1 00:00:59,390 --> 00:01:02,110 My name is Abigail Russell. 2 00:01:03,160 --> 00:01:06,980 I look like a slut, but don't be fooled. 3 00:01:08,700 --> 00:01:11,470 This is merely a disguise to lure 4 00:01:11,470 --> 00:01:14,260 the dangerous predators who walk among us. 5 00:01:16,200 --> 00:01:19,610 This is their jungle, their breeding ground. 6 00:01:21,610 --> 00:01:25,350 And tonight, I am on the hunt. 7 00:01:25,350 --> 00:01:28,080 These are the cheaters. 8 00:01:28,080 --> 00:01:32,290 The married, lying scum. 9 00:01:32,290 --> 00:01:38,240 They are like diseased cells, cultured in alcoholic Petri dishes 10 00:01:38,240 --> 00:01:41,480 that destroy unsuspecting families. 11 00:01:42,120 --> 00:01:46,470 And infect millions of innocent vaginas. 12 00:01:46,470 --> 00:01:49,140 There is no cure for the married cock. 13 00:01:50,100 --> 00:01:51,870 Only me. 14 00:01:52,400 --> 00:01:54,390 The nurse. 15 00:01:57,840 --> 00:02:00,220 Your money's no good here. 16 00:02:00,550 --> 00:02:01,950 Two. 17 00:02:10,100 --> 00:02:11,250 Hmm. 18 00:02:13,070 --> 00:02:16,310 Till death do us part. 19 00:02:17,360 --> 00:02:19,800 What would your wife think? 20 00:02:29,280 --> 00:02:33,470 I always give them one last chance. 21 00:02:46,670 --> 00:02:49,810 So, you got a name? I mean, what should I call you? 22 00:02:49,810 --> 00:02:53,300 Call me whatever the fuck you want. 23 00:03:00,730 --> 00:03:04,160 Hey, come on. Give me that back. 24 00:03:06,560 --> 00:03:08,880 Beautiful family. 25 00:03:08,880 --> 00:03:10,850 You're a very lucky man. 26 00:03:10,850 --> 00:03:13,300 Okay. Okay, give me the wallet back. 27 00:03:13,300 --> 00:03:18,220 Fred W. Ward the Second from Ridgewood, New Jersey. 28 00:03:18,220 --> 00:03:20,270 Boring. 29 00:03:20,270 --> 00:03:22,060 I get it. Really. 30 00:03:22,060 --> 00:03:26,270 No, I don't think you do, Fred. 31 00:03:28,070 --> 00:03:32,160 You see, I'm all about a man with a ring. 32 00:03:39,750 --> 00:03:43,420 So, Fred from Ridgewood, New Jersey, 33 00:03:43,420 --> 00:03:47,620 are you a no-good cheating son of a bitch? 34 00:03:47,620 --> 00:03:49,380 Yes. 35 00:03:49,690 --> 00:03:53,360 Yes, absolutely. 36 00:03:53,360 --> 00:03:58,070 And your beautiful wife, how does she feel about your behavior? 37 00:03:58,370 --> 00:03:59,930 My wife? 38 00:04:00,740 --> 00:04:02,760 She's got no fucking clue. 39 00:04:02,760 --> 00:04:05,130 I'm afraid she will now. 40 00:04:05,540 --> 00:04:07,510 Ow! Shit! 41 00:04:07,900 --> 00:04:09,680 Did you bite me? 42 00:04:09,680 --> 00:04:13,830 God, no. Just a small laceration to the femoral artery. 43 00:04:14,340 --> 00:04:16,040 You crazy bitch. 44 00:04:16,040 --> 00:04:19,140 Don't be such a pussy, Fred. 45 00:04:19,140 --> 00:04:21,730 - What the fuck? - So, here's the deal. 46 00:04:21,730 --> 00:04:25,470 At the rate you're bleeding, you'll be dead in a few minutes. 47 00:04:25,470 --> 00:04:28,300 And your wife and those two beautiful girls, 48 00:04:28,300 --> 00:04:32,810 they won't be scarred by a cheating sack of shit like yourself. 49 00:04:33,840 --> 00:04:36,100 Pay close attention now. 50 00:04:36,110 --> 00:04:38,370 You have a couple of choices. 51 00:04:38,370 --> 00:04:40,870 You could either head down those stairs... 52 00:04:40,880 --> 00:04:46,160 However, in approximately 90 seconds, you'll lose all consciousness. 53 00:04:46,710 --> 00:04:48,520 Or... 54 00:04:51,150 --> 00:04:53,880 You can take the fast way down. 55 00:05:40,440 --> 00:05:43,540 From the time I was a young child, 56 00:05:43,540 --> 00:05:46,480 I was taught there is no higher calling 57 00:05:46,480 --> 00:05:50,750 than helping those who cannot help themselves. 58 00:05:51,980 --> 00:05:55,110 I work at one of the great institutions of healing. 59 00:05:56,880 --> 00:06:00,190 All Saints Hospital. 60 00:06:00,190 --> 00:06:05,530 The men here take the doctor-patient relationship very seriously. 61 00:06:06,160 --> 00:06:09,630 When they say, "Open wide," 62 00:06:09,630 --> 00:06:12,200 you might want to make sure they are wearing pants. 63 00:06:16,600 --> 00:06:20,540 We each get a newbie to mentor here at All Saints. 64 00:06:21,540 --> 00:06:23,450 This is mine. 65 00:06:23,710 --> 00:06:26,780 Danni Rogers. 66 00:06:26,780 --> 00:06:31,130 She reminds me a lot of myself when I first started. 67 00:06:31,130 --> 00:06:35,250 She has the looks, the insecurities, 68 00:06:35,250 --> 00:06:39,830 and emotional credentials to really make a difference. 69 00:06:41,800 --> 00:06:43,660 This is our story. 70 00:06:45,230 --> 00:06:49,040 And for you nurses out there, lighten up. 71 00:06:53,070 --> 00:06:59,080 You do your job your way, and I'll do my job mine. 72 00:06:59,080 --> 00:07:04,090 I love my fucking job. 73 00:07:09,290 --> 00:07:12,430 Ladies and gentlemen, I am Dr. Robert Morris, 74 00:07:12,430 --> 00:07:14,750 the chief of staff here at All Saints. 75 00:07:14,750 --> 00:07:17,850 And on behalf of the administration, I want to welcome you, 76 00:07:17,850 --> 00:07:19,200 and let you know that 77 00:07:19,200 --> 00:07:23,680 we consider our nursing staff to be the backbone of this hospital. 78 00:07:23,680 --> 00:07:27,120 You are our angels of mercy. 79 00:07:27,310 --> 00:07:29,710 And now I would like to introduce to you 80 00:07:29,710 --> 00:07:31,890 the real person in charge here. 81 00:07:31,890 --> 00:07:34,970 The head nurse, Betty Watson. 82 00:07:39,550 --> 00:07:42,820 Welcome to All Saints Memorial. 83 00:07:42,820 --> 00:07:47,560 This is a momentous day for each and every one of you. 84 00:07:47,560 --> 00:07:50,830 For today, you join the elite fraternity 85 00:07:50,830 --> 00:07:54,070 of healers known as the Nurses Corps. 86 00:07:56,870 --> 00:07:59,580 Now get over here, let me make it official. 87 00:08:08,780 --> 00:08:09,780 Mom! 88 00:08:09,780 --> 00:08:12,550 We are so proud of you. 89 00:08:12,550 --> 00:08:14,330 Congratulations. 90 00:08:14,330 --> 00:08:16,100 Thank you, Mom. 91 00:08:16,100 --> 00:08:19,670 I was so nervous up there. I'm so glad that's over. 92 00:08:20,620 --> 00:08:22,360 Hi. 93 00:08:22,810 --> 00:08:24,210 Abby! 94 00:08:24,900 --> 00:08:28,970 We are so lucky to have you. 95 00:08:28,970 --> 00:08:32,170 Abby, this is my mom. Abby's been such an inspiration to me. 96 00:08:32,170 --> 00:08:34,940 You have such a special daughter here. 97 00:08:34,940 --> 00:08:37,810 - Thank you. - Champagne. 98 00:08:37,810 --> 00:08:40,250 For the lady of the hour. Congratulations, baby. 99 00:08:40,250 --> 00:08:42,660 - I'm so proud of you. - Thank you. 100 00:08:43,120 --> 00:08:44,750 Abby, this is my boyfriend Steve. 101 00:08:44,750 --> 00:08:47,490 - Hi. - Abby Russell. 102 00:08:47,920 --> 00:08:52,550 And you must be the esteemed Dr. Larry Cook. 103 00:08:52,550 --> 00:08:54,200 Yes. 104 00:08:55,860 --> 00:08:59,030 Well, enjoy the moment. 105 00:08:59,030 --> 00:09:00,870 See you in the halls. 106 00:09:00,870 --> 00:09:03,310 I'll see you. Bye. 107 00:09:03,600 --> 00:09:05,430 To Danni. 108 00:09:21,220 --> 00:09:24,960 This is Danni's boyfriend. Steve. 109 00:09:24,960 --> 00:09:28,730 I guess he wasn't smart enough to go to medical school 110 00:09:28,730 --> 00:09:31,060 so he did the next best thing. 111 00:09:31,070 --> 00:09:34,740 He gets to wear a uniform and drive a big truck. 112 00:09:47,110 --> 00:09:48,310 Hello? 113 00:09:49,910 --> 00:09:52,370 Is someone in here? 114 00:09:58,090 --> 00:10:02,330 You scared the hell out of me. You're crazy. 115 00:10:02,330 --> 00:10:04,860 We'll get in trouble. 116 00:10:04,870 --> 00:10:06,860 What's gotten into you? 117 00:10:14,140 --> 00:10:16,980 I can't believe we're doing this. 118 00:10:27,190 --> 00:10:28,790 Why don't you just move in with me? 119 00:10:28,790 --> 00:10:30,190 We can do this whenever we want. 120 00:10:30,190 --> 00:10:32,090 - Move in? - Yeah. 121 00:10:33,750 --> 00:10:35,460 What? 122 00:10:35,460 --> 00:10:37,830 That's a big commitment. 123 00:10:37,830 --> 00:10:39,540 What does that mean? 124 00:10:41,300 --> 00:10:44,870 I have a new job, my mom's husband is an asshole. 125 00:10:44,870 --> 00:10:47,970 I have all this shit going on right now. 126 00:10:47,980 --> 00:10:50,180 Baby, what am I missing? What shit? 127 00:10:50,180 --> 00:10:53,580 Are you kidding me? Do you not listen to me when we talk? 128 00:10:53,950 --> 00:10:55,250 Where... 129 00:10:55,250 --> 00:10:57,280 Ooh! Whoa! 130 00:10:57,290 --> 00:11:01,420 Someone is in here having sex with a very gorgeous biracial man. 131 00:11:04,130 --> 00:11:09,160 So I'm just gonna be on my way, but consider this your break. 132 00:11:09,160 --> 00:11:11,870 You're back in five. You. 133 00:11:11,870 --> 00:11:16,300 Take as much time as you need because my break is up next. Ow! 134 00:11:19,440 --> 00:11:21,980 Ooh, I knew she was nasty. I knew it. 135 00:11:23,340 --> 00:11:26,110 Danni, listen to me. Hey... 136 00:11:27,850 --> 00:11:31,920 Look, I love you. 137 00:11:31,920 --> 00:11:34,290 Okay, just tell me what it is that I'm not getting. 138 00:11:35,580 --> 00:11:37,650 Just forget it. 139 00:11:55,110 --> 00:11:56,430 Their car was toast. 140 00:11:56,430 --> 00:11:58,560 High velocity impact, driver's side. 141 00:11:58,560 --> 00:12:00,560 Here's your driver. 142 00:12:02,120 --> 00:12:04,950 Hey! You're not a fucking spectator. 143 00:12:04,950 --> 00:12:06,900 Get in the game. 144 00:12:07,560 --> 00:12:12,960 This was the first time Danni had ever seen anything like this. 145 00:12:12,960 --> 00:12:16,650 She lost her virginity and the blood flowed. 146 00:12:18,000 --> 00:12:20,880 She needed to see some carnage. 147 00:12:21,140 --> 00:12:24,340 It's part of being a nurse. 148 00:12:24,340 --> 00:12:29,180 This job is more than sticking thermometers in butts and looking pretty. 149 00:12:41,460 --> 00:12:45,160 It's our job to take care of the problems, not make the problems. 150 00:12:45,160 --> 00:12:48,900 If you can't do this, work in a doctor's office, okay? 151 00:12:48,900 --> 00:12:52,100 You think about it. Don't be here if you can't do the job. 152 00:12:52,100 --> 00:12:55,370 That Dr. Pigface Morris. 153 00:12:55,370 --> 00:12:58,690 He loves breaking in the new girls. 154 00:12:59,470 --> 00:13:02,440 You could see the bulge in his pants. 155 00:13:14,050 --> 00:13:18,450 I wanted to comfort Danni, to hold her, 156 00:13:20,030 --> 00:13:23,400 to tell her that everything would be all right. 157 00:13:25,670 --> 00:13:29,340 But Danni ran to her boyfriend instead. 158 00:13:29,340 --> 00:13:31,590 No, I can handle it. 159 00:13:33,370 --> 00:13:37,150 Steve, I called you for support, not to get a lecture. 160 00:13:37,150 --> 00:13:39,880 I gotta go, I'll call you back. 161 00:13:39,880 --> 00:13:42,200 Steve, now is not the time. 162 00:13:42,620 --> 00:13:44,580 Goodbye. 163 00:13:53,060 --> 00:13:54,660 You okay? 164 00:13:56,000 --> 00:13:57,680 I don't know what happened. 165 00:13:57,680 --> 00:13:59,830 They were everywhere, I just froze. 166 00:13:59,830 --> 00:14:01,780 It happens to all of us. 167 00:14:01,780 --> 00:14:04,210 The first big one's always tough. 168 00:14:04,210 --> 00:14:07,530 But, hey, nobody died tonight. 169 00:14:07,530 --> 00:14:10,320 - Does it get any easier? - No. 170 00:14:10,580 --> 00:14:12,650 But after a while, you start to realize 171 00:14:12,650 --> 00:14:16,020 that whatever you're going through, 172 00:14:16,020 --> 00:14:19,590 it's 100 times worse for that person on the gurney. 173 00:14:19,590 --> 00:14:23,690 I graduated first in my class. I never got lower than a 97 on any exam. 174 00:14:23,690 --> 00:14:26,360 I know what I'm doing. 175 00:14:26,360 --> 00:14:29,660 Dr. Morris, shit. He was so pissed. 176 00:14:29,820 --> 00:14:33,420 He's always pissed. It wasn't just you. 177 00:14:34,360 --> 00:14:35,700 Come on. 178 00:14:35,700 --> 00:14:38,590 We'll grab drinks after I shower. 179 00:14:47,910 --> 00:14:49,630 What's wrong? 180 00:14:50,320 --> 00:14:52,250 That's Larry's car. 181 00:14:52,250 --> 00:14:55,250 That fucking scumbag, I knew he was cheating on my mom. 182 00:14:55,260 --> 00:14:57,620 Wait here. 183 00:14:57,630 --> 00:14:59,060 See you again, Dr. Cook. 184 00:14:59,060 --> 00:15:01,060 Thank you. Thanks a lot. 185 00:15:01,060 --> 00:15:03,500 Larry? 186 00:15:03,500 --> 00:15:05,260 I thought you were at a conference in Boston. 187 00:15:05,270 --> 00:15:08,530 Uh... Yeah, Danni. It finished up early. 188 00:15:08,540 --> 00:15:10,500 So you called my mom, 189 00:15:10,510 --> 00:15:13,340 your wife, and told her that you're gonna stop by the Fairmont? 190 00:15:13,340 --> 00:15:14,610 Hey! Get your hand off of me, son of a bitch. 191 00:15:14,610 --> 00:15:16,010 You're out of line. 192 00:15:39,130 --> 00:15:40,500 Here you go. 193 00:15:41,930 --> 00:15:44,910 I can't. I can't have another shot, Abby. 194 00:15:45,930 --> 00:15:48,480 It's so easy. Put your head back. 195 00:15:53,150 --> 00:15:54,600 Yes. 196 00:15:54,600 --> 00:15:56,670 That's it. 197 00:15:59,620 --> 00:16:02,070 Come on, let's go dance. 198 00:16:02,420 --> 00:16:04,120 Abby! 199 00:17:24,030 --> 00:17:27,580 I wasn't sure you were gonna wake up. 200 00:17:27,580 --> 00:17:29,900 Where am I? 201 00:17:30,280 --> 00:17:32,450 My apartment. 202 00:17:32,530 --> 00:17:35,070 Jesus, really? 203 00:17:35,070 --> 00:17:40,450 God, the last thing I remember was downing a drink at that club. 204 00:17:41,420 --> 00:17:43,260 How much did I drink? 205 00:17:47,180 --> 00:17:50,560 Where did I get this? I don't think I want to know. 206 00:17:51,570 --> 00:17:54,310 Are you looking for these? 207 00:17:55,020 --> 00:17:57,690 Yeah. Thank you. 208 00:18:08,820 --> 00:18:12,350 God, I don't even remember leaving the club last night. 209 00:18:12,350 --> 00:18:15,350 Shit, did I ever call Steve back? 210 00:18:15,360 --> 00:18:19,490 Don't worry, I texted him from your phone. 211 00:18:20,910 --> 00:18:22,690 As you. 212 00:18:23,400 --> 00:18:26,600 I wasn't sure if he knew about your drinking. 213 00:18:29,300 --> 00:18:31,300 How do you like your coffee? 214 00:18:31,310 --> 00:18:34,310 You seem like a milk and sugar kind of girl. 215 00:18:35,680 --> 00:18:39,180 Here. Call in sick. 216 00:18:39,180 --> 00:18:42,600 Spend the day with me. We'll have so much fun. 217 00:18:42,600 --> 00:18:45,810 Abby, it's my first week, I can't. 218 00:18:45,810 --> 00:18:49,650 It's a hospital. People get sick all the time. 219 00:18:53,850 --> 00:18:55,830 Sound sick. 220 00:18:55,830 --> 00:18:59,230 Abby, I feel like shit, but I'm not sick. 221 00:18:59,230 --> 00:19:01,530 Look, I have to go. 222 00:19:01,540 --> 00:19:03,570 Have you seen my clothes anywhere? 223 00:19:03,570 --> 00:19:06,010 I can't wear this to work. 224 00:19:06,010 --> 00:19:10,310 Danni was getting all weird. Not a "thank you." 225 00:19:10,310 --> 00:19:13,580 She was so worried Steve might find out 226 00:19:13,580 --> 00:19:17,420 that Danni got fucked by a total stranger. 227 00:19:17,420 --> 00:19:22,790 And she's trying so hard to remember if she did it or not. 228 00:19:23,510 --> 00:19:29,800 And if that's not enough, she's wondering if I was a part of the fun. 229 00:19:36,270 --> 00:19:38,700 Here, you can have this. 230 00:19:38,710 --> 00:19:40,910 I was gonna give it away anyways. 231 00:19:40,910 --> 00:19:43,540 Oh, my God, thank you so much. 232 00:19:43,540 --> 00:19:48,380 Either way, she'll tell herself the whole thing was a dream. 233 00:19:48,380 --> 00:19:50,480 But I won't let her get away with that. 234 00:19:52,020 --> 00:19:56,070 No, this was no dream. 235 00:19:57,960 --> 00:20:00,460 Could we just pretend last night never happened? 236 00:20:07,070 --> 00:20:10,000 How about next time we just do, like, 237 00:20:10,000 --> 00:20:14,470 lunch and shopping or something? 238 00:20:14,480 --> 00:20:17,330 She got fucked and she liked it. 239 00:20:18,810 --> 00:20:21,580 She can't turn her back on that. 240 00:20:21,580 --> 00:20:23,900 I won't let her. 241 00:20:32,760 --> 00:20:36,060 Neighbor! Hey, neighbor! 242 00:20:36,060 --> 00:20:39,470 Hey, haven't seen you around much. 243 00:20:39,470 --> 00:20:43,750 My schedule's been murder. What happened to your hand? 244 00:20:43,750 --> 00:20:45,210 Carpal tunnel. 245 00:20:45,210 --> 00:20:47,960 Well, I hope it's from having fun. 246 00:20:47,960 --> 00:20:51,320 No, I mean, not what you're thinking. 247 00:20:51,320 --> 00:20:53,270 I worry about you going out alone. 248 00:20:53,270 --> 00:20:56,500 There's a lot of creeps out there, and you look kind of, you know... 249 00:20:56,500 --> 00:20:57,610 Slutty? 250 00:20:57,610 --> 00:21:01,550 No, never. But guys might get the wrong idea. 251 00:21:01,550 --> 00:21:05,140 It's dangerous out there. I see dead people all the time. 252 00:21:05,140 --> 00:21:08,900 You transport cadavers to the anatomy lab. 253 00:21:08,900 --> 00:21:11,750 You work with dead people, Jared. 254 00:21:11,750 --> 00:21:14,070 Yeah, but they weren't always dead. 255 00:21:14,070 --> 00:21:15,770 Some of them were killed. 256 00:21:15,770 --> 00:21:18,090 I'm just saying, I've seen some nasty shit. 257 00:21:18,090 --> 00:21:21,620 And if you need protection, I'd be happy to accompany you. 258 00:21:21,620 --> 00:21:25,320 You're such a gentleman. I'll be fine. 259 00:21:28,520 --> 00:21:30,950 You have a good night, Jared. 260 00:21:32,790 --> 00:21:35,020 You, too. 261 00:21:37,300 --> 00:21:39,830 75 Rockefeller. 262 00:21:45,670 --> 00:21:50,400 I knew Danni's prick stepfather was a psychiatrist. 263 00:21:50,410 --> 00:21:53,770 I also knew he was a fucking scumbag. 264 00:21:54,110 --> 00:21:57,170 But I'm a hands-on kind of girl, 265 00:21:57,170 --> 00:22:01,790 and since I'm here, it can't hurt to deal with some of my own shit. 266 00:22:02,330 --> 00:22:05,180 We've covered a lot of ground for our first session. 267 00:22:05,190 --> 00:22:08,130 What is it that gives you so much anxiety? 268 00:22:08,130 --> 00:22:10,390 I feel there's something you're not telling me. 269 00:22:10,390 --> 00:22:12,420 I'm an addict. 270 00:22:12,420 --> 00:22:16,320 That's more common than you think in the health care profession. 271 00:22:16,320 --> 00:22:19,140 What is it that you're addicted to? 272 00:22:19,590 --> 00:22:21,070 Men. 273 00:22:21,700 --> 00:22:25,070 There's nothing wrong with desiring men at your age. 274 00:22:25,070 --> 00:22:28,810 No, Doctor, I'm not desiring men. 275 00:22:28,810 --> 00:22:31,390 I'm addicted to them. 276 00:22:36,080 --> 00:22:41,050 My mommy and I loved going to visit Daddy at his office. 277 00:22:41,060 --> 00:22:43,220 I want you to put on your best smile for Daddy. 278 00:22:43,220 --> 00:22:45,600 Okay, go on in. 279 00:22:46,130 --> 00:22:48,930 Daddy worked very hard. 280 00:22:48,930 --> 00:22:53,070 He was very dedicated to his practice. 281 00:22:54,230 --> 00:22:57,540 He was a great influence on me. 282 00:22:57,540 --> 00:23:02,910 Even now, the way I live my life, the men I choose, 283 00:23:02,910 --> 00:23:05,780 is a tribute to that man. 284 00:23:09,080 --> 00:23:10,850 It sounds like you had a perfect family. 285 00:23:14,460 --> 00:23:16,120 Dr. Cook. 286 00:23:16,790 --> 00:23:19,650 Do you think you could help me? 287 00:23:20,430 --> 00:23:24,030 Curing addiction doesn't happen overnight, it's a process. 288 00:23:24,030 --> 00:23:26,830 There are sex addiction programs 289 00:23:26,830 --> 00:23:29,300 and treatment centers that I can recommend. 290 00:23:29,300 --> 00:23:33,300 And we'll continue to work on it here in our sessions. 291 00:23:35,980 --> 00:23:40,030 That's all the time we have. Same time next week? 292 00:23:41,240 --> 00:23:45,370 And if you need me sooner... 293 00:23:50,270 --> 00:23:52,160 Here's my cell. 294 00:23:56,270 --> 00:23:57,800 Dr. Cook. 295 00:23:57,800 --> 00:24:01,500 I feel pretty confident with you at my side. 296 00:24:01,500 --> 00:24:03,960 I can lick this. 297 00:24:21,590 --> 00:24:23,060 Hi, Tony. 298 00:24:33,770 --> 00:24:36,840 Good morning! Good morning, Doctor. 299 00:24:36,840 --> 00:24:41,340 I'm fine, thanks. I hope I don't look that tired. 300 00:24:41,340 --> 00:24:43,190 I don't know, I couldn't get to sleep. 301 00:24:43,190 --> 00:24:45,080 Good morning, Regina. 302 00:24:45,080 --> 00:24:47,890 I guess the paramedic liked your storage closet 303 00:24:47,890 --> 00:24:51,790 because somebody got flowers, girlfriend, and it wasn't me. 304 00:24:52,090 --> 00:24:53,640 Huh. 305 00:24:53,640 --> 00:24:56,780 I can't remember the last time I got some damn flowers. 306 00:24:56,780 --> 00:25:00,780 I don't know why I can't get my husband to send me something. 307 00:25:00,780 --> 00:25:05,560 I mean, I give him good sex, too. I got a great rack. 308 00:25:05,560 --> 00:25:07,560 No offense. 309 00:25:10,000 --> 00:25:12,370 You are lucky I was on call. 310 00:25:12,370 --> 00:25:14,810 Gunshot victim. Internal bleeding. 311 00:25:14,810 --> 00:25:16,480 We drained him, sewed up the pulmonary lining. 312 00:25:16,480 --> 00:25:18,000 But to prevent the sack from reopening, 313 00:25:18,000 --> 00:25:19,560 we have to keep him immobilized. 314 00:25:19,560 --> 00:25:21,590 I want him on Vecuronium. Start him on 6 cc's. 315 00:25:21,590 --> 00:25:23,260 Now, if he so much as twitches, you let me know 316 00:25:23,260 --> 00:25:24,940 immediately, and we'll up his dosage. 317 00:25:24,940 --> 00:25:27,260 - Understood. - Hmm. 318 00:25:31,960 --> 00:25:33,600 Six cc's. 319 00:25:33,600 --> 00:25:34,900 Sorry. 320 00:25:34,900 --> 00:25:36,990 The Vercu? 321 00:25:42,740 --> 00:25:46,000 Hey, Michelle. I need 6 cc's of Vecuronium. 322 00:25:46,000 --> 00:25:49,020 Okay. I'll get it for you. 323 00:25:55,320 --> 00:25:58,380 Bumpy start for us, Rogers. 324 00:25:58,390 --> 00:26:03,690 But I've got a feeling you'll fit in perfectly. 325 00:26:03,690 --> 00:26:05,170 Keep it up. 326 00:26:09,760 --> 00:26:11,400 Thanks, Mel. 327 00:26:17,870 --> 00:26:19,420 Thanks, Danni. 328 00:26:28,310 --> 00:26:32,320 As I watched Danni's little round ass, 329 00:26:32,320 --> 00:26:35,390 the same one that I had eaten the night before, 330 00:26:35,390 --> 00:26:39,760 prior to finger-fucking her to six orgasms, 331 00:26:39,760 --> 00:26:45,230 and when I saw those tacky $10 flowers from dickless little Steve, 332 00:26:45,230 --> 00:26:48,070 I couldn't control myself. 333 00:26:48,070 --> 00:26:51,340 Fuck him. Fuck her. 334 00:26:51,340 --> 00:26:56,240 I'm not some fuck toy to be played with and tossed aside. 335 00:26:56,240 --> 00:27:00,700 She needs me. Whether she knows it or not. 336 00:27:19,210 --> 00:27:21,650 I'm so clumsy. 337 00:27:21,650 --> 00:27:23,750 It's okay. Just be careful. 338 00:27:23,750 --> 00:27:25,860 I'll replace the vase. 339 00:27:25,860 --> 00:27:27,950 It's fine. Here. 340 00:27:27,950 --> 00:27:31,980 I'm sorry. The flowers are beautiful. 341 00:27:36,980 --> 00:27:38,520 Did he fuck up? 342 00:27:38,520 --> 00:27:41,020 We just had a disagreement. 343 00:27:41,020 --> 00:27:44,930 Do you want to talk about it? Just us girls? 344 00:27:45,490 --> 00:27:48,330 Steve's now pressuring me to move in. 345 00:27:48,330 --> 00:27:51,270 Don't ever let a man pressure you. 346 00:27:51,270 --> 00:27:53,120 He's a really good guy. 347 00:27:53,120 --> 00:27:55,580 They all start that way. 348 00:27:56,140 --> 00:27:59,770 How well do you know Steve? 349 00:27:59,770 --> 00:28:02,210 We met back when we were freshmen in college, 350 00:28:02,210 --> 00:28:04,240 but we just started dating a couple years ago. 351 00:28:04,250 --> 00:28:08,010 He was really there for me when my father passed away. 352 00:28:08,020 --> 00:28:10,050 What happened to him? 353 00:28:10,050 --> 00:28:11,920 Car accident. 354 00:28:11,920 --> 00:28:13,450 Drunk driver. 355 00:28:13,450 --> 00:28:15,350 I'm so sorry. 356 00:28:15,360 --> 00:28:17,860 I know how you feel. 357 00:28:17,860 --> 00:28:21,610 I lost my father when I was eight years old. 358 00:28:26,230 --> 00:28:28,100 Hold out your hand. 359 00:28:33,870 --> 00:28:36,820 This is an extra key to my apartment. 360 00:28:37,310 --> 00:28:38,890 Why? What for? 361 00:28:38,890 --> 00:28:42,690 If you ever need your own space, 362 00:28:42,690 --> 00:28:47,450 or you just want to get away from Larry or Steve, 363 00:28:47,450 --> 00:28:48,990 it's there for you. 364 00:28:48,990 --> 00:28:50,900 Thank you. 365 00:28:51,360 --> 00:28:54,930 You know, funny enough, Larry's the reason I go home. 366 00:28:54,930 --> 00:28:57,530 I don't want to leave him alone with my mother. 367 00:28:57,530 --> 00:28:59,870 Steve just doesn't understand that. 368 00:28:59,870 --> 00:29:01,370 I understand. 369 00:29:01,370 --> 00:29:03,650 You want to protect your mother. 370 00:29:03,650 --> 00:29:06,050 Every daughter does. 371 00:30:02,960 --> 00:30:04,320 Hi, Larry. 372 00:30:04,320 --> 00:30:05,640 Hi. 373 00:30:08,300 --> 00:30:11,470 I can call you Larry? Is that okay? 374 00:30:11,470 --> 00:30:13,750 I mean, office hours are over. 375 00:30:13,750 --> 00:30:15,550 Of course, of course. 376 00:30:15,550 --> 00:30:18,610 Is there something wrong? 377 00:30:19,480 --> 00:30:22,740 - Can you give me a ride? - Sure. 378 00:30:22,740 --> 00:30:25,020 Do you want me to call somebody about your car? 379 00:30:25,020 --> 00:30:27,970 No, my car is fine. 380 00:30:27,970 --> 00:30:31,640 It's my addiction. 381 00:30:32,160 --> 00:30:34,460 It's happening again. 382 00:30:34,460 --> 00:30:37,060 We should go somewhere and discuss this. 383 00:30:37,060 --> 00:30:40,700 Yes. Yes, please. 384 00:30:40,700 --> 00:30:42,500 Your house? 385 00:30:42,500 --> 00:30:45,580 Um, no. No, we can't go there. 386 00:30:45,580 --> 00:30:47,430 Oh. Right. 387 00:30:47,430 --> 00:30:49,260 Wifey. 388 00:31:00,390 --> 00:31:04,020 And so the dedicated husband, 389 00:31:04,020 --> 00:31:10,200 esteemed author, learned educator and renowned therapist 390 00:31:10,200 --> 00:31:14,670 took me to an alley to fuck. 391 00:31:14,670 --> 00:31:18,700 I wonder if he's going to bill me for the session. 392 00:31:18,710 --> 00:31:23,210 So, you are officially my favorite client. 393 00:31:23,210 --> 00:31:26,210 I'd say we're having a breakthrough. 394 00:31:26,210 --> 00:31:29,100 There's a hotel around the corner. 395 00:31:33,720 --> 00:31:36,590 What's wrong with right here? 396 00:31:51,600 --> 00:31:55,640 Your wife ever tie you up, Larry? 397 00:31:56,420 --> 00:31:57,940 No. 398 00:32:12,980 --> 00:32:15,390 What the fuck? 399 00:32:15,770 --> 00:32:20,560 Larry, I've just injected you with 4 cc's of Vecuronium. 400 00:32:21,560 --> 00:32:23,470 So relax. 401 00:32:23,860 --> 00:32:26,800 Wow. That was fast. 402 00:32:26,800 --> 00:32:29,590 It's already paralyzed your arms. 403 00:32:29,590 --> 00:32:32,520 And soon, it will make it impossible for you 404 00:32:32,520 --> 00:32:35,560 to move any other part of your body. 405 00:32:36,150 --> 00:32:40,750 And while Vecuronium is slightly more expensive than its competition, 406 00:32:40,750 --> 00:32:44,290 it produces few adverse side effects. 407 00:32:44,290 --> 00:32:47,590 It simply paralyzes you. 408 00:32:50,500 --> 00:32:54,570 You look so adorable strapped in like that. 409 00:32:56,090 --> 00:32:58,350 Here, allow me. 410 00:33:02,540 --> 00:33:05,840 So, let's make this a happy event. 411 00:33:07,480 --> 00:33:14,250 Once you're gone, your wife will inherit lots and lots of money. 412 00:33:14,250 --> 00:33:17,360 She will never know what a creep you were. 413 00:33:18,520 --> 00:33:20,730 You won't get caught. 414 00:33:20,730 --> 00:33:24,640 So you see, Larry, this is a win-win. 415 00:33:27,870 --> 00:33:30,700 And as I watched the monster about to die, 416 00:33:30,700 --> 00:33:32,890 I knew I'd done the right thing. 417 00:33:32,890 --> 00:33:35,560 This would set things right for me and Danni. 418 00:33:35,560 --> 00:33:38,290 It was a perfect jumping-off point. 419 00:33:38,290 --> 00:33:41,860 The very thing for me and Danni to build on. 420 00:33:41,860 --> 00:33:44,060 I felt a new beginning. 421 00:33:44,060 --> 00:33:48,140 There was actually moisture trickling down my leg. 422 00:33:55,350 --> 00:33:58,980 Larry made me come, after all. 423 00:34:06,240 --> 00:34:07,840 Holy shit! 424 00:34:07,840 --> 00:34:10,970 Lady, you got a cell? Call 911. 425 00:34:13,370 --> 00:34:16,140 Directory assistance. City and listing, please. 426 00:34:16,140 --> 00:34:19,040 In Manhattan. The number of Maestro's. 427 00:34:19,040 --> 00:34:21,870 Thank you. We'll connect you. 428 00:34:21,870 --> 00:34:23,300 Hello, Maestro's. 429 00:34:23,300 --> 00:34:25,790 Can you tell me the specials of the evening? 430 00:34:25,790 --> 00:34:28,500 We've got a very nice seafood risotto and a lobster bisque. 431 00:34:28,500 --> 00:34:30,000 Sounds so good. 432 00:34:30,000 --> 00:34:33,010 And we've got some portobello-stuffed ravioli 433 00:34:33,010 --> 00:34:36,670 in a bechamel sauce with sauteed shiitake mushrooms. 434 00:34:36,670 --> 00:34:40,960 Shiitake mushrooms? Wow. 435 00:34:55,620 --> 00:34:57,920 It's just me, Jared. 436 00:34:57,930 --> 00:35:00,580 Oh. It's kind of late to be getting in. 437 00:35:01,890 --> 00:35:04,280 Go back to bed, Jared. 438 00:35:06,330 --> 00:35:09,180 You're the best man I know. 439 00:35:12,970 --> 00:35:16,410 I returned home on a high. 440 00:35:16,410 --> 00:35:20,250 An orgasm and a great meal at Maestro's. 441 00:35:28,170 --> 00:35:29,730 Jesus. 442 00:35:31,320 --> 00:35:34,330 Danni, are you all right? 443 00:35:53,350 --> 00:35:55,550 Larry was killed tonight. 444 00:36:03,720 --> 00:36:07,230 It's okay, it's okay. 445 00:36:08,290 --> 00:36:11,010 I'll take care of you now. 446 00:36:16,270 --> 00:36:21,340 My mother's sedated. My aunt said she'd call me if she needs me. 447 00:36:21,340 --> 00:36:25,440 I just had to get out of there. I'm a mess. 448 00:36:25,450 --> 00:36:30,580 I'm sorry, I just didn't know where else to go. 449 00:36:30,580 --> 00:36:33,590 You came to the right place. 450 00:36:33,590 --> 00:36:35,890 You'll stay with me. 451 00:36:37,760 --> 00:36:43,030 Thanks, but I was just on my way to Steve's. 452 00:36:43,030 --> 00:36:45,860 I just really needed to talk. 453 00:36:45,870 --> 00:36:48,830 I think I'm gonna move in with him. 454 00:36:48,840 --> 00:36:51,370 Danni, you've been traumatized. 455 00:36:51,370 --> 00:36:55,670 Now is not the right time to make that kind of a decision. 456 00:36:55,680 --> 00:37:00,050 He cares about me. I think he really wants to understand me. 457 00:37:00,050 --> 00:37:02,050 I understand you. 458 00:37:02,050 --> 00:37:05,380 Nobody understands you like I understand you. 459 00:37:05,380 --> 00:37:06,880 Nobody. 460 00:37:06,880 --> 00:37:09,320 Now, forget about this Steve. 461 00:37:09,320 --> 00:37:12,560 He's just some loser you fucked in college. 462 00:37:12,590 --> 00:37:16,390 You're a nurse now. Grow up already! 463 00:37:16,400 --> 00:37:18,660 Why are you being like this? 464 00:37:18,660 --> 00:37:21,080 Being like what? 465 00:37:22,370 --> 00:37:24,770 I have to leave. 466 00:37:24,770 --> 00:37:26,710 So that was it. 467 00:37:49,590 --> 00:37:54,230 Nobody will ever understand you like I do. 468 00:37:54,230 --> 00:37:56,310 And you were right. Larry was a pig. 469 00:37:56,310 --> 00:37:58,380 I just hope his dick got sliced off 470 00:37:58,380 --> 00:38:00,780 when he went through the windshield. 471 00:38:00,780 --> 00:38:04,440 I never told you he was in a car crash. 472 00:38:39,390 --> 00:38:40,990 Miss Rogers. 473 00:38:41,260 --> 00:38:43,430 Detective Ed Rogan. 474 00:38:43,430 --> 00:38:45,710 I'm really sorry for your loss. 475 00:38:45,710 --> 00:38:47,770 I'm working on your stepfather's case. 476 00:38:47,770 --> 00:38:49,240 Post mortem and tox came in. 477 00:38:49,240 --> 00:38:50,890 I might have some questions down the road 478 00:38:50,890 --> 00:38:52,630 so I wanted to introduce myself. 479 00:38:52,630 --> 00:38:54,770 This probably isn't the best time. 480 00:38:54,770 --> 00:38:56,550 Probably. 481 00:38:57,250 --> 00:38:58,930 I needed to speak with anybody 482 00:38:58,930 --> 00:39:01,870 who saw your stepfather the day he was killed. 483 00:39:03,540 --> 00:39:06,170 Got to roll with the punches here. 484 00:39:06,170 --> 00:39:11,010 Well, if there's anything you can think I might need to know, 485 00:39:11,010 --> 00:39:13,080 I would appreciate you calling me. 486 00:39:13,080 --> 00:39:17,180 I can't think of anything I need to tell you about him. 487 00:39:17,180 --> 00:39:21,190 Well, again, I'm really sorry for your loss. 488 00:39:30,760 --> 00:39:33,010 Just give me a second. 489 00:39:38,980 --> 00:39:41,340 Why were you speaking with that cop? 490 00:39:43,780 --> 00:39:46,880 I was a patient of Larry's. 491 00:39:46,880 --> 00:39:49,860 He meant a lot to me. 492 00:39:51,520 --> 00:39:54,440 I never mentioned it to you. 493 00:39:55,550 --> 00:40:01,230 Please, give your mother my best. 494 00:40:01,230 --> 00:40:05,600 And as simple as that, I left her. 495 00:40:05,600 --> 00:40:07,270 I had to get back to work 496 00:40:07,270 --> 00:40:10,700 and this mentoring thing was becoming a distraction. 497 00:40:10,700 --> 00:40:13,200 I wasn't myself. 498 00:40:13,210 --> 00:40:17,110 But I would have never guessed what was coming at me next. 499 00:40:25,180 --> 00:40:29,590 Good morning! Isn't it a lovely day to smile? 500 00:40:29,590 --> 00:40:33,630 Good morning. Have a wonderful day, okay? 501 00:40:33,630 --> 00:40:36,230 Good morning! Oh, darn. 502 00:40:36,230 --> 00:40:38,730 Good morning. How are we today? 503 00:40:38,730 --> 00:40:40,770 We are peeing in a bag. 504 00:40:40,770 --> 00:40:43,130 Oh! How convenient! 505 00:40:43,140 --> 00:40:45,200 Would you look at this? 506 00:40:45,200 --> 00:40:46,180 What? 507 00:40:46,180 --> 00:40:48,300 This damn lady with these smiley face stickers. 508 00:40:48,300 --> 00:40:50,250 There are no smiley face people here. 509 00:40:50,250 --> 00:40:53,510 You think this man pushing his bladder in a bag feels like smiling? 510 00:40:53,510 --> 00:40:54,700 Probably not. 511 00:40:54,700 --> 00:40:58,010 You think me having to change that bag is making me want to smile? 512 00:40:58,010 --> 00:40:59,150 Definitely not. 513 00:40:59,150 --> 00:41:03,220 No. Hell no. I hate these smiley face people. 514 00:41:05,790 --> 00:41:08,190 I tell you what, she better not bring her ass down here 515 00:41:08,190 --> 00:41:10,550 because I will punch that bitch right in her face. 516 00:41:10,550 --> 00:41:13,200 See who's smiling then. 517 00:41:16,770 --> 00:41:19,270 Oh, shit, here she comes. 518 00:41:19,270 --> 00:41:21,900 Look down, I mean, don't look up. 519 00:41:21,900 --> 00:41:24,480 Act like you're doing something. 520 00:41:25,900 --> 00:41:28,550 Don't look up. Don't look up. 521 00:41:28,550 --> 00:41:30,110 Shit. 522 00:41:31,400 --> 00:41:35,080 Good morning, Regina. 523 00:41:35,510 --> 00:41:37,350 How did you know my name? 524 00:41:37,350 --> 00:41:40,760 Well, I know everything. I'm the new HR director. 525 00:41:40,760 --> 00:41:44,030 Plus, you're wearing a nametag. Right there. 526 00:41:44,030 --> 00:41:45,400 I can see it. 527 00:41:45,400 --> 00:41:47,170 So, you can fire my ass. 528 00:41:47,170 --> 00:41:49,850 It's only my first day. Give me some time. 529 00:41:50,970 --> 00:41:52,370 That's not funny, honey. 530 00:41:52,370 --> 00:41:53,870 We got a lot of work to do around here, okay? 531 00:41:53,870 --> 00:41:55,140 We don't got time to be happy. 532 00:41:55,140 --> 00:41:58,240 So how can I help you, Miss Adams? 533 00:41:58,240 --> 00:42:02,010 Thank you for asking. I'm looking for Abigail Russell. 534 00:42:02,020 --> 00:42:04,780 She's doing her rounds. 431. 535 00:42:04,780 --> 00:42:06,500 Thank you. 536 00:42:06,990 --> 00:42:08,890 Oh, no, I'm... 537 00:42:08,890 --> 00:42:11,160 - Have a wonderful day. - What's... 538 00:42:11,160 --> 00:42:14,040 See, no, honey, I'm not really the smiley face type. 539 00:42:14,040 --> 00:42:16,830 Do you have an angry face? 540 00:42:21,970 --> 00:42:24,520 Hello. Have a good day! 541 00:42:24,520 --> 00:42:25,880 Abby? 542 00:42:25,880 --> 00:42:28,920 Hi, Rachel Adams. I just started up in Human Resources. 543 00:42:28,920 --> 00:42:35,090 - Welcome aboard. - Oh! Thank you. You look that. 544 00:42:39,960 --> 00:42:43,900 You know, you look really familiar. Where did you grow up? 545 00:42:43,900 --> 00:42:46,410 Right here in New York. You? 546 00:42:46,410 --> 00:42:48,440 A few miles away. Paramus. 547 00:42:48,440 --> 00:42:50,690 Can't say I've ever been. 548 00:42:50,690 --> 00:42:52,670 Gosh darn it, you look familiar. 549 00:42:52,670 --> 00:42:54,350 Where did you go to college? 550 00:42:54,350 --> 00:42:56,500 Syracuse. How about you? 551 00:42:56,500 --> 00:42:57,760 Rutgers. 552 00:42:57,760 --> 00:42:59,340 Oh, well, we'll figure it out. 553 00:42:59,340 --> 00:43:01,490 Well, it looks like you're very busy. 554 00:43:01,490 --> 00:43:03,690 Yay! So, when you get a moment, 555 00:43:03,690 --> 00:43:05,040 I'd like to go over the schedules, 556 00:43:05,040 --> 00:43:06,540 make sure that we're staffed properly. 557 00:43:06,540 --> 00:43:09,020 - Okay, I'll drop by to see you. - Okay. 558 00:43:09,180 --> 00:43:10,820 Thank you. 559 00:43:10,820 --> 00:43:12,280 Oh! Oh! 560 00:43:12,290 --> 00:43:14,450 I just realized who you look like. 561 00:43:14,450 --> 00:43:16,230 Anybody good? 562 00:43:16,230 --> 00:43:19,090 Well, no one you'd know. My next door neighbor Sarah. 563 00:43:19,090 --> 00:43:23,330 They put her in Sunnyview Institute when she was just a kid. 564 00:43:23,330 --> 00:43:27,100 The last time I saw her, she was putting her mother's house up for sale. 565 00:43:27,100 --> 00:43:28,730 But that was a few years ago. 566 00:43:28,740 --> 00:43:31,970 Well, if I run into someone who looks like me, 567 00:43:31,970 --> 00:43:35,770 I'll make sure to send your regards. 568 00:43:35,780 --> 00:43:39,710 Hey, you got any more of those smiley face stickers? 569 00:43:39,710 --> 00:43:42,850 I'll bet they'd really cheer up some of my patients. 570 00:43:42,850 --> 00:43:45,080 Of course! Aw! 571 00:43:46,320 --> 00:43:48,520 Thank you. 572 00:43:49,060 --> 00:43:52,890 You're the spitting image of Sarah Price. Just so you know. 573 00:43:52,890 --> 00:43:54,490 Wowee! 574 00:44:16,310 --> 00:44:19,490 University of Syracuse. Hmm. 575 00:44:52,450 --> 00:44:55,230 Oh, my God. You scared me. 576 00:44:55,230 --> 00:44:56,640 Is everything all right? 577 00:44:56,640 --> 00:44:59,460 It's been quite a first day. That was interesting. 578 00:44:59,460 --> 00:45:01,430 I'm so sorry. 579 00:45:01,430 --> 00:45:04,560 It sounds like you could use a drink. 580 00:45:04,560 --> 00:45:06,330 You want to meet up later tonight? 581 00:45:06,330 --> 00:45:08,170 Sure. 582 00:45:08,170 --> 00:45:09,530 The Sutton? 583 00:45:09,540 --> 00:45:11,440 It's a date! 584 00:45:11,440 --> 00:45:13,400 - Girls' night! - Mmm-hmm. 585 00:45:28,850 --> 00:45:30,620 - Hello? - Hey. 586 00:45:31,390 --> 00:45:33,320 Do you want something? 587 00:45:33,330 --> 00:45:36,290 I thought you might like to join me and the new HR girl. 588 00:45:36,300 --> 00:45:38,290 We're gonna go grab a drink. 589 00:45:38,290 --> 00:45:39,890 I'm busy. 590 00:45:39,890 --> 00:45:42,420 I feel like you've been avoiding me. Where are you right now? 591 00:45:42,420 --> 00:45:45,660 I'm at Steve's. We're having dinner at his house. 592 00:45:45,660 --> 00:45:49,660 Really? You need some help with that big bag? 593 00:46:12,030 --> 00:46:15,470 I was truly confused by Danni's behavior. 594 00:46:15,470 --> 00:46:18,240 Larry was her stepfather. 595 00:46:18,240 --> 00:46:20,540 She hated the guy. 596 00:46:20,540 --> 00:46:23,880 He's gone and she's mad at me. 597 00:46:23,880 --> 00:46:26,210 I failed as a mentor. 598 00:46:26,210 --> 00:46:28,790 She failed as a friend. 599 00:46:29,550 --> 00:46:31,990 Game on. 600 00:47:19,460 --> 00:47:22,110 Hey, baby. Didn't hear you come in. 601 00:47:22,940 --> 00:47:25,750 Hi, babe. Hey. 602 00:47:25,940 --> 00:47:27,290 Hi. 603 00:47:28,940 --> 00:47:30,940 Can you get me my water bottle? 604 00:47:30,940 --> 00:47:33,530 - Yeah, sure. - Thank you. 605 00:47:34,620 --> 00:47:36,280 What are you doing here still? 606 00:47:36,280 --> 00:47:38,860 Just trying to get out the door. I'm running late. 607 00:47:43,750 --> 00:47:45,210 Looking at porn? 608 00:47:45,210 --> 00:47:50,210 No, I'm just clearing spam. Baby, you have to get a better firewall. 609 00:47:52,880 --> 00:47:55,860 You good? What's up with you? 610 00:47:56,440 --> 00:47:58,670 Just need you to hold me. 611 00:47:58,670 --> 00:48:01,240 Sure, baby, but I can't guarantee 612 00:48:01,240 --> 00:48:04,050 that it won't turn into something else. 613 00:48:07,550 --> 00:48:09,050 You okay? What's going on? 614 00:48:09,050 --> 00:48:11,280 It's Abby. She... 615 00:48:11,280 --> 00:48:14,290 I found out she was a fucking patient of Larry's. 616 00:48:14,290 --> 00:48:16,450 Okay, and? 617 00:48:16,460 --> 00:48:18,360 Well, we are... 618 00:48:18,360 --> 00:48:21,690 We were getting close and she never told me that. 619 00:48:21,690 --> 00:48:24,060 Since when did you guys become close? 620 00:48:24,060 --> 00:48:27,330 We're not, she thinks we are. 621 00:48:27,330 --> 00:48:29,580 And she should have told me about that. 622 00:48:29,580 --> 00:48:33,220 I mean, she knew how I felt about Larry. 623 00:48:33,220 --> 00:48:36,500 Danni, is there something else going on between you guys? 624 00:48:36,500 --> 00:48:37,610 Like what? 625 00:48:37,610 --> 00:48:41,570 Like, you're having other issues and reading into things. 626 00:48:45,380 --> 00:48:46,970 Who's that? 627 00:48:47,750 --> 00:48:49,230 It's the captain. 628 00:48:50,160 --> 00:48:52,180 He's pissed. 629 00:48:53,520 --> 00:48:56,160 Look, baby, I know this is something that you need to talk about 630 00:48:56,160 --> 00:48:57,460 and I want to hear it. 631 00:48:57,460 --> 00:49:00,560 Just go. Go to work. 632 00:49:00,570 --> 00:49:03,470 I do want to talk about whatever it is that's bothering you. 633 00:49:03,470 --> 00:49:05,200 It can wait, okay? 634 00:49:05,200 --> 00:49:06,650 Okay. 635 00:49:08,340 --> 00:49:10,880 All right. I'll see you later. 636 00:49:56,520 --> 00:49:58,560 Is that Danni? 637 00:49:58,560 --> 00:50:00,330 Hi, Danni! Hi, Rachel. 638 00:50:00,330 --> 00:50:01,850 Danni, say hi. 639 00:50:01,850 --> 00:50:06,060 - Hi, Danni. Hi, I'm with Sarah. - Hey. 640 00:50:06,060 --> 00:50:09,050 I'm not with Sarah, I'm with Abby. 641 00:50:09,050 --> 00:50:14,020 I keep calling her Sarah because she looks like Sarah, 642 00:50:14,020 --> 00:50:16,260 but she's not Sarah, she's Abby. 643 00:50:16,260 --> 00:50:19,500 Abby, say hi. Say hi, Abby. 644 00:50:19,500 --> 00:50:20,920 Hey. 645 00:50:20,920 --> 00:50:22,190 Cheers, okay. 646 00:50:22,190 --> 00:50:27,280 So many cheers to you and to everybody in the world. 647 00:50:35,620 --> 00:50:37,200 Are you okay? 648 00:50:37,200 --> 00:50:39,270 Danni, no... 649 00:50:41,100 --> 00:50:42,640 Um... 650 00:50:42,640 --> 00:50:44,130 Rachel. 651 00:50:47,910 --> 00:50:50,580 Rachel, look behind you. 652 00:50:50,930 --> 00:50:52,180 Rachel, behind you. 653 00:50:52,180 --> 00:50:53,520 You go, girl! 654 00:50:53,520 --> 00:50:56,430 Behind you! No, no! Behind you, look! 655 00:50:56,430 --> 00:50:59,940 Look, no, no, no. Look behind you! Look behind you! 656 00:50:59,940 --> 00:51:02,570 No, look, look. Rachel, look! 657 00:51:10,230 --> 00:51:11,700 911, what's your emergency? 658 00:51:11,700 --> 00:51:14,300 Hi, I think I just saw someone being killed. 659 00:51:14,300 --> 00:51:17,270 It was online, they skyped me. 660 00:51:17,270 --> 00:51:20,770 Abby Russell, she lives off of Queens Boulevard in Long Island City. 661 00:51:20,770 --> 00:51:23,340 It's 1501 17th Street. 662 00:51:23,340 --> 00:51:25,480 Abby Russell. And she's the victim? 663 00:51:25,480 --> 00:51:27,280 No, she's the killer! 664 00:51:27,280 --> 00:51:30,350 It's happening right now. You have to send somebody now. 665 00:51:30,350 --> 00:51:33,650 Miss, we're dispatching a unit right now. 666 00:51:46,700 --> 00:51:50,900 Rachel's been looking for a reason to cause trouble. 667 00:51:50,900 --> 00:51:55,570 Sticking her smiley little face into places it shouldn't be. 668 00:51:55,570 --> 00:52:00,280 That's not the kind of things friends do to each other, is it, Danni? 669 00:52:00,280 --> 00:52:02,380 Poor Rachel. 670 00:52:02,380 --> 00:52:03,680 It looks like someone won't be at work tomorrow. 671 00:52:06,900 --> 00:52:08,480 Oh, my God. 672 00:52:12,070 --> 00:52:15,490 All right, Miss Rogers, I think I got it. 673 00:52:15,490 --> 00:52:17,840 You'll just wait here a moment, Detective Rogan will be with you 674 00:52:17,840 --> 00:52:19,830 when he finishes his interview. 675 00:52:19,830 --> 00:52:21,650 He's gonna have some questions. 676 00:52:21,650 --> 00:52:23,520 If you'll excuse me, miss. 677 00:52:23,520 --> 00:52:28,000 Danni called the cops on me. Pathetic. 678 00:52:28,670 --> 00:52:30,980 So I told the big, black stud cop 679 00:52:30,980 --> 00:52:33,540 that Danni was a damaged little girl 680 00:52:33,540 --> 00:52:37,300 and how much it pained me to see her this way. 681 00:52:37,300 --> 00:52:41,570 I'm not sure, but I might have even squeezed out a tear. 682 00:52:53,470 --> 00:52:54,970 You are lucky. 683 00:52:54,970 --> 00:52:57,530 Your friend's not pressing charges. 684 00:52:57,540 --> 00:53:01,040 You can't just call 911 and accuse someone of murder. 685 00:53:01,040 --> 00:53:05,640 Hey, what's going on? Are you okay? 686 00:53:05,650 --> 00:53:07,340 I saw her raising the needle to Rachel's neck. 687 00:53:07,350 --> 00:53:09,050 Rachel Owens is fine. 688 00:53:09,050 --> 00:53:10,810 She drank too much. 689 00:53:10,820 --> 00:53:13,350 She was passed out on Abby's couch. 690 00:53:13,350 --> 00:53:16,790 Abby's taunting me. She's doing this to fuck with me. 691 00:53:16,790 --> 00:53:21,200 Abby Russell seems to think you're obsessed with her. 692 00:53:21,630 --> 00:53:24,500 Said you broke into her apartment the night your stepfather died, 693 00:53:24,500 --> 00:53:26,330 that you must have made a copy of her key. 694 00:53:26,330 --> 00:53:28,370 She gave me a copy of her key. 695 00:53:28,370 --> 00:53:30,870 Why would she give you a key? 696 00:53:30,870 --> 00:53:34,070 She suggests you wanted to be more than just friends. 697 00:53:34,070 --> 00:53:35,440 It isn't like that. 698 00:53:35,440 --> 00:53:36,540 It's not like that? 699 00:53:36,540 --> 00:53:38,300 What is it like? Huh? 700 00:53:38,610 --> 00:53:40,290 Is it like this? 701 00:53:42,220 --> 00:53:44,340 Or is it like that? 702 00:53:45,870 --> 00:53:46,820 Huh? 703 00:53:46,820 --> 00:53:48,480 Here's another one. 704 00:53:49,020 --> 00:53:50,650 You guys. 705 00:53:50,650 --> 00:53:52,710 This is my favorite one. 706 00:53:53,060 --> 00:53:56,360 She says you're obsessed with her. 707 00:53:56,360 --> 00:53:58,600 She drugged me. I ran a blood test. 708 00:53:58,600 --> 00:54:00,260 I had rufilin in my system. 709 00:54:00,260 --> 00:54:02,190 Can you prove it? 710 00:54:03,340 --> 00:54:08,010 Word of advice, stay away from Abby Russell. 711 00:54:08,010 --> 00:54:12,030 She killed my stepfather. She told me to my face, she killed him. 712 00:54:12,030 --> 00:54:15,210 Yeah, I read your report. Here. 713 00:54:16,010 --> 00:54:18,550 This word. Can you pronounce it for me? 714 00:54:18,550 --> 00:54:19,820 Vecuronium. 715 00:54:19,820 --> 00:54:21,510 Huh. Vecuronium. 716 00:54:22,390 --> 00:54:24,110 What is that? 717 00:54:24,110 --> 00:54:26,090 It's a paralytic drug. 718 00:54:26,090 --> 00:54:30,520 Well, the autopsy report shows your stepfather had it in his system. 719 00:54:30,830 --> 00:54:34,400 Why would Larry inject himself with a paralytic drug? 720 00:54:34,400 --> 00:54:37,000 He wouldn't. It paralyzes you. 721 00:54:37,000 --> 00:54:38,940 Well, someone did. 722 00:54:38,940 --> 00:54:41,410 My boys down in the lab, they're never wrong. 723 00:54:41,410 --> 00:54:43,290 And something else is biting at me. 724 00:54:43,290 --> 00:54:47,620 The same day your stepfather died, you signed out the same drug. 725 00:54:48,550 --> 00:54:50,650 How crazy is that? Huh? 726 00:54:53,420 --> 00:54:56,480 Any reason I shouldn't be digging up your stepfather? 727 00:54:58,890 --> 00:55:02,130 You can go. 728 00:55:02,130 --> 00:55:04,470 I can only imagine what you're thinking. 729 00:55:04,470 --> 00:55:05,780 No, you can't. 730 00:55:05,780 --> 00:55:08,940 - Steve, please, I'm telling the truth. - You're telling me the truth? 731 00:55:08,940 --> 00:55:12,080 So, you're telling me that somebody photoshopped those pictures up there? 732 00:55:12,080 --> 00:55:14,450 And somebody else forged your signature at the hospital. 733 00:55:14,450 --> 00:55:16,600 - Steve... - You think I'm stupid, Danni? 734 00:55:16,600 --> 00:55:18,220 - I know it looks bad. - Jesus! 735 00:55:18,220 --> 00:55:19,990 It's not like that, though. It's not like that. 736 00:55:19,990 --> 00:55:22,620 And you've been fucking around on me with Abby. 737 00:55:22,620 --> 00:55:25,490 I haven't. You know me, I wouldn't do that. 738 00:55:25,750 --> 00:55:26,980 Steve. 739 00:55:29,150 --> 00:55:33,820 She's a liar, Steve. She's a fucking liar. She made all of it up, okay? 740 00:55:33,830 --> 00:55:35,630 Can't hear you. She made it all up. 741 00:55:35,630 --> 00:55:37,030 You know me. 742 00:55:37,030 --> 00:55:38,800 I won't be home tonight. 743 00:55:40,000 --> 00:55:41,150 Steve! 744 00:55:42,670 --> 00:55:43,970 Don't do this. 745 00:55:58,180 --> 00:56:00,630 I didn't really know who else to turn to. 746 00:56:01,620 --> 00:56:03,130 It's just... 747 00:57:18,800 --> 00:57:21,320 So, you're the nurse from All Saints that called about Sarah Price? 748 00:57:21,320 --> 00:57:22,370 I am. 749 00:57:22,370 --> 00:57:25,980 Man, you know, I haven't thought about Sarah since she left here when she was 18. 750 00:57:25,980 --> 00:57:27,370 Why was she here? 751 00:57:27,370 --> 00:57:28,670 Poor kid, you know. 752 00:57:28,670 --> 00:57:32,160 She was only eight years old when her mom walked in on her dad at the office. 753 00:57:32,160 --> 00:57:34,250 He was playing hide the snake with his nurse. 754 00:57:34,250 --> 00:57:35,670 Robert. 755 00:57:38,400 --> 00:57:40,040 How could you? 756 00:57:42,290 --> 00:57:45,560 Could you wait outside? Mommy and Daddy need to talk. 757 00:57:45,560 --> 00:57:47,780 Yeah, go on outside, honey. 758 00:57:57,970 --> 00:58:01,000 I told you never to barge into my office. 759 00:58:01,010 --> 00:58:02,910 Never again, you understand? 760 00:58:19,990 --> 00:58:23,510 When the father's nurse testified in support of Sarah's mom, 761 00:58:23,510 --> 00:58:26,310 the state sent the little girl here. 762 00:58:28,170 --> 00:58:29,970 So, what happened to Sarah? 763 00:58:29,970 --> 00:58:32,940 Sarah was a very complicated kid. 764 00:58:32,940 --> 00:58:35,140 Kind of stuck to herself most of the time. 765 00:58:35,140 --> 00:58:36,940 Cutest thing, though. 766 00:58:36,940 --> 00:58:39,010 You know, she used to always walk around with this doll. 767 00:58:39,010 --> 00:58:41,810 It was a nurse's doll. 768 00:58:46,050 --> 00:58:47,680 What happened to her? 769 00:58:47,690 --> 00:58:50,020 About a year later, the mom committed suicide. 770 00:58:50,020 --> 00:58:51,960 Sarah had no other family. 771 00:58:51,960 --> 00:58:56,230 One of the nurses here, she became like her guardian angel. 772 00:58:56,230 --> 00:58:59,660 Janet Russell. She and Sarah were inseparable. 773 00:58:59,660 --> 00:59:02,330 Sarah used to follow her all around the institution. 774 00:59:02,330 --> 00:59:05,800 They developed quite the mother-daughter bond. 775 00:59:05,800 --> 00:59:09,310 As a matter of fact, when Sarah was released, she went and lived with Janet. 776 00:59:09,310 --> 00:59:12,280 When Janet retired, she just stopped coming around. 777 00:59:12,280 --> 00:59:15,280 It's like she just disappeared. 778 00:59:15,280 --> 00:59:18,050 Not sure whatever happened to Sarah. 779 00:59:33,900 --> 00:59:36,130 Dr. Morris, I got your message. 780 00:59:36,140 --> 00:59:38,440 What's the issue you want to discuss? 781 00:59:38,440 --> 00:59:43,360 One of our young nurses had some troubling things to say about you, Abby. 782 00:59:43,530 --> 00:59:47,380 Well, you know I can be a little tough on the new girls. 783 00:59:47,380 --> 00:59:49,950 Well, this sounded a bit more than tough. 784 00:59:49,950 --> 00:59:52,180 I'm considering my options. 785 00:59:52,180 --> 00:59:54,790 Either I can look into this complaint by the sensitive young nurse, 786 00:59:54,790 --> 00:59:57,480 maybe bring the matter up before the board... 787 01:00:02,240 --> 01:00:03,730 Or? 788 01:00:03,730 --> 01:00:07,730 Or I provide you with an opportunity 789 01:00:07,730 --> 01:00:10,130 to show yourself in a different light. 790 01:00:11,740 --> 01:00:15,110 Let's go someplace private where we can talk. 791 01:01:27,410 --> 01:01:29,980 You're fucking crazy. 792 01:01:31,250 --> 01:01:33,820 What the fuck? 793 01:01:35,790 --> 01:01:38,260 Let me get some toys. 794 01:01:40,750 --> 01:01:44,690 You know, life is all about choices, Dr. Morris. 795 01:01:52,070 --> 01:01:57,340 You chose to have a wife and a family. 796 01:02:00,210 --> 01:02:06,320 And I'm guessing that your kids will be quite messed up. 797 01:02:07,390 --> 01:02:11,490 Now, that is so unfair. 798 01:02:11,490 --> 01:02:15,160 These are just children, Doctor. 799 01:02:15,160 --> 01:02:18,090 Pure, innocent souls. 800 01:02:23,500 --> 01:02:27,940 So, here are your choices. 801 01:02:27,940 --> 01:02:34,340 We can gouge your cheating eyes out. 802 01:02:37,110 --> 01:02:42,120 Or do we cut out your heart? 803 01:02:43,110 --> 01:02:46,480 That is assuming you have one. 804 01:02:47,390 --> 01:02:50,130 Stay with me, John. 805 01:02:53,560 --> 01:02:55,220 No, no. 806 01:02:55,230 --> 01:02:59,940 Let's get rid of Mr. Weenie. 807 01:02:59,940 --> 01:03:04,910 So he can't cheat on Mrs. Whiney anymore. 808 01:03:05,910 --> 01:03:08,110 And by the way, 809 01:03:08,110 --> 01:03:11,980 Mr. Weenie is looking very teenie right now. 810 01:03:11,980 --> 01:03:13,280 Fuck you. 811 01:03:13,290 --> 01:03:14,950 Should we go for it? 812 01:03:14,950 --> 01:03:16,300 No, no, no! 813 01:03:16,300 --> 01:03:17,590 Yeah? 814 01:03:17,590 --> 01:03:18,810 Fucking Christ! 815 01:03:18,810 --> 01:03:19,980 No. 816 01:03:19,980 --> 01:03:21,450 Fucking insane. 817 01:03:21,450 --> 01:03:22,750 Shh! 818 01:03:34,470 --> 01:03:36,460 No, no! 819 01:03:36,910 --> 01:03:40,140 I say we start with your arms. 820 01:03:40,150 --> 01:03:42,080 No, no, no! 821 01:03:42,080 --> 01:03:43,950 No, no, no! 822 01:04:09,010 --> 01:04:10,670 Nurses' station, this is Regina. 823 01:04:10,670 --> 01:04:12,230 Regina, it's Danni Rogers. 824 01:04:12,230 --> 01:04:14,940 I need to talk to Rachel from Human Resources and I don't have her cell. 825 01:04:14,940 --> 01:04:16,360 Can you look it up for me? 826 01:04:16,360 --> 01:04:18,270 Yeah, because I don't have nothing else to do. 827 01:04:18,270 --> 01:04:19,540 I'm not an operator. 828 01:04:19,540 --> 01:04:21,960 Come on, Regina, it's important. 829 01:04:21,960 --> 01:04:23,480 You can look it up in the employee directory. 830 01:04:23,480 --> 01:04:25,820 The operator won't give it out. 831 01:04:25,820 --> 01:04:27,710 Anything else? 832 01:04:27,710 --> 01:04:32,350 And by the way, I saw your cute little boyfriend roaming the halls. 833 01:04:32,350 --> 01:04:37,260 I will let him get a little taste of this until your skinny ass gets back here. 834 01:04:37,260 --> 01:04:41,590 I could grow that boy up real quick. Okay, wait. No, here it is. 835 01:04:41,590 --> 01:04:45,770 How about this, girl? They got it listed under "Smiley Face Bitch." 836 01:04:46,240 --> 01:04:48,030 Regina, can you connect me? 837 01:04:48,030 --> 01:04:49,820 Yeah, I can connect you. 838 01:04:49,820 --> 01:04:51,750 It would be my pleasure. 839 01:04:51,750 --> 01:04:55,460 Because I don't have a damn thing else to do. 840 01:04:56,390 --> 01:04:58,290 Come on, Rachel. 841 01:05:15,050 --> 01:05:16,540 What? 842 01:05:24,390 --> 01:05:26,330 Oh, my God. 843 01:05:43,300 --> 01:05:44,710 Really, now? 844 01:06:01,550 --> 01:06:04,210 I'm gonna take a cold shower. 845 01:06:08,460 --> 01:06:11,260 Hello, sweet thing. 846 01:06:11,260 --> 01:06:13,160 What did you do to Rachel? 847 01:06:13,170 --> 01:06:16,400 I was going to ask you the same thing. 848 01:06:16,400 --> 01:06:17,800 Her blood is in your car. 849 01:06:17,800 --> 01:06:19,740 So is her phone. 850 01:06:19,740 --> 01:06:21,570 Where is she? 851 01:06:21,570 --> 01:06:24,670 She didn't show up at work today. 852 01:06:24,680 --> 01:06:27,510 I think something's going around. 853 01:06:27,510 --> 01:06:30,580 I sure hope Steve doesn't catch it tonight. 854 01:06:36,620 --> 01:06:38,480 Hey, it's Steve. You know what to do. 855 01:06:38,480 --> 01:06:39,920 Steve, listen, I know you don't believe me, 856 01:06:39,920 --> 01:06:41,240 but you have to stay away from Abby, okay? 857 01:06:41,240 --> 01:06:43,660 She's dangerous. You have to trust me. 858 01:06:49,670 --> 01:06:51,170 Abby? 859 01:06:51,480 --> 01:06:53,200 Hey, Abby? 860 01:07:21,340 --> 01:07:22,170 Move! 861 01:07:22,170 --> 01:07:23,380 Excuse me, ma'am? 862 01:07:23,380 --> 01:07:24,530 Here! 863 01:07:25,540 --> 01:07:27,050 Hey, it's Steve. You know what to do. 864 01:07:27,050 --> 01:07:28,570 Shit. 865 01:07:28,840 --> 01:07:32,680 We'll catch up. All right? All right, man, talk to you later. 866 01:07:32,680 --> 01:07:35,180 You okay, buddy? 867 01:07:35,180 --> 01:07:37,380 Hang tough, we're gonna take care of you, man. 868 01:08:07,750 --> 01:08:09,680 Detective Rogan, it's Danni Rogers. 869 01:08:09,680 --> 01:08:11,580 Look, I know you think I'm obsessed with 870 01:08:11,580 --> 01:08:14,220 Abby Russell, but please just hear me out. 871 01:08:14,220 --> 01:08:16,420 Abby Russell is, in reality, Sarah Price. 872 01:08:16,420 --> 01:08:18,320 Call the Sunnyview Institute. 873 01:08:18,320 --> 01:08:21,320 Check it out for yourself, you'll find out the truth. 874 01:08:27,200 --> 01:08:29,270 Regina! 875 01:08:29,270 --> 01:08:31,430 Regina, Regina, Regina. 876 01:08:31,440 --> 01:08:32,840 Have you seen Steve? 877 01:08:32,840 --> 01:08:35,570 Girl, get your sex drive in check. 878 01:08:35,570 --> 01:08:37,410 I'm being serious. Fuck. 879 01:08:55,210 --> 01:08:56,850 Where is Steve? 880 01:08:57,930 --> 01:09:00,960 - Get out of my face. - Hey! 881 01:09:00,970 --> 01:09:03,270 Hey, hey, hey! 882 01:09:03,270 --> 01:09:05,640 This is a hospital, not the damn roller derby. 883 01:09:05,640 --> 01:09:07,500 What's going on with the two of you? 884 01:09:07,510 --> 01:09:09,670 Danni, you know better. You don't air your dirty laundry at work. 885 01:09:09,670 --> 01:09:10,940 Move, bitch! 886 01:09:10,940 --> 01:09:12,440 You settle down, girl. 887 01:09:12,440 --> 01:09:13,710 You're not going anywhere, Sarah. 888 01:09:13,710 --> 01:09:14,980 - Who? - You lied about your father. 889 01:09:14,980 --> 01:09:17,280 You lied about everything. 890 01:09:17,280 --> 01:09:19,650 - Hands off of me! - Don't you touch her. 891 01:09:31,700 --> 01:09:34,460 You've ruined everything, you bitch. 892 01:10:20,230 --> 01:10:22,650 Whoa, whoa. Abby. What's going on? 893 01:10:22,650 --> 01:10:25,120 Danni Rogers is after me. Please call for help. 894 01:10:25,120 --> 01:10:27,500 Okay, hold on. Just wait right here. 895 01:10:27,790 --> 01:10:31,070 This is Daniels up on seven. Danni Rogers just assaulted Abby Russell. 896 01:10:31,070 --> 01:10:32,530 Call NYPD. 897 01:10:32,530 --> 01:10:33,800 Ah! 898 01:10:36,900 --> 01:10:39,730 No! Call the police. 899 01:10:45,870 --> 01:10:48,290 Shit, let's go. 900 01:11:01,730 --> 01:11:03,540 Abby, stop! 901 01:11:24,110 --> 01:11:27,130 Hey. Hey, stop it. Enough. 902 01:11:27,880 --> 01:11:29,900 What the fuck is going on? 903 01:11:36,010 --> 01:11:39,770 Sarah, you don't have to do this. 904 01:11:40,420 --> 01:11:42,430 I can help you. 905 01:11:42,430 --> 01:11:45,030 You're sick, Sarah. Let's get you better. 906 01:11:45,030 --> 01:11:46,440 I care about you. 907 01:11:46,440 --> 01:11:50,830 You had your chance to be my friend! 908 01:11:54,320 --> 01:11:55,510 Hey! 909 01:12:09,800 --> 01:12:11,590 Danni! 910 01:12:37,200 --> 01:12:38,430 Danni! 911 01:12:39,820 --> 01:12:41,680 - Danni! - Get off of me, Steve. 912 01:12:41,690 --> 01:12:42,820 Danni, calm down. 913 01:12:42,820 --> 01:12:44,050 Let go of me. 914 01:12:44,060 --> 01:12:45,660 Listen to me! Relax! 915 01:12:45,660 --> 01:12:47,790 What the hell is going on? What is going on? 916 01:12:47,790 --> 01:12:50,060 Steve, you have to believe me, okay? 917 01:12:50,060 --> 01:12:52,500 She's crazy, she's a killer. She... 918 01:12:52,500 --> 01:12:55,730 - Abby? - Yes, Abby's a killer. She's... 919 01:12:55,730 --> 01:12:57,220 She's gone. 920 01:13:03,480 --> 01:13:04,850 Abby! 921 01:13:31,470 --> 01:13:33,420 Get it open. Go! 922 01:13:33,420 --> 01:13:36,750 It's not working. She fucking locked it! 923 01:13:40,680 --> 01:13:44,150 Hey! What the hell? Are you fucking crazy? 924 01:13:44,150 --> 01:13:46,220 Come on! Open the door! 925 01:14:50,280 --> 01:14:52,550 She's saying something. 926 01:14:53,290 --> 01:14:54,850 What the fuck? 927 01:15:05,600 --> 01:15:08,520 Steve, look at me, okay? It's gonna be okay. 928 01:15:08,520 --> 01:15:10,760 - Stay with me. - Behind you. 929 01:15:12,180 --> 01:15:13,450 Shit. 930 01:15:15,770 --> 01:15:17,330 Look at me. 931 01:15:23,610 --> 01:15:26,480 Please, help me. 932 01:15:26,480 --> 01:15:28,350 Oh, my God. 933 01:15:30,080 --> 01:15:31,800 Bring a gurney. 934 01:15:35,790 --> 01:15:37,400 Okay, go, go, go! 935 01:15:54,080 --> 01:15:57,080 Prep two, now. 936 01:15:57,080 --> 01:15:59,820 Joan, get this patient down to surgery. I gotta take care of... 937 01:16:23,090 --> 01:16:24,530 Abby! 938 01:16:26,440 --> 01:16:28,230 Oh, my God. 939 01:16:28,230 --> 01:16:31,510 You heard. It was a nightmare. 940 01:16:31,510 --> 01:16:34,200 Who the fuck are you? Huh? 941 01:16:34,200 --> 01:16:36,850 Should I call you Sarah? 942 01:16:37,030 --> 01:16:39,040 I don't care who the hell you are. 943 01:16:39,040 --> 01:16:42,860 You're under arrest in connection to the death of Larry Cook. 944 01:16:43,860 --> 01:16:47,890 I thought we had a connection, you and I. 945 01:16:48,860 --> 01:16:50,520 Shit. 946 01:16:51,200 --> 01:16:53,250 We fucked. 947 01:16:53,250 --> 01:16:55,490 End of story. 948 01:16:56,200 --> 01:16:58,340 All right, I don't know who the fuck you are, 949 01:16:58,340 --> 01:17:00,410 but you have the right to remain silent. 950 01:17:00,410 --> 01:17:04,090 Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. 951 01:17:04,090 --> 01:17:08,500 Look, if it's money you want, you can have everything I've got. 952 01:17:08,500 --> 01:17:10,510 Shut the fuck up. Anything you say... 953 01:17:10,510 --> 01:17:12,380 Please, don't shoot me. 954 01:17:12,380 --> 01:17:13,770 Leave me alone! 955 01:17:13,770 --> 01:17:15,770 - You crazy bitch. - Please! 956 01:17:19,060 --> 01:17:22,000 Oh, my God. I warned you it's dangerous out alone. 957 01:17:22,000 --> 01:17:26,800 Jared, you had no choice. You did what you had to do. 958 01:17:26,800 --> 01:17:28,470 Should we call the police? We should call the police. 959 01:17:28,470 --> 01:17:30,380 No, listen to me. 960 01:17:30,380 --> 01:17:31,740 He's dead. 961 01:17:31,740 --> 01:17:34,050 You were just protecting me. 962 01:17:34,050 --> 01:17:36,420 - Fuck, he's a fucking cop! - Jared. 963 01:17:36,420 --> 01:17:38,140 We can handle this. 964 01:17:38,140 --> 01:17:41,460 We just need to make this go away. 965 01:17:41,460 --> 01:17:44,480 The police are gonna turn things around like this 966 01:17:44,480 --> 01:17:46,680 and make you look like the bad guy. 967 01:17:46,680 --> 01:17:49,390 And you know what they do to cop killers. 968 01:17:49,390 --> 01:17:52,650 Jared, you did the right thing. 969 01:17:52,650 --> 01:17:55,850 Thank you for being there for me. 970 01:17:55,850 --> 01:17:57,990 I can make this go away. 971 01:17:57,990 --> 01:18:02,050 Thank you, Jared. You saved my life. 972 01:18:06,110 --> 01:18:10,280 There are two sides to every story. 973 01:18:10,280 --> 01:18:15,440 Some would see this chapter of my life as the work of a sick woman. 974 01:18:15,440 --> 01:18:19,810 The way I see it, everybody's better off. 975 01:18:19,810 --> 01:18:24,450 The wives, the kids and their bank accounts. 976 01:18:25,260 --> 01:18:29,230 A few less scumbags to spread unhappiness. 977 01:18:30,070 --> 01:18:33,300 My work here is done. 978 01:18:57,090 --> 01:18:58,830 Can I help you? 979 01:18:58,830 --> 01:19:01,000 Hey there, good morning. 980 01:19:01,000 --> 01:19:02,910 I'm Rachel Owens. 981 01:19:02,910 --> 01:19:05,210 Oh. You're the new HR lady. 982 01:19:05,210 --> 01:19:09,050 Dr. Bailey's expecting you. Down the hall on the left. 983 01:19:09,050 --> 01:19:11,990 You are such a dear. 984 01:19:11,990 --> 01:19:14,260 Thank you. 985 01:19:15,480 --> 01:19:20,200 And you have a wonderful day, okay?