1 00:00:07,507 --> 00:00:20,614 Spirituality is a particular term which actually means: a dealing with intuition. 2 00:00:24,624 --> 00:00:32,053 In the theistic tradition there is a notion of clinging into a word. 3 00:00:34,134 --> 00:00:42,542 A certain act is regarded as displeasing to a divine principle... 4 00:00:43,143 --> 00:00:48,979 A certain act is regarded as pleasing for the divine... whatever. 5 00:00:50,817 --> 00:00:59,350 In the tradition of non-theism, however, it is very direct... that the case histories are not particularly important. 6 00:01:00,226 --> 00:01:05,493 What is actually important is Here and Now. 7 00:01:06,599 --> 00:01:09,432 Now is definitely now. 8 00:01:10,236 --> 00:01:14,639 We try to experience what is available there... on the spot. 9 00:01:17,911 --> 00:01:23,679 There is no point in thinking that a past did exist that we could have now. 10 00:01:26,219 --> 00:01:30,087 This is now. This very moment. 11 00:01:31,324 --> 00:01:35,021 Nothing mystical, just 'Now', very simple, straightforward. 12 00:01:36,596 --> 00:01:43,627 And from that Now-ness, however, arises a sense of intelligence always 13 00:01:43,970 --> 00:01:52,742 that you are constantly interacting with reality one by one. Spot by spot. Constantly. 14 00:01:53,346 --> 00:01:58,579 We actually experience fantastic precision, always. 15 00:02:00,820 --> 00:02:06,850 But we are threatened by the Now so we jump to the past or the future. 16 00:02:09,963 --> 00:02:17,233 Paying attention to the materials that exist in our life... such rich life that we lead 17 00:02:18,438 --> 00:02:22,841 all these choices take place all the time... 18 00:02:22,909 --> 00:02:26,106 but none of them are regarded as bad or good per se 19 00:02:26,679 --> 00:02:29,671 everything we experience are unconditional experiences 20 00:02:29,916 --> 00:02:37,288 They don't come along with a label saying 'this is regarded as bad' or 'this is good'. 21 00:02:37,657 --> 00:02:42,026 But we experience them but we don't actually pay heed to them properly. 22 00:02:42,495 --> 00:02:46,864 We don't actually regard that we are going somewhere. 23 00:02:46,933 --> 00:02:48,298 We regard that as a hassle. 24 00:02:49,002 --> 00:02:55,805 Waiting to be dead. 25 00:02:55,875 --> 00:03:04,214 Waiting to be dead. (echo... ) 26 00:03:06,452 --> 00:03:11,549 That is a problem. That is not trusting the Now-ness properly 27 00:03:12,258 --> 00:03:18,356 that what is actually experienced Now possesses a lot of powerful things. 28 00:03:20,099 --> 00:03:24,365 It is so powerful that we can't face it. 29 00:03:25,705 --> 00:03:30,802 Therefore, we have to borrow from the past and invite the future all the time. 30 00:03:32,845 --> 00:03:35,678 And Maybe that's why we seek religion. 31 00:03:36,983 --> 00:03:41,044 Maybe that's why we march in the street. 32 00:03:41,888 --> 00:03:45,984 Maybe that's why we complain to society 33 00:03:46,859 --> 00:03:51,319 Maybe that's why we vote for the presidents. 34 00:03:53,299 --> 00:03:55,699 It is quite ironical... 35 00:03:56,202 --> 00:03:58,102 Very funny indeed. 36 00:08:47,360 --> 00:08:59,067 {ZEITGEIST} 37 00:09:10,550 --> 00:09:16,522 The more you begin to investigate what we think we understand, 38 00:09:16,557 --> 00:09:19,320 where we came from, what we think we're doing, 39 00:09:20,326 --> 00:09:22,920 the more you begin to see we've been lied to. 40 00:09:23,896 --> 00:09:26,163 We've been lied to by every institution. 41 00:09:26,198 --> 00:09:30,102 What makes you think for one minute that the religious institution 42 00:09:30,137 --> 00:09:32,837 is the only one that's never been touched? 43 00:09:32,872 --> 00:09:39,471 The religious institutions of this world are at the bottom of the dirt. 44 00:09:40,046 --> 00:09:45,518 The religious institutions in this world are put there by the same people 45 00:09:45,553 --> 00:09:48,754 who gave you your government, your corrupt education, 46 00:09:48,789 --> 00:09:51,985 who set up your international banking cartels. 47 00:09:52,325 --> 00:09:57,463 Because our masters don't give a damn about you or your family. 48 00:09:57,498 --> 00:10:00,833 All they care about is what they have always cared about 49 00:10:00,868 --> 00:10:04,735 and that's controlling the whole damn world. 50 00:10:05,004 --> 00:10:10,276 We have been misled away from the true and divine presence in the universe 51 00:10:10,311 --> 00:10:11,971 that men have called god. 52 00:10:12,411 --> 00:10:15,380 I don't know what god is but I know what he isn't, 53 00:10:15,881 --> 00:10:20,682 and unless and until you are prepared to look at the whole truth, 54 00:10:21,020 --> 00:10:24,080 and wherever it may go, whoever it may lead to, 55 00:10:24,457 --> 00:10:28,154 if you want to look the other way or if you want to play favorites, 56 00:10:28,527 --> 00:10:34,100 then somewhere along the line you're going to find out you're messing with divine justice. 57 00:10:34,135 --> 00:10:37,837 The more you educate yourself the more you understand where things come from 58 00:10:37,872 --> 00:10:42,035 the more obvious things become and you begin to see lies everywhere. 59 00:10:42,375 --> 00:10:47,176 You have to know the truth and seek the truth and the truth will set you free. 60 00:10:49,382 --> 00:10:52,044 They must find it difficult... 61 00:10:52,351 --> 00:10:56,310 Those who have taken authority as the truth, 62 00:10:56,689 --> 00:11:00,181 Rather than truth as the authority 63 00:11:00,559 --> 00:11:03,221 G. Massey, Egyptologist 64 00:11:40,700 --> 00:11:44,466 Because I gotta tell you the truth, folks, I gotta tell you the truth. 65 00:11:46,605 --> 00:11:53,279 When it comes to bullshit, big-time, major league bullshit, 66 00:11:53,314 --> 00:11:56,514 you have to stand in awe, 67 00:11:56,549 --> 00:12:00,508 of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims - 68 00:12:00,619 --> 00:12:02,587 Religion. 69 00:12:03,956 --> 00:12:06,117 Think about it. 70 00:12:06,192 --> 00:12:13,132 Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky 71 00:12:13,167 --> 00:12:16,898 who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. 72 00:12:17,236 --> 00:12:22,765 And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. 73 00:12:23,375 --> 00:12:27,980 And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire 74 00:12:28,015 --> 00:12:30,681 and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, 75 00:12:30,716 --> 00:12:35,654 where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry 76 00:12:35,689 --> 00:12:38,782 forever and ever 'til the end of time! 77 00:12:41,060 --> 00:12:43,858 But He loves you. 78 00:12:53,773 --> 00:13:01,045 He loves you, and he needs money! He always needs money! 79 00:13:01,080 --> 00:13:07,542 He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all- wise, somehow just can't handle money! 80 00:13:08,854 --> 00:13:16,262 Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. 81 00:13:16,297 --> 00:13:23,327 Now, you talk about a good bullshit story. Holy Shit! 82 00:13:33,212 --> 00:13:45,613 Part I: The Greatest Story EverTold 83 00:14:02,608 --> 00:14:05,076 This is the sun. 84 00:14:05,177 --> 00:14:07,543 As far back as 10 thousand B.C., 85 00:14:07,646 --> 00:14:13,346 history is abundant with carvings and writings reflecting peoples respect and adoration for this object. 86 00:14:14,520 --> 00:14:18,340 And it is simple to understand why as every morning the sun would rise, 87 00:14:18,375 --> 00:14:22,161 bringing vision, warmth, and security, saving man from the cold, blind, 88 00:14:22,196 --> 00:14:23,992 predator-filled darkness of night. 89 00:14:24,864 --> 00:14:30,598 Without it, the cultures understood the crops would not grow, and life on the planet would not survive. 90 00:14:30,870 --> 00:14:35,603 These realities made the sun the most adored object of all time. 91 00:14:37,610 --> 00:14:40,496 Likewise, they were also very aware of the stars. 92 00:14:40,531 --> 00:14:43,347 The tracking of the stars allowed them to recognize 93 00:14:43,382 --> 00:14:47,152 and anticipate events which occurred over long periods of time, 94 00:14:47,187 --> 00:14:49,450 such as eclipses and full moons. 95 00:14:49,788 --> 00:14:55,249 They in turn catalogued celestial groups into what we know today as constellations. 96 00:14:57,663 --> 00:15:02,862 This is the cross of the Zodiac, one of the oldest conceptual images in human history. 97 00:15:03,202 --> 00:15:05,803 It reflects the sun as it figuratively passes 98 00:15:05,838 --> 00:15:09,171 through the 12 major constellations over the course of a year. 99 00:15:10,242 --> 00:15:16,615 It also reflects the 12 months of the year, the 4 seasons, and the solstices and equinoxes. 100 00:15:16,650 --> 00:15:18,849 The term Zodiac relates to the fact that 101 00:15:18,884 --> 00:15:25,346 constellations were anthropomorphized, or personified, as figures, or animals. 102 00:15:25,624 --> 00:15:29,293 In other words, the early civilizations did not just follow the sun and stars, 103 00:15:29,328 --> 00:15:34,716 they personified them with elaborate myths involving their movements and relationships. 104 00:15:34,751 --> 00:15:40,105 The sun, with its life-giving and life-saving qualities was personified as a representative 105 00:15:40,140 --> 00:15:42,373 of the unseen creator or god. 106 00:15:42,408 --> 00:15:46,504 It was known as "God's Sun," the light of the world, the savior of human kind. 107 00:15:47,012 --> 00:15:51,183 Likewise, the 12 constellations represented places of travel for God's Sun 108 00:15:51,218 --> 00:15:53,684 and were identified by names, usually representing 109 00:15:53,719 --> 00:15:56,620 elements of nature that happened during that period of time. 110 00:15:56,889 --> 00:16:02,054 For example, Aquarius, the water bearer, who brings the Spring rains. 111 00:16:06,098 --> 00:16:07,087 This is Horus. 112 00:16:08,067 --> 00:16:10,986 He is the Sun God of Egypt of around 3000 BC. 113 00:16:11,021 --> 00:16:13,871 He is the sun, anthropomorphized, and his life 114 00:16:13,906 --> 00:16:17,637 is a series of allegorical myths involving the sun's movement in the sky. 115 00:16:18,210 --> 00:16:22,408 From the ancient hieroglyphics in Egypt, we know much about this solar messiah. 116 00:16:22,715 --> 00:16:25,616 For instance, Horus, being the sun, or the light, 117 00:16:25,651 --> 00:16:32,124 had an enemy known as Set and Set was the personification of the darkness or night. 118 00:16:32,159 --> 00:16:36,026 And metaphorically speaking, every morning Horus would win the battle 119 00:16:36,061 --> 00:16:41,624 against Set - while in the evening, Set would conquer Horus and send him into the underworld. 120 00:16:43,268 --> 00:16:48,173 It is important to note that "dark vs. light" or "good vs. evil" is one of the most ubiquitous 121 00:16:48,208 --> 00:16:54,510 mythological dualities ever known and is still expressed on many levels to this day. 122 00:16:54,880 --> 00:16:58,247 Broadly speaking, the story of Horus is as follows: 123 00:16:58,817 --> 00:17:03,389 Horus was born on December 25th of the virgin Isis-Meri. 124 00:17:03,424 --> 00:17:06,973 His birth was accompanied by a star in the east, 125 00:17:07,008 --> 00:17:10,523 and upon his birth, he was adored by three kings. 126 00:17:10,829 --> 00:17:13,397 At the age of 12, he was a prodigal child teacher, 127 00:17:13,432 --> 00:17:18,537 and at the age of 30 he was baptized by a figure known as Anup and thus began his ministry. 128 00:17:18,572 --> 00:17:21,205 Horus had 12 disciples he traveled about with, 129 00:17:21,240 --> 00:17:24,334 performing miracles such as healing the sick and walking on water. 130 00:17:24,743 --> 00:17:30,015 Horus was known by many gestural names such as The Truth, The Light, God's Anointed Son, 131 00:17:30,050 --> 00:17:33,041 The Good Shepherd, The Lamb of God, and many others. 132 00:17:33,485 --> 00:17:40,550 After being betrayed by Typhon, Horus was crucified, buried for 3 days, and thus, resurrected. 133 00:17:42,895 --> 00:17:46,398 These attributes of Horus, whether original or not, seem to permeate 134 00:17:46,433 --> 00:17:49,902 in many cultures of the world, for many other gods are found to have 135 00:17:49,937 --> 00:17:52,268 the same general mythological structure. 136 00:17:52,638 --> 00:17:57,776 Attis, of Phrygia, born of the virgin Nana on December 25th, crucified, placed in a tomb 137 00:17:57,811 --> 00:18:00,574 and after 3 days, was resurrected. 138 00:18:01,547 --> 00:18:06,919 Krishna, of India, born of the virgin Devaki with a star in the east signaling his coming, 139 00:18:06,954 --> 00:18:12,653 he performed miracles with his disciples, and upon his death was resurrected. 140 00:18:15,027 --> 00:18:19,129 Dionysus of Greece, born of a virgin on December 25th, was a traveling teacher 141 00:18:19,164 --> 00:18:23,902 who performed miracles such as turning water into wine, he was referred to as the "King of Kings," 142 00:18:23,937 --> 00:18:29,041 "God's Only Begotten Son," "The Alpha and Omega," and many others, and upon his death, 143 00:18:29,076 --> 00:18:30,736 he was resurrected. 144 00:18:31,343 --> 00:18:37,449 Mithra, of Persia, born of a virgin on December 25th, he had 12 disciples and performed miracles, 145 00:18:37,484 --> 00:18:42,354 and upon his death was buried for 3 days and thus resurrected, he was also referred to as 146 00:18:42,389 --> 00:18:44,421 "The Truth," "The Light," and many others. 147 00:18:44,456 --> 00:18:48,517 Interestingly, the sacred day of worship of Mithra was Sunday. 148 00:18:51,497 --> 00:18:55,632 The fact of the matter is there are numerous saviors, from different periods, 149 00:18:55,667 --> 00:18:59,767 from all over the world, which subscribe to these general characteristics. 150 00:19:00,139 --> 00:19:05,809 The question remains: why these attributes, why the virgin birth on December 25th, 151 00:19:05,844 --> 00:19:10,804 why dead for three days and the inevitable resurrection, why 12 disciples or followers? 152 00:19:11,216 --> 00:19:15,585 To find out, let's examine the most recent of the solar messiahs. 153 00:19:18,390 --> 00:19:22,978 Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary on December 25th in Bethlehem, his birth was announced 154 00:19:23,013 --> 00:19:27,566 by a star in the east, which three kings or magi followed to locate and adore the new savior. 155 00:19:27,601 --> 00:19:31,603 He was a child teacher at 12, at the age of 30 he was baptized by John the Baptist, 156 00:19:31,638 --> 00:19:33,696 and thus began his ministry. 157 00:19:34,239 --> 00:19:38,293 Jesus had 12 disciples which he traveled about with performing miracles such as healing the sick, 158 00:19:38,328 --> 00:19:42,347 walking on water, raising the dead, he was also known as the "King of Kings," the "Son of God," 159 00:19:42,382 --> 00:19:45,716 the "Light of the World," the "Alpha and Omega," the "Lamb of God," and many others. 160 00:19:45,751 --> 00:19:50,422 After being betrayed by his disciple Judas and sold for 30 pieces of silver, he was crucified, 161 00:19:50,457 --> 00:19:55,416 placed in a tomb and after 3 days was resurrected and ascended into Heaven. 162 00:19:59,464 --> 00:20:03,901 First of all, the birth sequence is completely astrological. 163 00:20:04,436 --> 00:20:09,474 The star in the east is Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, which, on December 24, 164 00:20:09,509 --> 00:20:12,976 aligns with the 3 brightest stars in Orion's Belt. 165 00:20:13,011 --> 00:20:20,085 These 3 bright stars are called today what they were called in ancient times: The Three Kings. 166 00:20:20,120 --> 00:20:23,453 The Three Kings and the brightest star, Sirius, 167 00:20:23,488 --> 00:20:27,925 all point to the place of the sunrise on December 25th. 168 00:20:27,960 --> 00:20:32,231 This is why the Three Kings "follow" the star in the east, in order 169 00:20:32,266 --> 00:20:36,759 to locate the sunrise... the birth of the sun. 170 00:20:41,773 --> 00:20:45,641 The Virgin Mary is the constellation Virgo, also known as Virgo the Virgin. 171 00:20:45,744 --> 00:20:48,611 Virgo in Latin means virgin. 172 00:20:49,214 --> 00:20:52,316 Virgo is also referred to as the House of Bread, 173 00:20:52,351 --> 00:20:56,221 and the representation ofVirgo is a virgin holding a sheaf of wheat. 174 00:20:56,256 --> 00:20:58,722 This House of Bread and its symbol of wheat 175 00:20:58,757 --> 00:21:01,625 represents August and September, the time of harvest. 176 00:21:01,660 --> 00:21:06,730 In turn, Bethlehem, in fact, literally translates to "house of bread". 177 00:21:06,765 --> 00:21:13,364 Bethlehem is thus a reference to the constellation Virgo, a place in the sky, not on Earth. 178 00:21:13,805 --> 00:21:15,606 There is another very interesting phenomenon 179 00:21:15,641 --> 00:21:18,942 that occurs around December 25th, or the winter solstice. 180 00:21:18,977 --> 00:21:23,248 From the summer solstice to the winter solstice, the days become shorter and colder. 181 00:21:23,283 --> 00:21:25,549 From the perspective of the northern hemisphere, 182 00:21:25,584 --> 00:21:28,883 the sun appears to move south and get smaller and more scarce. 183 00:21:29,154 --> 00:21:30,954 The shortening of the days and the expiration 184 00:21:30,989 --> 00:21:37,029 of the crops when approaching the winter solstice symbolized the process of death to the ancients. 185 00:21:37,064 --> 00:21:39,190 It was the death of the Sun. 186 00:21:42,000 --> 00:21:45,670 By December 22nd, the Sun's demise was fully realized, 187 00:21:45,705 --> 00:21:49,341 for the Sun, having moved south continually for 6 months, 188 00:21:49,376 --> 00:21:51,809 makes it to it's lowest point in the sky. 189 00:21:52,544 --> 00:22:00,352 Here a curious thing occurs: the Sun stops moving south, at least perceivably, for 3 days. 190 00:22:00,387 --> 00:22:03,086 During this 3 day pause, the Sun resides 191 00:22:03,121 --> 00:22:08,327 in the vicinity of the Southern Cross, or Crux, constellation. 192 00:22:08,362 --> 00:22:11,828 And after this time on December 25th, the Sun 193 00:22:11,863 --> 00:22:18,904 moves I degree, this time north, foreshadowing longer days, warmth, and Spring. 194 00:22:18,939 --> 00:22:23,440 And thus it was said: the Sun died on the cross, 195 00:22:23,475 --> 00:22:28,105 was dead for 3 days, only to be resurrected or born again. 196 00:22:28,747 --> 00:22:31,782 This is why Jesus and numerous other Sun Gods 197 00:22:31,817 --> 00:22:36,788 share the crucifixion, 3-day death, and resurrection concept. 198 00:22:36,823 --> 00:22:39,790 It is the Sun's transition period before it shifts 199 00:22:39,825 --> 00:22:45,195 its direction back into the Northern Hemisphere, bringing Spring, and thus salvation. 200 00:22:45,497 --> 00:22:51,493 However, they did not celebrate the resurrection of the Sun until the spring equinox, or Easter. 201 00:22:51,837 --> 00:22:54,071 This is because at the spring equinox, 202 00:22:54,106 --> 00:23:00,312 the Sun officially overpowers the evil darkness, as daytime thereafter becomes longer in duration 203 00:23:00,347 --> 00:23:05,549 than night, and the revitalizing conditions of spring emerge. 204 00:23:05,584 --> 00:23:10,222 Now, probably the most obvious of all the astrological symbolism around Jesus 205 00:23:10,257 --> 00:23:12,019 regards the 12 disciples. 206 00:23:12,257 --> 00:23:15,127 They are simply the 12 constellations of the Zodiac, 207 00:23:15,162 --> 00:23:18,654 which Jesus, being the Sun, travels about with. 208 00:23:22,334 --> 00:23:25,667 In fact, the number 12 is replete throughout the Bible. 209 00:23:30,041 --> 00:23:32,244 Coming back to the cross of the Zodiac, 210 00:23:32,279 --> 00:23:34,712 the figurative life of the Sun, 211 00:23:35,313 --> 00:23:41,464 this was not just an artistic expression or tool to track the Sun's movements. 212 00:23:41,499 --> 00:23:47,616 It was also a Pagan spiritual symbol, the shorthand of which looked like this. 213 00:23:48,860 --> 00:23:51,561 This is not a symbol of Christianity. 214 00:23:51,596 --> 00:23:56,533 It is a Pagan adaptation of the cross of the Zodiac. 215 00:24:07,379 --> 00:24:13,485 This is why Jesus in early occult art is always shown with his head on the cross, 216 00:24:13,520 --> 00:24:19,591 for Jesus is the Sun, the "Sun of God", the "Light of the World", the "Risen Savior", 217 00:24:19,626 --> 00:24:22,958 who will "come again," as it does every morning, 218 00:24:23,261 --> 00:24:31,303 the "Glory of God" who defends against the "works of darkness", as he is "born again" every morning, 219 00:24:31,338 --> 00:24:34,571 and can be seen "coming in the clouds," 220 00:24:34,606 --> 00:24:42,775 "up in Heaven," with his "Crown ofThorns," or, sun rays. 221 00:24:47,586 --> 00:24:53,792 Now, of the many astrological-astronomical metaphors in the Bible, one of the most important 222 00:24:53,827 --> 00:24:55,919 has to do with the ages. 223 00:24:56,261 --> 00:25:00,432 Throughout the scripture there are numerous references to the "Age. " 224 00:25:00,467 --> 00:25:01,731 In order to understand this, 225 00:25:01,766 --> 00:25:06,999 we need to be familiar with the phenomenon known as the Precession of the Equinoxes. 226 00:25:07,272 --> 00:25:11,877 The ancient Egyptians along with cultures long before them recognized that approximately 227 00:25:11,912 --> 00:25:14,845 every 2150 years the sunrise on the morning 228 00:25:14,880 --> 00:25:19,317 of the spring equinox would occur at a different sign of the Zodiac. 229 00:25:20,252 --> 00:25:25,918 This has to do with a slow angular wobble that the Earth maintains as it rotates on it's axis. 230 00:25:26,291 --> 00:25:29,427 It is called a precession because the constellations go backwards, 231 00:25:29,462 --> 00:25:31,661 rather than through the normal yearly cycle. 232 00:25:31,696 --> 00:25:35,300 The amount of time that it takes for the precession to go through all 12 signs 233 00:25:35,335 --> 00:25:39,102 is roughly 25,765 years. 234 00:25:39,137 --> 00:25:44,609 This is also called the "Great Year," and ancient societies were very aware of this. 235 00:25:44,644 --> 00:25:50,241 They referred to each 2150 year period as an "age. " 236 00:25:51,783 --> 00:25:56,721 From 4300 B.C. to 2150 B.C., it was the Age of Taurus, the Bull. 237 00:25:56,756 --> 00:26:01,493 From 2150 B.B. to I AD., it was the Age of Aries, the Ram 238 00:26:01,528 --> 00:26:05,730 and from I AD. to 2150 AD. it is the Age of Pisces, 239 00:26:05,765 --> 00:26:08,494 the age we are still in to this day. 240 00:26:09,067 --> 00:26:12,437 And in and around 2150, we will enter the new age. 241 00:26:12,472 --> 00:26:14,701 The Age of Aquarius. 242 00:26:16,308 --> 00:26:21,613 Now, the Bible reflects, broadly speaking, a symbolic movement through 3 ages, 243 00:26:21,648 --> 00:26:23,672 while foreshadowing a 4th. 244 00:26:24,015 --> 00:26:28,453 In the Old Testament when Moses comes down Mount Sinai with the 10 Commandments, 245 00:26:28,488 --> 00:26:32,913 he is very upset to see his people worshiping a golden bull calf. 246 00:26:33,391 --> 00:26:35,525 In fact, he shattered the stone tablets 247 00:26:35,560 --> 00:26:40,031 and instructed his people to kill each other in order to purify themselves. 248 00:26:40,066 --> 00:26:42,566 Most Biblical scholars would attribute this anger 249 00:26:42,601 --> 00:26:47,472 to the fact that the Israelites were worshiping a false idol, or something to that effect. 250 00:26:47,507 --> 00:26:49,773 The reality is that the golden bull 251 00:26:49,808 --> 00:26:55,013 is Taurus the Bull, and Moses represents the new Age of Aries the Ram. 252 00:26:55,048 --> 00:26:58,515 This is why Jews even today still blow the Ram's horn. 253 00:26:58,550 --> 00:27:05,718 Moses represents the new Age of Aries, and upon the new age, everyone must shed the old age. 254 00:27:06,257 --> 00:27:10,339 Other deities mark these transitions as well, such as Mithra 255 00:27:10,374 --> 00:27:14,421 a pre-Christian god who kills the bull, in the same symbology. 256 00:27:15,367 --> 00:27:19,337 Now Jesus is the figure who ushers in the age following Aries, 257 00:27:19,372 --> 00:27:22,397 the Age of Pisces, or the Two Fish. 258 00:27:23,508 --> 00:27:27,494 Fish symbolism is very abundant in the New Testament, 259 00:27:27,529 --> 00:27:31,481 as Jesus feeds 5000 people with bread and "2 fish. " 260 00:27:32,117 --> 00:27:38,454 When he begins his ministry walking along Galilee, he befriends 2 fishermen, who follow him. 261 00:27:39,024 --> 00:27:43,061 And I think we've all seen the Jesus-fish on the backs of people's cars. 262 00:27:43,096 --> 00:27:45,689 Little do they know what it actually means. 263 00:27:46,331 --> 00:27:53,828 It is a Pagan astrological symbolism for the Sun's Kingdom during the Age of Pisces. 264 00:27:54,572 --> 00:27:59,874 Also, Jesus' assumed birth date is essentially the start of this age. 265 00:28:01,446 --> 00:28:05,567 At Luke 22: 10 when Jesus is asked by his disciples 266 00:28:05,602 --> 00:28:08,996 where the last passover would be, Jesus replies: 267 00:28:09,031 --> 00:28:12,355 "Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there 268 00:28:12,390 --> 00:28:19,159 shall a man meet you bearing a pitcher of water... follow him into the house where he entereth in. " 269 00:28:19,764 --> 00:28:24,792 This scripture is by far one of the most revealing of all the astrological references. 270 00:28:25,103 --> 00:28:28,038 The man bearing a pitcher of water is Aquarius, 271 00:28:28,073 --> 00:28:33,272 the water-bearer, who is always pictured as a man pouring out a pitcher of water. 272 00:28:33,845 --> 00:28:36,246 He represents the age after Pisces, 273 00:28:36,281 --> 00:28:41,086 and when the Sun (God's Sun) leaves the Age of Pisces (Jesus), 274 00:28:41,121 --> 00:28:43,086 it will go into the House of Aquarius, 275 00:28:43,121 --> 00:28:46,318 as Aquarius follows Pisces in the precession of the equinoxes. 276 00:28:46,658 --> 00:28:52,722 All Jesus is saying is that after the Age of Pisces will come the Age of Aquarius. 277 00:28:56,801 --> 00:29:01,431 Now, we have all heard about the end times and the end of the world. 278 00:29:01,906 --> 00:29:05,076 Apart from the cartoonish depictions in the Book of Revelation, 279 00:29:05,111 --> 00:29:09,212 the main source of this idea comes from Matthew 28:20, 280 00:29:09,247 --> 00:29:13,817 where Jesus says: "I will be with you even to the end of the world. " 281 00:29:13,852 --> 00:29:20,553 However, in King James Version, "world" is a mistranslation, among many mistranslations. 282 00:29:20,859 --> 00:29:26,058 The actual word being used is "aeon", which means "age. " 283 00:29:26,331 --> 00:29:29,532 "I will be with you even to the end of the age. " 284 00:29:29,567 --> 00:29:34,405 Which is true, as Jesus' Solar Piscean personification will end when 285 00:29:34,440 --> 00:29:37,006 the Sun enters the Age of Aquarius. 286 00:29:37,041 --> 00:29:40,211 The entire concept of end times and the end of the world 287 00:29:40,246 --> 00:29:43,481 is a misinterpreted astrological allegory. 288 00:29:43,516 --> 00:29:46,644 Let's tell that to the approximately 289 00:29:46,785 --> 00:29:51,051 100 million people in America who believe the end of the world is coming. 290 00:29:52,090 --> 00:29:56,728 Furthermore, the character of Jesus, being a literary and astrological hybrid, 291 00:29:56,763 --> 00:30:02,332 is most explicitly a plagiarization of the Egyptian Sun-god Horus. 292 00:30:02,367 --> 00:30:09,970 For example, inscribed about 3500 years ago, on the walls of the Temple of Luxor in Egypt 293 00:30:10,005 --> 00:30:17,573 are images of the enunciation, the miracle conception, the birth, and the adoration of Horus. 294 00:30:17,849 --> 00:30:22,585 The images begin with Thaw announcing to the virgin Isis that she will conceive Horus, 295 00:30:22,620 --> 00:30:30,026 then Nef the holy ghost impregnating the virgin, and then the virgin birth and the adoration. 296 00:30:30,795 --> 00:30:34,754 This is exactly the story of Jesus' miracle conception. 297 00:30:35,600 --> 00:30:42,506 In fact, the literary similarities between the egyptian and christian religions are staggering. 298 00:30:53,051 --> 00:30:55,485 And the plagiarism is continuous. 299 00:30:55,520 --> 00:30:59,689 The story of Noah and Noah's Ark is taken directly from tradition. 300 00:30:59,724 --> 00:31:03,291 The concept of a Great Flood is ubiquitous throughout the ancient world, 301 00:31:03,326 --> 00:31:06,858 with over 200 different cited claims in different periods and times. 302 00:31:07,098 --> 00:31:12,337 However, one need look no further for a pre- Christian source than the Epic of Gilgamesh, 303 00:31:12,372 --> 00:31:14,999 written in 2600 B.C. 304 00:31:15,540 --> 00:31:21,662 This story talks of a Great Flood commanded by God, an Ark with saved animals upon it, 305 00:31:21,697 --> 00:31:27,785 and even the release and return of a dove, all held in common with the biblical story, 306 00:31:27,820 --> 00:31:30,686 among many other similarities. 307 00:31:32,457 --> 00:31:35,309 And then there is the plagiarized story of Moses. 308 00:31:35,344 --> 00:31:38,127 Upon Moses' birth, it is said that he was placed 309 00:31:38,162 --> 00:31:43,082 in a reed basket and set adrift in a river in order to avoid infanticide. 310 00:31:43,117 --> 00:31:48,002 He was later rescued by a daughter of royalty and raised by her as a Prince. 311 00:31:48,606 --> 00:31:56,160 This baby in a basket story was lifted directly from the myth of Sargon of Akkad of around 2250 B.C. 312 00:31:56,195 --> 00:32:03,714 Sargon was born, placed in a reed basket in order to avoid infanticide, and set adrift in a river. 313 00:32:04,022 --> 00:32:08,152 He was in turn rescued and raised by Akki, a royal mid-wife. 314 00:32:08,793 --> 00:32:14,095 Furthermore, Moses is known as the Law Giver, the giver of the Ten Commandments, the Mosaic Law. 315 00:32:14,332 --> 00:32:20,931 However, the idea of a Law being passed from God to a prophet on a mountain is also a very old motif. 316 00:32:21,339 --> 00:32:25,935 Moses is just a law giver in a long line of law givers in mythological history. 317 00:32:26,244 --> 00:32:28,912 In India, Manou was the great law giver. 318 00:32:28,947 --> 00:32:33,316 In Crete, Minos ascended Mount Dicta, where Zeus gave him the sacred laws. 319 00:32:33,584 --> 00:32:39,489 While in Egypt there was Mises, who carried stone tablets and upon them the laws of god were written. 320 00:32:40,525 --> 00:32:45,326 Manou, Minos, Mises, Moses 321 00:32:45,663 --> 00:32:47,330 And as far as the Ten Commandments, 322 00:32:47,365 --> 00:32:51,602 they are taken outright from Spell 125 of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. 323 00:32:51,637 --> 00:32:53,069 What the Book of the Dead phrased 324 00:32:53,104 --> 00:32:56,023 "I have not stolen" became "Thou shall not steal," 325 00:32:56,058 --> 00:32:58,908 "I have not killed" became "Thou shall not kill," 326 00:32:58,943 --> 00:33:04,248 "I have not told lies" became "Thou shall not bare false witness" and so forth. 327 00:33:04,283 --> 00:33:06,749 In fact, the Egyptian religion is likely 328 00:33:06,784 --> 00:33:11,487 the primary foundational basis for the Judeo- Christian theology. 329 00:33:11,522 --> 00:33:18,329 Baptism, afterlife, final judgement, virgin birth, death and resurrection, crucifixion, 330 00:33:18,364 --> 00:33:24,033 the ark of the covenant, circumcision, saviors, holy communion, the great flood, 331 00:33:24,068 --> 00:33:31,075 Easter, Christmas, Passover, and many many more, are all attributes of Egyptian ideas, 332 00:33:31,110 --> 00:33:33,942 long pre-dating Christianity and Judaism. 333 00:33:34,345 --> 00:33:39,908 Justin Martyr, one of the first Christian historians and defenders, wrote: 334 00:33:40,451 --> 00:33:46,324 "When we say that he, Jesus Christ, our teacher, was produced without sexual union, was crucified 335 00:33:46,359 --> 00:33:51,929 and died, and rose again, and ascended into Heaven, we propound nothing different from what 336 00:33:51,964 --> 00:33:56,298 you believe regarding those who you esteem Sons of Jupiter. " 337 00:33:56,868 --> 00:33:59,202 In a different writing, Justin Martyr said: 338 00:33:59,237 --> 00:34:04,375 "He was born of a virgin, accept this in common with what you believe of Perseus. " 339 00:34:04,410 --> 00:34:09,514 It's obvious that Justin and other early Christians knew how similar Christianity 340 00:34:09,549 --> 00:34:11,881 was to the Pagan religions. 341 00:34:11,916 --> 00:34:18,756 However, Justin had a solution. As far as he was concerned, the Devil did it. 342 00:34:18,791 --> 00:34:21,971 The Devil had the foresight to come before Christ, 343 00:34:22,006 --> 00:34:25,151 and create these characteristics in the Pagan world. 344 00:34:28,266 --> 00:34:30,600 Fundamentalist Christianity, fascinating. 345 00:34:30,635 --> 00:34:35,265 These people actually believe the World is 12,000 years old. 346 00:34:38,042 --> 00:34:42,045 I actually asked one of these guys: "OK, dinosaur fossils?" 347 00:34:42,080 --> 00:34:48,508 He says: "Dinosaur fossils? God put those here to test our faith!" 348 00:34:53,424 --> 00:34:57,952 "I think God put you here to test my faith dude!" 349 00:35:01,666 --> 00:35:05,369 The Bible is nothing more than an astro-theological literary hybrid, 350 00:35:05,404 --> 00:35:08,473 just like nearly all religious myths before it. 351 00:35:08,508 --> 00:35:10,940 In fact, the aspect of transference, 352 00:35:10,975 --> 00:35:15,980 of one character's attributes to a new character, can be found within the book itself. 353 00:35:16,015 --> 00:35:18,883 In the Old Testament there's the story of Joseph. 354 00:35:18,918 --> 00:35:22,182 Joseph was a prototype for Jesus. 355 00:35:22,653 --> 00:35:26,851 Joseph was born of a miracle birth, Jesus was born of a miracle birth. 356 00:35:27,125 --> 00:35:30,827 Joseph was of 12 brothers, Jesus had 12 disciples. 357 00:35:30,862 --> 00:35:35,231 Joseph was sold for 20 pieces of silver, Jesus was sold for 30 pieces of silver. 358 00:35:35,266 --> 00:35:42,729 Brother "Judah" suggests the sale of Joseph, disciple "Judas" suggests the sale of Jesus. 359 00:35:43,107 --> 00:35:47,678 Joseph began his work at the age of 30,Jesus began his work at the age of 30. 360 00:35:47,713 --> 00:35:50,044 The parallels go on and on. 361 00:35:50,381 --> 00:35:56,354 Furthermore, is there any non-Biblical historical evidence of any person, living with the name Jesus, 362 00:35:56,389 --> 00:36:00,823 the Son of Mary, who traveled about with 12 followers, healing people and the like? 363 00:36:00,858 --> 00:36:05,796 There are numerous historians who lived in and around the Mediterranean either during or soon 364 00:36:05,831 --> 00:36:08,321 after the assumed life of Jesus. 365 00:36:08,733 --> 00:36:11,702 How many of these historians document this figure? 366 00:36:11,737 --> 00:36:13,363 Not one. 367 00:36:14,105 --> 00:36:16,806 However, to be fair, that doesn't mean defenders 368 00:36:16,841 --> 00:36:19,942 of the Historical Jesus haven? t claimed the contrary. 369 00:36:19,977 --> 00:36:23,848 Four historians are typically referenced to justify Jesus's existence. 370 00:36:23,883 --> 00:36:27,552 Pliny the younger, Suetonius, Tacitus are the first three. 371 00:36:27,587 --> 00:36:29,785 Each one of their entries consists of only a few 372 00:36:29,820 --> 00:36:33,972 sentences at best and only refer to the Christus or the Christ, 373 00:36:34,007 --> 00:36:38,124 which in fact is not name but a title. It means the Anointed one. 374 00:36:40,097 --> 00:36:44,830 The fourth source is Josephus and this source has been proven to be a forgery for hundreds of years. 375 00:36:44,902 --> 00:36:48,429 Sadly, it is still sited as truth. 376 00:36:50,808 --> 00:36:56,045 You would think that a guy who rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven for all eyes to see 377 00:36:56,080 --> 00:37:01,419 and performed the wealth of miracles acclaimed to him would have made it into the historical record. 378 00:37:01,454 --> 00:37:04,220 It didn't because once the evidence is weighed, 379 00:37:04,255 --> 00:37:08,988 there are very high odds that the figure known as Jesus, did not even exist. 380 00:37:10,261 --> 00:37:13,992 {"The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the sun,} 381 00:37:14,265 --> 00:37:17,996 {in which they put a man called Christ in the place of the sun, and} 382 00:37:18,269 --> 00:37:23,002 {pay him the adoration originally payed to the sun" - Thomas Paine, 1737-1809} 383 00:37:23,241 --> 00:37:26,733 We don't want to be unkind, but we want to be factual. 384 00:37:27,144 --> 00:37:32,617 We don't want to cause hurt feelings, but we want to be academically correct, 385 00:37:32,652 --> 00:37:35,245 in what we understand and know to be true. 386 00:37:35,653 --> 00:37:40,022 Christianity just is not based on truth. 387 00:37:40,891 --> 00:37:48,991 We find that Christianity was in fact nothing more than a Roman story, developed politically. 388 00:37:50,268 --> 00:37:56,540 The reality is, Jesus was the Solar Deity of the Gnostic Christian sect, 389 00:37:56,575 --> 00:38:00,676 and like all other Pagan gods, he was a mythical figure. 390 00:38:00,711 --> 00:38:08,117 It was the political establishment that sought to historize the Jesus figure for social control. 391 00:38:09,153 --> 00:38:14,957 By 325 AD. in Rome, emperor Constantine convened the Council of Nicea, 392 00:38:14,992 --> 00:38:19,864 It was during this meeting that the politically motivated Christian Doctrines were established 393 00:38:19,899 --> 00:38:24,900 and thus began a long history of Christian bloodshed and spiritual fraud. 394 00:38:24,935 --> 00:38:32,109 And for the next 1600 years, the Vatican maintained a political stranglehold on all of Europe, 395 00:38:32,144 --> 00:38:35,442 leading to such joyous periods as the Dark Ages, 396 00:38:35,980 --> 00:38:41,247 along with enlightening events such as the Crusades, and the Inquisition. 397 00:38:44,989 --> 00:38:50,694 Christianity, along with all other theistic belief systems, is the fraud of the age. 398 00:38:50,729 --> 00:38:56,400 It serves to detach the species from the natural world, and likewise, each other. 399 00:38:56,435 --> 00:38:59,368 It supports blind submission to authority. 400 00:38:59,403 --> 00:39:04,041 It reduces human responsibility to the effect that "God" controls everything, 401 00:39:04,076 --> 00:39:10,098 and in turn awful crimes can be justified in the name of Divine Pursuit. 402 00:39:10,133 --> 00:39:16,120 And most importantly, it empowers those who know the truth but use the myth 403 00:39:16,155 --> 00:39:19,422 to manipulate and control societies. 404 00:39:19,457 --> 00:39:26,330 The religious myth is the most powerful device ever created, and serves as the psychological soil 405 00:39:26,365 --> 00:39:30,494 upon which other myths can flourish. 406 00:39:33,337 --> 00:39:38,400 A myth is an idea that, while widely believed, is false. 407 00:39:40,778 --> 00:39:50,119 In a deeper sense, in the religious sense, a myth serves as an orienting and mobilizing story for people. 408 00:39:51,989 --> 00:39:56,255 The focus is not on the story's relation to reality but on its function. 409 00:39:57,995 --> 00:40:04,298 A story cannot function, unless it is believed to be true in the community or the nation. 410 00:40:05,669 --> 00:40:13,633 It is not a matter of debate if some people have the bad taste to raise the question of the truth of the sacred story. 411 00:40:14,211 --> 00:40:17,203 The keepers of the faith do not enter into the debate with them. 412 00:40:17,915 --> 00:40:20,748 They ignore them, or denounce them as blasphemers. 413 00:40:21,185 --> 00:40:26,054 It is wrong, blasphemous and sinful for you to suggest, imply or help other people 414 00:40:26,357 --> 00:40:29,793 to come to conclusion that the U.S. government killed 3.000 of its own citizens. 415 00:40:38,102 --> 00:40:44,200 Part 2: All The World's a Stage 416 00:41:15,706 --> 00:41:19,540 ...as if a demolition team set off, when you do the demolition of an old building. 417 00:41:19,743 --> 00:41:23,975 It looks like one of those scenes of an old building being purposely dynamited and blown up. 418 00:41:24,348 --> 00:41:29,115 Anybody who ever watched a building being demolished on purpose knows that if you're going to do this 419 00:41:29,386 --> 00:41:33,083 you have to get the under-infrastructure of the building and bring it down. 420 00:41:33,424 --> 00:41:37,661 The way the structure is collapsing... this was the result of something that was planned. 421 00:41:37,696 --> 00:41:41,427 It's not accidental that the first tower just happened to collapse 422 00:41:41,632 --> 00:41:45,503 and then the second tower just happened to collapse in exactly the same way. 423 00:41:45,538 --> 00:41:47,903 How did they accomplish this, we don't know. 424 00:41:48,639 --> 00:41:51,335 The building collapsed to dust, 425 00:41:51,542 --> 00:41:57,640 You don't find a desk, you don't find a chair, you don't find a telephone or computer. 426 00:41:58,949 --> 00:42:02,987 The biggest piece of a telephone I found was half of the keypad, 427 00:42:03,022 --> 00:42:04,784 and it was about this big. 428 00:42:05,322 --> 00:42:06,790 What happened to the concrete? 429 00:42:06,825 --> 00:42:08,224 The concrete was pulverized. 430 00:42:08,259 --> 00:42:12,195 From river to river - this dust powder, two or three inches thick, 431 00:42:12,329 --> 00:42:15,093 The concrete was just uh... pulverized! 432 00:42:15,466 --> 00:42:19,668 Reminiscence of pictures we've all seen too much in TV before, 433 00:42:19,703 --> 00:42:23,366 a building is deliberately destroyed by well placed dynamite to knock it down. 434 00:42:24,074 --> 00:42:29,213 It's as if they had detonators, yes, detonators, planted to take down the building, boom, boom, boom. 435 00:42:29,248 --> 00:42:30,737 I heard a second explosion. 436 00:42:31,048 --> 00:42:32,743 There was a heavy-duty explosion. 437 00:42:33,017 --> 00:42:35,611 There was a secondary explosion and then a subsequent collapse. 438 00:42:36,320 --> 00:42:38,117 ...explosion blow and then it knocked everybody over. 439 00:42:38,489 --> 00:42:40,013 To me it sounded like an explosion. 440 00:42:40,324 --> 00:42:44,818 It sounded like gun-fire, bang-bang-bang. And then all of a sudden three big explosions. 441 00:42:45,095 --> 00:42:46,619 ...and we heard big explosion coming down. 442 00:42:46,897 --> 00:42:49,365 ...and then the entire top of the building just blew up. 443 00:42:49,600 --> 00:42:50,692 We saw some kind of explosion. 444 00:42:50,968 --> 00:42:52,526 ...by the force of the explosions... 445 00:42:52,870 --> 00:42:54,770 ...big explosion... it blew us back into the 8th floor... 446 00:42:54,972 --> 00:42:57,065 ...then we got to lobby, there was a big explosion. 447 00:42:57,441 --> 00:42:59,966 The lobby looked as if a bomb had exploded there. 448 00:43:00,344 --> 00:43:02,471 ...huge explosion, now raining debris... 449 00:43:02,646 --> 00:43:04,546 ...there's been a huge explosion... 450 00:43:04,815 --> 00:43:07,306 ...huge explosion that we all heard and felt. 451 00:43:07,651 --> 00:43:10,211 We just witnessed some kind of explosion... 452 00:43:10,588 --> 00:43:13,284 ...it was very loud... it blasted... explosion... 453 00:43:13,591 --> 00:43:16,355 ...smoke and secondary explosion in Tower I... 454 00:43:16,894 --> 00:43:20,557 ...that is another bomb going off... he thinks that there were actually devices 455 00:43:20,898 --> 00:43:22,365 that were planted in the building... 456 00:43:22,700 --> 00:43:24,691 ...planted in the building... 457 00:43:28,739 --> 00:43:30,604 The 9/11 Myth 458 00:43:31,408 --> 00:43:35,611 19 hijackers, directed by Osama Bin Laden, took over 4 commercial jets 459 00:43:35,646 --> 00:43:40,174 and, while evading the Air Defense System (NORAD), hit 75% of their targets. 460 00:43:40,351 --> 00:43:44,378 In turn, World Trade Towers I, 2 and 7 collapsed due to structural failure through fire in a "pancake" fashion, 461 00:43:44,555 --> 00:43:48,392 while the plane that hit the Pentagon vaporized upon impact, as did the plane that crashed in Shanksville. 462 00:43:48,427 --> 00:43:51,384 The 911 Commission found that there were no warnings for this act of terrorism, 463 00:43:51,562 --> 00:43:56,761 while multiple government failures prevented adequate defense. 464 00:43:57,935 --> 00:44:00,927 "no warnings" 465 00:44:03,574 --> 00:44:06,372 I don't think anybody could have predicted 466 00:44:06,744 --> 00:44:10,612 that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile. 467 00:44:11,115 --> 00:44:12,173 ...nobody in our government at least, 468 00:44:12,383 --> 00:44:16,149 and I don't think the prior government could have envisioned flying airplanes into the buildings. 469 00:44:16,487 --> 00:44:23,460 No specific threats involving, really domestic operations involving what happened obviously, the cities, airlines and so on. 470 00:44:23,495 --> 00:44:27,157 There were no warning signs that I am aware of. 471 00:44:27,464 --> 00:44:31,833 USAToday reports that in the two years before the attacks on September 11th 472 00:44:32,302 --> 00:44:37,569 NORAD conducted exercises using hijacked airliners as weapons. 473 00:44:38,308 --> 00:44:41,300 And one target was the World Trade Center. 474 00:44:42,513 --> 00:44:45,209 Cover of FEMA Response Manual, 1997 475 00:44:46,283 --> 00:44:50,185 Operation "Mascal", October 2000: Simulated a plane crash into the Pentagon 476 00:44:51,455 --> 00:44:56,154 In confidential documents from the Philippines obtained by CNN, the plan was clear: 477 00:44:56,427 --> 00:45:03,526 He would board any American commercial aircraft, control its cockpit, and dive it at the CIA headquarters. 478 00:45:03,767 --> 00:45:07,203 Other buildings targeted - the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. 479 00:45:07,771 --> 00:45:12,538 Security and counter terrorism was blinking red, in the words of George Tenet, 480 00:45:12,843 --> 00:45:18,749 that the warnings of an imminent attack was so severe, that something dramatic should have been done. 481 00:45:18,784 --> 00:45:20,444 It was unparalleled. 482 00:45:20,684 --> 00:45:23,983 Instead, our president went on a month long vacation? 483 00:45:29,493 --> 00:45:31,825 19 hijackers 484 00:45:32,096 --> 00:45:36,362 The head of Pakistani intelligence (ISl) Mahmood Ahmed 485 00:45:36,767 --> 00:45:43,764 requested Omar Sheikh to wire $ 100.000 to Mohammed Atta who was the lead hijacker. 486 00:45:44,408 --> 00:45:48,538 ...hijacker Mohammed Atta received wire transfers via Pakistan. 487 00:45:48,979 --> 00:45:53,916 The man sending the money to Atta is believed to be Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh. 488 00:45:54,384 --> 00:45:59,879 Omar Sheikh admitted he was supported by the Pakistani Government's intelligence service - the ISI. 489 00:46:00,724 --> 00:46:06,890 No inquiry was ever made as to why General Ahmad ordered $ 100K to be sent to Mohamed Atta, 490 00:46:07,865 --> 00:46:13,997 On the morning of September 11, Government officials were having breakfast with General Ahmad in Washington. 491 00:46:14,738 --> 00:46:19,141 The 911 Commission deemed the financing of the attacks was 'of little significance" in their official report. 492 00:46:19,777 --> 00:46:24,339 Although we are told that 4 or 5 of the alleged hijackers were on each of the flights, 493 00:46:24,748 --> 00:46:27,308 if so their names should have been on the flight manifest. 494 00:46:27,818 --> 00:46:32,551 But the flight manifest that had been released contained neither the names of the alleged hijackers 495 00:46:32,990 --> 00:46:34,821 nor any Arab names whatsoever. 496 00:46:35,259 --> 00:46:37,659 We know that the men who were supposedly the hijackers 497 00:46:38,028 --> 00:46:41,862 had their houses, cars, credit cards paid for by the U.S. Government. 498 00:46:42,299 --> 00:46:44,062 They were, in truth - agents. 499 00:46:44,234 --> 00:46:46,869 Evidence was also apparently planted. 500 00:46:46,904 --> 00:46:51,273 The passport of one of the hijackers on flight 11 was allegedly found in the rubble. 501 00:46:51,642 --> 00:46:54,110 ...it goes through the fireball, through the side of the plane 502 00:46:54,311 --> 00:46:56,814 and comes down on the ground unscathed. 503 00:46:56,849 --> 00:46:57,781 But something happened. 504 00:46:58,215 --> 00:47:02,481 For 6 months they reported they had this passport... "Yes- we got it, we got the proof" 505 00:47:02,953 --> 00:47:04,818 and then the guy stood up and was alive. 506 00:47:05,155 --> 00:47:08,318 Several of these 19 men are still alive. 507 00:47:09,760 --> 00:47:15,027 I couldn't believe it when the FBI put me on their list. They gave my name and my date of birth, but I am not a suicide bomber. 508 00:47:15,199 --> 00:47:17,190 I am here. I am alive. I have no idea how to fly a plane 509 00:47:18,202 --> 00:47:22,152 At least 6 of the "hijackers" are still alive. 510 00:47:22,187 --> 00:47:26,102 The FBI has to this day not revised their list. 511 00:47:26,310 --> 00:47:30,906 No evidence has ever linked any of the alive or dead "hijackers" to Osama bin Laden. 512 00:47:36,854 --> 00:47:39,448 Osama Bin Laden 513 00:47:40,691 --> 00:47:44,252 Of course we're after Saddam Hussein, I mean bin Laden, he's, he's, he's... 514 00:47:44,661 --> 00:47:53,569 January 200I. The Bush Administration orders the FBI and intelligence agencies to back off investigations 515 00:47:54,004 --> 00:47:58,600 involving the bin Laden family, including two of Osama bin Laden's relatives 516 00:47:59,176 --> 00:48:02,202 who were living, guess where? - in Falls Church, Virginia 517 00:48:02,613 --> 00:48:04,274 right next to CIA headquarters. 518 00:48:04,715 --> 00:48:06,945 When he was already America's "most wanted criminal" 519 00:48:07,684 --> 00:48:11,211 he reportedly spent two weeks in the American hospital in Dubai, 520 00:48:11,722 --> 00:48:15,988 was treated by an American doctor and visited by the local CIA agent, 521 00:48:16,360 --> 00:48:20,922 We have not seen one piece of evidence that links Osama bin Laden 522 00:48:21,231 --> 00:48:23,529 directly to the planning stages of September 11th. 523 00:48:23,901 --> 00:48:26,961 This failure to provide proof was later said to be unnecessary 524 00:48:27,237 --> 00:48:32,971 because bin Laden in the video allegedly found in Afghanistan admitted responsibility for the attacks. 525 00:48:33,377 --> 00:48:35,675 This confession is now widely cited as proof. 526 00:48:36,380 --> 00:48:40,373 But the man in this video has darker skin, fuller cheeks and a broader nose 527 00:48:40,651 --> 00:48:42,642 than the Osama bin Laden of all other videos. 528 00:48:43,253 --> 00:48:45,187 We again seem to have the planted evidence. 529 00:48:45,822 --> 00:48:53,888 In 1976 Osama's older brother Saleem bin Laden hired a man in Texas by the name of Jim Bath 530 00:48:54,197 --> 00:48:57,633 to handle all the investments in the United States for the bin Laden family. 531 00:48:58,035 --> 00:49:04,270 Jim Bath also happens to be a personal, almost life - long friend and former international guard pilot, with George W. Bush. 532 00:49:05,042 --> 00:49:09,638 The connections between the Bushes and the bin Ladens become much more clearer when 533 00:49:10,013 --> 00:49:14,507 George Herbert Walker Bush made trips to Saudi Arabia in 1998 and 2000 534 00:49:14,785 --> 00:49:20,519 to meet with the bin Laden family on behalf of the company called the Carlyle Group. 535 00:49:21,358 --> 00:49:30,892 George H.W. Bush was meeting with Osama's older brother, Shafig bin Laden, on the morning of 9/11 in a Carlyle Group function. 536 00:49:31,868 --> 00:49:37,738 The Carlyle Group is linked to the world's largest defense contractors, which continue to reap massive profits off of the post 911 "War on Terrorism" and Afghan/Iraq Wars. 537 00:49:43,046 --> 00:49:45,879 Pentagon 538 00:49:46,650 --> 00:49:54,182 How could anyone fly a 60 ton, 125 ft wide, 44 ft tall plane through this obstacle course. 539 00:49:54,458 --> 00:50:01,057 The aircraft before striking the Pentagon reportedly executed a 270 degree downward spiral 540 00:50:01,832 --> 00:50:07,930 and yet Hani Hanjour was known as a terrible pilot who could not safely fly even a small plane. 541 00:50:09,172 --> 00:50:13,802 "He didn't care about the fact that he couldn't get through the course" - Flight school employee 542 00:50:14,244 --> 00:50:18,908 "I am still to this day amazed that he could have flown into the Pentagon... he could not fly at all. " - Flight school employee. 543 00:50:20,017 --> 00:50:24,681 No seats, no luggage, no bodies. Nothing but bricks and limestone. 544 00:50:25,088 --> 00:50:29,184 The official explanation is that the intense heat from the jet fuel vaporized the entire plane. 545 00:50:29,526 --> 00:50:33,326 Flight 77 had two Rolls Royce engines made of steel and titanium alloy 546 00:50:33,764 --> 00:50:35,197 and weighed 6 tons each. 547 00:50:35,699 --> 00:50:41,262 It is scientifically impossible that 12 tons of steel and titanium was vaporized by jet fuel. 548 00:50:41,571 --> 00:50:45,029 We're also told that the bodies were able to be identified 549 00:50:46,109 --> 00:50:48,577 either by the fingerprints or by the DNA. 550 00:50:49,212 --> 00:50:56,277 So what kind of fire can vaporize aluminum and tempered steel and yet leave human bodies intact? 551 00:50:56,653 --> 00:51:02,285 From my close-up inspection there's no evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near the Pentagon 552 00:51:02,559 --> 00:51:08,088 and as I say the only pieces left that you can see are small enough that you can pick up in your hand 553 00:51:08,398 --> 00:51:12,164 Shortly after the strike, government agents picked up debris and carried it off. 554 00:51:12,936 --> 00:51:18,306 The entire lawn was covered with dirt and gravel so that any remaining forensic evidence 555 00:51:18,675 --> 00:51:20,142 was literally covered up. 556 00:51:20,577 --> 00:51:24,604 The videos from security cameras which would show what really hit the Pentagon 557 00:51:25,015 --> 00:51:28,382 were immediately confiscated by agents of the FBI. 558 00:51:29,019 --> 00:51:32,318 And the Department of Justice has to this day refused to release them. 559 00:51:33,256 --> 00:51:37,488 If these videos would prove that the Pentagon was really hit by a 757 560 00:51:37,961 --> 00:51:40,794 most of us would assume the Government would release them. 561 00:51:49,906 --> 00:51:52,773 Shanksville 562 00:51:53,743 --> 00:51:56,712 It looks like there's nothing there except for a hole in the ground. 563 00:51:57,047 --> 00:51:58,173 Basically that's right. 564 00:51:58,482 --> 00:52:03,181 The only thing you could see from where we were a big gouge in the earth and some broken trees. 565 00:52:03,820 --> 00:52:06,812 You could see some people working, walking around in the area, 566 00:52:07,457 --> 00:52:09,755 but from where we can see there wasn't much left. 567 00:52:10,160 --> 00:52:11,752 Any large pieces of debris at all? 568 00:52:12,028 --> 00:52:13,995 No, there was nothing. 569 00:52:14,030 --> 00:52:16,931 Nothing, that you can distinguish that a plane had crashed there. 570 00:52:17,267 --> 00:52:21,294 Commercial plane crash in Nigeria, 571 00:52:23,473 --> 00:52:29,434 Flight 93 "Crash" in Shanksville. 572 00:52:37,854 --> 00:52:41,017 World Trace CenterTowers I, 2 and 7 573 00:52:42,425 --> 00:52:46,589 Pancake theory according to which the fires, although not melting the steel, 574 00:52:46,897 --> 00:52:50,492 heated up sufficiently to cause the floors weakened by the airplane strikes 575 00:52:50,834 --> 00:52:54,235 to break loose from the steel columns, and this started a chain reaction. 576 00:52:54,704 --> 00:52:58,071 So, you would expect then from that theory, which is the official theory, 577 00:52:58,375 --> 00:53:01,674 to see a whole stack of floors piled up on top of each other 578 00:53:01,945 --> 00:53:04,709 and then a spindle of core columns standing too. 579 00:53:05,048 --> 00:53:09,348 The core of each of the Twin Towers consisted of 47 massive steel columns. 580 00:53:09,686 --> 00:53:11,483 If the floors had broken loose from them, 581 00:53:11,788 --> 00:53:15,121 these columns would have still been sticking up in the air a thousand feet. 582 00:53:15,792 --> 00:53:18,352 The plane did not cut all those core columns. 583 00:53:18,895 --> 00:53:26,199 We designed the buildings to take the impact of the Boeing 707 hitting the building at any location. 584 00:53:26,503 --> 00:53:31,497 The building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners. 585 00:53:32,075 --> 00:53:33,940 ...that the plane flew straight into the building. 586 00:53:34,211 --> 00:53:35,371 Straight through, right. 587 00:53:35,712 --> 00:53:38,545 So you're saying that the building was actually designed to cope with a hole like that 588 00:53:38,615 --> 00:53:40,014 and would still survive? 589 00:53:40,083 --> 00:53:41,675 Yes, it was. 590 00:53:42,252 --> 00:53:48,157 If you would drop, say a billiard ball from the top of the World Trade Center, 110 floors up there 591 00:53:48,425 --> 00:53:53,226 it would have taken 8 to 10 seconds to hit the ground encountering no resistance whatsoever. 592 00:53:53,697 --> 00:53:56,063 The Twin Towers came down in nearly free fall speed. 593 00:53:56,600 --> 00:54:01,060 200.000 tons of steel shatters and explodes outwards over 500 ft. 594 00:54:01,438 --> 00:54:06,432 This means that floors shattered at an average rate of about ten floors per second. 595 00:54:06,910 --> 00:54:10,004 There is no scenario for a pancake effect of buildings falling 596 00:54:10,247 --> 00:54:12,044 that allows them to fall at a rate of free fall. 597 00:54:12,649 --> 00:54:15,117 And what can do that? What can move mass out of the way? 598 00:54:15,719 --> 00:54:16,686 Explosives. 599 00:54:24,027 --> 00:54:28,191 47 huge steel columns going up the core that are interconnected, 600 00:54:29,032 --> 00:54:33,093 how do you get them to fail simultaneously so the core disappeared. 601 00:54:33,470 --> 00:54:35,495 It looks like those core columns were cut. 602 00:54:36,573 --> 00:54:40,532 The way we do this is by cutting the beam at an angle. 603 00:54:45,749 --> 00:54:51,085 WTC core column after the collapse. 604 00:54:51,755 --> 00:54:56,886 Notice the "cut" shape and the melted... or "Molten Metal". 605 00:54:57,294 --> 00:54:59,455 I started looking at the molten metal. 606 00:55:00,163 --> 00:55:05,328 All three buildings, both towers in the rubble, in the basement areas, and Building 7 607 00:55:05,735 --> 00:55:07,703 there were these pools of molten metal. 608 00:55:08,672 --> 00:55:12,768 For well over 6 weeks after the collapse, Hot spots of 2000F were documented in the debris. 609 00:55:12,942 --> 00:55:17,777 That is 500F hotter than Jet fuel even burns. 610 00:55:18,882 --> 00:55:24,980 You get down below and you see molten steel. Molten steel running down the channel rails. 611 00:55:25,622 --> 00:55:29,558 Like you were in a foundry. Like lava of a volcano. 612 00:55:30,226 --> 00:55:34,492 The molten steel was found 'three, four and five weeks later. 613 00:55:34,631 --> 00:55:39,295 He said that molten steel was also found underneath World Trade Center 7. 614 00:55:40,070 --> 00:55:43,904 So I'm looking through the official reports, what do they say about the molten metal? 615 00:55:44,207 --> 00:55:45,469 They say nothing. 616 00:55:46,443 --> 00:55:49,173 Wait a minute. This is important evidence. 617 00:55:49,779 --> 00:55:50,837 Where did that come from? 618 00:55:53,850 --> 00:55:59,447 Thermite is so hot that it'll just cut through steel, through the structural steel for example, 619 00:55:59,823 --> 00:56:01,120 like a knife through butter. 620 00:56:01,791 --> 00:56:08,162 The products are molten iron and aluminum oxide which goes off primarily as a dust. 621 00:56:09,799 --> 00:56:11,494 You know, those enormous dust clouds 622 00:56:12,001 --> 00:56:14,993 you can imagine, when you assemble these chemicals on a large scale. 623 00:56:16,840 --> 00:56:20,799 Through Electron Microscope Analysis of the molted WTC Steel and the iron-rich microspheres in the dust, 624 00:56:20,977 --> 00:56:25,548 Dr. Jones found exact traces of not only the "Thermite" explosive compound, but, due to the high sulfur content, "Thermate", 625 00:56:25,583 --> 00:56:30,076 a patented brand ofThermite used in the demolition industry. 626 00:56:30,320 --> 00:56:35,625 Molten metal pools under both towers after they collapsed, and Building 7. 627 00:56:35,660 --> 00:56:38,150 Now, Building 7 wasn't even hit by a jet. 628 00:56:39,329 --> 00:56:42,787 Part of the problem is that most people simply don't know much about Building 7. 629 00:56:43,233 --> 00:56:46,259 due to the extraordinary secrecy surrounding its collapse. 630 00:56:46,669 --> 00:56:49,229 This was a 47 story skyscraper. 631 00:56:49,639 --> 00:56:53,075 This building fell at 17:25 632 00:56:53,476 --> 00:56:54,602 It was not hit by a plane. 633 00:56:55,412 --> 00:56:58,381 This building had fires on only 2 or 3 floors. 634 00:56:58,681 --> 00:57:02,845 ...and it was brought down by what we know was a controlled demolition. 635 00:57:03,086 --> 00:57:05,520 Demolitions look just like that, kink in the middle, 636 00:57:05,822 --> 00:57:09,189 and then that building just comes straight down almost at free fall speed. 637 00:57:09,526 --> 00:57:14,020 They first blow one of the central columns so the building falls in on itself. 638 00:57:14,297 --> 00:57:17,266 Building 7 had a classic crimp or wedge. 639 00:57:17,634 --> 00:57:19,431 Its central column was blown out first 640 00:57:19,769 --> 00:57:23,330 so it didn't structurally damaged buildings just a few feet away from it. 641 00:57:24,908 --> 00:57:28,261 The Government's explanation for all three collapses was a 'fire' theory. 642 00:57:28,296 --> 00:57:31,579 NEVER before or after 9/11, has any Steel building collapsed from fire. 643 00:57:31,614 --> 00:57:35,573 Collapse characteristics ofWTC I, 2 and 7, fit the controlled demolition pattern exactly. 644 00:57:37,120 --> 00:57:42,922 Oh-Did I mention the sub-basement explosions? Which occurred moments before the first plane hit? 645 00:57:43,393 --> 00:57:47,386 Our office was on the B- I level. As I was talking to a supervisor at 8.46 646 00:57:48,131 --> 00:57:55,628 and all of a sudden we hear - BOOM! An explosion so hard that pushed us upwards. 647 00:57:56,973 --> 00:58:01,171 And it came from the basement, between the B-2 level and the B-3 level. 648 00:58:01,978 --> 00:58:07,280 And when I went to verbalize we heard - BOOM! That impact of the plane on the top. 649 00:58:08,518 --> 00:58:14,582 As I'm walking by the main freight car of the building in the corridor, that's when I got blown. 650 00:58:15,625 --> 00:58:19,618 I mean, the impact of the explosion threw me to the floor 651 00:58:20,129 --> 00:58:21,426 and that's when everything started happening. 652 00:58:21,831 --> 00:58:23,230 All of a sudden a big impact happened again 653 00:58:24,000 --> 00:58:27,231 and all the ceiling tiles were falling down, the light fixtures were falling 654 00:58:27,537 --> 00:58:31,303 You know, you gotta go clear across from I to 2 World Trade Center 655 00:58:32,141 --> 00:58:33,870 and then all of a sudden it happened all over again. 656 00:58:34,244 --> 00:58:37,509 something else hit us to the floor... right in the basement you felt it, 657 00:58:37,814 --> 00:58:39,748 the walls were caving in on everything that was going on. 658 00:58:40,216 --> 00:58:43,151 I mean, I know people that got killed in the basement, 659 00:58:43,453 --> 00:58:45,751 I know people that got broken legs in the basement, 660 00:58:46,089 --> 00:58:49,217 people got reconstructive surgery because the walls hit them in the face. 661 00:58:55,064 --> 00:58:57,999 NORAD 662 00:58:59,269 --> 00:59:03,672 According to standard operating procedure if an FAA flight control notices anything 663 00:59:04,007 --> 00:59:05,531 that suggests a possible hijacking, 664 00:59:05,842 --> 00:59:07,400 controllers are to contact the superior. 665 00:59:07,744 --> 00:59:09,678 If the problem cannot be fixed within about a minute 666 00:59:09,979 --> 00:59:13,244 the superior should ask NORAD (North American Aerospace Command) 667 00:59:13,516 --> 00:59:16,542 to send up or scramble jet fighters to find out what is going on. 668 00:59:16,986 --> 00:59:21,116 NORAD then issues a scramble order to the nearest air force base with fighters on alert. 669 00:59:21,791 --> 00:59:25,192 And although interceptions usually occur within 10 or so minutes, 670 00:59:25,495 --> 00:59:30,660 in this case 80 or so minutes had elapsed before the fighters were even airborne. 671 00:59:31,167 --> 00:59:32,998 It's a mind-bending anomaly. 672 00:59:33,436 --> 00:59:37,702 Not a single US Air Force interceptor turns a wheel until it's too late. 673 00:59:38,241 --> 00:59:39,970 There are no jets at all. 674 00:59:40,376 --> 00:59:46,683 What if they were so confused, and had been so deliberately confused that they couldn't respond? 675 00:59:46,718 --> 00:59:49,551 The reason that they didn't know where to go 676 00:59:49,586 --> 00:59:55,081 was because a number of conflicting and overlapping war game exercises were taking place 677 00:59:55,425 --> 01:00:01,386 that involved the insertion of false radar blips on the radar screens in the north-east air defense sector. 678 01:00:02,031 --> 01:00:07,704 FAA: "Hi, Boston CenterTMU, we have a problem here. We have a hijacked aircraft headed towards New York, 679 01:00:07,739 --> 01:00:11,105 We need someone to scramble some F- 16s or something up there, help us out. " 680 01:00:11,374 --> 01:00:14,709 NORAD: "Is this real world or exercise?" 681 01:00:14,744 --> 01:00:19,443 There was another exercise - "Vigilant Warrior", which was in fact according to a NORAD source 682 01:00:19,782 --> 01:00:22,808 a live-fly hijack drill being conducted at the same time. 683 01:00:23,319 --> 01:00:27,312 With only 8 available fighter aircrafts, and that have to be dispatched in pairs, 684 01:00:27,757 --> 01:00:33,093 they were dealing with as many as 22 possible hijacks on the day of 9/11 685 01:00:33,229 --> 01:00:37,928 and they couldn't separate the war game exercises from the actual hijacks. 686 01:00:39,068 --> 01:00:43,705 In 2000, NORAD had 67 intercepts. 100% accuracy. On 9/11they failed 4 times in one day. 687 01:00:43,740 --> 01:00:49,178 On the morning of 9/11 Dick Cheney was in charge of NORAD orders from the command bunker under the White House. 688 01:00:49,345 --> 01:00:56,274 In at least one of the many war games going on the morning of 9/11, planes being flown into buildings was a scenario. 689 01:01:01,024 --> 01:01:04,289 9/11 Commission 690 01:01:04,994 --> 01:01:06,494 Page 172: 691 01:01:06,529 --> 01:01:11,489 "The US Government has not been able to determine the origin of the money used for the 9/11 attacks. 692 01:01:12,035 --> 01:01:14,697 Ultimately, the question is of little practical significance. " 693 01:01:15,238 --> 01:01:19,675 The American authorities have not managed to trace the source of the funding. 694 01:01:20,043 --> 01:01:25,748 And then the most amazingly disingenuous statement "ultimately is it of little consequence". 695 01:01:25,783 --> 01:01:28,012 It is of massive consequence! 696 01:01:28,418 --> 01:01:29,885 Doesn't it matter who paid for 9/11? 697 01:01:30,319 --> 01:01:35,655 The collapse of Building 7 has been recognized as especially difficult to explain. 698 01:01:35,958 --> 01:01:41,726 The 9/11 Commission Report implicitly admitted that it could not explain the collapse of this building 699 01:01:42,465 --> 01:01:43,693 by not even mentioning it. 700 01:01:44,233 --> 01:01:49,193 Mr. President, why are you and the Vice President insisting on appearing together before the 9/11 Commission? 701 01:01:49,672 --> 01:01:52,664 Because the 9/11 Commission wants to ask us questions, that's why we are meeting, 702 01:01:52,775 --> 01:01:56,541 and I look forward to meeting with them and answering their questions. 703 01:01:56,713 --> 01:02:01,912 The question was, why are you appearing together rather than separately, which was their request? 704 01:02:02,485 --> 01:02:06,649 Because it's a good chance for both of us to answer questions that the 9/11 Commission 705 01:02:07,056 --> 01:02:11,220 is looking forward to asking us, and I am looking forward to answering them. 706 01:02:12,895 --> 01:02:16,353 Do you think they should be able to stand up and speak their own words? 707 01:02:16,432 --> 01:02:17,592 They should go under oath. 708 01:02:17,667 --> 01:02:19,191 Yeah. In public. 709 01:02:21,270 --> 01:02:23,363 When Bush and Cheney met with the 9/11 Commission, they did so only on their own terms 710 01:02:23,506 --> 01:02:25,775 They appeared together 711 01:02:25,810 --> 01:02:28,009 They were not under oath 712 01:02:28,044 --> 01:02:30,546 No press or family members were allowed to attend 713 01:02:30,581 --> 01:02:32,682 No recording of any kind was allowed 714 01:02:32,717 --> 01:02:34,547 No transcript was allowed 715 01:02:34,717 --> 01:02:39,177 Don't you think that the families deserve to have a transcript or to be able to see...? 716 01:02:39,355 --> 01:02:42,256 Adam, you asked me this question yesterday, I got the same answer. (Next question). 717 01:02:43,259 --> 01:02:45,993 The final report was a unanimous report. 718 01:02:46,028 --> 01:02:50,800 That means that if there was a single commissioner who had any objection about anything, 719 01:02:50,835 --> 01:02:53,134 that fact would be dropped from the report, 720 01:02:53,169 --> 01:02:58,841 We have found out that he not only served on the transition team of the Bush Administration, 721 01:02:58,876 --> 01:03:01,332 that he was a person who wrote a draft memo 722 01:03:01,744 --> 01:03:04,838 for the setup of the Bush Administration's National Security Council, 723 01:03:05,381 --> 01:03:08,043 that he was an individual who wrote the preemptive war strategy 724 01:03:08,451 --> 01:03:10,815 that was eventually used for the war on Iraq, 725 01:03:10,850 --> 01:03:13,180 that he's a close friend of Condoleezza Rice's, 726 01:03:14,090 --> 01:03:15,421 we want him to resign. 727 01:03:15,825 --> 01:03:20,853 There is literally nothing in the 9/11 Report that the Bush Administration did not approve of. 728 01:03:21,631 --> 01:03:25,431 We can understand therefore why that commission under Zelikow leadership 729 01:03:26,302 --> 01:03:29,271 would have ignored all the evidence that would point to the truth 730 01:03:30,039 --> 01:03:32,405 that 9/11 was a false flag operation 731 01:03:32,909 --> 01:03:39,144 intended to authorize the doctrines and funds needed for a new level of imperial mobilization. 732 01:03:43,719 --> 01:03:47,382 Terrorism 733 01:03:49,091 --> 01:03:53,187 Terrorism: I) systematic use of terror, manifesting itself in violence or intimidation, for generating fear. 734 01:03:54,397 --> 01:03:55,728 for generating fear 735 01:03:56,065 --> 01:03:59,735 Armed with knives. Armed with chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. 736 01:03:59,770 --> 01:04:02,355 Fanatics. Terrorists. September 11th. September 11th. Killers. 737 01:04:02,390 --> 01:04:05,030 September 11th. Terrorists. Terrorists. Al Qaeda, Terrorists. 738 01:04:05,065 --> 01:04:07,671 Nuclear weapons. Terror. 9/11. Terror. Terror. Terror. Evil. 739 01:04:08,578 --> 01:04:12,081 September 11th. September 11th. The terrorists. War and danger. 740 01:04:12,116 --> 01:04:15,585 September 11th. Terrorism. Global terrorism. Terrorism. Terrorist 741 01:04:15,620 --> 01:04:18,619 Terrorist. Terrorist. Terrorist, Terrorist. The terrorists. 742 01:04:18,654 --> 01:04:22,658 Terrorists. Terrorists. Terrorism. September 11th. Global terrorism. 743 01:04:22,693 --> 01:04:26,662 Terrorism. Terrorism. Terrorists. September 11th. World terrorism. 744 01:04:26,697 --> 01:04:29,187 Terrorists. Terrorism. September 11th. Global Terrorism. 745 01:04:29,565 --> 01:04:31,868 September the 11th. Terrorist. Terrorist. Terrorist. Terrorist, 746 01:04:31,903 --> 01:04:34,635 Terrorist. Weapons of mass destruction. September the 11th. 747 01:04:34,670 --> 01:04:38,474 September the 11th. Terrorists. The evil terrorists. Terrorists. Terrorists Know! 748 01:04:38,509 --> 01:04:42,001 Terrorism. The words are hypnotically repeated: 749 01:04:42,211 --> 01:04:49,285 Terrorism. Terrorists. Terrorist threat. And of course, believe-to-be-linked-to-al-Qaeda, 750 01:04:49,320 --> 01:04:54,985 But, it's the so-called "War on Terrorism" that's in our faces practically 24/7 751 01:04:55,358 --> 01:04:57,826 as the inescapable focus of our existence. 752 01:04:58,094 --> 01:05:01,495 One day our grandchildren will look back on this time and ask: 753 01:05:02,164 --> 01:05:04,359 "How was the War on Terror won?" 754 01:05:04,567 --> 01:05:07,468 The entire US ruling class, ruling elite 755 01:05:07,970 --> 01:05:12,270 comes to see terrorism as the preferred means, indeed the only means, 756 01:05:12,742 --> 01:05:15,267 to provide social cohesion, 757 01:05:15,444 --> 01:05:18,713 to provide an enemy image for the society, to keep it together. 758 01:05:18,748 --> 01:05:20,909 According to neocon theory from Carl Schmitt, you have to have an enemy image 759 01:05:20,983 --> 01:05:23,217 in order to have a society. 760 01:05:23,252 --> 01:05:26,221 A very dangerous thing because now it means that the entire social order, 761 01:05:26,689 --> 01:05:29,453 the political parties, intellectual life, politics in general 762 01:05:29,992 --> 01:05:33,393 are all based on a monstrous myth. 763 01:05:37,099 --> 01:05:43,168 Nearly all terror suspects detained are released without charges. 764 01:05:43,203 --> 01:05:49,238 ...but that's after they make it to the front page for you to see. 765 01:05:50,546 --> 01:05:52,241 TerrorThreat... 766 01:05:54,317 --> 01:05:57,548 Bull Shit 767 01:05:59,488 --> 01:06:06,155 Terrorism: 2) technique used by Governments to manipulate public opinion in order to further an agenda, 768 01:06:06,929 --> 01:06:11,093 Look- what the CIA has done in this country. What they have done to us is unbelievable. 769 01:06:11,834 --> 01:06:15,964 Look at the terrorist acts that have occurred. The CIA behind most if not all of them. 770 01:06:16,672 --> 01:06:19,505 We had the Marine Barracks, then embassy in Kenya, 771 01:06:20,609 --> 01:06:24,602 We had Pan Am 103, we had the USS Cole, 772 01:06:25,448 --> 01:06:29,612 we had Oklahoma City, we had the World Trade Center in 1993. 773 01:06:30,619 --> 01:06:34,180 ...that helped the terrorists to blow up the WTC the fist time. 774 01:06:35,024 --> 01:06:37,652 They built the bomb, they got the driver's license. 775 01:06:38,561 --> 01:06:44,056 The informer Emad A. Salem, a 43-year-old former Egyptian Army officer, 776 01:06:44,567 --> 01:06:50,267 he was given the assignment to put the bomb together and he went to the supervisor, that's the FBI supervisor, 777 01:06:50,339 --> 01:06:52,034 and he said, "we're gonna put a dummy bomb" right? 778 01:06:52,108 --> 01:06:55,635 and the FBI supervisor says "no, we're gonna put a real bomb. " 779 01:06:55,711 --> 01:07:00,739 The FBI actually carried out the attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. 780 01:07:01,317 --> 01:07:05,481 They actually hired Emad Salem and paid him I million dollars 781 01:07:05,888 --> 01:07:10,018 and gave him real explosives, a detonator and told him to build a bomb 782 01:07:10,426 --> 01:07:13,156 and to give it to the foolish people that he was controlling 783 01:07:13,496 --> 01:07:17,762 to allow them to attack the World Trade Center complex. 784 01:07:17,900 --> 01:07:21,700 Unfortunately for them, there were only six people killed, 785 01:07:22,071 --> 01:07:23,504 not enough to pass the legislation. 786 01:07:23,906 --> 01:07:25,999 So, what happened is two years later, 787 01:07:26,575 --> 01:07:31,512 April 19, 1995 down comes Oklahoma City, the Murrah Building 788 01:07:31,781 --> 01:07:37,151 168 people killed... a year later, the anti-terror legislation, 789 01:07:37,186 --> 01:07:40,952 which takes away many of our constitutional rights and civil liberties, is passed. 790 01:07:54,236 --> 01:07:56,237 7/7/2005 London 791 01:07:56,272 --> 01:08:00,868 Three trains and a bus were bombed, killing 56 people. 792 01:08:02,645 --> 01:08:04,413 That morning, an "Anti-terror exercise" just happened to be taking place as well 793 01:08:04,448 --> 01:08:05,607 Dealing with... 794 01:08:05,781 --> 01:08:07,678 THE EXACT SAME BOMBING SCENARIO. 795 01:08:07,713 --> 01:08:09,575 AT THE EXACT SAMETRAIN STATIONS. 796 01:08:09,752 --> 01:08:12,686 ATTHE EXACT SAMETIME. 797 01:08:12,721 --> 01:08:14,021 It was at half past 9 this morning. 798 01:08:14,056 --> 01:08:17,825 We were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London 799 01:08:17,860 --> 01:08:22,194 based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, 800 01:08:22,531 --> 01:08:24,829 so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right! 801 01:08:25,267 --> 01:08:28,293 To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise 802 01:08:28,571 --> 01:08:31,404 to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the exercise? 803 01:08:31,474 --> 01:08:32,566 Precisely. 804 01:08:32,641 --> 01:08:34,675 Yeah... that's right. 805 01:08:34,710 --> 01:08:36,228 THE EXACT SAME BOMBING SCENARIO. 806 01:08:36,263 --> 01:08:37,746 AT THE EXACT SAMETRAIN STATIONS. 807 01:08:37,781 --> 01:08:39,447 ATTHE EXACT SAMETIME. 808 01:08:39,482 --> 01:08:41,006 We're supposed to believe it was some kind of coincidence. 809 01:08:41,317 --> 01:08:45,310 There was also an anti-terrorist drill going on on 7/7. 810 01:08:45,855 --> 01:08:47,516 And again, just like on 9/11 811 01:08:48,124 --> 01:08:51,992 they were talking about attacks on the same targets, the same tube stations 812 01:08:52,394 --> 01:08:56,023 at the exactly the same time as the actual attack happened 813 01:08:56,599 --> 01:09:03,505 providing some kind of cover for what must be operations orchestrated in some way by the State. 814 01:09:11,847 --> 01:09:14,281 The 9/11 Truth 815 01:09:15,951 --> 01:09:20,923 Criminal Elements within the US government staged a "false flag"Terror attack on its own citizens, 816 01:09:20,958 --> 01:09:24,994 in order to manipulate public perception into supporting its agenda, 817 01:09:25,029 --> 01:09:27,663 They have been doing these for years. 818 01:09:27,698 --> 01:09:32,123 9/11 was an Inside Job. 819 01:09:32,434 --> 01:09:37,599 I am absolutely appalled at how much people in this country do not think, 820 01:09:38,507 --> 01:09:44,935 We are given to understand that an Arabic guy out there up in the mountains 821 01:09:45,581 --> 01:09:49,142 financed the most elaborate attack on this country. 822 01:09:49,718 --> 01:09:55,679 Do you think some people in a cave were able to have NORAD stand down? 823 01:09:56,125 --> 01:10:00,585 Do you think that people in the cave were able to have all of this happen? 824 01:10:01,030 --> 01:10:05,763 And when I think about how many Americans were killed in New York City 825 01:10:06,268 --> 01:10:10,261 and believing as I do that this thing was a set up job, 826 01:10:10,673 --> 01:10:16,908 this is a textbook operation that Nazis used and they've used it over and over again. 827 01:10:17,479 --> 01:10:21,609 America has been suckered in one more time. 828 01:10:25,187 --> 01:10:28,350 I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. 829 01:10:28,891 --> 01:10:31,826 The dollar buys a nickel's worth. Banks are going bust, 830 01:10:32,027 --> 01:10:35,963 Shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street. 831 01:10:36,232 --> 01:10:39,668 There's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it. 832 01:10:40,402 --> 01:10:44,498 We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat. 833 01:10:45,107 --> 01:10:48,372 We sit watching ourTVs while some local newscaster tells us 834 01:10:48,677 --> 01:10:53,546 that today we had 15 homicides and 63 violent crimes as if that's the way it's supposed to be! 835 01:10:53,949 --> 01:10:57,476 We know things are bad. Worse than bad. They're crazy. 836 01:10:57,786 --> 01:11:00,414 It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out anymore. 837 01:11:00,889 --> 01:11:04,154 We sit in the house and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller. 838 01:11:04,293 --> 01:11:07,729 And all we say is, "Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. 839 01:11:08,063 --> 01:11:13,228 Let me have my toaster and my TV, my steel-belted radials and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone. " 840 01:11:13,636 --> 01:11:17,037 Well I'm not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get mad! 841 01:11:18,140 --> 01:11:20,108 I don't want you to protest, I don't want you to riot. 842 01:11:20,409 --> 01:11:23,139 I don't want you to write to your congressman because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. 843 01:11:23,479 --> 01:11:27,745 I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street, 844 01:11:28,083 --> 01:11:30,779 All I know is that first you've got to get mad! 845 01:11:31,220 --> 01:11:33,882 You've got to say, "I'm a human being, goddamn it! 846 01:11:34,290 --> 01:11:37,316 My life has value! 847 01:12:11,593 --> 01:12:15,051 There's smoke - real bad - 105.Two tower. 848 01:12:18,167 --> 01:12:20,533 It's real bad, it's black, it's arid. 849 01:12:21,637 --> 01:12:27,542 My wife thinks I'm all right. I called and said I was leaving the building. I was fine, and then BANG! 850 01:12:27,843 --> 01:12:31,040 Three of us - two broken windows. 851 01:12:31,680 --> 01:12:33,341 Oh God! 852 01:13:01,443 --> 01:13:04,742 "When hostilities commenced in Europe in 1939 853 01:13:05,013 --> 01:13:09,416 it was realized that the American people had no intention of entering the war 854 01:13:10,552 --> 01:13:17,355 but they believed that this country could be enticed into the war in very much the same way 855 01:13:17,426 --> 01:13:18,916 that it was enticed into the last one 856 01:13:18,994 --> 01:13:26,196 They planned, first, to prepare the United States for foreign war, under the guise of American defense 857 01:13:28,137 --> 01:13:33,541 Second, to involve us in the war, step by step without our realization. 858 01:13:34,610 --> 01:13:39,707 Third, to create a series of incidences, which would force us into the actual conflict. 859 01:13:41,116 --> 01:13:47,316 These plans were, of course, to be covered and assisted by the full power of their propaganda, 860 01:13:49,391 --> 01:13:54,260 Our theaters soon became filled with plays, portraying the glory of war 861 01:13:54,830 --> 01:13:58,027 News reels lost all semblance of objectivity 862 01:13:59,568 --> 01:14:03,937 and they have used the war to justify the restriction of congressional power 863 01:14:05,040 --> 01:14:09,977 and the assumption of dictatorial procedures on the part of the President and his appointees. 864 01:14:13,115 --> 01:14:15,879 A fear campaign was inaugurated. 865 01:14:18,921 --> 01:14:27,226 We cannot allow the natural passions and prejudices, of other peoples, to lead our country to destruction" - Charles Lindberg. 866 01:14:34,903 --> 01:14:40,739 Part 3: Don't Mind The Men Behind The Curtain 867 01:14:42,945 --> 01:14:47,279 There is something behind the throne greater than the king himself. 868 01:14:47,816 --> 01:14:53,777 The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes. 869 01:14:54,289 --> 01:15:00,592 The real truth of the matter is that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson. 870 01:15:01,730 --> 01:15:05,766 1775, the American Revolutionary War began, 871 01:15:05,801 --> 01:15:10,138 as the American colonies sought to detach from England, and it's oppressive monarchy. 872 01:15:10,173 --> 01:15:12,470 Although many reasons are cited for the revolution, 873 01:15:12,741 --> 01:15:15,742 one in particular sticks out as the prime cause: 874 01:15:15,777 --> 01:15:23,741 that King George llI of England outlawed the interest free independent currency the colonies were producing and using for themselves, 875 01:15:24,086 --> 01:15:29,114 in turn forcing them to borrow money from the Central Bank of England at interest, 876 01:15:29,358 --> 01:15:32,020 immediately putting the colonies into debt. 877 01:15:32,194 --> 01:15:34,719 And as Benjamin Franklin later wrote: 878 01:15:34,863 --> 01:15:39,301 The refusal of King George llI to allow the colonies to operate an honest money system, 879 01:15:39,336 --> 01:15:42,604 which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators 880 01:15:42,639 --> 01:15:45,835 was probably the prime cause of the revolution. 881 01:15:46,074 --> 01:15:49,510 In 1783 America won its independence from England. 882 01:15:49,545 --> 01:15:56,542 However, its battle against the central bank concept and the corrupt, greed-filled men associated with it, had just begun. 883 01:15:57,519 --> 01:15:59,820 So what is a Central Bank? 884 01:15:59,855 --> 01:16:03,991 A Central Bank is an institution that produces the currency of an entire nation. 885 01:16:04,026 --> 01:16:09,731 Based on historical precedent, two specific powers are inherent in central banking practice. 886 01:16:09,766 --> 01:16:15,470 The control of interest rates, and the control of the money supply, or inflation. 887 01:16:15,505 --> 01:16:18,340 The central bank does not simply supply a government's economy with money, 888 01:16:18,375 --> 01:16:21,742 it loans it to them at interest. 889 01:16:21,777 --> 01:16:25,314 Then, through the use of increasing and decreasing the supply of money, 890 01:16:25,349 --> 01:16:30,149 the central bank regulates the value of the currency being issued. 891 01:16:30,352 --> 01:16:37,758 It is critical to understand that the entire structure of this system can only produce one thing in the long run: 892 01:16:37,893 --> 01:16:39,626 Debt. 893 01:16:39,661 --> 01:16:43,096 It doesn't take a lot of ingenuity to figure this scam out. 894 01:16:43,131 --> 01:16:47,067 Every single dollar produced by the central bank is loaned at interest. 895 01:16:47,102 --> 01:16:55,066 That means every single dollar produced is actually the dollar plus a certain percent of debt based on that dollar. 896 01:16:55,277 --> 01:17:00,874 And since a central bank has a monopoly over the production of the currency for the entire country, 897 01:17:01,016 --> 01:17:05,749 and they loan each dollar out with immediate debt attached to it, 898 01:17:05,887 --> 01:17:09,758 Where does the money to pay for the debt come from? 899 01:17:09,793 --> 01:17:11,792 It can only come from the central bank again. 900 01:17:11,827 --> 01:17:19,167 Which means the central bank has to perpetually increase its money supply to temporarily cover the outstanding debt created, 901 01:17:19,202 --> 01:17:23,472 which in turn, since that new money is loaned out at interest as well, 902 01:17:23,507 --> 01:17:25,439 creates even more debt! 903 01:17:25,474 --> 01:17:28,675 The end result of this system without fail is slavery. 904 01:17:28,710 --> 01:17:34,549 For it is impossible for the government and thus the public, to ever come out of the self-generating debt. 905 01:17:34,584 --> 01:17:38,747 The founding fathers of this country were well aware of this. 906 01:17:39,321 --> 01:17:43,542 "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies... 907 01:17:43,577 --> 01:17:47,728 If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency... 908 01:17:47,763 --> 01:17:52,432 the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of their property 909 01:17:52,467 --> 01:17:56,563 until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. " -Thomas Jefferson, 1743- 1826 910 01:17:57,939 --> 01:18:01,176 "If you want to remain the slaves of the bankers and pay for the costs of your own slavery, 911 01:18:01,211 --> 01:18:05,510 let them continue to create money and control the nation's credit. " -Sir Josiah Stamp 912 01:18:05,981 --> 01:18:11,544 By the early 20th century, the US had already implemented, and removed a few central banking systems, 913 01:18:11,787 --> 01:18:15,621 which were swindled into place by ruthless banking interests. 914 01:18:15,824 --> 01:18:19,194 At this time, the dominant families in the banking and business world were: 915 01:18:19,229 --> 01:18:24,431 the Rockefellers, the Morgans, the Warburgs, the Rothschilds. 916 01:18:24,466 --> 01:18:30,427 And in the early 1900's, they sought to push once again, legislation to create another central bank, 917 01:18:32,708 --> 01:18:36,678 However, they knew the government and public were weary of such an institution. 918 01:18:36,713 --> 01:18:40,881 So they needed to create an incident to affect public opinion. 919 01:18:40,916 --> 01:18:45,546 So,J.P. Morgan, publicly considered a financial luminary at the time, 920 01:18:45,721 --> 01:18:52,024 exploited his mass influence by publishing rumors that a prominent bank in New York was insolvent, or bankrupt. 921 01:18:52,861 --> 01:18:57,833 Morgan knew this would cause mass hysteria which would affect other banks as well, and it did. 922 01:18:57,868 --> 01:19:03,770 The public, in fear of losing their deposits, immediately began mass withdrawals. 923 01:19:03,805 --> 01:19:09,010 Consequently the banks were forced to call in their loans, causing the recipients to sell their property, 924 01:19:09,045 --> 01:19:13,380 and thus a spiral of bankruptcies, repossessions, and turmoil emerged. 925 01:19:13,415 --> 01:19:18,053 Putting the pieces together a few years later, Fredrik Allen of LIFE Magazine wrote: 926 01:19:18,088 --> 01:19:22,190 "The Morgan interests took advantage to precipitate the panic of 1907 927 01:19:22,225 --> 01:19:24,283 guiding it shrewdly as it progressed. " 928 01:19:24,493 --> 01:19:31,490 Unaware of the fraud, the Panic of 1907 led to a Congressional investigation, headed by Senator Nelson Aldrich, 929 01:19:31,767 --> 01:19:37,472 who had intimate ties to the banking cartels, and later became part of the Rockefeller family through marriage. 930 01:19:37,507 --> 01:19:42,043 The Commission led by Aldrich recommended a Central Bank should be implemented, 931 01:19:42,078 --> 01:19:45,378 so a panic like 1907 "could never happen again". 932 01:19:45,413 --> 01:19:49,983 This was the spark the international bankers needed to initiate their plan. 933 01:19:50,018 --> 01:19:55,957 In 1910, a secret meeting was held at a J.P. Morgan estate on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia. 934 01:19:55,992 --> 01:20:00,162 It was there that the central banking bill called the Federal Reserve Act was written. 935 01:20:00,197 --> 01:20:04,397 This legislation was written by bankers, not law- makers. 936 01:20:04,432 --> 01:20:08,502 This meeting was so secretive, so concealed from government and public knowledge, 937 01:20:08,537 --> 01:20:13,740 that the 10 or so figures who attended disguised their names when in route to the island. 938 01:20:13,775 --> 01:20:19,736 After this bill was constructed, it was then handed over to their political front-man, Senator Nelson Aldrich, to push through Congress. 939 01:20:21,249 --> 01:20:27,210 And in 1913 with heavy political sponsorship by the bankers, Woodrow Wilson became President, 940 01:20:27,622 --> 01:20:32,759 having already agreed to sign the Federal Reserve Act in exchange for campaign support. 941 01:20:32,794 --> 01:20:37,199 And 2 days before Christmas when most of Congress was at home with their families, the Federal Reserve Act was voted in, 942 01:20:37,234 --> 01:20:39,759 and Wilson in turn made it law. 943 01:20:40,168 --> 01:20:43,137 Later, Woodrow Wilson wrote, in regret: 944 01:20:43,805 --> 01:20:47,674 "(Our) great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. 945 01:20:47,709 --> 01:20:52,442 Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are 946 01:20:52,581 --> 01:20:55,617 in the hands of a few men... who necessarily, by very reason of their own limitations, 947 01:20:55,652 --> 01:21:00,654 chill and check and destroy genuine economic freedom 948 01:21:00,689 --> 01:21:05,149 We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most 949 01:21:05,327 --> 01:21:07,727 completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world- 950 01:21:07,796 --> 01:21:11,527 No government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, 951 01:21:11,600 --> 01:21:15,593 but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men. - Woodrow Wilson 952 01:21:15,670 --> 01:21:20,407 Congressman Louis McFadden also expressed the truth after the passage of the bill: 953 01:21:20,442 --> 01:21:25,979 "A world banking system was being set up here... a superstate controlled by international bankers. 954 01:21:26,014 --> 01:21:31,516 acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. The Fed has usurped the government. " 955 01:21:31,720 --> 01:21:36,925 Now, the public was told that the Federal Reserve system was an economic stabilizer. 956 01:21:36,960 --> 01:21:41,063 And inflation and economic crisis were a thing of the past. 957 01:21:41,098 --> 01:21:45,131 Well, as history has shown, nothing is further from the truth. 958 01:21:45,166 --> 01:21:51,230 The fact is the international bankers now had a streamlined machine to expand their personal ambitions. 959 01:21:54,542 --> 01:21:59,581 For example, from 19 I4 to 1919, the Fed increased the money supply by nearly 100%. 960 01:21:59,616 --> 01:22:04,678 Resulting in extensive loans to small banks and the public. 961 01:22:05,020 --> 01:22:08,421 Then in 1920, the Fed called in massive percentages of the outstanding money supply, 962 01:22:08,590 --> 01:22:14,756 thus resulting in the supporting banks having to call in huge numbers of loans, 963 01:22:14,896 --> 01:22:17,558 and just like in 1907: bank runs, bankruptcy, and collapse occurred. 964 01:22:18,199 --> 01:22:22,686 Over 5400 competitive banks outside of the Federal Reserve System collapsed. 965 01:22:22,721 --> 01:22:27,173 Further consolidating the monopoly to a small group of international bankers. 966 01:22:27,442 --> 01:22:32,180 Privy to this crime, Congressman Lindberg stepped up, and said in 192 I: 967 01:22:32,215 --> 01:22:35,980 "Under the Federal Reserve Act, panics are scientifically created. 968 01:22:36,217 --> 01:22:42,452 The present panic is the first scientifically created one, worked out as we figure a mathematical equation. " 969 01:22:43,058 --> 01:22:45,993 However, the panic of 1920 was just a warm-up. 970 01:22:46,328 --> 01:22:49,991 From 192 I to 1929 the Fed again increased the money supply. 971 01:22:50,265 --> 01:22:53,257 resulting once again in extensive loans to the public and banks. 972 01:22:53,802 --> 01:22:57,761 There was also a fairly new type of loan called a margin loan in the stock market. 973 01:22:58,006 --> 01:23:02,409 Very simply, a margin loan allowed an investor to put down only 10% of a stocks price, 974 01:23:02,677 --> 01:23:05,737 with the other 90% being loaned through the broker. 975 01:23:05,981 --> 01:23:10,008 In other words, a person could own $ 1000 worth of stock with only $ 100 down. 976 01:23:10,251 --> 01:23:12,685 This method was very popular in the roaring 1920's, 977 01:23:12,887 --> 01:23:15,412 as everyone seemed to be making money in the market. 978 01:23:15,757 --> 01:23:17,315 However, there was a catch to this loan. 979 01:23:17,492 --> 01:23:21,451 It could be called in at any time, and had to be paid within 24 hours. 980 01:23:21,796 --> 01:23:23,630 This is termed a margin call, 981 01:23:23,665 --> 01:23:28,125 and the typical result of a margin call is the selling of the stock purchased with the loan. 982 01:23:28,603 --> 01:23:35,441 So, a few months before October of 1929,J.D. Rockefeller, Bernard Baruck, and other insiders quietly exited the market, 983 01:23:35,777 --> 01:23:42,979 and on October 24th, 1929, the New York financiers who furnished the margin loans started calling them in, in mass. 984 01:23:43,685 --> 01:23:45,983 This sparked an instantaneous massive sell-off in the market, 985 01:23:46,087 --> 01:23:48,988 for everyone had to cover their margin loans. 986 01:23:49,190 --> 01:23:54,526 It then triggered mass bank runs for the same reason, in turn collapsing over 16,000 banks, 987 01:23:54,763 --> 01:23:59,166 enabling the conspiring international bankers to not only buy up rival banks at a discount, 988 01:23:59,334 --> 01:24:02,428 but to also buy up whole corporations at pennies on the dollar. 989 01:24:02,637 --> 01:24:04,468 It was the greatest robbery in American history. 990 01:24:05,073 --> 01:24:06,404 But that didn't stop there. 991 01:24:06,574 --> 01:24:10,076 Rather than expand the money supply to recover from this economic collapse, 992 01:24:10,111 --> 01:24:14,571 the Fed actually contracted it, fueling one of the largest depressions in history. 993 01:24:14,749 --> 01:24:20,346 Once again outraged, Congressman Louis McFadden, a long-time opponent of the banking cartels, 994 01:24:20,555 --> 01:24:23,490 began bringing impeachment proceedings against the Federal Reserve Board, 995 01:24:23,792 --> 01:24:25,760 saying of the crash and depression: 996 01:24:25,894 --> 01:24:27,293 "It was a carefully contrived occurrence. 997 01:24:27,629 --> 01:24:30,359 International bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair, 998 01:24:30,598 --> 01:24:33,260 so that they might emerge the rulers of us all. " 999 01:24:33,468 --> 01:24:36,596 Not surprisingly, and after 2 previous assassination attempts, 1000 01:24:36,905 --> 01:24:40,932 McFadden was poisoned at a banquet before he could push for the impeachment. 1001 01:24:41,976 --> 01:24:48,506 Now, having reduced the society to squalor, the Federal Reserve bankers decided that the Gold Standard should be removed. 1002 01:24:48,883 --> 01:24:52,011 In order to do this, they needed to acquire the remaining gold in the system. 1003 01:24:52,420 --> 01:24:57,881 So, under the pretense of helping to end the depression came the 1933 gold seizure. 1004 01:24:58,226 --> 01:25:03,926 Under threat of imprisonment for 10 years, everyone in America was required to turn in all gold bullion to the Treasury, 1005 01:25:04,199 --> 01:25:07,225 essentially robbing the public of what little wealth they had left. 1006 01:25:07,502 --> 01:25:10,562 At the end of 1933, the gold standard was abolished. 1007 01:25:10,772 --> 01:25:16,267 If you look at a dollar bill from before 1933, it says it is redeemable in gold. 1008 01:25:16,478 --> 01:25:18,275 If you look at a dollar bill today, 1009 01:25:18,480 --> 01:25:22,712 it says it is legal tender, which means it is backed by absolutely nothing. 1010 01:25:23,017 --> 01:25:24,484 It is worthless paper. 1011 01:25:24,719 --> 01:25:28,382 The only thing that gives our money value is how much of it is in circulation. 1012 01:25:28,823 --> 01:25:34,318 Therefore the power to regulate the money supply is also the power to regulate its value, 1013 01:25:34,529 --> 01:25:39,592 which is also the power to bring entire economies and societies to its knees. 1014 01:25:40,635 --> 01:25:44,127 "Give me control of a Nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws. " 1015 01:25:44,506 --> 01:25:46,997 - M.A. Rothschild, Founder of Rothschild banking dynasty. 1016 01:25:47,575 --> 01:25:51,409 It's important to clearly understand: the Federal Reserve is a private corporation. 1017 01:25:51,679 --> 01:25:54,546 It is about as "Federal" as "Federal Express. " 1018 01:25:54,816 --> 01:25:58,843 It makes its own policies, and is under virtually no regulation by the US government. 1019 01:25:59,154 --> 01:26:04,114 It is a private bank that loans all currency at interest to the government, 1020 01:26:04,392 --> 01:26:09,523 completely consistent with the fraudulent central banking model that the country sought to escape from 1021 01:26:09,831 --> 01:26:12,994 when it declared independence in the American Revolutionary War. 1022 01:26:13,234 --> 01:26:19,036 Now, going back to 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was not the only unconstitutional bill pushed through Congress. 1023 01:26:19,307 --> 01:26:22,765 They also pushed the federal income tax. 1024 01:26:22,944 --> 01:26:27,210 It's worthwhile to point out that the American public's ignorance towards the federal income tax 1025 01:26:27,515 --> 01:26:32,418 is a testament to how dumbed-down and oblivious the American population really is. 1026 01:26:33,054 --> 01:26:36,990 First of all, the federal income tax is completely Unconstitutional, 1027 01:26:37,158 --> 01:26:39,422 as it is a direct, unapportioned tax. 1028 01:26:39,727 --> 01:26:43,686 All direct taxes have to be apportioned to be legal based on the Constitution. 1029 01:26:43,898 --> 01:26:49,302 Secondly, the required number of states in order to ratify the amendment to allow the income tax was never met, 1030 01:26:49,537 --> 01:26:52,097 and this has even been cited in modern court cases. 1031 01:26:52,273 --> 01:26:56,175 "If you examined 16th amendment carefully, you would find that a sufficient number of states never ratified that amendment. " 1032 01:26:56,244 --> 01:26:57,677 U.S. District Court Judge James C. Fox, 2003 1033 01:26:57,779 --> 01:27:03,479 Third, at the present day, roughly 25% of the average worker's income is taken via this tax. 1034 01:27:03,685 --> 01:27:07,121 and guess where that money goes. 1035 01:27:07,188 --> 01:27:11,818 It goes to pay the interest on the currency being produced by the fraudulent Federal Reserve Bank, 1036 01:27:11,993 --> 01:27:14,689 a system that does not have to exist, at all. 1037 01:27:14,862 --> 01:27:21,791 The money you make working almost three months out of the year goes almost literally 1038 01:27:21,970 --> 01:27:25,201 into the pockets of the international bankers, who own the private Federal Reserve Bank, 1039 01:27:25,373 --> 01:27:29,537 And fourth, even with the fraudulent government claim as to the legality of the income tax, 1040 01:27:29,777 --> 01:27:36,239 there is literally no statute, no law in existence, that requires you to pay this tax. 1041 01:27:36,484 --> 01:27:38,111 Period. 1042 01:27:38,186 --> 01:27:41,383 I really expected that of course there's a law, 1043 01:27:41,556 --> 01:27:45,925 that you can point to in the law book that requires you to file a tax return. 1044 01:27:46,094 --> 01:27:47,823 Of course there is. 1045 01:27:48,162 --> 01:27:52,428 I was at that point where I couldn't find the statute that clearly made a person liable, 1046 01:27:52,700 --> 01:27:56,534 at least not me, and most people I know, 1047 01:27:56,704 --> 01:28:00,333 and I had no choice in my mind except to resign. 1048 01:28:00,575 --> 01:28:05,069 Based on the research that I did throughout the year 2000 and that I'm still doing, 1049 01:28:05,313 --> 01:28:06,439 I have not found that law. 1050 01:28:06,614 --> 01:28:11,210 I've asked Congress, a lot of people, we've asked the IRS Commissioner's helpers, 1051 01:28:11,619 --> 01:28:17,455 they can't answer, because if they answer, the American people are gonna know that this whole thing is a fraud. 1052 01:28:17,625 --> 01:28:21,493 I haven't filed a federal income tax return since I left. 1053 01:28:21,763 --> 01:28:24,163 I have not filed a tax return since 1999. 1054 01:28:25,033 --> 01:28:29,936 The income tax is nothing less than the enslavement of the entire country. 1055 01:28:30,772 --> 01:28:34,264 Now, the control of the economy and the perpetual robbery of wealth 1056 01:28:34,642 --> 01:28:38,009 is only one side of the Rubik's Cube the bankers hold in their hands. 1057 01:28:38,413 --> 01:28:41,940 The next tool for profit and control is war. 1058 01:28:42,884 --> 01:28:45,586 Since the inception of the Federal Reserve in 1913, 1059 01:28:45,621 --> 01:28:48,350 a number of large and small wars have commenced. 1060 01:28:48,556 --> 01:28:53,289 The 3 most pronounced were World War I, World War II, and Vietnam. 1061 01:28:53,561 --> 01:28:55,028 World War I. 1062 01:28:55,196 --> 01:28:59,257 In 1914, European wars broke out centered around England and Germany. 1063 01:28:59,467 --> 01:29:01,958 The American public wanted nothing to do with the war, 1064 01:29:02,203 --> 01:29:05,639 in turn President Wilson publicly declared neutrality. 1065 01:29:05,840 --> 01:29:08,604 However, under the surface, 1066 01:29:08,743 --> 01:29:11,143 the US administration was looking for any excuse they could find to enter it. 1067 01:29:11,312 --> 01:29:14,281 In a noted observation by Secretary of State William Jennings: 1068 01:29:14,515 --> 01:29:17,916 "The large banking interests were deeply interested in the world war, 1069 01:29:18,086 --> 01:29:20,384 because of the wide opportunities for large profits. " 1070 01:29:21,122 --> 01:29:26,458 It's important to understand that the most lucrative thing that can happen for international bankers, is war. 1071 01:29:26,627 --> 01:29:31,894 For it forces the county to borrow even more money from the Federal Reserve Bank at interest. 1072 01:29:32,467 --> 01:29:36,494 Woodrow Wilson's top adviser and mentor was Colonel Edward House, 1073 01:29:36,704 --> 01:29:41,334 a man with intimate connections with the international bankers who wanted in the war. 1074 01:29:41,609 --> 01:29:44,942 In a documented conversation between Colonel House, Wilson's Advisor, 1075 01:29:45,246 --> 01:29:50,445 and Sir Edward Grey, The Foreign Secretary of England, regarding how to get America into the war. 1076 01:29:50,618 --> 01:29:51,812 Grey Inquired: 1077 01:29:52,120 --> 01:29:54,850 "What will Americans do if Germans sink an Ocean Liner with American Passengers on board?" 1078 01:29:54,922 --> 01:29:57,049 House responded: 1079 01:29:57,325 --> 01:30:01,056 "I believe that a flame of indignation would sweep the united states 1080 01:30:01,195 --> 01:30:04,961 and that by itself would be sufficient to carry us into war. " 1081 01:30:05,133 --> 01:30:10,230 So, on May 7 th 1915 on essentially the suggestion of Sir Edward Grey, 1082 01:30:10,405 --> 01:30:17,311 a ship called the Lusitania was deliberately sent into German controlled waters where German Military Vessels were know to be. 1083 01:30:17,578 --> 01:30:20,445 And, as expected, German U-boats torpedoed the ship, 1084 01:30:20,715 --> 01:30:24,276 exploding stored ammunition, killing 1200 people. 1085 01:30:25,186 --> 01:30:29,782 To further understand the deliberate nature of this setup, 1086 01:30:30,057 --> 01:30:33,322 the German Embassy actually put advertisements in the New York times, 1087 01:30:33,628 --> 01:30:37,359 telling people that if they boarded the Lusitania, they did so at there own risk, 1088 01:30:37,598 --> 01:30:42,558 as such a ship sailing from America to England through the war zone, would be liable to destruction. 1089 01:30:42,970 --> 01:30:48,966 In turn and as anticipated, the sinking of the Lusitania caused a wave of anger among the American population 1090 01:30:49,277 --> 01:30:52,075 and America entered the war a short time after. 1091 01:30:52,413 --> 01:30:57,180 The I st world war caused 323000 American deaths. 1092 01:30:57,251 --> 01:31:03,019 J.D. Rockefeller made 200 million dollars off of it. 1093 01:31:04,058 --> 01:31:07,550 Not to mention the war cost about 30 billion dollars for America, 1094 01:31:07,895 --> 01:31:11,160 most of which was borrow from the Federal Reserve Bank at interest, 1095 01:31:11,299 --> 01:31:13,927 furthering the profits of the international bankers. 1096 01:31:14,168 --> 01:31:15,760 World War 2. 1097 01:31:16,237 --> 01:31:20,537 On December 7th 194 I, Japan attacked the American fleet at Pearl Harbor, 1098 01:31:20,808 --> 01:31:22,571 triggering our entry into that war. 1099 01:31:22,910 --> 01:31:27,847 President Franklin D Roosevelt declared that the attack was a "day that will live in infamy". 1100 01:31:28,082 --> 01:31:29,582 A day of infamy indeed, 1101 01:31:29,617 --> 01:31:32,484 but not because of the alleged surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. 1102 01:31:32,820 --> 01:31:39,123 After 60 years of surfacing information, it is clear that only was the attack on Pearl Harbor known weeks in advance, 1103 01:31:39,360 --> 01:31:41,726 it was outright wanted and provoked. 1104 01:31:42,063 --> 01:31:45,965 Roosevelt, whose family had been New York bankers since the 18th century, 1105 01:31:46,167 --> 01:31:49,898 whose uncle Fredrik was on the original federal reserve board, 1106 01:31:50,137 --> 01:31:52,628 was very sympathetic to the interests of the international bankers 1107 01:31:52,807 --> 01:31:55,241 and the interest was to enter the war. 1108 01:31:55,409 --> 01:31:59,470 And as we have seen, nothing is more profitable for international bankers, than war. 1109 01:31:59,747 --> 01:32:06,016 In a journal entry by Roosevelt's Secretary ofWar Henry Stimson dated November 25th, 194 I, 1110 01:32:06,254 --> 01:32:08,415 he documented a conversation he had with Roosevelt: 1111 01:32:08,789 --> 01:32:11,917 "The question was how should we maneuver them into firing the first shot. 1112 01:32:12,159 --> 01:32:15,219 It was desirable to make sure the Japanese be the ones to do this 1113 01:32:15,463 --> 01:32:19,160 so that there should remain no doubt as to who were the aggressors. " 1114 01:32:19,534 --> 01:32:21,764 In the months leading up to the attack on Pearl Harbor, 1115 01:32:21,969 --> 01:32:26,565 Roosevelt did everything in his power to anger the Japanese, showing a posture of aggression. 1116 01:32:27,241 --> 01:32:29,971 He halted all of Japans import of American Petroleum. 1117 01:32:30,177 --> 01:32:32,778 He froze all the Japanese assets in the United States. 1118 01:32:32,813 --> 01:32:37,011 He made public loans to Nationalist China and supplied military aid to the British, 1119 01:32:37,251 --> 01:32:39,185 both enemies to Japan in the war... 1120 01:32:39,220 --> 01:32:42,348 Which, by the way, is completely in violation of international war rules. 1121 01:32:42,790 --> 01:32:45,190 And, on December 4th, 3 days before the attack, 1122 01:32:45,393 --> 01:32:51,229 Australian intelligence told Roosevelt about a Japanese task force moving towards Pearl Harbor. 1123 01:32:51,532 --> 01:32:52,499 Roosevelt ignored it. 1124 01:32:53,034 --> 01:32:57,368 So, as hoped and allowed, on December 7th 194 I Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, 1125 01:32:57,638 --> 01:33:00,306 killing 2400 soldiers. 1126 01:33:00,341 --> 01:33:04,505 Before Pearl Harbor 83% of the American Pubic wanted nothing to do with the War. 1127 01:33:04,745 --> 01:33:08,875 After Pearl Harbor, I million men volunteered for the war. 1128 01:33:09,483 --> 01:33:15,718 It is important to note, Nazi Germany's war effort was largely supported by two organizations, 1129 01:33:16,090 --> 01:33:17,751 one of which was called I.G. Farben. 1130 01:33:17,992 --> 01:33:22,224 I.G. Farben produced 84% of Germany's explosives and even the Zyklon B 1131 01:33:22,430 --> 01:33:24,625 used in the concentration camps to kill millions. 1132 01:33:24,865 --> 01:33:30,360 One of the unspoken partners of I.G. Farben was J.D. Rockefeller's Stand Oil Company in America, 1133 01:33:30,938 --> 01:33:36,433 In fact the German Air force could not operate without a special additive patterned by Rockefeller's Standard Oil. 1134 01:33:36,844 --> 01:33:40,041 The drastic bombing of London by Nazi Germany for example 1135 01:33:40,247 --> 01:33:46,277 was made possible by a 20 million dollar sale of fuel to I.G. Farben by the Rockefeller standard oil company. 1136 01:33:46,454 --> 01:33:52,120 This is just one small point about how America business funded both sides ofWorld War 2. 1137 01:33:52,360 --> 01:33:57,798 One other treasonous organization worth mentioning is the Union Banking Corporation of New York City. 1138 01:33:58,265 --> 01:34:01,530 Not only did it finance numerous aspects of Hitler's rise to power, 1139 01:34:01,836 --> 01:34:03,599 along with actual materials during the war, 1140 01:34:03,904 --> 01:34:06,099 it was also a Nazi money laundering bank, 1141 01:34:06,307 --> 01:34:10,471 Which was eventually exposed for having millions of dollars of Nazi Money in its vaults. 1142 01:34:10,745 --> 01:34:16,240 The Union Banking Corporation of New York was eventually seized for violation of the Trading with the Enemy Act. 1143 01:34:16,517 --> 01:34:19,213 Guess who the director and Vice President of the Union Bank was? 1144 01:34:19,687 --> 01:34:22,884 Prescott Bush, our current president's Grandfather, 1145 01:34:23,157 --> 01:34:25,751 and of course our former President's father. 1146 01:34:25,993 --> 01:34:30,987 Keep that in mind when considering the moral and political dispositions of the Bush family. 1147 01:34:33,601 --> 01:34:35,091 Vietnam. 1148 01:34:35,403 --> 01:34:39,533 The United States official declaration of war on North Vietnam in 1964, 1149 01:34:39,874 --> 01:34:47,371 came after an alleged incident involving US destroyers being attack by North Vietnamese PT boats in the Gulf ofTonkin. 1150 01:34:47,815 --> 01:34:50,045 This was known as the Gulf ofTonkin Incident. 1151 01:34:50,284 --> 01:34:56,086 This single situation was the catalystic pretext for massive troop deployment and full fledged warfare. 1152 01:34:56,757 --> 01:34:57,849 One problem however. 1153 01:34:58,192 --> 01:35:01,628 The attack on the US destroyers by Vietnamese PT boats... 1154 01:35:01,862 --> 01:35:03,193 never happened. 1155 01:35:03,497 --> 01:35:07,331 It was a completely staged event to have an excuse to enter the war. 1156 01:35:07,601 --> 01:35:11,037 Former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara stated years later 1157 01:35:11,205 --> 01:35:14,073 that the Gulf ofTonkin incident was a "mistake", 1158 01:35:14,108 --> 01:35:16,668 while many other insiders and officers have come forward 1159 01:35:16,977 --> 01:35:20,879 relaying that it was a contrived farce, a complete lie. 1160 01:35:21,082 --> 01:35:23,380 Once in the war, it was business as usual. 1161 01:35:23,651 --> 01:35:26,245 In October 1966, president Lyndon Johnson 1162 01:35:26,454 --> 01:35:28,615 lifted trading restrictions on the Soviet Block, 1163 01:35:28,856 --> 01:35:34,123 know full well that the Soviets were providing upwards of 80% of North Vietnams war supplies. 1164 01:35:34,395 --> 01:35:38,456 Consequently, Rockefeller interests financed factories in the Soviet Union, 1165 01:35:38,699 --> 01:35:43,500 which the Soviets used to manufacture military equipment and send to North Vietnam. 1166 01:35:43,671 --> 01:35:48,074 However, the funding of both sides of this conflict was only one side of the coin. 1167 01:35:48,275 --> 01:35:52,371 In 1985,Vietnam's Rules of Engagement were declassified. 1168 01:35:52,613 --> 01:35:56,379 This detailed what American troops were and were not allow to do in the war. 1169 01:35:56,617 --> 01:35:58,084 It included absurdities like: 1170 01:35:58,319 --> 01:36:02,016 North Vietnamese anti-aircraft missile systems could not be bombed 1171 01:36:02,223 --> 01:36:04,691 until they were known to be fully operational. 1172 01:36:04,859 --> 01:36:08,852 No enemy could be pursued once they crossed the border of Laos or Cambodia. 1173 01:36:09,063 --> 01:36:13,762 And most revealing of all, the most critical strategic targets were not allow to be attacked, 1174 01:36:13,968 --> 01:36:16,869 unless initiated by high military officials. 1175 01:36:17,037 --> 01:36:19,528 Apart from these imposed limitations, 1176 01:36:19,707 --> 01:36:22,972 North Vietnam was informed of these restrictions 1177 01:36:23,177 --> 01:36:27,409 and therefore could create entire strategies around the limitations of the American Forces. 1178 01:36:27,548 --> 01:36:31,609 This is why the war went on so long and the bottom line is this: 1179 01:36:31,786 --> 01:36:34,277 The Vietnam war was never meant to be won... 1180 01:36:34,455 --> 01:36:36,650 Just sustained. 1181 01:36:36,857 --> 01:36:42,727 This war for profit resulted in 58000 American death and 3 million dead Vietnamese. 1182 01:36:47,001 --> 01:36:49,731 So, where are we now. 1183 01:36:50,104 --> 01:36:55,269 September 11th was the jumpstart for what is now an accelerating agenda by the ruthless elite. 1184 01:36:55,476 --> 01:36:59,776 It was a staged war pretext no different than the sinking of the Lusitania, 1185 01:36:59,947 --> 01:37:02,074 the provoking of Pearl Harbor and the Gulf of Tonkin lie. 1186 01:37:02,817 --> 01:37:08,255 In fact if 9/11 wasn't a planned war pretext it would be an exception to the rule. 1187 01:37:08,422 --> 01:37:11,687 It has been used to launch two unprovoked illegal wars. 1188 01:37:11,892 --> 01:37:14,759 One against Iraq and one against Afghanistan. 1189 01:37:15,062 --> 01:37:17,826 However, 9/11 was the pretext for another war as well. 1190 01:37:17,998 --> 01:37:19,329 The war against you. 1191 01:37:19,500 --> 01:37:24,369 The patriot act, homeland security, the military tribunals act and other legislations, 1192 01:37:24,605 --> 01:37:28,666 are all completely and entirely designed to destroy your civil liberties 1193 01:37:28,809 --> 01:37:32,074 and limit your ability to fight back against what is coming. 1194 01:37:32,479 --> 01:37:36,381 Currently in the United states unannounced to most brainwashed Americans, 1195 01:37:36,584 --> 01:37:40,042 you home can be searched without a warrant, with you being home, 1196 01:37:40,221 --> 01:37:43,418 you can in turn be arrested with no charges revealed to you, 1197 01:37:43,591 --> 01:37:48,221 detain indefinitely with no access to a lawyer and legally tortured. 1198 01:37:48,462 --> 01:37:52,398 All under the suspicion that you might be a "terrorist". 1199 01:37:52,633 --> 01:37:55,602 If you need a painted picture of what is happening in the country, 1200 01:37:55,803 --> 01:37:58,169 let's recognize how history repeats itself. 1201 01:37:58,839 --> 01:38:03,970 In Feb 1933, Hitler staged a false flag attack, 1202 01:38:04,211 --> 01:38:10,741 burning down his own German parliament building the Reichstag and blamed it on communist terrorists. 1203 01:38:10,951 --> 01:38:13,511 Within the next few weeks he passed the Enabling Act, 1204 01:38:13,754 --> 01:38:17,747 which completely eradicated the German constitution destroying people's liberties. 1205 01:38:18,125 --> 01:38:20,593 He then let a series of preemptive wars 1206 01:38:20,828 --> 01:38:26,232 all justified to the German people as necessary to maintaining homeland security. 1207 01:38:27,468 --> 01:38:32,599 "An evil exists that threatens every man woman and child in this great nation. 1208 01:38:32,773 --> 01:38:36,877 We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland. " 1209 01:38:36,912 --> 01:38:40,335 George Bush? 1210 01:38:42,349 --> 01:38:48,720 No, Adolf Hitler when announcing the Gestapo to the people. 1211 01:38:49,556 --> 01:38:58,521 On the matter of communism... and its front organizations should not obscure the issues! 1212 01:38:58,832 --> 01:39:05,260 Our enemy is a radical network of terrorists and every government that supports them. 1213 01:39:07,775 --> 01:39:09,174 It's time to wake up. 1214 01:39:09,643 --> 01:39:12,111 The people in power go out of their way 1215 01:39:12,346 --> 01:39:15,873 to make sure you are perpetually mislead and manipulated. 1216 01:39:16,417 --> 01:39:22,117 The majorities perception of reality, especially in the political arena is not there own. 1217 01:39:22,356 --> 01:39:26,349 It is shrewdly imposed upon them, without them even knowing it. 1218 01:39:26,860 --> 01:39:31,820 For example, the public at large actually believes the invasion of Iraq is going badly, 1219 01:39:32,099 --> 01:39:35,000 as sectarian violence doesn't seem to stop. 1220 01:39:35,202 --> 01:39:36,863 What the public fails to see, 1221 01:39:37,037 --> 01:39:42,475 is that the destabilization of Iraq is exactly what the people behind the government want. 1222 01:39:42,776 --> 01:39:46,405 This war is to be sustained, so the region can be divided up, 1223 01:39:46,613 --> 01:39:51,277 domination of the oil maintained, continual profits reaped for the defense contractors 1224 01:39:51,552 --> 01:39:54,953 and most importantly, permanent military bases established 1225 01:39:55,222 --> 01:40:01,422 to be used as a launching pad against other oil bearing, non-conforming countries, such as Iran and Syria, 1226 01:40:01,862 --> 01:40:06,390 For further implication that the civil war and destabilization is purely intentional - 1227 01:40:06,600 --> 01:40:11,936 In 2005, 2 elite British SAS officers were arrested by Iraq police 1228 01:40:12,172 --> 01:40:15,608 after being caught driving around in their car shooting at civilians, 1229 01:40:15,809 --> 01:40:18,277 while dressed up as Arabs. 1230 01:40:18,445 --> 01:40:21,437 After being arrested and taken to a jail in Basra, 1231 01:40:21,682 --> 01:40:24,344 the British army immediately requested the release of these men. 1232 01:40:24,685 --> 01:40:28,052 When the Basra government refused, British tanks came in 1233 01:40:28,255 --> 01:40:32,487 and physically broke out the men from the Basra prison. 1234 01:40:32,993 --> 01:40:37,191 If you wish to destroy an area, how do you do it? 1235 01:40:37,364 --> 01:40:41,164 Well there are two ways - you can go in there and bomb it, and so forth, but that is not very efficient. 1236 01:40:41,735 --> 01:40:44,761 What you do is try to get the people in that area to kill each other 1237 01:40:45,005 --> 01:40:48,805 and to destroy there own territory, their own farms. 1238 01:40:49,009 --> 01:40:50,772 And that's what has been done in that area. 1239 01:40:51,011 --> 01:40:56,449 The way in which you destroy an opponent is get him to destroy himself, 1240 01:40:56,717 --> 01:40:58,844 by dividing his ranks against one another. 1241 01:40:58,986 --> 01:41:03,924 Then you feed both sides, you have agents feeding both sides, inflaming both sides. 1242 01:41:03,959 --> 01:41:06,188 And they kill each other off. 1243 01:41:06,527 --> 01:41:10,327 And it's time that some of us woke up to this reality. 1244 01:41:10,531 --> 01:41:16,299 To understand that people who try to maintain empires and create empires, 1245 01:41:16,437 --> 01:41:21,272 do it by manipulating the people they are trying to conquer. 1246 01:41:21,675 --> 01:41:29,013 You might to ask yourself why the entire culture is utterly saturated by mass media entertainment from all sides, 1247 01:41:29,216 --> 01:41:34,085 while the educational system in America continues it stupefying downward slide 1248 01:41:34,254 --> 01:41:38,486 since the US government decided to take over and subsidize the public school system. 1249 01:41:40,527 --> 01:41:44,563 What your government pays for it gets. 1250 01:41:44,598 --> 01:41:51,834 When we understand that, then we look at government financed institutions of education 1251 01:41:52,072 --> 01:41:58,978 and see the kind of students and the kind of education that is being turned out by these government financed schools, 1252 01:41:59,179 --> 01:42:04,173 logic will tell you that if what is being turned out in those schools 1253 01:42:04,351 --> 01:42:08,720 was not in accord with what the state and the federal government wanted, 1254 01:42:08,889 --> 01:42:11,756 then it would change it. 1255 01:42:11,892 --> 01:42:16,158 The bottom line is that the government is getting what they have ordered. 1256 01:42:16,296 --> 01:42:21,969 They do not want your children to be educated. 1257 01:42:22,004 --> 01:42:25,837 They do not want you to think too much. 1258 01:42:26,073 --> 01:42:31,511 That is why our country and our world has become so proliferated with entertainments, 1259 01:42:31,678 --> 01:42:38,413 mass media, television shows, amusement parks, drugs, alcohol 1260 01:42:38,652 --> 01:42:40,449 and every kind of entertainment, 1261 01:42:40,654 --> 01:42:43,953 to keep the human entertained. 1262 01:42:44,291 --> 01:42:51,094 So that you don't get in the way of important people by doing too much thinking. 1263 01:42:51,398 --> 01:42:53,696 You had better wake up and understand 1264 01:42:53,867 --> 01:42:57,598 that there are people who are guiding your life and you don't even know it. " 1265 01:42:57,938 --> 01:43:00,668 We are in a lot of trouble! 1266 01:43:01,341 --> 01:43:07,246 Because you people and 62 million other Americans are listening to me right now. 1267 01:43:07,447 --> 01:43:11,247 Because less than 3 percent of you people read books. 1268 01:43:11,652 --> 01:43:16,419 Because less 15 percent of you read newspapers. 1269 01:43:16,557 --> 01:43:20,015 Because the only truth you know is what you get over this tube. 1270 01:43:20,260 --> 01:43:24,822 Right now there is a whole, an entire generation that never knew anything 1271 01:43:25,032 --> 01:43:27,626 that didn't come out of this tube. 1272 01:43:28,368 --> 01:43:32,464 This tube is the gospel, the ultimate revelation. 1273 01:43:32,706 --> 01:43:37,575 This tube can make or break presidents popes prime ministers... 1274 01:43:37,744 --> 01:43:43,910 This tube is the most awesome goddamn force in the whole godless world and woe is us, 1275 01:43:44,117 --> 01:43:46,051 if it ever falls in the hands of the wrong people. 1276 01:43:46,186 --> 01:43:54,525 And when the largest company in the world controls the most awesome goddamn propaganda force in the whole godless world, 1277 01:43:54,728 --> 01:43:58,926 who knows what shit will be peddled for truth on this network! 1278 01:43:59,132 --> 01:44:00,963 So you listen to me... listen to me: 1279 01:44:01,134 --> 01:44:04,770 Television is not the truth. 1280 01:44:04,805 --> 01:44:07,239 Television is a goddamned amusement park, 1281 01:44:07,374 --> 01:44:12,573 Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troop of acrobats, story tellers, 1282 01:44:12,779 --> 01:44:17,773 dancers, singers, jugglers sideshow freaks, lion tamers and football players. 1283 01:44:17,985 --> 01:44:20,545 We are in the boredom killing business! 1284 01:44:20,754 --> 01:44:27,023 But you people sit there day after day night after night, all ages, colors, creeds... 1285 01:44:27,261 --> 01:44:29,126 We are all you know. 1286 01:44:29,296 --> 01:44:31,992 You're beginning to believe the illusions we are spinning here, 1287 01:44:32,199 --> 01:44:36,226 you are beginning to think the tube is reality and your own lives are unreal. 1288 01:44:36,403 --> 01:44:38,804 You do whatever the tube tells you. 1289 01:44:38,839 --> 01:44:41,399 You dress like the tube, eat like the tube, 1290 01:44:41,541 --> 01:44:43,839 raise your children like the tube, you even think like the tube... 1291 01:44:44,011 --> 01:44:47,242 This is mass madness you maniacs. 1292 01:44:47,414 --> 01:44:49,974 In god's name you people are the real thing 1293 01:44:50,183 --> 01:44:52,708 We are the illusion! 1294 01:44:55,489 --> 01:44:58,014 The last thing the men behind the curtain want 1295 01:44:58,258 --> 01:45:02,024 is a conscious informed public capable of critical thinking. 1296 01:45:02,429 --> 01:45:06,593 Which is why a continually fraudulent zeitgeist is output via religion, 1297 01:45:06,833 --> 01:45:09,666 the mass media, and the educational system. 1298 01:45:10,070 --> 01:45:13,267 They seek to keep you in a distracted, naive bubble. 1299 01:45:14,107 --> 01:45:16,701 And they are doing a damn good job of it. 1300 01:45:17,144 --> 01:45:21,808 In 2005 an arrangement between Canada, Mexico and the United States was made. 1301 01:45:22,215 --> 01:45:25,616 This arrangement, unannounced to the public, unregulated by congress, 1302 01:45:25,819 --> 01:45:32,088 merges the United States, Canada and Mexico into one entity, erasing all borders. 1303 01:45:32,826 --> 01:45:34,660 It's called the North American Union. 1304 01:45:34,695 --> 01:45:37,186 You might want to ask yourself why you have never heard of this. 1305 01:45:37,798 --> 01:45:41,029 In fact, there is only one mainstream reporter who has actually heard of, 1306 01:45:41,201 --> 01:45:43,066 and has had the courage to cover this issue. 1307 01:45:43,737 --> 01:45:45,864 The Bush administration's open borders policy 1308 01:45:46,139 --> 01:45:50,803 and its decision to ignore the enforcement of this country's immigration laws 1309 01:45:51,011 --> 01:45:53,241 is part of a broader agenda. 1310 01:45:53,547 --> 01:45:57,506 President Bush signed a formal agreement that will end the United States, as we know it. 1311 01:45:58,018 --> 01:46:01,886 And he took the step without approval from either the US congress, 1312 01:46:02,089 --> 01:46:04,489 or the people of the United States. 1313 01:46:04,725 --> 01:46:06,659 It's a deal that few have even heard of. 1314 01:46:06,827 --> 01:46:10,354 It's been done again, by very few people, at the very top, 1315 01:46:10,530 --> 01:46:14,296 on behalf of the investment class. But the working class of people, 1316 01:46:14,935 --> 01:46:19,338 political officials across our country from communities and cities, 1317 01:46:19,473 --> 01:46:21,270 they don't know anything about this. 1318 01:46:21,708 --> 01:46:23,403 This isn't some trade agreement. 1319 01:46:23,610 --> 01:46:26,374 It is a total removal of sovereignty from these countries 1320 01:46:26,613 --> 01:46:30,049 which will also result in a completely new currency called the Amero. 1321 01:46:30,350 --> 01:46:36,619 I think the one thing that people who are dollars based need to focus on is the Amero, 1322 01:46:36,757 --> 01:46:38,588 that's the thing no one is talking about that. 1323 01:46:38,759 --> 01:46:44,629 I think is going to have a big impact on everybody's life in Canada, the US and Mexico. 1324 01:46:44,765 --> 01:46:48,394 The Amero is the proposed new currency for the North American Community, 1325 01:46:48,535 --> 01:46:52,335 which is being developed right now between Canada the US and Mexico 1326 01:46:52,506 --> 01:46:55,600 to make a borderless community much like the EU 1327 01:46:55,776 --> 01:47:00,372 and the Dollar, the Canadian dollar and the Mexican Peso will be replaced by the Amero. 1328 01:47:00,647 --> 01:47:04,981 By default of this agreement, the American Constitution will eventually be obsolete. 1329 01:47:05,619 --> 01:47:09,988 You would think that a situation like this would be on the cover or every major newspaper. 1330 01:47:10,223 --> 01:47:13,021 That is until you realize that the people behind this movement 1331 01:47:13,326 --> 01:47:15,959 are the same people who are behind the main stream media 1332 01:47:15,994 --> 01:47:18,592 and you are not told what you are not supposed to know. 1333 01:47:18,899 --> 01:47:21,834 The North American Union is the same concept as the European Union, 1334 01:47:22,002 --> 01:47:24,562 the African Union and the soon to be Asian union 1335 01:47:24,771 --> 01:47:26,864 and the same people are behind all of them. 1336 01:47:27,274 --> 01:47:32,644 And when the time right, the north American, union, the European union, the African union and the Asian union 1337 01:47:32,846 --> 01:47:39,718 will be merged together, forming the final stages of a plan these men have been working on for over 60 years. 1338 01:47:39,886 --> 01:47:42,446 A one world government. 1339 01:47:43,056 --> 01:47:46,287 "We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. 1340 01:47:46,526 --> 01:47:51,259 The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent. " 1341 01:47:52,032 --> 01:47:58,733 - PaulWarburg, Council on Foreign Relations / Architect of the Federal Reserve System 1342 01:48:00,874 --> 01:48:06,210 "We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New YorkTimes, Time Magazine and other great publications 1343 01:48:06,580 --> 01:48:11,950 whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. 1344 01:48:12,219 --> 01:48:17,384 It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world 1345 01:48:17,624 --> 01:48:21,253 if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. 1346 01:48:21,461 --> 01:48:25,761 But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. 1347 01:48:25,932 --> 01:48:28,765 The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers 1348 01:48:28,935 --> 01:48:33,235 is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries. 1349 01:48:33,440 --> 01:48:37,706 David Rockefeller, Council on Foreign Relations 1350 01:48:40,714 --> 01:48:44,775 One bank, one army, one center of power. 1351 01:48:45,452 --> 01:48:47,886 And if we have learned anything from history. 1352 01:48:48,522 --> 01:48:53,824 it is that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. 1353 01:48:54,027 --> 01:48:56,962 This is Aaron Russo, a filmmaker and former Politician. 1354 01:48:57,564 --> 01:49:03,560 To his left is Nicholas Rockefeller of the infamous Rockefeller banking and business dynasty. 1355 01:49:03,803 --> 01:49:07,007 After maintaining a close friendship with Nicholas Rockefeller, 1356 01:49:07,042 --> 01:49:08,907 Aaron eventually ended the relationship, 1357 01:49:09,142 --> 01:49:12,669 appalled by what he had learn about the Rockefellers and their ambitions. 1358 01:49:13,213 --> 01:49:17,782 I got a call one day from an attorney I knew and she said: 1359 01:49:17,817 --> 01:49:21,446 "Would you like to meet one of the Rockefellers?" And I said: "Sure I would love to. " 1360 01:49:21,655 --> 01:49:27,491 We became friends and he began to divulge a lot of things to me, 1361 01:49:27,827 --> 01:49:29,522 so he said to me one night, he said: 1362 01:49:29,696 --> 01:49:35,362 "There's going to be an event, Aaron, and out of that event we are going to go into Afghanistan, 1363 01:49:35,669 --> 01:49:38,399 so we can run pipelines from the Caspian Sea, 1364 01:49:38,572 --> 01:49:42,668 we are gong to go into Iraq to take the oil and establish a base in the middle east 1365 01:49:42,842 --> 01:49:46,676 and we are gong to go into Venezuela and get rid of Chavez. " 1366 01:49:47,080 --> 01:49:50,413 The first 2 they have accomplished, Chavez they didn't accomplish. 1367 01:49:50,684 --> 01:49:54,415 And he said: "You are going to see guys going into caves looking for... 1368 01:49:54,854 --> 01:49:58,756 looking for people they are never going to find. " 1369 01:49:58,959 --> 01:50:02,162 He was laughing about the fact that you have this war on Terror, 1370 01:50:02,197 --> 01:50:04,027 and there is no real enemy. 1371 01:50:04,264 --> 01:50:08,266 He was talking about how by having this war on terror you can never win it, 1372 01:50:08,301 --> 01:50:13,068 because it is an eternal war, so you can always keep taking peoples liberties away. 1373 01:50:14,140 --> 01:50:16,973 And I said: "How are you going to convince people that this war is real?" 1374 01:50:17,177 --> 01:50:21,197 And he said: "By the media,. the media can convince everybody that it's real. " 1375 01:50:21,232 --> 01:50:25,218 You just keep talking about things and saying them over and over and over again 1376 01:50:25,253 --> 01:50:27,152 and eventually people believe it. 1377 01:50:27,354 --> 01:50:30,812 You know, they create the Federal Reserve in 1913 through lies. 1378 01:50:30,957 --> 01:50:32,447 They create 9/11, 1379 01:50:32,626 --> 01:50:34,560 which was another lie. 1380 01:50:34,761 --> 01:50:38,697 Through 9/11, then you are fighting a war on terror and all the sudden you go into Iraq, 1381 01:50:38,832 --> 01:50:40,823 which was another lie, 1382 01:50:41,067 --> 01:50:42,762 and now they are going to do Iran. 1383 01:50:42,969 --> 01:50:45,870 It's all one thing leading to another, leading to another, leading to another... 1384 01:50:46,006 --> 01:50:47,871 I would say to him: "What are you doing this for? 1385 01:50:48,041 --> 01:50:49,374 What's the point of this thing? 1386 01:50:49,409 --> 01:50:52,445 You have all the money in the world you would ever want, you have all the power, 1387 01:50:52,480 --> 01:50:54,436 you're hurting people. It's not a good thing. " 1388 01:50:54,581 --> 01:50:58,018 And he would say: "What do you care about the people for? 1389 01:50:58,053 --> 01:51:01,369 Take care of yourself and take care of your family". 1390 01:51:01,404 --> 01:51:04,685 And then I said: "So what are the ultimate goals here?" 1391 01:51:04,824 --> 01:51:09,523 He said: "The ultimate goal is to get everyone in this world chipped with an RFID chip. 1392 01:51:09,796 --> 01:51:13,926 And have all money be on those chips and have everything on those chips, 1393 01:51:14,100 --> 01:51:17,695 and if anyone wants to protest what we do or violate what we want, 1394 01:51:17,837 --> 01:51:19,998 we can just turn off their chip. " 1395 01:51:20,206 --> 01:51:21,901 That's right - micro chipped. 1396 01:51:22,142 --> 01:51:27,808 In 2005, congress under the pretense of immigration control and the so called war on terrorism, 1397 01:51:27,981 --> 01:51:32,441 passed the Real ID act, under which it is projected by May 2008, 1398 01:51:32,619 --> 01:51:36,221 you will be required to carry around a Federal Identification card 1399 01:51:36,256 --> 01:51:39,714 which includes on it a scannable bar code with your personal information. 1400 01:51:39,893 --> 01:51:42,794 However this barcode is only an intermediary step, 1401 01:51:42,996 --> 01:51:47,865 before the card is equipped with a VeriChip RFID tracking Module, 1402 01:51:48,068 --> 01:51:52,061 which will use radio frequencies to track your every move on the planet, 1403 01:51:52,806 --> 01:51:54,398 If this sounds foreign to you, please note 1404 01:51:54,674 --> 01:51:59,338 that the RFID tracking chip is already in all new American passports. 1405 01:52:00,580 --> 01:52:03,515 And the final step is the implanted chip, 1406 01:52:03,683 --> 01:52:08,245 which many people have already been manipulated into accepting under different pretenses. 1407 01:52:08,621 --> 01:52:12,921 We have a Florida family who are really pioneers in a brave new world. 1408 01:52:13,093 --> 01:52:18,554 They have volunteer to be the first ever to have microchip identification devices 1409 01:52:18,765 --> 01:52:20,699 implanted into their bodies. 1410 01:52:20,900 --> 01:52:24,768 After 9/11 I was really concerned with the security of my family. 1411 01:52:27,640 --> 01:52:32,407 I wouldn't mind having something planted permanently in my arm, that would identify me. 1412 01:52:33,146 --> 01:52:37,344 In the end, everybody will be locked into a monitored control grid, 1413 01:52:37,517 --> 01:52:40,145 where every single action you perform is documented, 1414 01:52:40,386 --> 01:52:43,388 and if you get out of line, they can just turn off your chip, 1415 01:52:43,423 --> 01:52:48,383 for at that point in time, every single aspect of society will revolve around interactions with the chips. 1416 01:52:49,028 --> 01:52:52,964 This is the picture that is painted for the future if you open your eyes to see it. 1417 01:52:53,199 --> 01:52:58,694 A centralized one world economy where everyone's moves and everyone transactions are tracked and monitored. 1418 01:52:58,938 --> 01:53:01,133 All rights removed. 1419 01:53:03,810 --> 01:53:06,506 The most incredible aspect of all: 1420 01:53:06,746 --> 01:53:10,113 These totalitarian elements will not be forced upon the people, 1421 01:53:10,350 --> 01:53:12,716 the people will demand them. 1422 01:53:12,919 --> 01:53:16,252 For the social manipulation of society through the generation of fear 1423 01:53:16,623 --> 01:53:21,728 and division has completely detached humans from their sense of power and reality. 1424 01:53:21,763 --> 01:53:24,162 A process, which has been going on for centuries if not millennia, 1425 01:53:24,364 --> 01:53:25,353 Religion. 1426 01:53:25,565 --> 01:53:26,930 Patriotism, 1427 01:53:27,000 --> 01:53:28,160 Race, 1428 01:53:28,234 --> 01:53:29,326 Wealth, 1429 01:53:29,402 --> 01:53:30,391 Class, 1430 01:53:30,470 --> 01:53:34,668 and every other form of arbitrary separatist identification and thus conceit, 1431 01:53:34,841 --> 01:53:39,335 has served to create a controlled population, utterly malleable in the hands of the few. 1432 01:53:40,180 --> 01:53:42,045 Divide and Conquer is the motto, 1433 01:53:42,248 --> 01:53:45,775 and as long as people continue to see themselves as separate from everything else, 1434 01:53:45,852 --> 01:53:50,084 they lend themselves to being completely enslaved. 1435 01:53:50,590 --> 01:53:53,457 The men behind the curtain know this. And they also know, 1436 01:53:53,626 --> 01:53:57,630 that if people ever realize the truth of their relationship to nature, 1437 01:53:57,665 --> 01:54:00,155 and the truth of their personal power... 1438 01:54:00,333 --> 01:54:06,568 The entire manufactured Zeitgeist they prey upon, will collapse like a house of cards. 1439 01:54:16,316 --> 01:54:22,277 The whole system that we live in, drills into us that we are powerless, 1440 01:54:22,555 --> 01:54:26,889 that we are weak, that society is evil, that it's crime ridden and so forth. 1441 01:54:27,293 --> 01:54:29,488 It is all a big fat lie! 1442 01:54:29,729 --> 01:54:32,061 We are powerful, beautiful, extraordinary. 1443 01:54:32,999 --> 01:54:39,905 There is no reason why we cannot understand who we truly are; where we are going. 1444 01:54:40,039 --> 01:54:44,169 There is no reason why the average individual cannot be fully empowered. 1445 01:54:44,410 --> 01:54:47,038 We are incredibly powerful beings. 1446 01:54:48,715 --> 01:54:51,309 I think I spent 30 years of my life, 1447 01:54:51,551 --> 01:54:54,281 the first 30, trying to become something. 1448 01:54:54,520 --> 01:54:59,184 I wanted to become good at things, I wanted to become good at tennis and school and grades. 1449 01:54:59,325 --> 01:55:01,418 And everything I kinda viewed in that perspective, 1450 01:55:01,628 --> 01:55:04,722 I'm not okay the way I am, but if I got good at things... 1451 01:55:05,431 --> 01:55:07,729 I realized that I had the game wrong. 1452 01:55:08,001 --> 01:55:11,198 Because the game was to find out what I already was. 1453 01:55:33,526 --> 01:55:37,724 Now, in our culture we have been trained for individual differences to stand out. 1454 01:55:38,364 --> 01:55:40,924 So you look at each person and the immediate hit is. 1455 01:55:41,100 --> 01:55:43,625 Brighter, dumber, older, younger, richer poorer... 1456 01:55:43,836 --> 01:55:46,430 And we make all these dimensional distinctions, 1457 01:55:46,673 --> 01:55:48,868 put them in categories and treat them that way. 1458 01:55:49,242 --> 01:55:52,879 And get so we only see others as separate from ourselves 1459 01:55:52,914 --> 01:55:55,347 in the ways in which they are separate. 1460 01:55:55,581 --> 01:55:59,073 And one of the dramatic characteristics of experience 1461 01:55:59,285 --> 01:56:02,015 is being with another person and suddenly seeing 1462 01:56:02,188 --> 01:56:05,453 the ways in which they are like you, not different from you. 1463 01:56:05,625 --> 01:56:08,389 And experiencing the fact that which is essence in you, 1464 01:56:08,561 --> 01:56:11,189 which is essence in me is, indeed, One. 1465 01:56:11,364 --> 01:56:15,596 The understanding that there is no other. It is all One. 1466 01:56:19,639 --> 01:56:22,767 I wasn't born Richard Albert, I was just born as a human being 1467 01:56:23,009 --> 01:56:28,970 and then I learned this whole business of who I am, whether I'm good or bad, achieving or not... 1468 01:56:29,148 --> 01:56:32,049 All that's learned along the way. 1469 01:56:33,052 --> 01:56:37,011 When the power of love overcomes the love of power, 1470 01:56:37,190 --> 01:56:40,182 the world will know peace. 1471 01:56:40,893 --> 01:56:44,090 Sri Chinmoy Ghose 1472 01:56:48,067 --> 01:56:53,130 The old appeals to racial, sexual and religious shovanism, 1473 01:56:53,373 --> 01:56:56,103 to rabid nationalistic fervor, 1474 01:56:56,409 --> 01:56:58,343 are beginning not to work, 1475 01:56:58,578 --> 01:57:03,606 A new consciousness is developing which sees the earth as a single organism, 1476 01:57:04,050 --> 01:57:09,750 and recognizes, that an organism at war with itself is doomed. 1477 01:57:41,587 --> 01:57:44,886 Bill Hicks used to finish his shows 1478 01:57:45,158 --> 01:57:47,217 with this: 1479 01:57:48,895 --> 01:57:52,023 Life's like a ride in an amusement park, 1480 01:57:52,198 --> 01:57:55,861 and when you go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. 1481 01:57:56,502 --> 01:57:58,970 The ride goes up and down and round and round, 1482 01:57:59,205 --> 01:58:02,108 it has thrills and chills and it's very brightly colored. 1483 01:58:02,143 --> 01:58:05,600 And it's very loud and it's fun for a while. 1484 01:58:05,878 --> 01:58:08,608 Some have been on the ride for a long time and they begin to question: 1485 01:58:08,848 --> 01:58:11,840 Is this real? Or is this just a ride? 1486 01:58:12,185 --> 01:58:14,983 And other people have remembered and they come back to us and they say: 1487 01:58:15,154 --> 01:58:18,282 'Hey, don't worry, don't be afraid ever. 1488 01:58:18,491 --> 01:58:21,119 Cause this is just a ride. ' 1489 01:58:21,627 --> 01:58:23,925 And we kill those people. 1490 01:58:24,230 --> 01:58:27,461 Shut him up I have got a lot invested in this ride, shut him up! 1491 01:58:27,900 --> 01:58:29,197 Look at my frowns of worry... 1492 01:58:29,502 --> 01:58:31,800 Look at my big bank account and my family... 1493 01:58:31,971 --> 01:58:33,563 this has to be real... 1494 01:58:34,440 --> 01:58:36,169 It's just a ride. 1495 01:58:36,476 --> 01:58:38,376 But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that, 1496 01:58:38,444 --> 01:58:39,604 you ever notice that? 1497 01:58:39,679 --> 01:58:41,909 And we let the demons run a muck... 1498 01:58:42,448 --> 01:58:45,178 But it doesn't matter, because it is just a ride 1499 01:58:45,384 --> 01:58:47,648 and we can change it anytime we want. 1500 01:58:47,887 --> 01:58:48,920 It is only a choice. 1501 01:58:48,955 --> 01:58:52,186 No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. 1502 01:58:52,792 --> 01:58:55,158 Just a choice right now. 1503 01:58:55,328 --> 01:58:58,195 Between fear, 1504 01:58:58,364 --> 01:59:01,390 and love. 1505 01:59:20,920 --> 01:59:29,521 The revolution is now.