1 00:00:37,319 --> 00:00:39,529 Our sun is dying. 2 00:00:40,239 --> 00:00:43,115 Mankind faces extinction. 3 00:00:45,077 --> 00:00:49,789 Seven years ago, the Icarus Project sent a mission to restart the sun. 4 00:00:49,957 --> 00:00:53,751 But that mission was lost before it reached the star. 5 00:00:55,796 --> 00:01:00,091 Sixteen months ago, I, Robert Capa, and a crew of seven... 6 00:01:00,259 --> 00:01:03,553 ...left Earth frozen in a solar winter. 7 00:01:04,930 --> 00:01:06,472 Our payload... 8 00:01:06,640 --> 00:01:11,561 ...a stellar bomb with a mass equivalent to Manhattan Island. 9 00:01:12,437 --> 00:01:14,397 Our purpose... 10 00:01:15,065 --> 00:01:18,651 ...to create a star within a star. 11 00:01:43,385 --> 00:01:47,680 Eight astronauts strapped to the back of a bomb. 12 00:01:48,098 --> 00:01:49,640 My bomb. 13 00:01:51,226 --> 00:01:53,394 Welcome to Icarus II. 14 00:02:25,969 --> 00:02:27,136 Icarus. 15 00:02:27,679 --> 00:02:29,722 Yes, Dr. Searle? 16 00:02:29,890 --> 00:02:33,392 Please re-filter the Observation Room portal. 17 00:02:33,560 --> 00:02:37,188 Filter up or down, Dr. Searle? 18 00:02:37,773 --> 00:02:39,482 Down. 19 00:02:43,612 --> 00:02:45,488 Oh, my. 20 00:02:48,408 --> 00:02:53,120 Icarus, how close is this to full brightness? 21 00:02:53,580 --> 00:02:57,625 At this distance of 36 million miles... 22 00:02:57,793 --> 00:03:02,546 ...you are observing the sun at 2 percent of full brightness. 23 00:03:02,881 --> 00:03:03,923 Two percent? 24 00:03:05,384 --> 00:03:07,093 Can you show me 4 percent? 25 00:03:07,260 --> 00:03:11,681 Four percent would result in irreversible damage to your retinas. 26 00:03:18,605 --> 00:03:21,941 However, you could observe 3.1 percent... 27 00:03:22,109 --> 00:03:25,111 ...for a period of not longer than 30 seconds. 28 00:03:25,320 --> 00:03:28,280 All right. Icarus, I'm gonna reset... 29 00:03:28,448 --> 00:03:32,576 ...the filter to 3.1 percent. 30 00:04:09,489 --> 00:04:11,574 Well, it's invigorating. 31 00:04:11,742 --> 00:04:14,577 It's like taking a shower in light. 32 00:04:14,745 --> 00:04:17,830 -You lose yourself a little. -Like a flotation tank. 33 00:04:17,998 --> 00:04:19,039 Actually, no. 34 00:04:24,546 --> 00:04:25,921 Look, what is it, beef? 35 00:04:26,089 --> 00:04:27,465 Chicken. 36 00:04:27,632 --> 00:04:30,009 If you don't like it, you take my shift next time. 37 00:04:30,177 --> 00:04:33,345 For psych tests on deep space, I ran sensory-deprivation trials. 38 00:04:33,513 --> 00:04:35,973 Testing total darkness on flotation tanks. 39 00:04:36,141 --> 00:04:40,019 And the point about darkness is, you float in it. 40 00:04:40,187 --> 00:04:43,022 You and the darkness are distinct from each other... 41 00:04:43,190 --> 00:04:47,276 ...because darkness is an absence of something, it's a vacuum. 42 00:04:47,444 --> 00:04:50,488 But total light, it envelops you. 43 00:04:50,655 --> 00:04:52,281 It becomes you. 44 00:04:54,826 --> 00:04:56,786 It's very strange. I don't, um-- 45 00:04:57,496 --> 00:04:59,079 I recommend it. 46 00:04:59,247 --> 00:05:02,082 What's strange, Searle, is that you're the psych officer... 47 00:05:02,250 --> 00:05:04,585 ...and I'm clearly a lot saner than you are. 48 00:05:07,464 --> 00:05:08,506 Mmm. Good. 49 00:05:23,146 --> 00:05:25,523 All right, if no one's gonna say it, I'm going to. 50 00:05:25,690 --> 00:05:30,027 The solar wind reading is much higher than we'd anticipated at this distance. 51 00:05:30,195 --> 00:05:33,405 For the moment we can still send package messages back. 52 00:05:33,573 --> 00:05:36,075 High-frequency bursts will rise above interference... 53 00:05:36,243 --> 00:05:39,119 ...and the Moon Stations will be able to pick them up. 54 00:05:39,287 --> 00:05:44,542 But it's possible that within 24 hours we won't be able to communicate at all. 55 00:05:44,709 --> 00:05:46,210 Possible? 56 00:05:47,337 --> 00:05:49,004 Probable. 57 00:05:51,216 --> 00:05:53,092 We'll finally be on our own. 58 00:05:53,260 --> 00:05:56,512 We're 55 million miles from Earth. I'd say we're already on our own. 59 00:05:57,013 --> 00:05:59,849 Come on, guys. We were expecting this. 60 00:06:00,016 --> 00:06:02,101 No great drama. We're flying into the dead zone... 61 00:06:02,269 --> 00:06:04,645 ...seven days sooner than we thought. 62 00:06:05,146 --> 00:06:09,024 But if any of you are planning on sending a final message home... 63 00:06:09,568 --> 00:06:11,318 ...you should do it now. 64 00:06:21,746 --> 00:06:24,456 Uh, well, Mom and Dad. 65 00:06:25,959 --> 00:06:28,752 Uh, I hope you're proud of your son... 66 00:06:28,920 --> 00:06:31,755 ...saving mankind and so on. 67 00:07:00,535 --> 00:07:04,914 By the time you get this message, I'll be in the dead zone. 68 00:07:06,124 --> 00:07:08,792 It came a little sooner than we thought. 69 00:07:09,210 --> 00:07:13,172 But this means that you won't be able to send a message back. 70 00:07:14,424 --> 00:07:19,094 So I just wanted to let you know that I don't need the message. 71 00:07:19,804 --> 00:07:23,766 Because I know everything you wanna say. 72 00:07:31,441 --> 00:07:37,613 Just remember it takes eight minutes for light to travel from sun to Earth. 73 00:07:37,781 --> 00:07:39,865 Which means you'll know we've succeeded... 74 00:07:40,033 --> 00:07:43,285 ...about eight minutes after we deliver the payload. 75 00:07:43,453 --> 00:07:47,998 All you have to do is look out for a little extra brightness in the sky. 76 00:07:48,166 --> 00:07:52,503 So, if you wake up one morning, and it's a particularly beautiful day... 77 00:07:52,671 --> 00:07:54,672 ...you'll know we made it. 78 00:07:56,925 --> 00:07:58,550 Okay. 79 00:07:58,760 --> 00:08:00,636 I'm signing out. 80 00:08:01,680 --> 00:08:03,973 And I'll see you in a couple of years. 81 00:08:51,062 --> 00:08:54,565 Ugh. Icarus, dial it down a little, will you? 82 00:08:54,733 --> 00:08:56,984 Yes, Corazon. 83 00:09:01,906 --> 00:09:03,782 Captain? 84 00:09:06,619 --> 00:09:08,245 Captain? 85 00:09:10,749 --> 00:09:13,542 I'm guessing you've been talking to Searle. 86 00:09:15,962 --> 00:09:18,088 -So, do you have that report for me? -Yeah. 87 00:09:18,256 --> 00:09:19,548 Right here. 88 00:09:21,176 --> 00:09:25,054 The O2 productivity is good. In fact, if anything, we're over-producing. 89 00:09:25,221 --> 00:09:27,931 It will trail off dramatically when we get nearer. 90 00:09:28,099 --> 00:09:32,811 But in truth, we have the reserves to make it there and a quarter-way back. 91 00:09:35,106 --> 00:09:37,649 You're thinking about Icarus I. 92 00:09:39,444 --> 00:09:42,488 Well, whatever it was that tripped them up... 93 00:09:42,655 --> 00:09:45,616 ...I don't think it was a lack of oxygen. 94 00:09:46,034 --> 00:09:48,786 Not on the outward journey, at any rate. 95 00:09:50,371 --> 00:09:51,914 Fuck. 96 00:09:55,001 --> 00:09:56,460 Fuck. 97 00:09:58,713 --> 00:10:01,840 - Mace. - Mace. 98 00:10:02,300 --> 00:10:04,009 - What are you doing? - Come on. 99 00:10:04,177 --> 00:10:06,053 - Fuck. - Relax. Put it down. 100 00:10:06,221 --> 00:10:07,304 You son of a bitch. 101 00:10:09,516 --> 00:10:11,266 - Fucker took an hour in there. - Stop. 102 00:10:11,434 --> 00:10:13,769 I can't send my package, the wind is too high. 103 00:10:13,937 --> 00:10:17,356 - Calm down. - I'm sorry, all right? Jesus. 104 00:10:17,524 --> 00:10:20,359 Kaneda, Searle, report to Flight Deck. 105 00:10:20,527 --> 00:10:22,277 What's up? 106 00:10:22,612 --> 00:10:26,573 We have an excess of manliness breaking out in the Comms Center. 107 00:10:30,578 --> 00:10:31,620 So how does this work? 108 00:10:31,788 --> 00:10:34,373 Am I supposed to tell you about my childhood? 109 00:10:34,541 --> 00:10:37,334 I probably know more about your childhood than you do. 110 00:10:43,383 --> 00:10:44,550 It's the time. 111 00:10:47,637 --> 00:10:50,722 Sixteen months, you can get used to anything. 112 00:10:51,224 --> 00:10:52,683 You just... 113 00:10:53,226 --> 00:10:54,935 ...lose track. 114 00:10:59,357 --> 00:11:01,525 I know I fucked up. 115 00:11:07,740 --> 00:11:09,491 From now on... 116 00:11:09,659 --> 00:11:12,369 ...I'm not gonna lose track again. 117 00:11:14,539 --> 00:11:15,914 Prescription... 118 00:11:17,250 --> 00:11:19,418 ...Earth Room. 119 00:11:19,586 --> 00:11:20,961 Two hours? 120 00:11:21,546 --> 00:11:24,882 -And get a haircut, Mace. -Yeah. 121 00:11:39,564 --> 00:11:40,772 Bring back the waves. 122 00:11:40,940 --> 00:11:44,818 Dr. Searle's prescription specifies a peaceful module. 123 00:11:44,986 --> 00:11:46,653 The waves make me feel peaceful. 124 00:11:56,414 --> 00:11:58,165 Again. 125 00:12:16,184 --> 00:12:18,894 Mace, I'm sorry. I should have let you go first. 126 00:12:19,062 --> 00:12:22,397 Capa. It's me. I'm the one apologizing, all right? 127 00:12:22,815 --> 00:12:24,358 All right. 128 00:12:29,906 --> 00:12:31,657 -Was that the apology? -Yeah. 129 00:12:31,824 --> 00:12:34,243 -Consider it accepted. -Okay. 130 00:12:59,435 --> 00:13:03,063 It was a sequence of contact reports on the top-left shield quadrant... 131 00:13:03,815 --> 00:13:08,402 ...which, by 1700, had turned into a minor asteroid storm. 132 00:13:08,569 --> 00:13:10,612 None bigger than a raindrop... 133 00:13:10,780 --> 00:13:12,364 ...but we had 19 punctures... 134 00:13:12,532 --> 00:13:15,867 ...and a secondary contact to the engine compartment. 135 00:13:16,035 --> 00:13:18,745 Took three alpha shifts to patch it up. 136 00:13:18,913 --> 00:13:21,748 Lost a little vapor. Nothing serious. 137 00:13:22,250 --> 00:13:25,002 I watched them hit us from the Observation Room. 138 00:13:25,461 --> 00:13:28,046 Gotta tell you, Moon Base, it was, uh-- 139 00:13:28,881 --> 00:13:30,590 It was... 140 00:13:31,050 --> 00:13:32,718 ...beautiful. 141 00:13:34,220 --> 00:13:36,763 Gotta tell you, Moon Base, it was, uh-- 142 00:13:37,640 --> 00:13:39,308 It was... 143 00:13:39,767 --> 00:13:41,601 ...beautiful. 144 00:13:57,827 --> 00:13:59,870 - Mace? - Yeah. 145 00:14:00,038 --> 00:14:02,998 Your maintenance program allows a further 14 minutes... 146 00:14:03,166 --> 00:14:06,585 ...for the mainframe panel to remain out of coolant tank. 147 00:14:08,129 --> 00:14:09,713 Shit. 148 00:14:34,739 --> 00:14:35,906 Guys... 149 00:14:36,074 --> 00:14:37,949 ...you wanna see something? 150 00:14:40,995 --> 00:14:44,081 Well, I should have a few words to say... 151 00:14:44,248 --> 00:14:46,124 ...but on reflection... 152 00:14:46,292 --> 00:14:47,793 ...what can one say? 153 00:14:47,960 --> 00:14:50,128 Ladies and gentlemen. 154 00:14:51,130 --> 00:14:52,172 Mercury. 155 00:16:29,604 --> 00:16:32,814 Twenty-three hours ago, on the comms systems-- 156 00:16:32,982 --> 00:16:34,691 While listening to your space music? 157 00:16:34,859 --> 00:16:38,278 --while scanning the frequencies, I heard a transmission. 158 00:16:39,822 --> 00:16:42,491 It appeared as we flew into the dark side of Mercury. 159 00:16:42,658 --> 00:16:44,326 The iron content of the planet... 160 00:16:44,494 --> 00:16:45,869 ...is acting as an antenna. 161 00:16:46,037 --> 00:16:49,539 There's high background interference, but the signal is clear enough. 162 00:16:49,707 --> 00:16:53,502 Icarus, please play audio file 7-5/B. 163 00:16:53,669 --> 00:16:55,754 Yes, Harvey. 164 00:17:12,355 --> 00:17:13,396 End file. 165 00:17:14,315 --> 00:17:15,982 What is it? 166 00:17:16,609 --> 00:17:18,360 It's the Icarus I. 167 00:17:20,112 --> 00:17:22,072 That signal is their distress beacon. 168 00:17:22,240 --> 00:17:23,532 Jesus. 169 00:17:23,699 --> 00:17:25,784 That's impossible. It's been seven years. 170 00:17:25,952 --> 00:17:28,537 Clearly it's not impossible because you can hear it. 171 00:17:28,704 --> 00:17:30,705 -They're still alive? -We don't know. 172 00:17:30,873 --> 00:17:33,124 But they could be. Oxygen is self-replenishing. 173 00:17:33,292 --> 00:17:34,876 Water is recycled. 174 00:17:35,044 --> 00:17:36,836 They have the solar power they need. 175 00:17:37,004 --> 00:17:39,714 What about food? Their supplies couldn't last. 176 00:17:39,882 --> 00:17:41,258 That depends. 177 00:17:41,425 --> 00:17:44,052 They had stock to cover eight people for three years. 178 00:17:44,220 --> 00:17:46,137 That's a four-year shortfall. Hell of a diet. 179 00:17:46,305 --> 00:17:48,306 We don't know what happened to Icarus I. 180 00:17:48,474 --> 00:17:50,600 There might have been an accident. 181 00:17:50,768 --> 00:17:52,978 There might not have been eight people to feed. 182 00:17:53,145 --> 00:17:57,107 -Captain, do we know where they are? -Well done, Capa. That is the question. 183 00:17:58,025 --> 00:17:59,859 Icarus. 184 00:18:00,319 --> 00:18:03,905 Please plot our trajectory following the slingshot around Mercury. 185 00:18:04,073 --> 00:18:06,032 Yes, captain. 186 00:18:08,452 --> 00:18:12,038 Now plot the source of the Icarus I beacon. 187 00:18:17,253 --> 00:18:19,212 Jesus. They almost made it. 188 00:18:19,380 --> 00:18:21,840 That's why no one picked up the signal until now. 189 00:18:23,009 --> 00:18:25,176 It was lost in the background light and noise. 190 00:18:25,344 --> 00:18:26,845 We're gonna pass right by them. 191 00:18:27,013 --> 00:18:30,348 Within 10 or 15 thousand miles. 192 00:18:30,516 --> 00:18:32,517 Can anyone survive? 193 00:18:32,685 --> 00:18:35,228 If the shield is intact. 194 00:18:35,563 --> 00:18:37,689 We'll be able to see them? 195 00:18:38,649 --> 00:18:40,025 Yes. 196 00:18:40,192 --> 00:18:44,112 I'd need to look at all of this pretty carefully. Very carefully. 197 00:18:44,280 --> 00:18:49,534 But if I had to make a guess right now, I'd say we could adjust our trajectory. 198 00:18:49,910 --> 00:18:51,411 We could fly straight to them. 199 00:18:51,579 --> 00:18:53,163 But we're not gonna do that. 200 00:18:56,667 --> 00:19:00,587 Just to make it absolutely clear, there's no way we're gonna do that. 201 00:19:03,674 --> 00:19:06,217 Do I have to spell it out for you? 202 00:19:06,385 --> 00:19:09,346 We have a payload to deliver to the heart of our nearest star. 203 00:19:09,513 --> 00:19:11,931 We're doing it because that star is dying. 204 00:19:12,099 --> 00:19:13,975 And if it dies, we die. 205 00:19:14,143 --> 00:19:15,477 Everything dies. 206 00:19:15,645 --> 00:19:17,437 So that is our mission. There is nothing... 207 00:19:17,605 --> 00:19:21,358 ...literally nothing, more important than completing our mission. End of story. 208 00:19:21,525 --> 00:19:24,027 -He's right. -He's right. Of course I'm right. 209 00:19:24,195 --> 00:19:26,488 Is anyone here seriously considering otherwise? 210 00:19:26,656 --> 00:19:28,365 -May I put a counter argument? -No. 211 00:19:28,532 --> 00:19:29,908 Captain? 212 00:19:30,076 --> 00:19:31,201 Go ahead. 213 00:19:31,952 --> 00:19:34,079 It would, of course... 214 00:19:34,246 --> 00:19:38,667 ...be absurd to alter our trajectory to assist the crew of the Icarus I. 215 00:19:38,834 --> 00:19:42,212 Even if we knew that some or even all of that crew are still alive... 216 00:19:42,713 --> 00:19:47,759 ...their lives are expendable when seen in the context of our mission. 217 00:19:48,886 --> 00:19:49,928 As are our own lives. 218 00:19:50,096 --> 00:19:51,680 - Exactly. - However... 219 00:19:52,598 --> 00:19:56,101 ...there is something onboard the Icarus I that may be worth the detour. 220 00:19:56,268 --> 00:19:58,895 As you pointed out, Mace, we have a payload to deliver. 221 00:19:59,063 --> 00:20:00,105 A payload. Singular. 222 00:20:00,272 --> 00:20:03,817 Now, everything about the delivery and effectiveness of that payload... 223 00:20:04,026 --> 00:20:06,569 ...is entirely theoretical. 224 00:20:06,737 --> 00:20:08,405 Simply put... 225 00:20:08,572 --> 00:20:10,949 ...we don't know if it's gonna work. 226 00:20:11,117 --> 00:20:14,327 But what we do know is this... 227 00:20:14,662 --> 00:20:17,872 ...if we had two bombs, we'd have two chances. 228 00:20:18,040 --> 00:20:20,917 You're assuming we'd be able to pilot Icarus I. 229 00:20:21,085 --> 00:20:22,127 - Yes. - Which is assuming... 230 00:20:22,294 --> 00:20:26,756 ...that whatever stopped them wasn't a fault or a damage to the spacecraft. 231 00:20:26,924 --> 00:20:28,883 -Yes. -It's a lot of assumptions. 232 00:20:29,051 --> 00:20:30,093 It is. 233 00:20:30,261 --> 00:20:31,553 It's a risk assessment. 234 00:20:31,721 --> 00:20:32,762 The question is: 235 00:20:32,930 --> 00:20:36,850 Does the risk of a detour outweigh the benefits of an extra payload? 236 00:20:46,026 --> 00:20:47,402 - We'll have a vote. - No, no. 237 00:20:47,903 --> 00:20:49,237 No, we won't. 238 00:20:50,448 --> 00:20:52,073 We are not a democracy. 239 00:20:53,701 --> 00:20:56,619 We're a collection of astronauts and scientists. 240 00:20:56,787 --> 00:21:00,290 So we're gonna make the most informed decision available to us. 241 00:21:00,458 --> 00:21:01,708 Made by you, by any chance? 242 00:21:01,876 --> 00:21:05,086 Made by the person best qualified to understand the complexities... 243 00:21:05,254 --> 00:21:07,213 ...of a payload delivery. 244 00:21:07,673 --> 00:21:09,132 Our physicist. 245 00:21:17,183 --> 00:21:18,808 Shit. 246 00:21:23,731 --> 00:21:28,193 Okay, Icarus, run the math on the successful delivery of the payload. 247 00:21:28,360 --> 00:21:30,695 Okay, payload delivery point reached. 248 00:21:30,863 --> 00:21:31,988 Detach the payload. 249 00:21:32,531 --> 00:21:35,575 Stellar bomb initiated and detached. 250 00:21:35,743 --> 00:21:38,203 Crew and living section have four minutes... 251 00:21:38,370 --> 00:21:41,206 ...to clear and commence homeward journey. 252 00:21:41,624 --> 00:21:46,211 And four minutes after separation, boosters automatically fire. 253 00:21:46,378 --> 00:21:51,132 Payload boosters will automatically fire after four-minute delay. 254 00:21:51,300 --> 00:21:53,802 Entering coronal hole in South Polar Cap. 255 00:21:53,969 --> 00:21:55,637 Magnetic field structure open. 256 00:21:55,805 --> 00:21:58,389 Temperature, 37,000. 257 00:21:58,557 --> 00:22:02,268 Reliability of projection has dropped below 45 percent. 258 00:22:02,436 --> 00:22:05,980 Remaining projection is not open to useful speculation. 259 00:22:06,148 --> 00:22:07,732 Variables infinite. 260 00:22:07,900 --> 00:22:09,234 Accuracy unknown. 261 00:22:09,401 --> 00:22:11,027 That's the problem right there. 262 00:22:11,195 --> 00:22:13,571 Between the boosters and the gravity of the sun... 263 00:22:13,739 --> 00:22:15,573 ...the velocity will be so great... 264 00:22:15,741 --> 00:22:18,076 ...space and time will become smeared together. 265 00:22:18,244 --> 00:22:21,371 Everything will distort, everything will be unquantifiable. 266 00:22:21,539 --> 00:22:24,332 You have to come down on one side or the other. 267 00:22:24,625 --> 00:22:28,503 -I need a decision. -It's not a decision, it's a guess. 268 00:22:28,838 --> 00:22:33,049 It's like flipping a coin and asking me to decide whether it'll be heads or tails. 269 00:22:33,968 --> 00:22:35,552 And? 270 00:22:36,637 --> 00:22:38,012 Heads. 271 00:22:43,018 --> 00:22:46,479 We've mined all Earth's fissile materials for this bomb. 272 00:22:46,897 --> 00:22:49,524 There's not gonna be another payload. 273 00:22:51,110 --> 00:22:53,945 The one we carry is our last chance. 274 00:22:54,113 --> 00:22:57,866 Our last best hope. 275 00:23:01,328 --> 00:23:03,830 Searle's argument is sound. 276 00:23:04,164 --> 00:23:06,124 Two last hopes are better than one. 277 00:23:08,168 --> 00:23:09,627 That's it. 278 00:23:26,645 --> 00:23:28,271 Slingshot complete. 279 00:23:28,439 --> 00:23:31,566 Icarus leaving Mercury orbit. 280 00:23:59,887 --> 00:24:02,972 Hey. 281 00:24:08,228 --> 00:24:10,021 Good dream? 282 00:24:11,148 --> 00:24:12,482 Let me guess. 283 00:24:12,816 --> 00:24:14,776 The surface of the sun? 284 00:24:16,779 --> 00:24:18,696 Only dream I ever have. 285 00:24:19,365 --> 00:24:22,659 Every time I shut my eyes it's always the same. 286 00:24:24,328 --> 00:24:26,955 Maybe you should talk to Dr. Searle about that. 287 00:24:27,623 --> 00:24:30,208 See if he can help you out. 288 00:24:32,711 --> 00:24:34,462 Maybe. 289 00:24:37,967 --> 00:24:40,385 I just wanted to let you know... 290 00:24:40,970 --> 00:24:43,513 ...I think you made the right decision. 291 00:24:44,682 --> 00:24:46,140 Well. 292 00:24:48,394 --> 00:24:53,189 Mace doesn't and I'm guessing Harvey and Trey don't either. 293 00:24:53,357 --> 00:24:54,816 Yeah... 294 00:24:55,234 --> 00:24:56,985 ...but I do. 295 00:25:23,303 --> 00:25:25,763 - Get the alarm. What's going on? - I screwed up. 296 00:25:25,931 --> 00:25:27,849 It's not you. It's my responsibility. 297 00:25:28,017 --> 00:25:30,268 - We shouldn't be straying. - Trey, cut to it. 298 00:25:30,436 --> 00:25:33,855 In order to change the route, I had to manually override Icarus. 299 00:25:34,023 --> 00:25:37,692 So I made all the calculations myself. And I double- and triple-checked them. 300 00:25:37,860 --> 00:25:39,068 They all worked out. 301 00:25:39,236 --> 00:25:42,196 So I set the new coordinates and put us on our way. 302 00:25:42,364 --> 00:25:44,574 What's the problem? The trajectory is wrong? 303 00:25:44,742 --> 00:25:45,992 The trajectory is good. 304 00:25:46,618 --> 00:25:50,830 But it changes our angle of approach to the sun by 1.1 degrees. 305 00:25:50,998 --> 00:25:53,791 You didn't reset the shields to the new angle. 306 00:25:57,046 --> 00:25:59,380 Jesus Christ, Trey. 307 00:25:59,840 --> 00:26:01,716 I forgot. 308 00:26:04,553 --> 00:26:09,724 My head was full of velocities and fuel calculations and a million different-- 309 00:26:09,892 --> 00:26:12,685 I forgot, all right? 310 00:26:14,480 --> 00:26:16,189 People do shit. 311 00:26:16,356 --> 00:26:18,107 They get stressed... 312 00:26:18,984 --> 00:26:20,902 ...and fuck up. 313 00:26:21,695 --> 00:26:22,945 I fucked up. 314 00:26:23,113 --> 00:26:24,947 Trey. 315 00:26:29,787 --> 00:26:32,789 The fact is, we're still alive. 316 00:26:33,916 --> 00:26:36,459 A hole hasn't burnt in the side of the ship. 317 00:26:36,627 --> 00:26:38,753 We don't have a 10,000-degree climate. 318 00:26:38,921 --> 00:26:41,798 -So, what's the actual damage? -We don't know. 319 00:26:41,965 --> 00:26:45,510 Icarus tried to reset the shields independently when the alarm triggered. 320 00:26:45,677 --> 00:26:47,762 But all the sensors up there are burned out. 321 00:26:47,930 --> 00:26:50,515 So we have no idea of the state of the affected area. 322 00:26:51,433 --> 00:26:54,060 Only way we're gonna know is if we go out there. 323 00:26:55,729 --> 00:26:57,271 Okay. 324 00:26:57,439 --> 00:26:59,273 I'll get suited up. 325 00:26:59,441 --> 00:27:01,359 It's a two-man job. 326 00:27:01,527 --> 00:27:04,112 As second in command, you're not going anywhere. 327 00:27:04,279 --> 00:27:06,280 - I volunteer. - No, I volunteer. 328 00:27:07,074 --> 00:27:08,199 Fine. 329 00:27:08,367 --> 00:27:10,535 I volunteer Capa. 330 00:27:14,832 --> 00:27:16,207 Sure. 331 00:27:16,375 --> 00:27:17,750 I'll do it. 332 00:27:19,837 --> 00:27:48,364 Okay. 333 00:28:27,696 --> 00:28:30,740 You've done this a thousand times in Earth-orbit training. 334 00:28:31,533 --> 00:28:32,992 Yeah. 335 00:28:33,160 --> 00:28:34,911 You're gonna be fine. 336 00:28:35,078 --> 00:28:36,120 Okay? 337 00:28:48,675 --> 00:28:49,717 Okay, Icarus. 338 00:28:49,885 --> 00:28:51,844 I'm gonna be taking control for a while. 339 00:28:52,012 --> 00:28:54,347 - Okay, Cassie. - I'm gonna be cutting speed. 340 00:28:54,514 --> 00:28:57,516 I'm gonna rotate us so the damage is facing away from the sun. 341 00:28:57,684 --> 00:29:00,019 - Do we understand each other? - Yes, Cassie. 342 00:29:00,187 --> 00:29:03,356 Rotate by that much, we're gonna lose Comm Towers 3 and 4. 343 00:29:03,523 --> 00:29:06,025 Well, it's a good thing we don't need them, then. 344 00:29:06,193 --> 00:29:08,903 We don't need them now, we're gonna need them to go home. 345 00:29:09,071 --> 00:29:11,113 We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. 346 00:29:11,281 --> 00:29:14,909 In the meantime, I'm gonna try and give them as much shadow as I can. 347 00:29:15,077 --> 00:29:16,244 All right, guys. 348 00:29:16,411 --> 00:29:18,162 I'm opening up. 349 00:29:50,404 --> 00:29:52,363 Okay. 350 00:29:57,911 --> 00:30:00,413 Helmet-cam operational. 351 00:30:00,580 --> 00:30:02,373 Affirmative. Good image. 352 00:30:04,793 --> 00:30:06,794 Capa, check, helmet-cam fully operational. 353 00:30:06,962 --> 00:30:08,629 Affirmative. 354 00:30:12,509 --> 00:30:15,845 Exiting airlock with maintenance modules. 355 00:30:29,526 --> 00:30:33,404 Moving down to investigate damaged area. 356 00:30:34,239 --> 00:30:36,115 Okay, guys. 357 00:30:36,283 --> 00:30:37,992 Nice and easy. 358 00:30:38,952 --> 00:30:40,745 Nice and easy. 359 00:30:40,912 --> 00:30:42,663 Copy. 360 00:30:55,135 --> 00:30:58,179 Icarus, please adjust shield to allow for rotation. 361 00:30:58,388 --> 00:31:00,514 Yes, Cassie. 362 00:31:28,710 --> 00:31:31,128 Establishing new alignment to sun. 363 00:31:33,757 --> 00:31:35,383 Jesus. 364 00:31:35,550 --> 00:31:37,676 That's the temperature change on the shields. 365 00:31:37,844 --> 00:31:40,388 The metal's just contracting and expanding. 366 00:31:40,555 --> 00:31:42,473 I know what it is, flyboy. 367 00:31:51,566 --> 00:31:54,402 It sounds like she's tearing apart. 368 00:32:15,632 --> 00:32:19,427 Fatal damage to Comms Towers 3 and 4. 369 00:32:19,594 --> 00:32:22,930 Copy, Icarus. Loss of towers 3 and 4. Cancel alarm. 370 00:32:23,098 --> 00:32:26,267 Shut down sensor to Comms Tower 3 and 4. 371 00:32:35,986 --> 00:32:39,029 You should see it up here, guys. 372 00:32:39,906 --> 00:32:42,116 It's pretty impressive. 373 00:32:53,879 --> 00:32:55,337 Okay. 374 00:32:55,505 --> 00:32:58,466 There are four damaged panels. 375 00:33:01,428 --> 00:33:04,388 They're about 300 meters out. 376 00:33:17,110 --> 00:33:20,404 Capa, take it easy. You're going through your O2 pretty fast. 377 00:33:21,031 --> 00:33:24,283 Oh. Copy that, Cory. 378 00:33:29,414 --> 00:33:31,624 That's it. Slow down the breathing. 379 00:33:31,791 --> 00:33:33,792 Relaxed movement. 380 00:33:53,688 --> 00:33:56,065 Approaching the first panel. 381 00:34:18,838 --> 00:34:20,089 We were lucky. 382 00:34:20,257 --> 00:34:22,550 Can you guys see this? 383 00:34:22,717 --> 00:34:23,801 We can see it. 384 00:34:23,969 --> 00:34:26,345 The hydraulics are burnt out. 385 00:34:26,513 --> 00:34:28,806 Let's get this closed. 386 00:34:50,328 --> 00:34:52,329 Okay, Mace. 387 00:34:52,706 --> 00:34:53,831 That's it. 388 00:34:58,420 --> 00:35:00,045 That's the first one closed. 389 00:35:00,213 --> 00:35:01,797 You can do it? 390 00:35:01,965 --> 00:35:03,299 It'll take a while, but-- 391 00:35:04,551 --> 00:35:06,218 Yeah. 392 00:35:07,012 --> 00:35:08,053 We can do it. 393 00:35:10,015 --> 00:35:11,849 Great job. 394 00:35:19,941 --> 00:35:21,525 Lots of smiling faces in this room, guys. 395 00:35:21,693 --> 00:35:23,694 - Great job. - I love you, captain. 396 00:35:33,246 --> 00:35:35,539 Moving to next panel. 397 00:35:35,874 --> 00:35:37,708 Three to go. 398 00:35:58,188 --> 00:35:59,688 Hey. 399 00:36:01,274 --> 00:36:03,359 Don't kill yourself, man. We got this, okay? 400 00:36:05,195 --> 00:36:07,613 - Whoa! - What's going on, guys? 401 00:36:08,114 --> 00:36:09,281 The ship's moving. 402 00:36:09,449 --> 00:36:11,200 We're venting O2. Shit. 403 00:36:11,368 --> 00:36:12,785 I think we're venting O2. 404 00:36:12,952 --> 00:36:14,828 Resuming computer control of Icarus II. 405 00:36:14,996 --> 00:36:16,622 Negative, Icarus. Manual control. 406 00:36:16,790 --> 00:36:18,624 Negative, Cassie. Computer control. 407 00:36:18,792 --> 00:36:21,293 -Returning vessel to original rotation. -What? 408 00:36:21,461 --> 00:36:23,587 Icarus, override computer to manual control. 409 00:36:23,755 --> 00:36:25,422 Negative. Mission in jeopardy. 410 00:36:25,590 --> 00:36:28,550 Override command statement to manual flight controls removed. 411 00:36:28,718 --> 00:36:30,052 - Why? - Negative, Icarus. 412 00:36:30,220 --> 00:36:31,887 Negative. State reason immediately. 413 00:36:32,055 --> 00:36:34,473 Fire in oxygen garden. 414 00:36:39,437 --> 00:36:40,729 No. 415 00:36:43,566 --> 00:36:44,608 Seal oxygen feed. 416 00:36:44,776 --> 00:36:47,736 - Fireguard perimeter. - Sealing sector. Sealing feed. 417 00:36:50,281 --> 00:36:53,200 -Seal sections five through nine. -Sealing five through nine. 418 00:36:56,371 --> 00:36:58,414 Kaneda, Capa, get back to the airlock now. 419 00:36:58,581 --> 00:36:59,957 Can't. 420 00:37:01,251 --> 00:37:03,669 Can't leave upright panels. 421 00:37:04,212 --> 00:37:07,089 The ship will burn up if the shields are not repaired. 422 00:37:07,257 --> 00:37:08,590 - They're gonna die. - Don't. 423 00:37:08,758 --> 00:37:10,467 -They're gonna burn. -They are not. 424 00:37:10,635 --> 00:37:12,219 Override Icarus. Cassie, pilot... 425 00:37:12,387 --> 00:37:14,471 ...emergency command 0-0-0. 426 00:37:14,639 --> 00:37:16,432 Copy command 0-0-0. 427 00:37:16,599 --> 00:37:19,226 - Second human confirmation required. - Copy. 428 00:37:19,394 --> 00:37:22,312 Mace? 429 00:37:22,480 --> 00:37:23,522 Wait, Cassie. 430 00:37:26,234 --> 00:37:27,568 Jesus Christ, Harvey. 431 00:37:28,403 --> 00:37:31,280 Harvey, comms officer, confirm back-up 0-0-0. 432 00:37:31,448 --> 00:37:32,906 Override command confirmed. 433 00:37:33,074 --> 00:37:34,783 Manual control returned. 434 00:37:34,951 --> 00:37:36,160 No. 435 00:37:36,703 --> 00:37:38,120 Icarus, continue procedure. 436 00:37:38,955 --> 00:37:39,997 What? 437 00:37:40,582 --> 00:37:41,749 Captain. 438 00:37:42,584 --> 00:37:44,918 - Back me up. - Copy, Mace. 439 00:37:45,086 --> 00:37:47,463 Crew priority is to protect the payload. 440 00:37:48,047 --> 00:37:49,506 Get the fire out. 441 00:37:49,674 --> 00:37:52,050 Icarus, take control of the ship. 442 00:37:52,677 --> 00:37:55,387 - Affirmative, captain. - Damn it. 443 00:37:57,932 --> 00:38:01,226 Returning vessel to original rotation. 444 00:38:16,576 --> 00:38:18,452 - Let me in. Please. - Negative. 445 00:38:18,620 --> 00:38:21,038 Door sealed by operating superior comms officer. 446 00:38:21,206 --> 00:38:22,831 You motherfucker. 447 00:38:22,999 --> 00:38:24,124 Let me in. 448 00:38:26,669 --> 00:38:28,796 Hazard diagnostic complete. 449 00:38:28,963 --> 00:38:30,714 Sprinkler system failing. 450 00:38:30,882 --> 00:38:33,175 Fire will burn for six hours. 451 00:38:33,343 --> 00:38:35,636 Sixty percent chance of containment failure. 452 00:38:35,804 --> 00:38:39,890 Seventy-five percent chance of collateral damage to life-support systems. 453 00:38:40,058 --> 00:38:42,059 What are we gonna do? 454 00:38:43,102 --> 00:38:44,978 - Flood it with O2. - What? 455 00:38:45,146 --> 00:38:47,523 It'll cause a flashover. Make it burn itself out. 456 00:38:47,690 --> 00:38:49,274 We'll lose the whole garden. 457 00:38:49,442 --> 00:38:50,484 We already lost it. 458 00:38:51,319 --> 00:38:53,028 Jesus, Mace, I don't know. 459 00:38:53,488 --> 00:38:55,405 Icarus, open the O2 tanks. 460 00:38:55,573 --> 00:38:57,199 Cory, get the hell out of there. 461 00:38:57,367 --> 00:38:58,992 Opening O2 tanks. 462 00:39:03,164 --> 00:39:04,915 No. 463 00:39:21,266 --> 00:39:24,893 Eighty-nine percent of shield in full sunlight. 464 00:39:43,371 --> 00:39:46,081 Capa, go back. 465 00:39:46,332 --> 00:39:48,250 I'll finish this. 466 00:39:48,418 --> 00:39:49,459 Please, I can do this. 467 00:39:52,171 --> 00:39:53,755 Go. 468 00:40:02,307 --> 00:40:04,266 Capa returning to airlock. 469 00:40:04,434 --> 00:40:05,809 Do you copy? 470 00:40:07,979 --> 00:40:11,106 Capa returning to airlock. Do you copy? 471 00:40:11,274 --> 00:40:14,026 Copy, Capa. Hurry. 472 00:40:15,361 --> 00:40:18,947 Ninety-one percent of shield in full sunlight. 473 00:40:43,348 --> 00:40:47,059 Ninety-four percent of shield in full sunlight. 474 00:40:52,690 --> 00:40:56,610 Captain? Captain? I'm at the edge of the shield. 475 00:40:57,111 --> 00:40:58,695 Do you copy? 476 00:40:59,155 --> 00:41:01,615 Captain, you must leave now. Captain? 477 00:41:01,783 --> 00:41:05,077 Ninety-seven percent of shield in full sunlight. 478 00:41:05,244 --> 00:41:08,330 Final panel closing. The shield is secure. 479 00:41:08,498 --> 00:41:09,831 You have to move now. 480 00:41:09,999 --> 00:41:12,501 Captain, it's right on you. 481 00:41:12,669 --> 00:41:15,212 - Kaneda's not gonna make it. - You have to move. 482 00:41:15,380 --> 00:41:17,339 You have to move now. 483 00:41:17,507 --> 00:41:18,590 It's too far. 484 00:41:20,093 --> 00:41:22,219 Captain, move. 485 00:41:23,805 --> 00:41:25,347 Why isn't he moving? 486 00:41:26,307 --> 00:41:27,474 Kaneda. 487 00:41:27,642 --> 00:41:29,226 What do you see? 488 00:41:29,394 --> 00:41:31,728 Searle, tell our captain to move. 489 00:41:31,896 --> 00:41:34,982 Kaneda, what can you see? 490 00:41:35,149 --> 00:41:36,942 Searle, do you copy? 491 00:41:53,001 --> 00:41:54,251 Kaneda? 492 00:42:25,366 --> 00:42:28,201 Shield rotation complete. 493 00:42:54,270 --> 00:42:56,229 The breakdown is as follows. 494 00:42:56,397 --> 00:42:58,231 Trey is sedated in the Med Centre. 495 00:42:58,399 --> 00:43:01,068 Dr. Searle has diagnosed him as a suicide risk. 496 00:43:02,612 --> 00:43:05,530 I don't think any of us are about to question that diagnosis. 497 00:43:05,698 --> 00:43:09,493 As second in command, I am now the captain of Icarus II. 498 00:43:09,660 --> 00:43:11,995 Thanks both to Kaneda... 499 00:43:12,163 --> 00:43:15,207 ...and Capa, our shields are intact. 500 00:43:15,374 --> 00:43:17,667 As is the payload. 501 00:43:18,169 --> 00:43:21,588 But the oxygen garden is totally destroyed. 502 00:43:22,048 --> 00:43:25,926 In addition, a large amount of O2 was burned in the fire. 503 00:43:26,219 --> 00:43:27,677 As it stands now... 504 00:43:28,805 --> 00:43:33,433 ...we don't have enough oxygen reserves to get us to our payload delivery point. 505 00:43:35,103 --> 00:43:37,437 Let alone to survive the return journey. 506 00:43:37,605 --> 00:43:40,440 So cancel the ticker-tape parade. 507 00:43:43,778 --> 00:43:47,864 We now have no choice but to rendezvous with Icarus I. 508 00:43:48,825 --> 00:43:51,243 If we're gonna complete the mission... 509 00:43:51,410 --> 00:43:54,121 ...the Icarus I is our only hope. 510 00:44:06,217 --> 00:44:08,844 Technically, he made a mistake. 511 00:44:09,011 --> 00:44:10,595 What are you trying to say, Cory? 512 00:44:10,763 --> 00:44:14,432 Harvey said there's not enough oxygen to get us to the delivery point. 513 00:44:14,600 --> 00:44:16,643 But there is. 514 00:44:17,937 --> 00:44:21,565 There just isn't enough oxygen to get all of us there. 515 00:44:22,441 --> 00:44:25,110 Are you suggesting we let Trey kill himself? 516 00:44:25,278 --> 00:44:26,862 No. 517 00:44:27,905 --> 00:44:30,073 And in any case... 518 00:44:30,575 --> 00:44:33,076 ...Trey wouldn't be enough. 519 00:44:34,162 --> 00:44:36,454 We need to lose two more. 520 00:44:41,919 --> 00:44:45,046 Three out of seven. That's a lot of short straws. 521 00:45:26,380 --> 00:45:28,673 Capa, it's me. 522 00:45:34,263 --> 00:45:35,847 It's different. 523 00:45:36,015 --> 00:45:39,184 Being afraid that you won't make it back home. 524 00:45:39,852 --> 00:45:43,563 And then knowing that you won't. 525 00:45:45,233 --> 00:45:48,235 Our survival depends on what we can salvage from Icarus I. 526 00:45:48,402 --> 00:45:49,945 No. 527 00:45:51,322 --> 00:45:52,530 We're gonna die out here. 528 00:45:53,491 --> 00:45:55,659 Like the other crew. 529 00:45:56,035 --> 00:45:57,786 I know it. 530 00:45:59,830 --> 00:46:01,498 So do you. 531 00:46:05,127 --> 00:46:06,211 Are you scared? 532 00:46:15,263 --> 00:46:17,347 When the stellar bomb is triggered... 533 00:46:18,516 --> 00:46:21,142 ...very little will happen at first. 534 00:46:21,477 --> 00:46:24,521 And then a spark will pop into existence... 535 00:46:24,689 --> 00:46:28,525 ...and it will hang for an instant, hovering in space. And then... 536 00:46:29,986 --> 00:46:31,987 ...it will split into two. 537 00:46:32,154 --> 00:46:33,863 And those will split again... 538 00:46:34,031 --> 00:46:35,907 ...and again and again. 539 00:46:40,204 --> 00:46:42,289 Detonation beyond all imagining. 540 00:46:44,292 --> 00:46:45,917 A big bang on a small scale. 541 00:46:46,085 --> 00:46:48,044 A new star born out of a dying one. 542 00:46:50,298 --> 00:46:52,424 I think it'll be beautiful. 543 00:46:53,509 --> 00:46:55,552 No. I'm not scared. 544 00:47:00,683 --> 00:47:02,267 I am. 545 00:47:50,900 --> 00:47:53,485 Searle, Capa, they're waiting for you. 546 00:47:53,652 --> 00:47:55,695 Okay, let's go. 547 00:49:42,303 --> 00:49:44,846 Be careful, watch your step. 548 00:49:49,226 --> 00:49:51,269 Cassie, are you getting this on the feed? 549 00:49:51,437 --> 00:49:52,937 Getting what? 550 00:49:53,481 --> 00:49:56,774 The air. It's full of dust. 551 00:49:56,942 --> 00:49:58,610 Human skin. 552 00:49:58,777 --> 00:49:59,903 What? 553 00:50:00,070 --> 00:50:03,323 Eighty percent of all dust is human skin. 554 00:50:08,245 --> 00:50:09,954 Sorry. 555 00:50:14,585 --> 00:50:16,002 - No lights? - No. 556 00:50:16,170 --> 00:50:17,420 No surprise. 557 00:50:18,923 --> 00:50:21,382 Anyone afraid of the dark? 558 00:50:22,259 --> 00:50:23,301 We should split up. 559 00:50:23,469 --> 00:50:26,095 I'm not sure that's such a good idea. 560 00:50:26,597 --> 00:50:27,931 Yeah, probably right. 561 00:50:28,098 --> 00:50:31,267 Might get picked off one at a time by aliens. 562 00:50:31,435 --> 00:50:34,854 Icarus I is a big ship. We can't search it effectively in one group. 563 00:50:35,022 --> 00:50:37,440 Okay. You're right. 564 00:50:38,776 --> 00:50:41,986 Mace, head up for the Flight Deck, see if you can't get her to fly. 565 00:50:43,906 --> 00:50:46,658 Searle, check the social area and the sleeping quarters. 566 00:50:46,825 --> 00:50:48,701 Capa, aim for the payload. 567 00:50:50,246 --> 00:50:52,455 I'll check the garden. 568 00:50:52,706 --> 00:50:55,333 Let's keep in contact, guys. 569 00:51:33,122 --> 00:51:35,498 Listen up, everybody. 570 00:51:36,083 --> 00:51:39,711 You gotta see this. Seven years of unchecked growth. 571 00:51:41,297 --> 00:51:43,298 Can you see this? 572 00:51:43,591 --> 00:51:46,718 It's an ecosystem working beautifully after all this time. 573 00:51:46,885 --> 00:51:49,887 You seeing this readout, O2, everybody. Ha-ha. 574 00:51:50,055 --> 00:51:51,097 It's wonderful. 575 00:51:51,557 --> 00:51:52,599 Oh, my God. 576 00:51:52,766 --> 00:51:54,684 Cory, look at the ferns. 577 00:52:10,784 --> 00:52:12,952 That's strange. 578 00:52:13,370 --> 00:52:15,955 Subsystems are fine. Solar harvest is fine. 579 00:52:16,123 --> 00:52:20,043 The ship should be running except I'm getting nothing from the flight computer. 580 00:52:27,051 --> 00:52:28,092 Got water. 581 00:52:32,056 --> 00:52:33,556 Food. 582 00:52:39,730 --> 00:52:41,439 No crew. 583 00:52:42,066 --> 00:52:43,191 No bodies. 584 00:52:50,783 --> 00:52:52,617 My God. 585 00:52:53,702 --> 00:52:56,120 You can hardly walk, it's so thick. 586 00:52:59,792 --> 00:53:02,794 I am Pinbacker. 587 00:53:04,713 --> 00:53:07,006 Commander of the Icarus I. 588 00:53:10,761 --> 00:53:13,513 We have abandoned our mission. 589 00:53:14,682 --> 00:53:17,475 Our star is dying. 590 00:53:19,019 --> 00:53:21,521 All our science... 591 00:53:23,065 --> 00:53:25,316 ...all our hopes... 592 00:53:26,735 --> 00:53:30,321 ...our dreams, are foolish. 593 00:53:31,115 --> 00:53:33,366 In the face of this... 594 00:53:34,201 --> 00:53:35,910 ...we are... 595 00:53:36,662 --> 00:53:40,373 ...dust. Nothing more. 596 00:53:40,833 --> 00:53:45,753 And to this dust, we will return. 597 00:53:49,007 --> 00:53:54,887 When he chooses for us to die... 598 00:53:55,055 --> 00:53:57,306 ...it is not our place... 599 00:53:58,308 --> 00:54:01,060 ...to challenge God. 600 00:54:05,023 --> 00:54:06,941 Okay, that make sense to anyone? 601 00:54:07,109 --> 00:54:10,570 Transmission code is six and a half years ago. 602 00:54:12,656 --> 00:54:15,032 That would be after they entered the non-com zone. 603 00:54:15,993 --> 00:54:19,203 That should be the time they were supposed to deliver the payload. 604 00:54:36,013 --> 00:54:38,598 Payload is fully operational. 605 00:54:38,766 --> 00:54:39,974 Say again, Capa? 606 00:54:40,142 --> 00:54:42,852 The payload is fully operational. It's A-okay. 607 00:54:44,855 --> 00:54:47,815 That's great news. Looks like we got what we came for. 608 00:54:47,983 --> 00:54:49,609 No, we don't. 609 00:54:49,777 --> 00:54:51,360 Go ahead, Mace? 610 00:54:51,528 --> 00:54:53,988 I know what caused the distress signal. 611 00:54:54,448 --> 00:54:57,700 There's a coolant failure of some kind. The bottom line is... 612 00:54:57,868 --> 00:55:00,745 ...it doesn't matter that Capa has his payload. 613 00:55:00,913 --> 00:55:03,372 Without the mainframe, we can't fly. 614 00:55:04,750 --> 00:55:06,959 It's been sabotaged. 615 00:55:10,380 --> 00:55:12,590 We should never have gone off the mission. 616 00:55:30,651 --> 00:55:32,819 I have something to say. 617 00:55:34,613 --> 00:55:35,696 Found the crew. 618 00:55:57,261 --> 00:55:59,011 What happened? 619 00:56:00,889 --> 00:56:02,473 They had an epiphany. 620 00:56:03,475 --> 00:56:04,559 They saw the light. 621 00:56:05,644 --> 00:56:07,645 They burned themselves. 622 00:56:07,813 --> 00:56:09,146 No shit. 623 00:56:09,314 --> 00:56:12,692 I suspect the observation filter is fully open. 624 00:56:12,860 --> 00:56:18,155 If we weren't behind the screen of Icarus II, we'd join them. 625 00:56:18,740 --> 00:56:20,116 Ashes to ashes. 626 00:56:22,411 --> 00:56:24,495 Stardust to stardust. 627 00:56:25,455 --> 00:56:26,539 Icarus! Whoa! 628 00:56:31,837 --> 00:56:33,379 Icarus. Stabilizers. 629 00:56:39,803 --> 00:56:42,680 -What was that? -Guys, get back to the airlock now. 630 00:56:48,103 --> 00:56:49,729 We have a major incident. 631 00:56:49,897 --> 00:56:51,689 We are floating free from you. 632 00:56:51,857 --> 00:56:53,608 Repeat, we are floating free. 633 00:56:54,318 --> 00:56:55,693 All crew back to the airlock. 634 00:57:08,123 --> 00:57:09,832 - Cassie. - The airlock has decoupled. 635 00:57:10,000 --> 00:57:11,542 We don't know why. 636 00:57:11,710 --> 00:57:14,378 The locking system on Icarus I is totally ripped open. 637 00:57:14,546 --> 00:57:17,757 I can hold our position but we aren't gonna be able to dock again. 638 00:57:17,925 --> 00:57:19,258 There's another thing, guys. 639 00:57:19,426 --> 00:57:22,303 You've got a breach, I can see it. You're losing atmosphere. 640 00:57:23,055 --> 00:57:24,096 We're screwed. 641 00:57:25,098 --> 00:57:26,140 No, we're not. 642 00:57:32,648 --> 00:57:34,190 One of us isn't, anyway. 643 00:57:52,417 --> 00:57:53,459 What happened? 644 00:57:53,627 --> 00:57:56,629 Airlock's destroyed. There's only one suit. Capa's taking it. 645 00:58:05,180 --> 00:58:07,598 -Why Capa? -The rest of us are lower priority. 646 00:58:07,766 --> 00:58:09,183 I'm not a low priority. 647 00:58:09,351 --> 00:58:12,186 You're a comms officer on a ship that has no communication. 648 00:58:12,354 --> 00:58:13,521 I am the captain. 649 00:58:14,481 --> 00:58:16,732 The mission needs a captain to hold it together. 650 00:58:18,026 --> 00:58:21,862 Harvey, Capa's the only person outside of Icarus who can operate the payload. 651 00:58:22,364 --> 00:58:23,447 There is no choice. 652 00:58:23,615 --> 00:58:25,157 No, there's no choice for you. 653 00:58:25,325 --> 00:58:28,160 Capa, I order you to remove that suit. 654 00:58:31,498 --> 00:58:33,374 Get out of the suit. 655 00:58:36,712 --> 00:58:39,714 That is a direct order. 656 00:58:42,426 --> 00:58:47,179 I assure you, when I'm onboard Icarus II that I'll do everything within my power-- 657 00:58:47,347 --> 00:58:49,932 To what? Shuttle back with more suits? 658 00:58:50,100 --> 00:58:51,642 The airlock is ripped in half. 659 00:58:51,810 --> 00:58:55,521 Once we break that seal, how are we gonna re-pressurize? 660 00:59:02,195 --> 00:59:03,654 Cassie. 661 00:59:04,406 --> 00:59:05,823 Go. 662 00:59:05,991 --> 00:59:08,993 Listen. We can't depressurize when we open the airlock. 663 00:59:09,161 --> 00:59:12,038 So the force of the gas is gonna fire him out, right? 664 00:59:12,581 --> 00:59:13,622 Right. 665 00:59:13,790 --> 00:59:17,126 If you open your airlock and we line it up right, he'll fire inside. 666 00:59:19,046 --> 00:59:20,087 And so will we. 667 00:59:23,425 --> 00:59:24,467 Without suits? 668 00:59:26,011 --> 00:59:28,763 - Get as close as you can. - You'll have 20 meters to cover. 669 00:59:28,930 --> 00:59:31,557 At minus 273 degrees Celsius. 670 00:59:33,685 --> 00:59:35,519 It's gonna be cold. 671 00:59:35,979 --> 00:59:37,855 But we'll make it. 672 00:59:40,358 --> 00:59:42,068 Anyone got any better ideas? 673 00:59:47,282 --> 00:59:48,616 Copy that. 674 01:00:05,133 --> 01:00:06,801 Mace. 675 01:00:07,344 --> 01:00:09,220 One problem. 676 01:00:09,763 --> 01:00:11,722 The computer's down. 677 01:00:11,890 --> 01:00:15,476 One of us has to manually operate the seal. 678 01:00:15,769 --> 01:00:17,645 From inside. 679 01:00:18,688 --> 01:00:20,815 Shit. 680 01:00:23,026 --> 01:00:24,819 You're right. 681 01:00:24,986 --> 01:00:29,031 So, whatever happens, one of us is staying behind. 682 01:00:31,618 --> 01:00:34,161 I see. I get it. 683 01:00:34,329 --> 01:00:37,665 It's me. That's what you're all thinking? 684 01:00:40,335 --> 01:00:41,836 No, Harvey. 685 01:00:42,003 --> 01:00:43,045 It's me. 686 01:01:03,942 --> 01:01:05,484 You okay? 687 01:01:06,945 --> 01:01:08,571 Hey, Capa. 688 01:01:08,947 --> 01:01:10,573 We're only stardust. 689 01:01:24,087 --> 01:01:25,713 Mace, we're lined up. 690 01:01:25,881 --> 01:01:28,007 Everything's set. 691 01:01:32,971 --> 01:01:34,597 Searle, are you ready? 692 01:01:37,559 --> 01:01:40,644 All right. We only got one shot at this. 693 01:01:40,812 --> 01:01:41,854 Cassie. 694 01:01:42,439 --> 01:01:44,273 - Are you ready? - Ready. 695 01:01:44,441 --> 01:01:48,152 Harvey, keep your eyes shut and exhale slowly. 696 01:01:48,320 --> 01:01:49,445 Copy. 697 01:01:53,617 --> 01:01:55,075 Let's do it. 698 01:02:41,873 --> 01:02:43,540 Crew detected in airlock. 699 01:02:44,000 --> 01:02:46,252 Recommend sealing outer airlock door. 700 01:02:46,419 --> 01:02:49,004 I lost Harvey. I lost Harvey. 701 01:02:49,172 --> 01:02:51,674 - Harvey's gone. - Crew detected in airlock. 702 01:02:52,384 --> 01:02:54,593 Sealing outer airlock door. 703 01:03:30,672 --> 01:03:32,172 Breathe, Mace. Just breathe. 704 01:03:32,340 --> 01:03:33,507 Get my hand. Get my hand. 705 01:03:33,675 --> 01:03:35,092 - Breathe, Mace. - Capa? 706 01:03:35,260 --> 01:03:38,095 You're okay, Mace. You're okay, Mace. Please, breathe. 707 01:03:56,448 --> 01:03:59,825 -Capa, are you all right? -Yeah. Yeah. 708 01:04:01,411 --> 01:04:03,287 Let's get you out of here. 709 01:04:45,663 --> 01:04:47,373 Searle? 710 01:04:48,166 --> 01:04:50,000 We're leaving now. 711 01:04:54,339 --> 01:04:56,548 We're gonna complete the mission. 712 01:04:58,343 --> 01:05:00,552 We're all thinking of you, Searle. 713 01:05:01,888 --> 01:05:02,971 Searle? 714 01:05:04,015 --> 01:05:05,933 We're gonna go now. 715 01:05:11,606 --> 01:05:12,815 We love you. 716 01:05:41,052 --> 01:05:43,637 I've been through Icarus's activity file and I checked it. 717 01:05:43,805 --> 01:05:45,973 Double-checked it. Cory triple-checked it. 718 01:05:46,141 --> 01:05:48,517 And it's the same results. 719 01:05:49,561 --> 01:05:53,272 In other words, unless Icarus is deleting her own files, she didn't do it. 720 01:05:53,440 --> 01:05:56,567 And there was no malfunction on the airlock hardware. 721 01:05:56,734 --> 01:06:00,195 Which means the airlock was decoupled manually. 722 01:06:01,281 --> 01:06:03,490 Cassie and I were on the Flight Deck. 723 01:06:03,658 --> 01:06:05,659 And I was with Capa and Searle. 724 01:06:06,119 --> 01:06:09,663 And I think we can all assume it wasn't Harvey. 725 01:06:10,123 --> 01:06:12,458 Which leaves one possibility. 726 01:06:14,043 --> 01:06:15,085 Trey. 727 01:06:15,253 --> 01:06:17,921 Trey is so doped up he can hardly walk or feed himself. 728 01:06:18,089 --> 01:06:21,758 He sleeps for 23 hours a day. And he blames himself for everything. 729 01:06:21,926 --> 01:06:23,594 - Why would he do it? - We don't know. 730 01:06:23,761 --> 01:06:27,473 The possibility remains that it was him and we gotta take that seriously. 731 01:06:27,640 --> 01:06:28,974 By doping him up more? 732 01:06:29,642 --> 01:06:34,229 This isn't just about the possibility whether he sabotaged the airlock. 733 01:06:34,397 --> 01:06:36,648 There is something else too. 734 01:06:39,819 --> 01:06:44,364 When Searle and Harvey died, we lost two breathers. 735 01:06:45,116 --> 01:06:47,117 If Trey dies... 736 01:06:48,161 --> 01:06:51,580 ...we'll have the oxygen to make it to the delivery point. 737 01:06:51,748 --> 01:06:53,957 At least now we know what happened on Icarus I. 738 01:06:54,125 --> 01:06:57,419 - The same thing that's happening here. - Fuck you, Capa. 739 01:06:57,587 --> 01:07:00,756 What are you trying to remind us of? Our lost humanity? 740 01:07:06,137 --> 01:07:07,179 I'll do it. 741 01:07:08,973 --> 01:07:10,933 I'm not passing any bucks. 742 01:07:11,643 --> 01:07:13,435 Do it how? 743 01:07:14,979 --> 01:07:17,147 That's between me and Trey. 744 01:07:19,984 --> 01:07:22,819 We'll have a vote this time. Unanimous decision required. 745 01:07:23,821 --> 01:07:26,490 So you know where I stand. 746 01:07:33,706 --> 01:07:34,748 And me. 747 01:07:38,169 --> 01:07:40,087 What are you asking? 748 01:07:40,755 --> 01:07:43,924 That we weigh the life of one against the future of mankind? 749 01:07:48,680 --> 01:07:49,972 Kill him. 750 01:07:50,682 --> 01:07:52,266 Cassie? 751 01:07:56,271 --> 01:07:57,771 No. 752 01:08:01,234 --> 01:08:04,403 -Cassie. -I know the argument. 753 01:08:04,571 --> 01:08:06,655 I know the logic. 754 01:08:07,574 --> 01:08:09,575 You're saying you need my vote. 755 01:08:09,742 --> 01:08:12,244 I'm saying you can't have it. 756 01:08:20,878 --> 01:08:22,713 What do we do? 757 01:08:29,012 --> 01:08:31,138 Oh, God. 758 01:08:32,932 --> 01:08:34,683 I'm sorry, Cassie. 759 01:08:40,523 --> 01:08:43,025 You make it easy for him. 760 01:08:44,444 --> 01:08:46,194 Somehow. 761 01:08:46,821 --> 01:08:49,072 Find a kindness. 762 01:09:53,221 --> 01:09:54,930 Trey. 763 01:09:58,643 --> 01:10:01,311 Everybody get here now. 764 01:10:17,620 --> 01:10:18,662 He cut his wrists. 765 01:10:18,830 --> 01:10:21,039 He took responsibility. 766 01:10:24,544 --> 01:10:26,503 All these deaths. 767 01:10:26,671 --> 01:10:28,130 Kaneda. 768 01:10:28,297 --> 01:10:30,757 Searle. Harvey. 769 01:10:30,925 --> 01:10:32,384 Trey. 770 01:10:33,177 --> 01:10:36,680 None of them would have happened if you hadn't diverted the mission. 771 01:10:38,474 --> 01:10:41,309 -What do you want me to say? -I don't want you to say shit. 772 01:10:41,477 --> 01:10:44,646 I just want you to know that this... 773 01:10:44,814 --> 01:10:46,815 ...belongs here. 774 01:10:49,318 --> 01:10:50,944 Fuck you. 775 01:11:10,673 --> 01:11:14,384 Air is low. We need to limit our exertions. 776 01:11:48,169 --> 01:11:50,337 - Icarus? - Yes, Capa? 777 01:11:50,505 --> 01:11:53,131 Run an update on biometric signs for all crew. 778 01:11:53,299 --> 01:11:55,801 Check oxygen consumption. 779 01:11:56,427 --> 01:11:58,094 Checking. 780 01:11:58,679 --> 01:12:00,388 Thank you. 781 01:12:01,766 --> 01:12:03,517 Capa. 782 01:12:03,684 --> 01:12:05,477 - Yes? - You are dying. 783 01:12:06,103 --> 01:12:07,729 All crew are dying. 784 01:12:07,897 --> 01:12:09,731 We know we're dying. 785 01:12:10,107 --> 01:12:13,652 As long as we can live long enough to deliver the payload... 786 01:12:13,820 --> 01:12:15,028 ...we're okay with it. 787 01:12:15,196 --> 01:12:17,781 Capa, warning. 788 01:12:17,949 --> 01:12:20,909 You will not live long enough to deliver the payload. 789 01:12:23,704 --> 01:12:25,747 Please clarify. 790 01:12:25,915 --> 01:12:29,668 Twelve hours before crew will be unable to perform complex tasks. 791 01:12:29,836 --> 01:12:33,505 Fourteen hours before crew will be unable to perform basic tasks. 792 01:12:33,673 --> 01:12:35,465 Sixteen hours until death. 793 01:12:35,633 --> 01:12:37,133 Journey time to delivery point: 794 01:12:37,301 --> 01:12:39,719 - Nineteen hours. - Impossible. Corazon was certain. 795 01:12:39,887 --> 01:12:42,222 We have remaining oxygen to keep four crew alive. 796 01:12:42,390 --> 01:12:45,308 Affirmative. Four crew could survive on current reserves-- 797 01:12:45,476 --> 01:12:47,853 Trey is dead. There are only four crew members. 798 01:12:48,020 --> 01:12:49,062 Negative. 799 01:12:49,230 --> 01:12:52,148 Affirmative, Icarus. Four crew: Mace, Cassie, Corazon and me. 800 01:12:52,316 --> 01:12:54,359 Five crew members. 801 01:12:59,824 --> 01:13:01,366 Icarus? 802 01:13:01,534 --> 01:13:03,118 Yes? 803 01:13:05,621 --> 01:13:06,955 Who's the fifth crew member? 804 01:13:08,207 --> 01:13:09,958 Unknown. 805 01:13:12,295 --> 01:13:14,629 Where is the fifth crew member? 806 01:13:14,797 --> 01:13:17,591 In the Observation Room. 807 01:13:56,464 --> 01:13:58,798 Are you an angel? 808 01:14:01,302 --> 01:14:03,345 Has the time come? 809 01:14:07,016 --> 01:14:09,809 I've been waiting so long. 810 01:14:16,734 --> 01:14:18,485 Who are you? 811 01:14:20,237 --> 01:14:21,821 Who am I? 812 01:14:28,329 --> 01:14:30,705 At the end of time... 813 01:14:31,457 --> 01:14:35,502 ...a moment will come when just one man remains. 814 01:14:37,171 --> 01:14:39,047 Then the moment will pass. 815 01:14:41,425 --> 01:14:43,885 The man will be gone. 816 01:14:46,764 --> 01:14:50,558 There will be nothing to show that we were ever here... 817 01:14:51,560 --> 01:14:53,937 ...but stardust. 818 01:14:55,982 --> 01:15:00,652 The last man, alone with God. 819 01:15:03,614 --> 01:15:06,116 Am I that man? 820 01:15:20,381 --> 01:15:22,007 My God. 821 01:15:25,011 --> 01:15:28,054 My God, Pinbacker? 822 01:15:28,973 --> 01:15:31,182 Not your God. 823 01:15:31,350 --> 01:15:32,559 Mine. 824 01:15:46,699 --> 01:15:48,533 Icarus. Full sunlight. 825 01:16:05,760 --> 01:16:06,801 Anyone. 826 01:17:02,483 --> 01:17:04,025 Oh, my God. 827 01:17:04,443 --> 01:17:05,485 Icarus? 828 01:17:12,368 --> 01:17:15,203 Warning, you do not have authority to remove... 829 01:17:15,371 --> 01:17:17,664 ...the mainframe panels from the coolant. 830 01:17:17,832 --> 01:17:20,583 Please return the panels to the coolant. 831 01:17:20,751 --> 01:17:24,504 I cannot locate your biometric signs. 832 01:17:24,713 --> 01:17:27,966 Please identify yourself. 833 01:17:50,614 --> 01:17:53,366 You gotta be kidding. 834 01:18:10,217 --> 01:18:12,302 My God. 835 01:18:20,603 --> 01:18:22,562 A baby. 836 01:18:24,523 --> 01:18:26,149 A beautiful baby. 837 01:18:26,317 --> 01:18:28,818 Icarus, patch me through to Mace. I have something... 838 01:18:28,986 --> 01:18:30,528 ...wonderful to show him. 839 01:18:30,696 --> 01:18:33,031 Or Cassie or Capa. 840 01:18:34,116 --> 01:18:35,658 Icarus? 841 01:18:40,581 --> 01:18:42,457 Don't fight. 842 01:18:43,792 --> 01:18:45,668 Don't fight. 843 01:19:17,868 --> 01:19:19,619 Mace? 844 01:19:55,114 --> 01:19:56,239 Capa? 845 01:19:57,574 --> 01:20:00,285 Is anyone else getting silence from Icarus? 846 01:20:02,788 --> 01:20:04,747 Anybody? 847 01:20:19,888 --> 01:20:21,639 Capa? 848 01:20:51,128 --> 01:20:53,713 Icarus, why are we in orbit? 849 01:20:56,383 --> 01:20:57,592 Respond. 850 01:21:00,929 --> 01:21:01,971 What? 851 01:21:02,139 --> 01:21:03,306 Jesus Christ. 852 01:21:04,058 --> 01:21:05,725 Capa? Capa? 853 01:21:09,438 --> 01:21:10,688 In the suit. 854 01:21:10,856 --> 01:21:12,315 Use the hard link. 855 01:21:12,483 --> 01:21:13,608 In the helmet. 856 01:21:13,776 --> 01:21:15,360 Mace? 857 01:21:19,114 --> 01:21:20,865 - What the hell is going on? - Mace? 858 01:21:21,033 --> 01:21:22,742 I can't talk to Icarus. 859 01:21:22,910 --> 01:21:26,245 Pinbacker is onboard. He's trying to stop the mission. 860 01:21:26,413 --> 01:21:29,248 He's trying to destroy the mission. He's insane. 861 01:21:41,470 --> 01:21:43,429 Mace, listen. I'm locked in the airlock. 862 01:21:43,597 --> 01:21:46,516 Jesus Christ. The mainframe is out of the coolant. 863 01:21:52,231 --> 01:21:53,815 The mechanism is disabled. 864 01:21:53,982 --> 01:21:55,733 I can't lower the mainframe panels. 865 01:21:55,901 --> 01:21:57,777 Mace, repeat, please. 866 01:21:59,238 --> 01:22:01,322 Icarus is gonna burn out. 867 01:22:04,326 --> 01:22:05,368 Mace. 868 01:22:05,577 --> 01:22:07,286 Mace, come in. 869 01:24:34,351 --> 01:24:35,935 Come on. 870 01:24:40,774 --> 01:24:42,275 Capa. 871 01:24:42,442 --> 01:24:43,484 -Capa. -Mace? 872 01:24:44,194 --> 01:24:46,696 We're in orbit. The computer is down. 873 01:24:47,573 --> 01:24:50,741 I don't know if I can get her back online. 874 01:24:50,909 --> 01:24:54,704 You have to break us out of orbit manually. 875 01:24:54,871 --> 01:24:56,455 The only way to do that... 876 01:24:56,623 --> 01:24:59,584 ...is separate the payload. Do you get it, Capa? 877 01:24:59,751 --> 01:25:02,545 Force the bomb into the sun. 878 01:25:03,338 --> 01:25:04,797 Separate the payload. 879 01:25:05,299 --> 01:25:09,844 You'll have to get to the bomb and detonate manually. 880 01:25:10,012 --> 01:25:12,513 Unlock the airlock, do you copy? Unlock the airlock. 881 01:25:13,056 --> 01:25:16,767 I don't know how, just do it. Just do it. 882 01:25:17,978 --> 01:25:19,604 Okay. 883 01:25:19,980 --> 01:25:22,315 I'm gonna do this. 884 01:25:23,191 --> 01:25:24,775 Copy, Mace. 885 01:25:26,236 --> 01:25:27,945 Copy. 886 01:26:24,795 --> 01:26:26,170 Capa. 887 01:26:26,338 --> 01:26:28,381 My leg. 888 01:26:42,521 --> 01:26:44,230 Oh, God. 889 01:26:51,613 --> 01:26:53,864 Do it, Capa. 890 01:26:59,037 --> 01:27:00,579 Do it. 891 01:27:06,795 --> 01:27:07,837 Mace. 892 01:31:49,828 --> 01:31:51,370 Come on. 893 01:32:49,054 --> 01:32:51,096 Only dream I ever have. 894 01:32:51,389 --> 01:32:52,848 Is it the surface of the sun? 895 01:32:54,267 --> 01:32:57,603 Every time I shut my eyes it's always the same. 896 01:34:59,684 --> 01:35:01,310 Cassie? 897 01:35:09,819 --> 01:35:11,445 Cassie? 898 01:35:11,613 --> 01:35:12,863 We're flying into the sun. 899 01:35:16,701 --> 01:35:18,869 Cassie, there's not much time. I need to know. 900 01:35:19,037 --> 01:35:20,495 Where is he? Is he here? 901 01:35:27,003 --> 01:35:30,839 For seven years I spoke with God. 902 01:35:38,264 --> 01:35:41,808 He told me to take us all to heaven. 903 01:35:48,483 --> 01:35:50,067 No. 904 01:36:33,653 --> 01:36:35,320 Finish it. 905 01:37:54,317 --> 01:37:55,609 Let's say 25. Set at 25. 906 01:38:08,081 --> 01:38:10,916 Please. 907 01:40:01,861 --> 01:40:04,654 Hi, sis. Um.... 908 01:40:05,615 --> 01:40:07,699 Kiss the kids. 909 01:40:16,584 --> 01:40:17,709 You guys, come on. 910 01:40:18,419 --> 01:40:20,212 It's time. 911 01:40:25,635 --> 01:40:27,511 So if you wake up one morning... 912 01:40:27,678 --> 01:40:32,098 ...and it's a particularly beautiful day, you'll know we made it. 913 01:40:34,644 --> 01:40:36,228 Okay. 914 01:40:36,479 --> 01:40:38,396 I'm signing out.