1 00:00:39,950 --> 00:00:43,676 Dear Nick, 2 00:00:43,987 --> 00:00:46,046 He has been sold. 3 00:00:46,047 --> 00:00:49,136 To a club in Amsterdam. 4 00:00:49,526 --> 00:00:53,395 He likes little boys now, himself. 5 00:00:55,490 --> 00:00:58,033 Dear Nick, 6 00:00:58,034 --> 00:01:00,693 He starved to death. 7 00:01:00,694 --> 00:01:04,042 That is the truth. 8 00:01:10,630 --> 00:01:14,264 The truth, my esteemed Nick... 9 00:01:16,636 --> 00:01:20,305 He lived in a caravan all those years. 10 00:01:21,808 --> 00:01:24,267 As my lover. 11 00:02:18,740 --> 00:02:20,238 Plettinckx! 12 00:02:27,582 --> 00:02:28,878 Plettinckx! 13 00:02:28,959 --> 00:02:34,419 If I see you at my house one more time, I'm going to get you. You bastard! 14 00:02:35,799 --> 00:02:38,257 I'm going to fucking get you! 15 00:02:48,854 --> 00:02:52,896 THE TREATMENT 16 00:02:55,110 --> 00:02:56,819 9 Hert Road. 17 00:02:56,820 --> 00:02:59,655 Mr Simons has been taken to hospital, 18 00:02:59,656 --> 00:03:03,076 Mrs Simons is currently receiving treatment on the spot. 19 00:03:05,120 --> 00:03:07,705 Someone saw a man run into the park behind the house. 20 00:03:07,706 --> 00:03:11,042 The perpetrator may still be in the park with the child. 21 00:03:12,252 --> 00:03:14,128 Robin! 22 00:03:15,338 --> 00:03:16,634 Robin! 23 00:03:16,840 --> 00:03:20,551 The park behind the house has been cordoned off. Local teams are there. 24 00:03:20,552 --> 00:03:22,391 Robin! 25 00:03:24,139 --> 00:03:26,016 Let go of me! 26 00:04:40,423 --> 00:04:42,416 Christ. 27 00:04:57,732 --> 00:05:00,025 They found the mother in here. 28 00:05:01,319 --> 00:05:04,823 The doctor says another twelve hours and they'd have been dead. 29 00:05:15,584 --> 00:05:18,719 The father was handcuffed to that pipe there. 30 00:05:22,090 --> 00:05:25,806 The child was probably tied to that stove. 31 00:05:30,807 --> 00:05:34,606 We think the perpetrator took the child with him when he fled. 32 00:05:47,991 --> 00:05:50,409 A neighbour saw a figure heading for the park. 33 00:05:50,410 --> 00:05:55,372 And he probably escaped this way. That blood is still fresh. 34 00:05:55,373 --> 00:05:59,920 It could be the child's, eh? - Yes. Sorry. Danni speaking. 35 00:06:48,426 --> 00:06:52,510 Sir? Hey, you! Come away from there, sir. 36 00:06:54,724 --> 00:06:55,975 I can keep what I find, eh? 37 00:06:55,976 --> 00:06:59,520 Have you seen a little boy, about 9 years old, who's been hurt? 38 00:06:59,521 --> 00:07:03,866 No, I haven't seen a little boy. - Have you got your ID card on you, sir? 39 00:07:22,711 --> 00:07:23,961 Nick? 40 00:07:23,962 --> 00:07:27,798 Coordination briefing at the station. - But he's still in the park. 41 00:07:27,799 --> 00:07:30,970 8 teams are searching. I need you at the briefing. 42 00:07:31,178 --> 00:07:33,929 This is Golf 1-2. We think we've seen a heat source. 43 00:07:33,930 --> 00:07:38,939 Where? Where? - 60 metres from the open-air theatre. 44 00:08:01,583 --> 00:08:06,924 Golf 1-2. Can you come lower? - Message received. We'll try. 45 00:08:10,759 --> 00:08:14,225 We can't see anything now. - We have to carry on looking. 46 00:08:14,721 --> 00:08:17,512 Heat source negative. 47 00:08:23,813 --> 00:08:27,779 We'll extend the search area further. - Bloody hell. 48 00:08:41,581 --> 00:08:45,001 Bloody hell. Bloody fucking hell. 49 00:08:53,927 --> 00:08:55,057 Fuck. 50 00:08:56,263 --> 00:08:59,896 Red paint diluted with urine, according to the lab. 51 00:09:00,684 --> 00:09:03,727 Female toxin. That must mean something to someone. 52 00:09:03,728 --> 00:09:06,939 Search your databases. Not a word to the press. 53 00:09:06,940 --> 00:09:11,151 We'll use this 'female toxin' to weed out the jokers and the loonies. 54 00:09:11,152 --> 00:09:12,987 My first thought was a loony though. 55 00:09:12,988 --> 00:09:15,990 We'll see who's been released from psychiatric hospital 56 00:09:15,991 --> 00:09:18,450 but mustn't just look at psychiatric cases. 57 00:09:18,451 --> 00:09:22,538 It can have been made to look like the work of a lunatic to mislead us. 58 00:09:22,539 --> 00:09:24,748 Or in order to be able to plead insanity. 59 00:09:24,749 --> 00:09:28,544 Imprisoning three people for three days is controlled, planned. 60 00:09:28,545 --> 00:09:30,838 Arrange things at home for the next few days. 61 00:09:30,839 --> 00:09:36,180 Be back by 5:30. To search the park with a fine-tooth comb and to go door to door. OK? 62 00:09:42,267 --> 00:09:45,519 Can you search for intruder, 63 00:09:45,520 --> 00:09:48,480 abduction, handcuffs, child aged between 5 and 10? 64 00:09:48,481 --> 00:09:51,609 Keep sexual offenders separate. 65 00:09:51,610 --> 00:09:56,113 Nick? The hospital called. We can't talk to the Simonses. 66 00:09:56,114 --> 00:09:58,574 He has a tube in this throat and she is sedated. 67 00:09:58,575 --> 00:10:03,204 They'll call us as soon as there is any change. Get a few hours' sleep. 68 00:10:03,205 --> 00:10:05,628 Sleep? - Come on. Get some sleep. 69 00:10:30,190 --> 00:10:31,649 Sir? - Oh, Rudy. 70 00:10:31,650 --> 00:10:34,443 You can't go in there. - Police. 71 00:10:34,444 --> 00:10:37,488 I've received strict orders. Mrs Simons is sedated... 72 00:10:37,489 --> 00:10:41,075 Mrs Simons' child is missing. I doubt she'll mind if we wake her up. 73 00:10:41,076 --> 00:10:44,081 Which bit of no don't we understand? 74 00:10:46,540 --> 00:10:48,548 I'll wait there. 75 00:11:23,660 --> 00:11:25,205 Hello? 76 00:11:27,706 --> 00:11:31,125 Is there any news? - Yes, Mr Simons is out of danger. 77 00:11:31,126 --> 00:11:34,545 But you can't talk to him, he still has a tube in his trachea. 78 00:11:34,546 --> 00:11:35,921 Is his wife awake? 79 00:11:35,922 --> 00:11:39,591 She has just discharged herself. A friend picked her up. 80 00:11:39,718 --> 00:11:41,642 And you just left me there? 81 00:11:42,679 --> 00:11:45,556 I thought you knew. A policewoman was with her. 82 00:11:45,557 --> 00:11:47,435 Bloody hell! 83 00:11:47,517 --> 00:11:51,317 Did we send anyone to collect Mrs Simons from hospital? 84 00:11:52,105 --> 00:11:53,484 Where to? 85 00:12:10,874 --> 00:12:13,747 Good morning, madam. Chief Inspector... - Come in. 86 00:12:13,919 --> 00:12:16,587 She's upstairs in the spare room. She is in a bad way. 87 00:12:16,588 --> 00:12:18,130 She's distraught. 88 00:12:18,131 --> 00:12:20,591 You can go on up without me. 89 00:12:20,592 --> 00:12:22,172 Thank you. 90 00:12:28,517 --> 00:12:30,015 In there? 91 00:12:44,491 --> 00:12:49,120 Mrs Simons. Chief Inspector Cafmeyer, Federal Police. 92 00:12:51,873 --> 00:12:54,834 We are doing all we can to find Robin as fast as possible. 93 00:12:54,835 --> 00:12:57,257 The doctor needs to come back. 94 00:12:57,796 --> 00:13:01,465 I want something stronger. - We'll sort that out for you. 95 00:13:06,513 --> 00:13:09,518 Could we first go over what you can remember? 96 00:13:09,808 --> 00:13:11,851 I don't remember anything. 97 00:13:13,770 --> 00:13:16,359 Only what I told that woman. 98 00:13:38,420 --> 00:13:41,293 I didn't feel very well after dinner. 99 00:13:45,177 --> 00:13:51,391 Alex was playing on the Playstation with Robin in the cellar. 100 00:13:57,689 --> 00:14:02,947 I think I fainted. Because I woke up in that cupboard. 101 00:14:06,823 --> 00:14:09,032 I was handcuffed to that pipe. 102 00:14:14,623 --> 00:14:16,456 No one called round until Monday? 103 00:14:16,457 --> 00:14:19,061 Everyone thought we'd gone to the seaside. 104 00:14:19,294 --> 00:14:22,429 We were supposed to leave on Saturday for the weekend. 105 00:14:24,466 --> 00:14:28,301 Then you woke up. And then? 106 00:14:31,014 --> 00:14:34,481 I was woken up by snuffling noises outside the cupboard. 107 00:14:36,561 --> 00:14:38,770 Like an animal makes. 108 00:14:40,774 --> 00:14:43,647 A dog? - No. 109 00:14:45,695 --> 00:14:47,620 At the top of the door. 110 00:14:48,573 --> 00:14:50,533 That wasn't a dog. 111 00:15:00,877 --> 00:15:05,222 Apparently you didn't see the intruder. Did he ignore you for three days? 112 00:15:05,423 --> 00:15:07,052 Yes. 113 00:15:09,469 --> 00:15:12,723 I could hear him coming in and out using the key. 114 00:15:18,478 --> 00:15:22,028 Did you hear your husband and your little boy? 115 00:15:31,324 --> 00:15:34,032 Our Robin was screaming. 116 00:15:40,584 --> 00:15:42,841 He was screaming. 117 00:15:48,175 --> 00:15:49,933 Did you hear anything else? 118 00:15:57,726 --> 00:16:01,810 I, uh... I saw a light flashing under the door. 119 00:16:03,148 --> 00:16:06,651 A torch? - No, it was a flashlight. 120 00:16:07,944 --> 00:16:09,952 From a camera? 121 00:16:18,121 --> 00:16:21,256 And I just sat there. 122 00:16:24,628 --> 00:16:28,964 Like a coward, scared shitless. 123 00:16:28,965 --> 00:16:30,641 You mustn't say that. 124 00:16:31,801 --> 00:16:33,677 I've seen your medical file. 125 00:16:33,678 --> 00:16:36,722 You almost pulled your hands off trying to get to Robin. 126 00:16:36,723 --> 00:16:39,728 Scared shitless, like a coward! 127 00:16:41,186 --> 00:16:43,896 I just sat there. - Mrs Simons... 128 00:16:43,897 --> 00:16:46,569 Like a coward, scared shitless! 129 00:17:08,839 --> 00:17:11,297 The troll did it. 130 00:17:12,717 --> 00:17:16,885 He looks down at you from a tree when you're asleep. 131 00:17:17,681 --> 00:17:23,060 And the troll came down out of his tree and took him away. 132 00:17:23,061 --> 00:17:24,772 Anahid? 133 00:17:26,439 --> 00:17:29,906 Get in your bed. Now. 134 00:17:38,660 --> 00:17:44,993 Take this, it brings good luck. Then you can say a little prayer for him. 135 00:17:45,709 --> 00:17:47,633 OK. 136 00:18:13,320 --> 00:18:14,695 You're late. 137 00:18:14,696 --> 00:18:19,450 I went to see the mother, Cindy Simons, at a friend's house. A strange woman. 138 00:18:19,451 --> 00:18:23,451 Did you find anything else out? - Photos may have been taken. 139 00:18:23,788 --> 00:18:27,540 You can go door to door along the east side of the park, in that new neighbourhood. 140 00:18:41,264 --> 00:18:44,933 Excuse me, madam. - Yes? 141 00:18:45,352 --> 00:18:49,563 Chief Inspector Cafmeyer, Federal Police. May I ask you a few questions? 142 00:18:49,564 --> 00:18:53,275 Yes, of course. Come in. Sorry about the smell. 143 00:18:53,276 --> 00:18:57,194 The builders must have used the ventilation pipe as a toilet. 144 00:19:41,074 --> 00:19:43,912 Tara, are you coming? Come on. 145 00:19:44,119 --> 00:19:46,287 Come on. 146 00:19:46,288 --> 00:19:49,161 That is Joff. And Tara. 147 00:19:50,500 --> 00:19:54,300 Tea or coffee? - Um, coffee, please. 148 00:19:57,299 --> 00:20:01,385 Do any other people live here yet? - No, we're the first ones. 149 00:20:01,386 --> 00:20:04,307 We only moved in a week ago, so... 150 00:20:06,516 --> 00:20:08,358 Joff? 151 00:20:11,771 --> 00:20:14,064 Where is the milk? - I don't know. 152 00:20:14,316 --> 00:20:17,237 Have you been feeding stray cats again? - No. 153 00:20:18,528 --> 00:20:22,239 I know you've only just moved in but have you noticed anything unusual? 154 00:20:22,240 --> 00:20:26,241 No. Apart from my milk being stolen. 155 00:20:27,621 --> 00:20:30,706 Are you from the police? 156 00:20:30,707 --> 00:20:34,919 Have you come to catch the troll? The troll who climbs the wall... 157 00:20:34,920 --> 00:20:37,671 Go and wash your hands. - He really does exist. 158 00:20:37,672 --> 00:20:39,882 Wash your hands. - He does, he eats kids. 159 00:20:39,883 --> 00:20:43,634 He doesn't exist. Go and wash your hands. 160 00:20:44,262 --> 00:20:48,346 Sorry. Uh... no, nothing unusual. 161 00:20:49,893 --> 00:20:53,063 A great view from here. - Yes. 162 00:20:54,856 --> 00:20:59,610 You were in the park yesterday evening? - Yes, I was in the park. 163 00:20:59,611 --> 00:21:04,039 You didn't see anything unusual? - No. Just some policemen. 164 00:21:04,241 --> 00:21:07,744 Pardon? - Lots of policemen in the park. 165 00:21:10,497 --> 00:21:12,208 Right. 166 00:21:14,793 --> 00:21:19,304 Should you remember anything, you can phone me. 167 00:21:24,094 --> 00:21:26,636 I can find my own way out. Thank you. 168 00:21:29,891 --> 00:21:35,316 Whatever I find I can keep. Whatever I find I can keep. 169 00:21:44,281 --> 00:21:47,616 Well? Did you find anything? - No, not really. 170 00:21:47,617 --> 00:21:49,993 Just something about female toxin. - Oh? 171 00:21:53,039 --> 00:21:57,418 That looks very scientific. - It's an article from the sixties. 172 00:21:57,419 --> 00:22:01,170 About how prolactin can harm the environment. 173 00:22:02,007 --> 00:22:05,968 And prolactin is? - It says it's a female hormone. 174 00:22:05,969 --> 00:22:08,475 A weapon of mass destruction. 175 00:22:09,431 --> 00:22:12,685 Where did you find it? - In an American blog from Mississippi. 176 00:22:16,855 --> 00:22:20,025 There's something else I'd like you to try before you go. 177 00:22:20,358 --> 00:22:24,359 Search the files for the word troll. 178 00:22:24,988 --> 00:22:27,494 Troll? 179 00:22:29,493 --> 00:22:34,704 It's something kids believe in. Something they frighten each other with. 180 00:22:37,167 --> 00:22:40,384 I know, it may be clutching at straws but... 181 00:22:43,882 --> 00:22:45,557 Nick... 182 00:22:47,010 --> 00:22:52,731 This disappearance is very similar to what happened to your brother. 183 00:22:53,099 --> 00:22:57,102 I wouldn't want you to end up being overwhelmed by it. 184 00:22:57,103 --> 00:23:01,318 I know how far you always go. - I know my limits, Danni. 185 00:23:03,443 --> 00:23:06,281 Alex Simons is off the ventilator. 186 00:23:10,867 --> 00:23:13,536 I must say, I was amazed. 187 00:23:13,537 --> 00:23:17,665 Three days without water. Hardly any signs of dehydration. 188 00:23:17,666 --> 00:23:20,338 Talk about strong. 189 00:23:22,254 --> 00:23:24,214 Twenty minutes max. 190 00:23:37,394 --> 00:23:41,897 Mr Simons, Commissioner Petit, Chief Inspector Cafmeyer. 191 00:23:41,898 --> 00:23:46,735 We're sorry about what happened to your son. We're doing our best to find him. 192 00:23:46,736 --> 00:23:48,529 I know it isn't easy, Mr Simons, 193 00:23:48,530 --> 00:23:53,492 but it would help the investigation if you told us everything you can remember. 194 00:24:02,127 --> 00:24:06,341 Maybe we can start with how the intruder got in. 195 00:24:17,017 --> 00:24:19,768 Perhaps you can give us a description? 196 00:24:19,769 --> 00:24:25,194 Age? Height? Skin colour? Hair colour? 197 00:24:31,239 --> 00:24:34,457 Don't look at me like that, pal. - What? 198 00:24:34,910 --> 00:24:36,289 I don't like your eyes. 199 00:24:41,208 --> 00:24:46,715 If you want to help your son, think about the intruder's eyes instead of... 200 00:25:02,187 --> 00:25:04,942 He wore dirty white trainers, no special brand. 201 00:25:06,316 --> 00:25:09,154 His trainers? Is that all? - Yes. 202 00:25:09,569 --> 00:25:12,822 He was in the cellar playing on the Playstation with his son. 203 00:25:12,823 --> 00:25:16,826 At half past six he went upstairs to help his wife pack for the weekend. 204 00:25:16,827 --> 00:25:21,121 He was hit on the head. He woke up blindfolded, handcuffed and gagged. 205 00:25:21,122 --> 00:25:22,454 End of story. 206 00:25:23,166 --> 00:25:25,340 That's a very short story. 207 00:25:26,670 --> 00:25:29,212 Did he hear the window smash? - He says not. 208 00:25:29,589 --> 00:25:33,887 He heard the intruder come and go and he sometimes heard his wife crying. 209 00:25:34,553 --> 00:25:37,096 Just his wife? - He didn't hear his son anymore. 210 00:25:37,097 --> 00:25:40,432 He fainted Monday around midday. 211 00:25:40,433 --> 00:25:43,060 Around midday. So he could keep an eye on the time? 212 00:25:43,061 --> 00:25:45,769 It seems the blindfold let daylight through. 213 00:25:46,439 --> 00:25:48,440 Did he see a flashlight flash? - No. 214 00:25:48,441 --> 00:25:51,114 No? His wife was very adamant about that. 215 00:25:51,278 --> 00:25:53,784 He won't tell you more than he told me. 216 00:26:07,544 --> 00:26:09,468 Mummy? Mummy? 217 00:26:09,588 --> 00:26:11,922 Mummy? 218 00:26:11,923 --> 00:26:14,466 What's the matter? - There was a troll. 219 00:26:14,467 --> 00:26:18,971 There's no such thing. You're getting too hot in your pyjamas. Take them off. 220 00:26:18,972 --> 00:26:22,016 No, Mummy. He was there at the window and he looked at me. 221 00:26:22,017 --> 00:26:26,231 Trolls can't climb that high. Shall I take a look? 222 00:26:30,525 --> 00:26:32,067 Come here. Give me a hug. 223 00:26:32,068 --> 00:26:36,322 You really scared him. I think he's run off. Come and see. 224 00:26:36,323 --> 00:26:38,699 No trolls. Eh? 225 00:26:53,757 --> 00:26:59,053 Have you cleaned the windows? - No. We've only been here a week. 226 00:26:59,054 --> 00:27:04,728 It's from a workman who put the window in and forgot to wipe his handprint off. 227 00:27:05,727 --> 00:27:10,155 Anyway, the hand was upside down. 228 00:27:11,274 --> 00:27:14,030 Hey? - Yeah. 229 00:27:14,486 --> 00:27:18,036 I'll be glad when we're in Brittany. 230 00:27:45,934 --> 00:27:48,476 Happy birthday, Nick. 231 00:27:50,647 --> 00:27:54,984 What better birthday present can I give you... 232 00:27:54,985 --> 00:28:00,781 after 25 years... than the truth... 233 00:28:00,782 --> 00:28:03,953 about your little brother? 234 00:28:04,786 --> 00:28:11,167 Not because I feel sorry for you. Or regret what I did. 235 00:28:11,168 --> 00:28:17,548 Because everything he has done for me and with me, 236 00:28:17,549 --> 00:28:22,970 time after time after time, 237 00:28:22,971 --> 00:28:28,147 he did because he loved me. 238 00:28:30,562 --> 00:28:36,901 Forget all the explanations I've given you up till now. 239 00:28:36,902 --> 00:28:43,221 Because soon you will know the absolute truth. 240 00:28:45,202 --> 00:28:51,088 God bless us all. 241 00:28:54,920 --> 00:28:57,129 Ivan Plettinckx. 242 00:29:02,552 --> 00:29:04,430 Bjorn? 243 00:29:06,932 --> 00:29:08,774 Bjorn? 244 00:29:10,769 --> 00:29:13,524 Bjorn? 245 00:29:20,195 --> 00:29:21,610 Bjorn? 246 00:30:02,988 --> 00:30:05,656 Alex Simons discharged himself from hospital. 247 00:30:05,657 --> 00:30:08,367 When? - After we left there. 248 00:30:08,368 --> 00:30:12,618 He's gone to be with his wife at that friend's house, Mrs Nercessian. 249 00:30:14,499 --> 00:30:17,793 I'm going to help search the park. - We're pulling out of the park. 250 00:30:17,794 --> 00:30:21,797 I've extended door-to-door enquiries. And we're appealing for witnesses. 251 00:30:21,798 --> 00:30:25,218 But he's still there. I want to take a dog team into the park. 252 00:30:25,302 --> 00:30:30,180 I said we've finished in the park. - I mean cadaver dogs. 253 00:33:22,521 --> 00:33:27,696 Rigor only present in the face and upper torso. 254 00:33:33,615 --> 00:33:37,284 Mouth and nose: dry scabs. Skin taut. 255 00:33:37,410 --> 00:33:39,829 Histology: check for hyperkaelemia. 256 00:33:39,830 --> 00:33:45,041 I want sodium level, concentration of the antidiuretic hormone and plasma. 257 00:33:49,923 --> 00:33:53,551 Discolouration of larynx may indicate strangulation with a ligature. 258 00:33:53,552 --> 00:33:58,973 No petechia in the eyes. Strangulation is not the cause of death. 259 00:33:58,974 --> 00:34:00,388 What is then? 260 00:34:27,043 --> 00:34:29,170 A dentist needs to look at this. 261 00:35:00,494 --> 00:35:03,415 Have they finished? - No. 262 00:35:06,583 --> 00:35:08,922 I've just come from the parents. 263 00:35:13,965 --> 00:35:17,092 I heard it was you who suggested looking in the trees. 264 00:35:17,093 --> 00:35:18,804 Yeah. 265 00:35:20,180 --> 00:35:22,431 In Bjorn's case they never... Well. 266 00:35:22,432 --> 00:35:28,319 Nick... you don't believe there's a connection? Eh? 267 00:35:29,064 --> 00:35:30,478 Do you? 268 00:35:32,776 --> 00:35:36,279 Is there a time of death? - We have to wait for the lab report. 269 00:35:37,948 --> 00:35:42,576 And was he... - Sexually abused? Yes. 270 00:35:42,577 --> 00:35:47,504 There was bleeding in the rectum and sperm was found on the swab. 271 00:35:50,001 --> 00:35:51,582 Thanks. 272 00:35:53,213 --> 00:35:54,888 Julie? 273 00:35:57,008 --> 00:35:59,927 When can we have the DNA? - In 48 hours. 274 00:35:59,928 --> 00:36:02,221 What? - I can't promise it any sooner. 275 00:36:02,222 --> 00:36:04,640 Who knows what that bastard may do in 48 hours? 276 00:36:04,641 --> 00:36:07,309 I want to start comparing it tomorrow. - Who with? 277 00:36:07,310 --> 00:36:11,939 All the paedophiles in the country? - No. Just those who've been in prison. 278 00:36:11,940 --> 00:36:15,573 A belt round the neck, biting the shoulder, that's a prison rape. 279 00:36:17,863 --> 00:36:20,488 Shit! Dammit! - What's the matter? 280 00:36:20,532 --> 00:36:23,702 I forgot to cancel the caterer. He's outside my house. 281 00:36:24,077 --> 00:36:27,828 I didn't tell those I'd invited either. - You have to wait for the lab. 282 00:36:27,873 --> 00:36:29,583 Come on, birthday boy. 283 00:37:02,073 --> 00:37:04,200 Nick! 284 00:37:05,785 --> 00:37:07,745 Happy birthday. 285 00:37:30,268 --> 00:37:32,269 No, no, no. 286 00:37:32,270 --> 00:37:33,566 Bloody hell! 287 00:37:41,947 --> 00:37:45,616 That's where Bjorn ran away, at the back through the bushes. 288 00:37:46,451 --> 00:37:49,705 Plettinckx was the main suspect right from the start. 289 00:37:50,038 --> 00:37:54,416 They arrested him but they had to let him go. 290 00:37:54,417 --> 00:37:57,127 I think he just enjoys screwing me around. 291 00:37:57,128 --> 00:38:02,636 I've told you often enough. Sell this place. Before something happens. 292 00:38:03,218 --> 00:38:06,270 It has started escalating recently. 293 00:38:07,806 --> 00:38:13,397 It has something to do with the Simons case. He knows something or is involved. 294 00:38:13,770 --> 00:38:18,607 That paedophile network is like mould. It spreads under the ground. 295 00:38:18,608 --> 00:38:20,359 It connects all the perverts. 296 00:38:20,360 --> 00:38:24,610 Plettinckx's virile years are over. How old is he, 65? 297 00:38:24,739 --> 00:38:27,875 That doesn't matter these days. There's Viagra. 298 00:38:33,456 --> 00:38:39,711 He knows something. He knows something or knows someone who knows someone else. 299 00:38:40,213 --> 00:38:43,507 Let me question him. - Stay far away from him, you hear me? 300 00:38:43,508 --> 00:38:46,010 We'll compare his DNA, if you'll sleep better. 301 00:38:46,011 --> 00:38:48,971 That's what really matters, eh? Me sleeping enough. 302 00:38:48,972 --> 00:38:51,640 So I'm able to get another kid down from a tree! 303 00:38:51,641 --> 00:38:58,110 Herman from the lab won't take the bones. He says they're pig's bones. 304 00:38:59,107 --> 00:39:00,486 Thanks. 305 00:39:20,295 --> 00:39:25,257 This will be the hobby room. - All you need now is a hobby. 306 00:39:25,258 --> 00:39:27,515 And this is the bedroom. 307 00:39:29,679 --> 00:39:31,522 Oh no. I don't believe it. 308 00:39:34,476 --> 00:39:37,978 Joff has let Tara come upstairs again. 309 00:39:37,979 --> 00:39:41,273 Does she do that often? - Yes, she has done recently. 310 00:39:41,274 --> 00:39:44,943 Always on my side of the bed, never a drop on Hans's side. 311 00:40:17,853 --> 00:40:19,979 Keep nice and straight. 312 00:40:32,951 --> 00:40:34,662 Are you alright, Iris? 313 00:40:45,297 --> 00:40:49,464 That child died of thirst. Up that tree. 314 00:40:51,595 --> 00:40:54,682 He lay there suffering for two days before he died. 315 00:40:58,685 --> 00:41:00,100 He hadn't finished. 316 00:41:03,023 --> 00:41:06,739 He was probably interrupted and fled into the park with Robin. 317 00:41:08,195 --> 00:41:11,246 He had to hide him and leave him there. 318 00:41:16,745 --> 00:41:18,753 He's going to do it again. 319 00:41:20,832 --> 00:41:23,083 Is that the search result for troll? 320 00:41:23,084 --> 00:41:26,337 Yes, it's an unsolved case from the nineties. 321 00:41:26,338 --> 00:41:29,757 That's the number of the inspector on the case. He's retired now. 322 00:41:46,399 --> 00:41:52,654 There. That's the file. Morckhoven Avenue. November '97. 323 00:41:52,739 --> 00:41:56,700 These maybe. They're the only things worth looking at. 324 00:41:56,701 --> 00:42:00,417 They were found in the litter bin in that street. 325 00:42:01,665 --> 00:42:04,800 Blurred photos. - Yes. 326 00:42:05,627 --> 00:42:09,213 His own mother wouldn't recognise him in those. 327 00:42:09,214 --> 00:42:12,716 Anyway, we didn't get any reaction in relation to them. 328 00:42:12,717 --> 00:42:15,010 No one was reported missing either. 329 00:42:21,142 --> 00:42:23,519 Where did the word troll come from? 330 00:42:25,438 --> 00:42:29,525 There was an anonymous phone call. 331 00:42:29,526 --> 00:42:33,445 Some really confused guy who was clearly drunk. 332 00:42:33,446 --> 00:42:39,160 He started crying, saying his wife had left him, had deserted him 333 00:42:39,161 --> 00:42:43,372 and that the boy in the photo was his son. 334 00:42:43,373 --> 00:42:46,508 And that the troll had done it. 335 00:42:47,878 --> 00:42:52,092 Done what? - He didn't say. 336 00:43:01,057 --> 00:43:07,147 Did the name Ivan Plettinckx come up at any time during the investigation? 337 00:43:07,147 --> 00:43:08,989 Plettinckx? 338 00:43:10,692 --> 00:43:15,321 If that's a paedophile from the area then we certainly screened him. 339 00:43:16,156 --> 00:43:19,576 We screened lots of them back then. 340 00:43:22,496 --> 00:43:28,335 Yes, here, look. Plettinckx. Interviewed, no further action. 341 00:43:29,920 --> 00:43:32,259 Is he a suspect? 342 00:45:29,498 --> 00:45:31,208 ONCOLOGY DEPARTMENT 343 00:45:32,250 --> 00:45:35,088 IVAN PLETTINCKX... LUNG CANCER... 344 00:45:37,088 --> 00:45:39,262 ...SPREAD TO... OPERATION IS POINTLESS. 345 00:46:26,388 --> 00:46:28,431 Could you stay outside? 346 00:46:31,643 --> 00:46:33,852 This is rather private. 347 00:46:37,983 --> 00:46:40,608 You promised to tell the truth. 348 00:46:44,364 --> 00:46:46,206 You promised. 349 00:46:47,784 --> 00:46:49,662 You promised. 350 00:46:49,953 --> 00:46:51,996 What do you want to know? 351 00:46:54,749 --> 00:46:58,715 Let's start... with the troll. 352 00:47:01,089 --> 00:47:05,636 You mean... the biter. 353 00:47:18,815 --> 00:47:22,947 Wouldn't you rather know something about... about your little brother? 354 00:47:27,657 --> 00:47:31,326 You should get your priorities right, Cafmeyer. 355 00:47:42,214 --> 00:47:43,628 What about the biter? 356 00:47:51,806 --> 00:47:53,565 What do you know? 357 00:47:58,605 --> 00:48:00,732 Tell me what you know. 358 00:48:03,151 --> 00:48:05,159 Come a bit closer. 359 00:48:06,530 --> 00:48:08,113 Bastard. 360 00:48:08,114 --> 00:48:11,665 What do you know? - That I can screw you around. 361 00:51:17,012 --> 00:51:20,431 Everything is in the car, so we can go. 362 00:51:23,977 --> 00:51:29,069 Joff? Put your shoes on. And turn the TV off. We're going. 363 00:51:50,086 --> 00:51:51,921 Mummy! 364 00:51:51,922 --> 00:51:54,465 Mummy! Mummy! Mummy! 365 00:51:54,466 --> 00:51:57,339 Mummy! No! Mummy! 366 00:52:25,205 --> 00:52:30,125 Iris speaking. Nick, I've got Quireynen on the line. The DNA. 367 00:52:30,126 --> 00:52:31,961 I'll start matching it. 368 00:52:31,962 --> 00:52:36,757 We did our best but the sperm sample came back with 'no profile'. 369 00:52:36,758 --> 00:52:42,638 It was a very delicate sample. There's a procedure to replicate it up to 34 times 370 00:52:42,639 --> 00:52:45,558 but that takes a lot of time and lab capacity and I doubt... 371 00:52:45,559 --> 00:52:48,811 Is it the same old story? A load of crap about budgets? 372 00:52:48,812 --> 00:52:50,145 Permission... 373 00:52:50,146 --> 00:52:53,607 Permission? Do I have to ask Robin's parents for permission? 374 00:52:53,608 --> 00:52:56,861 Permission... - Do I have to come and make you do it? 375 00:52:56,862 --> 00:53:03,366 But permission has been given. And we've started but I doubt it will work. 376 00:53:07,330 --> 00:53:09,588 OK, I'm calm. Alright. 377 00:55:05,866 --> 00:55:09,416 Joff! Joff! 378 00:57:07,362 --> 00:57:09,037 Tara? 379 00:57:13,201 --> 00:57:14,699 Tara? 380 00:57:27,966 --> 00:57:29,974 Tara? 381 00:57:49,279 --> 00:57:50,742 Tara. 382 00:57:52,491 --> 00:57:53,905 Tara. 383 00:58:14,846 --> 00:58:17,684 Tara, come here. 384 00:58:22,979 --> 00:58:24,275 Tara. 385 00:58:28,652 --> 00:58:30,743 Tara, don't. 386 00:58:31,112 --> 00:58:33,072 Tara, come here. 387 01:03:23,196 --> 01:03:26,407 Come on, it's OK, it's OK. 388 01:03:26,408 --> 01:03:27,906 It's OK. 389 01:03:33,206 --> 01:03:35,131 Where are his clothes? 390 01:03:57,981 --> 01:03:59,146 BIRTH/DEATH 391 01:04:18,960 --> 01:04:20,060 ACCOMPLICES 392 01:05:20,021 --> 01:05:21,697 Nancy? 393 01:05:26,152 --> 01:05:29,122 Nancy? - Who is it? 394 01:05:29,489 --> 01:05:31,414 Nancy Lammers? 395 01:05:35,453 --> 01:05:39,751 I got your address from a friend of your brother's, of Ronny's. 396 01:05:49,467 --> 01:05:54,311 Which friend? - A pal from in prison. Ivan Plettinckx. 397 01:05:54,514 --> 01:05:55,763 Bloody cop! 398 01:05:58,185 --> 01:06:04,785 Stop it. I just want to talk to you. - I don't talk to cops. Fuck off! 399 01:06:07,027 --> 01:06:09,570 You touched my tits! You tried to rape me! 400 01:06:09,571 --> 01:06:12,576 Don't provoke me. Don't provoke me! 401 01:06:12,699 --> 01:06:16,202 Calm down. Calm down. 402 01:06:27,756 --> 01:06:32,176 Plettinckx is probably involved in the abduction and murder of a little boy. 403 01:06:32,177 --> 01:06:33,805 What do you know about it? 404 01:06:34,596 --> 01:06:37,813 What do you know about it? - I don't know anything. 405 01:06:39,726 --> 01:06:44,818 Ronny knew Plettinckx. All of them... him and his lousy friends. 406 01:06:44,940 --> 01:06:49,401 Was there a biter among those lousy friends? Eh? 407 01:06:49,402 --> 01:06:52,193 Someone who restrains little boys with his teeth? 408 01:06:54,282 --> 01:06:57,583 A biter, Nancy? - I don't know any biters. 409 01:07:00,247 --> 01:07:04,542 The Plettinckx I know wasn't a biter. Just a dirty old man. 410 01:07:04,543 --> 01:07:06,551 So you do know him? 411 01:07:07,629 --> 01:07:12,840 Did you ever see or make a video in which a little boy... 412 01:07:13,969 --> 01:07:18,480 in which a little boy abducted by Plettinckx was abused? 413 01:07:19,683 --> 01:07:24,609 Bjorn. - What is all this? 414 01:07:26,356 --> 01:07:29,525 First you go on about a biter. 415 01:07:29,526 --> 01:07:34,287 Then you talk about films from a hundred years ago. 416 01:07:49,880 --> 01:07:52,718 This isn't the last you've seen of me. - Fuck off! 417 01:08:13,486 --> 01:08:17,736 Calm down, calm down. It's OK. It's OK. 418 01:08:22,120 --> 01:08:23,746 Nick isn't in? - I can't reach him. 419 01:08:23,747 --> 01:08:26,964 I haven't seen him but my number plate register was open. 420 01:08:31,630 --> 01:08:34,765 What is that? - I don't know. It was lying here. 421 01:09:15,757 --> 01:09:17,220 Help! 422 01:09:18,385 --> 01:09:20,512 Help! 423 01:09:20,554 --> 01:09:22,348 Help! 424 01:09:22,514 --> 01:09:24,771 Help. 425 01:09:25,141 --> 01:09:27,849 Help! 426 01:09:46,663 --> 01:09:49,290 Nick? We're on to something. 427 01:09:49,291 --> 01:09:53,802 The bite gave us a clear impression of the teeth. Male, older than 20. 428 01:09:54,171 --> 01:09:56,843 Mrs Nercessian is waiting for us. 429 01:09:58,091 --> 01:09:59,766 Alright. 430 01:10:00,719 --> 01:10:04,180 I'd like to have a more precise picture of the Simons family, 431 01:10:04,181 --> 01:10:06,682 starting with Alex. 432 01:10:06,683 --> 01:10:09,894 Alex, the poor guy. 433 01:10:09,895 --> 01:10:13,147 He spends all day wandering round the park. 434 01:10:13,148 --> 01:10:18,952 Hasn't Alex got a job? How does he earn a living? 435 01:10:19,905 --> 01:10:22,778 I don't know if I should tell you. 436 01:10:25,368 --> 01:10:31,832 Alex was at loggerheads with lots of families after marrying an odar. 437 01:10:31,833 --> 01:10:33,627 What is an odar? 438 01:10:34,669 --> 01:10:38,504 Well, Cindy is an odar. You too, in fact. 439 01:10:38,590 --> 01:10:40,929 It's someone who isn't Armenian. 440 01:10:41,218 --> 01:10:43,594 Is Alex Simons Armenian? 441 01:10:43,595 --> 01:10:46,514 His grandfather and mine fought the Turks together. 442 01:10:46,515 --> 01:10:48,933 Simons isn't an Armenian name. 443 01:10:48,934 --> 01:10:53,354 Simonian is. That's his name in Armenian. 444 01:10:53,355 --> 01:10:58,482 In our community in Antwerp lots of Armenians have changed their surname. 445 01:10:58,693 --> 01:11:00,322 Simonian? - Yes. 446 01:11:00,612 --> 01:11:01,946 Stay here. 447 01:11:01,947 --> 01:11:04,281 Simonian, Alerian. 448 01:11:04,282 --> 01:11:08,662 The guy was in prison for two years for the indecent assault of a minor. 449 01:11:09,246 --> 01:11:12,248 We should have checked. - He was the victim, half-dead. 450 01:11:12,249 --> 01:11:15,253 I should have checked. - Did he tie himself up? 451 01:11:16,628 --> 01:11:19,505 It's possible. First his feet, then his hands. 452 01:11:19,506 --> 01:11:24,301 And hit himself over the head? - That head wound was only superficial. 453 01:11:24,302 --> 01:11:27,888 We need the guy's DNA and an impression of his teeth. 454 01:11:29,224 --> 01:11:31,315 Can you call the lab for the DNA? 455 01:11:33,103 --> 01:11:34,770 Is Alex Simons at your place? 456 01:11:34,771 --> 01:11:38,858 No, he's probably in the park or at his own house. 457 01:11:38,859 --> 01:11:41,696 He's finding it hard to cope. - Thank you. 458 01:12:34,372 --> 01:12:38,501 I've seen you in the paper. You're investigating that case. 459 01:12:38,502 --> 01:12:40,252 If you'll excuse me, I'm busy. 460 01:12:40,253 --> 01:12:42,963 Maybe we could... I've got a theory. 461 01:12:42,964 --> 01:12:47,092 The Simons family was about to go away for the weekend. You should ask yourself 462 01:12:47,093 --> 01:12:49,512 if that is relevant. - We already have. 463 01:12:49,513 --> 01:12:51,180 Oh, OK. - Will you excuse me? 464 01:12:51,181 --> 01:12:53,390 I was Robin's swimming teacher. 465 01:12:54,684 --> 01:12:57,269 Have you got information about Robin? 466 01:12:57,270 --> 01:12:58,851 No. 467 01:12:59,147 --> 01:13:05,201 Um... has anyone said anything about a troll? 468 01:13:06,822 --> 01:13:09,448 What? - The children are talking about one 469 01:13:09,449 --> 01:13:12,618 and I wondered if the police knew. 470 01:13:12,619 --> 01:13:15,830 Has one of your pupils seen a troll? Come into contact with it? 471 01:13:15,831 --> 01:13:17,957 No, but... they talk about one. 472 01:13:17,958 --> 01:13:23,335 He climbs the wall at night and looks in through their bedroom window. 473 01:13:23,630 --> 01:13:28,926 Right. Well... I'd be happy to have you write all that information down. 474 01:13:28,927 --> 01:13:33,055 Feel free to contact us. If you'd excuse me, I'm working on a theory of my own. 475 01:13:33,056 --> 01:13:35,977 But the troll... - Please stay behind the tape. 476 01:13:36,184 --> 01:13:41,397 Typical of the police. They always have theories. But if someone else has... 477 01:13:41,398 --> 01:13:44,775 I'd like you to stay behind the tape. - They have to be Mr Big. 478 01:13:44,776 --> 01:13:48,362 That's it, don't listen to someone who maybe knows something. 479 01:14:57,599 --> 01:15:00,809 I don't feel well. I can't stand things in my mouth. 480 01:15:00,810 --> 01:15:04,021 We need that impression. To eliminate suspects. 481 01:15:04,022 --> 01:15:07,276 It won't take long. - Do I have to explain in Armenian? 482 01:15:08,443 --> 01:15:10,861 Do you want to find your son's murderer or not? 483 01:15:10,862 --> 01:15:14,911 Don't waste your time then. You've wasted enough time already. 484 01:15:15,158 --> 01:15:19,245 What if another family is tied up somewhere? Have you thought about that? 485 01:15:19,246 --> 01:15:21,914 What are you saying? What are you trying to say? 486 01:15:21,915 --> 01:15:24,291 The alginate is ready. - He has to answer first. 487 01:15:24,292 --> 01:15:30,130 It has to go in now, it hardens immediately. Open your mouth. OK. 488 01:15:30,131 --> 01:15:33,592 Take it easy. Take it easy. It only takes a minute. 489 01:15:33,593 --> 01:15:39,848 Breathe through your nose. Breathe calmly through your nose. 490 01:15:47,899 --> 01:15:51,402 What was that about another family? 491 01:15:51,820 --> 01:15:53,662 He needs to go to hospital. 492 01:16:00,787 --> 01:16:03,210 I have to do the right thing. 493 01:16:12,299 --> 01:16:14,307 I have to do the right thing. 494 01:16:22,434 --> 01:16:25,686 According to the lab, the DNA matches that of Alex Simons. 495 01:16:25,687 --> 01:16:28,689 So his story about an intruder is nothing but a lie. 496 01:16:28,690 --> 01:16:31,609 We need to check if there is any history of abuse. 497 01:16:31,610 --> 01:16:34,778 We'll contact Robin's teachers, doctors, friends. 498 01:16:34,779 --> 01:16:36,238 Let me deal with Simons. 499 01:16:36,239 --> 01:16:39,992 We will deal with him but he's too weak now. He's not going anywhere. 500 01:16:39,993 --> 01:16:44,338 Now he's weak is a good time. He wandered round that park for days. 501 01:16:44,539 --> 01:16:49,501 Go to that park. Ask if anyone saw him there and where and what he was doing. 502 01:17:29,501 --> 01:17:34,427 I'm an Indian. I'm an Indian. - Later. Later. 503 01:17:41,304 --> 01:17:47,351 Do you remember the bad guy? The bad guy who broke your head? 504 01:17:47,352 --> 01:17:50,606 Ivan. - Ivan, yes. Ivan and the rest? 505 01:17:54,359 --> 01:17:58,779 Pl... Plet... Plettin... - Plettinckx. Ivan Plettinckx. 506 01:17:58,780 --> 01:18:05,077 Who took you in afterwards? - Nancy. 507 01:18:05,078 --> 01:18:09,582 Nancy. Yes. As long as you know. 508 01:18:09,583 --> 01:18:16,183 If anyone ever asks you, never forget to tell them who saved you. Eh? 509 01:18:16,339 --> 01:18:18,549 Who saved you? 510 01:18:20,302 --> 01:18:23,472 Nancy. - Nancy. 511 01:18:25,390 --> 01:18:28,395 Ronny and Nancy. Remember that. 512 01:18:29,227 --> 01:18:32,197 Yes. Where is my Indian? 513 01:18:35,984 --> 01:18:39,119 I washed your Indian. 514 01:18:52,209 --> 01:18:56,670 You have to stay here in this caravan for a bit longer. 515 01:18:56,671 --> 01:18:59,759 I'm expecting some visitors at home. 516 01:19:06,181 --> 01:19:08,639 I need to speak to Alex Simons. 517 01:19:10,060 --> 01:19:12,811 No visitors. Mr Simons has a stomach ulcer. 518 01:19:12,812 --> 01:19:15,814 Just one minute? - He's developed peritonitis. 519 01:19:15,815 --> 01:19:20,820 He's full of antibiotics and Dr Devriendt left explicit instructions. 520 01:19:20,821 --> 01:19:23,948 You've just arrived, eh? Has your shift already started? 521 01:19:23,949 --> 01:19:26,742 Maybe you haven't read those instructions yet. 522 01:19:26,743 --> 01:19:29,078 I really do need to speak to Alex Simons. 523 01:19:29,079 --> 01:19:33,211 He knows something. It's so we can prevent it happening to another child. 524 01:19:49,724 --> 01:19:52,226 Stop lying, pal. 525 01:19:52,227 --> 01:19:55,688 Listen carefully. I can't allow it to happen to another child, 526 01:19:55,689 --> 01:19:59,773 so if you know something or are hiding something, now is the time to say. 527 01:20:02,320 --> 01:20:04,328 Bloody hell. 528 01:20:08,577 --> 01:20:10,537 Tell me. Tell me then. 529 01:20:11,288 --> 01:20:14,623 Sorry, I got caught in the bag of blood. It's OK. I just... 530 01:20:14,624 --> 01:20:17,168 Leave, now! - No, he's going to say something. 531 01:20:17,169 --> 01:20:19,670 No. - Say it. 532 01:20:19,671 --> 01:20:21,589 Out. - He's going to say something. 533 01:20:21,590 --> 01:20:23,549 Sir! Get out! 534 01:20:23,550 --> 01:20:25,225 Fuck you. 535 01:20:25,594 --> 01:20:29,060 He needs blood. - He was going to say something. 536 01:20:50,243 --> 01:20:54,955 I've got what you want to know. I want the videos and something else. 537 01:20:54,956 --> 01:20:57,708 It's too late. We've found the biter without you. 538 01:20:57,709 --> 01:21:03,348 I know something about the other boy you referred to. 539 01:21:03,465 --> 01:21:06,434 He came on the scene later. 540 01:21:26,863 --> 01:21:33,083 Hey! Come on then, tell me. What do you know? Eh? What do you know? 541 01:21:33,662 --> 01:21:36,832 Who are you working for? - What do you know? 542 01:21:37,374 --> 01:21:43,974 You're working for someone. Who is so interested in Plettinckx's toy boy? 543 01:21:44,089 --> 01:21:49,969 That's none of your business. - Someone really, really wants to know. 544 01:21:49,970 --> 01:21:55,430 And if someone really, really wants to know... there is money to be made. 545 01:21:55,892 --> 01:21:59,608 In your dreams. In your dreams! - 5,000 euros. 546 01:22:02,232 --> 01:22:04,192 And I'll tell you everything. 547 01:22:08,738 --> 01:22:10,239 D'you know what I'll do? 548 01:22:10,240 --> 01:22:15,119 I'll gift-wrap those videos and give them to Vice. That's what I'll do. 549 01:22:15,120 --> 01:22:18,706 5,000 euros and the videos disappear. 550 01:22:18,707 --> 01:22:22,589 Fuck off. - You don't know what you're missing. 551 01:22:23,420 --> 01:22:26,045 I can show you, you stupid dickhead. 552 01:22:43,940 --> 01:22:45,651 Nancy? 553 01:22:47,611 --> 01:22:49,239 Nancy? 554 01:22:50,739 --> 01:22:52,663 3,000. 555 01:23:27,359 --> 01:23:29,283 Bloody hell. 556 01:23:53,218 --> 01:23:54,635 I want to go home. - Later. 557 01:23:54,636 --> 01:23:57,888 I want to go home. I want to go home. - Later. The visitors are coming. 558 01:23:57,889 --> 01:24:01,809 I want to go. - Calm down, calm down. Later. 559 01:24:01,810 --> 01:24:04,233 Let's play a game first. A game. 560 01:24:04,312 --> 01:24:07,981 Houdini, yes. Houdini. Yes. 561 01:24:09,192 --> 01:24:11,152 Houdini. Put your hands like this. 562 01:24:12,904 --> 01:24:15,660 Here we go... Houdini. 563 01:24:24,457 --> 01:24:28,969 Houdini. Houdini. Houdini. 564 01:24:29,087 --> 01:24:34,133 And if you're good, someone will come specially to see you. 565 01:24:34,134 --> 01:24:38,478 Specially to see you. Right, now try to get out of that. 566 01:25:45,413 --> 01:25:46,994 Nick? 567 01:25:55,006 --> 01:25:59,844 You've helped us arrest someone who had the Vice Squad tearing their hair out. 568 01:25:59,845 --> 01:26:02,346 Almost all computers seized from paedophiles 569 01:26:02,347 --> 01:26:05,891 had the same commercial for Larry Films on them. 570 01:26:05,892 --> 01:26:09,027 The only clue is the tattoo on the slut with the boys. 571 01:26:10,814 --> 01:26:15,859 We never found her. Or those films. But you have, apparently. 572 01:26:16,403 --> 01:26:19,155 I found that heart in Plettinckx's letters. 573 01:26:19,156 --> 01:26:22,029 I thought it may have something to do with Bjorn. 574 01:26:22,784 --> 01:26:26,952 You checked her brother's number plate. Was that in the letter too? 575 01:26:27,622 --> 01:26:31,338 It's a dead end. The guy is... he is literally dead. 576 01:26:31,626 --> 01:26:35,093 If you're working on something, Nick, don't exclude me. 577 01:26:35,422 --> 01:26:38,260 I mean it. - OK. 578 01:26:41,469 --> 01:26:43,012 You didn't call me. 579 01:26:43,013 --> 01:26:46,640 We had DNA quicker, the teeth impression was no longer necessary. 580 01:26:46,641 --> 01:26:48,270 You can still invoice us. 581 01:26:48,935 --> 01:26:52,897 Don't I have to look at anything? The impression of another set of teeth? 582 01:26:52,898 --> 01:26:56,816 Not for now. The DNA was very clear... Alex Simons. 583 01:26:57,360 --> 01:27:02,865 Simons? Really? So who bit the boy? 584 01:27:02,866 --> 01:27:05,910 What do you mean? - It certainly wasn't Simons. 585 01:27:05,911 --> 01:27:09,497 I managed to save some of the impression he spat out. 586 01:27:09,498 --> 01:27:13,001 It definitely doesn't match that bite. 587 01:27:13,960 --> 01:27:17,879 Alex Simons didn't bite him. The guy is still out there. 588 01:31:34,095 --> 01:31:35,973 Danni... 589 01:32:11,758 --> 01:32:13,008 So this was his lair. 590 01:32:13,009 --> 01:32:18,305 I saw the rubbish but was looking for a kid. No one mentioned food leftovers. 591 01:32:18,306 --> 01:32:22,936 Christ. What have we done to Alex Simons? 592 01:32:37,450 --> 01:32:38,782 Nick... 593 01:32:44,166 --> 01:32:48,043 It could be true. That the guy climbs walls and stares in at kids. 594 01:32:48,044 --> 01:32:51,547 Are we back to the troll? - Someone told me about it in detail. 595 01:32:51,548 --> 01:32:56,302 Check who was Robin's swimming teacher. - OK. 596 01:32:56,303 --> 01:33:00,222 Nick, someone called Chris Gommaer works at the swimming pool. 597 01:33:00,223 --> 01:33:03,392 The court has forbidden him to contact his young son. 598 01:33:03,393 --> 01:33:06,729 He lives in Morckhoven Avenue. Like in that old case. 599 01:33:06,730 --> 01:33:08,987 Mr Gommaer? 600 01:33:13,945 --> 01:33:16,783 It's alright, madam. I've come to see him. 601 01:33:18,325 --> 01:33:20,083 Come on. 602 01:33:25,540 --> 01:33:27,667 Come on. Get out of the water. 603 01:34:38,655 --> 01:34:42,406 That's him, eh? That's your son. That's Kenny, isn't it? 604 01:34:43,827 --> 01:34:47,329 If your wife asks for you to be kept away from your son 605 01:34:47,330 --> 01:34:50,168 and the court agrees, there must be a reason. Eh? 606 01:34:50,625 --> 01:34:52,206 I'm not a paedophile. 607 01:34:54,462 --> 01:34:57,550 Kenny is the person I love most in all the world. 608 01:34:58,175 --> 01:35:01,179 What would you call someone who rapes children then? 609 01:35:05,432 --> 01:35:08,483 He made me. - What? 610 01:35:09,769 --> 01:35:11,694 He made me. 611 01:35:13,815 --> 01:35:16,606 Who? - The troll. 612 01:35:21,239 --> 01:35:22,950 Where is he? 613 01:35:23,533 --> 01:35:24,829 Is he inside you? 614 01:35:26,620 --> 01:35:28,497 We were ready to leave. 615 01:35:29,873 --> 01:35:31,336 All packed. 616 01:35:33,210 --> 01:35:35,383 Then he came in. 617 01:35:36,838 --> 01:35:38,422 Via the roof. 618 01:35:38,423 --> 01:35:41,759 Do you know him? - He's back. 619 01:35:42,552 --> 01:35:46,684 That was him. In Robin Simons' house. That was him. 620 01:35:53,313 --> 01:35:57,658 Alex... what happened at your house? 621 01:35:57,984 --> 01:36:01,700 We think we know but we want you to tell us. 622 01:36:09,996 --> 01:36:14,923 We've found another victim. He's told us everything. 623 01:36:22,509 --> 01:36:24,848 Were photos taken in your house too? 624 01:36:34,855 --> 01:36:37,112 I can understand it isn't easy. 625 01:36:37,566 --> 01:36:41,694 I hope it happens to you one day. I really do. 626 01:36:41,695 --> 01:36:44,201 That you have to make the same choice. 627 01:36:45,824 --> 01:36:48,116 What choice, Alex? 628 01:36:53,582 --> 01:36:55,542 What choice? 629 01:37:01,214 --> 01:37:05,014 He held a knife here. 630 01:37:09,514 --> 01:37:14,357 On... On Robin's stomach. He was going to fillet him like a fish. 631 01:37:22,611 --> 01:37:25,746 It would have been better if he'd killed us all. 632 01:37:39,169 --> 01:37:41,592 What those people have been through... 633 01:37:42,839 --> 01:37:46,888 Then we turn up and drag them through it again. 634 01:37:48,595 --> 01:37:52,932 I don't know if I believe he was blindfolded the whole time. 635 01:37:52,933 --> 01:37:54,893 He remembers a lot of details. 636 01:37:55,310 --> 01:37:59,897 But if he was, Gommaer was the only one to have caught a glimpse of this troll. 637 01:37:59,898 --> 01:38:01,989 That was ten years ago. 638 01:38:02,901 --> 01:38:04,861 We're no closer to finding him. 639 01:39:07,674 --> 01:39:11,260 Frank, just one minute? - You know it's not allowed, Nick. 640 01:39:11,261 --> 01:39:13,679 One minute? Come on. - Quickly then. 641 01:39:13,680 --> 01:39:15,558 Really quickly, eh? 642 01:39:18,685 --> 01:39:21,020 This isn't because of me. OK? 643 01:39:21,021 --> 01:39:23,646 You gave them the videos. - They've got nothing. 644 01:39:23,648 --> 01:39:27,526 Just an old film from the internet. - Yeah, right. 645 01:39:27,527 --> 01:39:33,616 Come here. You have to believe me. I was on my way to see you, with money. 646 01:39:33,617 --> 01:39:37,416 Really. Come on, give me something. What do you know about the biter? 647 01:39:37,662 --> 01:39:40,831 The biter? I thought you had him? 648 01:39:40,832 --> 01:39:43,459 Give me something. A description. An age. 649 01:39:43,460 --> 01:39:47,922 Unmanageable. Bites. Pisses everywhere. 650 01:39:47,923 --> 01:39:51,592 Plettinckx only had him with him once. But what he looks like now... 651 01:39:53,428 --> 01:39:57,097 I know more about the other one. Do you want to know about him? 652 01:39:57,098 --> 01:40:00,309 Come on, Nick, finish it. We need to... - Yeah, right away. 653 01:40:00,310 --> 01:40:05,105 I'll see if those videos don't surface first. I'm in court in two days' time. 654 01:40:05,106 --> 01:40:10,736 If they've only got that old commercial, they'll let me go, eh? Otherwise... 655 01:40:10,737 --> 01:40:12,828 Shame. 656 01:40:13,073 --> 01:40:16,700 Come on, Nick. That's it. We're off. - Shame. 657 01:40:16,701 --> 01:40:19,671 Nick? - A real shame. 658 01:40:20,997 --> 01:40:22,673 Fuck. 659 01:40:34,261 --> 01:40:36,103 Nancy! 660 01:40:43,061 --> 01:40:44,903 Nancy! 661 01:40:50,235 --> 01:40:52,077 Nancy! 662 01:41:13,758 --> 01:41:17,219 I know where the smell of urine in the Simonses' house came from. 663 01:41:17,220 --> 01:41:20,972 Those red areas are sources of female hormones. That's the cupboard. 664 01:41:21,016 --> 01:41:25,728 I think he disinfected them with his own piss. Look. 665 01:41:27,230 --> 01:41:31,445 In this they say female hormones cause impotence. 666 01:41:32,611 --> 01:41:34,153 Could that be his motive? 667 01:41:34,154 --> 01:41:40,124 Maybe bigger or... a nose that... I can't see it there. I... 668 01:41:52,297 --> 01:41:55,931 Did he touch your son himself? - He couldn't. 669 01:41:58,803 --> 01:42:03,350 He was impotent. - Why didn't you report this? 670 01:42:06,311 --> 01:42:10,523 My wife thought that... it was better for Kenny. 671 01:42:10,524 --> 01:42:15,402 That he isn't constantly... 672 01:42:15,403 --> 01:42:18,574 That he isn't constantly reminded... 673 01:42:19,074 --> 01:42:25,079 But it didn't stop her taking him I don't know where. 674 01:42:25,080 --> 01:42:29,460 But maybe... maybe that is a good thing. 675 01:42:30,001 --> 01:42:35,548 Because... only a sick pervert would make that choice, 676 01:42:35,549 --> 01:42:40,890 a normal person would... - What? Let his child die? 677 01:42:42,639 --> 01:42:45,266 That's not a choice. - He would have done it. 678 01:42:45,267 --> 01:42:51,190 He had used the same knife to... slash a policewoman open once. 679 01:42:51,439 --> 01:42:53,399 That's what he said. 680 01:42:54,818 --> 01:42:58,612 I... I thought that maybe he was arrested after that, 681 01:42:58,613 --> 01:43:03,075 because I combed the papers for years to find something 682 01:43:03,076 --> 01:43:08,247 that resembled, if even only slightly, what... what happened to us... 683 01:43:08,248 --> 01:43:10,007 Nothing. 684 01:43:15,463 --> 01:43:17,306 I'll be back. 685 01:43:17,674 --> 01:43:19,385 Iris? 686 01:43:19,509 --> 01:43:22,181 Can you start your system up again? - OK. 687 01:43:22,345 --> 01:43:28,316 Look for convictions for stabbing a policewoman, go back to 2000, 2001. 688 01:45:03,613 --> 01:45:06,583 Hans! Hans! 689 01:45:07,701 --> 01:45:09,578 Hans! 690 01:45:10,912 --> 01:45:12,327 Hans! 691 01:45:17,878 --> 01:45:19,553 Where is Joff? 692 01:45:31,183 --> 01:45:32,562 Joff... 693 01:45:33,810 --> 01:45:35,521 Joff! 694 01:45:38,190 --> 01:45:39,521 Joff! 695 01:45:44,488 --> 01:45:46,365 I've got a name. 696 01:45:49,117 --> 01:45:51,825 The guy was sectioned. 697 01:45:54,206 --> 01:45:57,921 Bloody hell. Right under our nose. Come on. 698 01:46:13,767 --> 01:46:15,858 Police. 699 01:46:16,770 --> 01:46:18,481 Claeren? 700 01:46:29,074 --> 01:46:35,246 Pateet, call the lab. Wait downstairs by the lift. And someone by the stairs. 701 01:46:56,434 --> 01:46:58,561 PROLACTIN - FEMALE TOXIN 702 01:47:09,406 --> 01:47:12,909 IMPOTENCE IS AN ATTACK B Y THE FEMALE HORMONE 703 01:47:23,128 --> 01:47:26,548 STOP MEDICATION START OWN TREATMENT 704 01:47:52,115 --> 01:47:53,696 Danni? 705 01:47:59,247 --> 01:48:01,504 I don't believe it... 706 01:48:03,627 --> 01:48:06,299 I want to see the cellar. - Christ. 707 01:49:07,023 --> 01:49:08,319 Oh God. 708 01:49:33,341 --> 01:49:35,634 That's all piss. 709 01:49:44,311 --> 01:49:49,154 They're clothes. Bloody hell, the disgusting bastard! 710 01:49:53,278 --> 01:49:56,113 Patient fixated on delusion that he is a new variety. 711 01:49:56,114 --> 01:50:00,159 The new stage in the evolution that no longer has man's weaknesses. 712 01:50:00,160 --> 01:50:04,540 He sees his impotence as an attack by female hormones to prevent evolution. 713 01:50:04,581 --> 01:50:07,875 Prolactins are female toxin. It's heavy, falls to the ground. 714 01:50:07,876 --> 01:50:10,794 Everything was up off the floor in his apartment. 715 01:50:10,795 --> 01:50:14,507 It's the highest building, the highest apartment in the area. 716 01:50:14,508 --> 01:50:17,725 He'd hidden Robin up high in a tree. 717 01:50:19,346 --> 01:50:22,433 Hold on, that can't be Robin. Robin was tied to a stove. 718 01:50:24,851 --> 01:50:27,393 Bloody hell, look at that date. 719 01:50:37,322 --> 01:50:39,200 Alex? 720 01:50:42,536 --> 01:50:44,116 Ale... 721 01:50:46,498 --> 01:50:48,589 What are you doing here? 722 01:50:53,630 --> 01:50:55,508 You have to help me. 723 01:50:56,424 --> 01:51:00,719 Another family is now going through the same hell. You have to help. 724 01:51:00,720 --> 01:51:03,143 You are the only one who can help me. 725 01:51:06,142 --> 01:51:08,519 Why do you think he chose you? 726 01:51:08,520 --> 01:51:11,393 Why you? Why your family? Why? 727 01:51:11,773 --> 01:51:17,613 Did you notice anything? In recent weeks, recent days. Something. Anything. 728 01:51:20,365 --> 01:51:22,040 Come on. 729 01:51:30,584 --> 01:51:32,675 The smell in the house. 730 01:51:34,421 --> 01:51:38,469 The smell of... of piss and something rotting. 731 01:51:39,176 --> 01:51:43,179 And... the bottles of milk kept disappearing 732 01:51:43,180 --> 01:51:47,809 and we would find them right at the bottom of the garden. 733 01:52:01,740 --> 01:52:02,948 No. 734 01:52:02,949 --> 01:52:06,334 I can't. No! 735 01:52:08,330 --> 01:52:09,875 Hans? 736 01:52:11,208 --> 01:52:12,290 No. 737 01:52:35,273 --> 01:52:37,198 Take his underpants off. 738 01:52:38,652 --> 01:52:42,655 Take his underpants off. - I can't. 739 01:52:42,656 --> 01:52:45,197 Take his underpants off, I said. - I can't. 740 01:52:47,077 --> 01:52:49,912 Now take your trousers... - No. 741 01:52:49,913 --> 01:52:52,538 Take your trousers off. 742 01:52:57,003 --> 01:52:58,798 Put it in him. 743 01:52:59,339 --> 01:53:00,923 No. - Put... 744 01:53:00,924 --> 01:53:02,255 No. 745 01:53:02,968 --> 01:53:05,928 I can't do that. - Put it bloody in him. 746 01:53:05,929 --> 01:53:08,055 I can't do it. - Put it in him, I said! 747 01:53:08,056 --> 01:53:09,601 I can't do it. 748 01:53:15,480 --> 01:53:18,900 I can't do it. No. No. 749 01:53:18,942 --> 01:53:21,400 No. - Joff? Joff? 750 01:53:22,320 --> 01:53:23,569 No! 751 01:53:29,953 --> 01:53:33,124 Prolactin, Goddammit! Prolactin. 752 01:53:45,177 --> 01:53:47,011 Help! 753 01:53:47,012 --> 01:53:48,343 Help! 754 01:53:49,764 --> 01:53:53,564 Help! Help! 755 01:53:56,730 --> 01:53:58,654 Help! 756 01:54:03,737 --> 01:54:05,151 You bastard! 757 01:54:15,582 --> 01:54:18,503 Help! 758 01:54:19,961 --> 01:54:21,341 Help! 759 01:54:33,683 --> 01:54:35,643 The police are on their way. 760 01:55:15,851 --> 01:55:17,693 Hey! 761 01:55:19,437 --> 01:55:22,525 Goddammit! Stop! 762 01:55:38,623 --> 01:55:41,249 Stop! Let go of him! 763 01:55:41,877 --> 01:55:43,754 Let go of that child. 764 01:55:47,424 --> 01:55:49,099 Let go of him. 765 01:55:52,846 --> 01:55:54,605 Let go of him. 766 01:56:00,020 --> 01:56:01,778 Let go of him. 767 01:56:07,777 --> 01:56:10,865 OK. OK. Now move aside. 768 01:56:13,909 --> 01:56:15,288 Move away from him. 769 01:56:17,496 --> 01:56:19,420 Go back. 770 01:56:20,540 --> 01:56:22,121 Go back. 771 01:56:43,897 --> 01:56:47,364 I need him. For the treatment. 772 01:56:52,656 --> 01:56:58,786 I'm entitled to treatment. I... I'm entitled to treatment. 773 01:56:58,787 --> 01:57:01,542 I'm entitled to treatment! 774 01:58:33,924 --> 01:58:37,218 Hey, put that child down, Claeren! 775 01:58:37,219 --> 01:58:39,013 You can't get away. 776 01:58:49,856 --> 01:58:51,187 It's OK 777 01:58:56,363 --> 01:58:59,664 It'll be fine. Everything will be fine. 778 01:59:05,872 --> 01:59:07,797 I'll be back. I'll be back. 779 01:59:10,502 --> 01:59:13,886 Can you hear them? Can you hear the police? 780 01:59:16,967 --> 01:59:19,058 Claeren! 781 02:01:38,567 --> 02:01:40,242 No. 782 02:01:43,196 --> 02:01:45,204 Don't. 783 02:02:32,329 --> 02:02:33,624 It'll be fine. 784 02:03:42,566 --> 02:03:44,657 They are for you. 785 02:03:47,571 --> 02:03:51,703 They are enough to ensure Nancy Lammers won't be released for the time being. 786 02:04:06,715 --> 02:04:08,758 You frighten me sometimes. 787 02:04:10,260 --> 02:04:15,103 Plettinckx wanted me to find them. He led me to them. 788 02:04:17,058 --> 02:04:21,226 He wanted me to see, to know. 789 02:04:28,153 --> 02:04:32,949 She wanted... She wanted those videos. She wanted money. 790 02:04:36,495 --> 02:04:38,502 Then she'd show me stuff. 791 02:04:41,166 --> 02:04:43,458 Do you know about Bjorn now? 792 02:04:57,265 --> 02:05:01,978 I've had enough. I'm selling my house. 793 02:05:02,771 --> 02:05:04,399 It stops here. 794 02:05:18,870 --> 02:05:21,127 Nancy! 795 02:05:22,123 --> 02:05:23,704 Nancy!