:21,985 Leave It! The old man is too fat for your short blade! 714 00:54:23,032 --> 00:54:24,193 Doctor, stand your ground! Stay close to me! 715 00:54:25,117 --> 00:54:27,245 What are you doing? He has fallen onto my fork! 716 00:54:30,414 --> 00:54:31,495 How clumsy! 717 00:54:40,967 --> 00:54:42,935 It's time for us to disappear. 718 00:54:43,887 --> 00:54:45,093 But we cannot... 719 00:54:48,099 --> 00:54:49,225 ...just disappear! 720 00:54:50,143 --> 00:54:52,111 We must! 721 00:54:53,438 --> 00:54:55,440 - He needs help! - He's not the first. 722 00:54:56,441 --> 00:54:57,602 It's you who needs help. 723 00:55:13,167 --> 00:55:15,169 It's good bread, fresh baked. 724 00:55:16,379 --> 00:55:18,268 Yes, I see. 725 00:55:40,237 --> 00:55:42,319 - What can I do for you? - I'm just looking. 726 00:55:42,489 --> 00:55:46,380 Congratulations on your new life! 727 00:55:52,708 --> 00:55:53,869 What have you clone?! 728 00:55:54,793 --> 00:55:55,919 I didn't mean to. It just happened. 729 00:55:56,879 --> 00:55:59,007 As if the Devil himself put the fork in my ha rid! 730 00:55:59,173 --> 00:56:01,062 It is a mortal sin! 731 00:56:01,217 --> 00:56:05,142 If you must be careless with your own soul, then please think of mine. 732 00:56:09,475 --> 00:56:11,477 One doesn't die of such wounds! 733 00:56:12,645 --> 00:56:15,535 So you say, poor boy. 734 00:56:15,773 --> 00:56:17,741 He has likely already died. While you are so cold blooded. 735 00:56:18,818 --> 00:56:21,822 Enough! Who started the whole thing? You or me? 736 00:56:23,156 --> 00:56:25,124 You just said it yourself... the Devil. 737 00:56:26,076 --> 00:56:27,237 So the question remains open. 738 00:56:28,328 --> 00:56:30,217 You're a clown! 739 00:56:30,372 --> 00:56:33,262 A clown?! This way I. 740 00:56:33,542 --> 00:56:36,432 Why didn't you take... 741 00:56:37,546 --> 00:56:40,595 ...my ring? - The things you worry about. 742 00:56:41,884 --> 00:56:43,807 - You're laughing?! - Shall I renounce all laughter... 743 00:56:43,969 --> 00:56:45,812 ...for your sake? 744 00:56:46,013 --> 00:56:47,936 Just tell me how I can make this right. 745 00:56:48,057 --> 00:56:50,059 - Can you heal his wound? - No. 746 00:56:50,267 --> 00:56:53,077 Comfort his kin? 747 00:56:53,396 --> 00:56:56,400 No. How big is the family? 748 00:56:57,400 --> 00:57:00,449 Only two people. His mother and sister. 749 00:57:01,654 --> 00:57:03,736 A miserable clan. 750 00:57:04,824 --> 00:57:06,713 They've pawned everything. 751 00:57:08,912 --> 00:57:10,880 No doubt in your shop. 752 00:57:14,251 --> 00:57:16,140 There is no one up there! 753 00:57:16,294 --> 00:57:18,217 It's draughty here. 754 00:57:23,594 --> 00:57:25,596 His sister! 755 00:57:27,681 --> 00:57:30,605 Margarete! What a flower! 756 00:57:30,934 --> 00:57:32,902 I still can't believe that... 757 00:57:33,812 --> 00:57:35,894 ...she will wither with grief... 758 00:57:36,065 --> 00:57:39,035 ...without tasting the pleasures of life. 759 00:57:44,323 --> 00:57:45,449 Oh, what have you done?! 760 00:57:52,624 --> 00:57:55,753 We must help them somehow, give them money... 761 00:57:56,920 --> 00:57:58,888 But there is no money to be had. 762 00:58:01,007 --> 00:58:02,975 Can't you help? 763 00:58:04,094 --> 00:58:06,301 - What can I... - Oh, come on! 764 00:58:08,265 --> 00:58:10,393 ...give to them? The things I have do not belong to me. 765 00:58:11,393 --> 00:58:13,475 They could be redeemed at any moment. 766 00:58:13,645 --> 00:58:16,649 What can be dune? 767 00:58:20,861 --> 00:58:22,909 - Come! - Where are you taking me? 768 00:58:23,906 --> 00:58:25,067 Camel. 769 00:58:28,119 --> 00:58:30,281 Hang the tablecloth over there. 770 00:58:31,289 --> 00:58:32,370 It'll dry more quickly. 771 00:58:33,291 --> 00:58:34,452 There they are. 772 00:58:35,585 --> 00:58:37,474 There she is! Unbelievable! 773 00:58:41,758 --> 00:58:44,648 What you can't count on, you can't believe is true. 774 00:58:46,930 --> 00:58:48,932 You gave me only the light things. 775 00:58:49,140 --> 00:58:51,142 Make sure to hang the dress properly. 776 00:58:52,185 --> 00:58:54,187 Or your mother will tell us both off! 777 00:58:54,354 --> 00:58:56,243 She is so strict in everything she does. 778 00:58:59,484 --> 00:59:02,533 - What are you doing here? - The wound was fatal after all. 779 00:59:03,572 --> 00:59:06,576 - Your brother. - What do you mean, "my brother"? 780 00:59:08,786 --> 00:59:10,788 This is my brother? 781 00:59:11,872 --> 00:59:13,874 But he is dead... Mama! 782 00:59:17,295 --> 00:59:19,218 This is Valentin? 783 00:59:21,465 --> 00:59:23,433 I don't recognise him at all! 784 00:59:25,636 --> 00:59:27,525 They any it's my brother. 785 00:59:40,068 --> 00:59:42,116 Yes, this is your brother. 786 00:59:51,538 --> 00:59:52,664 Take him inside. 787 01:00:05,094 --> 01:00:08,098 - We have to do something. - To procure the pretty thing for you? 788 01:00:08,306 --> 01:00:11,150 Stop joking! I'm not in the mood. 789 01:00:11,350 --> 01:00:13,432 It's indeed narrow... My God... 790 01:00:16,606 --> 01:00:17,732 Put it in an angle, fool! 791 01:00:18,691 --> 01:00:20,819 Find some money for them! Or I'll inform on you. 792 01:00:21,778 --> 01:00:23,860 Alright. I can't watch you suffer! 793 01:00:24,823 --> 01:00:26,063 You're forcing me to use my nest egg. 794 01:00:28,034 --> 01:00:29,195 That's that. 795 01:00:30,162 --> 01:00:32,290 You'll find me at home. You know the way. 796 01:00:33,290 --> 01:00:35,258 I'll be in the cellar. 797 01:00:36,376 --> 01:00:38,378 - Doctor! - Where are you? 798 01:00:38,629 --> 01:00:40,552 Here! 799 01:01:10,870 --> 01:01:12,838 - What's that smell? - The smell of misery. 800 01:01:12,998 --> 01:01:15,046 What a heap? Is this your nest egg? 801 01:01:18,211 --> 01:01:20,100 Help yourself! 802 01:01:22,174 --> 01:01:23,414 So what dues gold smell like? 803 01:01:25,344 --> 01:01:26,470 Gold? 804 01:01:27,513 --> 01:01:30,562 Like sweet cream. Like a cake with whipped cream. 805 01:01:31,600 --> 01:01:32,806 - Are you hungry again? - Yes! 806 01:01:35,771 --> 01:01:36,932 Careful! My wings! 807 01:01:37,898 --> 01:01:39,980 I have lo get a closer look at you... 808 01:01:40,151 --> 01:01:42,153 ...at your wings, your arse. 809 01:01:43,112 --> 01:01:44,273 Why not just cut me up? 810 01:01:45,198 --> 01:01:48,202 Wagner would be delighted. A magnificent autopsy specimen! 811 01:01:48,493 --> 01:01:51,337 - Mr. Faust, this Isn't like you. - No, it isn't like me. 812 01:01:52,455 --> 01:01:54,503 There should he a box up there somewhere. 813 01:01:54,707 --> 01:01:58,553 You keep all this to yourself, but we need money. 814 01:01:58,795 --> 01:02:00,763 My old friend Tacitus. 815 01:02:01,965 --> 01:02:04,047 - I've found something! - Pardon me? 816 01:02:05,093 --> 01:02:07,095 Keep looking, keep looking! 817 01:02:07,262 --> 01:02:09,185 You want to make the whole world happy! 818 01:02:10,349 --> 01:02:13,273 - Some kind of bones! - Coins! 819 01:02:14,436 --> 01:02:16,564 - A shower of gold! - Where is the box? 820 01:02:17,648 --> 01:02:20,618 Come to me, my Zeus! I'll be your Danae! 821 01:02:20,818 --> 01:02:23,662 - Von gabber! Have you found something? - My aunt's brown purse... 822 01:02:23,904 --> 01:02:26,828 fallen as if from heaven! - You're tricking me! 823 01:02:27,908 --> 01:02:30,991 - The Devil doesn't have aunts! - For the Lord, all things are possible. 824 01:02:31,204 --> 01:02:34,014 Let me out of here! 825 01:02:34,207 --> 01:02:36,289 No, I have to change my clothes! 826 01:02:36,459 --> 01:02:39,349 Me, too! Hurry up! I wan! To gel this over with. 827 01:02:39,545 --> 01:02:41,468 - Then you go ahead. - No... 828 01:02:41,631 --> 01:02:44,521 ...you go, my dear friend, and I'll wait outside. 829 01:02:50,932 --> 01:02:54,857 Today we bid farewell to our beloved Valentin. 830 01:02:56,229 --> 01:03:00,200 The Lord summons not only the old... 831 01:03:03,404 --> 01:03:05,452 ...but sometimes the young as well. 832 01:03:06,532 --> 01:03:09,615 His earthly life was brief. 833 01:03:09,827 --> 01:03:13,673 But he will be remembered as a loyal son... 834 01:03:13,998 --> 01:03:15,841 ...a caring brother, and a reliable friend. 835 01:03:16,042 --> 01:03:18,932 - Where are you going? - I need to see your mistress. 836 01:03:19,128 --> 01:03:21,051 - Do you need help? - Go, go! 837 01:03:21,255 --> 01:03:23,098 It's highly confidential. 838 01:03:27,345 --> 01:03:29,347 What are you sniffing around here for? 839 01:03:29,556 --> 01:03:31,479 Frau Emmerich! You have a visitor. 840 01:03:32,684 --> 01:03:35,654 - Good day, Frau Emmerich! - I do not wish to see anyone. 841 01:03:35,854 --> 01:03:38,858 It will be of the greatest Interest to you, dear madam. 842 01:03:39,941 --> 01:03:41,943 Have you taken lemon balm? 843 01:03:45,197 --> 01:03:48,087 It won't help. I have something hatter for you. 844 01:03:48,367 --> 01:03:51,257 - What? - A sedative you know well. 845 01:03:51,537 --> 01:03:54,507 When your husband passed, he left a tidy sum. 846 01:03:55,499 --> 01:03:57,501 You were comforted rather quickly. 847 01:03:57,668 --> 01:03:59,591 - I have children. You have survived... 848 01:03:59,754 --> 01:04:01,836 ...even the unborn child you killed in your womb. 849 01:04:02,840 --> 01:04:04,888 A true friend gave you a ring... 850 01:04:05,051 --> 01:04:06,974 ...and you immediately forgot your grief. 851 01:04:07,094 --> 01:04:09,938 Caressing gold is a good cure. 852 01:04:10,181 --> 01:04:12,149 I have no gold, as you well know. 853 01:04:14,269 --> 01:04:15,430 Now once again you do. 854 01:04:17,480 --> 01:04:19,608 I was asked to give this to you. 855 01:04:23,820 --> 01:04:26,710 - By whom? - A good person... 856 01:04:27,824 --> 01:04:29,872 ...with a big heart. An angel. 857 01:04:30,118 --> 01:04:32,086 Or perhaps a villain, a scoundrel. 858 01:04:33,080 --> 01:04:34,161 What are you saying? 859 01:04:34,289 --> 01:04:37,293 Just take what your patron saint has given. 860 01:04:38,335 --> 01:04:40,383 Only the Lord God sends patron saints. 861 01:04:41,505 --> 01:04:43,507 - Not necessarily. The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh. 862 01:04:43,674 --> 01:04:46,518 Man has two hands. One taketh, the other one giveth. 863 01:04:46,719 --> 01:04:48,608 What about you? 864 01:04:55,937 --> 01:04:57,143 It has nothing to do with me. 865 01:05:26,343 --> 01:05:28,186 What's wrong?! 866 01:05:28,387 --> 01:05:30,355 He struggles along like a decrepit old horse! 867 01:05:30,598 --> 01:05:32,441 What, what, what?! 868 01:05:33,601 --> 01:05:35,603 Tell me already! 869 01:05:37,897 --> 01:05:39,865 Did she accept it? 870 01:05:45,071 --> 01:05:48,075 She did. But personally, I wouldn't have given it to her. 871 01:05:49,200 --> 01:05:51,248 Why not? 872 01:05:52,287 --> 01:05:53,493 I don't like any of this. 873 01:05:54,497 --> 01:05:56,386 You are moved... 874 01:05:57,584 --> 01:05:59,552 ...by pure lust. 875 01:06:00,670 --> 01:06:02,752 Although it is hidden behind a mask of nobleness. 876 01:06:03,882 --> 01:06:06,772 What nobleness! There they are already! 877 01:06:06,969 --> 01:06:08,095 I'm ridden with guilt. 878 01:06:09,012 --> 01:06:10,138 That's also quite noble. 879 01:06:18,397 --> 01:06:19,523 What's the hurry? 880 01:06:20,649 --> 01:06:23,459 One is rushed. Even to the grave. 881 01:06:23,652 --> 01:06:26,735 Time is on the wane. Death is never a welcome guest. 882 01:06:27,740 --> 01:06:29,742 One always hurries to be rid of him. 883 01:07:03,318 --> 01:07:05,320 This is taking it too far, Doctor! 884 01:07:06,530 --> 01:07:09,295 - What are you doing here? - Listen... 885 01:07:09,533 --> 01:07:11,661 ...this is not my crime, but yours. 886 01:07:16,874 --> 01:07:18,922 Oh dear, you've been offended! 887 01:07:30,513 --> 01:07:32,481 Attention! Close ranks! 888 01:07:46,029 --> 01:07:47,952 But we have no money. 889 01:07:50,117 --> 01:07:52,324 Now we do. Now everything will be different. 890 01:07:58,459 --> 01:08:01,542 We won't let our heroes be disgraced! 891 01:08:01,796 --> 01:08:03,798 Stop it! End this nonsense! 892 01:08:04,882 --> 01:08:06,850 There are no heroes here! 893 01:08:07,927 --> 01:08:09,975 This is a private affair! 894 01:08:10,138 --> 01:08:12,982 Onwards! I'll lead the way! 895 01:08:19,522 --> 01:08:22,366 Go get 'em! 896 01:08:27,823 --> 01:08:29,791 Splendid! 897 01:08:32,828 --> 01:08:34,910 Hands off! She's not yours! 898 01:08:36,165 --> 01:08:38,088 What is the Professor doing here? 899 01:08:38,292 --> 01:08:41,216 He's not a member of the family. 900 01:09:25,215 --> 01:09:27,138 Boring! 901 01:09:28,218 --> 01:09:30,141 I barely knew him. 902 01:09:31,263 --> 01:09:32,469 He was always fighting in some war or other. 903 01:09:36,435 --> 01:09:37,675 I rarely saw him. 904 01:11:15,621 --> 01:11:17,510 From the earth we came... 905 01:11:17,748 --> 01:11:19,796 ...and so we shall return. Earth to earth... 906 01:11:20,835 --> 01:11:22,883 ...ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. 907 01:11:32,305 --> 01:11:34,194 My sympathies. Frau Emmerich. 908 01:11:45,986 --> 01:11:47,909 Be careful with the cross! 909 01:11:48,906 --> 01:11:50,112 - Are you going to the wake? - No. 910 01:11:56,288 --> 01:11:58,211 A peculiar girl. 911 01:11:58,374 --> 01:11:59,455 May I accompany you, Frau Emmerich? 912 01:12:00,376 --> 01:12:01,537 - is that him? - No. 913 01:12:06,799 --> 01:12:08,722 So who is it then? 914 01:12:10,803 --> 01:12:11,964 An eternal wanderer... 915 01:12:12,889 --> 01:12:15,972 ...who roams the hills and vales of life. 916 01:12:29,781 --> 01:12:31,670 Altmayer! 917 01:12:31,825 --> 01:12:34,829 Where are you? Let's go together! 918 01:13:01,981 --> 01:13:04,029 - All of them are buried here... 919 01:13:04,192 --> 01:13:07,958 ...my entire family. - The graves seem somewhat neglected. 920 01:13:08,196 --> 01:13:10,164 Everything will he different now. 921 01:13:13,326 --> 01:13:14,452 What a naughty old man! 922 01:13:14,619 --> 01:13:16,462 Could you introduce me to him? 923 01:13:16,621 --> 01:13:18,703 - Absolutely nut. - Why not? 924 01:13:19,708 --> 01:13:22,837 My companion is a scholar. 925 01:13:24,963 --> 01:13:26,044 A misanthrope. 926 01:13:26,966 --> 01:13:29,936 He lacks the lightness of being that we naturally possess. 927 01:13:31,220 --> 01:13:33,268 - What is he doing here? - He is suffering. 928 01:13:35,308 --> 01:13:37,310 Everything revolves in its little circle. 929 01:13:38,477 --> 01:13:39,603 I don't like any of this 930 01:13:40,521 --> 01:13:41,682 I'll see you home. 931 01:13:43,608 --> 01:13:44,689 Wolves roam these parts. 932 01:13:44,859 --> 01:13:49,626 For everyone knows exactly what will lead him lo hell. 933 01:13:49,948 --> 01:13:51,074 - What about my mother? - She's having a conversation. 934 01:13:51,991 --> 01:13:53,152 What? 935 01:13:54,119 --> 01:13:56,201 You don't know what leads a man to hell? 936 01:14:01,460 --> 01:14:02,541 I'm so tired. 937 01:14:04,546 --> 01:14:06,548 We're nearly there. 938 01:14:06,715 --> 01:14:08,717 But nobody wants to go to hell. 939 01:14:09,676 --> 01:14:11,724 Everyone presumes hell is only for the bad, not the good. 940 01:14:11,887 --> 01:14:12,968 And that is a mistake. 941 01:14:13,889 --> 01:14:15,971 What plant might I gladden you with? 942 01:14:18,144 --> 01:14:22,991 Celery? Parsley? Perhaps mandrake root? 943 01:14:24,442 --> 01:14:26,444 There is no mandrake root round here. 944 01:14:27,487 --> 01:14:30,491 - You should be glad! Oh, a burdock! - Thank you. 945 01:14:30,740 --> 01:14:34,540 Can you not walk faster? I have to get to my guests. 946 01:14:34,869 --> 01:14:36,917 Do you know where mandrake root grows? 947 01:14:38,998 --> 01:14:40,966 - No. - We'd better take the little path. 948 01:14:41,126 --> 01:14:43,049 - Why? 949 01:14:43,253 --> 01:14:45,142 This path is better. 950 01:14:45,297 --> 01:14:47,345 It is a steep path but it is quite pretty. 951 01:14:50,385 --> 01:14:52,387 - Yes, it truly is. - Professor! 952 01:14:52,554 --> 01:14:54,522 - I'm over here! - I can hear that. 953 01:14:57,810 --> 01:15:02,657 It grows below gallows or near bonfire pits... 954 01:15:04,066 --> 01:15:05,955 Blueberries! 955 01:15:08,279 --> 01:15:10,202 Bonfires in which witches were burned. 956 01:15:10,364 --> 01:15:13,174 - I'm tired. We can have a rest. 957 01:15:13,367 --> 01:15:14,448 No, let's keep going. 958 01:15:15,369 --> 01:15:17,531 Women are weatherproofs one may only admire them. 959 01:15:18,456 --> 01:15:20,504 Why are you so frightened? You're not a witch. 960 01:15:20,750 --> 01:15:23,560 - Where are the two of them going? - They cannot run away. 961 01:15:23,795 --> 01:15:25,718 All roads lead to town. 962 01:15:25,880 --> 01:15:27,006 And what is this here? 963 01:15:28,007 --> 01:15:30,055 Verbena. 964 01:15:32,095 --> 01:15:33,221 Or a lily. 965 01:15:36,391 --> 01:15:38,234 Are you really a professor? 966 01:15:40,395 --> 01:15:42,557 And a baccalaureate, and a doctor, and so on. 967 01:15:53,117 --> 01:15:55,119 But you're not well versed in botany. 968 01:15:56,036 --> 01:15:58,118 Quite so. 969 01:15:59,206 --> 01:16:00,367 Autumn is coming. 970 01:16:03,544 --> 01:16:05,546 So in what things are you well versed? 971 01:16:12,762 --> 01:16:14,810 The order of the universe... 972 01:16:15,932 --> 01:16:17,855 ...the trajectories of the planets... 973 01:16:20,186 --> 01:16:22,109 ...the transmutation of metal into gold. 974 01:16:26,360 --> 01:16:28,283 What plan! Is this? 975 01:16:28,570 --> 01:16:30,493 I think. 976 01:16:32,658 --> 01:16:34,660 ...It's chickweed. - The things you know. 977 01:16:34,827 --> 01:16:36,750 Why are only women sent to the stake? 978 01:16:36,912 --> 01:16:39,916 I know that my chatter can never entertain a man like you. 979 01:16:40,916 --> 01:16:42,964 - But not men? - You'll be the first man to burn. 980 01:16:45,129 --> 01:16:46,255 You should trust yourself more. 981 01:16:47,340 --> 01:16:49,149 Fine by me! 982 01:16:50,468 --> 01:16:52,391 I dream of the day... 983 01:16:54,430 --> 01:16:55,591 ...when I'm finally burned. 984 01:16:57,600 --> 01:17:00,763 The day that everybody is burned... 985 01:17:02,814 --> 01:17:04,942 ...regardless of sex... 986 01:17:05,942 --> 01:17:08,912 ...age, rank or merit. 987 01:17:11,114 --> 01:17:13,276 That's what I call equality. 988 01:17:14,242 --> 01:17:15,403 I had a dream about my brother today. 989 01:17:18,413 --> 01:17:20,541 He seemed different We talked... 990 01:17:21,667 --> 01:17:23,556 ...for a long time. 991 01:17:25,796 --> 01:17:27,719 You know so much. 992 01:17:30,968 --> 01:17:33,130 What does death do to a person? Does he die completely? 993 01:17:36,224 --> 01:17:38,352 Science argues that death exists. 994 01:17:42,480 --> 01:17:45,450 - But life gives the same answer. - Yes, that's true. 995 01:17:47,819 --> 01:17:49,742 So what do we need your science for? 996 01:17:50,864 --> 01:17:53,754 It's something to do to fill the void. 997 01:17:56,161 --> 01:17:59,051 You, say, probably enjoy knitting in your free time? 998 01:18:09,717 --> 01:18:11,560 Yes, I do. 999 01:18:11,719 --> 01:18:13,801 Science is something like knitting. 1000 01:18:20,061 --> 01:18:21,984 I'm driven by great things. 1001 01:18:22,146 --> 01:18:24,148 This earthly round is too cramped for me 1002 01:18:25,149 --> 01:18:27,311 I can neither better nor convert my fellow men. 1003 01:18:28,277 --> 01:18:30,405 - Wherever are they? They're just talking and talking. 1004 01:18:31,364 --> 01:18:33,446 - What about? - About life and death. 1005 01:18:35,618 --> 01:18:37,746 Death is death. 1006 01:18:38,913 --> 01:18:41,837 Yes, death still exists. 1007 01:18:42,876 --> 01:18:44,082 But soon it will disappear. 1008 01:18:46,129 --> 01:18:49,019 - What is that supposed to mean? - I'm speaking of the future. 1009 01:18:49,299 --> 01:18:51,267 But some people are already on the right path. 1010 01:18:51,426 --> 01:18:53,315 And there won't be any unhappy people there? 1011 01:18:53,512 --> 01:18:56,436 No. The unhappy are dangerous. Quite dangerous. 1012 01:18:57,474 --> 01:18:58,635 Doctor! I'm over here! 1013 01:18:59,560 --> 01:19:00,721 Margarete! It is late! 1014 01:19:03,772 --> 01:19:04,853 Come! What are you doing sitting there? 1015 01:19:05,816 --> 01:19:08,979 Is this a pleasure garden or what? We must go home! 1016 01:19:10,029 --> 01:19:12,191 - I'm coming, Mother! - Quickly, quickly! 1017 01:19:15,201 --> 01:19:17,249 Why are you running round with your skirt raised? 1018 01:19:17,412 --> 01:19:19,494 What an innocent child! 1019 01:19:20,456 --> 01:19:21,582 - Don't touch her! - No groping! 1020 01:19:22,500 --> 01:19:24,662 Thank you. Goodbye, my guardian angel. 1021 01:19:25,628 --> 01:19:26,834 - I'll be thinking of you. - You're shameless! 1022 01:19:27,714 --> 01:19:29,762 Up here it's safer, isn't it? 1023 01:19:29,925 --> 01:19:31,927 Why are you roaming about? Think of your brother! 1024 01:19:32,093 --> 01:19:35,017 He lies in his grave, and what are you doing? 1025 01:19:36,181 --> 01:19:39,071 - I think only of him! I know what you're thinking about! 1026 01:19:39,268 --> 01:19:42,272 You little whore! It's a disgrace! A disgrace! 1027 01:19:44,606 --> 01:19:46,574 What will people say? 1028 01:19:48,611 --> 01:19:50,739 One should never joke with women. 1029 01:19:59,080 --> 01:20:01,208 Mama, wait! 1030 01:20:13,762 --> 01:20:15,651 That wasn't exactly timely. 1031 01:20:16,931 --> 01:20:18,854 Who is he anyway? 1032 01:20:19,935 --> 01:20:21,858 Why did you bring the mother here? 1033 01:20:22,979 --> 01:20:24,105 It was lime. 1034 01:20:25,065 --> 01:20:27,193 You begin in secret, with just one. And then another. 1035 01:20:28,151 --> 01:20:29,357 And soon the whole town will have you! 1036 01:20:30,362 --> 01:20:33,286 You know where this will lead you? 1037 01:20:34,533 --> 01:20:36,535 What are you doing here? Come with us! 1038 01:20:37,703 --> 01:20:39,592 No, I don't know! 1039 01:20:44,919 --> 01:20:46,080 What binds a woman to a man? 1040 01:20:48,089 --> 01:20:49,215 Don't you know? 1041 01:20:50,133 --> 01:20:51,259 No, I have no idea. 1042 01:20:59,517 --> 01:21:00,643 Three things... 1043 01:21:11,988 --> 01:21:13,990 ...money... 1044 01:21:14,241 --> 01:21:16,130 ...lust, and a shared household. 1045 01:21:20,372 --> 01:21:22,340 That has a cynical ring. 1046 01:21:23,500 --> 01:21:24,661 Cynical? 1047 01:21:25,628 --> 01:21:28,598 It's strange to hear that from you. 1048 01:21:28,839 --> 01:21:30,682 Yet another moralizer. 1049 01:21:32,843 --> 01:21:36,052 I have the right to accuse others of being cynical... 1050 01:21:37,140 --> 01:21:41,065 ...because I myself am different. 1051 01:21:42,437 --> 01:21:44,326 Clean. 1052 01:21:46,399 --> 01:21:47,560 Pure. 1053 01:21:48,610 --> 01:21:52,581 You're clean, pure? Who told you that? 1054 01:21:52,822 --> 01:21:56,872 Ever since Eve was tempted, the world has not been pure 1055 01:21:57,911 --> 01:21:59,913 it wasn't I who tempted her, but a distant ancestor. 1056 01:22:00,122 --> 01:22:02,011 A snake just like you. 1057 01:22:11,634 --> 01:22:13,636 Good clay! 1058 01:22:15,596 --> 01:22:17,598 - Are we headed the right way? - Where are you going? 1059 01:22:17,765 --> 01:22:19,767 - To Paris. To Paris? Paris is that way. 1060 01:22:20,851 --> 01:22:21,932 Get in! 1061 01:22:22,979 --> 01:22:25,027 - Would you like to go to Paris? - That's the last thing I need. 1062 01:22:25,148 --> 01:22:27,071 - Show me the way. - I'm tired. 1063 01:22:28,151 --> 01:22:30,238 Let's ride with him for a bit. 1064 01:22:32,363 --> 01:22:33,444 Someone is lying in here, snoring. 1065 01:22:35,533 --> 01:22:37,422 Doctor! Climb in... 1066 01:22:37,577 --> 01:22:39,705 ...or the best seats will be taken, as so often happens in life. 1067 01:22:40,622 --> 01:22:41,783 Get in, get in! 1068 01:22:42,791 --> 01:22:43,917 Come on! 1069 01:22:48,005 --> 01:22:49,131 Hey, careful! 1070 01:22:55,429 --> 01:22:57,431 Lousy Krauts! 1071 01:22:58,474 --> 01:23:00,476 Let's be off! Straight ahead! 1072 01:23:05,815 --> 01:23:07,738 I want to get out it smells here! 1073 01:23:08,943 --> 01:23:11,787 - The man stinks terribly. - Maybe it's a woman. 1074 01:23:13,114 --> 01:23:14,957 You'd know hatter than I. 1075 01:23:15,116 --> 01:23:16,197 Your little doll quickly took the bait. 1076 01:23:19,162 --> 01:23:21,244 How I'd love to spit in your impudent face! 1077 01:23:25,543 --> 01:23:27,466 But I skill have need of you... 1078 01:23:28,672 --> 01:23:31,676 ...perhaps. - Together we're strong. 1079 01:23:31,883 --> 01:23:35,854 We accomplished a lot today. We made the family of the murdered men happy. 1080 01:23:36,054 --> 01:23:38,864 - Indeed! We made them happy. 1081 01:23:39,099 --> 01:23:42,069 You talked lo Margarete rate in private. 1082 01:23:42,269 --> 01:23:44,317 - Mind you, thanks to me. - It was too brief. 1083 01:23:46,482 --> 01:23:48,405 Too brief?! 1084 01:23:51,612 --> 01:23:53,660 Do you wan! To be with her for longer? 1085 01:23:55,908 --> 01:23:57,831 Then it's called seduction. 1086 01:23:57,994 --> 01:24:00,884 Good morning! Selifan, give me my jacket! And teal. 1087 01:24:01,080 --> 01:24:02,969 And so it is. 1088 01:24:04,208 --> 01:24:06,097 But I want to all the same! 1089 01:24:06,336 --> 01:24:08,179 How boring! 1090 01:24:08,421 --> 01:24:11,345 I was sleeping. 1091 01:24:17,681 --> 01:24:20,730 Selifan, where is my jacket? We have guests. 1092 01:24:23,937 --> 01:24:25,985 - is he a madman? - No, he's Russian. 1093 01:24:26,106 --> 01:24:28,916 - How do I approach her? You'll have to impress the girl! 1094 01:24:29,151 --> 01:24:32,075 But how? 1095 01:24:33,197 --> 01:24:36,246 Show her that you can read her secret thoughts. 1096 01:24:36,533 --> 01:24:39,423 - Girls like that sort of thing. - Stop it! 1097 01:24:42,623 --> 01:24:44,705 Even you won't be able to find out her secret thoughts. 1098 01:24:48,921 --> 01:24:51,049 Selifan, kick them out! 1099 01:24:52,008 --> 01:24:53,169 Stop! We've arrived! 1100 01:25:20,371 --> 01:25:23,181 It's mass you need to stay the masses. 1101 01:25:24,333 --> 01:25:25,494 Come on, Doctor! 1102 01:25:27,670 --> 01:25:30,560 You're not yet man enough to deal with those devils. 1103 01:25:31,632 --> 01:25:33,839 - What do you mean not yet? - You must learn to trust yourself. 1104 01:25:35,845 --> 01:25:37,927 - Nonsense! - Your desire to live is great... 1105 01:25:38,931 --> 01:25:41,059 ...but your strength is small. - Were you serious... 1106 01:25:42,226 --> 01:25:44,228 ...a bout reading her thoughts? 1107 01:25:48,483 --> 01:25:52,408 - Even you can't do that. I can't. But her confessor can 1108 01:25:56,825 --> 01:25:58,668 I'm not a confessor. 1109 01:25:59,745 --> 01:26:01,827 - You could become one. - Me? Her confessor? 1110 01:26:02,039 --> 01:26:04,087 - I feel you have strength. - You're mocking me! 1111 01:26:05,000 --> 01:26:07,162 I'm not mocking you. I have a plan. 1112 01:26:09,254 --> 01:26:11,302 When was the last time you went to church? 1113 01:26:11,465 --> 01:26:13,354 Last year. 1114 01:26:13,551 --> 01:26:16,475 Margarete goes a little more regularly. 1115 01:26:17,596 --> 01:26:19,519 Nearly every day. 1116 01:26:20,808 --> 01:26:22,776 Nearly every day? So what? 1117 01:26:24,979 --> 01:26:26,868 - How is that going to help me? - You're hungry. 1118 01:26:27,023 --> 01:26:29,947 Everyone here is starving. Continue fighting. The world is big. 1119 01:26:37,283 --> 01:26:38,489 And our priest... 1120 01:26:39,411 --> 01:26:40,617 ...is he also one of your clients? 1121 01:27:02,434 --> 01:27:04,357 Well, then. 1122 01:27:15,990 --> 01:27:17,913 See you later. 1123 01:27:28,545 --> 01:27:30,468 Rather tasty. 1124 01:27:30,714 --> 01:27:33,604 I did my best. As always. 1125 01:27:33,800 --> 01:27:36,644 Such pretty things. Where did you get the money for them? 1126 01:27:38,931 --> 01:27:40,854 Your student... 1127 01:27:41,016 --> 01:27:43,986 Your student pawned off some of your lectures on somebody. 1128 01:27:46,272 --> 01:27:48,240 Although I have no Idea why anyone would want them. 1129 01:27:48,399 --> 01:27:50,288 One doesn't have to know everything, Ida. 1130 01:27:50,401 --> 01:27:52,449 One more thing. Professor. 1131 01:27:53,654 --> 01:27:57,454 There was someone here for you, a professor. 1132 01:27:57,783 --> 01:28:00,753 He wanted to invite you to his lecture. 1133 01:28:01,788 --> 01:28:03,870 "I asked him, Who are you? What do you want?" 1134 01:28:03,998 --> 01:28:06,968 He said: I want to see Professor Faust. 1135 01:28:07,168 --> 01:28:09,136 - Thanks, Ida. - You're welcome. 1136 01:28:09,295 --> 01:28:12,219 I said: "You have no business here. Go to the unisity." 1137 01:28:13,258 --> 01:28:14,419 "University"! 1138 01:28:15,343 --> 01:28:17,391 That's what I said, "Unisity". 1139 01:28:18,472 --> 01:28:20,600 - "He's there day and night". I said. 1140 01:28:21,641 --> 01:28:25,612 - Yes, It's all so terribly horrible. - Decent gentlemen sleep at home... 1141 01:28:25,896 --> 01:28:27,864 ...in their own beds. 1142 01:28:39,326 --> 01:28:40,487 Katharina! 1143 01:28:44,665 --> 01:28:47,555 I'm busy! 1144 01:29:36,719 --> 01:29:37,880 I'll save her. 1145 01:29:48,148 --> 01:29:49,354 What do you want, Frau Hagemann? 1146 01:29:51,276 --> 01:29:52,437 I want some bread. 1147 01:29:58,617 --> 01:30:00,745 - Where were you? - Everybody has been waiting. 1148 01:30:01,828 --> 01:30:03,751 What did she tell you. Adelhelma? 1149 01:30:08,127 --> 01:30:10,050 Where is your mother, Gretchen? 1150 01:30:13,257 --> 01:30:14,383 There she is. 1151 01:30:17,470 --> 01:30:19,472 Where have you been? They're going to eat everything up! 1152 01:30:27,814 --> 01:30:29,862 Margarete, where are you going? 1153 01:30:47,542 --> 01:30:48,748 I'm going outside. 1154 01:31:19,951 --> 01:31:21,077 There he is. 1155 01:31:46,061 --> 01:31:48,109 Where can I make a donation? 1156 01:31:51,192 --> 01:31:52,318 It's you! I haven't seen you in a long while. 1157 01:31:54,445 --> 01:31:56,368 How large is the donation? 1158 01:31:57,532 --> 01:31:59,534 It's not small. 1159 01:31:59,659 --> 01:32:02,663 How hard the uphill road would be... 1160 01:32:03,788 --> 01:32:05,677 ...in silence. Sweat. And effort... 1161 01:32:05,874 --> 01:32:07,956 ...if every now and then we did not meet a rose upon our way... 1162 01:32:09,043 --> 01:32:11,967 ...that nodded to us. Look, I'm in bloom! 1163 01:32:13,131 --> 01:32:14,292 Please. Come with me. 1164 01:32:15,258 --> 01:32:18,228 What would we do without... 1165 01:32:18,470 --> 01:32:20,393 ...the generous hands of our benefactors. 1166 01:32:20,555 --> 01:32:23,559 He who has no hand makes no list. 1167 01:32:34,111 --> 01:32:36,034 Elsa! I forgot my basket in your house! 1168 01:32:36,197 --> 01:32:38,120 I'll bring it by later! 1169 01:32:55,008 --> 01:32:57,818 There she is. What a coincidence! No, it's no coincidence! 1170 01:32:58,011 --> 01:33:00,139 I must speak with you. Don't be afraid! 1171 01:33:01,097 --> 01:33:02,258 I despise everything coarse. 1172 01:33:03,183 --> 01:33:05,265 I know how you feel. 1173 01:33:05,435 --> 01:33:07,324 I was there at the cemetery. 1174 01:33:07,479 --> 01:33:09,481 - Didn't you see me? - Let me pass! 1175 01:33:10,649 --> 01:33:12,572 I was there. 1176 01:33:12,734 --> 01:33:14,657 I'm so happy today! 1177 01:33:15,654 --> 01:33:19,625 It's such a happy, important day! 1178 01:33:25,122 --> 01:33:28,046 Do you think he is Faust? He isn't Faust! I am Faust! 1179 01:33:29,293 --> 01:33:31,341 He stole all his ideas from me! 1180 01:33:32,421 --> 01:33:34,469 - He is a usurper! - What did he say? 1181 01:33:35,550 --> 01:33:38,440 Yes, I'm little Wagner. 1182 01:33:38,720 --> 01:33:40,802 I am the great Wagner! 1183 01:33:41,764 --> 01:33:44,813 - We believe you. The very great Wagner! 1184 01:33:46,019 --> 01:33:49,102 - Shall I take your measurements? - I am the great Wagner! 1185 01:33:51,316 --> 01:33:54,206 The very great Wagner. I am Faust. 1186 01:33:57,531 --> 01:33:59,374 I am Faust. 1187 01:34:02,703 --> 01:34:04,592 The great Wagner. 1188 01:34:04,788 --> 01:34:06,790 - The very great Wagner. - Yes. 1189 01:34:07,833 --> 01:34:09,881 - I am Faust. - Yes... 1190 01:34:10,044 --> 01:34:11,967 ...I believe you. 1191 01:34:12,171 --> 01:34:14,094 Yes, of course. I believe you. 1192 01:34:20,388 --> 01:34:21,514 I can prove it to you. 1193 01:34:22,473 --> 01:34:23,599 I have... 1194 01:34:24,517 --> 01:34:26,565 I can prove it if you don't believe me. 1195 01:34:27,645 --> 01:34:29,773 I've done it! 1196 01:34:32,984 --> 01:34:35,954 I mixed the essential oils... 1197 01:34:36,947 --> 01:34:39,075 ...of asparagus and dandelion... 1198 01:34:39,282 --> 01:34:41,284 ...with a hyena's liver. 1199 01:34:42,327 --> 01:34:44,409 And thus I created... 1200 01:34:51,670 --> 01:34:53,638 ...a homunculus. 1201 01:34:55,883 --> 01:34:57,806 I mixed... 1202 01:34:59,929 --> 01:35:03,012 ...the essential oils of asparagus... 1203 01:35:03,265 --> 01:35:05,188 ...and dandelion... 1204 01:35:07,228 --> 01:35:08,434 ...with a hyena's liver. 1205 01:35:09,439 --> 01:35:12,488 ...mixed it with a hyena's... 1206 01:35:14,694 --> 01:35:16,583 ...liver. 1207 01:35:18,698 --> 01:35:22,703 I mixed the essential oils of asparagus and dandelion. 1208 01:35:28,291 --> 01:35:30,180 What are you doing? 1209 01:35:31,253 --> 01:35:32,379 A homunculus! An Ubermensch! 1210 01:35:34,339 --> 01:35:36,467 A manmade man! 1211 01:35:38,552 --> 01:35:39,713 Show her what you can do! 1212 01:35:42,681 --> 01:35:43,887 Look, Margarete! 1213 01:35:46,852 --> 01:35:48,900 Look! Say something to her! 1214 01:35:53,276 --> 01:35:55,244 Let me go! 1215 01:35:56,362 --> 01:35:57,443 Help! Help! 1216 01:36:30,648 --> 01:36:32,730 My peace is gone... 1217 01:36:33,859 --> 01:36:35,907 ...my heart is sore... 1218 01:36:36,946 --> 01:36:38,914 ...I'll never find it... 1219 01:36:39,073 --> 01:36:40,199 ...Oh, nevermore. 1220 01:36:52,545 --> 01:36:53,671 Where are you? 1221 01:36:55,673 --> 01:36:57,755 Where are you? Where are you? 1222 01:37:54,109 --> 01:37:55,270 Yes, please enter. 1223 01:38:00,532 --> 01:38:02,534 Dear Lord, forgive me my tainted thoughts. 1224 01:38:05,746 --> 01:38:07,669 Heel so alone. 1225 01:38:10,918 --> 01:38:12,886 And I do not love my mother. 1226 01:38:18,092 --> 01:38:20,015 But she doesn't love me, either 1227 01:38:20,344 --> 01:38:23,154 I know I'm a had daughter. 1228 01:38:24,307 --> 01:38:25,513 And God will punish me. 1229 01:38:27,477 --> 01:38:29,479 But her makeup... 1230 01:38:29,646 --> 01:38:31,535 ...the powder on her forehead... 1231 01:38:31,731 --> 01:38:33,620 ...her bad breath. 1232 01:38:35,819 --> 01:38:38,823 Dear Lord, forgive me and help me. 1233 01:38:39,030 --> 01:38:42,955 Forgive me my sins. 1234 01:39:12,315 --> 01:39:13,476 You? 1235 01:39:16,528 --> 01:39:19,452 - I met your assistant. - Did you really? 1236 01:39:21,783 --> 01:39:25,708 He is somewhat nervous. Your student. 1237 01:39:27,080 --> 01:39:29,003 Yes, he is a philosopher. 1238 01:39:31,043 --> 01:39:32,169 May I tell you something? 1239 01:39:33,128 --> 01:39:35,130 You needn't reproach yourself. 1240 01:39:35,339 --> 01:39:37,421 Take me, for example. I didn't love my mother. 1241 01:39:39,426 --> 01:39:41,394 I found everything about her nauseating. 1242 01:39:42,596 --> 01:39:44,678 Her red painted cheeks. 1243 01:39:45,850 --> 01:39:47,852 The powder on her forehead. Her foul breath. 1244 01:39:49,895 --> 01:39:51,818 But that is a sin. One must love one's mother. 1245 01:39:51,981 --> 01:39:54,951 No... One day she died suddenly. 1246 01:39:55,151 --> 01:39:57,233 She choked one piece of cake. 1247 01:39:59,197 --> 01:40:01,325 And died instantly. 1248 01:40:08,623 --> 01:40:10,591 Can you imagine? 1249 01:40:10,750 --> 01:40:12,673 To die from a piece of cake! 1250 01:40:12,836 --> 01:40:14,884 With whipped cream. 1251 01:40:16,048 --> 01:40:18,096 If you asked me today whether... 1252 01:40:21,053 --> 01:40:22,293 ...I'd wanted her dead then... 1253 01:40:23,222 --> 01:40:25,190 ...I'd have to admit... 1254 01:40:25,474 --> 01:40:28,284 ...that yes, I did. 1255 01:40:34,692 --> 01:40:36,774 - Do you believe in God? 1256 01:40:37,778 --> 01:40:40,278 Who today has the right to say, "I believe in God"? 1257 01:40:41,991 --> 01:40:43,959 Me. 1258 01:40:47,246 --> 01:40:50,170 God is love. But love knows no obligations. 1259 01:40:50,375 --> 01:40:51,501 You don't have to love your mother. 1260 01:40:59,801 --> 01:41:01,690 Are you a mind reader? 1261 01:41:01,970 --> 01:41:03,859 You're able to read the book of life. 1262 01:41:04,014 --> 01:41:05,982 Not the book of life... 1263 01:41:06,141 --> 01:41:08,109 ...but, perhaps, the book of one particular person. 1264 01:41:17,611 --> 01:41:19,454 There is a custom... 1265 01:41:20,614 --> 01:41:22,582 ...to pray for the deceased for forty days... 1266 01:41:23,701 --> 01:41:24,827 ...while holding something in your hand... 1267 01:41:26,871 --> 01:41:27,997 ...that was his 1268 01:41:29,957 --> 01:41:32,005 I've never heard of that. 1269 01:41:33,044 --> 01:41:34,250 No, there is such a custom. 1270 01:41:35,171 --> 01:41:37,173 Doctor, I'm leaving. 1271 01:41:37,340 --> 01:41:39,183 Everyone can do it... 1272 01:41:41,428 --> 01:41:42,509 ...except for murderers. 1273 01:41:47,851 --> 01:41:49,740 Would you like to pray for my brother? 1274 01:41:49,936 --> 01:41:51,779 He gave this to me. 1275 01:41:51,938 --> 01:41:53,940 What a likeness! 1276 01:41:59,196 --> 01:42:01,244 Farewell. 1277 01:42:04,535 --> 01:42:06,458 I saw it with my own eyes. 1278 01:42:07,454 --> 01:42:09,582 It was the one who kept hiding behind the fat man. 1279 01:42:10,791 --> 01:42:12,714 It couldn't have been anyone else, Frau Emmerich! 1280 01:42:19,926 --> 01:42:21,087 Come here! 1281 01:42:26,307 --> 01:42:28,309 I know who killed your brother. 1282 01:42:29,394 --> 01:42:31,317 Do you want to know? 1283 01:42:33,523 --> 01:42:34,684 It was Faust who did it. 1284 01:42:45,077 --> 01:42:47,159 Katharina! Please bring me my cape! 1285 01:43:00,801 --> 01:43:02,690 MY sympathies. 1286 01:43:02,845 --> 01:43:06,736 Take a right at the south gate I'll show you the way. 1287 01:43:11,062 --> 01:43:12,188 You? 1288 01:43:15,275 --> 01:43:17,357 Do come in. 1289 01:43:21,448 --> 01:43:22,688 Do come in. 1290 01:43:23,783 --> 01:43:26,787 Have a seal. 1291 01:43:28,830 --> 01:43:30,878 Have a seal. 1292 01:43:32,084 --> 01:43:33,927 Sit down. 1293 01:43:34,128 --> 01:43:37,052 I moved the bed next to the window. For the light... I'm reading. 1294 01:43:37,339 --> 01:43:39,307 - I have to ask you something. - Yes, go ahead. 1295 01:43:40,217 --> 01:43:41,457 - Something peculiar. - You can ask me anything. 1296 01:43:43,429 --> 01:43:45,557 - Please excuse me. - Go on, ask me. 1297 01:43:48,809 --> 01:43:50,652 What is this? 1298 01:43:50,853 --> 01:43:52,742 A bellows. 1299 01:43:53,773 --> 01:43:54,899 Yes. 1300 01:43:56,067 --> 01:43:58,115 - And this? - A retort... 1301 01:43:59,070 --> 01:44:01,072 ...for distilling mercury. 1302 01:44:03,408 --> 01:44:05,376 Is that all you wanted to ask me? 1303 01:44:07,579 --> 01:44:09,547 Word has it... 1304 01:44:11,583 --> 01:44:13,585 - No... You know... - What do I know? 1305 01:45:23,616 --> 01:45:25,539 Good bye! 1306 01:45:34,961 --> 01:45:36,087 Good bye! 1307 01:45:41,217 --> 01:45:42,378 Was it you who killed my brother? 1308 01:45:44,554 --> 01:45:46,477 Yes, I killed him. 1309 01:46:15,795 --> 01:46:17,763 What do you want? 1310 01:46:17,922 --> 01:46:19,890 But on the list it says "two rugs." 1311 01:46:20,842 --> 01:46:21,968 What rugs? 1312 01:46:22,093 --> 01:46:23,982 Where are my Persian rugs? 1313 01:46:24,137 --> 01:46:26,139 It seems you picked them up yesterday. 1314 01:46:27,265 --> 01:46:29,313 The lady would like to redeem her Dutch chest. 1315 01:46:30,268 --> 01:46:31,349 But it is full of fleas! 1316 01:46:31,478 --> 01:46:34,288 Out of the way! Three rugs... 1317 01:46:34,523 --> 01:46:36,525 ...and 22 % in interest. - What 22 % interest? 1318 01:46:38,568 --> 01:46:40,775 - What about my flute clock? With the Handel sarabande? 1319 01:46:41,738 --> 01:46:43,740 The beautiful clock goes back. I love Handel. 1320 01:46:43,907 --> 01:46:45,796 Wait! We have to... 1321 01:46:46,910 --> 01:46:48,036 Where is my flute clock? 1322 01:46:48,162 --> 01:46:50,164 Oh, Ferdinand! Tick it off! 1323 01:46:51,123 --> 01:46:52,284 - One Christ. - One chest? 1324 01:46:53,209 --> 01:46:56,292 - One Christ. It goes over there. - Somebody stole the clock. 1325 01:46:59,507 --> 01:47:01,589 - How many were there? - Five vases. 1326 01:47:02,718 --> 01:47:04,641 - We're doomed. - I know. 1327 01:47:19,235 --> 01:47:21,317 - We've been found out! - By who? 1328 01:47:22,489 --> 01:47:24,491 The girl told me I was the murderer. 1329 01:47:25,534 --> 01:47:27,536 You have been found out, not me. 1330 01:47:28,787 --> 01:47:30,789 Does this mean she came to see you? 1331 01:47:32,875 --> 01:47:35,799 I hope you used the opportunity? 1332 01:47:36,962 --> 01:47:39,090 It is not my nature to use such opportunities. 1333 01:47:40,299 --> 01:47:43,269 Stupid! You won't get another such chance. 1334 01:47:44,345 --> 01:47:47,428 You only wasted time if you denied it all. 1335 01:47:48,557 --> 01:47:50,559 How do you know that I denied it all! 1336 01:47:50,726 --> 01:47:53,650 You are the incessant liar. I always tell the truth. 1337 01:47:53,855 --> 01:47:56,665 Is that 507 Well, never mind. 1338 01:47:56,816 --> 01:47:58,818 It must have been the mother who found out. 1339 01:47:58,985 --> 01:48:02,034 Take it easy. 1340 01:48:03,031 --> 01:48:05,193 So far you haven't been arrested. Don't worry. 1341 01:48:06,159 --> 01:48:08,161 We'll find a way to silence the mother. 1342 01:48:08,328 --> 01:48:10,410 See what a swamp you've driven me into? 1343 01:48:11,373 --> 01:48:13,375 When you're sitting in prison... 1344 01:48:13,583 --> 01:48:16,473 ...then you'll know what a swamp is. 1345 01:48:18,755 --> 01:48:20,837 - Go! Away! - Stop! 1346 01:48:21,842 --> 01:48:23,970 - Don't go! Move it, I said! 1347 01:48:24,928 --> 01:48:27,898 No, stop! This is all rubbish! Where is my mirror? 1348 01:48:28,265 --> 01:48:30,267 - You won't be needing a mirror anymore! - My clock! 1349 01:48:31,268 --> 01:48:33,191 You've run out of time! 1350 01:48:33,354 --> 01:48:35,322 Rubbish! This is all rubbish! 1351 01:48:35,564 --> 01:48:38,568 - Rubbish? These are your treasures! Go! - Leave him alone! 1352 01:48:39,694 --> 01:48:41,583 Devil! 1353 01:48:42,655 --> 01:48:43,781 - Crook! Move it! 1354 01:48:44,824 --> 01:48:46,713 It's an outrage! 1355 01:48:46,910 --> 01:48:48,958 Enough, I said! 1356 01:48:49,120 --> 01:48:51,009 I want only one night That's all I want! 1357 01:48:51,206 --> 01:48:53,095 One night. 1358 01:48:53,249 --> 01:48:55,251 - Only one night. Alone with her. - All alone? 1359 01:48:55,377 --> 01:48:57,300 One whole night. 1360 01:48:57,462 --> 01:48:59,305 The things you want! 1361 01:49:01,508 --> 01:49:03,510 She shares a room with her mother! 1362 01:49:07,848 --> 01:49:09,691 One night. 1363 01:49:10,934 --> 01:49:13,983 Please. Just one night. 1364 01:49:21,237 --> 01:49:22,318 Why such complications? 1365 01:49:24,448 --> 01:49:26,450 You could just Invite the little doll to your place. 1366 01:49:27,493 --> 01:49:28,654 She already knows the way. 1367 01:49:29,704 --> 01:49:31,593 After what I've confessed? 1368 01:49:33,917 --> 01:49:35,806 What happened to your intellect? 1369 01:49:37,086 --> 01:49:40,056 Where is your imagination? 1370 01:49:41,132 --> 01:49:42,258 I have no imagination. 1371 01:49:43,301 --> 01:49:45,224 I have something better. 1372 01:49:47,472 --> 01:49:50,362 You sign here. And Margarete is yours. 1373 01:49:54,605 --> 01:49:55,766 What is this? 1374 01:50:11,497 --> 01:50:14,387 - This is full of mistakes! - Oh really? 1375 01:50:15,585 --> 01:50:17,667 "With this signature"... 1376 01:50:20,882 --> 01:50:24,807 With this, my personal signature... 1377 01:50:25,929 --> 01:50:28,933 "I bequeath"... There's something wrong here. 1378 01:50:29,182 --> 01:50:32,186 I. Heinrich Faust, bequeath... 1379 01:50:35,397 --> 01:50:38,401 "to the bearer of the letter"... 1380 01:50:40,652 --> 01:50:42,495 ..."this letter... 1381 01:50:45,699 --> 01:50:47,781 ..."my sol... Soul is spelled with a "u"! 1382 01:50:47,951 --> 01:50:50,795 - With a "u"! How nice. - ... "after its natural"... 1383 01:50:51,038 --> 01:50:54,042 ... "separation from my body". Yes. 1384 01:50:56,293 --> 01:50:58,102 Now it's correct. 1385 01:50:59,255 --> 01:51:00,336 I've run out of ink! 1386 01:51:02,467 --> 01:51:03,548 What a shame! 1387 01:51:04,635 --> 01:51:06,478 Perhaps you could use blood? 1388 01:51:06,721 --> 01:51:10,567 You were prepared to write in blond. 1389 01:51:37,878 --> 01:51:40,006 Behave yourself! You're a guest here! 1390 01:51:42,133 --> 01:51:44,056 Lousy dog! 1391 01:51:45,344 --> 01:51:48,154 What a hideous language, your German. 1392 01:51:50,391 --> 01:51:52,519 All the same. 1393 01:51:53,519 --> 01:51:55,647 - So what now? - Now? You'll get your Margarete. 1394 01:51:56,606 --> 01:51:58,608 I'll see lo my side of the bargain. 1395 01:52:01,861 --> 01:52:03,022 I know where she is. 1396 01:52:03,947 --> 01:52:06,029 - Let's go then. - So impatient! 1397 01:52:06,199 --> 01:52:08,042 Fulfil your obligation! 1398 01:52:08,201 --> 01:52:10,124 Thank you. Where are we going? 1399 01:52:10,328 --> 01:52:13,138 I'll take you to your dearest by the quickest way. 1400 01:52:14,374 --> 01:52:16,376 There is a secret path! 1401 01:52:17,419 --> 01:52:18,625 And where is it? 1402 01:52:20,672 --> 01:52:21,798 I'll show you. 1403 01:52:22,675 --> 01:52:23,756 There is no chimney on my lamp! 1404 01:52:26,846 --> 01:52:28,974 This path is underground! 1405 01:52:30,099 --> 01:52:32,067 Underground! 1406 01:52:32,226 --> 01:52:35,196 - Here it is! Which way? - This way! 1407 01:52:37,273 --> 01:52:38,399 My secret tunnel! 1408 01:52:39,442 --> 01:52:41,444 I'll lead the way. This is my way. 1409 01:52:41,652 --> 01:52:43,620 I've never shown it to anyone. 1410 01:52:47,742 --> 01:52:49,790 What a devilish tunnel! 1411 01:52:50,787 --> 01:52:51,948 But somehow it's easy to breathe here. 1412 01:52:59,254 --> 01:53:00,380 A deep well. 1413 01:53:01,298 --> 01:53:03,346 My storeroom for cowardly souls. 1414 01:53:04,343 --> 01:53:06,425 I'll lead the way. Le! Me through. 1415 01:53:15,855 --> 01:53:16,981 Do you still want to do it? 1416 01:53:25,364 --> 01:53:29,255 This is all sedimentary cover rock. As far as I can tell. 1417 01:53:29,494 --> 01:53:31,542 You'd better think about good cover for yourself. 1418 01:53:32,664 --> 01:53:34,632 The little one will do you no harm. 1419 01:53:36,793 --> 01:53:39,683 But the old hag... I know how to pacify her. 1420 01:53:39,879 --> 01:53:41,847 - Do you want to decapitate her? - Dear Doctor! 1421 01:53:42,048 --> 01:53:45,131 - Rip out her tongue? - A good herbal tea... 1422 01:53:46,303 --> 01:53:48,226 ...and she'll fall asleep forever. 1423 01:53:49,348 --> 01:53:52,192 Fall asleep forever? 1424 01:53:52,434 --> 01:53:53,515 Yes, nice and quiet. 1425 01:53:54,645 --> 01:53:57,535 We'll leave them here. For the way back. 1426 01:54:01,861 --> 01:54:03,784 - Are we there yet? - Yes. 1427 01:54:07,074 --> 01:54:09,122 The poor girl. The dear child. 1428 01:54:10,286 --> 01:54:12,175 There she is. 1429 01:54:12,330 --> 01:54:14,332 I just knew it. 1430 01:54:15,333 --> 01:54:18,303 This is where all young souls go when they're suffering. 1431 01:54:25,885 --> 01:54:27,694 Go! 1432 01:54:29,890 --> 01:54:31,096 Go! 1433 01:54:32,058 --> 01:54:34,026 You wanted to save her. 1434 01:54:35,312 --> 01:54:37,201 You can save her now. 1435 01:54:48,826 --> 01:54:52,876 My peace is gone, my hear! Is sore... 1436 01:55:55,562 --> 01:55:57,371 is there anyone here? 1437 01:55:58,606 --> 01:56:00,574 How cold it is here. 1438 01:56:02,736 --> 01:56:04,784 Cold. 1439 01:56:19,461 --> 01:56:21,463 Why are all these things scattered here? 1440 01:56:23,674 --> 01:56:25,642 I don't understand. 1441 01:56:26,677 --> 01:56:27,803 Who did this? 1442 01:56:29,847 --> 01:56:31,008 This is his herbal tea. 1443 01:56:32,934 --> 01:56:34,140 It's your flask, Doctor. 1444 01:56:40,316 --> 01:56:41,442 I have to go. 1445 01:56:43,361 --> 01:56:44,487 I have to go. 1446 01:56:46,489 --> 01:56:49,618 Now you may enter. No pushing! Behave in an orderly manner! 1447 01:56:50,827 --> 01:56:52,716 Come on. 1448 01:56:57,000 --> 01:56:58,923 I'll help you. 1449 01:58:01,692 --> 01:58:03,615 There's someone here. 1450 01:58:05,780 --> 01:58:06,906 The clock has stopped. 1451 01:58:07,949 --> 01:58:09,838 The hands have fallen down. 1452 01:58:12,036 --> 01:58:13,959 It's draughty in here. 1453 01:58:16,290 --> 01:58:18,179 You're cold. 1454 01:58:23,631 --> 01:58:25,474 I have to go. 1455 01:58:29,930 --> 01:58:31,853 Those cats again. 1456 01:58:34,059 --> 01:58:35,982 I hate cats. 1457 01:58:50,618 --> 01:58:51,699 I don't want to... 1458 01:58:52,745 --> 01:58:54,668 I don't want to... 1459 01:58:55,998 --> 01:58:58,000 Where are my things? What is this? 1460 01:58:59,043 --> 01:59:00,966 A straitjacket. 1461 01:59:08,511 --> 01:59:11,321 God help me... God save me 1462 01:59:18,814 --> 01:59:20,737 I don't want to... 1463 01:59:21,983 --> 01:59:23,985 - Well, finally! I don't want to. 1464 01:59:27,281 --> 01:59:29,124 - What is this? - Your armour. 1465 01:59:29,283 --> 01:59:31,251 What are you doing?! 1466 01:59:33,329 --> 01:59:35,331 - Where did you get such strength? - I want to save you. 1467 01:59:37,625 --> 01:59:39,468 It's the best armour I have! 1468 01:59:41,671 --> 01:59:43,719 A good man needs good armour! 1469 01:59:43,881 --> 01:59:47,852 I'm not good! Don't touch me! I cannot stand violence! 1470 01:59:50,054 --> 01:59:53,058 Come to me! One step and then you're free. 1471 01:59:54,392 --> 01:59:57,202 - Where to? Forward, march! 1472 02:00:01,483 --> 02:00:03,485 Your loitering draws Death closer! 1473 02:00:20,461 --> 02:00:23,271 Not every murderer is forgiven his guilt. 1474 02:00:23,547 --> 02:00:25,390 It has to be earned. 1475 02:00:25,591 --> 02:00:27,514 What sense is there in fleeing? I must stay. 1476 02:00:27,676 --> 02:00:30,680 You must live. We're people destined for great things. 1477 02:00:36,060 --> 02:00:37,903 I wish that I had never been born 1478 02:00:38,146 --> 02:00:41,070 it would be best not to be born at all, my friend! 1479 02:00:42,275 --> 02:00:45,279 Much better than finally to die, fortunate as that might seem. 1480 02:00:45,487 --> 02:00:47,489 - What do you mean? Finally you're awake! 1481 02:00:48,490 --> 02:00:49,571 Then go saddle up! 1482 02:00:50,492 --> 02:00:52,574 I'm a poor horseman. 1483 02:00:54,788 --> 02:00:56,756 But a good man. 1484 02:00:57,958 --> 02:00:59,847 Where are you going? 1485 02:01:00,002 --> 02:01:01,925 Where, where? There. 1486 02:01:02,129 --> 02:01:04,097 You'll like it there. I know it. 1487 02:01:04,256 --> 02:01:07,146 - I'm dizzy. - It's ever the same... 1488 02:01:07,384 --> 02:01:10,466 ...man wants to fly, yet he can't cope with dizziness. 1489 02:01:11,388 --> 02:01:13,356 You're a man. A soldier. 1490 02:01:13,557 --> 02:01:15,480 What? What am I? 1491 02:01:15,643 --> 02:01:17,611 In the end. You are what you are. 1492 02:01:18,688 --> 02:01:21,817 I don't recognise anything here. The forester's house was here. 1493 02:01:22,817 --> 02:01:24,865 And over there, the mill. 1494 02:01:25,069 --> 02:01:27,037 The mill? It's gone. 1495 02:01:27,155 --> 02:01:29,078 What do you mean. Gone? 1496 02:01:29,240 --> 02:01:33,040 - Very simple. But the mill can't just... 1497 02:01:34,329 --> 02:01:36,331 I don't understand. 1498 02:01:40,710 --> 02:01:43,680 Armour becomes you. Very noble, powerful. 1499 02:01:44,673 --> 02:01:46,880 It befits your name: Heinrich. Which means... 1500 02:01:47,884 --> 02:01:50,046 ..."mighty wall. Or just Heinrich the Mighty. 1501 02:01:51,096 --> 02:01:53,986 What about your name, Mauricius? What does it mean? 1502 02:01:54,224 --> 02:01:56,306 - The dark one. - It's a rare name. 1503 02:01:57,311 --> 02:02:00,360 Yes, It's a martyr's name. And a publisher's. 1504 02:02:01,357 --> 02:02:02,563 Come! Send the horses home! 1505 02:02:03,567 --> 02:02:05,535 They'll find their way! 1506 02:02:06,612 --> 02:02:07,738 It is getting tight here! 1507 02:02:08,698 --> 02:02:09,779 Why do we have do go through there? 1508 02:02:09,907 --> 02:02:11,796 This is the stairway to heaven. 1509 02:02:12,869 --> 02:02:15,918 But it might lead us in an entirely different direction. 1510 02:02:17,040 --> 02:02:20,044 Why have you stopped? What are you mourning? 1511 02:02:20,376 --> 02:02:22,265 I'll show you something better. 1512 02:02:25,465 --> 02:02:28,548 Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise. 1513 02:02:29,594 --> 02:02:31,562 So help me God! 1514 02:02:35,851 --> 02:02:37,819 Be careful with my beautiful armour! 1515 02:02:38,103 --> 02:02:40,947 Don't scratch It! It's borrowed. 1516 02:02:41,148 --> 02:02:43,196 - From who? How inquisitive you are! 1517 02:02:44,151 --> 02:02:45,312 Must be our theatre director. 1518 02:02:46,237 --> 02:02:48,365 And now I'm supposed to amuse the world like a fool? 1519 02:02:48,531 --> 02:02:52,456 You can amuse only me. There is no one else here. 1520 02:02:53,661 --> 02:02:55,709 - Where are we? Far away and high up! 1521 02:02:56,664 --> 02:02:58,666 Very, very high up! 1522 02:02:59,834 --> 02:03:00,960 It's so easy to breathe here! 1523 02:03:01,878 --> 02:03:03,084 I should think so. 1524 02:03:14,391 --> 02:03:15,597 - What is this here? - Nothing. 1525 02:03:16,685 --> 02:03:21,486 - We're not alone here. Who could be haunting this place? 1526 02:03:21,898 --> 02:03:23,866 Maybe the Greeks? I have some here. 1527 02:03:24,902 --> 02:03:26,825 Move! 1528 02:03:38,541 --> 02:03:40,589 - I have to get through, too! - Thank you! I can see... 1529 02:03:41,544 --> 02:03:43,512 ...you're slowly recovering. 1530 02:03:45,840 --> 02:03:48,764 I've had enough of this masquerade. 1531 02:03:49,927 --> 02:03:51,895 It's a pity, but alright 1532 02:03:55,266 --> 02:03:58,076 in for a penny. In for a pound. 1533 02:03:58,228 --> 02:04:00,356 - The greaves, please. - I'm not your servant. 1534 02:04:01,439 --> 02:04:04,363 - Not a servant. Atypical human being! - I'm going ahead. 1535 02:04:09,698 --> 02:04:10,859 - Where to? - To the left. 1536 02:04:15,037 --> 02:04:16,960 Damned boots! 1537 02:04:24,255 --> 02:04:25,336 Tell me now, where are we? 1538 02:04:25,464 --> 02:04:27,432 I told you, far away and very high up. 1539 02:04:27,591 --> 02:04:29,514 - And what is this here? - Nothing. 1540 02:04:30,511 --> 02:04:31,637 Go look for yourself. 1541 02:04:38,853 --> 02:04:40,901 I know... 1542 02:04:41,064 --> 02:04:43,954 ...you hope to discover the all in my nothingness. 1543 02:04:44,150 --> 02:04:45,276 Let the living go on hoping. 1544 02:04:48,446 --> 02:04:52,292 We were forgotten here. 1545 02:04:56,663 --> 02:05:00,588 - We are forsaken. - What are you doing here? 1546 02:05:00,876 --> 02:05:02,719 It's your old acquaintance! 1547 02:05:27,987 --> 02:05:29,955 - Thank you. - Let me go! 1548 02:05:34,119 --> 02:05:36,201 What do you want from me? 1549 02:05:37,247 --> 02:05:39,375 Let go of my hand! 1550 02:05:43,712 --> 02:05:45,680 Help! 1551 02:05:46,632 --> 02:05:48,714 - Stay here with us. - I want to leave! 1552 02:05:53,055 --> 02:05:54,944 It is freezing here. 1553 02:05:57,017 --> 02:05:58,257 Take charge of us. 1554 02:05:59,228 --> 02:06:02,232 - You're so warm. - Lead us into battle. 1555 02:06:03,357 --> 02:06:04,518 The war is over. 1556 02:06:10,740 --> 02:06:12,663 I don't save you once again. 1557 02:06:15,870 --> 02:06:17,952 I don't understand what they see in you! 1558 02:06:22,210 --> 02:06:24,133 Without armour you're not a general! 1559 02:06:27,382 --> 02:06:29,464 - This way? - Yes. This way. 1560 02:06:35,807 --> 02:06:37,730 Let me go first! 1561 02:06:43,983 --> 02:06:45,109 What did he thank me for? 1562 02:06:45,234 --> 02:06:47,157 Death, of course. 1563 02:06:49,196 --> 02:06:51,244 Because life was even harder for him than death. 1564 02:06:53,409 --> 02:06:54,490 I don't understand. 1565 02:06:55,578 --> 02:06:57,501 What's there to understand? 1566 02:06:57,663 --> 02:06:58,744 Eternal poverty. 1567 02:06:59,665 --> 02:07:00,826 Dependency on his mother. 1568 02:07:01,751 --> 02:07:03,719 And on his sister's whims. 1569 02:07:04,838 --> 02:07:06,806 He was a proud man... 1570 02:07:07,924 --> 02:07:09,050 ...and all that wounded him. 1571 02:07:10,218 --> 02:07:12,061 What a pity... 1572 02:07:12,262 --> 02:07:14,344 ...that you didn't kill him in battle. 1573 02:07:15,348 --> 02:07:16,474 That would have been nobler. 1574 02:07:17,434 --> 02:07:18,515 Never mind. 1575 02:07:19,436 --> 02:07:21,484 One must know how to laugh all such things. 1576 02:07:26,902 --> 02:07:29,826 What will become of the girl? 1577 02:07:32,116 --> 02:07:34,164 She might be imprisoned. 1578 02:07:40,291 --> 02:07:41,417 But are we going to save Margarete? 1579 02:07:41,500 --> 02:07:45,300 If the old hag wakes up, we won't have to save her. 1580 02:07:45,588 --> 02:07:48,512 - Are we going to save Margarete? - Of course not. 1581 02:07:49,884 --> 02:07:51,773 In any case... 1582 02:07:52,762 --> 02:07:55,003 ...we'd first have to ask her whether she wants to be saved by us. 1583 02:07:57,100 --> 02:07:59,023 It's different with you. 1584 02:08:00,228 --> 02:08:02,117 We are partners. 1585 02:08:03,315 --> 02:08:04,396 We have a contract. 1586 02:08:08,612 --> 02:08:10,501 So that's how it is. 1587 02:08:12,699 --> 02:08:14,588 Where is that smoke coming from? 1588 02:08:16,787 --> 02:08:17,868 Wait! 1589 02:08:19,081 --> 02:08:22,051 I did everything I promised to do. 1590 02:08:24,211 --> 02:08:27,215 - But you... - It's not enough for me. 1591 02:08:28,257 --> 02:08:30,385 - I'm worth more. - What else do you want? 1592 02:08:31,344 --> 02:08:33,472 Another sun? Another homunculus? Two, perhaps? 1593 02:08:33,638 --> 02:08:35,561 It's not enough for me! 1594 02:08:38,810 --> 02:08:41,734 - What a spectacle! - It's a fantasy. 1595 02:08:41,938 --> 02:08:43,940 No! You're lying! This isn't a fantasy! 1596 02:08:49,321 --> 02:08:52,211 - How does it work? - My fountain isn't so harmless. 1597 02:08:53,366 --> 02:08:54,492 It's hot! 1598 02:08:55,410 --> 02:08:57,538 - Are you happy now? - How does it work? 1599 02:08:58,539 --> 02:09:00,621 I don't need to know. The Lord God knows. 1600 02:09:01,625 --> 02:09:03,673 Come on now. It's dangerous here 1601 02:09:03,919 --> 02:09:05,762 God doesn't know. 1602 02:09:06,005 --> 02:09:08,770 But I do. 1603 02:09:10,968 --> 02:09:12,174 The heat rises upwards... 1604 02:09:14,138 --> 02:09:16,266 "...the cold sinks towards the interior" 1605 02:09:17,308 --> 02:09:18,469 ...of the earth. Yes, very interesting 1606 02:09:19,435 --> 02:09:21,358 I could recreate this in a snap. 1607 02:09:21,604 --> 02:09:23,527 Come on! We're leaving! 1608 02:09:24,565 --> 02:09:25,726 No! I'm staying! 1609 02:09:26,693 --> 02:09:28,695 He wants to recreate my fountain You want to achieve glory? 1610 02:09:28,903 --> 02:09:30,746 The deed is everything. Not the glory. 1611 02:09:30,947 --> 02:09:32,949 Let me see your deed at last! 1612 02:09:38,163 --> 02:09:40,325 Friends don't treat each other this way I 1613 02:09:42,417 --> 02:09:44,465 - it really hurts! - Crying is good for one. 1614 02:09:47,589 --> 02:09:50,513 Even someone like you must suffer at some point. 1615 02:09:50,759 --> 02:09:52,727 What do you know about suffering? 1616 02:09:54,930 --> 02:09:57,774 What can be so special about your suffering? 1617 02:10:00,061 --> 02:10:02,029 Soon you'll know for yourself. 1618 02:10:02,271 --> 02:10:05,115 Eternal solitude, and no hope of salvation. 1619 02:10:09,404 --> 02:10:11,406 Quiet! Enough! 1620 02:10:12,573 --> 02:10:13,699 I already know everything about you. 1621 02:10:14,659 --> 02:10:15,740 You're only disturbing me. 1622 02:10:16,870 --> 02:10:18,759 Quiet now! 1623 02:10:19,956 --> 02:10:21,879 Pointless hole! 1624 02:10:23,084 --> 02:10:25,007 I decide everything here! 1625 02:10:27,130 --> 02:10:29,292 It is not yours to decide anything here 1626 02:10:42,938 --> 02:10:45,908 Walt! Von can stay longer if you wish. 1627 02:10:46,108 --> 02:10:47,951 Even without a soul. 1628 02:10:48,152 --> 02:10:51,122 Leave me alone. I don't need you anymore! 1629 02:10:52,198 --> 02:10:53,279 What is it you want? 1630 02:10:55,493 --> 02:10:57,461 Why did you show me those madmen... 1631 02:10:59,455 --> 02:11:01,662 ...who even in the sleep of death cannot forget their war? 1632 02:11:04,752 --> 02:11:06,641 What have you given me? 1633 02:11:06,838 --> 02:11:09,887 Not even money for my ring! 1634 02:11:11,009 --> 02:11:12,977 Power, influence... 1635 02:11:13,136 --> 02:11:15,138 ...one can only seize such goods oneself! 1636 02:11:19,393 --> 02:11:20,474 Nature and spirit... 1637 02:11:21,436 --> 02:11:23,438 ...that is all one needs... 1638 02:11:23,647 --> 02:11:27,493 ...to create here, on this free land, a free people. 1639 02:11:29,695 --> 02:11:30,901 But. Seriously now, I have a contract. 1640 02:11:31,822 --> 02:11:32,903 A contract? 1641 02:11:35,117 --> 02:11:37,040 You signed it! 1642 02:11:37,203 --> 02:11:39,126 I have to concentrate! Leave me alone. 1643 02:11:40,081 --> 02:11:42,209 Wait! The soul! Your soul. 1644 02:11:42,416 --> 02:11:45,226 - I'm entitled to it. - The soul? 1645 02:11:46,587 --> 02:11:49,557 You signed the contract with your blood! 1646 02:11:50,550 --> 02:11:51,711 Feel free to submit it on Judgement Day. 1647 02:11:52,719 --> 02:11:54,847 No! What are you doing? 1648 02:11:59,976 --> 02:12:01,978 That's that then. 1649 02:12:04,189 --> 02:12:05,315 Is this for Margarete? 1650 02:12:13,615 --> 02:12:14,696 And that is for the mother? 1651 02:12:18,746 --> 02:12:20,748 Stay thee a while! This isn't pretty! 1652 02:12:21,999 --> 02:12:25,059 Again, again, again, again. 1653 02:12:25,315 --> 02:12:28,055 Bad shot! 1654 02:12:33,386 --> 02:12:35,354 Bad shot! 1655 02:13:01,582 --> 02:13:04,586 Who will feed you? 1656 02:13:06,712 --> 02:13:08,874 Who will guide you out of here? 1657 02:13:13,135 --> 02:13:16,981 Over now. Over as if it never was. 1658 02:13:19,308 --> 02:13:22,278 Overs what a stupid word! 1659 02:13:26,524 --> 02:13:27,650 Where are you going? 1660 02:13:31,654 --> 02:13:32,815 Where are you going? 1661 02:13:33,990 --> 02:13:35,958 Over there! 1662 02:13:39,858 --> 02:13:44,093 Farther and farther!