1 00:01:36,847 --> 00:01:39,600 Peter, are you okay? 2 00:01:45,814 --> 00:01:47,816 You're up early today. 3 00:02:54,925 --> 00:02:55,926 CURSE - GRUDGE 4 00:04:14,796 --> 00:04:16,256 Hi. 5 00:04:17,549 --> 00:04:19,551 Excuse me. 6 00:04:25,933 --> 00:04:27,226 Hi, Emma. 7 00:04:27,601 --> 00:04:29,645 lt's good to see you again. 8 00:04:34,566 --> 00:04:36,360 Do you remember me? 9 00:04:37,528 --> 00:04:38,904 lt's Yoko. 10 00:08:18,999 --> 00:08:22,044 -Sorry. Did l wake you? -Bottom drawer. 11 00:08:31,929 --> 00:08:33,263 Thank you. 12 00:08:34,264 --> 00:08:37,100 -You know me so well. -Come back to bed. 13 00:08:37,142 --> 00:08:40,437 l can't. l'm gonna be late for my architecture midterm. 14 00:08:41,021 --> 00:08:42,648 Check your watch. 15 00:08:50,113 --> 00:08:52,908 l set the clock an hour ahead last night. 16 00:08:57,329 --> 00:08:59,414 Maybe you know me too well. 17 00:09:05,921 --> 00:09:08,882 l'm really glad you decided to come here with me. 18 00:09:08,966 --> 00:09:11,802 -Me, too. -You sure? 19 00:09:12,261 --> 00:09:14,680 Of course. Why? 20 00:09:15,472 --> 00:09:19,309 -lt's a big deal, you know. -Lots of people go abroad. 21 00:09:20,477 --> 00:09:23,981 Besides, you've been dreaming about coming here forever. 22 00:09:24,147 --> 00:09:26,733 l'm Just glad we could be together. 23 00:09:33,657 --> 00:09:36,660 -Don't you have class today? -Nope. 24 00:09:36,702 --> 00:09:39,329 Just have to pick up a book l left at the Care Center. 25 00:09:39,413 --> 00:09:44,001 Come on, you could spare 10 minutes. l promise l'll get you to class on time. 26 00:10:25,751 --> 00:10:29,671 -Where are you going? -Come here. l wanna show you something. 27 00:10:36,261 --> 00:10:38,096 lt's a Buddhist ritual. 28 00:10:38,180 --> 00:10:42,059 The incense smoke carries the prayers to the spirits of their ancestors. 29 00:10:42,142 --> 00:10:43,977 lt's to help them find peace. 30 00:10:47,689 --> 00:10:50,359 They must have lost someone they loved. 31 00:10:56,448 --> 00:10:57,950 Excuse me. 32 00:10:59,660 --> 00:11:01,078 Come on. 33 00:11:11,505 --> 00:11:13,549 -Karen? -Yes, Alex? 34 00:11:14,341 --> 00:11:18,178 -Are you free this afternoon? -Just a test to study for. Why? 35 00:11:19,555 --> 00:11:22,808 Your wish has been granted. Your first visit alone. 36 00:11:23,308 --> 00:11:26,895 Just make sure she has what she needs, and help out around the house. 37 00:11:26,937 --> 00:11:30,482 lt's Yoko's case, but she didn't show up for work this morning. 38 00:11:31,275 --> 00:11:34,570 l can't get her on the phone. She must be sick or something. 39 00:11:34,611 --> 00:11:36,947 And she has the damn house key. 40 00:11:38,198 --> 00:11:39,908 What's this phrase? 41 00:11:41,159 --> 00:11:45,455 That's ''severe lethargy with mild dementia.'' 42 00:11:47,124 --> 00:11:50,335 Apparently, she sleeps through most of the day. 43 00:11:51,628 --> 00:11:55,007 Her daughter-in-law doesn't work, so she'll probably be there. 44 00:11:56,008 --> 00:11:59,469 lt's an English-language house, so you should be fine. 45 00:11:59,970 --> 00:12:01,471 Here's the address. 46 00:12:01,513 --> 00:12:03,515 You can use the wall chart if you need help... 47 00:12:03,599 --> 00:12:06,768 and don't forget to bring a map, okay? 48 00:12:10,480 --> 00:12:13,108 Don't worry, Karen. You're ready. 49 00:14:35,626 --> 00:14:37,002 Hello? 50 00:14:58,315 --> 00:14:59,942 ls anybody here? 51 00:15:19,795 --> 00:15:23,173 Oh, my God. Are you all right? Come here. 52 00:15:43,235 --> 00:15:44,611 Okay, Emma. 53 00:15:45,904 --> 00:15:49,157 My name's Karen Davis. 54 00:15:50,659 --> 00:15:55,372 l'm from the Care Center. l'm substituting for Yoko, Just for today. 55 00:16:37,748 --> 00:16:39,166 Hello? 56 00:18:06,170 --> 00:18:10,299 Yes, he was shut in the closet. There was tape all around the door. 57 00:18:12,259 --> 00:18:14,052 They're not home yet. 58 00:18:15,679 --> 00:18:19,308 l don't know. Emma still hasn't said a word to me. 59 00:18:21,518 --> 00:18:23,937 No, he won't come down. 60 00:18:24,479 --> 00:18:28,567 l know. l'm sorry, Alex. Okay. 61 00:18:28,692 --> 00:18:31,111 Just get here as soon as you can. 62 00:20:29,188 --> 00:20:30,772 Toshio. 63 00:20:47,331 --> 00:20:50,459 Matthew and Jennifer aren't around. Leave a message. 64 00:20:51,293 --> 00:20:55,631 Hey, guys, it's Susan. Matt, are you there? Pick up. 65 00:20:56,507 --> 00:20:59,801 Okay, I'm Ieaving work now, so you can try my ceII... 66 00:20:59,843 --> 00:21:02,221 or give me a caII at home Iater. 67 00:21:03,889 --> 00:21:06,058 I Just want to make sure Mom's okay. 68 00:21:06,141 --> 00:21:08,602 So Just caII me when you can, okay? 69 00:21:48,308 --> 00:21:50,227 Who are you talking to? 70 00:21:57,234 --> 00:21:59,987 l Just want her to leave me alone. 71 00:22:03,907 --> 00:22:07,077 You need to get some rest, okay? 72 00:22:31,768 --> 00:22:32,060 LOOKlNG FOR OCCUPANT Happy Home Sect. Ltd. 73 00:22:32,060 --> 00:22:34,229 LOOKlNG FOR OCCUPANT Happy Home Sect. Ltd. 74 00:22:57,836 --> 00:23:00,422 Welcome. What do you think? 75 00:23:03,467 --> 00:23:04,801 Your shoes. 76 00:23:06,595 --> 00:23:09,473 -Even in your own house? -Even in your own house. 77 00:23:13,936 --> 00:23:15,854 lt's perfect for Mom. 78 00:23:16,772 --> 00:23:19,691 She won't even have to deal with the stairs. 79 00:23:28,826 --> 00:23:31,829 -Hey, where's Mom? -l'll look for her. 80 00:23:47,427 --> 00:23:48,679 Mom? 81 00:23:50,597 --> 00:23:52,099 Where are you? 82 00:24:01,608 --> 00:24:05,404 Come on, Mom. You know what the doctor said about stairs. 83 00:24:07,030 --> 00:24:09,616 -ls she okay? -Yeah. 84 00:24:09,700 --> 00:24:11,160 Hey, Mom. 85 00:24:13,704 --> 00:24:14,997 What? 86 00:24:15,914 --> 00:24:18,625 Mom, are you all right? 87 00:25:40,332 --> 00:25:41,917 Suzuki-san? 88 00:25:43,669 --> 00:25:46,421 -We'll take it. -Okay. 89 00:26:10,654 --> 00:26:12,030 Morning. 90 00:26:15,534 --> 00:26:19,413 l hope Mom's okay. She's been sleeping ever since we got here. 91 00:26:20,164 --> 00:26:21,957 Not at night. 92 00:26:23,584 --> 00:26:26,920 l've told you, Matthew, you can sleep through anything. 93 00:26:27,004 --> 00:26:28,839 l'm sorry, sweetheart. 94 00:26:28,922 --> 00:26:32,634 l'm sure it was Just the move. She'll get back on schedule. 95 00:26:34,011 --> 00:26:37,931 -Have you seen my travel mug? -l haven't unpacked it yet. 96 00:26:42,269 --> 00:26:45,189 Maybe you should say something to the helper. 97 00:26:45,272 --> 00:26:47,357 -What's her name? -Yoko. 98 00:26:47,691 --> 00:26:50,485 Who knows? Maybe she can suggest something. 99 00:26:50,527 --> 00:26:51,945 Maybe. 100 00:26:54,948 --> 00:26:56,658 l miss seeing this. 101 00:26:59,912 --> 00:27:03,081 l guess now we're gonna have to talk in the morning. 102 00:27:06,960 --> 00:27:08,837 Hey, kiddo, you okay? 103 00:27:11,965 --> 00:27:14,718 Jen? Sorry, honey, are you all right? 104 00:27:18,055 --> 00:27:19,515 What's up? 105 00:27:24,269 --> 00:27:26,396 l went for a walk yesterday. 106 00:27:26,772 --> 00:27:28,273 Just to explore. 107 00:27:30,526 --> 00:27:32,402 And l got so lost. 108 00:27:33,904 --> 00:27:37,950 And l couldn't find anyone who spoke English that could help me. 109 00:27:42,412 --> 00:27:45,624 This will get easier soon. l promise. 110 00:27:48,710 --> 00:27:50,045 Or else? 111 00:27:54,049 --> 00:27:57,511 Or else l tell the company it's Just not working out. 112 00:27:58,011 --> 00:28:01,932 And we're going back to the States with or without my old Job. 113 00:28:04,101 --> 00:28:07,396 They can find somebody else to crunch their numbers. 114 00:28:08,856 --> 00:28:11,483 But until then... 115 00:28:12,609 --> 00:28:16,071 promise me you'll give it a good try, okay, Jen? 116 00:28:17,281 --> 00:28:18,866 Deal. 117 00:29:36,693 --> 00:29:39,988 lf you want something, all you have to do is say so. 118 00:30:43,177 --> 00:30:44,761 Who's there? 119 00:31:32,100 --> 00:31:33,393 Hey, Jen? 120 00:31:54,665 --> 00:31:56,667 What the hell.... 121 00:32:01,129 --> 00:32:02,548 Mom? 122 00:32:06,510 --> 00:32:08,303 Are you all right? 123 00:32:11,598 --> 00:32:13,517 Mom, where's Jennifer? 124 00:32:24,528 --> 00:32:26,113 Come on. 125 00:32:33,078 --> 00:32:34,621 You scared.... 126 00:32:37,708 --> 00:32:40,210 Jen? Honey? 127 00:32:43,046 --> 00:32:46,341 What is it? What's wrong? 128 00:32:50,095 --> 00:32:53,682 What happened? Honey, what is it? 129 00:33:00,731 --> 00:33:03,442 l'm gonna call an ambulance, all right? 130 00:33:08,363 --> 00:33:11,200 Who are you? What are you doing here? 131 00:34:36,201 --> 00:34:38,954 Excuse me, Mrs. Williams. 132 00:35:19,786 --> 00:35:20,787 lNVESTlGATlON 133 00:35:37,012 --> 00:35:41,767 l am Det. Nakagawa. This is Det. lgarashi, my assistant. 134 00:35:43,268 --> 00:35:45,521 ls Karen okay? 135 00:35:46,688 --> 00:35:48,398 She is very shaken. 136 00:35:48,649 --> 00:35:52,361 We would like her to stay in the hospital tonight under evaluation. 137 00:35:53,904 --> 00:35:55,948 Do you know these people? 138 00:36:01,328 --> 00:36:04,748 Yeah, that's Matthew Williams and his wife, Jennifer. 139 00:36:06,917 --> 00:36:10,087 He's the son of the woman Karen came here to see. 140 00:36:12,089 --> 00:36:14,716 When was the last time you saw them? 141 00:36:17,469 --> 00:36:19,721 When they came in to register. 142 00:36:20,681 --> 00:36:22,766 lt's standard procedure... 143 00:36:23,058 --> 00:36:25,227 although the visits were arranged by his employer. 144 00:36:25,310 --> 00:36:28,063 -l think he works at-- -We've spoken with his employer. 145 00:36:28,146 --> 00:36:30,607 He hasn't shown up for work today. 146 00:36:33,152 --> 00:36:36,947 lf you could please come by tomorrow and make a statement. 147 00:36:38,282 --> 00:36:40,784 The address is there at the bottom. 148 00:36:46,039 --> 00:36:49,168 -Yoko. -l'm sorry? 149 00:36:54,006 --> 00:36:55,966 Karen's a substitute. 150 00:36:56,341 --> 00:36:58,969 Yoko's the girl who's normally in charge of Emma. 151 00:36:59,845 --> 00:37:02,306 She's also been missing from work. 152 00:37:03,140 --> 00:37:04,725 For how long? 153 00:37:07,144 --> 00:37:10,772 Since yesterday. l think l saw her bike outside. 154 00:37:34,463 --> 00:37:39,134 Hey, guys, it's Susan. Matt, are you there? Pick up. 155 00:37:40,219 --> 00:37:43,847 Okay, I'm Ieaving work now, so you can try my ceII... 156 00:37:43,931 --> 00:37:46,099 or give me a caII at home Iater. 157 00:37:46,183 --> 00:37:47,768 I'm Just a IittIe worried about Mom. 158 00:37:47,851 --> 00:37:49,937 I Just want to make sure she's okay. 159 00:37:50,020 --> 00:37:52,481 So Just caII me when you can, okay? 160 00:37:53,815 --> 00:37:57,778 Thursday, 8.:27 p.m. End of messages. 161 00:41:15,726 --> 00:41:17,686 lt's okay. l've got you. 162 00:41:21,148 --> 00:41:25,068 Your boss told me what happened. l'm sorry. 163 00:41:30,365 --> 00:41:32,826 l'm not even sure what did happen. 164 00:41:34,203 --> 00:41:36,788 An old woman passed away in her sleep. 165 00:41:37,581 --> 00:41:41,210 -lt's sad, but that's all it is. -ls that how they're saying she died? 166 00:41:49,384 --> 00:41:51,011 That house. 167 00:41:53,263 --> 00:41:55,849 There was something.... 168 00:42:03,440 --> 00:42:05,400 lt's okay, Karen. 169 00:42:11,114 --> 00:42:14,785 Matthew and Jennifer aren't around. Leave a message. 170 00:42:16,495 --> 00:42:21,250 Hey, guys, it's Susan. Matt, are you there? Pick up. 171 00:42:22,960 --> 00:42:26,839 Okay, l'm leaving work now, so you can try my cell... 172 00:42:26,922 --> 00:42:29,174 or give me a call at home later. 173 00:42:29,800 --> 00:42:31,343 l'm Just a little worried about Mom. 174 00:42:31,426 --> 00:42:34,012 l Just want to make sure she's okay. 175 00:42:34,096 --> 00:42:37,224 So Just call me when you can, okay? 176 00:43:52,633 --> 00:43:54,343 Matthew, stop it. 177 00:44:21,912 --> 00:44:23,539 ls anyone there? 178 00:45:02,828 --> 00:45:04,413 Excuse me! 179 00:45:04,913 --> 00:45:08,584 Please. There was something on the.... 180 00:45:19,011 --> 00:45:22,472 -Sit down, please. -Please, Just help. 181 00:49:09,908 --> 00:49:10,909 Hello? 182 00:49:11,243 --> 00:49:12,286 It's me. 183 00:49:18,167 --> 00:49:20,502 -Are you all right? -Yeah, I'm downstairs. 184 00:49:21,128 --> 00:49:23,088 What number are you again? 185 00:49:23,172 --> 00:49:25,424 1601 . l'll buzz you in. 186 00:49:59,750 --> 00:50:01,960 l don't know what you're up.... 187 00:51:04,565 --> 00:51:06,400 How are you feeling? 188 00:51:06,984 --> 00:51:09,778 Okay. Tired. 189 00:51:12,531 --> 00:51:14,992 -You are an exchange student? -Yes. 190 00:51:16,493 --> 00:51:19,621 And you have been volunteering at the Care Center for.... 191 00:51:19,705 --> 00:51:23,250 Three months. l needed a social welfare credit. 192 00:51:25,127 --> 00:51:28,338 You said this was the first time you'd been in that house? 193 00:51:29,882 --> 00:51:30,883 Yeah. 194 00:51:34,428 --> 00:51:36,805 About the Japanese boy you said you saw there-- 195 00:51:36,847 --> 00:51:39,725 -Did you find him? -No, not yet. 196 00:51:41,727 --> 00:51:44,480 You said the boy had been taped into the closet? 197 00:51:45,105 --> 00:51:46,148 That's right. 198 00:51:47,024 --> 00:51:50,527 And there was a book, a Journal. 199 00:51:50,777 --> 00:51:52,488 Did it belong to the boy? 200 00:51:53,363 --> 00:51:56,533 l don't think so. l think it belonged to a woman. 201 00:51:59,870 --> 00:52:01,705 The writing looked feminine. 202 00:52:03,207 --> 00:52:05,959 Did you speak with the boy after you opened the closet? 203 00:52:06,043 --> 00:52:07,002 Briefly. 204 00:52:07,419 --> 00:52:10,631 l asked his name. He said it was Toshio. 205 00:52:19,014 --> 00:52:20,849 One more question, please. 206 00:52:24,144 --> 00:52:26,355 We found this in the hallway. 207 00:52:29,733 --> 00:52:31,068 This is him. 208 00:52:31,151 --> 00:52:32,402 This is the boy. 209 00:52:38,242 --> 00:52:39,993 Detective Nakagawa? 210 00:52:40,619 --> 00:52:42,871 The whole time l was in that house... 211 00:52:44,039 --> 00:52:45,999 l felt something was wrong. 212 00:52:50,587 --> 00:52:52,339 What happened there? 213 00:53:01,056 --> 00:53:04,434 The bodies of the son and daughter-in-law... 214 00:53:04,518 --> 00:53:07,437 of the woman you were caring for were found in the attic. 215 00:53:08,897 --> 00:53:13,068 lt seems that the son killed his wife, and then himself. 216 00:53:21,743 --> 00:53:24,913 Please excuse me for a moment. 217 00:54:48,872 --> 00:54:50,707 What are you doing here? 218 00:54:50,874 --> 00:54:54,670 l thought they weren't gonna let you go until tonight. Did you escape? 219 00:54:55,462 --> 00:54:57,756 l Just had to get out of there. 220 00:55:00,259 --> 00:55:02,135 l didn't wanna be alone. 221 00:55:04,972 --> 00:55:06,390 Okay, Karen. 222 00:55:08,225 --> 00:55:09,893 Hold on a second. 223 00:55:40,132 --> 00:55:41,800 What's wrong? 224 00:55:48,140 --> 00:55:49,558 Talk to me. 225 00:55:55,272 --> 00:55:57,941 l think l saw something in that house. 226 00:56:00,777 --> 00:56:03,280 Emma and l were alone in that room... 227 00:56:05,824 --> 00:56:08,535 but l think there was something else there with us. 228 00:56:10,871 --> 00:56:12,247 Karen, what is it? 229 00:56:22,174 --> 00:56:23,967 l Just wanna go home. 230 00:57:51,555 --> 00:57:52,681 Hello? 231 00:58:40,562 --> 00:58:42,356 What happened, Yoko? 232 01:02:45,724 --> 01:02:49,186 My name is Karen Davis. I'm reaIIy sorry to bother you. 233 01:02:50,187 --> 01:02:52,981 l was wondering if l could ask you a few questions. 234 01:02:53,065 --> 01:02:55,442 Questions about what? 235 01:02:55,859 --> 01:02:58,195 l realize this is really awkward. 236 01:02:59,363 --> 01:03:01,073 l'm here because... 237 01:03:03,826 --> 01:03:06,954 l need to ask you a few questions about your husband. 238 01:03:09,832 --> 01:03:12,251 This is all his stuff from school. 239 01:03:16,213 --> 01:03:18,298 This is from our first date. 240 01:04:25,407 --> 01:04:26,366 My God. 241 01:04:29,203 --> 01:04:30,329 Peter! 242 01:04:31,205 --> 01:04:32,581 Hey, Shimizu. 243 01:04:34,708 --> 01:04:38,128 -Happy Monday. -Yeah, right. 244 01:04:39,213 --> 01:04:40,631 Here's your mail. 245 01:04:42,883 --> 01:04:45,886 -Another one? -Yeah. 246 01:04:46,720 --> 01:04:48,138 l have no idea. 247 01:04:48,222 --> 01:04:50,724 She says she used to be in one of my classes... 248 01:04:50,808 --> 01:04:53,769 but l don't know who the hell she is. 249 01:04:54,144 --> 01:04:56,563 -Thanks. -No problem. 250 01:04:57,314 --> 01:04:59,316 -Have a good one. -Thanks. 251 01:06:34,661 --> 01:06:35,871 Hi. 252 01:09:05,604 --> 01:09:09,441 Detective Nakagawa, l need to speak with you. 253 01:09:11,652 --> 01:09:15,531 The woman who was murdered in that house three years ago knew this man. 254 01:09:15,989 --> 01:09:18,826 He committed suicide the morning after she died. 255 01:09:19,576 --> 01:09:22,371 l don't believe he killed himself. 256 01:09:24,039 --> 01:09:27,084 l don't understand. What's happening? 257 01:09:29,878 --> 01:09:31,588 Three years ago... 258 01:09:32,256 --> 01:09:34,800 three of my colleagues, my friends... 259 01:09:36,260 --> 01:09:38,387 began investigating a case. 260 01:09:39,847 --> 01:09:43,267 Two died mysteriously, and one disappeared. 261 01:09:45,769 --> 01:09:49,189 They had been investigating the murders at that house. 262 01:09:50,607 --> 01:09:53,986 Are you saying the detectives died because of that house? 263 01:09:56,238 --> 01:09:59,575 l've been in that house. So have you! 264 01:10:06,915 --> 01:10:08,542 lt is said in Japan... 265 01:10:08,625 --> 01:10:11,920 that when a person dies in extreme sorrow or rage... 266 01:10:13,380 --> 01:10:14,965 the emotion remains... 267 01:10:16,049 --> 01:10:18,427 becoming a stain upon that place. 268 01:10:21,138 --> 01:10:23,932 The memory of what happened repeats itself there. 269 01:10:26,643 --> 01:10:29,104 Death becomes a part of that place... 270 01:10:30,647 --> 01:10:32,900 killing everything it touches. 271 01:10:35,986 --> 01:10:38,405 Once you have become a part of it... 272 01:10:40,407 --> 01:10:43,118 it will never let you go. 273 01:10:48,540 --> 01:10:49,875 l'm sorry. 274 01:11:07,976 --> 01:11:09,353 Corpses abandoned in garbage bag 275 01:11:09,436 --> 01:11:10,938 lNVESTlGATlON - KEEP OUT 276 01:11:44,680 --> 01:11:49,143 METROPOLlTAN POLlCE DEPARTMENT KEEP OUT 277 01:14:04,862 --> 01:14:06,280 Karen, it's me. 278 01:14:06,530 --> 01:14:08,949 Look, where have you been aII day? 279 01:14:10,159 --> 01:14:11,952 I'm reaIIy worried about you. 280 01:14:12,035 --> 01:14:13,495 The Care Center caIIed. 281 01:14:13,745 --> 01:14:15,747 AIex and Yoko are dead. 282 01:14:17,416 --> 01:14:19,334 I found your research and.... 283 01:14:19,960 --> 01:14:21,962 Did you go to that house? 284 01:14:25,007 --> 01:14:26,633 I'm coming to find you. 285 01:15:33,575 --> 01:15:35,744 -Did you get my message? -Doug! 286 01:16:21,665 --> 01:16:22,791 Don't worry... 287 01:16:23,000 --> 01:16:24,543 lt isn't any problem. 288 01:16:27,838 --> 01:16:29,840 l'll call you before l leave. 289 01:16:34,303 --> 01:16:35,471 Ten minutes. 290 01:16:36,096 --> 01:16:38,098 Yeah, l'll be home soon. 291 01:16:39,391 --> 01:16:40,976 Yeah, love you, too. 292 01:16:56,366 --> 01:16:58,327 Guess your mom's gonna be late.