1 00:00:35,235 --> 00:00:39,183 MONTANA: Marriage has always been a big deal to my mother. 2 00:00:39,506 --> 00:00:41,850 She loves weddings. 3 00:00:42,175 --> 00:00:44,018 Especially hers. 4 00:00:44,077 --> 00:00:45,818 (ALL CHEERING) 5 00:00:47,180 --> 00:00:48,682 And hers. 6 00:00:52,352 --> 00:00:54,093 And hers. 7 00:00:58,758 --> 00:01:00,260 And, well... 8 00:01:00,860 --> 00:01:02,362 you get the picture. 9 00:01:08,034 --> 00:01:09,035 (LAUGHING) 10 00:01:10,703 --> 00:01:14,207 But as easy as it was for my mom to get married... 11 00:01:14,274 --> 00:01:15,810 CATHERINE: Whee! 12 00:01:15,942 --> 00:01:17,319 (CROWD GASPING) 13 00:01:17,377 --> 00:01:19,379 my relationships... 14 00:01:19,446 --> 00:01:20,891 (ALL GROANING) 15 00:01:20,947 --> 00:01:23,553 have never been cleared for takeoff. 16 00:01:29,722 --> 00:01:34,228 I fell in love again and it happened in a minute 17 00:01:35,528 --> 00:01:39,943 My eyes shot out like a fish out of water and I'm jumpin' in it 18 00:01:40,600 --> 00:01:43,638 Oh, I don't hold back No, I don't hold back 19 00:01:43,703 --> 00:01:46,240 I never stay within the lines 20 00:01:46,840 --> 00:01:49,514 I don't hold back No, I don't hold back 21 00:01:49,576 --> 00:01:52,056 I'm gonna take what's mine 22 00:01:53,513 --> 00:01:56,221 Oh, don't get scared for me 23 00:01:56,549 --> 00:01:58,790 Just be prepared for me 24 00:01:58,852 --> 00:02:03,323 'Cause I'm in love with love 25 00:02:03,389 --> 00:02:04,732 In love 26 00:02:04,791 --> 00:02:10,537 When it comes to love can't get enough 27 00:02:10,864 --> 00:02:16,473 I'm not gonna change, I'm not gonna change, I'm not gonna change my ways 28 00:02:16,803 --> 00:02:22,776 'Cause I'm in love with love 29 00:02:22,842 --> 00:02:28,224 'Cause I'm in love with love 30 00:02:28,281 --> 00:02:34,596 When it comes to love can't get enough 31 00:02:34,687 --> 00:02:37,395 Can't get enough 32 00:02:37,524 --> 00:02:41,631 MONTANA: I always wanted to be a flight attendant. It's a great job. 33 00:02:41,961 --> 00:02:43,599 You get to travel around the world, 34 00:02:43,663 --> 00:02:46,610 meet interesting people and see exotic places. 35 00:02:47,300 --> 00:02:51,146 But that hasn't left a whole lat of time for love. 36 00:02:51,471 --> 00:02:54,145 My mom says it's because I'm too picky. 37 00:02:54,374 --> 00:02:57,651 I don't think I'm picky. I just know what I don't want. 38 00:02:58,311 --> 00:03:01,485 I don't want a man with wandering eyes. 39 00:03:01,814 --> 00:03:04,488 Or one that cares more about his work than me. 40 00:03:04,918 --> 00:03:07,762 I don't want a guy with too much attitude. 41 00:03:08,821 --> 00:03:10,596 Or too little ambition. 42 00:03:11,824 --> 00:03:14,828 But I also don't want to end up alone... 43 00:03:15,161 --> 00:03:17,505 living in a house full of cats... 44 00:03:17,830 --> 00:03:19,673 smelling like soup. 45 00:03:19,999 --> 00:03:22,570 And I don't want to spend my entire life... 46 00:03:22,635 --> 00:03:24,512 listening to my mother tell me 47 00:03:24,804 --> 00:03:26,545 how she can find five husbands... 48 00:03:26,673 --> 00:03:28,846 and I can't even find one. 49 00:03:29,342 --> 00:03:32,186 But she won't be able to say that for long. 50 00:03:32,512 --> 00:03:36,517 A few months ago, I met this amazing guy on a flight to Miami. 51 00:03:36,849 --> 00:03:39,022 His name is Graham. 52 00:03:40,186 --> 00:03:42,689 And I think he's the one. 53 00:03:43,456 --> 00:03:45,959 "I've had a change of business plans... 54 00:03:46,192 --> 00:03:49,799 "...and it looks like I'll be spending Thanksgiving at home in Chicago." 55 00:03:50,029 --> 00:03:51,872 "I know it's short notice, but..." 56 00:03:52,131 --> 00:03:53,633 Give me that. 57 00:03:53,833 --> 00:03:57,713 "... If you can make it, I would love for you to join me for a weekend... 58 00:03:58,037 --> 00:04:00,017 - "...you'll never forget." - (CHUCKLING) 59 00:04:00,873 --> 00:04:02,147 "Love, Graham." 60 00:04:02,375 --> 00:04:03,547 Graham is... 61 00:04:05,044 --> 00:04:07,388 Someone I've been dating for a few months. 62 00:04:07,647 --> 00:04:11,595 - Wow. A few months? That's a record, Mo. - Shut up. 63 00:04:11,651 --> 00:04:12,652 Ta-da! 64 00:04:13,152 --> 00:04:15,154 Montana! Buongiorno! 65 00:04:15,388 --> 00:04:16,731 Buongiorno, Taylor. 66 00:04:16,990 --> 00:04:19,561 It's zeppole. Italian donuts. 67 00:04:19,826 --> 00:04:22,898 Thank you, but I'm watching my figure. 68 00:04:23,229 --> 00:04:25,835 Okay, but if you change your mind, there's plenty. 69 00:04:25,898 --> 00:04:26,899 - Aw! - Ciao bella. 70 00:04:27,133 --> 00:04:29,909 - Ciao bella. - I'll get you some milk. 71 00:04:30,036 --> 00:04:31,743 Sounds great. 72 00:04:32,071 --> 00:04:35,018 She's so sweet. What's with the Italian? 73 00:04:35,241 --> 00:04:37,585 She planned a trip to Rome for our one-year anniversary. 74 00:04:37,644 --> 00:04:38,645 TAYLOR: (IN SINGSONG VOICE) William! 75 00:04:38,745 --> 00:04:40,088 How do you turn your oven off? 76 00:04:40,346 --> 00:04:44,761 Oh! Okay, babe, I'll be right there. I just put in a new oven. 77 00:04:45,018 --> 00:04:48,192 Of course you did. Are you ever going to finish that place? 78 00:04:48,421 --> 00:04:50,196 - William? - Hey? 79 00:04:50,256 --> 00:04:51,257 Got it. 80 00:04:51,324 --> 00:04:52,462 Aw, I'm coming. 81 00:04:52,525 --> 00:04:54,027 - Okay, good. - Okay. 82 00:04:54,260 --> 00:04:55,364 I got to go. 83 00:04:55,495 --> 00:04:56,599 Yes, you do. 84 00:04:56,863 --> 00:04:57,864 Good luck in Rome. 85 00:04:58,431 --> 00:05:00,877 If it were me, I would have chosen Paris. 86 00:05:00,933 --> 00:05:01,968 Hmm. 87 00:05:02,035 --> 00:05:03,446 So romantic. 88 00:05:03,803 --> 00:05:04,804 Good luck in Chicago. 89 00:05:05,038 --> 00:05:07,211 You think just because someone... 90 00:05:07,440 --> 00:05:11,946 sends me a rose, I'm just going to fly off to whatever town he's in? 91 00:05:12,278 --> 00:05:13,621 MONTANA: Absolutely. 92 00:05:13,946 --> 00:05:17,291 According to my mother, you're not a lady unless you're married... 93 00:05:17,350 --> 00:05:19,455 on or before your 30th birthday, 94 00:05:19,952 --> 00:05:22,558 and you're not a woman until you've had at least two kids. 95 00:05:22,789 --> 00:05:25,463 If you Te not a lady and you Te not a woman... 96 00:05:25,958 --> 00:05:27,960 you're like my best friend, Gail. 97 00:05:31,964 --> 00:05:33,466 Warm nuts? 98 00:05:37,637 --> 00:05:39,981 Oh, I'm so sorry. 99 00:05:42,141 --> 00:05:44,143 I got your nuts all messy. 100 00:05:44,644 --> 00:05:46,487 Sorry about that. 101 00:05:47,947 --> 00:05:49,449 - (GIGGLES) - (CHUCKLES) 102 00:05:49,982 --> 00:05:51,325 That all better? 103 00:05:52,318 --> 00:05:53,592 Good. 104 00:05:59,092 --> 00:06:00,935 Happy Thanksgiving. Welcome. 105 00:06:01,160 --> 00:06:02,833 I could have been late, too. 106 00:06:03,096 --> 00:06:06,009 Remember 9F? Boston to Cleveland? 107 00:06:06,332 --> 00:06:09,438 He invited me to his cabin in Vermont. But I couldn't go. 108 00:06:09,669 --> 00:06:12,673 Why? Because I had to be at work on time. 109 00:06:13,005 --> 00:06:14,507 - Happy Thanksgiving. - Hi. 110 00:06:15,274 --> 00:06:17,618 Why are you working? I thought you were off. 111 00:06:17,844 --> 00:06:20,017 I was. And now I'm not. 112 00:06:20,346 --> 00:06:21,347 Hello. 113 00:06:21,481 --> 00:06:22,516 Sam. 114 00:06:22,582 --> 00:06:23,652 (KISSING) 115 00:06:23,716 --> 00:06:26,720 I misplaced my badge. Gail, could you check your cleavage? 116 00:06:26,853 --> 00:06:27,888 (SCOFFS) 117 00:06:27,954 --> 00:06:29,865 Trolling for men again, I see. 118 00:06:30,690 --> 00:06:32,294 Hi. Welcome aboard. 119 00:06:33,960 --> 00:06:36,634 SAM: So check this out. A friend of my cousin's... 120 00:06:36,863 --> 00:06:39,343 bought a penthouse on top of the Water Tower 121 00:06:39,432 --> 00:06:41,708 and he's having a party tonight. 122 00:06:41,968 --> 00:06:45,108 Lots of celebrities. Oprah's supposed to be there. 123 00:06:45,171 --> 00:06:46,732 And Stedman. How often does that happen? 124 00:06:47,306 --> 00:06:49,946 I have a plus one... it has your name on it. 125 00:06:50,009 --> 00:06:51,488 Don't thank me, it's no problem. 126 00:06:51,544 --> 00:06:53,046 Wow, Sam. 127 00:06:53,312 --> 00:06:57,658 That sounds amazing. I'd love to... but I can't. 128 00:07:00,653 --> 00:07:03,657 A person would need a hell of a reason not to party with Oprah. 129 00:07:03,890 --> 00:07:06,996 Like dying or giving birth or getting married. 130 00:07:07,226 --> 00:07:08,569 Cranberry juice. 131 00:07:13,733 --> 00:07:15,076 You're getting married? 132 00:07:15,334 --> 00:07:17,177 Montana is not getting married. 133 00:07:17,403 --> 00:07:20,577 If she was, being her best friend, I'd know first. 134 00:07:20,840 --> 00:07:22,751 - I'm not getting married. - See? 135 00:07:23,009 --> 00:07:24,010 Not yet. 136 00:07:24,911 --> 00:07:27,357 See? Does Mr. Not Yet have a name? 137 00:07:28,014 --> 00:07:29,186 Graham. 138 00:07:29,582 --> 00:07:30,925 Graham Jackson. 139 00:07:31,184 --> 00:07:33,357 5C, Philadelphia to Chicago Graham Jackson? 140 00:07:33,586 --> 00:07:37,261 Blue Label on the rocks, seven figures a year Graham Jackson? 141 00:07:38,591 --> 00:07:41,936 He could have invited me for any holiday. 142 00:07:42,261 --> 00:07:43,763 Christmas, New Year's Eve. 143 00:07:44,030 --> 00:07:45,373 But Thanksgiving? 144 00:07:45,932 --> 00:07:49,436 Thanksgiving feels like... forever. 145 00:07:49,702 --> 00:07:51,704 - Yes, it does. - You think so? 146 00:07:51,771 --> 00:07:53,045 (CHUCKLING) 147 00:07:53,105 --> 00:07:55,142 There'll be more than turkey getting stuffed. 148 00:07:55,208 --> 00:07:56,551 (SCOFFS) Such a hooker. 149 00:07:56,776 --> 00:07:58,619 Shut up. Does your mother know? 150 00:07:58,878 --> 00:08:00,983 No, and she won't until I have a ring on this finger, 151 00:08:01,047 --> 00:08:02,993 which may be this weekend. 152 00:08:03,382 --> 00:08:05,123 I just have a feeling. 153 00:08:05,184 --> 00:08:06,629 (GIGGLING EXCITEDLY) 154 00:08:06,686 --> 00:08:07,721 (SHUSHING) 155 00:08:07,787 --> 00:08:10,791 I'm sorry. Be right there with your vodka. 156 00:08:10,857 --> 00:08:11,858 (SCREAMS) 157 00:08:14,260 --> 00:08:15,261 SAM: Montana... 158 00:08:16,496 --> 00:08:20,501 when my grandmother was very sick, she gave me this. 159 00:08:20,833 --> 00:08:23,074 I couldn't understand what she was saying... 160 00:08:23,169 --> 00:08:25,342 she was in and out of consciousness, but... 161 00:08:26,339 --> 00:08:28,649 I want you to have it. It'll help you find true love. 162 00:08:28,741 --> 00:08:31,187 Aw! Thank you, Sam. That's so sweet. 163 00:08:31,410 --> 00:08:33,083 I'm about to go. 164 00:08:33,346 --> 00:08:36,520 But before I do, I want you to have these. 165 00:08:38,084 --> 00:08:41,088 Cranberry flavored for the holidays. 166 00:08:42,855 --> 00:08:44,232 Go get 'em, girl. 167 00:08:44,357 --> 00:08:45,700 Thanks, Gail. 168 00:08:47,426 --> 00:08:49,565 These waters 169 00:08:51,364 --> 00:08:54,277 Can get a little busy 170 00:08:55,701 --> 00:08:58,307 But I've got experience 171 00:09:00,740 --> 00:09:04,278 Don't mind trekking through the storm 172 00:09:04,377 --> 00:09:05,549 BOTH: Wow. 173 00:09:06,212 --> 00:09:08,556 Graham, you've talked about this for so long. 174 00:09:08,881 --> 00:09:13,887 I can't believe I finally got to see it. It's absolutely beautiful. 175 00:09:15,555 --> 00:09:17,330 This is the first time we're together 176 00:09:17,456 --> 00:09:19,231 in the city where I actually live. 177 00:09:19,425 --> 00:09:20,927 (LAUGHS) 178 00:09:22,562 --> 00:09:24,405 I wanted this to be special. 179 00:09:24,497 --> 00:09:25,635 It is. 180 00:09:25,731 --> 00:09:29,406 I wanted you to see a part of me that most people don't. 181 00:09:35,074 --> 00:09:36,747 Look at that water. 182 00:09:37,577 --> 00:09:41,423 It just seems like it could go on and on, forever and ever. 183 00:09:43,916 --> 00:09:46,760 That's what I felt the day you walked into my life. 184 00:09:47,486 --> 00:09:49,159 And I was hoping... 185 00:09:49,755 --> 00:09:54,602 that we could go on and on and on and on. Forever. 186 00:09:55,261 --> 00:09:56,604 Really? 187 00:10:00,533 --> 00:10:03,275 And ever since we first met 188 00:10:03,569 --> 00:10:08,848 I knew that I, I knew I was ready baby 189 00:10:10,543 --> 00:10:13,353 To take that dive 190 00:10:13,546 --> 00:10:17,016 I'll be inside when the tides are rolling baby 191 00:10:17,149 --> 00:10:21,598 You'll be at my place tonight, all night 192 00:10:22,355 --> 00:10:23,766 All night, baby 193 00:10:23,823 --> 00:10:28,465 I'm not afraid to try 194 00:10:28,761 --> 00:10:33,073 And knew I, don't mind playing in the rain 195 00:10:34,000 --> 00:10:37,379 And I was hoping that I'd get to 196 00:10:37,770 --> 00:10:42,549 Take that dive 197 00:10:42,608 --> 00:10:47,284 It's raining and I don't mind if I get wet, baby 198 00:10:47,346 --> 00:10:54,321 Lovin' made you so wet, your legs, your thighs 199 00:10:54,520 --> 00:10:57,433 And ever since we first met 200 00:10:57,490 --> 00:11:00,767 I knew that I 201 00:11:00,826 --> 00:11:02,328 I knew I was 202 00:11:02,662 --> 00:11:03,663 ready, baby 203 00:11:04,630 --> 00:11:08,009 To take that dive 204 00:11:10,002 --> 00:11:11,174 Sweetie? 205 00:11:12,004 --> 00:11:13,347 We're here. 206 00:11:15,741 --> 00:11:17,584 I thought we were going to your house. 207 00:11:18,344 --> 00:11:21,848 We were. But I got an emergency phone call. 208 00:11:22,181 --> 00:11:24,024 I have to fly to New York. 209 00:11:24,250 --> 00:11:26,696 There's tons of paperwork I have to look over. 210 00:11:26,919 --> 00:11:30,526 I have to prepare for a meeting. I'm sorry. 211 00:11:30,756 --> 00:11:33,202 I booked you in the best suite in town. 212 00:11:33,426 --> 00:11:36,600 I'll make it up to you when I come back, I promise. 213 00:11:38,698 --> 00:11:41,008 I could help you. I could come with you. 214 00:11:41,133 --> 00:11:42,476 (CHUCKLES) That's sweet. 215 00:11:43,269 --> 00:11:45,215 Let me just take care of this business. 216 00:11:45,304 --> 00:11:47,011 I'll be back in a couple days. 217 00:11:47,373 --> 00:11:48,875 Then it's just me and you. 218 00:11:49,108 --> 00:11:50,382 - All right? - Okay. 219 00:11:56,682 --> 00:11:58,662 (PHONE RINGING) 220 00:12:00,252 --> 00:12:01,253 (SIGHS) 221 00:12:01,520 --> 00:12:02,555 Yes? 222 00:12:02,621 --> 00:12:04,066 Are you guys doing it? 223 00:12:04,290 --> 00:12:07,635 No. If we were doing it, I would not be answering my phone. 224 00:12:07,960 --> 00:12:10,304 I would. So, how was it? 225 00:12:12,231 --> 00:12:13,733 None of your business. 226 00:12:13,966 --> 00:12:15,309 That bad, huh? 227 00:12:15,568 --> 00:12:16,569 I didn't say it was bad. 228 00:12:16,702 --> 00:12:17,908 You didn't say it was good. 229 00:12:17,970 --> 00:12:19,108 It was good. 230 00:12:19,238 --> 00:12:21,411 - Damn good. - Then why are you on the phone? 231 00:12:21,640 --> 00:12:25,087 If you must know, Graham had an emergency... 232 00:12:25,311 --> 00:12:27,655 business call and had to fly out for an early meeting. 233 00:12:27,713 --> 00:12:29,989 Being a gentleman... 234 00:12:30,249 --> 00:12:33,253 he put me up at this amazing hotel in one of the best suites. 235 00:12:33,486 --> 00:12:34,658 Girl, please. 236 00:12:35,254 --> 00:12:38,531 Montana, that man did not ask you to fly all the way... 237 00:12:38,591 --> 00:12:41,731 to Chicago on Thanksgiving to insist... 238 00:12:41,827 --> 00:12:45,001 that you stay in a hotel. I smell a rat. 239 00:12:45,264 --> 00:12:46,265 I don't want to hear it. 240 00:12:46,599 --> 00:12:47,942 Hear what? 241 00:12:48,100 --> 00:12:49,943 That he dropped you off 242 00:12:50,002 --> 00:12:52,505 so he can dip his turkey neck in another woman's gravy? 243 00:12:52,772 --> 00:12:54,445 Graham is not seeing another woman. 244 00:12:54,774 --> 00:12:56,117 - Prove it. - How? 245 00:12:56,342 --> 00:12:59,016 Go to his house and see for yourself. 246 00:12:59,278 --> 00:13:02,487 Gail, I am not going over to that man's house. 247 00:13:02,548 --> 00:13:04,349 Do you know how crazy that would make me look? 248 00:13:04,850 --> 00:13:06,193 Gail, I'm here. 249 00:13:06,452 --> 00:13:08,125 - Where? - Graham's house. 250 00:13:08,454 --> 00:13:09,728 He came back and picked you up. 251 00:13:09,855 --> 00:13:11,129 Sort of. 252 00:13:11,190 --> 00:13:12,396 (TV PLAYING IN BACKGROUND) 253 00:13:12,458 --> 00:13:13,459 (TURNS TV OFF) 254 00:13:14,293 --> 00:13:16,136 You went to his house uninvited? 255 00:13:16,362 --> 00:13:17,534 You told me to. 256 00:13:17,797 --> 00:13:19,367 I didn't think you'd do it. 257 00:13:19,465 --> 00:13:21,035 Are you kidding me? 258 00:13:21,467 --> 00:13:23,507 - What are you doing now? - Going to his front door. 259 00:13:23,702 --> 00:13:26,046 Umm-umm. Do not knock on that man's door. 260 00:13:26,639 --> 00:13:28,141 You'll look like a stalker. 261 00:13:28,374 --> 00:13:29,735 Right now you just look desperate. 262 00:13:29,975 --> 00:13:31,318 What am I supposed to do? 263 00:13:31,544 --> 00:13:32,648 Go to the back. 264 00:13:32,845 --> 00:13:33,846 (MONTANA GROANS) 265 00:13:35,648 --> 00:13:36,991 Oh! (GRUNTS) 266 00:13:46,492 --> 00:13:47,664 Okay. 267 00:13:50,963 --> 00:13:52,704 (TRASH CAN CLATTERING) 268 00:13:53,833 --> 00:13:55,506 GAIL: What the hell was that? 269 00:13:56,702 --> 00:13:57,737 GRAHAM: Hello? 270 00:13:57,837 --> 00:13:59,839 He's at the back door. What do I do? 271 00:14:00,172 --> 00:14:02,846 Do you see a trash can? 272 00:14:03,175 --> 00:14:04,848 - Yeah. Why? - Get in it. 273 00:14:05,177 --> 00:14:07,350 Are you crazy? I'm not getting in a trash can. 274 00:14:07,580 --> 00:14:09,025 If I'm wrong about Graham... 275 00:14:09,248 --> 00:14:10,591 - ...and he catches you... - GRAHAM: Hello? 276 00:14:10,850 --> 00:14:13,194 At his house, forget any future together. 277 00:14:14,019 --> 00:14:15,020 Get in the can! 278 00:14:26,265 --> 00:14:27,767 What are you doing? 279 00:14:28,100 --> 00:14:29,101 I'm in the trash can. 280 00:14:30,035 --> 00:14:31,036 Are you nuts? 281 00:14:31,170 --> 00:14:32,205 You told me to. 282 00:14:32,438 --> 00:14:33,610 Hello? 283 00:14:37,042 --> 00:14:38,043 Montana? 284 00:14:38,277 --> 00:14:39,449 I have to go. 285 00:15:04,169 --> 00:15:05,170 (GRUNTS) 286 00:15:15,281 --> 00:15:16,988 (PHONE VIBRATING) 287 00:15:20,819 --> 00:15:21,854 Yes? 288 00:15:21,921 --> 00:15:23,264 GAIL: What are you doing now? 289 00:15:23,589 --> 00:15:25,262 Looking thru his window. 290 00:15:25,758 --> 00:15:28,762 Gail... it's beautiful. 291 00:15:28,994 --> 00:15:30,337 Any panties on the floor? 292 00:15:33,265 --> 00:15:34,903 No. (SIGHS) 293 00:15:38,437 --> 00:15:41,680 He's preparing for his meeting, just like he said he was. 294 00:15:43,275 --> 00:15:44,948 MONTANA: Gail was wrong. 295 00:15:45,277 --> 00:15:47,120 Graham was alone. 296 00:15:47,446 --> 00:15:49,289 And I was... 297 00:15:50,282 --> 00:15:52,455 right where I wanted to be. 298 00:15:52,952 --> 00:15:57,298 Sipping from the same mug. Resting on the same rug. 299 00:15:57,623 --> 00:15:59,296 Just the two of us. 300 00:15:59,625 --> 00:16:01,298 And the kids. 301 00:16:01,627 --> 00:16:03,129 And friends. 302 00:16:08,968 --> 00:16:11,312 Toasting to our wonderful life. 303 00:16:14,006 --> 00:16:15,007 (CAR ALARM BEEPS) 304 00:16:15,474 --> 00:16:16,544 What was that noise? 305 00:16:17,209 --> 00:16:18,813 The sound of us toasting. 306 00:16:19,211 --> 00:16:22,556 No, that is the sound of somebody coming in the house! 307 00:16:22,815 --> 00:16:23,987 Duck! 308 00:17:24,843 --> 00:17:25,844 (LOUD MUSIC PLAYING) 309 00:17:25,944 --> 00:17:29,016 Un-break my heart 310 00:17:29,081 --> 00:17:31,925 Say you'll love me again 311 00:17:31,984 --> 00:17:33,827 (MONTANA SINGING ALONG) 312 00:17:33,919 --> 00:17:35,921 Undo this hurt you caused 313 00:17:35,988 --> 00:17:37,934 Oh my God. 314 00:17:38,090 --> 00:17:39,967 When you walked out the door 315 00:17:40,025 --> 00:17:42,733 And walked out of my life 316 00:17:42,795 --> 00:17:45,537 Un-cry these tears 317 00:17:45,664 --> 00:17:46,836 (KNOCKING) 318 00:17:46,899 --> 00:17:47,900 (MONTANA SHOUTING) 319 00:17:48,767 --> 00:17:51,441 Montana? You want to talk about it? 320 00:17:52,204 --> 00:17:53,376 Go away. 321 00:17:53,472 --> 00:17:54,883 (CHUCKLES) Hey. 322 00:17:55,874 --> 00:17:58,218 You've been playing that song all day. 323 00:17:58,444 --> 00:17:59,889 Let's get something to eat. 324 00:18:00,012 --> 00:18:01,457 I don't want to get dressed. 325 00:18:01,713 --> 00:18:04,057 Okay, you don't have to get dressed. 326 00:18:04,183 --> 00:18:06,561 But you got to get out of this apartment. 327 00:18:07,119 --> 00:18:08,120 Okay? 328 00:18:09,455 --> 00:18:11,457 I don't have to get dressed? 329 00:18:11,890 --> 00:18:14,234 My cooking always cheers you up. 330 00:18:16,728 --> 00:18:18,105 A little wine. 331 00:18:18,897 --> 00:18:21,241 - Mo, you love avocado. - All right. 332 00:18:25,337 --> 00:18:26,338 (SCREAMING) 333 00:18:27,573 --> 00:18:28,574 (LAUGHS) 334 00:18:29,141 --> 00:18:30,620 Look at that. 335 00:18:30,742 --> 00:18:33,154 Hey, vegan! 336 00:18:40,252 --> 00:18:43,995 We are so excited. We wanted you to be the first to know. 337 00:18:44,256 --> 00:18:46,258 I wanted you to be the first to know. 338 00:18:46,492 --> 00:18:47,493 After me. 339 00:18:47,559 --> 00:18:48,629 I'm engaged! 340 00:18:48,827 --> 00:18:51,831 Derrick proposed with a two-carat diamond ring! 341 00:18:52,164 --> 00:18:54,838 I didn't get my first carat until my third marriage. 342 00:18:55,100 --> 00:18:58,445 Montana, does this single rose mean you're not single anymore? 343 00:18:59,338 --> 00:19:00,681 It's nothing. 344 00:19:01,006 --> 00:19:05,113 Sheree's fiance is taking us all out to dinner tonight. 345 00:19:05,444 --> 00:19:08,288 I'm borrowing those earrings I bought you for Christmas. 346 00:19:08,514 --> 00:19:11,859 Oh, yes, honey. I should have bought them for myself! 347 00:19:12,184 --> 00:19:13,993 He's on track to break the college record 348 00:19:14,119 --> 00:19:15,928 for most receptions in a season, 349 00:19:15,988 --> 00:19:17,194 maybe win a Heisman. 350 00:19:17,856 --> 00:19:20,200 You know I'm happy for you, right, Sheree? 351 00:19:21,193 --> 00:19:22,536 But... 352 00:19:23,028 --> 00:19:25,702 you're just a sophomore in college. 353 00:19:25,964 --> 00:19:28,308 You barely know what you want to major in... 354 00:19:28,534 --> 00:19:31,310 much less, who you want to spend the rest of your life with. 355 00:19:31,703 --> 00:19:32,807 Why now? 356 00:19:32,871 --> 00:19:35,317 Why not now? He's a great guy. 357 00:19:35,440 --> 00:19:37,886 And I don't want to wait until I'm all old, like... 358 00:19:39,044 --> 00:19:40,045 Like me. 359 00:19:40,812 --> 00:19:42,155 I didn't mean it like that. 360 00:19:42,381 --> 00:19:43,883 What do you think? 361 00:19:44,883 --> 00:19:47,727 Yes? Fabulous? I hate them. 362 00:19:48,887 --> 00:19:50,992 Mom's letting me wear her wedding dress. 363 00:19:51,223 --> 00:19:54,067 CATHERINE: You can pick whichever one you want. 364 00:19:55,394 --> 00:19:58,739 Only one thing that would make this the best wedding ever. 365 00:19:59,097 --> 00:20:00,098 (GASPS) 366 00:20:01,033 --> 00:20:02,910 GAIL: A bridesmaid again? 367 00:20:03,168 --> 00:20:06,911 I can't go to my little sister's wedding single. 368 00:20:07,172 --> 00:20:09,413 I'll be the laughingstock of my entire family. 369 00:20:09,675 --> 00:20:12,246 If you need a man, I can get you one. 370 00:20:12,544 --> 00:20:13,625 (MAKING KISSING SOUND) Hey! 371 00:20:13,845 --> 00:20:16,849 Don't embarrass me. It's not a man I need... 372 00:20:16,915 --> 00:20:19,759 it's a husband, or a potential husband, in a month. 373 00:20:20,018 --> 00:20:21,520 Marry Gail. 374 00:20:21,587 --> 00:20:23,467 If she goes a week without waxing her moustache, 375 00:20:23,488 --> 00:20:24,768 they'll think it's Steve Harvey. 376 00:20:25,190 --> 00:20:26,931 MONTANA: I'm serious. 377 00:20:27,192 --> 00:20:29,536 Why is it so hard to find the right guy? 378 00:20:29,728 --> 00:20:30,729 Tell me about it. 379 00:20:30,929 --> 00:20:32,272 Tell me about it. 380 00:20:32,598 --> 00:20:34,942 A girl could have everything... 381 00:20:35,267 --> 00:20:38,976 an MBA, a J-O-B, but no M-A-N. 382 00:20:39,104 --> 00:20:42,608 That's because men are intimidated by strong women. 383 00:20:42,941 --> 00:20:45,285 I never tell guys that I have a degree. 384 00:20:45,711 --> 00:20:47,384 That's because you don't have a degree. 385 00:20:47,613 --> 00:20:50,059 Sam, you keep missing the damn point. 386 00:20:50,449 --> 00:20:52,793 I should give this back to you. 387 00:20:54,052 --> 00:20:55,395 It's hopeless with me. 388 00:20:59,291 --> 00:21:01,464 You won't show up single. Give me your phone. 389 00:21:01,526 --> 00:21:02,732 Uh, uh, uh! 390 00:21:02,794 --> 00:21:04,967 Hang on. Now, look. 391 00:21:05,230 --> 00:21:07,232 She hasn't got time to meet someone new. 392 00:21:07,366 --> 00:21:09,403 So why not revisit somebody old? 393 00:21:09,635 --> 00:21:11,478 - But I don't even know... - (SHUSHING) 394 00:21:11,803 --> 00:21:13,214 Picky is single. 395 00:21:13,272 --> 00:21:16,048 If we're lucky, one of these guys has blossomed into Mr. Right. 396 00:21:16,908 --> 00:21:18,251 Let me see. 397 00:21:18,977 --> 00:21:21,321 She hasn't talked to any of these guys in years. 398 00:21:21,580 --> 00:21:24,584 If she bumped into one of them on a plane, she might. 399 00:21:24,816 --> 00:21:26,989 How would I know if they were traveling? 400 00:21:27,252 --> 00:21:29,425 It's the holiday season... everyone's traveling. 401 00:21:29,488 --> 00:21:31,866 And when someone wants to fly, what do they do? 402 00:21:31,990 --> 00:21:32,991 Book a flight. 403 00:21:33,158 --> 00:21:34,660 There's Tanya in ticketing. 404 00:21:34,993 --> 00:21:38,338 I'm Tanya. Welcome to TransAlliance. May I see your I.D.? 405 00:21:38,597 --> 00:21:40,508 Frankie in the Frequent Flyer program. 406 00:21:40,766 --> 00:21:43,110 Thank you for choosing TransAlliance. 407 00:21:43,335 --> 00:21:44,535 I turned them on to my hook-up 408 00:21:44,569 --> 00:21:46,776 at Louis Vuitton so they owe me biggies. 409 00:21:47,372 --> 00:21:49,613 There's Calvin at curbside check-in. 410 00:21:49,675 --> 00:21:51,348 Hi, I'm Calvin at curbside. 411 00:21:51,677 --> 00:21:54,351 Welcome to TransAlliance, a flight you can afford... 412 00:21:54,613 --> 00:21:57,287 where your soul and bag can be on one accord. 413 00:21:57,516 --> 00:22:00,019 And there's Cedric in security. 414 00:22:00,285 --> 00:22:04,529 First name, Cedric. Last name, take everything out of your pockets! 415 00:22:04,790 --> 00:22:06,531 I need your pockets out of your pockets! 416 00:22:06,792 --> 00:22:08,635 For the next few weeks, any ex of yours 417 00:22:08,760 --> 00:22:10,637 who flies anywhere, we'll know. 418 00:22:10,862 --> 00:22:13,706 We just arrange your schedule so you're on that flight. 419 00:22:14,966 --> 00:22:19,278 First of all, this is the stupidest idea ever. Secondly of all... 420 00:22:19,338 --> 00:22:20,339 There's the degree. 421 00:22:20,706 --> 00:22:24,381 Assuming you could find out when these guys are flying... 422 00:22:24,643 --> 00:22:27,317 which I doubt, because it's your dumb-ass idea... 423 00:22:27,379 --> 00:22:28,414 Gail! 424 00:22:28,480 --> 00:22:32,553 These are all men you've dated before, and it didn't work out. 425 00:22:32,818 --> 00:22:35,492 So what is going to make this any different? 426 00:22:35,721 --> 00:22:37,496 Because this time, she's different. 427 00:22:37,723 --> 00:22:41,227 Same action, same outcome. New actions, new outcome. 428 00:22:41,560 --> 00:22:45,167 Clearly, we have all had too much to drink. 429 00:22:45,397 --> 00:22:49,846 This is illegal. We can all get fired, and we can go to jail. 430 00:22:49,901 --> 00:22:53,246 Or we could come to the aid of the sweetest... 431 00:22:53,505 --> 00:22:56,349 and most romantically deserving human being alive... 432 00:22:56,575 --> 00:23:00,580 and help her find the truest and fastest love of her life. 433 00:23:01,747 --> 00:23:05,092 We have thirty days and 30,000 miles. 434 00:23:05,350 --> 00:23:07,261 To be brought up on federal charges. 435 00:23:07,519 --> 00:23:09,521 To find me a husband. 436 00:23:14,426 --> 00:23:18,602 I don't understand why you guys think this is a good idea. 437 00:23:18,930 --> 00:23:23,777 It's the 21st century. You don't need a man to define you. 438 00:23:27,939 --> 00:23:31,113 Everyone I know is getting married and having kids. 439 00:23:31,376 --> 00:23:32,548 So what? 440 00:23:32,778 --> 00:23:35,122 I want someone to love me, too. 441 00:23:36,448 --> 00:23:38,928 Someone who thinks I'm the best. 442 00:23:39,017 --> 00:23:40,860 Who only sees me in the room. 443 00:23:41,953 --> 00:23:44,957 I know it might sound corny or unrealistic, but... 444 00:23:46,458 --> 00:23:48,631 I know he's out there. 445 00:23:49,127 --> 00:23:51,300 And I don't want to wait any longer. 446 00:23:53,899 --> 00:23:56,743 And you think you can find him in 30 days? 447 00:23:57,803 --> 00:23:59,805 Of course not! 448 00:24:00,472 --> 00:24:01,644 Maybe? 449 00:24:02,541 --> 00:24:03,542 (RINGING) 450 00:24:06,211 --> 00:24:07,246 Hey Sam. 451 00:24:07,312 --> 00:24:09,314 - It actually worked. - What worked? 452 00:24:09,581 --> 00:24:11,390 Our plan. He's flying from Los Angeles 453 00:24:11,516 --> 00:24:13,325 to New York, connecting in Houston. 454 00:24:13,585 --> 00:24:14,928 - Who? - One of your exes. 455 00:24:15,153 --> 00:24:16,757 - Damon Diesel. - (KNOCK ON DOOR) 456 00:24:16,822 --> 00:24:17,823 One second! 457 00:24:18,089 --> 00:24:19,329 You've got to be kidding me. 458 00:24:19,424 --> 00:24:21,734 Damon Diesel could barely take care of himself, 459 00:24:21,793 --> 00:24:23,101 much less a family. 460 00:24:23,161 --> 00:24:25,368 Google him. He's produced three 461 00:24:25,497 --> 00:24:27,670 number-one singles in the last year. 462 00:24:27,933 --> 00:24:29,173 And he's Essence? "Bachelor of the Month". 463 00:24:29,267 --> 00:24:31,907 He is looking for Mrs. Diesel. 464 00:24:32,037 --> 00:24:33,072 (KNOCKING CONTINUES) 465 00:24:33,138 --> 00:24:35,140 Hey! I'm on the toilet! 466 00:24:35,340 --> 00:24:37,513 Sam? I love you, 467 00:24:37,576 --> 00:24:40,182 - but I'm not getting on that flight. Okay? - CATHERINE: Montana! 468 00:24:40,745 --> 00:24:41,951 (KNOCKING AND SHOUTING) 469 00:24:42,013 --> 00:24:44,357 Oh, God, my mother came over uninvited again. 470 00:24:44,683 --> 00:24:47,027 I will jack you up! I will jack you up hard! 471 00:24:47,285 --> 00:24:48,355 I got to go. 472 00:24:50,021 --> 00:24:51,364 CATHERINE: Montana. 473 00:24:51,857 --> 00:24:54,360 Honey, Mama's having a rough day. 474 00:24:55,026 --> 00:24:57,472 All this planning for your sister's wedding... 475 00:24:57,596 --> 00:25:00,042 it's making me feel like such a failure. 476 00:25:00,365 --> 00:25:03,812 Mom, five marriages doesn't make you a failure. 477 00:25:04,035 --> 00:25:05,639 I wasn't talking about me. 478 00:25:07,305 --> 00:25:08,978 I started thinking... 479 00:25:09,374 --> 00:25:12,583 my youngest daughter is marrying a wonderful... 480 00:25:12,644 --> 00:25:14,715 handsome, athletic young man. 481 00:25:15,046 --> 00:25:16,389 Yes, she is. 482 00:25:16,715 --> 00:25:20,720 And I might not even be alive to see my oldest do the same. 483 00:25:21,386 --> 00:25:26,062 Anyway, we have to discuss your sister's rehearsal dinner... 484 00:25:26,391 --> 00:25:29,395 seeing you are a maid of honor again. 485 00:25:29,661 --> 00:25:33,666 I would love to talk about this, but I have a flight to catch. 486 00:25:33,899 --> 00:25:36,743 Why didn't you tell me you had a flight to catch? 487 00:25:37,002 --> 00:25:39,346 If you had called, I would have told you. 488 00:25:39,571 --> 00:25:42,074 Make sure you call me when you land. 489 00:25:42,340 --> 00:25:46,083 I will call you whenever I get to wherever I'm going. 490 00:25:46,411 --> 00:25:49,085 - I love you. - Yeah, I love you. 491 00:25:52,817 --> 00:25:54,194 (RINGING TONE) 492 00:25:56,421 --> 00:25:58,765 Sam? What's the flight number? 493 00:25:59,891 --> 00:26:04,203 I fell in love again and it happened in a minute 494 00:26:05,864 --> 00:26:10,176 My eyes shot out like a fish out of water and I'm jumpin' in it 495 00:26:11,703 --> 00:26:14,309 Oh, don't get scared for me 496 00:26:14,673 --> 00:26:16,744 Just be prepared for me 497 00:26:16,841 --> 00:26:22,814 'Cause I'm in love with love in love 498 00:26:23,448 --> 00:26:24,620 Taxi! 499 00:26:24,950 --> 00:26:26,452 Taxi! Taxi! 500 00:26:28,286 --> 00:26:30,288 William! William! 501 00:26:35,293 --> 00:26:36,636 Sorry! 502 00:26:37,462 --> 00:26:41,137 I have to get to the airport fast... it's an emergency. 503 00:26:41,967 --> 00:26:43,810 - Somebody's looking good. - Yeah? 504 00:26:45,236 --> 00:26:46,579 I almost didn't recognize you. 505 00:26:46,805 --> 00:26:49,649 Some of us like to update our image every decade or so. 506 00:26:49,908 --> 00:26:52,218 This was the truck my father bought 507 00:26:52,344 --> 00:26:54,654 before he started his business. It's vintage. 508 00:26:55,313 --> 00:26:57,088 I wasn't talking about the truck. 509 00:26:59,317 --> 00:27:00,352 (BOTH CHUCKLING) 510 00:27:00,418 --> 00:27:02,420 You want to get to the airport? 511 00:27:05,657 --> 00:27:07,659 So what's the occasion? 512 00:27:07,726 --> 00:27:08,761 Oh, 513 00:27:08,827 --> 00:27:11,671 I'm meeting a friend in Houston, then we're flying to New York. 514 00:27:11,930 --> 00:27:14,342 Why fly all the way to Houston 515 00:27:14,432 --> 00:27:16,844 to meet a friend when New York is just an hour away? 516 00:27:18,503 --> 00:27:22,542 He doesn't exactly know I'm meeting him. It's a surprise. 517 00:27:23,441 --> 00:27:26,115 Would this have anything to do with Sheree's wedding? 518 00:27:26,378 --> 00:27:28,881 It has nothing to do with it. 519 00:27:31,049 --> 00:27:33,552 Okay, maybe it does. A little. 520 00:27:34,886 --> 00:27:37,389 My parents were together almost 40 years... 521 00:27:37,889 --> 00:27:39,891 before my dad passed away. 522 00:27:40,558 --> 00:27:44,062 He kept the same job. Drove the same truck. 523 00:27:44,396 --> 00:27:46,740 And stayed in love with the same woman. 524 00:27:48,233 --> 00:27:52,409 Every night at six, there was an oven-cooked meal waiting for him. 525 00:27:52,837 --> 00:27:53,838 The same one? 526 00:27:54,372 --> 00:27:55,407 (LAUGHS) 527 00:27:55,473 --> 00:27:56,816 Poor woman. 528 00:27:57,409 --> 00:27:58,911 You know, Mo... 529 00:28:00,245 --> 00:28:02,816 the magic isn't in getting married. 530 00:28:03,281 --> 00:28:04,817 It's in the staying married. 531 00:28:06,418 --> 00:28:07,419 Yeah. 532 00:28:11,756 --> 00:28:14,760 William, I can't thank you enough. Bye. 533 00:28:15,260 --> 00:28:17,262 Wish me luck, okay? 534 00:28:17,595 --> 00:28:18,938 I got my bag. 535 00:28:25,837 --> 00:28:26,838 I know, I know. 536 00:28:27,105 --> 00:28:29,949 - Your phone. - I'm sorry. Bye. 537 00:28:30,375 --> 00:28:31,649 Hey! Hey! 538 00:28:35,613 --> 00:28:37,286 - Your earpiece. - I'm sorry. You know me. 539 00:28:37,348 --> 00:28:39,123 Okay, see you later! 540 00:28:39,451 --> 00:28:40,452 - Thank you! - Mo! 541 00:28:41,453 --> 00:28:43,455 Mo! Your lipstick! 542 00:28:44,122 --> 00:28:46,295 She's always forgetting something. 543 00:28:51,963 --> 00:28:52,964 Cedric! 544 00:28:53,465 --> 00:28:55,809 Nobody move! Back up! Nobody move! 545 00:28:56,134 --> 00:28:58,478 Sorry. Excuse me, it's an emergency. 546 00:29:01,306 --> 00:29:05,550 I have no life! Which gives me all day to ruin yours! 547 00:29:05,877 --> 00:29:07,917 STEWARDESS: Welcome aboard TransAlliance flight 143. 548 00:29:12,484 --> 00:29:16,091 (MAN ANNOUNCING FLIGHTS ON P.A.) 549 00:29:22,994 --> 00:29:25,099 Sam, I'm on the plane in a dress 550 00:29:25,230 --> 00:29:27,335 I can barely breathe in. But he's not here. 551 00:29:27,565 --> 00:29:29,806 - Who? - Damon Diesel. He's not on the flight. 552 00:29:30,001 --> 00:29:31,002 He is. 553 00:29:31,236 --> 00:29:32,579 No, he's not. 554 00:29:32,837 --> 00:29:34,407 This is ridiculous. 555 00:29:34,506 --> 00:29:35,883 I don't know how you convinced me to do this, 556 00:29:36,007 --> 00:29:38,283 but I'm leaving. I love you, bye. 557 00:29:38,343 --> 00:29:40,584 I'd love to be the stitches in that skirt. 558 00:29:42,347 --> 00:29:43,849 Montana Moore. 559 00:29:44,082 --> 00:29:45,425 Damon Diesel. 560 00:29:45,683 --> 00:29:48,857 - Wassup? - Wow. Not much. 561 00:29:49,521 --> 00:29:51,865 You look great. 562 00:29:54,759 --> 00:29:56,102 You're in first class? 563 00:29:56,361 --> 00:29:58,363 That's the only way to ride. 564 00:30:02,367 --> 00:30:04,210 Okay, I'll be sitting down. 565 00:30:04,402 --> 00:30:07,281 Usually, I don't really write about jewelry 566 00:30:07,372 --> 00:30:10,182 It's foolery, But something about the way you look on my arm 567 00:30:10,241 --> 00:30:12,448 An arm on my neck like you're my charm 568 00:30:12,510 --> 00:30:14,490 So, so fresh when we step out at midnight 569 00:30:14,546 --> 00:30:16,583 Up to the spat we chill and sit tight 570 00:30:16,648 --> 00:30:19,151 (MAN ANNOUNCING FLIGHTS ON P.A.) 571 00:30:19,217 --> 00:30:20,594 How long are you in town? 572 00:30:20,718 --> 00:30:22,061 Two or three days. 573 00:30:22,620 --> 00:30:24,600 I have meetings and family to see. 574 00:30:24,656 --> 00:30:25,896 How long are you in town? 575 00:30:25,957 --> 00:30:27,300 Long enough. 576 00:30:27,892 --> 00:30:29,565 Long enough for what? 577 00:30:30,061 --> 00:30:34,237 Long enough for us to spend some quality time, if I'm allowed. 578 00:30:35,633 --> 00:30:36,976 You're allowed. 579 00:30:37,235 --> 00:30:39,579 Great. Let's go. 580 00:30:40,638 --> 00:30:41,981 Let's go. 581 00:30:42,240 --> 00:30:43,241 After you. 582 00:30:43,474 --> 00:30:46,785 I can't believe we ran into each other. It's crazy. 583 00:30:50,415 --> 00:30:51,758 I'm busy. 584 00:30:52,417 --> 00:30:53,487 Damon Diesel. 585 00:30:53,618 --> 00:30:54,653 What's up, baby? 586 00:30:54,919 --> 00:30:55,954 Can I get you something to drink? 587 00:30:56,087 --> 00:30:57,088 The usual. 588 00:30:57,422 --> 00:31:01,097 A bottle of Chateau Margaux '66, coming right up. 589 00:31:01,759 --> 00:31:04,171 You should think way larger than that. 590 00:31:04,429 --> 00:31:05,931 - London, Dubai. - Your check. 591 00:31:06,264 --> 00:31:07,607 Thank you. 592 00:31:07,832 --> 00:31:09,277 See you next time. 593 00:31:10,101 --> 00:31:13,446 Damon, I should probably get back to my hotel. 594 00:31:13,671 --> 00:31:15,673 I have an early morning, and... 595 00:31:16,107 --> 00:31:18,610 a girl does need her beauty rest. 596 00:31:19,777 --> 00:31:21,120 Real talk? 597 00:31:21,613 --> 00:31:25,789 You could stay awake the rest of your life and still be beautiful. 598 00:31:27,285 --> 00:31:28,457 Thank you, Damon. 599 00:31:28,686 --> 00:31:30,688 Being with you tonight... 600 00:31:30,955 --> 00:31:34,368 you got a brother on some till-death-do-we-part shit. 601 00:31:34,626 --> 00:31:37,300 Don't laugh. Why are you laughing? 602 00:31:38,529 --> 00:31:40,805 Damon. I've been trying to reach you. 603 00:31:41,633 --> 00:31:43,670 Janine, Montana. Montana, Janine. 604 00:31:43,935 --> 00:31:44,970 Hi. 605 00:31:45,036 --> 00:31:47,380 Janine and her husband work with me at the label. 606 00:31:47,639 --> 00:31:49,448 Can you call me when you get a moment? 607 00:31:49,574 --> 00:31:51,383 I want to wrap up a few things. 608 00:31:53,478 --> 00:31:54,889 Have a good evening. 609 00:31:55,146 --> 00:31:56,420 It was really nice to meet you, Janine. 610 00:31:56,547 --> 00:31:57,821 You, too. 611 00:31:59,484 --> 00:32:00,986 Where were we? 612 00:32:02,186 --> 00:32:03,187 To us. 613 00:32:09,494 --> 00:32:10,837 DAMON: So this is it. 614 00:32:11,162 --> 00:32:13,164 Work hard, play hard, baby. 615 00:32:13,498 --> 00:32:15,000 Clearly. 616 00:32:15,667 --> 00:32:17,510 I want to show you something. 617 00:32:17,835 --> 00:32:19,508 - Check this out. - (PHONE BEEPING) 618 00:32:22,073 --> 00:32:24,610 A little different than the last time you saw me. 619 00:32:24,709 --> 00:32:26,086 You think? 620 00:32:26,344 --> 00:32:28,017 Hope you like it. Come on. 621 00:32:28,246 --> 00:32:29,850 Okay, coming. 622 00:32:32,517 --> 00:32:34,190 It's sexy, right? 623 00:32:35,186 --> 00:32:37,530 Yeah. Wow. 624 00:32:37,855 --> 00:32:40,358 Damon, you're doing big things. 625 00:32:40,692 --> 00:32:42,194 I'm impressed. 626 00:32:42,760 --> 00:32:44,535 I'm not getting in the hot tub. 627 00:32:48,533 --> 00:32:50,206 You know you want to. 628 00:32:50,535 --> 00:32:52,537 Maybe, but I'm not getting in. 629 00:32:52,770 --> 00:32:54,113 Okay. 630 00:32:57,442 --> 00:32:59,183 MONTANA: Will you stop acting silly? 631 00:33:00,378 --> 00:33:02,016 Is that meant to be inviting? 632 00:33:02,547 --> 00:33:03,582 Damon? 633 00:33:05,616 --> 00:33:08,290 Damon! Damon, I know you hear me! 634 00:33:08,553 --> 00:33:09,896 Who is that? 635 00:33:10,221 --> 00:33:11,894 You said you weren't seeing anybody. 636 00:33:12,123 --> 00:33:13,124 That's Janine. 637 00:33:13,391 --> 00:33:14,734 From the restaurant? 638 00:33:14,959 --> 00:33:15,960 Damon! 639 00:33:16,227 --> 00:33:18,229 Damon, you better open up! 640 00:33:19,464 --> 00:33:21,410 It's your house. Tell her you're busy. 641 00:33:21,632 --> 00:33:23,407 - I can't. - Why not? 642 00:33:24,135 --> 00:33:28,413 This ain't my house. It's hers. I can't afford this shit. 643 00:33:28,639 --> 00:33:30,812 Damon, open this damn door! 644 00:33:31,075 --> 00:33:32,748 - You can afford a Range Rover. - Uh-uh. 645 00:33:32,977 --> 00:33:35,480 You have a titanium American Express card. 646 00:33:35,747 --> 00:33:37,090 That's hers, too. 647 00:33:37,315 --> 00:33:38,487 You said she's married. 648 00:33:38,750 --> 00:33:40,593 She is. Sometimes she not. 649 00:33:40,818 --> 00:33:43,094 I know you got that ho from the restaurant there! 650 00:33:43,321 --> 00:33:44,925 Who's she calling a ho? 651 00:33:44,989 --> 00:33:46,093 Shh! 652 00:33:46,157 --> 00:33:48,159 - I'm not shushing! - You better shush. 653 00:33:48,426 --> 00:33:49,427 She crazy. 654 00:33:49,660 --> 00:33:52,436 I'll shoot you and that bitch, 'cause you know I'm crazy! 655 00:33:52,663 --> 00:33:55,269 I told you. She crazy. Crazy! She crazy. 656 00:33:56,200 --> 00:33:57,804 (WAILING) 657 00:33:58,770 --> 00:34:00,443 (SCREAMING) Why are you doing this to me? 658 00:34:00,671 --> 00:34:03,618 Open, open, open, open, open. Open, open, open! 659 00:34:03,708 --> 00:34:05,051 When she come through the door... 660 00:34:05,109 --> 00:34:09,455 when she break the door down, you don't want to be here. 661 00:34:09,514 --> 00:34:11,460 Well, where should I be? 662 00:34:15,520 --> 00:34:17,625 I am not getting on that fire escape. 663 00:34:17,855 --> 00:34:19,459 JANINE: Damon, open this damn door! 664 00:34:20,291 --> 00:34:21,565 Damon, I got something for you! 665 00:34:21,692 --> 00:34:22,966 (PHONE RINGING) 666 00:34:23,194 --> 00:34:24,995 - Where is this bitch? - DAMON: Nobody's here. 667 00:34:25,129 --> 00:34:26,870 GAIL: Is Sam's dumb-ass idea working? 668 00:34:27,131 --> 00:34:28,804 Did he pop the question? 669 00:34:29,133 --> 00:34:31,477 I'm on a fire escape! 670 00:34:31,803 --> 00:34:33,214 I'll assume that's a no. 671 00:34:33,471 --> 00:34:35,644 Anyway, bachelor number two... 672 00:34:35,873 --> 00:34:40,219 is on the flight in the morning from Atlanta to D.C. 673 00:34:40,478 --> 00:34:42,321 You need to be at JFK in an hour 674 00:34:42,447 --> 00:34:44,324 to catch the last commuter flight out... 675 00:34:44,549 --> 00:34:46,551 to make his morning connecting flight. 676 00:34:46,818 --> 00:34:48,320 You've now got... 677 00:34:49,821 --> 00:34:54,167 sixty-nine... I mean, fifty-nine minutes, honey. 678 00:34:54,492 --> 00:34:56,335 You got fifty-nine minutes. 679 00:34:56,894 --> 00:34:58,669 DAMON: I'm looking for the bitch, too! 680 00:34:58,896 --> 00:35:00,398 JANINE: Bitch, where are you! 681 00:35:00,665 --> 00:35:02,838 Could this get any worse? 682 00:35:02,934 --> 00:35:04,572 - (THUNDER RUMBLING) - (PHONE RINGING) 683 00:35:08,172 --> 00:35:11,517 Hey, Montana, it's your mother. Listen. 684 00:35:11,843 --> 00:35:15,848 Sheree decided to have a bridesmaid slumber party. 685 00:35:16,080 --> 00:35:19,926 We're all here in our pajamas and we want you to come over. 686 00:35:20,184 --> 00:35:21,857 All right, sweetie, I love you. 687 00:35:21,919 --> 00:35:22,920 Uh-uh! 688 00:35:23,521 --> 00:35:26,866 You know you don't need that cookie. Sit down. 689 00:35:37,101 --> 00:35:38,944 MAN: (OVER P.A.) This is your pilot speaking. 690 00:35:39,203 --> 00:35:41,877 The flight time today to Reagan International Airport 691 00:35:41,939 --> 00:35:43,714 is 1 hour, 40 minutes. 692 00:35:44,041 --> 00:35:46,385 Sit back and enjoy the short flight. 693 00:35:46,711 --> 00:35:48,588 Sir, may I offer you a blanket? 694 00:35:48,646 --> 00:35:50,148 No, thank you. 695 00:35:50,715 --> 00:35:51,887 Montana. 696 00:35:52,283 --> 00:35:53,557 Langston. 697 00:35:53,618 --> 00:35:54,722 (CHUCKLES) 698 00:35:54,785 --> 00:35:55,855 Montana. 699 00:35:57,221 --> 00:35:59,394 Curtis. Hi. 700 00:36:00,291 --> 00:36:02,066 - Would you like a blanket? - I'm okay. 701 00:36:07,798 --> 00:36:09,334 - (PHONE RINGING) - Hey! 702 00:36:09,400 --> 00:36:11,402 Two of m y exes are on the plane. 703 00:36:11,636 --> 00:36:14,412 I know about Langston. Who's the other guy? 704 00:36:14,639 --> 00:36:16,641 Curtis. He and Langston are both here. 705 00:36:16,908 --> 00:36:18,080 I'll get Sam. 706 00:36:18,242 --> 00:36:19,243 (PHONE RINGING) 707 00:36:19,911 --> 00:36:20,946 Curtis is here, too. 708 00:36:21,078 --> 00:36:22,079 You said he got married. 709 00:36:22,413 --> 00:36:25,758 I thought he did, but I don't think he is now. No wedding ring. 710 00:36:25,983 --> 00:36:28,122 None of the married guys I date wear wedding rings. 711 00:36:28,186 --> 00:36:29,529 It's tacky. 712 00:36:30,655 --> 00:36:34,159 Go with Langston. He's running for Congress, so he needs a running mate. 713 00:36:36,761 --> 00:36:37,796 Curtis. 714 00:36:37,862 --> 00:36:38,932 Langston. 715 00:36:39,096 --> 00:36:40,268 You know Montana? 716 00:36:40,598 --> 00:36:42,271 Yeah, we're old friends. 717 00:36:43,100 --> 00:36:46,104 STEWARDESS: Flight attendants, prepare the cabin for takeoff 718 00:36:49,774 --> 00:36:52,778 You know, I'm running for Congress now. 719 00:36:53,110 --> 00:36:56,785 And I'm having dinner tonight with some potentially major... 720 00:36:56,847 --> 00:36:58,849 campaign contributors. 721 00:36:59,116 --> 00:37:02,290 Would you know a young lady - -Gorgeous, intelligent... 722 00:37:02,520 --> 00:37:05,364 that would be so gracious as to join me? 723 00:37:05,623 --> 00:37:06,897 If asked, I might. 724 00:37:07,024 --> 00:37:08,298 Consider yourself asked. 725 00:37:08,526 --> 00:37:10,028 Consider yourself answered. 726 00:37:14,465 --> 00:37:16,809 Right over here, this is me. 727 00:37:17,635 --> 00:37:21,947 Wow. Langston, you've done very well for yourself. 728 00:37:22,006 --> 00:37:26,011 Thank you. This is probably my favorite room in the house. 729 00:37:26,477 --> 00:37:27,820 I can see why. 730 00:37:27,912 --> 00:37:29,323 (YAPPING) 731 00:37:29,380 --> 00:37:31,053 Oh, you have a dog! 732 00:37:32,316 --> 00:37:35,320 Montana, this is Juicy. Juicy, this is Montana. 733 00:37:35,653 --> 00:37:37,564 She's so cute. Can I pet her? 734 00:37:37,788 --> 00:37:38,789 - (BARKS) - (SCREAMS) 735 00:37:39,190 --> 00:37:40,430 (GROWLING) 736 00:37:40,491 --> 00:37:42,994 Juicy. Stop that, shame on you. 737 00:37:43,327 --> 00:37:47,776 I'm sorry. She's jealous. She likes to mark her territory. 738 00:37:47,832 --> 00:37:50,108 - Sorry about that. - I understand. 739 00:37:50,167 --> 00:37:53,671 If you were around more, Juicy wouldn't have these problems. 740 00:37:53,904 --> 00:37:57,511 So my being around more often would be just for Juicy? 741 00:37:57,842 --> 00:37:59,844 Yes, strictly for Juicy. 742 00:38:01,178 --> 00:38:05,183 I hope it's okay... I had my assistant pick you out something to wear. 743 00:38:05,416 --> 00:38:08,192 I'm assuming your size is the same as I remember. 744 00:38:08,419 --> 00:38:09,762 I hope so. 745 00:38:10,855 --> 00:38:14,200 It's hanging in the bathroom - -Two doors down to the left. 746 00:38:14,525 --> 00:38:16,198 Great. Okay. 747 00:38:16,761 --> 00:38:18,866 - Bye, Juicy. We're going to be friends. - (BARKING) 748 00:38:19,196 --> 00:38:21,039 I certainly hope so. 749 00:38:21,766 --> 00:38:23,109 (BARKING) 750 00:38:23,868 --> 00:38:25,211 See you shortly. 751 00:38:26,037 --> 00:38:27,539 Juicy, pee. 752 00:38:32,043 --> 00:38:33,784 God, I love that Juicy. 753 00:38:41,252 --> 00:38:42,731 (GUESTS CHATTING INDISTINCTLY) 754 00:38:47,124 --> 00:38:51,129 Montana, allow me to introduce you to Howard Donaldson... 755 00:38:51,395 --> 00:38:52,965 and his beautiful wife, Estelle. 756 00:38:53,230 --> 00:38:56,404 Mr. Donaldson is the owner and founder of Donaldson Steel... 757 00:38:56,634 --> 00:39:00,912 the largest contractor in the Washington metropolitan area. 758 00:39:01,138 --> 00:39:04,915 And who might this stunning young lady be? 759 00:39:05,142 --> 00:39:08,089 She is too pretty to be your date. 760 00:39:08,245 --> 00:39:09,588 You got that right. 761 00:39:09,814 --> 00:39:14,263 This is Montana Moore, my very significant other... 762 00:39:14,485 --> 00:39:18,160 who was gracious enough to fly here to join us for dinner. 763 00:39:18,422 --> 00:39:23,269 Well, young lady, I hope you're prepared to withstand the heat... 764 00:39:23,594 --> 00:39:26,598 which this coming election will surely bring. 765 00:39:26,831 --> 00:39:29,107 Montana comes from a long line of 766 00:39:29,233 --> 00:39:31,509 flame-retardant women. She'll be just fine. 767 00:39:31,769 --> 00:39:35,444 All right. I got a great table, let's go. 768 00:39:36,607 --> 00:39:38,280 Flame retardant. 769 00:39:39,276 --> 00:39:40,619 MONTANA: He surprised me. 770 00:39:40,945 --> 00:39:42,288 How you doing, sir? 771 00:39:43,013 --> 00:39:44,321 May I take your drink order? 772 00:39:44,515 --> 00:39:48,190 I'll have a scotch, single-malt, on the rocks... 773 00:39:48,452 --> 00:39:51,126 and a Shirley Temple with extra cherries for my wife. 774 00:39:51,355 --> 00:39:54,700 That sounds good. I'll have what the gentleman's having. 775 00:39:54,959 --> 00:39:57,633 The lady will also have a Shirley Temple, extra cherries. 776 00:39:57,862 --> 00:39:59,864 Oh, no, actually, I'd like a... 777 00:40:00,131 --> 00:40:01,371 it's okay, I got it. 778 00:40:02,199 --> 00:40:03,701 A Shirley Temple, please. 779 00:40:09,807 --> 00:40:14,051 Actually, would you excuse us? Lam dying to show Montana... 780 00:40:14,512 --> 00:40:16,924 the breathtaking view of the atrium. 781 00:40:16,981 --> 00:40:17,982 MONTANA: Excuse us. 782 00:40:22,653 --> 00:40:23,996 Sweetheart, listen. 783 00:40:24,321 --> 00:40:25,682 These are the kind of contributors 784 00:40:25,756 --> 00:40:29,795 who want to know the candidate they're investing in is a leader. 785 00:40:29,860 --> 00:40:32,204 A take-charge type of man. 786 00:40:32,263 --> 00:40:34,903 Now, if I sit there and let you order your own drink, 787 00:40:34,965 --> 00:40:38,276 then that would be like you're leading. 788 00:40:38,335 --> 00:40:39,837 Please, just bear with me. 789 00:40:40,104 --> 00:40:42,277 I promise, when this thing is over... 790 00:40:42,506 --> 00:40:45,953 I'll take you anywhere and you can order for the entire restaurant. 791 00:40:46,677 --> 00:40:50,352 But can you just do me this solid? For me? 792 00:40:52,683 --> 00:40:53,684 Of course. 793 00:40:54,018 --> 00:40:55,520 - I'll do it for you. - Thank you. 794 00:40:55,786 --> 00:40:57,857 You look great tonight. 795 00:41:04,795 --> 00:41:05,967 Langston? 796 00:41:06,297 --> 00:41:09,870 Your record in the city council is impeccable. 797 00:41:10,134 --> 00:41:11,204 Well, thank you. 798 00:41:11,469 --> 00:41:15,474 If you're not elected to Congress, it won't be because of... 799 00:41:16,707 --> 00:41:19,381 insufficient financial support. 800 00:41:22,480 --> 00:41:24,585 - I like that sound. - (CHUCKLES) 801 00:41:26,383 --> 00:41:27,726 Mr. Donaldson. 802 00:41:28,686 --> 00:41:29,687 (GASPS) 803 00:41:29,753 --> 00:41:33,599 I can't tell you how much this means to me. Us. 804 00:41:35,059 --> 00:41:39,667 There is no reason you can't do something for your people. 805 00:41:39,730 --> 00:41:43,576 You could do something really great. Historic, maybe. 806 00:41:43,901 --> 00:41:46,074 I mean, we're talking the Obamas. 807 00:41:46,337 --> 00:41:47,680 The Williams sisters. 808 00:41:47,905 --> 00:41:50,909 And like Tiger Woods. 809 00:41:51,509 --> 00:41:52,510 (IMITATES GOLF SLICE) 810 00:41:52,743 --> 00:41:54,245 Well, if, uh... 811 00:41:54,745 --> 00:41:57,419 you're referring to the American people... 812 00:41:57,748 --> 00:41:59,853 then, yes, I have every intention of 813 00:41:59,984 --> 00:42:02,089 making the American people very proud. 814 00:42:02,353 --> 00:42:06,699 Well, I was thinking specifically of your people, the black people. 815 00:42:08,425 --> 00:42:10,530 Well, I live in Georgetown, so I guess 816 00:42:10,661 --> 00:42:12,766 these... these would be my people. 817 00:42:13,097 --> 00:42:16,943 And Tiger Woods lives in Florida, so those would be his people. 818 00:42:17,268 --> 00:42:21,114 Are you saying that where Tiger Woods lives... 819 00:42:21,438 --> 00:42:25,443 makes him irrelevant to people of the same skin color? 820 00:42:25,776 --> 00:42:28,950 You'd first have to determine Tiger Woods' skin color. 821 00:42:31,448 --> 00:42:32,791 He's black. 822 00:42:34,785 --> 00:42:36,458 Well, I think... 823 00:42:36,787 --> 00:42:39,563 what would make Tiger Woods black... 824 00:42:39,890 --> 00:42:43,133 would be his passion for things, uh, that... 825 00:42:43,627 --> 00:42:46,631 are related to the African-American race as a whole. 826 00:42:46,897 --> 00:42:50,310 Which he has not yet proven to have. 827 00:42:56,407 --> 00:42:58,648 What I think would make Tiger Woods black... 828 00:42:58,909 --> 00:43:02,254 is the fact he drives an Escalade and his daddy's name is Earl. 829 00:43:07,551 --> 00:43:08,552 (CHUCKLES) 830 00:43:11,055 --> 00:43:12,864 (LAUGHING) 831 00:43:18,529 --> 00:43:20,509 An Escalade? Why... 832 00:43:21,165 --> 00:43:22,508 A daddy named Earl? 833 00:43:22,833 --> 00:43:24,244 It was a joke. 834 00:43:24,301 --> 00:43:25,837 Things were getting heavy 835 00:43:25,903 --> 00:43:27,644 - and I was just trying to lighten them up. - (PHONE RINGING) 836 00:43:27,705 --> 00:43:28,740 (BARKING) 837 00:43:28,839 --> 00:43:29,909 Juicy, no! 838 00:43:34,445 --> 00:43:35,446 This is Langston. 839 00:43:35,846 --> 00:43:37,450 Good evening, sir. 840 00:43:38,349 --> 00:43:40,693 Yes, she is quite the funny lady. 841 00:43:42,686 --> 00:43:43,892 I'm sorry? 842 00:43:45,389 --> 00:43:47,391 Of course, I accept. 843 00:43:47,725 --> 00:43:49,727 Thank you again, sir. 844 00:43:50,127 --> 00:43:51,231 Good night. 845 00:43:53,063 --> 00:43:56,476 That was Mr. Donaldson. He just doubled his contribution. 846 00:43:57,134 --> 00:43:59,978 Apparently your little Tiger Woods joke... 847 00:44:00,237 --> 00:44:02,080 was the highlight of his evening. 848 00:44:02,139 --> 00:44:03,345 (BARKING) 849 00:44:03,407 --> 00:44:04,647 Juicy! Go pee. 850 00:44:11,582 --> 00:44:16,258 Then the dinner was a success. Langston, we should celebrate. 851 00:44:18,589 --> 00:44:19,761 Okay. 852 00:44:24,094 --> 00:44:25,437 Sweetheart. 853 00:44:27,264 --> 00:44:28,607 You're so pretty. 854 00:44:30,601 --> 00:44:31,944 There's a saying. 855 00:44:33,604 --> 00:44:35,948 Behind every great man... 856 00:44:36,273 --> 00:44:39,015 there is an even greater woman. 857 00:44:40,110 --> 00:44:42,954 I want that for you. I want you to be greater. 858 00:44:43,280 --> 00:44:45,954 But sometimes being greater... 859 00:44:47,618 --> 00:44:49,120 means being quiet. 860 00:44:50,921 --> 00:44:51,922 Hmm. 861 00:44:52,289 --> 00:44:56,863 I always thought the saying was, Beside every great man... 862 00:44:56,927 --> 00:45:00,898 Beside, behind, between... it's all semantics. The point is... 863 00:45:00,964 --> 00:45:04,468 that if she is to be great, wherever she is... 864 00:45:04,802 --> 00:45:09,148 she must follow. And he must lead. 865 00:45:09,640 --> 00:45:12,314 Well, when I led... 866 00:45:12,810 --> 00:45:14,483 I got you twice as much money. 867 00:45:14,712 --> 00:45:16,988 - It's not just about money. - What is it about? 868 00:45:17,214 --> 00:45:19,660 I'll tell you, Juicy. I'm running for office. 869 00:45:19,883 --> 00:45:21,988 Did you just call me "Juicy"? 870 00:45:22,820 --> 00:45:25,164 - Did I? - Yeah, you did. 871 00:45:25,656 --> 00:45:27,658 Well, I apologize. 872 00:45:27,891 --> 00:45:30,167 I don't know how I could confuse you two, 873 00:45:30,294 --> 00:45:32,570 because Juicy knows how to obey. 874 00:45:32,830 --> 00:45:34,070 Juicy, come! 875 00:45:36,667 --> 00:45:38,010 See that? 876 00:45:38,902 --> 00:45:39,903 MONTANA: You know what? 877 00:45:40,337 --> 00:45:43,011 "New actions, new outcome." 878 00:45:43,340 --> 00:45:46,344 Same asshole, same outcome. 879 00:45:47,244 --> 00:45:48,746 You haven't changed a bit. 880 00:45:50,180 --> 00:45:53,684 And I'm keeping the outfit and the shoes. I earned them. 881 00:45:57,688 --> 00:45:59,361 Get off, you little rat. 882 00:45:59,690 --> 00:46:01,033 Juicy. 883 00:46:02,860 --> 00:46:04,203 LANGSTON: Juicy! 884 00:46:05,095 --> 00:46:06,096 (RINGING) 885 00:46:11,602 --> 00:46:12,637 Hello? 886 00:46:12,703 --> 00:46:15,206 Hey, it's me. I didn't wake Taylor, did I? 887 00:46:15,439 --> 00:46:19,546 No. Her grandma got sick, so she went out of town to see her. 888 00:46:19,777 --> 00:46:22,951 I'm sorry to hear that. I hope she feels better. 889 00:46:23,547 --> 00:46:25,390 - You doing anything? - Not anymore. 890 00:46:25,616 --> 00:46:26,720 Want to watch a movie? 891 00:46:28,886 --> 00:46:30,229 Sure. 892 00:46:30,721 --> 00:46:32,291 Great. Can you pick me up? 893 00:46:32,556 --> 00:46:33,967 You live across the hall. 894 00:46:34,224 --> 00:46:36,898 I'm not at home, silly. I'm in Georgetown. 895 00:46:38,395 --> 00:46:39,396 Hello? 896 00:46:39,963 --> 00:46:41,135 William? 897 00:46:41,565 --> 00:46:42,737 Hello? 898 00:46:44,234 --> 00:46:45,235 (DIALING) 899 00:46:45,469 --> 00:46:47,142 (PHONE RINGING) 900 00:46:50,407 --> 00:46:51,408 Hello? 901 00:46:51,642 --> 00:46:53,644 Sorry. I guess we got cut off. 902 00:46:53,977 --> 00:46:55,081 No, I hung up. 903 00:46:57,414 --> 00:46:59,087 Yeah, sure, of course. 904 00:46:59,316 --> 00:47:01,762 I guess a 25-year friendship doesn't give 905 00:47:01,885 --> 00:47:04,331 me the right to call you or expect you... 906 00:47:04,588 --> 00:47:07,159 to drive less than an hour when I'm stranded 907 00:47:07,257 --> 00:47:09,328 at midnight in the crime capital of the world. 908 00:47:09,760 --> 00:47:14,004 Wait, stop, don't! I don't have any money, or any real friends, either! 909 00:47:16,266 --> 00:47:17,609 Stop! 910 00:47:20,771 --> 00:47:22,114 So cold out there. 911 00:47:22,439 --> 00:47:24,282 Yeah? Comfortable? 912 00:47:28,378 --> 00:47:30,881 Why didn't you get one of your friends to pick you up? 913 00:47:31,114 --> 00:47:34,960 Oh, that's right. He lives in Chicago. 914 00:47:35,719 --> 00:47:37,062 Or was it Houston? 915 00:47:37,287 --> 00:47:39,631 No, no, no. New York City, right? 916 00:47:42,960 --> 00:47:45,804 I know this all seems very silly to you. 917 00:47:46,063 --> 00:47:47,633 I'm sorry you had a rough night. 918 00:47:47,965 --> 00:47:50,138 It has been a very rough night. 919 00:47:50,801 --> 00:47:52,303 God, it's cold in here. 920 00:47:52,803 --> 00:47:56,649 Does "vintage" mean you don't have any heat in this car? 921 00:47:57,808 --> 00:47:59,481 I'm so cold. 922 00:48:00,310 --> 00:48:03,314 Come sit next to me. I'll keep you warm. 923 00:48:07,651 --> 00:48:08,925 Thank you for coming. 924 00:48:09,052 --> 00:48:10,326 You're welcome. 925 00:48:11,321 --> 00:48:14,825 You give me hope that there's still some good men out there. 926 00:48:26,270 --> 00:48:28,341 Are you ever going to finish this place? 927 00:48:28,605 --> 00:48:32,951 - It'll be finished... - When it's finished, I know. 928 00:48:34,845 --> 00:48:38,190 I can't believe you're making me watch a movie at two A.M. 929 00:48:38,682 --> 00:48:40,684 On VHS. 930 00:48:41,118 --> 00:48:42,529 All righty. 931 00:48:43,020 --> 00:48:44,693 Our choices. 932 00:48:45,355 --> 00:48:47,028 - Enter the Dragon. - Uh-huh. 933 00:48:47,357 --> 00:48:49,200 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. 934 00:48:49,693 --> 00:48:51,969 Or The Last Dragon. Whoo! 935 00:48:52,029 --> 00:48:53,030 You have Misery? 936 00:48:53,530 --> 00:48:54,873 The Last Dragon? 937 00:48:55,866 --> 00:48:59,541 There you go. Get it started. I'll make us some drinks. 938 00:49:01,705 --> 00:49:03,150 Mo? 939 00:49:03,206 --> 00:49:06,710 What color in the dining room? Cherry or Espresso? 940 00:49:07,044 --> 00:49:08,387 Espresso. 941 00:49:08,512 --> 00:49:09,889 Yeah, that's what I was thinking. 942 00:49:10,147 --> 00:49:12,559 Wait. Is this our high school yearbook? 943 00:49:13,050 --> 00:49:15,257 Yeah. My mom was cleaning the garage and found it. 944 00:49:17,888 --> 00:49:20,892 I'm surprised your photo didn't slide off the page. 945 00:49:22,893 --> 00:49:25,737 You'd be walking around with that activator... 946 00:49:25,996 --> 00:49:28,840 Funny. You must have forgot how you looked. 947 00:49:29,066 --> 00:49:32,570 There wasn't a tube of gel in a thousand miles that was safe. 948 00:49:35,739 --> 00:49:38,083 Oh, my gosh. Look at our prom. 949 00:49:39,009 --> 00:49:40,852 We were gettin' down. 950 00:49:41,078 --> 00:49:44,753 No, I was getting dumped. My date got jealous and left. 951 00:49:45,015 --> 00:49:47,427 It's not my fault she couldn't dance. 952 00:49:48,585 --> 00:49:50,929 What was that song we were dancing to? 953 00:50:00,530 --> 00:50:01,838 I don't love her 954 00:50:02,399 --> 00:50:04,310 I tried to tell myself 955 00:50:04,835 --> 00:50:07,839 But you can see it in my eyes 956 00:50:10,307 --> 00:50:11,479 So don't deny 957 00:50:12,242 --> 00:50:14,119 I can't fool no one else 958 00:50:14,578 --> 00:50:17,525 The truth is in the tears I cry 959 00:50:19,049 --> 00:50:20,892 Cause if it isn't love 960 00:50:21,084 --> 00:50:23,530 Why do I feel this way 961 00:50:23,854 --> 00:50:27,461 Why does she stay on my mind 962 00:50:28,792 --> 00:50:30,772 And if it isn't love 963 00:50:30,894 --> 00:50:34,307 Why does it hurt so bad 964 00:50:34,364 --> 00:50:38,403 Why does she stay on my mind 965 00:50:38,468 --> 00:50:40,277 If it isn't love 966 00:50:40,337 --> 00:50:42,078 (BOTH LAUGHING) 967 00:50:43,974 --> 00:50:45,647 Oh, my God. 968 00:50:46,977 --> 00:50:49,321 I'll get us a drink. This is for you. 969 00:50:49,646 --> 00:50:50,818 - Thank you. - Mmm-hmm. 970 00:50:51,815 --> 00:50:53,158 Here we go. 971 00:50:56,820 --> 00:50:58,493 This is a toast... 972 00:50:59,322 --> 00:51:01,563 to us never dancing... 973 00:51:01,625 --> 00:51:02,763 or dressing... 974 00:51:02,826 --> 00:51:04,134 like that ever again. 975 00:51:04,194 --> 00:51:05,195 Cheers. 976 00:51:07,998 --> 00:51:09,773 Know what else my mom found? 977 00:51:10,267 --> 00:51:13,840 Some DVD's? A couple romantic comedies, hopefully? 978 00:51:14,104 --> 00:51:16,175 Stop talking about a black man's mama. 979 00:51:20,510 --> 00:51:21,511 Remember this? 980 00:51:21,778 --> 00:51:24,190 Please don't tell me you still have that. 981 00:51:24,448 --> 00:51:26,189 Paging Dr. William Wright. 982 00:51:27,851 --> 00:51:31,856 If not for this, you wouldn't have known you had a heartbeat. 983 00:51:32,122 --> 00:51:33,999 You didn't know, either, because you were 984 00:51:34,124 --> 00:51:36,229 always trying to put it on my booty. 985 00:51:36,293 --> 00:51:38,295 You saying your booty ain't got a heartbeat? 986 00:51:39,196 --> 00:51:40,300 I don't think it does. 987 00:51:40,430 --> 00:51:41,534 You don't? 988 00:51:41,865 --> 00:51:42,969 Let me check. 989 00:51:43,100 --> 00:51:44,204 Can you check it? 990 00:51:44,468 --> 00:51:45,640 Oh, my God. 991 00:51:45,869 --> 00:51:48,315 I can tell, young lady, you're of African heritage. 992 00:51:48,705 --> 00:51:50,048 Thank you. 993 00:51:53,310 --> 00:51:54,653 I'm starting to hear something. 994 00:51:57,047 --> 00:51:59,493 Be glad you know a doctor who makes house calls. 995 00:52:00,317 --> 00:52:01,887 Is that all you can make? 996 00:52:24,741 --> 00:52:25,913 William... 997 00:52:28,078 --> 00:52:29,250 Montana? 998 00:52:29,579 --> 00:52:30,751 William? 999 00:52:31,414 --> 00:52:33,087 Montana, we're here. 1000 00:52:35,085 --> 00:52:36,928 We sure are. 1001 00:52:47,097 --> 00:52:48,599 You still up for a movie? 1002 00:52:59,109 --> 00:53:00,452 Mo, you forgot... 1003 00:53:03,947 --> 00:53:06,291 (LAUGHS) She's always forgetting something. 1004 00:53:24,234 --> 00:53:25,235 Ahh! 1005 00:53:26,303 --> 00:53:29,147 That was quite the dream you were having, little girl. 1006 00:53:29,973 --> 00:53:32,385 You were sleeping so peacefully, I decided 1007 00:53:32,509 --> 00:53:34,921 to clean that nasty little kitchen of yours. 1008 00:53:35,745 --> 00:53:39,989 The way a woman keeps her kitchen is the way she keeps her man. 1009 00:53:41,251 --> 00:53:42,423 I ought to know. 1010 00:53:43,987 --> 00:53:45,159 Mom... 1011 00:53:45,822 --> 00:53:48,166 in the interest of me keeping my sanity... 1012 00:53:48,491 --> 00:53:52,735 I think we should establish some clear-cut boundaries. 1013 00:53:52,829 --> 00:53:54,172 Boundaries. 1014 00:53:54,664 --> 00:53:57,873 After 74-and-a-half hours in labor, 1015 00:53:57,968 --> 00:53:59,447 struggling to give you life. 1016 00:54:00,170 --> 00:54:01,843 This is how you thank me? 1017 00:54:02,672 --> 00:54:05,676 Well, you're welcome. And I am leaving. 1018 00:54:07,510 --> 00:54:08,682 Mom? 1019 00:54:11,014 --> 00:54:13,358 And do me a favor, Pig-pen. 1020 00:54:13,683 --> 00:54:15,685 That funky little attitude you got? 1021 00:54:15,819 --> 00:54:17,856 Don't bring that to your sister's wedding. 1022 00:54:18,188 --> 00:54:19,861 We don't need it, okay? 1023 00:54:20,123 --> 00:54:21,124 Uh-huh. 1024 00:54:23,693 --> 00:54:25,969 Maybe I want to have a funky little attitude. 1025 00:54:26,463 --> 00:54:29,876 Maybe because I'll have someone of my own. 1026 00:54:30,200 --> 00:54:32,441 And I'm bringing him to the rehearsal dinner. 1027 00:54:32,702 --> 00:54:34,045 What do you think about that? 1028 00:54:36,206 --> 00:54:38,208 Really, Montana? 1029 00:54:40,043 --> 00:54:41,716 You told your mother what? 1030 00:54:41,978 --> 00:54:45,721 I had to get her off my back. You know how she is. 1031 00:54:45,982 --> 00:54:49,225 She got off your back, but a 10,000-pound gorilla jumped on. 1032 00:54:49,552 --> 00:54:51,225 You'll see. 1033 00:54:51,554 --> 00:54:52,897 - I'll see? - You will. 1034 00:54:53,223 --> 00:54:55,328 - Montana. - Weisha! 1035 00:54:55,392 --> 00:54:56,928 It's so good to see you. 1036 00:54:57,060 --> 00:54:58,562 Good to see you. 1037 00:54:58,895 --> 00:55:00,738 This is my good friend, William. 1038 00:55:00,997 --> 00:55:02,670 Hello. 1039 00:55:05,235 --> 00:55:07,408 For bridesmaid. 1040 00:55:07,837 --> 00:55:08,838 Again. 1041 00:55:10,407 --> 00:55:12,080 Try on. 1042 00:55:12,409 --> 00:55:14,082 Thank you, Weisha. 1043 00:55:14,411 --> 00:55:15,913 For the groom. 1044 00:55:16,746 --> 00:55:17,850 Try on. 1045 00:55:18,014 --> 00:55:19,891 Um, I'm not the groom. 1046 00:55:20,250 --> 00:55:23,094 But you're same size as groom. Try on. 1047 00:55:23,420 --> 00:55:25,593 I need measurement. 1048 00:55:30,760 --> 00:55:32,262 This could have been you. 1049 00:55:32,495 --> 00:55:35,533 I proposed to you and your answer was, "Eaugh!" 1050 00:55:37,200 --> 00:55:40,704 You proposed to me in elementary school during recess... 1051 00:55:40,937 --> 00:55:42,712 "because you wanted my cupcake... 1052 00:55:42,939 --> 00:55:45,112 and the only way to get it... 1053 00:55:45,375 --> 00:55:48,447 was by giving me the toy ring from your Cracker Jack box. 1054 00:55:49,279 --> 00:55:51,122 At least I offered you a ring for it. 1055 00:55:51,214 --> 00:55:54,127 That's more than I can say for the men you've dated since. 1056 00:55:54,951 --> 00:55:59,957 Touche. If I had known the proposals would be so infrequent... 1057 00:56:00,290 --> 00:56:02,463 I would have accepted. 1058 00:56:03,626 --> 00:56:05,299 And then we'd be married. 1059 00:56:22,979 --> 00:56:24,322 Mo, you look amazing. 1060 00:56:25,482 --> 00:56:27,826 You don't look half bad yourself. 1061 00:56:29,452 --> 00:56:31,159 (PHONE RINGING) 1062 00:56:35,825 --> 00:56:37,327 I have to get this. 1063 00:56:39,262 --> 00:56:40,434 Taylor. 1064 00:56:41,664 --> 00:56:43,769 How's your grandmother doing? 1065 00:56:47,670 --> 00:56:49,274 I miss you, too. 1066 00:56:53,376 --> 00:56:59,452 Got one... flight 1763 headed to Houston, sitting in seat 3A. 1067 00:56:59,516 --> 00:57:01,120 Houston, we got a problem! 1068 00:57:01,351 --> 00:57:02,728 Move, move, move! 1069 00:57:02,786 --> 00:57:04,459 Feet can't touch the ground 1070 00:57:04,521 --> 00:57:06,296 And I can't hear a sound 1071 00:57:06,556 --> 00:57:09,867 But you just keep on running up your mouth, yeah 1072 00:57:09,926 --> 00:57:12,770 Walk, walk on over there 1073 00:57:12,829 --> 00:57:15,309 'Cause I'm too fly to care 1074 00:57:15,365 --> 00:57:17,777 Oh, yeah 1075 00:57:18,034 --> 00:57:21,538 He's on his way to D.C. Right there with my President. 1076 00:57:21,805 --> 00:57:24,718 This boy got some Frequent Flyer miles. He's going to Miami. 1077 00:57:25,041 --> 00:57:28,887 Got another one, Sam, on his way to Detroit. Motown! 1078 00:57:32,982 --> 00:57:34,325 Just one second. 1079 00:57:34,551 --> 00:57:35,552 One minute, please. 1080 00:57:35,685 --> 00:57:36,686 One second. 1081 00:57:36,753 --> 00:57:40,394 Don't let what they say keep you up at night 1082 00:57:40,990 --> 00:57:47,202 And they can't detain you 'Cause wings are made to fly 1083 00:57:47,430 --> 00:57:51,401 And we don't let nobody bring us down 1084 00:57:51,668 --> 00:57:54,911 No matter what you say, it won't hurt me 1085 00:57:55,638 --> 00:57:59,085 Don't matter if I fall from the sky 1086 00:57:59,742 --> 00:58:02,552 These wings are made to fly 1087 00:58:02,745 --> 00:58:03,917 She like light-skinned dudes? 1088 00:58:04,180 --> 00:58:05,853 I got Leo DiCaprio up here. 1089 00:58:06,082 --> 00:58:08,255 Do her husband have to be a man? 1090 00:58:14,023 --> 00:58:17,027 Now is not the time to get down on yourself, Montana. 1091 00:58:17,427 --> 00:58:18,462 In a week, maybe. 1092 00:58:19,829 --> 00:58:21,001 Thank you. 1093 00:58:21,264 --> 00:58:22,937 Don't mention it. 1094 00:58:23,333 --> 00:58:24,334 Ohh! 1095 00:58:25,001 --> 00:58:26,275 Taylor? 1096 00:58:27,103 --> 00:58:29,447 Montana. What a... 1097 00:58:29,672 --> 00:58:30,673 Ho-ho-ho. 1098 00:58:30,940 --> 00:58:32,010 Surprise? 1099 00:58:33,276 --> 00:58:34,448 How's your grandmother? 1100 00:58:39,346 --> 00:58:40,746 MONTANA: William is better looking. 1101 00:58:40,948 --> 00:58:44,122 And he's a great guy. And she's here being a two-timing... 1102 00:58:44,351 --> 00:58:45,523 Whore. 1103 00:58:47,521 --> 00:58:49,364 - Montana. - Taylor. 1104 00:58:49,623 --> 00:58:51,466 I know this looks really bad. 1105 00:58:53,193 --> 00:58:56,037 But what you don't know is me and William broke up. 1106 00:58:56,296 --> 00:59:00,904 It's a long story. I'd appreciate it if you don't mention it. 1107 00:59:01,368 --> 00:59:05,043 You know how it is when you break up. The wound's still open. 1108 00:59:06,707 --> 00:59:08,209 Sure, yeah. 1109 00:59:09,543 --> 00:59:10,886 Thank you. 1110 00:59:13,714 --> 00:59:16,718 Could you get me a hot tea? Two sugars, no cream. 1111 00:59:18,151 --> 00:59:19,391 Ciao! 1112 00:59:20,721 --> 00:59:22,291 (ALL CLAMORING) 1113 00:59:23,991 --> 00:59:28,235 Flight 901 is headed to New Mexico. Feliz Navidad. 1114 00:59:30,397 --> 00:59:33,071 Got another one, Sam, 506... 1115 00:59:33,333 --> 00:59:36,507 coming straight to Los Angeles. You want him? 1116 00:59:40,173 --> 00:59:42,744 Do you mind if I... Sorry, I'm really sorry. 1117 00:59:45,912 --> 00:59:47,084 Sorry. 1118 01:00:12,773 --> 01:00:16,778 No, Gail, there's four days left before the wedding. 1119 01:00:17,444 --> 01:00:20,118 I'm just going to get some rest and... 1120 01:00:20,447 --> 01:00:22,620 hop on the first flight in the morning. 1121 01:00:23,617 --> 01:00:25,119 Thanks for trying. 1122 01:00:26,119 --> 01:00:28,463 Yeah. I love you, too. 1123 01:00:29,122 --> 01:00:31,466 Okay. Bye. 1124 01:00:33,193 --> 01:00:34,797 (DIALING) 1125 01:00:35,529 --> 01:00:36,530 (SIGHS) 1126 01:00:43,170 --> 01:00:45,013 (PHONE RINGING) 1127 01:00:50,577 --> 01:00:53,319 Montana Moore. Do you know what time it is? 1128 01:00:53,580 --> 01:00:55,150 It's ten o'clock in L.A. 1129 01:00:55,415 --> 01:00:57,417 it's one A.M. in Baltimore. 1130 01:00:57,584 --> 01:00:58,927 (LAUGHS) 1131 01:00:59,019 --> 01:01:00,362 I know. 1132 01:01:00,687 --> 01:01:03,691 I'm sorry, I just thought maybe you might want to... 1133 01:01:04,024 --> 01:01:05,367 you know... 1134 01:01:05,926 --> 01:01:06,927 talk. 1135 01:01:08,095 --> 01:01:09,096 About? 1136 01:01:09,363 --> 01:01:11,036 Come on, William. 1137 01:01:11,365 --> 01:01:14,869 How long have we known each other? You can tell me. 1138 01:01:15,102 --> 01:01:16,206 What are you talking about? 1139 01:01:16,436 --> 01:01:17,437 I'm talking about... 1140 01:01:18,105 --> 01:01:19,209 Montana. 1141 01:01:19,940 --> 01:01:20,941 Taylor. 1142 01:01:21,007 --> 01:01:22,207 I was thinking about you, too. 1143 01:01:22,876 --> 01:01:24,446 Oh, you got another call. 1144 01:01:24,678 --> 01:01:26,248 Taylor, don't do that. 1145 01:01:26,546 --> 01:01:29,220 And Merry Christmas to you, too. Bye. 1146 01:01:29,549 --> 01:01:31,551 What happened to the Italian guy? 1147 01:01:32,786 --> 01:01:33,787 (DIALING) 1148 01:01:39,726 --> 01:01:41,069 What are you working on? 1149 01:01:42,729 --> 01:01:44,731 Just trying to figure things out. 1150 01:01:46,066 --> 01:01:48,068 I like this little thing here. 1151 01:01:48,402 --> 01:01:49,745 Oh. yeah? 1152 01:02:11,258 --> 01:02:12,828 MAN: Anybody in a holiday spirit? 1153 01:02:13,093 --> 01:02:14,936 Come on, it's open mike. 1154 01:02:17,097 --> 01:02:19,137 (SINGING DRUNKENLY) A cottage small is all I'm after 1155 01:02:19,533 --> 01:02:22,844 Not one that's spacious and wide. 1156 01:02:23,370 --> 01:02:25,111 A house that's filled... 1157 01:02:25,272 --> 01:02:27,445 What are you guys whispering about? 1158 01:02:27,774 --> 01:02:30,618 Hey, I'm singing right now. 1159 01:02:32,946 --> 01:02:35,790 Sam e people like the high life. I like the low life. 1160 01:02:35,982 --> 01:02:37,791 (CONTINUES SINGING DRUNKENLY) 1161 01:02:38,852 --> 01:02:43,460 Sounds corny and seedy, but yes, indeed-y, 1162 01:02:43,623 --> 01:02:47,435 Give me the simple life 1163 01:02:49,129 --> 01:02:50,972 You know? Okay. 1164 01:02:52,966 --> 01:02:56,311 Bravo, bravo. That was amazing. 1165 01:02:56,536 --> 01:02:57,810 Quinton! 1166 01:02:58,638 --> 01:02:59,981 Montana. 1167 01:03:01,208 --> 01:03:02,551 Oh, I'm so embarrassed. 1168 01:03:02,809 --> 01:03:05,153 Oh, please. Don't be. 1169 01:03:05,979 --> 01:03:07,322 You were wonderful. 1170 01:03:07,647 --> 01:03:09,649 - Really? - Well, no. 1171 01:03:09,716 --> 01:03:11,320 (BOTH CHUCKLING) 1172 01:03:12,652 --> 01:03:14,325 it's so good to see you. 1173 01:03:14,654 --> 01:03:17,658 You, too. I'm so pleased you still remember me. 1174 01:03:17,891 --> 01:03:21,896 Of course I remember you. You were on my route for over a year. 1175 01:03:22,162 --> 01:03:25,336 L.A. to New York. Let me see if I can remember. 1176 01:03:25,565 --> 01:03:28,671 Columbia graduate, top of your class, of course. 1177 01:03:29,002 --> 01:03:33,178 Hobbies-racquetball, skiing and art. 1178 01:03:33,507 --> 01:03:37,512 I guess it's obvious how much I enjoyed talking to you during our flights. 1179 01:03:37,744 --> 01:03:41,590 Luckily, there was always an empty seat next to you so we could talk. 1180 01:03:41,848 --> 01:03:44,692 It wasn't luck. I paid for both seats. 1181 01:03:45,585 --> 01:03:46,859 You didn't. 1182 01:03:47,087 --> 01:03:48,430 Of course. 1183 01:03:50,190 --> 01:03:51,362 Excuse me. 1184 01:03:51,424 --> 01:03:54,030 (BOTH SPEAKING IN FRENCH) 1185 01:03:59,032 --> 01:04:01,706 I have no idea what you just said, but you don't... 1186 01:04:01,935 --> 01:04:03,608 Please. I insist. 1187 01:04:03,870 --> 01:04:05,713 Let's go have a drink. 1188 01:04:06,039 --> 01:04:07,882 Okay, if you insist. 1189 01:04:09,709 --> 01:04:12,212 So you've been a maid of honor nine times. 1190 01:04:12,712 --> 01:04:15,215 I should call the Guinness Book of World Records. 1191 01:04:15,448 --> 01:04:17,450 More like Ripley's Believe It or Not. 1192 01:04:17,717 --> 01:04:20,220 It could have been ten, actually... 1193 01:04:20,453 --> 01:04:22,933 but my cousin called off her third wedding the day before. 1194 01:04:22,989 --> 01:04:25,265 So it's really nine with an asterisk. 1195 01:04:26,393 --> 01:04:27,565 Yeah, I know. 1196 01:04:27,794 --> 01:04:29,637 As you requested, Mr. Jamison. 1197 01:04:29,896 --> 01:04:32,069 Oh, Quinton, this is too much. 1198 01:04:32,299 --> 01:04:36,475 You can never have too much of a good thing. Besides, it's on the house. 1199 01:04:37,070 --> 01:04:39,414 You work for the hotel? 1200 01:04:40,240 --> 01:04:41,913 I own the hotel. 1201 01:04:45,412 --> 01:04:46,755 This hotel? 1202 01:04:47,747 --> 01:04:48,748 Yes. 1203 01:04:51,184 --> 01:04:56,065 It's a lovely day for going nowhere 1204 01:04:59,960 --> 01:05:05,308 It's a lovely day for being in love 1205 01:05:08,868 --> 01:05:15,251 It's a lovely day Feel like chasing the clouds away 1206 01:05:17,844 --> 01:05:23,658 To a perfect place I'm dreaming of 1207 01:05:27,487 --> 01:05:32,630 It's a lovely day for going nowhere 1208 01:05:36,296 --> 01:05:39,470 Have you ever imagined what it would feel like... 1209 01:05:39,799 --> 01:05:43,144 to take off a year and travel the world? 1210 01:05:44,304 --> 01:05:48,650 What woman hasn't? But without the means or the time... 1211 01:05:49,142 --> 01:05:52,487 it remains just that, a thought, a dream. 1212 01:05:54,648 --> 01:05:57,151 So if you were given the means... 1213 01:05:57,984 --> 01:05:59,827 would you find the time? 1214 01:06:01,821 --> 01:06:03,994 I don't know what you mean. 1215 01:06:05,992 --> 01:06:06,993 Oh. 1216 01:06:07,994 --> 01:06:10,338 You think this sunrise is beautiful? 1217 01:06:11,665 --> 01:06:13,838 Wait till you see the sunrise in the Serengeti. 1218 01:06:14,334 --> 01:06:17,008 Or the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower. 1219 01:06:17,837 --> 01:06:19,839 We could shop in Milan. 1220 01:06:20,073 --> 01:06:22,576 Cruise the Greek Isles on a private yacht. 1221 01:06:23,343 --> 01:06:27,018 Wow, that... that sounds incredible. 1222 01:06:28,682 --> 01:06:31,526 Quinton, I'm so flattered. I don't know what to say. 1223 01:06:31,751 --> 01:06:34,857 Say... "I accept your invitation." 1224 01:06:35,188 --> 01:06:37,862 You mean... your proposal? 1225 01:06:38,858 --> 01:06:41,031 If that's what you want to call it, then yes. 1226 01:06:41,428 --> 01:06:43,430 What do you want me to call it? 1227 01:06:44,197 --> 01:06:46,404 I'm taking time off to travel the world 1228 01:06:46,466 --> 01:06:47,945 and I'm asking you to join me. 1229 01:06:51,037 --> 01:06:52,209 Montana... 1230 01:06:52,539 --> 01:06:55,042 if you thought I was talking about marriage 1231 01:06:55,375 --> 01:06:57,548 I've tried it, twice... 1232 01:06:57,877 --> 01:07:00,881 and all it did was ruin two very good friendships. 1233 01:07:02,415 --> 01:07:03,416 Listen. 1234 01:07:03,717 --> 01:07:05,924 If marriage is what you need, you should 1235 01:07:06,052 --> 01:07:08,225 find someone willing to give you that. 1236 01:07:08,555 --> 01:07:11,092 But if passion and adventure are what you want, 1237 01:07:11,424 --> 01:07:13,563 you'll never want it again. 1238 01:07:16,796 --> 01:07:18,798 I'm passing through D.C. in a couple of days 1239 01:07:18,932 --> 01:07:21,173 on my way to Rome, then London... 1240 01:07:21,234 --> 01:07:22,907 and then to Greece. 1241 01:07:23,236 --> 01:07:24,840 I'll have my assistant book you 1242 01:07:24,971 --> 01:07:26,651 a ticket to all three places, just in case. 1243 01:07:29,242 --> 01:07:30,585 Okay. 1244 01:07:32,245 --> 01:07:34,589 If you're going to be in D.C... 1245 01:07:34,914 --> 01:07:37,918 I'd really like you to come to my sister's rehearsal dinner. 1246 01:07:38,251 --> 01:07:41,425 If won't be anything fancy, like you're used to, but... 1247 01:07:42,088 --> 01:07:43,658 we could talk about it then. 1248 01:07:43,923 --> 01:07:45,163 Okay. 1249 01:07:47,093 --> 01:07:51,098 Now you get some rest and think about it. Yes? 1250 01:07:53,266 --> 01:07:54,609 Okay. 1251 01:07:59,939 --> 01:08:01,782 It's been a great night. 1252 01:08:39,312 --> 01:08:43,488 MONTANA: Now I realize why it's so hard to find the perfect guy. 1253 01:08:44,317 --> 01:08:47,161 Maybe he just doesn't exist. 1254 01:08:55,461 --> 01:09:00,001 From the first time we met 1255 01:09:00,200 --> 01:09:04,615 Saw a glow I can't forget 1256 01:09:04,871 --> 01:09:09,115 Felt the sun rise and set 1257 01:09:09,576 --> 01:09:14,025 In your eyes 1258 01:09:14,814 --> 01:09:19,160 I knew that I wanted 1259 01:09:19,385 --> 01:09:22,855 You near me 1260 01:09:23,156 --> 01:09:27,332 Is it love I feel? 1261 01:09:27,861 --> 01:09:32,310 Tell me, is it real? 1262 01:09:32,732 --> 01:09:39,616 Is it love, please tell me 1263 01:09:42,475 --> 01:09:45,217 Now 1264 01:09:47,347 --> 01:09:49,588 (KNOCKING ON DOOR) 1265 01:09:50,717 --> 01:09:51,718 WILLIAM: What you doing? 1266 01:09:51,784 --> 01:09:54,890 MONTANA: About to get ready for the rehearsal dinner. 1267 01:09:55,121 --> 01:09:56,623 It's your mailman. 1268 01:09:57,891 --> 01:09:59,165 From your mailbox. 1269 01:09:59,292 --> 01:10:00,566 You didn't have to do that. 1270 01:10:04,564 --> 01:10:06,066 And that's from me. 1271 01:10:06,966 --> 01:10:08,639 Early Christmas gift. 1272 01:10:08,968 --> 01:10:10,072 Thanks. 1273 01:10:10,203 --> 01:10:11,307 It'll help get your mother off your back. 1274 01:10:11,571 --> 01:10:13,244 That's no longer a problem. 1275 01:10:13,473 --> 01:10:15,248 Tonight at Sheree's rehearsal dinner, 1276 01:10:15,308 --> 01:10:18,255 after my sister introduces her soon-to-be husband... 1277 01:10:18,645 --> 01:10:20,818 I'll make an introduction of my own. 1278 01:10:22,148 --> 01:10:23,252 What's so funny? 1279 01:10:23,483 --> 01:10:25,156 You're turning into your mother. 1280 01:10:25,418 --> 01:10:29,764 No. I'm just realizing that maybe fairy tales don't come true. 1281 01:10:30,423 --> 01:10:34,599 We weren't all lucky enough to have parents like you... 1282 01:10:34,928 --> 01:10:38,933 that ate dinner every night together for 40 years. 1283 01:10:39,332 --> 01:10:41,642 I never said my parents were perfect. 1284 01:10:41,734 --> 01:10:44,010 They went through it just like any other couple. 1285 01:10:44,270 --> 01:10:47,444 But when they took those vows, they meant it. 1286 01:10:47,774 --> 01:10:50,778 My mom loved my dad. And my dad loved her back. 1287 01:10:51,010 --> 01:10:53,854 Well, my mom loved my dad. 1288 01:10:54,113 --> 01:10:55,820 And then she loved another man. 1289 01:10:55,949 --> 01:10:58,327 And another man and another man. 1290 01:10:58,618 --> 01:11:02,464 People get married and divorced. That's just what people do. 1291 01:11:02,689 --> 01:11:05,795 You spent your life being your own woman. Why change now? 1292 01:11:06,125 --> 01:11:08,628 Who said I wouldn't be my own woman? 1293 01:11:08,695 --> 01:11:11,801 I just would really like to be somebody else's, too. 1294 01:11:12,131 --> 01:11:14,634 Somebody's? Or anybody's? 1295 01:11:18,972 --> 01:11:21,316 You know what? William... 1296 01:11:22,809 --> 01:11:26,313 why don't you save your really great relationship advice 1297 01:11:26,546 --> 01:11:29,891 for someone who really needs it? Like Taylor... 1298 01:11:30,149 --> 01:11:32,720 when she's kissing some Italian dude at 30,000 feet. 1299 01:11:34,487 --> 01:11:35,727 Wow. 1300 01:11:37,390 --> 01:11:38,494 That's my cue. 1301 01:11:41,494 --> 01:11:42,996 Merry Christmas, Mo. 1302 01:11:45,665 --> 01:11:47,076 I thought you should know! 1303 01:11:48,401 --> 01:11:50,074 Thank you, I know. 1304 01:11:53,172 --> 01:11:54,173 William? 1305 01:12:00,246 --> 01:12:01,850 I'm sorry. 1306 01:12:15,194 --> 01:12:17,037 Montana, it's your mother. 1307 01:12:17,363 --> 01:12:21,209 I have told everybody about your announcement... 1308 01:12:21,534 --> 01:12:23,536 so don't let me down! 1309 01:12:43,389 --> 01:12:45,232 Good evening. 1310 01:12:45,558 --> 01:12:48,402 As you all know, my youngest daughter... 1311 01:12:48,728 --> 01:12:52,073 is marrying a handsome young man... 1312 01:12:52,398 --> 01:12:54,071 from Rhoda Island. 1313 01:12:54,333 --> 01:12:56,176 - Rocky Mountains. - (CHUCKLING) 1314 01:12:56,235 --> 01:12:57,407 Rocky Mountains. 1315 01:12:57,470 --> 01:12:59,313 (ALL LAUGHING) 1316 01:13:00,740 --> 01:13:02,083 What are you doing here? 1317 01:13:02,408 --> 01:13:04,410 Same as you, just being nosy. 1318 01:13:04,677 --> 01:13:06,679 This is to welcome him to the family. 1319 01:13:07,413 --> 01:13:10,257 And give him a last chance to back out. 1320 01:13:10,349 --> 01:13:12,022 (ALL LAUGHING) 1321 01:13:12,085 --> 01:13:15,259 But before I bring you my youngest daughter... 1322 01:13:15,588 --> 01:13:17,761 I'd like to present my oldest... 1323 01:13:18,591 --> 01:13:21,765 who has an announcement that is lovely... 1324 01:13:22,929 --> 01:13:24,602 and long overdue. 1325 01:13:25,198 --> 01:13:27,439 I give you Montana! 1326 01:13:28,201 --> 01:13:29,942 Montana, come up. 1327 01:13:30,269 --> 01:13:31,543 Come up here. 1328 01:13:38,778 --> 01:13:40,621 So, um... 1329 01:13:41,948 --> 01:13:43,950 ...I have an announcement.. 1330 01:13:44,283 --> 01:13:47,457 ...as I am sure you are all aware. 1331 01:13:48,121 --> 01:13:51,466 The tricky thing about announcements is... 1332 01:13:51,958 --> 01:13:54,632 you need to have something to announce... 1333 01:13:54,894 --> 01:13:57,397 in order for it to be an announcement. 1334 01:13:58,631 --> 01:13:59,974 What is she doing? 1335 01:14:00,233 --> 01:14:01,234 I don't know. 1336 01:14:02,802 --> 01:14:04,645 So, here it is. 1337 01:14:04,971 --> 01:14:07,918 Friends... family... fellow Americans. 1338 01:14:08,141 --> 01:14:09,142 Langston. 1339 01:14:09,575 --> 01:14:10,696 BOTH: (WHISPERING) Langston? 1340 01:14:11,644 --> 01:14:14,648 Montana, I was flipping through the newspaper... 1341 01:14:14,914 --> 01:14:18,259 and saw the notice for your sister's wedding. 1342 01:14:18,484 --> 01:14:21,158 Congratulations. You look ravishing. 1343 01:14:21,487 --> 01:14:22,761 Thank you. 1344 01:14:22,989 --> 01:14:24,669 - LANGSTON: Montana... - SHEREE: Who is he? 1345 01:14:24,824 --> 01:14:27,430 I thought about what you said. You were right. 1346 01:14:27,660 --> 01:14:30,004 A woman can lead. 1347 01:14:30,596 --> 01:14:32,439 Under the right circumstances, of course. 1348 01:14:33,332 --> 01:14:35,744 One of which is a campaign brunch 1349 01:14:35,868 --> 01:14:38,280 next week, with a very influential senator. 1350 01:14:39,005 --> 01:14:40,678 (WHISPERING) A senator. 1351 01:14:41,107 --> 01:14:43,348 This is to beside... 1352 01:14:43,809 --> 01:14:44,810 behind... 1353 01:14:46,679 --> 01:14:48,352 and to nothing... 1354 01:14:48,948 --> 01:14:50,450 coming between us. 1355 01:14:56,355 --> 01:14:57,527 Montana... 1356 01:14:58,691 --> 01:15:00,637 would you... - Oh, yes, she will! 1357 01:15:01,527 --> 01:15:03,529 No, I won't. 1358 01:15:03,863 --> 01:15:05,706 - Yes, you will. - MONTANA: I won't. 1359 01:15:05,965 --> 01:15:07,308 - CATHERINE: Will. - Won't. 1360 01:15:07,533 --> 01:15:09,206 What's gotten into you? 1361 01:15:09,468 --> 01:15:10,640 What's gotten into you? 1362 01:15:11,537 --> 01:15:13,539 You don't even know this man. 1363 01:15:14,207 --> 01:15:16,312 - Hi. - Hello. How are you? 1364 01:15:16,375 --> 01:15:17,376 Fine, thank you. 1365 01:15:17,643 --> 01:15:21,819 You're just going to marry me off to the first person you see? 1366 01:15:22,381 --> 01:15:24,054 Unbelievable. 1367 01:15:25,384 --> 01:15:27,557 This is a man... 1368 01:15:27,887 --> 01:15:29,389 who I would... 1369 01:15:29,989 --> 01:15:30,990 never marry. 1370 01:15:33,559 --> 01:15:35,232 I wouldn't even vote for you. 1371 01:15:35,294 --> 01:15:36,500 (CHUCKLES) 1372 01:15:36,896 --> 01:15:39,740 I don't trust black Republicans, I'm sorry. 1373 01:15:40,733 --> 01:15:42,076 I'm actually a Libertarian. 1374 01:15:42,335 --> 01:15:46,340 You know, I spent the last thirty days... 1375 01:15:47,406 --> 01:15:49,909 looking for somebody, anybody... 1376 01:15:50,243 --> 01:15:51,916 to come here tonight. 1377 01:15:52,245 --> 01:15:54,919 So I could... fit in. 1378 01:15:55,915 --> 01:15:57,690 Be part of the club. 1379 01:15:58,918 --> 01:16:02,764 So all of you would say, "We love you, Montana." 1380 01:16:03,089 --> 01:16:06,593 "You did it. We're so proud of you. You're a lady." 1381 01:16:07,360 --> 01:16:08,532 But... 1382 01:16:08,928 --> 01:16:10,771 marriage doesn't make you a lady... 1383 01:16:11,097 --> 01:16:15,603 any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. 1384 01:16:16,936 --> 01:16:18,609 That's a weird analogy. 1385 01:16:20,439 --> 01:16:21,782 So, um... 1386 01:16:22,942 --> 01:16:24,944 where's my announcement. 1387 01:16:25,878 --> 01:16:27,118 I'm not getting married. 1388 01:16:28,714 --> 01:16:30,216 I don't even have any prospects. 1389 01:16:30,783 --> 01:16:32,956 No, none, zero. 1390 01:16:33,219 --> 01:16:34,562 I'm all alone. 1391 01:16:36,789 --> 01:16:39,133 But I did meet somebody... 1392 01:16:39,625 --> 01:16:42,629 have been really, really needing to meet. 1393 01:16:44,463 --> 01:16:45,635 Me. 1394 01:16:48,968 --> 01:16:50,572 And it turns out... 1395 01:16:52,638 --> 01:16:54,311 I like me. 1396 01:16:56,142 --> 01:16:57,485 A lot. 1397 01:16:58,311 --> 01:17:00,587 With or without a husband. 1398 01:17:03,816 --> 01:17:07,821 And I say this, from your older sister... 1399 01:17:08,754 --> 01:17:09,926 that... 1400 01:17:11,157 --> 01:17:14,832 if you are really in love with Derrick... 1401 01:17:15,328 --> 01:17:16,932 and you can't imagine... 1402 01:17:16,996 --> 01:17:19,840 spending another day without him... 1403 01:17:20,333 --> 01:17:22,939 then you two should absolutely get married. 1404 01:17:23,502 --> 01:17:26,005 And I'm so happy for you. 1405 01:17:27,273 --> 01:17:28,274 But... 1406 01:17:29,508 --> 01:17:32,853 if you're making this decision for any other reason... 1407 01:17:33,346 --> 01:17:37,021 sweetie, you're making the biggest mistake of your life. 1408 01:17:43,022 --> 01:17:45,866 A really good friend once told me... 1409 01:17:47,693 --> 01:17:49,036 the magic... 1410 01:17:49,695 --> 01:17:52,869 the magic isn't in getting married. 1411 01:17:54,133 --> 01:17:55,703 It's in staying married. 1412 01:18:04,377 --> 01:18:05,378 I don't know. 1413 01:18:08,047 --> 01:18:11,221 What are you saying? You don't want to get married? 1414 01:18:11,484 --> 01:18:12,827 Do you? 1415 01:18:13,719 --> 01:18:16,723 I was just doing this 'cause your mom said we had to. 1416 01:18:20,393 --> 01:18:24,068 Baby, we can wait until after we graduate. 1417 01:18:24,397 --> 01:18:27,503 Maybe get to know each other a little better. 1418 01:18:28,401 --> 01:18:29,744 Are you sure? 1419 01:18:31,570 --> 01:18:33,243 Yes. I am. 1420 01:18:33,572 --> 01:18:35,074 That's okay. Give me a kiss. 1421 01:18:36,742 --> 01:18:38,915 - I'm fine with that. I love you. - I love you, too. 1422 01:18:39,745 --> 01:18:41,418 I feel so much better. 1423 01:18:42,248 --> 01:18:43,591 Let's get out of here. 1424 01:18:47,253 --> 01:18:48,596 Thank you. 1425 01:18:49,088 --> 01:18:50,260 I love you. 1426 01:19:01,767 --> 01:19:05,613 Hello. My name is Langston Jefferson Battle Ill... 1427 01:19:05,871 --> 01:19:08,943 and I am running for the United States Congress. 1428 01:19:11,410 --> 01:19:14,254 You met someone? You met yourself? 1429 01:19:15,247 --> 01:19:17,921 I had to say I was introducing someone. 1430 01:19:20,820 --> 01:19:24,324 Whatever you need, we are here for you. Right by your side. 1431 01:19:24,924 --> 01:19:26,096 CATHERINE: Montana! 1432 01:19:26,258 --> 01:19:27,601 From way over there. 1433 01:19:27,827 --> 01:19:29,670 Way, way over there. 1434 01:19:29,929 --> 01:19:31,272 Wait for me, okay? 1435 01:19:31,597 --> 01:19:32,598 Not now, Mom. 1436 01:19:32,731 --> 01:19:34,039 Montana, wait. 1437 01:19:34,099 --> 01:19:38,104 Listen, Mom. I need a few days. Weeks. Maybe even a month. 1438 01:19:38,337 --> 01:19:40,840 I can't give you that. 1439 01:19:42,274 --> 01:19:45,619 I can risk losing another husband, but not my daughter. 1440 01:19:49,281 --> 01:19:51,283 I was proud of you in there. 1441 01:19:53,619 --> 01:19:57,465 That woman in there was the woman I raised you to be. 1442 01:19:58,290 --> 01:20:00,634 Confident. Smart. 1443 01:20:01,126 --> 01:20:02,628 Independent. 1444 01:20:03,629 --> 01:20:04,972 A lady. 1445 01:20:11,804 --> 01:20:13,477 I'm sorry. 1446 01:20:14,306 --> 01:20:16,149 I was scared. 1447 01:20:19,545 --> 01:20:22,219 I put all that pressure on you and your sister... 1448 01:20:22,481 --> 01:20:26,554 'cause I didn't want you to go through five husbands like I did. 1449 01:20:26,986 --> 01:20:28,056 Do you mean that? 1450 01:20:28,187 --> 01:20:29,222 Of course I do. 1451 01:20:30,322 --> 01:20:32,165 And you know I do. 1452 01:20:33,158 --> 01:20:36,230 I don't know if I ever told you this... 1453 01:20:39,665 --> 01:20:41,576 but your father... 1454 01:20:43,168 --> 01:20:44,841 was my first... 1455 01:20:45,838 --> 01:20:47,511 and only... 1456 01:20:49,008 --> 01:20:50,351 true love... 1457 01:20:52,344 --> 01:20:54,017 And I loved him... 1458 01:20:54,513 --> 01:20:56,515 until the day he died. 1459 01:20:58,017 --> 01:21:00,429 You're too young to remember, Montana. 1460 01:21:00,686 --> 01:21:04,361 But every Sunday, your father would let me sleep. 1461 01:21:04,690 --> 01:21:07,034 He'd rush downstairs... 1462 01:21:07,359 --> 01:21:09,032 to make pancakes. 1463 01:21:09,695 --> 01:21:13,609 He'd rattle his pots and pans and carry on down there. 1464 01:21:14,700 --> 01:21:16,577 And then he'd yell up the stairs, 1465 01:21:16,635 --> 01:21:19,707 "Catherine, you come on down here and eat these pancakes!" 1466 01:21:21,206 --> 01:21:22,480 I wouldn't move. 1467 01:21:24,043 --> 01:21:27,388 And then he'd come and kiss me on my cheek. 1468 01:21:29,048 --> 01:21:31,392 So sweet. 1469 01:21:34,553 --> 01:21:37,227 And he'd say, "Get up, baby. Come and eat." 1470 01:21:42,394 --> 01:21:44,567 That was thirty years ago, Montana. 1471 01:21:47,566 --> 01:21:49,568 And some Sundays... 1472 01:21:50,402 --> 01:21:52,746 I still close my eyes... 1473 01:21:53,572 --> 01:21:57,145 and I can smell those pancakes like it was yesterday. 1474 01:22:00,412 --> 01:22:01,413 So, yeah. 1475 01:22:02,081 --> 01:22:04,425 Love does matter. 1476 01:22:08,754 --> 01:22:10,756 And when you find love... 1477 01:22:12,424 --> 01:22:13,767 and you will, baby... 1478 01:22:14,093 --> 01:22:15,436 No, no. 1479 01:22:18,263 --> 01:22:19,936 Don't ever let it go. 1480 01:22:29,108 --> 01:22:30,109 I love you, Mom. 1481 01:22:30,242 --> 01:22:31,277 I love you, too. 1482 01:22:34,947 --> 01:22:35,948 Mom. 1483 01:22:36,015 --> 01:22:37,016 Come on, let's go. 1484 01:22:41,120 --> 01:22:43,623 I just want to make you proud of me. 1485 01:22:46,191 --> 01:22:48,637 MONTANA: I don't think I'm ever going to meet somebody. 1486 01:22:48,861 --> 01:22:52,365 Who knows? But you can have really great sex while you look. 1487 01:22:53,966 --> 01:22:54,967 She can. 1488 01:22:55,200 --> 01:22:57,373 We get it, Gail. You like to bone. 1489 01:22:59,705 --> 01:23:00,706 (HORN HONKING) 1490 01:23:09,648 --> 01:23:10,820 Montana! 1491 01:23:11,050 --> 01:23:13,291 Did you enter the Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes? 1492 01:23:17,056 --> 01:23:18,831 Who is that? 1493 01:23:19,491 --> 01:23:20,663 Montana! 1494 01:23:20,893 --> 01:23:24,898 Montana, I think the King of Zamunda might be here to see you. 1495 01:23:30,469 --> 01:23:32,574 Oh. That's Quinton. 1496 01:23:33,739 --> 01:23:35,184 That is Quinton. 1497 01:23:35,407 --> 01:23:38,081 That's who you were supposed to meet at the rehearsal? 1498 01:23:38,677 --> 01:23:40,350 That's the one that gave you... 1499 01:23:40,679 --> 01:23:42,022 Those diamonds are... 1500 01:23:42,514 --> 01:23:44,016 Those diamonds are real? 1501 01:23:44,349 --> 01:23:45,623 QUINTON: Montana! 1502 01:23:45,684 --> 01:23:47,129 (GIGGLING) 1503 01:23:47,186 --> 01:23:49,097 Get ready, go down there. 1504 01:23:49,354 --> 01:23:50,856 No. I'm not. 1505 01:23:51,090 --> 01:23:52,262 What are you doing? 1506 01:23:52,391 --> 01:23:53,597 Gail, move. 1507 01:23:53,859 --> 01:23:54,929 Put the bracelet down. 1508 01:23:55,194 --> 01:23:56,400 Let her go. 1509 01:23:56,528 --> 01:23:58,008 Don't do something we will all regret! 1510 01:23:58,697 --> 01:24:00,540 We can all retire off that bracelet! 1511 01:24:02,534 --> 01:24:03,706 Quinton! 1512 01:24:05,537 --> 01:24:09,883 I apologize for being late. I had an event that ran longer than expected. 1513 01:24:10,109 --> 01:24:12,111 I hope I didn't ruin anything for you. 1514 01:24:14,046 --> 01:24:17,391 Look. I thought about what you said in Los Angeles. 1515 01:24:17,616 --> 01:24:19,027 I said a lot. 1516 01:24:19,151 --> 01:24:20,562 And I listened. 1517 01:24:22,387 --> 01:24:26,062 I want more than extravagant trips and... 1518 01:24:26,558 --> 01:24:28,401 expensive gifts. 1519 01:24:28,727 --> 01:24:31,901 They're nice. They're really nice. 1520 01:24:33,065 --> 01:24:34,066 But... 1521 01:24:34,900 --> 01:24:36,573 I want a lifetime. 1522 01:24:37,302 --> 01:24:42,251 And as silly as it may sound, I'm not going to settle for anything less. 1523 01:24:43,575 --> 01:24:45,919 And as silly as it sounds... 1524 01:24:46,745 --> 01:24:48,088 I don't think you should. 1525 01:24:53,085 --> 01:24:54,155 - Thanks. - (GASPS) 1526 01:24:58,924 --> 01:25:01,268 I can't see! I can't see! 1527 01:25:13,272 --> 01:25:14,376 That was super brave. 1528 01:25:14,506 --> 01:25:15,610 Thanks. 1529 01:25:15,941 --> 01:25:18,285 That was super stupid. 1530 01:25:21,413 --> 01:25:22,414 Uh, uh, uh! 1531 01:25:24,783 --> 01:25:25,784 MONTANA: I just... 1532 01:25:27,452 --> 01:25:30,126 I want a commitment. Real love. 1533 01:25:30,455 --> 01:25:33,800 He just wanted international travel booty. 1534 01:25:34,126 --> 01:25:37,972 That man could have intergalactic travel booty. 1535 01:25:39,965 --> 01:25:41,569 So who gave you this? 1536 01:25:41,700 --> 01:25:43,304 William. 1537 01:25:43,635 --> 01:25:45,478 Did William wrap that himself? 1538 01:25:46,371 --> 01:25:47,782 (WHISTLES) He can wrap a gift. 1539 01:25:48,140 --> 01:25:49,141 You going to open it? 1540 01:25:49,641 --> 01:25:50,642 No. 1541 01:25:50,709 --> 01:25:51,744 Okay, I will. 1542 01:25:51,877 --> 01:25:55,051 Hey, hey. She said she doesn't want to open it. 1543 01:25:55,214 --> 01:25:56,989 That's why I'm opening it. 1544 01:25:57,216 --> 01:25:58,559 - You want it? - Yes. 1545 01:25:58,817 --> 01:25:59,852 I would. 1546 01:25:59,985 --> 01:26:00,986 Don't you touch my...! 1547 01:26:01,220 --> 01:26:02,563 I'll open it! 1548 01:26:02,821 --> 01:26:05,825 God! I have had enough drama for one night. 1549 01:26:06,058 --> 01:26:08,060 - You said you didn't want to open it. - Stop it! 1550 01:26:08,327 --> 01:26:09,738 I'll open it. 1551 01:26:15,767 --> 01:26:16,768 Really. 1552 01:26:25,677 --> 01:26:28,351 Is William going through a bit of a financial situation? 1553 01:26:30,682 --> 01:26:35,358 When we were seven, he proposed to me with a toy ring... 1554 01:26:36,855 --> 01:26:38,528 and I laughed at him. 1555 01:26:39,691 --> 01:26:42,194 And he said, "Someday." 1556 01:26:45,364 --> 01:26:46,707 it's a plane ticket. 1557 01:26:46,932 --> 01:26:48,775 Is it? Hey, now. 1558 01:26:51,937 --> 01:26:54,611 Okay. This is a plane ticket to France. 1559 01:26:57,276 --> 01:26:59,449 He wants you to marry a Frenchman. 1560 01:26:59,711 --> 01:27:00,712 Gail. 1561 01:27:01,713 --> 01:27:04,159 He was going to take his girlfriend to Italy 1562 01:27:04,283 --> 01:27:06,729 for their one-year anniversary and I said... 1563 01:27:07,052 --> 01:27:11,398 if it was me, I would have chosen... France. 1564 01:27:14,626 --> 01:27:16,731 What date is the ticket for? 1565 01:27:19,398 --> 01:27:20,741 Today. 1566 01:27:22,901 --> 01:27:24,471 At 11:45 P.M. 1567 01:27:26,738 --> 01:27:29,082 Here we go, looking for a taxi! 1568 01:27:29,574 --> 01:27:30,917 That one! 1569 01:27:31,143 --> 01:27:32,264 Stop in the name of the law! 1570 01:27:33,412 --> 01:27:34,755 We need to get to the airport! 1571 01:27:34,980 --> 01:27:36,425 DRIVER: I'm off duty! 1572 01:27:36,982 --> 01:27:38,154 What are you doing? 1573 01:27:38,283 --> 01:27:39,421 Sir, you must! 1574 01:27:42,754 --> 01:27:45,997 Hey, my brother, I'm Calvin. Let me help you with your bag. 1575 01:27:46,058 --> 01:27:47,196 I'm good, bro. 1576 01:27:47,259 --> 01:27:50,604 You can't go in there with liquids and gels. You got any? 1577 01:27:50,829 --> 01:27:52,502 Cabbie, cabbie! 1578 01:27:55,000 --> 01:27:56,343 Stop! 1579 01:27:57,102 --> 01:27:59,446 Brother, you don't have no lotion or nothing? 1580 01:27:59,504 --> 01:28:00,608 No, I don't. 1581 01:28:00,672 --> 01:28:04,279 So you out here for the holidays just ashy? 1582 01:28:04,509 --> 01:28:07,615 You already dark-skinned. Brother, we got a black President. 1583 01:28:07,846 --> 01:28:10,793 I am not sitting bitch! I resent the implication! 1584 01:28:11,116 --> 01:28:13,118 I want the seat by the window! 1585 01:28:13,352 --> 01:28:14,854 Happy holidays, brother. 1586 01:28:19,124 --> 01:28:20,467 I couldn't hold him. 1587 01:28:20,792 --> 01:28:22,635 GAIL: Drive, drive, drive! 1588 01:28:24,129 --> 01:28:25,130 How may I help you, sir? 1589 01:28:25,263 --> 01:28:26,298 I'm going to Paris. 1590 01:28:26,498 --> 01:28:27,499 I need your passport. 1591 01:28:28,033 --> 01:28:29,376 Here you go. 1592 01:28:30,635 --> 01:28:33,980 SAM: Calvin couldn't stop him. I'll text Tanya and Cedric. 1593 01:28:35,640 --> 01:28:37,483 - Here you go. - (PHONE BEEPS) 1594 01:28:40,045 --> 01:28:41,149 Actually! 1595 01:28:41,380 --> 01:28:46,056 These computers are always doing something weird. Just one second. 1596 01:28:46,318 --> 01:28:47,456 Enjoying the holidays? 1597 01:28:47,519 --> 01:28:48,554 Is it snowing? 1598 01:28:48,653 --> 01:28:50,792 Paris sounds amazing. Is the Eiffel Tower there? 1599 01:28:58,730 --> 01:29:00,573 DRIVER: I'm stuck here! 1600 01:29:00,832 --> 01:29:01,872 GAIL: Where are you going? 1601 01:29:01,900 --> 01:29:02,901 I have to try! 1602 01:29:03,402 --> 01:29:04,745 Is there...? 1603 01:29:05,003 --> 01:29:07,074 Sorry, Mr. Wright, just one second. 1604 01:29:07,839 --> 01:29:09,512 SAM: Good luck! We love you! 1605 01:29:09,641 --> 01:29:11,348 I love you! Thanks, guys! 1606 01:29:11,843 --> 01:29:13,845 Text me Quinton's number! 1607 01:29:14,079 --> 01:29:15,854 - Really? - Really. 1608 01:29:16,181 --> 01:29:18,787 Finally, I got it. Here's your ticket. 1609 01:29:18,850 --> 01:29:22,354 Enjoy your trip to Paris. Your gate is that way. 1610 01:29:22,587 --> 01:29:25,363 Have a safe flight, Mr. Wright! 1611 01:29:33,131 --> 01:29:34,132 (PHONE BEEPS) 1612 01:29:52,117 --> 01:29:53,221 What are you doing? 1613 01:30:05,464 --> 01:30:07,171 (CHATTING INDISTINCTLY) 1614 01:30:10,235 --> 01:30:11,942 (PANTING) 1615 01:30:18,577 --> 01:30:22,753 - Please, please, please! - It's too late. I'm sorry. 1616 01:30:41,266 --> 01:30:42,438 William. 1617 01:30:42,567 --> 01:30:43,602 Montana? 1618 01:30:44,102 --> 01:30:46,104 William, oh, my God. 1619 01:30:46,938 --> 01:30:51,444 I just saw your plane leave and I thought you were gone. 1620 01:30:51,943 --> 01:30:55,083 The agent entered the wrong gate on my boarding pass. 1621 01:30:55,147 --> 01:30:57,423 But I thought you... 1622 01:30:57,782 --> 01:30:59,455 I thought you got your proposal. 1623 01:31:00,652 --> 01:31:01,926 I said no. 1624 01:31:03,288 --> 01:31:04,289 No husband? 1625 01:31:06,525 --> 01:31:07,526 No Taylor? 1626 01:31:08,293 --> 01:31:09,966 Not anymore. 1627 01:31:11,796 --> 01:31:15,209 The only baggage I've got is on the way to France right now. 1628 01:31:16,635 --> 01:31:18,137 It's just me. 1629 01:31:19,471 --> 01:31:23,317 What are you trying to say with the Cracker Jack box? 1630 01:31:23,542 --> 01:31:24,816 I don't understand. 1631 01:31:24,943 --> 01:31:26,217 Mo, listen. 1632 01:31:29,981 --> 01:31:32,985 I was standing alone in my apartment. 1633 01:31:33,985 --> 01:31:35,658 And I realized... 1634 01:31:37,989 --> 01:31:40,162 why wasn't it finished? 1635 01:31:41,326 --> 01:31:43,397 It wasn't finished because you weren't in it. 1636 01:31:45,664 --> 01:31:50,511 And I realized that little Cracker Jack box ring wasn't gonna fit no more. 1637 01:31:50,835 --> 01:31:51,905 So... 1638 01:31:54,005 --> 01:31:56,246 I found one that would. 1639 01:32:07,018 --> 01:32:09,191 Montana Christina Moore... 1640 01:32:14,693 --> 01:32:16,536 for the second time... 1641 01:32:16,928 --> 01:32:19,101 and this time for all the right reasons... 1642 01:32:23,034 --> 01:32:24,377 would you marry me? 1643 01:32:24,703 --> 01:32:27,047 Yes, yes, yes. 1644 01:32:28,039 --> 01:32:29,211 William. 1645 01:32:32,711 --> 01:32:35,783 MONTANA: After thirty days and 30,000 miles 1646 01:32:35,847 --> 01:32:38,054 of searching the skies for Mr. Right... 1647 01:32:38,116 --> 01:32:42,121 it turns out he was living across the hall the whole time. 1648 01:32:42,387 --> 01:32:45,561 And with any luck, he'll work the same job... 1649 01:32:45,890 --> 01:32:49,394 drive the same truck and love the same woman... 1650 01:32:49,728 --> 01:32:52,072 for the rest of his life. 1651 01:32:57,736 --> 01:32:59,238 - GAIL: We did it! - SAM: Yes! 1652 01:33:00,238 --> 01:33:01,581 We did it. 1653 01:33:02,073 --> 01:33:04,144 I am so glad that's over. 1654 01:33:04,409 --> 01:33:07,583 Now I can finally get back to my life. 1655 01:33:07,646 --> 01:33:08,647 (PHONE BEEPS) 1656 01:33:10,248 --> 01:33:14,253 Which starts this weekend. 1657 01:33:14,753 --> 01:33:17,927 I have a date with an amazingly gorgeous man. 1658 01:33:19,090 --> 01:33:20,091 Oh! 1659 01:33:20,492 --> 01:33:22,165 Looks like I got a hot date, too. 1660 01:33:22,427 --> 01:33:24,270 Oh, Sam. 1661 01:33:24,596 --> 01:33:26,598 BOTH: He works at the Renaissance. 1662 01:33:28,333 --> 01:33:30,006 BOTH: Well, mine's the manager. 1663 01:33:32,504 --> 01:33:33,574 No. 1664 01:33:37,242 --> 01:33:39,051 (BOTH WAILING) 1665 01:33:39,177 --> 01:33:41,521 You bitch! Why? 1666 01:33:41,946 --> 01:33:44,290 That's my man! I had him first! 1667 01:33:44,616 --> 01:33:46,220 He's mine! I'm going to... 1668 01:33:46,351 --> 01:33:47,955 (WAILING) 1669 01:33:48,620 --> 01:33:53,091 I fell in love again and it happened in a minute 1670 01:33:54,426 --> 01:33:59,102 My eyes shot out like a fish out of water and I'm jumpin' in it 1671 01:33:59,497 --> 01:34:02,444 Oh, I don't hold back No, I don't hold back 1672 01:34:02,534 --> 01:34:05,208 I never stay within the lines 1673 01:34:05,537 --> 01:34:08,450 I don't hold back No, I don't hold back 1674 01:34:08,506 --> 01:34:11,112 I'm gonna take what's mine 1675 01:34:12,444 --> 01:34:15,050 Oh, don't get scared for me 1676 01:34:15,413 --> 01:34:17,518 Just be prepared for me 1677 01:34:17,649 --> 01:34:23,691 'Cause I'm in love with love 1678 01:34:23,755 --> 01:34:29,865 'Cause I'm in love with love 1679 01:34:29,928 --> 01:34:31,532 In love