1 00:00:53,518 --> 00:01:00,791 I accept this honor for those who have sacrificed, whose death has opened our way. 2 00:01:00,792 --> 00:01:11,300 And for the 20 million men and women Negro who was insulted by the dignity and humiliation of despair. 3 00:01:12,504 --> 00:01:14,740 This is wrong. 4 00:01:15,273 --> 00:01:19,245 - Corrie, this is wrong. - What is wrong? 5 00:01:19,845 --> 00:01:22,081 This tie, this is wrong. 6 00:01:23,916 --> 00:01:31,522 - It was not a tie, dear. It ascot. - Yes, but generally use the same way, right? 7 00:01:31,523 --> 00:01:32,858 This is wrong. 8 00:01:33,726 --> 00:01:36,360 One or did you not like? 9 00:01:36,361 --> 00:01:41,465 - I do not like the shape. - It looks different and cheerful to me. 10 00:01:41,466 --> 00:01:51,776 You know what I mean. We like living in luxury in the pigsty. Dressed like this while people are out there ... 11 00:01:51,810 --> 00:01:53,546 This is wrong. 12 00:01:55,281 --> 00:01:59,518 See it if my brother saw me later. They will laugh. 13 00:01:59,552 --> 00:02:05,291 Let them laugh. Not bad going away for a few days, Martin. 14 00:02:09,428 --> 00:02:11,197 Fun can go away, right? 15 00:02:12,464 --> 00:02:14,899 Yes indeed. 16 00:02:15,534 --> 00:02:17,402 Hear. 17 00:02:18,837 --> 00:02:22,473 I'm going to become a priest in a remote place. 18 00:02:22,474 --> 00:02:24,809 Father enter the village. 19 00:02:25,811 --> 00:02:30,181 Leading a small church, teaching. 20 00:02:31,349 --> 00:02:36,254 Maybe occasionally engaged in debate. 21 00:02:36,255 --> 00:02:43,228 And I will pay all our bills. Especially mortgages for our homes. 22 00:02:44,796 --> 00:02:48,165 Perfect. 23 00:02:58,910 --> 00:03:01,445 You look handsome. 24 00:03:01,846 --> 00:03:09,153 Through it all, Martin Luther King had his dream. 25 00:03:09,387 --> 00:03:16,994 One of which we and people around the world feel. 26 00:03:17,062 --> 00:03:32,443 The hero of justice, the Nobel Committee Oslo, Norway in 1964 gives Peace Prize. 27 00:03:47,158 --> 00:03:54,860 I accept this honor for the people who sacrifice whose death has opened our way. 28 00:03:54,866 --> 00:04:03,341 I accept this honor for more than 20 million American Negro who insulted his dignity. 29 00:04:03,374 --> 00:04:14,185 Together, we believe that the shadow of supremacy had been destroyed. Truth to equality will bloom. 30 00:04:14,219 --> 00:04:18,824 I promise you, there's nothing to fear. It's certainly fast, and the priest will sit next to you. 31 00:04:18,857 --> 00:04:24,996 Yes, but the problem is, first trim the hair. Ditotok my hair every morning and I wash it every I showered. 32 00:04:25,030 --> 00:04:27,796 My mom says I have to wear a swimming cap. 33 00:04:27,799 --> 00:04:33,305 Listen, I asked my mother what she could do my hair like the hair Coretta Scott King during a demonstration in Washington. 34 00:04:33,338 --> 00:04:36,474 - But Mom says his hair is too long. - I like her hair. 35 00:04:36,508 --> 00:04:41,613 I heard she's not wearing hair curlers. Her hair is natural. But I've learned it. I know how to make it. 36 00:04:41,647 --> 00:04:44,515 Look, he keritingkan the middle and then ... 37 00:06:41,333 --> 00:06:45,301 Annie Lee Cooper? 38 00:06:47,138 --> 00:06:51,309 Come, my time is not much. 39 00:07:06,091 --> 00:07:09,926 You work for Mr. Dunn at the inn, right? 40 00:07:09,927 --> 00:07:11,163 Ya. 41 00:07:12,197 --> 00:07:16,701 I wonder what will be told in Dunn when one of the workers here looking for trouble. 42 00:07:16,734 --> 00:07:22,372 I did not come looking for trouble. I'm here want to register election. 43 00:07:25,277 --> 00:07:30,413 - This time is already filled it in correctly. - It would be true if I told you is true. 44 00:07:32,951 --> 00:07:39,021 I would say the opening of the Act. You know how it sounds? 45 00:07:44,529 --> 00:07:54,138 "We the people of the United States, ready to form associations and unions." 46 00:07:54,139 --> 00:07:57,675 "Establish justice." 47 00:07:57,676 --> 00:08:01,178 "To ensure peace in the country." 48 00:08:01,179 --> 00:08:04,047 "To participate in the common defense." 49 00:08:04,048 --> 00:08:11,786 - "Participating in the general welfare ... - How many judges town in Alabama? 50 00:08:12,657 --> 00:08:16,226 67. 51 00:08:18,530 --> 00:08:23,932 Mention! 52 00:08:28,932 --> 00:08:32,632 REJECTED 53 00:08:47,592 --> 00:08:51,595 Have not we done yet? Also unfinished about this? Will it end? 54 00:08:51,596 --> 00:08:58,000 I do not know, Mr. President. Comprehensive plan has been carried out. This plan is already done six months ago. 55 00:08:58,002 --> 00:09:05,342 Furious residents will ruin everything. We're thinking about it. Only need to repeat the plan. 56 00:09:05,343 --> 00:09:08,279 No, he did not want a repetition. He wanted something that he could say: 57 00:09:08,312 --> 00:09:14,753 "Listen, I tell you, I had a dream. And the dream will come true even if you do not like". That's what he wants. 58 00:09:14,786 --> 00:09:19,924 All she had to do was to support us rather than vice versa. Just this once! 59 00:09:20,959 --> 00:09:23,494 Mr President, there is Dr. King. 60 00:09:23,495 --> 00:09:27,564 - Mr. President. - Dr. King. 61 00:09:28,399 --> 00:09:39,143 Just so you know, my rank is higher, but it was almost the same as the Nobel and all the other award have you won. 62 00:09:39,144 --> 00:09:41,278 Thank you, Mr. President. 63 00:09:41,279 --> 00:09:44,049 Tn. White. 64 00:09:44,082 --> 00:09:50,589 I tell you, there will be no difference. Really proud moment when I signed Law No. 64. 65 00:09:51,789 --> 00:09:54,526 Proudest moments, I tell you. 66 00:09:54,559 --> 00:10:03,401 Right of the people is a priority for the state. We are dealing with all of it or this country will incur a lot of problems in the country. 67 00:10:03,435 --> 00:10:11,042 Now, because I can not convince you to work with my administration in an official capacity at the White House. 68 00:10:11,075 --> 00:10:15,580 I feel fortunate to have someone statesman because you are already leading the movement. 69 00:10:15,613 --> 00:10:21,284 And I want you to lead rather than another. Not militants like Malcolm X. 70 00:10:22,287 --> 00:10:27,291 So I'll help you, just say how. 71 00:10:27,292 --> 00:10:38,804 Well, Mr. President. I'm here want to talk specifically about the denial of rights of Americans against the Negro people. The right to go to the polls. 72 00:10:41,372 --> 00:10:43,408 Good, technically ... 73 00:10:43,442 --> 00:10:53,117 Technically, we've got that right, Mr. President. But we both know that Southern blacks restrained ... 74 00:10:53,151 --> 00:10:59,957 And removed from the voting booth because of being bullied and intimidated, Mr. President. 75 00:10:59,958 --> 00:11:10,502 Now, you ask how do I help him? We need the Federal Law guarantees the right to a free Negro. 76 00:11:10,535 --> 00:11:20,078 And we want to remove the Federal Government's denial for 20 years for the rejection of illegally Negro who want to choose. 77 00:11:20,111 --> 00:11:26,984 And we want their affirmation of that provision. 78 00:11:26,985 --> 00:11:34,659 OK. It's okay, but most of the South people still have not been recorded. 79 00:11:34,692 --> 00:11:42,399 Do not start a new war if it has not won the previous war. And you know what the next war? 80 00:11:42,400 --> 00:11:45,602 Eradication of poverty. 81 00:11:45,603 --> 00:11:49,573 Kunamakan "War on Poverty." 82 00:11:49,574 --> 00:11:52,577 It is a matter of political priority. 83 00:11:52,611 --> 00:11:57,547 I focus on poverty and I want you to help in this regard. 84 00:11:57,548 --> 00:12:08,824 We can make a big change for all races. And I know it's important to you, right? Problems voting rights can wait. 85 00:12:12,731 --> 00:12:18,602 - Issues that can not wait any longer, Mr. President. - Why? 86 00:12:18,603 --> 00:12:25,998 Because there are thousands of cases of racist motivated murders in the South. Including four little girls. 87 00:12:25,999 --> 00:12:29,979 - I know ... - And you know the astonishing fact that ... 88 00:12:29,980 --> 00:12:36,553 None of the criminals who are killing us with this punishment as he pleases. 89 00:12:36,554 --> 00:12:38,354 Yes, I know it must be resolved. 90 00:12:38,355 --> 00:12:45,696 None were arrested because they are protected by the white officials handpicked by the white man. 91 00:12:45,697 --> 00:12:51,668 And they rarely prosecuted because they were released also by a white judge. 92 00:12:51,669 --> 00:13:00,999 All are white because we can not judge unless we should protest vote. 93 00:13:02,814 --> 00:13:10,821 Good, Dr. King, you've given me something to think about. But the government's need to set aside temporarily. 94 00:13:10,855 --> 00:13:13,958 Only temporarily, understood. 95 00:13:16,961 --> 00:13:20,831 Yes, Mr. President, I understand. 96 00:13:29,240 --> 00:13:32,709 We went to Selma. 97 00:13:34,209 --> 00:13:36,809 ALABAMA 98 00:13:46,891 --> 00:13:50,694 Speech to residents have prepared you, Doc? 99 00:13:50,695 --> 00:13:55,800 We have to see first state, the Big Fellow. We're heading to a remote place. 100 00:13:55,834 --> 00:14:05,376 God, you take us everywhere, Girl? There are still another 128 miles to get to the destination. 101 00:14:05,377 --> 00:14:13,017 Hush, this is where we need. This is where the next battleground. 102 00:14:13,018 --> 00:14:21,393 I can only imagine, this is a decent place to die. 103 00:14:29,393 --> 00:14:39,393 "King arrived in Selma along Abernathy, Young, Orange and propagandist, Diane Nash at 10:12 am. Noted." 104 00:14:46,451 --> 00:14:49,487 - Nn. Nash. - Tn. Bevel. 105 00:14:49,521 --> 00:14:58,963 Doc, it's here, Selma. Many of which must be explained to the citizens here. And they are ready. 106 00:15:18,583 --> 00:15:20,818 - Sister Boynton. - Mr. Orange. 107 00:15:27,559 --> 00:15:29,999 Good afternoon. 108 00:15:34,532 --> 00:15:36,301 Dr. King? 109 00:15:37,234 --> 00:15:40,170 May I introduce myself? 110 00:15:40,171 --> 00:15:42,740 Yes, of course. 111 00:15:48,713 --> 00:15:50,914 It's okay, I'm okay. 112 00:15:53,151 --> 00:15:55,019 This way, Dr. King. 113 00:15:59,456 --> 00:16:03,694 White youth was dared to strike. This place is perfect. 114 00:16:03,728 --> 00:16:09,700 What is the latest information about the FBI Martin Luther King? I heard she was attacked in Selma. 115 00:16:09,734 --> 00:16:17,976 Info-ku said more simply. King is a politician moral harassers. 116 00:16:18,009 --> 00:16:21,712 That you think, J. Edgar. Should I considered seriously. 117 00:16:21,746 --> 00:16:26,884 But if it is true, which I know is he's a suck-up without violence. 118 00:16:26,917 --> 00:16:33,256 And I wish he were still leading the movement for the rights of its people. Not a blood-thirsty militants. 119 00:16:33,257 --> 00:16:37,828 All I have to know is what the next plans? 120 00:16:37,895 --> 00:16:48,773 Mr President, you know we can cripple his power permanently and decisively. 121 00:16:52,543 --> 00:16:55,213 I'm very aware of that, Mr. Director. 122 00:16:59,450 --> 00:17:10,059 Well, if you prefer a different approach, we can talk with his wife. 123 00:17:11,229 --> 00:17:15,000 We know there is tension in this government. 124 00:17:17,001 --> 00:17:22,373 We can reduce the upheavals. 125 00:17:23,374 --> 00:17:25,943 Mamfaatkan family. 126 00:17:28,943 --> 00:17:38,943 "King returned to his home in Atlanta. Home C. King and his son at 1:24 pm. Noted." 127 00:17:56,841 --> 00:18:05,413 Destiny is at hand. If the heartbeat stopped ... 128 00:18:07,185 --> 00:18:10,520 Same person? 129 00:18:12,156 --> 00:18:22,532 - When will you move? - We will come back to Selma at 5 am. There ideal place. 130 00:18:23,334 --> 00:18:33,575 We plan to be there a few weeks. Many will be resolved. 131 00:18:35,046 --> 00:18:37,347 I understand. 132 00:18:42,153 --> 00:18:47,990 The road is good, it only took a few hours to get there. 133 00:18:55,132 --> 00:18:59,569 Moreover, there was a good citizen. 134 00:19:05,109 --> 00:19:08,177 Ya. 135 00:19:09,214 --> 00:19:13,449 Unfortunately there are still bad guys. 136 00:19:13,750 --> 00:19:19,389 Sherif town, Jim Clark was so friendly. 137 00:19:20,424 --> 00:19:25,020 He said it would not give up without a fight. 138 00:19:25,029 --> 00:19:30,400 And because we do not want to fight, then ... 139 00:19:30,401 --> 00:19:34,370 I think that's where a good place to die. 140 00:19:36,374 --> 00:19:40,209 I hope you takakan talk like that. 141 00:19:42,980 --> 00:19:46,949 I am just kidding. 142 00:19:47,518 --> 00:19:53,055 You're with your friends is okay to joke like that. But I do not joke like that. 143 00:19:55,226 --> 00:19:59,129 You're right, I'm sorry. 144 00:20:00,999 --> 00:20:07,371 These clothes will kukemas to your bag, I did not know you were leaving so early. 145 00:20:53,851 --> 00:20:55,819 Halo? 146 00:20:55,852 --> 00:20:57,587 Halie? 147 00:20:57,588 --> 00:21:00,157 Martin. 148 00:21:01,759 --> 00:21:05,428 I want to hear the song of praise. 149 00:21:07,865 --> 00:21:13,102 Of course, Martin. 150 00:21:21,912 --> 00:21:29,485 My Lord. 151 00:21:29,486 --> 00:21:35,425 Hold my hand. 152 00:21:35,426 --> 00:21:42,632 Lead the way. 153 00:21:42,633 --> 00:21:47,904 Strengthen me. 154 00:21:47,905 --> 00:21:56,513 I am tired. 155 00:21:56,514 --> 00:22:01,085 I am weak. 156 00:22:02,387 --> 00:22:12,193 "Telephone communication from the residence of the King in Atlanta to the Negro artist Mahalia Jackson at 9:07 pm Noted." 157 00:22:12,263 --> 00:22:19,735 Through the storm. 158 00:22:19,736 --> 00:22:29,646 Through the night. 159 00:22:29,647 --> 00:22:36,853 Lord, lead me. 160 00:22:36,854 --> 00:22:41,920 Toward the light. 161 00:22:43,828 --> 00:22:46,496 - Sully. - Look at you. 162 00:22:46,497 --> 00:22:48,898 Good morning, Doctor. 163 00:22:48,899 --> 00:22:51,502 - smooth journey? - Current and long. 164 00:22:51,536 --> 00:22:57,600 The good news, there disni Jean Richie. She is ready to welcome you. 165 00:22:57,608 --> 00:23:00,645 Negro, that's what I mean. 166 00:23:01,245 --> 00:23:03,214 Uncle Marty! 167 00:23:03,247 --> 00:23:06,049 Here's our little girl! 168 00:23:06,050 --> 00:23:09,818 Here, Richie, Jean! 169 00:23:10,388 --> 00:23:12,121 - Much like his mother. - Go play. 170 00:23:12,122 --> 00:23:14,825 - Hei! - Hei, Ralphy. 171 00:23:17,494 --> 00:23:20,730 - Nice to meet you, dear. - Hey, come here. 172 00:23:21,999 --> 00:23:25,468 - Gosh, this food is delicious! - Okay, I'm cooking grits. 173 00:23:25,469 --> 00:23:27,436 How many members can join today? 174 00:23:27,437 --> 00:23:34,678 Currently, Sister Jackson, you know we SCLC group, right? Southern Christian Leadership Conference? (SCLC) 175 00:23:34,711 --> 00:23:41,118 Several top leaders have joined our SCLC. Because we'll be here longer than planned. 176 00:23:41,151 --> 00:23:44,654 It Rev. CT Vivian. He who mengkoordinas all branches of SCLC. 177 00:23:44,655 --> 00:23:47,224 Welcome, glad to meet you. 178 00:23:47,257 --> 00:23:49,293 Reverend James Bevel. 179 00:23:49,326 --> 00:23:51,328 - How are you, ma'am? - Well. thanks. 180 00:23:51,362 --> 00:23:56,133 This James Orange. - He's huge. I'm afraid this will be enough food. 181 00:23:56,166 --> 00:23:58,702 Let's find out. How? 182 00:23:58,736 --> 00:24:00,938 There are 2 people named James. 183 00:24:00,972 --> 00:24:03,140 - You can call me Jim, sister. - And you can call me Orange, ma'am. 184 00:24:03,174 --> 00:24:06,744 - Or Big Fellow! - All right. No problem. 185 00:24:06,777 --> 00:24:09,779 Mrs Jackson, I Hosea Williams. 186 00:24:09,780 --> 00:24:11,281 Or Castro! 187 00:24:11,282 --> 00:24:17,154 Well, long story. Corn porridge should be stirred. Do you mind? 188 00:24:17,187 --> 00:24:24,328 - your food very quickly. Are not you on a diet? - Quickly contact Juanita. It was no phone! 189 00:24:24,329 --> 00:24:25,363 Hey, do not tell him. 190 00:24:26,630 --> 00:24:29,734 - Hello, Juanita? - Do not, Doc. 191 00:24:34,038 --> 00:24:41,177 - Go to sleep, Doc. You okay? - Yes, Sir. Good night. 192 00:24:43,914 --> 00:24:47,784 I wanted to let the students had arrived. 193 00:24:49,687 --> 00:24:54,524 - Youth area? - Not. 194 00:24:54,525 --> 00:25:05,034 - Anti-Violence Youth Group Committee (SNCC) - Apparently the youth of SNCC. That is good. 195 00:25:05,035 --> 00:25:13,410 You are telling them to organize. Touched to the heart. Do not be surprised if they will loudly tomorrow. 196 00:25:13,443 --> 00:25:19,382 Townspeople may be happy to see us. But SNCC? They feel we are in their territory. 197 00:25:20,317 --> 00:25:26,855 They are young and energetic. Not bad. 198 00:25:27,058 --> 00:25:30,594 Come to think. 199 00:25:31,595 --> 00:25:34,232 Good night. 200 00:25:35,232 --> 00:25:38,567 Good night. 201 00:25:40,504 --> 00:25:47,309 "Montgomery bus boycott. Segregation in Birmingham." 202 00:25:47,310 --> 00:25:51,981 The Montgomery bus boycott. 203 00:25:53,584 --> 00:25:57,987 Separation in Birmingham. 204 00:25:57,988 --> 00:26:02,559 Now the elections in Selma. 205 00:26:03,594 --> 00:26:08,632 One problem is resolved, another problem arises. 206 00:26:09,967 --> 00:26:14,604 If you think so, everything would have been difficult. 207 00:26:14,605 --> 00:26:20,277 But I do not think so. I think it takes our joint efforts. 208 00:26:20,311 --> 00:26:23,913 And the effort was done for the sake of our lives. 209 00:26:24,848 --> 00:26:33,722 Our life as a community. Our life as a nation. For the sake of our lives. 210 00:26:37,194 --> 00:26:39,962 We certainly can. 211 00:26:41,298 --> 00:26:45,100 We should be able! 212 00:26:45,169 --> 00:26:58,100 We see children become victims of the cruelest crimes against humanity in their own Church! 213 00:26:58,181 --> 00:27:04,555 They have been purified. They are saints in search of freedom. 214 00:27:04,588 --> 00:27:12,395 And they "speak in silence" to us. They speak to us. To us, every race and faith. 215 00:27:12,963 --> 00:27:15,000 That we must act. 216 00:27:15,065 --> 00:27:23,607 They said that it was unacceptable. For more than 50% of the Negro in Selma ... 217 00:27:23,641 --> 00:27:32,814 ... but less than 2% Negro here you can choose and determine their own destiny as a human being. 218 00:27:33,250 --> 00:27:38,855 They said that the leadership of whites use their power ... 219 00:27:38,889 --> 00:27:44,526 ... to forbid we come to the polls and make us unable to choose. 220 00:27:45,362 --> 00:27:53,235 As long as I do not understand konstitusiku right to choose. I can not control my own life. 221 00:27:53,236 --> 00:28:00,843 I can not determine my own destiny because it has been determined by the people who like to see me suffer than success. 222 00:28:00,844 --> 00:28:05,280 They have to change before we say: "Not again!" 223 00:28:05,281 --> 00:28:07,116 Not anymore! 224 00:28:07,117 --> 00:28:11,053 Which means of protest! Which means the rally! 225 00:28:11,054 --> 00:28:15,457 Which means disturbing the peace! Which means jail! 226 00:28:15,458 --> 00:28:19,595 Which meant risk! And must be confirmed! 227 00:28:20,297 --> 00:28:25,000 We can not be silent anymore. Let us voting! 228 00:28:25,002 --> 00:28:27,000 It is true! No longer! 229 00:28:27,003 --> 00:28:33,475 We're not asking, we are demanding. Let us choose! 230 00:28:34,475 --> 00:28:41,475 "King and the SCLC promote Negro in Selma. An estimated 700 people at 6:22 pm. Noted." 231 00:28:41,618 --> 00:28:47,523 - Dr. King, I'm Roy Reed of the New York Times. - Yes, hello, how are you? 232 00:28:47,524 --> 00:28:49,859 Good, Sir. Thankyou for asking. 233 00:28:49,860 --> 00:28:54,831 Dr. King, whether nonviolently if you provoke violence, sir? 234 00:28:54,832 --> 00:29:00,837 We come here consciously wanted to protest. Conveyed to the reject us ... 235 00:29:00,838 --> 00:29:06,843 That we will not leave again they used their power to dark things beyond their control. 236 00:29:06,844 --> 00:29:09,578 We will go through all this darkness, Mr. Reed. 237 00:29:09,579 --> 00:29:14,083 - SNCC want to join or not, gentlemen? - You want us to bring our members without reward. 238 00:29:14,084 --> 00:29:16,519 We only ask for that kind of commitment. 239 00:29:16,520 --> 00:29:22,558 With respect, of course we have taken care of voter registration in the city for two years. 240 00:29:22,559 --> 00:29:26,095 You have not been so long, right? 241 00:29:26,096 --> 00:29:28,532 Maybe not yet, Reverend. But we're still here. 242 00:29:28,565 --> 00:29:31,368 What does it mean? This time, you will not be here next month! 243 00:29:31,401 --> 00:29:35,071 It was crazy! Just as you leave Albany. Residents there are so depressing. 244 00:29:35,105 --> 00:29:38,776 - Bak someone who left his father! - Our point, in Albany you all ... 245 00:29:38,809 --> 00:29:42,445 You know what I think? Should we leave Selma. Now! 246 00:29:42,446 --> 00:29:45,981 Leave it to them. We go back two years and see the extent to which they already! 247 00:29:45,982 --> 00:29:49,551 - It's OK. - Stop! 248 00:29:49,720 --> 00:29:52,688 Never mind. 249 00:29:53,790 --> 00:29:58,227 I do not have time for this. You also do not have time for this. 250 00:29:59,029 --> 00:30:07,771 John, James, the workings of our organization is straightforward. 251 00:30:07,804 --> 00:30:12,408 We consult, then refuses to prove. 252 00:30:12,443 --> 00:30:17,613 And this moment, our competitors even solve the problem by making mistakes. 253 00:30:17,614 --> 00:30:22,685 We were in Albany for 9 months and we made a lot of mistakes. 254 00:30:22,686 --> 00:30:27,591 But Sherif them, Laurie Pritchett, he never made a mistake. 255 00:30:27,624 --> 00:30:37,199 Stay calm, catch us in a human way. Took us to the wagons. When arrested and expelled. 256 00:30:37,200 --> 00:30:41,303 - There is no drama. - You mean, no camera. 257 00:30:42,539 --> 00:30:45,407 Precisely. 258 00:30:45,408 --> 00:30:51,146 I understand you young people want to serve the community in the long term. 259 00:30:51,147 --> 00:31:03,626 Working to raise awareness of the black race. That's a good working basis. We greatly admire. 260 00:31:04,127 --> 00:31:11,067 But the way we work is consulted, proved and rejected. 261 00:31:11,068 --> 00:31:16,473 And the most important thing is to raise awareness of the white race. 262 00:31:16,506 --> 00:31:21,577 And there are some consciousness of the white race emerged because wants to sit in the seat of government. 263 00:31:21,578 --> 00:31:26,949 Currently, Johnson had other affairs and he will ignore us if he could. 264 00:31:26,950 --> 00:31:33,089 The only way to stop it is to appear on the front page of a national newspaper every morning. 265 00:31:33,090 --> 00:31:36,693 And on the TV news every night. 266 00:31:36,726 --> 00:31:42,265 And it took a drama. 267 00:31:42,266 --> 00:31:46,066 Then, 268 00:31:46,069 --> 00:31:50,840 John, James. 269 00:31:50,841 --> 00:31:54,076 Answer the question. 270 00:31:54,077 --> 00:31:58,714 He said Sherif in this city is not as Laurie Pritchett in Albany. 271 00:31:58,715 --> 00:32:04,387 He buggers nan fat stupid like Bull Connor in Birmingham. 272 00:32:04,388 --> 00:32:10,593 Tell me. You know Selma, then you know Sheriff Jim Clark. 273 00:32:10,594 --> 00:32:17,099 What is she like Laurie Pritchett? Or like Bull Connor? 274 00:32:25,042 --> 00:32:26,742 He's like Bull Connor. 275 00:32:26,743 --> 00:32:33,082 - Steady! - Good. That is good. 276 00:32:35,619 --> 00:32:37,219 But the better. 277 00:32:37,220 --> 00:32:42,558 Clark does not control the street like Connor in Birmingham. Clark is Sherif City. 278 00:32:42,559 --> 00:32:45,627 He controls the Court Office in Selma. 279 00:32:45,628 --> 00:32:53,768 By doing so we have safe access to the battle zone. 280 00:33:46,890 --> 00:33:52,495 The contents of the building is the core of this problem. Election Participant Registration Office. 281 00:33:52,496 --> 00:33:58,567 This problem is remarkable. In Albany, there was no such incidents. 282 00:33:58,568 --> 00:34:03,205 Because the problem is separation. And it has often happened. 283 00:34:03,206 --> 00:34:14,383 In Selma, we focus on one building. A fortress guarded by the fanatics, the Court of Selma. 284 00:34:14,384 --> 00:34:17,953 The perfect stage. 285 00:34:31,935 --> 00:34:38,741 You deliberately want to make a fuss! If you do not disperse, you will be arrested. I promise! 286 00:34:38,742 --> 00:34:45,314 Sheriff Clark, we wanted to go to the registration office. It is our right by law. 287 00:34:45,315 --> 00:34:50,019 You guys are too much. And you already know the rules! You must wait at the back! 288 00:34:50,020 --> 00:34:59,795 No, Sheriff Clark, we will be in front and we will wait here. Separation diilegalkan in this country, sir. 289 00:35:01,064 --> 00:35:02,332 Out, Negro. 290 00:35:02,366 --> 00:35:05,334 - While I tried to kneel. - Come here. Kneel down, Grandpa. 291 00:35:07,337 --> 00:35:13,477 Clear the way. Make way! Move! 292 00:35:13,510 --> 00:35:15,644 Clear the way! 293 00:35:15,645 --> 00:35:17,012 I say empty! 294 00:35:17,013 --> 00:35:19,783 - We will sit down, but she could not sit up. - So he had to learn to sit. 295 00:35:19,816 --> 00:35:23,553 - He would sit. - Sit, Damn! 296 00:35:23,554 --> 00:35:26,111 Father! 297 00:35:26,790 --> 00:35:30,526 I told you he could not sit down. 298 00:35:30,860 --> 00:35:32,094 You know why, son? 299 00:35:32,095 --> 00:35:35,131 - Jimmie, sit down! - No, ma'am. I can not stand anymore. 300 00:35:35,499 --> 00:35:37,534 You got a problem, boy? 301 00:35:37,568 --> 00:35:39,302 I can not stand! I told you ... 302 00:35:39,336 --> 00:35:44,373 What are you doing, son? What do you want? 303 00:35:53,917 --> 00:35:57,152 Catch the nigger woman! Kill the nigger bitch! 304 00:35:57,153 --> 00:35:59,222 Let go of me! 305 00:36:14,504 --> 00:36:21,677 We will not tolerate niggers propagandists who want to make a scene in this country. 306 00:36:21,678 --> 00:36:26,180 Not as long as I'm governor. 307 00:36:27,950 --> 00:36:32,288 Currently, I'm standing here for the sake of the fate of the Confederacy ... 308 00:36:32,322 --> 00:36:37,159 For the purpose of life to remind the American people. 309 00:36:37,160 --> 00:36:43,900 The purpose of a long forgotten by the progressive and liberal order referred to a changing world. 310 00:36:43,933 --> 00:36:47,871 They want to make us like a bunch of dogs. 311 00:36:47,904 --> 00:36:54,344 Instead of allowing every race to advance from the name of racial separation which is standard for the current generation. 312 00:36:54,377 --> 00:36:55,578 Good morning, Mr. President. 313 00:36:55,611 --> 00:37:01,383 Changes in the world is already upset the balance in the South. 314 00:37:01,551 --> 00:37:11,694 Now, I promise to support Alabama while campaigning. And the citizens will choose me because of that promise. And I'll keep it. 315 00:37:36,953 --> 00:37:38,956 Johnson would not budge. 316 00:37:39,689 --> 00:37:41,425 I was tired, Ralphy. 317 00:37:43,593 --> 00:37:45,295 Tired of all this. 318 00:37:46,096 --> 00:37:48,732 There will be a return, Martin. 319 00:37:48,765 --> 00:37:51,234 Yes, but what a reward, my friend? 320 00:37:52,302 --> 00:37:55,405 We strive to be able to sit at any table. 321 00:37:56,806 --> 00:38:03,112 How could a Negro could eat at the table if she did not have money to buy a burger? 322 00:38:03,880 --> 00:38:07,549 Or worse, can not even ... 323 00:38:08,318 --> 00:38:15,491 Can not read the menu because no Negro school is allowed. What's that? 324 00:38:15,492 --> 00:38:18,360 Equality? 325 00:38:18,728 --> 00:38:20,029 Amin. 326 00:38:20,063 --> 00:38:23,065 And what's in our minds? 327 00:38:23,066 --> 00:38:26,303 Equality in the Negro soul. Look at these people. 328 00:38:27,938 --> 00:38:34,310 Beaten and abused for generations. Wants to demand more? 329 00:38:35,678 --> 00:38:40,349 What about the men who fight and resist this? Look at Medgar. 330 00:38:40,350 --> 00:38:45,420 Crushed to death by a man on a quiet street. Children and his wife is still at home. 331 00:38:45,421 --> 00:38:48,391 Also George, Herbert Lee and Lamar Smith. 332 00:38:48,424 --> 00:38:53,328 For that fight, to be killed. 333 00:38:54,330 --> 00:38:58,600 And what about whom they lead? 334 00:39:01,871 --> 00:39:05,507 What will we do, Ralphy? 335 00:39:05,809 --> 00:39:10,213 We will do it slowly. As usual. 336 00:39:11,047 --> 00:39:17,652 We woke up the course as much as possible. Stone by stone. 337 00:39:23,059 --> 00:39:27,062 This prison may be tapped. 338 00:39:27,830 --> 00:39:31,266 Maybe. 339 00:39:33,002 --> 00:39:36,471 Gosh. 340 00:39:40,744 --> 00:39:45,282 They will destroy me in order that the movement disbanded. 341 00:39:46,849 --> 00:39:50,151 Certainly. 342 00:39:54,390 --> 00:39:58,259 "Look at the birds in the sky." 343 00:39:58,962 --> 00:40:04,166 "Do not sow nor reap nor gather into barns" 344 00:40:04,167 --> 00:40:08,503 "But fed by your Father which is in heaven." 345 00:40:09,172 --> 00:40:13,141 "Are you not much more than they were?" 346 00:40:13,142 --> 00:40:18,880 "Who among you who because of fears can add a single hour to his life?" 347 00:40:18,881 --> 00:40:23,318 - Matthew 6:27. - So true. 348 00:40:23,319 --> 00:40:25,354 Ya, Pak. 349 00:40:31,428 --> 00:40:34,898 - What? Look where? - I often hear them talk about his arrival this evening. 350 00:40:34,931 --> 00:40:38,434 - Arrivals us? - I learned this from you. We never like this. 351 00:40:38,468 --> 00:40:43,839 Negro can not talk about it, justifies any means. People get mad. They will be surprised. 352 00:40:43,873 --> 00:40:46,609 He's on his way here, right? So we have to find out correctly and quickly. 353 00:40:46,643 --> 00:40:50,345 He's not being here but he has come. 354 00:40:50,880 --> 00:40:52,282 Damn. 355 00:41:03,293 --> 00:41:05,361 You okay? 356 00:41:05,662 --> 00:41:08,865 Wish I had time to prepare. 357 00:41:10,299 --> 00:41:13,570 I want to just do it spontaneously. 358 00:41:13,603 --> 00:41:18,506 But I would not feel comfortable doing it. 359 00:41:19,075 --> 00:41:23,912 - I prefer to prepare yourself first. - Yes, I understand. 360 00:41:23,913 --> 00:41:27,449 I admire you, really. 361 00:41:28,117 --> 00:41:31,353 Sometimes I wish to give up. 362 00:41:31,354 --> 00:41:35,489 You did your best, Ny. King. 363 00:41:36,392 --> 00:41:39,262 I'll tell you what menuruku true. 364 00:41:39,295 --> 00:41:41,863 It helped me when I hesitated. 365 00:41:41,864 --> 00:41:47,368 - You want to hear? - Please, Ny. Boynton. 366 00:41:47,971 --> 00:41:55,310 I know, we are the descendants of a powerful nation that gave the world civilization. 367 00:41:55,311 --> 00:42:00,216 The survivors of slave ship in the vast ocean. 368 00:42:00,249 --> 00:42:09,925 People who innovate and create and love despite the severe pressure and torture. 369 00:42:09,926 --> 00:42:15,297 It flows in our blood. Pumping in our heart every time. 370 00:42:15,931 --> 00:42:21,771 They have to prepare you. You're already prepared. 371 00:42:21,804 --> 00:42:28,678 "In Selma, C.King meet militant Negro, Malcolm X. 3:46 pm. Noted." 372 00:42:21,804 --> 00:42:29,979 Ny. King, not mean no disrespect. I came with great respect for your husband. 373 00:42:29,980 --> 00:42:36,985 There was no army that supported me again. Now it was just me and the truth. 374 00:42:36,986 --> 00:42:39,588 That fight for today. 375 00:42:39,622 --> 00:42:45,399 You've been saying improper things in the past, Minister. So you must understand why there is "alarm" tonight. 376 00:42:45,400 --> 00:42:48,663 Right, I understand. 377 00:42:48,664 --> 00:42:54,202 Your husband and I never spoke directly about how to advance the black race. 378 00:42:54,203 --> 00:42:58,140 And really, I bluntly criticized about non-violence. 379 00:42:58,174 --> 00:43:02,512 But because we do not agree, Ny. King does not mean I have enemies. 380 00:43:02,545 --> 00:43:05,648 What would you say to them, sir? 381 00:43:05,681 --> 00:43:11,353 Much effort has been done and I want everything finished tonight. 382 00:43:11,354 --> 00:43:19,461 Think of it, there will be a new way. But Sherif here, he did not know it. 383 00:43:19,462 --> 00:43:22,731 So let me be an alternative for your husband. 384 00:43:22,732 --> 00:43:26,701 Alternatives to scare them. They will come to the refugee Dr. King. 385 00:43:26,702 --> 00:43:34,175 Allow me, Ny. King, representing the faction that would come if they did not have a suitable correspond Rev. request. 386 00:43:34,176 --> 00:43:39,815 You know about the words we used, Coretta? He calls us "Pastor Negro is stupid." 387 00:43:39,816 --> 00:43:41,951 Call me "Uncle Tom Modern Age". 388 00:43:41,985 --> 00:43:48,091 Said on national TV that the white man has to pay me to drop Negro. 389 00:43:48,124 --> 00:43:52,062 "The white people pay me?" 390 00:43:53,062 --> 00:43:55,497 How can you stand by that? 391 00:43:55,498 --> 00:44:03,805 This time was different, Martin. He did say that, but it was not aimed at you. 392 00:44:03,806 --> 00:44:09,611 He was trying to help our movement. 393 00:44:09,612 --> 00:44:12,481 Not that you need help. Only if you need it. 394 00:44:12,515 --> 00:44:17,552 This movement, our movement has become a stabbing motion. 395 00:44:17,553 --> 00:44:21,322 Our movement will change the law and life for our race. 396 00:44:21,323 --> 00:44:28,530 But what he change? Are there any changes? 397 00:44:28,531 --> 00:44:36,836 - You do not like you, you must be exhausted. - And you look like captivated by it. 398 00:44:40,610 --> 00:44:46,114 I did not mean to, Corrie. 399 00:44:46,749 --> 00:44:49,084 Coretta. 400 00:44:49,452 --> 00:44:53,854 I did not mean it. 401 00:45:05,768 --> 00:45:13,173 I'm exhausted, you're right. 402 00:45:17,913 --> 00:45:23,985 Take a break. Rest this evening, Martin. 403 00:45:24,887 --> 00:45:28,090 This is not what I want to hear. 404 00:45:28,124 --> 00:45:34,831 How can Malcolm X sneak into my city and met with another man's wife, 405 00:45:34,864 --> 00:45:40,401 And speaking at the Negro who is angry? How did it happen, Kol. Lingo? 406 00:45:40,402 --> 00:45:47,107 - Governor ... - What ghost militants will be on our side? 407 00:45:47,877 --> 00:45:52,814 You know what that means? Johnson will be restless. 408 00:45:52,815 --> 00:45:56,786 King and X will act like a white cloth fluttering in the air. 409 00:45:56,820 --> 00:46:00,789 - And the picture Negro persecuted in the streets will be useful. - Governor ... 410 00:46:00,823 --> 00:46:07,196 Now I can not guard against Sheriff Clark bastard because it would look like to help King. 411 00:46:07,229 --> 00:46:12,000 But someone must control the Jim Clark. 412 00:46:12,068 --> 00:46:16,838 Election is coming, and black voters will immediately protested. 413 00:46:16,839 --> 00:46:20,875 - There's no question it's clear? - Look, George, I'm telling you. 414 00:46:20,876 --> 00:46:25,914 If the Lord Jesus and Elvis Presley down to earth and says: 415 00:46:25,915 --> 00:46:29,986 "Jim, this time, we must treat the Negro well." 416 00:46:30,019 --> 00:46:35,023 Jim Clark would have won the election and then jailed Negro. 417 00:46:35,024 --> 00:46:39,361 - Oh my god. - Jim a good boy, he's my friend. 418 00:46:39,395 --> 00:46:45,366 Jim Clark is not that bad. Now he will support the Negro. 419 00:46:45,367 --> 00:46:54,643 So, if you're scared, you have to master Selma. 420 00:46:54,644 --> 00:47:03,185 Hoover has movement night. Sudden movement. Some people who are not members of the King. 421 00:47:03,186 --> 00:47:10,059 She says unofficial. Will be conducted after the King freed tomorrow night. 422 00:47:10,093 --> 00:47:14,228 Will be one of the bloodshed in California. 423 00:47:17,934 --> 00:47:27,609 So, King was out of town. Without witnesses, and takes place in the dark. 424 00:47:27,610 --> 00:47:33,950 Find someone as an informant. We give a deep fear in the Negro's. 425 00:47:33,983 --> 00:47:37,852 You retreat. Back off now. Get back! 426 00:47:37,853 --> 00:47:40,555 Go you! 427 00:47:54,771 --> 00:48:00,541 - Stop! Release him! - Mom, hurry! Mom, hurry! 428 00:48:00,542 --> 00:48:03,078 We had to keep running, fast! 429 00:48:05,548 --> 00:48:07,817 This way. 430 00:48:24,533 --> 00:48:26,702 Is secure. 431 00:48:29,972 --> 00:48:33,943 All will be okay, all right? Pretend to read the menu, okay? 432 00:48:35,378 --> 00:48:37,245 It is okay. 433 00:48:37,512 --> 00:48:39,648 Grandfather. 434 00:48:40,015 --> 00:48:44,354 It's okay, Mom, would not be caught. Calm down. 435 00:48:56,265 --> 00:48:58,801 No, let him go! 436 00:48:58,835 --> 00:49:01,137 Release him! Not! 437 00:49:02,204 --> 00:49:08,845 Not! Release him! 438 00:49:10,946 --> 00:49:11,948 Stop! 439 00:49:38,908 --> 00:49:40,309 Help me. 440 00:49:52,721 --> 00:49:53,923 Help me. 441 00:49:55,190 --> 00:50:00,529 Jimmie. 442 00:50:21,083 --> 00:50:24,318 Then? 443 00:50:28,157 --> 00:50:32,193 Dr. King. 444 00:50:47,877 --> 00:50:58,918 There would be no words that could comfort you, Mr. Lee. There would be no. 445 00:50:59,622 --> 00:51:05,024 But I can say with certainty. 446 00:51:05,627 --> 00:51:09,029 God was the first to cry. 447 00:51:10,099 --> 00:51:16,369 - He was the first to cry for your son. - Yes, I believe it. 448 00:51:17,439 --> 00:51:25,040 What is your daughter, Mrs. Jimmie Lee here, Mr. Lee? 449 00:51:25,047 --> 00:51:31,251 No, he could not see this. 450 00:51:35,491 --> 00:51:38,926 May I know how old are you, sir? 451 00:51:38,927 --> 00:51:44,999 My age 82 years. Born 1883. 452 00:51:45,000 --> 00:51:48,869 Yes, and Jimmie, 453 00:51:50,640 --> 00:52:02,549 He was born in 1938. He is like a "soldier". I mean when she was alive, that means he's tough. 454 00:52:02,718 --> 00:52:14,428 He says: "Grandpa, you're going to choose before you go." That is to say. He always says that. 455 00:52:15,631 --> 00:52:25,070 He's a good kid. Always good. Always good. 456 00:52:28,577 --> 00:52:34,112 Now Jimmie gone. 457 00:52:35,651 --> 00:52:40,286 Please accept my condolences. 458 00:53:00,543 --> 00:53:07,514 Who killed Jimmie Lee Jackson? 459 00:53:10,185 --> 00:53:15,556 Who killed Jimmie Lee Jackson? 460 00:53:16,191 --> 00:53:25,266 We know the culprit state police acting under the command of George Wallace had to hold up a gun and pull the trigger. 461 00:53:25,301 --> 00:53:31,604 But how many fingers pull that trigger? 462 00:53:32,207 --> 00:53:36,143 Who killed Jimmie Lee Jackson? 463 00:53:36,845 --> 00:53:44,217 All law enforcement whites who uses his power to terrorize. 464 00:53:44,586 --> 00:53:52,925 All politicians whites were inedible prejudice and hatred. 465 00:53:53,062 --> 00:54:02,368 All white pastor who preached and remained silent except white church talk. 466 00:54:03,806 --> 00:54:07,742 Who killed Jimmie Lee Jackson? 467 00:54:07,743 --> 00:54:13,648 All Negro men and women who stood up in this war, 468 00:54:13,649 --> 00:54:22,454 While their families are treated brutally humiliated and removed from this land! 469 00:54:26,762 --> 00:54:33,560 When I heard President Kennedy was shot and killed, 470 00:54:33,569 --> 00:54:45,212 And yesterday when I heard Malcolm X came to this church three weeks ago has been shot and killed, 471 00:54:45,213 --> 00:54:53,784 I visited my wife Coretta and say things often say if one of our leaders have broken down. 472 00:54:54,223 --> 00:55:05,464 "Our lives will never be fully alive when we got ready to die for our loved ones and for our confidence." 473 00:55:06,635 --> 00:55:13,608 But today, Jimmie. We no longer live and you die, brother. 474 00:55:14,176 --> 00:55:22,253 We will not waste your sacrifice, brother. We will not let it! We will finish what you're after! 475 00:55:22,518 --> 00:55:28,657 We'll stop all this denial! We will select and expel these people! 476 00:55:28,691 --> 00:55:36,363 Will we seize their power! We will win what you stand for! 477 00:55:38,033 --> 00:55:42,904 We will return to Washington. We will ask perhatianPresiden. 478 00:55:42,905 --> 00:55:51,679 And I'll tell that Jimmie was killed by persons who spend millions of dollars each day, 479 00:55:51,680 --> 00:55:58,252 For sacrificed their lives for the independence of Vietnam but did not have the will and the moral courage to, 480 00:55:58,253 --> 00:56:04,157 Defend American lives alone! 481 00:56:04,226 --> 00:56:07,529 We will not allow this! 482 00:56:07,530 --> 00:56:13,668 And if he does not act, then it is we who act! We do for those who have sacrificed. 483 00:56:13,669 --> 00:56:23,808 They all, like Jimmie Lee Jackson. Who go too fast. Robbed by hatred! 484 00:56:28,083 --> 00:56:33,722 I want to hear the news as evidence of the law may specify that we demand. 485 00:56:33,756 --> 00:56:38,359 Let's finish it, but we had a problem before stacking. 486 00:56:38,360 --> 00:56:42,730 We know Johnson could see a clear image, so let us paint the picture. 487 00:56:42,731 --> 00:56:52,139 Any specific difficulties and humiliation we can protest in the context of the Act? 488 00:56:52,474 --> 00:56:58,045 Doc, we must begin with the rejection of the Act which contain if Negro want to register, 489 00:56:58,046 --> 00:57:04,718 If you come to the courthouse their names and addresses are not published in the paper. 490 00:57:04,719 --> 00:57:09,924 Because it would make people want to come to address them, and we certainly knew it was racial. 491 00:57:09,925 --> 00:57:15,564 I understand. But the poll should be our priority. Because only the poor Negro here. 492 00:57:15,598 --> 00:57:19,500 And they have to pay each year. It's for those who do not legally registered. Then they can sign up. 493 00:57:19,501 --> 00:57:23,870 What's that? Can money from? 494 00:57:24,239 --> 00:57:28,075 Stop! Hear! The biggest problem is the number of voters. 495 00:57:28,076 --> 00:57:32,214 - What is the main problem? - Wait a minute, let me finish. Because this is the main part. 496 00:57:32,247 --> 00:57:37,952 If you Negro, you can only choose if the approved registered as voters. 497 00:57:37,953 --> 00:57:47,061 Look for example, at the Lowndes County where no Negro registered and there should be enlisted to assure you. 498 00:57:47,062 --> 00:57:49,630 What should you do? 499 00:57:49,631 --> 00:57:55,671 You do not know anybody. Because none of the Negro is registered. 500 00:57:55,704 --> 00:58:04,112 So how can you come pick? Protesting to the courthouse. Pay each year. 501 00:58:04,113 --> 00:58:09,651 Your name is published in the newspaper. And the day you die. 502 00:58:09,652 --> 00:58:12,453 - It is true. - We need a new plan! 503 00:58:12,454 --> 00:58:18,994 I can not take him to Washington and entered the White House with a list of demands is empty. Wear tactics, Friend! 504 00:58:19,027 --> 00:58:26,034 We must defeat these institutions with real tactics to destroy it. 505 00:58:27,035 --> 00:58:32,272 What next? We will rally from Selma to Montgomery to protest and mobilize members. 506 00:58:32,273 --> 00:58:34,476 Geez. 507 00:58:34,509 --> 00:58:40,514 This plan, right? Provoking a small tragedy in Selma, and menghebohkannya. 508 00:58:40,515 --> 00:58:47,021 A person was killed and there were protests in the capital! Selma toward Montgomery within 50 miles! 509 00:58:47,022 --> 00:58:53,527 You've paraded them into the interior of Alabama. It would have been just the opening. It was too far and dangerous! 510 00:58:53,528 --> 00:58:58,766 - So make a new law, sir. - This year could not be, I told you. 511 00:58:58,767 --> 00:59:04,998 We need your involvement, Mr. President. We deserving as citizens of this country. People are being attacked. 512 00:59:04,999 --> 00:59:12,346 Listen to me. You're an activist, I'm a politician. You got a problem when I have plenty. 513 00:59:12,347 --> 00:59:18,786 Now you're demanding more and visit to protest, this is fine. That's your job. 514 00:59:18,787 --> 00:59:26,327 But I'm sick and tired of the demands and your criticism about my performance. 515 00:59:26,328 --> 00:59:30,531 If you need my support about this problem I need in return from you. 516 00:59:30,532 --> 00:59:32,200 What do you want, Mr. President? 517 00:59:32,201 --> 00:59:38,239 We may some threats are very disturbing. 518 00:59:38,240 --> 00:59:40,375 Well, what's new? 519 00:59:40,376 --> 00:59:49,047 - No, this is serious. Credible threat to detail. - This information is from the FBI, I guess. Big problem? 520 00:59:50,552 --> 00:59:57,692 - As great as track the animals? - Annoying house and our hotel room. 521 00:59:58,059 --> 01:00:06,166 Look for objects that do not exist, Lee? Everything felt very comfortable. 522 01:00:08,270 --> 01:00:14,542 This of Lowndes County, Alabama. Between Selma and Montgomery. 523 01:00:14,543 --> 01:00:20,981 Just so you know, if he would my members I took him from the front row. 524 01:00:20,982 --> 01:00:24,950 Just for a while. 525 01:00:25,253 --> 01:00:27,322 I can not, Lee. 526 01:00:27,355 --> 01:00:31,092 - Meet me if it is half-way, Martin. - You can not, Mr. President. 527 01:00:31,093 --> 01:00:38,265 - I can not or do not want? - I came here hoping to talk to you about the people. 528 01:00:38,266 --> 01:00:44,139 People who died on the streets because of this. This is an emergency, sir. 529 01:00:44,239 --> 01:00:49,674 Mr President, what were the results? 530 01:00:51,513 --> 01:00:55,981 Can I help you? 531 01:00:56,151 --> 01:01:00,656 Call the J. Edgar Hoover. 532 01:01:01,723 --> 01:01:06,994 You cheater big fish. And diseases of all Negro. 533 01:01:06,995 --> 01:01:13,635 Just like the lies, must be unmasked. You're finished. 534 01:01:13,668 --> 01:01:30,049 Degrees and your appreciation can not save you. The American people will know who you are. Evil and cruel. 535 01:01:45,133 --> 01:01:48,671 That is not me. 536 01:01:49,671 --> 01:01:54,140 It was not me, Corrie. 537 01:01:55,910 --> 01:01:58,979 I know. 538 01:01:59,714 --> 01:02:05,084 I know you. 539 01:02:12,427 --> 01:02:16,196 I'm used to hearing it. 540 01:02:17,666 --> 01:02:27,907 Each hour worrying safety. Alarming mood. 541 01:02:30,078 --> 01:02:33,347 This house. 542 01:02:33,348 --> 01:02:36,516 Stay here. 543 01:02:36,885 --> 01:02:41,187 Without any basis. 544 01:02:43,892 --> 01:02:52,630 No time to think of the children. All because of this situation. 545 01:02:54,302 --> 01:03:02,874 I'm used to this. From best to worst. 546 01:03:04,579 --> 01:03:11,485 But unusual is death. 547 01:03:11,987 --> 01:03:19,158 Seconds before death. 548 01:03:21,362 --> 01:03:25,832 It was such a thick fog to me. 549 01:03:26,501 --> 01:03:36,242 Sometimes I can not see life. Because of the fog of death continues to haunt it. 550 01:03:37,246 --> 01:03:44,451 The man who threatened to stop the blood flowing in the heart of our children. 551 01:03:44,452 --> 01:03:49,022 That's what they say during a call. 552 01:03:50,959 --> 01:03:54,629 How they would kill my children. 553 01:03:54,630 --> 01:03:59,233 Their deeds to you and how they do it. How long will I have to hear all this? 554 01:03:59,234 --> 01:04:09,974 Cunning, silly madness and chaos that made serious. 555 01:04:13,314 --> 01:04:21,988 If I ask you something, would you answer honestly? 556 01:04:22,090 --> 01:04:24,925 Ya. 557 01:04:24,926 --> 01:04:30,031 Good, because I'm not stupid. 558 01:04:38,240 --> 01:04:42,875 Do you love me? 559 01:04:46,915 --> 01:04:51,084 Yes, I love you, Coretta. 560 01:05:00,895 --> 01:05:06,931 Do you love me more than anything else? 561 01:05:24,919 --> 01:05:29,887 Not. 562 01:05:44,272 --> 01:05:47,207 I had to postpone the show was great. 563 01:05:47,208 --> 01:05:49,743 Why? 564 01:05:49,744 --> 01:05:52,446 I should be at home for now. 565 01:05:52,447 --> 01:06:01,589 "Records of the residence phone activation. 12:18 am. Noted." 566 01:05:55,483 --> 01:06:00,020 Well. I understand. 567 01:06:01,589 --> 01:06:05,360 But just info, the organization is fine. 568 01:06:05,393 --> 01:06:10,530 Very good. A strong spirit. And the citizens are ready. 569 01:06:10,531 --> 01:06:20,072 SNCC youths have already joined. We can start from Selma and you can join the second day. 570 01:06:30,919 --> 01:06:36,223 I think a mistake to hold their emotions when they're peaking. 571 01:06:36,224 --> 01:06:42,563 I understand but we have to run at full speed, this is not a trial. 572 01:06:42,564 --> 01:06:49,803 We have to get to Montgomery. I warned Johnson that we are going to the capital. We must be up. 573 01:06:49,804 --> 01:06:54,741 I'm sure we will get there. 574 01:06:56,878 --> 01:07:07,218 And when we get to the final destination you will be a big speech in front of the door Wallace. 575 01:07:18,400 --> 01:07:24,571 I do not know, Andy. Can be. 576 01:07:24,572 --> 01:07:31,943 We will start with a strong and you end with a strong, too. 577 01:07:34,549 --> 01:07:37,484 Okay, go ahead. 578 01:07:37,485 --> 01:07:44,291 One of us had to walk in front. I'm not going back on Monday and see our leaders in jail. 579 01:07:44,292 --> 01:07:49,362 - One of us goes ahead. - Acknowledged. 580 01:07:50,565 --> 01:08:00,106 There would be no protest from Selma to Montgomery. There will be no traffic jams on Route 80 or in the way of other protocols. 581 01:08:00,107 --> 01:08:04,244 Your lives can be dangerous. But we will be stronger if we stay together. 582 01:08:04,245 --> 01:08:11,385 Do not fight back, these non-violent demonstrations. Nonviolence does not mean passive, even the strongest communication. 583 01:08:11,485 --> 01:08:19,600 We should not have to go, John. It's not about us, it's not a matter of SNCC, this is just nonsense. It's not a matter of Selma King and SCLC. 584 01:08:19,661 --> 01:08:26,033 This Alabama, they can not stay in Washington DC. They had no right to govern our lives. 585 01:08:26,034 --> 01:08:30,971 This example if you deal with them. Perhaps it can be replicated, let us show you! 586 01:08:30,972 --> 01:08:33,373 We do not need this. 587 01:08:33,374 --> 01:08:36,711 We will immerse you into the river Alabama! 588 01:08:36,744 --> 01:08:39,013 King was not even here. How can this about him? 589 01:08:39,046 --> 01:08:40,881 Then why he's not here, man? 590 01:08:40,915 --> 01:08:46,854 Do you realize that? First, he moved, now why he is not here? You want him here or not? 591 01:08:46,855 --> 01:08:49,589 Honestly I do not care about him, he just hero. 592 01:08:49,590 --> 01:08:53,927 Let us immerse into the river fishing and Alabama and we'll never see them again. 593 01:08:53,928 --> 01:08:58,332 - James, you do not understand this matter. It is not a matter of SNCC. - Do not take me as a villain, John. 594 01:08:58,366 --> 01:09:02,170 - Not! You're the one who did not understand. - Do not accuse me of ... 595 01:09:02,203 --> 01:09:05,807 You're mad because they sent him. 596 01:09:05,807 --> 01:09:10,444 We were here first and then they called him. I know, I understand it. 597 01:09:10,445 --> 01:09:21,755 But we must support the people and citizens. Selma was the one who chose him. It is the people who determine. 598 01:09:21,756 --> 01:09:26,862 And if they want to protest, then I will go. 599 01:09:27,862 --> 01:09:30,763 All right, brother. 600 01:09:30,764 --> 01:09:37,637 But you'll rallied as John Lewis, not as a member of SNCC. 601 01:09:37,638 --> 01:09:40,473 Has been selected and and decided. 602 01:09:40,474 --> 01:09:48,246 For this demonstration, you do alone with De Lawd and followers. 603 01:10:15,743 --> 01:10:19,314 The short won. 604 01:10:20,948 --> 01:10:22,183 All right. 605 01:10:24,485 --> 01:10:28,121 All right, who can? 606 01:10:28,122 --> 01:10:32,626 - That's you, Hosea. - You ready, young man? You ready? 607 01:10:32,627 --> 01:10:36,529 Okay, let's do. 608 01:10:39,701 --> 01:10:49,674 About 525 Negroes left the chapel Brown and walk 6 blocks to cross the Pettus Bridge and the Alabama River. 609 01:11:01,722 --> 01:11:10,429 There were young and old, and they carry a variety of items, sleeping mats and supplies. 610 01:12:21,002 --> 01:12:26,139 The police had been waiting 300 meters from the end of the bridge. 611 01:12:26,140 --> 01:12:36,282 Behind the police there are dozens of leaders Sherif. 15 of them riding on horses. And there may be hundreds of spectators whites. 612 01:12:44,592 --> 01:12:47,794 Can you swim? 613 01:12:47,795 --> 01:12:52,832 The pool for the black race just a little. 614 01:13:21,562 --> 01:13:25,165 - Andy, this Bayard. Are you there? - Yes. 615 01:13:25,166 --> 01:13:27,800 See the CBS channel now, Andy. Do you have a TV there? 616 01:13:27,801 --> 01:13:29,970 - There is. Now? - Now! 617 01:13:29,971 --> 01:13:32,839 Please turn on his TV, sir. 618 01:13:32,840 --> 01:13:39,578 We transferred the program to serve as the latest news from CBS News. 619 01:13:52,593 --> 01:13:58,296 - Give them two minutes and hold it in place. - We're ready. 620 01:14:09,844 --> 01:14:17,217 It is already against the law. 2 minutes of your time to disperse. Go home or go to your church. 621 01:14:17,218 --> 01:14:20,754 This rally can not be extended. 622 01:14:20,755 --> 01:14:24,390 2 minutes. 623 01:14:26,027 --> 01:14:30,396 May I speak with the Mayor? 624 01:14:31,032 --> 01:14:34,269 There's nothing to talk about anymore. 625 01:14:35,269 --> 01:14:39,838 Major Cloud, may we talk to you? 626 01:14:50,150 --> 01:14:54,653 The team, forward! 627 01:15:07,635 --> 01:15:10,303 70 million people watched it. 628 01:15:10,304 --> 01:15:15,542 10 or 20 Negroes in the front row fell to the ground and cried. Hands and feet stepped on. 629 01:15:15,543 --> 01:15:19,879 Goods and bags scattered like grass being cleared. 630 01:15:33,327 --> 01:15:35,796 They were still standing trying to go away. 631 01:15:35,797 --> 01:15:42,500 A white entertainment for spectators who lined the south highway. 632 01:15:51,746 --> 01:15:57,984 Police continue to encourage the use of physical strength and their staffs. 633 01:16:10,998 --> 01:16:18,872 Suddenly there was a loud pop like gunshots and fog enveloped the police and Negroes. 634 01:16:18,873 --> 01:16:28,646 But before the fog was covering it all for a few seconds can still be seen. 635 01:16:46,200 --> 01:16:54,374 15 or 20 sticks still be seen through the fog. Hit the heads of the demonstrators. 636 01:16:54,375 --> 01:17:03,580 The Negro thrashing for protection. And the white race even scream and cheer. 637 01:17:12,659 --> 01:17:19,666 Of hospitals reported there are victims who suffered broken ribs, head, arms, and legs. 638 01:17:19,667 --> 01:17:24,003 And the Negro leader John Lewis, although the skull fracture injury, 639 01:17:24,004 --> 01:17:29,842 Still led protesters returned to the chapel despite being attacked by the officers. 640 01:17:36,851 --> 01:17:46,526 He said: "I do not understand why President Johnson sent troops to Vietnam but did not send troops to Selma, Alabama, 641 01:17:46,527 --> 01:17:52,031 Negro citizens who came to ask for his protection. " 642 01:18:32,639 --> 01:18:36,343 - Gerry, come with us! - We need a gun, man! 643 01:18:36,344 --> 01:18:40,514 - I can not walk! - Come, we know their armory, Gerry. 644 01:18:40,548 --> 01:18:44,684 - Why do you need a gun? - There is a proverb, "An eye for an eye", Pastor. 645 01:18:44,685 --> 01:18:48,588 - I'm sick of this! - Do you think, how many troops there? 646 01:18:48,589 --> 01:18:54,361 The whole of their forces there. Whatcha got? Pistol 32, 38? Perhaps the old folding knife? What? 647 01:18:54,395 --> 01:18:56,763 Myself alone is enough to kill, that's what I've got! 648 01:18:56,797 --> 01:19:02,068 And how many of us would they kill in return? With rifles. 649 01:19:02,069 --> 01:19:06,539 Automatic Colt Pistol them. Remington pistol, helicopters, their tanks! 650 01:19:06,540 --> 01:19:11,978 We will not win that way. I'm not talking about the Bible. I'm not talking about the true God. 651 01:19:11,979 --> 01:19:19,152 I'm talking about facts. Hard facts! You killed two people, they would kill 10 people. 652 01:19:19,186 --> 01:19:24,023 We have to win in other ways. 653 01:19:33,834 --> 01:19:37,736 We will go back to the bridge. 654 01:19:39,440 --> 01:19:45,777 We will resolve this. We promise, NY. Amelia. 655 01:19:46,113 --> 01:19:49,815 We did it again. 656 01:19:53,320 --> 01:19:55,822 Dr. King! Can ask for an explanation, sir? 657 01:19:55,823 --> 01:19:58,725 Dr. King. Good morning, Doctor. May I ask for clarification? 658 01:19:58,726 --> 01:20:00,961 Good morning. 659 01:20:01,795 --> 01:20:07,600 When the violence committed against the people of Selma, 660 01:20:07,601 --> 01:20:13,373 When they were attacked with tear gas and baton like a war enemy, 661 01:20:13,374 --> 01:20:21,247 There are no citizens of this country who feel guilty because it is we who are responsible for our fellow human beings. 662 01:20:21,248 --> 01:20:28,955 I refer to God's creatures, and the good people everywhere. Whites, blacks, and vice versa. 663 01:20:28,956 --> 01:20:39,933 If you believe in equality came to Selma. Join our fight against injustice and barbarity. 664 01:20:39,934 --> 01:20:43,302 We need you fighting with us. 665 01:20:44,472 --> 01:20:50,777 Judge Johnson, call Dr. King was broadcast nationwide. 666 01:20:50,778 --> 01:20:54,714 We saw hundreds of people come from all over the country to attend the rally tomorrow. 667 01:20:54,715 --> 01:21:00,152 Most of the whites, some scholars. 668 01:21:00,153 --> 01:21:08,094 SCLC is awaiting a federal court order asking the state authorities not to obstruct the next rally. 669 01:21:08,095 --> 01:21:16,169 You asked me to remove the mandate of the Governor without trial. But it will not happen without the correct procedure. 670 01:21:16,170 --> 01:21:23,042 - Dr. King will lead the rally tomorrow, Judge. - I understand, but you will be served in court on Thursday, Mr. Gray. 671 01:21:23,043 --> 01:21:29,582 While there would be no rally tomorrow. I will not violate protocol against Wallace. 672 01:21:29,883 --> 01:21:35,353 "Thousands of people south towards the moral crusade." 673 01:21:36,523 --> 01:21:42,595 SCLC has lodged an appeal against the order Wallace this morning. 674 01:21:43,464 --> 01:21:47,601 - You want my advice, Mr. President? - Should I ask for it? 675 01:21:47,634 --> 01:21:56,809 Let King invent rally to Montgomery. Selma had to do it over. 676 01:21:56,810 --> 01:22:00,213 - Then you're back in control. - What control? 677 01:22:00,214 --> 01:22:09,121 Another civil war? This is not about protest. Do you think he cares about demonstrations? He just wants to change the law. 678 01:22:09,122 --> 01:22:13,126 Thousands of times Congress calling. Precautions bigger every day. 679 01:22:13,127 --> 01:22:22,333 He pulled a liberal conscience of the white race through demonstrations. Especially when people are beaten in the streets. 680 01:22:23,737 --> 01:22:28,474 - These photos will be widespread, Lee. - I understand, Mr. President. 681 01:22:28,475 --> 01:22:32,144 - There must be a reason to act. - I will act now. 682 01:22:32,145 --> 01:22:37,050 You tell Wallace and the little people there, I do not want to hear this matter again. 683 01:22:37,051 --> 01:22:45,825 And told King to stop, understand? Wallace King stopped or stopping, or stop them both. 684 01:22:45,826 --> 01:22:50,462 I'm here on the orders of the President to resolve this problem. 685 01:22:50,463 --> 01:22:53,166 Work together. 686 01:22:53,200 --> 01:22:59,939 In order for us to stop rallies and you, what your rewards? We ask for federal protection. 687 01:22:59,940 --> 01:23:07,646 But as Assistant Attorney General is the highest federal officials in Selma so we got the answers themselves. 688 01:23:07,647 --> 01:23:09,082 And that's not all. 689 01:23:09,116 --> 01:23:23,960 I suggest you talk with Gub.Wallace and Sheriff Clark and stop the violence rather than persuade us not to strike. 690 01:23:25,966 --> 01:23:29,000 Maybe we can make a deal. 691 01:23:29,202 --> 01:23:40,113 What if I can assure you that the government will support in the next rally if tomorrow is canceled. 692 01:23:40,114 --> 01:23:50,523 You know, he took a little time to resolve this issue. I believe this compromise could be approved. 693 01:23:50,524 --> 01:23:59,165 Mr. Doar, thousands of people gathered here to fight for their dignity. 694 01:23:59,166 --> 01:24:05,237 I do not want to challenge Judge Johnson, I do not want to oppose the President, I do not want any of that. 695 01:24:05,239 --> 01:24:13,512 The President could stop this with the stroke of his pen, but he refused. Decision on the part of you, sir. 696 01:24:13,513 --> 01:24:16,000 Not us. 697 01:24:24,258 --> 01:24:27,393 - Nice to meet dengamu, Vicar. - Thank you for coming. 698 01:24:27,394 --> 01:24:29,762 Hello, sister. Good to see you this afternoon. 699 01:24:29,763 --> 01:24:35,401 - You're here. - You called and of course we came, my friend. 700 01:24:35,402 --> 01:24:37,936 - You're not alone, my friend. - Welcome. 701 01:24:37,937 --> 01:24:39,572 - Hi, what is your name? - Susan. 702 01:24:39,573 --> 01:24:41,874 Hi, I'm Viola. Welcome to Selma. 703 01:24:41,875 --> 01:24:44,310 - Yes, ma'am, I'm good. How are you? - Okay, thank you. 704 01:24:44,311 --> 01:24:48,982 - What is your name and where are you from, sir? - My name is James Reeb. I'm from Boston. 705 01:24:48,983 --> 01:24:52,919 Tell me, why do you want here, Mr. Reeb? 706 01:24:52,920 --> 01:24:58,224 I heard the news of the attack on innocent people who want their rights. 707 01:24:58,225 --> 01:25:04,897 And I can not just remain silent when Dr. King summoned the pastor, I can not. 708 01:25:04,898 --> 01:25:12,806 The President does not want us rally today. The court, too. But we have to strike. 709 01:25:12,840 --> 01:25:21,179 We must stand. We have to make a massive demonstration for the sake of our morals. 710 01:25:22,249 --> 01:25:28,922 I'm glad we gather today. I thanked him for his support. 711 01:25:28,923 --> 01:25:35,362 Because we will prevail in our quest. We will cross the finish line together. 712 01:25:35,363 --> 01:25:41,433 "King led protests against Wallace command. Attended by scholars. 1-3 Caucasian, 9:35 am. Noted." 713 01:25:35,999 --> 01:25:39,365 Because we are going to win. 714 01:25:39,366 --> 01:25:41,433 All right. 715 01:25:43,733 --> 01:25:47,433 Edmund Pettus Bridge 716 01:27:17,631 --> 01:27:22,134 The team, let's go! 717 01:29:46,479 --> 01:29:54,353 The rally yesterday, if one why do. We've been driving around for hours and can not be denied, 718 01:29:54,354 --> 01:29:57,890 - That the decision of King and we must support. - This is one of the many instead of just once. 719 01:29:57,891 --> 01:30:01,994 - So it must be the right decision for all. - Come on, Diane. I did not mean it. 720 01:30:01,995 --> 01:30:09,703 Residents angry, Dr. King. They returned to the bridge because they were angry because of what happened that week. 721 01:30:09,736 --> 01:30:13,706 - That was our chance. - And you throw it away. 722 01:30:13,707 --> 01:30:22,381 They could have us surrounded. There was no food, no water, no help. We're not going to 10 miles. 723 01:30:22,382 --> 01:30:26,584 You mean it's a trap? 724 01:30:27,187 --> 01:30:29,187 I have no idea. 725 01:30:29,188 --> 01:30:34,126 The trap was not there! Why did they open the way? 726 01:30:34,127 --> 01:30:38,897 Because they are good, respectable white man with us, and we should take advantage of it. 727 01:30:38,898 --> 01:30:41,234 Because they will not stay long here, will not want to! 728 01:30:41,235 --> 01:30:45,371 - It was a decision Martin, has been decided. - He made the wrong decision! 729 01:30:45,372 --> 01:30:49,041 - Keep your tongue, boy! - 2 days ago, you would not join at all. 730 01:30:49,042 --> 01:30:53,447 And now you're angry because it did not go according to plan? 731 01:30:57,651 --> 01:31:03,888 Tell me what happened? You should let us know, please. 732 01:31:09,029 --> 01:31:17,501 I prefer people get angry and hit me, than there is bloodshed or death. 733 01:32:09,522 --> 01:32:14,326 Corrie dear, 734 01:32:14,327 --> 01:32:20,899 When I need you I can not reach you. 735 01:32:20,900 --> 01:32:29,174 And I do it for my sake, for our sake. 736 01:32:29,175 --> 01:32:40,118 Lately, I'm always thinking of you. And all the sacrifices for the sake of this struggle. 737 01:32:40,119 --> 01:32:44,156 So much sacrifice. 738 01:32:44,157 --> 01:32:47,960 So much to lose. 739 01:32:47,961 --> 01:32:54,768 Who knows how much more to lose. 740 01:32:55,768 --> 01:33:02,307 I prayed for strength and guidance on this trip. 741 01:33:02,308 --> 01:33:08,513 I pray, I could maintain the trust that you gave me. 742 01:33:09,649 --> 01:33:18,624 I feel the mist you mean, Corrie. 743 01:33:18,625 --> 01:33:25,898 Only our families that can clear the mist. 744 01:33:25,899 --> 01:33:30,635 With Love, Martin. 745 01:33:31,571 --> 01:33:36,775 He betrayed our trust. He calls, we come, and he did not fulfill his promise. 746 01:33:36,776 --> 01:33:42,147 Yes, but sometimes not that easy. Sometimes it takes instinct. 747 01:33:42,148 --> 01:33:50,755 Like when preaching, and carried away. Without notes, without memorizing. 748 01:33:50,756 --> 01:33:59,097 You're trapped in the atmosphere, that is. God guide you. 749 01:33:59,098 --> 01:34:04,470 I know the feeling. It's rare, but I know it. 750 01:34:05,805 --> 01:34:12,411 I think as was the case with Dr. King is currently on the bridge today. He knelt, prayed and can answer. 751 01:34:12,412 --> 01:34:21,150 And she'd follow that answer. Therefore, I do not blame her. Unless he owes money to travel home on the bus. 752 01:34:21,154 --> 01:34:24,356 - You know what I hate more than a nigger? - What is that? 753 01:34:24,357 --> 01:34:28,360 - white Negro. - Look, we do not want any trouble, OK? 754 01:34:28,361 --> 01:34:31,696 You are here adds to the problem. 755 01:34:47,113 --> 01:34:49,081 While. 756 01:34:50,217 --> 01:34:53,485 A person injured. 757 01:34:56,356 --> 01:35:02,895 A priest from Boston. The white man. 758 01:35:03,663 --> 01:35:08,266 Now you know what it means to be a Negro, mate. 759 01:35:08,267 --> 01:35:12,537 Injured? How? 760 01:35:17,377 --> 01:35:20,745 Died. 761 01:35:34,394 --> 01:35:36,862 I need a phone! 762 01:35:37,597 --> 01:35:45,170 Chicago, Detroit, Boston, I do not care. Whatever, there are 2,000 protesters in Harlem. It's good for you. 763 01:35:45,171 --> 01:35:50,843 But when your man into the White House? To the White House! Rally. 764 01:35:50,844 --> 01:35:56,516 They just sat, Martin. They sat in the main corridor, singing and shouting. I said nothing! 765 01:35:56,550 --> 01:35:59,684 - I can not forbid people to express - You can! You can ban them. 766 01:35:59,685 --> 01:36:06,859 No, you can. You can act. I'll be happy you contacted the widow of the Reverend Reeb, sir. 767 01:36:06,892 --> 01:36:13,665 It was very good, and it's true. I hope the family of Jimmie Lee Jackson received the same decision of the President. 768 01:36:13,666 --> 01:36:19,738 Do not throw your guilt on me. You're the one who decided to send people to the slaughter when we warned you. 769 01:36:19,739 --> 01:36:23,876 We will not be silent while you wait 1 or 2 years makes this Act when there is time to spare. 770 01:36:23,877 --> 01:36:32,484 It is now clear, we will continue to protest until you act, sir. And if the president does not protect our rights, 771 01:36:32,485 --> 01:36:34,786 We will take action to court. 772 01:36:34,787 --> 01:36:43,228 You know, being kuusahakan. Soon we will know the solution of this voting issue, but now there is! 773 01:36:43,229 --> 01:36:47,165 This law is impossible is issued, you understand? 774 01:36:47,166 --> 01:36:52,036 You all kinds, Martin, me too. 775 01:36:52,138 --> 01:37:02,180 I only pastor of Atlanta, while you were president of the strongest country in the world that four months ago through disaster. 776 01:37:02,181 --> 01:37:11,790 And you are the one who ruined your country heritage every day. No one will remember the Human Rights Act. 777 01:37:11,791 --> 01:37:17,262 But they will remember the problems in Selma that you never even visited. 778 01:37:17,263 --> 01:37:26,937 They will remember that you always refused. Unless you act, sir. 779 01:37:35,882 --> 01:37:39,751 Good night. 780 01:37:54,200 --> 01:37:57,536 I want to talk to you in private. 781 01:37:57,537 --> 01:38:06,345 I know there is a problem with your group and I'm sorry for causing a rift between you. 782 01:38:06,346 --> 01:38:11,283 It was painful, I know. And I'm very sorry it happened. 783 01:38:11,284 --> 01:38:16,087 Yes, it hurts. 784 01:38:20,226 --> 01:38:24,262 LBJ did not want to help, John. 785 01:38:24,263 --> 01:38:29,167 Even if willing, our efforts will not succeed. And I can not jeopardize other people for the protest. 786 01:38:29,168 --> 01:38:35,941 If you do not succeed, I will not. We need a voice, not a rally, you know that. 787 01:38:36,009 --> 01:38:40,579 We must go beyond protest using the existing political forces. 788 01:38:40,580 --> 01:38:49,186 This rally can not continue like this. I can not continue in this way. 789 01:39:02,234 --> 01:39:12,444 When I worked with SNCC in the Freedom Rides, 790 01:39:12,445 --> 01:39:16,715 Montgomery bus to the border town. 791 01:39:17,583 --> 01:39:27,959 We were down, and out of nowhere, from every direction, they came. 792 01:39:27,960 --> 01:39:33,365 There are male, female. 793 01:39:33,366 --> 01:39:36,768 Children as well. 794 01:39:38,103 --> 01:39:42,473 They all pretty much had makeshift weapons, anything goes. 795 01:39:42,474 --> 01:39:52,883 Such as sticks, bricks, tire rims, pipes. 796 01:39:53,686 --> 01:40:05,463 I remember a little girl Jessie clawed my face. 797 01:40:05,464 --> 01:40:11,135 And her father beat with a stick an ax. 798 01:40:12,438 --> 01:40:19,043 Jessie was unconscious. And they continued to beat him. 799 01:40:22,014 --> 01:40:26,350 I passed out on the asphalt. 800 01:40:28,887 --> 01:40:35,627 The next day, I found myself bandaged and sit in a church. 801 01:40:35,628 --> 01:40:40,364 I could not help but I should be there. 802 01:40:40,800 --> 01:40:42,802 You're supposed to talk. 803 01:40:43,803 --> 01:40:47,839 And I have heard you. 804 01:40:48,807 --> 01:40:53,344 And I'm sad, but you're standing there. 805 01:40:54,113 --> 01:40:57,649 Do you remember that day? 806 01:40:57,650 --> 01:41:01,720 I guess we are not the same memories. 807 01:41:01,721 --> 01:41:04,156 What I told you then, John? 808 01:41:04,890 --> 01:41:08,393 I would say now. 809 01:41:08,394 --> 01:41:12,697 And I hope you hear me. 810 01:41:12,698 --> 01:41:23,239 You said we would win. We will win because it deserves to win. 811 01:41:23,576 --> 01:41:28,178 And you know what else you say? 812 01:41:30,416 --> 01:41:41,124 You said: "Do not be afraid." "It's too far to go back." 813 01:41:50,202 --> 01:41:53,905 I had a good feeling about this. We had a great case. 814 01:41:53,906 --> 01:41:56,075 - We certainly can. - Right. 815 01:41:56,108 --> 01:42:03,515 Ny. Cooper and Ny. Boynton is here. And they must be ready. 816 01:42:03,516 --> 01:42:08,554 - It is very dependent on their speech, okay? - I understand, but ... 817 01:42:29,775 --> 01:42:33,645 You come. 818 01:42:33,646 --> 01:42:36,348 Yes, I'm coming. 819 01:42:41,254 --> 01:42:44,255 I am happy. 820 01:42:59,205 --> 01:43:07,079 In the case of SCLC against Alabama, I want to hear the testimony of the plaintiff, Mr. Gray. 821 01:43:07,579 --> 01:43:13,618 Your Honor, there will be a testimony of the victims were beaten for the cause of liberty. 822 01:43:13,619 --> 01:43:17,021 For the sake of their voting rights. 823 01:43:17,022 --> 01:43:21,592 The fact of the matter, Majesty is the incident could not be discussed. 824 01:43:21,593 --> 01:43:30,569 This minor problem can be a picture of the terrible events that happened to Selma. 825 01:43:30,570 --> 01:43:32,937 Good, please proceed. 826 01:43:32,938 --> 01:43:37,876 Tn. King, you go to the bridge was disobeyed a direct order from a judge. 827 01:43:37,877 --> 01:43:42,000 You do not intend to comply with the judge and the governor, is not it? 828 01:43:42,314 --> 01:43:49,154 Thousands of people came into Selma. Angry because they brutalize the previous action. 829 01:43:49,155 --> 01:43:54,726 Ignored by city officials and the state of Alabama Selma. 830 01:43:54,727 --> 01:44:05,637 I feel if the protest is not kupimpin, pent-up emotions and tensions will cause the situation got out of hand. 831 01:44:05,638 --> 01:44:11,275 - Acts of violence on both sides. - I do not need a sermon and you lecture. I want answers. 832 01:44:11,276 --> 01:44:12,676 Objection! 833 01:44:12,678 --> 01:44:15,914 - Be careful, Lawyer. - It's trying hard, Judge. 834 01:44:15,915 --> 01:44:19,150 Trying hard, Lawyer. 835 01:44:23,222 --> 01:44:32,230 It seems that the basic principles of our Constitution concerning the right of assembly and demonstrations and protests, 836 01:44:32,231 --> 01:44:41,439 Along the road in a peaceful way should commensurate with the magnitude of the error that protests and petitions. 837 01:44:41,440 --> 01:44:47,645 In this case, a lot of mistakes. 838 01:44:48,447 --> 01:45:00,258 Therefore, regarding the right to demonstrate as of 5 days from Selma to Montgomery has been approved. 839 01:45:00,259 --> 01:45:02,794 - Yes! - Thankfully! 840 01:45:03,930 --> 01:45:14,272 This court will not be resumed again. Case is closed. Thanks to the terperkara. Good afternoon. 841 01:45:17,272 --> 01:45:26,272 "Preparation rally SCLC at Brown Chapel. The leader is present, pukul08: 24 am. Noted." 842 01:45:30,289 --> 01:45:35,327 We do not want any mistakes, if you're sure about that. 843 01:45:35,328 --> 01:45:44,369 Bayard said Harry could bring Nina Simone, Dick Gregory, Joan Baez, Peter Paul and Mary joined. 844 01:45:44,370 --> 01:45:50,107 - Give me a break, but we do not have the money. - Harry will hire his own plane. 845 01:45:56,148 --> 01:46:02,253 The President responded to blocking demonstrations must be stopped. 846 01:46:02,254 --> 01:46:08,692 Unfortunately, all the plans have been postponed, while his case is being prosecuted. 847 01:46:16,335 --> 01:46:23,775 - Governor, you say you want to talk. - Well, Mr. President, dissidents being intrusive Alabama. 848 01:46:23,776 --> 01:46:27,846 And it's your responsibility to stop them. 849 01:46:27,847 --> 01:46:34,118 They protested the voting rights and the way they are treated in your area. 850 01:46:34,119 --> 01:46:40,892 So that's your problem, your responsibility and in pengawasanmu. 851 01:46:40,893 --> 01:46:51,469 Mr President, I do not agree it. Attempts have been made. That's the way, and that's what people want. 852 01:46:51,470 --> 01:46:58,142 George, why are you doing this? Your programs focused on the poor, but why you do not care about the Negro? 853 01:46:58,143 --> 01:47:01,646 Because you can not satisfy them. 854 01:47:01,647 --> 01:47:06,351 The first concerns the front seat of the bus. Then, take over the parking lot. 855 01:47:06,352 --> 01:47:15,793 Then issue a public school, and then the election issue, then work, then giving out money without working. 856 01:47:16,995 --> 01:47:22,466 George, you've seen the protesters stood in front of the White House to wake the whole night? 857 01:47:22,467 --> 01:47:27,539 - Yes, Mr. President, I see them. - Then we'll both be out, 858 01:47:27,540 --> 01:47:33,544 And announce that you have allowed black people to freely choose and this mess will be completed. 859 01:47:33,545 --> 01:47:39,751 And I do not need to spend money again or against it. Why do not we just do it, George? 860 01:47:39,752 --> 01:47:45,523 Why do not you let Negro choose? You know they have the right to choose, right? 861 01:47:45,524 --> 01:47:50,495 Obviously, I know it. There are laws that govern them. 862 01:47:50,496 --> 01:47:56,368 - Then why did not you let them choose? - I have no power to it. That's the power of the organizing committee. 863 01:47:56,369 --> 01:47:59,971 Do not be coy about Alabama authorities. 864 01:47:59,972 --> 01:48:07,311 I have no power over the organizing committee, Mr. President. They had rules. 865 01:48:07,312 --> 01:48:12,283 Are you kidding, George Wallace? You dare to joke with the President of yours? 866 01:48:12,284 --> 01:48:16,087 - Mr. President ... - We do not have to think about 1965. 867 01:48:16,088 --> 01:48:22,794 We have to think about 1985 later. We even would have died that year. 868 01:48:22,795 --> 01:48:25,297 In 1985, what memories do you want? 869 01:48:25,298 --> 01:48:32,937 You want people to remember you often say "Wait" or "I can not" or "It's too hard"? 870 01:48:34,239 --> 01:48:40,811 I do not perdulikan it, and you should too. 871 01:48:44,450 --> 01:48:47,251 Well. 872 01:48:47,252 --> 01:48:54,458 Woe to me if I let history remember me as a person like you. 873 01:48:56,661 --> 01:49:04,435 I speak tonight for the dignity of man and the destiny of democracy. 874 01:49:04,436 --> 01:49:19,317 Sometimes the history and fate can be met at the same time and place, such as the incident last week in Selma, Alabama. 875 01:49:19,318 --> 01:49:28,225 There, people who have long suffered sue for peace denial of their rights as US citizens. 876 01:49:28,226 --> 01:49:37,469 Not a new thing if the problem was heard in America. 877 01:49:37,837 --> 01:49:44,809 The problem of equal rights is the American Negro problem. 878 01:49:44,810 --> 01:49:51,615 Due to this problem many of them were brutally attacked. 879 01:49:54,553 --> 01:50:04,495 There was no Negro problem, there is no longer a problem the south, there is the problem of America. 880 01:50:05,597 --> 01:50:15,873 The law states that everyone is entitled to vote regardless of race or skin color. 881 01:50:16,075 --> 01:50:29,353 To fix this denial of basic rights, on Wednesday, I will send a bill to Congress to eliminate illegal barriers. 882 01:50:29,354 --> 01:50:41,131 The bill would remove the restriction on the vote in all elections. The federal, state and local. 883 01:50:41,132 --> 01:50:44,835 And we certainly can. 884 01:50:45,203 --> 01:50:51,374 We must win. 885 01:51:06,125 --> 01:51:12,063 We can protect you pass Lowndes County. But only after the rally ended past Montgomery. 886 01:51:12,064 --> 01:51:17,502 And you will pass the high buildings and others will be more difficult. 887 01:51:18,270 --> 01:51:21,573 Please consider. 888 01:51:22,041 --> 01:51:28,846 Driving during a demonstration last. And consider a speech in the capital. 889 01:51:29,582 --> 01:51:34,552 If Wallace saw us when we arrived so there is no need anymore speech. 890 01:51:35,220 --> 01:51:38,021 Can you arrange it? 891 01:51:42,361 --> 01:51:50,833 I can not hide. We can not hide. You understand it. 892 01:51:51,970 --> 01:52:01,112 I do not understand why this one is for you. Do not you want to protect yourself, Doctor? 893 01:52:01,113 --> 01:52:04,982 Let try. 894 01:52:05,851 --> 01:52:11,822 I know you want to see the sweet results of all this, is not it? 895 01:52:13,058 --> 01:52:17,895 I want you to let us help. 896 01:52:24,436 --> 01:52:33,977 I'm no different from the others. I want longevity and happiness. 897 01:52:33,978 --> 01:52:38,816 But I'm not focused on desire alone. 898 01:52:38,817 --> 01:52:43,920 I focused on God's will. 899 01:52:44,723 --> 01:52:50,727 We have no reason to live, through many trials. 900 01:52:53,365 --> 01:53:02,739 But today, the sun has been shining. And I would stand next to your loved ones who have worked so hard to fight. 901 01:53:02,741 --> 01:53:08,779 I may not be with them on the day sunny days to come, but ... 902 01:53:09,080 --> 01:53:17,688 But as long as there is no light on their faces, it was precious to me. 903 01:53:25,230 --> 01:53:28,765 Thank you, John. 904 01:55:11,269 --> 01:55:16,673 They say we will never succeed. 905 01:55:17,142 --> 01:55:19,678 They say they will not stop us even if it's the latter they could do. 906 01:55:23,882 --> 01:55:29,753 They say we do not deserve to be here. 907 01:55:29,754 --> 01:55:35,359 But today, we stand as Americans. 908 01:55:37,362 --> 01:55:44,468 We are already here, and we will not let anyone deter. 909 01:55:44,469 --> 01:55:54,178 This rally will be one of the biggest demonstrations and progress, 910 01:55:54,179 --> 01:56:00,450 Which ended in the capital of Alabama for the sake of important objectives. 911 01:56:00,451 --> 01:56:08,225 We are not only fighting for the right to sit wherever we liked, and go to school wherever we want. 912 01:56:08,226 --> 01:56:13,330 We are not just fighting for the right to vote. 913 01:56:13,331 --> 01:56:24,774 But with our commitment to give birth to a new spirit, stronger than our strongest enemy. 914 01:56:25,276 --> 01:56:36,053 And we closely embrace this new spirit, make it happen in earnest, as a reflection of the darkness. 915 01:56:37,289 --> 01:56:48,299 Our society has mengkekang ourselves, from slavery to the reconstruction of the current turmoil that we strive for. 916 01:56:48,300 --> 01:57:00,377 We know white people rule the world while offering false promises on the other poor white race as a cover. 917 01:57:00,378 --> 01:57:12,756 And when a child is poor whites were starving and could not repeat their retention of the same false promises later. 918 01:57:12,757 --> 01:57:18,396 A lie that whisper to them that regardless of their fate in the life ... 919 01:57:18,397 --> 01:57:27,337 They could at least win in knowledge. Nature makes them superior to blacks. 920 01:57:27,338 --> 01:57:30,040 But we already know the truth. 921 01:57:30,041 --> 01:57:35,047 "Cager Lee. The first in her family to register and vote in the 84-year-old." 922 01:57:30,041 --> 01:57:38,448 We know the truth, and we will reveal the truth for the sake of freedom. 923 01:57:38,449 --> 01:57:48,660 "UN Ambassador Andrew Young so under President Carter, after serving three positions in Congress, then was elected mayor of Atlanta two periods." 924 01:57:38,449 --> 01:57:48,660 We're not going to stop. We are going to protest for the sake of our rights. We are going to protest for the sake of demanding treatment as citizens. 925 01:57:48,694 --> 01:57:59,505 "John Lewis so US Congressman for 28 years for the five districts in Georgia." 926 01:57:48,694 --> 01:57:56,233 We will protest until the evil and darkness away from the light of truth. 927 01:57:56,234 --> 01:58:05,077 No humans, no myths, no intruder who can stop this movement. 928 01:58:05,110 --> 01:58:13,819 "George Wallace. 4x failed president. He is crippled by murders in 1972." 929 01:58:05,110 --> 01:58:13,819 We forbid it. Because we know that it is the darkness that kill out the best in us. 930 01:58:15,286 --> 01:58:20,791 "Jim Clark. Lose in the sheriff's election against blacks and never be sheriff again." 931 01:58:15,286 --> 01:58:28,867 Do Jimmie Lee Jackson or James Reeb or four innocent little girls were killed even before they fought. 932 01:58:24,429 --> 01:58:38,209 "Viola Liuzzo. Killed after speeches by local residents, Klansmen when carrying demonstrators back to Selma." 933 01:58:30,535 --> 01:58:38,209 You may ask, when we'll be free of this darkness? I say to you today, my brothers. 934 01:58:38,243 --> 01:58:51,256 "Correta Scott King. Establishing King Center and made a national holiday in honor of Dr. King. He never remarried." 935 01:58:38,243 --> 01:58:46,315 Despite the pain, despite the tears. Our freedom will soon come to us. 936 01:58:47,085 --> 01:58:59,898 Because "the truth of the missing will rise again." When will we be free? As soon as possible. 937 01:58:53,958 --> 01:59:02,467 "5 months later, Lyndon Johnson signed the Act the right to vote in 1965 with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr." 938 01:58:59,931 --> 01:59:02,467 Because what you sow so shall you reap. 939 01:59:06,838 --> 01:59:21,452 "Martin Luther King Jr., led the human rights movement, the US for 13 years with the philosophy and peaceful protest to be killed in 1968 at the age of 39 years." 940 01:59:21,453 --> 01:59:23,521 As soon as possible. 941 01:59:23,555 --> 01:59:33,897 Because my eyes have seen the victory that comes from God. He ran to the cupboard where the grapes of wrath are stored. 942 01:59:33,898 --> 01:59:38,002 He has unleashed lightning destiny of the terrible sword swing. 943 01:59:38,036 --> 01:59:42,340 His truth resonates. Victory! Praise the Lord! 944 01:59:42,374 --> 01:59:44,709 Victory! Thank God! 945 01:59:44,743 --> 01:59:46,845 Victory! Thank God! 946 01:59:46,878 --> 01:59:50,915 "His truth resonates." 947 01:59:57,915 --> 02:00:17,515