1 00:01:20,273 --> 00:01:22,673 2 00:01:22,674 --> 00:01:25,374 3 00:02:30,275 --> 00:02:33,905 Rhea. You can smell it in the kitchen here. 4 00:02:34,100 --> 00:02:34,910 Sorry. 5 00:02:35,400 --> 00:02:40,749 You know, melted plastic is poisonous, are you trying to kill us? 6 00:02:41,428 --> 00:02:45,048 Cat your blue sky is in the studio. 7 00:02:46,300 --> 00:02:49,386 Forgotten we have cobalt tons. 8 00:02:49,586 --> 00:02:54,342 You can't just seem to... change blue shadow in the middle a painting. That... 9 00:02:55,133 --> 00:03:00,185 ... it's like replacing a man in the middle... - Mother. thanks. I'll remind John. 10 00:03:00,197 --> 00:03:00,900 Oh. 11 00:03:01,300 --> 00:03:05,027 It's done. - This morning. 12 00:03:05,400 --> 00:03:08,860 Great. - It takes up to 200 bags 13 00:03:09,064 --> 00:03:13,035 You're like a vision in recycled plastic. 14 00:03:14,900 --> 00:03:17,000 Hi - Hi. 15 00:03:17,739 --> 00:03:20,492 You're getting up quickly.
Did you work in the garden? 16 00:03:20,742 --> 00:03:25,339 Once it was time to hijack, it was stated that people had to take a vacation to hijack... 17 00:03:25,664 --> 00:03:27,769 ... during the hijacking season. 18 00:03:27,921 --> 00:03:30,024 Does that sound dirty to other people? 19 00:04:02,674 --> 00:04:04,178 Nice dress. 20 00:04:06,200 --> 00:04:09,600 Hey, baby.
- Hey, sweetie. 21 00:04:11,511 --> 00:04:12,200 What's wrong? 22 00:04:21,200 --> 00:04:23,200 Hi? 23 00:04:23,300 --> 00:04:26,010 Oh really, yeah. - Do you like it? 24 00:04:26,160 --> 00:04:31,696 O yes. Yes, can you make me target pocket pants? A beautiful pool behind my butt. 25 00:04:31,980 --> 00:04:35,359 I'll try. - This. Deprived of the Frankie Fat pants. 26 00:04:35,650 --> 00:04:38,620 You are outrageous. What? Everyone calls him that. 27 00:04:38,862 --> 00:04:42,131 I don't want to eat stolen food. - Friend, you have to eat something. 28 00:04:42,132 --> 00:04:44,932 A girl can't live only from rubbish. 29 00:04:45,243 --> 00:04:48,247 I will eat if I'm done. Want to help me or not? 30 00:04:48,497 --> 00:04:50,647 Sorry, I have to print a call assignment in the library. 31 00:04:52,334 --> 00:04:56,055 Next time, I appointment. - Return it to Frankie. 32 00:04:56,338 --> 00:05:00,969 Whatever. Hey, Frankie. You can get your bread back. 33 00:05:02,552 --> 00:05:04,930 Hey, junk girl. 34 00:05:06,723 --> 00:05:08,942 You're welcome. 35 00:05:09,376 --> 00:05:12,983 I'll tell you, like them said, actually it wasn't an owl. - No, he really said wings... 36 00:05:12,984 --> 00:05:15,736 ... and stomach... - He didn't say about birds we do it. 37 00:05:15,737 --> 00:05:17,737 Surely we really discussed the bird. 38 00:05:21,446 --> 00:05:23,369 Don't do it. - It's done. 39 00:05:23,615 --> 00:05:26,209 It's not done yet, it must be get cleaned up, nothing will be cleared. 40 00:05:26,451 --> 00:05:29,295 What do you care about? - Because otherwise I'll be beaten. 41 00:05:29,538 --> 00:05:33,543 Why are you going to be beaten up? - That's a psychological act, I'm honest with you, you do something bad and I'll be affected. 42 00:05:33,834 --> 00:05:39,571 Dan? - And, all this time, I'm weaker than both of us, and the most likely to be tricked. 43 00:05:39,572 --> 00:05:42,517 Because no one jumps over a man except they don't know that he can't master. 44 00:05:43,051 --> 00:05:46,772 If you do it, I can't. - The plane airs. 45 00:05:47,472 --> 00:05:51,673 You really did. Sorry, friend, I decided. 46 00:06:19,546 --> 00:06:22,128 I heard there was a strange women's cultural season or something. 47 00:06:22,129 --> 00:06:23,716 I won't change my mind. 48 00:06:24,885 --> 00:06:28,515 This is crazy. - Alright, let's sit down. 49 00:06:29,639 --> 00:06:33,610 There's a lot we have to go through today, so let's start. 50 00:06:33,894 --> 00:06:37,058 I'm sure you brought poetry and are ready to read it? 51 00:06:37,059 --> 00:06:40,164 What do you mean by loud voice? - Very good. A volunteer. 52 00:06:41,902 --> 00:06:44,405 Do I have to? - No, of course not. 53 00:06:44,654 --> 00:06:47,277 But you also don't need to pass this class. 54 00:06:56,750 --> 00:06:58,878 Big game . 55 00:07:01,880 --> 00:07:07,011 Tidak, tidak. Aku menolak. Aku lewat. - Oke, percobaan yang bagus. 56 00:07:07,385 --> 00:07:11,106 Are there volunteers the volunteer? - Don't. 57 00:07:11,389 --> 00:07:14,439 Mr. Sands, thank you. Always happy to hear from you. 58 00:07:16,978 --> 00:07:20,198 This... is not titled. 59 00:07:25,820 --> 00:07:29,745 "Moonlight whispers your name... - Increase the sound. 60 00:07:31,284 --> 00:07:34,834 Moonlight whispers your name... 61 00:07:35,580 --> 00:07:37,253 Rhea. 62 00:07:39,417 --> 00:07:41,886 My soul song. 63 00:07:42,087 --> 00:07:46,092 Your eyes hit me like a sweet wave of light. 64 00:07:46,424 --> 00:07:50,804 The first scent of spring, the first ray of dawn dawns. 65 00:07:51,805 --> 00:07:55,400 A sip from the fountain and I won't be thirsty anymore. 66 00:07:55,684 --> 00:07:59,359 A smile from your lips 67 00:07:59,646 --> 00:08:02,490 The world cheers between us... 68 00:08:03,274 --> 00:08:06,528 ... but the moonlight whispers your name. 69 00:08:07,404 --> 00:08:08,747 Rhea. 70 00:08:09,406 --> 00:08:11,875 My soul song. " 71 00:08:27,507 --> 00:08:29,475 Rhea. Hey. 72 00:08:31,261 --> 00:08:34,265 Eh, aku menulis puisi itu untukmu. - Tidak, sungguh? 73 00:08:34,514 --> 00:08:37,859 Oh Rhea, singing my bones. 74 00:08:39,811 --> 00:08:43,398 Listen, Oliver, I'm a big fan of forgiveness... 75 00:08:43,399 --> 00:08:47,985 ... so let's bring it to the final judgment massively And we will take a separate road. Willing? 76 00:08:47,986 --> 00:08:51,498 No, it's better not to. - You better not. 77 00:08:51,906 --> 00:08:56,002 No, I like you. - You like me... 78 00:08:57,704 --> 00:09:01,945 Hey, female, are you coming along? - Yes. 79 00:09:29,736 --> 00:09:31,659 Inventory of Carver Artists & Galleries 80 00:09:31,863 --> 00:09:34,707 I think this is amazing. 81 00:09:39,287 --> 00:09:41,415 Hi , baby. 82 00:09:47,962 --> 00:09:52,934 Will Dad bring it down? - Yes, if it's sold. 83 00:09:54,594 --> 00:09:58,394 Embarrassing. I made it when I was 12 years old. 84 00:09:58,681 --> 00:10:04,609 Alright, Father is the manager of this best belief and Father thinks the painting shows great talent. 85 00:10:08,900 --> 00:10:13,267 "Love, passion, imitation and birth and beauty." 86 00:10:14,948 --> 00:10:16,312 What do you mean? 87 00:10:18,993 --> 00:10:25,296 Love, makes you want to create or remake something beautiful... 88 00:10:25,667 --> 00:10:27,111 ... just like you make a work of art. 89 00:10:28,153 --> 00:10:32,974 Looks like I need a Chromidio play it's played. Played for fools. 90 00:10:33,424 --> 00:10:37,304 Hey, why is that so depressed? 91 00:10:37,595 --> 00:10:44,053 Bad school. This city is bad. - Bad world. Everything is bad. 92 00:10:45,895 --> 00:10:48,427 Look, there are lots of good people in this city. 93 00:10:48,428 --> 00:10:54,685 Everyone thinks I'm a weirdo. - Well, your father is a weirdo... 94 00:10:55,488 --> 00:11:01,712 ... Your mother is really weird. So, according to daddy it makes you super weird. 95 00:11:03,329 --> 00:11:07,300 Very good. - Get used to it. Fly the freedom flag. 96 00:12:19,364 --> 00:12:22,868 Hi. - Hi. 97 00:12:25,161 --> 00:12:29,211 So, how's your school going? - Okay. 98 00:12:29,999 --> 00:12:32,878 Baik saja? - Oh Tuhan. Menjijikkan. 99 00:12:33,127 --> 00:12:37,758 A thousand years, a naked woman, why are men so shocking? - Wek... 100 00:12:38,000 --> 00:12:42,725 ... that's why dad? - Yes indeed. 101 00:12:43,429 --> 00:12:47,184 So, where do I work today until my eyes will go out? 102 00:12:47,475 --> 00:12:49,728 In the corner of "Virgin." 103 00:12:49,936 --> 00:12:52,815 I'm working on that it's been a month. Can I finish it anyway? 104 00:12:53,106 --> 00:12:57,657 Thank God Da Vinci never said that. - Yes, but it's his. I just imitated it. 105 00:12:57,986 --> 00:13:01,786 Do you think the technical work became naively allowing personal expression? 106 00:13:02,073 --> 00:13:06,704 No, of course not, Sergeant "snatched joy from art. " 107 00:13:08,538 --> 00:13:13,544 Do it at another hour, then we will uh... tend until the season changes. 108 00:13:30,935 --> 00:13:34,735 Mother, I have asked you not to do that, < when Rhea was home. 109 00:13:34,981 --> 00:13:39,828 Mother ran out of matches. - Rhea, are you ready? 110 00:14:03,426 --> 00:14:09,850 Now we are entering half the dark this year, hopefully the sun shines on our hearts. 111 00:14:13,102 --> 00:14:15,571 This. - Thank you, ma'am. 112 00:14:16,272 --> 00:14:18,946 You don't say no. - Thank you. 113 00:14:20,360 --> 00:14:23,284 Nika is enrolling in a university. 114 00:14:25,156 --> 00:14:31,062 Rhea... we have discussed this matter. - And we will discuss 115 00:14:32,455 --> 00:14:36,138 If you stay here, you study our traits, our traditions... 116 00:14:36,139 --> 00:14:39,137 ... you can pass it on to the next descendant. 117 00:14:39,172 --> 00:14:44,597 I can go to college and then do that. - The world can be tempting, Rhea. 118 00:14:44,967 --> 00:14:46,847 I want to go to art school. 119 00:14:50,473 --> 00:14:54,649 I think it's worth considering. 120 00:14:55,686 --> 00:14:58,211 We are the last guardians of this tradition... 121 00:14:58,212 --> 00:15:00,618 ... and you aren't prepared to let you dump it. 122 00:15:01,893 --> 00:15:04,737 I just want to see
what else is out there. 123 00:15:04,979 --> 00:15:11,478 You know, when Grandma was young, Grandma wanted experience, adventure, so Grandma was allowed to look for her here. 124 00:15:11,986 --> 00:15:14,330 That was a terrible time. 125 00:15:15,031 --> 00:15:16,457 Grandma got lost. 126 00:15:17,558 --> 00:15:20,425 We cannot hide ourselves from the world forever. 127 00:15:20,426 --> 00:15:26,573 The reason we keep our identity a secret because the world has repeatedly shown and do not know how to be taller. 128 00:15:26,574 --> 00:15:29,000 Lightning news! These people are selfish. Why? 129 00:15:29,001 --> 00:15:31,234 Don't make jokes. - Father forgot to tell you one thing... 130 00:15:31,235 --> 00:15:34,742 Rhea lighthouse paintings sold today 131 00:15:36,052 --> 00:15:38,601 It's just haphazard. - As Daddy said. 132 00:15:38,847 --> 00:15:41,691 Congratulations, dear. 133 00:15:42,642 --> 00:15:47,648 Who is the buyer? - A child cool young man named... Oliver. 134 00:15:49,173 --> 00:15:52,230 Ini dia. Dalam teori, kau dapat membilang dengan variabel yang menyebut: belokkan jalan lapisan avatar-mu. 135 00:15:52,231 --> 00:15:55,852 Ah, by the way, have you watched the Avatar movie? Great CGI. - Oliver? 136 00:15:57,000 --> 00:15:58,183 Yes? 137 00:16:02,330 --> 00:16:09,995 Hey, so ah... I have to do... uh... lesson questions... see you later. 138 00:16:13,114 --> 00:16:16,368 What are you doing? - I want to go to the third lesson. 139 00:16:16,368 --> 00:16:20,129 No, what did you do with my bad painting? - That's not bad. 140 00:16:20,371 --> 00:16:24,501 I'm not playing games. - Yes, so am I. 141 00:16:25,793 --> 00:16:28,387 Well, I want it back. - Sorry? 142 00:16:28,387 --> 00:16:31,011 I want it back. - Ah... oh my God... 143 00:16:31,011 --> 00:16:34,517 No... I'm an art collector, but I'm sure there are 75 American dollars that I have to... which means... 144 00:16:34,518 --> 00:16:35,929 ... that is uh... 145 00:16:36,571 --> 00:16:38,812 I'll give you a hundred dollars for that. - I'm not looking for profit. 146 00:16:38,813 --> 00:16:43,229 Terserah. Hal mengejar-ngejar yang menyeramkan yang kaulakukan ini harus dihentikan. 147 00:16:45,830 --> 00:16:48,128 Okay. Alright. 148 00:16:50,668 --> 00:16:55,391 I'll take him home after school. Old house on Clay Hill, right? 149 00:16:55,391 --> 00:16:58,900 Sorry. 150 00:17:09,103 --> 00:17:10,820 This is just dark land. 151 00:17:12,440 --> 00:17:16,991 Goat manure Help fertilize the soil. 152 00:17:18,529 --> 00:17:22,284 Dirt? Can't you just say "fertilizer" apos; 153 00:17:36,381 --> 00:17:41,260 Hey, if you're not afraid your hands are dirty, help grow something. 154 00:17:42,261 --> 00:17:48,340 Even though, look at Daddy, hands full of feces, still no pumpkin siam. 155 00:17:51,813 --> 00:17:53,156 Hi . 156 00:17:53,856 --> 00:17:56,655 Hello. Oh, Oliver. 157 00:17:57,402 --> 00:18:01,578 I checked but nobody answered. - Is there something wrong with the painting? 158 00:18:01,906 --> 00:18:06,818 No, not at all. I'm a big fan of this painting. - You can leave it near the door. 159 00:18:13,418 --> 00:18:17,343 I'll take the goat again. Fertilizer. 160 00:18:25,096 --> 00:18:26,486 This place is cool. 161 00:18:30,393 --> 00:18:33,442 Ah...yang ini menakjubkan. - Terima kasih. 162 00:18:34,772 --> 00:18:37,275 What, did you make it? - Yes. 163 00:18:37,483 --> 00:18:41,078 What are these made of? - Lots of things. 164 00:18:41,696 --> 00:18:44,996 Glass bottles, cans Old dog food. 165 00:18:45,283 --> 00:18:49,004 So why are you collecting garbage? - Yep. 166 00:18:49,004 --> 00:18:51,039 Ah... 167 00:18:51,039 --> 00:18:56,637 . ..I guess you hate garbage. - Indeed. And waste. 168 00:18:57,128 --> 00:19:01,210 Looks stupid to devote all of your time and energy to make something just to throw away. 169 00:19:04,927 --> 00:19:09,728 The crazy thing is you take the garbage and make it beautiful . 170 00:19:16,814 --> 00:19:19,863 I have to go. Goodbye sir. 171 00:19:21,110 --> 00:19:22,987 Da, Oliver. 172 00:19:27,367 --> 00:19:29,244 He's a good guy. 173 00:19:30,703 --> 00:19:32,580 He's okay. 174 00:19:34,248 --> 00:19:38,628 Are you want to help me with this squash or not? - Yes. 175 00:19:47,303 --> 00:19:52,981 It's nice to see my daughter, still not afraid to dirty his hands. 176 00:20:02,693 --> 00:20:04,445 Rhea. 177 00:20:04,695 --> 00:20:09,826 What? - I see Rhea, he... he is lying on the road. 178 00:20:10,660 --> 00:20:15,541 And there's blood. - Honey, it's just a dream. Come on. 179 00:20:15,873 --> 00:20:18,592 No, no. This is a vision. 180 00:20:19,669 --> 00:20:25,556 There is a fire. There are... many other bodies. 181 00:20:26,033 --> 00:20:30,592 Your vision is always right. 182 00:20:31,093 --> 00:20:34,352 This may be just a dream. 183 00:21:18,603 --> 00:21:23,359 I thought Rhea had found her gift. 184 00:21:24,192 --> 00:21:27,446 Are you sure? - Yesterday we were in the garden... 185 00:21:27,695 --> 00:21:31,203 ... and he touched the land where the plants are all very dry... 186 00:21:31,204 --> 00:21:36,566 ... and today when I go there, the plants are all healthy and ripe. 187 00:21:36,567 --> 00:21:39,529 What I mean is really big squash. 188 00:21:39,530 --> 00:21:42,280 That's impossible. The talents aren't for the elements. 189 00:21:42,315 --> 00:21:47,541 Kupikir bisa saja. - Aku punya penglihatan, Ibuku memiliki unsur-unsur. 190 00:21:47,673 --> 00:21:52,275 He should have healing. No two women can have two gifts at the same time. 191 00:21:52,276 --> 00:21:56,234 Must wait for centuries. - I just told you what I saw. 192 00:22:27,672 --> 00:22:29,595 Will you just leave me here? 193 00:22:29,799 --> 00:22:32,552 ... like those vultures that tear me apart. I mean I didn't do anything bad for no reason 194 00:22:32,802 --> 00:22:35,146 Hey. - Hey. 195 00:22:36,347 --> 00:22:39,851 Why on your glasses? - Poetry accident. 196 00:22:40,142 --> 00:22:43,521 Things are dangerous.
- My feelings are exactly. 197 00:22:45,648 --> 00:22:48,242 What are you doing after school? 198 00:22:49,402 --> 00:22:54,033 Um... I have to work. My father owns a road driving company. 199 00:22:54,490 --> 00:22:58,245 But, I mean I can find someone in my place. 200 00:22:58,536 --> 00:23:03,042 Meet me after eating? - Yes. Yes okay. 201 00:23:04,200 --> 00:23:06,300 Oke. 202 00:23:09,172 --> 00:23:13,392 (Nika: what are you doing?) Unbelievable. I got a beat and you got a date. 203 00:23:13,393 --> 00:23:16,325 A cruel universe. 204 00:23:23,400 --> 00:23:25,677 Hi. - Hey. 205 00:23:28,107 --> 00:23:32,783 Hey, I'm not used to going with mysterious car with a strange woman. 206 00:23:33,112 --> 00:23:36,707 Do you think I'm weird? - Yes. 207 00:23:40,606 --> 00:23:43,428 That's the best thing about you. 208 00:24:10,066 --> 00:24:12,694 Wow. - I know. 209 00:24:14,862 --> 00:24:20,619 I used to dream of this place. Before I ever saw it, I mean. 210 00:24:21,494 --> 00:24:27,217 I got this current dream, /> I was standing staring at the water. 211 00:24:29,001 --> 00:24:34,633 Suddenly there was a huge wave, coming like five floors high. 212 00:24:37,176 --> 00:24:39,304 I felt so overwhelmed. 213 00:24:42,682 --> 00:24:46,403 The ripples are like a wall of water. 214 00:24:48,771 --> 00:24:51,342 Right before the wave will swallow me, I wake up. 215 00:24:55,236 --> 00:25:00,288 When I found it here, it felt like I was so curious about this place. 216 00:25:03,494 --> 00:25:06,748 So, what's the wave? - What? 217 00:25:07,581 --> 00:25:08,958 In your dreams 218 00:25:10,584 --> 00:25:11,886 I don't know. 219 00:25:13,045 --> 00:25:16,925 Something I'm afraid of, I guess. - What are you afraid of? 220 00:25:20,302 --> 00:25:23,806 If you have to choose one of them. 221 00:25:27,226 --> 00:25:29,356 Beaten unconscious from this city, maybe. 222 00:25:33,065 --> 00:25:37,627 That and a portrait of poetry about respect for me. - Yes, I mean who wants to do that? 223 00:25:44,160 --> 00:25:45,537 We have to go. 224 00:25:48,998 --> 00:25:50,372 No, don't go. 225 00:26:23,719 --> 00:26:24,920 Oliver. 226 00:26:44,178 --> 00:26:48,495 You grind the dye hard, you will break the bowl 227 00:26:52,686 --> 00:26:56,816 Where is he? - Give the child a break, Abby. 228 00:27:01,111 --> 00:27:04,957 John thinks Rhea has the gift of elements. He saw it with his own eyes. . 229 00:27:05,241 --> 00:27:08,754 Mothers have elements. He should have healing. 230 00:27:08,755 --> 00:27:10,304 That doesn't make sense. 231 00:27:13,374 --> 00:27:19,335 It could be. If he has two other talents. 232 00:27:21,549 --> 00:27:24,598 If he has all three. 233 00:27:26,554 --> 00:27:31,355 That means that the prophecy is being fulfilled. 234 00:27:35,437 --> 00:27:37,531 This is happening. 235 00:27:38,524 --> 00:27:44,680 Where our family is waiting for centuries, D here... here is happening. 236 00:27:44,681 --> 00:27:46,867 But what about my vision, ma'am? 237 00:27:47,366 --> 00:27:52,497 If something happens to him, is not the prophecy people will destroy the world and my Rhea... 238 00:27:52,872 --> 00:27:56,797 ... and... - Rhea is developing your talents and your vision, those two different things. 239 00:27:57,084 --> 00:28:02,136 Right now we have to tell what's happening to him. 240 00:28:02,464 --> 00:28:07,140 No, he's too immature, he's not ready. - Well , that's just really unfair, Abby. 241 00:28:07,428 --> 00:28:11,774 He is feeling a very big power inside him. 242 00:28:12,099 --> 00:28:15,569 The least we can do, is giving him support. 243 00:28:15,811 --> 00:28:19,111 No, Ma'am, bro, don't tell him. 244 00:28:20,149 --> 00:28:21,947 Hi. - Where are you from? 245 00:28:22,151 --> 00:28:23,403 Get out. 246 00:28:24,486 --> 00:28:26,709 Why don't you call?
- I left my phone in the car. 247 00:28:26,710 --> 00:28:28,720 What's very important? 248 00:28:29,825 --> 00:28:32,443 What's very important is if something can happen to you. - Like... 248 00:28:32,444 --> 00:28:35,899 ... are I slipping because of a banana skin? - That's not what it means. 249 00:28:37,626 --> 00:28:39,629 What do you mean by that? - Your attitude is not polite. 250 00:28:41,279 --> 00:28:44,855 We were so worried about you. Do you understand that? 251 00:28:45,591 --> 00:28:48,265 You understand? - I'm sorry. 252 00:28:53,265 --> 00:28:56,064 Abby. - Mom 253 00:29:10,407 --> 00:29:13,456 I can't fix the legs. 254 00:29:14,244 --> 00:29:17,373 What are you drawing? - Toes. 255 00:29:20,751 --> 00:29:25,006 No, you didn't draw. You never drew what you drew... 256 00:29:25,339 --> 00:29:29,515 You always draw part in relation to the whole. 257 00:29:29,802 --> 00:29:33,898 What does Grandma mean? - Do you see these legs? 258 00:29:34,848 --> 00:29:38,352 See how they form a circle? 259 00:29:39,979 --> 00:29:43,904 I seem to be reading... octagon. 260 00:29:44,191 --> 00:29:47,015 These figures are all facing different directions... 261 00:29:47,016 --> 00:29:51,040 ... but they remain in the same circle. 262 00:29:54,284 --> 00:29:57,128 It seems like Grandma and me and Mother 263 00:30:05,671 --> 00:30:11,303 I can't believe starting that picture for more than a month but I don't see the circle. 264 00:30:11,635 --> 00:30:15,435 Why do you think you can't see it? - Well... . 265 00:30:16,598 --> 00:30:21,069 ... when I draw separately, I don't see it as part of the whole picture. 266 00:30:21,729 --> 00:30:26,610 Then you don't see how everything relates? - Right. 267 00:30:26,984 --> 00:30:29,954 What are you made of? What is Grandma made of? 268 00:30:30,195 --> 00:30:35,793 Rocks, which making trees, water... Where is all that made of? 269 00:30:37,077 --> 00:30:41,628 What did Grandma mean? - Basic science. 270 00:30:41,957 --> 00:30:45,086 Made of what everything is there? 271 00:30:46,378 --> 00:30:50,383 Material? - Yep, and what is matter made of? 272 00:30:51,800 --> 00:30:56,556 Atoms. - And what atoms are made of? 273 00:30:57,681 --> 00:31:01,185 Energy and vibration? - Yes, right. 274 00:31:01,393 --> 00:31:06,650 So, at some level, you and the world around you are the same thing. 275 00:31:07,399 --> 00:31:12,747 You're not in nature. You're nature. 276 00:31:14,615 --> 00:31:17,118 Look at the water here. 277 00:31:18,368 --> 00:31:22,339 You think you can make ripples? - Nenenk... 278 00:31:22,623 --> 00:31:28,471 If you can make a ripple, how will you do it? 279 00:31:29,338 --> 00:31:31,682 Come on. - Don't answer. 280 00:31:33,300 --> 00:31:35,348 Close your eyes. 281 00:31:39,431 --> 00:31:41,559 Think about the water. 282 00:31:49,691 --> 00:31:54,197 I push water with my hand. 283 00:32:02,287 --> 00:32:05,131 Did the water move? 284 00:32:07,000 --> 00:32:10,379 Of course not, baby. 285 00:32:16,251 --> 00:32:22,750 So, you are going to peak or something? - I certainly won't top that. 286 00:32:23,142 --> 00:32:28,114 Even though he's quite sexy too, in the 18th-century Jane Austen style. 287 00:32:30,023 --> 00:32:33,939 You can use him to make Taylor jealous. - I don't want Taylor. 288 00:32:37,865 --> 00:32:40,459 You will suffocate. 289 00:32:53,589 --> 00:32:55,307 What? 290 00:33:06,268 --> 00:33:08,270 What are you doing? 291 00:33:10,105 --> 00:33:15,487 I don't know, I... I thought I saw... 292 00:33:16,904 --> 00:33:22,252 You think I'm crazy? - You're sane than me. 293 00:33:22,618 --> 00:33:25,212 That doesn't explain much. 294 00:33:27,998 --> 00:33:31,878 You full of unexplained madness. - Oh, no. 295 00:33:32,419 --> 00:33:33,922 Come on. 296 00:33:42,596 --> 00:33:45,115 Okay. The most important question... 297 00:33:45,116 --> 00:33:48,675 if you have the power... 298 00:33:48,676 --> 00:33:51,635 ... do you want to be a Supergirl or a super villain? 299 00:33:51,636 --> 00:33:55,290 Easy, super criminals. What do you mean? That's not even a question. Super villain. 300 00:33:58,191 --> 00:34:02,391 Ice is so scary. Come on. 301 00:34:03,784 --> 00:34:08,700 I think a lot about it and get excited about it, like I really like soft... really the question. 302 00:34:08,700 --> 00:34:10,258 I can't stand it, I really want to be a super villain. 303 00:34:10,666 --> 00:34:15,297 Okay, alright. Is your villain's super powers evil? Oh. 304 00:34:15,629 --> 00:34:18,803 I want me to be able to do as much power as possible. 305 00:34:19,049 --> 00:34:22,644 Just as I have a video game that I made, where you can have as much power as you want. 306 00:34:34,266 --> 00:34:38,668 Terima kasih hampir membunuhku. - Karena aku? Itu sepenuhnya salahmu. 307 00:34:48,787 --> 00:34:52,462 Loser. Loser. Loser. The loser. You're not even trying. 308 00:34:53,709 --> 00:34:56,383 I'm only affected by the mind. - With what? 309 00:34:56,586 --> 00:34:58,839 He's applying for a Graphic Design major. 310 00:34:59,047 --> 00:35:04,645 I hate to call job applications. Write essays about the days you like most. Your heroes. 311 00:35:04,970 --> 00:35:09,271 How hard. I mean, why don't they ask real questions? - What is it like? 312 00:35:09,599 --> 00:35:14,105 What are the consequences of virtual technology on human relations? Something like that? 313 00:35:14,396 --> 00:35:17,496 Good question. - Thank you, friend. Just appeared on the head of my nerd. 314 00:35:18,984 --> 00:35:21,916 So, where do you want to apply for college? 315 00:35:22,117 --> 00:35:26,648 Ah... Brown, Dartmouth, Berkeley, Columbia. 316 00:35:27,034 --> 00:35:32,336 The real one. Where did you apply? - What? I'm smart. Just accept it. 317 00:35:32,831 --> 00:35:36,756 Maaf, aku harus pergi bekerja. - Bisakah aku ikut? 318 00:35:37,544 --> 00:35:39,546 Ah yes. 319 00:35:54,194 --> 00:35:57,086 So, this will all be firewood? - Some. 320 00:35:57,244 --> 00:36:01,088 Most of them get sick or die. Or, fall hit by a storm. 321 00:36:09,543 --> 00:36:11,216 What? 322 00:36:18,260 --> 00:36:22,606 Wow. That's great. 323 00:36:24,474 --> 00:36:26,434 It's a giant tree stump. 324 00:36:34,067 --> 00:36:36,320 Do you have a hose or something around here? 325 00:36:39,281 --> 00:36:42,285 You missed a speck. - What? 326 00:37:00,677 --> 00:37:04,898 Can you tell me why we just did that? - I'm hatching a plan. 327 00:37:05,182 --> 00:37:07,731 Yes, yes, I gathered it. 328 00:37:09,686 --> 00:37:13,611 How did your father move this? - With a big truck. 329 00:37:16,193 --> 00:37:18,820 It must have weighed at least a ton. 330 00:37:21,582 --> 00:37:25,303 I don't think there is hope. 331 00:37:25,994 --> 00:37:29,248 Are you okay? 332 00:37:37,464 --> 00:37:40,308 Yes. I think I'm fine. 333 00:37:41,051 --> 00:37:44,225 Dear darling. 334 00:37:54,815 --> 00:37:58,365 Maaf. - Kau terlambat tiga jam. 335 00:37:58,694 --> 00:38:01,823 I know. I lost tracker's time. It won't happen again. 336 00:38:02,030 --> 00:38:06,706 I know it won't, because you're punished having to stay at home. - Being punished must stay at home? 337 00:38:07,035 --> 00:38:08,478 Are you kidding me? I'm not twelve. 338 00:38:08,535 --> 00:38:12,118 I want you every day, after school, work with your grandmother. 339 00:38:14,710 --> 00:38:19,432 If it's a sentence of staying at home, I've shut down for the rest of my life. 340 00:38:20,257 --> 00:38:25,980 Stop blaming each other. Why don't you let him work in the temporary gallery. 341 00:38:26,346 --> 00:38:29,691 Mother, don't interfere. 342 00:38:32,060 --> 00:38:36,657 Abby, at least you will know where he is. 343 00:38:44,281 --> 00:38:47,111 Do you know why Daddy is like The best father in the whole world? 344 00:38:49,703 --> 00:38:51,047 How much do you need? 345 00:38:52,789 --> 00:38:57,055 Yang kuperlukan. Kalau Ayah dengan senang hati mengijinkanku keluar dari sini petang nanti. 346 00:39:00,464 --> 00:39:05,686 Do you remember Zeus's punishment against Prometheus? - Is that the man who stole the fire from the gods? 347 00:39:06,053 --> 00:39:10,809 He sent an eagle to eat Prometheus's spleen forever and ever 348 00:39:11,141 --> 00:39:16,022 That's cruel too. - What is it that you want your mother to do to Daddy? 349 00:39:16,355 --> 00:39:21,407 I'm working on something important. And I need a little time. 350 00:39:21,860 --> 00:39:25,410 What is that? - I can't tell Daddy yet. 351 00:39:28,825 --> 00:39:32,796 Daddy's better not to lie to your mother. 352 00:39:34,164 --> 00:39:38,010 I want you to trust me. Please? 353 00:41:02,252 --> 00:41:04,550 Sorry. I'm sorry. - You're late. 354 00:41:04,796 --> 00:41:09,176 I know. We only hope a little more time. 355 00:41:09,718 --> 00:41:15,566 It's better to be half of a design. Don't use Daddy, Rhea. 356 00:41:17,809 --> 00:41:19,777 Want a ride? 357 00:41:20,937 --> 00:41:22,860 Father has a vehicle. 358 00:41:23,648 --> 00:41:28,199 Racers? - You won't have a chance. 359 00:41:30,697 --> 00:41:32,415 Continue. 360 00:41:34,326 --> 00:41:35,200 Again. 361 00:41:35,699 --> 00:41:37,300 Further. Just a little. 362 00:41:37,329 --> 00:41:39,457 Down. - Down? 363 00:41:47,736 --> 00:41:49,457 Good. 364 00:41:54,429 --> 00:41:56,727 Is that good? - Yes. 365 00:42:03,772 --> 00:42:05,649 Wait a minute. 366 00:42:07,067 --> 00:42:08,319 What? 367 00:42:24,167 --> 00:42:26,818 I can't believe you solved something this hard. This is amazing. 368 00:42:39,307 --> 00:42:40,856 Hey, what's up ? 369 00:42:49,776 --> 00:42:51,907 I thought they would look better. 370 00:42:52,206 --> 00:42:56,907 Oh, please don't tell me you want to return it again. - No, no. I just... 371 00:42:58,308 --> 00:43:01,964 ... the stumps aren't where they should be. - I... I don't think I still have the power to move them. 372 00:43:02,372 --> 00:43:05,342 I just need to think. 373 00:43:08,920 --> 00:43:12,049 The bigger ones should stand on the right. 374 00:43:17,999 --> 00:43:23,049 Rhea... Rhea... 375 00:43:28,898 --> 00:43:30,302 How do you do that? p> 376 00:43:33,889 --> 00:43:35,039 I don't know. I... I... 377 00:43:36,000 --> 00:43:37,100 I... 378 00:43:39,534 --> 00:43:43,209 ... I just tried to feel where he was supposed to be. 379 00:43:43,496 --> 00:43:46,375 Do it again. 380 00:44:56,194 --> 00:45:02,577 I don't know what is happening to me. - Whatever it is, 381 00:45:05,245 --> 00:45:07,374 You're amazing. 382 00:45:31,345 --> 00:45:33,374 Rhea? 383 00:45:35,650 --> 00:45:39,655 Hey. - Hey. There are lots of sketches for uh... Rhea to fix. 384 00:45:39,946 --> 00:45:45,248 Is he behind? - No, no no. He went to... took a lump... a book for me. 385 00:45:51,124 --> 00:45:52,797 I'll wait. 386 00:46:07,891 --> 00:46:10,269 Where have you been? - I was in the gallery. 387 00:46:10,477 --> 00:46:14,107 Don't lie to Mother. - That's not what you think. 388 00:46:14,397 --> 00:46:20,200 So now you sneak up behind Mother. - Yes, but I want to show you what is being I do it. 389 00:46:20,487 --> 00:46:25,000 I don't even want to hear it. Mother doesn't even want to see you, Mom... - No, no. Please, please. 390 00:46:26,885 --> 00:46:28,837 Aku ingin kalian melihatnya. 391 00:46:44,260 --> 00:46:50,017 You have revealed every liukan and round. Incredible. 392 00:46:53,144 --> 00:46:58,571 This is the process of making a return and the birth of and beauty... right here... 393 00:46:59,125 --> 00:47:03,121 "It seems that the student has chased the teacher." - Doesn't go beyond? 394 00:47:03,613 --> 00:47:06,457 Don't be the front person yourself. 395 00:47:08,785 --> 00:47:14,087 How do you move it? - These parts are perfectly balanced. 396 00:47:14,958 --> 00:47:17,802 This must be difficult. 397 00:47:20,797 --> 00:47:24,051 Mother has underestimated you. 398 00:47:31,558 --> 00:47:33,981 What's with all of you? 399 00:47:50,326 --> 00:47:53,074 Are you kidding me? - Come on. 400 00:48:00,300 --> 00:48:02,074 Wow. 401 00:48:05,717 --> 00:48:09,893 This is where we keep the items from our ancestors. 402 00:48:11,097 --> 00:48:14,317 How can you never show me this before? 403 00:48:14,559 --> 00:48:17,187 How will we show you now. 404 00:48:19,480 --> 00:48:21,153 Siapa itu? 405 00:48:21,357 --> 00:48:27,205 Oh that... that is ah... great grandmother of his great grandmother Grandmother's great grandmother. 406 00:48:27,488 --> 00:48:33,666 Her daughter settled here and started a new life filled with art, beauty and magic. 407 00:48:34,162 --> 00:48:36,676 What kind of magic is it? - He can see the future. 408 00:48:37,112 --> 00:48:40,803 They predict the cholera epidemic. Paceklik potato. 409 00:48:41,127 --> 00:48:46,429 First World War and he wrote his predictions. 410 00:48:56,309 --> 00:49:01,065 "And the time will come when the earth will reject anyone who harasses it... 411 00:49:01,397 --> 00:49:04,817 ... and then comes through floods and droughts... 412 00:49:04,944 --> 00:49:07,365 ... through the dangers of hunger and war. " 413 00:49:07,403 --> 00:49:11,328 " Fellowship between mankind and nature will be restored. " 414 00:49:11,616 --> 00:49:16,122 " He will be called, blessed and he will give birth... 415 00:49:16,454 --> 00:49:19,549 ... a person with three gifts. " 416 00:49:32,011 --> 00:49:34,105 Oh my God. 417 00:49:37,350 --> 00:49:41,446 Do you know him? - I've seen it? 418 00:49:45,966 --> 00:49:50,187 That means he has two of those talents. 419 00:49:50,471 --> 00:49:53,725 Elements and visions. 420 00:49:56,936 --> 00:50:03,114 This was painted by my great-grandmother Grandma. This is her vision of "blessed." 421 00:50:05,236 --> 00:50:09,036 You don't answer my question about magic. 422 00:50:09,323 --> 00:50:12,827 Every woman in our family has one gift. 423 00:50:14,412 --> 00:50:18,292 Grandma has the gift of elements, which means... 424 00:50:18,582 --> 00:50:23,133 ... Grandma has the ability to influence the weather. 425 00:50:23,462 --> 00:50:29,845 Helping plants grow. A light from a candle without a match. 426 00:50:35,433 --> 00:50:38,277 Mother has a gift of vision. 427 00:50:38,811 --> 00:50:42,816 And whoever shares this gift, We describe what we saw. 428 00:50:43,107 --> 00:50:48,489 Jadi, kami mengandaikan kau akan memiliki karunia yang ketiga. - Berhenti berbicara. Hentikan! 429 00:50:48,863 --> 00:50:52,458 You have all this power for the rest of my life and you never told me about it? 430 00:50:52,700 --> 00:50:56,580 You know what is happening to me, I thought I lost my sanity. 431 00:50:56,671 --> 00:51:00,501 Hopefully you in the future will give an extraordinary gift to this world. 432 00:51:00,591 --> 00:51:04,170 Because what do you think I'm the one who will give birth to someone who is elected or something? I... 433 00:51:04,462 --> 00:51:10,070 But only if you have all three of those gifts. - And what if I don't want these gifts? 434 00:51:12,553 --> 00:51:16,228 Rhea, this is far bigger than us. 435 00:51:16,515 --> 00:51:21,396 Then why? My life has been written because of a strange person a hundred years ago said that? 436 00:51:22,104 --> 00:51:23,947 Oh no... 437 00:51:43,601 --> 00:51:45,275 Can Dad come in? 438 00:51:51,484 --> 00:51:54,237 Father already knew it too ? 439 00:51:57,073 --> 00:51:59,872 Yes. Daddy already knows. 440 00:52:03,663 --> 00:52:06,166 Bagaimana bisa Ayah tidak memberitahuku? 441 00:52:10,336 --> 00:52:16,760 Because Daddy wants you to have an ordinary life as long as possible. 442 00:52:21,848 --> 00:52:24,601 I don't want this, Daddy. 443 00:52:26,477 --> 00:52:29,196 Honey, it's okay. It's okay. 444 00:52:33,276 --> 00:52:38,203 Maybe you have been given this gift so you can help. 445 00:52:39,240 --> 00:52:43,791 I mean, look at this planet, see what has been we do it for ourselves. 446 00:52:44,078 --> 00:52:48,709 Every day there are environmental disasters. 447 00:52:49,041 --> 00:52:51,715 Floods. The number of tsunamis. 448 00:52:51,961 --> 00:52:56,432 Climate change is strange. Maybe your mother and grandmother are right. 449 00:52:59,218 --> 00:53:01,812 This is the wave. 450 00:53:03,139 --> 00:53:07,235 Wave? What wave? 451 00:53:10,980 --> 00:53:14,450 I keep getting these dreams. There is... 452 00:53:15,693 --> 00:53:22,076 ... there is a huge wave. And the waves are so big and abundant. 453 00:53:25,661 --> 00:53:31,259 That prediction, what is happening to me, it's all waves. 454 00:53:35,880 --> 00:53:39,259 Maybe it's time to learn how to swim 455 00:54:37,880 --> 00:54:39,259 Ow. 456 00:54:46,242 --> 00:54:48,336 Heal. 457 00:54:50,246 --> 00:54:54,001 May the healing power work in my hand. 458 00:55:07,930 --> 00:55:11,230 I can't cure. - Are you sure? 459 00:55:11,475 --> 00:55:16,231 My hands are sore. - Honey, what did you do? 460 00:55:17,565 --> 00:55:20,694 An experiment. br /> - Oh dear. 461 00:55:22,862 --> 00:55:25,957 I want to show you something. 462 00:55:28,362 --> 00:55:29,237 Okay. 463 00:55:36,375 --> 00:55:42,257 "Don't think of yourself as a healer. Healing comes before you and after you. " 464 00:55:43,883 --> 00:55:49,014 " The wounded will be healed with love in its infinity. " 465 00:55:50,931 --> 00:55:54,185 I don't know what that means. 466 00:55:54,769 --> 00:56:00,867 Well, I think that means that healing comes from a place of love. 467 00:56:02,860 --> 00:56:09,243 I still don't understand it. - Okay, you Rhea, not the healer. 468 00:56:11,577 --> 00:56:16,083 Cinta yang mengalir dari jiwamu. Itulah sang penyembuh. 469 00:56:16,415 --> 00:56:22,263 So, I can't cure because I don't send love? 470 00:56:23,672 --> 00:56:29,224 I don't know. I think it's for you to think about. 471 00:56:32,139 --> 00:56:37,066 I wish we could stay here forever. - No, after we were laid off for some time. 472 00:56:38,145 --> 00:56:40,864 No, thank you 473 00:56:43,455 --> 00:56:44,064 What? 474 00:56:45,844 --> 00:56:49,116 You kidnapped me with your magic power? 475 00:56:49,740 --> 00:56:51,458 Maybe. 476 00:56:59,375 --> 00:57:01,022 I never thought it would fall /> love with a witch. 477 00:57:01,158 --> 00:57:02,725 I'm not a witch. 478 00:57:03,879 --> 00:57:06,928 No, I mean. You do magic. 479 00:57:08,592 --> 00:57:11,562 No, not like that. 480 00:57:11,804 --> 00:57:17,061 It's like there is a spiritual law as well as physical law. 481 00:57:17,435 --> 00:57:22,657 If you understand it and others run together, then you can work with them. 482 00:57:23,441 --> 00:57:28,538 These things, I mean. - More like moving a giant tree butt? 483 00:57:28,863 --> 00:57:30,115 Yes. 484 00:57:32,450 --> 00:57:38,298 So, there's a chance you can teach me? - I don't think it's an intention you can teach. 485 00:57:39,290 --> 00:57:41,668 You just... get it that way only. 486 00:57:44,503 --> 00:57:49,430 There is an object on my berand... like some kind of ghost and every time I go out... There is a thing of my porch... just like a goblin typing and every time I walk... say... 487 00:57:49,717 --> 00:57:51,219 I was tricked every time. 488 00:57:51,427 --> 00:57:55,682 My mother made full of grapes whose skins had been peeled and You put your hand in it... 489 00:57:56,015 --> 00:58:00,065 ... and close your eyes then it feels like human eyeballs. - Oh, delicious. 490 00:58:00,561 --> 00:58:04,657 Either, outdated . Want to go there? - You're outdated. 491 00:58:04,899 --> 00:58:06,993 See you later. 492 00:58:13,908 --> 00:58:18,630 What do you suppose to be? - A leveling sweeping. 493 00:58:19,246 --> 00:58:21,715 I don't understand. 494 00:58:26,337 --> 00:58:30,467 You should write & apos; losers & apos; on your shirt. 495 00:58:30,799 --> 00:58:34,349 That's not cool. - Where is the witch's girlfriend now? 496 00:58:34,595 --> 00:58:38,270 Yeah she's running with another man with a broomstick. - Maybe he uses evil powers... 497 00:58:38,516 --> 00:58:41,360 Hey, he's not evil. - He's a good witch. 498 00:58:41,644 --> 00:58:44,739 Yeah, that's right. - Yes, God 499 00:58:46,148 --> 00:58:50,073 Are you serious? - Rhea Carver is a magician? 500 00:58:50,361 --> 00:58:52,399 That's awesome. - Hey! 501 00:59:07,902 --> 00:59:10,695 Hey ! - Hey. 502 00:59:12,007 --> 00:59:15,887 Is there a problem? - No, no. Nothing. 503 00:59:17,596 --> 00:59:20,896 Ah... Simon is going to have a Halloween party tonight. 504 00:59:21,141 --> 00:59:24,862 His mother made a haunted house. We will watch Saucer Deaf III. You have to come. 505 00:59:25,145 --> 00:59:28,649 The feeling is that sounds it can't work doing family night. 506 00:59:28,899 --> 00:59:34,406 Alright, yes, of course. - No, we don't celebrate Halloween. It's just... 507 00:59:34,780 --> 00:59:39,081 ... we are sheltered and cool. Fun too. 508 00:59:39,927 --> 00:59:40,792 Okay. 509 00:59:42,496 --> 00:59:44,544 Do you want to come along? 510 00:59:47,042 --> 00:59:50,296 Ah... yes, okay. - Okay. 511 01:00:03,212 --> 01:00:05,402 Happy Halloween. 512 01:00:19,033 --> 01:00:20,410 Thank you! 512 01:00:20,418 --> 01:00:25,124 Oliver, how are you can fall in love on our beautiful Rhea? 513 01:00:25,208 --> 01:00:26,585 Grandma. 514 01:00:27,207 --> 01:00:31,508 How can I not? - Good answer. 515 01:00:32,087 --> 01:00:35,432 How 516 01:00:36,884 --> 01:00:41,481 Put the peel next to it. - Rhea, want to help you prepare the table? 517 01:00:42,990 --> 01:00:46,039 Anyone want the pastel cake again? - Ah... no... no. 518 01:00:46,527 --> 01:00:48,780 Are you sure? - No, I'm pretty, thank you. 519 01:00:49,483 --> 01:00:54,667 Itu menarik, maksud saya ia benci mengandalkan sebuah gunting, tetapi ia harus melakukannya. Kau tahu. 520 01:00:54,860 --> 01:00:58,956 You know what he said... ah... to the soldiers when they came close to sentence him to death with scissors? 521 01:00:59,865 --> 01:01:04,587 He said...: "None decent what are you doing, soldier... 522 01:01:04,828 --> 01:01:09,629 ... besides trying to kill me properly. " 523 01:01:09,958 --> 01:01:14,759 Grandma said my sentence. He did 524 01:01:15,192 --> 01:01:18,895 Ah... Abby? 525 01:01:21,170 --> 01:01:24,140 There's someone here. 526 01:01:25,508 --> 01:01:29,729 Inside the house? - Outside. 527 01:01:46,070 --> 01:01:49,290 Insolence. - Yes God. 528 01:01:50,508 --> 01:01:52,101 Mother. 529 01:02:00,568 --> 01:02:02,320 Look. 530 01:02:05,389 --> 01:02:07,733 Cleo. - Oh , Rhea, don't. 531 01:02:11,019 --> 01:02:13,442 No, Rhea, don't. Don't. 532 01:02:14,648 --> 01:02:17,868 Why do they want to do this? 533 01:02:19,153 --> 01:02:23,829 This is my fault. - How can it be your fault? 534 01:02:24,158 --> 01:02:28,379 No, no. I'm just trying to defend you. Just leave. 535 01:02:29,246 --> 01:02:31,999 Apa? Apa yang telah kaulakukan? 536 01:02:33,375 --> 01:02:35,548 What have you done? 537 01:02:36,587 --> 01:02:41,718 I said you were a witch. No, I didn't say it like that. 538 01:02:43,269 --> 01:02:44,691 Go. 539 01:02:44,887 --> 01:02:48,141 Rhea , I'm... I'm sorry. - Get out! 540 01:03:47,407 --> 01:03:51,457 Where do you think you're going to go dress like that? - Go to school. 541 01:03:52,999 --> 01:03:54,012 Rhea? 542 01:03:54,998 --> 01:03:58,252 I won't hide in this house until the end of my life. 543 01:03:58,544 --> 01:04:04,176 I'm sick of this goddess-saving-world nonsense. "Don't move the ground or see a lot of things. " 544 01:04:04,308 --> 01:04:07,659 I just want to go to school like an ordinary person. 545 01:04:14,852 --> 01:04:20,530 You won't leave. Mother won't allow it. - Good luck with that. 546 01:04:22,526 --> 01:04:24,824 Let him go. Just let it go. 547 01:04:54,389 --> 01:04:56,123 Rhea! 548 01:05:01,398 --> 01:05:05,494 Hey honey, why don't you use your strength on me? 549 01:05:06,194 --> 01:05:11,746 I'm sure you will like it. - Not necessarily. 550 01:05:21,960 --> 01:05:24,429 Taylor, where are you going? Taylor? 551 01:05:42,189 --> 01:05:44,191 Hey, Elaine. 552 01:05:59,039 --> 01:06:02,509 What caused you to switch to be a tramp? 553 01:06:08,131 --> 01:06:13,353 So, you're a witch. Very-much-fan-important. My uncle who works in the circus. 554 01:06:14,513 --> 01:06:19,189 I'm not what you talk about. - Are you really? 555 01:06:24,314 --> 01:06:28,160 I don't want to be a weirdo anymore. 556 01:06:44,267 --> 01:06:46,987 Rhea? Rhea! 557 01:06:48,171 --> 01:06:50,048 Rhea, please. - What? 558 01:06:50,257 --> 01:06:53,932 Listen, I'm sorry. I just want to apologize. 559 01:06:54,469 --> 01:06:56,938 You 560 01:06:58,724 --> 01:07:00,522 Yes. 561 01:07:40,515 --> 01:07:44,611 Who was the man in the Mustang car? - Only a man. 562 01:07:47,647 --> 01:07:52,369 Does he have a name? Rhea? 563 01:07:53,487 --> 01:07:56,331 Taylor. - Taylor Bradford? 564 01:07:57,240 --> 01:08:01,211 The person whose initial letters are used to carve on a board? 565 01:08:01,495 --> 01:08:07,002 Ayah dengar ia jarang secepat kilat dari Ayah. Ayah tidak menyukai dia. 566 01:08:08,460 --> 01:08:12,055 Always. That's not a very important problem. 567 01:08:15,258 --> 01:08:19,263 You'd better be out this weekend. - Is there a place? 568 01:08:19,596 --> 01:08:23,271 Ah you know, just driving around in a vehicle, maybe we have some parties. 569 01:08:24,434 --> 01:08:27,028 Yeah, okay. - Are you sure? 570 01:08:27,270 --> 01:08:29,864 Yes, yes I want to. 571 01:09:10,001 --> 01:09:10,996 Damn it. 572 01:09:11,232 --> 01:09:14,243 p> 573 01:09:15,794 --> 01:09:19,389 Stop it, Mother can't work with your sentence like this. 574 01:09:19,473 --> 01:09:24,730 Rhea is in trouble. - No, you're the one in trouble. 575 01:09:25,504 --> 01:09:28,758 So full of worries. You drove him when he felt so lost. 576 01:09:29,207 --> 01:09:35,590 I didn't drive him away. He left. 577 01:09:36,006 --> 01:09:39,806 And John... John helped him get out of door. - John gave him more help than you did right now. 578 01:09:39,943 --> 01:09:46,371 Just because you can see the future doesn't mean you have the right to force your wishes on that. 579 01:09:46,861 --> 01:09:49,152 Just stop it! 580 01:09:55,066 --> 01:09:58,608 Yes, Lord, did you follow me? < 581 01:09:58,754 --> 01:10:02,796 Yeah, right. - Okay, Rhea, you just need to talk to you. 582 01:10:05,460 --> 01:10:10,182 I'm just trying to protect you. 583 01:10:11,668 --> 01:10:12,998 - Protect to master? 584 01:10:13,758 --> 01:10:15,258 Okay. 585 01:10:15,879 --> 01:10:21,682 Maybe both. 586 01:10:22,002 --> 01:10:27,731 At least I'm honest. - Listen, if you want to enter art school, then do it. 587 01:10:27,841 --> 01:10:29,969 And if you don't want to continue our customs, then you will understand. 588 01:10:30,969 --> 01:10:35,299 Really? What about the prophecy? 589 01:10:39,745 --> 01:10:41,248 Unfortunately, even if you have all three gifts, it's still your choice. 590 01:11:14,497 --> 01:11:15,898 I have to go. 591 01:11:16,789 --> 01:11:18,249 Hey , Rhea. Rhea! - Hi. 592 01:11:29,993 --> 01:11:31,128 Want to meet Rhea? 593 01:11:38,920 --> 01:11:42,345 Can I get you a drink? - Yes. 594 01:12:05,881 --> 01:12:07,111 Hi, Rhea. 595 01:12:07,991 --> 01:12:08,628 Hey. 596 01:12:09,459 --> 01:12:13,555 Are you here with Taylor? - Here, baby. 597 01:12:15,215 --> 01:12:16,558 Yes. 598 01:12:16,916 --> 01:12:20,591 Unfortunately, Beeker will shoot a female. Want to see it next here, baby? 599 01:12:20,879 --> 01:12:22,506 Sure. 600 01:12:27,052 --> 01:12:28,725 There's a police officer. 601 01:12:30,889 --> 01:12:32,516 Let's go. Let's go. 602 01:12:41,775 --> 01:12:44,153 Lance, bring the can. 603 01:12:46,155 --> 01:12:46,992 That's right, brother. 604 01:12:47,123 --> 01:12:49,516 Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. 605 01:12:50,608 --> 01:12:52,225 Go to my car. 606 01:12:52,226 --> 01:12:54,781 Hurry up! Fast! 607 01:12:55,747 --> 01:12:57,671 Cally, where are we going? Are we going to your house? 608 01:12:57,672 --> 01:12:58,872 My parents are at home. 609 01:12:58,917 --> 01:13:00,002 Call us near them ? 610 01:13:01,055 --> 01:13:03,343 I know a place. - Cool. 611 01:13:30,156 --> 01:13:31,999 Come here. 612 01:14:16,119 --> 01:14:18,247 Maybe we should go. 613 01:14:22,876 --> 01:14:25,425 Am I so boring? 614 01:14:33,845 --> 01:14:37,475 You know, you're really not a girl like I thought before. 615 01:14:39,767 --> 01:14:44,113 And why is that? - Because that's a very good thing, because this girl is so awesome. 616 01:15:41,623 --> 01:15:45,709 Hey, do you think I'm sexy? - Shut up. You know you're sexy. 617 01:15:45,709 --> 01:15:46,984 Step aside! 618 01:15:59,806 --> 01:16:02,309 Don't be jealous, Rhea. - Oh, yeah... 619 01:16:02,517 --> 01:16:05,487 .... don't be jealous because we can see they used to do it. 620 01:16:05,728 --> 01:16:10,404 That's really amazing. - Comrades, he told me. 621 01:16:11,234 --> 01:16:14,909 Oh, did he write to you now ? - Don't listen to them dear, you will hurt my girl. 622 01:16:15,154 --> 01:16:17,532 Yes, better. 623 01:16:18,199 --> 01:16:20,952 Don't bother. - Taylor! 624 01:22:16,585 --> 01:22:18,677 Rhea! Rhea! 625 01:22:25,274 --> 01:22:29,825 Oh my God, are you okay? Are you OK? - Fine. I'm fine. 626 01:22:36,118 --> 01:22:39,793 Setiap orang mengetahui kecelakaan itu, seluruh kota sedang mencarimu. 627 01:22:40,081 --> 01:22:45,963 It's all my fault, if I don't say anything. - No. It's not your fault. 628 01:22:48,881 --> 01:22:54,934 I just can't control what's happening to me. I want to be someone else. 629 01:22:56,681 --> 01:22:59,651 Why? Why, Rhea? 630 01:23:01,686 --> 01:23:06,567 You're amazing. And your talents are amazing. 631 01:23:06,899 --> 01:23:10,779 That is part of what I love about you. 632 01:23:26,168 --> 01:23:29,843 I love you. - I love you too. 633 01:23:30,131 --> 01:23:32,805 Let's get you home. 634 01:24:05,107 --> 01:24:07,329 Are you okay? 635 01:24:15,676 --> 01:24:19,146 Thank you for taking me home - I'm really sorry about... 636 01:24:19,430 --> 01:24:21,853 Please, it's not your fault. 637 01:24:22,058 --> 01:24:25,528 I did it. I healed them. 638 01:24:27,980 --> 01:24:33,282 I know you can heal. - Now I understand what you mean about love... 639 01:24:33,944 --> 01:24:37,244 Love is beautiful and unconditional. 640 01:24:39,241 --> 01:24:43,838 The prediction is true. I want to help.