1 00:00:01,044 --> 00:00:04,044 2 00:00:05,045 --> 00:00:21,045 3 00:00:22,047 --> 00:00:39,047 4 00:00:57,367 --> 00:01:03,367 December 26, 2004, it was recorded that the most deadly tsunamis hit the Southeast Asian Coast. 5 00:01:03,408 --> 00:01:09,242 Countless number of families throughout a world that changes its life forever. 6 00:01:11,658 --> 00:01:19,950 This is the true story of from one of those families. 7 00:02:11,283 --> 00:02:12,700 Gosh! 8 00:02:13,033 --> 00:02:14,158 Are you..., 9 00:02:15,033 --> 00:02:19,700 You set the alarm before leaving? / Yes, the last thing I did! 10 00:02:25,033 --> 00:02:27,158 No, I'm the last one to come out. 11 00:02:27,367 --> 00:02:29,575 I'm the last one and I'm sure I haven't set it up. 12 00:02:29,575 --> 00:02:32,533 No, I'm the last one came out. 13 00:02:32,575 --> 00:02:34,450 Really. 14 00:02:34,450 --> 00:02:36,658 Are you sure? / Yes! 15 00:02:37,033 --> 00:02:38,242 All right! 16 00:02:40,992 --> 00:02:44,117 No, no, I'm the last one because I'm logged in again. 17 00:02:44,117 --> 00:02:45,742 This means that the alarm has not been set. 18 00:02:46,117 --> 00:02:46,992 Karena aku tidak mengaturnya. 19 00:02:46,992 --> 00:02:51,117 That means when we go home lots of hippies who... 20 00:02:51,117 --> 00:02:52,533 ... sleep on our beds. 21 00:02:52,533 --> 00:02:54,117 It's the same as when you went to college. 22 00:02:58,283 --> 00:03:00,158 > 23 00:03:00,408 --> 00:03:01,867 Only turbulence, Maria. 24 00:03:02,242 --> 00:03:05,992 Please Turn off the Electronic Devices. 25 00:03:06,117 --> 00:03:08,533 Passengers, we will start landing at Phuket Airport. 26 00:03:08,533 --> 00:03:11,117 Local time at 1:30 in the afternoon..., 27 00:03:11,242 --> 00:03:12,867 What are you doing? Sitting, we want to land, honey. 28 00:03:12,867 --> 00:03:14,700 Lucas doesn't want to talk to me. 29 00:03:14,700 --> 00:03:16,408 Fasten the seat belt... 30 00:03:16,408 --> 00:03:17,700 ... and return to the seat in an upright position. 31 00:03:19,117 --> 00:03:23,283 Sit here. 32 00:03:23,867 --> 00:03:25,033 Me? I don't do anything. / Calm down, sit down and don't worry. 33 00:03:28,408 --> 00:03:30,283 Tighten it! 34 00:03:30,575 --> 00:03:32,158 Please sit down, madam! 35 00:03:35,575 --> 00:03:37,117 Lucas. 36 00:03:37,117 --> 00:03:40,617 You have to be a little better to your brother, he's just scared. 37 00:03:40,742 --> 00:03:43,575 It's normal, he's always scared. / Fasten! 38 00:03:46,992 --> 00:03:49,533 I'm curious when take off. 39 00:04:06,742 --> 00:04:13,033 Christmas Eve, Reject Thailand. 40 00:04:14,242 --> 00:04:16,575 Take your things, don't forget everything. 41 00:04:19,158 --> 00:04:20,867 Have you been to Khaolak before? 42 00:04:21,158 --> 00:04:22,450 No, this is the first time. 43 00:04:22,450 --> 00:04:24,908 This is the best holiday season ever. 44 00:04:24,908 --> 00:04:28,158 Holidays enter the peak, but the area it's very quiet. 45 00:04:28,242 --> 00:04:29,283 Good for families. 46 00:04:29,617 --> 00:04:32,825 This old-fashioned building is just opened a week ago. 47 00:04:32,825 --> 00:04:34,242 You will be happy here. < br /> / Good. 48 00:04:34,450 --> 00:04:38,867 Sorry, but we ordered on the third floor, with a view to the sea. 49 00:04:38,867 --> 00:04:41,158 I know. Sorry, it's a mistake. 50 00:04:41,283 --> 00:04:42,242 But we feel..., 51 00:04:43,450 --> 00:04:45,533 Kalian mungkin lebih suka yang ini. 52 00:04:46,867 --> 00:04:48,575 Where are you from? / Japan. 53 00:04:48,825 --> 00:04:50,283 Unlike Japanese. 54 00:04:50,700 --> 00:04:54,408 I work in a large company there, and we often move - move. 55 00:04:54,575 --> 00:04:55,992 Then you, you don't work? 56 00:04:55,992 --> 00:04:57,908 I'm a doctor. 57 00:04:58,283 --> 00:05:01,825 Now don't practice. Only take care of children. 58 00:05:01,825 --> 00:05:04,700 > 59 00:05:08,283 --> 00:05:10,158 I understand, you are up. 60 00:05:10,200 --> 00:05:11,450 This is good, isn't it? 61 00:05:11,450 --> 00:05:15,117 Mother! / Yes. 62 00:05:15,200 --> 00:05:18,992 May I drink one this? / Lucas, if you are thirsty, you can only... 63 00:05:18,992 --> 00:05:21,742 ... drink from your water bottle. / Right. 64 00:05:21,742 --> 00:05:22,867 Children - child, look at this. / Come on. 65 00:05:25,033 --> 00:05:27,283 Look. 66 00:05:27,283 --> 00:05:28,742 I help you. / Oh! 67 00:05:28,867 --> 00:05:32,575 Cool isn't it? p> 68 00:06:13,742 --> 00:06:16,492 Dad, can we swim there? / Yes, we can swim. 69 00:06:16,617 --> 00:06:20,742 Ten, nine..., 70 00:06:20,742 --> 00:06:24,117 ... five, four, three..., 71 00:06:24,117 --> 00:06:26,408 ... two, one! 72 00:06:26,450 --> 00:06:28,408 Come on! Come on! 73 00:06:29,117 --> 00:06:30,200 Wow! 74 00:06:46,783 --> 00:06:48,450 Now my name is up. 75 00:06:48,450 --> 00:06:51,117 Really? / Really? The lantern goes up. 76 00:06:52,158 --> 00:06:55,158 My hand is different from the others. 77 00:06:56,283 --> 00:06:57,700 Yes! Yes! 78 00:06:59,450 --> 00:07:01,575 The faster. / Yes, the faster. 79 00:07:01,617 --> 00:07:03,742 Look at that! Everything is up. 80 00:08:12,200 --> 00:08:13,325 Good morning. 81 00:08:14,492 --> 00:08:16,158 Good morning. 82 00:08:16,367 --> 00:08:17,617 Ahh! Let's wake up! 83 00:08:18,075 --> 00:08:19,908 Wake up! / What are you doing? 84 00:08:19,908 --> 00:08:21,325 Help me! 85 00:08:21,658 --> 00:08:25,742 It's Christmas. / Please, help me! 86 00:08:26,075 --> 00:08:28,575 I'll go to my prize place. 87 00:08:28,658 --> 00:08:30,450 Oh, I have to get out! / No, no, no. 88 00:08:30,450 --> 00:08:34,658 I came! / Wait, wait, wait! One on one! 89 00:08:37,325 --> 00:08:38,658 Oh! 90 00:08:38,658 --> 00:08:40,033 Oh, teleskop. 91 00:08:40,033 --> 00:08:43,742 A complete set and an asterisk, you can paste it on the ceiling. 92 00:08:43,742 --> 00:08:45,450 Everything is away. / I arranged it above. 93 00:08:45,450 --> 00:08:48,200 Oh , look! / Oh, scarf for the pool! 94 00:08:48,200 --> 00:08:49,867 I like it! 95 00:08:50,908 --> 00:08:53,742 Thank you dear. I mean Santa Claus. 96 00:08:53,742 --> 00:08:56,617 How about you man? Ball! 97 00:09:05,450 --> 00:09:07,033 Oh, yeah! 98 00:09:07,742 --> 00:09:08,908 Goal! 99 00:10:02,950 --> 00:10:06,450 I can't sleep. 100 00:10:12,950 --> 00:10:17,867 Tomorrow I wake up late! / Yes. It's OK. 101 00:10:20,575 --> 00:10:23,950 Can we go out and see stars? 102 00:10:25,533 --> 00:10:27,325 Tomorrow. 103 00:10:31,367 --> 00:10:34,242 Close your eyes and think something that is fun. 104 00:10:56,200 --> 00:10:59,450 Mom, do you want to come along playing ball with me? 105 00:10:59,492 --> 00:11:01,783 Wait a minute, baby, play with Lucas. 106 00:11:11,617 --> 00:11:15,033 I can't believe it, register the task! / What? 107 00:11:15,158 --> 00:11:17,242 Aku menyembunyikannya dan aku lupa dimana menaruhnya. 108 00:11:17,325 --> 00:11:21,742 I just want to check whether there are placement messages in Japan. 109 00:11:21,783 --> 00:11:23,367 Liars. 110 00:11:29,033 --> 00:11:31,367 There should be a letter that states O & apos; Neil... < /p> 111 00:11:31,367 --> 00:11:33,783 ..long this contract two years to us. 112 00:11:34,033 --> 00:11:36,617 This means we both do the same job. 113 00:11:36,783 --> 00:11:40,450 This means it's only one thing. / They can't fire you. 114 00:11:41,158 --> 00:11:43,617 It's too risky. Don't worry! 115 00:11:43,658 --> 00:11:47,742 Of course I'm worried. Because we can't lose this job, right? 116 00:11:54,908 --> 00:11:56,492 I can go back to work. 117 00:11:57,908 --> 00:12:01,242 Maybe it's time. / In Japan? 118 00:12:01,367 --> 00:12:02,617 No. 119 00:12:02,908 --> 00:12:04,325 Oh, do you want to go home? 120 00:12:05,783 --> 00:12:07,908 It's not a bad idea, & apos; right? 121 00:12:12,783 --> 00:12:17,075 Consider it. But I want to play with kids now, so..., 122 00:12:25,117 --> 00:12:27,075 Catch, Dad! 123 00:12:27,783 --> 00:12:30,658 This ball can't dodge. 124 00:12:31,408 --> 00:12:33,200 Hebat, di kolam renang kita. 125 00:12:40,950 --> 00:12:42,408 Catch! 126 00:12:55,658 --> 00:12:57,033 Oh no! 127 00:12:57,117 --> 00:12:59,075 Let's take it, Lucas! Come on! 128 00:13:49,950 --> 00:13:51,533 Save the children! 129 00:13:51,783 --> 00:13:54,783 Lucas! / Father! 130 00:14:01,658 --> 00:14:03,658 Lucas! 131 00:14:56,200 --> 00:14:59,075 God! 132 00:15:03,075 --> 00:15:06,075 God! 133 00:15:32,242 --> 00:15:34,242 Mother! 134 00:15:35,075 --> 00:15:36,950 135 00:15:39,783 --> 00:15:42,783 Mother! 136 00:15:43,075 --> 00:15:44,408 p> 137 00:15:50,117 --> 00:15:54,992 Please! 138 00:16:00,658 --> 00:16:02,367 Lucas! / Mother! 139 00:16:07,242 --> 00:16:08,242 Lucas! 140 00:16:11,117 --> 00:16:14,242 Lucas! / Mother, help me ! 141 00:16:14,825 --> 00:16:16,117 Take me out of danger! 142 00:16:16,242 --> 00:16:18,700 Please! 143 00:16:18,992 --> 00:16:20,575 Mother! Please! 144 00:16:21,408 --> 00:16:23,825 Mother! 145 00:16:27,242 --> 00:16:29,283 Lucas, stay there. 146 00:16:29,575 --> 00:16:31,117 Stop! / Lucas! 147 00:16:32,825 --> 00:16:34,367 Mother, please ! 148 00:16:35,825 --> 00:16:37,825 Mother, look. 149 00:16:39,700 --> 00:16:41,075 Lucas! 150 00:16:41,575 --> 00:16:42,575 Look at that! 151 00:16:44,283 --> 00:16:45,950 Mother, are you okay? 152 00:16:50,117 --> 00:16:51,117 Lucas! 153 00:16:52,117 --> 00:16:53,367 Wait! 154 00:16:53,367 --> 00:16:55,867 Mother! 155 00:17:09,575 --> 00:17:12,075 Please! 156 00:17:12,533 --> 00:17:14,075 Please! / Lucas! 157 00:17:14,492 --> 00:17:15,533 No! 158 00:17:21,658 --> 00:17:22,825 Come on! 159 00:17:23,700 --> 00:17:26,408 Lucas! Lucas! 160 00:17:33,658 --> 00:17:35,075 Lucas! 161 00:17:35,658 --> 00:17:38,242 Please! No! No! 162 00:17:40,533 --> 00:17:41,700 Please! 163 00:17:41,700 --> 00:17:46,242 Lucas! / Please! Ah... hh! 164 00:18:18,992 --> 00:18:20,700 Lucas! 165 00:18:24,117 --> 00:18:26,117 Come on, Lucas! 166 00:18:54,367 --> 00:18:56,742 Mother! 167 00:19:01,575 --> 00:19:04,742 Mother! Father! 168 00:19:11,033 --> 00:19:12,408 Please! 169 00:19:15,575 --> 00:19:18,158 Mother, Mother. 170 00:19:21,992 --> 00:19:24,950 Mother! Mother ! Mother! 171 00:19:27,658 --> 00:19:29,408 Mother! 172 00:19:31,533 --> 00:19:33,283 Mother! 173 00:19:34,408 --> 00:19:36,700 Stop, Mom! Stop! 174 00:19:38,825 --> 00:19:40,033 Please. 175 00:19:40,408 --> 00:19:43,033 Don't do that again, Mom. 176 00:19:43,408 --> 00:19:49,700 Mother! Don't do that again to me, Mom. / I'm here. 177 00:19:50,408 --> 00:19:53,242 Maybe you can go there. 178 00:19:58,825 --> 00:20:05,325 Come on! We go to that tree. / Yes, yes. 179 00:20:05,325 --> 00:20:08,283 This is perfect. Perfect. 180 00:20:10,867 --> 00:20:15,700 Don't move! Please don't move! 181 00:20:18,325 --> 00:20:20,950 Just keep quiet. 182 00:20:23,450 --> 00:20:28,242 I'm a brave kid, Mom. But I'm afraid. 183 00:20:45,033 --> 00:20:46,700 I'm afraid too. 184 00:20:52,033 --> 00:20:55,325 Where are everyone? 185 00:21:01,283 --> 00:21:05,992 I don't know, dear! I don't know. 186 00:21:58,450 --> 00:22:00,575 Mother. 187 00:22:04,908 --> 00:22:06,825 What? 188 00:22:06,867 --> 00:22:08,825 You're bleeding, Mom. 189 00:22:10,450 --> 00:22:13,283 Gosh! < br /> Oh! 190 00:22:36,158 --> 00:22:37,575 It's OK. 191 00:22:37,867 --> 00:22:40,742 I can't see you like this. / It's okay. 192 00:22:40,867 --> 00:22:42,867 I... , Really? 193 00:22:47,200 --> 00:22:48,575 You're walking first. 194 00:23:28,325 --> 00:23:30,700 There is a big tree there. 195 00:23:30,867 --> 00:23:34,033 Do you think we can climb it? 196 00:24:04,742 --> 00:24:06,492 Alright, come on. 197 00:24:18,158 --> 00:24:19,450 Daddy! 198 00:24:23,867 --> 00:24:25,367 Daddy! 199 00:24:25,992 --> 00:24:28,783 Wait! You hear that? 200 00:24:29,450 --> 00:24:31,783 Mother, there's nothing we can do. / Wait! 201 00:24:31,908 --> 00:24:34,033 We're almost there. We have to be safe. 202 00:24:34,033 --> 00:24:35,325 No, we have to help the voice... 203 00:24:35,325 --> 00:24:38,450 Ma'am, if the wave hits again, we will die. 204 00:24:38,575 --> 00:24:41,283 We have to climb the tree now. 205 00:24:41,450 --> 00:24:43,033 Come on. 206 00:24:43,450 --> 00:24:47,783 Where are you? / Mother, look at yourself, we need help! 207 00:24:48,075 --> 00:24:50,075 We can't take risks. 208 00:24:51,908 --> 00:24:54,575 We can't take risk, Mom. Come on. 209 00:24:55,158 --> 00:24:56,450 Listen. 210 00:24:57,908 --> 00:25:02,033 What if the child Simon or Thomas? 211 00:25:02,033 --> 00:25:04,200 What if they need help? 212 00:25:04,450 --> 00:25:08,075 You want someone to help them, right? / Simon and Thomas are dead! 213 00:25:26,450 --> 00:25:29,450 Even though it's the last thing we do. 214 00:25:34,283 --> 00:25:36,867 Where are you? 215 00:25:40,033 --> 00:25:41,158 Daddy! 216 00:25:47,575 --> 00:25:50,200 Look there, Mom, I saw it. 217 00:26:01,617 --> 00:26:03,200 Are you okay? 218 00:26:07,283 --> 00:26:09,033 Calm down, calm down. 219 00:26:13,325 --> 00:26:15,075 What is your name? 220 00:26:16,742 --> 00:26:19,200 I'm Lucas, what's your name? 221 00:26:19,200 --> 00:26:21,450 Daniel. / Good, Daniel. 222 00:26:21,742 --> 00:26:23,908 Kami akan mengeluarkanmu dari sini, paham ? 223 00:26:24,325 --> 00:26:25,617 Carry him. 224 00:26:26,617 --> 00:26:29,450 Calm down. Calm down. 225 00:26:30,783 --> 00:26:32,367 Are you okay? 226 00:27:07,533 --> 00:27:08,783 Good! 227 00:27:09,658 --> 00:27:11,200 Are you okay? 228 00:27:12,450 --> 00:27:17,158 Calm down, baby! Come on! 229 00:27:17,617 --> 00:27:20,492 Shut up here, I'm back soon. 230 00:27:27,242 --> 00:27:31,658 Mom, I'm going down Wait a minute. / No, I can. 231 00:27:31,658 --> 00:27:34,742 Mother, I'm down. / I can do it, Lucas! 232 00:27:35,158 --> 00:27:37,783 Stay there. 233 00:27:54,783 --> 00:27:57,033 p> 234 00:29:31,492 --> 00:29:33,492 Mother. Mother. 235 00:33:03,117 --> 00:33:05,075 Thank you. Thank you! 236 00:33:12,950 --> 00:33:15,575 Do you hear that? 237 00:33:15,825 --> 00:33:19,158 Mother, look. They come for us. 238 00:33:21,117 --> 00:33:22,783 Hey, here! 239 00:33:23,700 --> 00:33:25,700 Hey! 240 00:33:26,117 --> 00:33:28,242 Get down, Lucas. 241 00:33:31,242 --> 00:33:33,492 Oh, be careful! 242 00:33:50,700 --> 00:33:53,408 Oh no! 243 00:33:53,408 --> 00:33:55,408 No, no, no! 244 00:35:20,742 --> 00:35:23,283 Wait! 245 00:35:55,408 --> 00:35:56,408 Lucas? / Mother, I here. 246 00:36:01,533 --> 00:36:06,408 Thank you! 247 00:36:10,033 --> 00:36:12,325 Thank you very much. 248 00:36:12,700 --> 00:36:14,117 Oh! 249 00:36:17,283 --> 00:36:19,700 My child! 250 00:36:19,992 --> 00:36:23,408 I did not find them, my children. 251 00:36:29,408 --> 00:36:31,658 My children. 252 00:36:39,700 --> 00:36:41,408 Lucas! 253 00:36:47,575 --> 00:36:48,867 Lucas! 254 00:37:02,450 --> 00:37:04,575 Don't let them take me without you. 255 00:37:04,575 --> 00:37:08,242 Don't worry , Ma'am. I won't leave you alone. I promise. 256 00:37:13,033 --> 00:37:14,617 Ready! 257 00:37:16,825 --> 00:37:19,408 Where is Daniel? What about Daniel? 258 00:37:19,408 --> 00:37:19,825 Daniel? 259 00:37:19,825 --> 00:37:21,742 Lucas, where is Daniel ? 260 00:37:23,325 --> 00:37:24,742 I don't know. 261 00:39:37,117 --> 00:39:38,200 Thank you! 262 00:39:40,033 --> 00:39:41,450 Thank you! 263 00:39:56,908 --> 00:40:00,742 It's very cold here. / here it's not cold, Mom. 264 00:40:06,033 --> 00:40:07,492 Mother. 265 00:40:09,450 --> 00:40:11,117 Mother, what's wrong? 266 00:40:11,867 --> 00:40:15,033 I need antibiotics. Look in the closet. 267 00:40:19,783 --> 00:40:22,158 > 268 00:40:22,158 --> 00:40:25,700 There is no label. All Thai writing. 269 00:40:25,742 --> 00:40:27,450 Good! / Let me see, Lucas. 270 00:40:31,158 --> 00:40:32,575 Oh, thank God! 271 00:40:32,575 --> 00:40:33,450 Oh, thank you! 272 00:40:34,992 --> 00:40:36,450 You saw the child this? 273 00:40:37,158 --> 00:40:40,200 Only me he has. Do you understand? 274 00:40:40,867 --> 00:40:44,575 I'm also a doctor. I'm bleeding. You have to stop it. 275 00:40:45,325 --> 00:40:48,325 Please, I need antibiotics. Please. 276 00:41:13,908 --> 00:41:18,450 Are you okay? / I lost my husband and two children. 277 00:41:20,908 --> 00:41:23,325 If anything happens to me..., 278 00:41:55,450 --> 00:41:57,325 What is the color? 279 00:41:57,742 --> 00:42:00,575 What? / Mother's feet. 280 00:42:01,992 --> 00:42:06,617 Still red? / Yes, it's still red. 281 00:42:07,992 --> 00:42:10,617 What does that mean? / That's good. 282 00:42:10,992 --> 00:42:13,617 As long as it doesn't turn black. 283 00:42:18,575 --> 00:42:20,283 p> 284 00:42:21,158 --> 00:42:23,367 I have to eat. 285 00:42:28,867 --> 00:42:34,325 Eat. 286 00:42:46,033 --> 00:42:47,492 Don't like to force it! / I imitate someone. 287 00:42:49,158 --> 00:42:51,492 Hello! 288 00:42:55,033 --> 00:43:00,867 My name is Maria, and this is my child, Lucas. What's your name? 289 00:43:08,367 --> 00:43:11,075 Hey, give him the orange. 290 00:43:12,158 --> 00:43:14,367 He must be hungry! 291 00:43:24,325 --> 00:43:25,783 Slow down! 292 00:43:29,242 --> 00:43:32,575 Turn your head to the side. You will choke if you don't. 293 00:43:33,950 --> 00:43:35,908 Please, please! He needs help. 294 00:43:35,950 --> 00:43:39,908 Turn his head! Please Lucas, please! 295 00:43:47,325 --> 00:43:48,783 Mom, are you okay? 296 00:43:48,783 --> 00:43:51,533 Mother, are you okay? 297 00:43:51,533 --> 00:43:53,158 What are you doing? 298 00:43:54,075 --> 00:43:55,533 Ma'am, you don't okay? 299 00:43:58,950 --> 00:44:01,617 Mom, stop, stop! Enough! 300 00:44:01,867 --> 00:44:04,367 Mother, stop it! Mother! 301 00:44:05,908 --> 00:44:08,742 Mother, stop it! 302 00:44:49,617 --> 00:44:53,742 Francisca! Francisca! 303 00:45:10,908 --> 00:45:18,033 Lucas, look at this place. They are very busy here . 304 00:45:18,658 --> 00:45:21,450 You have to go and do something. 305 00:45:22,200 --> 00:45:25,492 Help someone else. You're good at helping people. 306 00:45:25,658 --> 00:45:31,783 What should I do? / Anything. 307 00:45:33,950 --> 00:45:35,075 You will be fine? 308 00:45:35,367 --> 00:45:40,617 Come on, Lucas! Mom won't go anywhere 309 00:45:42,450 --> 00:45:44,950 Mother promises. / Good. 310 00:46:17,742 --> 00:46:18,658 That's your family? 311 00:46:18,658 --> 00:46:20,658 Aldolph, Joseph, Walton. 312 00:46:21,033 --> 00:46:24,075 You're looking Your family? / Did you see them, Benstrom? 313 00:46:24,075 --> 00:46:27,492 Calm down! I'll help you. Understand? 314 00:46:27,492 --> 00:46:31,700 I... I'm just looking for Joseph. 315 00:46:31,783 --> 00:46:34,658 I'll help you. Understood? 316 00:46:35,908 --> 00:46:37,033 Yes. 317 00:46:37,200 --> 00:46:38,908 Are you Benstrom? 318 00:46:40,658 --> 00:46:42,492 Are you Benstrom? 319 00:46:44,075 --> 00:46:47,408 Excuse me, I'm looking for Morten Benstrom ? 320 00:46:47,492 --> 00:46:48,950 Morten Benstrom? 321 00:46:49,075 --> 00:46:51,533 Excuse me! Excuse me! 322 00:46:52,367 --> 00:46:54,658 I'm looking for my child. 323 00:46:54,658 --> 00:46:57,492 Your child?
/ Peter Barry. 324 00:46:58,367 --> 00:47:01,908 Yes. He must be looking for me. / Good! 325 00:47:02,492 --> 00:47:04,408 Peter Barry? 326 00:47:05,533 --> 00:47:06,783 Morten Benstrom ? 327 00:47:07,200 --> 00:47:11,783 Morten Benstrom? Peter Barry? Joseph? 328 00:47:13,075 --> 00:47:13,783 Anne-Marie. 329 00:47:16,367 --> 00:47:17,908 Sorry, what's the name? 330 00:47:17,950 --> 00:47:20,700 Anne-Marie de Von! Does anyone know? 331 00:47:20,825 --> 00:47:22,617 Radha Castorini. 332 00:47:22,825 --> 00:47:25,658 Tatiana..., Tatiana Jenochova. 333 00:47:26,075 --> 00:47:28,825 Kadum Pasedi. / Pas... Pasii? 334 00:47:29,783 --> 00:47:32,825 Joseph Benstrom, anyone knows? 335 00:47:32,950 --> 00:47:34,492 Pasegadi? 336 00:47:36,075 --> 00:47:40,325 Morten Benstrom? Radha Castorini? 337 00:47:40,533 --> 00:47:42,658 Erik Stolman..., 338 00:47:51,783 --> 00:47:53,825 Anne-Marie De Brown? 339 00:47:57,533 --> 00:48:00,533 Morten Benstrom? / Yes. 340 00:48:12,908 --> 00:48:15,992 Morten Benstrom from Sweden? / Yes. 341 00:48:17,908 --> 00:48:20,825 I know your father. / Papa? 342 00:48:20,825 --> 00:48:22,492 Yes, your father is here. 343 00:48:22,492 --> 00:48:24,908 I'll bring him here, understand? / Yes. 344 00:48:25,075 --> 00:48:26,658 No, no, no, You stay here. 345 00:48:26,950 --> 00:48:29,367 I'll bring your father here. Understand? 346 00:48:29,492 --> 00:48:32,075 No! No, you're here. Stay here..., 347 00:48:32,075 --> 00:48:34,783 ... because the place is so far away, you have to rest, can you? 348 00:48:34,950 --> 00:48:36,117 Yes? 349 00:48:36,492 --> 00:48:38,242 Yes. 350 00:48:59,908 --> 00:49:01,242 Benstrom! 351 00:50:22,242 --> 00:50:24,242 Where is my mother? 352 00:50:25,283 --> 00:50:27,367 Mother? 353 00:50:29,408 --> 00:50:30,700 Mother? 354 00:50:32,367 --> 00:50:34,533 355 00:50:36,783 --> 00:50:39,533 356 00:50:39,533 --> 00:50:42,533 Mother? p> 357 00:50:44,242 --> 00:50:45,367 Mother! 358 00:50:47,658 --> 00:50:52,158 No, no, what are you doing? 359 00:50:57,408 --> 00:51:02,242 This is my mother's bed! Go! 360 00:51:02,242 --> 00:51:03,533 Go! / Okay, come on! 361 00:51:04,158 --> 00:51:07,242 Calm down! Calm down, kid! / No! My mother is here. He took the file. 362 00:51:48,450 --> 00:51:49,950 Listen, come with me. I'll help you. 363 00:51:53,450 --> 00:51:57,450 Understand? 364 00:51:59,533 --> 00:52:02,408 Yes. Yes. 365 00:52:03,033 --> 00:52:04,408 What is your name? 366 00:52:04,575 --> 00:52:10,117 What is your name? / Lucas Bennett. 367 00:52:10,117 --> 00:52:12,283 Where do you live? 368 00:52:14,992 --> 00:52:16,033 Lucas? 369 00:52:17,992 --> 00:52:20,658 My father, and my two sisters. 370 00:52:23,658 --> 00:52:26,408 Do you know what happened to them? 371 00:52:30,408 --> 00:52:34,575 Can we contact you? / Uh... uh..., 372 00:52:35,992 --> 00:52:37,575 My grandfather. 373 00:52:37,575 --> 00:52:38,950 What is his name? 374 00:52:38,992 --> 00:52:43,825 Bryan, but..., > But I don't remember the number. 375 00:54:50,867 --> 00:54:52,992 Lucas? 376 00:54:56,283 --> 00:54:57,867 Lucas? 377 00:55:08,575 --> 00:55:10,533 Maria? 378 00:55:11,575 --> 00:55:13,617 Maria? 379 00:55:14,867 --> 00:55:16,825 Lucas? 380 00:55:20,158 --> 00:55:21,617 Lucas? 381 00:55:21,992 --> 00:55:24,158 Maria! 382 00:55:27,575 --> 00:55:29,533 Lucas! 383 00:55:32,575 --> 00:55:35,283 Maria! 384 00:57:04,450 --> 00:57:06,867 Hey! You're okay? 385 00:57:07,325 --> 00:57:10,158 I'm fine. 386 00:57:10,992 --> 00:57:12,450 I'll be up soon. 387 00:57:12,450 --> 00:57:15,408 No need, they send a truck to the mountains. 388 00:57:15,575 --> 00:57:18,450 Just wait. They will be here soon. / Yes, I know. 389 00:57:19,450 --> 00:57:23,075 Can you tell them I'm back? / Yes, of course. Wait. 390 00:57:28,617 --> 00:57:31,867 Hei anak - anak, ayahmu kembali ! 391 00:57:31,867 --> 00:57:34,783 Daddy! Dad! / Father! 392 00:57:34,783 --> 00:57:37,075 Father! / Father! 393 00:57:37,575 --> 00:57:38,033 Hey! 394 00:57:38,033 --> 00:57:40,700 Outside I saw helicopter fly. 395 00:57:40,742 --> 00:57:42,867 Really? / Yes! 396 00:57:42,867 --> 00:57:44,575 Mother and Lucas..., 397 00:57:46,200 --> 00:57:48,283 Why didn't you come down here for a moment , Thomas? 398 00:57:48,325 --> 00:57:49,450 How about me? 399 00:57:49,450 --> 00:57:52,367 You stay there and see if there is still another helicopter. You can? 400 00:57:52,450 --> 00:57:54,450 Yes. / Smart kid! 401 00:57:57,075 --> 00:57:59,075 A little more. 402 00:58:00,033 --> 00:58:01,325 Can you? 403 00:58:01,908 --> 00:58:02,908 Oh! 404 00:58:04,200 --> 00:58:05,325 Oh! 405 00:58:06,367 --> 00:58:08,575 Gosh! 406 00:58:10,783 --> 00:58:13,158 I can't find them. 407 00:58:14,033 --> 00:58:16,325 You saw a lot of people dead? 408 00:58:19,075 --> 00:58:21,075 Very a lot, Thomas. 409 00:58:21,617 --> 00:58:25,492 It's not mother and Lucas, right? / No, I don't see them. 410 00:58:27,450 --> 00:58:31,367 My legs stepped on a rock, it feels very hot. 411 00:58:31,450 --> 00:58:33,617 Everyone is gone. / Yes. 412 00:58:33,617 --> 00:58:34,908 Can we go? 413 00:58:39,033 --> 00:58:41,075 I want you with them..., 414 00:58:41,283 --> 00:58:43,617 I want you to do something, Thomas. 415 00:58:43,992 --> 00:58:48,325 Everyone has to go to the mountains, to a safe shelter..., 416 00:58:53,033 --> 00:58:54,575 But you can't come with you. 417 00:58:54,575 --> 00:58:56,617 You can't leave we are alone again, Daddy. 418 00:58:56,617 --> 00:58:58,742 Daddy must continue looking for them, understand? 419 00:58:58,783 --> 00:59:00,908 You have to take care of Simon. / No! 420 00:59:00,908 --> 00:59:03,908 No, stay with us, I can't. Listen..., 421 00:59:03,908 --> 00:59:06,742 I've never taken care of someone. 422 00:59:06,783 --> 00:59:09,367 I'm afraid. / I know, Dad knows. 423 00:59:10,158 --> 00:59:12,075 Daddy is scared too. 424 00:59:13,575 --> 00:59:18,075 But you know, the most frightening for fathers..., 425 00:59:19,742 --> 00:59:22,158 When the water hits. / No. 426 00:59:22,283 --> 00:59:26,200 After that, when Dad knows Daddy alone. 427 00:59:26,283 --> 00:59:28,492 That's the scariest part. 428 00:59:28,617 --> 00:59:32,283 Then Daddy sees you both climbing trees. 429 00:59:32,492 --> 00:59:36,450 I don't feel afraid anymore, because Daddy isn't alone. Do you understand? 430 00:59:37,325 --> 00:59:41,450 What if Mom and Lucas are in trouble now? 431 00:59:42,200 --> 00:59:43,617 Imagine how scared they are. 432 00:59:43,617 --> 00:59:49,867 We're looking for them in the shelter. /> / No! Thomas, you have to take care of Simon. 433 00:59:49,908 --> 00:59:52,783 And Daddy will keep looking for them. 434 00:59:53,950 --> 00:59:55,492 Can you? 435 00:59:57,617 --> 00:59:59,242 Can you? 436 01:00:01,075 --> 01:00:03,325 Do you understand? < /p> 437 01:00:30,033 --> 01:00:31,325 Halo. 438 01:00:31,492 --> 01:00:33,492 Yes, I hear you. 439 01:00:34,075 --> 01:00:36,200 I'll look for it. 440 01:00:36,783 --> 01:00:38,492 Are you okay? You lost someone? 441 01:00:38,533 --> 01:00:40,742 We're fine. We just want to get out of here. 442 01:00:44,075 --> 01:00:46,617 Excuse me. I want to call my house. 443 01:00:46,617 --> 01:00:49,033 Can I borrow your cellphone? Just a moment. 444 01:00:49,200 --> 01:00:51,367 Look around you, man, everyone needs something now . 445 01:00:51,367 --> 01:00:54,242 But the battery is running low, and we need this cellphone. 446 01:01:10,617 --> 01:01:12,325 See you tomorrow morning, huh? 447 01:01:12,367 --> 01:01:15,908 You didn't come along? / No, don't join. 448 01:01:16,367 --> 01:01:18,492 Thomas will take care of you, right? 449 01:01:19,200 --> 01:01:25,158 Look, you can take care of yourself, right? And you have to go along with this group. 450 01:01:25,158 --> 01:01:28,242 Daddy soon follows as soon as possible, huh? 451 01:01:29,200 --> 01:01:31,492 Jagara yourself, huh? 452 01:01:33,075 --> 01:01:34,367 Daddy loves you. 453 01:01:38,367 --> 01:01:41,242 Please take care of my children. < br /> / Come with us. 454 01:01:41,325 --> 01:01:43,617 You know it's useless. 455 01:01:44,450 --> 01:01:46,325 I can't stop looking. 456 01:01:50,617 --> 01:01:53,783 Daddy loves you. Tomorrow daddy follows, Daddy promises. 457 01:01:54,367 --> 01:01:55,492 Daddy loves you. 458 01:02:15,242 --> 01:02:17,783 Maria 459 01:02:19,950 --> 01:02:22,200 Lucas! 460 01:02:31,367 --> 01:02:33,325 Maria! 461 01:02:47,325 --> 01:02:48,783 Lucas! 462 01:02:55,617 --> 01:02:57,492 Oh no! No! 463 01:03:13,617 --> 01:03:15,950 Hei, kau tidak apa - apa ? 464 01:03:18,783 --> 01:03:21,200 Enter. We will take you to a safer place. 465 01:03:26,950 --> 01:03:30,783 My wife doesn't want to vacation Christmas in Thailand. 466 01:03:32,950 --> 01:03:34,367 Because of my feet. 467 01:03:38,492 --> 01:03:42,658 I forced, my daughter, Ginna. 468 01:03:44,825 --> 01:03:46,783 She was only two years old. 469 01:03:47,200 --> 01:03:49,492 The noise roused me. 470 01:03:49,492 --> 01:03:51,408 I was alone in the room. 471 01:03:53,325 --> 01:03:57,117 I went to the terrace and see the sea water crashing. 472 01:03:59,325 --> 01:04:03,783 It takes five seconds to reach the stairs, but the water is already there. 473 01:04:04,075 --> 01:04:07,200 That is no more than five seconds . 474 01:04:07,325 --> 01:04:14,367 On the bed, I found a message from My wife containing them on the beach. 475 01:04:19,783 --> 01:04:22,950 You live in the Orchid, right? / Yes. 476 01:04:27,242 --> 01:04:30,700 My whole family was in the pool when the water hit. 477 01:04:32,950 --> 01:04:37,242 First I found my second child, Thomas. He was in a very tall tree. 478 01:04:38,408 --> 01:04:42,242 It's hard to get him down, because he's very scared. 479 01:04:42,908 --> 01:04:48,367 Then I found my youngest child, Simon, he held on to the palm tree. 480 01:04:48,825 --> 01:04:50,658 He was five years old. 481 01:04:54,283 --> 01:04:56,075 I sent them to the mountains. 482 01:04:58,408 --> 01:05:03,200 So that I can continue searching my wife and my eldest son. 483 01:05:07,242 --> 01:05:09,658 The toughest choice I've ever made. 484 01:05:09,992 --> 01:05:13,242 You have called your house? / I don't have a phone. 485 01:05:19,367 --> 01:05:24,075 I save my battery, watch out if my family calls. 486 01:05:24,783 --> 01:05:26,367 Please. 487 01:05:27,200 --> 01:05:30,408 Thank you! Just a minute, I promise. 488 01:05:41,367 --> 01:05:42,950 Yes? / Bryan? 489 01:05:42,950 --> 01:05:46,242 Yes Henry, thank God! How are you doing? 490 01:05:46,242 --> 01:05:49,908 You can call from others? / No Henry, you're the first. 491 01:05:49,950 --> 01:05:53,825 Is everything okay? Henry? 492 01:05:53,908 --> 01:05:55,533 Maria and Lucas aren't here . 493 01:05:55,825 --> 01:05:57,658 What do you mean, nothing? 494 01:05:58,700 --> 01:06:01,283 The waves come and sweep everyone. 495 01:06:02,117 --> 01:06:07,408 I found Thomas and Simon, But Maria and Lucas don't! 496 01:06:09,700 --> 01:06:12,658 I'm confused and don't know < br /> where to look for them! 497 01:06:13,117 --> 01:06:15,992 Henry. Calm down! 498 01:06:16,242 --> 01:06:21,242 Henry? Henry? / I have to go. Many need this phone. 499 01:06:21,533 --> 01:06:24,075 I'll call again later. / Henry? 500 01:06:39,867 --> 01:06:42,533 Sorry, sorry. 501 01:06:43,950 --> 01:06:45,117 Thank you. 502 01:06:58,658 --> 01:07:02,575 I have to do it? / You can't break the phone. 503 01:07:02,950 --> 01:07:06,825 Come on. Come on! 504 01:07:09,075 --> 01:07:11,992 Hurry up, guys! 505 01:07:15,117 --> 01:07:16,825 Call him again. 506 01:07:23,533 --> 01:07:25,992 Yes, Henry? / Bryan, this is me again. Listen..., 507 01:07:26,075 --> 01:07:28,950 I promised I wouldn't stop until got them. Did you hear? 508 01:07:29,075 --> 01:07:29,450 Yes! 509 01:07:29,450 --> 01:07:32,408 I'm confused about what, because is now night, but I will... 510 01:07:32,450 --> 01:07:35,950 I'll search in all hospitals, shelter, everything. 511 01:07:35,950 --> 01:07:38,117 I'll find them. I promise. 512 01:07:38,117 --> 01:07:39,783 I'll call if I find it. < br /> / Yes. 513 01:07:39,783 --> 01:07:42,117 Yes. / OK. 514 01:07:43,992 --> 01:07:46,408 Thank you. 515 01:07:50,825 --> 01:07:52,700 May I come with you? 516 01:08:08,242 --> 01:08:13,283 I'm afraid. / Close your eyes, and think of something good. 517 01:08:23,867 --> 01:08:25,950 May I sit with you? 518 01:08:42,867 --> 01:08:44,408 How old are you? 519 01:08:46,575 --> 01:08:50,283 Almost seventy four. You yourself? 520 01:08:50,367 --> 01:08:52,450 Seven and a half. 521 01:08:53,575 --> 01:08:57,283 Don't lower me. 522 01:08:57,450 --> 01:09:00,825 Is he okay? / Yes, he'll be fine. 523 01:09:01,242 --> 01:09:04,117 With a blanket, he's fine. 524 01:09:09,658 --> 01:09:11,992 You like to see stars, right? 525 01:09:12,408 --> 01:09:16,408 Yes, like a collection of Alaskan stars. 526 01:09:16,950 --> 01:09:19,825 Here the sky is different. 527 01:09:21,950 --> 01:09:28,283 Some of those stars have not shone very long. 528 01:09:29,242 --> 01:09:30,825 Do you know that? 529 01:09:32,408 --> 01:09:34,242 They died, right? 530 01:09:38,575 --> 01:09:43,117 They were dead, but they were very bright at one time. 531 01:09:43,117 --> 01:09:46,992 Their light still exploring space. 532 01:09:46,992 --> 01:09:49,700 And we can still see them. 533 01:09:50,408 --> 01:09:53,575 How do you know who is dead and not? 534 01:09:53,658 --> 01:09:56,283 No, it can't. Impossible! 535 01:10:01,450 --> 01:10:04,283 This is a beautiful mystery, isn't it? 536 01:10:29,700 --> 01:10:33,408 Lucas Bennett, can you come with me? 537 01:10:41,408 --> 01:10:43,158 Sit down. 538 01:10:59,908 --> 01:11:02,617 Your name is Lucas Bennett, right? 539 01:11:03,867 --> 01:11:06,700 Yes. / And your mother's name is Maria Bennett? 540 01:11:06,700 --> 01:11:09,117 Right? 541 01:11:09,700 --> 01:11:14,992 We want you to see this. Do you recognize one of them? 542 01:11:15,825 --> 01:11:17,617 Look carefully! 543 01:11:20,533 --> 01:11:22,617 Just slow down. 544 01:11:38,700 --> 01:11:43,283 Something do you recognize? / I don't know. 545 01:11:43,700 --> 01:11:46,283 You don't know? 546 01:11:51,450 --> 01:11:53,283 Yes! 547 01:11:54,450 --> 01:11:57,992 Do you know anything? / I don't think so. 548 01:11:58,033 --> 01:12:00,575 Don't you think? 549 01:12:03,992 --> 01:12:05,575 Lucas? 550 01:12:09,325 --> 01:12:11,450 Can you come with us? 551 01:12:28,033 --> 01:12:29,742 > 552 01:12:36,283 --> 01:12:40,158 Mother. 553 01:12:41,200 --> 01:12:46,158 Where have you been? / Where have I been? 554 01:12:51,283 --> 01:12:52,617 Where have you been? You promised you wouldn't go anywhere. 555 01:12:55,742 --> 01:13:00,033 I thought Mother died. 556 01:13:07,575 --> 01:13:09,617 Sorry. / I thought Mother died. 557 01:13:12,742 --> 01:13:15,783 We are really sorry. 558 01:13:16,325 --> 01:13:17,783 There must be changed the document during the operation. 559 01:13:20,158 --> 01:13:26,575 How was it? 560 01:13:26,617 --> 01:13:30,033 He underwent surgery on his chest, but he lost a lot of blood. 561 01:13:30,283 --> 01:13:33,617 He too weak for in his leg surgery. 562 01:13:33,992 --> 01:13:36,742 He had to be operated on again when he recovered. 563 01:14:46,200 --> 01:14:48,450 But he would be fine, right? 564 01:14:48,575 --> 01:14:49,992 None. What's next? 565 01:14:50,158 --> 01:14:53,492 We have to hitch a ride to Kathu Apal Hospital. 566 01:15:17,283 --> 01:15:19,283 Where are my children? / They bring it. 567 01:15:19,742 --> 01:15:21,908 They don't allow me. Sorry. / Where are you? 568 01:15:21,908 --> 01:15:23,325 I don't know. 569 01:15:43,325 --> 01:15:46,867 I want to pee. / You have to wait, Simon. 570 01:17:20,367 --> 01:17:23,200 Mom, mother. Wake up. 571 01:17:24,075 --> 01:17:26,742 Mom, guess who I saw outside. 572 01:17:27,158 --> 01:17:30,325 My legs. How is my foot? 573 01:17:43,783 --> 01:17:45,658 Still red. 574 01:18:06,200 --> 01:18:10,492 Please, my mother. The wound has worsened. 575 01:18:12,492 --> 01:18:14,367 We do our best. 576 01:18:14,783 --> 01:18:18,617 We will soon operate your mother. 577 01:18:37,783 --> 01:18:40,825 No, no, five minutes. Wait five minutes, please! 578 01:18:41,908 --> 01:18:42,742 Good! 579 01:18:42,742 --> 01:18:45,033 I don't want you late. 580 01:18:45,950 --> 01:18:50,367 This is the name of my daughter Ginna and Kathie, my wife. Americans. 581 01:18:50,533 --> 01:18:52,492 Kau mau melihat daftarnya untukku ? / Tentu. 582 01:18:52,533 --> 01:18:58,825 They said his daughter might be in the Farmer Letter. We have been to this hospital. 583 01:18:58,825 --> 01:19:03,117 We have checked all hospitals. Except for this, please. 584 01:19:03,200 --> 01:19:05,533 Five minutes, please! Only five minutes! 585 01:19:05,533 --> 01:19:06,408 Good! 586 01:19:06,408 --> 01:19:09,742 I won't be long. I will be back soon. 587 01:19:24,950 --> 01:19:29,200 Lucas... Lucas..., 588 01:19:31,325 --> 01:19:34,408 What's left on the tin? 589 01:19:40,033 --> 01:19:43,950 Fine, I'm looking for something. 590 01:22:00,242 --> 01:22:01,658 Daddy? 591 01:22:03,242 --> 01:22:04,658 Daddy! 592 01:22:06,492 --> 01:22:07,950 Daddy! 593 01:22:09,533 --> 01:22:10,783 Daddy! 594 01:22:16,367 --> 01:22:17,575 Daddy! 595 01:22:47,492 --> 01:22:49,658 I want to pee. / Can do you hold it? 596 01:22:49,700 --> 01:22:52,242 No. 597 01:22:54,575 --> 01:22:56,950 Simon, what are you doing? 598 01:23:05,575 --> 01:23:08,992 Hurry up, they will leave us. What are you doing? 599 01:23:32,950 --> 01:23:36,867 Poor. / Sorry. 600 01:23:40,408 --> 01:23:43,408 Sorry, thank you for waiting. 601 01:23:44,408 --> 01:23:46,075 Good! We leave. 602 01:24:28,533 --> 01:24:30,950 Ayah ! 603 01:24:31,283 --> 01:24:33,575 That's Lucas! 604 01:24:33,992 --> 01:24:42,367 Lucas! Lucas! / Lucas! Lucas! 605 01:24:43,992 --> 01:24:46,117 Lucas! / Lucas! 606 01:24:46,117 --> 01:24:51,283 Simon! Thomas! / Lucas! Lucas! 607 01:25:28,158 --> 01:25:29,825 Are you okay? 608 01:25:40,408 --> 01:25:41,658 Lucas! 609 01:25:44,033 --> 01:25:45,742 Daddy! / Lucas! 610 01:25:45,992 --> 01:25:48,117 Daddy! < Daddy! 611 01:25:49,575 --> 01:25:50,825 Lucas! 612 01:25:53,533 --> 01:25:55,700 Daddy! / Lucas! 613 01:25:57,283 --> 01:25:58,283 Daddy! / Lucas! 614 01:25:59,242 --> 01:26:02,408 Father! Father! 615 01:26:16,825 --> 01:26:20,242 We leave, no need to wait. 616 01:26:35,408 --> 01:26:37,325 Mother is here. / What? 617 01:26:38,408 --> 01:26:42,158 He is very weak. Sometimes he says strange things. 618 01:26:42,450 --> 01:26:45,408 The nurse will immediately operate it. 619 01:26:50,408 --> 01:26:53,742 Mother, see who this is. 620 01:27:01,533 --> 01:27:06,158 Hey! Hey, baby! 621 01:27:14,992 --> 01:27:16,158 Mother. 622 01:27:19,033 --> 01:27:22,283 All is well? / We're all fine. 623 01:27:30,575 --> 01:27:34,617 I'll die. < br /> / No, no. 624 01:27:40,617 --> 01:27:42,450 Allow this to be removed? 625 01:27:43,450 --> 01:27:45,700 I am responsible. 626 01:27:58,533 --> 01:28:05,158 You're back? / Yes. 627 01:28:08,533 --> 01:28:10,742 I can rest now. 628 01:28:17,117 --> 01:28:22,033 Maria, what? What, honey? 629 01:28:22,575 --> 01:28:26,117 I'm dying. / No, no. 630 01:28:26,867 --> 01:28:32,158 You'll be fine. / Take care of my children. 631 01:28:32,158 --> 01:28:35,283 Hey, that's not my goal here. 632 01:28:36,158 --> 01:28:38,867 You'll be fine because they will take care of you, huh? 633 01:28:38,908 --> 01:28:41,575 I promise you will alright. 634 01:28:42,158 --> 01:28:46,533 Henry. I'm afraid. / We'll be fine. 635 01:28:47,033 --> 01:28:48,325 Henry! 636 01:28:48,700 --> 01:28:50,742 I promise we will be fine. 637 01:28:51,908 --> 01:28:55,742 We will operate it . We have to bring it now. 638 01:28:56,158 --> 01:28:57,575 Please. 639 01:29:02,283 --> 01:29:06,033 I love you. You will be fine. 640 01:29:06,825 --> 01:29:10,492 I love you so much . I love you. 641 01:29:12,450 --> 01:29:14,200 You have to go now. 642 01:29:14,867 --> 01:29:17,117 You know I love you. 643 01:29:17,492 --> 01:29:20,325 I'm sorry, I have to take your hands off. 644 01:30:09,117 --> 01:30:10,700 Lucas..., 645 01:30:11,700 --> 01:30:13,908 Thank you for taking care of your mother. 646 01:30:15,575 --> 01:30:17,783 We look after each other . 647 01:30:18,283 --> 01:30:19,992 Yes. 648 01:30:24,325 --> 01:30:28,075 Dad? / Yes. 649 01:30:28,158 --> 01:30:30,450 There is something I didn't tell to Mother..., 650 01:30:30,742 --> 01:30:34,325 ... and I really want him to know. 651 01:31:00,200 --> 01:31:02,367 I also have a family. 652 01:31:06,033 --> 01:31:08,908 I gather my strength. 653 01:31:09,158 --> 01:31:13,908 Because I want to see < they are once more. 654 01:32:05,200 --> 01:32:06,908 No, no. 655 01:32:07,283 --> 01:32:09,200 Oh, how important? 656 01:32:10,200 --> 01:32:15,033 We don't want you in pain. / I'm afraid of falling asleep . 657 01:32:15,575 --> 01:32:17,492 You're in the hands of experts. 658 01:32:18,950 --> 01:32:21,742 Close your eyes and think something nice. 659 01:32:24,033 --> 01:32:26,325 Think of something fun. 660 01:35:53,075 --> 01:35:55,658 Mother is okay, Lucas. 661 01:35:57,658 --> 01:35:59,325 We will go home. 662 01:36:14,950 --> 01:36:17,783 Tn. Bennett, aku penanggung jawab asuransi perjalanan. 663 01:36:17,783 --> 01:36:21,033 We were sent to take care of your family. There is nothing to worry about. 664 01:36:21,617 --> 01:36:23,742 In a few hours, we will be at the Singapore General Hospital. 665 01:36:23,742 --> 01:36:26,908 Where your wife will accept the best treatment. 666 01:36:27,367 --> 01:36:30,908 These people will take you to the plane. See you there. 667 01:36:30,950 --> 01:36:32,658 Have a nice flight. 668 01:37:15,825 --> 01:37:17,658 Where are we going? 669 01:37:19,242 --> 01:37:24,075 They took us to Singapore. We will be comfortable there. 670 01:37:27,700 --> 01:37:31,117 Please sit down! We will take off soon. 671 01:37:31,242 --> 01:37:32,242 Good. 672 01:37:52,700 --> 01:37:55,617 Can I... / Yes, please. Wait a moment. 673 01:38:10,533 --> 01:38:12,408 What is the situation? 674 01:38:14,075 --> 01:38:16,658 Here with Mother. 675 01:38:21,200 --> 01:38:25,992 Mom, guess what? 676 01:38:28,492 --> 01:38:30,658 I saw Daniel again. 677 01:38:33,242 --> 01:38:35,242 I saw Daniel again. 678 01:38:38,658 --> 01:38:40,533 I saw Daniel again. p> 679 01:38:43,658 --> 01:38:45,367 He is very happy. 680 01:38:53,492 --> 01:38:55,783 He is carrying someone. 681 01:39:00,533 --> 01:39:03,533 I love you so much. 682 01:39:11,658 --> 01:39:14,825 Thank you. Thank you. 683 01:39:16,658 --> 01:39:19,575 Sorry, but you have to go back to your seat now. 684 01:39:28,825 --> 01:39:31,408 Please fasten the seat belt. 685 01:39:32,408 --> 01:39:38,533 I don't want to. / No? You have to fasten your seat belt on the plane. 686 01:40:14,075 --> 01:40:17,575 We are on the beach. 687 01:40:32,117 --> 01:40:34,783 Tenang. Tenang, sayang.