1 00:00:38,537 --> 00:00:39,637 Okay go go go! 2 00:00:39,638 --> 00:00:40,437 Police, police, police. 3 00:00:40,438 --> 00:00:41,707 Who's got two? Who's got two o'clock? 4 00:00:41,708 --> 00:00:43,608 Get down! Get Down! 5 00:00:43,609 --> 00:00:46,645 Drop the axe! Drop it! Get down on the ground! 6 00:00:46,646 --> 00:00:49,547 What the fuck?! Get down! Get down. 7 00:00:49,548 --> 00:00:52,618 Drop the axe! Drop the axe! 8 00:00:56,155 --> 00:00:59,840 T1...What's the situation? Do you copy? 9 00:01:30,322 --> 00:01:33,190 Carlos. Listen to me. 10 00:01:33,191 --> 00:01:35,792 Officer Lewis is my parole officer, okay? 11 00:01:35,793 --> 00:01:38,732 I need you to call him and tell him I'm at work! Got it? 12 00:01:39,732 --> 00:01:44,335 Listen I... Listen to me. I've got detention today. 13 00:01:44,336 --> 00:01:45,403 That's right. 14 00:01:45,404 --> 00:01:50,607 No. No, I'm not lying to him, you're lying to him. 15 00:01:50,608 --> 00:01:51,977 Got it? 16 00:01:52,977 --> 00:01:56,614 Hey! Who keeps your business going? This guy right here. 17 00:01:56,615 --> 00:01:57,884 Shit! 18 00:02:27,378 --> 00:02:30,916 Listen, the first few weeks of school have been weird. 19 00:02:30,917 --> 00:02:33,817 No she won't cover for me because... 20 00:02:33,818 --> 00:02:35,255 No, she dumped me. 21 00:02:36,255 --> 00:02:37,424 Yes. Thank you! 22 00:02:38,424 --> 00:02:41,894 Just have my back this one time. Cover for me and... 23 00:02:41,895 --> 00:02:44,398 I'll get yours another day. 24 00:02:46,398 --> 00:02:48,268 Today... 25 00:02:49,268 --> 00:02:52,449 I got other shit to sort out. 26 00:03:03,449 --> 00:03:06,286 All fucktards, present and accounted for, sir. 27 00:03:09,955 --> 00:03:13,991 Jesus Max! You scared the hell out of me, buddy. 28 00:03:13,992 --> 00:03:16,298 Sorry Matt. 29 00:03:19,298 --> 00:03:22,972 So, where's D-Day? I think there's been a mix-up. 30 00:03:26,972 --> 00:03:28,974 Okay. 31 00:03:33,746 --> 00:03:35,980 Mister Clark, one does not get to choose 32 00:03:35,981 --> 00:03:38,882 when one serves detention! 33 00:03:38,883 --> 00:03:41,984 Particularly, in regards to your behavior, I sincerely doubt 34 00:03:41,985 --> 00:03:44,925 that a mere detention would satisfy this school's protocol. 35 00:03:46,925 --> 00:03:48,729 There's a chair. Use it. 36 00:03:50,729 --> 00:03:54,733 Your first few weeks here were infamous, to say the least. 37 00:03:54,734 --> 00:03:55,735 Yeah. 38 00:03:56,735 --> 00:03:58,904 Thanks to those spoiled T-baggers. 39 00:03:58,905 --> 00:04:01,410 Hey, you wrote this? 40 00:04:04,410 --> 00:04:06,511 Thank you Max. 41 00:04:06,512 --> 00:04:08,312 You're new to Crestview, 42 00:04:08,313 --> 00:04:11,016 but your incessant need to blame more fortunate students for 43 00:04:12,016 --> 00:04:14,351 your own misbehavior is starting to trouble me. 44 00:04:14,352 --> 00:04:17,855 I thought our sessions were helping us curtail our anger 45 00:04:17,856 --> 00:04:20,891 to build better leadership skills? 46 00:04:20,892 --> 00:04:25,496 Yeah. My uncle keeps telling me that Clarks are born leaders. 47 00:04:25,497 --> 00:04:28,000 He drinks... A lot. 48 00:04:29,000 --> 00:04:32,837 You may not take my tests seriously, but the student 49 00:04:32,838 --> 00:04:35,772 body's dim opinion of you aside, your responses to my 50 00:04:35,773 --> 00:04:39,877 psychological evaluations reflect an unbalanced personality. 51 00:04:39,878 --> 00:04:42,979 Unbalanced? 52 00:04:42,980 --> 00:04:43,915 Mr. Clark?! 53 00:04:43,916 --> 00:04:45,055 And this? 54 00:04:50,055 --> 00:04:51,388 Boobs. 55 00:04:51,389 --> 00:04:53,391 This? 56 00:04:53,392 --> 00:04:54,427 Bigger boobs? 57 00:04:55,427 --> 00:04:57,828 Vagina. 58 00:04:57,829 --> 00:05:01,569 Small boobs, but like.. weird nipples. 59 00:05:03,569 --> 00:05:04,805 There's no... 60 00:05:07,805 --> 00:05:08,841 How about this one? 61 00:05:08,842 --> 00:05:10,076 Judas Priest. 62 00:05:12,076 --> 00:05:16,446 You record those. What other students you got in there? 63 00:05:16,447 --> 00:05:20,119 We record everything, Mr. Clark. And that's none of your business. 64 00:05:20,120 --> 00:05:22,953 Dr. Day? Uhh... 65 00:05:22,954 --> 00:05:26,556 My uncle's out of town for the holidays. And my... 66 00:05:26,557 --> 00:05:30,427 boss is hassling me, and just it would make it 67 00:05:30,428 --> 00:05:31,495 impossible for me... 68 00:05:31,496 --> 00:05:33,999 Are you certain you didn't receive any further 69 00:05:34,000 --> 00:05:36,872 reprimand from Crestview this week? 70 00:05:39,872 --> 00:05:45,811 I'm here because I want to make things right. Please let me. 71 00:05:47,112 --> 00:05:48,115 Alright. 72 00:05:50,115 --> 00:05:53,049 Alright, Matt. Against my better judgment 73 00:05:53,050 --> 00:05:56,453 I will let you serve your detention. Today. 74 00:05:56,454 --> 00:05:58,591 Let's just hope the rest show up. 75 00:05:59,591 --> 00:06:01,461 These are like paintings? 76 00:06:02,461 --> 00:06:05,862 Yes, Max. They're a bit like paintings. 77 00:06:05,863 --> 00:06:07,863 What does this painting look like to you? 78 00:06:07,864 --> 00:06:10,134 It's like the art my grandfather made. 79 00:06:10,135 --> 00:06:14,672 But he would sculpt, not paint. 80 00:06:14,673 --> 00:06:17,543 You just saw boobs. 81 00:06:18,911 --> 00:06:21,044 How many bad kids today? 82 00:06:21,045 --> 00:06:25,088 Max, I wouldn't classify any of our students as 'bad kids'. 83 00:06:31,088 --> 00:06:33,992 After Marquez drops me at the airport, I'll send him back to 84 00:06:33,993 --> 00:06:37,031 get you and wait until you're dismissed. 85 00:06:39,031 --> 00:06:40,498 I'll take a taxi. 86 00:06:40,499 --> 00:06:43,900 Oh, and try to remember, you kiss the babies. 87 00:06:43,901 --> 00:06:45,236 You don't eat them. 88 00:06:45,237 --> 00:06:48,175 Ugh. I've certainly had a stomach full of you. 89 00:06:50,175 --> 00:06:54,111 You see, Max, graduating students often feel pressure, 90 00:06:54,112 --> 00:06:56,981 which causes them to behave irrationally. 91 00:06:56,982 --> 00:06:58,916 They tend to sabotage themselves. 92 00:06:58,917 --> 00:07:01,986 Their minds, their bodies, are fragile, 93 00:07:01,987 --> 00:07:04,923 susceptible to all kinds of negative influences. 94 00:07:04,924 --> 00:07:08,258 More so than even they might realize. 95 00:07:08,259 --> 00:07:10,061 You okay son? 96 00:07:10,062 --> 00:07:11,629 Yeah. I'm okay. 97 00:07:11,630 --> 00:07:13,999 What's that you have stuck inside your cast? 98 00:07:14,000 --> 00:07:15,665 Just my video camera. 99 00:07:15,666 --> 00:07:18,709 I thought I'd record my one and only day in detention. 100 00:07:24,709 --> 00:07:28,545 Some students here are more prone to subversive behavior than others. 101 00:07:28,546 --> 00:07:30,115 And certainly take pleasure influencing 102 00:07:30,116 --> 00:07:33,221 their peers, in an unsavory fashion. 103 00:07:36,221 --> 00:07:40,258 But it's the weaker students who need the most guidance. 104 00:07:40,259 --> 00:07:41,959 They're the first to fall in line behind the less 105 00:07:41,960 --> 00:07:43,960 constructive students. 106 00:07:43,961 --> 00:07:47,965 For the weaker students, failure hits them hardest. 107 00:07:47,966 --> 00:07:49,632 They fall into a self destructive pattern. 108 00:07:49,633 --> 00:07:52,137 When you mix all of these personality types together 109 00:07:52,138 --> 00:07:55,273 ten months out of the year, it's no wonder 110 00:07:55,274 --> 00:08:00,044 students succumb to fits of jealousy, rage, 111 00:08:00,045 --> 00:08:02,088 even paranoid delusion. 112 00:08:11,088 --> 00:08:12,290 The new building looks nice, father. 113 00:08:12,291 --> 00:08:18,195 Time will tell. Hopefully, it will serve its purpose. Yes? 114 00:08:18,596 --> 00:08:20,267 Now, go. 115 00:08:23,267 --> 00:08:25,681 I'm sorry, fath... 116 00:08:35,681 --> 00:08:38,017 It happens every year every school 117 00:08:39,017 --> 00:08:40,019 Students lash out. 118 00:08:41,019 --> 00:08:45,024 At their parents. Environment, even at each other. 119 00:08:46,024 --> 00:08:49,028 More often you hear on the TV about that one young adult 120 00:08:50,028 --> 00:08:52,033 who finally snapped. 121 00:08:55,033 --> 00:08:59,316 Honestly Max, it's a miracle they don't all kill each other. 122 00:09:11,316 --> 00:09:13,183 Sweet Jesus. 123 00:09:13,184 --> 00:09:14,351 You're kidding. 124 00:09:14,352 --> 00:09:16,320 God-damn. 125 00:09:16,321 --> 00:09:19,226 Oh yeah. This is gonna rock. 126 00:09:22,226 --> 00:09:23,262 What? 127 00:09:25,062 --> 00:09:28,066 Let's go. Keep moving. The books won't bite you. 128 00:10:08,407 --> 00:10:09,373 Whoa. 129 00:10:09,374 --> 00:10:11,107 I moved it in here last night. 130 00:10:11,108 --> 00:10:12,142 Yes, you did, Max. 131 00:10:12,143 --> 00:10:15,246 In the dark, and all by yourself, I might add. 132 00:10:15,247 --> 00:10:18,114 Yeah, it was scary. I heard noises. 133 00:10:18,115 --> 00:10:20,784 You heard the ghost, didn't you, Max? 134 00:10:20,785 --> 00:10:22,419 Ghost? Please, Miss Harmon. 135 00:10:22,420 --> 00:10:25,689 Max, it was the wind, or some other treacherous piece 136 00:10:25,690 --> 00:10:29,191 of equipment those lunk-head construction workers leave behind every night. 137 00:10:29,192 --> 00:10:31,395 Whatever you heard, believe me, it wasn't a ghost. 138 00:10:31,396 --> 00:10:32,729 I dig it, Max. 139 00:10:32,730 --> 00:10:36,300 You would. It's weird and freaky. 140 00:10:36,301 --> 00:10:38,469 Just like you Megan. 141 00:10:38,470 --> 00:10:41,337 Careful lighting the fuse on her tampon. Her pops is the 142 00:10:41,338 --> 00:10:44,176 world's douchiest lawyer. You may want to call it a draw. 143 00:10:44,177 --> 00:10:45,243 No way. 144 00:10:45,244 --> 00:10:48,880 Her little routine in the champagne room got me in deep shit. 145 00:10:48,881 --> 00:10:51,754 I know. I've seen all your greatest hits. 146 00:10:55,754 --> 00:10:57,423 Yeah, that's you. 147 00:10:58,423 --> 00:11:00,258 Are you sad? 148 00:11:00,259 --> 00:11:03,196 You don't fuck around with making an impression. 149 00:11:04,196 --> 00:11:06,299 It's Matt, right? 150 00:11:08,299 --> 00:11:09,466 Okay. 151 00:11:09,467 --> 00:11:12,235 Are you sure this place is safe? 152 00:11:12,236 --> 00:11:16,439 I'm confident the six of you can survive an entire eight hours. 153 00:11:16,440 --> 00:11:18,210 God forbid you actually read something. 154 00:11:27,251 --> 00:11:28,756 How's it hangin' Max-a million? 155 00:11:31,756 --> 00:11:32,990 Okay. 156 00:11:32,991 --> 00:11:35,925 Rome is the capital of Italy and the country's largest and 157 00:11:35,926 --> 00:11:40,197 most populated city and commune with over 2.7 million residents. 158 00:11:40,198 --> 00:11:42,272 See? State of the art. 159 00:11:47,272 --> 00:11:49,473 We only have Intranet?! 160 00:11:49,474 --> 00:11:52,376 I bet they use it for downloading dirty movies. 161 00:11:52,377 --> 00:11:56,549 No Max. See, the Intranet is a local based Ethernet system. 162 00:11:58,549 --> 00:12:00,350 Never mind. 163 00:12:00,351 --> 00:12:02,253 No Internet. Pathetic. 164 00:12:02,254 --> 00:12:04,889 Sure, cause you got to keep up with all your online charities. 165 00:12:04,890 --> 00:12:07,258 Under-crust. 166 00:12:07,259 --> 00:12:08,458 And he's a pervert. 167 00:12:08,459 --> 00:12:11,962 You got off easy. This fuckin' psycho put me in traction. 168 00:12:11,963 --> 00:12:15,832 And he attacks retarded people. He's not a good person. 169 00:12:15,833 --> 00:12:17,003 He's disabled. Not retarded! 170 00:12:18,003 --> 00:12:19,203 Which is more than I can say for any of you. 171 00:12:19,204 --> 00:12:24,980 The restroom! Mr. Clark, perhaps you could lead the way? 172 00:12:29,980 --> 00:12:31,850 Release the Kraken! 173 00:12:39,456 --> 00:12:40,273 Ahhhhhh 174 00:12:56,073 --> 00:12:57,279 Excuse. 175 00:13:01,279 --> 00:13:04,447 Tricia, heard your mom is ahead in the polls. 176 00:13:04,448 --> 00:13:05,884 Where's her next stop? 177 00:13:05,885 --> 00:13:10,022 "Attila the Hen?" She left today for, wherever. 178 00:13:11,022 --> 00:13:14,091 Out to get more money and souls for the coffer. 179 00:13:14,092 --> 00:13:17,994 The picture of her, in Forbes. She's beautiful. 180 00:13:17,995 --> 00:13:19,896 Her mom should date your pops. 181 00:13:19,897 --> 00:13:22,498 That pic of him in the paper next to his client? 182 00:13:22,499 --> 00:13:24,566 How many billions did it say that guy embezzled? 183 00:13:24,567 --> 00:13:27,005 From a pension fund, I think. But your pops 184 00:13:28,005 --> 00:13:29,206 got him off, right? 185 00:13:29,207 --> 00:13:34,311 I see you outside, smoking, most of the time. Veronica? 186 00:13:34,312 --> 00:13:35,211 You're new. 187 00:13:35,212 --> 00:13:37,412 Actually, "Red" I've been here a year. 188 00:13:37,413 --> 00:13:38,649 Uh, that qualify me as "new?" 189 00:13:38,650 --> 00:13:44,588 Uh, yes! It does at Crestview. You're not a "lifer." Like us. 190 00:13:44,589 --> 00:13:46,892 So what do your parents do, Veronica? 191 00:13:46,893 --> 00:13:52,830 Oh, God. Not too much. They're both uh 192 00:13:54,331 --> 00:13:55,132 I'm sorry. 193 00:13:55,133 --> 00:13:56,267 Don't be. 194 00:13:56,268 --> 00:13:59,070 I probably talk to them more than you talk to yours. 195 00:13:59,071 --> 00:14:00,504 Yeah. 196 00:14:00,505 --> 00:14:02,106 Right, um, yeah, I don't think so. 197 00:14:02,107 --> 00:14:05,341 Sure I do. Ever been to a seance? 198 00:14:05,342 --> 00:14:08,480 Uh. Okay. It looks like it is about time for you to 199 00:14:08,481 --> 00:14:11,382 drop a big deuce, Veronica 200 00:14:11,383 --> 00:14:13,618 cause you're at maximum capacity. 201 00:14:13,619 --> 00:14:17,054 No, really, I talk with 'em every day. 202 00:14:17,990 --> 00:14:20,557 That's why I'm not fucked-up like everyone else at Crest-Pew. 203 00:14:28,432 --> 00:14:31,534 Uh, that's weird. 204 00:14:31,535 --> 00:14:35,471 And you're not funny. All my parents do is work. 205 00:14:35,472 --> 00:14:37,074 I can never see them. 206 00:14:37,075 --> 00:14:38,209 You're lucky. 207 00:14:38,210 --> 00:14:41,677 My mother's parental guidance is completely Draconian. 208 00:14:41,678 --> 00:14:44,714 Speaking of parental guidance, it's a shame D-Day 209 00:14:44,715 --> 00:14:47,085 has to waste his first day of winter vacation 210 00:14:47,086 --> 00:14:49,557 here at school, watching us. 211 00:14:53,557 --> 00:14:55,393 I think I'll send him home early. 212 00:15:01,399 --> 00:15:05,535 While pondering your erroneous ways, the six of you will write 213 00:15:05,536 --> 00:15:08,137 a summary on the history of Crestview Academy. 214 00:15:08,138 --> 00:15:10,605 Which, after the holidays, Headmaster Nash will have the 215 00:15:10,606 --> 00:15:14,410 glorious pleasure of reading at a dedication for this very library. 216 00:15:14,411 --> 00:15:15,413 And now, I leave you. 217 00:15:16,614 --> 00:15:20,416 And these finely crafted double doors will remain locked 218 00:15:20,417 --> 00:15:24,154 until I return for lunch, another jaunt to the restroom, 219 00:15:24,155 --> 00:15:27,157 and perhaps, a quick chat. 220 00:15:27,158 --> 00:15:33,096 And when he returned, the room was filled with blood. 221 00:15:33,097 --> 00:15:34,101 Dun-dun-dun - dunnnn. 222 00:15:36,101 --> 00:15:38,068 Joking. You know, 'cause of the ghost and stuff? 223 00:15:38,069 --> 00:15:41,437 Right then. I'll be off, 224 00:15:41,438 --> 00:15:44,476 unless there's anything else I'm forgetting? 225 00:15:44,477 --> 00:15:45,510 What? 226 00:15:46,510 --> 00:15:48,578 Nice shot "champ." Try doing that in the game. 227 00:15:48,579 --> 00:15:50,048 Don't look at me like that. 228 00:15:50,049 --> 00:15:51,047 Stupid. 229 00:15:51,048 --> 00:15:54,251 There's room for more. I'm sure you're familiar with that phrase. 230 00:15:54,252 --> 00:15:56,220 Uh..I don't have one. 231 00:15:56,221 --> 00:16:00,025 Dr. Day, don't you know he's the token welfare kid? 232 00:16:01,025 --> 00:16:04,160 And do think of this entire building as one very large 233 00:16:04,161 --> 00:16:07,631 non-smoking section. It would be a pity if we had to spend next 234 00:16:07,632 --> 00:16:11,202 Saturday here because one of you had a nic-fit. 235 00:16:13,505 --> 00:16:15,571 Goodbye, Mr. Chips. 236 00:16:15,572 --> 00:16:16,640 But, his name is Dr. Day. 237 00:16:16,641 --> 00:16:20,076 And now it's Willie. Willie Makeittotheshitter? 238 00:16:20,077 --> 00:16:21,545 I don't get it. 239 00:16:21,546 --> 00:16:23,180 She put eyedrops in - 240 00:16:23,181 --> 00:16:24,782 D-Day's coffee. 241 00:16:24,783 --> 00:16:27,483 Great, so who's gonna let us out for lunch? 242 00:16:27,484 --> 00:16:29,620 Or when you need to release the Krakken? 243 00:16:29,621 --> 00:16:32,096 Ohhh... 244 00:16:39,096 --> 00:16:41,667 Well, now that D-Day is gone, I think we should all get togeth- 245 00:16:41,668 --> 00:16:47,303 Hold it! God damn it. Alright. New kids? 246 00:16:47,304 --> 00:16:51,240 Let's get one thing perfectly clear. We're in detention. 247 00:16:51,241 --> 00:16:53,812 Yeah, this is not a "love-in." This is not a hippy 248 00:16:53,813 --> 00:16:58,715 commune like that sad, filthy, flaming turd known as 249 00:16:58,716 --> 00:16:59,849 Megan, what's it called? What's it called? 250 00:16:59,850 --> 00:17:01,153 Uh... the Burning Man. 251 00:17:01,154 --> 00:17:06,123 Burning Man. And this is not the fucking feel-good 80's movie of 252 00:17:06,124 --> 00:17:09,257 the year, where for 7 hours, we put aside our diffs and 253 00:17:09,258 --> 00:17:11,663 through commiserating about our mutually 254 00:17:11,664 --> 00:17:15,531 dysfunctional family lives, or how lonely or alienated 255 00:17:15,532 --> 00:17:18,536 we each feel, we find some sort of common ground, and end up 256 00:17:18,537 --> 00:17:22,338 as BFFs. Okay? So let us understand, there is no "us" 257 00:17:22,339 --> 00:17:26,147 There is no "we." Because I don't do "we." I just do "me." 258 00:17:30,147 --> 00:17:32,784 Well then, I'm out like a boner in sweatpants! 259 00:18:45,390 --> 00:18:49,826 Carlos, you call my P-O, yet? 260 00:18:49,827 --> 00:18:52,361 God Damn it, Carlos! Between you, and the cast of 261 00:18:52,362 --> 00:18:54,865 " Less Than Zero," I'm going to snap, man! 262 00:18:57,202 --> 00:19:00,369 Shit! Carlos? Look. You gotta call my... uh... 263 00:19:00,370 --> 00:19:01,705 Officer Lewis okay? And tell him 264 00:19:01,706 --> 00:19:03,839 You dropped something. 265 00:19:03,840 --> 00:19:07,681 You may want to grab it or one of these uber-sized roaches will eat it. 266 00:19:09,681 --> 00:19:12,950 Looks official. Can I read it? 267 00:19:12,951 --> 00:19:13,917 Uh... 268 00:19:16,688 --> 00:19:17,821 I think I should start on the assignment. 269 00:19:17,822 --> 00:19:20,656 This library really is haunted you know? 270 00:19:20,657 --> 00:19:22,925 Right. I'll be careful. 271 00:19:22,926 --> 00:19:25,798 If you came in here to jerk off, I won't tell. 272 00:19:27,798 --> 00:19:29,970 But you gotta let me watch. 273 00:19:31,970 --> 00:19:33,605 C'mon, can't I get a repeat performance?! 274 00:19:34,005 --> 00:19:36,472 That's not how it happened! 275 00:19:36,473 --> 00:19:38,246 Jeez, I was just kidding. 276 00:19:41,246 --> 00:19:43,280 Prior to the eighteenth century, 277 00:19:43,281 --> 00:19:46,450 the tribe inhabited much of northern Texas. 278 00:19:46,451 --> 00:19:49,852 During the Lipan's history, they have engaged in extremely 279 00:19:49,853 --> 00:19:52,921 violent battles with a number of opposing forces 280 00:19:52,922 --> 00:19:54,325 in attempt to maintain their land. 281 00:19:54,326 --> 00:19:56,360 Can I borrow a pen? 282 00:19:56,361 --> 00:19:58,694 No. No you cannot. 283 00:19:58,695 --> 00:20:00,864 The legends of the Lipan Apache 284 00:20:00,865 --> 00:20:04,402 are pivotal to understanding their spiritual connection 285 00:20:04,403 --> 00:20:05,402 Ms. Gleason? 286 00:20:05,403 --> 00:20:06,403 Yes, Matthew. 287 00:20:06,404 --> 00:20:07,372 Can I go to the bathroom? 288 00:20:07,373 --> 00:20:09,772 Make it quick please. 289 00:20:09,773 --> 00:20:12,509 The legends of the Lipan Apache are pivotal to understanding the 290 00:20:14,511 --> 00:20:18,281 Veronica. Office, now! 291 00:20:18,282 --> 00:20:19,819 Shit. 292 00:20:22,819 --> 00:20:24,887 Thank you... Max. 293 00:20:24,888 --> 00:20:27,489 The legends of the Lipan apache are pivotal to 294 00:20:27,490 --> 00:20:30,459 understanding their spiritual connection to the land. 295 00:20:30,460 --> 00:20:34,332 Due to the fact that the entire tribe was nearly exterminated, 296 00:20:34,333 --> 00:20:38,335 there is almost no ethnographic or scientific information 297 00:20:38,336 --> 00:20:41,938 about them. 298 00:20:41,939 --> 00:20:44,807 You did that on purpose. 299 00:20:44,808 --> 00:20:49,345 She deserved it. Okay? She deserves a lot worse. 300 00:20:49,346 --> 00:20:53,950 It used to be our parents' jobs made them boring and mean. 301 00:20:53,951 --> 00:20:56,819 But now, we're boring and mean. 302 00:20:56,820 --> 00:21:02,792 I'm not boring. I'm bored. And my parents are dead. 303 00:21:03,493 --> 00:21:04,561 So are mine. 304 00:21:13,438 --> 00:21:15,085 God. Stupid. 305 00:22:48,132 --> 00:22:50,866 See? I told you! She's crazy! 306 00:22:50,867 --> 00:22:53,005 turn it off. 307 00:22:54,005 --> 00:22:55,940 Bring the dancing girl to my office. 308 00:22:55,941 --> 00:22:58,613 I'll deal with the pervert. 309 00:23:02,613 --> 00:23:04,114 No. Uh. It's not 310 00:23:04,115 --> 00:23:06,083 Don't touch me sticky boy! My office! 311 00:23:06,084 --> 00:23:08,183 It's just my zip My Office! 312 00:23:08,184 --> 00:23:10,154 I will not have you skanking it up in my classroom! 313 00:23:10,155 --> 00:23:11,988 Get off that desk! 314 00:23:11,989 --> 00:23:13,656 The remix is way better. 315 00:23:13,657 --> 00:23:16,125 Word. Gotta love the YouTube. 316 00:23:16,126 --> 00:23:19,629 Not as much as my father's law firm. He's going 317 00:23:19,630 --> 00:23:23,634 to make a mint suing them. And whoever uploaded that video. 318 00:23:23,635 --> 00:23:27,770 I know that everyone at Crestview thinks I'm Arrogant 319 00:23:27,771 --> 00:23:32,174 Smarter, than everyone else. And I am. But when you 320 00:23:32,175 --> 00:23:36,712 deal with as many haters as I do, it taxes your nerves. 321 00:23:36,713 --> 00:23:39,914 Interesting. Stress leads to "Girls Gone Wild." 322 00:23:39,915 --> 00:23:40,716 Look who's talking. 323 00:23:40,717 --> 00:23:41,919 Look who's stripping. 324 00:23:41,920 --> 00:23:43,220 Ooooh. 325 00:23:43,221 --> 00:23:46,490 Practicing witchcraft might make someone a freak but not a slut. 326 00:23:46,491 --> 00:23:47,223 Right. 327 00:23:47,224 --> 00:23:49,558 But I might be both. 328 00:23:49,559 --> 00:23:50,693 Cool. 329 00:23:50,694 --> 00:23:52,694 But you telling me, that you get one little catty 330 00:23:52,695 --> 00:23:54,196 note too many. It's a fucking joke! 331 00:23:54,197 --> 00:23:57,632 Look. I'm telling all of you, like I told Dr. Day, 332 00:23:57,633 --> 00:24:00,702 like I told the school board, I've been stressed! 333 00:24:00,703 --> 00:24:03,207 And on the advice of a really, really, really 334 00:24:03,208 --> 00:24:08,210 expensive lawyer, I've said all I can say. 335 00:24:08,211 --> 00:24:10,613 I know, right? And she's the fucking nerd of this party. 336 00:24:10,614 --> 00:24:13,250 And you're the fucking freak who says she talks to corpse. 337 00:24:13,251 --> 00:24:15,951 Obviously. She's talking to you. 338 00:24:15,952 --> 00:24:19,623 Aww... You two. Metal and Goth come together 339 00:24:19,624 --> 00:24:21,222 in the haunted library. It's really sweet. 340 00:24:21,223 --> 00:24:25,962 Don't patronize me, bitch. My parents are not on your mommy's pay roll. 341 00:24:27,064 --> 00:24:28,130 And this place is haunted, and everybody knows it. 342 00:24:28,131 --> 00:24:31,065 It happened last year when that old dude died. 343 00:24:31,066 --> 00:24:33,969 My first year at Crestview, and the school fucks over 344 00:24:33,970 --> 00:24:36,574 this geriatric Indian, to take his house. 345 00:24:36,575 --> 00:24:41,111 Then demolishes it to build, this. 346 00:24:41,112 --> 00:24:46,982 Really? An Indian? You know and "Indian" Indian? 347 00:24:46,983 --> 00:24:49,119 Strange, but true, Scooby-Doo. 348 00:24:50,721 --> 00:24:53,657 And ever since then, this entire school has been cursed. 349 00:24:53,658 --> 00:24:56,693 All that haunted library shit is shit. 350 00:25:00,196 --> 00:25:02,131 You afraid of ghosts, tough guy? 351 00:25:02,132 --> 00:25:05,633 You know this cast is going to come off one day, right, tough guy? 352 00:25:05,634 --> 00:25:09,173 We could find out if this place is cursed if you really wanted to. 353 00:25:09,174 --> 00:25:10,039 How? 354 00:25:10,040 --> 00:25:12,308 Yes. 355 00:25:12,309 --> 00:25:14,143 Howwww? 356 00:25:14,144 --> 00:25:17,582 Wow. Jesus fucking christ. 357 00:25:34,365 --> 00:25:36,701 The pictures are familiar to the spirit. 358 00:25:36,702 --> 00:25:39,672 Spread them on the table. 359 00:25:41,672 --> 00:25:43,272 They look really angry. 360 00:25:43,273 --> 00:25:47,310 I would be too. Since this guy, General Andrew Winston Clark, 361 00:25:47,311 --> 00:25:51,314 stole some land from an Apache tribe, back in the 1870s. 362 00:25:51,315 --> 00:25:53,084 Land that became Crestview. 363 00:25:53,085 --> 00:25:56,321 Clark? Any kin to you? 364 00:25:58,321 --> 00:26:02,258 No way. This guy led a whole calvary into battle. 365 00:26:02,259 --> 00:26:05,128 But he did steal the land and kill a bunch of natives. 366 00:26:05,129 --> 00:26:07,329 So, it's a tough call. 367 00:26:07,330 --> 00:26:08,833 Do you really worship the devil? 368 00:26:08,834 --> 00:26:12,802 I do not worship the devil. 369 00:26:12,803 --> 00:26:14,671 I just promote him. 370 00:26:14,672 --> 00:26:18,141 Okay. Everyone, open your minds and your thoughts. 371 00:26:18,142 --> 00:26:21,077 Pretend you're in one of D-Day's bullshit new age therapy sessions. 372 00:26:21,078 --> 00:26:24,079 Relax your mind, Mr. Cook. 373 00:26:24,080 --> 00:26:27,018 And tell me what you feel and what you see, and Oh my God. Those tests. 374 00:26:27,019 --> 00:26:30,787 His psych evals are ridiculously in-depth. 375 00:26:30,788 --> 00:26:32,689 I saw boobs. And rock. 376 00:26:32,690 --> 00:26:34,355 Awesome. Who wants to be the medium? 377 00:26:34,356 --> 00:26:35,457 Aren't you the medium? 378 00:26:35,458 --> 00:26:37,191 I can't be the medium, I'm the guide. Someone else 379 00:26:37,192 --> 00:26:39,329 has to be the medium, and so, Tricia's the medium. 380 00:26:39,330 --> 00:26:41,230 What? Me? 381 00:26:41,231 --> 00:26:45,710 Look, if you guys are really scared, we don't have to Scared? 382 00:26:45,736 --> 00:26:48,238 No, I'm not scared. Let's do this. 383 00:26:48,239 --> 00:26:51,844 Don't worry, I'll guide you as you're channeling the spirit. 384 00:26:53,844 --> 00:26:56,747 The ringing of the bell will signify the spirit's presence. 385 00:26:56,748 --> 00:26:59,215 Everyone, join hands. 386 00:27:01,117 --> 00:27:04,855 Whatever we do, our hands must stay clasped, to keep the circle unbroken. 387 00:27:04,856 --> 00:27:09,693 Now, together, breathe in unison. 388 00:27:10,861 --> 00:27:12,864 You okay? 389 00:27:13,864 --> 00:27:17,768 Everyone, move into a welcoming state. Imagine a time you were 390 00:27:17,769 --> 00:27:22,404 eagerly awaiting someone coming into town: A friend, a relative. 391 00:27:22,405 --> 00:27:25,375 Then focus on the presence we want to join us. 392 00:27:25,376 --> 00:27:28,912 We welcome you, spirit. Are you there? 393 00:27:28,913 --> 00:27:31,949 Tricia, tell the spirit we feel his presence here. 394 00:27:31,950 --> 00:27:34,951 We feel your presence here. 395 00:27:34,952 --> 00:27:38,320 Tricia, tell the spirit to show us his presence. 396 00:27:38,321 --> 00:27:40,390 Is the presence circumcised? 397 00:27:40,391 --> 00:27:42,727 Maybe he's not packing a very big presence. 398 00:27:42,728 --> 00:27:47,900 Tricia, tell the spirit to show us his presence. 399 00:27:49,900 --> 00:27:52,440 Spirit? Show us your presence. 400 00:27:56,440 --> 00:27:58,508 Well, that was fun. 401 00:27:58,509 --> 00:28:00,310 Man, I told you, this is some bull 402 00:28:07,218 --> 00:28:10,327 Keep your hands together! Don't break the circle! 403 00:28:16,327 --> 00:28:17,827 You're doing this! This is a trick! 404 00:28:17,828 --> 00:28:20,207 No, I'm not doing anything! 405 00:28:43,887 --> 00:28:45,287 What happened? 406 00:28:45,288 --> 00:28:48,490 Meg? Meg? Breathe Meg! 407 00:28:48,491 --> 00:28:49,959 Megan! 408 00:28:49,960 --> 00:28:51,502 You don't see it?! 409 00:29:01,806 --> 00:29:03,239 Oh shit. 410 00:29:03,240 --> 00:29:06,553 Wait. Is she? Is she really? 411 00:29:15,553 --> 00:29:17,252 What the fuck, man?! 412 00:29:17,253 --> 00:29:19,522 Jesus, what the hell? What the fuck is your problem, man?!? 413 00:29:19,523 --> 00:29:25,295 I'm sorry, I thought, I thought that you guys she's, 414 00:29:25,296 --> 00:29:26,296 she's really 415 00:29:26,297 --> 00:29:30,299 Yes! She's really fucking dead, you assholes! 416 00:29:30,300 --> 00:29:32,367 God. 417 00:29:32,368 --> 00:29:34,304 D-Day has our phones. 418 00:29:34,305 --> 00:29:35,970 And the construction crew is gone during winter break. 419 00:29:35,971 --> 00:29:37,407 Everyone's gone during winter break. 420 00:29:38,643 --> 00:29:42,879 Oh shit. Out of juice. Okay. I got maybe enough for one call. 421 00:29:42,880 --> 00:29:43,880 9-1-1? 422 00:29:43,881 --> 00:29:46,950 Wait! If they put you on hold, we're fucked. 423 00:29:46,951 --> 00:29:50,920 Carlos. Yeah Carlos never leaves his work. 424 00:29:50,921 --> 00:29:53,057 Carlos! Carlos, listen to me, listen to me 425 00:29:56,894 --> 00:29:58,561 Who the fuck is Carlos?! 426 00:30:17,080 --> 00:30:18,146 Just hit it open Craig! 427 00:30:18,147 --> 00:30:20,917 Jesus, dude, you're just gonna split your crutch! 428 00:30:20,918 --> 00:30:21,991 Damn! 429 00:30:27,391 --> 00:30:33,273 Stop! The axe will break! Okay, these doors are titanium steel alloy! 430 00:30:43,473 --> 00:30:44,557 Hold this. 431 00:31:26,049 --> 00:31:27,650 We're trapped. 432 00:31:27,651 --> 00:31:30,385 Yeah. With it. 433 00:31:30,386 --> 00:31:33,989 Jesus, it's just the storm messing with the lights. 434 00:31:33,990 --> 00:31:35,090 Oh yeah? What about the bell?! 435 00:31:35,091 --> 00:31:36,460 It's wind drafts blowing. 436 00:31:36,461 --> 00:31:38,594 That was not a wind draft! 437 00:31:38,595 --> 00:31:39,296 I don't know. 438 00:31:39,297 --> 00:31:41,530 Like he said. It was the wind. 439 00:31:41,531 --> 00:31:45,400 But I saw it! Okay! All of you saw it and heard it, too! 440 00:31:45,401 --> 00:31:48,402 Either a fuse or a transformer got hit and overloaded 441 00:31:48,403 --> 00:31:50,608 the lights. Okay, it makes a low pitched wailing sound 442 00:31:51,008 --> 00:31:52,240 like we heard in the room. 443 00:31:52,241 --> 00:31:55,679 Please stop debating light distortions and sound waves, 444 00:31:55,680 --> 00:31:58,647 and figure out what we're going to do! 445 00:31:58,648 --> 00:32:01,531 I don't know. Let's check our backpacks. 446 00:32:15,531 --> 00:32:16,466 What is this? 447 00:32:16,467 --> 00:32:19,135 Uh, that? 448 00:32:25,709 --> 00:32:28,546 Study hall can be so boring. 449 00:32:29,546 --> 00:32:35,352 I got a cable wire. I got nothin' 450 00:32:36,653 --> 00:32:38,653 What's this? 451 00:32:38,654 --> 00:32:40,056 What is that? 452 00:32:40,057 --> 00:32:43,459 Perhaps a letter of commendation? 453 00:32:43,460 --> 00:32:47,094 Crest-peww mails them to all their future world leaders. 454 00:32:47,095 --> 00:32:48,198 What's the matter? You don't trust me? 455 00:32:48,199 --> 00:32:49,231 Do I need to? 456 00:32:49,232 --> 00:32:51,066 It couldn't hurt. 457 00:32:51,067 --> 00:32:53,268 Yes it would. 458 00:32:53,269 --> 00:32:56,072 Tricia? Your backpack? 459 00:32:56,073 --> 00:32:57,472 A backpack? 460 00:32:57,473 --> 00:33:00,682 - Just take it out. - What do you have? 461 00:33:05,682 --> 00:33:10,625 Ooh! Ahh... 462 00:33:14,625 --> 00:33:16,162 Hey! Hey! 463 00:33:18,162 --> 00:33:21,766 Oh my goodness! 464 00:33:22,766 --> 00:33:25,702 You know we've got bigger stuff to deal with than judging you. 465 00:33:25,703 --> 00:33:28,654 Holy shit, I am so relieved. Really! 466 00:33:44,654 --> 00:33:47,222 You sneaky little mother fu... 467 00:33:47,223 --> 00:33:49,757 I don't know how it got in there! I swear I didn't take it! 468 00:33:49,758 --> 00:33:52,727 Last week, in the lunchroom, like that, you didn't take it? 469 00:33:52,728 --> 00:33:54,261 I don't know what he's talking about! 470 00:33:54,262 --> 00:33:55,162 Alright, don't listen to him! 471 00:33:55,163 --> 00:33:56,133 He's not a good person! 472 00:33:56,134 --> 00:33:59,201 I'm talking about this! In the lunchroom. 473 00:33:59,202 --> 00:34:01,642 I figured out what you pulled. 474 00:34:05,642 --> 00:34:08,210 Hey! Watch it! 475 00:34:08,211 --> 00:34:11,147 Sorry! 476 00:34:11,148 --> 00:34:12,782 - Hey, can I get a napkin? - No. 477 00:34:12,783 --> 00:34:18,754 Hey, listen, asshole! I just want a napkin. 478 00:34:18,755 --> 00:34:20,823 Oh. Sorry. 479 00:34:20,824 --> 00:34:23,860 A leader remains calm in the face of adversity, Mister Clark. 480 00:34:23,861 --> 00:34:27,129 And I am. Just like you taught me. 481 00:34:27,130 --> 00:34:28,698 Excellent. 482 00:34:28,699 --> 00:34:31,200 Veronica! Office! Now! 483 00:34:31,201 --> 00:34:33,235 Look. It wasn't her fault. Okay? It was an accident. 484 00:34:33,236 --> 00:34:36,139 - She didn't mean to do it. - No. She did. She always means it. 485 00:34:36,140 --> 00:34:38,207 And what about Megan? Hmm? 486 00:34:38,208 --> 00:34:40,842 Was her strip show one of your Leadership Mantras? 487 00:34:40,843 --> 00:34:43,612 A detention does seem rather trite, but I'm afraid her father 488 00:34:43,613 --> 00:34:44,748 carries a certain amount of influence. 489 00:34:44,749 --> 00:34:48,884 However, if you are able to earn early acceptance to 490 00:34:48,885 --> 00:34:52,287 Harvard as did Miss McDurst, then perhaps I can discuss 491 00:34:52,288 --> 00:34:54,326 reducing your chores with Headmaster Nash. 492 00:34:56,326 --> 00:34:57,827 Thanks D-Day. I'd appreciate that. 493 00:34:57,828 --> 00:35:01,196 Right, then, I'll be off. 494 00:35:01,197 --> 00:35:04,798 I believe I read something about a General Clark once. 495 00:35:04,799 --> 00:35:06,867 Apparently, he was a most capable leader. 496 00:35:06,868 --> 00:35:07,735 Who knows maybe 497 00:35:07,736 --> 00:35:09,273 Maybe it skips a generation? 498 00:35:09,274 --> 00:35:10,473 Perhaps. 499 00:35:10,474 --> 00:35:14,676 Although, he wasn't very popular with the locals either. 500 00:35:14,677 --> 00:35:15,878 Excuse me. Find your seats. 501 00:35:15,879 --> 00:35:17,031 Hey! 502 00:35:35,431 --> 00:35:36,606 Hey! 503 00:35:43,206 --> 00:35:45,914 That dude stole my soup. 504 00:36:12,768 --> 00:36:13,805 Ahhhhhhhhh! 505 00:36:15,405 --> 00:36:18,941 Where you rushing off to? 506 00:36:18,942 --> 00:36:21,810 Mister Clark! Here at Crestview 507 00:36:21,811 --> 00:36:25,814 we frown upon attacking the retarded students. 508 00:36:25,815 --> 00:36:27,850 He's not retarded. I was 509 00:36:27,851 --> 00:36:28,984 I was just 510 00:36:28,985 --> 00:36:30,954 You were just on your way to my office Mister Clark. 511 00:36:30,955 --> 00:36:34,723 But Tarek stole my soup! 512 00:36:34,724 --> 00:36:38,861 You stole food from a wheelchair bound retarded boy. 513 00:36:38,862 --> 00:36:40,696 I'm not retarded! 514 00:36:40,697 --> 00:36:42,000 Of course not. Good for you. 515 00:36:43,000 --> 00:36:44,834 Mister Clark! Let's go! 516 00:36:44,835 --> 00:36:45,968 You too! 517 00:36:45,969 --> 00:36:46,968 Are you okay? 518 00:36:46,969 --> 00:36:47,903 That has to be the most 519 00:36:47,904 --> 00:36:50,704 bullshit story I've ever heard in my life. 520 00:36:50,705 --> 00:36:51,809 You believe me, right? 521 00:36:52,009 --> 00:36:54,378 I only saw you tackle the retarded kid. 522 00:36:54,379 --> 00:36:57,446 I swear! I did not take Megan's inhaler! 523 00:36:57,447 --> 00:36:58,914 He's the criminal. Not me! 524 00:36:58,915 --> 00:37:02,417 Then why wasn't the inhaler in my backpack? 525 00:37:02,418 --> 00:37:04,818 Perhaps, there have been things that have recently 526 00:37:04,819 --> 00:37:06,420 caused me some stress. Okay? 527 00:37:06,421 --> 00:37:09,791 And I may or may not have always acted rationally. 528 00:37:09,792 --> 00:37:11,860 Okay. You!- all of you-don't understand. 529 00:37:11,861 --> 00:37:13,528 You don't understand my father. Okay? 530 00:37:13,529 --> 00:37:17,333 He does not tolerate failure. I must get into a good school. 531 00:37:17,334 --> 00:37:18,868 So you're saying 532 00:37:18,869 --> 00:37:21,735 What I'm saying is that today, in this library, 533 00:37:21,736 --> 00:37:22,970 I did not steal Megan's inhaler. 534 00:37:22,971 --> 00:37:26,342 What I'm saying is, how did it get in your fucking backpack?! 535 00:37:26,343 --> 00:37:27,410 I don't know! 536 00:37:28,010 --> 00:37:32,747 Sha-zam! The Crest-pew Intranet in full effect! 537 00:37:32,748 --> 00:37:36,387 Took some digging in the local papers, but I found our dead Indian. 538 00:37:38,387 --> 00:37:42,325 Jacob Rainwater? Not much of an obituary. 539 00:37:42,326 --> 00:37:45,328 Rainwater is survived by one family member 540 00:37:45,329 --> 00:37:47,929 prior to the city taking possession of his home, he was 541 00:37:47,930 --> 00:37:50,333 housed at the local psychiatric ward for a month, before he 542 00:37:50,334 --> 00:37:51,901 jumped out a window. 543 00:37:51,902 --> 00:37:56,104 The city of Crestview has been declared executor for the Rainwater estate. 544 00:37:56,105 --> 00:37:59,039 Wouldn't next of kin take possession of his house? 545 00:37:59,040 --> 00:38:02,845 It's Crestview. Property taxes reside somewhere in Never-Never Land. 546 00:38:02,846 --> 00:38:05,514 I doubt any of his kin is a real high roller. 547 00:38:05,515 --> 00:38:08,551 Poor old guy died broke and alone. 548 00:38:08,552 --> 00:38:11,386 I bet you can relate, huh? 549 00:38:11,387 --> 00:38:14,857 Look, all of this is just a coincidence. 550 00:38:14,858 --> 00:38:16,791 I don't believe in coincidences. 551 00:38:16,792 --> 00:38:19,429 Neither do I. And there is no such thing as ghosts. 552 00:38:19,430 --> 00:38:22,364 Exactly. And thank you. 553 00:38:22,365 --> 00:38:26,935 And fuck you for the shit you said before that. 554 00:38:26,936 --> 00:38:28,205 All of us were in that room! 555 00:38:29,005 --> 00:38:33,408 We were all holding hands! I did not steal her inhaler. 556 00:38:33,409 --> 00:38:35,949 Maybe Tarek is telling the truth! 557 00:38:38,949 --> 00:38:44,888 The lights, the bell, the draft, all of those fucking roaches. 558 00:38:45,489 --> 00:38:48,958 Something is in here... with us. 559 00:38:52,161 --> 00:38:56,499 It's him. It's Rainwater. He's here. 560 00:38:56,500 --> 00:38:59,101 Or, it's just the storm messing with 561 00:39:02,539 --> 00:39:07,465 A wind draft! 562 00:39:31,201 --> 00:39:34,601 I've got to get out of here. I gotta get out of here right now. 563 00:39:34,602 --> 00:39:36,005 You're not going anywhere! 564 00:39:36,006 --> 00:39:38,640 Can't you just get rid of it?! 565 00:39:38,641 --> 00:39:42,050 It's not like your last pregnancy, okay? 566 00:39:47,050 --> 00:39:52,989 That was me, you assholes! Up here! Look what I found! 567 00:39:53,590 --> 00:39:58,627 Wow! It's a convincing, logical end to this argument! 568 00:39:58,628 --> 00:40:02,964 This is the sound ghosts make to scare douchebags! 569 00:40:02,965 --> 00:40:08,865 oooooooh, douchebaaags, oooaaa, Judas Priest. 570 00:40:19,048 --> 00:40:22,184 Air flows from the outside vent right into this room, 571 00:40:22,185 --> 00:40:25,053 which means there might be a way out. 572 00:40:25,054 --> 00:40:27,655 It's a maze up there, but I think this duct may empty 573 00:40:27,656 --> 00:40:30,258 out into the vent right above the parking lot. 574 00:40:30,259 --> 00:40:33,561 So we go get my cable wire, tie it around someone's waist, 575 00:40:33,562 --> 00:40:35,699 and follow our way back to the vents. 576 00:40:35,700 --> 00:40:37,066 Meaning your waist. 577 00:40:37,067 --> 00:40:38,101 Who elected him leader? 578 00:40:38,102 --> 00:40:39,734 You did. 579 00:40:39,735 --> 00:40:41,136 Injured. 580 00:40:41,137 --> 00:40:42,370 Hamas. 581 00:40:42,371 --> 00:40:45,206 Scared and worthless, and that's before any of this happened. 582 00:40:45,207 --> 00:40:49,211 And, it's a toss up. Either "can't fit" or "too fuckin' stupid." 583 00:40:49,212 --> 00:40:52,046 Your choice. 584 00:40:52,047 --> 00:40:55,084 - Bitch! - Shut up, Craig. She's right! 585 00:40:55,085 --> 00:40:57,188 I never said I was going back in there. 586 00:40:59,188 --> 00:41:01,255 Look, you may or may not be sane. 587 00:41:01,256 --> 00:41:03,691 And maybe you're not related to any famous Generals, 588 00:41:03,692 --> 00:41:06,096 but if any of D-Day's poking and prodding has helped 589 00:41:06,097 --> 00:41:10,031 release a new and improved Matt Clark, I need him. 590 00:41:10,032 --> 00:41:12,666 You've been up there once, you can do it again. 591 00:41:12,667 --> 00:41:16,172 If you don't go, who knows how long we'd be stuck here. 592 00:41:16,173 --> 00:41:17,239 Trust me, Matt. 593 00:41:26,715 --> 00:41:30,322 Ugh. I've got to get myself to the hospital. 594 00:41:32,322 --> 00:41:35,156 I would take you, but I have deliveries. 595 00:41:35,157 --> 00:41:36,225 Deliveries? 596 00:41:36,226 --> 00:41:38,298 Yeah. Maintenance and deliveries. That's my job. 597 00:41:42,298 --> 00:41:43,399 No, no, no, Max. 598 00:41:43,400 --> 00:41:46,106 You need to stay here and keep an eye on the kids. 599 00:41:50,106 --> 00:41:55,012 Max! Dr. Day! Max! Max! Up here! 600 00:41:56,012 --> 00:41:57,012 I'll be quick. 601 00:42:01,585 --> 00:42:03,051 I'll hold the fort. 602 00:42:03,052 --> 00:42:06,827 Up here! Maaaax! 603 00:42:37,654 --> 00:42:40,321 Ahhhhhhh. 604 00:42:40,322 --> 00:42:45,708 Ewww. Gawww. Ewwww. Ugghhh. 605 00:43:29,438 --> 00:43:31,717 Oh shit! 606 00:44:14,717 --> 00:44:16,751 Someone got a nasty progress report. 607 00:44:16,752 --> 00:44:18,221 That's not what you think. 608 00:44:18,222 --> 00:44:23,158 Really? Because I think it's your transcripts from a local hoosegow. 609 00:44:23,159 --> 00:44:25,959 f we could call the cops would your parole officer tell 610 00:44:25,960 --> 00:44:27,896 us why your record's been sealed? 611 00:44:27,897 --> 00:44:30,466 It was sealed because I was a minor. 612 00:44:30,467 --> 00:44:33,767 And it was a juvenile detention facility. Not jail. 613 00:44:33,768 --> 00:44:35,936 And I did my time. Okay? So if you guys are 614 00:44:35,937 --> 00:44:38,311 waiting for some big reveal, forget it! 615 00:44:42,311 --> 00:44:46,915 In juvee, were you raped? 616 00:44:46,916 --> 00:44:48,216 Like a lot? 617 00:44:48,217 --> 00:44:51,820 I told you. He's a fucking liar and anything but a good person! 618 00:44:51,821 --> 00:44:54,455 Shut up terrorist! 619 00:44:54,456 --> 00:44:56,992 Placed under the same scrutiny of the law that I was 620 00:44:56,993 --> 00:44:58,893 You'd be stoned to death. 621 00:44:58,894 --> 00:45:02,196 You crackhead. You'd get the needle. 622 00:45:02,197 --> 00:45:03,800 You'd die alone in your cell. 623 00:45:03,801 --> 00:45:09,405 And you? You would be hanged. Oh, and I'd enjoy it! 624 00:45:28,324 --> 00:45:31,327 Excuse me. Do you have any Katy Perry or Britney Spears? 625 00:45:31,328 --> 00:45:35,430 Oh, let me check. Oh, no sorry I don't! 626 00:45:35,431 --> 00:45:38,938 Who doesn't have any Katy Perry or Britney Spears? 627 00:45:41,938 --> 00:45:47,276 Jesus. Everybody wants something from someone at this school. 628 00:45:47,277 --> 00:45:49,477 I don't want anything from you. 629 00:45:49,478 --> 00:45:53,582 Really? Why not? 630 00:45:53,583 --> 00:45:56,420 Because I don't think anything will help. 631 00:45:58,420 --> 00:46:01,957 Ay ay ay, I hate this mascot shit. 632 00:46:01,958 --> 00:46:03,407 Move! 633 00:46:18,407 --> 00:46:19,409 Damn! Tricia?! 634 00:46:20,009 --> 00:46:21,910 What? 635 00:46:21,911 --> 00:46:23,980 When I said I wanted a bitch with me on stage, 636 00:46:23,981 --> 00:46:28,082 I meant my bitch. 637 00:46:28,083 --> 00:46:31,053 Not the bitch. 638 00:46:31,054 --> 00:46:33,055 What can I say Craig? 639 00:46:33,056 --> 00:46:36,858 CrestView demands a strong Indian Princess. And that's me. 640 00:46:36,859 --> 00:46:39,025 It's not like your mother had anything to do with the voting. 641 00:46:39,026 --> 00:46:42,530 Ugh. If voting actually worked, Crestview would make it illegal. 642 00:46:42,531 --> 00:46:45,568 This entire school is about you. Every year. Every day. 643 00:46:45,569 --> 00:46:49,576 Let me have my day. I'm just saying. 644 00:46:53,576 --> 00:46:57,345 You really don't get it do you? See, I thought my mother 645 00:46:57,346 --> 00:47:00,119 and her associates made it perfectly clear to you. 646 00:47:04,119 --> 00:47:08,589 Everyone has scars. I know how you got yours. 647 00:47:08,590 --> 00:47:11,493 What if everyone else did? 648 00:47:11,494 --> 00:47:13,896 How does it feel knowing your entire life has been bought? 649 00:47:13,897 --> 00:47:17,633 I don't know, Craig. Why don't you ask your daddy. 650 00:47:17,634 --> 00:47:20,435 My mother bought him a long time ago. 651 00:47:20,436 --> 00:47:26,414 So, I'd be very careful what you say and who you say it to. 652 00:47:32,014 --> 00:47:34,348 Poor old Governor Wilkes. 653 00:47:34,349 --> 00:47:37,945 Always propping up that hole in her billfold! 654 00:48:01,945 --> 00:48:06,113 Apaches, let's show some school spirit for Headmaster Nash! 655 00:48:06,114 --> 00:48:08,116 Boo! 656 00:48:08,117 --> 00:48:11,585 Thank you! Now it is time 657 00:48:11,586 --> 00:48:14,523 Now it is time to play a song for the guy who 658 00:48:14,524 --> 00:48:18,702 said he doesn't want anything from me. 659 00:48:26,702 --> 00:48:31,138 Students! Take a good look at Miss Harmon. 660 00:48:31,139 --> 00:48:34,408 Don't end up like her! 661 00:48:34,409 --> 00:48:35,701 Max! 662 00:48:58,701 --> 00:49:01,215 Tricia! Tricia! Tricia! Tricia! 663 00:49:46,215 --> 00:49:49,619 One guess who put the bowl of punch above the stage. 664 00:49:49,620 --> 00:49:51,559 One guess. 665 00:49:56,559 --> 00:49:57,658 Craig? 666 00:49:57,659 --> 00:50:00,495 What? 667 00:50:00,496 --> 00:50:04,232 Well, you don't actually. You actually believe him? 668 00:50:04,233 --> 00:50:05,700 He's a jailrat! 669 00:50:05,701 --> 00:50:07,301 He's a piece of shit! 670 00:50:07,302 --> 00:50:11,272 He's a broke little bitch. He's undercrust! He's 671 00:50:11,273 --> 00:50:13,707 A guy with proof. 672 00:50:13,708 --> 00:50:15,643 Is that your dick? 673 00:50:15,644 --> 00:50:17,245 That's my zipper. 674 00:50:17,246 --> 00:50:19,282 Okay. Good. 'Cause for a second I thought. 675 00:50:21,650 --> 00:50:24,798 And our next feature presentation? 676 00:50:36,798 --> 00:50:41,268 Aww, you two. Deception meets bitterness in the haunted library. 677 00:50:41,269 --> 00:50:44,537 Bastard! Why the fuck would you do that to me Craig? 678 00:50:44,538 --> 00:50:46,809 Why the fuck did you do that to me? Answer me! 679 00:50:46,810 --> 00:50:49,315 Okay. Hey! 680 00:50:52,315 --> 00:50:57,319 You think you hate me because I'm rich, popular, and banging a 681 00:50:57,320 --> 00:51:01,622 different bitch every weekend. But that's not why you hate me. 682 00:51:01,623 --> 00:51:04,292 I think that's why I hate you. 683 00:51:04,293 --> 00:51:09,196 No. You hate me because I have options. 684 00:51:09,197 --> 00:51:11,567 Any virtue you might have, is because your options 685 00:51:11,568 --> 00:51:15,837 are limited. Maybe you're not such a gangster after all. 686 00:51:15,838 --> 00:51:20,142 Maybe because you can't afford it! 687 00:51:20,143 --> 00:51:24,846 Well, that's actually kind of insightful asshole! 688 00:51:24,847 --> 00:51:28,582 Exactly. Two pretentious assholes Shut up! 689 00:51:28,583 --> 00:51:30,717 Both of you are just as pretentious as we are. 690 00:51:30,718 --> 00:51:34,255 Your ordinary little friends would slit your throats for hanging out with us. 691 00:51:34,256 --> 00:51:36,222 And you'd slit your own throats before letting anyone 692 00:51:36,223 --> 00:51:38,360 know how ordinary you really are. 693 00:51:38,361 --> 00:51:39,395 Fuck you! 694 00:51:39,396 --> 00:51:41,197 Why? Because he's wrong? Or because he's right? 695 00:51:41,198 --> 00:51:42,730 Not you. 696 00:51:42,731 --> 00:51:44,298 Not this broke mother fucker. 697 00:51:44,299 --> 00:51:46,333 Or some coke head queen who gets a Kool-Aid cum stain 698 00:51:46,334 --> 00:51:48,871 on their dress is worth me getting upset. 699 00:51:48,872 --> 00:51:52,640 I'm getting out of here. That's my focus. 700 00:51:52,641 --> 00:51:55,609 And none of you are worth the distraction. 701 00:51:55,610 --> 00:51:57,880 I don't think our ghost cares about your personal 702 00:51:57,881 --> 00:51:59,915 goals and failures, hotshot. 703 00:51:59,916 --> 00:52:03,651 Good. Because he's a shitty lay. 704 00:52:03,652 --> 00:52:05,287 Whatever. 705 00:52:05,288 --> 00:52:06,922 And one seriously dumb nigger. 706 00:52:08,356 --> 00:52:10,725 That was so not Twilight. 707 00:52:10,726 --> 00:52:12,627 Bitch! I will fuck you up! 708 00:52:12,628 --> 00:52:13,860 Whoa! Stop it! Stop it! That's enough! 709 00:52:13,861 --> 00:52:14,998 Get your hands off. 710 00:52:14,999 --> 00:52:20,935 Stop it! Back off you two! God! You are both just you 711 00:52:21,836 --> 00:52:24,838 And there's no turning back! Do you really believe your 712 00:52:24,839 --> 00:52:27,842 parents' money can buy you out of who you are and the shit that you do? 713 00:52:29,644 --> 00:52:34,381 Check it out: A second class criminal lecturing me on morality. 714 00:52:34,382 --> 00:52:38,653 I've been smelling your bullshit since we walked in here. 715 00:52:38,654 --> 00:52:44,594 I saw the detention list this morning. Your name wasn't on it. 716 00:52:46,295 --> 00:52:52,201 Why are you in here? With us? C'mon, you can tell me 717 00:52:53,802 --> 00:52:59,702 Juvee, Jailbird, Gangsta, What did they lock you up for? 718 00:53:02,978 --> 00:53:05,947 You know, the next time a guidance counselor 719 00:53:05,948 --> 00:53:08,950 tells you to "just be yourself" 720 00:53:08,951 --> 00:53:10,051 Don't. 721 00:53:12,954 --> 00:53:18,427 Wai, wai, wai, wai, wait! Where is Tarek? 722 00:53:22,764 --> 00:53:24,732 Sneaky little mother fucker! 723 00:53:24,733 --> 00:53:30,633 Well, he is Arab. Or Armenian? Or something with curly pubes. 724 00:53:33,876 --> 00:53:36,710 Yeah, fuck it! 725 00:53:36,711 --> 00:53:38,214 That little guy was scared shitless. 726 00:53:39,014 --> 00:53:43,994 But he still went for it. It's not like he saw a floor plan. 727 00:53:51,994 --> 00:53:54,501 Tarek's dad built this place! 728 00:53:58,501 --> 00:54:01,807 Pull up that article about Rainwater's house. 729 00:54:11,012 --> 00:54:14,783 On behalf of the city, McDurst & DeLaney filed suit 730 00:54:14,784 --> 00:54:17,485 to acquire said residence from the deceased. 731 00:54:17,486 --> 00:54:18,752 McDurst? 732 00:54:18,753 --> 00:54:20,355 Megan's father. 733 00:54:20,356 --> 00:54:22,391 And the city councilman who drove the 734 00:54:22,392 --> 00:54:26,696 ordinance against Rainwater? 735 00:54:27,496 --> 00:54:32,201 And since mommy owns everyone's daddy, what part did she play in all this? Hmm? 736 00:54:32,202 --> 00:54:36,837 Jesus, Matt! Didn't you see the sign outside? Who do you think 737 00:54:36,838 --> 00:54:39,441 this library is named after? 738 00:54:39,442 --> 00:54:41,441 The school gets a new library. 739 00:54:41,442 --> 00:54:43,978 Our parents get guarantees we graduate. 740 00:54:43,979 --> 00:54:45,514 No matter what. 741 00:54:47,349 --> 00:54:51,819 With honors, I'm sure. Still think this is a coincidence? 742 00:54:51,820 --> 00:54:54,855 I don't know. But man, 743 00:54:54,856 --> 00:54:57,090 their parents are way bigger douchebags than I thought! 744 00:54:57,091 --> 00:54:59,025 At least they can afford to keep us out of the joint. 745 00:54:59,026 --> 00:55:01,996 Right. But your parents are still way bigger douchebags than he thought. 746 00:55:01,997 --> 00:55:04,102 God. As soon as I get out of this fucking hellhole, 747 00:55:04,103 --> 00:55:05,600 I'm going to call my parole officer. 748 00:55:16,010 --> 00:55:20,982 Oh my God! It's him! Craig? 749 00:55:20,983 --> 00:55:22,984 Craig! No! 750 00:55:22,985 --> 00:55:24,889 I'm not fucking around! 751 00:55:26,889 --> 00:55:28,489 I know this is a trick! 752 00:55:28,490 --> 00:55:29,958 Then why do you have a gun? 753 00:55:29,959 --> 00:55:31,625 Because he's scared! 754 00:55:31,626 --> 00:55:35,461 Because he knows that this whole fucking place is cursed! 755 00:55:35,462 --> 00:55:38,836 This place is not cursed! There is no such thing as ghosts! 756 00:55:41,836 --> 00:55:43,445 Fuck! 757 00:56:22,545 --> 00:56:27,019 Help! Matt! Matt! 758 00:56:31,019 --> 00:56:36,991 they gave the last full measure of devotion. That we here highly 759 00:56:36,992 --> 00:56:38,627 It's the storm messing with the lights. 760 00:56:39,027 --> 00:56:44,927 Shall not have died in vain that this nation under God. 761 00:56:47,503 --> 00:56:51,039 I'm way more impressed with that Hologram-o thingy now. 762 00:56:51,040 --> 00:56:55,910 Holy shit! Can we get the fuck out of here please? 763 00:56:55,911 --> 00:56:56,918 Mother fucker! 764 00:57:12,061 --> 00:57:17,565 Whatever you are, whatever you want, it wasn't me! 765 00:57:18,934 --> 00:57:21,502 Alright, You want revenge?! 766 00:57:21,503 --> 00:57:24,671 Go find my father! Go Kill him! 767 00:57:24,672 --> 00:57:28,152 He's the one that made the deal with the school! Not me! 768 00:58:07,181 --> 00:58:11,121 Okay. You go find Tricia. And I'll get Craig. 769 00:58:13,121 --> 00:58:14,260 Oh! 770 00:58:51,260 --> 00:58:55,061 He fell, He fell down the steps! He fell down the steps! 771 00:58:55,062 --> 00:58:56,298 You, you fucking killed him! 772 00:58:56,299 --> 00:59:01,301 No! He was shooting the gun. I was trying to make him stop! 773 00:59:01,302 --> 00:59:05,707 No! Please! Stop! 774 00:59:05,708 --> 00:59:09,176 Please! I'm fucking scared, man. 775 00:59:09,177 --> 00:59:15,150 Of what? Ghosts? Ghosts? Are you kidding me?! 776 00:59:16,251 --> 00:59:20,255 The fucking scariest thing at this school is you! 777 00:59:59,427 --> 01:00:00,427 Eeuuhh! 778 01:00:09,871 --> 01:00:15,771 Okay. Tricia took some pills that she had she's less, Tricia. 779 01:00:17,913 --> 01:00:20,715 Good. 'Cause if I start screaming, I don't need 780 01:00:20,716 --> 01:00:24,852 some crazy bitch screaming over my screaming. 781 01:00:24,853 --> 01:00:29,122 You seem pretty chill now. 782 01:00:29,123 --> 01:00:31,125 Oh, no thanks! 783 01:00:31,126 --> 01:00:35,395 Sorry I blew your cover. I'm just, freakin' out and 784 01:00:35,396 --> 01:00:36,897 Don't sweat it. 785 01:00:36,898 --> 01:00:40,201 Bad news travels fast at Crestview. 786 01:00:40,202 --> 01:00:43,837 It took them a while to kick you out. 787 01:00:43,838 --> 01:00:49,143 You know about those aptitude tests that they give the students at Crestview? 788 01:00:49,144 --> 01:00:50,143 Twenty nine. 789 01:00:50,144 --> 01:00:51,279 Thirty five. 790 01:00:51,280 --> 01:00:52,412 But, that's a perfect score. 791 01:00:52,413 --> 01:00:54,282 Yeah, I work on carburetors and shit. 792 01:00:54,283 --> 01:00:55,317 Hmm. 793 01:00:55,318 --> 01:00:58,291 And apparently, the school's average needed a little help this year. 794 01:01:02,291 --> 01:01:05,393 By the way, your name was not on the detention list this morning. 795 01:01:05,394 --> 01:01:06,328 I thought 796 01:01:06,329 --> 01:01:08,896 You thought you'd weasel your way in here 797 01:01:08,897 --> 01:01:13,167 and give everyone the finger. And then what? 798 01:01:13,168 --> 01:01:15,268 I don't know. 799 01:01:15,269 --> 01:01:19,741 I don't know. It was pretty dumb, I guess. 800 01:01:19,742 --> 01:01:20,776 Yep. 801 01:01:20,777 --> 01:01:25,312 Yeah not as dumb though as ghosts and demons and 802 01:01:25,313 --> 01:01:27,814 Indian curses. 803 01:01:27,815 --> 01:01:33,787 But even if you don't believe in ghosts and demons. 804 01:01:34,188 --> 01:01:35,823 Just be careful. 805 01:01:35,824 --> 01:01:40,928 Yeah, I'll make sure to keep any accidents away from you. 806 01:01:40,929 --> 01:01:45,799 I didn't know Clarks possessed such strong leadership skills. 807 01:01:45,800 --> 01:01:49,470 Yeah. I must be rising to the occasion. 808 01:01:49,471 --> 01:01:52,244 I know. I can feel it against my thigh. 809 01:01:55,244 --> 01:02:00,214 Oh sorry. I hate those fucking things. 810 01:02:00,215 --> 01:02:04,820 I'm just scared and well you wanna fuck? 811 01:02:38,820 --> 01:02:43,561 There's someone outside! That's my mother's Town Car! 812 01:02:45,561 --> 01:02:47,562 It's the Janitor! 813 01:02:47,563 --> 01:02:48,895 Max? 814 01:02:48,896 --> 01:02:49,930 Yeah. 815 01:02:49,931 --> 01:02:51,000 Max! Max! 816 01:02:52,000 --> 01:02:54,267 - Max! - Max! Max! 817 01:02:54,268 --> 01:02:55,521 Max! 818 01:04:19,521 --> 01:04:20,492 Ahhhh. 819 01:04:41,543 --> 01:04:42,676 Dude. 820 01:04:42,677 --> 01:04:44,384 Wow, Jesus Fucking Christ! 821 01:05:25,186 --> 01:05:28,189 Thirty four. 822 01:05:28,190 --> 01:05:29,689 Thirty four? 823 01:05:29,690 --> 01:05:35,664 The entrance exam. I scored thirty-four. 824 01:05:36,565 --> 01:05:42,503 Well done. You like to work on carburetors for fun, too? 825 01:05:43,204 --> 01:05:46,708 That's supposed to be funny, right?! Because I don't even 826 01:05:46,709 --> 01:05:52,614 know what a carburetor is! No matter how hard I try, 827 01:05:53,215 --> 01:05:58,451 my mother would never trust me to do anything on my own. 828 01:05:58,452 --> 01:06:02,589 All those people who work for her, she treats them like 829 01:06:02,590 --> 01:06:07,060 property. She treats me the same way. 830 01:06:07,061 --> 01:06:08,197 Where's Veronica? 831 01:06:08,198 --> 01:06:11,799 I begged my mother to let Rainwater keep his house. 832 01:06:11,800 --> 01:06:14,268 I told her I could graduate without this fucking library. 833 01:06:14,269 --> 01:06:17,805 Tricia! Where's Veronica?! 834 01:06:17,806 --> 01:06:20,208 She just looked at me with contempt. 835 01:06:20,209 --> 01:06:21,808 You know what? 836 01:06:21,809 --> 01:06:25,079 You and your mom sound like the exact same person to me. 837 01:06:44,065 --> 01:06:46,634 I have to leave, Matt. 838 01:06:46,635 --> 01:06:48,271 No problem, I got it. 839 01:06:50,271 --> 01:06:54,642 Hey! Could you um. 840 01:06:54,643 --> 01:06:55,576 No! 841 01:06:55,577 --> 01:06:58,712 No. The paint bucket! 842 01:06:58,713 --> 01:07:02,722 Oh Uh, No! 843 01:07:08,722 --> 01:07:13,160 Tricia, these two are starting to crack. 844 01:07:13,161 --> 01:07:15,229 No one knows dick. 845 01:07:15,230 --> 01:07:17,766 We're out of here in 6 months. What's the problem? 846 01:07:17,767 --> 01:07:21,701 Look! I got into Harvard by myself. I don't need your 847 01:07:21,702 --> 01:07:25,539 parents' donation to Crestview. Or my parents' donation. 848 01:07:25,540 --> 01:07:28,308 Or my parents for that matter. 849 01:07:28,309 --> 01:07:32,745 Wow. And I thought you were smart. 850 01:07:32,746 --> 01:07:36,152 But really you're just opinionated. 851 01:07:37,152 --> 01:07:38,685 Thank you, Veronica. 852 01:07:38,686 --> 01:07:39,688 You know I was thinking 853 01:07:39,689 --> 01:07:42,790 Veronica. Office. Now! 854 01:07:42,791 --> 01:07:46,127 Girls! Letters are here! 855 01:07:46,128 --> 01:07:52,034 Whooo! Whooo! Letter!!!! Tricia! Come on!! 856 01:07:53,135 --> 01:07:54,701 Goodie! "Letters!" 857 01:07:54,702 --> 01:08:00,207 Because nothing is more fun than spelling shit. Seriously. 858 01:08:00,208 --> 01:08:04,879 Guys! We say nothing. We graduate. Go to college. 859 01:08:04,880 --> 01:08:09,582 And move on with our kick ass fucking lives. Got it?! 860 01:08:09,583 --> 01:08:12,919 Letters! Everybody! The Letters!!! 861 01:08:12,920 --> 01:08:18,896 You're "A" Darcy. "P" is for you. There you go. And "E!" 862 01:08:22,796 --> 01:08:27,401 Claire is Captain, Tricia! So she is always in the center. 863 01:08:27,402 --> 01:08:30,837 So she is always the big "C." 864 01:08:30,838 --> 01:08:34,742 Everyone knows you're an "H." 865 01:08:34,743 --> 01:08:36,942 I get my trust fund after college. 866 01:08:36,943 --> 01:08:39,213 I don't need this coming back to bite me on the ass. 867 01:08:39,214 --> 01:08:42,349 What do you want us to do? Turn Tricia in? 868 01:08:42,350 --> 01:08:45,418 I say we let Governor Wilkes do what she does best: 869 01:08:45,419 --> 01:08:48,620 Take money. Throw it at a problem. Make it go away. 870 01:08:48,621 --> 01:08:51,924 Or perhaps not. I heard her mother kicked Tricia out. 871 01:08:51,925 --> 01:08:54,626 And doesn't want her coming back home even after the election. 872 01:08:54,627 --> 01:08:56,965 Well, there you go. Even "Attila the Hen" is sick 873 01:08:56,966 --> 01:08:59,332 of Tricia's bullshit. 874 01:08:59,333 --> 01:09:03,938 We've got our "get out of jail free card." Let's use it! 875 01:09:03,939 --> 01:09:07,375 Fucking man up, Craig. It's not like the cunt is going to 876 01:09:07,376 --> 01:09:09,910 get the God damn electric chair. 877 01:09:09,911 --> 01:09:14,360 And with her gone, I can keep you company this summer. 878 01:09:26,360 --> 01:09:32,260 Look, I'm not going to take you guys down with me. 879 01:09:35,270 --> 01:09:38,340 Go get Headmaster Nash. I'll tell him everything, 880 01:09:38,341 --> 01:09:41,774 and I'll clear your names. It's my fucking mess. 881 01:09:41,775 --> 01:09:47,681 So I'll let my mother deal with it. 882 01:09:48,382 --> 01:09:51,721 Go! Before I change my mind. 883 01:10:27,721 --> 01:10:33,673 Tricia! Drop those backpacks! 884 01:11:29,917 --> 01:11:33,786 It never stops with that kid. 885 01:11:33,787 --> 01:11:35,855 Hey! 886 01:11:35,856 --> 01:11:39,559 My office! 887 01:11:39,560 --> 01:11:43,397 So, was it stress? Or maybe you were possessed 888 01:11:43,398 --> 01:11:45,398 by a dead Indian? Or maybe 889 01:11:45,399 --> 01:11:49,870 maybe I'm lying? Is that it, Tricia? Am I lying?! 890 01:11:49,871 --> 01:11:53,573 Why? You have a disc of that too? 891 01:11:53,574 --> 01:11:57,377 Yes! I did. I fucking dropped it. 892 01:11:57,378 --> 01:12:01,849 It doesn't even matter. Who would believe you? 893 01:12:01,850 --> 01:12:07,821 Who would believe one word you say? This is my school. 894 01:12:08,422 --> 01:12:12,826 Everybody knows me. And everybody loves me. 895 01:12:12,827 --> 01:12:14,962 They would be on my side because they 896 01:12:14,963 --> 01:12:18,564 wouldn't know what to do without me. 897 01:12:18,565 --> 01:12:24,538 It's called influence. It's called power. You don't have 898 01:12:24,639 --> 01:12:27,408 enough of either for anyone to believe you're right. 899 01:12:27,409 --> 01:12:32,014 I don't need to be right. I just don't need to know you. 900 01:12:34,015 --> 01:12:35,985 Ahhh! 901 01:12:37,985 --> 01:12:41,153 You piece of shit! Don't talk to me like that! 902 01:12:41,154 --> 01:12:44,192 You're undercrust! Nobody talks to me like that! 903 01:12:44,193 --> 01:12:45,893 Easy, Tricia! 904 01:12:45,894 --> 01:12:48,861 Don't tell me what to do! Nobody tells me what to do! 905 01:12:48,862 --> 01:12:52,197 I'm not doing that. You can do anything you want. 906 01:12:52,198 --> 01:12:54,034 You're God damn right, I can. 907 01:12:54,035 --> 01:12:59,038 ut Tricia if you kill him, it's "Good bye, out-of-state college 908 01:12:59,039 --> 01:13:02,108 condo" and "Hello, mommy's guest house." 909 01:13:02,109 --> 01:13:08,014 I mean, c'mon the scandal? Your mom. Even if you 910 01:13:08,115 --> 01:13:11,020 were acquitted, she'd never let you out of her sight again. 911 01:13:12,020 --> 01:13:14,688 Which means no escape from her and her 912 01:13:14,689 --> 01:13:16,993 Draconian parenting, right? 913 01:13:19,993 --> 01:13:25,938 That's it. Easy, Tricia. You just won Apache Princess. 914 01:13:31,238 --> 01:13:36,643 One final "Fuck you!" from Craig to Tricia. 915 01:13:36,644 --> 01:13:39,212 Looks like visiting hours are over. 916 01:13:39,213 --> 01:13:43,149 For an Indian, he didn't put up much of a fight. 917 01:13:43,150 --> 01:13:47,187 Owww! God-dammit! 918 01:13:47,188 --> 01:13:50,057 Careful, we don't want to leave behind any physical evidence. 919 01:13:50,058 --> 01:13:52,192 God! Get that camera off of me! 920 01:13:52,193 --> 01:13:54,729 Craig, if that video ends up on the Internet, 921 01:13:54,730 --> 01:13:58,532 my mother's going to be more than disappointed. 922 01:13:58,533 --> 01:14:03,069 Tricia! That scarf is cashmere! 923 01:14:03,070 --> 01:14:05,705 Guys. Guys. We've got to get out of here right now. 924 01:14:05,706 --> 01:14:08,076 Okay? The cops will be here any minute! 925 01:14:08,077 --> 01:14:10,943 We're screwed! 926 01:14:10,944 --> 01:14:14,251 C.C. Signing off from the 14th floor! 927 01:14:16,251 --> 01:14:19,051 Wow. And I thought 928 01:14:19,052 --> 01:14:21,588 Go ahead and do it. My mother's going to cut your heart out. 929 01:14:21,589 --> 01:14:24,957 Considering this could sink her whole battleship 930 01:14:24,958 --> 01:14:28,161 she might even put me on the payroll! 931 01:14:28,162 --> 01:14:29,362 You know what? 932 01:14:29,363 --> 01:14:35,336 I should put one through that tiny little heart of yours. 933 01:14:36,237 --> 01:14:39,076 Yes! Yes, you should. 934 01:14:42,076 --> 01:14:45,245 But she's not worth it. 935 01:14:45,246 --> 01:14:49,018 Your leadership mantras really suck! 936 01:14:50,018 --> 01:14:52,317 Look. I think I know how to get rid of this 937 01:14:52,318 --> 01:14:53,652 Native American wraith. 938 01:14:53,653 --> 01:14:55,122 Veronica. There are no ghosts. 939 01:14:55,123 --> 01:15:01,029 No. He's real. He didn't care about the money. 940 01:15:02,130 --> 01:15:03,664 He just wouldn't sell. 941 01:15:04,533 --> 01:15:08,100 Look. I never held a seance before. 942 01:15:08,101 --> 01:15:10,804 I mean not one that actually worked. 943 01:15:10,805 --> 01:15:13,138 Okay, please. I know you think this is all crap. 944 01:15:13,139 --> 01:15:16,610 But if this helps her from freaking out, or acting like 945 01:15:16,611 --> 01:15:21,113 oh God, like I give a shit. But I think this will help me. 946 01:15:21,114 --> 01:15:22,750 What do you say? 947 01:15:34,228 --> 01:15:36,831 This isn't going to work with three people. 948 01:15:36,832 --> 01:15:41,201 It, uh should. I usually contact my parents alone. 949 01:15:41,202 --> 01:15:43,201 Somebody else has to be the medium this time. 950 01:15:43,202 --> 01:15:47,074 You brought the spirit in. You're the one who must escort it out. 951 01:15:47,075 --> 01:15:49,776 I can't. I'm the one who 952 01:15:49,777 --> 01:15:53,283 Tricia. You have to do this. 953 01:15:56,283 --> 01:15:57,384 Fine. 954 01:15:57,385 --> 01:15:58,622 Join hands. 955 01:16:00,622 --> 01:16:01,555 And remember 956 01:16:01,556 --> 01:16:04,793 Don't break the fucking circle. I got it! 957 01:16:06,793 --> 01:16:10,838 Jacob Rainwater, are you here with us? 958 01:16:17,838 --> 01:16:20,706 Jacob. 959 01:16:20,707 --> 01:16:26,607 Please forgive me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 960 01:16:32,119 --> 01:16:36,390 Jacob? It's time for you to leave. 961 01:16:46,801 --> 01:16:48,255 Veronica?! 962 01:17:07,255 --> 01:17:09,902 Veronica? 963 01:17:20,902 --> 01:17:26,802 If you make it out of here alive tell Tricia to go fuck herself. 964 01:17:43,190 --> 01:17:46,907 We need to get out of here. 965 01:17:59,907 --> 01:18:05,807 Tell me it's you. There is no ghost. It's just you. 966 01:18:08,483 --> 01:18:14,383 Tricia. I didn't kill anybody. I don't want to hurt you. 967 01:18:18,993 --> 01:18:22,899 I just want to get out of here. 968 01:19:05,840 --> 01:19:07,444 Tricia. 969 01:19:11,444 --> 01:19:15,493 Tricia! hahahaha. 970 01:19:25,493 --> 01:19:27,055 Tricia. 971 01:20:29,055 --> 01:20:32,064 Ha ha ha ha ha! 972 01:20:37,064 --> 01:20:40,666 Come on! It's fucking cold in here! 973 01:20:40,667 --> 01:20:43,340 Ugghhh. Gross! 974 01:20:46,340 --> 01:20:48,917 Hello, Mr. Clark. 975 01:20:55,917 --> 01:20:58,518 Hmm. Wasn't he a Muslim? 976 01:20:58,519 --> 01:21:03,956 Well, Tarek may not have had his father's drive to succeed, 977 01:21:03,957 --> 01:21:05,626 but he sure had his spunk. 978 01:21:05,627 --> 01:21:09,496 I wasn't expecting to see him pop out of that vent. 979 01:21:09,497 --> 01:21:13,031 Last night Max almost found the ghost setting up in here. 980 01:21:13,032 --> 01:21:15,934 Pshh, like I'm nervous the 'tard might catch me. 981 01:21:15,935 --> 01:21:17,704 Go make sure the 'tard isn't lurking about, 982 01:21:17,705 --> 01:21:20,040 ready to come lumbering in. 983 01:21:20,041 --> 01:21:21,543 Ugghhh. 984 01:21:23,543 --> 01:21:25,122 Hey, she's into older men. 985 01:21:36,122 --> 01:21:42,033 Man she really bought all these ghosts and demons shit, huh? 986 01:21:45,733 --> 01:21:46,842 All Clear! 987 01:21:54,442 --> 01:21:57,477 May I have Craig's gun back? 988 01:21:57,478 --> 01:21:58,747 No. 989 01:21:59,747 --> 01:22:05,117 Giving students behavior and personality tests, finding out 990 01:22:05,118 --> 01:22:10,156 what they will and won't respond to is part of my job. 991 01:22:10,157 --> 01:22:15,228 Learning how to trigger emotional outbursts is the perk. 992 01:22:15,229 --> 01:22:21,169 You, Mr. Clark, were of course, a complete disappointment. 993 01:22:23,170 --> 01:22:27,107 Ah ah ah ah ah. 994 01:22:27,108 --> 01:22:30,175 Boobs? Judas Priest? 995 01:22:30,176 --> 01:22:33,113 Although, I'm not sure Craig's actually worked. 996 01:22:33,114 --> 01:22:36,515 I think he really hated Tricia. Or loved her. 997 01:22:36,516 --> 01:22:38,584 There were supposed to be five! I believe the 998 01:22:38,585 --> 01:22:42,187 office sent your uncle a letter, Mr. Clark. School policy. 999 01:22:42,188 --> 01:22:45,559 I thought if Tricia saw this, she'd finish you off. 1000 01:22:45,560 --> 01:22:49,595 But she kind of choked. So I had to get creative. 1001 01:22:49,596 --> 01:22:52,564 But, why? 1002 01:22:52,565 --> 01:22:57,269 Synopsis: A group of seemingly normal, well adjusted, 1003 01:22:57,270 --> 01:23:01,474 well-to-do teenagers are killed inside a cursed library 1004 01:23:01,475 --> 01:23:03,610 built on land that, coincidently, all their parents 1005 01:23:03,611 --> 01:23:07,080 have insidious vocational ties to. 1006 01:23:07,081 --> 01:23:10,083 Instant best seller. I mean, the book, the movie, 1007 01:23:10,084 --> 01:23:14,586 the TV series... we'll make a mint! I know. 1008 01:23:14,587 --> 01:23:18,625 The irony is crazy huge, right? I mean, c'mon. 1009 01:23:18,626 --> 01:23:23,228 Are you really bummed that they're all dead? Really? 1010 01:23:23,229 --> 01:23:25,234 Really?!?!? 1011 01:23:28,234 --> 01:23:33,676 This school, sucks. 1012 01:23:36,676 --> 01:23:40,247 I'm sorry Matt. But it just makes sense. Somebody has 1013 01:23:40,248 --> 01:23:43,649 to be the psycho. And it's perfect. You're new. 1014 01:23:43,650 --> 01:23:46,553 You're a felon. And you know you're poor. 1015 01:23:46,554 --> 01:23:48,587 So, it's an easy sell. 1016 01:23:48,588 --> 01:23:52,291 I mean c'mon. You beat up retarded kids. 1017 01:23:52,292 --> 01:23:53,460 He's not 1018 01:23:53,461 --> 01:23:57,563 Wait wait wait what did you do to get thrown into Ju-Vee? 1019 01:23:57,564 --> 01:23:59,732 Go fuck yourself! 1020 01:23:59,733 --> 01:24:04,675 You're sexy. But money and fame are a little sexier. 1021 01:24:12,246 --> 01:24:15,190 You think Paris or Lindsay ever served detention? 1022 01:24:24,190 --> 01:24:30,130 What a bitch! She was supposed to pretend to poison me. 1023 01:24:30,831 --> 01:24:34,300 I'm running around vomiting all over the sidewalk, 1024 01:24:34,301 --> 01:24:37,904 switching lights and carnival sounds off and on like a circus chimp. 1025 01:24:37,905 --> 01:24:41,177 Hiding from Max. Chasing Tarek about. 1026 01:24:44,177 --> 01:24:49,618 It's really cold out there! 1027 01:24:51,618 --> 01:24:55,721 Some insurance against spiteful parents who may not 1028 01:24:55,722 --> 01:24:58,791 approve of my new book. 1029 01:24:58,792 --> 01:25:01,862 Ahhh... There. Now we're good. 1030 01:25:05,365 --> 01:25:09,202 Oh, nice work, Max. 1031 01:25:09,203 --> 01:25:11,838 I guess the 'tard can do something right. 1032 01:25:11,839 --> 01:25:14,208 Oh! I almost forgot! 1033 01:25:15,208 --> 01:25:16,777 This is the Police department. 1034 01:25:16,778 --> 01:25:18,746 There! Now we're good. 1035 01:25:25,953 --> 01:25:29,923 Craig's gun still has one more bullet left in it. Coincidence? 1036 01:25:29,924 --> 01:25:33,859 Or supernatural? You decide. 1037 01:25:33,860 --> 01:25:36,727 Please don't think ill of me. I know the money, the fame, 1038 01:25:36,728 --> 01:25:39,934 will never cover the damage these kids have done to others. 1039 01:25:39,935 --> 01:25:43,769 You see, I believe that a certain amount of reparations 1040 01:25:43,770 --> 01:25:47,706 are overdue. Long overdue. 1041 01:25:47,707 --> 01:25:51,381 These kids had to pay back what they've been taking all these years! 1042 01:26:20,440 --> 01:26:25,778 I expelled that miscreant days ago. Why was he still here? 1043 01:26:25,779 --> 01:26:26,979 That's some bad kid. 1044 01:26:26,980 --> 01:26:30,883 In all my time as a teacher, never have I seen a greater 1045 01:26:30,884 --> 01:26:34,687 blight on organized education than Mr. Clark. 1046 01:26:34,688 --> 01:26:36,823 Like a massive gravity sinkhole, 1047 01:26:36,824 --> 01:26:40,492 he deforms every positive thought he encounters. 1048 01:26:40,493 --> 01:26:43,996 before sucking it into a vortex from hell. 1049 01:26:43,997 --> 01:26:46,466 Well. Don't blame yourself, Mister Nash. 1050 01:26:46,467 --> 01:26:49,436 Why would I?!?!? 1051 01:26:50,436 --> 01:26:53,407 Excuse me sir. I need you to step away from the evidence. 1052 01:26:53,408 --> 01:26:55,441 Sorry, Officer. 1053 01:26:55,442 --> 01:26:56,441 What do yo got there? 1054 01:26:56,442 --> 01:26:59,279 What does that say? Does that say Remington? 1055 01:26:59,280 --> 01:27:01,346 Uhhh, Rainwater. 1056 01:27:01,347 --> 01:27:06,719 Jacob Rainwater. He was an artist. A sculptor. 1057 01:27:06,720 --> 01:27:10,723 Before this library was built, this land was his home. 1058 01:27:10,724 --> 01:27:16,465 Until a man with an army came and took it all away! 1059 01:27:18,465 --> 01:27:20,398 Mr. Rainwater, we're going to need you to stay here 1060 01:27:20,399 --> 01:27:22,300 for a while right here. We're probably going 1061 01:27:22,301 --> 01:27:23,770 to have some more questions for you. 1062 01:27:23,771 --> 01:27:25,442 Yes, sir. 1063 01:27:28,442 --> 01:27:31,063 No! No! 1064 01:28:56,063 --> 01:28:59,399 And so there's nothing more to discuss.