1 00:00:56,400 --> 00:01:00,400 I am Obersturmfuhrer Rolf Kessel from the SS. 2 00:01:00,435 --> 00:01:01,400 And this is one of my men. 3 00:01:02,400 --> 00:01:05,400 We found him in a ditch with a kitchen knife in his back. 4 00:01:05,435 --> 00:01:07,400 Murdered by one of you. 5 00:01:08,400 --> 00:01:11,400 You see the German army retreating, and it makes you feel hope. 6 00:01:12,400 --> 00:01:13,400 It should not. 7 00:01:14,400 --> 00:01:17,400 So who is responsible for this? 8 00:01:18,400 --> 00:01:20,400 You, priest. 9 00:01:27,400 --> 00:01:29,365 What's your name? I'm Father Merrin. 10 00:01:29,400 --> 00:01:31,900 Father Merrin. These people confess to you? 11 00:01:31,935 --> 00:01:34,400 Yes. So point out the one who is responsible. 12 00:01:34,435 --> 00:01:36,400 No one here did this, lieutenant. 13 00:01:36,435 --> 00:01:38,365 They aren't capable of it. 14 00:01:38,400 --> 00:01:40,900 Father, you must help me with this. 15 00:01:40,935 --> 00:01:43,400 Oh, but how? Well, I need someone. 16 00:01:44,400 --> 00:01:45,365 Do you understand? 17 00:01:45,400 --> 00:01:48,400 Surely there is one among them who beats his wife or his children. 18 00:01:49,400 --> 00:01:50,365 A thief, perhaps. 19 00:01:50,400 --> 00:01:53,400 Every town has someone it can do without. Point him out. 20 00:01:53,435 --> 00:01:55,400 There is no murderer here. 21 00:01:59,400 --> 00:02:01,365 I have good news for you. 22 00:02:01,400 --> 00:02:05,365 You are all innocent. Your priest has told me so. 23 00:02:05,400 --> 00:02:08,900 The murderer is no doubt lurking in the countryside... 24 00:02:08,935 --> 00:02:12,400 ...waiting to strike at the next group of German soldiers. 25 00:02:12,435 --> 00:02:17,365 I am going to shoot 10 of you... 26 00:02:17,400 --> 00:02:20,400 ...in the hope that we can demonstrate to this wretch... 27 00:02:21,400 --> 00:02:24,400 ...the responsibility he has incurred. 28 00:02:26,400 --> 00:02:28,400 A worker's hand. Farmer. 29 00:02:28,435 --> 00:02:30,365 Excellent. No! 30 00:02:30,400 --> 00:02:33,400 We will start with you. Stop! 31 00:02:35,400 --> 00:02:39,400 You have some objection, Father? In God's name, you cannot do this. 32 00:02:41,400 --> 00:02:42,400 You choose. 33 00:02:44,400 --> 00:02:46,900 What? Well, they're your flock. 34 00:02:46,935 --> 00:02:49,400 You live among them. So you choose. 35 00:02:51,400 --> 00:02:52,400 I will not. 36 00:02:53,400 --> 00:02:56,400 You give me 10 of them, or I will kill them all. 37 00:02:56,435 --> 00:02:59,400 Men, women and children. 38 00:03:02,400 --> 00:03:04,400 Shoot me. You have five seconds. 39 00:03:05,400 --> 00:03:07,400 I can't. You can't what? 40 00:03:08,400 --> 00:03:09,365 Pick who will be sacrificed? 41 00:03:09,400 --> 00:03:13,400 History is full of priests who did little else. 42 00:03:13,435 --> 00:03:16,400 You begin to irritate me, Father. 43 00:03:27,400 --> 00:03:28,400 That was for making me wait. 44 00:03:29,400 --> 00:03:32,365 I still want 10 more names. 45 00:03:32,400 --> 00:03:35,400 What are you doing, Father? Are you praying? 46 00:03:36,400 --> 00:03:38,400 To God? 47 00:03:40,400 --> 00:03:42,400 It's all right, Father. I'll let you pray. 48 00:03:43,400 --> 00:03:45,400 Because I know something. 49 00:03:46,400 --> 00:03:48,400 You see... 50 00:03:52,400 --> 00:03:53,400 ...God isn't here today. 51 00:04:02,400 --> 00:04:04,400 You win. 52 00:04:07,400 --> 00:04:09,400 Shoot them all. No! Wait! 53 00:04:17,400 --> 00:04:19,400 Joost Harmensz, take him. 54 00:04:20,400 --> 00:04:23,400 Too late, Father. You had your chance. No, please. 55 00:04:23,435 --> 00:04:25,400 Take Joost. And Jon. 56 00:04:43,400 --> 00:04:44,400 That's good. 57 00:04:46,400 --> 00:04:48,400 And who shall be next? 58 00:05:14,400 --> 00:05:15,400 That's him. 59 00:05:16,400 --> 00:05:17,365 He's Dutch, you say? 60 00:05:17,400 --> 00:05:20,400 Half. His mother was English. 61 00:05:21,400 --> 00:05:24,400 Perhaps he'll be a bit more inclined to see reason then. 62 00:05:24,435 --> 00:05:26,400 I wouldn't be concerned about reason, major. 63 00:05:26,435 --> 00:05:27,400 He's a scholar. 64 00:05:28,400 --> 00:05:30,400 We studied his works at the Maryknoll Center. 65 00:05:30,435 --> 00:05:32,365 Oh, yes. 66 00:05:32,400 --> 00:05:34,365 You Maryknolls. 67 00:05:34,400 --> 00:05:36,365 Cropping up everywhere these days. 68 00:05:36,400 --> 00:05:40,400 It's a wonder the Jesuits don't get after you for poaching their game. 69 00:05:40,435 --> 00:05:43,400 We all serve in the same cause, Major Granville. 70 00:05:43,435 --> 00:05:45,365 He's not one of yours? No. 71 00:05:45,400 --> 00:05:48,365 A simple parish priest from Holland. 72 00:05:48,400 --> 00:05:51,400 When did he develop this archaeological bent? 73 00:05:51,435 --> 00:05:53,365 Right after the war. 74 00:05:53,400 --> 00:05:56,400 There was an incident. Yes. 75 00:05:56,435 --> 00:05:58,400 Yes, I heard. 76 00:06:00,400 --> 00:06:02,400 And his standing in the Church now? 77 00:06:05,400 --> 00:06:06,400 Undecided. 78 00:06:08,400 --> 00:06:12,400 The site is right west of Lake Rudolf, in the Turkana district. 79 00:06:13,400 --> 00:06:17,400 It's Early Christian, which makes for quite a mystery given its location. 80 00:06:21,400 --> 00:06:22,400 Anyway... 81 00:06:23,400 --> 00:06:26,900 ...we won't know more about it until we get inside the thing. 82 00:06:26,935 --> 00:06:30,400 I'd only uncovered a small portion of the roof before I got... 83 00:06:30,435 --> 00:06:32,365 ...summoned here. 84 00:06:32,400 --> 00:06:34,400 Did you feel summoned? 85 00:06:34,435 --> 00:06:36,400 I am sorry. 86 00:06:37,400 --> 00:06:39,400 It's a question of status, you see. 87 00:06:41,400 --> 00:06:42,365 My status? 88 00:06:42,400 --> 00:06:45,400 Officially, you're still listed as a displaced person. 89 00:06:46,400 --> 00:06:47,400 I wonder... 90 00:06:48,400 --> 00:06:51,400 ...why didn't you take steps... 91 00:06:51,435 --> 00:06:53,400 ...to clear the matter up? 92 00:06:54,400 --> 00:06:56,400 I've been busy. 93 00:07:00,400 --> 00:07:02,400 Beautiful, aren't they? 94 00:07:02,435 --> 00:07:03,365 Yes, very. 95 00:07:03,400 --> 00:07:06,400 Are you a lepidopterist? A hobby. 96 00:07:06,435 --> 00:07:08,400 From school days. 97 00:07:10,400 --> 00:07:13,400 You have been busy. 98 00:07:14,400 --> 00:07:17,400 Six archaeological digs since the war. 99 00:07:18,400 --> 00:07:20,365 This is the longest. 100 00:07:20,400 --> 00:07:23,365 If this is an official matter... 101 00:07:23,400 --> 00:07:26,400 ...then what is he doing here? Father Francis? 102 00:07:27,400 --> 00:07:29,365 Well, for one thing, he's quite an admirer of yours. 103 00:07:29,400 --> 00:07:32,400 I'm about to begin missionary work in the Turkana district. 104 00:07:33,400 --> 00:07:35,365 I thought maybe we could help each other. 105 00:07:35,400 --> 00:07:38,400 You know a lot about the people. I'd rather not. Thank you. 106 00:07:40,400 --> 00:07:42,400 This is a little awkward. 107 00:07:43,400 --> 00:07:46,365 Cardinal Jenkins is somewhat concerned... 108 00:07:46,400 --> 00:07:48,900 ...about an exploration of this significance... 109 00:07:48,935 --> 00:07:51,365 ...conducted by a priest who is on sabbatical. 110 00:07:51,400 --> 00:07:55,400 Temporary sabbatical. Which comes up for review shortly. 111 00:08:02,400 --> 00:08:04,400 Perhaps I should take this up with the governor's office. 112 00:08:05,400 --> 00:08:07,400 They'd only send you back to me. 113 00:08:11,400 --> 00:08:13,400 Why don't you have a seat, Merrin. 114 00:08:17,400 --> 00:08:19,400 You sure you won't have that drink? 115 00:08:27,400 --> 00:08:30,400 The cardinal wants to be sure that the site's religious aspects... 116 00:08:30,435 --> 00:08:32,417 ...are given proper consideration. 117 00:08:32,452 --> 00:08:34,365 Part of Father Francis' job... 118 00:08:34,400 --> 00:08:36,400 ...will be to see to that. Are you an archaeologist? 119 00:08:37,400 --> 00:08:39,400 You're not the sole person with an interest here. 120 00:08:41,400 --> 00:08:46,400 I've contacted your sponsors at Oxford. They have no objection. 121 00:08:46,435 --> 00:08:50,400 If you agree as well, I can renew your visa immediately. 122 00:08:53,400 --> 00:08:58,400 We all must make our little deals with the devil, Merrin. 123 00:09:06,400 --> 00:09:10,400 Before there were the mines, traders came to Derati for the water. 124 00:09:10,435 --> 00:09:12,400 They still do... 125 00:09:14,400 --> 00:09:16,400 ...but it is a hard life. 126 00:09:19,400 --> 00:09:22,400 Why in God's name are they tormenting that animal? 127 00:09:22,435 --> 00:09:24,400 It is a sacrifice. 128 00:09:25,400 --> 00:09:27,900 The new wife of the chief elder... 129 00:09:27,935 --> 00:09:30,667 ...Sebituana, will soon give birth. 130 00:09:30,702 --> 00:09:33,051 Sebituana does not yet have an heir. 131 00:09:33,086 --> 00:09:35,365 So the people make sacrifices... 132 00:09:35,400 --> 00:09:38,400 ...in the hope that the gods will provide one. 133 00:09:40,400 --> 00:09:42,365 It is a necessary thing. 134 00:09:42,400 --> 00:09:44,400 Cruelty is never necessary, Chuma. 135 00:09:45,400 --> 00:09:46,400 You think we are savages? 136 00:09:47,400 --> 00:09:50,400 I think some of you are good people... 137 00:09:50,435 --> 00:09:52,400 ...lost in confusion. 138 00:09:53,400 --> 00:09:56,400 There's nothing confusing about that ceremony, Father. 139 00:09:57,400 --> 00:10:00,365 They're weakening the bull so that someone can approach it. 140 00:10:00,400 --> 00:10:04,400 And as for some of the Turkana being savages, you may want to be careful. 141 00:10:04,435 --> 00:10:06,400 Sebituana back there is Chuma's cousin. 142 00:10:44,400 --> 00:10:46,400 Welcome back. 143 00:10:50,400 --> 00:10:54,400 Did you bring the supplies? Yes. They're in the back of the lorry. 144 00:10:54,435 --> 00:10:56,400 Chuma, could you get Rachel's medical supplies? 145 00:10:56,435 --> 00:10:58,400 Here's a letter for you. 146 00:10:58,435 --> 00:11:00,400 How was Nairobi? 147 00:11:02,400 --> 00:11:05,400 Hello. Are you the doctor? 148 00:11:06,400 --> 00:11:08,400 Habari Kani, Lankester. 149 00:11:08,435 --> 00:11:10,400 It's good to have you back. 150 00:11:11,400 --> 00:11:13,365 Oh, thank you. Your room is prepared. 151 00:11:13,400 --> 00:11:17,365 We'll need another room, Emekwi. This is Father Francis. 152 00:11:17,400 --> 00:11:20,400 You're a friend of Lankester's, Father? Oh, hello. I hope so. 153 00:11:20,435 --> 00:11:23,365 I've actually come to open a missionary school. 154 00:11:23,400 --> 00:11:25,400 This is your hotel? The finest establishment in Derati. 155 00:11:26,400 --> 00:11:28,400 Emekwi here, he's a Christian. Maybe he can help you. 156 00:11:28,435 --> 00:11:30,365 In any way I can. 157 00:11:30,400 --> 00:11:33,365 James, Joseph. These are my sons, Father. 158 00:11:33,400 --> 00:11:36,400 They shall be your first pupils, if you will have them. 159 00:11:37,400 --> 00:11:38,400 That's excellent, Emekwi. Thank you. 160 00:11:41,400 --> 00:11:43,400 Well, then, how far are we from the site? 161 00:12:38,400 --> 00:12:40,400 Merrin. 162 00:12:42,400 --> 00:12:44,365 How old do you think it is? 163 00:12:44,400 --> 00:12:47,900 Well, the architecture seems to date to the fifth century. 164 00:12:47,935 --> 00:12:51,400 The Byzantine Empire had adopted Christianity by then... 165 00:12:51,435 --> 00:12:54,400 ...but they never got this far south. 166 00:12:56,400 --> 00:12:57,400 Wanna have a look? 167 00:12:58,400 --> 00:13:01,365 You're? You're sure it's all right? 168 00:13:01,400 --> 00:13:03,400 Well, so long as you don't touch anything... 169 00:13:03,435 --> 00:13:05,400 ...and keep an open mind. 170 00:13:12,400 --> 00:13:15,400 It must have been an enormous effort to get these materials up here. 171 00:13:15,435 --> 00:13:17,365 Up here? 172 00:13:17,400 --> 00:13:20,400 Yes. The stones come from a quarry near the lake. 173 00:13:21,400 --> 00:13:23,400 Which means a distance... 174 00:13:26,400 --> 00:13:28,400 ...of miles. 175 00:13:31,400 --> 00:13:34,400 It's impossible. 176 00:13:36,400 --> 00:13:38,400 The stones look almost new. 177 00:13:42,400 --> 00:13:44,365 With the wind and sun up here... 178 00:13:44,400 --> 00:13:47,400 Well, they should be badly weathered. 179 00:13:49,400 --> 00:13:53,400 The church must have been deliberately buried right after it was built. 180 00:13:55,400 --> 00:13:58,400 What, they came here and built something only to bury it? 181 00:13:58,435 --> 00:14:01,400 I don't know. Chuma, hire some more men. 182 00:14:02,400 --> 00:14:04,400 Have them work double shifts. I want these walls cleared. 183 00:14:41,400 --> 00:14:45,400 I can't understand it. Who'd reported it? 184 00:14:46,400 --> 00:14:48,400 Except for this. 185 00:14:53,400 --> 00:14:56,400 I cannot thank you enough for your generosity, Emekwi. 186 00:14:56,435 --> 00:14:58,400 Oh, please, Father, the building goes unused. 187 00:14:59,400 --> 00:15:02,400 And besides, it is nothing more than our Lord and Savior would expect. 188 00:15:02,435 --> 00:15:05,400 If you need anything, anything at all, just ask. 189 00:15:05,435 --> 00:15:08,400 I wish others of our faith felt that way. 190 00:15:09,400 --> 00:15:12,400 Oh, but, of course, the town will get the room back soon, since... 191 00:15:12,435 --> 00:15:15,400 Since we have to build a proper school. Oh, please, Father. 192 00:15:15,435 --> 00:15:19,400 Do not think me a doubting Thomas. 193 00:15:20,400 --> 00:15:21,400 But... 194 00:15:24,400 --> 00:15:27,400 ...we may not need that new school right away. 195 00:15:28,400 --> 00:15:29,900 Hello, Papa. 196 00:15:29,935 --> 00:15:31,400 Hello, Joseph. 197 00:15:32,400 --> 00:15:34,400 Hello, Papa. Hello, James. 198 00:15:35,400 --> 00:15:37,400 Well... 199 00:15:38,400 --> 00:15:39,400 ...it's a beginning. 200 00:15:49,400 --> 00:15:50,400 Call for the doctor. 201 00:15:53,400 --> 00:15:54,400 It is the heat. 202 00:15:57,400 --> 00:15:59,400 Pick him up. Let's take him down. I'll get some water. 203 00:16:15,400 --> 00:16:18,400 Don't let him take it all at once. 204 00:16:21,400 --> 00:16:23,400 Our friend is back. 205 00:16:26,400 --> 00:16:27,400 Cheche. 206 00:16:28,400 --> 00:16:30,400 Come for food and water again. 207 00:16:31,400 --> 00:16:34,400 It must be even worse for him in this heat. 208 00:16:34,435 --> 00:16:36,400 I'll try to get him into the tent. 209 00:16:36,435 --> 00:16:39,400 Do not let the men see that 210 00:16:43,400 --> 00:16:45,400 Don't be afraid. 211 00:17:24,400 --> 00:17:28,400 You got here quickly. Your man made it sound urgent. 212 00:17:28,435 --> 00:17:29,365 Well, is it? 213 00:17:29,400 --> 00:17:32,400 Chuma, try to make him comfortable in the back of my truck. 214 00:17:32,435 --> 00:17:34,400 He needs rest and rehydration. 215 00:17:40,400 --> 00:17:42,400 Heat stroke. 216 00:17:43,400 --> 00:17:46,400 You're working them too hard. There's water in the tent if you'd like... 217 00:17:46,435 --> 00:17:48,400 I would. Thank you. 218 00:17:49,400 --> 00:17:51,400 We had another visit from that boy today. 219 00:17:51,435 --> 00:17:53,400 Cheche? Yes. 220 00:17:54,400 --> 00:17:55,365 Any luck? 221 00:17:55,400 --> 00:17:57,400 Couldn't even get close. 222 00:18:02,400 --> 00:18:05,365 I had to sedate him two weeks ago. 223 00:18:05,400 --> 00:18:09,400 Just to treat a beating he took from a villager. 224 00:18:10,400 --> 00:18:12,900 Why don't they help him? 225 00:18:12,935 --> 00:18:15,400 They think he's cursed. 226 00:18:16,400 --> 00:18:18,400 What he needs is sustained treatment. 227 00:18:25,400 --> 00:18:26,900 Yes? 228 00:18:26,935 --> 00:18:28,400 Nothing. 229 00:19:56,400 --> 00:19:58,365 Early this year. 230 00:19:58,400 --> 00:20:01,400 Two of the cattle have been killed already. 231 00:20:01,435 --> 00:20:03,400 Thank you, Chuma. 232 00:20:04,400 --> 00:20:06,400 I must keep you safe for the lady doctor. 233 00:21:08,400 --> 00:21:10,400 Cheche. 234 00:21:16,400 --> 00:21:17,400 Cheche. 235 00:21:46,400 --> 00:21:49,400 The sores were very infected. 236 00:21:50,400 --> 00:21:54,400 I've cleaned and dressed them. There's no permanent damage. 237 00:21:56,400 --> 00:21:59,400 The leg and arm are a different matter. 238 00:21:59,435 --> 00:22:02,400 Night, Mara. 239 00:22:06,400 --> 00:22:08,400 There's nothing you can do? 240 00:22:09,400 --> 00:22:11,400 Not for the arm. 241 00:22:12,400 --> 00:22:13,400 The leg... 242 00:22:14,400 --> 00:22:17,400 The leg could be theoretical Theoret 243 00:22:17,435 --> 00:22:20,365 Theoret... "Theoretically. " 244 00:22:20,400 --> 00:22:23,400 Theoretically, the leg could be rebroken... 245 00:22:23,435 --> 00:22:26,400 ...and set properly by a surgeon from Nairobi. 246 00:22:26,435 --> 00:22:28,400 They fly from... 247 00:22:30,400 --> 00:22:33,400 Do you think he'd allow it? 248 00:22:45,400 --> 00:22:47,400 It was called Chelmno. 249 00:22:49,400 --> 00:22:53,400 That was the Polish name. The Germans called it Kulmhof. 250 00:22:54,400 --> 00:22:59,400 I was in a processing center for confiscated items. 251 00:23:01,400 --> 00:23:05,400 It's amazing what you're capable of when your physical survival is at stake. 252 00:23:05,435 --> 00:23:08,400 Things you think you could never endure. 253 00:23:10,400 --> 00:23:13,400 Well, nobody knew back then. Everybody... We heard stories. 254 00:23:15,400 --> 00:23:18,400 I wish they could fix that generator. 255 00:23:19,400 --> 00:23:21,400 No one wanted to believe. 256 00:23:22,400 --> 00:23:23,365 Of course not. 257 00:23:23,400 --> 00:23:26,400 Who could believe such things were happening? 258 00:23:26,435 --> 00:23:29,365 No one wanted to believe. 259 00:23:29,400 --> 00:23:33,400 It's so much easier to believe evil is random... 260 00:23:33,435 --> 00:23:34,400 ...or an ogre... 261 00:23:35,400 --> 00:23:39,400 ...not that it's a human condition, something everyone is capable of. 262 00:23:41,400 --> 00:23:46,400 I believed God let us decide between good and evil. 263 00:23:47,400 --> 00:23:49,400 I chose good. 264 00:23:49,435 --> 00:23:51,400 Evil happened. 265 00:24:00,400 --> 00:24:02,400 Now you travel. 266 00:24:03,400 --> 00:24:05,400 What are you looking for? 267 00:24:07,400 --> 00:24:08,400 Nothing. 268 00:24:11,400 --> 00:24:15,400 Sometimes I think the best view of God is from hell. 269 00:24:16,400 --> 00:24:18,400 This boy here... 270 00:24:21,400 --> 00:24:24,400 You brought something out of that young man. 271 00:24:26,400 --> 00:24:28,400 God is in that boy that doesn't speak. 272 00:24:29,400 --> 00:24:31,400 Until he tried to speak to you. 273 00:24:31,435 --> 00:24:33,917 He's an unfortunate. 274 00:24:33,952 --> 00:24:36,365 One of God's afflicted. 275 00:24:36,400 --> 00:24:40,400 I think what you're looking for, Father Merrin... 276 00:24:42,400 --> 00:24:44,400 ...is here. 277 00:26:55,400 --> 00:26:58,400 You have been very brave, Cheche. 278 00:26:59,400 --> 00:27:01,400 You're on the mend. 279 00:27:02,400 --> 00:27:04,400 There. 280 00:27:05,400 --> 00:27:07,400 Better, eh? 281 00:27:14,400 --> 00:27:15,365 Better. 282 00:27:15,400 --> 00:27:17,400 Yes. Better. 283 00:27:22,400 --> 00:27:25,400 Merrin was right about you, Cheche. 284 00:27:25,435 --> 00:27:27,400 I thought you'd run away. 285 00:27:29,400 --> 00:27:30,400 Cheche... 286 00:27:31,400 --> 00:27:33,365 ...if Appa and I... 287 00:27:33,400 --> 00:27:35,400 If we could make your leg better 288 00:27:37,400 --> 00:27:39,365 Better. 289 00:27:39,400 --> 00:27:41,400 Would you want that? 290 00:27:45,400 --> 00:27:49,400 We'll have a great deal of news for Appa, won't we? 291 00:27:49,435 --> 00:27:52,400 Merrin, it's magnificent. 292 00:27:55,400 --> 00:27:57,400 Wait till you get inside. 293 00:28:30,400 --> 00:28:32,400 The war in heaven. 294 00:28:33,400 --> 00:28:35,400 St. Michael. 295 00:28:38,400 --> 00:28:40,400 It's so strange. 296 00:28:41,400 --> 00:28:43,365 Churches were built to honor God... 297 00:28:43,400 --> 00:28:46,400 ...provide a house of worship, but this... 298 00:28:47,400 --> 00:28:50,400 This can't have been a meeting place. 299 00:28:51,400 --> 00:28:52,400 No. 300 00:28:54,400 --> 00:28:56,400 This had to have another purpose. 301 00:28:58,400 --> 00:29:00,365 Merrin. 302 00:29:00,400 --> 00:29:02,400 Look at the figures. 303 00:29:05,400 --> 00:29:06,400 Yes. 304 00:29:07,400 --> 00:29:09,400 Church architecture is supposed to reach for the heavens. 305 00:29:10,400 --> 00:29:12,400 But this looks as if As if it were holding something down. 306 00:29:14,400 --> 00:29:16,400 These rocks. 307 00:29:17,400 --> 00:29:19,400 These rocks are like plugs. 308 00:29:24,400 --> 00:29:26,400 What is that? 309 00:29:27,400 --> 00:29:30,400 Like a sarcophagus. 310 00:30:05,400 --> 00:30:07,400 What? 311 00:30:24,400 --> 00:30:25,400 You hear that? Yes. 312 00:30:37,400 --> 00:30:39,365 Chuma. 313 00:30:39,400 --> 00:30:42,400 Bring me some men and the shear legs. 314 00:30:53,400 --> 00:30:55,400 What is it? 315 00:30:56,400 --> 00:30:58,400 What are you frightened of? 316 00:32:00,400 --> 00:32:02,400 It's a temple of some kind. 317 00:32:06,400 --> 00:32:08,400 What idol could inspire a place like this? 318 00:32:17,400 --> 00:32:19,400 I'd say it's dedicated to him. 319 00:32:24,400 --> 00:32:26,400 Some pagan god of these parts. 320 00:32:27,400 --> 00:32:28,400 Chuma? 321 00:32:29,400 --> 00:32:31,400 The old people would sometimes tell stories... 322 00:32:31,435 --> 00:32:33,400 ...of mountain demons to scare us, but... 323 00:32:34,400 --> 00:32:36,400 They built the church on top of this. 324 00:32:37,400 --> 00:32:40,400 That's why they buried it. To hold this down. 325 00:32:41,400 --> 00:32:43,365 They used St. Michael to emphasize... 326 00:32:43,400 --> 00:32:46,400 ...that the old gods had no power before the one. 327 00:32:47,400 --> 00:32:49,400 But I never believed. 328 00:32:54,400 --> 00:32:56,400 These are bloodstains. 329 00:33:00,400 --> 00:33:03,365 People were sacrificed here. Yeah. 330 00:33:03,400 --> 00:33:06,400 It's almost like a scene out of the Inquisition, isn't it? 331 00:33:39,400 --> 00:33:42,400 The hyenas must have attacked the cattle. 332 00:33:43,400 --> 00:33:44,900 But the cattle... 333 00:33:44,935 --> 00:33:46,400 ...killed them. 334 00:33:47,400 --> 00:33:49,400 Then ate them. 335 00:33:50,400 --> 00:33:52,400 And now they die of it. 336 00:34:02,400 --> 00:34:04,400 He wants you to stop digging. 337 00:34:05,400 --> 00:34:07,400 He thinks the church is evil. 338 00:34:19,400 --> 00:34:21,365 His side of the family... 339 00:34:21,400 --> 00:34:23,400 ...either old ways or nothing. 340 00:34:23,435 --> 00:34:24,400 No argument. 341 00:34:40,400 --> 00:34:42,365 Look here. 342 00:34:42,400 --> 00:34:44,400 Look how it was done. 343 00:34:45,400 --> 00:34:49,400 The workers who did this were not just Not just workers. They were artists. 344 00:34:50,400 --> 00:34:52,900 The mosaics came from across the world. 345 00:34:52,935 --> 00:34:55,400 Here. The great battle of the angels. 346 00:34:56,400 --> 00:34:59,400 The turquoise from Egypt, malachite from Namibia... 347 00:34:59,435 --> 00:35:02,400 ...lapis from Afghanistan. 348 00:35:02,435 --> 00:35:05,400 Extraordinary. 349 00:35:06,400 --> 00:35:09,400 This is St. Michael. It's his church. It's dedicated to him. 350 00:35:10,400 --> 00:35:13,400 But the violence. It's the war of heaven. 351 00:35:13,435 --> 00:35:16,400 God's angels fighting Satan and his legion... 352 00:35:17,400 --> 00:35:19,400 ...cast into the underworld. 353 00:35:20,400 --> 00:35:23,400 It's the sort of find that makes a career. 354 00:35:23,435 --> 00:35:26,400 I thought that at first, but now it seems... 355 00:35:27,400 --> 00:35:29,365 There is he. 356 00:35:29,400 --> 00:35:32,365 Lucifer, source of light. 357 00:35:32,400 --> 00:35:35,400 He was called the most perfect of angels. 358 00:35:38,400 --> 00:35:41,400 It will make you, Lankester. 359 00:35:41,435 --> 00:35:44,365 But what will it make you? 360 00:35:44,400 --> 00:35:47,400 You're trying to see through me. 361 00:35:48,400 --> 00:35:50,365 Are you a head doctor as well? 362 00:35:50,400 --> 00:35:53,400 It doesn't take an expert to see you're suffering. 363 00:35:53,435 --> 00:35:55,400 You're in guilt. 364 00:35:56,400 --> 00:35:58,400 We're all in guilt. 365 00:35:59,400 --> 00:36:00,400 What I told you the other night... 366 00:36:01,400 --> 00:36:04,365 ...I never told anyone else. 367 00:36:04,400 --> 00:36:07,400 I told you because of something I saw in you. 368 00:36:18,400 --> 00:36:19,400 Merrin. 369 00:36:22,400 --> 00:36:25,400 I've got to inform Cardinal Jenkins. 370 00:36:27,400 --> 00:36:30,400 I hope you understand that if word gets out about what's in there... 371 00:36:30,435 --> 00:36:33,400 ...the danger of violation and looting Which is why we have... 372 00:36:34,400 --> 00:36:36,400 ...to inform Major Granville as well. 373 00:36:36,435 --> 00:36:38,400 Ask him to send a detachment of guards. 374 00:36:39,400 --> 00:36:41,400 Because the British have proved so trustworthy. 375 00:36:42,400 --> 00:36:43,365 You haven't seen the British Museum? 376 00:36:43,400 --> 00:36:45,400 Everything was looted from sites like that. 377 00:36:46,400 --> 00:36:48,400 Merrin, please. 378 00:36:49,400 --> 00:36:51,400 You're not the only one involved. 379 00:37:10,400 --> 00:37:11,400 Get on, boys. 380 00:37:12,400 --> 00:37:16,400 All right, come on! Come on! Out, out! 381 00:37:16,435 --> 00:37:18,400 Welcome, major. Welcome to Derati. 382 00:37:19,400 --> 00:37:21,400 Fall in on the left, quickly on the right. 383 00:37:22,400 --> 00:37:26,400 Fall in and stand easy! 384 00:37:26,435 --> 00:37:30,400 Good morning. 385 00:37:31,400 --> 00:37:34,365 Beloved wherever we go. Sir. 386 00:37:34,400 --> 00:37:37,365 Sergeant major, have the men stand to attention. 387 00:37:37,400 --> 00:37:40,400 I have a feeling those good women report to the local aristocracy. 388 00:37:40,435 --> 00:37:43,400 And I don't want to display even a hint of disrespect... 389 00:37:44,400 --> 00:37:47,400 ...now or at any other time. Am I clear? Yes, sir. 390 00:37:47,435 --> 00:37:50,400 Respect for the godforsaken fuzzies at all times, sir. 391 00:37:50,435 --> 00:37:52,400 That is precisely the sort of comment 392 00:37:52,435 --> 00:37:54,365 Squad! 393 00:37:54,400 --> 00:37:56,400 Squad, 'tion! 394 00:37:57,400 --> 00:38:00,400 Men standing to attention, sir. Thank you. 395 00:38:07,400 --> 00:38:10,400 Mix it with blood or water. It's for pain. 396 00:38:16,400 --> 00:38:20,400 Sebituana's wife has gone into labor. She's in a great deal of pain. 397 00:38:20,435 --> 00:38:22,417 This is Dr. Lamu. Oh, doctor. 398 00:38:22,452 --> 00:38:24,400 Joseph Lamu. Rachel Lesno. 399 00:38:25,400 --> 00:38:27,400 So good of you to come. Not a problem. 400 00:38:27,435 --> 00:38:29,400 I told them to bring her here, but... 401 00:38:30,400 --> 00:38:32,400 So I've sent some morphine. 402 00:38:40,400 --> 00:38:42,365 What, do you think they count them? 403 00:38:42,400 --> 00:38:45,400 Do you think they count them every night? 404 00:38:46,400 --> 00:38:48,365 Might do. Might do. 405 00:38:48,400 --> 00:38:51,400 You got no more sense than the fuzzies, corporal. 406 00:38:51,435 --> 00:38:52,365 Here. 407 00:38:52,400 --> 00:38:55,365 Respect the stripes, boy. 408 00:38:55,400 --> 00:38:57,365 Oh, "respect the stripes" now, is it? 409 00:38:57,400 --> 00:38:59,365 I tell you, they got thousands of the things. 410 00:38:59,400 --> 00:39:02,400 Just a handful would make us rich for the rest of our lives. 411 00:39:03,400 --> 00:39:05,400 Or get us hung. Yeah? 412 00:39:06,400 --> 00:39:08,400 Well, they can't hang us for having a look, now, can they? 413 00:39:46,400 --> 00:39:47,400 His wounds are healing well. 414 00:39:48,400 --> 00:39:49,400 I hope we do as well with this. 415 00:39:50,400 --> 00:39:51,400 He's young. 416 00:39:52,400 --> 00:39:54,400 His bones are strong. 417 00:40:21,400 --> 00:40:23,400 Jesus Christ! 418 00:40:23,435 --> 00:40:25,365 Hundreds of them. 419 00:40:25,400 --> 00:40:27,400 Every kind of precious stone. 420 00:40:29,400 --> 00:40:32,400 Just a handful is all I need. 421 00:40:33,400 --> 00:40:35,400 All we need, private. 422 00:40:36,400 --> 00:40:38,400 We pool the take. Yeah? 423 00:40:38,435 --> 00:40:40,400 Yeah. 424 00:42:08,400 --> 00:42:10,400 Cover them. 425 00:42:13,400 --> 00:42:16,400 Sorry, sir? They're British soldiers. 426 00:42:17,400 --> 00:42:19,400 I won't have them left like that. 427 00:42:21,400 --> 00:42:23,400 Of course, sir. 428 00:42:24,400 --> 00:42:25,400 Richardson. Avery. 429 00:42:26,400 --> 00:42:28,400 Get some blankets and cover those soldiers. 430 00:42:51,400 --> 00:42:53,400 You will keep me informed about Cheche? 431 00:42:53,435 --> 00:42:55,400 Yes, of course. 432 00:42:58,400 --> 00:42:59,400 Merrin. 433 00:43:00,400 --> 00:43:02,400 Merrin. 434 00:43:03,400 --> 00:43:06,400 What's going on here? What do you mean? 435 00:43:07,400 --> 00:43:09,400 What's going on here? 436 00:43:09,435 --> 00:43:11,400 This whole valley. 437 00:43:17,400 --> 00:43:20,365 Why don't you stay a couple of days. 438 00:43:20,400 --> 00:43:24,400 You hardly had any rest. I'll show you the dig, the church we found. 439 00:43:24,435 --> 00:43:26,400 Who's in charge here? 440 00:43:27,400 --> 00:43:29,400 Military. Major Granville. 441 00:43:29,435 --> 00:43:31,917 Not you? No. 442 00:43:31,952 --> 00:43:34,400 No, not me. 443 00:43:44,400 --> 00:43:47,400 You take care of yourself, Lankester Merrin. 444 00:43:50,400 --> 00:43:51,365 Yes. 445 00:43:51,400 --> 00:43:53,400 Thank you. 446 00:44:35,400 --> 00:44:37,400 Who, Merrin? 447 00:44:38,400 --> 00:44:39,365 Why? 448 00:44:39,400 --> 00:44:42,365 Well, these were on the ground. 449 00:44:42,400 --> 00:44:45,400 They'd been pried out of the mosaics. 450 00:44:47,400 --> 00:44:50,400 Maybe they were trying to stop a robbery. 451 00:44:51,400 --> 00:44:54,400 Got killed by the thieves. Of course. 452 00:44:56,400 --> 00:44:58,365 Bloody savages. No. 453 00:44:58,400 --> 00:45:00,400 There's no reason to suspect the Turkana, major. 454 00:45:01,400 --> 00:45:04,365 What? The style of the killings... 455 00:45:04,400 --> 00:45:08,400 ...the positioning of the bodies. He's right. 456 00:45:08,435 --> 00:45:10,417 It's Christian imagery, not pagan. 457 00:45:10,452 --> 00:45:12,400 John the Baptist, head on a platter. 458 00:45:13,400 --> 00:45:15,400 Peter the Apostle crucified A Christian is responsible? 459 00:45:16,400 --> 00:45:17,400 You're both insane. 460 00:45:18,400 --> 00:45:19,400 Merrin. 461 00:45:20,400 --> 00:45:22,400 Chuma, get that man out of here. 462 00:45:23,400 --> 00:45:24,400 Jomo saw what happened, major. 463 00:45:26,400 --> 00:45:27,400 Did he? 464 00:45:33,400 --> 00:45:37,365 And what was it this Jomo saw precisely? 465 00:45:37,400 --> 00:45:40,400 Jomo watches from the hills that lie above this place, and... 466 00:45:40,435 --> 00:45:43,400 And? He says... 467 00:45:44,400 --> 00:45:47,365 He says he saw the two soldiers argue. 468 00:45:47,400 --> 00:45:50,400 One killed the other and then stabbed himself. 469 00:45:50,435 --> 00:45:51,400 What the devil are you saying? 470 00:45:53,400 --> 00:45:56,400 They were stealing jewels. Then some sort of madness overtook them 471 00:45:56,435 --> 00:45:59,400 Be quiet! I won't hear another word! 472 00:46:07,400 --> 00:46:09,400 That is the most... 473 00:46:10,400 --> 00:46:14,400 Tell this man that if he repeats such absurdities, I'll arrest him, Chuma. 474 00:46:14,435 --> 00:46:15,400 And you as well, do you understand? 475 00:46:21,400 --> 00:46:23,400 The idea's absurd. 476 00:46:25,400 --> 00:46:27,400 I'm supposed to accept this was some sort of... 477 00:46:27,435 --> 00:46:31,365 ...acrobatic ritual murder and suicide? 478 00:46:31,400 --> 00:46:34,400 It's not only absurd, it's an insult. Those men were with me for years. 479 00:46:35,400 --> 00:46:38,400 Major, please, please try I don't need opinions, Merrin. 480 00:46:40,400 --> 00:46:43,400 I've been lenient with you people, Chuma... 481 00:46:43,435 --> 00:46:45,365 ...but warn the elders... 482 00:46:45,400 --> 00:46:48,365 ...that unless they hand over the men that did this... 483 00:46:48,400 --> 00:46:52,400 ...life in these parts will become distinctly less pleasant. 484 00:46:58,400 --> 00:47:01,400 I will get to the bottom of this. 485 00:47:04,400 --> 00:47:06,365 Major, please. 486 00:47:06,400 --> 00:47:09,400 Do not choose the wrong side in this, Merrin. 487 00:47:13,400 --> 00:47:15,400 Remember what you owe... 488 00:47:15,435 --> 00:47:17,400 ...to whom. 489 00:47:18,400 --> 00:47:21,400 The wrong side, major? 490 00:47:21,435 --> 00:47:23,400 This is not war. 491 00:47:50,400 --> 00:47:52,365 Hello, Rachel. 492 00:47:52,400 --> 00:47:55,400 Is he all right? Take a look. 493 00:47:58,400 --> 00:48:00,400 He started to run a fever early this morning. 494 00:48:02,400 --> 00:48:04,400 And there was a warmth radiating from the cast. 495 00:48:05,400 --> 00:48:08,400 I took it off, expecting to find gangrene. 496 00:48:09,400 --> 00:48:12,400 You can imagine my shock. 497 00:48:13,400 --> 00:48:17,400 So it's better. It's on its way to being healed. 498 00:48:18,400 --> 00:48:22,400 This should have taken weeks... 499 00:48:22,435 --> 00:48:24,400 ...not days. 500 00:48:26,400 --> 00:48:28,400 And the fever's dropping. 501 00:48:32,400 --> 00:48:34,400 I only hope that... 502 00:48:36,400 --> 00:48:38,400 Hope what? 503 00:48:39,400 --> 00:48:43,400 There are cases of false recovery... 504 00:48:44,400 --> 00:48:47,400 ...of a body's system appearing to improve... 505 00:48:48,400 --> 00:48:51,400 ...but it's actually evidence of a deeper problem. 506 00:48:54,400 --> 00:48:56,400 Any reason to believe that's the case? 507 00:49:00,400 --> 00:49:01,400 No. 508 00:49:02,400 --> 00:49:04,365 No, there isn't. 509 00:49:04,400 --> 00:49:08,400 So many terrible things have happened in the last few days... 510 00:49:08,435 --> 00:49:11,400 ...you just can't see a good thing for what it is. 511 00:49:14,400 --> 00:49:18,400 I'm just glad there is something to be grateful for. 512 00:49:19,400 --> 00:49:23,400 This village has been on the verge of an explosion. 513 00:49:24,400 --> 00:49:27,400 I don't know who's more likely to ignite it... 514 00:49:27,435 --> 00:49:28,400 ...Granville or the Turkana. 515 00:49:31,400 --> 00:49:33,400 Mara quit. 516 00:49:35,400 --> 00:49:38,400 The elders told her not to work here. 517 00:49:38,435 --> 00:49:40,417 Because of the baby? 518 00:49:40,452 --> 00:49:42,400 That's part of it. 519 00:50:27,400 --> 00:50:28,400 What's happening? 520 00:50:36,400 --> 00:50:38,365 I suppose you've all had a good laugh... 521 00:50:38,400 --> 00:50:42,400 ...thinking what fools you've made of the British Empire. 522 00:50:43,400 --> 00:50:45,400 But you've fooled no one. 523 00:50:46,400 --> 00:50:48,365 I told you I'd get to the bottom of this. 524 00:50:48,400 --> 00:50:50,400 Major, please stop this. You don't understand. 525 00:50:51,400 --> 00:50:53,400 Sergeant major! 526 00:50:55,400 --> 00:50:57,400 Sir. I want these people kept at a distance. 527 00:50:58,400 --> 00:51:00,400 If they attempt to interfere, they're to be arrested. 528 00:51:00,435 --> 00:51:02,400 And if they resist, shoot them. 529 00:51:03,400 --> 00:51:04,400 Sir? Do it! 530 00:51:05,400 --> 00:51:06,400 Yes, sir! 531 00:51:07,400 --> 00:51:08,365 Not him. 532 00:51:08,400 --> 00:51:10,365 I'll need an interpreter. 533 00:51:10,400 --> 00:51:13,365 And interpret carefully, Chuma. 534 00:51:13,400 --> 00:51:16,900 Tell them I have waited long enough to find out who killed my men. 535 00:51:16,935 --> 00:51:20,365 This is a small town. One of them must know who is responsible. 536 00:51:20,400 --> 00:51:24,400 I'll give them one more chance for that person to reveal the murderer's name. 537 00:51:24,435 --> 00:51:27,400 Major! Mind your own, priest. 538 00:51:30,400 --> 00:51:34,400 Sebituana says that everybody knows that your men killed each other. 539 00:51:34,435 --> 00:51:37,400 They were stealing and they went mad Shut your mouth! 540 00:51:39,400 --> 00:51:41,365 You think you're the law here, do you? 541 00:51:41,400 --> 00:51:44,400 You go on hiding your murderers because you don't fear me yet. 542 00:51:45,400 --> 00:51:47,365 Well, my friend, let me assure you... Major, stop this! 543 00:51:47,400 --> 00:51:52,400 ...if a reason for fear is what you need, then I can oblige! 544 00:52:02,400 --> 00:52:03,400 Hold that man! 545 00:52:16,400 --> 00:52:18,365 Corporal Williams. Sergeant major. 546 00:52:18,400 --> 00:52:22,400 Have the men stand down and fall in by the lorry. Allow the natives to tidy up. 547 00:52:22,435 --> 00:52:25,400 Move it! Private Evans! On the guard wall! 548 00:52:25,435 --> 00:52:28,400 Places on the guard wall! 549 00:52:30,400 --> 00:52:33,400 Sir. To the car, sir. 550 00:52:43,400 --> 00:52:47,400 Left, right, left, right, left, right... 551 00:53:05,400 --> 00:53:07,400 I'm sorry I startled you. 552 00:53:12,400 --> 00:53:14,400 Did you manage to sleep through the night? 553 00:53:17,400 --> 00:53:18,400 Yes. 554 00:53:22,400 --> 00:53:24,400 I wish I could say the same for Rachel. 555 00:53:25,400 --> 00:53:28,400 She woke several times after you left. 556 00:53:37,400 --> 00:53:40,400 Seemed afraid something might happen to the boy. 557 00:53:41,400 --> 00:53:45,400 She finally calmed down when I said I'd watch over him. 558 00:53:46,400 --> 00:53:48,400 Which seemed the least I could do. 559 00:53:49,400 --> 00:53:51,400 Don't. Don't what? 560 00:53:52,400 --> 00:53:56,400 Don't acknowledge the fact that I was the one that asked Granville to come? 561 00:53:57,400 --> 00:53:59,365 You didn't ask him to shoot the girl. 562 00:53:59,400 --> 00:54:02,400 There's only one person responsible for what happened. 563 00:54:03,400 --> 00:54:04,400 How is he? 564 00:54:08,400 --> 00:54:10,400 He seems fine. 565 00:54:12,400 --> 00:54:14,365 I'll take over. 566 00:54:14,400 --> 00:54:16,400 You've got things to do. 567 00:54:24,400 --> 00:54:27,400 Not much, I'm afraid. 568 00:54:28,400 --> 00:54:30,365 I doubt there'll be much of a class. 569 00:54:30,400 --> 00:54:34,400 Well, the children seem to genuinely like school and you. 570 00:54:35,400 --> 00:54:37,400 I'm sure some of them will turn up. 571 00:54:38,400 --> 00:54:40,400 Are you all right, Merrin? 572 00:54:42,400 --> 00:54:44,400 Is it cold in here? 573 00:55:00,400 --> 00:55:01,400 Prayer, Merrin. 574 00:55:02,400 --> 00:55:04,400 It's all we have at times like these. 575 00:55:04,435 --> 00:55:06,400 Yeah. 576 00:55:09,400 --> 00:55:11,400 It's like having nothing, isn't it? 577 00:55:19,400 --> 00:55:21,400 Lankester. 578 00:55:27,400 --> 00:55:29,400 May I speak to you at a personal level? 579 00:55:30,400 --> 00:55:32,400 Of course. 580 00:55:33,400 --> 00:55:34,400 Christian to Christian? 581 00:55:40,400 --> 00:55:43,400 "Evil may gain sway over our lives for a time... 582 00:55:44,400 --> 00:55:46,900 ...but the ultimate power of faith... 583 00:55:46,935 --> 00:55:49,667 ...lies in its ability to strengthen men. 584 00:55:49,702 --> 00:55:52,400 Not to conquer evil, but to survive it. " 585 00:55:52,435 --> 00:55:54,400 You wrote that. I read it. 586 00:55:55,400 --> 00:55:58,400 A young man's theories. 587 00:55:58,435 --> 00:56:00,365 But you proved it. 588 00:56:00,400 --> 00:56:03,400 I survived, if that's what you mean. 589 00:56:03,435 --> 00:56:05,417 But did I live? 590 00:56:05,452 --> 00:56:07,400 Not really. 591 00:56:08,400 --> 00:56:10,400 He didn't force you to wander from him. 592 00:56:11,400 --> 00:56:13,400 He allowed you to... 593 00:56:13,435 --> 00:56:15,400 ...out of love. 594 00:56:16,400 --> 00:56:19,400 And if you find now that you're lost, you must have faith... 595 00:56:19,435 --> 00:56:22,400 ...that his love will guide you back. 596 00:56:22,435 --> 00:56:24,400 All you have to do is ask. 597 00:56:29,400 --> 00:56:31,400 You mean well, but you can't see my soul. 598 00:56:34,400 --> 00:56:37,400 I'm God's servant. He can. 599 00:57:01,400 --> 00:57:02,365 Well... 600 00:57:02,400 --> 00:57:06,365 ...I didn't think I would see so many of you today. 601 00:57:06,400 --> 00:57:09,400 When you go home, you must remember to thank your families. 602 00:57:10,400 --> 00:57:11,365 Their families not know, Father. 603 00:57:11,400 --> 00:57:13,900 Their parents tell them they must not come. 604 00:57:13,935 --> 00:57:16,400 They say that Jesus Christ killed Falashadey. 605 00:57:18,400 --> 00:57:20,400 Falashadey, that was her name? 606 00:57:21,400 --> 00:57:24,400 They come to school because they think if they do not come... 607 00:57:25,400 --> 00:57:28,400 ...maybe Jesus Christ might kill them too. 608 00:57:31,400 --> 00:57:33,400 Joseph, James, come here. 609 00:57:38,400 --> 00:57:41,400 Jesus Christ did not kill that young woman. 610 00:57:41,435 --> 00:57:43,365 The British major did. 611 00:57:43,400 --> 00:57:45,400 And it was very, very wrong. 612 00:57:49,400 --> 00:57:51,400 Jomo, no. You must not. 613 00:58:20,400 --> 00:58:23,400 Anderson, get some medical help in here. 614 00:58:23,435 --> 00:58:24,400 Joseph! 615 00:58:30,400 --> 00:58:32,400 My son. 616 00:58:40,400 --> 00:58:41,400 What did he say? 617 00:58:44,400 --> 00:58:46,365 What did he say? He said... 618 00:58:46,400 --> 00:58:51,400 ...that he had to kill them to stop the Christian evil from spreading. 619 00:58:53,400 --> 00:58:55,400 This, Father? 620 00:58:56,400 --> 00:59:01,400 Is this how the Almighty treats those who have kept faith with him? 621 00:59:01,435 --> 00:59:02,400 Yes. 622 00:59:14,400 --> 00:59:15,400 No. 623 00:59:42,400 --> 00:59:44,365 Father. Father Francis. 624 00:59:44,400 --> 00:59:46,365 What is it? What's happened? 625 00:59:46,400 --> 00:59:49,400 I think you'd better see for yourself. 626 00:59:54,400 --> 00:59:56,400 My God. 627 00:59:57,400 --> 01:00:00,400 How did you...? I didn't. 628 01:00:00,435 --> 01:00:02,400 Not intentionally. 629 01:00:03,400 --> 01:00:06,400 This may be more your province than mine, Father. 630 01:00:07,400 --> 01:00:09,400 It's a miracle. 631 01:00:15,400 --> 01:00:17,400 I have to get Merrin. 632 01:00:19,400 --> 01:00:21,400 Will you be all right? 633 01:00:22,400 --> 01:00:23,400 Yes. 634 01:00:52,400 --> 01:00:54,365 Maybe you... 635 01:00:54,400 --> 01:00:57,400 ...are the one proof of God in this terrible place. 636 01:01:05,400 --> 01:01:08,400 Because you're certainly the only innocent creature. 637 01:01:36,400 --> 01:01:38,400 You know my guilt? 638 01:01:51,400 --> 01:01:53,400 The spirit of our Savior. 639 01:01:54,400 --> 01:01:56,400 It's in you. 640 01:01:57,400 --> 01:02:00,400 And it will point the way out of this darkness. 641 01:02:03,400 --> 01:02:05,400 O Lord... 642 01:02:06,400 --> 01:02:08,400 Lord, I pray thee... 643 01:02:09,400 --> 01:02:11,400 ...hear my voice as I have heard thine. 644 01:02:12,400 --> 01:02:16,400 Let this blessed child continue to be thy messenger... 645 01:02:19,400 --> 01:02:21,400 ...that we may know thy will... 646 01:02:24,400 --> 01:02:26,400 ...and thy wisdom. 647 01:02:32,400 --> 01:02:36,400 In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. 648 01:02:53,400 --> 01:02:55,400 God bless this child. 649 01:03:01,400 --> 01:03:04,400 Don't ever touch me with that again, priest! 650 01:04:02,400 --> 01:04:04,400 The boy must be baptized. 651 01:04:08,400 --> 01:04:11,400 You're still recovering from that blow to the head, Father. 652 01:04:11,435 --> 01:04:14,400 That's an awfully weak attempt to explain this away. 653 01:04:14,435 --> 01:04:15,365 Yes, it is. 654 01:04:15,400 --> 01:04:17,365 Then you accept it? 655 01:04:17,400 --> 01:04:20,400 An evil spirit at work in this town? I didn't say that. 656 01:04:20,435 --> 01:04:22,365 Things you think you heard... 657 01:04:22,400 --> 01:04:24,900 ...things you think you saw You're saying I'm hallucinating. 658 01:04:24,935 --> 01:04:27,400 What about the burn on his forehead? Did I imagine that? 659 01:04:28,400 --> 01:04:30,400 It's an injury in the rough shape of a cross. 660 01:04:30,435 --> 01:04:31,365 The rough shape. 661 01:04:31,400 --> 01:04:34,365 You've had a nervous breakdown Breakdown?! 662 01:04:34,400 --> 01:04:37,400 I think it's you who have been through too much, Merrin. 663 01:04:37,435 --> 01:04:40,400 Will you please try to control yourselves? 664 01:04:40,435 --> 01:04:42,400 The boy needs rest. 665 01:04:43,400 --> 01:04:44,400 And what about his perfect English? 666 01:04:45,400 --> 01:04:48,400 Oh, of course, I must be imagining that too. 667 01:04:51,400 --> 01:04:52,400 All right. 668 01:04:53,400 --> 01:04:56,365 Let's assume what you say is true. 669 01:04:56,400 --> 01:04:58,900 What harm could there be in his being baptized? 670 01:04:58,935 --> 01:05:01,400 A great deal. Those people hate and fear Cheche. 671 01:05:02,400 --> 01:05:04,365 You want to expose him to further danger... 672 01:05:04,400 --> 01:05:07,400 ...by having him join a religion they equate with evil? 673 01:05:07,435 --> 01:05:09,917 Say it. Say it, Merrin. Or can't you? 674 01:05:09,952 --> 01:05:12,365 The work of Satan. It's the work of man! 675 01:05:12,400 --> 01:05:15,400 Why can't you accept that? Because my only concern... 676 01:05:15,435 --> 01:05:17,400 ...is the eternal soul of that young man. 677 01:05:20,400 --> 01:05:22,400 Are you so arrogant, Merrin... 678 01:05:23,400 --> 01:05:26,400 ...that you would involve the rest of the world in your crisis of faith? 679 01:05:26,435 --> 01:05:29,400 That you would deny to someone what you once cherished... 680 01:05:30,400 --> 01:05:32,400 ...simply because you now doubt it? 681 01:05:35,400 --> 01:05:39,400 What makes you think he wants it? You could try asking him. 682 01:05:40,400 --> 01:05:42,400 He's awake now. 683 01:06:03,400 --> 01:06:05,400 See. 684 01:06:07,400 --> 01:06:10,400 Doctor, please, would you ask him if he would like to become... 685 01:06:11,400 --> 01:06:13,400 ...a Christian like Appa and myself? 686 01:06:13,435 --> 01:06:15,400 Unless you object. 687 01:06:15,435 --> 01:06:16,400 Cheche. 688 01:06:29,400 --> 01:06:32,365 He would like it. Good. 689 01:06:32,400 --> 01:06:35,400 Good, Cheche. Good. He wants to do it in the church. 690 01:06:37,400 --> 01:06:39,400 He seems to think that's where you live. 691 01:06:41,400 --> 01:06:44,365 He wants to be as much like you as he can. 692 01:06:44,400 --> 01:06:47,400 Unless you want to explain your misgivings to him. 693 01:06:49,400 --> 01:06:52,400 There's a beautiful baptismal font in the church. 694 01:06:53,400 --> 01:06:55,400 We could use that. 695 01:07:34,400 --> 01:07:35,400 Major Granville. 696 01:07:46,400 --> 01:07:48,400 Major Granville, sir. 697 01:07:55,400 --> 01:07:57,400 Sir, are you...? 698 01:07:58,400 --> 01:08:00,400 Are you all right, sir? 699 01:08:00,435 --> 01:08:03,400 All right. 700 01:08:09,400 --> 01:08:11,400 I shall be down in a moment. 701 01:08:13,400 --> 01:08:15,400 Sir. 702 01:08:17,400 --> 01:08:19,400 Oh, and sergeant major. 703 01:08:20,400 --> 01:08:21,365 Sir? 704 01:08:21,400 --> 01:08:24,400 I shall need you to give Mr. Merrin a message. 705 01:08:25,400 --> 01:08:27,400 Tell him... 706 01:08:29,400 --> 01:08:33,400 Tell him I know now how it's been for him all these years. 707 01:08:34,400 --> 01:08:37,400 But tell him there's no way out. 708 01:08:39,400 --> 01:08:41,400 Other than... 709 01:08:43,400 --> 01:08:45,400 Sir! 710 01:08:59,400 --> 01:09:02,400 I just need one or two more things from the hotel, doctor. 711 01:09:02,435 --> 01:09:04,400 I'll have him ready, Father. Thank you. 712 01:09:32,400 --> 01:09:33,400 Don't bother, doctor. 713 01:09:34,400 --> 01:09:37,400 He asked me to give you a message before he'd shot himself. 714 01:09:43,400 --> 01:09:45,365 Said he understood what you were going through. 715 01:09:45,400 --> 01:09:48,400 That this was the only way out. Any idea what he meant? 716 01:09:50,400 --> 01:09:51,400 No. 717 01:09:53,400 --> 01:09:54,400 He never meant to kill that girl. 718 01:09:55,400 --> 01:09:57,400 That went against every part of the major's nature. 719 01:09:58,400 --> 01:09:59,400 Something got into him. 720 01:10:01,400 --> 01:10:04,400 Mr. Merrin, sir... 721 01:10:06,400 --> 01:10:08,400 ...some of the boys, they... 722 01:10:09,400 --> 01:10:12,900 They're not too happy. The major was well liked. 723 01:10:12,935 --> 01:10:16,400 So if you have any pull with the spearchuckers... 724 01:10:16,435 --> 01:10:18,400 ...I'd advise them to step quietly. 725 01:10:20,400 --> 01:10:23,400 I'll do what I can. Thank you, sergeant major. 726 01:10:25,400 --> 01:10:27,400 Carry on. 727 01:12:28,400 --> 01:12:29,400 What do you make of that, sergeant major? 728 01:12:30,400 --> 01:12:31,365 I don't know. 729 01:12:31,400 --> 01:12:33,400 But get on the radio to town. 730 01:12:34,400 --> 01:12:37,400 I want all available men up here on the double. 731 01:12:38,400 --> 01:12:39,400 Come on. 732 01:12:43,400 --> 01:12:45,400 Okay. We're gonna go down. 733 01:12:46,400 --> 01:12:47,900 Just like that. 734 01:12:47,935 --> 01:12:49,400 That's perfect. 735 01:13:17,400 --> 01:13:18,400 Open the gate! 736 01:13:40,400 --> 01:13:43,400 What is it? It's music for battle. 737 01:14:11,400 --> 01:14:12,400 Father. 738 01:14:28,400 --> 01:14:30,365 Cheche. 739 01:14:30,400 --> 01:14:32,400 His fever's come back. Quickly, doctor. 740 01:14:32,435 --> 01:14:34,400 But Please, this is no miracle. 741 01:14:35,400 --> 01:14:36,365 Help me. 742 01:14:36,400 --> 01:14:39,400 Hold the child's head over the font. 743 01:15:28,400 --> 01:15:33,400 I warned you about that, priest! 744 01:15:41,400 --> 01:15:42,400 It is Sebituana. 745 01:15:44,400 --> 01:15:46,400 He wants to talk to the British commander. 746 01:15:47,400 --> 01:15:49,400 Some sort of trick, then? 747 01:15:49,435 --> 01:15:51,417 I'll go. No. 748 01:15:51,452 --> 01:15:53,400 We'll go. 749 01:15:54,400 --> 01:15:56,400 Corporal Williams, Private Standish, join us. 750 01:15:56,435 --> 01:15:58,400 Arms at the ready. 751 01:16:07,400 --> 01:16:09,365 Sebituana does not wish to fight. 752 01:16:09,400 --> 01:16:12,400 Well, they ain't dressed for ballroom dancing, Chuma. 753 01:16:13,400 --> 01:16:15,400 What does he want, then? 754 01:16:19,400 --> 01:16:21,400 For the church to be buried again. That, and... 755 01:16:25,400 --> 01:16:29,400 He wants Father Francis. He says only he brought the Christian evil and soldiers. 756 01:16:33,400 --> 01:16:36,365 He must die. So must the boy. 757 01:16:36,400 --> 01:16:40,400 Only Cheche has drawn strength from all the evil that has happened. 758 01:16:43,400 --> 01:16:45,400 The British, if they leave now... 759 01:16:45,435 --> 01:16:48,365 ...will be spared. Right. 760 01:16:48,400 --> 01:16:53,400 You can tell Sebituana and his friends to disperse quietly and go home... 761 01:16:53,435 --> 01:16:56,400 ...and we'll be the ones doing the sparing. 762 01:17:03,400 --> 01:17:05,400 If it's a fight they want... 763 01:17:06,400 --> 01:17:08,400 ...it's a fight they're gonna get. 764 01:17:19,400 --> 01:17:21,365 You had no idea... 765 01:17:21,400 --> 01:17:24,400 ...what you were toying with, did you? 766 01:17:32,400 --> 01:17:34,400 The book of rituals... 767 01:17:35,400 --> 01:17:37,400 ...I have a copy. I've got to get to town. 768 01:17:39,400 --> 01:17:42,400 This boy is possessed. 769 01:18:05,400 --> 01:18:09,400 Where's Rachel and Cheche? Still inside. 770 01:18:10,400 --> 01:18:11,400 The boy is... 771 01:18:12,400 --> 01:18:14,400 I must get the book of rituals. 772 01:18:17,400 --> 01:18:20,400 Satan is real. 773 01:18:43,400 --> 01:18:47,400 I am perfection. 774 01:19:12,400 --> 01:19:13,400 Francis! No. 775 01:19:18,400 --> 01:19:20,365 It's too dangerous. 776 01:19:20,400 --> 01:19:23,400 I'm gonna maintain the perimeter until daybreak. 777 01:19:23,435 --> 01:19:25,400 We'll look for the Father then. 778 01:19:26,400 --> 01:19:28,365 We have to clear those doors. We have to get them out. 779 01:19:28,400 --> 01:19:31,400 I've got my men to think of right now. They're trapped in there! 780 01:19:35,400 --> 01:19:41,400 We'll wait till the sun to come up. Then we'll start moving the rubble. 781 01:19:41,435 --> 01:19:42,400 All right, sir? 782 01:19:57,400 --> 01:20:00,400 Well, are they gone or not? There is no way to know. 783 01:20:00,435 --> 01:20:03,365 Right, then. Corporal Williams, send a detail of men... 784 01:20:03,400 --> 01:20:07,400 ...to help Mr. Merrin clear that rubble. Then I want you and another detail... 785 01:20:07,435 --> 01:20:10,400 ...to go out there and see if our friends are gone or not. 786 01:20:10,435 --> 01:20:13,365 And have a look for Father Francis. 787 01:20:13,400 --> 01:20:15,400 The rest of the squad's to stay on the perimeter. 788 01:21:07,400 --> 01:21:11,400 How could you leave him like that? We didn't know what to do, sir. 789 01:21:17,400 --> 01:21:20,400 Private Standish, cut him down. 790 01:21:23,400 --> 01:21:24,400 Father Merrin. He's alive. 791 01:21:25,400 --> 01:21:27,365 Get a stretcher. Do it! 792 01:21:27,400 --> 01:21:29,900 Chuma, get the nurse, tell her to come to the clinic. 793 01:21:29,935 --> 01:21:32,400 Tell her she must come, tell her it's Father Francis. 794 01:21:32,435 --> 01:21:35,400 It's him. It's him. 795 01:21:40,400 --> 01:21:42,365 It's him. 796 01:21:42,400 --> 01:21:44,400 You'll be fine. Give me a hand! 797 01:21:47,400 --> 01:21:51,400 It's him. 798 01:22:00,400 --> 01:22:02,900 Thank you for coming, Mara. 799 01:22:02,935 --> 01:22:05,400 I did it for Father Francis. 800 01:22:06,400 --> 01:22:09,400 Where is Miss Rachel? 801 01:22:09,435 --> 01:22:11,400 At the dig. 802 01:22:19,400 --> 01:22:22,400 Yes? Unction, Father. 803 01:22:24,400 --> 01:22:27,400 I need the last rites. 804 01:22:27,435 --> 01:22:28,365 No. 805 01:22:28,400 --> 01:22:31,400 You'll be all right. My immortal 806 01:22:31,435 --> 01:22:33,365 My immortal soul... 807 01:22:33,400 --> 01:22:36,400 ...is in danger. Please. 808 01:22:37,400 --> 01:22:39,400 Please, Merrin. 809 01:22:41,400 --> 01:22:42,400 Please get the kit. 810 01:22:42,435 --> 01:22:44,400 Please. 811 01:22:58,400 --> 01:23:01,400 You'll need the book of Roman rituals. 812 01:23:02,400 --> 01:23:04,365 It's in my room. 813 01:23:04,400 --> 01:23:08,400 I haven't forgotten the last rites. Not for that. 814 01:23:10,400 --> 01:23:12,400 You'll need it for the rite of exorcism. 815 01:23:12,435 --> 01:23:14,365 You can't make that decision. 816 01:23:14,400 --> 01:23:18,400 The archbishop needs to be contacted. There's no time. 817 01:23:21,400 --> 01:23:23,400 He's in the boy. 818 01:23:26,400 --> 01:23:29,400 Oh, God help us. He's in the boy. 819 01:23:33,400 --> 01:23:35,365 Any progress? No. 820 01:23:35,400 --> 01:23:37,400 How's Father Francis? He's resting. 821 01:23:38,400 --> 01:23:39,365 Savages. 822 01:23:39,400 --> 01:23:43,400 If they think they can get away with this, they don't understand the British. 823 01:23:47,400 --> 01:23:49,400 Look out! 824 01:24:01,400 --> 01:24:04,400 Chuma, are you all right? 825 01:24:07,400 --> 01:24:09,400 Don't go in! 826 01:24:12,400 --> 01:24:16,400 Look after Chuma. Don't follow me. 827 01:24:21,400 --> 01:24:23,400 Rachel? 828 01:24:37,400 --> 01:24:38,400 Rachel? 829 01:25:06,400 --> 01:25:08,400 Is that you, Rachel? 830 01:25:34,400 --> 01:25:36,400 Rachel. 831 01:25:38,400 --> 01:25:39,400 Rachel. 832 01:25:40,400 --> 01:25:41,400 Rachel, wake up. 833 01:25:42,400 --> 01:25:44,400 Wake up, you're dreaming. 834 01:25:44,435 --> 01:25:46,417 Rachel. 835 01:25:46,452 --> 01:25:48,400 Wake up. 836 01:25:49,400 --> 01:25:51,400 Where's Cheche? No. 837 01:25:53,400 --> 01:25:55,400 I was there. 838 01:25:56,400 --> 01:25:58,400 It was so real. 839 01:25:59,400 --> 01:26:01,365 Chelmno. No, you were dreaming. 840 01:26:01,400 --> 01:26:04,400 You were dreaming. You are here. I wanted to be 841 01:26:04,435 --> 01:26:08,365 I want to be back. He took me there. 842 01:26:08,400 --> 01:26:10,900 You were dreaming, that's all. But I want to go back. 843 01:26:10,935 --> 01:26:13,400 You have to let me. It was different, I was helping. 844 01:26:13,435 --> 01:26:16,400 You can go! Rachel! 845 01:26:16,435 --> 01:26:17,400 I'm sorry. 846 01:26:19,400 --> 01:26:21,400 I'm sorry, Rachel. 847 01:26:23,400 --> 01:26:26,400 I'm sorry. We can help each other. 848 01:26:29,400 --> 01:26:32,400 Only we can help each other. 849 01:26:33,400 --> 01:26:35,365 Rachel. 850 01:26:35,400 --> 01:26:38,400 We're the same, you and I. 851 01:26:44,400 --> 01:26:47,400 You're a passionate man, Merrin. 852 01:26:50,400 --> 01:26:52,400 Full of hunger. 853 01:27:04,400 --> 01:27:05,400 Get out. 854 01:27:06,400 --> 01:27:07,400 Now. 855 01:27:17,400 --> 01:27:19,365 You call me cruel. 856 01:27:19,400 --> 01:27:22,400 Rachel was rewriting her past. 857 01:27:24,400 --> 01:27:26,400 Then you destroyed it. 858 01:27:27,400 --> 01:27:28,400 You're the great deceiver. 859 01:27:36,400 --> 01:27:39,400 Did Father Francis mention me? 860 01:27:40,400 --> 01:27:42,400 He called you Satan. 861 01:27:44,400 --> 01:27:47,400 Did I not roll away the stones for you? 862 01:27:47,435 --> 01:27:49,400 Why torment Rachel? 863 01:27:50,400 --> 01:27:52,400 She's not the one who sinned. 864 01:27:53,400 --> 01:27:56,400 She never helped another prisoner. 865 01:27:58,400 --> 01:28:01,400 She traded her body for food. 866 01:28:03,400 --> 01:28:05,400 She betrayed her friends. 867 01:28:06,400 --> 01:28:10,365 Liar! You hate God, Merrin. 868 01:28:10,400 --> 01:28:14,400 And why not? God gives you guilt. 869 01:28:15,400 --> 01:28:17,400 The guilt is unbearable. 870 01:28:20,400 --> 01:28:22,400 I do not curse God. 871 01:28:22,435 --> 01:28:24,400 But... 872 01:28:27,400 --> 01:28:29,400 ...there is one thing you can do. 873 01:28:31,400 --> 01:28:34,400 You can cease to care. 874 01:28:37,400 --> 01:28:38,400 That is your offer? 875 01:28:39,400 --> 01:28:43,400 I offer freedom. 876 01:28:45,400 --> 01:28:47,365 Run. 877 01:28:47,400 --> 01:28:50,400 Run, Merrin, run. 878 01:28:54,400 --> 01:28:55,400 You tried me, Lord. 879 01:28:56,400 --> 01:28:58,400 I failed. 880 01:29:00,400 --> 01:29:02,400 Forgive my disbelief. 881 01:29:03,400 --> 01:29:05,400 Help my disbelief. 882 01:29:08,400 --> 01:29:10,400 Take my disbelief into your bosom... 883 01:29:11,400 --> 01:29:13,400 ...and give me strength. 884 01:29:15,400 --> 01:29:18,400 Absolve my sins and purify me. 885 01:29:20,400 --> 01:29:23,400 Purify me for this task. 886 01:30:24,400 --> 01:30:28,400 Everything was good in Derati until the missionary came. 887 01:30:30,400 --> 01:30:33,365 Jomo may have held the spear... 888 01:30:33,400 --> 01:30:36,400 ...but Father Francis killed my son. 889 01:31:18,400 --> 01:31:21,400 Easy, boys. 890 01:31:22,400 --> 01:31:23,400 Let Mr. Merrin through. 891 01:31:30,400 --> 01:31:31,400 Or is it Father Merrin? 892 01:31:32,400 --> 01:31:33,900 Christ, have mercy on us. 893 01:31:33,935 --> 01:31:35,400 Lord, have mercy on us. 894 01:31:36,400 --> 01:31:39,400 Better not come out, priest, if you know what's good for you. 895 01:31:39,435 --> 01:31:42,400 Christ, have mercy on us. Blood will flow tonight. 896 01:31:42,435 --> 01:31:44,400 Lord, have mercy on us. 897 01:33:11,400 --> 01:33:15,400 You think your uniform will save you? 898 01:33:24,400 --> 01:33:26,400 Lord, have mercy on us. 899 01:33:27,400 --> 01:33:29,400 Christ, hear us. 900 01:33:30,400 --> 01:33:31,365 God... 901 01:33:31,400 --> 01:33:34,400 ...the Father of heaven, have mercy on us. 902 01:33:35,400 --> 01:33:38,400 God, the Son... It's not working. 903 01:33:38,435 --> 01:33:40,400 ...Redeemer of the world... 904 01:33:40,435 --> 01:33:41,400 ...have mercy on us. 905 01:33:42,400 --> 01:33:45,400 Oh, God, the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us. 906 01:33:45,435 --> 01:33:48,400 Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us. 907 01:33:48,435 --> 01:33:50,400 You're a weak vessel. 908 01:34:08,400 --> 01:34:10,400 A weak vessel leaks. 909 01:34:12,400 --> 01:34:14,400 It is not only me who fights you. 910 01:34:14,435 --> 01:34:16,400 I'm not alone. 911 01:34:17,400 --> 01:34:19,400 All ye holy angels... 912 01:34:19,435 --> 01:34:21,400 ...and archangels... 913 01:34:21,435 --> 01:34:23,400 ...pray for us. 914 01:34:25,400 --> 01:34:28,400 All ye holy orders of blessed spirits... 915 01:34:28,435 --> 01:34:30,400 ...pray for us. 916 01:34:32,400 --> 01:34:34,400 St. John the Baptist... 917 01:34:34,435 --> 01:34:36,400 ...pray for us. 918 01:34:37,400 --> 01:34:39,400 St. Paul, pray for us. 919 01:34:40,400 --> 01:34:43,400 St. James, pray for us. 920 01:34:44,400 --> 01:34:46,400 St. John, pray for us. 921 01:34:47,400 --> 01:34:50,900 St. Thomas, pray for us. 922 01:34:50,935 --> 01:34:54,400 St. Matthew, pray for us. 923 01:34:55,400 --> 01:34:58,400 All ye holy martyrs, pray for us. 924 01:34:59,400 --> 01:35:01,400 St. Gregory, pray for us. 925 01:35:02,400 --> 01:35:04,400 St. Ambrose, pray for us. 926 01:35:05,400 --> 01:35:07,400 St. Augustine, pray for us. 927 01:35:09,400 --> 01:35:12,400 All ye men and women, saints of God... 928 01:35:12,435 --> 01:35:15,400 ...make intercession for us. 929 01:35:16,400 --> 01:35:20,400 From thy wrath, O Lord, deliver us. 930 01:35:21,400 --> 01:35:23,400 From anger, hatred... 931 01:35:24,400 --> 01:35:27,365 ...and ill will, O Lord, deliver us. 932 01:35:27,400 --> 01:35:31,400 From lightning and tempest Don't you want to go back? 933 01:35:37,400 --> 01:35:38,400 Yes. 934 01:35:39,400 --> 01:35:40,400 Go back. 935 01:35:42,400 --> 01:35:45,400 From pestilence, famine and war... 936 01:35:45,435 --> 01:35:47,400 ...O Lord, deliver us. 937 01:35:47,435 --> 01:35:49,400 Go back. 938 01:35:51,400 --> 01:35:55,400 You can undo the events of that day. 939 01:35:56,400 --> 01:35:59,400 You can end your guilt. 940 01:36:11,400 --> 01:36:13,400 Go back. 941 01:36:17,400 --> 01:36:19,365 From everlasting death... 942 01:36:19,400 --> 01:36:23,400 ...through his ho Don't you want to go back? 943 01:36:23,435 --> 01:36:25,365 Through his... 944 01:36:25,400 --> 01:36:29,400 Through his Through his ho... 945 01:36:49,400 --> 01:36:50,400 You, priest. 946 01:36:53,400 --> 01:36:55,400 What's your name? 947 01:36:57,400 --> 01:36:58,400 I'm Father Merrin. 948 01:36:59,400 --> 01:37:00,400 And these people confess to you? 949 01:37:01,400 --> 01:37:03,365 So point out the one who's responsible. 950 01:37:03,400 --> 01:37:07,400 No one here did this, lieutenant. They aren't capable of it. 951 01:37:07,435 --> 01:37:11,400 Did you hear what I said? That God is not here today? 952 01:37:12,400 --> 01:37:13,400 Yes, I know that. 953 01:37:17,400 --> 01:37:19,365 I'm going to shoot 10 of you... 954 01:37:19,400 --> 01:37:23,400 ...in the hope that we can demonstrate to this wretch... 955 01:37:23,435 --> 01:37:25,400 ...the terrible responsibility he has incurred. 956 01:37:25,435 --> 01:37:27,400 Stop. 957 01:37:29,400 --> 01:37:32,400 You have some objection, Father? 958 01:37:33,400 --> 01:37:34,400 Shoot me. 959 01:37:35,400 --> 01:37:37,400 Yes, you'd like that. 960 01:37:37,435 --> 01:37:39,365 You choose. 961 01:37:39,400 --> 01:37:41,400 You have five seconds. 962 01:37:41,435 --> 01:37:43,400 I can't. You can't what? 963 01:37:44,400 --> 01:37:46,365 Pick who will be sacrificed? 964 01:37:46,400 --> 01:37:48,400 History is full of priests who did little else. 965 01:37:49,400 --> 01:37:52,400 Father Merrin. You begin to irritate me, Father. 966 01:37:55,400 --> 01:38:00,400 Tell your men to lay down their weapons and leave. 967 01:38:01,400 --> 01:38:03,400 Priest or no, I swear I will kill you. 968 01:38:04,400 --> 01:38:07,900 You'll get what satisfaction you want, priest... 969 01:38:07,935 --> 01:38:11,400 ...because my men will not lay down their weapons. 970 01:38:55,400 --> 01:38:57,400 Feel better? 971 01:38:58,400 --> 01:39:00,400 You did what you could. 972 01:39:01,400 --> 01:39:03,400 You laid down your life... 973 01:39:04,400 --> 01:39:06,400 ...but God decided to kill them anyway. 974 01:39:07,400 --> 01:39:09,400 Your guilt is gone. 975 01:39:12,400 --> 01:39:14,400 You are free. 976 01:39:15,400 --> 01:39:17,400 Free? 977 01:39:18,400 --> 01:39:19,400 To cease to care? 978 01:39:20,400 --> 01:39:23,400 To walk this earth your own man... 979 01:39:23,435 --> 01:39:26,400 ...without debt or guilt. 980 01:39:27,400 --> 01:39:29,900 This earth is not your dominion. 981 01:39:29,935 --> 01:39:32,400 Man is the chosen temple of God. 982 01:39:33,400 --> 01:39:35,400 His holy vessel. 983 01:39:36,400 --> 01:39:41,400 Through the mastery of the holy incarnation... 984 01:39:41,435 --> 01:39:43,400 ...O Lord, deliver us. 985 01:39:44,400 --> 01:39:46,400 Through thy coming 986 01:39:47,400 --> 01:39:51,400 I will destroy you! 987 01:39:55,400 --> 01:39:57,400 Through thy nativity, O Lord, deliver us. 988 01:39:58,400 --> 01:40:03,400 Through thy baptism and thy holy fasting, deliver us. 989 01:40:04,400 --> 01:40:07,400 Through thy temptation, 40 days and 40 nights in the desert... 990 01:40:07,435 --> 01:40:09,400 ...O Lord, deliver us. 991 01:40:11,400 --> 01:40:12,400 Through thy sacrifice on the cross... 992 01:40:14,400 --> 01:40:16,400 ...O Lord, deliver us. 993 01:40:17,400 --> 01:40:20,365 Through thy holy resurrection, deliver. 994 01:40:20,400 --> 01:40:23,400 Through the coming of the Holy Ghost, deliver. 995 01:40:24,400 --> 01:40:26,400 Be uprooted and expelled... 996 01:40:26,435 --> 01:40:28,400 ...from this creature of God. 997 01:40:29,400 --> 01:40:31,400 Hear therefore... 998 01:40:32,400 --> 01:40:34,400 ...and fear... 999 01:40:35,400 --> 01:40:36,400 ...Satan! 1000 01:40:52,400 --> 01:40:54,400 In the name of Archangel Michael... 1001 01:40:56,400 --> 01:40:58,400 ...whose church this is... 1002 01:40:59,400 --> 01:41:01,900 ...in the name of all those... 1003 01:41:01,935 --> 01:41:04,400 ...who have died for our Savior... 1004 01:41:06,400 --> 01:41:08,400 ...in the name of Christ and all his saints... 1005 01:41:09,400 --> 01:41:12,365 ...I cast thee out. 1006 01:41:12,400 --> 01:41:14,400 The faith of the saints casts you out. 1007 01:41:15,400 --> 01:41:18,365 The blood of the martyrs casts you out. 1008 01:41:18,400 --> 01:41:21,400 The heavenly host of all those saved and in grace... 1009 01:41:21,435 --> 01:41:23,400 ...casts you out. 1010 01:41:25,400 --> 01:41:27,365 Please. 1011 01:41:27,400 --> 01:41:31,400 Oh, Cheche. Have faith, Cheche. 1012 01:41:38,400 --> 01:41:41,400 I will kill you both! 1013 01:41:45,400 --> 01:41:47,400 With my last effort, I will oppose you. 1014 01:41:50,400 --> 01:41:53,400 From one end of the world to the other... 1015 01:41:54,400 --> 01:41:56,365 ...I will oppose you. 1016 01:41:56,400 --> 01:41:58,400 Until my soul burns in hell... 1017 01:41:59,400 --> 01:42:01,400 ...I will oppose you! 1018 01:42:07,400 --> 01:42:09,400 Stop. 1019 01:42:11,400 --> 01:42:14,400 We exorcise you, each unclean spirit. 1020 01:42:15,400 --> 01:42:18,400 We cast you out, each power of Satan... 1021 01:42:19,400 --> 01:42:21,400 ...each infestation of the enemy. 1022 01:42:24,400 --> 01:42:29,400 Repel, O Lord, the power of this evil prince! 1023 01:43:05,400 --> 01:43:07,400 In the name of the Father... 1024 01:43:07,435 --> 01:43:09,365 ...the Son... 1025 01:43:09,400 --> 01:43:11,400 ...and the Holy Ghost... 1026 01:43:11,435 --> 01:43:13,400 ...I absolve thee. 1027 01:43:53,400 --> 01:43:56,400 He wants to know if you're certain the demon in the church is gone. 1028 01:43:56,435 --> 01:43:59,400 Yes, from here. 1029 01:44:09,400 --> 01:44:11,400 He wishes you strength. 1030 01:44:12,400 --> 01:44:14,400 He says the demon is your enemy now... 1031 01:44:14,435 --> 01:44:16,400 ...and he will pursue you. 1032 01:44:48,400 --> 01:44:51,400 We'll be ready to pull out within the hour. 1033 01:44:52,400 --> 01:44:54,400 Oh, and Father Merrin... 1034 01:44:55,400 --> 01:44:58,400 ...anyone asks me about this place, sir... 1035 01:44:59,400 --> 01:45:01,365 ...I didn't see a thing. 1036 01:45:01,400 --> 01:45:03,400 They won't get anything out of me. 1037 01:45:04,400 --> 01:45:06,400 Good luck. 1038 01:45:12,400 --> 01:45:14,400 I've got myself a new helper. 1039 01:45:17,400 --> 01:45:19,400 Good day. 1040 01:45:20,400 --> 01:45:21,400 Good day. 1041 01:45:24,400 --> 01:45:27,400 You're leaving too? Well, not just yet, but soon. 1042 01:45:28,400 --> 01:45:29,400 Where? To Rome. 1043 01:45:30,400 --> 01:45:32,365 They want a report. 1044 01:45:32,400 --> 01:45:36,400 Yes, the Church is a leaky structure, but it's all I have. 1045 01:45:36,435 --> 01:45:39,400 I think the Holy See will find some use for me. 1046 01:46:03,400 --> 01:46:04,400 Will you write me? 1047 01:46:05,400 --> 01:46:06,400 Here? 1048 01:46:07,400 --> 01:46:10,400 They need me here. Yes. 1049 01:46:11,400 --> 01:46:13,400 Write me. 1050 01:50:59,400 --> 01:51:02,400 I am perfection.