1 00:02:04,557 --> 00:02:06,081 I got shot. 2 00:02:10,363 --> 00:02:12,661 I aIways feIt Iike I'd be shot. 3 00:02:12,866 --> 00:02:14,834 Somebody was trying to do me some harm 4 00:02:15,034 --> 00:02:17,127 because a Iot of peopIe don't Iike me. 5 00:02:17,337 --> 00:02:21,103 But I didn't think it was gonna happen at that particuIar moment. 6 00:02:25,578 --> 00:02:29,344 I'm surprised, but I'm happy. 7 00:02:29,549 --> 00:02:33,645 I beIieve that, you know, this is aII in God's hands. 8 00:02:33,853 --> 00:02:38,483 And I'm very appreciative to God for everything I've gotten to do. 9 00:02:47,901 --> 00:02:51,530 But aIso, about death, we Iook at death from the seIfish side, Iike, 10 00:02:51,738 --> 00:02:54,263 ''That guy died. Oh, it's so sad.'' Why is it sad? 11 00:02:54,474 --> 00:02:57,568 He's away from aII of this bad stuff that's here on Earth. 12 00:02:57,777 --> 00:03:02,510 I mean, at the worst, he's just somewhere quiet, no nothing. 13 00:03:04,951 --> 00:03:10,947 At best, he's an angeI...or he's a spirit somewhere. 14 00:03:11,191 --> 00:03:14,183 What is so bad about that? 15 00:03:14,394 --> 00:03:18,524 Throughout my Iife, I just wanted to be Iike an angeI for God. 16 00:03:18,731 --> 00:03:20,892 Do something where I couId be of some heIp. 17 00:03:21,100 --> 00:03:23,796 And I can do that. I mean, I'm an artist. 18 00:03:24,003 --> 00:03:27,302 It's not Iike I have to teII the truth. I have to teII a story 19 00:03:27,507 --> 00:03:30,806 and reach you and get some kind of feeIing from you. 20 00:03:31,010 --> 00:03:34,070 And then try to get the moraI across. 21 00:03:34,280 --> 00:03:36,578 So this is my story. 22 00:03:36,783 --> 00:03:42,449 A story about ambition, vioIence, redemption and Iove. 23 00:03:55,635 --> 00:03:59,401 In my Iife, I was different things to different peopIe. 24 00:03:59,606 --> 00:04:00,937 What's up, nigga? 25 00:04:16,256 --> 00:04:19,487 Some peopIe say I was a thug and a gangsta. 26 00:04:20,493 --> 00:04:23,951 Other peopIe remember me as a poet and a born Ieader. 27 00:04:27,166 --> 00:04:30,863 But I'm saying to you, measure a man by his actions fuIIy, 28 00:04:31,771 --> 00:04:35,104 through his whoIe Iife, from the beginning to the end. 29 00:04:43,683 --> 00:04:47,483 Everybody's past is what made their future. 30 00:04:48,354 --> 00:04:50,117 It's, Iike, my destiny. 31 00:04:55,161 --> 00:04:56,958 My mother was a BIack Panther 32 00:04:57,163 --> 00:04:59,893 and she was reaIIy invoIved in the movement. 33 00:05:00,099 --> 00:05:02,659 Power! Power! 34 00:05:02,869 --> 00:05:06,498 Power to the peopIe! Power to the peopIe! 35 00:05:07,874 --> 00:05:12,402 You know, just bIack peopIe bettering themseIves and things Iike that. 36 00:05:22,622 --> 00:05:25,819 She had a high position in the Panther Party, which was unheard of, 37 00:05:26,025 --> 00:05:28,585 because there was sexism, even in the Panthers. 38 00:05:28,828 --> 00:05:31,991 AII of my roots to the struggIe are reaI deep. 39 00:05:34,133 --> 00:05:37,432 I was named after this Inca chief from South America 40 00:05:37,637 --> 00:05:40,697 whose name was Tupac Amaru. And I think the tribaI breakdown 41 00:05:40,907 --> 00:05:45,367 means Iike, inteIIigent, warrior, something Iike that. He's a deep dude. 42 00:05:45,578 --> 00:05:48,547 If I go to South America, they're gonna Iove me. 43 00:05:48,748 --> 00:05:51,774 My stepfather at the time, MutuIu Shakur, 44 00:05:51,984 --> 00:05:54,919 he was aIso, Iike, a weII-known revoIutionary. 45 00:05:55,121 --> 00:05:57,589 And then my godfather, Geronimo Pratt, 46 00:05:57,790 --> 00:06:01,191 had a top officiaI-rank position with the Panthers on the West Coast. 47 00:06:01,394 --> 00:06:05,228 You can jaiI a revoIutionary but you can't jaiI a revoIution. 48 00:06:08,968 --> 00:06:13,302 I think that my mother, Iike Fred Hampton, Mark CIark, 49 00:06:13,506 --> 00:06:16,100 Harriet Tubman, they feIt Iike they were Iaying tracks 50 00:06:16,309 --> 00:06:18,140 for a generation to come. 51 00:06:18,378 --> 00:06:22,974 Come in, IittIe brothers, sisters. Y'aII sit down and get something to eat. 52 00:06:25,885 --> 00:06:29,218 There was aIways white peopIe around heIping out. 53 00:06:29,789 --> 00:06:31,381 But stiII, you know, there's racism. 54 00:06:31,591 --> 00:06:34,424 So when the Panthers hit, the government panicked. 55 00:06:34,627 --> 00:06:38,427 And they feIt Iike the Panthers were detrimentaI to American society. 56 00:06:38,631 --> 00:06:41,327 Remember, this country had a man named J. Edgar Hoover, 57 00:06:41,534 --> 00:06:45,732 whose job it was to destroy the credibiIity of any bIack man coming up. 58 00:06:45,938 --> 00:06:49,374 - That's what they did to the Panthers. - Power to the peopIe. 59 00:07:00,052 --> 00:07:03,249 The government raided every Panther's house, especiaIIy the ones 60 00:07:03,456 --> 00:07:06,323 who they feIt Iike couId do the most damage as an orator. 61 00:07:06,526 --> 00:07:09,791 So they just burst in and put a gun to my mother's head and said, 62 00:07:09,996 --> 00:07:12,294 ''Don't move. You're under arrest.'' 63 00:07:12,498 --> 00:07:15,296 They treated her Iike Iess than human. 64 00:07:15,501 --> 00:07:18,766 My mother was pregnant with me whiIe she was in prison. 65 00:07:19,739 --> 00:07:22,333 She was her own attorney, never been to Iaw schooI. 66 00:07:22,542 --> 00:07:26,137 She was facing 300 and something-odd years. 67 00:07:26,712 --> 00:07:29,306 One bIack woman, pregnant, beat the case. 68 00:07:29,515 --> 00:07:32,313 That just goes to show you the strength of a bIack woman 69 00:07:32,518 --> 00:07:34,952 and the strength of the oppressed. 70 00:07:37,557 --> 00:07:40,856 And a month after she got out of prison, she gave birth to me. 71 00:07:41,060 --> 00:07:44,928 So I was cuItivated in prison. My embryo was in prison. 72 00:07:46,032 --> 00:07:49,832 When I was a IittIe baby, I remember that one moment of caIm peace, 73 00:07:50,036 --> 00:07:52,664 and three minutes after that it was on. 74 00:08:23,903 --> 00:08:27,066 I rebeIIed against my mother because she was in the movement 75 00:08:27,273 --> 00:08:31,539 and we never spent time together. She was speaking and going to coIIeges. 76 00:08:31,744 --> 00:08:35,874 I used to feeI Iike she cared more about the peopIe than her peopIe. 77 00:08:36,082 --> 00:08:39,609 And then after that was over, it was more time spent with me, 78 00:08:39,819 --> 00:08:43,220 and we were Iike, ''You're my mother.'' She was Iike, ''You're my son.'' 79 00:08:43,422 --> 00:08:47,119 Then she was reaIIy cIose with me and reaIIy strict, aImost. 80 00:08:52,131 --> 00:08:55,464 My mother is totaIIy briIIiant, totaIIy understanding and caring. 81 00:08:55,668 --> 00:08:59,126 And she's human. I mean, she'II be wrong a Iot, but we can taIk about it. 82 00:08:59,338 --> 00:09:01,704 She taught me how to be community-oriented, 83 00:09:01,908 --> 00:09:03,466 and to anaIyse society. 84 00:09:03,676 --> 00:09:07,112 Me and my sister grew up good, and we have good minds and everything. 85 00:09:07,313 --> 00:09:09,281 But we just didn't have money. 86 00:09:20,493 --> 00:09:22,324 Poverty is... 87 00:09:22,562 --> 00:09:25,497 It's no joke. If there was no money and everything depended 88 00:09:25,698 --> 00:09:28,826 on your moraI standards and the way you treated peopIe, 89 00:09:29,068 --> 00:09:30,831 we'd be miIIionaires. We'd be rich. 90 00:09:31,070 --> 00:09:34,801 But, since it's not Iike that, then we're stone-broke. 91 00:09:35,007 --> 00:09:38,135 I can't aIways have what I want or things that I think I need. 92 00:09:38,344 --> 00:09:40,904 Poverty, if I hated anything, it wouId be that. 93 00:09:41,113 --> 00:09:43,809 You and me were born and raised in Harlem. 94 00:09:44,016 --> 00:09:47,508 And every time you put it down, you're not only putting us down, 95 00:09:47,720 --> 00:09:49,278 but Mama and Papa. 96 00:09:53,659 --> 00:09:56,127 My reaI father was a BIack Panther, 97 00:09:56,329 --> 00:09:59,787 but when I was growing up, I never knew who my father was for sure. 98 00:09:59,999 --> 00:10:03,093 My stepfather was a gangster, a straight-up street hustIer. 99 00:10:03,302 --> 00:10:05,361 My mom had a kid, he didn't even care. 100 00:10:05,605 --> 00:10:08,199 He's Iike, ''That's my son,'' took care of me, gave me money. 101 00:10:08,407 --> 00:10:11,171 He was a criminaI too, out doing his thing. 102 00:10:11,377 --> 00:10:13,675 So he onIy came, brought me money and then Ieft. 103 00:10:13,879 --> 00:10:17,815 lt's OK to go to Harlem and celebrate your birthday with your friends, 104 00:10:18,017 --> 00:10:19,848 but l don't think we would really fit in. 105 00:10:20,052 --> 00:10:23,852 I hate saying this because whites Iove hearing bIacks taIk about this. 106 00:10:24,056 --> 00:10:26,547 I know for a fact that, had I had a father, 107 00:10:26,759 --> 00:10:30,718 I'd have had some discipIine, I'd have had more confidence. 108 00:10:31,397 --> 00:10:35,163 Your mother cannot caIm you down the way a man can. 109 00:10:35,368 --> 00:10:38,030 Your mother can't reassure you the way a man can. 110 00:10:38,237 --> 00:10:41,832 My mother couIdn't show me where my manhood was. 111 00:10:42,041 --> 00:10:44,009 You need a man to teach you how to be a man. 112 00:10:50,449 --> 00:10:53,213 When I was young, I was quiet, withdrawn. 113 00:10:53,419 --> 00:10:57,150 I read a Iot. I wrote poetry. I kept a diary. 114 00:10:57,356 --> 00:11:01,417 I watched TV aII the time. I stayed in front of the teIevision. 115 00:11:01,661 --> 00:11:04,892 And I couId see aII these peopIe out there in this pretend worId. 116 00:11:05,097 --> 00:11:07,827 And I knew I couId be part of it if I pretended too. 117 00:11:08,034 --> 00:11:10,594 The way ArnoId Iooked on Diff'rent Strokes, 118 00:11:10,803 --> 00:11:13,567 I used to Iike the IifestyIe, the way he used to Iive. 119 00:11:13,773 --> 00:11:16,435 So earIy on, I just watched and emuIated. 120 00:11:16,709 --> 00:11:19,610 I thought if I can be an actor and act Iike those characters, 121 00:11:19,812 --> 00:11:21,575 I couId have some of their joy. 122 00:11:21,781 --> 00:11:24,011 Oh, thank you, Mr D! 123 00:11:24,216 --> 00:11:29,176 If I couId act Iike I had a big famiIy, I wouIdn't feeI as IoneIy. 124 00:11:31,424 --> 00:11:34,393 My first acting job was at the ApoIIo Theater 125 00:11:34,593 --> 00:11:38,393 when Jesse Jackson was running for president in 1 984. 126 00:11:38,931 --> 00:11:41,422 It was a fundraiser, and I was a IittIe kid. 127 00:11:41,634 --> 00:11:44,933 Travis, from Raisin in the Sun. When the curtain went up, 128 00:11:45,137 --> 00:11:47,605 I just caught that bug that everybody taIks about. 129 00:11:47,807 --> 00:11:51,743 I was Iike, ''Whoa, this is it.'' 130 00:11:51,944 --> 00:11:56,313 It was better than sex and anything, money, everything. It was Iike, ''Whoa, 131 00:11:56,515 --> 00:11:58,244 ''I want this.'' 132 00:12:01,487 --> 00:12:04,456 We moved out of New York because my mother Iost her job. 133 00:12:04,657 --> 00:12:06,591 We were, Iike, stranded. 134 00:12:08,594 --> 00:12:11,188 So we moved to BaItimore... 135 00:12:15,601 --> 00:12:17,728 ...which was totaI ignorance town to me. 136 00:12:17,937 --> 00:12:22,306 I mean, BaItimore has the highest rate of bIacks kiIIing bIacks in the country. 137 00:12:22,508 --> 00:12:25,671 Then I auditioned for the BaItimore SchooI of Performing Arts. 138 00:12:25,878 --> 00:12:28,642 Then I started to have good-Iuck times. 139 00:12:45,464 --> 00:12:48,831 I spent three years in BaItimore, high-schooI years. I made friends, 140 00:12:49,034 --> 00:12:50,729 Iike John CoIe and Jada Pinkett. 141 00:13:02,348 --> 00:13:05,181 I Ioved my cIasses. We were exposed to everything. 142 00:13:13,592 --> 00:13:17,153 You know, theatre, baIIet... 143 00:13:19,198 --> 00:13:21,666 ...Iistening to different types of music, 144 00:13:22,301 --> 00:13:25,964 songs that became a soundtrack to my Iife. 145 00:13:32,878 --> 00:13:35,346 But in my homeboys' high schooI, it's not Iike that. 146 00:13:35,548 --> 00:13:38,176 They don't have trips to go see this Broadway pIay, 147 00:13:38,384 --> 00:13:41,820 they don't read things we read. They didn't know when I was Iike, 148 00:13:42,021 --> 00:13:46,685 ''Yo, Shakespeare's dope.'' They don't have the same experiences we had. 149 00:13:47,326 --> 00:13:49,692 Then I started thinking the arts schooI I went to 150 00:13:49,895 --> 00:13:51,886 was mostIy for white kids and rich minorities. 151 00:13:52,097 --> 00:13:54,998 I started going, ''I wouId have been totaIIy different 152 00:13:55,201 --> 00:13:56,828 ''had I not been exposed to this.'' 153 00:14:01,974 --> 00:14:05,375 I was Iiving in the ghetto. We didn't have Iights and eIectricity. 154 00:14:05,578 --> 00:14:08,069 - We was about to get evicted. - We want homes! 155 00:14:08,280 --> 00:14:10,180 We want heat! We want Iights! 156 00:14:10,382 --> 00:14:13,044 We want something to do for our chiIdren! 157 00:14:14,253 --> 00:14:18,417 I thought, ''We're not being taught to deaI with the worId as it is.'' 158 00:14:18,624 --> 00:14:20,421 The rich shouId Iive Iike the poor, 159 00:14:20,626 --> 00:14:24,118 the poor shouId Iive Iike the rich. They shouId change every week. 160 00:14:33,305 --> 00:14:36,274 The president stirred up a hornets' nest earIier this week 161 00:14:36,475 --> 00:14:38,534 when he suggested the probIems of the hungry 162 00:14:38,744 --> 00:14:42,908 came about because they were uninformed about where to go for heIp. 163 00:14:44,617 --> 00:14:48,781 How couId Reagan Iive in a White House, which has a Iot of rooms, 164 00:14:48,988 --> 00:14:51,923 and there be homeIessness? And he's taIking about heIping. 165 00:14:52,157 --> 00:14:55,558 I don't beIieve that there is anyone 166 00:14:55,828 --> 00:14:58,626 that is going hungry in America simpIy by reason 167 00:14:58,831 --> 00:15:02,096 of deniaI or Iack of abiIity to feed them. 168 00:15:02,301 --> 00:15:07,739 It is by peopIe not knowing where or how to get this heIp. 169 00:15:08,007 --> 00:15:11,636 Why can't he take peopIe off the street and put them in his White House? 170 00:15:11,844 --> 00:15:15,746 Then he'II have peopIe from the streets to heIp him with his ideas. 171 00:15:15,948 --> 00:15:18,781 Not heIpIess! HomeIess! Not heIpIess! 172 00:15:18,984 --> 00:15:21,976 They haven't been homeIess forever. They've done things in society. 173 00:15:22,187 --> 00:15:25,782 The White House wouId be tainted, because he doesn't want to get dirty. 174 00:15:29,728 --> 00:15:35,132 Growing up in America, I Ioved my chiIdhood, but I hated growing up poor. 175 00:15:35,834 --> 00:15:38,826 We Iive in heII. We Iive in the gutter. We Iive in a war zone. 176 00:15:40,539 --> 00:15:42,006 We've got us stacked up 80-deep in one buiIding. 177 00:15:42,207 --> 00:15:45,040 When you get out your house, you're strapped to protect yourseIf. 178 00:15:55,721 --> 00:15:58,884 The same crime eIement that white peopIe are scared of, 179 00:15:59,091 --> 00:16:01,184 bIack peopIe are scared of. 180 00:16:01,393 --> 00:16:05,193 WhiIe they waiting for IegisIation to pass, we next door to the kiIIer. 181 00:16:05,397 --> 00:16:08,127 AII them kiIIers they Iet out, they're in that buiIding. 182 00:16:08,334 --> 00:16:11,326 Just because we bIack, we get aIong with the kiIIers? 183 00:16:11,537 --> 00:16:14,734 What is that? We need protection too. 184 00:16:24,183 --> 00:16:27,209 Then I came to CaIifornia to escape that vioIence. 185 00:16:35,894 --> 00:16:39,193 Come to Marin City, and there's even more poverty. 186 00:16:40,899 --> 00:16:44,062 I was starting to see that the one thing we have in common 187 00:16:44,269 --> 00:16:48,035 as bIack peopIe, is we share that poverty. 188 00:16:48,240 --> 00:16:51,403 I made it to where I had knowIedge this wasn't just me. 189 00:16:51,610 --> 00:16:54,374 It was a bigger picture. It was my peopIe getting dogged. 190 00:16:54,580 --> 00:16:57,048 It wasn't just my famiIy. It was aII of us. 191 00:17:03,555 --> 00:17:07,514 Moving to BaItimore and OakIand and Marin and New York, 192 00:17:07,726 --> 00:17:11,685 and the poverty heIped me to reIate to everybody's struggIe. 193 00:17:11,897 --> 00:17:14,092 Don't get the wrong idea. I feeI Iike I'm being gIoomy. 194 00:17:14,299 --> 00:17:17,359 I don't mean just to be Iike, ''Damn it, it's bad out there.'' 195 00:17:17,569 --> 00:17:19,298 I stiII try to be positive. 196 00:17:19,538 --> 00:17:22,564 I know that good things are gonna come for me. 197 00:17:23,275 --> 00:17:25,402 - Where you go to schooI? - Are you roIIing? 198 00:17:25,611 --> 00:17:29,570 - Yeah, roIIing. - Go ahead, that's OK. 199 00:17:29,782 --> 00:17:31,374 You dressed right for it. 200 00:17:31,583 --> 00:17:34,484 He said he's been a IittIe chiIIy, so this is good for him. 201 00:17:34,686 --> 00:17:38,417 - Somebody wiII enjoy the heat in here. - Any time. 202 00:17:38,624 --> 00:17:43,823 OK. My name is Tupac Shakur, and I attend TamaIpais High SchooI. 203 00:17:44,063 --> 00:17:45,792 And I'm 1 7 years oId. 204 00:17:46,865 --> 00:17:48,833 Oh, my God, I got the phattest déjà vu. 205 00:17:51,303 --> 00:17:54,761 I chase girIs and I bought the car and Ioud music, 206 00:17:54,973 --> 00:17:57,840 but I Iike to think of myseIf as reaIIy being sociaIIy aware. 207 00:18:07,352 --> 00:18:10,150 I think there shouId be a cIass on drugs. 208 00:18:10,355 --> 00:18:13,620 There shouId be a cIass on sex education, a reaI sex education cIass. 209 00:18:16,195 --> 00:18:18,959 There shouId be a cIass on poIice brutaIity. 210 00:18:19,164 --> 00:18:21,962 There shouId be a cIass on apartheid. 211 00:18:24,103 --> 00:18:26,469 There shouId be a cIass on why peopIe are hungry. 212 00:18:26,672 --> 00:18:29,334 But there are not. There are cIasses on gym. 213 00:18:31,143 --> 00:18:34,169 PhysicaI education. Let's Iearn voIIeybaII. 214 00:18:52,698 --> 00:18:55,326 How do you think you're most Iike your mom? 215 00:18:55,534 --> 00:18:59,903 I'm most Iike my mom because I'm arrogant. TotaIIy arrogant. 216 00:19:02,040 --> 00:19:05,134 You shouId see us when we get in our attitude moods. 217 00:19:05,344 --> 00:19:08,142 We get in our tiffs and everything, but it's good. 218 00:19:08,347 --> 00:19:11,407 My mom's my homey, but we went through our stages, 219 00:19:11,650 --> 00:19:13,811 where first we was mother and son, 220 00:19:14,019 --> 00:19:16,487 then it was Iike driII sergeant and cadet. 221 00:19:16,688 --> 00:19:21,216 Then it was Iike dictator, IittIe country. 222 00:19:22,027 --> 00:19:24,325 Then I moved out and I was on my own. 223 00:19:24,530 --> 00:19:26,361 I was broke, nowhere to stay. 224 00:19:26,565 --> 00:19:29,363 I smoked weed. I hung out with the drug deaIers, 225 00:19:29,568 --> 00:19:31,433 pimps and the criminaIs. 226 00:19:31,670 --> 00:19:34,161 They were the onIy peopIe that cared about me. 227 00:19:34,373 --> 00:19:37,342 And I needed a father. I needed a maIe infIuence, 228 00:19:37,543 --> 00:19:39,170 and these were the maIes. 229 00:19:42,814 --> 00:19:46,045 You couId see where I spent time in the streets when you taIk to me. 230 00:19:46,251 --> 00:19:49,550 The words I say don't come from a mother's or father's mouth. 231 00:19:49,755 --> 00:19:54,215 They come from a pimp's mouth or a prostitute or a hustIer or drug deaIer. 232 00:19:55,127 --> 00:19:57,721 To me, these were my roIe modeIs. 233 00:19:57,930 --> 00:20:01,764 My mom was Iost at that particuIar moment. She was addicted to crack. 234 00:20:02,634 --> 00:20:05,194 It was hard. It was hard because she was my hero. 235 00:20:05,904 --> 00:20:08,236 Not Iong ago in OakIand, CaIifornia, 236 00:20:08,440 --> 00:20:12,433 I was asked by a group of chiIdren what to do if they were offered drugs. 237 00:20:12,644 --> 00:20:16,045 And I answered, ''Just say no.'' 238 00:20:16,248 --> 00:20:20,082 I was broke. I didn't have enough credits to graduate, so I dropped out. 239 00:20:20,285 --> 00:20:22,719 I said, ''I gotta get paid. I gotta make a Iiving.'' 240 00:20:23,789 --> 00:20:26,053 I started seIIing drugs for maybe two weeks. 241 00:20:26,258 --> 00:20:29,750 The dude was Iike, ''Give me my drugs back,'' because I didn't know how. 242 00:20:29,962 --> 00:20:33,261 The dope deaIers used to Iook out for me. They wouId give me money 243 00:20:33,465 --> 00:20:37,128 and be Iike, ''Don't get invoIved with this. Get out there, do your dream.'' 244 00:20:37,336 --> 00:20:39,327 So they was Iike my sponsors. 245 00:20:39,538 --> 00:20:42,507 My dream was to make a Iiving rapping. 246 00:20:42,741 --> 00:20:45,107 Just to make music that was coming from my heart. 247 00:20:45,310 --> 00:20:48,746 When I first started rapping, I needed the money, and I had to work. 248 00:21:08,133 --> 00:21:09,862 That was me. 249 00:21:20,012 --> 00:21:23,971 For me to get paid, I had to go out in bikini briefs and hop on top of this doII. 250 00:21:24,182 --> 00:21:26,343 I was homeIess. That's what I had to do. 251 00:21:26,551 --> 00:21:29,179 You have to work from one point to go to another point. 252 00:21:29,388 --> 00:21:30,719 I admire the work ethic. 253 00:21:39,164 --> 00:21:41,029 Shock was responsibIe for my success. 254 00:21:41,233 --> 00:21:44,498 I'm the originaI two-tone, big-nosed, skinny rapper. 255 00:21:44,703 --> 00:21:46,568 Shock G. 256 00:21:46,805 --> 00:21:51,674 LeiIa introduced me to Atron who was managing DigitaI Underground. 257 00:21:51,877 --> 00:21:55,574 He was Iike, ''I'II send you to DigitaI Underground. They're in the studio. 258 00:21:55,814 --> 00:21:59,045 ''Rap for Shock G on the spot. If he Iike you, I'II pick you up.'' 259 00:22:00,085 --> 00:22:01,416 I waIked in and rapped. 260 00:22:01,620 --> 00:22:04,885 He was Iike, ''Good. You're in.'' Boom, boom. ''See you Iater.'' 261 00:22:05,090 --> 00:22:07,354 And I Ieft, waIked out of there Iike, ''Dang.'' 262 00:22:10,762 --> 00:22:15,199 Shock was Iike, ''Come on the road. Be my roadie. It ain't gIamorous. 263 00:22:15,400 --> 00:22:18,062 ''You'II be working, meeting peopIe.'' I said, ''CooI.'' 264 00:22:19,638 --> 00:22:22,038 Off the road, he said, ''I'm gonna pay you and Iet you do Same Song.'' 265 00:22:22,240 --> 00:22:24,265 I did Same Song. Ever since, it's been on. 266 00:22:46,098 --> 00:22:50,364 I Iook back with the greatest fondness. Those were some of the best times. 267 00:22:50,569 --> 00:22:52,764 Watch this one. 268 00:22:54,072 --> 00:22:58,406 I'm gonna fuck you up. I'm gonna fuck you up. 269 00:23:21,800 --> 00:23:25,236 Atron had been shopping my demo tape as a soIo artist. 270 00:23:25,437 --> 00:23:30,067 AII of a sudden, Interscope got in touch with us, and I was toId that Ted FieId, 271 00:23:30,275 --> 00:23:34,473 this miIIionaire, muItimiIIionaire, his daughter had heard my demo, 272 00:23:34,679 --> 00:23:37,773 and she Iiked it. So he was Iike, ''That's how I picked you.'' 273 00:23:37,983 --> 00:23:40,349 And I was Iike, ''WeII, teII your daughter thanks.'' 274 00:23:45,824 --> 00:23:49,191 So I went from being unknown to now having a pIatinum record. 275 00:23:49,428 --> 00:23:53,296 2Pacalypse Now is a story of the young bIack maIe, from track one to track 1 3, 276 00:23:53,498 --> 00:23:58,333 whether it be about teenage pregnancy, poIice brutaIity or poverty. 277 00:23:58,537 --> 00:24:02,132 AIso, I teII my own personaI probIems. 278 00:24:03,575 --> 00:24:07,705 AII my songs deaI with the pain that I've feIt from my chiIdhood. 279 00:24:07,946 --> 00:24:10,141 That's what makes me do what I do. 280 00:24:26,698 --> 00:24:30,896 My inspiration for writing music is, Iike, Don McLean when he did Vincent, 281 00:24:31,102 --> 00:24:33,161 Lorraine Hansberry with Raisin in the Sun, 282 00:24:33,371 --> 00:24:36,465 Shakespeare when he does his thing. 283 00:24:37,843 --> 00:24:41,506 Like deep stories, you know, Iike raw human needs. 284 00:24:49,688 --> 00:24:53,488 I just try to speak about things that affect me and our community. 285 00:24:53,692 --> 00:24:56,422 Sometimes I'm the watcher and sometimes the participant. 286 00:24:56,628 --> 00:24:59,825 Sometimes it's just aIIegories or fabIes that have a moraI 287 00:25:00,031 --> 00:25:01,862 or theme, Iike the ghetto IifestyIe. 288 00:25:20,018 --> 00:25:22,714 I seen that, the crack babies, what we had to go through, 289 00:25:22,921 --> 00:25:25,754 Iosing everything and being poor and getting beat down. 290 00:25:25,957 --> 00:25:28,926 Being the person I am, I said, ''No, I'm changing this.'' 291 00:25:31,229 --> 00:25:33,026 I'm trying to think of a good anaIogy. 292 00:25:33,231 --> 00:25:37,861 It's Iike, you've got the Vietnam War, right? 293 00:25:38,069 --> 00:25:41,197 And just because the reporters show us pictures at home 294 00:25:41,406 --> 00:25:44,807 of the Vietnam War, that's what made the Vietnam War end when it did, 295 00:25:45,043 --> 00:25:47,204 or the shit probabIy wouId have Iasted Ionger. 296 00:25:53,919 --> 00:25:56,444 If no one knew exactIy what was going on, 297 00:25:56,655 --> 00:26:00,921 we just thought they were just dying vaIiantIy, in some beautifuI way. 298 00:26:01,126 --> 00:26:04,926 But because we saw the horror, that's what made us stop the Vietnam War. 299 00:26:05,130 --> 00:26:07,792 I thought, ''That's what I'II do as an artist, as a rapper. 300 00:26:07,999 --> 00:26:10,763 ''I'm gonna show the graphic detaiIs of what I see 301 00:26:10,969 --> 00:26:14,735 ''in my community, and hopefuIIy they'II stop it. Quit.'' 302 00:26:19,477 --> 00:26:21,945 HeIIo, I'm Tanya Hart, and weIcome to our show. 303 00:26:22,147 --> 00:26:27,449 My guest today has experienced a truIy horrendous Iife to just be 20 years oId. 304 00:26:27,652 --> 00:26:31,281 His famiIy portrait couId weII be a poster for America's Most Wanted. 305 00:26:31,489 --> 00:26:35,823 His Iyrics are controversiaI but aIso a reaIity of Iife as he has seen it. 306 00:26:36,027 --> 00:26:37,858 My ear is to the streets. 307 00:26:38,096 --> 00:26:41,031 I represent 20 years on this pIanet Earth 308 00:26:41,232 --> 00:26:42,961 and what I've seen. This is my report. 309 00:26:43,868 --> 00:26:45,768 It's Iike my battIe cry to America. 310 00:26:56,915 --> 00:26:59,975 In my aIbum, the number one enemy is the crooked poIice officer. 311 00:27:06,024 --> 00:27:08,857 And the ironic thing is that it never happened to me. 312 00:27:09,060 --> 00:27:11,221 I was speaking from the stories of my peers. 313 00:27:14,733 --> 00:27:18,692 I mean, I said aII of these things, and then it happened to me. 314 00:27:18,903 --> 00:27:22,669 I had no record, aII my Iife, no poIice record, untiI I made a record. 315 00:27:22,874 --> 00:27:25,638 As my video was debuting on MTV, I was behind bars, 316 00:27:25,844 --> 00:27:27,869 getting beat up by the poIice department. 317 00:27:28,079 --> 00:27:31,139 Good morning. My name is John Burris, 318 00:27:31,349 --> 00:27:36,514 and I am here today with my cIient, Tupac Amaru Shakur, 319 00:27:36,721 --> 00:27:42,523 as weII as other members of the DigitaI Underground rap group 320 00:27:42,727 --> 00:27:49,155 and some members of the DigitaI Underground rap group, 321 00:27:49,367 --> 00:27:51,358 a combination of the various groups. 322 00:27:53,171 --> 00:27:57,164 BasicaIIy, I waIked across the street at 1 7th and Broadway. 323 00:27:57,375 --> 00:28:01,209 The poIice officers stopped me on the sidewaIk and asked to see my ID. 324 00:28:02,213 --> 00:28:05,239 They sweated me about my name. The officers said, 325 00:28:05,450 --> 00:28:07,543 ''You have to Iearn your pIace.'' 326 00:28:07,752 --> 00:28:09,879 They were charging me with jaywaIking. 327 00:28:10,088 --> 00:28:14,787 I was riffing, arguing about why wouId they charge me with a petty crime. 328 00:28:15,894 --> 00:28:20,194 I kept yeIIing, asking them to give me my citation and Iet me go. 329 00:28:20,398 --> 00:28:23,629 Next thing I know, my face was being buried into the concrete 330 00:28:23,835 --> 00:28:26,395 and I was Iaying face down in the gutter, 331 00:28:26,604 --> 00:28:30,040 waking up from being unconscious in cuffs, 332 00:28:30,241 --> 00:28:33,642 with bIood on my face. And I'm going to jaiI for resisting arrest. 333 00:28:33,845 --> 00:28:35,369 That's harassment to me, 334 00:28:35,580 --> 00:28:37,946 that I have to be stopped in the street and checked, 335 00:28:38,149 --> 00:28:40,276 Iike we're in South Africa and asked for my ID. 336 00:28:40,485 --> 00:28:43,318 Officer Boyavich repeatedIy sIammed my face into the fIoor, 337 00:28:43,521 --> 00:28:47,480 whiIe Rogers put the cuffs on. That's not caIIed for, for jaywaIking. 338 00:28:47,726 --> 00:28:51,287 I got a ten-miIIion-doIIar Iawsuit. They said they wouId settIe, 339 00:28:51,496 --> 00:28:54,431 but nobody cared. That wasn't bIew up aII over the news. 340 00:28:54,632 --> 00:28:59,092 They didn't see me on TV with my eye and head busted. There are pictures. 341 00:28:59,304 --> 00:29:01,568 - In OakIand? - Yes. You don't see them. 342 00:29:01,773 --> 00:29:04,606 You see pictures of Tupac coming out of jaiI in cuffs. 343 00:29:04,809 --> 00:29:07,437 You don't see pictures of poIice beating my brains in. 344 00:29:07,645 --> 00:29:11,308 You don't see that. But I see that. That's what I see. 345 00:29:17,322 --> 00:29:19,654 We have seen what they did to Rodney King. 346 00:29:19,858 --> 00:29:22,952 The whoIe worId has seen what happened to Rodney King. 347 00:29:23,161 --> 00:29:25,026 Baby, Iet me show you what they did to Tupac Shakur. 348 00:29:25,897 --> 00:29:28,331 AII that movie, that didn't mean nothing to OPD. 349 00:29:28,533 --> 00:29:31,434 I was stiII an N-I-G-G-A, and they proved it. 350 00:29:31,636 --> 00:29:33,661 And if you can see this, Mr Cameraman, 351 00:29:33,872 --> 00:29:36,773 - this is scars I'II go to my grave with. - I can see it. 352 00:29:36,975 --> 00:29:39,000 These are ''Iearn to be a nigger'' scars. 353 00:29:39,210 --> 00:29:40,802 - You're suing them? - For ten miI. 354 00:29:41,012 --> 00:29:44,106 What eIse can I do? See what happens. You know how that go. 355 00:29:44,315 --> 00:29:48,843 Rodney King's stiII fighting for his, and they got it on tape. They got it on tape. 356 00:29:55,426 --> 00:29:57,155 - They settIed with me. - They did? 357 00:29:57,362 --> 00:30:01,059 They gave me 42,000. I had to pay my Iawyer a whoIe bunch 358 00:30:01,299 --> 00:30:02,823 and bought a car. 359 00:30:03,368 --> 00:30:05,359 I settIed because I was tired of court. 360 00:30:05,570 --> 00:30:08,664 I couId have won more, but I was tired of going to court. 361 00:30:08,940 --> 00:30:12,535 I feIt Iike any doIIar from any poIice department was good money. 362 00:30:12,744 --> 00:30:16,703 - So you got $42,000 for jaywaIking? - That's a heII of a ticket. 363 00:30:16,915 --> 00:30:19,577 After that case, peopIe perceived me as a menace. 364 00:30:19,818 --> 00:30:23,481 I've had chief of poIice, vice president, 365 00:30:23,688 --> 00:30:27,021 the Ieader of the BIack NationaI Women's CounciI... 366 00:30:28,092 --> 00:30:32,028 Everybody against me. Why? Why me? 367 00:30:32,897 --> 00:30:36,731 I have not brought vioIence to you. I have not brought Thug Life to America. 368 00:30:36,935 --> 00:30:40,393 I didn't create Thug Life. I diagnosed it. 369 00:30:43,241 --> 00:30:44,572 What's up? 370 00:30:44,776 --> 00:30:48,837 When I did Juice, my image got even more scary. 371 00:30:49,047 --> 00:30:51,345 Everything starts from now. 372 00:30:51,549 --> 00:30:53,517 We all go down unless we stay together. 373 00:30:53,718 --> 00:30:56,209 No one's above the crew. You know that shit. 374 00:30:56,421 --> 00:30:58,184 You're crazy, man. 375 00:30:58,923 --> 00:31:02,120 When I auditioned for Juice, that was another good-Iuck time. 376 00:31:02,360 --> 00:31:06,524 It was my first big part, and I just took everything and internaIised it. 377 00:31:06,731 --> 00:31:08,756 You're right. 378 00:31:09,734 --> 00:31:11,292 l am crazy. 379 00:31:11,502 --> 00:31:13,732 But you know what else? 380 00:31:15,673 --> 00:31:17,903 l don't give a fuck. 381 00:31:20,645 --> 00:31:23,239 Bishop is a psychopath, but more true to his character, 382 00:31:23,448 --> 00:31:26,212 Bishop is a IoneIy, misguided young kid. 383 00:31:26,417 --> 00:31:31,548 His heroes are James Cagney and Scarface, those kind of guys. 384 00:31:31,756 --> 00:31:36,557 - Made it, Ma. Top of the world. - ''Made it, Ma. Top of the worId.'' 385 00:31:37,262 --> 00:31:41,130 Know what I'm saying? ''Shoot them up, go out in a bIaze''-type gangsters. 386 00:31:41,332 --> 00:31:43,766 lf you've gotta go out, that's how you go out. 387 00:31:43,968 --> 00:31:46,630 That motherfucker took his destiny in his own hands. 388 00:31:50,208 --> 00:31:54,838 When I get a part, at first I just try to find out, how does this character feeI? 389 00:31:55,046 --> 00:31:57,412 Like, I make the person up in my mind. 390 00:32:00,184 --> 00:32:02,448 What he Iooks Iike, try to put a face to him. 391 00:32:02,654 --> 00:32:06,784 Even though it's my face, I'II give him a waIk and give him an attitude. 392 00:32:06,991 --> 00:32:09,289 AII you have to do is reIate to your character. 393 00:32:09,494 --> 00:32:13,191 Even away from the set, I just Iet myseIf go. I just stopped caring. 394 00:32:13,431 --> 00:32:15,456 I stopped worrying about what peopIe thought 395 00:32:15,667 --> 00:32:20,695 and started staring peopIe down more. I reaIIy just got into the part. 396 00:32:21,039 --> 00:32:23,269 - Yo, Bishop, man, give me the piece. - No. 397 00:32:23,474 --> 00:32:25,965 No? What the hell you mean, no? Give me the gun. 398 00:32:26,177 --> 00:32:28,611 l mean l'm holding onto this till l say so. 399 00:32:28,813 --> 00:32:30,542 l'm not playing. 400 00:32:30,748 --> 00:32:32,306 Oh, really? 401 00:32:33,318 --> 00:32:35,980 When I'm pIaying a character, I'm reaIIy that character. 402 00:32:36,187 --> 00:32:38,280 There's nothing fake. 403 00:32:38,489 --> 00:32:39,820 Oh, shit! 404 00:32:40,024 --> 00:32:42,322 I just took everything and internaIised it. 405 00:32:45,163 --> 00:32:48,132 TeII us about your character. I know you're the viIIain. 406 00:32:48,333 --> 00:32:53,794 Yo, I pIay me, straight ruthIess viIIain, straight kiIIer, straight take no sszzz-s. 407 00:32:54,005 --> 00:32:56,838 You know what I'm saying? Straight popping partners. 408 00:32:57,041 --> 00:32:59,475 Yo, Tupac wiII go ahead and rock this. 409 00:32:59,677 --> 00:33:02,544 Juice heIped me because it gave me that trust. 410 00:33:02,747 --> 00:33:04,237 It Iet me trust my instincts. 411 00:33:04,482 --> 00:33:09,749 I was confident about what I couId do and what it wouId Iook Iike afterwards. 412 00:33:09,988 --> 00:33:14,220 My next guest has not onIy become one of today's most taIented new stars, 413 00:33:14,425 --> 00:33:18,486 but he's becoming one of today's most taIked-about new stars. 414 00:33:18,696 --> 00:33:21,597 PIease weIcome Tupac Shakur. 415 00:33:21,799 --> 00:33:25,257 I know what I feeI Iike when I'm in the zone, when I'm there. 416 00:33:25,503 --> 00:33:27,971 So I was just trying to get that feeIing. 417 00:33:28,940 --> 00:33:30,567 Why are you always so mad? 418 00:33:30,775 --> 00:33:35,007 The exciting performance in the fiIm is the one of Tupac Shakur. 419 00:33:35,213 --> 00:33:37,477 What do you want from me? 420 00:33:39,017 --> 00:33:41,417 l think you're kind of fly. Shit. 421 00:33:41,619 --> 00:33:43,849 We could start with your phone number. 422 00:33:44,055 --> 00:33:47,286 This is a 22-year-oId young actor, Tupac Shakur. 423 00:33:47,525 --> 00:33:50,585 He's been in the fiIm Juice, and I hope to see him again soon. 424 00:33:53,398 --> 00:33:58,563 When I was doing Poetic Justice, I had to tone myseIf down a Iot to be Lucky. 425 00:33:58,770 --> 00:34:02,763 Lucky is doing the opposite of Bishop. He's working, responsibIe, 426 00:34:02,974 --> 00:34:05,534 deIiberate about things, caring for his daughter. 427 00:34:06,577 --> 00:34:08,442 I'm a Gemini, so I got both sides. 428 00:34:08,646 --> 00:34:12,707 See, I get a feeIing there are two Tupacs. 429 00:34:12,917 --> 00:34:16,876 See, I mean, you're this kind, sensitive, friendIy guy, 430 00:34:17,088 --> 00:34:19,420 yet you're invoIved in so much controversy. 431 00:34:19,624 --> 00:34:22,650 I'm taIking about Tupac Shakur, who had an incident 432 00:34:22,860 --> 00:34:25,488 with a Iimo driver during a taping of ln Living Color. 433 00:34:25,696 --> 00:34:31,066 Tupac Shakur is free on bond tonight after his arrest this weekend in AtIanta. 434 00:34:31,269 --> 00:34:34,067 The 22-year-oId singer and actor was charged with shooting 435 00:34:34,272 --> 00:34:35,933 two off-duty poIice officers. 436 00:34:36,140 --> 00:34:37,471 The wounds were not serious. 437 00:34:37,675 --> 00:34:39,643 The fight that Ied to the shooting in Marin City 438 00:34:39,844 --> 00:34:42,005 reportedIy broke out in this fieId on Saturday night. 439 00:34:42,213 --> 00:34:44,579 Marin FestivaI USA was in fuII swing. 440 00:34:44,782 --> 00:34:48,115 Neighbours say Tupac shouId not have Iet anyone bring a gun here. 441 00:34:48,319 --> 00:34:50,947 Since he got big, they cIaim he's changed. 442 00:34:51,155 --> 00:34:53,020 That change has broken some hearts. 443 00:34:53,224 --> 00:34:56,955 Tupac was homeIess. He's from here. We heIped him out. 444 00:34:57,161 --> 00:34:59,994 Over my career, I got arrested, Iike, 1 2 times, 445 00:35:00,198 --> 00:35:02,996 some by mistake, some fate and some unwarranted. 446 00:35:03,201 --> 00:35:06,967 But for whatever reason, I got to see poIice more than I wanted to. 447 00:35:07,171 --> 00:35:09,969 In some of my cases, they dropped the charges. 448 00:35:10,174 --> 00:35:12,540 But because of troubIe in these court cases, 449 00:35:12,743 --> 00:35:16,304 it was hard at that point for me to be trying to do a movie. 450 00:35:16,514 --> 00:35:19,108 I wasn't professionaI. I think I was taIented, 451 00:35:19,317 --> 00:35:22,184 but I didn't have the concentration. And I was immature, 452 00:35:22,386 --> 00:35:24,183 and my ego was out of controI. 453 00:35:24,388 --> 00:35:26,618 Harry Connick ain't got nothing on me. Check it. 454 00:35:30,862 --> 00:35:33,524 I had to get humbIe again before I couId do this. 455 00:35:33,731 --> 00:35:35,722 More hot water may await Tupac, 456 00:35:35,933 --> 00:35:38,993 based on what he teIIs the new issue of The Source 457 00:35:39,203 --> 00:35:42,969 about co-starring with Janet Jackson in her fiIm debut, Poetic Justice. 458 00:35:43,174 --> 00:35:44,505 Among other compIaints, 459 00:35:44,709 --> 00:35:47,803 Tupac says Janet's peopIe asked him to take an AIDS test 460 00:35:48,012 --> 00:35:51,846 - before shooting a Iove scene. - I don't know if it came from Janet, 461 00:35:52,049 --> 00:35:55,985 but suddenIy they wanted me to take an AIDS test for this Iove scene. 462 00:35:56,187 --> 00:35:59,054 I did not disagree if we were reaIIy gonna make Iove. 463 00:35:59,257 --> 00:36:02,385 I said, ''If we can make Iove, I'II take four AIDS tests.'' 464 00:36:02,593 --> 00:36:06,051 But if I'm doing a Iove scene with her just Iike somebody eIse did, 465 00:36:06,264 --> 00:36:08,323 and they didn't take a test, I'm not. 466 00:36:08,533 --> 00:36:12,367 Not onIy am I not taking a test, but get out of my traiIer. 467 00:36:12,570 --> 00:36:16,028 And they sent, Iike, four different peopIe to ask me. 468 00:36:16,240 --> 00:36:21,177 First they sent the producer, then the bIack dude, then John, then a girI. 469 00:36:21,379 --> 00:36:24,212 It don't matter who you send, I'm not taking one. 470 00:36:24,415 --> 00:36:28,408 To me, it was just Iike an insuIt. We had a good experience on the set. 471 00:36:28,619 --> 00:36:31,884 - You look like the type of guy to care. - What's the type? 472 00:36:32,089 --> 00:36:35,923 I thought I made a friend. I thought, ''I know Janet Jackson for Iife.'' 473 00:36:36,127 --> 00:36:40,223 When the movie was over, it was Iike, ''This number has been changed.'' 474 00:36:40,431 --> 00:36:46,131 And it was Iike a movie. I mean, it was Iike the day after the movie wrapped. 475 00:36:46,337 --> 00:36:48,362 ''I'm gonna caII you.'' ''AII right.'' 476 00:36:48,573 --> 00:36:52,441 ''This number's been changed.'' I said, ''Oh, OK.'' 477 00:36:53,611 --> 00:36:57,638 StiII, when I see her again, I'd run up and hug her. We was reaI cooI. 478 00:37:02,720 --> 00:37:06,781 I Iove women. I'm not gonna Iie. I Iove women with a passion. I do. I do. 479 00:37:06,991 --> 00:37:10,483 Sometimes I just wanna caII Prince and be Iike, ''Can we hang?'' 480 00:37:10,728 --> 00:37:13,458 Because I Iove women Iike he Iove women. 481 00:37:13,664 --> 00:37:16,895 HoId on. I've been taIking to IittIe girIs aII day. 482 00:37:17,101 --> 00:37:19,092 Seeing somebody my age. How you doing? 483 00:37:19,303 --> 00:37:20,895 - Fine, how you doing? - YourseIf? 484 00:37:21,105 --> 00:37:24,802 I have uItra respect for women. I Iike being around femaIes, 485 00:37:25,009 --> 00:37:27,239 I'm comfortabIe with them on every IeveI. 486 00:37:27,445 --> 00:37:30,937 I don't get a predator thing going when I'm around demure femaIes. 487 00:37:31,148 --> 00:37:34,140 - Don't be shy. - Y'aII making me bIush. 488 00:37:34,352 --> 00:37:36,081 You got me bIushing. 489 00:37:37,355 --> 00:37:39,186 I'm not uncomfortabIe around strong women. 490 00:37:39,390 --> 00:37:42,587 - Sorry. I'm not enough. - No, I'm Iooking you up and down. 491 00:37:42,793 --> 00:37:45,421 On TV, they'II go, ''Look how he Iooking at Tabitha.'' 492 00:37:45,630 --> 00:37:46,995 Don't do that. 493 00:38:03,881 --> 00:38:07,977 Madonna is reaI nice. She's a good person. She heIped me a Iot. 494 00:38:08,185 --> 00:38:10,847 She was reaI cooI, Iike any one of my homeboys. 495 00:38:11,055 --> 00:38:13,990 Jasmine Guy, she heIped me. She's a good supporter. 496 00:38:14,191 --> 00:38:16,989 Jada Pinkett. Jada's my heart, you know what I mean? 497 00:38:17,194 --> 00:38:19,685 She wiII be my friend for my whoIe Iife. 498 00:38:19,897 --> 00:38:23,389 Well, l'll scoop you up later in life if you ain't all shrivelled up. 499 00:38:25,569 --> 00:38:28,697 We'II be oId together. Be like Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee. 500 00:38:28,906 --> 00:38:31,374 Pic, you always got a place in my heart. 501 00:38:31,575 --> 00:38:35,671 She can have my one heart, my Iiver, my Iungs, my kidneys, 502 00:38:35,880 --> 00:38:37,245 my bIood, marrow, aII of that. 503 00:38:48,826 --> 00:38:53,058 My mother taught me to understand women a Iot more than my peers can. 504 00:38:53,264 --> 00:38:56,791 When I was young, I was surrounded by strong women. 505 00:38:57,234 --> 00:38:59,828 My sister's the bomb. She's my biggest critic. 506 00:39:00,037 --> 00:39:04,269 She's reaI smart, funny as aII heII. She's reaI funny. 507 00:39:04,475 --> 00:39:07,035 My mother was a matriarch. If you raised by a woman, 508 00:39:07,244 --> 00:39:09,508 you're gonna think Iike a woman. 509 00:39:26,597 --> 00:39:29,031 But I'm not a woman. I'm just a normaI man. 510 00:39:29,233 --> 00:39:33,192 To me, I'm the hardest man around, the hardest nigga, because I'm reaI. 511 00:39:33,404 --> 00:39:35,838 But I'm aIso very soft. 512 00:39:38,676 --> 00:39:42,874 I'm very sensitive, but that's why I'm so harsh, because I'm so sensitive. 513 00:39:43,080 --> 00:39:46,481 And that's what I think has made me successfuI and famous. 514 00:39:46,684 --> 00:39:50,211 So sensitive. Don't be so sensitive, Tupac. 515 00:39:50,421 --> 00:39:54,084 - WeII, basicaIIy... - BugaIoo. 516 00:39:54,291 --> 00:39:55,986 BugaIoo? BugaIoo? 517 00:39:56,193 --> 00:40:00,596 MarIon Wayans, I am pIaying the roIe of BugaIoo. 518 00:40:00,798 --> 00:40:03,790 - What is BugaIoo? - Where did that name come from? 519 00:40:04,001 --> 00:40:08,404 Some white guy's sitting there, ''What's a homeboy hip-hop name? BugaIoo!'' 520 00:40:08,606 --> 00:40:10,767 ''What are they caIIing each other these days?'' 521 00:40:23,487 --> 00:40:26,354 When I got famous, I got famous friends. 522 00:40:26,557 --> 00:40:30,755 Mickey Rourke was a good friend, good person. He's reaIIy funny. 523 00:40:30,961 --> 00:40:34,658 My memory of him is the night he's arguing with Carré, his wife. 524 00:40:34,865 --> 00:40:38,426 He didn't know what to do. I was Iike, ''Man, buy her some CristaI. 525 00:40:38,636 --> 00:40:41,332 ''CristaI wiII make someone forgive you, trust me.'' 526 00:40:41,539 --> 00:40:44,474 They be Iike, ''What was we fighting about?'' 527 00:40:44,675 --> 00:40:48,577 He's Iike, ''That's a good idea, 'Pac.'' I was Iike, ''He gotta be twice my age. 528 00:40:48,779 --> 00:40:50,007 ''I'm giving him ideas.'' 529 00:41:06,730 --> 00:41:10,860 I aIways gave Biggie a Iot of props. The Notorious B.I.G. 530 00:41:11,068 --> 00:41:12,933 I thought at the time he was my friend. 531 00:41:14,338 --> 00:41:19,833 Mike Tyson, we used to kick it. He's a reaI cooI brother, a big brother. 532 00:41:20,044 --> 00:41:23,172 The onIy difference in us is that he's big and I'm smaII. 533 00:41:23,380 --> 00:41:26,838 But I got the same heart he got. I want to knock everybody out. 534 00:41:27,051 --> 00:41:29,246 My brother, I'm teIIing you, you were good. 535 00:41:29,487 --> 00:41:33,583 - I enjoyed your performance. - Appreciate it. Thank you very much. 536 00:41:33,791 --> 00:41:37,352 I Iike that peopIe come to me and go, ''You did a good job.'' 537 00:41:37,561 --> 00:41:40,655 I was Ioving that somebody said, ''Tupac, you a great actor.'' 538 00:41:40,865 --> 00:41:44,528 - I'm teIIing you, Tupac a reaI nigga. - Being famous gave me confidence. 539 00:41:44,735 --> 00:41:49,365 - Is Tupac a sexy motherfucker? - The crowd gave me confidence. 540 00:41:49,573 --> 00:41:51,734 - Go Tupac, go Tupac, go. - Let me hear you say, 541 00:41:51,942 --> 00:41:56,436 - ''Go Thug Life, go Thug Life, go.'' - Go Thug Life, go Thug Life, go. 542 00:41:56,647 --> 00:41:59,172 - That's what I wanna hear. - Now, I'm my own man. 543 00:41:59,383 --> 00:42:01,578 I got you now! I got you now! 544 00:42:01,785 --> 00:42:05,118 I put it down. I wanna get into the head seat. ExceI at it. 545 00:42:05,322 --> 00:42:07,290 Do it one more time, cIear as possibIe. 546 00:42:07,525 --> 00:42:09,254 Can we doubIe it, see what it sound Iike? 547 00:42:09,460 --> 00:42:10,950 I'm a naturaI-born Ieader. 548 00:42:11,161 --> 00:42:14,961 If not, everybody Iose their jobs. Everybody Iose their jobs! 549 00:42:15,165 --> 00:42:18,965 Back to servant. PIaying the drums in the corner. 550 00:42:19,169 --> 00:42:22,570 But nobody couId caII me a seII-out. I'm not going for that. 551 00:42:25,242 --> 00:42:26,732 I didn't want to change. 552 00:42:26,944 --> 00:42:30,710 I Ioved that even though I was with Janet Jackson in big movies, 553 00:42:30,915 --> 00:42:33,383 I'II be up at the dirtiest house party in the 'hood. 554 00:42:39,790 --> 00:42:43,089 PeopIe couId not beIieve it. I used to thrive off that. 555 00:42:43,294 --> 00:42:47,458 Being up in the party, and somebody go, ''Oh, my God, that's Tupac.'' 556 00:42:47,665 --> 00:42:50,566 Going crazy because I'm in a dirty party, no security, 557 00:42:50,768 --> 00:42:54,101 Iights out, drinking, heIIa drunk. Drunk with everybody eIse. 558 00:42:54,305 --> 00:42:58,674 But that's what kept my sanity, kept me right, kept me going. 559 00:42:58,876 --> 00:43:02,277 My fans know that I'm reaI. My fans go to jaiI just Iike me. 560 00:43:02,479 --> 00:43:05,505 They understand me. HaIf my fans are white. 561 00:43:05,716 --> 00:43:08,184 The white fans Iisten as much as the bIack fans. 562 00:43:08,385 --> 00:43:12,082 The ones that have approached me have been genuine fans. 563 00:43:12,289 --> 00:43:16,157 These peopIe wiII have jobs in the future and wiII hire my famiIy. 564 00:43:17,828 --> 00:43:20,194 Get down, man! 565 00:43:23,200 --> 00:43:27,637 But many of my fans don't have ID. Some have jobs, some don't. 566 00:43:27,838 --> 00:43:30,363 Some are on weIfare, you know? Some are not. 567 00:43:30,608 --> 00:43:32,132 Some are rich and some are poor, 568 00:43:32,343 --> 00:43:37,212 but they aII share that hopeIess feeIing. I got the underdogs on my side. 569 00:43:41,251 --> 00:43:47,349 I'm aImost more in awe of the peopIe in awe of me than they are of me. 570 00:43:47,558 --> 00:43:51,790 OutIaw, outIaw, outIaw 571 00:43:51,996 --> 00:43:55,989 Everybody just be screaming, and I get uncomfortabIe. 572 00:43:56,200 --> 00:43:58,964 It's simiIar to a deer caught in the headIights. 573 00:43:59,169 --> 00:44:03,469 It's Iike a battIe to find the right words to say at the right time. 574 00:44:13,350 --> 00:44:17,150 It was cooI. I got to speak to young bIack maIes aII over the country 575 00:44:17,354 --> 00:44:20,619 about this new idea caIIed ''Thug Life''... 576 00:44:21,525 --> 00:44:23,356 ...which is a new kind of BIack Power. 577 00:44:23,560 --> 00:44:25,824 When I say, ''Thug Life'', I mean that shit, 578 00:44:26,030 --> 00:44:28,692 because these white foIks see us as thugs. 579 00:44:28,899 --> 00:44:32,835 I don't care if you think you a Iawyer, a man, an African-American. 580 00:44:33,037 --> 00:44:35,062 If you whatever the fuck you think you are, 581 00:44:35,272 --> 00:44:37,740 we thugs and niggas to these motherfuckers! 582 00:44:37,941 --> 00:44:40,603 UntiI we own some shit, I'II caII it Iike it is. 583 00:44:40,811 --> 00:44:42,506 How you gonna be a man and we starving? 584 00:44:43,414 --> 00:44:45,211 WaIk about five different houses, 585 00:44:45,416 --> 00:44:48,249 there ain't a man in either one of them motherfuckers. 586 00:44:48,452 --> 00:44:51,853 How we gonna be African-Americans if we aII need a gun? 587 00:44:52,056 --> 00:44:55,219 We thugs and niggas untiI we set this shit right. 588 00:44:55,426 --> 00:44:56,893 Trust me when I teII you that shit. 589 00:44:57,094 --> 00:45:00,723 Young bIack maIes identify with Thug Life, but I couIdn't handIe it. 590 00:45:00,931 --> 00:45:03,092 I couId handIe it, but not right away. 591 00:45:03,300 --> 00:45:06,599 - Mr Shakur, can we get a comment? - HeII, no. Thug Life. 592 00:45:06,804 --> 00:45:09,534 - Pardon me? - Thug Life. That's my comment. 593 00:45:09,740 --> 00:45:12,231 What's that mean? I don't understand. 594 00:45:13,911 --> 00:45:15,879 - What did happen? - Thug Life. 595 00:45:16,080 --> 00:45:20,915 Imagine you have 1 4,000 peopIe ready to do whatever you want. 596 00:45:21,118 --> 00:45:26,613 You have, aII over the country, peopIe waiting to hear what you wanna do. 597 00:45:27,925 --> 00:45:33,056 I got peopIe in the penitentiary, big-time OG criminaIs, caIIing me, 598 00:45:33,263 --> 00:45:36,130 teIIing me they want me to Iead their movement. 599 00:45:36,333 --> 00:45:38,494 I mean, I'm gonna have a probIem. 600 00:45:40,604 --> 00:45:43,129 So they toId me to watch my Ianguage. 601 00:45:44,141 --> 00:45:46,302 Fuck that. 602 00:45:47,311 --> 00:45:51,270 I'm gonna have a smaII identity crisis. I feIt Iike, ''I got every man in America 603 00:45:51,482 --> 00:45:55,509 ''who wants to take orders from me, who wants to know what I wanna do.'' 604 00:45:58,822 --> 00:46:02,485 Wants to know my pIan for young bIack maIes. That makes me scared. 605 00:46:16,373 --> 00:46:17,806 I'm 22. 606 00:46:18,008 --> 00:46:21,273 I was having concerts soId out, white boys, Mexicans, bIacks, 607 00:46:21,478 --> 00:46:24,970 and they wouId do what I say. I couId teII them to turn in a circIe, 608 00:46:25,182 --> 00:46:27,116 and they wouId do it. I was having Iove, 609 00:46:27,317 --> 00:46:29,842 Iike, undeniabIe Iove, and I was scared. 610 00:46:33,857 --> 00:46:37,190 I was scared, but so was America, so was somebody eIse. 611 00:46:37,694 --> 00:46:40,720 - I'm a IiberaI Democrat. - I'm a conservative RepubIican, 612 00:46:40,931 --> 00:46:43,695 but we both worry about the society our chiIdren Iive in. 613 00:46:43,901 --> 00:46:46,995 But that makes me want to rise to the occasion. 614 00:46:47,204 --> 00:46:50,002 It makes me want to give my whoIe Iife to it. 615 00:46:50,207 --> 00:46:53,836 And I wiII give my whoIe Iife to this pIan that I have for Thug Life. 616 00:46:54,044 --> 00:46:56,569 That's my new posse, my new way of thinking. 617 00:46:56,814 --> 00:46:59,908 That's how we roIIing in the nine-three. Thug Life. 618 00:47:01,018 --> 00:47:04,249 By ''thug'', I mean, not criminaI, someone that beats you. 619 00:47:04,454 --> 00:47:05,819 I mean the underdog. 620 00:47:06,023 --> 00:47:08,719 The person that had nothing and succeeds is a thug, 621 00:47:08,926 --> 00:47:10,416 because he overcame aII obstacIes. 622 00:47:10,627 --> 00:47:13,221 It has nothing to do with the dictionary's version. 623 00:47:13,430 --> 00:47:17,366 To me, thug is my pride, not being someone that goes against the Iaw, 624 00:47:17,568 --> 00:47:21,334 not being someone that takes, but being someone that has nothing, 625 00:47:21,538 --> 00:47:25,702 and even though I have nothing and no home to go to, my head is up high. 626 00:47:25,909 --> 00:47:29,242 My chest is out. I waIk taII. I taIk Ioud. I'm being strong. 627 00:47:29,446 --> 00:47:33,507 I'm against raciaI, ethnic entitIements. I think they are un-American. 628 00:47:35,385 --> 00:47:38,377 I don't understand why America doesn't understand Thug Life. 629 00:47:38,589 --> 00:47:41,183 America is Thug Life. 630 00:47:41,391 --> 00:47:43,222 How is me saying, ''I don't give a fuck,'' 631 00:47:43,427 --> 00:47:48,057 different than Patrick Henry saying, ''Give me Iiberty or give me death''? 632 00:47:49,099 --> 00:47:53,627 What makes my freedom Iess worth fighting for than Bosnians 633 00:47:53,871 --> 00:47:56,339 or whoever they wanna fight for this year? 634 00:47:58,308 --> 00:48:00,640 They shouId give money to the ghetto. 635 00:48:00,878 --> 00:48:05,042 Even gangs can be positive. It just has to be organised. 636 00:48:05,249 --> 00:48:09,379 It has to steer away from being seIf- destructive to being seIf-productive. 637 00:48:10,320 --> 00:48:13,778 I organised the OGs on the East and West Coasts in penitentiaries 638 00:48:13,991 --> 00:48:16,824 to come up with codes of ethics for criminaIs. 639 00:48:17,027 --> 00:48:18,824 It's caIIed the Code of Thug Life. 640 00:48:19,029 --> 00:48:22,055 It's a code, putting order to the vioIence on the streets. 641 00:48:22,266 --> 00:48:24,962 In Watts, Compton, Chicago, wherever. 642 00:48:25,168 --> 00:48:28,331 PeopIe aII over the country say, ''We go by this code. 643 00:48:28,538 --> 00:48:32,133 ''We're against attacks on peopIe not invoIved with the street gang, 644 00:48:32,342 --> 00:48:34,810 ''the drug trade or the iIIegaI business at aII. 645 00:48:35,012 --> 00:48:38,140 ''AII that kidnapping and shooting drive-bys, we against that.'' 646 00:48:38,348 --> 00:48:41,408 Thug Life ain't just a bunch of niggas going crazy. 647 00:48:41,618 --> 00:48:44,178 We wanna patroI our streets. So aII we saying is, 648 00:48:44,421 --> 00:48:47,652 if every motherfucker out here right now gave up one doIIar 649 00:48:47,858 --> 00:48:50,622 to this Thug Life fund, the money don't go to me, 650 00:48:50,827 --> 00:48:53,352 it go to somebody from y'aII neighbourhood, 651 00:48:53,563 --> 00:48:56,623 and we do this shit every month. I'II bring new rappers, 652 00:48:56,833 --> 00:48:58,801 I'II bring Snoop, whoever y'aII want. 653 00:48:59,002 --> 00:49:01,937 I'II go snatch them niggas. 654 00:49:02,139 --> 00:49:04,835 For that shit to happen, we can't have vioIence, 655 00:49:05,042 --> 00:49:07,442 and everybody gotta be down for that shit. 656 00:49:08,512 --> 00:49:11,504 We gonna start sIowIy but sureIy taking our communities back. 657 00:49:11,715 --> 00:49:15,515 ReguIate our community. Organise. Start taking care of our own. 658 00:49:15,719 --> 00:49:19,450 We gotta start somewhere, and I don't know about anything but this. 659 00:49:19,656 --> 00:49:23,956 - What is the message, though? - AII the peopIe you threw away, 660 00:49:24,161 --> 00:49:27,722 the dope deaIers, criminaIs, they wiII be Iegit next to you in first cIass, 661 00:49:27,965 --> 00:49:30,331 thanks to your boy. 662 00:49:33,370 --> 00:49:35,338 You know those IittIe things for mice, 663 00:49:35,539 --> 00:49:38,064 where they go through and there's IittIe bIocks? 664 00:49:38,275 --> 00:49:39,799 WeII, society is Iike that. 665 00:49:40,010 --> 00:49:43,878 They'II Iet you go as far as you want, but when you ask too many questions 666 00:49:44,081 --> 00:49:48,347 and you're ready to change, boom, that bIock'II come. 667 00:49:53,590 --> 00:49:56,423 There is no reason for a record Iike this 668 00:49:56,626 --> 00:49:59,720 to be pubIished by a responsibIe corporation. 669 00:49:59,930 --> 00:50:03,093 Never before has there been such a wiII to use music 670 00:50:03,300 --> 00:50:06,599 to advertise seIf-destructive vioIence. 671 00:50:06,803 --> 00:50:10,705 It gIorifies vioIence. It's creating a cuIture of guns and rape. 672 00:50:10,907 --> 00:50:14,001 Adding insult to injury, she says, is rapper Tupac Shakur 673 00:50:14,211 --> 00:50:16,042 being nominated for an NAACP lmage Award. 674 00:50:16,246 --> 00:50:18,544 I got the whoIe worId fearing me, and I ain't even started. 675 00:50:20,283 --> 00:50:23,218 I don't have my pIan, and they're trying to stop me. 676 00:50:23,420 --> 00:50:27,015 I chaIIenge the view that those who reveI in vioIence and depravity, 677 00:50:27,224 --> 00:50:29,920 on the screen or in the song, bear no responsibiIity 678 00:50:30,127 --> 00:50:32,095 when that spirit spreads into our cuIture. 679 00:50:32,295 --> 00:50:35,696 No disrespect to Bob DoIe. He don't know what he taIking about. 680 00:50:35,899 --> 00:50:40,268 He's just taIking. Some card somebody gave him, he's just reading off a card. 681 00:50:41,838 --> 00:50:44,272 But he's cute, you know? He's my grandfather. 682 00:50:44,474 --> 00:50:46,772 - Right. - He's an oId dude, taIking mess. 683 00:50:46,977 --> 00:50:51,038 You don't have to use viIe and ugIy Ianguage. 684 00:50:51,248 --> 00:50:55,309 WPGC in Washington D. C. dropped violent or demeaning lyrics. 685 00:50:55,552 --> 00:50:57,782 KACE in Los Angeles followed suit. 686 00:50:57,988 --> 00:51:01,788 They're yeIIing, ''Shoot!'' in a community that is crowded with guns. 687 00:51:01,992 --> 00:51:06,554 I'm not Iooking for approvaI from the bIack community. We are a part of it. 688 00:51:06,763 --> 00:51:10,221 I'm a thug, and I rap about the oppressed fighting back. 689 00:51:12,836 --> 00:51:15,270 Yes, my raps are fiIIed with rage. 690 00:51:18,775 --> 00:51:23,337 You have to be IogicaI. You know? If I know that in this hoteI room 691 00:51:23,580 --> 00:51:27,914 they have food every day, and I'm knocking on the door every day to eat, 692 00:51:28,118 --> 00:51:30,848 and they open the door, Iet me see the party, 693 00:51:31,088 --> 00:51:33,613 Iet me see them throwing saIami aII over, 694 00:51:33,824 --> 00:51:37,988 I mean, just throwing food around, but they're teIIing me there's no food. 695 00:51:38,195 --> 00:51:42,791 Every day, I'm standing outside trying to sing my way in. 696 00:51:42,999 --> 00:51:46,833 We are hungry, please let us in We are hungry, please let us in 697 00:51:47,037 --> 00:51:49,471 After about a week that song is gonna change to, 698 00:51:49,673 --> 00:51:51,641 We hungry, we need some food 699 00:51:51,842 --> 00:51:53,969 After two, three weeks, it's Iike, 700 00:51:54,177 --> 00:51:56,475 Give me the food Or l'm breaking down the door 701 00:51:56,680 --> 00:51:58,272 After a year you're just Iike, 702 00:51:58,482 --> 00:52:01,645 l'm picking the lock Coming through the door blasting 703 00:52:01,852 --> 00:52:04,320 It's Iike, you hungry, you reached your IeveI. 704 00:52:04,521 --> 00:52:07,388 We asked ten years ago. We was asking with the Panthers. 705 00:52:07,624 --> 00:52:11,321 We was asking with them, the CiviI Rights Movement. We was asking. 706 00:52:11,528 --> 00:52:14,019 Those peopIe that asked are dead and in jaiI. 707 00:52:14,231 --> 00:52:18,190 So now what do you think we're gonna do? Ask? 708 00:52:30,747 --> 00:52:34,308 There's a bad part because kids see that and mimic you. 709 00:52:34,518 --> 00:52:37,214 I haven't figured that out yet. But the positive side 710 00:52:37,420 --> 00:52:40,856 is the kid who Iives in a house where the mother is a crackhead, 711 00:52:41,057 --> 00:52:43,582 he hears the rap. He's Iike, ''That's every day. 712 00:52:43,793 --> 00:52:47,422 ''So I don't have to feeI ashamed.'' It cuts both ways. 713 00:52:47,664 --> 00:52:49,723 To me, it's Iike, when I sing, 714 00:52:49,933 --> 00:52:52,868 l live the Thug Life Baby, l'm hopeless 715 00:52:53,069 --> 00:52:56,402 One person might hear that and just Iike the way it sounds. 716 00:52:56,606 --> 00:53:01,600 But I'm doing it for the kid that Iives a Thug Life and feeIs Iike it's hopeIess. 717 00:53:01,811 --> 00:53:07,272 So when I say, ''hopeIess'', and when I say it Iike that, it's Iike I reach him. 718 00:53:07,484 --> 00:53:09,543 And even if, when I reach him, 719 00:53:09,753 --> 00:53:13,587 it makes it Iook gIorious to the guy that doesn't Iive that Iife, 720 00:53:13,790 --> 00:53:17,089 I can't heIp it. It's a fad. He'II drop the Thug Life soon. 721 00:53:17,294 --> 00:53:21,731 But for the person I tried to reach, he'II pick it up, and I'II be abIe to taIk to him. 722 00:53:21,932 --> 00:53:23,866 I try to be responsibIe, but it's hard. 723 00:53:24,067 --> 00:53:27,093 If you worry about what you're saying, I get writer's bIock. 724 00:53:27,304 --> 00:53:30,865 Kind of Iike, ''I can't say that. That's too harsh. Can't say this.'' 725 00:53:31,074 --> 00:53:34,805 I have to bIock it out and trust my heart that I'm doing the right thing. 726 00:53:35,011 --> 00:53:37,707 Pretty spit I was spitting. 727 00:53:37,914 --> 00:53:42,408 - ChiII out. ChiII out. - That's my styIe. That's my new styIe. 728 00:53:42,619 --> 00:53:45,747 - That's my new styIe. - 'Pac, chiII out. 729 00:53:45,956 --> 00:53:48,481 That's my new styIe. 730 00:53:50,760 --> 00:53:53,490 Hey, have a good summer. 731 00:53:54,431 --> 00:53:56,262 Have a good summer, bitch! 732 00:53:56,466 --> 00:53:59,458 But I'm not saying I didn't make mistakes. 733 00:53:59,669 --> 00:54:03,105 Like some of the things I said when I was fighting the Hughes brothers. 734 00:54:05,775 --> 00:54:08,938 I beat up the directors to Menace ll Society. 735 00:54:09,145 --> 00:54:13,639 - AII right, teII them why you did that. - These chump, punk, sIump... 736 00:54:13,850 --> 00:54:17,149 - You'II have a chance to rebut that. - No, they better come now. 737 00:54:17,354 --> 00:54:20,790 Check this out, they fired me in a roundabout, punk, snitch way. 738 00:54:20,991 --> 00:54:24,427 So I caught them on the streets and beat they behinds. 739 00:54:24,628 --> 00:54:27,290 I was a menace to the Hughes brothers. It ain't over! 740 00:54:27,497 --> 00:54:30,864 I stiII got more for you chumps! I read what you said about me! 741 00:54:31,067 --> 00:54:33,968 I'm gonna kick their ass! 742 00:54:34,170 --> 00:54:35,967 My big mouth. 743 00:54:36,172 --> 00:54:39,630 Mind y'aII business, I'II mind mine. I do what I gotta do, 744 00:54:39,843 --> 00:54:42,869 you do what you gotta do. Long as I give you 1 2 tracks, 745 00:54:43,079 --> 00:54:46,446 you give me my $1 2, and we even. I don't gotta be a roIe modeI. 746 00:54:46,650 --> 00:54:50,108 I don't gotta hoId your hand. I don't gotta do shit. 747 00:54:50,320 --> 00:54:53,448 My big mouth. I got a big mouth, can't heIp it. 748 00:54:53,657 --> 00:54:56,649 - I taIk from my heart, I'm reaI. - We taIked about 749 00:54:56,860 --> 00:55:01,320 peopIe in this business that you feeI don't have a Iove for their own peopIe. 750 00:55:01,531 --> 00:55:06,230 We was taIking about Spike Lee, Arsenio HaII, 751 00:55:06,436 --> 00:55:08,734 Eddie Murphy and the rest of them. 752 00:55:08,938 --> 00:55:13,136 I thought I was charming, but I was immature. I did things without thinking. 753 00:55:13,343 --> 00:55:15,675 MichaeI Jackson, Randy Jackson, 754 00:55:15,879 --> 00:55:18,313 Janet Jackson, PauIa AbduI, aII of them. 755 00:55:18,515 --> 00:55:20,881 She wants to not be bIack, but seII to bIacks. 756 00:55:21,084 --> 00:55:26,021 I don't appreciate her going out of her way to say she's not bIack. 757 00:55:26,222 --> 00:55:30,056 My actions came before thought. Things that I did, things I said. 758 00:55:30,260 --> 00:55:31,989 So many things I wanna take back. 759 00:55:32,195 --> 00:55:36,529 Eddie Murphy, with aII that dough he's making, hasn't done nothing for us. 760 00:55:36,733 --> 00:55:39,861 - He does a Iot of charity. - Charity doesn't get to the ghetto. 761 00:55:40,070 --> 00:55:41,435 Everybody knows that. 762 00:55:41,638 --> 00:55:43,401 I was young and dumb. 763 00:55:43,606 --> 00:55:46,439 Being mad at Spike Lee and aII those peopIe, aII of that. 764 00:55:46,643 --> 00:55:48,770 The thing I said of Quincy Jones, 765 00:55:48,978 --> 00:55:50,775 he shouIdn't mess with white women. 766 00:55:50,980 --> 00:55:53,005 I said I was sorry, personaIIy, for that. 767 00:55:53,216 --> 00:55:55,377 I didn't think of how it wouId hurt peopIe. 768 00:55:55,585 --> 00:55:59,612 I'm gonna catch y'aII in traffic and be the roughest nigga you ever seen. 769 00:55:59,856 --> 00:56:01,414 That turned into more IegaI probIems. 770 00:56:01,624 --> 00:56:05,720 The PeopIe truIy beIieve that Mr Shakur has shown no remorse 771 00:56:05,929 --> 00:56:08,727 whatsoever for his action in this case. 772 00:56:08,932 --> 00:56:13,232 We view Mr Shakur's appearance on Yo! MTV Raps as bragging. 773 00:56:13,436 --> 00:56:16,269 He was proud of what he did and does not feeI sorry. 774 00:56:16,473 --> 00:56:21,240 I just want to say, judge, that I have a great deaI of remorse. 775 00:56:21,444 --> 00:56:25,039 As far as I want you to treat me different, I don't want that. 776 00:56:25,248 --> 00:56:29,378 I just want the chance to make right from aII the bad things that I got. 777 00:56:29,586 --> 00:56:32,578 I got things against me and peopIe that Iook up to me. 778 00:56:32,789 --> 00:56:35,280 I don't want the Iast pIace they see me to be jaiI. 779 00:56:35,492 --> 00:56:38,928 I guess it's now time for me to render the sentence. 780 00:56:39,129 --> 00:56:42,656 I obviousIy find that the defendant is a taIented individuaI. 781 00:56:42,899 --> 00:56:46,995 However, this court beIieves that jaiI time is warranted with a battery 782 00:56:47,203 --> 00:56:48,898 with some injury invoIved. 783 00:56:49,105 --> 00:56:52,006 The defendant wiII serve 1 5 days in the county jaiI. 784 00:56:52,208 --> 00:56:53,835 I think the judge was fair. 785 00:56:54,043 --> 00:56:56,944 I stiII don't feeI Iike I got the decision that I wanted, 786 00:56:57,147 --> 00:56:59,615 but he was as fair as he couId be. 787 00:56:59,816 --> 00:57:03,582 ReaIIy, to my homeboys, I mean, a fight is a fight, battery is battery. 788 00:57:03,787 --> 00:57:07,951 A two-and-a-haIf minute probIem just cost me 1 5 days in jaiI, 789 00:57:08,158 --> 00:57:09,489 and that was Ienient. 790 00:57:09,692 --> 00:57:12,786 But my most serious IegaI probIems came from women. 791 00:57:14,164 --> 00:57:15,995 How I was acting with women. 792 00:57:20,370 --> 00:57:24,704 I wiII no Ionger sit passiveIy, aIIowing this degradation 793 00:57:24,941 --> 00:57:27,466 to be continued by our chiIdren. 794 00:57:27,677 --> 00:57:30,646 I think we Iive in a very sexist society, 795 00:57:30,847 --> 00:57:33,543 and everybody's pointing the finger at me. 796 00:57:33,750 --> 00:57:37,652 When somebody asks me, ''Do you expIoit women?'' 797 00:57:37,854 --> 00:57:42,018 With her permission, I might smack a girI on the butt in the video. 798 00:57:42,225 --> 00:57:45,285 I might be drinking champagne, but everything in moderation, 799 00:57:45,495 --> 00:57:46,826 and everything with cIass. 800 00:57:57,106 --> 00:57:59,802 I don't have to aIways do a song with the good woman. 801 00:58:00,009 --> 00:58:03,672 I don't see women as aII one thing. I think aII women are different. 802 00:58:08,418 --> 00:58:11,751 We African-American women, particuIarIy, 803 00:58:11,988 --> 00:58:17,722 are tired of being caIIed hoes, bitches and sIuts by our chiIdren. 804 00:58:27,270 --> 00:58:31,070 If I do something that has a bad woman, peopIe go, ''He hates women.'' 805 00:58:31,274 --> 00:58:35,370 I don't think Iike that. But there are definiteIy a type of femaIe, 806 00:58:35,578 --> 00:58:38,843 IabeI them a bitch, whose main thing is to get what they can, 807 00:58:39,048 --> 00:58:42,575 and they reveI in breaking a nigga's heart and taking what he owns. 808 00:58:42,785 --> 00:58:44,116 Shut the fuck up! 809 00:58:44,320 --> 00:58:46,254 There's maIe bitches too. 810 00:58:46,456 --> 00:58:49,914 Women know there are bitches. I don't know why they're surprised. 811 00:58:50,126 --> 00:58:53,095 They know. They say it Iouder. 812 00:58:53,296 --> 00:58:56,891 They think we say they're aII bitches. That's not what we're saying. 813 00:59:02,438 --> 00:59:04,463 That's Keep Ya Head Up and Get Around. 814 00:59:04,674 --> 00:59:07,643 I said, ''I'm gonna write a song about women Iike my mom, 815 00:59:07,844 --> 00:59:10,904 ''who represent a strong bIack woman.'' I did that. 816 00:59:11,114 --> 00:59:13,582 I'II rap about women I see daiIy. That's Get Around. 817 00:59:13,783 --> 00:59:17,446 If I just did Keep Ya Head Up, it makes me seem more than I am, 818 00:59:17,654 --> 00:59:19,451 but I'm just a normaI man. 819 00:59:19,656 --> 00:59:24,116 America, America 820 00:59:24,327 --> 00:59:30,562 - God shed his grace on thee - Stop. 821 00:59:30,767 --> 00:59:33,099 I'm gonna cIose the door. 822 00:59:33,303 --> 00:59:35,999 Come on, Mr Cameraman. 823 00:59:36,205 --> 00:59:42,235 This is some reaI private shit that's about to happen, Mr Cameraman. 824 00:59:42,445 --> 00:59:43,844 Bye. 825 00:59:44,080 --> 00:59:45,945 Anyway, I'II Iet you hear the sounds. 826 00:59:46,149 --> 00:59:49,312 Is there a doubIe standard for men being promiscuous? 827 00:59:49,519 --> 00:59:52,454 Yeah, but we didn't start that doubIe standard. 828 00:59:52,655 --> 00:59:55,920 - I'm not saying you did. - And I'm not saying it's fair. 829 00:59:56,125 --> 01:00:00,528 I'm saying this is how it is. How can we rap about a worId that is not Iike that? 830 01:00:00,730 --> 01:00:03,255 - This is how it is. - Do you Iook down on maIes 831 01:00:03,466 --> 01:00:05,798 if they're as promiscuous as women? 832 01:00:06,002 --> 01:00:07,970 I don't Iook down on anybody that's promiscuous. 833 01:00:08,171 --> 01:00:11,663 I onIy Iook down on peopIe who don't controI the situation. 834 01:00:11,874 --> 01:00:14,934 If a girI sIeeps with a Iot of guys, she's stiII my homegirI. 835 01:00:15,144 --> 01:00:18,136 You're onIy a bitch, not if you sIeep with a Iot of guys, 836 01:00:18,348 --> 01:00:20,475 but if you're sIeeping with them for money. 837 01:00:20,683 --> 01:00:24,016 - So you put a price on yourseIf. - Because they have a nice car. 838 01:00:24,220 --> 01:00:26,882 Guys, when they sIeep around, they do it for free. 839 01:00:28,224 --> 01:00:32,524 At that time, a Iot of girIs, they'd seen my face on TV so many times, 840 01:00:32,729 --> 01:00:35,493 they wanna be associated with that person. 841 01:00:35,698 --> 01:00:39,134 It's the fame that gets these peopIe. It's not me. It's the fame. 842 01:00:39,335 --> 01:00:42,327 I've seen femaIes Iook at me when they didn't know me, 843 01:00:42,538 --> 01:00:44,199 and I can see it, nothing. 844 01:00:44,407 --> 01:00:47,672 Then someone whisper who I was, it's this gIare in the eye. 845 01:00:47,877 --> 01:00:51,040 - You make yourseIf want them. - How do you feeI about that? 846 01:00:51,247 --> 01:00:54,410 I don't understand how peopIe can stand next to you one year, 847 01:00:54,651 --> 01:00:58,712 and next year, they cannot. They're going crazy, screaming. 848 01:00:58,921 --> 01:01:03,381 They can't take it that you're there. But Iast year I was in the same cIub, 849 01:01:03,593 --> 01:01:05,925 waIking around, IoneIy Iike a motherfucker. 850 01:01:06,162 --> 01:01:09,689 CouIdn't get a date or a dance. I was too skinny, too something, 851 01:01:09,899 --> 01:01:12,993 and now, ''He's just adorabIe. He's just, oh!'' 852 01:01:15,905 --> 01:01:20,239 But I stiII enjoyed sex without the emotionaI connection. 853 01:01:20,443 --> 01:01:24,539 And it was aIways a fantasy for me to have sex 854 01:01:24,747 --> 01:01:26,772 with a Iot of peopIe in the room. 855 01:01:27,183 --> 01:01:30,277 But I didn't pIay one situation correctIy. 856 01:01:31,621 --> 01:01:35,682 Rap singer Tupac Shakur was released on $50,000 bail today, 857 01:01:35,892 --> 01:01:38,725 accused of a sexual attack in a New York hotel. 858 01:01:38,928 --> 01:01:42,295 The singer was arrested Thursday night after a woman claimed 859 01:01:42,498 --> 01:01:45,626 he and three other men overpowered her in a hotel suite. 860 01:01:45,835 --> 01:01:50,295 - Are you disappointing your fans? - Yes, but they're gonna support me. 861 01:01:51,074 --> 01:01:55,306 With bodyguards and attorneys, he went into Manhattan Criminal Court. 862 01:01:55,511 --> 01:01:59,447 There, the rapper and two friends were charged with first-degree sodomy. 863 01:01:59,649 --> 01:02:02,140 The allegations stem from an incident last Thursday 864 01:02:02,351 --> 01:02:04,478 in which a woman claims she was held down 865 01:02:04,721 --> 01:02:06,814 as he and two others allegedly sodomised her. 866 01:02:07,023 --> 01:02:10,151 The aIIegations by this young Iady are without merit. 867 01:02:10,359 --> 01:02:13,590 Defence attorneys say the woman went there consensually, 868 01:02:13,796 --> 01:02:15,661 and answering machine tapes that indicate 869 01:02:15,865 --> 01:02:18,959 her interest in Shakur were erased by police. 870 01:02:20,103 --> 01:02:24,597 OK, so you teII me when your Iawyers have asked you to stop. 871 01:02:24,807 --> 01:02:28,641 The girI who cIaims that... 872 01:02:28,845 --> 01:02:30,176 What does she cIaim? 873 01:02:30,379 --> 01:02:32,506 - I can't even say it, man. - OK. 874 01:02:32,749 --> 01:02:35,445 But technicaIIy, it's a rape case. 875 01:02:35,651 --> 01:02:37,448 I wasn't convicted of no rape charge. 876 01:02:37,653 --> 01:02:41,783 My charge was sexuaI abuse, forcibIy touching the buttocks. 877 01:02:41,991 --> 01:02:45,927 I have a femaIe saying that... I can't say it, but... 878 01:02:46,129 --> 01:02:48,256 It just bothers me so much, you know? 879 01:02:48,464 --> 01:02:51,456 To go through my Iife and everything I did, coming out 880 01:02:51,667 --> 01:02:53,794 of a famiIy and househoId with just women, 881 01:02:54,003 --> 01:02:58,633 to get to this point to have a woman say that I took something from her. 882 01:02:58,841 --> 01:03:00,172 It was hard. 883 01:03:03,846 --> 01:03:07,111 lt was an emotional day for a 20-year-old female fan, 884 01:03:07,316 --> 01:03:10,843 who admitted that she had consensual sex with Shakur on Sunday night, 885 01:03:11,053 --> 01:03:14,045 four days before her alleged rape in the hotel room. 886 01:03:14,290 --> 01:03:17,487 During her cross-examination, defence attorney Michael Warren 887 01:03:17,693 --> 01:03:22,790 painted a picture of a starstruck, naive girl anxious to have sex with Shakur. 888 01:03:22,999 --> 01:03:26,901 Word is you had a reIationship with this woman prior to aII this friction. 889 01:03:27,103 --> 01:03:30,800 If you can say that's a reIationship. I bumped in a cIub. I seen her. 890 01:03:31,007 --> 01:03:33,805 Let's use a cIinicaI term. There was oraI copuIation? 891 01:03:34,010 --> 01:03:37,173 Yeah, she performed oraI sex on the dance fIoor. 892 01:03:37,380 --> 01:03:40,349 A Iot of guys couId say what they wouIdn't do 893 01:03:40,550 --> 01:03:43,519 and what they wouId do, but when it happens, you know...? 894 01:03:43,719 --> 01:03:46,688 - Yeah. - It just goes down. And it's... ReaIIy. 895 01:03:54,096 --> 01:03:58,089 She did some things there at the cIub, and we got together Iater that night. 896 01:03:58,334 --> 01:04:02,065 I saw her again another time with these guys that introduced me to her. 897 01:04:02,271 --> 01:04:06,367 Everybody was having a good time, nothing sexuaI, just a good time. 898 01:04:06,576 --> 01:04:09,909 Me and her went in, she gave me a massage, went to sIeep, woke up, 899 01:04:10,112 --> 01:04:13,343 she's screaming, ''Rape, rape.'' I raped her. 900 01:04:13,549 --> 01:04:18,009 And she's yeIIing at me, ''This is not the Iast you're gonna see of me.'' 901 01:04:18,221 --> 01:04:22,282 I'm cursing her out because I'm not thinking she's reaIIy gonna do that. 902 01:04:22,491 --> 01:04:24,891 And the next thing I know, I'm going to jaiI. 903 01:04:25,094 --> 01:04:28,188 In your opinion there was no truth to the sexuaI abuse charges? 904 01:04:28,397 --> 01:04:29,955 Not on my part at aII. 905 01:04:30,166 --> 01:04:32,430 The defence pounded away at her, 906 01:04:32,635 --> 01:04:36,731 asking her why she didn't scream for help at the time of the alleged attack. 907 01:04:36,939 --> 01:04:39,806 The woman testified that Shakur's friends said, 908 01:04:40,009 --> 01:04:43,410 ''Tupac needs his fans. Don't go to the White Man with this. 909 01:04:43,613 --> 01:04:47,049 ''Millions of girls would love to be in your shoes right now. '' 910 01:04:47,250 --> 01:04:48,649 What about your cronies? 911 01:04:48,885 --> 01:04:52,446 That was a big misconception. The peopIe with me weren't friends. 912 01:04:52,655 --> 01:04:55,886 - Why were they in your room? - I hang with Iots of peopIe. 913 01:04:56,092 --> 01:04:58,925 And that's how I am. It's simiIar to Iike you said 914 01:04:59,128 --> 01:05:02,495 about Led ZeppeIin. They don't know aII of the peopIe with them. 915 01:05:02,698 --> 01:05:04,928 This guy got the weed? OK, you can kick it. 916 01:05:05,134 --> 01:05:06,761 Got the money? You can kick it. 917 01:05:06,969 --> 01:05:10,803 This guy has connections to the cIubs? OK, you can kick it. I don't know him. 918 01:05:13,609 --> 01:05:17,568 But that was my fauIt, I had that kind of environment around me. 919 01:05:20,616 --> 01:05:24,746 I didn't do nothing. I'm charged with being in concert with some guys. 920 01:05:24,954 --> 01:05:26,581 WeII, where are they at? 921 01:05:26,789 --> 01:05:28,154 Why me? Because I'm Tupac... 922 01:05:28,357 --> 01:05:30,484 I'm not mad at them. I'm mad at the system. 923 01:05:30,693 --> 01:05:32,593 I don't want nobody to go to jaiI, 924 01:05:32,795 --> 01:05:35,457 but I don't wanna go for something I didn't do. 925 01:05:35,665 --> 01:05:37,758 I just don't wanna be the scapegoat. 926 01:05:37,967 --> 01:05:40,663 I just couIdn't beIieve this was going on in my Iife. 927 01:05:40,870 --> 01:05:45,102 See the cameras. It wasn't Iike I had a chance for justice Iike a normaI citizen. 928 01:05:47,643 --> 01:05:51,010 Hi, Tupac. Can you teII me how you're doing today? 929 01:05:51,213 --> 01:05:56,150 WeII, I just had to Iisten to the prosecution's cIosing argument, 930 01:05:56,352 --> 01:06:00,880 and it was so far from the truth that it has me drained at the end of the day. 931 01:06:01,090 --> 01:06:03,524 But I'm Ieaving it in the hands of the jury. 932 01:06:03,726 --> 01:06:08,129 I'm Iearning a Iot about peopIe's innermost fears in this triaI. 933 01:06:08,331 --> 01:06:11,129 It's not even about my triaI no more. It's just about 934 01:06:11,334 --> 01:06:14,895 Ioud rap music, tattoo-having thugs. 935 01:06:15,104 --> 01:06:18,938 It's about some nightmare that these peopIe are having. 936 01:06:19,775 --> 01:06:21,970 I can't understand why it's so cIose. 937 01:06:22,178 --> 01:06:27,810 There's no evidence I sodomised her, even though you put that in the paper. 938 01:06:28,017 --> 01:06:30,076 Print the facts so everybody can sort it out. 939 01:06:30,286 --> 01:06:33,551 My Iife is ruined because nobody has a chance to get the facts. 940 01:06:33,756 --> 01:06:35,815 Fact is, there was no semen found. 941 01:06:36,025 --> 01:06:41,657 No semen found, no forcibIe entry, no entry into the anaI, no nothing. 942 01:06:41,864 --> 01:06:43,195 I wanted to expIain it. 943 01:06:43,399 --> 01:06:46,698 If you couId go back to the night when the abuse occurred, 944 01:06:46,902 --> 01:06:49,393 - is there anything you'd do differentIy? - Yeah. 945 01:06:49,605 --> 01:06:53,268 I wouId not have cIosed my eyes untiI she was out of the room, 946 01:06:53,509 --> 01:06:55,670 untiI everybody was out of the room. 947 01:06:55,878 --> 01:06:59,507 So when you Ieft the room and Ieft her with those peopIe... 948 01:06:59,715 --> 01:07:02,513 I didn't Ieave her with those peopIe or bring her to them. 949 01:07:02,718 --> 01:07:04,117 - She came over? - Right. 950 01:07:04,320 --> 01:07:07,221 She came over, knew those peopIe, knew everything. 951 01:07:07,423 --> 01:07:09,755 I just didn't grab her out of there. 952 01:07:11,927 --> 01:07:16,057 I'm guiIty of not being a smart man, not being a good-hearted man, 953 01:07:16,265 --> 01:07:18,062 I guess, or being more considerate. 954 01:07:18,267 --> 01:07:21,930 At any point, were you aware she was invoIved in something she... 955 01:07:22,138 --> 01:07:26,199 - Cut. That's a probIem right there. - Excuse me. 956 01:07:26,409 --> 01:07:28,570 None of these IegaI matters can be asked. 957 01:07:28,778 --> 01:07:31,941 I have a Iist of the stuff you'II have to cut out. Sorry. 958 01:07:32,148 --> 01:07:35,549 - AII right. - The gentIeman is out on baiI. 959 01:07:35,751 --> 01:07:37,378 I see. 960 01:07:38,287 --> 01:07:39,754 I couIdn't defend myseIf. 961 01:07:39,955 --> 01:07:42,788 This wouId never have happened to anybody eIse. 962 01:07:42,992 --> 01:07:45,927 They have no evidence on me, and it's about to come out. 963 01:07:46,128 --> 01:07:48,289 Now my Iife is over. This is a year Iater. 964 01:07:48,497 --> 01:07:51,489 A year after the worId's been thinking I'm a rapist. 965 01:07:51,700 --> 01:07:53,395 The whoIe worId owes me an apoIogy. 966 01:07:53,602 --> 01:07:56,503 I went through it and didn't kiII myseIf Iike Kurt Cobain. 967 01:07:56,705 --> 01:07:59,572 And I shouId, because this is some crazy madness. 968 01:08:08,684 --> 01:08:12,552 Central, l got a black male shot at 48th and 7th. 969 01:08:15,958 --> 01:08:19,519 Last night, just after midnight, at 723 7th Avenue, 970 01:08:19,728 --> 01:08:22,595 that's between 48th and 49th Street, 971 01:08:22,798 --> 01:08:27,030 rap star Tupac Shakur and three members of his group 972 01:08:27,236 --> 01:08:28,863 were robbed and shot. 973 01:08:36,812 --> 01:08:38,871 They shot me, straight up. 974 01:08:39,115 --> 01:08:42,084 I just kept thinking, ''They reaIIy did shoot me.'' 975 01:08:42,685 --> 01:08:46,143 When I wasn't dead, immediateIy I was Iike, ''Oh, man.'' 976 01:08:46,355 --> 01:08:48,016 I was Iike, ''No, this ain't it.'' 977 01:08:48,224 --> 01:08:51,660 I know how it's gonna be when I die. It's gonna be no noise. 978 01:08:51,861 --> 01:08:56,230 You ain't gonna hear peopIe screaming. I'm gonna fade out. 979 01:08:58,400 --> 01:09:00,732 And I didn't... None of that was there. 980 01:09:02,238 --> 01:09:06,641 I was Iike, ''I got shot five times. I'm not dead. They missed. I'm back.'' 981 01:09:08,644 --> 01:09:11,579 When Shakur resisted, he was shot five times, 982 01:09:11,780 --> 01:09:14,578 twice in the head and twice in the groin area. 983 01:09:14,783 --> 01:09:18,082 And his most serious wound, a gunshot through the hand, 984 01:09:18,287 --> 01:09:20,187 hitting an artery in his thigh. 985 01:09:20,389 --> 01:09:23,552 He's listed in serious but stable condition. 986 01:09:25,227 --> 01:09:30,255 UntiI it happened, I reaIIy did beIieve no bIack person wouId ever shoot me. 987 01:09:30,566 --> 01:09:34,024 I beIieved that I didn't have to fear my own community. 988 01:09:34,236 --> 01:09:37,000 You know, I was Iike, ''I represent them. 989 01:09:37,206 --> 01:09:40,698 ''I'm their ambassador to the worId. They wouId never do me wrong.'' 990 01:09:40,910 --> 01:09:43,572 I beIieve that this was a robbery. 991 01:09:43,779 --> 01:09:47,408 Anybody who was gonna waIk into that buiIding was gonna be robbed. 992 01:09:47,616 --> 01:09:50,847 The poIice don't wanna find out who shot me. They're happy. 993 01:09:58,961 --> 01:10:01,930 As far as that Vibe interview, just read everything over 994 01:10:02,131 --> 01:10:06,397 and read my repIy, read their repIy, read what peopIe say. 995 01:10:07,636 --> 01:10:11,595 Everybody that was there knows what happened. 996 01:10:15,444 --> 01:10:19,312 My recoIIection was, I was shooting a video, the second haIf of Warning, 997 01:10:19,515 --> 01:10:23,417 which is the B-side of Big Poppa, and I was shooting around the bIock. 998 01:10:23,619 --> 01:10:27,453 And I heard my man was up at the studio doing a Junior M.A.F.I.A. session. 999 01:10:27,656 --> 01:10:31,490 So I got off at the reception area, and I saw Andre and LittIe Shawn. 1000 01:10:31,727 --> 01:10:36,391 I said, ''What's up?'' about to get on the eIevator, and he comes out shot. 1001 01:10:46,642 --> 01:10:50,009 The Tupac articIe had me pissed off, you know what I'm saying? 1002 01:10:50,246 --> 01:10:53,238 Because first of aII, he dissed my man, 1003 01:10:53,449 --> 01:10:59,115 saying he turned his back on him, and I know for a fact it didn't happen. 1004 01:10:59,321 --> 01:11:02,779 And, Iike, the rumours that's spreading 1005 01:11:02,992 --> 01:11:06,723 is on some tip Iike we set him up. And that's crazy. 1006 01:11:09,832 --> 01:11:13,165 As soon as he comes out shot, me and my man try to sit him down. 1007 01:11:13,369 --> 01:11:16,702 He caIIed his mom. He asked my man if he can roII him a bIunt. 1008 01:11:16,905 --> 01:11:22,241 We asked if he was aII right. He's Iike, ''Yeah, I don't know what's going on.'' 1009 01:11:24,680 --> 01:11:29,140 We were just trying to comfort him. Andre HarreII caIIed the ambuIance. 1010 01:11:32,988 --> 01:11:35,183 And everybody there was very supportive of him. 1011 01:11:38,794 --> 01:11:42,286 It was just the totaI opposite. He came out and everyone ran to him. 1012 01:11:42,498 --> 01:11:44,193 It was nothing but Iove and concern. 1013 01:11:44,400 --> 01:11:48,564 They got different accounts of it, and I'm the one with the buIIet wounds. 1014 01:11:48,804 --> 01:11:52,137 I aIso understand that if you was to get shot five times, 1015 01:11:52,341 --> 01:11:55,333 your mind is just compIeteIy spinning. 1016 01:11:55,544 --> 01:11:57,808 You're reaI confused about your situation. 1017 01:11:58,013 --> 01:11:59,981 It'II make you say things you don't mean. 1018 01:12:00,182 --> 01:12:04,243 I was there for the whoIe thing. No one eIse was there for the whoIe thing. 1019 01:12:04,453 --> 01:12:09,186 I don't know the purpose of why the story was said in another context. 1020 01:12:09,391 --> 01:12:12,758 It's not important that others know what happened. I said it. 1021 01:12:12,961 --> 01:12:16,192 Now that I said it, it's dead. BeIieve me or not, I did what I had to. 1022 01:12:16,398 --> 01:12:17,729 God knows the truth. 1023 01:12:17,933 --> 01:12:21,494 There's no reIigion about getting shot. I don't want any converts. 1024 01:12:25,441 --> 01:12:29,070 After getting shot, I was Iike, ''Shit, I don't know who to trust.'' 1025 01:12:29,278 --> 01:12:31,405 ln a bizarre twist of events, 1026 01:12:31,613 --> 01:12:36,550 Tupac Shakur checked himself out of Bellevue Hospital Wednesday night. 1027 01:12:36,752 --> 01:12:42,452 After surgery, Tupac checked himself out of Bellevue against doctor's orders. 1028 01:12:42,658 --> 01:12:46,059 It was just time to Ieave. I didn't feeI safe there. 1029 01:12:46,261 --> 01:12:48,525 I kept getting these crazy phone caIIs. 1030 01:12:52,801 --> 01:12:55,929 At that point, I'm just paranoid, just bugging out. 1031 01:12:56,138 --> 01:13:00,370 I couIdn't sIeep or rest. I was Iike, ''I'm just tired, and I wanna just...'' 1032 01:13:01,777 --> 01:13:06,874 And I feIt Iike I'm Iike a victim, a target. 1033 01:13:07,783 --> 01:13:10,911 I couIdn't even sIeep at home. PeopIe couId kiII me at home. 1034 01:13:11,120 --> 01:13:13,953 And are the poIice gonna come in and kiII me? 1035 01:13:14,156 --> 01:13:16,852 You know, is there secret poIice? 1036 01:13:17,693 --> 01:13:20,560 I was so deep into the weed at that point. 1037 01:13:21,630 --> 01:13:25,726 And I was Iike, ''I'm petrified. I'm vuInerabIe.'' 1038 01:13:26,702 --> 01:13:30,570 I feIt Iike just a prisoner to my own fame. 1039 01:13:30,806 --> 01:13:33,240 That's why I wanted to die at that point. 1040 01:13:34,843 --> 01:13:38,574 I feIt Iike, ''If everybody's so worried, why ain't nobody came to heIp?'' 1041 01:13:41,817 --> 01:13:44,251 - Mr Shakur? - Open up, pIease. Open up. 1042 01:13:44,453 --> 01:13:46,182 - Excuse me. - Step back, pIease. 1043 01:13:46,422 --> 01:13:49,448 - Just keep it tight, that's aII. - How are you this morning? 1044 01:13:49,658 --> 01:13:55,119 The jury deliberated, then, after days of twists worthy of a Hollywood drama, 1045 01:13:55,330 --> 01:13:58,197 Tupac Shakur has finally had one question answered. 1046 01:13:58,434 --> 01:14:01,767 Tonight, the jury found him guilty of three counts of sexual abuse, 1047 01:14:01,970 --> 01:14:05,462 but innocent on six other charges, including sodomy. 1048 01:14:07,509 --> 01:14:10,137 PIease, give me some space. PIease, man. 1049 01:14:10,345 --> 01:14:12,472 Why did you decide to Ieave the hospitaI? 1050 01:14:12,681 --> 01:14:16,481 PIease, y'aII are not Ietting me get through, man. Let me get through! 1051 01:14:16,685 --> 01:14:18,550 - Back it up. - Why did you Ieave? 1052 01:14:18,754 --> 01:14:22,485 And sentencing for this trial has yet to be scheduled. 1053 01:14:34,837 --> 01:14:39,570 Where I was sent was a maximum-security penitentiary. 1054 01:14:48,417 --> 01:14:52,183 I know when I was young, I couIdn't wait to get to jaiI, straight up. 1055 01:14:52,387 --> 01:14:57,017 I mean, I was scared and everything, but I feIt that's part of being a man. 1056 01:15:01,096 --> 01:15:03,496 Now that I'm here, this is not the spot. 1057 01:15:03,699 --> 01:15:08,363 I know everybody that comes out says, ''This ain't the spot.'' This isn't the spot. 1058 01:15:08,570 --> 01:15:12,870 Somebody teIIs you when to get up, when you can shower, do this, do that. 1059 01:15:13,075 --> 01:15:16,841 They can speak to you any way they want to, and you've gotta accept it. 1060 01:15:19,047 --> 01:15:22,574 You can die here, know what I mean? Yesterday, a dude was murdered. 1061 01:15:22,784 --> 01:15:25,912 He wasn't in here on no murder beef. He was in on a drug beef. 1062 01:15:26,121 --> 01:15:29,784 He's gone. He's dead in jaiI, you know what I mean? 1063 01:15:30,025 --> 01:15:32,050 By another prisoner who had Iife. 1064 01:15:32,261 --> 01:15:34,889 He had nothing to Iose, you know what I mean? 1065 01:15:35,097 --> 01:15:39,431 I came to jaiI. I'm teIIing you, it's dirty. It's fiIthy. It's Iike you're an animaI. 1066 01:15:42,471 --> 01:15:44,462 At first, me and the guards had probIems. 1067 01:15:44,673 --> 01:15:47,233 I got smacked and treated bad. 1068 01:15:47,442 --> 01:15:52,744 They did whatever they couId to break me because I used to taIk a Iot of shit. 1069 01:15:52,948 --> 01:15:56,543 As soon as I got there, they went, ''There he goes, the rich nigger.'' 1070 01:15:56,752 --> 01:16:01,917 I was Iike, ''Oh, shit, he said nigger!'' Everybody's Iooking at me Iike, ''So?'' 1071 01:16:02,124 --> 01:16:05,651 And I was Iike, ''My God, this is where I'm gonna be staying?'' 1072 01:16:05,861 --> 01:16:07,419 He just said ''nigger''! 1073 01:16:07,629 --> 01:16:09,790 You've got ''niggas'' in one of your records. 1074 01:16:09,998 --> 01:16:13,058 ''Nigg-as''. He's taIking about ''nigg-ers''. 1075 01:16:13,268 --> 01:16:16,829 ''Nigg-ers'' was the ones on the rope, hanging off the thing. 1076 01:16:17,072 --> 01:16:20,735 ''Nigg-as'' is the ones with goId ropes, hanging out at cIubs. 1077 01:16:26,682 --> 01:16:30,516 I Iearned things there. In jaiI, it's Iike how we shouId be in Iife, humbIe. 1078 01:16:30,719 --> 01:16:34,450 I was taIking to skinheads, 'cause if you don't Iike bIack peopIe, 1079 01:16:34,656 --> 01:16:37,124 aII right, that's fine. That's your opinion. 1080 01:16:37,326 --> 01:16:41,194 I want peopIe to respect my opinion when I'm rapping, so I'II respect yours. 1081 01:16:41,396 --> 01:16:45,526 You treat me with respect, I'II treat you with respect, and we'II get aIong. 1082 01:16:45,734 --> 01:16:49,329 This skinhead, ''hate bIack peopIe'' aII over, getting autographs for cousins. 1083 01:16:49,538 --> 01:16:51,028 I accompIished something. 1084 01:16:51,239 --> 01:16:55,198 I know, by him getting my autograph, that meant something to me. 1085 01:16:55,410 --> 01:16:58,641 He couIdn't hate bIack peopIe and get my autograph. 1086 01:17:00,849 --> 01:17:03,875 - The food was terribIe, I guess. - Oh, my goodness. 1087 01:17:04,119 --> 01:17:06,019 They've got this Iiver surprise thing. 1088 01:17:06,221 --> 01:17:09,384 The Iiver surprise. They're trying to pump that on the jaiI menu. 1089 01:17:09,625 --> 01:17:13,527 They're trying to get it to go prime-time, get it in the rotation. 1090 01:17:13,729 --> 01:17:17,187 I was Iike, ''We had this yesterday. I Iiked it aIready, goddamn.'' 1091 01:17:17,399 --> 01:17:20,527 - No Tater Tots? - No. Are you crazy? Tater Tots? 1092 01:17:20,736 --> 01:17:25,002 I used to get baked potatoes with a huge finger imprint on it. 1093 01:17:26,274 --> 01:17:27,639 - AII right. - It was bad. 1094 01:17:27,843 --> 01:17:32,371 No, you don't wanna get me started. JeII-O with hair aII in the mouId. 1095 01:17:32,581 --> 01:17:35,812 I'd be Iike, ''Damn, man, how are you gonna mess up JeII-O?'' 1096 01:17:36,018 --> 01:17:39,715 JeII-O is so whoIesome and famiIy-Iike. It just ruins it for me. 1097 01:17:39,921 --> 01:17:41,513 To have a hair in there, yeah. 1098 01:17:41,723 --> 01:17:45,853 I mean, I'm Iike, ''Come on, BiII Cosby pumps this, man!'' 1099 01:17:46,895 --> 01:17:49,227 Put the hair in my JeII-O. 1100 01:17:50,465 --> 01:17:54,697 And you can't go, ''There's a hair in my JeII-O. I'd Iike to send this back. 1101 01:17:54,903 --> 01:17:56,530 ''Can I see the cook, pIease?'' 1102 01:17:56,738 --> 01:17:58,729 The cook is a big dude named Bubba Joe. 1103 01:18:00,676 --> 01:18:05,545 The first eight months I spent in soIitude 23 hours a day, reading. 1104 01:18:05,747 --> 01:18:07,715 I wrote a script caIIed Live 2 Tell. 1105 01:18:07,916 --> 01:18:11,682 I got How to Write a Screenplay, that big famous book by Syd FieId. 1106 01:18:11,887 --> 01:18:16,551 I got that, and I remembered aII of the scripts I ever read, and I wrote one. 1107 01:18:16,758 --> 01:18:18,282 I read a Iot of good books. 1108 01:18:18,493 --> 01:18:22,953 I read a Iot of Maya AngeIou's books. The Art of War by Sun-tzu. 1109 01:18:25,000 --> 01:18:28,367 But in terms of writing music and Iyrics, I couIdn't do it. 1110 01:18:28,570 --> 01:18:32,233 Everybody's Iike, ''He's in jaiI now. He's gonna have the bomb aIbum.'' 1111 01:18:32,441 --> 01:18:33,772 But it's the opposite. 1112 01:18:33,975 --> 01:18:37,308 Prison kiIIs your spirit, straight up. It kiIIs your spirit. 1113 01:18:37,512 --> 01:18:42,575 I couIdn't write. My inspiration was gone because I was a caged animaI. 1114 01:18:44,286 --> 01:18:47,585 But when I was in jaiI, a Iot of peopIe supported me. 1115 01:18:47,789 --> 01:18:50,917 Jasmine Guy, Jada Pinkett, 1116 01:18:51,126 --> 01:18:53,492 Mickey Rourke, he just wrote me funny stories. 1117 01:18:53,729 --> 01:18:58,257 The name that sticks out the most, I'II keep saying this, is Tony Danza. 1118 01:18:59,501 --> 01:19:00,991 To me, he is the bomb for ever. 1119 01:19:01,236 --> 01:19:03,796 I wiII be his number one fan for ever, 1120 01:19:04,005 --> 01:19:06,599 because when I got his Ietter, I was Iike, ''Whoa!'' 1121 01:19:06,808 --> 01:19:09,606 I was screaming out to everybody, ''Guess who wrote me!'' 1122 01:19:11,346 --> 01:19:15,510 They had a story on the IocaI news that Madonna was coming to visit me. 1123 01:19:15,751 --> 01:19:19,278 Madonna has so much power that the guards gave me an extra shower 1124 01:19:19,488 --> 01:19:22,286 because they thought she was coming to visit me. 1125 01:19:22,491 --> 01:19:26,188 I had guards waIking me downstairs, everything, trying to peep a Iook. 1126 01:19:26,394 --> 01:19:28,191 - Did she come? - No. No, I'm gIad. 1127 01:19:28,396 --> 01:19:30,921 - But you got the extra shower? - Hey, I got the shower. 1128 01:19:34,336 --> 01:19:38,272 The person that supported me the most was my mother. 1129 01:19:39,174 --> 01:19:42,769 When my mother got cIean, we got reaI cIose again. 1130 01:19:55,190 --> 01:19:57,681 I don't bIame her for anything. 1131 01:19:57,893 --> 01:20:02,830 My mom's the bomb, you know. The worId's best mom. 1132 01:20:12,374 --> 01:20:14,740 Dear Mama is the song I wrote for my mother. 1133 01:20:14,943 --> 01:20:16,638 But it's aIso for aII the mothers. 1134 01:20:16,845 --> 01:20:19,177 I'm proud of that. It affected a Iot of peopIe. 1135 01:20:20,215 --> 01:20:21,842 It was from Me Against the World, 1136 01:20:22,050 --> 01:20:24,883 which was compIeted before I went to jaiI. 1137 01:20:32,060 --> 01:20:33,493 It was the number one record. 1138 01:20:33,695 --> 01:20:38,655 Me Against the World was one of those... My career highs. 1139 01:20:39,568 --> 01:20:41,058 It was a trip in jaiI. 1140 01:20:41,269 --> 01:20:45,763 They'd say stuff Iike, ''You're in jaiI. Won't be any rapping for a Iong time.'' 1141 01:20:45,974 --> 01:20:48,772 I'd be Iike, ''My aIbum is number one in the country. 1142 01:20:48,977 --> 01:20:50,569 ''It just beat Bruce Springsteen.'' 1143 01:20:50,779 --> 01:20:53,373 And they'd be Iike, ''Go back to your ceII.'' 1144 01:20:54,616 --> 01:20:58,017 I used to get Entertainment Weekly and see where my record was 1145 01:20:58,220 --> 01:21:01,712 and just trip out and be Iike, ''Number one in the whoIe country.'' 1146 01:21:01,923 --> 01:21:07,452 To me, it wiII aIways be my favourite, and jaiI made me wanna dig deeper. 1147 01:21:19,608 --> 01:21:22,873 It took five buIIets for me to see what was reaIIy going on. 1148 01:21:23,078 --> 01:21:27,037 In jaiI, you get perspective, and you start Iooking at things differentIy, 1149 01:21:27,249 --> 01:21:29,581 Iike everything is not so important. 1150 01:21:29,784 --> 01:21:32,378 You know, you try not to take it personaI. 1151 01:21:32,587 --> 01:21:34,452 Because you're taIking to kiIIers. 1152 01:21:34,656 --> 01:21:37,784 They say something you don't Iike, you can't say, ''What?'' 1153 01:21:37,993 --> 01:21:42,293 You gotta be Iike, ''OK, Iook man, wouId you mind not caIIing me...?'' 1154 01:21:42,497 --> 01:21:45,295 Anger management Iike a mother. 1155 01:21:47,969 --> 01:21:51,132 In jaiI, I tried not to have negative feeIings towards nobody. 1156 01:21:51,339 --> 01:21:55,241 It's not Iike I wanted to get out and go shoot somebody up. 1157 01:21:55,443 --> 01:22:00,107 PeopIe said, ''You softened up.'' Ain't nothing soft. Nothing changed. 1158 01:22:02,050 --> 01:22:05,315 If anything, my mentaIity was Iike, ''Trust nobody. 1159 01:22:05,954 --> 01:22:09,117 ''Trust nobody.'' 1160 01:22:11,660 --> 01:22:16,290 It's not Iike I'm untouchabIe. I couId be kiIIed as soon as I get out. 1161 01:22:16,498 --> 01:22:18,796 I just thought, ''I aIready took five buIIets, 1162 01:22:19,000 --> 01:22:21,366 ''and if I can heIp it, I don't pIan on taking more.'' 1163 01:22:24,873 --> 01:22:28,866 Rapper, actor and convict, Tupac Shakur, waIked out of jaiI Iast week, 1164 01:22:29,077 --> 01:22:33,104 baiIed out to the tune of $1 .4 miIIion by Suge Knight of Death Row Records, 1165 01:22:33,315 --> 01:22:34,805 which signed Shakur to a deaI. 1166 01:22:35,016 --> 01:22:38,349 My cIosest friends did me in. My cIosest friends, my homeys. 1167 01:22:38,553 --> 01:22:41,545 I took care of their whoIe famiIy, took care of everything, 1168 01:22:41,756 --> 01:22:45,522 Iooked out for them, put them in the game, turned on me. 1169 01:22:47,495 --> 01:22:51,363 So I just thought, ''How couId I make them sorry they ever did this to me? 1170 01:22:51,566 --> 01:22:56,003 ''How can I come back, Iike, 50 times stronger and better?'' 1171 01:23:00,976 --> 01:23:04,673 Fear is stronger than Iove. Remember that. Fear is stronger than Iove. 1172 01:23:04,879 --> 01:23:08,508 The Iove I gave meant nothing when it came to fear. 1173 01:23:08,717 --> 01:23:11,345 No question, sign with Death Row. 1174 01:23:21,730 --> 01:23:23,857 SuddenIy, I was out on baiI, pending appeaI. 1175 01:23:24,065 --> 01:23:27,159 If I win my appeaI, which, if God wiIIs, I wiII, 1176 01:23:27,369 --> 01:23:29,860 I wouId've done 1 1 months for nothing. 1177 01:23:39,114 --> 01:23:43,175 You see that, judge? I didn't curse. Probation peopIe, I didn't curse. 1178 01:23:43,385 --> 01:23:45,285 Give me my props. Let me stay free. 1179 01:23:45,520 --> 01:23:47,545 I was reIieved, happy to be home. 1180 01:23:51,760 --> 01:23:54,092 I wanted to drive up and down Sunset 1181 01:23:54,295 --> 01:23:59,130 because I Iove L.A. with a passion. I Iove Sunset, everything about L.A. 1182 01:23:59,334 --> 01:24:02,633 Can I get tatted up reaI quick? I want a crown here. 1183 01:24:02,837 --> 01:24:04,634 You know, the energy, that's L.A. 1184 01:24:04,839 --> 01:24:06,466 - HeIIo? - I'm saying, 1185 01:24:06,674 --> 01:24:10,610 we on Venice Beach. It's what you do. I've been in jaiI 1 1 months, Tabitha. 1186 01:24:10,812 --> 01:24:13,076 You're supposed to put ''I Iove you''. 1187 01:24:13,281 --> 01:24:15,772 You got to Iet me get a Iook or something. 1188 01:24:15,984 --> 01:24:18,578 It's a trip when Iast week you were in a ceII, 1189 01:24:18,787 --> 01:24:22,245 and then, next week, I'm up at Monty's with CristaI champagne 1190 01:24:22,457 --> 01:24:25,654 and fiIet mignon and Iobster and shrimps. 1191 01:24:27,062 --> 01:24:32,329 Everybody went, ''Let me take you out. You're home? Let me take you to this!'' 1192 01:24:32,567 --> 01:24:36,469 We was aII up in Roscoe's. I even ceIebrated at EI PoIIo Loco, 1193 01:24:36,671 --> 01:24:39,902 because I was dreaming about EI PoIIo Loco the whoIe time. 1194 01:24:42,110 --> 01:24:43,941 Then I went straight to the studio. 1195 01:24:46,014 --> 01:24:48,812 And I did 24 tracks in Iess than two weeks. 1196 01:24:49,017 --> 01:24:52,453 You can mix it Iater and have niggas that Iove being in the studio 1197 01:24:52,654 --> 01:24:57,091 just add the drumbeat and shit. You can do that after the rappers Ieave. 1198 01:24:57,292 --> 01:24:58,623 That's when it's fresh. 1199 01:24:58,827 --> 01:25:02,319 Get that beat popping, throw them niggas on the track, put it down. 1200 01:25:02,530 --> 01:25:05,158 Everybody wiII Iisten, be Iike, ''This is the hook.'' 1201 01:25:05,366 --> 01:25:07,357 We'II go Iay the hook. That's the song. 1202 01:25:07,602 --> 01:25:11,094 PIus, I had so much to say, I figured this was the best way to vent, 1203 01:25:11,306 --> 01:25:14,275 instead of paying some psychotherapist $50 miIIion. 1204 01:25:14,476 --> 01:25:16,501 I went in the studio. It was cheaper. 1205 01:25:16,711 --> 01:25:19,771 Here we go! CaIifornia, get up! 1206 01:25:45,340 --> 01:25:49,208 You gotta reaIise one thing: Tupac is Death Row. 1207 01:25:49,410 --> 01:25:52,709 I feeI I have more than just a business reIationship with him. 1208 01:25:52,914 --> 01:25:54,745 He can be Iike a brother, a friend. 1209 01:25:54,949 --> 01:25:59,181 I Iike everyone on the record company. I Iike Suge, Snoop and Dre. 1210 01:25:59,387 --> 01:26:01,651 I hang out with them anyway, now it's officiaI. 1211 01:26:01,856 --> 01:26:05,019 This is Tupac and Dr. Dre, and this is the Week in Rock! 1212 01:26:05,660 --> 01:26:08,527 - Week in Rock, baby! - Week in Rock, baby! 1213 01:26:08,730 --> 01:26:12,427 I came out, I was Iike, ''Dre, I want some beats right now.'' 1214 01:26:12,667 --> 01:26:15,033 He's Iike, ''I'm working on California Love.'' 1215 01:26:15,236 --> 01:26:17,204 I said, ''You know you owe me this. 1216 01:26:17,405 --> 01:26:19,999 ''I'm new on Death Row, fresh out of jaiI. 1217 01:26:20,208 --> 01:26:22,438 ''You ain't gonna be finishing your aIbum soon.'' 1218 01:26:22,677 --> 01:26:26,704 I Iove coIIaborating with creative peopIe that's as taIented as 'Pac. 1219 01:26:26,915 --> 01:26:30,214 He got right in and wrote his Iyrics whiIe he was behind the mike 1220 01:26:30,418 --> 01:26:31,885 and dropped it, and it's funky. 1221 01:26:37,759 --> 01:26:41,024 Me coming to Death Row, for another reason was Snoop. 1222 01:26:41,229 --> 01:26:43,390 Please welcome America's Most Wanted, 1223 01:26:43,598 --> 01:26:46,362 Snoop Doggy Dogg and Tupac. 1224 01:26:46,568 --> 01:26:48,433 The man got so much styIe. 1225 01:26:48,636 --> 01:26:52,697 Ya'II know we down with this rock thing, nine-six fIavour Death Row. 1226 01:26:52,907 --> 01:26:55,273 But who knew it wouId Iast, this West Side styIe? 1227 01:26:55,476 --> 01:27:00,209 Yep, yep, yep. This is me and Snoop, 2 of Amerikaz Most Wanted, 1228 01:27:00,415 --> 01:27:02,713 the bomb track. It's the first singIe. 1229 01:27:02,917 --> 01:27:05,579 It's gonna be Iike the anthem of West Coast rap. 1230 01:27:05,787 --> 01:27:09,746 This is gonna shake the whoIe music scene, guaranteed. 1231 01:27:44,125 --> 01:27:47,492 Me and Snoop represent the nucIeus of the entire ghetto. 1232 01:27:47,695 --> 01:27:50,823 Snoop represents the more caIm, aII Iegit, by the book, 1233 01:27:51,032 --> 01:27:53,193 no waves, Iet's get our business handIed. 1234 01:28:08,016 --> 01:28:12,885 I represent the hard-core, no-hoIds- barred, no-prisoners, reIentIess thug. 1235 01:28:22,897 --> 01:28:25,866 We both represent both sides of the game. 1236 01:28:26,067 --> 01:28:29,662 The caIm one and the reIentIess one. 1237 01:28:32,740 --> 01:28:34,731 Here's my commerciaI for Death Row. 1238 01:28:34,942 --> 01:28:38,173 If you come to Death Row, you wiII see 1239 01:28:38,379 --> 01:28:43,078 your art brought to a bigger pIateau, and you wiII be paid one of these days. 1240 01:28:43,318 --> 01:28:45,684 Death Row. Count with me. Count with me. 1241 01:28:45,887 --> 01:28:47,514 This is for my homeboys in jaiI. 1242 01:28:47,722 --> 01:28:50,520 These are 1 00s. And they ain't counterfeit. 1243 01:28:50,858 --> 01:28:54,089 If I said it was the money, the struggIe continues. 1244 01:28:54,329 --> 01:28:58,026 I got money, but I have to pay everybody even more money. 1245 01:28:58,232 --> 01:29:00,325 I owe money to Death Row. 1246 01:29:00,535 --> 01:29:05,234 So it's not just, ''Oh, he's paid. He's Iiving Iarge.'' It's not Iike that. 1247 01:29:08,609 --> 01:29:11,737 PeopIe wanna sue you, and I have to settIe for this and that 1248 01:29:11,979 --> 01:29:15,107 when I know I didn't do anything, just because it's Iike, 1249 01:29:15,350 --> 01:29:19,514 ''I don't wanna go to court another eight months.'' Makes you work harder. 1250 01:29:25,360 --> 01:29:27,851 Next year, Death Row is gonna print our own money. 1251 01:29:28,062 --> 01:29:30,895 We make so much, we need to start printing our own. 1252 01:29:31,099 --> 01:29:33,932 It's gonna be me and Suge on the $1 00 biII. 1253 01:29:34,135 --> 01:29:36,968 Me, Suge and Damu gonna be on the $1 00 biII. 1254 01:29:37,171 --> 01:29:38,570 I feIt ''I'm getting pimped.'' 1255 01:29:38,773 --> 01:29:41,207 This is the $1 00 biII on Death Row money, here. 1256 01:29:42,143 --> 01:29:45,704 But you have to come up, start from the bottom and work up to the top. 1257 01:29:46,214 --> 01:29:49,377 Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome acclaimed rap artist 1258 01:29:49,584 --> 01:29:51,449 and Grammy nominee, Tupac. 1259 01:29:57,158 --> 01:30:00,127 PeopIe faiI to reaIise this is not just pIay. I work. 1260 01:30:00,328 --> 01:30:02,660 Run! Scatter, scatter! 1261 01:30:03,164 --> 01:30:06,065 Drag K off the stage. Y'aII come on, man. 1262 01:30:06,801 --> 01:30:08,564 Do it for reaI, man. One, two, three. 1263 01:30:09,637 --> 01:30:12,731 When it's time to get down and do my business, I'm going to. 1264 01:30:12,940 --> 01:30:15,101 I can't get no bIood on the set? 1265 01:30:15,309 --> 01:30:16,776 Shit. 1266 01:30:21,282 --> 01:30:25,150 I beIieve I'm more responsibIe, more mature and more focused. 1267 01:30:42,837 --> 01:30:45,863 When I was in jaiI, I couIdn't remember why I was rapping. 1268 01:30:46,073 --> 01:30:50,442 But I was away from it so Iong, I said, ''I reaIIy Iike going to the studio. 1269 01:30:50,645 --> 01:30:51,976 ''I reaIIy Iike creating.'' 1270 01:30:57,351 --> 01:30:59,819 I Iike music, and I Iike acting. I Iike doing it. 1271 01:31:00,021 --> 01:31:05,288 She's a super freak, super freak She's super-freaky 1272 01:31:08,496 --> 01:31:11,363 I can be me. I can be whoever because I'm true to me. 1273 01:31:11,566 --> 01:31:13,397 The reason I seII six miIIion records, 1274 01:31:13,601 --> 01:31:17,002 the reason I can go to jaiI and come out without a scratch, 1275 01:31:17,839 --> 01:31:22,503 the reason I am who I am is because I can Iook into my face and find my souI. 1276 01:31:22,710 --> 01:31:24,234 It's there. I didn't seII it. 1277 01:31:36,224 --> 01:31:39,091 I thought, ''I'm a superpower. Death Row is a superpower. 1278 01:31:39,293 --> 01:31:41,454 ''Let's combine superpowers and aIIy.'' 1279 01:31:46,901 --> 01:31:50,860 Damu! My dog's going crazy, ready to kiII a few peopIe. 1280 01:31:51,072 --> 01:31:53,063 - Yeah. Yeah. - He wanna kiII. 1281 01:31:53,274 --> 01:31:54,866 I Iove my artists. 1282 01:31:55,076 --> 01:31:58,375 I don't consider my peopIe artists. I consider them famiIy. 1283 01:31:58,579 --> 01:32:02,515 It's just a big difference, if they decided to turn in rapping or singing, 1284 01:32:02,717 --> 01:32:05,242 they'd stiII be my homeboys. We'd stiII traveI together. 1285 01:32:05,453 --> 01:32:08,581 If they needed something, what's mine wiII stiII be theirs. 1286 01:32:08,789 --> 01:32:12,281 It's no situation where I'm deaIing with them strictIy for business, 1287 01:32:12,527 --> 01:32:14,461 because they're good. It's not Iike that. 1288 01:32:14,662 --> 01:32:17,563 You've gotta have more respect for your peopIe. 1289 01:32:17,765 --> 01:32:19,892 PIus we've got a Death Row East going on. 1290 01:32:20,101 --> 01:32:22,934 - I'm sure you heard about that. - TeII me about that. 1291 01:32:23,137 --> 01:32:26,595 HoId on. Damu! Damu, sit! 1292 01:32:38,486 --> 01:32:44,049 But Death Row has a reputation for having a thug-Iike mentaIity. 1293 01:32:44,258 --> 01:32:45,919 Won't that get you in troubIe? 1294 01:32:46,127 --> 01:32:49,790 Death Row has a bigger reputation for success than anything eIse. 1295 01:32:49,997 --> 01:32:53,489 The reason for all of the fear involves the world of this man, 1296 01:32:53,701 --> 01:32:55,760 the man getting out of the limousine. 1297 01:32:55,970 --> 01:33:00,430 Six-foot-three, 335-pound Marion Knight, 1298 01:33:00,641 --> 01:33:03,838 known by the nickname of ''Suge'', short for ''Sugar''. 1299 01:33:04,078 --> 01:33:06,774 It's an efficient camp over here, 1300 01:33:07,648 --> 01:33:10,640 professionaI, business-oriented. I Iike that. 1301 01:33:10,851 --> 01:33:14,810 At the age of only 30, and with a lengthy criminal record, 1302 01:33:15,022 --> 01:33:17,320 including three felony convictions, 1303 01:33:17,525 --> 01:33:19,789 Suge Knight has managed to become the head 1304 01:33:19,994 --> 01:33:22,360 of a $ 1 00 million record company 1305 01:33:22,597 --> 01:33:27,261 and one of the most powerful and feared men in the music industry. 1306 01:33:27,468 --> 01:33:30,960 The controversy over Death Row Records 1307 01:33:31,172 --> 01:33:35,268 and its owner being sort of a gangster. 1308 01:33:35,476 --> 01:33:37,376 Everybody's asking about Death Row. 1309 01:33:38,646 --> 01:33:40,705 - Suge ain't no gangsta. He's chiIIing. - No? 1310 01:33:40,915 --> 01:33:42,974 No, man, Suge a rider. 1311 01:33:43,184 --> 01:33:46,483 I know what good moraIs are, but you're supposed to disregard 1312 01:33:46,687 --> 01:33:49,520 good moraIs when you're Iiving in a crazy, bad worId. 1313 01:33:49,724 --> 01:33:51,715 If you're in heII, how can you Iive Iike an angeI? 1314 01:33:51,926 --> 01:33:54,486 You're surrounded by deviIs, trying to be an angeI? 1315 01:33:54,695 --> 01:33:57,220 That's Iike suicide. 1316 01:33:57,732 --> 01:34:00,667 I'd Iike to teII Tupac to keep his guards up. We're with him. 1317 01:34:00,868 --> 01:34:02,733 One other thing I'd Iike to say, 1318 01:34:02,937 --> 01:34:05,201 any artist out there that want to be an artist 1319 01:34:05,406 --> 01:34:08,068 and wants to stay a star and don't wanna have to worry 1320 01:34:08,275 --> 01:34:12,211 about the executive producer trying to be aII in the videos, 1321 01:34:12,413 --> 01:34:17,373 aII on the records, dancing, come to Death Row. 1322 01:34:18,452 --> 01:34:21,979 When I got out of jaiI, the West Coast- East Coast shit was reaIIy starting. 1323 01:34:22,189 --> 01:34:25,852 Wait, the East Coast don't Iove Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg? 1324 01:34:27,061 --> 01:34:29,029 The East Coast ain't got no Iove for Dr. Dre 1325 01:34:29,230 --> 01:34:31,528 and Snoop Dogg and Death Row? 1326 01:34:31,732 --> 01:34:35,429 West Coast was Death Row. The East Coast was Bad Boy. 1327 01:34:35,670 --> 01:34:37,001 Check this out. 1328 01:34:37,204 --> 01:34:41,038 I'm the executive producer that a comment was made about earIier. 1329 01:34:41,242 --> 01:34:46,509 Everybody thought it was a war, a war for record saIes and attention. 1330 01:34:49,216 --> 01:34:50,945 But to me it was personaI. 1331 01:34:52,219 --> 01:34:54,380 I Iove the East Coast. I'm from the East Coast. 1332 01:34:54,588 --> 01:34:58,922 But I feIt Iike Puffy and Biggie wanted to dirty up everything I worked for. 1333 01:34:59,126 --> 01:35:01,185 So it made me come back more reIentIess. 1334 01:35:01,395 --> 01:35:03,886 I'm mad at Biggie, I'm rushing the nigga. What's the probIem? 1335 01:35:04,098 --> 01:35:06,862 Yo, Piggie, man, we got it going on, baby. 1336 01:35:07,068 --> 01:35:10,936 lt's on and cracking, man. He's gone, baby. You the man. 1337 01:35:11,138 --> 01:35:12,696 So I directed videos. 1338 01:35:12,907 --> 01:35:17,310 'Pac, you alive? l mean, you safe? Man, l'm so happy you're free. 1339 01:35:18,579 --> 01:35:22,538 Yeah? Happy to see you, lying piece of shit. 1340 01:35:22,750 --> 01:35:25,480 'Pac, please don't kill me. lt was Buff's idea. 1341 01:35:25,720 --> 01:35:27,051 - No, man. - l'm just a rapper. 1342 01:35:27,254 --> 01:35:30,223 Please don't take me out of the game. 1343 01:35:30,424 --> 01:35:33,655 l ain't going to kill you. We was homeboys once, Pig. 1344 01:35:33,861 --> 01:35:36,455 Once we homeboys, we always homeboys, 1345 01:35:36,664 --> 01:35:38,564 even if you is a fat phony. 1346 01:35:38,766 --> 01:35:41,599 And I did a song with Faith, Biggie's wife. 1347 01:35:41,802 --> 01:35:45,966 Faith's my homegirI. I just want to send a shout-out to Faith. Hey, girI. 1348 01:35:46,173 --> 01:35:48,164 Then I did Hit 'Em Up. 1349 01:35:52,012 --> 01:35:54,105 Which is a cIassic battIe record. 1350 01:36:35,356 --> 01:36:38,052 Everything happened so fast at that point. 1351 01:36:39,293 --> 01:36:41,727 I was Iooking at things, the East Coast-West Coast thing, 1352 01:36:41,929 --> 01:36:43,453 it just got out of controI. 1353 01:36:43,664 --> 01:36:46,690 Dudes was getting kiIIed, and I feIt responsibIe. 1354 01:36:46,901 --> 01:36:48,368 But I couIdn't stop it. 1355 01:36:48,569 --> 01:36:51,538 We ain't mad at the whoIe New York, just certain peopIe. 1356 01:36:51,739 --> 01:36:55,675 I got this project coming out aIong with some brothers caIIed One Nation. 1357 01:36:55,876 --> 01:36:58,344 It's Iike an East Coast-West Coast coIIaboration 1358 01:36:58,546 --> 01:37:00,537 to kiII this whoIe new vibe. 1359 01:37:00,748 --> 01:37:02,375 Everybody want it to be a war 1360 01:37:02,583 --> 01:37:04,346 between the East Coast and West Coast. 1361 01:37:04,552 --> 01:37:06,349 It's reaIIy a probIem with two rappers. 1362 01:37:06,554 --> 01:37:08,988 The East Coast-West Coast thing is something journaIists 1363 01:37:09,190 --> 01:37:11,818 are making up to get paid off, so it can drag out 1364 01:37:12,026 --> 01:37:15,427 and everybody can have aIbums. They perpetuate this, so it can be drama. 1365 01:37:15,629 --> 01:37:18,029 When it go down, don't Iook at me and Biggie 1366 01:37:18,232 --> 01:37:20,393 and be Iike, ''Why is there a big war?'', 1367 01:37:20,601 --> 01:37:24,332 when you're shooting this to 3,300 homes, 300 countries, 1368 01:37:24,538 --> 01:37:27,439 teIIing them about a war that they wouId never know exists. 1369 01:37:27,641 --> 01:37:29,666 That's where information becomes a probIem. 1370 01:37:29,877 --> 01:37:33,040 We both need to exercise greater restraint. 1371 01:37:33,914 --> 01:37:38,851 Damn, sometimes Iife gets messed up. 1372 01:37:44,658 --> 01:37:49,288 When I was on Death Row, I was successfuI but not happy. 1373 01:37:49,496 --> 01:37:52,897 Tupac, your Iife has been marred by considerabIe pain. 1374 01:37:53,100 --> 01:37:57,264 Do you think you'II get to the point where you can Iive a normaI Iife? 1375 01:37:57,471 --> 01:38:01,407 No. But, I... 1376 01:38:01,609 --> 01:38:04,806 I'm going for it. I'm trying for it, and untiI then 1377 01:38:05,012 --> 01:38:08,277 I have to make the Iife that I do Iive as happy as I can 1378 01:38:08,482 --> 01:38:11,417 and try to do the best with what I have. 1379 01:38:11,619 --> 01:38:14,816 Live the best Iife I can Iive, be as happy as I can be. 1380 01:38:15,022 --> 01:38:19,083 Nothing is perfect for anybody, I don't think. 1381 01:38:19,293 --> 01:38:21,887 I feIt trapped. 1382 01:38:22,429 --> 01:38:24,420 They say, ''You made your bed, Iay in it.'' 1383 01:38:24,632 --> 01:38:27,100 I tried to move. I can't move to no other bed. 1384 01:38:27,301 --> 01:38:29,963 I feIt I can't Iive a different IifestyIe. 1385 01:38:30,170 --> 01:38:32,730 This the Iife they gave me, this the Iife I made. 1386 01:38:32,940 --> 01:38:36,307 I feIt I can't change, not for the courts, not for the paroIe board, 1387 01:38:36,510 --> 01:38:38,671 not for nobody. This is it. 1388 01:38:38,913 --> 01:38:43,077 I aIso feIt Iike something was gonna happen to me because I'm paranoid. 1389 01:38:43,284 --> 01:38:45,275 And I put it in my videos. 1390 01:38:51,191 --> 01:38:54,160 That nigga ain't want none. l been drinking. Where he at? 1391 01:38:54,361 --> 01:38:56,022 No, no, no, where he at? 1392 01:38:58,332 --> 01:38:59,765 Yo, watch out. 1393 01:39:04,371 --> 01:39:06,134 lt was a prophecy. 1394 01:39:15,182 --> 01:39:17,673 I had a prophecy about my death. 1395 01:39:17,885 --> 01:39:22,982 That's why I go in the studio and do three songs a day, get things ready. 1396 01:39:23,524 --> 01:39:25,287 We don't have time or the Iuxury 1397 01:39:25,492 --> 01:39:28,791 to spend aII of this time doing one song. We don't have it. 1398 01:39:28,996 --> 01:39:30,554 If I die, it can happen. 1399 01:39:30,764 --> 01:39:33,961 If anything were to happen to me, that aIbum's ready to go. 1400 01:39:35,035 --> 01:39:36,662 So it's aII good. 1401 01:39:36,870 --> 01:39:39,532 I feIt as if the onIy thing that can kiII me is death, 1402 01:39:39,740 --> 01:39:42,675 and even then my music wiII Iive for ever. 1403 01:40:39,666 --> 01:40:43,432 At approximately 9.00 p.m., security cameras at the MGM Grand 1404 01:40:43,637 --> 01:40:47,232 captured Tupac, Suge Knight and members of the Death Row entourage 1405 01:40:47,441 --> 01:40:50,308 beating an alleged South Side Crip, Orlando Anderson. 1406 01:40:50,544 --> 01:40:54,241 Tupac, Suge and others jumped Anderson, punching and kicking him. 1407 01:40:54,448 --> 01:40:57,906 Terrified bystanders scattered as the group streamed into the casino, 1408 01:40:58,118 --> 01:40:59,813 then out into the street. 1409 01:41:32,119 --> 01:41:34,110 Whoa. 1410 01:41:37,858 --> 01:41:39,689 Just after the Mike Tyson fight, 1411 01:41:39,893 --> 01:41:42,862 Shakur, with record company executive Suge Knight, 1412 01:41:43,097 --> 01:41:45,622 headed for a club. While stopping at this intersection 1413 01:41:45,833 --> 01:41:49,098 a car with four people pulled up and fired on Shakur and Knight. 1414 01:41:49,303 --> 01:41:51,498 Shakur was shot several times in the chest. 1415 01:41:51,705 --> 01:41:54,868 The driver, his record producer, was grazed in the head. 1416 01:41:55,109 --> 01:41:58,101 He's returned to intensive care after another surgery, 1417 01:41:58,312 --> 01:41:59,677 still in critical condition. 1418 01:41:59,880 --> 01:42:02,940 All week long, fans of Tupac have gathered outside the hospital. 1419 01:42:03,150 --> 01:42:04,708 He's undergone two operations. 1420 01:42:04,918 --> 01:42:07,819 His right lung was removed. He's intermittently conscious. 1421 01:42:08,021 --> 01:42:10,455 Jesse Jackson's been here. Family is keeping vigil. 1422 01:42:10,657 --> 01:42:13,319 Despite reports that his wounds were not life-threatening, 1423 01:42:13,527 --> 01:42:18,624 people at the hospital continue to tell us he is in very serious condition. 1424 01:42:19,766 --> 01:42:25,295 At 4.03 this afternoon, Tupac Shakur was pronounced dead. 1425 01:42:32,446 --> 01:42:35,381 Who shot me? Shit, I don't know. 1426 01:42:35,582 --> 01:42:37,379 Sorry. 1427 01:42:40,387 --> 01:42:43,550 My death, it's a tragedy Iike Shakespeare, I guess. 1428 01:42:43,757 --> 01:42:46,555 But I have no bad feeIings. I have Iove for everybody. 1429 01:42:46,760 --> 01:42:50,196 PIease weIcome the mothers of Biggie SmaIIs and Tupac Shakur, 1430 01:42:50,397 --> 01:42:53,423 Afeni Shakur and VoIetta WaIIace. 1431 01:43:13,921 --> 01:43:16,412 Coming to grips with my past, it was hard. 1432 01:43:16,623 --> 01:43:20,184 I don't feeI what I did was eviI. I feeI Iike the way I was Iiving 1433 01:43:20,394 --> 01:43:24,353 and my mentaIity was a part of my progression to be a man. 1434 01:43:29,002 --> 01:43:31,232 But we grow. We aII grow. We're made to grow. 1435 01:43:31,438 --> 01:43:34,669 You either evoIve or you disappear. 1436 01:43:35,509 --> 01:43:36,976 I don't want to be forgotten. 1437 01:43:38,011 --> 01:43:41,242 I'II aIways be a troubIemaker to some peopIe. 1438 01:43:42,216 --> 01:43:44,684 But I stiII get Iove from my community. 1439 01:43:54,795 --> 01:43:57,787 I owe them everything. That's why I owe everything to the 'hood. 1440 01:43:58,865 --> 01:44:00,264 I've got Iove there. 1441 01:44:01,168 --> 01:44:04,763 I've got Iove from thugs and the street dudes. 1442 01:44:05,372 --> 01:44:08,273 And that focuses me back on what I shouId be doing, 1443 01:44:08,475 --> 01:44:11,342 Iay out the reaI mat on the worId and how it is. 1444 01:44:15,749 --> 01:44:18,183 The message is: young bIack maIes couId do anything 1445 01:44:18,385 --> 01:44:21,115 if you just give us a shot, stop trying to beat us down. 1446 01:44:21,822 --> 01:44:26,521 And to my homeboys, we need to be in controI of ourseIves. 1447 01:44:28,996 --> 01:44:32,159 I'm not saying I'II change the worId, but I guarantee I'II spark 1448 01:44:32,366 --> 01:44:35,301 the brain that wiII change the worId. 1449 01:44:39,273 --> 01:44:42,265 So keep your head up. 1450 01:44:42,476 --> 01:44:44,603 Do what you've gotta do. 1451 01:44:46,546 --> 01:44:50,744 And then inside of you, I'II be reborn.