1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:07,859 fairy godmother her new summer job is a dream assignment for a prince 2 00:00:07,859 --> 00:00:13,410 no honey we all have to rein in the ROI plans are going to do exactly what I 3 00:00:13,410 --> 00:00:14,769 tell you 4 00:00:14,769 --> 00:00:17,769 excuse me 5 00:00:21,490 --> 00:00:29,140 nur prints colors Beyonce my summer prints starts right now on hallmark 6 00:00:29,140 --> 00:00:32,140 channel 7 00:00:56,590 --> 00:01:00,490 tell Robert need those press release edits for teachers approval right now 8 00:01:00,490 --> 00:01:04,59 we're on air in less than 15 minutes hang on did you switch out those chairs 9 00:01:04,59 --> 00:01:05,80 like teacher wanted 10 00:01:05,80 --> 00:01:11,140 yeah there's a million different asset is jess good morning Deidre good morning 11 00:01:11,140 --> 00:01:14,740 mandy is she here in makeup and the revised press release on the way 12 00:01:14,740 --> 00:01:17,890 excellent did you put her in the yellow suit isn't over yes but she was not 13 00:01:17,890 --> 00:01:18,670 happy about it 14 00:01:18,670 --> 00:01:22,869 she writes children's books should be happy about everything Barbara Kirkland 15 00:01:22,869 --> 00:01:26,619 is best known for her series of best-selling children's books The 16 00:01:26,619 --> 00:01:31,300 Adventures of Stuart this singing salamander but now she's in the news for 17 00:01:31,300 --> 00:01:33,340 something quite different 18 00:01:33,340 --> 00:01:37,780 aight video which has had more than a million online views in the last three 19 00:01:37,780 --> 00:01:43,000 days features the author their rating her staff starting again people we are 20 00:01:43,000 --> 00:01:50,350 starting to get right now and will have me legendary author Barbara kirkland 21 00:01:50,350 --> 00:01:50,979 live 22 00:01:50,979 --> 00:01:56,289 it's ok that is a perfect example of what you absolutely cannot say in the 23 00:01:56,289 --> 00:01:56,979 interview 24 00:01:56,979 --> 00:02:02,289 I'm aware of that Deidre you need to be gracious you need to be apologetic you 25 00:02:02,289 --> 00:02:04,810 had a bad day everyone has a bad day 26 00:02:04,810 --> 00:02:11,50 isn't that right Mandy absolutely human say this has been a humbling experience 27 00:02:11,50 --> 00:02:13,750 and you're grateful for it 28 00:02:13,750 --> 00:02:19,810 yes people can relate to that honestly this is just one little video on the 29 00:02:19,810 --> 00:02:23,80 internet this is a bit of an overreaction 30 00:02:23,80 --> 00:02:26,740 that's what people do on the internet they overreact 31 00:02:26,740 --> 00:02:30,849 Barbara I want you to think about your readers I want you to think about that 32 00:02:30,849 --> 00:02:35,890 multimillion-dollar industry that surrounds that singing salamander I'll 33 00:02:35,890 --> 00:02:36,849 be fine 34 00:02:36,849 --> 00:02:40,660 I know how to handle the press with all due respect if you knew how to handle 35 00:02:40,660 --> 00:02:44,720 the press I wouldn't be here so you'll do exactly as I say 36 00:02:44,720 --> 00:02:48,530 so any regrets 37 00:02:50,210 --> 00:02:56,450 make no mistake this has been quite horrifying but see yourself at your 38 00:02:56,450 --> 00:02:58,910 worst through someone else's eyes 39 00:02:58,910 --> 00:03:05,720 it's instructive this has been a humbling experience and for that I am 40 00:03:05,720 --> 00:03:08,420 truly grateful 41 00:03:08,420 --> 00:03:11,420 we'll be back after the break 42 00:03:15,980 --> 00:03:19,40 my friends we have slayed the dragon lady 43 00:03:21,630 --> 00:03:22,720 wanted 44 00:03:22,720 --> 00:03:29,410 great work on the thanks just ok so what was Barbara kirkland like in person she 45 00:03:29,410 --> 00:03:34,150 terribly not when you work for Deidre good job making her look so I just 46 00:03:34,150 --> 00:03:38,230 follow the plan but you're like the magician's assistant you know you just 47 00:03:38,230 --> 00:03:42,700 flash and dazzle but you're the one who knows how all the tricks work i've got 2 48 00:03:42,700 --> 00:03:45,700 r.d trailwood saw me in half 49 00:03:46,930 --> 00:03:50,80 stop maybe Cooper you stop right there what's wrong 50 00:03:50,80 --> 00:03:53,110 are those the Ferragamo comes from your Pinterest for you gotta dress for the 51 00:03:53,110 --> 00:03:55,660 job you want not the job you have 52 00:03:55,660 --> 00:03:59,230 I promised myself today went well I asked Deidre for a little more 53 00:03:59,230 --> 00:04:02,200 responsibility and if you don't ask you don't get 54 00:04:02,200 --> 00:04:05,200 exactly 55 00:04:10,340 --> 00:04:13,910 detra a moment I'm listening 56 00:04:14,599 --> 00:04:22,70 I am I thought today went really well thank you and I worked very hard to 57 00:04:22,70 --> 00:04:26,150 contribute to the work we do and you feel like that's not being acknowledged 58 00:04:26,150 --> 00:04:35,120 know if absolutely is the thing is I'm going to do more for our clients for the 59 00:04:35,120 --> 00:04:38,90 firm for you 60 00:04:38,90 --> 00:04:44,450 meaning want well I i have a ba in marketing and public relations and as 61 00:04:44,450 --> 00:04:47,930 gratifying as it is being your assistant you feel ready for a new challenge 62 00:04:48,830 --> 00:04:51,830 yes yes that's that's it exactly 63 00:04:52,610 --> 00:04:59,419 anybody to keep your ketchup beg your pardon the condiment catch up 64 00:04:59,930 --> 00:05:07,610 are you familiar yes yeah yeah I know I'm I know what catches is good where do 65 00:05:07,610 --> 00:05:11,630 you keep it in the fridge and why is that 66 00:05:12,320 --> 00:05:16,280 I think it sets you on the bottom are you sure about that 67 00:05:16,280 --> 00:05:21,559 suddenly I'm not if you go into a diner the cattle business sitting there on the 68 00:05:21,560 --> 00:05:28,70 table they don't serve it chilled well and never thought that no you wouldn't 69 00:05:28,70 --> 00:05:34,70 Mandy you are very good at doing what you're told that a good PR person takes 70 00:05:34,70 --> 00:05:39,320 deeper than that they want to know why things are done in a certain way my 71 00:05:39,320 --> 00:05:47,300 junior executives excel in formulating and executing plans of action but that's 72 00:05:47,300 --> 00:05:54,530 not you mandy is it to my because i keep my ketchup in the refrigerator 73 00:05:54,530 --> 00:06:00,830 no that's where I keep mine but i wanted there because I preferred you put it 74 00:06:00,830 --> 00:06:04,430 there because somebody told you 75 00:06:05,000 --> 00:06:08,420 yeah 76 00:06:10,200 --> 00:06:14,280 so apparently that's it mom I'm going to be an assistant for the rest of my life 77 00:06:14,280 --> 00:06:17,789 because I don't properly question the storage of my hamburger toppings 78 00:06:18,300 --> 00:06:21,720 that's the silliest thing I've ever heard i'm looking at the back of the 79 00:06:21,720 --> 00:06:26,670 bottle right now and it says for best results refrigerate after opening not 80 00:06:26,670 --> 00:06:31,830 really the point of my story I know the point is I work harder than anyone else 81 00:06:31,830 --> 00:06:36,599 that firm hoping they'll get a chance to move up but Diedre thinks all I can do 82 00:06:36,600 --> 00:06:41,910 is fetch coffee and that is exactly why you need this vacation tomorrow this 83 00:06:41,910 --> 00:06:46,560 time we're going to be sipping frozen fruity drinks on the beach it has been 84 00:06:46,560 --> 00:06:51,780 ages since I've had both my girls in the same place you have got to see your 85 00:06:51,780 --> 00:06:58,200 sister you got the baby shower invitation i did and i want to be there 86 00:06:58,200 --> 00:07:01,349 but it was hard enough getting time off for a beach trip 87 00:07:01,350 --> 00:07:07,410 Mandy we just miss you I miss you too i'll see you tomorrow for sunshine and 88 00:07:07,410 --> 00:07:10,680 fruity drinks love you love you 89 00:07:13,110 --> 00:07:18,330 rowdy night out in your town of Brian idaho for Prince Khalid of engineer who 90 00:07:18,330 --> 00:07:21,840 took up rain for this official visit to the u.s. to live up to his bad-boy 91 00:07:21,840 --> 00:07:24,840 reputation 92 00:07:30,230 --> 00:07:36,320 Prince colin has been charged with the facing public land is currently in the 93 00:07:36,320 --> 00:07:40,700 custody of the greenbrier sheriff's it is the latest scandal involving his 94 00:07:40,700 --> 00:07:41,870 royal highness 95 00:07:41,870 --> 00:07:47,900 adding fuel to growing concerned as to whether print colin is fit to be king is 96 00:07:47,900 --> 00:08:00,500 Her Majesty know what may I be of service man please alert the kitchen 97 00:08:00,500 --> 00:08:03,770 instead of teen cake this afternoon will be having one of those blended 98 00:08:03,770 --> 00:08:10,70 concoctions with wheatgrass and was it called kale I believe your majesty is 99 00:08:10,70 --> 00:08:15,830 requesting a smoothie and must consider my health finality because clearly i can 100 00:08:15,830 --> 00:08:16,580 never die 101 00:08:16,580 --> 00:08:22,99 Your Majesty I send my son to America to dedicate a university library in memory 102 00:08:22,100 --> 00:08:24,590 of his late father shockingly simple task 103 00:08:24,590 --> 00:08:29,90 all you had to do was wave and cut a ribbon somehow this leads to the crown 104 00:08:29,90 --> 00:08:33,860 prince of Edgemere being arrested for taking a bar in a public fountain I can 105 00:08:33,860 --> 00:08:37,310 assure you ma'am he remained closed the whole time 106 00:08:37,309 --> 00:08:42,770 Oh marvelous so he doesn't understand her bathing works what was going through 107 00:08:42,770 --> 00:08:46,69 his mind is gone mad taken up drinking 108 00:08:46,730 --> 00:08:52,940 oh no nothing of the sort he was just overly rambunctious and water lady 109 00:08:52,940 --> 00:08:54,830 Isabella does she know about this 110 00:08:54,830 --> 00:08:59,750 I'm certain she does begging your pardon ma'am I doubt she's any more surprised 111 00:08:59,750 --> 00:09:02,420 than we are such an embarrassment 112 00:09:02,420 --> 00:09:07,520 colin is not demonstrating the behavior of a man really for marriage would you 113 00:09:07,520 --> 00:09:12,710 believe in 10 days Penelope celebrating 25 years of my reign a quarter-century 114 00:09:12,710 --> 00:09:18,320 of leadership sacrifice that the eyes of the world will be upon us I will not 115 00:09:18,320 --> 00:09:19,550 have this distraction 116 00:09:19,550 --> 00:09:23,780 what is your Majesty's will i'm afraid we require outside assistance 117 00:09:24,570 --> 00:09:31,650 Prince Colin of Edgemere heir to the throne darling of the tabloids to face 118 00:09:31,650 --> 00:09:40,20 her of fountains and our new client the princes in greenbrier Idaho one of those 119 00:09:40,20 --> 00:09:43,170 charming little towns that looks like something in the Thomas Kincaid painting 120 00:09:43,170 --> 00:09:49,349 the director of royal communications is on her way to idaho and the prince will 121 00:09:49,350 --> 00:09:55,170 be released into her custody but we still have a court date to deal with so 122 00:09:55,170 --> 00:10:01,709 our strategy get the sheriff to drop all the charges issue an apology and a few 123 00:10:01,710 --> 00:10:03,750 good photo ops 124 00:10:03,750 --> 00:10:07,560 Robert I'd like you to prepare a list of local charities that would love a 125 00:10:07,560 --> 00:10:09,660 generous donation from the royal family 126 00:10:09,660 --> 00:10:13,860 you got it Jamal I need Intel on that chair if I want to know who I'm up 127 00:10:13,860 --> 00:10:15,000 against 128 00:10:15,000 --> 00:10:20,790 Mandy I want flights to idaho tonight and rooms at the little in and 129 00:10:20,790 --> 00:10:24,30 greenbriar for both of us us 130 00:10:24,30 --> 00:10:29,130 I actually i am i'm playing out tonight to be my mother and sister at the beach 131 00:10:29,130 --> 00:10:35,520 you know fourth of july weekend vacation this is the first I'm hearing of this 132 00:10:35,520 --> 00:10:39,660 oh actually i think i mentioned it when you are approved it 133 00:10:40,650 --> 00:10:46,140 my sister and her husband are expecting so we thought a girls trip with peaches 134 00:10:46,950 --> 00:10:49,680 I'm sorry did I say something that would lead you to believe that I was 135 00:10:49,680 --> 00:10:52,380 interested in those details and I apologize 136 00:10:52,380 --> 00:10:57,750 oh no I apologize I thought working directly with one of our most 137 00:10:57,750 --> 00:11:01,170 high-profile clients for someone seeking greater responsibility would be 138 00:11:01,170 --> 00:11:02,760 interesting button 139 00:11:02,760 --> 00:11:05,970 I understand you want to go to the beach 140 00:11:05,970 --> 00:11:08,970 how fun 141 00:11:20,990 --> 00:11:27,830 that child cried right next to me the entire left tens dear I don't even know 142 00:11:27,830 --> 00:11:32,270 why they allowed children first class in the future you have to find out who's 143 00:11:32,270 --> 00:11:35,810 sitting next to me i'm not sure how do that 144 00:11:35,810 --> 00:11:37,880 oh you'll find a way 145 00:11:37,880 --> 00:11:44,240 I couldn't relax that incessant wailing in my ear and now we have more than an 146 00:11:44,240 --> 00:11:49,730 hour drive to greenbrier oh when I don't get rest i get dark circles under my 147 00:11:49,730 --> 00:11:52,820 eyes going to meet the prince looking like Uncle Fester 148 00:12:03,430 --> 00:12:05,239 yeah 149 00:12:05,240 --> 00:12:08,240 this is the little hotel 150 00:12:08,769 --> 00:12:11,769 yeah 151 00:12:14,40 --> 00:12:23,99 thank you my pleasure teacher are you feeling alright just a little jet liked 152 00:12:23,100 --> 00:12:26,100 your keys and my overnight bag 153 00:12:27,000 --> 00:12:31,680 ok you take the suitcases I need everything press make sure they know not 154 00:12:31,680 --> 00:12:34,949 too much starch do you want to go over your notes for me 155 00:12:34,949 --> 00:12:45,89 yeah just come to the room the morning exhausted ok and yes ma'am i just 156 00:12:45,89 --> 00:12:49,680 checked into the hotel and I'm on my way to retrieve him from the constable i'll 157 00:12:49,680 --> 00:12:51,540 have him in hand within the hour 158 00:12:51,540 --> 00:12:54,540 we're meeting with a PR person first thing in the morning 159 00:12:55,79 --> 00:12:58,258 yes Your Majesty I won't let him out of my sight for a second 160 00:13:02,400 --> 00:13:05,400 yeah 161 00:13:08,60 --> 00:13:11,60 yeah 162 00:13:18,889 --> 00:13:30,230 this is what is happening to me it could be some sort of allergy not an allergy 163 00:13:30,230 --> 00:13:34,549 allergies are for weak people and I can adapt to any environment that's not 164 00:13:34,549 --> 00:13:38,419 really how allergies were I'm not in the mood for semantics Mandy what does the 165 00:13:38,419 --> 00:13:45,649 internet have well it says it could just be acne it most certainly could not okay 166 00:13:45,649 --> 00:13:51,230 bedbugs the bedbugs only live in New York or it might well you know you had 167 00:13:51,230 --> 00:13:53,359 chicken pox when you're kidding you 168 00:13:53,359 --> 00:13:57,529 of course not i mean you know how some point it spread through your 169 00:13:57,529 --> 00:13:59,569 kindergarten class like wildfire 170 00:13:59,569 --> 00:14:03,410 exactly what sort of school did your parents send you to be around a bunch of 171 00:14:03,410 --> 00:14:08,179 kids and happen which is exactly why i have avoided children my entire life 172 00:14:08,179 --> 00:14:11,179 especially when I was a child 173 00:14:11,869 --> 00:14:16,160 boom it was that wailing toddler on the clean 174 00:14:16,850 --> 00:14:21,410 oh he did this to me on that poor kid no wonder you said about it right now buddy 175 00:14:22,279 --> 00:14:26,389 oh it's like an opening scene one of those outbreak movies 176 00:14:26,389 --> 00:14:31,429 let's just get you to adapter okay get me my makeup bag 177 00:14:31,429 --> 00:14:34,669 oh no you cannot put makeup on chicken pox it can lead to scarring 178 00:14:35,179 --> 00:14:39,738 well I can't go out looking like this my face looks like strawberry parfait 179 00:14:39,739 --> 00:14:43,129 well I'll have a doctor come to you and I'll get calamine lotion and something 180 00:14:43,129 --> 00:14:46,730 for the fever really the best thing you can do is get back in bed if it is 181 00:14:46,730 --> 00:14:49,879 chicken pox it is highly contagious 182 00:14:49,879 --> 00:14:51,220 ok 183 00:14:51,220 --> 00:14:54,459 this is a crisis 184 00:14:54,459 --> 00:14:59,109 I can handle it all from here you will just have to go to the meeting in my 185 00:14:59,110 --> 00:15:00,819 place 186 00:15:00,819 --> 00:15:07,209 oh ok well you were looking for greater responsibility Mandy here's your chance 187 00:15:13,260 --> 00:15:19,410 miss Kelly good morning glad I call you i have your suits oh the freshly pressed 188 00:15:19,410 --> 00:15:21,420 just as you requested 189 00:15:21,420 --> 00:15:34,410 hey but you have a great day up and adjust the job you want 190 00:15:41,379 --> 00:15:48,489 what the devil good morning that the brand new day weekend woman I need sleep 191 00:15:48,489 --> 00:15:52,689 I've been through an ordeal don't you think we're getting a little old for 192 00:15:52,689 --> 00:15:58,629 these shenanigans coming up and happy shenanigans make life with many don't be 193 00:15:58,629 --> 00:15:59,229 clever 194 00:15:59,229 --> 00:16:03,609 I'm immune to your charms now get up someone's in a mood this morning if I 195 00:16:03,609 --> 00:16:05,259 appear to be in the mood 196 00:16:05,259 --> 00:16:10,29 it's because i have neither the time nor the inclination to scurry about cleaning 197 00:16:10,29 --> 00:16:13,779 up after another one of your messes and yet here we are 198 00:16:14,379 --> 00:16:17,379 the situation is so dire 199 00:16:18,129 --> 00:16:25,119 we have actually had to enlist the aid of an American i must be very difficult 200 00:16:25,119 --> 00:16:31,89 for you i will suffer the indignity you have laid at my feet and we will repair 201 00:16:31,89 --> 00:16:35,229 the damage you're the best i just got a bit more shy that you take care of 202 00:16:35,229 --> 00:16:36,9 things 203 00:16:36,9 --> 00:16:41,229 your Royal Highness kindly dress yourself and join me in the drawing room 204 00:16:41,229 --> 00:16:45,189 otherwise i will return with a bucket of ice water 205 00:17:00,750 --> 00:17:18,240 good morning 206 00:17:18,240 --> 00:17:31,320 i'm penelope shows and you must be miss Kelly you always carry audio mi yes yes 207 00:17:31,320 --> 00:17:42,389 here Superman miss Kelly may I offer you a cup of tea yes please thank you i'm 208 00:17:42,390 --> 00:17:46,800 sure you keep quite an active calendar the Queen would like me to convey her 209 00:17:46,800 --> 00:17:50,790 appreciation for making yourself available this is precisely what I make 210 00:17:50,790 --> 00:17:57,360 myself available for please do sit so you met with the sheriff last night when 211 00:17:57,360 --> 00:18:02,520 I retrieved his Highness yes I must warn you he seems disinclined to drop the 212 00:18:02,520 --> 00:18:03,360 charges 213 00:18:03,360 --> 00:18:07,350 you let me worry about that where's the prince now prince 214 00:18:08,460 --> 00:18:15,60 so I hear your Royal Highness may I present miss Deirdre Kelly this Kelly 215 00:18:15,60 --> 00:18:17,950 pleasure meeting you 216 00:18:17,950 --> 00:18:21,970 I'm very sorry for me to travel all this way for nothing but we do not require 217 00:18:21,970 --> 00:18:23,860 your services sir 218 00:18:23,860 --> 00:18:27,549 as we discussed my mother seems to think I need to be bundled and sold to the 219 00:18:27,549 --> 00:18:30,580 public like a pack of sausages not really interested in that sort of thing 220 00:18:30,580 --> 00:18:32,500 that we can sort everything out 221 00:18:32,500 --> 00:18:39,130 she always does so this time I cannot splashed around and Affeldt and ran 222 00:18:39,130 --> 00:18:41,980 afoul of the sheriff with that too much time on his hands 223 00:18:41,980 --> 00:18:46,360 you're behaving as I'd burn down a building you were arrested there are 224 00:18:46,360 --> 00:18:50,408 actual consequences think of the press 225 00:18:50,409 --> 00:18:55,59 I've dealt with the press my entire life this will blow over your majesty 226 00:18:55,59 --> 00:19:00,158 my mother is imagine see my proper addresses your highness followed 227 00:19:00,159 --> 00:19:10,29 thereafter sorry you're quite young for public relations executive I moisturize 228 00:19:10,29 --> 00:19:12,580 your royal highness 229 00:19:12,580 --> 00:19:17,408 Sir with all due respect if you know how to handle the press I wouldn't be here 230 00:19:17,919 --> 00:19:23,309 so from now on you're going to do exactly what I tell you to do 231 00:19:23,309 --> 00:19:30,899 oh my you certainly have put me in my place now i can't help but comply 232 00:19:30,899 --> 00:19:35,729 can I really no have you gone quite mad i'm going back to bed 233 00:19:39,910 --> 00:19:44,50 normally that's much more effective actually that would much better than I 234 00:19:44,50 --> 00:19:44,919 anticipated 235 00:19:44,920 --> 00:19:52,150 help me i'm sorry but I can't let that boy off with just a slap on the wrist 236 00:19:52,150 --> 00:19:57,100 share frankly we're talking about the Clown Prince of Edgemere you see I don't 237 00:19:57,100 --> 00:20:01,360 even know where that is what i do know about is that found it was built in 238 00:20:01,360 --> 00:20:05,800 nineteen thirteen by the town's founder to honor his life and the founders found 239 00:20:05,800 --> 00:20:09,610 was listed on the National Historic Registry of Family and there's not a man 240 00:20:09,610 --> 00:20:14,350 woman or child greenbrier west made a wish in that balance so you see that 241 00:20:14,350 --> 00:20:18,40 fellow was literally stomping on people's wishes and we want to make that 242 00:20:18,40 --> 00:20:21,399 right dropping the charges and set a dangerous precedent 243 00:20:22,60 --> 00:20:25,90 I mean I'd be haulin tourists and vigorous out of that water every night 244 00:20:25,90 --> 00:20:29,560 it's a slippery slope the next thing you know hooligan to be taking over the town 245 00:20:30,550 --> 00:20:36,280 not on my watch it sounds likely wears a very special place it is sure frankly 246 00:20:36,280 --> 00:20:41,500 consider just for a moment if Prince Collin pay the fine maybe spend a few 247 00:20:41,500 --> 00:20:48,460 nights in jail does that really help your wonderful town wanna make sure i'm 248 00:20:48,460 --> 00:20:53,800 not so sure that if you did some sort of community service 249 00:20:53,800 --> 00:20:57,760 think of the press coverage people would have the chance to get to know 250 00:20:57,760 --> 00:21:01,930 greenbrier as the unique Jim it so clearly is now when 251 00:21:04,70 --> 00:21:09,200 yes I can't believe it's working but it is i've got the sheriff to compromise 252 00:21:09,200 --> 00:21:13,910 without resorting to details usual techniques of intimidation and 253 00:21:13,910 --> 00:21:15,80 humiliation 254 00:21:15,80 --> 00:21:20,629 I'm proving I can execute a plan but why did you say you were her i don't know 255 00:21:20,630 --> 00:21:23,450 she asking i just check yes I couldn't stop myself 256 00:21:23,450 --> 00:21:27,950 Mandy you've got to fix this before it goes any further if you make a choice 257 00:21:27,950 --> 00:21:30,740 you can take back your gonna be forced to live with the consequences 258 00:21:30,740 --> 00:21:34,370 look I'm not proud of it but there's no going back like what am I supposed to do 259 00:21:34,370 --> 00:21:39,139 tell them that i forgot my own name if I can't get prints Colin to go along with 260 00:21:39,140 --> 00:21:46,160 the Sheriff's offer a hero true you really think you can print your plan 261 00:21:46,670 --> 00:21:51,560 absolutely not this is what with being digitally to do make arrangements me to 262 00:21:51,560 --> 00:21:56,450 click rubbish at the roadside the public it screaming an act of contrition from 263 00:21:56,450 --> 00:22:03,830 you about my dignity your dignity is that an attempt at humor Your Highness 264 00:22:03,830 --> 00:22:07,370 may I remind you we are in this predicament because you decided to take 265 00:22:07,370 --> 00:22:13,489 a romp in a decorative fountains I was celebrating celebrating what exactly a 266 00:22:13,490 --> 00:22:18,560 moment's freedom not having every second of my life dictated by Her Majesty can 267 00:22:18,560 --> 00:22:21,80 you imagine lady Isabella ceilings in all this 268 00:22:21,80 --> 00:22:25,189 all I can do is imagine lady Isabel others feelings she certainly isn't 269 00:22:25,190 --> 00:22:30,50 gonna show them lady isabella is a dignified young lady who understands 270 00:22:30,50 --> 00:22:32,840 protocol you could learn a great deal from her 271 00:22:32,840 --> 00:22:41,360 it's the Royal Jubilee in eight days you have become a liability your image has 272 00:22:41,360 --> 00:22:45,830 to be rehabilitated before we announce your engagement to lady Isabella at the 273 00:22:45,830 --> 00:22:48,980 ball of course we must make me fit for life 274 00:22:49,760 --> 00:22:59,840 no your highness we must make you fit from Queen they're not every spot i look 275 00:22:59,840 --> 00:23:04,520 horrible don't know you look like you need some rest and get better 276 00:23:05,460 --> 00:23:08,850 the doctor says I'm going to be contagious for up to five days 277 00:23:08,850 --> 00:23:13,289 this is a nightmare I feel like Typhoid Mary and the bitch is driving me insane 278 00:23:13,289 --> 00:23:16,200 did you pick up that oatmeal bad on it 279 00:23:16,200 --> 00:23:20,820 these things with Prince Colin are looking up the community service angle 280 00:23:20,820 --> 00:23:22,799 is a stroke of genius 281 00:23:22,799 --> 00:23:27,360 yeah i'm just glad the sheriff it will showcase the community humanize the 282 00:23:27,360 --> 00:23:31,379 prince and the optics will be fabulous that's why it was my only prudent option 283 00:23:31,380 --> 00:23:34,730 you followed my plans very well Mandy 284 00:23:34,730 --> 00:23:38,750 thanks i'll run your bath 285 00:23:40,70 --> 00:23:45,830 oh we should review this statement for tomorrow's press conference can you get 286 00:23:45,830 --> 00:23:47,659 that Penelope woman on the phone 287 00:23:47,660 --> 00:23:52,370 well what now the Royal communications director I haven't spoken to her yet can 288 00:23:52,370 --> 00:23:53,600 you get her on the phone 289 00:23:53,600 --> 00:23:56,600 oh yeah of course 290 00:24:04,790 --> 00:24:16,730 I am so sorry 291 00:24:18,410 --> 00:24:23,420 so understand how this happened I slipped it was an accident it really was 292 00:24:23,420 --> 00:24:26,900 course it was an accident why would you do it on purpose right 293 00:24:27,560 --> 00:24:32,330 why would I do that just pick me up a replacement tomorrow and call Penelope 294 00:24:32,330 --> 00:24:33,350 on your phone 295 00:24:33,350 --> 00:24:36,620 oh I must've left my room 296 00:24:37,880 --> 00:24:41,30 tell you what why don't you have a nice coconut oatmeal and i'll have her call 297 00:24:41,30 --> 00:24:44,30 on the landline when you're done 298 00:24:55,720 --> 00:25:03,880 mr. Kelly 299 00:25:03,880 --> 00:25:09,370 good evening you're speaking with Penelope her majesty's director of 300 00:25:09,370 --> 00:25:12,610 communications shall we get down to business 301 00:25:21,900 --> 00:25:25,330 yeah 302 00:25:25,330 --> 00:25:34,899 good morning finality shall we prepare for the press conference we have a slut 303 00:25:34,900 --> 00:25:38,500 problem why his royal highness is missing 304 00:25:53,360 --> 00:25:56,870 excuse me I'm sorry to bother you have you seen this man 305 00:25:57,970 --> 00:26:01,200 nowhere thank you are sorry 306 00:26:01,200 --> 00:26:02,669 yeah 307 00:26:02,669 --> 00:26:11,429 excuse me I'm looking for a prince 308 00:26:12,629 --> 00:26:17,668 oh honey heart we all maryland saw him at the fiber one 309 00:26:20,669 --> 00:26:23,669 yeah 310 00:26:40,519 --> 00:26:43,519 yeah 311 00:26:51,270 --> 00:26:57,540 do you have somewhere to be due today you are 312 00:26:58,110 --> 00:27:02,879 that didn't take long ever need information small town just find the 313 00:27:02,880 --> 00:27:05,880 nearest beauty shop I think it's past them 314 00:27:06,510 --> 00:27:11,10 care for some take requests 315 00:27:11,10 --> 00:27:14,430 my request is that you get my car and come back to the hotel for your press 316 00:27:14,430 --> 00:27:17,460 conference that sounds just awful 317 00:27:17,460 --> 00:27:21,240 you know it's hard to believe but I'm on your side I'm trying to help you 318 00:27:21,240 --> 00:27:26,10 you don't have to pretend you actually care what happens to I'm not pretending 319 00:27:26,700 --> 00:27:29,880 think of me as a friend 320 00:27:29,880 --> 00:27:34,170 people in my position did have the luxury of friends you have been assigned 321 00:27:34,170 --> 00:27:39,90 to me like everyone else in my life I'm trying to understand your resistance 322 00:27:39,750 --> 00:27:45,90 it's a simple apology no miss Kelly it is not it is yet another reminder that 323 00:27:45,90 --> 00:27:48,389 I'm a bottomless pit of disappointment both my family and my country meant 324 00:27:48,390 --> 00:27:53,370 honestly it is exhausting 325 00:27:56,419 --> 00:28:00,139 scoot over 326 00:28:02,239 --> 00:28:09,49 he played very well thank you and you didn't learn to play when I did you know 327 00:28:09,49 --> 00:28:14,179 they require discipline and practice little by little better that's all we're 328 00:28:14,179 --> 00:28:22,429 asking small steps but you see examples folder because i hated running piano 329 00:28:22,429 --> 00:28:25,190 lessons for 11 years 330 00:28:25,190 --> 00:28:31,669 mother father insisted that I learn Tchaikovsky shop and if i was told me 331 00:28:31,669 --> 00:28:37,460 that's like really find it difficult to imagine and I'm giving you orders may be 332 00:28:37,460 --> 00:28:38,989 surprised 333 00:28:38,989 --> 00:28:43,730 well I started finding ways to subvert expectations 334 00:28:45,19 --> 00:28:48,19 whenever my parents were out of earshot at play songs from the radio 335 00:28:54,870 --> 00:29:09,90 yes I know that song don't and keep on looking because it is wow your act of 336 00:29:09,90 --> 00:29:12,780 musical rebellion was an eighties power behind already 337 00:29:12,780 --> 00:29:15,930 Speedwagon has a very impressive capital and now yes of course they did my 338 00:29:15,930 --> 00:29:19,920 parents love them I just didn't expect no walking no I'm not 339 00:29:19,920 --> 00:29:26,100 it's a great song your highness it's called it if you insist on making my 340 00:29:26,100 --> 00:29:29,100 musical taste at least do so using my Christian name 341 00:29:30,390 --> 00:29:33,600 there was only knows if they're tabloid stories and official appearances 342 00:29:34,650 --> 00:29:38,460 yes I'm I'm not asking to be anyone other than yourself 343 00:29:39,179 --> 00:29:48,990 but see this who you are right now relax human funny you think I'm funny moments 344 00:29:49,980 --> 00:29:55,80 Colin you can control the fact that people are watching on the time but you 345 00:29:55,80 --> 00:29:58,80 can influence with this 346 00:29:59,389 --> 00:30:03,409 yeah 347 00:30:03,410 --> 00:30:08,930 dear Joe Kelly yes Danny Pendergrass greenbrier chamber of commerce I have a 348 00:30:08,930 --> 00:30:10,520 gift basket here for the prince 349 00:30:10,520 --> 00:30:17,120 it's a selection of locally made goods and produce oh wow that is significantly 350 00:30:17,120 --> 00:30:19,100 heavier than I expected 351 00:30:19,100 --> 00:30:23,30 yeah there's a lot of potatoes in there if I can give any assistance at all 352 00:30:23,30 --> 00:30:24,889 please don't stay to ask 353 00:30:24,890 --> 00:30:28,400 oh great haha keep in mind thanks 354 00:30:30,509 --> 00:30:34,390 yeah 355 00:30:34,390 --> 00:30:38,860 good afternoon 356 00:30:40,510 --> 00:30:43,660 first I'd like to thank the good people of green rider of the gracious 357 00:30:43,660 --> 00:30:44,470 hospitality 358 00:30:44,470 --> 00:30:48,340 unfortunately I challenge that hospitality two nights ago by being very 359 00:30:48,340 --> 00:30:50,230 bad guest 360 00:30:50,230 --> 00:30:54,430 I wish to be very clear my lack of regard for the founders fountain and 361 00:30:54,430 --> 00:30:57,550 what it represents this community was uncalled for 362 00:30:57,550 --> 00:31:01,990 now my countrymen of question that this is the behavior of the future King I can 363 00:31:01,990 --> 00:31:07,690 say unequivocally that it is not now I must take responsibility that result to 364 00:31:07,690 --> 00:31:13,870 do better i humbly offer my apologies both to the citizens of Greenbriar and 365 00:31:13,870 --> 00:31:17,770 the people of every I'm grateful to the sheriff's department to give me the 366 00:31:17,770 --> 00:31:21,220 opportunity to repay my debts greenbrier through community service 367 00:31:21,220 --> 00:31:24,820 I look forward to making a positive contribution in the coming days 368 00:31:26,590 --> 00:31:39,189 you wrote that realm and then ragat even so you approve was going 369 00:31:39,190 --> 00:31:44,170 you did very well sir I told you it's calling still getting comfortable 370 00:31:45,870 --> 00:31:51,239 Mike we didn't oh yes teacher 371 00:31:51,240 --> 00:31:56,940 you need to gather my mother car back 372 00:31:56,940 --> 00:32:01,710 she's at the beach with my sister Juanita because I'm here 373 00:32:02,520 --> 00:32:09,420 oh that's a shape comes with the territory doesn't do much for the guilts 374 00:32:09,420 --> 00:32:15,450 but you know make our choices and worry of course that I don't do enough for 375 00:32:15,450 --> 00:32:20,250 what i do i'm not doing right relate i've been trying to make more time for 376 00:32:20,250 --> 00:32:23,250 my family but the work i do demands a lot of attention 377 00:32:24,970 --> 00:32:29,799 my father passed away two years ago and I don't know it's just made me more 378 00:32:29,799 --> 00:32:33,520 aware spending the time we've got your clothes development 379 00:32:34,419 --> 00:32:47,710 yes I loved him has just really liked him such powerful i do that's mom and 380 00:32:47,710 --> 00:32:54,669 dad when they visit me in New York maybe five years ago looks so happy they were 381 00:32:54,669 --> 00:33:00,610 my father died when I was fourteen before I really got the chance to 382 00:33:00,610 --> 00:33:06,879 properly he was an excellent mock also told you have picture of your father 383 00:33:06,880 --> 00:33:19,30 yes so do this is my favorite portrait of him his faces on the money the mail 384 00:33:19,30 --> 00:33:23,620 someday i will assume the crown and then my face will be on the money 385 00:33:24,440 --> 00:33:29,780 I can't imagine that's what I live with every day my total dictates everything 386 00:33:29,780 --> 00:33:32,720 where I go what I do 387 00:33:32,720 --> 00:33:35,549 friendships relationships 388 00:33:35,549 --> 00:33:38,549 but nobody ever bothered to ask me what I want to do my life 389 00:33:39,210 --> 00:33:49,80 well Colin what do you want to do with your idol I don't know what I'd like the 390 00:33:49,80 --> 00:33:53,970 option of finding out i must say i was pleasantly surprised 391 00:33:53,970 --> 00:33:57,330 yes he presented himself quite well didn't he 392 00:33:57,330 --> 00:34:01,830 the true challenge of course will be tomorrow's agenda kiss miss Kelly is 393 00:34:01,830 --> 00:34:04,110 quite deserving of her reputation 394 00:34:04,110 --> 00:34:10,828 indeed I never asked Your Majesty what made you contact her firm highly 395 00:34:10,829 --> 00:34:14,730 recommended through the former prime minister sri lanka miss Kelly assisted 396 00:34:14,730 --> 00:34:18,240 with the crisis perhaps 15 years ago 15 years 397 00:34:19,109 --> 00:34:25,828 really so that would make her 40 or 45 years old not in the habit of 398 00:34:25,829 --> 00:34:31,859 speculating on a person's age are we gonna be of course not my apologies send 399 00:34:31,859 --> 00:34:33,899 my best wishes to his royal highness 400 00:34:33,899 --> 00:34:36,899 until tomorrow then 401 00:34:37,489 --> 00:34:47,209 Your Majesty lady Isabel please sit toward away all the pleasure I came for 402 00:34:47,210 --> 00:34:51,139 the fitting of my ball gown i wanted to share my delight Prince columns 403 00:34:51,139 --> 00:34:55,760 appearance on television Majesty must be so pleased to you as well 404 00:34:56,330 --> 00:34:59,330 yes ma'am it was certainly a step in the right direction 405 00:34:59,960 --> 00:35:05,60 I'm cautiously optimistic your patience and understanding and most appreciated 406 00:35:05,660 --> 00:35:10,190 we will make suitable husband of them yet I assure you waited a very long time 407 00:35:10,190 --> 00:35:18,410 for him man I certainly don't mind a few more days so that Lauren right now i'll 408 00:35:18,410 --> 00:35:23,420 be ready to work in my dungeon Williams i have no idea what those are but i'll 409 00:35:23,420 --> 00:35:26,420 trust formalities 410 00:35:31,50 --> 00:35:35,400 I should take this work of course the rest for the weary 411 00:35:35,400 --> 00:35:39,60 it's more than that 412 00:35:39,810 --> 00:35:43,200 yeah 413 00:35:43,200 --> 00:35:52,618 what's wrong aah now you're gonna have been woven into your tapestry of lies 414 00:35:52,619 --> 00:35:56,700 and deception and when it inevitably unravels I'm going on with you 415 00:35:56,700 --> 00:36:00,210 what are you talking about Deirdre called the office she wanted probably 416 00:36:00,210 --> 00:36:04,170 still number i don't know what you say I told her those European cell phones are 417 00:36:04,170 --> 00:36:10,560 notoriously unreliable in the US but that's good you did kinda did i yes I'm 418 00:36:10,560 --> 00:36:12,328 not an experienced guy like you 419 00:36:12,329 --> 00:36:16,589 I'm not an experienced liar well he will be soon because you're gonna be plenty 420 00:36:16,589 --> 00:36:20,549 of practice we only have to keep this up for a few more days after Prince calling 421 00:36:20,550 --> 00:36:25,260 completes this community service i'll confess everything to detra she'll be so 422 00:36:25,260 --> 00:36:27,270 happy with how everything turned out 423 00:36:27,270 --> 00:36:32,369 it'll be like no big deal at all you really believe that I have to come in 424 00:36:32,369 --> 00:36:35,369 too deep to turn back now 425 00:36:45,740 --> 00:36:48,740 yeah 426 00:36:55,000 --> 00:37:06,880 what I took my eyes off him for a second to last him again 427 00:37:06,880 --> 00:37:10,810 Penelope you know is a flavor as there is something else we need to discuss 428 00:37:11,350 --> 00:37:16,180 yes yes of course right after a friend Colin so it's coming now 429 00:37:29,319 --> 00:37:37,390 you're doing this just driving producing well the morning did don't you have oh 430 00:37:37,390 --> 00:37:43,509 well yeah you know i mean it is time to go 431 00:37:43,509 --> 00:37:46,509 we excuse me 432 00:37:53,609 --> 00:37:57,869 if you don't show up to your community service sheriff frankly will put you 433 00:37:57,869 --> 00:38:00,869 back in jail so come on let's go 434 00:38:08,539 --> 00:38:13,160 I am begging you begging you to please take this seriously 435 00:38:13,939 --> 00:38:17,959 yeah I promise I intend to be juice for public service 436 00:38:19,160 --> 00:38:22,160 thank you write a few 437 00:38:28,980 --> 00:38:37,20 Prince Colin reported for his community service and greenbriar Idaho today and 438 00:38:37,20 --> 00:38:40,20 quickly became the toast of the town 439 00:38:45,410 --> 00:38:52,399 and in addition to the excellent pediatric care we offer play area 440 00:38:53,519 --> 00:38:56,519 yeah 441 00:38:58,680 --> 00:39:00,210 yeah 442 00:39:00,210 --> 00:39:06,510 nope sneak attack I need reinforcements yes Callie Mississippi help i'll save 443 00:39:06,510 --> 00:39:09,510 you your head 444 00:39:11,780 --> 00:39:14,780 yeah 445 00:39:19,290 --> 00:39:24,509 better known for his hard-partying ways and his good deeds appears the bad-boy 446 00:39:24,510 --> 00:39:29,460 royal might be turning over a new leaf that is my dress 447 00:39:30,30 --> 00:39:34,380 thank you so much for having us I hope within customer to distraction 448 00:39:35,869 --> 00:39:38,810 beautiful 449 00:39:38,810 --> 00:39:50,150 and how's your puzzle coming on it's gonna be a picture of horses went to 450 00:39:50,150 --> 00:39:53,150 help 451 00:39:54,490 --> 00:39:59,979 you know had a favorite holes from another age you had your own horse 452 00:39:59,980 --> 00:40:08,590 oh we had lots of which we need Keisha it's a pleasure to meet you Keisha I'm 453 00:40:08,590 --> 00:40:11,80 Prince calling we're not friends 454 00:40:11,80 --> 00:40:16,779 yes he has baby it's not to meet you sir oh you're my give us a few minutes 455 00:40:16,780 --> 00:40:19,780 please 456 00:40:21,460 --> 00:40:26,800 if your prints then where's your around when you my crown could never compete 457 00:40:26,800 --> 00:40:29,830 with you extremely had my mom meeting 458 00:40:29,830 --> 00:40:35,650 she must love you very much making such a fine hat are you a princess me 459 00:40:36,190 --> 00:40:46,420 oh gosh I'm i don't think so sure this is my very good friend miss Kelly you're 460 00:40:46,420 --> 00:40:48,670 not currently have a princess but I will someday 461 00:40:48,670 --> 00:40:53,860 what kind of princess would you want to know something you're the first person 462 00:40:53,860 --> 00:40:55,180 to ever ask me that 463 00:40:55,180 --> 00:40:58,180 ask questions 464 00:40:58,980 --> 00:41:06,359 let me see i would want to princess who is kind of a good hot someone very 465 00:41:06,359 --> 00:41:13,319 fibrous mom someone who laughs have stories someone who tries to make life 466 00:41:13,320 --> 00:41:19,500 easier and she has to be beautiful to teach anyone matching that description 467 00:41:19,500 --> 00:41:22,500 is already quite beautiful 468 00:41:24,760 --> 00:41:27,760 yeah 469 00:41:28,410 --> 00:41:34,799 I want to thank you for today Daedra to quite delightful story major yes there's 470 00:41:34,800 --> 00:41:38,730 that I mean for me first with the stairs i have a question time 471 00:41:39,660 --> 00:41:44,220 Thank You Colin had fun too i don't see that very often 472 00:41:46,160 --> 00:41:55,640 help mom of course big moving so what's on pretended the fourth of July fest on 473 00:41:55,640 --> 00:41:58,640 the town square just a series of from wats nothing too strenuous 474 00:41:59,630 --> 00:42:04,280 how exciting I've never been in America for dependency until tomorrow then 475 00:42:04,280 --> 00:42:07,280 and if you need anything before then you have my number 476 00:42:18,750 --> 00:42:31,590 Penelope hi I hope I'm not disturbing you may I come in 477 00:42:32,160 --> 00:42:36,779 of course please oh I'm sorry if i seemed surprised they just don't 478 00:42:36,780 --> 00:42:41,250 remember telling you about rumors in you didn't I can uncover any information I 479 00:42:41,250 --> 00:42:42,330 need 480 00:42:42,330 --> 00:42:48,540 that's my job and what about you what's your job because it appears you're 481 00:42:48,540 --> 00:42:56,250 currently doing someone else's i have served the royal family in varying 482 00:42:56,250 --> 00:42:58,740 capacities my entire life 483 00:42:58,740 --> 00:43:03,270 there is no scheme trickery or intrigue that I have not previously encountered 484 00:43:04,560 --> 00:43:08,70 however if it gets the desired effect 485 00:43:09,300 --> 00:43:14,130 you'll get no argument from me if I'm not informed i cannot be of assistance 486 00:43:15,60 --> 00:43:19,80 so dear who the devil are you 487 00:43:19,80 --> 00:43:24,60 what has happened to the real dearie Kelly I don't know how to explain this 488 00:43:24,600 --> 00:43:30,630 try to keep your catch up 489 00:43:34,180 --> 00:43:41,589 your impersonation of me is aggressively bad not go with accents that much is 490 00:43:41,590 --> 00:43:42,550 obvious 491 00:43:42,550 --> 00:43:45,970 well miss Cooper 492 00:43:45,970 --> 00:43:50,259 there are so many flaws in your little scheme that I truly don't know where to 493 00:43:50,260 --> 00:43:53,260 begin 494 00:43:53,860 --> 00:43:58,810 I kept thinking it would be so much easier for Deidre and everyone listens 495 00:43:58,810 --> 00:44:04,509 to her and trust your ideas so when you asked if I was her I just I said yes I 496 00:44:04,510 --> 00:44:10,390 know I shouldn't have said it but i did and now i'm dealing with that i can say 497 00:44:10,390 --> 00:44:15,9 with absolute certainty that you will get caught and the fallout will be 498 00:44:15,10 --> 00:44:18,370 horrendous it's just for a few more days and then I promise I will confess 499 00:44:18,370 --> 00:44:20,560 everything 500 00:44:20,560 --> 00:44:26,770 Penelope please will you help me we've done such good work that is true and the 501 00:44:26,770 --> 00:44:29,20 prince is clearly fond of you 502 00:44:29,20 --> 00:44:33,550 you think so it's not my intention to flatter you I'm merely pointing out a 503 00:44:33,550 --> 00:44:38,380 further complication of course you could mean much to consider 504 00:44:39,10 --> 00:44:45,550 you may be assured of my participation for now but not my approval 505 00:44:54,000 --> 00:45:07,290 I'm getting out 506 00:45:08,400 --> 00:45:11,400 absolutely not 507 00:45:14,80 --> 00:45:19,000 so I wanted to serve in the military but I'm an only child 508 00:45:19,000 --> 00:45:25,840 there is no spare yeah that's why my mother was always so you know protected 509 00:45:26,520 --> 00:45:30,330 I was going to smothering intrusive but it's not so much nicer 510 00:45:31,590 --> 00:45:35,790 I'm sure she just wants what's best in her own way that's like the true 511 00:45:35,790 --> 00:45:40,200 some things are worth the conversation oh yeah no I've been helpful thank you 512 00:45:41,280 --> 00:45:46,140 we should go why thank you getting back in if the sheriff see we will go after 513 00:45:46,140 --> 00:45:51,000 collecting are we picking up rubbish at the roads life for a month you know the 514 00:45:51,000 --> 00:45:56,430 story behind this man the town founder built in tribute to his right and that's 515 00:45:56,430 --> 00:45:59,549 where everyone goes to make a wish 516 00:45:59,550 --> 00:46:08,940 well you know what they say when you're not have no one says that you should be 517 00:46:08,940 --> 00:46:13,170 looking my grandfather's face the McCune he was a lucky man 518 00:46:13,170 --> 00:46:16,170 anything but go ahead 519 00:46:22,460 --> 00:46:25,849 yeah 520 00:46:26,840 --> 00:46:30,140 much more composed behind on some secret 521 00:46:32,100 --> 00:46:35,100 yeah 522 00:46:47,40 --> 00:46:53,400 where were you and who saw you 523 00:46:53,970 --> 00:46:58,980 nothing to fear miss Kelly was with me the entire time about miscarriage is 524 00:46:58,980 --> 00:47:05,580 quite extraordinary isn't she she's not what I expected you know some empathy 525 00:47:05,580 --> 00:47:11,69 all this time my title has been a burden to me this yoke around my neck requiring 526 00:47:11,70 --> 00:47:14,910 me to be something I'm not and I admit I have room for improvement 527 00:47:14,910 --> 00:47:22,170 who doesn't undoubtedly but dealers got me wondering what if I could do this 528 00:47:22,170 --> 00:47:26,850 just as I am when I might be the exact change the one continues what if my 529 00:47:26,850 --> 00:47:29,850 instincts are in fact correct 530 00:47:30,480 --> 00:47:33,480 indeed sir sorry to keep you up 531 00:47:34,890 --> 00:47:40,200 thank you for your concern good morning good night your highness 532 00:47:44,950 --> 00:47:50,770 so frustrating finding a table for general some battle with half the 533 00:47:50,770 --> 00:47:54,820 countries in the room next to Switzerland they get along with everyone 534 00:47:55,480 --> 00:47:59,50 Your Majesty lady Isabella what can I do for you 535 00:47:59,560 --> 00:48:02,560 I just had the most wonderful idea 536 00:48:03,339 --> 00:48:06,549 happy Independence Day everyone 537 00:48:06,550 --> 00:48:11,710 we got plans to make it a great holiday any time with family and friends even 538 00:48:11,710 --> 00:48:16,930 using the day a woman called 911 at the Burger Time her 539 00:48:17,829 --> 00:48:22,390 hello I'm come to my room now and bring my clothes 540 00:48:23,200 --> 00:48:26,200 yes of course he'll be right there teacher 541 00:48:28,600 --> 00:48:44,860 teacher are you here 542 00:48:44,860 --> 00:48:51,10 all I'm here you need to talk i brought you closer to your miyake yes i did hear 543 00:48:51,10 --> 00:48:53,350 you knocking but I knew that you would let yourself in because you don't have 544 00:48:53,350 --> 00:48:57,250 to do whatever you want these days I don't know what you know 545 00:48:58,210 --> 00:49:02,920 look who appeared on the cover of today's newspaper with our client in my 546 00:49:02,920 --> 00:49:09,190 $3,000 sundress discuss $3,000 look I've seen your wardrobe borrowing my dress 547 00:49:09,190 --> 00:49:10,300 was a good choice 548 00:49:10,300 --> 00:49:13,960 she should have asked i bet now it smells like pancakes and children 549 00:49:13,960 --> 00:49:20,620 I'm sorry Mandy appearing in photos with our client is simply unacceptable a good 550 00:49:20,620 --> 00:49:24,850 PR person remains in the background we control the narrative without becoming a 551 00:49:24,850 --> 00:49:25,540 part of it 552 00:49:25,540 --> 00:49:30,310 you're absolutely right and you still haven't returned myself yesterday was so 553 00:49:30,310 --> 00:49:32,680 busy and today sports realize no one's open 554 00:49:32,680 --> 00:49:38,680 I will relay any messages no more messages no more phone calls I cannot 555 00:49:38,680 --> 00:49:42,669 risk you ruining this with another rookie mistake i am meeting with that 556 00:49:42,670 --> 00:49:46,000 Penelope person oh but you might be contagious 557 00:49:46,000 --> 00:49:51,10 we will be fine she had chicken pox and choose a child okay but how do you know 558 00:49:51,10 --> 00:49:55,420 that I spoke to her a few minutes ago you spoke with Kelly 559 00:49:57,270 --> 00:50:01,230 danger don't open that door 560 00:50:02,760 --> 00:50:07,50 why not you're wearing lipstick 561 00:50:07,590 --> 00:50:11,220 Randy I pink polka dots all over my face 562 00:50:11,220 --> 00:50:14,220 I don't just be looking 563 00:50:15,830 --> 00:50:22,9 miss Kelly Penelope sheraton thank you so much for coming to my room i'm not 564 00:50:22,10 --> 00:50:25,610 quite ready to be seen in public i'm so pleased to meet you 565 00:50:25,610 --> 00:50:31,760 we have much to discuss hmm you sound so different on the phone and so how 566 00:50:31,760 --> 00:50:32,570 interesting 567 00:50:32,570 --> 00:50:36,50 yes one I hope Mandy was able to serve you 568 00:50:36,620 --> 00:50:39,680 oh she's been quite resourceful 569 00:50:39,680 --> 00:50:43,9 ok well thank you mandy we've got this 570 00:50:43,580 --> 00:50:50,150 yeah yes I have some errands that I'd like you to run but should not go to the 571 00:50:50,150 --> 00:50:52,70 festival 572 00:50:52,70 --> 00:50:57,950 I'm sure Penelope can handle a photo on her own but Mandy please do as I ask 573 00:50:57,950 --> 00:51:00,950 yes 574 00:51:04,890 --> 00:51:11,310 Penelope tell me honestly she been any trouble it so hard to find good help 575 00:51:11,820 --> 00:51:15,30 actually miss Cooper was quite remarkable 576 00:51:15,810 --> 00:51:21,810 in fact at times it felt as though you were right there with us okay 577 00:51:34,779 --> 00:51:41,960 small investment in message after the tone that they will get it 578 00:51:41,960 --> 00:51:43,780 yeah 579 00:51:43,780 --> 00:51:46,680 metal 580 00:51:46,680 --> 00:51:50,669 sheraton Oh Penelope hi it's deep 581 00:51:51,330 --> 00:51:54,690 Mandy where is Clint will not you 582 00:51:59,490 --> 00:52:05,160 yeah 583 00:52:05,790 --> 00:52:16,710 having finished mr. Kelly's errands you didn't tell her no I didn't the 584 00:52:16,710 --> 00:52:21,000 disclosure would have caused more problems than it solved i can take you 585 00:52:21,000 --> 00:52:21,690 half 586 00:52:21,690 --> 00:52:27,720 no you can't this sherrard only needs to last as long as tomorrow night then 587 00:52:27,720 --> 00:52:32,250 please do me the courtesy of saving your series of shocking revelations until 588 00:52:32,250 --> 00:52:35,910 after we've departed the Prince cannot know about any of this 589 00:52:36,450 --> 00:52:47,549 ok did was hoping introduced I'm sorry to interrupt your game but we do have a 590 00:52:47,550 --> 00:52:51,630 few things on the schedule was the fourth of july truly learned a little 591 00:52:51,630 --> 00:52:56,940 downtime whatever you should go and enjoy yourself appraiser handicraft as 592 00:52:56,940 --> 00:52:59,940 you wish sir 593 00:53:01,290 --> 00:53:09,690 come on once the everything that you miss Kay about to be proud of a stuffed 594 00:53:09,690 --> 00:53:12,690 bear unknown from oxygen 595 00:53:20,300 --> 00:53:23,300 yeah 596 00:53:24,940 --> 00:53:28,359 and 597 00:53:35,660 --> 00:53:40,670 and what color burwood is well highness 598 00:53:51,759 --> 00:53:59,559 Oh certain like everything I can't believe never have gotten can report to 599 00:53:59,559 --> 00:54:03,609 the American friend know that image of lazy true that so makes this country so 600 00:54:03,609 --> 00:54:05,139 great 601 00:54:05,139 --> 00:54:08,139 speaking of which something in music 602 00:54:18,920 --> 00:54:28,339 miss Kelly might have to start i'm sorry i'm not very good at dancing boxer 603 00:54:28,339 --> 00:54:32,240 goodness don't know how cruise together 604 00:54:50,80 --> 00:54:53,80 yeah 605 00:54:53,940 --> 00:54:55,460 this 606 00:54:55,460 --> 00:54:58,460 yeah 607 00:54:59,290 --> 00:55:01,250 sit down 608 00:55:01,250 --> 00:55:04,940 certainly not gonna start dancing with a beautiful woman since his 609 00:55:08,440 --> 00:55:21,849 love it when you work doesn't quote suit your needs to be your duty 610 00:55:23,540 --> 00:55:26,540 yeah 611 00:55:30,910 --> 00:55:37,808 have you finally returned your mother's cool i did she wanted to hear all about 612 00:55:37,809 --> 00:55:41,680 you know what did you say thank you 613 00:55:41,680 --> 00:55:48,848 charming and I went to buy either this i'm sort of taking you from your family 614 00:55:48,849 --> 00:55:51,550 as my choice 615 00:55:51,550 --> 00:55:57,370 and I told myself it wasn't but it was and don't get me wrong i'm happy to have 616 00:55:57,370 --> 00:56:05,920 met home to be working with you appreciate what I do when I was growing 617 00:56:05,920 --> 00:56:10,960 up we don't support the July together the whole family I would swim with my 618 00:56:10,960 --> 00:56:12,70 cousins 619 00:56:12,70 --> 00:56:20,950 dad what grill hamburgers moving deviled eggs this simplest thing but turns out 620 00:56:20,950 --> 00:56:26,470 those are the moments that stick with you know little things i always think of 621 00:56:26,470 --> 00:56:32,500 the morning my father told me to shave there any number of people and staffing 622 00:56:32,500 --> 00:56:39,280 don't we have a barber that lives at the palace father took it upon himself to do 623 00:56:39,280 --> 00:56:47,620 it i suppose that's a measure of affection isn't giving me time you think 624 00:56:47,620 --> 00:56:51,310 I come up short in that department that is categorically untrue 625 00:56:51,970 --> 00:56:57,759 you've been marvelously attentive thanks but my family is different experience 626 00:56:57,760 --> 00:57:02,650 my whole life I watched my dad hope for a lucky break 627 00:57:03,970 --> 00:57:09,40 don't get me wrong poor but she just wanted the very best for us 628 00:57:09,640 --> 00:57:17,200 that's why I results make my own luck work hard make my way up the ladder so i 629 00:57:17,200 --> 00:57:21,220 could make the life you always wanted to give us you really think that's a key 630 00:57:21,220 --> 00:57:26,140 tapas climbing the corporate ladder minds 631 00:57:28,250 --> 00:57:35,330 life certainly don't know fumbling just as much as you i dunno I'm happy tonight 632 00:57:35,330 --> 00:57:39,980 I might want to be doing what I want to be coming 633 00:57:41,170 --> 00:57:47,410 alongside some I want to be meeting is changeme fundamentally frankly 634 00:57:49,430 --> 00:57:52,430 believe me . 635 00:58:03,579 --> 00:58:06,650 yeah 636 00:58:06,650 --> 00:58:09,770 filing there you are I've been looking everywhere for you 637 00:58:09,770 --> 00:58:14,300 Isabella what you doing here well it's impossible to get you to return a phone 638 00:58:14,300 --> 00:58:19,550 call your coverage in the press has been so wonderful i simply had to join you 639 00:58:20,120 --> 00:58:25,549 everyone an energy is bursting with pride and you must be the legendary dr 640 00:58:25,550 --> 00:58:31,850 kelly figures my manager I'm just getting this lady Isabella VanDerveer 641 00:58:31,850 --> 00:58:35,29 and Prince Collins fiance 642 00:58:35,30 --> 00:58:42,620 oh of course it's a pleasure i'm sorry i hope you didn't mention that I was 643 00:58:42,620 --> 00:58:43,670 coming 644 00:58:43,670 --> 00:58:50,210 no i just called laughing decided to pop over i'm sure you have a lot of catching 645 00:58:50,210 --> 00:58:54,290 up to do digital eight talk to 646 00:59:01,80 --> 00:59:04,950 Colin I would she tell me what was wrong 647 00:59:05,760 --> 00:59:09,210 I've come all this way just to see you think's wrong Isabel I just want to get 648 00:59:09,210 --> 00:59:12,810 back to the hotel 'the would appreciate it if you didn't introduce yourself as 649 00:59:12,810 --> 00:59:18,480 my fiance engagement been out for five days but that's minor quibble isn't it 650 00:59:18,480 --> 00:59:23,340 not to me holland darling it's good that I'm here in the warm light of a newfound 651 00:59:23,340 --> 00:59:27,900 reputation having an appropriate title woman by your side is the perfect 652 00:59:27,900 --> 00:59:32,280 introduction of my Union to the world this is a surprise trip of yours you 653 00:59:32,280 --> 00:59:37,830 catching a lot taking a nine-hour flight announced was your idea for Mother's it 654 00:59:37,830 --> 00:59:40,830 was mine entirely mother encouraged it of course 655 00:59:42,540 --> 00:59:45,540 Colin 656 00:59:46,530 --> 00:59:59,910 bunnelby sheraton yes yes 657 01:00:02,200 --> 01:00:31,89 I'm sorry would you repeat it's just a job it's just 658 01:00:35,530 --> 01:00:38,530 yeah 659 01:00:41,29 --> 01:00:46,880 that was his fortunes Kelly about incorporating the press coverage more 660 01:00:46,880 --> 01:00:48,229 efficient hunters yes sir 661 01:00:48,229 --> 01:00:52,698 well we are in the mountains but even your lines 662 01:00:52,699 --> 01:00:57,169 good evening I'm the public relations executive working with media Kelly could 663 01:00:57,169 --> 01:01:02,719 have to remember these 3901 a lady Isabel I have some messages for you 664 01:01:02,719 --> 01:01:05,989 hold on you go on ahead to read for me 665 01:01:05,989 --> 01:01:22,999 you sure i'll see you in the morning night lady is a Bella the palace only 666 01:01:22,999 --> 01:01:24,859 just informed me of your arrival 667 01:01:24,859 --> 01:01:28,38 what a lovely surprise I'm glad you think so 668 01:01:28,39 --> 01:01:34,789 Colin seems seems troubled you must take it personally 669 01:01:34,789 --> 01:01:38,569 he's under a great deal of pressure right now where is he 670 01:01:38,569 --> 01:01:42,140 I need to tell him something he went to dr kelly's room to discuss plans for 671 01:01:42,140 --> 01:01:43,368 tomorrow 672 01:01:43,369 --> 01:01:46,789 His Royal Highness is going to miss Kelly's room 673 01:01:46,789 --> 01:01:49,560 yes there he goes now 674 01:01:49,560 --> 01:01:53,130 talipes is something going on 675 01:01:53,130 --> 01:01:56,580 what no excuse me 676 01:02:09,600 --> 01:02:13,19 yeah 677 01:02:13,19 --> 01:02:17,8 look at that this was going up 678 01:02:19,79 --> 01:02:31,440 okay you two together I sincerely hope you're not attempting to visit miss 679 01:02:31,440 --> 01:02:35,999 Kelly in her room unchaperoned we had enough scandals of late 680 01:02:35,999 --> 01:02:40,799 fine then come with me we don't have time for that we have an unexpected 681 01:02:40,799 --> 01:02:47,99 visitor so you know Isabel of course i do I know everything at all times 682 01:02:47,99 --> 01:02:50,609 without exception but lady isabella is not my concern 683 01:02:51,569 --> 01:02:54,900 her majesty the queen is coming to Idaho home 684 01:02:57,890 --> 01:03:01,129 ok 685 01:03:05,160 --> 01:03:12,750 good morning did I had to speak with you but now you can 686 01:03:13,589 --> 01:03:20,549 congratulations on your engagement royal highness thank you i do wish you would 687 01:03:20,549 --> 01:03:25,79 inform me sooner sir we could have used it to our advantage in press coverage is 688 01:03:25,79 --> 01:03:30,329 being announced at the Jubilee it was and is considered confidential i'm so 689 01:03:30,329 --> 01:03:31,319 very salt 690 01:03:31,319 --> 01:03:35,579 I'm sure you can forgive a certain amount of secrecy for the common good 691 01:03:35,579 --> 01:03:43,859 con to Deirdre of course so I visit from Her Majesty how exciting this will be 692 01:03:43,859 --> 01:03:52,770 great to be no problem at all over out the right 693 01:03:54,670 --> 01:03:59,680 take this the real excitement is hearing greenbrier tonight with the surprising 694 01:03:59,680 --> 01:04:04,750 news that Prince con of Edgemere will be joined by his mother in rosslyn what 695 01:04:04,750 --> 01:04:10,660 does he have known variously everyone I'd like to introduce Penelope sheridan 696 01:04:10,660 --> 01:04:15,819 director of communications for Majesty in rosslyn of actually she will be 697 01:04:15,820 --> 01:04:19,210 taking you through some of the official protocol for the Queen's rival the 698 01:04:19,210 --> 01:04:23,110 season so keep in mind we get limited network man so we're gonna have to limit 699 01:04:23,110 --> 01:04:32,620 work put any true absolutely season so employees actually I don't have a dress 700 01:04:32,620 --> 01:04:35,560 for a formal event to be too much to ask 701 01:04:35,560 --> 01:04:39,580 yes I always dress shop bathroom I guess you're covered in your life saver 702 01:04:39,580 --> 01:04:46,360 you know i EF danny is your address for a formal event miss Adelaide said this 703 01:04:46,360 --> 01:04:48,340 is what all the girls were prom this year 704 01:04:48,340 --> 01:04:55,120 exactly i look like i'm going to Palm what I've never bought a dress before I 705 01:04:55,120 --> 01:04:58,120 didn't know what to pick out 706 01:05:00,80 --> 01:05:01,190 yeah 707 01:05:01,190 --> 01:05:06,530 darling I've got my her true actually no i'll meet you downstairs 708 01:05:18,490 --> 01:05:24,759 oh I was looking for Penelope she just went downstairs may help you 709 01:05:25,630 --> 01:05:30,430 well I only just learned about the Queen on the news and my system is not 710 01:05:30,430 --> 01:05:36,669 answering her phone and clearly i don't know what is happening i forgive me my 711 01:05:36,670 --> 01:05:37,570 manners 712 01:05:37,570 --> 01:05:41,530 my name is Deirdre Kelly and i'm currently handling the public relations 713 01:05:41,530 --> 01:05:49,270 for Prince Colin your Deidre Kelly I am and you are intrigued 714 01:05:58,570 --> 01:06:01,570 yeah 715 01:06:02,870 --> 01:06:05,870 yeah 716 01:06:12,970 --> 01:06:15,970 yeah 717 01:06:16,910 --> 01:06:25,160 oh my god native this is all I could get into this i think it's enough features 718 01:06:25,160 --> 01:06:32,870 know it's it's quite hideous isn't but who cares did you live around everything 719 01:06:32,870 --> 01:06:35,779 that's happened it's because of you 720 01:06:35,780 --> 01:06:38,990 this is your triumph 721 01:06:38,990 --> 01:06:41,990 she's here 722 01:06:49,900 --> 01:06:52,900 and I've opened the room 723 01:07:03,600 --> 01:07:06,600 comment 724 01:07:07,210 --> 01:07:12,550 Oh Mandy what have you been up to 725 01:07:14,20 --> 01:07:18,310 diva you're feeling better 726 01:07:19,270 --> 01:07:24,430 that's wonderful listen I know this looks bad but I can explain everything 727 01:07:25,60 --> 01:07:28,810 it was a suspicious of you from the moment I met you well yeah 728 01:07:28,810 --> 01:07:32,200 the feeling was mutual both of you 729 01:07:32,200 --> 01:07:36,609 Shh queen is here thank you everyone 730 01:07:37,240 --> 01:07:41,859 it has been my great delight observing how his royal highness the crown prince 731 01:07:41,859 --> 01:07:47,859 suspend his time in greenbrier as a monarch and as a mother I have been 732 01:07:47,859 --> 01:07:52,60 curious to see what it is about this community that could awaken a spirit of 733 01:07:52,60 --> 01:07:58,540 service leadership in my son and judging by this lovely work i'm beginning to 734 01:07:58,540 --> 01:08:01,990 understand now on to more pressing matters 735 01:08:02,650 --> 01:08:06,490 I'm simply famished shall we continue to didn't 736 01:08:10,480 --> 01:08:18,370 and Isabella had wondered what had become of you darling I i believe 737 01:08:18,370 --> 01:08:21,550 there's some introductions to be made your royal highness 738 01:08:22,569 --> 01:08:30,399 at last we meet my name is Deirdre Kelly I'm sorry this is digitally no darling 739 01:08:30,399 --> 01:08:34,59 this seems to be a bit of confusion there is a woman here in the hideous 740 01:08:34,60 --> 01:08:38,260 dress to whom we have entrusted the reputation and future of the monarchy is 741 01:08:38,260 --> 01:08:42,40 due to Kelly's assistant Mandy Cooper isn't that right dear 742 01:08:42,850 --> 01:08:51,10 I don't understand I just I wanted to prove it to the job that I could execute 743 01:08:51,10 --> 01:08:55,30 a plan and the ketchup and well I didn't see the harm 744 01:08:55,29 --> 01:09:02,710 Prince Colin was just another client and didn't expect seitan I didn't meet I 745 01:09:02,710 --> 01:09:07,779 just got so caught up now I could find my way back of it and I felt awful the 746 01:09:07,779 --> 01:09:18,219 whole time but I did do the job in your reputation is restored in of co con 747 01:09:18,220 --> 01:09:23,770 youth at my trial that's true you've done your job very well it's quite 748 01:09:23,770 --> 01:09:27,40 impressive you're capable of tactics i would have never expected to me 749 01:09:31,950 --> 01:09:36,479 I have my friend I don't even know you 750 01:09:37,680 --> 01:09:41,640 is about that alert now return to edge me tonight 751 01:09:47,710 --> 01:09:49,000 yeah 752 01:09:49,000 --> 01:09:52,000 well 753 01:09:53,339 --> 01:09:58,320 that's unexpected you have lied to me with every breath this entire week 754 01:09:58,320 --> 01:10:05,730 received royalty to mention entire town i strongly suspect you any money for a 755 01:10:05,730 --> 01:10:09,30 cell phone and I wouldn't be surprised if you arrange for that toddler to give 756 01:10:09,30 --> 01:10:16,619 me chicken pox and they have ever seen deception such a level i'm gonna fly 757 01:10:16,619 --> 01:10:20,639 back to New York tomorrow you will pack up your desk and we are done 758 01:10:20,639 --> 01:10:30,750 nod if you understand well I'm going to go and salvage the banquet forward of 759 01:10:30,750 --> 01:10:33,750 this disaster reaches the Queen 760 01:10:45,60 --> 01:10:48,60 yeah 761 01:10:49,949 --> 01:10:52,949 Colin 762 01:10:53,900 --> 01:10:57,139 you know the worst of it I was foolish enough to be comfortable 763 01:10:58,70 --> 01:11:01,340 I should have known that any happy outcome must be based on a lie I lied 764 01:11:01,340 --> 01:11:05,690 about my name in my job everything else that happened was to swim 765 01:11:05,690 --> 01:11:10,879 how can I trust that how can I believe anything you say Daedra see I don't even 766 01:11:10,880 --> 01:11:12,110 know your name 767 01:11:12,110 --> 01:11:18,409 it's Mandy Cooper when I care about you very much 768 01:11:18,949 --> 01:11:22,759 if you had about me you to trust me with the truth I'm sorry 769 01:11:24,800 --> 01:11:33,80 why did you never mention Isabella mean not even once you know what 770 01:11:33,80 --> 01:11:36,320 and now i feel very food 771 01:11:38,70 --> 01:11:41,70 is Cooper 772 01:11:49,490 --> 01:11:52,769 yeah 773 01:11:52,770 --> 01:11:55,770 yeah 774 01:12:01,510 --> 01:12:04,510 yeah 775 01:12:09,580 --> 01:12:12,510 yeah 776 01:12:12,510 --> 01:12:15,50 yeah 777 01:12:15,50 --> 01:12:20,540 yeah 778 01:12:28,150 --> 01:12:31,150 yeah 779 01:12:36,579 --> 01:12:41,648 you wanted to see me 780 01:12:42,429 --> 01:12:45,429 yes i just read your report is it the truth 781 01:12:47,19 --> 01:12:54,639 it's everything I did yes well there are some masterful maneuvers here Mandy you 782 01:12:54,639 --> 01:12:56,169 have a real talent 783 01:12:56,169 --> 01:12:59,589 I can't afford to have that brain working for someone else 784 01:12:59,589 --> 01:13:05,769 so I've decided not to terminate your employment really well I were being 785 01:13:05,769 --> 01:13:09,70 honest i'd say this don't reminded me of something i would do at your age 786 01:13:11,800 --> 01:13:15,820 yes I haven't met anyone with that amount of hutzpah and a long time you're 787 01:13:15,820 --> 01:13:17,589 quite an asset 788 01:13:17,589 --> 01:13:23,260 however if you decide to execute some devious master plan in the future I 789 01:13:23,260 --> 01:13:25,780 expect to be included 790 01:13:25,780 --> 01:13:34,30 I don't know what to say say thank you Deirdre thank you your track there's 791 01:13:34,30 --> 01:13:37,179 just one thing I can't figure out what's that 792 01:13:37,179 --> 01:13:40,809 why didn't you fight for him I'm sorry 793 01:13:40,809 --> 01:13:48,429 look at this picture man that is the face of someone smooth i didn't fight 794 01:13:48,429 --> 01:13:51,50 for him 795 01:13:51,50 --> 01:13:58,250 because he discovered my rich tapestry of lies and deception is getting married 796 01:13:58,250 --> 01:14:05,720 lady Isabella and he basically said it can ever trust me so 797 01:14:06,470 --> 01:14:16,460 I think it's probably best we just did she say so i have an invitation to the 798 01:14:16,460 --> 01:14:21,800 Queen's Jubilee tomorrow night a generic as a thank-you for our efforts but I'm 799 01:14:21,800 --> 01:14:27,350 not the person deserving of that gratitude in life but the invitations 800 01:14:27,350 --> 01:14:28,610 for you not me 801 01:14:28,610 --> 01:14:34,190 all so now you have a problem using my name but I have nothing to wear and i 802 01:14:34,190 --> 01:14:44,900 would have to fly out tonight speaking in time Cinderella meet your very own 803 01:14:58,100 --> 01:15:04,700 your highness I have the official statement about your engagement all i 804 01:15:04,700 --> 01:15:06,80 need is your approval 805 01:15:06,80 --> 01:15:11,240 sure if it means his mother's approval I have nothing two and oh dear 806 01:15:11,240 --> 01:15:17,30 we're regressing after we make some progress for heaven's sake what more do 807 01:15:17,30 --> 01:15:17,840 you people want 808 01:15:17,840 --> 01:15:21,800 I'm fulfilling every single duty to the crown I understand my responsibility and 809 01:15:21,800 --> 01:15:23,210 I've made my peace with it 810 01:15:23,210 --> 01:15:26,390 Preston may we have the room please 811 01:15:26,960 --> 01:15:39,380 map calling do you know what made your time at Greenbriar so extraordinary it 812 01:15:39,380 --> 01:15:42,380 wasn't that you behaved yourself although admittedly that was refreshing 813 01:15:42,380 --> 01:15:48,560 it was the two followed your heart you allowed yourself to be true to your 814 01:15:48,560 --> 01:15:56,000 instincts showing kindness and concern for others it was my first glimpse of 815 01:15:56,000 --> 01:16:00,920 the kind of Monarch that you will one day become and it filled me with such 816 01:16:00,920 --> 01:16:03,920 pride 817 01:16:04,429 --> 01:16:08,300 and that's why I allowed to miss Cooper's little deception to continue 818 01:16:08,300 --> 01:16:15,79 you knew of course I knew I have told you repeatedly I know everything that's 819 01:16:15,79 --> 01:16:16,909 happening at all times 820 01:16:16,909 --> 01:16:22,459 miss Cooper brought out the best in you that doesn't go away just because she 821 01:16:22,459 --> 01:16:30,79 has it was almost on the y OS silly voice here in a false name there in all 822 01:16:30,79 --> 01:16:32,929 fairness you weren't entirely forthcoming with her either 823 01:16:32,929 --> 01:16:37,820 I know that there's not much I can do about that now 824 01:16:38,710 --> 01:16:43,239 one day you will rule our country 825 01:16:44,579 --> 01:16:48,839 and your decisions will not buckle under the weight of your title they will be 826 01:16:48,839 --> 01:16:54,869 fortified by act just consider all the consequences and then do what you 827 01:16:54,869 --> 01:16:56,969 genuinely feel is best 828 01:16:56,969 --> 01:16:59,969 it's likely you'll move in the right direction 829 01:17:04,170 --> 01:17:11,489 yeah 830 01:17:33,460 --> 01:17:39,160 so sorry for delay darling around to the Spanish ambassador's wife she was a 831 01:17:39,160 --> 01:17:42,519 delightful story to share where I belong now 832 01:17:43,750 --> 01:17:50,50 yes after the announcement is made shall we say a few words or go directly to the 833 01:17:50,50 --> 01:17:58,989 dance tuition and I want to tell me you want do you wear that just what you've 834 01:17:58,989 --> 01:18:06,400 been told what meet you don't love me as a brother and I don't love you 835 01:18:07,390 --> 01:18:11,320 we get all right but we've never for a moment been in love there's not a 836 01:18:11,320 --> 01:18:14,440 marriage is not what we never actually want 837 01:18:20,380 --> 01:18:26,140 real marriage to spend far more than laughs it's about duty and 838 01:18:26,140 --> 01:18:29,20 responsibility to the monarchy maintaining and preserving over a 839 01:18:29,20 --> 01:18:34,300 hundred years of tradition these things matter Colin yes they do matter but I 840 01:18:34,300 --> 01:18:39,160 will not marry woman I do not love I thought you had changed but you're just 841 01:18:39,160 --> 01:18:44,559 as childish as spoiled as you ever heard of selfish back you're wrong i have 842 01:18:44,560 --> 01:18:48,820 changed and I want that same change for you i want you to explore possibilities 843 01:18:48,820 --> 01:18:53,200 to indulge her passion he didn't think I had other interests other hopes for the 844 01:18:53,200 --> 01:18:59,950 future but we could accomplish together exceeds that I was willing to set 845 01:18:59,950 --> 01:19:06,40 everything aside for you i'm quite sure i never asked you to do that you deserve 846 01:19:06,40 --> 01:19:09,519 a life better than that which duty dictates I want you to want you to fall 847 01:19:09,520 --> 01:19:18,580 in love will have lovely Colin how gracious inclined isabella is that what 848 01:19:18,580 --> 01:19:21,580 this is about you think you love her 849 01:19:22,180 --> 01:19:27,70 the American liar i'm honestly not quite true but my feelings often miss Cooper 850 01:19:27,70 --> 01:19:31,30 but she made me realize I deserve the chance to live a life on my own terms 851 01:19:31,30 --> 01:19:34,780 and there's something no going back to the way things were 852 01:19:36,670 --> 01:19:39,670 excuse me 853 01:19:48,360 --> 01:19:50,519 yeah 854 01:19:50,520 --> 01:19:55,160 yeah 855 01:19:55,160 --> 01:19:57,239 yeah 856 01:19:57,239 --> 01:20:02,280 what you believe 857 01:20:02,280 --> 01:20:05,280 thank you 858 01:20:06,630 --> 01:20:09,630 yeah 859 01:20:15,360 --> 01:20:21,719 now you are wise lady Isabella it's nearly time for the announcement ladies 860 01:20:21,719 --> 01:20:25,739 about his returns to her estate values there will be an announcement 861 01:20:26,429 --> 01:20:32,429 Oh calling know what did you do mother I will marry for love or not at all if you 862 01:20:32,429 --> 01:20:36,389 expect me to understand the criminal you have to learn to occasionally trust my 863 01:20:36,389 --> 01:20:38,790 judgment there will be a scandal 864 01:20:38,790 --> 01:20:46,320 we've got every week without must you always try my patience is I must do 865 01:20:46,320 --> 01:20:52,980 certain that this quite and i will not be swayed procedures or if your position 866 01:20:52,980 --> 01:20:54,280 corporate 867 01:20:54,280 --> 01:21:00,99 my darling boy don't you know you mean the world to me i hope you find what 868 01:21:00,100 --> 01:21:03,670 you're looking for and you will know it 869 01:21:04,180 --> 01:21:07,180 thank you mother 870 01:21:17,920 --> 01:21:20,920 yeah 871 01:21:28,10 --> 01:21:31,10 well that was faster than I expected 872 01:21:33,429 --> 01:21:40,510 you look absolutely perfect not quite i forgot to put shoes but it's even more 873 01:21:40,510 --> 01:21:47,860 common i owe you an apology needed for halfway around the world for that just a 874 01:21:47,860 --> 01:21:53,558 nice mood i wanted to see if I know you're getting married and I have no 875 01:21:53,559 --> 01:22:00,969 intention of getting in the way that but i wanted to earn your trust you with me 876 01:22:00,969 --> 01:22:04,360 I want to be friends 877 01:22:04,360 --> 01:22:10,209 well that's very kind of you thank you i appreciate the apology but I wasn't 878 01:22:10,209 --> 01:22:12,660 entirely honest with you either 879 01:22:12,660 --> 01:22:15,960 and I'm truly sorry thank you 880 01:22:18,510 --> 01:22:25,80 I've decided not to marry Isabella it appears my future's for the first time 881 01:22:25,80 --> 01:22:28,80 in my life quite uncertain 882 01:22:29,000 --> 01:22:32,000 it's very exciting 883 01:22:32,800 --> 01:22:39,790 you guys are done don't you pick up very quickly very different 884 01:22:41,699 --> 01:22:46,949 at present in need this will 885 01:22:49,820 --> 01:22:54,980 keep your eyes on me the trick is anticipating changes to thank you do 886 01:22:54,980 --> 01:22:57,980 that 887 01:23:01,590 --> 01:23:04,590 yeah 888 01:23:10,860 --> 01:23:13,920 when it's awesome when is the fountain I wish 889 01:23:16,860 --> 01:23:21,389 after you left I went back to the phone and made a wish to what did you wish for 890 01:23:21,389 --> 01:23:24,389 a happy ending 891 01:23:40,190 --> 01:23:46,940 this small town girl has one big dream come work for me in New York which turns 892 01:23:46,940 --> 01:23:48,919 into a summer of surprises 893 01:23:48,920 --> 01:23:53,270 you're not from around here are you you wanna share a cab back downtown and love 894 01:23:53,270 --> 01:23:56,660 was just by helping me find an apartment 895 01:23:56,660 --> 01:24:02,840 trust me she's your girl sounds like he'll Giuliana will indicate a fox will 896 01:24:02,840 --> 01:24:03,710 ever see you again 897 01:24:03,710 --> 01:24:06,910 do you want to see me again 898 01:24:06,910 --> 01:24:10,780 premieres next saturday at nine part of summer night on whole marching