0 00:00:05,000 --> 00:00:15,000 1 00:02:32,545 --> 00:02:37,545 Subtitles by explosiveskull 2 00:02:43,275 --> 00:02:46,273 Jeremy: I say we walk a couple more days 3 00:02:46,275 --> 00:02:48,273 Jeremy: That'll put us near Philadelphia 4 00:02:48,275 --> 00:02:50,275 (chewing an apple) 5 00:02:51,858 --> 00:02:53,858 Nina: Why'd you let her walk off Jeremy? 6 00:02:55,358 --> 00:02:57,356 Nina: She could be hurt right now 7 00:02:57,358 --> 00:02:58,858 Jeremy: I think that was her choice 8 00:02:59,358 --> 00:03:01,358 Jeremy: besides I didn't want to burden with the two of you anyway 9 00:03:02,066 --> 00:03:04,023 Jeremy: and your mother... 10 00:03:04,025 --> 00:03:06,025 Nina: Dont you finish that statement or I will... 11 00:03:06,816 --> 00:03:10,023 (knife clicks open) Jeremy: You will what? Your mother wasn't shit! 12 00:03:10,025 --> 00:03:12,023 Jeremy: couldn't cook a decent meal! 13 00:03:12,025 --> 00:03:14,941 Jeremy: And then she had to go ahead and have you two like we could afford to have kids! 14 00:03:15,025 --> 00:03:16,691 Nina: Then why stick around? 15 00:03:16,816 --> 00:03:18,483 Nina: Truth is you couldn't hack it on your own 16 00:03:18,650 --> 00:03:22,733 Nina: Truth is mom got sick and those social security checks started coming in, that's why you stayed 17 00:03:23,191 --> 00:03:25,233 Nina: And you just drank it all up any way 18 00:03:26,650 --> 00:03:28,273 Jeremy: Look around Nina 19 00:03:28,275 --> 00:03:29,941 Jeremy: Theres so many places for you to go 20 00:03:30,650 --> 00:03:33,150 Jeremy: And nothing and nobody is going to stop you 21 00:03:33,316 --> 00:03:34,983 Jeremy: See ya! 22 00:03:36,233 --> 00:03:37,900 Jeremy: Are you sure your my father? 23 00:03:40,608 --> 00:03:42,275 (zombie growls in the distance) 24 00:03:47,691 --> 00:03:49,816 Nina: You ain't shit! 25 00:03:49,858 --> 00:03:51,441 (zombie growls) Jeremy: You can handle yourself 26 00:03:51,691 --> 00:03:53,358 (zombie growls) 27 00:03:54,400 --> 00:03:58,025 (screams and fight sounds) 28 00:03:59,816 --> 00:04:02,816 Jeremy: Who the fuck are you man!? 29 00:04:03,775 --> 00:04:05,441 (Jeremy screams) 30 00:04:20,191 --> 00:04:23,191 Jeremy: This is all your fault you stupid bitch! 31 00:04:23,858 --> 00:04:25,525 (gunshot) 32 00:04:27,066 --> 00:04:29,358 Nina: My fault your fucking mistake! 33 00:04:31,900 --> 00:04:33,191 Mason: who was he? 34 00:04:34,525 --> 00:04:35,441 (out breath) Nina: My dad 35 00:04:36,900 --> 00:04:40,025 Nina: Come-on those things heard that, there's gonna be more coming 36 00:04:40,733 --> 00:04:42,400 Nina: We gotta go! My name is Nina 37 00:04:44,691 --> 00:04:45,691 My nam is Mason 38 00:04:45,775 --> 00:04:47,441 Mason: looks like its just us two 39 00:04:48,900 --> 00:04:50,566 soft footsteps on grass 40 00:05:15,025 --> 00:05:16,691 (Group walking, silence fills the air) 41 00:06:00,566 --> 00:06:01,858 Hunter: We all here? 42 00:06:04,066 --> 00:06:05,733 Ben: Yeah tired of all this running and gunning shit 43 00:06:06,441 --> 00:06:09,941 Jordan: Its not like we can shoot them. If we do the noise gonna bring more 44 00:06:11,191 --> 00:06:12,858 Dr. Spencer: Exactly genius 45 00:06:13,775 --> 00:06:15,441 Dr. Spencer: I can't believe the government sent you fools to get me 46 00:06:16,233 --> 00:06:21,691 Tyler: Shut the fuck up Dr. Spencer. Now is not the time to act this way, they just saved our lives 47 00:06:22,983 --> 00:06:24,108 Mason: Not me 48 00:06:24,525 --> 00:06:26,191 Mason: Hunter and Darren did 49 00:06:26,441 --> 00:06:28,108 Mason: If it were up to me, his ass would still be there 50 00:06:29,066 --> 00:06:31,775 Mia: You know... You sound like you was better off by yourself 51 00:06:31,983 --> 00:06:35,316 Mia: Thats not how we have been surviving this long Mason 52 00:06:35,691 --> 00:06:37,358 Mason: Just because you and that knife salesman 53 00:06:38,191 --> 00:06:39,858 Mason: Survived a couple of skirmishes don't mean shit. What?! 54 00:06:41,191 --> 00:06:44,150 Thames: Mason enough! We all know, your a dick! 55 00:06:44,650 --> 00:06:46,316 Darren: Understatement 56 00:06:47,275 --> 00:06:48,650 Ben: Affirmative asshole 57 00:06:49,733 --> 00:06:51,398 Mason: Dick or not, he created this 58 00:06:51,400 --> 00:06:54,275 Mason: and now we gotta get him to safety wherever the fuck that is. 59 00:06:55,233 --> 00:06:56,900 Hunter: alright we gotta keep moving until further notice 60 00:06:57,191 --> 00:06:58,858 Hunter: but for now, we'll rest here 61 00:06:59,650 --> 00:07:01,316 Hunter: get some food and water in your systems 62 00:07:01,900 --> 00:07:06,189 Hunter: and salvage what ever you can from these cars and everything else is that's around here 63 00:07:06,191 --> 00:07:07,858 Hunter: Im gonna go check out the warehouse 64 00:07:09,191 --> 00:07:10,233 Darren: I'ma scout up ahead 65 00:07:32,275 --> 00:07:33,941 Ben: Mason trunk 66 00:07:37,983 --> 00:07:40,983 Ben: Ewww shit, fuck 67 00:08:23,650 --> 00:08:26,650 Eric: shhhh, bro the fuck? You trying to get caught up or something 68 00:08:38,733 --> 00:08:41,733 zombie growls 69 00:08:43,191 --> 00:08:44,941 Eric: Chill 70 00:08:46,066 --> 00:08:49,816 (zombie growls) Eric: Back up, I got this 71 00:08:59,525 --> 00:09:02,525 (zombie snarls) Alex: Fuck 72 00:09:03,858 --> 00:09:06,858 Eric: Fuck! It jammed! (gun drops) 73 00:09:07,691 --> 00:09:14,233 Eric: Leo! Noooo! Help 74 00:09:14,816 --> 00:09:20,025 Ben: Come on, get up! Up up up lets go! 75 00:10:17,983 --> 00:10:25,400 (fence rattles) 76 00:10:30,566 --> 00:10:37,941 (loud thump, footsteps zombie growls) 77 00:10:40,108 --> 00:10:46,439 (fighting sounds, knife clicks open followed by stabbing sound) 78 00:10:46,441 --> 00:10:49,441 Chris: Come-on you ugly mother fucker 79 00:10:50,025 --> 00:10:53,025 knife stabs, zombie gurgles, followed by body thud 80 00:10:56,233 --> 00:10:59,233 (crows caws in the distant, Chris footsteps are heard 81 00:11:03,775 --> 00:11:06,775 Silence, soft footsteps pacing 82 00:11:21,858 --> 00:11:26,108 Loud clanging noise, the group sits up 83 00:11:27,191 --> 00:11:30,191 Leo: This is crazy 84 00:11:31,066 --> 00:11:33,773 Darren: You still scared? Leo: I don't want to be born apart 85 00:11:33,775 --> 00:11:37,191 Darren: We been out here for a year, you better come to terms with those demons 86 00:11:37,525 --> 00:11:39,191 Darren: they'll get you killed 87 00:11:40,191 --> 00:11:42,900 Dr. Spencer: Correction, you men have been out here for more than a year 88 00:11:43,150 --> 00:11:46,691 Dr. Spencer: we have only been with you for 4 months and we have been going in circles 89 00:11:47,108 --> 00:11:49,358 Dr. Spencer: I don't understand why we just can't go into the city... 90 00:11:52,275 --> 00:11:53,941 Eric: You satisfied? Everybody thinks your a baby 91 00:11:55,566 --> 00:11:57,233 Mason: Scouted up ahead, its all cool 92 00:11:58,900 --> 00:12:00,566 Leo: You didn't sleep? 93 00:12:01,150 --> 00:12:04,150 Mason: (mocking) You didn't sleep? You got plenty of time for that when you die. 94 00:12:04,275 --> 00:12:05,941 Mason: Let's get the fuck outta here. 95 00:12:06,483 --> 00:12:08,150 Hunter: He's right, let's move 96 00:12:11,566 --> 00:12:13,233 Mia: Jordan pass me my bag 97 00:12:14,691 --> 00:12:16,358 (sounds of packing and footsteps) 98 00:12:23,358 --> 00:12:25,025 Hunter: Let's move... (Walkie Talkie Static) 99 00:12:27,108 --> 00:12:28,775 Voice comes through Walkie Talkie: Anyone out there? All survivors 100 00:12:29,816 --> 00:12:32,316 Voice comes through Walkie Talkie: Meet at the Pier, Delaware River Pier 101 00:12:32,941 --> 00:12:34,608 Voice comes through Walkie Talkie: Two days. (more static) 102 00:12:35,441 --> 00:12:37,108 Voice comes through Walkie Talkie: gargled voice: room for... more 103 00:12:39,108 --> 00:12:40,775 Voice comes through Walkie Talkie: Anyone out there? All survivors 104 00:12:43,816 --> 00:12:49,023 Hunter: Hello sir, my name is Hunter I am a Park ranger. I have survivors with me. 105 00:12:49,025 --> 00:12:50,691 Hunter: How many spots did you say you have left? 106 00:12:50,941 --> 00:12:55,358 more walkie talkie static 107 00:12:57,316 --> 00:13:02,608 Walkie Talkie: This ship will not wait. I repeat, this ship will not wait 108 00:13:03,691 --> 00:13:12,025 Walkie Talkie: Is anyone out there? All survivors meet at the pier. Delaware River Pier. Two days... 109 00:13:14,025 --> 00:13:15,691 (Walkie Talkie Static, abruptly cuts off) 110 00:13:18,108 --> 00:13:19,648 Dr. Spencer: Here let me, let me see that, I'm the smart one 111 00:13:19,650 --> 00:13:21,314 Mason: Shhhh fuck outta here 112 00:13:21,316 --> 00:13:22,981 Hunter: how much more room? 113 00:13:22,983 --> 00:13:24,650 Hunter: how many spots? 114 00:13:24,858 --> 00:13:26,523 walkie talkie garbles more static 115 00:13:26,525 --> 00:13:28,189 Jordan: Change the dial change the dial 116 00:13:28,191 --> 00:13:29,856 Hunter: Sir, sir we're here! 117 00:13:29,858 --> 00:13:31,525 Darren: do it again 118 00:13:33,608 --> 00:13:35,275 Walkie Talkie: garbled voices 119 00:13:38,233 --> 00:13:41,816 Hunter: Fuck! Darren: Shut it off turn it back on. Try it one more time. Come on. 120 00:13:42,191 --> 00:13:42,900 Hunter: It's dead 121 00:13:43,608 --> 00:13:45,275 Dr. Spencer: Fucking imbecile, let me see that Darren: Fuck! 122 00:13:46,483 --> 00:13:48,150 Hunter: Its dead lab rat 123 00:13:51,358 --> 00:13:56,441 Jordan: I mean, did... did anybody understand that shit? I know he ain't say room for only 4 more 124 00:13:57,191 --> 00:13:58,608 Ben: He couldn't have said that shit man 125 00:13:59,566 --> 00:14:04,650 Tyler: No... no... Are you sure he only said four more 126 00:14:05,191 --> 00:14:10,275 Marty: It sounded like it said room for... And then the transmission went out 127 00:14:10,650 --> 00:14:12,233 Hunter: We can't be sure... 128 00:14:13,400 --> 00:14:14,775 Mason: What now fearless leader? 129 00:14:16,066 --> 00:14:18,650 Thames: So what is it? 12 of us? 130 00:14:19,900 --> 00:14:22,608 Mia: (tsk) 13... If you count the other guy 131 00:14:23,566 --> 00:14:26,108 Mason: And when were you going to tell us there was another guy? 132 00:14:26,233 --> 00:14:27,691 Hunter: We gotta tell you every fucking thing Mason 133 00:14:27,858 --> 00:14:29,566 Mason: Yeah you do gotta tell me Hunter 134 00:14:29,900 --> 00:14:31,650 Mia: does that even matter Mason? We have to go 135 00:14:32,691 --> 00:14:36,025 Mason: It does matter. You heard what the radio said Room for 4 more. 136 00:14:37,108 --> 00:14:39,691 Ben: What are you going to do tough guy? Kill us all to get a fucking ride? 137 00:14:40,191 --> 00:14:41,191 Mason: Yo man you better watch yourself! 138 00:14:43,983 --> 00:14:47,150 Mason: Let me make something clear to you guys right now! 139 00:14:47,650 --> 00:14:50,858 Mason: Ima kill anybody who tries to stop me from getting on that ship. 140 00:14:51,733 --> 00:14:54,900 Mason: I told ya'll! We ain't family we ain't friends we ain't shit! 141 00:14:56,066 --> 00:14:59,233 Mason: Its the end of the world, wake the fuck up! 142 00:14:59,358 --> 00:15:01,564 Hunter: Than why you with us then Mason? Huh? Cause last I remember... 143 00:15:01,566 --> 00:15:02,648 Eric: Relax 144 00:15:02,650 --> 00:15:05,814 Hunter: I was the one who saved your ass from the last horde we encountered 145 00:15:05,816 --> 00:15:06,481 Jordan: Right 146 00:15:06,483 --> 00:15:08,275 Hunter: And you sitting here spitting that nonsense 147 00:15:08,525 --> 00:15:11,775 Hunter: Listen, its a lonely dark road out there and you welcome to take it. 148 00:15:12,400 --> 00:15:14,608 Hunter: So for the last time, lets go 149 00:15:16,941 --> 00:15:19,150 Tyler: do we even have a plan? 150 00:15:20,191 --> 00:15:22,400 Marty: Yeah. (gun click) don't die 151 00:15:23,816 --> 00:15:26,025 Hunter: Marty take the front 152 00:15:27,858 --> 00:15:30,066 group packs up 153 00:15:38,441 --> 00:15:40,650 low murmur from the group. Gun loads Feet steps as the ground moves out 154 00:15:43,150 --> 00:15:45,358 Darren: You good? Thames: Yeah, lets go 155 00:16:07,066 --> 00:16:09,275 light foot steps walking 156 00:16:11,025 --> 00:16:13,233 suspenseful music plays 157 00:16:19,108 --> 00:16:21,316 light foot steps walking 158 00:16:29,733 --> 00:16:31,941 foot steps on a broken board 159 00:16:33,191 --> 00:16:35,400 Alex: Shit! 160 00:16:40,358 --> 00:16:42,566 eater growls and runs 161 00:16:53,566 --> 00:16:55,775 running feet and growling eaters running 162 00:17:11,108 --> 00:17:13,316 growling eaters, jumping up 163 00:17:15,441 --> 00:17:16,608 gun shot 164 00:17:18,400 --> 00:17:19,566 another gun shot 165 00:17:22,816 --> 00:17:23,983 heavy breathing 166 00:17:32,733 --> 00:17:36,816 light music and feet running in the distance can be heard 167 00:17:50,733 --> 00:17:53,731 Hunter: Mason listen, I want you to go in there and see if you can find 168 00:17:53,733 --> 00:17:57,398 Hunter: some water and canned goods and be back in a half 169 00:17:57,400 --> 00:17:58,856 Mason: I'm on it Tyler: I'm going with him 170 00:17:58,858 --> 00:18:00,275 Hunter: Thats not a good idea 171 00:18:01,858 --> 00:18:05,525 dreadful music plays 172 00:18:09,900 --> 00:18:13,566 Silence fills the air, light foot steps 173 00:18:21,650 --> 00:18:23,941 A loud thud 174 00:18:24,900 --> 00:18:28,566 Intensified music, footsteps running as a Eater growls and runs 175 00:18:39,525 --> 00:18:43,189 Tyler: Where the fuck are you going? Mason: I'm going out to scout. 176 00:18:43,191 --> 00:18:45,689 Tyler: I'm coming with you Mason: um no your not 177 00:18:45,691 --> 00:18:48,858 Tyler: Im part of the team, Im coming with you lets go 178 00:18:50,025 --> 00:18:52,066 Mason: your not cut out for this shit 179 00:18:52,191 --> 00:18:55,858 Tyler: I'm military I can handle it, lets go 180 00:18:57,650 --> 00:19:00,189 Mason: Just stay outta my fucking way Tyler: Whatever 181 00:19:00,191 --> 00:19:01,191 Mason: Come on 182 00:19:05,025 --> 00:19:12,483 Intense music, many feet running, eaters growling 183 00:19:28,983 --> 00:19:34,775 light feet running 184 00:19:35,608 --> 00:19:37,314 Mason: What the fuck! 185 00:19:37,316 --> 00:19:40,983 Alex: Oh shit don't shoot! Dont shoot! 186 00:19:41,608 --> 00:19:43,856 Alex: Help me! Help me! Tyler: Shoot them! Shoot'em! 187 00:19:43,858 --> 00:19:47,525 Mason: Fuck him! 188 00:19:47,900 --> 00:19:51,566 Loud gun shots ring out 189 00:19:53,233 --> 00:19:55,481 heavy breathing 190 00:19:55,483 --> 00:19:59,150 Tyler: What the fuck... Mason: That's Hunter's boy. You happy now? 191 00:20:01,608 --> 00:20:05,275 walking 192 00:20:10,900 --> 00:20:14,564 Alex: You getting ready to shoot me? 193 00:20:14,566 --> 00:20:17,691 Mason: If I was you'd be dead already 194 00:20:17,816 --> 00:20:21,483 Alex: Look... Just show me the nearest place to exit, please 195 00:20:22,858 --> 00:20:27,275 Mason: From here? Or from life? Because both of them end he same if you can't fucking defend yourself 196 00:20:27,400 --> 00:20:28,858 Mason: Fuck this guy, Alex: Wait! 197 00:20:32,233 --> 00:20:35,900 Alex: Im just try, Im just trying to find my brother... Can you please Tyler: How long has he been missing 198 00:20:38,108 --> 00:20:39,275 Alex : about six months 199 00:20:39,941 --> 00:20:43,608 Tyler: Six months? Alone? Mason: Fuck that he's dead. Fuck his brother 200 00:20:44,025 --> 00:20:45,981 Tyler: Listen... Mason: Tyler! Let's go! 201 00:20:45,983 --> 00:20:48,648 Tyler: He's right, he's probably dead 202 00:20:48,650 --> 00:20:52,316 Mason: Now! Tyler: but I hope you find your bother 203 00:21:00,858 --> 00:21:03,566 Chris: You know its not a good idea to stay here 204 00:21:04,900 --> 00:21:07,108 Alex: Got no where to go 205 00:21:07,483 --> 00:21:10,191 Chris: Yeah... neither of us do. Names Chris 206 00:21:10,566 --> 00:21:11,358 Alex: Alex 207 00:21:12,775 --> 00:21:15,483 Chris: What are you doing here anyway? 208 00:21:15,775 --> 00:21:19,400 Alex: Just trying to find my brother and stay alive in the process 209 00:21:20,025 --> 00:21:21,650 Chris: I feel ya 210 00:21:22,608 --> 00:21:25,275 Chris: Yeah man... I heard about your brother. What she said was foul but 211 00:21:27,191 --> 00:21:31,316 Chris: She's speaking the truth, nobody makes it out here alone. 212 00:21:32,691 --> 00:21:34,650 Alex: Then why you still alive? 213 00:21:37,025 --> 00:21:39,400 Chris: Uh... Survival of the fittest I guess 214 00:21:40,066 --> 00:21:42,775 Chris: Um just follow me I'll show you the exit 215 00:21:43,316 --> 00:21:46,566 Chris: The worse place to be in this building man, them fucking things are everywhere 216 00:21:48,608 --> 00:21:51,316 Erie Silence 217 00:21:53,650 --> 00:21:54,650 Eaters growl 218 00:21:55,400 --> 00:21:56,608 A foot drags 219 00:22:03,941 --> 00:22:06,650 Another eater is heard in the distance 220 00:22:16,525 --> 00:22:19,233 Dr. Spencer: Yo Paco, we lost? 221 00:22:20,316 --> 00:22:23,025 Mason: Shut the fuck up, I know where I'm going 222 00:22:27,775 --> 00:22:30,441 Mason: Yo what the fuck are you doing?! Dr. Spencer: Easy... easy 223 00:22:32,233 --> 00:22:34,941 Mason: Have you even killed an Eater yet? 224 00:22:35,483 --> 00:22:38,191 Dr. Spencer: I have two doctorates degrees 225 00:22:38,400 --> 00:22:41,108 Dr. Spencer: I use my mind, no hard work for me 226 00:22:42,191 --> 00:22:44,900 Mason: What the fuck is that doctorate degree doing for you now huh? 227 00:22:46,025 --> 00:22:48,275 Dr. Spencer: well since you brought it up 228 00:22:48,566 --> 00:22:49,941 Dr. Spencer: Look... 229 00:22:50,066 --> 00:22:52,775 Dr. Spencer: that message stated that only four more can get on that boat 230 00:22:54,108 --> 00:22:56,814 Dr. Spencer: I think your right 231 00:22:56,816 --> 00:22:59,525 Dr. Spencer: why don't we reduce the numbers that make it to that boat 232 00:23:00,566 --> 00:23:03,275 climbing down metal stairs - eaters growl in the distance 233 00:23:04,691 --> 00:23:07,400 Dr. Spencer: Your a bloody fool you know that? 234 00:23:09,108 --> 00:23:11,816 Dr. Spencer: I been lost out here for six months with you 235 00:23:16,566 --> 00:23:18,608 Mason: You slimy little fucking prick 236 00:23:19,150 --> 00:23:21,858 Mason: So you want me to start killing some of them off 237 00:23:22,275 --> 00:23:25,191 Dr. Spencer: Well we both have to make sure we both have a seat on that ship 238 00:23:25,483 --> 00:23:28,191 Dr. Spencer: I need you to make sure I get on board 239 00:23:28,358 --> 00:23:30,441 Dr. Spencer: Besides you don't like those assholes anyway 240 00:23:30,566 --> 00:23:32,441 Mason: And what's in it for me? 241 00:23:33,275 --> 00:23:35,108 Dr. Spencer: We'll I'm very rich 242 00:23:35,525 --> 00:23:36,275 Mason spits 243 00:23:38,941 --> 00:23:39,775 Mason: Rich? 244 00:23:40,400 --> 00:23:43,233 Mason: Look around asshole, who the fuck needs money? 245 00:23:43,566 --> 00:23:44,650 Dr. Spencer: We do 246 00:23:45,733 --> 00:23:48,608 Dr. Spencer: Look I heard at the last camp we were at... 247 00:23:49,983 --> 00:23:51,441 Dr. Spencer: That they're close to a cure 248 00:23:53,941 --> 00:23:56,233 Mason: Weren't you the one who created this shit? 249 00:23:57,358 --> 00:23:58,441 Eaters growling in the distance 250 00:23:58,858 --> 00:24:01,275 Dr. Spencer: (sighs) Let's just say my curiousity is peaked 251 00:24:04,108 --> 00:24:05,816 Mason: Like I said, what's in it for me? 252 00:24:07,858 --> 00:24:11,525 Dr. Spencer: I have a safe house, water, food, medicine 253 00:24:11,900 --> 00:24:12,983 Dr. Spencer: To last a life time 254 00:24:14,108 --> 00:24:17,858 Dr. Spencer: I wouldn't be out here if you stupid government assholes didn't force me and my nurse out here. 255 00:24:18,150 --> 00:24:19,233 Dr. Spencer: I was fine where I was at 256 00:24:19,900 --> 00:24:23,566 Mason: Well those fucking government assholes sent us to retrieve your ungrateful ass 257 00:24:23,816 --> 00:24:26,439 Mason: and good thing we fucking did, cause right now 258 00:24:26,441 --> 00:24:29,275 Mason: some eater would be shitting you out right now if weren't for us 259 00:24:29,525 --> 00:24:31,981 Mason: Now shut the fuck up and lets go! 260 00:24:31,983 --> 00:24:34,314 Running sounds, followed by a large metal clang, several eaters are heard in the distance approaching 261 00:24:34,316 --> 00:24:37,983 Mason: Come on! 262 00:24:44,358 --> 00:24:48,025 Soft music plays, light footsteps and crickets sing softly 263 00:24:50,983 --> 00:24:53,606 Alex: How... How much further is it? 264 00:24:53,608 --> 00:24:56,023 Chris: About another days walk 265 00:24:56,025 --> 00:24:58,064 Alex: Where we walking to? 266 00:24:58,066 --> 00:25:00,691 Chris: I have to get to the pier 267 00:25:01,441 --> 00:25:04,066 Alex: I need a break 268 00:25:07,483 --> 00:25:08,981 Chris: Here... 269 00:25:08,983 --> 00:25:10,483 Chris: Drink it slow 270 00:25:12,441 --> 00:25:13,941 walking on gravel 271 00:25:21,733 --> 00:25:23,233 Chris: We might as well rest here for a bit 272 00:25:27,525 --> 00:25:29,025 wipes hands off 273 00:25:30,150 --> 00:25:31,650 Alex: So what's at the pier? 274 00:25:34,191 --> 00:25:35,691 Chris: sighs 275 00:25:36,191 --> 00:25:37,691 Chris: I made a promise to a friend 276 00:25:38,316 --> 00:25:40,358 Chris: So when I get there I gotta deliver a package 277 00:25:41,483 --> 00:25:42,983 Alex: (soft laugh) 278 00:25:43,150 --> 00:25:47,566 Alex: What are you like Tom Hanks from Cast Away? He had to deliver one package too, remember? 279 00:25:49,650 --> 00:25:51,150 Chris: You better hope I deliver this package 280 00:25:52,441 --> 00:25:53,941 Chris: So anyways, what happened to your brother? 281 00:25:57,400 --> 00:25:58,900 Alex: When the outbreak broke out 282 00:26:00,233 --> 00:26:05,775 Alex: He and I... We headed to a camp where there were a lot of survivors 283 00:26:06,650 --> 00:26:10,566 Alex: Unfortunately a lot of Eaters showed up one night and... 284 00:26:11,191 --> 00:26:14,650 Alex: (sighs) In the midst of everything I guess we just got separated 285 00:26:17,233 --> 00:26:19,816 Chris: Younger brother? Alex: ... Yeah 286 00:26:21,775 --> 00:26:26,775 Chris: Did you check any of the corpses to see if he was one of the undead? 287 00:26:27,025 --> 00:26:29,150 Alex: Of course I checked 288 00:26:29,233 --> 00:26:31,358 Alex: Dead or alive I have to know for sure 289 00:26:34,025 --> 00:26:39,108 Alex: So... Why do you play with that bracelet so much? 290 00:26:42,358 --> 00:26:44,483 Chris: (Sighs) 291 00:26:45,691 --> 00:26:48,900 Chris: Belonged to my.. girlfriend. Well my fiancé 292 00:26:51,650 --> 00:26:53,900 Chris: Its crazy 293 00:26:54,566 --> 00:26:58,150 Chris: We were out having a cute little picnic, when she... when she was attacked 294 00:26:58,941 --> 00:27:02,400 soft sad music plays 295 00:27:03,275 --> 00:27:05,525 Chris: It happened so fast. 296 00:27:06,233 --> 00:27:10,275 Chris: all I remember is seeing a lot... Seeing a lot of blood 297 00:27:11,525 --> 00:27:16,441 Chris: (soft chuckle) I feel like a fucking idiot when I just look back at it now 298 00:27:17,150 --> 00:27:18,400 Chris: cause I'm standing there 299 00:27:18,483 --> 00:27:21,858 Chris: just holding my hand out, ready to propose to her 300 00:27:24,608 --> 00:27:28,941 Chris: Just a split second her smile fades and she screaming 301 00:27:29,650 --> 00:27:31,900 Chris: so yeah she's with me 302 00:27:40,400 --> 00:27:42,650 Chris: We better keep walking 303 00:27:44,650 --> 00:27:46,900 Chris: don't forget your water (footsteps on the gravel) 304 00:27:47,066 --> 00:27:49,316 Alex: Thanks 305 00:27:51,483 --> 00:27:56,233 Soft music 306 00:27:58,525 --> 00:28:01,691 Hunter: Hello can anybody hear me? 307 00:28:02,483 --> 00:28:05,106 Darren: Not having any luck? 308 00:28:05,108 --> 00:28:09,608 Hunter: Naw, I'm trying but you know, Im maneuvering through different channels to see if one of them 309 00:28:10,025 --> 00:28:12,439 Hunter: if I get a response. Hello? 310 00:28:12,441 --> 00:28:14,858 Darren: try your luck anyway 311 00:28:15,066 --> 00:28:17,483 Hunter: Hello... Hello? 312 00:28:18,066 --> 00:28:20,483 Darren rummages through his back pack 313 00:28:21,025 --> 00:28:22,733 Hunter: Piece of shit 314 00:28:23,025 --> 00:28:24,733 Hunter: You alright over there? (zipper opens) 315 00:28:24,816 --> 00:28:27,939 Darren: One of these little fuckers went and stole my beef jerky 316 00:28:27,941 --> 00:28:29,150 Darren still rummaging 317 00:28:29,316 --> 00:28:33,400 Hunter: Listen man, nobody has enough heart to go through your bag and steal your beef jerky 318 00:28:33,441 --> 00:28:34,650 Darren still rummaging 319 00:28:34,733 --> 00:28:36,523 Hunter: better yet we gotta stay frosty 320 00:28:36,525 --> 00:28:39,733 Hunter: we gotta make sure that the group gets enough sleep for the next two hours before we roll out 321 00:28:39,816 --> 00:28:42,106 Darren: you know what? We all have one shred of humanity left 322 00:28:42,108 --> 00:28:42,814 Hunter: what's that? 323 00:28:42,816 --> 00:28:45,191 Darren: and mines if fucking beef jerky okay 324 00:28:45,441 --> 00:28:47,273 Darren: it reminds me that there's something to fight for right... 325 00:28:47,275 --> 00:28:49,150 Darren: that there was a life before all this shit 326 00:28:49,733 --> 00:28:51,108 Hunter: Man that seems so long ago 327 00:28:52,066 --> 00:28:56,358 Darren: You know my last call was a guy who got his fucking throat ripped out. 328 00:28:56,733 --> 00:28:58,483 Darren: with human teeth 329 00:28:59,150 --> 00:29:02,775 Darren: You can't see that shit and continue on with regular life, that's the day 330 00:29:03,066 --> 00:29:05,691 Darren: I knew it was nothing. I got one thing left 331 00:29:06,275 --> 00:29:08,775 Hunter: I was taking this group on a hiking trip 332 00:29:09,066 --> 00:29:11,566 Hunter: Right before the world decided to go to hell 333 00:29:12,400 --> 00:29:14,900 Hunter: I wanted to go find my ex wife 334 00:29:15,483 --> 00:29:17,983 Hunter: but I felt like if I have abandon them 335 00:29:18,483 --> 00:29:19,441 Darren: Listen 336 00:29:20,233 --> 00:29:22,066 Darren: I'm... I'm glad you didn't go after her 337 00:29:22,525 --> 00:29:25,275 Darren: There's nothing you could do with one person alone in the woods 338 00:29:25,525 --> 00:29:27,316 Darren: We need you here 339 00:29:27,733 --> 00:29:28,608 Hunter: Look man 340 00:29:28,858 --> 00:29:31,816 Hunter: They don't know that your really the strength here, I was just the one to lead them through the woods 341 00:29:31,858 --> 00:29:32,356 Darren: Thats not 342 00:29:32,358 --> 00:29:32,898 Hunter: Your the leader 343 00:29:32,900 --> 00:29:34,025 Darren: Thats not true 344 00:29:34,233 --> 00:29:35,358 Darren: Its not true 345 00:29:35,691 --> 00:29:37,900 Darren: Your job is to get all of us to safety 346 00:29:38,400 --> 00:29:40,900 Darren: and until their there, your job isn't done 347 00:29:43,025 --> 00:29:44,816 Darren: I got something for you 348 00:29:46,900 --> 00:29:48,525 Darren: That last house that we passed 349 00:29:48,566 --> 00:29:49,858 Darren: When I took that little short cut 350 00:29:49,900 --> 00:29:51,441 Hunter: haha you got some Vodka huh 351 00:29:51,525 --> 00:29:52,400 Darren: Thats right 352 00:29:52,483 --> 00:29:53,608 Hunter: Kiki Vodka? 353 00:29:55,025 --> 00:29:56,525 Darren: (rummaging) Its the real deal 354 00:29:57,025 --> 00:29:58,150 Hunter: I'll give it a try 355 00:29:58,733 --> 00:29:59,691 Bottle Top opens 356 00:29:59,941 --> 00:30:01,066 Darren: go ahead swing it up man 357 00:30:02,525 --> 00:30:03,650 Hunter: Ahhhh 358 00:30:05,066 --> 00:30:06,191 Hunter: This shit still strong huh 359 00:30:08,650 --> 00:30:09,775 Hunter: damn man 360 00:30:10,525 --> 00:30:11,650 Hunter: I ain't drink in a while 361 00:30:12,358 --> 00:30:14,733 Hunter: (screwing top back on) Don't drink too much man we got Eaters to fight 362 00:30:15,441 --> 00:30:16,566 Darren: War of nutrition man 363 00:30:17,066 --> 00:30:18,191 Darren: We're here, till we're not 364 00:30:19,733 --> 00:30:20,858 Hunter: Yeah I wanna live 365 00:30:21,316 --> 00:30:22,441 Hunter: Not be drunk 366 00:30:23,316 --> 00:30:24,441 Darren still rummages through his back pack 367 00:30:25,483 --> 00:30:26,608 Darren: You know what? 368 00:30:26,816 --> 00:30:27,941 Hunter: See you found'em 369 00:30:28,816 --> 00:30:30,316 Hunter: Nobody stole your shit after all 370 00:30:30,941 --> 00:30:32,066 Darren tosses his bag to the ground to get it to close 371 00:30:32,483 --> 00:30:35,108 Hunter: Make sure you put the Vodka up too, make sure nobody steals that 372 00:30:35,316 --> 00:30:36,858 Darren: Nobody's getting to that one 373 00:30:42,400 --> 00:30:43,525 Flash back: Birds chirping 374 00:30:50,483 --> 00:30:51,608 A Eater growls in the distance 375 00:30:58,900 --> 00:31:00,025 Birds chirping break the silence, light gust winds stir 376 00:31:08,108 --> 00:31:09,233 Eater continues to growl 377 00:31:23,900 --> 00:31:28,275 Eater continues to growl, birds can be heard in the distance 378 00:31:36,608 --> 00:31:37,733 quick running through grass, a bone snap is heard 379 00:31:44,275 --> 00:31:45,400 feet slide down a gravel hillside 380 00:31:46,983 --> 00:31:48,108 feet running through a low field 381 00:31:49,191 --> 00:31:50,064 Doc: Hey!!! 382 00:31:50,066 --> 00:31:50,858 Darren: Hey don't fucking move! 383 00:31:51,858 --> 00:31:52,733 Doc: Hey!!! Hey! 384 00:31:52,816 --> 00:31:53,608 Darren: Hey don't fucking move! 385 00:31:54,108 --> 00:31:55,066 Doc: I'm unarmed! I'm unarmed! 386 00:31:55,983 --> 00:31:56,775 Doc: I'm unarmed! 387 00:31:57,275 --> 00:31:58,066 Darren: Put it down! 388 00:31:58,275 --> 00:31:59,066 Doc: Ok okay! 389 00:32:00,608 --> 00:32:01,400 Darren: Are you bit? 390 00:32:01,566 --> 00:32:02,358 Doc: No no! 391 00:32:02,983 --> 00:32:03,400 Darren: Are you injured? 392 00:32:03,441 --> 00:32:03,775 Doc: No! 393 00:32:03,816 --> 00:32:04,858 Darren: Where the fuck are you coming from? 394 00:32:05,066 --> 00:32:05,566 Doc: My clinic! 395 00:32:05,941 --> 00:32:06,858 Doc: My... my clinic was over ran 396 00:32:07,191 --> 00:32:08,691 Doc: there was nothing I could do to save em! 397 00:32:08,900 --> 00:32:11,566 Doc: I'm headed to Delaware Avenue to the nearest FOB station 398 00:32:11,733 --> 00:32:13,233 Doc: I have to meet my friend there 399 00:32:14,358 --> 00:32:16,941 Darren: Alright relax. Get your shit. Go ahead 400 00:32:22,108 --> 00:32:24,441 Darren: Alright, its Darren 401 00:32:25,900 --> 00:32:28,233 Darren: Your still about 2 miles out 402 00:32:29,858 --> 00:32:32,191 Menacing music 403 00:32:35,525 --> 00:32:37,858 A running Eater screaming - Loud Gun Shot 404 00:32:40,358 --> 00:32:43,816 A Eater screams - Another gun shot is heard 405 00:32:46,066 --> 00:32:48,400 More Eaters are heard 406 00:32:49,316 --> 00:32:52,775 Several gun shots are fired 407 00:32:54,233 --> 00:32:56,564 A Eater tears through flesh - A bat connects to skull, the Eaters bones break 408 00:32:56,566 --> 00:32:58,148 Mia: Leo! Group: (shouting) Leo! 409 00:32:58,150 --> 00:33:00,483 A bat sound is heard cracking the skull 410 00:33:01,108 --> 00:33:03,441 Group: Let's move! Several voices are heard 411 00:33:06,775 --> 00:33:09,108 Jordan: Come on! Right here right here right here... 412 00:33:10,025 --> 00:33:12,358 Leo: (wincing in pain) 413 00:33:14,233 --> 00:33:15,439 Approaching footsteps 414 00:33:15,441 --> 00:33:16,606 Mason: Yo he's fucking bit! 415 00:33:16,608 --> 00:33:17,523 Jordan: Calm down! 416 00:33:17,525 --> 00:33:18,148 Ben: Fuck! 417 00:33:18,150 --> 00:33:20,483 Mia: Hunter we have to help him 418 00:33:20,733 --> 00:33:21,898 Jordan: Exactly man 419 00:33:21,900 --> 00:33:23,064 Bat hits the ground 420 00:33:23,066 --> 00:33:24,233 Tyler: Everybody just calm down 421 00:33:24,358 --> 00:33:25,525 Leo: (wincing in pain) 422 00:33:26,108 --> 00:33:27,275 Leo: It hurts like hell 423 00:33:28,275 --> 00:33:29,441 Darren: Listen I know it does, but I need you to listen to me 424 00:33:30,066 --> 00:33:32,608 Darren: I just need you to try and relax and keep your heart rate down 425 00:33:39,941 --> 00:33:42,066 Leo: Your going to kill me aren't you? 426 00:33:43,691 --> 00:33:44,858 Mason: You fucking right I am 427 00:33:45,441 --> 00:33:46,606 Hunter: You ain't killing shit. 428 00:33:46,608 --> 00:33:47,608 Hunter: Nobody is 429 00:33:47,858 --> 00:33:49,400 Darren: Listen Im gonna need you to give me that gun. 430 00:33:50,066 --> 00:33:51,608 Darren: Let me defend you 431 00:33:53,566 --> 00:33:55,108 Darren: If you pass out its no good with this 432 00:33:55,941 --> 00:33:57,483 Mia: This can't be happening 433 00:33:58,733 --> 00:34:00,275 Mia: We're losing everyone. 434 00:34:00,858 --> 00:34:03,775 Dr. Spencer: I'm still here, so not everyone (laughing) 435 00:34:09,025 --> 00:34:11,400 Darren: If you keep pulling this shit, Imma put you down 436 00:34:14,650 --> 00:34:17,441 Mason: What do we do with his ass now Fearless leader huh? 437 00:34:17,816 --> 00:34:19,358 Leo: (moaning in pain) 438 00:34:21,941 --> 00:34:25,566 Dramatic music plays 439 00:34:28,108 --> 00:34:29,650 Hunter: Come on lets go 440 00:34:29,983 --> 00:34:31,525 Darren: Hold up here hold up here. 441 00:34:32,025 --> 00:34:33,566 Group: ( several voices overlapping are heard) 442 00:34:37,483 --> 00:34:39,025 Many foot steps are heard shuffling through the grass and leaves 443 00:34:41,150 --> 00:34:42,689 Mason: Come on what youse doing lets move 444 00:34:42,691 --> 00:34:45,025 Eric: Fuck you mean. My friend about to die because of you and because of him 445 00:34:45,441 --> 00:34:46,439 Mason: Man fuck your friend Eric: Fuck you! 446 00:34:46,441 --> 00:34:47,814 Mason: He's dead! 447 00:34:47,816 --> 00:34:49,358 Thames: Mason! Shut the fuck up! 448 00:34:50,316 --> 00:34:51,858 Thames: I'm tired of your shit! 449 00:34:52,358 --> 00:34:53,900 fighting sounds are heard 450 00:34:54,733 --> 00:34:56,273 Mason: Mother fucker, yeah Thames: Do it! Yeah do it! 451 00:34:56,275 --> 00:34:57,814 Mason: You ain't about that life Thames: Mother fucker 452 00:34:57,816 --> 00:34:59,356 Thames: Fuck you! Mason: Get off me! 453 00:34:59,358 --> 00:35:00,898 Thames: Bitch! 454 00:35:00,900 --> 00:35:01,648 Mason: Fuck him 455 00:35:01,650 --> 00:35:03,191 Hunter: What the hell is wrong with ya'll? We don't fight enough? 456 00:35:03,858 --> 00:35:05,398 Mason: Know your place boy 457 00:35:05,400 --> 00:35:06,483 Thames: Fuck you 458 00:35:06,691 --> 00:35:08,233 Darren: Use the time you got 459 00:35:08,691 --> 00:35:12,275 Darren: Eh, you know what happens out here, you got one day 460 00:35:13,316 --> 00:35:14,858 Darren: Talk to your boy 461 00:35:15,941 --> 00:35:18,025 foot steps walking through leaves 462 00:35:19,900 --> 00:35:21,441 Hunter: Everybody listen up 463 00:35:21,525 --> 00:35:24,191 Hunter: We can't afford to run into another horde of Eaters 464 00:35:25,191 --> 00:35:27,775 Hunter: Or one or two Criers, and we aren't rested 465 00:35:28,525 --> 00:35:31,775 Hunter: We need rest. Or it will be the end of us all 466 00:35:33,483 --> 00:35:36,441 Hunter: Besides Leo is bit, he needs rest 467 00:35:39,108 --> 00:35:41,650 Darren: Lay off the kid would ya? Give him a fucking break, its enough 468 00:35:43,316 --> 00:35:46,275 Mason: Fine, whatever. We'll just camp here okay 469 00:35:47,441 --> 00:35:50,148 Mason: Fearless leader, set a perimeter up. 470 00:35:50,150 --> 00:35:53,108 Mason: Darren will get fire wood 471 00:35:55,566 --> 00:35:58,525 Darren: Your call... 472 00:36:00,983 --> 00:36:03,941 Marty: Yo Hunter me and Thames will walk the perimeter and search for some water 473 00:36:08,316 --> 00:36:11,775 Mia: I'll take Jordan we'll look for some food 474 00:36:13,650 --> 00:36:15,941 Hunter: Everybody meet here in one hour 475 00:36:16,150 --> 00:36:18,566 Leo lets out several gasp 476 00:36:19,108 --> 00:36:21,691 Hunter: Be safe be quiet and don't engage unless you have to 477 00:36:21,858 --> 00:36:22,733 Hunter: Remember 478 00:36:23,358 --> 00:36:30,606 Hunter: One scratch from a crier your done one bite from eater you turn, so stay frosty 479 00:36:30,608 --> 00:36:34,566 Ben: Wait wait wait, so that leaves me to go with dickhead to go get wood? 480 00:36:34,650 --> 00:36:36,481 Ben: Its fucking bullshit Hunter 481 00:36:36,483 --> 00:36:38,398 Ben: Bullshit man! 482 00:36:38,400 --> 00:36:39,941 Eric: relax 483 00:36:40,025 --> 00:36:41,733 Leo: urghhhh Eric: Boy I need you to chill 484 00:36:41,941 --> 00:36:45,900 Dr. Spencer: uh...Maybe I should check the radio see if we get any more messages? 485 00:36:46,691 --> 00:36:50,650 Hunter: Make yourself useful 486 00:36:51,816 --> 00:36:56,566 Leo: (exclaims more grunting pain) Fuck! Eric: Bro stay with me! 487 00:36:57,358 --> 00:37:01,316 Tyler: Dont move, don't move.. don't move Leo: I thought you said I wasn't get bit 488 00:37:01,775 --> 00:37:05,733 Tyler: I'll do everything I can, ok? I'm going to do everything I can 489 00:37:06,566 --> 00:37:10,525 Tyler: Everything that I can ok? I got you, I got you 490 00:37:19,775 --> 00:37:23,733 Dr. Spencer: You want my diagnosis? (laughing) Tyler No! 491 00:37:23,941 --> 00:37:26,525 leaves rustling with each footstep 492 00:37:27,066 --> 00:37:28,816 Tyler: you alright? 493 00:37:29,233 --> 00:37:32,441 Hunter: Yeah Dr. Spencer: this is Dr. Erwin Spencer, lone survivor out here 494 00:37:32,691 --> 00:37:36,650 Hunter: When you know him to volunteer to do anything 495 00:37:36,941 --> 00:37:40,898 Dr. Spencer: Is anyone out there Tyler: Maybe what Darren said made him change his mind 496 00:37:40,900 --> 00:37:44,858 Dr. Spener: I'm Dr. Erwin Spencer lone survivor 497 00:37:45,608 --> 00:37:48,064 Leo: You know what? Dr. Spencer: Lone survivor 498 00:37:48,066 --> 00:37:50,525 Leo: doesn't hurt anymore Dr. Spencer: can anyone hear me? 499 00:37:52,691 --> 00:37:56,650 Dr. Spencer: for the love of God, can anybody hear me? 500 00:37:58,816 --> 00:38:07,189 Dramatic slow music 501 00:38:07,191 --> 00:38:09,648 Eric: Stay with me stay with me, stay with me 502 00:38:09,650 --> 00:38:12,108 Eric: (sniffles) Tyler: Gotta turn over, turn over 503 00:38:19,441 --> 00:38:22,983 Dr. Spencer: Hell, hello hello? Survivor, survivors here 504 00:38:25,650 --> 00:38:30,733 Foot steps in rustling leaves 505 00:38:33,483 --> 00:38:35,733 Mason: I'm telling you we're wasting our God damn time the woods too damp 506 00:38:35,858 --> 00:38:39,648 Darren: Would you just do one fucking thing without bitching about it? 507 00:38:39,650 --> 00:38:41,898 Mason: the fucking wood is too damp, what do you want to do? 508 00:38:41,900 --> 00:38:43,689 Darren: What do you want to do? Whats the... What the solution? 509 00:38:43,691 --> 00:38:45,356 Mason: Why don't we go the way and find drier wood 510 00:38:45,358 --> 00:38:46,773 Darren: Yeah, cause it'll be drier over there right? 511 00:38:46,775 --> 00:38:48,564 Ben: Mason Darren! 512 00:38:48,566 --> 00:38:49,564 Mason: Just fucking go! 513 00:38:49,566 --> 00:38:50,400 Mason: Go then! 514 00:38:50,733 --> 00:38:52,525 Darren: Your right, he said an hour 515 00:38:53,358 --> 00:38:55,150 Ben: Darren where you going? 516 00:38:55,483 --> 00:38:57,275 Darren: I got an hour to get firewood 517 00:39:00,566 --> 00:39:02,358 Intense music 518 00:39:03,816 --> 00:39:05,608 Ben: Sure now how to fuck shit up, don't cha' 519 00:39:06,150 --> 00:39:06,773 Mason: Yeah I do 520 00:39:06,775 --> 00:39:07,733 Ben: Asshole 521 00:39:09,191 --> 00:39:12,983 Intense music 522 00:39:13,441 --> 00:39:15,233 loud thud 523 00:39:20,775 --> 00:39:22,566 body being dragged through leaves 524 00:39:27,691 --> 00:39:28,691 Mason: Darren! 525 00:39:29,233 --> 00:39:30,233 Mason: Wait up! 526 00:39:31,066 --> 00:39:32,483 Darren: The fuck do you want now? 527 00:39:37,566 --> 00:39:39,398 Mason: I was outta line back there 528 00:39:39,400 --> 00:39:41,233 Mason: just wanna apologize 529 00:39:42,400 --> 00:39:45,900 Mason: Just, just put it water under the bridge 530 00:39:47,858 --> 00:39:49,275 Darren: You know I think it was you who said 531 00:39:50,066 --> 00:39:54,691 Darren: We ain't family we ain't friends we ain't shit. (smacks hand) 532 00:39:57,775 --> 00:39:59,191 fast approaching footsteps 533 00:39:59,566 --> 00:40:02,483 (grunts) Eater growls, stomps on skull, cracking. Another Eater snarls running to Darren 534 00:40:02,983 --> 00:40:03,608 Eater snarls 535 00:40:04,483 --> 00:40:05,108 Darren: Mason! 536 00:40:06,650 --> 00:40:07,275 Darren: (screams in pain) Arrghhh 537 00:40:09,733 --> 00:40:10,358 struggling sounds as Eater snarls and snaps 538 00:40:10,525 --> 00:40:13,525 Mason: Told you not to put your hands on me Darren! Good luck 539 00:40:18,316 --> 00:40:20,233 growling eater fast approaching footsteps 540 00:40:21,900 --> 00:40:22,525 Darren: Arrrghhh 541 00:40:23,150 --> 00:40:23,775 Chris: (knife stab) 542 00:40:25,775 --> 00:40:26,400 Chris: (knife stab) 543 00:40:32,441 --> 00:40:33,066 Chris: he got you good 544 00:40:33,816 --> 00:40:34,441 Darren: mother fucker 545 00:40:35,566 --> 00:40:36,775 Darren: MASON! 546 00:40:38,066 --> 00:40:39,608 Chris: keep pressure on it pressure on it 547 00:40:43,400 --> 00:40:44,025 Chris: It's Chris 548 00:40:45,566 --> 00:40:46,400 Chris: And your Darren 549 00:40:47,108 --> 00:40:47,731 Chris: you ready? 550 00:40:47,733 --> 00:40:49,439 Chris: ready? 1 2 3... 551 00:40:49,441 --> 00:40:51,691 Darren: Arrrghhh! 552 00:40:53,150 --> 00:40:55,398 Darren: Arrrghhh! 553 00:40:55,400 --> 00:40:56,898 Darren: We gotta stop the bleeding 554 00:40:56,900 --> 00:41:02,650 Darren: (panting hard) mmmm... mmmmmm 555 00:41:05,733 --> 00:41:09,733 Chris: We gotta get moving... Look 556 00:41:09,858 --> 00:41:13,858 Chris: I got a spot alright 557 00:41:14,483 --> 00:41:18,483 Chris: Its not too far from here 558 00:41:20,816 --> 00:41:25,358 hobbling footsteps 559 00:41:25,525 --> 00:41:32,566 Eaters growling rustling leaves, foot steps walking hard 560 00:41:38,941 --> 00:41:45,566 Intense music 561 00:41:48,358 --> 00:41:55,398 Eaters growling rustling leaves, foot steps walking fast 562 00:41:55,400 --> 00:42:02,025 Intense music 563 00:42:03,941 --> 00:42:08,731 gun shot - body drops - silence 564 00:42:08,733 --> 00:42:11,314 Ben: Fuck! 565 00:42:11,316 --> 00:42:15,941 running footsteps approaching another eater growling 566 00:42:18,400 --> 00:42:21,233 two shots ring out 567 00:42:22,150 --> 00:42:24,400 Ben: What the fuck! 568 00:42:26,400 --> 00:42:26,898 Mason: You alright? 569 00:42:26,900 --> 00:42:27,233 Ben: fuck 570 00:42:27,566 --> 00:42:29,025 Mason: Come on get up, lets go 571 00:42:30,025 --> 00:42:30,525 Mason: You bit? 572 00:42:32,441 --> 00:42:33,816 Mason: Come on Ben, lets go! 573 00:42:33,983 --> 00:42:35,358 Mason: Get up, up up 574 00:42:36,441 --> 00:42:37,316 Mason: Lets go! 575 00:42:37,775 --> 00:42:38,108 Ben: What the hell happened? 576 00:42:38,441 --> 00:42:39,316 Mason: Come on we gotta go man 577 00:42:40,191 --> 00:42:41,066 Ben: Where's Darren? 578 00:42:41,316 --> 00:42:42,189 Mason: Ben we gotta go 579 00:42:42,191 --> 00:42:43,066 Ben: Where's Darren?! 580 00:42:46,025 --> 00:42:48,858 Mason: We got over run Darren led the eaters away, so I could get to you 581 00:42:49,691 --> 00:42:51,400 Mason: Now lets fucking go. Okay? 582 00:42:51,900 --> 00:42:52,775 Ben: No we gotta go look for him 583 00:42:53,316 --> 00:42:55,023 Mason: Damn man lets go! Do you want your boy to die in vain?! Come on lets go! 584 00:42:55,025 --> 00:42:55,939 Ben: No... No man no 585 00:42:55,941 --> 00:42:57,273 Mason: Damn man lets go! Do you want your boy to die in vain?! Come on lets go! Come on 586 00:42:57,275 --> 00:42:58,983 Mason: you ain't got no choice right now! 587 00:43:00,691 --> 00:43:02,400 Foot steps walking away 588 00:43:05,025 --> 00:43:08,191 Music plays softly 589 00:43:23,191 --> 00:43:24,900 Birds chirping in the distance 590 00:43:25,150 --> 00:43:26,275 Jordan: Hey 591 00:43:26,858 --> 00:43:27,983 Mia: Hey 592 00:43:28,566 --> 00:43:29,691 Jordan: You okay? 593 00:43:30,441 --> 00:43:31,566 Mia: I will be 594 00:43:32,858 --> 00:43:34,525 Mia: just my allergies today (sniffles) 595 00:43:37,025 --> 00:43:40,316 Jordan: Yeah... (grunting as he sits) Tell me about it 596 00:43:43,733 --> 00:43:45,191 Jordan: So uh... 597 00:43:45,650 --> 00:43:48,941 EATERS heard in the far distance 598 00:43:49,483 --> 00:43:51,441 Jordan: What direction did that come from? 599 00:43:51,941 --> 00:43:53,608 Mia: What was it is the better question 600 00:43:54,316 --> 00:43:56,856 Jordan: Ok look... You go that way 601 00:43:56,858 --> 00:43:57,566 Mia: No! 602 00:43:57,691 --> 00:43:58,939 Mia: No 603 00:43:58,941 --> 00:44:00,608 Mia: don't finish the rest of that line 604 00:44:01,233 --> 00:44:04,023 Mia: I watched enough movies to know that when the characters separate 605 00:44:04,025 --> 00:44:05,275 Mia: It's never good for each other 606 00:44:05,816 --> 00:44:07,066 Mia: Your stuck with me 607 00:44:08,608 --> 00:44:09,858 Jordan: Fine 608 00:44:10,233 --> 00:44:12,608 Birds chirping 609 00:44:13,858 --> 00:44:15,108 Jordan: So uh 610 00:44:16,400 --> 00:44:20,650 Jordan: What you doing out here on this hiking adventure anyway? 611 00:44:22,108 --> 00:44:23,900 Mia: this was the last place my sister was spotted 612 00:44:25,566 --> 00:44:27,358 Mia: this shit start happening 613 00:44:31,691 --> 00:44:32,941 Jordan: Your sister? 614 00:44:33,816 --> 00:44:35,608 Mia: yeah 615 00:44:36,566 --> 00:44:38,358 Flash back Intense music 616 00:44:46,400 --> 00:44:48,191 Climbing metal ladder 617 00:44:49,275 --> 00:44:51,066 Eater gnarls feet approaching fast 618 00:44:52,358 --> 00:44:54,150 Max: (kicks hard) Argh! 619 00:44:54,858 --> 00:44:56,650 Eater gnarls feet approaching fast 620 00:44:57,983 --> 00:44:59,775 Banging head into metal ladder 621 00:45:02,108 --> 00:45:03,900 Bashes head in with gun 622 00:45:05,025 --> 00:45:06,816 skull cracks 623 00:45:08,108 --> 00:45:09,900 Max: (breathing hard) 624 00:45:19,941 --> 00:45:21,733 Foot steps leaving 625 00:45:23,358 --> 00:45:25,150 Mia: she came all the way out here 626 00:45:25,358 --> 00:45:27,150 Mia: to go on this camping trip 627 00:45:28,108 --> 00:45:31,233 Mia: Everything just went sideways so fast 628 00:45:32,650 --> 00:45:35,023 Mia: I had no choice but to come up here 629 00:45:35,025 --> 00:45:37,400 Mia: She's all I have 630 00:45:38,816 --> 00:45:39,941 Jordan: Yeah 631 00:45:40,483 --> 00:45:42,858 Mia: What about you? 632 00:45:43,608 --> 00:45:45,981 Jordan: I sold knives. Ya know what I mean 633 00:45:45,983 --> 00:45:48,358 Jordan: I went door to door selling knives 634 00:45:49,983 --> 00:45:56,316 Jordan: My boss said I sold a lot of them, so I won this 3 day hiking package 635 00:45:58,108 --> 00:46:01,816 Jordan: And here I am, one year later with you 636 00:46:02,650 --> 00:46:05,025 Mia: Dont make it sound too bad 637 00:46:06,733 --> 00:46:09,108 Mia: Serious question though 638 00:46:11,233 --> 00:46:13,608 Mia: Do you think we'll make it to the ship? 639 00:46:15,608 --> 00:46:19,316 Jordan: Even if I don't, you will 640 00:46:19,900 --> 00:46:23,608 Jordan: I got you, let's get outta here 641 00:46:24,608 --> 00:46:28,316 Mia: (sneezes) Jordan: Bless you, hold on. Lemme go first 642 00:46:31,066 --> 00:46:34,775 Footsteps 643 00:46:35,441 --> 00:46:39,150 Mia: (sneezes) Jordan: Bless you. Allergies 644 00:46:42,066 --> 00:46:47,650 Erie music plays 645 00:46:48,650 --> 00:46:50,316 Mia: Jordan 646 00:46:51,858 --> 00:46:55,566 Eater running and growling 647 00:46:56,150 --> 00:46:59,858 Bat cracks skull with continuous hits to the head 648 00:47:02,441 --> 00:47:08,025 Erie music plays 649 00:47:21,900 --> 00:47:25,608 Eater running and growling 650 00:47:27,150 --> 00:47:32,816 Jordan: Mia! (shot gun cocks, loud shot rings out) 651 00:47:34,066 --> 00:47:35,856 Jordan: You know you wasn't supposed to shoot right? 652 00:47:35,858 --> 00:47:37,523 Mia: my bad 653 00:47:37,525 --> 00:47:39,316 Jordan: Come on 654 00:47:39,941 --> 00:47:42,816 Erie music plays, softly walking through grass 655 00:47:52,816 --> 00:47:55,481 Eric: I'mma go get some wood 656 00:47:55,483 --> 00:47:56,939 Tyler: stay close 657 00:47:56,941 --> 00:47:58,356 Hunter: Dont go to far 658 00:47:58,358 --> 00:47:59,525 Eric: I won't 659 00:48:00,400 --> 00:48:03,358 Eric: Yo please stay with me 660 00:48:05,858 --> 00:48:07,025 grass rustling 661 00:48:15,441 --> 00:48:16,608 Tyler: Come here 662 00:48:19,441 --> 00:48:20,608 Tyler: Come on 663 00:48:23,608 --> 00:48:28,191 walking in grass 664 00:48:35,400 --> 00:48:36,816 Hunter: How much time he got? 665 00:48:39,816 --> 00:48:41,233 Tyler: 24 hours? 666 00:48:44,066 --> 00:48:46,566 Hunter: Is there anything you can do to prolong that time? 667 00:48:48,608 --> 00:48:50,025 Tyler: no 668 00:48:50,775 --> 00:48:53,483 Tyler: the only thing we can do is make him comfortable 669 00:48:56,358 --> 00:48:57,525 Tyler: Come on 670 00:49:00,400 --> 00:49:04,983 walking in grass 671 00:49:21,775 --> 00:49:26,025 Leo: (stirs) Your thinking you can kill me in my sleep, and no one would know right? 672 00:49:26,400 --> 00:49:27,900 Dr. Spencer: Well you would know 673 00:49:28,191 --> 00:49:30,983 Leo: well I haven't turned so stay the fuck away from me 674 00:49:31,650 --> 00:49:33,150 Dr. Spencer: By tomorrow 675 00:49:33,816 --> 00:49:36,483 Dr. Spencer: your gonna be one of the decayed trying to eat us 676 00:49:38,566 --> 00:49:41,233 Dr. Spencer: why don't you just do us all a favor and kill yourself? 677 00:49:41,941 --> 00:49:43,189 Dr. Spencer: that way 678 00:49:43,191 --> 00:49:43,983 Leo writhes in pain 679 00:49:44,358 --> 00:49:46,483 Dr. Spencer: none of us would have to carry that guilt around 680 00:49:47,150 --> 00:49:49,816 Dr. Spencer: I'm just saying 681 00:49:50,816 --> 00:49:53,608 Leo: just shut the fuck up please (breathing heavy) 682 00:49:59,691 --> 00:50:02,483 Leo: Eric where are you? 683 00:50:13,108 --> 00:50:15,233 (Intense music) 684 00:50:18,941 --> 00:50:21,733 (Eater growling) 685 00:50:28,858 --> 00:50:30,233 (neck break) 686 00:50:32,108 --> 00:50:33,025 Eric: Look.. 687 00:50:33,108 --> 00:50:35,025 Tyler: What happened?! 688 00:50:37,275 --> 00:50:39,441 Hunter: Where's Darren? 689 00:50:40,191 --> 00:50:41,483 Hunter: Where is he? 690 00:50:41,775 --> 00:50:43,439 Tyler: He is gonna need stitches. 691 00:50:43,441 --> 00:50:44,314 Ben: (moaning in pain) 692 00:50:44,316 --> 00:50:47,108 Hunter: You mean to tell me he ain't come back?! 693 00:50:47,191 --> 00:50:49,150 Tyler: Nooo! What the fuck are you doing?! Hunter: Where he at?! 694 00:50:49,650 --> 00:50:51,608 Dr. Spencer: Get'm Mason 695 00:50:52,816 --> 00:50:54,233 Tyler: Stop! 696 00:50:56,650 --> 00:50:58,608 Tyler: Mason! 697 00:50:59,025 --> 00:51:00,981 Tyler: Stop! Dr. Spencer: Get up! 698 00:51:00,983 --> 00:51:02,941 Dr. Spencer: Stick'm Stick'm 699 00:51:06,025 --> 00:51:07,941 Eric: Ayo Hunter! Get up! 700 00:51:09,608 --> 00:51:11,566 Hunter: C'mon (spits out blood) 701 00:51:13,900 --> 00:51:14,733 Dr. Spencer: Get'm! 702 00:51:15,066 --> 00:51:16,483 Tyler: Stop Eric: Somebody stop them, what the fuck! 703 00:51:16,608 --> 00:51:17,441 Hunter: C'mon 704 00:51:17,775 --> 00:51:18,608 Ben: (Groaning in pain) 705 00:51:19,483 --> 00:51:20,316 (Voices over lap in background) 706 00:51:22,233 --> 00:51:23,066 Tyler: Stop it! 707 00:51:23,858 --> 00:51:25,650 Eric: Hunter get up! Mason: Get up!! 708 00:51:26,733 --> 00:51:28,314 Dr. Spencer: C'mon Hunter, you got nothing left. 709 00:51:28,316 --> 00:51:29,900 Mason: Get up!! Dr. Spencer (chuckles) 710 00:51:35,316 --> 00:51:36,648 Dr. Spencer: C'mon Mason, Get'm! 711 00:51:36,650 --> 00:51:38,775 Mason: Yeah, welcome to my world. 712 00:51:47,816 --> 00:51:50,066 Tyler: Get up, Get up! 713 00:51:54,108 --> 00:51:55,483 Tyler: Get off! 714 00:51:57,441 --> 00:51:58,481 (gunshot) 715 00:51:58,483 --> 00:52:00,233 Tyler: Get the fuck up! 716 00:52:00,691 --> 00:52:01,606 Mason: Fuck you! 717 00:52:01,608 --> 00:52:02,983 Hunter: Fuck you!! 718 00:52:03,983 --> 00:52:05,941 (footsteps shuffling in leaves) 719 00:52:06,691 --> 00:52:08,358 Jordan: Yo, what the fuck is going on?! 720 00:52:08,566 --> 00:52:10,233 Mia: Yeah, what's with all the shooting? 721 00:52:10,400 --> 00:52:11,858 Tyler: It was neccesary. 722 00:52:12,066 --> 00:52:13,608 Tyler: Darren's missing. 723 00:52:13,983 --> 00:52:14,816 Group: What?? 724 00:52:15,525 --> 00:52:19,858 Dr. Spencer: Our fearless leader here decided to attack Mason for no reason 725 00:52:20,275 --> 00:52:22,150 Hunter: But there was a fucking reason Lab Rat! 726 00:52:22,316 --> 00:52:25,025 Hunter: Mason...what'd you do with Darren? 727 00:52:25,816 --> 00:52:27,066 Hunter: Answer me dammit! 728 00:52:31,566 --> 00:52:34,275 Thames: Man, you heard what the man said. Answer him! 729 00:52:35,441 --> 00:52:38,316 Ben: Hunter you're wrong...he saved me. 730 00:52:38,483 --> 00:52:39,775 Group: What?? 731 00:52:40,691 --> 00:52:44,233 Jordan: The fuck...what? Was you even awake? 732 00:52:44,650 --> 00:52:46,275 Ben: Fuck you Jordan.. 733 00:52:46,400 --> 00:52:49,900 Hunter: Darren was one of the strongest of this group. What happened to him? 734 00:52:50,900 --> 00:52:53,275 Mason: You heard what the man said, I saved his ass. 735 00:52:55,483 --> 00:53:00,273 Mason: Me and Darren got overrun. He led the Eaters away from us so i can get to fucking safety. 736 00:53:00,275 --> 00:53:03,650 Mason: We got the fuck outta dodge, end of story! 737 00:53:04,775 --> 00:53:06,564 Hunter: So you just left him out there? 738 00:53:06,566 --> 00:53:08,275 You ain't even try to look for him? 739 00:53:11,316 --> 00:53:14,775 Jordan: Nah, that's too much like right. 740 00:53:15,941 --> 00:53:17,983 Marty: We should just kill his ass right now. 741 00:53:20,691 --> 00:53:22,775 Dr. Spencer: Are you listening to yourselves? 742 00:53:23,108 --> 00:53:25,150 What are we judge, jury and executioner now? 743 00:53:25,608 --> 00:53:27,148 The man saved Ben! 744 00:53:27,150 --> 00:53:29,314 And you want to re-pay him by killing him. 745 00:53:29,316 --> 00:53:33,150 Mia: You shut the fuck up... because I'm pretty sure you two planned this mess! 746 00:53:33,233 --> 00:53:37,525 Mason: Whoa, whoa, whoa! I guess we planned the Eaters to right? 747 00:53:37,858 --> 00:53:40,025 Hunter: Is that what happened Ben? Did he save you? 748 00:53:43,358 --> 00:53:45,733 Ben: yeah...what he said. 749 00:53:47,025 --> 00:53:48,858 Mia: Great... 750 00:53:49,400 --> 00:53:51,108 One man down.. 751 00:53:53,191 --> 00:53:55,191 Dr. Spencer: I hate to say it but... 752 00:53:55,733 --> 00:53:57,608 That makes things better for us right? 753 00:53:58,108 --> 00:54:00,150 Cause there's only room for 4. 754 00:54:01,150 --> 00:54:02,564 Hunter: Shut the fuck up Erwin! 755 00:54:02,566 --> 00:54:04,900 I'm trying to figure out how made it this far. 756 00:54:05,025 --> 00:54:07,273 Fuck it, we gotta pack our shit now and hit the road. 757 00:54:07,275 --> 00:54:09,898 Mia take the crew, and find the next safe spot, alright? 758 00:54:09,900 --> 00:54:11,483 Hunter: Alright, ill meet back with y'all. 759 00:54:11,525 --> 00:54:13,233 Tyler: Where are you going? 760 00:54:13,566 --> 00:54:16,566 Hunter: I'm gonna go look for Darren...shit don't seem right. 761 00:54:16,650 --> 00:54:18,941 Hunter: If I'm not back by sunrise, ya'll leave without me. 762 00:54:19,858 --> 00:54:20,691 Tyler: I won't.. 763 00:54:26,150 --> 00:54:28,275 Tyler: I'll come looking for you 764 00:54:53,275 --> 00:54:55,814 (Sounds of Eaters in the background) 765 00:54:55,816 --> 00:54:56,650 (running foot steps approaching) 766 00:55:03,816 --> 00:55:05,358 (another Eater approaching) 767 00:55:34,441 --> 00:55:35,275 Alex: Chris! 768 00:55:37,858 --> 00:55:38,691 Alex: Chris! 769 00:55:49,233 --> 00:55:50,566 (Gun clicks) 770 00:56:02,233 --> 00:56:03,066 Alex: Chris!! 771 00:56:13,358 --> 00:56:15,108 Chris: The fuck was that? 772 00:56:28,900 --> 00:56:29,733 (Eater growling) 773 00:56:32,900 --> 00:56:33,733 (Intense music) 774 00:56:34,358 --> 00:56:35,483 Alex: Oh shit! 775 00:56:36,483 --> 00:56:37,608 (Alex screams in the distance) 776 00:56:37,900 --> 00:56:38,733 Alex: Chris!! 777 00:56:41,650 --> 00:56:43,275 Chris: Oh shit.. 778 00:56:46,691 --> 00:56:48,316 Intense Music 779 00:57:00,525 --> 00:57:07,983 Crushing skull sound 780 00:57:08,941 --> 00:57:10,566 Chris: The fuck are you doing? 781 00:57:12,275 --> 00:57:13,900 Alex: Yo man... 782 00:57:14,483 --> 00:57:15,481 Alex: (breathing heavy) 783 00:57:15,483 --> 00:57:17,108 Alex: I told you... I'm just looking for my brother 784 00:57:19,233 --> 00:57:21,691 Chris: And I told you that I was going to help you find your fucking brother 785 00:57:22,900 --> 00:57:24,525 Chris: Just give me some time 786 00:57:25,400 --> 00:57:26,400 Alex: (breathing heavy) 787 00:57:27,108 --> 00:57:28,733 Chris: Look right now we have to help Darren 788 00:57:29,191 --> 00:57:30,816 Chris: God dammit 789 00:57:32,816 --> 00:57:35,025 Chris: And then we can go find your brother 790 00:57:37,066 --> 00:57:39,483 Alex: (breathing heavy) Who? Who's Darren? 791 00:57:41,275 --> 00:57:42,900 Chris: (sighs) Just pick up your gun dude 792 00:57:53,066 --> 00:57:55,858 Wind blowing gently 793 00:58:05,525 --> 00:58:08,400 Birds chirping in the distance 794 00:58:12,441 --> 00:58:14,066 Mason: Hunter 795 00:58:14,858 --> 00:58:16,483 Mason: Hunter 796 00:58:17,775 --> 00:58:19,400 light footsteps 797 00:58:20,691 --> 00:58:22,316 Hunter: Where you headed Eric? 798 00:58:23,441 --> 00:58:25,066 Eric: Can't sleep 799 00:58:25,900 --> 00:58:27,525 Figure I go hit the pond and get some water 800 00:58:28,316 --> 00:58:29,941 Hunter: By yourself? 801 00:58:31,400 --> 00:58:33,023 Mason: Kid thinks its a fucking picnic were on 802 00:58:33,025 --> 00:58:35,025 Eric: First... My name's Eric 803 00:58:36,316 --> 00:58:37,941 Second I know this ain't no god damn picnic 804 00:58:38,900 --> 00:58:40,523 Third I can handle myself 805 00:58:40,525 --> 00:58:43,231 Hunter: Like last time? When your ass got... 806 00:58:43,233 --> 00:58:43,733 Eric: She caught me off guard 807 00:58:45,316 --> 00:58:46,731 Hunter: Naw... 808 00:58:46,733 --> 00:58:48,150 You ain't going by yourself 809 00:58:55,400 --> 00:58:57,566 Hunter: I gotta stretch my legs anyway 810 00:59:00,566 --> 00:59:01,983 footsteps walking on grass 811 00:59:14,650 --> 00:59:16,441 Mason: Ben, where ya going? 812 00:59:17,900 --> 00:59:19,608 Ben: Going to check on Hunter man 813 00:59:20,275 --> 00:59:22,650 Something's not sitting right with me bro 814 00:59:24,191 --> 00:59:25,983 Mason: Be careful 815 00:59:26,358 --> 00:59:28,439 Hurry up, its starting to come down 816 00:59:28,441 --> 00:59:29,775 Ben: Its just water 817 00:59:31,566 --> 00:59:33,275 Hunter: What's your story? 818 00:59:33,775 --> 00:59:35,483 Eric: Basically, the same as everybody else's man 819 00:59:36,733 --> 00:59:38,441 Eric: Came home from work 820 00:59:39,025 --> 00:59:40,733 Eric: Parents were Eaters 821 00:59:41,233 --> 00:59:42,941 Eric: Shit was too late man... 822 00:59:43,316 --> 00:59:45,025 (Raining hard) Eaters growling approaching 823 00:59:46,858 --> 00:59:47,733 Eric: Oh shit! 824 00:59:49,525 --> 00:59:51,233 Stab sound 825 00:59:51,733 --> 00:59:52,483 Stab sound 826 00:59:55,150 --> 00:59:56,858 (Raining hard) Eaters growling approaching 827 00:59:57,483 --> 00:59:59,189 Hunter: Watch out Eric! 828 00:59:59,191 --> 01:00:00,900 (Raining hard) Eaters growling 829 01:00:01,441 --> 01:00:03,150 Gun clicks 830 01:00:03,525 --> 01:00:04,731 Hunter: Eric run! 831 01:00:04,733 --> 01:00:05,481 Hunter: Run! 832 01:00:05,483 --> 01:00:07,191 Gun Shot - body thuds 833 01:00:09,108 --> 01:00:13,441 (Raining hard) Eater eating flesh 834 01:00:21,191 --> 01:00:22,898 Ben: Hunter No! 835 01:00:22,900 --> 01:00:24,608 Gun Shot - body thuds 836 01:00:24,733 --> 01:00:26,441 Ben: Arghhh! 837 01:00:27,150 --> 01:00:29,316 (Raining hard) Eater eating flesh 838 01:00:29,900 --> 01:00:31,691 (Raining hard) Feet scampering 839 01:00:35,108 --> 01:00:36,900 Silence 840 01:00:44,775 --> 01:00:46,483 Gun Shot in the distance 841 01:00:52,025 --> 01:00:53,733 Mason: Where'd that come from? 842 01:00:54,191 --> 01:00:55,898 Jordan: I don't know, but it sounds like it came from over there... 843 01:00:55,900 --> 01:00:56,983 Feet running through tall grass in the distance 844 01:00:57,941 --> 01:00:59,650 Mason: What the fuck? 845 01:01:00,025 --> 01:01:01,733 Mason: Jordan go get him 846 01:01:02,733 --> 01:01:05,733 Marty: Where the fuck is Thames and dickhead Erwin 847 01:01:06,733 --> 01:01:09,775 Mason: He went to take a shit, Thames went with him 848 01:01:11,233 --> 01:01:13,983 Mason: Everybody stay put ok 849 01:01:15,650 --> 01:01:17,775 Mason: The question is... 850 01:01:18,191 --> 01:01:19,691 Menacing music 851 01:01:20,150 --> 01:01:21,858 Mason: Where the fuck is Hunter... 852 01:01:22,775 --> 01:01:24,483 Feet running 853 01:01:35,150 --> 01:01:37,733 Feet running 854 01:01:45,816 --> 01:01:46,983 Jordan: Eric! 855 01:01:47,400 --> 01:01:48,566 Eric: I'm sorry bro! Jordan: For what? 856 01:01:48,691 --> 01:01:49,483 Eric: Fucking sorry 857 01:01:49,650 --> 01:01:50,816 Jordan: What the fuck happened? 858 01:01:50,983 --> 01:01:52,066 Jordan: Where's Ben where's Hunter 859 01:01:52,316 --> 01:01:53,108 Eric: Hunter came with me to go have a talk 860 01:01:53,941 --> 01:01:54,733 Eric: some Eaters came 861 01:01:54,900 --> 01:01:55,400 Jordan: Okay 862 01:01:55,525 --> 01:01:56,316 Eric: I tried to save him but... 863 01:01:57,066 --> 01:01:57,858 Eric: he just got in the way! 864 01:01:58,816 --> 01:01:59,608 Jordan: He got in... 865 01:02:01,900 --> 01:02:02,691 Jordan: (sighs) 866 01:02:03,525 --> 01:02:04,316 Eric: Ben came 867 01:02:04,483 --> 01:02:05,275 Eric: some more Eaters came 868 01:02:06,691 --> 01:02:07,483 Jordan: So you shot him? 869 01:02:08,941 --> 01:02:09,733 Jordan: Tell me you joking! 870 01:02:10,400 --> 01:02:11,191 Jordan: Tell me you fucking joking right? 871 01:02:12,316 --> 01:02:13,108 Jordan: Arghhhh! 872 01:02:13,941 --> 01:02:14,733 Jordan: Arghhhh! 873 01:02:16,816 --> 01:02:17,608 Mason: Mia where you going? 874 01:02:18,733 --> 01:02:19,525 Mason: Mia! 875 01:02:20,775 --> 01:02:21,566 Mason: Fuck! 876 01:02:22,150 --> 01:02:22,941 Mason: Mia wait! 877 01:02:23,608 --> 01:02:24,816 Feet running fast 878 01:02:25,358 --> 01:02:26,941 Mason: Mia! 879 01:02:27,191 --> 01:02:27,983 Mia: No its Jordan! 880 01:02:28,566 --> 01:02:29,358 Dramatic music 881 01:02:30,733 --> 01:02:32,316 Mason: Mia! 882 01:02:34,816 --> 01:02:36,398 Eater growling 883 01:02:36,400 --> 01:02:38,483 Bat cracking skull 884 01:02:40,900 --> 01:02:42,481 Eater growling 885 01:02:42,483 --> 01:02:43,648 Eric: yo bro watch out! 886 01:02:43,650 --> 01:02:45,233 Gun Shot 887 01:02:46,441 --> 01:02:48,025 Mason: Mia wait! 888 01:02:48,400 --> 01:02:49,983 Feet running fast 889 01:02:52,400 --> 01:02:53,983 Jordan: (gasping for air) 890 01:02:55,650 --> 01:02:56,564 Jordan: Run! 891 01:02:56,566 --> 01:02:58,148 Jordan: (bat hits the ground) There's more coming! 892 01:02:58,150 --> 01:02:59,731 Jordan: (gasping for air) 893 01:02:59,733 --> 01:03:01,733 Mia: (shotgun lands on concrete) What happened?! 894 01:03:02,150 --> 01:03:03,650 Mia: (crying) What happened?! 895 01:03:04,066 --> 01:03:05,441 Jordan: Mia go! Mia go! 896 01:03:05,650 --> 01:03:08,066 Mia: (crying) No what about our plans?! 897 01:03:08,483 --> 01:03:10,523 Jordan: I gotta break them. You gotta go! 898 01:03:10,525 --> 01:03:12,939 Mia: (crying) What about our plans?! 899 01:03:12,941 --> 01:03:14,064 Mason: We gotta go Mia 900 01:03:14,066 --> 01:03:15,189 Jordan: I gotta break them 901 01:03:15,191 --> 01:03:16,025 Mia: (crying) No! 902 01:03:16,441 --> 01:03:17,981 Mason: Eric go! Go to camp now!! 903 01:03:17,983 --> 01:03:18,606 Jordan: Go! 904 01:03:18,608 --> 01:03:19,064 Mason: Now! 905 01:03:19,066 --> 01:03:19,608 Mia: No! 906 01:03:19,775 --> 01:03:20,398 Jordan: Mia go! 907 01:03:20,400 --> 01:03:21,025 Mia: No! 908 01:03:21,108 --> 01:03:21,856 Mason: Let's go! 909 01:03:21,858 --> 01:03:22,316 Mia: No! 910 01:03:22,816 --> 01:03:23,941 Mason: Mia! Let's go! 911 01:03:24,275 --> 01:03:25,025 Eater approaches Gun Shot Blast 912 01:03:25,233 --> 01:03:25,731 water splashes 913 01:03:25,733 --> 01:03:26,858 Mason: Come go! Run! 914 01:03:27,191 --> 01:03:27,606 Mason: We gotta go! 915 01:03:27,608 --> 01:03:28,231 Jordan: You gotta go! 916 01:03:28,233 --> 01:03:28,648 Mia: No! 917 01:03:28,650 --> 01:03:29,773 Mason: Mia lets go! 918 01:03:29,775 --> 01:03:30,189 Mia: Nooo! 919 01:03:30,191 --> 01:03:31,316 Mason: Mia come on! 920 01:03:31,483 --> 01:03:32,608 Mia: just go! 921 01:03:32,775 --> 01:03:33,900 Mia: let go! No! 922 01:03:34,400 --> 01:03:35,189 Mia: Jordan! 923 01:03:35,191 --> 01:03:36,316 Mason: Mia! 924 01:03:36,816 --> 01:03:37,608 Mia: Jordan come with me! 925 01:03:41,400 --> 01:03:43,941 Eaters approaches Bat smacks a skull 926 01:03:45,650 --> 01:03:48,191 Eaters approaches Bat smacks a skull body thud 927 01:03:48,900 --> 01:03:53,941 Jordan: (breathing heavy) 928 01:03:55,900 --> 01:03:58,441 Eaters approaching 929 01:04:00,441 --> 01:04:02,983 Splash 930 01:04:09,900 --> 01:04:15,775 Soft music 931 01:04:18,191 --> 01:04:20,733 Birds chirping in the distance 932 01:04:22,733 --> 01:04:25,275 Dr. Spencer: So Mason, looks like your going to be leading us now 933 01:04:26,941 --> 01:04:28,566 Dr. Spencer: Thats a good thing right? 934 01:04:29,108 --> 01:04:30,441 Dr. Spencer: More room on the ship 935 01:04:36,191 --> 01:04:37,816 Flashback 936 01:04:40,191 --> 01:04:41,816 Menacing music 937 01:04:45,775 --> 01:04:47,400 light foot steps 938 01:04:52,941 --> 01:04:54,566 Sword swinging cutting into flesh 939 01:04:55,025 --> 01:04:56,650 Mia: (grunting) 940 01:04:57,691 --> 01:04:59,316 Another Eater approaches 941 01:05:05,816 --> 01:05:07,441 Sword swinging cutting into flesh 942 01:05:07,900 --> 01:05:09,525 Mia: (grunting) 943 01:05:11,983 --> 01:05:13,608 Feet Running Bat cracks a Eater skull 944 01:05:16,233 --> 01:05:17,858 Sword swinging cutting into flesh 945 01:05:21,733 --> 01:05:23,358 Sword hits the ground 946 01:05:25,900 --> 01:05:29,275 Mia: (cries) 947 01:05:46,150 --> 01:05:47,775 Tyler: Are you fucking serious? 948 01:05:48,400 --> 01:05:50,025 Tyler: Mia is devasted 949 01:05:50,525 --> 01:05:54,275 Tyler: Eric almost lost his life. Jordan's dead 950 01:05:54,691 --> 01:05:56,983 Tyler: Ben's dead and Hunter's dead too! 951 01:05:57,108 --> 01:05:59,733 Tyler: And your worried about a fucking ship? 952 01:06:00,108 --> 01:06:02,858 Dr. Spencer: We can thank the kid for Hunter (laughing) 953 01:06:03,025 --> 01:06:04,608 Mason: Shut the fuck up asshole 954 01:06:05,775 --> 01:06:07,358 Mason: Darren's gone too 955 01:06:07,983 --> 01:06:09,566 Mason: It's not looking to good for us right now 956 01:06:11,900 --> 01:06:13,483 Mason: Hunter... He's dead 957 01:06:13,650 --> 01:06:15,233 Mason: He kept us together 958 01:06:17,108 --> 01:06:20,233 Mason: As much as I hate to admit it, he was our leader 959 01:06:21,441 --> 01:06:23,025 Thames: And why don't I believe you? 960 01:06:24,483 --> 01:06:27,025 Thames: I mean you wanted him dead for the longest right? 961 01:06:28,358 --> 01:06:29,441 Thames: Right? 962 01:06:30,608 --> 01:06:32,191 Marty: Does that shit even matter right now? 963 01:06:33,650 --> 01:06:34,483 Tyler: Look... 964 01:06:35,316 --> 01:06:38,983 Tyler: A horde is probably coming our way right now 965 01:06:39,858 --> 01:06:43,775 Tyler: Leo and Mia aren't fit to move and I'm not leaving them 966 01:06:45,858 --> 01:06:47,525 Mason: We're not leaving any one 967 01:06:47,900 --> 01:06:49,566 Mason: We're sticking together 968 01:06:50,066 --> 01:06:51,733 Mason: Thats what Hunter would've wanted 969 01:06:52,941 --> 01:06:54,608 Mason: Look we're going to regroup here for an hour 970 01:06:54,941 --> 01:06:56,606 Mason: and then we're gonna make it on that ship 971 01:06:56,608 --> 01:06:58,275 Mason: Am I clear? 972 01:07:03,316 --> 01:07:04,983 Marty: He's right 973 01:07:06,525 --> 01:07:08,191 Marty: We're just gonna need some time to regroup 974 01:07:20,191 --> 01:07:25,358 Mason: Marty, hold the fort down I'm going to check the perimeter 975 01:07:30,525 --> 01:07:33,275 Soft music Eaters growling Feet Running 976 01:07:39,400 --> 01:07:43,108 soft music 977 01:07:53,941 --> 01:07:54,981 Group members yelling 978 01:07:54,983 --> 01:07:56,650 Tyler: (screaming) 979 01:07:57,816 --> 01:07:59,483 Mason: Get to the hills 980 01:08:00,358 --> 01:08:01,400 Group members yelling 981 01:08:02,483 --> 01:08:03,314 Tyler: (screaming) 982 01:08:03,316 --> 01:08:04,983 Eaters ripping through flesh 983 01:08:05,608 --> 01:08:06,691 Mia: Mason 984 01:08:09,066 --> 01:08:12,858 Eaters ripping through flesh 985 01:08:18,358 --> 01:08:20,025 Eaters ripping through flesh 986 01:08:26,316 --> 01:08:27,983 Eaters ripping through flesh feverishly 987 01:08:34,316 --> 01:08:35,983 Eaters ripping through flesh 988 01:09:03,566 --> 01:09:05,233 Eaters growling Feet running fast 989 01:09:13,108 --> 01:09:17,233 Several Gun Shots 990 01:09:17,691 --> 01:09:19,106 Knife stab 991 01:09:19,108 --> 01:09:22,775 Several Gun Shots 992 01:09:23,566 --> 01:09:27,691 Group yelling 993 01:09:28,733 --> 01:09:30,858 Mason: Let's go! 994 01:09:31,191 --> 01:09:32,858 Eaters growling Feet running fast Shot Gun Blasts 995 01:09:36,191 --> 01:09:37,858 Silence 996 01:09:42,441 --> 01:09:43,733 Feet running fast up a hill 997 01:09:44,108 --> 01:09:45,314 Thames: Move it! Keep moving! 998 01:09:45,316 --> 01:09:46,275 Mia: Shhhh 999 01:09:48,941 --> 01:09:50,150 Thames: Keep moving! 1000 01:09:51,275 --> 01:09:52,483 Dr. Spencer: (grunting) 1001 01:09:54,608 --> 01:09:55,816 Thames: Come on 1002 01:09:56,483 --> 01:09:57,691 Group: (breathing heavy) 1003 01:09:58,816 --> 01:10:00,025 Thames: come on come on come on 1004 01:10:00,441 --> 01:10:01,650 Dr. Spencer: Move your ass 1005 01:10:02,941 --> 01:10:04,608 Mason: up up up up come on come on 1006 01:10:05,733 --> 01:10:06,941 Dr. Spencer: (grunting) 1007 01:10:09,400 --> 01:10:10,608 Group: (breathing heavy) 1008 01:10:13,441 --> 01:10:14,650 Mason: We all good? 1009 01:10:15,108 --> 01:10:16,314 Mason: Anybody bit? 1010 01:10:16,316 --> 01:10:17,233 Mia: We're fine 1011 01:10:17,483 --> 01:10:18,691 Mia: But we lost Tyler and Marty back there 1012 01:10:19,566 --> 01:10:20,481 Mia: How much further? 1013 01:10:20,483 --> 01:10:22,566 Thames: Fuck that! How did we lose'em 1014 01:10:22,650 --> 01:10:23,858 Dr. Spencer: What do you think happened? 1015 01:10:24,275 --> 01:10:25,481 Dr. Spencer: They died 1016 01:10:25,483 --> 01:10:27,275 Dr. Spencer: Could we move on already? 1017 01:10:27,650 --> 01:10:29,358 Mia: No, I think we should go back and look for'em 1018 01:10:29,733 --> 01:10:30,939 Mason: Good luck with that 1019 01:10:30,941 --> 01:10:31,648 Dr. Spencer: (laughing) 1020 01:10:31,650 --> 01:10:32,856 Mason: They fell behind 1021 01:10:32,858 --> 01:10:34,066 Mason: We can't 1022 01:10:34,525 --> 01:10:36,231 Mia: Cut it already Mason 1023 01:10:36,233 --> 01:10:37,939 Mia: give it a rest 1024 01:10:37,941 --> 01:10:40,025 Thames: Look! We lost two of us 1025 01:10:40,483 --> 01:10:43,483 Thames: We gotta get our shit together, no man left behind soldier! 1026 01:10:44,441 --> 01:10:45,650 Mason: What do you want me to do? Hold their hand 1027 01:10:46,108 --> 01:10:47,523 Mason: Theres nothing we can do for them their dead 1028 01:10:47,525 --> 01:10:48,148 Dr. Spencer: Yeah 1029 01:10:48,150 --> 01:10:49,691 Mia: Fuck you Mason, they were a part of us 1030 01:10:50,108 --> 01:10:51,523 Mason: Not anymore their not 1031 01:10:51,525 --> 01:10:52,650 Dr. Spencer: That's right, two more down 1032 01:10:53,400 --> 01:10:54,941 Mia: (sighs) You know what Mason? Cut the shit 1033 01:10:55,983 --> 01:10:57,525 Mia: If you don't want to lead this group then I will 1034 01:10:58,066 --> 01:10:59,316 Mia: Ok guys 1035 01:10:59,691 --> 01:11:00,941 Mia: You have to get water in our system 1036 01:11:01,108 --> 01:11:01,941 get some rest 1037 01:11:01,983 --> 01:11:03,233 and up and out before sun rise 1038 01:11:03,650 --> 01:11:04,900 If we want to make it to that ship 1039 01:11:05,650 --> 01:11:06,898 Mia: excuse me 1040 01:11:06,900 --> 01:11:08,439 Mason: Go 1041 01:11:08,441 --> 01:11:09,566 Dr. Spencer: (coughing) 1042 01:11:36,733 --> 01:11:40,691 Chris: umm, i've been meaning to ask you guys something. 1043 01:11:41,275 --> 01:11:42,441 Mason: Sure, you hurt? 1044 01:11:43,066 --> 01:11:44,939 Mason: Because we don't have any supplies to help you with man. 1045 01:11:44,941 --> 01:11:46,981 Chris: (laughs)...No I'm good 1046 01:11:46,983 --> 01:11:49,025 Chris: Umm..have you guys seen a little umm 1047 01:11:49,441 --> 01:11:50,606 Mia: Mason! 1048 01:11:50,608 --> 01:11:51,775 Mia: We need you over here. 1049 01:11:52,066 --> 01:11:54,150 Mason: Alright. Hold on, give me a minute man. 1050 01:11:54,400 --> 01:11:57,316 Chris: Alright, alright, alright. I'll catch up with you guys later. 1051 01:12:14,441 --> 01:12:17,441 (Sad music) 1052 01:12:17,691 --> 01:12:18,858 Mason: What? What's so important? 1053 01:12:19,525 --> 01:12:24,233 Mia: (Exhales) Leo is turning. I'm not Tyler, i can't stop the process. 1054 01:12:24,400 --> 01:12:29,733 But if that was Hunters friend.. we could've really use his help right now 1055 01:12:30,358 --> 01:12:31,816 Mason: He can barely help himself. 1056 01:12:32,108 --> 01:12:34,983 Mason: He's probably looking for a handout or Hunter, or some shit. 1057 01:12:35,733 --> 01:12:38,191 Mason: I should've told him his boy's pushing up daisies. 1058 01:12:38,941 --> 01:12:41,066 Mia: You know, every time i think you're almost human 1059 01:12:41,691 --> 01:12:44,356 You remind me, you're nothing but a used tampon. 1060 01:12:44,358 --> 01:12:45,525 Mason: Really Mia? 1061 01:12:45,858 --> 01:12:49,108 Mason: I have a kid, in the corner dying 1062 01:12:49,400 --> 01:12:50,566 I lost my friend! 1063 01:12:52,108 --> 01:12:53,275 Mia: You mean Darren? 1064 01:12:54,316 --> 01:12:56,233 Mia: I thought you said he was dead. 1065 01:12:56,358 --> 01:12:59,400 Wait...did you even see him die? 1066 01:12:59,525 --> 01:13:02,148 Or did you just leave him there to rot. Mason: No actually, i didn't see him die. 1067 01:13:02,150 --> 01:13:04,025 I was too busy rescuing Ben! 1068 01:13:04,858 --> 01:13:07,025 Mason: While he led the Eaters away. 1069 01:13:07,441 --> 01:13:12,108 Look, I get it. I'm not a leader, but i will get us to that ship! 1070 01:13:12,233 --> 01:13:13,148 Mia: Why?! 1071 01:13:13,150 --> 01:13:14,733 Why are you carrying this burden?! 1072 01:13:15,066 --> 01:13:17,481 We all know what this is about. This isn't your job! 1073 01:13:17,483 --> 01:13:20,358 Are you trying to prove to us you have a conscience after all? 1074 01:13:20,691 --> 01:13:22,400 Mason: They look up to me now. 1075 01:13:22,858 --> 01:13:25,608 Okay? And i always complete my missions 1076 01:13:25,691 --> 01:13:29,483 Mia: I hope so Mason, because we have a greedy Doc, a sick kid. 1077 01:13:29,650 --> 01:13:31,650 And Thames who wouldn't mind killing you! 1078 01:13:34,191 --> 01:13:35,358 Mason: What about you? 1079 01:13:38,025 --> 01:13:39,816 You didn't say you'll kill me. 1080 01:13:41,275 --> 01:13:45,066 (Sad music) 1081 01:13:58,983 --> 01:14:01,731 Leo: Mason... 1082 01:14:01,733 --> 01:14:06,108 Leo: Darren said he was always going to protect me, and he's not even around anymore. 1083 01:14:06,150 --> 01:14:09,233 Mason: Leo, you're not looking too good go lay down. 1084 01:14:09,733 --> 01:14:10,858 Leo: My heart is cold. 1085 01:14:11,066 --> 01:14:13,525 Leo: I don't feel inside... (Mia cocks gun) 1086 01:14:13,775 --> 01:14:14,650 Where's Hunter? 1087 01:14:14,900 --> 01:14:16,025 (Leo growls) 1088 01:14:16,066 --> 01:14:18,356 Eric: No no! Leo! 1089 01:14:18,358 --> 01:14:21,441 Eric: No Leo...no! 1090 01:14:21,650 --> 01:14:25,358 Eric: Why Leo?! Why would you do that?! Ima kill that!.. 1091 01:14:25,775 --> 01:14:29,191 Leo! (Eric cries) Leo! 1092 01:14:29,775 --> 01:14:32,150 Eric: Leo! Leo! 1093 01:14:32,316 --> 01:14:33,400 Eric: Ima kill this bitch! 1094 01:14:33,816 --> 01:14:36,108 Mia: I did what i had to do. 1095 01:14:36,691 --> 01:14:39,483 Mia: Wipe your mouth. 1096 01:14:40,275 --> 01:14:43,025 Mia: We're losing everyone Mason.. 1097 01:14:43,316 --> 01:14:44,691 Mason: We're not losing everyone. 1098 01:14:46,483 --> 01:14:49,108 We're still here. 1099 01:14:51,775 --> 01:14:54,441 (Wood crackling in fire) 1100 01:14:59,066 --> 01:15:00,689 Doc: (Breathing heavy) 1101 01:15:00,691 --> 01:15:03,900 Doc: Where's your team? I thought you said you..you had people that came with you. 1102 01:15:04,025 --> 01:15:07,108 Darren: Yeah, we're about a mile south. Doc: Thank you. 1103 01:15:07,233 --> 01:15:08,981 Darren: I just got one guy I'm waiting on. 1104 01:15:08,983 --> 01:15:10,314 Darren: It's our last gun. 1105 01:15:10,316 --> 01:15:12,608 (Doc desperately swallows water) Darren: But, its been 3 days. 1106 01:15:12,983 --> 01:15:15,358 Darren: So I'm getting ready to pack up. 1107 01:15:15,650 --> 01:15:18,358 Doc: Is that (Doc places down water) is that him? 1108 01:15:18,941 --> 01:15:20,233 Darren: I don't know 1109 01:15:20,733 --> 01:15:22,650 he's gotta a gun on his back? Rifle? 1110 01:15:22,691 --> 01:15:23,275 Doc: Yeah, Yeah. 1111 01:15:23,358 --> 01:15:24,775 (Darren laughs with excitement) That's him. 1112 01:15:33,316 --> 01:15:34,731 Darren: How you doing man? 1113 01:15:34,733 --> 01:15:36,150 Darren: You alright? You hurt? 1114 01:15:36,441 --> 01:15:37,858 Darren: What took you soo long? 1115 01:15:38,025 --> 01:15:39,941 Darren: Living out here for 3 days waiting for you. 1116 01:15:40,566 --> 01:15:41,523 Mason: Got caught up. 1117 01:15:41,525 --> 01:15:43,191 Darren: Yeah? Doing what? 1118 01:15:44,150 --> 01:15:45,566 Mason: Listen Darren. 1119 01:15:45,650 --> 01:15:47,525 Darren: Alright, talk, what's on your mind man? 1120 01:15:49,275 --> 01:15:51,483 Mason: I ran into your sister, Nina. 1121 01:15:51,608 --> 01:15:53,025 Darren: Okay, and my father? 1122 01:15:54,525 --> 01:15:56,608 Darren: Were they at the bunker yet? Or are they still on their way. 1123 01:15:56,733 --> 01:15:57,398 Mason: Darren. 1124 01:15:57,400 --> 01:15:58,314 Darren: What?! 1125 01:15:58,316 --> 01:16:00,900 Mason: When I got there, Nina and your dad were arguing 1126 01:16:00,983 --> 01:16:02,566 Darren: Yea, it happens, he's a dick. 1127 01:16:02,816 --> 01:16:04,233 Mason: Well Eaters came out 1128 01:16:05,150 --> 01:16:06,566 Darren: Okay? 1129 01:16:06,650 --> 01:16:08,066 Mason: Your dad.. Darren: Speak! 1130 01:16:08,358 --> 01:16:09,775 Mason: Your dad... 1131 01:16:11,358 --> 01:16:13,316 Mason: He pushed Nina into an Eater. 1132 01:16:13,900 --> 01:16:15,316 Mason: And before you know it... 1133 01:16:16,150 --> 01:16:17,566 Mason: She shot and killed your dad. 1134 01:16:18,358 --> 01:16:19,525 Darren: (distraught) Wha... 1135 01:16:19,650 --> 01:16:20,608 Where's Nina? 1136 01:16:20,941 --> 01:16:22,358 Darren: Where is she? 1137 01:16:22,775 --> 01:16:24,773 Mason: Darren, I don't know. Darren Where the fuck is my sister? 1138 01:16:24,775 --> 01:16:28,314 Mason: She snuck off in the middle of the night Darren: (interupting) Mason. What do you mean she snuck off? 1139 01:16:28,316 --> 01:16:31,858 Mason: I dont know where she is! Darren: Your fucking soldier, she's a little girl! 1140 01:16:31,900 --> 01:16:34,898 Mason: I went looking for her! Fuck I went looking! Doc: Wait wait!! 1141 01:16:34,900 --> 01:16:38,441 Mason: I went looking for her! Darren: It's your fucking fault! 1142 01:16:38,483 --> 01:16:41,606 Mason: I went looking for her Darren! 1143 01:16:41,608 --> 01:16:44,150 Mason: I went looking for her! Doc: Hey 1144 01:16:44,191 --> 01:16:47,358 Darren: Get the fuck off me! Get the fuck off me! 1145 01:16:47,941 --> 01:16:52,233 Mason: I didn't do anything Darren. I swear I looked for her 1146 01:16:57,608 --> 01:17:01,775 Mason: Darren I swear I went looking for her 1147 01:17:02,483 --> 01:17:06,650 Mason: I did everything I could to try and find her Darren 1148 01:17:07,066 --> 01:17:09,106 Mason: Fuck... 1149 01:17:09,108 --> 01:17:10,525 Darren: (Abruptly wakes up) 1150 01:17:11,150 --> 01:17:13,566 (Wood crackling in fire) 1151 01:17:15,275 --> 01:17:17,358 Darren: It's still me. 1152 01:17:17,816 --> 01:17:19,525 Alex: I will shoot you. 1153 01:17:21,275 --> 01:17:23,816 Darren: Get your fucking gun outta my face. 1154 01:17:34,191 --> 01:17:36,483 Chris: Alex, what the fuck are you doing? 1155 01:17:36,900 --> 01:17:38,316 Chris: Put you gun down. 1156 01:17:40,316 --> 01:17:43,650 Alex: He's bleeding badly. He can turn at any point, and just left me here with him? 1157 01:17:44,066 --> 01:17:46,275 Chris: He was stabbed, not bit. 1158 01:17:46,441 --> 01:17:48,150 You have nothing to worry about. 1159 01:17:59,650 --> 01:18:01,066 Chris: Still alive. 1160 01:18:05,108 --> 01:18:06,525 Chris: He'll survive. 1161 01:18:07,483 --> 01:18:09,191 Chris: Just hang in there man. 1162 01:18:12,483 --> 01:18:14,400 Chris: I wanted to ask you something. 1163 01:18:16,108 --> 01:18:17,525 Alex: I'm listening. 1164 01:18:22,691 --> 01:18:24,608 Chris: What does your brother look like, 1165 01:18:26,650 --> 01:18:29,358 Chris: Explain to me what he looks like. 1166 01:18:29,900 --> 01:18:31,275 Alex: He kinda looks like me. 1167 01:18:31,358 --> 01:18:33,275 But a little taller, and a little skinnier. 1168 01:18:45,275 --> 01:18:46,691 Alex: Wait, Chris? 1169 01:18:48,275 --> 01:18:49,691 Alex: Why'd you ask me that? 1170 01:18:57,983 --> 01:18:58,983 Chris: uhh... 1171 01:18:59,025 --> 01:19:01,108 Its probably better if we walk and talk 1172 01:19:18,400 --> 01:19:19,525 Chris: Darren? 1173 01:19:22,025 --> 01:19:23,275 Chris: You alright man? 1174 01:19:23,816 --> 01:19:25,233 Chris: You got water in your system? 1175 01:19:26,566 --> 01:19:29,731 Darren: Yeah. Chris: You got enough in you for a mile? 1176 01:19:29,733 --> 01:19:31,150 Darren: (signs) 1177 01:19:41,566 --> 01:19:42,983 1178 01:19:56,108 --> 01:20:13,233 SAD MUSIC PLAYS 1179 01:20:51,316 --> 01:20:55,106 Darren: Man I know that group their gonna be at that pier any day. We gotta move 1180 01:20:55,108 --> 01:20:59,441 Chris: Well, I scouted this place enough to know this is the fastest route, to the pier. 1181 01:21:00,983 --> 01:21:09,025 Chris: we just gotta cut through here, and avoid this fuckers on the outside. (gun clicks) 1182 01:21:09,150 --> 01:21:13,483 Darren: Let's go 1183 01:21:17,858 --> 01:21:28,275 INTENSE MUSIC 1184 01:22:19,525 --> 01:22:23,858 WALKING 1185 01:22:27,358 --> 01:22:37,775 INTENSE MUSIC 1186 01:22:46,275 --> 01:22:52,483 EATER MOVING QUICKLY 1187 01:22:55,941 --> 01:23:01,900 Christ: (breathing heavy) 1188 01:23:09,150 --> 01:23:14,233 CHRIS STRUGGLING WITH EATER 1189 01:23:15,691 --> 01:23:17,191 Chris: Oh Shit! EATER GROWLING 1190 01:23:17,525 --> 01:23:20,483 FIGHTING ENSUES WITH EATER 1191 01:23:21,108 --> 01:23:22,941 Chris: Stay down mother fucker 1192 01:23:24,150 --> 01:23:24,733 GUN SHOT BLOOD SPLATTERS 1193 01:23:24,816 --> 01:23:26,191 Darren: Jesus! 1194 01:23:29,275 --> 01:23:30,483 Chris: Run! 1195 01:23:42,275 --> 01:23:45,023 GUN SHOT EATERS GROWLING 1196 01:23:45,025 --> 01:23:47,983 GUN SHOTS EATERS GROWLING 1197 01:23:48,733 --> 01:23:52,358 GUN SHOTS EATERS GROWLING 1198 01:23:54,233 --> 01:23:56,025 GUN SHOT EATERS GROWLING 1199 01:23:58,066 --> 01:23:59,858 GUN SHOTS EATERS GROWLING 1200 01:24:00,775 --> 01:24:02,566 GUN SHOTS EATERS GROWLING 1201 01:24:04,775 --> 01:24:06,566 GUN SHOT EATERS GROWLING 1202 01:24:08,650 --> 01:24:10,441 GUN SHOTS EATERS GROWLING 1203 01:24:11,233 --> 01:24:13,025 GUN SHOTS EATERS GROWLING 1204 01:24:15,650 --> 01:24:17,441 GUN SHOT EATERS GROWLING 1205 01:24:19,525 --> 01:24:21,316 GUN SHOTS EATERS GROWLING 1206 01:24:22,108 --> 01:24:23,900 GROUP YELLING 1207 01:24:27,483 --> 01:24:29,275 GUN SHOT EATERS GROWLING 1208 01:24:32,358 --> 01:24:34,150 GUN SHOT EATERS GROWLING 1209 01:24:38,691 --> 01:24:40,483 BREATHING HEAVY 1210 01:24:41,483 --> 01:24:42,900 (Group breathing heavy) 1211 01:24:43,733 --> 01:24:45,150 Chris: Im out. 1212 01:24:49,316 --> 01:24:50,733 Darren: This won't run out of ammo. 1213 01:24:51,150 --> 01:24:52,275 Chris: (laughs) 1214 01:24:52,608 --> 01:24:54,025 Chris: That's cute. 1215 01:25:02,983 --> 01:25:04,775 SILENCE 1216 01:25:07,983 --> 01:25:09,775 FOOT STEPS APPROACHING 1217 01:25:15,400 --> 01:25:17,233 Mason: I don't want to hear a word about Hunters death. 1218 01:25:17,733 --> 01:25:18,900 Mia: Well you're gonna hear it. 1219 01:25:19,691 --> 01:25:21,108 His death shouldn't have happened. 1220 01:25:21,275 --> 01:25:24,191 This... This... This whole thing you got going on in your head 1221 01:25:24,566 --> 01:25:25,981 Is gonna get us all killed Mason. 1222 01:25:25,983 --> 01:25:27,400 Mason: Are you blaming me for Hunter's death? 1223 01:25:28,150 --> 01:25:29,731 Mason: And your knife selling boyfriend too? 1224 01:25:29,733 --> 01:25:31,231 Mia: No, but i know you wished for it 1225 01:25:31,233 --> 01:25:34,648 And I'm a strong believer in manifestation. You wanted it and so it was so. 1226 01:25:34,650 --> 01:25:37,108 Mason: I don't have time for that mumbo jumbo bullshit. 1227 01:25:37,233 --> 01:25:38,650 I gotta get us to that ship. 1228 01:25:38,691 --> 01:25:39,400 Mia: Why?! 1229 01:25:39,733 --> 01:25:42,108 Mia: Why do you care all of a sudden now Mason? You don't care about shit! 1230 01:25:42,191 --> 01:25:43,608 Mason: What and you do?! 1231 01:25:43,983 --> 01:25:47,066 What? You're looking for your sister, that makes more in tuned of whats left of the world 1232 01:25:47,191 --> 01:25:47,900 Mason: Fuck outta here! 1233 01:25:47,941 --> 01:25:50,441 Mia: Im more in touch with the rest of the world because I still have hope 1234 01:25:50,608 --> 01:25:53,233 Mia: I hope that i can find her. I hope there's a cure. 1235 01:25:53,483 --> 01:25:56,983 Unlike you. All you live for is running balls into the mouth of madness! 1236 01:25:57,358 --> 01:25:59,108 Mason: You don't know shit about me Little girl. 1237 01:25:59,608 --> 01:26:03,483 Mason: While you were taking rich republicans on nature walks, I was fighting for our freedom. 1238 01:26:03,566 --> 01:26:04,189 Okay? 1239 01:26:04,191 --> 01:26:06,316 Why dont you save the bullshit talk for what's his name? 1240 01:26:06,358 --> 01:26:07,814 Mason: Oh damn...thats right. 1241 01:26:07,816 --> 01:26:09,233 He's dead... right? 1242 01:26:10,316 --> 01:26:11,525 Mia: You really are a dick! 1243 01:26:11,608 --> 01:26:14,650 Mia: I didn't think i'll live long enough to actually see a walking, talking, breathing dick in... (words cut off) 1244 01:26:21,025 --> 01:26:23,566 Eric: I bet your wondering what happened to Hunter huh 1245 01:26:23,858 --> 01:26:25,400 Eric: I tried to save him Dr. Spencer: Yeah right... 1246 01:26:25,733 --> 01:26:27,025 Eric: I tried to help 1247 01:26:28,358 --> 01:26:29,900 Eric: I saw him fightnig the Eaters I tried to shoot them 1248 01:26:30,108 --> 01:26:31,650 Mason: Relax... Relax Eric 1249 01:26:31,775 --> 01:26:33,316 Thames: just chill, just chill man Mason: Just put the gun down 1250 01:26:33,441 --> 01:26:34,775 Dr. Spencer: Don't put the gun down 1251 01:26:34,816 --> 01:26:36,358 Eric: Now I lost my best friend? Mason: Shut the fuck up! 1252 01:26:36,400 --> 01:26:38,191 Thames: You'll be all right Eric: I don't got nothing 1253 01:26:38,275 --> 01:26:39,689 Mia: you've got us Eric: Nothing! 1254 01:26:39,691 --> 01:26:41,025 Dr. Spencer: That's right 1255 01:26:41,900 --> 01:26:43,400 Thames: Shut up 1256 01:26:45,191 --> 01:26:46,983 Dr. Spencer: Oh! Thames: Damn! Shit 1257 01:26:47,066 --> 01:26:48,858 Mia: What are you going to do with that gun Eric? 1258 01:26:49,025 --> 01:26:50,816 Mason: he's not going to do anything right Eric 1259 01:26:51,025 --> 01:26:52,356 Thames: There's a cure Mason: Listen to my voice 1260 01:26:52,358 --> 01:26:53,648 Mason: Look at me Eric 1261 01:26:53,650 --> 01:26:55,150 Mia: No wait Eric 1262 01:26:55,400 --> 01:26:56,316 Mia: No wait Eric! Mason: No! 1263 01:26:56,483 --> 01:26:57,983 Mia screams Group: Shouts! Dr. Spencer: Go ahead! Do it! Woohoo! 1264 01:26:58,358 --> 01:26:59,858 Thames: No fuck! 1265 01:26:59,983 --> 01:27:02,316 Dr. Spencer: (laughing) Holy shit 1266 01:27:02,650 --> 01:27:04,150 Thames: Damn! 1267 01:27:04,275 --> 01:27:06,608 Dr. Spencer: (laughing) hooooo hoo Thames: You think its a fucking game dont you?! 1268 01:27:06,816 --> 01:27:08,316 Mia: (cries) Fuck... 1269 01:27:08,691 --> 01:27:10,191 Thames: Shit! 1270 01:27:14,233 --> 01:27:16,566 Dr. Spencer: (laughing) One less 1271 01:27:27,400 --> 01:27:28,900 Mia: (cries) This really hit home for you didn't it? 1272 01:27:30,900 --> 01:27:33,691 Mia: (cries) I can see it all in your eyes! 1273 01:27:36,025 --> 01:27:39,025 Mia: (cries) We haven't done nothing to show this kid there's something worth fighting for 1274 01:27:41,400 --> 01:27:44,733 Mia: (cries, smacks) Do you believe there's something worth fighting for now? 1275 01:27:48,066 --> 01:27:49,566 Mia: (cries) 1276 01:27:51,983 --> 01:27:53,483 Mason: (cries, under his breath) Gabriel 1277 01:27:58,066 --> 01:27:59,566 Mason: (cries, under his breath) Gabe 1278 01:28:00,691 --> 01:28:05,691 Mason: (cries) Gabriel! 1279 01:28:07,816 --> 01:28:09,316 Mason: (cries) Gabe 1280 01:28:10,441 --> 01:28:15,441 Mason: (cries) Gabriel! 1281 01:28:21,775 --> 01:28:26,775 Sad dramatic music plays 1282 01:28:39,483 --> 01:28:42,733 Loud Gunshot 1283 01:28:46,233 --> 01:28:51,233 Sad dramatic music plays 1284 01:29:29,400 --> 01:29:34,400 Sad dramatic music plays 1285 01:30:00,108 --> 01:30:05,108 Sad dramatic music plays 1286 01:30:38,650 --> 01:30:43,650 Sad dramatic music plays 1287 01:30:53,691 --> 01:30:58,691 Sad dramatic music plays 1288 01:31:12,983 --> 01:31:16,233 Loud Gunshot 1289 01:31:20,275 --> 01:31:23,525 Loud Gunshot 1290 01:31:23,858 --> 01:31:26,316 Loud Gunshot 1291 01:31:26,650 --> 01:31:28,441 Group yells 1292 01:31:28,525 --> 01:31:30,441 Gun hit 1293 01:31:31,691 --> 01:31:33,816 Loud Gunshot 1294 01:31:33,983 --> 01:31:36,358 Shot Gun Blasts 1295 01:31:36,691 --> 01:31:37,273 Loud Gunshot 1296 01:31:37,275 --> 01:31:38,108 Shot Gun Blasts 1297 01:31:38,150 --> 01:31:40,108 Rifle Shot 1298 01:31:40,483 --> 01:31:41,691 Shot Gun Blasts 1299 01:31:41,816 --> 01:31:43,108 Gun Shot 1300 01:31:45,525 --> 01:31:46,816 Gun Shot 1301 01:31:47,525 --> 01:31:49,483 Rifle Shot 1302 01:31:49,566 --> 01:31:51,358 Shot gun blast 1303 01:31:51,400 --> 01:31:52,314 Loud Gunshot 1304 01:31:52,316 --> 01:31:53,689 Shot gun blast 1305 01:31:53,691 --> 01:31:54,441 Rifle Shot 1306 01:31:54,650 --> 01:31:56,525 Gun Shots 1307 01:31:57,108 --> 01:31:58,400 Group yells Mia: Let's Go! 1308 01:31:59,441 --> 01:32:00,733 EATERS GROWLING AND SNARLING 1309 01:32:00,983 --> 01:32:01,983 Thames: Let's fucking go! 1310 01:32:02,233 --> 01:32:03,858 Group Running 1311 01:32:04,066 --> 01:32:04,983 Thames: Keep moving! 1312 01:32:09,608 --> 01:32:10,525 Dr. Spencer: Ow! Fuck it! Mason! 1313 01:32:10,983 --> 01:32:11,900 Dr. Spencer: (garbled) 1314 01:32:13,983 --> 01:32:14,816 Thames: Get off of him! 1315 01:32:14,858 --> 01:32:15,564 Loud Gunshot 1316 01:32:15,566 --> 01:32:16,273 Thames: Oh shit! 1317 01:32:16,275 --> 01:32:17,108 EATERS ATTACKING 1318 01:32:19,816 --> 01:32:21,441 Group Running 1319 01:32:25,025 --> 01:32:25,941 Dr. Spencer: (blood curdling screams) 1320 01:32:29,525 --> 01:32:31,150 Group Running 1321 01:32:31,816 --> 01:32:32,733 Dr. Spencer: (blood curdling screams) 1322 01:32:35,441 --> 01:32:36,275 EATERS RUNNING GROWLING 1323 01:32:40,191 --> 01:32:41,025 Eaters ripping through flesh 1324 01:32:45,650 --> 01:32:46,483 Gun Shot 1325 01:32:47,025 --> 01:32:47,858 Mason: Go go go! 1326 01:32:51,400 --> 01:32:52,525 Gun Shot 1327 01:32:57,775 --> 01:32:58,608 Gun Shot 1328 01:32:59,233 --> 01:33:00,066 Gun Shot 1329 01:33:07,191 --> 01:33:08,900 Darren: There's no way they made it! 1330 01:33:09,025 --> 01:33:09,858 We gotta find the group 1331 01:33:18,941 --> 01:33:19,775 Chris: Fuck! 1332 01:33:22,358 --> 01:33:23,816 Darren: We gotta find the rest of the group 1333 01:33:28,150 --> 01:33:31,191 Darren: We gotta take care of this leg, before it gets a fucking infection 1334 01:33:32,566 --> 01:33:34,025 Darren: (groans in pain) 1335 01:33:34,483 --> 01:33:35,941 Chris: let me see what I got in this bag 1336 01:33:38,233 --> 01:33:39,691 Chris: (rummaging through the bag) 1337 01:33:40,733 --> 01:33:42,191 Chris: Just gotta keep pressure on it 1338 01:33:48,150 --> 01:33:49,523 Chris: This will do 1339 01:33:49,525 --> 01:33:50,606 Darren: oh fuck! 1340 01:33:50,608 --> 01:33:51,983 Chris: Yeah man 1341 01:33:52,358 --> 01:33:53,733 Chris: We ain't got nothing to stitch you up so 1342 01:33:54,691 --> 01:33:56,066 lighter clicks 1343 01:33:56,233 --> 01:33:57,608 Darren: shit! 1344 01:33:58,316 --> 01:33:59,691 Chris: Just watch my six Alex: Yeah 1345 01:34:02,483 --> 01:34:03,858 Chris: Just hang in there 1346 01:34:04,525 --> 01:34:05,566 Darren: heavy breathing 1347 01:34:05,858 --> 01:34:07,233 Chris: I got you 1348 01:34:07,900 --> 01:34:09,275 Chris: Just waiting for the blade to get hot 1349 01:34:11,191 --> 01:34:12,566 Whispering 1350 01:34:15,775 --> 01:34:17,150 Mia: Hey what's up? 1351 01:34:17,566 --> 01:34:19,900 oh! Thank you 1352 01:34:20,775 --> 01:34:22,150 Thames: I had to go back 1353 01:34:22,691 --> 01:34:24,066 Mason: You did what? 1354 01:34:26,233 --> 01:34:28,650 Thames: I went back so I could go bury our fearless leader but... 1355 01:34:29,566 --> 01:34:30,941 Mason: Thats dangerous 1356 01:34:32,525 --> 01:34:35,233 Like next time, make sure you let us know you go off by yourself 1357 01:34:36,358 --> 01:34:37,733 Thames: I know, this is all I could find 1358 01:34:38,441 --> 01:34:39,816 Mia: Thank you 1359 01:34:43,775 --> 01:34:45,150 Thames: But I'm sticking with ya'll 1360 01:35:01,233 --> 01:35:02,608 Alex: bite down 1361 01:35:03,108 --> 01:35:08,358 Searing Flesh Darren: (screaming in agony) 1362 01:35:09,900 --> 01:35:11,275 Chris: Yup .... That did it 1363 01:35:13,066 --> 01:35:14,441 Chris: You'll survive 1364 01:35:15,483 --> 01:35:16,858 Darren: Fuck 1365 01:35:20,233 --> 01:35:21,608 Darren: (breathing heavy) 1366 01:35:25,983 --> 01:35:27,358 GROUP RUNNING 1367 01:35:27,858 --> 01:35:28,566 Mia: Thames 1368 01:35:29,025 --> 01:35:29,733 Mia: Are you hurt? 1369 01:35:31,941 --> 01:35:32,608 Mason: Hurt? 1370 01:35:33,733 --> 01:35:34,275 Thames: Yeah 1371 01:35:34,483 --> 01:35:35,025 Thames: I'm bit 1372 01:35:36,358 --> 01:35:37,191 Thames: Listen guys 1373 01:35:37,733 --> 01:35:38,983 Thames: I'm gonna make sure ya'll get there 1374 01:35:39,858 --> 01:35:41,150 Thames: We come this far right? 1375 01:35:44,400 --> 01:35:45,233 Mia: But 1376 01:35:45,816 --> 01:35:47,398 Mia: If its true about what they say 1377 01:35:47,400 --> 01:35:48,233 Thames: About the cure? 1378 01:35:49,483 --> 01:35:52,233 Thames: We were detailed to him two months longer than Tyler was 1379 01:35:52,941 --> 01:35:54,900 Thames: he never said anything about the cure 1380 01:35:55,150 --> 01:35:56,525 Thames: Just the decayed 1381 01:35:56,900 --> 01:35:58,316 Thames: I knew this shit was gonna happen 1382 01:35:58,650 --> 01:36:00,608 EATERS GROWLING IN THE DISTANCE 1383 01:36:01,108 --> 01:36:03,066 Gun Shots Mason: Stand your ground! 1384 01:36:03,858 --> 01:36:05,816 Eaters Growling Gun Shots 1385 01:36:06,358 --> 01:36:08,316 Eaters Growling Gun Shots 1386 01:36:09,983 --> 01:36:11,941 Mason: Thames! 1387 01:36:12,025 --> 01:36:13,983 Shotgun Blast 1388 01:36:14,650 --> 01:36:15,150 Bat Hit 1389 01:36:15,233 --> 01:36:17,191 Eaters Growling Gun Shots 1390 01:36:17,566 --> 01:36:19,525 Mia: Thames get him! 1391 01:36:19,816 --> 01:36:21,775 Eaters Growling Mason Struggling 1392 01:36:24,233 --> 01:36:24,733 Bat Hit 1393 01:36:25,400 --> 01:36:26,816 Eaters Growling 1394 01:36:27,483 --> 01:36:27,983 Bat Hit 1395 01:36:28,233 --> 01:36:29,316 Gun Shot 1396 01:36:29,941 --> 01:36:30,441 Bat Hit 1397 01:36:31,316 --> 01:36:36,483 Repetitive Bat Hits 1398 01:36:37,400 --> 01:36:38,483 Eater Snarling Gun Shot 1399 01:36:39,275 --> 01:36:40,358 Ringing 1400 01:36:40,566 --> 01:36:41,650 Darren: Get your ass up.... There's more incoming 1401 01:36:42,858 --> 01:36:43,941 Ringing 1402 01:36:46,441 --> 01:36:47,525 Darren: We'll square up later 1403 01:36:49,691 --> 01:36:50,775 Mia: What happened to your leg? 1404 01:36:51,483 --> 01:36:52,566 Darren: Cut myself on a branch 1405 01:36:53,691 --> 01:36:54,483 Darren: How are you? 1406 01:36:54,525 --> 01:36:55,608 Thames: Damn its good to see you man! Darren: Ya'll good? 1407 01:36:55,900 --> 01:36:56,691 Darren: Where is everybody? 1408 01:36:57,108 --> 01:36:57,900 Mia: We'll walk and talk 1409 01:36:58,441 --> 01:36:59,608 Thames: We'll tell you all about it later 1410 01:37:01,858 --> 01:37:04,150 Silence 1411 01:37:18,025 --> 01:37:20,691 Walking in grass 1412 01:37:28,358 --> 01:37:30,650 Silence 1413 01:37:35,858 --> 01:37:38,150 Silence 1414 01:37:40,025 --> 01:37:42,316 Jumping on concrete 1415 01:37:52,775 --> 01:37:58,900 Jumping on concrete 1416 01:38:04,483 --> 01:38:09,525 Walking 1417 01:38:16,233 --> 01:38:18,525 Loud Roar 1418 01:38:20,650 --> 01:38:22,608 Chris: Fuck.... 1419 01:38:22,650 --> 01:38:26,775 Mason: Something crazy is coming. We gotta get him to safety now 1420 01:38:27,400 --> 01:38:30,441 Mia: Thames, he's to wounded to handle that thing out there right now 1421 01:38:31,316 --> 01:38:34,483 Thames: What choice do we have? I have to fight 1422 01:38:36,275 --> 01:38:40,733 Chris: I mean the best thing we can do, is get the wounded to safety and then we can deal with that fucker 1423 01:38:41,441 --> 01:38:43,400 Chris: Cause if we dont, we're fucked 1424 01:38:43,691 --> 01:38:45,400 Mason: He's right 1425 01:38:46,441 --> 01:38:48,150 Mason: We gotta go now 1426 01:38:48,358 --> 01:38:50,066 Darren: Mason 1427 01:38:51,900 --> 01:38:54,983 Darren: Are you with us now? Or is it still every man for himself? 1428 01:38:56,983 --> 01:38:58,691 Mason: I'm here 1429 01:38:58,858 --> 01:39:00,566 Mason: Come on let's go 1430 01:39:01,566 --> 01:39:02,483 Chris: Alex 1431 01:39:02,858 --> 01:39:03,775 Chris: Stay with Thames 1432 01:39:04,775 --> 01:39:06,275 Its better you give him support 1433 01:39:07,025 --> 01:39:08,775 especially if any of those things get by us 1434 01:39:09,191 --> 01:39:10,108 Thames: Darren 1435 01:39:13,816 --> 01:39:15,650 Your better off using it than I am 1436 01:39:18,400 --> 01:39:19,150 Darren: we'll be back 1437 01:39:19,191 --> 01:39:20,566 Chris: Just watch your six alright 1438 01:39:21,025 --> 01:39:22,400 Chris: You know what to do 1439 01:39:22,441 --> 01:39:24,108 Alex: Understood, see you guys soon 1440 01:39:24,566 --> 01:39:25,941 Darren: I know 1441 01:39:35,816 --> 01:39:38,441 A GROUP OF EATERS GROWLING 1442 01:39:38,691 --> 01:39:39,816 GUN SHOT 1443 01:39:43,025 --> 01:39:45,650 A GROUP OF EATERS GROWLING 1444 01:39:46,566 --> 01:39:47,691 GUN SHOT 1445 01:39:47,941 --> 01:39:48,941 A GROUP OF EATERS GROWLING 1446 01:39:49,108 --> 01:39:50,233 Darren: Stay tight! 1447 01:39:50,608 --> 01:39:51,733 GUN SHOT 1448 01:39:53,400 --> 01:39:54,275 GUN SHOT 1449 01:39:54,358 --> 01:39:55,481 Chris: It's too many of them! 1450 01:39:55,483 --> 01:39:56,064 GUN SHOT 1451 01:39:56,066 --> 01:39:57,191 Chris: I need a gun, I need a gun! 1452 01:39:57,483 --> 01:39:57,941 Darren: here! 1453 01:39:57,983 --> 01:39:58,566 GUN SHOT 1454 01:39:58,941 --> 01:40:00,816 EATERS GROWLING 1455 01:40:01,066 --> 01:40:01,941 GUN SHOT 1456 01:40:03,983 --> 01:40:04,858 GUN SHOT 1457 01:40:05,816 --> 01:40:06,691 BAT CRACKING SKULL 1458 01:40:07,941 --> 01:40:08,816 METAL POLE CRACKING SKULL 1459 01:40:09,025 --> 01:40:09,900 Mason: What the fuck are these things?! 1460 01:40:10,025 --> 01:40:10,900 GUN SHOT 1461 01:40:11,233 --> 01:40:11,775 Darren: (screaming) 1462 01:40:11,816 --> 01:40:12,691 GUN SHOT 1463 01:40:13,483 --> 01:40:14,358 Mason: (blood gurgling) 1464 01:40:15,691 --> 01:40:16,233 GUN SHOT 1465 01:40:17,025 --> 01:40:17,900 Mason: (blood gurgling) 1466 01:40:20,941 --> 01:40:21,483 GUN SHOT 1467 01:40:22,691 --> 01:40:23,233 GUN SHOT 1468 01:40:24,816 --> 01:40:25,358 GUN SHOT 1469 01:40:26,858 --> 01:40:27,733 BAT AND METAL AXE CRACKING SKULL 1470 01:40:29,066 --> 01:40:29,775 SEVERAL GUN SHOTS 1471 01:40:30,150 --> 01:40:31,025 METAL POLE CRACKING SKULL 1472 01:40:37,191 --> 01:40:38,066 Mason: (in gut wrenching pain) 1473 01:40:39,691 --> 01:40:40,566 Mason: (Growls) 1474 01:40:43,566 --> 01:40:44,441 GUN SHOT 1475 01:40:45,525 --> 01:40:46,400 Mason: (growls) 1476 01:40:47,650 --> 01:40:48,525 GUN SHOT 1477 01:40:50,816 --> 01:40:51,691 Mason: (growls) 1478 01:40:53,941 --> 01:40:54,816 METAL POLE CRACKING SKULL 1479 01:40:55,858 --> 01:40:56,733 Mason: (growls as a Decayer) 1480 01:40:57,275 --> 01:40:58,150 SKULL CRACKS 1481 01:41:01,691 --> 01:41:02,566 DECAYER GROWLS 1482 01:41:06,441 --> 01:41:07,316 Mason: (screams in pain) 1483 01:41:09,483 --> 01:41:10,358 BOTH DECAYERS GROWLING 1484 01:41:12,858 --> 01:41:13,733 METAL POLE BASHING BONES 1485 01:41:14,066 --> 01:41:14,941 GUN SHOT 1486 01:41:17,316 --> 01:41:18,191 Chris: (breathing hard) You ok Mia? 1487 01:41:18,483 --> 01:41:19,358 Mia: Yeah I'm good 1488 01:41:19,441 --> 01:41:20,316 Mia: Go over there and check Darren 1489 01:41:20,525 --> 01:41:21,400 BOTH DECAYERS GROWLING 1490 01:41:22,025 --> 01:41:22,900 NECK SNAPPED 1491 01:41:25,316 --> 01:41:26,191 Chris: Come on Mason Mia: Mason 1492 01:41:27,025 --> 01:41:28,400 Mason lets out a Decayer Growl 1493 01:41:30,733 --> 01:41:31,523 Chris: Just hang in there Mia: Mason you got this 1494 01:41:31,525 --> 01:41:32,900 Darren: Relax 1495 01:41:33,275 --> 01:41:34,650 Mason lets out a Decayer Growl 1496 01:41:35,441 --> 01:41:37,025 Chris: Come on Mason Mia: Mason come on you got this 1497 01:41:37,191 --> 01:41:37,983 Darren: You know me Mason: (Decayer growl) 1498 01:41:38,233 --> 01:41:39,025 Darren: stay here Mason: (Decayer growl) 1499 01:41:39,983 --> 01:41:43,400 Darren: You know me Mason: (Decayer growl) 1500 01:41:43,900 --> 01:41:46,066 Darren: God damn bro Mia: Mason! 1501 01:41:46,275 --> 01:41:47,066 Mason: (Decayer growl knife slash) 1502 01:41:50,816 --> 01:41:51,608 BAT SMACKING MASON SKULL 1503 01:41:54,566 --> 01:41:55,691 Mia: Mason! Mason come on! Mason: (Decayer growl) 1504 01:41:56,025 --> 01:41:57,150 Chris: Come on Mason fight it! 1505 01:42:01,191 --> 01:42:01,983 GUN SHOT 1506 01:42:02,483 --> 01:42:03,358 Chris: Yo he's gone! He's gone! 1507 01:42:04,025 --> 01:42:04,816 3 GUN SHOTS 1508 01:42:05,858 --> 01:42:06,650 GUN SHOT 1509 01:42:07,275 --> 01:42:08,066 AXE HITTING SKULL 1510 01:42:21,566 --> 01:42:22,358 Darren: You saved our lives 1511 01:42:25,566 --> 01:42:26,358 Thames: I came here to tell ya'll 1512 01:42:27,775 --> 01:42:28,566 Thames: we received a transmission 1513 01:42:32,358 --> 01:42:33,525 Chris: What about the transmission 1514 01:42:35,150 --> 01:42:38,066 Thames: somebody reached out to us, their still looking for survivors 1515 01:42:39,941 --> 01:42:40,733 Thames: (in pain) 1516 01:42:46,358 --> 01:42:47,775 SOFT MUSIC LIGHT FOOTSTEPS 1517 01:43:03,275 --> 01:43:04,066 Gordon: You fucking kidding me! 1518 01:43:05,525 --> 01:43:06,316 TAPPING ON WALKIE TALKIE 1519 01:43:07,108 --> 01:43:07,900 Gordon: Missed that fucking boat? 1520 01:43:23,108 --> 01:43:23,900 Gordon: Fuck! 1521 01:43:25,775 --> 01:43:26,566 Gordon: (sighing) 1522 01:43:40,775 --> 01:43:43,775 SAD MUSIC PLAYING 1523 01:43:53,900 --> 01:43:56,900 BUS ENGINE ROARS AS IT APPROACHES 1524 01:44:00,900 --> 01:44:03,900 BUS DOORS OPEN GORDON STEPS OFF 1525 01:44:04,316 --> 01:44:06,025 Darren: Don't fucking move! Gordon: Whoa whoa 1526 01:44:06,066 --> 01:44:07,775 Mia: Wait, hold on, he doesn't look bit! 1527 01:44:07,858 --> 01:44:09,566 Gordon: You looking for that ship? You missed it about an hour ago 1528 01:44:10,191 --> 01:44:11,398 Mia: (gasps and drops bat) 1529 01:44:11,400 --> 01:44:12,775 Darren: Fuck! 1530 01:44:14,775 --> 01:44:16,483 Alex: What are we going to do now? 1531 01:44:16,900 --> 01:44:18,608 Gordon: I have a bus Mia: We have no money 1532 01:44:19,650 --> 01:44:22,983 Gordon: I dont need any money. I just need some fresh water and something to eat if you have it 1533 01:44:23,816 --> 01:44:27,150 Gordon: last group I was with, they decided to fend for themselves 1534 01:44:30,525 --> 01:44:33,025 Darren: You've got yourself a deal 1535 01:44:34,400 --> 01:44:37,733 Gordon: thank you, this way. Mia: Thank God Philly isn't that big. Come on guys 1536 01:44:41,358 --> 01:44:44,691 WALKING 1537 01:45:01,150 --> 01:45:03,275 DOORS CLOSE 1538 01:45:05,275 --> 01:45:08,608 BUS ENGINE ROARS 1539 01:45:32,316 --> 01:45:35,650 EATER WALKING 1540 01:45:47,983 --> 01:45:51,316 BUS ENGINE RUMBLES ALONG 1541 01:45:52,233 --> 01:46:09,900 ERIE MUSIC PLAYS 1542 01:46:09,902 --> 01:46:14,902 Subtitles by explosiveskull