1 00:01:45,744 --> 00:01:49,307 Now we're coming into the cooling room. 2 00:01:49,324 --> 00:01:51,756 As you can see the upper three furnaces, 3 00:01:51,757 --> 00:01:54,188 the first one, the second and the third over there 4 00:01:54,209 --> 00:02:00,479 are constantly in service. The other furnaces can be fired up when required... 5 00:02:02,241 --> 00:02:06,199 You will have no direct contact with Herr Hoffmeister, 6 00:02:06,267 --> 00:02:08,351 our director general. 7 00:02:08,438 --> 00:02:12,595 And you are never to disturb him for any reason whatsoever. 8 00:02:12,635 --> 00:02:16,700 Is that quite clear, Herr Zeitz? This is his office. 9 00:02:28,532 --> 00:02:31,601 And this is your office. 10 00:03:07,388 --> 00:03:10,237 Friedrich Zeitz, Herr Hoffmeister. 11 00:03:10,311 --> 00:03:13,993 Oh, yes, the new boy... with the first in engineering. 12 00:03:14,009 --> 00:03:17,791 From Freiburg university. I majored in metallurgical chemistry. 13 00:03:17,885 --> 00:03:19,710 Is it no rather late for work? 14 00:03:19,795 --> 00:03:25,876 Yes. Though I mean... no. I have all the time in the world. 15 00:03:25,908 --> 00:03:27,952 Well, I haven't. 16 00:03:28,276 --> 00:03:34,365 Frau Hoffmeister is a stickler for punctuality, soup is in the plates at 7.30. 17 00:03:37,124 --> 00:03:39,968 I abhore soup. 18 00:04:00,147 --> 00:04:03,159 Hey, Fritz. 19 00:04:13,369 --> 00:04:15,707 You call that a kiss? 20 00:04:15,808 --> 00:04:19,862 - No time, Anna. I'm too busy. - You're always too busy! 21 00:04:19,942 --> 00:04:23,836 Your washing's dry but have yet to iron it! 22 00:04:25,967 --> 00:04:29,847 - I'll bring it up with your soup. - I abhore soup. 23 00:04:30,053 --> 00:04:33,076 - Do you? That's new. - Yes, it is. 24 00:04:36,089 --> 00:04:41,118 The board was very impressed by your report on the raw materials to output ratio. 25 00:04:41,218 --> 00:04:45,293 We've decided... I've decided to widen your responsibilities. 26 00:04:45,368 --> 00:04:51,384 You'll start by supervising the order for parts for the Düsseldorf railway bridge. 27 00:04:51,672 --> 00:04:55,223 You'll be very comfortable in here. 28 00:04:57,939 --> 00:05:04,936 If you need to consult me, don't hesitate. My door will be always open to you. 29 00:05:15,409 --> 00:05:20,419 - Found it? - Almost! There's such a mountain of files! 30 00:05:20,747 --> 00:05:25,790 - My father's father started the foundry in... - In 1835! 31 00:05:28,169 --> 00:05:34,045 Exactly. Then the boom came with the demand for railway tracks... 32 00:05:34,350 --> 00:05:38,509 For the first main line from Dresden to Leipzig in 1839. 33 00:05:41,119 --> 00:05:44,525 Is there anything you don't know? 34 00:05:45,108 --> 00:05:49,169 Oh, yes, Herr Hoffmesiter, I still have much to learn. 35 00:06:13,142 --> 00:06:15,846 Are you all right, sir? 36 00:06:15,899 --> 00:06:18,909 - Shall I call the doctor? - No. 37 00:06:33,860 --> 00:06:39,707 I have... a quite serious health condition. 38 00:06:42,014 --> 00:06:47,784 But nobody here at the plant must know of it. Nobody. 39 00:07:22,666 --> 00:07:27,008 Friedrich Zeitz, Herr Hoffmeister is expecting me. 40 00:07:42,005 --> 00:07:46,865 My doctor has confined me to the house until further notice. 41 00:07:46,938 --> 00:07:50,614 I can partly run the steelworks by telephone so... 42 00:07:52,021 --> 00:07:54,795 I've decided to give you a new job. 43 00:07:54,867 --> 00:07:56,902 - Me? - Yes. 44 00:07:59,187 --> 00:08:03,247 I want you to report to me here once a day to discuss 45 00:08:03,300 --> 00:08:08,344 current business and then to relay my instructions back to the works. 46 00:08:08,632 --> 00:08:10,633 What do you say? 47 00:08:24,531 --> 00:08:26,603 Stop here, please. 48 00:08:45,726 --> 00:08:49,207 The manufacture of 328 girders should be subject to a 40% deposit, 49 00:08:49,208 --> 00:08:52,688 not 33%, as mistakenly states in the contract. 50 00:08:53,030 --> 00:08:54,688 Incidentally, Herr Hoffmeister. 51 00:08:54,862 --> 00:08:57,769 For six days this furnace has been out of line. The hairline crack 52 00:08:57,770 --> 00:09:00,676 in the reservoir must be between the sixth and the seventh. 53 00:09:00,862 --> 00:09:04,676 That's why this furnace and this one here are still not operational. 54 00:09:05,094 --> 00:09:07,751 Could you please type out two copies of the engineer's meeting? 55 00:09:07,969 --> 00:09:10,272 Herr Hoffmeister wishes to add his own notes before 56 00:09:10,273 --> 00:09:12,713 distributing it to the factory. I'll take a copy from my desk. 57 00:09:14,455 --> 00:09:16,899 ...it follows that renovating the foundry 58 00:09:16,900 --> 00:09:19,344 will cut budget costs and double the output to 12 tons per year... 59 00:09:19,434 --> 00:09:22,753 Thank you. That's enough for today. 60 00:09:24,477 --> 00:09:25,939 Come on. 61 00:09:27,997 --> 00:09:29,987 Herr Zeitz? 62 00:09:30,873 --> 00:09:33,528 I'm Frau Hoffmeister. 63 00:09:34,249 --> 00:09:36,492 Herr Hoffmeister's wife? 64 00:09:36,513 --> 00:09:40,226 Of course. I'm not his mother. 65 00:09:42,578 --> 00:09:46,135 So we meet at last. My husband has told me a lot about you. 66 00:09:46,160 --> 00:09:49,651 I was just about to take some tea. Would you like to join me? 67 00:09:49,717 --> 00:09:54,872 It's very kind of you but... I'm already late. Another time, perhaps. 68 00:09:56,015 --> 00:09:58,841 Goodbye, Herr Hoff... Frau Hoffmeister. 69 00:10:12,969 --> 00:10:16,862 Music means more to me than anything in the world. 70 00:10:17,003 --> 00:10:20,611 Except my husband and son of course. 71 00:10:24,860 --> 00:10:28,772 Oh, no, thank you. 72 00:10:39,654 --> 00:10:41,339 Milk? 73 00:10:42,085 --> 00:10:43,434 Thank you. 74 00:10:44,969 --> 00:10:48,113 Yes, thank you or no, thank you? 75 00:10:48,980 --> 00:10:51,839 Yes, no, it's perfect. 76 00:11:08,990 --> 00:11:13,088 Somebody once said, I can't remember who, that so... 77 00:11:13,171 --> 00:11:19,436 that music can exist without the wolrd but the world cannot exist without music. 78 00:11:22,417 --> 00:11:24,766 I believe it was Goethe. 79 00:11:24,926 --> 00:11:30,022 Yes. So you enjoy literature then, Herr Zeitz. 80 00:11:30,056 --> 00:11:33,840 To be honest I mostly read science books. 81 00:11:34,991 --> 00:11:37,341 Tea is really very nice. 82 00:11:37,412 --> 00:11:42,503 - Have you never tasted tea before? - No, it's the first time. 83 00:11:43,648 --> 00:11:47,514 Well, enough about me. Tell me about yourself. 84 00:11:48,041 --> 00:11:53,798 - I'm afraid, there's nothing to tell. - No, surely you must have a family. 85 00:11:53,885 --> 00:11:57,384 I never knew my father. My mother died when I was very young. 86 00:11:57,473 --> 00:12:01,574 - But who brought you up? - I was a ward of state. 87 00:12:02,102 --> 00:12:05,186 Well, you certainly did brilliantly at school. 88 00:12:05,242 --> 00:12:09,347 I had to, it was my only hope, literally my only hope. 89 00:12:16,853 --> 00:12:21,684 - Have you found somewhere nice to live? - Very nice, thank you. 90 00:12:22,667 --> 00:12:27,839 My husband commissioned it. I hated sitting for it, I think it shows, doesn't it? 91 00:12:32,804 --> 00:12:36,859 - That's a very pretty... - Isn't it beautiful? 92 00:12:37,289 --> 00:12:40,008 I saw it in a shop window and fell in love with it. 93 00:12:40,626 --> 00:12:42,925 My husband thinks it's ghastly. 94 00:12:46,102 --> 00:12:51,214 - More tea? - No. Thank you. I should be getting back to the office. 95 00:12:51,355 --> 00:12:55,000 Yes, of course. What time is it? Otto will be home soon. 96 00:12:55,007 --> 00:12:58,380 Otto, he's our son. You haven't met him yet? 97 00:12:58,448 --> 00:12:59,750 No. 98 00:13:00,666 --> 00:13:04,846 He is... he is a very bouncy, very happy boy, 99 00:13:04,946 --> 00:13:08,729 but he doesn't really apply himself in school. 100 00:13:09,591 --> 00:13:11,430 It occurs to me... 101 00:13:15,654 --> 00:13:17,717 I did some tutoring when I was a student. 102 00:13:18,070 --> 00:13:22,083 If you like I could give your son some extra lessons. 103 00:13:22,132 --> 00:13:27,231 - Would... would you have time for that? - I could make time. 104 00:13:28,022 --> 00:13:33,099 No. Don't let me disturb you, I left my newspaper somewhere. 105 00:13:33,463 --> 00:13:37,724 - So how do you find our young friend? - You'll never guess what he just offered. 106 00:13:37,789 --> 00:13:39,092 I've no idea. 107 00:13:39,117 --> 00:13:43,195 - He's offered to give Otto extra lessons. - Well! 108 00:13:44,000 --> 00:13:47,812 You soon have the whole family under your wing. 109 00:13:52,890 --> 00:13:56,179 It's easy. Come on, try. 110 00:14:01,593 --> 00:14:06,853 See? You've got it in you. Now, let's practise your French. 111 00:14:06,954 --> 00:14:11,474 - French is a beautiful language. - No, it's not. Mother makes me learn it. 112 00:14:11,549 --> 00:14:13,573 But I hate it. 113 00:14:13,662 --> 00:14:16,537 Try reading me this fable. 114 00:14:18,071 --> 00:14:20,074 The Wolf and the Dog. 115 00:14:20,075 --> 00:14:23,575 A prowling wolf, whose shaggy skin Hid little but his bones, 116 00:14:23,576 --> 00:14:27,076 So strict the watch of dogs had been 117 00:14:27,077 --> 00:14:32,477 Once met a mastiff dog astray. 118 00:14:32,478 --> 00:14:37,378 A prouder, fatter, sleeker Tray, 119 00:14:37,379 --> 00:14:40,779 Sir Wolf in famish'd plight, Would fain have 120 00:14:40,780 --> 00:14:44,179 made a ration upon his fat relation 121 00:14:44,180 --> 00:14:47,480 But then he first must fight; 122 00:14:47,481 --> 00:14:50,031 And well the dog seem'd able 123 00:14:50,032 --> 00:14:52,581 To save from wolfish table his carcass snug and tight. 124 00:14:52,582 --> 00:14:56,632 So, then, in civil conversation 125 00:14:56,633 --> 00:15:00,682 The wolf express'd his admiration of Tray's fine case. 126 00:15:00,683 --> 00:15:08,683 Said Tray, politely, 'Yourself, good sir, may be as sightly; 127 00:15:20,177 --> 00:15:22,230 A penny for your thoughts, Fritzi? 128 00:15:23,580 --> 00:15:25,257 Stop calling me that. 129 00:15:25,352 --> 00:15:28,169 If you say so, Fritzi. 130 00:15:30,987 --> 00:15:32,375 Not now. 131 00:15:32,461 --> 00:15:34,184 Why not? 132 00:15:34,258 --> 00:15:37,855 I've got an important job to finish for tomorrow. 133 00:15:37,899 --> 00:15:41,821 - Are you sure there's no other reason? - No, like what? 134 00:15:41,837 --> 00:15:45,474 Like what? Like who? 135 00:15:45,745 --> 00:15:48,882 Like what? Like who? 136 00:15:49,860 --> 00:15:51,691 Like what? 137 00:16:13,631 --> 00:16:16,862 I think we should buy Otto that train. 138 00:16:16,898 --> 00:16:19,867 Karl, please, it would make him so happy! 139 00:16:20,120 --> 00:16:22,606 I told him he must wait until christmas. 140 00:16:22,649 --> 00:16:26,710 I know but he got such good marks in his exams. 141 00:16:27,179 --> 00:16:29,396 Thanks to our friend here. 142 00:16:29,484 --> 00:16:32,237 - Hm? - Hmm. 143 00:16:34,364 --> 00:16:38,176 How expensive is this train set, anyway? 144 00:16:47,546 --> 00:16:49,728 - Very well! - Good. 145 00:16:49,808 --> 00:16:53,472 I leave you two to get on with your work. 146 00:16:58,100 --> 00:17:00,524 How can one resist? 147 00:17:20,222 --> 00:17:24,035 I bet you can't play trains and recite fourth declension nouns at the same time. 148 00:17:24,099 --> 00:17:26,099 Dominus, domina, domino... 149 00:17:26,100 --> 00:17:27,500 Dominum. 150 00:17:27,601 --> 00:17:30,201 Dominum, domini, domino. 151 00:17:30,202 --> 00:17:33,802 Domini, dominii, domina, dominis, dominorum, domines. 152 00:17:34,487 --> 00:17:36,331 Very good. Again. 153 00:17:36,613 --> 00:17:41,314 Singular. Dominus, domina, dominum, domini, domino. 154 00:17:41,419 --> 00:17:46,321 Plural. Dominii, dominii, dominos, dominorum, domines. 155 00:17:46,522 --> 00:17:50,922 Singular. Dominus, domina, dominum, domini, domino. 156 00:17:50,923 --> 00:17:55,323 Plural. Dominii, domini, dominos, dominorum, domines. 157 00:17:55,324 --> 00:17:57,124 Singular. Dominus, domina... 158 00:18:08,374 --> 00:18:10,752 Here, this is for you. 159 00:18:10,851 --> 00:18:12,600 What is it? 160 00:18:13,509 --> 00:18:17,577 It's to say thank you for your kind work with Otto. 161 00:18:23,659 --> 00:18:25,689 I can't accept it. 162 00:18:27,186 --> 00:18:30,777 No, but you must. "The laborer is worthy of his hire." 163 00:18:30,843 --> 00:18:34,561 You don't understand. I don't want money from you. 164 00:18:56,323 --> 00:18:57,381 Wait! 165 00:18:58,481 --> 00:19:01,290 I was tactless earlier today. 166 00:19:01,352 --> 00:19:05,119 - I do hope that I didn't offened you. - No. 167 00:19:05,232 --> 00:19:06,418 Here. 168 00:19:07,993 --> 00:19:12,082 By way of an apology I'd hoped that you would stay to dinner with us sometime. 169 00:19:12,152 --> 00:19:14,507 Even... even this evening. If you're free. 170 00:19:14,581 --> 00:19:18,208 I'm terribly sorry, I have an engagement. 171 00:19:36,748 --> 00:19:39,726 As Germans we know our industrial strength. 172 00:19:39,842 --> 00:19:42,173 - But you know what our weakness is? - I'm sure you are going to tell me. 173 00:19:42,209 --> 00:19:46,238 Raw materials. That's what we lack. Take your steelworks. Every year 174 00:19:46,324 --> 00:19:49,341 one-third of its budget gets spent a manganese ore. 175 00:19:49,441 --> 00:19:53,266 - And the price keeps going up as you know. - Can't we just use less manganese? 176 00:19:53,275 --> 00:19:57,949 - Out of the question. It's a key ingredient in metal alloys. - So what are you getting at? 177 00:19:58,001 --> 00:20:00,157 What I'm getting at... 178 00:20:00,880 --> 00:20:02,949 ...is highly confidential. 179 00:20:03,056 --> 00:20:07,145 Vast deposits of manganese have been discovered in Mexico. 180 00:20:07,454 --> 00:20:11,636 Enough to keep your steelworks running for decades. 181 00:20:12,142 --> 00:20:15,705 It's highly confidential but you know about it? 182 00:20:15,795 --> 00:20:16,829 Yes. 183 00:20:16,912 --> 00:20:21,203 A fellow student from Freiburg, now working at Veracruz, tipped me the wink. 184 00:20:21,250 --> 00:20:23,727 And we've got to get in there first. 185 00:20:23,748 --> 00:20:28,635 Form a consortium, buy up the land, secure the mining rights, dig up that ore. 186 00:20:28,672 --> 00:20:31,815 We're a long way from Mexico. 187 00:20:32,405 --> 00:20:36,597 This is the 20th century. The age of speed and new horizons, 188 00:20:36,628 --> 00:20:40,354 the world is ours for the asking, all we have to... 189 00:20:45,288 --> 00:20:47,361 Just a second. 190 00:21:16,275 --> 00:21:21,361 Always find it strangely moving when she plays this piece of music. 191 00:21:31,289 --> 00:21:34,771 It's very affecting. Don't you think? 192 00:21:36,259 --> 00:21:37,637 Yes. 193 00:21:50,960 --> 00:21:52,996 You were saying? 194 00:21:54,994 --> 00:21:58,015 I do find it very affecting. 195 00:21:59,323 --> 00:22:01,538 No, about Mexico. 196 00:22:02,853 --> 00:22:06,695 I'm sorry... I was saying. 197 00:22:11,401 --> 00:22:14,921 We must take this golden opportunity. 198 00:22:15,338 --> 00:22:18,883 Why would Mexico bring in a German steelmaker 199 00:22:18,891 --> 00:22:22,508 when they have Americans on their doorstep? 200 00:22:29,045 --> 00:22:30,532 Why? 201 00:22:33,056 --> 00:22:34,582 Because... 202 00:22:37,465 --> 00:22:41,364 You know this revolution they've just had Pancho Villa, Zapata? 203 00:22:41,997 --> 00:22:44,885 Yes, it's been in the papers. 204 00:22:44,943 --> 00:22:49,191 Well, German military advisers played a crucial role. 205 00:23:12,598 --> 00:23:13,742 Yes? 206 00:23:17,074 --> 00:23:21,652 The Mexican leadership wants to blunt North-America's influence 207 00:23:21,708 --> 00:23:26,876 by attracting investment from Europe. The door is wide open. 208 00:23:31,787 --> 00:23:35,622 How much would we have to invest to get started? 209 00:23:50,427 --> 00:23:51,427 Hello. 210 00:23:59,236 --> 00:24:00,625 Yes, ma'am? 211 00:24:01,968 --> 00:24:05,033 Does Herr Friedrich Zeitz live here? 212 00:24:05,053 --> 00:24:08,682 - He's out at work! - Yes, I know, I was just er... 213 00:24:08,765 --> 00:24:13,843 - I was wondering if I could see his apartment? - His apartment? 214 00:24:13,968 --> 00:24:16,366 It's up there, top floor! 215 00:24:16,441 --> 00:24:17,952 Who are you? 216 00:24:17,969 --> 00:24:19,641 Nobody! 217 00:24:20,376 --> 00:24:22,114 The landlady! 218 00:24:22,407 --> 00:24:28,277 I beg your pardon, ma'am, I had no idea! Top floor, room 14. 219 00:24:28,316 --> 00:24:33,359 - I'll see you up. - Oh, no, don't bother, just give me the key. 220 00:24:34,866 --> 00:24:38,500 - Should I give him a message? - Yes. Don't tell him I was here. 221 00:26:32,158 --> 00:26:34,956 Private secretary? 222 00:26:35,646 --> 00:26:39,658 - I'm not sure I am up to the job... - Of course you are. You're young 223 00:26:39,758 --> 00:26:42,790 but you have all the right qualities. 224 00:26:42,812 --> 00:26:46,806 Who else do we have to thank for our new venture in Mexico? 225 00:26:48,172 --> 00:26:51,803 Herr Hoffmeister, I can't tell you how honoured I am 226 00:26:51,903 --> 00:26:56,534 by the trust of you. - I've one small condition to ask but it needn't detain us. 227 00:26:56,573 --> 00:27:01,583 It would be better if you left your present lodgings and moved in here. 228 00:27:02,232 --> 00:27:06,154 Isn't it a bit more convenient in every respect? 229 00:27:08,145 --> 00:27:11,871 - I take your point but... - What's putting you off 230 00:27:11,971 --> 00:27:17,085 the thought of moving in here, you'll be better off here than up in your garret. 231 00:27:17,219 --> 00:27:20,388 Did I tell you I lived in a garret? 232 00:27:20,763 --> 00:27:22,858 Yes. 233 00:27:24,159 --> 00:27:25,159 Didn't you? 234 00:27:27,038 --> 00:27:28,702 Oh, Herr Zeitz! 235 00:27:32,518 --> 00:27:37,092 My... my husband's told me what he had asked and I understand that you... 236 00:27:37,163 --> 00:27:40,375 ...that you have some reservations. Can I ask you what they are? 237 00:27:40,457 --> 00:27:44,185 - I've been given board and lodging by employers in the past and... - Oh, but... 238 00:27:44,203 --> 00:27:47,768 Well, my husband is not offering you a servant's position. 239 00:27:48,145 --> 00:27:49,369 I... 240 00:27:50,299 --> 00:27:52,050 ...cherish my independence. 241 00:27:52,107 --> 00:27:55,862 Of course. I can well understand how important that is. 242 00:27:56,208 --> 00:28:01,749 For a young man to be independent. Is that your... your only reason? 243 00:28:01,814 --> 00:28:05,845 Speaking for myself I will do everything that I can to make your stay 244 00:28:05,899 --> 00:28:08,906 as comfortable as possible. - Thank you, I'm sure but... 245 00:28:08,977 --> 00:28:11,877 Oh, no, thank you for accepting. 246 00:28:11,950 --> 00:28:15,998 We'll expect you tomorrow, I'll send Hans to bring your belongings. 247 00:28:32,241 --> 00:28:35,895 I can't not going, my job depends on it. 248 00:28:40,452 --> 00:28:44,175 I'll come back here as soon as I can, I promise. 249 00:28:44,637 --> 00:28:45,782 Don't... 250 00:28:46,873 --> 00:28:48,118 Please. 251 00:28:51,467 --> 00:28:52,614 Not now. 252 00:30:31,178 --> 00:30:36,280 As you can see there's enough room for everyone to feel comfortable. 253 00:30:47,220 --> 00:30:50,020 Those are the servants' stairs. 254 00:30:52,229 --> 00:30:53,229 No. 255 00:30:53,375 --> 00:30:55,223 Your room is here. 256 00:30:59,297 --> 00:31:02,276 And ours is just down the hall. 257 00:31:07,642 --> 00:31:11,325 So please, tell me if you're not completely comfortable. 258 00:31:11,486 --> 00:31:15,033 Your my husband's assistant and I'm his wife. 259 00:31:15,125 --> 00:31:18,126 - Let's agree to be frank with each other. - Agreed. 260 00:31:18,294 --> 00:31:21,561 Dinner's at 7.30., my husband's a stickler for punctuality, 261 00:31:21,661 --> 00:31:25,331 he likes his soup served on the dot. - Yes, Frau Hoffmeister. 262 00:31:25,419 --> 00:31:28,908 Hah, Charlotte, though people call me Lotte. 263 00:32:36,856 --> 00:32:40,856 - Is your room adequate? - Impeccable. Thank you, sir. 264 00:32:44,599 --> 00:32:49,293 - Pleasant autumn we're having. - Yes. A blaze of colour. 265 00:32:50,676 --> 00:32:54,078 Oh, I'm so sorry I was late. I was with Otto. 266 00:32:54,479 --> 00:32:57,793 You haven't met? Let me introduce you. 267 00:32:57,804 --> 00:33:01,037 Herr Zeitz, my Husband, Karl. Karl, Herr Zeitz. 268 00:33:05,803 --> 00:33:09,166 ...and it rears at every single jump. 269 00:33:09,581 --> 00:33:13,090 So eventually I asked the riding master for a quieter horse. 270 00:33:13,094 --> 00:33:16,221 And he says to me: Madam, a horse is like a mirror. 271 00:33:16,259 --> 00:33:21,785 It reflects everything you fear or dare to do, 272 00:33:21,823 --> 00:33:27,346 so if your horse refuses a fence it is you who are not ready for it. - Huh! 273 00:33:27,457 --> 00:33:31,554 It sounds like that Viennese doctor that claims he can read your thoughts 274 00:33:31,654 --> 00:33:35,746 by listening to your dreams. What's his name again? - As if you didn't know. 275 00:33:35,763 --> 00:33:39,768 And my husband loves to play the village idiot. 276 00:33:44,258 --> 00:33:45,968 I'm turning in. 277 00:33:50,564 --> 00:33:52,424 See you shortly, my dear. 278 00:33:54,665 --> 00:33:56,195 And you tomorrow. 279 00:33:56,520 --> 00:33:59,580 Yes sir. See you tomorrow. 280 00:34:03,643 --> 00:34:06,394 Thank you, Magda, you can leave it. 281 00:34:06,445 --> 00:34:11,535 My husband never eats dessert. And always retires to bad at a quarter to nine. 282 00:34:11,937 --> 00:34:15,998 - Every night? - Yes. Except for New Year's Eve. 283 00:34:17,410 --> 00:34:21,243 I knew nothing of life before I met Karl. 284 00:34:22,427 --> 00:34:27,489 I was engaged to be married to a childhood friend in the town that I grew up. 285 00:34:27,912 --> 00:34:31,777 But he died in a mountaineering accident and... 286 00:34:32,018 --> 00:34:35,579 Karl was a friend of my parents'. 287 00:34:36,424 --> 00:34:41,476 He... er... He helped me through the ordeal, gave me a shoulder to cry on. 288 00:34:42,019 --> 00:34:45,083 Why are you telling me this? 289 00:34:46,564 --> 00:34:49,919 Well, because I presume that you're surprised 290 00:34:50,019 --> 00:34:53,601 that my husband is not younger. No... no. 291 00:35:01,302 --> 00:35:02,884 Here. 292 00:35:17,974 --> 00:35:19,205 Sorry. 293 00:35:26,662 --> 00:35:29,210 What do you think of it? 294 00:35:29,499 --> 00:35:32,658 Let's say it's a fine portrait of you. 295 00:35:33,642 --> 00:35:36,074 But... unfaithful. 296 00:35:37,884 --> 00:35:39,128 Unfaithful? 297 00:35:39,143 --> 00:35:42,596 Yes, it's... It's like a mask, it's... 298 00:35:42,615 --> 00:35:44,445 ...smooth and... 299 00:35:44,947 --> 00:35:48,487 ...superficial and shows nothing of who you are. 300 00:35:48,923 --> 00:35:50,277 Deep down. 301 00:35:51,365 --> 00:35:56,314 - Time for bed, I think, don't you? - Uh... No, I'll... 302 00:35:56,738 --> 00:36:01,794 ...stay down here awhile... ...try and do some more of your puzzle. 303 00:36:01,884 --> 00:36:06,650 - You'll find your own way to your room? - Yes, Frau Hoffmeister. - Lotte. 304 00:36:06,698 --> 00:36:09,084 Good night, Friedrich. 305 00:36:09,104 --> 00:36:12,071 Good night. Lotte. 306 00:37:49,643 --> 00:37:52,545 ...by replacing this third furnace here... 307 00:38:07,418 --> 00:38:12,245 ...we will most likely be able to extract similar minerals such as copper and nickel, 308 00:38:12,372 --> 00:38:17,092 and reasonably expect a return of around 115 % in the first year... 309 00:38:24,917 --> 00:38:28,706 - Is Madame Lotte at home? - I don't know, Sir. 310 00:38:34,947 --> 00:38:37,997 Holland: Amsterdam. Greece: Athens. 311 00:38:38,014 --> 00:38:41,075 Serbia: Belgrade. Switzerland: Bern. 312 00:38:41,140 --> 00:38:44,752 Belgium: Brussels. Denmark: Copenhagen. 313 00:38:44,834 --> 00:38:47,915 Finland: Helsinki. Portugal: Lisbon. 314 00:38:48,005 --> 00:38:50,092 England: London. 315 00:38:53,093 --> 00:38:58,158 Father wouldn't let me learn the piano. He made me learn fencing instead. 316 00:38:58,190 --> 00:39:01,437 He said it'd be more use to me when I grow up. 317 00:39:01,799 --> 00:39:03,042 What for? 318 00:39:03,129 --> 00:39:07,917 For fighting duels with people who dishonour my wife. Or my mother. 319 00:39:08,605 --> 00:39:11,782 Oh! A rat! A mouse! 320 00:39:11,970 --> 00:39:14,258 It just ran under there... 321 00:39:14,259 --> 00:39:15,493 Where is it? 322 00:39:15,494 --> 00:39:16,727 It's a horrible thing with a big fat face. 323 00:39:16,728 --> 00:39:17,789 I see it, I see it! 324 00:39:17,961 --> 00:39:20,126 Quick! It's up... 325 00:39:20,291 --> 00:39:21,650 No, Otto! 326 00:39:21,717 --> 00:39:22,717 Don't! 327 00:39:47,425 --> 00:39:48,479 Thank you! 328 00:39:48,480 --> 00:39:52,620 The bankers in Frankfurt are interested in the project. 329 00:39:53,353 --> 00:39:56,913 They're waiting to see our investment plan. 330 00:40:00,199 --> 00:40:03,075 What will you do with your sunday? 331 00:40:03,197 --> 00:40:04,250 I don't know. 332 00:40:04,866 --> 00:40:10,120 Probably go to the café, play a few rounds of billiards with some friends. 333 00:40:10,381 --> 00:40:11,637 Chase the girls? 334 00:40:11,676 --> 00:40:12,747 Ah! 335 00:40:14,816 --> 00:40:18,416 - Do you have a sweetheart? - I'd rather not talk about it. 336 00:40:18,523 --> 00:40:23,919 Ah, a secret fiancée. 337 00:40:24,770 --> 00:40:26,863 So I'll see you at lunch then. 338 00:40:27,990 --> 00:40:30,281 Frau Hoffmeister. 339 00:40:34,739 --> 00:40:38,274 She wouldn't miss the 10 o'clock service if the world was on fire. 340 00:40:38,304 --> 00:40:42,908 - Don't you accompany her? - No time for all that humbug. 341 00:40:46,972 --> 00:40:52,897 But if you enjoy church don't let me stop you. 342 00:40:53,301 --> 00:40:56,495 Me? No. No, no, thank you. 343 00:41:00,229 --> 00:41:03,508 Only the passion that touches its abyss 344 00:41:03,608 --> 00:41:06,634 can light the tinder of your utmost truth. 345 00:41:06,728 --> 00:41:12,083 Only to him who loses his whole self will self be given. 346 00:41:12,914 --> 00:41:14,614 Blaze that. 347 00:41:14,615 --> 00:41:20,409 For only by catching fire will you learn to know the world deep inside you. 348 00:41:20,509 --> 00:41:25,203 Only where mistery works does life begin. 349 00:41:35,373 --> 00:41:37,261 Please, be seated. 350 00:41:48,895 --> 00:41:51,505 One, two, three, freeze. 351 00:41:54,082 --> 00:41:57,533 Back to the start. Yes, I saw you. 352 00:42:00,580 --> 00:42:03,462 One, two, three... freeze. 353 00:42:05,508 --> 00:42:08,241 One, two, three, freeze. 354 00:42:10,417 --> 00:42:14,050 - Back to the start again. - No, no, no. I'm here. 355 00:42:15,884 --> 00:42:18,175 One, two, three... 356 00:42:18,176 --> 00:42:20,319 I won, I won! 357 00:42:21,975 --> 00:42:23,354 I get to give you a dare. 358 00:42:23,785 --> 00:42:25,301 You cheated! 359 00:42:27,607 --> 00:42:28,720 What? 360 00:42:30,453 --> 00:42:32,336 Oh, Otto! 361 00:42:32,418 --> 00:42:38,075 No, I didn't. I didn't cheat. Oh, no, don't give me that grumpy face. Smile. 362 00:42:38,119 --> 00:42:41,433 I didn't cheat, did I, Friedrich? 363 00:42:42,170 --> 00:42:43,865 You're not cheating. 364 00:42:52,917 --> 00:42:54,327 Stop. 365 00:44:31,275 --> 00:44:32,475 Enough! 366 00:44:37,996 --> 00:44:39,742 So will you, please? 367 00:44:39,885 --> 00:44:42,875 Really... I can't, I have too much work to do. 368 00:44:42,918 --> 00:44:46,493 - Well, even on the sunday? - Even on the sunday. 369 00:44:46,673 --> 00:44:49,618 Don't you ever go to church? 370 00:44:54,513 --> 00:44:58,250 My husband can't stand any noise of any kind anymore. 371 00:44:58,324 --> 00:45:02,043 He even gets cross when I play the piano. 372 00:45:02,833 --> 00:45:06,979 I can't keep Otto cooped up in this monastery. 373 00:45:09,455 --> 00:45:13,112 He'll be very upset if you don't come. 374 00:45:24,702 --> 00:45:25,702 Otto! 375 00:45:43,564 --> 00:45:44,575 Come. 376 00:45:47,856 --> 00:45:51,211 What a lovely boy. Just like his parents. 377 00:45:53,105 --> 00:45:55,026 Hey man, come in here, look at these potatoes! 378 00:46:03,477 --> 00:46:06,887 - I do like your scent. - Thank you. 379 00:46:09,200 --> 00:46:10,881 What is it? 380 00:46:12,389 --> 00:46:15,268 Young man, don't you know better than to ask a lady her scent? 381 00:46:17,063 --> 00:46:19,909 No, I'm afraid, I didn't. 382 00:46:20,322 --> 00:46:23,619 But if I don't ask how can I find out? 383 00:46:24,327 --> 00:46:27,390 It's L'Heure Blueue, by Guerlain. 384 00:46:29,306 --> 00:46:31,104 It suits you so well. 385 00:46:32,305 --> 00:46:35,002 I'm not sure Guerlain may have made it especially for you. 386 00:46:35,105 --> 00:46:39,009 Ready, smile! And! 387 00:46:46,514 --> 00:46:48,536 Otto! Where is he? 388 00:46:49,431 --> 00:46:50,609 Otto! 389 00:46:51,363 --> 00:46:52,127 Otto! 390 00:46:52,288 --> 00:46:53,288 Otto! 391 00:46:53,578 --> 00:46:54,578 Otto! 392 00:46:56,843 --> 00:46:57,843 Otto! 393 00:46:57,968 --> 00:46:58,968 Otto! 394 00:46:59,316 --> 00:46:59,916 Otto! 395 00:47:00,077 --> 00:47:01,077 Otto! 396 00:47:02,780 --> 00:47:03,780 Otto! 397 00:47:04,962 --> 00:47:06,042 Otto! 398 00:47:16,594 --> 00:47:20,405 I would hate to appeare indiscreet... 399 00:47:21,341 --> 00:47:24,647 ...but my husband has told me... - Yes? 400 00:47:24,937 --> 00:47:28,112 ...that you have a... ...a friend in town, a... 401 00:47:28,417 --> 00:47:29,935 ...lady friend. 402 00:47:30,113 --> 00:47:33,150 I didn't expect him to tell you about it. 403 00:47:33,207 --> 00:47:36,691 Oh, we tell each other everything, it's only natural. 404 00:47:36,967 --> 00:47:39,197 Oh, I assure you that's all I know I... 405 00:47:39,279 --> 00:47:43,426 Especially since I understand that it's a secret affair. 406 00:47:44,208 --> 00:47:45,319 Yes, it is. 407 00:47:46,717 --> 00:47:50,291 It's very romantic idea, a secret love affair. 408 00:47:50,715 --> 00:47:52,218 Like a novel. 409 00:47:53,810 --> 00:47:57,263 How gentlemanly of you not to disclose her name. 410 00:47:58,951 --> 00:48:01,903 One day I'll tell you who she is. 411 00:49:39,424 --> 00:49:41,090 Stop. Stop. 412 00:49:46,415 --> 00:49:49,271 - So you're top dog now, are you? - Don't be silly. 413 00:49:50,169 --> 00:49:54,042 I asked the man on the gate and he said you'd taken over from the boss. 414 00:49:54,096 --> 00:49:56,629 I'm only his private secretary. 415 00:49:56,730 --> 00:49:59,887 - What about the car? - He lets me use it. 416 00:49:59,949 --> 00:50:01,958 What about his wife? 417 00:50:06,416 --> 00:50:09,871 You forgot this lot. Washed and ironed. 418 00:50:10,009 --> 00:50:11,389 Thank you. 419 00:50:12,924 --> 00:50:16,160 You promised to come back and see me, you remember? 420 00:50:16,165 --> 00:50:18,766 Sorry, I haven't had time. 421 00:50:21,707 --> 00:50:25,327 There's a young couple living in your old room now. 422 00:50:25,441 --> 00:50:29,716 They're going to have a baby. They're going to be happy together. 423 00:50:30,041 --> 00:50:32,367 Anna, I've got to go. 424 00:50:33,105 --> 00:50:36,179 You did that a long time ago. 425 00:50:37,276 --> 00:50:38,510 Carry on! 426 00:50:39,354 --> 00:50:40,426 Go on then! 427 00:50:40,539 --> 00:50:43,690 Go back to your mistress! 428 00:50:56,761 --> 00:50:59,460 Anyone would think it was made for you. 429 00:51:00,695 --> 00:51:04,786 - I'll lend you a top hat too. - Is that really necessary, sir? 430 00:51:05,163 --> 00:51:06,638 Indispensable. 431 00:51:07,666 --> 00:51:09,314 In that case, thank you. 432 00:51:09,471 --> 00:51:13,116 No, I thank you for relieving me of these dreary obligations, 433 00:51:13,117 --> 00:51:17,219 a Sunday in the country and then an evening in town 434 00:51:17,220 --> 00:51:19,865 listening to some fat woman take forever to die. 435 00:53:16,372 --> 00:53:19,077 - I prefer to walk back. - As you wish. 436 00:53:19,124 --> 00:53:20,178 Alone. 437 00:53:21,108 --> 00:53:22,187 Why? 438 00:53:22,371 --> 00:53:23,821 Because... 439 00:53:24,657 --> 00:53:26,503 You know very well. 440 00:53:26,512 --> 00:53:29,491 No, I don't. Please, tell me. 441 00:53:29,638 --> 00:53:32,464 Because we can't keep doing this. 442 00:53:32,520 --> 00:53:33,648 Doing what? 443 00:53:35,082 --> 00:53:37,357 Lying to each other. 444 00:53:37,793 --> 00:53:39,874 Lying to each other? 445 00:53:41,906 --> 00:53:45,451 What on earth are you imagining, Herr Zeitz? 446 00:53:46,001 --> 00:53:50,278 Who do you think you are? And what do you think I am? 447 00:54:15,371 --> 00:54:16,712 Help! Help! 448 00:54:17,386 --> 00:54:19,011 Come! Quickly! 449 00:54:23,015 --> 00:54:25,642 Don't just stand there! Help me! 450 00:54:25,783 --> 00:54:28,670 Let's try and get him to sit up. 451 00:54:32,657 --> 00:54:34,393 It's another seizure. Karl, can you hear me? 452 00:54:34,747 --> 00:54:37,118 Listen to me! Yes? 453 00:54:42,871 --> 00:54:44,246 I'm going to call Doctor Meyer. 454 00:54:46,121 --> 00:54:47,311 I'll give you one of those injections. 455 00:54:47,519 --> 00:54:48,560 I don't need that. 456 00:54:50,228 --> 00:54:52,244 I feel better already. 457 00:54:57,073 --> 00:54:58,073 Right. 458 00:55:03,356 --> 00:55:08,408 Now. Tell me all about it. 459 00:55:11,665 --> 00:55:12,665 About what? 460 00:55:15,752 --> 00:55:17,390 Your night at the opera. 461 00:55:23,590 --> 00:55:24,760 Thank you, Doctor. 462 00:55:44,196 --> 00:55:45,854 It was a serious heart attack. 463 00:55:47,072 --> 00:55:52,129 The doctor says he might not recover unless he keeps lying in bed. 464 00:55:58,098 --> 00:56:01,319 It was fortunate that you were there last night. 465 00:56:01,419 --> 00:56:04,525 If my husband hadn't survived I... 466 00:56:06,229 --> 00:56:09,742 Dread to think what would have become of us. 467 00:56:19,133 --> 00:56:22,199 The new machine is being installed but it can't be 468 00:56:22,200 --> 00:56:28,165 brought on stream until it's been run in for months. - Never mind about that. 469 00:56:28,641 --> 00:56:31,725 Friedrich, all our hard work is paid off. 470 00:56:33,009 --> 00:56:36,904 Tomorrow the bankers sign up for our Mexico venture. 471 00:56:39,404 --> 00:56:43,108 - I had no idea. - No? I wonder that surprise you. 472 00:56:44,445 --> 00:56:48,162 The wheels will be turning fast from now on. 473 00:56:48,604 --> 00:56:53,172 I shall need a man on the spot to oversee the money operations. 474 00:56:53,185 --> 00:56:56,636 - On the spot in Mexico? - Where else? 475 00:56:57,148 --> 00:57:00,050 And you're the man for the job. 476 00:57:00,265 --> 00:57:01,274 What? 477 00:57:03,795 --> 00:57:04,588 Me? 478 00:57:04,664 --> 00:57:07,796 I want you out there as soon as possible. 479 00:57:07,818 --> 00:57:09,106 Why me? 480 00:57:09,592 --> 00:57:13,260 The whole idea of this wonderful scheme was yours, wasn't it? 481 00:57:13,319 --> 00:57:18,661 Just think, travelling halfway across the world, building and running 482 00:57:18,662 --> 00:57:23,123 a mining town, exploring the depth of the earth. 483 00:57:23,124 --> 00:57:26,919 What a prospect, what a life for a young man. 484 00:57:28,087 --> 00:57:32,211 So should I take this proposal as a... kind of exile? 485 00:57:34,315 --> 00:57:35,959 Exile from what? 486 00:57:42,734 --> 00:57:43,734 Alright. 487 00:57:45,440 --> 00:57:48,538 If you want me to go I'll... 488 00:57:48,539 --> 00:57:49,813 I'll go. 489 00:57:50,533 --> 00:57:53,835 If you have any personal reasons that I'm not aware of 490 00:57:53,935 --> 00:57:57,648 that prevent you or deter you from going... 491 00:57:59,597 --> 00:58:02,715 ...I shan't force you into it. 492 00:58:06,261 --> 00:58:08,713 No, sir, there's nothing. 493 00:58:09,533 --> 00:58:10,848 And no one. 494 00:59:09,562 --> 00:59:13,243 The dinner's on the table. Aren't you coming down? 495 00:59:14,478 --> 00:59:16,508 Are you unwell? 496 00:59:17,792 --> 00:59:20,356 Hasn't your husband told you? 497 00:59:20,419 --> 00:59:21,882 What? 498 00:59:23,257 --> 00:59:26,697 That I'm to go to Mexico for two years. 499 00:59:27,070 --> 00:59:29,881 For two years? 500 00:59:29,882 --> 00:59:32,444 No... You... You... You can't! 501 00:59:33,354 --> 00:59:36,787 No, you can't! You can't! You can't! 502 00:59:49,928 --> 00:59:52,702 When do you need to leave? 503 00:59:53,903 --> 00:59:55,663 Ten days. 504 00:59:57,181 --> 01:00:01,110 No. Please, don't... Don't... I... I... 505 01:00:02,979 --> 01:00:05,549 I can't live without you. 506 01:00:09,193 --> 01:00:11,670 Why didn't you tell me? 507 01:00:13,131 --> 01:00:15,459 Tell you what? You already knew. 508 01:00:22,694 --> 01:00:25,558 No. Not here, no. 509 01:00:26,132 --> 01:00:27,162 Not now. 510 01:00:29,507 --> 01:00:31,100 Mother! Mother? 511 01:01:58,714 --> 01:02:01,936 No. You mustn't. 512 01:02:02,773 --> 01:02:05,945 Not here, not now. Please, I told you. 513 01:02:06,132 --> 01:02:07,132 No! 514 01:02:10,031 --> 01:02:11,284 When then? 515 01:02:12,462 --> 01:02:15,441 - When you return. - In two years? - Yes. 516 01:02:16,446 --> 01:02:20,496 - Will you still want me in two years? - Will you still want me? 517 01:02:22,557 --> 01:02:24,102 We'll make a... 518 01:02:25,496 --> 01:02:27,656 A vow to each other. 519 01:02:28,195 --> 01:02:31,232 A promise to love each other. Do you see? 520 01:02:31,292 --> 01:02:32,292 No. 521 01:02:32,353 --> 01:02:33,879 Friedrich! 522 01:02:34,194 --> 01:02:35,177 Friedrich! 523 01:02:35,210 --> 01:02:37,740 Where the devil are you? 524 01:02:40,906 --> 01:02:45,094 I was just arranging some flowers. And one of those horrible creatures 525 01:02:45,195 --> 01:02:48,556 from the garden came in. You know, one of those... 526 01:02:48,602 --> 01:02:51,864 ...fury ones. It knocked over the vase. 527 01:02:52,559 --> 01:02:54,089 I was frightened, I screamed. 528 01:02:54,143 --> 01:02:56,833 Friedrich came to my rescue and chased it out the window. 529 01:02:57,799 --> 01:02:59,966 Everything's fine now. 530 01:03:06,861 --> 01:03:09,067 Come along, Friedrich, I need you too. 531 01:03:09,173 --> 01:03:12,330 No, no darling. Otto has been waiting for his lesson. 532 01:03:31,736 --> 01:03:35,524 - Will you see cowboys and indians? - No, Mexico isn't America. 533 01:03:35,630 --> 01:03:39,448 But it's a huge big country too with lots of deserts. 534 01:03:39,508 --> 01:03:42,648 - Will you carry a gun? - Well, definitely. 535 01:03:43,050 --> 01:03:46,517 - How long will it take you to get there? - Just over three weeks. 536 01:03:46,571 --> 01:03:51,571 So, we sail from Hamburg, here, down the coast of England and France. 537 01:03:51,660 --> 01:03:57,455 Spain, Portugal and all the way across the Atlantic to Brazil. 538 01:03:58,410 --> 01:04:06,029 Venezuela, and finally dock here in Mexico in a port called Tampico. 539 01:04:06,347 --> 01:04:09,241 Will you send me stamps for my collection? 540 01:04:09,332 --> 01:04:12,886 That's enough now, Otto, it's time to supper. 541 01:04:13,285 --> 01:04:16,686 Will you come back here afterwards? 542 01:04:19,848 --> 01:04:24,203 Yes. I promise I'll come back here. 543 01:04:43,690 --> 01:04:44,690 There. 544 01:04:45,301 --> 01:04:46,958 It's finished. 545 01:04:48,241 --> 01:04:51,049 Now what do we do with it? 546 01:04:54,218 --> 01:04:55,437 Break it up. 547 01:05:50,839 --> 01:05:52,762 Stop. Stop! St... 548 01:05:52,938 --> 01:05:53,956 Stop. 549 01:05:59,991 --> 01:06:01,020 Stop. 550 01:06:45,664 --> 01:06:47,852 Come closer to me. 551 01:06:49,243 --> 01:06:52,856 It's ridiculous this great table separating us. 552 01:06:53,664 --> 01:06:56,259 Soon it'll be an ocean. 553 01:06:57,554 --> 01:07:01,172 Why don't we try and be happy this evening? 554 01:07:02,186 --> 01:07:03,368 Yes, I'm sorry. 555 01:07:05,259 --> 01:07:07,955 Here's to your last night. 556 01:07:08,228 --> 01:07:09,967 Our last night. 557 01:07:14,124 --> 01:07:17,718 I may, mayn't I? 558 01:07:19,946 --> 01:07:21,990 For our last night. 559 01:07:25,390 --> 01:07:28,657 I'm going to make a suggestion and I want you 560 01:07:28,757 --> 01:07:31,404 to think very carefully before you answer me. 561 01:07:31,419 --> 01:07:33,511 Now what if you... 562 01:07:39,670 --> 01:07:42,778 - May I clear the table, ma'am? - Yes, of course. 563 01:07:42,790 --> 01:07:43,988 Thank you. 564 01:07:45,222 --> 01:07:47,102 It was delicious. 565 01:07:56,701 --> 01:08:00,539 What if you come away with me? With your son, of course. 566 01:08:02,220 --> 01:08:07,261 - You must be... - Think... carefully... please. 567 01:08:10,067 --> 01:08:12,384 You must be dreaming. 568 01:08:16,656 --> 01:08:19,092 Then I shall stay here. 569 01:08:22,724 --> 01:08:26,052 If you stay here we'll be found out. 570 01:08:28,796 --> 01:08:33,889 I want to say goodbye to Friedrich before he leaves tomorrow. 571 01:08:35,109 --> 01:08:38,444 At the crack of dawn for what I hear. 572 01:08:38,502 --> 01:08:41,385 Yes, sir. Five o'clock. 573 01:08:41,794 --> 01:08:46,122 Let's make the most of these last few moments together. 574 01:08:48,750 --> 01:08:56,750 I wanted to thank you for making this immense sacrifice... 575 01:08:58,296 --> 01:09:02,594 ...for leaving your homeland and your loved ones behind you. 576 01:09:09,886 --> 01:09:13,428 Karl, do you really think you should...? 577 01:09:15,231 --> 01:09:22,631 Why deny oneself a pleasure while one is still alive? 578 01:10:18,295 --> 01:10:23,137 My secret love. Your letters take so long to get here 579 01:10:23,138 --> 01:10:27,078 that I can't bear to wait for the next one before I write. 580 01:10:27,575 --> 01:10:30,971 Hello, I've... I've come for some letters for Frau Verlage. 581 01:10:31,035 --> 01:10:34,023 They should be transatlantic mail from Mexico. 582 01:10:34,154 --> 01:10:36,107 I'll check for you. 583 01:10:48,509 --> 01:10:53,784 We are still only at the prospecting stage and I cover vast distances on horseback. 584 01:10:53,826 --> 01:10:58,133 I have had to learn to ride, shoot, make a campfire. 585 01:10:58,233 --> 01:11:02,315 I dull my mind with work to try and numb my yearning for you. 586 01:11:02,855 --> 01:11:07,543 But the evenings by the campfire, tired as I am 587 01:11:08,377 --> 01:11:13,980 I write to you envying the sheet of paper which will soon be in your hands. 588 01:11:13,987 --> 01:11:16,046 Pressed to your breast... 589 01:11:16,699 --> 01:11:18,769 ...perhaps even to your lips. 590 01:11:19,386 --> 01:11:20,598 My beloved, 591 01:11:20,698 --> 01:11:24,244 I can think of nothing but you from morning till night. 592 01:11:24,283 --> 01:11:26,358 Especially at night. 593 01:11:26,700 --> 01:11:30,300 If only you knew how much I miss you, 594 01:11:30,400 --> 01:11:34,154 no sooner was our love disclosed than we had to say goodbye. 595 01:11:36,386 --> 01:11:39,511 The moment I saw the train take you away 596 01:11:39,512 --> 01:11:42,873 I knew that your absence would be unendurable. 597 01:11:42,936 --> 01:11:44,367 But do not worry. 598 01:11:44,416 --> 01:11:48,244 This is our pact and I will stand the test with fortitude. 599 01:11:49,168 --> 01:11:52,607 We're aparted by distance, but also by time. 600 01:11:53,480 --> 01:11:59,560 Little by little the past feels more and more like a foreign country. 601 01:12:01,416 --> 01:12:05,670 Your letters are all that I have to keep it alive inside me. 602 01:12:05,690 --> 01:12:08,647 I too preserve your letters like treasure. 603 01:12:08,731 --> 01:12:11,197 But yesterday I had quite a fright. 604 01:12:11,261 --> 01:12:15,227 Otto showed me a Mexican stamp which he said his father had given him. 605 01:12:15,306 --> 01:12:18,592 Look at the stamp that father gave me. 606 01:12:19,621 --> 01:12:23,147 I was terrified that Karl might have found your letters. 607 01:12:29,448 --> 01:12:32,665 I had a letter from Friedrich. 608 01:12:37,215 --> 01:12:41,213 Poor boy had bad luck. Caught some kind of fever. 609 01:12:43,699 --> 01:12:45,959 Seems he almost died. 610 01:13:01,887 --> 01:13:03,318 Ma'am! Ma'am! 611 01:13:03,384 --> 01:13:04,897 Are you all right? 612 01:13:04,930 --> 01:13:08,018 Let me help you. Are you all right? 613 01:13:25,946 --> 01:13:27,484 "Dear Herr Hoffmeister, 614 01:13:27,508 --> 01:13:32,035 Everything is going well here. I shall be back in six months. 615 01:13:32,042 --> 01:13:37,087 In the meantime I wish you a happy and prosperous year for 1914 616 01:13:37,173 --> 01:13:40,807 to you, your gracious wife and young Otto. 617 01:13:40,868 --> 01:13:44,360 Respectfully yours, Friedrich Zeitz." 618 01:13:45,406 --> 01:13:49,113 Father, may I keep this stamp for my collection? 619 01:14:04,855 --> 01:14:06,541 Hans, what does that bell mean? 620 01:14:06,855 --> 01:14:09,982 It means we are at war, ma'am. 621 01:14:18,634 --> 01:14:23,178 "After stabilizing all fronts our glorious army has retaken 622 01:14:23,278 --> 01:14:27,258 the initiative." "This time in the East." 623 01:14:27,459 --> 01:14:30,522 How I wish this war would end. 624 01:14:31,322 --> 01:14:34,978 I don't care whether we win or lose as long as it is over. 625 01:14:35,592 --> 01:14:39,413 I no longer even know when I can hope for your return. 626 01:14:40,276 --> 01:14:45,895 This may be my last letter or the last you will receive for some time. 627 01:14:47,320 --> 01:14:50,334 We have heard there is to be a naval blockade. 628 01:14:50,557 --> 01:14:53,606 I feel like a man under house arrest. 629 01:14:53,631 --> 01:14:57,079 Cut off from my country and the woman I love, 630 01:14:57,507 --> 01:15:00,546 by an ocean of steel and fire. 631 01:15:05,348 --> 01:15:07,805 Returned to sender, ma'am. 632 01:15:10,933 --> 01:15:12,042 Why? 633 01:15:12,906 --> 01:15:15,656 Well because of the war, I suppose. 634 01:15:15,809 --> 01:15:18,344 Is there a war in Mexico? 635 01:15:19,114 --> 01:15:21,508 I wouldn't know, ma'am. 636 01:15:30,038 --> 01:15:33,735 My husband wondered whether you've heard anything from Fr... 637 01:15:33,822 --> 01:15:35,291 From Herr Zeitz? 638 01:15:35,372 --> 01:15:38,591 I'm afraid we've lost touch with him, madam. 639 01:15:38,687 --> 01:15:39,755 How so? 640 01:15:41,149 --> 01:15:43,876 Didn't Herr Hoffmesiter tell you? 641 01:15:43,923 --> 01:15:48,431 All see trafic between Europe and South America has stopped. 642 01:15:49,586 --> 01:15:51,763 No ships, no mail. 643 01:15:53,695 --> 01:15:57,639 Can't somebody cable him just to see if he's all right? 644 01:15:58,429 --> 01:16:00,438 I'm sure he is all right. 645 01:16:01,428 --> 01:16:03,438 There's no war there. 646 01:16:07,295 --> 01:16:11,481 Tell your husband not to fret, Frau Hoffmeister. 647 01:16:19,493 --> 01:16:21,452 I can't... I can't breathe! 648 01:16:25,858 --> 01:16:28,112 I can't breathe! I can't breathe! 649 01:16:29,818 --> 01:16:30,818 Sssh. 650 01:16:31,395 --> 01:16:32,295 It's all right. It's all right. 651 01:16:32,584 --> 01:16:33,824 It's all right. It's all right. 652 01:16:34,014 --> 01:16:42,014 Sssh. 653 01:16:42,984 --> 01:16:44,821 It's all right. 654 01:16:47,016 --> 01:16:51,162 Sssh. 655 01:16:51,163 --> 01:16:54,546 It's all right. It's all right. 656 01:17:10,049 --> 01:17:13,208 Still these letters which you will never read. 657 01:17:14,420 --> 01:17:17,795 The steelworks have been requisitioned to make artillery guns. 658 01:17:19,171 --> 01:17:22,949 No word from you, but I keep on writing you. 659 01:17:24,222 --> 01:17:29,169 Karl tried to object. They threw him out and put an army officer in charge. 660 01:17:30,414 --> 01:17:34,325 As a result my poor husband has fallen ill again. 661 01:17:35,226 --> 01:17:39,542 I am frightened, I've got nothing to hold on to. 662 01:17:40,224 --> 01:17:44,109 The world of yesterday, the world I knew, is vanishing. 663 01:17:45,031 --> 01:17:48,183 And I can't endure the present. 664 01:17:56,592 --> 01:18:00,916 On his last day, Karl told me a stupendous secret. 665 01:18:07,483 --> 01:18:11,102 I wanted to bring you together from the very beginning. 666 01:18:11,360 --> 01:18:14,884 But then I felt such pain. 667 01:18:16,938 --> 01:18:22,482 I could see that you loved him more than you ever loved me. 668 01:18:24,130 --> 01:18:31,005 He took possession of you and dispossessed me. 669 01:18:41,108 --> 01:18:46,695 How could I have kept you from loving him? 670 01:19:44,903 --> 01:19:50,231 I told Otto it was for his sake. That he'd be safer in a boarding school. 671 01:19:50,731 --> 01:19:54,561 But in my heart of hearts I felt I was abandoning him. 672 01:19:54,661 --> 01:19:58,371 Just as I feel abandoned myself now that I'm alone. 673 01:19:59,505 --> 01:20:01,777 With no one left to love. 674 01:20:08,170 --> 01:20:11,366 I remember those lines from the poem I read you one evening. 675 01:20:11,410 --> 01:20:13,927 The week before you left. 676 01:20:14,233 --> 01:20:19,717 "In the old, cold, lonely park two ghosts recalled the past." 677 01:20:20,232 --> 01:20:22,813 And you answered at once. 678 01:20:22,918 --> 01:20:28,692 "Why take refuge in the past when we can revel in the present." 679 01:20:28,881 --> 01:20:30,423 Please, ma'am. 680 01:20:31,785 --> 01:20:33,963 Don't sit there in the dark. 681 01:20:46,793 --> 01:20:50,607 For six years now we've been apart. 682 01:20:51,028 --> 01:20:54,757 And for four of them I haven't heard a word from you. 683 01:20:55,919 --> 01:20:58,595 Not a single sign of life. 684 01:20:58,828 --> 01:21:04,280 And yet I am certain you are still out there. 685 01:21:04,318 --> 01:21:11,879 Somewhere alive. I still think about you all the time. 686 01:21:13,014 --> 01:21:18,090 The only thing that keeps me alive is the memory of our love. 687 01:21:18,215 --> 01:21:21,737 It is for our love that I am in mourning. 688 01:21:32,330 --> 01:21:36,392 Your skin, my skin, our union. 689 01:21:50,553 --> 01:21:52,090 Ma'am? 690 01:21:54,191 --> 01:21:55,727 Ma'am! 691 01:21:57,422 --> 01:21:59,884 We have lost the war. 692 01:22:01,664 --> 01:22:03,343 We've lost what? 693 01:22:03,372 --> 01:22:07,906 Germany has lost the war. 694 01:22:36,104 --> 01:22:37,471 Hallo. 695 01:23:05,446 --> 01:23:07,904 Yes. Tomorrow. 696 01:23:09,716 --> 01:23:10,779 Yes. 697 01:24:28,733 --> 01:24:30,352 Herr secretary! 698 01:24:32,555 --> 01:24:33,994 Hello, Hans. 699 01:24:40,063 --> 01:24:41,643 Thank you, Hans. 700 01:24:41,718 --> 01:24:44,290 What a pleasure to come back here after all these years. 701 01:24:44,291 --> 01:24:46,862 Yes, Herr secretary. 702 01:24:47,290 --> 01:24:49,204 All these years. 703 01:25:02,031 --> 01:25:05,191 Hello, Friedrich, welcome back. 704 01:25:06,241 --> 01:25:09,260 I hope I haven't been too long. 705 01:25:10,672 --> 01:25:14,217 I'm back in Germany on business. I took the chance to look you up. 706 01:25:14,310 --> 01:25:18,120 It's very nice of you. Are you settled in Mexico now? 707 01:25:18,135 --> 01:25:21,058 By necessity, more than choice. 708 01:25:21,105 --> 01:25:25,659 - You're still in the mining business? - Oh, no. No. I used my knowledge 709 01:25:25,759 --> 01:25:28,480 of chemistry to start a chemical fertilizer plant. 710 01:25:28,538 --> 01:25:31,103 I'm pleased you've done so well for yourself. 711 01:25:31,132 --> 01:25:34,684 Do you intend to stay in Germany for long? 712 01:25:34,820 --> 01:25:37,726 I'm not sure it depends on... 713 01:25:37,790 --> 01:25:41,260 ...how my business goes I've come over to sign contracts 714 01:25:41,360 --> 01:25:44,360 with the company in Frankfurt. 715 01:25:46,506 --> 01:25:50,020 I had no news of you. Your letters stopped coming. 716 01:25:50,249 --> 01:25:51,539 So did yours. 717 01:25:51,604 --> 01:25:55,176 So eventually I stopped writing them. 718 01:25:58,790 --> 01:26:01,898 I wrote you a letter just after the armistice. 719 01:26:05,090 --> 01:26:06,801 Must have gone astray. 720 01:26:08,914 --> 01:26:13,233 A riding accident. I would have been unfit to serve the war. 721 01:26:14,307 --> 01:26:17,781 In any case we were kept under house arrest. 722 01:26:18,854 --> 01:26:22,132 Did you want to serve? 723 01:26:22,694 --> 01:26:25,128 I felt a sense of guilt... 724 01:26:25,352 --> 01:26:30,353 ...by thinking of all the boys my age who had to... go off and fight. 725 01:26:31,353 --> 01:26:36,401 When the blockade began I tried to get out, I was desperate to get back to... 726 01:26:37,978 --> 01:26:40,058 To my home country. 727 01:26:48,311 --> 01:26:49,641 Is that Otto? 728 01:26:50,077 --> 01:26:51,161 Yes. 729 01:26:51,447 --> 01:26:52,877 He's 19 now. 730 01:26:53,809 --> 01:26:58,878 Starting in geography, his dream is to explore the polar regions. 731 01:26:59,163 --> 01:27:00,715 What about you? 732 01:27:01,886 --> 01:27:03,346 What's your dream? 733 01:27:03,430 --> 01:27:05,986 Oh, I don't have any dreams. 734 01:27:06,009 --> 01:27:09,513 I'm alive. The wolrd is at peace. 735 01:27:10,259 --> 01:27:13,112 Yes. It is. 736 01:27:15,655 --> 01:27:19,184 I couldn't quite finish it, there was a piece missing. 737 01:27:19,227 --> 01:27:21,690 No, there isn't. Look. 738 01:27:23,029 --> 01:27:24,763 They're all here. 739 01:27:31,459 --> 01:27:33,386 Where did you find it? 740 01:27:34,029 --> 01:27:35,029 Here. 741 01:27:35,914 --> 01:27:38,601 It's been here all the time. 742 01:27:40,121 --> 01:27:41,529 I sold it. 743 01:27:41,788 --> 01:27:43,951 You never liked it anyway. 744 01:27:43,999 --> 01:27:48,388 - The portrait of Herr Hoffmeister's wife. - Now, his widow. 745 01:27:48,725 --> 01:27:50,139 Yes, I know. 746 01:27:51,156 --> 01:27:52,561 I'm sorry. 747 01:27:53,881 --> 01:27:56,844 I never got married myself. I've been with women but... 748 01:27:56,850 --> 01:28:00,665 Well, of course. Far be it from me to reproach you on that front. 749 01:28:02,114 --> 01:28:04,871 - More tea? - No, thank you. 750 01:28:04,959 --> 01:28:08,861 - I should be getting back to my hotel. - So soon? 751 01:28:08,959 --> 01:28:12,540 - I have a business meeting. - Oh, I completely understand. 752 01:28:12,574 --> 01:28:16,899 - Well, thank you for taking the trouble to visit... - Could I ask you just one favour? 753 01:28:17,001 --> 01:28:18,001 Yes. 754 01:28:21,711 --> 01:28:26,832 Might I have a look at my old bedroom? It's... It's silly, I know. 755 01:28:27,975 --> 01:28:31,552 ...how sentimental one becomes with age. 756 01:28:39,569 --> 01:28:42,670 I must warn you that your room is exactly the same. 757 01:28:42,712 --> 01:28:46,595 - Nothing has changed. - Not even you. 758 01:28:58,303 --> 01:29:01,013 See? Nothing has changed. 759 01:29:02,032 --> 01:29:04,454 Everything's the same. 760 01:29:06,176 --> 01:29:08,619 No, nothing has changed. 761 01:29:13,150 --> 01:29:15,264 Except us. 762 01:29:21,458 --> 01:29:25,251 I haven't forgotten my promise to you. 763 01:29:41,551 --> 01:29:43,590 We're nearly there. 764 01:29:44,553 --> 01:29:47,693 It took us a long time to get here. 765 01:30:35,975 --> 01:30:37,672 Any chance for room? 766 01:30:37,793 --> 01:30:42,002 - Er... No, no. We're booked solid. - You too? What's going on in this town? 767 01:30:42,098 --> 01:30:44,611 Well, it's the parade. The war veterans. 768 01:30:44,612 --> 01:30:47,125 They've booked every single room in the town. 769 01:30:49,644 --> 01:30:51,077 A war wound? 770 01:30:52,728 --> 01:30:55,603 So you're here for the parade? 771 01:30:55,612 --> 01:30:57,612 Yes. Yes, we are. 772 01:30:58,692 --> 01:30:59,855 Well there... 773 01:30:59,956 --> 01:31:03,588 Then you are in luck. We have a... An unexpected vacancy. 774 01:31:03,660 --> 01:31:06,794 - Er... And that's Herr... - Zeitz. 775 01:31:07,563 --> 01:31:09,609 Herr and Frau Zeitz? 776 01:31:09,692 --> 01:31:12,637 Yes. Herr and Frau Zeitz. 777 01:31:15,299 --> 01:31:18,089 Is this your first stay in town, sir? 778 01:31:18,197 --> 01:31:23,534 No. We were here once. Before. 779 01:31:24,931 --> 01:31:25,970 Before. 780 01:31:26,227 --> 01:31:28,461 Yes, indeed, ma'am. 781 01:31:55,923 --> 01:31:58,347 Shall we go for a walk? 782 01:31:59,470 --> 01:32:01,266 Yes. 783 01:32:35,283 --> 01:32:39,263 We walked down this very same path with Otto. You remember? 784 01:32:39,360 --> 01:32:42,361 Yes. He kept running on ahead and we'd almost 785 01:32:42,362 --> 01:32:45,363 lost him for the umpteenth time. 786 01:32:46,158 --> 01:32:49,240 I kept calling him to come back. 787 01:32:49,555 --> 01:32:53,262 But actually I just wanted to be alone with you. 788 01:32:55,992 --> 01:32:58,532 We were stargers then. 789 01:32:59,501 --> 01:33:00,765 As now. 790 01:33:54,618 --> 01:33:57,292 Don't ever leave me again. 791 01:33:57,777 --> 01:34:00,354 Don't ever leave me. 792 01:34:01,056 --> 01:34:06,148 I never ever leave you from now on. 793 01:34:10,895 --> 01:34:14,227 It took us a long time to get here.