1 00:00:26,693 --> 00:00:28,786 This is where the Russian plane went down. 2 00:00:28,962 --> 00:00:31,988 Yes. That's what my instruments are telling me. 3 00:00:32,165 --> 00:00:34,099 We have to retrieve the nuclear warhead... 4 00:00:34,267 --> 00:00:37,065 ...before they send their rescue force. 5 00:00:39,873 --> 00:00:41,807 Come on already. 6 00:00:46,379 --> 00:00:48,074 Hope. 7 00:00:59,392 --> 00:01:02,156 The Geiger counter's going crazy. 8 00:01:14,174 --> 00:01:17,871 It's here. I found it. I found the warhead. 9 00:01:18,978 --> 00:01:21,446 Tor, what is it? What's wrong? 10 00:01:21,614 --> 00:01:24,082 - Are you having a vision? - Yes. 11 00:01:24,250 --> 00:01:26,411 Somebody's watching us. 12 00:01:26,886 --> 00:01:28,376 Who? 13 00:01:30,023 --> 00:01:33,117 I can't tell. It's... 14 00:01:34,961 --> 00:01:36,428 ...blank. 15 00:01:37,597 --> 00:01:40,327 Leave us alone. 16 00:01:40,633 --> 00:01:42,965 It's getting late. I better go. 17 00:01:43,136 --> 00:01:46,003 We have to meet tonight to plan the attack on enemy headquarters. 18 00:01:46,172 --> 00:01:49,164 Right here, 8:35 sharp. I'll bring the lemonade. 19 00:01:49,976 --> 00:01:52,843 No. It's just your brother and my cousin. 20 00:01:53,012 --> 00:01:54,411 Hey, Hope. 21 00:01:54,581 --> 00:01:57,778 If Mom found out you were swimming without a grown-up around... 22 00:01:57,951 --> 00:02:01,978 If Mom found out, there'd be one less Cade Lavelle in the world. 23 00:02:02,155 --> 00:02:05,022 You won't tell my parents, will you, Wade? 24 00:02:05,191 --> 00:02:08,388 I don't know, coz. What's it worth to you? 25 00:02:08,561 --> 00:02:11,587 You guys said you were gonna wait up for me. 26 00:02:11,764 --> 00:02:15,461 "Mommy, I was so scared in the woods all alone. 27 00:02:15,635 --> 00:02:20,265 What if a snake came and bit me in my extra-double-giant-sized butt?" 28 00:02:20,440 --> 00:02:22,670 Oh, my God. It's a cottonmouth. 29 00:02:22,842 --> 00:02:23,866 Where is it? 30 00:02:25,778 --> 00:02:29,009 - You guys are such jerks. - Better a jerk than a dweeb. 31 00:02:29,182 --> 00:02:33,312 Dwight the dweeb, Dwight the dweeb. 32 00:02:33,486 --> 00:02:36,512 Dwight the dweeb, Dwight the dweeb. 33 00:02:36,689 --> 00:02:37,815 Dwight the dweeb. 34 00:02:41,027 --> 00:02:43,325 Boys are such boys. 35 00:02:44,464 --> 00:02:47,524 - Don't forget about tonight. - The woods are full of enemy spies. 36 00:02:48,101 --> 00:02:50,228 We need a password. 37 00:02:50,603 --> 00:02:52,230 Adventure. 38 00:02:56,142 --> 00:02:59,134 Make us ever grateful for thy mercy, Lord. 39 00:02:59,312 --> 00:03:01,507 For whosoever turneth against thy commandments... 40 00:03:01,681 --> 00:03:05,777 ...shalt thou smite with pain of the spirit and torment of the flesh. 41 00:03:05,952 --> 00:03:07,214 Amen. 42 00:03:12,926 --> 00:03:17,192 Blackberries are coming in so big and ripe. 43 00:03:17,463 --> 00:03:20,455 I might wanna get in a little canning this week... 44 00:03:21,167 --> 00:03:22,532 ...make a nice jelly. 45 00:03:26,039 --> 00:03:27,631 I love that blackberry jelly. 46 00:03:29,409 --> 00:03:31,400 I know I've got some paraffin here somewhere. 47 00:03:31,578 --> 00:03:33,375 If I could just think where it's gone to. 48 00:03:35,148 --> 00:03:36,137 Gone to? 49 00:03:39,352 --> 00:03:43,254 I work myself black and blue, every day of the week, but the Lord's. 50 00:03:43,423 --> 00:03:46,756 And you wonder where the things I buy for you have gone to. 51 00:03:48,228 --> 00:03:50,059 It's on the top shelf above the stove. 52 00:03:50,230 --> 00:03:52,255 Behind the molasses and the cornstarch. 53 00:03:53,166 --> 00:03:55,930 And how do you know where the wax is, Victoria? 54 00:03:57,270 --> 00:04:00,569 Up where you can't see it, you can't reach it... 55 00:04:00,740 --> 00:04:03,300 ...unless the devil showed it to you in your visions? 56 00:04:03,476 --> 00:04:05,944 - She must've seen me put it there. - Shut your pie hole. 57 00:04:12,418 --> 00:04:16,980 A year. A whole year since last canning season... 58 00:04:18,358 --> 00:04:19,791 ...and you remember... 59 00:04:23,896 --> 00:04:26,558 ...that it's exactly... 60 00:04:26,733 --> 00:04:28,826 ...between the molasses and the cornstarch. 61 00:04:29,002 --> 00:04:30,299 I'm sorry, Daddy. 62 00:04:30,470 --> 00:04:33,598 It just came to me. I promise I won't do it again. 63 00:04:45,718 --> 00:04:47,151 Open the door, Victoria. 64 00:04:55,194 --> 00:04:58,857 Baby, when the devil's got a child under his power... 65 00:04:59,032 --> 00:05:02,832 ...who's gonna set her free if her daddy doesn't? 66 00:05:03,002 --> 00:05:03,991 Mom? 67 00:05:17,817 --> 00:05:23,380 Forty-one, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46... 68 00:05:23,556 --> 00:05:26,218 Hey, Faith, you wanna play jacks? 69 00:05:26,392 --> 00:05:29,156 Hope, you're making me lose count. 70 00:05:29,329 --> 00:05:33,231 - And people say twins think alike. - Forty-seven, 48. 71 00:05:48,181 --> 00:05:51,241 Hope, where you going? 72 00:05:51,417 --> 00:05:53,749 To meet Tory. Please don't tell. 73 00:05:54,187 --> 00:05:55,211 Cade... 74 00:05:56,789 --> 00:05:59,883 ...you wouldn't have any idea where Hope's got herself to, would you? 75 00:06:00,059 --> 00:06:04,894 She's hiding in my closet. Some dumb game she's playing. 76 00:06:05,331 --> 00:06:09,734 Oh, well, somebody has a ballet lesson she needs to be well rested for. 77 00:06:09,902 --> 00:06:11,369 And it's almost 7:30. 78 00:06:12,572 --> 00:06:14,938 Faith? Did you see the new toothbrush I bought you? 79 00:06:15,108 --> 00:06:17,440 You are the best brother in the world. 80 00:06:17,610 --> 00:06:18,907 Can I go with you? 81 00:06:19,078 --> 00:06:20,636 Why would you want to? 82 00:06:24,884 --> 00:06:28,411 Cade and Tory sitting in a tree 83 00:06:28,588 --> 00:06:29,885 I hate you. 84 00:06:30,056 --> 00:06:31,648 K- l-S-S-l-N-G 85 00:06:32,291 --> 00:06:35,886 First comes love Then comes marriage 86 00:06:36,062 --> 00:06:40,055 Then comes the baby In the baby carriage 87 00:07:09,829 --> 00:07:11,490 Password? 88 00:07:13,199 --> 00:07:14,188 Password? 89 00:07:17,003 --> 00:07:18,971 Tory? 90 00:07:19,138 --> 00:07:22,073 It's okay if you can't remember the password. 91 00:07:24,277 --> 00:07:25,266 Just come out, okay? 92 00:07:46,199 --> 00:07:47,359 - Tory. - No. 93 00:07:48,634 --> 00:07:50,397 No. 94 00:07:53,573 --> 00:07:55,564 - Go away. - Run. 95 00:07:55,741 --> 00:07:57,834 Tory. 96 00:08:41,554 --> 00:08:43,249 In the spring before that summer... 97 00:08:43,823 --> 00:08:47,486 ... we used Hope's pocket knife to cut a narrow slice in our wrists. 98 00:08:47,660 --> 00:08:50,026 Solemnly we mixed our blood. 99 00:08:50,196 --> 00:08:52,824 We were lucky we didn't end up with lockjaw. 100 00:08:52,999 --> 00:08:55,729 Instead we became sisters. 101 00:08:56,202 --> 00:08:59,365 Ever since that terrible August, I have missed Hope. 102 00:08:59,539 --> 00:09:01,939 As I missed the part of me that died with her. 103 00:09:02,108 --> 00:09:03,575 The day my father took us away... 104 00:09:04,911 --> 00:09:06,936 ... a week after Hope was put in the ground... 105 00:09:07,113 --> 00:09:12,141 ... I had no idea that it would be 18 years before I'd come home again. 106 00:09:12,318 --> 00:09:14,718 Funny how in the pictures there was a plant... 107 00:09:14,887 --> 00:09:17,788 ...right in front of that crack in the window. 108 00:09:18,524 --> 00:09:20,924 You bet you'll be right down here to take care of it. 109 00:09:21,093 --> 00:09:22,651 Thank you. 110 00:09:29,569 --> 00:09:35,508 - Hi. Don't kill your favorite cousin. - Wade, I'm so happy to see you. 111 00:09:35,675 --> 00:09:37,666 I can't believe it's been three years. 112 00:09:37,843 --> 00:09:39,902 I kept meaning to come to New York and visit... 113 00:09:40,079 --> 00:09:42,343 ...but, you know, I opened my own practice and all. 114 00:09:42,515 --> 00:09:46,315 Just tell me that this place is totally beautiful... 115 00:09:46,485 --> 00:09:49,886 ...and I am gonna be a huge success and I'll forgive you for anything. 116 00:09:50,056 --> 00:09:52,024 Yeah, it's terrific. 117 00:09:54,393 --> 00:09:55,951 Just one little question. 118 00:09:56,128 --> 00:09:58,255 In God's name, why? 119 00:09:59,332 --> 00:10:00,526 God's name why, what? 120 00:10:00,700 --> 00:10:04,033 You know perfectly well in God's name why, what. 121 00:10:07,540 --> 00:10:09,667 Make yourself useful. 122 00:10:10,309 --> 00:10:12,368 This whole area's booming. 123 00:10:12,545 --> 00:10:15,537 All those new families who are dying to fill their houses... 124 00:10:15,715 --> 00:10:18,843 ...with high-end, handcrafted housewares... 125 00:10:19,018 --> 00:10:20,713 ...that I am here to sell them. 126 00:10:20,886 --> 00:10:24,378 There's a thousand cute, booming, yuppified towns in the state. 127 00:10:24,557 --> 00:10:25,546 Why here? 128 00:10:25,725 --> 00:10:28,193 Why go chasing restless ghosts and bad memories? 129 00:10:28,361 --> 00:10:33,230 It turns out that restless ghosts and bad memories... 130 00:10:33,566 --> 00:10:37,058 ...know their way to every town I've ever run away to. 131 00:10:37,770 --> 00:10:40,796 But I can't keep running. I can not keep letting them win. 132 00:10:40,973 --> 00:10:44,431 Well, you know, it's not just the ghosts. You should hear the living. 133 00:10:44,610 --> 00:10:46,942 You know who's opening that new store on Main Street? 134 00:10:47,113 --> 00:10:50,139 The girl whose daddy killed Hope Lavelle and got away with it. 135 00:10:50,316 --> 00:10:52,181 Which may or may not be true. 136 00:10:52,351 --> 00:10:55,081 What's true is that he's a hundred miles up the interstate... 137 00:10:55,254 --> 00:10:57,017 ...and just as piss-mean as ever. 138 00:10:57,189 --> 00:10:59,180 And on work furlough for hitting that cop... 139 00:10:59,358 --> 00:11:01,792 ...and has to punch in every morning or back to prison. 140 00:11:01,961 --> 00:11:06,455 Yeah, every morning until the one morning he decides not to. 141 00:11:07,199 --> 00:11:10,259 He can't hurt me now. He can't hurt me ever again. 142 00:11:12,538 --> 00:11:14,403 And that's why I came home. 143 00:11:15,374 --> 00:11:16,705 So I'd finally believe that. 144 00:11:20,346 --> 00:11:22,610 Come and stay with me until you find a place. 145 00:11:22,782 --> 00:11:26,741 - I found a place. I'm renting the cabin. - The cabin? 146 00:11:26,919 --> 00:11:29,285 The leasing agents said the Lavelles fixed it up. 147 00:11:29,455 --> 00:11:33,789 - No, Tory. Not out there, where... - Wade, it's what I need to do. 148 00:11:34,427 --> 00:11:36,122 I'm not going to change my mind. 149 00:11:37,329 --> 00:11:43,063 Oh, now. Now this you are not gonna believe. 150 00:11:43,502 --> 00:11:47,871 Tory, I'd like you to meet a fine local contractor who also happens to be... 151 00:11:48,040 --> 00:11:51,532 ...the recently-elected mayor of Progress, North Carolina... 152 00:11:51,711 --> 00:11:53,440 ...Dwight Collier. 153 00:11:53,612 --> 00:11:54,909 It's good to see you, Tory. 154 00:11:56,449 --> 00:11:57,438 Dwight? 155 00:11:58,918 --> 00:12:00,943 You mean Dwight the dw... 156 00:12:01,353 --> 00:12:03,321 Go ahead and say it. 157 00:12:03,489 --> 00:12:06,583 Dweeb is a badge of honor I wear with pride. 158 00:12:06,759 --> 00:12:10,092 Hell I suffered at your cousin's hands was the best thing that happened. 159 00:12:10,262 --> 00:12:11,889 It got me running 10 miles a day. 160 00:12:12,431 --> 00:12:15,594 Sneaking into the gym every night. Doing everything to break the curse. 161 00:12:15,768 --> 00:12:19,568 Ten miles a day, hell. Once a dweeb always a dweeb. 162 00:12:20,039 --> 00:12:22,371 And look what all that hard work got me. 163 00:12:22,541 --> 00:12:25,305 That cannot be Tory Bodeen. 164 00:12:25,478 --> 00:12:28,936 - You're Lissy Harlowe. - Lissy Harlowe Collier. 165 00:12:29,115 --> 00:12:31,583 Never was the same around here without you. 166 00:12:31,751 --> 00:12:35,812 And how are your sweet old mom and dad doing? 167 00:12:36,155 --> 00:12:39,852 You know, Tory's had a long drive and I gotta get her something to eat. 168 00:12:40,025 --> 00:12:41,458 So we'll see you guys later. 169 00:12:47,266 --> 00:12:49,393 Welcome home, Tory. 170 00:13:13,826 --> 00:13:15,691 Tory, get that box. 171 00:13:18,631 --> 00:13:19,825 Tory... 172 00:13:21,400 --> 00:13:22,731 ...you've gotta see this. 173 00:13:24,804 --> 00:13:26,362 His belly looks like fire. 174 00:13:26,772 --> 00:13:30,230 Cade. Cade, come here. 175 00:13:30,409 --> 00:13:31,637 Just a sec. 176 00:13:34,180 --> 00:13:35,340 You'd better go. 177 00:13:35,648 --> 00:13:37,582 Tory, get in the car. 178 00:14:19,992 --> 00:14:21,516 Tory? 179 00:14:22,261 --> 00:14:23,853 You here? 180 00:14:32,972 --> 00:14:34,633 Cade? 181 00:14:35,908 --> 00:14:37,500 Well. 182 00:14:38,377 --> 00:14:41,278 Kincaid Anthony Lavelle, to be exact. 183 00:14:41,447 --> 00:14:43,472 Wanted to stop by, see if you needed anything. 184 00:14:43,649 --> 00:14:44,911 I'm fine. 185 00:14:45,084 --> 00:14:48,144 Everybody's talking about the new store opening on Main Street. 186 00:14:48,554 --> 00:14:52,854 Well, talk is good considering the size of my advertising budget. 187 00:14:53,692 --> 00:14:55,956 You grew into your eyes. 188 00:14:56,929 --> 00:14:59,159 When I was 12, they used to scare me. 189 00:14:59,865 --> 00:15:02,800 When you were 12 you were too busy running around like a monkey... 190 00:15:02,968 --> 00:15:05,266 ...with my cousin and Dwight to notice me. 191 00:15:05,971 --> 00:15:11,307 Well, there was a space of time when I noticed everything about you. 192 00:15:11,944 --> 00:15:15,175 Still carry that picture of you around in my head of you and Hope. 193 00:15:15,347 --> 00:15:18,475 - Is there something you want? - Is that what you think? 194 00:15:18,651 --> 00:15:20,243 Everybody wants something. 195 00:15:21,353 --> 00:15:24,845 I have about three months work to do in three weeks. 196 00:15:25,024 --> 00:15:26,924 I should get started. 197 00:15:27,493 --> 00:15:30,985 Well, you just let me know if there's any problems with the cabin. 198 00:15:40,940 --> 00:15:42,965 Your sister's home. 199 00:15:43,742 --> 00:15:45,972 Home-for-a-visit home or home home? 200 00:15:48,580 --> 00:15:50,480 Well, that was fast. 201 00:15:50,849 --> 00:15:52,612 We'll have dinner. 202 00:16:00,693 --> 00:16:02,320 Hello? 203 00:16:03,896 --> 00:16:05,295 Cade. 204 00:16:05,464 --> 00:16:08,058 Make me a whiskey and soda. Hold the soda. 205 00:16:08,233 --> 00:16:09,291 Welcome home, Faith. 206 00:16:13,872 --> 00:16:17,774 You know what the problem marrying a country western singer is? 207 00:16:17,943 --> 00:16:22,209 All those pretty songs put a tear in your eye, all that: 208 00:16:23,382 --> 00:16:27,978 I cheated on you, darling But I love you 209 00:16:28,153 --> 00:16:33,489 You're the best friend I got Besides my bottle 210 00:16:34,960 --> 00:16:38,088 Well, it all turns out to be non-fiction. 211 00:16:38,263 --> 00:16:39,321 Cade. 212 00:16:41,734 --> 00:16:44,726 - That was Lissy Collier on the phone. - Well, what took her so long? 213 00:16:44,903 --> 00:16:47,736 Please tell me that we're not going to rent the cabin to her. 214 00:16:47,906 --> 00:16:49,533 To Lissy Collier? 215 00:16:49,708 --> 00:16:53,371 - Lissy's moving out on Dwight? - To Victoria Bodeen. 216 00:16:53,712 --> 00:16:56,180 She's opening some kind of a store on Main Street. 217 00:16:56,348 --> 00:16:58,111 She's not gonna be trouble to you. 218 00:16:58,283 --> 00:16:59,443 No. 219 00:17:01,053 --> 00:17:02,077 No trouble at all. 220 00:17:02,488 --> 00:17:05,457 Except every time I walk down Main Street I have to see her face. 221 00:17:05,624 --> 00:17:06,648 She was 10 years old. 222 00:17:06,825 --> 00:17:09,692 Old enough to run away and save her own skin. 223 00:17:09,862 --> 00:17:12,422 And old enough to protect the person she saw doing it. 224 00:17:12,598 --> 00:17:14,463 - She wasn't there. - Oh, so you subscribe... 225 00:17:14,633 --> 00:17:16,897 ...to the My Favorite Martian version of the story? 226 00:17:17,569 --> 00:17:20,003 She was able to tell us exactly where the body was... 227 00:17:20,172 --> 00:17:22,037 ...because she picked it up on her antenna. 228 00:17:22,207 --> 00:17:25,108 I don't care what alibi the police chose to swallow. 229 00:17:25,277 --> 00:17:27,973 Her father raped and murdered your sister... 230 00:17:28,147 --> 00:17:30,138 ...and threw her away like a broken doll. 231 00:17:30,315 --> 00:17:33,716 And I can't believe that you would allow her to live on our property. 232 00:17:33,886 --> 00:17:35,410 Ma. 233 00:17:36,989 --> 00:17:41,187 And why did she have to turn up in August, of all months? 234 00:17:41,360 --> 00:17:42,622 Put your bags away, Faith. 235 00:17:45,697 --> 00:17:48,461 What the hell is Tory Bodeen doing back here? 236 00:17:48,634 --> 00:17:52,434 Well, darling, a person could ask the same thing about you. 237 00:17:52,604 --> 00:17:54,902 I'll studiously ignore that. 238 00:17:55,074 --> 00:17:57,907 Why did great-granddaddy have to build this gloomy old castle... 239 00:17:58,077 --> 00:18:00,944 ...instead of a nice white plantation like everybody else? 240 00:18:01,113 --> 00:18:03,104 And why is it I can't wait to get back home... 241 00:18:03,282 --> 00:18:04,943 ...then 10 minutes after I'm here... 242 00:18:05,117 --> 00:18:09,019 ...I feel like the life is being strangled out of me? 243 00:18:09,188 --> 00:18:13,625 You'll find the nightlife in Progress hasn't improved much since you left. 244 00:18:13,792 --> 00:18:17,785 Well, now, that's about to change then, isn't it? 245 00:18:18,330 --> 00:18:21,094 You tell Robbie to give you two of these pills twice a day... 246 00:18:21,266 --> 00:18:25,168 ...and if he forgets you call me up so I can give him a what-for. 247 00:18:25,337 --> 00:18:27,635 You think he heard me? 248 00:18:27,806 --> 00:18:30,707 - Thank you, Dr. Mooney. - There you go. See you, Robbie. 249 00:18:46,058 --> 00:18:49,152 You really should look into the lock on that back door. 250 00:18:50,062 --> 00:18:51,222 You're a married woman. 251 00:18:53,532 --> 00:18:55,432 Well, then... 252 00:18:55,767 --> 00:18:59,225 ...how about I read some magazines... 253 00:18:59,404 --> 00:19:01,998 ...while you wait for the annulment papers to go through? 254 00:19:03,709 --> 00:19:05,142 Faith... 255 00:19:07,179 --> 00:19:10,512 ...don't do this to me again. - Oh, now look at this. 256 00:19:11,483 --> 00:19:13,451 There's a whole new frontier opening up... 257 00:19:13,619 --> 00:19:15,678 ...in homeopathic care for household pets. 258 00:19:24,897 --> 00:19:26,489 Take it off. 259 00:19:51,323 --> 00:19:55,316 She never liked me. She never said boo to me. 260 00:19:55,494 --> 00:19:58,224 Just stared at me with those spooky eyes... 261 00:19:58,397 --> 00:20:00,991 ...like she knew just what I was thinking. 262 00:20:01,500 --> 00:20:03,730 She had plenty to say to Hope though... 263 00:20:03,902 --> 00:20:08,464 ...until I came along, then she'd clam right up. 264 00:20:09,308 --> 00:20:12,641 What does she wanna move back into the old place for? 265 00:20:14,947 --> 00:20:16,915 Probably as crazy as people used to say. 266 00:20:17,082 --> 00:20:20,540 No, she's not crazy. She's lonely. 267 00:20:20,719 --> 00:20:22,584 And sometimes lonely people come home... 268 00:20:22,754 --> 00:20:25,348 ...because there's no other place to go. 269 00:20:26,491 --> 00:20:29,619 You know, maybe tomorrow night... 270 00:20:29,795 --> 00:20:31,820 ...we can park under those big old oak trees. 271 00:20:31,997 --> 00:20:34,864 No, I don't know what my plans are for tomorrow. 272 00:20:35,467 --> 00:20:38,368 I've gotta get going. It's my first night home and all. 273 00:20:38,537 --> 00:20:40,903 What? What? 274 00:20:42,107 --> 00:20:44,075 I'll call you tomorrow. 275 00:20:52,217 --> 00:20:55,277 Tory. Tory, wake up. 276 00:21:07,099 --> 00:21:08,691 I'm glad you came back, Tory. 277 00:21:08,867 --> 00:21:10,698 I didn't come that night. 278 00:21:10,869 --> 00:21:15,465 I guess you weren't suppose to, but you're supposed to be here now... 279 00:21:17,276 --> 00:21:20,677 ...because there are more and there's gonna be more until you stop it. 280 00:21:20,846 --> 00:21:22,438 Until I stop what? 281 00:21:22,614 --> 00:21:25,447 You have to be careful and you have to be smart. 282 00:21:25,617 --> 00:21:27,642 Tory Bodeen, girl spy. 283 00:21:27,819 --> 00:21:29,810 Hope, that's not why I came back. 284 00:21:29,988 --> 00:21:34,220 I came back so I could stop being so afraid. 285 00:21:34,393 --> 00:21:35,883 There's only 18 more days. 286 00:21:36,061 --> 00:21:39,997 Until the 23rd, the anniversary? 287 00:21:40,666 --> 00:21:43,601 - I know that, but I really... - You have to wake up now. 288 00:21:43,769 --> 00:21:45,737 Something's coming. 289 00:22:34,720 --> 00:22:36,517 You did the right thing calling the cops. 290 00:22:36,688 --> 00:22:40,180 If you hear another prowler out by your place, you be sure and dial 911. 291 00:22:40,359 --> 00:22:42,759 The boys will be there before you hit the second one. 292 00:22:42,928 --> 00:22:44,327 Thanks. 293 00:22:47,599 --> 00:22:49,328 Dwight... 294 00:22:49,501 --> 00:22:51,059 ...after Hope... 295 00:22:53,004 --> 00:22:54,869 ...were there any more incidents like that? 296 00:22:55,040 --> 00:22:56,837 No. He never struck again. 297 00:22:57,008 --> 00:22:58,737 Not around these parts anyway. 298 00:22:59,277 --> 00:23:01,040 Certainly left his mark, though. 299 00:23:01,213 --> 00:23:03,977 August 23rd is never a very happy day around here. 300 00:23:05,684 --> 00:23:07,948 Cade came by. 301 00:23:10,889 --> 00:23:12,015 He seems the same. 302 00:23:12,190 --> 00:23:15,682 The Prince of Progress through and through. 303 00:23:16,695 --> 00:23:19,255 Never a hope he'll let you forget it. 304 00:23:19,731 --> 00:23:24,532 He must have his fair share of prospective princesses, huh? 305 00:23:24,703 --> 00:23:27,001 That man has left a trail of broken female hearts... 306 00:23:27,172 --> 00:23:29,766 ...that would make the devil weep with sorrow. 307 00:23:30,242 --> 00:23:32,437 I'll call you with an estimate. 308 00:23:32,811 --> 00:23:35,245 I really appreciate this. 309 00:23:35,747 --> 00:23:39,615 The lard-ass dweeb and the girl from the wrong side of the tracks. 310 00:23:39,785 --> 00:23:42,151 Us outsiders have gotta stick together. 311 00:23:42,721 --> 00:23:44,120 Bye. 312 00:23:48,927 --> 00:23:50,827 Oh, I'm sorry. We're not open. 313 00:23:50,996 --> 00:23:54,261 Sure aren't very friendly to a potential customer. 314 00:23:58,036 --> 00:24:00,869 Just like Hope, all grown up, huh? 315 00:24:01,339 --> 00:24:04,968 Sorry, wrong virtue. I'm Faith. 316 00:24:07,546 --> 00:24:10,174 Oh, very nice. 317 00:24:11,716 --> 00:24:13,343 Very nice. 318 00:24:13,518 --> 00:24:16,749 Now that's something I couldn't even find in Charlotte. 319 00:24:18,323 --> 00:24:23,522 The cabin's awfully rustic for someone of your sophisticated taste. 320 00:24:23,995 --> 00:24:27,123 But, then, I suppose you never needed much. 321 00:24:27,299 --> 00:24:29,290 That's the difference between you and me. 322 00:24:29,468 --> 00:24:32,301 You never needed much. And I always needed everything. 323 00:24:32,471 --> 00:24:36,271 - Did you ever get it? - Still collecting. 324 00:24:38,009 --> 00:24:40,842 So I take it you believe in second chances. 325 00:24:42,280 --> 00:24:43,372 Yes, I do. 326 00:24:43,748 --> 00:24:46,649 It only works if you're lucky not to give a damn about things... 327 00:24:46,818 --> 00:24:49,685 ...like guilt and consequences. - Are you lucky? 328 00:24:51,423 --> 00:24:54,187 I travel light and I travel often. 329 00:24:54,359 --> 00:24:58,921 So do I. Looks like we landed in the same place this time. 330 00:24:59,097 --> 00:25:00,860 No reason that should be a problem. 331 00:25:01,032 --> 00:25:03,796 As long as you remember who got here first. 332 00:25:06,104 --> 00:25:10,006 It's hard on my mother, you being back here. Don't make it any harder. 333 00:25:16,214 --> 00:25:19,047 I'm wondering if I could get that picture for the Star Register? 334 00:25:19,217 --> 00:25:21,242 Sorry, I'm really not put together right now. 335 00:25:21,419 --> 00:25:23,580 That's how we want it, real natural. Like that. 336 00:25:28,994 --> 00:25:31,326 I missed you over at work this morning. 337 00:25:32,430 --> 00:25:35,058 Don't parole officers ever sleep a little late? 338 00:25:35,233 --> 00:25:36,860 I'm gonna piss test you, Han. 339 00:25:37,035 --> 00:25:40,129 What? You think I'd risk testing dirty with nine years... 340 00:25:40,305 --> 00:25:42,239 ...in that place hanging over me? 341 00:25:42,407 --> 00:25:44,034 With you, I never know what to think. 342 00:25:44,209 --> 00:25:45,972 Just go behind there. 343 00:26:16,541 --> 00:26:19,032 - You forgot your magic bracelets. - What? 344 00:26:19,210 --> 00:26:21,644 Wonder Woman can't work wonders without her bracelets. 345 00:26:21,813 --> 00:26:24,782 - I'll get this end. - No, it's all right. I don't need help. 346 00:26:24,950 --> 00:26:28,545 - Well, we all need help. - I can handle it. 347 00:26:28,720 --> 00:26:31,120 And you're almost contrary enough for me to let you. 348 00:26:31,289 --> 00:26:34,452 However, I am trapped by my superior breeding. 349 00:26:35,760 --> 00:26:40,322 - Oh, man. What kind of bed is this? - Iron. Why? 350 00:26:40,498 --> 00:26:45,629 Did you forget your cape, Superman? Or should I just call you Mr. Kent? 351 00:26:54,412 --> 00:26:57,006 - So when are you gonna ask me? - Ask what? 352 00:26:57,182 --> 00:26:59,207 How I knew where to find her? 353 00:26:59,584 --> 00:27:01,449 How I knew what happened. 354 00:27:01,620 --> 00:27:03,611 Well, I don't have to. 355 00:27:04,489 --> 00:27:06,889 - Well, some people think that l... - Not me. 356 00:27:08,793 --> 00:27:11,853 If you believe I'm possessed of unnatural powers aren't you afraid... 357 00:27:12,030 --> 00:27:14,294 ...that I'm gonna dig up your dark secrets... 358 00:27:14,466 --> 00:27:17,993 ...and sell them to your enemies? Or do you expect stock tips? 359 00:27:18,169 --> 00:27:21,627 Because I don't do the future, just the present and the past. 360 00:27:21,806 --> 00:27:25,640 So are you gonna show off, tell me what I had for lunch today? 361 00:27:25,810 --> 00:27:29,405 Or are you gonna get your tool box? We can put this sucker together. 362 00:27:37,222 --> 00:27:39,486 I lost 25 pounds in two months. 363 00:27:40,325 --> 00:27:42,486 - Set it and... - Forget it. 364 00:27:42,694 --> 00:27:45,686 - That's all you have to... - You slide the food in... 365 00:27:45,864 --> 00:27:48,458 ... and it pops right out. 366 00:27:50,402 --> 00:27:54,236 I hope you had good times with that Irish setter you been running with. 367 00:27:54,406 --> 00:27:58,240 Because, pal, those days are about to be behind you. 368 00:27:58,410 --> 00:28:01,072 But it's all ahead of us, big boy. 369 00:28:04,315 --> 00:28:07,773 - Well, that's quite a dress. - Guess what I have on underneath it? 370 00:28:12,257 --> 00:28:13,690 It's not locked. 371 00:28:13,858 --> 00:28:16,986 Don't you like to live dangerously, Dr. Mooney? 372 00:28:17,162 --> 00:28:18,959 But... 373 00:28:20,565 --> 00:28:24,023 Oh, guess what I found? 374 00:28:25,336 --> 00:28:27,827 Oh, yeah. 375 00:28:34,145 --> 00:28:37,080 So how's Progress look after all these years? 376 00:28:40,218 --> 00:28:41,947 Same. 377 00:28:47,525 --> 00:28:49,789 - Here. - Thanks. 378 00:28:57,001 --> 00:28:58,628 Cade? 379 00:28:58,803 --> 00:29:02,136 Those detectives that your father hired after Hope died... 380 00:29:02,307 --> 00:29:04,434 ...did they ever come up with any leads? 381 00:29:04,609 --> 00:29:06,042 Zero. 382 00:29:06,377 --> 00:29:08,971 I'm glad I'm not the only one who still wants the answer. 383 00:29:11,116 --> 00:29:12,845 Is that what you came back here for? 384 00:29:13,017 --> 00:29:16,248 Yesterday, I would have said no, but now... 385 00:29:17,722 --> 00:29:19,587 I know you all think that my father did it. 386 00:29:19,758 --> 00:29:22,693 Your mama swore your dad never left the house that night. 387 00:29:22,861 --> 00:29:24,920 Oh, he could have done it. 388 00:29:25,096 --> 00:29:28,361 I saw inside his head more times than I wanted to. 389 00:29:28,533 --> 00:29:32,765 Ugly swirl of self-righteousness and blind hatred. 390 00:29:32,937 --> 00:29:35,997 But when I saw inside the person's head who did it, it was different. 391 00:29:36,174 --> 00:29:37,471 Blank. 392 00:29:37,709 --> 00:29:40,803 Like a TV after the station goes off. Nothing. 393 00:29:45,583 --> 00:29:46,880 Dwight's certainly changed. 394 00:29:50,455 --> 00:29:53,788 Yeah, well, sometimes I feel bad about the way we used to treat him. 395 00:29:53,958 --> 00:29:57,052 To be honest, if I'd known what a peacock he was gonna turn into... 396 00:29:57,228 --> 00:29:59,253 ...I would have treated him worse. 397 00:29:59,430 --> 00:30:01,955 Well, he got Lissy. 398 00:30:02,133 --> 00:30:04,966 Have to be justice enough for now. 399 00:30:10,208 --> 00:30:12,438 Do you wanna get some dinner later? 400 00:30:13,912 --> 00:30:15,106 - Dinner? - Nothing fancy. 401 00:30:15,280 --> 00:30:18,215 No tablecloths, no candles. Just, you know, pizza and a movie. 402 00:30:18,383 --> 00:30:23,320 I'm not that good with people. Tablecloths or not. 403 00:30:23,488 --> 00:30:24,648 You're opening a store. 404 00:30:26,758 --> 00:30:28,555 In a store, things are real simple. 405 00:30:33,097 --> 00:30:36,533 Okay. Well, now I shall graciously take my leave. 406 00:30:36,701 --> 00:30:38,566 My superior breeding in action once again. 407 00:30:38,736 --> 00:30:40,363 I really appreciate your help. 408 00:30:50,181 --> 00:30:54,618 A half a ham sandwich with Swiss and brown mustard. 409 00:30:54,786 --> 00:30:56,981 That's what you had for lunch. 410 00:30:57,155 --> 00:30:59,089 You gave the other half to that black dog... 411 00:30:59,257 --> 00:31:02,454 ...who always comes begging every time he sees you in the fields. 412 00:31:05,096 --> 00:31:07,291 Eight o'clock at O'Rourke's? 413 00:31:14,572 --> 00:31:18,838 And all I thought I was having for lunch today was a BLT and a soda. 414 00:31:21,312 --> 00:31:25,271 You know, baby, that old Collins place is for sale. 415 00:31:25,450 --> 00:31:26,815 I know it's a wreck, but, you know... 416 00:31:26,985 --> 00:31:30,045 Sure would be fun to restore it to its former glory. 417 00:31:30,221 --> 00:31:33,418 And with you cracking the whip over the work crew. 418 00:31:36,928 --> 00:31:38,088 What do you want, Faith? 419 00:31:39,831 --> 00:31:41,924 You want me to treat you like trash? 420 00:31:42,100 --> 00:31:44,568 Just like those deadbeats you left town chasing after? 421 00:31:44,736 --> 00:31:47,762 Half the time I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. 422 00:31:53,278 --> 00:31:56,270 I see your brother leaving, dressed in a more civilized manner. 423 00:31:56,447 --> 00:31:58,142 Where's he going? 424 00:31:58,316 --> 00:32:02,514 Somewhere dark and quiet where he can grope Tory Bodeen. 425 00:32:03,688 --> 00:32:06,156 If you don't spray the wheat, how do you kill the pests? 426 00:32:06,324 --> 00:32:09,020 The chemicals kill the pests, they also kill the good bugs... 427 00:32:09,193 --> 00:32:11,320 ...contaminate birds, get into the ground water. 428 00:32:11,496 --> 00:32:14,954 You spray today and a kid two towns over drinks it tomorrow. 429 00:32:15,300 --> 00:32:16,961 You're not in business for the money? 430 00:32:17,135 --> 00:32:19,763 Organic products command a premium in the marketplace. 431 00:32:19,938 --> 00:32:21,303 As I tried to tell my father... 432 00:32:21,472 --> 00:32:23,463 ...who lived to tell me I was destroying... 433 00:32:23,641 --> 00:32:25,973 ...what it took my ancestors 200 years to build. 434 00:32:28,012 --> 00:32:29,877 But not long enough to know he was wrong. 435 00:32:30,048 --> 00:32:31,709 Not wrong yet. 436 00:32:43,094 --> 00:32:44,493 I did not do that. 437 00:32:44,662 --> 00:32:47,825 Well, do you wanna not do that some more? 438 00:33:05,216 --> 00:33:06,843 - Cade. - What? 439 00:33:07,018 --> 00:33:10,181 You're insane. You're like 80 steps ahead of me. 440 00:33:10,355 --> 00:33:13,882 You can't just say let's go back to your place and... 441 00:33:17,095 --> 00:33:19,256 You didn't say that out loud, did you? 442 00:33:22,033 --> 00:33:24,501 That is why we're just meant to stay friendly neighbors. 443 00:33:24,669 --> 00:33:27,570 Apart from the fact that I may die of terminal embarrassment. 444 00:33:27,739 --> 00:33:30,230 - And that reason would be... - I know where this goes... 445 00:33:30,408 --> 00:33:32,171 ...and nobody close to me is ever safe. 446 00:33:32,343 --> 00:33:35,506 Whose business is it how safe or unsafe I'm interested in being? 447 00:33:35,680 --> 00:33:39,172 Tory, what you have is a great gift. 448 00:33:39,350 --> 00:33:43,286 It's a gift that's screwed up every job, relationship and home I've ever had. 449 00:33:46,691 --> 00:33:52,186 Dwight's delivering the cabinets at 7 a.m., I should get an early night. 450 00:34:01,539 --> 00:34:04,235 Stop. Stop, stop. Pull over. 451 00:34:10,081 --> 00:34:11,742 What do you see? 452 00:34:12,116 --> 00:34:15,779 Her girlfriend ditched her for some boy, so she's going to hitchhike. 453 00:34:15,953 --> 00:34:20,117 She thinks it's cool to get in some truck with some guy and drink whisky. 454 00:34:23,394 --> 00:34:26,921 - I hate this. I don't want this. - Let's go. Let's just get out of here. 455 00:34:28,099 --> 00:34:29,964 He takes her in there. She's crying. 456 00:34:30,134 --> 00:34:33,797 He's grunting and sweating and panting on top of her. 457 00:34:36,941 --> 00:34:40,138 Don't go in there. Don't go in there. I'm just gonna call the police. 458 00:34:40,311 --> 00:34:44,145 It's 12 years ago. And she was 16 years old. 459 00:34:44,315 --> 00:34:47,614 Her name was Alice but she didn't like that. 460 00:34:47,985 --> 00:34:50,954 So everybody just called her Ally. 461 00:34:51,122 --> 00:34:54,023 We need to call the police or the FBI. 462 00:34:54,192 --> 00:34:57,787 There's a reason that it reached out and got me like that. 463 00:34:57,962 --> 00:35:01,227 It was the same blank space. 464 00:35:01,399 --> 00:35:04,197 It's the same person who killed Hope. 465 00:35:14,979 --> 00:35:17,470 Oh, man. 466 00:35:33,698 --> 00:35:35,563 Mrs. Lavelle. 467 00:35:41,305 --> 00:35:43,739 Can I fix you a cup of coffee? 468 00:35:43,908 --> 00:35:46,877 I've had my coffee, thank you. 469 00:35:48,212 --> 00:35:50,772 Forgive me if I jump right in. 470 00:35:51,482 --> 00:35:54,280 I can't have you in this town. 471 00:35:55,887 --> 00:35:57,684 I know you know why that is. 472 00:35:58,823 --> 00:36:00,916 Yes, I know why that is. 473 00:36:01,092 --> 00:36:03,151 Mrs. Lavelle, I know there's a way... 474 00:36:03,327 --> 00:36:08,458 I can imagine the effort and expense you've put into setting up your store. 475 00:36:09,600 --> 00:36:13,468 I am willing to recompense you for everything you've spent... 476 00:36:13,704 --> 00:36:17,606 ...plus whatever it'll cost you to set up someplace else. 477 00:36:19,310 --> 00:36:23,872 I can write you a check for $25,000 now. 478 00:36:29,487 --> 00:36:33,218 And another 25 when you get wherever you go. 479 00:36:33,891 --> 00:36:38,055 - It certainly is a fair amount of money. - Well, I'm glad you think so. 480 00:36:38,729 --> 00:36:39,855 I'm not leaving. 481 00:36:40,698 --> 00:36:43,098 And where you got the idea that I would ever... 482 00:36:43,267 --> 00:36:45,735 ...for one second consider taking your money... 483 00:36:45,903 --> 00:36:47,871 It doesn't take much imagination. 484 00:36:49,407 --> 00:36:51,432 Your father cleared out for five grand. 485 00:36:51,609 --> 00:36:55,568 The only difference between you and him is you're a better negotiator. 486 00:36:57,381 --> 00:36:58,439 Forty thousand. 487 00:36:58,849 --> 00:37:00,146 Forty now... 488 00:37:00,585 --> 00:37:02,485 ...40 when you find a new place. 489 00:37:03,721 --> 00:37:06,212 I had nothing to do with what happened to Hope. 490 00:37:07,858 --> 00:37:10,884 And you didn't have anything to do with what happened in New York... 491 00:37:11,062 --> 00:37:13,121 ...when you killed that boy. 492 00:37:13,497 --> 00:37:15,294 What was his name? 493 00:37:16,200 --> 00:37:17,827 Josiah. 494 00:37:18,002 --> 00:37:20,732 No. Jonah. Jonah Mansfield. 495 00:37:22,206 --> 00:37:25,232 Think my detectives haven't watched every move... 496 00:37:25,409 --> 00:37:29,641 ...every member of your family has made in the last 18 years? 497 00:37:30,681 --> 00:37:32,342 Did you think you could hide from me? 498 00:37:32,817 --> 00:37:35,445 I wasn't hiding from you. 499 00:37:35,620 --> 00:37:38,054 I was hiding from my father. 500 00:37:39,156 --> 00:37:42,057 And I did not kill Jonah Mansfield. 501 00:37:42,660 --> 00:37:45,026 That is not what the police said. 502 00:37:47,198 --> 00:37:49,223 I want you to go now. 503 00:37:50,201 --> 00:37:52,533 Welcome home to Progress, Tory. 504 00:37:52,703 --> 00:37:56,662 I guess now we all just wait and see who dies next. 505 00:38:13,157 --> 00:38:16,524 It would just be part-time on the afternoons when I'm not teaching. 506 00:38:16,694 --> 00:38:18,662 Well, I haven't really thought about hiring. 507 00:38:18,829 --> 00:38:22,060 Not until I open the store and see how it's doing. 508 00:38:22,233 --> 00:38:23,894 It's not easy to run the place solo. 509 00:38:24,068 --> 00:38:27,128 No breaks, no time to do paperwork or check inventory. 510 00:38:27,438 --> 00:38:29,872 - Yes, but I really don't... - And I've sold everything... 511 00:38:30,041 --> 00:38:31,838 ...from tractors to tap dance lessons. 512 00:38:32,009 --> 00:38:34,477 And I just love the stuff you're selling here. 513 00:38:34,645 --> 00:38:36,772 I wanna steal every single piece of it. 514 00:38:36,947 --> 00:38:40,849 Oh, well, I mean, not that I would. 515 00:38:42,720 --> 00:38:44,153 - Do you have a r�sum�? - R�sum�? 516 00:38:44,322 --> 00:38:45,949 Right here. 517 00:38:47,024 --> 00:38:48,252 And a dog, too. 518 00:38:48,426 --> 00:38:51,361 Guaranteed customer magnet. 519 00:38:53,664 --> 00:38:55,325 Hi, Mongo. 520 00:38:56,267 --> 00:38:59,259 See? One's coming in right now. 521 00:39:01,872 --> 00:39:04,898 Sherry, thank you. I'll give you a call. 522 00:39:05,810 --> 00:39:06,936 It was great to meet you. 523 00:39:13,617 --> 00:39:17,348 - Did you get a call back from the FBI? - He sent a fax. 524 00:39:19,957 --> 00:39:23,188 Her name's Alice Powell. They found her in those trees near the highway. 525 00:39:23,361 --> 00:39:25,989 And she was 16, just like you said. 526 00:39:27,998 --> 00:39:31,866 Tory, it happened August 23rd, 1995. 527 00:39:32,603 --> 00:39:35,629 That's six years later, to the day. 528 00:39:37,141 --> 00:39:39,006 It gets worse. 529 00:39:39,176 --> 00:39:41,406 It's part of a bigger file. 530 00:39:41,579 --> 00:39:44,241 Thirteen unsolved cases that fit the profile. 531 00:39:44,415 --> 00:39:45,905 All slim, all blonde. 532 00:39:46,083 --> 00:39:50,747 All raped and strangled on August the 23rd in different years... 533 00:39:50,921 --> 00:39:53,321 ...all over the country. Missouri, Ohio, Florida. 534 00:39:53,491 --> 00:39:54,856 And they're all different ages. 535 00:39:55,025 --> 00:39:57,653 A 14-year-old-girl, back in '94. 536 00:39:57,828 --> 00:40:00,058 A senior at Chapel Hill in '98. 537 00:40:00,731 --> 00:40:04,030 They're all the age that Hope would have been the year they died. 538 00:40:04,435 --> 00:40:07,893 He's killing her over and over again, once a year. 539 00:40:08,072 --> 00:40:09,733 And it's August the 10th. 540 00:40:10,408 --> 00:40:12,035 Listen, Tory... 541 00:40:12,209 --> 00:40:16,145 ...we might be able to help if you could let me tell my friend how you got this. 542 00:40:16,547 --> 00:40:18,105 No. 543 00:40:18,482 --> 00:40:20,450 There's nothing more that I can do. 544 00:40:20,618 --> 00:40:22,518 Please don't ask me that again. 545 00:40:23,087 --> 00:40:26,716 Just tell him that my father is a suspect and they should look into that. 546 00:40:26,891 --> 00:40:28,290 I'll go call him now. 547 00:40:29,460 --> 00:40:31,553 Are you gonna be all right? 548 00:40:32,563 --> 00:40:37,262 Yeah. Just have to keep busy. 549 00:40:40,070 --> 00:40:43,039 Who am I kidding? I've gotta get out of here. 550 00:40:45,309 --> 00:40:48,278 - I'm gonna go visit Hope. - You haven't been out there yet? 551 00:40:49,046 --> 00:40:50,911 No... 552 00:40:51,081 --> 00:40:53,106 ...but I wanna go now. 553 00:40:53,617 --> 00:40:55,482 Dinner later? 554 00:40:56,587 --> 00:40:59,181 Maybe this time we can make it all the way to the movies. 555 00:41:00,691 --> 00:41:01,680 Okay. 556 00:41:25,316 --> 00:41:27,147 I'm so sorry to intrude. I'm leaving. 557 00:41:27,318 --> 00:41:28,342 Screw being sorry. 558 00:41:30,254 --> 00:41:31,744 That was always the worst of you. 559 00:41:32,389 --> 00:41:37,486 Scared, "Please don't hate me," little mouse you always were. 560 00:41:41,599 --> 00:41:43,726 You like what my father did with the place? 561 00:41:43,901 --> 00:41:46,495 - It's beautiful. - Yeah. Either that or kind of creepy. 562 00:41:46,670 --> 00:41:48,001 I could never decide which. 563 00:41:48,205 --> 00:41:51,402 Takes courage to take something ugly and make it peaceful and beautiful. 564 00:41:52,743 --> 00:41:55,769 It takes courage to drink yourself to death in front of your family. 565 00:41:56,247 --> 00:41:59,774 - He lost a child. - I lost a sister. 566 00:42:01,619 --> 00:42:03,314 So did I. 567 00:42:07,157 --> 00:42:11,321 God, I don't know what I hate more, that you just said that... 568 00:42:13,063 --> 00:42:14,894 ...or that I know that it's true. 569 00:42:15,065 --> 00:42:17,693 She wanted to play jacks that night. 570 00:42:17,868 --> 00:42:21,133 But no, I was too busy brushing my hair. 571 00:42:21,305 --> 00:42:24,069 I always said no to her. 572 00:42:24,909 --> 00:42:28,037 God, no wonder she had to find another sister. 573 00:42:29,880 --> 00:42:31,745 I was supposed to meet her. 574 00:42:31,916 --> 00:42:34,043 I knew she was out in the woods alone. 575 00:42:34,218 --> 00:42:36,209 I didn't go. 576 00:42:36,887 --> 00:42:39,879 I should have played with her. 577 00:42:41,825 --> 00:42:45,283 You couldn't have known, Faith. I did. 578 00:42:45,462 --> 00:42:46,827 No. 579 00:42:47,431 --> 00:42:49,399 Oh, God. 580 00:42:52,770 --> 00:42:54,237 What? 581 00:42:55,306 --> 00:42:58,901 I just felt like we were just competing... 582 00:42:59,577 --> 00:43:02,171 ...in a game show, like American Idol or something. 583 00:43:04,381 --> 00:43:07,077 Trying to convince the judges who's the guiltiest? 584 00:43:08,953 --> 00:43:10,250 Yeah. 585 00:43:11,922 --> 00:43:14,948 Then the audience calls in with their votes... 586 00:43:15,125 --> 00:43:22,031 ...and the winner gets an all-expense paid trip for two to hell. 587 00:43:25,769 --> 00:43:27,964 - What are you doing? - There's someone there. 588 00:43:28,138 --> 00:43:30,038 What, is this one of your psychic things? 589 00:43:30,741 --> 00:43:33,369 - What are you...? Who's there? - I don't know. 590 00:43:34,311 --> 00:43:36,211 It's blank but he's coming that way. 591 00:43:36,380 --> 00:43:37,540 We've gotta run. 592 00:43:38,015 --> 00:43:41,644 - Run? To hell with running. - I don't know. 593 00:43:42,453 --> 00:43:45,479 Come on out, you chicken-assed son of a bitch. 594 00:44:01,071 --> 00:44:04,563 I think you need to take that magic radar in for a tune-up. 595 00:44:06,443 --> 00:44:09,003 - Here, just in case. - Oh, no, l... 596 00:44:09,179 --> 00:44:11,044 I got plenty more back home. 597 00:44:22,226 --> 00:44:25,787 Tory? I got a call from your mother. 598 00:44:25,996 --> 00:44:29,056 Your father beat up his parole officer to the tune of 62 stitches... 599 00:44:29,233 --> 00:44:31,793 ...and a wire in her jaw. - Oh, my God. 600 00:44:31,969 --> 00:44:33,561 And hasn't been heard from since. 601 00:44:34,505 --> 00:44:35,699 Why did she call you? 602 00:44:35,873 --> 00:44:39,604 - Scared. Running out of money. - Wade, she knows where he is. 603 00:44:39,777 --> 00:44:40,903 She's hiding him. 604 00:44:41,278 --> 00:44:43,746 The thought did cross my mind. I'm heading up there... 605 00:44:43,914 --> 00:44:45,575 ...and why I'd like your company. 606 00:44:45,749 --> 00:44:47,774 Get her to cough him up. 607 00:44:48,619 --> 00:44:51,588 Wade, the store's opening in five days and I really... 608 00:44:51,755 --> 00:44:54,417 It's just been so long since he's seen you. 609 00:44:54,591 --> 00:44:56,115 It might make all the difference. 610 00:45:10,908 --> 00:45:12,466 You didn't say she was coming. 611 00:45:13,744 --> 00:45:14,733 Hello, Mama. 612 00:45:14,945 --> 00:45:18,403 Always were right there on the scene when there was trouble. 613 00:45:18,582 --> 00:45:21,710 Now, don't talk that way, Aunt Sari. We're here to help. 614 00:45:21,885 --> 00:45:25,821 You wanna help, get that lying bitch parole officer to tell the truth. 615 00:45:25,989 --> 00:45:27,923 Slut got beat up by one of her boyfriends... 616 00:45:28,092 --> 00:45:30,151 ...now she's trying to pin it on my Han. 617 00:45:30,327 --> 00:45:31,817 Why don't we sit down? 618 00:45:31,995 --> 00:45:35,692 Tory, think you can make us some coffee? 619 00:45:36,667 --> 00:45:38,897 I got some instant left. 620 00:45:43,140 --> 00:45:46,769 Now, if Han's innocent, he needs to step forward and say that. 621 00:45:47,010 --> 00:45:50,207 The longer he stays on the run the worse it's gonna get for him. 622 00:45:50,380 --> 00:45:53,975 Do you think I wouldn't go to him if I knew where he was? 623 00:45:54,151 --> 00:45:58,679 I thought that maybe you'd remember a couple of places he'd go to cool off. 624 00:45:59,089 --> 00:46:00,886 Sleep off a night of drinking. 625 00:46:01,058 --> 00:46:03,618 Are you saying my Han's a drunk? 626 00:46:03,794 --> 00:46:06,456 The man works hard. He needs to relax sometimes. 627 00:46:06,630 --> 00:46:08,325 Jesus drank wine, didn't he? 628 00:46:11,769 --> 00:46:13,464 Everybody's wanting money. 629 00:46:13,971 --> 00:46:17,372 I went to the bank, but those sneaking liars took what we had in there. 630 00:46:17,541 --> 00:46:19,736 And then said how Han withdrew all the funds. 631 00:46:20,377 --> 00:46:22,174 Don't you worry about that, okay? 632 00:46:22,346 --> 00:46:24,576 - You can come stay with me. - I can't go anywhere. 633 00:46:24,748 --> 00:46:27,114 Man's got a right to expect his wife to be waiting... 634 00:46:27,284 --> 00:46:30,412 ...under the roof that he puts over her head. 635 00:46:30,587 --> 00:46:33,647 I can see the sky through the holes in your roof, Mama. 636 00:46:33,824 --> 00:46:35,792 Just like I could when I was little. 637 00:46:36,360 --> 00:46:38,794 Nothing was ever good enough for her. 638 00:46:38,962 --> 00:46:40,452 Why did she come? 639 00:46:40,864 --> 00:46:44,163 She turned her back on me a long time ago. 640 00:46:44,334 --> 00:46:45,801 You turned your back on me... 641 00:46:45,969 --> 00:46:48,733 ...the first time you stayed quiet while he beat me bloody. 642 00:46:48,906 --> 00:46:52,205 A thousand times I told you: 643 00:46:52,376 --> 00:46:56,039 "Don't set him off." You never learned. 644 00:46:56,213 --> 00:46:58,579 Is that how you were able to sleep at night... 645 00:46:58,749 --> 00:47:00,376 ...by telling yourself that? 646 00:47:01,151 --> 00:47:03,346 I ought to wring your devil eyes out of your head. 647 00:47:03,520 --> 00:47:06,648 - Aunt Sari. - Lf you or Dad raise your hand to me... 648 00:47:06,824 --> 00:47:11,158 ...you better pray you beat me dead this time. I'll be in the car. 649 00:47:11,528 --> 00:47:12,654 No. 650 00:47:14,531 --> 00:47:16,522 It's okay. 651 00:47:25,676 --> 00:47:27,735 I think she needs her boosters and her DPT. 652 00:47:27,945 --> 00:47:30,743 - What a sweetheart. - Oh, you do not even know. 653 00:47:30,914 --> 00:47:32,905 So can I walk in or do I need an appointment? 654 00:47:33,083 --> 00:47:36,143 You can walk in any time. Dr. Mooney's at your disposal. 655 00:47:36,320 --> 00:47:39,551 Great. Well, I better get back to work. 656 00:47:40,591 --> 00:47:43,355 Lissy would surely kill you for that little glance. 657 00:47:43,527 --> 00:47:45,256 Worth dying for. 658 00:47:45,429 --> 00:47:48,193 Speaking of the better half, it's Tupperware night. 659 00:47:48,365 --> 00:47:52,495 - Do you wanna get seriously drunk? - I can't. I made some tentative plans. 660 00:47:52,669 --> 00:47:54,500 Haven't you been making those plans... 661 00:47:54,671 --> 00:47:57,333 ...since you were 15? Aren't you tired of being penciled in? 662 00:47:57,507 --> 00:48:00,965 I should have killed you in high school when I had the chance. 663 00:48:02,079 --> 00:48:03,239 Excuse me. 664 00:48:03,413 --> 00:48:05,608 - Oh, really? - What do you think...? 665 00:48:05,782 --> 00:48:09,445 - Oh, my Lord. It is so beautiful. - Thank you. 666 00:48:09,620 --> 00:48:12,680 And so brave to choose a location where... How many is it now? 667 00:48:12,856 --> 00:48:16,883 Five, no six, new stores have crashed and burned. 668 00:48:17,060 --> 00:48:20,928 Oh, look at this little beauty. 669 00:48:21,098 --> 00:48:24,693 An artist outside of Charlotte makes those for me. 670 00:48:25,569 --> 00:48:28,732 I don't know if it's really me. 671 00:48:29,106 --> 00:48:31,734 Lissy, I am so impressed by you. 672 00:48:31,909 --> 00:48:35,276 How do you always manage to tighten that belt and live within your means? 673 00:48:35,445 --> 00:48:36,537 Actually, you know what? 674 00:48:36,713 --> 00:48:39,443 I think I'll take the necklace and the matching earrings... 675 00:48:39,616 --> 00:48:45,248 ...if you don't mind parting with them. - I will get you a box for these. 676 00:48:45,822 --> 00:48:48,985 You just paid my next month and a half's rent. 677 00:48:49,826 --> 00:48:51,794 Pain in the ass though he may be... 678 00:48:51,962 --> 00:48:55,363 ...I am, in fact, embarrassingly fond of my brother. 679 00:48:56,600 --> 00:48:58,795 Tory, I don't often see him smile. 680 00:48:58,969 --> 00:49:02,063 Let alone eight days before the 23rd of August. 681 00:49:02,239 --> 00:49:05,572 And then you come into town and half a dozen pizza dinners later... 682 00:49:05,742 --> 00:49:07,869 ...he can't seem to stop. 683 00:49:08,045 --> 00:49:10,570 Faith, Cade and I, we're just friends. 684 00:49:10,747 --> 00:49:13,739 Oh, yeah. Yeah. 685 00:49:18,188 --> 00:49:22,215 So you wanna come by after the opening? 686 00:49:24,895 --> 00:49:29,127 I'm not sure what my plans are yet, but I'll call you, okay? 687 00:49:30,033 --> 00:49:31,432 Okay. 688 00:49:31,601 --> 00:49:33,762 Let me take you out to celebrate. 689 00:49:33,937 --> 00:49:35,302 I think once this is over... 690 00:49:35,472 --> 00:49:37,736 ...all I'm gonna wanna do is crawl into bed. 691 00:49:37,908 --> 00:49:41,742 We could do that too, but dinner first might be nice. 692 00:49:44,548 --> 00:49:47,915 Here you are, Lissy. All wrapped up and ready to go. 693 00:49:50,854 --> 00:49:53,379 And just how drunk are you thinking of getting? 694 00:49:55,926 --> 00:49:57,621 There's Delmonico's and Winterhaven. 695 00:49:57,794 --> 00:50:00,024 Or that new place in Port Kingston. 696 00:50:00,197 --> 00:50:03,291 Yeah, Ptomaine Special. 697 00:50:04,801 --> 00:50:06,735 That's the talk. 698 00:50:07,304 --> 00:50:11,206 Well, there's always O'Rourke's. 699 00:50:11,375 --> 00:50:14,139 O'Rourke's, always a safe bet. 700 00:50:17,914 --> 00:50:21,179 We'd better get going. 701 00:50:22,552 --> 00:50:25,020 - Yeah, O'Rourke's. - Okay. 702 00:50:25,188 --> 00:50:26,746 I'll get my coat. 703 00:50:34,998 --> 00:50:36,226 - I'm sorry. - No, I'm sorry. 704 00:50:36,400 --> 00:50:40,268 - No, I'm sorry. - I was moving a little too fast. 705 00:50:41,338 --> 00:50:43,203 My head... 706 00:50:44,708 --> 00:50:46,073 ...it's like a multiplex. 707 00:50:46,243 --> 00:50:49,576 It's got all these movies playing at the same time. 708 00:50:49,746 --> 00:50:53,978 When I walk down the street, I get all these people... 709 00:50:54,151 --> 00:50:56,676 ...they're thinking, scheming and blaming coming at me. 710 00:50:56,853 --> 00:51:01,415 So you spend your life building up walls to keep it out. 711 00:51:02,592 --> 00:51:07,757 And then you meet someone that you wanna... 712 00:51:09,266 --> 00:51:11,291 You wanna be with... 713 00:51:11,968 --> 00:51:14,562 ...but you're too scared to take them down. 714 00:51:14,738 --> 00:51:18,606 Well, have you ever taken them down? 715 00:51:21,645 --> 00:51:23,078 Yeah. 716 00:51:24,314 --> 00:51:25,941 New York. 717 00:51:30,320 --> 00:51:33,346 I saw this picture on a milk carton... 718 00:51:34,858 --> 00:51:38,294 ...and I saw where the kid was on a beach in Florida. 719 00:51:38,528 --> 00:51:41,326 And the cop on the case, his name was Jack. 720 00:51:41,498 --> 00:51:46,162 We fell in love and we kept finding kids together. 721 00:51:49,506 --> 00:51:51,838 Well, that made him a star. 722 00:51:52,142 --> 00:51:57,808 And stars have groupies and he liked that. He liked that a lot. 723 00:51:57,981 --> 00:52:00,211 And I could see it in his head. 724 00:52:01,585 --> 00:52:03,746 And he hated me for it. 725 00:52:06,189 --> 00:52:08,157 And I freaked out. 726 00:52:08,325 --> 00:52:14,127 And I messed up with one of the kids and then I just ran... 727 00:52:15,499 --> 00:52:17,797 ...and I kept running. 728 00:52:22,639 --> 00:52:26,040 Well, let me tell you the difference between that guy and me. 729 00:52:28,545 --> 00:52:30,342 When that guy was growing up... 730 00:52:30,514 --> 00:52:32,141 ...he didn't wish you'd come home... 731 00:52:32,315 --> 00:52:34,875 ...every time he got the long end of the wishbone. 732 00:52:35,519 --> 00:52:37,510 Or blew his candles out on his birthday cake. 733 00:52:37,687 --> 00:52:40,087 Or saw the first star in the sky. 734 00:52:41,324 --> 00:52:43,724 And that's too bad for him... 735 00:52:44,828 --> 00:52:47,262 ...because he never got to see his wishes come true... 736 00:52:47,430 --> 00:52:49,591 ...better than he ever hoped. 737 00:52:53,136 --> 00:52:58,267 Just let your walls down, Tory. I'm letting mine down. 738 00:53:01,211 --> 00:53:03,042 Look at me. 739 00:53:06,683 --> 00:53:08,514 Look at me. 740 00:53:45,689 --> 00:53:48,249 Dr. Mooney? 741 00:53:53,964 --> 00:53:55,431 Wade? 742 00:53:56,433 --> 00:53:59,766 Tory, you have to wake up now. 743 00:54:01,871 --> 00:54:05,170 It's almost time for him to do it again. 744 00:54:05,342 --> 00:54:06,707 One week from tomorrow. 745 00:54:07,077 --> 00:54:08,635 He likes to hurt girls. 746 00:54:08,812 --> 00:54:10,746 It makes him feel important. 747 00:54:10,914 --> 00:54:12,245 Makes him feel like a man. 748 00:54:12,415 --> 00:54:13,643 Who is it, Hope? 749 00:54:13,817 --> 00:54:15,409 It's your turn now, Tory. 750 00:54:23,693 --> 00:54:27,493 He was watching us while we were making love. 751 00:54:27,831 --> 00:54:29,765 I saw more this time. He let his guard down. 752 00:54:29,933 --> 00:54:33,096 He was touching himself. 753 00:54:34,104 --> 00:54:37,403 For a split second I saw inside his head. 754 00:54:38,074 --> 00:54:40,668 I saw what he wanted that night. 755 00:54:40,844 --> 00:54:45,406 He wanted both of us, but he only got Hope. 756 00:54:45,949 --> 00:54:47,507 It's your father? 757 00:54:47,684 --> 00:54:50,676 I don't know. Maybe. 758 00:54:51,388 --> 00:54:53,549 But it's my turn. 759 00:54:53,923 --> 00:54:57,723 That's what Hope said. I'm the one that got away and now I'm back. 760 00:55:00,463 --> 00:55:04,297 - Lf you have any questions, just ask. - Okay, thanks. 761 00:55:04,467 --> 00:55:06,298 I'm gonna get you full-time protection. 762 00:55:06,469 --> 00:55:08,630 Dwight'll have cops go by any chance they get. 763 00:55:08,805 --> 00:55:10,363 Okay. 764 00:55:11,441 --> 00:55:12,931 Where is it? 765 00:55:16,913 --> 00:55:18,175 That's bad. 766 00:55:21,284 --> 00:55:24,014 Right where you can get it, every second. 767 00:55:27,157 --> 00:55:29,557 Who's the bitch you slept with last night? 768 00:55:29,759 --> 00:55:33,559 I swear, she means nothing to me. 769 00:55:33,730 --> 00:55:35,823 Don't you dare joke around about this. 770 00:55:35,999 --> 00:55:37,660 Where were you? I came by at 10... 771 00:55:37,834 --> 00:55:40,325 ...and I was here till 3 in the morning and you... 772 00:55:42,172 --> 00:55:44,402 You hung around waiting for me all that time? 773 00:55:44,574 --> 00:55:48,704 - I hate you. - I don't recall us having plans, Faith. 774 00:55:48,878 --> 00:55:52,177 - You don't like to make plans. - Wade, it was Saturday night. 775 00:55:52,349 --> 00:55:55,409 - You had to know I'd come by. - No, Faith. I don't know anything. 776 00:55:55,585 --> 00:55:57,212 You don't want me to know anything. 777 00:55:58,888 --> 00:56:02,915 I went out with Dwight. If I'd been with a woman, I'd have been free to do so. 778 00:56:03,426 --> 00:56:06,156 Same as you are. Isn't that the way you want it? 779 00:56:06,329 --> 00:56:07,626 I never said that. 780 00:56:07,897 --> 00:56:09,421 Well, you never said different. 781 00:56:10,333 --> 00:56:12,528 Well, I'm saying different now. 782 00:56:13,670 --> 00:56:16,195 Oh, well, you wanna change things. 783 00:56:16,606 --> 00:56:18,130 Oh, well, if that's the case... 784 00:56:18,308 --> 00:56:20,538 ...l'm gonna start adding my rules to the game. 785 00:56:20,710 --> 00:56:22,575 No more, "I'll let you know." 786 00:56:22,746 --> 00:56:24,771 We act like we give a damn about each other... 787 00:56:24,948 --> 00:56:26,745 ...or we walk away. 788 00:56:28,451 --> 00:56:30,476 I'm in love with you, Faith. 789 00:56:31,488 --> 00:56:34,946 Are you crazy? Don't say that. 790 00:56:35,125 --> 00:56:36,285 Yeah, I guess I shouldn't. 791 00:56:36,459 --> 00:56:39,986 Because every time I do, she seems to run away and marry somebody else. 792 00:56:40,163 --> 00:56:43,326 Oh, I do not. That's not true. 793 00:56:44,134 --> 00:56:46,102 Well, what do you want me to do? 794 00:56:46,269 --> 00:56:47,702 That's for you to figure out. 795 00:56:47,871 --> 00:56:51,170 I just know I'm not settling for crumbs anymore. 796 00:56:52,108 --> 00:56:53,541 And, meanwhile... 797 00:56:53,710 --> 00:56:56,645 ...your puppy needs to eat. - My puppy? No. 798 00:56:56,813 --> 00:57:00,476 - There's food in the kitchen. - No, I'm not taking her. 799 00:57:00,650 --> 00:57:03,949 Look at her. She loves you. 800 00:57:04,654 --> 00:57:10,490 No, Wade, I don't... No. She'll pee on my carpet and chew on my shoes. 801 00:57:10,660 --> 00:57:12,821 I've gotta shower. 802 00:57:19,269 --> 00:57:21,601 Wade, is this some kind of test? 803 00:57:22,005 --> 00:57:24,098 - Thank you. Come back. - We will. 804 00:57:24,274 --> 00:57:27,505 - Thank you, ladies. - You have skills, girl. 805 00:57:27,677 --> 00:57:29,804 Oh, stop. 806 00:57:30,814 --> 00:57:34,181 Oh, looks like Mongo caught us another customer. 807 00:57:41,991 --> 00:57:43,891 Welcome to Southern Comfort. 808 00:57:44,060 --> 00:57:46,221 Well, thank you for that. 809 00:57:47,030 --> 00:57:49,396 Hello, Tory. It's been a while. 810 00:57:51,501 --> 00:57:53,230 Sherry, this is my father. 811 00:57:55,238 --> 00:57:58,730 You must be so proud of your daughter and what she's done here. 812 00:57:58,908 --> 00:58:03,208 Hardly a day goes by I don't think of it and her. 813 00:58:05,548 --> 00:58:08,881 Sherry, why don't you run those pots down to the post office. 814 00:58:10,286 --> 00:58:11,810 Well, we still have an hour. 815 00:58:11,988 --> 00:58:15,754 Jane Biko is too important a customer for us to take any chances on. So... 816 00:58:15,925 --> 00:58:17,950 Yes, boss. 817 00:58:20,430 --> 00:58:22,762 It was very nice to meet you, Mr. Bodeen. 818 00:58:31,307 --> 00:58:32,331 You came back. 819 00:58:32,509 --> 00:58:33,908 What do you want? 820 00:58:34,611 --> 00:58:37,478 Back to where the shame of what you did... 821 00:58:37,647 --> 00:58:39,706 ...and what you were drove me from my home. 822 00:58:39,883 --> 00:58:43,341 Margaret Lavelle's money drove you from your home. 823 00:58:52,595 --> 00:58:53,584 Your new friends? 824 00:58:55,365 --> 00:58:57,526 Watching out for you while Daddy's on the loose? 825 00:58:57,934 --> 00:59:00,630 You smile and wave, Tory. 826 00:59:01,271 --> 00:59:03,739 I don't have much to lose. 827 00:59:06,409 --> 00:59:09,105 If they catch me I'm going to jail. 828 00:59:09,646 --> 00:59:12,274 The Lavelles paid me... 829 00:59:12,448 --> 00:59:16,646 ...to take from their sight the demon that brought death to their child. 830 00:59:19,222 --> 00:59:21,554 You will see hell for what you are. 831 00:59:21,724 --> 00:59:23,658 Is that how it works? 832 00:59:23,826 --> 00:59:27,023 Only get to go to heaven if you beat your little girl... 833 00:59:27,196 --> 00:59:29,061 ...and leave your wife to starve? 834 00:59:36,773 --> 00:59:37,797 I need money. 835 00:59:37,974 --> 00:59:40,340 Everything you got in there. 836 00:59:41,811 --> 00:59:43,836 Take it. Just take it. 837 00:59:51,921 --> 00:59:54,754 Come here. Look at me. 838 00:59:56,059 --> 00:59:58,619 You tell anybody I was here, I will come back... 839 00:59:58,795 --> 01:00:01,593 ...and do what I should have done the minute you were born. 840 01:00:02,632 --> 01:00:06,659 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live... 841 01:00:24,120 --> 01:00:26,054 Tory. What are you doing? 842 01:00:27,590 --> 01:00:30,218 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 843 01:00:30,393 --> 01:00:33,590 - I thought he came back. - Oh, my God. Were you robbed? 844 01:00:33,763 --> 01:00:35,924 - Did you call the police? - I don't need to call. 845 01:00:36,099 --> 01:00:39,125 - I need to clean myself up. - Are you crazy? 846 01:00:40,236 --> 01:00:42,636 It was my father. Who are you calling? 847 01:00:42,805 --> 01:00:44,796 Cade, then Dwight, then the police. 848 01:00:44,974 --> 01:00:47,841 He took the money, he's gone. I don't want you to call anybody. 849 01:00:48,011 --> 01:00:50,070 Guess what? You don't always get what you want. 850 01:00:50,246 --> 01:00:52,043 Come on, pick up. 851 01:00:53,616 --> 01:00:54,708 What's this? 852 01:00:54,884 --> 01:00:56,249 Watch the gun. 853 01:00:56,419 --> 01:00:58,478 This is Bee, as in Queen Bee. 854 01:00:58,655 --> 01:01:02,785 We were gonna drop $300 on a set of puppy bowls, weren't we, precious? 855 01:01:04,494 --> 01:01:07,827 Cade, wherever your butt is, get it down to Tory's store right this second. 856 01:01:08,564 --> 01:01:11,226 You're not spending one second alone or unguarded... 857 01:01:11,401 --> 01:01:13,767 ...until your father's behind bars. 858 01:01:13,936 --> 01:01:15,767 Not one second. 859 01:01:18,641 --> 01:01:20,768 Who's gonna guard you? 860 01:01:22,045 --> 01:01:23,239 Talk, Bee. 861 01:01:23,646 --> 01:01:25,045 Talk. 862 01:01:27,550 --> 01:01:32,852 Isn't Mama's Bee just the smartest puppy that ever lived? 863 01:01:33,022 --> 01:01:35,650 Oh, isn't Mama just the bestest... 864 01:01:35,825 --> 01:01:40,592 ...most responsible dog owner, ever, ever? Ever, ever? 865 01:01:41,898 --> 01:01:45,561 She ran onto the road right in front of me. 866 01:01:46,169 --> 01:01:47,659 I tried to swerve, but she just... 867 01:01:47,837 --> 01:01:49,065 Calm down. I know this dog. 868 01:01:49,238 --> 01:01:50,967 It belongs to the girl in Tory's store. 869 01:01:51,140 --> 01:01:54,507 Faith, I'm gonna need your help. Gentlemen, you have to be patient. 870 01:01:56,946 --> 01:01:59,938 Okay, girl, I'm gonna lay you down on the table. 871 01:02:00,116 --> 01:02:02,277 Good girl. Good girl. 872 01:02:03,920 --> 01:02:05,114 Oh, good. No broken ribs. 873 01:02:06,889 --> 01:02:10,154 Maybe a bruised kidney. The leg's the worst of it. 874 01:02:10,593 --> 01:02:12,823 Looks like a compound fracture. 875 01:02:13,362 --> 01:02:15,557 Okay, Faith, I need you to grab that towel... 876 01:02:15,732 --> 01:02:18,166 ...and press above where she's bleeding. 877 01:02:18,968 --> 01:02:21,061 Wade, are you gonna operate right now? 878 01:02:21,237 --> 01:02:23,535 We're gonna operate. She's got internal bleeding. 879 01:02:23,706 --> 01:02:25,697 When I need an instrument I'll describe it... 880 01:02:25,875 --> 01:02:27,843 ...and you give it to me handle first, okay? 881 01:02:28,277 --> 01:02:30,905 - Wade, I can't. - Faith. 882 01:02:31,080 --> 01:02:35,710 Faith, I'm all alone here. I need you, okay? 883 01:02:35,885 --> 01:02:38,080 You can do it. I know you can. 884 01:02:38,688 --> 01:02:40,713 - Okay. - Okay? 885 01:02:40,890 --> 01:02:42,380 Press right there. 886 01:02:42,558 --> 01:02:45,652 Yeah, right there. Good. Now, press it. 887 01:02:51,834 --> 01:02:53,358 Now hand me the hemostat. 888 01:02:53,536 --> 01:02:56,403 It's the one in the middle, the curved pair of scissors. 889 01:03:01,010 --> 01:03:02,807 All right. Thank you. 890 01:03:06,849 --> 01:03:08,180 It's okay. 891 01:03:08,351 --> 01:03:09,545 Here we go. 892 01:03:15,458 --> 01:03:17,085 You okay? 893 01:03:20,496 --> 01:03:21,986 No, I haven't seen her. 894 01:03:22,165 --> 01:03:24,895 Actually, I need her to come in. I left a couple messages. 895 01:03:25,067 --> 01:03:27,092 I was about to stop by her house. 896 01:03:27,270 --> 01:03:29,830 - Is Mongo okay? - Yeah, she will be. 897 01:03:30,106 --> 01:03:33,166 Sherry's probably looking for her I'm gonna meet you over there. 898 01:03:33,342 --> 01:03:35,173 Okay. Bye. 899 01:03:35,545 --> 01:03:39,777 Oh, my God, Wade. I had no idea what it was that you did. 900 01:03:39,949 --> 01:03:44,352 I thought it was all about giving out shots and cleaning up poop. 901 01:03:44,921 --> 01:03:48,584 - You just saved a life. - No, we saved a life. 902 01:03:48,758 --> 01:03:50,350 You were awesome. 903 01:03:50,526 --> 01:03:55,828 Would you just shut up and be my hero for one minute? 904 01:03:57,667 --> 01:03:59,760 And how steady his hands were. 905 01:03:59,936 --> 01:04:02,268 And blood was gushing out all over the place... 906 01:04:02,438 --> 01:04:04,565 ...and he never so much as flinched. 907 01:04:04,740 --> 01:04:07,903 He was just like George Clooney, only sexier. 908 01:04:08,077 --> 01:04:09,942 - The door's open. She must be home. - Don't. 909 01:04:11,747 --> 01:04:13,078 She's dead. 910 01:04:15,284 --> 01:04:16,273 What? 911 01:04:19,422 --> 01:04:20,684 Wait. 912 01:04:20,857 --> 01:04:24,349 We tell the police that we saw the door open and got a bad feeling, okay? 913 01:04:24,760 --> 01:04:26,557 - Why? - Just promise me. 914 01:04:26,729 --> 01:04:28,629 Okay. 915 01:04:34,136 --> 01:04:37,731 It's funny, knowing you as I do, I'd say you poked your head in that door. 916 01:04:37,907 --> 01:04:39,465 Curiosity, if nothing else. 917 01:04:39,642 --> 01:04:42,236 Well, obviously, you don't know me as well as you think. 918 01:04:42,411 --> 01:04:45,175 So you got a hunch there was a dead body there? 919 01:04:45,348 --> 01:04:47,282 - Yeah. - Well, I'm a big believer in hunches. 920 01:04:47,450 --> 01:04:50,180 Since the day, 18 years ago, when one of Tory's hunches... 921 01:04:50,353 --> 01:04:52,218 ...led us to where Hope Lavelle lay dead. 922 01:04:52,388 --> 01:04:55,482 That and those hunches you followed in New York City a few years back. 923 01:04:55,658 --> 01:04:57,751 I'm sorry, Tory, I know you wanted it secret. 924 01:04:57,927 --> 01:04:59,952 Didn't let on we knew. But we need your help. 925 01:05:00,129 --> 01:05:02,791 What happened in New York's got nothing to do with this. 926 01:05:02,965 --> 01:05:06,457 Three kids made it back home because you had hunches. 927 01:05:07,270 --> 01:05:09,101 And one didn't. 928 01:05:09,272 --> 01:05:12,435 But three did. That was one efficient killer we got working there. 929 01:05:12,608 --> 01:05:15,634 There's nothing left behind. No sign of what he used to tie her up. 930 01:05:15,811 --> 01:05:18,177 Left no fingerprints, no footprints in the road. 931 01:05:18,347 --> 01:05:21,316 I'd like you to go in with us, tell us what you see that we can't. 932 01:05:21,484 --> 01:05:23,315 What makes you think that I can help? 933 01:05:23,486 --> 01:05:25,954 Somebody's been planning this. 934 01:05:26,155 --> 01:05:29,215 They knew her dog, they knew how to get into her house. 935 01:05:29,392 --> 01:05:33,829 And I have been here the whole time and what good did I do? 936 01:05:40,636 --> 01:05:42,001 Hey. 937 01:05:42,171 --> 01:05:44,366 His name was Jonah Mansfield. 938 01:05:44,540 --> 01:05:49,239 I was so messed up over what was going on with the guy I got it wrong. 939 01:05:49,578 --> 01:05:53,810 I thought it was just one kidnapper. He died when the police went in. 940 01:05:53,983 --> 01:05:55,848 He was 7 years old. 941 01:05:56,018 --> 01:05:59,613 And Sherry Bellows was fine until she walked into my store. 942 01:05:59,789 --> 01:06:01,882 Look, hey, you did not kill Sherry Bellows. 943 01:06:02,058 --> 01:06:03,923 You did not kill Jonah Mansfield or Hope. 944 01:06:04,093 --> 01:06:05,822 The end of the story's always the same. 945 01:06:05,995 --> 01:06:08,156 Someone's dead and I'm running. 946 01:06:08,331 --> 01:06:09,821 Running where? 947 01:06:09,999 --> 01:06:11,591 Raleigh for tonight. 948 01:06:11,801 --> 01:06:14,998 Figure out how to close the store down and take it from there. 949 01:06:17,139 --> 01:06:22,372 Well, I'm going too. To the ends of the earth if that's where you're headed. 950 01:06:22,545 --> 01:06:25,446 So you can die trying to protect me? 951 01:06:26,048 --> 01:06:28,380 I'm not gonna let that happen. 952 01:06:31,854 --> 01:06:33,321 Tory. 953 01:06:36,492 --> 01:06:38,585 I'm saying goodbye. 954 01:06:39,228 --> 01:06:41,287 You have to let me go. 955 01:07:30,446 --> 01:07:31,936 She's in the kitchen. 956 01:07:32,114 --> 01:07:35,242 She's cooking dinner for her and Mongo. 957 01:07:35,418 --> 01:07:37,045 She turns the music on. 958 01:07:37,219 --> 01:07:40,120 She likes to have noise around her while she cooks. 959 01:07:42,024 --> 01:07:44,322 There's somebody else here. 960 01:07:45,961 --> 01:07:48,191 He's feeding Mongo. 961 01:07:49,899 --> 01:07:51,628 Drugging her. 962 01:07:58,407 --> 01:08:01,433 She turns. She's met him before. She doesn't understand. 963 01:08:01,610 --> 01:08:04,943 "Don't touch me," she says. "I'll do anything if you don't hurt me." 964 01:08:05,347 --> 01:08:07,110 She knows what he's going to do. 965 01:08:07,583 --> 01:08:08,743 Please don't touch me. 966 01:08:09,151 --> 01:08:13,349 He throws her. He throws her down on the bed and punches her hard. 967 01:08:14,557 --> 01:08:17,321 He ties her hands behind her back. 968 01:08:17,860 --> 01:08:20,795 He takes a condom out. She wants to be anywhere else but here. 969 01:08:20,963 --> 01:08:23,124 She can hear the music in the other room. 970 01:08:23,299 --> 01:08:26,291 It hurts. It hurts. 971 01:08:26,469 --> 01:08:29,802 He puts his hands around her neck and she can't fight anymore. 972 01:08:29,972 --> 01:08:31,496 Who is he? 973 01:08:31,841 --> 01:08:34,002 He's disappointed. 974 01:08:35,144 --> 01:08:36,372 He didn't want her. 975 01:08:37,313 --> 01:08:39,144 He wants somebody else. 976 01:08:44,220 --> 01:08:45,551 He drops it. 977 01:08:45,721 --> 01:08:47,279 He did leave something behind. 978 01:08:49,625 --> 01:08:50,990 He... 979 01:08:52,294 --> 01:08:53,989 It's... 980 01:09:06,542 --> 01:09:07,907 It's my father's hair. 981 01:09:09,078 --> 01:09:11,478 Sherry met him when he came into my store. 982 01:09:12,214 --> 01:09:14,682 If this was your father, this and Hope and the other... 983 01:09:14,850 --> 01:09:18,684 ...I can bring that to the FBI and they're gonna go straight to your mother. 984 01:09:19,321 --> 01:09:21,289 If I know Sari, anybody with a badge... 985 01:09:21,457 --> 01:09:24,051 ...comes knocking on her door she's gonna clam right up. 986 01:09:24,226 --> 01:09:26,820 If her own people get there first, you and Wade... 987 01:09:26,996 --> 01:09:29,863 I tried and she's not gonna talk to me. She hates me. 988 01:09:30,032 --> 01:09:34,594 It's different. He's wanted for murder. If she hides him, she's an accessory. 989 01:09:39,842 --> 01:09:44,438 Tory Bodeen and another dead body, what a surprise. 990 01:09:44,947 --> 01:09:46,915 It was awful. 991 01:09:47,082 --> 01:09:49,846 Give me a second to recover. 992 01:09:50,019 --> 01:09:52,419 Then you were there with her? 993 01:09:52,655 --> 01:09:55,783 What are you, best friends now? 994 01:09:56,725 --> 01:10:00,752 Don't you get tired of carrying this around every second of your life? 995 01:10:00,930 --> 01:10:03,262 I mean, you named your daughters Faith and Hope. 996 01:10:03,432 --> 01:10:05,627 Don't you have any of either of those things left? 997 01:10:05,801 --> 01:10:08,770 I fought as hard as I could for Jennifer and Jessica... 998 01:10:08,938 --> 01:10:11,873 ...but once your father got an idea in his head... 999 01:10:12,041 --> 01:10:15,101 Why don't you get out of this creepy old house? 1000 01:10:15,277 --> 01:10:18,178 You have all the money in the world. You could... 1001 01:10:18,347 --> 01:10:21,282 ...buy a villa in the south of France... 1002 01:10:21,450 --> 01:10:24,613 ...and have a romance with a dashing Gypsy. 1003 01:10:25,354 --> 01:10:27,754 So the answer to my problems is I should run around... 1004 01:10:27,923 --> 01:10:31,256 ...sleeping with everything that moves, like you. 1005 01:10:31,627 --> 01:10:34,960 Well, it's a way of life. It has its attractions. 1006 01:10:36,732 --> 01:10:41,328 Ma, have you left Piedmont County since Hope died? 1007 01:10:45,241 --> 01:10:48,404 Oh, my God, you haven't. 1008 01:10:50,579 --> 01:10:52,809 Eighteen years. 1009 01:10:58,587 --> 01:11:00,111 Tory. 1010 01:11:05,194 --> 01:11:08,357 Hey. You can't go in there. Get back here. 1011 01:11:11,100 --> 01:11:13,159 - Hey. You can't be in here. - It's her mother. 1012 01:11:13,335 --> 01:11:15,565 - Get out. It's a crime scene. - It's her mother. 1013 01:11:15,738 --> 01:11:17,433 Come on. Come on. 1014 01:11:20,476 --> 01:11:25,971 Steady. Now, you wanna get his head right between those two notches. 1015 01:11:26,582 --> 01:11:30,177 Now, give her a nice steady squeeze. 1016 01:11:32,921 --> 01:11:34,912 Why do I feel more grief for Sherry Bellows... 1017 01:11:35,090 --> 01:11:37,650 ...who I knew a couple of weeks, than I do for my mother? 1018 01:11:37,826 --> 01:11:41,284 Well, you used up your grieving for Sari a long time ago. 1019 01:11:47,503 --> 01:11:49,869 Squeeze, now. Don't pull. 1020 01:11:53,142 --> 01:11:55,269 So you wanna get married or what? 1021 01:11:56,845 --> 01:11:58,540 You gonna make me get down on one knee? 1022 01:11:58,714 --> 01:12:01,512 With everything going on and I've only been back three weeks... 1023 01:12:01,684 --> 01:12:05,381 ...that's not just crazy, that's just plain stupid. 1024 01:12:05,554 --> 01:12:09,684 That's what they said about my great grandpa, Horace Vanderbilt Lavelle. 1025 01:12:09,858 --> 01:12:12,793 He met a girl on one of the lifeboats of the SS Titanic. 1026 01:12:12,961 --> 01:12:16,920 Proposed to her the day the rescue ship docked in New York a week later. 1027 01:12:17,099 --> 01:12:20,227 They were married 71 years, had 11 children... 1028 01:12:20,402 --> 01:12:23,371 ...and her name was on his lips the day that he died. 1029 01:12:23,539 --> 01:12:25,973 You are not thinking straight. 1030 01:12:27,576 --> 01:12:30,340 - I've gotta get ready for work. - Yeah, so do I. 1031 01:12:30,512 --> 01:12:34,448 I'll have Faith come by here, tell her to bring her AK-47. 1032 01:12:34,616 --> 01:12:36,015 She loves that little thing. 1033 01:12:38,420 --> 01:12:41,082 Don't you ever wanna put your talents to use? 1034 01:12:41,657 --> 01:12:45,093 Go to Vegas, hit the blackjack tables? 1035 01:12:45,260 --> 01:12:48,093 It's not something to profit from, Faith. 1036 01:12:48,263 --> 01:12:50,527 Oh, I forgot. 1037 01:12:51,066 --> 01:12:53,330 This is the totally serious Miss Victoria Bodeen... 1038 01:12:53,502 --> 01:12:57,768 ...we're talking about. "I am psychic, therefore I must suffer." 1039 01:12:57,940 --> 01:13:02,377 Knowing my luck, I'd just get the dealer's childhood traumas. 1040 01:13:20,896 --> 01:13:26,698 Faith, I left my hairclip in the car. Do you mind going to get that for me? 1041 01:13:26,869 --> 01:13:29,963 - What's wrong? - Nothing. I just need my hairclip. 1042 01:13:30,139 --> 01:13:33,768 Tory, I'm gonna have to give you lying lessons one day. 1043 01:13:33,942 --> 01:13:35,876 What's going on? 1044 01:13:37,079 --> 01:13:38,603 He's coming from the back. 1045 01:13:38,781 --> 01:13:41,341 - Go out the front and run for your life. - No, come on. 1046 01:13:41,517 --> 01:13:43,849 - Come with me. - No, then he'll get us both. Just go. 1047 01:13:44,019 --> 01:13:45,418 Go. 1048 01:13:52,694 --> 01:13:54,525 You lied. 1049 01:13:55,531 --> 01:13:57,522 You told you saw me. 1050 01:13:57,900 --> 01:14:00,562 There are more cops in this town... 1051 01:14:00,969 --> 01:14:02,129 ...than mosquitoes. 1052 01:14:02,304 --> 01:14:04,204 I don't have any money here. 1053 01:14:09,278 --> 01:14:12,111 You don't ever get to lay a hand on me again. 1054 01:14:12,281 --> 01:14:14,476 Mama didn't have enough money for you this time? 1055 01:14:14,917 --> 01:14:16,612 Is that why you killed her? 1056 01:14:16,785 --> 01:14:18,480 You're even crazier than I am. 1057 01:14:21,323 --> 01:14:23,416 Now, put that down. 1058 01:14:24,126 --> 01:14:27,357 Get your daddy some lemonade. We'll have us a family talk. 1059 01:14:30,332 --> 01:14:33,028 - You never did have any balls. - No one's said that about me. 1060 01:14:42,511 --> 01:14:43,705 I told you to go. 1061 01:14:43,879 --> 01:14:48,407 I went to get my gun and call the police. 1062 01:14:48,584 --> 01:14:50,211 Are you shot. Did he shoot you? 1063 01:14:50,385 --> 01:14:53,718 No. What are you...? You shot him. 1064 01:14:56,358 --> 01:14:58,189 Oh, thank God. 1065 01:15:00,762 --> 01:15:04,391 Oh, my God. That's my car. I left the keys in it. 1066 01:15:15,811 --> 01:15:17,711 Tory, get out of the road. 1067 01:15:17,880 --> 01:15:19,404 Tory, Get out of the road. 1068 01:15:21,817 --> 01:15:23,682 Tory, snap out of it. 1069 01:15:45,407 --> 01:15:47,204 Oh, my God. 1070 01:15:49,611 --> 01:15:53,377 Oh, God. Wade. I want my Wade. 1071 01:15:55,684 --> 01:15:58,517 - Cade. - Are you okay? Are you guys okay? 1072 01:15:58,687 --> 01:16:01,247 I heard the sirens, I saw the explosion. 1073 01:16:02,891 --> 01:16:06,759 He's dead. I felt him die. 1074 01:16:07,696 --> 01:16:10,392 Okay, let's get to the house. 1075 01:16:10,566 --> 01:16:14,297 The police will wanna talk to you. Are you all right? 1076 01:16:22,311 --> 01:16:24,336 I can still feel him. 1077 01:16:24,513 --> 01:16:26,538 - He's watching. - No. 1078 01:16:26,848 --> 01:16:29,783 No. Baby, that was just the echoes. 1079 01:16:30,252 --> 01:16:32,982 He's dead. He's gone. It's over. 1080 01:16:33,589 --> 01:16:35,113 Come on. 1081 01:16:35,324 --> 01:16:37,690 It's okay, let's go. 1082 01:16:54,910 --> 01:16:59,404 When do I get to actually feel like it's over? 1083 01:16:59,581 --> 01:17:01,947 Like he isn't standing right behind me? 1084 01:17:02,117 --> 01:17:04,483 Well, once we're clear of the 23rd. 1085 01:17:04,653 --> 01:17:06,621 Just four more days. 1086 01:17:07,022 --> 01:17:08,455 Yeah. 1087 01:17:12,294 --> 01:17:15,661 When do I get to find out why you brought me here? 1088 01:17:17,199 --> 01:17:20,498 Well, there hasn't been a lot of rain... 1089 01:17:21,236 --> 01:17:22,931 ...but it's enough. 1090 01:17:25,574 --> 01:17:29,066 And the soil holds more water when it isn't full of chemicals. 1091 01:17:29,511 --> 01:17:32,639 My father had to water twice as much to fight the growth regulators... 1092 01:17:32,814 --> 01:17:34,543 ...he sprayed on the stuff. 1093 01:17:35,684 --> 01:17:37,515 That's how it was done. 1094 01:17:38,720 --> 01:17:43,453 You do things differently, you have to prove yourself. 1095 01:17:46,294 --> 01:17:48,194 How much do I have to prove to you, Tory? 1096 01:17:49,698 --> 01:17:51,097 What are you talking about? 1097 01:17:51,266 --> 01:17:54,167 Most people have treated you a certain way. 1098 01:17:54,336 --> 01:17:56,065 It's all you know. 1099 01:17:57,472 --> 01:18:00,032 I tried to do things differently. 1100 01:18:01,276 --> 01:18:03,403 So I brought you here... 1101 01:18:03,979 --> 01:18:06,914 ...to show you that I finish what I start. 1102 01:18:07,315 --> 01:18:10,341 And what belongs to me it's everything that I've got. 1103 01:18:10,519 --> 01:18:14,421 You make me so happy. 1104 01:18:15,123 --> 01:18:17,114 Just the way everything is. 1105 01:18:18,660 --> 01:18:20,218 Why do you have to change that? 1106 01:18:20,395 --> 01:18:22,090 Well, that's a first... 1107 01:18:22,264 --> 01:18:24,027 ...telling me that I make you happy. 1108 01:18:24,533 --> 01:18:27,627 - It's so obvious. - Nothing's obvious to guys. 1109 01:18:27,803 --> 01:18:29,498 Don't you know that? 1110 01:18:31,873 --> 01:18:33,397 Tory... 1111 01:18:34,910 --> 01:18:36,571 ...do you love me? 1112 01:18:40,982 --> 01:18:43,576 Yes, but I think that l... 1113 01:18:43,752 --> 01:18:45,276 That's not obvious enough. 1114 01:18:45,454 --> 01:18:48,423 I need to hear it again. 1115 01:18:50,192 --> 01:18:51,989 Do you love me? 1116 01:18:52,961 --> 01:18:54,326 Yes, I love you. 1117 01:19:03,839 --> 01:19:04,897 You wanna be with me? 1118 01:19:07,075 --> 01:19:08,804 - Yes, but l... - Well, then come with me. 1119 01:19:09,211 --> 01:19:10,906 I need to get something from home. 1120 01:19:11,480 --> 01:19:13,675 You mean Beaux Reves? 1121 01:19:13,849 --> 01:19:16,079 - I can't go there. - Of course you can. 1122 01:19:16,251 --> 01:19:18,276 It's just a house. It's my house. 1123 01:19:18,453 --> 01:19:20,011 Come on. 1124 01:19:40,275 --> 01:19:43,267 I'm not allowed in the front rooms. Just the kitchen. 1125 01:19:43,445 --> 01:19:45,140 Those are the rules. 1126 01:19:45,313 --> 01:19:47,645 I'm sure once upon a time when you were barefoot... 1127 01:19:47,816 --> 01:19:50,979 ...and covered in swamp mud those rules served a good purpose. 1128 01:19:51,153 --> 01:19:55,146 Just hold on a second, okay? It's in my office. 1129 01:20:03,365 --> 01:20:04,855 Catch. 1130 01:20:09,738 --> 01:20:13,936 It was my grandmother's and it came to me. 1131 01:20:14,109 --> 01:20:16,509 Cade, I need to talk with you. 1132 01:20:17,078 --> 01:20:18,909 Come on down and we'll talk in the den. 1133 01:20:19,080 --> 01:20:20,672 Just you and me. 1134 01:20:20,849 --> 01:20:22,840 Well, then it'll have to wait. 1135 01:20:23,018 --> 01:20:25,043 Wasn't "The guest is king"... 1136 01:20:25,220 --> 01:20:27,688 ...always house rule number one within these halls? 1137 01:20:27,856 --> 01:20:30,689 Not every girl whose pants you get into counts as a guest. 1138 01:20:32,661 --> 01:20:35,152 - I'll be leaving now. - Please don't. 1139 01:20:35,330 --> 01:20:38,390 The last I thought I'd hear from you is pure, low-down bad manners. 1140 01:20:38,567 --> 01:20:40,432 I can't have her in this house. 1141 01:20:40,602 --> 01:20:43,002 Oh, good, a party. 1142 01:20:43,171 --> 01:20:44,638 Anybody care for a gin fizz? 1143 01:20:44,806 --> 01:20:46,899 You're talking about the girl I'm to marry. 1144 01:20:47,075 --> 01:20:49,043 What do you expect from me? 1145 01:20:49,211 --> 01:20:52,146 - My blessings? - Yes, I would like that. 1146 01:20:52,581 --> 01:20:55,311 I want your blessings more than I can say. 1147 01:20:56,484 --> 01:20:58,918 But you don't need to keep doing this. 1148 01:20:59,120 --> 01:21:00,951 The man who killed Hope is gone. 1149 01:21:01,323 --> 01:21:04,417 I can't have this house fall into the hands of the girl... 1150 01:21:04,593 --> 01:21:07,187 ...who left her to die. If you let that happen... 1151 01:21:07,963 --> 01:21:11,660 ...l'll go to the board and have you fired from Lavelle Farms. 1152 01:21:11,833 --> 01:21:13,630 And I'll fight it and I'll win. 1153 01:21:13,802 --> 01:21:15,963 Not if Faith throws in her shares with me. 1154 01:21:16,137 --> 01:21:18,571 And what makes you think that Faith is gonna do that? 1155 01:21:18,740 --> 01:21:21,072 She's out of an inheritance if she doesn't. 1156 01:21:21,243 --> 01:21:24,371 Actually, Faith doesn't need an inheritance anymore. 1157 01:21:24,546 --> 01:21:27,481 Faith's got a job at Tory's store. 1158 01:21:28,516 --> 01:21:30,143 She does? 1159 01:21:30,719 --> 01:21:33,187 Yes, she does. 1160 01:21:33,355 --> 01:21:36,051 Can we all stop talking about me in the third person, please? 1161 01:21:36,224 --> 01:21:38,454 If you stand against me... 1162 01:21:38,627 --> 01:21:41,095 ...I will leave this house. 1163 01:21:42,230 --> 01:21:44,824 And we will have nothing more to say to each other. 1164 01:21:45,000 --> 01:21:48,731 Would you stop being the outraged, confederate matriarch? 1165 01:21:48,904 --> 01:21:51,702 They closed that show a long time ago. 1166 01:21:53,708 --> 01:21:57,576 Mama, people go on from things. 1167 01:21:57,746 --> 01:21:59,509 Even the death of a child. 1168 01:22:00,081 --> 01:22:04,142 I pray to God you never have to find out how wrong you are about that. 1169 01:22:04,319 --> 01:22:06,685 If I were God, you know what I'd answer? 1170 01:22:06,855 --> 01:22:10,916 "Margaret, last time I checked, you had two other children... 1171 01:22:11,092 --> 01:22:13,526 ...that have the distinction of still being alive." 1172 01:22:13,695 --> 01:22:15,595 And two children who love you very much. 1173 01:22:15,764 --> 01:22:16,958 Believe it or not. 1174 01:22:17,465 --> 01:22:20,457 Mrs. Lavelle, please don't make him choose between us. 1175 01:22:20,635 --> 01:22:23,832 I had another child who chose you. 1176 01:22:24,005 --> 01:22:25,836 She paid a very high price. 1177 01:22:30,111 --> 01:22:33,638 I should never have let her anywhere near you... 1178 01:22:34,182 --> 01:22:35,774 ...or your family. 1179 01:22:35,951 --> 01:22:38,181 Mama, you couldn't have stopped if you tried. 1180 01:22:38,987 --> 01:22:41,319 I'll be going to the lake house. 1181 01:22:43,858 --> 01:22:45,849 I'll send for my things. 1182 01:22:46,795 --> 01:22:48,262 Cade, talk to her. 1183 01:22:48,430 --> 01:22:50,125 Don't let her leave like that. 1184 01:22:50,298 --> 01:22:52,528 I will. I'll talk to her when she's cooled down. 1185 01:22:52,701 --> 01:22:55,067 I'm not gonna get through to her, though. 1186 01:22:55,603 --> 01:22:57,002 Will she really leave? 1187 01:22:57,172 --> 01:23:00,073 Yeah, if she does, it just might save her life. 1188 01:23:00,241 --> 01:23:02,641 Not to mention mine. 1189 01:23:07,115 --> 01:23:11,142 You know, Bee and I really need to mosey along. 1190 01:23:11,319 --> 01:23:12,479 Don't we, precious? 1191 01:23:18,493 --> 01:23:22,395 If you even think about letting Margaret Lavelle's lunacy... 1192 01:23:22,564 --> 01:23:25,158 ...get in the way of even one-millionth of a molecule... 1193 01:23:25,333 --> 01:23:29,394 ...of your happiness with Cade, I will personally kill you. 1194 01:23:31,339 --> 01:23:33,068 Bye, now. 1195 01:23:39,014 --> 01:23:41,676 I don't want a girlfriend. 1196 01:23:42,050 --> 01:23:44,848 I wanna spend my life with you. 1197 01:23:46,755 --> 01:23:50,623 I wanna have a family with you. 1198 01:23:52,227 --> 01:23:55,628 Tory, will you marry me? 1199 01:23:55,797 --> 01:23:58,960 Why does this scare me more than my father ever did? 1200 01:23:59,134 --> 01:24:01,602 It's a yes or no question. 1201 01:24:02,504 --> 01:24:03,903 Yes. 1202 01:24:14,783 --> 01:24:18,219 She loved him, your grandmother. 1203 01:24:19,387 --> 01:24:22,413 His name was Timothy and hers was Laura. 1204 01:24:23,491 --> 01:24:24,549 And they were happy. 1205 01:24:28,296 --> 01:24:30,423 With rain and sun coming in, it's hard to tell... 1206 01:24:30,598 --> 01:24:33,192 ... what kind of August 23rd you're gonna have. 1207 01:24:33,368 --> 01:24:37,099 So bring your sunscreen and your umbrella and you should be just fine. 1208 01:24:37,272 --> 01:24:41,800 In Piedmont, "If you don't like the weather, just wait a minute. " 1209 01:24:41,976 --> 01:24:43,671 So looking ahead at the next... 1210 01:25:00,662 --> 01:25:02,755 Aunt Sari had a harder life than she needed... 1211 01:25:02,931 --> 01:25:05,024 ...and a harder death than she deserved... 1212 01:25:05,200 --> 01:25:08,033 ...but she's at peace now. 1213 01:25:43,171 --> 01:25:45,366 I should have brought her flowers. 1214 01:25:45,540 --> 01:25:48,008 I never bring her flowers here. 1215 01:25:48,176 --> 01:25:50,576 I always go to the place in the woods. 1216 01:25:50,745 --> 01:25:52,838 That was her place. 1217 01:25:54,249 --> 01:25:56,774 I'm so sorry for your loss, Tory. 1218 01:25:57,085 --> 01:25:59,713 If there's anything I can do, be sure to call. 1219 01:25:59,888 --> 01:26:01,981 I will. Thank you. 1220 01:26:04,292 --> 01:26:08,319 You know, Hope loved marigolds and they're growing crazy at Beaux Reves. 1221 01:26:08,496 --> 01:26:11,590 Do you wanna pick some and meet me up there about 2? 1222 01:26:11,766 --> 01:26:15,896 And we can tell her it's all over. 1223 01:26:16,638 --> 01:26:19,072 Faith, I wish I felt that way. 1224 01:26:19,240 --> 01:26:22,539 You will, you will in time. We all will. 1225 01:26:25,013 --> 01:26:29,575 I can't believe I'm condescending to be friends with Tory Bodeen. 1226 01:26:31,486 --> 01:26:34,717 I hope you know that I only pay $6.75 an hour... 1227 01:26:34,889 --> 01:26:37,756 ...and there's no commission on sales. 1228 01:26:37,926 --> 01:26:41,225 Well, I hope you know that I'm gonna kick such royal ass... 1229 01:26:41,396 --> 01:26:46,732 ...that you'll be begging me to accept equal partnership by Christmas. 1230 01:26:49,103 --> 01:26:52,539 - Lf you get there before me, don't... - I'll wait for you. 1231 01:27:14,996 --> 01:27:16,987 Hello, Tory. 1232 01:27:23,471 --> 01:27:25,063 Cade. 1233 01:27:26,674 --> 01:27:28,232 We got the ballistics reports. 1234 01:27:28,409 --> 01:27:31,242 The gun that killed Sari wasn't the one Bodeen had on him. 1235 01:27:31,412 --> 01:27:32,606 Not even the same caliber. 1236 01:27:32,780 --> 01:27:35,146 The one he had was reported stolen from a house... 1237 01:27:35,350 --> 01:27:38,319 ...30 miles south of here between 7 and 8 p.m., Monday night. 1238 01:27:38,486 --> 01:27:41,250 Sari's neighbors reported hearing gunshots at 7:30 p. M... 1239 01:27:41,422 --> 01:27:44,619 ...a hundred miles north of here. Unless he sprouted wings and flew... 1240 01:27:44,792 --> 01:27:48,091 - Yeah, well, the times must be wrong. - Who would have killed Tory's mom? 1241 01:27:48,263 --> 01:27:49,594 The times aren't wrong. 1242 01:27:49,764 --> 01:27:53,029 Look, if Bodeen didn't kill Sari, maybe he didn't kill any of them. 1243 01:27:53,201 --> 01:27:55,328 Whoever did is still out there walking free. 1244 01:27:55,770 --> 01:27:58,705 - You have any idea where Tory is? - Yes. 1245 01:28:00,008 --> 01:28:01,168 She's with Hope. 1246 01:28:01,342 --> 01:28:04,778 Faith's coming. She'll be here any second. 1247 01:28:04,946 --> 01:28:07,073 No, she won't. 1248 01:28:07,615 --> 01:28:09,879 I asked Lissy to drop in on her. 1249 01:28:10,051 --> 01:28:12,679 And you know Lissy, when she gets to talking. 1250 01:28:12,854 --> 01:28:14,913 Why'd you kill Hope? 1251 01:28:15,723 --> 01:28:17,190 You were 12 years old. 1252 01:28:17,358 --> 01:28:18,848 Cade or Wade. 1253 01:28:19,027 --> 01:28:20,517 First at everything. 1254 01:28:20,695 --> 01:28:23,994 First to get drunk, first to smoke a cigarette. 1255 01:28:24,165 --> 01:28:25,996 I was gonna be the first to get a girl. 1256 01:28:26,167 --> 01:28:28,533 Me, the fat kid, the sissy. 1257 01:28:28,703 --> 01:28:30,568 I was gonna get two girls if I was lucky. 1258 01:28:30,738 --> 01:28:34,139 Not that I'd be able to brag about it. Had to be my little secret. 1259 01:28:34,609 --> 01:28:35,803 Kind of like being Batman. 1260 01:28:41,949 --> 01:28:43,917 I didn't know I was gonna kill her. 1261 01:28:44,085 --> 01:28:45,985 That just kind of happened. 1262 01:28:46,154 --> 01:28:49,351 I drank some of my daddy's whisky, drank like a man, you know. 1263 01:28:49,524 --> 01:28:53,858 "Come on, you fat slob, be a man. You can't be a man if you're a virgin." 1264 01:28:54,028 --> 01:28:56,121 That night changed my life. 1265 01:28:56,764 --> 01:28:58,322 That night was perfect. 1266 01:29:07,909 --> 01:29:12,175 All those other girls, I was just trying to get that one perfect moment back. 1267 01:29:12,347 --> 01:29:13,439 You were gone. 1268 01:29:13,614 --> 01:29:16,412 Faith would have done, but the way her parents watched her... 1269 01:29:16,584 --> 01:29:20,179 ...I couldn't get within 50 feet of her. I made do with tramps and losers. 1270 01:29:21,189 --> 01:29:22,816 And when you came back... 1271 01:29:22,990 --> 01:29:25,584 ...I was afraid you were gonna see what I was thinking. 1272 01:29:25,760 --> 01:29:28,388 I knew how to fill my head with noise and block you out. 1273 01:29:28,563 --> 01:29:30,554 You never got through. 1274 01:29:30,732 --> 01:29:32,700 Standing next to you at Hope's funeral... 1275 01:29:32,867 --> 01:29:34,892 ...wiping the sad, little tears from my eyes. 1276 01:29:39,474 --> 01:29:41,567 Sherry, she wasn't part of the plan. 1277 01:29:41,743 --> 01:29:43,768 But the way Cade had you surrounded 24l7... 1278 01:29:43,945 --> 01:29:47,108 ...I had to get your guard down. I had to pin it on somebody else. 1279 01:29:47,281 --> 01:29:48,714 And who better than Han? 1280 01:29:48,883 --> 01:29:50,407 - And that just left... - My mother. 1281 01:29:50,585 --> 01:29:53,782 What if she told the cops Han was with her at the time of the murder? 1282 01:29:53,955 --> 01:29:58,289 I snuck there on Tuesday night, took a little hair out of your daddy's brush. 1283 01:29:58,459 --> 01:30:01,428 Reason I couldn't see you is because there's nothing there. 1284 01:30:01,596 --> 01:30:03,723 How about I show you a bit of that nothing? 1285 01:30:25,286 --> 01:30:26,776 This is gonna be perfect. 1286 01:30:32,226 --> 01:30:36,424 Tory Bodeen, girl spy, face to face with the forces of darkness. 1287 01:30:36,597 --> 01:30:39,623 He's too strong. She can't keep fighting. 1288 01:30:39,801 --> 01:30:42,929 He's strong, but she's smart. 1289 01:30:43,104 --> 01:30:46,005 And everything she needs is right in front of her. 1290 01:30:46,174 --> 01:30:47,766 Open your eyes, Tory. 1291 01:30:57,585 --> 01:30:59,951 Thank God you're here. She went crazy. 1292 01:31:00,121 --> 01:31:03,147 It's him. He killed Hope. He was here waiting for me. 1293 01:31:03,324 --> 01:31:05,815 - You killed my sister? - No. She's insane. 1294 01:31:05,993 --> 01:31:09,121 You knew Tory was here, standing with her and Faith at the cemetery. 1295 01:31:09,297 --> 01:31:12,391 Don't you get it? It was her that killed Hope. She killed all of them. 1296 01:31:12,567 --> 01:31:15,127 Why do you think there was never any evidence of a rape? 1297 01:31:15,303 --> 01:31:17,635 It's because it wasn't a guy, it was her. 1298 01:31:17,805 --> 01:31:19,773 Telling us where Hope's body was. 1299 01:31:19,941 --> 01:31:22,000 Telling us it was her father's hair on the rug. 1300 01:31:22,176 --> 01:31:24,974 I suspected her for a long time and she knew it. 1301 01:31:25,146 --> 01:31:27,740 That's why she asked me to meet her out here. 1302 01:31:27,915 --> 01:31:30,975 Carl, you gotta get me to a hospital. I'm gonna lose this eye. 1303 01:31:31,152 --> 01:31:34,349 She was with me the night her mother died, the night Sherry was killed. 1304 01:31:34,522 --> 01:31:37,047 He's gonna say that. He's had this obsession... 1305 01:31:37,225 --> 01:31:38,522 ...since he was 10 years old. 1306 01:31:38,693 --> 01:31:42,185 - He's lying, Carl. He tried to kill me. - Well, I got a man hurt here, Tory. 1307 01:31:42,363 --> 01:31:44,388 To all appearances, you're holding the weapon. 1308 01:31:44,565 --> 01:31:48,092 - She's telling you the truth, you son... - Now, you cool down. You hear me? 1309 01:31:48,769 --> 01:31:52,830 Now, I need to get Dwight to a hospital, then I'll question them at the station. 1310 01:31:53,007 --> 01:31:56,101 No. Then he's gonna ditch the gun that he killed my mother with. 1311 01:31:56,277 --> 01:31:59,769 He let me in his head. I saw it. It's behind his back under his shirt. 1312 01:32:01,415 --> 01:32:04,873 I mean, that's the whole point. This psychic thing, it's a con. 1313 01:32:05,052 --> 01:32:07,953 How about you just lift the back of your shirt, we clear this up. 1314 01:32:08,122 --> 01:32:09,384 I'm dying here. 1315 01:32:09,557 --> 01:32:12,253 - Just search him. - You can't do that without a warrant. 1316 01:32:12,426 --> 01:32:14,792 Well, you take that up with the judge, Dwight. 1317 01:32:14,962 --> 01:32:16,623 Lift your shirt. 1318 01:32:21,469 --> 01:32:23,061 Don't move. 1319 01:32:24,805 --> 01:32:26,204 Senseless tragedy. 1320 01:32:26,374 --> 01:32:30,868 Tory Bodeen shoots her boyfriend and the chief of police. 1321 01:32:31,045 --> 01:32:32,603 Then she turns the gun on herself. 1322 01:32:32,780 --> 01:32:35,908 How could a thing like that happen in a town like Progress? 1323 01:32:36,083 --> 01:32:38,711 Dwight, don't move. It's coiled and it's gonna strike. 1324 01:32:52,199 --> 01:32:55,396 I'm gonna kill you. I'm gonna kill you. 1325 01:32:55,570 --> 01:32:59,062 Cade, no. Cade, no. No, stop. 1326 01:32:59,240 --> 01:33:01,003 - No! - Stop. Don't do it. 1327 01:33:01,175 --> 01:33:03,473 We're not him. We're not him, Cade. 1328 01:33:04,712 --> 01:33:08,739 - We've got more coming, chief. - It's Collier. Get Collier. 1329 01:33:08,916 --> 01:33:12,044 Mr. Collier, you have the right to remain silent. 1330 01:33:12,219 --> 01:33:14,153 If you give up the right to remain silent... 1331 01:33:14,322 --> 01:33:18,156 ...anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. 1332 01:33:18,326 --> 01:33:20,726 You have the right to speak to an attorney... 1333 01:33:24,432 --> 01:33:28,061 It's over now, Hope, for real. 1334 01:33:29,870 --> 01:33:33,271 Wade, when we get engaged, will you buy me a sapphire... 1335 01:33:33,441 --> 01:33:35,170 ...instead of a diamond? 1336 01:33:35,343 --> 01:33:39,245 And a nice one. Not too big or gaudy, mind you. 1337 01:33:39,413 --> 01:33:41,040 Square cut. 1338 01:33:41,515 --> 01:33:43,710 Are you proposing to me? 1339 01:33:43,985 --> 01:33:46,078 Hell, no. 1340 01:33:46,387 --> 01:33:50,619 No self-respecting Southern belle would lower herself to such a thing. 1341 01:33:52,693 --> 01:33:54,627 Let's go home. 1342 01:34:01,135 --> 01:34:02,898 Tory.