1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,000 2 00:00:04,000 --> 00:00:08,000 Warm Regards From Singkawang West Kalimantan 3 00:00:08,000 --> 00:00:12,000 4 00:00:12,000 --> 00:00:16,000 5 00:00:18,268 --> 00:00:21,979 One day in the summer,
70 million years ago. 6 00:00:21,980 --> 00:00:26,984 Arctic Territory. But not the empty ice plain that we know. 7 00:00:26,985 --> 00:00:29,654 The earth is a much warmer place... 8 00:00:29,655 --> 00:00:36,033 ... and in the summer, the sun continues to shine /> meet all forest vegetation needs. 9 00:00:36,161 --> 00:00:41,867 Fertile fields for some of the biggest and most hungry creatures on the planet. 10 00:00:43,043 --> 00:00:45,837 Dinosaurs. 11 00:00:50,634 --> 00:00:53,553 There thousands of vegetarians here, 12 00:00:53,554 --> 00:00:57,258 ... all are eating unlimited food. 13 00:01:02,229 --> 00:01:04,647 Ankylosaurus is spiny. 14 00:01:04,648 --> 00:01:07,726 He likes eat alone. 15 00:01:09,152 --> 00:01:13,614 Others are animals that like cluster and eat together, 16 00:01:13,615 --> 00:01:16,659 ... like this Edmontosaurus herd. 17 00:01:19,454 --> 00:01:22,707 This one is the youngest member of of the herd. 18 00:01:22,708 --> 00:01:24,875 We will call him Scar (Scar),... 19 00:01:24,876 --> 00:01:28,045 ... a name that soon he will get . 20 00:01:33,802 --> 00:01:38,514 Since he hatched in spring, the sun has never stopped shining. 21 00:01:38,515 --> 00:01:42,268 There is a lot of food and lots of friends and protection... 22 00:01:42,269 --> 00:01:45,392 ... from his extended family. 23 00:01:56,533 --> 00:02:01,329 Life is so comfortable... for now. 24 00:02:01,496 --> 00:02:04,995 But all this will change for Scar. 25 00:02:07,169 --> 00:02:10,998 During the day for 24 hours soon it will fade... 26 00:02:13,008 --> 00:02:17,258 ... and the night for 24 hours will replace it. 27 00:02:39,117 --> 00:02:43,822 There is already a sign that summer will pass. 28 00:02:44,498 --> 00:02:49,078 Darkness will come. For everything. 29 00:03:15,612 --> 00:03:19,441 Patch (Penutup Mata) adalah seekor Troodon jantan muda. 30 00:03:20,033 --> 00:03:25,864 This carnivore has eaten Edmontosaurus babies throughout the summer. 31 00:03:27,708 --> 00:03:33,289 It's a shame, his favorite food is now bigger than his body. 32 00:03:38,301 --> 00:03:41,845 So Patch must look for another game. 33 00:04:12,836 --> 00:04:17,757 When the dinosaurs left, Troodon was so smart, was born to hunt and kill. 34 00:04:17,758 --> 00:04:23,635 So Patch has natural talent, but he doesn't understand how use it. 35 00:04:23,972 --> 00:04:28,802 Whatever comes in, it will come out. Only that is understood by Patch. 36 00:04:29,686 --> 00:04:33,481 But he hasn't learned to close all the holes out. 37 00:04:51,166 --> 00:04:53,501 Thanks to the bigger Troodon,... 38 00:04:53,502 --> 00:04:56,671 ... he didn't get the food. 39 00:05:02,803 --> 00:05:05,346 Patch that is hungry and frustrated... 40 00:05:05,347 --> 00:05:09,301 ... must act immediately. 41 00:05:30,121 --> 00:05:32,623 Sunlight starts to weaken. 42 00:05:32,624 --> 00:05:36,248 Winter comes quickly. 43 00:05:45,262 --> 00:05:50,766 Scar must now face something that is completely alien, unexpected... 44 00:05:50,767 --> 00:05:53,890 ... and very very dangerous. 45 00:05:57,107 --> 00:06:00,936 Something he has never been see. 46 00:06:03,154 --> 00:06:05,948 Night. 47 00:06:33,602 --> 00:06:38,478 Trapped, Scar can't see the danger coming. 48 00:06:45,822 --> 00:06:50,902 He's in the dark, with mercy of anything out there. 49 00:06:53,914 --> 00:06:58,619 Now is not the time to be away from the herd. 50 00:08:45,734 --> 00:08:50,940 In the Arctic, the first night in autumn lasts only for a while. 51 00:08:58,913 --> 00:09:02,287 The danger disappears when the dawn comes. 52 00:09:05,170 --> 00:09:08,794 But the meeting has left the mark. 53 00:09:08,798 --> 00:09:14,470 Scar is injured, but at least he succeeded congratulations back to herd. 54 00:09:16,639 --> 00:09:22,140 But the next winter will take a little light every day. 55 00:09:30,028 --> 00:09:34,358 Soon, the sun will disappear completely. 56 00:09:36,534 --> 00:09:40,996 Then the herd has to move far south... 57 00:09:40,997 --> 00:09:45,622 ... to find enough food and light to survive the winter. 58 00:10:07,357 --> 00:10:12,361 After the following weeks, the forest begins to wither and die. 59 00:10:12,362 --> 00:10:16,032 This land is no longer filled with food. 60 00:10:16,533 --> 00:10:19,409 Competition is fighting over food left over... . 61 00:10:19,410 --> 00:10:22,533 ... will be much harder. 62 00:10:35,760 --> 00:10:40,590 The Edmontosaurus males bellowed as a sign of danger. 63 00:10:41,599 --> 00:10:44,677 Someone came. 64 00:11:15,592 --> 00:11:18,927 Other dinosaurs come with strength. 65 00:11:18,928 --> 00:11:22,677 This is a herd of Pachyrhinosaurs. 66 00:11:25,685 --> 00:11:28,683 Antlers weighing 2 tons. 67 00:11:44,454 --> 00:11:49,416 The brain inside this thick skull < br /> no bigger than a bird's brain... 68 00:11:49,417 --> 00:11:53,962 ... but their strong heads become extraordinary weapons,... 69 00:11:53,963 --> 00:11:59,840 ... which they use to deal with all that prevents them from getting food. 70 00:12:08,353 --> 00:12:13,103 For the first time in his life, Scar hunger. 71 00:12:17,695 --> 00:12:20,864 I see also with Patch. 72 00:12:21,407 --> 00:12:25,619 Even though he's ready to survive facing winter,... 73 00:12:25,620 --> 00:12:28,414 ... he must keep eating. 74 00:12:58,695 --> 00:13:03,400 Troodon's brain is perfect for high-speed chases. 75 00:13:04,575 --> 00:13:10,281 The reaction is very fast, as if he saw in slow motion. 76 00:13:17,922 --> 00:13:21,842 But some food still too fast for him. 77 00:13:23,303 --> 00:13:25,470 The time is almost up. 78 00:13:25,471 --> 00:13:29,345 If he finishes this as soon as possible, he will starve. 79 00:13:37,317 --> 00:13:44,070 On an empty stomach,
Scar has to find his food. 80 00:13:49,537 --> 00:13:53,081 Ankylosaur also does the same thing. 81 00:13:55,918 --> 00:14:01,920 Because he is experienced in survival, he is forced to eat rotten logs... 82 00:14:05,178 --> 00:14:08,013 ... maggots and insect larvae in it... 83 00:14:08,014 --> 00:14:14,642 ... give them extra protein so that the three tons of vegetarian can still move. 84 00:14:20,902 --> 00:14:24,863 Scar, who is used to eating leaves and soft plants,... 85 00:14:24,864 --> 00:14:29,068 ... must develop his appetite on these hard new foods. 86 00:14:59,315 --> 00:15:03,895 A warm summer paradise a memorable stay. 87 00:15:04,737 --> 00:15:08,190 It's no longer time to go. 88 00:15:11,744 --> 00:15:15,744 Because every night is longer from the night before... 89 00:15:17,041 --> 00:15:20,585 ... the predators who benefited more. 90 00:15:28,052 --> 00:15:30,595 The adults protect their children,... 91 00:15:30,596 --> 00:15:36,553 ... use the body themselves as fortress against night hunters. 92 00:15:37,395 --> 00:15:42,646 They know their enemies are wandering out there in the dark. 93 00:15:58,416 --> 00:16:01,251 After he managed to escape,... . 94 00:16:01,252 --> 00:16:03,462 ... Scar becomes alert. 95 00:16:03,463 --> 00:16:08,339 Nothing will attract his attention to get out of the herd protection. 96 00:16:12,388 --> 00:16:17,389 Nothing, except maybe a little food. 97 00:16:51,969 --> 00:16:55,138 In the end the fear holds Scar. 98 00:16:55,139 --> 00:16:57,307 But for a young female,... 99 00:16:57,308 --> 00:17:01,478 ... she can't hold back the temptation to eat. 100 00:18:18,723 --> 00:18:23,101 Gorgosaurus. With a long 9 meters and weighs 2 tons,... 101 00:18:23,102 --> 00:18:27,022 ... this is a T-rex from the North Pole. 102 00:18:35,156 --> 00:18:38,283 Equipped with night vision which is very sensitive,... . 103 00:18:38,284 --> 00:18:41,737 ... he is the perfect night animal killer . 104 00:18:44,040 --> 00:18:47,914 Young dinosaurs have no chance. 105 00:18:51,339 --> 00:18:53,548 For Scar and his flock,... 106 00:18:53,549 --> 00:18:58,049 ... their summer playground has become a winter slaughterfield. 107 00:18:59,263 --> 00:19:02,057 Their only hope... 108 00:19:02,642 --> 00:19:05,436 .... exodus. 109 00:19:05,600 --> 00:19:05,818 110 00:19:05,819 --> 00:19:06,037 111 00:19:06,038 --> 00:19:06,255 112 00:19:06,256 --> 00:19:06,474 113 00:19:06,475 --> 00:19:06,693 114 00:19:06,694 --> 00:19:06,912 115 00:19:06,913 --> 00:19:07,130 116 00:19:07,131 --> 00:19:07,349 117 00:19:07,350 --> 00:19:07,568 118 00:19:07,569 --> 00:19:07,787 119 00:19:07,788 --> 00:19:08,005 120 00:19:08,006 --> 00:19:08,224 121 00:19:08,225 --> 00:19:08,443 122 00:19:08,444 --> 00:19:08,662 123 00:19:08,663 --> 00:19:08,880 124 00:19:08,881 --> 00:19:09,099 125 00:19:09,100 --> 00:19:09,318 126 00:19:09,319 --> 00:19:09,537 127 00:19:09,538 --> 00:19:09,755 128 00:19:09,756 --> 00:19:09,974 129 00:19:09,975 --> 00:19:10,193 130 00:19:10,194 --> 00:19:10,412 131 00:19:10,413 --> 00:19:10,630 132 00:19:10,631 --> 00:19:10,849 133 00:19:10,850 --> 00:19:11,068 134 00:19:11,069 --> 00:19:11,287 135 00:19:11,288 --> 00:19:11,505 136 00:19:11,506 --> 00:19:11,724 137 00:19:11,725 --> 00:19:11,943 138 00:19:11,944 --> 00:19:12,162 139 00:19:12,163 --> 00:19:12,380 140 00:19:12,381 --> 00:19:22,381 141 00:19:30,378 --> 00:19:32,504 Afternoon the day is getting shorter... 142 00:19:32,505 --> 00:19:34,673 ... finally signals the herd... 143 00:19:34,674 --> 00:19:38,844 ... to make a large annual migration. 144 00:19:47,520 --> 00:19:50,814 It's time to head south towards the sun... 145 00:19:50,815 --> 00:19:53,483 ... on a tiring 1,600 km trip... 146 00:19:53,484 --> 00:19:57,313 ... for find food, light and safety. 147 00:20:01,909 --> 00:20:04,828 Only those who have died remain... 148 00:20:04,829 --> 00:20:07,664 ... becomes a fortune for predators... 149 00:20:07,665 --> 00:20:11,494 ... who will stay here during the winter in the Arctic. 150 00:20:29,061 --> 00:20:31,271 Odyssey for three month... 151 00:20:31,272 --> 00:20:35,900 ... will bring Scar and others through dangerous terrain. 152 00:20:35,901 --> 00:20:40,606 But with the herd guiding them, many will succeed through it. 153 00:20:53,961 --> 00:20:58,131 Crossing the Arctic, Edmontosaurus hearing that call,... 154 00:20:58,132 --> 00:21:01,927 ... come together in large numbers to seek salvation. 155 00:21:11,061 --> 00:21:17,018 Even the heroes of the Pachyrhinosaurus competition joined in large numbers. 156 00:21:44,720 --> 00:21:48,181 The dinosaur line... 157 00:21:48,182 --> 00:21:50,805 ... has begun. 158 00:22:00,694 --> 00:22:03,196 This is the beginning of a journey... 159 00:22:03,197 --> 00:22:05,824 ... which will bring migratory dinosaurs... 160 00:22:05,825 --> 00:22:08,701 ... past the place now known as Canada western part... 161 00:22:08,702 --> 00:22:14,750 ... towards the fertile coastal region of the sea in which divides North America. 162 00:22:16,252 --> 00:22:22,083 They will face danger which is frightening for all of them. 163 00:22:22,591 --> 00:22:25,714 Many between them that won't last. 164 00:22:29,932 --> 00:22:33,977 But not all herbivores make that trip. 165 00:22:35,813 --> 00:22:39,816 This female Ankylosauria is too troublesome and heavy.... 166 00:22:39,817 --> 00:22:43,396 ... to take a trip as far as 3,200 km. 167 00:22:50,452 --> 00:22:53,162 He will stay at this Pole... 168 00:22:53,163 --> 00:22:57,037 ... and trying to survive facing the Arctic winter malignancy. 169 00:23:23,819 --> 00:23:27,693 Troodon has adapted well in the face of winter. 170 00:23:27,948 --> 00:23:31,242 But Patch still has to learn how. 171 00:23:41,170 --> 00:23:46,046 Eating prey from Gorgosaurus is very risky. 172 00:23:47,426 --> 00:23:50,720 But maybe this is their food the last for months,... 173 00:23:50,721 --> 00:23:53,924 ... so they have to take the risk. 174 00:23:58,020 --> 00:24:02,224 Patch knows he's in power which is quite high... 175 00:24:05,653 --> 00:24:09,152 ... hoping to get the best part. 176 00:24:18,582 --> 00:24:24,334 But maybe it's better for him not to participate in the feud. 177 00:24:33,180 --> 00:24:36,850 Because the king in this forest... 178 00:24:37,977 --> 00:24:42,648 ... will not accept if someone steals his food. 179 00:24:45,067 --> 00:24:49,647 In the summer, Troodon will never fight against Gorgosaurus. 180 00:24:51,031 --> 00:24:56,908 But in the winter, one fresh carcass is worth fighting for. 181 00:25:19,143 --> 00:25:23,518 A Reckless Troodon takes a wild bite. 182 00:25:25,816 --> 00:25:29,610 But he who attacks the king has to do a deadly attack... 183 00:25:29,611 --> 00:25:32,439 ... or bear the consequences. 184 00:25:45,335 --> 00:25:48,584 Patch will continue to starve... 185 00:25:49,923 --> 00:25:54,344 ... when Gorgosaurus reclaims its rights. 186 00:26:00,601 --> 00:26:03,561 After one week, the migrating herd... 187 00:26:03,562 --> 00:26:07,141 ... has reached the edge of the Arctic forest. 188 00:26:11,695 --> 00:26:15,239 So far, Scar can still follow them. 189 00:26:22,372 --> 00:26:27,498 But this open landscape is a new, unfriendly world. 190 00:26:34,384 --> 00:26:36,636 They are open to elements... 191 00:26:36,637 --> 00:26:41,137 ... under the sky that stores unknown threats. 192 00:26:47,564 --> 00:26:50,358 Scavengers... 193 00:26:50,776 --> 00:26:54,605 ... which know this trip will ask the victim. 194 00:27:00,119 --> 00:27:04,369 And soon afterwards there was another surprise from above. 195 00:27:12,214 --> 00:27:16,259 Scar never saw snow before. 196 00:27:20,889 --> 00:27:25,139 But the first splinter quickly turns into a snowstorm. 197 00:27:45,581 --> 00:27:49,375 There is only one way to deal with freezing temperatures... 198 00:27:49,376 --> 00:27:52,499 ... keep moving in every way. 199 00:28:01,013 --> 00:28:03,306 Those who are young are the most vulnerable... 200 00:28:03,307 --> 00:28:07,762 ... their small bodies are easily overwhelmed by the temperature cold. 201 00:28:15,944 --> 00:28:20,274 If Scar can't follow, he'll be left... 202 00:28:20,699 --> 00:28:23,493 ... to die. 203 00:28:43,430 --> 00:28:46,883 An old male encourages him. 204 00:28:52,272 --> 00:28:55,274 With 20 winter migrations before,... 205 00:28:55,275 --> 00:28:58,736 ... Today's males have gone through all that. 206 00:28:58,737 --> 00:29:01,364 He provides little protection from weather exposure... 207 00:29:01,365 --> 00:29:04,659 ... and sets the speed so your little one can follow. 208 00:29:16,797 --> 00:29:21,252 Scar's new friend has his own problem. 209 00:29:25,138 --> 00:29:28,967 There is a tumor that grows in his brain. 210 00:29:29,351 --> 00:29:32,975 This might be < br /> the last migration. 211 00:29:44,700 --> 00:29:49,871 Return to Arctic forest, the temperature is getting colder. 212 00:29:57,296 --> 00:30:02,923 Patch hair is not enough to hold cold temperatures that bite. < 213 00:30:12,060 --> 00:30:15,263 Not only is the cold temperature the problem. 214 00:30:16,273 --> 00:30:19,692 He still hasn't eaten properly. 215 00:30:27,868 --> 00:30:32,330 And he must be in the best condition to face all circumstances. 216 00:30:32,331 --> 00:30:37,161 He will fight against his competitors. 217 00:30:52,642 --> 00:30:58,974 They must try themselves to survive the winter. 218 00:31:01,651 --> 00:31:04,649 Now is the mating season. 219 00:31:08,408 --> 00:31:11,494 After adult, passing winter... 220 00:31:11,495 --> 00:31:14,994 ... more than just being the strongest. 221 00:31:16,041 --> 00:31:19,960 Patch now also ready to have a family... 222 00:31:19,961 --> 00:31:23,289 ... and learn how to attract the partner's attention. 223 00:31:37,604 --> 00:31:40,064 320 km south,... 224 00:31:40,065 --> 00:31:43,442 ... a mob of dinosaurs weighing thousands of tons... 225 00:31:43,443 --> 00:31:46,817 ... has struggled through a blizzard. 226 00:31:51,034 --> 00:31:55,871 But in a snow storm, they have strayed away from the track... 227 00:31:55,872 --> 00:31:59,041 .... and enter a big problem. 228 00:33:04,065 --> 00:33:07,393 There are deadly predators in the water. 229 00:33:10,197 --> 00:33:13,992 And Scar never swims before. 230 00:34:31,236 --> 00:34:36,737 Far north, Ankylosaurus trying your best. 231 00:34:56,636 --> 00:34:58,929 Searching for endless food... 232 00:34:58,930 --> 00:35:02,884 ... takes it into the corner of the forest the darkest... 233 00:35:06,479 --> 00:35:10,274 ... where the danger is not look is lurking. 234 00:36:07,332 --> 00:36:11,957 In winter, wounds can become very deadly. 235 00:36:14,422 --> 00:36:17,420 Fighting can kill both of them. 236 00:36:23,431 --> 00:36:27,305 Gorgosaurus it's not brave to do it. 237 00:36:32,107 --> 00:36:35,234 The bite on his leg has an infection. 238 00:36:35,235 --> 00:36:40,065 He must rest and hope find victims more easily. 239 00:36:48,707 --> 00:36:51,785 Dark winter now begins. 240 00:37:00,719 --> 00:37:05,970 At sunset, the longest night on Earth has begun. 241 00:37:07,350 --> 00:37:11,179 There will be no sunlight
for four months. 242 00:37:18,194 --> 00:37:22,740 Some may never see sunlight again. 243 00:37:33,000 --> 00:37:33,218 244 00:37:33,219 --> 00:37:33,437 245 00:37:33,438 --> 00:37:33,655 246 00:37:33,656 --> 00:37:33,874 247 00:37:33,875 --> 00:37:34,093 248 00:37:34,094 --> 00:37:34,312 249 00:37:34,313 --> 00:37:34,530 250 00:37:34,531 --> 00:37:34,749 251 00:37:34,750 --> 00:37:34,968 252 00:37:34,969 --> 00:37:35,187 253 00:37:35,188 --> 00:37:35,405 254 00:37:35,406 --> 00:37:35,624 255 00:37:35,625 --> 00:37:35,843 256 00:37:35,844 --> 00:37:36,062 257 00:37:36,063 --> 00:37:36,280 258 00:37:36,281 --> 00:37:36,499 259 00:37:36,500 --> 00:37:36,718 260 00:37:36,719 --> 00:37:36,937 261 00:37:36,938 --> 00:37:37,155 262 00:37:37,156 --> 00:37:37,374 263 00:37:37,375 --> 00:37:37,593 264 00:37:37,594 --> 00:37:37,812 265 00:37:37,813 --> 00:37:38,030 266 00:37:38,031 --> 00:37:38,249 267 00:37:38,250 --> 00:37:38,468 268 00:37:38,469 --> 00:37:38,687 269 00:37:38,688 --> 00:37:38,905 270 00:37:38,906 --> 00:37:39,124 271 00:37:39,125 --> 00:37:39,343 272 00:37:39,344 --> 00:37:39,562 273 00:37:39,563 --> 00:37:39,780 274 00:37:39,781 --> 00:37:49,781 275 00:38:03,281 --> 00:38:07,534 The Edmontosaurus herd has been moving south for almost a month,... 276 00:38:07,535 --> 00:38:11,614 ... keep on going stay away from the night chase. 277 00:38:12,957 --> 00:38:16,285 The herd moves with their stomachs. 278 00:38:16,586 --> 00:38:19,789 And now they are running out of steam. 279 00:38:23,218 --> 00:38:28,048 Hunger and fatigue start asking for the victim. 280 00:38:29,891 --> 00:38:34,061 For Scar, flock always means safety. 281 00:38:34,354 --> 00:38:39,605 But now the weaker starts to fall and die around him... 282 00:38:41,277 --> 00:38:46,699 ... end their lives in the abandoned volcano land. 283 00:39:08,179 --> 00:39:13,225 Quetzalcoatlus is the largest flying animal ever,... 284 00:39:13,226 --> 00:39:16,304 .... with a 12 meter wide wingspan. 285 00:39:17,564 --> 00:39:23,771 For these scavengers, the dinosaurs that migrated are their walking food. 286 00:39:32,412 --> 00:39:38,084 Finally, a small green oasis in the midst of barren fields. 287 00:39:49,178 --> 00:39:53,678 Rewards are very valuable to them who made it this far. 288 00:39:58,396 --> 00:40:01,815 But too many mouths who need food. < 289 00:40:02,525 --> 00:40:06,946 Pachyrhinosaurs want the plant for themselves. 290 00:40:08,990 --> 00:40:13,866 Hunger forces an Edmontosaurus to fight for its place. 291 00:40:25,882 --> 00:40:29,301 But there is only one end result . 292 00:40:57,372 --> 00:41:02,751 Broken ribs mean the slow death of for this desperate animal. 293 00:41:02,752 --> 00:41:07,298 But for the migratory herd, there is no term looking back. 294 00:41:26,317 --> 00:41:32,740 The herd is advancing, entering the territory of the most dangerous of their journey. 295 00:41:37,620 --> 00:41:41,999 In the west direction, in the middle of large plate collisions,... 296 00:41:42,000 --> 00:41:45,453 ... Rocky Mountain begins to form... 297 00:41:47,880 --> 00:41:50,457 ... with cruel. 298 00:41:54,679 --> 00:41:57,764 Like the land that has been twisted and curved,... 299 00:41:57,765 --> 00:42:02,436 ... ash volcanic eruptions have covered most areas... 300 00:42:05,690 --> 00:42:10,190 ... kill plants and opportunities to find food. 301 00:42:13,197 --> 00:42:16,821 And now, another problem arises. 302 00:42:24,083 --> 00:42:27,127 A cloud of ash returns to the sky ,... 303 00:42:27,128 --> 00:42:30,047 ... causes a severe storm. 304 00:42:31,674 --> 00:42:35,969 The air is filled with electricity. 305 00:43:05,666 --> 00:43:10,041 Subtle volcanic dust pollutes the lungs . 306 00:43:15,343 --> 00:43:20,924 And toxic fumes interfere with their smell against the smell of predator bodies. 307 00:43:37,031 --> 00:43:39,825 And their numbers are very large. 308 00:43:42,787 --> 00:43:47,208 The herd is now walking entering the killer's nest. 309 00:43:51,963 --> 00:43:55,966 Albertosaurus, are still cousins from Gorgosaurus,... 310 00:43:55,967 --> 00:44:00,092 ... and more deadly because they hunt in groups. 311 00:44:00,304 --> 00:44:05,475 Each weighs three tons with sharp and stealthy teeth. 312 00:44:09,605 --> 00:44:13,935 It's been months since the last time they ate. 313 00:44:20,825 --> 00:44:24,745 Winter eating party will be served soon. 314 00:44:39,302 --> 00:44:44,139 In the Arctic, the head feathers Patch has turned yellow,... 315 00:44:44,140 --> 00:44:48,390 ... which tells all females
that he is ready to marry. 316 00:44:54,150 --> 00:44:56,943 It's ready for one thing. 317 00:44:56,944 --> 00:45:00,488 Being able is a different thing. 318 00:45:04,702 --> 00:45:07,287 In order for marriage to succeed,... 319 00:45:07,288 --> 00:45:11,868 ... the male must first prove the ability to build a residence. 320 00:45:26,265 --> 00:45:29,809 This older Troodon has found the perfect place,... 321 00:45:29,810 --> 00:45:33,764 ... quite protected from wind freezes. 322 00:45:37,568 --> 00:45:40,691 Patch has not finished its place. 323 00:45:41,530 --> 00:45:43,949 But location is everything. 324 00:45:43,950 --> 00:45:46,618 He choose the wrong place. 325 00:45:46,619 --> 00:45:49,447 The location is too open. 326 00:45:51,791 --> 00:45:54,125 With the arrival of a female,... 327 00:45:54,126 --> 00:45:57,045 ... the mating ritual begins. 328 00:46:04,971 --> 00:46:08,971 Nature's instincts and rhythms take over. 329 00:46:25,783 --> 00:46:31,284 Patches dance hard, but the effort is not appreciated. 330 00:46:31,914 --> 00:46:36,664 This female only sees one Troodon. 331 00:46:44,719 --> 00:46:47,513 And that's not a patch. 332 00:46:54,603 --> 00:46:57,806 Dinner locks the deal. 333 00:46:59,233 --> 00:47:03,983 Older male knows the contents of a woman's heart. 334 00:47:04,405 --> 00:47:07,407 Patch learns one more sad reality. 335 00:47:07,408 --> 00:47:09,909 When talking about finding a mate,... 336 00:47:09,910 --> 00:47:13,910 ... there's always better in that case. 337 00:47:19,420 --> 00:47:23,715 In the south, the migration of the Edmontosaurus herd... 338 00:47:23,716 --> 00:47:28,546 ... keeps them away from the area of permanent darkness. 339 00:47:30,473 --> 00:47:33,641 They have traveled 965 km... 340 00:47:33,642 --> 00:47:38,973 ... their journey is still far away towards the forest in the south. 341 00:48:00,711 --> 00:48:05,712 For the most part, only so far they have been able to... 342 00:48:11,847 --> 00:48:15,892 ... because they walked entered an ambush. 343 00:50:53,759 --> 00:50:58,965 On the outskirts of the volcano, ice is no match for fire. 344 00:51:11,193 --> 00:51:14,696 Another eruption changes the snowy peak... 345 00:51:14,697 --> 00:51:19,573 ... is a deadly avalanche of water, ash and rock. 346 00:53:26,995 --> 00:53:30,665 Alam, which was previously threatening survival Scar,... 347 00:53:30,666 --> 00:53:33,084 ... sekarang telah menyelamatkannya. 348 00:53:33,085 --> 00:53:37,335 But he lost the most important thing... 349 00:53:38,590 --> 00:53:41,384 ... his flock. 350 00:53:43,200 --> 00:53:43,418 351 00:53:43,419 --> 00:53:43,637 352 00:53:43,638 --> 00:53:43,855 353 00:53:43,856 --> 00:53:44,074 354 00:53:44,075 --> 00:53:44,293 355 00:53:44,294 --> 00:53:44,512 356 00:53:44,513 --> 00:53:44,730 357 00:53:44,731 --> 00:53:44,949 358 00:53:44,950 --> 00:53:45,168 359 00:53:45,169 --> 00:53:45,387 360 00:53:45,388 --> 00:53:45,605 361 00:53:45,606 --> 00:53:45,824 362 00:53:45,825 --> 00:53:46,043 363 00:53:46,044 --> 00:53:46,262 364 00:53:46,263 --> 00:53:46,480 365 00:53:46,481 --> 00:53:46,699 366 00:53:46,700 --> 00:53:46,918 367 00:53:46,919 --> 00:53:47,137 368 00:53:47,138 --> 00:53:47,355 369 00:53:47,356 --> 00:53:47,574 370 00:53:47,575 --> 00:53:47,793 371 00:53:47,794 --> 00:53:48,012 372 00:53:48,013 --> 00:53:48,230 373 00:53:48,231 --> 00:53:48,449 374 00:53:48,450 --> 00:53:48,668 375 00:53:48,669 --> 00:53:48,887 376 00:53:48,888 --> 00:53:49,105 377 00:53:49,106 --> 00:53:49,324 378 00:53:49,325 --> 00:53:49,543 379 00:53:49,544 --> 00:53:49,762 380 00:53:49,763 --> 00:53:49,980 381 00:53:49,981 --> 00:53:59,981 382 00:54:35,272 --> 00:54:39,602 383 00:54:40,319 --> 00:54:47,243 Volcanic currents have hardened like concrete. 384 00:55:12,559 --> 00:55:17,139 Barren blankets that cover Scar's new isolated world. 385 00:55:42,631 --> 00:55:47,256 If the herd survives, they will has continued the journey. 386 00:56:09,700 --> 00:56:14,621 He is the old dinosaur who helped Scar through a snowstorm. 387 00:56:14,788 --> 00:56:17,707 But far behind them... 388 00:56:20,085 --> 00:56:25,461 ... their old enemy refused to lie dead. 389 00:56:44,985 --> 00:56:49,656 Scar and the old man continue travel south once more... 390 00:56:56,955 --> 00:57:00,784 ... without realizing they are being followed. 391 00:57:15,182 --> 00:57:20,683 On the Arctic plateau, the night now lasts for six weeks. 392 00:57:33,492 --> 00:57:37,286 After mating, Troodon is a male today... 393 00:57:37,287 --> 00:57:39,747 ... do his duty as a father... 394 00:57:39,748 --> 00:57:41,916 ... and take care of their eggs. 395 00:57:41,917 --> 00:57:45,962 He won't eat until all the eggs hatch in spring. 396 00:57:48,590 --> 00:57:53,090 But Patch... well, the nest is empty. 397 00:58:02,062 --> 00:58:08,019 He did his best to marry, but his efforts only made him even more hungry. 398 00:58:11,863 --> 00:58:14,615 Her love skills maybe less,... 399 00:58:14,616 --> 00:58:19,617 ... but he knows getting food when he smells it. 400 00:58:29,673 --> 00:58:33,673 The smell of fresh blood attracts him to enter. 401 00:59:42,746 --> 00:59:46,123 It is still hampered by an infected wound, .. . 402 00:59:46,124 --> 00:59:51,128 ... Gorgosaurus still survives with small prey. 403 00:59:51,129 --> 00:59:54,006 But the situation starts to improve, and it won't be long... 404 00:59:54,007 --> 01:00:00,305 ... when he is ready to return to spread terror in all corners of the forest. 405 01:00:08,772 --> 01:00:11,398 Not far in the darkness of winter,... 406 01:00:11,399 --> 01:00:16,104 ... Ankylosauria this still thinking about his stomach. 407 01:01:15,547 --> 01:01:18,670 He is really helpless. 408 01:01:33,231 --> 01:01:40,029 Far south, Scar and his traveling companion keeps moving. 409 01:01:51,917 --> 01:01:55,336 The tracks of other dinosaurs that are still fresh. 410 01:01:55,337 --> 01:01:57,755 But is he a friend... 411 01:01:57,756 --> 01:02:00,834 ... or an enemy? 412 01:03:04,447 --> 01:03:09,994 The old Edmontosaurus fought for < br /> get this important food. 413 01:03:12,163 --> 01:03:14,540 With a tumor in his brain that continues to grow,... 414 01:03:14,541 --> 01:03:18,620 ... he loses direction and cannot be predicted. 415 01:03:31,641 --> 01:03:34,310 Together the same through danger,... 416 01:03:34,311 --> 01:03:40,643 ... a small group of dinosaurs young, sick and injured, continues to fight. 417 01:03:42,027 --> 01:03:46,402 But the next day bring a glimmer of hope. 418 01:04:03,131 --> 01:04:07,801 A large group of Edmontosaurus still moving forward... 419 01:04:07,802 --> 01:04:14,180 ... a moving fortress that will give safety for them once again. 420 01:04:14,851 --> 01:04:18,020 If they can catch up on time. 421 01:04:47,675 --> 01:04:53,347 By daytime it's over, they are getting far behind. 422 01:04:54,474 --> 01:04:58,098 The Pachyrhinosaurus is the most difficult. / p> 423 01:05:02,440 --> 01:05:07,816 There is nothing Scar or his companion can do for him. 424 01:05:08,780 --> 01:05:12,199 He must be left to accept his fate. 425 01:06:03,042 --> 01:06:05,669 Scar's friend who is confused... 426 01:06:05,670 --> 01:06:07,921 ... now does something unexpected,... 427 01:06:07,922 --> 01:06:12,092 ... walks away from the tracks of left by their flock. 428 01:06:13,386 --> 01:06:16,635 Scar feels there that went wrong... 429 01:06:17,432 --> 01:06:20,760 ... but it's already the nature to follow. 430 01:07:01,518 --> 01:07:04,311 The old dinosaur stopped to rest... 431 01:07:04,312 --> 01:07:08,312 .... and seek refuge from the freezing gusts of wind. 432 01:07:13,196 --> 01:07:17,867 Usually, they will curl up together with to look for warmth. 433 01:07:23,414 --> 01:07:26,242 But this time no. 434 01:07:33,675 --> 01:07:35,842 This is really surprising for Scar. 435 01:07:35,843 --> 01:07:38,345 The type itself is hostile to it. 436 01:07:38,346 --> 01:07:41,469 He is now confused. 437 01:07:41,933 --> 01:07:44,727 And hurt. 438 01:07:59,242 --> 01:08:03,704 In the north, warm weather is coming again,... 439 01:08:03,705 --> 01:08:08,626 ... raising the temperature above freezing for the first time after weeks. 440 01:08:15,592 --> 01:08:20,388 Patch trains one again its natural ability. 441 01:08:27,061 --> 01:08:29,813 His hearing is so sharp... 442 01:08:29,814 --> 01:08:32,899 ... even as deep as half a meter under the snow... 443 01:08:32,900 --> 01:08:35,694 ... the prey can run away... 444 01:08:38,364 --> 01:08:41,192 ... but can't hide. 445 01:08:53,880 --> 01:08:57,466 Patch has finally become an effective hunter. 446 01:08:57,467 --> 01:09:03,048 Maybe he will soon be ready to
prove himself capable of marrying. 447 01:09:35,755 --> 01:09:41,177 The Ankylosauria's body has been reversed for three days. 448 01:09:45,014 --> 01:09:47,808 With an open soft stomach,... 449 01:09:47,809 --> 01:09:51,479 ... he was the target of Troodon. 450 01:10:16,254 --> 01:10:20,379 They feel that he can still cause injury. 451 01:10:20,508 --> 01:10:25,714 They will wait until he weakens. 452 01:10:28,900 --> 01:10:29,118 453 01:10:29,119 --> 01:10:29,337 454 01:10:29,338 --> 01:10:29,555 455 01:10:29,556 --> 01:10:29,774 456 01:10:29,775 --> 01:10:29,993 457 01:10:29,994 --> 01:10:30,212 458 01:10:30,213 --> 01:10:30,430 459 01:10:30,431 --> 01:10:30,649 460 01:10:30,650 --> 01:10:30,868 461 01:10:30,869 --> 01:10:31,087 462 01:10:31,088 --> 01:10:31,305 463 01:10:31,306 --> 01:10:31,524 464 01:10:31,525 --> 01:10:31,743 465 01:10:31,744 --> 01:10:31,962 466 01:10:31,963 --> 01:10:32,180 467 01:10:32,181 --> 01:10:32,399 468 01:10:32,400 --> 01:10:32,618 469 01:10:32,619 --> 01:10:32,837 470 01:10:32,838 --> 01:10:33,055 471 01:10:33,056 --> 01:10:33,274 472 01:10:33,275 --> 01:10:33,493 473 01:10:33,494 --> 01:10:33,712 474 01:10:33,713 --> 01:10:33,930 475 01:10:33,931 --> 01:10:34,149 476 01:10:34,150 --> 01:10:34,368 477 01:10:34,369 --> 01:10:34,587 478 01:10:34,588 --> 01:10:34,805 479 01:10:34,806 --> 01:10:35,024 480 01:10:35,025 --> 01:10:35,243 481 01:10:35,244 --> 01:10:35,462 482 01:10:35,463 --> 01:10:35,680 483 01:10:35,681 --> 01:10:45,681 484 01:10:56,377 --> 01:10:59,796 For young Edmontosaurus who is vulnerable... 485 01:11:01,090 --> 01:11:04,009 ... there is no rest. 486 01:11:14,187 --> 01:11:18,983 A confused old friend of Scar has left. 487 01:11:24,822 --> 01:11:28,575 He no longer offers protection or guidance. 488 01:11:28,576 --> 01:11:33,281 Unfortunately, only he is the only friend that Scar has. 489 01:11:45,384 --> 01:11:49,054 Old Edmontosaurus who used to be /> give Scar the spirit... 490 01:11:49,055 --> 01:11:52,099 ... and maybe save his life. 491 01:11:53,184 --> 01:11:57,889 Now he can't even recognize him. 492 01:13:07,425 --> 01:13:11,755 Scar approaches his savior > for protection. 493 01:13:14,098 --> 01:13:16,971 But he's just wasting time. 494 01:14:36,430 --> 01:14:39,633 Scar is once again alone... 495 01:14:43,729 --> 01:14:46,852 ... only his instincts can protect him. 496 01:15:03,791 --> 01:15:08,712 The Troodon group approached Ankylosauria. 497 01:15:22,101 --> 01:15:26,180 They mocked the victim who began to weaken. 498 01:15:44,206 --> 01:15:48,627 Even Patch began to dare to join. 499 01:18:01,343 --> 01:18:05,343 A heavy blow to the king forest. 500 01:18:05,848 --> 01:18:08,892 He will never return. 501 01:18:20,196 --> 01:18:23,115 The situation has turned around. 502 01:18:36,462 --> 01:18:41,466 Scar has walked past the desert for three days,... 503 01:18:41,467 --> 01:18:46,092 ... only accompanied by frustrated eater. 504 01:18:48,599 --> 01:18:53,679 Every step makes him weaker and more vulnerable. 505 01:19:09,036 --> 01:19:13,873 But then His efforts and struggles faced all obstacles... 506 01:19:13,874 --> 01:19:18,329 ... finally paid off. 507 01:19:50,744 --> 01:19:53,697 He found his flock. 508 01:19:54,456 --> 01:19:57,534 But they have crossed river. 509 01:20:00,713 --> 01:20:03,632 And many are victims of among them. 510 01:20:07,344 --> 01:20:10,672 Scar faces cruel choices... 511 01:20:10,931 --> 01:20:13,725 ... death from below... 512 01:20:18,105 --> 01:20:20,899 ... or from above. 513 01:20:30,701 --> 01:20:33,745 This is the end of his journey. 514 01:21:20,709 --> 01:21:24,629 This Pachyrhinosaurus may have lagged far behind,... 515 01:21:24,630 --> 01:21:27,583 ... but in the end he managed to arrive at here. 516 01:21:28,550 --> 01:21:30,718 He ate his last meal... 517 01:21:30,719 --> 01:21:34,218 ... before fighting across the river. 518 01:21:47,361 --> 01:21:50,530 Together with a powerful giant who can protect him,... 519 01:21:50,531 --> 01:21:55,281 ... Scar is no longer an easy target as before. 520 01:22:09,550 --> 01:22:14,300 Friends know the safest way to cross the river... 521 01:22:17,474 --> 01:22:20,427 ... same as the herd. 522 01:22:47,379 --> 01:22:50,753 But Scar must be careful. 523 01:22:54,344 --> 01:22:59,641 His friends are almost as dangerous as with predators in the water. 524 01:24:19,680 --> 01:24:23,054 For Scar, now is the time. 525 01:26:08,080 --> 01:26:12,535 Scar has proven that is able to survive. 526 01:26:30,102 --> 01:26:35,815 Young scared and innocent from Arctic forest has grown up... 527 01:26:35,816 --> 01:26:39,861 ... and arrived at the end of his epic journey. 528 01:26:42,197 --> 01:26:45,408 Finally, he returned with his flock,... 529 01:26:45,409 --> 01:26:51,582 ... has won its place among the dinosaurs the most formidable on Earth. 530 01:26:58,255 --> 01:27:03,092 They have traveled more than 1600 km through danger... 531 01:27:03,093 --> 01:27:06,137 ... to reach this safe place. 532 01:27:18,108 --> 01:27:22,028 With enough food to survive until spring... 533 01:27:25,365 --> 01:27:30,286 ... when, finally, the sun rises again in the north... 534 01:27:37,127 --> 01:27:41,502 ... bringing back the abundant food supply. 535 01:27:57,606 --> 01:28:00,684 Some will starve. 536 01:28:02,486 --> 01:28:09,535 And new mothers will bring the next generation of dinosaurs to the world . 537 01:28:13,747 --> 01:28:17,166 And then the herd will move once more,... 538 01:28:17,167 --> 01:28:20,211 ... leave their sanctuary their winter... 539 01:28:20,796 --> 01:28:25,132 ... to go back north to summer paradise in the Arctic... 540 01:28:25,133 --> 01:28:27,718 ... where, for all of them,... 541 01:28:27,719 --> 01:28:31,013 ... extraordinary journey begins.