1 00: 01: 07,683 --> 00: 01: 12,100 In 1814 formulated Pierre-Simon Laplace - 2 00: 01: 12,267 --> 00: 01: 16,017 basis for the probability theory . 3 00: 01: 18,975 --> 00: 01: 24,267 Probability for that an event should occur - 4 00: 01: 24,433 --> 00: 01: 29,475 - equals the number of chances in relative to the total. 5 00: 01: 31,142 - --> 00: 01: 37,683 Do we have, for example, ten black and white beads in a mine - 6 00:01: and three white 00: 01: 42,225 --> 00: 01: 47,767 - is the chance to get a white ball in the first draw three to ten. 8 00: 01: 50,225 --> 00: 01: 57,392 The likelihood of pulling a black ball is seven to ten. 9 00: 02: 00,392 --> 00: 02: 04,683 But as everyone knows, life is not that easy. 10 00: 02: 36,933 --> 00: 02: 41,683 Is the prize not paid, insurance does not cover. 11 00: 02: 41,850 --> 00: 02: 45,433 Number of non-life years less self-risk. 12 00:02:45, I hear excellent. 13 00: 02: 50,933 --> 00: 02: 56,642 No, we will send two recruits before we cancel the insurance. 14 00: 02: 56,808 --> 00: 02: 59,142 Yes, that's regrettable. 15 00: 03: 06,808 --> 00: 03: 10,058 It's a really good shadow. 16 00: 03: 10,225 --> 00: 03: 14,642 Developing drawing skills is about fooling the left hemisphere - 17 00: 03: 14,808 --> 00: 03: 20,600 - so it lets the right brain work as it will. 18 00: 03: 22,642 --> 00: 03: 25,933 It was better, Linda! 19 00: 03: 26,100 --> 00: 03: 29,100 Here things begin to happen. Very nice. 20 00: 04: 06,933 --> 00: 04: 11,392 He's gonna live, he's gonna live ... 21 00: 04: 11,558 --> 00: 04: 15,600 He's gonna live for hundreds of years 22 00: 04: 15,767 --> 00: 04: 19,808 He's gonna live, he's gonna live live 23 00: 04: 19,975 --> 00: 04: 24,558 he will live for hundreds of years. 24 00: 04: 24,725 --> 00: 04: 27,808 A fourfold live for Ernst, he long lives: 25 00: 04: 27,975 --> 00: 04: 31,183 Hurray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! 26 00: 04: 34,475 --> 00: 04: 39,767 Congratulations, dad. We did not have enough light. - Mom said it did not matter. 27 00: 04: 39,933 --> 00: 04: 46,017 34 - The 70 here is good enough. 28 00: 04: 49,642 --> 00: 04: 52,225 Happy birthday, honey. 29 00: 04: 52,392 --> 00: 04: 55,600 You love to be reminded of your age. 30 00: 04: 55,767 --> 00: 04: 57,850 Thank you to all who are here tonight. 31 00: 04: 58,017 --> 00: 05: 02,350 As everyone knows, my husband is a careful and organized person. 32 00: 05: 02,517 --> 00: 05: 07,308 - He's hard to hide something for. - Yes, the gods must know! 33 00: 05: 08,975 --> 00: 05: 14,017 Cheers for the world's best man, dad and friend! 00: 05: 14,183 --> 00: 05: 16,433 41 Bowl! 35 00: 05: 38,392 --> 00: 05: 41,683 - I've never been in such a good shape. - It can be seen. 36 00: 05: 41,850 --> 00: 05: 47,350 I aim at 3.20 for the race next year. I managed 3.30 this year. 37 00: 05: 47,517 --> 00: 05: 50,808 - 3,20? - I think it can be done. 38 00: 06: 19,975 --> 00: 06: 22,433 The adults must be up. 39 00: 06: 22,600 --> 00: 06: 29,850 - Yes. It's unfair. - And I'm not even tired. 40 00: 06: 31,433 --> 00: 06: 34,725 - I can see that. Good night. - Good night. 00: 06: 37,183 --> 00: 06: 40,100 - I love you. - I love you. 42 00: 06: 42,183 --> 00: 06: 46,225 You are so beautiful, Ernst. You're so nice! 43 00: 06: 46,392 --> 00: 06: 50,017 - I love you too, Birger. - Listen up! 44 00: 06: 50,183 --> 00: 06: 53,933 You are a good person. You are a good friend. 45 00: 06: 54,100 --> 00: 06: 58,433 Listen to ... You are very lucky. 46 00: 06: 58,600 --> 00: 07: 00,850 Do you understand? 47 00: 07: 01,017 --> 00: 07: 04,642 I'm a little drunk, but I mean what I'm saying. 48 00: 07: 06,433 --> 00: 07: 10,600 Look around. Friends, Family ... 49 00: 07: 11,808 --> 00: 07: 14,058 Cecilia ... 50 00: 07: 14,225 --> 00: 07: 16,350 Cecilia ... 51 00: 07: 16,517 - > 00: 07: 21,225 Wonderful, lovely, beautiful Cecilia. 52 00: 07: 21,392 --> 00: 07: 24,558 And Alexander, sure guy! 53 00: 07: 24,725 --> 00: 07: 27,308 You are all the time! 54 00: 07: 27,475 --> 00: 07: 31,767 Wow! Good night with you! 55 00: 07: 31,933 --> 00: 07: 34,933 I'm pissed off. 56 00: 07: 35,100 --> 00: 07: 37,600 Hello! 57 00: 07: 37,767 --> 00: 07: 41,642 - Okay. - Riche or Operator Cellar. 58 00: 08: 01,433 --> 00: 08: 03,517 Father ... 59 00: 08: 03,683 --> 00: 08: 06,642 Father? 60 00: 08: 07,350 --> 00: 08: 10,267 It was not meant. 61 00: 08: 10,433 --> 00: 08: 15,975 Okay. Come on, then we go. 62 00: 08: 16,142 --> 00: 08: 19,475 - What's up? - Nothing. 63 00: 08: 22,142 --> 00: 08: 25,017 Wipe with it there. 64 00: 08: 25,850 --> 00: 08: 27,933 Away, Away, Away ... 65 00: 08: 28,808 --> 00: 08: 31,975 And then raise your arms ... 66 00: 08: 34,142 --> 00: 08: 40,142 Such! Now you are smelling a change. 67 00: 09: 36,142 --> 00: 09: 39,267 Alexander! 68 00: 09: 39,433 --> 00: 09: 42,642 Alexander! Can you hear me? 69 00: 09: 42,808 --> 00: 09: 45,183 Did you see what happened? 70 00: 09: 50,558 --> 00: 09: 52,683 I can only call! 71 00: 09: 57,683 --> 00: 10: 01,683 - How old is he? He will be 9 years old. 72 00: 10: 07,933 --> 00: 10: 13,308 We must operate to stop bleeding. It touches the brain. 73 00: 10: 13,475 --> 00: 10: 16,308 We have no choice. 74 00: 10: 53,225 --> 00: 10: 56,642 They said that the operation went well. 75 00: 10: 56,808 --> 00: 11: 01,017 Yes. The intervention went well. We stopped bleeding - 76 00: 11: 01,183 --> 00: 11: 04,767 - and Alexanders values are satisfactory. 77 00: 11: 04,933 --> 00: 11: 08,433 But we have a problem. 78 00: 11: 08,600 --> 00: 11: 14,558 Alexander will not wake up after surgery. 79 00: 11: 17,017 --> 00: 11: 20,600 There must be something you can do, right? 80 00: 11: 23,017 --> 00: 11: 27,058 When we see Alexanders EEG- 81 00: 11: 27,225 --> 00: 11: 33,850 - has his brain activity a somewhat weaker curve. 82 00: 11: 34,017 --> 00: 11: 36,808 The brain is very complex. 83 00: 11: 37,642 --> 00: 11: 41,142 But we're doing everything for Alexander - 84 00: 11: 41,308 --> 00: 11: 45,267 - soon to be quick and come home to you. 85 00: 11: 45,433 --> 00: 11: 49,767 In the meantime, it is important that you back him up. 86 00: 11: 49,933 --> 00: 11: 55,183 The physical contact means a lot for his forecast. 87 00: 11: 56,017 --> 00: 12: 01,142 88 Your Presence contributes to his recovery. 00: 12: 10,267 --> 00: 12: 16,308 "He had the same brown hair as a bench and brown eyes". 89 00: 12: 16,475 --> 00: 12: 20,267 "Who are you?" I said. "I'm Jum-Jum," he said. 90 00: 12: 20,433 --> 00: 12: 24,558 "He was a little different than Benke". 91 00: 12: 24,725 --> 00: 12: 28,308 "He looked more serious and friendly than Benke". 92 00: 12: 28,475 --> 00: 12: 33,975 "Ben is also sweet. Just like me". 93 00: 12: 34,142 --> 00: 12: 37,975 " 00: 12: 38,142 --> 00: 12: 43,475 "You could be angry little, but you became friends again". 95 00: 12: 43,642 --> 00: 12: 46,683 "But with Jum-Jum you could not be scared at all". 96 00: 12: 46,850 --> 00: 12: 50,142 "He was almost too cute". 97 00: 13: 00,225 --> 00: 13: 05,017 Cedergren confirmed it. It was cheating, all of it. 98 00: 13: 05,183 --> 00: 13: 09,017 There was really time in it. 99 00: 13: 09,183 --> 00: 13: 12,100 - Are you listening ? - What? 100 00: 13: 21,433 --> 00: 13: 26,350 I do not want to mix me, but have you considered ... 00: 13: 26,517 --> 00: 13: 28,933 ... to go free? 102 00: 13: 29,100 --> 00: 13: 32,058 - What do you mean? - Leave of absence. 103 00: 13: 33,433 --> 00: 13: 37,308 Based on what has happened. 104 00: 13: 37,475 --> 00: 13: 40,058 Do not worry about us. We can handle. 105 00: 13: 40,225 --> 00: 13: 44,017 We are actually better off without you. 106 00: 13: 50,683 --> 00: 13: 54,892 Hello. It's Cecilia Josefsson again. 107 00: 13: 55,058 --> 00: 13: 58,308 Yes, that's okay. 108 00: 14: 00,017 --> 00: 14: 05,308 Yes. No, but when we talked together last ... 109 00: 14: 06,600 --> 00: 14: 12,142 Afterwards I read that there is a new way to find the tests. 110 00: 14: 12,308 --> 00: 14: 16,142 You obviously also tried it. 111 00: 14: 16,308 --> 00: 14: 22,183 Okay. But Alexanders EEG has been stable for several weeks. 112 00: 14: 22,350 --> 00: 14: 26,017 So why have you been diagnosed? 113 00: 14: 34,183 --> 00: 14: 36,683 Good night, Alexander. 114 00: 14: 37,725 --> 00: 14: 41,308 See you tomorrow. I love you. 115 00: 14: 46,808 --> 00: 14: 51,017 Try now to get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow. 116 00: 14: 55,558 --> 00: 14: 58,433 I'm going now. Goodbye! 117 00: 15: 17,225 --> 00: 15: 19,475 Yes ... 118 00: 15: 30,308 --> 00: 15: 33,267 Mother I love you, 119 00: 16: 04,475 --> 00:16 : 09,767 You can call anytime at any time. 120 00: 16: 09,933 --> 00: 16: 12,725 - I'm here for you. - Okay. 121 00: 16: 13,975 --> 00: 16: 18,808 It's not completely stupid. You look good looking under your eyes. 122 00: 16: 18,975 --> 00: 16: 21,892 A little panda-like. 123 00: 17: 06,350 --> 00: 17: 10,183 Do you get it? Are you feeling well? 124 00: 17: 17,392 --> 00: 17: 20,308 Take it here. Here you go. 125 00: 17: 22,642 --> 00: 17: 25,933 - Thank you very much. - Does it hurt a lot? 126 00: 17: 26,100 --> 00: 17: 31,850 - Do you speak French? - Yes. No. Only a little bit. 127 00: 17: 33,933 --> 00: 17: 37,933 - It was really nice of you. - You are welcome. 128 00: 17: 38,100 --> 00: 17: 40,225 He took my wallet. 129 00: 17: 40,392 --> 00: 17: 43,933 - Do you want to inform the police? - No thanks. 130 00: 17: 44,642 --> 00: 17: 49,017 I have my car here. I can drive you to the hospital. 131 00: 17: 49,183 --> 00: 17: 52,600 No. It is not necessary. Thanks. 132 00: 17: 57,433 --> 00: 18: 01,558 - Do you live here? - No. 133 00: 18: 02,933 --> 00: 18: 05,142 I do not think so. 134 00: 18: 11,850 --> 00: 18: 17,558 Are you sure you do not want to sit in the chair? 135 00: 18: 22,183 --> 00: 18: 26,350 It really hurts me on your behalf. 136 00: 18: 26,517 --> 00: 18: 30,850 - It's really a shame. - Really? 137 00: 18: 35,892 --> 00: 18: 41,600 - Are you sure you can handle yourself? - Yes, I'm fine. 138 00: 18: 46,267 --> 00: 18: 48,642 Okay ... 139 00: 18: 50,350 --> 00: 18: 52,517 Match ... 140 00: 18: 52,683 --> 00: 18: 57,475 Take care of yourself. Goodbye. 141 00: 19: 00,725 --> 00: 19: 05,683 Everything is going well. Everything finally ends up. 142 00: 19: 39,058 --> 00: 19: 43,392 You helped him? Were you alone Could no one else help? 143 00: 19: 44,475 --> 00: 19: 47,350 I did not think clearly. 144 00: 19: 47,517 --> 00: 19: 51,850 I went to help him and drove him to the police. 145 146 00: 19: 52,017 --> 00: 19: 57,267 You could have called the police, an ambulance or put him in a taxi. 00: 19: 57,433 --> 00: 20: 01,100 He had no wallet. He had been robbed. 147 00: 20: 01,267 --> 00: 20: 05,267 He did not speak Swedish, so I drove him. 148 00: 20: 05,433 --> 00: 20: 09,850 - Did not he speak Swedish? No, he spoke French. 149 00: 20: 10,017 --> 00: 20: 15,683 - French? He spoke French? - That was so strange. 150 00: 20: 15,850 --> 00: 20: 19,600 I have not spoken French since I went to school. 151 00: 20: 19,767 --> 00: 20: 23,350 But the words just came suddenly. 152 00: 20: 23,517 --> 00: 20: 27,725 I could make myself understandable. A bit, at least. 153 00: 20: 27,892 --> 00: 20: 32,058 - Maybe it was shocked. - That sounds crazy. 154 00: 20: 33,017 --> 00: 20: 35,142 I know that. 155 00: 20: 35,308 --> 00: 20: 38,225 It's dangerous. It could be a madman. 156 00: 20: 38,392 --> 00: 20: 41,517 He could have been psychopathic. 157 00: 20: 42,808 --> 00: 20: 48,058 Then I drove him to the police station. That was all. 158 00: 20: 48,225 --> 00: 20: 51,017 He was very grateful. 159 00: 20: 53,058 --> 00: 20: 56,892 Yes, that is clear. 160 00: 20: 59,725 --> 00: 21: 02,475 Thank you. Goodbye! 161 00: 21: 07,517 --> 00: 21: 09,933 Hi. 162 00: 21: 13,975 --> 00: 21: 16,892 It will be 299. Thank you. 163 00: 21: 25,933 --> 00: 21: 28,350 Thank you very much. 164 00: 21: 38,392 --> 00: 21: 42,850 - Hi, how are you? - Fine. 165 00: 21: 43,017 --> 00: 21: 46,058 - And you? - Well. 166 00: 21: 47,892 --> 00: 21: 53,642 - What a surprise to see you again. - Yes, it's brand new. 167 00: 21: 55,725 --> 00: 21: 58,725 - What a luck! - Walter. 168 00: 21: 58,892 --> 00: 22: 02,642 My name is Walter. We were unable to introduce ourselves. 169 00: 22: 02,808 --> 00: 22: 06,267 - My name is Cecilia. - Cecilia? 170 00: 22: 06,433 --> 00: 22: 10,850 - A cool name. It suits you. - Thanks. 171 00: 22: 11,017 --> 00: 22: 17,975 - Can I have a cup of coffee? - Unfortunately I do not have the time. 172 00: 22: 18,142 --> 00: 22: 20,767 A small cup of coffee? 173 00: 22: 30,350 --> 00: 22: 32,850 Add! 174 00: 22: 33,017 --> 00: 22: 36,183 Do you call this coffee? 175 00: 22: 38,392 --> 00: 22: 41,600 You must always do everything yourself. 176 00: 22: 45,142 --> 00: 22: 50,558 - What about the police and your car? - It all went well. 177 00: 22: 50,725 --> 00: 22: 53,017 Cecilia ... 178 00: 22: 54,017 --> 00: 22: 57,517 I would like to thank you for your help. 179 00: 22: 57,683 --> 00: 23: 02,808 - It was so little. - On the contrary. 180 00: 23: 02,975 --> 00: 23: 08,100 You were very brave. I am forever grateful to you. 181 00: 23: 15,433 --> 00: 23: 19,850 - Do you live here in Stockholm? - No, I'm visiting. 182 00: 23: 20,017 --> 00: 23: 23,142 But I enjoy it here. It is a beautiful city. 183 00: 23: 23,308 --> 00: 23: 29,517 Yes. Are you here for business purposes? 184 00: 23: 31,142 --> 00: 23: 33,683 You can say that. 185 00: 23: 33,850 --> 00: 23: 36,308 Excuse me. 186 00: 23: 44,975 --> 00: 23: 47,975 It was nice to meet you again. 187 00: 23: 48,142 --> 00: 23: 53,308 I'm glad everything went well, but I have to go now. 188 00: 23: 53,475 --> 00: 23: 57,433 - Thanks for coffee. - Cecilia ... 189 00: 23: 57,600 --> 00: 24: 01,892 I know you are wearing strong pain, a big grief. 190 00: 24: 02,058 --> 00: 24: 05,475 No harm can happen to you. You have a big heart. 191 00: 24: 05,642 --> 00: 24: 08,433 You have a lot of love and goodness. 192 00: 24: 08,600 --> 00: 24: 11,267 But you are on the verge of a nerve collapse. 193 00: 24: 11,433 --> 00: 24: 14,558 I want to help you. 194 00: 24: 14,725 --> 00: 24: 17,183 I want to help Alexander. 195 00: 24: 26,975 --> 00: 24: 29,642 I believe in you. 196 00: 24: 31,892 --> 00: 24: 34,100 Goodbye. 197 00: 25: 07,600 --> 00: 25: 11,017 - Cecilia ... - He says he will help us. - Get up! 198 00: 25: 11,183 --> 00: 25: 14,142 - He wants to help Alexander. 199 00: 25: 14,308 --> 00: 25: 17,600 Hold on! I've had enough! 200 00: 25: 20,225 --> 00: 25: 22,808 Listen here ... 201 00: 25: 22,975 --> 00: 25: 25,975 I have been to the hospital and am very tired. 202 00: 25: 26,142 --> 00: 25: 29,433 Can you hear what you say? Can you? 203 00: 25: 29,600 --> 00: 25: 32,142 I can not do it. 204 00: 25: 46,892 --> 00: 25: 50,017 We take the last here. 205 00: 25: 52,850 --> 00: 25: 57,308 Such! Now they are all sitting there. 206 00: 25: 57,475 --> 00: 26: 00,017 My experience tells me anyway - 207 00: 26: 00,183 --> 00: 26: 04,600 - if your son's condition is not improved in the near future - 208 00 : 26: 04,767 --> 00: 26: 11,683 - there is a risk that he enters a more critical state. 209 00: 26: 14,433 --> 00: 26: 18,183 You should hear yourself. You have already given up. 210 00: 26: 19,767 --> 00: 26: 24,308 I know how serious it is. 211 00: 26: 24,475 --> 00: 26: 29,350 I'm only interested in making our son fast again. 212 00: 26: 29,517 --> 00: 26: 32,933 - We are doing our best. - Then show it! 213 00: 26: 33,100 --> 00: 26: 37,558 You should not talk about Alexander as if he had already died! 214 00: 26: 39,850 --> 00: 26: 45,267 - Cecilia, what do you want? - What I want? 215 00: 26: 45,433 --> 00: 26: 49,558 I want Alexander back that our son will be fast! 216 00: 26: 49,725 --> 00: 26: 53,767 And I do not want to? We must listen to the doctors. 217 00: 26: 53,933 --> 00: 26: 57,475 - Are we really supposed , Ernst? - Yes! 218 00: 26: 58,808 --> 00: 27: 01,017 Do you believe in destiny? 219 00: 27: 06,308 --> 00: 27: 08,475 What do you mean? 220 00: 27: 09,683 --> 00: 27: 14,100 That there is an opinion with everything that happens. 221 00: 27: 14,267 --> 00: 27: 17,808 That things do not happen by chance. 222 00: 27: 20,808 --> 00: 27: 23,225 No. 223 00: 27: 23,392 --> 00: 27: 28,225 When we met for example, was there a case? 224 00: 27: 29,017 --> 00: 27: 31,808 Yes, a case or a coincidence. 225 00: 27: 33,142 --> 00: 27: 36,433 And Alexander, is he also a case? 226 00: 27: 36,600 --> 00: 27: 38,808 Yes. 227 00: 27: 41,517 --> 00: 27: 43,975 Do you really believe that? 228 00: 27: 44,142 --> 00: 27: 49,267 Yes, otherwise I would believe in a predetermined plan. 229 00: 27: 49,433 --> 00: 27: 52,308 I think things happen by chance. 230 00: 27: 52,475 --> 00: 27: 56,058 What has happened is no punishment. 231 00: 27: 56,975 --> 00: 28: 00,517 Are you really so cold, Ernst? 232 00: 28: 14,933 --> 00: 28: 17,100 Cigarette? 233 00: 28: 17,267 --> 00: 28: 20,517 What are you doing here? 234 00: 28: 22,267 --> 00: 28: 24,808 What are you doing here? 235 00: 28: 24,975 --> 00: 28: 30,642 How did you know I was here? Did you follow me? 236 00: 28: 34,558 --> 00: 28: 38,600 You need to get some fresh air. 237 00: 28: 38,767 --> 00: 28: 41,475 Sorry? 238 00: 28: 48,683 --> 00: 28: 52,058 You would like some fresh air. 239 00: 28: 56,183 --> 00: 28: 59,100 I do not understand. 240 00: 29: 31,850 --> 00: 29: 37,350 I've lived here forever, but I 've never sailed with this boat. 241 00: 29: 38,308 --> 00: 29: 42,767 The world is full of beauty. It takes time to feel it. 242 00: 29: 42,933 --> 00: 29: 47,225 Look! You get a completely different perspective from a long distance. 243 00: 29: 55,225 --> 00: 29: 58,767 What you said the other day did you mean that? 244 00: 30: 01,600 --> 00: 30: 04,100 What do you mean? 245 00: 30: 04,267 --> 00: 30: 09,892 What you said about Alexander that you wanted to help him. 246 00: 30: 10,058 --> 00: 30: 13,017 Yes, of course. 247 00: 30: 13,183 --> 00: 30: 18,267 But what did you mean exactly? How do you know he is ill? 248 00: 30: 18,433 --> 00: 30: 21,350 I really meant what I said. 249 00: 30: 21,517 --> 00: 30: 26,350 I want to help him. I immediately noticed that he was ill. 250 00: 30: 26,517 --> 00: 30: 31,517 It could sound even if you did not say it straight. 251 00: 30: 32,933 --> 00: 30: 37,642 I do not really understand. How would you like to help him? 252 00: 30: 37,808 --> 00: 30: 41,350 How do I explain it without misunderstanding? 253 00: 30: 41,517 --> 00: 30: 46,100 I'm not worried about Alexander or for you. 254 00: 30: 46,267 --> 00: 30: 49,517 It's Ernst who worries me the most. 255 00: 30: 49,683 --> 00: 30: 52,308 Ernst? 256 00: 30: 52,475 --> 00: 30: 56,350 I should talk to you and Ernst together. 257 00: 30: 59,183 --> 00: 31: 01,850 Who are you really? 258 00: 31: 05,517 --> 00: 31: 07,975 A friend. 259 00: 31: 09,683 --> 00: 31: 13,600 We have three reviews where we suspect irregularities. 260 00: 31: 13,767 --> 00: 31: 17,600 One case can be cheating, the others are cheating on fraud. 261 00: 31: 17,767 --> 00: 31: 22,475 Cedergren made a preliminary inspection and became curious. 262 263 00: 31: 22,642 --> 00: 31: 25,975 I also became. The fire seems suspicious. 00: 31: 26,142 --> 00: 31: 28,225 It can be seen quite quickly. 264 00: 31: 28,392 --> 00: 31: 31,267 You like getting into the field - 265 00: 31: 31,433 --> 00: 31: 34,392 - instead of wasting your office. 266 00: 31: 58,892 --> 00: 32: 01,183 She slept, and somebody woke her up. 267 00: 32: 01,350 --> 00: 32: 04,308 When she woke up, she saw that it burned. 268 00: 32: 04,475 --> 00: 32: 08,308 Can you ask your grandmother what she means with "someone"? 269 00: 32: 16,433 --> 00: 32: 19,892 She said it was one who came from God- 270 00: 32: 20,058 --> 00: 32: 25,725 - that it was a miracle and that he saved our lives. 271 00: 32: 25,892 --> 00: 32: 28,142 We should not interrupt more. 272 00: 32: 28,308 --> 00: 32: 31,808 We have been told what we need to know. Thanks. 273 00: 32: 31,975 --> 00: 32: 37,017 The guy pulls himself wires and puts a screwdriver in the fuse - 274 00: 32: 37,183 --> 00: 32: 42,183 - and then it starts to burn. 275 00: 32: 42,350 --> 00: 32: 45,100 Wonderful. Voilà. 276 00: 32: 46,100 --> 00: 32: 51,558 What are you doing here? You have no right to be here. I will not pay! 277 00: 32: 51,725 ??--> 00: 32: 57,558 - We are from the insurance company. My brother was dying. 278 00: 32: 57,725 --> 00: 33: 01,517 - Also his family! - I understand you're angry. 279 00: 33: 01,683 --> 00: 33: 06,225 - We did not come to mind. - The house is gone, the pizzeria is gone. 280 00: 33: 06,392 --> 00: 33: 10,725 Everything's gone! You just want to research! 281 00: 33: 10,892 --> 00: 33: 14,600 We will do a thorough investigation. 282 00: 33: 14,767 --> 00: 33: 21,267 00: 33: 21,433 --> 00: 33: 26,058 Do you claim , You think he's a criminal! 283 that we do not fit our job? 284 00: 33: 26,225 --> 00: 33: 30,183 Your brother stabbed and screwdriver into a fuse box. 285 00: 33: 30,350 --> 00: 33: 33,975 Any idiot knows it's deadly. 286 00: 33: 34,142 --> 00: 33: 39,933 I'm having trouble with people who think they can find anything - 287 00: 33: 40,100 --> 00: 33: 43,392 - to get paid a huge insurance! 288 00: 33: 43,558 --> 00: 33: 48,600 How naive do you think we are? And so you call us racists. 289 00: 33: 51,850 --> 00: 33: 57,142 My brother is a good person. He loves his family and children! 290 00: 33: 57,308 --> 00: 34: 03,308 He is an honest person! You can not say that! 291 00: 34: 08,808 --> 00: 34: 11,183 It went very well. 292 00: 34: 22,392 --> 00: 34: 24,933 Good evening, Ernst. 293 00: 34: 25,683 --> 00: 34: 28,142 Good evening. 294 00: 34: 29,058 --> 00: 34: 31,683 Nice to meet you. 295 00: 34: 31,850 --> 00: 34: 35,142 Welcome. 296 00: 34: 49,142 --> 00: 34: 51,642 - Walter. My name is Walter. - Ernst. 297 00: 34: 52,558 --> 00: 34: 55,183 But you know that. 298 00: 34: 56,767 --> 00: 34: 59,100 Welcome, Walter! 299 00: 35: 02,475 --> 00: 35: 05,183 Thank you. They're beautiful. 300 00: 35: 06,392 --> 00: 35: 10,267 You are breathtakingly beautiful this evening. Not true? 301 00: 35: 10,433 --> 00: 35: 15,975 - I want to introduce my husband. Ernst. - We have been presented. 302 00: 35: 16,142 --> 00: 35: 19,475 - Should I take my coat? - Yes please. 303 00: 35: 21,767 --> 00: 35: 25,308 I hope you also like the wine. 304 00: 35: 35,517 --> 00: 35: 37,975 It tastes exquisite, Cecilia. 305 00: 35: 39,392 --> 00: 35: 44,267 - I really enjoy it. - Thanks, that was sweet. 306 00: 35: 44,433 --> 00: 35: 48,267 - When did you learn French? - Do not start now. 307 00: 35: 48,433 --> 00: 35: 50,683 No. 308 00: 35: 53,558 --> 00: 35: 59,558 Let me bring a bowl for your generosity and warmth! 309 00: 35: 59,725 --> 00: 36: 05,142 Thank you for the wonderful dinner. It comes from the heart. 310 00: 36: 05,308 --> 00: 36: 07,558 - What did he say? - Cheers! 311 00: 36: 07,725 --> 00: 36: 10,350 Bowl! 312 00: 36: 19,642 --> 00: 36: 24,100 What are you doing, Walter? 313 00: 36: 27,767 --> 00: 36: 31,058 It is different from case to case. 314 00: 36: 33,183 --> 00: 36: 39,308 But we can say that I help people solve their problems. 315 00: 36: 41,517 --> 00: 36: 43,767 Aha. 316 00: 36: 43,933 --> 00: 36: 49,392 - Why this sudden visit? - I have an errand here right now. 317 00: 36: 51,475 --> 00: 36: 55,225 You do not live here, but in France? 318 00: 36: 56,392 --> 00: 37: 01,142 I'm like a business traveler. I live there where I work. 319 320 00: 37: 07,475 --> 00: 37: 10,308 00: 37: 03,892 --> 00: 37: 07,308 Do you have a business card? No Unfortunately not. 321 00: 37: 10,475 --> 00: 37: 15,933 - Do you have a passport or ID card? - Hold on, baby. 322 00: 37: 16,100 --> 00: 37: 19,517 I just want to know who I'm having dinner with. 323 00: 37: 19,683 --> 00: 37: 23,183 - Is that a problem? - No. It is quite normal. 324 00: 37: 23,350 --> 00: 37: 27,600 - Do not bother now. "I want to know who Walter is. 325 00: 37: 27,767 --> 00: 37: 34,017 He's Walter. I helped him. He is a friend. He wishes us well. 326 00: 37: 34,683 --> 00: 37: 36,808 Certainly. 327 00: 37: 58,850 --> 00: 38: 01,517 - It tastes great, right? - Do not you. 328 00: 38: 04,433 --> 00: 38: 07,767 It is a Chateau Lafite Rothschild. 329 00: 38: 07,933 --> 00: 38: 13,350 The vineyard is located on a hill near Pauillac north of Bordeaux. 330 00: 38: 16,392 --> 00: 38: 19,142 Note the ruby ??red color - 331 00: 38: 19,308 --> 00: 38: 24,433 - with tones of black currant, almond, violet and spices. 332 00: 38: 25,517 --> 00: 38: 28,975 An exquisite aroma, a kiss on the cheak. 333 00: 38: 35,475 --> 00: 38: 38,142 334 At the same time refined and subtle. 341 00: 38: 38,308 --> 00: 38: 40,642 Powerful and elegant. 335 00: 38: 40,808 --> 00: 38: 46,350 Good Bordeaux wines make people listen to each other. 336 00: 38: 48,517 --> 00: 38: 53,308 After one or two glasses they become good friends. 337 00: 38: 57,642 --> 00: 39: 01,267 Good wines have different qualities. 338 00: 39: 01,433 --> 00: 39: 04,892 Some are like a one-time break . 339 00: 39: 05,058 --> 00: 39: 09,433 You like them, but do not want to spend their lives with them. 340 00: 39: 09,600 --> 00: 39: 13,017 Others are unique. 00: 39: 13,183 --> 00: 39: 17,933 Wonderful, to the extent that you will marry them on the spot. 342 00: 39: 18,100 --> 00: 39: 22,600 This is the case with a Chateau Lafite Rothschild. 343 00: 39: 22,767 --> 00: 39: 25,475 If you understand what I mean. 344 00: 39: 29,058 --> 00: 39: 32,433 He thinks if you think the wine tastes good. 345 00: 39: 32,600 --> 00: 39: 35,225 Yes, then. It is very good. 346 00: 39: 36,350 --> 00: 39: 40,183 But I hide the label and serve the same wine - 347 00: 39: 40,350 --> 00: 39: 44,725 - without knowing what it is, does it taste so good? 348 00: 39: 44,892 --> 00: 39: 48,392 Why does he change the bottle? 349 00: 39: 49,683 --> 00: 39: 55,517 Would you think that the wine tasted as good if you did not see the label? 350 00: 39: 55,683 --> 00: 39: 59,142 Well ... I do not know. 351 00: 39: 59,308 --> 00: 40: 04,767 Probably not if you do not know it's a Lafite Rothschild. 352 00: 40: 04,933 --> 00: 40: 09,725 "The King of the Wine ", also known as the "Queen of the Wines " ... 353 00: 40: 10,767 --> 00: 40: 13,558 ... because it's so feminine . 354 00: 40: 14,767 --> 00: 40: 20,725 There is a great chance that you think it is good, but not sublime. 00: 40: 23,933 --> 00: 40: 30,100 But if you give the time to discover or rediscover it - 356 00: 40: 31,225 --> 00: 40: 34,433 - then the wine becomes something else. 357 00: 40: 40,308 --> 00: 40: 45,642 - Are you giving me right? "I understand it's very good. 358 00: 40: 45,808 --> 00: 40: 49,058 And probably very expensive. 359 00: 40: 49,225 --> 00: 40: 53,308 Valuable, very valuable. 360 00: 40: 57,142 --> 00: 41: 00,183 Man is weird. 361 00: 41: 00,350 --> 00: 41: 05,183 It requires answers, evidence and confirmation. 362 00: 41: 05,350 --> 00: 41: 07,433 Otherwise, doubt. 369 363 00: 41: 07,600 --> 00: 41: 10,392 It's wildly scared. 364 00: 41: 20,058 --> 00: 41: 22,683 Want more wine? 365 00: 41: 24,517 --> 00: 41: 27,517 It was absolutely amazing! 366 00: 41: 27,683 --> 00: 41: 30,225 Listen here ... 367 00: 41: 30,392 --> 00: 41: 34,558 You can not think I'll listen to that clown. 368 00: 41: 34,725 --> 00: 41: 38,475 - Why does not he speak English? - Listen to me. 00: 41: 38,642 --> 00: 41: 41,558 - I've heard enough. He knows things. 370 00: 41: 41,725 ??--> 00: 41: 45,225 About wine, clear. I do not believe it. 371 00: 41: 46,642 --> 00: 41: 51,392 What if he actually wants us? 372 00: 41: 51,558 --> 00: 41: 56,183 Maybe he can help us, help Alexander. 373 00: 41: 56,350 --> 00: 42: 00,683 - It's once a lifetime. - I mean it. 374 00: 42: 00,850 --> 00: 42: 04,100 I do so too. The guy is going out. 375 00: 42: 41,808 --> 00: 42: 43,892 What the hell? 376 00: 44: 28,683 --> 00: 44: 32,975 I do not remember, when I last laughed so much. 377 00: 44: 34,933 --> 00: 44: 38,725 No thanks, I do not smoke. 378 00: 44: 42,350 --> 00: 44: 45,433 When did you start smoking? 379 00: 44: 47,225 --> 00: 44: 49,558 It tastes good. 380 00: 45: 13,267 --> 00: 45: 16,225 Goodnight. 381 00: 45: 58,975 --> 00: 46: 02,600 - He's gone. - God, how did I get scared! 382 00: 46: 02,767 --> 00: 46: 06,933 He must be listed because I did not hear him. 383 00: 46: 07,100 --> 00: 46: 10,350 Yes ... 384 00: 46: 13,642 --> 00: 46: 15,933 He left a message. 385 00: 46: 18,183 --> 00: 46: 24,100 "I love you both from my heart". 386 00: 46: 26,142 --> 00: 46: 28,808 "Do what's going on ..." 387 00: 46: 28,975 --> 00: 46: 34,308 "... so that you can be happy again in this life ". 388 00: 46: 34,475 --> 00: 46: 37,850 "There is so much beautiful". 389 00: 46: 42,517 --> 00: 46: 44,725 Hello? 390 00: 46: 47,600 --> 00: 46: 50,350 Yes, it's Alexander's father. 391 00: 46: 54,933 --> 00: 46: 58,517 Yes ... we are coming. 392 00: 46: 58,683 --> 00: 47: 01,267 Thank you very much. 393 00:47:01, Who was it? 394 00: 47: 24,433 --> 00: 47: 26,683 Julian came in there in the morning. 395 00: 47: 26,850 --> 00: 47: 30,517 It had to happen during the night. 396 00: 47: 30,683 --> 00: 47: 34,933 The strange thing is that we have recently installed an alarm. 397 00: 47: 35,100 --> 00: 47: 39,892 Anyway , Julian went home at eight o'clock. 398 00: 47: 40,058 --> 00: 47: 42,558 He locked and put the alarm on. 399 00: 47: 42,725 --> 00: 47: 45,725 We do not understand anything. 400 00: 47: 45,892 --> 00: 47: 52,058 We just thought it was best that you saw it. 401 00: 48: 06,767 --> 00: 48: 10,100 We are equal as confused as you. 402 00: 48: 10,267 --> 00: 48: 13,642 I've never seen anything like that. 403 00: 48: 17,850 --> 00: 48: 20,850 No, that's not possible. 404 00: 48: 26,142 --> 00: 48: 28,225 No ... 405 00: 48: 30,600 --> 00: 48: 32,808 Ernst ... 406 00: 48: 33,850 --> 00: 48: 36,058 - Ernst? - What? 407 00: 48: 37,225 --> 00: 48: 41,100 I think he is trying to tell us something. 408 00: 48: 41,267 --> 00: 48: 45,683 - Who? - Alexander. 409 00: 48: 52,017 --> 00: 48: 56,392 Do not you feel anything at all? 410 00: 48: 56,975 --> 00: 49: 01,183 It can be perceived as a sign. 411 00: 49: 01,350 --> 00: 49: 04,058 - A sign? - How do you explain the banknote? 412 00: 49: 04,225 --> 00: 49: 07,100 Or the drawing, as we have just seen? 413 00: 49: 08,642 --> 00: 49: 11,225 There is an explanation for everything. 414 00: 49: 11,392 --> 00: 49: 14,683 You can not explain what we are right. 415 00: 49: 14,850 --> 00: 49: 17,933 Recognized that you felt the same. 416 00: 49: 23,058 --> 00: 49: 26,142 I think Alexander will say something to us. 417 00: 49: 26,308 --> 00: 49: 29,267 He tries to communicate with us. 418 00: 49: 29,433 --> 00: 49: 32,142 And Walter is a form of ... 419 00: 49: 32,308 --> 00: 49: 35,058 ... messenger. 420 00: 49: 40,058 --> 00: 49: 42,725 Ernst, do not go now! 421 00: 49: 42,892 --> 00: 49: 46,725 Walter is an idiot, and probably also thief and cheat. 422 00: 49: 47,808 --> 00: 49: 51,683 I think Alexander will say he loves us. 423 00: 49: 51,850 --> 00: 49: 57,308 That we must love each other that we must become friends, end peace. 424 00: 49: 57,475 --> 00: 50: 00,517 And I believe in love to each other. 425 00: 50: 01,308 --> 00: 50: 04,308 - Only then ... - First then what? 426 00: 50: 24,475 --> 00: 50: 28,892 Think if Ernst is right that I've imagined everything. 427 00: 50: 29,058 --> 00: 50: 33,350 It sounds a bit brittle, but that does not mean you're crazy. 428 00: 50: 33,517 --> 00: 50: 38,558 He thinks Walter is a cheater that he will fool us. 429 00: 50: 38,725 --> 00: 50: 41,767 Everyone is scam and bandit according to him. 430 00: 50: 41,933 --> 00: 50: 45,600 Let's assume he's a scammer ... 431 00: 50: 45,767 --> 00: 50: 51,350 Why does he do this? Why should he offer help? 432 00: 50: 51,517 --> 00: 50: 55,308 Maybe he's in love with you. 433 00: 50: 55,475 --> 00: 51: 01,392 Maybe he wants to go to bed with you. "I love you, Cecilia!" 434 00: 51: 06,683 --> 00: 51: 13,475 You should have been there, Agnes. You would have felt the same. 435 00: 51: 25,017 --> 00: 51: 29,892 It may sound brittle, but I understand what you are saying. 436 00: 51: 30,058 --> 00: 51: 33,975 You long for Alexander to be fast. 437 00: 51: 34,142 --> 00: 51: 39,225 00: 51: 43,808 --> 00: 51: 49,058 Do you remember when we were small, and That you will be a family again, that everything will be normal again. 438 Grandmother told about her childhood? 439 00: 51: 49,225 --> 00: 51: 52,475 No. What are you thinking? 440 00: 51: 52,642 --> 00: 51: 56,725 She was six and seven years old and ... 441 00: 51: 56,892 --> 00: 52: 01,433 She and her big brother Torbjørn had borrowed a dinghy. 442 00: 52: 01,600 --> 00: 52: 04,142 Although they really did not have to. 443 00: 52: 05,475 --> 00: 52: 08,725 They were soaked in the dawn to fish. 444 00: 52: 08,892 --> 00: 52: 14,725 In any case, the brother falls overboard. 445 00: 52: 14,892 --> 00: 52: 18,683 He is in panic, because he can not swim. 446 00: 52: 18,850 --> 00: 52: 21,433 The water is ice cold. 447 00: 52: 21,600 --> 00: 52: 26,850 Her brother is dying just before her eyes. 448 00: 52: 27,017 --> 00: 52: 31,433 She can not do anything because she's too weak. 449 00: 52: 31,600 --> 00: 52: 35,433 But just as she is losing the grip on him - 450 00: 52: 35,600 --> 00: 52: 41,350 - as he's disappearing into the water then something happens. 451 00: 52: 42,183 --> 00: 52: 44,767 Something she can not explain. 452 00: 52: 44,933 --> 00: 52: 48,600 Suddenly she feels how a hand ... 453 00: 52: 50,142 --> 00: 52: 53,392 - puts her shoulder like this. 454 00: 52: 54,392 --> 00: 52: 59,058 And the hand gives her strength - 455 00: 52: 59,433 --> 00: 53: 03,017 - to pull the brother out of the water. 456 00: 53: 03,183 --> 00: 53: 05,892 This way she saves his life. 457 00: 53: 08,183 --> 00: 53: 11,142 I do not remember. 458 00: 53: 12,267 --> 00: 53: 15,933 I thought the story was so terrible - 459 00: 53: 17,017 --> 00: 53: 21,975 - but at the same time so wonderful, so beautiful. 460 00: 53: 22,142 --> 00: 53: 24,267 Like an adventure. 461 00: 53: 36,892 --> 00: 53: 39,142 It's simply impossible. 462 00: 53: 39,808 --> 00: 53: 42,683 - What are you doing here? - Oh, Ernst! 463 00: 53: 42,850 --> 00: 53: 47,017 Thanks for last. Do you know how to do? 464 00: 53: 47,183 --> 00: 53: 51,183 How did you get in? Have you closed him? 465 00: 53: 51,350 --> 00: 53: 53,600 - Who are you talking about? - Customer visit. 466 00: 53: 53,767 --> 00: 53: 57,267 I give up. It is inhumane. 467 00: 53: 57,433 --> 00: 54: 02,100 - Can you describe what you're doing? - I was nearby. 468 00: 54: 02,267 --> 00: 54: 04,517 I hope I'm not disturbing? 469 00: 54: 04,683 --> 00: 54: 11,017 - You are tense. Let's go for a walk. - I do not have time for your Christmas doctor. 470 00: 54: 11,183 --> 00: 54: 13,267 - Are you coming? - What? 471 00: 54: 13,433 --> 00: 54: 17,267 It's the big conference. There will be rolling heads. 472 00: 54: 17,433 --> 00: 54: 21,767 - It sounds nice. - Do you like to keep your mouth? 473 00: 54: 21,933 --> 00: 54: 25,475 - What did you say? - I did not speak to you. 474 00: 54: 25,642 --> 00: 54: 28,642 They are doing without you. 475 00: 54: 28,808 --> 00: 54: 31,975 I do not have time for this. 476 00: 54: 33,183 --> 00: 54: 38,558 We know today that certain departments are hit - 477 00: 54: 38,725 --> 00: 54: 41,183 - and some are getting pretty hard. 478 00: 54: 41,350 --> 00: 54: 46,725 It will be, as I said, changes. 479 00: 54: 51,308 --> 00: 54: 54,808 We can not do much about that. Such is the country. 480 00: 55: 12,308 --> 00: 55: 14,392 What do you want? 481 00: 55: 22,058 --> 00: 55: 24,267 What do you want? 482 00: 55: 24,433 --> 00: 55: 28,600 Can you explain the banknote and the drawing there? 483 00: 55: 42,933 --> 00: 55: 45,475 Good. 484 00: 55: 50,558 --> 00: 55: 53,433 Now we go. 485 00: 55: 56,517 --> 00: 55: 59,183 He goes. 486 00: 56: 09,933 --> 00: 56: 14,642 What are we doing here? I thought we were going out. 487 00: 56: 23,058 --> 00: 56: 25,975 Can you see the man by the window? 488 00: 56: 26,642 --> 00: 56: 29,183 It's Bertil. 489 00: 56: 29,350 --> 00: 56: 32,392 Nobody has visited him for several months. 490 00: 56: 33,267 --> 00: 56: 36,100 - Do you know him? - No. 491 00: 56: 50,183 --> 00: 56: 55,183 I have to go back to the office. This is ridiculous. 492 00: 56: 55,350 --> 00: 56: 58,517 Loneliness is devastating. 493 00: 56: 58,683 --> 00: 57: 02,725 But if you do something for someone, the smallest thing ... 494 00: 57: 02,892 --> 00: 57: 05,725 ... so you know make good use. 495 00: 57: 05,892 --> 00: 57: 09,475 Life is getting brighter and the opportunity is a gift. 496 00: 57: 16,892 --> 00: 57: 20,017 Black or white? 497 00: 57: 22,017 --> 00: 57: 25,433 When are you going to the hairdresser? 498 00: 58: 02,308 --> 00: 58: 05,100 Think about it. 499 00: 58: 18,850 --> 00: 58: 21,267 Skakmat! 500 00: 58: 23,017 --> 00: 58: 27,058 Skakmat! Checkmate! 501 00: 58: 27,225 --> 00: 58: 31,892 Chess food! Checkmate! 502 00: 58: 32,058 --> 00: 58: 37,183 Skakmat! Checkmate! 503 00: 58: 37,350 --> 00: 58: 42,225 Skakmat! Checkmate! 504 00: 58: 47,975 --> 00: 58: 50,725 The file consists of 36 numbered fields. 505 00: 58: 50,892 --> 00: 58: 55,433 There is 1/36 chance of a number coming up. 506 00: 58: 55,600 --> 00: 59: 00,517 You can get 17 times the bet if you bet two numbers at the same time. 507 00: 59: 00,683 --> 00: 59: 03,600 And eight times in four tracks simultaneously. 508 00: 59: 03,767 --> 00: 59: 07,850 Playing on the lines gives three times the bet. 509 00: 59: 08,017 --> 00: 59: 12,433 Playing in black and red can double the bet. 510 00: 59: 12,600 --> 00: 59: 17,183 But the zero has 1/37 chance to get up. 511 00: 59: 17,350 --> 00: 59: 22,142 No, I do not want to play roulette. It's idiotic. 512 00: 59: 22,308 --> 00: 59: 26,350 Life is a game. Sometimes man wins, sometimes not. 513 00: 59: 26,517 --> 00: 59: 31,683 But if you do not bet you will not win at all. 514 00: 59: 33,558 --> 00: 59: 36,017 Weather forecast . Take them! 515 00: 59: 36,892 --> 00: 59: 42,225 It's not just about winning but daring to lose. 516 00: 59: 46,100 --> 00: 59: 48,225 Okay. 517 00: 59: 50,767 --> 00: 59: 53,183 200. 518 01: 00: 04,850 --> 01: 00: 07,017 22, black. 519 01: 00: 17,808 --> 01: 00: 20,142 12, red. 520 521 01: 00: 29,808 --> 01: 00: 32,267 01: 00: 24,475 --> 01: 00: 27,100 It is completely meaningless. 17, black. 522 01: 00: 41,517 --> 01: 00: 43,642 Weather forecast . 523 01: 00: 44,267 --> 01: 00: 47,600 - Not bad, well? - Oh, thanks. 524 01: 00: 49,350 --> 01: 00: 51,850 Wow! 525 01: 00: 54,475 --> 01: 00: 56,933 Thank you. 526 01: 00: 58,558 --> 01: 01: 01,975 This is called thin bread roll. 527 01: 01: 02,142 --> 01: 01: 05,642 - It's ... - Thin bread roll. 528 01: 01: 05,808 --> 01: 01: 08,267 Delicious. Swedish. 529 01: 01: 10,850 --> 01: 01: 12,975 Good? 530 01: 01: 13,142 --> 01: 01: 16,058 - Get up! - It's you to stop! 531 01: 01: 16,225 --> 01: 01: 19,767 - What do you want to do, Ernst? - Strapped cords! 532 01: 01: 19,933 --> 01: 01: 23,475 - Now you're relaxing! You're pissed embarrassing! 533 01: 01: 23,642 --> 01: 01: 26,767 Do you want to intervene or watch? 534 01: 01: 29,642 --> 01: 01: 33,975 You look like a dirty pussy pussy! 535 01: 01: 34,142 --> 01: 01: 39,808 - Hello. Just take it easy now. - Who the hell are you? 536 01: 01: 39,975 --> 01: 01: 43,517 - Are you okay? - Go to hell, I said! 537 01: 01: 43,683 --> 01: 01: 46,350 You're not touching the gap ! Ouch! 538 01: 01: 55,433 --> 01: 01: 59,225 - I do not know what happened to me. - No. 539 01: 02: 03,600 --> 01: 02: 05,933 It's all so unreal. 540 01: 02: 06,683 --> 01: 02: 10,350 You could have called. 541 01: 02: 10,517 --> 01: 02: 12,642 Not? 542 01: 02: 13,808 --> 01: 02: 16,850 Nobody does anything without a backdrop. 543 01: 02: 17,725 --> 01: 02: 20,600 Nobody does anything without backing tanks . 544 01: 02: 20,767 --> 01: 02: 24,558 - Nobody does anything without a backdrop. - What? 545 01: 02: 24,725 --> 01: 02: 29,642 Nobody is so good-hearted or unegoist that he ... 546 01: 02: 30,933 --> 01: 02: 35,017 ... or she does something without a plan or. .. 547 01: 02: 36,142 --> 01: 02: 42,142 ... hidden agenda. It's so unreal. 548 01: 02: 46,100 --> 01: 02: 50,642 I'll do that. Thanks for the help. Thanks. 549 01: 03: 01,350 --> 01: 03: 06,558 Walter? What happened? 550 01: 03: 06,725 --> 01: 03: 09,267 - Can I enter? - Of course. 551 01: 03: 11,642 --> 01: 03: 16,933 - Do you hurt? - I'm fine thanks. 552 01: 03: 17,100 --> 01: 03: 20,058 What have you done? 553 01: 03: 23,850 --> 01: 03: 26,600 I helped some people. 554 01: 03: 26,767 --> 01: 03: 29,642 Who helped you? I do not understand. 555 01: 03: 34,058 --> 01: 03: 39,600 People were in danger, so I helped them. 556 01: 03: 46,267 --> 01: 03: 48,392 Weather forecast . Drink! 557 01: 03: 49,850 --> 01: 03: 52,225 Thank you, it's sweet of you. 558 01: 03: 58,642 --> 01: 04: 01,933 I do not understand what you've done. 559 01: 04: 02,100 --> 01: 04: 05,392 Look at your clothes and ... 560 01: 04: 14,808 --> 01: 04: 18,017 You carry your destiny inside. 561 01: 04: 37,308 --> 01: 04: 41,642 One can not come up with an unscientific opinion - 562 01: 04: 41,808 --> 01: 04: 45,267 - from a medical point of view. 563 01: 04: 45,433 --> 01: 04: 50,683 You must not imagine false hopes for your relatives. 564 01: 04: 50,850 --> 01: 04: 55,767 You know, but never happens ... 565 01: 04: 57,058 --> 01: 05: 01,225 ... a doctor is wrong? 566 01: 05: 01,392 --> 01: 05: 04,767 That a patient can get quick ... 567 01: 05: 06,683 --> 01: 05: 10,017 01: 05: 53,517 --> 01: 05: 57,892 ... without a medical explanation? 568 01: 05: 11,433 --> 01: 05: 15,558 I know you're going through a hard and hard time. 569 01: 05: 16,642 --> 01: 05: 20,225 I would like to be more optimistic. 570 01: 05: 20,392 --> 01: 05: 26,808 But when Alexander has been in coma for so long, 571 01: 05: 26,975 --> 01: 05: 31,725 - I think that if he wakes up - 572 01: 05: 31,892 --> 01: 05: 34,725 - Have a serious brain injury. 573 01: 05: 37,392 --> 01: 05: 40,350 I'm really sorry. 574 575 - Hi, Ernst. How are you? - Ernst ... 01: 05: 58,058 --> 01: 06: 01,975 - What's he doing here? - Let me explain. 576 01: 06: 02,142 --> 01: 06: 05,183 - What does he do in our sofa? - Let me explain. 577 01: 06: 05,350 --> 01: 06: 09,808 You're shut up! I'm tired of your skinny French! 578 01: 06: 09,975 --> 01: 06: 12,183 - If I have to explain ... - Get up! 579 01: 06: 12,350 --> 01: 06: 17,142 - Out with you! - It's not his fault! 580 01: 06: 17,308 --> 01: 06: 20,058 - It's not his fault! - Stop! 581 01: 06: 20,225 --> 01: 06: 22,725 It's not Walter's fault! 01: 07: 14,350 --> 01: 07: 17,225 582 01: 06: 34,767 --> 01: 06: 36,850 Go to hell! 583 01: 06: 49,725 --> 01: 06: 53,600 I love Alexander above all on this earth. 584 01: 06: 53,767 --> 01: 06: 58,100 But he is lying there with snakes and drops. 585 01: 06: 58,267 --> 01: 07: 03,517 And when I hear the doctors' diagnoses, it's like ... 586 01: 07: 06,350 --> 01: 07: 08,642 ... something breaks in me. 587 01: 07: 11,267 --> 01: 07: 14,183 I feel like a bad person. 588 I feel like a traitor - 589 01: 07: 17,392 --> 01: 07: 20,975 - because I do not think so, that he gets fast again. 590 01: 07: 22,267 --> 01: 07: 24,892 Is that how you have it? 591 01: 07: 26,267 --> 01: 07: 29,517 But to doubt is humanly? 592 01: 07: 29,683 --> 01: 07: 32,767 You are having a hard time now. 593 01: 07: 34,267 --> 01: 07: 37,142 Perhaps you're right or wrong - 594 01: 07: 37,308 --> 01: 07: 39,767 - but you're not a bad person. 595 01: 07: 39,933 --> 01: 07: 43,808 You are not sick , traitor, or doctor. 596 01: 07: 43,975 --> 01: 07: 47,517 So you can just dare to let go of it now. 597 01: 08: 09,183 --> 01: 08: 14,808 Police and ambulances had to move in Sundbyberg - 598 01: 08: 14,975 --> 01: 08: 19,308 - After a car with a woman and two children were driven down the channel. 599 01: 08: 19,475 --> 01: 08: 23,975 The two passenger cars collided at the half-hour. 600 01: 08: 24,142 --> 01: 08: 29,058 One car lost control and continued directly into the channel. 601 01: 08: 29,225 --> 01: 08: 33,642 As with a miracle, the woman was and the children intact - 01: 08: 33,808 --> 01: 08: 38,058 - after a passerby saved them from the cold water. 603 01: 08: 38,225 --> 01: 08: 43,600 People in the car probably walked in panic. > 604 01: 08: 43,767 --> 01: 08: 47,058 A passerby ran into the water - 605 01: 08: 47,225 --> 01: 08: 50,558 < i> - and got them pulled out of the car and up on the dock. 606 01: 08: 50,725 --> 01: 08: 57,183 There are no traces by family rescuer ... 607 01: 09: 29,017 --> 01: 09: 31,517 - Hi. - Excuse the delay. 608 01: 09: 31,683 --> 01: 09: 36,142 It does nothing. I have exchanged some words with Cecilia. 609 01: 09: 36,308 --> 01: 09: 41,683 There is an infection present, and Alexander has breathing difficulties. 610 01: 09: 41,850 --> 01: 09: 48,058 His condition is stabilized, but he must stay intensive. 611 01: 09: 52,392 --> 01: 09: 57,350 Mother is here now, Alexander. I'm not going anywhere. 612 01: 10: 04,767 --> 01: 10: 06,892 Father ... 613 01: 10: 33,850 --> 01: 10: 37,183 Unfortunately, we have a very bad news. 614 01: 10: 37,350 --> 01: 10: 42,142 Alexander has had a lung infection that tears on his body. 615 01: 10: 42,308 --> 01: 10: 45,392 We do not know how long he can stand against. 616 01: 10: 46,308 --> 01: 10: 50,892 We look seriously at the situation, and if the brain sets out - 617 01: 10: 51,058 --> 01: 10: 57,183 - we can best supply his or her body with oxygen for a couple of days. 618 01: 11: 02,808 --> 01: 11: 07,933 You have to make one thing clear. I never give up. 619 01: 11: 13,225 --> 01: 11: 19,433 - How can they be so slippery? - They are realists. 620 01: 11: 20,725 --> 01: 11: 26,100 They are doctors. They inform us about the risks and chances ... 621 01: 11: 27,933 --> 01: 11: 31,725 - I never give up. - That's not what it's about. 622 01: 11: 31,892 --> 01: 11: 36,392 They have given up hope and want us to do the same! 623 01: 11: 36,558 --> 01: 11: 40,892 - But I can not! - That's not what it's about. 624 01: 11: 41,058 --> 01: 11: 45,808 We must dare keep on believing. It's our only chance. 625 01: 11: 45,975 --> 01: 11: 50,933 If we also lose hope, what has Alexander left? 626 01: 11: 51,100 --> 01: 11: 57,683 Did not you hear what they said? Alexander does not survive! 627 01: 12: 11,267 --> 01: 12: 13,808 Why are you so sorry? 628 01: 12: 16,475 --> 01: 12: 19,808 Do not you have a friend to play with? 629 01: 12: 21,433 --> 01: 12: 24,308 Hugo, what are you doing? 630 01: 12: 47,642 --> 01: 12: 52,058 Children! Are not they lovely? 631 01: 12: 55,808 --> 01: 12: 59,350 Your curiosity. 632 01: 13: 00,308 --> 01: 13: 03,308 Their innocent naivety ... 633 01: 13: 04,683 --> 01: 13: 08,058 ... and their inexhaustible life-size. 634 01: 13: 11,308 --> 01: 13: 13,642 That's true. 635 01: 13: 15,017 --> 01: 13: 17,392 They have no limits. 636 01: 13: 17,558 --> 01: 13: 22,808 Reality or adventure. Both are equally true. 637 01: 13: 24,475 --> 01: 13: 26,892 For the child ... 638 01: 13: 28,267 --> 01: 13: 30,517 ... is all possible. 639 01: 13: 32,850 --> 01: 13: 36,100 I have a problem. I'm not ready. 640 01: 13: 38,058 --> 01: 13: 40,558 I know that. 641 01: 13: 41,600 --> 01: 13: 44,642 I thought otherwise that everything should go. 642 01: 13: 49,392 --> 01: 13: 52,433 Do not worry, my boy. 643 01: 13: 52,600 --> 01: 13: 57,850 Sometimes they refuse to hear what is good for them. 644 01: 13: 59,350 --> 01: 14: 03,767 I do not want to let go of them. I love them a lot. 645 01: 14: 03,933 --> 01: 14: 07,558 But it's high time you move on. 646 01: 14: 07,725 --> 01: 14: 10,975 Just give me a little more time. 647 01: 14: 18,392 --> 01: 14: 21,142 Follow your heart, my boy. 648 01: 14: 24,683 --> 01: 14: 27,892 A final effort. 649 01: 14: 29,308 --> 01: 14: 33,683 Sometimes we have to put more pressure. 650 01: 14: 39,475 --> 01: 14: 41,767 But hurry up. 651 01: 14: 44,350 --> 01: 14: 46,975 The time is pretty . 652 01: 16: 03,267 --> 01: 16: 08,475 The operation went well. We stopped the bleeding. 653 01: 16: 08,642 --> 01: 16: 14,725 But the next few hours are very critical. 654 01: 16: 16,225 --> 01: 16: 23,017 - What are the chances? - Unfortunately, they are very small. 655 01: 16: 29,225 --> 01: 16: 31,892 Excuse me. 656 01: 17: 56,433 --> 01: 17: 59,558 I would like to show you something, Ernst. 657 01: 18: 41,433 --> 01: 18: 48,475 - What the hell are you doing here? - I wanted to show you something. 658 01: 18: 48,642 --> 01: 18: 53,183 - Do not you hear? Let's be alone! - It is important. 659 01: 18: 53,350 --> 01: 18: 58,058 My son is on intensive. It is important. 660 01: 18: 58,225 --> 01: 19: 00,975 It does not take long. 661 01: 19: 03,142 --> 01: 19: 08,558 - I can not leave Alexander! - Cecilia is with him. 662 01: 19: 16,017 --> 01: 19: 19,350 It is important for Alexander's sake. 663 01: 19: 48,933 --> 01: 19: 51,350 What are we doing here? 664 01: 19: 54,767 --> 01: 19: 57,892 Well, this is it ... 665 01: 20: 01,642 --> 01: 20: 06,100 This was where you met Cecilia. This was where it began. 666 01: 20: 12,475 --> 01: 20: 19,225 Here you spoke for the first time to the most important person in your life. 667 01: 20: 21,142 --> 01: 20: 24,350 Our psyche cheats us. 668 01: 20: 24,517 --> 01: 20: 27,767 It thinks it decides, but it's wrong. 669 01: 20: 28,600 --> 01: 20: 33,225 If man does not listen to his heart and soul - 670 01: 20: 33,392 --> 01: 20: 38,475 - then it disappears. It breaks and dies. 671 01: 20: 49,017 --> 01: 20: 54,933 The world is full of people who do not listen to their true I. 672 01: 20: 56,308 --> 01: 20: 59,142 Here you lived when your son was born. 673 01: 21: 00,892 --> 01: 21: 03,558 This was where you founded a family. 674 01: 21: 03,725 --> 01: 21: 08,850 That time was filled with joy and love. 675 01: 21: 09,017 --> 01: 21: 12,308 Nothing could ruin it. 676 01: 21: 13,933 --> 01: 21: 16,725 You are lucky, Ernst. 677 01: 21: 21,142 --> 01: 21: 23,683 - Yes. - Yes. 678 01: 21: 28,183 --> 01: 21: 32,225 Even though the day is over, shines meadow and beach 679 01: 21: 32,392 --> 01:21 : 36, every flower and every jeweler everything is created by God's hand 680 01: 21: 37,142 --> 01: 21: 41,308 in the sun's high course, in the soft night of the night 681 01: 21: 41,475 --> 01: 21: 45,558 let me know a glimpse of paradise 682 01: 21: 45,725 --> 01: 21: 50,058 now the song from a sunrise tonight out 683 01: 21: 50,225 --> 01: 21: 54,850 a border of gold to the west, a summer day is over 684 01: 21: 55,933 --> 01: 21: 59,433 while we wait for the dawn, the gentle breeze brings 685 01: 21: 59,600 --> 01: 22: 03,308 01: 22: 36,017 --> 01: 22: 38,975 a promise of the rich where time is not. 686 01: 22: 05,142 --> 01: 22: 08,183 This was where everything changed. 687 01: 22: 08,350 --> 01: 22: 13,642 This was where the unthinkable and unjust took place. 688 01: 22: 17,017 --> 01: 22: 20,017 This was where you lost your faith. 689 01: 22: 25,017 --> 01: 22: 28,933 I'll be at the hospital. This is crazy. 690 01: 22: 29,100 --> 01: 22: 32,100 They need you. 691 01: 22: 33,725 --> 01: 22: 35,850 Why are you doing this? 692 To give you a clear vision. 693 01: 22: 40,475 --> 01: 22: 44,142 I try to shake the power of hope into you. 694 01: 22: 47,225 --> 01: 22: 50,058 We need to see one thing. 695 01: 22: 58,350 --> 01: 23: 03,017 - What are we doing here? - You either love or go under. 696 01: 23: 04,558 --> 01: 23: 10,392 Do you think the faith dies? Dare to believe is all possible. 697 01: 23: 13,850 --> 01: 23: 16,058 Believe in what? 698 01: 23: 17,433 --> 01: 23: 19,725 On love. 699 01: 23: 20,600 --> 01: 23: 22,683 On life. 700 01: 23: 23,683 --> 01: 23: 26,225 Go now. 701 01: 23: 26,392 --> 01: 23: 28,517 Go now! 702 01: 23: 34,308 --> 01: 23: 37,350 Go now. You will understand it. 703 01: 24: 29,600 --> 01: 24: 33,392 No, no, no! 704 01: 24: 34,350 --> 01: 24: 36,725 No! 705 01: 24: 37,350 --> 01: 24: 40,892 You're not dead! What have you done? 706 01: 24: 45,600 --> 01: 24: 49,142 Walter! Walter! 707 01: 24: 50,850 --> 01: 24: 54,558 Walter! Walter! 708 01: 26: 48,433 --> 01: 26: 50,600 I love you. 709 01: 26: 50,767 --> 01: 26: 53,058 Sorry. 710 01: 27: 17,892 --> 01: 27: 20,058 I love you. 711 01: 27: 50,433 --> 01: 27: 53,183 - Ernst ... - What's up? 712 01: 28: 17,767 --> 01: 28: 19,892 Hello. 713 01: 28: 52,058 --> 01: 28: 55,850 When the morning sun is shining through the window ... 714 01: 28: 59,017 --> 01:29: 01,725 ... happy and sneaking ... 715 01: 29: 04,308 --> 01: 29: 08,517 ... like a child who wants surprise early for a feast ... 716 01: 29: 10,767 --> 01: 29: 16,100 ... so I stretch of happiness. 01: 29: 18,267 --> 01: 29: 22,725 01: 29: 24,725 --> 01: 29: 27,892 ... for the day it's you. 719 01: 29: 31,308 --> 01: 29: 33,808 And the light, it's you. 720 01: 29: 35,100 --> 01: 29: 37,642 The sun, it's you. 721 01: 29: 40,475 --> 01: 29: 42,933 < i> Spring, it's you. 722 01: 29: 46,183 --> 01: 29: 50,558 And the whole beautiful life that's waiting for you. < / i> 723 01: 30: 02,683 --> 01: 30: 07,517