1 00:00:20,511 --> 00:00:23,591 From whence comes the purpose of a person's life? 2 00:00:26,351 --> 00:00:29,671 Come it by chance, a casting of the lot, 3 00:00:30,031 --> 00:00:33,551 or does a call of destiny beckon to each of us? 4 00:00:36,551 --> 00:00:38,991 Many have wondered about my little Hadassah 5 00:00:39,111 --> 00:00:41,111 and why a simple Jewish orphan 6 00:00:41,231 --> 00:00:45,351 was chosen to stand against the annihilation of her people. 7 00:00:46,831 --> 00:00:49,871 And yet the mystery of the girl most know as Esther 8 00:00:49,991 --> 00:00:51,911 begins not where one might think, 9 00:00:52,591 --> 00:00:54,791 but 500 years earlier 10 00:00:55,111 --> 00:00:57,871 with a single act of disobedience. 11 00:01:05,551 --> 00:01:07,351 King Saul of the Israelites 12 00:01:07,471 --> 00:01:09,711 had been sent by the Prophet Samuel 13 00:01:09,791 --> 00:01:13,951 to wipe out an ancient child-sacrificing enemy. 14 00:01:14,791 --> 00:01:16,471 So pervasive was their evil 15 00:01:16,591 --> 00:01:19,831 that not even their oxen nor sheep were to be spared, 16 00:01:20,231 --> 00:01:24,191 and above all, no survivors left breathing. 17 00:01:38,791 --> 00:01:43,031 My lord, I give you Agag, king of the Amalekites. 18 00:01:43,511 --> 00:01:45,751 We have also seized for you his livestock. 19 00:01:45,871 --> 00:01:47,191 Even his queen. 20 00:02:02,111 --> 00:02:05,431 What dark portent bid me haste to cross this land of ours? 21 00:02:05,551 --> 00:02:07,591 How would you accuse me now, O Prophet? 22 00:02:07,671 --> 00:02:09,271 I carried out your lord's command. 23 00:02:09,391 --> 00:02:10,391 Then why do my ears 24 00:02:10,511 --> 00:02:14,191 ring with the lowing of oxen and the bleating of sheep? 25 00:02:15,711 --> 00:02:18,111 Your Majesty, the Amalekite queen, 26 00:02:18,551 --> 00:02:19,871 she escaped. 27 00:02:21,271 --> 00:02:22,511 We have the king. 28 00:02:23,151 --> 00:02:24,471 What is one woman? 29 00:02:24,631 --> 00:02:26,231 You fool, 30 00:02:27,271 --> 00:02:28,671 she is with child. 31 00:02:32,951 --> 00:02:36,391 While the Prophet Samuel put a swift end to King Agag, 32 00:02:38,671 --> 00:02:40,111 Agag's queen, 33 00:02:40,471 --> 00:02:44,191 fleeing with the seed of vengeance growing within her, 34 00:02:44,551 --> 00:02:46,911 the Jews never found. 35 00:03:30,511 --> 00:03:32,231 Uncle Mordecai! 36 00:03:32,311 --> 00:03:35,231 Rebecca, what kind of housekeeper do you think you are? 37 00:03:35,471 --> 00:03:38,191 Serves you right for bringing home your work. 38 00:03:38,311 --> 00:03:40,271 The caravan arrived this morning. 39 00:03:40,751 --> 00:03:43,071 Well, Susa is the capital of the new world. 40 00:03:43,151 --> 00:03:44,791 Caravans arrive every day. 41 00:03:44,911 --> 00:03:46,431 Not from Jerusalem. 42 00:03:48,071 --> 00:03:49,511 Well, perhaps you ought to go back and ask them 43 00:03:49,631 --> 00:03:51,991 if they'll arrive the same time next year. 44 00:03:52,591 --> 00:03:54,751 Next year? You promised. 45 00:03:54,951 --> 00:03:56,631 - Rebecca! - Fight your own battles. 46 00:03:56,751 --> 00:03:59,471 You don't pay me enough to fight the battle for you. 47 00:04:02,031 --> 00:04:04,391 - Good morning, Hadassah. - And where have you been? 48 00:04:04,471 --> 00:04:06,911 I'm sorry, Grandmother, the markets were really busy. 49 00:04:06,991 --> 00:04:08,351 There's a new caravan in from... 50 00:04:09,791 --> 00:04:11,911 - Sore subject. - Uncle Mordecai, 51 00:04:12,271 --> 00:04:15,631 does not your own heart long to see our people restored to glory? 52 00:04:15,751 --> 00:04:16,871 It does. 53 00:04:17,191 --> 00:04:21,031 Did not Cyrus the Great conquer Babylon and free our people from captivity? 54 00:04:21,551 --> 00:04:22,551 He did. 55 00:04:23,231 --> 00:04:25,751 But do we embrace our freedom and leave this pagan empire 56 00:04:25,871 --> 00:04:27,631 to embrace our destiny? 57 00:04:28,711 --> 00:04:30,551 - Of course not. - Lord, 58 00:04:30,791 --> 00:04:32,311 I pray to you day and night 59 00:04:32,431 --> 00:04:34,071 to give me the patience of Job, 60 00:04:34,191 --> 00:04:35,831 give me the wisdom of Solomon. 61 00:04:36,111 --> 00:04:37,791 And what do you give me? 62 00:04:38,231 --> 00:04:41,191 You give me the endless equivocations 63 00:04:41,871 --> 00:04:44,151 of a beautiful, young woman. 64 00:05:09,471 --> 00:05:10,471 Look. 65 00:05:13,711 --> 00:05:15,991 Hadassah, always dreaming. 66 00:05:17,071 --> 00:05:18,231 Maybe... 67 00:05:19,791 --> 00:05:21,671 Here, then, you be the princess. 68 00:05:27,751 --> 00:05:31,351 While many Jews had forgotten the acts of centuries past, 69 00:05:31,471 --> 00:05:34,471 the descendants of Agag had not. 70 00:05:35,511 --> 00:05:38,191 For Agag's queen did indeed survive 71 00:05:38,911 --> 00:05:40,991 and gave birth to a son. 72 00:05:43,191 --> 00:05:45,351 And she forged for him a mark, 73 00:05:46,671 --> 00:05:50,271 prophesying that one day an Agagite would arrive, 74 00:05:51,151 --> 00:05:53,151 a descendant of Agag, 75 00:05:53,231 --> 00:05:56,071 who would finally exact vengeance upon the Jews. 76 00:05:56,271 --> 00:05:58,831 Hadassah, read us a story! Read us a story! 77 00:05:58,951 --> 00:06:00,551 A story? You want a story? 78 00:06:18,711 --> 00:06:21,391 - Hadassah, help! - Over here. 79 00:06:33,311 --> 00:06:34,471 Are you okay? 80 00:06:37,231 --> 00:06:39,031 "And King Saul said to David, 81 00:06:39,751 --> 00:06:41,791 "'You cannot go before this Goliath 82 00:06:41,951 --> 00:06:43,511 "'for you are but a youth. ' 83 00:06:43,631 --> 00:06:44,791 "David replied, 84 00:06:45,271 --> 00:06:48,591 "'While keeping my father's sheep, there came a lion and a bear. 85 00:06:48,671 --> 00:06:50,111 "'And I slew them both. 86 00:06:50,191 --> 00:06:54,231 "'This Goliath shall be as one of them for he defied the armies of the Lord. "' 87 00:06:55,471 --> 00:06:57,711 As will Jesse Ben-Joseph, 88 00:06:57,831 --> 00:07:01,151 should he but take one step closer. 89 00:07:20,911 --> 00:07:22,351 With peace, Haman. 90 00:07:24,271 --> 00:07:27,111 - There's little but random news I bear. - I judge that. 91 00:07:27,471 --> 00:07:28,711 Rumor has it 92 00:07:29,031 --> 00:07:32,551 Queen Vashti plans not to attend the King's banquet this evening, 93 00:07:33,191 --> 00:07:34,671 in protest of the war. 94 00:07:34,831 --> 00:07:37,111 Apparently the King has no idea. 95 00:07:38,031 --> 00:07:40,991 Some see random news. Others, opportunities. 96 00:07:41,591 --> 00:07:44,711 Of course, this is why you are a dispatch rider, 97 00:07:44,831 --> 00:07:47,111 and I am a prince of the Fars. 98 00:07:47,791 --> 00:07:51,751 Tell me, Agagite, what do you do with the extra darics you connive from me? 99 00:07:52,351 --> 00:07:53,951 I have 10 sons, my lord, 100 00:07:55,311 --> 00:07:57,351 and a wife that makes many demands. 101 00:08:00,391 --> 00:08:01,591 Ten sons? 102 00:08:03,391 --> 00:08:05,271 You serve the great king well. 103 00:08:06,271 --> 00:08:08,271 Come, come. Go you now. 104 00:08:08,791 --> 00:08:12,231 Speak of me as you lavish your wife and sons. 105 00:08:49,231 --> 00:08:51,431 Happy birthday, Hadassah! 106 00:08:52,591 --> 00:08:53,831 A stone ball? 107 00:08:57,191 --> 00:09:00,711 Remember, Hadassah, it is the glory of God 108 00:09:00,831 --> 00:09:02,311 to conceal a matter, 109 00:09:02,391 --> 00:09:04,431 the honor of kings to seek it out. 110 00:09:11,751 --> 00:09:13,431 It's from the Promised Land. 111 00:09:15,031 --> 00:09:17,391 Your great-grandmother brought it with her. 112 00:09:17,591 --> 00:09:20,151 And like you, its true treasure 113 00:09:20,311 --> 00:09:22,871 is etched within. 114 00:09:33,791 --> 00:09:35,311 Reconsider my proposition. 115 00:09:35,431 --> 00:09:37,991 There is much need for leadership in Jerusalem. 116 00:09:38,991 --> 00:09:40,151 More stew, my lord? 117 00:09:41,071 --> 00:09:42,871 I don't suppose that in your entire caravan 118 00:09:42,991 --> 00:09:45,191 you have a cook one half as good 119 00:09:45,671 --> 00:09:46,871 as our Rebecca. 120 00:09:47,111 --> 00:09:49,591 Here you are but a poor palace scribe, 121 00:09:49,871 --> 00:09:52,191 one who passes as a Persian, at that. 122 00:09:53,351 --> 00:09:56,431 Are you a Jew? Or have you become a Gentile? 123 00:09:57,031 --> 00:09:58,431 We're a small people 124 00:09:58,831 --> 00:10:01,351 caught up in a vast and violent empire. 125 00:10:01,591 --> 00:10:02,911 We have capricious princes 126 00:10:02,991 --> 00:10:05,711 who could order our annihilation with the flick of a finger. 127 00:10:05,831 --> 00:10:08,471 And your presence in the palace might prevent it? 128 00:10:11,031 --> 00:10:12,191 Probably not. 129 00:10:12,791 --> 00:10:16,391 Look, tell me what I want to hear about. Tell me about the Temple. 130 00:10:19,311 --> 00:10:23,631 What ecstasy to stand in the presence of the Almighty! 131 00:10:24,191 --> 00:10:27,951 Like the intimate embrace of a husband and wife. 132 00:10:28,551 --> 00:10:33,311 It's so much deeper than mere mortal love. 133 00:10:34,711 --> 00:10:35,911 Oh, hello. 134 00:10:55,951 --> 00:10:59,631 Now, it came to pass in the days of King Xerxes, 135 00:10:59,831 --> 00:11:03,271 who ruled over the empire of the Medes and Persians, 136 00:11:03,391 --> 00:11:05,631 from Ethiopia to India, 137 00:11:05,791 --> 00:11:07,751 that in the third year of his reign, 138 00:11:07,871 --> 00:11:09,831 he decreed a season of feasting. 139 00:11:10,431 --> 00:11:12,711 Rumors of war were in the wind, however, 140 00:11:12,831 --> 00:11:17,231 and some thought this the King's way of stalling off a much-debated decision 141 00:11:17,351 --> 00:11:21,191 to march on Greece in retaliation for his father's death 142 00:11:21,431 --> 00:11:22,951 four years before. 143 00:11:30,831 --> 00:11:32,831 Queen Vashti, Your Majesty. 144 00:11:40,311 --> 00:11:41,311 Enter. 145 00:11:46,831 --> 00:11:49,631 The night's festivities hold not your interest, dear? 146 00:11:54,671 --> 00:11:56,831 It is long since you summoned me here. 147 00:11:59,471 --> 00:12:02,191 - Your hands have not been idle. - Not idle, 148 00:12:04,551 --> 00:12:05,831 not gifted either. 149 00:12:06,311 --> 00:12:08,351 Later, Hadassah, we'll discuss this later. 150 00:12:08,431 --> 00:12:10,151 I have run out of laters. 151 00:12:10,711 --> 00:12:12,431 The caravan leaves tomorrow. 152 00:12:13,231 --> 00:12:15,511 Did not the priest even say it would be good for me? 153 00:12:15,631 --> 00:12:17,351 That he would look after me? 154 00:12:18,431 --> 00:12:21,791 You have so much of your mother and father in you, you know? 155 00:12:22,231 --> 00:12:24,511 And perhaps I'm just being a very selfish old man. 156 00:12:24,591 --> 00:12:28,191 Do you really want to go to Jerusalem? 157 00:12:30,311 --> 00:12:31,311 Truly. 158 00:12:34,031 --> 00:12:35,671 Then go with my blessing. 159 00:12:38,351 --> 00:12:39,351 Thank you. 160 00:12:40,431 --> 00:12:41,751 Rebecca! 161 00:12:44,671 --> 00:12:47,271 Yes, well, I will be late coming back tonight. 162 00:12:47,391 --> 00:12:49,911 The feasting has been extended. 163 00:12:50,271 --> 00:12:51,831 All Susa is invited. 164 00:12:52,231 --> 00:12:53,431 All of Susa? 165 00:12:55,751 --> 00:12:59,071 A drunken brawl is no place for a young lady of purity. 166 00:12:59,231 --> 00:13:01,671 Then why is a good Jew like you going? 167 00:13:02,431 --> 00:13:04,791 All the scribes have to go! There is war in the air! 168 00:13:32,271 --> 00:13:35,111 The Queen indeed holds her own feast in protest. 169 00:13:35,231 --> 00:13:37,191 All is prepared as you have asked. 170 00:13:41,551 --> 00:13:45,511 You do know why the princes have asked you to extend the feast another night. 171 00:13:48,711 --> 00:13:50,991 You are too late if you seek me to deny them. 172 00:13:51,111 --> 00:13:52,391 Especially now. 173 00:13:52,511 --> 00:13:56,311 Such clamoring to march upon Greece and avenge my father's death. 174 00:13:56,751 --> 00:13:59,191 How long have you dreamt of molding Persia 175 00:13:59,551 --> 00:14:01,711 into a pillar of learning and culture? 176 00:14:02,431 --> 00:14:05,511 A flame to make even the greatness of Greece but a shadow? 177 00:14:07,791 --> 00:14:09,191 You know as well as I, 178 00:14:10,031 --> 00:14:12,311 this is not something that is won in battle 179 00:14:12,431 --> 00:14:13,991 but in the hearts of men. 180 00:14:14,231 --> 00:14:16,231 You would have me do nothing, then? 181 00:14:18,071 --> 00:14:19,471 You're no warrior, 182 00:14:19,991 --> 00:14:21,191 no soldier. 183 00:14:27,231 --> 00:14:28,751 I'd have you stay, 184 00:14:32,271 --> 00:14:33,711 enhance your kingdom, 185 00:14:36,031 --> 00:14:37,231 preserve your throne. 186 00:15:11,351 --> 00:15:13,031 Looking for someone? 187 00:15:13,391 --> 00:15:15,111 I'm fine, thank you. 188 00:15:15,231 --> 00:15:16,711 You can run back to Rebecca now. 189 00:15:16,831 --> 00:15:18,191 Oh, I'm sure you're fine. 190 00:15:18,311 --> 00:15:19,911 Only tell me, Hadassah, 191 00:15:22,071 --> 00:15:23,471 or whoever you are, 192 00:15:23,951 --> 00:15:26,311 how do you intend to get into the palace? 193 00:15:27,671 --> 00:15:29,591 You didn't come to take me back? 194 00:15:30,391 --> 00:15:33,231 Come, or I shall call you Hadassah the mouse. 195 00:15:38,671 --> 00:15:39,671 Wait! 196 00:15:41,671 --> 00:15:44,271 I appear to you by the gracious command 197 00:15:44,431 --> 00:15:46,191 of the great king of kings, 198 00:15:46,391 --> 00:15:50,311 the emperor of the world, Xerxes, son of Darius. 199 00:16:13,791 --> 00:16:14,831 Great king. 200 00:16:18,471 --> 00:16:19,471 We drink. 201 00:16:19,631 --> 00:16:22,911 We drink also to my guard, the immortal 10,000, 202 00:16:22,991 --> 00:16:26,391 but I fear I would soon have to send them out to conquer new vineyards for me. 203 00:16:30,351 --> 00:16:34,071 Then let us drink to Queen Vashti, the most beautiful in the land. 204 00:16:36,111 --> 00:16:37,991 Bring forth Vashti! 205 00:16:38,111 --> 00:16:39,351 Vashti! 206 00:16:40,751 --> 00:16:42,551 Bring forth Vashti! 207 00:16:43,991 --> 00:16:46,631 They are serious? They demand Vashti be here before all? 208 00:16:46,751 --> 00:16:48,111 Already rumors circulate 209 00:16:48,231 --> 00:16:50,351 as to why the Queen holds her own feast 210 00:16:50,471 --> 00:16:51,871 instead of attending yours. 211 00:16:51,991 --> 00:16:53,551 They sound riotous, my lord. 212 00:16:53,671 --> 00:16:55,591 They fear a divided kingdom. 213 00:16:56,151 --> 00:16:59,311 My lord, you know the Queen's position on the war. 214 00:17:02,191 --> 00:17:03,311 Send for her. 215 00:17:06,751 --> 00:17:09,551 They go to fetch the Queen. She must be lovely, 216 00:17:09,791 --> 00:17:11,751 reigning in a place such as this. 217 00:17:11,831 --> 00:17:14,311 None is more lovely than you, my queen. 218 00:17:17,991 --> 00:17:20,031 - My thanks, fair prince. - Prince? 219 00:17:22,831 --> 00:17:25,711 Why is it for years you threatened to join the caravans to Jerusalem, 220 00:17:25,831 --> 00:17:27,231 yet you never do? 221 00:17:27,471 --> 00:17:28,871 What holds you back? 222 00:17:30,551 --> 00:17:32,551 Perhaps the courage to face it alone. 223 00:17:34,671 --> 00:17:36,751 What if you had someone to join you? 224 00:17:44,791 --> 00:17:46,551 The herald returns! 225 00:17:46,711 --> 00:17:48,951 The Queen asks the King's forgiveness. 226 00:17:49,071 --> 00:17:50,791 She cannot leave her guests. 227 00:17:51,671 --> 00:17:53,631 I'm queen, not a pawn, 228 00:17:53,711 --> 00:17:56,231 and I will not lower my dignity 229 00:17:57,231 --> 00:17:58,791 or shame my reign 230 00:17:59,631 --> 00:18:02,511 by wearing the royal crown before your drunk 231 00:18:03,391 --> 00:18:05,351 and thinly veiled war council. 232 00:18:06,351 --> 00:18:08,071 What news of the Queen? 233 00:18:08,271 --> 00:18:09,831 Where is our queen? 234 00:18:10,671 --> 00:18:11,791 WOQueen Vashti! 235 00:18:11,991 --> 00:18:13,151 Queen Vashti! 236 00:18:14,071 --> 00:18:15,951 Am I to be a mockery before my subjects? 237 00:18:16,071 --> 00:18:17,351 Or Greece as well? 238 00:18:17,791 --> 00:18:20,111 - Continue, Cousin. - Might not this 239 00:18:20,791 --> 00:18:22,271 deed of refusal 240 00:18:22,391 --> 00:18:23,991 travel abroad to all women, 241 00:18:24,111 --> 00:18:26,751 making their husbands contemptible in their eyes? 242 00:18:26,951 --> 00:18:30,671 Will not it be said by all, "Xerxes commanded his wife to come before him, 243 00:18:30,751 --> 00:18:31,871 "but she came not"? 244 00:18:31,951 --> 00:18:34,631 Vashti's guilty not only of disobedience to the crown 245 00:18:34,711 --> 00:18:36,991 but against the protocol of our fathers. 246 00:18:37,311 --> 00:18:38,351 And tell me, 247 00:18:42,191 --> 00:18:44,111 what dictates the protocol? 248 00:18:44,991 --> 00:18:47,271 A royal edict must be issued 249 00:18:47,831 --> 00:18:50,031 and written into the rolls of the land 250 00:18:50,191 --> 00:18:51,351 that Vashti... 251 00:18:53,551 --> 00:18:56,551 That Vashti come no more before the King, 252 00:18:57,391 --> 00:19:00,871 but that her royal position be given to a new queen, 253 00:19:00,991 --> 00:19:03,911 more worthy 254 00:19:04,751 --> 00:19:05,831 than her. 255 00:19:08,591 --> 00:19:11,431 My lord, what answer do I send the Queen? 256 00:19:12,151 --> 00:19:13,151 Vashti! 257 00:19:13,351 --> 00:19:15,551 Vashti! 258 00:19:28,151 --> 00:19:30,551 The land has no more queen! 259 00:19:43,871 --> 00:19:46,111 I wish not to be queen here any longer. 260 00:19:47,871 --> 00:19:49,991 Mordecai is giving me his blessing. 261 00:19:50,751 --> 00:19:53,671 Let us leave tomorrow, 262 00:19:54,031 --> 00:19:55,031 together. 263 00:20:48,831 --> 00:20:50,951 Thus the scribes were assembled, 264 00:20:51,071 --> 00:20:52,911 and a decree sent forth. 265 00:20:53,311 --> 00:20:56,111 The princes did indeed press upon Xerxes, 266 00:20:56,231 --> 00:20:59,071 the king, soon to depart for war, 267 00:20:59,271 --> 00:21:01,391 "Leave behind a queen 268 00:21:01,871 --> 00:21:03,791 "to keep the people unified. " 269 00:21:09,351 --> 00:21:11,351 Every maiden was to be considered, 270 00:21:11,871 --> 00:21:15,151 the choicest of whom to be brought from across the empire 271 00:21:15,231 --> 00:21:16,671 and into the palace. 272 00:21:26,831 --> 00:21:28,751 In accordance with the protocol, 273 00:21:29,071 --> 00:21:31,911 young men were also rounded up 274 00:21:32,031 --> 00:21:33,511 to become eunuchs 275 00:21:33,591 --> 00:21:35,671 who would serve the queen's candidates 276 00:21:35,791 --> 00:21:37,711 during their time of preparation. 277 00:21:42,671 --> 00:21:44,311 There's no need for alarm. 278 00:21:44,791 --> 00:21:47,271 In all likelihood they will not come for you. 279 00:21:47,391 --> 00:21:50,511 And not all that are taken will be chosen. 280 00:21:50,631 --> 00:21:53,111 Doubtless, the queen has already been selected 281 00:21:53,431 --> 00:21:55,231 through bribery or chicanery. 282 00:21:55,511 --> 00:21:57,311 How do I keep our laws? 283 00:21:57,711 --> 00:21:58,871 How do I pray? 284 00:21:59,751 --> 00:22:02,871 What excuse do I offer God for not keeping his commandments? 285 00:22:03,271 --> 00:22:04,791 Oh, Hadassah. 286 00:22:05,591 --> 00:22:07,911 God sees the inward observance. 287 00:22:08,391 --> 00:22:10,391 The court is a dangerous place. 288 00:22:11,351 --> 00:22:12,991 I think it will be better 289 00:22:15,151 --> 00:22:17,191 if you forgot that you were a Jew. 290 00:22:18,511 --> 00:22:20,151 If this is a sin, then... 291 00:22:20,911 --> 00:22:22,591 Then let it be on my head. 292 00:22:23,031 --> 00:22:26,471 Promise me that you will do that if you're taken. Promise me that! 293 00:22:27,231 --> 00:22:28,391 If I am taken, 294 00:22:29,071 --> 00:22:30,511 I will do as you say. 295 00:22:31,151 --> 00:22:34,231 I should give you a different name. Hadassah is too Jewish. 296 00:22:37,711 --> 00:22:38,711 Esther. 297 00:22:38,751 --> 00:22:41,671 Esther is a good Babylonian name. 298 00:22:41,871 --> 00:22:44,391 Yes. That's what we shall call you from now on. 299 00:22:45,111 --> 00:22:46,711 Esther of Susa. 300 00:22:48,431 --> 00:22:49,471 Promise me. 301 00:22:50,191 --> 00:22:51,911 Promise me if you are taken. 302 00:22:53,511 --> 00:22:55,711 I said, "If I am taken." 303 00:22:57,551 --> 00:22:58,631 If, if, if. 304 00:23:00,271 --> 00:23:01,351 But for now, 305 00:23:02,511 --> 00:23:05,191 you should look for me in the streets of Jerusalem, 306 00:23:06,111 --> 00:23:07,111 dancing 307 00:23:09,071 --> 00:23:11,311 like David before the glory of the Lord. 308 00:23:12,431 --> 00:23:14,471 - Hadassah! - Who? 309 00:23:23,751 --> 00:23:25,191 Uncle Mordecai! 310 00:23:43,791 --> 00:23:46,631 Is this the way the King's orders are carried out? 311 00:23:47,031 --> 00:23:49,431 Senseless brutality in the middle of the night? 312 00:24:19,831 --> 00:24:21,711 Father, please show us favor 313 00:24:23,551 --> 00:24:26,231 and turn these dungeons into someplace wonderful. 314 00:24:32,151 --> 00:24:34,711 Is this the dungeon part or the wonderful part? 315 00:25:00,191 --> 00:25:01,191 Look! 316 00:25:01,951 --> 00:25:04,351 Sarah, it matches your eyes. 317 00:25:04,631 --> 00:25:07,551 Have you ever found anything so wonderful in your life? 318 00:25:09,551 --> 00:25:11,111 And Hannah, 319 00:25:11,671 --> 00:25:13,351 was it not made for you? 320 00:25:15,871 --> 00:25:18,231 Am I never going to see my mother again? 321 00:25:18,991 --> 00:25:20,591 Only if you wish not to. 322 00:25:21,071 --> 00:25:23,711 Two, three days, and who knows? 323 00:25:23,991 --> 00:25:25,071 Home you go. 324 00:25:27,671 --> 00:25:31,271 Do you think we're not beautiful enough to be asked to stay, Hadassah? 325 00:25:32,671 --> 00:25:35,151 Welcome to a brand-new life. 326 00:25:35,991 --> 00:25:38,951 The method of your arrival was not of my choosing. 327 00:25:39,751 --> 00:25:43,031 I am Hagai, His Majesty's Royal Eunuch. 328 00:25:43,151 --> 00:25:45,791 I have been assigned to oversee your preparation. 329 00:25:47,431 --> 00:25:48,831 All right, it's okay. 330 00:26:02,751 --> 00:26:04,591 Don't let them escape. Kill them all. 331 00:26:10,871 --> 00:26:13,071 Which way to the quarter of the Jews? 332 00:27:29,031 --> 00:27:30,631 You have a very bad habit. 333 00:27:31,151 --> 00:27:33,191 The palace is no place for children. 334 00:27:33,311 --> 00:27:34,991 You think of me as a child? 335 00:27:36,351 --> 00:27:37,711 Well, you're wrong. 336 00:27:38,311 --> 00:27:40,031 I am much younger than that. 337 00:27:41,511 --> 00:27:42,911 How do they call you? 338 00:27:43,471 --> 00:27:45,391 - Esther. - Curious name. 339 00:27:46,311 --> 00:27:47,911 From where do you come? 340 00:27:49,591 --> 00:27:51,111 I am of the wind 341 00:27:52,111 --> 00:27:54,151 whose sound is heard, yet none can tell 342 00:27:54,271 --> 00:27:56,431 from whence it comes or where it goes. 343 00:27:57,631 --> 00:27:59,671 Well, we gather within the hour. 344 00:28:00,311 --> 00:28:02,311 Try not to blow away before then. 345 00:28:09,031 --> 00:28:10,871 Another 4,000 talents 346 00:28:10,991 --> 00:28:13,951 for metal, weapons, armor. 347 00:28:14,271 --> 00:28:16,551 And we must not forget the pay of the mercenaries. 348 00:28:16,631 --> 00:28:18,951 I know this is not a favored opinion, 349 00:28:19,271 --> 00:28:20,671 but if used for peaceful purposes, 350 00:28:20,791 --> 00:28:22,791 such amounts could serve many needs. 351 00:28:22,871 --> 00:28:25,111 Two different ways of life are involved. 352 00:28:25,231 --> 00:28:27,471 The Greeks have no king and they want none. 353 00:28:27,591 --> 00:28:30,551 It is one thing to beat our chests and parade our boldness 354 00:28:30,671 --> 00:28:33,031 pretending this is still the empire of our fathers. 355 00:28:33,151 --> 00:28:35,911 But you hear the costs of an actual campaign! 356 00:28:36,751 --> 00:28:38,831 If we are not honest with ourselves, 357 00:28:39,271 --> 00:28:41,871 I fear we lose much more than just our stature. 358 00:28:42,111 --> 00:28:43,831 Then, let us sit back and do nothing? 359 00:28:43,951 --> 00:28:45,231 Let the Greeks conquer. 360 00:28:45,351 --> 00:28:47,471 Let them establish democracy. 361 00:28:49,071 --> 00:28:51,431 Would not the King be the first to suffer, 362 00:28:51,711 --> 00:28:52,991 the first to die? 363 00:28:53,311 --> 00:28:55,271 Or does the memory of his father's death 364 00:28:55,391 --> 00:28:58,791 not stir as deep in his bones as it does in ours? 365 00:28:59,871 --> 00:29:02,791 I speak to you as one not without empathy. 366 00:29:03,711 --> 00:29:05,511 I, too, have stood in the battle 367 00:29:05,711 --> 00:29:07,431 and stared into the unknown. 368 00:29:07,991 --> 00:29:11,111 For the very sword that took my eye 369 00:29:11,951 --> 00:29:14,551 took from me my manhood as well. 370 00:29:15,311 --> 00:29:16,551 But be at peace. 371 00:29:16,631 --> 00:29:18,991 This is no warfare that you embark upon. 372 00:29:19,671 --> 00:29:22,911 This is only the life that a great dreamer could imagine, 373 00:29:23,671 --> 00:29:25,351 or at least it can be, 374 00:29:25,551 --> 00:29:27,351 if you so choose to embrace it. 375 00:29:39,951 --> 00:29:42,711 Think not I heard your whispered orchestrations that night? 376 00:29:42,831 --> 00:29:44,551 And how you drew even me into your schemes? 377 00:29:44,671 --> 00:29:47,751 In these troubled times it is easy to name any man traitor. 378 00:29:48,431 --> 00:29:49,991 I even recall a certain campaign 379 00:29:50,071 --> 00:29:52,231 in lonia under King Darius, 380 00:29:52,351 --> 00:29:54,271 where someone allowed the defeated Greeks 381 00:29:54,391 --> 00:29:55,991 to keep their own form of government, 382 00:29:56,111 --> 00:29:57,351 their democracy, 383 00:29:57,511 --> 00:29:59,951 instead of placing the protocol of the empire in control. 384 00:30:00,071 --> 00:30:01,431 Favoring democracy. 385 00:30:01,711 --> 00:30:04,631 The very doctrine to which all Persia is opposed. 386 00:30:05,591 --> 00:30:08,391 - I followed orders! - Come. Come, come, come. 387 00:30:12,231 --> 00:30:14,551 We trouble ourselves with foolish things. 388 00:30:14,871 --> 00:30:17,271 The King asked me to speak. I did. 389 00:30:17,831 --> 00:30:20,031 I obeyed. As you obeyed. 390 00:30:22,711 --> 00:30:26,031 With suspicion and mistrust creeping into palace halls, 391 00:30:26,591 --> 00:30:28,031 Haman the Agagite 392 00:30:28,391 --> 00:30:30,871 found the opportunity he had been waiting for. 393 00:30:33,271 --> 00:30:35,071 He began to strike out more openly 394 00:30:35,151 --> 00:30:37,431 at the Jews living in the outlying land, 395 00:30:37,871 --> 00:30:41,351 painting them as the true Greek sympathizers, 396 00:30:41,711 --> 00:30:46,031 setting the stage for his ultimate act of vengeance. 397 00:31:30,351 --> 00:31:31,351 Look. 398 00:31:43,111 --> 00:31:44,591 I am curious 399 00:31:44,911 --> 00:31:47,511 to whether you frustrate me out of sincerity 400 00:31:47,871 --> 00:31:50,431 or to ensure that you're never chosen queen. 401 00:31:51,871 --> 00:31:54,751 You assume I actually care about being chosen queen. 402 00:31:54,831 --> 00:31:56,071 I am serious. 403 00:31:56,351 --> 00:31:57,551 Serious of what? 404 00:31:57,671 --> 00:31:59,151 Finding a real queen? 405 00:32:00,191 --> 00:32:02,591 Is that why you subject us to these beauty treatments, 406 00:32:02,671 --> 00:32:04,391 these classes? 407 00:32:04,591 --> 00:32:06,431 You do not like our fine instructors? 408 00:32:06,511 --> 00:32:08,551 They simply neglect to teach us some things. 409 00:32:08,631 --> 00:32:10,471 - Such as? - Well, seemingly 410 00:32:10,551 --> 00:32:12,871 anything to do with actually being queen: 411 00:32:12,951 --> 00:32:15,151 the thought well thought, the word well spoken 412 00:32:15,271 --> 00:32:16,951 and the deed well done. 413 00:32:18,511 --> 00:32:20,311 As it is said in the great books. 414 00:32:20,431 --> 00:32:21,551 You read? 415 00:32:22,231 --> 00:32:23,391 Many tongues. 416 00:32:28,911 --> 00:32:31,511 Before I received your "invitation", 417 00:32:32,671 --> 00:32:34,711 I was reading of Gilgamesh the Babylonian. 418 00:33:02,511 --> 00:33:05,111 And Utanapishtim spoke to Gilgamesh, saying, 419 00:33:05,551 --> 00:33:08,351 "Gilgamesh, you look worn out and exhausted. 420 00:33:08,431 --> 00:33:10,791 "What can I do so that you can return to your land? 421 00:33:10,871 --> 00:33:13,151 "I will tell you a thing that is hidden. 422 00:33:13,591 --> 00:33:15,591 "There is a plant whose thorns 423 00:33:15,911 --> 00:33:17,911 "will prick your hand like a rose. 424 00:33:18,671 --> 00:33:20,551 "If your hands reach this plant, 425 00:33:21,391 --> 00:33:23,671 "you will become a young man again." 426 00:33:30,751 --> 00:33:33,471 Gilgamesh in the original. 427 00:33:33,871 --> 00:33:35,431 I read translation, 428 00:33:35,791 --> 00:33:37,631 never the original. 429 00:33:40,111 --> 00:33:41,111 You read? 430 00:33:42,751 --> 00:33:45,831 There are few pleasures left to one such as I. 431 00:33:48,671 --> 00:33:51,151 You offer us Hagai's position, my lord, 432 00:33:51,511 --> 00:33:53,991 if we grant you the privilege of picking a queen? 433 00:33:54,071 --> 00:33:56,311 - Misgath of Persepolis. - Misgath? 434 00:33:57,951 --> 00:33:59,391 Of unusual beauty. 435 00:33:59,991 --> 00:34:01,231 But up here, 436 00:34:01,831 --> 00:34:04,391 - empty as a beggar's bowl. - Consider her family. 437 00:34:04,511 --> 00:34:06,191 Daughter of a rug merchant? 438 00:34:06,591 --> 00:34:08,711 Will they not also shower you with wealth? 439 00:34:16,031 --> 00:34:17,751 While there were certainly worse ways 440 00:34:17,871 --> 00:34:19,831 for the candidates to have spent their days 441 00:34:19,951 --> 00:34:22,151 than myrrh baths and beauty treatments, 442 00:34:22,351 --> 00:34:25,311 none of the rumors of riches and glory stirred more excitement 443 00:34:25,391 --> 00:34:29,031 than the thought of gaining entry to the royal treasury itself. 444 00:34:29,351 --> 00:34:32,231 Whatever you chose for your one night with the King 445 00:34:32,351 --> 00:34:34,671 will be yours for the keeping. 446 00:34:35,111 --> 00:34:38,471 Candidates, choose wisely. 447 00:34:54,151 --> 00:34:55,791 You stand not impressed? 448 00:34:56,031 --> 00:34:57,951 It matters not what impresses me. 449 00:34:58,071 --> 00:35:01,351 How is one to choose when they know not what impresses the King? 450 00:35:01,471 --> 00:35:02,791 Will you teach me? 451 00:35:04,431 --> 00:35:07,071 I will do far more than that. Come. 452 00:35:13,111 --> 00:35:14,871 A recent acquisition. 453 00:35:14,991 --> 00:35:17,511 One, I believe, the King will find most pleasing. 454 00:35:52,991 --> 00:35:54,511 Esther of Susa, 455 00:35:56,671 --> 00:35:57,671 come. 456 00:36:03,871 --> 00:36:05,631 Seat yourself on the stool 457 00:36:05,871 --> 00:36:07,191 and read the scroll. 458 00:36:07,311 --> 00:36:09,271 It is the chronicles of the King, 459 00:36:09,511 --> 00:36:10,871 the royal diary. 460 00:36:11,631 --> 00:36:14,671 Through these doors you are no longer a candidate. 461 00:36:15,191 --> 00:36:16,631 You are a servant. 462 00:36:17,631 --> 00:36:19,151 Remember the protocol. 463 00:36:20,031 --> 00:36:21,951 To approach uninvited 464 00:36:22,511 --> 00:36:23,511 is death. 465 00:36:25,871 --> 00:36:27,271 I read for the King, 466 00:36:28,231 --> 00:36:29,231 alone? 467 00:36:29,991 --> 00:36:31,231 Like this? 468 00:37:19,871 --> 00:37:22,871 "Daily entry 23. 469 00:37:22,991 --> 00:37:25,431 "Egyptian wheat reserves were reported 470 00:37:25,551 --> 00:37:30,311 "at half the normal levels due to a recent drought." 471 00:37:39,591 --> 00:37:42,431 "Admiral Xtes was honored 472 00:37:42,511 --> 00:37:45,351 "for serving twenty years in the Royal Fleet. 473 00:37:45,431 --> 00:37:49,311 "After a lengthy speech, he promptly keeled over and died." 474 00:37:55,951 --> 00:37:59,951 "Twenty-five. Three herd of sheep were stolen from Dirmalmirah, 475 00:38:00,071 --> 00:38:02,031 "Satrap of Midea. 476 00:38:02,631 --> 00:38:05,951 "He requests that the crown send out the proper authority." 477 00:38:08,591 --> 00:38:11,471 And so Jacob, 478 00:38:12,591 --> 00:38:15,871 also a shepherd by trade, 479 00:38:16,151 --> 00:38:19,471 was sent off into the far, far-off land 480 00:38:22,791 --> 00:38:25,991 where he came across the fair Rachel tending her father's sheep. 481 00:38:26,071 --> 00:38:28,111 He was smitten, and went and rolled the stone 482 00:38:28,231 --> 00:38:31,271 from the well, and watered her flock for her. 483 00:38:31,791 --> 00:38:33,711 Then Jacob kissed Rachel 484 00:38:33,831 --> 00:38:36,391 and lifted up his voice and wept with joy. 485 00:38:36,511 --> 00:38:39,351 When Laban, Rachel's father, heard of this, 486 00:38:39,471 --> 00:38:43,871 he said to Jacob, "Should you serve me for nothing? 487 00:38:43,951 --> 00:38:46,111 "Tell me, what shall your wages be?" 488 00:38:46,351 --> 00:38:50,271 Jacob said, "I will serve you seven years for your daughter Rachel." 489 00:38:50,351 --> 00:38:54,231 So Jacob served seven years tending Laban's sheep. 490 00:38:54,351 --> 00:38:59,071 And they only seemed but a few days, for the love he had for her. 491 00:38:59,671 --> 00:39:00,791 Then Jacob said to Laban, 492 00:39:00,911 --> 00:39:04,231 "Give me my wife, for my days are fulfilled." 493 00:39:04,351 --> 00:39:08,911 So Laban threw a great wedding feast, but in the dark of the evening 494 00:39:09,031 --> 00:39:11,551 Laban brought his older daughter in to Jacob. 495 00:39:12,271 --> 00:39:16,031 And, behold, in the morning it was Leah, not Rachel. 496 00:39:17,071 --> 00:39:20,351 Jacob was shocked. He said to Laban, 497 00:39:20,751 --> 00:39:24,111 "What is this thou hast done unto me? 498 00:39:24,231 --> 00:39:26,631 "Did I not serve with thee for Rachel? 499 00:39:28,711 --> 00:39:31,311 "Why, then, have you beguiled me?" 500 00:39:31,431 --> 00:39:34,751 Why, then, have you beguiled me? 501 00:39:39,431 --> 00:39:42,191 I must admit that never before has such a tale been found 502 00:39:42,311 --> 00:39:44,111 in the pages of a royal diary. 503 00:39:44,991 --> 00:39:47,991 Here I expect to be lulled to sleep by tedious reports, 504 00:39:48,111 --> 00:39:51,391 instead I'm beguiled by a love story. 505 00:39:51,751 --> 00:39:56,431 And how ends your tale? This Jacob, he's able to have his bride? 506 00:40:00,751 --> 00:40:02,951 He's able to have her? 507 00:40:07,751 --> 00:40:09,431 Only after serving 508 00:40:11,431 --> 00:40:13,671 seven more years for her, my lord King. 509 00:40:13,751 --> 00:40:17,071 Believeth you in such? 510 00:40:17,391 --> 00:40:19,111 Love? 511 00:40:19,191 --> 00:40:22,511 Is it not the greatest commandment? 512 00:40:22,831 --> 00:40:25,351 No matter what God one serves. 513 00:40:25,431 --> 00:40:28,071 - How do they call you? - Esther of Susa. 514 00:40:28,151 --> 00:40:30,271 Susa? No. 515 00:40:30,351 --> 00:40:32,751 Nothing good ever comes out of Susa. 516 00:40:34,031 --> 00:40:35,311 Look at me. 517 00:40:40,711 --> 00:40:44,031 Come. Come, if you wish to see what I do. 518 00:40:57,551 --> 00:41:00,831 The Greeks, they have a god of similar form. 519 00:41:01,911 --> 00:41:05,231 His arms will hold the bow, whose arrows they say are 520 00:41:06,391 --> 00:41:08,471 tipped with love. 521 00:41:10,551 --> 00:41:13,631 Some archers' arrows are tipped with poison, my lord. 522 00:41:13,711 --> 00:41:14,991 Sometimes 523 00:41:16,951 --> 00:41:20,791 it's hard to tell the difference. The symptoms are the same. 524 00:41:24,111 --> 00:41:26,591 Perhaps in another time. Some 525 00:41:27,831 --> 00:41:28,831 other place. 526 00:41:33,151 --> 00:41:34,911 You will read to me again. 527 00:41:42,311 --> 00:41:44,471 You must tell no one of this night. 528 00:43:43,911 --> 00:43:47,071 - My Captain. - Blame me not for this, my lord, 529 00:43:47,151 --> 00:43:49,911 but the princes have ordered us to begin bringing you candidates 530 00:43:50,031 --> 00:43:52,551 - by the end of the week. - You jest. 531 00:43:53,551 --> 00:43:57,871 - I am in the middle of... - At least you'll get it over with. 532 00:43:57,991 --> 00:44:01,311 Besides, these men might enjoy seeing some ladies around. No? 533 00:44:13,791 --> 00:44:16,311 They tell me you're called Esther now. 534 00:44:20,271 --> 00:44:21,671 Oh, Jesse. 535 00:44:23,471 --> 00:44:24,711 Hatach. 536 00:44:28,391 --> 00:44:30,751 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were pagan names, too. 537 00:44:31,471 --> 00:44:32,991 We're in good company. 538 00:44:34,871 --> 00:44:37,471 Their names were Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah. 539 00:44:38,191 --> 00:44:40,311 They were thrown into the furnace. 540 00:44:40,471 --> 00:44:42,991 But then what happened? 541 00:44:44,471 --> 00:44:47,311 Come on, I found a way out. 542 00:44:47,431 --> 00:44:50,191 And there's a caravan leaving for Jerusalem tonight. 543 00:44:50,311 --> 00:44:52,871 So we can get out of this place. 544 00:44:53,151 --> 00:44:54,511 Escape? 545 00:44:56,631 --> 00:44:59,951 Jesse, I... I can't leave. 546 00:45:01,631 --> 00:45:02,831 What if... 547 00:45:04,511 --> 00:45:07,831 - What if I'm chosen? - What if you're chosen what? 548 00:45:09,431 --> 00:45:12,751 What if you're chosen queen? Look what they've done to us. 549 00:45:14,311 --> 00:45:16,311 What good could come out of any of this? 550 00:45:18,831 --> 00:45:22,151 Perhaps, instead of asking questions of our trials... 551 00:45:24,191 --> 00:45:26,231 Trials are meant to ask questions of ourselves. 552 00:45:26,351 --> 00:45:27,751 They cut me! 553 00:45:30,271 --> 00:45:31,511 I know 554 00:45:32,351 --> 00:45:33,951 we can't be what I hoped, 555 00:45:34,031 --> 00:45:36,431 - but... - Jesse. 556 00:45:38,111 --> 00:45:41,351 I can't leave. I'm sorry. 557 00:45:44,071 --> 00:45:46,271 I'm sorry. 558 00:45:53,711 --> 00:45:55,711 Today it begins. 559 00:45:55,831 --> 00:45:59,031 Each of you will be given one night with the King. 560 00:45:59,151 --> 00:46:02,591 We gather first to honor Misgath of Persepolis. 561 00:46:02,671 --> 00:46:05,831 You enter as a peasant and leave a princess. 562 00:46:13,231 --> 00:46:14,231 Here we go. 563 00:46:17,231 --> 00:46:18,671 Steady her. 564 00:46:23,631 --> 00:46:25,911 I'm so sorry... 565 00:46:26,191 --> 00:46:28,231 - Oh! - Almost there. 566 00:46:32,911 --> 00:46:34,791 By the looks of it, I must be allowing the candidates 567 00:46:34,911 --> 00:46:36,831 to keep their jewelry. 568 00:46:37,591 --> 00:46:40,911 Perhaps a horseback ride is not the best idea, my lord. 569 00:46:52,191 --> 00:46:54,871 You weep not for the candidates this evening. 570 00:46:56,831 --> 00:47:00,191 - My throat is sore. - Your throat or your heart? 571 00:47:01,551 --> 00:47:04,871 It has only been a few days since you read for him. 572 00:47:07,471 --> 00:47:10,231 A few days is a thousand years. 573 00:47:11,071 --> 00:47:15,791 If Xerxes had found pleasure in me, surely he would've... 574 00:47:17,511 --> 00:47:20,071 You think a eunuch cannot know love? 575 00:47:20,151 --> 00:47:23,071 Back before I was a cripple of a man, 576 00:47:23,151 --> 00:47:25,031 there was one that held my heart. 577 00:47:27,471 --> 00:47:28,871 What became of her? 578 00:47:31,671 --> 00:47:33,671 I know not. 579 00:47:34,031 --> 00:47:37,311 I never found the courage to return to face her again. 580 00:47:41,911 --> 00:47:45,231 She is beautiful but delicate, Your Majesty. 581 00:47:47,151 --> 00:47:49,271 Just one more moment, please. 582 00:48:00,911 --> 00:48:02,791 You may approach. 583 00:48:08,631 --> 00:48:11,031 How do they call you? 584 00:48:38,191 --> 00:48:40,471 Esther. 585 00:48:41,511 --> 00:48:43,911 This is your day. 586 00:48:44,071 --> 00:48:46,791 We gather to honor Esther of Susa. 587 00:48:46,911 --> 00:48:50,231 You enter as a peasant and leave a princess. 588 00:48:57,551 --> 00:48:59,431 You can let go of my arm now. 589 00:49:02,311 --> 00:49:05,631 He will be the fortunate one to choose you. 590 00:49:07,511 --> 00:49:10,831 He will be the one to whom congratulations are due. 591 00:49:14,831 --> 00:49:17,711 Esther, my arm. 592 00:49:35,231 --> 00:49:37,271 The scroll is on the stool. 593 00:49:37,391 --> 00:49:39,911 You may begin whenever you are ready. 594 00:49:43,911 --> 00:49:45,391 Is there a problem? 595 00:49:46,551 --> 00:49:49,871 Did they not tell you I weary at this procession of candidates? 596 00:49:51,391 --> 00:49:54,111 I simply wanted someone to... 597 00:49:56,071 --> 00:49:59,391 Wait. You are the one who read to me before. 598 00:49:59,471 --> 00:50:02,111 You tried to beguile me with love stories. 599 00:50:02,431 --> 00:50:06,751 Did you not think I had the sense to see through your little parable? 600 00:50:06,831 --> 00:50:09,791 The arrogance! You speak to me as if I was this Rachel 601 00:50:09,871 --> 00:50:12,071 in need of help to look after my father's sheep. 602 00:50:12,151 --> 00:50:15,471 - My lord, I meant no... - And this is how you come to see me? 603 00:50:16,751 --> 00:50:18,751 Your only adornment before your 604 00:50:19,631 --> 00:50:20,951 one night with the King. 605 00:50:22,591 --> 00:50:25,631 It is, Your Majesty. 606 00:50:26,991 --> 00:50:30,311 You consider yourself of so little worth 607 00:50:31,471 --> 00:50:35,431 - that I can purchase your love so cheaply? - I was taught 608 00:50:38,631 --> 00:50:43,071 that when you visit a king, rather than expect a gift, 609 00:50:43,151 --> 00:50:45,831 one should bring one to lay at his feet. 610 00:50:55,151 --> 00:50:58,431 This is my most valuable possession in the world. 611 00:51:03,031 --> 00:51:07,791 It is my past, my present, and my future. 612 00:51:09,111 --> 00:51:11,751 And all of it is yours. 613 00:51:19,311 --> 00:51:23,871 Some would call you foolish indeed, as they would call your Jacob. 614 00:51:23,951 --> 00:51:28,071 Of all commodities, love is the easiest, 615 00:51:30,151 --> 00:51:32,071 and most cheaply purchased. 616 00:51:35,831 --> 00:51:38,311 If it is for sale, my lord, 617 00:51:40,151 --> 00:51:41,151 it is not love. 618 00:51:42,791 --> 00:51:43,991 Even you. 619 00:51:46,751 --> 00:51:49,511 Even you must have a price. 620 00:51:49,711 --> 00:51:52,071 I am neither a buyer 621 00:51:54,831 --> 00:51:56,511 nor a seller of love. 622 00:51:59,831 --> 00:52:01,511 Suppose, my lady, 623 00:52:01,991 --> 00:52:05,031 a man offered you a more treasured gift, 624 00:52:06,031 --> 00:52:08,791 say, a kingdom. 625 00:52:23,751 --> 00:52:27,071 The only gift I would accept 626 00:52:28,751 --> 00:52:30,631 is your heart. 627 00:52:34,551 --> 00:52:37,351 Then it is yours. 628 00:52:38,551 --> 00:52:41,871 And you did not serve seven years to get it. 629 00:52:42,351 --> 00:52:46,111 Tell me Esther of Susa, who are you really? 630 00:52:48,711 --> 00:52:50,711 Tell me of your people. 631 00:52:51,591 --> 00:52:53,991 Teach me of your ways. 632 00:52:56,271 --> 00:52:57,831 My father taught me 633 00:53:00,351 --> 00:53:02,671 it takes the glory of God 634 00:53:03,111 --> 00:53:05,831 to conceal a matter, 635 00:53:06,951 --> 00:53:10,751 and the honor of kings to search it out. 636 00:53:16,831 --> 00:53:19,031 Then marry me. 637 00:53:22,231 --> 00:53:26,951 And we shall spend an eternity discovering this truth, 638 00:53:28,951 --> 00:53:30,231 together. 639 00:54:27,471 --> 00:54:29,911 Persians, your queen! 640 00:54:36,151 --> 00:54:39,551 Know you how many times I tried to come for you after that first night? 641 00:54:44,551 --> 00:54:46,431 How many evenings I spent counting the stars 642 00:54:46,551 --> 00:54:48,711 to keep my mind off of you? 643 00:54:54,791 --> 00:54:57,111 How many excuses I created 644 00:54:57,831 --> 00:54:59,871 just to avoid the other candidates? 645 00:55:13,831 --> 00:55:15,511 Fools. 646 00:55:15,631 --> 00:55:17,231 Misfits. 647 00:55:18,071 --> 00:55:19,951 Donkey-brained caricatures of men, 648 00:55:20,071 --> 00:55:23,591 you guaranteed me that Misgath would be chosen queen. 649 00:55:23,711 --> 00:55:27,031 Who is she? From whence did she come? Who are her people? 650 00:55:27,271 --> 00:55:30,071 There is little known about her, my lord. 651 00:55:30,151 --> 00:55:33,351 She is called Esther of Susa. An orphan. 652 00:55:33,431 --> 00:55:36,071 We should've stuck to our first plan and poisoned Hagai ourselves. 653 00:55:36,151 --> 00:55:37,511 - Quiet. - Poison? 654 00:55:37,631 --> 00:55:40,831 He did not, my lord. He is far too impetuous. 655 00:55:40,911 --> 00:55:43,831 - Far too... - You know about poison. 656 00:55:43,911 --> 00:55:45,871 Of course you do. 657 00:55:46,191 --> 00:55:48,471 You were once the royal cupbearers. 658 00:55:50,471 --> 00:55:54,271 Suppose in theory, you wanted to poison another. 659 00:55:57,871 --> 00:56:02,631 Suppose... Suppose this other remained nameless, 660 00:56:03,631 --> 00:56:07,511 but was, in effect, one whom you had once vowed to protect. 661 00:56:07,591 --> 00:56:09,351 My lord prince... 662 00:56:10,111 --> 00:56:13,431 Come, come. Don't look so distressed. 663 00:56:14,591 --> 00:56:16,191 We plot nothing here. 664 00:56:17,191 --> 00:56:18,711 My lord. 665 00:56:51,831 --> 00:56:53,591 From India to Babylon, 666 00:56:54,111 --> 00:56:57,431 my sword has spilt the blood of traitors against the crown. 667 00:56:58,391 --> 00:57:02,751 Proud, arrogant "chosen ones". 668 00:57:03,911 --> 00:57:05,911 Allowed to return to their homeland. 669 00:57:07,271 --> 00:57:08,671 But do they go? 670 00:57:10,231 --> 00:57:11,511 Do they? 671 00:57:26,991 --> 00:57:28,151 Thank you. 672 00:57:32,551 --> 00:57:34,151 How wonderful are the ways of the Lord 673 00:57:34,271 --> 00:57:36,991 that he should have raised up my little Hadassah 674 00:57:37,071 --> 00:57:39,071 and made her queen. 675 00:57:39,991 --> 00:57:43,311 Have you told anyone our secret? 676 00:57:46,111 --> 00:57:47,111 No. 677 00:57:47,191 --> 00:57:50,471 If you continue to call me Hadassah, it will no longer matter. 678 00:57:51,271 --> 00:57:52,831 Will you not join me in the palace? 679 00:57:52,911 --> 00:57:54,911 I could have you named to any post you desire. 680 00:57:54,991 --> 00:57:57,511 My Lord will take care of me. 681 00:57:58,671 --> 00:58:01,151 Do you take care of your lord? 682 00:58:07,951 --> 00:58:09,511 Remember not his orders? 683 00:58:09,591 --> 00:58:13,111 Procure it not from the palace, so nothing can be traced back to us. 684 00:58:13,871 --> 00:58:15,711 The Jews have apothecaries. 685 00:58:22,791 --> 00:58:24,031 Where is he now? 686 00:58:25,391 --> 00:58:28,711 - You, over there... - Why cannot a truce be arranged? 687 00:58:28,791 --> 00:58:30,271 Truce? 688 00:58:31,111 --> 00:58:34,431 That devil Memucan has beaten me twice in a row. 689 00:58:35,671 --> 00:58:37,151 I fear losing you. 690 00:58:40,071 --> 00:58:41,871 I gave an oath 691 00:58:43,711 --> 00:58:45,031 to my father. 692 00:58:46,991 --> 00:58:49,071 He's the one I fear losing you to. 693 00:58:49,191 --> 00:58:52,511 You must dream. You'll be gone much in the coming months. 694 00:58:53,031 --> 00:58:54,631 Keep this for me. 695 00:58:56,631 --> 00:58:59,271 - But it is yours. I... - Then be at peace. 696 00:58:59,471 --> 00:59:00,911 I always return for what is mine. 697 00:59:01,031 --> 00:59:04,351 Will thou sit there all day, my lord? 698 00:59:10,791 --> 00:59:12,551 This one. 699 00:59:21,271 --> 00:59:23,951 Why would they buy belladonna off you? 700 00:59:24,071 --> 00:59:28,191 Maybe they seek to poison someone. Very deadly, very quick. 701 00:59:29,111 --> 00:59:31,191 You sold them poison? 702 00:59:31,791 --> 00:59:35,831 A Jew sells poison to the King's food tasters? 703 00:59:35,951 --> 00:59:38,911 Have you any idea for whom it might've been intended? 704 00:59:52,591 --> 00:59:54,511 Please, just allow me to see it. 705 00:59:54,631 --> 00:59:57,711 The scribe says it is for the Queen's eyes only. 706 00:59:58,871 --> 01:00:00,511 That is what she told. 707 01:00:23,671 --> 01:00:25,271 A plot to kill the King. 708 01:00:25,511 --> 01:00:28,831 The King should be notified at once, my lady. 709 01:00:30,151 --> 01:00:33,151 He and Memucan are a day's ride away at the training grounds. 710 01:00:33,231 --> 01:00:36,151 Then it would be better, my lady, if I send for the captain of the guard 711 01:00:36,231 --> 01:00:39,551 - to investigate. - Who else is closest to the King? 712 01:00:39,671 --> 01:00:41,031 Admantha. 713 01:00:45,791 --> 01:00:47,671 This is treachery. 714 01:00:48,231 --> 01:00:52,511 If my lady will permit, I myself will bring these two eunuchs to you. 715 01:00:53,431 --> 01:00:56,631 I'm armed, so I doubt the need for force. 716 01:00:56,711 --> 01:00:58,631 That will not be necessary. 717 01:00:58,711 --> 01:01:02,031 The King's new captain of the guard has gone to investigate. 718 01:01:02,831 --> 01:01:05,711 Time was of the essence, my lady. 719 01:01:27,231 --> 01:01:30,991 If only all shared your loyalty to the King, my prince. 720 01:01:32,431 --> 01:01:34,711 Captain of the guards. 721 01:01:38,271 --> 01:01:40,631 Master Haman, my lady. 722 01:01:48,471 --> 01:01:50,751 What of the eunuchs? 723 01:01:51,911 --> 01:01:54,831 They are being led to the gallows as we speak. 724 01:01:54,951 --> 01:01:57,631 I found this about their person. 725 01:01:59,311 --> 01:02:00,631 I interrogated them both. 726 01:02:00,711 --> 01:02:02,471 I'm convinced they plotted alone. 727 01:02:11,391 --> 01:02:14,071 Make sure Mordecai's name is entered in the chronicles 728 01:02:14,151 --> 01:02:18,471 and that it is certified with my seal so he may be properly rewarded by the King. 729 01:02:28,111 --> 01:02:30,071 Please, help yourself. 730 01:02:30,791 --> 01:02:32,071 Only a bite. 731 01:02:33,671 --> 01:02:36,071 Now I no longer ride the highways, my appetite suffers. 732 01:02:36,191 --> 01:02:39,151 Then may I assume that your fee for spying for me will be reduced? 733 01:02:39,271 --> 01:02:40,951 My appetite may be less, 734 01:02:41,031 --> 01:02:42,471 not of my sons, 735 01:02:44,071 --> 01:02:45,271 my wife. 736 01:02:46,751 --> 01:02:49,351 Well, that may cost you more, my prince. 737 01:02:49,991 --> 01:02:51,431 Much, 738 01:02:51,511 --> 01:02:53,911 - much more. - What might you have done? 739 01:02:56,551 --> 01:02:59,831 I would save the King for last. 740 01:03:00,671 --> 01:03:03,711 As in the palace board game. Rid yourself first 741 01:03:03,791 --> 01:03:06,231 of all of those pieces that are closest to him. 742 01:03:06,311 --> 01:03:07,471 One 743 01:03:09,671 --> 01:03:10,751 by one. 744 01:03:25,031 --> 01:03:29,071 My lady, this is foolish. - I go with or without you. 745 01:03:29,191 --> 01:03:30,831 There are too many rumors drifting through the palace, 746 01:03:30,951 --> 01:03:32,471 and not enough answers. 747 01:03:36,671 --> 01:03:38,351 These hinges are well-oiled. 748 01:03:38,631 --> 01:03:40,231 There must be plenty who use it. 749 01:03:40,351 --> 01:03:42,911 Lovers always find a way, my lady. 750 01:03:45,511 --> 01:03:48,391 HAThe time has come, my brothers and sisters, 751 01:03:48,511 --> 01:03:51,511 where we must root out those amongst our midst 752 01:03:51,591 --> 01:03:53,751 who seek our wreck and ruin! 753 01:03:53,831 --> 01:03:57,551 When a field of crops is defiled by disease, 754 01:03:57,671 --> 01:04:00,311 do we not set it on fire? 755 01:04:01,951 --> 01:04:06,311 I am asked why I choose to speak against these foreigners 756 01:04:06,431 --> 01:04:08,351 and strangers in our midst. 757 01:04:08,471 --> 01:04:11,791 - The Jew! - The Jew! 758 01:04:15,151 --> 01:04:17,511 No, not the Jew. 759 01:04:17,951 --> 01:04:22,151 I, myself, know many an individual Jew who I am proud to call friend, 760 01:04:22,231 --> 01:04:26,471 but put these individual Jews together, and what are Egypt, 761 01:04:27,191 --> 01:04:30,511 Assyria, Babylon in their wake? 762 01:04:46,151 --> 01:04:48,831 Lead me away from here, quickly. 763 01:04:49,551 --> 01:04:51,391 You want proof? 764 01:04:52,231 --> 01:04:53,711 Proof! 765 01:04:55,151 --> 01:04:58,471 Pulled from the royal library, 766 01:05:01,511 --> 01:05:05,071 the great scheme of the Greeks and the Jews 767 01:05:05,191 --> 01:05:07,711 to conquer the world! 768 01:05:10,231 --> 01:05:12,991 For let me tell you, the Greeks and the Jew 769 01:05:13,071 --> 01:05:15,951 both live by the same evil doctrine. 770 01:05:16,071 --> 01:05:18,031 All men are created equal. 771 01:05:20,471 --> 01:05:24,991 - Do you believe you are equal to a slave? - No! 772 01:05:25,471 --> 01:05:29,111 HAAnd you believe neither in the Jewish God, nor in Greek democracy, 773 01:05:29,191 --> 01:05:32,511 but there are others in the palace that do. 774 01:05:33,671 --> 01:05:36,951 Let me now speak of Memucan. 775 01:05:37,671 --> 01:05:40,311 Prince. General. 776 01:05:40,551 --> 01:05:42,031 Arch traitor! 777 01:05:43,431 --> 01:05:45,991 "For services rendered to King Darius. 778 01:05:46,471 --> 01:05:49,751 "Pacification of the Babylonian provinces. 779 01:05:51,671 --> 01:05:54,431 "Payments made to Haman the Agagite." 780 01:05:55,951 --> 01:05:58,031 When? When? 781 01:05:58,951 --> 01:06:00,471 Ask of Memucan 782 01:06:00,551 --> 01:06:04,031 why he allowed the Greeks of lonia to retain their democracy. 783 01:06:05,351 --> 01:06:08,791 Ask whose voice is loudest against the war today 784 01:06:08,871 --> 01:06:11,391 and you will find out it is he! 785 01:06:14,631 --> 01:06:16,231 "Common year." 786 01:06:18,071 --> 01:06:20,231 Thirteen years ago. 787 01:06:26,231 --> 01:06:27,911 HAMy lady. 788 01:06:38,311 --> 01:06:39,591 Are you alone? 789 01:06:43,511 --> 01:06:47,991 - Highly unsafe. - I was just finishing. 790 01:06:55,991 --> 01:06:57,431 Please. 791 01:06:59,231 --> 01:07:01,271 Allow me. 792 01:07:19,951 --> 01:07:23,271 - Shall I return this for you? - Thank you. 793 01:07:27,071 --> 01:07:30,791 Something must weigh heavy on my queen's heart 794 01:07:31,511 --> 01:07:33,751 in order to be kept up at this hour, reading. 795 01:07:36,231 --> 01:07:37,711 My queen. 796 01:07:45,991 --> 01:07:49,311 - Is her Highness unwell? - I'm fine. 797 01:07:50,431 --> 01:07:52,551 Perhaps I should retire. 798 01:08:02,791 --> 01:08:05,231 You're not scheduled at the palace for more than two weeks. 799 01:08:05,351 --> 01:08:07,191 She'll be wonderfully surprised, think you not? 800 01:08:07,271 --> 01:08:09,471 Here, read this, my lord. 801 01:08:12,911 --> 01:08:15,151 You do not appear to be a traitor, Memucan. 802 01:08:15,271 --> 01:08:17,111 Return with me, and I'll have Admantha investigate 803 01:08:17,231 --> 01:08:18,791 Haman's accusations immediately. 804 01:08:18,911 --> 01:08:21,351 Haman is my appointment. 805 01:08:21,471 --> 01:08:23,831 And we do need him more than we realize. 806 01:08:23,911 --> 01:08:26,071 Truly, Memucan, at one moment you sulk, 807 01:08:26,151 --> 01:08:29,391 you say your name has been slurred, now you plead for your accuser. 808 01:08:29,511 --> 01:08:32,591 I have enough lives on my conscience. 809 01:08:32,711 --> 01:08:36,511 Chastise him mildly, and he will perform his duty well 810 01:08:36,631 --> 01:08:39,951 and be more grateful to you for your leniency. 811 01:08:40,551 --> 01:08:41,991 Spoken like a true Persian. 812 01:08:42,071 --> 01:08:46,031 Never judging a man before all the good and all the bad are weighed. 813 01:08:46,391 --> 01:08:48,311 Ride with me. 814 01:08:48,711 --> 01:08:52,431 - So you burnt the evidence? - Worry not, action will still be taken. 815 01:08:53,071 --> 01:08:56,871 Lest you forget, this Haman is now head of internal protection. 816 01:08:56,991 --> 01:08:59,271 And lest you forget, I'm still queen. 817 01:08:59,391 --> 01:09:02,791 Yes, but queen subject to an ancient protocol that no doubt Haman 818 01:09:02,911 --> 01:09:04,991 knows how to manipulate far better than you do. 819 01:09:12,351 --> 01:09:14,311 Go not by the main gate. 820 01:09:14,431 --> 01:09:17,151 I wish not for the Queen to be alerted to my coming. 821 01:09:19,271 --> 01:09:20,431 You must promise me 822 01:09:21,751 --> 01:09:23,351 that you will not reveal this to anyone. 823 01:09:25,631 --> 01:09:29,031 Any more such promises and I shall have to take a vow of silence. 824 01:09:32,071 --> 01:09:34,151 Rusty old lovers' gate. 825 01:09:34,271 --> 01:09:37,191 I trust you used it much in your youth, Memucan. 826 01:09:37,311 --> 01:09:40,631 Who do you think had it installed? 827 01:09:43,231 --> 01:09:45,071 Go now. 828 01:10:00,871 --> 01:10:03,831 My love. Oh, how I've missed you. 829 01:10:03,911 --> 01:10:06,511 - Have you? - Now, what is that supposed to mean? 830 01:10:06,791 --> 01:10:09,431 You looked flushed. Busy morning? 831 01:10:09,511 --> 01:10:11,991 Not as busy as it could get. 832 01:10:12,071 --> 01:10:13,271 No visitors? 833 01:10:16,031 --> 01:10:19,351 You sent for me, Your Highness? 834 01:10:21,471 --> 01:10:23,631 It appears you have misplaced our necklace. 835 01:10:23,751 --> 01:10:27,031 I wonder if that is all you have misplaced. 836 01:11:19,271 --> 01:11:22,711 Perhaps Your Majesty would like to send for one of the concubines. 837 01:11:30,631 --> 01:11:32,431 Perhaps not. 838 01:11:34,471 --> 01:11:36,231 You look so much like your father. 839 01:11:36,351 --> 01:11:39,151 Sometimes I forget how different you truly are. 840 01:11:39,271 --> 01:11:43,991 Makes me wonder all the more why you feel such need to follow in his steps. 841 01:11:47,791 --> 01:11:49,591 Give her a few more nights, 842 01:11:53,311 --> 01:11:55,551 and then have her brought to me. 843 01:11:59,591 --> 01:12:01,631 You call that public tirade subtle? 844 01:12:01,711 --> 01:12:03,231 You mock me, Agagite. 845 01:12:03,351 --> 01:12:05,991 I need but report but once to the King of your arrogance. 846 01:12:06,111 --> 01:12:09,431 And your dreams of kingship die with me. 847 01:12:09,711 --> 01:12:12,511 You might be less harsh on the Jews. 848 01:12:12,591 --> 01:12:14,271 You should make yourself a laughing stock. 849 01:12:14,391 --> 01:12:15,831 The Jews, my prince, 850 01:12:16,631 --> 01:12:19,431 will be your chief weapon by which you attain power to the throne. 851 01:12:19,551 --> 01:12:23,351 Think, we plan to take the crown by force when the King is deep in Greece. 852 01:12:24,031 --> 01:12:25,791 What excuse will you use? 853 01:12:26,391 --> 01:12:28,231 Who attacks the land? 854 01:12:28,711 --> 01:12:30,231 Well, no one, actually. 855 01:12:31,471 --> 01:12:34,791 Unless, of course, you claim it was the Greek-loving Jews. 856 01:12:36,791 --> 01:12:40,111 Memucan expects an apology, as you predicted. 857 01:12:40,391 --> 01:12:43,831 Well, an apology is a cheap enough price to pay for a kingdom. 858 01:12:43,911 --> 01:12:46,471 Invite, then, Memucan to your estate. 859 01:12:46,591 --> 01:12:50,031 Presumably so I can apologize to him. 860 01:12:50,151 --> 01:12:53,431 On the way, however, he will be ambushed. 861 01:12:53,911 --> 01:12:57,351 - By whom? - By my Jews, of course. 862 01:12:57,471 --> 01:12:59,831 Jews who slew him for being coupled with them as a traitor. 863 01:12:59,911 --> 01:13:03,231 - And what of Memucan's own guard? - It's merely an apology. 864 01:13:03,831 --> 01:13:05,791 Perhaps you can suggest to Memucan 865 01:13:05,911 --> 01:13:07,191 that if he arrive with a large number, 866 01:13:07,271 --> 01:13:08,831 I might suspect he'd come to punish me. 867 01:13:08,911 --> 01:13:11,231 One or two guards my men can handle. 868 01:13:12,071 --> 01:13:14,271 And who'll handle you? 869 01:13:14,871 --> 01:13:16,551 Who but you, 870 01:13:17,351 --> 01:13:18,751 my king. 871 01:13:26,351 --> 01:13:28,511 Prepare to die, Greek-lover. 872 01:13:47,951 --> 01:13:49,951 Admantha's men. 873 01:13:51,111 --> 01:13:53,311 Thank the gods you are unharmed, my lord. 874 01:13:56,991 --> 01:13:57,991 Come. 875 01:14:21,271 --> 01:14:22,431 My queen... 876 01:14:25,551 --> 01:14:26,991 Your Highness, 877 01:14:27,711 --> 01:14:30,071 blood has been spilled. You are needed at once. 878 01:14:47,831 --> 01:14:51,111 But lord King, an accusation by a dispatch ride. 879 01:14:51,271 --> 01:14:53,911 Why did you wait so long to inform anyone of Admantha's plot? 880 01:14:53,991 --> 01:14:57,191 - Surely you don't... - My lord, I had to but play the traitor 881 01:14:57,311 --> 01:14:58,991 to catch the traitor. 882 01:15:00,391 --> 01:15:04,111 Where are his witnesses, my lord? What were my motives? 883 01:15:04,391 --> 01:15:08,631 Let this Haman prove his words or be forever silent. 884 01:15:08,751 --> 01:15:10,231 But what would he have me show, my lord? 885 01:15:10,311 --> 01:15:13,271 There are no witnesses to plans forged in secret. 886 01:15:13,751 --> 01:15:15,231 You will not act like that, Admantha. 887 01:15:15,271 --> 01:15:19,031 And was it not even Admantha who stirred the crowd into demanding 888 01:15:19,191 --> 01:15:22,671 Queen Vashti's appearance, knowing she would not come? 889 01:15:22,951 --> 01:15:25,231 All lies. That's lies. 890 01:15:25,391 --> 01:15:28,431 Lies. I stand in a crumbling house of lies. 891 01:15:28,551 --> 01:15:31,711 - Remember before whom you plead. - Plead for what? 892 01:15:33,351 --> 01:15:35,111 For your life, Admantha. 893 01:15:44,751 --> 01:15:47,471 Is it my foolish desire to believe these stories I hear 894 01:15:47,591 --> 01:15:50,591 or my glaring inability to perceive their mysteries? 895 01:15:51,551 --> 01:15:52,951 Perhaps you... 896 01:15:53,351 --> 01:15:56,471 You placed them back upon the shelf to collect dust 897 01:15:57,191 --> 01:15:59,351 without ever truly completing them. 898 01:16:01,191 --> 01:16:03,471 Who is the one that gathers dust? 899 01:16:03,751 --> 01:16:05,631 I believed I was your Rachel. 900 01:16:06,991 --> 01:16:10,751 But it appears I'm only Leah, and you serve time with me for another. 901 01:16:10,951 --> 01:16:15,231 No, my lord. It's not what you think. 902 01:16:17,271 --> 01:16:19,391 Nothing is as I think anymore. 903 01:16:20,111 --> 01:16:22,111 Plots slither through the night. 904 01:16:22,271 --> 01:16:25,871 Trust, it decays like secret gates left to rust. 905 01:16:26,431 --> 01:16:30,111 Admantha is carried to torture even as we speak. 906 01:16:37,391 --> 01:16:41,871 This Jacob and Rachel, they are no mere story to you. 907 01:16:42,151 --> 01:16:45,471 Give me some incentive to believe in who you really are. 908 01:16:45,671 --> 01:16:47,351 Give me some honor. 909 01:16:47,551 --> 01:16:51,191 For if it is truly the honor of kings to seek out truth in lie, 910 01:16:53,271 --> 01:16:54,911 I am a man of scorn. 911 01:16:57,271 --> 01:16:58,951 I will answer you, 912 01:17:00,351 --> 01:17:03,191 my lord, if you first answer me. 913 01:17:04,071 --> 01:17:05,591 Answer you what? 914 01:17:05,911 --> 01:17:09,871 Why did you summon Vashti 915 01:17:12,031 --> 01:17:13,911 when you knew she would not come? 916 01:17:15,991 --> 01:17:18,671 I am king. 917 01:17:21,911 --> 01:17:23,631 And I need answer to no one. 918 01:17:36,071 --> 01:17:40,351 After many days of torture, Admantha, the great Midian prince, 919 01:17:40,551 --> 01:17:42,351 finally confessed all, 920 01:17:42,471 --> 01:17:45,871 and was dealt with according to the protocol of the land. 921 01:17:49,031 --> 01:17:53,511 For his brave and valorous services, Haman the Agagite 922 01:17:53,671 --> 01:17:55,591 was proclaimed a prince of the Fars 923 01:17:55,751 --> 01:17:59,871 to inherit Admantha's house, wealth, prestige and power. 924 01:18:01,231 --> 01:18:02,711 Pieces are falling into place 925 01:18:02,791 --> 01:18:06,151 we've spoken of, one by one. 926 01:18:07,911 --> 01:18:10,431 Soothsaying does not become you, Haman. 927 01:18:10,711 --> 01:18:13,631 No, my darling, I speak of the truth, not of stars. 928 01:18:14,991 --> 01:18:17,471 My burden I would not wish on any man. 929 01:18:20,311 --> 01:18:23,071 The blood of my forefathers will be avenged. 930 01:18:24,351 --> 01:18:28,031 And the gods will smile down on our son through our obedience. 931 01:18:28,391 --> 01:18:31,431 And are you mad? This is your plan? 932 01:18:32,111 --> 01:18:34,511 It is not that our allies are unwilling, my lord, 933 01:18:34,631 --> 01:18:36,351 but they have not fared well. 934 01:18:36,431 --> 01:18:39,031 A storm has robbed the Phoenicians of a good part of their fleet. 935 01:18:39,111 --> 01:18:42,751 Carthage finds herself short in timber with which to complete our warships... 936 01:18:42,871 --> 01:18:45,511 Surely the fate of the empire does not hinge on money? 937 01:18:45,631 --> 01:18:48,631 - Are you ready to furnish it, then? - No, not I, my lord. 938 01:18:48,751 --> 01:18:51,431 But I'm aware of traitors within our borders that could. 939 01:18:51,551 --> 01:18:53,751 The Jews? We are not children. 940 01:18:53,831 --> 01:18:55,311 Nevertheless, the money may be raised 941 01:18:55,391 --> 01:18:58,151 by the confiscation of Jewish wealth and property. 942 01:18:58,271 --> 01:19:01,031 And the Jews will just hand it over without a fight? 943 01:19:01,151 --> 01:19:02,671 No, of course not. 944 01:19:03,551 --> 01:19:05,591 First we must kill them all. 945 01:19:06,951 --> 01:19:08,671 Every last one of them. 946 01:19:08,751 --> 01:19:11,871 It is the only way to ensure they do not rise up and seek revenge. 947 01:19:11,991 --> 01:19:14,351 He speaks of women and children, my lord. 948 01:19:14,471 --> 01:19:16,311 Yes, women and children. 949 01:19:18,471 --> 01:19:19,551 I know. 950 01:19:22,671 --> 01:19:24,271 What is your solution? 951 01:19:24,391 --> 01:19:28,111 Or would you rather, my dear Memucan, the Greeks and the Jews unite 952 01:19:28,231 --> 01:19:30,711 and, hand in hand, murder us in our beds while we sleep? 953 01:19:30,791 --> 01:19:33,951 Is the past so mighty that we must destroy our brothers 954 01:19:34,071 --> 01:19:35,831 to be free of its grasp? 955 01:19:38,391 --> 01:19:42,511 No kingdom was ever so grand as the Jews' own King Solomon. 956 01:19:42,631 --> 01:19:46,231 He fought not one battle, toiled through not one war, 957 01:19:46,911 --> 01:19:50,231 but prospered upon the peace handed down by his father. 958 01:19:50,951 --> 01:19:54,591 Do not make void what your own father's death has purchased. 959 01:19:54,751 --> 01:19:57,671 - By picking back up... - Mind your tone, General. 960 01:19:58,271 --> 01:20:00,231 Why thirst you for warfare 961 01:20:01,311 --> 01:20:03,751 when we can drink so deeply of peace? 962 01:20:04,391 --> 01:20:07,151 You speak of peace, let us speak of the Jews. 963 01:20:07,471 --> 01:20:11,271 They would rather bow down to their own God than obey the laws of protocol. 964 01:20:11,391 --> 01:20:13,911 Their prophets even speak of a coming king. 965 01:20:13,991 --> 01:20:17,711 A king who will reign over all kings and set all men free. 966 01:20:20,231 --> 01:20:23,711 Is that not the very essence of democracy, my dear Memucan? 967 01:20:23,831 --> 01:20:26,231 I do believe, under your guidance, we are undone. 968 01:20:26,311 --> 01:20:29,471 If we are undone, we are undone from within, indeed. 969 01:20:31,751 --> 01:20:33,591 March upon Greece, if you wish. 970 01:20:33,671 --> 01:20:36,391 But you march with no general in your lead. 971 01:20:43,671 --> 01:20:46,351 Then it has not yet been signed into law? 972 01:20:48,071 --> 01:20:49,751 Not as yet, my lady. 973 01:20:50,591 --> 01:20:53,511 Perhaps guilt stirs men too hotly at times, 974 01:20:53,991 --> 01:20:56,031 and they seek the salve of the law 975 01:20:56,671 --> 01:20:58,351 to ease the burning. 976 01:21:00,871 --> 01:21:03,031 And what would you have me do? 977 01:21:03,911 --> 01:21:06,911 I cannot seek him in the library unless summoned. 978 01:21:15,271 --> 01:21:17,431 If you arrived first, 979 01:21:17,511 --> 01:21:20,871 then he in effect would be seeking you, would he not? 980 01:21:25,591 --> 01:21:29,271 How came you pass my guard? I demanded none use the library this night. 981 01:21:29,351 --> 01:21:31,751 I seek that which you seek, my lord. 982 01:21:36,551 --> 01:21:37,631 Truth. 983 01:21:39,831 --> 01:21:42,511 Perhaps the truth of what exists between us? 984 01:21:43,471 --> 01:21:45,631 I have come on matters of state. 985 01:21:45,751 --> 01:21:47,271 Matters of state. 986 01:21:48,511 --> 01:21:49,591 I see. 987 01:21:51,471 --> 01:21:53,751 And what matters of state might that be? 988 01:21:53,831 --> 01:21:56,511 You desire more perfumes? You request more condiments? 989 01:21:56,631 --> 01:21:59,071 Surely as queen of the kitchen, you need not await me here. 990 01:21:59,191 --> 01:22:03,071 You know as well as I how quickly word travels throughout the palace. 991 01:22:04,591 --> 01:22:06,911 Especially when murder's involved. 992 01:22:07,111 --> 01:22:10,351 You are... You are learned, well-read. 993 01:22:11,111 --> 01:22:13,471 Offer me a story that answers my dilemma. 994 01:22:13,551 --> 01:22:16,631 - I have never pretended with you. - Never pretended? 995 01:22:16,711 --> 01:22:18,351 Think you not that I see Memucan's strings 996 01:22:18,431 --> 01:22:19,831 dangling above your head even now? 997 01:22:19,951 --> 01:22:22,591 You care more for these Jews than you do for me. 998 01:22:22,671 --> 01:22:25,951 Do you enquire of my burdens, do you offer me solutions? 999 01:22:26,151 --> 01:22:27,151 No. 1000 01:22:27,711 --> 01:22:29,311 You just complain. 1001 01:22:29,751 --> 01:22:32,271 - As Vashti did? - Away from me! 1002 01:22:32,391 --> 01:22:34,871 And come before me no longer, no matter what pretense you seek, 1003 01:22:34,951 --> 01:22:37,551 or your fate shall be worse than Vashti. 1004 01:22:39,671 --> 01:22:42,471 - But I do love you. - Love has failed me. 1005 01:22:43,911 --> 01:22:46,831 Knowledge has failed me, thus I bind myself to the protocol 1006 01:22:46,951 --> 01:22:48,951 of my fathers and to my empire. 1007 01:22:49,031 --> 01:22:51,111 By the next moon, I leave for war. 1008 01:22:51,271 --> 01:22:54,791 And whatever my fate, it shall no longer be shared with you. 1009 01:23:10,631 --> 01:23:13,151 This was once your favorite reading. 1010 01:23:13,231 --> 01:23:16,271 And though it may no longer bear the story of love, 1011 01:23:18,511 --> 01:23:20,671 it bears that of one Mordecai the Jew. 1012 01:23:23,111 --> 01:23:26,151 One of whom you wish to destroy saved your life. 1013 01:23:29,271 --> 01:23:31,751 And you never even honored him for it. 1014 01:23:40,431 --> 01:23:43,271 The casting of the lot, the Pur... 1015 01:23:44,271 --> 01:23:47,711 It has determined upon which day all the Jews of the kingdom will be slain. 1016 01:23:49,711 --> 01:23:52,271 This day is to be the 13th day of the month of Adar 1017 01:23:52,391 --> 01:23:54,271 according to the calendar of the Jews. 1018 01:23:54,631 --> 01:23:55,871 Prince... 1019 01:23:59,551 --> 01:24:01,551 The annihilation of a people 1020 01:24:02,591 --> 01:24:06,871 can only be authorized by one who bears the signet of the King himself. 1021 01:24:19,351 --> 01:24:21,511 And those letters were sent into all the land, 1022 01:24:22,231 --> 01:24:26,311 to slay and annihilate all the Jews 1023 01:24:26,431 --> 01:24:29,471 on the 13th of Adar, some six weeks hence. 1024 01:24:30,311 --> 01:24:34,231 Both young and old, men, women and even children. 1025 01:24:35,551 --> 01:24:39,191 And to plunder all of their possessions for the sake of the crown. 1026 01:25:08,671 --> 01:25:12,231 The scribe insists that all is dependent upon you, my queen. 1027 01:25:13,191 --> 01:25:14,751 Dependent upon me? 1028 01:25:15,511 --> 01:25:18,871 My queen might wish to go before the King and intercede 1029 01:25:19,751 --> 01:25:23,791 for those that have no other hope. 1030 01:25:26,831 --> 01:25:28,071 My lady... 1031 01:25:28,471 --> 01:25:30,831 Have you forgotten your protocol? 1032 01:25:30,951 --> 01:25:32,831 To approach the King unsummoned is death. 1033 01:25:32,911 --> 01:25:36,351 Perhaps in court. But surely you can visit him in private. 1034 01:25:37,111 --> 01:25:38,591 In his chambers. 1035 01:25:41,311 --> 01:25:42,791 Surely I cannot. 1036 01:25:52,391 --> 01:25:54,311 Obedient I have been. 1037 01:25:55,551 --> 01:25:58,111 I walk before you with a loyal heart. 1038 01:26:00,151 --> 01:26:04,471 And now I stand in the hour of trouble precisely because of my obedience. 1039 01:26:06,511 --> 01:26:08,191 I beseech you, Father, 1040 01:26:09,391 --> 01:26:11,311 let there be another way. 1041 01:26:12,551 --> 01:26:15,151 Rise up a deliverer and let this pass. 1042 01:26:16,711 --> 01:26:18,111 Let this pass. 1043 01:26:19,111 --> 01:26:20,511 "'Comfort, 1044 01:26:21,071 --> 01:26:23,271 "'comfort my people, ' says your God. 1045 01:26:23,911 --> 01:26:25,391 "Cry unto Israel 1046 01:26:27,071 --> 01:26:29,151 "that her warfare is finished, 1047 01:26:31,271 --> 01:26:33,071 "that her iniquity is removed. 1048 01:26:33,991 --> 01:26:37,351 "The everlasting neither faints nor is weary. 1049 01:26:37,951 --> 01:26:41,031 "His understanding no one can fathom. 1050 01:26:41,271 --> 01:26:44,831 "He gives strength to the weary and power to the weak. 1051 01:26:45,511 --> 01:26:48,671 "Even the youth shall faint and be weary, 1052 01:26:49,111 --> 01:26:51,711 "and young men shall utterly fail. 1053 01:26:51,871 --> 01:26:56,231 "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. " 1054 01:26:57,191 --> 01:27:00,831 Lord, we wait on thee. 1055 01:27:02,751 --> 01:27:04,351 Renew our strength. 1056 01:27:04,911 --> 01:27:06,711 Clear the way for he who comes. 1057 01:27:06,791 --> 01:27:08,871 Kneel before the great prince. 1058 01:27:09,031 --> 01:27:12,551 Clear the way for he who comes. Kneel for the great prince. 1059 01:27:13,431 --> 01:27:14,511 You... 1060 01:27:16,591 --> 01:27:19,511 Lower yourself to honor the great Prince Haman. Kneel! 1061 01:27:19,631 --> 01:27:21,311 - I said kneel. - Stop! 1062 01:27:30,711 --> 01:27:33,871 - Why do you not kneel? - I kneel before my king. 1063 01:27:34,751 --> 01:27:37,791 I abase myself only before the God of my fathers. 1064 01:27:38,071 --> 01:27:41,271 - What's his name, this God? - The great I AM. 1065 01:27:41,511 --> 01:27:44,671 The one true God, the maker of heaven and earth. 1066 01:27:45,111 --> 01:27:48,511 The God of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob. 1067 01:27:51,151 --> 01:27:52,231 A Jew. 1068 01:27:52,711 --> 01:27:55,151 Mordecai Ben-Yair. 1069 01:27:56,311 --> 01:27:57,631 Mordecai... 1070 01:28:00,871 --> 01:28:03,231 I shall name my prize pig after you. 1071 01:28:03,511 --> 01:28:06,871 Perhaps I may give you other reasons to remember my name. 1072 01:28:07,111 --> 01:28:08,991 You will remember mine 1073 01:28:09,911 --> 01:28:11,071 for this! 1074 01:28:16,951 --> 01:28:18,111 Move on. 1075 01:28:22,271 --> 01:28:24,031 What good did that do? 1076 01:28:24,111 --> 01:28:27,311 You still ended up on the ground like the rest of us. 1077 01:28:31,431 --> 01:28:33,111 But I did not kneel. 1078 01:28:35,551 --> 01:28:39,431 Come, now, you are a mere three days from being handed a kingdom. 1079 01:28:39,551 --> 01:28:43,551 We must not let one Jew rob us of our joy. 1080 01:28:43,751 --> 01:28:45,551 That is not good enough. 1081 01:28:47,551 --> 01:28:50,391 Then seek permission to honor the King's departure 1082 01:28:50,511 --> 01:28:52,351 with a public execution of a rebel 1083 01:28:53,471 --> 01:28:57,071 a symbol of your authority over those that remain. 1084 01:28:57,191 --> 01:29:01,911 A gallows, 50 cubits high with Mordecai right... 1085 01:29:20,551 --> 01:29:21,791 The chronicles. 1086 01:29:37,671 --> 01:29:38,711 Rise. 1087 01:29:39,111 --> 01:29:41,791 A matter disturbs me. You may be of assistance. 1088 01:29:42,151 --> 01:29:46,231 I am most pleased, my lord, for I, too, desire your counsel on a matter. 1089 01:29:46,631 --> 01:29:49,151 A certain man has rendered great service to me. 1090 01:29:49,271 --> 01:29:51,911 He has received many honors amongst his people, 1091 01:29:52,031 --> 01:29:53,911 but he once saved my life. 1092 01:29:54,711 --> 01:29:59,071 I feel, despite everything, full recognition 1093 01:29:59,231 --> 01:30:00,991 has not yet been given him. 1094 01:30:01,111 --> 01:30:03,991 What think you, shall be done for this man in whom the King delights 1095 01:30:04,071 --> 01:30:05,311 to honor? 1096 01:30:06,591 --> 01:30:08,831 Let a royal robe be sent for, 1097 01:30:09,551 --> 01:30:12,031 one his Majesty has donned in public. 1098 01:30:15,511 --> 01:30:16,831 And a horse 1099 01:30:17,831 --> 01:30:21,591 on whose head a royal crest is set. 1100 01:30:23,951 --> 01:30:28,671 Deliver them to one of the noblest princes of the Fars, 1101 01:30:29,071 --> 01:30:32,231 so that he can array the man in whom the King delights. 1102 01:30:33,151 --> 01:30:36,951 And then parade this man through the streets, proclaiming, 1103 01:30:37,111 --> 01:30:41,431 "Thus shall it be done to the man in whom the King delights to honor." 1104 01:30:42,911 --> 01:30:44,791 Most excellent proposal. 1105 01:30:45,551 --> 01:30:48,471 Go yourself now and do all you have suggested. 1106 01:30:48,751 --> 01:30:49,951 My lord. 1107 01:30:51,471 --> 01:30:52,991 To a one Mordecai, 1108 01:30:54,791 --> 01:30:57,591 the scribe who sits within the King's gates. 1109 01:31:01,831 --> 01:31:02,991 Mordecai? 1110 01:31:04,671 --> 01:31:05,791 The Jew? 1111 01:31:21,151 --> 01:31:22,191 My lady. 1112 01:31:23,791 --> 01:31:26,551 - And who is this honored man? - A scribe. 1113 01:31:27,951 --> 01:31:31,431 A Jewish scribe, who claims to have saved the King's life. 1114 01:31:34,951 --> 01:31:39,231 I should think you would be honored by such a privilege given by the King. 1115 01:31:39,311 --> 01:31:40,471 Honored? 1116 01:31:45,751 --> 01:31:47,911 The prestige of Persia is at stake. 1117 01:31:48,351 --> 01:31:50,751 What will it be said of your husband, the king, that he commands 1118 01:31:50,871 --> 01:31:53,431 his highest prince to lead a Jew through the streets? 1119 01:31:53,511 --> 01:31:55,031 A Jew, my lady! 1120 01:31:56,031 --> 01:32:00,431 And how is a Jew any different than you or I? 1121 01:32:00,591 --> 01:32:01,671 They are our enemy. 1122 01:32:02,951 --> 01:32:04,671 They must be destroyed. 1123 01:32:05,831 --> 01:32:09,631 They may be your enemy, but not mine. 1124 01:32:09,991 --> 01:32:12,271 From the way that you defend them, 1125 01:32:14,231 --> 01:32:18,271 - one might almost think... - One might think what, 1126 01:32:20,151 --> 01:32:21,431 my prince? 1127 01:32:28,231 --> 01:32:31,191 One might think. That is all, my lady. 1128 01:32:33,511 --> 01:32:35,031 One might think. 1129 01:32:42,231 --> 01:32:45,151 HAMake your way for Mordecai, the Jew. 1130 01:32:46,391 --> 01:32:50,231 Make your way for Mordecai, who saved the King's life. 1131 01:32:50,631 --> 01:32:53,671 He is the man in whom the King delights to honor. 1132 01:32:55,751 --> 01:32:59,151 All hail for Mordecai, the Jew, honored of the King. 1133 01:32:59,671 --> 01:33:03,511 Beloved of the Queen. All hail for Mordecai, the Jew. 1134 01:33:04,231 --> 01:33:07,751 Honored of the King. Beloved of the Queen. 1135 01:33:43,471 --> 01:33:44,591 Guards... 1136 01:33:47,071 --> 01:33:49,831 My queen, I bring you word from Mordecai. 1137 01:33:50,271 --> 01:33:51,751 You've run out of time. 1138 01:33:54,231 --> 01:33:56,311 When the King leaves for Greece tomorrow, 1139 01:33:56,391 --> 01:33:58,831 he will appoint Haman as his regent. 1140 01:34:00,231 --> 01:34:03,271 It is our last chance to stop this edict of death. 1141 01:34:04,231 --> 01:34:07,311 He made me vow to speak his words. 1142 01:34:10,871 --> 01:34:14,471 You will indeed risk your life if you go before the King... 1143 01:34:15,271 --> 01:34:18,511 but do not think that if you keep silent 1144 01:34:19,351 --> 01:34:23,111 your position will save you alone from this edict. 1145 01:34:24,031 --> 01:34:27,951 For if you keep silent, deliverance for the Jews 1146 01:34:28,591 --> 01:34:31,551 will arise from someplace else, 1147 01:34:32,711 --> 01:34:33,831 but you 1148 01:34:35,231 --> 01:34:36,831 will surely perish. 1149 01:34:38,471 --> 01:34:42,431 Who knows whether you have come to the palace 1150 01:34:43,591 --> 01:34:45,311 for such a time as this? 1151 01:34:51,271 --> 01:34:54,351 He said to give you this. 1152 01:35:05,671 --> 01:35:08,991 Tell Mordecai to assemble the Jews. 1153 01:35:10,151 --> 01:35:12,031 Ask them to fast and pray. 1154 01:35:13,311 --> 01:35:14,951 I will do the same. 1155 01:35:17,231 --> 01:35:20,151 And in the morning, arrange for me a litter. 1156 01:35:21,591 --> 01:35:25,871 I will array myself as queen and go before the King unsummoned, 1157 01:35:28,271 --> 01:35:30,591 even though it is against the law. 1158 01:35:38,671 --> 01:35:40,111 And if I perish, 1159 01:35:42,231 --> 01:35:43,391 I perish. 1160 01:35:52,631 --> 01:35:55,751 People of Persia, servants of the crown, 1161 01:35:56,511 --> 01:35:58,711 today we embrace our destiny 1162 01:35:59,311 --> 01:36:03,311 to raid and rule the world over and stand against the Greeks 1163 01:36:03,711 --> 01:36:06,191 and all who would rob us of our glory. 1164 01:36:07,431 --> 01:36:08,991 Her crown, quickly. 1165 01:36:09,911 --> 01:36:11,911 The litter will be here any moment. 1166 01:36:13,951 --> 01:36:16,271 - No litter is coming. - What? 1167 01:36:16,871 --> 01:36:19,551 I do not know what you plan, but... 1168 01:36:19,911 --> 01:36:22,431 The King leaves for the outpost within the hour. 1169 01:36:22,511 --> 01:36:24,391 I have not time to wait out this rain. 1170 01:36:24,511 --> 01:36:27,271 I am not going to allow you to kill yourself. 1171 01:36:29,511 --> 01:36:30,551 No... 1172 01:36:31,991 --> 01:36:35,431 - Please tell me you did not. - What possible assurance do you have 1173 01:36:35,591 --> 01:36:38,431 he would lower his scepter to spare your life? 1174 01:36:39,871 --> 01:36:43,671 You do not go into a bedroom of a man, you go into the hall of a king. 1175 01:36:44,231 --> 01:36:47,631 This is not you against him. This is you against protocol. 1176 01:36:48,071 --> 01:36:49,831 You against the empire. 1177 01:36:50,991 --> 01:36:54,511 Then I... I go as 1178 01:36:56,351 --> 01:37:00,031 David did before Goliath and the Philistines. 1179 01:37:04,991 --> 01:37:08,991 Those are just stories, Esther. Do you hear me? Just stories. 1180 01:37:11,351 --> 01:37:16,031 Know you what I love most about the story of David and Goliath? 1181 01:37:18,751 --> 01:37:22,911 David's victory came not because he fought well 1182 01:37:26,271 --> 01:37:29,111 but because he believed well. 1183 01:37:30,431 --> 01:37:34,191 Thus I leave you on this day, your regent, in my absence, 1184 01:37:35,231 --> 01:37:37,671 Lord Haman, prince of the Fars. 1185 01:37:38,871 --> 01:37:41,751 It is my will that each of you obey him in every way, 1186 01:37:41,831 --> 01:37:44,191 exactly as you would regard your king. 1187 01:38:48,311 --> 01:38:50,751 Unsummoned she comes before the King. 1188 01:38:51,871 --> 01:38:53,031 She does. 1189 01:39:03,831 --> 01:39:05,631 Is protocol not broken? 1190 01:39:08,671 --> 01:39:10,911 - Yes, protocol has been broken. - Guards! 1191 01:40:16,031 --> 01:40:17,431 Before the King. 1192 01:40:47,631 --> 01:40:51,071 - We have not time to waste. - What did he say to your request? 1193 01:40:51,191 --> 01:40:53,991 The timing, the faces... I could not ask it. 1194 01:40:54,511 --> 01:40:56,351 Not there, not in court. 1195 01:40:56,711 --> 01:40:59,111 What then? Do we perish? 1196 01:41:01,671 --> 01:41:04,911 We have but one last chance. You must help me prepare. 1197 01:41:05,391 --> 01:41:08,431 A king may lower his scepter to whoever he wishes. 1198 01:41:13,711 --> 01:41:14,711 My lord, 1199 01:41:14,791 --> 01:41:18,551 this day your kingdom has all but been ripped from your hands. 1200 01:41:21,951 --> 01:41:25,471 This Esther has dishonored you more than Vashti ever could. 1201 01:41:31,551 --> 01:41:34,111 See not you now how she has trapped you? 1202 01:41:36,031 --> 01:41:38,791 Inviting us to a banquet to hear her request? 1203 01:41:40,631 --> 01:41:44,391 If you go, the people will deem you to be a pawn. 1204 01:41:45,791 --> 01:41:47,271 If you refuse, 1205 01:41:48,831 --> 01:41:49,831 a coward. 1206 01:41:53,351 --> 01:41:55,551 There is but one way to proceed. 1207 01:42:35,591 --> 01:42:38,271 Is the meal to your satisfaction, my lord? 1208 01:42:39,711 --> 01:42:41,751 The night draws late. 1209 01:42:43,871 --> 01:42:46,111 Once more I ask for your petition, my queen. 1210 01:42:59,031 --> 01:43:00,311 My petition, 1211 01:43:02,551 --> 01:43:03,711 my lord, 1212 01:43:06,431 --> 01:43:08,991 is that you allow me to finish a story. 1213 01:43:10,471 --> 01:43:12,751 One that I began many nights ago. 1214 01:43:24,551 --> 01:43:26,551 The story of Jacob, my lord, 1215 01:43:28,191 --> 01:43:30,911 does not finish with marrying Rachel. 1216 01:43:31,031 --> 01:43:33,271 Well, they go on to have 12 sons. 1217 01:43:33,351 --> 01:43:37,951 And like these 12 pillars that surround us, they became the pillars of a people. 1218 01:43:38,151 --> 01:43:39,391 Surely... 1219 01:43:40,071 --> 01:43:44,231 Surely you do not delay an army only to finish a children's tale? 1220 01:43:55,431 --> 01:43:58,111 If I still find favor in your sight, 1221 01:43:59,671 --> 01:44:03,511 let my life be given me, at my petition. 1222 01:44:05,111 --> 01:44:06,871 And my people at my request. 1223 01:44:06,951 --> 01:44:10,631 You demand of me your life and that of your people? 1224 01:44:11,871 --> 01:44:13,191 My dear girl, 1225 01:44:14,431 --> 01:44:19,191 I know not of your people. You have yet to tell me who they are. 1226 01:44:19,431 --> 01:44:23,711 Had we been merely sold as slaves, I would have held my tongue. 1227 01:44:24,551 --> 01:44:27,871 This Haman wanted our blood, 1228 01:44:28,551 --> 01:44:32,831 my blood, the blood of Jacob, your Jacob. 1229 01:44:34,151 --> 01:44:36,511 Your Jacob was given a new name. 1230 01:44:37,511 --> 01:44:38,631 Israel. 1231 01:44:41,711 --> 01:44:43,391 As, too, was I. 1232 01:44:44,311 --> 01:44:46,391 You, Esther? 1233 01:44:47,911 --> 01:44:49,031 A Jew? 1234 01:44:52,311 --> 01:44:54,231 Not Esther, my lord. 1235 01:45:04,071 --> 01:45:06,871 Hadassah Bat-Abihail, 1236 01:45:08,911 --> 01:45:11,191 daughter of the tribe of Benjamin, 1237 01:45:12,431 --> 01:45:14,551 child of the most high God. 1238 01:45:16,511 --> 01:45:20,071 Never have I heard a more pathetic story in my entire life. 1239 01:45:20,471 --> 01:45:21,871 She is no Jew. 1240 01:45:22,591 --> 01:45:24,271 She's another Vashti. 1241 01:45:24,791 --> 01:45:26,991 Seems it not convenient to you? 1242 01:45:27,111 --> 01:45:28,871 An army marches, 1243 01:45:29,631 --> 01:45:32,791 and suddenly she is a Jew. 1244 01:45:37,191 --> 01:45:39,911 Esther is a Jew. 1245 01:45:40,351 --> 01:45:43,151 Your Vashti but protested the notion of war. 1246 01:45:43,231 --> 01:45:47,631 This queen seeks to counter the very authority of your rule. 1247 01:45:47,791 --> 01:45:51,551 A Jew? If such were true, why did she hide it till now? 1248 01:45:51,631 --> 01:45:54,031 Pray, do tell us. 1249 01:46:00,031 --> 01:46:03,831 The Almighty has indeed ordained 1250 01:46:04,311 --> 01:46:08,431 that my words speak not truth unto you. At least allow my heart. 1251 01:46:15,951 --> 01:46:17,151 For this 1252 01:46:18,391 --> 01:46:22,231 which I have offered you, my most precious in all the world, 1253 01:46:22,471 --> 01:46:25,831 the very identity etched within me. 1254 01:46:40,591 --> 01:46:42,511 Well, is something supposed to be happening here? 1255 01:46:45,711 --> 01:46:48,911 The stars... Do you not see them? 1256 01:46:58,231 --> 01:46:59,871 Do you not see them? 1257 01:47:05,631 --> 01:47:06,911 A mockery. 1258 01:47:28,431 --> 01:47:31,231 Perhaps not how you had hoped it would end? 1259 01:47:33,031 --> 01:47:35,231 Imagined you that I would beg? 1260 01:47:40,231 --> 01:47:42,391 Think you I will beg? 1261 01:47:43,151 --> 01:47:44,631 Beg for my life? 1262 01:47:44,991 --> 01:47:49,031 Beg like my forefather Agag before your sword? 1263 01:47:49,671 --> 01:47:51,991 Would you like me to beg for you? 1264 01:48:03,591 --> 01:48:04,591 Oh, 1265 01:48:07,031 --> 01:48:08,911 please, my lady. 1266 01:48:12,791 --> 01:48:14,951 Please, Your Highness. 1267 01:48:16,031 --> 01:48:19,711 Please spare me. 1268 01:48:20,671 --> 01:48:24,951 Spare me my life. You are a lady of mercy. 1269 01:48:25,631 --> 01:48:26,791 Spare me. 1270 01:48:27,711 --> 01:48:30,391 I beg for forgiveness. 1271 01:48:30,511 --> 01:48:34,871 Spare me, spare me, you Jew! 1272 01:48:37,471 --> 01:48:39,871 Would he also assault the Queen, 1273 01:48:40,631 --> 01:48:41,831 my wife, 1274 01:48:43,871 --> 01:48:46,351 while I am in my house? 1275 01:48:50,431 --> 01:48:54,591 Harbonah has informed me that the gallows post stands in Haman's yard 1276 01:48:54,711 --> 01:48:59,471 even as we speak. Apparently intended for one Mordecai the Jew. 1277 01:49:00,271 --> 01:49:01,751 Hang him on it. 1278 01:49:02,591 --> 01:49:03,591 No! 1279 01:49:03,991 --> 01:49:04,991 No! 1280 01:49:14,431 --> 01:49:15,951 What made you come back? 1281 01:49:18,271 --> 01:49:19,431 I saw them. 1282 01:49:24,191 --> 01:49:25,751 I saw the stars. 1283 01:49:40,671 --> 01:49:42,871 Thus with one faithful act 1284 01:49:42,951 --> 01:49:46,431 has a new generation redeemed the time of centuries past 1285 01:49:46,591 --> 01:49:48,631 and stepped into their destiny. 1286 01:49:48,751 --> 01:49:52,711 On this day, I give you your new prince, and master of audiences, 1287 01:49:53,831 --> 01:49:55,111 Mordecai Ben-Yair. 1288 01:49:55,431 --> 01:49:58,231 On the day appointed for their destruction, 1289 01:49:58,671 --> 01:50:01,551 all Jews shall have the right 1290 01:50:01,951 --> 01:50:03,591 to protect themselves 1291 01:50:03,711 --> 01:50:07,551 and shall be entitled to take all the property of their attackers. 1292 01:50:08,831 --> 01:50:10,871 And I send forth this story 1293 01:50:10,951 --> 01:50:14,151 enjoining all to keep a day of feasting and gladness. 1294 01:50:14,271 --> 01:50:18,751 A celebration to be passed on and retold through every generation, 1295 01:50:18,871 --> 01:50:20,631 to be known as Purim, 1296 01:50:20,711 --> 01:50:23,991 or the casting of the Pur that determined its time. 1297 01:50:24,871 --> 01:50:29,071 While we continue onward in the face of a world filled with uncertainty, 1298 01:50:29,191 --> 01:50:32,911 we can rejoice, for hidden within its mysteries 1299 01:50:33,471 --> 01:50:35,711 is the honor of a king. 1300 01:50:36,271 --> 01:50:39,631 Thus dictated, I order this decree sent out 1301 01:50:39,751 --> 01:50:42,471 under the great seal of Mordecai, 1302 01:50:43,071 --> 01:50:44,631 prince of Persia, 1303 01:50:45,671 --> 01:50:46,751 a Jew.