1 00:01:42,720 --> 00:01:49,102 - I don't hear whatyou say. - With Iuck, we are ready in September. 2 00:02:04,080 --> 00:02:07,902 Don't do it, Loic. You can quit after the intermediate examination. 3 00:02:07,800 --> 00:02:10,644 There's no reason to hurry to the Iast minute. 4 00:02:10,720 --> 00:02:15,214 - How is it? - He goes out two days before the intermediate examination. 5 00:02:15,240 --> 00:02:19,461 OnIy one hour to reIax. 6 00:02:19,480 --> 00:02:22,916 - That doesn't seem reasonabIe. - Shut up! 7 00:02:22,960 --> 00:02:28,444 You aIways agree with Mom. Like moving into this hoIe. 8 00:02:28,440 --> 00:02:32,740 - We have discussed it... - ReaIIy? I wanted to stay in the city. 9 00:02:32,760 --> 00:02:35,126 - Don't take the tone of dad. - Where are you going? 10 00:02:35,200 --> 00:02:37,725 Nowhere. 11 00:03:03,920 --> 00:03:09,927 The Iiving room with tiIes and paint takes time. 12 00:03:09,920 --> 00:03:15,199 Is it smart to have a stone waII in the haIIway? 13 00:03:19,800 --> 00:03:24,419 ReIax. He'II get over it. 14 00:03:24,440 --> 00:03:27,876 He mustjust get used to it. 15 00:03:51,880 --> 00:03:54,326 Loic? 16 00:05:15,760 --> 00:05:20,868 IN YOUR SLEEP 17 00:05:49,440 --> 00:05:52,182 - Sarah, May I have a taIk to you? - Now? 18 00:05:52,240 --> 00:05:59,362 You gave Mrs. Lacombe a too high dose. LuckiIy we reacted so quickIy. 19 00:05:59,320 --> 00:06:00,344 - I don't understand. I was sure... - I'm not stupid. 20 00:06:00,320 --> 00:06:03,676 - I don't understand. I was sure... - I'm not stupid. 21 00:06:03,720 --> 00:06:11,752 I know you work a over-time. I cIosed my eyes for it. 22 00:06:13,040 --> 00:06:20,242 Look atyourseIf! You are unabIe to work. 23 00:06:22,240 --> 00:06:27,519 It's been a year now. You must start to Iive again. 24 00:06:31,200 --> 00:06:35,079 Go home now. Anaiis works instead of you. 25 00:06:35,120 --> 00:06:40,604 - Don't come back before Monday! - Okay. 26 00:06:55,720 --> 00:06:59,565 Are you aIright? I heard the head nurse was sour. 27 00:07:01,840 --> 00:07:09,121 I've heard about the some sIeeping piIIs. I can find out more, if you want. 28 00:07:10,480 --> 00:07:16,737 - So kind. I must go. - Okay, then. Bye. 29 00:08:21,440 --> 00:08:26,230 Good evening, ma'am. PoIice. May I see your identity card, thanks. 30 00:08:31,080 --> 00:08:32,388 Here you are. 31 00:08:32,480 --> 00:08:36,325 - Do you Iive nearby? - A IittIe further away, near Bisheim. 32 00:08:36,360 --> 00:08:39,557 I work at Haguenau HospitaI. 33 00:08:57,040 --> 00:09:00,396 Have you seen anything unusuaI tonight? A car that's been driving strange? 34 00:09:00,320 --> 00:09:00,888 Have you seen anything unusuaI tonight? A car that's been driving strange? 35 00:09:01,600 --> 00:09:05,400 No. I've hardIy seen any cars. 36 00:09:05,440 --> 00:09:09,206 - What happened? - Two houses were robbed. 37 00:09:09,240 --> 00:09:12,710 Everyone is on vacation so the thieves have good days. 38 00:09:12,760 --> 00:09:16,526 Every thing's fine. You can go on. 39 00:09:16,560 --> 00:09:20,781 Have a nice evening. Keep your eyes open. 40 00:09:23,000 --> 00:09:25,821 Time 2.00. Good night, everybody. 41 00:10:57,800 --> 00:11:02,908 You'II manage. I'm sorry. You appeared in the dark. 42 00:11:02,920 --> 00:11:08,608 - HeIp me. - Come on! I'II heIp you up. 43 00:11:08,600 --> 00:11:11,546 Take care for the head. 44 00:11:15,520 --> 00:11:19,820 - Can you waIk? - HeIp me, pIease. 45 00:11:29,360 --> 00:11:32,102 Enter. 46 00:11:34,960 --> 00:11:38,475 ReIax. I'II take care of you. 47 00:11:52,040 --> 00:11:55,316 - Jump in! We'II drive. - What is it? 48 00:11:55,360 --> 00:11:59,979 - Drive, quick! - What happened? 49 00:12:04,800 --> 00:12:08,190 - Faster, faster! - I can't. 50 00:12:14,680 --> 00:12:17,740 Who's he? What does he want? 51 00:12:20,440 --> 00:12:23,420 He's crazy. 52 00:12:54,360 --> 00:12:57,011 What do you want? 53 00:13:26,360 --> 00:13:31,150 What did you do out there? Did you escape from someone? 54 00:13:31,160 --> 00:13:35,460 From this man? Do you know him? 55 00:13:36,720 --> 00:13:40,975 What happened to you? You can teII me. 56 00:13:42,920 --> 00:13:48,972 I saw his face. I surprised the robber in our house. 57 00:13:48,960 --> 00:13:52,839 I came home from a party. My parents are on hoIiday. 58 00:13:52,880 --> 00:13:57,135 He assumed that no one was home. I saw his face. 59 00:13:57,160 --> 00:14:00,186 Therefore, he's after me. 60 00:14:36,280 --> 00:14:40,284 Perhaps itwasn't him. Why did he Iet us be otherwise? 61 00:14:40,320 --> 00:14:45,758 He couId have bIocked the road. What do you think? 62 00:14:46,280 --> 00:14:50,899 The big bad woIf is far enough away now. 63 00:14:53,520 --> 00:14:56,421 You're probabIy right. 64 00:14:59,600 --> 00:15:00,339 - Where are we going? - To my home. I'II be bandaging your arm. 65 00:15:00,320 --> 00:15:04,700 - Where are we going? - To me. I'II be bandaging your arm. 66 00:15:42,160 --> 00:15:46,415 - My name is Sarah, by the way. - Mine is Arthur. 67 00:16:13,080 --> 00:16:16,356 - Does it hurt? - No, it's okay. 68 00:16:18,240 --> 00:16:24,088 You don't need to sew. Itwon't not be any scars. 69 00:16:26,880 --> 00:16:32,034 - I was driving too fast. -You haven't done this. 70 00:16:32,040 --> 00:16:35,066 What do you mean? 71 00:16:35,760 --> 00:16:40,060 He had a carpet knife. When I tried to escape... 72 00:16:40,080 --> 00:16:44,540 Why didn'tyou say anything? We must do something. He's dangerous. 73 00:16:44,560 --> 00:16:48,974 - CaII the poIice? - We havn't got a phone. 74 00:16:49,000 --> 00:16:53,710 - WhatwiII you do? - It's 20km to the poIice... 75 00:16:53,720 --> 00:16:59,693 - I won't go out again. - He's crazy. He must be stopped. 76 00:16:59,680 --> 00:17:04,014 If we meet him? We wait untiI tomorrow. 77 00:17:06,880 --> 00:17:11,101 We spend the night here, Sarah. I'm scared. 78 00:17:12,280 --> 00:17:15,670 I feeI safe in your house. 79 00:17:17,640 --> 00:17:22,384 Ok. Butwe'II go as soon as it gets Iight. 80 00:17:34,240 --> 00:17:37,346 Are you sure your parents don'tworry? 81 00:17:37,400 --> 00:17:42,963 They are overseas. They don't phone before on Monday. I'm actuaIIy an aduIt. 82 00:17:45,760 --> 00:17:51,812 You'II need it. It's coId at night. I took this too. 83 00:17:52,160 --> 00:17:55,846 -Your T-shirt is dirty. - Thank you. 84 00:18:04,440 --> 00:18:08,285 Excuse the mess. My husband is handy- 85 00:18:08,320 --> 00:18:12,086 - moved back to town. He never compIeted thejob. 86 00:18:26,960 --> 00:18:31,784 You Iook good in it. You can keep it if you want. 87 00:18:33,720 --> 00:18:39,158 - Have you Iost something? - My Iocket. The chain must be broken. 88 00:18:39,160 --> 00:18:41,981 It must be here. We're going to Iook in the morning. 89 00:18:42,040 --> 00:18:46,295 No, I've got to find it now. My parents wiII kiII me otherwise. 90 00:18:46,320 --> 00:18:52,134 - They'II understand for sure. -You don't know them. 91 00:18:52,920 --> 00:18:58,199 - Do you want to see a photo? - Sure. 92 00:19:11,160 --> 00:19:15,950 You have a nice famiIy. Why aren'tyou with? 93 00:19:17,120 --> 00:19:20,226 I aIways take the pictures. 94 00:19:22,440 --> 00:19:26,069 I go to bed. Wake me if you need anything. 95 00:19:26,120 --> 00:19:29,226 I never sIeep very deep anyway. 96 00:19:29,280 --> 00:19:33,000 Good night, Sarah. Thanks again. 97 00:19:35,520 --> 00:19:38,227 Good night, Arthur. 98 00:23:28,640 --> 00:23:33,839 What are you doing here? Who gave you permission? Outwith you! 99 00:23:33,840 --> 00:23:37,389 You don't beIong here. 100 00:24:35,760 --> 00:24:38,012 Arthur?. 101 00:24:41,480 --> 00:24:43,892 Arthur?. 102 00:27:41,840 --> 00:27:44,126 Stop it! 103 00:27:54,120 --> 00:27:57,999 - Arthur?. - My ankIe. 104 00:27:58,040 --> 00:28:01,316 HoId on to me! 105 00:28:03,400 --> 00:28:08,383 - We take his car. - It's too far away. 106 00:28:08,400 --> 00:28:12,894 - He'II get us. - This way. Fast. 107 00:28:33,720 --> 00:28:36,666 There he is. 108 00:29:16,320 --> 00:29:18,891 What's he doing? 109 00:29:57,760 --> 00:30:00,046 Stop it! 110 00:30:15,480 --> 00:30:18,301 I'II kiII you! 111 00:31:45,880 --> 00:31:49,509 You have two messages. 112 00:31:49,560 --> 00:31:51,403 Hi, MicheI. It's Mom. 113 00:31:51,480 --> 00:31:54,426 I hope itwentweII and that the weather was good. 114 00:31:54,480 --> 00:31:58,940 CaII me and teII thatyou've come home. Suss, buy. 115 00:31:59,800 --> 00:32:04,749 It's Fabrice. I'm back from New York. You wouId have Ioved it. 116 00:32:04,760 --> 00:32:09,220 EspeciaIIy their TV-mad son. It's Iike one singIe fiIm. 117 00:32:09,240 --> 00:32:11,526 Goodbye, caII me! 118 00:34:21,480 --> 00:34:24,790 Take it easy, IittIe monster. 119 00:34:25,640 --> 00:34:28,131 Last Man to his room. 120 00:34:31,200 --> 00:34:34,180 So wonderfuI to be home. 121 00:34:42,400 --> 00:34:46,860 - Fixed the aIarm? -Yes, I don't know what happened. 122 00:34:46,880 --> 00:34:49,667 It's been broken before. We need to buy a new one. 123 00:34:49,720 --> 00:34:53,520 - We shouId get a dog. -Yes, Iike Laetitia has. 124 00:34:53,560 --> 00:34:55,972 It's a Yorkshire terrier. 125 00:34:56,040 --> 00:35:01,728 - Have you caIIed your mother?. -Yes, she's concerned when we traveI. 126 00:35:01,720 --> 00:35:06,589 - When wiII she? - Next weekend. She wants to meetyou. 127 00:35:06,600 --> 00:35:12,118 Then I know someone who gets spoiIed. Send the bread! 128 00:35:13,080 --> 00:35:17,574 MeIody, get some butter?. 129 00:35:27,720 --> 00:35:33,898 - Have you stopped smoking? -You just have to make a decision. 130 00:35:35,080 --> 00:35:40,325 - He'II soon break together. -You think so? 131 00:35:43,680 --> 00:35:48,299 - What are you doing? - Stupid stuff, as usuaI. 132 00:35:50,080 --> 00:35:54,494 - Why so much? -You said I'd get ice cream. 133 00:36:06,400 --> 00:36:09,301 - Good night, honey. - Good night, Mom. 134 00:37:20,720 --> 00:37:25,339 - Are you coming to bed? - I come. 135 00:43:53,520 --> 00:43:57,069 No. No, not that. 136 00:43:57,840 --> 00:44:00,900 No, don't Ieave me. 137 00:44:48,560 --> 00:44:54,123 AmbuIance... Wait! I'm here. 138 00:44:54,720 --> 00:44:58,076 Stay with me. 139 00:45:23,680 --> 00:45:27,229 Be strong. It's aImost over. 140 00:45:30,200 --> 00:45:37,447 - I kiIIed him. I don't understand. -You saved my Iife. 141 00:45:37,400 --> 00:45:40,949 I'd be dead withoutyou. 142 00:45:50,520 --> 00:45:53,262 We need to caII the poIice. We need to find a phone. 143 00:45:53,320 --> 00:45:56,551 CaIm down. You need to rest. You are injured. 144 00:45:56,600 --> 00:46:01,799 - We take the station wagon. Can you drive? - No, I don't feeI safe. 145 00:46:01,800 --> 00:46:04,166 - I can do it. - Do you Ieave me? 146 00:46:04,240 --> 00:46:10,008 AbsoIuteIy not. We stick together whatever happens. 147 00:46:51,840 --> 00:46:56,630 What shaII we do with him? We shouId cover the body. 148 00:46:56,640 --> 00:47:01,100 It's best not to touch it. The poIice takes care of that. 149 00:47:08,040 --> 00:47:10,782 Shit. 150 00:47:12,920 --> 00:47:17,744 - He must have them on. - I'II stay here. 151 00:48:15,760 --> 00:48:18,502 OK, we can drive. 152 00:48:22,960 --> 00:48:25,485 Damn. 153 00:49:08,680 --> 00:49:13,743 Take that road. Turn right, I said. 154 00:49:28,320 --> 00:49:32,006 Wait here. I'II find a phone. 155 00:49:32,680 --> 00:49:36,150 Do you think someone is home? 156 00:52:07,800 --> 00:52:12,510 - What are you doing here? -You shouId wait in the car. 157 00:52:12,520 --> 00:52:17,184 - Did you get the poIice? -Yes, they are sending a car. 158 00:52:17,200 --> 00:52:22,103 - What shaII we do? - They're waiting us at the station. 159 00:52:51,360 --> 00:52:55,774 What's up? TeII me what's going on. 160 00:52:56,960 --> 00:53:02,887 - Are you sure that the poIice wiII come? - Why do you ask? 161 00:53:05,000 --> 00:53:08,140 TeII the truth. 162 00:53:09,800 --> 00:53:14,055 - What do you mean? - Stop it, pIease. 163 00:53:14,360 --> 00:53:17,340 The man I kiIIed wasn't a burgIar. 164 00:53:17,400 --> 00:53:20,836 - What do you mean? - I'm no idiot. 165 00:53:20,880 --> 00:53:23,940 Why was he after you? What have you done? 166 00:53:24,000 --> 00:53:27,549 Did you know he had a famiIy? 167 00:53:29,040 --> 00:53:31,941 Say something, damn it! 168 00:53:37,040 --> 00:53:39,782 Not so fast. 169 00:53:43,880 --> 00:53:46,166 Sarah, not so fast! 170 00:53:51,080 --> 00:53:54,186 Stop! Stop, Sarah! 171 00:53:54,480 --> 00:53:58,166 They're aII dead. 172 00:58:30,520 --> 00:58:37,688 Do you hear me? Don't move. It's going to be fine. 173 00:58:38,280 --> 00:58:42,660 Take it easy. I'II getyou out of the car. 174 00:58:56,080 --> 00:59:00,460 It doesn't Iook so serious. There are no deep wounds. 175 00:59:00,480 --> 00:59:03,381 I'm stuck. 176 00:59:14,120 --> 00:59:18,454 It's for safety's sake. Hurry up and get me out of here! 177 00:59:19,240 --> 00:59:22,630 You said that they were dead. Did you kiII them? 178 00:59:22,680 --> 00:59:27,788 - The man was compIeteIy crazy. - Don't Iie to me! 179 00:59:30,000 --> 00:59:33,879 You are right. He wasn't a burgIar. 180 00:59:34,520 --> 00:59:38,399 - Itwas me who did it. - What did you say? 181 00:59:38,440 --> 00:59:42,444 I Iooked at a house. I thought they were on vacation. 182 00:59:42,480 --> 00:59:46,530 I entered and started thejob. 183 00:59:46,560 --> 00:59:51,224 SuddenIy I feII over something. A IittIe girI's corpse. 184 00:59:52,040 --> 00:59:56,374 Then I found the mother. She was aIso dead. 185 00:59:58,880 --> 01:00:00,359 Then I panicked and bowIed down something. He must have heard it. 186 01:00:00,320 --> 01:00:03,676 Then I panicked and bowIed down something. He must have heard it. 187 01:00:03,720 --> 01:00:09,238 When I tried to escape he appeared and had a bIoody carpet knife. 188 01:00:12,320 --> 01:00:15,835 He had sIaughtered his famiIy. 189 01:00:20,440 --> 01:00:22,692 MeIody? 190 01:00:29,200 --> 01:00:31,407 MeIody? 191 01:01:20,920 --> 01:01:28,042 - Do you want me to beIieve it? - Why shouId I make it up? 192 01:01:29,000 --> 01:01:32,140 He chased me up the stairs and was about to cut himseIf. 193 01:01:32,200 --> 01:01:35,146 I ran into the kitchen. I hid behind the sink. 194 01:01:35,200 --> 01:01:38,829 He came in and washed the knife. 195 01:03:56,800 --> 01:03:59,667 I'II take you, you swine. 196 01:04:05,800 --> 01:04:09,076 - He wouId have kiIIed us. - Why didn'tyou say anything? 197 01:04:09,120 --> 01:04:12,715 I was afraid they wouId arrest us. 198 01:04:12,760 --> 01:04:16,116 My finger prints are aII over the house. 199 01:04:18,560 --> 01:04:23,623 I don't know. You'vejust Iied before. 200 01:04:23,640 --> 01:04:30,182 I'm a boy who robs houses. I'm not a murderer. BeIieve me. 201 01:04:30,160 --> 01:04:34,415 I've no famiIy. You are aII I have. 202 01:04:36,480 --> 01:04:40,621 What are you doing? Don't go! What shouId I do? 203 01:04:40,640 --> 01:04:44,781 - Sooner or Iater comes a car. -You can't do this. 204 01:04:45,680 --> 01:04:52,358 I bandaged you. I took care of you. Do you think I wouId hurtyou? 205 01:04:53,600 --> 01:04:57,149 Sarah? 206 01:05:05,360 --> 01:05:10,423 You're the onIy one I Iive for. Withoutyou, I might as weII die. 207 01:05:10,600 --> 01:05:14,980 - What are you doing? -You don't care about me. 208 01:06:13,800 --> 01:06:16,542 Forgive me. 209 01:06:17,720 --> 01:06:22,748 It's my mistake. I won't Iie to you again. 210 01:06:48,000 --> 01:06:50,161 Does it hurt? 211 01:06:54,440 --> 01:06:59,309 - CIose your eyes! - What? 212 01:06:59,320 --> 01:07:02,551 CIose your eyes! 213 01:07:12,800 --> 01:07:15,507 What's this? 214 01:07:25,840 --> 01:07:30,379 Your medaIIion? You found it. 215 01:07:31,760 --> 01:07:35,639 - I'II give it to you. - I can't accept. 216 01:07:35,680 --> 01:07:41,118 Yes, do it. It has aIways brought Iuck. 217 01:07:45,480 --> 01:07:48,620 Come, Iean on me! 218 01:07:52,080 --> 01:07:54,787 Thanks, good God. 219 01:07:56,880 --> 01:07:59,496 Stop! 220 01:08:01,120 --> 01:08:04,669 Stop! 221 01:08:05,920 --> 01:08:07,592 Swine! 222 01:08:07,680 --> 01:08:09,762 Fucking bastard! 223 01:08:24,640 --> 01:08:29,885 - Why didn't they stop? - Come on, just continue. 224 01:08:33,120 --> 01:08:38,228 We'II find a house in the end. We continue to waIk. 225 01:09:54,120 --> 01:09:57,021 I want to give it back. 226 01:10:18,160 --> 01:10:21,220 I'm so tired. 227 01:10:24,960 --> 01:10:28,066 Come here. 228 01:10:38,760 --> 01:10:42,389 SIeep! I'm here. 229 01:16:03,320 --> 01:16:08,838 230 01:16:09,320 --> 01:16:14,838 A HUGE ANIMAL FROM THE NORTH