1 00:00:42,627 --> 00:00:45,296 In the dark depths of winter, 2 00:00:45,463 --> 00:00:47,398 a mother listens to the first sounds 3 00:00:47,423 --> 00:00:49,801 of her brand new baby cubs. 4 00:00:54,305 --> 00:00:56,766 Let's call this mama bear "Sky." 5 00:00:57,809 --> 00:01:01,396 And her cubs are Scout and Amber. 6 00:01:10,405 --> 00:01:11,990 Hi, little guys. 7 00:01:26,504 --> 00:01:29,799 They say the first year of parenting is the hardest. 8 00:01:29,924 --> 00:01:32,485 Sky will soon learn that, for bears, 9 00:01:32,510 --> 00:01:34,470 it's nearly impossible. 10 00:01:35,763 --> 00:01:37,198 Almost half of all bear cubs 11 00:01:37,223 --> 00:01:39,475 don't survive their first year. 12 00:01:45,189 --> 00:01:47,900 But for now, deep inside the den, 13 00:01:48,568 --> 00:01:50,111 they're safe. 14 00:01:51,154 --> 00:01:53,364 It's warm and comfy. 15 00:01:54,574 --> 00:01:56,384 And after an entire winter together, 16 00:01:56,409 --> 00:01:59,370 it probably smells pretty bad. 17 00:02:05,877 --> 00:02:07,353 Sky worked hard last summer, 18 00:02:07,378 --> 00:02:09,689 eating over 90 pounds of fish a day, 19 00:02:09,714 --> 00:02:10,857 to store up enough fat 20 00:02:10,882 --> 00:02:13,384 to last through these early months. 21 00:02:15,094 --> 00:02:16,779 But now she's hungry, 22 00:02:16,804 --> 00:02:18,489 and if she doesn't eat soon, 23 00:02:18,514 --> 00:02:20,933 the milk her cubs need will dry up. 24 00:02:25,563 --> 00:02:28,399 There's a long, dangerous journey ahead of them. 25 00:02:28,900 --> 00:02:31,544 Sky needs to get her cubs down to the coast, 26 00:02:31,569 --> 00:02:34,756 and she hopes that the salmon will be plentiful this summer. 27 00:02:34,781 --> 00:02:36,366 But there's no guarantee. 28 00:02:40,328 --> 00:02:43,414 Little Scout and Amber's survival depends on it. 29 00:02:56,761 --> 00:02:58,805 Okay, cuddle time is over. 30 00:02:59,847 --> 00:03:02,392 These bears need to get on the move. 31 00:03:02,850 --> 00:03:07,605 This is the story of their incredible first year. 32 00:03:34,382 --> 00:03:37,635 What an amazing place to take your first steps. 33 00:03:43,015 --> 00:03:44,867 These little cubs will have to be brave 34 00:03:44,892 --> 00:03:47,687 from the second their paws touch the snow. 35 00:03:53,985 --> 00:03:56,195 This is the Alaska Peninsula. 36 00:03:56,487 --> 00:03:57,964 With over five million acres 37 00:03:57,989 --> 00:04:00,091 of protected national parkland, 38 00:04:00,116 --> 00:04:02,702 it's home to thousands of brown bears. 39 00:04:04,787 --> 00:04:05,805 Five months ago, 40 00:04:05,830 --> 00:04:08,708 Sky climbed these mountains to dig her den. 41 00:04:09,000 --> 00:04:11,919 But now, they're her biggest obstacle. 42 00:04:18,801 --> 00:04:19,861 They've got to get 43 00:04:19,886 --> 00:04:22,113 all the way across these frozen mountains 44 00:04:22,138 --> 00:04:25,641 before they'll find even the first hint of food. 45 00:04:37,195 --> 00:04:40,698 Sky is clearly delighted to be free of the smelly den. 46 00:04:42,074 --> 00:04:43,075 "Wait up, Mom!" 47 00:04:48,706 --> 00:04:51,000 Maybe a little too delighted. 48 00:04:54,754 --> 00:04:57,256 Nothing like a mother's gentle touch. 49 00:05:01,719 --> 00:05:02,862 Like a lot of new moms, 50 00:05:02,887 --> 00:05:05,056 Sky doesn't have patience for dawdling. 51 00:05:06,724 --> 00:05:08,851 "Come here, you. Come here." 52 00:05:09,060 --> 00:05:10,520 "Yikes, Mom! Not the teeth!" 53 00:05:11,020 --> 00:05:12,730 "Oh!" 54 00:05:13,815 --> 00:05:15,942 This doesn't hurt little Scout, but still... 55 00:05:16,067 --> 00:05:19,153 Sky has a bit to learn when it comes to parenting. 56 00:05:19,278 --> 00:05:22,281 Life was certainly easier when she was just a single bear. 57 00:05:23,032 --> 00:05:25,785 Now, she can only go as fast as her cubs. 58 00:05:25,910 --> 00:05:27,620 "Come on, you guys." 59 00:05:37,839 --> 00:05:40,733 She has good reason to dish out a little tough love. 60 00:05:40,758 --> 00:05:42,558 They have got an awful lot of ground to cover. 61 00:05:43,636 --> 00:05:45,738 And with every passing day, 62 00:05:45,763 --> 00:05:47,473 the journey will only get harder. 63 00:05:55,606 --> 00:05:58,084 A walk in the warm sun on a bright, spring day 64 00:05:58,109 --> 00:05:59,752 may seem like fun, 65 00:05:59,777 --> 00:06:02,196 but that warmth starts the melt. 66 00:06:02,738 --> 00:06:05,032 The snow that sheltered them through the winter 67 00:06:05,283 --> 00:06:06,576 becomes a deadly enemy. 68 00:06:14,333 --> 00:06:16,210 Avalanche. 69 00:06:22,800 --> 00:06:24,193 These massive monsters 70 00:06:24,218 --> 00:06:26,929 reach speeds of up to 80 miles an hour. 71 00:06:27,847 --> 00:06:29,824 A wall of snow and ice 72 00:06:29,849 --> 00:06:31,475 barreling over everything in its path. 73 00:07:44,298 --> 00:07:46,817 Sky and the cubs were lucky this time, 74 00:07:46,842 --> 00:07:50,304 but it's a good reminder that they need to stay moving. 75 00:07:52,056 --> 00:07:54,350 Amber's found a smart way to keep up with her mom, 76 00:07:54,684 --> 00:07:56,702 just hitch a ride. 77 00:07:56,727 --> 00:07:59,480 Just gotta get that toe in there. 78 00:08:00,314 --> 00:08:01,649 There we go. 79 00:08:02,984 --> 00:08:04,752 But Scout, being the more adventurous one, 80 00:08:04,777 --> 00:08:07,113 decides to explore at his own pace. 81 00:08:21,043 --> 00:08:23,062 They've been traveling for over a week now, 82 00:08:23,087 --> 00:08:25,673 and the climb is only getting steeper. 83 00:08:45,234 --> 00:08:47,044 As they climb their final mountain, 84 00:08:47,069 --> 00:08:48,963 Scout and Amber try their best, 85 00:08:48,988 --> 00:08:50,948 but it sure isn't easy. 86 00:08:51,157 --> 00:08:54,744 They're finding themselves a little on top of each other. 87 00:09:09,175 --> 00:09:11,385 They've made it to the summit. 88 00:09:18,976 --> 00:09:21,145 The coast is now within sight. 89 00:09:28,986 --> 00:09:31,489 It's downhill all the way from here. 90 00:10:06,232 --> 00:10:09,860 The winter snow has melted down by the Alaskan coast, 91 00:10:09,985 --> 00:10:12,004 and all that green 92 00:10:12,029 --> 00:10:14,698 offers the promise of something to eat. 93 00:10:28,587 --> 00:10:30,214 A quiet meadow. 94 00:10:30,881 --> 00:10:32,716 Time for a little rest. 95 00:10:36,345 --> 00:10:38,722 Amber's certainly taking it easy. 96 00:10:39,515 --> 00:10:42,268 This is one cub who really likes staying close to mom. 97 00:10:44,854 --> 00:10:48,065 But Scout acts like he's too old to be carried around. 98 00:10:49,608 --> 00:10:51,694 Bear rides are for babies. 99 00:11:03,372 --> 00:11:06,542 Scout can't believe what he is seeing. 100 00:11:08,794 --> 00:11:10,563 "Other bears?" 101 00:11:10,588 --> 00:11:12,898 "There are other bears in the world?" 102 00:11:12,923 --> 00:11:15,092 "Did everybody know that?" 103 00:11:15,259 --> 00:11:16,569 Sky did. 104 00:11:16,594 --> 00:11:20,114 In fact, her mother brought her to this meadow when she was little. 105 00:11:20,139 --> 00:11:23,142 And she's been coming here every summer since. 106 00:11:23,517 --> 00:11:26,036 All these bears have come down from the mountains. 107 00:11:26,061 --> 00:11:27,271 They're starving. 108 00:11:28,105 --> 00:11:31,692 What they really need is the protein from loads of salmon. 109 00:11:32,985 --> 00:11:35,112 But this will do in a pinch. 110 00:11:35,446 --> 00:11:37,573 It's like settling for a dirty salad. 111 00:11:43,954 --> 00:11:47,333 Sky and Amber are exhausted after their long journey. 112 00:11:48,417 --> 00:11:51,670 But Scout, he is a little too excited to sleep. 113 00:11:51,921 --> 00:11:53,547 This place is crawling with bears! 114 00:11:57,009 --> 00:11:59,470 Scout is looking for a role model. 115 00:11:59,595 --> 00:12:01,639 Which bear will he grow up to be? 116 00:12:03,140 --> 00:12:04,225 He could be an angry bear. 117 00:12:05,643 --> 00:12:07,519 Fighting all the time. 118 00:12:09,480 --> 00:12:12,358 Seems like a lot of work. 119 00:12:19,073 --> 00:12:21,133 No, no, these bears are way too cuddly. 120 00:12:21,158 --> 00:12:24,119 He definitely wants to be tougher than this. 121 00:12:27,081 --> 00:12:30,125 Scout's sure he'll find at least one bear he can look up to. 122 00:12:34,380 --> 00:12:35,965 "Well..." 123 00:12:37,007 --> 00:12:38,842 "Maybe that... Nah." 124 00:12:41,345 --> 00:12:43,322 "Oh, come on." 125 00:12:43,347 --> 00:12:44,848 "Someone do something!" 126 00:12:49,061 --> 00:12:51,397 "Huh? Wow." 127 00:12:53,023 --> 00:12:54,733 "He looks fun at least." 128 00:12:58,362 --> 00:12:59,463 "Just one bear." 129 00:12:59,488 --> 00:13:01,490 "One bear who is the toughest, coolest bear." 130 00:13:02,616 --> 00:13:04,868 "Anybody? Hello?" 131 00:13:12,501 --> 00:13:14,003 "You, sir..." 132 00:13:15,671 --> 00:13:17,006 "Want to chase me?" 133 00:13:17,214 --> 00:13:20,217 "No. You want to lick a mosquito." 134 00:13:26,390 --> 00:13:28,867 "I thought that being a bear would be," 135 00:13:28,892 --> 00:13:30,602 "I don't know, more fierce." 136 00:13:34,398 --> 00:13:36,150 "Forget it." 137 00:13:37,067 --> 00:13:39,403 "This is downright embarrassing." 138 00:13:43,866 --> 00:13:46,635 If a tough bear is what Scout wants, 139 00:13:46,660 --> 00:13:48,912 he's about to meet just that. 140 00:13:51,332 --> 00:13:53,208 Magnus. 141 00:13:54,043 --> 00:13:55,919 This bear is huge. 142 00:14:00,549 --> 00:14:01,942 At over 1,000 pounds, 143 00:14:01,967 --> 00:14:04,386 he is three times the size of Sky, 144 00:14:04,595 --> 00:14:07,197 and this meadow is his turf. 145 00:14:07,222 --> 00:14:09,266 He is confident, dominant, 146 00:14:09,767 --> 00:14:12,603 and everyone knows to stay out of his way. 147 00:14:18,108 --> 00:14:21,779 Sky has to keep her cubs away from big males like Magnus. 148 00:14:27,951 --> 00:14:30,788 She'll have to find food somewhere calmer. 149 00:14:35,626 --> 00:14:38,128 As Magnus watches over his domain, 150 00:14:38,545 --> 00:14:42,341 it's clear he's got one thing in particular on his mind. 151 00:14:48,180 --> 00:14:52,309 Or one she-bear, to be specific. 152 00:14:59,066 --> 00:15:01,502 Magnus might have a half-ton of weight to throw around, 153 00:15:01,527 --> 00:15:02,778 but he's got no game. 154 00:15:05,406 --> 00:15:07,716 Magnus, you're so obvious. 155 00:15:07,741 --> 00:15:09,868 Put a little mystery into it! 156 00:15:12,955 --> 00:15:16,166 Pick her some flowers from the meadow or something. 157 00:15:19,086 --> 00:15:21,188 See that walking away? That's sort... 158 00:15:21,213 --> 00:15:23,590 That's bear for "No," I think. 159 00:15:27,052 --> 00:15:29,930 I'm actually starting to feel sorry for him. 160 00:15:39,815 --> 00:15:41,875 Sky has found a quiet corner of the meadow 161 00:15:41,900 --> 00:15:43,527 to let her cubs nurse. 162 00:15:46,363 --> 00:15:48,715 Scout and Amber are going through a growth spurt, 163 00:15:48,740 --> 00:15:51,535 and they need all the milk they can get. 164 00:15:56,707 --> 00:15:57,766 Tikani. 165 00:15:57,791 --> 00:16:01,670 He's a gray wolf, and the thief of the meadow. 166 00:16:07,217 --> 00:16:09,720 These wolves know a slow bear cub, 167 00:16:09,970 --> 00:16:13,140 makes for a quick, easy meal. 168 00:16:17,102 --> 00:16:19,037 This is why it's so much harder for Sky 169 00:16:19,062 --> 00:16:20,456 than the other bears. 170 00:16:20,481 --> 00:16:23,859 She has to make sure her cubs are always by her side. 171 00:16:54,097 --> 00:16:55,699 Amber is about to learn what happens, 172 00:16:55,724 --> 00:16:59,228 when you ride a bear without wearing your seatbelt. 173 00:17:07,945 --> 00:17:11,615 Sky's found herself driven to a remote, unfamiliar area. 174 00:17:12,574 --> 00:17:13,784 The bad part of town. 175 00:17:17,412 --> 00:17:20,582 The dangers reveal themselves almost immediately. 176 00:17:26,296 --> 00:17:27,714 This is Chinook. 177 00:17:28,298 --> 00:17:29,716 The outcast. 178 00:17:35,097 --> 00:17:37,516 Banished from the meadow by Magnus, 179 00:17:37,808 --> 00:17:40,811 Chinook has grown leaner, meaner, 180 00:17:40,978 --> 00:17:43,188 and more desperate for food. 181 00:17:44,022 --> 00:17:45,107 Any food. 182 00:17:46,400 --> 00:17:48,527 Even bear cubs. 183 00:17:57,327 --> 00:17:59,329 There's nowhere to hide. 184 00:18:00,581 --> 00:18:01,999 Sky must stand her ground. 185 00:18:18,390 --> 00:18:20,726 Chinook's circling is dangerous. 186 00:18:21,435 --> 00:18:23,478 If Sky shows any weakness, 187 00:18:24,104 --> 00:18:25,689 he will attack. 188 00:18:42,873 --> 00:18:44,057 It worked. 189 00:18:44,082 --> 00:18:46,418 Sky successfully held her ground. 190 00:18:46,710 --> 00:18:49,630 And Chinook continues his hunt elsewhere. 191 00:18:52,758 --> 00:18:56,678 Scout and Amber must be pretty impressed with their mom. 192 00:19:06,563 --> 00:19:08,565 At certain times of the year 193 00:19:08,690 --> 00:19:11,360 a huge change comes over the coast. 194 00:19:14,112 --> 00:19:17,949 A vast area of mudflats are exposed. 195 00:19:28,877 --> 00:19:32,589 This muddy desert has hidden treasures buried beneath. 196 00:19:59,616 --> 00:20:01,218 Sky and the cubs have gone way out 197 00:20:01,243 --> 00:20:02,594 to the edge of the tide 198 00:20:02,619 --> 00:20:05,330 to search for anything that could count as calories. 199 00:20:07,165 --> 00:20:09,559 Bears have an excellent sense of smell. 200 00:20:09,584 --> 00:20:13,422 Their noses are seven times more sensitive than a bloodhound's. 201 00:20:19,636 --> 00:20:22,806 Scout doesn't seem to get what Mom's looking for. 202 00:20:29,312 --> 00:20:30,455 Jackpot. 203 00:20:30,480 --> 00:20:32,774 Sky pulls up a meaty clam. 204 00:20:32,899 --> 00:20:34,668 It will help in the meantime, 205 00:20:34,693 --> 00:20:35,961 but one or two clams, 206 00:20:35,986 --> 00:20:38,572 even a dozen, aren't nearly enough. 207 00:20:45,328 --> 00:20:47,748 Sky needs her cubs to stay close. 208 00:20:47,873 --> 00:20:50,792 She's following the low tide a long way out. 209 00:20:52,002 --> 00:20:54,004 But Scout's not worried. 210 00:20:54,463 --> 00:20:56,757 He'd rather enjoy his first day at the beach. 211 00:21:00,552 --> 00:21:03,013 Amber chooses to stay close to Mom. 212 00:21:03,680 --> 00:21:07,517 It looks a little less, well, ridiculous. 213 00:21:09,686 --> 00:21:10,812 But Scout doesn't care. 214 00:21:12,063 --> 00:21:14,274 He likes this sand stuff. 215 00:21:21,198 --> 00:21:23,116 "Watch this somersault!" 216 00:21:23,533 --> 00:21:25,869 "Well, it was a half somersault." 217 00:21:27,412 --> 00:21:29,790 "Amber, look at me! I'm a mud monster!" 218 00:21:32,501 --> 00:21:34,961 "Real mature, Scout. Real mature." 219 00:21:35,962 --> 00:21:37,923 "No, come on! It's fun!" 220 00:21:41,218 --> 00:21:44,029 "Why is this bird always following us around" 221 00:21:44,054 --> 00:21:45,180 "no matter where we go?" 222 00:21:45,847 --> 00:21:47,265 "I'm gonna go ask him." 223 00:21:47,641 --> 00:21:49,059 "Hey, bird!" 224 00:21:51,436 --> 00:21:54,022 "Hey, where did you get those fish?" 225 00:21:57,442 --> 00:22:00,904 Sky and Amber enjoy some mother-daughter bonding time. 226 00:22:02,405 --> 00:22:06,368 Scout's learning that sand tastes bad. 227 00:22:30,141 --> 00:22:32,452 Both cubs, in their own way, 228 00:22:32,477 --> 00:22:34,771 are loving their first day at the beach. 229 00:22:40,026 --> 00:22:42,420 But Sky can't afford too much time playing. 230 00:22:42,445 --> 00:22:45,991 She's got to keep searching for clams while the tide is out. 231 00:22:50,745 --> 00:22:53,290 Wherever Sky goes, the raven follows. 232 00:22:55,208 --> 00:22:57,627 The raven can spot an opportunity from way up high, 233 00:22:58,712 --> 00:23:01,923 while the bears got a nose for finding hidden food. 234 00:23:03,049 --> 00:23:07,470 An unusual partnership, but it works. 235 00:23:14,853 --> 00:23:18,398 "Hey, Mom, how do you open one of these things, anyway?" 236 00:23:26,990 --> 00:23:28,074 "Mom!" 237 00:23:28,491 --> 00:23:30,744 "Never mind, I got it. I'm fine." 238 00:23:31,536 --> 00:23:33,663 "My claw has... Mom, the..." 239 00:23:34,247 --> 00:23:38,376 "Well, what do you do if your claw gets stuck in the clam?" 240 00:23:40,253 --> 00:23:41,254 "Let go." 241 00:23:43,381 --> 00:23:45,842 "Mom, it's stuck in my claw!" 242 00:23:47,636 --> 00:23:49,696 "What are you looking at, bird?" 243 00:23:49,721 --> 00:23:51,806 "This is how I carry it." 244 00:23:51,932 --> 00:23:55,685 "Just walk it over here. Just taking my clam for a walk, that's all." 245 00:24:03,485 --> 00:24:05,754 "Let go of my claw, clam!" 246 00:24:05,779 --> 00:24:07,322 "Let go!" 247 00:24:20,335 --> 00:24:22,671 "I didn't want that clam anyway. " 248 00:24:27,884 --> 00:24:32,138 Sky and the cubs are far from the shore when the tide starts to turn. 249 00:24:40,438 --> 00:24:42,540 Sky is trying to get as much food as she can 250 00:24:42,565 --> 00:24:44,943 before the water covers up the mud. 251 00:25:08,299 --> 00:25:11,594 Scout doesn't know what's about to happen to the tide. 252 00:25:11,761 --> 00:25:14,097 He's just tired from a long day. 253 00:25:14,431 --> 00:25:17,142 And now, they are surrounded by water. 254 00:25:17,892 --> 00:25:19,769 Freezing cold water. 255 00:25:28,194 --> 00:25:30,380 When Sky finally heads back to the shore, 256 00:25:30,405 --> 00:25:33,241 she assumes both her cubs are close behind. 257 00:25:35,452 --> 00:25:37,203 It's a mistake. 258 00:25:38,455 --> 00:25:39,775 Scout is too tired to keep going. 259 00:25:43,877 --> 00:25:47,297 Amber notices that Scout isn't just dawdling this time. 260 00:25:47,797 --> 00:25:49,215 He's asleep. 261 00:26:17,744 --> 00:26:19,679 When Scout wakes up, 262 00:26:19,704 --> 00:26:21,873 he sees he's stranded far from the shore. 263 00:26:27,754 --> 00:26:30,298 He desperately calls for his mother. 264 00:26:33,676 --> 00:26:34,677 And she calls back. 265 00:26:37,013 --> 00:26:38,056 Urging him to hurry. 266 00:26:56,866 --> 00:26:59,052 The current is much stronger now, 267 00:26:59,077 --> 00:27:02,330 and Scout is really struggling to get back on land. 268 00:27:45,039 --> 00:27:48,543 Scout stayed tough and made it safely to the shore. 269 00:28:01,222 --> 00:28:03,474 And the cubs, well, 270 00:28:04,517 --> 00:28:07,353 they look pretty happy to see each other. 271 00:28:15,904 --> 00:28:18,965 As the weeks progress, the weather warms, 272 00:28:18,990 --> 00:28:21,451 and the mudflats are no longer so exposed. 273 00:28:27,790 --> 00:28:29,517 Time to head back to the meadow, 274 00:28:29,542 --> 00:28:31,294 where it's bursting with color. 275 00:28:55,360 --> 00:28:58,796 Scout and Amber are bonding during these early days of summer, 276 00:28:58,821 --> 00:29:01,491 while their mother watches from a safe distance. 277 00:29:24,013 --> 00:29:27,350 With no fish nearby, it's back to eating grass. 278 00:29:30,853 --> 00:29:33,022 Scout is less than impressed. 279 00:29:35,525 --> 00:29:39,362 By this time of year, everything tastes a little stale and dry. 280 00:29:44,367 --> 00:29:46,619 With food in such short supply, 281 00:29:47,036 --> 00:29:49,914 even the female bears are getting a little cranky. 282 00:30:14,022 --> 00:30:16,040 These fierce head-to-heads may be short, 283 00:30:16,065 --> 00:30:18,401 but they are becoming more frequent. 284 00:30:18,609 --> 00:30:19,652 It's getting tense. 285 00:30:41,049 --> 00:30:43,509 The cubs know something feels wrong. 286 00:30:58,107 --> 00:31:00,109 There's nowhere to hide. 287 00:31:10,036 --> 00:31:12,080 Everyone is watching them. 288 00:31:27,011 --> 00:31:29,113 Seeing her cubs getting nervous, 289 00:31:29,138 --> 00:31:31,724 Sky goes to their side to protect them. 290 00:31:43,027 --> 00:31:44,320 Magnus. 291 00:31:46,239 --> 00:31:49,117 And this time, he's really hungry. 292 00:31:59,001 --> 00:32:00,837 He's spotted the cubs. 293 00:32:02,880 --> 00:32:05,174 Sky must quickly decide what to do. 294 00:32:16,018 --> 00:32:17,645 She runs, hoping to find safety. 295 00:32:21,858 --> 00:32:24,527 It's a choice, she will soon regret. 296 00:32:31,033 --> 00:32:32,076 Chinook! 297 00:32:32,201 --> 00:32:34,537 Round two and ready to fight. 298 00:32:39,041 --> 00:32:40,501 He takes off after them. 299 00:32:50,470 --> 00:32:53,281 Chinook is much stronger than Sky, 300 00:32:53,306 --> 00:32:55,241 but she'll fight with everything she's got 301 00:32:55,266 --> 00:32:56,706 to give her cubs a chance to escape. 302 00:33:20,124 --> 00:33:22,210 The cubs make a run for it. 303 00:33:31,344 --> 00:33:33,029 Sky tries to lead him away, 304 00:33:33,054 --> 00:33:34,572 but instead of following her, 305 00:33:34,597 --> 00:33:37,099 Chinook heads straight for the cubs. 306 00:33:45,566 --> 00:33:47,485 He knows they can't have gotten far. 307 00:33:53,032 --> 00:33:54,592 Chinook's powerful sense of smell 308 00:33:54,617 --> 00:33:57,453 tells him the cubs are hiding in the logs. 309 00:33:58,287 --> 00:33:59,956 But which ones? 310 00:34:35,575 --> 00:34:38,411 Sky is desperately searching for her cubs. 311 00:34:52,133 --> 00:34:53,509 Amber. 312 00:35:01,392 --> 00:35:03,311 But no sign of Scout. 313 00:35:44,977 --> 00:35:47,563 Amber doesn't want to leave the meadow without her brother. 314 00:35:48,189 --> 00:35:50,900 But Sky knows they need to keep moving. 315 00:35:51,776 --> 00:35:54,445 Chinook could come back at any moment. 316 00:35:54,612 --> 00:35:56,380 She still has Amber to protect, 317 00:35:56,405 --> 00:35:59,408 no matter how much she wants to look for Scout. 318 00:36:01,369 --> 00:36:03,412 It's not an easy decision. 319 00:36:25,685 --> 00:36:27,186 There he is! 320 00:36:40,783 --> 00:36:42,785 Back together again. 321 00:36:55,965 --> 00:36:57,817 Sky knows another spot up the coast 322 00:36:57,842 --> 00:37:00,344 her mother took her to long ago. 323 00:37:01,804 --> 00:37:03,614 As she leads her cubs there, 324 00:37:03,639 --> 00:37:06,726 she must be hoping her luck will start changing. 325 00:37:30,541 --> 00:37:34,503 Midsummer brings longer days and a new place to feed. 326 00:37:38,841 --> 00:37:41,861 While Sky and the cubs are moving to a safer place to eat 327 00:37:41,886 --> 00:37:45,723 the rest of the bears leave the meadow, and head for the shore. 328 00:38:18,464 --> 00:38:20,466 Chinook is already here. 329 00:38:23,385 --> 00:38:25,095 And so is Magnus. 330 00:38:28,182 --> 00:38:30,351 For now, they wait, 331 00:38:32,895 --> 00:38:34,438 and wait. 332 00:38:59,213 --> 00:39:00,756 It's salmon! 333 00:39:01,507 --> 00:39:03,676 The first opportunity to fish. 334 00:39:17,439 --> 00:39:20,776 It has been a full year since the bears went fishing. 335 00:39:22,736 --> 00:39:24,989 Looks like they're a bit rusty. 336 00:39:40,838 --> 00:39:42,773 "I got it! I got it!" 337 00:39:42,798 --> 00:39:44,508 "I... I had it." 338 00:39:47,803 --> 00:39:50,055 "These are really slippery fish. " 339 00:39:55,394 --> 00:39:57,646 Only Magnus has dignity here. 340 00:40:02,151 --> 00:40:04,128 Magnus doesn't have to fish, 341 00:40:04,153 --> 00:40:05,988 because he has a plan. 342 00:40:08,991 --> 00:40:11,911 He's going to take whatever Chinook catches. 343 00:40:14,830 --> 00:40:16,916 "Yeah, that's it, Chinook." 344 00:40:17,666 --> 00:40:19,335 "Get me that fish." 345 00:40:24,465 --> 00:40:25,925 "Good bear." 346 00:40:28,010 --> 00:40:29,136 Magnus moves in. 347 00:41:10,761 --> 00:41:13,113 Magnus ultimately wins, 348 00:41:13,138 --> 00:41:15,491 and Chinook can only limp away 349 00:41:15,516 --> 00:41:19,103 watching his hard-earned meal go to someone else's stomach. 350 00:41:19,853 --> 00:41:21,730 Chinook won't forget this. 351 00:41:34,451 --> 00:41:37,137 Far from the danger of the crowded salmon beach, 352 00:41:37,162 --> 00:41:41,083 Sky and her cubs are still searching for a quiet place to feed. 353 00:41:44,586 --> 00:41:47,256 Scout gets distracted by the tiniest things, 354 00:41:47,673 --> 00:41:49,299 slowing them down. 355 00:42:00,811 --> 00:42:02,771 They're being followed. 356 00:42:07,693 --> 00:42:10,070 Tikani has sensed an opportunity. 357 00:42:14,783 --> 00:42:16,760 If he's quiet enough, 358 00:42:16,785 --> 00:42:18,954 he can snatch a dawdling cub. 359 00:42:39,683 --> 00:42:40,768 Scout attacks! 360 00:42:41,977 --> 00:42:44,121 Tikani wants Scout to follow him. 361 00:42:44,146 --> 00:42:45,689 Get him alone. 362 00:42:46,356 --> 00:42:48,150 But Sky stays close. 363 00:43:16,178 --> 00:43:18,013 Only Sky can chase Tikani off. 364 00:43:26,688 --> 00:43:29,942 This mama bear's keeping a good eye on her cubs. 365 00:43:30,317 --> 00:43:32,861 Tikani's usual tricks aren't working, 366 00:43:33,195 --> 00:43:35,447 but that doesn't mean he's giving up. 367 00:43:44,164 --> 00:43:46,517 Just a few miles up the coast 368 00:43:46,542 --> 00:43:48,685 Sky follows the raven's call 369 00:43:48,710 --> 00:43:50,879 to a very special place. 370 00:43:58,220 --> 00:44:00,097 A hidden sanctuary 371 00:44:00,472 --> 00:44:03,225 where the bears can let down their guard. 372 00:44:11,733 --> 00:44:13,402 Nice find, Mr. Raven. 373 00:44:14,319 --> 00:44:15,904 Good eye. 374 00:44:44,266 --> 00:44:47,144 Sky must be worried about her milk supply. 375 00:44:48,437 --> 00:44:51,815 If she doesn't eat tons of salmon by the end of the summer, 376 00:44:51,940 --> 00:44:54,751 she won't have enough fat stored up to feed Scout and Amber 377 00:44:54,776 --> 00:44:57,154 through next winter's hibernation. 378 00:44:59,948 --> 00:45:03,619 The cubs could starve to death right beside her in the den. 379 00:45:06,914 --> 00:45:08,765 Sky knows that before too long 380 00:45:08,790 --> 00:45:11,460 she will have to brave the salmon beach. 381 00:45:13,754 --> 00:45:16,965 But first, she has a little treat to show her cubs. 382 00:45:20,552 --> 00:45:22,446 When the tide goes out, 383 00:45:22,471 --> 00:45:25,098 the ocean becomes a secret restaurant, 384 00:45:25,349 --> 00:45:27,643 serving up mussel-covered rocks. 385 00:45:36,235 --> 00:45:39,321 It's all-you-can-eat, but you have to eat carefully. 386 00:45:41,782 --> 00:45:44,368 The cubs seem completely confused. 387 00:45:45,494 --> 00:45:47,721 "Is it supposed to taste like this?" 388 00:45:47,746 --> 00:45:49,331 "This is really crunchy." 389 00:45:52,542 --> 00:45:55,337 But Sky knows that a good claw-full is worthwhile. 390 00:46:12,980 --> 00:46:16,275 She uses her powerful paws to expose a hidden snack. 391 00:46:19,861 --> 00:46:21,238 Rock eels. 392 00:46:22,322 --> 00:46:24,383 These shy little fish are not exactly salmon, 393 00:46:24,408 --> 00:46:26,743 but they're better than nothing. 394 00:46:35,252 --> 00:46:37,421 Scout thinks he has the muscles for the job. 395 00:46:40,841 --> 00:46:44,094 While Amber lets her mother do all the heavy lifting. 396 00:47:03,488 --> 00:47:06,366 And the clever raven collects his reward. 397 00:47:09,745 --> 00:47:11,038 "Hey, that was mine." 398 00:47:12,581 --> 00:47:14,166 "I was saving that!" 399 00:47:17,586 --> 00:47:18,937 It is a lot of work, 400 00:47:18,962 --> 00:47:21,465 but there's nothing else on the menu right now. 401 00:47:36,897 --> 00:47:37,898 Ouch! 402 00:47:45,614 --> 00:47:47,049 Back at the beach, 403 00:47:47,074 --> 00:47:50,243 the salmon have finally arrived in large numbers. 404 00:47:50,577 --> 00:47:53,205 This is what the bears have been waiting for all summer. 405 00:48:02,214 --> 00:48:04,191 The sea is bubbling with fish, 406 00:48:04,216 --> 00:48:05,609 and their massive numbers 407 00:48:05,634 --> 00:48:07,928 make them much easier to catch. 408 00:48:14,976 --> 00:48:18,021 This is where Sky and her cubs need to be, and soon. 409 00:48:18,688 --> 00:48:19,856 They're already missing out. 410 00:48:38,875 --> 00:48:42,629 Chinook's not letting anyone swipe a fish from him this time. 411 00:48:44,423 --> 00:48:48,301 Without Magnus around, he's got more than a mouthful. 412 00:48:58,395 --> 00:49:01,982 Even Tikani is here, testing out his fishing skills. 413 00:49:17,622 --> 00:49:19,015 It's harder than it looks. 414 00:49:19,040 --> 00:49:22,669 And there's no mistaking the inexperienced ones out here. 415 00:49:39,895 --> 00:49:41,663 Then it's just a matter of eating your catch 416 00:49:41,688 --> 00:49:43,523 before someone else does. 417 00:49:44,149 --> 00:49:45,709 Hurry up, little guy! 418 00:49:45,734 --> 00:49:47,360 Run! 419 00:49:51,198 --> 00:49:54,159 You know when a wolf's walking like that, 420 00:49:55,118 --> 00:49:56,244 he's up to something. 421 00:50:13,220 --> 00:50:14,638 Head down, 422 00:50:15,430 --> 00:50:17,641 slow and steady. 423 00:50:18,934 --> 00:50:20,810 The thief at work. 424 00:50:25,774 --> 00:50:27,442 Impressive. 425 00:50:27,776 --> 00:50:30,278 And he didn't even get his tail wet. 426 00:50:35,116 --> 00:50:38,011 After months of being on the constant hunt for salmon, 427 00:50:38,036 --> 00:50:41,998 it seems almost impossible that the bears can be too full to eat. 428 00:50:42,207 --> 00:50:44,960 But that's exactly what's happening here. 429 00:50:46,169 --> 00:50:48,046 So very full. 430 00:50:49,714 --> 00:50:50,715 And interested in... 431 00:50:52,259 --> 00:50:53,510 I don't know what he's doing. 432 00:50:57,222 --> 00:50:59,474 Suddenly everyone's very itchy. 433 00:51:13,572 --> 00:51:16,783 This guy looks like my dad when he's watching TV. 434 00:51:20,662 --> 00:51:21,930 "Hey, who changed the channel?" 435 00:51:21,955 --> 00:51:23,832 "I was watching that." 436 00:51:29,504 --> 00:51:32,983 Sky and her cubs aren't the only ones on a journey here. 437 00:51:33,008 --> 00:51:34,192 The salmon are merely waiting 438 00:51:34,217 --> 00:51:36,678 before they can start heading upriver to spawn. 439 00:51:40,140 --> 00:51:43,326 They've spent the entire winter out in the salty ocean, 440 00:51:43,351 --> 00:51:45,078 and it will take a few weeks for their bodies 441 00:51:45,103 --> 00:51:47,105 to adapt to fresh water. 442 00:51:49,524 --> 00:51:52,460 They hang around the shallow river mouth behind the beach, 443 00:51:52,485 --> 00:51:54,863 hidden from where the bears have been hunting. 444 00:51:57,907 --> 00:51:59,926 Sky is the first to get here, 445 00:51:59,951 --> 00:52:02,662 and she's got the place all to herself. 446 00:52:07,042 --> 00:52:08,710 It's a huge amount of fish. 447 00:52:09,502 --> 00:52:12,272 She has to take advantage of the situation now, 448 00:52:12,297 --> 00:52:15,216 but she knows it's risky to leave the cubs. 449 00:52:17,177 --> 00:52:19,971 She's only got so much time before the other bears arrive. 450 00:52:28,188 --> 00:52:30,899 She'll hunt much more efficiently if she goes it alone. 451 00:52:35,153 --> 00:52:36,988 She decides it's worth the risk. 452 00:53:33,795 --> 00:53:35,146 The cubs try to defend themselves 453 00:53:35,171 --> 00:53:37,132 while calling for their mother's help. 454 00:53:41,052 --> 00:53:42,132 But they can't do it alone. 455 00:53:47,851 --> 00:53:50,687 Sky rushes back, and Tikani retreats. 456 00:53:56,443 --> 00:54:00,155 Sky has taken her cubs to every spot she knows on the coast 457 00:54:01,030 --> 00:54:02,574 with no luck. 458 00:54:03,658 --> 00:54:06,327 There are other secret places upstream, 459 00:54:07,370 --> 00:54:09,055 hidden spots like the Golden Pond 460 00:54:09,080 --> 00:54:11,666 that are sometimes filled with fish. 461 00:54:12,292 --> 00:54:15,837 But they're hard to find, and the climb is steep. 462 00:54:19,340 --> 00:54:21,901 Sky doesn't have much choice, 463 00:54:21,926 --> 00:54:24,429 she needs to find somewhere to feed before it's too late. 464 00:55:00,548 --> 00:55:03,526 For the salmon, it's been two weeks in the river mouth, 465 00:55:03,551 --> 00:55:05,970 and they're now used to the fresh water. 466 00:55:08,223 --> 00:55:10,975 Their journey upstream can finally begin. 467 00:55:12,060 --> 00:55:13,937 It's an almost unbelievable mission. 468 00:55:14,562 --> 00:55:19,025 They're trying to return to the exact same place where they were hatched. 469 00:55:21,903 --> 00:55:23,797 They rely on chemical cues, 470 00:55:23,822 --> 00:55:27,367 the taste of the water, to tell them exactly where to go. 471 00:55:36,417 --> 00:55:38,978 Some travel up to 30 miles upriver 472 00:55:39,003 --> 00:55:41,214 against a relentless current. 473 00:55:46,761 --> 00:55:50,598 And often, the waterfalls are just too steep to let them pass. 474 00:56:01,442 --> 00:56:03,611 Unable to swim any higher, 475 00:56:03,945 --> 00:56:05,738 these salmon will just have to wait 476 00:56:06,281 --> 00:56:08,449 in the plunge pools below. 477 00:56:13,162 --> 00:56:15,515 This is where the salmon are headed. 478 00:56:15,540 --> 00:56:19,335 Calm, shallow waters that offer the perfect place to lay their eggs. 479 00:56:30,722 --> 00:56:33,391 Sky and the cubs have just arrived, too. 480 00:56:33,850 --> 00:56:35,285 They've spent the past two weeks 481 00:56:35,310 --> 00:56:37,979 climbing their way to this lonely spot. 482 00:56:42,650 --> 00:56:44,652 Sky is shockingly thin. 483 00:56:48,489 --> 00:56:50,800 She's hoping she's made it for the salmon's first arrival 484 00:56:50,825 --> 00:56:52,160 to these quiet waters. 485 00:56:57,832 --> 00:56:59,751 But her timing is heartbreakingly off. 486 00:57:01,419 --> 00:57:04,339 The fish are still stuck in the pools below. 487 00:57:05,298 --> 00:57:07,216 There's nothing to eat. 488 00:57:28,446 --> 00:57:31,366 It looks like this time the raven was wrong. 489 00:58:13,908 --> 00:58:16,244 They may be soaking wet and freezing, 490 00:58:16,577 --> 00:58:18,513 but the rain actually gives Sky 491 00:58:18,538 --> 00:58:21,082 and the cubs some much-needed hope. 492 00:58:26,963 --> 00:58:29,966 The downpour causes the water levels to rise 493 00:58:30,216 --> 00:58:34,137 giving the salmon the exact push they need to get back on track. 494 00:58:43,771 --> 00:58:45,064 Yes! 495 00:58:46,357 --> 00:58:48,026 They've made it. 496 00:58:57,326 --> 00:58:59,620 Sky knows the salmon are coming. 497 00:58:59,829 --> 00:59:01,873 She can almost taste them. 498 00:59:14,385 --> 00:59:16,179 Sky searches. 499 00:59:20,099 --> 00:59:21,809 Where are they? 500 00:59:41,329 --> 00:59:43,790 It's her first fish of the season. 501 00:59:55,259 --> 00:59:57,637 And the cubs finally get to taste salmon. 502 01:00:03,643 --> 01:00:05,311 Scout takes his to go. 503 01:00:05,645 --> 01:00:09,232 But Amber Cuddles up for a little mother-daughter sushi date. 504 01:00:22,078 --> 01:00:25,665 "Mom, salmon is my new favorite food." 505 01:00:26,999 --> 01:00:28,626 "Let's never have mussels again." 506 01:00:38,052 --> 01:00:39,403 The only problem with salmon is 507 01:00:39,428 --> 01:00:41,180 they don't stay in one place for long. 508 01:00:42,640 --> 01:00:44,517 They're still on their journey. 509 01:00:48,521 --> 01:00:50,289 Sky knows where they're headed, 510 01:00:50,314 --> 01:00:51,941 and it's a place far too dangerous 511 01:00:52,150 --> 01:00:54,318 for a mother with young cubs. 512 01:00:55,403 --> 01:00:57,547 With no other options, 513 01:00:57,572 --> 01:00:59,866 she has to find the Golden Pond. 514 01:01:16,048 --> 01:01:18,259 These are the Great Falls. 515 01:01:19,927 --> 01:01:22,680 Only the biggest and baddest come here. 516 01:01:44,785 --> 01:01:46,929 Thousands of salmon pass through these falls, 517 01:01:46,954 --> 01:01:49,415 for just a few short weeks at the end of summer. 518 01:01:56,797 --> 01:01:59,091 If you want to catch a fat fish, 519 01:01:59,884 --> 01:02:02,303 you've got to be in the right place 520 01:02:03,471 --> 01:02:04,513 at the right time. 521 01:02:06,098 --> 01:02:09,393 And even then, well... 522 01:02:09,936 --> 01:02:11,395 ...there's no guarantee. 523 01:02:33,125 --> 01:02:34,835 Magnus is an old pro. 524 01:02:35,544 --> 01:02:37,380 Just open your mouth. 525 01:03:10,830 --> 01:03:14,166 The competition for the best fishing spot is intense. 526 01:03:25,386 --> 01:03:27,972 Chinook wants Magnus' prime position. 527 01:03:31,517 --> 01:03:34,603 But he's forgotten how powerful Magnus is. 528 01:03:40,901 --> 01:03:43,070 Time for a little reminder. 529 01:04:31,744 --> 01:04:33,454 Chinook surrenders. 530 01:04:33,662 --> 01:04:38,959 And Magnus remains the undisputed ruler of the Great Falls. 531 01:04:57,144 --> 01:04:59,497 Sky and the cubs have found a peaceful place 532 01:04:59,522 --> 01:05:00,998 deep in the woods, 533 01:05:01,023 --> 01:05:03,234 upriver from the Great Falls. 534 01:05:10,074 --> 01:05:12,051 Summer is almost over, 535 01:05:12,076 --> 01:05:13,744 and with the promise of fall, 536 01:05:13,994 --> 01:05:16,205 the cubs are already growing their thick winter coats. 537 01:05:21,460 --> 01:05:23,479 With hardly any salmon, 538 01:05:23,504 --> 01:05:25,189 Sky hasn't had a chance to build up 539 01:05:25,214 --> 01:05:27,133 her fat reserves for the winter. 540 01:05:50,197 --> 01:05:51,824 With no food, 541 01:05:52,074 --> 01:05:54,410 Sky's milk will definitely dry up 542 01:05:55,327 --> 01:05:57,263 and Scout and Amber 543 01:05:57,288 --> 01:05:58,747 won't make it through hibernation. 544 01:06:21,395 --> 01:06:22,938 Poor Sky. 545 01:06:24,064 --> 01:06:27,359 She tried hard all year to be a good mom and keep her cubs safe. 546 01:06:33,991 --> 01:06:37,077 She's lost and totally exhausted, 547 01:06:38,913 --> 01:06:42,041 but she still doesn't want to give up the fight. 548 01:06:52,176 --> 01:06:55,930 If only she knew, she's almost there. 549 01:06:57,097 --> 01:06:59,099 Just a short walk away. 550 01:07:07,358 --> 01:07:09,527 This is the Golden Pond, 551 01:07:10,653 --> 01:07:13,113 where Sky wanted to take her cubs. 552 01:07:14,698 --> 01:07:18,786 In certain years, salmon gather here in unimaginable numbers. 553 01:07:37,972 --> 01:07:40,933 The raven calls, asking Sky to follow. 554 01:08:02,955 --> 01:08:04,873 Sky can hardly believe her eyes. 555 01:08:06,875 --> 01:08:09,837 So many bears, peacefully gathered. 556 01:08:11,755 --> 01:08:13,591 Safe and welcoming. 557 01:08:21,974 --> 01:08:25,519 And more salmon than she and the cubs can shake a paw at. 558 01:09:58,153 --> 01:10:01,198 With all this salmon, the cubs will grow fat, 559 01:10:01,782 --> 01:10:05,411 and Sky will be able to keep them going through the winter. 560 01:10:09,331 --> 01:10:12,793 Sky's long, difficult journey is finally over. 561 01:10:16,547 --> 01:10:19,591 Turns out that tough bear Scout was looking for 562 01:10:20,050 --> 01:10:22,594 was right by his side, all along. 563 01:10:42,448 --> 01:10:43,532 As winter approaches, 564 01:10:44,158 --> 01:10:47,494 all the bears begin their trek back up the mountains. 565 01:10:56,044 --> 01:10:59,298 Scout and Amber will rely on their mother for the next two years, 566 01:10:59,631 --> 01:11:02,426 growing stronger with each passing season. 567 01:11:09,641 --> 01:11:12,244 Before the dark days of winter arrive, 568 01:11:12,269 --> 01:11:14,371 every bear must return to the high peaks 569 01:11:14,396 --> 01:11:16,857 to dig their dens for hibernation. 570 01:11:41,048 --> 01:11:43,233 And for the next six months, 571 01:11:43,258 --> 01:11:45,636 all the bears will remain asleep 572 01:11:45,844 --> 01:11:48,806 under a deep blanket of snow. 573 01:11:51,350 --> 01:11:52,785 There goes Chinook. 574 01:11:52,810 --> 01:11:54,603 He survived another year. 575 01:12:00,275 --> 01:12:03,946 And the mighty Magnus gives one last look over his domain. 576 01:12:13,747 --> 01:12:17,084 They say the first year of parenting is the hardest. 577 01:12:17,334 --> 01:12:19,753 But Sky was patient and determined. 578 01:12:20,212 --> 01:12:22,256 She never stopped caring. 579 01:12:23,173 --> 01:12:24,883 And her reward? 580 01:12:25,425 --> 01:12:28,762 Eight little paws following her back up the mountain 581 01:12:29,096 --> 01:12:31,098 for a long, winter's nap. 582 01:13:15,684 --> 01:13:17,644 Go around. Go around. 583 01:13:18,687 --> 01:13:19,730 Go around. 584 01:13:42,836 --> 01:13:44,296 Hey, bear. 585 01:14:09,237 --> 01:14:10,989 Good. Right there.