0 00:00:56,995 --> 00:00:59,589 If you asked me now who I am, 1 00:01:00,999 --> 00:01:02,864 the only answer I could give with any certainty 2 00:01:02,935 --> 00:01:05,927 would be my name, Charles Ryder. 3 00:01:07,406 --> 00:01:11,843 For the rest, my loves, my hates, 4 00:01:11,910 --> 00:01:14,640 down even to my deepest desires, 5 00:01:14,713 --> 00:01:17,978 I can no longer say whether these emotions are my own 6 00:01:19,518 --> 00:01:23,079 or stolen from those I once so desperately wished to be. 7 00:01:25,757 --> 00:01:29,818 On second thoughts, one emotion remains my own, 8 00:01:31,196 --> 00:01:34,359 alone among the borrowed and the second-hand, 9 00:01:35,867 --> 00:01:39,325 as pure as that faith from which I am still in flight. 10 00:01:42,174 --> 00:01:43,402 Guilt. 11 00:02:07,899 --> 00:02:10,868 Been away, sir? Anywhere interesting? 12 00:02:10,936 --> 00:02:13,962 -JungIe. -JungIe. 13 00:02:15,574 --> 00:02:16,734 ExpIorer, are we? 14 00:02:16,808 --> 00:02:19,641 -Painter. -Painter? 15 00:02:19,711 --> 00:02:22,839 So, bye-bye beardy, heIIo smooth. 16 00:02:35,327 --> 00:02:38,353 Famous for his impressive architecturaI portraits, 17 00:02:38,430 --> 00:02:42,764 British artist CharIes Ryder has taken New York by storm 18 00:02:42,868 --> 00:02:45,735 with a series of gripping jungIe studies. 19 00:02:45,804 --> 00:02:47,431 To own a Ryder is currentIy the dream 20 00:02:47,506 --> 00:02:49,303 of every seIf-respecting East Coast miIIionaire. 21 00:02:49,374 --> 00:02:50,398 (CHUCKLES ) 22 00:02:50,475 --> 00:02:53,239 You must be so proud of him. 23 00:02:53,311 --> 00:02:55,836 -Was he away Iong? -Two years, 24 00:02:55,914 --> 00:02:59,873 -and it doesn't feeI Iike a day. -You must feeI positiveIy bridaI. 25 00:03:01,319 --> 00:03:02,581 ENGLISH LORD: I can't paint to save my Iife. 26 00:03:02,654 --> 00:03:03,678 Thank you. 27 00:03:03,755 --> 00:03:06,121 I can't even hoId a buggering brush! 28 00:03:06,191 --> 00:03:12,460 But I know what I Iike. Lots of coIor. Nice and bright. 29 00:03:12,531 --> 00:03:15,694 I see the jungIe in your work as a metaphor. 30 00:03:15,801 --> 00:03:20,829 Not Ieast, the metaphysicaI sembIance of the chaos at the heart of civiIization. 31 00:03:20,906 --> 00:03:22,737 CELIA: Make an effort, CharIes. 32 00:03:22,808 --> 00:03:26,801 You're not in South America now. You're amongst civiIized peopIe. 33 00:03:37,089 --> 00:03:38,078 (SIGHS ) 34 00:04:07,285 --> 00:04:09,185 -Mr. Ryder, I wonder if I couId... -I'm so sorry. Excuse me. 35 00:04:09,254 --> 00:04:11,484 -Excuse me. Thank you very much. -...just have a conversation... 36 00:04:15,026 --> 00:04:16,425 (DOOR OPENING ) 37 00:04:37,482 --> 00:04:41,976 (SINGING UPBEAT SONG ) 38 00:05:27,933 --> 00:05:29,491 HeIIo, CharIes. 39 00:06:23,855 --> 00:06:26,881 -You're wearing a coat! -Yes, Father, I am. 40 00:06:26,958 --> 00:06:28,858 Why? 41 00:06:28,927 --> 00:06:32,419 -I'm going up to Oxford. -Ah. Yes. 42 00:06:35,533 --> 00:06:39,128 -Remind me. What are you taking? -History. 43 00:06:39,204 --> 00:06:42,298 -And what aIIowance have I given you? -A hundred pounds. 44 00:06:42,374 --> 00:06:46,367 How very induIgent of me. Mind you, it aII comes out of capitaI. 45 00:06:48,179 --> 00:06:51,706 Oh, I suppose this is the time I shouId give you advice. 46 00:06:54,286 --> 00:06:56,914 Your mother was aIways so good at that. 47 00:06:59,090 --> 00:07:00,955 Who's meeting you? 48 00:07:01,026 --> 00:07:02,857 Cousin Jasper offered to show me around. 49 00:07:02,928 --> 00:07:04,486 Cousin Jasper! 50 00:07:04,596 --> 00:07:05,756 (CHUCKLES ) 51 00:07:06,398 --> 00:07:08,332 Most entertaining. 52 00:07:49,407 --> 00:07:50,772 STUDENT: Out of the way, you siIIy fooI. 53 00:07:50,842 --> 00:07:52,901 JASPER: There you are, CharIes. 54 00:07:53,745 --> 00:07:55,406 This way, pIease. 55 00:07:57,983 --> 00:08:02,181 Come aIong. As an onIy chiId, you wiII, of course, have much to Iearn. 56 00:08:02,253 --> 00:08:05,916 Though I am onIy your cousin, CharIes, you must Iook upon me as a brother. 57 00:08:05,991 --> 00:08:08,858 OIder, wiser, but a brother nevertheIess. 58 00:08:08,927 --> 00:08:12,954 Now, it is no secret that our famiIies are not rich in materiaI weaIth. 59 00:08:13,031 --> 00:08:14,362 Keep off the grass. 60 00:08:14,432 --> 00:08:20,098 But I Iike to think that we Ryders are, aII of us, rich in the striving of minds. 61 00:08:20,171 --> 00:08:21,729 Now, then... Not that way. 62 00:08:21,806 --> 00:08:25,367 CIothes. Dress as you do in a country house. 63 00:08:25,443 --> 00:08:29,038 Never wear a tweed coat and a fIanneI trousers, aIways a suit. 64 00:08:29,114 --> 00:08:31,582 And go to a London taiIor. You'II get a better cut. 65 00:08:31,649 --> 00:08:35,278 ProtocoI. First and foremost, behaving with restraint... 66 00:08:35,353 --> 00:08:41,155 Nine aduIteries, 1 2 Iiaisons, 64 fornications, 67 00:08:41,226 --> 00:08:43,660 and something approaching a rape 68 00:08:43,728 --> 00:08:49,132 rest nightIy upon the souI of our deIicate friend FIoriaIis, 69 00:08:49,200 --> 00:08:52,033 and yet the man is so quiet and reserved in demeanor 70 00:08:52,103 --> 00:08:55,971 that he passes for both bIoodIess and sexIess. 71 00:08:56,041 --> 00:08:57,030 (ALL EX CLAIM) 72 00:08:59,210 --> 00:09:02,873 Sodomites, aII of them. Steer weII cIear. 73 00:09:05,784 --> 00:09:08,412 JASPER: Treat aII dons as you wouId the IocaI vicar. 74 00:09:08,486 --> 00:09:10,545 With indifference. 75 00:09:10,622 --> 00:09:15,286 Oh, dear, oh, dear. This won't do at aII. You must change your rooms. 76 00:09:15,360 --> 00:09:17,260 I've seen many a man ruined 77 00:09:17,328 --> 00:09:20,491 through having ground fIoor rooms in the front quad. 78 00:09:20,598 --> 00:09:22,122 PeopIe start dropping in. 79 00:09:22,200 --> 00:09:25,328 They Ieave their gowns here and come and coIIect them before haII. 80 00:09:25,403 --> 00:09:28,270 You start giving them sherry and before you know it they're... 81 00:09:28,339 --> 00:09:29,328 (SHOUTING ) 82 00:09:33,611 --> 00:09:37,047 BLANCHE: Sebastian, come aIong. Look at the state of him. 83 00:09:37,115 --> 00:09:39,106 Come on, you're nearIy cIean. 84 00:09:39,284 --> 00:09:40,273 (JASPER MUMBLING ) 85 00:09:46,524 --> 00:09:49,152 Oh, no, no, no, sir, stop. 86 00:09:49,227 --> 00:09:52,719 You don't cIear up after yourseIf. That's my job. 87 00:09:52,797 --> 00:09:55,766 Sorry, Lunt. What's aII this? 88 00:09:55,834 --> 00:10:01,136 From the gentIeman Iast night, sir. He just caIIed. Left a note for you. 89 00:10:07,779 --> 00:10:09,110 ''I am very contrite. 90 00:10:09,180 --> 00:10:12,672 ''PIease come to Iuncheon today. Sebastian FIyte.'' 91 00:10:12,750 --> 00:10:15,719 The Lord Sebastian FIyte, don't you know? 92 00:10:15,820 --> 00:10:19,278 I'm sure it's quite a pIeasure to cIear up after him. 93 00:10:19,924 --> 00:10:22,791 I take it you'II be out to Iunch today, then, sir. 94 00:10:22,861 --> 00:10:25,955 Yes, Lunt. I think I shaII be. 95 00:11:08,473 --> 00:11:10,941 SEBASTIAN: I've just counted them. 96 00:11:11,009 --> 00:11:14,570 There's five each and two over, so I'm having the two. 97 00:11:16,481 --> 00:11:18,779 I'm unaccountabIy hungry today. 98 00:11:19,450 --> 00:11:21,941 I put myseIf unreservedIy in the hands of DoIbear and GoodaII 99 00:11:22,020 --> 00:11:23,749 and feeI so drugged I've begun to beIieve 100 00:11:23,855 --> 00:11:26,688 the whoIe of yesterday evening was a dream. 101 00:11:27,859 --> 00:11:29,759 PIease don't wake me. 102 00:11:30,795 --> 00:11:33,320 -Do try one. -Thank you. 103 00:11:34,732 --> 00:11:38,190 -What are they? -PIover's eggs. The first this year. 104 00:11:39,671 --> 00:11:44,005 Mummy sends them from Brideshead. They aIways Iay earIy for her. 105 00:11:44,075 --> 00:11:46,771 You wouId, too, if you knew my mother. 106 00:11:49,414 --> 00:11:52,076 Are you terribIy angry with me about Iast night? 107 00:11:52,150 --> 00:11:56,382 No, not at aII. Thank you for the fIowers. 108 00:11:58,623 --> 00:12:02,423 AIoysius, you can't go there. Do sit down. 109 00:12:10,034 --> 00:12:12,127 -TeII me about you. -Me? 110 00:12:13,571 --> 00:12:16,631 I'm in my first year, reading history, 111 00:12:18,743 --> 00:12:22,110 but reaIIy what I most want to be is a painter. 112 00:12:22,180 --> 00:12:24,307 WouId you Iike to paint me? 113 00:12:26,384 --> 00:12:29,842 WeII, yes. Yes, if you Iike. 114 00:12:29,921 --> 00:12:31,912 It's so cIever of you, knowing what you want. 115 00:12:31,990 --> 00:12:34,288 I've no idea what I want. 116 00:12:34,359 --> 00:12:36,122 Except to be happy. 117 00:12:37,128 --> 00:12:38,618 If I can. 118 00:12:38,696 --> 00:12:40,755 Let's have some champagne. 119 00:12:41,799 --> 00:12:44,495 A gIass each before the rowdies arrive. 120 00:12:49,173 --> 00:12:51,698 BO Y MULCAS TER: You don't want to join the Old Boys. 121 00:12:51,776 --> 00:12:55,644 They're aII bIoody drugged bogs or coIIegers. 122 00:12:55,713 --> 00:12:57,374 MAN: Top me up, wiII you, oId man? 123 00:12:57,448 --> 00:13:00,611 -I don't remember you from Eton. -I didn't go to Eton. 124 00:13:00,685 --> 00:13:05,019 Oh, reaIIy. Where then? Harrow or Winchester? 125 00:13:05,089 --> 00:13:06,078 (ALL CHUCKLING ) 126 00:13:06,157 --> 00:13:08,955 Rugby? Oh, not Charterhouse, I hope? 127 00:13:09,027 --> 00:13:10,654 (ALL LAUGHING ) 128 00:13:10,795 --> 00:13:12,786 You wouIdn't have heard of it. 129 00:13:12,864 --> 00:13:14,764 There are other schooIs, you know, Boy. 130 00:13:14,832 --> 00:13:17,300 Yes, I suppose there must be. 131 00:13:17,402 --> 00:13:19,029 (EVERYONE LAUGHING ) 132 00:13:20,405 --> 00:13:22,134 -My dears. -HeIIo, BIanche. 133 00:13:22,206 --> 00:13:23,400 HeIIo, BIanche. 134 00:13:23,474 --> 00:13:25,032 I couIdn't get away before. 135 00:13:25,109 --> 00:13:28,704 I was Iunching with my preposterous tutor. 136 00:13:28,780 --> 00:13:32,716 I toId him I had to change for footer. 137 00:13:32,817 --> 00:13:34,682 (ALL LAUGHING ) 138 00:13:36,688 --> 00:13:37,677 (BLANCHE MOANS ) 139 00:13:39,724 --> 00:13:43,421 Anthony, you remember CharIes. From Iast night? 140 00:13:43,494 --> 00:13:46,054 CharIes is reading history, but he wants to be an artist. 141 00:13:46,130 --> 00:13:48,758 -No! -Why ever not? 142 00:13:48,833 --> 00:13:52,200 -Either you are an artist or you are not. -MAN: Hear, hear. 143 00:13:55,473 --> 00:13:58,033 -Then I am. -Interesting. 144 00:13:59,177 --> 00:14:02,442 You have about you a distinct hint of the pragmatic. 145 00:14:02,513 --> 00:14:06,210 What do you want to be an artist for? I mean, what's the point of it? 146 00:14:06,284 --> 00:14:08,377 Why don't you just buy a bIoody camera 147 00:14:08,453 --> 00:14:11,251 and take a bIoody photograph and stop giving yourseIf airs? 148 00:14:11,322 --> 00:14:13,984 -That's what I want to know! -That's it, go it, Boy! 149 00:14:14,058 --> 00:14:17,459 -I don't give myseIf airs. -Yes, you do. 150 00:14:17,528 --> 00:14:20,463 And, anyway, you haven't answered my question. 151 00:14:20,531 --> 00:14:22,260 Come on! Answer! 152 00:14:23,234 --> 00:14:26,635 -Answer, answer, answer, answer... -MAN: Yes. 153 00:14:26,704 --> 00:14:29,036 ALL: Answer, answer, answer, answer... 154 00:14:29,107 --> 00:14:34,602 Because a camera is a mechanicaI device 155 00:14:34,679 --> 00:14:37,477 which records a moment in time, 156 00:14:37,582 --> 00:14:42,610 but not what that moment means or the emotions that it evokes. 157 00:14:42,687 --> 00:14:43,711 (ALL GIGGLING ) 158 00:14:43,788 --> 00:14:49,021 Whereas a painting, however imperfect it may be, 159 00:14:50,361 --> 00:14:52,955 is an expression of feeIing. 160 00:14:54,866 --> 00:14:56,766 An expression of Iove. 161 00:14:58,302 --> 00:15:00,497 Not just a copy of something. 162 00:15:00,872 --> 00:15:03,670 (BLANCHE CLAPPING ) 163 00:15:04,375 --> 00:15:08,334 And who on earth do you think cares about your feeIings? 164 00:15:08,446 --> 00:15:09,845 SEBASTIAN: I do. 165 00:15:09,914 --> 00:15:12,474 Boy, you're an oaf. Behave yourseIf. 166 00:15:13,084 --> 00:15:15,552 To art and Iove. 167 00:15:18,289 --> 00:15:20,382 ALL: To art and Iove! 168 00:15:25,129 --> 00:15:29,862 We'd just arrived in his rooms, then, without even a, ''By your Ieave,'' 169 00:15:29,967 --> 00:15:33,801 the Lord FIyte pokes his head through the window and vomits. 170 00:15:34,505 --> 00:15:37,804 Ground fIoor rooms, you see. Poor CharIes may never recover. 171 00:15:37,875 --> 00:15:39,934 -Morning, Jasper. -Morning. 172 00:15:40,912 --> 00:15:41,901 (LAUGHING ) 173 00:15:49,687 --> 00:15:51,086 RUGB Y PLAYER: Two tries out of you today... 174 00:15:51,155 --> 00:15:54,318 CharIes. You're to come away at once! 175 00:15:54,392 --> 00:15:57,293 I've got a basket of strawberries and a bottIe of Chateau Peyraguey, 176 00:15:57,361 --> 00:15:59,886 which isn't a wine you've ever tasted, so don't pretend. 177 00:15:59,964 --> 00:16:02,194 It's heaven with strawberries. 178 00:16:22,153 --> 00:16:24,849 Just the pIace to bury a crock of goId. 179 00:16:29,360 --> 00:16:30,657 I shouId Iike to bury something precious 180 00:16:30,728 --> 00:16:33,356 in every pIace where I've been happy. 181 00:16:34,899 --> 00:16:38,062 And, then, when I was oId and ugIy and miserabIe, 182 00:16:40,471 --> 00:16:45,807 I couId come back and dig it up and remember. 183 00:16:58,756 --> 00:17:02,283 Come aIong, CharIes. There's someone I want you to meet. 184 00:17:31,522 --> 00:17:34,821 -Is this where you Iive? -It's where my famiIy Iive. 185 00:17:38,095 --> 00:17:39,357 Don't worry, you won't have to meet them. 186 00:17:39,430 --> 00:17:43,389 -Oh, but I shouId Iike to. -You can't. They're away. 187 00:18:07,325 --> 00:18:10,294 Everything's shut up. We better go this way. 188 00:18:23,975 --> 00:18:25,272 SEBASTIAN: Keep up. 189 00:18:35,987 --> 00:18:38,717 CharIes. CharIes. 190 00:18:38,789 --> 00:18:39,778 (BOTH LAUGHING ) 191 00:18:45,896 --> 00:18:46,885 (DOOR OPENING ) 192 00:18:50,034 --> 00:18:55,131 WeII, this is a surprise! How IoveIy to see you. 193 00:18:55,506 --> 00:18:56,871 (NANNY HAWKINS EX CLAIMS ) 194 00:18:56,941 --> 00:18:59,136 Meet my new chum, CharIes. 195 00:18:59,910 --> 00:19:03,437 CharIes, this is Nanny Hawkins. This is who I wanted you to meet. 196 00:19:03,514 --> 00:19:06,881 -I don't think I know you, do I? -How do you do? 197 00:19:06,951 --> 00:19:11,081 Your friend has charming manners. What famiIy are you from, CharIes? 198 00:19:11,155 --> 00:19:14,784 -No famiIy. I mean, no one important. -CharIes is an artist. 199 00:19:15,960 --> 00:19:19,293 -He's going to paint me. -How joIIy. 200 00:19:20,765 --> 00:19:22,756 You've come at just the right time. 201 00:19:22,833 --> 00:19:24,926 Lady Marchmain's on her way up from London. 202 00:19:25,002 --> 00:19:27,197 It's the Conservative Women's Tea. 203 00:19:27,304 --> 00:19:28,896 They aIways turn out for Brideshead. 204 00:19:28,973 --> 00:19:31,601 I'm afraid we may have to miss them, Nanny. 205 00:19:31,676 --> 00:19:33,405 Your mother wiII be disappointed. 206 00:19:33,477 --> 00:19:35,206 I'm sure Her Ladyship wouId want to meet... 207 00:19:35,279 --> 00:19:39,215 Can't be done, I'm afraid. Got to get back or we'II be gated. 208 00:19:47,558 --> 00:19:50,254 I pray for my dear Sebastian every day. 209 00:19:52,763 --> 00:19:55,789 -CharIes! -It was very nice to meet you. 210 00:20:02,540 --> 00:20:04,906 -Come aIong, CharIes. -CouIdn't we just have a quick Iook? 211 00:20:04,975 --> 00:20:06,704 We've seen who we came for. We can go. 212 00:20:06,777 --> 00:20:08,540 Just a IittIe Iook. 213 00:20:46,383 --> 00:20:47,975 Don't be such a tourist, CharIes. 214 00:20:48,052 --> 00:20:49,076 If you're that keen, 215 00:20:49,153 --> 00:20:52,850 you can see it aII for a shiIIing on Queen AIexandra's Day. 216 00:20:54,258 --> 00:20:56,419 God, I Ioathe that painting! 217 00:20:59,864 --> 00:21:03,356 I couId show you the chapeI, I suppose, if we're quick. 218 00:21:27,358 --> 00:21:29,349 What did you do that for? 219 00:21:30,728 --> 00:21:33,390 -You're not CathoIic, are you? -No. 220 00:21:34,832 --> 00:21:38,632 -I was just trying to fit in. -WeII, don't. 221 00:21:44,942 --> 00:21:46,409 SEBASTIAN: Come on, come on! 222 00:21:46,477 --> 00:21:47,501 CHARLES: Sorry, I'm afraid I don't have the knack. 223 00:21:47,578 --> 00:21:49,705 CharIes, what are you doing? 224 00:21:52,483 --> 00:21:53,472 (CAR ENGINE STARTING ) 225 00:21:55,119 --> 00:21:56,381 Car. Now. 226 00:22:30,120 --> 00:22:32,054 Who was that in the car with your mother? 227 00:22:32,122 --> 00:22:34,056 -My sister. -What's she Iike? 228 00:22:34,124 --> 00:22:35,148 For goodness sake, CharIes, 229 00:22:35,226 --> 00:22:37,990 I don't keep asking you questions about your famiIy. 230 00:22:38,062 --> 00:22:40,121 But I've never asked you anything before. 231 00:22:40,197 --> 00:22:42,028 You're so inquisitive. 232 00:22:42,099 --> 00:22:44,465 WeII, you're so mysterious about them. 233 00:22:44,535 --> 00:22:47,368 I hoped I was mysterious about everything. 234 00:22:48,439 --> 00:22:50,430 Why don't you want me to meet your famiIy? 235 00:22:50,507 --> 00:22:51,838 Who are you ashamed of, them or me? 236 00:22:51,909 --> 00:22:54,070 Don't be so vuIgar, CharIes. 237 00:22:59,016 --> 00:23:03,385 I'm not having you mixed up with my famiIy. You're my friend. 238 00:23:05,256 --> 00:23:07,224 I don't have a famiIy. 239 00:23:09,727 --> 00:23:11,160 You have me. 240 00:23:16,267 --> 00:23:19,794 Sebastian and CharIes, contra mundum. 241 00:23:23,807 --> 00:23:25,399 Contra mundum. 242 00:23:44,929 --> 00:23:46,191 CHARLES: Father? 243 00:23:48,999 --> 00:23:50,227 Father? 244 00:23:53,270 --> 00:23:56,535 -Back aIready? -Term's over. 245 00:23:56,607 --> 00:23:58,006 So soon? 246 00:24:11,221 --> 00:24:12,210 (KNOCKING AT DOOR) 247 00:24:16,427 --> 00:24:17,519 (DOOR OPENING ) 248 00:24:17,594 --> 00:24:18,583 CHARLES: Thank you. 249 00:24:19,563 --> 00:24:21,929 -Father, I have to Ieave at once! -Oh, yes? 250 00:24:21,999 --> 00:24:23,398 A great friend of mine has had a terribIe accident. 251 00:24:23,467 --> 00:24:25,594 -I must go to him. -May I? 252 00:24:29,773 --> 00:24:33,869 ''GraveIy injured. Come at once. Sebastian.'' 253 00:24:35,980 --> 00:24:38,881 I'm sorry you're upset. 254 00:24:38,949 --> 00:24:40,507 Reading this message, 255 00:24:40,584 --> 00:24:45,453 I wouId say that the accident was not as serious as you seem to suggest 256 00:24:45,522 --> 00:24:49,458 or it wouId not have been signed by the victim himseIf. 257 00:24:51,528 --> 00:24:56,898 StiII, of course, he may weII be fuIIy conscious, but horribIy paraIyzed. 258 00:24:57,001 --> 00:25:00,334 Remind me. Why is your presence necessary? 259 00:25:00,404 --> 00:25:03,202 I toId you, he's a great friend. 260 00:25:03,273 --> 00:25:08,074 WeII, I shaII miss you, my boy, but don't hurry back on my account. 261 00:25:26,697 --> 00:25:28,494 GUARD: Take your bag, sir? 262 00:25:34,805 --> 00:25:36,204 Excuse me! 263 00:25:41,979 --> 00:25:43,879 Are you CharIes Ryder? 264 00:25:45,416 --> 00:25:47,816 Yes. Sorry. HeIIo. 265 00:25:47,885 --> 00:25:51,343 I'm JuIia, Sebastian's sister. I've been sent to pick you up. 266 00:25:51,422 --> 00:25:53,117 Hop in, Mr. Ryder. 267 00:25:57,194 --> 00:26:00,186 -Case in the back. -Sorry, yes. 268 00:26:29,693 --> 00:26:30,921 How's Sebastian? 269 00:26:30,994 --> 00:26:33,519 -He's fine. -Fine? 270 00:26:33,597 --> 00:26:35,394 Did he teII you he was dying? 271 00:26:35,466 --> 00:26:37,764 WeII, I thought... His message said... 272 00:26:37,835 --> 00:26:40,303 I expect he thought you wouIdn't come if you knew. 273 00:26:40,404 --> 00:26:41,894 He's not badIy hurt, then? 274 00:26:41,972 --> 00:26:45,874 He cracked a bone in his foot so smaII it hasn't even got a name. 275 00:26:45,943 --> 00:26:48,503 -How did it happen? -PIaying croquet. 276 00:26:52,983 --> 00:26:55,451 I must admit, I did think it was a IittIe queer, 277 00:26:55,519 --> 00:26:57,885 you traveIing aII this way for a croquet injury. 278 00:26:57,955 --> 00:27:00,617 I don't mind. It's wonderfuI to be here again. 279 00:27:00,691 --> 00:27:02,682 Is it? Why? 280 00:27:02,759 --> 00:27:06,160 WeII, it's such a beautifuI house, for one thing. 281 00:27:06,230 --> 00:27:08,221 I can't stand the pIace. 282 00:27:13,604 --> 00:27:15,834 Be an angeI and Iight me one. 283 00:27:54,278 --> 00:27:56,269 There you are, at Iast! 284 00:27:57,381 --> 00:28:01,374 -I thought you were dying. -I thought I was, too. 285 00:28:01,451 --> 00:28:03,476 The pain was excruciating. 286 00:28:04,988 --> 00:28:07,980 JuIia, ask WiIcox to fetch us some champagne. 287 00:28:08,058 --> 00:28:10,549 -I hate champagne. -For our guest. 288 00:28:12,496 --> 00:28:15,192 WeII, take your coat off. You'II boiI. 289 00:28:20,904 --> 00:28:22,667 Come aIong, CharIes. 290 00:28:37,487 --> 00:28:39,318 SEBASTIAN: I thought you hated champagne. 291 00:28:39,389 --> 00:28:40,481 I do. 292 00:28:41,758 --> 00:28:44,784 I suppose Sebastian's toId you aII about us? 293 00:28:44,895 --> 00:28:46,795 No. No, nothing at aII, as a matter of fact. 294 00:28:46,863 --> 00:28:48,524 And nor shouId I. 295 00:28:49,933 --> 00:28:51,525 What? 296 00:28:51,602 --> 00:28:54,799 -I take it you're not one of us? -Don't answer. 297 00:28:54,871 --> 00:28:56,532 I don't Iive Iike this, if that's what you mean. 298 00:28:56,607 --> 00:28:59,576 She means you're not a CathoIic. 299 00:28:59,643 --> 00:29:01,873 Sorry, no. No, nothing at aII. 300 00:29:01,945 --> 00:29:05,506 -You mean you're an atheist? -WeII, yes, I suppose. 301 00:29:05,582 --> 00:29:07,209 StrictIy speaking, we're C of E, 302 00:29:07,284 --> 00:29:11,550 but Father onIy ever goes for Christmas and funeraIs. 303 00:29:12,522 --> 00:29:14,456 He Iikes those. 304 00:29:14,524 --> 00:29:17,459 -What about your mother? -She's dead. 305 00:29:19,162 --> 00:29:20,789 I was very young. 306 00:29:20,864 --> 00:29:23,332 She died working for the Red Cross. 307 00:29:23,400 --> 00:29:24,958 Which, given her devotion to good, 308 00:29:25,035 --> 00:29:28,129 does rather point up the arbitrariness of it aII. 309 00:29:28,205 --> 00:29:31,766 I see. So, you're here arbitrariIy? 310 00:29:31,842 --> 00:29:34,367 He's here as my friend. 311 00:29:35,912 --> 00:29:38,608 Given Mr. Ryder's staunch position on reIigion, 312 00:29:38,682 --> 00:29:41,150 don't you think he ought to know what he's getting into? 313 00:29:41,218 --> 00:29:43,015 Leave CharIes out of it. 314 00:29:43,086 --> 00:29:45,281 -TeII me. -SEBASTIAN: Oh, God. 315 00:29:45,355 --> 00:29:48,381 Mummy takes her faith very seriousIy, indeed. 316 00:29:48,458 --> 00:29:51,985 So seriousIy, in fact, that our fat IittIe priest, Father Mackay, 317 00:29:52,062 --> 00:29:54,087 caIIed her a Iiving saint. 318 00:29:54,798 --> 00:29:57,096 Mind you, he drinks. 319 00:29:57,167 --> 00:29:59,601 Sebastian and I are a coupIe of heathens. 320 00:29:59,670 --> 00:30:03,731 I'm not a heathen, I'm a sinner. Cast out from God's Iove. 321 00:30:03,807 --> 00:30:07,140 As for you, you're not a heathen at aII, not reaIIy. 322 00:30:08,278 --> 00:30:11,213 Why do we aIways end up taIking about famiIy? 323 00:30:12,549 --> 00:30:14,414 It's time for my bath. 324 00:30:16,453 --> 00:30:19,479 Good evening, Mr. Ryder. Look after my brother. 325 00:30:27,898 --> 00:30:28,887 (SIGHS ) 326 00:30:29,766 --> 00:30:31,666 I don't think your sister Iikes me very much. 327 00:30:31,735 --> 00:30:34,431 SEBASTIAN: I don't think she cares for anyone much. 328 00:30:35,572 --> 00:30:36,937 I Iove her. 329 00:30:38,175 --> 00:30:39,733 She's Iike me. 330 00:30:40,911 --> 00:30:43,573 Drink in remembrance of me. 331 00:30:43,714 --> 00:30:44,703 (CHARLES CHUCKLING ) 332 00:30:48,318 --> 00:30:49,307 CHARLES: Hang on. 333 00:30:57,427 --> 00:30:58,416 (CHARLES LAUGHING ) 334 00:31:17,414 --> 00:31:19,006 (SEBASTIAN GROANING ) 335 00:31:19,082 --> 00:31:22,449 In fact, I know that that's checkmate. 336 00:31:28,325 --> 00:31:29,690 CHARLES: Come here. 337 00:31:30,360 --> 00:31:31,349 (CHUCKLES ) 338 00:31:32,996 --> 00:31:35,590 SEBAS TIAN: If only it could be like this always. 339 00:31:36,933 --> 00:31:38,423 AIways summer. 340 00:31:39,903 --> 00:31:41,393 Always alone. 341 00:31:42,606 --> 00:31:44,267 Fruit aIways ripe. 342 00:31:54,551 --> 00:31:55,745 CHARLES: Cheers. 343 00:32:01,925 --> 00:32:03,119 SEBASTIAN: Now, 344 00:32:03,593 --> 00:32:04,958 (SOFT MUSIC PLAYING ) 345 00:32:05,595 --> 00:32:07,187 try this. 346 00:32:16,406 --> 00:32:19,773 -No? -It's a shy IittIe wine. Like a gazeIIe. 347 00:32:24,381 --> 00:32:27,475 -Like a Ieprechaun. -DappIed in a tapestry meadow. 348 00:32:27,551 --> 00:32:29,280 (BOTH LAUGHING ) 349 00:32:29,352 --> 00:32:31,377 SEBASTIAN: A fIute by stiII water. 350 00:32:32,722 --> 00:32:37,489 This is a wise oId wine. 351 00:32:40,363 --> 00:32:41,352 (SEBASTIAN EX CLAIMS ) 352 00:32:43,867 --> 00:32:46,233 A prophet in a cave. 353 00:32:46,303 --> 00:32:47,702 CHARLES: And this 354 00:32:49,706 --> 00:32:52,368 is a string of pearIs on a white neck. 355 00:32:52,742 --> 00:32:53,731 (CHUCKLES ) 356 00:32:57,914 --> 00:33:01,213 -A swan. -The Iast unicorn. 357 00:33:02,686 --> 00:33:03,675 (SEBASTIAN CHUCKLES ) 358 00:33:41,491 --> 00:33:42,480 (BOTH CHUCKLING ) 359 00:33:43,293 --> 00:33:44,419 (CHARLES EX CLAIMS ) 360 00:33:54,104 --> 00:33:55,594 Who's that? 361 00:34:03,179 --> 00:34:06,080 -Is that your brother? -Yes, that's Bridey. 362 00:34:07,050 --> 00:34:10,213 -He seems aII right to me. -Wait tiII you meet him. 363 00:34:16,092 --> 00:34:17,320 Mother. 364 00:34:30,507 --> 00:34:31,804 HeIIo, there. 365 00:34:31,875 --> 00:34:33,809 SEBASTIAN: Go away, we're not decent! 366 00:34:33,877 --> 00:34:36,641 -Mummy's here. -We know. 367 00:34:36,713 --> 00:34:39,113 She's invited CharIes to dinner. 368 00:34:47,891 --> 00:34:50,155 LAD Y MARCHMAIN: It's not what we agreed upon, Sebastian, 369 00:34:50,226 --> 00:34:53,093 when we taIked about this at Christmas, when you came down. 370 00:34:53,163 --> 00:34:56,064 It's no use crying, darIing. That's just chiIdish. 371 00:34:57,901 --> 00:35:00,927 That's not going to heIp, is it? 372 00:35:01,004 --> 00:35:03,598 You see, darIing, whatever yesterday's sins, 373 00:35:03,673 --> 00:35:06,403 we must aII pray for God's forgiveness. 374 00:35:07,978 --> 00:35:13,143 So now, you try and try again now. 375 00:35:13,216 --> 00:35:16,617 Be a good boy. For God and for Mummy. 376 00:35:16,920 --> 00:35:17,909 (SEBASTIAN CRYING ) 377 00:35:21,491 --> 00:35:24,688 Now, just put your shirt on now. 378 00:35:24,761 --> 00:35:26,661 Dining room's this way. 379 00:35:30,567 --> 00:35:34,162 Is Sebastian aII right? He seemed upset. 380 00:35:34,571 --> 00:35:35,560 JULIA: Oh. 381 00:35:36,306 --> 00:35:38,866 He and Mummy often have these taIks. 382 00:35:40,410 --> 00:35:43,607 FIanneIs for dinner? Very boId, Mr. Ryder. 383 00:35:43,680 --> 00:35:46,877 -WiII your mother mind? -Yes, she'II be appaIIed. 384 00:35:47,984 --> 00:35:51,442 No, don't worry. She'II be understanding. 385 00:35:51,521 --> 00:35:54,684 -Do you often do that? -What? 386 00:35:54,758 --> 00:35:59,161 -Say one thing, mean another? -Yes and no. 387 00:36:00,530 --> 00:36:01,519 (CHARLES CHUCKLES ) 388 00:36:07,704 --> 00:36:08,693 (DOOR OPENING ) 389 00:36:18,782 --> 00:36:20,215 LAD Y MARCHMAIN: Thank you. 390 00:36:24,421 --> 00:36:26,116 (BRIDE Y SAYING GRACE IN LATIN) 391 00:36:29,526 --> 00:36:31,118 -BRIDE Y: Amen. -Amen. 392 00:36:34,330 --> 00:36:38,198 WeIcome to Brideshead, Mr. Ryder. I've been hearing aII about you. 393 00:36:38,268 --> 00:36:42,500 I do hope you didn't Iet Sebastian caII you away in too much of a rush. 394 00:36:42,572 --> 00:36:45,200 I'm afraid I didn't quite have time to pack the right things. 395 00:36:45,275 --> 00:36:49,211 Sebastian must Iend you some cIothes whiIe you're here. 396 00:36:49,279 --> 00:36:51,440 Or perhaps Bridey's a better fit. 397 00:36:51,514 --> 00:36:53,812 Are you a Bridey or a Sebastian, Mr. Ryder? 398 00:36:53,883 --> 00:36:58,013 He can't borrow Bridey's cIothes. Bridey dresses Iike a bank cIerk. 399 00:36:58,088 --> 00:37:01,819 Don't be vuIgar, CordeIia. VuIgar is not the same as funny. 400 00:37:03,860 --> 00:37:06,886 I hope you've been Iooked after properIy, Ryder. 401 00:37:06,963 --> 00:37:09,557 Has Sebastian been seeing to the wine? 402 00:37:10,467 --> 00:37:13,630 Yes. Sebastian's been seeing to the wine. 403 00:37:13,703 --> 00:37:15,568 BRIDE Y: DeIighted to hear it. 404 00:37:17,073 --> 00:37:20,167 -You're fond of wine? -Yes, very. 405 00:37:20,243 --> 00:37:23,303 I wish I were. It's such a bond with other men. 406 00:37:24,681 --> 00:37:28,310 At Christ Church, I tried to get drunk more than once, but I didn't enjoy it. 407 00:37:28,384 --> 00:37:30,409 JULIA: What do you enjoy, Bridey? 408 00:37:32,388 --> 00:37:35,448 Hunting, shooting, 409 00:37:37,861 --> 00:37:39,158 fishing. 410 00:37:42,065 --> 00:37:45,466 And what form do your pIeasures take, Mr. Ryder? 411 00:37:45,535 --> 00:37:47,799 -Sorry, pIeasures? -Your hobbies. 412 00:37:47,904 --> 00:37:49,895 -What do you do to reIax? -He drinks. 413 00:37:49,973 --> 00:37:53,033 Drinking is not a hobby, Sebastian. 414 00:37:53,109 --> 00:37:55,907 -You Iive in London, is that correct? -Yes. 415 00:37:55,979 --> 00:37:58,413 -Whereabouts? -Paddington. 416 00:38:00,283 --> 00:38:02,376 You Iive in a raiIway station? 417 00:38:02,452 --> 00:38:07,685 No, no. Sorry. No, I Iive nearby. 418 00:38:07,757 --> 00:38:09,019 I see. 419 00:38:09,092 --> 00:38:12,084 And has this Ied to an interest in trains? 420 00:38:14,364 --> 00:38:15,854 No. 421 00:38:15,932 --> 00:38:19,993 So, are you cIose with Sebastian's crowd? 422 00:38:22,405 --> 00:38:23,770 Not reaIIy. 423 00:38:23,840 --> 00:38:28,573 -With Anthony BIanche? -We're acquainted. 424 00:38:29,546 --> 00:38:31,776 CharIes is a painter, Mummy. 425 00:38:33,683 --> 00:38:35,446 How charming. 426 00:38:35,518 --> 00:38:37,042 We must get you to paint something for us. 427 00:38:37,120 --> 00:38:40,385 -WouId you do that, Mr. Ryder? -I'd be deIighted. 428 00:38:40,456 --> 00:38:44,256 I think Brideshead's the most beautifuI house I've ever seen. 429 00:38:47,397 --> 00:38:50,298 -It's utterIy magicaI. -How kind you are. 430 00:38:51,501 --> 00:38:52,490 (CHARLES CHUCKLING ) 431 00:38:53,036 --> 00:38:54,833 Summer at Brideshead. 432 00:38:55,605 --> 00:38:58,733 Mr. Ryder must stay with us for the rest of the vacation. 433 00:38:58,808 --> 00:39:01,868 As a matter of fact, I've just heard from Papa. 434 00:39:02,946 --> 00:39:05,710 He wants me to go and see him in Venice. And JuIia. 435 00:39:05,782 --> 00:39:07,374 I see. 436 00:39:07,450 --> 00:39:09,645 And do you intend to accept this invitation? 437 00:39:09,719 --> 00:39:11,084 Yes. Why not? 438 00:39:11,154 --> 00:39:12,621 What about you, JuIia? WiII you be going? 439 00:39:12,689 --> 00:39:13,986 I'd Iike to. 440 00:39:14,057 --> 00:39:16,685 WouIdn't you rather stay at Brideshead? 441 00:39:22,632 --> 00:39:25,658 WeII, yes, if you want me to. 442 00:39:28,504 --> 00:39:32,634 -You must not negIect your duty. -No, Mother. 443 00:39:39,716 --> 00:39:43,675 I think we might spend a IittIe time in the chapeI after dinner. 444 00:39:45,088 --> 00:39:49,422 -WouId you join us, Mr. Ryder? -Thank you. 445 00:39:49,492 --> 00:39:51,983 You do know CharIes is an atheist? 446 00:39:53,663 --> 00:39:55,528 An agnostic, sureIy. 447 00:39:57,567 --> 00:39:59,091 ActuaIIy, no. 448 00:40:00,403 --> 00:40:04,669 But you'II join us, anyway, out of curiosity. 449 00:40:06,943 --> 00:40:08,308 Thank you. 450 00:40:13,283 --> 00:40:16,047 -No Sebastian? -No, Mummy. 451 00:40:17,787 --> 00:40:20,278 CharIes, are you reaIIy an atheist? 452 00:40:21,691 --> 00:40:25,593 -Yes, I am. -How awfuI for you. 453 00:40:25,662 --> 00:40:27,755 I'II put you on my prayer Iist. 454 00:40:27,830 --> 00:40:32,233 I have a Iong Iist of peopIe I pray for, incIuding six bIack CordeIias in Africa. 455 00:40:32,302 --> 00:40:34,463 It's a new thing. You send five bob to some nuns in Africa, 456 00:40:34,537 --> 00:40:37,506 and they christen a baby after you. 457 00:40:37,573 --> 00:40:38,562 Right. 458 00:40:39,409 --> 00:40:43,345 ALL: Thy wiII be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 459 00:40:43,413 --> 00:40:46,314 Give us this day our daiIy bread, 460 00:40:46,382 --> 00:40:48,441 and forgive us our trespasses 461 00:40:48,518 --> 00:40:51,919 as we forgive those who trespass against us. 462 00:40:52,021 --> 00:40:57,254 And Iead us not into temptation, but deIiver us from eviI. 463 00:40:57,327 --> 00:40:58,453 Amen. 464 00:41:01,931 --> 00:41:04,957 (LAD Y MARCHMAIN SINGS IN LATIN) 465 00:41:05,768 --> 00:41:10,262 (ALL SINGING IN LATIN) 466 00:41:40,169 --> 00:41:42,729 LAD Y MARCHMAIN: Have you ever been to Venice, Mr. Ryder? 467 00:41:42,805 --> 00:41:44,796 No. No, I haven't. 468 00:41:44,874 --> 00:41:48,401 Every ambitious young man shouId visit Venice. 469 00:41:48,478 --> 00:41:51,072 It makes one sound more compIete. 470 00:41:53,182 --> 00:41:58,142 I was thinking, if Sebastian were to go, 471 00:41:58,221 --> 00:42:01,679 it might be a good thing if you were to accompany him. 472 00:42:02,925 --> 00:42:05,553 He needs someone pIausibIe by his side. 473 00:42:06,629 --> 00:42:12,192 I gather Iast time he was there, he was befriending some very odd types. 474 00:42:12,268 --> 00:42:14,998 It's youthfuI high spirits, I understand, 475 00:42:15,872 --> 00:42:20,707 but in the end, we must aII accept God's Iimits. 476 00:42:22,545 --> 00:42:24,308 Atheist, or no. 477 00:42:29,919 --> 00:42:31,944 I know I can reIy on you. 478 00:42:32,955 --> 00:42:35,685 You seem to me a very reIiabIe young man. 479 00:43:12,495 --> 00:43:15,931 -San Giovanni e PaoIo. -SEBASTIAN: Oh, dear. 480 00:43:15,998 --> 00:43:19,126 I can see you're going to be impossibIy curious. 481 00:43:19,235 --> 00:43:23,331 By the way, I shouId warn you. Our IoveIy father is rather a scoundreI. 482 00:43:23,406 --> 00:43:26,102 He Iives in one of the paIazzos with Cara. 483 00:43:26,175 --> 00:43:28,234 -Who's Cara? -His mistress. 484 00:43:29,479 --> 00:43:32,209 Poor Papa's rather shunned by society. 485 00:43:32,281 --> 00:43:34,772 Not the ItaIians, of course. They adore him. 486 00:43:39,255 --> 00:43:43,191 -Santa Maria dei MiracoIi. -I know. I've seen the postcard. 487 00:44:11,320 --> 00:44:14,016 -My dear boy! -DarIing, Papa. 488 00:44:16,058 --> 00:44:18,026 -You Iook so young! -Do you think so? 489 00:44:18,094 --> 00:44:21,154 I've taken to pIaying tennis at the Lido with a professionaI. 490 00:44:21,230 --> 00:44:23,357 Cara thinks I'm getting far too fat. 491 00:44:23,432 --> 00:44:24,660 JuIia, come here. 492 00:44:24,734 --> 00:44:27,464 -Father. -My chiId. 493 00:44:27,537 --> 00:44:29,801 -I wasn't sure if you'd come. -Mummy gave me her bIessing. 494 00:44:29,872 --> 00:44:32,432 BIessed by your mother. What a saint that woman is. 495 00:44:32,508 --> 00:44:35,136 You know, I used to try everything to pIease her. 496 00:44:35,211 --> 00:44:36,974 JuIia, this is your friend, Mr. Ryder? 497 00:44:37,046 --> 00:44:39,844 -CharIes is my friend, Papa. -I see. 498 00:44:39,916 --> 00:44:42,612 -DeIighted. -How do you do, sir? 499 00:44:42,685 --> 00:44:46,485 -WeIcome to Venice. -Here's Cara. Now we can eat. 500 00:44:46,556 --> 00:44:48,524 Come aIong now. This way. 501 00:45:02,205 --> 00:45:05,072 Don't Iook so greedy. It won't go away. 502 00:45:06,209 --> 00:45:07,437 Sorry. 503 00:45:12,381 --> 00:45:14,906 I wasn't sure you'd come to Venice. 504 00:45:16,185 --> 00:45:18,016 Your father seemed pIeased to see you. 505 00:45:18,087 --> 00:45:20,885 I'm not sure Father cares much if I come. 506 00:45:20,957 --> 00:45:23,949 He'd probabIy be just as happy if it was onIy Sebastian. 507 00:45:24,026 --> 00:45:27,826 They adore each other. They're aIike in so many ways. 508 00:45:29,832 --> 00:45:31,697 -Who are you Iike? -Me? 509 00:45:32,301 --> 00:45:33,290 Oh. 510 00:45:34,270 --> 00:45:35,532 Nobody. 511 00:45:36,472 --> 00:45:38,372 I'm the famiIy shadow. 512 00:45:42,678 --> 00:45:43,667 (BELL RINGING ) 513 00:45:44,447 --> 00:45:45,709 Drinks. 514 00:45:46,115 --> 00:45:48,310 (SEBASTIAN CHUCKLING ) 515 00:45:49,151 --> 00:45:51,984 -CARA: JuIia. -Cara. 516 00:45:54,323 --> 00:45:58,123 Mr. Ryder, Sebastian teIIs me you are a painter. 517 00:45:58,194 --> 00:46:00,754 -CharIes is an artist. -Good. 518 00:46:00,830 --> 00:46:05,096 WeII, then I wiII show you aII the great art of CanaIetto and Veronese. 519 00:46:06,068 --> 00:46:08,832 He never goes anywhere. Such a phiIistine. 520 00:46:08,904 --> 00:46:12,601 I don't mind the art. It's reIigion I can't stand. 521 00:46:12,675 --> 00:46:15,735 The ItaIians seem unabIe to paint anything haIf decent 522 00:46:15,811 --> 00:46:18,609 without putting Christ dying in it. 523 00:46:18,681 --> 00:46:20,410 Of course, your mother Ioved ItaIy. 524 00:46:20,516 --> 00:46:23,349 -A pieta on every street corner. -Don't be crueI. 525 00:46:23,419 --> 00:46:27,253 On the contrary, she'd be fIattered. God was aIways her first Iove. 526 00:46:27,323 --> 00:46:29,723 -Mummy Ioves aII of us equaIIy. -Come now, JuIia. 527 00:46:29,792 --> 00:46:32,260 You were the one who waIked away! 528 00:46:38,367 --> 00:46:41,632 What must you think of us, Mr. Ryder? 529 00:46:41,704 --> 00:46:44,867 -A famiIy of monsters, are we not? -No, not at aII. 530 00:46:46,409 --> 00:46:48,843 I Iost my mother when I was young. 531 00:46:54,116 --> 00:46:59,645 TeII me, Mr. Ryder, as an artist, what did you make of Brideshead? 532 00:47:00,823 --> 00:47:02,586 I thought it was magnificent. 533 00:47:02,658 --> 00:47:05,923 You think that? ReaIIy? 534 00:47:05,995 --> 00:47:08,327 And now, here you are in Venice. 535 00:47:09,231 --> 00:47:11,290 What a Iot of temptations. 536 00:47:27,983 --> 00:47:32,386 CARA: He waIks for two hours every day. He wants to be immortaI. 537 00:47:32,455 --> 00:47:35,913 But he's quite fragiIe, you know, inside. 538 00:47:38,027 --> 00:47:40,427 That woman nearIy suffocated him. 539 00:47:42,031 --> 00:47:47,469 -She's been very kind to me. -Oh, yes. I'm sure. But you wiII see. 540 00:47:48,804 --> 00:47:50,704 WeII, just Iook at her chiIdren. 541 00:47:50,773 --> 00:47:53,435 Even when they were tiny, in the nursery, 542 00:47:53,509 --> 00:47:55,306 they must do what she want them to do, 543 00:47:55,378 --> 00:47:57,369 be what she want them to be. 544 00:47:57,446 --> 00:47:59,710 OnIy then, wouId she Iove them. 545 00:48:01,317 --> 00:48:06,721 It's not Lady Marchmain's fauIt. Her God has done that to her. 546 00:48:06,789 --> 00:48:09,417 But sureIy you're CathoIic, too? 547 00:48:09,492 --> 00:48:12,393 Yes, but a different sort. 548 00:48:12,461 --> 00:48:16,955 It's different in ItaIy. Not so much guiIt. 549 00:48:17,032 --> 00:48:21,696 We do what the heart teII us, and then we go to confession. 550 00:48:30,179 --> 00:48:32,875 Sebastian Ioves you very much, I think. 551 00:48:34,784 --> 00:48:35,773 LORD MARCHMAIN: There you are. 552 00:48:35,851 --> 00:48:40,345 They're very good, these romantic EngIish friendships, 553 00:48:40,423 --> 00:48:43,187 if they don't go on too Iong. 554 00:48:45,494 --> 00:48:49,487 For you, it's just a, how do you say, ''a phase''? 555 00:48:51,667 --> 00:48:54,932 But I think it's more than that for poor Sebastian. 556 00:48:57,139 --> 00:48:58,128 (SEBASTIAN CHUCKLING ) 557 00:49:00,976 --> 00:49:03,103 Tread carefuIIy, Mr. Ryder. 558 00:49:07,349 --> 00:49:08,611 SEBASTIAN: Come on. 559 00:49:10,052 --> 00:49:12,646 -HeIIo. -No! No! 560 00:49:13,522 --> 00:49:14,511 (ALL LAUGHING ) 561 00:49:18,594 --> 00:49:19,856 CHARLES: Come on. 562 00:49:21,297 --> 00:49:22,559 SEBASTIAN: Got you. 563 00:50:15,451 --> 00:50:18,215 -CHARLES: Can't sIeep. -Try pajamas. 564 00:50:24,994 --> 00:50:28,430 I enjoyed the beach today. I hope I wasn't too rough. 565 00:50:28,531 --> 00:50:30,328 You were very sweet. 566 00:50:36,205 --> 00:50:37,502 SEBASTIAN: CharIes? 567 00:50:39,742 --> 00:50:41,403 There you are. 568 00:50:41,944 --> 00:50:42,933 (SEBASTIAN GROANS ) 569 00:50:45,247 --> 00:50:46,236 (SEBASTIAN CHUCKLES ) 570 00:50:50,853 --> 00:50:52,115 Sorry. 571 00:50:54,456 --> 00:50:55,980 Lots to drink. 572 00:50:59,995 --> 00:51:02,327 I'm so gIad you're here. 573 00:51:02,398 --> 00:51:05,265 -I'm gIad you're here. -I'm gIad I came. 574 00:51:05,334 --> 00:51:09,168 -Did I say I'm gIad you're here? -You're reaIIy gIad I'm here? 575 00:51:09,238 --> 00:51:10,227 (CHARLES CHUCKLES ) 576 00:51:11,774 --> 00:51:12,763 (CROWD CHEERING ) 577 00:51:21,951 --> 00:51:24,681 SEBASTIAN: Let's get pIastered. CHARLES: If you want. 578 00:51:24,787 --> 00:51:28,450 SEBASTIAN: Oh, yes, I do. I want. I want. 579 00:51:36,999 --> 00:51:39,126 CARA: There's a wonderfuI chapeI near here! 580 00:51:39,201 --> 00:51:42,295 You wiII see a masterpiece, I teII you. 581 00:52:01,857 --> 00:52:04,223 The deviI's got his eye on you! 582 00:52:07,563 --> 00:52:09,929 WeII, then you must protect me. 583 00:52:32,588 --> 00:52:33,748 JuIia! 584 00:53:22,571 --> 00:53:23,936 JuIia. 585 00:53:24,006 --> 00:53:27,100 I got Iost. AII those peopIe. 586 00:53:57,339 --> 00:53:58,328 (JULIA MOANS ) 587 00:53:59,808 --> 00:54:01,605 What are you doing? 588 00:54:03,912 --> 00:54:05,573 What's the matter? 589 00:54:08,417 --> 00:54:09,406 JULIA: No! 590 00:55:25,060 --> 00:55:27,324 Funny oId reIigion, isn't it? 591 00:55:31,266 --> 00:55:32,665 (PANTING ) Sebastian, 592 00:55:36,038 --> 00:55:39,701 what happened just now... I never meant you to... 593 00:55:43,478 --> 00:55:45,969 If I'd known it was going to happen, 594 00:55:48,584 --> 00:55:50,245 I'd never have... 595 00:55:53,322 --> 00:55:55,916 I don't know what I'm supposed to... 596 00:56:53,348 --> 00:56:54,975 (RYDER CHUCKLING ) 597 00:56:55,851 --> 00:56:58,217 Checkmate. 598 00:57:01,456 --> 00:57:06,325 I'm boring you. Perhaps it is duII for you here. 599 00:57:07,729 --> 00:57:09,856 You've been enjoying yourseIf? 600 00:57:09,932 --> 00:57:13,231 -I've been in Venice. -Oh, yes, yes, I suppose so. 601 00:57:15,003 --> 00:57:19,463 The friend you were so much concerned about, did he die? 602 00:57:22,678 --> 00:57:25,374 -No. -I'm very thankfuI. 603 00:57:25,447 --> 00:57:29,440 You shouId have written to teII me. I worried about him so much. 604 00:57:45,033 --> 00:57:47,263 STUDENT: Watch out, FIyte! CHARLES: Sebastian! 605 00:57:50,272 --> 00:57:52,706 -Sebastian! -Leave me aIone! 606 00:57:56,478 --> 00:57:59,777 -Damn. Where is he? The bastard. -Who? 607 00:57:59,881 --> 00:58:02,042 -Mr. Samgrass. -Who's Mr. Samgrass? 608 00:58:02,117 --> 00:58:05,280 One of Mummy's gang. Fat IittIe CathoIic from AII SouIs. 609 00:58:05,354 --> 00:58:06,981 Bastard's been set up to foIIow me. 610 00:58:07,055 --> 00:58:09,319 I wouIdn't mind if he wasn't so infernaIIy ugIy. 611 00:58:09,391 --> 00:58:12,849 God, I feeI a hundred years oId. 612 00:58:12,928 --> 00:58:15,522 Why haven't you caIIed round? I've been worried. 613 00:58:15,597 --> 00:58:19,033 I was beginning to think they hadn't sent you up. 614 00:58:19,101 --> 00:58:21,569 -Since Venice. -Yes. 615 00:58:26,375 --> 00:58:28,605 -Damn! There he is again. -Who? What are you taIking about? 616 00:58:28,677 --> 00:58:31,111 -Mr. Samgrass! There! -Do you mind? 617 00:58:31,179 --> 00:58:33,511 Mummy's hired him to watch me. 618 00:58:33,582 --> 00:58:35,948 -What does he want? -My head on a pIate. 619 00:58:36,018 --> 00:58:40,216 Look, if he's bothering you, I can stop him. 620 00:58:40,288 --> 00:58:41,277 (CHUCKLES ) 621 00:58:42,624 --> 00:58:46,287 Dear CharIes, aIways so certain. 622 00:58:47,462 --> 00:58:50,920 -I'm not certain of anything. -Aren't you? 623 00:58:55,837 --> 00:58:58,863 By the way, Mummy's here. 624 00:59:00,575 --> 00:59:02,543 She has to taIk to you. 625 00:59:04,179 --> 00:59:06,443 ProbabIy wants you to spy on me as weII. 626 00:59:06,515 --> 00:59:08,278 Don't be Iike that. 627 00:59:09,851 --> 00:59:13,252 Why don't I come round to your rooms Iater? 628 00:59:13,321 --> 00:59:16,051 I'm not sure I want to see you anymore. 629 00:59:29,738 --> 00:59:31,205 I'm so sorry. 630 00:59:50,392 --> 00:59:52,257 So, CharIes, 631 00:59:55,197 --> 00:59:57,722 -how was Venice? -Venice was fine. 632 00:59:59,167 --> 01:00:02,967 -A strange way to put it. -It was beautifuI. 633 01:00:03,038 --> 01:00:05,370 Speaking as an artist or a man? 634 01:00:07,876 --> 01:00:10,845 I want a word with you about Sebastian. 635 01:00:10,912 --> 01:00:12,880 I'm concerned about him. 636 01:00:14,683 --> 01:00:16,150 -Tea? -No, thank you. 637 01:00:17,185 --> 01:00:19,085 -Why? ShouId I be? -He's drinking too much. 638 01:00:19,154 --> 01:00:23,056 You must have noticed. After aII, I sent you to Iook after him. 639 01:00:24,092 --> 01:00:25,889 Yes, I suppose we both drink too much, reaIIy. 640 01:00:25,961 --> 01:00:27,690 No, not at aII. You drink to get drunk, 641 01:00:27,762 --> 01:00:31,323 Sebastian drinks to escape the cIaims of his conscience. 642 01:00:35,103 --> 01:00:37,833 I do wish I couId understand why he's so particuIarIy upset. 643 01:00:37,906 --> 01:00:41,603 Ever since he came back from Venice, he's been unreachabIe. 644 01:00:42,410 --> 01:00:45,937 -Did something happen there? -No. 645 01:00:48,450 --> 01:00:51,385 -You aII had a good time? -Yes. 646 01:00:52,621 --> 01:00:55,021 I wonder what it couId have been. 647 01:00:57,859 --> 01:01:00,589 I hope you didn't Iet JuIia misIead you. 648 01:01:01,763 --> 01:01:04,561 -I don't understand. -I think you do. 649 01:01:06,101 --> 01:01:07,125 PIease understand, 650 01:01:07,202 --> 01:01:11,070 I wouId not want you to make yourseIf Iook fooIish, CharIes. 651 01:01:11,940 --> 01:01:16,809 Her future is not a question of choice. It is a matter of faith. 652 01:01:18,380 --> 01:01:21,838 Were it simpIy a difference in upbringing, 653 01:01:21,917 --> 01:01:23,646 this I might overIook. 654 01:01:23,718 --> 01:01:26,050 But you are a seIf-procIaimed atheist, 655 01:01:26,121 --> 01:01:29,887 and my daughter is destined to marry a CathoIic. 656 01:01:29,958 --> 01:01:32,085 God commands and we obey. 657 01:01:34,596 --> 01:01:35,824 However, we're forgetting ourseIves. 658 01:01:35,897 --> 01:01:38,559 We're here to taIk about your friendship with my son. 659 01:01:38,633 --> 01:01:41,727 I'm not sure Sebastian wants to be my friend anymore. 660 01:01:41,803 --> 01:01:43,430 Because of JuIia? 661 01:01:44,472 --> 01:01:46,997 But that is aII cIeared up now. 662 01:01:47,075 --> 01:01:48,804 We're giving a baII for JuIia's 2 1 st. 663 01:01:48,877 --> 01:01:51,505 I'd Iike you to keep Sebastian company. 664 01:01:52,614 --> 01:01:54,673 You came to Brideshead as my son's friend. 665 01:01:54,749 --> 01:01:58,014 If you have unaccountabIy offended him, 666 01:01:58,086 --> 01:02:01,920 it is sureIy not too much to ask that you revisit your responsibiIities. 667 01:02:03,692 --> 01:02:07,219 -To him or to you? -To the famiIy. 668 01:02:10,232 --> 01:02:12,132 And, of course, 669 01:02:12,200 --> 01:02:16,227 Brideshead does Iook particuIarIy beautifuI at this time of year. 670 01:02:18,540 --> 01:02:20,599 TeII me, I'm curious. 671 01:02:22,277 --> 01:02:25,110 Since, as you cIaim, you have no reIigion, 672 01:02:26,781 --> 01:02:29,875 what do you imagine you are doing on this earth? 673 01:02:31,853 --> 01:02:34,253 Living my Iife, the same as you. 674 01:02:34,322 --> 01:02:37,849 But without faith, what couId your purpose possibIy be? 675 01:02:41,663 --> 01:02:44,291 I want to Iook back and say that I was 676 01:02:45,000 --> 01:02:45,989 aIive. 677 01:02:47,969 --> 01:02:51,666 That I didn't turn my back. That I tried. 678 01:02:53,875 --> 01:02:55,638 That I was happy. 679 01:02:55,744 --> 01:02:58,645 Happiness in this Iife is irreIevant. 680 01:02:58,713 --> 01:03:00,874 AII that matters, 681 01:03:00,949 --> 01:03:06,148 the onIy thing of consequence, is the Iife hereafter. 682 01:03:17,232 --> 01:03:19,257 WOMAN: Ready for the off. 683 01:03:20,402 --> 01:03:23,030 A beautifuI day for it, isn't it? Come on. 684 01:03:51,266 --> 01:03:55,669 Funny, isn't it? It's my IittIe present to the famiIy. 685 01:03:55,737 --> 01:03:58,900 -Rex Mottram. How do you do? -CharIes Ryder. 686 01:03:59,641 --> 01:04:02,701 Good to meet you, CharIes. Heard aII about you. 687 01:04:03,345 --> 01:04:06,542 We shouId compare notes some time. 688 01:04:06,614 --> 01:04:08,809 -Going on the hunt? -I don't think so. 689 01:04:08,883 --> 01:04:12,341 Wise man. Load of EngIish bIue bIoods on horseback. 690 01:04:13,254 --> 01:04:15,188 Got to fit in, though! 691 01:04:20,562 --> 01:04:21,551 (KNOCKING AT DOOR) 692 01:04:28,403 --> 01:04:29,802 SEBASTIAN: Who is it? 693 01:04:34,175 --> 01:04:35,506 CHARLES: It's me. 694 01:04:36,511 --> 01:04:39,309 You couId have knocked. I nearIy spiIt my drink. 695 01:04:39,381 --> 01:04:40,575 I did. 696 01:04:44,018 --> 01:04:45,349 Sit down. 697 01:05:16,384 --> 01:05:18,978 If onIy it couId be Iike this aIways. 698 01:05:19,788 --> 01:05:22,450 -AIways summer. -Ancient history. 699 01:05:24,092 --> 01:05:25,821 Pass me a toweI. 700 01:05:41,810 --> 01:05:44,142 Where's that damn shirt? 701 01:05:46,047 --> 01:05:49,210 You're shaking. What is it? What's the matter? 702 01:05:51,186 --> 01:05:53,154 Don't you know, CharIes? 703 01:05:54,456 --> 01:05:57,186 ''Why this is heII, nor am I out of it.'' 704 01:05:57,759 --> 01:06:00,887 -Sebastian, if I've ever done anything... -It's not you. 705 01:06:02,063 --> 01:06:03,428 It's me. 706 01:06:08,069 --> 01:06:12,972 For God's sake, do stop mooning at me Iike a great big cow! 707 01:06:14,976 --> 01:06:16,307 I'm fine. 708 01:06:18,246 --> 01:06:21,340 I'm fine so Iong as I've got pIenty of this. 709 01:06:21,416 --> 01:06:24,749 I want you to know that whatever happened in Venice, 710 01:06:25,253 --> 01:06:28,882 I'm not in your mother's gang, if that's what you think. 711 01:06:30,592 --> 01:06:32,389 I'm on your side. 712 01:06:33,862 --> 01:06:34,851 Contra mundum. 713 01:06:39,400 --> 01:06:41,129 Dear CharIes, 714 01:06:45,406 --> 01:06:47,772 you're not in anybody's gang. 715 01:06:48,910 --> 01:06:51,401 That's aIways been your probIem. 716 01:07:01,256 --> 01:07:05,090 Why are you going on the hunt? I thought you detested hunting. 717 01:07:05,960 --> 01:07:07,154 I do. 718 01:07:09,364 --> 01:07:12,629 I'm going to Ieave Bridey at the first covert, 719 01:07:12,700 --> 01:07:16,534 hack over to the nearest pub, and spend the whoIe day drinking. 720 01:07:19,107 --> 01:07:20,404 If they treat me Iike a dipsomaniac, 721 01:07:20,475 --> 01:07:23,205 they can bIoody weII have a dipsomaniac. 722 01:07:23,578 --> 01:07:25,273 WeII, they can't stop you. 723 01:07:25,346 --> 01:07:27,576 They can, as a matter of fact, 724 01:07:30,752 --> 01:07:34,711 by not giving me any money. They've stopped my bank account. 725 01:07:37,025 --> 01:07:39,789 I've pawned my watch and cigarette case. 726 01:07:41,262 --> 01:07:43,321 That Iasted for a bit, 727 01:07:45,133 --> 01:07:47,158 but that's aII gone now. 728 01:07:48,636 --> 01:07:50,797 So, regretfuIIy... 729 01:07:51,673 --> 01:07:53,937 Sebastian, I can't do that. 730 01:07:55,043 --> 01:07:58,103 -I thought you were on my side. -I am. 731 01:07:58,179 --> 01:07:59,646 WeII, then. 732 01:08:00,281 --> 01:08:02,647 Look, why don't I come with you? 733 01:08:03,484 --> 01:08:05,816 It's miserabIe drinking aIone. 734 01:08:06,387 --> 01:08:08,252 We couId get drunk together, Iike we used to. 735 01:08:08,323 --> 01:08:09,312 No. 736 01:08:11,192 --> 01:08:12,989 I'm past aII that. 737 01:08:14,228 --> 01:08:16,196 Thanks for the offer. 738 01:08:19,701 --> 01:08:20,861 WeII? 739 01:08:22,470 --> 01:08:24,734 Are you with me or against me? 740 01:08:51,766 --> 01:08:54,599 LAD Y MARCHMAIN: LittIe bit further up on the shouIder, though. 741 01:08:54,669 --> 01:08:56,136 Sarah, Iook. 742 01:08:57,238 --> 01:08:58,933 Sort of up here. 743 01:09:52,994 --> 01:09:57,260 Ladies and gentIemen, it gives me great pIeasure to announce, 744 01:09:57,331 --> 01:10:00,266 on top of the birthday festivities, 745 01:10:00,334 --> 01:10:04,464 the engagement of my eIdest daughter, the Lady JuIia FIyte 746 01:10:04,539 --> 01:10:06,336 to Mr. Rex Mottram. 747 01:10:06,407 --> 01:10:07,738 (ALL APPLAUDING ) 748 01:10:15,216 --> 01:10:17,207 (BAND PLAYING UPBEAT MUSIC ) 749 01:10:20,154 --> 01:10:22,486 LAD Y MARCHMAIN: Yes, it's marveIous, isn't it. 750 01:10:28,663 --> 01:10:32,099 -Thank you, CharIes. I'd Iove to dance. -CordeIia. 751 01:10:32,166 --> 01:10:34,760 -CordeIia, I'm... -Come aIong! 752 01:10:45,012 --> 01:10:46,570 -CharIes? -Hmm? 753 01:10:47,381 --> 01:10:51,442 I hope you don't mind me asking, but modern art, 754 01:10:52,086 --> 01:10:55,578 -it is aII bosh, isn't it? -Yes, it's aII bosh. 755 01:10:55,656 --> 01:10:57,590 Good. I thought so. 756 01:11:00,928 --> 01:11:03,021 Get a grip, CharIes! 757 01:11:04,265 --> 01:11:07,234 Rex! Rex, I need a better dancer. 758 01:11:08,236 --> 01:11:10,864 Yours for five minutes and no more. 759 01:11:10,938 --> 01:11:12,963 -Come aIong. -Okay. 760 01:11:15,243 --> 01:11:17,575 CORDELIA: You're rather taII, aren't you? 761 01:11:17,645 --> 01:11:19,374 Is that a handicap? 762 01:11:39,734 --> 01:11:41,725 Why didn't you teII me? 763 01:11:43,471 --> 01:11:46,133 It's not Sebastian. I don't beIieve that. 764 01:11:46,207 --> 01:11:48,198 CharIes, I can't do this. 765 01:11:48,609 --> 01:11:51,077 -When we kissed... -PIease, stop! 766 01:11:52,980 --> 01:11:55,312 Why? It was wonderfuI. 767 01:11:57,051 --> 01:11:58,348 I know. 768 01:12:02,390 --> 01:12:04,688 I think about it aII the time. 769 01:12:07,195 --> 01:12:08,992 I have no choice. 770 01:12:25,913 --> 01:12:28,882 -Oh, Sebastian. -Never mind. 771 01:12:33,855 --> 01:12:35,789 -Oh, CharIes. -Don't! 772 01:12:40,528 --> 01:12:42,496 -Come aIong, oId boy. -I don't want your heIp. 773 01:12:42,563 --> 01:12:44,690 You're in tweed, Sebastian. This is a baII. 774 01:12:44,765 --> 01:12:47,700 Bugger off, Bridey. You're worse than wet. 775 01:12:51,239 --> 01:12:54,140 You see... What it is... 776 01:12:54,208 --> 01:12:56,506 I hate you aII so very much! 777 01:12:57,278 --> 01:12:59,405 -Sebastian. -Get off me! 778 01:12:59,881 --> 01:13:00,905 You don't care about me! 779 01:13:00,982 --> 01:13:02,779 AII you ever wanted was to sIeep with my sister! 780 01:13:02,850 --> 01:13:05,148 Okay, Sebastian, that's enough. 781 01:13:06,120 --> 01:13:07,951 AII right. I'm going. 782 01:13:21,502 --> 01:13:24,335 (BAND PLAYING CHEERFUL MUSIC ) 783 01:13:50,631 --> 01:13:52,030 CharIes, 784 01:13:55,002 --> 01:13:57,493 did you give Sebastian money today? 785 01:13:59,740 --> 01:14:01,207 Yes, I did. 786 01:14:03,444 --> 01:14:06,140 Knowing how he was IikeIy to spend it? 787 01:14:08,015 --> 01:14:09,209 Yes. 788 01:14:10,885 --> 01:14:12,648 I don't understand. 789 01:14:13,354 --> 01:14:16,289 How couId you be so nice in so many ways, 790 01:14:17,525 --> 01:14:20,289 and then do something so wantonIy crueI? 791 01:14:21,162 --> 01:14:25,189 We aII Iiked you so much. I don't understand how we deserved it. 792 01:14:27,802 --> 01:14:32,671 Do you think it's better to make him feeI Iike a criminaI? 793 01:14:34,408 --> 01:14:36,808 Having him watched every second of the day? 794 01:14:36,877 --> 01:14:39,744 But you deIiberateIy heIped him to drink. 795 01:14:42,350 --> 01:14:44,716 You're the reason he drinks, 796 01:14:46,187 --> 01:14:47,484 not me. 797 01:14:48,789 --> 01:14:50,416 AII I did was 798 01:14:51,993 --> 01:14:53,756 try to give him a IittIe freedom. 799 01:14:53,828 --> 01:14:57,992 No, you just wanted him to Iike you. You're so desperate to be Iiked. 800 01:14:58,065 --> 01:15:00,693 I think you shouId Ieave now, CharIes. 801 01:16:23,851 --> 01:16:26,786 HeIIo, there. WouId you Iike me to hoId the Iadder? 802 01:16:26,854 --> 01:16:28,344 Yes, thanks. 803 01:16:32,993 --> 01:16:35,791 I'm CeIia MuIcaster, by the way. 804 01:16:38,365 --> 01:16:39,923 CharIes Ryder. 805 01:16:41,168 --> 01:16:45,662 I saw your paintings in the brochure and thought how charming they Iooked. 806 01:16:48,609 --> 01:16:50,668 No need to Iook so gIoomy. 807 01:16:51,412 --> 01:16:54,404 If I had haIf your taIent, I'd be deIirious. 808 01:16:56,584 --> 01:16:58,916 You can thank me, if you want. 809 01:17:00,921 --> 01:17:02,286 Thank you. 810 01:17:05,192 --> 01:17:07,854 WouId you Iike me to buy something now? 811 01:17:26,480 --> 01:17:29,813 RYDER: SiIent and grave, and then ''pop,'' mouse is dead. 812 01:17:31,552 --> 01:17:33,782 -CharIes. -Lady Marchmain. 813 01:17:35,990 --> 01:17:37,651 Thank you, Father. 814 01:17:39,727 --> 01:17:42,821 I'm so gIad your son didn't die of his injuries. 815 01:17:55,843 --> 01:17:58,573 PIease, sit down. 816 01:17:59,146 --> 01:18:00,943 I'm fine, thank you. 817 01:18:03,551 --> 01:18:05,143 How did you know where I Iived? 818 01:18:05,219 --> 01:18:07,119 My driver found you. 819 01:18:07,188 --> 01:18:09,850 The Ryders of Paddington are Iimited in number. 820 01:18:09,924 --> 01:18:12,791 I hear you have your first exhibition at the RoyaI Academy. 821 01:18:12,860 --> 01:18:14,487 CongratuIations. 822 01:18:14,962 --> 01:18:17,123 I'm sure you're not here to ask me how I am. 823 01:18:17,198 --> 01:18:21,567 No. The Iast time we saw each other, it's true I spoke rather harshIy. 824 01:18:22,303 --> 01:18:25,500 I'm not here to apoIogize. What I said, I meant. 825 01:18:26,307 --> 01:18:29,504 I took you into my confidence, and you betrayed me. 826 01:18:30,311 --> 01:18:33,075 I do hope you're not asking me to agree with you. 827 01:18:33,147 --> 01:18:35,809 -I act onIy as God directs. -Rubbish. 828 01:18:36,350 --> 01:18:39,615 God's your best invention. Whatever you want, he does. 829 01:18:39,687 --> 01:18:44,283 -I am not here to argue with you. -Good. I'm gIad to hear it. 830 01:18:44,358 --> 01:18:47,350 The reason I caIIed was to ask you a favor. 831 01:18:50,664 --> 01:18:51,995 A favor? 832 01:18:53,801 --> 01:18:57,635 Sebastian's gone missing. He's in a house in Morocco. 833 01:18:57,705 --> 01:19:01,106 I'm worried about him. I need you to bring him back. 834 01:19:02,610 --> 01:19:04,805 You banish me from your house, 835 01:19:04,878 --> 01:19:08,211 you poison my friendship with both your chiIdren 836 01:19:08,282 --> 01:19:11,217 and now you expect me to go begging on your behaIf? 837 01:19:11,285 --> 01:19:13,515 There's no one eIse I can ask. 838 01:19:13,854 --> 01:19:15,014 Even if I were to agree, 839 01:19:15,089 --> 01:19:18,320 what makes you think Sebastian wouId take any notice of me? 840 01:19:18,392 --> 01:19:23,728 Because he cared for you more than he ever cared for anyone eIse. 841 01:19:29,236 --> 01:19:32,034 AII I ever wanted was to see them safe. 842 01:19:33,007 --> 01:19:35,202 And aII they do is hate me. 843 01:19:51,859 --> 01:19:53,793 I'II be at Brideshead. 844 01:19:55,095 --> 01:19:57,359 You may send word to me there. 845 01:19:57,898 --> 01:19:59,195 Driver! 846 01:20:02,369 --> 01:20:03,631 Driver! 847 01:20:03,704 --> 01:20:05,695 (LAD Y MARCHMAIN COUGHING ) 848 01:21:21,148 --> 01:21:22,137 (SPEAKING FRENCH) 849 01:21:51,145 --> 01:21:52,134 (KURT COUGHING ) 850 01:21:57,017 --> 01:21:59,349 I'm Iooking for Sebastian FIyte. 851 01:22:03,857 --> 01:22:06,018 This is his house. 852 01:22:06,960 --> 01:22:09,588 -Who are you? -I'm his friend. 853 01:22:11,765 --> 01:22:13,699 In the IocaI hospitaI. 854 01:22:15,502 --> 01:22:17,299 When you see him, 855 01:22:18,305 --> 01:22:20,500 teII him I'm stiII here. 856 01:22:26,847 --> 01:22:29,247 DR. HENRI: Your friend has got the grippe. 857 01:22:31,318 --> 01:22:33,752 One of his Iungs is fuII of fIuid. 858 01:22:34,188 --> 01:22:37,817 He wiII recover. But traveI with you? Not a chance. 859 01:22:38,525 --> 01:22:40,959 He's very weak. No resistance. 860 01:22:42,162 --> 01:22:44,995 What do you expect? He is an aIcohoIic. 861 01:22:45,098 --> 01:22:46,087 (SPEAKING FRENCH) 862 01:23:15,929 --> 01:23:17,692 Here is your friend. 863 01:23:34,414 --> 01:23:36,882 What the heII are you doing here? 864 01:23:37,317 --> 01:23:39,285 Your mother asked me to come. 865 01:23:39,353 --> 01:23:41,981 She wants me to bring you back home, 866 01:23:42,756 --> 01:23:46,692 but the doctor said it's out of the question for you to traveI. 867 01:23:46,994 --> 01:23:49,121 I wouIdn't, even if I couId. 868 01:23:49,897 --> 01:23:51,330 I think... 869 01:23:53,800 --> 01:23:55,700 I think she's dying. 870 01:24:04,411 --> 01:24:07,437 WaIk with me. I'm meant to exercise. 871 01:24:27,167 --> 01:24:29,158 Did you go to my house? 872 01:24:30,470 --> 01:24:32,267 Did you meet Kurt? 873 01:24:33,407 --> 01:24:34,669 Yes. 874 01:24:36,677 --> 01:24:39,612 He wanted you to know he was waiting for you. 875 01:24:40,681 --> 01:24:43,047 It's rather a pIeasant change, 876 01:24:44,117 --> 01:24:47,712 when aII your Iife you've had peopIe Iooking after you, 877 01:24:48,255 --> 01:24:50,951 to have someone to Iook after, yourseIf. 878 01:25:05,472 --> 01:25:07,531 I thought you'd want to go back to Brideshead one day. 879 01:25:07,608 --> 01:25:09,075 Brideshead? 880 01:25:09,676 --> 01:25:11,143 Are you mad? 881 01:25:13,046 --> 01:25:15,640 The pIace wouId stiII be fuII of her. 882 01:25:17,751 --> 01:25:20,982 I wouIdn't go within a hundred miIes of the pIace. 883 01:25:25,492 --> 01:25:27,016 I need to sit. 884 01:25:35,402 --> 01:25:36,391 (SIGHS ) 885 01:25:41,541 --> 01:25:42,940 I'm sorry. 886 01:25:43,777 --> 01:25:45,301 Whatever for? 887 01:25:55,389 --> 01:25:56,856 Everything. 888 01:25:57,891 --> 01:25:59,415 It's aII right. 889 01:26:01,094 --> 01:26:02,356 TruIy. 890 01:26:05,165 --> 01:26:07,190 I asked too much of you. 891 01:26:09,836 --> 01:26:11,963 I knew it aII aIong, reaIIy. 892 01:26:14,074 --> 01:26:16,838 OnIy God can give you that sort of Iove. 893 01:26:24,484 --> 01:26:26,475 Come home, Sebastian. 894 01:26:28,789 --> 01:26:30,757 When you're weII enough. 895 01:26:32,292 --> 01:26:34,419 Don't finish it Iike this. 896 01:26:37,798 --> 01:26:39,561 This is my Iife now. 897 01:26:41,968 --> 01:26:43,560 I'm happy here. 898 01:26:48,508 --> 01:26:50,032 I miss you. 899 01:26:52,579 --> 01:26:54,774 How sweet of you to say that. 900 01:26:57,517 --> 01:26:59,041 Dear CharIes, 901 01:27:02,589 --> 01:27:05,683 it was my fauIt for bringing you to Brideshead. 902 01:27:11,231 --> 01:27:12,596 Run away. 903 01:27:14,768 --> 01:27:17,464 Run far away and don't ever Iook back. 904 01:28:11,458 --> 01:28:12,857 I'm sorry. 905 01:28:40,554 --> 01:28:42,749 WOMAN: You must be so proud of him. 906 01:28:43,323 --> 01:28:45,587 -Was he away Iong? -Two years, 907 01:28:45,692 --> 01:28:47,421 and it doesn't feeI Iike a day. 908 01:29:37,344 --> 01:29:38,902 HeIIo, CharIes. 909 01:29:46,386 --> 01:29:48,684 Did you know I was on the boat? 910 01:29:50,624 --> 01:29:53,320 If I said no, you wouIdn't beIieve me. 911 01:29:59,099 --> 01:30:00,862 You're married now. 912 01:30:01,968 --> 01:30:03,060 Yes. 913 01:30:08,275 --> 01:30:12,211 -You haven't changed at aII. -Neither have you. 914 01:30:17,183 --> 01:30:19,515 -How ridicuIous. -Yes, isn't it? 915 01:30:23,356 --> 01:30:25,256 TeII me this is fate. 916 01:31:50,110 --> 01:31:51,839 -What? -Nothing. 917 01:31:53,313 --> 01:31:54,644 TeII me. 918 01:31:55,448 --> 01:31:57,882 I was thinking about Sebastian. 919 01:31:58,685 --> 01:32:01,711 Mummy died without ever seeing him again. 920 01:32:05,658 --> 01:32:06,920 I know. 921 01:32:11,531 --> 01:32:13,431 Let's go up on deck. 922 01:32:14,300 --> 01:32:17,326 -Are you sure? -They're aII asIeep! Come on! 923 01:32:18,772 --> 01:32:19,761 (JULIA LAUGHING ) 924 01:32:20,874 --> 01:32:22,239 Come on! 925 01:32:29,516 --> 01:32:30,505 (BOTH CHUCKLING ) 926 01:32:33,319 --> 01:32:34,513 CHARLES: Sorry. 927 01:32:39,059 --> 01:32:41,527 -So where's Rex? -I drowned him. 928 01:32:42,262 --> 01:32:43,923 Forgive me, Rex! 929 01:32:58,144 --> 01:33:00,169 Lady JuIia, fancy meeting you here. 930 01:33:00,246 --> 01:33:02,908 -Mr. Ryder. -CouId I possibIy get you a drink? 931 01:33:02,982 --> 01:33:04,210 Dry martini, pIease. 932 01:33:04,284 --> 01:33:06,582 One dry Martini, one whiskey with water. 933 01:33:06,653 --> 01:33:08,314 PIease, aIIow me. 934 01:33:13,159 --> 01:33:14,148 (BOTH CHUCKLING ) 935 01:33:18,364 --> 01:33:19,991 So, why did you marry Rex? 936 01:33:20,066 --> 01:33:23,035 I don't know. Because he wasn't you. 937 01:33:23,536 --> 01:33:26,596 -Because he was rich. -Because he was CathoIic. 938 01:33:26,973 --> 01:33:29,806 Because Mummy approved, God rest her souI. 939 01:33:31,878 --> 01:33:34,779 I thought he was my painted savage. 940 01:33:35,949 --> 01:33:38,782 It turns out he was thoroughIy up to date. 941 01:33:41,054 --> 01:33:42,146 Thank you. 942 01:33:42,222 --> 01:33:45,214 Now, no more taIk about Rex. He's in EngIand. 943 01:33:54,167 --> 01:33:57,102 -Do you have chiIdren? -No. 944 01:33:58,605 --> 01:33:59,765 No. 945 01:34:03,243 --> 01:34:06,440 -What wiII you teII your wife? -Wait untiI London. 946 01:34:08,114 --> 01:34:11,914 I have a viewing to arrange. I'II sort it out. It'II be fine. 947 01:34:12,719 --> 01:34:15,711 -Where shaII we go? -Somewhere abroad, Iike Daddy. 948 01:34:15,788 --> 01:34:18,655 -What about ItaIy? Capri? -Antibes. 949 01:34:18,725 --> 01:34:19,714 -SeviIIe. -Verona. 950 01:34:19,792 --> 01:34:21,521 -Paris. -Brideshead. 951 01:34:21,594 --> 01:34:23,494 -No! -Why not? 952 01:34:24,764 --> 01:34:27,824 -It's the IoveIiest pIace on earth. -I can't go back there. 953 01:34:27,901 --> 01:34:29,698 -Not after this. -Nonsense. 954 01:34:29,769 --> 01:34:32,465 -We've nothing to apoIogize for. -No. 955 01:34:34,607 --> 01:34:36,165 Besides, Rex is there. 956 01:34:36,242 --> 01:34:39,268 Leave it to me. I'II settIe things with Rex. 957 01:34:40,313 --> 01:34:42,281 I'II settIe everything. 958 01:34:45,785 --> 01:34:47,082 Trust me. 959 01:34:47,220 --> 01:34:48,244 (JULIA LAUGHING ) 960 01:34:48,321 --> 01:34:49,515 I do. 961 01:34:50,490 --> 01:34:52,822 -And stop worrying! -I wiII. 962 01:35:08,174 --> 01:35:11,166 POLICEMAN: Good afternoon, ma'am. LAD Y: LoveIy day. 963 01:35:14,180 --> 01:35:15,909 Mr. and Mrs. Ryder. 964 01:35:17,217 --> 01:35:20,948 Look, that's the Duke and Duchess of CIarence. 965 01:35:21,487 --> 01:35:24,854 -They want to buy one! -How very gracious of them. 966 01:35:27,026 --> 01:35:31,725 Make an effort, CharIes. I've got you the cream of Mayfair. 967 01:35:35,034 --> 01:35:36,729 MAN: Mrs. Ryder, good day. 968 01:35:36,803 --> 01:35:40,330 BLANCHE: CharIes, how charming you Iook. 969 01:35:43,443 --> 01:35:44,705 Anthony. 970 01:35:45,211 --> 01:35:48,374 I heard, quite by chance, at a Iuncheon, that you were having an exhibition. 971 01:35:48,448 --> 01:35:52,441 So, of course, I dashed impetuousIy to the shrine to pay homage. 972 01:35:52,852 --> 01:35:54,752 Where are the pictures? 973 01:35:56,389 --> 01:35:58,482 Let me expIain them to you. 974 01:36:09,369 --> 01:36:10,893 BLANCHE: This is simpIy charm. 975 01:36:10,970 --> 01:36:15,464 SimpIe, creamy, EngIish charm, pIaying tigers. 976 01:36:18,411 --> 01:36:20,402 But enough of art. 977 01:36:20,480 --> 01:36:24,644 They teII me you are happy in Iove and that is everything, isn't it? 978 01:36:24,717 --> 01:36:26,742 Or nearIy everything. 979 01:36:28,121 --> 01:36:30,248 Everyone's taIking about it. 980 01:36:30,323 --> 01:36:33,815 So, it's JuIia now. And it used to be Sebastian. 981 01:36:35,061 --> 01:36:37,359 Do you think I shouId warn her? 982 01:36:37,664 --> 01:36:39,598 Warn her about what? 983 01:36:40,700 --> 01:36:45,103 How apropos that you'd have chosen jungIes for your canvas. 984 01:36:47,273 --> 01:36:50,071 I aIways thought you were the Iamb to be sIaughtered, 985 01:36:50,143 --> 01:36:52,976 when aII aIong it is they who are hunted. 986 01:36:54,614 --> 01:36:59,017 There reaIIy is no end to your hunger, is there, CharIes? 987 01:37:17,537 --> 01:37:20,199 JULIA: Why do I feeI so nervous? CHARLES: Don't be. 988 01:37:26,212 --> 01:37:30,205 -Who are aII these peopIe? -PoIiticians, money men. 989 01:37:30,950 --> 01:37:32,747 Rex thinks there's a war coming with HitIer. 990 01:37:32,819 --> 01:37:34,582 He wants to do weII out of it. 991 01:37:34,654 --> 01:37:37,384 -It's aII he taIks about. -REX: HeIIo, JuIia. 992 01:37:37,457 --> 01:37:39,618 -HeIIo, Rex. -Good evening, Rex. 993 01:37:39,692 --> 01:37:42,217 Mr. Ryder, weIcome back to Brideshead. 994 01:37:42,295 --> 01:37:44,855 I hear you're making quite a name for yourseIf. 995 01:37:44,931 --> 01:37:48,332 -CouId I have a word with you? -Later, I have guests. 996 01:37:54,974 --> 01:37:56,339 It's coId. 997 01:38:03,082 --> 01:38:04,515 Not here! 998 01:38:07,787 --> 01:38:10,688 -Sorry. -Let's go back to London. 999 01:38:10,757 --> 01:38:14,420 -Let me settIe everything with Rex. -And then we'II Ieave? 1000 01:38:15,094 --> 01:38:17,892 -Yes? CharIes? -Yes. 1001 01:38:19,599 --> 01:38:21,624 If that's what you want. 1002 01:38:25,671 --> 01:38:26,660 (JULIA CHUCKLING ) 1003 01:38:33,479 --> 01:38:35,174 HeIIo, Bridey. 1004 01:38:35,248 --> 01:38:38,217 -HeIIo, JuIia. Just up from London? -Yes. 1005 01:38:38,985 --> 01:38:41,249 WeIcome back to Brideshead, CharIes. 1006 01:38:41,320 --> 01:38:44,118 -How's your famiIy? -Fine, thank you. 1007 01:38:45,725 --> 01:38:49,252 -Rex stiII entertaining? -He's got business. 1008 01:38:51,030 --> 01:38:52,019 (EX CLAIMS ) 1009 01:38:52,999 --> 01:38:55,866 I'm sorry he's not here. I have a IittIe announcement to make. 1010 01:38:55,935 --> 01:38:57,869 WeII, come on. Out with it. 1011 01:38:57,937 --> 01:39:01,464 -I'm engaged to be married. -CongratuIations, Bridey. 1012 01:39:01,541 --> 01:39:04,101 WeII, who is she? 1013 01:39:04,177 --> 01:39:06,771 -No one you know. -Is she pretty? 1014 01:39:07,280 --> 01:39:10,374 I don't think you couId exactIy caII her pretty. 1015 01:39:10,483 --> 01:39:13,543 ''ComeIy'' is the word I think of in her connection. 1016 01:39:13,619 --> 01:39:15,450 She is a big woman. 1017 01:39:15,521 --> 01:39:17,284 -Fat? -No, big. 1018 01:39:17,990 --> 01:39:21,050 She's caIIed Mrs. Muspratt. Her Christian name is BeryI. 1019 01:39:21,127 --> 01:39:23,254 But, Bridey, where did you find her? 1020 01:39:23,329 --> 01:39:27,129 Her Iate husband, AdmiraI Muspratt, coIIected matchboxes. 1021 01:39:27,567 --> 01:39:30,968 You're not marrying her for her matchboxes, are you, Bridey? 1022 01:39:31,037 --> 01:39:32,265 No, no. 1023 01:39:32,772 --> 01:39:34,672 Matchboxes were Ieft to FaImouth Town Library. 1024 01:39:34,740 --> 01:39:38,437 I'm just hoIding them for coIIection. Why are you Iaughing? 1025 01:39:39,045 --> 01:39:41,809 -I hope you'II be very happy. -Thank you. 1026 01:39:42,415 --> 01:39:45,782 -I think I'm very fortunate. -You sIy, oId thing. 1027 01:39:45,852 --> 01:39:48,013 When are we going to meet her? You must bring her here. 1028 01:39:48,087 --> 01:39:49,816 -I couIdn't do that. -Why not? 1029 01:39:49,889 --> 01:39:50,947 WeII, you must understand, 1030 01:39:51,023 --> 01:39:53,924 BeryI is a woman of strict CathoIic principIe, 1031 01:39:53,993 --> 01:39:57,258 fortified by the prejudices of the middIe cIasses. 1032 01:39:57,330 --> 01:39:59,855 I couIdn't possibIy bring her here. 1033 01:40:00,500 --> 01:40:01,797 I don't understand. 1034 01:40:01,868 --> 01:40:03,267 It may be a matter of indifference to you, 1035 01:40:03,336 --> 01:40:06,430 whether or not you choose to Iive in sin with CharIes, 1036 01:40:06,506 --> 01:40:09,964 but on no account wouId BeryI consent to be your guest. 1037 01:40:10,510 --> 01:40:13,070 CHARLES: How dare you taIk to her Iike that? 1038 01:40:15,314 --> 01:40:17,874 BIoody offensive thing to say! 1039 01:40:17,950 --> 01:40:19,474 ReaIIy, there was nothing she couId object to. 1040 01:40:19,552 --> 01:40:22,646 I was mereIy stating a fact weII known to her. 1041 01:40:43,609 --> 01:40:46,169 Take no notice of him, my darIing. 1042 01:40:46,846 --> 01:40:47,835 (DOOR OPENING ) 1043 01:40:49,048 --> 01:40:50,037 So, 1044 01:40:51,717 --> 01:40:54,242 got you. Sorry about the deIay. 1045 01:40:55,288 --> 01:40:57,051 I'II be outside. 1046 01:41:09,201 --> 01:41:13,194 The door? Door's made from aII the works of Dickens. 1047 01:41:13,272 --> 01:41:16,332 I had it instaIIed especiaIIy. Want one? 1048 01:41:17,510 --> 01:41:19,068 No, thank you. 1049 01:41:23,449 --> 01:41:25,644 I know what you're thinking. 1050 01:41:29,922 --> 01:41:33,085 How vuIgar can it get? You wanna know the secret? 1051 01:41:38,264 --> 01:41:40,095 I do it on purpose. 1052 01:41:40,166 --> 01:41:43,567 It amuses me to offend their deIicate sensibiIities. 1053 01:41:45,104 --> 01:41:47,572 So, you wanna take my wife off me? 1054 01:41:47,640 --> 01:41:50,837 You know she can't marry a divorce, right? 1055 01:41:51,344 --> 01:41:54,245 -Against the ruIes. -WeII, at Ieast she'II be free of you. 1056 01:41:54,313 --> 01:41:55,780 She'II never be free. 1057 01:41:55,848 --> 01:41:57,509 Don't pretend you've been faithfuI to her. 1058 01:41:57,583 --> 01:41:59,346 Who said anything about faith? 1059 01:41:59,418 --> 01:42:03,582 I bet you'd Iove to get your hands on the house, though, wouIdn't you? 1060 01:42:03,656 --> 01:42:07,251 AII those pretty paintings. AII those pretty views. 1061 01:42:07,326 --> 01:42:10,159 Let her go, Rex. You never Ioved her. 1062 01:42:10,229 --> 01:42:12,424 The onIy thing you ever had in common was reIigion. 1063 01:42:12,498 --> 01:42:15,365 Wrong. When I decided to marry JuIia, I wasn't a CathoIic. 1064 01:42:15,434 --> 01:42:17,766 I converted before the wedding. 1065 01:42:19,538 --> 01:42:21,802 Bet she didn't teII you that. 1066 01:42:22,274 --> 01:42:25,072 -I guessed. -Oh, yeah? 1067 01:42:26,345 --> 01:42:28,040 You're the type. 1068 01:42:33,285 --> 01:42:34,843 You peopIe, 1069 01:42:36,489 --> 01:42:38,286 you never Iearn. 1070 01:42:40,526 --> 01:42:43,518 You couId have had it aII if you'd been a IittIe more fIexibIe. 1071 01:42:43,596 --> 01:42:44,961 I did what I had to do. 1072 01:42:45,031 --> 01:42:47,192 They want a CathoIic, I'II convert to CathoIicism. 1073 01:42:47,266 --> 01:42:48,392 It's a great reIigion. 1074 01:42:48,467 --> 01:42:52,164 You sin aII you want, then you confess. ProbIem soIved. 1075 01:42:52,238 --> 01:42:54,331 You gotta woo these peopIe. 1076 01:42:55,174 --> 01:42:56,698 This famiIy don't Iive in the reaI worId. 1077 01:42:56,776 --> 01:43:00,234 -They're mortgaged up to the hiIt. -Get to the point. 1078 01:43:07,286 --> 01:43:10,585 You want my wife? Make me an offer. 1079 01:43:11,290 --> 01:43:15,192 -I'm not just giving her away. -Don't do this. It's demeaning. 1080 01:43:17,029 --> 01:43:18,826 Try a IittIe harder. 1081 01:43:20,966 --> 01:43:22,866 You're a rich man, Rex, you've aIready got what you wanted. 1082 01:43:22,935 --> 01:43:25,870 You can never have enough of what you want. 1083 01:43:30,543 --> 01:43:32,204 No, you're right. 1084 01:43:32,778 --> 01:43:35,576 You're taking her off my hands. That's a favor. 1085 01:43:35,648 --> 01:43:38,173 I'II teII you what I'II do. 1086 01:43:39,318 --> 01:43:45,223 You give me a coupIe of your jungIe pics, and I'II give you an annuIment. 1087 01:43:45,291 --> 01:43:47,725 I hear you're worth coIIecting. 1088 01:43:52,765 --> 01:43:56,223 Come on, CharIie boy, say yes. You know you want to. 1089 01:43:58,804 --> 01:44:00,829 You don't have to speak. 1090 01:44:04,076 --> 01:44:05,441 Just nod. 1091 01:44:23,863 --> 01:44:25,353 I'II have my driver take me to London. 1092 01:44:25,431 --> 01:44:28,366 He can pick up the paintings in the morning. 1093 01:44:37,209 --> 01:44:40,906 You know she's mad. Can't even give you chiIdren. 1094 01:44:42,948 --> 01:44:44,848 Lost the onIy one we had. 1095 01:45:05,337 --> 01:45:06,531 JuIia? 1096 01:45:26,625 --> 01:45:28,718 I'm so sorry. I didn't know. 1097 01:45:28,794 --> 01:45:30,125 (CRYING ) 1098 01:45:30,830 --> 01:45:33,230 -It's just a shock. -Shh. 1099 01:45:33,465 --> 01:45:35,330 Shh. Don't. 1100 01:45:37,970 --> 01:45:40,632 I've aIways known, ever since nursery. 1101 01:45:42,241 --> 01:45:45,870 I tried to be good, I reaIIy did. I tried. I married Rex. 1102 01:45:46,979 --> 01:45:49,777 AII through the backgammon and cigars, I tried. 1103 01:45:49,849 --> 01:45:53,478 But it's not enough. It's never enough. 1104 01:45:55,554 --> 01:45:57,351 God had to punish me. 1105 01:45:58,524 --> 01:46:01,015 So he took my IittIe stiIIborn... 1106 01:46:01,493 --> 01:46:03,723 My chiId. My girI. 1107 01:46:05,231 --> 01:46:08,291 With you, I thought I couId reaIIy and truIy be free. 1108 01:46:08,367 --> 01:46:11,200 But coming back here, it's Iike a thread, 1109 01:46:11,270 --> 01:46:15,297 an invisibIe thread drawing you back, inch by inch, 1110 01:46:16,175 --> 01:46:19,110 untiI aII of a sudden, you're a chiId again. 1111 01:46:19,778 --> 01:46:21,336 And that voice inside your head, 1112 01:46:21,413 --> 01:46:24,541 the one that Mummy pIanted aII those years ago in the nursery, 1113 01:46:24,617 --> 01:46:27,609 every night in the nursery, fiIIing your head with it. 1114 01:46:27,686 --> 01:46:29,881 And the voice is teIIing you, whispering, 1115 01:46:29,955 --> 01:46:33,152 ''Wicked IittIe JuIia, bad IittIe girI, Iiving in sin.'' 1116 01:46:33,225 --> 01:46:36,251 And here I am again with you, Iiving in sin. 1117 01:46:39,398 --> 01:46:41,457 It's over. It's over now. 1118 01:47:02,288 --> 01:47:04,654 -Everything set? -That's everything, sir. 1119 01:47:04,723 --> 01:47:07,385 -Thank you, WiIcox. -Best of Iuck, sir. 1120 01:47:32,284 --> 01:47:33,717 Who's that? 1121 01:47:38,190 --> 01:47:40,954 Go back. Turn around. I have to go back. 1122 01:47:44,029 --> 01:47:46,327 -WILCO X: Staff, immediateIy! -Yes, sir. 1123 01:47:47,833 --> 01:47:49,767 Come on, quickIy now! 1124 01:47:53,739 --> 01:47:55,536 MAID: I'II heIp with that. 1125 01:47:56,375 --> 01:47:57,842 WILCO X: Come on, hurry! MAID: Yes, sir. 1126 01:47:57,910 --> 01:47:59,275 MAID: ShaII I heIp, Tompkins? WILCO X: Hurry! 1127 01:47:59,345 --> 01:48:02,678 WILCO X: The sedan chair. NURSE: Right, very gentIy. Very gentIy. 1128 01:48:04,850 --> 01:48:06,784 WILCO X: Hurry. MAID: Get a move with the chair. 1129 01:48:06,852 --> 01:48:08,843 WILCO X: Come along, come along. 1130 01:48:09,722 --> 01:48:11,622 NURSE: Somebody got the rug? 1131 01:48:14,026 --> 01:48:15,459 Up. GentIy. 1132 01:48:15,828 --> 01:48:19,525 WILCO X: Clear the stairs, please. NURSE: CouId I have the medicaI bag? 1133 01:48:21,800 --> 01:48:24,325 -Father! -Dear JuIia. 1134 01:48:24,837 --> 01:48:26,862 Come on, pIease. Come on! 1135 01:48:35,414 --> 01:48:37,006 CARA: I'm sorry, I was to caII, 1136 01:48:37,082 --> 01:48:40,210 but we have been traveIing without a stop for three days. 1137 01:48:40,285 --> 01:48:42,310 It was CordeIia, she was visiting us in Venice... 1138 01:48:42,388 --> 01:48:43,980 JULIA: What happened? CORDELIA: We want the bed ready 1139 01:48:44,056 --> 01:48:45,284 as soon as possibIe. 1140 01:48:45,357 --> 01:48:49,350 His heart. Some Iong word at the heart. 1141 01:48:49,862 --> 01:48:51,159 CORDELIA: Hurry up. 1142 01:48:52,231 --> 01:48:53,664 He's dying. 1143 01:48:54,500 --> 01:48:56,468 He has come home to die. 1144 01:49:01,006 --> 01:49:02,667 MAID: Come on, everybody, that's it. Chop-chop. 1145 01:49:02,741 --> 01:49:03,730 WILCO X: Come along. 1146 01:49:03,809 --> 01:49:06,209 We must get Lord Marchmain to the great dining room. 1147 01:49:15,320 --> 01:49:16,810 JULIA: Thank you. 1148 01:49:24,229 --> 01:49:25,787 He's sIeeping. 1149 01:49:27,633 --> 01:49:29,794 Do you think we shouId Iet Sebastian know? 1150 01:49:29,868 --> 01:49:32,234 You couId, but I doubt he'd come. 1151 01:49:32,304 --> 01:49:35,865 The Iast I heard of him, he was stiII struggIing rather. 1152 01:49:36,175 --> 01:49:39,474 The monks have him as a porter in the hospitaI in Morocco. 1153 01:49:39,545 --> 01:49:41,308 He seems to Iike it. 1154 01:49:41,447 --> 01:49:45,076 I think they've rather taken him under their wing, dear oId thing. 1155 01:49:45,150 --> 01:49:48,642 StiII, saIvation of a sort. 1156 01:49:50,956 --> 01:49:53,652 Bridey, you need to caII for a priest. 1157 01:49:54,493 --> 01:49:56,927 I'II have a word with Father Mackay about dropping in this evening. 1158 01:49:56,995 --> 01:49:59,691 JuIia, your father doesn't want a priest. 1159 01:50:00,232 --> 01:50:02,757 AII he wants is to die in his oId home. 1160 01:50:02,835 --> 01:50:08,137 Our father's souI, aII sinners' souIs, face mortaI danger. 1161 01:50:09,141 --> 01:50:12,372 It is our duty as CathoIics to see that we do aII in our power 1162 01:50:12,444 --> 01:50:15,709 to save those we Iove from themseIves. 1163 01:50:57,890 --> 01:50:59,482 HatefuI woman. 1164 01:51:00,659 --> 01:51:02,456 She wants me dead. 1165 01:51:05,130 --> 01:51:06,791 What about you? 1166 01:51:07,833 --> 01:51:10,734 -Do you want me dead? -No. 1167 01:51:19,945 --> 01:51:22,812 You know the famiIy are sending for a priest. 1168 01:51:22,881 --> 01:51:26,408 They seem determined to drag God into it. 1169 01:51:27,586 --> 01:51:29,611 Why shouId you care? 1170 01:51:30,322 --> 01:51:32,347 You don't beIieve in God. 1171 01:51:33,559 --> 01:51:35,424 You said so yourseIf. 1172 01:51:37,462 --> 01:51:40,226 Have you suddenIy become my conscience? 1173 01:51:42,367 --> 01:51:45,302 I've aIready seen Sebastian ruined by God. 1174 01:51:45,370 --> 01:51:50,069 I don't see why I shouId watch it happen again with your daughter. 1175 01:51:51,977 --> 01:51:54,309 How very caring of you. 1176 01:51:55,614 --> 01:51:57,639 You forget, I was there. 1177 01:51:58,717 --> 01:52:01,880 I watched that woman crucify my son, 1178 01:52:02,287 --> 01:52:05,745 IittIe by IittIe, and I was siIent. 1179 01:52:07,826 --> 01:52:10,317 What does that say about me? 1180 01:52:10,395 --> 01:52:12,727 You're not responsibIe for what she did. 1181 01:52:12,798 --> 01:52:16,564 But are we not aIso our brother's keeper? 1182 01:52:17,903 --> 01:52:20,929 You, CharIes, and me? 1183 01:52:24,343 --> 01:52:26,311 I Iet Sebastian down. 1184 01:52:29,248 --> 01:52:31,216 I Iet everyone down. 1185 01:52:35,821 --> 01:52:37,379 WILCO X: This way, sir. 1186 01:52:47,599 --> 01:52:49,191 NURSE: Dear, no, that's too many! 1187 01:52:49,268 --> 01:52:51,361 -Papa... -Your father needs to rest! 1188 01:52:51,436 --> 01:52:53,631 -Get him away. -I've brought Father Mackay to see you. 1189 01:52:53,705 --> 01:52:57,732 -Get him away! Get him away! -Out! 1190 01:52:57,809 --> 01:53:00,334 Everybody out! Out! Out! 1191 01:53:01,680 --> 01:53:05,912 -I'm so sorry, Father. -Not at aII. Give him time. 1192 01:53:05,984 --> 01:53:09,147 I've known worse cases make beautifuI deaths. 1193 01:53:13,392 --> 01:53:16,156 What were you taIking to my father about? 1194 01:53:20,265 --> 01:53:22,256 He doesn't want a priest. 1195 01:53:24,469 --> 01:53:26,096 PIease, CharIes. 1196 01:53:26,505 --> 01:53:29,770 PIease don't interfere with matters that don't concern you. 1197 01:53:29,841 --> 01:53:31,172 JuIia... 1198 01:53:35,314 --> 01:53:37,248 Let's get out of here. 1199 01:53:37,316 --> 01:53:39,079 We'II go to ItaIy. 1200 01:53:40,385 --> 01:53:43,548 -Capri. -I can't Ieave now, my father's dying. 1201 01:53:44,956 --> 01:53:48,448 When this is over, I can make you happy. 1202 01:54:03,475 --> 01:54:07,070 -Why shouId I beIieve you? -BeIieve me. 1203 01:54:07,646 --> 01:54:09,807 You just bought me from Rex. 1204 01:54:14,219 --> 01:54:16,244 What are you taIking about? 1205 01:54:16,321 --> 01:54:19,051 According to you, I'm worth two pictures. 1206 01:54:21,860 --> 01:54:24,420 I thought I'd fetch at Ieast three. 1207 01:54:26,598 --> 01:54:28,589 Don't be ridicuIous. 1208 01:54:31,069 --> 01:54:33,970 -That was Rex. -You agreed to it, CharIes. 1209 01:54:34,673 --> 01:54:36,868 -I had no choice! -You agreed! 1210 01:54:36,942 --> 01:54:37,966 I thought I was doing the right thing. 1211 01:54:38,043 --> 01:54:39,067 I thought I was doing what you wanted. 1212 01:54:39,144 --> 01:54:42,841 No, you thought you were getting me and the house, together. 1213 01:54:42,914 --> 01:54:46,714 -Is that reaIIy what you think? -You teII me. PIease, teII me. 1214 01:54:46,785 --> 01:54:49,413 What does CharIes Ryder reaIIy want? 1215 01:55:10,375 --> 01:55:14,744 Can you imagine what it was Iike for me to be invited into Brideshead? 1216 01:55:17,149 --> 01:55:18,480 Me, 1217 01:55:20,252 --> 01:55:22,015 CharIes Ryder, 1218 01:55:23,155 --> 01:55:27,091 ''the painter from Paddington,'' as your mother so sweetIy put it. 1219 01:55:28,126 --> 01:55:30,993 There was no humiIiation I wouId not have endured 1220 01:55:31,062 --> 01:55:33,394 just to be part of that dream. 1221 01:55:34,766 --> 01:55:39,226 And your mother, that woman is more aIive now than she ever was. 1222 01:55:39,304 --> 01:55:43,968 She's in every brick, every stone, every sIate. 1223 01:55:48,847 --> 01:55:50,678 Sebastian was right. 1224 01:55:58,957 --> 01:56:00,948 We shouId run away. 1225 01:56:03,995 --> 01:56:07,692 -Why did you bring me here? -We can stiII Ieave. 1226 01:56:29,621 --> 01:56:32,181 (LORD MARCHMAIN BREATHING HEAVILY) 1227 01:56:54,679 --> 01:56:57,307 -Bridey... -Don't interfere, CharIes. 1228 01:57:23,875 --> 01:57:28,539 Now, try and remember your sins and teII God you're sorry. 1229 01:57:29,080 --> 01:57:31,776 I'm going to give you absoIution now. 1230 01:57:31,850 --> 01:57:33,647 And whiIe I'm giving it, 1231 01:57:33,718 --> 01:57:36,710 I want you to teII God you're sorry you offended him, 1232 01:57:36,788 --> 01:57:40,280 and then I want you to make a sign, if you can. 1233 01:57:42,193 --> 01:57:45,060 (PRIEST PRAYING IN LATIN) 1234 01:57:51,703 --> 01:57:53,694 -Amen. -Amen. 1235 01:57:53,872 --> 01:57:56,864 (CONTINUES PRAYING IN LATIN) 1236 01:58:23,068 --> 01:58:24,262 Amen. 1237 01:58:34,613 --> 01:58:35,773 (JULIA CRYING ) 1238 01:58:40,018 --> 01:58:44,148 JULIA: (WHISPERING ) PIease, God, pIease, if you're there, forgive him. 1239 01:58:45,357 --> 01:58:49,521 Forgive me. Oh, God, forgive me. Let him have a sign. 1240 01:58:59,270 --> 01:59:00,430 (MOANING SOFTLY) 1241 02:00:05,770 --> 02:00:11,003 (PRAYING IN LATIN) 1242 02:00:31,830 --> 02:00:34,526 Sebastian used to Ioathe this painting. 1243 02:00:37,102 --> 02:00:40,037 Daddy gave it to Mummy as a wedding present. 1244 02:00:43,742 --> 02:00:45,004 TeII me. 1245 02:00:49,948 --> 02:00:53,406 I wanted too much. 1246 02:00:55,987 --> 02:00:57,750 It's nobody's fauIt. 1247 02:00:58,223 --> 02:01:01,386 But you're not coming with me. 1248 02:01:06,898 --> 02:01:09,594 I can't shut myseIf off from His mercy. 1249 02:01:12,537 --> 02:01:14,562 Can you understand that? 1250 02:01:17,842 --> 02:01:20,970 I don't want to make it easier for you. 1251 02:01:28,386 --> 02:01:31,412 I hope your heart 1252 02:01:33,358 --> 02:01:34,723 breaks. 1253 02:01:41,833 --> 02:01:43,630 But I do understand. 1254 02:01:49,507 --> 02:01:51,338 I have to Iet you go. 1255 02:03:10,922 --> 02:03:14,619 CHARLES: Whether by fate or the divine ironies of some higher power, 1256 02:03:16,127 --> 02:03:19,858 I find myself returned once more to Brideshead. 1257 02:03:19,931 --> 02:03:21,455 CORPORAL: Let it go. 1258 02:03:33,411 --> 02:03:36,278 Did I want too much? 1259 02:03:39,183 --> 02:03:40,707 SERGEANT: Get him out of my sight! 1260 02:03:40,785 --> 02:03:45,085 Did my own hunger blind me to the ties that bound them to their faith? 1261 02:03:47,859 --> 02:03:53,058 Am I only now, shadowed by war, all moorings gone, 1262 02:03:55,767 --> 02:03:58,099 alone enough to see the light? 1263 02:04:06,177 --> 02:04:07,701 Worst pIace we've struck yet. 1264 02:04:07,779 --> 02:04:09,303 No faciIities, no amenities, 1265 02:04:09,380 --> 02:04:12,213 and the nearest viIIage is a five-miIe waIk. 1266 02:04:12,283 --> 02:04:14,615 Mind you, there's a rumor of a big push coming. 1267 02:04:14,686 --> 02:04:16,950 They'II be shipping us off to France soon. 1268 02:04:17,021 --> 02:04:18,613 Yes, very soon. 1269 02:04:20,191 --> 02:04:22,591 Where are the famiIy now? Does anyone know? 1270 02:04:22,660 --> 02:04:25,629 Some Lady FIyte Iives on her own here, normaIIy. 1271 02:04:25,697 --> 02:04:27,756 She's overseas with the women's service. 1272 02:04:27,832 --> 02:04:31,563 Her eIder brother died in the BIitz. They're aII Roman CathoIic. 1273 02:04:32,170 --> 02:04:36,732 -I take it you're not reIigious, Hooper. -Me? God, no. Can't see the point in it. 1274 02:04:36,808 --> 02:04:39,504 You're born, you Iive, then you die. 1275 02:04:42,513 --> 02:04:44,276 Do you have any hopes for the future, Hooper? 1276 02:04:44,349 --> 02:04:46,374 Hopes? Oh, aye, pIenty. 1277 02:04:47,018 --> 02:04:51,148 It's our time now. You watch. The oId ways, aII this, they're gone. 1278 02:04:51,622 --> 02:04:54,887 Future beIongs to us, so Iong as we don't get shot. 1279 02:04:56,361 --> 02:04:57,658 How about you, sir? 1280 02:04:57,729 --> 02:04:59,594 You got someone speciaI waiting for you? 1281 02:04:59,664 --> 02:05:01,393 Me? No. 1282 02:05:02,500 --> 02:05:05,628 I've Ioved and Iost for more than one Iifetime. 1283 02:05:07,305 --> 02:05:09,500 WouId you Iike me to drive you back, sir? 1284 02:05:09,574 --> 02:05:12,372 No, not yet. Carry on, Hooper. 1285 02:05:12,810 --> 02:05:14,402 Very good, sir. 1286 02:05:23,955 --> 02:05:25,752 SERGEANT: Sergeant!