1 00:00:20,140 --> 00:00:25,020 This is the first foretaste of the eternal: having time for love. 2 00:00:25,220 --> 00:00:27,140 Rainer Maria Rilke 3 00:01:39,850 --> 00:01:41,470 lsocitrate... 4 00:01:41,600 --> 00:01:45,100 Through isocitrate dehydrogenase in alpha-ketoglytarate... 5 00:01:45,560 --> 00:01:49,640 By alpha-ketoglytarate hydrogenase in... 6 00:01:51,470 --> 00:01:52,600 Yes? 7 00:01:53,060 --> 00:01:55,020 Sorry, can't remember that right now. 8 00:01:55,220 --> 00:01:59,680 Miss Wolf. The citric acid cycle. ATP isthe... 9 00:01:59,850 --> 00:02:02,470 ...energy unit of organic life. You've got to know that. 10 00:02:02,520 --> 00:02:03,350 Yeah. 11 00:02:03,470 --> 00:02:07,060 With one acid missing, the cycle is not closed. 12 00:02:07,220 --> 00:02:09,560 I know. Learning by heart was never my strong point. 13 00:02:09,720 --> 00:02:13,600 But as a biologist, I mean, if I need it later, then... 14 00:02:13,770 --> 00:02:15,390 I'll ask this. 15 00:02:16,470 --> 00:02:19,020 Then maybe you should start working for Google. 16 00:02:19,180 --> 00:02:20,470 Well... 17 00:02:20,970 --> 00:02:24,430 I'm sorry. I can't let you pass like this. 18 00:02:48,680 --> 00:02:51,470 Alright, ladies and gentlemen, that's it, see you in fall. 19 00:02:53,810 --> 00:02:55,970 Mr. Laube, do you have a moment? 20 00:02:57,470 --> 00:02:59,520 It's about the scholarship. 21 00:02:59,680 --> 00:03:02,470 Unfortunately, the foundation chose someone else. 22 00:03:02,600 --> 00:03:05,890 Your work was great, one of the best. 23 00:03:06,060 --> 00:03:09,890 And I know that you can use the money well, better than most in here. 24 00:03:10,060 --> 00:03:12,470 But you've been a bit naive, haven't you? 25 00:03:12,640 --> 00:03:13,640 Why? 26 00:03:13,680 --> 00:03:18,310 Well, the Adenauer Foundation is not a liberal think tank. 27 00:03:18,640 --> 00:03:22,560 And your attitude towards American drones was quite radical. 28 00:03:22,720 --> 00:03:25,180 Radical? That was all thoroughly researched. 29 00:03:25,350 --> 00:03:28,810 I know, Mr. Laube. But in politics you have to consider: 30 00:03:29,140 --> 00:03:31,140 What is my goal and how can I achieve it? 31 00:03:31,310 --> 00:03:34,100 Strategic thinking. That's what you still have to learn. 32 00:03:35,020 --> 00:03:38,720 And what about attitude? You did talk about attitude. 33 00:03:40,770 --> 00:03:43,470 I'm sorry, Mr. Laube. Have a nice summer. 34 00:03:43,770 --> 00:03:44,770 Likewise. 35 00:04:06,600 --> 00:04:10,560 To make yourself really stable you can do this. 36 00:04:10,720 --> 00:04:12,140 That's right. 37 00:04:12,810 --> 00:04:15,890 Let's do it again. Starting position. 38 00:05:32,140 --> 00:05:34,020 Did you get the pills? 39 00:05:35,140 --> 00:05:37,720 Yes, I did. - Ok. 40 00:05:39,720 --> 00:05:42,020 Mom, I don't know if I'll do it. 41 00:05:42,220 --> 00:05:44,430 Jule, please. We discussed this. 42 00:05:44,560 --> 00:05:48,140 Consider your future... - Yeah, but it's my decision, ok? 43 00:05:48,270 --> 00:05:51,100 And I can't make this decision alone. I... 44 00:05:51,270 --> 00:05:53,100 ...have to talk to Alex. 45 00:05:53,270 --> 00:05:55,560 He's involved too, right? - So call him. 46 00:05:55,720 --> 00:05:57,890 I tried, he's not answering. 47 00:05:58,100 --> 00:05:59,970 And maybe that's better. 48 00:06:00,180 --> 00:06:01,470 Why? 49 00:06:01,640 --> 00:06:05,810 I have to speak to him personally. It's not something you discuss on the phone. 50 00:06:06,020 --> 00:06:07,560 I need to see him. 51 00:06:30,270 --> 00:06:31,890 No. No, definitely not. 52 00:06:32,140 --> 00:06:34,770 Please don't call him. Don't tell him, OK? 53 00:06:38,600 --> 00:06:42,060 No, by carpool. Flying is too expensive this late. 54 00:07:24,640 --> 00:07:27,430 Hi, it's Jan. From "Share A Ride", yes. 55 00:07:27,560 --> 00:07:29,140 Where are you? 56 00:07:30,770 --> 00:07:33,180 What? No... 57 00:07:33,350 --> 00:07:36,100 On the website it said 5 p.m.! 58 00:07:36,470 --> 00:07:38,100 Wait... No, wait! 59 00:07:38,270 --> 00:07:39,270 Hello! 60 00:08:19,430 --> 00:08:22,100 Are you heading west, like to Cologne? 61 00:08:22,270 --> 00:08:23,520 Not at all, no. 62 00:08:23,720 --> 00:08:25,220 Ok, thanks. 63 00:08:38,970 --> 00:08:40,350 Hello. - Hi. 64 00:08:41,390 --> 00:08:45,180 Are you heading to Cologne by chance? - No, sorry. Hamburg. 65 00:08:45,890 --> 00:08:48,560 Thanks anyway. Safe trip. 66 00:08:51,220 --> 00:08:52,810 Hello. 67 00:08:53,020 --> 00:08:54,970 Are you heading to Cologne? - Yes, why? 68 00:08:55,140 --> 00:08:56,850 Could you give me a ride? 69 00:08:57,060 --> 00:08:58,850 No, sorry, we're full. 70 00:08:59,060 --> 00:09:01,060 No problem, thanks anyway. 71 00:09:19,100 --> 00:09:21,310 Are you heading to Cologne, by chance? 72 00:09:22,600 --> 00:09:23,770 Yes. 73 00:09:23,970 --> 00:09:26,470 Could you maybe give me a ride? 74 00:09:26,640 --> 00:09:29,470 I had a carpool, but they stood me up. 75 00:09:29,600 --> 00:09:32,020 Now I'm stuck here and... 76 00:09:32,810 --> 00:09:34,810 I'd throw in some gas money. 77 00:09:35,060 --> 00:09:37,060 Or motor oil. 78 00:09:42,350 --> 00:09:44,180 That's ok. You can come along. 79 00:09:44,350 --> 00:09:46,100 Really? Cool! - No problem. 80 00:09:46,270 --> 00:09:47,470 Great. 81 00:09:49,350 --> 00:09:51,890 I just need to wash my hands. 82 00:09:52,100 --> 00:09:53,140 Okay. 83 00:09:53,310 --> 00:09:54,430 Just wait here, ok? 84 00:09:54,560 --> 00:09:56,180 Perfect, thanks. 85 00:09:56,310 --> 00:09:58,470 See you. - See you. 86 00:10:17,430 --> 00:10:19,270 Okay. - All cleaned up? 87 00:10:23,720 --> 00:10:24,810 Jump in. 88 00:10:25,270 --> 00:10:27,850 Alright? - Yeah, fine. 89 00:10:28,060 --> 00:10:30,350 You can sit here. 90 00:10:43,720 --> 00:10:45,770 Jule. - Jan, hi. 91 00:11:01,470 --> 00:11:02,810 You hitchhike a lot? 92 00:11:03,890 --> 00:11:05,970 No, first time. 93 00:11:08,470 --> 00:11:12,560 Lucky me. I asked two people before you. 94 00:11:12,770 --> 00:11:15,430 But they were full or headed elsewhere. 95 00:11:15,600 --> 00:11:17,390 And then you showed up. 96 00:11:18,140 --> 00:11:21,350 Cool ride! Real nice. 97 00:11:21,470 --> 00:11:22,470 Thanks. 98 00:11:23,470 --> 00:11:25,100 It even has a fridge, right? 99 00:11:25,270 --> 00:11:27,470 Yeah, and an oven. 100 00:11:29,350 --> 00:11:32,100 What model is it? 101 00:11:32,770 --> 00:11:35,680 It's a Hymermobil on a Mercedes 303 chassis. 102 00:11:35,850 --> 00:11:37,350 Cool. 103 00:11:37,470 --> 00:11:39,600 It's a bit older, right? 104 00:11:39,770 --> 00:11:41,890 No, brand-new. 105 00:11:42,720 --> 00:11:44,600 About 30. 106 00:11:45,060 --> 00:11:46,600 30 years old? 107 00:11:46,770 --> 00:11:49,060 You travel a lot in it? 108 00:11:49,220 --> 00:11:50,470 Not really, no. 109 00:11:50,560 --> 00:11:53,180 But it's yours. - Yes. 110 00:11:53,350 --> 00:11:56,810 It used to belong to my brother. - Okay. 111 00:11:57,430 --> 00:12:00,600 We traveled in it a lot, but now it's mine. 112 00:12:01,100 --> 00:12:03,520 It "used to" belong to your brother? 113 00:12:04,270 --> 00:12:07,270 My brother... He passed away two years ago. 114 00:12:08,640 --> 00:12:11,770 Shit. I'm sorry. 115 00:12:12,560 --> 00:12:14,350 It's OK. 116 00:12:21,270 --> 00:12:23,640 Want a sip? It's still cold. 117 00:12:23,770 --> 00:12:25,720 Sure. - Shall I open it? 118 00:12:28,890 --> 00:12:29,970 Thanks. 119 00:12:33,970 --> 00:12:34,970 Elderflower? 120 00:12:36,310 --> 00:12:37,430 Homemade? - Yep. 121 00:12:37,560 --> 00:12:38,890 Cool. 122 00:12:40,640 --> 00:12:43,520 Are you from Cologne? - No, Berlin. 123 00:12:46,100 --> 00:12:48,640 So what are you doing in Cologne? 124 00:12:49,470 --> 00:12:54,180 Moving on. I'm taking a bus. To Spain. 125 00:12:54,350 --> 00:12:55,890 Vacation? 126 00:12:56,600 --> 00:12:59,060 No, I'm... visiting my father. 127 00:12:59,520 --> 00:13:01,470 He lives there? - Exactly. 128 00:13:01,640 --> 00:13:03,470 In northern Spain. 129 00:13:05,100 --> 00:13:06,810 What do you do in Berlin? 130 00:13:07,850 --> 00:13:10,180 I study biology at the Humboldt University. 131 00:13:10,350 --> 00:13:12,350 Cool. - And you? 132 00:13:12,470 --> 00:13:15,270 I study, too. Political science. 133 00:13:15,430 --> 00:13:18,390 Cool. - Well, it's a lot of statistics. 134 00:13:18,850 --> 00:13:21,270 I sometimes envy you natural scientists. 135 00:13:21,390 --> 00:13:25,180 Theory, experiment, result: that has such a nice clarity. 136 00:13:25,310 --> 00:13:27,100 Well, it's not that simple... 137 00:13:29,470 --> 00:13:32,560 I blew my biochemistry exam this morning. 138 00:13:32,720 --> 00:13:34,600 I'd prefer not to talk about my studies. 139 00:13:34,770 --> 00:13:36,390 Sure, sorry. 140 00:13:42,390 --> 00:13:43,640 May I ask how old you are? 141 00:13:44,680 --> 00:13:46,220 24. 142 00:13:46,890 --> 00:13:49,100 And you? - Me too. 143 00:13:50,520 --> 00:13:52,640 So we have three more years. 144 00:13:52,810 --> 00:13:55,640 Three years before what? - Before we turn 27. 145 00:13:56,470 --> 00:13:58,770 When all cool people bail out. 146 00:13:59,600 --> 00:14:03,810 Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin, Amy Winehouse, Heath Ledger... 147 00:14:04,020 --> 00:14:05,520 You think so? 148 00:14:06,520 --> 00:14:10,220 Well, that's the saying. Never heard of it? 149 00:14:13,850 --> 00:14:17,470 I'm totally against suicide, if that's what you're thinking. 150 00:14:19,270 --> 00:14:23,270 It may sound strange, but I think suicide's selfish. 151 00:14:23,640 --> 00:14:27,520 I mean, you've solved your own problems. 152 00:14:27,680 --> 00:14:30,140 But your relatives really suffer. 153 00:14:30,310 --> 00:14:35,470 An old friend killed himself seven years ago and his mom still doesn't speak. 154 00:14:35,600 --> 00:14:39,270 Not a word. She just sits in her yard and stares into space. 155 00:14:39,430 --> 00:14:41,020 She's totally done for. 156 00:14:41,180 --> 00:14:43,060 You think it's selfish. 157 00:14:43,430 --> 00:14:45,890 I beg your pardon, but once you're in that place, 158 00:14:46,100 --> 00:14:47,600 you don't evenexistanymore. 159 00:14:47,770 --> 00:14:51,060 You can't think of others. You can't think at all anymore. 160 00:14:51,220 --> 00:14:54,350 You just want it to stop. - And it does stop. 161 00:14:54,470 --> 00:14:56,970 You've solved your problems. 162 00:14:57,180 --> 00:15:01,020 But you're not only responsible for your own life. 163 00:15:01,600 --> 00:15:05,600 It's a fact: The relatives suffer like hell. 164 00:15:06,560 --> 00:15:09,890 What are you babbling about? You have no idea what you're saying. 165 00:15:10,100 --> 00:15:12,680 You have this attitude that the media spreads... 166 00:15:12,850 --> 00:15:15,520 What? - But you're just talking shit. 167 00:15:16,180 --> 00:15:20,100 Not true at all! I told you that I witnessed it with a friend. 168 00:15:20,310 --> 00:15:23,060 His mother was so sweet, and now she's a wreck. 169 00:15:23,220 --> 00:15:25,850 "So sweet." And your friend, what about him? 170 00:15:26,060 --> 00:15:29,060 But I see the family, too. They're completely ruined. 171 00:15:29,890 --> 00:15:31,680 That's so fucked up! 172 00:15:32,810 --> 00:15:35,430 No wonder you go to hell for suicide in most religions. 173 00:15:35,850 --> 00:15:38,890 Is that so? - As far as I know, yes. 174 00:15:48,350 --> 00:15:50,720 Sorry, I didn't mean to get to you... - Stop it. 175 00:15:59,020 --> 00:16:00,850 I think this was a bad idea. 176 00:16:01,060 --> 00:16:03,890 I'm not really sociable at the moment. I think... 177 00:16:05,100 --> 00:16:07,430 ...you should maybe find another ride. 178 00:16:10,640 --> 00:16:12,640 Sorry. - Okay. 179 00:16:13,470 --> 00:16:14,470 'H... 180 00:16:15,220 --> 00:16:17,560 I'll take the next exit. 181 00:16:32,970 --> 00:16:34,640 Her brother! 182 00:16:35,520 --> 00:16:37,770 Fuck! Fuck... 183 00:16:41,850 --> 00:16:44,850 MY Phone. NO! Jule! 184 00:16:45,350 --> 00:16:46,640 Jule! 185 00:17:59,270 --> 00:18:03,310 Listen, I'm taking a pit stop, I gotta take a nap. 186 00:18:03,430 --> 00:18:07,770 You can crash in the bottom bunk if you like. - OK, cool. Great, thanks. 187 00:18:14,060 --> 00:18:16,270 No, everything's fine. 188 00:18:19,270 --> 00:18:21,100 I'm on my way to see you. 189 00:18:23,600 --> 00:18:25,270 Yeah, with the RV. 190 00:18:28,180 --> 00:18:29,770 Aren't you happy? 191 00:18:34,060 --> 00:18:36,310 Alex, I'll call you right back. 192 00:18:40,810 --> 00:18:41,810 Yes? 193 00:18:42,810 --> 00:18:46,060 I'm admiring your RV. 194 00:18:46,350 --> 00:18:48,430 We have an RV, too. 195 00:18:48,520 --> 00:18:52,060 It's practical. Room for the kids. But your ride, it's just... 196 00:18:52,180 --> 00:18:53,350 ...fantastic. 197 00:18:53,430 --> 00:18:55,180 A cult model! 198 00:18:56,810 --> 00:18:58,060 Thanks. 199 00:18:58,520 --> 00:18:59,890 I'm Torge. 200 00:19:00,350 --> 00:19:01,720 Hello. Jule. 201 00:19:02,560 --> 00:19:04,560 These are the original furnishings! 202 00:19:07,640 --> 00:19:08,890 Awesome. 203 00:19:09,470 --> 00:19:11,970 And the AC still works? 204 00:19:12,270 --> 00:19:14,310 No, hasn't for a long time. 205 00:19:15,850 --> 00:19:17,850 Do you have a glass of water for me? 206 00:19:18,890 --> 00:19:20,310 Sure, yeah. 207 00:19:39,100 --> 00:19:41,060 I'll go brush my teeth. - Go ahead. 208 00:19:42,640 --> 00:19:45,850 And then in the other direction, right? 209 00:19:50,470 --> 00:19:51,850 You're pretty. 210 00:19:55,350 --> 00:19:57,180 Can you please leave now. 211 00:19:58,430 --> 00:20:00,640 Why? - Because I say so. 212 00:20:09,350 --> 00:20:10,470 You leave now. 213 00:20:11,640 --> 00:20:13,020 No. 214 00:20:13,470 --> 00:20:15,640 Leave or I'll call the police. 215 00:20:44,520 --> 00:20:45,850 You smell so good. 216 00:20:56,180 --> 00:20:57,470 Come here. 217 00:20:59,020 --> 00:21:00,600 Hands off! 218 00:21:02,600 --> 00:21:06,350 Jule, it's Jan. Can you open up? I left my phone with you. 219 00:21:07,180 --> 00:21:09,270 Come in, it's open! 220 00:21:15,020 --> 00:21:16,890 Get out. 221 00:21:17,640 --> 00:21:20,180 Get out! - Thanks for your hospitality. 222 00:21:20,350 --> 00:21:21,470 Piss off. 223 00:21:22,560 --> 00:21:25,020 Piss off! - Have a nice evening. 224 00:21:25,850 --> 00:21:27,180 He has my phone. 225 00:21:29,600 --> 00:21:31,560 Give me the phone. - Piss off! 226 00:21:40,850 --> 00:21:42,640 Stupid asshole, I'll kill you. 227 00:21:51,430 --> 00:21:52,430 Cunt! 228 00:21:52,560 --> 00:21:54,600 Piss off! 229 00:22:00,640 --> 00:22:02,060 Shit, are you OK? 230 00:22:03,310 --> 00:22:05,270 Wait, I'll get water. 231 00:22:16,350 --> 00:22:18,470 Yeah, take off, asshole! 232 00:22:22,060 --> 00:22:23,270 Open up. 233 00:22:24,100 --> 00:22:25,350 Alright? 234 00:22:29,520 --> 00:22:30,890 One more time, here. 235 00:22:31,060 --> 00:22:33,470 Sorry I sprayed you, too. I panicked. 236 00:22:35,640 --> 00:22:39,520 At least you got that guy. - Shit, your eyes are so red. 237 00:22:41,350 --> 00:22:43,180 So are yours. 238 00:22:43,350 --> 00:22:45,310 We look like zombies. 239 00:22:46,470 --> 00:22:48,640 You came out of nowhere. 240 00:22:50,270 --> 00:22:53,270 A truck driver picked me up. I was sleeping in his truck. 241 00:22:53,350 --> 00:22:57,020 No way, what a coincidence. If you hadn't shown up... 242 00:22:57,180 --> 00:22:58,520 Fuck. 243 00:23:00,350 --> 00:23:01,560 Eye drops? 244 00:23:08,100 --> 00:23:09,180 Alright? 245 00:23:09,310 --> 00:23:11,430 You know karate or something? 246 00:23:11,470 --> 00:23:13,020 A bit, yeah. 247 00:23:13,100 --> 00:23:16,470 So there was no need for the pepper spray. - Yes, there was. 248 00:23:16,560 --> 00:23:18,470 Can you do me, too? - Sure. 249 00:23:19,640 --> 00:23:21,560 He was pretty skilled. 250 00:23:21,640 --> 00:23:25,180 I think he knew martial arts. Ex-soldier or something. 251 00:23:25,890 --> 00:23:27,430 Open your eyes. 252 00:23:27,850 --> 00:23:31,310 A frustrated ex-soldier. 253 00:23:32,060 --> 00:23:35,180 Exactly. Thrown out for lack of intelligence. 254 00:23:35,270 --> 00:23:37,470 Couldn't find the trigger anymore. 255 00:23:42,560 --> 00:23:44,470 What an asshole. 256 00:23:45,430 --> 00:23:47,470 Did you see his shoes? 257 00:23:47,850 --> 00:23:51,470 Men in white socks and sandals, let me tell you: They're the worst. 258 00:23:52,520 --> 00:23:54,220 I'll remember that. 259 00:24:01,640 --> 00:24:05,100 So you're on your way to Bilbao to see your father. 260 00:24:06,640 --> 00:24:09,850 Does he work there? Or are your parents divorced? 261 00:24:11,100 --> 00:24:14,890 No, I grew up with my stepfather and... 262 00:24:15,850 --> 00:24:20,100 ...the guy in Bilbao is my biological father. I've never met him. 263 00:24:21,640 --> 00:24:23,350 Wow. 264 00:24:24,970 --> 00:24:26,890 And why is that? I mean... 265 00:24:27,640 --> 00:24:31,850 I didn't know that my stepfather wasn't my real father until I was 17. 266 00:24:34,270 --> 00:24:36,890 And last month I asked my mother... 267 00:24:37,520 --> 00:24:40,640 ...to put me in touch with my biological father. 268 00:24:41,060 --> 00:24:43,310 Three days ago, he called. 269 00:24:43,560 --> 00:24:47,470 I was just watching a game show on TV. Totally absurd. 270 00:24:47,640 --> 00:24:49,430 Crazy. 271 00:24:51,470 --> 00:24:53,020 And, I mean... 272 00:24:53,180 --> 00:24:57,100 ...how did you find out? That your stepfather isn't your father? 273 00:24:59,850 --> 00:25:01,890 Well... - Long story? 274 00:25:02,470 --> 00:25:05,100 Yeah, kinda. - OK. You don't need to... 275 00:25:08,180 --> 00:25:11,270 Sorry I threw you out this afternoon. 276 00:25:11,640 --> 00:25:12,890 It's just that... 277 00:25:13,060 --> 00:25:16,270 ...my brother was really 27 when he committed suicide. 278 00:25:16,430 --> 00:25:18,430 So it's a sensitive topic for me. 279 00:25:18,520 --> 00:25:20,430 I figured. 280 00:25:21,270 --> 00:25:23,180 Sorry that I... 281 00:25:30,850 --> 00:25:32,350 Headache? 282 00:25:33,350 --> 00:25:36,720 Wanna smoke some weed? To relax. I brought some. 283 00:25:37,560 --> 00:25:39,020 No, thanks. 284 00:25:39,100 --> 00:25:41,180 But you can if you want! - No need. 285 00:25:41,890 --> 00:25:43,270 Beer's enough. 286 00:25:44,430 --> 00:25:46,850 I guess I'm just really tired. 287 00:25:49,850 --> 00:25:51,350 OK, then... 288 00:25:51,430 --> 00:25:52,890 ...thanks for the beer. 289 00:25:53,520 --> 00:25:56,060 I'll let you get some sleep. - Listen... 290 00:25:57,270 --> 00:26:00,640 Would you mind sleeping here tonight? 291 00:26:02,020 --> 00:26:05,060 You know, if this guy turns up again, I'm a bit... 292 00:26:06,350 --> 00:26:09,890 No, sure. I can do that. - Really? Great, that's... 293 00:26:10,060 --> 00:26:12,430 Thanks. - Sure thing. 294 00:26:18,600 --> 00:26:23,020 Jule, sure you don't want the bed? I'm the guest, I should sleep on the floor. 295 00:26:24,770 --> 00:26:28,520 In India, I slept on the floor for six months. Without a mat. 296 00:26:29,470 --> 00:26:30,720 It's good here. 297 00:26:30,970 --> 00:26:32,640 Very comfortable. 298 00:26:34,180 --> 00:26:35,520 It's your back. 299 00:26:45,100 --> 00:26:46,970 Do you have a favorite dream? 300 00:26:47,060 --> 00:26:48,350 What? 301 00:26:48,430 --> 00:26:50,020 A favorite dream. 302 00:26:52,600 --> 00:26:57,020 Yes, flying. I love to dream of flying. 303 00:26:57,140 --> 00:26:59,060 Really? So do I! 304 00:26:59,770 --> 00:27:06,600 What, really? You too fly at night? 305 00:27:07,350 --> 00:27:14,680 Yeah, over the city, with my arms set back. Like Superman. 306 00:27:15,680 --> 00:27:20,720 I feel so super free then. Everything is possible. 307 00:27:23,220 --> 00:27:25,890 And how do you take off? 308 00:27:27,100 --> 00:27:31,140 I usually jump off a table or a wall or something. 309 00:27:31,680 --> 00:27:36,470 And then, shortly before I hit the floor, I do a body twist... 310 00:27:36,600 --> 00:27:39,890 ...turn on my stomach and fly away. 311 00:27:40,060 --> 00:27:43,640 With my arms close to the body, like a ski jumper. 312 00:27:44,140 --> 00:27:45,430 Wicked. 313 00:27:51,680 --> 00:27:53,140 Have a nice flight. 314 00:27:53,270 --> 00:27:54,600 You, too. 315 00:28:43,100 --> 00:28:45,100 Hey! 316 00:28:45,180 --> 00:28:46,680 Good morning! - Good morning. 317 00:28:47,520 --> 00:28:48,720 I thought you'd left already. 318 00:28:48,850 --> 00:28:50,850 Oh no, I just didn't wanna wake you up. 319 00:28:51,020 --> 00:28:55,430 I was having breakfast with Manni, my trucker friend. 320 00:28:55,720 --> 00:28:56,720 Oh, okay. 321 00:29:02,430 --> 00:29:04,720 Did you dream of flying? 322 00:29:04,850 --> 00:29:07,640 No, unfortunately not. And you? 323 00:29:07,680 --> 00:29:11,430 Neither. We should have smoked that pot. 324 00:29:11,520 --> 00:29:13,520 Yeah, maybe. 325 00:29:17,470 --> 00:29:22,890 I gotta go. Manni has to reach Paris today. - Right, OK. 326 00:29:23,720 --> 00:29:25,180 Thanks again. 327 00:29:25,770 --> 00:29:27,720 For yesterday. - Sure thing. 328 00:29:30,100 --> 00:29:32,180 Well, take care then. - You too. 329 00:29:32,350 --> 00:29:33,720 Good luck. 330 00:29:34,060 --> 00:29:36,720 Safe trip. - You too. 331 00:29:37,970 --> 00:29:39,310 Bye. - Ciao. 332 00:29:45,100 --> 00:29:48,640 Jan, hang on. Could you come back for a sec? 333 00:29:52,270 --> 00:29:55,180 I could also take you a little further. 334 00:29:55,470 --> 00:29:57,100 Really? - Yeah, sure. 335 00:29:57,390 --> 00:29:59,720 Well, great! I'd love that! 336 00:29:59,850 --> 00:30:02,220 Unless you prefer to ride with Manni. 337 00:30:03,640 --> 00:30:05,470 Manni's music taste... 338 00:30:06,100 --> 00:30:07,220 No. 339 00:30:07,470 --> 00:30:09,850 Great. - I'll grab my stuff. 340 00:30:10,100 --> 00:30:12,140 Cool. See you. - See you. 341 00:30:19,640 --> 00:30:21,100 To the next leg, right'? 342 00:30:21,520 --> 00:30:23,970 Let's see how many miles we last this time. 343 00:30:29,060 --> 00:30:31,220 Do you mind taking country roads? 344 00:30:31,390 --> 00:30:33,720 Not at all, I'm not in a hurry. 345 00:30:47,220 --> 00:30:50,560 Look, there's a stork! It's really pretty. 346 00:30:58,270 --> 00:31:01,270 So where are you heading? You haven't told me yet. 347 00:31:01,470 --> 00:31:03,520 Oh, right. To Portugal. 348 00:31:03,680 --> 00:31:05,850 Portugal? Wow. Pretty far. 349 00:31:06,020 --> 00:31:07,140 Yes. 350 00:31:07,220 --> 00:31:08,770 I'm visiting someone. 351 00:31:09,430 --> 00:31:10,520 Your father too? 352 00:31:11,060 --> 00:31:12,220 No. 353 00:31:13,430 --> 00:31:14,770 My boyfriend. 354 00:31:16,220 --> 00:31:18,770 He's doing his PhD there, in Tamera. 355 00:31:19,430 --> 00:31:21,850 What's it on? - Ecological agriculture. 356 00:31:22,060 --> 00:31:24,559 Permacultures, water retention systems, etc... 357 00:31:24,560 --> 00:31:26,560 Water retention systems? 358 00:31:28,220 --> 00:31:31,470 Not just using water, but keeping it in the cycle. 359 00:31:31,560 --> 00:31:34,180 Want the details? - Some other time. 360 00:31:39,470 --> 00:31:41,470 May I? - Sure. 361 00:31:46,430 --> 00:31:49,890 Absurd, right'? Two tons of steel to move one person? 362 00:31:50,850 --> 00:31:54,390 In 90% of the cars, there's only one person. 363 00:31:54,470 --> 00:31:56,220 True. Like me. 364 00:31:57,060 --> 00:31:58,560 Almost. 365 00:32:01,850 --> 00:32:03,220 And you? 366 00:32:03,430 --> 00:32:05,770 Lone wolf or social animal? 367 00:32:07,680 --> 00:32:10,770 Social animal, definitely! Extremely social! 368 00:32:12,970 --> 00:32:17,180 No, neither one. Some friends, some acquaintances, the usual. 369 00:32:18,470 --> 00:32:20,430 Leaning towards the lone wolf, maybe. 370 00:32:22,220 --> 00:32:24,890 You know how many people in Germany live alone? 371 00:32:26,220 --> 00:32:28,220 No idea. 20%? - 50%. 372 00:32:28,390 --> 00:32:30,220 Crazy. - Yeah, right? 373 00:32:30,680 --> 00:32:34,390 And you know what? I think there's a strategy behind it. 374 00:32:34,560 --> 00:32:35,770 Really? 375 00:32:36,560 --> 00:32:38,970 Economic reasons. - "Economic reasons." 376 00:32:39,390 --> 00:32:40,470 Yes. 377 00:32:40,770 --> 00:32:42,140 Look: 378 00:32:42,390 --> 00:32:45,220 Take four people who live in four apartments. 379 00:32:45,430 --> 00:32:49,390 They need four fridges, four vacuum cleaners, four kettles, four... 380 00:32:49,770 --> 00:32:50,770 Flat screen TVs. 381 00:32:50,890 --> 00:32:54,520 Exactly! If they lived together, they'd only need one of each. 382 00:32:54,680 --> 00:32:58,970 So economically it makes more sense if they live alone, as they consume more. 383 00:32:59,220 --> 00:33:04,220 A friend wrote his thesis on that: "Capitalism's Separation Strategy." 384 00:33:04,430 --> 00:33:06,520 That does sound like a thesis. 385 00:33:07,220 --> 00:33:10,220 But being alone is against human nature, totally! 386 00:33:10,770 --> 00:33:13,430 Humans are social creatures! Within minutes... 387 00:33:13,520 --> 00:33:15,970 ...of being alone, we secrete stress hormones! 388 00:33:16,220 --> 00:33:18,430 Cortisol and such. - Wow. 389 00:33:19,770 --> 00:33:25,220 And Cortisol weakens the immune system, so being alone makes you sick. 390 00:33:28,220 --> 00:33:30,060 But that's what they want. 391 00:33:30,220 --> 00:33:31,520 What? 392 00:33:31,680 --> 00:33:35,220 Us to be unhappy, so we consume more. 393 00:33:36,810 --> 00:33:40,430 You keep saying "they," but who are "they" supposed to be? 394 00:33:40,560 --> 00:33:45,850 Executives and politicians who meet in dark rooms and decide... 395 00:33:46,020 --> 00:33:50,520 "Let's isolate them, so they consume more and cease to resist.“ 396 00:33:51,970 --> 00:33:53,520 You can't seriously believe that. 397 00:33:53,680 --> 00:33:56,390 Well, I used to. - And now? 398 00:33:56,520 --> 00:34:00,220 Now I think it's inherent to the system. - Inherent to the system? 399 00:34:00,430 --> 00:34:06,020 Yes. Capitalism inevitably leads to isolation - due to its fundamental principles. 400 00:34:07,140 --> 00:34:11,429 "The Fundamental Principles of Capitalism." - Yeah, think about it: 401 00:34:11,430 --> 00:34:15,560 From a young age we're taught to compete with each other. 402 00:34:15,770 --> 00:34:20,060 It starts in school. Who's the best-looking? Who's the smartest? And so on... 403 00:34:20,220 --> 00:34:23,390 Life has become a permanent audition! 404 00:34:23,470 --> 00:34:26,520 1000 people apply to a college, only ten get in. 405 00:34:26,560 --> 00:34:29,560 100 people apply for an apartment, one gets it. 406 00:34:29,680 --> 00:34:33,520 You have to be tougher, quicker and stronger 24/7! 407 00:34:33,560 --> 00:34:35,020 What a stress! 408 00:34:35,220 --> 00:34:37,770 Well, life's no day at the beach. 409 00:34:38,060 --> 00:34:41,060 Not in capitalism that's for sure. 410 00:34:43,640 --> 00:34:46,770 But that's just how it is: Competition is in our blood. 411 00:34:46,970 --> 00:34:50,890 Take two kids running across a field: One will always try to run faster. 412 00:34:52,220 --> 00:34:56,720 How is that related? - It totally is! It starts there, in that field! 413 00:34:57,220 --> 00:34:59,470 We just LOVE competing. 414 00:34:59,560 --> 00:35:03,180 Competition is fun! Even jungle warriors compete. 415 00:35:03,390 --> 00:35:06,770 But it's become so extreme! Nonstop struggle and competition... 416 00:35:06,970 --> 00:35:09,390 The whole world has become a damn Circus Maximus! 417 00:35:09,520 --> 00:35:10,600 You're exaggerating. 418 00:35:10,770 --> 00:35:16,970 What? The top 5% who own the capital benefit from the rest scurrying about. 419 00:35:17,220 --> 00:35:21,470 Everyone else just works their asses off, is unhappy and totally stressed out. 420 00:35:27,140 --> 00:35:29,310 That's not so nice, yeah. 421 00:35:29,390 --> 00:35:31,720 But that's nature's way. 422 00:35:31,770 --> 00:35:33,890 The hard in the garden, the tender in the pond. 423 00:35:34,060 --> 00:35:36,219 The strongest survive, these are the rules of evolution. 424 00:35:36,220 --> 00:35:37,770 Says who? 425 00:35:37,850 --> 00:35:38,850 Says Darwin. 426 00:35:39,020 --> 00:35:40,770 Darwin? - Yes. 427 00:35:42,270 --> 00:35:45,680 Whoa, I don't think you're up to date there. 428 00:35:47,520 --> 00:35:51,520 Oh, fuck... I feel sick. 429 00:35:54,180 --> 00:35:55,520 I'm getting off the road. 430 00:36:13,060 --> 00:36:15,850 Oh shit, are you okay? 431 00:36:17,640 --> 00:36:19,850 Have another sip of water. 432 00:36:23,520 --> 00:36:25,520 Oh, shit. 433 00:36:30,310 --> 00:36:31,430 Are you all right? 434 00:36:31,560 --> 00:36:34,180 I hope it's not a sunstroke. Are you dizzy? 435 00:36:34,350 --> 00:36:37,640 No, it's alright, I guess I just ate something wrong. 436 00:36:37,810 --> 00:36:39,350 Alright. 437 00:36:39,470 --> 00:36:43,520 I hope it's not because of my pro-capitalist arguments. 438 00:36:43,680 --> 00:36:45,890 No, don't worry. 439 00:36:49,100 --> 00:36:51,140 I already feel better. I'll wipe off my vomit. 440 00:36:51,270 --> 00:36:53,350 No, no. Let me do that. 441 00:36:53,470 --> 00:36:55,350 You want to clean off my vomit? 442 00:36:55,470 --> 00:36:58,270 I was a civil servant in oncology, I'll manage. 443 00:36:58,430 --> 00:36:59,680 Okay. 444 00:37:01,020 --> 00:37:02,020 Oh, sorry. 445 00:37:02,140 --> 00:37:06,720 All good. Say, can we go for a walk? 446 00:37:07,220 --> 00:37:11,890 Yeah, sure. Look, there's a forest back there, a forest walk? 447 00:37:15,970 --> 00:37:20,470 The strongest survive. It's always been like that. Darwin proved it. 448 00:37:20,810 --> 00:37:22,310 No, Jan. 449 00:37:22,430 --> 00:37:26,310 Darwin said "survival of the fittest", not "survival of the strongest". 450 00:37:26,430 --> 00:37:29,770 Not the strongest survive, but those who adapt best. 451 00:37:30,470 --> 00:37:35,020 It can also be the most bizarre. Take the peacock for example. 452 00:37:35,140 --> 00:37:38,060 The peacock? - Yes. Pavo Cristatus. 453 00:37:38,310 --> 00:37:39,560 Peacock! 454 00:37:42,560 --> 00:37:46,890 If only the strong survive, why is there a bizarre animal like the peacock? 455 00:37:47,060 --> 00:37:50,640 It's neither fast nor strong, can't even run away. 456 00:37:51,600 --> 00:37:54,310 But it can spread it's tail to a wonderful fan. 457 00:37:54,470 --> 00:37:57,020 The ladies love it, so it has more babies. 458 00:37:57,970 --> 00:38:02,310 See? In this case not the strongest survived, but the most bizarre. 459 00:38:02,430 --> 00:38:03,850 There are so many examples. 460 00:38:04,100 --> 00:38:07,890 This "struggle for existence" is total bullshit. 461 00:38:08,560 --> 00:38:11,640 Darwin was abused by the capitalists. 462 00:38:11,770 --> 00:38:13,430 From the beginning. 463 00:38:20,100 --> 00:38:22,060 But then what about gorillas? 464 00:38:22,310 --> 00:38:25,180 Gorillas fight until only one is left: 465 00:38:25,310 --> 00:38:26,810 The alpha male. 466 00:38:26,890 --> 00:38:31,560 Only the alpha male may reproduce. It even kills the other males' babies. 467 00:38:31,810 --> 00:38:33,350 And we're all gorillas, or what? 468 00:38:33,560 --> 00:38:37,390 No, but human society works similarly. 469 00:38:37,600 --> 00:38:42,560 We fight until a pecking order is created. And our economic system accommodates that. 470 00:38:42,770 --> 00:38:47,140 That's why it's the only one that works, and why communism didn't work. 471 00:38:47,310 --> 00:38:50,890 Objection. Firstly, communism was a hierarchical system too. 472 00:38:51,060 --> 00:38:55,810 And why? Because everyone wanted the biggest piece of the cake! 473 00:38:55,890 --> 00:38:59,470 That's why "real socialism" never existed. 474 00:38:59,600 --> 00:39:02,770 Neither in East Germany, nor in Russia, nor in China. 475 00:39:02,850 --> 00:39:06,850 Mao and Stalin forced a system on the people that they didn't want. 476 00:39:07,020 --> 00:39:09,220 Because it doesn't fit human nature. 477 00:39:09,390 --> 00:39:13,390 Oh, please don't start with "communism vs capitalism"... 478 00:39:13,470 --> 00:39:16,680 That's so 90s. Both systems suck. 479 00:39:16,770 --> 00:39:20,310 The question of the basic principle is much more interesting. 480 00:39:20,560 --> 00:39:23,140 What advances mankind more? 481 00:39:23,390 --> 00:39:25,140 Competition or cooperation? 482 00:39:25,310 --> 00:39:26,810 Competition. - Cooperation. 483 00:39:27,100 --> 00:39:30,020 Competition. - Cooperation! Why else did I give you a ride? 484 00:39:30,140 --> 00:39:31,680 And why did you kick me out? 485 00:39:32,390 --> 00:39:36,100 Come on, you know why. I took you 'cos I felt sorry for you. 486 00:39:36,220 --> 00:39:39,100 What?? You felt sorry for me?? 487 00:39:39,220 --> 00:39:43,470 Never heard of compassion, empathy, mirror neurons? 488 00:39:43,680 --> 00:39:48,350 You were sad. I saw that, felt what you felt, and got sad, as well. 489 00:39:48,560 --> 00:39:53,310 Empathy! That's why I gave you a ride! And that's the basis of humanity! 490 00:39:53,390 --> 00:39:57,890 It generates cooperation, which isn't just nice, but the secret of our success! 491 00:39:58,100 --> 00:40:02,390 Thanks to cooperation, we descend from Cro-Magnons, not Neanderthals. 492 00:40:04,600 --> 00:40:06,140 Wanna hear more? - No. 493 00:40:06,310 --> 00:40:07,680 Sure you do. - No! 494 00:40:08,100 --> 00:40:09,810 Stop it, I'm a gorilla! 495 00:40:12,720 --> 00:40:17,310 They lived at the end of the last Ice Age, around 25,000 years ago. 496 00:40:17,600 --> 00:40:20,470 In southern France alongside the Neanderthals. 497 00:40:20,970 --> 00:40:24,310 The Cro-Magnons survived, while the Neanderthals went extinct. 498 00:40:24,390 --> 00:40:25,850 Know why? 499 00:40:26,100 --> 00:40:28,810 They killed the Neanderthals? - No. 500 00:40:29,310 --> 00:40:31,100 Because of battue. 501 00:40:31,470 --> 00:40:38,470 It was like this: Neanderthals were lone wolves who lived in groups of eight to ten. 502 00:40:38,560 --> 00:40:42,310 They fought each other, and were massive, brawny beings. 503 00:40:42,390 --> 00:40:44,560 Like me. - More or less. 504 00:40:44,680 --> 00:40:48,640 They needed around 5,000 calories per day, a lot of meat. 505 00:40:49,140 --> 00:40:50,560 Like me. 506 00:40:51,470 --> 00:40:54,220 Yeah, maybe, anyway... 507 00:40:54,390 --> 00:40:58,770 At the end of the Ice Age, food became scarce and they started eating each other. 508 00:40:59,470 --> 00:41:03,680 They were cannibals? - In the end. Then they starved and went extinct. 509 00:41:03,810 --> 00:41:05,810 Now the Cro-Magnons: 510 00:41:06,100 --> 00:41:09,140 They lived in groups of up to 400. 511 00:41:09,470 --> 00:41:12,020 Together, they drove animals towards cliffs... 512 00:41:12,140 --> 00:41:14,470 ...who panicked and fell off them. Et voila: 513 00:41:14,560 --> 00:41:18,140 They had loads of meat. Real barbecue parties. - Cool. 514 00:41:18,390 --> 00:41:22,100 Having so much food gave them time to paint caves. 515 00:41:22,470 --> 00:41:25,470 Their tongues developed, they started talking. 516 00:41:25,600 --> 00:41:27,560 As the first homo sapiens. 517 00:41:27,680 --> 00:41:31,220 And from the Cro-Magnons we descend. They're our ancestors. 518 00:41:31,390 --> 00:41:33,140 Really? - Yes. 519 00:41:34,140 --> 00:41:37,220 They survived because they cooperated... 520 00:41:37,390 --> 00:41:41,350 ...while Neanderthals went extinct. Battue, that was the success factor! 521 00:41:41,470 --> 00:41:46,849 So the social element was the decisive factor in enabling humanity! 522 00:41:46,850 --> 00:41:50,890 And now the capitalists want to turn us back into Neanderthals, get it? 523 00:41:51,390 --> 00:41:54,640 That's a bit one-sided, Jule. - No, it isn't. 524 00:41:55,390 --> 00:41:58,970 Capitalism is an inhuman, misanthropic system. 525 00:41:59,100 --> 00:42:03,310 It benefits the 1% at the top, while the rest of humanity feels miserable. 526 00:42:03,390 --> 00:42:05,390 Sorry, but that's total bullshit. 527 00:42:05,470 --> 00:42:08,310 You act like humans are peace-loving hippies... 528 00:42:08,390 --> 00:42:11,310 ...who give out hugs all day, but they're not. 529 00:42:12,560 --> 00:42:16,470 Know what they found on Ötzi, that iceman from 5,000 years ago? An ax. 530 00:42:16,640 --> 00:42:19,680 Not a peace pipe, an ax. - Maybe he was felling trees. 531 00:42:20,390 --> 00:42:22,220 It was a battle ax, for killing. 532 00:42:22,640 --> 00:42:26,520 He had war injuries and an arrow tip in his shoulder. 533 00:42:26,640 --> 00:42:29,220 That tip severed an artery and he bled to death. 534 00:42:29,350 --> 00:42:33,220 He was murdered from behind with a bow and arrow. Bang! 535 00:42:33,810 --> 00:42:37,520 That's what I see when I look at 5,000 years of human history: 536 00:42:37,600 --> 00:42:40,680 Murder and destruction. People slitting throats. 537 00:42:40,810 --> 00:42:44,970 Tribal genocide, nations attacking each other, hate, the Holocaust... 538 00:42:45,100 --> 00:42:50,060 ...oppression. The history of mankind is one big bloodbath! 539 00:42:51,390 --> 00:42:54,720 Every 3 seconds there's a murder in the world. Every 3 seconds! 540 00:42:55,180 --> 00:42:59,680 Right now, a man stabs his wife because she wants to leave him. 541 00:43:02,970 --> 00:43:04,560 We're not just good, Jule. 542 00:43:04,680 --> 00:43:08,890 We're evil, too. - Evil. 543 00:43:10,350 --> 00:43:13,680 What about the guy who almost raped you. Did he want to cooperate? 544 00:43:13,810 --> 00:43:16,270 What? You don't have to get polemical! 545 00:43:16,350 --> 00:43:19,196 What's that got to do with anything? That was a troubled, stupid asshole. 546 00:43:19,220 --> 00:43:22,470 Of course there are people like that. What fucking argument is that anyway? 547 00:43:27,100 --> 00:43:30,180 We're talking about basic human traits. 548 00:43:30,350 --> 00:43:32,520 Those that promote us as humanity. 549 00:43:34,100 --> 00:43:41,060 Okay. And what about envy and greed? Aren't these also basic human traits? 550 00:43:41,350 --> 00:43:46,140 If I eat potatoes every day, but my neighbour has grilled chicken... 551 00:43:46,310 --> 00:43:49,520 ...isn't it the rule rather than the exception that I want chicken, too? 552 00:43:50,060 --> 00:43:53,680 Or if someone walks to work for ten kilometers, while his neighbour... 553 00:43:53,810 --> 00:43:57,390 ...goes by bike, isn't it normal and humane that he also wants a bike? 554 00:43:57,520 --> 00:43:59,969 Yes, but this has nothing to do with envy. It's just unfair. 555 00:43:59,970 --> 00:44:01,130 They should both have a bike. 556 00:44:01,220 --> 00:44:02,850 No, we're going around in circles here. 557 00:44:02,970 --> 00:44:05,180 He should save until he can afford a bicycle... 558 00:44:05,350 --> 00:44:07,469 ...for that he'll work harder and produce better products or... 559 00:44:07,470 --> 00:44:09,680 ...tomatoes or whatever he produces. 560 00:44:11,350 --> 00:44:16,140 "My bike","your bike"... it all started much earlier. 561 00:44:16,270 --> 00:44:18,350 With the invention of property. 562 00:44:18,470 --> 00:44:21,770 If I don't own anything, you can't envy me, can you? 563 00:44:21,970 --> 00:44:25,390 Look, nomads, they shared. They shared everything. 564 00:44:25,520 --> 00:44:29,809 We love to share. Our body releases tons of happiness hormones when we share. 565 00:44:29,810 --> 00:44:30,810 We love it. 566 00:44:32,310 --> 00:44:33,970 Then why don't we do it? 567 00:44:34,850 --> 00:44:38,020 I'm really hungry. Shall we cook something? 568 00:44:38,180 --> 00:44:39,390 Yes. - Yes? 569 00:44:39,520 --> 00:44:41,970 Definitely. Chicken, perhaps? 570 00:44:42,060 --> 00:44:43,850 For you, only potatoes. 571 00:44:44,640 --> 00:44:46,350 No, I need meat. Meeeeeat! 572 00:44:46,470 --> 00:44:48,850 Then go hunt a deer. 573 00:44:49,520 --> 00:44:54,390 I need you for that. For the battue. - Forget it. Take a spade. 574 00:45:06,890 --> 00:45:12,560 It's great to add two or three sprigs of rosemary. 575 00:45:26,890 --> 00:45:28,850 How's it going there? 576 00:45:29,600 --> 00:45:31,060 Thanks, I'm gettin into it. 577 00:45:32,600 --> 00:45:34,180 Still some dirt here. 578 00:45:37,890 --> 00:45:40,220 And there's also pretty much here. 579 00:45:40,600 --> 00:45:41,850 Get away! 580 00:45:54,350 --> 00:45:56,100 Next stop: Dortmund. 581 00:45:56,850 --> 00:45:59,180 All crazy Jans please disembark. 582 00:46:01,970 --> 00:46:04,850 Driving, driving, driving down the Autobahn! 583 00:46:24,680 --> 00:46:26,600 Look, the Cologne Cathedral! 584 00:46:26,680 --> 00:46:29,140 Cologne! - Carnival! 585 00:46:43,100 --> 00:46:46,850 Just drop me off at the corner, I'll walk to the station from there. 586 00:46:47,680 --> 00:46:49,020 And then you'll take the bus? 587 00:46:51,520 --> 00:46:53,350 Just as I was getting used to you. 588 00:46:54,140 --> 00:46:57,810 Plus, I still have to convince you that humans aren't as bad as you think. 589 00:46:58,060 --> 00:47:00,520 Well, that's true of course. 590 00:47:01,890 --> 00:47:03,810 Another 300 miles? 591 00:47:05,600 --> 00:47:06,970 Uhm, yeah! 592 00:47:07,060 --> 00:47:08,770 Sure, I'd love that. 593 00:47:09,390 --> 00:47:11,390 But only if it's not out of pity. 594 00:47:12,600 --> 00:47:14,970 No, don't worry. Deal? 595 00:47:15,060 --> 00:47:16,350 Deal. 596 00:47:31,100 --> 00:47:32,220 Hey, look. 597 00:47:32,890 --> 00:47:34,970 Hello, Belgium! 598 00:47:35,520 --> 00:47:36,970 Bye, Germany! 599 00:47:40,100 --> 00:47:43,930 Wanna pick something from the camping guide? 600 00:47:44,890 --> 00:47:47,100 "RV Camping Guide." 601 00:47:47,350 --> 00:47:48,600 This looks good: 602 00:47:48,720 --> 00:47:53,850 "The camping site Champe le Monde lies in the midst of the hilly Ardennes." 603 00:47:58,520 --> 00:48:00,970 They're open. - They are? 604 00:48:01,470 --> 00:48:03,970 From happy lambs? - Yes, very happy. 605 00:48:06,970 --> 00:48:08,350 Meat! 606 00:48:08,970 --> 00:48:11,060 Shouldn't we grill it first? - No! 607 00:48:26,600 --> 00:48:28,520 You OK or you need help? 608 00:48:28,600 --> 00:48:29,970 I'll manage. 609 00:48:41,390 --> 00:48:42,600 And? 610 00:48:43,180 --> 00:48:44,810 Looking good! 611 00:48:48,720 --> 00:48:50,140 Want some wine, too? 612 00:48:50,350 --> 00:48:51,970 Uhm, no. 613 00:48:52,100 --> 00:48:53,600 You don't drink? 614 00:48:53,720 --> 00:48:55,350 Not right now, no. 615 00:48:58,680 --> 00:49:00,390 Hunger, for example. 616 00:49:02,020 --> 00:49:07,100 There's so much wheat that we could feed the world's population twice. 617 00:49:07,850 --> 00:49:10,720 It's just not being distributed properly. Or... 618 00:49:10,970 --> 00:49:14,970 Wait, I wanna show you something. 619 00:49:18,350 --> 00:49:21,520 That red spot... This area would be sufficient... 620 00:49:21,560 --> 00:49:24,100 ...to supply the whole earth with solar energy. 621 00:49:24,220 --> 00:49:25,720 The sun is that strong. 622 00:49:26,350 --> 00:49:30,060 Instead, we burn oil and heat up our planet. 623 00:49:33,180 --> 00:49:36,470 Are you sure? - Yes, it's all been calculated. 624 00:49:38,600 --> 00:49:40,850 And the map is always with you? 625 00:49:42,350 --> 00:49:47,390 It reminds me of what we could do, if we'd just organize ourselves. Cooperate. 626 00:49:48,930 --> 00:49:52,060 Which we don't. - Not yet. 627 00:49:58,520 --> 00:50:01,600 Are you nervous about meeting your father? 628 00:50:02,180 --> 00:50:03,640 No, not at all. 629 00:50:04,180 --> 00:50:05,810 I'm looking forward to it. 630 00:50:07,720 --> 00:50:09,970 Want to hear the rest of the story? 631 00:50:10,180 --> 00:50:12,140 How I found out? 632 00:50:12,470 --> 00:50:13,720 Yes, I'd love to. 633 00:50:18,810 --> 00:50:22,140 Well, my father... He... 634 00:50:22,430 --> 00:50:25,140 ...never really knew what to do with me. 635 00:50:25,270 --> 00:50:29,640 He never even hid his dislike. I always asked myself why... 636 00:50:30,430 --> 00:50:33,140 ...why he didn't like me, but... Well... 637 00:50:34,470 --> 00:50:39,430 Then one summer day, we had this family celebration at my grandmother's. 638 00:50:39,470 --> 00:50:41,350 I was 17. 639 00:50:41,970 --> 00:50:45,680 Everyone was there: my older brother with his two kids... 640 00:50:45,720 --> 00:50:47,430 I have an older brother. 641 00:50:47,600 --> 00:50:49,470 His wife... 642 00:50:49,560 --> 00:50:51,810 Grandparents, uncles and aunties... 643 00:50:51,890 --> 00:50:53,520 The whole shebang. 644 00:50:54,180 --> 00:50:56,270 So I'm sitting there... 645 00:50:56,970 --> 00:51:00,810 ...looking around. Everyone's enjoying themselves, having fun. 646 00:51:03,140 --> 00:51:06,810 Suddenly I realize something's missing. Something's wrong. 647 00:51:06,970 --> 00:51:10,270 Like a part of me's missing, something in me is empty, you know? 648 00:51:10,430 --> 00:51:13,430 Inside of me it was getting darker and darker. 649 00:51:14,350 --> 00:51:16,810 So I'm looking at my father's relatives... 650 00:51:17,430 --> 00:51:19,060 And suddenly... 651 00:51:19,180 --> 00:51:21,350 All of a sudden, it clicks. 652 00:51:21,520 --> 00:51:25,270 I realize what my problem is, I get up, approach my mother and say: 653 00:51:25,430 --> 00:51:27,720 "He's not my father, right?" 654 00:51:29,350 --> 00:51:30,470 In front of everyone? 655 00:51:31,350 --> 00:51:32,810 In front of everyone. 656 00:51:33,720 --> 00:51:36,520 And your mother? How did she react? 657 00:51:36,970 --> 00:51:40,350 She said nothing at all. Which was the answer, of course. 658 00:51:41,770 --> 00:51:46,430 Thus it was clear why he had treated me like shit for 17 years. 659 00:51:50,850 --> 00:51:54,850 Is it my fault that my mother had good taste for once in her life... 660 00:51:55,140 --> 00:51:57,430 by falling for a Spanish boatbuilder. 661 00:51:58,470 --> 00:52:00,430 A Spanish boatbuilder? 662 00:52:01,720 --> 00:52:04,680 1993, on vacation. A one-night stand. 663 00:52:05,140 --> 00:52:07,520 My stepfather wanted her to abort, but she refused. 664 00:52:07,680 --> 00:52:11,140 And so one fine day I saw the light of the world. 665 00:52:49,810 --> 00:52:51,680 No? - No, one more time. 666 00:52:51,810 --> 00:52:53,720 Yes, okay... 667 00:52:53,850 --> 00:52:55,430 Get back, it should be fine now. 668 00:52:55,520 --> 00:52:57,020 Really? - Yes. 669 00:52:57,720 --> 00:52:58,720 Got it? 670 00:53:00,850 --> 00:53:02,520 Wow. Alright? 671 00:53:03,430 --> 00:53:04,850 Really cool. 672 00:53:09,270 --> 00:53:10,470 Jan? 673 00:53:10,600 --> 00:53:12,470 Are you still awake? 674 00:53:12,600 --> 00:53:13,810 Yes. 675 00:53:15,600 --> 00:53:18,140 I'm really happy you're with me. 676 00:53:20,350 --> 00:53:22,720 I'd have gone crazy on my own. 677 00:53:23,770 --> 00:53:25,430 And gotten the flu. 678 00:53:26,220 --> 00:53:27,430 The flu? 679 00:53:28,180 --> 00:53:30,390 Yeah, being alone, cortisol and all: 680 00:53:30,470 --> 00:53:32,560 Doesn't that weaken the immune system? 681 00:53:32,680 --> 00:53:34,430 That's true. 682 00:53:39,350 --> 00:53:43,180 One gentle touch kills thousands of stress hormones, by the way. 683 00:53:43,350 --> 00:53:44,720 Really? 684 00:53:46,850 --> 00:53:49,680 I have to remember that. - Do that. 685 00:53:53,680 --> 00:53:54,810 Good night. 686 00:53:55,680 --> 00:53:57,180 Good night. 687 00:54:30,430 --> 00:54:32,720 Look, we're almost in France! 688 00:54:33,850 --> 00:54:35,430 Bye bye, Belgium! 689 00:54:35,600 --> 00:54:37,810 Hello, France! 690 00:54:43,430 --> 00:54:45,640 Looks different right away, right? 691 00:54:45,720 --> 00:54:48,350 Yeah, and much less traffic, right? 692 00:55:19,850 --> 00:55:21,350 Alex? 693 00:55:21,850 --> 00:55:24,140 Hi, yes, it's me. 694 00:55:25,430 --> 00:55:26,970 I have to tell you something. 695 00:55:36,850 --> 00:55:41,850 I did want to tell you face to face, but I couldn't stand it any longer, sorry. 696 00:55:44,180 --> 00:55:45,810 I have to go now. 697 00:55:47,430 --> 00:55:51,140 I'll call back, OK? Bye. 698 00:56:05,850 --> 00:56:07,430 Are you OK? 699 00:56:08,180 --> 00:56:09,520 So-so. 700 00:56:10,720 --> 00:56:12,350 Can I help you? 701 00:56:12,430 --> 00:56:14,140 No, not really. 702 00:56:14,850 --> 00:56:16,850 I just need a minute, OK? - Sure. 703 00:56:17,140 --> 00:56:18,600 Then we'll move on. 704 00:56:18,720 --> 00:56:20,430 I'll be right back. 705 00:56:40,720 --> 00:56:42,720 You know what always helps against grief? 706 00:56:43,720 --> 00:56:45,140 No. 707 00:56:58,270 --> 00:56:59,850 I love those! 708 00:57:10,810 --> 00:57:12,640 So? ls It helping? 709 00:57:13,890 --> 00:57:16,430 Yeah, much better already. 710 00:57:19,350 --> 00:57:21,180 My grandma always made these. 711 00:57:30,720 --> 00:57:31,720 What was that? 712 00:57:32,640 --> 00:57:36,140 A gentle touch. Kills stress hormones. 713 00:57:37,350 --> 00:57:38,640 Yeah, right. 714 00:57:43,350 --> 00:57:44,430 Thank you. 715 00:57:47,310 --> 00:57:48,680 Shall we? 716 00:58:05,600 --> 00:58:09,180 So, do you have a girlfriend? - No, not right now. 717 00:58:09,600 --> 00:58:12,180 My last relationship ended three months ago. 718 00:58:12,350 --> 00:58:13,810 How did it end? 719 00:58:14,640 --> 00:58:17,180 Well, we'd "grown apart." 720 00:58:17,850 --> 00:58:19,430 How long were you together? 721 00:58:19,680 --> 00:58:20,850 Six months. 722 00:58:21,470 --> 00:58:23,850 Then you "grew apart" rather quickly... 723 00:58:26,970 --> 00:58:30,640 It was the problem I always have. I loved her more than she loved me. 724 00:58:31,600 --> 00:58:34,140 Actually, I think she didn't love me at all. 725 00:58:34,520 --> 00:58:35,890 From the beginning? 726 00:58:36,180 --> 00:58:37,680 I think so. 727 00:58:38,640 --> 00:58:40,680 Then why were you with her? 728 00:58:42,140 --> 00:58:46,270 I don't really know myself. It happens to me again and again. 729 00:58:47,430 --> 00:58:49,970 I fall for women who don't fall for me. 730 00:58:50,680 --> 00:58:53,850 I feel at home in rejection, as I wasn't loved enough as a child. 731 00:58:54,720 --> 00:58:56,720 You don't sound convinced. 732 00:58:57,180 --> 00:58:59,680 Ahh, I don't know. 733 00:58:59,720 --> 00:59:03,390 I mean yeah, my stepdad treated me like shit, but that's way too simple. 734 00:59:03,970 --> 00:59:06,179 <> 735 00:59:06,180 --> 00:59:08,179 <> 736 00:59:08,180 --> 00:59:10,429 Just because it's simple, it doesn't have to be less true. 737 00:59:10,430 --> 00:59:12,679 I think there's something to it. 738 00:59:12,680 --> 00:59:16,600 Oh come on, I'll buy you a <>, it's all in there, too. - So what? 739 00:59:17,470 --> 00:59:21,520 What, so what? Who on earth loves himself? Only idiots love themselves. 740 00:59:21,680 --> 00:59:22,470 What? 741 00:59:22,600 --> 00:59:25,139 Do you know someone who loves himself? I don't. 742 00:59:25,140 --> 00:59:27,720 At least nobody with more than five brain cells. 743 00:59:30,520 --> 00:59:31,850 Or do you love yourself? 744 00:59:42,680 --> 00:59:46,810 I wasn't just at the bakery, by the way. - Champagne? 745 00:59:46,970 --> 00:59:50,060 Now that we're in the Champagne... 746 00:59:51,350 --> 00:59:54,850 After this bottle, I'll love myself. And all the women who love me. 747 00:59:56,810 --> 00:59:58,430 One can't discuss with you today. 748 00:59:59,140 --> 01:00:01,140 Sorry, difficult subject for me. 749 01:00:08,970 --> 01:00:11,350 Know what my real problem is? 750 01:00:12,720 --> 01:00:15,720 That I can't choose who I fall in love with. 751 01:00:16,180 --> 01:00:18,020 Oh, right. - Yeah. 752 01:00:18,470 --> 01:00:21,600 I keep falling in love with women who aren't right for me. 753 01:00:22,640 --> 01:00:24,520 You know whose fault that is? 754 01:00:24,640 --> 01:00:26,970 The MHC sector of my DNA. 755 01:00:27,180 --> 01:00:30,560 MHC is the part that codes the immune system. 756 01:00:30,720 --> 01:00:32,140 Correct. 757 01:00:32,720 --> 01:00:36,770 It's your field, but I did extensive research. 758 01:00:36,890 --> 01:00:40,600 The MHC sees to it that you like the smell of people... 759 01:00:40,720 --> 01:00:43,810 ...who have an immune system differing strongly from your own. 760 01:00:43,970 --> 01:00:47,470 Women can smell a difference of a single gene! 761 01:00:47,810 --> 01:00:49,180 What? 762 01:00:51,720 --> 01:00:53,270 Take two men. 763 01:00:53,520 --> 01:00:59,350 One man's immune system differs from yours by one gene more than the other's. 764 01:00:59,850 --> 01:01:02,060 You'll find his smell better. 765 01:01:02,140 --> 01:01:04,890 You can't help it, it happens subconsciously. 766 01:01:06,890 --> 01:01:09,020 The biological reason is... 767 01:01:09,140 --> 01:01:13,720 ...if you have children with someone whose immune system is complementary... 768 01:01:14,180 --> 01:01:19,060 ...the kids will be twice as resistant to viruses, bacteria, etc. 769 01:01:19,180 --> 01:01:21,640 Evolutionary genius. 770 01:01:21,720 --> 01:01:28,180 That was hugely advantageous in the past when people died like flies from infections. 771 01:01:29,140 --> 01:01:30,890 In the past, yes. 772 01:01:31,020 --> 01:01:35,890 But we no longer run around the forest in loincloths, looking for the best-smelling DNA. 773 01:01:36,100 --> 01:01:38,100 Well, I do sometimes... 774 01:01:43,180 --> 01:01:46,719 And in terms of choosing our partners, we're still cavemen. 775 01:01:46,720 --> 01:01:50,270 You know what pheromones are? - Yes, scentless transmitting agents. 776 01:01:50,470 --> 01:01:55,719 Right. And most of them are located here in the little groove above the upper lip. 777 01:01:55,720 --> 01:01:58,270 That's why we kiss before we mate. 778 01:01:58,470 --> 01:02:00,640 And tilt our heads sideways. 779 01:02:00,720 --> 01:02:03,060 To smell the pheromones. - How romantic! 780 01:02:04,390 --> 01:02:07,180 Kissing is a gene check. Nothing else. 781 01:02:08,140 --> 01:02:11,970 Thanks, now I'll always think of "gene check" when I kiss, great. 782 01:02:16,020 --> 01:02:19,520 With the first kiss, you already know if the sex will be good or not. 783 01:02:19,720 --> 01:02:21,100 True. 784 01:02:21,720 --> 01:02:26,770 And the craziest thing is: When two people have sex who like each other's smell... 785 01:02:26,970 --> 01:02:30,680 ...the chance that the woman gets pregnant is three times as high. 786 01:02:31,890 --> 01:02:36,720 They found that out with that T-shirt smell test. Ever heard of it? 787 01:02:36,890 --> 01:02:37,970 No. 788 01:02:39,470 --> 01:02:43,060 Ten women and ten men wore a T-shirt for a week... 789 01:02:43,180 --> 01:02:46,060 ...then had to select the best-smelling one. 790 01:02:46,180 --> 01:02:49,430 With those who found each other's smell appealing... 791 01:02:49,520 --> 01:02:53,060 ...the woman was three times more likely to get pregnant. 792 01:02:54,100 --> 01:02:56,180 Eww, how did they test that? 793 01:02:57,600 --> 01:02:59,640 I have no clue. 794 01:03:00,350 --> 01:03:03,310 But it doesn't work if the woman takes the pill. 795 01:03:03,350 --> 01:03:06,970 Because then she prefers men with a similar immune system. 796 01:03:07,140 --> 01:03:10,100 As a result, A: she won't get pregnant as quickly... 797 01:03:10,180 --> 01:03:12,720 ...and B: the kids will be at the doctor all the time. 798 01:03:13,020 --> 01:03:17,890 So: Get off the pill six months before marriage or your offspring is screwed. 799 01:03:18,100 --> 01:03:19,720 Sure thing. 800 01:03:21,350 --> 01:03:23,350 It actually happened to me. 801 01:03:23,470 --> 01:03:27,890 I dated a girl who stopped taking the pill six months into our affair. 802 01:03:28,020 --> 01:03:30,060 Suddenly, we couldn't stop fighting! 803 01:03:30,180 --> 01:03:34,770 Because of the pill, so many couples come together who don't match at all! 804 01:03:35,350 --> 01:03:39,060 Hey, we're close to Verdun. Let's have an ice cream there. 805 01:03:39,220 --> 01:03:41,640 Good idea. I want one too. 806 01:04:56,020 --> 01:04:59,970 Jan, about what you said earlier. The pheromones and all. 807 01:05:01,600 --> 01:05:04,770 When someone blames his relationship problems on biology, 808 01:05:04,970 --> 01:05:07,220 it triggers my internal alarm, because... 809 01:05:07,430 --> 01:05:09,180 Because it's the truth? 810 01:05:10,060 --> 01:05:14,720 No, kidding aside. What you're referring to is merely sexual attraction. 811 01:05:15,720 --> 01:05:20,140 When two people sniff each other, get horny and fuck, is that love? 812 01:05:20,390 --> 01:05:21,970 We're not animals. 813 01:05:22,060 --> 01:05:23,810 Sure, mammals. 814 01:05:23,970 --> 01:05:28,310 Nonsense! OK, I need to find a man hot before starting a relationship with him. 815 01:05:28,430 --> 01:05:32,180 But that's just the first stage. It's a great stage, yes. 816 01:05:32,310 --> 01:05:37,310 It's exciting, your knees go weak, you get goosebumps and have physical reactions. 817 01:05:37,430 --> 01:05:41,100 But the truth is... It's also the least interesting stage. 818 01:05:41,770 --> 01:05:47,810 I don't find it so uninteresting. - But it's just unconscious, primal instincts! 819 01:05:48,600 --> 01:05:51,180 I mean, I've heard all those theories... 820 01:05:51,810 --> 01:05:56,600 ...how women look for macho, testosterone-laden men while ovulating... 821 01:05:56,810 --> 01:05:59,060 Like me? - Exactly. 822 01:06:00,060 --> 01:06:04,390 The rest of the time, they prefer caring types who look like their relatives. 823 01:06:04,470 --> 01:06:08,600 Hang on: So statistically speaking, the caring type has an advantage? 824 01:06:09,220 --> 01:06:12,640 Well, now everything's clear, Jule. - Jan, stop it! 825 01:06:13,140 --> 01:06:19,810 It's funny and I know those theories, but they have no significance for your life. 826 01:06:19,970 --> 01:06:21,350 Why not? 827 01:06:22,220 --> 01:06:25,890 Because no woman let's her ovaries choose the man. 828 01:06:26,600 --> 01:06:28,850 That's crystal clear. - Is it? 829 01:06:29,060 --> 01:06:34,020 Yes. Maybe for one night, but not for my whole life! 830 01:06:34,470 --> 01:06:36,470 What am I gonna do with a hunk who's good in bed... 831 01:06:36,600 --> 01:06:38,350 ...but we have nothing to say to each other? 832 01:06:38,470 --> 01:06:39,970 That's ridiculous. 833 01:06:40,810 --> 01:06:44,390 OK, for you guys it's different... - What do you mean? 834 01:06:44,470 --> 01:06:49,770 Penis brain? Blood down there, nothing up here? - Oh god, here we go. 835 01:06:51,430 --> 01:06:53,060 Let's stick to the topic of love. 836 01:06:54,310 --> 01:06:57,180 After I've found someone who's sexually attractive... 837 01:06:57,310 --> 01:06:59,270 ...that's when it gets interesting, doesn't it? 838 01:06:59,390 --> 01:07:03,060 That's when the word love becomes really relevant: 839 01:07:03,140 --> 01:07:05,060 When you start to tune in. 840 01:07:05,270 --> 01:07:08,770 I mean, we don't fall in love down here. 841 01:07:08,890 --> 01:07:11,270 But here. And here. 842 01:07:12,220 --> 01:07:15,270 So yes, maybe I can't decide who I find hot... 843 01:07:15,810 --> 01:07:18,270 ...but I can decide who I fall in love with. 844 01:07:22,390 --> 01:07:24,060 And that's your problem. 845 01:07:24,270 --> 01:07:28,310 Or the solution to your problem. You have to take it step by step. 846 01:07:28,430 --> 01:07:30,060 Step by step? 847 01:07:30,140 --> 01:07:34,140 Step one: find a woman you find hot. Step two: 848 01:07:34,270 --> 01:07:37,890 Find out if you're on the same wavelength. If not, go back to step one. 849 01:07:38,060 --> 01:07:39,890 Not so difficult. 850 01:07:40,970 --> 01:07:45,059 There's also a step three, but we'll discuss that in the advanced course. 851 01:07:45,060 --> 01:07:48,600 Let's take our time. - Yeah, you're still a beginner. 852 01:07:48,810 --> 01:07:51,270 But I'm looking forward to it. 853 01:07:55,140 --> 01:07:58,470 I can't believe how many guys never reach step two. 854 01:08:00,890 --> 01:08:03,310 Oh, Jule, I'm not so sure... 855 01:08:05,060 --> 01:08:08,140 We're discussing men-women relationships, right? 856 01:08:08,310 --> 01:08:11,770 And sex is an essential part of that. 857 01:08:11,970 --> 01:08:15,770 Originally, the man-woman thing was about having kids. 858 01:08:15,890 --> 01:08:17,390 OK, true. 859 01:08:17,600 --> 01:08:19,350 And now to my theory. 860 01:08:20,220 --> 01:08:21,810 I'm listening. 861 01:08:22,270 --> 01:08:24,470 Sex / needs / contrast. 862 01:08:24,770 --> 01:08:25,770 Contrast? 863 01:08:26,430 --> 01:08:28,810 Man/woman, plus/minus, hard/soft. 864 01:08:28,970 --> 01:08:32,100 Oh, Jan, please... - What? Let me finish. 865 01:08:32,220 --> 01:08:35,470 Friction creates heat. Sex. 866 01:08:36,220 --> 01:08:40,770 This thing about the differing immune systems is applicable on a higher level. 867 01:08:40,810 --> 01:08:43,470 The hot-blooded Italian likes the blonde Swede. 868 01:08:43,720 --> 01:08:47,140 Exotic is sexy, because it expands the gene pool. 869 01:08:48,350 --> 01:08:51,810 Difference and disharmony is what creates passion. 870 01:08:51,970 --> 01:08:54,810 After a fight you have the best sex! 871 01:08:55,060 --> 01:08:57,220 Passion needs contrast. 872 01:08:58,390 --> 01:09:01,430 OK, it can help. - Fine. 873 01:09:01,810 --> 01:09:03,890 But now to my actual point. 874 01:09:05,810 --> 01:09:09,140 Long-term relationships and partnerships, however... 875 01:09:09,470 --> 01:09:12,770 I agree with you there, they need harmony. 876 01:09:12,890 --> 01:09:15,970 Your partner should be a real partner. 877 01:09:16,060 --> 01:09:21,390 If one loves meat and the other is vegetarian, there'll be trouble... 878 01:09:21,470 --> 01:09:24,720 Or one is orderly and the other chaotic. - Exactly. 879 01:09:24,890 --> 01:09:27,059 That ends with "We're not right for each other." 880 01:09:27,060 --> 01:09:29,060 Break-up reason number one. - Exactly. 881 01:09:29,220 --> 01:09:30,890 So my question is: 882 01:09:31,060 --> 01:09:34,470 Why do so many people get together who aren't right for each other? 883 01:09:35,060 --> 01:09:38,060 For different reasons... - Because they have great sex! 884 01:09:38,220 --> 01:09:42,310 And there you go, the reason for all relationship misery on this planet. 885 01:09:42,430 --> 01:09:44,890 There's a fundamental contradiction between... 886 01:09:45,060 --> 01:09:48,020 ...sexual attraction and successful partnership. 887 01:09:48,100 --> 01:09:51,810 Men and woman are simply incompatible in the long term. 888 01:09:52,100 --> 01:09:54,680 Sure, long-term relationships are culturally... 889 01:09:54,810 --> 01:09:57,390 ...desirable because they bring social stability. 890 01:09:57,470 --> 01:10:00,770 But from a biological standpoint, they're impossible. 891 01:10:01,270 --> 01:10:05,060 Monogamy is culturally programmed unhappiness. 892 01:10:05,270 --> 01:10:06,890 Quod erat demonstrandum. 893 01:10:08,970 --> 01:10:12,390 How long was your longest relationship again? - Nine months. 894 01:10:12,970 --> 01:10:15,060 Seriously? You're kidding, right? 895 01:10:29,060 --> 01:10:31,770 Shall we drive on? I need to move a bit after this. 896 01:10:31,890 --> 01:10:33,220 Sure. I'm... 897 01:10:33,810 --> 01:10:35,140 ...ready. 898 01:10:37,810 --> 01:10:39,350 Nine months! 899 01:10:47,470 --> 01:10:48,970 Let me get this. 900 01:10:49,060 --> 01:10:50,270 Alex? 901 01:10:52,810 --> 01:10:54,060 What's up? 902 01:10:55,560 --> 01:10:58,060 What? What's with your tone? 903 01:10:59,470 --> 01:11:01,220 Of course I'm asking... 904 01:11:01,810 --> 01:11:03,390 Calm down, will you? 905 01:11:04,060 --> 01:11:05,470 Calm down. 906 01:11:06,810 --> 01:11:10,430 What? It's my problem? So for you, it's a "problem?" 907 01:11:31,470 --> 01:11:33,599 All done? - Yeah, I think so. 908 01:11:33,600 --> 01:11:35,350 I'll go in and pay. 909 01:12:29,020 --> 01:12:30,390 Ready for departure? 910 01:12:30,520 --> 01:12:32,720 Yes... Almost. 911 01:12:34,220 --> 01:12:36,020 Just your type, right? 912 01:12:36,600 --> 01:12:37,810 What? 913 01:12:37,970 --> 01:12:39,600 The bimbo over there. 914 01:12:39,720 --> 01:12:41,430 No way! 915 01:12:43,970 --> 01:12:46,020 Then why are you staring at her? 916 01:12:47,310 --> 01:12:49,890 Well, she's sexually quite attractive. 917 01:12:50,060 --> 01:12:52,970 Then go check if you're soul mates: step two. 918 01:12:55,310 --> 01:12:58,680 Ask her if she'll drive you. She might want your genes. 919 01:12:58,720 --> 01:13:01,520 I would never get into a car like that. 920 01:13:03,220 --> 01:13:04,810 I prefer taking the bus. 921 01:13:05,310 --> 01:13:06,720 Good. 922 01:13:17,390 --> 01:13:20,310 Can I go or do you want more? 923 01:13:20,600 --> 01:13:22,430 Just a sec... 924 01:13:35,430 --> 01:13:37,060 Look, the Loire! 925 01:13:38,560 --> 01:13:40,470 Shall we have a picnic? 926 01:14:09,430 --> 01:14:11,600 Now the Captain's on board, too. 927 01:14:11,720 --> 01:14:13,430 Right on, little mermaid. 928 01:14:13,560 --> 01:14:16,310 What did you say, Captain Bluebeard? 929 01:14:19,220 --> 01:14:20,600 Look, land in sight! 930 01:14:20,720 --> 01:14:22,470 Captain, land in sight! 931 01:14:23,310 --> 01:14:25,720 After months of traveling... 932 01:14:26,430 --> 01:14:29,720 We hang in the ropes for a bit. - Exactly. 933 01:14:44,770 --> 01:14:46,520 "Like God in France." 934 01:14:49,060 --> 01:14:51,390 Contrast in relationships may create friction... 935 01:14:51,470 --> 01:14:53,680 ...and thus passion and possibly great sex. 936 01:14:54,430 --> 01:14:57,770 But is that love? What's that got to do with love? 937 01:14:58,390 --> 01:14:59,810 A lot. 938 01:15:00,560 --> 01:15:04,520 The problem with many people is that they confuse passion for love. 939 01:15:04,600 --> 01:15:09,220 They think that if they suffer a lot, they must be deeply in love. 940 01:15:09,310 --> 01:15:11,600 That's a huge problem, because... 941 01:15:12,430 --> 01:15:14,680 This 'amour fou' constant fighting... 942 01:15:14,970 --> 01:15:19,520 It works in movies, because it's entertaining when the sparks fly. But in reality... 943 01:15:19,720 --> 01:15:23,020 ...it just causes aggravation, misery... 944 01:15:23,140 --> 01:15:26,270 ...and pain, and lasts for two years max. 945 01:15:26,560 --> 01:15:27,640 Or nine months. 946 01:15:28,560 --> 01:15:30,180 But... 947 01:15:30,270 --> 01:15:34,180 ...nine very steamy months. The partnership's a bit bumpy, yes. 948 01:15:34,470 --> 01:15:36,220 But the sex: great. 949 01:15:36,350 --> 01:15:39,470 But good sex is also possible between people who get along well. 950 01:15:40,520 --> 01:15:43,640 Having sex with someone you really love is... 951 01:15:44,180 --> 01:15:46,680 It takes you to another dimension! 952 01:15:51,180 --> 01:15:54,560 Haven't you ever had that? - Sure I have. 953 01:15:55,470 --> 01:15:56,470 See? 954 01:15:57,020 --> 01:15:59,560 There might be another reason why you fall for... 955 01:15:59,640 --> 01:16:02,350 ...women who are so different. Outside of biology. 956 01:16:05,770 --> 01:16:09,560 They don't understand you because they're so different. 957 01:16:09,680 --> 01:16:12,470 And thus can't see inside of you. - What? 958 01:16:12,770 --> 01:16:14,020 Well... 959 01:16:14,270 --> 01:16:18,270 Maybe you don't want anyone to get really close to you. 960 01:16:18,560 --> 01:16:23,220 That's why you choose these bunnies who... - Sorry, but that's bullshit. 961 01:16:23,350 --> 01:16:25,640 Why would I not want that? It makes no sense. 962 01:16:26,560 --> 01:16:27,560 Well... 963 01:16:31,890 --> 01:16:35,350 Maybe you don't want people to see who you really are. 964 01:16:35,430 --> 01:16:37,100 Because you're unhappy with that. - What? 965 01:16:37,270 --> 01:16:38,520 It's possible! 966 01:16:38,970 --> 01:16:40,560 Stop it, Jule. 967 01:16:41,640 --> 01:16:46,560 That's just total bullshit. I don't even wanna get further into this crap. 968 01:16:46,680 --> 01:16:49,180 It was just an idea. - A shitty idea, yeah. 969 01:16:58,430 --> 01:17:01,180 Let's clear this up. 970 01:17:01,680 --> 01:17:06,100 Why would I have a problem with myself? Why? I don't get it. 971 01:17:08,100 --> 01:17:10,180 Please. I'm listening. 972 01:17:11,470 --> 01:17:12,600 Your stepfather. 973 01:17:42,350 --> 01:17:43,560 I'm sorry. 974 01:17:46,970 --> 01:17:48,180 It's OK. 975 01:17:51,270 --> 01:17:52,640 It's a sore point. 976 01:17:55,680 --> 01:17:57,310 You sank my battleship. 977 01:19:13,770 --> 01:19:15,770 I think I have the same thing. 978 01:19:16,970 --> 01:19:18,770 That problem with closeness. 979 01:19:21,720 --> 01:19:24,020 I just show it differently. 980 01:19:24,470 --> 01:19:28,470 I'm more of a person who... throws smoke bombs. 981 01:19:31,600 --> 01:19:34,850 Our "me“ is in a protective capsule... 982 01:19:36,100 --> 01:19:38,430 ...and letting someone into it... 983 01:19:39,430 --> 01:19:41,640 ...calls for a lot of trust. 984 01:19:42,850 --> 01:19:44,430 Because“. 985 01:19:45,020 --> 01:19:47,430 ...if the other person leaves, then... 986 01:19:48,430 --> 01:19:51,180 ...he takes a piece of you with him. 987 01:19:51,600 --> 01:19:53,270 And you die. 988 01:19:54,140 --> 01:19:55,720 At least a bit. 989 01:20:02,430 --> 01:20:03,810 Dangerous thing. 990 01:20:05,810 --> 01:20:07,850 Extremely dangerous, yes. 991 01:20:10,970 --> 01:20:13,430 But so beautiful, too. 992 01:20:14,180 --> 01:20:16,720 When you're merging with each other. 993 01:20:17,430 --> 01:20:19,350 Not alone anymore. 994 01:20:21,350 --> 01:20:24,060 I mean, we're born alone... 995 01:20:24,180 --> 01:20:26,350 ...we die alone, but then... 996 01:20:27,350 --> 01:20:30,430 ...there's this moment with your partner... 997 01:20:35,100 --> 01:20:37,600 Do you know that feeling... 998 01:20:37,770 --> 01:20:39,640 ...when you're with her. 999 01:20:39,770 --> 01:20:43,430 And it feels as if the universe is revolving around you? 1000 01:20:44,470 --> 01:20:46,520 And you don't want to be anywhere else. 1001 01:20:46,640 --> 01:20:48,640 You feel like you're in exactly the right place. 1002 01:20:51,470 --> 01:20:53,640 That feeling of being at home. 1003 01:20:55,430 --> 01:20:57,640 Of having arrived. 1004 01:21:03,770 --> 01:21:06,350 That's when I know I'm in love. 1005 01:21:09,520 --> 01:21:11,520 Really in love. 1006 01:21:14,100 --> 01:21:15,810 Have you ever had that? 1007 01:21:20,640 --> 01:21:22,180 Once. 1008 01:21:22,850 --> 01:21:24,470 How did it end? 1009 01:21:25,520 --> 01:21:27,100 Not very well. 1010 01:21:27,430 --> 01:21:29,720 And now you won't dare anymore? 1011 01:21:32,310 --> 01:21:34,720 Cheers to the protective capsule! 1012 01:23:22,770 --> 01:23:25,350 Jule! Come in! 1013 01:23:29,350 --> 01:23:31,639 Come in! - Isn't it much too cold? 1014 01:23:31,640 --> 01:23:32,850 Come on! 1015 01:23:33,270 --> 01:23:34,390 No way! 1016 01:24:03,270 --> 01:24:05,770 And we want to go... here. 1017 01:24:32,810 --> 01:24:34,560 What's that? Looks cool. 1018 01:24:35,270 --> 01:24:36,850 A monastery, I think. 1019 01:24:37,470 --> 01:24:40,720 Look: "Abbaye de Noirlac." Shall we take a look? 1020 01:24:47,680 --> 01:24:51,600 Was this the dining hall? - Yes, the "refectory." 1021 01:24:54,770 --> 01:24:56,890 Surely bigger than our cafeteria. 1022 01:24:57,470 --> 01:25:01,180 And the food was probably better. - Probably, yeah. 1023 01:25:03,100 --> 01:25:04,220 Look, I'm enlightened. 1024 01:25:05,180 --> 01:25:06,180 I see. 1025 01:25:22,430 --> 01:25:26,180 A friend of mine recently stood in front of the altar. 1026 01:25:26,350 --> 01:25:28,640 Her in a huge wedding dress, him in a suit. 1027 01:25:29,390 --> 01:25:34,390 They marched into the church with organ music, and then... "l do.“ 1028 01:25:34,470 --> 01:25:36,720 Her dad was crying his eyes out. 1029 01:25:37,020 --> 01:25:39,390 To get married, people still go to church. 1030 01:25:40,520 --> 01:25:43,270 Because it's so terribly romantic. - It is! 1031 01:25:43,310 --> 01:25:44,350 I don't know... 1032 01:25:44,430 --> 01:25:49,720 Come on, better in a magical church than a stuffy city hall. 1033 01:25:50,140 --> 01:25:53,810 Yeah, but paying church taxes your whole life just for one day? 1034 01:25:53,970 --> 01:25:55,350 I don't know... 1035 01:25:55,850 --> 01:26:00,430 And 50% of marriages end in divorce anyway. Then they kick you out of church. 1036 01:26:00,720 --> 01:26:02,140 Not anymore. 1037 01:26:02,350 --> 01:26:03,720 No'? - I don't think so. 1038 01:26:07,350 --> 01:26:10,060 Know what the most common reason for divorce is? 1039 01:26:10,180 --> 01:26:12,970 No. - Sexual frustration and infidelity. 1040 01:26:15,180 --> 01:26:16,810 Which is no wonder. 1041 01:26:17,180 --> 01:26:19,850 After ten years max, desire is gone. 1042 01:26:20,140 --> 01:26:23,180 And in a marriage, you're chained to each other for life. 1043 01:26:25,140 --> 01:26:27,430 Know what Jeanne Moreau said about that? 1044 01:26:27,850 --> 01:26:33,600 "Sex in longer relationships is the art of making repeats seem like premieres." 1045 01:26:35,640 --> 01:26:39,180 Yeah, with dildo techniques and bondage you can make it another three years. 1046 01:26:39,350 --> 01:26:41,470 But you get tired of that, too. 1047 01:26:41,600 --> 01:26:44,470 Jan, shall we discuss this elsewhere? 1048 01:26:48,060 --> 01:26:50,390 In the confessional, perhaps? 1049 01:26:50,470 --> 01:26:51,720 Idiot. 1050 01:26:54,850 --> 01:26:55,520 Yes... 1051 01:26:55,680 --> 01:26:59,390 Fidelity in marriage was actually invented by the Catholic church. 1052 01:26:59,470 --> 01:27:01,600 In earlier cultures, it didn't exist at all. 1053 01:27:01,720 --> 01:27:04,720 Wedded couples only sleeping with each other, and no one else. 1054 01:27:04,890 --> 01:27:08,720 Neither the Babylonians, nor the Greeks, nor the Romans had that. 1055 01:27:09,350 --> 01:27:13,720 OK, but why did the Christians invent it? There must've been some reason. 1056 01:27:14,100 --> 01:27:17,470 Because of overpopulation in Palestine. - What? 1057 01:27:17,720 --> 01:27:21,390 Well, most rules in religious texts have a practical reason. 1058 01:27:21,810 --> 01:27:25,720 The Galileans, for example, didn't have rubbers or abortions. 1059 01:27:25,810 --> 01:27:28,720 So they invented nuptial faithfulness and prohibited divorce. 1060 01:27:28,970 --> 01:27:31,520 People had less sex, fewer children were conceived... 1061 01:27:31,640 --> 01:27:35,180 ...and as it worked so well, they wrote it into the New Testament. 1062 01:27:35,350 --> 01:27:36,720 You think? - Yeah. 1063 01:27:36,850 --> 01:27:39,470 It's totally bizarre. Half of humanity is sexually frustrated... 1064 01:27:39,640 --> 01:27:42,270 ...because they had no condoms in Palestine 2000 years ago. 1065 01:27:42,850 --> 01:27:44,520 Terrible, right? 1066 01:27:46,720 --> 01:27:48,430 But what about trust? 1067 01:27:48,600 --> 01:27:52,720 What's more beautiful than two people giving each other everything... 1068 01:27:52,850 --> 01:27:57,060 ...who are always there for each other, no matter what? - It can still be like that. 1069 01:27:57,180 --> 01:28:01,680 You can jump in the sack with someone else and still be there for each other. 1070 01:28:01,850 --> 01:28:03,600 What's the problem? 1071 01:28:03,720 --> 01:28:05,140 Sure, but... 1072 01:28:05,180 --> 01:28:08,680 I don't know. It hurts when my boyfriend fucks around. 1073 01:28:08,720 --> 01:28:10,520 It just hurts. 1074 01:28:11,520 --> 01:28:15,470 Have you ever asked yourself why? Why it hurts? 1075 01:28:15,850 --> 01:28:18,270 They're feelings, you can't control them. 1076 01:28:18,430 --> 01:28:21,470 But have you asked yourself where these feelings stem from? 1077 01:28:22,850 --> 01:28:24,680 No idea, I... 1078 01:28:25,180 --> 01:28:27,470 I wonder why he does it, why he needs it. 1079 01:28:27,600 --> 01:28:31,140 If he still finds me attractive, still desires and loves me... 1080 01:28:31,600 --> 01:28:33,720 So it's about your ego. 1081 01:28:33,810 --> 01:28:36,140 So? Don't you have an ego? 1082 01:28:36,270 --> 01:28:38,551 You don't care if your girlfriend sleeps with another guy? 1083 01:28:38,680 --> 01:28:41,180 No. Not if I know beforehand. 1084 01:28:41,350 --> 01:28:45,520 The lie and deceit is what hurts, not the sex itself. 1085 01:28:45,810 --> 01:28:47,720 That hurts too, yeah. 1086 01:28:48,470 --> 01:28:49,970 You see? 1087 01:28:51,180 --> 01:28:53,810 I know this older couple, they do it like this: 1088 01:28:53,850 --> 01:28:56,430 They have a wooden bowl in their wardrobe. 1089 01:28:56,810 --> 01:28:59,430 Whenever one of them goes on a "trip"... 1090 01:28:59,520 --> 01:29:02,600 ...they put their wedding ring in it and the other knows... 1091 01:29:03,140 --> 01:29:06,430 They've been super happy for decades. 1092 01:29:07,720 --> 01:29:09,850 I don't know. I couldn't do that. 1093 01:29:10,060 --> 01:29:12,640 Sex isn't shaking hands. 1094 01:29:12,850 --> 01:29:15,180 This intimacy, this holy feeling... 1095 01:29:15,350 --> 01:29:20,720 I mean, you're creating a child. That's a magical moment. Making love... 1096 01:29:20,810 --> 01:29:25,430 It's the core of a partnership. It gets lost if both fuck around. Don't you think? 1097 01:29:25,470 --> 01:29:27,140 No... 1098 01:29:27,270 --> 01:29:29,680 And 80% of people fuck around anyway. 1099 01:29:29,720 --> 01:29:34,470 Isn't it better to be at least honest about it? Saves you all the drama, too. 1100 01:29:35,430 --> 01:29:40,180 I do think it's good to stay together for life and all. Certainly for the kids. 1101 01:29:40,350 --> 01:29:41,720 But... 1102 01:29:43,140 --> 01:29:45,430 The old Romans, they had a great system. 1103 01:29:45,720 --> 01:29:48,520 They had stable families and great sex. 1104 01:29:48,680 --> 01:29:51,270 Because they had lovers. 1105 01:29:51,430 --> 01:29:53,810 Both men and women. - Really? 1106 01:29:53,970 --> 01:29:57,390 Yeah, they thought, "We'll give our children a stable home... 1107 01:29:57,470 --> 01:30:00,430 ...but we won't allow that to sexually frustrate us." 1108 01:30:00,600 --> 01:30:03,720 So they had sex whenever and with whomever they wanted. 1109 01:30:03,810 --> 01:30:06,850 I think that's a pretty honest arrangement. 1110 01:30:07,430 --> 01:30:10,140 But what if the woman fell in love with her affair? 1111 01:30:10,270 --> 01:30:13,140 That was a no-go. Divorce was forbidden. 1112 01:30:13,430 --> 01:30:15,720 And you can control that. 1113 01:30:15,810 --> 01:30:19,430 You said it yourself: we can decide who we fall in love with. 1114 01:30:19,720 --> 01:30:21,020 True. 1115 01:31:50,140 --> 01:31:52,140 That tastes so divine... 1116 01:31:54,720 --> 01:31:57,850 I'm about to have an orgasm. This is better than sex. 1117 01:31:59,350 --> 01:32:02,520 Another trick to keep a marriage alive: food instead of sex. 1118 01:32:03,810 --> 01:32:05,100 Correct. 1119 01:32:07,020 --> 01:32:09,970 Apropos, how's that handled in Alex's commune? 1120 01:32:10,720 --> 01:32:12,390 Different, I hope. 1121 01:32:14,430 --> 01:32:18,600 Well, to be honest, they actually do have a concept of free love there. 1122 01:32:20,890 --> 01:32:23,350 And how did you feel about that? You were there, right'? 1123 01:32:23,640 --> 01:32:25,060 Yes. 1124 01:32:26,520 --> 01:32:29,520 I don't know, I was only visiting. 1125 01:32:29,680 --> 01:32:32,430 I think it needs time. 1126 01:32:34,350 --> 01:32:37,060 But your boyfriend was totally into it? 1127 01:32:37,680 --> 01:32:39,720 Yeah. He was quite enthusiastic. 1128 01:32:40,430 --> 01:32:42,970 They had pretty girls there, after all. 1129 01:32:46,720 --> 01:32:48,680 What? - Nothing. 1130 01:32:48,720 --> 01:32:50,600 I won't say anything. 1131 01:32:50,810 --> 01:32:53,180 Join in! They're always looking for young people. 1132 01:32:53,970 --> 01:32:57,600 No, I don't think I'm ready to dissolve the barriers of my ego. 1133 01:32:58,680 --> 01:33:00,390 That I believe. 1134 01:33:01,470 --> 01:33:04,430 And "free love" makes me think of swinger clubs. 1135 01:33:06,520 --> 01:33:09,430 You're a walking contradiction. - Not at all. 1136 01:33:09,520 --> 01:33:12,600 No. I'm not saying everybody should bang everybody. 1137 01:33:12,720 --> 01:33:14,970 I just say we shouldn't hold onto monogamy... 1138 01:33:15,140 --> 01:33:18,390 ...only because state and church propagate nuclear families. 1139 01:33:18,640 --> 01:33:21,430 The time is ripe for new relationship models. 1140 01:33:23,140 --> 01:33:24,140 Yes... 1141 01:33:25,350 --> 01:33:26,640 Maybe you're right. 1142 01:34:03,020 --> 01:34:04,020 Morning! 1143 01:34:04,220 --> 01:34:05,470 Morning! 1144 01:34:05,600 --> 01:34:09,390 All good? I'm gonna take a shower. - Okay. 1145 01:35:15,810 --> 01:35:17,430 Wanna snitch some corn? 1146 01:36:07,350 --> 01:36:10,640 Carla and Nicolas? - Yes, Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy. 1147 01:36:11,020 --> 01:36:13,600 And who is who? Is this Carla or Nicolas? 1148 01:36:13,680 --> 01:36:15,810 The smaller one is Nicolas. - Of course! 1149 01:36:32,470 --> 01:36:33,600 Smile! 1150 01:36:37,560 --> 01:36:40,470 I feel cool, and you? 1151 01:36:40,680 --> 01:36:42,060 You're sweating, right? 1152 01:37:36,350 --> 01:37:38,770 Sea, we're coming! 1153 01:38:01,680 --> 01:38:02,720 Go! 1154 01:38:10,140 --> 01:38:11,140 Wow. 1155 01:38:18,270 --> 01:38:20,890 Come on! Into the sea! 1156 01:38:30,720 --> 01:38:32,020 So nice. 1157 01:38:36,600 --> 01:38:38,060 Come on! 1158 01:38:44,470 --> 01:38:46,310 Come in, it's lovely! 1159 01:39:39,970 --> 01:39:44,310 Whoa, so nice. - Yeah. 1160 01:39:50,310 --> 01:39:53,810 Around the University of Barcelona so much cocaine was measured... 1161 01:39:53,970 --> 01:39:57,310 ...in the air, you would get high just by walking around there. 1162 01:39:59,270 --> 01:40:01,970 And those are just the Spaniards. The Germans... 1163 01:40:02,060 --> 01:40:04,390 ...drink 500 bottles of beer a year. Per head. 1164 01:40:04,560 --> 01:40:05,680 500 bottles? 1165 01:40:05,850 --> 01:40:06,850 What? 1166 01:40:07,020 --> 01:40:09,430 And seven liters of booze. On average, the German... 1167 01:40:09,520 --> 01:40:11,600 ...drinks twice as much as the rest of humanity. 1168 01:40:12,560 --> 01:40:15,180 We're a nation of full blown alcoholics. 1169 01:40:15,270 --> 01:40:19,270 Absolutely. I mean, in fact we're all permanently on. 1170 01:40:19,430 --> 01:40:23,430 But why? Why do we take so many drugs? Have you ever asked yourself that? 1171 01:40:23,520 --> 01:40:25,020 No idea, there are a million reasons. 1172 01:40:25,140 --> 01:40:28,680 Well... Look, in the 1950s, there was this booze ad. 1173 01:40:28,770 --> 01:40:32,060 Super minimalistic, only a bottle of schnapps against a white background. 1174 01:40:32,270 --> 01:40:34,446 And you know what was written underneath it in capital letters? 1175 01:40:34,470 --> 01:40:35,890 "A vacation from yourself“. 1176 01:40:36,060 --> 01:40:38,810 <>. Cool. 1177 01:40:39,970 --> 01:40:43,430 That's what this is all about! Humans are the only living beings... 1178 01:40:43,560 --> 01:40:47,060 ...on this planet who can constantly worry about themselves. 1179 01:40:47,220 --> 01:40:50,430 About their fears, needs, deficits. We think about the future... 1180 01:40:50,520 --> 01:40:53,560 ...about the past, what we did right, what we did wrong. 1181 01:40:53,600 --> 01:40:56,270 We think, think, think. The thoughts up there... 1182 01:40:56,390 --> 01:40:58,810 ...they permanently comment and evaluate everything you do. 1183 01:40:58,970 --> 01:41:02,680 16 hours a day, seven days a week... You just can't take that forever! 1184 01:41:02,850 --> 01:41:06,769 And that is why, I say, man has a natural need to take drugs. 1185 01:41:06,770 --> 01:41:09,020 At least every two weeks. 1186 01:41:09,970 --> 01:41:11,390 You, maybe... 1187 01:41:12,600 --> 01:41:15,270 Come on, even the natives in the jungle take drugs. 1188 01:41:15,430 --> 01:41:17,720 Mushrooms, cacti, ayahuasca, that sort of thing. 1189 01:41:17,890 --> 01:41:20,810 All the peoples in the history of mankind have taken drugs: 1190 01:41:20,890 --> 01:41:23,560 Indians, Mayans, Incas, Romans, Greeks, all of them! 1191 01:41:24,430 --> 01:41:28,310 We need to get away from ourselves every now and then. Otherwise we go crazy. 1192 01:41:28,430 --> 01:41:33,310 Yes, but there are other ways to take a vacation from yourself. 1193 01:41:33,470 --> 01:41:36,270 Meditation for example, dancing, yoga! 1194 01:41:37,310 --> 01:41:39,270 Sports, sex, anything... 1195 01:41:39,390 --> 01:41:44,060 Yes, all right. But drugs are easier. Open the bottle, drink, done. 1196 01:41:44,430 --> 01:41:47,496 And human beings are lazy by nature, that's the second principle of thermodynamics. 1197 01:41:47,520 --> 01:41:48,970 Yes, I'm afraid so. 1198 01:41:52,680 --> 01:41:57,430 But Jan, what if what you call your self isn't your self? 1199 01:41:57,770 --> 01:41:59,180 Yes? 1200 01:41:59,350 --> 01:42:02,809 This voice in your head, constantly commenting on what you do. 1201 01:42:02,810 --> 01:42:04,520 I don't think that's you at all. 1202 01:42:04,600 --> 01:42:07,560 I think that's more like your inner commentator. 1203 01:42:07,850 --> 01:42:08,600 What? 1204 01:42:08,770 --> 01:42:11,559 Your inner commentator. Like Grandpa at the Muppet Show... 1205 01:42:11,560 --> 01:42:13,310 ...who's always putting in his 2 cents? 1206 01:42:13,470 --> 01:42:16,270 That old man with the giant nose: Hehehehehe... 1207 01:42:16,390 --> 01:42:22,810 Yes, that's the one. Anyway, I think your real self is nonverbal. 1208 01:42:22,970 --> 01:42:24,720 And it makes all the decisions. 1209 01:42:24,810 --> 01:42:27,600 The commentator can rationalize these decisions afterwards... 1210 01:42:27,770 --> 01:42:29,850 ...but in reality he has nothing to say, you know? 1211 01:42:30,560 --> 01:42:33,600 Like the commentator in a soccer game who doesn't even play. 1212 01:42:33,720 --> 01:42:35,600 That voice in your head, that's not you. 1213 01:42:36,600 --> 01:42:37,810 Okay... 1214 01:42:37,970 --> 01:42:42,430 Maybe. But who am I, then? Where is my true self located? 1215 01:42:43,890 --> 01:42:48,680 Well, somewhere deep down, where you can't get with language. 1216 01:42:48,850 --> 01:42:54,390 At the core of your being, only to be seen in dreams. I don't know... 1217 01:42:54,520 --> 01:42:55,680 Or in psychoanalysis. 1218 01:42:55,810 --> 01:42:57,430 Yes, maybe. 1219 01:42:58,600 --> 01:43:03,520 Anyway, with drugs you can turn off the commentator. But not the real you. 1220 01:43:03,680 --> 01:43:04,720 Know what I mean? 1221 01:43:04,770 --> 01:43:07,060 But that's awesome. 1222 01:43:07,220 --> 01:43:08,060 What? 1223 01:43:08,220 --> 01:43:11,600 If I can turn off the commentator. I'll have a few hours' silence. 1224 01:43:12,220 --> 01:43:14,600 Maybe. But with drugs you not only turn off the... 1225 01:43:14,680 --> 01:43:17,350 ...commentator, you also harm your true self. 1226 01:43:17,470 --> 01:43:19,600 Look at the people who take drugs for years. 1227 01:43:19,720 --> 01:43:22,850 They're all totally empty at some point, not even there any more. 1228 01:43:23,850 --> 01:43:27,470 I mean, you know people like that, right? - Yes, that's true. 1229 01:43:29,060 --> 01:43:32,600 I think it's much better to harmonize your commentator... 1230 01:43:32,720 --> 01:43:35,310 ...and your self, so that they work as a team. 1231 01:43:35,430 --> 01:43:38,430 Okay. And how can I do that? 1232 01:43:39,720 --> 01:43:42,470 I don't know. Certainly not with drugs. 1233 01:43:44,140 --> 01:43:45,270 How then? 1234 01:43:50,220 --> 01:43:52,470 For example, by running full speed to the sea... 1235 01:43:52,600 --> 01:43:54,560 ...and jumping into the water fully dressed? 1236 01:44:03,560 --> 01:44:04,560 Go! 1237 01:44:42,390 --> 01:44:45,470 Sure you don't want help? - No, it's fine. 1238 01:44:45,970 --> 01:44:49,310 OK, then I'll take a swim. - Have fun. See you later. 1239 01:46:27,680 --> 01:46:28,680 Jule? 1240 01:46:37,100 --> 01:46:38,430 Hey... 1241 01:46:39,890 --> 01:46:40,890 Morning. 1242 01:46:43,430 --> 01:46:44,520 Morning. 1243 01:46:46,310 --> 01:46:47,600 This is so cool. 1244 01:46:49,850 --> 01:46:51,600 Who gave you the wetsuit? 1245 01:46:51,770 --> 01:46:55,430 I borrowed it from our neighbor and thought I'd give it a try. 1246 01:46:57,270 --> 01:46:58,680 Just round the ankle? 1247 01:46:58,810 --> 01:47:03,270 Just round the ankle. Okay, and now we'll paddle first. 1248 01:47:03,390 --> 01:47:05,520 Hold the board like this. 1249 01:47:06,890 --> 01:47:08,600 Right over there... 1250 01:47:12,600 --> 01:47:14,560 Very good! 1251 01:47:16,520 --> 01:47:19,220 You're doing great! Use all of your arms strength. 1252 01:47:21,310 --> 01:47:23,020 Back there is a nice one! 1253 01:47:31,970 --> 01:47:34,560 Wow, super, great! 1254 01:47:37,890 --> 01:47:39,430 Try that one. 1255 01:47:40,310 --> 01:47:42,060 You're doing great! 1256 01:47:43,310 --> 01:47:44,310 Yes! 1257 01:47:45,220 --> 01:47:47,720 Gosh, that was really great! 1258 01:47:51,270 --> 01:47:52,770 Another good one! 1259 01:47:59,810 --> 01:48:01,060 Rad! 1260 01:48:04,310 --> 01:48:06,770 You're really good for a beginner. 1261 01:48:12,890 --> 01:48:16,060 You know how to surf, You fooled me, man! 1262 01:49:18,390 --> 01:49:21,680 Down the coast to Hossegor, Capbreton... 1263 01:49:22,270 --> 01:49:28,890 Anglet, Biarritz, Saint Jean de Luz and then San Sebastian. 1264 01:49:29,600 --> 01:49:31,890 Look! Spain! 1265 01:49:45,270 --> 01:49:48,060 Where does your father live? Where should I drop you off? 1266 01:49:48,220 --> 01:49:51,560 In Zumaia, a coastal town in the Basque Country. 1267 01:50:52,430 --> 01:50:54,020 This is the marina. 1268 01:51:06,470 --> 01:51:08,600 I'll check if I see him. - Okay. 1269 01:51:35,060 --> 01:51:36,220 And? 1270 01:51:36,890 --> 01:51:38,020 No, he's not here. 1271 01:51:42,220 --> 01:51:43,810 You can drive on. 1272 01:51:46,060 --> 01:51:47,430 Sure? 1273 01:52:19,560 --> 01:52:20,720 Is that him? 1274 01:52:23,140 --> 01:52:24,810 Yes, that's him. 1275 01:52:31,680 --> 01:52:33,060 Want to go over? 1276 01:52:36,430 --> 01:52:37,430 No. 1277 01:52:42,720 --> 01:52:45,390 Should I leave, you want to be alone? 1278 01:52:46,060 --> 01:52:47,220 No, no. 1279 01:52:59,020 --> 01:53:00,810 Which of them is it? 1280 01:53:01,020 --> 01:53:02,810 The one on the left. 1281 01:53:16,640 --> 01:53:18,560 He looks happy, right? 1282 01:53:19,180 --> 01:53:21,220 Definitely, yes. 1283 01:54:13,430 --> 01:54:16,470 I don't know how to describe it. It was... 1284 01:54:20,100 --> 01:54:21,810 It was strange. 1285 01:54:24,270 --> 01:54:26,560 I couldn't go over to him. 1286 01:54:28,060 --> 01:54:30,100 I just couldn't. 1287 01:54:32,720 --> 01:54:38,180 I didn't think it'd be such a big deal. I thought I'd come here, see him... 1288 01:54:40,310 --> 01:54:41,720 ...we'd talk a bit. 1289 01:54:42,720 --> 01:54:45,310 And it'd all be good, but... 1290 01:54:47,430 --> 01:54:49,520 While standing there... 1291 01:54:51,220 --> 01:54:54,470 I saw a stranger, not my father. 1292 01:54:59,470 --> 01:55:01,140 And I realized... 1293 01:55:01,640 --> 01:55:03,770 I'll never have a father. 1294 01:55:07,890 --> 01:55:11,520 But not only a dream fell apart... 1295 01:55:15,100 --> 01:55:17,350 I also understood something. 1296 01:55:18,970 --> 01:55:24,640 That I have to stop looking outside of myself, and start looking inside. 1297 01:55:25,600 --> 01:55:28,140 Good, that's good. 1298 01:56:53,310 --> 01:56:55,680 Beautiful, right? - Yes. 1299 01:56:57,270 --> 01:57:01,770 When Picasso saw this, he said we haven't learned anything new in painting. 1300 01:57:02,680 --> 01:57:04,810 In 25,000 years. 1301 01:57:10,180 --> 01:57:12,890 Know why they painted mostly animals? 1302 01:57:14,060 --> 01:57:17,430 It's assumed they worshiped some animals like gods. 1303 01:57:18,180 --> 01:57:22,060 They seemed so strong to them. Elegant, superior to humans... 1304 01:57:23,470 --> 01:57:26,220 They could only hunt them by forming groups. 1305 01:57:26,350 --> 01:57:27,680 Battue. 1306 01:57:29,180 --> 01:57:31,470 Look, it's depicted there. 1307 01:57:31,520 --> 01:57:32,600 Battue? 1308 01:57:33,810 --> 01:57:35,350 The Cro-Magnons. 1309 01:57:35,470 --> 01:57:37,640 That's why you brought me here. 1310 01:57:37,720 --> 01:57:40,220 The Cro-Magnons painted these! - Exactly. 1311 01:57:41,520 --> 01:57:44,890 The first human who had time to do art. 1312 01:58:04,140 --> 01:58:07,180 There they are: the Picos de Europa. 1313 01:58:46,970 --> 01:58:49,600 Shit! - Are you OK? 1314 01:59:03,350 --> 01:59:05,390 And now? We run? - Run. 1315 01:59:05,470 --> 01:59:06,680 Run! 1316 01:59:11,140 --> 01:59:13,060 Shit, it's so cold! 1317 01:59:15,770 --> 01:59:17,850 Come on, get in. 1318 01:59:21,470 --> 01:59:22,850 Everything's wet. 1319 01:59:23,060 --> 01:59:25,270 Need a towel? - Yes, please. 1320 01:59:31,060 --> 01:59:34,140 Can you warm me up a bit? - Sure. Come here. 1321 02:00:12,100 --> 02:00:13,770 Should we really do this? 1322 02:00:17,310 --> 02:00:18,810 Maybe we shouldn't. 1323 02:00:32,350 --> 02:00:34,770 Damn, Jan, I... 1324 02:00:36,470 --> 02:00:37,890 I think I... 1325 02:00:40,470 --> 02:00:42,890 I think I'm falling in love with you. 1326 02:00:48,520 --> 02:00:50,720 So am I. In you. 1327 02:00:51,140 --> 02:00:52,680 Totally. 1328 02:01:00,470 --> 02:01:02,390 So what do we do now? 1329 02:01:05,390 --> 02:01:06,810 Stay strong? 1330 02:01:08,470 --> 02:01:10,140 Yeah, right'? 1331 02:01:12,430 --> 02:01:14,180 We talked about it. 1332 02:01:17,680 --> 02:01:19,640 Says the polygamist. 1333 02:01:19,770 --> 02:01:22,180 Polygamist, yes, but... 1334 02:01:22,470 --> 02:01:24,270 I like it. 1335 02:01:26,270 --> 02:01:27,770 So do I. 1336 02:01:36,810 --> 02:01:38,720 But it's damn hard. 1337 02:01:38,810 --> 02:01:40,310 Oh, yeah. 1338 02:01:44,810 --> 02:01:46,600 But sniffing is OK, right? 1339 02:01:57,430 --> 02:01:59,310 You smell incredibly good. 1340 02:02:00,640 --> 02:02:02,310 So do you. 1341 02:02:06,470 --> 02:02:08,310 Genetically compatible. 1342 02:02:09,310 --> 02:02:10,470 Totally. 1343 02:02:16,470 --> 02:02:19,470 Know what's almost better than the kiss itself? 1344 02:02:20,810 --> 02:02:22,890 The three seconds beforehand. 1345 02:02:23,180 --> 02:02:25,810 The feeling when you know it's about to happen. 1346 02:02:32,560 --> 02:02:35,140 But we'll stay strong, right? 1347 02:04:15,140 --> 02:04:16,470 Is everything OK? 1348 02:04:22,020 --> 02:04:23,600 Jan, I'm pregnant. 1349 02:04:55,350 --> 02:04:58,270 My mother wants me to get an abortion. 1350 02:05:01,390 --> 02:05:03,470 I don't know what I want. 1351 02:05:04,270 --> 02:05:06,270 I don't know anything anymore. 1352 02:05:10,270 --> 02:05:11,640 Want some tea? 1353 02:05:14,810 --> 02:05:16,180 Coming. 1354 02:05:53,810 --> 02:05:55,180 And Alex? 1355 02:05:55,220 --> 02:05:57,430 Does he want the child? 1356 02:05:58,180 --> 02:05:59,350 No. 1357 02:06:00,600 --> 02:06:02,770 "Bad timing, Jule." 1358 02:06:10,430 --> 02:06:12,060 I can abort it with this. 1359 02:06:14,430 --> 02:06:15,720 With pills? 1360 02:06:15,810 --> 02:06:17,520 That works? 1361 02:06:18,220 --> 02:06:20,220 Up until the eighth week. 1362 02:06:22,680 --> 02:06:24,680 And what week are you in? 1363 02:06:26,100 --> 02:06:27,560 The sixth. 1364 02:06:27,770 --> 02:06:29,770 Not much time left. 1365 02:07:54,100 --> 02:07:55,470 What are you making? 1366 02:07:55,680 --> 02:07:56,810 Paella. 1367 02:08:02,100 --> 02:08:04,390 Jan, I've made up my mind. 1368 02:08:05,850 --> 02:08:07,970 I'm going to have the child. 1369 02:08:16,560 --> 02:08:17,680 You think so? 1370 02:08:17,850 --> 02:08:21,100 Of course. You'll be a mom. That's great. 1371 02:08:48,100 --> 02:08:49,470 I'm hungry- 1372 02:08:50,060 --> 02:08:53,270 My child needs food. - You can help me. 1373 02:08:53,810 --> 02:08:54,850 Slicing onions. 1374 02:08:55,100 --> 02:08:56,100 Good. 1375 02:11:13,180 --> 02:11:14,470 I'm not pregnant. 1376 02:11:15,470 --> 02:11:16,560 What? 1377 02:11:17,470 --> 02:11:18,770 Yes... 1378 02:11:19,470 --> 02:11:24,890 He said something like <> 1379 02:11:26,890 --> 02:11:29,770 I didn't fully understand him, his English was not so good. 1380 02:11:31,140 --> 02:11:33,470 I was pregnant, but... 1381 02:11:35,020 --> 02:11:37,100 It seems to happen a lot. 1382 02:11:37,770 --> 02:11:39,180 On, boy. 1383 02:11:48,890 --> 02:11:50,180 I wanna go. 1384 02:11:50,310 --> 02:11:51,390 Sure. 1385 02:12:57,430 --> 02:13:01,270 You know, the thought that everything is transient is not only sad. 1386 02:13:01,680 --> 02:13:04,140 It's also comforting. 1387 02:13:05,640 --> 02:13:09,430 I think that's the most important thing you have to understand in a relationship. 1388 02:13:10,310 --> 02:13:14,180 You're with me, but you're not mine. Nobody owns nobody. 1389 02:13:15,600 --> 02:13:20,470 And only if I accept that it can all be over tomorrow, I can be happy. 1390 02:13:21,810 --> 02:13:25,470 In that moment. With the other one. 1391 02:14:49,890 --> 02:14:51,140 It's back on. 1392 02:14:51,310 --> 02:14:52,350 Great. 1393 02:15:54,310 --> 02:15:55,890 Then good luck with... 1394 02:15:56,060 --> 02:15:57,220 Thanks. 1395 02:16:00,890 --> 02:16:02,350 No, don't... 1396 02:16:02,520 --> 02:16:04,140 Sorry, I... 1397 02:16:04,720 --> 02:16:07,140 It all went so fast... 1398 02:16:07,520 --> 02:16:08,890 So much happened. 1399 02:16:10,890 --> 02:16:14,770 I need time to think. I need to go to Alex. I need to talk to him. 1400 02:16:15,890 --> 02:16:17,770 I might not come back. 1401 02:16:24,470 --> 02:16:25,600 Jan! 1402 02:16:29,470 --> 02:16:30,470 L.- 1403 02:16:39,600 --> 02:16:41,890 I have to go or I'll lose my mind. 1404 02:17:55,100 --> 02:17:57,640 I'd like to close now. 1405 02:18:01,430 --> 02:18:04,180 I'm closing. - Alright. 1406 02:18:04,430 --> 02:18:06,350 How much is it? - Eight euros. 1407 02:18:10,350 --> 02:18:11,430 Keep the change. 1408 02:18:14,430 --> 02:18:16,140 Do you need a room for the night? 1409 02:18:16,470 --> 02:18:18,180 No, thanks. 1410 02:18:20,770 --> 02:18:22,600 I'm waiting for a woman. 1411 02:18:23,770 --> 02:18:25,020 A woman... 1412 02:18:26,270 --> 02:18:30,520 Women are our destiny. Our destiny... - That's true. 1413 02:18:30,850 --> 02:18:33,720 Good night. - Good night. Thanks.